#everyone's favorite slimy snake boi
smillie-face · 11 months
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Huevember - Day #3
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grollow · 2 years
I'll send another for the fandom meme because i can >:3 , do for FFXIV
Quakes in fear of the fandom. Oh Jesus Fuck. Also some of this may be slightly spoilery for you, I will try to keep them minimal but names are a thing I cannot avoid. SORRY.
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Emet-Selch, as much as I hate how the fandom treats him. Let my boy be a slimy piece of shit, that's his best character trait.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Meteion. I took one look at her and decided if anything happened to her I will kill everyone in the world and then myself.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Lahabrea. He's a lot more popular now that Pandaemonium is a thing, but Lahabrea was one of my favorites in ARR and it hasn't changed at all. I don't need to know his background to take one look at him and go "That's the one for me."
My most popular tweet was me objectifying P8S Phase 2 as well so I mean. This is kind of a well-known one. EVE'S CACKLING AS SHE READS THIS I KNOW SHE IS
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Ratatoskr. I have a snake named after her. She doesn't even appear on screen. She just gets mentioned. It's fine. It's totally fine. I love her.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
I feel like Emet-Selch technically falls under this but to avoid being obnoxious, I'm going to say Hermes, who is just me in a funny hat / sunglasses.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Thancred is my favorite punching bag. He deserves to be bullied a lot even if I adore him (he's my favorite Scion).
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
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Begone, Bitch
Prompts: Hi ! I just wanted to say that i love your stories and the way you write the characters ! If you want, could you write about Virgil being comforted by the other sides, or him getting hurt while protecting the others ? - anon
I am beyond grateful for every fic you write, you are so good at pushing all the right emotional buttons to just make my entire day. I don't want to be greedy since you already make so much good content, but in 'Lie to Me' there was that little one off scene in the kitchen where Virgil pushes Janus behind him to 'protect ' him from Roman and I *cannot* stop thinking about it. I would die for a whole fic of Virgil protecting Janus(and the others, but mostly Janus, I like when people are sweet to the snake boy) from danger by physically shielding him with his body. Overprotective Virgil is my favorite. So this is a prompt/request but only if you really really want to <3 And thank you for writing such wonderful fic. - awitchbravestheverge
Ah yes more opportunities to write in Virgil's narration style.
Read on Ao3
Warnings: none, not really. Some creepy shadow shit from the Subconcious and Virgil gets a little hurt but nothing graphic
Pairings: platonic found family babey
Word Count: 4504
The Subconscious is a nasty piece of work. It’s not quite powerful enough to overtake the Mindscape by itself, Roman and Remus do too good of a job holding the barriers in the Imagination, but that doesn’t mean little shits don’t worm their way through every now and then. Guess who gets the fantastic job of being alert to each and every single one of them?
No fucking prizes for guessing who.
The Subconscious is a nasty piece of work. It’s not quite powerful enough to overtake the Mindscape by itself, Roman and Remus do too good of a job holding the barriers in the Imagination, but that doesn’t mean little shits don’t worm their way through every now and then. Guess who gets the fantastic job of being alert to each and every single one of them?
No fucking prizes for guessing who.
For the most part, Virgil’s able to work undetected. Or, well, no, the others will see him doing shit but they don’t know that’s what he’s doing. He just has to stand between them and whatever gross slimy black thing has crawled its way up from the depths of the Subconscious and it’ll get absorbed. Part of Thomas’s background anxiety until he can banish back to the hellhole from whence it came.
That doesn’t always mean it’s…painless.
Some of them are fine. Some of them are like little misty bits that just putter around where they’re not fucking supposed to be and Virgil can just pluck them out of the air and stuff them into the pockets of his hoodie and wait. These ones really like to bother Patton, for some reason.
Patton’s baking today, cinnamon sugar muffins. He’s humming to himself as he bustles about the kitchen with that weird boundless energy of his that makes everyone want to think about nothing but sunshine. Ruins the hell out of Virgil’s gloomy emo image but hey, fresh muffins. Sacrifices must be made somewhere.
“Did you want to help, Virgil, or are you fine with just sitting there?”
Virgil blinks, having zoned out after the third time watching one of the containers almost fall over. “Nah, I’m good.”
Patton shrugs. “If you change your mind…”
“I won’t, Pat, I’m good. You’re doing great.”
“Aw, thanks!”
Virgil opens his mouth to say something else when he sees a little grey thing twisting in the air next to Patton’s head. He suppresses a sigh and reaches out, careful to make sure Patton’s back is turned as he snags the pesky little thing and whips it away. He stuffs his hand in his pocket as soon as Patton turns around.
“What was that?”
“What was what,” Virgil asks, blinking innocently as he squeezes the icy thing in his pocket, “what’re you talking about?”
Ah, it’s the hands-on-the-hips dad pose today. “I saw you reach for something, mister, now what did you do?”
“Don’t worry about it.” The misty little shit shrivels and disappears, leaving an ice-cold sting on his hand out of sight. “It’s fine.”
“Show me your hands.”
“Show me your hands, Virgil.”
Virgil sighs and pulls the unstung hand out of his pocket. “See,” he says, waving it for good measure, “nothing to see here.”
Patton just raises an eyebrow. “And what about the other one?”
“C’mon, Pat—“ he sighs when both of Patton’s eyebrows go up— “fine, here.”
Patton’s eyes widen when he sees the mark on Virgil’s palm. He rushes forward instantly, cradling the injured hand and reaching for a towel. Conveniently, he gets one that was quite near where the misty thing had been floating.
“You could’ve told me you were hurt,” he says softly, tending to the sting with such tenderness that Virgil almost believes it’s something to worry about, “I would’ve helped.”
“But it’s fine, Pat,” Virgil sighs, “I could’ve dealt with it.”
“I know, I know.” Patton gives the hand one last dab with the towel before pronouncing it good enough. “But it’s never a crime to let us help you, kiddo.”
The corner of Virgil’s mouth tugs up. “Thanks, Pat.”
“Oh, of course, kiddo. Now you sit tight, the muffins won’t be another ten minutes.”
“Can’t wait.”
Sometimes the Subconscious decides it’s bored of letting just the little misty bastards out and lets out the fucking ooze.
Have you ever seen Venom? Know how the symbioses move and how weird it is to look at?
Yeah, it kinda looks like that, just without the gay domesticity and mutual pining.
Nah, this ooze is mindless, just wants to—well, it doesn’t want anything, it just gets fucking everywhere. Makes it real hard to think sometimes, messes everything up.
Really likes fucking with Logan. Which first off, is not allowed. Don’t fuck with Logan. Don’t fuck with any of them, Virgil can and will kick your ass, but especially don’t fuck with Logan. Remus will tear you apart and no one will stop him. Except for Logan. Maybe. ‘Cause he’s nice like that.
Anyway, Virgil gets a weird tingle between his shoulders when there’s an oozy bitch up and about. He’s sitting on the couch, minding his own damn business, but then there’s that itch between his shoulders and he perks his head up.
Logan sits in a chair, alternating between scrolling on his laptop and making notes in one of his many notebooks. Virgil frowns, looking around, seeing if there’s any goo to keep track of, only to come up with nothing. Huh.
Logan tilts his head, concerned. “Are you alright? You look worried.”
He shakes his head, still squinting around the room. “Weird feeling, that’s it.”
“Will you let me know if it gets unbearable?” Virgil nods. “Thank you. Well, I’m going to get some more coffee, would you like any?”
“Uh, yeah, sure, L, that’d be great.”
Logan nods and stands, going to the kitchen. Leaving his laptop unattended on the coffee table.
Virgil watches as a truly massive ooze slides out from between the couch cushions and toward the laptop.
Not today you slimy bastard.
Unfortunately, he’s just a second too slow as a tendril from the ooze touches the laptop and yanks, pulling the laptop off the coffee table and sending it hurtling toward the floor. Virgil bites back a curse and lunges. His hand grabs the ooze just as his arm catches the laptop.
“Get back here, you little shit,” he grunts, opening his hand and using his power to suck the frothing fucker into his arm where it can go the fuck back to the Subconscious.
“Virgil, you—“
Virgil looks up, a little guilty, as Logan comes back around the corner holding two coffee mugs. He looks down and raises an eyebrow.
“You…saved my laptop?”
“It was falling,” Virgil mutters, setting the precious cargo back on the coffee table, “didn’t want it to.”
“Ah. Well, thank you. I appreciate it.” Logan sets one of the coffee mugs down and reaches out a hand to help him up. “Though I assure you it is not the first time that laptop has been dropped.”
“What do you do with your stuff, Lo, I swear you make more cryptic remarks about it than J.”
“It’s all part of the experiment.”
“See, there you go again!”
And then, then sometimes the Subconscious decides oh, it wants to get inventive and spawn this horrific little ooze-demons. Goat head, four legs, runs about like a creepy little horror game creature, they’re fucking awful. They don’t all look the same but they’re always running and climbing about like some gross as hellcat gremlins. Their nails are so sharp.
These fuckers really like messing with Janus. He’s got too many fun things to pull on, too many heavy clothes for them to pull and make him trip, and they like scurrying up his staff too much. They’re absolute fucking nightmares.
The good news is they’re by far the most obvious of the obnoxious little shits that manage to slip through the barriers of the Subconscious. Virgil hears a weird skittering in his ears and knows that one of the little monsters is loose again. Given how they all flock to Janus like he’s some fucking homing beacon, it’s easy to find them.
Janus is pacing back and forth, yanking angrily at the end of his clothes like they’re about to snag on something, his staff clutched in his hand. His head is down, muttering to himself as Virgil walks up.
His head whips around. “Oh. Virgil. Certainly expected to see you here.”
“That’s me, always turning up where I’m not wanted.”
“I didn’t say that,” Janus mumbles, resuming his pacing, “though I didn’t mean to summon you. You can go.”
“You didn’t summon me, J,” Virgil says, leaning against the wall and looking around for wherever the bastards are, “I’m here of my own free will.”
“Free will,” Janus scoffs, turning around, “what the hell even is that?”
Out of the corner of his eye, Virgil spots movement.
“It’s not like there’s some master document of humans where free will is written into it.”
Slowly, Virgil raises his hand toward the spot, not tearing his eyes off it.
“And the belief that animals don’t have it! Ha, some of them exhibit characteristics of choice much more than we do.”
The little fucker snaps at his fingers as he makes a grab for it. He snags it by the scruff of the beck and yanks.
“And what is this about it being provable? Show me one scientific theory that has space in it for free will. Do it, I dare you.”
Virgil bites back a curse as he wrests the pesky shit around the middle, ignoring the way it chomps and snarls at him.
“Just because you have or don’t have free will doesn’t make you exempt from the constraints of society. Even if you aren’t making your own choices that doesn’t mean you’re the exception to the consequences.”
The teeth that sink into the sleeve of his hoodie are the last to vanish as Virgil breathes out, watching the last of it fade as Janus turns around.
“Sorry,” he mumbles, tugging his hat and gloves, “haven’t been…”
“S’okay, J,” Virgil waves with the hoodie sleeve that isn’t ripped, “you’re good. Come on, let’s go eat something.”
“Sure thing, danger noodle.”
“Ugh, I take it back.”
“Whatever you say, hazard macaroni.”
“I’m taller than you!”
It makes sense that the Subconscious decides to send the most insidious shit after the twins. They’re the reason the pieces of shit monsters can’t make it up to the rest of them. And for the most part, they know what to look for. They don’t have the same awareness of all the little idiosyncrasies that Virgil does, but they beat back a fair number of them on their own.
Which is why the ones they can’t are tricky.
Remus is Dark Creativity, he lives in the muck with the monsters. Thrives in it. Loves the way the gross and the unwanted and the sickening twist and turn about his realm, thrills in the horrified swoop in his stomach when something truly gruesome rears its ugly fuckin’ head.
What he can’t deal with is the fog.
The first time Virgil saw it, he honestly thought it was smoke. He thought Remus had set something on fire and panicked, reaching through to try and find the blaze, find Remus, find a goddamn fire extinguisher, but it was cold.
Like…really cold.
You know how when the air is really humid it feels like it has a weight to it? Like it hangs over you like a wet rag that you just can’t shake off?
Imagine that but cold.
Virgil shivers and reaches forward, trying to find Remus. He’s still never gotten used to it, even though he’s seen it so many times now. Remus doesn’t make it out of his room when the fog comes. He blames it on creative block but Janus always hisses gently when he says that.
“Remus? Remus,” Virgil calls using his tempest tongue, “where are you, buddy?”
He can’t see Remus yet, but the call did its work. The fog ripples in front of him, almost shying away from the sound waves as he moves. He keeps calling, keeps watching the fog almost flinch as it recedes from him. His voice grows louder, louder. The fog begins to retreat in earnest.
Finally, he sees Remus, curled up on his bed, staring at the wall. Virgil muffles a curse as he strides forward, crooning as softly as he can in tempest tongue while glaring furiously at the fog as it sheepishly retreats. As the last of it fizzles, Remus’s head comes to flop on Virgil’s shoulder.
“Hey, spider-ling,” he mumbles, “when’d you show up?”
“A few minutes ago.” Virgil brushes Remus’s hair off his forehead. “You looked upset, bud, wanted to come check on you.”
“Fucking fine,” comes the slur, signifying that Remus is anything but, “I’m fucking fine, babe.”
“You’re exhausted and cold.” Virgil scoops him up into his arms. “Come on. Let’s go find J. He’ll spoil you.”
Sure enough, as soon as Janus sees Remus lying in Virgil’s arms, he jumps up with a coo and takes the other side from him, lying him down on something warm and promising to get him something warm to drink. No, Remus, not engine fuel. Something safer, at least for right now.
Virgil stands at the door, waiting.
There’s an itch between his shoulders and another chill down his spine.
A cloud of fog emerges from down the hallway. From it, three shadow gremlins canter toward him.
He grits his teeth and braces.
The first one collides with his shoulder and he grabs it, squeezing until the shadow folds in on itself. The second hits his shin and he punts it into a wall, scooping the remnants and absorbing them. The third one vanishes in a quick shout of tempest tongue.
You’re not gonna get them, he thinks as he shouts the fog away, not on my goddamn watch.
The worst part of the Subconscious is the shadows.
Because they all have shadows. They all do. That’s just the nature of being an opaque thing and existing in proximity near light sources. Shadows are a natural by-product of blocking light, that’s it.
Wow, he’s been spending more time with Logan than he thought. Sweet.
But the Subconscious shadows are different. There’s no such thing as dark. Only an absence of light. There is no substance known as ‘dark,’ sure there’s dark energy or dark matter if you go the physics route, but there isn’t a thing ‘dark’ the way there’s a thing ‘light.’
If you looked at the Subconscious shadows, you’d believe otherwise.
They look normal. They look just like normal shadows. Something resting against the wall casts a shadow. Something moving in front of a window casts a shadow. Something sitting on the edge of the desk casts a shadow.
But these shadows move.
You have to pay such close attention to even catch them. You have to know precisely what on your desk is casting what part of the shadow when—hold on, what is that? Is it the water bottle? No, you pick up the water bottle and the cylinder two spaces across move. So you pick up the lamp and no, that’s not it either. You move your hand—your hand’s shadow is easy to track—and you move it to where it should be overlapping with whatever’s casting that shadow. You look closer. But there’s nothing blocking the light where your hand is, nothing between the light and the wall.
You stare at the shadow.
And then it moves.
See? They’re fucking terrifying. Like some Peter Pan gone wrong shit. Creepy, sinister, innocuous-looking, you’ve got to be constantly on guard to catch them. You have to be smart. These ones, out of all the Subconscious monsters, feel the most spiteful. Like they’re doing this on purpose, to terrorize the Mindscape.
That’s probably why they go for Roman.
Roman holds the barriers the most. Remus pushes them to reinforce them, but Roman draws the lines in the sand. Roman is responsible for keeping Thomas safe from the barriers breaking, is largely responsible for Thomas being able to see the Sides at all.
So of course the Subconscious hates him.
Roman is the only one who will summon Virgil when he thinks there’s something wrong. Sure, it’s never been quite as simple as Virgil showing up and Roman telling him he’s scared, he thinks something just moved. They used to just throw barbs at each other until Roman was distracted enough for Virgil to suck up the shadow, or fight until Virgil pointed out where it was and Roman said it was just a test, but they’re better now.
Virgil appears in Roman’s room and immediately looks around. Roman sits on the bed, his hands folded primly over the sword in his lap, polishing the pommel with forced calm.
“There are at least three,” he says, his voice perfectly even, “I can’t keep track of them anymore.”
“It’s okay, Princey,” Virgil says softly, turning and turning to try and catch them, “I’m here now. You did a good thing calling me. Are you alright?”
“I’m here,” Roman says, forcing a little false cheer into it, “not the biggest fan of what’s happening, but I’m here.”
Virgil smiles at him briefly before he sees the flicker.
“Roman,” he says calmly, “I need you to go stand by the window.”
Roman gets up and walks to the window, sitting under the sill and closing his eyes. Virgil grits his teeth and makes his shadow overlap with the one on the wall.
It burns as he starts to absorb it, writhing in protest and screeching silently for the others to come help. Sweat begins to bead on Virgil’s forehead as two move shadows race to enlarge his silhouette. Goddamn, they’re vicious tonight. What the hell would they have done to Roman if he hadn’t called?
Not on my goddamn watch.
He’s panting by the time they’re gone, but he’s alright. He’s good. They’re gone. Roman is safe. He turns and opens his arms, letting Roman come and bury his face in the crook of his neck.
“Thank you,” Roman murmurs quietly, “sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, Princey, this is my job.” He claps Roman on the shoulder. “You did good too.”
Roman huffs. “I sat in the corner. That’s not much.”
“And you did great. Now come on, Pat’s making cookies.”
“Oh, right, is it Remus’s night to help?”
“Hmmm…maybe we should swing by and warn Logan first.”
“Good idea.”
Nothing’s happened in a while and Virgil is getting worried.
Normally the longest they go without an incident is a month, maybe, and then it’s normally back-to-back nonsense for like a week.
But it’s been three months. And nothing. No misty tendrils, no puddles of ooze, no snapping gremlins, no fog, no shadows. Virgil’s just about on the verge of running a round-the-clock patrol of the damn place just to make sure he doesn’t miss anything.
As it turns out, he needn’t have bothered.
Stupid, stupid. Idiot.
He fucking missed it. He fucking missed it.
All the other Sides had monsters that went after them specifically. Why should Virgil get left out?
The Subconscious hadn’t been stopping, or slowing down, no. It had been biding its fucking time.
And now…
Virgil scrambles backward, trying to keep himself between the door to the Imagination and the figure in front of him. They slash at him again and he dodges just in the nick of time. He winces, claps a hand to his chest, and literally feels his heart skip a beat as his hand passes right through.
He’s being absorbed.
The figure raises a dripping, shadowy arm and brings the weapon down again. Virgil can’t stop dodging long enough to get a good look at it. He only knows that it fucking hurts and that it’s draining him. Draining him back into the Subconscious.
If he can just keep it here, if he can just hold off long enough to figure out what to do—
Another slash comes down on his arm and he yells, tempest tongue dying in his throat. That one fucking hurt.
He throws a handful of dirt up just to see if maybe it will blind them or give them a moment’s pause but no. The dirt just sinks into it like some fucking nightmare vacuum. The next strike collides.
“Virgil? Virgil?”
“What the fuck is that thing?”
“It’s draining him, move!”
“Hang on, Virgil, we’re coming!”
“Don’t you fucking dare hit him again!”
The figure turns, only to jump out of the way when Remus’s Morningstar smashes into the ground where they had been standing. Remus growls, ripping it out of the soil and swinging again. The figure parries the blow only to let out an inhuman wail as Roman’s sword slices its arm.
“Get the fuck away from him,” Remus snarls.
“Back!” Roman swings again, driving them away from Virgil. “Back, foul beast!”
“Don’t insult them by comparing the beasts to whatever the fuck this is.”
Logan rushes up before Virgil can open his mouth to ask what the fuck is going on, dropping to his knees and pressing something warm to Virgil’s chest.
“Virge? Virge, stay with me,” he calls softly, “come on, it’s alright, we’re here now.”
“How—“ Virgil gasps as his chest starts to…resolidify? “How did you—what? How?”
“Oh, Virgil,” Logan murmurs, rubbing whatever the miracle thing on his chest is in small circles, “did you really think we never noticed that you were trying to fight them by yourself?”
Oh, fuck.
“Shh,” he soothes, helping Virgil up into a seated position, “it’s okay. We’re not mad. Just worried. You’re hurt.”
“Just stab them, Ro.”
“I’m trying!”
Despite himself, Virgil huffs a laugh as he leans against Logan. “Are they—we should help.”
“You,” Logan says sternly, “will sit here and let me finish making sure you won’t be drained. The twins can handle themselves.”
Still, Virgil’s heart stays in his throat until he spies something else running up the hill. A shadow beast, a massive one.
“Logan, look out—”
Logan turns and—
Who the fuck gave Logan a gun?
The shadow beast has flopped over onto its side and dissipated, Logan already back to tending to Virgil’s wound but the time Virgil’s dizzy, half-drained brain figures out what just happened.
“You…you shot it.”
Logan quirks an eyebrow. “You sound surprised.”
“Get back!”
“What the hell is it doing?”
“It’s growing, shit, Ro, we gotta fall back.”
“Guard Logan, check on Virgil, I’m right behind you!”
The twins rush up and form a guard around Logan and Virgil as the shadow figure swells. Virgil’s eyes widen as it growls, growing larger and larger and larger still until the shadows look strapped at the seams, fit to burst. It grows claws. It grows teeth. It grows more limbs than he can count.
It leers down at them and opens a gaping, black maw.
Roman crouches down to shield him as dirt flies up around them. Logan bends in too as something equally massive soars overhead. Virgil manages to peek between Roman and Remus to see a blur of green tackle the monster.
“Is that…is that Patton?”
“I believe it’s ‘Lily Pad-ton,’” Logan corrects wryly as the twins snicker, “but…yes.”
Judging by the roar of the monster, he’s doing something.
“Where’s Janus,” he hears Roman hiss, “he should’ve been here by now.”
Remus points and Virgil spots a fucking enormous yellow snake unhinging its jaw. The monster howls as it starts to vanish down the snake’s gullet.
“Holy fuck.”
“I think Janny’s hungry.”
“Pissed off, more like.” Roman lays a hand protectively on Virgil’s shoulder, squeezing encouragingly as Virgil gasps at the contact. “Whatever that thing is hurt Virgil.”
Remus growls in assent.
The thing in Virgil’s chest starts to burn hotter. Logan shushes him gently as he whines in pain.
“It’s alright, Virgil, you’re almost done. We’re right here, just breathe.”
“You’re safe, sweetheart,” Roman murmurs as he starts to list side to side, “we’ve got you.”
“Nothing’s gonna fucking touch you,” he hears Remus snarl as he passes out, “promise.”
He comes to an indeterminate amount of time later, laid out on the couch, his head in Patton’s lap. He blinks.
“Hey, kiddo,” Patton murmurs, stroking his hair, “you feel any better?”
“Um, yeah,” he mumbles, turning a little and wincing at the pull in his chest, “what…what happened?”
“We won.” Roman pats his arm. “All safe now. You did great.”
“All I did was lie there.”
“Yeah, and you did great.” He winks.
Virgil’s gaze rolls around to catch Logan setting down a glass of water and crouching by his head.
“You’re all better physically,” Logan says softly, “but it might take some time for you to feel like it. Just take it easy for a while.”
“And that means,” comes Remus’s voice from over the couch, “you gotta let us help defend you too.”
Virgil flushes. “But it’s not your job.”
“Are you insinuating that our job is not to take care of you?” Roman holds his hand to his chest in a mock gasp. “Because that is rude.”
Patton gives his hair a gentle tug. “We’re gonna look after you, kiddo, you deserve it.”
“I—um…” Virgil swallows heavily. “But if I dealt with it properly you wouldn’t have to.”
A soft hiss comes from the chair. Virgil looks and sees Janus sitting there, one leg crossed over the other. He smiles softly.
“You can let us help you, sweetie,” he murmurs, “rest for a little. Don’t try and take on the Subconscious by yourself.”
“…okay.” He squints. “Wait, why are you all the way over there?”
“Digesting,” Janus says, completely dignified.
Virgil snorts. “I’m just sad I missed it.”
“Oh, it was fucking epic.”
“Language, kiddo.”
“Oh, come on, you were great—“
Logan chuckles next to his head as Virgil drifts back off to sleep with a smile on his face.
…he is gonna ask who gave Logan a gun after he wakes up properly.
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Turning Pages - Chapter 8
Intrulogical bookshop au! Read the whole thing on ao3 here. 
Remus had really tried not to be stalker-y when he texted Virgil for Logan’s work hours that morning. He just wanted to surprise the cute boy who had been filling his thoughts up! And it had worked, because here Logan was letting him drag him out for dinner. Not only that...but Logan trusted him! It made his gay little heart sing.
“A diner?” Logan questioned as they sat down in a booth. The place was mostly deserted despite it being peak season on the boardwalk. Luckily their home town was just far enough from the water to not be a tourist trap.
“My favorite diner. It...used to be better, but the owner died a while ago and his daughter didn’t wanna inherit the place. But she did. At least she kept the staff because Ed in the back knows how to make a killer burger,” Remus explained with a grin. “You wore your new tie today.”
“I did, and though it was mostly hidden behind the apron, it was a somewhat nice change to my usual rounds of blue ties,” Logan said, looking over the menu with slight distrust. “I saw you and Cthuwu had a wonderful day together. I liked the pictures you updated me with throughout the day.”
“I’m glad! I took him to meet Jan and Jan’s snakes, and then him and I went on a ride and I’m immensely happy he didn’t fall off the back of the bike. He’s in the saddle bag now, napping I imagine. It’s been a long day for a little stuffed octopus.”
“You’re quite good at giving personalities to inanimate objects,” Logan observed, deciding he was just going to get whatever Remus got since the other clearly knew the place better.
“Yeah, it’s a skill of mine.”
“Is this akin to an average day of yours? Just...filling your time with whatever you want to do?”
“Well. yeah. I’m not a college person, and I’ve hit a wall with the latest piece I’ve been working on. Apparently being an artist is just as bad as being a writer when it comes to creative blocks…”
“You’re an artist?” Logan asked with a small smile. “I should have known. You had paint smeared on your cheek when you came to Patton’s book reading. I assumed you were just messy.”
“Well, I am messy, but absolutely, Loganberry. I’ll show you my stuff sometime. I can never pick a medium, so it’s pretty inconsistent.”
“Somehow that does fit in with your, ah…’vibe’. Did I use that correctly?”
“Sure did, babes,” Remus winked.
The waiter came over to take their orders and Remus put his in for a bacon cheeseburger and asked for a note to be put down for Ed in the back that it was him. Logan asked for the same thing, just with no tomatoes.
“You got a tomato vendetta?” Remus asked with a chuckle.
“Awful texture. Slimy goo with little seeds inside...I cannot stand them,” Logan replied, scrunching his nose up.
“Aw...you’re adorable, you know that?” Remus said, leaning forward on his hands.
“Oh, well…” Logan’s cheeks started to turn pink. “I suppose if you find a hatred of Solanum lycopersicums adorable then, yes.”
“Solanum...I have no clue what you said, but I certainly liked the way you said it,” Remus grinned. “Though your hatred of tomatoes isn’t the sexiest thing about you, it certainly makes the list.”
“Well, now you’re just flirting.”
“Yes,” Remus laughed. “Have been for a while, but thank you for finally noticing, Specs.”
“Oh, apologies. I’m not the best at picking up on such things.” “I noticed” Remus smiled. “But it’s okay. According to many people, I never know when to shut the fuck up or tone it down, so we both suck.”
“You’ve been quite good thus far, I hadn’t noticed. Well, except when you screamed in the bookshop. That was rather crass.”
“That bookshop,” Remus smiled fondly. “Do you wanna tell me what’s up with you and that bookshop? I can tell you really love that place. There has to be a story there, right?”
“A story? Hardly. I simply did not connect with my peers as a child, and as a result I spent most of my time in Mr. Sanders’ shop and then started working there when I was of age,” Logan shrugged. “I find the shop comforting, and I am in charge when Mr. Sanders goes away, which is quite often actually. But I don’t mind. The bookshop makes me happy.”
“That’s totally a story, babes,” Remus chuckled, nodding a thanks as their food was brought out. Nothing special, exactly what you would expect from a run down diner, though a bottle of hot sauce was placed on the table right after which he happily grabbed. “And it’s cute. It’s nice that you have something like that.”
“Do you have a metaphorical - or physical - bookshop?” Logan asked, taking the ketchup bottle from the end of the table. Seems his hatred of tomatoes only applied to solid ones.
“Do I have a thing that makes me happy?” Remus asked. “I dunno. Lots of stuff. I like riding my motorcycle and watching horror movies...and visiting Duke at the aquarium. Painting, Halloween, going to the Renaissance fair with Ro...all those are things that make me happy.”
“Those are valid, but I meant in a larger sense,” Logan said. “For example, at the bookshop I feel as if I have a purpose which is psychologically very important for humans. I suppose I’m asking if you feel as though you have something that gives you that.”
“Pretty deep for second date conversation,” Remus said, smile faltering for a moment as he looked down at his food.
“Apologies, I did not-”
“No, no. It’s all good,” he assured. “I’m not one to really keep secrets or anything. I just...don’t. Have a purpose that is. I’m workin’ on finding it, but nothing ever really seems to fit right. Y’know? And, hey, I’m a lucky enough person to be able to try stuff out until I find a fit. Not everyone has that luxury.”
Logan nodded, giving Remus a slight smile. “That’s okay, I’m certain you’ll find your metaphorical bookshop one day.”
“Thanks, Lo,” Remus replied, expression softening at the other for a moment before he took a deep breath. “Okay! Okay, pro tip here...douse everything in hot sauce. You’ll thank me.”
Logan did not douse everything in hot sauce, he claimed he wasn’t a fan of spicy foods. Remus was, though, and did just what he had suggested. They talked more about what they each did in their free time, and Remus really found he liked spending time with Logan. He was cute, sure...but he was adorable on the inside too. Remus was definitely developing more than a crush on Mr. Berry. When the time came to pay he covered the check without a second thought.
“We could have split it,” Logan said after he had paid.
“Why? This is a date. I wanted to pay,” Remus shrugged, looking outside. It was sunset. “Wanna go for a beach walk? You said you could tolerate sand.”
“I did say that, didn’t I?” Logan said, looking out to the beach. “Very well. We can go for a walk.”
Remus grinned, standing up the second his card was handed back and taking Logan’s hand which he noticed got another pink cheeked reaction from the nerd. They headed down to the beach, walking along the edge of the water, far enough away that nobody’s shoes would get wet. The summer nights were quite chilly on the shore, so the beach wasn’t terribly full. Remus only let go of Logan’s hand to go chase some seagulls, regretting the choice when the seagulls chased him back. Birds had been doing that a lot to him lately, there must be an anti-Remus bird conspiracy going. That was what he explained to Logan as he grabbed the other’s hand and fled from the birds. Their walk ended as the sun was gone from below the horizon with them both slightly out of breath and back at Remus’ motorcycle.
“In my defense...they usually don’t chase back,” he explained.
“It would seem this time they did,” Logan replied, brushing a hand through his hair to keep it neat. “But...that was certainly exhilarating in it’s own way. I can’t say I’ve ever run from seagulls before.”
“First time for everything,” Remus laughed, meeting Logan’s eye.
And, shit. He wanted to kiss Logan. He really wanted to kiss Logan. It would be so easy, just lean forward and smooch...but it was their second date and what if Logan didn’t want to kiss him.
“Remus, are you alright?” Logan asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh, yeah. Totally, Specs,” Remus said, pulling himself out of that moment. “C’mon, let's get you home.”
“Yes, home seems good. I forget the sun goes down quite late sometimes,” Logan said, taking his borrowed helmet when it was offered to him. “I’m actually starting to somewhat enjoy riding the motorcycle with you.”
“Well, good! I like riding with you too, mon amour.”
Remus shoved his own helmet onto his head, getting on the bike and starting it as Logan climbed onto the back. He smiled when he felt the other’s arms secure around his waist and headed off. He parked outside of Logan’s building, getting off after Lo to say a proper goodbye.
“I will see you next time I see you,” Remus said, taking Logan’s helmet back with a smile. “I had fun on our spontaneous little date.”
Logan seemed to ponder for a moment before taking a deep breath and speaking, “Would you like to come up for some tea? I usually have a cup to relax around this time anyway...and I have lots of tea…”
“Heh, sure, Loganberry. I’ll come up for some tea,” Remus smiled, taking Logan’s hand again and following him inside.
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Lamia Drama Part 5
It’s ya boi Oozy. Apparently my brain deeply desires to touch on some potentially uncomfortable subjects today. Warnings for a completely made up medical condition - that is NOT meant to depict anything irl and any similarity to such is completely unintentional on my part - being treated with some seriousness as a chronic condition that does impact Oozy’s life.
Also skirts the line a bit between Corny laziness, general Sansitude, and feelings of guilt and depression. And touch starvation. But thankfully the snake DOES get pet in this and he ends the chapter happy ^u^
The Corny species of lamia belongs to @vex-bittys
           Oozy was laying in his hammock, a thing patched together from whatever they make raincoats from, as almost always. He could get down, but then someone would have to deal with the mess. Besides, one of the staff had gotten him a waterproof phone long ago. The hammock was coated in a layer of slime… as was he. As always. Most people found it gross, but he’d been born with it.
           Despite what some might think, snakes aren’t slimy… usually. He was a rare exception to that. No one could figure out why, it wasn’t anything wrong with him physically… So far as they could tell his soul just thought he was an amphibian or something. Maybe he should join the Kraits, but they didn’t seem overly fond of his weird magic-mucus either (not that they’d ever say it). Heh. But for real, the best theory anyone had was either that he did have some kind of amphibian magic-gene that wasn’t working right, or that for some reason his soul couldn’t process magic quite right, making a sort of buildup of inert magical sludge. Possibly both. So yeah, he was a slimy boy.
           If he showered more often it’d probably be manageable, but then some worker would have to clean up after him on the way to the shower and they’d have to rinse the hammock off too or else there’d be little point in showering in the first place, and if he was taking two or three showers a day, when would anyone else? Plus that’s just a lot of showers. Nah, it’s easier for everyone to just not. Or maybe those are just excuses, but hey, he’s a lazybones, born and bred.
           Oozy sits there in a half-daze, only partly awake as his hammock slowly sways. There was a podcast going on in his ears but he was only half-listening. Somehow he’d gotten from DnD advice to doctors? More likely he just hit a button by accident. Regardless of how he got here, her voice is soothing, even if he probably doesn’t need to know much about orthopedics. It’s enough to make him want to nap…
           Until footsteps come by. He waits for them to pass, but they don’t. He peaks an eye open to see a girl pacing back and forth, occasionally stealing glances at the nursery. Looks like they’ve got a new volunteer. Well, he should introduce himself then.
           “Yo, sup,” Oozy says. He stretches his arms and neck, joints popping, and pushes his upper body up onto the fake-trees holding his hammock up so he can get a better view of her. His nose flicks and he impulsively says, “Ya smell like dirt.”
           “Hmm? Oh, yeah, I work in a greenhouse.” Dear lord she was loud. Not upset or yelling or anything, but she could rival a full grown Papython.
           “Ah, they bring you in to get us more real plants or something? I don’t know if they can have indoor trees though.”
           “Probably not. Most trees aren’t really shade-plants anyways, and even if they were, they can’t grow strong enough without wind.”
           “Really? Huh, weird. But I’ll take your word for it,” Oozy says. He removes a little more of himself from the slimy confines of his hammock, draping himself over the tree and leaning his upper body down so he’s closer to her level. “So, why are you here then? Looking to adopt? I think you’ve gone too far then.” There weren’t many to adopt this far back. There wasn’t officially a “permanent residency” ward or anything, and theoretically anyone could get adopted, but let’s face it, they weren’t going to. They were hidden in the back for a reason, you’d have to be looking for a special case to even reach him.
           “I heard there’s DnD.”
           Oozy blinks a few times, then chuckles, “Well alright then!” Not the answer he expected, but okay. “They advertising it now?”
           “I mean, apparently yeah! Though in retrospect, I think you were expected to come with a lamia…” The girl looked down,
           Oozy shrugged, “Maybe. They have community events now and then and stuff.” Or maybe they were trying to get some of them out of there. No reason it couldn’t be both.
           The girl nodded. “So, uh… I followed someone, they had gold teeth? The DM. Then one of the cobra ones wanted me to leave, and, uh… Should I go?”
           Keith had taken her to the nursery, hadn’t he? “Nah, Keith just did something dumb. Whatcha thinking of playing?” He was curious how she was going to be worked in. They pretty well had their bases covered already. Red was the Tank and melee fighter, Trousle was the party face, Nikolai had healing and support covered, Liam was the other party face who really liked fireballs (freaking sorcerers), and… Well, Oozy himself was mostly just there to goof around. He’d made a ranger and had an Giant Owl (maybe not on the list, but Keith was nice enough to give him an upgrade since rangers were kinda bad in 5e) as his animal companion. The “hoo” jokes flew left and right! What could he say, him and his Giant Owl, Hoodini, were birds of a feather.
           “I mean, I figured I’d see what you guys already have? Warlocks are one of my favorites – patrons are basically built in lore – but Druids are a mood and Martials can be fun too. Sometimes you just wanna smash stuff with a big hammer, y’know?”
           “Mood.” Oozy said. “Well, we could probably use another full martial, but ask Hux, that’s sorta his thing, y’know?”
           The girl nodded. “Sounds good.”
           “Heh, yeah. Name’s Oozy by the way. Who are you?”
           “Nice to meet ya Alex. I’d shake your hand, but, well…” He held his hands up, shrugging. A drop of slime hit the floor.
           “Are you okay by the way? You’re kinda…” She made a vague hand motion, squirming in place.
           “Eh, I live with it. Called Oozy for a reason, y’know?” Oozy said.
           “… can I touch it? Or you? Both?”
           Oozy blinked a few times, surprised. “Uh… sure? If ya want?” He crawled a little further down, looping around the tree to keep himself stable. The girl’s hand reached out and touched his head. It was rather nice, actually. He found himself leaning into it, the gentle strokes feeling warm and tingly despite her hands being cold. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts, right? His tail relaxes some as he sinks into the feeling, eyes shutting.
           Well, if she wants to keep petting him, he’s not going to stop her. This feels great. Hopefully she’s not just trying to be nice, but she seems pretty wrapped up in it herself, running her fingers through the layer of goo that had built up and down to the bone below. Oozy was vaguely aware that he was dripping all over the floor (and probably on her shoes, but they were caked in dirt and scuffs anyways), but y’know what, it was someone else’s problem. He started to reach out instinctively, wanting to wrap around her and cuddle, but she drew back.
           “Uh… sorry. I don’t really like my clothes getting wet… It’s really uncomfortable.”
           Something in him deflated, soul feeling heavy, but he put on a lax smile and nodded, “Eh, don’t worry about it.” Just keep petting him, please…
           “It’s alright. Heh, it feels kinda cool, y’know? Maybe not exactly like slime, but, like… It’s fun to play with.” Pause. “That’s a weird thing to say, huh?”
           Oozy snorted, “A little, but I ain’t gonna complain.”
           “Can I…?” She pointed to his tail.
           “Go for it.”
           Her fingers stroked down the length of his scales and he shuddered. It didn’t feel bad or sexual or anything, but it’d been a while since anyone had stroked him. Dear lord how did he go so long without this? He wanted nothing more than to wrap around her in a full body cuddle, to just run fingers through her hair and vice versa, to just get any kind of physical contact from someone. He was starving for it. Tears sprung to his eyesockets but he blinked them away before she could see. It was just so nice…
           “Thank ya,” he whispered, voice coming out choked.
           “Are you alright?”
           “Yeah… Yeah.” His soul felt a little lighter and he smiled in earnest, “Heh, feels good to get some of this off me.” Maybe he should take a shower today… The floor was a mess anyways after all. But it’s fine, it’s tile. It’d mop up. “Thanks.”
           “No problem. I think you feel cool.”
           “I mean, I am a reptile.” He snorted at himself, finally just saying fuck it and crawling down to sprawl on the floor like a limp, happy noodle. “I mean, probably.” There was a slight chance he was an amphibian after all.
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angelpringle · 5 years
Happy Birthday Dee-Dee
Words: 353
Pairings: familial intrumoceit (Remus, Patton, Deceit)
A/N: I meant to have this out sooner today but y'know life happens. Anyway happy birthday to everyone's favorite slimy boi Deceit!
"Papa! Papa!" five year old Remus called with a grin on his face.
"Yes?" Patton answered peeking around the corner.
"I want to get Dee-Dee a present for his birthday!"
"That's a great idea buddy!" Patton grabbed the car keys and grabbed Remus by the hand and lead him to the car. "Where are we going to get his present?"
"The pet store!" Remus showed Patton various pictures of snakes he had found. "I want to get Dee-Dee a snake."
"How thoughtful of you. He's been wanting a snake for years and this year we can afford one." They pulled up to pet store and stepped inside. The noises of barking dogs, meowing cats, and hamsters running on their wheels was everywhere. A worker with a name tag that read 'Thomas' walked up to Patton and Remus.
"Hiya folks, I'm Thomas and welcome to Sanders' pet store! What kind of animal are you folks lookin' for today?"
"Snakes!" Remus squealed.
"Awesome follow me and I'll show you where we keep the snakes." Thomas said taking them to the section of the sore that contained the snakes."I'll leave you guys to it. Come and see me at the register when you've picked one." Thomas walked back to the front of the store.
Remus carefully looked at each snake, finally deciding on a black and yellow one."This one! I want this one Papa."
"Very nice choice, I'm sure Devon will be very happy." Patton smiled at the beaming child. He picked up the cage and brout it to the front desk to purchase it.
They drove home and as soon as they pulled up in the driveway, Remus ran inside. "Dee-Dee look at what I bought you!" he said holding up the cage.
Devon gasped in suprise, "Woah you got me a snake!? Best birthday ever! Thanks little bro!" Debon ruffled Remus' hair.
"You're welcome Dee-Dee! Whatcha gonna name him?"
"Hm…" Devon looked over the snake. "He seems fast and sharp, I think I'll call him Striker."
"That's a cool name," Remus wrapped his arm around Devon in a hug."Happy Birthday Dee-Dee!"
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quiche-pocket · 5 years
A Mad New Year
Happy New Year darling babes! This is a few days late, but I am determined to write a bit more this year and not even a cold or the flu will get me down! (Yet anyways...) So. That being said. Have some Mads and Burger girl new years fun! It’s not as smutty as I had planned but I just love writing the contrast between her life and his and then when they slip into the other’s world it’s my favorite thing. Please let me know if you want to be tagged or removed and I’m sorry if I forgot anyone! 
A/N and warnings: No real warnings for this except a bit of language and some bathroom sex at the Wolves warehouse. The character of Sos is from the show Kriger (Warrior). 
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The Wolves had a tradition. Every New Year they would ride out to the river and party and set off fireworks and cause a bit of chaos before heading back to the clubhouse to finish out the night and pass out there with whoever was around to provide a little company and physical release. Tom or Søs would bring girls by to keep the men happy and semi calm for the night. You had known this night was coming but you and Mads hadn’t talked about it yet which is why you were sitting on the edge of the bed watching him get ready with a stony look on your face.  
“Dolly I can’t miss it. It’s tradition and the boys won’t let me stay away. I promise not to do anything or get too drunk. Once everyone goes back to the clubhouse and gets drunk I’ll come home to you, I promise. Don’t be upset, I don’t want to go either!” He looked so earnest, like a puppy, but you couldn’t shake the insecurities you were feeling.  
“But you’re all going to be there and all going to be drunk and smoking and who knows what else. I just want to know why I can’t come.” If anyone asks you’re definitely not pouting, but Mads comes over and kisses your lips softly, kneeling down to take your hands in his.  
“Baby doll I know you want to come, I wish I didn’t have to leave you home, but it’s really not safe for you. And the reason is all those things you just said. The guys will be out of control tonight and I don’t want you to be there and having to deal with that, do you understand? I promise I will come right home to you as soon as there’s a chance to escape. Okay?” He squeezes your hands and stands again. You look up at him and pucker your lips for another kiss. Mads kisses you again, tongue snaking out to flick over your lips and fisting one hand in your hair. He groans softly when you nip at his lips and squeeze his biceps.  
“You’d better come home coherent enough to bang in the new year. And if I find out you kiss someone else before me at midnight I’m going to make you sleep on the couch the whole year, do you hear me Mads?” He laughs and nods.
“Yes, Dolly, you’re it. My last kiss of this year and my first of the next, you have my word.” He kisses you fiercely one last time and goes back in the bathroom to finish putting his hair up in his typical bun. He’d forgone the jogging pants for nicely fitted dark jeans and a tight black shirt. You took the time to admire how his jeans hugged his ass and the stretch of the fabric over his broad shoulders. You didn’t want to leave him alone at that party and an idea started forming in your head. If he wasn’t going to take you then you’d find your way there yourself.
 When Mads went to put his boots and jacket on, you set your plan in motion. Taking off your clothes you wrapped in a short robe and met him at the door. One last ditch effort to get him to stay home a bit longer or not leave at all. He was slipping into his jacket and turning to see you stalking toward him with a look of focus. He closed his eyes and took a steadying breath before turning a sharp look your way.  
“Listen. I know what you’re doing with those cute, soft, bare legs and your perfect cleavage all on display. Those kissable lips all plump and pink. It’s not going to work, though, baby doll I’m going and the sooner I go the sooner I can come home to you and break that bed in there taking you over and over until I have you screaming in the new year. Okay?”  
You sigh and nod, getting on your tip toes to kiss him and he reaches under the robe to squeeze your ass once before giving a light slap and heading out the door. When he was gone and you heard his key turn in the lock you ran off to the bedroom and grabbed your phone. There wasn’t much time, but your plan shouldn’t be that hard to pull off. Clicking through your contacts you found the number you needed and switched to speaker phone while going to your closet to look for an outfit.  
“Ja?” Søs answered distractedly.  
“Søs. I need help. I need to be at the party tonight.”  
“Baby girl I cannot get you there. Tom will not let you go, He won’t even let me stay. I drop the girls off and I have to leave. You’ll have to wait until he gets home to get your rocks off baby.”  
“No, please, I have to be there. It’s the first one, I just need to see it. Can I just go with you when you drop the girls off? I’ll stay in the truck, I won’t even talk to Mads, he won’t even see me! Please Søs.”  
“Be ready in an hour. You can’t go in but be dressed just in case Tom comes out.” With a huff she hung up the phone and you beamed to yourself and ran to shower and get ready. She and Mads may not want you there, but if you played your cards right, Tom might be on board for a little extra entertainment.  
Waiting on the sidewalk for the truck to pull up, you felt naked. Exposed. Completely out of your element and not able to pay attention to anything besides keeping your skirt from flying up in the wind. A short black pleated skirt, thigh highs and garters that barely hid below the hem of the skirt, heeled leather boots and a corseted one piece on top made up your outfit. You’d donned the leather jacket Mads had gotten you for Christmas and felt like you fit the part well for what you were going for. Heavy rings and a choker around your neck sent the look from naughty school girl to harder biker girl and you were nearly giddy with excitement hoping Tom would be so intrigued he let you in.  
“I told you to dress, not try to whore yourself out on the corner before I even got here!” You hear as a big black truck pulls up next to you. You grin and flip your hair over your shoulder dramatically causing Søs to laugh and tell you to “get the fuck in here we have to go, baby!”  
The girls in the truck are pretty, young and giggling, clearly tipsy and possibly high already. You’d already asked and Mads promised that they were girls that someone in the club knew and they were well compensated for going to the party. Tom made sure they were safe and looked after no matter how drunk and rowdy the men got. Slimy, manipulative bastard as Tom was, he had his own code that he fiercely stuck to.  
“Why is it you are so fancy?” Søs asked, glancing at you when she stopped at a red light. She looked suspicious but there was a slight smirk on her face as well like she knew you were planning more than you were letting on.  
“I can’t tell you. If you don’t know then you can’t give me away if they ask. I wanted to fit in with the other girls, though, so I can slip in easier when I spy on Mads.” You grinned at her and she couldn’t contain the grin or the laughter any longer.  
“You are going to get in trouble and I won’t help you. You deserve to see what it’s like, though, I suppose. As long as you don’t drag me into it.” She pointed a perfectly manicured finger at you and you nodded seriously. The plan was to mess with Mads, not to get anyone in trouble.  
The warehouse was empty when you arrived so Søs opened the gate, let you and the girls out and went to unlock the side door to let you all in. Nothing looked out of place. In fact, if you hadn’t been told time and again that there was going to be a party there that night you wouldn’t have guessed. No festive lights or food or drinks prepared. Just the same dirty room with the same busted up chairs. A small platform off to the side where you had seen girls dance, a pool table in the other corner and the long table the Wolves ate and met at.  
“So, you’ve seen it. I have to stay with the girls until at least Tom or Red get here, but you can go wait in the truck so they don’t see you.”  
You look at Søs in disbelief. You’re not going anywhere either. She rolls her eyes and goes to talk to the girls, giving the a short briefing on what tonight will entail, what is expected of them and when she will be back to pick them up. You overhear her telling them that if they choose to leave with one of the men they are doing it of their own free will and she or Tom will not try to stop them so to make sure they are sure in their decision before leaving.
That was when you heard the rumble of cars and bikes outside. There were loud whoops, you assumed when Søs’s truck was spotted, and thundering steps up to the door of the warehouse which was thrown open with a flourish and Red led the rest of the Wolves inside. Søs looked at them, taking stock of how drunk they were already, and then peered at you. When you shook your head at her and slipped in amongst the other girls she threw her hands up in defeat and made her way to Tom who was laughing loudly near the door. You watched her give him a kiss and talk for a few moments but then you got distracted by a familiar blonde head.  
“Awww, look at the baby puppy,” you heard one of the girls coo and the rest giggled. You knew that Mads had to be who they were talking about so you didn’t wait any longer. You made your way across the room and came behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist and kissing his neck.  
“Hey handsome,” you whispered in his ear and you felt him tense.  
“You had better be some sort of magician with your voice or something. If I turn around and I see a certain pretty face looking up at me I’m going to be pissed.”
“Well you could just not turn around?” You giggled and you could feel him roll his eyes even though you couldn’t see it. “Besides, those girls were about to try and eat you alive. You should thank me for showing up and saving you.”
Mads did turn at that. He pulled your arms from his waist and turned in a circle, one hand going to your chin and other fisting your hair to tilt your head back so he could look you fully in the face.  
“Dolly, seriously what the fuck are you doing here?”  
“I was planning to just drop in, see what was going on, and leave. But then I heard them talking about you and I couldn’t leave. See? I got dressed up for the part and everything.” You did a small shimmy just as Tom came up behind Mads’ shoulder.
“Mads, you don’t normally partake in the company of the ladies lately. I had to come over and see what was so special about this one.” He stepped around him then to get a better look and a wide grin spread across his face. “Oh shit, sugar, I didn’t even recognize you. Did Søs bring you?” He glanced around, probably looking for her familiar figure amongst the girls.  
“She did, I told her I would just take a peek but then I couldn’t leave.” You kept Mads between Tom and yourself, his eyes seemed to be undressing you and you needed that buffer.  
“I told her she could stay,” Mads offered and Tom’s gaze left you briefly to glare at Mads before returning. He gave a slight nod that did not convince you the conversation was over, and Tom wandered off to check in on the other guys. Mads turned on you, eyes flashing, and pulled you by your upper arm out of the main room to the hallway you know the bathrooms are down.  
“What are you doing? I thought you’d be happy to see me!” You giggled when he growled, knowing you were in for it now.  
“You know I didn’t want you here and you know why. I wasn’t going to hook up with another girl so you don’t need to be jealous and spy on me. But if you want to come here and dress and act like these girls that Tom picks up for us then that’s fine. I was going to come home with a bottle of wine like you like and kiss you and then please you in the privacy of our bed until you couldn’t even remember your name. But you didn’t want to wait, so I guess we can start now.” With that, he pushed the bathroom door open and drug you inside.  
“What are you bringing me in here for? A quickie in the bathroom Mads? Are you serious?” You switched your hips over to the mirror and bent over the sink to get a closer look, knowing your ass was sticking out nicely for him to see. It wasn’t ideal, but if you could get him to do you in the bathroom maybe you could convince him to leave early too.  
When he walks up, you smirk at him in the mirror. He just shakes his head and grabs the hem of your skirt, flipping it up to expose you. Then he grabs one side of your panties and tears them from one hip, then the other. He catches your eye again and has a smirk of his own before reaching his hand out and shoving your panties in his mouth.  
“You’ve been pushing it all day. Pouting and having an attitude, then sneaking in here when you know that I was coming home to you.” His palm is cupped across your lips so you aren’t able to spit the panties out and defend yourself. “So I’m going to get you in line, take you out to sit and play nice since you wanted to be here so badly, then I will take you home and you’ll be lucky if you get a kiss when we get there Dolly.”  
Mads had been drinking but wasn’t drunk, he was in complete control. Which meant he could remind you of all the reasons you are in trouble before dragging the night out even longer. His hands were slowly running up and down your thighs, dipping between your folds and teasing with soft touches and just this side of enough pressure. You squirmed and arched and wiggled enticingly but he wasn’t giving in. His hard cock was pressed against your ass but he didn’t seem in a hurry to use it.  
“Mads, come on. Just fuck me and we can go back out or even sneak away already, huh?” You lean back, trying to catch his lips in a kiss but he pushes you, holding your face to the mirror and leaning to your ear.  
“Listen here, baby doll, I’m going to make you desperate and make you beg. When you are about to cum I’m going to stop, cover your ass with my cum, pull that slutty little skirt down and walk you back out to sit with me until it’s time for us to leave.” You shiver at the growl in his voice and the clear intent behind his words. “Hold still and be as quiet as you can Dolly, this might just be fun if you behave. Grab hold and don’t spit out those panties doll.”  
You gripped the sides of the sink just and he started to slip inside you. His hands are holding yours to the sink and the only other contact is him inside you. The loud voices and pounding music from the other room are distracting which keeps you on edge. Mads is moving slowly, never pulling completely out and thrusting in with smooth, steady strokes. It doesn’t take long, though, before you are feeling the impending release building low in your belly.  
“I feel you quivering baby doll, but remember what I said? You aren’t to cum. I’m giving you thirty more seconds because I’m not ready yet, but if you mess all over my cock I will warm your ass before we go out there.” He lets go of your hands and grips your hips, pulling you up on your tip toes and thrusting harder and faster until you feel him start to shake as well. You’re about to spit out the panties to tell him you can’t hold it anymore when he pulls out and you feel the first splash of his cum on your ass. You watch him in the mirror, head thrown back and neck tense, lip caught between his teeth, and eyes closed.  
“Mmm fuck Dolly that was perfect. You always feel so soft and amazing but when you’re desperate and needy I can’t help myself. I always want you, baby, you know that don’t you?”  
You nod, eyes heavy and breath coming unsteadily trying to get yourself back together. “I know, Mads. You too, ya know?” You breathe out and he chuckles.
“I love when I practically fuck your brains out. Come on, little doll, it’s time to go back out. Sit with me for a while just like last time and Tom will let us go.” He takes your skirt down, covering your sticky ass and thighs and turns you around to adjust your top and brush your hair out of your eyes. Running his thumbs over your cheeks to control any running mascara before pulling you close and kissing your lips fiercely. “Come on baby, almost done and then I’ll take you home.”
Mads walks to the door, moves the trash can he had apparently put under the door handle, and holds his hand out. You take it and come up to tuck yourself against his side for the walk into the warehouse. Everyone is staring, drunk eyes following you and high lips lifted into terrifying smirks. You try to hide further but Mads leans down and kisses your head whispering comforting words into your hair and making you breathe and gather your wits.  
“Mads your girl looks tired,” Tom calls across the room. “You should take her home before she falls over right here.” He looks calm but you can tell even from this distance that his jaw is clenched and eyes are narrowed at you and Mads. All of the reasons Mads gave you to not come tonight start flooding back and you get nervous, but he squeezes your side and you feel him nod at Tom and steer you towards the door.  
“I’m sorry,” you whisper on the way to his car. Your voice is quiet and you are trying to tuck further in on yourself so as not to upset the balance of the night any further.  
“Baby doll,” Mads sighs as soon as you get in the car. He squats down in the doorway and takes your hands, holding them on your thighs and occasionally leaning down to kiss your knuckles between his. “It’s okay, I promise. Are you alright? I know you’re upset and embarrassed, but it’s okay. No one is going to say anything and Tom isn’t mad.”
“Yes he is! I ruined your tradition...” you trail off, feeling bad and out of sorts all of the sudden.  
“You didn’t. Going to the water is the tradition. The party is just so those lonely bastards can pass the time. He will probably say something about you being there, but I’ll just tell him I invited you because if I was going to be locked up in that place all night I’d want it to be with you, not one of his fucking girls. Do you get it? It’s always you, everything I do is for you. So smile for me Dolly, because I was serious about that bottle of wine and fucking in the new year. You ready?”  
You giggle and nod, throwing your arms around his shoulders and kissing his cheek.  
“Yes, let’s go. I’m ready for it to just be you and I.” You let go so he can get up and you laugh watching the bounce in his step and the grin on his face as he runs around to the driver’s side. He hops in and slams his door, taking your hand in his again and giving you a kiss to your wrist before turning the key and starting the engine.  
“I’m ready to see what else is on under those clothes, baby doll. How about a peak before we get home?” His eyebrows wag and you giggle, pushing him gently.  
“It’s a surprise!” Your laughs mingle together over the rev of the car and you look out the window, watching the city lights on the water and the beginnings of fireworks displays across the city while he drives. Here’s to a new year. A new adventure. A new season of fun and excitement and love with your man just like you’d always dreamed.  
@x-valhalla​ @athroatfullofglass​ @lol-haha-joke​ @hissouthernprincess​ @ainatirb-j​ @westcoastselkie​
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Twenty-Two: Small Animals ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Inuzuka Kiba, Yamanaka Ino, Aburame Shino ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
“All right, class...today we’re going to be talking about pets! How many of you have pets at home?”
All around her, Hinata sees hands go up.
...she can’t raise her own.
Hiashi has never approved of the notion of pets. Whenever Hinata has so much as hinted as wanting some kind of animal companion, he’s shut her down flat. They do nothing but make messes, he tells her. They cost money to buy, to feed, to shelter. And if something happens to them, you have to pet a vet to take care of them.
Of course...Hinata had always thought it an odd thing to complain about. After all...children can be said to be very much the same, and Hiashi has two! She and her sister Hanabi - as well-behaved as they are for their ages - make messes. And Hiashi has expenses in regards to them both - he has to buy food for them, pay for their doctor visits, their clothes, their school supplies…
Would a pet really be so different…?
“So many of you! Would anyone like to talk about their pet?”
Snapped from her thoughts, Hinata looks up to her kindergarten teacher. Several students raise their hands, and a boy nearby is picked.
“I’ve got a puppy! His name’s Akamaru, and he’s my bestest friend! My mom raises dogs, so I got to keep one!”
“That’s so sweet, Kiba! Does your puppy know any tricks, yet?”
“No, not yet...but he’s gonna be a real good dog!”
In spite of herself, Hinata gives a small, sad smile. It must be nice to have a dog...something to play with, and cuddle, and take care of. Kiba always talks about his mother’s dogs...Hinata asked her father once if they could get one the next time one had puppies.
He, of course, said no.
“All right, anyone else? How about you, Sasuke?”
“I have a cat…”
“Oh you do? Does your kitty have a name?”
Hinata’s attention shifts to the boy speaking. He fidgets a bit.
“Um...his name is Shadow. He has long black fur, and yellow eyes. My brother found him when he was a baby.”
“Oh, goodness! Well, I’m glad your brother found him, and now he has a good home! All right now class, here’s our next activity! We’re going to draw our pets. And if you don’t have a pet of your own, you can draw a pet that you have always wanted! Take out your crayons and some paper from your notebooks, please.”
Hinata can’t help but pause. A pet she wants…? But...she couldn’t choose! There are so many good pets...from little animals like guinea pigs and hamsters to really big ones like horses! Of course, living in the city, Hinata could never have a horse. She’s not sure she would want one, anyway. They seem a bit...scary…
“What’s that supposed to be?”
“A fox, duh!”
“A...fox?” A few seats over, a girl named Sakura perks a brow. “Foxes can’t be pets!”
“Yeah huh they can! I saw it on the internet! This guy has a pet fox, and it’s super cute! If I ever get a pet, that’s what I want!” Naruto, another student, retorts, folding his arms stubbornly.
Quietly to herself, Hinata can’t help but giggle. Naruto is always so loud...but can a person really have a fox as a pet? They do look very soft and fluffy…
“Ew, is that a bug…?!”
The whole class turns to look as another girl - Ino - shrieks in disgust.
Beside her, a boy in glasses hides behind the tall collar of his coat. “...it’s a rhinoceros beetle…”
“Why would you want a nasty bug as a pet?!”
“Nuh uh! They’re super gross! You weirdo!”
“Ino!” the teacher scolds. “That’s a very mean thing to say. Apologize to Shino, please!”
“Ugh, who wants pets anyway? They’re messy - plants are way better!”
Hinata shrinks a bit as the argument continues. A bug is a...strange choice, but if it makes Shino happy, then...that’s his business. Ino is being rude…
“Leave him alone, Ino. I bet that bug is nicer than you are.”
Several people turn to look at Sasuke, who dared to speak up.
“A pet isn’t just an animal. It’s a friend. A part of your family. If you make fun of Shino’s bug, you’re making fun of his family. And that’s rude. I don’t like rude people.”
Devastation colors Ino’s face. “B...but…!”
“All right class, that’s enough. We’re going to start some quiet time until everyone is done drawing their pets.”
As the teacher puts on some soft music, Hinata looks back to her paper.
It’s still blank.
While she’s always wanted a pet...she’s really never considered what one she would like best. It would have to be something...soft. A hard thing like a turtle, or slimy like a frog, or scaly like a snake, would never do. Not for her. And she’d probably prefer something...small. If it were too big, she wouldn’t be able to pick it up and hold it! And that’s very important.
Though that...doesn’t narrow her options down much, does it? There are lots of small, soft pets. Oh, how is anyone ever supposed to be able to make a choice?!
“A few more minutes class, and we’ll show our pets!”
A flutter of panic passes through Hinata’s chest. Oh no...she’s running out of time…!
...wait...she’s got it!
Taking out a grey crayon, she starts quickly but carefully scribbling. Soft, and small, and gentle...and cute…!
“Okay everyone, go ahead and put your crayons away. We’re going to share our pets! Be sure to tell the class if this is a pet you have, or a pet you want! Let’s start on this side of the room.”
Anxiously fiddling with her paper - Hinata always hates when they have to get up in front of the class… - she watches as people present their real or ideal pets. Most are pretty basic. Cats, dogs, birds, fish. But a few are more rare. One has a hedgehog, another has a parrot.
“All right Hinata, your turn!”
Swallowing dryly, Hinata picks up her drawing and moves to the front of the room. “I...I don’t have a pet,” she murmurs.
“We can’t hear you!”
Her cheeks flush pink. “I don’t h...have a pet. I’m not allowed to. But if...if I could have a pet, then...I would want a bunny!” She holds up her drawing. A rather fuzzy bunny with long ears stares from her paper.
“Oh, a bunny! How cute! Do you like bunnies, Hinata?”
She nods shyly. “I...I have a bunny plushie at home. It’s...my favorite…”
“Well, that’s a very cute idea! You can sit down now. All right, next -!”
Relieved, Hinata retakes her seat, watching the other students.
“This is my cat, Shadow...he likes to lay in the window by the front door, in the sun. He caught a mouse in our basement one time.”
“So he’s a mighty hunter!” the teacher praises.
“Yeah...he likes my brother best, but he likes everyone. Except my dad.”
“Oh dear…”
“Dad doesn’t like him either. They’re enemies. But I think they secretly get along.”
“Well, I hope so!”
Once the whole class shows their pets (or dream pets), the teacher excuses them for their morning recess. And all the kindergartners can talk about is their assignment.
“You really can’t have a pet, Hinata?”
“No...Father says I can’t…”
“Aww, but pets are great! You can come play with my dog whenever you want, okay?”
“T...thank you, Kiba.”
“And you can come see my kitty.”
Hinata turns to Sasuke. They don’t speak too much, but...well, then again, Sasuke doesn’t seem to talk much at all. “...really…?”
“Yeah. And someday, when you’re a grown up, you can have a bunny if you want to.”
“I...I hope so…”
“Or maybe a friend can keep a bunny at their house.”
“My brother kept a turtle for a friend for a while. He’d come over every weekend to go see it.”
“He...I mean, your brother didn’t...mind?”
“No. His friend gave him part of his allowance, and he took care of it.” Sasuke considers her for a moment. “...maybe when I get older, I could do that for you.”
“Y...you mean…? You would…?”
“It’s not fair you don’t get to have a pet. I said it to Ino: a pet is a friend. One that will never get mad at you, or think you’re lame. They always love you, no matter what.”
...for some reason, the prick of tears threatens to build in Hinata’s eyes.
“But I gotta be older, first...my mom would probably say no, so...you’ll have to wait, okay?”
No one has ever been that...nice to her before…
But recess can’t last forever, and soon the students are called back in to begin their next activity. And yet all Hinata can think about is the chance she might have to really have a pet…! Well, maybe not the real way, but...it would be a start!
For now...she’ll have to be patient. And if Sasuke would be so nice to her, then...she has to find a way to be nice back!
Before she can have a bunny...Hinata’s going to have to make a friend…!
     Oh my gosh it's late, so I'll be brief!      Some wee smols SasuHina fluff. This prompt was really...odd, so hopefully this works okay lol - I think Hiashi would be that strict parents that isn't fond of pets. Cuz he's a jerk xD      But we all know the Uchiha love their cats - Sasuke understands how important a pet friend can be. So he'll come to the rescue! When...he's older and can do so on his own, haha~      Anyway, I realllllly need to get to bed, so that's all for now! Thanks for reading~
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cesabutterflywrites · 4 years
The Duke of the Bay: Part 5 2/2
If you want to be put on a taglist for this please let me know!
[Spotify Playlist] [Youtube Playlist] 
 First Part, Ao3 Link, Next Part 
Story Warnings: Guns, threats, alcohol, homosexual slang used pejoratively and positively, internalized homophobia, ask me to add any if need be
Chapter Warnings: None that I can think of, let me know if I need to add any!
Chapter Word Count:  3803
Summary: Patton O’Hearty was a great detective. Most people didn’t take him for one at first glance, especially when he dressed casual. He was abnormally chipper; he thought everything was the cat’s pajamas. He had a smile for everyone he met. He was always tipping his hat at the dames and gents when he walked the streets of the Bay Area.
The only person he could never catch was the leader of the planted mob in Emeryville, nicknamed The Duke. The Duke was good at hiding his dealings and joints well, and he rarely had a snitch in his ranks. The few who tried, well, somehow they disappeared before they could give the police any substantial information. He was well hidden, but popular among the residents of the town. People talked boldly of his rambunctious parties, never revealing the locations though. He was hard to catch, to say the least.
So what happens, when instead, the detective is the one that’s caught?
Mr. Doris never failed. His job was, simply put, to make sure things would run smoothly. He was the one who oversaw all the operations. He kept an eye on the booze shipments. He set the meetings for people who wanted to speak with the Duke. He did everything around the Bay Area for the most part. The footprint that the Duke had in the town of Emeryville was his own creation. He wouldn’t say it out loud completely, but he thought of himself as the true boss of everything. 
However, this time he did fail, and he didn’t want to fess up about it to his boss just yet. 
 Virgil wasn’t mad when he had seen the man on his doorstep. He just seemed disappointed. “What are you doing here? Thought you had some broad to dump in a river or something.” 
 “As fun as that sounds, no,” Mr. Doris smirked, “Just thought I’d treat you to some…” he pulled a small flask out of his jacket’s inner pocket, “Fun?” 
 Virgil sighed to himself. He shook his head in disbelief. “It’s not even noon yet, you sneak. Get in here.” 
Mr. Doris grinned slyly as he entered the house. Virgil Vitale lived a pretty nice life. He was the Duke’s cousin. Once upon a time he was going to be second in command. However he gave the position to Mr. Doris for some reason. Something along the lines of how he didn’t want to work too much. It was a big deal in the family at the time. Though over the next few years Mr. Doris had proven himself to be a good enough replacement...until now. 
 “Why are you hiding from the Duke, Janny boy?” Virgil teased as he poured himself some coffee in the kitchenette. He was doing his best to act calm in front of his unexpected visitor. However his hands were tense in their task.
 “Don’t call me that, Vitale!” the short man hissed. He then continued with mock innocence, “Plus, who said I was hiding? Can’t a man pop in on his pal without it being work related?” 
 Virgil scoffed as he sat down in his chair. “You’re not a man, Doris. You’re more like a, uh, a slimy snake.” He smirked to hide the urge to bite his lip with nerves. 
 Virgil Vitale was a handsome young man.Though over the past month his wavy black hair had gotten too long. It was falling over his face, nearly hiding his steel blue eyes. His lips were angular, and almost always in a half smile or a frown. His skin was a somewhat darker tan, showing off his Italian heritage boldly. That was the only clue that he was even a part of the family in general, though his skin was also the darkest-but not by much.
 It was a great shame, Mr. Doris often thought, that he didn’t want much to do with the family business. He served his purpose where he was obligated. He had proven his loyalty time and time again. Most of the family just saw him as an independent man trying to make his own way in the world after the Great War.
 All Mr. Doris was able to see was a slacker who didn’t even last one year on the battlefield.
 The visitor bared his teeth as he crossed his arms. He was questioning his decision about avoiding the boss. The host was being more brusque than usual. To give him benefit of the doubt, though, they were both pretty worn down from tailing the two detectives their leader had his black eyes on. 
 “If you must know,” he answered. He turned his nose up and sniffed. Virgil held back a grimace at the gesture as his ‘friend’ continued, “I may have been chased off by that pansy cop.” 
 Virgil choked on his drink. “Pansy? Really?” There was no way in hell Mr. Doris would have been able to find out. Virgil had only just learned the night before when-
 “Well, if the noises he was making with the boss in his office were any indication,” the serpent-like man winked at him. He wiggled his eyebrows for emphasis. 
 Virgil’s brow crinkled in confusion. When had Logan been in the Duke’s- oh. Mr. Doris was talking about the other one. Patrick or whatever. The one he didn’t have to keep tabs on. 
 “Well, I don’t see what him being...ya know...has to do with anything?” Virgil looked at the rim of his mug as he sipped. He didn’t want to be talking about this at all, however getting this info would be beneficial. Even if it was only gossip. He could find a way to give the information to his...accomplice. 
 “Well, nothing, obviously, but-” Mr. Doris waved his gloved hands around as he spoke. He was sick of this unnecessary distraction. “This whole deal has been a disaster. I wish we hadn’t gone through with this plan. You know, if I was boss-”
Virgil slammed his mug down. He shouted out, “That’s enough, Janus! I may not be the boss but I’m still his blood. You’re already on thin ice,” Virgil lowered his voice to a threatening growl. “Don’t tempt me to let him know that you’re talking like that. Especially after you messed up on teaching a lesson to that doll, uh, what’s her name?” 
 “Alice Beauregard,” Doris mumbled. All of his bravado had been pulled inward. He looked like a child who had been caught digging into the cookie jar with how red his face turned. He hated when Virgil called him by his first name. He opened his mouth to say more, but Virgil’s telephone started to ring. 
 “One moment,” Virgil stood up to answer. 
 It was good timing. Mr. Doris didn’t want to keep intruding. Especially if the man was going to be so touchy. He had to go see the Duke anyways. No use putting it off for too long. He waved at his friend as he walked out the door. 
 He tapped the steering wheel of his car nervously. His favorite pair of sunflower yellow gloves stood out among the black aesthetic. He found peace in the memories that came when he looked at them. Wearing them was akin to a child carrying their security blanket everywhere. With the safe cover of the soft material hugging his fingers, he grabbed a hold of his nerves as he arrived at the Lion’s Den. 
 He walked in to see that the Duke was standing at the office window. The boss had his hands clasped behind his back. Today he was wearing black slacks, forest green suspenders, and a light green dress shirt. The man had such a preference for green that it was sort of...queer. He had told Mr. Doris it was because green was the color of money. Money was all that flowed through his veins. That was what he claimed, at least. 
 “Hello, Mr. Doris. How’d it go with our dear Miss Alice?” he asked calmly. The soft tone of his voice was foreign to Doris’ ears. 
 “Well, she didn’t have the cash,” the subordinate hedged. He sat down at the seat in front of the large wooden desk. 
 “I see. Did you take care of her?” the Duke was still eerily calm. The quiet before a storm. He didn’t seem upset about the monetary loss. Mr. Doris suspected that the questioning was formal. Maybe he was off of the hook. 
 “I didn’t kill her,” Mr. Doris answered again. It wasn’t a lie. 
 “So, where is she?” Mr. Doris didn’t see the Duke’s tight grip on the windowsill in front of him. 
 “Somewhere far away…” the shorter man trailed off. He couldn’t handle one more question without spilling the beans. He crossed his fingers and hid them in his lap.
 “Mr. Doris, one more question,” the Duke’s tone was void of any aggression. Well, no obvious aggression. 
 Why did Mr. Doris still feel like his entire body was already drowned in the cold waters of the bay? “Yes, boss?” 
 “How...stupid do you think I am?” The Duke still kept his voice calm as his body started to shake. The cool facade was dropping rapidly with each second. 
 Mr. Doris stayed quiet. He didn’t have a word to say that wouldn’t technically be a lie. Plus he could already see that he was in trouble. He gripped the arms of the chair as he braced himself for the explosion. 
 The Duke spun around wildly. He slammed his fist on the table. “I don’t know where you were mulling around, but in the meantime I got a call from the damn captain telling me his top two detectives left on a call to a girl in distress then disappeared. He’s bugging out, sayin’ that he’s been exposed. I had to offer him even more money, which means more cash lost because of this damn child!” 
 His eyes were nearly throwing flames towards his companion. His lips twitched in annoyance. Mr. Doris felt that the black rage being radiated towards him wasn’t all because of this small mistake. His boss had been more touchy as of late. This was about more than just his failure to bring the girl in. It was about who disrupted the job in the first place. 
 Ever since the detectives showed up for the party a month ago, he noticed the Duke was antsy. Mr. Doris was surprised that the cops were given so much time to decide, even though it was a formality. Frankly it was confusing. Why was the Duke even exposing himself like this to these detectives? Especially since it was all for show? There was no point in sticking his business out to their enemies. 
 Mr. Doris decided to placate the raging man for now, though. “Sorry, sir, I’ll be more careful. I’m going to find her-”
“No, I’m going to find her. I have a feeling I know exactly where she is.” The Duke started to put his things together. He opened the bottom drawer of his desk to grab his gun. His movements were loud as he got ready.
 “Where?” The second in command felt nervous about not being involved. It wouldn’t be good for business flow if he was cast aside. The Duke needed a handler when he went out on business.
 The Duke grinned softly as he shrugged on his trench coat. “Where else? With my dear detective, of course.”
 “Alright, you got the plan, Logan?” Patton asked his partner as they parked the car. 
 “Uh huh,” Logan answered vaguely. His eyes were unfocused a majority of the time since they left Alice at his home to wait for his friend. 
 “Hey!” Patton snapped his fingers towards his partner. “I can’t have you leaving me, Lo!” 
 “Sorry,” Logan shook his head. His face turned a bright pink at being caught lost in his thoughts. “One more time, Pat?” 
 Patton gripped the steering wheel. He felt so close to getting this over with, and now Logan was the one losing his marbles. Still, he wouldn’t let his frustrations blind him again. He rested his palms on the wheel and took in a deep breath. His fingers felt like they were buzzing at the thought of being the one to put the cuffs on the Duke. He smiled at the image in his thoughts of that. 
 Patton spoke quickly, “We’re going to go in and say that the girl didn’t want to file a report. Since backup didn’t see her recognize us, that might be believable. If the captain asks why we still didn’t bring her in for questioning, we say she was hysterical,” Patton shared a smile with Logan at the thought of Alice being hysterical. 
“Right. Then we mention that we suspect a plant, using your theories-except the part where you suspect it’s him,” Logan’s face hardened, “I really hope it’s not. He has a child on the way.” 
 Patton’s excited grin fell. He hadn’t had time to think that his captain, his boss, his superior-was also his friend. Captain de Rossi was a kind man. How had he forgotten? The man was stubborn at times, some may even say eccentric. Yet he had done good for their station. He’s the one who sniffed out the Duke’s gang in the first place for them. 
 He leaned back in his seat. He felt a bit of guilt at the thoughts he was having about doubting the captain. He looked at Logan, who also seemed to feel ashamed. Logan’s eyes were cast down at his hands. His mouth was frowning downwards that it seemed the gears in his mind were slowing. He whispered, “What if we’re wrong, and we doom his family to having that accusation on their heads for a long time?”  
 Patton bit his lip. “What if we’re right, and it ends up getting so ugly his kid ends up on the bad side of things?” 
 Logan was silent. He scrunched his eyebrows in thought. His gears were starting to speed up again. He looked up and nodded at Patton. “Alright,” he confidently stated, “Alright, let’s clean up our station.” 
 The two got out of the vehicle quickly. Neither of them wanted to prolong the inevitable. Patton still got a nasty feeling in the pit of his stomach. It was starting to weigh in what would happen to his friend’s family. Moreso, what would happen to the town? The captain was likable by the citizens. Would it crush their hearts? 
 He asked himself, for the first time since he met the Duke, how much he was willing to sacrifice for the capture of one man? 
 He and Logan hung up their suits. He noticed that the other cops weren’t there. For a split second he feared that the captain was out too, until he heard yelling from the man’s office. 
 “No, you don’t understand! My wife is due to have our kid soon and if you think-” 
 The yelling stopped as Logan burst into the office. The captain’s head snapped up. He froze as he saw Patton follow in shortly after. His wide eyes made him look like a deer caught on the road. 
 “I’ll call you later,” he told the anonymous voice on the line before carefully hanging up. He cleared his throat. “Good to finally see you guys,” he forced a cheerful tone in his loud voice as he spread his arms wide. 
 Captain Roman de Rossi was a handsome man. Despite his Italian features, he was able to quickly climb the ranks to get his position as captain of Emeryville Police Department. He had vibrant brown eyes that were nearly black. His black curly hair was magically tamed most of the time, though the past few weeks he hadn’t been able to manage it with his nervous habit of rubbing his hands through it. His skin was tanned, though it wasn’t so dark that most of the time people were shocked to learn of his Italian heritage. 
 He was tense. Patton could see it in his grin. His chin was tilted down, his jaw was taught, his clothes were wrinkled. He looked like a mess of a man. If Patton hadn’t known better, he’d say he looked like some of the drunks he’d brought in over the course of his years working at the station. 
 Logan shared a glance with Patton before responding. “Apologies about the delay, captain. We had some trouble with the last call.” Logan’s voice was smooth over the lie. The only tell he caught was Logan’s refusal to look straight at the captain. Patton could barely see that Logan was covering his anxiety.
 Roman nodded then sat down. “Sit, gentleman, tell me what happened.” 
 The detectives sat down cautiously. Neither of them knew what to expect, and if they could read the captain’s mind, they would have known they weren’t alone in their nervousness. It was a standoff-except they didn’t know they were on opposite sides of what was good. 
 Roman’s face morphed into a serious expression. His professional persona that he reserved for serious cases overtook his body language and face. Patton resisted the urge to flinch at the severity of that glare. “Well, sir, the girl-” 
 Patton stuttered at the raised eyebrow the captain gave him. He looked at Logan to save him. 
 “Naturally, after the perpetrator got away, she blew into hysterics. We both decided it was best to take her home to help her get calm,” the younger detective answered.
 “She also didn’t want to file a report,” Patton chimed in. He felt his old confidence return. He smiled warmly at the captain, trying to ignore the jitters his boss was throwing out. 
 “I see…” Roman muttered. He looked over to Logan directly, “What happened to the perp?” 
 Logan gulped. He hadn’t been prepared for that question to be so direct, and filled  with tense focus. “I-he-” 
 “He got away, didn’t he?” Roman asked aggressively. His voice was starting to raise. 
 “You two are good cops. I thought I could trust you to take down this gang.” 
His face was getting red. He looked down at his desk, “I trusted you two to be a force for good.” 
 Patton reached out to touch his friend’s hand. He didn’t care in the moment that the captain was likely in on the crimes being committed. They were still friends. How could he have forgotten that? 
  “We’re sorry. We underestimated them.” 
 Roman looked at the detective’s hands resting on his. Such a soft action. He was still reaching out to him. Patton was a good detective. He had a love for everyone that was immeasurable. The captain swallowed. His face told them only a hint of the storm brewing in his mind from the contact.
 “Sir, I have a theory that may help us with the case,” Logan broke the silence. His face was full of regret for what he was about to say. His words were nearly a whisper, yet they were loud with their implications. “I think there may be a plant. I suspected with the anonymous tip we received a month ago, and I know so now.” 
 The captain sucked in a breath. Patton watched his reaction-looking for any sign of deception or a clue of his betrayal. He continued to watch while Logan explained in slow, calculated words. 
 “I regret to inform you that my suspicions were confirmed when the Duke…” Logan straightened his posture to deliver with a confident voice, “When he sent one of his lackeys to my home last night.” 
 Patton turned his head sharply at Logan. His shocked expression was match for match with the captain. Logan was going off script. Patton met his partner’s apologetic eyes briefly before they were interrupted by the captain’s rage. 
 “You had a chance to capture a criminal, and didn’t call it in?!” Roman roared, shooting out of his chair. “Not only that, you let another one get away after attacking a young girl! I have half a mind to-” 
 Patton stood up. He held his hands out in peace. He saw what he needed to see about their captain. He hid his heartbreak well enough at the betrayal that was confirmed...by both of them. 
 “Fellas, please, let’s talk this out calmly,” his voice betrayed him by cracking, “I’m sure Logan was trying to-” 
 “Put the blame on someone else! He’s pointing fingers!” The captain slammed his fist on his desk. Patton looked at Logan. 
 The younger detective stayed steady. His face was resigned against the fire being thrown at him from his boss. Patton wanted to figure out what his deal was, but first they needed to get out of there on calm terms. 
 “Captain,” Logan spoke slowly. His voice was monotone. He was devoid of all emotion. “I think you’re too tired to think clearly,” the angry man’s face fell into a darker expression. Logan continued, “I hadn’t had time to notify you or Patton, it’s been a fretful day.” 
 “Logan, you just made a big mistake,” Roman growled out. Patton’s heart fell as he watched the exchange-helpless, like he had been every time he got close to something that would help him catch the Duke. 
 Roman stood tall, and Logan followed suit. They both seemed in the know about what was going on. Patton shook his head back and forth at them. He wanted to shout to clear the tension, but his throat was closed. His words had escaped his mind as soon as Logan implied he was working with- 
 “Detective Logan Smith,” the captain’s voice was rigid, “You have withheld vital information to the investigation from me, and your partner. You are hereby suspended for two weeks. Please,” Patton was held in place by his surprise, “Hand over your badge and weapon.” 
 Patton felt a cry settle on his chest. He bit his tongue so hard he tasted blood. He couldn’t believe his ears. The captain was really suspending someone like Logan? 
 Logan took it well, it seemed. He didn’t beg. He didn’t cry. He didn’t shout. He didn’t even try to defend himself like Patton wanted to. He removed his gun from his belt, along with his badge, and handed it over to their captain with no emotion in his body. 
 Logan nodded at the still-fuming captain behind the desk. He turned to Patton and offered his hand. Patton gripped it tight as he shook it. He choked down his emotions while he was painfully aware of the captain’s eyes on them. He looked into his young partner’s blue eyes; was that mischief?
 Logan saluted them both when he reached the door and left. He stood tall. Roman deflated into his seat as Logan left. Logan had been right. The captain looked tired for sure. Patton wondered to himself what this was going to mean if he was going to capture the gang leader that plagued his every thought. 
 “Detective-Patton, you’re still on the case. Please make sure you don’t make the mistake Detective Smith did by hesitating to report new information.” Roman waved to the door, covering his face with his hand as he leaned on the edge of the desk. “You’re dismissed.” 
 Patton walked out, though he didn’t feel the ground beneath him. His limbs were not attached to his body. His head was dizzy from the quick exchange that had just taken place. The weight in his stomach was crushing his guts. His mind was swimming with questions. Questions about the captain, about Logan, about the Duke...about himself. 
 The sun was bright in his eyes as he stepped outside. He looked around for Logan, though it was futile. 
 The deed was done. Patton would have to find the Duke alone.
Taglist: @deceits-left-glove 
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slimy-slug-nerd · 5 years
The following post contains spoilers for the following:
Thomas Sanders
Sanders Side
The latest Sanders Side Video
The following post will also contain mature context and will feature direct quotes from the video. You have been advised.
Read the book and still see if you need to correct me - Logan
(Logan, you would be a master at fighting internet trolls with your vast knowledge. I love you and your brain.)
Have you ever imagined klling your brother - Mystery Voice
A: I don't have a brother
B: Does the continuous thought of my lil' sister's death (not by my hands) count?
C: (after the 3rd or 4th watch) Is he talking about Roman?
Roman: ...ghost are evil...
Virgil: I resent that
(Virgil, are you implying that you're actually a ghost?)
New Character!! Love that outfit. The Dark Side of Roman!!! Sounds kind of like Roman and Deceit had a baby?? I mean, he has a few of each of their quirks??
A to Z reference in song...made me think about that A to Z movie on Netflix. You know, the one with the creepy short flick about two girls smelling each other's farts.
"A snake offered me a morsel from the tree of knowledge" - Duke
so Deceit is speaking the truth now?
Thomas talking about Jeffery Dahmer...Your Virgil is showing (and he's standing right there).
"I can't hear you" aka Dark Side motto
"Roman and I. We are Cain and Abel. And that cane up your butt makes you unable to explore more mature ideas in your content" - The Duke
The writer in me is loving all this word play!
Duke: Excuse me but I am your creativity. I do have opinions on the matter.
Virgil: But are they opinions that matter?
Duke: Look, pleasant metaphors aren't really my strong suit.
Virgil: You have a strong suit?
Duke: I do! My birthday suit!
Shut up your mouth or I'll tare off your nipples and shove them up your nose. - The Duke
A: That is a pretty good, yet very uncomfortable, threat. You made Tumblr proud.
Virgil: But what if he's lying?
Logan: I can promise you he's not. You're just being para...
A: Another slip of the tongue from Logan. Even Virgil noticed this time.
B: I have a feeling we're gonna have Logan's room be the next room we visit. Something on the lines of confronting the feelings he doesn't want to have.
Consider the Seven Deadly Sins. Greed. Pride. Envy. Lust. Wrath. Five of the Seven Deadly Sins are committed in your head. - Logan
A: He litterly just labeled everyone with a deadly sin.
Logan = Wrath
Roman = Pride
Virgil = Envy
Deceit = Greed
The Duke = Lust (all those butt jokes)
(Bravo, Patton, on being a good angel boy!)
B: Future Sanders Side video?? (Yes, please!)
Logan: ...I can figuratively dress him down.
Duke: Oh! Well, if that's what you wanted, Logan *starts undressing*
Logan: Nuh huh. I said FIGURATIVELY and THAT is why I say it. THAT 👏 IS 👏 WHY 👏 I 👏 SAY 👏 IT!
*Duke busts Logan's front teeth up Logan's nose*
Thomas: Ok, I got one guys. Since we call Roman Princy, do we call you...Dukey?
Duke: Or you could just call me by my name...Remus
(His name is the same as my favorite Harry Potter Professor!! *geeks out*)
Duke: *throws ninja star and hits Logan in the forehead*
There is no rhyme or reason to what I do, I just do. - Duke
Duke: NAILS ON A CHALK BOARD! Literally, like finger nails nailed to a chalk board.
(Even I've never thought of things that literally...)
Virgil: I sound the alarm whenever Roman suggests Thomas talks to a cute guy...
Logan: *sideways smile*
(Is...is that Thomas shipping Logan and Princey? MY SHIP!!! 👑💘👔)
Duke: Ha ha. You tickle me Emo!
(Nice pun!)
Logan doesn't say anything before shrinking down. Logan doesN'T SAY ANYTHING BEFORE SHRINKING DOWN! 😮
Virgil: I though I would be able to protect you from them.
Thomas: The Dark Sides?
Virgil: The others.
(He still calls them the "others". He still thinks he is a Dark Side!)
Virgil:...but I should know better.
Thomas: But isn't that kind of unfair? Why should you be held to a different standard.
Virgil: Because I was one of them.
(💔 Virgil! Nooooo!...side note: we are totes gonna get more Virgil back story! Eee!)
Duke: There's a snake in my butt.
What Thomas Meant: This is a fun play on words referencing the original Toy Story movie in honor of the new Toy Story 4 movie that just came out in theater.
Fanders: OMG! Deceit x Duke SHIIIIIIP!
(Sorry, Duke, but Deceit's mine. The slimy boi belongs with this slimy gal)
Thanks for taking the time to read all of that! I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to share your own opinions! I love to geek out!
- Your Fellow Slimy Fander
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aj-the-psycho · 5 years
The Hour: A Sanders Sides Story - Chapter 15
TW: None
Summary:  Patton dragged Damien to the park; Damien is missing someone.
Note: So, I headcannoned that Deceit would make a real great lawyer, and I was right (Selfishness vs. Selflessness episode). I didn’t steal the idea, I swear and this chapter has been up on AO3 for almost seven to eight months, so yeah. Just saying. Enjoy!
AO3 Link
It’s weekend again. That means no classes and he would be free of stress. Not that he ever gets too stressed. That day, his body decided that waking up in an unusually early hour is a good idea. He tried to put himself back to sleep, but he couldn’t seem to fall into slumber once again. He chose to get up instead. He went out of his room and opened the door next to his room. His brother was still asleep, which was a normal thing since it was only 06:30.
Patton didn’t actually know what he wanted to do. He could maybe try to cook, but that was usually Damien’s thing and he wasn’t in the mood either. He went to the kitchen and had a glass of water. Retreating back to his room, his mind drifted to random things. ‘What would happen in the future? Will Damien and I still stay together and share everything like we are right now? Will he be a successful lawyer like he wants to be? How about Logan?’ His mind halted at the thought.
Logan. The stiff, somewhat robotic soulmate of his. He remembered how he had offered reassurance that time in the coffee shop a few days ago. Having Logan there to just hold his hand made a big difference. It was as if his presence and their little contact drowned out all the tension that was hovering above them. His mind started to wander again, thinking of what life would bring him in the future. Once again, his thought drifted to those icy blue eyes, cool and mysterious.
Patton hadn’t actually known Logan for long. Only a month and a few weeks. There’s still a lot they don’t know about each other. And Patton was eager to find out more about his soulmate.
“Hey, Dee,” Patton broke the comforting silence that settled in the kitchen. Breakfast that morning was simple, but good. Two waffles for each of them—with strawberries—and bacon. The twins didn’t have any plans for the day, so they were going to stay in.
“Why did you want to be a lawyer?”
“Well… ‘cause I’m a good liar, good at bullshitting,” Damien said, then he added, “and I sound convincing, so yeah.”
Patton only nodded in response. Damien had always have a habit of lying, especially in high-stress situations. Sometimes, it wasn’t even lies. Instead, he would just speak in reverse. Though, Patton got used to it. His brother was bullied for his odd speech when they were younger, but now Damien have learned to control it better. Patton had been furious the first time someone called his brother a ‘slimy snake,’ but Damien just went with it. He just started hissing at people when they called him snake. ‘Living up to my name to the fullest, I guess,’ Damien had thought. Now, he doesn’t do that anymore, but he still feel the urge to hiss at people he doesn’t like.
After breakfast, Damien was about to turn the TV on. He wasn’t in the mood for too much social interaction. Everyone knew that Damien wasn’t a people person, but he wasn’t all that bad with people. Some people find his cool demeanor charming and mysterious. Damien himself didn’t understand how or why people find him charming or even remotely attractive and he didn’t how to react to that information. He once thought that maybe people see him that way, because he’s basically an identical copy of his brother, who most people find cute. Well, almost identical, anyway. When you’ve seen your face and your twin’s face side-by-side for who knows how many times, it’s going to start looking very different.
Patton, though, had other ideas. He really wanted to do something today. He wanted to go out and just enjoy the warmth of the still-rising sun or the still-cool, fresh breeze of the morning. His thoughts of soulmates from that morning came back to him. Remy and Damien had gone on a date—was it a date?—when they were in the coffee shop a few days ago. He doesn’t know a lot about Remy yet, but his brother seemed to like that boy. And Patton knew that Damien didn’t usually like people all that much. So, that must have said something about Remy—right?
“Dee, let’s go out. To the park! So we can see the little doggies!” Patton said with excitement, already pulling his brother out of the living room. “I swear, it’ll be fun!”
Damien didn’t like that. Not one bit. He really didn’t want to go out. However, he didn’t really have an excuse not to go either, so he obliged. “Kay, kay, yeah. Whatever, Pat.”
The coffee was getting cold. He had bought the coffee at the stall near the entrance of the park earlier. Patton was playing with the little dogs that were running around the park and Damien was left to sit alone on the bench, sipping his coffee. Honestly, Damien didn’t really mind to be left alone in the park, as long as he can see his brother in his field of vision. However, alone also meant that he was left with his thoughts.
His mind would drift to random topics. ‘Do tiger cubs meow? What would happen to my brain if I isolate myself? It’s weird that we cook bacon and we bake cookies… What’s in the fridge in the apartment right now? How do I not know that? I literally cooked this morning.’  After a while, his mind started to run through his memories. One by one, moment through moment. Then, he stumbled on the memory of his hour.
‘Oh yeah… that was wild.’
Damien was out alone again. It’s the middle of summer and he had too much free time in his hands. So, he chose to spend his time in his favorite coffee shop, Jacked Up Coffee. The atmosphere there was always so relaxing to him. The smell of coffee, the reddish hue of the sunset sweeping across the interior of the cafe and the sound of smooth jazz in the background.
While waiting for his order to come, he took out his phone and browsed through it. His social life wasn’t the most exciting thing on the planet, so his social media feeds weren’t that interesting either. It’s mostly just memes. Bad ones. A few boring minutes later, he put his phone down on the table—oh and look, the coffee is here. Finally!
All of a sudden, he felt a throbbing pain at the back of his head. It wasn’t intense, but it wasn’t a welcomed sensation either. He held his head in his hands, resting his elbows on the table for support. When the pain went away, he looked up again. And then the pain was back. ‘Am I getting sick or something? It’s annoying.’ He closed his eyes, hoping the pesky headache would go away soon.
When he opened his eyes again, he was greeted with darkness. Literally, darkness. He was sitting in a dark room with the lower half of his body covered with thick fabric. ‘Blanket,’ He vaguely noted. He quickly realized he was sitting on a bed in a darkened bedroom. Once his eyes adjusted to the dark, he could see the outline of the room properly. He went to turn the lights on.
The bed he was sitting on wasn’t that small. It could fit two people, though it would be a tight fit. It was covered in soft, black and brown sheets with white accents. To the left of the bed was a small desk with minimal decoration. Next to the desk, tucked in the corner against the wall was a stack of canvases. The smallest one was visible. It was a painting of a small bird. On the other side of the bed was a wooden bedside table with an alarm clock on it and a lamp. Next to the bedside table was the door, next to which he was standing. There were posters on the wall and two of those were of a band he didn’t recognize. ‘Leningrad?’
Damien was wondering how he got there. Was he dreaming? ‘I thought I was in the coffee shop a second ago?’ When he drew the blinds open, it was dark outside. ‘The fuck…’ What is happening?
He looked around the room to see if something else was wrong. His eyes found the alarm clock. 00:00. ‘How is it midnight?  I thought it was five p.m.! Where the hell am I? What is happening?’ Then, he noticed a phone on the desk, still charging. He unlocked the phone using fingerprint—and he vaguely realized that it wasn’t his phone, even though he could unlock it with his fingerprint, but he was too confused and slightly panicked to care—and checked the date and location.
“Okay, okay,” Damien thought out loud to help himself think. “So, I’m in Russia. In motherfucking Russia! And it’s seven hours ahead of Florida here.” He walked in circles in the room, trying to make sense of what is happening. “Alright, Dee, you got this! How did you end up here?”
His eyes darted around the room again. Then, he saw it. It was a small card with words written on it.
С днем рождения!
What is that? What does that mean? He unlocked the phone again and typed in the phrase on the browser to find what the phrase said. He had to draw out the characters one by one, which read ‘S dnem rozhdeniya!’ Then he typed that out for a translation. ‘Happy birthday!’  was the translation result. Birthday? Who’s birthday? Oh… Oh…
“I’m in the fuckin’ hour! Holy shit, my soulmate is Russian?!” He was starting to freak out again. What was he supposed to do? One minute he was in Florida, enjoying a nice evening alone and then a second later he was in a dark bedroom in Saint Petersburg. Who wouldn’t freak out? He was literally in a different continent!
Alright, so, note first! He walked to the desk, hoping to find something that he could use to write. He found a bundle of post-it notes and a pen. He needed to sort his head out first. What to write first and all that. He can freak out—and maybe rant on the note—later.
Damien Harvey (21)
Florida, United States
Sanders University - economics and pol. Science
(I want to be a lawyer)
I have a twin brother (I’m older)
Well, I’m sorry if you don’t speak English,
but it’s the only language I speak.
It was annoying that each post-it only fit eight broken lines. He added the last two lines, because… well, he didn’t know why. If his soulmate did speak English, those two lines would be redundant. If they don’t speak English, those two lines would mean nothing to his soulmate. However, he continued his rant anyway. He added another post-it note and wrote again.
I was planning to write a small little thing,
but it looks like I’m not doing that right now.
So, I’m in Russia. It’s insane.
What if someone came in and decided to
talk to me? How am I gonna answer?
I don’t know why I’m ranting here, you might
not even understand what I’m talking about.
Feeling like he’d had enough with the note, he checked the time again. He still had forty minutes. Which was a lot of time to do nothing else. So, he decided to go outside. The house wasn’t too big, but it wasn’t small either. The living room was big, with an equally gigantic fireplace on the opposite wall of the entrance. He kept walking through the house. When he reached the kitchen, he was quite amazed. It was big with marble counter tops and a big kitchen island in the middle. Upon closer look, on the side of the island was two small fridges built into the structure.‘That’s pretty hecking cool.’
Suddenly, there was a voice behind him. “Remus, pochemú ty ne spish'?”
Damien whipped his head back, finding a middle aged man looking at him with sleepy eyes. ‘Oh fuck, what do I do?’ He tried to find his words, to say something, but his mind advised him to stay silent. ‘It’s not like I know any Russian…’   He remembered writing a possible scenario of someone finding him while he was having his hour on the note. Well, his fear came true. At the end, he just nodded nervously and head back to the room in a rush. He could feel the man stare at his back, but he didn’t dare look back again.
Once he got the door closed, he leaned against it and sagged in relief. Out of the corner of his eyes, he spotted another door opposite the window. Next to the door was a light switch, indicating that it was a bathroom. Damien decided to go into the bathroom to see his soulmate for the first time. It’s not like he cared if his soulmate was actually good looking or not, he was just curious.
The mirror in the bathroom wasn’t too big, but it was big enough for him to be able to see half of his body. When he saw the reflection in the mirror, his mind went blank. ‘Geez, what is it with Russia and gorgeous people?’
The first thing he noticed from his soulmate was those eyes. It was such a weird color. The green color of the eyes is so pale, but it was definitely green. Like a pair of beautiful jade beads. The deep auburn hair complimented the color of those pale eyes so well, it made the subtle color pop. The jawlines were so ungodly defined, Damien had to trail his finger over it. Pink lips adorned the face, which curl into a sweet smile. Looking down, he could see the white shirt he was wearing fit very well, though a bit loose at the waist. He dared to put one hand under the shirt, feeling bumps of muscle. He felt one strong, straight line down the middle of the abs. Going a little bit up, he could feel his chest, flat and a little hard.
He was getting more curious, so he lifted his shirt up to see underneath. ‘Oh man…’ Damien couldn’t help himself but trace over the subtle lines of muscle on the waist. The forearms also had visible cuts, though not extreme. ‘This guys is probably the hottest person I’ve ever seen...’
Going back into the bedroom, he sat on the bed. He didn’t know what else he was supposed to do. He still had twenty five minutes to kill. So, he turned the lights back off and wrapped himself in the soft, thick blanket. He supposed it made sense to have thick blankets here, since Russia gets really cold in winters.
Damien never thought he would ever have a soulmate. Having a soulmate was always a weird thought to him. He thought, he didn’t have a soulmate and for a while he was fine with that. Now, though, he was having his hour and he had been stuck in his soulmate’s body for about forty to forty five minutes. Thinking about the idea of him living his life alone was getting a little sad and depressing.
Damien had never liked being alone. He wanted to have many friends, but he knew it wasn’t his scene. He was always awkward and he constantly lie when he’s in a bad mood or in a high-stress situation. Sitting on that bed, Damien was starting to think that maybe a life alone would not be very interesting. Maybe, it wasn’t so bad to have a person in your life that you could depend on and you could… love.
He kept thinking about soulmates and his life in the future. He was getting deeper into his mind, so he wasn’t aware that his times was almost up. When he felt a headache coming, he thought nothing of it. Then, he remembered that the headache meant he had to go back. It was time. As another wave of headache came, he thought, ‘There’s so much distance between us, when will we ever meet each other?’
A minute later, he was back at Jacked Up Coffee. Nothing seemed to change and no one around him seemed to even notice what just happened. The girl a few tables away was still reading her book and that guy sitting across the room was still on his phone. When he looked down, he saw that his coffee was already halfway done and he could taste the slightly bitter taste of coffee in his mouth. ‘That’s interesting.’ Another thing that he found on the table was a small note.
Remus Galanicheff (19)
Yes I’m Russian. And yes, I speak English.
See you whenever I’ll see you.
The note was short, but it stirred something inside Damien. He folded the note carefully and put it in his pocket.
Damien was pulled out of his memory when a small dog approached him, butting its head softly on his leg. He put his now-cold half-cup of coffee on the bench and reached down to pet the dog. Patton came running and flopped himself next to his brother on the bench.
“Oh my goodness, it’s so cute!” Patton reached his hand down to pet the dog.
“Skittles! Skittles, don’t annoy people. I told you to stay with me.” A young boy came and squatted next to the dog. Then, the boy looked up at Damien and said, “Sorry, mister. Skittles was having too much fun, I thought I lost him again.”
“That’s alright kid. Your dog’s pretty cute.” The boy only nodded in reply and smiled. The boy looked to Damien’s side—at Patton—and back at Damien again.
“Are you guys twins?” The boy asked timidly.
“Yep!” Patton answered enthusiastically. He always liked it when people asked about their twin-ship—Patton wasn’t sure if that’s a word, but that’s what he call his relationship with his brother. “He’s eight minutes older,” Patton said, pointing at Damien with his thumb.
The boy nodded again. “That’s cool. I’ve never seen adult twins before. All the pair of twins I know are my age.” The boy said with a hint of fascination. “Alright, I have to go now. Bye.” Without waiting for a reply, the kid ran off with his dog.
Once the boy was out of sight, Damien spoke up. “It’s weird that people still ask if we’re twins. You think being asked that question for twenty one years would make you get used to it.”
“Well, I’m fine with it.” After that, it was silence. The good kind of silence. The one that you enjoy, where you just absorb your surroundings. The birds singing in the trees, the warm sun hitting their skin and the sound of children playing in the park.
“Hey Pat, what did it feel like the first time you met Logan?” Damien asked after a long moment of silence.
Patton still remembered that morning in the coffee shop when he met Logan for the first time. It felt so long ago when it was only been about a month and two or three weeks. The first time he recognized Logan it felt relieving. There was no other way to describe it. It felt like he had just found something he thought he lost. Like that satisfying feel when you finish a herculean task.
“Well, I…” Patton tried to piece his thoughts together. “At first it was weird. Like, ‘oh wait, I know you even though I’ve never met you.’ It just felt…right?  As if there was some kind of magic.”
“Yeah, magic kinda makes sense Pat. I mean, no one on Earth has ever explained this phenomenon of people having their souls transferred into their soulmate’s body for an hour and all that. It’s literally magic.”
“I guess so… Why’d ya ask?”
“Oh, nothing. Just curious.”
Patton looked unconvinced by Damien’s answer, but he nodded anyway. He still, however, threw his brother a skeptical look. Little did he know, Damien was thinking about his soulmate again. What is he doing right now? Is he alright after that whole fighting thing a few days ago? Damien didn’t realize this at that moment, but he was actually missing his soulmate. It was a very peculiar thought, given that they’ve only known each other for a week. But, Damien missed Remy. He just didn’t realize that.
And once again, you've reached the end of the chapter. As I said earlier, the next chapter would—hopefully—be more exciting. Thank you so much for reading!! Please leave some feedback in the comment section, let me know what I should add or take out. --- Russian stuff (tell me of an mistakes!):
С днем рождения S dnem rozhdeniya [Happy birthday]
почему ты не спишь? pochemú ty ne spish'? [why aren't you sleeping?]
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I know Freddie Mercury isn’t a superhero, but he’s also maybe a superhero, and I guess I’m gonna put this movie discussion here, because... this blog is already used to my bullshit.
No, but, this is actually a serious thing. This will be lengthy, because I’m approaching this not as a rant, as per usual on this blog, but as a study? I guess? I mean, without research, because I’m in grad school and my brain will crumble if I add any extra research, but yeah. 
I have seen a lot of criticism of the Bohemian Rhapsody movie that I have been giving a lot of thought to. To be completely fair, I sort of have always had this view of Freddie Mercury as a godlike figure. And I love Rami Malek. So, I have been checking and double-checking myself for bias, which is the thing to do in this situation. 
I really enjoyed the film. I am also a screenwriter (MFA student) and I understand and cannot totally ignore the problems with the film. 
One of the things we’ve been taught to do, in my MFA program, is pay attention to things like cultural markers and identity markers in our writing. As in, if we write a bisexual character, what makes them bisexual? If we write a South Asian character, what makes them South Asian? Often, writers will write “diverse” characters just for the sake of having them in the picture, but they will inadvertently be devoid of whatever it is that makes them... part of their culture. This is not my criticism of BoRhap. In fact, this post will not be a criticism, per se. It’s... it’s an examination, and a question. And, full disclosure, I should absolutely be working on stuff for class, right now.
This will be focusing on the portrayal of queerness in BoRhap more than anything. 
When I saw the movie, being queer myself, I was very... excited to hear Freddie say, on screen, that he thinks he’s bisexual. Like, what a moment, in film. I don’t think that happens, often, and I don’t think screenwriters write shit like that. I believe it’s because bisexuality is misunderstood. People assume bisexual men are gay. People assume bisexual women are straight. People think of bisexuality as something you do while you’re in college out of curiosity, or the last stop over to gayville. People think bi people who date or marry members of their same gender are gay/lesbian. People think bi people who date or marry members of a different gender are straight. It’s just a very, very misunderstood sexual orientation, and those of us who identify this way (I mostly do, although I kinda like queer as a general term) really walk on eggshells all the time trying not to ... be constantly judged from all parties, I guess. So, to hear a character say it in a film? And it’s sincere and not a character flaw or played for laughs? I C O N I C.
But the film also undercuts that line immediately, with Freddie’s girlfriend yelling at him that he’s gay. Because a man can’t be bisexual, yenno? If he likes dick at all, he’s gay. (Of course this is wrong as hell, but whatever.)
I guess, that’s part of the reason so many people are unhappy or even angry with the portrayal. One criticism I keep seeing is how it treats queerness as a cautionary tale. How Freddie gets caught up in this “gay underworld” lifestyle and it literally kills him. How redemption is him “straightening up”. (Which actually does not happen in the movie. The movie... ends with him finally settling down with JIM, a man, JIM! How that was read as “straightening up” or I guess becoming hetero to some people is beyond me.)
And mentioning that, there’s criticism of showing Paul Prenter, who I understand re: Queen fans, to be a slimy slimeball piece of crap, as the villain, because Paul is also a gay man. 
So, this is my concern, or I guess, my issue, with these criticisms: much of this is based in the reality of the situation. I’m not suggesting that this film is historically accurate. I’ve seen discussions of timeline issues, invented moments, and Freddie actually never told his bandmates he had AIDS until the day before he died (unlike in the film). But I struggle with the argument that it presents queerness as a cautionary tale when Freddie’s battle with AIDS is actually what happened. He actually died of AIDS related illness in 1991. That’s not to say being gay killed him. A lot of people were gay in the 1980s and did not contract HIV or die of AIDS. But unfortunately, Freddie did.
So, what is the line? When we’re handling stories based on true events, based on real people... what are we supposed to write? Would it have been worse to show Freddie as a healthy man who died in his sleep of natural causes, ignoring his battle with AIDS completely? 
What about the Prenter situation? The man wasn’t a good person, and wasn’t good for Queen or Freddie. I’m not extremely well versed in Queen history, but I do know that Paul Prenter is, well, a villain in the eyes of Queen’s fans, and he did do snake shit to Freddie. Does the fact that he’s also gay mean that should be left out? Or should they have erased Paul’s queerness, so that it’s not suggested that the evil gay person ruined Freddie’s life?
Some of my opinion on that matter should be clear, but I also don’t really know the way they should’ve handled this stuff. I thought, personally, that they handled AIDS delicately, and maybe a little too delicately, but... I thought it was done fine. Freddie wasn’t even blamed for having the disease. And the invented scene where he tells the band before Live Aid (I don’t know that he had even been diagnosed, yet, in real life), was a touching, beautiful scene. Nobody scolds him, or says “you shouldn’t have fucked all those people!” They aren’t angry. They cry together, and tell him he’s a legend and they love him. Then they go get a drink. It wasn’t... at all... very “cautionary tale,” to me. Especially because directly after that moment, he goes and finds Jim Hutton, the man he’s been wanting for a long time, and finally pursues being with him for real. So, what’s the caution, here? Don’t be gay, just be gay? I don’t... get it....
Like, it’s a hard line to tow. Do you... make a huge show of an icon dying from a horrible disease that ravaged the LGBT community terribly during the 1980s? Or do you.... not mention it at all? Or ... do you do what they did and mention it lightly, and try not to make it a huge deal? I don’t know. I’m sure you don’t really know, either. You’d probably try your best, if you were writing this, but ultimately, it’s hard to know what the move is, here. 
That’s not to say that the movie doesn’t have faults. It doesn’t know which story it’s telling. It sort of moves like a “brief history of” type of thing. It’s also 2 hours and 30 minutes long, and still feels like it didn’t go in depth at all. 
I also agree that we see much of Freddie’s vices and little of the other members’ vices. I mean, we get hints of Roger’s affinity towards being with multiple women, but barely. And John and Brian were basically angels. Which... can’t have been realistic, considering they were hot rock stars in the 1970s, when everyone was fucking everyone and everyone was snorting cocaine. I do wish they would’ve showed them all behaving like rock stars, more, instead of showing Freddie throwing lavish parties and the other guys sort of shaking their head and going home to their wives. But also, we don’t see very much of Freddie’s wildness, either. The movie is very, very tame, as rock star biopics go. There’s not even a sex scene. There’s cocaine on a table, but nobody snorts it on screen. There are parties with lots of boys making out and whatnot, but Freddie isn’t even shown really participating in that shit. I honestly think it’s even this tame because the living Queen members had a say.
Like, if Brian May and Roger Taylor weren’t involved in the production, I’m sure we would’ve seen more of their vices, too. And probably more of Freddie’s vices. I think it’s silly for people to suggest they are jealous of Freddie and made it look like Freddie was the only one partying to make themselves look better, because I think Freddie looks damn near innocent in the film, and I think that’s thanks to Brian and Roger protecting his legacy. For instance, we learn towards the end that Freddie has AIDS. But WE NEVER SEE HIM CONTRACT HIV. We don’t see him sleep with some dirty bear in the back of some gay bar in NYC or something. We just... learn he has AIDS. 
That can either be cause for criticism or praise, I guess. From a writing perspective, generally you wouldn’t randomly reveal a character has AIDS without some hint as to how they contracted it, in a narrative like this one that spans like 15-20 years. And also, maybe you could stretch it as an example of that “cautionary tale” business, like “even though Freddie was a good boy, he still got AIDS because of all the gay.” Which... is a reach, and I’m sorry I pulled it out of the sky. They also did one of my least favorite movie tropes, which is “character coughs up blood, so you know he gon die.” Although, IDK if that’s something that every happened to him. Singers can cough up blood just from damaging their throat while doing certain things with their voice, and getting infections and things...
I just... I get the criticism, and I get the instinct to be hypercritical of this movie. After all, Freddie was one of the most unapologetic and influential queer artists in the world. In history. You want to make sure it’s done right and with respect.
But, I genuinely don’t know how they could’ve approached this differently. I mean, I see how changes could be made to make it a better film, narratively speaking. But I’m not sure how I’d write a movie about Freddie Mercury and discuss his battle with AIDS... without the reality that Freddie succumbs to the illness in 1991. Or, how you write about the doomed dealings with Paul Prenter, without acknowledging that he’s a creep, even if he is gay.
See, when shit is based on a true story, it’s harder to navigate these things. Because, I totally understand the reaction to what many perceive is a slight against their people. But, IDK, if I’m writing a Freddie Mercury film, I’d know that he’s going to die, and from what, and I’d know that he kept it to himself, and explore why that is. 
And as for Paul Prenter, fuck that guy. One can be evil and gay. Just as one can be a sweet baby angel and gay (like Jim Hutton.)
The movie has problem. (Another topic for another day). These aren’t problems it has, to me. 
I’d be open to hear others’ opinions, here, but only if you promise not to yell at me (CAPS IS YELLING) or call me names or be a general jerk about things. 
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heir-of-snakes · 6 years
The House Cup
The link is here for AO3.
Pairing: Tomarry
Tags: Fluff, Competetive boys, Pouting Tom, Jealous Tom, passively Jealous Harry
Word Count: 1,547
Warnings: Language, Light slash (implications kissing, but nothing more)
Summary: In which points are earned and secrets and kept (then shattered).
A/N: This isn’t edited, but I hope you enjoy. Not sure if I expanded enough on the “supportive” aspect, but thank you for the ask, nonetheless.
And so it begins.
“Fifty points to Gryffindor, Mr. Potter!” 
Tom bitterly shook his head at the overtly excited Transfiguration professor who, in his opinion, gave her favorite Golden Boy too many points for the most basic Qudditch maneuvers and during practice, no less. At times it seemed as though she knew of the wager and did everything in her power to prolong his imminent victory.
Reflective over the points he’d gained already for academic excellence, he realized that with that point gain, Potter wasn’t too far behind him.
Their first week, he’d gained a record amount of 250 points from his outstanding Potions, Transfiguration, and Herbology essays. The following week, he’d gained a solid 175. The week after that, 200. To any intelligent being, he’d be the clear winner, but Potter had his idiotic fallback.
Every match he caught the snitch. Every match he gained an obscene amount of points for his obnoxious house. Every match, he came to Tom smiling smugly.
Looking up from his position in the Gryffindor stands, not far down from McGonagall, Tom noticed the elated look that adorned Harry Potter’s face and paused.
Maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t completely opposed to those points being awarded.
Long after the flyers landed, the students had lied down, and the teachers stopped patrolling, two figures convened in a hidden chamber that housed a monster they’d deemed their joint pet. (Although it was agreed that Tom was the primary owner. He was the Heir of Slytherin, after all.)
“How many have you gotten today?” Harry, opening a chocolate frog, asked with a sly grin. “I noticed that you got yet another ‘O’ on your Potions essay. Congratulations!” His eyes lit up with excitement, and Tom willed his heart to slow down.
“235,” he answered irritably. “McGonagall was holding out on me. My essay was flawless and my practical exam hadn’t a fault to be seen. How about yourself? I saw your dive on the practice field today. You looked stunning. I’ll admit, you deserved those points from her. Although,” He turned to look at Harry. “I’m starting to believe you’ve told her about our challenge. It would certainly explain why she gives you points for merely breathing.”
The incident Tom was referring to occurred just after Harry had fallen from the sky in yet another crazy stunt on his broom. So overcome with relief that he was still alive, McGonagall gave the boy 100 points. Tom wouldn’t admit it to anyone, even himself, but he had secretly died- if only a little- seeing the younger of the two flailing about in the air.
Harry rolled his eyes. “I think I’ve gotten 190, and only you would have a problem with me breathing.” His eyes, which had previously been focused on his Dumbledore card, rose to meet Tom’s. “And you haven’t much room to talk. You abuse your prefect powers and take points away from me for existing. And do you recall Slughorn giving you 75 points for taking notes during a lecture, love?”
He only received a small snort as an answer to his question.
“Using terms of endearment won’t work on me, darling.” Tom’s statement was met with a sheepish smile from Harry that he adored.
It had been only fitting that he lean forward and show just how much adoration he felt.
The following morning, an exclamation of disbelief could be heard throughout the castle as a raven-haired young man noticed the point differentiation between Slytherin and Gryffindor. Slytherin was more than three-hundred points ahead.
Harry was going to kill Tom.
Whipping around, he made his way towards the Slytherin table and stood behind the unaware snake. Tom, sipping his tea and casually flipping through a potions journal, only noticed Harry’s presence when Abraxas Malfoy softly cleared his throat.
Turning around, he looked up to meet Harry’s eye.
“Is there something you needed, Potter?” The answer he got wasn’t one he was prepared for.
A resounding slap rang throughout the hall. Tom’s head jolted to the side and he instinctively raised a hand to cup the abused cheek. Any Slytherin mask previously set in place was gone. Abruptly standing, he loomed over Harry’s smaller frame and snarled, “What the bloody hell was that for, Potter? Have you lost your damned mind?”
The professors at the head table drew their wands, ready to stop an impromptu duel at any given moment, Slughorn moving to stop his student from retaliating before Dumbledore but a gentle, but firm, hand on his arm to stop him. The student body was still and stiff. No one blinked from fear of missing the result of the hatred that they all believed to be between the two men.
“You cheated, you slimy snake!” Harry yelled, not intimidated by Tom’s anger in the slightest. “There’s no way you gained three hundred points fairly over the course of last night.”
The look of confusion that Tom had taken on during Harry’s initial statement melted away into one of understanding as Harry elaborated on his cause of anger.
However, he only stared. Eyes hardened and posture perfect, he stared at the emerald-eyed, impulsive man in front of him. Harry, feeling less certain of himself than before, called on his bravery to remain strong.
“Abraxas,” Tom’s deep and cutting voice echoed in the silence. “What did we do last night when I returned to the common room?”
Abraxas nearly dropped his tea at being addressed so suddenly. Stuttering over his words, he took a calming breath before his face cooled into the mask of pureblood excellence. “We completed revisions with Severus for our variation of the Wolfsbane Potion.”
Harry’s eyes widened, realizing why Tom had taken up the project in the first place, but Tom wasn’t done. The four house tables that had no idea what was transpiring before themselves prepared themselves for the storm that was Tom Riddle’s anger.
“Correct. And what does this one do, exactly?”
Severus chimed in with his textbook explanation. “Our new potion makes not only the transformation from human to wolf smoother and less painful with agents soothing nerve damage, muscle straining, and joint stress, it also makes the time leading up to and following the transformation much more bearable. It will undoubtedly add several years to the perpetually faltering lifespan of werewolves.”
Harry’s heart soared at the prospect of having Remus around longer than he would have before it dropped after realizing the dreadful thing he’d done.
His eyes still on Harry, Tom replied, “Thank you. And after we’d shown our research to Slughorn, what did he do?”
“He awarded you, Severus, and myself one hundred points each.” Abraxas, still confused and completely ignorant to the cause of such a display, continued, “He also said that depending on the success of the potion, we’d gain more later on.”
Harry was now staring at his feet, refusing to look into the agitated eyes. He felt awful, and knowing that Tom had only chosen that potion because of Remus made him feel infinitely worse.
He felt Tom’s hand on his chin and allowed it to elevate his head. Tom stared into his eyes a moment before speaking clearly for the students and professors to hear. “One day, your impulsivity is going to get you into a lot of trouble, love.”
McGonagall and Dumbledore exchanged bewildered glances and mouthed “Did he just call Potter ‘love’?” to one another.
“Tom,” Harry frantically whispered, “what are you doing?”
Tom closed his eyes for a moment before a feral grin embellished his features. “You owe me, now. You just slapped me in front of everyone and openly accused me of cheating. That really does some damage to one’s public image which you know is very important to me.”
Harry sighed frustratedly. “Fine,” he deadpanned. “What do you want?”
Tom leaned forward slowly, placing his lips near Harry’s left ear. “I want the secrets to end and the advances to stop.”
Harry’s breath caught in his throat. They’d talked about this before, and he knew how much it bothered Tom that everyone wanted a piece of the Gryffindor Quidditch Star. And frankly, it annoyed Harry that everyone wanted a go at the Mysterious Slytherin Genius.
Meanwhile, the other occupants of the Great Hall were now unbearably out of the loop and a tad weirded out.
Harry let out a slow breath before confidently meeting Tom’s eyes once more. “Do what you must, I suppose.”
With a rare, genuine smile, Tom moved his hand from Harry’s chin and moved it to the back of his head. His other hand went down to the small of the Gryffindor’s back.
A small “Thank you.” was whispered before the secret was shattered.
They weren’t so worried about the advances anymore. Harry held the title of Second-Best Dueler of Hogwarts, bested only by Tom Riddle himself.
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Let’s Talk About Pokemon - Halloween Special
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Boys and girls of every age Wouldn't you like to see something strange?
Come with us and you will see This, our town of Halloween
This is Halloween, this is Halloween! Pumpkins scream in the dead of night
This is Halloween, everybody make a scene! Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright
It's our town, everybody scream! In this town of Halloween
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I am the one hiding under your bed Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red
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I am the one hiding under your stairs Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair
This is Halloween, this is Halloween!
Halloween! Halloween! 
Halloween! Halloween!
In this town we call home Everyone hail to the pumpkin song
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In this town, don't we love it now? Everybody's waiting for the next surprise
'Round that corner, man hiding in the trash can Something's waiting now to pounce, and how you'll
This is Halloween Red 'n' black, and slimy green
Aren't you scared?
Well, that's just fine Say it once, say it twice Take a chance and roll the dice Ride with the moon in the dead of night
Everybody scream, everybody scream!
In our town of Halloween!
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I am the clown with the tear-away face Here in a flash and gone without a trace
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I am the "who" in the call, "Who's there?" I am the wind blowing in your hair
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I am the shadow on the moon at night Filling your dreams to the brim with fright
This is Halloween, this is Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
Tender lumplings everywhere Life's no fun without a good scare
That's our job, but we're not mean In our town of Halloween
In this town Don't we love it now?
Everybody's waiting for the next surprise
Skeleton Jack might catch you in the back And scream like a banshee Make you jump out of your skin
This is Halloween, everybody scream Won't ya please make way for a very special guy
Our man Jack is King of the Pumpkin patch Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King, now!
This is Halloween, this is Halloween Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
In this town we call home Everyone hail to the pumpkin song
La la la la la la la la la la (Halloween! Halloween!) La la la la la la la la la la (Halloween! Halloween!)
Ohhhh yes, today is a special day indeed! We're about to dive into not only what I'd call the four most definitively “Halloween” Pokemon in the entire series, but a group of some of my top faves in the entire franchise's history. I've never stopped appreciating Halloween, even long past growing too old to be trick-or-treating. I'm already big into Autumn as my favorite season but Halloween only escalates that aesthetic appeal.
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Nothing gets me quite like that child-like spooky look. The Jack-o-lanterns, black cats, ghosts, gargoyles, and slimy critters. (And the PUMPKIN REESE'S CUPS) Obviously I'm quite into more adult-oriented  horror like Silent Hill, Creepypastas, and DOOM. But nothing beats some wholesome all-ages Halloween creepy monster creation for me. And Pokemon's of course had no shortage of that. Especially in these later Generations.
In fact, between these four I'm about to cover, Klefki, Sliggoo, Malamar, Spritzee, Honedge, Espurr, and Braixen/Delphox, Gen 6 feels like arguably the most Halloweeny Generation out there so far. Probably part-way why I'd call this my third closest to favorite Generation.
But in any case, let's get to covering these four. Yes, just as a little Halloween treat for y'all I'll cover two lines today!
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708: Phantump
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And right off the haunted mansion gates, we're getting treated to some James Turnery goodness! I've not brought him up in a while so I don't sound like a broken record, but for whatever it's worth, he's the designer that's made gold like Golurk and Mandibuzz as well. Sadly this and Trevenant are his only additions this time around, but I'll definitely not complain!
Phantump is just an absolutely precious little ghost kid! And that's not even an exaggeration, this thing is literally the ghost of children that got lost and died in the woods. Which of course is arguably one of the most dire-sounding Pokedex entry tidbits ever. Just something to keep in mind when you go around catching these or beating them up for experience.
Phantump is simply too cute for words though. It's trying to spook you but in a way only a child would know how, going up to you and making a little stereotypical “oooooooo!!!” ghost face and scream. It's the perfect blend of spooky and ADORABLE. I even like how the bark marks on the side of its eyes look like sleep-deprived/stressed out little eye bags. Such a tiny detail as an itty bitty little line just adds so much more personality to this thing.
Another reason I'm so excited about these four. Like Bug/Water, Grass/Ghost up until now has been something I was yearning for hardcore since like, Gen 3. There's so much potential in the type between haunted trees, jack-o-lanterns, and just generally spooky-looking woodland monsters that it pained me to see both Gen 4 and 5 go by with nothing. Ohoho, but then I got to Route 16 in my first playthrough of X to lay eyes on a wild Phantump for the first time ever and to find it's A HAUNTED STUMP! FINALLY, MY PRAYERS ANSWERED!!
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Personal Score: 10/10
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This literally has eaten up one page on a word document so far and we're still only on the FIRST POKEMON HERE...
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709: Trevenant
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Things only get spookier as we move on down to Trevenant, and god yes. I've wanted a haunted tree Pokemon for so long. It's just such a staple to Halloween, and Ents are a high-fantasy monster that have been missing from Pokemon anyways. And I'm so glad they meshed the two ideas into one here. It's even better by not just being a bipedal tree so much as a literal tree that uprooted itself and uses its hunking roots as legs. Hell yes.
Trevenant in general is just one of the coolest spooky Pokemon in the whole series. And even one of the conceptually more frightening in the entire game as well. This child spirit has grown so angry to those that want to harm the forest, that this thing can root itself to bend a whole forest to its will, forcing anyone polluting or chopping down trees in its forest to get lost and never be able to leave. But to other wild Pokemon and those that respect the forests, it is kind to.
In fact, this Pokemon has one of the spookier moves in the whole game. Its signature move, Forest’s Curse, changes the opponent’s type to Grass. Seems simple and innocent enough on the surface. But there’s a ridiculous amount of implications with this move. Forest’s Curse. Ever so somewhat implying that Trevenant may turn its human victims into trees themselves, permanent fixtures in Trevenant’s forest. That and there’s a ridiculous amount of existential dread in the thought of being polymorphed into an inanimate object. Becoming just another tree in the forst, which no other person would be able to distinguish you from any other tree.
Trevenant is just a nearly-perfect tree ghost. The decrepit barely-alive tree look, the cool, somewhat pale color scheme. The rad branch-antlers. The aforementioned root legs. The piercing red cycloptic eye. How the breaks in the bark for an unhinged-jaw kind of mouth look. This is a Pokemon clearly designed by Halloween lovers and for Halloween lovers.
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Personal Score: 10/10
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This Pokemon was MADE FOR ME.
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710: Pumpkaboo
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Oh, but the Halloween goodness doesn't stop there. Imagine my delight when I continued exploring around the routes I found Phantump on only to encounter THIS THING. THIS CUTIE. THIS BLACK-CAT-JACK-O-LANTERN MONSTER. I've wanted a pumpkin critter in Pokemon for about as long as I can remember. Ever since I’ve become so obsessed with Halloween. Things like Cacnea, Spiritomb, and maybe even Lampent/Chandelure have given us fairly close approximations but nothing to exactly hit the specifically, undoubtedly, undeniably Halloween mark that is a clear as horrid night Jack-o-lantern. And the wait has more than paid off.
The one sole flaw I can think of with Pumpkaboo is that it'll probably the peak of Halloween creatures we'll get in Pokemon PROBABLY for good. Like, I don't know if we'll ever get more Halloweeny than a thing that is half black cat, half bat (and pretty much half vampire), half pumpkin. It's impossible. You can't out-Halloween that in a single cohesive creature. You just merged three to four of Halloween's biggest icons into ONE creature so seamlessly. It even comes with a signature move Trick-or-Treat!! Which does what else but turn its opponents into fellow GHOST TYPES. GHHHH.
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Pumpkaboo is just a brilliantly unexpected twist on the usual jack-o-lantern monster. There's a countless number of em that have the pumpkin as the head with the usual face carved out of the front. And as much as those never get old for me, Pumpkaboo is just such a fun and unique take on it! The pumpkin is more like a body; still with little eyespots carved into it, but the head is poofing out of the top of the pumpkin, looking like a merging between a black cat and a vampire bat. Like I've been saying, you've fused so much Halloween into one adorably poutty and yet clean and coherent critter than I can't handle it. I'm gonna be reduced to a dribbling MESS over here.
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And as a fun bonus, it even comes in different sizes! And with slight stat changes to go with those sizes. You can use the smaller and less durable but faster tiny Pumpkaboos or the huge, bulky, but slow ones.
This is just ENTIRELY Halloween goodness. And I'm being spoiled by Gamefreak over here. Wanted a Grass/Ghost for years and years? Here, have TWO LINES OF TWO EACH. Jack-o-lantern a hard want on your Pokemon wishlist? Here's a little bcatkin to absolutely ERADICATE my expectations. This is so perfect for me I would almost half suspect Junichi Masuda himself to come to my doorstep and tell me to never ask them for anything ever again.
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Personal Score: 10/10
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711: Gourgeist
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We’re finally at our final addition on this spooky parade. Sadly Gourgeist doesn't make a bumbling buffoon out of me quite like Pumpkaboo does, but I still love the thing a lot. It's still a different and cool flavor of squash monster, just fairly different from Pumpkaboo's. It's a little LESS genius of a mish-mash too but oh well.
This like we're looking at something of a creature I liked to look at as more of a giant melty candlestick hanging out of a gourd. May or may not be the intention, but y'know.
Gourgeist is still a very lovable Halloween monster in its own merits! It's more or less got the same face, and I love me tiny little fangs. (Even if they only show with its mouth open) The hair-hands are also really neat, and generally are a monster feature that doesn't get used enough. And the fringe covering one eye too. It's like a Hot Topic brand of Halloween!
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And it does get a much more traditional pumpkin carving face too. It's just different ENOUGH to not be a bit odd how Pumpkaboo looks one way with Gourgeist totally another. You could somewhat even see it as a face-marking adaptation, like how many moths adapt a pattern on their wings that look like a giant face to scare off predators. It would've been nice to see the cat-bat parts played up in a Pumpkaboo evolution, but Gourgeist has enough goodness going on its own where I'm not upset of course.
I just generally love its shape too. A real odd body shape between the arms being on its head and the pear-shaped silhouette to it. It's easily one of the Pokemon I have the most fun drawing when I find the mood to. It's just so. Drawable. And pretty. Oh hey, that's another thing! We don't have that many pretty-creeps in the Pokedex yet. So there's another niche Gourgeist can fill!
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Personal Score: 10/10
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Everyone! Everyone wins!
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Oh and one more thing! I don't talk about shinies a lot in these reviews obviously but I wanna highlight these just because on top of being some of my top favorite Pokemon in the whole series, they even have some of my top favorite shinies in the whole series!! Phantump and Trevenant not only rock the absolutely beautiful white with red accents color scheme, but that's actually based on a real tree! White aspens are indeed white-bark trees that have leaves that grow red in the fall. So PRETTY.
And while Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist's aren't seemingly based on anything in particular other than some alternative jack-o-lantern decoration colors, you just can't go wrong with black, purple, and yellow. So good.
So that's only BONUS POINTS for some already glorious Pokemon.
Happy Halloween everybody! Stay spooky!
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ask-svt-hearteu · 7 years
Hogwarts! Joshua
Anon requested: “can you write seventeen hogwarts au? Joshua is possible?”
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 2783
everyone knew about Joshua Hong 
the perfect perfect
he was a fifth year Hufflepuff 
same house and year as you 
so you saw him often as you both shared classes 
it came as no surprise when he was chosen as a prefect 
but he was surprisingly cool, letting minor things go if it didn’t endanger anyone or if it was for special occasions 
especially if they were his friends, he just couldn’t say no to them 
everyone’s favorite prefect because he was so nice and liked giving warnings rather than punishments 
caught out past curfew by a few minutes, 
he’d show you a secret passage to getting back to the dorms without running into teachers 
if you passed him on the train, he’d stop to compliment you after asking you how your summer went 
and no surprise he knew the lady pushing the trolley around on a first name basis 
and asking her how her family was and everything 
and complimenting her uniform
she always slipped him chocolate frog cards he didn’t have for his collection 
and he’d thank her and buy out half the trolley before sharing it with all the kids in the next few carriages 
Joshua was good at everything, smart and friendly too 
not a single person could find something wrong with the guy or criticize him in any way 
no matter what house someone was in, they new Joshua Hong
because the guy did everything 
perfect exam scores in charms, potions, DATDA, transfiguration, herbology 
you name it, Hong Jisoo did well in it 
and he was so nice to everyone and a gentleman wherever he went  
holding open doors to classrooms for people or picking up fallen quills or books that people dropped and returning it to them with a small smile 
one time a girl accidentally set the quill she was writing with on fire from a wayward charm 
Joshua had quickly extinguished it with aguamenti and gave her a new quill 
suffice to say, plenty of witches had crushes on him 
and no one could hate the guy for anything 
literally, if you tried hating him, Joshua somehow managed to make you like him 
disliked him for being too smart? 
he’d say he wasn’t really smart, he just tries hard to study his best and he has smart friends who show him how to do stuff 
and then talk about some random episode of spongebob bc it’s Joshua
which plenty of people wouldn’t understand except the other muggle borns 
he’d be a huge dork quoting random episodes and just being a meme 
everyone was always asking him for advice or to look over their homework for them 
and although he never lets anyone copy his 
goody two shoes you know
he somehow had the time to always give advice to everyone and save their grade 
he played as a chaser for Hufflepuff’s Quidditch team too 
it wasn’t enough to be intelligent, he was athletic and dedicated too
spending even stormy days out in the field practicing long after some of his teammates had called it quits 
looked damn fine in quidditch robes too yes 
in his third year, he had led the Hufflepuff team to victory 
scored 30 points in the last minutes before their seeker finally caught the snitch, bringing the score to 270-300 
he was every teacher’s favorite too 
they couldn’t help it 
he was always offering to help out teachers with anything they may need 
although he didn’t sit in the front of any of his classes 
and he was too quiet to raise his hand to answer any questions sometimes 
if a teacher ever made the mistake of assuming Joshua wasn’t listening to the question 
they got roasted as Joshua Hong not only got the question right, but probably corrected some error they made in their lecture earlier 
which he would only point out in the most respectful and polite way
“Professor, did you mean to say aconite or monkshood instead of mandragora?“ 
and if no one knew the answer to a question 
all Joshua needed was a glance from the teacher and he’d have the correct answer ready to go 
the boy sang in chorus too 
his voice was heavenly 
some magical entity had to have graced Joshua with every goddamn talent in the universe 
he supposedly played guitar amazingly well 
only his dorm mates knew though, he always packed his guitar in his trunk somehow 
and brought it out to play sometimes 
it always surprised everyone when they found out he was muggle born
like he was too good at everything wtf how have you only been doing magic for a few years 
but no one dared say anything about it 
bc he had so many friends from all the houses 
say something mean about Joshua or just something even remotely critical 
and like five different people will interject saying how he’s basically a human unicorn 
and how dare you call Shua anything but the perfect prefect 
and he could easily beat anyone in a duel if his friends dragged him into one 
and probably profusely apologize while bowing at ninety degrees and helping bandage and heal any injuries he may have caused 
it was theorized he might have a time-turner 
how else could he get all his papers done and still manage quidditch practice and chorus? 
and also reorganizing textbooks in the library with his wand while the librarian recommended him books he hadn’t read before since he had read many of them 
and helping the kitchen elves by explaining the concept of lactose intolerance and gluten free and other things that helped people with dietary restrictions and food allergies feel comfortable eating all food 
he also helped an elf who once tripped over the recently mopped floor
Madam Pomfrey was always glowing about Shua bc he always brought students who were sick flowers and books to read and always gave her chocolates 
he also was often seen consoling random paintings and ghosts in Hogwarts and he knew all of them by their first names 
and while some people wanted to hate Joshua 
he could say a few words and any negative feelings you had toward him were gone 
“You really deserved that win, you guys have been practicing so hard lately on the quidditch field, good job!" 
"How did you you come up with a way to start your potions paper so well? I should be asking you to edit mine." 
"you have to show me that spell you did the other day with the lights and confetti, I want to use it for a friend’s birthday.”
“My owl? Oh his name is Flufferson, I have a picture do you want to see? He’s probably somewhere flying around, enjoying the fresh air, the cutie.”
“I have a puppy at home, it’s a Maltese and I named it Sebongie, I think it’s a cute name." 
on weekends, you could probably see Joshua buying sugar quills for some third years who had forgotten their silver sickles or bronze knuts
or in the common room teaching kids how to use his iPhone to watch YouTube and anime 
always with his group of friends from all the houses 
his group of friends was big, 13 of them in all 
his best friends were Jeonghan from slytherin and Seungcheol from Gryffindor since they were all the same age 
one time, Jeonghan had tried to prank some Hufflepuff students by hexing their book bags into releasing a bunch of little rubber snakes 
but he was caught by Joshua 
and Joshua made him apologize 
you don’t mess with Joshua’s kids 
the next day Jeonghan’s clothes kept dropping rubber snakes everywhere
Joshua would hide his laughter behind his hand and then compose himself 
“That should actually keep you awake in potions then." 
and everyone around them would be dying from laughter and patting Joshua on the back 
for a gentleman the guy knew how to be savage sometimes 
ofc as a fifth year in Hufflepuff you knew Joshua 
you even sat pretty close to him in charms 
and although you couldn’t hate the guy 
it gets low key annoying when your friends always act like his biggest fan
"Shua’s practicing down at the quidditch field, GET THE SIGNS GIRLS!" 
"We have a transfiguration exam y'all what are you doing?" 
"Supporting our Hong Jisoo, y/n. The quidditch match is next weekend and we want to beat the slimy smiles off of those Slytherins’ faces." 
one day in charms the professor had to assign a partner project 
naturally everyone paired up 
and you’re like chill I’ll just ask
you look around and all your friends are already paired up 
and of course you’re like great forever alone that’s me I need to get me an even number of friends… 
"Y/n do you need a partner?” Joshua asks you from the seat two students down from you 
and everyone goes quiet
because Joshua usually always partners up with one of his friends 
and you look to his normal friend group 
and see sure enough all of them have partners too 
“Sure, Joshua.” You say scrunching your nose
at least you’ll actually have a partner who tries and doesn’t make you do all the work by yourself (LIKE LAST TIME COUGH COUGH YOUR FRIEND) 
you both decide to meet at the library the next weekend to work on it 
“OMG y/n Joshua never asks anyone outside his friend group. What if he likes you?!?!? You guys would be such a power couple ACK." 
"Shut up.” you laugh and playfully hit your friend’s arm while packing your book bag 
“I’m not pretty enough for everyone’s golden gentleman Joshua, he was just being nice because you all ditched me." 
"I’m glad we did, make me the maid of honor at your wedding and thank me later." 
when you reach the library, Joshua is already there talking to Jeonghan 
"The girl in your charms class? Well whatever we can hang out next weekend. But Shua that assignment isn’t due in weeks… makes sense the both of you are smart aleks." 
you clear your throat 
"welp bye Joshua, oh and we’re all getting butter beer later at hogsmeade don’t forget." 
Joshua laughs and waves Jeonghan goodbye 
"it’s a nice day, should we sit out by the lake and say hi to the giant squid?" 
"sure I guess" 
you didn’t want to have a crush on Joshua 
bc then you’d be one of those girls, the ones always trailing behind him and trying to get his attention 
and walking by fluttering their eyelashes and saying "Hey Joshua." 
but as you were both crossing the grounds to the lake 
you kept giving him sideways glances 
the way his light brown hair became lightly tousled in the breeze - or his small smile 
or the gentle humming of a song you weren’t familiar with 
Focus you’re working on an assignment geez 
you both sat down at the edge of the lake and brainstormed ideas for your project 
and somewhere along the way the convo shifted to just talking about summer and your home 
"You’re muggle born too? Then have you ever watched Naruto?" 
Joshua was a dork you realized, a cute one 
"Sebongie? Yea I miss her like crazy, I was tempted to bring her in my trunk but I have Flufferson already." 
ah shit 
you were starting to like like Joshua 
he was too nice and cute especially when talking about his pets and how they brightened his day 
or the many hilarious adventures he had with his friends 
or how he missed his family 
he was a good listener too 
you talked about your hamster at home 
it loved eating carrots and you had originally wanted to name it mochi 
but you had settled for Carrot after it’s favorite food 
and you told Joshua about how you had always loved playing quidditch with your family but you never tried out for the Hufflepuff team 
his friends must have caught on to your feelings before Joshua did, Joshua was kind of clueless about all the crushes people had on him
Jeonghan ended up putting his arm on your shoulder while walking to the library to meet up with Joshua 
"You should just tell him you like him." 
"and get a pity rejection, lmao in what world would I do that Jeonghan.”
“Suit yourself.” He said giving you a sly smile 
right before shoving you into a broom closet 
and locking the damn door behind you 
"You should thank your friend later, she told me about your little crush on our Shua, luckily for you I approve." 
you tried unlocking the door with your wand but to no avail 
you even tried picking the lock with a hairpin 
"Hey y/n listen to this." 
"Jeonghan I’m telling the head of slytherin later get ready for your ass whooping." 
but you hear someone running down the hallway outside the door 
"Jeonghan what do you mean y/n got in an accident? Where is she?" 
you go dead silent, it’s Joshua 
"Yah, look you came running and everything if you like her just tell her geez." 
you hold your breath as you hear what Joshua says next 
"She probably doesn’t like me back ok? I’m not good at these things, she’s cute and interesting and I’m boring and I don’t know ok Jeonghan, just tell me where she is no time for jokes we have to work on the project.”
“alright, I’d like to just say that you brought this upon yourself and you can thank me later." 
"what are you talking about Jeonghan-" 
and the closet door clicks open and Jeonghan pushes Joshua, where he bumps into you sending the both of you sprawling on the floor and the door slams shut yet again
Joshua picks himself up and helps you up 
and even in the dim closet you can see him blushing like crazy 
you’re probably no better you feel like you have a fever that won’t. go. away. Goddamnit. 
"Jeonghan underestimates me.” He said giving a nervous chuckle and reaching for his wand 
he easily unlocks the door 
and Jeonghan is out there bending over dying of laughter 
and both you and Joshua are just blushing like crazy and awkwardly standing next to each other 
“Did you hear everything?” Joshua says so quietly it’s almost a whisper - “yes?” You say 
Joshua’s eyes widen and he gives Jeonghan (who’s still laughing even harder now at the sight of the two of you) a glare 
Joshua points his wand at Jeonghan LIKE boi I’ll be seeing you later - Jeonghan runs away cackling down the hallway 
“You can just pretend it didn’t happen.” Joshua says flustered looking everywhere but your face 
“I’ll understand if you don’t like me ba-" 
"It was driving me crazy did you really not know I like you too Joshua?” Wow did I just say that, stupid stupid stupid whyyyyy you think to yourself
he looks up at you in surprise 
“Wait really? Jeonghan isn’t paying you to say that right?" 
"lmao no I’m going to murder Jeonghan after this." 
"I’d help you but he’s my best friend so…" 
"Do you want to maybe just get a butter beer at Hogsmeade instead?" 
"I’d love to." 
and from then on you two were known as darling couple 
Hogwarts’ gentleman Joshua and you 
basically everyone’s relationship goals 
and your friend groups both took responsibility for getting you two together
Joshua would send you little notes that were folded into cranes and bewitched to float over to your desk 
and everyone would sigh and think how sickeningly adorable seeing you read his message 
and looking at all the little hearts he had doodled during class 
"Joshua Hong, let me repeat the question.” The professor would say 
“I never usually have to ask you twice what’s wrong?" 
"Joshua got a girlfriend, professor." 
and the whole class would burst out laughing with you and Joshua blushing like crazy and his friends wolf whistling 
you’d walk with each other to your next class with your hand in his 
"Get a room Shua, no one needs to see this.” Jeonghan smirked as he walked towards the potions classroom in the dungeons - you and Joshua both just ignore him 
“Let’s hex his clothes again with those snakes." 
"Better yet, can we lock him in a broom closet?" 
and you both walk into your next class, plotting Jeonghan’s imminent doom together
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The Seventeen Hogwarts AU Series:
| S.coups | Jeonghan | Joshua | Jun | Hoshi | Wonwoo | Woozi | DK | Mingyu | Minghao | Seungkwan | Vernon | Dino |
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littleladysongbird · 7 years
Camp Camp Apocalyptic AU: A Prologue
A/N: In which our favorite trio of little bastards come together in a world where kids can be in charge and peanut butter is worth the life of another. 
Fan-Fiction; concept and ideas belong to me, the characters do not. 
(I apologize it’s not well written but I wrote it and I’m gonna post it)
Apparently The World Ended (Prologue)
He was ten years old when the world ended, alone in his large, empty, robotic-filled house as bombs crashed down and sirens rang out.
Once the disaster ended, and he and parts of the world were very much still alive, he collected what he could from the rubble and ran without any desire to return.
He still had the scars from his father, his dreams were still filled with cold, harsh stares of disapproval and disappointment, but he was free and independent and damn, did it feel good.
But he was ten, and despite his sharp wit and natural brilliance, he wasn’t quite as untouchable as he often felt he was.
“Oh Maxwell,” Pikeman spat, gesturing for Snake to deal another blow to Max’s ribs, “you really are way in over your head, aren’t you?”
“Suck a dick Pikeman,” Max growled, using the wall of the abandoned convenience store to hold him up, “I was just passing through your territory so I didn’t-”
“Excuses, excuses,” Pikeman kicked forward, sending Max tumbling down to the dirt, “now, what were you really doing here?”
“I told you, you fucking idiot,” Max pushed himself up onto his arms, looking his enemy straight in the eyes, “I’m just passing through.”
“Through our surplus room?” Snake gestured to the old store.
Max said nothing, dropping his gaze as he tried to pull his strength together. Pikeman merely smirked.
“I knew it; you just can’t keep your hands to yourself, can you Maxwell?” He gave an ugly, snot-driven laugh, reaching his sweaty hand out  to his defeated opponent. “Hand it over now, Maxwell.”
“Dude come on,” Max coughed, standing himself back up, “it was just a fucking jar of peanut butter. You have over two hundred in there, man. Can’t I trade it for something else? Candles? A broken watch?”
Pikeman froze, his forehead crumpled in thought for a few moments before a yellow, toothy smile began to grow.
“Actually, I have a proposition for you,” he swiped Max’s bag, tripping him once again with a swift kick to the knees, “there’s this weird girl who came through yesterday, stole some of our canned goods and bread. She ran across the tiny desert into the mountains, but she was injured, so she couldn’t have gone far.”
“So why the hell should I care?”
“Because if you want this bag back with the jar, you need to bring her to us by tomorrow mid-day. If you don’t, you either leave without it, or you have to stay as an honorary Wood Scout recruit. Do I make myself clear?”
“Do I have a fucking choice?”
“Twenty four hours, Maxwell,” Pikeman threw down a coil of rope and a hunting knife, “she’s tiny and fast and has a bushel of green curly hair. We’ll be waiting.” Max stood himself up, taking a few breaths before exiting the alleyway to the small desert that lay before him.
It wasn’t exactly a desert; it was just an old field that had been burned and ruined by the Great Disaster and its following conflict. But everyone who lived and roamed in the Mountain Valley area called it a desert, so desert it was named. Max quietly limped across the cracked, dry ground, feeling the eyes of Pikeman watching him from their base tower.
He fucking hated everything that had to do with the Wood Scouts. They were nothing but an imposing, whiny group of abandoned military-school children who bullied any survivor who refused to comply with them.
Max had been stealing shit from them for months now; but in four weeks they somehow came up with a ridiculous new line of defense.
A ridiculously tall, muscular, line of defense.
Max shifted his feet, trudging forward towards the large block of trees as he tried to scan the ground for any trace of her.
He didn’t expect to find a trail of orange paint, but that would work as well.
Max continued to walk slowly, his mind quiet and meditated on the decent weather and the speckles of orange paint that dotted the tall grass and trees that sprouted amongst the dry clay. The grey sky faded into a light orange blending into purple, and as soon as the sun had swollen on the edge of the valley, Max had found what he was looking for.
Er, at least, he thought he did.
“Will you hold the fuck still, Nikki?”
“It’s seriously no big deal Neil; it’s just my wrist!”
“An hour ago you were screaming how you’d rather be eaten by wolves than deal with the pain.”
“See? It’s just getting better!”
Max stared from behind the shrub, hidden from sight among the tall shadows and twigs. Both of them were kids, not much older than himself, if they were even older at all. As Pikeman had explained, the girl possessed a wild mane of green curls and a numerous amount of scars and bruises along her arms and face. The boy, while clearly worn and exhausted, was a lot less banged-up than his companion. He was scrappy and boney and, Max figured, would probably die and be eaten by wolves or some shit if he wasn’t friends with crazy-eyes.
Max glanced down at his rope and knife, and looked back up at his supposed targets. Rolling his eyes, he stepped out of the brush, loosely holding the weapons at his side.
“Hey,” Max threw his arm out to Nikki “were you the crazy dumb-ass that stole from the Wood Scouts?”
The two companions froze, before Nikki jumped up to her feet, Neil’s hands still firmly locked on the set splint. “Who the fuck wants to know?”
“Name’s Max,” he threw up his arms and dropped his weapons, rolling his eyes, “Wood Scouts sent me to kidnap you and bring you back to the camp so they could imprison you or some dumb shit and I could get my fucking bag back.”
“…But, who are you?” Neil asked, giving the splint one final tug before letting go of Nikki’s wrist. “Are you a Wood Scout?”
“Hell no,” Max grunted, “they’re just holding all my weapons and ammunition hostage until I bring you back.”
Nikki blinked. “And you just expect us to walk back with you and get kidnapped.”
“…I mean,” Max shifted, a tad hesitant in his voice, “I wasn’t going to fucking cut you and tie you up like an animal.”
“Then what were you going to do?”
Max scrunched his forehead, remaining quiet for a few moments before a small idea came to his head.
“You escaped the Wood Scouts before, right?”
“I have,” Nikki proudly held her head high, “but Neil here’s a big chicken!”
“I am not!” He protested, “I’m just not built to be super durable, that’s all.”
“Look, who gives a fuck,” Max rolled his eyes, “we’re all out here trying to survive, right? Why don’t we all work together and steal some more shit from them and get the hell out of dodge?”
“And how are we supposed to fight?” Neil protested.
“Like I said Neil,” Nikki scoffed, running over to Max’s side and picking up the pocket knife, “it’s no biggie! I can still fight!”
“And what about me?”
“You got a gun Neil?” Max asked. The young boy faltered, his face turning red.
“How did you-”
“It’s the fucking Apocalypse, okay?” Max shrugged, “everybody’s carrying around fucked up shit. So you got a gun?”
“Yeah, but all I have are blanks.”
“They won’t fucking know the difference,” Max smiled, dropping to the ground and sketching out a plan in the mud, “now, Neil, Nikki, here’s what we’re going to do…”
Pikeman made it far too easy, agreeing to meet behind the convenience store to retrieve Nikki. The rope was tied to her ankle, and she sat cross legged, obviously bored and irritated by the time the Wood Scouts had bothered to show up.
“Alright Max,” Pikeman spat, tossing him his bag back, “all your items back, including the jar of peanut butter.”
“You know I’m not giving her to you until I check this, right?” Max asked, his black eye shooting daggers back at the Wood Scout Leader.
“Fine.” Pikeman pouted, agonizingly watching as Max checked the contents of his bag. Despite his slimy persona, Pikeman had kept his promise, not a single blade or box had been tampered with.
“Okay, here you go,” Max shrugged, dropping Nikki’s rope. Without missing a beat, she charged ahead, ramming herself into Snake and biting his nose like some wild, vicious animal.
“Max!” Pikeman screamed, charging towards Max with his wobbly chicken legs. Max merely turned, stretching his leg just far enough to send Pikeman tumbling into the ground.
“Where the fuck is Neil?” Max yelled to Nikki, who had begun to brutally beat the tall, muscular kid she had pinned to the ground. Suddenly, the squeaking of rubber filled the air, as Niel sped over in one of the Wood Scout’s golf carts, holding the gun backwards in his hand like a crazy idiot.
“Let’s get the fuck out of here!” he shouted, as Nikki and Max bolted to the cart. The Wood Scouts that could began to chase after them, but it was too late; they had already reached the untouched prairie fields three miles ahead of them.
“Suck a dick losers!” Nikki howled with laughter, standing up in the back seat. “What a bunch of pussies!”
“Calm down Nick,” Max called from shotgun, “our nerd here’s one second from throwing you from the back seat if you don’t sit your ass down.”
“Hey!” Neil shouted, sharply turning to plunge down into one of the lower mountain valleys, “if you have a problem with my driving, why don’t you drive the fucking vehicle?”
“Man come on, they beat the shit out of me yesterday!”
“Hey guys?” Nikki called, crawling to stick her own head between the two boys, “where are we going anyways?”
“Eh, wherever,” Max shrugged, “as long as we stay away from god damn weirdos for a while.”
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