#dungeon master au
kamidork · 6 months
What is Thy Desire~? ft. my Dungeon Meshi Sona Kami
Finally finished my sketch of a what if scenario where my dungeon meshi sona became a dungeon master! I don't know if anything has done this yet but I would love to see other's do this!! :3
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auideas · 1 year
Pool love
Well this is certainly the season for it -- pool love, coming right up!
(P.S. We're going to start including our favorite prompt within lists at the bottom, so make sure you read until the end!)
Chronically shy Characters A and B had been playing games with all the neighborhood kids since they were toddlers, but weirdly enough, they'd never actually spoken directly. The only time they'd uttered a word to one another was during games of Marco Polo in which they recognized the other's voice, loved it and its flirtatious tone, but never acted on it -- after all, they had never seen one another and matched the voice in the crowd, so how could they know they felt the same way about one another? Later in life, they wind up on a blind date and start speaking to one another, feeling a strange sense of nostalgia...had they met before?
"We had one chance to win the gold medal for either one of our countries; we were supposed to be Olympic champions, but you threw it all away just because of our petty rivalry!? You stupid, selfish --" Character A is cut off as Character B slams them against the locker, pressing their forearm at Character A's throat, then crowding their space until they could see the droplets of chlorine mix with the tears coating Character A's lashes. Character B drank in the sight. "Choose your next words wisely, bargain bin protagonist," they shakily breathed out. "I'm not above putting you in your place." AU
"I took a job as a lifeguard for the local pool this summer and there's this incredibly cute person who always brings the kids they're babysitting. I guess they don't like swimming very much, but they always bring a new book every single time; I don't know if they're a speed reader or if they're just showing off, but trying to keep up with their current picks is impossible. I've been trying to visibly read the same book as them for WEEKS now while on my breaks, but they never even look in my direction..." AU
Pool cleaners Character A and B had been in the business for a while so they'd seen some shady things, but nothing they'd ever cleaned had come close to their newest client. The black water seemed endless, the smell was putrid, and they could see some sort of steam coming from the surface even though the ambient and water temperature were the same. Their eyes grew wider and wider as they emptied the water and found some...strange objects...at the bottom.
"I've never been able to open my eyes under water -- it just seems scary, unsanitary, and unnecessary. What could I possibly want to see in that urine-filled cesspool? My friend, Character B, found this hilarious and made it their mission to help me crush my phobia over summer break. Soon they realized that I didn't want to because I was worried about other people being in the pool when I was opening my eyes, so they break into the pool after hours, dragging me along to practice. After an hour of psyching myself up, we both dipped our heads under. It took a few seconds, but when I opened my eyes, I found Character B pressing their lips against mine. The water around me suddenly felt extra cold as my face flushed deep red. Oh no...it must be pink eye, I have a fever oh no it's too soon how could I let this happen oh geez I'm so screwed--" AU
After one thing leads to another, some swimsuit mishaps in the locker room force Character A to borrow the spare swimsuit of Character B and needless to say...they look ridiculously adorable in it.
Dungeon master Character A decides that the best thing they could do for the final session of their five year nautical campaign would be to rent out a local pool and host their four players for their most immersive session yet. This was supposed to be some summer fun, but the final battle becomes intense. Characters B and C, party rivals, have a falling out and hold a one on one battle to resolve their differences. As things take a turn, play fighting in the water turns malicious and real. Rhinslow, the barbarian, struggles to breathe as Kaisili, the elf, chokes them beneath the chlorinated ripples in the pool. Character D, their dwarf party member, screams in disbelief and shock when they see Rhinslow -- Character B, their crush -- stop moving. Kaisili -- Character C -- reasoned that their turn would not be over until the Dungeon Master, Character A, said it was over. They'd rolled a natural 20 on their initiative, after all; they deserved this win.
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thebrainrotsreal · 3 months
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I demand an AU where Laios' leg gets fucking crunched during the Red Dragon Battle (re-attachment impossible), and Marcille practices the whole necro-magic first by givin' him a new leg! With Red Dragon Blood/Flesh, he also gets put under the same command as Falin, except since it's only a leg, the curse slowly becomes more and more powerful until the eventual transformation above!!! :D AKA Ah Fuck, Took Too Long Overthrowing the Dungeon Lord, Get Monster'd. Lion + Red Dragon, because I like it. Laios would think it's cool, too, so there. The trade of Cool Monster is Sense of Self / Consciousness eroding into nothing (monster body, monster brain), though, so he's basically on an extra timer to stop/overthrow the Dungeon Lord, or experience a kind of death of sorts. Random idea I had to get outta my head, y'know?
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harrywavycurly · 4 months
What if it was Eddie who needed reader to be his fake wife?👀♥️♥️
Hiiii babes!!! Ohh love this!! Hope you enjoy this!!💖
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“Hey sorry to bother you.” You raise your eyebrow as you feel a hand on your back as a voice pulls your attention away from the drink that’s in your hand. “But could you be my wife for just a few minutes?” You turn around making the hand fall from your back as you take a sip of the drink in your hand. You take the opportunity to look at the man standing in front of you and you can’t help but feel a twinge of sadness as a look of panic takes over his face causing his brown eyes to go wide as he looks over his shoulder quickly before looking back at you.
Before you can say anything you hear a loud laugh coming from the pool tables that are directly behind the nameless man who is standing in front of you. You watch his shoulders slump and his eyes close as he lets out what you can only assume is a sigh of defeat as the laughter gets closer to the two of you. The man stands up straight and puts on what you can clearly tell is a fake smile as he turns around and faces the owner of the laugh.
“Eddie? Oh my god how are you?” You roll your eyes at the how fake the girl’s voice sounds as you watch her open up her arms as if she’s about to lean in for a hug. You quickly finish off your drink and turn and place it on the bar before you step forward and wrap your arm around the middle of the man who you now know is named Eddie making him jump a bit at your touch but when he looks down at you all you have to do is give him a smile and he is quick to wrap his arm around your shoulders pulling you into his side.
“Baby can we go play a game of pool?” You ask as you place your free hand on his chest while you look up at him and you can feel the girl’s eyes on you so you slowly look away from Eddie and over to the girl. “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t see you there.” You feel the grip on your shoulders tighten as you give the girl a small smile. “How do you know my husband?” You don’t miss the way her eyes go wide at the word husband, you feel Eddie lean down place a closed mouth kiss to the top of your head.
“Uh we uhm-”
“Oh sweetheart this is Chrissy.” You look up at Eddie as he speaks and when he looks down at you all you can do is smile causing his cheeks to turn a light shade of pink as he looks back over to Chrissy. “We dated in high school.” You just nod as you look over at Chrissy who is just awkwardly smiling at the two of you and if you weren’t two drinks in you’d probably feel a little guilty for making her feel so uncomfortable but you didn’t get asked to be her fake wife you got asked to be Eddie’s so you’re going to be the best fake wife you can be.
“Was he this cute in high school?” You hear Eddie laugh as you look back up at him and take your hand off his chest and run in through his hair. “I’ve seen photos of him from back then but I need you to be honest with me….was his hair this nice?” Eddie bites back a laugh as you look over at Chrissy as you play with the ends of Eddie’s hair, twirling it around your fingers.
“Actually don’t tell me it’ll just make me jealous.” You explain as you remove your hand from his hair and place it back on his chest giving it a pat as Eddie pulls you closer into his side so he can hide his laughter in the crook of your neck making shivers go down your spine as his breath hits your skin.
“Well uh it was nice seeing you again Eddie.” Chrissy’s voice is sweet and her smile is genuine as she looks at Eddie. You watch her smile fade when she realizes he’s not going to drop his hold on you to give her a hug and that’s how you figure out that this girl must’ve either been the one that got away or the one that broke his heart because even though the only thing you know about Eddie is his name you can tell he’s a nice guy. “It was uhm good to uh meet you-”
“Sorry to cut this short but the pool table is free and you know the saying about a happy wife and all that right?” You look behind Chrissy and see a group of men leaving the pool table as Eddie drops his arm from your shoulders as you drop yours from his middle so he can grab your hand.
“Have a nice night.” Is all you say as you look over your shoulder as Eddie leads you to the pool tables leaving Chrissy standing there alone by the bar.
“Holy shit.” Eddie lets out a sigh of relief as he lets go of your hand once he sees Chrissy head off towards her group of friends. “Thank you for that you-”
“We aren’t done yet.” You look Eddie in his eyes and then look over your shoulder so he can see Chrissy standing there with a group of girls as they not so casually look over at the two of you.
“Oh fuck.” You just laugh at his look of annoyance as you take a step closer to him so you can tuck some of his hair behind his ear. “You’re good at this.” He whispers as he places a hand on your hip making you smile.
“I know I’m your wife and everything but what’s our last name?” You ask ignoring his previous statement, Eddie laughs as you place both of your hands on his chest and run them upwards until your arms are loosely wrapped around his neck.
“Munson.” You just nod as Eddie’s other hand also finds its way to your hip giving it a little squeeze.
“Not bad as far as last names go.” You tease making Eddie roll his eyes as he looks over your shoulder to see if Chrissy or any of her friends are looking at the two of you. “Are we good?” You ask as Eddie looks back at you and you raise your eyebrow as he gives you a little smirk.
“Oh we’re more than good sweetheart.” He answers as he leans down and places a kiss to your cheek. “They left.” He adds making you just nod your head as his hands leave your hips.
“This was fun.” Eddie just laughs and nods as you unwrap your arms from around his neck and give his chest a playful pat. “We should do it again sometime.” You reach into your back pocket and pull out your phone, Eddie holds his hand out ready to take it but you hold it to your chest making him raise an eyebrow in confusion. “Who was she? And don’t lie because I was your wife for like five minutes so I can tell when you’re lying.” Eddie just lets out a sigh as you let him take your phone out of your hand.
“She was my girlfriend in high school and she dumped me for someone else and she just kinda broke my heart in the process.” He explains as he types his number into your phone so he doesn’t have to see the sad expression on your face, it’s one he’s used to seeing anytime he tells the story of how he and Chrissy ended things years ago. “But it was a long time ago.” You just nod as he looks at you as he hands you your phone back.
“Well her loss.” Eddie smiles as you slide your phone back into your pocket. “Because now we get to go on a date and maybe one day a few months down the line I won’t have to be the fake Mrs. Munson anymore.” You watch the same smirk he had on his face earlier reappear as you shoot him a little wink before leaning over and placing a kiss on his cheek.
“It would only take a few months?” He questions as you pull away from him and you just shrug playfully before turning around and heading towards the entrance of the bar. “See you tomorrow Mrs. Munson!” You just laugh as you hear his voice shouting at you as you reach the door.
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strawberri-draws · 7 months
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"Innocence died screaming, Honey ask me, I should know. I slithered here from Eden; Just to sit outside your door"
-From Eden, Hozier
aka: au where they grow old in the dungeon together in their monster forms.
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cookierunauprompts · 8 months
AU Prompt #6 💓♪
Time slowed to a full stop around you as you focused, the chaos surrounding the silver tree all brought to a halt. Not even Pure Vanila Cookie or White Lily Cookie could move a singular fiber of their being. Such is the perks of having Dungeon Master Cookie as your patron. And, speaking of your patron, she stared down at you with her huge, white eyes. " So, the seal upon the silver tree has broken, thus releasing the five Fallen Heroes into the land of Earthbread once more. Now, Reader Cookie, I suspect you want to do something before I have you roll initiative, yes?" " That's correct, Dungeon Master Cookie." You reply, staring up at the holy, towering figure. However all the seriousness of this moment was thrown out of the window with a few, simple words. " I'd like to roll to seduce the Jester." Your patron seemed... unamused? Yet also as if she were expecting this. After all you did the exact same thing with Dark Enchantress Cookie, but that was just for the funny(plus, you got a nat1 that time). You were completely serious about attempting to woo Shadow Milk Cookie, maybe even another one of the Beasts if they showed themselves. " Are- Are you seriously doing this again?" She asked exasperatedly, to which you eagerly nodded. With a sigh and a wave of her hand, a D20 appeared in your arms. " Fine, fine, give me a Charisma check." And once again, fate blesses you. With a natural 20. " ... NAT 20 LET'S GOOOOO!!!!" You can feel the tired aura from Dungeon Master Cookie. " Alright, alright... I'll let you have this." She sighed as the world faded back into motion. You stood tall and proud next to Pure Vanilla Cookie + Gingerbrave and Friends before you stepped forwards. You're pretty sure that you gave PV war flashbacks with the expression on your face. " Reader Cookie for the love of the Witches-" He attempted to plead, but it was already far too late. " Shadow Milk Cookie, hm?" You began, your tone flirty as it always was when you did shit like this. " What a fine name for such a clearly ever so powerful cookie~" You hummed flirtatiously, batting your eyelashes at the gigantic jester before you. " Oh?" Shadow Milk Cookie hummed, leaning down to get a better look at you. " My my! I didn't think I had such an adoring fan of mine waiting for me here~!" He chirped, a subtle yet bright blue hue taking over his face. " Lord have mercy on us all..." Pure Vanilla Cookie mumbled to himself almost desperately. If both you and Shadow Milk Cookie are flirts... then you'll probably be here, locked in a battle of the heart for a while.
Or, You, Reader Cookie, have a Patron named Dungeon Master Cookie. Cue DnD shenanigans brought to the world of Cookie Run. And of course, the natural chaos a nat20 brings when you decide to flirt with the bbeg of the current adventure.
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chibishortdeath · 2 months
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I was playing Undertale a while back, but also Funger at around the same time, so uh, something happened 💀💀💀
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Younger Undertale fans who may see this post! Be warned! Funger is not for kids! Don’t go looking it up!!! There’s nothing inherently adult in this post, but the game is very inherently adult and graphic horror!!!
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silverorchideon · 3 months
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"Tango of the Tek Variety, the Master of the Pyramid, a structure proudly standing in the Orange Oasis. He'll introduce you to the pyramid, promising treasures if you find it.
Though... Nowadays, after one of the levels of the pyramid sunk under the Orange Oasis's sweet desert landscape, the Master of the Pyramid has gone missing, his role filled with the Pyramid's Spoon Dealer, Skizzleman.
Where did Tango go, I wonder?"
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"You're Destroying Yourself, Dreamer. You're Destroying All Of Us"
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Blame the sleep deprivation-
But I've gotten a maybe horrible, maybe wonderful idea during my 3 hours of sleep.
Chimera Batfam.
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silvereyedzoroark · 11 months
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Latimas AU: Dragons
Dau 15 Novembmas
Yay this prompt gave me the excuse to finish the scrapped alternate Mega Form for these two!
Now I can't help, but imagine these forms can only be fought/seen in a secret Boss fight.
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hisbucky · 11 months
Chris: What if I want the magic book but I don't have enough money for it? Buck: Roll for persuasion, buddy. Chris, shouting excitedly: Natural 20! Buck, hyping it up: Natural 20! Eddie, with a bag full of gold: It's me. I'm the Natural 20.
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kamidork · 6 months
It’s 1a.m post ur funny rough sketch of ur dungeon meshi sona-
What if au, where instead of Laios and Marcille becoming Dungeon Master’s Kami becomes one. Idk if anyone else has done this yet but I would love to see more of people’s sonas as Dungeon Masters!! Of course the Winged Lion took great pleasure in Kami’s need to prove her strength.
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I’ll try to finish this tomorrow hehe-
Also I totally forgot the werewolf body marks but meh-
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spiderware · 3 months
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Day 17 - Crossover! (click here for alternate universe)
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more thoughts for the Family Friendly Curse of Strahd game:
so in their home dimension, the PCs are all from the same Charlie's Angels style heist group and one of the players jokingly suggested that their facilitator (the "Charlie", if you will) sent them to Barovia because he was trying to get rid of them and steal all their profits
so lord help me I might send them to go see Madam Eva but when the party walks into the tent they find their facilitator in a wig posing as a fortune teller and going "OKAY SO I KNOW THIS LOOKS BAD"
he sent them to Barovia not because he's a traitor, but because he can send them on one last mission
a mission....... to heist Strahd out of his own fucking castle
but first they'll need to do three smaller separate heists for the mythical artifacts
I can probably patch whatever weird plot holes I'm opening up by doing this *waves hands with entirely-misplaced confidence*
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harrywavycurly · 6 months
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Summary: Eddie Munson has two problems, he is lonely and is tired of spending money on just himself. Lucky for Eddie his good friend Steve Harrington knows just the person to help solve these little problems, and of course that person would be you. You’re newly single after ending things with your loser ex boyfriend and Steve just wants you to experience the finer things in life for a change as well as seeing what it’s like to be treated with kindness and respect. You don’t really know Eddie and Eddie doesn’t really know you but one thing is for certain, he will make sure you get exactly what you deserve♥️
Pairing: Sugar Daddy Eddie Munson x fem!reader
CW: Mentions of a toxic past relationship, language and the briefest mentions of violence (Eddie has a temper)
Status: Ongoing
Tag List: Open
A/N: I wanted this series to be a little different and it will still be fluffy but will also include dealing with past relationship trauma✨
Instagrams: Here
Conversations: Here
Everything Else: Here
*you’ll find everything in the correct order below*
Part 1: Think About It
Part 2: Dave
Part 3: Start Small
Part 4: Overwhelmed
Part 5: Details
Part 6: Not Real
Part 7.1: Not Okay
Part 7.2: Up Late
Part 8: You Have Five
Part 9: Teacher
Part 10: It Counts
Part 11: Care Package bonus convo with you and Eddie here
Part 12: Is This You?
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aer-arts · 9 months
heads up, there will be RainCode chapter 5 spoilers under the cut
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Welcome to the Nocturnal Adventurers Guild and their misadventures in the rainy kingdom of Kanai Ward, as they investigate the Sun King and their royal peace keepers
it’s a DnD au I’ve been working on for like a month because there is nothing more fun then shoving characters into a DnD au
bonus designs that I felt like including
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Probably won’t do a ton with them (I don’t write fan fic), this was more so just a fun design thing, but y’all have free reign to do stuff with these designs
I have tons of little notes about each character’s design that I won’t get into here just to save space, but I might explain them later if people want
also, currently have no plans to draw any other characters like the train gang or the peace keepers, I just wanted to do the main cast
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