#every time i remember i get angrier
wonderb0n · 9 months
the real culprit behind the current misinformation surrounding greek mythology is the mass consumption of altered or adapted content.
our main example being the obsessive fascination with giving to the myth of Hades and Persephone characteristics already existing in the great unfortunately forgotten myth of Eros and Psyche. in this essay I will-
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itsays · 1 year
that post about a teacher being fired for reading an uncensored anne frank book to their class is SO INFURIATING (the news i mean) because that happened at my school too!! the teacher didnt get fired but they literally banned the anne frank book/movie from our school!!!! IT'S BANNED.... ANNE FRANK.... ANNE FRANK IS BANNED
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angelplummie · 4 months
part 1 part 2
this one is exposition and build up for the smut eventually! enjoy my princesses
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tashi duncan stole from you.
in many ways, many times. the first was when she thrashed you in your very first college tennis tournament. you would always remember the sound she made, that war cry. it was like she had decapitated you or something. she stole victory from you that day.
then she did it again, and again, and again. every single time she played you, she beat you. you could annihilate everyone but her, crushed them all to dust. but she was the one person that would not be decimated. you didn’t speak off the court, didn’t look at each other twice in the halls of stanford. but she had this look on her face. this smug, knowing look. here to lose again? it said. and you weren’t some average joe shmoe tennis girl. you were really good. people that had no reason to bolster your ego had told you that, so you knew it to be true. you were fucking brilliant, and she had no right to look at you like you were dirt. you gave her a tough match, but still she looked at you like she knew she was going to win.
when asked about her, all you could say was “i hate that smug bitch.”
what she said about you you didn’t know, and not for lack of trying. you didn’t know if she even spoke of you at all. the thought made you angrier than when she beat you. once, when at the same party, she waved at you.“hi,” she said, and gave you that same i-just-beat-you look. she was taller than you, and craned her neck unnecessarily far to look at you. where did that stupid bitch get off?
she was this towering roadblock, the one thing stopping you from entering the upper echelons of tennis royalty. you had the fucking talent, you had put in the fucking time, you were so fucking good. but you weren’t stanfords sweetheart. you just weren’t. everyone knew you were good, but you weren’t the best.
from the matches you had watched, which was nearly all of them, you were the only person she played that gave her a run for her money. she didn’t sweat the way she did when she played you, the points were never so neck and neck. she should be threatened by you, and yet she looked at you like any other silly college floozy that was the best in her high school. tennis was your life, as much as it was hers. she stole your dignity in that way.
the next time she stole from you was patrick zweig. a sort of boyfriend, an in-between, getting there boyfriend. he could’ve been yours. you could’ve been happy together. but tashi duncan couldn’t have that.
you heard whispers about a night in a hotel room, a threesome, a twosome with a watcher, two guys jacking off on tashi duncan. they could deny, deny, deny, but whatever did or didn’t happen meant patrick zweig never returned your calls anymore. you could still recount the exact tonality and pacing of his answering machine message.
it was fine. it’s whatever. he wasn’t a forever boyfriend anyway.
but once a girl has sex with someone, she expects some degree of loyalty, some sort of goodbye. it wasn’t about him, he was cute, a good-not-great fuck, and never claimed to be serious about you. he didn’t matter. it was the fact she had him. together or not, she had him. he belonged to her. even after they broke up, everyone knew he never liked any of his other many girlfriends like he loved her. they used to walk around hand in hand, kiss, and it made you brim with jealousy. not because you gave any kind of fuck about him as a person, but because she got him instead of you. it was her. all her. she had stolen one more thing.
as time passed, your hatred burned just as bright. you practiced day in day out, hoping that somehow she could see you now, somehow she would know you were her equal.
then you met a boy. art donaldson.
you had known he was involved with her. the hotel threesome stories spared no details of the parties involved, despite factual discrepancies in other areas. but you figured, while she was dating his best friend, you were safe from the curse of tashi duncan. you allowed yourself to fall in love, softly, timidly. having met in american literature, you fostered a little spark. a love, barely the size of a candles flame, flickered in your chest. maybe, you had prayed. maybe him. maybe he was yours. you kissed at new years for the first time, and days later he met your parents. it was new, fresh, but it was love. you loved him.
and then she stole from you for the final time. in one foul swoop, she took everything from you.
it was the final of the college tournament. the two stanford angels playing each other for the victory. the court was red and packed, newly redone. you both wore white. whoever won this was guaranteed a shot at the open in the summer, and that was all you needed. you were so fucking ready. no one was better than you. no one. you had trained so hard, art could attest to it, hell, the entire school could attest to it. ask anyone who saw you around that time, they would’ve seen a scowl on your face and a racket on your back. those who had the pleasure of watching you play would’ve say it: you were fucking good.
that’s why it crushed you. across from her, at match point, advantage duncan, you watched as her knee moved independent from her leg. in between grunting and pelting, there was a crack, and tashi duncan was no more. a hush fell over the crowd as she cried, fell to the ground clutching her knee. you heard that. but you didn’t hear the ear splitting scream that came from your own mouth, couldn’t feel your body sprint, jump the net to crouch by her side. beads of perspiration rolled down her face, scrunched in agony. she bared her teeth like a cornered animal, and looked up at you through her squeezed eyes. her knee looked awful, so you stared at the rest of her. without thought you placed a hand on the top of her head. to comfort her you think.
it was so quiet. the only sound was her crying, her laboured breath stilling your heart to a lifeless thud.
“it’s ok,” you said,”you’re going to be ok, tashi.”
you remembered feeling an inexplicable sadness, a grief that you had never known before. you wanted to get rid of her pain, any and all of it. none of it came from you, you didn’t want her to have it. but that was so quickly forgotten. because as you moved to touch her shoulder with your shaking hand, it was eclipsed by another. a larger hand, the hand of a man. a pale hand. a hand you had touched before, even kissed. the hand of your man.
your eyes met, each with equal fear, horror and sadness. it was then that you knew that the curse of tashi duncan wouldn’t rest until you died. she would steal and steal and steal, even beyond the grave. he looked caught, because he was. he was caught. once you loved tashi you never stopped. he had raced into the court because she had fallen at a game he attended to watch you play, had touched her shoulder with the hand that had held you. he was not yours, as much as you needed him to be. his eyes twinkled with regret, but told you everything you needed to know.
your hand drew away with a flick, like it had given you an electric shock. you rose from tashis tortured body. his hand slipped to where yours had rested. this was all somehow not her fault, while being her fault entirely. you hated her so much it made your heart bleed. you didn’t want anything to do with her anymore. no whisper of her name, no nothing. from this moment on she was dead to you.
you didn’t bother looking over your shoulder to see if art was watching you leave. he wasn’t. the umpire boomed something through a mega phone, something like wait. but you were going home.
in the hall you bumped shoulders with patrick zweig. he was rushing to find her. he looked at you once to apologise hurriedly, twice to utter your name in recognition, and a third time to look at your back and wonder why you were so down. tashi was out. you won by default.
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bigfatbimbo · 1 month
Take a Bite
1.5k words,, Bill Cipher x Reader
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summary — Bill and the reader have sex, which has proven to be very difficult seeing as he isn’t doing anything, and, of course, things are never easy with that insufferable brat.
warnings — SMUT, bill being annoying and toxic, dom!reader, sub!Bill, heavy pain kink, bill’s human form, the fat fuck not the twink
a/n — Admittedly, this fic only happened because I never see Bill sub in fanfics and i’m very interested in what the dynamic would be. You’d be like… domming with a risk of death.
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“Well, slick,” Bill leaned back and gestured up and down his body, “Give it your all.”
Amusement was thick in his voice, along with bubbling giddiness. He fumbled with the seams on his pants, not out of nervousness, but as if he had forgotten how to take them off and was looking for some kind of zipper. One, admittedly, that he would not find on slacks. 
“Wow, human clothes are just as bad as the fleshbags. So needlessly complicated,” He sounded on the verge of a laughing fit, “Oh, and toots? Before you dig in, remember to leave marks. I wanna see how durable this thing is.” 
His amusement was not matched on your part. The situation invoked dull curiosity at best, in your opinion. The idea of harboring a wanted criminal, ex-overlord, god-like demon in your house challenged your idea of a good time. Having sex with that demon was even harder to swallow.
Then again, any situation with bill warranted an ungodly amount of stress. 
“Whatcha’ thinking about over there, sweet-cheeks?”
You smiled at that; of the few advantages you have, being in gravity falls for weirdmageddon proved to be one of them. You know of his powers, and with that, vague guesses on how to prevent them.
Tinfoil-lined bobbie pins were one of them. A guess, granted, but a good one at that. Really, not that complicated when you recall every alien movie you’ve ever watched. 
“Upset you can’t tell?” 
He laughed, “Upset for you, maybe. Trust me, it’d be so much easier for both of us if I could just read your thoughts. I’m already your roommate, how much closer could we ge- Ah.”
You brushed his pants crotch, and began to unbutton. For all his mightiness, the guy couldn’t work pants. “Careful, human body’s are touchy.” 
“Touchy,” He repeated, “Tell me about.” 
Getting his pants off was a task harder than it should have been, no thanks to Bill, who seemed to have taken to just lying there, occasionally flicking you, and then himself. 
When you finally peeled all of his clothes off, you warned him to brace himself, to which he ignored you. On top of that, the entire time Bill had been talking, droning on about ‘the last time he’d been in a human body.’
You wondered vaguely if he’d ever done this with someone else. In the time he’d been at your house he’d mentioned some ‘sixer’ ex-thing-ish of his. But you doubt he’d done anything with him.
As he’d mentioned, he hadn’t perfected his human form until very recently. Perfected is a strong word, he was pudgy and short, remanisent of a human peanut. And his teeth were terrible. 
Either way, you’d gotten him ready, and began your work. Laying a light finger on the tip of his dick, and running it down the base of his length, you got Bills first reaction: a short sniff.
Recovering fast, he adjusted his seat, “Yeah, tick tock, toots. This better be good.” 
It was his idea, you thought, but continued. Your fingers wrapped around the entirety of his cock and you began to stroke it. 
A sigh left Bills mouth, “Oh, this does have a kick to it. Maybe you’re not so bad, after all.”
Over the course of the next few minutes, you’d grow angrier and angrier. Although you were clearing making him feel good, he’d never shut his snide mouth for two seconds. 
“Jesus, slow down, pal— I just perfected this flesh-bag, at this rate your gonna break something—“ 
You didn’t realize how much your hand sped up. You thought for a moment, before completely stopping. Bill looked taken aback.
“Hey! what’s the—“
Without warning you grabbed his dick with full force and squeezed. He yelped, before giggling at the hurt.
This made you more mad, “God, do you ever shut up? I wish you’d lost your voice when you lost Gravity Falls.”
He stopped giggling. “I’d watch what you say, if I was you, kid.”
You threw your head back and laughed, running your hand slowly up his dick and then slamming back to the base of his cock. Finally, a reaction other than knowing bliss: anger. Weakness.
“Oh dear god, rearrange the features of my face then, Billy. See if I give a shit when you don’t have a place to live.”
His face turned red with rage, and he recoiled at the mention of your upperhand. And then, finally, at the slowing of your hand, a small, wavering whimper. 
You both caught it, and he was quick to put a hand of his mouth, “Sensitive human bodies - Hey, don’t look at me like that, that was not my fault.”
“God, you’re such a brat.”
“Oh please, what are you gonna do about it?” And he was completely serious.
Without much hesitation, you took the moment as an opportunity to abruptly sink yourself onto his dick. He sucked in a breath but you didn’t give him much time to do anything else.
“Ah- Now we’re talki—“ You slapped him hard across the face, and grabbed his cheeks with your hand, squishing them together, mockingly. Stifled laughter from Bill. 
“This is the form you spent all that time perfecting? I can barely feel anything. It’s worthless!” You sped up riding him, loosening your face to give the illusion you were bored, “You’re worthless.” 
His eyebrows arched down and his eyes widened, “I can kill you with a snap of my fingers! You think I need this sex— You think I need this hous— ah, ah—“
The unknown pleasure was getting to him, making his brain foggier than usual, and it was showing. Human senses were a key factor in your ability to keep the high-ground. Just as long as it felt good enough, he wouldn’t go back to his original form and… well. 
You wondered vaguely if you were actually going to be in mortal parole after this. But then again, the look on his face was almost euphoric, despite the anger. Thankfully, Bill was selfish, he’d probably chase the high again
You sighed, “Oh, you do need this house, Billy. Where else would you go? Everyone else in town has already forgotten about you, and your little maniac friends are no where to be seen.”
You sped up once more as your hands danced up his body, and continued, “With this whole out-of-sight-out-of-mind routine, i’m giving you something you won’t be getting anywhere else: attention.”
“You— Ah, curse this feeble human body! I’ll make your life a living hell-“ He whined, actually whined. 
Slamming yourself down on him, he cried out and then scowled. You raked your nails down his chest, deep enough to bleed, drawing out a  giggle from Bill as he felt the littlest bit of blood start to pool.
“You’re lucky this meatbag is— ah— funny enough—“ He was cut off with a gargle as a your hand sharply wrapped around his throat, and squeezed tight. 
“It’s not luck, i’m good at what I do, Billy. Not that you would know what that’s like, you pathetic shitbag,” although that insult wasn’t particularly true, you didn’t give him a chance to snap back, and instead put your other hand on his neck as well. 
You rode him with more speed than ever now. His eyes fluttered open and shut slowly, and he leaned into your hands. 
His face flushed, but a dreamy smile spread to the edges of his face as you made sure to leave bruise marks on his throat, still slamming against him. 
Although, you didn’t want to actually break him, so when his face began to turn purple, you let go. He gasped for air and let out a raspy, crazed giggle that went on for too long, and ending in a moan.
“I’m— “ Bills eyebrows furrowed, as if he was trying to decipher what the amusing thing the human body had planned next, “Somethings— somethings happening.”
His voice was broken, neck bruised, cheek red with a slap mark, eyes foggy, and chest bleeding from your nails. 
Before you dig in, remember to leave marks. I wanna see how durable this thing is.
Clearly you’d kept your end of the deal, and from what you’ve gathered it was time for the finale. You chased your own climax now as well, even though, admittedly, you hadn’t been thinking about it the whole session.
Annoying as it was that Bill still managed to make something all about him —and he definitely knew, mind reading or not— you still kept up your pace. 
“You’re close?” 
He smiled blissfully, and nodded.
What the hell. You smiled, “Good boy.”
His reaction was… startling. He leaned his head back, let out a small half-whine half-laugh, and arched off the bed. Finally, he released.
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tinythebunni · 1 year
bratty baby
Bratty Reader x ages up!Earth 42!Miles Morales
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Pink is readers texting/speaking
Purple is Miles texting/speaking
Miles is 18 in this one!
“Ion give a fuck what plans you and your lil friends had tonight, I said don’t go out so you’re not goin out.”
For the past two months, Miles has been getting more and more controlling over what you can and can’t do and telling you when you can go out with your friends. It’s been getting on your nerves and while it’s very, very attractive, it’s pissing you off. You barely see your friends anymore and you hate being inside.
“You’re not being fair Miles! I never get to see my friends anymore and I miss them and they miss me!” Even through text he could tell you were pouting right now. Miles could just imagine you kicking your feet on your bed.
“So what, I’m just not enough for you? I’m all you need amor, why do you wanna go see them so badly? You don’t need them.”
“Miles, you know that’s not at all what I’m saying, I’m just saying that I miss my friends and I wanna see them!”
He didn’t understand why you couldn’t get what he was trying to tell you. He just needed you to not go out at night, especially tonight. He couldn’t tell you about him being the Prowler, it’d break your hot pink heart.
“And what I am telling you is that you’re not going out tonight.”
“You can’t tell me what I can and can’t do Miles. I’m not your fucking kid!” You were getting angrier by the minute, every word, burned and angered you even more. Usually you’d just listen to him and stay inside like he asked, but tonight you wanted to see what would happen if you pushed his buttons just a little more…
“You talkin real crazy right now, mamí. Ima let it slide tho because I know you’re just mad and in ya feels. But don’t ever say sum crazy shit like that again, because I remember what happened last time you wanted to be bad and go against what I say. Why not run it back, whatchu say ma?”
You stayed silent, fuming and thinking. He was being so unfair and you had no idea why. You didn’t like being left in the dark and he knew this.
“Now this conversation is over, I got shit to do.”
“You right, this conversation is over. Fuck you Morales.”
You silenced your phone and with a shaky hand and butterflies in your stomach, you put your coat on and walked out your house.
After about 20 minutes you started to feel bad. You didn’t know why you were so mean and disobedient to him. You knew he only wanted what was best for you, all he ever did was spoil you and make you feel special. Even though you felt guilty, the fire in your stomach from the anticipation of what was to come made you feel even better.
You had just walked out the door of the club you and your friends went to and started your route home when you heard a noise behind you. You looked around but found nothing. You sped up your pace and started to walk towards your house when you heard it again, this time next to you.
When you looked over, you saw nothing but an empty street and a few lamps on. You continued your walk when something hit your head. You could feel yourself falling but didn’t feel the concrete below you. The last thing you saw being purple AF1’s.
When you woke up, you were back in your house, an ice pack under your head and blankets pulled up to your chin. You heard your tv on in your living room and quickly got up to investigate. When you opened the door, you were met with the sight of your boyfriend in your couch, sitting there like nothing had happened. His legs spread, elbows on his knees and hands clasped together. The thing that caught your eye was the mechanic claw on his right hand.
When he noticed your presence he looked up at you and tilted his head. The glare on his face reignited that fire in your stomach. He stared at you, saying nothing at all as you shifted on your feet, nervous.
When you finally did decide to speak, your tone came out nervous and shaken and not at all like how you meant for it to sound.
“Why are you in my house Miles?”
“I can’t just come over when I wanna?”
“Answer my questions for once! Why are you in my house and why do you have on that same claw that the vigilante on the news wears?”
He knew you were a little daft but he didn’t expect this kind of idiocy.
“C’mon baby, put two and two together. I know you’re smarter than ya look.”
You knew the truth but you didn’t wanna believe it. You stayed silent, staring at him and fiddling with your hands. You were overwhelmed with fear and arousal, confusing you even more than ever.
Once he recognized the look of understanding on your face, he leaned back and curled his finger towards you in a demanding way.
“C’mere, we gotta talk.”
You sat down on the couch next to him, thighs touching and your gaze locked on the ground.
“Don’t be like that, look at me mamí”
When you looked at him, he could see the betrayal in your eyes. But he could also see the need and wanting. Feeling naked under his gaze, you looked back down at your floor,
“You’re him? You’re the guy from the news?” You voice quivered as you spoke, shaking from either fear or the amount of need and attraction you’re feeling right now. This man has killed people, he could kill you at any point! So why does that thought turn you on so much?
“Oh so now you wanna talk?” He asked, a lilt in his tone that let you know he was smirking without even having to look at him
“Don’t be mean Miles. This isn’t the time for jokes.”
“Yea I’m him, what’s it matter to you?” You knew that under the anger and accusation in his voice that he was feeling vulnerable. You crawled on his lap and laid your head on his shoulder and hugged him.
He froze at first, confused with the random affection, but slowly accepted the warmth. “I love you regardless of what you’re doing and who you’re killing.”
Miles almost wanted to scream at you to be afraid of him. He’s killed people. He’s hurt people, innocents even! Why weren’t you running?
You pulled back and reached up to cup his face and inched closer to him, looking down at his lips for permission. He closed the gap between you two and kissed you softly, like he missed you. It was warm and passionate, it wasn’t like this often. You didn’t often get this softness from him. But when you did, it made you feel like the most special girl in the world.
When you pulled back for air, you smiled, giddy with the thought of having your boyfriend back and not mad at you. But when he spoke to you, you knew you were in trouble.
“Don’t think I forgot what happened earlier. I was the one who brought you home, laid you down and tucked you in.” Miles looked down at you, smiling as if something was funny. You couldn’t move, the grip he had on your hips was tight, almost like a warning.
“Are you gonna hurt me?” You knew the answer, you always did. You knew what happened when you disobeyed him and what he says. You remembered what happened the last time.
Miles laughed, a loud hearty one, head tilted back and canines exposed. He chest shook with laughter and you shook in fear on his lap. When he looked down at you once more, he looked different, almost predatory.
“Oh chiquita, Ima do so much more.”
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pumpkin-bats · 3 months
When They Miss You- OP Boys Headcanons
Since the last one did so- bafflingly- well, here's another one!
He's chill for a while and for the most part he's calmed by the thought that you'll be back soon enough.
After a while he gets fidgety. Tapping his foot or finger, bouncing his leg, pacing, eyes occasionally darting to the door.
He sighs a lot and gets minutely more irritable. Only those who really know him notice the difference.
Throws himself into work to distract himself.
Spends more time standing next to the bed and staring at it than he does sleeping in it, and frowning every time he sees how the indent on your side of the bed lessens.
He doesn't wait like a dog... but he waits like a dog. On more than one occasion you returned to find him at the door.
Doesn't say a single word about missing you ever, but puts in every effort to stay in touch while you're gone.
There is a picture of you near him at all times that he hides when someone almost catches sight of it.
He holds his swords just a bit tighter.
Unconsciously flexes his hand a lot while he wonders if you're doing alright
Over does it with shopping for ingredients for the feast he plans to prepare for when you get back.
Casual keeping in touch with little calls or letters.
Surprisingly less bothered by your absence than most expect him to be, but that's because he doesn't want to worry you pointlessly by being a nuisance about it.
Quietly listens to music at night while daydreaming about you or remembering good memories to comfort himself.
The thought of you coming back keeps him too excited to be sad. He likes thinking about how he can surprise you each time you open the door and it occupies him thoroughly while he waits.
He is obnoxious to everyone who is not you. That is to say, he won't shut up, ever, about you.
He talks about what you're up to, how much he likes you in general, and all the things he can't wait to do with you when you get back.
He'll lay awake in bed at night for a little bit, just smiling to himself and thinking of you.
There's an annoying number of phone calls, not to tell you that he misses you, but just to tell you he saw something weird. What he doesn't tell you is that he just likes getting to hear your voice.
He tries to keep the place clean while waiting for you to come back and always ends up breaking something.
"I slept terribly." That is the start of every single phone call.
He will never tell you that he does this; but he gets an old pillow from the closet, stuffs it into one of your shirts and sleeps with it. It does not help and it makes him angrier in the morning than he would if he just stopped using it. But he likes that it smells like you so he keeps doing it.
Zones out a lot in the middle of a task or conversation thinking about how you're doing.
Accidentally makes an extra plate of food for breakfast and a cup of coffee/tea in the morning and pouts about it every time.
End of the day phone calls about your day and a gentle 'goodnight' before going to sleep.
Gets a bit more drunk than he usually does and spends his drunken stupor mumbling about how you are a traitor who abandoned him while fiddling with his cup.
The silence without you makes him frown a lot.
Every time he comes up with a good (or bad) joke that he thinks you'd like, he writes it down for when you get back.
Lies in bed like a sad puppy, staring at your side of the bed with a pout.
Only calls you when his people have had enough of his sulking and call you on his behalf before forcing him to talk to you. He cheers up significantly and is giddy for the rest of the day.
He's minorly grumpy because half the time he tries convincing you to let him go with you and fails every time.
He spends significantly less while you're gone because literally everything reminds him of you and even he knows he can't buy everything in sight.
Calls you after lunch, of all times, to ask if you've eaten, tells you to take care of yourself, then promptly hangs up.
He's not particularly upset that you're gone because he has other things to occupy him, but also because the second he starts really missing you it makes him feel like you two are newlyweds separated for the first time and he's immediately soothed.
He does get a lot of things for when you return, planning to treat you to a relaxing day and sensual dinner. There's too many things for said day because he can't decide on what he thinks you'd enjoy best.
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starsofang · 4 days
pirate poly!141 x f!reader tw: NSFW, MDNI, heavy topics such as death, blood, and past trauma mentioned masterlist a/n: thank you for all your support while i grow through a difficult time!! i appreciate all of you for being so patient and loving. long chapter for u!! <3
When a group of unhinged pirates invade your small village, you're whisked away from your peaceful home and thrown on to a voyage out at sea. Forced to obtain a new role as their medic, you have no choice but to accept your fate as you join their forces and aid them in their treacherous travels.
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Ghost didn’t remember much about his childhood. His mind blocked it out for him. But he did remember the pain and suffering he went through at such a young age.
He didn’t deserve that. Seeing his family, massacred in front of him. The blood mixed with the metallic scent that even now seemed to tinge his nose with a nostalgia that made him sick.
He was only a child, yet that was the day Ghost was born within him.
It was like an awakening. He saw how cruel the world could be through a pure lens and it tainted his vision red. Nothing was ever the same that day, and gradually, Simon was forgotten and Ghost was his new muse.
He could recall the nights he spent alone, digging through waste bins and slumping out on the streets like a dead dog. Stealing bread from shop merchants and having to run, barefooted to avoid getting beaten. Freezing to death on the street corner when winter came around and the pure snow covered the ground in a blanket.
It was scary for a boy his age. Dehumanizing. He didn’t deserve that.
He thought he was lucky when a ship crew came along, parading the streets to offer security. A job, a place to sleep, and meals — it seemed perfect for somebody who had absolutely nothing.
He couldn’t have been more wrong.
Ghost never saw Simon again after that day. He was lost somewhere at sea, hidden under the roar of waves. Ghost didn’t know where to look for him until soon enough, Simon had disappeared and Ghost replaced him. Graves made sure of that.
A captain, like hell he was. Ghost knew something wasn’t quite right about Graves the moment he met him, yet as a child, he was desperate. Once he was in, it was too late, and the broken pieces of him became completely irreparable.
Graves held a devilish aura about him, one Ghost could practically see radiating around him. Every step he took was one closer to chaos.
No matter the destination, Ghost was held on by a leash with Graves being the handler. The sights Ghost saw, some being from his doing, was something he’d never get back. It was as if reliving that very day where he lost everything.
Living amongst Graves’ crew was worse than living in hell. He would’ve preferred it. To be banished for his sins, to taste the sweet nectar of death, and live his eternity punished. Anything to stray from Graves and his ship.
When he saw the way you looked—the darkness looming over you, the distress in your eyes—he saw himself. And when he saw Graves, he saw the life that was stolen from him.
That red that clouded his lens when he was a child was all he could see. Pure, angry red.
Now, standing in Price’s quarters, that red only grew angrier. This time, for you—for putting you in the same position he’d been stuck in for years.
You didn’t deserve that.
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Your mind was a whirlwind of chaos. It was struggling to digest the information given to you. So much at once and you could barely manage to keep yourself together.
Everybody looked sorry for you. Ghost looked enraged. Price was lost. Soap and Gaz were remorseful. It was too much.
You hated that they looked at you like that. You hated when they didn’t look at you like that more. Having them worry, when for the duration of your stay it was like walking on burning rocks, it felt strange.
Their own worry caused yours as well.
“What is that?” you asked. “The mark of death. I— I don’t know what that is. What does that mean?”
You were becoming more frantic. The panic that ensued was growing, and you could tell it bothered Price. He was quick to grasp your shoulders, settling you.
“It’s complicated,” he explained quietly, hushing you. “That man you saw? His name is Phillip Graves. Some call him the Devil of the Seas. He’s a wicked pirate who feeds off of the innocent, their fear. None of us know what he truly is, not even Ghost, but we believe he’s apart of something sinister.”
“What, like he’s sold his soul? Made amends with the Devil? You are talking madness!” you exclaimed, exasperated.
“We are talkin’ truth,” Price corrected. He was as patient as ever, yet still held the firmness of a leader. “He’s that of a reaper. Souls is what he wants. The mark of death is his contract, you may say.”
“But you are not telling me what the mark does,” you cried.
Your head hurt. The world was spinning. You didn’t understand.
“I think it’s quite obvious what the markin’ is, dove,” the Captain said solemnly. “It is only by miracle it hasn’t happened to Ghost yet.”
“So I am to die? Is that it?” You flickered your gaze between each man. Your eyes told a million stories, and each of them were ones of fear and anguish. “I am going to die?”
“No,” Ghost snapped. You looked at him. He seemed as pain as you were, but the anger was taking over logic. “You ain’t dyin’. Not today, not tomorrow. M’not lettin’ it happen.”
“Ghost,” Soap tried, but he was quickly shut down.
“I said no,” he repeated resentfully. “Price, show her the map.”
Price turned to him, stiffening. It seemed he still didn’t quite want to let you know the full truth. Now, you felt it was to protect you rather than leave you out. It was too late for protection.
The Captain silently walked to his desk, pulling open the old drawer with a slam, shaking the table. He pulled out the map you’d seen so long ago, unrolling it and slapping it on the table.
“Come, dove,” he called, and you listened.
The men surrounded the desk with you, staring down at the map. The ink was still the same as it was before—islands crossed out with an X, while one remained circled.
“Suppose it’s time you knew, hm?” he asked, offering the smallest of smiles. You found that you missed his real one. The one he tried to hide when he found a joke of yours humorous.
Your nerves shot up. Your emotions were at an all-time high. You were scared, scared to find out the truth.
“These islands,” he began, tracing his finger along the map to point at the ones with an X, “are all land marked by Graves. Every single one, we went to in search of a medic. The one in the poem, remember?”
The one who heals the ill and poor
shall be the cure to all demise.
You weren’t sure how it linked to you. You’d never met Graves, nor had you met your pirate crew until they took you away. The connection wasn’t there. It didn’t make sense.
“Yes, I remember,” you confirmed quietly. “What does it have to do with me?”
“We searched for a medic from every village, yet when we arrived, they were famished with death, or on the brink of,” he explained. “All of the villages were all succumbin’ to Graves’ mark of death. We think he was attemptin’ to get rid of all villages as much as he could so we wouldn’t be able to find their medics. We don’t know how, but he knows we have the prophecy, and he doesn’t like it.”
“And how do you know the prophecy is related to Graves?” you questioned. “How do you know it relates to me?”
“Ghost got the prophecy a long time ago when he was still on Graves’ ship,” Soap piped in. His hands rested on the table and he leaned over the map, but his eyes bore into yours. “He was searchin’ for answers even then. This is all he got.”
You couldn’t imagine the desperation Ghost must have felt, knowing Graves had him under his despicable spell. Not knowing whether he was going to live or die.
Your heart ached.
“And me?”
The room went silent, as if your words burned a wound in them.
“Your village had the mark, yet nobody had suffered from it,” Gaz said quietly. His eyes were soft when he looked at you with the unmistakable glimmer of pity in them. “We knew you were the one we were lookin’ for.”
“My village was not cursed,” you denied, shaking your head. “There is simply no possibility. We rarely got outsiders unless they were coming to browse the merchants.”
It clicked in your head how quickly it must’ve happened. Graves, visiting your village under the guise of an innocent shopper, gearing his interest towards the various merchants that littered your small streets.
It would’ve been so easy for him. So terribly easy.
Your people died to Price’s crew, but the true evil was the man who gave the pirates reason to ensure a massacre.
“That’s why you did what you did,” you muttered to yourself in disbelief. “You killed them because of him. You killed Mary because of him.”
“The curse would’ve taken over the moment you left,” Gaz explained. “You were the shield protectin’ them without even knowin’. You’re meant to fulfill the prophecy, grantin’ you immunity until we found you.”
All this talk about a prophecy made you want to scream, cry, yell, anything. Why you? Why were you the one chosen, and why did it have to be you?
You wanted your life back. You didn’t want to be apart of this.
Before you knew it, tears welled up in your eyes. They stung, causing you to blink rapidly. You didn’t want to seem weak, but in this moment, you were.
“Dove?” Gaz called out, concerned.
“I don’t want this,” you cried, shaky hands balling into fists. “You—you knew I was apart of this and never told me. You kept me in the dark for this long, you hid me from the truth, and for why?”
“We don’t have all of the information yet, dove, please—” Price began, but you shut him down.
“Bullshit!” you shouted, and he reeled back in surprise. You had been outspoken before, plenty with the Captain especially, but he had never seen you lash out so fiercely. “You took my life away because you assumed I was the one in your ridiculous prophecy on a whim. You took a guess and went with it. I am hardly a proper medic, let alone worthy enough to be that person for you, so why have you chosen me?”
“You must understand, you were the only medic left alive,” Price defended. “We had no choice. We did what we had to do.”
“At my expense,” you argued.
“At all of our expense,” he retorted. “I did not care for your life when we stole it. I did not care for it when you were locked in the brig. I cared for Simon’s.”
You fell silent, whipping your head to look at Ghost. You’d heard Price call him Simon before, by a slip-up, but now he had said it purposely. Ghost simply looked away, arms crossed over his chest.
All that talk before and now, at your aid, he was as quiet as a street mouse.
“Without you, he will die. We do not know when. Graves hasn’t killed him due to the thrill of holdin’ his life in his hands. It’s a toy to him. He can take his life away at any moment, and I would not allow that, even if it meant ruinin’ yours.”
Price’s cheeks were reddened from the frustration and helplessness he was feeling. He was a Captain trying to save his crew’s life, uncaring of yours—in the beginning, at least.
Now, the mere thought of losing both had him kneeling like a pitiful dog to the Devil of the Seas.
“I do not wish to be here,” you murmured, taking a step back. Soap opened his mouth to retort, but you silenced him. “I need to be alone.”
The Captain gave you a sad smile, nodding his head. He was respecting your wishes.
“As you wish,” he agreed, and you made your way out of the suffocating quarters, returning to your shared one with Gaz and Soap.
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“Dove,” a voice called out. It was quiet, like it was whispering, yet to you, it sounded loud. You hated its voice.
It was black. Your eyes couldn’t adjust to the light, no matter how much you shifted them to look around.
Your body felt heavy, as if something was weighing on you. Your lungs were tight, and when you opened your mouth for air, nothing came in. You slapped your hands over your throat, clawing at the skin.
Why couldn’t you breathe? You felt like you were drowning. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t take in an ounce of air, and you could feel your lungs beginning to protest.
A cold panic came over you, like an icy wave consuming you in its dangerous waters. You tried to move your legs, but they were stuck. They were too heavy.
All you could do was helplessly paw at your throat, praying to gasp for a breath, praying that the Gods had mercy on you.
“Dove,” it whispered once more. Where had you heard the voice before? You knew it, but your mind was blanking from the lack of oxygen.
“I’ll be seeing you, dove,” it mocked.
Dove. Dove. Dove.
You shot awake, a sharp gasp invading your lungs. The burning in your chest was harsh, and it was as if you truly hadn’t been breathing.
Coming to, you blinked the groggy confusion away, lifting a hand to wipe at your eyes.
Soap peered down at you, his eyebrows knitted worriedly. His hands were on each side of your shoulders, as if he’d shaken you awake, and when you realized you had been asleep, you only guessed that’s what he was doing.
“I kept callin’ ye but ye weren’t wakin’,” he said wearily. “Are y’alright?”
You glanced around the room, taking it in. Gaz’s bed. The clothes strewn on the floor. The mess on the small desk that you’d never seen occupied.
You were no longer suffocating in darkness. It was a mere dream—no, a nightmare. A terror.
You were safe.
“I don’t know,” you confessed breathily, still catching air.
Your heart pounded in your chest as you recalled the nightmare. You couldn’t remember the voice, not when you were fearing a death that was merely fake, but you knew now.
“Tell me,” Soap urged gently, taking a seat next to you on the bed. You sat up to join him, frowning at the floor. “It’s okay.”
You risked looking up at him, searching his eyes. They were soft whenever they looked at you, and they’d been like that since the beginning. He was always patient, even when you did things that cost him a scolding from Price.
You felt like you could trust him, more than any of them.
“It was that man,” you explained. “Graves. I think he is messing with my head. I dreamt of dying, like… like I was drowning. I couldn’t breathe. The whole time, I could hear his voice, calling me out. Mocking me.”
Soap listened carefully, taking in every one of your words. He cared, that much you could tell, and the situation weighed heavy on him. The worry lines on his face were proof.
Graves was tormenting with your mind, feeding into your fear. He knew you were terrified, and he enjoyed it. The way he mimicked what he told you, whispering it the same as before, it sent chills down your spine and made your blood run cold.
You understood now why Ghost was always a mystery—because he was scared, too. He just hid it better.
“I am scared,” you confessed shakily. “I do not want to die.”
“And ye won’t,” he assured, but you shook your head.
“You do not know that,” you argued. “None of you do. You have not given me a chance at life. I am stuck in this without a choice, and I am the new target. It’s not fair.”
Soap’s expression dropped into one of guilt. His focus shifted away from you, avoiding your eye, before returning back to you.
“It’s not,” he agreed quietly. “We’ve done to ye what Graves did to Ghost. Treatin’ ye like—like burdening scum, like ye don’t matter. I can’t express to ye how sorry I am for everythin’.”
You didn’t want an apology, but you accepted it nonetheless. It was the first anybody had truly apologized for the mess you were thrown into. Maybe it was something you needed without realizing. You felt a sliver of weight lifted.
“I never had a family,” you told him, staring down at your feet that hung over the side of the bed. The shoes Soap surprised you with stared back at you. “The village did not like my values or my lifestyle. It was hard being an outcast there, but it is even harder here.”
“Yer not an outcast.”
Looking back up at him, you found him smiling, a faint sparkle twinkling back at you.
“Not anymore. We thought ye were a little strange in the beginning, though,” he said, the end of his sentence bordering a tease.
You couldn’t stop your own smile from forming. Despite carrying the crushing weight of the world’s worries, as well as growing a headache with every word spoken from each of them ever since your arrival, you found yourself growing more fond over them the longer you lingered.
It’d been a bumpy road, and there were still miles ahead of you, waiting to unravel. But you couldn’t fully convince yourself that there wasn’t a part of you, yearning to belong with them.
“You are all very strange,” you retorted lightly. “I have never met such people as you before.”
“Thank ye.”
“It was not a compliment.”
Soap snorted, shaking his head at the banter. “The Captain is bitin’ tooth and nail in his quarters, thinkin’ he fucked this all up with ye. Never seen him that worried before, but with Graves bein’ around again, I don’t blame him.”
The statement caught you off guard, and you found yourself curious. “He is worried for me?”
Soap eyed you strangely, as if it had been obvious the whole time. “Ach. ‘Course he is. Cap’s got a good heart, even if it doesn’t seem like it.”
“I did not realize he cared for me after everything,” you confessed.
Soap hummed, looking down at his trousers and picking at a loose thread. “We all do.”
You stared at him dumbly, cocking your head in question when he didn’t elaborate. You had become acquainted with them, surely, you lived with them now after all, but you weren’t aware they truly cared.
When Price had told you they’d grown fond of you, you didn’t quite believe it. You assumed it was his way of convincing you to trust him, but it seemed that wasn’t the truth.
The two of you sat in silence, staring anywhere but at each other. The awkwardness grew, and it felt strange to feel that when the relationships had been too uptight even consider having those moments.
You took the time to weigh out your options. The Captain being worried, especially over messing things up with you, had you in a turmoil.
As much as you wanted to deny the path chosen for you unwillingly, you felt an obligation to please them. Yet, not in the way you initially thought.
You didn’t want to let them down.
Maybe you truly were as strange as Soap thought.
“Is he still in there?” you asked Soap. He perked up, nodding his head.
“Aye. He’ll be rottin’ in there before we know it.”
You pursed your lips, facing that inner battle once more before coming to a conclusion. “Would you like to join me, then?”
Soap raised his eyebrows, watching you stand from the bed. You shot him a warm smile, tilting your head at his confusion.
“For?” he asked.
“You all need a medic,” you said, giving a nonchalant shrug. “And I do not wish to die by the hands of a filthy pirate such as Graves. I am in this now, so I suppose I’ll simply have to deal with it, am I correct?”
Soap’s smile slowly grew at your sudden courage, standing up to join you. He reached out for you, and once you became confused, he looped your arm with his, grinning down at you.
“Sure are, dove. I’ll come with ye.”
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The Captain looked a mess when you entered his quarters with Soap. Ghost was beside him where Price sat at his desk, the map and prophecy still scattered on the table. The two of them were speaking hushed to one another, yet when the door opened and you stepped in, they went silent.
“She wanted to be alone, Soap,” Price protested, but you quickly shook your head, taking a step closer to the desk.
“It’s alright,” you assured. “I have had time to think.”
Price’s eyebrows raised and he glanced at Gaz for a brief moment before returning to you. “I see,” he hummed, nodding. “I have as well.”
You cocked your head, eyebrows furrowing. He gestured for Ghost and Soap to step out of the room, requesting privacy, and the sudden realization that you would in fact have to speak after your outburst made your nerves to churn.
Ghost gave your shoulder a light squeeze as he walked behind Soap, catching you off guard. When you looked at him, he stared forward, avoiding your gaze.
The door clicked shut as they left, and you stood uncomfortably in place, shifting on the balls of your feet.
“I owe you an apology,” Price began. “A true one. I may be a Captain, and I know in those regards, I come off rather violent. I can be a brute, I will admit, but I am also a man who knows times when he is right and wrong.”
He stood up from his chair, circling around the desk to face you. He leaned against the old wood, crossing his arms and clearing his throat. Upon quick inspection, you saw the faint smoke of his cigar swirling in its ashtray.
“I should not have treated you so unkindly since the beginning. I should have considered how scared you must have been, how alone it must feel,” he continued, eyes drifting off for a moment as if deep in perplexing thought. “I do not apologize for doin’ what I thought was right in that time to save my own, but I do feel sorrow for what transpired in your time bein’ here.”
You couldn’t help but wonder if Ghost had been the reasoning for this. He wasn’t a man of many words, but you knew the respect him and Price had for one another. It was safe to assume he’d speak with him privately regarding everything.
“I’d like to apologize as well,” you began, but Price stood up straight, quick to raise his hands in protest.
“You have nothin’ to apologize for—”
“I am sorry for lashing out the way I did earlier,” you cut off. Price stopped, lips pressing together. His gaze remained stuck on you, now that you had his attention. “It does not excuse what you have done to me, and I see you have realized that. If this is to be my life, I wish for compromise rather than seclusion.”
Price didn’t say anything at first. His eyes darted over your face, taking in your features. He saw the calmness you held compared to when you were last in his quarters.
You didn’t seem defeated, nor did you seem to simply agree for the sake of him and the others. You wanted this for yourself.
“I will grant you that,” he agreed in a hum, nodding once. “I do not wish for you to feel out of place no longer. You have had enough of that, I believe.”
You took in his words, and they made you smile. It was what you wanted to hear—no angry exchanges, no selfish banter. A simple compromise, one you both wanted.
“Graves came to me in a dream,” you told him. His expression soured. “I believe there will be plenty more instances where he will do that. Based off of what you have told me about him, I do not want to prolong his presence longer than I must. So, I’d like to be of help.”
Just as quickly as Price grew tense at the mention of Graves, he calmed down, shoulders relaxing when he realized your implications.
“Soap has not convinced you, yes?” he asked, uncertain. “This is your call. I may have taken you due to my own selfishness, but I give you the choice now. You do not have to be a part of it if you do not want. You are part of us now, but this is not your battle.”
“It is,” you disagreed, though remained a calm composure. For the first time around Price, you felt at ease in the same room. “If I am to be part of your crew, your family, then your battles are my battles. I may not have had a family, but I am certain that’s how it works. Does it not?”
Price stared at you; expression unreadable. It took mere moments for his lips to slowly curl up, granting you one of his rare smiles that seemed to radiate a certain light you’d never seen before. It caused your heart to pick up, though you were unclear as to why.
“That is how it works with us, dove,” he agreed softly. “Your battles are ours. You can count on it.”
“Wonderful,” you cheered with a smile of your own. “Shall we continue what wasn’t finished before, then?”
Price chuckled low under his breath, his amusement growing the longer you stuck around. He nodded, tapping his desk and calling you to it.
“Come on, dove.”
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kimberly-spirits13 · 5 months
Break Ups and Make Ups
Jason Todd x reader
Synopsis: Jason breaks up with you to keep you safe only to get saved by you a few weeks later.
Warnings: Mentions of blood, Jason being angsty
Word Count: 3233
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Jason couldn’t sleep. He tossed and turned in a bed that felt too large and dreamed of futures he lost from his grasp. Every night was the same. He’d spend his energy patrolling to forget you, drag himself through his apartment, and then come to the realization that he was entirely alone the second the AC hit in the face. What made him even angrier was that it wasn’t even your fault, not entirely at least. To Jason, you were the epitome of perfection and had done nothing wrong. You were meant to be protected at all costs and Jason was sure that he could never protect you when you were with him. Every body he saw, every victim of Gotham he encountered had your face. Maybe it was a fragment of his delusion that caused him to worry so intensely, but to him, it came out of a place of real possibility. 
That’s why he broke it off with you when things started getting serious. All he really remembers from that day was you screaming something he doesn’t remember (or tries to forget) at him and telling him to leave. It was the worst day of his life, and he would have died a thousand times over again to avoid it ever happening. He’d never seen you so upset before and hated that it was because of him. Every night, this was what he saw before he fell asleep, and once sleep had finally taken over there was no rest from his regret. He’d dream of all the futures you could have had together, bringing newborns home from the hospital, you, walking down the aisle with tears flowing from everyone’s eyes, and the endless possibilities of bliss that he threw away that night. 
                  That was what was keeping Jason up last night. He was exhausted, struggling to stay awake as the cycle of regret repeated every time he shut his eyes. 
                  “You alright Jaybird?” Dick asked, standing in the mirror adjusting his tie.
                  “Fine.” Jason gruffed in response.
                  Jason was sitting in one of the many armchairs in the manor staring at the window, brooding. Usually, he’d hear your laughter with the girls from down the hallway, joking about whatever appealed to them at the time. Tonight was different and all he heard were the voices of his sisters, sometimes bringing you up, lamenting the loss of your presence. 
                  “Do you think she’ll show up eventually?” Steph asked, “I mean she kind of has to for press.”
                  “I wouldn’t blame her if she didn’t” Jason heard Barbra reply, causing him to cringe.
                  He was in the wrong for breaking it off with you. Jason saw that now, regretting the pride that came in with thinking it was only up to him to keep you safe, or that you couldn’t play some part in it. To your credit, you’d survived Gotham for so many years before meeting him, even as a socialite. Why did he think it would be any different? 
                  “You know, it would be worth just talking to her.” Dick said, “If that’s what you’re brooding over. I mean, I’m pretty sure that’s what you’re brooding over.” Dick said.
                  “It’s none of your business.” 
                  “Yea, not really, but you’re acting like you’ve been tossing up the idea of swan diving off Gotham Bridge.” Dick chided, “So maybe you should talk to her. Sounds like she didn’t want to break up anyways, so you’d probably have a chance.”
                  “She’d kill me.” Jason replied coldly.
                  Dick didn’t say anything in response, but Jason knew what he was thinking, “Yeah, and right now, you’d deserve it.” 
                  When the car pulled up to the carpet at the front of the gala, it was all Jason could do to not sink and melt into the floor. There would be plenty of questions from reporters asking where you were. It had been three weeks since he dumped you and the internet had been stirring. 
                  “Just walk past them.” Dick said, “And don’t beat anyone”
                  “No promises.” Jason answered, stepping out of the car, and giving his hand to Cassandra to help her out.
                  Cass nodded at him giving him enough signal of, “I’ll walk with you.” 
                  Reporters and fans shouted at the family. Jason wished that anyone else was the center of attention, but instead all the questions were centered around his relationship with you. 
                  “Where’s Y/N?” 
                  “Are you and Y/N still dating?”
                  “Why haven’t we seen you together?”                   Bruce managed to shove in front of Vikki Vale to protect Jason from her invasive questions and everyone else made their way inside. The lights of the flashing cameras faded through the crowd inside the gala. Jason felt like all eyes were on him. It was one of the first times that he felt like hiding in a corner, wrapped up in a ball at one of these events. Women with hair overdone and plunging V-neck dresses approached him, assuming that he was no longer off the table. It’s not like they cared when we still dating you whether it was appropriate to hit on him. 
                  If you were here, you two would be making fun of everyone here acting like they were on top of the world instead of the true trash of Gotham, but you weren’t, and now he was awkwardly standing next to Dick ignoring the conversation he was engaged in. Jason was pretty sure they were talking about something related to Wayne Enterprises, but he focused on the bitter cold at his side where you were meant to be on his arm. You’d be making some comment about an increase in recent sales for some company WE were working with, and he’d be staring at you wondering how he got so lucky. Now he stares at the floor wondering how he got so stupid.
                  “Dude, you look like a dog that just got its favorite toy taken.” Dick said once the person he was talking to left.
                  Jason left out a gruff in response. He didn’t have a response to that. Instead, Jason was counting down the minutes until he could leave and go crash in his apartment, though, he wasn’t sure that would be any better. Twirling a toothpick from some fancy snack he just endured, he thought about what he’d do if he tried to make it up with you.
                  “Seriously, go home, take a shower, and call her.” Dick urged, “We all know she liked you; you’re just going to have to explain a few things.”
                  “She probably hates me.” Jason answered, running his hand across his face, “I can’t blame her though.”
                  “Maybe she hates you, but maybe she’s just waiting for you to get your head out of your butt.”
                  Before Jason could respond to that, he heard glass shattering in the building and gun shots echoing. He looked towards Bruce, trying to gage whether they would spring into action. Bruce was busy ushering guests out of the building and not paying too much attention to where everyone else was. Dick and Jason ducked for cover, trying to see where the shots were being fired from. As they scanned the room, they saw a dark gas creeping towards the table where they were situated and there was nowhere to run.
                  “Tim’s still on the mission with his team.” Dick said
                  “Can’t blow our cover.” Jason responded, “Isn’t there that new vigilante running around town that Bruce has been trying to pretend he isn’t working with?”
                  “And you think that will help?” Dick snorted,
                  “You’re right. We’re screwed.” 
                  You were currently speeding through the streets of Gotham, riding at full speed towards the hotel where the gala was tonight. Bruce had asked you to avoid it since all the others were on a mission or at the gala. It was a precaution he had in place just in case something happened. You were still bitter about what happened with Jason. He was an idiot. Jason thought you had no idea of his persona as Red Hood. He had no idea that you were the recent vigilante in Gotham, Batman took in for your skills. Here you thought Jason would be a better detective. 
                  Flying towards the police lights, you pulled your bike near Gordon’s patrol car and jumped off, helmet in hand. 
                  “What do you have?” You asked.
                  “We’re waiting for Batman.” Gordon replied, “Hostages have been released other than the Waynes.”                   “Batman’s not coming.” You countered, “He’s on a mission with the League.”
                  “He never told me about that.” 
                  “You think he’d tell you about a classified mission with the League?” You lied, “I’m all you have, so get over it.” 
                  “You really are with the Bat.” Gordon sighed, “Bane sent his men to capture the Waynes and is demanding a ransom of $1 billion.”
                  “He does realize that most of that is kept in separate investments, right?” You mumbled.
                  “Apparently he doesn’t” “He’s got them in an east river warehouse and will begin executions at 12am. First one to go is Jason Todd.” 
                  You looked at the time blaring on his phone, beads of sweat starting to form on your forehead, “Two hours.” 
                  “Surely he doesn’t think we could retrieve $1 billion in two hours.” Gordon responded.
                  “I don’t care what he thinks as long as you convince him that the money is coming.” You said, “I’ll recover the Waynes.” “Keep him ignorant, it’s our best option.” 
                  The drive felt like hours even though it was thirty minutes through the traffic. All the while you were thinking about what Gordon said, “First to go is Jason Todd.” You were still upset with him, but that didn’t negate the fac that you loved him. Jason breaking it off with you felt like someone tore your soul out of you. You were pretty sure once you explained everything to him, he’d understand, but you didn’t have the energy to track him down and convince him to listen to you. Serving around a slower driver, you sped onto the side road that led straight into the warehouses. Bane has a usual point of operation here that you were sure he was staking out in. He wasn’t the most intelligent guy on the block, but it was too risky for the special ops team to come flying into the building with such a threat. 
                  You haphazardly parked your bike and sprinted towards the warehouse you knew they’d be in. The comm in your ear began buzzing and you clicked the button to turn on the feed. 
                  “He’s about to start executing.” Gordon said.
                  “What? There’s still an hour and a half left?” You whisper yelled, “Did your men screw it up?” 
                  “Haven’t found out yet, Bane has demanded that the time be dropped.” “Are you in there?”
                  “Almost, how much time do I have?” 
                  “Fifteen minutes.” Gordon replied. 
                  “When I knock him out, I expect that you put him in the most uncomfortable cell in Black Gate.” 
                  “Without a second thought.” Gordon said, confidence lacing his voice.
                  There were 10 guards outside the warehouse heavily armed. Bane must have been juiced up which meant he was more confident in not needing security, just someone to collect the money and bring it inside. If you were on your own, you’d probably kill them all and let GCPD handle it, but you were in Batman’s turf and had to respect his bounds. Instead, you opted to tranquilize them and leave the clean-up to GCPD to save time.
                  “I’ve got 10 unconscious out front, make sure they’re in cars before they wake up.” You said, “Don’t come in with sirens and lights on.” “I’m going in”
                  “Understood.” Gordon responded quickly. 
                  Going to the roof, you looked a window down to see Bane dragging Jason with a bag over his head, to the front of a room where a camera was. There was one other man with a mask on holding a rifle pointed to where Jason was now kneeling. He ripped the bag off Jason’s head to show reveal him with a busted lip and a fresh bruise appearing on his jaw. He must have said something that rubbed one of the recruits the wrong way. Your heart began to race as you watched in horror. With your boot, you kicked the glass once and watched as the shards fell to the ground. From below, Jason heard the crashing of the glass and didn’t look up in case it was falling on him. A loud pop echoed through the building and the sound of metal hitting the floor sounded in his ears. Another shot was fired and after a few seconds, the man standing behind him stumbled backwards and finally fell. 
                  With the immediate threat to Jason neutralized, you jumped down, landing on Bane’s shoulders. 
                  “You picked the wrong day Bane. I’m not in the mood” you said.
                  “I’ll kill you all!” He screamed, reaching his arms around his back, trying to grab you off him. 
                  “Is that the most intelligent thing you can think of right now, big guy?” You laughed.    
                  Reaching into your utility belt, you pulled out a large knife and positioned to cut into the tubes that pumped his venom. Before you could do that, Bane reached around and grabbed your leg. With a grunt you were thrown to the ground but recovered quickly. Jumping back up, you ran towards him, launching yourself in the air to kick his jaw. A tooth flew past you and blood began to run out of his mouth. These were the moments you were grateful for steel-toed boots. Bane stumbled for a moment before regaining his strength and barreling towards you. You ran back from him, giving yourself space and leading him to a place where you could get back on top of him. He started reaching his arms back again causing you to glide your knife over his arm. Blood was drawn again, and he recoiled in pain. Taking this opportunity, you ran the knife through the pipes, venom spewing out everywhere. He fell back right as you flung yourself off him and out of his reach. Quickly, his muscles started constricting and falling back into their regular form. It was a disgusting sight to and you found yourself grimacing at the sight. 
                  In the commotion of it all, you weren’t aware that the camera had knocked over. Bruce and Dick were still sitting patiently, waiting for you to uncuff them. 
                  “Target neutralized, I’ll bring out the Waynes and Bane.” You said into the comm.
                  “Got it, ETA five minutes.” Gordon answered 
                  You grabbed the keys that were hanging on the wall next to where Bane had been standing and began to uncuff Bruce and Dick. 
                  “You always manage to get yourself into trouble, don’t you?” You asked, a smirk evident in your voice despite your mask.
                  “You know it.” Dick said.
                  “Thanks for the rescue.” Bruce stood up as you helped Dick off the floor, “We can drag Bane out. It seems you’ve got some explaining to do.” 
                  Jason was sitting and staring at the wall, contemplating his life. You weren’t sure what he was thinking, but you could bet it was something about being glad he broke it off with you after something like this happening. You watched for a minute as Bruce and Dick dragged Bane out of the room, giving you two a moment.
                  “Jason.” You said, trying to get him to turn around.
                  “You gonna uncuff me?” He asked.
                  “I was getting there.” You knelt behind him and unlocked the cuff.
                  The clank of metal quietly rang out. An awkward silence fell, and you weren’t sure what to do so instead you started assessing injuries. You moved to kneel in front of him and examined his lip and the bruise that was getting darker by the second.
                  “Anything feel broken?” you asked.
                  “No.” He moved away from your touch, something that hurt your heart, “Who even are you? Batman’s new recruit?” 
                  “Jason- do you?” You huffed and began to pull off your mask, “You’re an idiot.” 
                  Once you had your mask off, he started at you, lost for words. So many emotions ran through his eyes, confusion and then realization being the two most prominent ones.
                  “Y/N?” He asked bewildered, “How did you keep this from me?”
                  “I figured you knew, Red Hood.” You said, tucking your mask under your arm.
                  “You knew about that?” 
                  “You’re not very inconspicuous about it, Jason.” You laughed, “I mean every time patrol ended, Red Hood would head in the direction of your apartment and then you’d drop by thirty minutes later after taken a shower and typically with some sort of wound dressing. Plus, it helps that I went to the cave a few times.”                   “Why didn’t you say anything?” He asked, hurt lingering in his voice.
                  “I realized you probably didn’t know anything about it and planned to talk to you about it but you kind of dumped me before I got the chance.” Your smile faded and was instead replaced with a stoic look. Jason knew you were upset, “What do you think I was yelling at you for?” 
                  “I thought you were just yelling because you were mad.” He answered, shame now replacing his look of hurt.
                  “Yeah, I’m pissed with you. I feel like you thought I can’t handle myself, even if you didn’t mean to come across that way. I was trying to get you to stop so we could talk about it. You were bound to get in and get out.” Tears began swelling in your eyes and you quickly wiped them away. 
                  “Y/N I’m so sorry.” He said.
                  “Yea, so am I.” Your head hung low for a second before you picked yourself back up, not wanting to break down in front of Jason right now.
                  “No, it’s not your fault.” Jason grabbed your hands, “This has been the worst few weeks of my entire life. I can’t live without you. Day and night, you’re the only thing I think of. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I can’t do anything right now. I’d rather die a thousand times over than not have you.” 
                  At this point you started crying and Jason grabbed you, pulling you into his chest. You cried into his suit that was already ruined by the dirt and tears from tonight. He was crying to, no matter how much he didn’t want to be.
                  “I’m so, so sorry Y/N. I never meant to hurt you. I just thought this was best for you. I didn’t want you ending up hurt or dead or- I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you.”                   “Jason” You laughed through tears, “I’m a Gotham CEO, I was already unsafe by myself.” 
                  “I didn’t think about that.” He said, making you laugh more. 
                  “Do you think you’d have me back?” Jason asked, a now solemn look coming across his face.
                  “Yes, absolutely.” 
                  Jason pulled you into a kiss that felt like it lasted forever and once it was over, he rested his head in the crook of your neck and inhaled deeply.
                  “I missed you so much.” He said. 
                  “I did too.” 
                  Jason’s family was going to be ecstatic about this. They probably weren’t going to let him live down you realizing he was Red Hood before he realized you were a vigilante.
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twstowo · 8 months
Hi person who asked about part 2 of 'True loves kiss' just though of something else to it where true loves kiss wasn't the cure.
Sorry that I sent 2 ask, I literally just thought of this after I sent it. Sorry again mate.
♡︎I loved writing this so much! This is really long because I got excited and couldn’t stop typing.
♡︎Includes: Housewardens and Jamil
♡︎Warning: Angst
♡︎First part
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For days, he had been consumed by the task of brewing a potion to break the sleeping spell that had befallen you. Despite the absence of romantic feelings reciprocated, he considered you a dear friend and couldn't leave you in such a state. However, the process took its toll on his mood, turning him less tolerant of those around him in Heartslabyul. Collaring people became an automatic response to his heightened stress, a reflection of the turmoil brewing within him as he fought with studying and contemplating your unreciprocated feelings.
His efforts took an unexpected turn when Ace rushed towards him, delivering the news that the spell binding you couldn't be broken with a love kiss. The revelation sent Riddle into a state of emotional disarray. Could this mean there was still a chance that you harboured feelings for him? He clung to that glimmer of hope, even if small.
As your eyes gradually opened, he tried to maintain a calm demeanour in your presence. However, any uncertainty about your feelings evaporated at that moment, for the enamoured gaze you directed at him, as the first thing you saw after a prolonged slumber, provided all the answers he ever needed. In that moment, he bends down and hugs you, catching you off guard with the sudden show of affection.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
Ruggie had had enough of Leona, and it seemed everyone else felt the same way. Leona's glare was enough to send people running. He locked himself in his room, skipping classes, and ignoring Ruggie's attempts to snap him out of it. Every time Ruggie told him to move on from you, Leona just got angrier, as if it hadn't crossed his mind before. But erasing your face, your voice, and the moments you spent together turned out to be tougher than he thought.
When Ruggie shared the news that the sleeping spell on you couldn't be broken with a true love's kiss, Leona didn't react. He told Ruggie once again to leave him alone, burying himself even deeper in uncertainty about your feelings.
After you woke up, Ruggie briefed you on everything, and you decided to visit Leona and get him out of his room. As you walked in, you heard his annoyed voice, thinking you were Ruggie coming to annoy him. But when you told him you loved him and took a seat on his bed, he quickly pulled you into his arms. The two of you spent the rest of the day there, finding comfort in each other's company.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
Days had passed since you woke up, and Azul, dealing with the aftermath of unrequited love, tried making a potion to wake you up. He promised himself to cut ties with you, but it was hard to forget, especially when Floyd and Jade kept stopping your attempts to talk with him. This left him alone to think about how desperate you seemed when the kiss he had given you proved all he needed to know. He struggled with the idea that maybe, like others, you were only interested in his favours and wealth.
However, one day a teacher mentioned casually that the sleeping spell on you couldn't be broken with a kiss. This hit Azul hard, making him reconsider the possibility that you might have loved him all along, remembering all the times you had tried to tell him your feelings, only for Floyd and Jade to push you away from him.
Without wasting time, Azul ran to find you. Anyone watching would hardly recognize the composed Azul Ashengrotto in the frantic figure racing through the corridors. When he saw you, he was left speechless. You looked hurt, and he understood why, by the Seven, you had all the right to be even mad with him. Tears welled up in his eyes as he held onto your shoulders, asking for forgiveness over and over, making a mess out of himself in front of you, and when you hugged him and said it was okay, it brought a rush of happiness he hadn't expected.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
After waking up with a potion, Kalim continues treating you the same way as always. He invites you to parties and talks with you every day, and the two of you become inseparable again. It's only when you decide to express your love for Kalim, in which he immediately reciprocates, that Jamil intervenes wanting to speak with you in private.
Jamil, who had never seen you as a threat to Kalim before, now seems to think that your confession and the failed kiss might indicate ulterior motives, possibly tied to Kalim's wealth. This misunderstanding creates confusion, as you genuinely hold feelings for Kalim, and you're left perplexed as to why the kiss didn't work.
The situation gets untangled when you and Jamil discover that a true love kiss could have never awakened you. Despite this revelation, when Kalim learns of it he remains unfazed and continues to treat you with the same kindness and warmth. You're torn between being thankful for his understanding and worried about how nonchalant he is about the whole situation.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
Every moment after you woke up turned into torture for him. He knew that every act of kindness you directed at him was purely platonic, and he despised it because he had fallen hard for those gestures before, mistaking them for romantic interactions. Whether you clung to his side while talking, helped him with cooking preparations, or focused your attention on him in the presence of Kalim, it tore him apart. The desire to tell you to go away and leave him alone overwhelmed him, but he also knew that if he did, Kalim would eventually invite you to hang out, forcing him to witness the two of you being friendly. It was especially painful because he wished it were him with you instead of Kalim.
One day, he overhears you talking to Kalim about him, and to his surprise, you express your intention to confess your feelings to him. Anger bubbles up in him – does he look like a fool to you? He's well aware that you don't see him in that way. When you gather the courage to confess your love, he quickly calls you out, leaving you with his cold words echoing in your head. Your heart shatters, and you swear to never see him again.
However, everything changes when he learns that the spell you were under could never be broken with a kiss. This revelation means that you did love him when you confessed, and he's left conflicted. Though you occasionally cross paths in school hallways or during Kalim's invitations, you avoid making eye contact with him. It takes Kalim's insistence to push him to approach you in Ramshackles and fully explain himself. As he deeply apologizes for everything, you find it hard to stay mad, understanding the depth of his feelings. Eventually, you let him in, allowing the two of you to spend some time alone and clear the air.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
After you wake up, Vil decides to make you fall for him. Just because he wasn't your true love before the sleeping spell doesn't mean he can't become that with time. You notice him becoming nicer, always kissing your hand when you meet, inviting you over more frequently, and Rook occasionally delivering bouquets of your favourite flowers, claiming they were ordered by Vil. It leaves you in an embarrassed mess, as it becomes evident that Vil has feelings for you.
Over time, Rook overhears that the sleeping spell could never be broken with a kiss. He hastily informs Vil, who sees it as an incentive to make things official with you.
The next time you meet is at Pomefiore, in a dimly lit room with only a table and two chairs. Vil has arranged what he intends to be the most romantic dinner of your life. When he expresses his love for you, he wants the moment to be etched into your memory forever.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
He finds himself confined to his room for the next few weeks, and not even Ortho can pull him out of the depressive episode he's plunged into. When he finally gathers the strength to leave his bed, he meticulously packs away all the little gifts you gave him in a plastic bag. Deleting your conversations on every platform, blocking you, erasing your character in The Sims 4 (whom he had married to his own), and moving his Minecraft bed away from yours, he goes to great lengths to sever all ties. He can't believe he allowed himself to believe that you truly loved him. Having opened up to you and shared his personal lore, he feels played and betrayed.
Ortho reaches a point where he has to break down his door, informing him about the spell not being broken with a kiss, just to get him to stop sulking in the corner. However, now that he's aware of the truth, he doesn't know how to proceed. Ignoring you for so long, he assumes you must hate him.
It takes Ortho's intervention once again to call you and explain Idia's situation for you to visit him. You had noticed being blocked and the removal of his Minecraft bed, but the sudden distance was a mystery. Upon finding him lying on the floor, you talk to him about everything. You also take the opportunity to express your love, leaving Idia frozen in place. A pink hue surrounds the two of you as his hair becomes the only source of light in the room.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
He decides to wake you up with his magic after Lilia suggests it as the best course of action, even if his love remains unrequited. He attempts to distance himself from you, finding it challenging and painful when you approach, casually chatting with Silver, Sebek, and even Lilia, greeting him with the soft smile he adores. Unable to contain his emotions, he finally confronts you, questioning why you don't love him. You're taken aback, attempting to explain your genuine feelings for him, but he dismisses you as a liar, teleporting away with a thunderous echo.
Weeks pass without any communication, until Silver enlightens him about the sleeping spell, explaining that a kiss wouldn't break it and that was the reason you didn't wake up with his kiss.
Upon hearing this revelation, he rushes to find you near Ramshackles. He pleads for your attention, kneeling in front of you, asking for forgiveness and professing his deep love. Watching the heartfelt scene unfold, you eventually take him into a hug, and the two of you remain locked in that embrace, reluctant to let go.
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meangirls-imagines · 3 days
Hey! Can I request a Regina x Reader fic where Regina sees you talking to another girl who, in Regina’s opinion, is a wannabe of Regina. She’s somewhat touchy with you so of course Regina gets mad at you. You’re confused on why Regina is mad at you at first, which makes her angrier. You go to Gretchen for help. Then when you do know what it’s about, you spend the rest of the day grovelling at Regina’s feet until she decides to forgive you. She doesn’t hesitate to tell you how much of a Regina-wannabe the girl you were talking to is, though.
Wannabe Blondie
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Summary: Regina's unwanted wannabe gets too close to you. Regina being Regina doesn't take to kindly to that. Thanks to Gretchen, you figure it out and grovel to your girl.
WARNINGS: suggestive, jealous Regina, aggressive Regina, fluff
Regina George was one in a million.
So she thought.
Until a girl named Ashley Cunningham showed up to North Shore.
Regina didn't have a problem with it. She was a changed woman who didn't get mad at petty things but things...changed.
Ashley started dressing like her, acting like her, duplicating her routines, etc..
Now, Regina loved her admirers but there was something...different about this. It was like she was trying to actively become Regina, which the original recipe herself was going to brush off.
Until the bitch decided to involve Y/N.
Y/N and Regina had been dating since Spring Fling their junior year, after everything happened. Regina had never been happier. Y/N treated her well, respected her, took care of her. The greenest flag a girl could be.
On Monday, Y/N had met Regina at the blonde's locker. Regina smiled as the girl approached, pecking her lips. "Hi sweetie. Ready to go?" Y/N smiled and sighed. "I wish I could, mama, but Mr. Rapp is having me tutor some sophomore girl."
Regina's brow furrowed. "Who?" Y/N thought for a second and then remembered.
"Some girl named Ashley Cunningham."
What. The. Fuck
Regina plastered on a fake smile. "Sounds great baby. Just come over when you're done?" Y/N smiled and nodded and kissed the blonde's cheek. "It won't be too bad."
It was bad. Very bad.
It seemed every time Regina wanted to hang out with Y/N, Ashley somehow, someway, always butted in.
"Y/N, I need help with these problems."
"Y/N, I don't get this."
And bless her girlfriend's heart. Y/N had always been oblivious, that's what took them so long to get together. As the days went on, Regina began to notice how Ashley adopted her mannerisms.
Pink on Wednesdays, doing her hair like Regina's, figuring out her perfume and buying it. It was creeping Regina out. But it was also pissing her off because there is only ONE Regina George.
The last day of this nightmare, Regina decided to pay her girl a visit during her last tutoring session with the spawn of Satan. She walked into the library and automatically saw Y/N and Ashley at a table. Y/N was overlooking Ashley's paper and Ashley seemed to be leaning closer and closer to Y/N.
Regina made her way over quietly. "Okay. Everything looks good. Just go give this to Mr. Rapp and you should be good to go." Ashley nodded and took the paper back.
"You've been such a godsend Y/N. How can I ever repay you?" Y/N shook her head. "Don't worry about it, just trying to help." Ashley draped herself over Y/N. "Please. I'll do anything."
Y/N uncomfortably moved out of the way. "Yeah, no. I have to get to Regina." Ashley scoffed. "Why have her when I'm right here?"
Regina decided to make herself known and speak up. "Because I'm better than you in every sense." Y/N smiled at the sight of her girlfriend but was met with a glare.
Ashley scoffed again. "Sure you are." Regina towered over the girl. "I know I am. Now leave."
Ashley scurried off, leaving Y/N and Regina alone. Y/N went to talk to Regina but was met with her ice queen stare and the blonde storming off and leaving.
What the hell?
The next day, Y/N was met with the cold shoulder. No kisses, hugs, affection of any sort. She was confused as to why so she went to the only person that would know.
"She's mad at you."
Y/N sighed in frustration. "Yes, Gretchen. I'm aware. Can you tell me why? Instead of pointing out the obvious." Karen went to take a sip of her drink and Gretchen stopped it from going up her nose. "What were you doing all week? With who?"
Realization hit Y/N like a brick. Oh.
She had some groveling to do.
Regina was awoken from her daily after school nap to soft kisses being planted on her cheek and neck. She smiled softly.
"So you came to grovel, hmm?"
Y/N smiled softly against her neck. "Yeah, mama. I'm sorry for the past week. I was so focused on getting the tutoring done that I didn't even realize that I was neglecting you. I'm so sorry."
Regina turned over in Y/N's arms. "I forgive you, but don't let it happen again. Especially with that wannabe." Y/N smiled. "Wannabe?" Regina scoffed. "Like you didn't notice her trying to be me.
Y/N shook her head. "No?" Regina looked at her girlfriend incredulously. "She totally was. She copied my style, my hair, my mannerisms...you really didn't notice?" Y/N shook her head.
"There's only one Regina George and it's you. That's who I pay attention to."
And when Y/N came in Monday morning looking like a lovesick idiot walking with Regina, Ashley knew she lost.
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lvfrstar · 2 months
call me oppa [yang jungwon]
pairing: bf!jungwon x older gf!reader (one year gap)
warnings: smut (minors dni ‼️), meandom!jungwon, jealous jungwon, oral (f receiving), fingering, orgasm denial, manhandling, spanking, dacryphilia
summary: jungwon is your cute boyfriend, of course you’d baby him all the time. he loves it, right? the only thing you didn’t know was that he’s tired not being seen as a man to you in a room full of other men.
a/n: hey minors please stay away from this account go and read something useful for school or sumn. english is not my first language, not proofread and this was written in a short period of time, sorry if it’s rushed!!!
“noona… i’m hungry, when are you coming?” you smiled as you heard that whiny tone of your boyfriend. “i’m already in the taxi, can’t you wait a bit, wonnie?” though you can’t see him, you can basically imagine him smiling at the nickname. “okay. but hurry up please, i miss you so bad,” you can’t help but giggle, oh how you love your sweet boy so much. “i’m almost there, gimme 10, okay?” you heard him answer ‘okay, take care’ and smooches the phone before ending the call.
upon arriving, you see him waiting for you at the lounge. you ran up to him and immediately hugged him tight. he hugged you tighter and you can hear him exhale a relief sigh, melting into your touch. “miss you, noona.” you kiss both of his cheeks as a response. “let’s go.” he held your hand tightly, walking together to the practice room.
“oh, y/n and chicken!!!” sunoo immediately came running to you, smiling widely. “are you happier to see me or the chicken?” you said jokingly as sunoo’s eyes stick to food you brought. unlike sunoo, jake stares at you, not caring if jungwon catches him. “jake oppa, at least blink your eyes, i know i’m pretty,” it was a friendly joke, you swear you had no other intention. to say jungwon was shocked is an understatement, he was furious when jake just smirk and winked at you.
you had no idea how and when it happened. you’re in the middle of chatting with the members, all you remember was you being dragged to a store beside the practice room. and you never see jungwon this furious. “y/n. was it fun flirting with jake, laughing at every joke he made? you didn’t even glance at me.” he scoffed. and you’re just… speechless. a bit scared, but can’t deny. this side of jungwon is extremely attractive. “do you come here for me, or for jake?” he pressed you to the wall, making you froze at the spot.
“can’t even talk? too much giggling with jake that you forgot how to talk properly?” he’s still asking, and his hand starts to slid into your pants. he’s rubbing your slit, gathering your wetness while smirking. “oh? my pretty girl is this wet already? is this for me, or jake?” he pinched your clit harshly, which made you let out a small moan. “answer, baby.” he’s prodding his fingers at your entrance, but he’s just teasing, leaving you desperately wanting more.
“you, wonnie. just you,” he lets out a sigh, unsatisfied with your answer. just then, he starts fingering you at a fast pace, it was unexpected, but you never felt more turn on than this moment. “y/n. do you talk with older guys than me because i’m younger? because i’m cute?” he curls his fingers, making you whimper. you shake your head, denying everything. you never felt attracted to other men. only jungwon. “do you think just because i’m young, i can’t satisfy you? don’t tell me you’re not satisfied with me.” he laughed, his face becoming more angrier as time passes by. “can jake oppa makes you feel this good? hm?” he thrust his fingers faster, hitting your spot that only he knows would make you go crazy. “tell me. do you want his fingers? or his dick?” you can feel your orgasm is getting near, you start clenching on his fingers, hoping he’ll let you cum.
all of a sudden, you feel empty. he didn’t let you cum. “baby, you’re pissing me off so bad. you’re talking to jake just fine, and when it comes to me, you don’t even make an effort.” he dragged you to the nearest couch, and he sits and spread his legs. “come here. lay on top of me.” you can’t deny, this side of jealous jungwon is making you feel things you never felt. when he noticed you didn’t move, he stands and handle you himself. now your face is on the couch, ass up on his thigh, his face staring right at it. “count. loudly. if i don’t hear your voice, i’ll call jake to watch. or maybe the whole enhypen. who knows maybe it’s actually heeseung hyung or jay hyung you’ve been eyeing.” with that, he starts spanking you. at first, it was gentle. after the seventh spank, it started to get stronger.
“e-eighteen!” you tried to speak as loud as you can, while it’s hard when your whimpering voice wanting to betray you. “nineteen!” your voice cracked, you found it hard to speak while crying. finally, after being silent for so long, he finally opened his mouth, “baby, you’re doing so so good. but promise me you’ll answer everytime i ask you a question, kay?” he caressed your red skin, burning and hurting so bad you’re wondering how will you sit after this. and that’s when the unexpected slap came. “t-twenty!”
just then, you’re flipped, so now you’re face to face with jungwon, but it can’t distract the pain you felt when your ass was directly touching his jeans. just then, you felt his fingers ghostly tracing your pussy, and when he kisses you, you can feel his fingers moving inside you. “y/n, call me oppa.” it was a shocking request, after all, 7 months dating him but this was the first time he requested this. his speed increases while his other hand slip under your shirt, and starts to play with your nipple. “wonnie, i-” wrong. he pinched your nipple and thrust his fingers harder. you let out a shocked cry, and continued “i’m shy and i’m- i’m older- ah, than you,” you can feel your head getting dizzy. suddenly his thumb grazes across your clit, and he puts perfect pressure on it making you closer to your high.
“if you want to cum, say it nicely, please let me cum, jungwon oppa.” his sweet voice was total opposite with his brutal hands one pinching your nipple, one fingering you. you can feel it closer, yet you just can’t utter the word, you tried getting off your high, but jungwon knows you so well. again, you feel empty. after a minute of not doing anything to you, jungwon moves you aside. he stands up and get ready to walk out the store. “fix your clothes. come back to practice room, or you can go back home.” you’re confused. he didn’t let you cum twice and now he’s leaving? “wonnie…” you tried catching his attention, but jungwon continues walking. “oppa…” you shyly whispers, yet loud enough to make jungwon stop walking. “what is it baby? do i misheard things?” he smirked and started walking back to you.
when he stands right in front of you, you plead him with your eyes, hoping he’d give you the pleasure and relief that you need. “speak, y/n.” you hesitated for a while, but decided to speak up. you need this. you need jungwon. “n-need your fingers, oppa. wan’ em inside me…” you shy away, but you can feel him staring at you. immediately he pushes you to sit down on the couch, and he kneels down, face towards your pussy. his eyes shine bright watching the glistening that he made. “oppa will make you feel real good, do you trust oppa?” you nodded, and remembered he want verbal answer, “yes, oppa.”
without wasting any time, he dives right into your pussy, eating you out like a starve man, just then, you feel his fingers inside you again. “oppa, that feels so good,” he groaned as he lapped and sucked on your clit, going faster until you cried out. he’s never the one who cares about age, meaning he’s okay calling you noona, and accepting he’s younger than you. but hearing you calls him oppa awaken something in him. he keeps on going with a pace that you can’t even imagine that it’s possible.
“j-jungwon oppa, can i- can i cum? please, oppa?” you tried your best to utter your words, mixed with breathy moans because you can’t describe how good this feel. “you can let go for me baby, come for me” with a naughty gentle bite on your clit, you just had your best orgasm.
“one more for oppa, okay?”
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spideyhexx · 8 months
mdni; tw: slapping, slightly mean coryo. fem!reader
academic rivals with Coryo to the point you’re always spewing hate at each other, an obvious distaste to those around but the moment you’re alone with him, he’s fucking your brains out. And neither of you admit that you love it, that the sex is so good. The way his hands encompass yours when he pins them down and his lips leave a lasting feeling on your skin that you’ll savor for days on end until you can have him again. You find yourself missing the way his hands fist the sheets when his cock is down your throat, surprisingly letting you take all the control you wanted.
"I really don't care what you do, get your mouth on my dick." Coryo fumbles with his uniform pants as he tries to get the button undone and shoves the fabric past his thighs. You watch him, arms crossed and raise a brow.
"You're not even gonna say please?" Your voice is mocking, piercing his already desperate and entitled attitude and if he was feeling up for it, he would have bent you over and slapped your ass till you cried, but he felt generous this afternoon.
"I won't say thank you either, princess," he rasps out, holding himself back from smiling when you roll your eyes at him and get on your knees in front of him.
He never stops thinking about how you moan his name, the marks you leave on his shoulders and chest are more aggressive when you’re angrier at him, it only spurs him to do so; to piss you off so bad you have the gall the actually slap him. He'd think badly of himself later that night when he remembers the sting of your hand on his cheek, but then he finds himself wanting it again the next time he's fucking you. You looked at him too prettily as your moans turned to whimpers. It was too much for him. No, he needed you to get angry at him again. So he turned to his mean self for answers, as his cock pounded into you, ridiculing you about how awful you did in your presentation that day. He pressed and pressed until you slapped him.
But he loves it. He despises it so fucking bad. You’re like a vice he can’t shake, even if he tries to not come crawling back to your arms and wet cunt, his dick can’t resist you, hell his brain can’t resist you. Both of you come back each and every time.
"You're like clockwork, Snow. Always here exactly at eight," you'd jab at him one night, too prideful to recall the fact that you'd do the same if you were meeting at his place instead of yours.
"You wouldn't touch me if I was late," he'd mutter, not really meaning for you to hear, but you hear it. He sees that. A rare and true moment of shyness comes over him and he freezes, his eyes widening as he tries to cover his tracks, "Guess my timing's just good," before he's pushing you back into your bed and towering his body over yours.
It’s worse when he’s invited to a dinner party at your parents’ behest, and he greets you in the most proper etiquette matter of holding your hand, delicately, like you’re fragile. But of course he knows you’re not. He knows how rough he’s taken you with his cock and when his lips touch your knuckles in a small kiss, his eyes shooting up to peer into yours, Coryo has to try with all of his might not to smirk, with all of his strength not to lick the length of your fingers and take them into his mouth. But he’d chance it. He’d dart his tongue quick before you could process it and even the small feeling of his wet tongue on your finger makes your anger flare up.
It would only be a matter of time before you’re pulling him by his arm and shoving him against a wall to teach him some manners.
let’s chat about coryo, here :)
here’s this too
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eroguron0nsense · 9 months
Garp Rant #11543
Because I'm something of a Certified Garp Hater/extremely obsessed with this man, and because Tumblr people seem to like my Garp takes and/or find them extremely pain-inducing, here's another one for funsies! Again, Garp is an incredibly written character and I massively enjoy his moral failings and human shortcomings, hence why I won't shut up about how much he sucks. So we all remember Garp crying in front of Ace during his imprisonment and awaiting his execution, lamenting the fact that his son and grandson could have maybe avoided this horrible horrible fate that awaits them at Marineford if they'd just become good marines like he'd tried to press them into. Every time he says it, he sounds more desperate, sadder, and angrier, like he's experiencing the stages of grief and going through denial, anger bargaining all at once, lashing out at his grandkids for supposedly causing him grief by defying his wishes, or maybe praying or wishing for a world where they could have followed in his footsteps and lived happily ever after. And when Ace hears that again at Impel Down, he says this:
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Here's the thing though: Ace is unequivocally correct Garp should, by all rights, know this. He lived through the fallout of Roger's execution. He knew long before that exactly what would happen to Roger's loved ones and anyone the government could get their hands on who'd ever associated with him. Even before they started committing femicides/infanticides in Baterilla trying to end Roger's bloodline, he knew that the Marines were going to target completely innocent people in the name of purging the bloodline and cementing their "victory" over the greatest threat they'd ever faced. He specifically had to smuggle Rouge out of there so she could give birth to Ace, and all the while dozens of families were being brutalized by his peers and having their lives torn apart. That was the cost the Marines were willing to incur to kill a hypothetical infant, and years later, when that very same child is set to be executed, Sengoku goes on a remorseless public tirade about the necessity of killing babies and the horrible trickery and audacity Rouge displayed by dying so that they wouldn't kill her baby too.
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Garp knows every single piece of this information in painful, excruciating detail. He's so horrified by it he feels the need to fulfill this wish of Roger's because he knows blameless people will die. He has Ace raised in secret to protect him from Marines who are figuratively and literally out for his blood. And yet, throughout this boy's childhood, he clings to the notion that maybe, just maybe, the people he knows regularly commit atrocities, who have carried out at least 3 genocides that we know of in Garp's lifetime, who were willing to commit mass infanticide for a woman and child they hadn't verified the existence or identity of at the time, would have accepted him within their ranks and turned a blind eye to that information when it eventually, inevitably surfaced. That Ace can find salvation from the people who stole every loved one he ever had before he was even born, who slaughtered his mother's community and pushed her to her death, and were slavering at the opportunity to kill her. That even though Ace was born in direct opposition to them, has had a target trained on him before he was born, these people who tried so goddamn hard to kill him would surely welcome his presence and not murder him the second they found out if he could just be a compliant model soldier and make himself useful. It's hammered home pretty effectively–especially in the manga– and One Piece has never been known to be subtle in its messaging, but I swear to God I see so many people echoing the notion that Garp's attempts to force his grandchildren into serving the Evil Empire was done because he knew was their only shot at safety from the WG, and I fucking despise this take. Ace saying that he could never be a marine here in Impel Down isn't some young man's rationalization for his (beyond valid) desire not to subscribe to the preset path Garp laid out for him; it's literally the only logical conclusion if you know literally anything about the circumstances of his birth and upbringing, and Garp only thinks that the leopards wouldn't eat Ace's face because he's fucking delusional This in and of itself is extremely telling of how horribly warped Garp's perception of the Navy is, and how deeply he's willing to buy into the Marines and their warped propaganda no matter how many glaring examples he sees throughout his life that counter his worldview, but let's not forget that this applies to Luffy too. This is slightly hairier, in that if Luffy was a) the sort of person who could willingly accept a career in the marines and b) managed to cling really, really tightly to his grandfather's coattails and legacy, there might have been a very, infinitesimally small chance that he could have joined the Navy. The higher ups know that Dragon is Garp's son and therefore Luffy is Dragon's by logical inference, but I could see some AU where Luffy is a fundamentally different person and manages to build himself up in the Navy if not for two things I think warrant examination. It's pretty evident, and Dragon explicitly confirms, that Luffy being known as his son would have put him in incredible danger, only feeling comfortable with acknowledging it and the possibility of actually reuniting with his child after Luffy was both publicly recognized due to factors beyond his control, and proved that he was more than capable of holding his own. But I want to draw attention to this one otherwise pretty silly little gag moment between Garp and Sengoku when they learn that Luffy's broken into Impel Down, and present a theory that's kind of a reach but also not really
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Now the phrasing here kind of interests me, in that it ties back to earlier demonstrated patterns that the Navy uses repeatedly in collective punishment for the families and loved ones of their primary targets. Rouge and Ace barely escaped the mass murders intended for them because of their connection, but Tom was also originally sentenced to death for having had a connection to Roger, and ultimately chose that as the offence he wanted to be sentenced for at Enies Lobby. Law, as a child survivor of Flevance, has multiple hospitals try and turn him in to the World Government to be killed when Cora tries to find someone to treat him because their policy is to pull out the roots and salt the earth whenever they deem a person or population politically inconvenient. Robin's flashback shows us Akainu blowing up a refugee boat on the off chance that one of those people that they were planning to evacuate might have gotten past their initial screening for archaeologists/poneglyph readers. At Marineford, Akainu specifically targets Luffy not because of his prior offences or even his attempt to rescue Ace, but because he's Dragon's son and his and Roger's bloodlines need to be eradicated. This is not an institution that is in any way reluctant to destroy anyone tangentially affiliated to a designated enemy, and Luffy being the son of the worst criminal in history seems to put him right in line with all of those other cases. In light of this, and Garp's massive blind spots and wishful thinking regarding his peers and employers, it's not that much of a stretch to assume that the only reason Garp's exempt from being targeted like Dragon is because of his popularity/symbolic importance/utility, and that Luffy likely wouldn't have been safe even if he weren't a pirate. Garp's circle of confidantes/friends in high places is powerful, but clearly there are factions (Akainu, Ryokugyu etc) that would be substantially less willing and who are given preferential treatment by the Elders and Celestial Dragons. There might be something to read into based on the fact that Garp is the only known person from a D bloodline who's achieved massive success in service to the World Government and not defected from the Navy after realizing its true nature (props to Saul), and therefore he might project the fact that he's been rewarded by the system despite being a "sworn enemy of the Gods" onto his family, but that still doesn't account for the massive, delusional arrogance he displays in insisting that, despite everything–especially, especially the murders committed in pursuit of Ace, that robbed him of his birth mother and community–the Navy is the best and safest place for either of those boys. TLDR Garp not wanting his grandsons to have a bounties on their heads is one thing, but it says a lot that in spite of everything he knows, he's willing/determined to put Ace and Luffy in an environment that's extremely dangerous for them –and in Ace's case 100%, unquestionably fatal– because he's so convinced that compliance and the platonic ideals of "justice" and military service/hard work being rewarded by the system could supersede all of that.
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gemstone-roses · 1 year
Hello lovely! If you’re taking requests, would you be able to please write something smutty about Hannibal x reader sort of like enemies to lovers maybe where they don’t get a long and she’s a bit weary of him but one day they end up having really rough sex??? Lots of dirty talk and choking pls xx
Woo okay, let's go!
This took me forever so I hope you like it, likes and reblogs are very much appreciated🥺🥺
a:n- minors be gone 18+ only!. Dirty talk, female reader, choking,smut, rough sex. So. Much. Smut. I got a bit carried away oops, pussy eating, praise kink, filthy language, unprotected sex, mentions of choking on a dick, choking, 18+
Ooh there's a bit of a build up too this time! It's a bit long oops.
This work is intended for adults only, meaning those who are 18 and over. remember you are responsible for your own media consumption.
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Hannibal finds it amusing, the way you roll your eyes whenever he opens his mouth. He might well have a good point but it doesent stop you from making your annoyance known. You thought hannibal was just far too cocky and far too sure of himself.
And every time hannibal sees it, a sly smirk appears on his face.
You loathed working with him, and your boss seemed to be oblivious to this since he always made you go with hannibal on a case.
"Im driving" you huff, not even looking at him as you reach for the drivers side handle
"It's my car" hannibal says simply, leaning on the door,causing it to shut.
You gape at him, hannibal stands there leaning against the car door, lazily, a smile dancing across his face.
Hannibal raises his eyebrows at you, waiting.
"You are insufferable do you know that!" You state
Hannibal just smiles wider, sticking his tongue between his teeth watching you become angrier at him.
"Fine" you huff, launching the keys at him. Your pouting, breath heaving slightly, and hannibal can't help the way it sends blood rushing to his cock.
Hannibal starts the car and the radio blares on. You lean over from the passenger seat to try and change it to something more your taste when hannibal places his hand firmly on your thigh.
"Leave it" he says lowly.
Your brain short circuits for a moment
"I am not, listening to this!" You manage to breathe out, hopefully hiding shakiness in your voice.
Hannibal ignores you, hoping it'll be the end of your utterly annoying complaining.
It's not.
"Go that way its quicker" you say
He doesn't.
"You should of gone the other way" you state, as you join a small line of traffic due to some road works.
The drive only takes 15 minutes but by the time you both get out of the car hannibal is rubbing his temples dramatically.
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't realise I was so terrible to be around" you say.
Hannibal furrows his brows.
"I need you to come to my office when we get back" he says firmly
"Jesus christ how about some manners?" You roll your eyes
Hannibal turns around and walks towards you, you can't help your heart speed up at the sight, he's so very... attractive.
You blink away the thoughts right as he reaches you
"Y/N" he whispers, he's out of breath, putting both arms on either side of you he's trapped you against the car.
You open your mouth to speak but no sound comes out.
Hannibal swipes his thumb across your bottom lip, taking note of the way your breathing increases.
He leaves you without saying another word.
The drive back is silent.
He gets out first when you arrive, not even waiting for you to get out the car.
By the time you reach his office, he's already sitting behind his desk.
You enter and shut the door behind you, hannibal looks up at you and his gaze is so intense it makes you want the floor to swallow you up.
"You- you wanted me to come up here" you say, hannibal gets up and clears the space between you in seconds.
And once again he places both arms either side of you, leaning against the door.
You notice he's rolled his sleeves up and it makes your brain short circuit for a moment.
" I did" he agrees, he steps forward, meaning you have to widen your legs slightly
"What are you-
"You have been testing my patience y/n" he whispers, hands rubbing up your waist gently.
"Yeah well your pretty insufferable yourself" you whisper.
Hannibal traces his hand up to your jaw, his big hand gripping your chin, a finger reaching out to caress your cheek
"Should I stop?" He whispers stilling his hand, a warmness in his gaze you haven't seen before.
You shake your head, lips parted slightly.
"Use your words" he whispers lowly.
"I don't want you to stop" you say
"Good girl" he praises and hannibal dosent miss the way your pupils widen at that.
Hannibal bites his lip slightly, oh he is going to enjoy this.
"You liked that didn't you?" He teases, dropping his hand from your chin to rest around your neck.
"Mm hmm" you mutter, slightly breathless.
Hannibal tightens his hand slightly, studying your reaction, he feels your pulse quicken under his hand, you shift slightly trying to ease the growing ache in your cunt.
He squeezes a little harder, causing you to let a moan you'd been holding in escape your lips.
Hannibals cock strains against his pants.
"Open your mouth for me darling" he says, swiping his thumb across your lip before pushing in two of his fingers.
You wrap your lips around his fingers and suck, hannibal closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, commiting to memory the sight in front of him.
"That's it darling" he smiles, his cock twitching every time you made a noise.
He pushes into you, his erection brushing up against your leg.
"Do you feel that y/n?"
You whimper
Hannibal removes his fingers from your mouth, reaching down, he guides your hand to his bulge.
You stroke your hand up and down a couple of times, taking notice of how thick he feels, hannibal let's out a low moan before quickly pushing your hand away and opening his hand to take yours, he guides your arm up above your head before crashing his lips to yours.
You can tell he's skillful by the way he kisses. One hand pinning yours above your head, the other grips your waist, you feel the books on the shelf behind you pressing into your back.
Hannibal pushes his tongue into your mouth, gripping your waist tighter you moan into the kiss.
"You sound delightful when you moan my love" he breaks the kiss, pressing his forehead to yours.
"Please" you whisper, needing more.
"What my love?, what do you want?" He knows exactly what you want, he just wants to hear you beg.
"Touch me" you say, closing your eyes as you sigh
"No no" he tuts, stroking your face
"Look at me"
You open your eyes and stare into his, his eyes blown wide with lust.
"Good girl" he says again and this time you don't bother trying to stifle the groan escaping from your throat.
" I bet you've soaked right through your panties haven't you, and I've hardly, even, touched, you" and with each word his hands inch lower into the waistband of your pants.
He runs a finger through your soaking folds, presses it to your clit.
It makes you squeal.
"Fuck hanni-
He smirkes at you, removing his fingers and instead gripping your wrist and leading you to his couch.
"Lie down" he states simply, and you do, bringing your lip between your teeth as hannibal loosens his tie.
He keeps his eyes on yours as he undresses, he can see its driving you mad as your chest heaves watching him.
"I've dreamt about how you'll taste on my tongue" his accent thick as he kneels between your legs.
Slowly, he removes your trousers, every touch of his fingers on your skin making your pussy throb.
When he's done he admires the view, a prominent wet patch visible in your panties.
You thrust your hips up slightly, indicating for him to hurry up and just touch you.
Hannibal leans down placing his hands on either side of your thighs, he brings his mouth to your clothed pussy, placing a far too soft kiss to your dripping, covered cunt.
You let out a frustrated moan, hannibal chuckles, finally hooking his fingers through your panties.
"May I?" He asks softly.
You nod
"Words, darling" he whispers
"Yes" you almost scream, and hannibal finally touches you where you needed him most.
His tongue teases the outside of your pussy before circling your clit slowly.
"Oh fuck" you moan, thrusting your hips into his mouth, hannibal removes one of his hands from your thigh, teasing your entrance with his finger.
His tongue presses flat against your clit as he pushes a finger inside you, he curls his finger, reaching that spot inside you that makes your toes curl.
"Oh my god hanni" you breathe, hannibal removes his mouth from your folds as he inserts another finger.
"I can feel you tightening around my fingers darling, are you going to Cum?" He asks, but he knows the answer. You close your eyes as you feel your orgasm approach
"Open your eyes and look at me sweetheart" he speaks so softly it makes your cunt clench harder.
"That's it, cum for me y/n, i got you, let go for me" he urges as your pussy clenches round his fingers and you see stars.
Your chest heaves as you try and catch your breath, but before you've had time to fully recover, hannibal places his cock at your dripping hole.
"Fuck me, please" you breathe, and that's all hannibal needs to hear before pushing his thick cock into your pussy.
"You feel incredible around my cock" he moans as he thrusts into you slowly.
Hannibal snakes his hand up your body, around your neck once more.
He applies a tiny bit of pressure as he fucks into you, your eyes roll back in pleasure and hannibal quickens his pace.
"Mm fuck" you moan
"Your squeezing my cock so good y/n" he praises as his hand continues squeezing your throat.
"Im gonna cum again hanni" you warn him, feeling a second orgasm approach.
"Cum with me" he groans, and it's the hottest thing you've ever heard, he's breathless, his skin glowing slightly from the activity.
"Hanni-" you choke out, his cock hitting your g spot with every thrust, he can feel your walls tightening around him.
"Cum for me y/n" he moans as his own orgasm washes over him, and with one last squeeze of his hand around your neck, you feel his cock tighten inside you, causing your brain to short circuit for a moment, you see stars once more as you cum on hannibals cock.
Hannibal pulls out slowly when you've caught your breath and recovered.
"That was-
"Incredible" he finishes for you.
"I should piss you off more often" you tease, he's lay next to you on the couch, his hands trailing softly over your stomach.
"Next time, maybe I'll choke on your cock" you add.
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blues824 · 10 months
Hello again bestie coming back with the yandere pic request but for sebek feel free to do what you want to go feral bestie❤️.
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The things I would let this man do to and for me…
Warning: This is a Yandere fic. I do not condone this behavior in real life.
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Sebek Zigvolt
There was little time until he got in.
You were panting, out of breath from running back to your dormitory, and you immediately started barricading your front door. You knew it wouldn’t be enough, however, so you used whatever energy you have left to sprint to your room, where you further barricaded yourself into it.
“Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?!” A shout came from outside, scaring you out of your wits and making more tears fall from your eyes. 
Why couldn’t he just LEAVE YOU ALONE?!
He already hurt your friends, you remember seeing Ace coughing up blood because of what he had done. Deuce had a blackened eye. Epel and Jack didn’t look much better. Of course, this was not without struggle. They did manage to deal some damage, but not enough to get him to stop chasing after you.
“Darling, there you are!”
Shit, you forgot about the window!
He was standing on a broom to float, and even though you sat on the opposite side of the room, you could see the figurative delusional hearts in his eyes. Quickly, he used his fist to punch out the glass pane of the window, and he quickly got into your room.
However, what he saw only made him angrier. He saw the armchair, the table, and the nightstand pressed against the door, and he immediately knew what you were trying to do.
“Y/N, were you trying to hide from me? Trying to keep me from you?! Well, you should’ve known that it wasn’t going to work!” He got closer and closer, shouting, making you curl up further and further into yourself.
You knew this wasn’t the Sebek that you had grown to care for. He was under the influence of a potion. A few students thought it would be a funny idea to prank the knight and get him to follow you around like a puppy. However, he went total psycho and possessive.
Earlier today, you sought out your friends to ask for their help in getting you away from him until the potion wore off. However, he managed to find you in Heartslabyul, where you were hiding out, and he lashed out and beat your friends to a pulp. 
Jack fought bravely, managing to scratch him and punch Sebek in the nose, which broke something, as blood dripped from his nostrils. However, he lost in the end, but you ran while the fight was going on. You jumped into a random mirror and it just so happened to be yours.
And that’s kind of where you are now. You would have to personally murder those students later, but right now you have to deal with a yandere and angry Sebek. 
“Darling, why are you cowering before me? I would never hurt you. I’m supposed to be your knight in shining armor…” He kneeled before, taking your wrists into his hands and making you reveal your face to him.
You were praying to whatever being resided in the heavens that Lilia had a club meeting and could hear what was going on in your room. You peered into the half-fae’s eyes, and his lips were closing in on yours.
“Remember that you will always belong to me, and only me, Y/N,” You tried to push him away, but he kissed you with the force of a cannon ball, even as you wiggled and squirmed beneath him.
Once he pulled away, his eyes were glowing a bright green, and he had a smirk on his face.
“Why are you doing this?!” You screamed at him.
“Because you somehow managed to make me fall in love with you: a human who won’t live for very long. I need to be there for every moment… to savor it until I join you in the stars. Then, I’ll still be obsessed with you because you are a mystery to me.”
Usually, something like this would make your heart flutter and you flustered, but right now it just filled you with a sense of dread. You had the entire confession planned out, and it would have been simple and normal, and he probably would have shouted his feelings for you.
But now, with him whispering, it felt wrong.
Really wrong.
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f1goat · 1 year
his teammate + lando norris x part one
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In which you find yourself getting closer to your brothers new teammate who's a dick.
lando norris x fem!verstappen (sister) + cursewords + eventually smutty i wrote this before, but i'm rewriting it because i missed somethings. you can comment if you want to be added to a taglist :) thanks for reading!
masterlist x playlist
You remember that one afternoon where your brother Max Verstappen first heard about his new teammate. The whole afternoon was filled up with angry phone calls, many curse words, frustrations and even angrier glances at everyone who had the tiniest part in this decision. You didn’t really get it at first. Max always wanted a teammate who could challenge him on the race track. He didn’t like the last seasons where he had no competition from his own teammate. So what was the problem? It’s safe to say it didn’t took you long before you understood Max his reaction. After you googled his new teammate for a bit, you were quick to find out that the new RedBull driver is trouble. Trouble with a capital T. Maybe even with every letter in capitals. 
Lando Norris is the kind of driver that doesn’t care about anything else then driving. He’s not like Lewis Hamilton who’s putting effort in all kind of good deeds for society. He’s not like Yuki Tsunoda who helped cleaning after the flood in Imola. He’s not like Pierre Gasly and Charles Leclerc who always seem to be with each other in their spare time. He’s not like your brother who always tries to maintain a good relationship with everyone on the grid. Lando Norris doesn’t care about things like that. 
After a bit of searching around, you were quick to find out that Lando Norris only cares about a few things. He cares about girls. No wait, that isn’t the way you need to say this. He doesn’t care about girls and their feelings. He cares about sex. He’s always seen with a different girl, who is gone within a couple hours. He also cares about himself. Maybe a bit too much even. Everyone who talked with you about Lando Norris told you that he’s egocentrically. He cares about his own needs, but doesn’t think about others. 
The most surprising thing about what he cares, is actually a person. It took you a lot of digging, but you found someone Lando Norris actually seems to care about. Someone called Max Fewtrell. They seem to be friends. You found out a bit more about them. It seems that his friend Max is going online often to stream, sometimes Lando shows up for a bit in a stream. You even found some edits on YouTube from streams that were a couple years back. Lando seemed a lot more open on those streams.
Your brother has spend a long time being known as the villain of formula one, but it’s safe to say that Lando Norris took that title from him. He’s known for the dirtiest tricks on and off track. He’s an arrogant ass. Media don’t know a lot about him. His socials are done by media workers from RedBull. He doesn’t post anything himself. It seems like he has walls as high as the Mount Everest all around him.
After all your research about your brothers new teammate, you can safely say that you understand your brothers reaction. Lando Norris seems to be an awful person. You didn’t formally meet him yet, but now when the first race is happening it can’t be long before you do. Max is already complaining about him since he joined the team. You have heard countless complains about the British driver. 
It’s a shame, really. They seemed like a potential match for a great friendship. Your brother is well liked by many of the other drivers and by many fans. He has friends all around the world and always wants to do everything for them. At first you thought it would be Max who could get Lando out of his shell. But apparently they aren’t a great match.
“He doesn’t even care about the team.” “He’s awful.” “He can’t even greet me when I walk into a room.” “You should have seen him, he doesn’t give a fuck.” “He doesn’t want to do media activities.” 
You can dream about his complains. But you get it. So every time your brother is complaining, you listen to him and tell him that he’s right. Lando Norris is an asshole.
Some frustrated sounds around you wake you up from your thoughts. With all this thinking, you almost forgot about the race. It’s the first race of the season. You’re quick to look at the screen in front of you. What is happening? What is causing everyone around you to seem frustrated. When you look at the screen, you notice it directly. There are two cars of the track. Two drivers who are going down in the ranks with a three small letters next to them. DNF. When they replay the accident, you see what everyone around you already saw. Max and Lando pushed each other of the track. 
What an idiots.
Who’s fault was it? You’re tempted to say that Lando is the one to blame, but you don’t know. It seems like a racing incident in which both drivers took too much space from each other. It almost seems like your brother and Lando are testing each other. Who’s the first one to back out? Apparently neither of them. They would rather crash. Idiots. 
You notice that Lando is the first one to arrive back at the motorhome. This race week you barely saw Lando. You have only seen him from a distance. Of course you have seen photographs and even TikTok edits from him before. But you never saw him up close. So you can’t help yourself and stare a bit at him. The angry look on his face is hard to miss. It’s a shame. You have seen enough pictures in which you couldn’t deny that you found him nice looking. Beautiful even. You don’t like anything about the boy, but you can’t deny his good looks. You like the way his curls seem to have a mind of their own. You like the way he always seems to be dressed in a hoodie. Something about him breathes calmness. At least, normally. With the way he’s looking right know, there’s no calmness to be found anywhere close to him. Although, he does look a bit hot like this. Maybe you can scrap that a bit part. He looks hot.
Sometimes you try to remind yourself that you don’t actually know Lando. You’re judging him by words of the media, fans and others. What if it’s all an act to safe himself and his friends from the cruelty of the media and some fans? For all you really know, he’s actually a nice person. When you look at Lando, you are quick to throw that thought away. You truly believe that he isn’t a nice person in secret. He seems coldhearted and closed off to everyone. His attitude and looks from now tell you enough. 
“What the fuck was that Norris?” 
It’s Christian Horner who disrupts your thinking session. You have seen Christian angry plenty of times, but that was always at people from other teams. Mainly at Toto Wolff now you think about it. It’s long ago that you have seen him this angry with a driver of his own team. You start to fear for his reaction to Max.
“I told you to keep it clean!” Christian continues to shout at Lando when he doesn’t get a reply fast enough. 
“Tell that to your other driver,” Lando replies angrily, “He crashed into me. The fucker.”
You can actually hear the frustration in Lando his voice. You don’t like it. They both crashed into each other. This was not your brothers fault. 
“I don’t care what you have planned for this afternoon, but you can scrap all of those plans. Max, you and me are going to talk until you both can race as normal people with each other,” Christian states. 
“Oh fuck off,” Lando says angrily. You notice the way his voice is starting to raise in volume. “We will fight it out on track like actual race drivers,” he continues.
“Like you did today? That would be a great season if you both crashed into each other every race. Don’t you think so?” Christian asks sarcastically. You notice that he wants to continue talking, but Lando is already walking away. He storms off to his drivers room. 
Just in time. Your brother is also walking in right now. Christian is quick to notice Max. He’s even quicker to start shouting at him as well. It’s the same things as he told Lando before. You’re not in the mood for another screaming match. You know your brother well enough to realize that this is going to last for a while. Max is full with frustrations about Lando and those will probably come all out now. You decide to walk away from all the screaming. You can spend some time in Max his drivers room until everyone is calmed down. 
You wander around for a bit. Every new season they change the RedBull motorhome, so the first weeks you’re always lost. Apparently they didn’t use name holders this year. Which room was your brothers again? At the end of the hallway you notice a familiar image. You’re sure that his drivers room is here. There is only one question, which room is his? There are two doors. You guess that if you chose the wrong door, you will find Lando. You sigh and take the guess to open one of the two doors.
“Fuck off.”
Of course. You have enough luck to chose the wrong door. You barely dare to look into the room. Lando is staring at you with an angry glance. You should be nervous about that, but you’re a bit distracted when you notice that Lando isn’t wearing a shirt. Fuck. 
“Shit, sorry,” you quickly mutter, “I thought..”
You can’t finish your sentence. Lando is quick to interrupt you. 
“You thought what? That you could come here to talk about me how I fucked up your brothers race? Get fucking lost,” Lando sneers to you.
You don’t know how to react for a couple seconds. Is this actually happening? What did Lando just say? How can he be blaming you for all those things, when you didn’t even say anything like that. What a dick. 
“Are you fucking deaf? Go away,” Lando continues to say to you. “I don’t care about you or your brother or what happened, so don’t try to make me.”
You start to get angry as well in the mean time. Who does he think he is to talk to you like this? Where’s the respect? He is even worse then you already thought. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You ask him annoyed.
“You’re in my fucking room.”
“I’m not. I’m standing in the fucking doorway because I thought this was Max his room,” you argue.
“Then why are you still here?”
“Because I wanted to apologize for storming in like this, but never mind that.”
“Save the fucking bullshit princess,” Lando sneers at you again. 
“Don’t,” you grunt. 
“Don’t do what?” Lando asks.
“Don’t call me that and stop acting like such a dick,” you sigh annoyed.
“It’s not an act princess, it’s just the way I fucking am,” Lando states.
“That doesn’t work for someone like you.”
“Someone like me? What the fuck do you mean with that?” Lando asks you angrily.
“Do you have to say fuck in every sentence?” You ask annoyed. 
Lando steps closer to you. He seems to be waiting for some sort of explanation. As if you know what you meant with your earlier sentence. You’re mad and aren’t thinking at the moment. You almost take a step back, but you stop yourself from doing so. You don’t want him to know that he’s intimidating you. He is intimidating you, you should be stepping backwards but instead you keep staring at him. You look at the frustrated glance in his eyes. 
“I meant someone like you who’s clearly an arrogant dick and doesn’t have anyone around him. It seems like everyone is done with you and your act. Nobody wants to be friends with someone who thinks he’s better then them. Maybe your dick attitude and your small dick make some girls happy, but we both know those girls are only with you for your name,” you improvise to annoy Lando further.
Lando lets out a low chuckle. “You think that I have a small dick?” He asks you. 
“That’s the part you remember?” You ask annoyed, “I though arrogant, no friends or girls who are using you would have more impact.” 
“I don’t have a small dick princess,” Lando states confidently. 
“Great to fucking know!” You reply annoyed, “Maybe you can start acting like it.” You don’t wait for another reply from Lando. “I just wanted to say sorry for entering the wrong room, but forget it. I’ll gladly leave you alone Lando.” 
With those words you turn away from Lando and are quick to walk towards the other door. Your brothers actual drivers room. You feel Lando his eyes burning on your body. When you’re in Max his drivers room, you’re still annoyed by Lando. How can someone be like that? You only tried to apologize. Lando is plain rude and incredibly annoying. What a dick. 
“He’s the absolute worst,” Max sighs, “I have spend hours in that little office of Christian and Norris still won’t say sorry about anything! I even apologized for going a bit to wide on track, but he doesn’t say anything.” 
“How further?” You ask your brother, “I can’t imagine that the team is going to drop him. So you have to find some way to work together with him, right?”
“I don’t even want to think about that,” Max states.
You doubt about telling Max about your own encounter with Lando. It won’t be good for his already angry feelings towards Lando. But it would be nice to talk about it with him. After a bit of doubting you decide to tell Max a few things about it. Maybe you can leave the worst stuff behind. You know it isn’t the best plan to tell him, but you’re in the mood to vent about it. And who’s better to vent to then someone who also hates Lando? 
It doesn’t take long before Max is even more angry then before. You told him about your encounter with Lando, but you left behind some details. Like what you said exactly or what he said exactly. You just told Max what happened. 
“He’s the absolute worst,” Max tells you. 
You nod as a form of agreement. 
“I don’t like asking you things like this, but please stay away from him,” Max asks, “You can’t trust him and I know for sure that he’s already planning to use you to annoy me even more.” 
“I get it Max,” you say, “I’ll try to stay away from him.”
“Thanks,” Max sighs. He seems a bit more relaxed now. “I hope this doesn’t last too long, I’ll try to be friendly with him.” 
You slowly nod. “You do realize that if you become friendly with him, he’ll probably see me more also?” You ask Max.
“Yeah, you’re right,” Max says, “Just keep watching out around him. Don’t trust him. I have heard enough stories about girls who did trust him and that didn’t end nicely for everyone of them.”
“I’ll keep my distance,” you promise Max.
“Come on, let’s go out,” Max says suddenly, “I’m in the mood for some alcohol and fun after that awful race.”
You smile. Max doesn’t want to go out a lot, but you do always like it. You tell him enthusiastic that you’ll make yourself ready as fast as you can. You search in your suitcase for a cute outfit and are quick to find a nice dress. You put it on and look in the mirror for a bit. The dress is a bit on the short side, but it fits nicely. You like the way white looks on you. Quickly you continue to search for matching shoes and a bag. After that you redo your make up for a bit. It doesn’t take you too long before you’re ready to go. 
This is a great idea. Dancing and drinking will make the both of you forget about the frustrating day. Full with enthusiasm you walk with Max towards the taxi he called. 
part two
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