#either way the bat is trans
virtualtyrant69 · 1 year
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emulation-0 · 1 year
i never really realized how chill my parents are compared to other desis and muslims and desi muslims
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fakeboycorrection · 7 days
Fakeboy story time! This one's a long one, so I'm sure some of you dumber, hornier fakeboys will have to read it in multiple sittings.
Kai had always known that they were nonbinary, ever since they were young. People had always tried putting them in dresses, or getting them into makeup, but it had never felt right. Though, to be fair, typical masculine things had never felt right either. They just didn't feel like they were drawn towards either of those. And though they didn't have a word for it for the longest time, when they first heard about enby people, they knew that's where they belonged.
Going off to college was great for them. Kai had become part of a community of plenty of other trans people, learning about the culture and understanding that gender wasn't some binary thing based on genitals, but something on a spectrum that couldn't be encapsulated with just the simple terms that they had learned growing up. As Kai educated themselves, they grew more and more into a leadership role. Eventually, they even became the president of a group on campus dedicated to spreading the trans rights movement, focused on educating people and allowing themselves to liberate themselves from the restrictions of their genders, just like Kai had been, years ago. They spoke at events, handed out pamphlets, and spent long nights staying up with their trans friends, being a shoulder to cry on as they would start their journey into transitioning.
Of course, Kai also got up to some fun activities on their own, outside of these movements. As a young, sexually liberated enby, they were always looking for some ways to have fun with others and in private. Though they considered themselves a lesbian, and had plenty nice encounters with girls on campus, they had a lot more fun spending some late nights in their dorm room, masturbating to porn online. Some of it was more tame, some of it was more kinky, but it was always uplifting to women and enbies, showing the ways that their bodies could be used to empower themselves, sharing pleasure with the world. Kai loved it, getting deeper and deeper down these rabbit holes, until one day discovering a forum of people that used remotely controlled toys to connect with others around the world, allowing them to control vibrators and choose when to give pleasure out. Kai rushed off to the store, getting one, and logging back into the forum for some fun. They had a lot of fun with girls around the world, even some from different countries, until one day having an interesting encounter with an anonymous account from the site.
"Hey, you interested in some fun?" Was the message they'd received. Kai looked at the account it came from, but it was mostly blank, just saying that it was from a man who was about their age.
"Hi, sorry, I'm usually only into girls and enbies. Hope you have fun with someone else!" They replied, trying to let him down easy. They were about to set their phone down when they got another message.
"Haha, really? I mean, it all happens through a vibrator, and my account doesn't even have a face on it. You could pretend I'm anyone." Kai considered it for a moment. They were really horny after all, and they hadn't gotten any other requests. They decided to indulge, sticking their vibrator into their pants until it was positioned snuggly on their clit.
"Fine, let's get this going, oh mystery man." They smirked slightly, knowing that it would be fun regardless.
"See, there's a good toy." He replied. Kai felt the vibrator turn on, feeling like it was at max strength, causing an involuntary gasp to come out of their mouth. After taking a moment to collect themselves, they replied.
"Wow, going full force off the bat? Don't you know how to properly tease an enby?"
"Oh I know how to. Just giving you a taste of it, so you'll know what you're missing when I do this." And suddenly, the vibrations disappeared completely.
"Hey hey hey! I didn't mean take it away completely!" Kai sent quickly, wanting the pleasure back immediately.
"Then I guess you shouldn't have been so bratty. Apologize, and you can have it back." Kai rolled his eyes and sent a message back.
"Ugh, fine. I'm sorry." Kai waited for a second, but nothing happened. They checked their phone.
"Now, is that any way to apologize to the guy controlling your cunt? Have some manners." They read. Kai wanted to roll their eyes again, but actually felt something stirring inside them at reading that. They decided to take it seriously.
"Okay, I'm really sorry sir. It won't happen again." They replied. Immediately, the vibrator flipped back on, but only to about half strength. It wasn't perfect, but Kai wasn't going to risk losing it again by talking back.
"There we go, that's better. You look so cute in your profile pic. You shouldn't put such a bratty scowl on it." Kai shuddered with a bit more pleasure. They'd forgotten they'd posted a pic of themselves on there. Whoever this man was, he could see exactly what the toy he was playing with looked like.
"Oh come on, you get to see me, but I don't get to see you?" Kai responded, relishing the small amount of pleasure in their pussy. After a few moments a new message popped up, not text, but a picture of the mystery man's cock.
"You like what you see? I might not post my face on here, but I'd argue this is better." Kai stared at the pic for a moment in shock. It was a sizable cock, bigger than any of the toys they'd used in the past. Right after he sent the pic, the man turned the vibrator up, sending more pleasure into Kai's hole.
"Hey! That's not fair, asking if I like something, then turning the vibe up. Now I basically have to say yes..." Kai moaned slightly again. Though they'd only ever been fucked with straps before, they had to admit, the cock did look enticing.
"The only part of that message I choose to acknowledge is the "Yes". But I think we both already knew that was the answer, didn't we? :)" Kai chuckled to themselves. This guy was smug, but he wasn't wrong. This was already the most turned on they'd been while using this site, and the night had barely started.
"Yeah, you're right, okay... sir? Please, give me some more pleasure. I'll even say more nice things for you, like "sir". Kai responded, partially doing it to get more pleasure, but partially because it felt so good to be submissive. They hadn't talked to someone with this level of dominance in quite a while.
"Mmm, I do like hearing the title, but I think there's some other things you can say to earn more vibrations. Some more fun things... Some things you might not want to say..." Kai looked at their phone with a hint of apprehension, but upon feeling the vibrations drop once more, they responded.
"Like what, sir?" They replied quickly, hoping to get the vibrator turned back up as soon as possible.
"Admit that I turn you on more than any girl ever has." He replied.
Kai stared at their phone for a moment. This guy wasn't serious, right? They responded.
"Oh come on. That's not even true, I've been with plenty of girls. You're good, but you're not better than literally all of them." After sending this, the vibrations in Kai's hole disappeared completely. They frantically messaged again.
"Wait wait wait, turn it back up!"
"Not until I hear what I want to hear." He responded. Kai looked down at their leaking, needy hole, then looked back at their keyboard before typing out the next message.
"Alright, fine. You're... better than any girl I've been with... I'll say it, even if I don't believe it." Kai immediately felt the vibrator turn back up to full power, sending another involuntary moan out of their mouth.
"There we go, that wasn't so hard, now was it? And don't worry, by the end of this, that statement will be true. Trust me." Kai was starting to get annoyed at this guy's smug attitude, but had to admit. It felt a little good to say such dirty things. They'd always been attracted to people with vaginas, so saying that a man was better than them felt like something of a taboo. A good taboo. After a minute or so of relishing in the pleasure, Kai felt the vibrator slowly starting to decrease in power. They messaged back once more.
"Wait! Why are you turning it down??"
"You earned a minute for saying that. You earn more if you say more. That seems fair, doesn't it." Kai didn't feel like holding back anymore.
"Very fair, yes sir! Just give me more..."
"There we go, much better. I'll tell you what. I'll give you five minutes if you admit that you feel like more of a girl than a man."
Kai looked at this message, confused. They replied quickly, trying to get through this before the vibrator turned off completely.
"What do you mean? I'm an enby. I'm not a man or a girl."
"Yeah, but if you had to pick one, you'd say you're closer to a girl, wouldn't you?" Kai stared at this, thinking about it for a moment. Though they were an enby, they had to admit, they were more feminine than anything. This was just an admittance of that, more than anything.
"Fine, I admit. I'm closer to a girl than a man." Kai responded, feeling another wave of pleasure hit them as the vibrator turned back on. For some reason, this wave felt even more intense than the last.
"See, you're so easy to convince. And you have to say, it feels good to admit that you're a girl, doesn't it?" He replied.
"Hey, I didn't say that. I said I'm closer to a girl than a man. I'm still nonbinary." Kai replied. Though, reading "You're a girl" did send a strange twinge down their body.
"Sure, sure. I'm sure you're not thinking about how you're secretly just a slutty girl. I'm sure it doesn't turn you on to think about admitting that to me, a man, someone you're not even supposed to be turned on by in the first place." Reading that, Kai moaned again. They didn't even fully understand their own feelings at this point, yet it seemed like this man was speaking their thoughts before they could even think them.
"Fuck, how did you know what I was thinking? Also, still not fair! I'm only turned on by that stuff because you're pleasuring my hole when I was thinking about it." Kai responded, denying the allegations as best as possible.
"Maybe, but why were you thinking those things in the first place? Maybe those thoughts are more true than you realize..." Kai read this, getting even more turned on, feeling like they were getting closer and closer to an orgasm. At this point, they didn't care if it was true or not, they just needed to get pushed over that edge.
"Fine, maybe you're right, just please make me cum sir! I'll be a good little enby, or a good girl, just for tonight if you let me!" They responded, knowing that they were closing in on the end of their five minutes.
"Mmm, I don't know about that..." He responded. Kai felt a wave of despair as the pleasure started to fade from their pussy. "But I'll tell you what. If you can think of the most vile, humiliating, pathetic thing that you can admit to me, and promise me that you'll consider actually believing it, I'll let you cum..."
Kai was desperate at this point, so they gave in almost immediately. "I'm a girl. I'm a girl for you and I want to serve your wishes, sir!"
"That's not nearly enough..." He responded. Kai felt the pleasure disappearing even more. They continued, getting more desperate as the orgasm started to seem unreachable.
"Okay, um... I'll never be a man, or an enby! I'll always be a girl! A straight girl a cis girl, who thinks men like you are superior!" Kai held out hope, but the pleasure continued to disappear.
"Not quite enough... I need even more than that, pretty girl..." Kai was on the verge of tears at this point, desperate to cum. So desperate, that she decided to give in, and let out her deepest, darkest, most real thoughts and fears.
"I'll never be an enby because it's all bullshit! None of us are nonbinary, we're all just attention seeking sluts that need men like you to fuck us! Please sir, I'm just a desperate, slutty girl that needs your cock in me to fix me. Please please cum in me so I can cum, knowing that I'm serving my true purpose as girl, please a cis, straight man's cock! That's all that any of us trans whores want!" Right as she sent it, Kai felt a warm wave of pleasure flow into her cunt. Strangely enough, the pleasure hit her before the vibrator even turned on, though it did turn back on in the end, launching her over the edge and giving her the best orgasm of her life. She came, moaning like a girl, barely able to see as the next message came into her phone. She sat there for minutes, trying to get over the massive shocks of pleasure that kept flowing through her body. Eventually, she managed to regain her composure, panting with her tongue out, and picked up her phone. The next message she read made her heart skip a beat, and the needy, aching feeling in her cunt return.
"Good girl, cumming for me. Your moans sounded beautiful, but you're being a bit loud. I'm in the room above you. Come on up and see how a real man treats a girl, little Miss. "Trans Rights Club" President.
She'd never felt fear like she did at that moment. And she had never felt as horny as she did, walking to the stairs, and heading up into his room.
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gatorbites-imagines · 6 months
i was wandering if you can write bane x reader [ i'd ascent to god if its trans/ftm reader, it's ok if you can't or dont want to write it :) ] with a big size difference that's all! have a good day/night and take care of yourself <3
Bane x FTM reader
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Still have no internet in my apartment, but luckily my sister is letting me visit her place to do assignments, so I can upload stuff from there.
This is based off of comic Bane more than anything, but i cant really find any gifs of that guy, so comic panel it is.
All in all, I don’t think it matters much to Bane that you are trans. It isn’t something he would see as a dealbreaker, or even care too much about. As long as you guys get along and both have feelings for one another.
Bane is extremely smart too, so if you can’t legally find ways to get treatment, then he would probably know at least 10 different ways to get the result you need.
If you want to build muscle, then Bane is also your guy. He knows as much as one can about the process of working the body and getting the result you want, so he would be able to help you get the look you want, even if you aren’t on any testosterone or hormone blockers.
If you want to work out then Bane could also help you out if you aren’t one for top surgery, as you can get a similar look through the right diet and workout routine. But if you want top surgery, you bet he’s taking care of you afterwards, since he would know a thing or two about medical procedures.
Bane being who he is probably also knows different ways to get you to the hormone level you want, but he would most likely avoid doing anything as drastic as his own mix up with chemicals and the likes, unless that’s what you are trying to go for as well. Would make sure you knew all the dangers first though, just in case.
If you want neither and don’t care much for hormone treatment, surgeries or even presenting masc, then it doesn’t pose any issues either, since Bane wouldn’t really care. Hes one of those “wear whatever you want, I can fight” kinda boyfriends. As long as you are happy and comfortable, then he is comfortable and happy.
He seems like a big scary dude, but Bane would be very respectful of you and how you present yourself. Gives very much “big scary dog privilege” when you guys go out, and you do go out sometimes, as I could imagine some of the bats would let you two go on dates, as long as Bane isn’t causing any trouble. You’ll have to live with being shadowed the entire time though.
The huge size difference also strengthens the whole scary shadow thing, so even if people wanna be transphobic too you, they sure as hell don’t dare to do so, since Bane is towering over literally everyone there with muscles that could kill.
Sharing clothes with Bane would also be entertaining, since hes so much bigger than you. Even just his tank tops would hang off you and slide right off you. You would have to tie it with something or tuck it into your pants with a belt, and even then, it would still look super baggy.
You don’t get the chance to borrow his mask, since he needs it himself. But I could see him finding it kinda sweet if you worked the pattern or colors into your own style. It also helps to tell anybody who wants to hurt you that you hand in hand with Bane. So, crossing you is crossing Bane, even when he’s locked away in Arkham.
The extreme size difference also means you can climb him like a tree, like hanging onto his back like a backpack, or hanging around his neck with your arms without your feet being able to touch the ground if he stands up straight.
You being Banes lover also probably becomes some of the “in the know” knowledge around Gotham. The bigger fish know not to mess with you since Bane would be breathing down their necks if they as much as thought about it.
But being Bane’s partner also means you’d know how to protect yourself and even kill if need be. Being much smaller than him and also being trans puts you at risk, so your lover would want you to know how to take care of anybody that tries to harm you when he’s not around. So, you end up knowing how to use a lot of different weapons and fighting styles one way or another.
But in the end, Bane is a respectful guy whose too damn smart to let you being trans get in the way of a relationship. Your big size difference is also cute in his eyes, since he can easily pick you up or just wrap you in his arms. It’s pretty damn great.
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ghoulysaphomet · 2 months
Ghost AU
Kinda inspired by a series I watched years ago that I don't remember the name of.
Tim's always been able to see ghosts, however he knows that ignoring them is the safest option. Sometimes he can't stop himself from trying to help them move on though.
Then one day he sees him. Robin.
(He knows Robins civilian identity but it feels wrong to call him by a name he's not supposed to know.)
Jason introduces himself as Jason, and Tim's like ah. that makes sense. They strike a deal. Tim is worried about batman. Jason wants to keep helping. Together they make a team where Tim will be trained by Jay, who will also serve as extra eyes and ears, and they're gonna make Tim and Jay the ultimate Robin duo.
(it helps that he already knows their identities).
Tim and Jason grows close, they're best friends, brothers..Sometimes it feels like they're more. Tim's never had connections like this before, and Jason is feeling seen and respected in ways he didn't know were possible.
(Tim made him a grave, dedicated to Jason Todd. Not to the deadname on the headstone in the cemetary. Not one dedicated to the dead wayne daughter who never existed. Jason didn't know ghosts could cry until that happened).
And then years later.. Jason vanishes. Tim’s heartbroken, confused and almost tearing the city apart looking for him.
Meanwhile, Jason wakes up in a sea of green.
He becomes Damian's bodyguard but calls himself the ghost, he's not the red hooded ninja.
damian becomes jasons. and they leave together to 'train' damian under careful watch by teachers but jason meanwhile not only protects damian but he makes preparations to return to gotham and carve his mark.
he doesnt care about the whole robin thing since he was the one who made tim robin, but he doesnt go out of his way to interact with the bats.
(which, hurts. he wants so so bad to go back to tim. he wants to show him how much he's done. who he's become. that he got to grow *up* it hurts that he wont be welcomed bcs the only one who knows jasons trans, and thus his actual name, is tim - tim is the only one who would be able to recognise him; he looks so different compared to his robin days that there's no way any of the bats, sans tim and maybe alfred, would realise and that hurts him on a deep level, but at the same time he thinks it doesnt matter because they wouldnt want to welcome him, anyway; the girl they loved died.
he was reborn, she's still dead)
but he cant. he has to make sure the streets are safe for damian first snd foremost.
But eventually he returns to gotham, not as 'The red hood' - but as Revenant.
( damian does not hide his disgust when he sees the memorial in the cave. he may not realise that jasons the second robin, maybe jay told him, but to damian it feels like an insult. it is certainly not a memorial made with jason's memory in mind, it is naught but a punishment for the beholder. tims like ok we can keep you i like you.
and then damian comments about tim fighting like his brother and showing 'crime alley' moves jason taught him during the league and tim feels like the floor disappeared from under him cause wait a damn second. then he starts to observe damian more, and it's in the small ways that damian looks and reminds him of jason, the small movements and tims like.
this cannot be a coincidence. hes like tell me about your brother. please. is he happy? is he safe? and damian tells him but not like by name but then tim starts crying and damians like ???!??? alarmed and awkward cus he doesnt.. know why he's crying. tim doesnt explain himself, either. tim decides to seek out revenant and, in true tim fashion inspired by steph, chugs an ouija board at the guy when he finds him in crime alley.
hes like "what the fu-" but then freezes when he sees tim and thats all the confimation tim needs.
next thing he knows tim all but jumps at him and climbs him like a toddler climbs ikea furniture.
and jason just stands there until his arms slowly come up and he hugs tim back.)
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trashland-llamas · 2 months
He Loves Me. He Loves Me Not
x trans male reader
Sanji who doesn’t realize that y/n is a man. Despite how much y/n tries to act like it doesn’t bother him, he can't help asking himself 'is he really that shit at passing?' Like, okay, sure, it had only been a few years and he was still in the midst of it all but it was nonetheless infuriating. How Sanji would bat those pretty eyelashes of his with hearts in his eyes and call him sugary sweet pet names. Longing to have the rivalry that he did with Zoro. Just anything different than how he treated other women.
Speaking of Zoro, the swordsman had noticed the forlorn attitude that clung to his gym buddy. ‘Alright, what’s the problem? Cause I’m not dealing with an unfocused spotter,’ his tone stern. Zoro couldn’t help but feel protective. Despite how much people thought of him a himbo, he had picked up on y/n’s affections towards the cook. ‘He treats me how he treats Nami and Robin.’ Putting down his weights, he ruffles y/n’s hair. ‘The whole mon cheri bullshit where he dotes on you hand and foot?’
‘Exactly! Which is great and all but he doesn’t behave like that with you or Usopp or Luffy. So what gives?’
‘Either he’s stupid or he might like you back. Never know, could just be he’s never been smitten with a man before.’ Zoro avoided saying aloud what y/n had assumed. Not wanting to give him any sort of confirmation to his catastrophizing thoughts. ‘You should confront him.’
‘I’m not gonna do that!’
‘Would you rather walk around on eggshells?’
Thinking back to his conversation with Zoro, y/n paces before the kitchen door, hyping himself up. 'Y'know, you can come in any time you like, hun. I don't bite.' y/n freezes when he hears Sanji's voice. The cook not bothering to look towards the entrance while he chops up some fruit. A snack for the crew. 'I know,' y/n refutes, unable to hide the tremor in his voice. 'Is something troubling you?' Sanji asked, aware of how antsy he was acting. 'Uh, actually that's what I came to talk to you about.'
'Well then, have a seat.' Sanji skipped over the theatrics, passing them a glass of water. 'Usually helps to have a drink, calms the nerves.' Nodding, y/n took a few seconds to figure out how he wanted to say it. 'It's you.' Cringing at Sanji's shocked expression, bowing his head as he gripped the counter top with his sleeves rolled up. 'Me?'
'It's that I happen to be into you and...the way you treat me, it's like I'm just another girl.' The word run together quicker than a oil spill. But it's towards the end when Sanji raises his head to look y/n in the eye. 'I must apologize, because you're not another girl to me. It seems I've caused a pure soul like you a lot of pain...I'm not used to liking the same gender as my own.'
'Then I have a few requests. Please swap out the nicknames to some that are a little more masculine. And treat me like you do the other guys on the ship. None of that waiting hand and foot, okay?' Y/n starts with an uncertain air, slowly gaining confidence as he went along.
'Okay. I won't lie, I might make a few more blunders here and there while figuring it out but I can abide by those requests.' Sanji softly spoke, reaching out to grab y/n's hand. 'There's only one thing I want to ask of you, if I may. Can I take you out on a date?' Smiling at how flustered that small question made him. 'Would love to.'
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paraesol · 1 year
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Monster High girlies (and enbies!!) Part one of ??
Ko-Fi | Commission Info
Design notes under the cut:
For Draculaura I couldn’t really think of any way to improve on her design (can’t improve upon perfection!) so it was less of a redesign and more of a possible alternate look
I looked at a lot of different goth and sweet Lolita dresses for inspo and ended up landing somewhere in between
I shortened her pigtails and tried to make them imitate the shapes of bat wings
Her umbrella I pretty much kept as is
I ended up mostly borrowing from her gen 1 design, but referenced gen 3 here and there as well
Her figure is obviously more petite, I also wanted to make her a bit chubbier but it isn’t really that noticeable. If I go back and do revisions I’ll have to fix that
This Draculaura is a trans girl and is either straight or bi, I couldn’t decide so let’s say she’s questioning! I haven’t seen the new series but from what I hear she’s half Thai so I’ll keep that
For Frankie I wanted to take the more modern design of gen 3 and add a bit of the edgy, Avril Lavigne-esque pop punk feel from gen 1
I kept gen 3 Frankie’s side shave but changed the shape of their hair to be a bit more dynamic
I also kept gen 3’s metal leg because I like it :)
I brought in some more of the red accents that gen 1 Frankie has, plus the yellow accents from gen 2 (which ended up being the only thing I borrowed from gen 2 LOL)
Asymmetry and mismatching lengths were key!!
My Frankie is pan, non-binary, and femme-leaning in their presentation but uses strictly they/them pronouns. Also they’re Jewish because I’m Jewish and I say so
Clawdeen’ s outfit I ended up struggling with the most. I wanted her to be fashionable in the way gen 1 is, but in a slightly more modern alternative kind of way
I wanted to give her a bit of an art hoe aesthetic, which only really ended up showing in the pants, which I imagined she painted and patched up herself
Besides that I gave them curlier hair, more akin to gen 3, and a tail (I was going to add more wolfy features, like a dog nose and fur tufts on the cheeks and elbows, but I didn’t like the way it looked so I took it out)
My Clawdeen is a lesbian demi-girl and uses she/they pronouns :D they’re also Afro-Latina obv
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
The Anomalies:Lore
Layed out for everybody who likes my content of Spiderverse x Pjo x DC but dosen't really understand what's going on/what it means/what brings it on!
@insomniac-jay @mayameanderings @theautisticcentre @jellyfilledeyes @jellyjays @nogender-onlystars @desi-pluto @moonage-gaydream @refrigeratedboombursts @julieemarine @jelmet @genderfluid-bat @a-confused-ranger @imreallyonthishellsite @dead111111111111 @error-core-animations @yukii0nna @tuxedkitt @a-hypnos-v @st4r-fire
The title refers to Miles,Percy and Jason.They're called 'The Anomalies' because they're 'not supposed to exist' and Miles was called one canonically,Percy was born from Poseidon breaking the pact and Jason was ressurected originally from Superboy Prime breaking reality.I came up with the idea of them being a team because i realized back when Atsv came out that with their personalities,they'd be best friends and need to be a trio to work together perfectly as Miles with Percy or Jason is interesting on it's own but better if it's all three of them and Percy and Jason becoming instant besties is ooc and insulting to their characters
Percy and Jason are monoracial afro-dominican and darkskin and they're all trans and audhd-Miles is transmascfem and uses that as his identity due to his experiences with gender as a black person,Jason is transmasc agender with left girl for yuri purposes and Percy is a trans woman who's name is short for Persephone.She named herself after the og as a thank you to her for giving her Metamorphose,food that's been blessed by Aphrodite to give the eater their ideal apperance and is basically hrt when it comes to trans people,and she's super voluptous with realistic muscles and fat
Percy also dyes her faded from gray to white streak sea blue to blend in the mortal world and Miles' and Jason's radioactive spider bite and Lazarus Pit dunk were their own hrt as they have the same effect Metamorphose does in that part.Percy and Miles are pastel punk but Miles leans more into the cutesy/kiddy aspects and Percy's more hardcore/closer to old school punk and Jason is goth punk and Percy's hair is a bit past her hips and she wears it naturally,Miles starts with her canon hairstyle but switches to dreads later on and Jason and her and dreadhead bros
Percy's earth is Earth 27 and Jason's earth is Prime Earth
They met post itsv but pre atsv,post hoo and toa dosen't exist and right after utrh so no og rhato either(everyone say thank you Miles for changing the timeline and saving us and Percy and Jason from that fuckery).Doc Ock came back to New York and literally smacked Miles into another dimension with a device she made,Percy was banished from her realm by the Olympians for her defiement of them at the same time and they both crashed into Jason on his motorcyle in his Red Hood gear just as he made it to the outskirts of Gotham as they shot out of their portals and into his life.After a bit of talking to figure out what was going on and who they were,Jason agreed to guide them since it was his dimension and instantly clicked with Miles but detested Percy and the reverse is also true as they only stuck together to stay with Miles at first
Until the slow burn burned and now they're ride or die best friends.Miles is on the same level to them as they are eachother and they're equally important to him too.Miles reminded Jason of his Robin self('You're like me......The me that died')and to Percy of Nico and she reminded Miles of Gwen and he thought Jason's losercore behavior was the funniest fucking shit so he kept him around for the bit and Jason and Percy clashed so hard because they're the same but foils in a way that leads to bickering unlike with Miles where it leads to soft interactions they don't do with most people
Miles ends up becoming a Blue Lantern as he gets a Power Ring by his friendship with Kyle and their side teamups and earns Apollo's blessing for his sheer artistic talent and earnest dedication to his art that made him actually cry like a baby as he gave it to him and Percy had to hold herself back from slashing him away from Miles and it gives him a blonde streak in his hair that ends up permanent but turns into a white streak with the intensity of the situation.He joins Young Justice as an honorary member too and as an adult,her hero name is 'Ultimate' both for being more sutible and gender neutrality since she's a boygirl that's fully settled into her identity
Percy is part kryptonian because Sally is and that's why her eyes change sea colors as she's an alien hybrid with her grandparents escaping Krypton just as it exploded and got sucked into a portal that led them to 27.She also ends up hosting Venom for a while and he's more scared of her than she is of him by the end.Clark acts as a fatherly mentor to her and even gives her and Sally(once she enters the picture)their own kryptonian names as 'Per-El' and 'Sal-El' but even before that,she makes her hero name 'Hydro' and dons the Superfam emblem on her costume and it's white with the rest of her costume being black and blue and it has a hood and a lower face mask like Stephanie's
Jason develops werewolf-esque spiderperson powers thanks to extensive exposure of Miles' spider dna to his Lazarus Pit dna making him mutate.He was pissed about it at first,especially with Percy's teasing and felt bad about Miles' distressed guilt but learned to control his new abilities and used 'Batspider' as a codename and modeled his costume after Miles' but with his own twists like his Spider symbol being cracked('Jason,you look like fucking Emo Elmo' '.......How would anyone be able to tell i'm black in this,Percy?????' 'Same way they do me and Miles.It's about the vibes').He's also a 'Greek Gadgeteer' aka he worked his ass off to be an expert on and collector of greek mythos items
Miles is found siblings with Percy and Jason.Percy and Jason however are a romantic couple-Yeah idc how much everybody hates this ship anymore,Jaypercy is REAL.Reluctant allies/frenemies to best friends to lovers and Miles threw them a little fake wedding when they got together after a loooong amount of pining and relathionship development
Team Mom Percy so true.She does her best to make sure they all eat good,sleep well,don't go out on missions with too bad of injuries,keep up their training and are reassured they're loved.Miles and Jason gladly return the favor(though Jason's more subtle about it)
Percy and Jason=Miles hype and defense squad
Percy enourages Miles to embrace his inner kid and eventually tells him one of the reason's for it is her own extremely lonely childhood that she dosen't wanna see him go through.That was the first time she'd been his first shoulder to cry on and they were closer than ever afterwards.He appreciated it a lot because he was getting at the age where it's considered innapropriate to act the way he does because it's 'childish' and it was upsetting him
Jason teaches Miles to chanel his anger in useful ways and to fight back instead of playing The Nice Normal GuyTM and Miles helps Jason be a better person just by existing and being his best friend and pseudo-little brother
Jason regularly uses Miles' head as an arm rest and has an arm slung around Percy's shoulder,both as affection but the latter also for protective reasons
Their nicknames for eachother are 'Girasolito' and 'Jaybat'(Percy),'Little Man' and 'Bluey'(Jason)and 'Campanilla' and 'Big Guy'(Miles)
They all have big white blob eyes in their costumes,including Jason with his helmet!!!Also,in superhero dimensions,masks and helmets and equivalents move with the wearers expression('H-How is your-' 'It's a superhero thing' '*Jason points in confirmation*')
They diy'd matching tops that say 'White Streak Gang'(Miles' is a sleeveless hoodie,Percy's is a crop top and Jason's is a baggy t-shirt)
They dubbed themselves 'The Anomalies' in-universe as reclamation against the ones who'd hurt them
CHAOTIC ASF EVEN OFF DUTY.Dairy Super trips at odd hours,saying the weirdest shit because they're just that open with eachother,fucking around with their powers and even more!!Their love language is being sweet freaks together
Misc stuff because most of my brainrot is of them but TA has existed for almost a year so the rest of the gang does get something too!!
They have a B-Team:The Abnormals,Peni,Hazel and Duke!!Duke is 15 and Robin as Bruce's adoptive son,Hazel got bitten by an interdimensional spider like Miles did and so she's Earth 27 Spiderwoman and nicknamed 'Pinkspider' who agreed to join Spider Society to find Percy and Peni is fresh out of her Canon Event when they meet at it and closer to her comics version.Duke ends up in Spider Society while dealing with Cironielian Chrysalis Eater who teleports him to it and that's how The Abnormals began as he knocked over Peni and Hazel trying to disentangle himself from goop the second Hazel realized she's a lesbian and has a crush on Peni.They become a super middle school friend group(despite being high school age LMAO)and do hero work together too,Duke is a reality warper,Peni is a cyborg with new body parts to replace the ones lost in Spidergeddon and Hazel's Spiderpowers are really horror based to match her macabe self.Penzel dosen't get together until they're both adults with their current dynamic a very chaste one
Stephanie becomes a mermaid shifter by Amphirite turning into one at her wish and her Atlantian-adjacent name is Stefano and she instantly hit it off with Percy,Gwen changes her name to 'Songspider' post-saving herself from 'Gwen Stacy always dies',Miles G retires from direct vigilantehood out of trauma to become their Guy In The Chair under 'Orpheus',Hobie mutates into having a supersonic voice by being with Percy all the time in her Venom days and dubs himself 'Punk Canary' the same way Jason did with Miles(including being like a big sister and her little brother)and Batspider,Thalia gains Speedster powers and names herself 'Shockstrike' as she pseudo-joins the Flashfam,Nico dosen't gain new powers but joins in as 'The Ghost Cape' because he wants to be with his sisters(meant to type 'The Ghost King' and came up with an actual legit moniker for him finally)and Jason is injected with the Wolverine X-gene and his codename is 'Wolv'.Gwen's half afro-dominican on her mom's side,Stephanie is jamaican-south korean,Nico is black monoracial and Beryl Grace was a snowbunny /hj
Technically there's also a C-Team but i'd only call it that because Cass is on it since she wants no connections to Jason and it's her-A Hades 27 legacy,Thalia,Nico and Hobie and they call themselves 'The Analogues'.I keep thinking Gwen should be a main Anomalies member but i love the Miles Percy Jason Trinity too much to add anyone else so her and the above gang are filed under Honorary Anomalies!!
Yara is Percy's soul sister and drops into the plot very often both seriously and just to hang
Aaaaaand Tim x Miles x Hobie is a thing!!!I can't stand Tim/Hobie for no reason so it's a vee relathionship!Tim is black/white mixed because i don't wanna insert a white boy into Punkflower and Timiles is a Zing Moment a la Hotel Transylvania and their following relathionship is just as goofy as that description
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transjarlaxle · 2 months
the way transmisogyny is so rampant and yall dont even bat an eye i saw a video of a transfemme captioned "when someone asks what 'serving cunt' means and i'm the only doll in the room" and a good majority of the comments were "um, actually"-ing her or trying to diminish her point or getting on her for calling herself a "doll". and it wasnt just cis(het) ppl doing this either. yall cant even let trans women post casually about being trans women without yelling at them and somehow you think youre masters of intersectionality and oppression bcz someone looked at you weird once
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brahmin-lard · 6 months
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Meet the Sillies !
Here are my Lone Wanderer, Courier 6, and Sole Survivor (+ an old oc) !
Info on them under the cut <3
Lone Wanderer: Axel Nessley
Age: 19
Gender: nonbinary (they/them)
Sexuality: queer (hasn't figured it all out yet, but they know they like boys)
Companion(s) of choice: Butch DeLoria <3
Weapon(s) of choice: Lead pipe and 10mm pistol
Courier 6: Jesse Elliot Ruthford
They get ghoulified after they successfully activate the purifier, I have doodles of that I'll post later.
Age: 26
Gender: trans man (he/him)
Sexuality: pan demiromantic
Companion(s) of choice: Arcade and Rex. Sometimes Boone or Veronica and ED-E.
Weapon(s) of choice: ratslayer, revolver, and Oh Baby!
He genuinely doesn't remember anything past first obtaining the platinum chip and even then that exchange is foggy. He's not too worried about getting them back either as long as he's still aim is still straight.
Gender: transmasc (he/they)
Sole Survivor: Fletcher Melbun
Age: 32
Sexuality: bisexual (male leaning preference)
Companion(s) of choice: Nick Valentine, Hancock, and Dogmeat
Weapon(s) of choice: modified combat rifle, molotovs, .50 hardened sniper rifle, serated switchblade
Has been going through a nonstop gauntlet since he left the vault. Long story short: he sobbed when he found Codsworth, he sobbed when he managed to make his way back to Valentine's office, and he sobbed anytime his Pip-Boy map would glitch out. Despite this, not a pushover. Don't test him.
Age: 23 (at time of ghoulification), now? They'll never tell.
My ghoul oc: Warren "Renny" Knewman
Gender: Won't tell anyone to keep them on their toes, but genderfluid (any pronouns)
Sexuality: asexual biromantic
Specific game origin: he could be applied to any title tbf, but I mostly imagine her in Fallout 4.
Weapon(s) of choice: sawed off shotgun, laser pistol, baseball bat
Just kinda hangs around, you could find her pretty much anywhere with a terminal and/or a surface to sleep on. When he's in the commonwealth, he likes hacking Diamond City’s turrets for fun when there's nothing too serious going on. Either that or they're camped out in Goodneighbor.
If you have any questions about them, don't be afraid to ask !!! I'll be rolling more art out of them soon enough :]
Thanks for reading ! And please reblog <3
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llyfrenfys · 1 year
Some really good notes from my post courtesy of @margridarnauds about that person accidentally using a white nationalist slogan to support the Welsh language:
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I know someone who is doing a PhD on the Far Right and the co-option of cultural movements and these tags are bang on. Its the difference between a healthy nationalism and an unhealthy nationalism. A lot of this goes for Irish nationalism as well as it does for Welsh nationalism.
There's nothing wrong with (and arguably a lot right with) minority language preservation. It can be used for great good (strengthens community ties, preserves culture) but if co-option is not guarded against readily, it can also be used for great evil (see: using minority language struggles as an argument against immigration, for example).
The Far Right sees the cultural preservation of anything (white) and it's like a bat signal. These things are magnets for white supremacists and assorted fascists of all kinds. Which is why it is so goddamn important to be vigilant against people like that hijacking your movement.
I see a worrying amount of Welsh nationalists use (accidentally or not) the language of the far right to argue for Welsh language preservation. It can be as innocuous as advocating for a Welsh Academie Francaise to as obvious as insinuating that Wales must be kept "ethnically" Welsh in order to keep out foreign influence on the language. I see this go unchecked all the time in various Facebook groups for Welsh independence (most of which I've left since admins of these pages either don't know or don't care that people use their groups to share these sentiments).
Nationalism ≠ Fascism - but if you don't keep an eye on the company you're keeping, any well-meaning nationalist/independence or language preservation movement can be hijacked to promote hate. I only know a scant amount because I was only vaguely considering joining Yes Cymru a few years before they all went sideways (but I remember Owen Exie Hurcum talking about this on Twitter at the time) but the leadership of Yes Cymru began to squeeze out minorities from the group- nonwhite folks, gay people, trans people etc. Whole thing put me off from joining. I don't remember the full details but from the testimonies of others, the group was hijacked and steered into a reactionary way of being. Considering a large amount of Welsh nationalists also idolise groups like the FWA (Free Wales Army - a Welsh nationalist group formed in 1963 which tried to emulate the IRA in Ireland, with little success- mostly just playing paramilitary dress up) - whose symbol is this flag:
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Even if the flag itself is based on Welsh folklore and is supposedly an entirely innocent, non fash design- it still is like a beacon to the Far Right who will take any amount of symbolic validation as a cue to join your movement and derail it for their own ends.
Which is why Celtic scholars, people with casual interest in Celtic languages and/or their respective cultures and civic nationalists alike need to be vigilant against those who would co-opt the field for their own twisted hate campaign.
So, one final thought,
Returning to my original post responding to that American chiming into Welsh politics from overseas. Please PLEASE be careful when wading into politics that isn't yours. Where the Far Right are involved, it doesn't take much to cause a dumpster fire - if you aren't 'on the ground' with these issues so to speak, you aren't in the firing line if your comments go sideways and enable/provoke the Far Right in this country.
If you have an interest in Celtic languages, countries and politics- you have a duty to be responsible with what you do and say. This isn't to say that you cannot engage with these topics- but that you should exercise caution lest you accidentally worsen an already delicate situation.
This has been your regularly scheduled Celtic anti-fascist tedtalk. Please reblog to make sure more people become aware of how delicate things can be and how to prevent fascists from getting a foothold in this field. Thank you.
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docholligay · 1 month
I Saw the TV Glow
I’m essentially always up for a weird horror movie, so when I saw the ads for I Saw the TV Glow, I knew I was in. I don’t generally look up anything about a movie before I go, and in truth, prefer when a trailer doesn’t tell me all that much about what’s going to happen in a movie. This fit the bill!
Non-spoilery: Go in as blind as possible to this movie. There were a lot of things I thought this movie was going to be about, and it was not any of them. What it ended up being about was fantastic. This movie is really really going to resonate with some people my age and the ages around it. I don’t know if it will be as effective for younger people for a variety of reasons. 
Bear in mind I saw this once several months ago, with spoilers below the cut. 
OKAY. We’re in spoiler zone now, so let’s get into this: This movie is about the experience of being gay or trans, specifically in the late 90s to early aughts. We’ll get more into that later, but I want to put it on the table right now. This movie is horror in a Twilight Zone sense. That is in fact my favorite kind of horror! But if you’re seeing it billed as a horror movie, you may not get out of it what you are expecting. 
The Pink Opaque is absolutely Buffy. So much so that Jetty felt called out multiple times: They use the Buffy font, there’s a cameo from a Buffy actress, etc. The movie is not trying to hide this very well. And the Pink Opaque is not a great show! It’s more of a carriage device for these two teenagers that have something in common, something that sparks a realization between them of who they actually are. 
Throughout the show, as Owen gets more and more involved in wanting to watch the show with Maddy, we start seeing quotes in the background that could absolutely be on a high school board, but also…are very much about what is needed inm order to decide to unbury yourself, and live in the Pink Opaque. The one I remember the most, is because it’s one of my favorite quotes. “Without courage, all other virtues are meaningless.” I think about this quote all the time, because I think it is true. You can be kind, you can be intelligent, you can be loyal, but if you are a coward, those virtues mean nothing at the close of business. 
It’s impossible for me to explain to people even 7 to 10 years younger tha  me how different the world was then. I made the choice Maddy made and decided to live in The Pink Opaque as myself, but I love that it isn’t shown as consequence-free either. There are a lot of entanglements and difficulties and fights that came with that decision. You choose to live that way, in 2004, and you get to be the hero, but the hero has to constantly be on guard for the monsters around every corner. And this isn’t even me going, ‘poor pitiful me’--my life was leaps and bounds easier than 10 years before me--but it is a very very different landscape. Fucking no one bats an eye at me being gay now, realistically. 
When Maddy comes back as Tara, and says this is who she always has been, and she had to dig herself out of a fucking grave to be that, I was there, baby! I am not going to get too much into my personal life, but the process of becoming Doc was not a bloodless one. Her coming back and telling him he can have it all, he just has to be willing to die for it--fucking loved that. I have so many memories of having the same conversations with people. We couldn’t have everything. My peers had to decide between having college paid for, having a place to live, and being out, and not everyone had the brass ones to go my way. I made an impulsive, insane decision, and I have never ever regretted it. My parents couldn’t have paid for college anyhow, so fuck it. But it was a choice other people had same as I did, and again, sitting in that dark school ‘planetarium” telling Owen he can live a harder but more real life, fuck. Again, without courage, ALL OTHER VIRTUES ARE MEANINGLESS. I do genuinely feel like this movie might be a miss for a generation whose parents and social circles were simply awkward about it at worst. 
Not scary in the usual sense, but I think a great psychological horror about the costs of doing business, in this life. 
You’re poisoned, you’re buried alive, and that line about, “And you’ll never even know you’re dying.” I mean, sometimes I feel like I was a near miss from living my entire life closeted, as bizarre as that sounds for someone who left home over the matter. I am a person who just makes decisions, and what if I had made the decision to shut that part of myself off, as Owen did? 
My favorite part of this movie is when Owen shuts that part of himself off, and we see him living his life, and he has a family but we NEVER SEE THEM. Because they aren’t a real part of him either, they are all a part of the set dressing of the life he has convinced himself he wants. He is going to be a man, he is going to live as a man and tell himself that’s what he really wants. And then to end up in the bathroom, to end up vomiting all that moon juice and knowing that he has been dying inside the whole time? I thought it was such a beautifully sad ending. 
IF I had a criticism of this movie, there would be a couple handfuls: 
It can be a little on the nose, now and again. I think Maddy-as-Tara’s monologue goes on a little long and loses some of its punch. 
It doesn’t lean quite as hard into the unreliable narrator that is Owen as it could, and so I could see people going, “Oh, Tara was completely right, and Owen made the wrong choice” when even within the narrative, it is telling us that to live in the Pink Opaque is to kill who you are now. That is…not nothing. Owen has, for example, a real relationship with his mother. That’s something that can be lost. Because both me and the author made the same choice, its easy for us to write it as ‘correct’, and honestly it was only on stepping back for a bit that I’m like, “Hm, while this does a better job than 90% of the movies about this I’ve seen, i wish it would have outlaid the cost a little more” but I would want to rewatch it before I made that a HARD criticism instead of a soft one. I was still figuring out everything about the movie, and so didn’t have a chance to really analyze it in this lens. 
I had another criticism, but I actually do want to watch it again before I commit to it, upon reflection. 
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badchoicesworld · 1 year
Hi i was wondering if you could do a male s/o that gets super insecure and uncomfortable when people look at his top surgery scars and he hates it when people miss gender him and Miles Morales Miles 42 Hobie Pavitr Prabhakar and Spider-Noir are there to defend or shut the people that miss gender him or glare at them to the point where the other person gets uncomfortable and stop looking at the male reader I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense i just type really fast and don't re-read it at some points
Anyways I absolutely love your writing work I really enjoy it and everything, have a lovely day or night ❤️💕
hobie, 1610!miles, 42!miles, pavitr and noir defending their transmasc partners
ok this took me a while i admit but i hope you enjoy !
established, separate relationships
warnings: i’m sleepy
pairing: hobie brown x transmasc!reader, earth-1610 miles morales x transmasc!reader, earth-42 miles morales x trans!mascreader, pavitr prabhakar x transmasc!reader, spider-noir x transmasc!reader
requests: check out the blog-guide for info !
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he’s rapidly approaching
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punk personified
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you two were getting ready for a sick concert you’ve been looking forward to for a small while now, moral is high and all’s good
ofc it’s punk, and hobie will be damned if you don’t dress the part with him
he started diying you guys outfits for this specific concert a few weeks beforehand, and he’s super proud of them ! very happy to show you and he hopes you like them
you like them . because i said so
however, it did include a shirt that looks like it had been torn up in every way possible
depending on what ur comfortable with, it can either be a crop top that rides up just a little too much when you jump about and stretch OR it’s one of those tank tops where the sides of your torso simply aren’t covered, very low cut sides
so yeah, your top surgery scars are in the breeze
intentional ? who knows, this is hobie we’re talking about
maybe hobie’s tryna get you to step out of your comfort zone and feel more comfortable in ur skin in an environment where he knows you won’t be judged
perhaps he simply did not take this into consideration because he doesn’t even think twice about ur scars
regardless, they’re out, you both look sick, im forever furious that we were deprived of tank top hobie in low riders PLEASE (he exists in my dreams)
the concert isn’t the problem- don’t call urself punk if ur a bigot we all know this
it’s the walk there that really sucked
you and hobie got some intense stares from people as you walked hand in hand to this thing
naturally, hobie ate that shit up, kept his head high the whole time and doesn’t bat an eye at this people
you’re not as confident, unfortunately . catching people looking at your scars makes you feel all sorts of insecure, which is valid man
hobie also gets this, and god knows he looks for every excuse to antagonise those closed minded people so he’s very content to start a fight
cant care less when it comes to people judging him, he knows who he is and he’s proud asf, not gonna waste his breath on that
but when hobie sees his boyfriend curling in on himself because of strangers in the street that aren’t shit, that’s when he can be bothered to pay some mind to them
it’s subtle, for your sake . doesn’t wanna draw any more attention and risk getting caught up in this when you’ve both been looking forward to this concert for so long
so instead of outright starting a fight, he uses that scary privilege he knows he has and just stared them down in such a disrespectful way
the way that you’re both dressed too, i’m sure that it works
doesn’t relent either, will stare until the other people stop staring
ideally ? he wants to make them walk away and stop bothering you, but he’s alright with exchanging a scowl for the person to look away instead, preferably in shame
when they’re taken care of, that’s that . he wants you two to forget about that and have fun at this gig, sound good ? he wants to see you genuinely enjoying yourself in your own skin, surrounded by the people that make him feel more like himself too
besides, scars are nothing to be ashamed of or to hide
the walk home is a lot more peaceful
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
i’m sorry u were ever hurt
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you two are off to the water park (using the american word, sorry fellow brits :() together, enjoy ur youth
imagine how cool you two are rolling up in ur swimming trunks
i wholeheartedly believe that miles is an absolute sap and would wanna match- i die on the hill that he’s a born to “hi ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ” forced to “wsg”
anyway, go have fun at the baths
that’s what miles expects anyway, fun with no strings attached, as most would
but that’s not how the world works, unfortunately
some people live to be hateful and have sad, empty, boring, gloomy, pathetic, waste of space lives, and you have to go through the misfortune of enduring some really vicious stares . all because you’re a guy with a few scars on his chest
people talk, you might overhear some stuff about ur character that makes you really insecure and upset
takes miles a little minute to clock the way you’re trying to fold your arms to hide your scars, but he catches on pretty quickly that it’s because of the people around you
is immediately by your side and looking concerned as hell
initially assumed that you might be in some pain, maybe the chlorine is fucking w ur scar tissue
sympathetic and checking in on you in the gentlest way when he notices that sadness
“w-hey, what’s happenin? you good?” standing really close and tilting his head to make eye contact with you if you’re looking down or away, hands are grazing your elbows to hold you
miles cares, a lot
speak ur mind man, tell him what’s going on
looks over your shoulder and at the people making you feel uncomfortable with that determined look
ushers you away, doesn’t want you around those kind people . bad vibes, he doesn’t fuck w it
probably goes snitch to staff lmao
and that’s how much he cares, he’d get stitches for u (ノд`)
but miles isn’t about to let the day be ruined by transphobes- god forbid
so he’s gonna try hard to make you forget about that interaction, it’s like a switch when he suddenly becomes all energetic again and is basically dragging you back towards the water
wants to hear you start laughing real fast
if miles venom striked the pool would everyone fucking die ?
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
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PE class gotta suck with all those bitchy teens being closed minded for no good reason and thinking it’s funny to openly judge and mock the things they don’t understand
miles is very mature and knows that bullying just isn’t cool, downright stupid and bullies should honestly be embarrassed to show their face
but because the changing rooms are so small, he can’t even attempt to ignore the comments he’s hearing, all directed at his boyfriend who’s just trying to change for class
you’re minding your own business, why can’t they mind theirs ?
is another person that doesn’t wanna give you a worse time by antagonising those freaks and picking a fight, will instead just stare over his shoulder
works, miles 42 has a mean side eye, straight up vicious
he knows that won’t resolve the issue, people are so resilient w their hate and
gets insanely irritated if someone suggests you changing somewhere else . honestly would just prefer for there to be some tension in the locker room instead of isolating you away while you changed, couldn’t stand that idea because it’s flat out not fair . on top of a number of other things
can ignore the tension, doesn’t know about you
talks to you about not backing down, you have every right ro be in there and you shouldn’t feel in any way negatively about it
don’t give those closed minded people the satisfaction of making you feel bad about yourself and accommodating to them
makes an excellent point one day
“why are you watchin’ my boyfriend change..?” says it so slowly and it got real awkward after that
won’t tell a teacher unless you want to, then he’ll be moral support and be waiting for you outside the office
anyway, man’s got a killer deadeye to keep people in line and tries to not antagonise people too much
just get changed, that’s what you’re there to do people
stop being weird abt it
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please don’t die
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i’m a huge fan of those people that see a trans flag and immediately try to pull a “you’ll never be a real woman >:C” to a trans man
like yeah, thanks man, really appreciate it
it’s happened to you once or twice in the street, you or pav have some kind of pin or smthn and you’re literally just approached by strangers who have nothing better to do with their day
the most meaningful thing abt it is talking to you two honestly, ur just that cool
i can see him reading people just to point out their insecurities because violence isn’t the answer
it’s a last resort, but imagine you two simply minding your own business and this blank slate of a person decides to make a comment on your masculinity
“it’s okay sweetie, they’re just trying to overcompensate for their lack of a personality ! (๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)” huh 👁️👁️
pays literally no mind to them, pretends nothing happens and keeps walking with you
it’s like an invisible force field, bounces right off of him and somehow hurts the other person more
walking embodiment of that “i am rubber you are glue, what bounces off of me stick to you” and he probably recites that, too
but yeah, so insanely unbothered that i would maybe check up on him from time to time ? how is he always so chipper ? is bro good ?
but it’s infectious, so you can’t let it get to you either, it’s hard to feel sad around pav
he will somehow coincidentally always find something to immediately take ur mind off if it
after a shitty interaction with someone talking about pronouns and how theirs are an inanimate object, he miraculously spots a food stand you guys haven’t tried yet
does that Σ(゚ロ゚) face of his while gasping and drags you over, no questions asked
interrupts the person with the longest gasp, one would assume he hadn’t had a breath of fresh air ever
“look look! we have to try it!” pointing like that fuckin Soyjaks meme and ur gone, bigot is left in the dust
i’ve heard food is great therapy, and he believes so too
so scran down on some good street food while pavitr looks like a beam of sunshine despite just ruining a persons self esteem for the rest of their lie
it’s deserved though, so you can both sleep well
yknow what else slaps ? some chai, go home and have some w his aunty who thinks you’ve a very handsome young man
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why the fuck is he so broad hang on
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she/her a he/him and get shot, idk mans got a whole firearm for a reason
it’s takes him a little while to understand trans slander, but eventually it becomes like a fine art to him because i think he has a tendency to hyperfixate on things until he understands them in violent detail (autistic. he’s violently autistic coded. cant read a room, hyperfixated on his favourite colour, struggles to express himself through his tone.. yknow)
so if one day someone happens to catch sight of your scars and starts to talk shit in whatever 30’s slang from his dimension and modern slang from your own, he is so ready to give this speech on discrimination
theres a power point slide too but he doesn’t know how that works
gives up not even half way because he got frustrated and started cursing them out instead
“look, you seem like lovely people- no, no you don’t”
he has anger issues
there’s a lot of “and my boyfriend!” followed by a compliment, he managed to throw a few in there for good measure
says something about the colour purple at one point, i don’t know how that happened
please steer him away before someone gets shot over colour theory (surprised it hasn’t happened yet, ammarite fellow artists ? 😀 )
apologises for getting carried away, has to stop himself from talking about colours again he’s just such a peter and so unserious
“i’m sorry i- that must have been hard for you” clearly it was harder for u dear god
is likely the most insistent on doing anything and everything to make you feel better, is open to suggestions and is basically begging for them
while everyone else is low-key for ur own sake, this man’s about to buy you the world with his 4 dollars which is pretty impressive in his dimension
insists on doing your favourite things, is suggesting this and that, left right and centre
is convinced it’s the end of the world, this is reinforced since you seemed so upset and uncomfortable being misgendered by some people on the street
if you’re plenty happy to settle doing something, he’s thrilled and is giving it his 110% just for you
go watch a movie, careful not to point out the colours of noir will then realise that movies are no longer in black and white and starts asking you if everything is purple
“what a lovely purple :]” pan to like a whole pyramid
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
anyway, can you tell that hobie is easiest for me to write for and that i was running out of ideas ?
let me know how you feel about it !
if this flops i’m gonna have to go on a long stroll
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Woah no way?? People (completely unprompted /s) want to hear my trans Shakespeare headcanons?? You bet I can do that.
I’ve done this once before:
But I have even more thoughts now!!
In no particular order:
Puck (A Midsummer Night’s Dream): Every single pronoun possible. He/she/they/it + all of the neopronouns and xenopronouns that exist currently or will ever exist. Fairy gender is always weird but Puck’s is extra weird.
Oberon (A Midsummer Night’s Dream): Fairy gender. Probably he/they/it?
Titania (A Midsummer Night’s Dream): More fairy gender. She/they/it?
Titania’s fairy attendants (Midsummer): Get a hat and fill it with various pronouns and draw them out at random for the fairies.
Benedick (Much Ado About Nothing): Could go either way, but I really like the idea of transfemme Benedick. Or he/him lesbian Benedick.
Beatrice (Much Ado About Nothing): The she/they to end all she/theys
Viola/Cesario (Twelfth Night): Could be trans in literally any direction. I made a post about this too at some point. My suggestion is all of the directions: they/she/he
Sebastian (Twelfth Night): He/him, transmasc. I also made a post about this at some point.
Feste (Twelfth Night): I saw a great she/her Feste last summer.
Orsino (Twelfth Night): Specifically the himbo variety of he/they
Margaret of Anjou (Henry VI trilogy and Richard III): If I ever play Margaret, I will use she/they pronouns.
Catesby (Richard III): Just played Catesby with she/her pronouns and it worked!
Richard II (Richard II): Tell me Richard isn’t the most they/he or he/they guy alive (or… dead).
Hal (1 Henry IV-Henry V): Saw Hal played with she/they pronouns last summer and it was great. Could also see he/they Hal. Very nonbinary vibe overall. I personally believe that going by Hal rather than Henry for two whole plays is their way of pulling the “going by the first letter of what my name used to be instead of picking a name from scratch” nonbinary trick. He probably pretends to be cis after his dad dies and he becomes king—one more element of Hal’s lifelong identity crisis.
Hotspur/Harry Percy Jr. (Richard II & 1 Henry IV): He/they in denial.
Kate Percy (1 & 2 Henry IV): She/they, not in denial. (Also Katespur should be bi4bi)
Ned Poins (1 & 2 Henry IV): Transmasc Ned Poins?? Maybe he doesn’t actually have a sister and Nell is just his deadname. Ned Poins’ failed scheme to flirt with Hal.
Romeo (Romeo & Juliet): he/they (t4t R&J!!!)
Juliet (Romeo & Juliet): she/they (t4t R&J!!!)
Mercutio (Romeo & Juliet): they/he(/it?). Vibes alone. Look at them. Just look.
Nurse (Romeo & Juliet): she/her, transfemme!
Cassius (Julius Caesar): Would love to see a they/them Cassius
Hamlet (Hamlet): he/they. I’ve made multiple posts about this theory and I still love it.
Ophelia (Hamlet): she/they. As she should.
Laertes (Hamlet): she/him and NOT just because Laertes used she/her pronouns the first time I saw this play.
Rosencrantz (Hamlet): he/they/she. Vibes. Sometimes goes by Ros/Rose. Probably genderfluid.
Malcolm (Macbeth): they/he or they/them. Also vibes.
Lady Macbeth (Macbeth): stolen straight from my last post because this is still my HC: she/they; would insult you for “having pronouns in your bio” and then turn around and punch you in the face for using their pronouns incorrectly.
Angus (Macbeth): she/her, transfemme. (t4t Ross/Angus. I will die on this hill… Dunsinane Hill.)
Ross (Macbeth): he/him, transmasc
Caithness (Macbeth): she/they lesbian
Mark Antony (Julius Caesar and Antony & Cleopatra): I would not bat an eye at he/they Mark Antony
Edmund (King Lear): they/he, nonbinary, sexiest man (/gn) alive.
Edgar (King Lear): he/him. Transmasc Edgar is slowly becoming canon To Me.
Cordelia (King Lear): she/her, transfemme.
Goneril (King Lear): she/they. I would let them kill me.
Coriolanus (Coriolanus): transmasc OR transfemme Coriolanus is!!!! The butterfly/metamorphosis motif! Name changes during canon! Discomfort with scars/body! Lack of autonomy granted by society! This is THE transgender play. (Other than Twelfth Night)
Imogen (Cymbeline): Tell me she doesn’t want to be a she/they so bad.
Florizel (The Winter’s Tale): he/they(/she?). Literally just a vibe. I have a pet rock named Florizel.
Perdita (The Winter’s Tale): she/they. I also have a pet rock named Perdita.
Ariel (The Tempest): Similar to Puck, probably they/she/he? Even my conservative English prof consistently rotates between she/her and he/him for Ariel (possibly not intentionally? I’m not convinced he knows what her canon pronouns are.)
Ferdinand (The Tempest): she/they. PLEASE give me transfemme Ferdinand. PLEASE let Miranda realize she’s a lesbian during canon.
Miranda (The Tempest): she/they. Ariel taught them about the existence of she/they pronouns and she immediately started using them.
So in other words… every Shakespeare character should be trans, actually.
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campbell-rose · 1 year
Helluva Rewrite: Millie
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Okay, i dropped my phone in water and was so scared i'd ruined it, but thank the gods it was fine. Though it's fucked so i'm going to post all the IMP redesigns in short order before it dies and i lose them forever. Onto Millie!
I wanted Millie to read as a country girl. I remember being like ‘oh, that’s her voice?’ when I watched the first episode, because for some reason it just didn’t match her design for me. I considered giving her back the white splotch in her hair, but decided to change imps and give fem imps white horns. I’ve got two guesses for why it was removed: 1) she was originally trans and it was changed 2) the dimorphism of imps was thought of after the pilot. Either way, I like it. I suppose the explanation for this version since her horns are fem is she might have been born intersex?
I wanted her and Moxxie to contrast in their designs, as such she’s wearing less while he’s fully covered, she’s tall he’s short, etc... Now, as a Wrath imp, she has a darker skin tone and has spikes on her body.
Now, as a character, i'll build off of what the show has given us.
Supposedly Millie is secretly very insecure? From leaks she’s like willing to die because she thinks she’s holding Moxxie back and in Unhappy Campers she had that whole breakdown. Now, I think this actually could’ve been built up a bit.  
In the rewrite, Millie is the youngest of her five siblings and the second girl. Now, from the bat lets make her a bit of a drain on the family. They hadn’t planned for her birth, and it was another child her parents had to take care of with limited money. She picked up on this when she was little, realizing that her parents often cut corners and struggle, and she perceives this as her fault. This ties into how she mentions her family going to Loo Loo Land, except in this it was once and was specifically for her birthday. She knows her parents had saved up for months to afford the trip and feels innate guilt for it. Boom insecurity explained. 
Now, in this Millie meets Blitzo first. They bump into one another once Millie moves away from the Wrath Ring to Pride to try and alleviate her parents’ stress. During this time Millie has been working as an assassin for a couple months and ends up bumping into Blitzo who was hired by a different person to kill the same target. This would be during Blitzo’s attempt to start his business in hell killing demons. They fight for a bit, then realize ‘oh wait... let’s work together!’ so Millie was the first to join IMP. 
Millie trains endlessly. When she isn’t doing her job, she’s at the gym. She is constantly striving to be the best because her parents pitted her and her siblings against one another (unknowingly, with things like the harvest festival). As a person she is very observant and emotionally intelligent. She is very kind and loves conversation. She also is very tight with money, and very appreciative of any gifts she receives because she grew up with little. She treasures things genuinely and is just all around a very genuine girl. 
Now, other than fighting, she is fairly mediocre at anything else, due to the culture of Wrath mainly being kill or be killed and you have to be tough. One hobby and talent she does have and is working on is singing, something she shares with Moxxie and works as something they can do together. Millie loves to play guitar and sing and is constantly striving to improve. On the topic of Moxxie, Millie loves him deeply and wants only the best for him and some part of her feels like she isn’t enough. 
All around I want this Millie to come off as a very confident and genuine person, trying her best to push down the deep feeling within her that she is a drain on everyone around her. So when people start showing her with praise rather than screaming in agony she is enthralled. She loves the cheers of crowds, as it was often Sallie Mae getting cheered on during the Harvest Moon Festival while Millie was always second best. She wants that kind of adoration and acknowledgement. 
That’s it. Gotta work on finishing Blitzo and Moxxie rn
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hiskillingjar · 6 months
Heeeyy do you think you could do some headcanons for strade and ren with a femenine transmasc mc?
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trans rights! yeah! trans rights!!!
ren 🦊
ren's a super open-minded and progressive guy so he wouldn't have like. anything to say about it
if you corrected him on your pronouns even once, he'd take it on and wouldn't slip up again.
he's super plugged into like. queer + trans stuff online too so he wouldn't need to be schooled on much either
if you were more fem presenting, he'd be thrilled! best of both worlds (he likes feminine aesthetics and presentation while being pan)
might want to dabble in forcefem. because. horny
he'd also be super comfortable dating a trans person, fem or masc. pan privilege!
he'd have reminders of your t-shots on his phone and he'd be really attentive to keeping you stocked with testosterone and meds (even in the captive scenario <3)
genuinely, ask him to do anything and he'd do it. as long as you kept sweet on him ^_^
law 🥀
law wouldn't. really understand at first
especially if you were more feminine presenting. they would assume stuff and be presumptuous off the bat.
that's purely down to ignorance and not being exposed to it though, not out of genuine malice
if you sat them down and like. spoke through things, they'd be like "ah...okay...i think i understand better now"
and like. if you actually talked them through queer resources and that kind of thing, maybe even gave them some books or showed them trans art or literature, they might even be like "oh...this feels right, actually."
congratulations! you cracked the egg and you're t4t now!!
strade 🔨
does not care
way more plugged into the discourse than law is but he's a bisexual cis man in his thirties. he doesn't care
he'll use the right words in regular day-to-day life, regardless of the presentation. he's observant in that respect
but like. come on
he's a sadistic asshole lol
he'll cut off your binder and call you a 'good girl' if it makes you uncomfortable and scared
i think he'd also take the opportunity to play around with gender in the sexy way too, ala forcemasc and forcefem, as long as it got the reaction he wanted.
if you were boring, it would get dropped for something else though.
he'd be casually transphobic to get on your nerves while supplying you readily with testosterone and using the right pronouns. he's genuinely just an asshole, not bigoted in the slightest lol
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