#eclectic polytheist
bit-of-a-witch · 2 years
i keep seeing things that’re like “oh, your relationship with your deities is a work relationship, you’ll probably give more than you get” while im sitting in my room just vibing with my deities as they tell me random things and beg me to look at their tags on tumblr.
is this just me or nah-?
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mylifeforawinegod · 1 month
Just a quick reminder~
Not all polytheists consider themselves as pagans, and not all pagans consider themselves polytheists. The two terms aren't universally interchangeable.
(Some people use the terms interchangeably for themselves because the terms are heavily intertwined for them. This is not the case for everyone.)
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dramaticwine · 1 month
Items for Lord Dionysus’ altar
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Statues and/or images of Dionysus
Wine glasses
Ethically sourced furs
Statues of leopards, tigers, snakes, and/or bulls
Theater masks
Play programs
Phallic imagery
Fake or real plants
Wine corks, bottles, or labels
Bottle caps
Pride flags and/or pins
These are all suggestions and common associations of Dionysus. If you do not have some of these or don’t feel comfortable owning some of these, that is valid. We all have different practices and how you do yours will differ from mine.
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pomegranated · 13 days
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my attempt to give persephone a digital offering
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bunnyshideawayy · 23 days
for pagans/witches who veil or cover their hair for their practice full time, do yall consider modest clothes essential to your veiling or do you still wear what you want? i’ve seen this debate among the community and am interested in seeing what everyone has to say!
for reference i do veil for my practice, just not everyday and i tend to still wear what i want but with limitations!
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apolloslyrics · 2 months
Just realized I can practice duolingo in honor or Athena BOY are my offerings about to be offered a lot more 😎😎😎
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thrashkink-coven · 4 months
Okay I’m going to say it because I’ve seen like 10 posts about this in the last week and it’s kind of aggravating.
Before you start practicing paganism or dual faith or anything of any kind PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE learn the meaning and history of Syncretism. PLEASE.
Please stop saying that Christmas is only a Christian holiday, please stop saying that Christmas was stollen from the pagans. Please stop insisting that Yule and Christmas are the same holiday! Please stop saying that pagans cannot celebrate Christmas or that Christians shouldn’t celebrate Christmas! Christmas is many things to many different groups of people and ideas and customs evolve through time!!! There is NUANCE to these very complex ideas!!! Christmas does not need to be reclaimed, please stop.
Please stop saying that it belongs or doesn’t belong to any given group especially when humanity is so prone to spread messages and customs amongst eachother!!! “Similar” does not equal “the same” and different does not equal “the enemy”. Please stop trying to create these illogical divisions where they do not exist!!! Please read about the history of faith !!!! I beg of you!!!!
So often we see the blending and unity of concepts as “appropriation” and I’m sick of it. Our beliefs connect us so much more than they divide us. We learn so much about the world from each other and our different interpretations.
Likewise, just to touch base- nearly every single mythology or faith in the entire world takes its inspirations from somewhere. You are no superior to a Christian because you think your faith and customs are “older”.
We live in a paradoxical universe where multiple things can be true at once. You DO NOT get the authority to tell a Christian that their God is XYZ just because you’re a pagan. You do not get the authority to redefine how a group of people sees and interacts with their personal name of God. And you by no means get to claim credit for how different cultures interpret the natural world.
Yes, Christians obviously have a lot of practices that mirror pagan ones, they are not pagan, do not call them pagan. I don’t care how you feel about the Abrahamic God. So many of us hold a deep resentment towards Christianity because of religious trauma and I completely understand that, but when you try to massively oversimplify such complex topics like religion and faith, you not only risk sounding like an asshole but you make yourself look straight up stupid because you’re just wrong.
I am a devotee of Lucifer and I believe him to be the divine masculine aspect of mother Venus. I still need to understand and respect that for Christians, Lucifer represents something entirely different and that’s okay. They’re not necessarily wrong even if I fundamentally disagree. I disagree with what Lucifer is among other Luciferians and Satanists. That’s OKAY.
We have GOT to stop talking about mythology and folklore so literally. It leads us to have this “one or the other” mentality when more than one thing can be true at once! These myths are flexible and meant to change with culture. We can have respectful debates and conversations but holy moly please stop insisting that Christianity has “stollen” from you, and please for the love of God please stop trying to ruin a day that is significant to them by telling every Christian you see that Christmas is actually a pagan holiday.
(- and when I say this I am not referring to the atrocities of assimilation and slavery that forced pagan cultures to become Christian/catholic due to racism and xenophobia, that’s obviously very bad. My argument is simply that the entire Christian/Jewish/ Muslim faith cannot be discounted simply because historically, bad people used it to do bad things).
Thank you. 🙏
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that-one-grey-witch · 19 days
Im looking at an expensive ass book to study Diana and its an average of like 60$ and I dont have that kinda money rn. But the library does. The library has that book. I just found it for free to see if I even like it. And I guarantee if your local library system doesn't have it 9/10 they can check and find somewhere that does. For those of us in some counties of the US, theres a system that will let you borrow books outside the county limits. Or check your school library systems that have access to academic articles if youre in school.
Please know you have resources.
If you have the spoons and a couple moments to yourself. Check it out. Or call your local library. Trust me, Librarians and library workers l o v e helping you and showing you more about the system. (Coming from being a library worker and my experience with all of my coworkers.) Library cards are free. The books are free (pls take good care of them). Our county doesnt even have late fees or fines anymore!! You can get into some museums for free with a library card!!!
Please please please use the resources youre paying for anyway with taxes. You can find so many good books, pagan, polythiest, witchcraft, ect.
They're there!!! Use it!!!
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solarvermilion · 1 year
"Nature itself is neither good nor evil. It is amoral, meaning that there is no morality attached to it’s existence. Things live and die without consequence. The creation of the earth came from violent events like volcanoes, earthquakes, and asteroids.
Nature is wild, but it is neither cruel nor kind; it is what it is. What gives our lives meaning, however, is being able to understand the world around us and to find purpose. It is only through seeking to return to nature as a source of understanding we can understand ourselves and our place in this universe. It is through Satan that we find this understanding."
Satan as the Spirit of Wild Nature - Venus Satanas
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thegodwhocums · 11 months
it is so so so tempting, even as someone who's not a reconstructionist, to find the TRUE way that polytheists worshiped back in Thee Olden Days - like there's something purer and more efficacious about methods tested and proven over millennia, and like if I just Study Harder I will connect all these fucken dots and do things the RIGHT way like the ANCIENTS did
like there's a way to time-skip over the war and colonization back to the agrarian bonfire dances and the queer mystic mentorship circles
and yet, this yearning, while understandable, is misplaced.
we asked Dionysos about the deities that preceded the expansion of global patriarchy, and got a really compelling response:
Don’t get hung up on the archetypes. You’re not living in the Stone Age. You don’t need to recreate Stone Age rituals. Create rituals for now. What thanks do you need to give? What do you need to ask for? What would it serve you to have represented? I’m thinking of an expression – “form follows function.” [You’re allowed.] Your heart breaks at the beauty of the lilac. To whom do you express that transcendent joy? If there’s no one, then you have a vacuum. Who is best suited? Old gods, new gods? They’re all sort of the same. Don’t try to achieve temporal purity – to try is limiting. [The insight here is that your heart is filled with gratitude that you live in a world that has this particular kind of beauty in it, and that’s something you should be sharing with divinity.]
- Dionysos, channeled 27 May 2023
it's surprising in some ways to hear such a pragmatic approach to the gods FROM a god, but like - what does it serve divinity to have offerings from a disaffected devotee?
I think if you're determined to honor all 12 Olympians or an equivalent box-set sort of pantheon, that is a little different - if you're building your own set (to make this sound more like Lego than a spiritual practice whoops), then the advice as I'm taking it is to see where you're overflowing with the kind of passion that a mortal can offer to divinity, and follow that! be guided by the things that make your heart explode! this, as I interpret it, is the most precious thing that humans can offer to the divine: overflowing appreciation and love and agony and all the things that make us human, directed to gods and spirits who can share in those beautiful and terrible emotions with us.
still hashing all this out so it's not my most polished set of thoughts but: damn.
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lovewardeath · 11 months
Faith is so difficult for me. I’ve been in many religions even though I’m only 21. I keep feeling this belonging back to Islam, as well with Hinduism, or even Gnosticism.
Then I am like, no, being a Eclectic Pagan is my truth path. Mainly because I will always feel like an outcast regardless of my faith. I believe all religions have some sort of truth to them, ie Omnism.
It’s hard because I feel as though I’m the only one who can’t find the faith I truly belong too. The one I’m meant to belong too.
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bit-of-a-witch · 1 year
would anyone be inclined to share their experience working with anubis? im looking into trying to work with him and was wondering about others experiences
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thenamelessonesposts · 3 months
I call myself a polytheistic Satanist because “pagan who syncretizes Heathenry and Hellenism with an emphasis on animism and heavy veneration of Satan divorced from Abrahamism” is just a little bit of a mouthful
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dramaticwine · 29 days
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Day 3: Symbols and Icons of this Deity
Symbols & Icons of Lord Dionysus
Theater masks
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pomegranated · 12 days
i wish i could find a boyfriend who’s also a hellenic polytheist and NOT a weirdo :(
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seafoam-serenade · 1 year
Blessed Ostara, Happy Spring Equinox, and Welcome back, Persephone
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