#encanto fic series
kitsune024 · 10 months
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The King of The Forgotten by Sliced_Moon_Martini I Chapters: 1/1 I Oneshot Au Fantasy, Dark fantasy, Bruno & Mirabel, Villian Bruno, sad and sweet, monsters and magic
The Werewolf of Colombia by @addaxus I Chapters: 4/? I Werewolf Bruno, Bruno leaves after Mirabel ceremony, Body Horror Golden Halos by @c-rose2081 I Chapters: 9/? I Mirabel has a gift, teacher & apprentice, Dark & Light trope, Family fluff, Bruno & Mirabel Bruno's Peaceful Life by @sunny-days-and-warm-mournings I Chapters: 18/? I Runaway Bruno, Bruno leaves after Mirabel ceremony Among the Emeralds by @thecrazyashley-blog I Chapters 25/36 | Bruno x Fem oc, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Failed Matchmaker Alma, Emotional Hurt/ Comfort, Angst, Bruno being a Bamf I am the fire and I am the forest and I am the witness watching it by @strobingthingsfoundindumpsters I Chapters 13/16 I Kidnapping, bruno has uncontrolled visions, Organized Crime, Lesbian Isabela
Completed Fics
The Eyes Have It by Sinclaironfire I Chapters: 53/53 I Bruno Suffers, Kidnapping, Blind Bruno, Imprisonment, misuse of gift, torture, slavery, soldiers, Bruno x Fem oc, Slow Burn Clumps In The Sand by theothersideofparadise | Chapters 17/17 | Villian Bruno- not really, Alma Tries
The In-between by Gozzer I Chapters: 1/1 I Inspired by Bruno's Peaceful Life, Canon Divergence, Deity Bruno, Immortal Bruno, Eldritch Creatures, Bruno leaves after Mirabel ceremony, Isabela leaves Encanto, Bruno & Isabela Set in stone by WhistlingWolf13 I Chapters: 1/1 I Hurt/Comfort, Bruno has visions, Bruno & Mirabel
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waitingonavision · 2 years
Same anon who asked for Juli & Agustín, hello! Sorry I forgot an AU 🤦🏽‍♀️ Modern !! ❤️ 2022 (they're still 48/50 y/o)
No worries, anon! 💙
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Julieta is trying so hard not to crack a grin at her poor, guileless husband when she asks, “You don’t know what that’s about, do you?”
Agustín glances down at the necktie on the cover and the words Cincuenta sombras just visible between his fingers, recalling what Félix had said, breezily, as he handed him the book.
“Suspense novel… about morally grey crime and suits, yes?”
Send me two Encanto characters and an AU setting, and I’ll write a three-sentence fic!
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starryalpacasstuff · 6 months
Win from Between Us would vibe so hard to Surface Pressure from Encanto.
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madrigaljail · 9 months
A Prophet In His Own Land - The Soundtrack
Did I share this yet? Maybe, but here's the final - this one - FINAL(1) version.
Fic here yes I have to reply to a million comments.
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madrigaydays · 22 days
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Welcome to Madrigay Days 2024!
Madrigay Days is an Encanto fandom event running throughout the month of June, centered on creating and sharing queer fanworks including art, drabbles, one-shots, and more. We have four prompts to celebrate four weeks of pride month:
June 1 - 8: Discovery June 9 - 15: Kiss June 16 - 22: Performance June 23 - 30: Magic
Share your work by posting it with the #madrigaydays tag, and/or upload it to the Madrigay Days AO3 collection here!
Works must be a part of the Encanto (2021) fandom.
Works must adhere to one of the Madrigay Days themes.
Series of Madrigay Days works are welcome.
No incest.
Q: Do I need to submit my fill during the specific week? A: No. We ask that you not publish before the specific week of the prompt you're filling, but we will continue taking late submissions during and after the event. Pride is eternal 🏳🌈
Q: Is NSFW allowed? A: Yes!
Q: Are crossovers allowed? A: Also yes, as long as Encanto remains the primary focus.
Q: Can I fill multiple prompts with one artwork/fic? A: Multiple prompts are okay, but remember that any prompts you use should be major themes of your work. We accept late fills, so you don't need to worry about running out of time and needing to combine ideas.
Q: Is there a prize? A: The friends we make along the way :)
Use the links below to find the works for each prompt in our archive!
Discovery - Kiss - Performance - Magic
Have fun, and happy pride month!
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queenofthedisneyverse · 2 months
La Violencia (Research I did for Encanto fic writers so you don't have to)
TW: Assassination and death
Long but necessary post
@yellowcry @miracles-and-butterflies @evostar (if you already knew about it, that's fine, but reblog so others can too.)
To put it simply;
During this time, an estimated 200,000 people lost their lives, with 112,000 of those deaths occurring between 1948 and 1950. Additionally, two million people were forcibly displaced from their homes, primarily to Venezuela.
The root of this conflict lies in the intense partisan rivalries between Colombia’s two traditional political parties: the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party. These tensions created a divide between liberals and conservatives, eventually leading to the partial collapse of the state and existing institutional structures. As violence escalated, economic motivations began to outweigh political ones, and armed bands took advantage of the chaos to commit robberies, assaults, and revenge against their neighbors.
More in depth;
La Violencia was a ten-year civil war in Colombia from 1948 to 1958, between the Colombian Conservative Party and the Colombian Liberal Party, fought mainly in the countryside.
Liberal hegemony continued through the 1930s and the World War II era, and Alfonso López Pumarejo was reelected in 1942; however, wartime conditions were not favourable to social change. In the elections of 1946, two Liberal candidates, Gabriel Turbay and Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, stood for election and thus split the Liberal vote. A Conservative, Mariano Ospina Pérez, took office. 
Conservatives had been embittered by political sidelining and, since 1930, had suffered violent attacks at the hands of Liberal supporters. With the electoral victory of 1946 they instituted a series of crude reprisals against Liberals. It was the initiation of the period that was dubbed La Violencia. On April 9, 1948, Gaitán, leader of the left wing of the Liberal Party, was assassinated in broad daylight in downtown Bogotá. The resulting riot and property damage (estimated at $570 million throughout the country) came to be called the bogotazo.
La Violencia originated in an intense political feud between Liberals and Conservatives and had little to do with class conflict, foreign ideologies, or other matters outside Colombia.  Authoritative sources estimate that more than 200,000 persons lost their lives in the period between 1946 and 1964.
The most spectacular aspect of the violence, however, was the extreme cruelty perpetrated on the victims, which has been a topic of continuing study for Colombians. La Violencia intensified under the regime of Laureano Gómez (1950–53), who attempted to introduce a fascist state. His excesses brought his downfall by military coup—Colombia’s first in the 20th century. Gen. Gustavo Rojas Pinilla assumed the presidency in 1953 and, aided by his daughter, María Eugenia Rojas, began an effort to end La Violencia and to stimulate the economy.
Rojas was a populist leader who supported citizens’ demands for the redress of grievances against the elite. Support for Rojas began to collapse when it appeared that he would not be able to fulfill his promises, when he showed reluctance to give up power, and when the economy faltered as a result of a disastrous fall in coffee prices in 1957. He was driven from office that year by a military junta.
The arrangement for the National Front government—a coalition of Conservatives and Liberals—was made by Alberto Lleras Camargo, representing the Liberals, and Laureano Gómez, leader of the Conservative Party, in the Declaration of Sitges (1957).
The unique agreement provided for alternation of Conservatives and Liberals in the presidency, an equal sharing of ministerial and other government posts, and equal representation on all executive and legislative bodies. The agreement was to remain in force for 16 years—equivalent to four presidential terms, two each for Conservatives and Liberals. The question of what governmental structure would follow the National Front was left unsettled.
It had been contemplated that a Conservative would be the first to occupy the presidency in 1958. When the Conservative Party could not agree on a candidate, however, the National Front selected Lleras, who had previously served in that office for 12 months in 1945–46.
During Lleras’s tenure an agrarian reform law was brought into effect, national economic planning for development began, and Colombia became the showcase of the Alliance for Progress (a U.S. attempt to further economic development in Latin America). But severe economic difficulties caused by low coffee prices, domestic unemployment, and the apparent end of the effectiveness of import substitution were only partially offset by Alliance aid. 
The Alliance increased Colombia’s economic dependence on the United States, which, to some Colombians, had serious disadvantages. By 1962 economic growth had come almost to a standstill.
The precarious state of the economy and the degree of social tension were revealed when only about half of those eligible to vote did so in the 1962 presidential elections, which brought Guillermo León Valencia, a Conservative, to the presidency.
During Valencia’s first year in office internal political pressures led to devaluation of the peso (Colombia’s currency), wage increases among unionized workers of some 40 percent, and the most rampant inflation since 1905. Extreme deflationary policies were applied in the next three years, raising the unemployment rates above 10 percent in the major cities and turning even more Colombians against the National Front. 
Less than 40 percent of the electorate went to the polls in the 1964 congressional elections.
Marxist guerrilla groups began appearing in Colombia during Valencia’s presidency. The first was the National Liberation Army (Ejército de Liberación Nacional; ELN), which was created by a group of Colombian students who had studied in Cuba.
Founded in 1964, the ELN followed strategies espoused by Che Guevara. Another guerrilla group, which followed two years later, was the Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia; FARC), which was more connected to Soviet-influenced communist movements. Much of FARC originated in the “resistance committees” that had appeared in Colombia during La Violencia.
Carlos Lleras Restrepo was the third National Front president (1966–70). He returned the economy to a sound footing, improved government planning for economic development, and pushed through political reforms essential to an orderly end to the Front (which seemed increasingly to constitute a monopoly of power by the Conservative-Liberal oligarchy).
Although the constitutional reform of 1968 stipulated that elections would become competitive again after 1974, the president was still required to give “adequate and equitable” representation to the second largest political party in his cabinet and in the filling of other bureaucratic posts.
Read more here (This article is mostly where I got my info from as well as copilot.ai. I know, AI is bad, but please don't judge me. I was not about to do six hours of research when I have a tool that can help me in seconds.)
What does this have to do with the madrigals?
Well, if you're planning on writing any madrigal (or all) outside of Encanto, La violencia is something you need to take into consideration. It's an important part of Colombia's culture and shouldn't be ignored.
(I just learned about it recently and in turn, need to rewrite some stuff. So I can only imagine that half of the Encanto fandom knows nothing about it)
What cities were safe you ask? I don't think there really was any.
Bogotá: As the capital of Colombia, Bogotá witnessed significant unrest during this period. Political factions clashed, leading to violence and instability.
Cali: Cali, located in the southwestern part of the country, also suffered from La Violencia. It was a hotspot for clashes between Liberal and Conservative supporters.
Medellín: Medellín, another major city, faced its share of violence. The conflict often played out in the streets, affecting civilians and communities.
Barranquilla: This coastal city experienced tensions between rival political groups, resulting in bloodshed and loss of life.
Cartagena: Cartagena, known for its historical significance, was not immune to the violence. The struggle between Liberals and Conservatives left scars on its urban landscape.
Cúcuta: Located near the border with Venezuela, Cúcuta also witnessed violence during La Violencia.
Palmira, Santa Marta, Soledad Atlántico, Armenia, Pereira, Neiva, Valledupar, Bucaramanga, Popayán, Villavicencio, and Soacha were other cities affected by the turmoil.
So, in either city, the madrigals would be exposed to this war if they chose to come out. Now, let's say Encanto is in the very center of Colombia (or at lease close to it) -
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(Right where the red dot is)
The closest area is Villavicencio, Puerto Lypez, and Bogota. All three cities that were affected by the war. And I'm not saying Villavicencio is THAT close to Encanto, probably a week trip at best, but still.
Why did I choose the center of Colombia?
Because I don't see it sitting anywhere else. And it's convenient fic wise. But you can do what you want.
Now I'm not saying the Madrigals won't experience fun in the new world. They most certainly will (culture and technology wise), but the war is really unavoidable for them.
That's all for now, but if you have anything to add or for me to correct, reblog or message me.
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therulerofallpotatos · 5 months
WIP Tag Game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I was tagged by @cosmic-lullaby and @iamfandomcrazy!
Oh boy ok this will take a second. My files are very organized. Let's simplify and go by fandom.
The Addams Family
The Multi-Chaps
All Roads Lead to Rome
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 3 raw draft, 4, 5, Notes, Notes General
2. I Bit Him so He's Mine
Hyde Wednesday AU Notes, Chapter One, I Bit Him so He's Mine Tyler's POV, I Bit Him so He's Mine Wednesday's POV original document
3. I See You
I See You chp 1, I See You Notes, I See You Prologue
4. Love Letter AU Chp 1
5. Day 6 Mind Control hurts Wednesday whumptober 2023
6. Day 10 Body Swap au Whumptober 2023
7. vamp tyler scrap
The Series
8. Tyler Raised By Werewolves AU
My Best Friend's Brother Chapter 1
My Best Friend's Brother Chapter 2
Enid Sinclair
My Boyfriend's Sister
Tug of War
The Blood Moon
9. Tyler's Bad Year
Day 24 Failed to Escape
Day 25 nightmare flashback why didn't you save me whumptober 2023
Day 26 magical exhaustion or injury curse whumptober 2023
Day 27 forgotten locked away whumptober 2023
Day 28 hair pulling oxygen deprivation sweating whumptober 2023
Day 29 the easy way or the hard way bargaining forced to choose whumptober 2023
Day 30 possession mind games coma whumptober 2023
Day 31 PTSD headaches crying
10. Her Monster Verse
Her Monster Sequel Notes
Her Monster Verse
11. Just a Couple of Teenage Tearaways
4 October Outreach Day
5 November the 18th
12. Soulmates Aren't Found
13. Vampire Tyler
5 Times Nevermore Caught Wednesday with a Bandage and One Time Donovan Caught Her
5 Times Tyler Nearly Outed Himself and One Time He Revealed Himself
5 plus one
14. Warning: She Bites verse
Warning She Bites Sequel Notes
15. Weyler Week 2023
Day 2 If the Good Die Young I Want to Live Forever
16. Designated Dick Dealer Sequel
17. Til Death
Til Death Part 2
Til Death Part 3
Notes (These are all pure outlines unconnected to anything else)
18. X File Crossover
19. Wylercest au
20. Wednesday isn't a ghost au
21. Tyler finds Fran au
22. Tyler deadname Stacy au
23. Tumblr Prompt Ask Amnesia au
24. Tumblr Posts (collection of prompts i have on my blog)
25. trans tyler post top surgery romcom au
26. The Blood Oath Notes
27. Tale of Two Wednesdays
28. Steal your boyfriend au
29. Series of Dhalias au
30. Secret Identity not so secret au
31. scene scraps
32. scene scraps (2)
33. Refusing the Call General Notes
34. raven drunk sex fantasy au
35. Pregnant Wednesday and Panicking Tyler au
36. Tyler Pizza Boy au
37. mtf tyler x lesbian wednesday au
38. Just unlocked missing time au
39. hybernation au
40. hostage au notes
41. heat sex fic but it's only aftercare
42. grindr au
43. ghoul tyler au
44. Ghost Wednesday au
45. Faux Monsterfucker au
46. Enid mtf knots Tyler ftm
47. Donovan Wednesday morning after
48. cucking xavier au
49. clone wednesday au
50. bianca x tyler siren call au
Okay I'm losing patience. I have after this files for:
Harry Potter
Original Works
Teen Wolf
The Umbrella Academy
Until Dawn
I will include my wips for Until Dawn and if anyone wants to hear what's in the others, I will make a new post.
Until Dawn
51. Blackwood Mountain
Blackwood Mountain Outline
Blackwood Mountain Part 1
BM PI Chp 1
BM PI Chp 2
BM PI Chp 3
tagging: @obsidianpen, @mister-tom-a-dildo-lover, @mistressvera, @realisticintentions, @realmermaid333, @suchaladyy, @leavesdriftinginthewind, @dispatchvampire, @dark-visitors
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xfilesinamajor · 1 year
My Fics are All Over the Place
And most of them are smutty. All AO3 links because everything I write turns out long. An incomplete list:
Another Day in Paradise (Hazbin Hotel, Adam x Fem!OC, offensive language bc it's Adam and violence bc it's Hell, currently 100k and still going, my current baby)
Unspoken (Only Murders in the Building, Theo x Fem!Reader, 18+, 84k words, love and angst)
The Best Revenge (Hannibal, Chilton x Fem!Reader, 18+, 81k words, also love and angst)
Coattails (2012 The Lorax, Oncler x Fem!OC, 18+, 54k words, yes I went there but I am REALLY proud of my take on it)
Dangers of Working with Ferric Oxide (Venture Bros, Rusty x Fem!OC, 18+, 100k words, particularly fond of my OC in this)
Fumbling with the Future and Falling for the Future (2021 Encanto, same story from two different POVs, Bruno x Fem!OC, about 71k between the two, amazing NOT 18+ but there's a TW to make up for it)
With Wandering Steps and Slow (Ghost fandom, wip, Terzo x Fem!Reader, 18+, 23k words so far, lots of angst)
The Peach (Ghost fandom, wip, Cirrus x Fem!Reader, 18+, 35k words so far, kink and cuteness)
Flipping the Script (toes the line of original work because I based the whole thing on a four-minute song, standard M/F romance but I think I did a really good job on it nonetheless, 18+, 107k words)
Fireflies and Auto Theft (Gravity Falls, I did a whole series of these and they're honestly pretty good stories on reread so I guess I'll link them, Stan x Fem!Reader, 18+ even though it's a kids show I know I'm gross, 76k words)
And there a few one-offs and side-stories floating around my AO3 too.
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waitingonavision · 1 year
🌙 Moon's Encanto Fics: A Master List! 🐀
Hello~ Here are all my fics in one place! They're rated G unless otherwise noted. Content warnings and potential triggers are marked in this post and on AO3. Last updated: February 26, 2024
Have a chibi chubby Bruno:
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Bruno heals, gaining a soft belly in the process (see above). 😌 This is my main series of fics. Set after the events of the film.
⏳ "Pancita" on AO3 & Tumblr
In which a year passes, and Julieta notices that her and the family's efforts to get a malnourished Bruno healthy again have finally paid off.
fluff/angst; Bruno and Julieta centric, with Pepa and the family
3,175 words; complete
content warnings: references to malnutrition/starvation and associated issues
⏳ "The 'Pancita' Interludes" on AO3 & Tumblr
A collection of one-shots (there's only one so far lol) that take place during "Pancita” and chronicle Bruno’s recovery process and reunion with his family. AKA, the middle section of “Pancita” that I hadn’t planned on fleshing out, but here we are!
mild hurt/comfort; Bruno and Julieta centric (so far)
805 words; ongoing
content warnings: stomach aches, indigestion, mention of past malnutrition
⏳ "Tangible Proofs" on AO3 & Tumblr
Bruno comes to terms with the weight he's recovered. (Companion piece/prequel to "Comfortable Truths")
mostly fluff; it's a self-acceptance piece
660 words; complete
content warnings: mention of past malnutrition/starvation; Bruno is taking stock of his body (belly) but in an Affirming way
⏳ "Comfortable Truths" on AO3 & Tumblr
Healthy physical changes are afoot for Bruno Madrigal. But what does he think of them? A follow-up to "Pancita."
mostly fluff; another self-acceptance piece
570 words; complete
content warnings: mention of past malnutrition/starvation
⏳ "Duerme bien" on AO3 & Tumblr
Listen to the six-year-old. Antonio has the only correct idea. Or: Someone on Tumblr requested a sleep pile with Bruno and his niblings. This is the result. 🥹
fluff, featuring Bruno and his chaotic niblings
1,160 words; complete
content warnings: none!
⏳ "Juntos en las costuras" on AO3 & Tumblr
The one where Bruno is given a gift.
fluff; Bruno centric, the rest of the family appears!
610 words; complete
content warnings: none!
⏳ "¡Bailamos!" on AO3 & Tumblr
Requested by @glitternightingale! Julieta finds herself stressed, and her sweet, goofy little brother is there for her.
fluff; Julieta and Bruno centric
1,215 words; complete
content warnings: none!
💚 "The Belly Shirt" on AO3 & Tumblr NEW!
The tale of an old ugly shirt (The Shirt, in fact), once lost and now found, and how it fits (but not really) a healthier Bruno Madrigal… to his sisters' great amusement and joy. Written with Ash (@empty-cryptid)! No content warnings. Just sibling fluff.
"Part One" - written by me (1,005 words)
"Part Two" - written by Ash! (990 words)
💚 "Bruno in June-o!" on AO3
Written for the @wdtajn event!
Table of contents below (links go to the respective Tumblr post):
"One Fear" - Bruno, with Antonio and Pepa; horror prompt (745 words); cw for body horror, but only really from the perspectives of the characters
"Ladino Lullaby" - Bruno, with Mateo (Dolores' son); fluff (1,035 words); cw for reference to a major character's death
✨ "Seeing, & Being Seen" on AO3
This is my main drabble/ficlet collection! No major content warnings. Status: ongoing.
Table of contents below (links go to the respective Tumblr post):
"Nothing, & Everything" - Julieta and Bruno (191 words); a quiet moment following the fall of Casita 😭
"Telling, & Time" - Bruno and Antonio (431 words); story time!
"Rise, & Fall" - Bruno and Alma (382 words); the original golden child and his relationship with his mamá
"Full Hearts, & Full Belly" - Dolores and Bruno (298 words); Bruno vs. (too) many snacks
"Good, & True" - Bruno and Julieta (164 words); there's home, and then there's home
"KUGGIS, & FESTLIGT" see below
"Water, & Sand" - Bruno (158 words); angst and arena movediza
"El Ratón, & la pancita" - Bruno and Antonio (280 words); pancita-plushie!
"Lost, & Restored" - Bruno and Julieta (215 words); hug a sister
"Gained, & Denied" - Bruno and Paquito the rat (78 words); rats are judgmental af
"Spiders, & Butterflies" - the Madrigals and Peter Parker (427 words); Peter meets the Madrigals
"Apples, & Honey" - Bruno and Antonio (606 words); a sweet new year and a Rosh Hashanah tradition
"Softness, & Strength" - Luisa and Bruno (217 words); Luisa likes that the weight makes her tío more substantial
"Leftovers, & Love" - Bruno and Julieta (125 words); love is stored in the belly
"Small, & Shaped" - Bruno and Julieta (242 words); smol bean-shaped bean
✨ "Uno, dos, tres" on AO3
A collection of three-sentence, AU fics based on prompts I received from Tumblr! Status: ???.
Table of contents below (links go to the respective Tumblr post).
You can also check the tag #three sentence fics. Some of these are accompanied by artwork from @junosaccount 🥺
Camilo and Isabela, Superhero AU
Julieta and Pepa, Modern AU (1)
Julieta and Agustín, Modern AU
Antonio and Félix, Canon-Compliant
Bruno and Pepa, Bakery AU (bg Bruno x male OC)
Isabela and Dolores, Hogwarts AU
Bruno and Alma, Canon-Divergent (1)
Agustín and Dolores, Modern AU
Julieta and Pepa, Modern AU (2)
Bruno and Alma, Canon-Divergent (2)
Dolores and Isabela, Future Fic (feat. baby Felicidad!)
Camilo and Mirabel, Canon-Compliant
Luisa and Isabela, Actor AU
Camilo and Bruno, Canon-Compliant
Antonio and Camilo, Canon-Compliant
Pepa and Julieta, Celebrity AU
Bruno and Luisa, Canon-Compliant
Camilo and Julieta, Canon-Compliant
Camilo and Antonio, Spider-Man AU
Camilo and Antonio, Future Fic
Mirabel and Camilo, Actor AU
Dolores and Isabela, Canon-Compliant (cw: menstruation)
Mirabel (and the Family), Werewolf AU
Isabela and Camilo, Princess AU
Luisa and Bruno, Gift Swap AU
Félix and Bruno, Modern AU
The Triplets, Modern AU
🍞 "Insaciable" on AO3
Bruno x male OC. Emilio Castaño, who belongs to @seanettlles, is a baker and Encanto resident who loves Bruno Madrigal and wants him to be healthy and happy. Also, Bruno loves Emilio, and together they make the softest couple. Bruno is chubby in all of these. Status: ongoing?
Table of contents below (links go to the respective Tumblr post):
"Whatever You Knead" - Bruno and Emilo making out; rated teen (195 words)
The Reverse "Shovel Talk" - Julieta would like to speak with Emilio about his intentions; three-sentence fic
Mermaid AU (1) and (2) - (1) getting together and (2) being soft boyfriends; three-sentence fics
🐝 "I'm Sew Taken With You" on AO3 & Tumblr
Agustín's made Julieta a present, but because he's Agustín, he sustained some injuries along the way… Pre-canon fic!
fluff, romance; teen!Agustín x teen!Julieta
1,125 words; complete
content warnings: mild injuries because Agustín
🫓 "KUGGIS and FESTLIGT" on AO3 & Tumblr
Requested by @glitternightingale! What do you get when you cross a trip to IKEA in Bogotá, a BabyBjörn, a good Tío Bruno, a babbly baby Mirabel, and a purposeful Julieta?
modern AU fluff/slice of life; Julieta, Bruno, and baby Mirabel
1,005 words; complete
content warnings: none, except for my dubious memory of IKEA store layouts ;;;
🌺 "¡Feliz cumpleaños, Isabela!" on AO3 & Tumblr
Just a little ficlet I wrote for Isabela's birthday, featuring the two former "golden children": Isa herself and her Tío Bruno.
fluff/slice of life
285 words; complete
content warnings: none!
🌿 "A Time for Building" on AO3 & Tumblr
The Madrigals celebrate the Jewish holiday of Sukkot for the first time after discovering that they are descended from conversos (Spanish Jews who were forced to convert to Christianity beginning in the Middle Ages). Encanto Big Bang fic.
Jewish Madrigals fluff/slice of life; triplet-centric ensemble piece!
2,725 words; complete
content warnings: none!
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character-estudio · 6 months
Spotify Character Study Masterpost
Below the cut is the current list of fandom/ character playlists. Many of these playlists are ever-growing because I keep adding more songs, if you have any requests for a playlist or song recommendations for a playlist, the inbox is open!
Doctor Who
Good Omens
Our Flag Means Death
Reservation Dogs
Stranger Things
What We Do In The Shadows
Animated Series:
The Amazing Digital Circus (NEW!)
The Radio Demon
Hazbin Hotel
Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel) NEW!
Marceline (Adventure Time)
Gravity Falls
Pink Diamond (Steven Universe) 
Bee and Puppycat
Character from a series:
Twelfth Doctor
Fourteenth Doctor
Fifteen Doctor
Lucifer Morningstar
Thomas Shelby (Peaky Blinders)
Aubrey Thyme (Good Omens fic) (NEW!)
Aziraphale (Good Omens)
Crowley (Good Omens)
Tanis (Letterkenny)
Willie Jack (Reservation Dogs)
Laura Palmer (Twin Peaks)
BJ Hunnicutt (M*A*S*H)
Hawkeye Pierce (M*A*S*H)
Marvel & DC:
Hobie Brown
Peter Parker
Bucky Barnes
Yelena Belova
Moon Knight
Werewolf By Night
Harley Quinn
Harley & Ivy
Star Wars:
The Mandalorian
Ahsoka Tano
Obi Wan Kenobi
Anakin Skywalker
Anakin & Padme
The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes
Veronica Sawyer (Heathers)
Christine Daae (Phantom of the Opera) 
Jennifer Check (Jennifer’s Body)
Ginger Fitzgerald (Ginger Snaps)
Holly Golightly (Breakfast at Tiffany's)
Bonnie & Clyde (1967)
Animated Movies:
Howls Moving Castle
Kat Elliot (Wendel & Wild)
Bruno Madrigal (Encanto)
La Familia Madrigal
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ekaarts · 1 year
Old art and (mostly) abandoned au allert!
This time it's a H2O au. [The story only borrows the logic of the mermaids of the series.]
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So, yeah. As usual, Mirabel runs away (I don't write any other type of Encanto fics), but this time she turns into a mermaid. One from the H2O series.
This story takes place in the early 2000's before anyone has something to say about Mirabel's outfit.
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Do you ever think about doing a totally crack AU? Like Madrigals in SAW or My Little Pony or Supernatural? Those would be fun, and nuts! I got a thing with Supernatural crossovers.
Definitely! Well, depends what we count as a crack AU. As for these suggestions though…
For SAW… I refuse to put the kids through that because of their ages alone. This also doesn’t strike me as crack? It wouldn’t be anything remotely similar to crack, it would be horrific. If you like the series, great, but it’s really not my cup of tea and I don’t have much desire to make an AU for it - considering I wouldn’t put half the characters in that.
(There is also already a few SAW fics floating around the Encanto AO3 - I’ve never been interested to read any myself but that might be something to check out).
I have considered a MLP AU many a time. I’ve always seen designs floating around and never been satisfied with them, so I did at one point make my own designs for the Madrigals. Those files are long since deleted, so I couldn’t share them. But this is a rather popular AU and I’m not sure if (plot-wise) I’d bring anything new to the table or if anyone would be interested.
I do have an Infection AU (based off the MLP Infection AUs), though it isn’t crack, it might be of interest to you?
And last but not least - I’m only familiar with supernatural in terms of it being a media trope. I didn’t realise it was an actual series until I looked it up for this ask. So… I’m probably the wrong person to make this AU for a show I’ve never even heard of.
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag @firawren
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 123 (year 2021-2024)
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 1,036,044
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Frozen, Beauty & The Beast (Disney 1991), a little Encanto, House of the Dragon
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Instincts – or the beast inside (E-rated, my first batb1991)
Bury me in your fur (E-rated, batb1991)
Blame it on the books (E-rated, batb1991)
The beach case (T rated, Frozen, collaborated work with @hiptoff)
Love can see the good (T-rated, my first Frozen fanfic)
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes, I do! That´s a must 😊
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don´t have angsty endings, but might happen within a fic – f.e. Fall to rise (Gaston redemption au)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? All my fics have happy endings 😊. One that means a lot to me is Never too late (Frozen, kristanna elderly residence au, where old Kristoff/Anna fall in love)
8. Do you get hate on fics? Thanks heavens no.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yep, I do! Well, not on my very first writings. The naughtiness grew along the ride 😊
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Yes, I do – and the craziest is surely All you need is love... actually (Frozen, Brave, Hercules, Moana) and Smut in space (crazily E-rated, Frozen x batb1991) - which is losely based on the legendary christmas movie "Love actually)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I pray not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I translated my own fic Boat ship into German (Boot-ship ahoi) a kristanna vacation au (rated T)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I did the collaborated fic-writing together with @hiptoff as mentioned at 4. (does that count?)
14. What’s your all time favourite ship? Anna/Kristoff, Belle/Adam (Belle/Beast)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?  "Of sweet delight in physicality" (title might change…), a hotd canon divergent au, pairing: Alicent Hightower/Laerys Strong, where Alicent and Laerys meet as kids and become friends, Alicent caring deeply for the crippled boy until they grow older and fall in love, but need to hide it due to Alicent´s fate of arranged marriage with king Viserys.
16. What are your writing strengths? Fluff, definitely fluff & dialogues (I must give credit to @hiptoff again who was my very idol for dialogues in the beginning of my writing years). And I think my descriptions of atmosphere and sceneries are draw the reader right into the middle of things (that´s what I have been told 😊)
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Angst (that´s longer than just one chapter… lol), hurt, diving into very deep feelings and just scratching at the top to get the fic going…
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I am currently working on a novel in German, but that´s mostly for Nanowrimo…
19. First fandom you wrote for? Frozen
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
That´s a hard one, because I think I love all my fanfics equally the same (seriously), but I think I am very proud on my first fanfic baby “Love can see the good” (kristanna, canon divergent au, post Frozen 2 where I wanted to tell the story of Anna/Kristoff from breaking the damn and going back to Arendelle up to Anna´s coronation and finally a kristanna wedding). And currently I am posting the sequel Love can see beyond. So, this series is my longest and hardest worked on fanfic for Anna/Kristoff and I care deeply for them.
Tagging all for fun @luthien-under-bough @hiptoff @justfrozenthings @sweetpeapod @99goosebumps @shield-agent78 @reconciledviolence729 @endlesstwanted
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emonydeborah · 3 months
20 questions for fic writers
thanks for the tag, @curator-on-ao3 :)
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 43
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 289,964
3. What fandoms do you write for? Whatever catches my fancy. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds has the most fics (8), but my most recent fic was for Black Widow.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Family First- a Coco fic, the first multichap I ever finished, I think. An AU where Victoria stole the guitar when she was a child and she and Elena got stuck in the Land of the Dead.
Sick of Waiting for a Miracle- angsty Encanto! My take of Mirabel growing resentful instead of desperate, and the family falling apart a lot harder. Happy ending though because I am who I am.
Patching Up- post-Incredibles 2 fic of Bob and Helen patching each other up (hence the name). Short fluff I am astonished was my third most kudos-ed fic.
From the Hands of the Weak- Black Widow AU where Alexei and Melina take Natasha and Yelena and run.
Tia Victoria one-shots- Listen. My Coco phase was strong. And I did not have standards yet, so I posted whatever came into my mind. Most of these are about her tragic death. Unfinished, or it would have made "angstiest"
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! I love responding to comments, especially to follow up on whatever the commenter found interesting.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I had to go back through my AO3 because no matter how much I put my little guys through, I usually like a happy ending. Technically it would be 5 Times Una Talked Chris Into a Breakup and 1 Time She Didn't. But that's part of a series that had a happy ending, so. I am redeemed.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I'll go with The World That Lives In You. I always write with a happy ending in mind, even if I don't finish it, but I picked this one because it ends with a domestic little scene of a traumatized family being cute and well-adjusted together.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not that I have seen.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Nope.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I have, not a lot though. I have a little series where I put the Incredibles in the Harry Potter universe. The Incredibles were Aurors and you can't change my mind was a fun time when I was very into Incredibles 2.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Once, allegedly by accident.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I don't think so.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, aside from spitballing ideas with @justreckin.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Don't do this to me.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? When I first started writing and posting fic, I had an enormous DS9 fic all planned out. It was going to span 20+ years, introduce so many OCs, and center around Kira Nerys, my OBSESSION for a long time. I posted maybe 4 chapters. RIP.
16. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue and cute little moments.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I get bogged down in details and lose sight of the long game. OR if my intention is to make a little moment stretch, it lasts two sentences. There is no in between.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I will do one or two words at a time, maybe a sentence if I can pull it directly from the source material and I know what it means and the context.
19. First fandom you wrote for? NCIS.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? oof oof oof. Great question. I have plenty that I go back and read just for fun. The one I'm proudest of right now is Discipline, Diligence, and Learning to Fly. My favorites to read are And the Time Eve Collected Human Beings Like Shiny Rocks and Keep Us Connected.
I'm late to the trend so I think everyone has been tagged. Anyone who wants to, and @fiadorable, @justreckin, @sun-lit-roses and @raddocwrites if you'd like! (unless you’ve already done it and don’t want to again 😂)
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queenofthedisneyverse · 8 months
About me!
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I love to draw and write fanfics! The most current fandom I'm in is Encanto and ATSV. I mainly write fanfics for Encanto though.
In honor of ATSV'S first anniversary, I did a month for Spidersona's!
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Writers & artists are welcome! PROSHIP DNI!!!
Be friendly & kind to other's work (whether it be art or writing)
Works must be a part of the ATSV (2023) fandom. OCs, AUs, and crossovers are permitted.
Works must adhere to one of the spidersona-june themes.
Series of spidersona-june works are welcome.
Hobie is a teen to me (16 or 17) but if you see him as an adult and ship him with an adult, whether it be a canon character or spidersona, DNI.
NO BODY/FATSHAMING! Yeah, I saw the BS involving a certain spidersona and the amount of fatphobic comments she got on tiktok. NONE OF THAT HERE!
(I got the questions & some rules from the Encantober page because I honestly didn't know what to put there.)
Q: Can I link prompts together? Or multiple prompts into one work? A: Linking works together to create a story series is a wonderfully creative idea! However, combining multiple prompts into one work defeats the purpose of the daily prompt challenge. Each work (or chapter in a series) should focus on one prompt.
Q: Do I have to participate every day? A: You do not have to participate every day. This is meant to be fun, so please don’t stress yourself out. 
Q: Do I need to publish my work on the specific day listed? A: No. I ask that you not publish before the specific day you're filling, but I will try to reblog late entries.
Have fun and feel free to share this to other sites too but CREDIT ME!
My Encanto au's (Feel free to ask me about the written ones!)
Familia Arcoiris au: Read the fic here
El camaleón desaparecido: Chapter 1
Encanto God au
Deceiver - Villain Camilo au
Perfectly tainted au - Not written yet
Jungle Familia au - Not written yet
Free to use au's.
Peter pan/villain Tinkerbell (not Encanto au): FLWBF au
My ao3
Technology/Jobs in Encanto (scroll down to thecrazashley-blog's reblog)
La Violencia and what it has to do with Encanto
Disney Multiverse au: 
Michael Theodore mouse
List of scout characters
Medio Vivo - Coco a
Fandoms I'm in
Arcane - 100%
ATSV - 100%
Encanto - 100%
Trolls 2 & 3- 50%
MLP - 50%
Stranger things - 30%
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psychologeek · 10 months
Psy's masterpost
Like my writing? Came here for a prompt and wants more? (update: 06.05.24/
I HAVE AO3! PsycholoGeek feel free to look. (I love comments. Just saying 😜)
Writing Tags:
"my additions" (adding to others)
"my writing" (og/long adds)
"my poems" (poems)
Not all my writing is there, of course.
Fic Recs (personal favourites)
Who am I (to disappear) - DC, Cass-centric, 22k words. Who am I (to disappear) - David Cain tried to create a weapon. Weapon forge themself into something new. (Many names, they\them Cass). Ft. Kid!Jason, Mayan mythology, and the many forms of communication. It also has an extended version. I highly recommend reading the fic first, and THEN going for.the EV, as it contains spoilers and lose the emotional damage and delight you may get.
Witwat and the Jin - Batman, 2,245 words. Damian had a brother, once. (H/C. Happy ending.)
Grave Promises - Batman, 2,111 words. Healing and recovery and disability isn't a tragedy.
Sing Me To Sleep - DP*DC 19k words. Tws in tags. Tim and healing (it gets worse before it gets better. But it gets better.)
A list of my fics (complete and WIPs) undercut:
Completed one-shot:
Who am I (to disappear) - David Cain tried to create a weapon. Weapon forge themself into something new. (Many names, they\them Cass). Ft. Kid!Jason Todd, Mayan mythology, and sign language. (Stand alone, technically prequel to "Sweet Dreams", but no need to read.)
Grave Promises (Batman, 2,111 words) - very important to me. Life, recovery, and disability is not a tragedy. Barbara kill the Joker, but it isn't the focus.(Barbara Gordon focused.)
Do You Understand?  ( Encanto, 330 words).c
Witwat and the Jin (Batman, 2,245 words) - Dami-being-Dami and slowly understandings.
Just short of a fairy tale (I told myself that I wouldn't be scared) (Batman, 770 words) - urban fantasy. Jason Todd centric.
Sing Me To Sleep - DP*DC (19k words). After fired from Robin, Tim had enough. He's done with life. Clockwork said "not today, bitch" and got some good old ectoshot. Ft. Jazz Fenton as an older sister TM and the 3Ds as their usual chaotic selves. (I wrote the second half, chapters 2-6. A bit heavy, but I hope I did well with the subject.)
Hold Them Close -DP*DC (12k words). I wrote the first chapter+Fanart. Danny escaped Vlad and his experiments with bb!Ellie, and flew straight up-up-and above. In the watchtower, our heroes sees a monster and (what they think is) a child in distress. Misunderstandings and whump, with the last quarter of the fic as comfort and fluff :)
Main serieses:
Sweet Dreams - (DC, 3 works, 1 complete. ~17k words). Reverse Robins + Badman verse (inspired by @byrambles fic). Batboy's younger brothers were taken by the Batman who defeated his father. Trying to protect them, he promise his loyalty to the newcomer. But even though he assure him he is perfectly trained, and can properly punish the kids to surrender, the man isn't impressed. In which there's Misunderstandings and sadness (first fic). The series deals with trauma and the ongoing issues it causes, and shows how it changes you. TW: Include suicidality+mention of kid's suicidality, flashbacks, mentioned past child sexual abuse, dissociations, Whump and angst with eventual comfort. I don't go in details about their past, but it's important to notice that the first 2 fics contains HEAVY (but non graphic) themes.
Liminal Skills for the Living Dead - also known as "therapy verse". DP x DC xover. AKA Anger Management! Fake dating for fun and profit. Enter family, friends, and Wikipedia explanations of some necessary skills as titles. Jazz is her autistic with anxiety self. Jason is a crime lord with anger management issues.
Or: in which THERE'S THERAPY!! (6 works - 4 are complete. ~30k words)
Lost and Found (if this wings could fly) - also known as "FF AU". DP x DC xover. Jazz and Jason as childhood mutuals. (4 complete works, ~10k in total. more to come)
(also some other things. Feel free to look, ask and comment!)
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