#endgame one shots
ghostlycleric · 3 months
I still can’t believe this shot.
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This is LITERALLY Jonathan looking through the mirror and seeing himself through Mike and Will. They were actually crazy for this.
They said that the scene at the pizza place where Jonathan comforts Will was added last minute. The point of making Jonathan aware of byler wasn’t to get someone to comfort Will.
The real point was to make the viewer look at byler and see jancy. Because Jonathan is hearing Will say “she commissioned it” and hearing himself say “he asked me to take you home”. He’s been in this situation. He knows that Will is hurting because he remembers the hurt he experienced himself.
Jonathan was looking through a mirror. Not glancing or turning behind him. He looked through a MIRROR.
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phoenixyfriend · 8 days
Tony Stark & Natasha Romanova, now in Star Wars
IDK if you folks were ever MEGA into crossovers but did you ever engage with the kind that can more or less be summarized as "isekai but the person 'hit by truck-kun' is a character from a different canon?"
Because that's what this is.
Tony Stark isekai'd into Star Wars (random planet) after dying in Endgame. He knows the movies, but not the supplemental material, as even by the time TPM came out, he was thirty and fucked up and making a name for himself in war. Bad times.
Tony wakes up sixteen and with Nothing to his name but his skills. He does not speak the language. Mostly gets by doing shit like skinning potatoes for a kitchen and pulling weeds and whatnot while he catches up on Basic. (He is apparently fluent, or at least conversational, in French, Spanish, Italian, Latin, and Dari. So Basic would be his Seventh language, and while four of those can be lumped into 'if you learn one, the next will be easier,' Dari is wildly unrelated, so I'd say he could pick up Basic a bit faster than average, especially with 16yo brain elasticity.)
A toddler, two years old with intensely red hair, runs into his shins one day and yells his name very clearly. He looks down, is a little confused, and then a nearby carer from an orphanage jogs up yelling "Nat!" The toddler is Natasha Romanoff. She remembers everything, including dying, but is about twenty-five pounds soaking wet and NOBODY will take her seriously.
It takes some… effort, to explain the situation to the carer. Yes, Tony knows Nat. He worked with uh…. her 'older brother, a man named Clint.' Tony does not currently have the resources for anyone to legally give him custody of a toddler but he's got some motivation to secure housing and a stable income.
He does that. Gets Natasha with him because of course he has to do that. It's the one person he knows. It's Nat.
Turns out she's Force Sensitive, though. A 'natural extension' of her more skillgrinding abilities to read/manipulate people. Tony is not Force Sensitive but he DID recently have a medical episode that took him to a thankfully-government-funded clinic that informed him he has a Bad Heart and will require a pacemaker despite being seventeen.
A Jedi finds Nat while passing through and they Discuss Their Options. This is when Nat is about four. There is a heavy discussion about how her mind is older than her body, so the Jedi would need to be ready for that, but also Tony needs to discuss this with Nat, who was like thirty-nine(?) when she died and thus more than capable of making her own decisions.
Despite fandom generally painting Tony as the most selfish of the Avengers and Natasha as the most coldly practical, they are still heroes who put in some Fucking Effort to become better people, and they come to the conclusion that Natasha would do much more to help this galaxy as a Jedi than as some kid in poverty on a no-name planet. So off she goes!
She's like five years younger than Obi-Wan, the story reveals.
Tony is a bit aimless and the work he's BEEN doing (probably laying down electrical lines or something at this point, IDK, he got into construction or something) gets sideswept by Damage To A Tool. He knows how to fix the tool, but he does not have a forge.
There is a forge in town. He goes to it and says that he can't afford to ask to have it fixed, but he knows how to do it himself, so could he borrow access for a small fee?
This is a Mandalorian armorer. They say no. In fact, they tell him, that would be significantly more expensive than just getting it fixed.
Buuuuuuuuuut for Reasons, the armorer decides that Tony (now 18-19 physically) can do it so long as the Armorer supervises. Tony is competent Enough that the Armorer gives him a datapad and tells him to read it and come back in a week to discuss the topic. Tony warns that Basic is far from his first language and he doesn't have a whole lot of free time, so he probably won't have read it by then. That's fine, they'll just discuss what he has read.
It's about Mando culture, in a mildly propaganda-y way, and Tony comes back to Argue About Religion more than anything. He thinks the Armorer is proselytizing, which they kind of are, but they are also more than happy to discuss the lines between the Mando culture as ethnicity and culture and religion and so on.
This becomes a regular occurence. Tony has made A Friend who has started offering him a side gig doing Basic Village Blacksmith Work that the Armorer deems too menial, like "horse"shoes.
Tony is offered an apprenticeship that he did not expect, on the condition of Becoming Mandalorian.
This is. A heavy decision.
However. Tony is a guy who is at least partly defined by his cool armor. Mandalorians are defined by their cool armor. He has been told, several times, that there are multiple ways to be a Mandalorian. So he accepts, because he decides it's worth for the chance to be somebody who can make a difference in a way he currently can't.
Ten years later, 'Initiate Romanova' goes up to Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon as they prepare to leave, and neatly informs them that she has a feeling they are going to have a Bad Time on their mission in Mandalore, and that if they need emergency shelter from enemies, to go to an Armorer by the name of Tony Stark, because that's her brother so she knows that he's going to be friendly to Jedi. (Tony has sent her a small handful of messages, through channels both official and not, about big life events.)
Of course, shit hits the fan and the two plus Satine end up finding Tony's forge and he hides them in his Underground Bunker, which actually has a tunnel to a cave system that is safer than the bunker itself. Because reasons. (IN A CAVE. WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS.)
He has helper droids! They are named indirectly after friends from the Past Life, things like Spangles.
On their way back after the mission they swing by to say hi and he asks them to bring something to Natasha and it's a matryoshka doll set he made based on the Avengers (it goes based on age so the outermost is Thor, followed by I think Bruce, Rhodey, Tony, Clint, Natasha, Steve, Sam, Wanda, Vision), as well as a plushie he had custom made by somebody in town of a Bird With Archery Gear, even though she's too old for that stuff.
Even among the Jedi, Natasha is WEIRD and SERIOUS and everyone's pretty damn sure she's going to be a Shadow, or at least do a HECK of a lot of undercover work.
IDK how this plays out but Tony is definitely keeping an eye on politics so he can figure out the Palpatine rise to power and remind Natasha in case she's forgotten because when they first split they didn't, either of them, know what to expect in regards to her memory given the whole Baby Brain issue.
"Why is Tony an Armorer"
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Okay some more thoughts!
I think Tony's aggressively atheist and consistently watching whoever claims to be Mand'alor with a critical eye in case he has to step in, and does not take any references to ka'ra with any real seriousness. That said. He's an Armorer now. A weird one who refuses like half his clients for Ethics Reasons, but technically a cultural authority figure who's allowed to argue with the Mand’alor.
fsr the initial meeting scenario with the armorer bugs me,like would they really just let him" but tbf Tony knows how to steamroll people and could probably dissect the forge in an instant.
Which, yeah, in my defense, I put this together in about two hours so some of it's a bit wonk? BUT. @threebea had a good suggestion for how/why the Armorer had Tony actually do things in the forge instead of telling him to scram:
Maybe Tony has been doing some 'crafting' on the side maybe droid repairs or modifications which is how the Armorer first sort of hears about him and then one day there's the kid that people have been mentioning the Stars aligned here's a pamphlet. He can't make a living off gizmos in his situation since most of what Star wars has is advanced tech and to do anything impressive he would need more resources and more of an understanding of the mathematics of this universe (Stares at ceiling one night trying to figure out if the law of relativity would be a thing here). That might slow him down just like… his math doesn't actually work here so on top of language he would have to learn things to do complicated stuff that he could already buy for a credit. But with armory it's concepts he knows well and adding weapons to armor especially no lethal ones is something he also knows. Mandalorian armor with UNI BEAM
When it comes to canon, he knows THE big thing (Palpatine is Sidious) and basically nothing else. He thinks he remembers the clones being Mando? but he's honestly not even sure he remembers the original Fett's first name correctly. He knows the guy is a Fett, because Boba was a cultural mainstay for Tony's childhood, so like, it was nice to have some backstory, but he's honestly not sure how likely "that baby Mand'alor that went missing" is to being Boba's plot-relevant dad. Could be an uncle for all he knows, or just a guy with the same last name.
I feel like to keep things fair Tony should be able to scale up a little harder than the average Mandalorian. Yeah all his tech knowledge is a bit out-dated and he isn't likely to get an arc reactor running in a way that'll be more powerful than anything locally available, but I feel like he'd adapt pretty darn quickly to available tech and start Improving Things Nat's skills all translate extremely well, once she's not got stumpy toddler body she's basically back to her old level PLUS telekinesis and wibbly force nonsense although I understand if that's also not the focus of the fic, being less "And now there's some Avengers Here (Powerset)" and more "And now there's some Avengers Here (Attitudes and Characters)"
Nat is very excited to Break Into Tony's Cave.
NGL this was initially going to be a Tony Raises Nat thing but I couldn't ultimately justify her NOT going the Jedi route after I realized I wanted her to be Sensitive.
There was also a discarded plot idea about her being a little older and having gone undercover in death watch, because Tony got kidnapped to work for them and got through to her, where she gets to use her Bites as a teen but I scrapped it.
I do think she successfully argues to her Master to visit him at 14 to get light armor though.
Nat's the sneakiest little initiate and also. Very, very controlled in the scary way during spars.
Natasha as a Jedi is so good. Like, she would probably have a bit of dissonance between Jedi training and the training she received as a child, and it might help her work through some things. Nat: I've known Yoda for three days but if anything happened to him I would kil-- wait uh (pivots) I would be very sad. She would try to sneak up on council members. It is like a kitten stalking a cat on the outside, but also she's a grown woman and wants to be that good. (AU of this If Quinlan ever saw this he'd adopt her: Quinlan: Tholme I found a new padawan sister. Get training Tholme: [literally just finished with Quinlan. Had planned to take a vacation. Meditate. Drink. He loves his kid but needs literally a moment here] Tholme: She's seven. Quinlan: I was four. Tholme: … Quinlan: She has a secret tragic background toooo I know you like that 😄 Tholme: [Sigh] Nat: …wait is he supposed to be Sherlock Holmes. I think he's space Sherlock Holmes. Need to ask Tony if Star Wars had Sherlock Holmes? lol yeah Tholme just feels like he could blend well with an avengers story, and a Black Widow story in particular)
Not joking when I say I considered if I could squeeze Tholme into the timeline.
Tony sends her music files that he thinks sounds Particularly Ballet to her because he remembers how much she liked dancing, as the main or even only positive thing from her Red Room training, and how she once said that if she hadn't become a spy, she thinks she'd have liked to be a ballerina.
The first time they see each other in person in years is her visiting for baby armor at 14 and is hesitant to hug him because like. Yeah he's her "brother" and there were a few years where they were acting as such and he was helping her with Basic Tasks that she doesn't like to think about too much because it's embarrassing, and they cuddled THEN, because she was Physically Baby, but they're just coworkers in reality, right? Should she hug him? If only to sell the bit to her Jedi Master?
Tony is also not the most huggy person and isn't sure if HE should hug Nat because he remembers jokey stabbing threats from when they were Avengers and like. Does she still feel that way, now that she's not a bumbling like tot?
They are both unsure of if hugging is on the table and it's the Jedi Master who says "you know, you're allowed to hug, if you want" under the impression that they aren't sure if the Jedi would allow it. And then the hug is very tight and loving because at least subconsciously they DID both want that.
The Jedi Master takes a pic.
Jedi master: (aw) It's one of those "we've been in life or death situations together and also grew up together kinda sorta and also we're trauma bonded," and the first opportunity to solidify Family as their dynamic they both jump in feet first. And both of them were like. Extremely lonely children probably. In different ways but still.
(It's why the Hawkeye plushie didn't make her CRY, per se, but she does start keeping it in her bed even though she's Too Old for these things.)
When it comes to hugging, Nat is understandably concerned about overstepping and like. "Taking" Morgan's place. (I'm going with Tony and Nat being friends (or at least friendly) from A1 to A2, and during the blip she stopped by for dinner once in a while. Nat doing her best to bring Child Appropriate Gifts for Morgan (she misses being Aunt Nat for the Barton kids).) Or as Bea put it: Tony: Are you spying on me or are we doing people things? Nat: Can't it be both?
Anyway, their dynamic is a weird little midpoint once they're in Star Wars but then they get to a point in the armor making where Tony takes a break on a bench and she slips in under his arm to cuddle and it's just Nice (even though he's kinda sweaty and gross from the blacksmithing).
Tony: ….. so……. is Yoda… does he look like… is he…. Nat: …???? Tony: You saw the Muppets right? Is he still a Muppet? Nat: [totally has seen the Muppets] what's a Muppet? Tony: You're killing your brother, Nat ;A;
Also the comedy of having MULTIPLE "secret languages" that nobody can translate.
It's handy, too. Between her and Tony, but also lots of languages to give different uses to. Can teach one to a specific faction for communication. OH, the poor Threepio units! She got stuck in a room with one once, and don't get my wrong, they can pick up a language fast, but they need to hear long enough sampling of it. Nat: I'm not teaching you stop asking I do agree too that Tony and Nat no matter their circumstances would be working towards stopping Palpatine. Like is this a real space is this a dream is this another dimension that just happens to be like a movie in ours? Doesn't matter the dictator is going down.
The Jedi Master is somewhat aware of the whole 'used to be an adult, sort of' thing. I don't know that they believe she's linearly matured but probably they think it's something like what I did in Jedi Babies It's definitely more explicit with a mind healer she got assigned soon after arrival.
She didn't decide whether to play it straight and "get help" or just try to game the system until she was actually sitting down. But she'd been having screaming night terrors about things she experienced in her first life, so.
She meets Anakin after TPM (if it's not avoided) when Obi-Wan's trying to settle him in and goes "ah, I know how to handle this kid." At some point Anakin and Tony end up sending each other various schematics.
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lives-in-midgard · 2 months
Say Don't Go
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Summary: When Steve has to bring back the infinity stones he isn't sure if he can come back to you because he might still have feelings for Peggy.
Word Count: 1005
A/N: Hey guys! I got inspired for this while listening to "say don't go" by Taylor Swift. I'm sorry that this is a sad story, I hope you still like it.
Divider made by @firefly-graphics
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When Steve and the other Avengers were on the run, you and Steve went together. You didn’t stay at one place for long and were going to different countries. Sometimes you were hiding in cabins in the woods or somewhere in a small town. After a while you were very close to each other. Steve told you stories about the 40s, about his friendship with Bucky and you told him more about your life before you were an Avenger. One night as you were sitting outside, watching the stars Steve confessed his feelings for you and you told him you felt the same way.
You were happy together until Thanos came to New York and you had to fight alongside the Avengers a horde of aliens. Suddenly a lot of Avengers turned into dust, and you were one of them. It was the worst for Steve. First, he had to watch his best friend disappear, and then he had to watch his love disappear. Steve loved you, he really did. He wanted to get you, Bucky and everyone else back. He missed you so much, but after five years he thought there was no way he would get you back. Until suddenly there was hope again.
When you returned five years later, you were confused until Wong told you and the others what happened, and that Thanos was back. During the fight you looked out for Steve and saw him far away from you, but you were glad he was okay. You began to smile as you saw that he lifted Thors hammer. And when you finally won against Thanos, you ran to Steve and jumped into his arms.
“I’m so glad you’re okay.” You said and Steve rubbed your back.
“Me too, it’s so good to see you again.” Steve said.
“I love you.” You confessed but Steve didn’t say anything back and just kept rubbing your back. That’s when you noticed for the first time that something was different.
Steve showed you his apartment and told you that you could stay there. The next day, you and Steve were sitting outside and looking at the stars. He had his arm around your back and told you everything that happened.
“I saw Peggy.” Steve said suddenly.
“When we went back in time to get the Infinity Stones I saw her. I wish I could talk to her just one more time again.” Steve confessed and you looked at the ground for a second, thinking about what to say.
“I understand that she was and still is very important to you Steve.” You said and Steve nodded.
“When I bring back the stones tomorrow I might see her again but if I see her again I’m…I’m not sure if I can come back.“ Steve stuttered in a sad tone and you looked away. You knew he wasn’t just saying this because it was dangerous, but also because of Peggy. You thought that he would still think about her but hearing him say that made you so sad. You love him so much and thought he did too, but it looks like he doesn’t or maybe he wasn’t sure.
“Sweetheart, please look at me.” Steve mumbled and reached for your hand. When you looked at him you saw a sad expression in his eyes.
“I would stay forever…if you say don’t go.” Steve confessed, but you knew it wouldn’t be right for him to stay if he still had feelings for Peggy. You had to let him go and if he really loved you, he would come back to you.
“It’s okay Steve, you have to go.” You said, fighting back a few tears, but one tear rolled down your cheek. Steve moved closer to you and wiped it away with his thumb.
“How about one last hug?” Steve asked and you nodded. You both stood up and Steve wrapped his arms around you. You stayed like that for a few minutes until you broke the hug and kissed Steve one more time.
Later when you cuddled in bed with Steve maybe for the last time, he held you and rubbed your back.
“You know where to find me.” You said while looking up at him. Steve smiled softly and gave you a kiss on the forehead.
When you woke up the next morning, Steve wasn’t next to you anymore. When you looked at the clock and saw what time it was, a tear rolled down your cheek. Steve is gone, he really was. You just came back and now you’ve lost him. You started to cry but tried to remind yourself that it was for the best, but you were already starting to miss him. After staying in bed for an hour, you suddenly heard a knock on the door. You quickly wiped the tears away and walked to the door.
When you opened the door you couldn’t believe what you saw.
“I’m so sorry that I thought I still love her. As soon as I left the apartment this morning, I knew that it was wrong. I love you and when I saw her again, I knew she isn’t the one for me but you are. I hope you can forgive me.”
“Steve, I love you too. I can forgive you but I’m not sure if I can forget about this…knowing that you might choose her over me hurt me.”
“I know and I’m so sorry for being such an idiot.” Steve said, making you smile a little.
“You really were an idiot.”
“But I’m your idiot, right?” Steve asked and you had to giggle.
“Yeah.” Steve started to smile and walked closer to you. Then he pulled you into a hug and kissed your forehead.
Steve knew that what he did was wrong and that it won’t be so easy for you to forget what he did. But he will try to make it up to you and hopes that you can be happy together again.
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@marvelogic | @rogersbarber | @eviebuggg | @nicoline1998enilocin | @nekoannie-chan | @kandis-mom | @sergeantbarnessdoll | @noellez-best-life23 | @sgtgarricks | @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 | @cutedisneygirl @mrsbuckybarnes1917 | @buckys-wintersoldier
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she's everything he's just ken.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Mike Wheeler and Will Byers… Run.
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nicoleanell · 2 months
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I love you, Louis. Tell him I love him, Armand. I love you, Louis.
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sonics-atelier · 4 months
Forged in Light and Love
An elucien Story , for my forever @lorcandidlucienwill , happy birthday to you 💗
Tw : Elain being intelligent ,
Cw : Lucien Fingering Elain , MNDI
Summary : Elucien , Elain and Lucien are on a mission to form an alliance and feelings burst forth , bridgerton inspired.
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Amidst the opulent splendor of the royal court, Elain moved with practiced grace, her eyes darting discreetly around the room as she mingled among the nobility. Dressed in an elegant gown of emerald green, she exuded an air of quiet confidence, her every movement calculated and precise.
As the evening wore on, Elain found herself drawn into a web of courtly intrigue, her skills in medicine and witchcraft sought after by those in need. With a deft hand, she mixed a subtle powder, carefully concealing it within the folds of her gown.
Approaching the Queen's table, Elain waited for the opportune moment before discreetly sprinkling the powder into the Queen's drink. Moments later, the Queen's eyes widened in alarm as she clutched her chest, her breath coming in short gasps before she slumped forward, unconscious.
Without missing a beat, Elain rushed to the Queen's side, her heart pounding with urgency as she assessed the situation. Drawing upon her knowledge of healing and herbs, she administered a tincture to revive the Queen, her hands steady as she worked to stabilize her condition.
As the Queen regained consciousness, her gaze met Elain's with a mixture of gratitude and curiosity. "Thank you, my dear," she murmured, her voice weak but filled with warmth. "You have saved me from a dire fate."
Elain bowed respectfully, her mind racing with a thousand thoughts. But before she could utter a word, a figure stepped forward from the crowd, her presence commanding attention.
It was Priya, the Queen's firstborn, her regal bearing and striking beauty captivating all who beheld her. With a smile that could rival the sun, she extended her hand to Elain, her eyes sparkling with intrigue.
"Forgive me for eavesdropping, but I couldn't help but overhear," Priya said, her voice like music in the air. "You possess a rare gift, my dear. I would be honored if you would grace me with a dance."
Elain's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected invitation, her cheeks flushing with color as she accepted Priya's hand. As they glided across the floor in a whirl of silk and satin, Elain couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and trepidation at the prospect of what lay ahead.
. . .
As they twirled gracefully across the ballroom floor, the music swirling around them like a soft breeze, Priya cast a curious glance at Elain. "Tell me, Elain," she began, her voice low and melodic, "are you courting anyone at the moment?"
Elain's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected question, her thoughts drifting to Lucien, her mate by bond. She hesitated for a moment, considering her response, before speaking with gentle honesty. "I am bonded to Lucien," she confessed, her voice tinged with both affection and frustration. "But our relationship... it's complicated."
Priya arched an eyebrow, her interest piqued. "Complicated, you say? How so?"
Elain sighed softly, her gaze distant as she spoke of the intricacies of her bond with Lucien. "He's always been the gentleman, the one who puts duty and honor above all else," she explained. "But lately, it feels like we're drifting apart. I miss the passion, the spontaneity that we once shared."
A thoughtful expression crossed Priya's features as she listened to Elain's words, her mind working quickly to devise a plan. "Perhaps," she suggested, a mischievous glint in her eyes, "we can shake things up a bit. Make him see what he's been missing."
Elain's eyes widened in surprise at the suggestion, but a spark of excitement ignited within her at the prospect of breaking free from the constraints of propriety. "What do you have in mind?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.
With a knowing smile, Priya tightened her grip on Elain's hand, drawing her closer as they continued to dance. "Let's make him jealous," she whispered, her voice low and conspiratorial. "Let's show him what he stands to lose."
Elain's pulse quickened at the daring proposal, her heart pounding with anticipation. With a nod of agreement, she allowed herself to be swept away by the rhythm of the music, her movements growing bolder with each passing moment.
As Elain danced with Priya, her heart heavy with the weight of their plan to make Lucien jealous, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease gnawing at her insides. And then, she saw him – Lucien, standing at the edge of the ballroom, his eyes dark with pain as he watched them dance.
In that moment, Elain felt a sharp pang of guilt pierce her heart, followed by an overwhelming wave of empathy as she sensed Lucien's anguish through their bond. It was as if his pain was her own, his sorrow echoing through her very soul.
Unable to bear the weight of his suffering any longer, Elain broke away from Priya's embrace, her eyes brimming with tears as she whispered an apology. With hurried steps, she made her way out of the crowded hall, her heart racing with desperation as she sought out Lucien.
She found him in the moonlit garden, his shoulders slumped in defeat as tears stained his cheeks. Without a word, she approached him cautiously, her voice trembling as she spoke his name.
"Lucien," she said softly, her heart breaking at the sight of his pain. "Please, let me explain."
But before she could utter another word, Lucien raised a hand to silence her, his voice hoarse with emotion. "There's nothing to explain," he said, his words laced with bitterness. "You made your choice, Elain. You chose her over me."
Elain felt her breath catch in her throat at his words, her mind reeling with disbelief. She had never intended to hurt him, never imagined that their plan would cause him such agony.
"No, Lucien, you don't understand," she protested, her voice choked with tears. "I didn't choose Priya over you. I never could."
But Lucien shook his head, his expression unreadable as he wiped away his tears with a trembling hand. "It doesn't matter," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "If breaking our bond is what you desire, then so be it."
Elain's heart shattered into a million pieces at his words, the enormity of his sacrifice weighing heavily upon her. She reached out to him, her hand trembling as she touched his cheek, her eyes pleading for understanding.
"Lucien, please," she begged, her voice breaking with emotion. "I could never bear to lose you. You are everything to me."
But as she looked into his eyes, she saw the pain and resignation reflected there, and she knew that their bond was hanging by a thread. With a heavy heart, she whispered a single word, a plea and a promise all at once.
"Stay," she said, her voice barely a whisper in the stillness of the night. "Please, stay with me."
Elain's heart ached as she looked into Lucien's eyes, her tears mingling with his. With a deep breath, she gathered the courage to lay bare her soul, the words spilling forth like a torrent that could no longer be contained.
"Do you think that there is a corner of this Earth that you could travel to far enough to free me from this torment?" she began, her voice trembling with the weight of her emotions. "I am a lady. My mother raised me to act with honor, but that honor is hanging by a thread that grows more precarious with every moment I spend in your presence."
Lucien's breath hitched, his eyes widening as he absorbed the depth of her confession. He started to speak, but she continued, her voice growing stronger with each word.
"You are the bane of my existence, and the object of all my desires," she said, her voice fierce and unyielding. "Night and day, I dream of you. You consume my thoughts, my heart, my very soul. I am powerless against this bond, against the love that has rooted itself so deeply within me."
Her hands trembled as she reached out to him, cupping his face with a tenderness that belied the turmoil within her. "Lucien, I am tormented by the thought of losing you. The very idea of living without you is a fate worse than death. Please, don't turn away from me. Let us face this together."
Lucien's eyes softened, the pain and sorrow giving way to a flicker of hope. He placed his hands over hers, his touch warm and reassuring. "Elain," he whispered, his voice breaking. "I never wanted to cause you pain. I love you more than words can express."
Elain's heart swelled with a mixture of relief and love as she gazed into his eyes, seeing the truth of his words reflected there. "Then stay with me," she pleaded, her voice filled with determination. "Let us fight for this bond, for our love. I am stronger with you by my side, and I believe we can overcome anything together."
Lucien nodded, his resolve solidifying as he pulled her into a tight embrace. "I will stay, Elain. I will never leave you. We will face whatever challenges come our way, and we will emerge stronger for it."
Lucien held Elain close, his embrace fierce yet gentle, as if he was afraid she might slip away if he let go. The warmth of his body seeped into hers, grounding her in the moment, in the promise they had just made. He pulled back slightly, gazing into her eyes with an intensity that made her breath catch.
“Elain,” he murmured, his voice low and filled with emotion. “I want to show you how much I love you. Let me.”
Elain nodded, her heart racing with a mix of anticipation and desire. Lucien’s hands moved with a tender certainty as he began to undress her. His fingers brushed against her skin, sending shivers of pleasure down her spine. He took his time, unfastening each button and lace with reverence, until her dress slipped to the floor, leaving her exposed and vulnerable before him.
“You’re so beautiful,” Lucien whispered, his gaze sweeping over her with awe. He leaned in, pressing soft kisses to her neck, her collarbone, her shoulders, each touch a testament to his love and devotion. Elain’s breath hitched, her body responding to him with an intensity she had never known.
As Lucien undressed himself, Elain watched, her eyes filled with desire and admiration. His body was a work of art, every muscle and scar telling a story of strength and resilience. When he stood before her, bare and unguarded, she reached out, her fingers tracing the contours of his chest, his abdomen, memorizing every inch of him.
Lucien guided her to the blanket ,laying her down with a tenderness that brought tears to her eyes. He positioned himself between her legs, his gaze never leaving hers as he spread her thighs apart. “I want to make you feel everything,” he said, his voice a husky whisper.
Elain gasped as his mouth descended upon her, his tongue flicking out to taste her. The sensation was electric, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. Lucien’s movements were slow and deliberate, his tongue and lips working in perfect harmony to bring her to the edge of ecstasy.
He took his time, savoring every moment, every reaction. Elain’s hands fisted in the sheets, her back arching off the bed as he drove her higher and higher. The pleasure was almost unbearable, teetering on the edge of pain, but Lucien knew exactly how to keep her balanced, how to bring her to the brink without letting her fall.
“Lucien,” she moaned, her voice trembling with need. “Please, I need—”
“Not yet,” he murmured against her, the vibrations of his voice sending another jolt of pleasure through her. “I want to keep you on the edge, to make this last.”
Elain whimpered, her body writhing beneath him as he continued his exquisite torment. Her world narrowed to the feel of his mouth on her, the relentless pleasure building and building until she thought she might shatter from it.
Finally, when she thought she couldn’t take it any longer, Lucien pulled back slightly, his breath warm against her soaked skin. “Come for me, Elain,” he commanded softly, his voice filled with love and desire.
And she did. The climax hit her like a tidal wave, crashing over her with an intensity that left her gasping and crying out his name. Lucien didn’t stop, his mouth and fingers continuing to draw out her pleasure, prolonging her orgasm until she was left trembling and spent.
When she finally came down from the high, Lucien crawled up beside her, gathering her into his arms. He held her close, their bodies entwined, his heart beating in time with hers.
“Thank you,” Elain whispered, her voice filled with gratitude and love. “Thank you for everything.”
Lucien pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. “I love you, Elain. Always.”
They lay there together, basking in the afterglow of their love, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together. Stronger, united, and deeply in love.
In that moment, as they held each other close under the moonlit sky, Elain felt a sense of peace wash over her. She knew that their journey would not be easy, but with Lucien by her side, she was ready to face whatever the future held.
Together, they would defy the odds, their love a beacon of hope and strength that would guide them through the darkest of times. And as they stood there in the garden, their hearts beating as one, they knew that their bond was unbreakable, forged in the fires of passion and resilience.
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- @sonics-atelier ( do not repost or reuse in any way, shape or form, I will decapitate you )
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indigoraysoflight · 1 month
“Spicy food in India” | Caryl prompt
requested by @that-left-turn ❤️
Cardamom & Curry
Carol stared at the fish. They’d been in Munnar for three days, and Carol had already gathered three South Indian recipes to take home. She decided to try making fish curry for lunch instead of finding a local restaurant, but there was one problem. Carol had never filleted a pomfret before. Daryl was the one who always filleted fish in their home, but he was asleep, so she was on her own.
Henry and his dad, Ezekiel, had planned a trip to Kerala, South India and wanted Lydia to go with them. Lydia and Henry had been dating for three years, and Carol adored Henry. He was respectful – if a little spoiled – and he loved Lydia. She knew Daryl liked him too but was extra grumpy around the boy who was dating his adopted daughter. Henry and his dad travelled a lot and often took Lydia with them. But Daryl refused to let their kid go across the world by herself, even though their kid wasn't really 'a kid'. So, Ezekiel generously extended the invitation to Lydia’s adoptive mom and her adoptive mom’s platonic best friend, who also happened to be Lydia’s adoptive father. To say their first dinner together had been awkward would be an understatement. 
They’d been saving up for a big vacation for a year and a half now, so the timing worked out. Her catering business was going well this year, but Carol doubted they’d ever be able to afford this expensive rental. The luxury cottage was built with rustic stone and wood, and nestled on top of a hill, surrounded by tea and cardamom plantations. Ezekiel had given them the tour when they arrived, but the space was too big for her taste; she would’ve preferred a cozy but comfortable cottage with a view of the rolling hills. Still, she’d smiled graciously every time he pointed out an expensive feature on the property while Daryl sulked in the back. There was an odd tension between Daryl and Ezekiel, and she'd figured out why after what happened yesterday. Carol thought it best to stay with Daryl today and take some time to think–
“You tryna fillet the fish with your mind? Just gotta use a knife.” 
Carol blinked, realizing she had zoned out and she was still staring at the pomfret. “Is that how it works? I thought if I stared at it sternly, it would fillet itself.”
“Gimme.” He limped over and started filleting the pomfrets with impressive precision. 
“Show off,” she muttered under her breath.
His hair was dishevelled, and he wore cargo shorts and a faded tie-dye t-shirt that Sophia had made for him years ago. She pushed his fringe back to examine the cut on his face, held together by butterfly bandages. They'd been more generous with their touches lately – especially since they got here – but she didn't mind, and she didn't think he minded either by the way he leaned into her touch.  
“I’m fine. It’s just a scratch,” he said without looking up at her. 
“You’re lucky you didn't need stitches.” He looked up at her then, his eyes intense as they flicked down to her lips. She realized she was just running her fingers through his hair now and stepped back. 
She and Daryl woke up before dawn the last two mornings and, in a jetlagged daze, walked along the path through the tea plantation to catch the sunrise. They didn’t expect it to rain on their way back yesterday. She slipped and would’ve tumbled down the path, but Daryl steadied her, lost his balance, and landed in the tea plantation. Besides a large cut on the left side of his face, tea leaves stuck to his elbows and knees, and a sprained ankle — he was intact. His eyes held a fear she hadn’t seen in five years –  fear and something else – as he frantically checked her for injuries and then held her in his arms for a solid minute in the rain.  
“This fish isn't going to marinate itself,” she said in a chipper voice and mixed the spices in a bowl to calm her heart rate before smearing a generous amount of the paste on the fish. 
“That’s enough. Dunno if I need more spice.”
Carol smirked and batted her eyelashes at him. “But I thought you liked it when I’m spicy, Pookie.”   
They fell into the rhythm they had in their own kitchen. She sauteed the onions with the spice mixture while he squinted at the recipe she’d scribbled on a paper pad and started cutting the tomatoes – stopping every few seconds to pop a slice in his mouth. Carol took a deep breath and focused on the onions. Something had viscerally shifted between them on the long flight over here. She’d clung to him on the plane during turbulence, and after they landed, they kept reaching for an excuse to touch each other. She’d been so unguarded in the way she leered at him that Lydia and Henry had given her a knowing look more than once.  
“Where’s the royal family? I’m guessing Lydia is with them?” Daryl casually fed her a slice of tomato and then sucked the juice off his fingers. 
They’re gone, and I’m in trouble. Carol steadied her voice. “Lydia, Henry, and Zeke went sightseeing; they won’t return until after dinner.” It’s just us, and you keep doing that thing with your mouth, she thought.
Carol let the curry simmer while they stepped onto the balcony and lounged on the chairs, staring at the green expanse. The air was dewy and perpetually scented with a hint of cardamom. Sophia would’ve loved this place. She would be perched on the balcony with her sketchbook, scribbling away and absentmindedly picking at her nails. 
“Why didn’t ya go with them? I’m sure Henry’s dad will miss you.” Daryl growled and picked at his nail. 
The tension between Daryl and Ezekiel got worse when he limped on their way back yesterday, and Ezekiel offered to pay for a doctor to take a look at him. Carol knew he would refuse, and thankfully she had packed some first aid supplies because she knew this man too damn well.
Carol rolled her eyes. “I wanted to stay and take care of Lydia’s dad, so he understood.”
Daryl’s lips quirked up, summoning a flutter in her belly. What are we doing here, Daryl? She wanted to ask. They’d been tip-toeing around each other for years now. Or she thought they were. Maybe this is all they’d ever be – platonic best friends who lived together, who raised a daughter and lost another. Two people who let their touches linger too long, reached for each other when they were afraid, longed for each other when they were apart, and sometimes slept in each other’s arms but never crossed that line. Always something more, but never quite enough. 
“Surprised he hasn’t asked ya out yet.” 
Carol blinked at Daryl, wanting to point out the irony in what he’d said. Irritation coursed through her as the curry burbled away, and she decided to come clean about what had happened the previous evening. 
“He did after dinner last night.”
“What?” Daryl looked like he’d been punched in the gut; Carol tried to ignore the twinge of guilt and failed. 
Ezekiel had helped her load the dishwasher in the kitchen and asked her out before they retired to their rooms last night. He’d been a perfect gentleman – charming, respectful, and chivalrous. But all she’d thought about was how Daryl’s eyes had lingered on her lips before dinner when he’d told her she looked beautiful. 
“I told him I’ll think about it.” They weren’t in a position to anger their host, even though she felt that Ezekiel would accept defeat graciously and not put them in an awkward position. 
“Why didn’t ya say yes?”
“Why does it matter?”
Daryl’s behaviour was giving her whiplash. He practically undressed her with his eyes last night and almost launched himself at Ezekiel for complimenting her at dinner. Now, he was pushing her to date the man.
Daryl peered through his fringe, his eyes earnest. “He’s real charming, rich, generous, and clearly has a thing for ya.”
Carol crossed her arms. “If he’s so great, why don't you go out with him?”
“Pfft. Ain’t my type.” 
“What is your type?” Carol raised her eyebrows, ignoring the heat that crept up her cheeks as Daryl’s eyes roamed her face and lingered on her lips before he pried his gaze away.
“Don’t change the subject. He’s corny and a bit pretentious, but he doesn’t seem like an asshole.”
“So, that’s what you want then? For me to date Ezekiel?” Her voice wavered, but she held his gaze, her anger now simmering to the surface and prickling at her eyes. Is that what he wanted? Then why did he look at her like that all the time — like he was afraid of losing her? Had she gotten this all wrong? Did she spend years pining after a man who was finally telling her he was not interested? 
Daryl looked away. “I want ya to be happy. He’d treat you like a Queen and-”
“-I should get started on the appam.” 
Carol went to the kitchen before the tears formed in her eyes, hating the open plan of the cottage where she could feel Daryl’s eyes follow her. Her hand reached for the pink bauble pendant resting on her chest. After Sophia died, they’d grown closer and built a wall between them at the same time. But when Lydia came into their lives, the wall started breaking down. She hoped, in time, they could pick up where they left off. Now, she didn’t know why she thought this vacation would be a new beginning for them. Daryl was never going to see her as anything but his best friend. She’d waited too long. 
Daryl loved watching her cook. Her hair was tied up in a bun; she wore a loose Bowie t-shirt, baggy sweats, and soft fuzzy elf socks Lydia got for her last Christmas. The aroma of cardamom and chilli lingered in the air as she poured rice batter on a pan to make the rice crepes they called appam. He wished he could walk up and wrap his arms around her, kiss the nape of her neck and see if he could taste cardamom on her skin. I bet Ezekiel didn't think this hard before he made his move. He sighed. 
Daryl didn’t know how many days he had left to savour her presence, reach for her hand when they walked up a crooked path and watch the sunrise wash over her freckles. She looked radiant last night in the blue dress that hugged her form and illuminated her eyes. He knew sooner or later, she’d meet a man who deserved her. I didn’t think it would be this soon. To think he’d hoped this vacation would give them time to figure out what their future looked like. Even if Daryl selfishly wished to be with her, Carol deserved someone who could offer her the world. Ezekiel sure as hell checked all the boxes.
Carol deserved all of this. Lavish vacations, a charming partner, and children who adored her – who were safe and in her arms. She deserved a comfortable life after everything she’d been through.  
Daryl’s work as a contractor was unpredictable, and renting a cottage of this size for twelve days was out of the question. He thought the trip he’d taken her and Sophia on to the Grand Canyon had been extravagant because he’d spent a chunk of his savings to upgrade them to a big cabin with a mini-pool. Now Henry’s rich father entered the picture and showed him up with one effortless, generous gesture and an offhanded “We vacation here every summer”. The universe could’ve kicked him in the balls, and it would’ve hurt less. 
Daryl walked into the kitchen and started slicing some red onions to soak in lemon juice because he needed something to do before his thoughts choked him. Carol’s eyes were far away when she held up a spoon so he could taste the curry; the heat from the spices hit him straight in the back of his throat and lingered on his palate. 
“Why did you stay after Sophia died?” 
Daryl coughed. “What?”
“You heard me.”
It didn’t even occur to him to leave after Sophia died. When he’d rented the basement apartment in Carol’s house all those years ago, he only wanted a cheap place to rest his head as he went through trade school. Daryl hadn’t expected to fall so deeply in love with Carol and co-parent her child with her. Before he knew it, he'd moved upstairs into the spare room, and he walked the kid to school every day and helped with her homework. He’d come to love Sophia like she was his own daughter. When she died, he and Carol had anchored each other through their shared grief over the loss of their little girl. Then, another kid walked through the doors, and they were given another chance.  
“I loved that kid. I know Sophia wasn’t mine, but she was.” He didn’t expect his voice to break as his eyes lingered on Carol's pink bauble necklace. 
“I know. But that’s not what I asked.” her voice was soft, her eyes crystal in the afternoon light – she was crying in the kitchen when he was busy leering at her. He wanted to kick himself for being an idiot again. 
Carol pinned him with her gaze. “Why’d you stay?” 
“Why didn’t ya say yes to Ezekiel?” he deflected.
“I’m not interested in him.”
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t love him.” Carol’s voice was a desperate whisper. “Ezekiel wasn’t the one who held me through my grief. He didn’t take my daughter trick-or-treating or scour ten game stores to find the obscure video game she wanted. He didn’t make her chicken soup with alphabet pasta when she was sick. He didn’t treat me and my daughter like we were the center of his universe-” Carol’s voice broke, and she wiped her tears. 
“-I thought we were on the same page, Daryl, and hoped we’d have a stroke of luck with the change of scenery, but I guess I was wrong.” 
Did she really not know? Had he not been clear enough about how he felt? He loved her so much he’d let her walk into a pretentious rich guy’s arms—shit. As he played the thoughts over in his mind, he realized how they must’ve sounded out loud. I fucked up. Words chased each other in his mind as he struggled to explain. 
“Our luck’s run out,” Carol sighed and turned to leave.
Before he could think too hard, he pulled her close and kissed her. Her lips tasted of cardamom, and her. Carol. A small part of his mind worried about her shoving him away, but instead, she melted in his embrace and drew him in for more. 
His lips were softer than she’d imagined. He kissed her deeply and slowly like he had all the time in the world. His hands were everywhere – caressing her face, gripping her waist, tangled in her hair – like he was tracing her silhouette in his memory. When they came up for air, her mind was molasses, and her thoughts returned to her slowly. He traced her jawline with a featherlight touch and looked at her like he worried she would disappear. Carol blinked away the tears and ran a finger alongside the butterfly bandages on his face. Their eyes met, and he held her hand to his cheek and kissed it. 
“Why’d you stay?” she asked again. 
“I stayed because I belong with you.”
There was nothing else she could say but kiss him again and wonder why she hadn’t done it sooner. 
“Why did you tell me to date Ezekiel?” she asked between kisses. 
“I’m an idiot.” He kissed her back.
After their make-out session, they took a quick break to catch a breath and have lunch – a bowl of fish curry with rice crepes or appam. They’d been eating spicy food for days, and he always regretted it in the morning, but that didn't stop him. He dove in immediately, savouring every bite as the sharp taste of chilli and cardamom hit his palate. Sooo good. He could still taste the fish, and it melted in his mouth. He couldn’t slow down if he tried, so he helped himself to a red onion slice soaked in lemon juice and hummed as the acid cut through the savoury richness of the curry.
Carol watched him with a smile – her gaze soft and open. Most of her hair had escaped the bun, her cheeks were flushed, and her lips looked swollen and kissable. His brain short-circuited; he didn’t know whether to continue eating the curry or kiss her. She solved his problem by scooping some fish with the appam and feeding it to him; Daryl held her gaze as he ate and licked the pads of her fingers with his tongue. 
He didn’t know which one of them closed the gap. He didn’t care because he was kissing the woman he loved. His hands pulled her close, and her fingers grabbed his hair as they stumbled toward her bedroom. The taste of cardamon and curry lingered on his tongue as he pressed openmouthed kisses to her neck.   
“Your lips taste spicy, Pookie.” 
“Thought you like it when I’m spicy.”
Her laughter bounced off the walls as he kicked the bedroom door shut behind him. 
A few notes: 
Munnar: Munnar is a hillstation in India’s Kerala state. It's surrounded by rolling hills dotted with tea, coffee, and cardamom plantations.
Appam: Appam is a thin and lacy fermented rice pancake. Traditionally, it’s eaten with stew or coconut chutney. 
Pomfret: This delicate white fish is a staple in coastal regions of India.  
Fish curry recipe for the curious minds (if you plan on making it, please don’t forget to marinate your protein). 
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savs-sims98 · 28 days
Just two broken people learning to be whole again🌹🥹
Astarion and Sylvannah have the rest of eternity to live again. They make me wanna cry😭
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red-bewitched · 3 months
The Potter Manor’s living room was unusually quiet that night. It was as if the house itself could sense the somber mood in the air.
James Potter sat near the fireplace, absentmindedly twirling his wand between his fingers. He glanced up as Lily entered the room, her green eyes catching the flicker of the firelight.
"Hey," James said softly, breaking the silence.
"Hey," Lily replied, walking over to sit beside him. There was a lingering tension between them, a residue of arguments and unspoken words.
James cleared his throat. "Have you ever heard the Muggle song 'Golden Slumbers'?"
Lily nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "The Beatles one? It's one of my favorites. My mum used to sing it to me when I was little."
"Really? You never told me so" James looked genuinely interested. "Can you sing it for me?"
Lily hesitated for a moment, then began to hum softly. Her voice, though quiet, filled the room with a warm, nostalgic aura.
"Golden slumbers fill your eyes. Smiles awake you when you rise..."
James closed his eyes, letting the melody wash over him. Lily’s voice was raw and full of emotion. He could almost feel the weight of the day's worries lifting from his shoulders.
"...Sleep pretty darling, do not cry, and I will sing a lullaby."
When she finished, there was a peaceful silence between them. James opened his eyes and looked at her, his gaze soft and tender.
"That was beautiful," he said. "It... it reminds me of us."
Lily raised an eyebrow. "How so?"
James took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "We've had our share of rough times, haven't we? But somehow, we always find a way back to each other. Like the song says, 'smiles awake you when you rise.' No matter what happens, we always seem to make each other smile again."
Lily's eyes softened, and she reached out to take his hand. "You know, you're not the same arrogant boy I met at Hogwarts in first year. You've changed, James. For the better."
"And you've always been amazing, Lily," James replied earnestly. "I've just been trying to catch up."
She laughed lightly, the sound like music to his ears. "Do you think we'll ever have our golden slumbers? A time when we can just be happy, without all this… chaos?"
James squeezed her hand gently. "I believe we will. Someday. And until then, I'll be here, right beside you."
They sat there in comfortable silence, hands intertwined, watching the fire dance in the hearth. Outside, the night was calm, as if the world itself was holding its breath, waiting for the dawn.
As they drifted off to sleep, James whispered softly, "Sleep pretty darling, do not cry. I'll always be here to sing you a lullaby."
And for that moment, in the quiet of that living room, everything was perfect.
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quarks-pussy · 1 year
Marinler wedding but when the priest says "you may now kiss the bride" Mariner dips him
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gros-chat-fait · 11 months
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Konoha's three-headed beast.
I realized recently that this blog had its 5th birthday back in August. So this is sort of a celebratory redraw of maybe the first drawing I posted, aptly titled: Naruto's harem. It exists in an alternative universe in my brain where Neji is alive and thriving and is being an awesome uncle to Naruto and Hinata's kids; Shikamaru/Temari are nomadic diplomats neither of which have to give up their homeland nor their day jobs for the other; and Sasuke is still a wandering deep-state agent, presumably (can you tell I haven't read the sequel?); and they all help run the village behind the scene.
Now have I improved? The more I draw the more I realize how limited my abilities are, but it's fun nonetheless to create and share the worms in my head <3 Thank you all for looking at my stuff and liking/reblogging and yelling about them in the tags/comments and decided that I'm worth following; I do see them all and appreciate all of them so much. I'm just not good with words <33333
For comparison:
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starslovechasers · 6 months
My muse
James couldn’t breathe.
Regulus. A mark the shape of a skull and a snake which felt like pure evil. A locket. A cave.
Loss, so much loss.
He felt hands grab him, shake him. He couldn’t breathe. Stop, Please. Let me go, let me go back to him.
Sobs wracked his chest, make it stop.
A soft hand touched his face, and he grabbed it on instinct. He opened his eyes to see Regulus looking down at him, worry scribbled into his forehead.
‘Jamie, i’m here.’ He whispered, his thumb running lines over James check.
James copied Regulus’ demonstrated slow breathes. His eyes glued to Regulus’ as they breathed in sync.
‘Are you okay?’ Regulus eased one James had regained composure, his thumb rubbed away stray tears that had stained James’ cheeks.
James shook his head.
‘I don’t know what happened, I felt like we were back there.’ His voice shook. ‘At Hogwarts, and you had taken the mark instead of leaving, and—‘ James hesitated.
Regulus continued to rub his cheek reassuringly, urging him to go on.
‘You died,’ James bottle lip quivered and Regulus gaze softened. ‘It felt so real.’ He sounded questioning, his voice cracked.
‘Hey, hey.’ Regulus soothed. ‘I’m right here baby. I’m real, I’m alive. I’m not going anywhere. We won.’
His other hand came up to the other side of James’ face. Both of his thumbs ran comforting circles around James’ cheeks. James clutched them like he was afraid at any moment Regulus might slip through his fingers.
Regulus leaned down to place a soft kiss on James head. James leaned up to connect their lips.
‘I love you.’ He whispered upon parting.
‘I love you too.’ Regulus pressed a gentle peck to James forehead, a caress.
‘I’m right here.’ Regulus repeated, his voice ever so soft, like he was scared James would shatter at any moment. ‘We got out, we survived.’
He pulled James’ head into his chest. James complied with his touch, shuffling closer, he wrapped an arm around Regulus waist.
‘We survived.’ He mumbled into Regulus chest.
He felt Regulus kiss his hair and felt his chest warm. We survived.
The war had impacted most of their friends and family in one way or another. Most nights James woke up crying or screaming, haunted by memories and even worse— false realities where Regulus didn’t make it out.
Although, on those nights, he was lucky enough to wake up to Regulus by his side.
‘I’m sorry for waking you.’ James sat up slightly to look at Regulus.
Regulus scoffed.
‘Don’t be silly,’ His voice was gentle despite his words, ‘I was awake anyway.’ He ran his hand through James hair, twisting and twirling the locks through his fingers.
‘Were you drawing?’ James asked excitedly.
Regulus let out a low chuckle.
‘I was.’
‘What were you drawing?’
‘What I’m always drawing, my muse.’ Regulus said with a teasing tone. He rolled his eyes and picked up his sketchpad off their bedside table, passing it to James.
James sat straight up.
‘Reg… this is beautiful.’
He stared in awe of the simple sketch of asleep, peaceful James, that looked so realistic it was jarring. It took Regulus years of dating before he got comfortable showing James his work, and James felt so lucky he was allowed to see it.
His fingers traced a line that ran off the page.
‘I dropped the pencil the second I saw you struggle to breathe.’ Regulus admitted.
‘Aw you love me.’ James said matter of factly, turning to look at him with a goofy grin.
He didn’t miss the light blush that fell across Regulus’ freckled cheeks.
‘Oh really.’ He said dryly. He gave James a look and held the back of his hand up.
‘Who would of guessed.’ He said, pointing at his wedding ring.
‘Oh yeah, that old thing.’ James grinned, he leaned up to kiss Regulus again.
Regulus kissed him back with a sigh.
‘Sometimes, I regret my choices.’ He said dramatically. He shook his head disapprovingly.
‘Liar.’ James feigned hurt.
‘You see right through me.’ Regulus said, biting back a smile.
James wrapped his arms around Regulus’ neck. He pulled him down into another kiss.
‘Promise me you’re real.’ He whispered, leaning his forehead against Regulus’.
‘Don’t worry baby, you’re stuck with me.’ Regulus smiled.
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simsim54 · 6 months
Tiny Young Royals One-Shot
It's been years since they broke up and got back together, but Simon still remembers the broken look on Wilhelm's face when Simon had uttered those godforsaken words on the night of Wille's birthday, 'I can't do this anymore.'
On days when the guilt threatens to bury him and the memories of the past get too hard to forget, Simon just waits for Wille to sleep, held securely in Simon's arms, and then Simon just looks. He looks at the peaceful face of his fiancé, a proper man now with all signs of his teenage self gone. He looks at how content his soon-to-be husband looks, and Simon knows that he will do anything in his power to keep him just like that. He looks at the love of his life, the next one, and the infinite number of lifetimes, and then just looks some more.
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The best thing that the mcu has done is cast Hayley Atwell
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
When byler is trekking the UD together in s5 and one of them brings up how they’re like Sam and Frodo 😳
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