#everyone is trying to make me have a breakdown I am not strong the flesh is so willing and mind is so so weak
readyforthegarden · 2 years
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narrators-journal · 3 years
Hello, I hope you are well, can I ask Yandere Akutagawa who probably hates you for how you make us feel? I may degrade you but get mad if someone else does
I hope this is good and is what you wanted! I'm a little rusty with Yandere content, so it might be a bit subtle here. I hope you enjoy nonetheless!
As a new low ranking mafia goon you had expected some harsh bullying from your coworkers, but that didn't mean you couldn't despise them for it, or have the occassional breakdown in the headquarters bathroom or something. That was actually how you'd met your first friend-like person in the organization, Higuchi had found you fighting to not cry in the bathroom one day, and instead of belittling you for the moment of weakness, she gave you a paper towel to dab the tears from your (s/c) cheeks and assured you that she understood your predicament.
In all honesty, the harassment wouldn't be that bad if it weren't for one specific man. Akutagawa Ryuunosuke.
Akutagawa was a violent, hostile, rabid dog of a man who took any possible chance to insult you without mercy. It didn't even have to be anything that would get you into trouble or annoy him, he would belittle anything he could about you as a person, not just your work for the mafia. It had quickly lost all of the leeway you had for newbie-hazing. At least now you had a reason to blame for the prickly mafioso hating your guts. Turns out he isn't a fan of his fashion being labelled 'hot topic tween goth.' After that, you just avoided him as best you could, which seemed near impossible with how much he continued to pop up in your life, even after you'd insulted him.
Of course, Mori would pair you with the goth pretty frequently despite your reluctance, Akutagawa had a pretty variable set of jobs he could be assigned to and thus would be a good on-the-job teacher for a newbie such as yourself, but after you'd insulted the goth he didn't leave you alone like you might've thought he would. Instead, he seemed to pop up a lot more frequently, even outside of the jobs you were paired with him on. Of course, you would see the pale vampire at the headquarters when you weren't working with him, but now you had gone from seeing him maybe once a week for a task or to retrieve or deliver ill-gotten cash, to seeing him a distance behind you in the hallway of the headquarters almost every other day, or in one of the spare sitting rooms the goons had overtaken and claimed as a sort of 'break room' on nights when you'd stay super late into the night and should've been alone.
However, you couldn't really accuse the hostile man of stalking you just to glare at you or spit insults. After all, Higuchi had always had a very valid point as to why you were running into him when you brought the occurrences up, and you'd be labelled a loon for thinking he'd been trailing you just because you had spotted him in the grocery store. So, you opted to keep your mouth shut and just ignored him whenever you could get away with it.
Though, every once in a while a snide remark or two slipped out, like one had on the day he limped into the headquarters after another spat with his rival, Atsushi Nakajima.           "You look like a cat's half digested dinner," you snorted, watching the wheezing vampire flop into one of the fancy velvet chairs in the empty break room. He was still glowing a pretty vibrant red, with his coat ribbon lashing like the tail of an angry cat, but he ignored your comment and instead focused on wrapping his slashed up arm and leg in bandages. Then, just as you were beginning to leave the room to find your own place to do some paperwork, you felt fabric slither around your neck to tighten into a razor-wire choke-collar and yank you none-too-gently over to the chair Akutagawa sat in.
You weren't likely to cut an impressive figure with your (e/c) eyes wide with shock at the sudden attack, and fear at the feeling of Rashoumon's sharp edges biting into your (s/c) skin to draw blood under your bully's cold, humiliation-filled glare,          "I think you're beginning to forget your place here, newbie." He spat, his raspy growl dripping with venom, "Not only do I outrank you, but I am much stronger than you. You are nowhere near Jinko's strength, fucking Higuchi is more of a threat to me than you are, so the next time you want to feel more significant than you are and insult me, I suggest you have a fucking grave dug beforehand." He got right in your face as he spoke, barring his teeth at you with sin-worthy wrath in his grey eyes, but, just for a moment before the lethal ribbon threw you away as easily as he would a gum wrapper, he hesitated. It was brief, only a few seconds, but Akutagawa's anger lessened, and instead he leaned forward just a hair. Just as quickly as it appeared though, the moment was gone. His fury returned with a vengeance and the ribbon that held you captive launched you across the room, sending you sliding across the floor and into the wall hard enough to crack it just a bit.
You took the hint and scrambled to your feet as soon as you got some air into your lungs, coughing and wheezing as you fled the room before Rashoumon could be sent through your spine next.
Admittedly, being snippy with the vampire after he'd already been embarrassed like that hadn't been a shining example of your best timing, but you tried to move past it, and that weird moment of hesitation, and label it a learning experience. Your fellow goons however, caught wind of your confrontation and did not give you such kindness. They instead turned it into more ammunition for snide remarks about how intelligent you were.
          "Hey! Look who just walked in!" A goon you had yet to learn the name of almost crowed one day when you were eating lunch in the breakroom, just trying to watch some tv before your next job when Akutagawa had come in. "Hey, (y/n), wanna try and see if he'll knock your braincells back into place?" You just glared at the man while he continued to call you stupid and just try to instigate whatever fight he could it seemed. You didn't fall for his trap though, keeping your mouth firmly shut and not responding to his insults or assumptions of how masochistic you were. No, you instead simply returned your attention to the tv and blocked out Akutagawa's existence until you finished your lunch and left for your job.
Thankfully, it was a solo mission, a new extension of trust from Mori, and a prime chance to not only prove yourself, but to get away from the assholes you worked with. So, by the time you returned to the mafia headquarters, you were feeling pretty good and had almost completely forgotten your earlier run-in with that asshole of a goon around your lunch time.
Of course, the sky was dark by the time you returned from the job, so on top of your improved mood, you were also spared further heckling since everyone else had finished their work and gone home for the night. So, you were gratefully able to fly through the report you had to write about the mission, and cataloging of the goods you'd distributed without issue. It wasn't until you stopped by the bathroom to change out of your clothing and into some more comfortable, not-dirty clothes before your walk home that you smelled the stench of blood.
It hit you like a brick as soon as you had opened the bathroom door. The whole bathroom reeked of the dizzying smell of iron and death so badly that it poured out into the empty hallway. All it took was a few steps inside to investigate for you to spot the source of such a strong stench. A corpse huddled into the far corner across from the stalls.
Through your stinging tears, you could see that it was likely one of the other mafia goons, and judging by the one bloody tuft of hair you could see amongst the chunks of flayed flesh...it was the same goon that was messing with you earlier. Since your only identifier was the shredded and blood soaked suit that the heap of shredded flesh and spilled entrails somewhat wore and a bit of hair, you couldn't say for certain, but something in your gut told you it was the same man.
      "You know, you should really grow a spine." You whirled around to face the doorway as soon as the raspy voice spoke, (e/c) eyes wide and your hand instantly falling to the small pistol you had at your hip. But, instead of some demented intruder out to murder any mafia goons they found, you were instead met with Akutagawa. Your worst bully.
For a moment, all you could do was stare in shock, your brain frantically scrambling to recollect its composure under the pressure of an almost primal terror, just letting you stammer out a shakey,         "What?" before your legs began to turn to jello, the thick blanket of coppery blood in the air making your stomach want to escape out of your mouth. However, you put your hand on the cool glass of the sink and bit back the urge to vomit. The last thing you wanted was to give the sadistic mafioso more ammo against you in his harassment, and if he was the goon-slaughtering-psycho, you didn't want to go out because you were too busy retching to defend yourself. However, he didn't attack you. He just stood in the doorway and glared at the mutilated pile of flesh as if it had insulted his family for a moment before speaking again,         "You're supposed to be a mafia member, (y/n), you can't just let people use you as a doormat, it reflects poorly on the organization." he chided with a derisive sniff, "Grow a damned spine and begin to stand up for yourself. No one's going to 'defend your honor' like this..." He trailed off, fixing you with a cold, irritated look for a long moment before he turned on his heel with a huff, "Clean that bastard up, before he stains the linoleum anymore than he already has."
With that, Akutagawa stomped off back to wherever he'd come from. Leaving you to deal with the bloody carnage you'd discovered, and to ask yourself why he had even been here. It was the middle of the night, most everyone should be home by now, but the goth had appeared only a moment after you'd entered the bathroom, how had he shown up so quickly? He didn't bring Mori or anyone else, so it wasn't like he'd discovered the body first...
You got a sick feeling that he'd been the one to leave such a nightmarish scene. And that he'd been waiting for you to find it or something.
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arwenkenobi48 · 3 years
The PDF That Saved My Life - Why I Love “All Tomorrows” With All My Heart
(Content Warning: Discussions of trauma, suicidal ideation and sexual abuse)
*clears throat* So, as some of you may be aware, the past few weeks haven’t been easy, not in the least. I was struggling with serious suicidal urges and feeling extreme anguish towards my own body and soul. I believed myself to be tainted, filthy and all manner of destructive and negative things.
The reason behind this breakdown was due to the realisation that I had experienced sexual harassment and assault multiple times throughout my life, including an occasion last year in which I was groped by an immediate relative. I had been aware of the incident since it happened, but was in denial. I was thinking “It couldn’t have been that bad, right?” But after trying unsuccessfully to repress it, I had to face the facts that she did what she did. I was heartbroken and I’m still deeply saddened by the realisation. Everything just seemed to fall apart and I psychologically imploded, plummeting into a dark pit of worthlessness and childlike sorrow. I felt as if I had been thrown into a mental oubliette; just tossed away and forgotten about on every level. Whenever I wasn’t bawling my eyes out and grieving my lost innocence, I was stress-eating and lying in bed, feeling nothing. Every now and then, I’d receive a short burst of energy, but nothing substantial, and the feelings remained.
Despite all of that, though, I didn’t want to die. A small part of my mind wanted to hold on and ride out these waves of suicidal thoughts. But I also knew I shouldn’t have to be going through this cycle of building up and breaking down, so I finally managed to seek professional help. There’s another thing that also pushed me towards seeking help and eventually guided me out of this dark place, and that’s the work of science fiction I mentioned in the title. All Tomorrows by C. M. Koseman (I hope I’ve spelled that right).
I don’t remember exactly how I came across it, but I think it was the video by Alt Shift X on YouTube that did it. As you can imagine, my dark thoughts weren’t only directed towards myself, but the world at large. I was wondering how life could be so cruel as to let something so horrific happen to me. I saw the thumbnail of that video and I didn’t know what it was. I had vaguely heard of All Tomorrows, but was more familiar with the much more nihilistic Dougal Dixon book Man After Man, and as such I got the two confused. I clicked on the All Tomorrows video, barely paying much attention and dismissively thinking: “oh great another sci-fi dystopia that predicted humanity’s inevitable downfall”.
What that video showed me absolutely blew my mind. As I discovered C. M. Koseman’s intricate worldbuilding science fiction project, I became fascinated and enthralled by the journeys and evolutions of the various post-human species, from the fun-loving Satyriacs and the mellowed out Snake People, to the bloodthirsty Killer Folk and the horrifying Bone Crushers. Yes, many of the stories were very, very sad. The Mantelopes lost everything and devolved because intelligence was so painful. The Striders, Titans and Temptors were all wiped out before they had the chance to truly reach their full potential. The Qu and Gravitals, one could say, ruined everything. But what truly amazed me was the fact that many, many of these stories also contained great happiness.
The Colonials, for example, suffered through the kind of torture that I wouldn’t wish on the Devil himself. Being wedged together into a wall of flesh bricks, all while retaining intelligence. And yet, they managed to turn into the beautiful Modular People and create a utopian society. Yes, the Killer Folk are traditionally violent, but the ones that made the biggest progress were the ones that chose peace over war. The Satyriacs started off as the mindless Hedonists, but were able to use their intelligence to appreciate every moment of their joyful lives. The lowly Worms became the comfort-loving Snake People, always able to appreciate the little things in life. The flattened Lopsiders rose up from the ground and became the proud, tall Asymmetric People. The list goes on, but you get my point.
The point is, even though this future humanity went through the sort of Hell that makes the past few years look tame by comparison, they always managed to rise up. Sure, nothing was ever quite the same again, but they managed to make something new and wonderful out of that. When you cut an orange, you may not have a whole fruit anymore, but you have lots of slices that can be shared with everyone. The best thing you can do is move forward. The future will always hold something better for you, even if that seems impossible. Don’t be afraid to reach for it. The final quote of this incredible piece of sci-fi wiped away the remnants of dark still clinging to me: “Love today and seize all tomorrows.” To me, that meant “Be a kind soul and you can achieve anything.”
This entire story ignited a strong feeling of empathy within me; an emotion I thought I was too traumatised to ever properly feel or express again. I think that was the point. Sure, the many strange post-humans may not look like us, but we cannot deny that they are human and that brings out the best in us. We shouldn’t be afraid to show empathy for our fellow humans. Thinking lowly of what collectively proves to be our best quality, claiming we’re “above” it and aiming to become “bigger than” everything else deprives us of our humanity. Empathy, compassion, love, that’s what makes us truly powerful. If we can learn to love today, the utopian future we all dream of will finally be ours.
Love is something that, from an early age and for over half my life, I was never truly given. But that doesn’t mean I can’t give it to others. Just as the post-humans were able to move forward and rise from the ashes, I fully intend to do the same. I’m safe now. The people who hurt me are gone from my life and will never hurt me again. I’m surrounded by loving friends, in a city I love, attending a university I love, receiving the therapy I need to heal and soon to be medically transitioning too. Even though I still struggle to accept it, I’m learning to love myself as well. I think that’s the greatest love someone can ever feel. If I continue to love each today that comes, all the tomorrows will be brighter and brighter.
And to think this all started because of a PDF about the hypothetical future of humanity. I’m determined to hold on no matter what. Idk if C. M. Koseman uses tumblr or any other social media for that matter, but if he comes across this somehow, I just want to say “Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wouldn’t be here today without All Tomorrows.”
(PS: I know I have stumbled and made mistakes on my platform as well. I’m still a little bit unsteady after being in such a dark mental state for so long. I’m sorry about that. I am doing better. Thank you all if you made it this far. I love and appreciate every single one of you.)
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dracosollicitus · 4 years
“...And wherever you are, I hope you fellas had a real great holiday.”
Bucky sets the bottle of whiskey in front of Dugan’s tombstone. His metal fingers clench into a fist as his flesh hand traces the letters engraved into stone.
Fresh poppies scatter the ground in front of Morita, Monty, Gabe, and Dernier’s stones. The Howlies, together at last, minus a key member. He tries not to think about how the poppies look like blood splatters against the snow. He stands shakily.
“Ready, Barnes?” Sam had approached from the southwest, from the plot that contains a man named Riley, approximately forty-one seconds ago. He hadn’t said anything while Bucky stared at the row of graves, most likely out of respect.
Sam’s good like that.
“Yeah.” If he wipes his eyes, it’s not like Sam will call him on it.
He walks away, feeling wet snow fall off his jeans in clumps; Sam wraps a warm arm around Bucky’s shoulders as they head down the row of graves at Arlington National. Bucky leans into it for once because if you can’t accept kindness at the holidays, when can you? (It’s a thought that sounds like his therapist, who hopefully enjoyed the Very Normal gift he got her, of a plushie brain with googly eyes).
“My ma always over-cooks,” Sam says gently when they reach his rental car. “It really won’t be an imposition if you—“ he trails off, probably because he knows the answer.
“Tell your Ma I said Merry Christmas, Wilson.” Trying to sound more upbeat, he adds, “and if the offer still stands next year ...”
He gets a real smile in response, so he thinks he said the right thing.
An hour later, he’s trudging up the steps to his comfy, secure, warm apartment (that’s SHIELD-approved and everything). He’s got a bag of Chinese take out dangling from his metal fingers, and his chest feels warm from when Ms. Chen had given him a big hug, not seeming to care about the general “I’m miserable and vaguely violent” vibes he tends to give off.
The air in his studio is a little cold when he gets the door open. Bucky sighs, sets the takeout bag on his small entry table and cracks his neck. “If you want to try and kill me, can it least wait until after I’ve had my egg roll?”
He staggers at the unexpected voice, the voice that pulls him out of dreams, the voice that pulled him out of compliance, out of misery, out of nothingness. He turns towards the voice hesitantly, like a man emerging from darkness into the obliterating glow of the sun; he fights the urge to shield his eyes.
“Steve?” The word comes out as gravel.
He’s there, in the corner where the window to the fire escape has been jimmied open, a sheepish smile on his face, his hands empty of a shield (the only sign this isn’t Romania in 2016 because wow, this is a lot of deja vu).
“Am I...” Bucky blinks and rubs his eyes. “Sorry brain, I do not have time for a breakdown today. No, thanks. Nope.” He waves a hand at the orange bottles cluttering his counter. “I took all my meds today. Sam checked twice. So no, thank you.”
“Bucky, it’s me.” Steve speaks imploringly, and Bucky sees that he looks a little ragged, thinner and older than before, but not nearly as old as he was on the lake at Tony’s funeral.
“You left.” Bucky shakes his head. “You left me - and Sam, and — and everyone. You got your happy ending.” The tears that hadn’t quite fallen at the cemetery are falling now. “It’s been — almost two years, and I’m better now, I — I’m getting through it, and I’m helping people, and I just stopped being mad at you for leaving me and ... and choosing her. Please. I’m better now.”
Bucky hangs his head to avoid look at the grief sticken look on Steve’s face. He can’t block out his voice though.
“You met him.” Steve clears his throat. “Other me, I mean. The one — the one from the split timeline. I ... I got him out of the ice, Buck.” Something whirs and clicks in Bucky’s brain. “I got him out, and he went to Pegs and they grew old together.” He takes a step forward nervously. “I’ve just been trying to get back to you.”
Bucky shakes his head, still crying and hating himself for crying because it’s only Steve Rogers, his ridiculous little Stevie, his Brooklyn miracle, who can make him cry like this.
“I’ve been trying so hard to get back to you, Buck. Fighting and fighting to — to let you know that-“
He feels strong arms around him, and for a wild second he thinks about shoving him off; his arms have other ideas, and he finds himself hugging back.
“You asshole,” he half-sobs over Steve’s shoulder.
“I know.”
“You missed Chanukah,” Bucky mutters, trying to project anger but only feeling a near crushing relief and joy and yeah, he’s five seconds from a panic attack, but he’ll let Steve hug him for now.
“Next year, Buck.” A hand cups the back of his head delicately like he’s something to hold and treat delicately, and he’s mollified at how Steve’s voice trembles and breaks. “We’ll celebrate it next year, I promise. Together.”
There’s something beating at the cage of his ribs, and it feels an awful lot like hope.
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randomeditscreates · 3 years
The Force Awakens Breakdown
So I know no one gives a shit about my opinions on movies and my last post about the sequel trilogy [ST] But honestly I want to continue talking about these crap movies. So now that we got that through, lets start.
1) Jar Jar Abrams start this movie by basically ripping off the concept of the OT [Original Trilogy] The First Order [The empire] has taken over with a dark side user [Kylo Ren in this one, and Darth Vader in the OT] with a more powerful dark side user in the background pulling all the strings [Snoke and Creamy Sheeve respectfully] With an opposing side that happening to be small in numbers, [The Rebels and The Resistance(What they're resisting, no fucking clue, but it sounds nice)]
2) Rey Palpatine (I refuse to use the other name) is the protagonist of this story, and just so happens to live in a desert planet, you know like Luke. And happens to be the most laziest character Jar Jar and Kathleen Kennedy ever created. She's kind, and friendly and her only flaw is that she doesn't have any family. She's a scavenger, yet has so much proficient in the force, you would think she's been training for decades. She has great skill in flying ships and fixing them, that you would think, it would at least be a throwaway line. But nope, she has no reasoning for knowing how to fly or fix ships and the only reasoning we really have is that, Jar Jar wanted it, so he put it in. And throughout this movie and following ones, she picks up skills like their pokemon cards because fuck hard work. Now Rey pisses me off, not just because of her lazy character, but because during all the movies, nothing ever fucking happens to her, she doesn't get hurt to an extreme degree like Finn, She doesn't go through a huge revelation, all that happens is that Rey loses Han (someone she barely knows) then she magically beat Kylo,( who if you don't remember has years even decades over Rey in training) and then decides to find Luke. And that leads to the third problem...
3) The movie is too full. for being a movie that is 2 hours and 16 minutes, yes I fucking looked it up, this movie seems to drag on and not develop any of their concepts. Because while I fucking agree that Rian Johnson left fucking nothing for Jar Jar to work with, at least his story had some character development, and yes it dumb and breaks the world but I'll take what I can get. All the main characters in this movie all ends up the same as they start off with. Rey is a happy and kind character with no past, turns to Rey is a happy and kind character with no past and force abilities. Kylo Ren is tangled up Christmas lights drenched in yogurt and acid, and turns into a tangled up Christmas lights drenched in yogurt and acid, who ends up Killing his father. But if you remember is haunted by that death by TLJ [The Last Jedi] Poe Dameron is a self assured Spit-fired Pilot and ends up a Spit-fired self assured Pilot who's Not dead. Even the characters who do get develop, Finn and, oh my god, it's only Finn, get's completely rewritten in TLJ and gets the story arc redone just terribly. We can't even talk about Han, Leia or even Maz, because Han doesn't change and then dies, Leia doesn't get enough screen time to show anything about this character, and Maz is supposed to Yoda in a yellow and female clothing, and they do shit with that too because it leads to this..
4) Maz Kanata and holy fuck, she's literally the reason Han is dead. Maz yells very loudly to the entire cantina that Han Solo is here, which leads for the First Order to be notified. She somehow has Luke's lightsaber [It doesn't get explained, not even in the later movies] and somehow Rey is drawn to it, and leads to Maz giving advice, but you know the shitty type because it ends with Rey running away in the forest for her to get caught by Kylo. She tells Finn that he shouldn't leave, and that it turns makes him severely injured. And if you don't remember she does the same to Han, and he ends up dead. And her cantina gets fucking destroyed after being their for centuries, yet she couldn't give a fuck. and it shows the true issue, Jar Jar and Kathleen Kennedy in extent doesn't give a fuck about characters and just wants to to get from point A to point B with a lot of flashing lights.
5) Han Solo: Character Assassination. A character who developed into a man who was ready to risk it all for the rebellion. A character we loved in the OT is now broken down into his New Hope person all over again. Who apparently has scammed everyone in the galaxy? Um, Jar Jar, I know it might seem strange to you, but a smuggler needs people who trust him to get jobs and therefore receive income. But I guess I shouldn't expect much from the same man that think a Smuggler would want to be easily known or recognized. Also Leia and him are either broken up or divorced and that makes me feel really happy to know a couple that I loved are no longer together and one of this dead. Because Han Solo is just there for fan service and to shoot his gun, because that's what he's here for to go pew pew. Oh and to die, that what all the OT fans wanted, One of the main three characters killed by their own child.
6) Subtle doesn't exist in this movie, everything is given the delicacy of a hammer. We find out that Kylo or Ben, (I really don't fucking give a shit) is the son of Han solo, by Snoke just saying, the droid is in the possession of your father Han Solo, like no shit I assumed that when you mentioned the Millennium Falcon. Who would you think I thought Kylo was the son of, Chewbacca? Finn's story arc is the only one that makes you think, and brings a new aspect to the movies, and to the Stormtroopers. I just fucking wish we could do the same for the others Stormtroopers, because the other are killed with no regards that most of them, as Finn states were sold into this at a young age. Good job Resistance for killing all these people who was forced into this with no regards. How does a series that came like a decade before you (Star Wars: The Clones War Series) manage to develop the concepts that stormtroopers or clones are not mindless drones better than you. (The Rookie episode in the first season helps flesh out all the clones and they only have 25 minutes per episode, get you're shit together Lucas Films) And these are only the examples I could think of, off the top of my head.
7) Rey is a great example of Sexism, but instead it goes the other way around then usual. All the male characters are laughed at and or ridiculed, but all the females are perfect and don't need to change. One of the last scene is a great example of this, Kylo Ren, the one with years of training and two powerful masters who trained him, gets beat by Rey, someone who has no skill with a lightsaber and didn't even know she could use the force until Jar Jar decided to pull it out his ass. Even Finn who has at least close quarters fighting skills under his belt couldn't beat Kylo, and has to be saved by Rey. Now I will admit to being a feminist but Kathleen version completely differs from mine. Because while I believe both men and women are both capable of reaching the same level of skill, Kathleen think women should be able to do incredible things without working for it. And it clear by her stupid "The Force is female" Like shut the fuck up, the force was never given a gender, why the fuck are you doing it now? I also found out that most of the Crew in Lucas Film, happens to be female. and it's clear who's doing that. Again I am a feminist but I hate when people just have diversity for the sake of diversity instead of the person's capabilities. It's very vindictive of the Feminist movement, The Black Lives Movement and LGBT+ agenda as well, as we're trying to make people see them as just like everyone else which they fucking are (I will not stand for any form of bigotry and if you don't like something simply because of someone's race, gender or sexuality, you are shit human being) , they just so happen to not be a straight white man. And that they have the same struggles as everyone else. Also we already had strong female characters in the series without the big emphasis on the fact that they have a vagina. As from the basis, Star Wars was never about gender and because of this we got fully developed character we could relate to.
Now Dishonorable Mentions
A) This movie is fucking 2 hours and 16 minutes long, yet it feel so unfinished
B) Jar Jar Abrams deep seated love for mystery boxes and how it get more screen time then the actual Character it involves (Rey)
C) The movie could've been great, they're was definitely potential but it was dwarfed by mystery boxes and Visuals
D) Rey is not a Mary Sue in this Movie, she becomes one by the end of TLJ but she's not yet. So I guess it one positive.
E) Jar Jar inability for world Building, and doesn't even fucking tries to explain how the First Order even began to rise.
F) Poe Fucking Dameron, and the amount of time that is dedicated to him. I love him but come on, just make it someone like Han, as it could bring up the relationship between him and his son, which could then bring more emphasis when we reveal their relationship. But no lets bring up a character who we all assume is dead until about the end. And then does absolutely fucking nothing.
G) And Lastly when we see Han die, we don't get a scene of any of the characters we give a fuck about and who knows Han mourn his death, instead we just have two characters who had about 15 minutes of screen time with Han, and Chewbacca. And it doesn't get better because Rian Johnson decides in the second movie that we don't need a scene of Luke mourning over the man who fought side by side with him and is his Sister's husband. No Instead we get a scene of him drinking tit milk.
So that's it, well for now, I'll make another post for this if I have any more issues. But that it for now. I would also like to make it damn clear now, as I'll probably continue this, that me tearing apart a movie is based soley on the technical aspects of it. And that if you enjoyed this movie, you are entitled to it, but you cannot defend this movie's writing , because as I hoped I made clear, the writing is very much shit.
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hobbitsnapes · 4 years
The Red Hoods Protègè chapter 9
Older Damian Wayne x ofc
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(Photo made by my lovely friend @tyuuniverse)
Summary:Red hood has taken a young vigilante under his wing and subsequently changes Damians life forever. (I suck at summary’s)
A/N:Here it is guys. The reveal of who angel is. I’m so thankful for each and everyone of you who’s red this story, who’s liked it, shared it and who keep up with it. I love you all and can’t wait for you all to see what’s coming up after this. I’m gonna be honest and say, I was (who am I kidding I still am as I write this.) terrified. I never expected people to like this story. It’s not something you typically see and it’s not a character who’s written about often. But again, thank you. I’m hoping this reveal is up to par with what you’re hoping. I hope you like it. Again, thank you for giving me a start at writing and keeping me going with my stories.
“Do you have your taser gun?” Jason asks, as he watches her load up her pistol. “No, why?” “You didn’t bring it last time.” “Usually I don’t take it, why should I this time?” She asks as she looks at jason. Her head tilted slighting. Confused at why she should take it this time around. “This guy isn’t our usual psycho. His real name is Lazlo Valentin, commonly known as professor pyg. He had a schizophrenic breakdown and now wears a mask to resemble a pig. He was a scientist prior to his break. He’s an obsessive perfectionist who believes that all humans are broken and needing to be ‘fixed.’ His idea of perfection is turning people into what he calls them Dollotrons. He’ll kidnap a person, and with whatever he can find, preforms surgery and uses chemicals to make them mind controlled automatons. They feel no pain, and they never stop unless killed. I honestly would rather you sit this one out, not because you can’t handle it. But because of how sick this fucker is.”
At this point, Jason is looking her in the eyes with what could only be described as fear. “And I don’t want you going out alone with this bastard. God only knows what he’d do to you if he got to you.” Jason looks down at this, picks his final gun up and looks her in the eyes again. “Alright, but I need you to promise to be careful. He’s not big or strong or even that smart. But he’s sick enough to get to you.” “If I can handle gas Huffers laughing gas, then I think I can handle Mr. Piggy.” At this Jason laughs.
The crunch of the shards of metal and gravel send sounds throughout the top floor of the beauty parlor. That is until they reach a back door. Once they enter they hear a faint sound of music. The music growing louder the further they reach the basement.
The sound of O mio babbino caro playing along with a voice singing along to it. The voice off key and definitely male along with groans of pain and yells growing louder once they reach the basement door.
They reach a back metal door that leads them to a long staircase, the voices clear as day once they reach the bottom steps. The room wreaking of blood and stale rusty pipes.
They see through glass windows surrounding the makeshift operating room pyg standing over a metal operating bed. He’s singing along to the song along with snorting every few seconds. The closer they reach they see what looks to be a woman on the table with a doll mask covering her face. “You’re done here Valentin. Step away from the woman.” Her and Jason turning their heads to the voice behind them. Out from the shadows walks in Batman. Robin standing right behind him. “And you two. Get out of here. You’re not needed.” Batman says as he eyes her and Jason. “Oh no no no no. Pyg is not ready yet. Pyg must fix her. We are not ready. Pyg must make her perfect. Pyg can make all of us better.” “Okay that’s enough Mr. piggy. Now get the fuck back before I shoot you in between your eyes. Then we’ll see if you snort.” She says as she raises her gun at the deranged man. “He said leave!” Robin yells at her. “And you go fuck yourself bird boy! I’ll shoot you too! Now, I said GET BACK!” “Pyg not ready! Pyg is god! Pyg will fix you all! Now rise my Dollotron and show them how perfect you are!” The woman on the table sits up from the table. Her stitches tearing open when she stands to the ground. She isn’t even Phased by it as she swings at her. Angle dodges the hit and swings her foot up and into her face. The woman falling to the ground. Angel gets on top of her and hits her in the face again. The woman barley making a noise at the hit and punching her in the face. She climbs on top of her and tries choking her but before she can angel takes out her hunters knife and impales the woman in the gut. The woman letting out a cry from it as angel gets on top of her and rips her mask from her face. And as soon as she rips it from her face she's met with a horrifying discovery. “M-mom? No, it it can’t me. Y-you’re dead! YOU’RE DEAD!” She cries as she holds the lifeless woman’s face in her hands. Sobs wrecking her body at the horror of what she’s done. A hand pulling her away and into a strong chest. “It’s not her sweety, it’s not her.” She doesn’t hear what Jason says as she rips from his hold and runs to Pyg. (Trigger warning.stabbing)
“YOU DID THIS TO HER!” She screams as she impales him in the stomach with her knife. Ripping through his flesh as she tears it out from him and into him over and over as he screams out in pain. “YOU DID THIS!” She screams repeatedly. The sound of ruling flesh and cracking of bones along with cries of pain filling the already loud room. She stabs him one final time in the heart, his head dropping to the floor.His lifeless body laying in a heep. (End of trigger)
She’s ripped away again by Jason. “Stop! Stoop! He’s dead!” Jason yells as she fights out of his grip. She rips away from him, a hit landing her on her back. The impact knocking the wind from her lungs. She looks up to see robin standing above her. She stands back up and swings back to hit him but before she can, he grips her by the throat and slams her into the wall. His chest pressing so hard against her she can feel his heart through his suit. “DAMNIT! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!” Robin screams at her in her face. His grip on her throat tightening. “HE WAS KILLING PEOPLE AND TURNING THEM INTO MIND CONTROLLED ZOMBIES! ALL YOU FUCKING DO IS LOCK THESE PSYCHOS UP SO THEY CAN GET OUT AND KEEP DOING IT AGAIN! AT LEAST WE ARE GETTING RID OF THEM!” She screams, she takes her pistol and hits him over the head with it.
He stumbles back as he clutches his face.
She runs away from him towards the door. But before she can make it, a blade is thrown and strikes her shoulder blade. The searing pain of the sharp blade tearing into her flesh and scars. A blood curdling scream ripping out of her as she grips her shoulder. She falls to the ground as tears leak into her mask. The pain white hot and it takes over her body.
A hand is placed on her face and as she looks up, her eyes meeting Batman as he kneels to her. “Here let me help you.” “NO GET AWAY FROM ME!” She screams as she gets up away from him. She rips the blade from her shoulder, a scream tearing through her as she does this. She looks at robin with tears pooling through her mask and onto her face. Adrenaline Coursing through her as she runs out of the room.
Before Damian can move he’s tackled to the ground. Jason on top of him hitting him repeatedly. “DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU'VE DONE! SHE WAS FINALLY BETTER AND YOU HAD TO GO FUCK IT UP!” Jason screams as he hits Damian repeatedly. He starts to chick him but is ripped off from Damian and into Bruces chest. Jason thrashing as he hits Bruce. “YOU DID THIS! YOU HURT MY DAUGHTER!” Daughter? Jason doesn’t- then a memory comes to him from a few weeks ago
Damian and her are walking through the park, his arm on her shoulder. They’re trying to collect all the toys that were used with Titus to put into her bag. They Grab the last plush bear and put it in the bag. “You know, you never told me much about your parents, can I ask what their names are?” She seems startled at the question, until she smiles and looks up at Damian. “Oh yeah sorry about that. My moms name is Julie, but she’s not around anymore. My dads name is Jason.”
‘It can’t be?’ Damian thinks. There’s no way it can be her. He runs out the door and sees a trail of blood, he follows the droplets to a broken window. He gets onto the roof and sees her about 5 buildings away. He runs from building to building, trying to keep up but staying behind her enough so she won’t see him.
She drops from a building and this causes him to panic. Why is he panicking? He can’t stand her, so why is the idea of her-he can’t think of that as a pain settles into his chest. He jumps from the same building onto the ground. The gravel meeting his shoes causing a large sound throughout the alleyway. She’s nowhere in sight and the blood trail is gone. He checks behind walls,Behind a dumpster but comes up with nothing. That is until he goes behind the next building and sees her mask on the ground. He grabs it and looks up, he’s met with a tall apartment building. He sees an open window and grapples to it.
He climbs through the window into what looks to be a bedroom. He hesitates to enter, that is until he sees her suit on the floor. The back of it having a patch of blood from the blade. He looks around in the dark room and again, she’s nowhere to be found. He goes to the door and opens it, he creeps into what looks to be the kitchen and sees a light from under a door. He hears water running and what appears to be crying.
He slowly opens the door and his worst thought was correct. There she sits in the bathtub, her knees brought to her chest as sobs wreck her body. Her back to him enough to see the blood trickling down from the water, but that’s not what got his attention. On both shoulder blades, deep red scars that have healed over cover them. The flesh healed but the scars still appear to be deep.
She turns her head at the noise and looks him in the eyes. Tears falling down her cheeks. “A-alexia?” She lets out a yell as she launches at him. Her nails scratching his face as she pushes him out of the room. “GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!”
Damian stumbles back as she slams the door shut. He hears a noise a few feet away and looks up and sees Jason. “You, you’re her dad? You can’t be! You’re no fucking father! YOU CAN'T BE!” “So you’re the one she’s been going out with all this time. You’re the one who’s made her the happiest I’ve ever seen her. For weeks she’s come home with a smile on her face but never told me who it was. And for the record her name isn’t alexia.” “Then who the fuck is she jason!” “Her name is Saundra. And while she isn’t mine she is my daughter Damian. Just as I was the son to Bruce.” “You’re no father Jason. She’s not your daughter! She’s a psychotic murderer who belongs in Arkham! Along with you!” “Say what you want about me, that I’m a killer, that I’m psycho, that I belong behind bars or in a padded cell. But don’t you DARE call her that! Did she tell you what actually happened to her?” “No I didn’t.” Both men turn around seeing her. She’s wearing a long nightgown with her wet hair hanging in her eyes. Tears falling down her face. She takes in a deep breath, she shudders slightly. Her fingers fidgeting with her dress pockets. “My mom and dad, they loved me. They never wanted me to be sad or feel pain. They hid all of the bad things in the world away from me. They gave me love, along with anything I ever wanted. They always made sure I was protected. Well turns out my dad wasn’t always a nice guy.”Tears are falling freely down her face, she hiccups and wipes her eyes with the palm of her shaken hands. H-he grew up on the streets, committing Petty crimes to get by. That was until one day he was approached by a guy. The guy was looking to rally up a crew to rob a bank. They all wore masks and hid their identities from one another. The guy they were working for had a name. His name was. God, t-the joker. One by one each of the guys were killed. My dad got away from him and changed his name. He later met my mom and had me. Well joker ended up finding us. When I was 16 I never knew what pain, sadness, or anything bad was. My dad made both my mom and I pack up our bags and we fled to a home on the outskirts of Gotham. That night, I watched as my mother was beaten, stabbed screaming for help. My dad was beaten with metal bats repeatedly. I-I tried getting away but was hit over the h-head.” At this point she’s sobbing uncontrollably, shaking as her hands ball into fists at her sides. Her head hanging to the ground. A-and was taken to the ground by joker. My dad screamed at him. ‘Please, not my little angel.’ Those scars, I got from him. He slashed a Serrated knife into my flesh over and over until he reached the bone. When he was done he let out a maniacal laugh as I lay there screaming in pain as blood soaked my nightgown and the floor. He then bent down to my face and said ‘aww poor little angel lost her wings.’ Am I still a monster Damian? Or am I one of that sick fucks countless victims? I wasn’t the first or the last as he kills many more, that is unless he’s finally stopped. We could all be safer, happier, and kids won’t be ripped away from their family.” She looks up at Damian, his face cold as ice as he stares her down “You’re still nothing but a killer. Rather than doing what’s right you chose vengeance over justice. You’re just as bad as they are.” “AND WHAT WAS I BEFORE DAMIAN! When you didn’t know! You saw who I was and I showed you the girl I was before he killed my family and left me for dead! I bore my heart out for you but didn’t tell you because I didn’t think you’d understand what happened to me! THAT NIGHT YOU TOLD ME YOU HAD FEELINGS FOR ME!” She’s shaking as she screams at him. Her voice breaking towards the end from her songs and sore vocal cords. “And I could never be with someone who does the things you do.” At that Damian leaves.
As she hears him jump out the window she falls to the ground. Sobs taking her over. Jason grabbing her and holding her tight to his chest. “He-he kissed me dad. He made me feel like I mattered to him. Like i wasn’t just a monster.” She sobs into his chest. He rocks her back and forth and rubs the bottom of her back. “And what he said doesn’t matter. He’s a fucking prick. You do matter, in fact you’re the reason I keep going. If I didn’t have you..god I can’t even imagine. You’re my world bub.” ���How did you know who he was? And why did you say you were once Bruce’s son? What haven’t you told me dad?” Jason bows his head down so as to not look her in the eyes. “I lied to you. There’s things I haven’t told you about my life. But, I only did it to protect you. I promise that.” “Tell me the truth dad. Please. I can’t handle anymore lies.” She grabs the side of his face as she says this. His eyes meeting her tear filled ones. “If I tell you. Please promise you’ll remember I did this because I wanted to protect you.” “I promise dad.”
As Jason lays there on the couch, he looks down at her as she sleeps soundly. Her stuffed bear clutched to her chest. He lazily runs his fingers through her hair. Her tears finally dry tracks on her face. As he looks at her peaceful face, he makes a promise to make those who hurt her pay.
Tags: @psychovigilantewrites @comic-nerd-dc @comic-brew
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ziracona · 4 years
What happens in Far Cry 5? I literally only know about it through your posts
Uhhh, okay so this is gonna be a little long but here goes. So, Far Cry games are always you (some PC, changes per game) vs some dictator/cult leader/mass gang leader type sitch. Apparently 4 also ends with an unhappy ending no matter what, but no other game ends remotely like 5 does, and 5 also is the only one to take place in the US or vs Americans.
So, Far Cry 5 takes place in Montana. Basically, there’s a doomstay offshoot-‘Christian’ extremist cult calling themselves Project at Eden’s Gate, following a white dude named Joseph Seed and his siblings (biological brothers Jacob and John, and adopted [kind of – more like recruited to fill a cult role] sister Faith). You play as a rookie deputy from rural Montana, going on this assignment with Deputies Pratt and Hudson, Sherriff Whitehorse, and US Marshal Burke. You begin the game headed to the cult’s center to arrest their leader, Joseph, because a guy in the cult livestreamed a little of a service secretly to try and expose them, was caught, and had his eyes ripped out by Joseph and then was killed on the stream, so you’re there to arrest him. Mostly law enforcement are afraid to go in because it’s several thousand radical insane Americans with SMGS in a cult in the middle of fuckall nowhere Montana, so yeah. Anyway. You show up and arrest Joseph, but a bunch of his followers (PEGies for project at eden’s gate) swarm the helicopter and you crash and the correspondent at the sheriff’s office is working with the cult, so all of you get grabbed initially, except the PC, who gets grabbed not by the cult but by a stranger. You wake up tied to a bedpost and confronted by the stranger who debates a second then decides to let you go and try to fight the cult instead of turning you in, and introduces himself as Dutch. He gives you a breakdown of what stuff is like here, which is, uhhhh, bad. Basically, the people here are trapped because they’ll get kidnapped trying to leave, but the cult comes for everyone eventually. John physically abuses/tortures people into accepting the whole cult “power of Yes” thing and confessing their ‘sins,’ which he then tattoos on their body, then cuts the slab of skin off their chest to staple to his wall, which is part of their initiation into the cult, as is the torture, forced baptism, and implied sexual assault by him as well. Joseph has given your coworkers to a sibling each, respectively, sans the Sheriff, who was sent to one but escaped like you did. John has Hudson, the only female deputy (unless the PC is playing as woman as well). Faith has the Marshall and was supposed to get the Sheriff, and Jacob has Pratt. You want to save your friends and Dutch wants to help, but also asks you to help the people in the community, so you do.
Basically, the cult has many ways of converting people, but also kill a fuck ton of civilians. There’s a lot of times you’ll be driving down a road and see a civilian tied up with their hands behind their back on their knees and two cultists about to execute them (usually someone who tried to flee whose car they ran off the road), and you have a very failable but potential chance to save them. A lot of these people can become your NPC companions as well and help you fight the cult if you do. I’ve gotten very good at sniping, because if a cultist sees you coming, they’ll execute any prisoners so you have no chance to save them. Definitely saved hundreds of people at this point, but it wasn’t easy. Anyway. Also you’ll see vans of prisoners being carted off (usually one or two from a house at a time), and you can shoot the driver and save them if you’re careful. But a lot of the time you show up to try to help people to find them already murdered, or hung up like a scarecrow in a field with flowers stuffed into their emptied stomach, being used for target practice. On an alter, or hung from a ceiling with deer horns tied to them. Staked through on the side of the road with a cult cross. Starved or shot to death in cages. It’s pretty grim.
Anyway, so you go around answering calls for help, doing your best to slowly track down your friends, but also help all the poor suffering people being murdered and abused by this awful cult. There are random NPCs who can be companions, plus specialists, who are more quest-designed-to-be-met characters. These include Jess, Dutch’s niece, who you find in a cage to be shipped to Jacob for psychological torture and brainwashing (I’ll get to him), a puma I loved named Peaches, a pilot named Nick who is just trying to get his family out of town and resist the cult’s attempts to steal his property or buy it out (they stole or bought land and stuff from /everyone/ and took advantage of/ransacked the whole community), but will stay to help you, and a puppy named Boomer whose family called for help that came to late and were shot to death in front of him. You find him in a cage being kicked at by cultists and save him, and watch him go cry over his dead family, then take in as your own.  
Stuff goes better, though, and you make progress. There’s a lot of strongholds you can help protect, like a little town where the resident preacher and the bar owner lady are trying to keep the whole place from being overrun by the cult, and a jail up east where the sheriff and a bunch of survivors/rebels are holed up trying to survive Faith. Basically the area is broken up into three districts, and whichever you complete missions in, you get closer to a fight with that Seed sibling (also you get kidnapped and have to listen to them monologue so much. Kill me).
So John will kidnap you and force baptize you, tie you to a chair and tell you how he’s going to torture (and implied assault) you until you scream out your sins, then you escape but he does all that to Hudson, who you can’t save for another chunk of time, and he punishes brutally and is super fucked up by the time you finally rescue her. She tells you that Joseph (the leader—thinks he is God’s chosen prophet and calls himself “the Father”) would come and watch her and the others be tortured and they’d beg for mercy and he’d just stand there and watch. She’s super messed up but alive, and you’re able to get her out and kill John, but not before he kidnaps you and the preacher, bar lady, and Nick the family man, then forces Nick to confess his sins (under threat of awful shit happening to his wife and infant daughter if he does not), and then be held down and have his chest flesh cut off by John and stapled to a wall. You get forcibly tattooed with a sin but escape before suffering the same bc the preacher keeps a gun in his bible. Anyway. Digressing. You eventually kill John and rescue Hudson.
Over in Jacob’s territory, people are inducted into the cult by being kidnapped, psychologically and physically tortured, and straight up mind-controlled to go into fits of rage at a specific song being played. They are pitted against each other in some eugenicist “only the strong survive, sacrifice the weak” bullshit. There’s a militia called the Whitetails there, fighting back. Before you meet them, though, you’re kidnapped by Jacob and strapped to a chair, then subjected to psychological torture to try to condition you to kill the weak. You wake up days later, barely alive, left for dead having seemed to resist/fail his trials, still strapped to a chair. Among a ton of other dead bodies. Some of the Whitetails show up, looking for survivors, expecting none, and find you. Though everyone else protests it is too big a risk and you might be brainwashed, one guy, Eli, orders the others to take you anyway and says he won’t leave you to die. You pass out and wake up again on a couch in a bunker, and a lady screams about you being a risk and needing to go, but Eli defends you again, then gives you something to drink and takes care of you/nurses you back to health and defends you from the more paranoid members. When you’re up again, he introduces you to the militia fighting Jacob’s people, and asks for your help rescuing some people in the same situation you were in. You then start to work with the Whitetails.
Periodically, your PC gets kidnapped by Jacob again and tortured each time/brainwashed. You escape with help from the militia and from Pratt, later, who was kidnapped and broken by Jacob, but isn’t gone, just terrified and fucked up. Deputy Pratt risks his life to rescue you when you’re in trouble and you try to escape together, but the brainwash song plays and he shoves you onto a convoy so you can escape, but doesn’t make it himself before snapping into a rage, and is recaptured, brutally punished and tortured by Jacob, and then left tied to a chair to starve to death in a cell for what he did. The player is captured again, and railroaded into, in one of the brainwashed fits of rage, killing Eli himself. : (  They then snap out of it, and infuriated and anguished, go to kill Jacob and save Pratt. Pratt is still alive, but super psychologically scarred. You kill Jacob.
I should note here that you can do the sibs in any order—for example, I did Faith’s first—but I am listing them in their kind of ‘suggested’ order. John, Jacob, Faith.
So, Faith. The way she gets people is drugs. She uses a compound she calls “Bliss” to drug people out of their minds. After you are drugged up enough, you suffer irreparable brain damage and cannot be cured. She does this to hundreds of people so that the cult can have “happy little slaves” to do all the hard work and meat-shield shit they need without ever fighting back or questioning it. You are kidnapped by her as well, multiple times. Or something??? With Faith you always hallucinate, so it’s really unclear and kinda bullshit. Anyway. You help the Sheriff and everyone holed up in the jail fight off a wave of cultists, keep doing your rescue poor civilians from awful deaths or lives as drugged up vegetable slaves. Faith keeps trying to win you over and get you to do her awful pilgrimage where people climb up a giant statue of Joseph and trust-fall jump off his bible to their deaths. This whole game and cult is really horrific. Eventually, you find the Marshal and save him, but he is really far gone. He’s hospitalized in the jail for a while after. Faith gets pissed at you after that and quits trying to win you over. Just drugs you and shows you how she’s mind controlling the Marshal, who is still under too much of her brain damage and control, into murdering one of his friends, then opening the gates to the jail so her people can get in, and then shooting himself in the head. The Marshal always does so and dies, as does one of his/your friends. And a ton of people at the jail. You run to try to save the Sheriff after helping the survivors at the jail, and fight Faith, who whines about how none of this is her fault the whole time after making the Marshal murder your friend and himself with her own hands while giggling at you about how it’s all your fault five minutes ago, and tries to get you not to kill her. You do, though, and she monologues about Joseph being the real deal, then dies. You find the sheriff almost drugged to the point of no return in a cell, going to hang himself to death while singing Amazing Grace while you can’t do shit to get into the room to stop him, but awake and himself enough inside to plead with you to shut off the gas pumps for the drugs before he hangs himself, before going back to smiling and singing and pulling up a chair under a noose. You run to shut off the gas, save him, blow up the bunker, and get out.
Joseph then kidnapps all your ally characters and drugs them with Bliss into being on his side and rants at you about how all their torture and death is your fault and you are awful for murdering his siblings, then offers to let people go if you walk away. You can do so, in which case your allies get in a car with you, only for the son that triggers rage and homicide in Pratt and the PC to play, implying before the cut to black that the deputy (and Pratt maybe) kill all your friends/each other.
If you resist Joseph, he shrieks at you about not all problems being solved by a bullet, and you have a boss fight where you save your friends/snap them out of it, then defeat Joseph.
Once he’s in cuffs, a nuclear bomb goes off because apparently in this world North Korea bombs the US just then or some shit, and you try to make it to Dutch’s bunker in time. You’re in a car crash and all the other deputies and the sheriff are instantly killed. You are unconscious and dragged away by Joseph. You wake in the bunker tied to a bed with Dutch’s body on the floor, and Joseph tells you he was a prophet and was right about the collapse and you’re his family now because his old one is dead and the game ends.
 That’s it.
And in the DLC for it, that makes not only that the canon end, but that the Deputy joins Joseph and is converted to a cult follower by him, and Joseph is now an ally character leading the remnants of his cult.
 Needless to say, I am pissed. This is the /only/ Far Cry game where the villain wins regardless, as well as the only one where they suddenly decide to …??? stan??? the torturing abusive brainwashing serial killer? And of course it’s the one in America where the enemy is a hyper-religious Christian-offshoot cultist brainwashing vile serial torture murdering messiah-complex gaslighting abusive white man who thinks he’s God. I am beyond disgusted by that choice in this game and glad I found out before finishing it; wish I had never played any at all. I cannot adequately describe to you how horrific the cult shit is, and how like, gaslit by the company I feel for having played this game and being thrown that. I think this is legitimately the most upset I’ve ever been about a video game’s writing choice. What the actual fuck. Like, I cannot describe to you enough how fucked up this is you’d have to see the shit they do that’s getting pushed in a face-heel turn by the company as somehow justified and sympathetic like. As someone who has firsthand both experienced and seen trauma from an over-religious area of the US, and just a tiny % over-religious-lead-terrible-actions? I cannot emphasize enough how disgusted and enraged I am.
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the-wintershade · 4 years
01. these are the days that must happen to you
pairing: loki x reader summary: you knock on his door bloody and nearly unconscious wc: 1.2k+ genre: angst, comfort
a/n: this is the first part in a series of angsty works written about lots of different characters because I needed the emotional breakdown and healing. I’ve also been watching a lot of emotionally moving things.
edit: I deleted my blog! accidentally! so this is the first thing I am going to publish after losing everything, so bear with me. also, if you see this and you used to follow me, please know the blip was accidental. feel free to reblog so that people can know that I didn’t just fall off the face of the earth! this series will still be uploaded and finished, it will just take a minute to reupload things so...i’m working on it though!
swear not by the moon  — a series of angst: 01 | ... |
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Loki expected the knock at the door over an hour ago. His blood boiled and his jaw ached from the strain of his teeth nearly shattering each other after waiting patiently for the room service he’d wasted a measly fifty dollars on. 
It wasn’t worth it. He was more than aware that the morsels they offered on earth would never even hold a candle to the exquisite, luxurious food that would’ve been served at the hall of the gods. 
He felt that dull ache again and paused on the way to throwing the door open.
It made him feel weak and useless, like he was nothing more than a spectator in the chaos in asgard; the throne ripped from under him, his brother the shining star of his father’s love, and him banished to the shadows where greed and jealousy festered, always envious of the brilliant, illustrious light.
It ripped him down to the core, stripped him to his weakest parts, and he hated it. Anger always flared to take its place, hot and searing. 
He harnessed it, shaking off something he refused to acknowledge as guilt, and hurled the door open, his knuckle alabaster white and eyebrows arched in vexation...and there you were.
Blood coated your cheeks, vermillion spilling out of the gash on your upper arm, red stained your hands. He watched your chest shutter, your breath coming out in pained hiccups and strained gaps, your eyes were unfocused. “I...I’m sorry. I-I didn’t...know...where-else to go.” His heart squoze hearing the words whispered out loud and the anger he was ready to unleash faded away as your voice fell onto him like flower petals floating through the air.
You were delicate and fragile and innocent. So innocent and beautiful. And to see such a precious thing as defaced as the crimson that stained your clothes and clung to your hair, well...he barely contained a new surge of anger that threatened to take over.
He stepped over to you, about ready to pull you in and when you collapsed, falling right into his dark turtleneck. Gravity would have dragged you to the floor, but Loki was stronger and grasped your arms, supporting your weight and lifting you to his bathroom. 
He tried to be as gentle as possible when cleaning your cuts, but each were so deep, he knew you felt them even when he used a towel and pressed with a precise touch. Just enough to draw out the blood and clean them, but nothing else. 
His fingers gingerly supported your neck, pressing against your skin, drawing you against his chest, your body sprawled between his knees.
Everytime he hit a cut and you moaned in pain, his heart hurt again, just as bad as if he watched his mother frown in disappointment. He hated when he severely upset her, just as he hated what they did to you. 
“Hold on,” the back of his hand brushed against your cheek, caressing your tears and letting them run over his fingers, cleansing you of the wet signs of anguish and letting his fingers become damp with salt and iron. With tears and blood. “Just hold on, dove, it’s almost over.”
When you woke up, the remnants of a dream followed you into consciousness. His voice was there, guiding you through a maze you couldn’t find the end to. For some reason you were panicking, scared beyond your wits and barely able to think straight, so unlike you. 
You were always strong. That’s who you were. Tough as steel and unrelenting as stone and rock. You were the one everyone counted on to get what needed to be done, done. 
And now you were lost.
Now you were stripped bare. Down to everything about you that you wanted to eradicate, destroy, banish. And he just watched with nothing but kindness and a cool head, taking your cold hand and enveloping it in his warm one. 
He knew the way. He always knew the way.
You sat up, groaning as your flesh tugged and shifted against the heavy bandages and the healing webs forming around your skin. 
You felt clean. 
The clothes you wore were not your own and gave space around your body insteading of clinging to your cuts and wounds.
And then you heard his voice. 
Raspy and tired, but still carrying that velvety perfectness it always did. “‘Morning.” He rolled over until he faced you. A softness you’ve rarely seen in him clouds his eyes and twists around his words, smoothing them as if he’s afraid you’ll collapse if he speaks normally. “How are you feeling?”
You fiddle with the too big sleeves on your-his shirt and feel even weaker than you did the night before. “I’m fine.” You spit out, frustrated and upset with yourself. You toss the covers off of yourself and try to stand, but your legs wobble and you fall back onto the bed.
Tears threaten to fall and you force a hand to your face to your face to collect them. Your lungs shrivel and shake as pain stops your breathing and makes an unnatural sound seep through your cracked lips and twisted teeth.
And he’s there, holding your hands whispering soothing words in your ear and it’s too much. It’s too much. You want to break away from him and tell him to stop treating you like you’re going to break and shatter. “Stop,” Your voice breaks and shrieks silently. “Just stop.”
He removes his hands but he doesn’t move away. “When will you stop trying to be tough around me all the time?” He mutters. Your tears clear out of surprise and when you look at him there’s no sympathy, no warm gleam in his deep bluish-green orbs. 
All that lies there is longing. An intense longing for the truth.
“We’re both the same. Running from our vulnerabilities and emotional weaknesses because we have no idea how to deal with them. We don’t know how to handle sympathy, we don’t want to look weak, we don’t want to feel as though we’re breaking.” His fingers float on top of your hand, weaving into your nearly closed hand. “But we’re fragile. We act strong but we break sometimes. You’ve seen me sobbing. Crying so damned hard that I nearly choked on my own saliva, but you know what? You were there. You were there to put me back together again and I hated you for it. But you wouldn’t let me push you away.”
He gently opens your hand and puts his in it, pulling your palm up to his lips and planting a whisper of a kiss on it. “So don’t push me away. Let me be here for you.” He gazes up at you, pleading and earnest. “Let me help you.”
And that makes you want to cry again because you’re not used to someone just showing up for you and supporting you. You’re not used to someone supporting you when you’re down and not judging you for what you’re reduced to.
When the tears come again, you're wrapped up in him, in his warmth, his chest, his smell, him. And he doesn’t let you go, just keeps you close and holds you. 
He knows that words aren’t enough to soothe you, they never mattered that much to you anyway, but the silence, the comfort in the quiet as you put yourself back together again, helps.
And he keeps you close and steadies you, even when you feel him shaking in frustration, even when you feel him sink underneath the weight of your pain. Because he’s always there to share the burden, just as you’ve always been there to share his.
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sparrow-flies-south · 4 years
Remus’s Guide To Mending Friendships (For Fun And Profit) [4/?]
Fandom: Sanders Sides Rating: Teen Pairings: Deceit & Virgil, Deceit & Virgil & Remus, Remus & Roman Warnings: Disturbing imagery (it’s Remus’s POV), imagined character death Summary: When he realises that Deceit misses Virgil, Remus decides that the best way to cheer him up is to persuade Virgil to come back to the dark side. Too bad Virgil hasn’t wanted anything to do with them since he left.
Part One   Part Two   Part Three   Part Five  AO3
Step Four: Encourage Open And Honest Communication
Deceit could pick up on a lie like a cadaver dog scenting a rotting corpse. Trying to trick him into doing something was a fool’s errand. He was also familiar enough with Remus’s antics to know not to investigate any doors that might suddenly appear in front of him.
(Virgil had clearly gone soft on the light side. His reaction to a strange door appearing had been to walk right up to investigate it. It was as if he wanted to be shoved inside.)
No, when dealing with Deceit, it was best to be direct.
“Go through that door,” Remus said, as soon as Deceit stepped out of his room.
“Absolutely not,” Deceit replied immediately.
Remus pouted. “Why not?”
Deceit sighed and rubbed his temples. “Does it lead to a cave with a monster?” he asked. “Or do you have someone else tied up? Logan, perhaps.”
“Why would I wanted to kidnap Logan?” Remus asked.
Deceit stared him down.
“Fine!” Remus threw his hands up in the air. “I’m trying to lock you in a closet. To help you.”
Deceit blinked. “That… is exactly what I expected your plan to be. Is the closet a metaphor?”
“Does it contain a bottomless pit? A portal to a hell dimension?”
“No and no.”
“Is this a coup?”
“Has anyone ever told you you’re paranoid?”
“If I tell you what’s in there, you’ll say no,” Remus complained.
“Which means I should say no regardless.”
Remus groaned. “I’ll pay you to go in there.”
“Currency has no real values other than what we assign it,” Deceit said. “The only reason a piece of paper is worth, say, $100 is because everyone agrees it does.”
“No money then,” Remus said, because he knew Deceit could go on a rant for hours if allowed to. “There must be something you want.”
Deceit considered. “Leave my stuff alone for two months.”
“One month!”
Deceit made a show of opening his door.
“Two months, yeesh. Can I trap you in a small confined space now?”
Deceit sighed, but stepped up to the door. “I’m going to regret this, aren’t I?”
“Maybe at first, but then you’ll love it.”
Remus flung open the door, and threw Deceit inside before locking it again.
The closet wasn’t really in the corridor. It existed in a pocket of the imagination, but Remus could summon the door wherever he wanted. He kept the door up so he could listen in.
The doorknob jiggled, and Deceit sighed. “What exactly is the point of this?”
“What are you doing here?” Virgil said from further in the closet.
Someone started banging on the door.
“Remus!” Deceit shouted. “Let us out of here?”
Over the noise, Remus was only just able to hear Virgil say, “Wait, you’re not behind this?”
“Why yes, Virgil, I woke up this morning with the urge to trap myself in a small space with someone who hates my guts.”
Well, Deceit wasn’t being very optimistic. Still, it gave Virgil the chance to tell Deceit the truth.
“The door won’t budge,” Virgil said. “I already tried.”
“Remus!” Deceit shouted.
“He’s probably not even listening.”
“Do you have any better ideas?” Deceit snapped.
Virgil didn’t respond. The banging continued.
Remus had hoped they’d be talking to each other by now, not ignoring each other. He sat on the floor. This was going to take a while.
“Deceit, stop!” Virgil cried out, after a few minutes of banging had passed.
“What?” Deceit snarled.
“Your hands.” Virgil sounded closer, like he was right next to the door.
“Oh,” Deceit said quietly.
There was a moment of silence, and then Virgil said gruffly, “Whatever. Break your knuckles if you want, I don’t care.”
“Virgil,” Deceit began, and then stopped. “What if I told you I might know a way out?”
“I’d wonder why you didn’t mention it before.”
“Because I enjoy slamming my fists in to a door, of course. But I’m just thrilled about what my idea entails.”
“God, I forgot how annoying you are,” Virgil muttered. “Fine, what’s your plan?”
“It’s simple. We do what Remus wants us to do. He must have put us in here for a reason, after all.”
“Remus could want anything,” Virgil pointed out. “That doesn’t help us much.”
“And as someone who lives with him, I certain have no idea what he could possibly want.” Deceit sighed. “He wants us to… talk to each other.” He sounded as if each word pained him to say.
“Just tell me what he really wants, asshole,” Virgil snapped.
“Unfortunately, I’m telling the complete truth.”
Well, at least they were talking, even if it wasn’t from a desire to confess how they truly felt.
“Fuck that,” Virgil said.
Or not.
“Of course,” Deceit replied. “Your grudge against me is far more important than us getting out of here.”
Remus could practically smell Virgil’s glare. “Grudge? You lied to me, you manipulated me, and when I stopped putting up with your shit, you kicked me out. It’s more than just a grudge.”
“You could have come back at any time,” Deceit responded. “You were just too busy with your new friends.”
“Because they care about me! They don’t see me as some – some pawn to manipulate.”
Deceit laughed. “Of course. They’ve always had your back. Always seen the best in you.”
“Maybe they would have, if you hadn’t gotten into my head. Made me think I had to be an asshole to everyone.”
“It must be very convenient to have someone to cast the villain. Makes it a lot easier to ignore your own mistakes.”
Remus shifted uncomfortably. This wasn’t going according to plan.
“I know I made mistakes. But when I decided to change, you tried to stop me.”
“Because you shouldn’t have had to change! You were strong. If the others didn’t listen to you, if Thomas didn’t listen to you, you made them listen. Now look at you.”
“Why does it matter how strong I am!”
Remus pulled the closet door open. Deceit and Virgil were standing so close to each other they were nearly touching, both glaring. Deceits hands were clenched, and there were spots of red on the knuckles of his gloves. Neither seemed to have noticed Remus.
“If you had left for power,” Deceit said, his voice like still waters, “I could understand it. Respect it even. Instead you threw away everything, left your family behind, for what? The love of people who only care about you if you play by their rules?”
Virgil took a step back, his body coiled as if he were about to spring. He tightened his jaw, and when he spoke, he didn’t look away from Deceit. “You’re not my family. You never were.”
Silence seemed to fill the room. Virgil glanced at Remus, and then sunk out.
Deceit stood still, breathing heavily. Then he turned to look at Remus, his face like ice.
“Happy now?” He asked.
Remus shook his head. “Dee, I-“
“I told you to leave Virgil alone,” he snarled. “What good did you think could possibly come from this? Or did you just do it to torment us?”
“I wanted to help.”
Deceit laughed. “How could someone like you help? You break everything you touch, and you thought, what, that you could make everything better?”
“I thought if you talked – talking was supposed to fix things.”
“Well, we talked!” Deceit said, spreading his arms wide as if he were addressing an audience, and not just Remus. “Have you gotten the message yet? Or are you too stupid to figure it out?”
“That’s not fair,” Remus protested. His eyes burned, why did his eyes burn? “You didn’t even try.”
“What’s the point? Even if he did think about coming back, he’d change his mind the moment he spoke to you.”
Remus stared, unable to say anything. Deceit was lying, he had to be lying. He’d never said anything about him scaring Virgil off before.
“Did you really think that he enjoyed spending time with you? What could you possibly have to offer, your charming personality? He was terrified of you. He probably attached himself to the light sides so fast just so he could get away from you.”
“That’s not true,” Remus said, though it came out weak.
Deceit smiled. “Of course not. Everyone just loves hanging around you, don’t they?”
Remus’s hands clenched into fists. “I wish I’d let the lion eat you,” he said, and vanished into the imagination.
His face felt damp with tears. As if Deceit didn’t already think he was stupid, he just had to go and breakdown. Of course Remus spent so much time with Deceit, he couldn’t even handle the truth, had to have the embodiment of lies tell him.
Something growled. A monster approached out of the darkness, circling him. Remus hadn’t realised he’d summoned one.
He let the creature lunge, but didn’t give it the chance to sink its teeth into his flesh. He brought his mace down quickly on the monsters head, crushing its skull, and the flung the body away.
It didn’t make him feel any better. He summoned another.
That one didn’t make him feel any better either.
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loyalflutist · 5 years
I’m Yours (F!Byleth x Edelgard) *R-18+
Challenge: Edeleth Twitter Week (09/29/2019 - 10/05/2019) Day 6: I’m Yours
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A/N: I was busy on 10/04 the entire day, so the fictions are starting to be backed up by a day or two. Also, since I’m not sure why Tumblr is hiding my lemons... (I wrote one for Dorothea and there was an older one with Edeleth that somehow disappeared from the search results...) Hence, I’ll begin to tag them as “LEMON THE LEMONADE” rather than the usual tag. 
Also, beware of minor implications of nonconsensual activity and massive spoilers about Byleth’s origin and the following characters: Sothis, Rhea, Seteth, Flayn, Jeralt. 
People sometimes think the world revolves around them. A singular entity in a vast space that shines the brightest. It was their life, and it was their life alone. No one has any control over it. Not their family. Not their friends. Not their enemies. No one. Absolutely no one. They were who they were. No one can define their existence.
Yet fate is sometimes cruel. That singular entity— that person, can be manipulated and placed under a hold from their oppressors. Brutal methods were enforced to brainwash the individual. Terrorize them. Drag them down with metallic chains fit for wild beasts. Mouths muffled by hands tainted with their very own blood. Blindfolds concealing the truth from them. False beliefs instilled into them. Obedience a necessity to survive the next day. And when a savior appears, they are taken away just as quickly as they appear. Oh, how terrifying it must be to open up to their significant other! Everything can go south so quickly… as for Byleth Eisner.
‘ I don’t want to be used. ‘
A shudder ran down her spine amidst her violent trembles. The teal-haired can be spotted in her private quarter, seated on her royal mattress in her loungewear. Legs pulled close to her chest, Byleth’s fingers tangled with her locks, her nails digging into the sensitive scalp. The weak heart that finally came back to life thumped heavily upon her chest; its pounding reaching her eardrums. These symptoms were becoming more and more frequent as the days crawled by… She gritted her teeth and felt her respiration hastened.
‘ I’m scared. ‘
How out of character, one may ask! She stands strong in adversary with features relating her to the infamous nickname, “Ashen Demon.” She commands the armies and battalions with ease. She commends those with their valiant efforts. She becomes a sly fox when teasing her alumni. She pridefully married an emperor of the Adrestian Empire. Hark, is this the Byleth everyone has come to respect and love?
The aftermath of the war was over, but the physical and emotional scars remain. Upon learning the truth about her origin from Rhea, Seteth, Flayn, and Jeralt, she wanted nothing more than to crawl under a hole and stay put. A rush of emotions that she had been bottling up over the years was becoming to rear its head from the corner— That wasn’t right… It came crashing into her fragile mental state like a tsunami. War had kept her emotions in check, but now that the main conflict was finally over with the staggering defeat of Rhea, nothing was keeping them back. Accompanied by poor coping mechanisms, it was inevitable PTSD would terrorize the ex-mercenary every night.
“I’m sorry to leave you behind like this, Byleth...”
“We’re like family!”
“It is my duty to protect you.”
“Mother, you have returned.”
She instinctively lashed out to the speaker with her hand. It stopped mid-air by a powerful grip. Dread overwhelmed the older woman as she tugged away from its captor. A couple of attempts failed, their hold was overpowering. Fear clenched her throat and choked her as whimpers trickled out. Why can’t she get away?! Through her blurred vision in the dark room, she began to cry; tears flowed down her cheeks like a waterfall.
The figure holding her was none other than Rhea. She had that holy smile, that holy aura, and that holy title glued to her physical existence. Yet the maiden stared directly into her shivering soul. Those same loving eyes that she once possessed similarities to. The one that she could easily call her “daughter.” Byleth quivered as she used her other hand to weakly push away from the female.
“Don’t call me Mother!”
Rhea instantly disappeared in a blink of an eye. At that same moment, warmth immediately enveloped her entire body and blackened her sight. It was like a protective bubble… a blanket that someone had draped over her physical and spiritual body. Scarlet carnation’s aroma fluttered to her nose from the person’s bosoms. Their arms tightened its hold on the professor as said-person whispered,
“Byleth, it’s me.”
Now it wasn’t the voice of Rhea that vibrated her eardrums. It was the voice of her wife; Edelgard von Hresvelg had pulled her into a firm embrace.
Acknowledging her presence froze Byleth in place. She tried to peel away from her chest only to find it a futile try, the emperor resting a hand on the back of her head. The professor deeply inhaled her scent. Then, she exhaled her shaky hot breaths into Edelgard. This was embarrassing. Her meltdowns were meant for private eyes only, and those private eyes belong to herself. The fact that her wife just witnessed her disastrous distress might color her in a different light. She is her professor, she is older than her, and she has more experience in life than the white-haired. She wasn’t supposed to act this way.
Silence ensued afterward. Not a peep came out of Byleth’s mouth. The noble softly exhaled and pressed her lips upon her wife’s head. Fingers eventually ran through the teal hair, her nails gently scratching Byleth’s scalp. Small bursts of euphoria washed over her scrambled mind from Edelgard’s heavenly motions; drowsiness nearly making its way forward. Byleth adjusted the position of her head as a melancholic tune filled the quiet atmosphere.
“The footsteps of the lost child cease to be heard
Replaced only by that song of prayer
The song soon becomes that burning lamp
Guiding on that wandering traveler…”
It was rare to hear Edelgard sing. Whenever she participated in the fine arts, she would never dare express her interest with them to the public. Not even to her own wife out of embarrassment. However, tonight was an exception. The sorrow that dripped from the lyrics, yet there was a sense of consolation from those words showered to the listener.
Footsteps from the lost child…
That would be Edelgard.
Replaced only by a song of prayer…
That would be Edelgard.
The song that soon becomes a burning lamp…
That would be Edelgard.
Guiding on the wandering traveler…
That would be Byleth.
The two shifted their posture so Edelgard would easily hug Byleth on the bed. They laid down with Byleth holding onto her wife for dear life. Their legs tangled and a blanket providing additional warmth to the solemn night. Peering through the windows was the moonlight basking their resting figures. Despite the height difference, it appears Edelgard was the tall one in the relationship at this moment. She continued to scratch her wife’s head as she sang.
“If you feel afraid, just shout it all out loud
And you will know that I am right by your side
Holding you close with this trembling body of mine
To let you know that you are not alone
It’s alright if we can’t smile like before
For one day we will reach that place for you and me, that place… for you… and me.”
“…you should sing more often,” Byleth mumbled into her lover’s chest. She nuzzled into Edelgard and added, “But I think you should sing something happier.”
“Happier? You must be feeling better if you’re able to suggest something to me.”
Edelgard had to stifle her chuckle when the older woman reburied her face into her bosoms.
Oh, how the role has been reversed. She remembered the nightmares that had plagued her when she was a student. Numerous visions and hallucinations of her deceased siblings and classmates came to visit her from their grave. Their cold hands pulled her into the darkest abyss. She eventually finds herself strapped onto the wooden chair, the scalpels and needles jabbed into her exposed flesh from multiple non-consensual surgeries. Flaming aches throbbed from her hidden scars. They were unbearable to sleep through. It was always a surprise to Edelgard whenever she was able to function like a fully conscious person during her time as a student and as an emperor. Perhaps it was due to Byleth’s presence.
Byleth had always showered her with more love than she had expected. She would always sneak away from her own dormitory to sleep with her girlfriend. This was not merely an act of romanticism. This was an act to retain Edelgard’s sanity. This was furthered emphasized when Byleth went missing for five years. Nightmares that were shooed away had returned to haunt her. Lysithea and Caspar were unable to kick them to the curb despite their best efforts. Not even Hubert was able to quell those internal demons. She needed Byleth so badly. Byleth is her anchor. Without an anchor, the ship would float mindlessly from its path.
The emperor kissed the top of her head again. Now it was her turn to care for Byleth.
“Can you tell me… how long you’ve been having these breakdowns?”
“Are you scared of telling me?”
A hesitant nod. Then, Byleth rose until their face was on an equal level. The moonlight shone over their features, and the professor’s were mixed with fear and shame. Edelgard instantly brought her hand up to cup one side of her face. Her thumb rubbed among the cheekbone as she said,
“Don’t be afraid. Whatever you tell me, I won’t judge you.”
“I promise.”
She deeply breathed.
“I’ve had them since the war ended. It first started when I was in the infirmary, recovering from my wounds.” Byleth’s lips firmed into a thin line. “I… I remember the way they looked at me.”
“Lady Rhea… Flayn… and Seteth.”
Those names… How long has it been since Edelgard last heard of them? Though Flayn and Seteth had escaped from the war, Rhea was long gone. Still, those three played an important part in Byleth’s life. She knew that for sure. Their importance wasn’t subtle anymore the moment Byleth had merged with Sothis in order to combat their adversities. All three of those individuals began to bow down to the professor as if she were a holy being. Their words were articulated with precision in hopes of proving their devotion to her. It was as if Byleth Eisner was the goddess; her humanity long gone after the fusion. Edelgard always found it baffling. Byleth is Byleth. There is nothing different about her, save it for her insane strength growth. Just what made them so keen with her girlfriend?
“They used me.”
Indeed, they did. That was for certain. Sweet nectar stained their statement the moment Jeralt and Byleth stepped foot into Garreg Mach. Soldiers from the monastery were oblivious and blind to the manipulative threads that dangled overhead. Everyone was dancing to the beat of the Church and Those Who Slither in the Dark. The worst one of them all had to be Byleth, an outsider with little knowledge of politics, who was forced to join the mass. Not even Jeralt could save his daughter from their hands.
“I’ve killed so many innocent lives…”
But that was not her fault. She was simply following orders from Rhea during their time at the monastery. The same fault could lie upon her students too. They were the ones who delivered the final blow to every mortal foe that stand against the Church of Seiros. Villagers from various parts of Fodlan begged for forgiveness as Byleth slaughtered every one of them. Their crimes? Abstaining in the religious teachings of the Goddess Seiros. Regret gnawed at the ex-mercenary each time she received praised from Rhea and Seteth.
“Lady Rhea told me I’m her Mother…!” Byleth curled her fingers inward, unintentionally digging her nails into Edelgard’s back. The young lord bit back a yelp as her wife blubbered, “Can you believe that? I’m her Mother! She told me it was destiny— It was my fate that she be my daughter!”
She began to shed another round of tears and bit the bottom of her lip. Memories began to seep into her mind once more as she confessed her terrors. A child of a mother born of the progenitor god’s Crest Stone and a father who carried Rhea’s blood… She was literally related to Rhea, Seteth, and Flayn. She tried to reject the notion. She objected against Rhea of the ridiculous blood connection they had. She fought against the idea that Rhea is her daughter.
Obsession was something Rhea had to cope with her mourning. The lingering desire for a love Rhea desperately seeks for after the death of her mother extended out towards Byleth. Wet sensation overwhelmed her body, the revolting shudders that pulsed throughout her figure, the fingers that dared made her sing broken melodies unfit for the apparent goddess squeezed nausea into Byleth. It was all in the name of forcing the projected image and mentality into her. It was all there to say that Byleth was hers.
“She did so many things to me, I—I don’t know anymore!”
“She told me I was hers! I was hers alone!”
Absolutely revolting.
“El,” Byleth sharply inhaled and eased her bruising hold. The abrupt pacification was alarming. Though her tears were now long gone, her intonation was grave. “I don’t want to be used by her. I’m not her Mother… and I don’t want to be used by anybody anymore… I’m scared of losing myself.”
“Rhea is long gone.” Edelgard kissed her weeping wife’s forehead. “No one will use you ever again. If anyone does, I’ll cut them out before they can do anything to you.”
From Edelgard’s perspective, it was heartbreaking to hear all of this from her professor. She had known about it. She didn’t know the extent of the details, but she knew these experiences were bad. What she did not gauge was how BAD Byleth had it during her time at the monastery. The façade was well-kempt and hid her inner turmoil well. Whenever the topic was brought up, Byleth would brush it aside with an “another time” excuse. When they did have the scarce time to become lethargic, Edelgard would always forget or hold back on the matter, the fear of ruining the positive energy that surrounds their dates.
It was her fault for having it reach to this level. Everyone has the possibility of hiding something behind their smiles. It just so happens that Byleth was one of them. If only she had noticed it earlier… If only she had suspected it sooner… All these times they spent together, Byleth was afraid to succumb to the lowest point of her emotional health before her wife. Edelgard may have recovered and rightfully moved on from her past after a year from the war… but that was not the same for Byleth. Edelgard lowered her hands to her sides.
“I’m sorry it got so bad for you, my teacher… I won’t ever let it happen again.”
“…it’s not your fault.”
“But it is.”
The blanket began to move in place as the Adrestian Empire’s emperor shifted her position. She eventually sat upright and straddled the older female; both of her hands pressed upon Byleth’s abdomen. From all the times they’ve spent together, Byleth knew where this was going. This kicked up the temperature within her head and caused her heart to beat faster— and for a different reason too.
“Please, let me make it up to you.”
“You… don’t have to.”
“I do. The fact that the archbishop dares call you hers infuriates— doesn’t sit right with me. I want you to be mine, and I want to be yours. Besides…” she cupped her chin and hummed. “I heard that sex is a good way to increase one’s mood.”
So, it really was going down that route. It had been some time since they’ve last conducted this passionate activity. After all, they were both important individuals leading the united Fodlan and the Adrestian Empire. One acts as a war hero, and one acts as an emperor. Both always ran about their businesses. Various occasions forced them apart from each other. Whenever they had time to spend, they were either too tired or weren’t in the mood. They might as well diagnose themselves with TBD, also known as the “Too Busy Disorder”!
Edelgard blinked a couple of times when Byleth appears thunderstruck.
“…why are you giving me that bizarre look?”
“I’m confused. Who told you that?”
“…I’m going to kill Dorothea when she returns from Brigid.”
“Please don’t.”
Imaginary fumes puffed out of the noble’s head as beads of sweat flew out of the professor. It was followed up with chuckles and giggles from the pair. The heavy atmosphere that hung over their shoulders began to lighten up. That was the first step towards recovery. Postures still the same, Byleth reached up to pat her wife’s arm. Red discoloration continued to thrive on her cheeks as she murmured,
“I’m yours.”
It may have been soft, but low and urgent. Edelgard felt her core tightened from the intonation. She leaned down and kissed her spouse’s lips. It was brief and simple; an act of consensual agreement for the upcoming event.
“Very well. I’ll make sure to chase your fears away.”
The white-haired fumbled to strip Byleth’s dark shirt. It was a slow and excruciating process as the tactician would lift her upper body every now and then to rid of the attire. Shirt tossed to the side, Byleth urged Edelgard to do the same.
“It would be unfair if it’s just me.”
“Are you sure you aren’t saying that just to see me naked?”
“There’s… that too.”
How bold of Byleth! Then again, wasn’t she always this bold? She had always teased her students of silly remarks. When it came to Edelgard, those teasing were more in line of flirting and outright full of suggestive innuendos.
No— it might have been more so with her underlying desire to indulge in her beautiful wife’s figure. Scars and sutures did not matter to Byleth. She loved Edelgard no matter what she looks like; her love for the lord transcends beyond physical affections and wants. Edelgard heeded to her words and took off her tanktop. It was thrown to the floor without a second thought.
Now, the two bore themselves half-naked to each other. As they were wearing their sleeping attires, there was one less hassle with regards to their bras.
“Breathtaking…” Edelgard commented, her hands sliding up to Byleth’s peaks. “I will never understand how I can make mine as big as yours.”
“Don’t say that. Yours has a charm of its own.”
“Maybe if I drink more milk…”
Byleth pulled the young woman down with a single tug on her arms. Their lips crashed together. The way they kissed contrasted greatly from their previous one. Their tongues danced with one another as Byleth held the back of Edelgard’s head. Edelgard whimpered into her mouth the instant Byleth began to sweetly suck on her tongue.
In retaliation, when they parted for oxygen, Edelgard leaned forward to litter suckles and kisses onto the woman’s neck. She pushed her hips into Byleth, their neither region softly pulsating from the friction. A quiet groan slipped out of her wife’s mouth. That tickled Edelgard’s raw instincts as she retracted from the abdomen. Then, she pressed against it again. Not too gentle to be considered an annoyance, but not too harsh to elicit a full-blown euphoric trip. Just enough to justify the occasional moans from the older woman. The back and forth motion continued as Edelgard tenderly sucked and nibbled on Byleth’s smooth neck.
“Hah— Y-You’re… good at this as always— Hah…”
She closed her eyes and basked herself in the feeling of Edelgard’s hot mouth. To gain further access, Edelgard pressed her thumbs unto Byleth’s jaw, lifting it up so she could continue to explore the new premise. Byleth shivered from her profound action. The grinding against their private regions wasn’t helping either. She would softly gasp whenever pressure was applied to the soft nub. That turned on Edelgard and encouraged the continuation of her ministrations.
“I’ve learned it— Nngh… from the best teacher.”
“And w-who… who would that be?”
She concluded the hickey spree with one last smooch and raised her head. Sweat began to formulate on their forehead from the ensuing assault as Edelgard smiled. Though she did not offer an answer in return, the teasing question had a predictable response. They knew all too well who it was. In lieu of the lack of verbiage, Edelgard slowed her hips. Byleth had to resist the whine that nearly slipped from her throat.
The white-haired could tell she was frustrated. This was mildly amusing for the noble. How the mighty hero of Fodlan yearns for touches to satisfy her sexual hunger! And Edelgard would be the only person to ever deliver the salivating content to her front door. They exchanged another fleeting kiss, though more so to ease the impatient teacher.
“You’re so cute.”
Their roles were completely reversed in this case. Normally, those were the words whispered into the alumni’s ears while the professor’s fingers were buried deep into Edelgard’s flower. They would thrust in and out of the moist region. Heartful cries were proclaimed to the whole world as the bed creaked and rocked. Tonight, it was different; it was Edegard’s turn to make her wife tremble under her magical spells.
Edelgard proceeded to straighten her back and conduct adjustments to her straddling. Both her hands were kept busy by roaming Byleth’s bare figure. Pleasure zipped like electrical currents through the teal-haired thanks to the sensitive touches of her wife’s fingertips. They brushed, smoothed, and tapped on the elongated scars. Compared to Edelgard, they were not as numerous. Yet they were more haphazard and susceptible to touch.
She traced Byleth’s side.
This blotched scar came from a bandit’s brass knuckles. It derived from protecting Bernadetta. His vicious fist dug so hard into the ex-mercenary’s side, it managed to shatter a small portion of her ribcage. Crimson substances leaked from the corner of her mouth as Dedue and Felix avenged their fallen instructor. A miracle must have been in place to survive the aftermath. Had it not been for Linhardt’s and Marianne’s healing specialties, she would have been long gone.
She traced Byleth’s stomach.
This horizontal scar came from Dimitri. His dagger jammed into the teacher’s already-bruised tissue, breaking through the epidermis and slamming the hilt against it. Tears streamed down his face as he tore through her muscles. Blood splattered among the dirt road with a single flick of his wrist. Hubert and Ferdinand had tag-teamed to exterminate the dangerous noble. This time, Lysithea and Mercedes used plenty of white magic to keep their professor from walking over to the afterlife.
She traced Byleth’s chest.
This burnt scar came from Rhea. It was during the first revolt against the Church of Seiros at Garreg Mach. The archbishop conducted electricity through her open palm. Its incredible voltage charge nearly destroyed the Crest of Flames that kept the tactician conscious after stillbirth. Edelgard and Sylvain went in a frenzied state when the archbishop knocked Byleth into the abyss with another strike of her potent spell. Sothis was likely the one who assisted in the healing process during the five-year coma Byleth succumbed to. Without the female, Byleth would have never woken up from the rubble.
Each of these scars told terrifying tales. Close encounters with deaths were all too common for the students and teachers at the monastery, and their odds increased drastically after the war’s initiation. Edelgard’s scars mostly consist of her surgical implantations, but none ever met drastic battle scars like Byleth; the most she ever had were nicks and small lacerations from arrows and lances. (The army would never let harm fall upon their emperor!) She shook her head and settled her hands onto Byleth’s breasts.
Edelgard’s thumbs glossed over the brown nub, her fingers started to work on the mounds. A gentle squeeze emitted a burst of air from Byleth. She gazed downward and saw the woman furiously blushing from the said-action. The professor raised an arm up to conceal her lower facial features, her navy hues silently staring at her wife. Another squeeze caused a muffle this time. Then, she massaged the pair at a consistent pace. Every now and then, she would pinch the nipples between her thumb and index finger. A pinch would elicit a stronger reaction from the 26-year-old.
“Nngh— Y-You’re getting rough— Hah!”
“You think that’s rough?”
That remark was eventually joined by the returning gyrate of Edelgard’s hips. Byleth’s arm retracted as an uncontrollable moan erupted. A combination of the two activities were driving her insane!
“Hah..! Can you— Can you let me— Haah! Let me take off my pant! P-Please!”
Edelgard nearly laughed. Now her professor was begging for more? This never gets old. She adheres to her request and removed her hands. Another pause took place as they transitioned to the next phase. The blanket over her shoulders threatened to slip off as she yanked on their casual pants. After pulling it off, she tossed it carelessly aside like the other attires. Now it was time to move onto the main course. Edelgard’s predatory eyes darkened. She can’t wait to get her mouth all over Byleth and drive her to the edge of the cliff.
Previous sessions normally had Byleth lead the intercourse. This time, Edelgard took control. It had been so long since she acted as a ruler in their sex life. Another kiss was in a tall order for her lover. Hot bated breaths puffed at their faces upon departure. Edelgard flushed her body with Byleth, the blanket shifted to move alongside with the royal, and planted kisses over every inch of her wife’s alluring body.
She licked the brown nub.
She swirled her tongue around the nub.
She bit the nub.
She used her teeth to rub the nub.
Byleth’s outcries were escalating in volume. It would be to no one’s surprise if they would earn a few dubious and flustered expression from fellow allies and soldiers. (The worst one of them all would be Hubert. He would hunt after Byleth and skewer her if he could!) But she didn’t care, and she’s certain her wife didn’t care either. Her licks, bites, and roaming hands continued almost as if she were making up the days they hadn’t showered in love. She would occasionally kiss as if to replace the traumatic events with their blissful memories. All in the name of making Byleth forget about those individuals… even if it is a temporary solution.
Edelgard lifted her mouth from Byleth’s breast.
“I’m going to move down,” she said. “Can I?”
“Why are you asking me that?” came a hoarse whisper. “You already know the answer.”
“Just making sure, my teacher. Can’t forget about consent, can we?”
The teal-haired would have playfully knocked on the female’s shoulder had they not been in the middle of having sex. Edelgard was always the careful one in the relationship.
It felt good. Way too good. Byleth’s consciousness was starting to float into Cloud Nine as Edelgard made her way slowly down the writhing body. Pauses were made to plant fluttering kisses and strokes on the curves of Byleth’s belly, her hipbones, and silken skin on the inside of her thighs. Whatever negativity that strangled the professor had dissipated completely. Her body was engulfed in a fiery need of quenching as her walls were slick with arousal. Now all she could focus on was the pleasure.
She unconsciously pressed her hips into Edelgard’s first stroke of her tongue. Byleth knew Edelgard was eventually going to descend to her neither region, but it had been so long since she had someone relieve her of the pent-up tension through oral means.
God, it felt so GOOD. The strokes from her tongue were slow and steady, yet it managed to drag out the best sensation. Up and down her tongue went, Edelgard tasted as much as she could from the blossoming pink region. Byleth groaned and shuddered when her spouse tried to keep her thighs apart.
“A-AH! E-El—!!”
Byleth bucked from the powerful sensation. Her clitoris— Her clitoris! Edelgard became drunk from its scent as her mouth worked wonders upon the sensitive head and greedy lips. Had it not been for Edelgard’s strong arms keeping her hips down, she would have tossed the other female out of the mattress by accident! A faint grunt came from the busy white-haired. Enough blood had pooled into Byleth’s abdomen to cause a feminine erection of the pink nub.
“I’m not holding back.”
An index finger greeted the entranceway in the midst of her lavishing. First, its fingertip lightly brushed upon its surface. Vertical strokes croaked immodest sounds from the older woman. Eventually, the lord dug not one, but two fingers into the wet region.
That was the remark after Edelgard wiggled the two body parts into her body. It was a foreign sensation for Byleth since someone other than herself is feeling the inner walls. They naturally clenched around the slender fingers. Its squeeze and release intervals were synched with her core’s reactions. Byleth’s hands immediately flung to the bedsheets. She trembled when Edelgard curled her fingers.
“AH! That— Hnngh!”
Words were discombobulated; sentence structures fractured. The state of her verbal speech was similar to the state of her mind. They were clearly in another plane of existence. Byleth lifted her head as her hips moved on its own.
The sound effects were not helping. In this dead night, the steamy room amplified the wet motion coming from Edelgard’s fingers. Paired with their fast, hot breaths, bliss clouded their mentality and overwhelmed their hearing.
“S—So good— Haaaah!”
Byleth wasn’t the only one to be pleasured. Edelgard felt herself become wet; wanton desires starting to override her sense of self. Unlike Byleth, she had close to zero self-restraint when it came to achieving the climactic finale.
Thank goodness multi-tasking was her forte. A quick prayer to a godless entity sprung forth as she removed her remaining hand on Byleth’s thigh. It went down to her dripping nether region. She grimaced in Byleth’s hypersensitive labia, her fingers making quick work of her own clitoris. If there’s something she wanted to do, it was to be shoved off the edge alongside with her teacher.
A glance at her spouse drastically sky-rocketed the pleasure by tenfold. Byleth squeezed her eyes shut and found it impossible to remove the burnt image of Edelgard masturbating during their hot intercourse.
“I— Something… it’s coming— AH!”
The way the teal-haired’s face twisted… her looks were becoming desperate as Edelgard relentless tortured her with the thrust of her fingers and flick of her tongue on the clit. She was occupied with three matters at once, but Edelgard had always kept her lilac hues pointed at her significant other. There was so much to take in. She had to record them and burn them to memory. The amount of beauty that glistened from her wife… A dictionary would not be able to fully convey the radiant perfection of a being that is called “Byleth.”
Another groan burst from Edelgard, her fingers rushing to the finish line. The intensity was burning into her core and gathered enough aroused energy to strongly throb her rubbed nub.
“El… EL!”
She was close, and so was Byleth. In an effort, to reach the mountain’s peak, Edelgard pulled back her fingers. They were pulled enough just enough to leave the remaining tips inside of the pulsating walls. A few rough rubs on the outer flesh were made. Then, she slammed it right back inside, curving at the most sensitive and erogenous area of the vagina: the G-spot. This was immediately followed up with her lips closing around the clitoris and sucking hard on it.
Byleth’s muscles began to jerk, her figure stiffened, and her knuckles white as a huge explosion implored upon her body. As for Edelgard, she felt her body quiver from a sudden flow of euphoria throughout her figure. She retracted from her own area. Yet it wasn’t over for her teacher. She made sure to drag out Byleth’s climatic experience for as long as humanly possible, her tongue taking in the fluids, licking the moist premise, and swiftly rocking her curved fingers in and out.
“W—Why is it—! No— It’s coming again— NNNNGH!”
Right when she came down from her high, her professor bounced right back up to another orgasm. Though it was not as powerful as the first one, it still sent her spiraling upward to the clouds once more, pleasure rippling through her body until it faded into nothingness.
Their figures finally plopped back down on the mattress. A whimper came from Byleth’s direction once Edelgard removed her soaked fingers. All forms of heat excluding her spouse’s body evaporated instantly; the drug they undertook began to wear off. Now, they were basked with pleasant aftermath. Eyelids half-closed and head fuzzy, Byleth arms were extended outward on the bed to stare at the noble.
Edelgard crawled up as the blanket (with great wonder) continued to cling onto her shoulders. Upper body raised in a cobra position, not long afterward, she inserted the wet fingers into her mouth. Byleth’s eyes widened at the sight.
“T-That’s dirty!”
“Not if it’s from you,” she smirked. “You’re always a dessert I never tire from.”
Geez, when did Edelgard learn how to talk like that? Did she learn it from Dorothea…? No, it had to be Sylvain, right? No… that can’t be it… Just who and/or where did she learn that from? (Silly Byleth, it was from you!) The professor’s features became bright red, an embarrassed chuckle heard.
“I… I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t need to say anything, my dear teacher.” She leaned down to tenderly kiss Byleth. Strands of her white locks fell upon Byleth’s rising chest as she proclaimed, “I will always be yours, and I won’t let anyone ever take that away.”
That’s right… Though her PTSD is not easy to overcome, she must remember that she has Edelgard von Hresvelg. The woman whom she first protected, the woman whom she first taught, the woman whom she opened up to, the woman who became her wife. Past trauma may be ebbed into her history book, but the future can be built on top of them.
Their fingers intertwined. Then, Byleth closed her eyes and beamed.
“I will always be yours too.”
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bloodyshadow1 · 5 years
Glitched “Catra”
The more I think about it, the more I start to believe the theory that the Catra Adora fought in the collapsing portal world, the crazy corrupted one, wasn’t the real Catra. Maybe she’s alien technology, maybe Catra go possessed by something in the portal who had a grudge against She-Ra, maybe it’s first one’s hologram technology something like Light Hope’s training sims (will actually be talking about this later). I know people have argued against it since once Catra is back in the prime world she rubs her cheek where Adora punched ‘her.’  I’m not saying this isn’t true, but that seems to be the only argument from this theory and it doesn’t disprove anything.  
I’m going to start off saying that Catra is my favorite character and I ship Catradora, I find Catra far more relatable and likable than any of the main cast and her story just feels more fleshed out to me.  I’m not going to pretend I’m not bias, but this isn’t about me trying to say she did nothing wrong or anything like that, I’m not an idiot, I know what she’s done is bad and definitely wrong, but I can talk about that in another post.   I legitimately think there are some holes in the idea that Catra was the Corrupted Catra in the portal world that was browbeating Adora.  This is also just one of many theories I have, try not to get too wrapped up in it if you believe it or hate my ideas.  When I watched it the first time, it felt wrong I think is the best word I can think of, I thought it was because my favorite was becoming a monster who was unforgivable.  But I think there’s more to it than just the tragic feelings of your fave going insane. 
The first piece of evidence is what I think sparked the theory is that the Catra who got corrupted by the portal knew things that the real Catra shouldn’t know.  Adora came through the portal from Eternia, and Corrupted Catra, CC, uses that to hurt Adora saying if she never came through the portal than everything would have been fine, but Catra shouldn’t know that.  The ‘good guys’ only know Adora’s origins because Shadow Weaver told them, but before that only 3 people knew Adora’s origins, Shadow Weaver, Hordak, and Light Hope, so unless Adora told Catra while they returned to the Frightzone to get her to listen, Catra could only learn about Adora’s past from one of these three people.  Light Hope would have tried to get security to kill Catra if they even tried to talk to each other, Hordak didn’t care enough about Adora to waste time thinking of her, and Shadow Weaver hates Catra, why would she tell her a secret that she keeps from Adora if she bothered to do anything but threaten her?  Not to mention that until Adora mentions the portal in ep 3, Catra didn’t even know what it was or that it’s what Hordak and Entrapta have been working.  She basically laughs it off as a tall tale until she has her breakdown when Adora mentions Shadow Weaver, and even then she just hears that Adora doesn’t want it to be activated.  So how did CC know that Adora came through the portal in the first place as a baby when Catra didn’t.  Maybe this is just a bit of a writing snafu since it’s hard to remember who knows what when writing, but it seems out of place.  Not Catra blaming everything on Adora unfortunately, but she still shouldn’t know that Adora is from another dimension and a first one.  
My second point is more disbelief than anything else, I just find it strange that Catra, corrupted or not, went down with a single punch from Adora.  Now granted it was a high stress situation and Adora is not exactly a lightweight even outside of being She-Ra, but it seems to me like it’s almost unrealistic for Catra to go down in one punch, even if it was to the face.  Catra might be a speed fighter as opposed to a power fighter like Adora or Scorpia, but she’s stronger and a lot tougher than she looks.  She’s taken a lot of punishment in the series from what we’ve seen and the only thing that has knocked her out was being asphyxiated by Hordak’s atmosphere thing.  She’s been blasted by magic, countless times, slammed into mountains by She-Ra, not Adora, been Loki’d by She-Ra when she was in her rage mode and likely wasn’t holding back, fallen from a an unspecified height to land on her face like Wily Coyote, crushed by Shadow Weaver’s magic, oh and blasted away by a magic rainbow of power being used by the combined might of all the princesses, and Bow, which tossed tanks aside.  Through all that she’s gotten up immediately and started fighting again, yet one punch from Adora, again regular still super strong, but not She-Ra super strong Adora, puts her down?  Narratively it makes sense, Adora decides that Catra is her enemy and stops holding back against her former friend (love of her life) and shows Catra what she can do when she’s fighting an enemy.  But it still doesn’t make sense for Catra to go down in a single punch, especially when she’s hopped up on crazy portal juice. You could say that maybe the mountain thing was Adora holding back, not wanting to kill Catra and that falling on her face wasn’t super high up, maybe since Catra has slowly been breaking down over the past few weeks her mental toughness has degraded so she couldn’t get up, maybe these answer the question it doesn’t change the fact that it is out of place.  Catra is one tough bitch, suicidal and mentally broken maybe, but tough all the same. One punch from a super strong normal girl her own age should not put her down. I mean this all could be explained by it being more narratively important for Adora to be the one to put her down and that it’s a cartoon, why am overthinking it, but hey, it’s kind of a thing people do nowadays, at least I do.
3rd point, why was Catra able to come back all corrupted and even more insane than usual?  There were other characters in the false reality, but they disappeared and in some cases reality rewrote itself as if they never existed, yet Catra who willingly fell into the void managed to come back somehow.  Again, it makes sense narratively since Adora and Catra’s relationship is one of the most important plot points of the series and confronting a Catra who blames her for everything and Adora as the hero, realising that she isn’t responsible for Catra’s choices is an important part of her story.  But that doesn’t explain why or how Catra came back, she literally fell into a bright, light pink and purple void, she didn’t have anything to grab onto, no way to return, she didn’t want to come back seeing as she let go of the rock holding her in place, she wanted to die.  Even if she was, why didn’t she fade away with the Horde in that reality, why didn’t she fade away with Brightmoon and Bow and Glimmer, she was still there for no reason other than it’s important for Adora to have this slate cleaning battle with her.  ‘Catra’ came back for some reason, apparently to fuck with Adora one last time and blame everything on her.  I’m not going to pretend like that isn’t a very Catra thing to do, but it still doesn’t explain why she was able to come back and it also doesn’t explain why she was able to control the reality in the portal.  When they fight, or when CC is wailing on Adora, everytime Catra hits her or throws her around, they shift where they are, first at the bar in the Crimson Wastes, then the cold place, then Salineas, then in Frosta’s castle, then in what looks to be the Horde, then Mara’s ship when Adora fights back and they’re finally back to where they started in the crumbling reality.  Adora notices the shifts in reality and it messes with her, but Catra doesn’t, she just does it, disappearing and appearing where she can mess with Adora the most.  Maybe Catra’s just too crazy to realize what’s happening, maybe reality is just shifting around them to places they’ve both been since there are only 3 people left in that reality while it crumbles around them.  Maybe it’s a moment of ‘don’t think feel,’ and Catra who is all rage and passion was able to warp the world into what she wanted because she was in control, but it hasn’t been explained so I’m free to speculate. 
My 4th point is more an interesting theory to compound the already theory.  Mara did something so that portals couldn’t be opened in Despondos, at least that’s what I got out of it, I could be wrong.  Mara was the last She-Ra so that makes her a First One, and probably far more familiar with First One’s technology than anyone in the series, even Entrapta or Hordak, I mean Mara had a ship and everything and was able to strand Etheria into the void of Despondos, so I think that’s a safe assumption.  If she trapped Etheria in Despondos I have to assume she used First One’s technology to do so since it seems to be basically magic and the only thing powerful enough so far that could do that to a planet. Apparently she sabotaged it so that if someone on Etheria opened a portal would destroy the planet, yet when Catra activated the portal, it took them to a new reality, maybe?  Maybe it was explained well and I just missed it, there was a lot of stuff going on those eps, so I’m sorry if I got some things wrong.  Regardless, it’s weird, I know the reality they were in was faulty, it was falling apart, but other than Angella being trapped in there, nothing else happened, at least from what we can see. I mean everyone and everything fades away except for Angella, Catra, and Adora, yet once they’re out of that reality everyone is alive, Catra isn't corrupted anymore, it’s like nothing happened.  It almost feels like it was one of Light Hope’s/the Temple’s holograms but more.  I don’t mean like Light Hope’s Training holograms, I mean when the Temple scanned Catra and Adora and had them relive their memories. Catra and Adora faded in and out of their past selves and memories fluidly, going from observer to participant without realizing it.  It seemed like it reacted to how they were feeling, when Catra and Adora were arguing with each other they shifted from their past selves to their current selves to yell at each other.  Which is similar to what happened when CC started beating on Adora and shifting reality around them, not the same, but similar is enough for theorizing.
  A lot of people have had thoughts about Light Hope not being as good as she seems, from the Promise ep where the memories seemed specifically made to divide Catra and Adora, hence why Catra only saw the sad outcome of the match and was abducted right after that by the spider creature, or that she saw the promise they made when they were kids when Adora didn’t.  Also Madame Razz, she’s kooky and a bit hard to understand, but she remembers Mara as a hero and her friend from Ep 3, despite Light Hope leading Adora to think of Mara as a failure and a traitor, Madame Razz seems to have more going on than she seems so I think I would err on her side.  Come Season 3 (or 2.5) we see that at least from Mara’s perspective she didn’t think she was a hero, but still needed to do what needed to be done.  She mentions Light Hope in her message but it isn’t clear, something about a weapon that can’t be used I think. It kind of sounds like Mara had to do something otherwise Light Hope or someone else was going to do something worse, so Mara chose to strand Etheria in Despondos so there wouldn’t be any other First Ones to pick up the sword and become the next She-Ra.  It seems like Light Hope is incredibly shady or at the very least the ones who created/controlled Light Hope.  I’m not saying the portal was related to Light Hope or her doing, but it made Adora, the current She-Ra, the center of the reality. It’s possible if not likely that it was doing something similar to what Light Hope might have done to Catra and Adora in the Promise, under a much larger scale.  I mean if Mara as She-Ra trapped Despondos for that reason, likely with First Ones Technology, then I mean it might act like Light Hope even if they aren’t the same.  It might want what’s best for the current She-Ra even if it doesn’t really know what Adora wants, sort of like how both Light Hope and Shadow Weaver both claim to want what’s best for Adora despite it not being good for her, what she wants or good for the world.  
Additionally, if the portal reality was a simulation instead of a whole new reality, it would be an interesting bookend to the start of the season.  Season 2 and 3 were written together and were supposed to be watched as one season, the first thing we see of Adora is her in a training simulation against Catra.  It’s revealed that no matter how mean Catra is or what she’s done, Adora can’t bring herself to finish her off, even a simulation of her is too much.  Now at the end of season 3 if the portal reality was a simulation, it was a successful one because it did exactly what Light Hope was trying to teach Adora in ep 1. Now Adora doesn’t see Catra as her former best friend, she sees her as an enemy, an enemy who was willing to doom the whole world and Angella paid the price.  Adora is exactly where Light Hope wanted her to be at the start of the season, just needed to be pushed too far by Catra or CC.
Anyway, this is it, I do realize that I’m probably just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks, I’m not delusional and likely the portal talk was just a plot hole, and the rest was just due to be written because it’s a cartoon.  It’s still fun to think about, especially since we don’t know when season 4 is coming out.  The whole thing at the end of this last season just felt to me more like Adora exorcising her demons rather than her defeating her enemy, it’s not always separate, but it felt different. I don’t know, maybe I’m just imagining things, regardless, I thought it would be interesting to talk about.
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dangan-meme-palace · 6 years
How would the DR protagonists (plus Kaede) react to their s/o being murdered, but soon find out that their s/o actually is alive? It turns out their s/o made a agreement with their 'killer' to fake their death to expose the mastermind and it worked?
This is so sad Kaede play Clair de lune
I hope that you don’t mind that I didn’t write for Komaru and Toko but I haven’t played/watched DR:AE yet so I didn’t feel like I could get the characterization right ;;
Kaede Akamatsu
Kaede is holding back tears the entire time
She wants to stay strong for everyone, including herself
When they’re alone she cries into Shuichi and begs him to help her find your killer
She knows she can’t do it alone
Usually, she would have you to help her but… you’re not there this time
Investigating without you makes her feel like she’s stuck on autopilot
She just kind of hovers around Shuichi
She wants to help more but she really can’t
All that she can think about is how twisted your dead body was
Your arm was bent backward and your leg was certainly broken, along with your neck
Shuichi made sure to give Kaede enough time to at least say goodbye and make peace with it before telling her what to look into for him
While she’s out she goes to the bathroom and cries her heart out
Her heart feels like it shattered into pieces 
Most of her investigation time is spent in that bathroom
Eventually, the trial comes and eventually, she has to dry her tears and face the music
Even if that music sounds like a shitty bear laughing at her despair
All she wants is for this trial to be over already
She doesn’t want to accuse her friends of killing you
She doesn’t want to be reminded that you’re dead
And then she finds out
You think this might be the happiest you’ve ever seen her
She jump hugged you out of nowhere
You hadn’t even said a word yet how did she know you were there?!
She’s crying for a whole different reason now
As you explain to everyone what went down while you played dead she won’t stop looking over at you
She can’t help herself s/o!
As a result of your little plan, she demands that take her on a date
And then another
And another
Yeah, she’s just happy to have you back
Shuichi Saihara
Gross sobbing
I’m serious
He’s just crying the whole time
Literally, everyone feels bad
He’s just pathetically gathering evidence and bursting into tears when he finds something because he knows that it all lead up to your death
Nobody knows what to do for him
They all try their best anyways
Especially Angie who, for some reason, thought it would be a good idea to help Shuichi investigate the body
Your body
She keeps going on and on about how s/o is with Atua now so don’t worry Shuichi!
If she doesn’t stop reminding him he’s gonna start yelling at her
High-key about to have a mental breakdown
S/O: Tell him the truth. ==>
He’s crying again
He’s crying with tears he didn’t even know he had left
You’re back
You’re alive
When you explain your plan to him it clicks into place
The reason Angie helped investigate the body was that she was hiding the fact that she made a fake body while you hid away
He, honestly, feels really stupid for not realizing
What kind of detective can’t tell the difference between wax and flesh
Luckily, he has you there to reassure him that he’s still a good detective
Shuichi isn’t even mad
He’s so exhausted from crying for the better half of three hours that he just wants to lay down and hold you to him for the rest of his life
You decide that the next couple of days are stay-ins
You’re both just so exhausted, Shuichi mostly, but, in your defense, exposing the mastermind was a lot of work!
Consequently, he’s going to be watching you for any more plans you might think up
Overall he’s super proud of you but he also realizes how badly that could have gone if everything hadn’t gone to plan
He still has nightmares about discovering your body
They usually involve you not getting up though
At least you’re always there to wake him up and remind him that you’re still with him
He doesn’t know what he’d do without you so, for now, he just cherishes every moment
Hajime Hinata
Manly tears
Despite how worried he is about everything he really didn’t think he’d have to investigate your body
The thought that you would die on this hell island never really crossed his mind and if it did it never seemed plausible
He was always so careful about where the both of you went and he always made sure to walk you back to your cottage so he thought that you would be alright
He really did
And then he found you in the backroom of the Titty Typhoon with a fork in your throat and a dead look in your eyes
He’s screaming
Someone not only murdered you but you were an absolute mess
It was extremely obvious that the fork wasn’t the murder weapon for there to be that much blood on you
After taking a lot of time to himself he resolves to find your killer no matter what
He just doesn’t know who would do that to you
You weren’t just murdered you were slaughtered
He starts investigating without telling the others that you’re dead
It gives him more time to investigate everything if the official Investigation Time doesn’t start
He’s sure he can figure it out
He has to
Eventually, the others find your body and the real investigation starts
Hajime is actually a huge suspect during the case
He hates the fact that they would even consider it
Can’t they see that he loves you
Loved you
Because you’re gone
And he can’t have you back–
He’s in absolute shock
He can’t move
He can’t speak
He doesn’t really know what’s going on even after you explain it to everyone
When he snaps out of it he’s so relieved
He’s also fucking pissed
Out of all the protags, I think he’s the most likely to yell at you for it even if you did save everyone from that shitty VR nightmare
You should have told me is a phrase you’re going to hear a lot from now on
It’s out of love though so you can’t really get mad
Makoto Naegi
My sweet prince, I am so sorry for your loss
He’s screaming as soon as he turns the corner
It’s an instant K.O. when he sees your body and the others have to drag him to the cafeteria so he’s not in the way
Once he’s awake he’s running right back to the scene because there was no way that was real
He just ate some bad food and had a nightmare
That would explain why he woke up in the cafeteria at the very least
He refuses to believe it 
There’s no way someone would kill, let alone kill you
It’s Kyoko who stops him right before he could get into the room
She tells him that he should let her take care of this and that he should get some rest
He asks her what she’s talking about and where you are
He refuses to believe it
Safe to say he has to be forcibly escorted back to his room
He’s screaming from the other side of the door about how he has to find your killer!
He has to bring them to justice!
He has to be with you!
He can’t leave you there!
You need him!!
Please, let me see them one more time…
Literally, no one had ever heard him sound more defeated
You both had been dating so long and to have all of it gone in one moment just wrecks him
Seeing you be a victim to the killing game makes him feel like he’s dying himself
In a side room with no cameras, you tell Kyoko to hurry the fuck up
After the trial is finally over, after everything is said and done, he’s exhausted
He’s never felt this tired in his life
He just wants to hold you and hear you say that everything is going to be alright
But you can’t
But it’s not alright
His head whips around so fast that his neck cracks a bit
And then he’s running
He’s running because that’s you
He’s running because you’re alive
He’s running with everything he has left in him because he just knows that it’s you
… he doesn’t let go of you for a long, long time
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Viridescent Odium: Ch.13
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Aesthetic courtesy of @prettybubblesintheair
Viridescent Odium MASTERLIST
Bucky Barnes x Plus!Size Reader SKRULL
Warnings: Nervous breakdown.Cuddly Bucky! Smut!
A/N: Christmas theme with a surprise! Bucky, reader, Sam & Wanda take the kids to see the newest Grinch movie.
Words: +2,400
The skrull leaned heavily into Bucky the instant the lights dimmed for the previews to begin, the twins deciding they had to take up a seat on one of Y/N’ legs & all but shrieking like little birds anytime someone reached to take them away. A steady green hand laying on Bucky’ arm telling him that it was OK to keep the two from disrupting the entire theater that wasn’t already disrupted by realizing four Avengers where sitting in with them. A strong arm snaked around warm clad green shoulders to pull her close for chapped lips to plant a kiss on the top of raven hair as he could tell Y/N was ridged under the layer of clothes.
“Relax doll, I'm right here,” he spoke softly so only she heard over the excited giggling of the twins that bounced happily on her knee, excited to have their green back.
“I know, sorry,” she apologized, turning soft green face into the canvas coat he wore, a move the soldier knew meant the skrull was trying to remind herself where she was at that moment.
“It's s’okay, if we need to leave we will,” Bucky admitted quietly before the film began, thankful they didn’t have to sit through preview after preview thanks to Tony calling ahead & sure everyone else was as well.
“I'm fine,” Y/N sighed out relaxing slightly, ruby eyes locking onto the screen as the twins chanted green the instant the Grinch showed his furry face.
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Half way, at least she made it half way before Bucky found himself flicking Sam in the shoulder to get his attention, the annoyed Falcon about to smart off but stopped as the soldier tipped his head to Y/N who had legs curled under her now, buried in canvas side painfully tight. James sitting in front of her face & Sara sitting with Bucky. The avenger nodding in understanding & hinting to Wanda the two reaching for a kid that appeared to enthralled by the movie to realize they were being passed off, at least Sara anyway.
“Mom,” the little boy chirped out plain as day, making Y/N pause her moment of panic to realize James just called her mom while the rest took it in stride, having heard the twins actually calling her that on numerous occasions already but this was the first time Y/N had heard it.
“Momma & daddy need to go talk to Santa buddy, we will be right back,” Bucky explained without missing a beat, getting to his feet to pull Y/N with him & out of the seat.
“Come on momma we need to see Santa,” he smiled at the skrulls confused look but seen a smile forming as he tugged her down the steps & out of the theater.
“When did that start,” Y/N began once they were outside in the bright light wrapping flannel clad arm around his, tugging curvaceous body into his side with a sheepish smile.
“You heard that did you,” he laughed out, looking at her with an excited smile, glad the little boy finally voiced it.
“I think I did… are you ok with it,” Y/N began, knowing how Bucky felt about their mother.
“I am totally ok with it sweetheart as long as you are,” the soldier smirked at the relieved skrull that followed him out of the theater into the mall part of the shopping center, allowing him to guide her around to get her nerves calmed so she wouldn’t have a breakdown.
“It's fine baby,” she reassured, Bucky stopping them just outside of a store, turning to face the relaxing skrull to look her over.
“Good, because they have been calling you that ever since I told them I found you… they love you doll, more so than me,” he laughed, hand cherishing over soft green cheek that tinged purple with a rising blush that made ruby eyes sparkle.
“So, speaking of Santa & Christmas presents,” Bucky began, gazing down into her eyes in more than just love, pulling thick frame flush to let her know he was thinking of more than just love, hard bulge pressing into her own heated core. “What would… momma like from Santa?”
“Um… no one has ever asked me. Can I think on it,” she smiled up at him kindly thinking over what he had said.
“Sure can doll, lets go try to find the twins something then, since we don’t have to worry about them for the next little bit,” he smiled down at her.
“That’s fine with me,” Y/N smiled the two making a move to part, but Bucky had to have a taste, metal hand going into loose black hair to pull ample form to press lips together tongue begging entrance & allowed it to caress over hers before pulling away.
“What does daddy want,” Y/N breathed out knowing by his smirk what it was.
“You doll, all I want is you,” he smiled sheepishly.
“You're such a cornball,” Y/N laughed up at the smirking soldier proud of himself for his little joke.
“Yeah, but I'm your cornball,” he laughed out, putting an arm around her shoulders to lead her around the shopping area.
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A swift jerk had Y/N looking down at a very teary-eyed James, the skrull having been drug into line by the twins, Bucky having to go to the bathroom while Wanda & Sam stood back to watch the chaos. Y/N cocking her head at the little boy that tugged the skrull to his level, the little toddler crawling between her legs to pull close.
“What’s wrong James,” Y/N began, rubbing over the little boys back as he buried into her neck little arms wrapped around clammy neck, little Sara stepping close to whisper into a pointed ear.
“He’s afraid of Santa,” Sara whispered crowding in with James who finally looked at Y/N & shook his head yes.
“You're afraid of Santa? But not me,” Y/N smirked, showing fangs the two toddlers unflinching the two shaking their heads yes.
“You’re our momma,” James whimpered crawling into her lap this time, they were next but it was apparent they would take some convincing so the skrull lifted the two into strong arms & stepped out of line to go kneel with the two other Avengers to help calm them down.
“I know, but I'm green & have pointy ears, I look a lot scarier than Santa,” Y/N began, Wanda kneeling with her to help calm the twins now that it seemed they were both about to cry.
“Well,” Y/N began, looking at Wanda curios if the redhead would play along with the idea she had, but knowing the excitable Scarlet Witch she would.
“It's just so happens that Wanda & I have kept a secret,” Y/N began, the red head puzzling at where this was going.
“We are both Santa’ elves, that is why I am green with pointy ears & why her magic is red,” Y/N began, Wanda catching on to let red mist swirl around her fingers the twins laughing, the two women moving over to a bench, so they could sit with them.
“So, what do you want? Tell us & we will make sure Santa knows,” Wanda admitted the two beginning to chatter away excitedly of all they wanted.
“What the hell,” Bucky muttered to Sam, realizing that there was a line of kids waiting to speak with Y/N & Wanda.
“Your kids man, they wouldn’t see Santa so those two told them that they were his elves,” Sam looked over as the soldier placed a bag into his jacket obvious it was meant to be a secret.
“What did you decide,” Sam began hinting to the bag he had hid.
“You’ll see,” he smirked, “I just hope she doesn’t deck me is all.”
“I don’t think she would. Though I don’t know,” Sam laughed as a kid no older than 5 was tugging his little sister that looked to be 1 up to Y/N who took the little creature on her lap as little hands reached for her.
“Shut up asshole,” Bucky snapped watching Y/N close as James & Sara sat between the two, Bucky reaching into his pocket for the cell phone to get a picture.
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It was late when they finally made it back, having dropped the twins off at their grandparents for a week the soldier leaning heavily onto the skrull’ back as the stepped into the room, hands on plump waist as they stopped in the middle of the room.
“I know what I want for Christmas,” Y/N began, turning in the soldiers arms to look at him a nervous smile on his face as they leaned into each other.
“And what would that be sweetheart,” he smiled green hands wrapping around sweaty nape, watching ruby eyes cloud with tears as she let out a shaky breath.
“I want us back,” she croaked, letting out a quiet sniffle as he held her tighter.
“You have us back doll, its taking time is all,” he reassured, wondering if Y/N had remembered the two had actually talked about being more than just a couple that lived together, flesh thumb catching the tear that fell.
“I know… but they called me momma…,” Y/N sobbed before laying tired head to his chest hands soothing over her shivering back.
“God Bucky, what is wrong with me? This isn’t me,” she cried into his chest hands tightening in the back of the coat he wore, “I was never this broken when I… after the sovereign… after what happened with the delegate… what did they do to me…,” she sobbed out, unable to stop the shivering or how tight she held to the soldier, hearing the canvass creak in her grasp as he began to walk her to the bedroom.
“It's alright baby. It is different, I don’t know what they do to us but it… it inflicts more pain than any other type of torture. I’ve got you sweetheart, it's ok, do what you have to,” Bucky spoke softly sitting the skrull on the edge of the bed to kneel before her hands cupping green cheeks that were saturated in tears.
“Take as long as you need, I'm right here doll,” he reassured standing to throw the jacket off & sit next to her, the sobbing creature falling into his lap.
It was quiet but for the sniffles & rubbing of calloused hand over the fabric that covered her trembling back.
“I'm to much trouble for you & the twins Buck, I should just…,” Y/N began a jolt thrumming through her the instant she was jerked up right & flung onto the mattress with a bounce the soldier on her in no time.
“NO! We want you right here with us,” he ordered straddling thick hips to hold Y/N in place just like the hands that held tightly to her wrist.
“Ok,” was all she breathed out as the soldiers lips smashed into hers releasing soft wrist for nimble hands to fly to stubbled face to hold him in place as ample hips wiggled between his legs.
“Want you baby, in more ways than you will ever know,” Bucky panted, putting knees between her legs to spread thick thighs, pressing his bulge into clothed core as he rolled her hips with his.
“Show me,” Y/N panted out rutting against him with a moaning plea for him to fuck her.
“I’ll be glad to,” Bucky breathed hot on soft neck, nipping hard at tender throat, forcing a hand into the jeans she wore, letting out a grunt as she bucked up at him.
The soldier sliding down her hips taking the pants with him, jerking them inside out before leaning over to nip at ample hips, green hands going to auburn hair to rake short nails over the scalp, urging him back for a kiss but he had other plans. Heated lips falling to throbbing clit to suck at it harshly making curvaceous body fall back with a whimper that echoed around the room. Thrusting two metal digits in this time making Y/N yelp out at the sudden cold intrusion but bucking hard onto the curling digits begging for more.
“Need you to cum for me baby,” he breathed hot over sensitive clit he knew HIS Y/N’ body, knew how it moved when she was close.
“No, not without you cumming inside me,” she rasped out, filling a dark smirk on her clit as he made quick moves to do as she asked the sound of buckle unlatching, zipper echoing around them before rock hard cunt thrust into juicy cunt, a loud grunt & moan yelled out to the room.
“Fuck baby,” he ground out, pumping in & out a punishing pace, obvious he was close himself.
“Love you Buck,” Y/N whimpered as his lips took hers, tasting herself on his tongue.
“Love you Y/N,” he breathed down panting throat just as orgasm seized them both the instant stout hips slammed into her own.
Panting echoing as Bucky fell over top of Y/N, rutting at ample hips as it appeared the skrull went limp under the soldier that had moved his hands to bliss hazed head to push sweaty hair out of flushed face to look into closed eyes. Sloppy kisses falling over tender neck as he stumbled off of her & the bed without a word to dig around in the floor. Y/N rolled onto plump stomach to see what was going on but in no time Bucky flopped belly down on the bed next to her, left hand wrapped tight around something that was obvious she wasn’t meant to see.
“You know I hate formality right doll,” Bucky began looking at Y/N shyly now propping on his left side to finally meet crimson gaze.
“Yeah,” she smirked laying a sweaty head to his shoulder placing a kiss on it.
“Well… how about you take this & agree to marry me some time,” Bucky blurted out to the skrull holding a gold band encircled with rubies between flesh thumb & forefinger in front of Y/N who froze on his shoulder.
“Um… you sure… I mean…,” Y/N stammered, putting green left hand out to watch Bucky place it on her ring finger, nuzzling at disheveled head that turned for a kiss, the soldiers hands cupping green face for a passionate kiss on emerald lips that had Y/N forcing him back to the bed, back pressing into the mattress  his head into the pillows & leaving them both breathless as they broke the kiss.
“Yes,” he asked with a smile still nervous she may deck him.
“Yes Bucky, I will take this,” Y/N smiled, flashing the ring in front of them, “& agree to marry you sometime.”
Tags open! And re-blogs are ALWAYS welcomed!
Tags: @dark-night-sky-99  @prettybubblesintheair  @gramaeryebard  @reallyheckinggay  @jovanna-shewolf  @andiyholly  @katstablook   @nickyl316h  @beets1bears1battlestargalactica @aslandia726 @moonfaery @furstinnajoelle   @itsbqueenthings @lookwhatyoumademequeue
@whovianwookie86-captainxev@jazzieomega @bambamwolf87
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hellwolf-bodyguard · 6 years
Lost Feels
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Lost walked… she walked out of the Goblet, past Uldah… and then south. Then more south and more south and just… well more south. She needed to be away. From people, from noise, from onlookers. From feelings. She’s had been having a rough few days… feeling things. Once her feelings of doubt began to break through whatever it was in her mind… the voice hadn’t returned. And despite everything, knowing it was a lie… knowing she was still in danger… she missed it. She still loved it, and even in the off chance that love was fabricated… it was still the only emotion she had held for many years. That sort of thing is hard to change, no matter how logic swayed you. They were so caring and understanding. They just wanted to make you better than before.
But that had backfired. The voice screwed up. The lockdown on her feelings was imperfect and she… felt.
So, she kept walking. Walking and walking, into the desert sands and beyond to the rocky wastelands. She needed to be somewhere to vent. A place to let all these new emotions free. A place to break something. Abandoned (Dragon ball z) wilderness was the perfect place for this sort of emotional problem solving. Setting down her lunch basket off near a rocky outcropping that could provide shade, she pulled off her helmet as well, setting it by the basket. Inside for lunch, she had made some assorted sandwiches. Egg, cucumber, PB&J, and some thinly sliced Bo’ meat were just a few of them. Along with it was a thermos of tea, some additional rolls, and of course in a small glass container, she had a slice of cake that she made for dessert. She adored making little picnic lunches like this, mostly for herself. It let her be more than just a suit of armor. Thinking back on it, this might have been something that made her happy, but she could never really feel it. She just knew it was something she did. Looking down at her meal, she smiled. Genuinely. Honestly.
“This is what you took from me… you know that.” She muttered, tone immediately dropping into something sour. “Simple joys. I couldn’t even have simple happiness unless it involved you.” She stepped away from the lunch and helmet and leaned against another rock. Hand clenched in a fist and hitting against the hard surface. “You made me empty! And then just put yourself in there. I was a child!”
“I did what you asked Nothing more and nothing less Why am I bad now?”
She releases her tight hand, taking a deep breath. “Oh, now you answer… now you respond. Been quiet ever since I figured it out.” Out of nowhere a deep rage seethed into the Roegadyn. A bowling ball sized boulder at her feet was kicked into a wall, shattering. “WHY AM I STILL DYING! YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO FIX ME!” She huffed, chilled air being expelled from her lungs due to the ice clusters. She didn’t know why in particular she was angry. She just… felt. She felt betrayed, a feeling she never wanted experience again. The reason for the bargain in the first place. “Everything was suppose to be fine! I would live, no one would know, we would be together.”
“Haha silly girl
You cannot be saved from me
I am inside you.”
Not having emotions was suppose to be a blessing for Lost. She would always make the optimal decision. She would value survival over everything else. A sense of right and wrong did not exist, only… well only selfishness. That wasn’t wrong… in her eyes at least. Being selfish is practical in this world. Wanting to live another day, no matter the cost… that is basic survival instinct. She had seen people close to her die. It was so quick, so sudden, and it hurt so badly. So she decided to only live for herself. She had been living like that for so long, because she had no other way to live. Everyday was weighing the sides, evaluating the options and picking what had the best chance of a happy ending. Sometimes, no decision was made and you simple watched, waiting for more information. Waiting for one side to show a significant lead, or at least to tip the scales ever so slightly. Doing something meant showing your hand, it meant feeling for one particular side… and Lost doesn’t feel. Or rather, Didn’t.
“It’s because of you that I’m alone. It’s because you kept me an observer. You kept me uninvolved. You were content to watch and I just wanted to please you. You…”
She beat her fist into the stone.
Ripping her gauntlets off, she threw them across at another rock, the heavy plated gloves cracking stone and dropping to the ground. She knew that much wasn’t fair, it was her own actions that made him leave her side. She was weak, she did the wrong thing, and she had to live with the consequences. She still blamed herself for everything, and she wanted to make it up. To stay alive for the both of them. To keep the other one alive in return, and maybe… to get his forgiveness. Had the voice not told her to accept the madness.
“Now now dont be sad
He was simply in the way Your last attachment.”
She knew it was true. She had forced him into that position. He was her means of redemption, at least in her own mind. If she could prove it… to everyone, but even more so to herself, that she was stronger now. But those were selfish thoughts once again. They were all about making herself feel better. And… he would have never wanted that. He knew she was strong.
The hellwolf snapped her head up, staring into the night sky. So that’s how it was… so that’s why she had forgotten. It seems that more than just emotions… memories could be held back. One in particular came flooding back. It was her working for the heir, rather early on in her life… but it was what made her want to stay with this family no matter what.
“Now listen here, Miss Wolkolwyn. Or if yer not keen on that appelation, I'll keep it t'Lost. I have no intention of treain' you like an employee, nor do I intend for you to be a soldier.” It was the patriarch of the Maxmian house talking to her. His recently born son was on another room with its mother. Lost was about eight. “I want you, t'take care of m'oldest boy. I want you t'be some'un he can lean on. Maybe you'll be able to do th'same. He's got a lot ahead of him, the guidance will be needed where I can't be there. He'll struggle, with the burden placed on him. Your job, will be to ease that...”
Eight year old Lost stared at the man with dead eyes. She heard what he was saying, but didn’t really understand. She was here to be a soldier right? Why was he talking so nicely? Maybe one day she would understand.
“The Maximian family, we look t'be different from the rest of th'Empire. To be better. To put others first an' foremost. It's not a path easily walked, an' I don't expect you to understand right now. But you will. As time passes, you will. I promise.”
The memory faded, but now only regret took its place in adult Lost’s mind. How had she thought this was a good idea. How did she forget the loving family… her best friend… The experience that made her who she was. The one family… that in the end she didn’t doubt.
“Tsk, I let that slip Is your faith in me… waning? That’s not good dear Lost”
A sharp pain in the chest, and Lost was on the ground in agony. Something broke, deep inside.
Lost instinctively knew what it was in an instant. The ice cluster. The thing keeping the void-flesh at bay. It broke. No, she broke it. A warning? Or perhaps just for fun. No, the crystal could simply no longer hold anything back. Tsuki had flexed her power ever so slightly and broke any sense of safety Lost held onto. Her time was now limited, the organs were at risk. She was on death row unless she… unless she… she…
“You have to be stopped.”
Lost uttered those words for the first time since her breakdown. Until now, that thought hadn’t crossed her mind. Because somewhere, she still had wanted to believe in Tsuki. To close her eyes and let it all go away. Not anymore.
“I have to end you… even if it costs me my life.”
“You can surely try
I am already in you
What hope do you have?”
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sweetpeaslover · 6 years
The Serpent Dance 🐍
*reader x Sweet Pea where the reader has to do the Serpent dance and is nervous*
It was the night you had been waiting for, Serpent initiation. You had wanted to officially become a Serpent for a while now, mainly because many of your relatives were also Serpents, but also your boyfriend Sweet Pea was a Serpent and you wanted to feel closer to him. Problem was, you were incredibly nervous. You basically had to strip in front of the entire gang. You knew they wouldn't hurt you, but it just felt awkward and embarrassing to be performing that kind of dance in front of them. You were no stranger to the stage, you had been dancing all your life. Your mom was a dance teacher so you were actually really good. Your forte was ballet, you had the perfect ballet dancer's body, long legs, short torso, long neck, small head, and a skinny but strong body. Not to mention flawless technique, you were a ballet prodigy, best in Riverdale. There was absolutely no doubt in anyone's mind that you were meant to perform and would excel at the Serpent dance. You even heard that there would be a bigger crowd than usual because everyone knew you were the one to watch and that your performance would be incredible, which was frankly kind of insulting because there was never this kind of hype surrounding any of your other dances, even when you went to the Grand Prix. Everyone had confidence in you, so why did you have none in yourself? You never had to worry about entertaining a crowd before, particularly a crowd of rowdy gang members, you were usually able to impress people with your performance and just let your talent speak for itself. Now you had to make sure you entertained the men enough so they would give you a jacket. The idea terrified you.
You were at your house with Toni getting ready. She had already done the dance, and she was trying to reassure you that it would all be okay and the crowd would love you. You were wearing a sparkly red lingerie set with a matching robe that you would peel off before you started dancing. You had a very dramatic smoky eye and vibrant red lipstick. Your hair was teased and curled so you had a big, beautiful mane framing your face.
"Tell me everything will be okay" you begged Toni, about to have a nervous breakdown.
"You are going to be just fine" she assured you. There was a knock on your bedroom door and Sweet Pea walked in carrying a bouquet of roses and sweet peas. That was your thing, he would come to every single performance you had, and every time he brought a bouquet with roses because they have always been your favorite flowers and he personalized it with sweet peas. He was so amazing, even though he knew nothing about dance, he came to every performance as well as many of your rehearsals and classes, he spent at least twenty hours a week sitting in the studio watching you practice (that was nothing compared to the time you spent rehearsing, but it was still sweet). He was so proud of you and nothing gave him greater joy than watching you dance. When you two had started dating, he had completely immersed himself in the dance world watching movies about dance, learning how your competitions worked, and just being there for you as you navigated a future career in dance. You had never met anyone that was so interested and supportive of your dancing than him, except for your parents.
"Are you ready" Sweet Pea asked.
"No, I'll never be ready for this, Sweet Pea, I can't do this, not in front of them!" you cried. He engulfed you in a hug.
"You are ready and you will be amazing, you have performed this dance perfectly hundreds of times, I know because I've seen it. You will be the one with the best dance and they won't hesitate to give you the jacket," he said, kissing your forehead.
"I know," you said. "But I'm not used to dancing like this, they're not even really watching me dance, they just want to see me in my underwear, and this costume is so different, usually my costumes complement my dance but this one is supposed to draw attention to me and distract from the performance. Usually I'm portraying a character, and this time it's just me, I don't want people to see me!", you were crying softly into his jacket.
"Hey, none of that, you are y/n y/l/n, the best dancer I know, people want to see the real you because you are beautiful and amazing and you are going to prove it on that stage tonight," he promised.
"Also," Toni piped up from next to you guys, "If you keep crying, your makeup will smear and then you'll look like a hot mess onstage,".
"That's a good point! Y/n you need to put that stuff on your face," he told you.
"What stuff?" you asked, amused.
"That stuff, uhhh.... the flesh-colored cocaine," he said. You and Toni burst out laughing.
"You mean finishing powder?" asked Toni between giggles.
"Yes, that's it," he looked proud for remembering that necessary step.
"Good god Sweet Pea, how could anyone mess that up so badly?" you ask punching him lightly in the arm.
"I'm trying baby, I really am! he pleaded. "Um, that, that stuff on your eyelashes, that's mascara right? I learned that word at your last dance competition".
"Good job, you have redeemed yourself slightly," you praised him. The three of you were still laughing when you got in his car and drove to the White Wyrm. At the door, you paused and looked at the crowd. There were a lot of older, tough-looking men at the bar. You knew they were the ones who would be watching you the closest, taking in every detail of your lingerie set, imagining what it would look like if you took that off too. You clutched Sweet Pea's arm tighter. Sensing that you were getting nervous again, he pulled over to the corner behind the pool table.
"Baby, there's no need to be nervous, if you want, you can just look at me the whole time, just dance for me," he told me. How to explain it to him...
"Sweet Pea, this isn't something that I feel comfortable with, it's not age appropriate and I'm not acting, I'm really doing this. I just don't feel comfortable. Especially in front of all these people, this is something I would only ever do for you, when we're much older and actually having sex," you confessed.
" I know, to be perfectly honest, I hate that I have to share this moment with the rest of the gang. I wish we were at home alone and you were just performing for me, but you also need to join the Serpents and this is necessary for that," he said. Just then, FP called your name and the crowd cheered. There were at least two hundred people in there, all waiting for you. You looked back at Sweet Pea and he nodded. You proceeded towards the stage and took off your robe. The music started, Electricity by Ashley Jana, and you started dancing. You wanted to incorporate some of the dance that you were good at rather than just pole dancing. The crowd went wild as you swung around the pole and did a bunch of provocative dance moves where you opened your legs. It felt horrible and dirty, like you were doing something wrong, although you had to admit, you always liked jazz, and this dance had a lot of jazz elements that reminded you a lot of the dancing you did when you were younger, but obviously more provocative this time. When you finished, FP presented you with a jacket of your own that made it all worth it. You made your way back to Sweet Pea as soon as you could and he picked you up and swung you around like a little kid, he was so happy you were finally a Serpent, officially. As you two were talking, an older man came up and asked for an encore, which resulted in him getting tackled to the floor by Sweet Pea.
"Sweet Pea, stop, its not a big deal!" you said.
"Well, it's a big deal to me," he said, standing up. "I want to make sure the Serpents know they need to respect my girl" he warned.
"Well no one's going to mess with me when you're around" you assured him.
"Damn right they're not," he said putting his arm around you and pulling you into his body.
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quickeningheart · 6 years
   Alley watched Charley and Throttle banter back and forth, feeling as if she'd somehow stumbled into an episode of the Twilight Zone. She just couldn't get past how … well, how alien Throttle was, yet her cousin was laughing and teasing and treating him just like she'd treat any longtime friend or family member. It was disconcerting, to say the least.
   She considered making a strategic retreat to her bedroom while the pair was distracted, until Throttle suddenly perked up, his head cocking to one side as his ears twitched back and forth. Alley bit her lip to hold in a smile; he reminded her of Mercedes when something had caught her attention. “Whoops,” he announced a moment later. “Party's over, ladies. Looks like the bros are back.”
   He'd barely finished speaking before the distinct rumble of motorcycles pulling into the garage—heralded by the clang of the welcome bell—announced their arrival. Alley glanced longingly in the direction of her room, but Charley (the traitor) grabbed her by the arm and steered her back into the living room, forcing her into the very same chair Throttle had been sitting in. Alley's skin crawled, imagining she could feel the prickle of shed fur against her back and legs.
   “Maybe you could go warn them to come up slow and steady and not like a herd of elephants, huh?” Charley suggested. Throttle saluted playfully and took the stairs two at a time down to the garage.   She turned back to her cousin and offered an encouraging smile. “Come on, Alley Cat. Relax! Throttle isn't so bad, is he?”
   The jury was still out on that one, but Alley had to admit she'd been getting used to the golden mouse. There was something pleasant about his voice. It was kind of soft and husky, like smoke and velvet in her ears. And his demeanor had been calm and relaxed. He’d treated her gently, even though she could tell he’d been a bit irritated by her reaction. “I guess not,” she sighed. “He’s pretty … nice.” She frowned, remembering. “But, that big gray one…”
   “Modo? Oh, don’t let his size fool you. He’s a pussycat!”
   Alley barked a laugh. “Oh, sure. A pussycat. The big, angry, man-eating kind.”
   Charley pulled a face at her. “Don't be ridiculous. Look, there's a lot of bad blood between the Martian mice and rats, and mistaking one for the other is sort of an insult on their planet, but Modo feels bad for scaring you. Give him a chance, okay? He’s a sweetheart when you get to know him. A real gentleman. And he really loves his mama. You can't go wrong with a guy who loves his mama, right?”
   “I dunno. Norman Bates really loved his mama.”
   “Alley Davidson!” Charley choked on a laugh. “Stop it! I'm trying to be serious, here!”
   Alley huffed and relented. “Well, what about the little white one?”
   “Vinnie?” Charley chuckled uneasily, shaking her head. “Hmm. What can I say about Vincent Van Wham?”
   “Anything you like, Sweetheart! My stunning good looks? My sparkling personality? Pick a subject!” A grinning white-and-silver face appeared like magic over the back of Alley's chair, causing Alley to squawk and fling herself out of it. She landed on the floor with a thud, flipping over and crab-walking straight into Charley's legs.
   Charley slapped a hand to her forehead. “Oh, for the—Vinnie! Could you try not to give my cousin a nervous breakdown?” she snapped, shooting him a black look amid sniggers from his bros.
   He grinned sheepishly, easing around to take Alley's place in the chair. “Sorry, Sweetheart.”
   “Does he always call you Sweetheart?” Alley whispered.
   Charley patted her shoulder. “He calls everyone Sweetheart. It's kind of his thing.” She rolled her eyes. “You'll get used to it.”
   Modo approached slowly, and Alley eyed him as he towered over her, giving her a polite nod. She nodded back and fought the urge to scramble under the couch. Mostly because there was no way she would fit.
   “Just wanted to say, I’m awful sorry for scarin’ you like I did,” he rumbled. “Me an' rats don't get along so well, but it wasn't right, losin' my temper. My gray-furred mama always said the first impression's the lastin' one, an' I guess I didn't make such a great one on you. I'd like to set that straight, if I can.”
   Alley nodded absently, but she was hardly listening; her eyes had locked on the giant's right arm. It wasn't a flesh-and-blood limb. It looked like one of those bionic arms that she'd only ever seen in science fiction movies. Good grief, this isn't the Twilight Zone. It's turned into Star Trek, she thought, biting back the hysterical urge to giggle. “D-did a rat do that to you?” she asked instead … and jumped when Charley smacked her across the head.
   Oh. That had come out a little rude, hadn't it?
   Modo glanced at his arm self-consciously. “Nah,” he said, his voice calm. “Ol’ Karbunkle’s the one responsible for this.”
   She frowned. Now why did that name sound familiar? She thought for a bit, before remembering. “Oh, he’s that freaky scientist guy,” she murmured. “The one who looks like a mutant.”
   Charley gave her a surprised glance. “You’ve seen him?”
   “Oh, yeah.” Alley gestured to her head. “Throttle did that … mind-meld trick to show me what was going on. The same thing he did to you when you first met.”
   There was dead silence. Vinnie and Modo pinned a squirming Throttle with probing stares. “It’s easier than tryin’ to talk my way through everything,” the golden mouse protested to their raised eyebrows. “There was a lot to cover, all right?”
   “Hey, not judging, Sweetheart!” Vinnie held up his hands, his mouth twitching. “Just better hope Carbine doesn’t find out.”
   “She won’t find out. It wasn’t like that, anyhow!”
   Alley glanced at Charley, who looked as confused as she felt. “Am I missing something?” she whispered.
   Modo glanced at them. “Well, directly touchin' minds is sorta intimate,” he explained, tapping his temple. “It’s useful if we’re in a bad situation and need to exchange intel without gettin’ caught, but for a male and female to join minds in a casual setting, it's kinda…” He trailed off, clearing his throat and taking a sudden fascination with the ceiling as he nervously scratched under his chin.
   Luckily, Vinnie was there to take over. “That sorta stuff is usually reserved for the bedroom,” he finished, grinning and waggling his eyebrows comically. “It’s a fantastic way to increase the intimacy between mates during—”
   “Vincent.” Throttle, who was looking increasingly mortified, cut the white mouse off with a smack of his tail.
   Alley glanced up at her cousin, still confused. Charley's face had turned pink, but her eyes were dancing with mischief as she turned around on the couch, resting her chin on her crossed arms and pinning the squirming mouse with a playful stare. “Throttle, you hound,” she teased, her voice filled with laughter. “Puttin’ the moves on us like that, and we never even suspected. I never knew you had it in you!”
   Alley promptly choked as the meaning hit home, turning an accusing, slightly-horrified gaze to the golden mouse. “You were putting moves on me?” she squeaked.
   “No!” he yelled as the rest of them cracked up. “It wasn’t like that!” He groaned, wiping a hand over his face, under his field specs. “You guys are never gonna forget this, are you?”
   “Hell, no, lover boy!” Charley blew him a playful kiss, which earned him a jealous glare from Vinnie and more laughter from Modo.
   Alley abruptly decided that enough was enough, and scrambled to her feet. “I, um, I've gotta go … do … something,” she muttered, and beat a hasty retreat to her room before anyone could stop her. She slammed the door and slumped against it, sliding to the floor with a thump. Mercedes's snout appeared from the nest of wood shavings and shredded paper towels she'd burrowed into, whiskers twitching curiously. Alley crawled over to the cage and poked a finger through the bars to tickle the rat's nose. “Good grief, Mercy,” she sighed. “What the hell did I get myself into?”
   Alley hid in her room for an hour, paging through the picture scrapbooks she'd brought with her from home. She missed home. She missed her parents. She missed her friends. She even missed Chaz. She wished she had a phone so she could call Chaz, just to hear his voice. Then again, lately he didn't have much to say to her; he was still pissed that she'd broken up with him two weeks before leaving for Chicago.
   She turned the album to a page filled with photos of herself and her friends; lounging on the beach; at a pool party in Yuri's back yard; her and Chaz cuddling under a blanket beside a bonfire…
   She examined the closeup of her ex-boyfriend giving the camera a deadpan stare and a thumbs up, and wrinkled her nose. Well, maybe “pissed” was too strong a word. Chaz didn't get pissed. Mildly annoyed, maybe, when he could be bothered to care. That was the problem with Chaz. He was tall, handsome, well-mannered…
   He also had the personality of tile grout.
   “Ugh,” she grunted, slapped the album shut and shoved it into a corner of the room. She decided maybe she didn't miss him so much, after all. “I can’t believe I wasted an entire year on that walking doormat.”
   Mercedes twitched her whiskers, climbing the side of her cage.
   “Well, he was really cute!” Alley defended herself. “And he did have nice manners. Also didn’t hurt that his parents are loaded. Too bad he didn’t have a romantic bone in his entire body. I mean, I’m the one who always had to plan the dates! And forget about making out. You’d think I was diseased or something, the way he always shied away from kissing.”
   Mercedes squeaked at her.
   “I know, I know,” she grumbled. “That’s what I get for being shallow and dating a cute rich guy. He was probably gay. I mean, I’m gorgeous, right? What straight guy in his right mind wouldn’t want a piece of this?”
   Mercedes replied by crawling into her nest of wood shavings and shredded tissues and curling up to sleep.
   “Gee. Thanks for the heart-to-heart. You always know just what to say.”
   Alley staggered to her feet. Her butt and legs had gone numb from sitting cross-legged on the floor for so long. She hobbled to the door, opening it a crack to listen outside. There was absolute silence. She peeked out, then crept down the short hallway to the living room. Charley and the mice were gone. In their place stood a pile of wooden parts that she recognized as the pieces of her furniture. They must have gone ahead and taken the bed and dresser apart to get them up from the garage. Alley felt momentarily guilty, knowing she should've helped. It was her furniture, after all.
   She crept down the stairs far enough to peek into the brightly-lit garage, where she noticed her bus had been parked in an unused corner. And there was Charley, surrounded by a pile of car parts, working on fastening a door onto the frame of a car. “Are they gone?” she called.
   Her cousin stopped working, lifted the welding mask from her face, and turned to give her cousin a hard stare. “For now,” she replied. “They're coming back later, though. I promised them dinner and movies for their help.” She folded her arms across her chest, radiating disapproval.
   Alley suddenly felt as if she'd been caught by her mother sneaking in late after a party or something. “Okay, what?” she asked, mirroring Charley's stance.
   “I don't appreciate the way you treated my friends,” the redhead scolded. “They did their best to welcome you in their own way. They don't interact with a lot of humans, you know. It's not like there's proper etiquette for introducing two alien species to each other. Yeah, they're a bit startling at first, but I think you totally overreacted. The Alley I remember was never such a shrinking violet.”
   “I—But you—And they—Well, what about you?” Alley sputtered, switching from shamefaced to defensive in two seconds. “Maybe I wouldn't have 'overreacted' if you hadn't waited until thirty seconds beforehand to tell me I was about to meet giant talking alien mice!”
   Charley blinked, then cracked a small smile. “You make a good point,” she conceded.
   “Damn straight, I do.” Alley's own lips were twitching despite the scowl she was trying hard to keep in place. “I warned you I was bringing a pet. The least you could've done was return the favor!”
   Charley choked out a laugh. “Alley, that’s mean! They're not animals, no matter what they look like. They're as much people as we are! They just happen to possess tails and fur coats and hail from a different planet.”
   “I know that.” Alley sighed, hopping up to sit on Charley's tool chest.
   “Will you promise to at least try and get to know them. I mean, if it wasn't for them, most of this planet would've been strip-mined and shipped off to Plutark by now. They're really heroes, if you stop to think about it. They deserve a little respect.”
   “Okay, okay. I promise I'll give them another chance, and I won't even run screaming for the hills this time.” At Charley's dubious look, she added, “Scout's honor!” and held up four fingers.
   “That's the Vulcan peace sign, Alley.”
   “Pfft. Whatever.”
   Charley sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “I'm so glad we had this little chat.”
   The colorful blond laughed and patted her on the shoulder. “Anytime, Charley-girl! What else is family for?”
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