#endgame fix it fic
peach-fiz · 2 months
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I supposed since I complain so much ab a lack of fosterson fics that include Fat Thor I'd just make my own :>
(I cannot for the life of me figure out how to link ao3)
Here's the link!!
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burberrycanary · 1 year
Lost Vocabularies that Might Express (The Memory of These Broken Impressions) ∘ a Post-TFATWS Stucky Fix-it
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Stucky, Endgame Fix-it, Road Trip Get Together
Bucky passes over the unscented soap from one of their wash kits while rinsing the last of the lather out of his hair, head tipped to the side. The shower is big enough for two but Bucky keeps softly bumping into him, passing over the shampoo that Steve could’ve easily reached before turning the heat up a little and rolling his left shoulder, rubbing along where the muscles in his back end at the edge of the dark metal. The scarring is less than—and his mind serves up the few terrible blank-eyed photographs he’d found that Bucky wouldn’t have wanted anyone to see. Marks still run along the seam of skin and metal, though turned pale now rather than livid. And anger expands like the blast of a tripped mine tearing into him because where is the justice in any of—
But Bucky is letting him see all this.
And it’s on Steve to do right by what he’s been trusted with, best as he can. So he looks at the whole beautiful span of Bucky’s back: the width of his shoulders; the swooping curve of his shoulder blades, partly restored with such care in metal on his injured side; the subtle muscles that wrap around his ribs in hints and shadows; and the long sweet dip of Bucky’s spine that Steve lightly sets his thumb to and traces up, slow and careful, to rest the touch at the nape of Bucky’s neck like marking the place for when Steve shifts forward to press his lips there, contact that’s not even a kiss. 
Read Chapter 17 on AO3
Many thanks to my betas @village-skeptic​​​​​​​​​​​, @booksandabeer​​​​​​​​​​​ and @zenaidamacrouras1​​​​​​​​​​​ 😘
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wynnd-citrus · 22 days
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Tony survives! Anything But “Mr Stark” Pt. 2 :3
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #160
Before the Avengers went to go and fight Thanos, Tony took some time to implement some tiny features into his robots -- in case he never made it home. For example, he coded DUM-E so that he'd do the little 8-bit happy birthday song on his most beloveds' birthdays. Morgan's, Pepper's, Rhodey's, Happy's, and, of course, Peter's.
Fast forward to after NWH. Tony is still in his coma post-snap (we know no death here). Pepper is cleaning his workshop as a nervous habit. Then, DUM-E starts to sing. A calm and slow playthrough of "Happy Birthday"
She lets it play out in confusion. Then, a hologram of Tony pops up, and he says, with the utmost adoration, "Happy birthday, Pete. I'm proud of you, Underoos."
And Pepper stands there in confusion because... Who is Pete?
This fic idea was submitted by @seaglass-syndrome !
Inspired by the adorable & heartbreaking true story of the Curiosity Rover !
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
If I Should Stay
Part 1 | . . . | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Steve slides down the wall as soon as he’s in the bathroom, hands going to his hair, gripping hard as he tries to remember how to breathe.
“Steve?” Robin says. “The door’s locked, it’s just us. What’s going on?”
“I don’t know if I can do this, Robs, I look at her and all I see is bullshit, and I know she’s got questions, and fuck, she probably thinks I’m cheating on her, which I’d never do, but she- and Jonathan-”
“Whoa,” Robin says, grabbing his hands. “Deep breaths, Steve-o, we’re gonna make it through this. I will absolutely flirt with Nancy if it helps on the accusation front. I told Eddie the kids like D&D, so hopefully…” she trails off, listening, and they both smirk when they hear Eddie, already in character. “That didn’t take long.”
“He’s a good guy,” Steve says. “And they’re good kids. Mostly.”
Robin snorts. “Mostly,” she agrees. “Listen, why don’t you break up with Nancy? Nothing else happens between the two of you, right? So we tell everyone what’s going on, you pull Nancy aside—I’ll come for moral support if you want—and explain what happens and tell her you can’t see her anymore.”
“You don’t think it’ll mess with the whole timeline thing?”
“Steve. Buddy. We’re telling a group of twelve-year-olds about something that happens four years in the future. The timeline’s well and truly fucked. You weren’t happy with her, not after Barb, right? Because the stories you told me painted you as being miserable.”
Steve sighs. Reclaims one of his hands to run it through his hair. “Yeah.”
“Okay then. And hey,” she says, moving to sit next to him. “Maybe if you break up with her now, you can do something about your crush on a certain someone.”
“Robs, c’mon,” he complains. “Even if I did, what happens after? When we go back to ‘87? Are there three years of memories I don’t have? Do we break up before you and I go back, and pick it up again four years later? And what if we fail and he dies anyways? What then, Robin?”
She leans her head on his shoulder with a sigh. “I dunno, Dingus. But hey, I’m here.”
He offers her a half-smile before laying his head on hers. “Yeah. You are.”
A knock on the door startles them. “Uh, Steve?” It’s Nancy. She sounds oddly apprehensive. “Eddie’s doing a great job at keeping the kids occupied, but we’d all like to know what’s going on.”
Steve sighs and pushes his face into Robin’s hair for a second before turning back to the door to answer. “Yeah. We’ll be right there.”
Nancy doesn’t answer. The first time around, it was something Steve had found endearing. She didn’t have time to waste on meaningless words. Now, it irks him a little bit.
“C’mon,” Robin says gently. “You can fall apart again after, but there’s no use catastrophizing over something that hasn’t happened yet.”
He quirks his mouth up at her. “Right, ‘cause you’ve never been dramatic a day in your life.”
She rolls her eyes. “I’m a band kid, Steven, of course I’m dramatic.” She begins to smirk. “Besides, not like you mind when it’s-”
“Okay,” he says, but they’re both smiling as he unlocks the door.
They go downstairs and he smiles at the sight of everyone on the couch, enraptured, as Eddie’s crouched on the coffee table, eyes wide, monologuing. Steve casts his eyes around, taking everyone in, and starts to frown. “Where’s El?”
Nancy’s the first to break out of the reverie. She looks around, brows furrowed, then slaps at Mike’s arm until he slaps back. “What?”
“Where’s El?”
“She’s right- oh.” Saucer-wide eyes turn to Nancy. “I don’t know.”
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect @i-less-than-three-you @alyelf @quarble @messrs-weasley @littlewildflowerkitten @vankaar @starman-jpg @bornonthesavage @steddie-there @goodolefashionedloverboi @andienotannie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @platinum-sunset @just-ladyme @steddiestains @swimmingbirdrunningrock @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @martinskis-lydias @notaqueenakhaleesi @sleepyboosstuff @bestwifehaver @m-owo-n @thatonebadideapanda @finalmoondragon @velocitytimes2 @callmeanythjing @ajeff855 @ilikeititspretty @knitsforthetrail @sillysparrow @that-one-corvid @ace-is-bored @local-writers-corner @harpymoth @weirdandabsurd42
@paperbackribs @ninjapirateunicorns @bisexualdisastersworld @hiscrimsonangel @lolawonsstuff @xo-r4e @thedragonsaunt @l0st-strawberry
Fic Taglist: @blondlanfear @do-you-want-something-more @little-gae-shit
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ebiartics · 3 months
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"Handsome?" Luka questioned, leaning back slightly. "Why?"
"He was a model. Almost every 14-year-old French girl was fawning over him a decade ago," she explained, her grin widening as she finished entering the name.
"Then who's the hotshot for French girls nowadays?" Luka asked, also grinning.
"Hmm, probably you," Marinette said with a teasing smile, knowing it would fluster him, "being the most famous French singer of all time, and in my opinion, also the most talented."
As she expected, his cheeks went red, and he chuckled nervously, running a hand through his hair. He glanced away briefly before meeting her gaze again with a shy smile.
This was nice.
Snippet & art from the new chapter of Set to Love (Read here on Ao3) coming soon!
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kayvsworld · 3 months
having the impulse to watch 2012 avengers. what is going on
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musewrangler · 20 days
For @fandomjumper247 who is craving fics while AO3 is off to war.
It's not very long, my dear, but I also love IronDad and SpiderSon so---
Set shortly after Endgame where Tony does NOT die. Obviously.
"Park your spandex wearing butt right there or so help me, Parker----!"
"Spandex butt," Morgan giggled, and Tony whirled on the five year old.
"Nope, hey. We don't repeat what Dad says when he's upset. You know the rules."
"He's upset all the time," Peter muttered and then quailed under the fierce glare from those brown eyes.
"Morgan!" Tony barked. "Get popsicles!"
"How many?" she asked, tilting her head in an exact imitation of her father. She knew how to negotiate, Peter thought.
"However many you want, Doodlebug. Go."
She trotted out happily as Tony advanced like a predator toward his prey and Peter sank reluctantly onto the sofa.
"What did I say? Hm? What did I say about pursuing this?"
The white scars on the right side of his face were like a lightning spread though the ear had been expertly repaired by the best plastic surgeon in the world. It frankly served to make him look cooler but Peter wasn't telling him that.
"Mr. Stark----" he began.
"Oh HELL no, you did not just 'Mr. Stark' me right now!" Tony snarled at him, poking a finger into his chest. Because he'd designed the suit, he knew exactly where to poke and it immediately retracted, leaving Peter wincing. Tony took this in and drew in a long inhale, like a growing tsunami.
"Friday! How many broken ribs?"
"Invasion of privacy," Peter tried and Tony raised both eyebrows in what Peter privately thought of as his 'Cap' look. It was the one he always gave Steve Rogers when he thought Cap was also pushing too hard.
"No privacy here. My house, my rules. Friday?"
"Seven, Boss."
"SEVEN," Tony repeated, but Peter was feeling it now and the adrenaline of his fight was wearing off. "I swear I am going to let Murdock hear about this," his mentor growled, as Dum-E rolled over with the medkit.
But he was gentle as he pushed Peter back against the cushions and got to work on the abrasions. Peter's spider enhanced healing would serve him well, but it still took time. Tony made him take super strong acetaminophen he'd worked on with Dr. Banner for super hero strength.
"Not much to do about the ribs," he said with real regret. "Which means you have to stay down, kid. Friday, let his Aunt May know, yeah?"
"On it, Boss."
Morgan returned with a very orange mouth and a blue popsicle in process.
"How many---?" Tony began and stopped. "Never mind. What I don't know I can't tell Mom."
"Seven," Morgan informed him helpfully, slurping on the blue one. "You can have some, Pete."
She came to lean over the back of the sofa and pat at his hair gently, already knowing that when he was here like this she had to touch carefully.
"That's okay, Morgs," he said, wincing a little as Tony swiped at the bruises on his face with an antibacterial wipe.
"Sorry," he said, but didn't sound it. It was the thing with Tony though, Peter thought drowsily as Ironman went hunting for the soft blanket, he was all bite even as he did everything possible to make sure the other person was safe and cared for.
Why they loved him after all. Peter and Pepper and Morgan. All of the Avengers.
Tony returned with the velvety soft grey blanket from Peter's room and tucked it around him. It was so warm and delicious.
"Mm, like a happy burrito," Peter slurred sleepily.
He could almost feel Tony's eyeroll.
"Cheeseburger," Morgan corrected. "They're better."
"And that's why your my favorite," Tony said immediately, removing the popsicle stick from her mouth. "All done. Crap, you're going to have such a sugar high."
He lifted his daughter into his arms and seated himself on the fat ottoman beside Peter's head.
"Can we get cheeseburgers?" Morgan asked.
Peter smiled at her.
"It's TWELVE---Nope. ONE FIFTEEN AM," Tony said with force. "And---" he paused.
"I could really put down some cheeseburgers, Mr. Stark," Peter said, the thought of them now making his stomach hurt even more.
There was a long silence.
"Cheeseburgers," Morgan whispered, touching her father's face gently.
Tony closed his eyes briefly and then ducked his head in defeat.
"Yeah okay, you two are awful. Friday, get us some cheeseburgers. Whatever's close and open." He glanced at Peter and pursed his lips in calculation. "Probably twenty."
Peter's mouth curled a little as Friday made the order. If Pepper had been here, no doubt he would be in the Stark's special medical wing of the penthouse they occupied when in the city. And well meaning as she was, Peter preferred Tony's way---the sofa, the blanket and the engineer's hand stroking Peter's curls as they waited for cheeseburgers and Morgan leaned on her father's shoulder, soothing herself by running her finger along one of the scars on his neck from the glove.
"Thanks, Mr. Stark," Peter murmured.
"Yeah, kid," Tony answered. "Still gonna pound Murdock for letting you get involved."
"I woulda anyway," Peter told him. "What we do."
Tony's hand stopped for a moment but then started to run through Peter's hair again.
"Yeah," he agreed quietly as Dum-E trundled in with a large Burger King bag, "it is."
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wangxianficrecs · 5 months
The Shadows of My Old Palaces, Falling Across the Moats by ChilianXianzi
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The Shadows of My Old Palaces, Falling Across The Moats
by ChilianXianzi
T, 8k, Endgame Wangxian
Summary: Wen Qing would probably never know who their nameless cultivator used to be, or what kind of secret grief he hides beneath his bowed shoulders. But the man makes Wei Wuxian smile, in a way he doesn't anymore after Lan Wangji refused to stay for dinner and never visited again. And perhaps, surrounded by death and resentment as they are, perhaps that's enough. After wandering the realm for years in the wake of his wife's death, Qingheng-Jun came to the Burial Mounds - And stayed. Kay's comments: Qingheng-Jun/Wei Wuxian is not a pairing I would have ever read on my own, but since it was written by ChilianXianzi, I knew I had to give it a try and I wasn't disappointed! Nothing happens between them and the story is endgame Wangxian, but Qingheng-Jun certainly develops feelings for our Xiao-laozu. Really loved the idea of him just becoming a rogue cultivator after his wife's death and the Lan clan merely saying he's in seclusion because they have no idea where he is. In the end, it all works out too and he goes to scold his nephews and brother into making things right with Wei Wuxian and the Wens. Mostly The Untamed canon! Excerpt: "Aiyah, Daozhang, you're so good at this," Wei Wuxian sighs, "Are you sure you were a rogue cultivator and not some prodigious farmer, huh?" "My-" Daozhang Zhou's voice falters for the briefest moment, and Wen Qing holds herself against looking up from tending to her own herbs, ears pricking, "Someone very dear to me was fond of growing things, and I suppose I learned some things, watching her." "She used to plant all sorts of things, made them grow so beautifully," Daozhang Zhou continues, his voice now quiet and musing, as if he's not talking to Wei Wuxian anymore, "But she loved gentians, covered her garden with it, and gave me the dried blossoms to keep." Even Wei Wuxian has turned quiet beside the Daozhang, a heartbreaking understanding in his grey eyes. Wen Qing had always wondered what their nameless Daozhang had lost, what ghosts he carries around his shoulders so heavily - But now that she's seen the outline of it forms, it just makes her feel a too-familiar bereftness. A kindred grief. Wen Qing stands quietly, and leaves the two to their shared grief and potatoes.
pov wen qing, canon divergence, burial mounds settlement days, qingheng-jun/wei wuxian, endgame wangxian, qingheng-jun lives, golden core reveal, age difference, immortal qingheng-jun, fix-it of sorts, the untamed compliant, everybody lives, wei wuxian lives, jin zixuan lives, hurt wei wuxian, wen wemnants live, burial mounds ensemble as family, one-sided attraction, unrequited love
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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crxzytogether · 26 days
I'm actually a little worried about season 5 lol- like not worried about Byler, no I am 100% confident with them. I have no doubt in that regards, I think that it'll happen one way or another. My fear comes from the way they choose to execute it- Like I'm trying not to get my hopes up but reading theories and all these gates and all the cool creative amazing ways they could write it but probably won't scares me just a bit. I like to call it Duffer Doubt(doubt in the Duffer's ability to write it as amazingly as they deserve)- Gonna have to try to lower my expectations before s5 comes out bc I actually have no idea what I'll do if Mike and Will don't kiss as though nothing could fall in the Upside Down because the shame was on the other side-
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frankthesnek · 2 months
✨️ New story ✨️
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Namaste (rated E)
Stony (Tony Stark/Steve Rogers)
Post end game fix it, getting back together, domestic fluff, daddy kink, bottom Steve
9k words
Stony Bingo space S2: Yoga @cap-ironman
It was hard for Steve to believe this place was real. The lakehouse with chickens and a farm dog and children’s toys scattered around the backyard and deck. Tony had grown into his age and wisdom and settled into the soft domestic life he had never allowed himself—or never been given the chance—to have. Sometimes Steve felt guilty, like he was hijacking Tony's life because he himself had never found the one he wanted to settle down and start a life with—or more accurately he hadn't been able to keep them. But now, things were different for them both. Softer and simpler, and maybe that loving domestic life was not as far off as Steve had thought.
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arisfruity · 3 months
whatever souls are made of by @atypical-snowman actually altered my brain chemistry yall
the author put so much thought and planning and just sheer intent into it and that's crazy balls to me
the way tony is crazy self sacrificing, the way he's so observant and caring, the way stephens disability added to his character and was written in such a seamless way-
and on top of that the plot itself is so intricate you'd think you'd get lost, but i forgot i was reading a fanfic for a while and a whole movie was just playing in my head
author, you have my heart
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burberrycanary · 1 year
Lost Vocabularies that Might Express (The Memory of These Broken Impressions) ∘ a Post-TFATWS Stucky Fix-it
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Stucky, Endgame Fix-it, Road Trip Get Together
There’s no way to avoid laundry and have a full set of sheets for the bed, though as long as they keep the house open the August heat is plenty warm, sheets or no. But they might as well: they have the time.
Bucky has exactly no clothes that are lighter than a Prussian blue so Steve drops his small load of laundry in with the white sheets, which he reads the washing instructions tag for carefully since they’re nice and belong to the house, before drifting back over to the kitchen to lean against the counter and wait for Bucky to hand him over dishes to dry.
And Steve…
Steve could get used to this. The thought is no kind of revelation.
He watches Bucky in profile, the careful work of his light and dark hands. The old dog tags are tucked away again under his layered-up blue shirts, out of sight.
Read Chapter 15 on AO3
Many thanks to my betas @village-skeptic​​​​​​​​​​​, @booksandabeer​​​​​​​​​​​ and @zenaidamacrouras1​​​​​​​​​​​ 😘
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wynnd-citrus · 22 days
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Tony survives! Anything But “Mr Stark” Pt. 1
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #139
NWH AU where Tony's been in a coma this whole time. He still is. But the world thinks he's dead.
One day, Rhodey is in some science place (maybe SI, maybe a community college where he was giving a speech?) and he sees this kid tinkering who looks exactly like Tony Stark. The teen Tony Stark from when he first met him at MIT. Even down to the mannerisms. He goes up and has a brief conversation with this stranger, just curious. Then he leaves.
Unbeknownst to the kid, Peter, Rhodey managed to grab something for a DNA test. The kid just looked too much like his best friend. Like seeing a ghost
When they analyze the DNA, they learn that this kid is in fact Tony's biological son
Rhodey goes back to find the kid, this time bringing Happy. Peter gets to have the super fun conversation where two people who should know him but don't tell him that the person he saw as a father was his actual father, only it's too late
They convince Peter to come with them eventually. And Peter gets the shock of his entire life
Over the next little while, at Tony's bedside, Peter gets to know Morgan (who he would've seen as a sister anyway but this is insane). He also gets reacquainted with Rhodey, Happy, and Pepper, who all admittedly find him a bit sus with how much he seems to know.
But...this is Tony's kid. His son. So they let him be there, let him talk to Tony and hold his hand. 
Finally, finally, Tony wakes up.
And it turns out, being in a coma and thought dead by the entire world, including wizards, makes one exempt from certain magic
As he sits by Tony's bedside, Peter has to grapple with a lot of emotions. One of them is the realization that he was never actually related to Uncle Ben, which makes him feel like his uncle and aunt died for nothing
Pepper helps him through it. Even not knowing him the way she once did, she knows plenty about guilt complexes and chosen family. She assures Peter that he's still a Parker, no matter what, and that his aunt and uncle wouldn't have given him up for the world
Another thing Peter deals with is the fear of Tony waking up and not knowing him. It breaks his heart just thinking about it.
Cue THE most relieving hurt/comfort reunion ever imagined
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villruu · 6 months
Wanna read a time-travel fix it au of Marble Hornets where everything still (comically) goes to shit?
A fic where Alex gets help and support?
In honor of Alex Kralie's birthday, behold:
too sweet for me by KryOnSeries (that me!)
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