#osdd venting
thecorvidforest · 1 year
boy it would be nice to be able to google something related to personality disorders, psychosis, intellectual disabilities, autism, DID/OSDD, etcetera without finding majority articles that are like “how to deal with a person with X” “how to cope with your child with X” “how to spot someone faking X” “can people with X be cured?”
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the-alarm-system · 4 months
the system experience
>type did system into youtube search bar
>first option is "did system cringe"
>go onto reddit and type did system
>first option is fake disorder cringe
>feel fucking awful
>do a did presentation in medical class
>someone raises their hand and asks how to know if someones faking
>feel fucking awful
>tell someone you have did
>they ask if you're faking because you have a fictive
>feel fucking awful
>feel fucking awful
>feel fucking awful
>tell a close friend you have did
>they get disgusted when you say we instead of I
>look at tiktok compilations
>did cringe compilation
>follow a funny youtuber
>video on people faking did
>feel fucking awful
>try and look for resources
>psychiatrist making a presentation on how did systems looking for community is a sign of faking, uses system content without their consent
>psychiatrist making a presentation on how did systems being open is a sign of faking
>go onto tumblr
>type plural
>find post about how "the future is plural" is traumatizing children and should never ever ever happen because fuck plurals we don't need acceptance that bad right?
oh my god when does it fucking end
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coolhumanoidbeing · 18 days
"Your alters are all a part of you."
We're all parts of a person that could be. Hell, maybe even a person that should have been.
But they are not a part of me.
I'm as much of an alter as they are.
I have parts in me, as in, I have moods and tastes and goals. Those part are not alters.
Alters are their own separate entity, although we are all parts of a dissociated potential whole.
I am an alter. They can't be parts of me if im also a piece of the puzzle.
Edit: I will delete (both sides of) any arguments, unless they are respectful on both sides. By respect, I mean debating against points and not the person you're talking to.
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shattered-system · 5 months
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I’ve seen some art with the line “the future is plural!”
I hope it isn’t.
More systems means more abused kids.
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captainlevi06 · 6 months
When you are overwhelmed:
Find a quieter place
I find it helpful to go outside or on a short walk, possibly with some soft music or white noise.
Getting away from loud or overlapping sounds helps immensely
I also prefer dimmer lights or natural lighting when possible.
Water is essential for all bodily functions, including sensory and emotional regulation.
Have your preferred water bottle with you and sip slowly. Add flavouring or ice if desired
Eat something
Again, taking care of your needs is key
If possible, get a small snack and eat slowly. My system usually keeps oyster crackers with us. They’re bland but have a good amount of salt which is important for us, as we have POTS
Most of our overstimulation is caused by being hungry and not realising it
Identify irritating clothing
Is an article of clothing too tight? Are you too cold or too warm? Is something itching?
Once you’ve identified anything that’s uncomfortable, make any adjustments you can that will remedy the issue
These solutions don’t have to be conventional to be effective. Flipping socks inside out can prevent you from feeling the seams. Dabbing cool water on your wrist and/or ankles can help cool you down.
Stimming, or self-stimulatory behaviour, can help calm you down.
Safely stimming can include tapping your fingers, chewing gum, rocking back and forth etc.
There are also stim toys and chewable necklaces for this purpose. I have recommendations if anyone needs them
Identify and Devise a Solution
What led you to feeling overwhelmed?
Write down, either physically or digitally, what caused this and start to plan a solution
If it is a problem with completing a task, We use an app called Goblin Tools. It’s free on the website and the app is $0.99, neither of which have ads. It has a to do list that uses AI to break down your task into steps. It also has a feature to identify tone in writing among other things.
Break down your plan into small, manageable pieces. You don’t need to do everything right now.
Final steps
Communicate your needs to others. If you need to adjust your environment or tasks to accommodate your needs, tell others clearly what you need and how they can help
Breathe. You’re going to be okay. You are not a failure for needing to take a break. You are not a failure for being unable to take on everything at once.
You’ve got this
- Levi
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lightofthemoon19 · 8 months
fusion is not "killing" alters. it's a form of healing. im so fucking tired. i know everyone's experiences with it are different but i need people to understand there is nothing wrong with pursuing final fusion as a system. even if it's not what you or your system want, you're allowed to have your reasons for that but please stop spreading this narrative and this rhetoric that alters fusing is this terrible thing, it's literally a sign of healing.
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lemony-ink · 3 months
"demedicalizing" complex dissociative disorders caused by severe and repeated trauma is wild
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reimeichan · 1 year
oh sure when actors playing a character with DID or otherwise acting as multiple people in one body switch between alters on screen they're "such a talented actor" and you "get chills" but when I, actual diagnosed DID system, switch in front of you, it's "scary and unnerving" and you "no longer know how to talk to me".
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syscultureis · 15 days
Plural culture is how am I supposed to cope with that fact that my entire existence is a trauma response
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haunted-house-sys · 3 months
Cutely blocking pro endos and other nontraumgens on SIGHT
We are anti endo and other non traumgens + those who support them...
We dont actively discuss syscourse on our blog, and will continue not to. Why?
If y'all are coming at us to "uh ACTUALLY ☝️🤓" us we will block y'all on the topic of endos, tulpas, all that other bull.
We will look in from afar, and talk about it with our partner system, but that's the extent of it.
We dont care if you are "built different" or "systems just happen without trauma"
Who are YOU to tell that to those of us who had to face YEARS of utter HELL when we were only JUST KIDS?! "Uhm actually were a system too without the trauma" "we wanted this!"
NO TF YOU DONT. Being a system if FUCKING HELL. Get the fuck off our blog and get the fuck off our posts...
Hi.. this was Illya with a BPD episode stemmed from the utter searing hot anger that boiled through my veins after seeing an endo "um actually" me... fuck y'all...
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disso · 2 months
Sometimes when I tell people I have this disorder, they get fascinated by it. I suppose it's to be expected, I don't think it's "fascinating" or "strange" or "weird." On good days, I just think neutrally about it. However, I've noticed a few things:
People will ask us to switch. Please don't do this. It's not a party trick. Sometimes we don't know what's happening when we switch, and it'll usually take some time to know what has happened.
Don't try to trigger a switch either. Most of our switches are involuntary, and it can be scary or disorienting if someone else tries to do this.
If a switch does happen for whatever reason, don't try to get too upset with the new fronter. It happens.
Sometimes we're unable to switch at all, for whatever reason. We can't always "switch back" to the host on a whim.
We don't think this disorder is "cool." We're usually just distressed by it. We're not in agony 24/7, but we would have had a better life without the disorder (and trauma history.)
Yes, the disorder is real. No, we aren't faking it. We aren't very open about it, and we only generally tell people we have some level of trust with.
This is probably different with other systems, this has just been our experience.
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digitaloffshoot · 5 months
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zootzbootz · 17 days
something that will always kinda bother us about a lot of plural/system spaces is how alters who aren't the host are treated as somehow less important.
it's so weird to us.
we've seen so many posts (mostly memes tbh) that talk about other headmates like they're sub-human, or like their entire existence inherently revolves exclusively around the host ESPECIALLY in regards to protectors.
... and it's so WEIRD. /neg
like - headmates r ppl too. ffs head in hands
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ghost-of-a-system · 5 months
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put this together in like 40mins with no script so sorry if theres mistakes.
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systemblogging · 7 months
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pricklymuffinzzzzz · 8 months
TW basically just general system guilt and such
Can we please stop normalizing taking responsibility for other alters actions? Admittedly there are some alters in a system who enjoy taking on responsibility and it’s literally their job.
But that still doesn’t mean they have full control over any other alter in the system. At the end of the day an alters actions are theirs and theirs only.
I usually apologize on behalf of alters but I’m genuinely just tired of it. Especially when singlets expect that’s it’s some sort of moral duty to take care of other alters or clean up their messes.
I don’t want to. I already have to live with the consequences of someone else’s actions. Actions in which I had no say in or control over. I’m just tired of feeling guilty for something I didn’t even do.
Again all alters are individuals, all alters make different choices good or bad. I’m not gonna apologize for someone else’s mistakes. Sorry if that’s controversial lmfao
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