#eating the pages to consume the knowledge
alaraxia · 2 years
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hey guess what I got
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galedekarios · 4 months
Gale headcanons go! :]
thank you for your ask. i'm sorry it took this long to get around to it. my mind blanked.
i want to add that these are solely my own headcanons and just that. nothing more. if you have a different opinion, that's valid. i'm not here to argue or debate about it.
anyhow, these aren't in any particular order, just writing as i think of them:
-gale was clean-shaven before the orb and being discarded by mystra. his hair has outgrown its original style as well. this is the reason why tara hates gale's beard, even when felines usually like to rub their faces against them.
-while gale has enchanted the piano in his tower to play by itself, he can and does play himself when the mood takes him.
-gale doesn't truly get jealous or possessive. he skips that step and slips right into questioning himself and feeling sad/insecure.
-gale tends to overthink, he struggles with anxiety and feeling overwhelmed esp after the orb, but has found methods that help him deal with these feelings and bring them under some form of control to examine them ("please, i need to think... i need to retrace my steps to a glade of calm and think.")
-he cries at his wedding & struggles through his vows
-he never takes off his wedding ring
-while he is very much an acts of service person in a relationship, he learns to accept and love being taken care of and doted on by his partner
-gale is very much able to find beauty in the mundane and simple things of life: beautiful flowers in a garden, the way the light falls at sunset, the sound of rain tapping against the window, the fresh salty sea breeze in the morning, a warm cup of expensive tea, a beautiful piece of art, a touching poem
-he often prefers walking home with his partner after work instead of using portals or teleportation. it allows him to talk about both of their days and show his partner things about the city he loves so very much. it also allows him to clear his head after a long day.
-his spellbook has pages that look like this:
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when tara has decided that nagging him to stop working didn't cut it anymore.
-speaking of: gale gets so absorbed into his work and research that he skips both sleep and meals
-after his long isolation and depression, struggling with orb and being affected by it physically, gale is quite slender/willowy (tara has several lines reminding him to eat and take care of himself in an origin run) with a soft stomach and no muscle definition
-he's ~175 cm
-he's touch-starved
-while he does like to cook for others, he doesn't tolerate anyone helping him with the task. he will however appreciate it if his partner cooked for him.
-his tower now is quite barren, except for his extensive book collection, having consumed most magical artefacts he owned
-after his return to waterdeep, he likes to fill it with little things he has collected over time. the space is healing as much as he is.
-gale still suffers from chronic pain flare-ups, even after the orb is gone/calmed
-he likes it when things (fabrics, clothes, pens, books, etc etc etc) are well made and of high quality, but not necessarily ostentatious
-he has an eclectic taste, sort of imparted on him by morena's own
-his father abandoned him and morena
-gale is extremely open-minded and accepting, and will entertain almost any and all thoughts and opinions as long as they are well argued for / follow a sound logic
-while he's not easily spooked or scared given how diverse and open waterdeep is, nothing quite managed to prepare him for the things he would see during the journey to cure himself and the others of the tadpole. his knowledge was mostly academic, save for the stray unfortunate death slaad encounter. he works through these things by compartmentalising. writing them down, examining them and going over them in his mind.
-he hopes that he and the friends he's made on this journey will stay close. he writes them regularly and is elated when he receives a reply himself, but will need encouragement and reassurance to organise a get-together in waterdeep.
-his biggest flaw is not hubris or the ambition in the pursuit of knowledge he held as a chosen, his biggest flaw is his sense of worth as gale dekarios, the imperfectly perfect human being, the person behind the titles and accomplishments and perceived failures and insecurities
-he still has to realise what truly happened in his 'relationship' with mystra and still has a lot of healing to do after the game ends
-in the early stages of his relationship with his partner, he's very willing to please/tolerate, at times sadly to the detriment of his own preferences (drow twin scene)
-while he takes compliments in stride, he still likes and appreciates word of affirmation and praise; his partner insulting or degrading him would wound him deeply
-while he wouldn't be a father himself, he would be perfectly happy to be the eccentric uncle. yet even so and while he does love it, he would need time to recharge his social batteries after / recover from the overstimulation that being around children for a prolonged amount of time brings.
-gale's magic is a second nature to him and he likes using it even for the many mundane things, turning the page of a book, getting a spice from a high shelf, etc
-he's a born sorcerer with a wizard's education
-after settling in waterdeep with his partner, he lets his hair grow out more
-while easily lost in his work and research, gale is extremely thoughtful about anniversaries or birthdays, always striving to find the perfect gift
-he likes reading to his partner or being read to & discussing it, exchanging thoughts and opinions
-it's canon that he does write poetry, i like to imagine he'd sometimes leave little haiku-esque verses for his partner
i'm sure i have more, but they escape me right now so. 🖤
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comfymodeaudio · 4 months
Made a little audio drama thing out of a script by the lovely @sexygoddessdawgy where you pretend that Laios is nerding out to you about monsters for five and a half minutes.
Script under cut!
Laois (excited): I never would’ve thought someone would sign up for a lecture of mine! Of course I'd be happy to show you the ropes! Here, take a seat.
(Sounds of a book being open, pages flipping)
Laois: *ahem* Welcome to your first lesson in Cryptozoological Gastronomy! The goal of this lesson is to introduce you to the goal of this course: To understand monsters, inside and out.
Laois: Let’s start with the basics. The cockatrice and basilisk are closely related, but fundamentally different. Can you guess what the biggest difference is?
Audience: …
Laois: Oh, don’t feel bad. It’s not common knowledge. The main difference between the two is the method of attack. Basilisks use a potent toxin, which paralyzes the victim and leaves them vulnerable. Ah, a little history lesson: since both heads have a digestive tract, researchers argued for a long time about which head consumes the prey. Some argue the basilisk uses the two heads and tears the corpse apart. Others think the heads take turns eating.
Laois: But actually! The chicken portion of the body uses its large feet to crush up its prey and make it easier for the chicken body to digest. However(!), they typically only do this when they have chicks to feed. Otherwise, if the prey is small enough, then the snake head swallows the victim whole! Isn't that so cool?
Audience: And what about cockatrices?
Laois: (whispered) Oh, yeah, Cockatrices are super cool, too. (normal volume, still excited) They can completely turn their victims to stone. For a long time, nobody knew what was done to the petrified prey. What we know now is that the petrification magic takes a long time to wear off by itself, relative to the victim's natural magical ability. What we didn't find out until recently is that if a piece of the body breaks, the petrification on the severed limb is dispelled, and it will turn back to flesh.
Laois: So, like basilisks, the cockatrice feeds by immobilizing its prey and then using its feet to break up the body. Once the petrification fades from the critter-pebbles, the two heads take turns feeding. However, unlike the basilisk, the larger cockatrice has to keep both its bellies fed simultaneously, so they prey on larger species. I've heard they will scavenge, as well.
However, an important thing that they have in common is that they’re really hard to confuse. It’s a common trait among polycephalous monsters.
Audience: How do they not get confused?
Laois: There's a lot of theories about how monsters with multiple heads don't get confused. I think they're communicating somehow, maybe by causing different sensations in the shared body or some other nonverbal way of communicating. It's also possible that the snake head gives commands to the rooster head and body. The snake is the brains, the chicken is the brawn, do you understand?
Audience: Not the other way around?
Laois: Research was done to figure out which head is predominant.  Cut off the chicken head, both the basilisk and cockatrice continued to move around without much issue.  Cut off the snake head, the basilisk runs around and eventually begins to lose interest in hunting its own prey. In fact, without the snake head, a Basilisk can survive only on millet and grains.  Meanwhile, in cockatrices, if you cut off the snake head first, the chicken half keeps hunting, but with a way lower success rate.  That’s why I think the snake is the brains.  Also, the snake has a heat-sensing pit organ, which makes escaping either monster much more difficult.
Oh, but if you manage to hunt one, the meat is so tender and juicy!
Audience: How do you cook them?
Laois: I’ve only had basilisk so far, and I wasn’t the one to cook it, so I’ll tell you what my mentor Senshi did.  Back then, he didn’t cook the snake part, I think because he didn’t have everything needed for preparing it.
Audience: Have you eaten snake before?
Laois: I did eat snake once, back when I was a curious kid.  If I remember right, you can eat snakes even if they have venom or poison, so long as you prepare and cook them right.  Cut off the head, remove the skin, take out the guts and skeleton, cut it into parts, then fry it.  You can probably do the same to basilisk or cockatrice if you have the right tools.
Laois: For the chicken half, it’s not as difficult as you might think!  After cutting off its head and the crop–sorry, that’s where food is stored before digestion for a lot of birds–you have to hang it to drain, then scald the body.  Put it in hot water and move the body around.  It’ll make plucking the feathers off the body way easier.  Then, remove the organs and skeleton.  Then, you rub in spices to your liking.  Senshi recommended letting it sit overnight to let the flavors marry really well.  After the spices, Senshi stuffed the basilisk with herbs and root vegetables to help an injured adventurer, but you can stuff chicken with lots of different ingredients.  Finally, you roast it, either over an open flame, or in a seasoned pot with a splash of water. Either method will give you a crisp, salty skin, with a tender and juicy bite. If I were to compare it to something… it has the rich flavor of roasted chicken breast, with the texture of smoked pork loin.  Sounds delicious, doesn’t it?
Anyway, I think that’s enough for the first lesson. For your next lesson, we’ll work on obtaining this information from monsters ourselves through careful observation and experimentation.
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Such a backstabber
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The general mahamatra asks al-haitham to uncover 'your web of lies', he accepts immediately. When he asks you what the symbol means he gets an unexpected answer
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He should be eating dinner and getting ready for sleeping right now but he is forced to sit through an 'emergency meeting' with the general mahamatra 
" What might be the issue that is so important that it couldn't wait until morning?" The grip on the freshly brewed coffee was just strong enough to not snap it in half
Cyno doesn't blink nor does he get comfortable in the seat, if al-haitham didn't know it was serious before he was sure now.
The air grows thick until cyno spits some words out 
" The third grand sage, YN, is highly likely involved in the usage of knowledge capsule, and possibly trafficking " his red eyes focus on the scribe
"Why do you feel inclined to accuse them of such a thing?" He already knew the reasons. It would be easier to believe a person consumed an ungodly quantity of knowledge capsules than a natural prodigy.
" Someone popped out of nowhere with seemingly all the knowledge of the world and you pretend to act as if it was normal?" It's obvious it's hard to believe 
"And you should know by now, the third grand sage was originally a feral child that learned by imitation and their innate talent" he bit back with the rehearsed answer he had given to everyone before and would most likely keep giving to the public 
" We both know that this is the PR version of the story" he leans over his knees, his eyes hardening " there seems to be some relationship between a dealer of knowledge capsules and the grand sage. I believe i don't need to get further into the conclusion"
"Weren't you the one to stand by the counter effects of repetitive usage? To me they don't seem to suffer from anything similar" that was one of the reasons he decided to look over your history, you not only knew a lot but seemed lucid enough to answer quick questions or riddles about the subject. 
He looks over the window, leaning against the side of his green seat " and even then they seem to have a relationship with a low level trader."
" We both know very well that the akademia has been plagued by lies and scheming, the capsule scandal was only the spark that lit the fire. It would be better for the people of Sumeru if the new grand sages don't have interest that could harm them." Cyno keeps his ground, his tone unshakable and strong " you are one of the few people in the akademia that I can stand, al haitham, it would be a shame if I had to judge you for helping the grand sage hide their whereabouts"
" Well then " al-haitham throws his hands over his shoulders " I'm sure the  general mahamatra don't need my permission to start an investigation, do you?" 
" We already intercepted a knowledge capsule dealer, it seems they set off to the desert, as of now they deny everything but i found this with him" he grabs a book from his bag, it's a very old thick book 
Al-haitham stops drinking his coffee, letting it almost burn his tongue before he swallows " is it really that book? People have been searching for months now"
" 'symbology of the primordial language' it was found in his bag, we have to analyze the capsules but we believe they have these contents"
"I just need you to help me out" he drops the book and a page on the middle of the table, a somewhat simple symbol in the middle  " ask them what this is. It seems to be a kind of recognizement between  knowledge capsule dealers. If they genuinely don't know what it is I will drop the subject for now…" 
Al-Haitham grabs the paper and analyzes it before sighing "fine. Just let me go to sleep."
The sun is shining obnoxiously for it to be only 6:00, Kaveh drank all the coffee in the house so he couldn't get a drop and he got a couple too few hours of sleep that night. It would be short to say he wasn't in his best mood.
Even your voice mixed up with kaveh to give a punch to his migraine
"Sooo~" you call from the table while eating some concoction that looks spicier than the last one. Even if he doesn't dislike certain seasonings he honestly thought you poisoned his food the first time he tried, turns out you just like food like that. " What kind of questions await me today?" Looking at him smugly
" Today is just one question" 
Total silence fills the room "One?" You look at him as if you were about to laugh " what happened with fifty questions a day? Mm? Going soft on me?" 
" Today is a special request"he pulls out the page that was neatly folded " what does this represent?"
Inching closer you turn around your head, trying to find an answer "I'm not sure" He watches, your blinking seems stable, calmly seated and not much moving around compared to before, no hands or clothing to hide your mouth. It seems you aren't lying?  
" I'm sorry haitham, i truly don't know" 
" We have a while, try for a bit more please" 
" Can I offer you something to eat meanwhile? you always come here drinking coffee and calling it breakfast! It's disrespectful to food!" You stand up before he answers, already looking for a plate on the shelf behind him
" Some people are busy, you know? If anyt-" suddenly there is a big crack behind him, the same sound of breaking a plate, turning around he looks at you, eyes wide and mouth slightly open " great sage? Are you feeling bad?" Thinking you might have gotten dizzy or gotten low blood sugar he grabs your arm waiting for you to blackout 
Before he can ask more questions you only say something in a very small voice, almost a whisper: I can never outrun it…
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cloudcountry · 1 year
like real people do: satan
they've seen the world shift and change throughout their long, long lives, but if they could they would have given it all up just to be with you.
I knew that look, dear Eyes always seeking Was there in someone That dug long ago So I will not ask you Why you were creeping In some sad way I already know.
Satan knows all the books in the House of Lamentation like the back of his hand. He has read everything about every topic he can find, from constellations to human world history to records of the Celestial Realm (to fill in the gaps of what he only ever saw through Lucifer.) He consumes so much that one would think that he’s the Avatar of Gluttony, his thirst for knowledge proving to be the only thing that sets him apart from his brothers. He’s hardly unique otherwise, always the middle sibling, always the average brother, always mediocre. Although, nobody can say he’s any of those things when he receives a good test score, or when he slaughters his opponents in a debate (no, not literally), or when he answers any question his brothers throw at him about any nonsensical topic.
There is one person that seems to understand him better than most, even though he thinks he’s easy to understand. They get him, and they make him feel special, like he’s worth more than the demon he spawned from. Like he’s worth more than anger.
It’s funny, the fact that he gave his heart so willingly to a human. It isn’t like Satan to be interested in people at all. He isn’t like Mammon or Asmoedus who tend to jump from person to person (though, Mammon has gotten better at that since meeting them, Satan thinks with a stab of jealousy.) The human exchange student may as well be a sorcerer just like Solomon, because they have certainly casted a spell on him.
Damn, that was cheesy. He needs to be careful, he has a reputation to uphold. It doesn’t matter that his cheeks may be turning red or that his heart has accelerated or that his hands have started to shake and that he can tell he’s flustered because the words are blurred now but it's not like he can focus anyway because they are in his mind’s eye and lately that’s the only thing he’s been able to think about. It’s not very productive.
And so Satan slips a bookmark between the pages in which he stopped reading. It's a wooden bookmark carved in the shape of a kitty cat, wearing glasses with a book in its little paws. Satan turned a bright fiery red when they said it reminded them of him. Damn it, damn it. They were too sweet, he needed to get them out of his head so he could calm down-
The door to the library swings open, and his head jerks up at the intrusion. Anger flares in his chest as his brow is furrowed unpleasantly, but the expression fades immediately once he sees that it's them. They look tired, he muses with a soft smile, and they’re stumbling over to him like they hadn’t slept at all last night. RAD probably tired them out again, with Mammon skipping class and Beel eating the whole cafeteria and Belphie taking up their time to nap with them and who even knows what Solomon was up to around them. Satan feels pity when he realizes that they stayed after today, but the pity turns to anger when he realizes they stayed back with Lucifer.
Why was it always Lucifer?
Satan takes a deep breath as they let out an equally deep sigh. It doesn’t matter if they were with Lucifer before, because they came to him when the day was done. They told him that once, and he had not forgotten it. It was more than a win against Lucifer, it was a chance at winning their heart.
Average, boring, uninteresting him. He doesn’t feel special, but they tell him he is. They’re a smart human. He has no reason to not believe them.
The second they reach him, they plop down unceremoniously on the ground next to him. Satan jerks a bit, surprised that they didn’t pull up a chair to sit next to him, but before he can ask what they’re doing they slump against his leg and wrap their arms around his calf. He blushes, staring down at them with wide eyes and parted lips. They say nothing, and Satan is thankful for the silence (because he doesn’t think he can speak right now even if he tried.)
He leans to the side a bit, and takes a peek at their face. Their eyes are closed, and if Satan didn’t know them better he’d think they were sleeping. They look so vulnerable and adorable next to him, and he clenches his fists to keep from smiling too hard. He loves them, he loves them so much that he can’t even take it. They’re so sweet to him, so good to him. He loves being theirs. He loves them being his. He loves what the two of them have built over their time at the Devildom, and the fact that they came to him at the end of the day. They’re living in a house with him and his six other brothers, and yet they willingly came to him.
Satan feels special.
“Hey Satan.” they mumble, finally opening those beautiful eyes and staring up at him with a tired smile, “Mm...sorry for barging in on you like that. Just wanted to see you.”
“You don’t have to apologize for that.” Satan grumbles, placing a gentle hand on their head, “You seem tired, are you alright?”
“Fine, I’m fine. Lord Diavolo wanted my help with someone so I stayed back with him and Lucifer.” they sigh, leaning into his touch like the contact alone has taken the world off their shoulders, “I wish I could have gotten back sooner...”
“You’re here now. That’s what matters.” he replies, smoothing their hair back with a touch that no one would expect the Avatar of Wrath to possess.
No one except for them.
They hum, still leaning into his touch like he doesn’t have the power to break them, the strength to shatter them and all those precious little porcelain kitty cat figurines they give him whenever they see some at an overpriced human gift shop. The fact that they would offer him something so breakable is a sign of their trust, and when they brought him a larger one that they had hand painted themselves (with a green collar and his pact mark painted on its belly) he almost cried. Of course it had a bit of imperfections, but that only made it all the more precious because it was just so them.
“Mhm, you’re right. You always are.” they smile, looking up at him with a gaze so affectionate it captures his breath immediately, “You’re so amazing, Satan. So smart.”
He’s been digging through this library for as long as he could remember. If he didn’t have this knowledge, who would he be?
Satan would just be the one born from Lucifer. He wouldn’t be his own demon if it wasn’t for his knowledge, the only way he thought he could get people to respect him.
Because you proved him wrong.
Satan supposes he still has more to learn.
“If that’s how you feel...” he whispers, running his hand down the back of their head, “Then stay here a while. Please.”
“As if I would go anywhere else.” they say, pushing themselves up off the ground and standing in front of him, the candlelight of the library forming a mock halo around their head.
While Satan thinks they always look beautiful, he thinks they look especially stunning when they’re looking down at him like this.
“Good.” he smiles, hooking his fingers under their tie and yanking them closer, so close that they almost fall right into his lap, “Now kiss me.”
They laugh, a beautiful sound that reminds him of ringing bells, and they indulge him.
Satan’s not accustomed to others being gentle with him. He’s the Avatar of Wrath, a force to be reckoned with. His demon form is covered with onyx armored plates, and his tail is barbed and harmful. They know this. They know all of that, and yet they still cup his face like he’s precious. Like they should be gentle with him.
They kiss him like a feather brushing against his lips, their soft sigh of comfort making waves of heat crash over him. His mind is jumbled with the feeling of them and their steady hands, their free hand pressing down on his thigh. His arms wrap around them and this time he actually pulls them into him, lurching forward to kiss them better. They giggle, lips turning upwards in a cute smile that Satan feels with every bit of him.
He’s completely theirs. He’s entirely theirs for as long as they will have him, and he’s certain that will never change. Right now, at this moment, forever has no date. They might as well just kiss him for the rest of eternity so he can fall into their eyes and taste their lips and be filled with thoughts of them for all the time this universe has left.
Them, the cause of his yearning, has halted his craving just for now.
They press into him one final time before they break away, giggling quietly. They may be done kissing him, but Satan can’t deny the bit of disappointment he feels when they move to get off his lap. He doesn’t stop them.
They slide off of him as easily as they came, humming a little tune as they saunter over to the other side of the library. Satan’s eyes follow them, his hands sitting bunched up in his lap. If it were anyone else, he would have written them off a long time ago and returned back to his book. Knowledge is power. He lives by that small phrase.
How have they turned his life upside down? They have replaced his desire for knowledge with a different desire just by giving him a bit of their touch. He could chalk it up to his own weakness, being a demon that falls for any temptations that comes his way, but he knows that’s wrong. It’s them. It’s them and their voice and smiles and kisses, things he can have any time he wants them but are still unbelievably rare and precious.
They come back to him a few moments later, and it’s only then that he notices the creases in his pants from where he gripped them too hard. He wants them to touch him again. It isn’t fair.
“Read to me?” they ask, sliding into his lap again with the grace of a dancer as they hand him an old book. He almost snorts when he notices it’s a book of old Devildom bedtime stories, tales of evil demons that snatch up young ones when they don’t go to bed on time, masterpieces about fairy rings and all the delicacies they can create, and short stories about Hellfire Newts going on adventures with its friends. (Satan remembers that one being his favorites when he was still a baby, though he always insisted that Lucifer replace the newts with cats.)
“Of course.” he looks at them, eyes subconsciously flicking to their lips again, “...Can I kiss you again?”
Instead of answering verbally, they swoop in and kiss him a second time. He feels his shoulders sag with something that feels like relief. This kiss feels different, it doesn’t feel warm and searing like the last one but that isn’t a bad thing. They take their time with him, their lips dragging slower, and he feels a deep longing bubble up in his chest even though he’s getting what he wants.
It’s never enough.
They’re just like the books in this library, the room he spends most of his time in every day. They know why, too. He confessed why to them ages ago, when they were still just a random human and him, a demon that could destroy them. And yet they loved him, they fell for him wholly and completely, and Satan couldn’t be more thankful.
And so he pulls away with the book they selected in his hand, resting a hand on their waist.
“Relax, MC. I’ll read for you.” he murmurs, squeezing the soft flesh he finds there, vowing to cherish them for as long as he has them.
After all, no one understands him better.
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honeytonedhottie · 9 months
quality of life‧₊˚✩彡🎐
this post is a collaboration with @prettieinpink my lovely mutual <3 so make sure to check out ur page for the continuation of this post and it has been a PLEASURE to work with her! go and follow her <3
HEALTH : ur health is easily the most important of these categories and ur own health must be prioritized in every thing that u do. health is wealth, and without health, ur quality of life will be very low.
eat foods that are good for u and that nourish you, pay close attention to ur body and how it reacts to certain foods cuz everyones body is different and u should have a vast knowledge on your own body and how it works. eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. a helpful ratio in eating that i like to use as a basic guideline is (80% of the time, eat healthier foods and 20% of the time eat what u crave)
stay hydrated and drink between 1-3 liters of water a day, about 15 minutes before u go to sleep drink a couple glasses of water, drinking water before bed literally CLEANSES you, it improves ur skin, helps ur heart pump blood more efficiently, and improves blood pressure and heart rate, which affects ur quality of sleep in a positive way
to continue on the note of ur sleep u should be sleeping 8-10 hours of sleep a night. sleep deprivation is NOT cute, so please opt to sleep at an earlier time and rise at an earlier time as well
aside from what u consume, take care of ur health by taking supplements, drinking lots of teas, sleeping enough, stretching ur body, dry brushing, lymphatic drainage massage etc
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MENTAL WELL BEING : september is suicide prevention month so i feel like now is an AMAZING time to bring up mental health and ways that u can improve ur mental state of being.
i always talk about self concept and i always will because self concept truly is the foundation of everything. ur whole entire life is literally ur mindset. keeping a positive outlook, meditating and practicing gratitude sounds cliche but it does wonders for ur happiness.
understand that its okay to NOT feel happy 24/7 because happiness is simply a feeling, and feelings are fleeting. they dont stay forever. i talked about the science of dopamine and what it does to ur brain in a previous post but some things that u can do to improve ur happiness levels are :
cutting back on social media and screen time in order to experience the world around you
surrounding urself with people who build you up
consuming social media that impacts ur mental health in a positive way
if u can, invest in therapy and if u can't do some shadow work, and based on ur discoveries with shadow work use the resources that u have (like youtube) to learn how to heal from ur trauma properly. healing isn't an overnight process, its a journey but it will DRASTICALLY improve ur quality of life.
find ways to cope and deal with ur emotions in a healthy way if ur going through a hard time, if ur going thru a REALLY hard time please go and seek help bcuz u dont deserve to live in a constant state of sadness, and if u ever need encouragement my inbox is always open 💗
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE : ur physical appearance can greatly impact ur quality of life also so here's some way to maximize ur looks:
sleep, drink water, and walk everyday - the best way to be pretty is to be healthy so make sure ur taking care of ur nutrition and ur sleep schedule
skincare - build a solid skincare routine and be consistent with it, do ur skincare RELIGIOUSLY 2x a day and dont touch ur face with ur hands unless ur washing ur face. double cleanse and dont forget to apply spf &lt;33
haircare - learn what ur hair texture is and watch influencers or people who share the same hair texture as u and watch how they take care of their hair. once u know ur hair type then ur hair will thrive and be healthy
clean nails, long or short its all a matter of preference but keep ur nails clean and done nicely
wearing clothes that fit and complement ur body nicely, get ur clothes tailored to fit ur body comfortably
take good care of ur hair to keep it healthy, and learn how to do ur hair in cute hairstyles.
lastly POSTURE will tie all of this together, ofc these categories were rly broad but u can totally look into them more to maximize ur own looks and beauty
i know dear peachie on youtube has AMAZING makeup tips especially if ur a beginner she can teach u a lot
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GENERAL : this is just a broad category of helpful things that u can do to improve the quality of ur life.
manifestation : when u learn about the way that the world works and operates and how ur mind creates ur own reality u will literally step into the power of knowing that you create. start committing to ur dream life and learning about law of assumption
finding little things to be happy about : i feel my happiest when im consciously living. and what i mean about this most of us just live our lives on autopilot out of necessity or habit, but paying closer attention to our lives and our experiences and romanticizing our lives will improve the quality of ur life
decision making : make decisions that will give the quality of life that u wanna live. for the future, make decisions that are good for ur future self instead of just focusing on making decisions that only look good in that one moment. ofc this differs depending on the situation but make an effort to make smart decisions that'll set the foundation for ur future
go check out @prettieinpink for the next part of this post <;3
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rottenpumpkin13 · 6 months
If you were to write a happy au ending for pre Nibelheim seph how would you write it?
A happy ending for Sephiroth? You mean, for Sephiroth only? You didn't specify that part :) *evil laughter*
This is unedited because I'm just about falling asleep, so forgive any mistakes please 💚
Sephiroth found himself teetering on the edge of sanity, slowly slipping in and out of it as if his very consciousness was fading with each word he read.
As the minutes passed, Sephiroth's eyes struggled to distinguish the numbers and letters as they melded into an indecipherable haze.
Whispers—real whispers—from the pages echoed through his mind like distant screams, each syllable clawing at his peace of mind.
His grip on reality slipped further as the whispers intensified, melding with JENOVA’s beckoning. Of course, Sephiroth didn't know that. All he saw, all he could see and hear was SOLDIER, Cetra, Project G, S-cells, JENOVA.
But Sephiroth was driven by an insatiable hunger for understanding, for answers he had sought his whole life. So he persisted, consumed by the very knowledge that wanted to devour him whole.
And then it happened. Very quickly, akin to the flap of a butterfly wing that created a whole other timeline.
In a split second, Sephiroth's eyes flickered, a momentary rebellion against the beckoning madness.
The weight of the texts and the suffocation of the whispers became too much. He closed the book he had been reading.
The decision to momentarily step away from it all was a gradual pause.
He welcomed the relief as the weight on his shoulders began to ease, JENOVA's whispers fading into the tail end of consciousness until all it became were desperate whispers.
He knew he would come back later. But for now, he just needed a…What was the word for it?
Sephiroth pulled open the library door.
On the other side, the door swung open with a force so violent that it startled the eavesdropping boys.
Zack’s eyes met Sephiroth's tired ones. Cloud was behind him, clasping his hands over his mouth and looking wide-eyed up at Sephiroth.
Zack scratched the back of his head, a sheepish grin on his face as he laughed nervously.
“Uh…Sorry, Sephiroth. We didn't mean to eavesdrop—”
Cloud pulled a face. “Yes we did?”
“We were passing by,” Zack said between gritted teeth, shooting Cloud a glare that made the blond clamp his mouth shut instantly.
Sephiroth could barely understand the words being spoken to him. He looked from Cloud to Zack with the same dead expression.
Zack coughed. “Were you—were you going to take a break, or…?”
Ah, so that was the word.
"A break... Yeah... that's what I need." His words nearly lost their way through the fog in his mind. "I need a break,” he repeated. “A break.” Like a mantra. “I need a break from everything.”
The absurdity of the situation brought an unexpected yet bitter twist of irony to the moment.
Zack's concerned gaze met Cloud's, a silent exchange that conveyed their shared worry.
"Will you come out now?” Zack's time held genuine care “You need to eat something, Sephiroth. Drink some water too."
Cloud tried to be mindful of boundaries but was unable to hide his concern. "A-And some sleep! If I'm not overstepping!"
Sephiroth was momentarily drawn out of the suffocating haze by them, nodding in reluctant agreement.
They guided him away from the library, linking either of his arms with theirs, mindful of how dizzy and weak he was.
"Think Mrs. Strife is gonna be thrilled to have the legendary Sephiroth over for dinner?" Zack asked.
Cloud rolled his eyes, groaning silently. “The good news is that she'll probably make enough food to feed the army.”
“Great! ‘Cuz the dude hasn't eaten in…What's it been, a week?”
As Zack teased Cloud about his bedroom decor—the dozens of Sephiroth posters on his wall were going to be nightmarish for the young Infantryman to explain—Sephiroth glanced back at the library door.
He never wanted to step foot in there again.
"Hey, Cloud, maybe when Sephiroth's all rested, we can come back later and check out what's in that coffin downstairs.”
He felt much better now that he was out. Whatever that thing was that had been calling out to him earlier…He was unreachable to her now.
Cloud shot Zack a skeptical look. “Have you never watched a single horror movie? That's how people die, Zack.”
“Don’t worry, Spike, I make a great protagonist.”
He could come back later. He would have to burn the whole mansion to the ground.
The trio continued on their way, leaving the library behind.
But as Jenova's influence waned in Sephiroth's mind, in another corner of the Nibelheim, Genesis trudged back into the foreboding depths of the reactor.
The pain in his shoulder had flared up again, a physical manifestation of the stress that clinged to him no matter what he did.
Cursing under his breath, he begrudgingly retraced his steps. The sheer ridiculousness of his predicament did not escape him—a seasoned SOLDIER forced to reenter the place where his pride had been freshly wounded all for a misplaced book.
“Minerva bequeath me your strength,” he muttered to himself.
The hum of machinery seemed almost mocking as he sailed into the dark chamber.
"When the war of the beasts brings about the world's end, the goddess descends from the sky..."
Genesis continued to recite the lines, his mind briefly shifting between the search for the misplaced book to the ominous undertones of Loveless.
The irony of invoking such profound verses in the heart of the mako reactor—a place fraught with unnatural energies—did not escape him.
"Wings of light and dark spread afar... She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting.”
Genesis almost had a heart attack then and there. He summoned Rapier at once, whirling around and pointing the weapon at the source of the voice.
The female voice lingered in the air, a haunting echo that sent a chill down his spine. His gaze settled on the divine presence before him.
The goddess?
As if in response to his thoughts, JENOVA's voice echoed through the chamber once more.
"Infinite in mystery is the gift of the Goddess. We seek it thus, and take to the sky. Ripples form on the water's surface. The wandering soul knows no rest."
In the glow of the mako, Genesis felt an inexplicable pull, drawing him nearer to the glass containing JENOVA—well, to the untainted mind it was Jenova.
To the enthralled devotee, he was seeing the goddess herself.
A childlike awe painted his features. The pain in his shoulder now felt like a distant memory. Whether JENOVA had eased his suffering or erased his ability to feel the pain, Genesis could no longer tell. It no longer mattered.
His voice was filled with an almost reverent awe.
"The gift of the goddess."
As for JENOVA, if it could not be a mother to her first option, she would become a goddess to her second.
Hindsight is not always grim, but when it is, it takes on an almost comical sense. Genesis did always have an affinity with fire.
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banavalope · 10 months
Hello, I'm a Homestuck and Good Omens fan and just saw your post about coffee. I came to the Homestuck fandom way late, though, and don't know what the coffee theory was. I was wondering if you'd be willing to share that story from the trenches if it's not too traumatic :)
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I'll preface by saying, this all happened near about the time I began to step away from Homestuck, as this was late 2011 to early 2012. My recollection could very well be missing some juicier deets, because I always managed to avoid the worst of it. In all I had a pretty benign time floating about the Homestuck fandom, I'll say that. My knowledge is as a fly's.
If you want the short version: once upon a time, the Homestuck fandom was so stupid it had discourse over the way coffee was drawn in a single panel, because the stylistic choice used to show the way cheap potted coffee has that oil slick sheen on the top Really got the gamerz thinking Gamzee was putting troll blood in the coffee.
The long version is this: this Act was annoying. All the Acts had been annoying, there'd been rather more than six of them so far. The fandom's toxicity was at its most potent, and the main fandom exodus hadn't happened yet. But the stylistic choice brewing on page 4702 of A6I2 suggested a discourse was on the horizon, and it was the size of planet fucking Jupiter.
To understand the affairs of 2011/12 Homestucks, a few things are important to mention: first, nobody enjoyed Act 6. Ask anyone from the tumblr era First Wave, we all agreed that Cascade would have been a better place to start wrapping up the comic as a whole. When Act 6 opened introducing the alpha kids, a whole new plot derivative, and we all realized we'd have to go through the same slog again, that the story wasn't over, the collective exhaustion was palpable. SWATHS left unhappy; worse yet (for some), the alpha kids brought us away from the game of SBURB and the over-aching plot, to instead place our focus on their interpersonal relationships. It was a bad time to take your audience away from a well crafted climax.
Reading it now as a completed work makes this not so bad, because the book is wrote. You can consume it as a finished piece and clearly interpret a through line for yourself, start to finish. Skip it even, if you want. When you've no idea at what time the next update will come, while all the pieces remain necessary to tell the story, any pacing is bad pacing.
Second, while Homestucks are known for many things - all of them cringe - the one that goes overlooked most, in spite of the ripple effect we still feel from it today in every corner, is the sheer amount of over analyzing done to the story itself. Every panel, every inch of every pixel, was a part of a puzzle we all collectively made up. Theorizing was an integral part to the Update Culture era of Homestuck's fandom, that we Figure Out the Story, you had to be the one who predicted what came next. Impressive how none of us came up with some kind of fandom Nobel Peace Prize, for how much we lauded it as a lifetime achievement.
I'll give you, Homestuck does have a very rich narrative. Much of it, I'll favor, is even intentional. It made worldbuilding choices captivating enough to get people painting themselves grey, for fun, so surely it had a few right ideas in some places. And there's nothing wrong about analyzing your media, picking apart its references to tie together a background story, even if it's just one you make up based on how you experienced reading it. That's kind of the whole point of consuming art. It's to be discussed, share your personal conclusions on. Theory is the breath of creativity.
It's the whole part about wanting to be right, where Homestucks as a collective force wanted to start eating each other alive on the spot. We were fucking OBNOXIOUS with theory posting. I'll be honest with you, I really ate that kind of thing up, and even I was getting annoyed. People were beginning to stretch, likely to cope with becoming bored.
Finally, the sober Gamzee controversy. This came about a while before coffeegate, but the effect the inciting update had on Homestucks is comparable to a haunting. It was fucking chernobyl, and a bad day to be a nuclear scientist because now it was your problem. Vriska fans - equally insufferable, as we all were by some respect[1] - and Gamzee fans fought with each other VEHEMENTLY, just to see whos gang was better. Keep that in the background of your mind as the theme music to what's playing. Everyone was anxiously wondering what had happened to Gamzee, because for the last several some-odd panels, we'd lost the boy. He was full of murderous intent, we were down to precious few characters on the meteor left, and we'd lost the boy.
So here we are. It's 2011. We're standing now at the end of the world, we've lost the boy for several panels, and finally the plot is trying to move along. We're all tired, and irritated, and divorced, doing this song and dance one more time but god willing the LAST TIME, when a joke about the look of shitty potted coffee gets made.
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And some harbinger of the fucking apocalypse takes to tumblr dot com, drafting up a post about how Gamzee - living in the meteor walls - is putting troll blood into the coffee. Because, otherwise, how is Kanaya as a rainbow drinker doing so fine? Dave called the taste metallic, like blood. Something something long forgotten theories about trolls blood here something something. People would chime in to say "that's just how coffee looks", somehow it dissolved into actual discourse of people violently discussing back and forth how it could ONLY BE BLOOD, because coffee drawn in a prior panel UPDATES AGO didn't have the film on top, only now AFTER SOBER GAMZEE. Etcetera. It was just the worst case of reading too hard into something that you done ever did see.
Shortly following this, many people who were already growing exhausted with Homestuck's narrative direction at this point decided to take this coffee theory as their sign the flood was coming and to board the ark or learn how to swim. Anyone who learned to swim subsequently left during the exodus of 2015.
Again, my memory is pretty hazy. Thanks to Requiem Cafe, surprisingly difficult to google these days. Certainly another old still following me will have something more to add that I'm forgetting, as your handy dandy unreliable narrator.
[1] Said the Eridan fan.
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gold-rhine · 10 months
anyway, fontaine world quests spoilers, but since Elynas is now my favorite sweet child, here is a little summary\speculations in case ppl mb did not catch some details from the quests and about abyss lore:
Elynas is the monster from the Abyss, some kind of dragon or a serpent. He is gigantic and Elynas island basically formed around him.
He existed in "cosmic cold", i.e. Abyss, until "Mother" summoned him and his "siblings". We know from the logs of fontaine fleet which was following "great beast Elynas" that he appeared during the cataclysm 500 years ago. As we know, Rhinedottir was known to open portals to Abyss that let abyss monsters in, so logically, Elynas was one of these, and "Mother" is most likely Rhinedottir and siblings are other monsters summoned.
Like other Rhine's creation, Durin, Elynas was actually very good natured and didn't wish to harm anyone, but apparently his abyssal origin made him see the world differently and the actions he thought were harmless, were in fact destructive to this world. Spoilers for "Book of Esoteric knowledge", in the domain at the end of this quest we learn that Melusines see places corrupted by abyss not as ruined, but as a beautiful garden and abyssal rifthounds as friendly puppies. And in fact, after we fight rifthound here, it also turns into a friendly dog, hinting that ALL abyss monsters are well-natured, but there is some kind of warp going on that shifts their perspective\actions when they enter Teyvat into being destructive, while they see it completely differently.
after some time, Elynas realized that he was in fact, damaging the world around him, which saddened him greatly and he intentionally sought death to stop suffering of others. He was killed most likely by the fontaine fleet that followed him which i mentioned before, but its not stated directly. He died, but his consciousness still lingered and he is basically aware of his body and whats going on around.
After his death, he didn't rot, but calcified, and apparently many factions, including abyss order, Narzissenkreuz Institute and "spirit of primordial waters" (oceanid? hydro dragon?) explored his body and were collecting his blood and flesh, for which he was glad bc he felt lonely and liked to have company. Especially he liked Narzissenkreuz's Jakob, bc he felt the presence of same cold cosmic power (i.e. abyss) in him and so thought that consuming his flesh will be good for him. Jakob as we know, turned into "Inquitous Baptist" after this, but Narzissenkreuz drama is a different story. But we can at least intuit that one way of turning into abyss lectors\heralds\etc is consuming abyss monsters flesh\blood, btw hey Childe, can we have a word of how you got your foul legacy form? did u eat that whale, Childe???
At some point, there was a battle between former friends from Narzissenkreuz Institute inside of Elynas (mentioned before as Narzissenkreuz drama), which led to huge explosion. As result of this, wounds inside of Elynas were opened by explosions, and Melusines were created from them. Elynas was delighted, thought of them as his children and shaped them into what he thought was a beautiful form. They could hear him telepathically at first and he used this to guide and teach them, but with time, most of them lost this ability. The only one who can still hear him, Mamere, is able to do so because she paints with his blood (she doesn't know its his blood ofc), and so has prolonged contact with him. He still loves them and cares for them deeply.
Jakob tried to restart Elynas' heart with unknown goal, but Elynas didn't want to come back to life, stating that doing so would mean he will keep harming the world, which he doesn't want to. He appeared to traveler in the spirit form in a shape of Melusine bc he thinks they are cute:3 He dreams of being able to exist in the world without damaging it and to show traveler his true form eventually
i did not yet find all 13 pages for "Book of Esoteric Knowledge" quest, so here is probs more info to follow, but I think this is overall what we know of Elynas for now
oh, another thing is that every Melusine was born with a "token", which they don't know what it is, but highly treasure. Elynas doesn't mention them. This token can power a mechanical dog tho and dog calls it "power source". Elynas does mention many "mechanical animals" in the battle that resulted in explosion, so mb these power sources from exploded mechanisms interacting with abyss flesh were the triggers for creation of Melusines? Open question for now, hope to have these Eldritch NFTs explained later
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prisiidon · 8 months
🔱 Caeruleis - Ocean Zora 🔱
Expanded my ocean zora city from 2017 >:) here's the toyhou'se page if its easier to read there! Feel free to add zora residents to this city ✨ {Zora Cybele lore courtesy of @mochamart-tm} 1.1k words 🐳
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Location: Eastern Sea (East of Necluda) | Type: Republic (no monarchy), run by elected high council | Alliances: Zora's Domain, Arctic Kingdom, Yona's Domain??
Summary: Far out to sea lies a massive underwater city renown for their military superpower, awe-inspiring library, airpocketed architecture, prestigious learning institute and their colourful glowing plant-life. This city is home to a variety of species rarely found on the peninsula or in Zora's Domain, where their culture is intertwined with their guardian cybeles: Circa and Vellanora (c) @mochamart-tm. Due to ongoing tensions with the Forbidden Sea and the abundance of sea monsters, Caeruleis appointed itself the protectorate of the eastern sea {extended military notes here}. The most formidable and tactile soldiers are in this ocean. Despite the dangers, Caeruleis is safe and peaceful as it is somewhat hidden, so the city lights wouldn’t lure in sea monsters.
General Lionel is one of the members of the high council, accompanied by his adjutant (Lieutenant General) Byers.
More below about main features, culture, history and characteristics etc
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🔱 Main Features 🔱
Grand Caeruleis Library: In the capital lies an awe-inspiring underwater library affiliated with their university. Philosophers, historians, artists, and scientists work and study here, passing on their knowledge to new generations of aspiring scholars. One notable zora residing here is Sea-monster Specialist Niles.
Lumini Park: Like a big, beautiful garden park but underwater, where the plantlife are colourful corals and seaweeds with many of them glowing, like in Subnautica.
Cybele Statue: (lore @mochamart-tm) In the city plaza stands a statue of the Cybele leviathans Circa and Vellanora. Due to the reappearance of the Cybeles, the citadel occasionally provides offerings and prayers to their deities to continue being blessed by their protection. The biggest celebration is the return of the large Cybele Festival that now occurs once a year on the date the Cybele Circa reappeared. It's tradition for child zoras to weave garlands for the Cybele for this day.
Valley of The Fallen: A barren seabed of staked weapons (graveyard) honoring deceased soldiers.
Floating Trade Dock: A small village on the ocean surface, above the citadel. For trading purposes.​​​​
Kelp forests / biomes: like you see in Subnautica
Twisting Tunnels: dangerous and fast currents flow through a labyrinth of tunnels. Very fun, but can give you some decent bruises if you're not careful.
Statue of Volitan: This statue is located near the city garrison, a notable commander in the ancient past
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🔱 Other 🔱
Sea Above: The stars above is an endless luminescent ocean where they swim when they die. 
Great navigators: More sensitive to the magnetic field, and read the stars like a compass as if their ancestors are guiding them.
Physique: Bigger lung capacity bigger/more gills and not really used to walking on land. More likely to be bioluminescent. Improved cold tolerance than land zora. (cannot withstand the arctic without cold resistance elixirs tho)
Diet: High fat thermal diet like Hearty Salmon, Mackerel, abalone etc. Also eat mussel, crustaceans and edible anemone. Consuming Lantern Fish allows them to glow in dark areas of the ocean, like Cave Fish in-game.
Stronger zora weapons: including underwater bow/harpoons.
Incubation: Their nursery for their eggs are nearby the city's hydrothermal vents (they call them Vent Springs), for the warmth and rich minerals they expel. Also where zora can rejuvenate.
Sonar communication: Other than verbal communication and signing, ocean zora have become adept at their own sonar clicks and tunes to communicate/locate eachother out of earshot. Whale/dolphin zora have greater range: they're ecolocators who can detect distant sea monsters.
Social: Many don’t speak as formal as Zora’s Domain. While being altruistic, protective, humble, food-driven and mighty, they tend to like spending time in mutual quietness (vibing). They have expressive hand/facial gestures, languidly flick their headtails and undulate/flare their fins. As there's much larger creatures than them in the open sea, they stick together and watch eachothers back, just like schools of fish. Toddler zora do infact school like fish.
seaweed-based packaging
Military headquarters: Located in the center. Only accessible through another currented tunnel network that only authorized officers know how to  navigate. The magic of the tunnel will spit anyone it deems an intruder back outside the walls or into a trap room.
Wedding traditions
Piezoelectricity: electric charge that accumulates in certain solid materials, in this case it's magic power in rare crystals and stones. LTG Byers channels this in his helm. 
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⚔️ History - story time ⚔️
Leviathan Cybeles, when there were more, were heavily worshiped in ancient times.. out of fear. Ancient Caeruleis zora had to relocate countless times from seamonsters or natural disasters, becoming cautious and territorial of large creatures that ate them, even of the cybeles, who did not. Whether it was be cybeles themselves or by corrupt zora leaders, cybeles were imprisoned as threats. The Eastern Sea is dangerous. 
The cybeles were offered sacrifices, even zora sacrifices. These cybeles however did not eat them, and gained a collection of uneaten sacrifices over time. The sacrifices preferred to stay with the friendly cybeles anyway. Over time, cybeles became myth as rituals were lost. Remaining cybeles that hadn't been imprisoned yet had ventured away. The only remnants being forgotten temples, statues and ruins on the deep sea floor and in the Depths' waters. There may even be a fallen cybele lost there, who knows.
Now that Caeruleis is stronger and more fortified, current era zora became more open and curious of ancient history and myths, which led to the search and release of deities. They are revered and loved by the ocean zora once more, while also atoning for their past.
Chief Commander Volitan: Having been accused of conspiracy/treason against the corrupt leaders for wanting change, they went as a sacrifice instead of execution. Seeing the cybeles as no threat, Volitan had an idea to have their soldiers sent as sacrifices to form a secret platoon, who then overthrew the corrupt leaders with the cybele by their side.
Return of the Cybele Circa (current era): Upon Lionel touching Volitan's staked glaive that called for him in effort to stop an all out war led by former General Kahn, a series of images flashed of a similar distress just like Lionel's. And of a legendary leviathan, lost to time. The power within the glaive urged Lionel to take it as his. With Niles finding old folklore scriptures within the archives, they sought distant Shrine Priests and Priestesses of the cybeles who deciphered it to be a puzzle.
Lionel was dropped into the eye of the storm by a brave Rito to investigate. With the glaive's ancient piezoelectric stone, he had finally set her free. From then on the legend resurfaced, now being worshiped and provided offerings just like old times in exchange for her protection.
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apoptoses · 3 months
would you be so kind as to explain Daniel as the latin bro tiktoker and how it affects the household dynamic
okay SO off the back of your excellent Marius Discovers Tiktok posts-
Sometimes I like to think about how he originally got on the app because of links that Daniel or Armand or even fuckin Benji sent him, and he'd be patting himself on the back when he figures out how to stitch videos and make his own tiktoks 'correcting' historical information. And ofc because it's Marius he thinks he's the first vampire to be sneaky posting on there and he takes great pride in how modern he's being, doing right by his old Roman ancestors spreading the truth about history, etc etc
Until he finds Daniel's account scrolling his for you page lmao And for those NOT IN THE KNOW there's this dude on tiktok who's studying ancient linguistics and constantly getting stoned and like, rapping in old Egyptian lmao Or translating memes in ancient Sumerian and generally making ancient language shit posts in between actually making education videos where he gently reads people down for spreading incorrect linguistics facts.
and I JUST THINK that would be Daniel lmao He's learned all this history from Marius, all these old dead languages and how they were pronounced and he's bored and wants to do something with that. And he's just so personable that people eat it up, he's got like minimum 60k views on every post.
And it just eats Marius alive hahaha Like on one hand he taught Daniel all that he knows, right?? He's proud that his fledgling's fledgling actually absorbed his lessons and is out there able to put knowledge into the world.
But ON THE OTHER he's burnt up inside about how Daniel gets so many fuckin views and people praising his account in the comments when TECHNICALLY Marius is doing the same kind of stitches correcting people and getting crickets half the time, or horny comments from booktok people who are hot for what a cold, harsh professor he is and aren't actually taking in the facts he's trying to put out there😂
And like he's too proud to ask Daniel how to game the algorithm or what he's doing wrong, and just texts him links to his old Egyptian rap videos with disapproving emoji, and sometimes when they're on the phone he chides him for making a mockery of the great cultures of the past.
(Daniel isn't dumb though, sometimes he throws him a bone and stitches one of Marius's videos being like 'yeah this dude nails it, you guys should follow him'. And Marius doesn't acknowledge the thousand extra followers he gets from that, just tells Daniel he's not required to promote him simply because of their relationship, but Daniel knows that means 'thank you' in emotionally constipated old man)
So YEAH, Daniel's success causes a little tension at first but it settles into something nice because he knows posting something real dumb gives Marius an excuse to gently scold him when they're apart. And like when they're together maybe he takes a sneaky video of Marius trying to set up a fuckin ringlight or something so he can get better video of some old text he has, and Daniel holds onto that draft for blackmail purposes lmao
(Meanwhile Armand is off making 'watch me restock my guest room drawers' videos and everyone in the comments is bewildered by the lack of hygiene items and consumables. Like vampires don't need toothpaste and deodorant and mints, so it's all weird shit like the little toys you get from gumball machines and ink for fountain pens for the vampires who visit who prefer to use tools from the time when they were mortal)
Whew who knew I had so many thoughts on that, I could go for days on this subject lmao
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dukeoftheblackstar · 10 months
Lazy Headcanons (feel free to share yours)
I really like the idea of lazy headcanons for muses. It can be intimate or just their plain guilty pleasure wherein nothing (apart from work and emergencies) would ever pry them off it.
Plo Koon:
Plo Koon's thirst for knowledge is probably as thirsty as I am for him (and puzzles). If he's down with a good book that's really got him hooked of something his centuries of season haven't stumbled across, he's not above having to raise a finger and make you wait till he finishes the last remaining pages or just so until he can reread the section of that got him really hooked or confused.
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I'd like to think Plo (at least my version of Plo) is also into puzzles and board games like chess, checkers, game of the generals (kekekke) and such. He's got about 1238912839128391 ways to make a move but would ponder so heavily on that one killer shot and wouldn’t really pay much attention to you but wouldn acknowledge your presence with "Mmmms...." and "I see."
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This isn't much of a headcanon because it is canon when he handed of C-3PO to Wolffe.
He'd happily pass having you entertained by someone else if he's not interested or if he's about to indulge in some solo-reading bonanza or would rather not be interrupted on any of his personal wind-down activities.
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Meditation is a must for our Baran Do Sage Master Jedi short King ♥ I HC that he'll write a note over the door of his chambers just so his boys know not to invite him in the usual 104th foolishness at least for the day. No sign means they're welcome to barge in (hopefully not as this worries Plo so much that his boys will eventually ingest so much Dorin gas they'd get sick. But has not the heart to lock up because boys are like cats clawing at the door when Buir has been in there far too long) while sign means Wolffe has to have extra headaches today.
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Plo Koon requires little management when it comes to nourishing himself because he's tapped so much into the force it basically nourishes him. But in times when he can actually indulge in consuming food, he really savors and enjoys it. Given he does this in his private chambers, but who's to say he's not doing it all soaked in a bubble bath with scented candles and some good tunes? ♥
He has an old phonograph-like device handed down from generations to generations. A Koon phonograph from his father's father's father's.
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And in the event that the Wolves are indeed persistent (as there is no 'Meditating on-going sign') and are so adamant to check on whether Plo Koon is still alive, he will do little to no protest and just be in his tub with a tray over, Dorin delicacies with his mask off and assure the boys that he is not depressed, sad, troubled, annoyed at them, ill, or anything apart from his best self.
He does this in his most very tired dad-voice and is all "Yes, yes, Commander Wolffe, I am unharmed. I simply wish to eat my dinner in peace." He sighs as the rest of the Wolves puff up trying to not inhale Dorin gas and Wolffe tries, tries, to do the same.
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Comet passed out on the floor and Sinker and Boost about to panic and sound the alarm.
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Warthog quietly picking a morsel from Plo's plate.
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themyscirah · 1 month
I have so many Simon thoughts and I can’t believe the one to lick them all off was this: but would he draw the line at pork?
Just saw this ask now so apologies if it's been sitting in my inbox for a while!
Quick mention here that I'm not Muslim myself and most of my (limited) knowledge comes from talking with friends irl and the internet
but i believe Simon wouldn't eat pork. I don't think it's something he's ever really tried, especially growing up and living in Dearborn, which has one of the highest Muslim populations in the US, there wouldn't be a super high presence of it (I'm assuming) or social pressures surrounding eating it from his peers, who im assuming are also predominantly Muslim from what we know of his friendships precanon.
To be honest, I think the religiously prohibited substance he'd be most inclined to/likely to have consumed at some point to be alcohol. I mean when we meet Simon, he's fallen on hard times, like he's lost his job and turned to stealing cars and feels like he's let down his family and community, especially at least after the events that follow with him getting the ring the way he did. I'm not saying here that I think he did drink before we meet him in canon, but I think it's more likely to have happened than him eating pork, especially with the social pressures and societal depiction of alcohol the way they are.
Simon and his relationship with religion is something very interesting to me (that I admittedly know very little about) as there definitely seems to be a contradiction in some of his actions, with Simon quoting the Quran at Guy and talking about how much his religion means to him one page, and then of course having a tattoo that also means a lot to him (but is banned by his religion) at the same time. I think this more complex relationship with religion is something very human about Simon as a character, as people and their relationships with religion are oftentimes complicated and not cut and dry. It does make it difficult for his fans though as theres a lot we dont know, as Simon's relationship with religion is one I think could really use more exploration on page, especially in regard to this contradiction and his relationship with the rules of Islam as a whole.
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bonkusdonkus · 1 year
I’ve been thinking about bunnies again!
A while ago, I made a list of list ideas, headcanons, and hombrew thoughts on the Harengon, one of my favorite D&D races. Mostly because WotC just kind of slapped them into a book, mumbled something about how they like freedom, and left it at that, and I didn’t like that.
Well I’ve had more ideas since then!
I will now shotgun them onto the Internet so others may steal and\or get inspiration from them! Same rules apply as last time, Harengon and Rabbit folk are interchangeable terms, you can use any of these you like, or don’t! Okay! Let’s talk about bunnies!
Harengon traditionally have extremely long, extremely difficult to remember names. Their names are often literal paragraphs long, or even multiple pages. Some Rabbit Folk actually have names so long they literally need a novel sized book to write them down, and that’s just their first name. Harengon surnames can be encyclopedia sized. On average. As bizarre as it sounds, there is a reason for this. It’s a defense mechanism! In the Feywild, names have immense power. Giving a Fae your full name can have terrible consequences. So, being native to the Feywild, the Harengon counteracted this by making their names impossibly long and complicated, so that remembering them to use against them is near impossible. Plus, many Fae have short attention spans, by the time they’re even halfway through reciting their name, the dangerous Fae will probably just get bored and leave. Obviously, in every day life most Harengon only use a part of their full name, but traditionally all harengon are taught to memorize the full thing, just in case.
It’s common knowledge that Harengon are considered lucky. They have an unusual propensity for pulling victory from the jaws of defeat, or landing that one-in-a-million chance. Hilariously, this means that many casinos or gambling dens often ban Rabbit Folk from playing. Less amusingly though, it has also led to some ugly superstitions. One fairly harmless belief is that a kiss from a Harengon grants the kissed good luck. Some considerably less harmless beliefs are that drinking Harengon blood will give their luck to the drinker, or that having a charm made from Harengon teeth will ward off misfortune. There is little to no evidence that either of these superstitions are true, but doesn’t stop the depraved or the desperate from trying to find out…
On occasion, a Harengon will be born with pure red eyes. No pupils, no whites, just red. These Rabbitfolk are typically referred to as Unfortunates. Not because they’re particularly unlucky, but because they have a peculiar… Aura, let’s call it. Whereas normal Rabbitfolk are known for their supernatural luck, Unfortunates seem to almost suck the luck out of people around them. Specifically, people who wrong them. This is a very difficult thing to catalogue or measure, so it very well could just be a cultural belief of the Harengon, and not an actual phenomenon. But, well, they are from the Feywild. It also could be true…
Harengon aren’t immune to poison, but they are immune to several notable poisonous plants, such as hemlock and nightshade. In fact, they think these plants are quite tasty. They often eat them raw in salads, or cooked much like spinach. But the most famous use of these poisons, is the infamous Snake Blood wine. A potent, magically charged alcoholic wine said to taste like angel’s dreams and unicorn tears. Fanciful descriptions aside aside, it is an exceptionally valuable item, a luxury among luxuries. Brewing it is not only extremely difficult and time consuming, the method is a jealously guarded secret among the Harengon. And while it is still very much poisonous to most species, It can be imbibed by non-harengon, in very, VERY small amounts. Because of this, among wine enthusiasts, it’s become something of a pilgrimage or right of passage to taste the legendary Snake Blood wine of the Rabbitfolk.
One of the most common jokes people make about Harengon is that they love carrots. Because, you know, bunnies. The Rabbitfolk have no particular attachment to carrots, culturally or biologically. Though it’s not unheard of for them to like the orange vegetables, it’s no different than if a human liked them, just a matter of personal preference. However, some Harengon have heard so many stupid carrot jokes, that they have developed a deep seated hatred of them. There are multiple incidents of Harengon actively going out of their way to destroy carrots, out of sheer spite.
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voidvendetta · 1 year
Welcome Home theory!
(TL;DR at end)
Here’s my theory: symbolism of apples in Welcome Home. okay so in some original concept art, Wally had crosses on the cuffs of his sleeves. (Also please remember that concept art is concept art! Anything in it is not canon unless deemed so by the creator.) But anyway, if there is some Christian influences, my mind goes to Adam and Eve. And we begin to see a lot of parallels from that alone. 
|Welcome home town = Paradise/ Garden of Eden| As an example. 
So, it was stated in an ask post that Wally does not eat apples as apples, only when they’re put into a pie or not fully visible or in it’s purest form. Often times apples are used as a representation of forbidden knowledge, as god had asked Eve not to eat the apple, but she was tempted by a snake (implied to be the devil) into biting it. 
So with this in mind, we’ll say the apple is some sort of forbidden knowledge that was kept from the puppets. Although, Wally was extremely interested in it, but never had fully consumed it. He observed it and entertained the idea, beauty, and structure of it (Painting) but never went further, perhaps in fear. He could digest it in a different form that was not in it’s whole. 
Though, it could be him trying to spread the message or idea as well. The other neighbors may serve as a Steve in this scenario.
I would compare it to the way a philosopher talks about the idea of death for example, and plays around with the idea. But if you go beyond to take in the idea of it fully, it can lead to an existential crisis and breakdown. I’m not saying that the apple is death, im using this as a comparison. We’ll get to what the apple might be in a bit.  Wally eats food….visually? Via his eyes I suppose. So if he was to “consume the apple” (knowledge) it would be like ‘seeing’ it for what it is.
Now with what the apple is, and how Wally reacts to it, I may be taking a leap here but I’m going to guess that the apple is sentience. On the website, if you go to the guest book page you can see doodles on questions, and opening the image in a new tab reveals a response. This may be implying that Wally himself is responding to them.  Which would mean that he is alive to some degree. Another leap here, but that could mean Wally is sending the letters. They were covered with brightly colored paint, and yknow, he is a painter. He also seems to be the only one responding to the audience (you) yet again, further awareness and sentience.
Going back to the comparison to philosophers, this apple (knowledge) may have drove him insane. I’ve been seeing quite a few people make fanart, edits, etc where Wally takings being a good neighbor very seriously. This could tie back into Christian themes with “Love thy Neighbor.” Maybe it’s him trying to uphold that welcome home paradise before it fell apart and was cancelled. Also, him painting apples could be him trying to spread it.  though this does raise some questions. If this really is the situation of Adam and Eve, then who is the snake and who is god? Where are the other neighbors in this situation currently? What is the house’s role in this? Um!! Wow!! I just threw my brainrot guts onto a post!! I don’t really know if it made sense or not, sorry if it didn’t and i just threw a few incoherent paragraphs with bad grammar against your face now you’re just kind of like…confused. But this is all just speculation, for all I know there may be no Christian elements at all. I wish I could source but im a bit tired. This is like…my first big theory post too. Woagh.
Disclaimer: I totally could’ve gotten some of the sources wrong, Adam and Eve or Welcome home posts. If I did please don’t be afraid to correct me!
Anyhow, I’d love to hear your thoughts, theories, and corrections.  TL;DR: Apples in welcome home could relate to Adam and Eve, Apple being forbidden knowledge that might be sentience. Wally didn’t eat apple as an apple, instead he ate it in pies and so on. He did paint it though, to maybe entertain the idea or spread the message. Wally could’ve eaten apple in pure form, consuming full knowledge. Tried to spread message more by painting more apples, or trying to uphold last of welcome home before cancellation. Wally could be the one making doodles on website and giving the restoration team letters. (Hence the colorful paint.) 
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thelocal-idot · 2 years
Soft Obsessions
Crazy B x Yandere Reader
PT 1
Hey loves glad to be here again writing more stuff for this lovely and small community. I love writing yandere stuff, but because i wasn’t trying to go over the top its alot more toned down. 
if you enjoy the content, im taking requests in my asks page! -
Cw:  Yandere, Slightly suggestive content
There was always something strange with you, something not many people would notice. Whenever you were in love, you’d always go to the most extreme measures to ensure their love for you. You had never been given such affections before, the taste was almost addicting. Craving the warmth of being within someone’s arms, their touch would make you feel just a little higher. You needed it, more of it, and thats how you were here now. 
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Rinnie was an interesting person, he would make it known when something either displeased him or made him laugh. He was loud, obnoxious, super annoying, but that didn’t really stop you from falling in love with him did it? His rowdy, wild nature drew you in, and since then you had been looking for every opportunity to hang out with him. Whenever you’re in a crowd after one of his performances you couldn’t help but look for him every time, i mean he did stick out like a sore thumb. Little would he know that you had a whole shrine dedicated to the older Amagi brother, pictures of him plastered everywhere. I think if he saw it, he’d be rather flattered actually. Maybe a few more pictures wouldn’t hurt, perhaps next time in a more.. exposing way. The prideful king has always needed to be taken down a notch anyways.
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Himeru had never been very affectionate person, but that never really bothered you much. What a alluring and mysterious person, thats why you had fallen in love with him in the first place. You wanted to uncover his secrets, and maybe if you did he’d be easier to charm. What you didn’t expect was the subtle reciprocation that he did in fact fancied your presence. You would love to break him apart, using things that no one else knew about the pretty blue haired man. You relished in being able to savor his smell left on his coats that you so graciously borrowed without his knowledge. Maybe, just maybe he’d be willing to stay with you and love you forever?
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Niki, his way of loving was by cooking meals for them, you might hide it but you thought him as the perfect house husband. Whenever he was hungry you’d always have snacks for him because you knew he’d appreciate it. You always found him endearing and silly, you’d do anything to make sure he was always having fun. When you first saw him, his long hair was so eye catching and healthy you wondered what he’d been eating. How does he have such pretty hair, you’d love to have some of it. He’d probably never find out about it (hopefully), but you hand a collection of his hair that you kept neatly stored. What you’d do to have a chance at having him entirely for yourself and litter his face in kisses. 
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Kohaku was sweet and giving to you, how could you have not fallen in love with him. Even better is all the venom he kept hidden underneath all of his skin, keeping his tongue sharp. You loved that of him, such a cute little face and yet so much bitterness, his poison was a drug you’d willingly consume. Admiring from afar was so lackluster, you’d do anything to get closer. Though you’d been getting closer to him, much to your delight. It had turned out that you two had similar interests, what a coincidence. Theres days he’d be pouting, and curious you’d ask him what was wrong. You’d gladly listen to him complain, falsely smiling to hide the rage behind your soft demeanor. He’d smile back at you, and you could already feel the urge to take him away from the rest of the world. They didn’t deserve a sweetheart like him anyways.
Kohaku was the first one i wrote, when my brain was actually working, so if its the best written one my apologies hekekek
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