#ethan choi headcanon
americaswritings · 1 year
When we fall | Part 1
Warnings (for all parts): Fluff, angst!!, description of injuries, blood, violence, use of guns, mentions of death, probably unaccurate policing/medicine
Summary: You moved to Chicago to start a new life. Working as a doctor alongside your brother Connor you make new friends and although you swore to yourself not to let any man in your life at least for a while, your promises fail when you lock eyes with a handsome stranger in a bar.
Words: 6k
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Doctor!Rhodes!reader
A/N: I just started watching Chicago PD (I'm on season 3 now) after I've been watching Fire and Med for years now. I just can't stand Voight so I only began watching for Jay and Burzek! And I am so in love with Jay. Please, this man is perfect. Just look at that handsome face!!
This is going to be a 3 part series I wrote on a whim. Originally I only planned on writing one scene, but then I figured it needed a backstory so this happened...
I have to say I am really proud how it turned out. I was just in such a flow when I wrote it that the story basically wrote itsself. I hope you enjoy and that the characters feel true to themselves :)
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You had only began working at Gaffney Chicago Medical Center a few months ago, hesitant to work alongside your brother but knowing it was an opportunity, which would be stupid not to take.
Having moved to Chicago recently to be close with your brother after a messy break-up, you were still adjusting to your new life.
It was why you were more than relieved when you got along well with your co-workers, especially Natalie and her boyfriend Will.
They were understanding of your situation, were never bothered to show you where to find something at the hospital and made you feel welcome from the beginning as they invited you in on their group plans and joked like you were old friends.
Although you still felt a little uncertain at times to work with your brother, who had made himself a name as a brilliant trauma and cardiothoracic surgeon, he had been supportive since your decision to leave your old town behind and start a new life in Chicago.
Maybe, you thought, coming here had been exactly what you needed. A fresh start, a new beginning with new friends and no men to mess with your heart. At least for now.
“I told you I have sworn off men”, you sighed, shaking your head in amusement at Natalie’s try to play matchmaker. “They’re trouble. I don’t need that in my life right now.”
“Hey!” Will send you a look, though you knew he wasn’t mad. “She’s not wrong though”, April stated and Ethan next to her grinned. “I mean it though”, you said directed at Natalie. “I just want to focus on myself right now. My job. No dating for now.”
Everyone at the table nodded and you relaxed, glad you had found these people, who respected and supported you. “Cheers to that!” April raised her glass and you did the same when you noticed yours was empty.
With a groan you pushed yourself out of your seat and up, gesturing towards the bar. “I’m going to get another drink. Anyone want something?” They all shook their heads, already moving onto another topic.
As you made your way over to the counter you studied the people around you, trying to determine who was a cop, a firefighter and who a regular. Right in the beginning the others had introduced you to Mollys, claiming it was Chicago’s bar where first responders spend their time after shift.
Figuring it might come in handy to memorize some faces you let your gaze drift over the sea of people, recognizing a few men that Connor had once told you worked at the CFD. They were laughing loudly, beers in hand as they seemed to be talking enthusiastically about something.
At the table next to theirs your gaze came to a hold, your eyes caught by a man you had never seen before but looked slightly familiar. Your brows furrowed as you rummaged in your head for something that connected you to him, but you couldn’t find anything.
The people who sat with him didn’t look familiar either, consisting of men and one woman with chestnut hair. Your eyes drifted back to the man, who had caught your attention, his brown hair styled neatly and his hands wrapped around a bottle of beer that he just raised to his lips.
You didn’t meant to stare, but you were mesmerized, torn between trying to determine why he looked so familiar and captured by his effortless handsomeness.
He wore a green shirt, making you think his eyes were the same shade, although it was hard to know with the distance between you.
He seemed relaxed, leant back in his seat but listening to the others conversation attentively. Having sensed someone’s eyes on him he suddenly looked up, his eyes searching the room for a split second before they fell onto you.
Your face heat up as a blush crept up your cheeks, knowing you had missed your chance to turn away. The man raised his brows slightly, in confusion just as much as amusement it seemed, before he lightly lifted his bottle, as if he was saying cheers.
You clutched your glass a little tighter, glad that it had been refilled in the time you had spent gawking at him, and copied the movement, an unstable smile on your lips. Then you turned away, meeting Stella’s gaze from the other side of the bar.
The two of you had met when she had been at the hospital for smoke inhaling a while ago and you had clicked almost instantly, connected by your determination to hold your own in a field still dominated by men. And by your past with toxic relationships as you found out later.
“What was that?”, she asked, a teasing grin tugging at the corner of her lips as her eyes flickered between you and the man behind you. A part of you wanted to ask if he was still watching you, the other longed to forget it had ever happened.
“I don’t know.” You let out a dramatic sigh. “Can we just forget it ever happened?”
Stella’s face lit up, her curls dancing around her face as she shook her head. “Yeah, you wish. But that was definitely something.”
You exhaled, pinching your nose. “Thank you for the drink.” You saw Stella open her mouth in protest at your ignoration of her words, but before she could say anything else you send her an apologetical smile and hurried off.
No one seemed to have noticed your encounter and you slipped into the booth with ease, trying hard not to steal another glance at the unknown man a few tables away.
No men, you reminded yourself. Right now you needed to focus on getting your life together, not getting your heart broken by a handsome stranger.
“Dr. (Y/l/n)?” “Yeah?”, your head shot up from where you had filled out paper work. Because Connor and you were only half-sibling, you didn’t share the same last name, something you had been more than glad over when stepping foot in this hospital for the first time.
No one knew where you came from and that you shared genes with the successful Dr. Rhodes and you had left it at that at first, wanting to make your own impression first before dropping the information.
You could still remember their shocked faces, the questions, but most of all the excitement as they asked what Connor had been like growing up. If you had any embarrassing stories to tell or photos to show.
You didn’t, keeping them to yourself for now, because you hadn’t come here to make fun of your brother. He had been your rock through your breakup and your move here, something you were so grateful for you feared you would never be able to show him just how much.
“We have someone hit bit a bullet waiting in the three.” Your eyes widened. “Why didn’t they come with an ambulance?”, you asked, grabbing your iPad along the way.
Maggie waved off your comment, chuckling. “Cops. You know how they are.”
Actually, you didn’t. Coming from a small town you had no experience with shootings and gangs and many of the other trauma causes that were common here in Chicago. It was why you had been so excited about your job offer at the hospital.
Although you were still adjusting to the changes of living in a city and there were downsides you hadn’t considered before, you liked it. It felt so different, giving you the sense that in this city everything could be possible.
So many options and so many possibilities, as if you could completely reinvent yourself. It was thrilling, making you wonder how you had ever lived without the adrenaline rush of stepping into a busy ER.
Quickly scanning the information on your tablet you pulled open the curtain, clamping the iPad under your arm as you disinfected your hands.
“Hi, I’m doctor (y/l/n) and you are?” You glanced up, startled as you met the eyes of a familiar stranger. The man in front of you grinned, seemingly better at covering up his surprise. “Shouldn’t it say my name on your tablet?”
He didn’t sound rude, only a little sarcastic and perhaps even teasing. You gulped, trying to recompose yourself. “Right. I just prefer getting to know my patients myself than just relying on numbers and letters.”
You didn’t see his reaction when you grabbed your iPad again, glancing down at it. “So your name is Jay Hal-” “Halstead”, he finished for you and you looked up at him again.
It made sense now, why he had seemed so familiar to you nights ago at Mollys. “You’re Will’s brother.” The man in front of you, Jay, as you knew now, raised a brow. “Have you considered becoming a detective?”
He was mocking you, again, and you were tempted to smack him with your iPad. “So-”, he paused, letting his eyes drift over you. You felt your body tense under his gaze, cop’s eyes, and stood a little straighter.
“You were watching me at Mollys.”
You pressed your lips into a thin line, biting your tongue. You could only hope the embarrassment that began to sink in didn’t show.
“I was not watching you”, you stated and he raised a brow, daring you to explain yourself. “I just thought you looked familiar, but I couldn’t figure out why. Now it makes sense.”
You turned halfway towards the door, gesturing to the halls where somewhere his brother was treating another patient.
“I don’t think that’s the whole truth.”
You almost gasped at the confidence in his voice, instead blowing out a breath. “It definitely was.”
He shook his head, smiling. “I don’t buy it.”
There were many things you wanted to say to him, but you swallowed them, knowing it was no use. He clearly enjoyed teasing you, so you wouldn’t give him more fuel.
Instead you let out a sigh, shifting into professionality. “So, Mr. Halstead”, you began. “Jay is fine.” You tried not to let his interruption let you lose your string again and nodded. “Jay, you’re here for a bullet wound on your left upper arm?”
Jay nodded, his eyes- they really were green- bright. Pulling on your gloves you decided it was time to reclaim your own position a little. “And you decided to just walk in here instead of coming with an ambulance? Seems a little reckless, don’t you think?”
He raised one brow at your question. “It’s just a graze. I wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for my boss.” He rolled his eyes, making you wonder what his boss was like.
“Seems like your boss is a lot smarter than you”, you muttered, but to your surprise Jay grinned. “You’re new here, right? At least I’ve never seen you here before. Do you always talk to patients like that?”
You shrugged, unbothered by his words as you stepped close to him to take a look at his arm. You didn’t know what had gotten into you to talk to him like that, but you had the feeling with him it was fine. That he could take it, perhaps even enjoyed it over your dry professionalism.
“Only to the ones I like best”, you said with sarcasm in your voice, too focused on inspecting his wound to check his expression.
Jay didn’t move under your touch, allowing you to move his arm before you let it go again. He had done this before, probably multiple times. It was why he was so unbothered, perhaps even annoyed to waste his time here on something that seemed unsignificant to him.
For a moment you were tempted to ask him how he could choose a job that demanded such sacrifice, but you didn’t know him and you doubted he would give you an honest answer. Not that you could blame him. You were practically strangers.
And was your job much different? Although you had never been hurt and doubted it would ever happen, you were still making countless of sacrifices for it. Taking on extra shifts, working through the nights, staying longer to take more time for your patients and putting their health over your own sometimes.
“It’s just a graze shot”, you said when you were done inspecting the wound, ignoring his look that seemed to say “told you”.
“But you still need to be careful with it. Give it rest, avoid any rapid movements, don’t lift too heavy with it…I think you know.”
Jay nodded, watching you remove your gloves. “Does that happen often?” He tilted his head in question and you bit your lip. “I mean, you- getting shot on the job.”
“Are you asking if I come here often?” His lips were curled into a lopsided grin, looking way too handsome on his features. You rolled your eyes at his teasing, ignoring the way your heart beat a little faster in your chest. “Forget it”, you stated, throwing your gloves into the bin.
“I am going to tell one of the residents to come and bandage the wound. Then you’re free to go.”
But before you could move the curtain again and leave the room you heard Jay’s voice behind you. “Wait.”
You paused, turning back to him slowly. For the first time he wore a serious expression, his jaw twitching.
“I’m with the Intelligence”, he stated, in a way that told you the name should ring a bell. It didn’t. You were too new to know much about it.
Jay seemed to sense it by your lack of a reaction to his words. “We’re…very involved in the City.”
Whatever that meant. You tilted your head in question. “You mean with the gangs?”
Jay shifted. “Voight, my boss, he can be very- intense.”
You nodded slowly, taking in his guarded expression. It was a topic you wouldn’t pry at. “And you’re okay with it? I mean- you’re just so…casual about this.”
You bit your lip, hesitant to ask him but curious as well. The cops in your home town had barely ever used their weapon to the point you sometimes even doubted they were able to.
Jay shrugged nonchalantly. “Before I worked for the CPD I was in the army. I’ve been through a lot worse than a graze. Getting shot at is just another part of my job.”
A veteran.
In such a short amount of time Jay had revealed so much to you. Suddenly you had a lot more respect for the man in front of you and you wondered if that was his way of coping, covering up his battle wounds and scars with sarcasm and wit.
You swallowed, trying to find words. But none seemed fitting. “Sounds like I will be seeing you here often then.” You kept your voice emotionless, although the thought of seeing Jay regularly made your heart speed up a little. Of course you would prefer different circumstances.
Damn his handsome face and wit.
He grinned slightly, shifting the atmosphere back to something lighter. “Don’t get too excited. I prefer staying bullet free.” “As you should.”
Typing something into your iPad you gave Jay a final nod. “Stay safe out there.” Then you turned to the door, already halfway out when you heard his voice again.
“I don’t even know your name.”
You froze, smiling to yourself when you tried not to put too much weight into the fact that he had called you back a second time. It seemed almost as if he didn’t want you to leave just yet.
But you pushed the thought aside, knowing it was pointless. You couldn’t let yourself get distracted so easily.
Turning back to him you put on a polite smile.
“You’re a detective, figure it out.”
You were surprised by your own confidence, but with Jay you didn’t feel shy or insecure. He made you feel like you could say anything and he wouldn’t mind. The type of man that didn’t get upset easily, so comfortable with who he was that it took a lot to get him to lose his temper.
“I could just ask my brother, you know.”
You shrugged, unimpressed. “If that lets you sleep at night, sure.”
You left the room smiling to yourself and it took you another few minutes to calm your rapid heart and collect yourself.
“You didn’t tell me you have a brother!” “What?” Will looked up from the computer, startled by the way you had barged into the break room.
Your shift was over and you couldn’t wait to get home and relax on the couch, but before that you needed to talk to Will. Because after encountering the other Halstead your mind hadn’t been able to let go of what had happened between the two of you. The way he had looked at you, teased you. How he had made you feel nervous and confident in just a matter of moments.
“Why didn’t you tell me you have a brother?” You leaned on the desk, sure that you had Will’s full attention now. “You didn’t tell us you had a brother the first few weeks either.”
“That’s different.” You shook your head. “And I did tell you. So…?”
Will leaned back in his chair, stretching his back. “I didn’t think it mattered. I would have introduced you eventually but- wait, is Jay here?”
You bit your tongue, feeling a little caught. You hadn’t thought that maybe Jay didn’t want his brother to know what had happened. But it was too late now, and anyway, how should you have known?“
"He was. He is fine though.” You kept your words vague, aware that you weren’t allowed to share personal information with Will. Even if they were brothers.
Will let out a sigh. “That idiot. Probably got himself in trouble again.” He reached for his phone across the desk and you quickly got up, straightening.
“You didn’t get it from me”, you threw in before Will could drag you into it and he looked up at you with curiosity in his eyes. “I wasn’t going to mention you.”
“Oh.” You nodded, feeling relieved yet a little flustered. Will studied you with attentive eyes, reminding you of his brother for a second before his expression shifted into suspicion.
“So you met Jay.” He said it in a way that proposed something meaningful behind his words, but you couldn’t figure out why. “I did.” You shifted your weight to the balls of your feet before swaying forward again. A nervous habit. “I bet he’s the younger one.”
“He is, yeah.”
You suppressed a grin. It made so much sense. “So I should probably head home now. I got the early shift tomorrow.”
“Right.” Will nodded, the phone in his hands seemingly forgotten as his eyes were still fixed on you. “Did something happen between you and my brother?”
Your heart sank a little. Were you really so obvious? “I told you I’ve sworn off men. And your brother is- annoying.”
You wished the last part didn’t sound like it came straight from a five year old’s mouth, but it was too late to take back.
“Trust me, I know that.” Will let out a sigh, but you could see the fondness in his eyes. The gesture alone told you they had a close relationship.
A cop and a doctor. What a pair.
“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight.”
Weeks had passed since you had last seen Jay. He hadn’t shown up in the hospital again, which you were both glad for and disappointed at, and since you had been taking on extra shifts for a sick co-worker, you had spent almost all your time at the hospital or passed out in your bed.
“You haven’t gone out with us in weeks!” Sylvie was currently trying to convince you to come to Mollys. You had gotten to know her through Stella and the two of you had gotten along well, her sweet and kind nature something that made you feel comfortable around her instantly.
Although you had quickly learned not to underestimate the girl. She was working with a bunch of guys after all and had learned to stand her ground with them.
Sylvie could be very persistent, you realized again when she had called you to invite you to a girl’s night out. “Stella won’t be working today, so it’s our chance to spend the night as just us girls.”
You gnawed your lip, thinking. You were tired, craving your couch and tv more than going out again, but Sylvie wasn’t wrong, you had been mostly on your own the past days. Being a little social and getting out of your own apartment would probably be good.
“Urgh, fine”, you groaned. “But you’re paying my first drink.” You knew Sylvie was smiling triumphantly on the other end of the line. “Deal.” “Now get your ass over here!” It was Stella’s voice in the background and you chuckled. “You are the worst!”
“And you love us anyway”, she chirped and you hung up, shaking your head with a smile on your face.
You hadn’t thought about impressing anyone when getting ready, but you were more than glad you had put a little effort into your outfit and make-up when you stepped into Molly’s that night, your getup like a wall build around you.
“You came!” Stella crossed the room, her voice loud enough for a couple of heads to turn towards you. You could kill her for drawing attention to you, but you forced a smile onto your lips instead, trying not to look at anyone except her.
“Hey”, you muttered, shrugging out of your coat and hugging her. “Wow, girl you look stunning!” Stella’s eyes flashed up and down your body as she let go, a smirk on her face.
“A little quieter, please?”, you almost whispered, aware that you still had the attention of the people around you. Stella seemed either completely oblivious to it all or unbothered, because she grinned at you. “Looking like that you will draw attention to you whether you like it or not!”
You felt your cheeks heat up a little, glad when you spied Sylvie making her way over. “I told her not to make a scene, but she wouldn’t listen. You know how she is!”
You hugged her too, smiling as Stella let out a breath. “I did not make a scene. And I’m standing right here, you know?”
Laughing, the three of you made your way to the back, where you slipped into a booth, your drink already waiting for you. “You know me so well”, you told Stella as you took your first sip, relaxing a little now that the attention had mostly vanished.
“I got you, girl!” Stella winked at you, before launching into a story about their newest rescue. Soon you were enveloped in laughter and smiles, the stress of the last days forgotten for the night.
Only when Stella declared it was time for another round of drinks you felt the exhaustion return to your body. “I think I’m going to head home”, you told them, stretching a little in your seat. “Early shift tomorrow?”, Sylvie asked and you nodded.
“You’re way too selfless, taking on all these extra shifts”, Stella pointed out, but you waved her off. “I’m the new one, so it’s fine. Helps me get to know everyone and everything better and it’s not like I have much to do in this city yet. I only got my gym membership, but I didn’t really have time to look for anything else.”
“See? That’s exactly why you need time off! You should be out exploring the city!” You smiled at Stella’s enthusiasm. “It’s not like it won’t be here tomorrow. I’m planning on staying here, so there’s plenty of time to get to know it all.”
Sylvie offered you a smile. “I’m glad you do. I know it can be quite an adjustment to move to a big city like Chicago, but it will feel like your home in no time.”
You felt your heart squeeze painfully in your chest as you thought back to the past months, which had been filled with nothing but heartbreak, loss and a turmoil of emotions. Even as you had decided to start a new life in Chicago, you had been filled with fear and uncertainty, scared to make the wrong call yet again.
Never could you have imagined to find a job, that was so challenging, but gave you a sense of purpose and a group of friends, that felt like you had met them long ago.
“It already kind of does”, you admitted, your eyes fixed on the empty glass in front of you before you looked up at them again. They both looked at you with big smiles on their faces and you almost felt tears fill your eyes. It had been a long day.
“We should do this more often”, you told them as you got up and grabbed your coat. “That’s what I said!” Stella nodded.
“And I still need to show you that spinning class. You would love it!” Sylvie sounded so excited that you couldn’t help but chuckle. “I am sure. Just text me and we’ll find something.”
“And you’re sure you can’t stay longer?”
Your eyes drifted to the counter as you considered staying for another drink, but your body felt heavy and almost sore from the day’s work. “Next time. But you two have fun and don’t drink too much”, you winked at them.
As you excited the bar you waved towards a few familiar faces before pulling your coat closer around your body to prepare yourself for Chicago’s cold.
Still you shivered as you stepped outside, pulling out your phone to order an Uber. Something you had only done once before, on your way here, but was an easy and quick way of getting around the city.
It would take a few minutes for your driver to arrive and you realized it would have been a lot smarter to wait inside, but you hadn’t thought of it then and you felt too proud to step inside again.
Pressing your hands together you rubbed them against each other a few times to create heat, before slinging your arms around your torso. Chicago’s harsh winters wasn’t something you hadn’t gotten used to yet, but the promise of snow lingering in the air made it almost worth it.
You heard the faint sound of the door opening and closing behind you so you took a step to the side of the building, not wanting to stand in the way of whoever had just left the bar.
To your surprise the person came to stand beside you, his presence alarming you until you glanced up to find none other than Jay Halstead standing next to you.
Immediately your body relaxed again, as if it knew by instinct his presence meant safety. “That was quite an entrance”, he greeted you, referring to the moment you had stepped into Molly’s.
You felt your cheeks flush at the memory, hoping he couldn’t see it in the dim light of the streetlamp. “I didn’t know you were here.” You kept your eyes trained at the empty street in front of you, willing and dreading the moment your driver came to pick you up.
“I was with the unit”, he said and you turned your head towards him. “Are you here often?” He shrugged, his eyes darting to the building. “I guess so, yeah. It’s the place where everyone comes.”
You nodded silently, contemplating his words. “But if I want to be alone, I go to the bar at the corner North Milwaukee Avenue.” You met his eyes curiously. Was he making recommendations, because you were new in the city or did he have another intention?
“So bars and hospitals. Everywhere else I can expect to run into Jay Halstead?” You didn’t know why you asked, but a part of you wanted to know. Wanted to know more about him, what his life was like, what made him who he was.
Jay grinned faintly. “You make it sound like I’ve got issues.” “Do you? Have issues?” You were teasing and he smirked. “Doesn’t everyone?”
“I don’t think I have.” Even as you said it you knew your words couldn’t be farer from the truth. Hadn’t your issues been what had led you here?
Jay watched you for a moment, seemingly picking up on your change of mood, but sensing you weren’t ready to talk about it. You appreciated it, welcoming the silence to sort your thoughts again.
“So what led you here to Chicago?” His question was innocent and something you had been asked countless of times since your move here, but for some reason you felt the urge to be open with him. No lies or excuses.
And even if Jay barely knew you, you thought he would be able to pick up on it. He must be an excellent detective.
“There were some…things I needed to leave behind.” It was vague, but more than you had told most who had asked. Only the girls knew about your breakup, but even with them you hadn’t shared many details.
Jay didn’t ask further, his grave expression suggesting he understood you better than you might have thought. “Why Chicago?” You glanced away from him, taking in the empty road, the skyline with its lights in the background. “I needed a fresh start, somewhere where no one knew who I am. And I got family here, so it made sense.”
You could feel his eyes on you and you swallowed before facing him again. For a moment your eyes locked, none of you saying anything as you started at each other. Jay was the first one to break the heavy atmosphere, a smile dancing at his lips.
“But you’re not a criminal on the run, are you? Because I would have to arrest you, if you were.” The tension that had risen in your body at the mention of your past vanished and you grinned, relieved about his ability to lighten the atmosphere. “What gave it away?”
Jay leaned a little closer, his eyes glistening. “Maybe the way you always look over your shoulder-” You inhaled. Was that really something you did? “-or that you’re nervous around me, a cop.”
The air you had held escaped you in a surprised sound and you hugged your torso a little tighter. “I’m not nervous around you”, you huffed, shaking your head. Jay grinned.
“How is your arm by the way?” You weren’t interested in talking about yourself any longer, shifting the topic onto him. Your gazes travelled down his arm where his jacket was covering the wound you had inspected. It seemed like forever ago and like yesterday at once.
“It’s good. Voight’s keeping me at a leash, make sure I’m 100% before I get into the field again.” He said it like it wasn’t a big deal, but you could hear the strain in his voice. He missed it, being out there on the streets.
“Sounds reasonable to me.” “Yeah.” Jay nodded, a faraway look in his eyes. It seemed like you weren’t the only one with secrets.
You looked up at the sound of a car nearing, a black car approaching the two of you. Checking your phone you held it up. “That’s my ride.”
But you only managed one step towards it before Jay pulled you back, his hand wrapped around your lower arm. You gazed at it, confused and startled by his reaction and he loosened his grip, his hand falling to his side after a moment.
“You know the guy?”, he asked, pointing to the man that was sitting behind the wheel, an impatient expression on his face.
Slowly you shook your head, your eyes flickering between the car and Jay. “But he’s my ride. See-” you held up your phone to him, but Jay paid it little attention.
“Yeah, no, you’re not climbing into that car”, he stated, his voice firm but not unfriendly. “Wait, what?”
Surprised you watched Jay walk towards the car, waiting for the driver to pull down the window before leaning in. You couldn’t hear what was said, only watched the two speak for a minute.
Their conversation ended with Jay handing the man money, before walking back towards you as the car sped away in the darkness.
“What the hell was that?”, you asked as Jay came to stand beside you again, his body just as relaxed as before. “You’re new in Chicago, right?” You didn’t say anything, knowing it was a question he didn’t expect an answer to.
“You should not be climbing into a car with a stranger. And not in the dark.”
Your head spun as you tried to process what he was implying. “It was just an uber! Everyone does that around here.”
You sounded clueless and defensive, shocked about the sudden change of events. Jay eyed you. “Well, then take it from me to never do that again. At least not alone. Chicago’s not a good place, especially for women, trust me on that one.”
You didn’t know what to say, blinking at him as the impact of it sank in. What if Jay hadn’t stepped outside? You doubted anything would have happened, but what if he was right and you had been reckless? Naive?
“So how am I supposed to get around the city then? Because driving in this traffic is madness.”
For the first time since your interruption Jay smiled again. “You can just ask me. I am much cheaper anyway. And on top you will get to see my face.”
You rolled your eyes over his confidence. “Now that’s a deal I can’t decline”, you muttered, fighting the grin that threatened to spread over your face and failing. Damn it.
“But for real, what am I supposed to do? I can’t just call you all the time I want to go somewhere.”
“It wouldn’t be a problem if we went together.”
Your eyes widened as you almost choked on the air. “You mean a date?”
Jay shrugged, his eyes not meeting yours for only a second. “You can pay me back for saving your ass twice.”
“Getting into that car for one and saving you from freezing here on the street by driving you home.”
Smooth. You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you. “Does that work with every woman you’re trying to impress?”
Jay shrugged, fiddling for something in his pocket before pulling out his car keys. You watched a car light up at the other side of the street, following Jay towards it.
“I wouldn’t know. And who says I’m trying to impress you?”
“Maybe because of this whole I’m-a-cop-and-I’m-so-tough-thing.”
Now it was Jay’s turn to chuckle. “That’s not just a thing. So, what are you saying?”
Oh. You bit your lip, considering the thought of going on a date with Jay. Hadn’t you just recently decided not to date and focus on yourself for a while?
But you couldn’t deny you wanted to say yes. To spend more time around him and enjoy the feeling of ease he gave you.
You said it with a teasing smile, scared Jay might take your answer in a bad way, but he sent you a confident grin. “I can work with that.”
@capkilljoy @fairytalesforever @hamartocado @choke-me-sweet-pea @sleepinginthegarden7 @thenoddingbunny-blog @ttalisa  @hallecarey1 @Not-jay-c @sunwardsss @writingrem-blog @the-pink-petite-princess @wanniiieeee @part-time-patronus @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad  @theshortegg @not-reptilian @msdrpreist @alisonhepps @hallecarey1  @thatfangirl42 @dustyinkpages @ellabellabus07 @iluvjj  @wayward-hunter  @sweet-texas-girl @rosie-posie08 @ @olsensnpm  @meyocoko  @alexxavicry @shhh423  @dumb-fawkin-bitch @jayyeahthatsme @savagemickey03  @alexxavicry @partiallypearl @earthtolottie  @gisobsessedwithfanfiction  @navs-bhat  @AlohaStitch_626 @multi-fandom-lover7667 @xcallmetaniax
@alldaysdreamers  @krswrites @oosnapitskat @okiegirl24  @mads-weasley  @nyx2021 @human01sposts @wanniiieeee @dustyinkpages @randomwriter1021 @cosmic-psychickitty @smoothdogsgirl @yyourmotherr  @luckyladycreator2  @penguins0527 @rippl3s @sande5098 @freyathehuntress @sorry-i-spaced   @narnianaos @jtxox01  @captainjoongiekissme @killerrbunnii @randomhoex @mrspeacem1nusone @thesithdiaries @cosmicwintr @fdl305  @insane-fangirl @thaliadoesthingd @crazy4pennywise@morks-watermelon  @automaticpeachsong @arialikestea @lanea-1 @hoeshii  @multi-fandom-lover7667  @mrsjna @toohighhopes @caroldanverwife @Kanji_Chikara @chsatlntic @halstead-severide-fan @halsteadloversworld
Add yourself to my taglist!
Please let me know what you think :)
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Please read before requesting! (+ masterlist)
I am very happy that you found you way to my blog :)
I am Annie, i write fanfiction for multifandoms and this is my first time publicating them
I am from Germany so English is only my second language, i will do my very best. If you notice errors feel free to tell me!
Character list below, if you want me to write about a character that is not mentioned there just shoot your shot and ask!
most characters will be at least a lil ooc, im sorry, i will do my very best
you can request one-shots/stories, headcanons with or without a specific topic, alphabets and whatever else you want
here is my masterlist
this is my ao3 (4 posts yet, 4 of which are cross-posts)
I will write pairings, xreader, etc.
I have not written smut before but i am willing to try
I will happily write angst and dark!scenarios including drugs, mental illness and death
You can be very specific in your requests but you dont have to
I am open to write polyamory and au!scenarios
I will turn down requests i dont feel comfortable writing but i will inform you about it!
Character list
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Dick Grayson/Nightwing
Jason Todd/Red Hood
Tim Drake/Red Robin
Damian Wayne/Robin
Other Batfam!characters that are not mentioned here
Young Justice
Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Ahsoka Tano
Padme Amidala
Barriss Offee
Luminara Unduli
various other characters and most clones, just ask away, dont be shy!
note: I haven't watched The Bad Batch yet, so i will exclude them from the list
Stardew Valley
The Lord of the Rings
The Hobbit
note: all characters go for both timelines, if it is important for you please specify in your request
Charles Xavier/Professor X
Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto
Peter Maximoff/Quicksilber
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler
Jean Grey/Phoenix/Dark Phoenix
Scott Summers/Cyclops
Bobby Drake/Iceman
John Allderdyce/Pyro
One Chicago
Connor Rhodes
Will Halstead
Ethan Choi
Sarah Reese
David Downey
Other fandoms i will write for
Harry Potter and the Marauders
Sherlock (BBC version)
Percy Jackson
Road Trip (movie from 2000): especially Josh Parker and Rubin Carver
Warrior Cats (Season 1 to 4 and most Special and Short Adventures)
No fandom, just specific scenarios with your characters
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inagetawaycarxo · 3 years
Can I request headcanons for Ethan Choi reacting to his S/O bonding with a child who's homeless and has to resort to crime to survive?
Ethan Choi  Reacting To His S/O Bonding w/ A Child Who's Homeless & Has To Resort To Crime To Survive
 Ethan felt slightly nervous whenever you interact with the homeless child.
He is also worried about your safety as well.
He tries to tell you in a supportive way his worries about the kid, especially when the kid resorts to crimes to survive.
You often beg him or bring up the idea of him staying with Ethan and you.
Course it leads to a small fight and you walking off.
Finally Ethan caves.
But he sets rules out for the homeless kid.
Eventually, Ethan warms up to the kid, and him and you adopt the kid.
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karihighman · 4 years
Meet Us At Molly’s on Twitter was doing One Chicago headcanons (Election edition), so I wanted to contribute....
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Chicago PD:
Adam Ruzek is last in line, after being dragged to the polls by Kevin Atwater
Jay Halstead went and voted early, and is playing golf the rest of the time. He indirectly would talk about it loud enough or close enough for Hailey Upton to hear, in which case she got fed up and went and voted earlier than she planned.
Kim Burgess went and voted on Election Day, even though she couldn’t get her boyfriend Adam to go with her. She enjoys the texts she’s getting from Kevin with Ruzek’s complaints about the long lines and cold temps.
Vanessa Rojas sent in her ballot (from wherever she is now🥺)
Trudy Platt is reminding EVERYONE to go vote; staring them down until they agree to do it on their lunch breaks
Hank Voight.... who knows if he did his civic duty but hell if anyone’s gonna ask him if he did
Chicago Fire:
Joe Cruz & his wife Chloe went together
Kelly Severide was dragged kicking and screaming at the crack of dawn to be one of the first in line with his girlfriend Stella Kidd
Wallace Boden reminded everyone at their morning briefing to go cast their votes — he’d vote provisionally
Matt Casey voted early
Sylvie Brett voted, but was really excited for the cute stickers
Tony & Capp ever so silently snuck away to vote, & were back before anyone noticed hahaha
Christopher Herrmann and Mouch did not want to stand in line, so they sent Darren Ritter and Blake Gallo to drop off their envelopes to their board of elections office
Darren and Blake waited in line together and did a live Instagram of their experience
Chicago Med:
Will Halstead almost forgot to vote, but thanks to Jay’s incessant reminders he remembered to mail his in
Sharon Goodwin mass emailed the hospital with reminders
Maggie & Ben went together of course. Maggie made sure the kids got stickers too if they asked where she got hers
Natalie was the first of the hospital to cast her vote, so she proudly wore her sticker. Crockett was second - and wasn’t happy about it.
Dr. Charles postmarked his ballot and got it in
Ethan had to awkwardly give April her ballot because she had put his address as her new permanent address. After that, they both sent theirs in
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chicago-heroes · 5 years
What are your head canons for April and Ethan on Chicago Med?
Ethan still regularly checks up on that panda he convinced Connor to operate on (does he still volunteer at the zoo???)
He still has his pet parrot. It now sometimes spouts random medical jargon that it hears Ethan say. Ethan once caught Emily trying to teach it swear words.
Ethan sometimes goes on morning jogs with Jay Halstead. They like to discuss their experiences in the defence force or just make fun of Will.
April is absolutely adored among the younger patients. She has a growing collection of crayon drawings from kids she’s treated and likes to stick them on her fridge.
She is renowned for her very passive aggressive emails. “Hi Roger. That tox screen report I asked for 6 hours ago, seems to not have made it to me. It’d be very much appreciated if I received it soon. If necessary, I’d be happy to come upstairs and retrieve it personally :) Kind regards, April”
April loves reading and also likes to write stories. Sometimes for fun she uses names of her friends as characters and if someone’s recently pissed her off, she’ll give them an embarrassing role in her story.
Ethan and April definitely have definitely gone paintballing for a date after that nerf gun war they had at Ethan’s apartment.
After the incident where Ethan used St Patrick’s Day shamrock decorations as “mistletoe”, it has become a running joke between them. They now have a competition of who can find the weirdest things to use as “mistletoe”. On an unrelated note, Dr Lanik is still wondering where his shoelaces went.
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twistnet · 3 years
one chicago masterlist
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✶ = smut/sexual themes.  ᰔ = author fav.  § = read warnings.
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words left unsaid — the words left unsaid always leave more than broken hearts  ꒰ § ꒱
precious to me — mat has a funny way of confessing his love to you ꒰ ᰔ ꒱
amends — matt gets his results from his mri -- clearing him for active duty, he just has to make amends with you
safeguards — you are accidentally shot by your partner, jay, while out chasing after a suspect -- matt completely looses it as everyone waits to get an update on your condition ꒰ ᰔ ꒱
contest — somehow, overhearing kelly and stella have sex in the room next door turned into a bit of a contest ꒰ ✶ ꒱
rescue — coming back home from a weekend getaway in the mountains ends in a slight tragedy
blackouts — the winter blackout at the firehouse is the perfect time to try out some new things ꒰ ✶ ꒱
choosing you — a night of board games leads to more than you could have ever imagined
the sound of your heartbeat — nothing is more relieving than to hear the sound of a loved ones heartbeat ꒰ ᰔ ꒱
everything about you  — sometimes, you have to remind brian that you love everything about him. especially when he’s having a particularly hard day ꒰ ᰔ ꒱
nsfw alphabet ꒰ ✶ ꒱
the promise i made — coming back from your honeymoon, you end up sick. but kelly always has a way of making you feel better instantly
morning distractions — it’s a rare day when you are called into work and kelly isn’t required to go in. yet, he somehow manages to always distract you through the morning
zoo escapades — your son manages to convince the two of you to take a trip to the zoo, and how are you to say no?
morning starter — after not finding you in bed after her morning shower, sylvie goes looking for you and your morning kisses
other ideas — a regular movie night turns into something a bit more ꒰ ✶ ꒱
we’re just friends — everyone keeps mistaking you and stella as lovers -- until you both finally realize everyone was just seeing what you tried so hard to deny
sights to behold — there’s something absolutely magical about getting to see the woman of your dreams come around from behind the divide to show you her wedding dress for the first time – and to think in a little less than an hour, you’ll get to call her yours for all eternity
distress — something always goes wrong during high-rise fires ;  only this time, things hit closer to home than they should
how they kiss
comforting them after a bad day
birthday celebrations — joe cruz + brian zvonecek — with joe’s birthday right around the corner, you and otis decide to surprise him with something special ꒰ ✶ ꒱
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the perfect medicine —after a last minute surgery, connor works to get you ready for bed  ꒰ ✶ ꒱
choices — connor loves giving you choices, as he always enjoys whatever you seem to pick for the night ꒰ ✶ ꒱
overwhelmed — it's your first time back to work since bringing your son home for the first time, and connor’s worried you may be pushing yourself too hard
dear diary... — after digging through your desk in search of a file you had told him previous about, connor stumbles across an old journal that brings some interesting realizations to light
nsfw alphabet ꒰ ✶ ꒱
superstitions — after moving in together, ethan isn’t taking any chances when it comes to new housing superstitions ꒰ ✶ ꒱
light in the dark — you get attacked by a patient while at work, leaving ethan to comfort you through the traumatic experience ; being your light in the dark ꒰ § ꒱
eye of the beholder — sneaking glances at each other during work, yet everyone else can see the love sparking in the air -- but the two of you
to remember by — sometimes, its fun to capture a moment in time. that way, you can look back on it in the future
practice — after offering to watch over baby owen for the night while natalie covers for another doctor on her floor, you and will discover and talk about the possibility of having your own in the near future -- after all, practice makes perfect
public displays of affection
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pleasant surprises — kim learns something about you during an intimate moment, leaving her quietly excited at the turn of events ꒰ ✶ ꒱
split time between homes — you’re starting to notice adam’s time has become split between his two homes, and is slowly starting to weigh heavy on your relationship
no pun intended —  you had picked up a little joke book one night, and take every chance you get to tell adam on of your jokes to lighten the mood around the station
too busy — jay’s somehow always too busy, and it gets more and more tiring with each excuse he uses
how long? — the biggest question on your mind was : how long had jay been in love with hailey? and when was he going to tell you?
criminal — jay leans something interesting about his partner after learning to use the new look up system
just a scratch — the aftermath of you taking a bullet for erin while undercover
wrapping gifts — lindsay family traditions including rushing around at the last minute to wrap all the gifts you’ve gotten each other
nsfw alphabet ꒰ ✶ ꒱
a little something — you stand in the doorway as antonio packs to leave, and as he does, he gives you something to remember him by
high risk — kim burgess + jay halstead — it’s a high risk situation when you’re taken as a warning to the intelligence department ;  but jay and kim are willing to take it in order to get you home safely  ꒰ § ꒱
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© twistnet 2017 — no permission is ever given to copy, translate or transfer any of my works to any other blog, platform, or claim as your own !!
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imaginemalereader · 4 years
List of all the fics I’ve written so far (will be updated frequently) Last updated 11/10/22
Avengers Bucky Barnes Imagine taking Bucky to a farmers market (X) Imagine Bucky teaching you how to fight (X) Imagine being genderfluid and dating Bucky (X) Imagine impressing Bucky and Thor with your energy powers (X) Imagine Bucky comforting you when you bind for too long (X) *trans reader Imagine Bucky helping you through a bad dysphoria day (X) *trans reader
Steve Rogers Imagine having a picnic with Steve Rogers (X)
Tony Stark Imagine being Tony’s younger brother and him being overprotective (X) Imagine being Tony Stark’s son and getting into fights at school (X) Imagine being Tony’s trans son and having panic attacks (X) *trans reader
Peter Parker Headcanons: Being Peter’s tall, black boyfriend (X) Imagine being Tony’s trans son and flirting with Peter (X) *trans reader
Loki Imagine connecting with Loki like a sibling (X)
Pietro Maximoff Imagine cuddling by the fireplace with Pietro (X) Imagine learning that Pietro didn’t die and seeing him again (X) Headcanons: Being Pietro’s trans boyfriend (X) *trans reader Snow Day (X) ❄️ Skating (X)  ❄️
Clint Barton Imagine being Clint Barton’s trans son (X) *trans reader
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Faith Lehane Imagine having history with Faith and trying to win her back (X)
Oz Headcanons: Being Willow’s best friend and falling for Oz (X)
Chicago Med/Fire/PD Jay Halstead Headcanons: Jay Halstead going on his first date with a guy (X) Imagine being a new intern and Jay having a crush on you (X)
Adam Ruzek Take my coat (X) ❄️
Kelly Severide Imagine being a firefighter and getting a crush on Severide (X)
Ethan Choi Home for Christmas (X) ❄️
Criminal Minds Spencer Reid Imagine Spencer asking you, a trans guy, out (X)
Doctor Who 10th Doctor Imagine coming out to the Doctor as trans (X)
11th Doctor Christmas Sweaters (X) ❄️
12th Doctor Imagine being in love with the Doctor but believing it’s not reciprocated (X)
Enola Holmes Sherlock Holmes Imagine Sherlock being tasked with finding you (X) *~trans reader, young reader Imagine working on a case with Sherlock (X) Imagine confessing your feelings for Sherlock when you’re on a risky case (X) Imagine going to a dinner party with Sherlock and getting involved in a murder mystery (X) Imagine reconnecting with Sherlock after transitioning (X) *trans reader Resolutions (X) ❄️
Mycroft Holmes Headcanons: Being married to Mycroft (X)
Enola Holmes Headcanons: Being Enola’s brother and her helping you with your depression (X)
Tewkesbury New Year’s Eve (X) ❄️
Fantastic Beasts Newt Scamander Imagine Newt showing you how to care for his creatures (X) Headcanons: Falling asleep in Newt’s arms (X) Imagine dating Newt and being an animagus (X) Imagine being Newt’s boyfriend and playing quidditch together (X) Imagine Newt comforting you when you have cramps (X) *trans reader
Theseus Scamander Snowflakes (X) ❄️
Newt and Theseus Scamander Headcanons: Being the youngest nonbinary Scamander (X)
Gotham Jerome Valeska One shot: His Quinn, His King (X)
Jim Gordon Imagine getting into an argument with your boyfriend Jim Gordon (X) Imagine dating Jim and getting jealous of Lee (X)
Harry Potter Draco Malfoy Imagine Draco falling in love with you, a trans man (X) *trans reader
Cedric Diggory Imagine going on a date with Cedric Diggory (X)
Ginny Weasley Imagine confessing your feelings for Ginny (X)
Hawaii 5-0 Daniel “Danno” Williams Imagine being Danno’s first boyfriend (X)
House MD Dr. James Wilson Imagine working for House and having a crush on Wilson (X)
Hunger Games Finnick Odair Imagine cuddling in bed with Finnick (X) Imagine reuniting with Finnick after being taken by the Capitol (X) Imagine falling in love with Finnick during the Quarter Quell (X)
Peeta Mellark Imagine Peeta and Cato calming you down when you have nightmares (X)
Lord of the Rings Legolas Imagine Legolas falling in love with you (X)
The Old Guard The Old Guard Imagine being a young immortal and them being protective of you (X) ~young reader
Once Upon A Time Henry Mills Headcanons: First kiss with adult!Henry (X) Headcanons: Being married to Henry (X)
Sherlock BBC Sherlock Headcanons: First kiss with Sherlock (X)
John Watson Imagine being a young assistant of Sherlock’s and confusing John (X)
Sons of Anarchy Jax Teller Imagine Gemma finding out you and Jax are dating (X)
Juice Ortiz Imagine being Juice’s trans boyfriend and the Sons finding out (X) *trans reader
Happy Lowman Imagine being Happy’s partner and getting revenge on Clay (X)
Star Wars Poe Dameron Imagine being a pilot in the Resistance and dating Poe (X)
Kylo Ren Imagine asking Kylo not to push you away (X) Stranger Things Billy Hargrove Imagine being confused when Billy flirts with you (X)
Steve Harrington Christmas Party (X) ❄️
SWAT (2017) Jim Street Imagine being Street’s first boyfriend and reconnecting (X) Headcanons: First date with Jim Street (X) Imagine Street introducing you to his team (X) Imagine getting a call that Street got hurt on the job (X) Headcanons: Jim Street proposing to his boyfriend (X)
Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson Imagine Hondo accidently reveal to the team that he has a boyfriend (X)
Twilight Emmett Cullen Imagine Emmett helping you with your powers (X)
The Umbrella Academy Diego Hargreeves Imagine taking Diego on a date (X) Imagine being Buck’s (911) brother and dating Diego (X) ^crossover
Klaus Hargreeves Imagine Klaus tracing your tattoos when he gets overwhelmed (X)
The Witcher Geralt Imagine helping Geralt on a quest (X) Imagine Geralt being your bodyguard (X)
Jaskier Imagine Jaskier comforting you on your period (X) *trans reader Imagine Jaskier braiding your hair (X) Imagine following a voice and meeting Jaskier (X) Imagine being a prince and falling in love with Jaskier (X) Imagine another bard trying to steal your attention from Jaskier (X) Carols (X) ❄️
X-Men Scott Summers Mistletoe (X) ❄️
911 Evan “Buck” Buckley Imagine being Buck’s trans boyfriend (X) Imagine transferring to the 118 while dating Buck (X) Imagine being an actor and dating Buck (X) Imagine being Eddie’s HS friend and dating Buck (X)
Eddie Diaz Imagine being an old friend of Eddie’s and coming to LA (X) Imagine doing a couple’s costume with Eddie (X)  🎃 Imagine Eddie taking care of you after an accident on a call (X) Imagine being Eddie’s friend from childhood who’s trans and joining the 118 (X) *trans reader Headcanons: Being a doctor and dating Eddie (X)
911 Lone Star Mateo Chavez Imagine joining the 126 and falling for Mateo (X)
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at1nys-blog · 3 years
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Halloween ✨
Peter Parker
-Secret Date And Helping A Friend
Tony Stark
-Secret Date And Helping A Friend
Thor Odinson
-It's me
Spiders, snakes, bugs and flies
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Boku No Hero Accademia
Hawks(Keygo Takami)
Bakusquad(Mina, Sero, Denki, Kirishima, Bakugou)
-White Lie✨
Ao No Exorcist
Ryuji Suguro(Bon)
-Kyoto Tower
-Alrernative Lifes
Rin Okumura
One Piece
Roronoa Zoro
-Jealousy is green
-Nap Time
-Some story gets told: series pt.1: the start//pt.2: reversed roles
-San Valentine coming the 13rd February
-Worst Timing
Akagami Shanks
-Prince at sea
Buggy the clown
-Prince at sea
-Perona, Mihawk and Zoro
Tokyo Revengers
Shuji Hanma
-The one that left
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-You Are Family
Kim Hongjoong
-Something About You pt1//pt2
-You Look Like Peter Pan
-Loud Silence
-Not That Much Of a VIP(smau completed)
-My Loki or my Aphrodite?
-Coffe Hour
-Button Up Shirts(suggestive)
-Is a gin tonic
-Favorite body part…
Park Seonghwa
-Signing Books In Seoul
Jeong Yunho
-Friends Again pt1//pt2
-3 a.m
Kang Yeosang
-Is not that I hate you pt1//pt2//Pt3
Choi San
-Feeling Exposed ✨
-Idol Life(smau completed)
Song Mingi
-I'm The Voice
Jung Woojoung
-Haunted House
Choi Jongho
-He Is Not A Bad Guy
-Your dancer for the night
𝟿𝚝𝚑 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛: 𝙶𝚊𝙴𝚞𝚗
Stray Kids
Bang Chan
-Bubble Texts
Lee Minho
What Is Wrong With Me?
Seo Changbin
Hwan Hyunjin
-Happy BDay✨
Han Jisung
Lee Felix
-Music Video pt1//Australian Accent pt2
Kim Seungmin
Yang Jeongin
Im Nayeon
Yoo Jeongyeon
Hirai Momo
Minatozaki Sana
Park Jihyo
Dear leader I love you(smau discontinued sorry about it)
Myoi Mina
Kim Dahyun
Son Chaeyoung
Chou Tzuyu
Maddox(Kim Kyung Moon)
Single Mother!Reader SMAU
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My Soulmate(Series ended)
Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove
-Gone(spoiler season 3)
-Is The Two Of Us(spoiler s3e8)
Steve Harrinton
-The Ghostbuster Steve. The Gostbuster✨
Robin Buckley
-Is The Two Of Us(spoiler s3e8)
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
-Smiling Boss(platonic)
Alice in Borderland
Chishiya Shuntarō
-Old and new friends
Chicago Med
Ethan Choi
Shadow and Bone
Alina Starvok
-Back Together
The Crows
-Freedom 1 || 2
Grey’s Anatomy
Isobel Izzie Stevens
-Sister and Girlfriend
Denny Duquette
-Sister and Girlfriend
Marco Ilsø
-Keep laughing
Shadow and Bone cast
-Among us
-Kimchi and movie night
Some Weird Interactions
Alfie Solomon(Peacky Blinders)
-Jewish People✨
Dabi and Yukio Okumura
-I hate you but I like you… I guess
Incorrect Quotes
Percy Jackson
-The Stolls vs Micheal
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dorkotheromantic · 3 years
To add to the previous Ethan Choi discourse here are headcanons about him because he deserves more respect from the fandom
• I like to think that instead of becoming a veteran he originally wanted to become a veterinarian bc the ep abt the panda that needed surgery rlly made me think
• Additionally he loves the zoo(specifically the Lincoln Zoo), it’s his go to/comfort place
• He’s very good at rollerblading, when he was a teen he went to a lot of roller rinks to practice as well practicing in his neighborhood
• After getting that parrot I like to believe he went to the library to get a bunch of books on parrots so now he just knows a bunch of random parrot facts lol
• I like to think on a rough day at work Ethan notices Will looking very tense and stressed so he took Will to his apartment and taught Will how to use his punching bag
• Will found great relief in letting out his frustrations and he finally becomes besties with Ethan
• Ethan and Crockett finally put their beef behind them and reconcile at Molly’s
• From then on they have guy nights out with their new bestie Will where they go out for drinks and crash at Ethan’s for movies after
• He’s a romantic so he really goes all out for Valentine’s Day despite the fact he likes to pretend he doesn’t care for the holiday
• So he’ll go all out for his S.O. with a home cooked dinner made by him and a big teddy bear
• He’ll have the bear ready in advance so I like to imagine he just has this huge bear stuffed in his closet from February 1st lol
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writingdayandnight · 4 years
✦ SVU ✦
Never Really Over (Part Two) - Rafael Barba (*Blue Bloods Crossover)
Goodnight Kiss - Rafael Barba
Midnight - Rafael Barba
Sunday Dinner - Mike Dodds (*Blue Bloods Crossover)
First Time for Everything - Sonny Carisi
Hope - Sonny Carisi
Marry Me - Sonny Carisi
Family - Peter Stone
I Could Kiss You - Peter Stone
Sleeves - Olivia Benson
Protector - Olivia Benson
Untitled Soulmate!AU - Amanda Rollins
Paws - Squad
✦ Chicago PD ✦
Stubborn - Adam Ruzek
Ginger Ale - Jay Halstead
Pink Cheeks and Parties - Jay Halstead
✦ Chicago Med ✦
Pillow Talk - Connor Rhodes
Friend or Foe - Will Halstead
✦ Chicago Fire ✦
✦ Criminal Minds ✦
Coincidences - Aaron Hotchner (*SVU Crossover - kinda)
Heart Skips a Beat - Aaron Hotchner
Something More - Luke Alvez
✦ Hawaii Five-0 ✦
When We Were Young - Steve McGarrett
Romance is Alive and Well - Steve McGarrett
Admiration - Danny Williams
✦ Blue Bloods ✦
You’re My Home - Jamie Reagan
Lazy Days - Jamie Reagan 
Three Little Words - Jamie Reagan
✦ Misc. ✦
No Bishop Left Behind - Ellie Bishop (NCIS)
Sweet Pea - Chris LaSalle (NCIS: NOLA)
✦ SVU ✦
Jealous - Rafael Barba
Morning Routines - Rafael Barba
Having a Quiet S/O - Rafael Barba
Dating - Sonny Carisi
Dating While He’s a Baseball Player - Peter Stone 
Being Pregnant with Peter’s Baby - Peter Stone 
Being Married to Peter - Peter Stone
✦ Chicago PD ✦
Finding Out You Used to be a Cheerleader - Jay Halstead
Partners - Antonio Dawson
✦ Chicago Med ✦
Being Best Friends - Connor Rhodes
Connor Asking You Out - Connor Rhodes
Dating Will and Working at the Hospital - Will Halstead
Cuddling - Jeff Clarke
Being Best Friends - Jeff Clarke
✦ Chicago Fire ✦
Friends to Lovers - Kelly Severide
Having a Rough Pregnancy - Matt Casey
Work Father - Christopher Herrmann 
✦ Criminal Minds ✦
Having a Wild S/O - Spencer Reid
Dating - Spencer Reid
Getting Hurt on a Case - Luke Alvez
✦ Hawaii Five-0 ✦
Being Younger and Having a Crush on Steve - Steve McGarrett
Dating Danny and Working on the Taskforce - Danny Williams 
✦ Blue Bloods ✦
Dating Danny and Being Younger - Danny Reagan
Cuddling - Danny Reagan
Secretly Dating Jamie - Jamie Reagan
✦ Misc. ✦
Friendship - Peter Stone and Anna Valdez (Chicago Justice)
Riding Horses - Leroy Jethro Gibbs (NCIS)
Cuddling - Dwayne Pride (NCIS: NOLA)
Dating - Dwayne Pride (NCIS: NOLA)
One Night Stand - Chris LaSalle (NCIS: NOLA)
Being in a Serious Relationship - Harvey Specter 
✦ SVU ✦
Trapped in an Elevator - Rafael Barba
“What Are You so Happy About?” - Rafael Barba
“You’re Too Good for This World” - Sonny Carisi
Study Dates - Sonny Carisi
Always Be There for You - Amanda Rollins
“I’m Pregnant” - Nick Amaro
✦ Chicago PD ✦
Insecurities - Jay Halstead
✦ Chicago Med ✦
Secret Set Up - Connor Rhodes
“We Can Make it Through This” - Connor Rhodes
Ending Up in the Hospital - Will Halstead
Date Night - Ethan Choi and April Sexton
Injuries - Sarah Reese 
Labor - Will Halstead and Natalie Manning
✦ Chicago Fire ✦
✦ Criminal Minds ✦
Kidnapped - Luke Alvez
“I’ll Keep You Safe” - Luke Alvez
How Punny - Luke Alvez
Moved On - Luke Alvez
✦ Hawaii Five-0 ✦
Wedding Day - Steve McGarrett
Labor - Danny Williams
Proposal - Danny Williams
✦ Blue Bloods ✦
“You’re Jealous, Aren’t You?” - Jamie Reagan
✦ Misc. ✦
Partnership - Antonio Dawson and Laura Nagel (Chicago Justice)
“You’re Jealous, Aren’t You?” - Peter Stone (Chicago Justice)
Stay the Night - Peter Stone and Anna Valdez (Chicago Justice) 
Protective - Peter Stone and Anna Valdez (Chicago Justice)
We Don’t Have to Talk - Nick Torres (NCIS)
Comfort - Dwayne Pride (NCIS: NOLA)
Last Updated: 9/28/20
225 notes · View notes
americaswritings · 2 years
Warnings: Hints of an abusive relationship, physical abuse (nothing grapic!!), reader feeling not worthy enough, angst, worried & protective Ethan
Please remember you are worth it. You deserve to be treated with love and respect, deserve to be happy. If you or someone you know is in a situation of abuse of any kind, please reach out to someone and get help. It will get better! There are countless of resources online, here’s one example. 
Summary: You’re often in the ER, always with new injuries and stories to explain them away. Even though it’s dangerous, you always ask for Dr. Choi to be the doctor to treat you, because you have started to like him. One day Ethan discovers the truth about you.
Words: 5.5k
Pairing: Ethan Choi x reader
A/N: I love protective Ethan so that’s what came out of it. I know this is a serious and dark topic, but I still hope you enjoy :)
Add yourself to my taglist!
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"(Y/n)! I didn't expect you here so soon again."
You put on a sheepish smile, blushing a little as your doctor entered the room. Why was he just so darn handsome?
Your heart sped up a little and you had to remind yourself that there was no way he could know. He might be a doctor, but he couldn't hear your heart beating from across the room.
"Yeah, I didn’t either", you admitted, feeling a little guilty to bother him once again with your little injuries.
The first time you had gone to the emergency room of the Gaffney Chicago Medical Center Dr. Choi had been assigned to you by pure chance. Hospitals scared you and you had been on edge while waiting for someone to attend you, debating if you could just leave.
But then Dr. Choi had showed up. He had seemed to sense your unease, because he had told you about his day and a few funny stories to distract you. You had immediately felt comfortable around him.
When he was taking care of your injuries, it didn't feel like he was just another doctor doing his job. It seemed like he really cared. You always had to remind yourself that you were a patient to him, not anyone special. He cared about you because you were his patient, not because of who you were.
It hurt, reminding yourself that this was not about you. The first guy you had met who was funny, humble, and kind at once and yet you never stood a chance.
You snapped out of your thoughts as Dr. Choi, he had told you to call him Ethan, put on his gloves, walking over to you to get a look on your injury. "What happened?", he asked and even though his tone was light and casual, there was an edge to it.
Your heart sank to your stomach. You had been in the ER multiple times in the past month, always asking for Dr. Choi specifically, knowing he would ease the anxiety you felt while being in a hospital.
Maybe it also had to do with the fact that he was constantly on your mind now. You missed him. But it was a dangerous game. There was a fine line between joking about your clumsiness and your many visits and poor excuses raising questions.
You could see it on his face, the way his jaw twitched, and he tried to keep a frown from his face. He wouldn't let it slip anymore.
The realization filled you with dread. You had crossed the line and now there was no going back. You couldn't leave anymore, not without raising more suspicion, but staying here under Ethan's watchful gaze it was only a matter of time until you would give yourself away.
Make a mistake. Reveal more than you should.
You gulped, forcing a nonchalant smile on your lips. "You know me. I slipped on the ice and fell. Tried to catch myself at the last moment. My wrist didn't like that."
You extended your arm, pulling up your sleeve as Ethan reached for it. He took his time inspecting it. When he palpated it, you found yourself wishing he wasn't wearing gloves, longing to feel his actual touch.
Even though it would mean nothing to him and would be purely professionally, you knew it would be gentle. He couldn’t possibly suspect how much a gentle touch would mean to you, how long it had been since you had felt it. But you couldn’t ask for it, couldn’t reach for his hand like a part deeply inside of you wished to do.
Instead, you stayed silent, grimacing in pain as he moved your wrist in his grip. He looked up at you, letting go of your arm. "It doesn't seem to be fractured, but I would like to order an x-Ray just to be sure."
You nodded, not wanting him to leave but at the same time dreading his presence and what it could lead to. Ethan stared at you for a moment, seeming to debate whether to go or try and talk to you. "Busy day?", you broke the silence.
When he smiled, you realized it had been the wrong thing to say. "I actually have a few minutes", he stated, encouraged by your words. He typed something into the iPad in his hands before putting it on a surface nearby and pulling out a chair in front of you.
You tried to stay calm, but your heart beat wildly in your chest. Though now it had a different reason. You felt as if he could look right through you, as if you were revealing everything to him by just sitting there in front of him, but you knew it was ridiculous. You couldn't freak out now.
"What?", you questioned as Ethan continued to stare at you without a word. "Sorry." He furrowed his brows, shifting in his seat. You realized he seemed a little uneasy too.
"As your doctor, I have to ask this", he began and you couldn't help but feel a little hurt, him bringing up that barrier between you. But you got it, he was being professional. Maybe that would make it easier and allow you to be professional too.
You figured if he would look at you like he usually did, a smile on his lisp and such light in his eyes, you would probably break without him actually having to try.
Now he looked so different. Stern, serious, worried. "You have been in the ER multiple times in a short amount of time."
You couldn't deny that fact, so you shrugged. "Is there something I need to know? Something you aren't telling me?"
Guilt filled you as you put on a perfectly crafted smile. "I wouldn't know what to tell you. I am clumsy that's all." You were astonished how easy the lie slipped from your lips, how composed you sounded. You wanted to be as convincing as possible, but a small part of you feared being too good at it just the same. You pushed the thought to the side, not understanding where it came from.
Ethan seemed relieved, but the tension in his shoulders remained, as if he was ready to strike at any second. Always alert.
"Okay." He let out a long breath and you could see he wasn't satisfied with your answer. "Someone will come and bring you up for the x-ray. It might take a while, they are understaffed right now."
You nodded, still wearing a polite smile until Ethan had turned and left the room. When he was gone you let out a breath you hadn't realized you had been holding.
The relief you felt at escaping that question was replaced by a new kind of pain. You couldn't come back here after today. And that meant you wouldn't see Ethan ever again.
You hadn't known your heart had been whole enough to break again. But now that you knew you could never see him again, never listen to one of his funny stories and tell him random bits and pieces about your life, you felt numb.
He had been your lifeline, but you hadn't taken it. Now you were left on your own. And you didn't know how long you could hold yourself up anymore. Maybe it had always led up to this, drowning all on your own. At least you wouldn’t pull someone down with you.
"What's up with you?"
Ethan gazed up, his face previously buried in his hands as he sat crouched over in the doctor's lounge. His thoughts were spinning since he had found out you were back in the ER.
He couldn't deny that he had been happy about it initially. Talking to you always made his day much brighter. But it was quickly replaced by worry. He couldn't overlook the truth anymore.
Something was going on with you and he couldn't ignore it any longer. All the signs where there, so clear in front of him, but he didn't know how to bring you to admit it to him.
Maybe he was wrong. He had seen dark things, had seen what people could do. Perhaps he was seeing things that weren't there. Your smile was always so bright.
"I'm...thinking." Maggie raised her brow at him. "About what?" He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "You know the woman, y/n, who came in with a sprained wrist?"
Maggie thought about it for a second. Then her eyes lit up and she grinned. "The one who's always asking for Dr. Choi specifically?"
He could feel his face heat up a little. He had always assumed you were asking for him, figuring it couldn't be a coincidence that you were always assigned to him, but hearing Maggie say it out loud was different.
"Yeah", he confirmed, rubbing his neck. "She's pretty", Maggie observed, a teasing smile on her lips.
Yeah, you were. He had noticed it the first time he had laid his eyes on you. But he knew to push those thoughts aside and stay professional. Yet he hadn't anticipated to get to know you and find out that you were kind and smart and funny.
There was so much more that he wanted to know, so much drawing him back to your room, but he knew he couldn't follow his heart. He was your doctor, and he could not allow himself to act on feelings.
He had actually planned on asking you out for a drink after your first visit, but then his eyes had landed on your phone lockscreen. A man, holding you in his muscular arms.
Of course, you had a boyfriend. He should have known that a woman like you, someone so special, would have many men falling for her.
"Isn't it weird how often she has been in the ER the past weeks?"
Maggie furrowed her brows, growing serious now. "What are you thinking? There are multiple explanations for it."
Ethan looked up at her. "There are?" He could only think of one and he didn't want to be right with it. He would very much welcome another reason.
Maggie shrugged. "What are you describing her? Maybe she's here for painkillers." Ethan widened his eyes. "She's not an addict. She barely seems interested in meds at all!" He had hoped for a good explanation, not something like this.
"You know her better than I do", Maggie stated, her eyes lighting up as another idea came to her mind. "Have you ever considered that she's coming so often to see you?"
It caught him off guard, imagining the possibility of you liking him. He hadn't allowed himself to think like that since he had found out you were in a relationship.
You were funny and kind, but not exactly flirty. "That doesn't explain her injuries", he reasoned instead, and Maggie nodded absently, considering his words. "And don't tell me you think she is doing that to herself. There is no way!"
He was surprised by how firm he sounded. He hadn't been prepared to care so much for you. You barely left his thoughts these days and it frustrated him, knowing he didn't have a chance with you and yet he couldn't stop thinking about you.
It was distracting him to say the least.
"Besides, she has a boyfriend." He felt the need to add that. Maggie seemed to sense his feelings immediately, walking over to sit next to him.
She was glad he was interested in someone after things hadn't worked out with April. It had been a pain seeing them together after the break-up. Deep inside of her she had always believed they would get together again.
But then April had met a new guy and they seemed to be perfect for each other. She had kept a close eye on Ethan, but it didn't seem to bother him.
But this, this wasn't what she had hoped for him. Another complicated situation. She should have known better than to think love could be easy.
As she watched Ethan, his shoulders low, his jaw clenched, and his eyes narrowed in concentration as he tried to figure out what he was missing, she could see how much he cared.
"A boyfriend", she repeated, and he nodded, the tension in his body visible. "How did you-" "I saw it on her phone screen", he cut in and she considered his words.
"Are you sure it's a boyfriend? Could be a good friend, a brother-" "She was in his arms. Definitely a boyfriend." He knew how bitter he sounded, but he didn't care.
This wasn't about him. It was about figuring out what was happening to you. He couldn't let you leave just for you to come back hurt, again.
Maggie watched him carefully, her eyes drifting back to the ER. She had to go out and make sure everything was going well, but this conversation suddenly seemed far more serious than she had previously thought.
"You think he is hurting her?" Ethan inhaled sharply at her words, but he didn't seem surprised. He had thought about it all along she realized but had hoped for her to come up with a better explanation. Something else, just not this.
She gulped, knowing they were on dangerous grounds. Such an accusion could cause big waves. Voicing it out loud could have great consequences. But what if they weren't wrong, what if there was someone repeatedly hurting her?
As her doctor he had to stay professional, but one look at him told her he couldn't let it go. He was in too deep. But if it was true, maybe that was what you needed.
"It would all make sense. Her injuries, the explanations for them which always lead back to her being clumsy, how often she has been here the past weeks."
Maggie silently agreed, her heart hurting for you and Ethan. "Did you talk to her about it?" Ethan shook his head. "I tried but she shut me down. I didn't want to push her, because she's always on edge being in a hospital anyway."
Maggie raised her brow at that. "You think she is nervous for someone to find out? Ask the wrong, or should I say right questions?"
Ethan let out a frustrated groan. "I don't know. It all doesn't make sense. Why would she always ask for me as her doctor then? That doesn't add up. Or-", he stilled, his thoughts racing as another idea came to his mind.
"Or do you think she is doing it on purpose to, I don't know…What if she is hoping for me, for someone, to find out so that's why she always wants to be assigned to me."
His heart squeezed painfully in his chest as he contemplated that you asking for him to be your doctor didn't have anything to do with him at all. But this was more important than his feelings.
"What is your gut telling you?", Maggie asked, and his eyes darkened immediately. She nodded, no words needed to understand him. "Then you should try and talk to her again. Or someone else could talk to her. You want me to try?"
He shook his head. "She doesn't know you. Like I said she is on edge in hospitals. She won't trust you enough to say anything."
Maggie sighed, patting his shoulder in both comfort and encouragement. "If you need anything, you know where to find me."
You blinked your eyes open in confusion as the door to your room was opened. The light was blinding you for a moment and you remembered you were in the hospital.
It seemed you had fallen asleep, waiting for someone to get you for your x-ray. You just wanted to go home. You were tired and emotionally drained from the day and wanted to leave this cold and sterile place.
But going home scared you more than anything. Would he be there? Maybe spending the night in the ER wouldn't be as bad.
"They haven't taken you up for an x-ray yet?"
His voice sounded gentle, so different from him and the way he looked at you, like you were worth it to be cared for. Like he was genuinely concerned for you.
He is just doing his job, you reminded yourself.
You shook your head, still a little sleepy from your previous nap. Ethan furrowed his brows, shifting his gaze to the iPad in his hands. You watched silently as he typed something into it.
"Sorry, like I said they are understaffed at the moment." He looked back up at you and your heart sped up as his eyes met yours. They were brown, such a warm color.
"I don't mind. The bed's quite comfy if I may say so." Ethan raised his brows at you, his lips spreading into a smile when he realized you were joking. You grinned back at him, ignoring your thoughts telling you that this was wrong, so wrong. How could it be, if it felt so right?
"How come you have to work the night shift?" You didn't know what else to say, you only knew that you didn't want him to leave yet. Ethan seemed surprised at your question but didn't seem in a rush.
"Someone has to do it", he shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck. "They aren't as bad as people think they are."
"Really?", you blurted out and Ethan chuckled. "I mean it depends on the patients that come in."
"Right", you dragged the word out, hoping he would say more. He eyed you for a second. "What about today? Any bad patients? An old lady swinging her purse at you or a child biting you?"
Ethan laughed. "That does not happen", he stated, and you rolled your eyes. "Of course, you would say that. You wouldn't be allowed to talk about it."
Ethan grinned. He couldn't help but think you were adorable. "Today is a good one. There is this one patient. She has been here quite often to be honest, and she is always very fun to be around."
You were caught off guard by his words, blushing a little. He had never been so daring before and you could see Ethan was uncertain how you would react. "That sounds nice. I hope she isn't whiny."
You were on thin ice. It was the first time the two of you came close to flirting, but you ignored the voices in your head telling you to stop and distance yourself.
"She isn't", Ethan responded swiftly, and you smiled. But suddenly something crossed his face. "She is a little clumsy. At least that's what she is telling me. But I think there is more to it. Something she isn't telling me."
Dread filled your stomach and you sobered up. This was exactly why you couldn't allow yourself to feel for this man. He was attentive and smart. There had been no way he wouldn't have asked this question at some point.
You should have stayed distant. Shouldn't have told him so much about your life and who you were. You had opened up, had showed him that you trusted him and now he was using it to ask the questions you dreaded.
"Ethan...", you trailed off, not knowing how to continue. He waited for your answer, but both of you seemed to realize you wouldn't say more.
"Why would you want to be assigned to me?" Your eyes widened in shock. "What?" He sighed, stepping closer to your bed. "I don't get it. You're always asking for me specifically. Why?"
Heat filled your face and you fiddled with the seam of your sleeve, not being able to look at him as hot shame filled you.
"Cause I trust you. You're a good doctor." Ethan let out a scoff, stepping even closer to your bed. You looked up at him in alarm. You had never seen him upset before, never anything from calm. Your eyes fell on his arms.
He had strong arms. You had noticed that from the beginning. When things were especially bad, you would hug yourself, imagining it was him holding you in his arms. He had always been so gentle to you, that you had never feared his strength before. His arms had meant keeping you safe, his body shielding you from the horror of the outside world.
But now he was angry, angry at you and you were trapped in a corner. Suddenly the muscles in his arms reminded you of him, of his strong grip, the force behind his touches, the pain that came with it.
You flinched, ducking your head as he neared you. You wanted to believe that Ethan would never hurt you. You were in a hospital, and he was a doctor. He was a good man with a kind heart. It would never happen. But the rational part of you was gone now, your body reacting by pure instinct.
Ethan's eyes darted over your body, but when he looked at you again, his eyes weren't filled with disgust or hatred. His face wasn't hard and twisted into a mask of anger.
You watched as the tension left his body as quickly as it had come, his arms relaxing by his side. His eyes softened, but there was pain visible in them.
“I won’t hurt you.” His voice was gentle, but you heart was still beating too fast in your chest, making it hard to calm down. You wanted to deny what had just happened, but there was no explanation for your sudden change in behaviour. Your body had betrayed you.
He had scared you, but you couldn’t tell him why. 
Anger grew inside of you, but it was mainly directed towards yourself. Why couldn’t you get a hold of yourself and act normally for once? Why did you always have to screw everything up? Now Ethan surely wouldn’t let it go again.
His watchful gaze was lingering on you, and you couldn’t take it anymore. You rose from your seat on the bed, grabbing your coat and your purse. “What are you doing?”
“Leaving.” You felt ashamed for treating him like that. He didn’t deserve it, but you knew you had to get out of here now. 
“Don’t be ridiculous. You still need an x-ray”, Ethan argued, and you felt your heart break in your chest. “I can get one in a different hospital”, you said tersely, marching past him.
“Hey!” Ethan grabbed your good arm, making sure to use as less force as possible. You froze, turning your head to look at him. You had never been this close to him before and you felt your eyes wander over his face, taking in every detail. You hoped he didn’t notice.
“Don’t go. Let us talk about this, please.” He was pleading now, and the guilt almost felt unbearable. You knew you had to go, had to re-establish the distance between the two of you before you could say something you would regret, but leaving now also meant leaving for good. 
You could never come back here and imagining that you would never see him again hurt much more than you could have imagined. Parting ways like this would be another regret on your long list.
Your eyes met his and you saw the earnestly in his gaze. It was all it took for you to break, the exhaustion of keeping up a front at all times hitting you. You let out a sigh. “Fine.”
Ethan let go of your arm and you walked back to the bed, cautiously taking a seat. You felt worn out, drained from all the emotions you had gone through in the past hours. 
You just wanted to relax, have a moment of peace. But even if you went home, even if you would be alone, it wouldn’t come to you. Because there could be no peace when he could come for you at any moment. 
You closed your eyes, pulling yourself together before opening them again to look at Ethan expectantly. You saw his worried gaze on you and shuddered. “I am tired. It’s been a long day and my wrist hurts.” You felt the need to explain yourself, but his concern ran deeper than that.
“I am sorry I scared you”, he spoke up and you could hear the guilt in his voice. “It’s okay. I am just overworked, and I didn’t think-”, you stumbled over your words, trailing off when you realized you only made it worse. 
“I have been in the navy, did I tell you that?” 
You were surprised by his sudden change of topic, but grateful all the same. You shook your head, curious where he was going with this. Ethan considered his words for a moment, seemingly caught up in his own head. In memories, you realized.
A sad smile filled his face. “When I came back, everything was still the same. It made me crazy in the beginning. It took me a while to figure out why it bothered me so much. It was all still the same, but I wasn’t the same anymore.”
He paused and you waited patiently, a little touched that he would share such vulnerable memories with you. Ethan’s eyes were fixed on the distance as he was deep in thought, and you wondered if it was time for you to say something. But then his eyes found yours again, a sudden intensity in them you hadn’t seen before. 
“I had nightmares. All the time. I was on edge all day, irritated by the smallest of things. Most of all I was frustrated with myself. After some time, I began to understand my triggers, but sometimes they still take me by surprise.” You listened attentively, not daring to move as Ethan confided in you.
“The truth is, we all have scars others can’t see. But the pain will only go away, if we talk about it. We can’t let go of it, if it’s all still buried inside of us and we keep holding onto it. Even if it doesn’t feel like it, it will get better, if you tell someone about it. They won’t judge, I promise.”
You nearly choked on the air as you understood where he was going with it. “I don’t-”, you stumbled over your words, “I am fine. I don’t have anything to talk about.” 
You forced a smile on your lips, blinking back the tears as you saw Ethan’s face fall. He seemed to know that if you left now, you wouldn’t come back. “Thank you for being so patient with me. I am sorry if I wasted your time.”
“(Y/n)”, Ethan pleaded, but you got up, placing your purse on the bed and busying yourself by putting on your coat. As you looked back up, Ethan was suddenly standing right next to you, an intense expression in his eyes.
You jumped away in shock, not having heard him walk over to you. “What the hell is that?!” Your eyes widened at his firm tone, following his line of vision as you tried to figure out what he was so upset about. He seemed to stare at your neck. 
Ethan’s eyes locked on yours and you noticed there was a silent question in them as he slowly reached out to you. You let it happen, shivering as his warm fingers gently trailed across the skin on your neck. 
Carefully he moved the hem of your shirt slightly to the side, inhaling at what he saw. You wrecked your brain for what could have caught his attention. 
Suddenly it dawned on you.
Images flashed in front of your eyes. 
Yelling. Tears. Glass shattering. Heavy footsteps growing louder. Warm breath on your face. His cold fingers wrapping around your neck. Squeezing. You gasping for air. The world around you beginning to grow dark. A sudden push sending you falling. Pain when you hit the ground. More pain.
Your eyes snapped open, and you let out a gasp. You hadn’t considered your neck bruising from his tight grip. It hadn’t when you had left to head for the hospital. But a few hours had passed since then. Your shirt must have covered it up until now, moving to the side when you had put on your coat.
Your eyes filled with tears, and you blinked them back once more. You felt overwhelmed by frustration. All this time, all the excuses and the forced smiles. All of it for your shirt to slip to the side. One mistake, but one you could never come back from.
Ethan pulled back from you, such sadness in his gaze that you couldn’t stand it, adverting your eyes to the ground. “Are there more bruises like this?” You didn’t answer, but it was answer enough for him as he took a sharp inhale.
“(Y/n), I- I’m so sorry.” His voice was gentle, full of empathy and something else you couldn’t identify. Regret? Guilt?
“All the sings were there, but I couldn’t believe it, didn’t want to believe it.”
 You looked up at him, your voice firm as you spoke. “I am not going to report him.” Ethan’s eyes widened in surprise, then you saw anger rising on his face. “What?!”
“I’m not going to report him”, you repeated patiently, your voice displaying your determination. “And as my doctor you’re bound to confidentiality.”
Ethan furrowed his brows. You saw his temper rising, but he kept it under control for you, not wanting to scare you further. “So that’s why you always came back to Gaffney Chicago Medical Center? Always asked to be assigned to me?” Disbelief was written across his face, daring you to come up with an explanation.
You felt caught, immediately getting defensive. “I told you I did it because I trust you.” But Ethan shook his head. “You must have known I would ask questions eventually, but you did it anyway. Why?”
You let out a frustrated growl, lifting your arms. “What do you want to hear from me?!”
“I want to hear you confess the truth. You did it, because deep inside you, you know you can’t continue like this. But you didn’t dare to ask for help. So instead, you came back here, hoping for someone to notice.” You shook your head as tears sprung to your eyes. “That’s not true!”
Ethan ran a hand through his hair. “(Y/n) look at yourself! He’s hurting you!” “Don’t you think I know that?”, you shot back as a tear escaped your eye. You wiped it away furiously, but more tears followed.
“Then let me help you. You don’t have to go through this alone.” Ethan was watching you helplessly. He wanted to wrap his arms around you, hold you close to him and show you how much he cared. How much you meant to him. But you were too upset right now and his gesture would probably make you panic.
“No one can help me”, you whispered, and his heart sank as he heard the defeat in your voice. “I have seen this happen before. It will only get worse, trust me”, he tried to appeal to your rational side. 
“You’re not alone. Let me help you.” You looked at him through your tears, realizing that his eyes sparkled with his own tears. “Why do you care?”, you muttered, trying to sound indifferent but needing to know.
Ethan let out a chuckle. “Because I care about you. You’re funny and witty, smart and beautiful. You’re special.” You blinked in surprise, the impact of his words sinking in slowly 
“You’re my doctor. You shouldn’t say that.” You didn’t mean what you said and both you and Ethan knew it. He let out a laugh. “You’re right I shouldn’t. But my shift is nearly over”, he said, glancing at his watch. “Makes sense”, you muttered, incredibly tired by the emotional outburst.
Ethan seemed to sense it, because he stepped forward, extending his arm. “How about I walk you to radiology to make sure you get that x-ray. Then you will get some sleep and tomorrow we will make a plan that works for you, okay?”
He sounded reasonable, so you nodded. You didn’t feel ready to leave your old life behind, but Ethan had been right. You had known for a long time now that you had to escape. 
He had given you hope, since the first time you had stepped into the ER. He looked at you like you were worth it, showed you that even when everything seemed hopeless, when you felt like you were trapped, things could get better. 
This was your chance, your lifeline, and you would take it.
@capkilljoy @fairytalesforever @hamartocado @choke-me-sweet-pea @sleepinginthegarden7 @thenoddingbunny-blog @ttalisa  @hallecarey1 @Not-jay-c @sunwardsss @writingrem-blog @the-pink-petite-princess @wanniiieeee @part-time-patronus @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad  @theshortegg @not-reptilian @msdrpreist @alisonhepps @hallecarey1  @thatfangirl42 @dustyinkpages @ellabellabus07 @iluvjj  @wayward-hunter  @sweet-texas-girl​ @rosie-posie08 @ @olsensnpm
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Add yourself to my taglist!
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felicitysmoaksx · 3 years
🦞 Sarah Reese (and bonus points if it's Sarah Reese from my heartbreaker AU, but if not, it's fine :D)
Congrats on all the followers btw!
Hi! Thanks so much! Unfortunately, I haven't read your heartbreaker au. So instead I'll give you some general headcanons I have!
Sarah is emancipated and has been since she was 16. She still has minimal contact with her mother though, so that's why she sent Sarah a check for her med school graduation.
Sarah also graduated high school early and went to NYU for college and then decided to go to Northwestern for Med school (that's how she ended up in Chicago)
Sarah is the ED's little sister (minus Connor because he's a whole different story) but no one more thinks of her more as a little sister than Ethan Choi and Will Halstead.
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inagetawaycarxo · 3 years
Ethan Choi Headcanon
 Ethan Choi finding out that his girlfriend (who's an OB/GYN) worked as a stripper to pay her way through medical school
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❛❛ May I request headcanons for Ethan Choi finding out that his girlfriend (who's an OB/GYN) worked as a stripper to pay her way through medical school?❜❜-sacredwarrior88 
WARNINGS: secrets, Adult themes.
A/N: if your name is Aviva just use an alternative name. Got an Ethan Choi or Chicago Med request? Send it in! FEEDBACK IS APPRECIATED!
Ethan found out your little secret when you ran into your old co-worker at med. You were her OB/GYN.
Ethan was walking with you to the room. Asking you for a consult with a patient of his.
“I mean she could have some sexually transmitted disease or an infection,” Ethan spoke.
“Has she been sexually active? You know I can’t treat her for any sexually transmitted diseases if she isn’t sexually active. I could test her for other infections, like a yeast infection, or bacterial vaginosis,” You spoke. Stopping in front of the door. Opening the door, but Ethan stopped you by grabbing your wrist.
“That’s the thing, I think she is lying to me,” Ethan responded. Making you let out a sigh.
“Okay, I will look at her,” You responded. Making Ethan smile.
“Thank you, and to show you my appreciation, I’ll help you with your patient,”
You let out a laugh.
“I think you’ll be out that door in a second, pregnant women can a little bit overbearing, asking so many questions,” You spoke. Ethan took the tablet off you. Finding your patient’s chart.
“I think I can handle Miss Aviva Miller,” He chuckled. Raising an eyebrow at you.
Your heart stopped as the name, maybe it was a different Aviva Miller and not the one you knew back from your stripper days.
You gave him a small smile. Then walked into the room, praying it wasn’t her. Ethan followed close behind you.
Your heart sunk to your stomach as you saw a familiar face. You gulped. Hoping she didn’t recognize you.
“Good morning, Miss Miller, sorry to keep you waiting,” You spoke cheerfully.
Aviva looked up from her phone. A look of surprise on her face. she smiled happily at you. Sitting up slightly.
“Oh my god, if it isn’t doctor y/n,” Aviva gushed. Making you gulp. While Ethan looked at her and you with a puzzled look.
“Look at you, you are a doctor, oh my god,” She beamed.
Ethan quirked an eyebrow at you. Then looked at Aviva.
“You two know each other?” He asked though it came out more of a question.
You subtly shook your head at her. Begging her not to spill. But it didn’t work.
“Of course, she used to work at the same strip club as me. Earning money to pay her way through medical school,” Aviva responded. Making you nervous.
You let out a nervous chuckle, scratching your nape.
“So, enough about the past, how are you doing? Any concerns? Bleeding?” You asked her, trying to change the subject but she wouldn’t let it go.
Ethan looked back in forth between Aviva and you. processing what she said. Feeling slightly hurt you couldn’t tell him this, and a little bit jealous that other men looked at you in your lingerie.
“But that was in the old days, now she has something to be proud of. She’s a doctor an OB/GYN doctor, my doctor,” She gushed. As you put the cuff around her upper arm. Checking her blood pressure.
She continued to talk about how you were stripper to Ethan, while you did the check-up. Answering your questions, but she continued to yap.
“Everything looks good, Aviva, if you have any questions or concerns just give me a ring, here is my card,” You spoke handing it to her.
She grabbed the card from you, then grabbed your wrist. Then pulling you closer to her. She wrapped her arms around you. hugging you.
“It was nice seeing you. I’m so excited you are my doctor,” She gushed.
“It was nice seeing you too. Remember call me if you have any concerns or troubles. I will let you get dressed. Take care,” you spoke. Squeezing her gently. You pulled away. Smiling at her.
“Yeah, I will,” She responded.
Ethan and you walked out of the room.
“Stripper aye,” Ethan spoke. Breaking the silence.
“I had to find the money to get through medical school, Ethan, don’t judge,” You sighed.
“I’m not judging, I just… I wish you told me,” He spoke softly.
You let out a sigh, turning around to face him.
“I thought if I did you would see me in a different light, or leave me,” You spoke, giving him a sad look.
“I would never judge you or leave you, you can tell me anything,” He replied. Cupping the side of your face. Lowering his head down to yours. His lips pressing against yours softly. Eyes fluttering closed…
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knockknockchicagopd · 3 years
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Prompts for drabbles.
How would x character react to?
** the lists for headcanons and prompts are at the end of the post, under ‘read more’.
Hank Voight.
Antonio Dawson.
Kevin Atwater.
Adam Ruzek.
Will Halstead.
Ethan Choi.
Connor Rhodes.
Joe Cruz.
Wallace Boden (reader!daughter).
Christopher Herrmann (reader!daughter).
Daniel Charles (reader!daughter).
* if you want me to write for another character, let me know in your request and I will try it. Just in case, add a second option to write it for from the list.
Always be kind and say hello before requesting.
For prompts:
You can pick only one.
You must indicate from which list.
For prompts and headcanons:
I will only write a prompt / headcanon once, which means you can’t pick the ones assigned to a character. The lists will be updated with every request I've received.
If you want it to include smut, point it out. But if I think that smut doesn’t fit, I will not write that part.
Be patient. Thankfully, I have a lot of requests and ideas pending to be written.
Drink water, wash your hands, and wear your mask to stay safe.
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“I thought you were dead”.
“Does it ever stop hurting?” “No, you just make room for it”. With Antonio Dawson.
“You killed him, didn't you?” With Adam Ruzek.
“Are you mad at me?” With Antonio Dawson.
“I don't have anyone else”. With Kevin Atwater.
“You've never hurt me. Ever”.
“You met me at a very strange time in my life”.
“All he ever did was use you. Why can't you see that?”
“Please, wake up”. With Hank Voight.
“Weren't you best friends?”
“Nightmares again?”
“Look at us… We're basically a couple already”. With Ethan Choi.
“You can call me whenever you want, even if you don't have a reason to”. With Kevin Atwater.
“Are you my secret admirer, the one that’s been sending me all the flowers and notes?” With Ethan Choi.
“Give us a chance. One chance”. With Hank Voight.
“I remember kissing you. Why do I remember kissing you?” With Hank Voight.
“Do we… always end up on top of each other?” With Antonio Dawson.
“Come to bed”.
“I can't be mad at you”. With Hank Voight.
“You fainted… straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn't have to go to such extremes”. With Will Halstead.
Fake dating.
First encounter.
Meeting family / friends. With Will Halstead.
First date.
Being arrested.
Mornings and nights.
Comforting after a nightmare.
Getting drunk.
Any of your choice.
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regalbanshee · 4 years
who do I write for?
Read to the bottom for rules on how to request and more information on what I write.
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Spencer Reid
Stiles Stilinski
Derek Hale
Peter Hale
Theo Raeken
Isaac Lahey
Jordan Parrish
A/N: I haven’t watched seasons from 2019 until now of all Chicago shows, so I will only be able to write up until then.
Jay Halstead
Hank Voight
Antonio Dawson
Sean Roman (this baby needs some love)
Ethan Choi
Will Halstead
Connor Rhodes
Jeff Clarke (Med and Fire)
Matthew Casey
Kelly Severide
I don’t write for the recent series, just because I couldn’t bring myself to watching it without my original babies anymore, so anything from the season 1 to season 13
Anthony Dinozzo
Timothy McGee
Leroy Jethro Gibbs
A/N: I am up to season 5 currently
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Mark Pellegrino
Jensen Ackles
Jared Padalecki
Rob Benedict
Richard Speight Jr
Rules for Requesting
If you would like to request something then you can either send me an ask or a message. Tell me who you would like it with, and if you have any other preferences or general (or specific) ideas for the imagine etc you would like.
I write one shots, imagines and headcanons primarily. Fluff is probably my forte but I can try to do other things. I don’t do smut. I can do romantic pairings, platonic pairings and family pairings (including sister!reader and daughter!reader).
Further Information
If you do not see the fandom/show/movie you really like, or a character you would like to request something for, then feel free to suggest that to me. I may have already watched it or be familiar with it and in that case I would be happy to add your suggestion to the list, however, if I am not familiar with the show/movie I probably won’t be able to take on your request. I will strive to always make good content that you all will enjoy.
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Notes: The way I Headcanon the academy is that once you complete the academy, you have to do an exam to be a SHIELD agent (or at least for Ops), similar to fire or police IRL.
Bobbi Morse set her bag down and plopped onto the couch, rubbing at her head. She was exhausted. Between the Ops classes, working towards her PhD in Biochemistry, and her roommate working towards his MD, it was no wonder her head was aching.
“Hey,” Ethan Choi said somewhat gruffly as he plopped down next to her.
“Hey,” Bobbi muttered back, “When do you think we’ll get our results in?”
“Hopefully soon,” Ethan said. Their Academy work had been exhausting. Firearms training. Languages. Interrogation and body language reading. Learning how to not give in under pressure. Other combat skills. To top it all off, a big final exam.
“Here here,” Bobbi replied, “I don’t think I’ve been this stressed since high school.” Ethan chuckled at that as the bell to their dorm room rang.
“I got it,” Ethan said, pushing off the couch. He walked to the door and went to open it when he saw that two Manila envelopes had been sent through the mail slot. Bending down, Ethan picked them up. He noticed one had his name. The other had Bobbi’s.
“I think our results are in,” he said, walking back to the couch with the envelopes in hand. Without another word, Bobbi sat up as Ethan handed her the envelope with her name before sitting down. The two opened their envelopes, both silently reading.
“I got in…..I got in….” Bobbi said, letting out a relieved breath, “You?” Ethan was quiet for a moment.
“Ethan?” Bobbi said, turning to look at her friend. Ethan looked up, a slow smile spreading across his face.
“I did too,” he said.
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