#eldritch pollen
eldritch-kwami-au · 1 year
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Pollen! Sorry for making her kind of 😏 it was unintentional i swear
Powers and abilities (other than basic kwamis ones)
- Jaw splits (not all the way though)
- Can regurgitate and spit chunks covered in corrosive stomach acid at enemies (eating lemons increases effects)
- Can grow an extra pair of smaller arms
- Can inject foes with pheromones from her stinger and take complete control of them, can also spray it from her wrists which puts foes into a zombie like state that takes intense concentration and will power to break out of
- Stinging can also freeze enemies in place
Respectful to all but can be a diva if she wants to be, definitely calls anyone and everyone darling or sweetie or dear. She oozes confidence and flare and she knows it, and when shes in the mood she gives good advice, however if you just randomly run up to her and ask for advice she’ll end up panicking and telling you something wild or stupid or both while keeping the diva facade.
Tikki - She has a high respect for her “older sister” tikki, though she does enjoy teasing her every once in a while. They have a close bond to one another and in typical “little sister” fashion shes had her moments of being annoying to tikki
Nooroo - As for her “little brother/twin” nooroo she cares for him deeply and will destroy anyone who dares hurt him, though she does try to help him with his confidence along with tikkis help.
Chloe - unlike other holders who are terrified of their kwamis the second they see them, pollen was quite surprised to find that chloe was not just unafraid but ecstatic to see her. That wasn’t to say their relationship wasn’t rocky however, chloes obnoxious attitude put a strain on pollens patience, pollen may be a diva but chloe was just a plain old brat. Pollen eventually learned why she was they way she was (cough cough her shitty neglectful mom cough cough) so she began helping chloe become the person she deserved to be instead of desperately trying to copy her mom to win her affections. Because of pollen chloe started to become a better person and as such they got closer until, like tikki and plagg with their holders, they formed a mother and daughter relationship.
Fun facts:
- Her pheromones do not affect kwamis (at least not fully), she also sprays some on herself like a perfume occasionally
- Nooroo and pollen are“twins” in that they look almost they same so the kwamis just started calling them that for fun
- She sounds like sophie from mamma mia
- Although she is charming and slightly sophisticated she is a dork through and through, she eats up cheesy and bad movies like candy and knows all the latest gossip
- She relentlessly “flirts” with miss mendeleiev whenever she tries to capture the kwamis, she enjoys making her flustered and humors her attempts at capturing them, she doesn’t actually like her in that way but does find her reactions cute
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vladdyissues · 4 months
That art with sexpollen Pompep is just <3
All fandoms need some sexpollen fics
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clockwayswrites · 2 months
The bitties must cuddle. ""Birdtritch"" Part 5
“Nightwing!” Tim shouted, leaning forward on his perch.
Then a black and blue stripped hand poked out of the green feathers in a thumbs up. “I’m okay!”
“Jesus fucking Christ, Nightwing,” Hood grumbled as he stalked forward. “Hey bird brain! Let go of my brother.”
“Aww, he called me brother,” Nightwing cooed over the line.
“…maybe you can keep him after all,” Hood said to the bird thing that had leaned down to peer at him.
The green glint of the bird thing’s eyes reflected off of Hood’s helmet. Then it blinked and in that moment dozens of abstracted cyan eyes blinked into existence around Hood.
Hood reached out to poke at one with the muzzle of his gun. It went right through the ‘eye’. “What the fuck…?”
The bird thing trilled back at Hood.
Tim tapped his comm to open the all channels line. “Um, so, we have… an eldritch bird creature that has been exposed to cuddle pollen. It’s is already cuddling Nightwing and… yep, yeah, now it has Red Hood. Don’t shoot it, Hood! It’s friendly!”
“It’s a fucking menace!”
“A bird?” Robin’s voice piped up.
“Don’t get too excited, baby bat, eldritch bird. It’s the size of an SUV and has too many arms. And eyes. Sorta eyes? And yep, there goes Hood, absorbed by the fluff. Oh great, it’s looking at me now.”
“Avoid the entity, Red Robin,” Batman said across the comms, tone clipped and worried.
“Sorta hard to do, big B. It has a lot of legs right now and all eyes on me. There so many eyes.”
“Avoid the entity!” Batman barked again.
Yeah, like that was going to go well.
“Father! Make this creature unhand me at once!” Robin shouted.
“Calm the fuck down, it’s not hurting us,” Red Hood grumbled. “Not that it’s letting us go…”
“Actually pretty comfortable,” Red Robin said in a voice tinged with the edges of sleep. Bruce couldn’t even see a part of Red Robin in the mess of feathers.
Bruce just sighed and pinched his nose. “Boys.”
“Did you just ‘boys’ us?” Nightwing asked, though he sounded like he was enjoying the whole circumstance.
“Yes. Black Bat isn’t involved in this at all,” Bruce said. “So, boys.”
Black Bat’s soft laugh over the line was mostly drowned out by the warble that the bird entity made. Bruce absently started comparing the creature to the types of birds that roosted in Gotham as the surprisingly long neck unfolded and reached out towards him.
He regarded the bird entity steadily.
It warbled again, tilted its head, and then started preening the ears of the cowl.
Bruce sighed heavily.
“Likes you.” Cass’ lyrical words came over the line. Bruce knew that tone. She was taking pictures for blackmail.
(And everyone said girls were easier.)
“I really don’t think it’s going to let us go, B. It might not even be able to with the cuddle pollen,” Nightwing said. Bruce could see the blue tips of the boots now but nothing else.
Bruce hummed. “Gotham doesn’t have the facilities to humanely keep such a creature.”
Robin hit the ground in a crouch and started forward. “Father—”
The bird entity reached out again for Robin with one of its too many limbs. Robin parried with his sheathed blade. The coo that the entity made in response was heart wrenching. Almost instantly Robin deflated at the sound.
He crossed his arms and looked away with a huff. “Fine.”
With a much happier sound, Robin was grabbed carefully around the waist and placed on the bird entity’s back, right behind its next.
“Get off,” Red Robin grumbled from wherever he was in the mass of plumage. Some shifting along the back feathers followed the sleepy words. Then a yawn. “The Cave is the only choice.”
“You can’t be serious,” Red Hood said.
(Bruce thought Red Hood might be clasped firmly under a wing.)
Red Robin yawned again. “Large, secure, safe for us…”
“Yeah, and how the fuck do we get this thing to the Cave?” Red Hood snapped back.
After a considering silence, Black Bat pipped up with that same mischievous lilt. “Idea.”
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Uhhh I haven't done any bullshit with Oliver for a while, let's change that! My current interpretation of Ollie (it changes constantly 💀) is basically kinda like [/ISSzDAdnEW4] and also [/wyKbpyVVZ7g] in terms of vibes? Boy's got a kinda gloomy foggy aesthetic but also if you stare at him for too long you start to feel that something's very wrong with him. There's been multiple occasions where someone has called Oliver an It because he doesn't pass the vibe check (1/?)-🌟
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what is mysterious white boy doin.... what is pfx labs doing in general too sdjgh MAKING A WHOLE MAN JUST CAUSE THEY CAN? i mean tbh i guess science is basically that, fucking around and finding out but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
oliver's just a lil guy dont worry abt him... just babey 🥺 even if he is dead
WAH THE LAST THING THO sobs thats cute... really said "you are my parental figure now. its law." and hio's "???" BUT IT WORKED OUT IN THE END SO ITS CHILL 😭💖
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clockwaysarts · 4 months
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Poor Danny is just trying to do well at his job at WE! But annoyingly, they frown on him working late. Sent home, once again by well meaning security and still caught up in design thoughts, Danny gets hit by cuddle pollen.
Suddenly he must keep all the little liminals safe! They're so bitty! They don't even have full cores! He has to protect them! Goes eldritch horror and stuffs them in his plumage to carry around like those water birds.
Poor Batman is just so done.
Jason and Damian keep trying to escape. It does not work. Eventually they get this thing to the Cave and make it a nest to keep it there. Tim asleep before they mange, followed by Duke (look, it's late for him, okay?) and Steph.
When they wake up in the morning, in one big cuddle pile, there's a strange man among them and from the way it looks, and Damian isn't sure if he's got a new pet or if Father has a date.
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pseudowho · 7 months
Deadly Nightshade
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(help me find the Suguru artist in the banner, for crediting and thanks/permission!)
A Suguru Geto "sex pollen" fic.
Suguru swallows an aphrodisiac curse, and finds the reader when his entanglement becomes too much to bear.
Warnings: *MONSTERFUCKING*, Loss of control (Suguru), rough but consensual, throat-fucking, Suguru's cursed technique...but sexy, tentacle shibari, cum as cure
(AU!Adult Suguru who never left Jujutsu High timeline)
"Will be late home. It's a big one. Go to sleep without me, baby. You'll be tired."
Suguru finished tapping, looking up to the abandoned industrial site with wary interest, slipping his phone back into his pocket. He felt beckoned into this concrete jungle in a way he found unsettling; the Curse was clearly disguising its true potential, hiding in plain sight...but calling in back-up (likely Nanami or Higuruma at this time of day) would only put them at risk. And, they were tired.
With an internal spiteful sting at having lost his evening with you, which Suguru suppressed, black eyes flat and expressionless, he stepped onwards into the plunging lush foliage and exposed steel beams.
Suguru's apologetic text filled you with disappointed longing. Loneliness and worry quashed your appetite. All your hopes and plans for a soft, touch-filled evening curled up on the sofa with him, were wiped.
Sighing, lovelorn and resigned, you took yourself to bed, your face snuffled into Suguru's pillow and the soft-spiced smell of him, to lull you into sleep.
Suguru staggered through the door, leaning back to close it, gasping, sweating, clawing his jacket and shirt off his body. He burned from within, like the nine circles of hell.
After swallowing the curse, the roiling forest had disappeared with it...but Suguru soon felt its many limbs stretching within him, caressing the deepest parts of him, blighting him with this ungodly pain--
--no...not pain, Suguru thought vaguely, now naked except for his hakama, beads of sweat dripping from chest to belly as he teetered towards the bathroom. White-knuckled hands clasped the sink-- Suguru caught himself in the mirror, ripples of desire thrumming through him with every frantic beat of his heart, his raven hair free of its tie and framing febrile eyes--
Suguru retched, his shoulders heaving with exertion, retching again, his rigid cock crushed against his thigh as he collapsed forwards, seeping pre-cum and shaking and moaning, thinking of you in your bed you in your bed you in your bed--
Out of control I'm out of control got to take it back got to--
Something in Suguru snapped.
The lights flickered out one by one, from bathroom to corridor, as an eldritch forest clawed its way back out of him.
You awoke in a fever dream, your sigh condensing and hanging heavy and humid in the earthy hushhushhush of a tropical forest, teeming with life.
What a strange dream, you thought. You did not notice how this set you apart from true dreamers, who would not find anything unusual about waking on a bed of moss and monstera. The duvet felt warm and springy with foliage beneath your fingertips, your toes, your body.
You had slept, and these uncanny tropics had grown up around you. Not one surface was free of queerly animated vines, yawning tropical flowers, and thick verdant leaves. Unable to see where one room began and another ended, your little home suddenly stretched for miles and closed in on you all at once.
You stepped gingerly off the bed, your feet settling on dewy leaves, splitting the fine low mist that clouded there. As you stepped to the doorway, you did not feel the hissing black tendrils, more creature of the deep than plant, that reached longingly after your feet.
Led only by curious patches of bioluminescence, eerie and golden, you moved to the living room, blinking, certain you were ill. A familiar voice, soft and dangerous, came forth from the shadows.
"You're awake. Good. I'd have fucked you while you slept, but they wanted you squirming."
With a gasp and a cry, you felt yourself become intangibly bound and suspended, feeling the rush of smooth tendrils snaking around your chest and bare thighs, wrists and ankles. Wrists tied behind your back, and legs folded up until your heels touched the backs of your thighs, your legs spread, you hung at face level to Suguru, who stalked out from a patch of hazy light.
Suguru had always held a haunting grace, a soft, untouchable masculinity, an unwavering abstract sensitivity. But, approaching you now, his black eyes were flat, sharklike, predatory. He had not hunted you, but had, instead, waited for you on the outskirts of his web.
In only his hakama, fine black tendrils tattooed his skin, animating him as he panted, desperate and sweating. The tendrils seemed to be soothing him, stroking, constantly moving over his rigid cock, his chest, his throat. As your own tendrils began to offshoot from the black wet-velvet vines that bound you, creeping under your clothes, circling round your nipples and creeping towards your core, a whimper broke free from your throat.
"Shhhhh, shh, shh, I need you wet if you're gonna do this for me, sweetheart."
Suguru stepped to you as if you catch your voice in his hands, sliding one finger into your mouth, pressing down on your tongue. He shivered in contrary to the inferno inside him, gripping his weeping cock with a roughened moan. As Suguru stroked your tongue, he reached down to undo his hakama, letting the coiling vines pull them from his body.
Suguru pressed against you now, lifting your top so he could rut his weeping cock against your belly, still examining your mouth with his fingers. You felt them tremble against your tongue. The last shreds of your Suguru were the only thing holding him back from taking you with bruising force. The vines coiled through your top, your underwear, shredding, removing, until you were naked, suspended, entwined.
Suguru's black eyes feasted on you, one hand stroking his cock with an iron grip, pre-cum wetting his fingers, and the other hand grazing over you, stroking the peaks of your breasts, your ribs, slipping between your puffy lips to see how ready you were for him. Carnal instinct took over, and he pressed himself back against you, his cock leaping in his hand.
Suguru shivered again, skin to skin with you. He knew, instinctively, that the itch at the base of his skull would not-- could not-- become dormant until he had completely spent himself inside you.
"You know I wouldn't ask more of you than I know you can take," Suguru cooed, soft and persuasive against your lips. You felt a tendril slip over your mound, slipping between your wet folds and coiling snugly around your clit, massaging it, rolling it. You mewled into Suguru's mouth, and he swallowed it down hungrily, kissing your sighs and whimpers off your lips.
"Oh fuck, baby-- you feel so wet--"
With a jolt, you realised that Suguru's hands clasped you by the hips, nowhere near your core.
"You can't feel tha-- how can you--" Suguru bit your lip, punishingly hard and you squeaked as the tendril that pleasured you so tenderly squeezed your clit in reprimand, simultaneously.
"They're mine," Suguru hissed, "just like every godforsaken curse I swallow," and he pulled you lower so your core settled on his cockhead, the vines acting in symbiosis with him to drag your thighs apart, "just like you're mine. And you'll help me...won't you?"
You felt a thicker tendril snake up the inside of your thigh, ghosting at your entrance. With savage force and a growl of warning, Suguru ripped it aside, pressing his cockhead inside you just enough to prevent any other intrusions.
Suguru's orgasm hit him with obscene force and he collapsed into you, stuttering his hips just once, before cumming with a shout, his seed spattering into your entrance and puffy lips, dripping down your bound thighs in thick white streams. Suguru's moans elongated into staccato whimpers, before descending into a hiss of unbridled rage.
"That did fucking nothing," he growled, tangling his fingers into your hair, yanking your head to the side, sinking his sharp canines into the front of your throat. His cockhead still leapt just inside you, spurting weak trickles of cum, and Suguru almost cried to feel absolutely no relief from the burning need throbbing through his body.
You felt the vines squeeze around you, your nipples clamped and rolled until tears filled your eyes with ethereal blurred lights. Suguru reached his long arms behind you, grasping the tops of your shoulders to slam you down against him, impaling you, gasping and wildly overstimulated, onto his cum-lubricated cock.
The tendril rolling and flicking over your clit picked up speed, and you came, twisting against your restraints, crying Suguru's name. Suguru stared hungrily down to where he bottomed out in your pussy, watching and feeling it clench around his cock with shuddering bliss.
As the tendrils continued to work on your nipples and clit, your pleasure becoming frantic and painful, making you squirm and pull away from them, Suguru landed a stinging slap to your arse.
"Fucking take it. What good are you if you can't milk this thing out of me? More." Suguru lifted you just once, cruelly slamming you down again, warning you against your squirming, needing beyond need for you to clench around him again.
"Suguru-- please-- it's too much--" Your needy cries broke off into agonal gasps as you came again and Suguru's head dropped back, jaw slack as he felt your pussy clench and contract, sucking cum from him, surely enough to relieve him, surely--
"No, I-- no--" he panted, his eyes frantic, watching his seed leak out of you, now floppy and malleable in your corseting vines. Digging both hands into his hair, scratching at his own scalp, then moving his fingertips to his tongue to suck them with a ragged groan, Suguru grasped at straws for any stimulation to purge him of this monstrous need.
As he gripped himself, clutching and agonised, his eyes feverish, you could only moan stunted little moans as the vines around you lifted and dropped you, thrusting you savagely onto Suguru's length, still impossibly hard. You leaned forwards, kissing Suguru with urgency, trying to claw him back to you as his vines fucked you against him. He nipped at you, biting, no longer the gentle man you knew.
"Not hard enough-- shit, you can-- can do better than that--"
Finding some strength again, Suguru's hands dropped to your hips, kneading the plush fat there, trying to squeeze you around him, and he added to the strength of his vines, lifting and slamming you back onto him.
So lost were you both in chasing his release, neither of you noticed the forest around you gradually withering, fading and dying. The bioluminescence waxed and waned, throwing strange, marionette shadows around the room.
You were thankful for the embrace of the vines, unable to count how many times you had peaked from the constant stimulation of vines, masturbating you while Suguru kept your cunt and belly constantly filled. Suguru gasped and murmured into your neck, all unintelligible, unreasonable demands of you, and pleas for release.
As Suguru came with a ragged cry again, filling your aching pussy to the sound of wet, squelching thrusts, you felt the tendrils around your breasts and clit wither away, leaving your buds swollen and tender.
Suguru could barely stand, supported by a few remaining vines, still staring into you, so hungry but so spent. You felt him pull his cock out of you, dripping with his own seed, and you cried out to feel his cock replaced by a thick-tipped vine, pressing against your cervix, shunting his seed up into your belly.
Suguru's eyes rolled back to feel this bizarre vicarious pleasure, lazily letting the vine thrust his cum back into you, as the others twisted you, tilting so your back was parallel to the floor, your head tipped back, mouth level with his cock, still so red and aching.
"Is your throat tighter than your pussy?" Suguru pondered aloud, drunk and swaying with divine ecstasy as he fingered the sides of your jaw, slapping his cockhead against your lips and tongue. When you stuck out your tongue invitingly, swiping its tip across Suguru's slit, he gasped, shuddering and gritting his teeth.
"Let's find out," Suguru hissed, sliding his cock into your mouth, letting you taste your combined arousal, before thrusting with an injured moan into your throat, squeezing you, feeling the ridges of his cock move inside you as you gagged around him.
Pulling out enough to let you breathe, Suguru gripped you by the head and neck, grunting as he rutted into you, his pleasure doubled by his vine fucking his cum back into your pussy. Suguru's eyes fixed, fascinated, on the wet slip of this extra appendage inside you, how you reflexively humped against it as if it was his cock, how you mewled and whimpered at its intrusive tenderness.
As you twitched and shuddered, convulsing with overstimulation, Suguru came for the last time in a soundless gasp, his knees almost buckling beneath him as wave after wave of please rolled through him, washing away the dreadful, burning itch running through his brain and spine, leaving him exhausted, but finally un-fogged, finally in control.
With little warning, you were released from your bounds, and Suguru caught you, cradling you against him, and lowering you with a fractured groan to the floor. He sunk onto you, his mouth on your neck in prayer, kissing and soothing, blessing you with his relief.
"Would've died," he insisted, kissing your hair, your eyes, your nose, spooning you against him as the last remnants of this unwelcome forest embered away, rising like ashes on rising heat to fade into the night, "would've died-- died if you hadn't--"
You shushed Suguru, plaiting his fingers with yours across your chest as he shivered and heaved against you.
"Not...not your fault," you yawned, leaning into his kisses, "but like I keep telling you...you can't eat all of your problems away." Suguru laughed softly, nuzzling you.
"No...can fuck them away though, apparently."
Sticky and intertwined together on the floor, Suguru surveyed the cracked floorboards, the walls rended by vines, and trickles of damp running down from the ceiling. Lips puckering in dread against your neck, Suguru whispered.
"What, uhm...what do we tell the home insurance company?"
By far the most unhinged thing I've ever written. I'll see myself out.
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roxy-writes · 1 year
konig masterlist :))
virgin!konig eating you out for the first time
virgin!konig getting hard by accident
konig making you cry while he fucks you
konig dry humping you in doggy
virgin!konig's first time
dry humping konig
sitting on konig's face
dilf!konig nsfw headcanons
konig x reader x ghost threesome
virgin!konig discovering he has a breeding kink
konig and somno
virgin!konig getting off to photos of you
nsfw konig headcanons
eldritch!konig x reader pt 2
konig getting hit with sex pollen
virgin!konig getting his first blowjob
virgin!reader riding konig
konig getting tied up
konig making you sit on his face
cockwarming konig
konig with a mommy kink
konig breeding you in your sleep
konig slapping your pussy
konig humping your thigh while you sleep
konig eating pussy
virgin!konig + virgin!reader grinding
riding konig
virgin!konig getting overstimulated
konig with a size kink
calling konig daddy
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ju-nebugg · 2 months
a complete (and ever-evolving) list of the many titles of mr. henley whispers
because Henry Shields is a genius and all of this deserves to be documented
Henley Whispers
aka the Turbulent Wind
aka the Storm Before the Calm
aka Lithe Spirit
aka Lord of the Prance
aka Bowfingerer
aka the Bark Knight
aka Work Hard Fae Hard
aka Coyote Handsome
aka Tree Weird
aka the Gorse Whisperer
aka the Arrow-ma Therapist
aka Aragorn-al Activity
aka Quiver Phoenix
aka Jack of All Trades, Master of All Trades
aka Tree Willy
aka Dave Fern
aka Soft-Core Faun-ography
aka Forest Whitaker
aka Notorious Tree-IG
aka Mr. Yumnus
aka Ranger Danger
aka Lust of Wind
aka Parry Hotter
aka Pollen Farrell
aka The Wood, The Bard and the Smugly
aka the Longest Bard
aka Daft Skunk
aka Brodo Swaggins
aka Dismay in a Ranger
aka Harriet Shrubman
aka Jeffrey Archer
aka Fen Diagram
aka Look Who’s Tolkien
aka Fennel May Care
aka the Grass Samurai
aka Chloro-Phil Spector
aka Woody Allen
aka Thelonius Trunk
aka the Moss Adjuster
the ✨ rhymes ✨:
human ranger, damage dealer, story weaver, owl deceiver
human ranger, goblin killer, pale ale swiller, dream journal filler
human ranger, rabble rouser, full of heart, devoid of trouser
human ranger, hidden stranger, friend of danger, dark avenger
human ranger, expert juggler, against the chains which bind us struggler
human ranger, loot stringer, shameless swinger, on da funk bringer
human ranger, check bouncer, espresso mispronouncer 
human ranger, rule flouter, truth spouter, earthworm doubter
human ranger, poker player, that which others won’t say sayer
human ranger, trendsetter, otter petter, in-joke getter
human ranger, blame dodger, advertising for a lodger
human ranger, cheeky chancer, always-on-the-off-beat dancer
human ranger, truth spinner, under-7s judo winner
human ranger, time waster, different brands of water taster
human ranger, hog roaster, subtle boaster, party ghoster 
human ranger, crystal healer, your-layers-like-an-onion peeler
human ranger, hell raiser, into-the-abyss gazer
human ranger, lithe linguist, sensual astrologist
human ranger, bugbear wrestler, established-societal-norm questioner
human ranger, tune hummer, every-known-fear overcomer
human ranger, knowledge gleaner, has the grass that’s always greener
human ranger, deer consumer, vole beguiler, badger groomer
human ranger, havoc wreaker, noted after dinner speaker
human ranger, cattle roper, inter-species interloper
human ranger, prey pouncer, fearless fighter, local counselor
deer stalker, fox glover, the one you’re with lover
black run skier, caged bird freer, the-change-you-want-to-see-in-the-world be-er
human ranger, eldritch blaster, surreptitious podcaster
human ranger, villain injurer, power broker, serial milliner
human ranger, wild reaver, what-a-tangled-web-we-weaver
human ranger, seed sower, flower goer, the-distance goer
human ranger, head turner, butter churner, bridge burner
human ranger, shameless liar, rule defier, hair dyer
human ranger, misbehav-er, always-against-the-grain shaver
human ranger, beast enrager, strong orator, up-upstager
human ranger, owlbear slayer, soothsayer, the-field player
human ranger, quick-quip punner, villain stunner, long-con runner
human ranger, heedless cur, own-job-interview saboteur
human ranger, of-wind guster, no-one truster, goat buster
he believes that any bird singing in the forest is doing it specifically for him (and birds don’t sing when he’s not there)
he trims his pubic hair into the word “shazam”
he keeps a dream journal (but if he has a nightmare, he ignores it and makes up something nice)
he writes really bad poetry (short, broken sentences, “rupi kaur style”)
he’s been using Ghoul’s Gruel as anti-aging cream (it doesn’t work)
his spirit animal is himself
he pronounces espresso like “ethpretho”
he has a bad feeling about worms in general
he howls at the moon
he pretends to understand all inside jokes
he’s very concerned about the mortgage repayments on his house
he always dances on the off beat in order to stand out in the club
he’s the reigning champion of the under-7s judo competition in his local area
he can tell the difference between brands of water (and he has very strong opinions about them)
he leaves parties without telling people and then comes back in disguise to talk about the fact that he left
he uses healing crystals
he gazes into the abyss until it gazes back because he wants the attention
he uses “sensual astrology” to try and seduce people
he has every known fear (the exposure therapy backfired)
he shaves (against the grain) with a sword (your hair doesn’t grow in hell. he does it anyway.)
he always has the greenest grass (he steals any grass he sees that’s greener than his own)
he runs a grooming business for badgers (“what does he get in return from the badgers?” “…friends”)
he’s an accomplished after-dinner speaker
he tried to hibernate with badgers and they kicked him out
he majored in drawing in sand with sticks
he’s a bed wetter
he always bets all in when playing poker
he is a leading member of the “pithy council” (it’s just him and a ferret getting together to recite pithy sayings)
he will love the one YOU’RE with (aka sleep with your wife)
when someone asks him a difficult question, he turns and runs
he thinks he’s been leaving episodes of a podcast called “whispers on the air” in various rocks and twigs on their journey, but he doesn’t have the spell for it so he’s just been talking to inanimate objects
he has an unhealthy obsession with hats
he sleeps in a web
he invented a kind of long distance running called long distance fleeing (26 miles = safety)
he burns every bridge he crosses
henley (a natural blonde) dyes his hair blonde (his natural hair color) so people will think he has grays because he’s older and more mature than he really is
he must always be upstaging someone
he has an inexplicable hatred of goats and, similarly, an inexplicable love of sea turtles
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tentatoddweek · 5 months
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feel free to send in any questions you may have! a note: if the question is along the lines of "can I do x?", the answer is yes. these prompts are to inspire your creativity and celebrate Jason and his tentacles, canon or otherwise 😌 (and I will not be checking works to see if they follow the prompts to the letter)
when submitting please use the tag 'tentatodd week 24'!
text under the cut
day one - october 27
surprise tentacles | shifter au | bondage
day two - october 28
Jason accidentally becomes an aquarium exhibit | not-so-secret tentacles | womb penetration
day three - october 29
arousal makes the tentacles appear | accidental mates | dreams/somnophilia
day four - october 30
consentacles | tentacles reveal Jason's feelings | self tentacle fucking
day five - october 31 🎃
eldritch | shadow tentacles | Jason doesn't realize that people don't know he has tentacles
day six - november 1
omega Jason has tentacles | god of the sea | really sensitive tentacles
day seven - november 2
multiple penetration | Venom!Jason | mer au
day eight - november 3
plants and vines | tentacle secretions (think aphrodisiac, truth serum, etc) | sex pollen
day nine - november 4
came back to life with tentacles | no clothes, just tentacles | tentacles can ejaculate
day ten - november 5
tentacles with a kind of their own | size kink | tentacle noncon
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ant1quarian · 6 months
Dustverse Nicknames so far:
( Very suseptible to change as I learn and the narrative grips me by the face and forces me to change things :D )
OG - Original Dust
Wreckage - Sid’s Dust
Ruins - Copyvessel Dust
Remnant -  Quellow
Clutter - Dust!Swap Sans
Riffraff - Silly dust with crown and big boots
Discard - Voidface
Reject - Tall Dust 
Cinder - Femme Dust
Debris - Idol Dust
Wilt - Bald Dust
Sprinkle - Friendly Dust
Spread - Bunny
Scraps - Saejun!Dust
Husks - Cap!Dust
Mote - Detective!Dust
Fos (Fossilz) - Diesel!Dust
Specks - Timetraveller Dust
Detritus - Biblically Accurate Dust
Olyu - Error!Dust
Fracture - Ivan!Dust
Serial - Killer-Dust fusion
Dander - Bittybat Dust
Erosion – Eldritch Dust
Smog – Smiles
Pollen – Bitty Dust
Ashes - Brother Dust
Smog – Drugdealer Dust (Always High)
Atrophy – Stabby McFeral Stabbsters
Rubble - Mttbs Dust
Malaise - Friends or Foe Dust
Scatter - Flighteningtale Dust
Misery – Transfem Dust
Mites - Middleschool Dust
Residue – Magical Girl Dust
Talc - Limbus Company Dust
Webs – Nun Dust
Grit – Goblin Dust (And his Rat, Hyacinth)
Fallout - Witherborn Dust
Decay - Avian Dust
Soot - Mafiadust
Fuzz - Cat Dust
Grain – Band Dust
Bell - Heather’s Dust – Potential Placeholder
Plague – Pestilence!Dust
Wraith – Ghost!Dust
Crow – Etherealdreamtale!Dust
Stain – Dust!Ink
Burgundy - Dust!Fell
Silt – Festivalverse Dust
Rust - Dust who yoinked Crimson’s SOUL
Closure - Dust who yoinked the SOULs (If you want, Lili)
If you are a creator of one of the Dusts and don't like the nickname, feel free to reach out and tell me to change 'em!!
Or just, y'know, tell me not to use the Dust at all. This is purely for fun and I understand that some creators don't want their characters used!
Also do you want me to tell you about the differences in the AUs between Voidface!Dust and OG Dust? (Like all of the very similar Dust's) 'cause there will be differences
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the-lonelybarricade · 7 months
TheLonelyBarricade Feysand Masterlist
All works excluding drabbles are avilable on AO3
🌶️= Smut/Works with explicit content
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A Court of Faded Dreams Masterlist🌶️ - acotar rewrite/timetravel fic. (WIP)
Darling, Let's Run 🌶️ - Cat!Rhys and his general trickery (Completed)
As the River Flows Masterlist 🌶️ - Regency Feysand with a magical fated mates twist (completed)
Till Death Do Us Part Masterlist - A slice of life chronicalling the adventures Grim!Rhys and his reluctant wife Feyre (WIP)
Queen of Thieves Masterlist 🌶️ - Con-artist Feyre makes an ill-placed bet with the High Lord of the Night Court (WIP)
Take My Hand, Wreck My Plans Masterlist 🌶️ - Modern AU where Feyre gets pregnant from a one-night stand with a violet eyed stranger (WIP)
We Bleed the Same Masterlist 🌶️ - An acotar retelling where we cut out the feylin love story entirely (WIP)
The Other Side of the Apocalypse 🌶️ - A canonverse AU following human Rhys and Feyre as they journey through all seven courts (WIP)
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Hate Me If It Helps 🌶️ - Feysand angsty sex pollen fic.
The Most Magnanimous High Lord 🌶️- Rhys gives Feyre a reading lesson
Five Times the Beast Was Subdued (and the One Time It Wasn't) 🌶️ 🌶️ - Part 1 ⟡ Part 2 - Feysand beast form, monsterfucking, breeding kink filth
ACoMaF Wedding Scene - Canon compliant Feysand wedding scene.
The Chains That Bind Us - Feysand are married and Rhysand’s mating bond snaps w/ someone else. 
When The Glass Shatters - Feysand are married and Feyre’s mating bond snaps w/ someone else.
A Conversation At Dawn - Rhys takes a quiet moment to reflect with his mother. 
Just Can't Prove It - Feyre meets a stranger on a flight
All By Design - What if Isaac Hale was Rhys all along?
It’s Nice to Have a Friend  🌶️ - part 1 ⟡ part 2 -  Modern AU best friends to lovers/accidental kiss.
Ten Past Five 🌶️ - plotty Feysand NYE meet cute
Snow on the Beach 🌶️🌶️ - Daddy kink, Feysand join the mile high club
Can’t Keep My Hands to Myself 🌶️🌶️ - Part 1 ⟡ Part 2 - Feysand Sugar Daddy AU 
The Music of the Night 🌶️🌶️- Demon!Rhys visits Feyre in her dreams (dub-con)
Violent Delights 🌶️🌶️ - Feysand vampire smut (dub-con)
Be a Doll, Darling🌶️🌶️ - Feyre's Sex Doll comes to life (dub-con)
Cakes & Cupid - Birthday party meet-cute. (Modern AU)
Scaring Is Caring - Halloween themed meet-cute. (Modern AU)
Arrowmusings B-day Present - Lucien x Rhys x f!reader fluff (Modern AU)
Long Story Short - Feyre gets stood up in a restaurant. (Modern AU)
The Dating Game - Modern fake couple AU. (Modern AU)
The Outlier - part 1 ⟡ part 2 - Timetravel fluff / university AU. (Modern AU)
A Letter Never Sent - Christmas fluff (Modern AU)
Caught Up In You - Rhysand Celebrity AU (Modern AU)
Don't Be a Jerk (It's Christmas) - Coffee Shop Christmas fluff (Modern AU)
Down the Water Well - Eldritch Horror Vibes AU
if you ever think you got it wrong - modern hurt/comfort friends to lovers
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Good Morning, Darling - Feysand & baby Nyx fluff 
Behind You - Batboy Snowball fight featuring Nyx
Like An Illyrian - Rhys and baby Nyx fluff
No One Has to Know What We Do - vaguely smutty angst
Every Time I Look at You, It's Like the First Time - Feysand fluffy proposal
Guess I’ll just stumble on home to my cats - Feyre drunk at a party
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Isekai Chloé in BnHA. When explaining Pollen to the UA staff.
Sarcasm “She’s my mom.”
Staff except Nedzu_”HOW?”
Fast forward to the Final Battle. Pollen and Chloé are alone with a metric buttload of villains . Pollen goes Eldritch Mode and shows her True Form. Holding Chloé in the palm of one of her hands.
UA Staff “oh”
Honestly they also probably assume either adoption or Weird Quirk Nonsense.
But also HELL YEAH
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frownyalfred · 1 year
Are there any tropes or whump ideas you can't believe no one has done or there is little of?
I say this because I adore your fic "pull out the pin." Possession trope is so WHUMPY and makes me giggle and curl my toesies like an idiot. I don't care if the "Fight it" "This isn't you" "give him back" dialogue is cringe, I gobble that shit as if I were in a famine. It has so much potential and I'm so surprised how underused it is.
Love your work! Love your account! You inspire me to write - one day at least haha❤️ 😔✊
Thank you so much! Yeah even if it is cringe I’m gonna write it 😅 I hope you write someday!
I would probably say eldritch and/or Gotham being weird, giving the Batfamily powers, etc. I know there are fics out there with those that are great, but it didn’t seem to catch on as much as you’d think with all the canon source material.
When I was writing my eldritch superbat fic there weren’t a ton of similar fics. I then wrote that post about cryptid/weird batkids getting powers over time and that seems to have sparked a few new fics which is awesome! I’ve been reading all of them hahaha.
People tell me pretty frequently that the mind bond fic is rare for DC. I would also say that a lot of the older fandom tropes (reincarnation, royal AUs, sex pollen) have also decreased in recent years, but that’s not always a bad thing! Just means fandom interests are shifting to other tropes.
I’ve mentioned to fellow writers, in the whump realm, that we don’t cover Clark in blood nearly enough. And we definitely don’t talk enough about the batkids getting hurt trying to emulate Bruce, not necessarily in his vigilante activities, but in his social/Brucie Wayne identity ones.
As always, if anyone has recs to prove me wrong here, I happily welcome them!
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bakawitch · 5 months
Dunno how, but I somehow finished it. Tiredly sketched, probably not gonna redo it for a while. Behold!
The Mortality Miracle Box
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Each of the kwamis represents concepts built around life/death. These specific kwamis are more like lab made spiritual parasites that find themselves a suitable host and attach themselves to them. These are their more appealing base forms. They don't have eldritch god forms like canon kwamis because they are not gods, but they do have a hidden form that resembles real-life parasites. They don't have set miraculouses, instead they inject themselves into the host bodies. They also have the ability to take over their hosts' bodies during transformation.
Fungus of Reanimation
Kwami: Immo
Tool: staff
Power: Parasitism - The power to reanimate corpses with the use of spores released from the staff. The corpses are animated by fungi colonies, and they often grow over the bodies of the zombies.
Rabbit of Evocation
Kwami: Riitus
Tool: hammer
Power: Séance - The power to summon spirits from the ground by smashing the hammer on it. The spirits often resemble cartoonish dust bunnies.
Dragonfly of Invigoration
Kwami: Faata
Tool: fans
Power: Fight and Flight - The power to go into a frenzy during which the user becomes temporarily stronger and faster and immediately regenerates all bodily harm on themselves, no matter how severe. The ability sometimes activates on its own when the user is injured.
Feret of Germination
Kwami: Valla
Tool: pollen bombs (basket)
Power: Gardenia - The power to control and accelerate the growth of plants in a certain radius.
Cat of Realisation
Kwami: Ress
Tool: throwing darts
Power: Snare - The power to cause someone to have a hard truth revealed about themselves, which causes the target to freeze up and become petrified.
Fox of Divination
Kwami: Guuri
Tool: scrying mirror
Power: Oracle - The power to ask questions and receive relevant prophecies from the mirror. The prophecies are usually communicated through riddles and rhymes, and they always come to be.
Deer of Retrospection
Kwami: Oriia
Tool: cassette player
Power: Rewind - The power to create a cassette tape that replays anything that has ever happened in the location in which the user is currently located in the form of an illusory projection. The tape can also be weaponised.
Dove of Fulguration
Kwami: Riell
Tool: pendulum
Power: Lunation - The power to emmit a hot bright light that disintegrates things in its way. The closer something is to the light and/or the longer it's exposed to it, the more likely it will get vapourized completely.
Wolf of Separation
Kwami: Aalis
Tool: scissors
Power: Double Trouble - The power to separate the body from the shadow and give it limited access to the physical world. The user can communicate and exert full control over the shadow.
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And that's it! Still can't believe I finished these this fast XD
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captainkirkk · 1 year
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
Stranger Things
Where the 20 Chain Links Lead by fandsart
Steve has always known he’s stupid. While it wasn’t exactly something he took pride in, it hadn’t really ever bothered him until he started socializing with what could probably be described as some of the smartest people in Hawkins. It doesn’t help that most of those people were so much younger than him.
A character study of one Steve Harrington, and a glacial slowburn Steddie fix-it fic
chat with you, baby (flirt a little, maybe) by desiccatedwithering (acornsofthemind) (+ podfic)
"Hey, shitheads!” Steve “the hair” Harrington barks, looming in the doorway like a monster from the Abyss. “What the fuck are you doing in here? Get your asses down to the gym right fucking now.”
Eddie gapes. First of all, the audacity— Second, he’s never been much for physical fights, but if this douchebag thinks he can bully any of Eddie’s kids, he’ll have to go through Eddie first.
“Let’s go! Move it!” Harrington snaps, making an impatient gesture down the hall.
Achievement Unlocked by The Feels Whale (miscellea)
One day, after five years of reasonably peaceful marriage with only a few kidnappings and sex pollen incidents, Shen Yuan is sent back to his old body without warning. Luo Binghe makes a deal with an alien entity calling itself the System to perform a mission in exchange for the ability to bring his husband home.
The mission is simple; [Uncover secret transmigrator plotline and flesh out the character wiki!]
At least it will be once he figures out what the words ‘transmigrator’ and ‘wiki’ mean.
Or: That one where Shen Yuan and Luo Binghe don’t realize they’re in a domestic fluff bonus chapter.
Written for the 2021 MXTX Big Bang with art created by Ataratah
The Witcher
The Footsteps We Follow by thiswildheart
Look, Jaskier's got a lot going on. He's painfully aware that there are cataclysmic events happening and that the troubled teenager he knows might save the world or speed along the end of days. He's also in love with a man who's never even admitted that they're friends, which is almost as bad.
Oh, and he's still working as the Sandpiper, only now a terrifying eldritch creature has entrusted him with the Song of the Seven to give hope to the elves and help them fight back against their oppression. It's probably the bravest thing he's ever done, but not everyone sees it that way.
Luckily he knows some people who excel at last minute rescues.
... then he just has to figure out how to tell Geralt why so many people are trying to kill him. This is going to go great.
Clone Wars
Every Shadow by Kenobster (kenobster)
The days on Kadavo were long, but the nights moved quickly. Hundreds of pairs of wide, sleepless eyes haunted the space of the holding cells. Droves of terror clogged the heavy, sweaty air, and every sound, however faint, was like a physical ripple across the crowd. Every sound. The jingling of keys, the clicking of locks, the thudding of boots, and that’s how the nights on Kadavo started—with a gradual increase in the degree of quiet.
OR—during the mass casualty event following Kadavo and Zygerria, Obi-Wan and Anakin seek ways to cope with trauma.
We All Want (to Change the World) by opalish
It starts with Simon, which explains why the entire process is such an unrelenting headache.
or, Alec's startlingly quick journey from Head of the New York Institute to Inquisitor.
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Here are some TMA fic recs as requested! I tried to give a variety.
just trying to get home in one piece by heartshapedguy - time travel au where Jon and Martin are sent back to before Prentiss’s attack on the institute - very comforting fix-it fic (with a side of hurt/comfort)
Scritches for the Archivist by junal - Jon becomes cat - que shenanigans - Martin Blackwood/Jonathan Sims/Tim Stoker - Crack treated seriously, there is some hurt/comfort but also fluff!
Wait, since when does he have a degree? by LynxB3 - Jon has a master's in archival sciences, it changes many things - proper archiving (may still contain inaccuracies), unfinished
Many happy returns by Melanie_D_Peony - The archival gang go to an ice cream parlour for Martin’s birthday party - Set early season 1 with sweet Martin/Jon pre-relationship moments
Honourable mentions:
breakdown on aisle seven by wastefulreverie - Season 4 Daisy + Jon angst and hurt/comfort
These Statements Certainly Have Their Quirks by thatforgottenbasilisk - BNHA/TMA crossover (the fic that got me into TMA) - Series of statements similar to the podcast's style, featuring BNHA characters
oh wow, this is so kind of you, thank you!!!
while we're here, let me recommend a few fics i've already gone through.
ceylon, assam, and darjeeling by Sciosa G 20k
People do not bring Jonathon Sims tea. Martin Blackwood, newly-minted archival assistant, has apparently not received this memo.
(absolutely loved this one, just gorgeous prose.)
Sweet As Roses by Prim_the_Amazing T 133k
“Come in, Martin,” he says, not looking up from his notes. 
“Hi, Jon,” he says, and Jon stops writing at the sound of his voice. “We’re out of the green tea, but we’ve got lemon?” 
Jon looks at him. Martin smiles at him in his usual tentative way as he sets the mug of tea down on Jon’s desk. Heat spikes so sharply in his gut that he twitches with it. 
“Thank you, Martin,” he says, mouth dry, and he stands up. 
“Oh,” he says, sounding almost surprised. He smiles again. “No-- no problem-- um, what are you--” 
Jon takes Martin by the shoulders, leans up on the tips of his toes, and kisses him.
(probably one of the best instances i've seen of crack treated seriously, and i love that jon's asexuality plays a key role in breaking the sex pollen curse.)
rituals by doomcountry T 8k
Martin is the first person to knock on the Archivist's door since it arrived, fully, into its little waiting temple. The Archivist saw him coming from down the hall, but decides to feign interest when the knob turns, and Martin—still a little bit smaller, a little more translucent than before—stands uncertainly just outside the room.
(gosh i love eldritch archivist jon who's still entirely in love with martin.)
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