#endos are not welcome
intersex-idiots · 1 year
are in-system relationships weird, yay or nay
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finnslay · 2 months
Headspace lore is so real
Feel free to reblog with a random, our of context peoce of headspace lore it you want
(No fake claiming please)
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the-100-percent · 1 month
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anti-endo-haven · 3 months
Fuck endos.
New tags just dropped, babes.
#did plurality and #osdd plurality, #did plural and #osdd plural
Fuck endos
Love the anti-endos here
Making y’all cookies and given smooches
Come gets y’all’s cookies
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cerebralabyss · 4 months
i’m not a “DID system,” i’m a system. and, we also have DID.
my plural identity is more than a disorder. just because a disorder may influence it doesn’t mean they’re synonymous.
i know this is an unpopular stance, i’m not forcing anyone to apply it to themselves if it doesn’t fit them. just respect this is how we are ourselves.
- 🥀
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aura-dragonfly · 5 months
Remember y’all, Median Systems are valid. When people say all systems are valid, they’re usually talking about endogenic systems. While yes, that’s true of course, I don’t know where to place Median Systems at along the spectrum. We’re not plural per se nor endogenic. We’re stuck in the middle. Our parts or facets are us and we’re them. We’re a breed of our own. I wish there would be more info out there about us. Endogenics please don’t forget your cousins so to speak hehe. 😄😅
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sirenium · 6 months
Shoutout to DID systems who aren't anti endo.
Shoutout to disordered systems in general who don't think their experience is the only valid system experience.
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a-system-of-giving · 23 days
A System of Giving 2024
Happy pride month!
We voted on doing the exchange in June, which means it's time for 2024's plural gift exchange!
A System of Giving is a pro-endo gift exchange on AO3 where plurals (and questioning plurals!) can write plural fics for other plurals! When you sign up, you can request plural-related fics from any fandom, and then you'll get assigned someone else's request to write
SIgn-ups, rules, and FAQs can all be found here:
This year, we also finally set up a Discord server. Chat with others who are doing the exchange and stay up-to-date on the challenge here: (completely optional to join)
Sign-ups close: 8th June
Assignments due: 8th July
Works revealed: 10th July
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trenchcoat-of-hats · 8 months
as a system who's been writing their whole life, I think some writers should consider that they're plural with the way they talk about their characters- because characters aren't actually supposed to take over the story, at least not in our experience, unless they're literally autonomous because they're a headmate/soulbond/whatever. if you're a good writer you keep your characters in-character so they would do whatever's in-character but the character shouldn't be deciding to do that, you're deciding that. there's a difference between knowing what a character will do because you know them well and having the character choose what to do themselves, you know?
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bernadettethebear · 2 months
Man as a member of a system with mostly fictives I am here to say, for all fictives, despite not being one myself:
You are not "faking" because you are a fictive host, alter, ECT
You are valid and supported
There is nothing wrong with not wanting to be known for your source
There is nothing wrong with wanting to be known cor your source
Just because your someone's "favorite character" doesn't mean you have to like them
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evilmedian · 1 month
daily discussion prompt: privacy
how open are you about plurality? has this changed for you over time? how does your openness differ across various contexts (online spaces, friend groups, workplace, family, school)? have you felt pressured to share more about your system than you're comfortable with--and/or pressured to not share as much as you would like?
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intersex-idiots · 2 years
"well you see, MY roleplay is much more valid than that person's roleplay or this person's roleplay because *I* pretend to have a heavily stigmatised and crippling disorder that is caused by horrific trauma! can't you see how special and different i am? aren't i just so valid and totally not mocking you and everything you survived to develop this horrible dissociative disorder?"
we did NOT suffer through and survive all of our fucking trauma since a young age and having that carry on through our life just to have a motherfucking CHILD pretend to have our disorder to feel like they mean something in this pathetic world. we KNOW we did not. you fuckers anger me to no motherfucking end. i am not about to let fucking CHILDREN think they know more about my disorder than i do. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF EVERY NON-EXISTANT GOD. JUST EDUCATE YOURSELF, GROW, MATURE, AND APOLOGISE TO EVERY SYSTEM YOU DECIDED TO HURT, HARASS, AND TRIED TO CONVINCE THAT THEY DID NOT HAVE TRAUMA WHEN YOU STILL THOUGHT ROLEPLAYERS WERE ALLOWED IN A COMMUNITY FOR TRAUMATISED PEOPLE. THEN MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, WE WILL FUCKING ACCEPT YOU.
all i ask is for one day, ONE DAY, where roleplayers don't try to make us believe we didn't experience our trauma when we have physical evidence that we did. all i ask is for one day that i can live in fucking peace without these roleplayers taking shit way too far and sending me death threats for not wanting non-traumatised people in our safe spaces.
i can barely go on this fucking app anymore because all i see is their bullshit. if it's not in asks, it's in reblogs or comments. i'll definitely be turning anon off so y'all can tell me to kill myself with y'all's whole chest since y'all wanna be fucking bold again. <3
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meanwhile-in-iowa · 28 days
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We're still on hiatus, but this thought came to my mind.
Rendered in MMD. Effect is ExcellentShadow.
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the-100-percent · 1 month
Me going through someone's entire blog trying to see if they dislike endos because their post doesn't say "endos dni" or "endo friendly":
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partypacking · 8 months
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The fun thing about being plural is we have 8000 genders between us.
Rendered in MMD. Poses by ratboysims. Kumamon by Shironeko. Stage converted by Mr-Mecha-Man. Everything else ripped from The Sims 4. Effect used is ExcellentShadow.
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manyeyed-cataclysm · 4 days
shoutout to unorthodox littles/middles in systems.
shoutout to littles/middles who hold trauma ‘too mature’ for them
shoutout to littles/middles who do jobs that are ‘too mature’ them
shoutout to littles/middles who hold severe symptoms
shoutout to littles/middles who are hypersexual and/or hold sexual trauma
shoutout to littles/middles who are violent
shoutout to littles/middles who hold ramcoa trauma
shoutout to littles/middles who are programmed
shoutout to littles/middles who are persecutors
shoutout to littles/middles who are protectors
shoutout to littles/middles who take care of other littles/middles
shoutout to littles/middles who take care of older alters
shoutout to unorthodox littles/middles in systems in general, you guys deserve it
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