#evil twins welcome tho
ghostly-penumbra · 2 months
Summary: Danyal reflects on the mending and burning of bridges.
Inspired by this post.
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Danny stared and stared some more at his phone’s screen, undecided on what he wanted to do.
Somehow, he had seen his brother again.
Damian had grown, just like him, not just in height but as a person.
He was now an established vigilante, a champion of justice in his own right, an ally of the Justice League, fighting evil and protecting the weak.
He was a completely different person from the little boy that had ran him through with a sword at the behest of their grandfather, with a disgusted glare as he stared down at his dying twin.
He was good now.
But in truth, he was the boy that had killed Danny, the brother that he had wrongly trusted, and thought could be on his side.
Danny sighed, dropping his phone in his lap and wondering not for the first time at how they had ended up being so different, already back in the League, how had Damian not been able to see how wrong things were, when they had been raised together, and Danny had realized it early enough? Realize that the soldiers were people, and not just props or tools to be discarded –to be killed – on a whim.
Well, Damian seemed to have realized it by now, been taught better, like all he needed was for someone to talk sense into him.
Why hadn’t Danny’s pleas been enough?
And there was also… their… extended family. Their father, the Batman, and all the people he had brought with him.
Most of them had been… tentative, he would say, in the short time they had interacted. They saw that it was a tense situation and had handled themselves with care, hadn’t pushed Danny, but still showed they would welcome him if he decided to approach. That was nice of them.
The mater of his father, though…
Danny had thought, over and over as he smuggled himself from country to country with mother’s help until they had to cut contact least they be discovered by the League, about seeking his father, the mighty warrior that even his grandfather respected, someone who could protect him from the League.
Then he had found out about Robin, and decided against leaving one child-soldiering life for another.
Then he had met the Fentons, and he didn’t regret it one bit.
(He understood now, though, that the vigilante life didn’t respect ages, and sometimes you just had to step up, because you could, and no one else.)
And now he had the chance to have it all if he wanted. But if he did, it’d have to be everything, he couldn’t be cherry-picking what he wanted and what not, it was all or nothing.
“Nothing it is.” He deleted the number from his phone and the memory of it from his mind, and the slip of paper it had been scribbled on was burnt in green fire along with the communicator Batman had handed him (hesitant, hopeful, beneath his calm façade), and ended up in his trash bin once it stopped radiating heat.
Even if he wanted to have that part of his family, he didn’t want anything with Damian, and he wouldn’t make them choose between the two of them. The Bats were Damian’s and the Fentons Danyal’s, and that was it.
And maybe, just maybe, he would be broken all over again if they all chose his killer over him.
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There is a post on tumblr that uses "Get in the Water" from EPIC: The Musical (my current fixation), where Danyal gives Damian a good scare for having killed him and things spiral from there for the bats. I love it very much.
I don't actually hate Damian or anything (i don't really care for his character, but the bats are a package deal), but as an abused sibling i've always hated with a passion the whole "forgive your abusive sibling uwu, they did't know any better u.u" fuck that noise. Even if they change and grow to be a better person, you don't have to forgive your abusers or be part of their lives so that they feel better. Fuck that very much.
i'm a bit of a hypocrite tho, since my fave is Jason and i forgive him the Titan's Tower incident (but if what i've read about Tim talking shit about Jay after he became Robin is true, then I won't even excuse him. shoulda hit 'im harder. i'll have to check that). alas i also don't care for Tim so i don't really read as much on his relationship with Jason. it's complicated but I wrote what i wanted.
please feel free to leave your opinion! on the subject, on the fic, i'd love to read it!
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justarandomlambblog · 5 months
Hello and welcome to my Cult of the Lamb blog! The title of this blog might change, but you can call me Justa.
Don't be afraid to send me asks or dms! I don't bite and I love rambling about stories, AUs, situations(hips) and What-Ifs.
I don't have a schedule- I don't update or upload on a schedule and I can’t even promise regularly. I have a full time job and go to school part time, and in August will be in school full time and working part time, so what I do is in my free time. That being said, if you do message me, be patient please- I'm usually either at work or at school.
You can find me on AO3 under JustaWrites! I write pretty much just as much as I draw. Please don't mind the inconsistency in my art, I'm still trying to settle into an art style and figure out how to draw these mfers in a way that I'm happy with. I haven't drawn in YEARS and I was a traditional realism landscape artist when I did, so this is a learning curve for me. I am also still figuring out names for the Lamb and Yellow Cat so you'll see their names change between AUs as I look for names I like.
Now, I am not a One Story Gal. I get an idea and I play with it, which even tho I have been involved in Cult of the Lamb for like... less than a month, means I have a lot of AUs already. They're mostly canon-divergent or twisted in some way, but I build a lot on worldbuilding and culture.
Something to know for basically all canon-divergent/adjacent fics: Narinder's region, through the doorways behind the Gateway, is called Sleeping Hollow. It is blocked off from the rest of the world and has been isolated for a thousand years, so it has remained untouched by the Bishops' devolving madness.
Now for the part this post is for; the AUs.
Death's Beck and Call: The Lamb never killed Narinder, meaning Narinder did not lose his status as god of Death; instead, Lamb became a god of gods, the god of Life, when they chose to spare Narinder. Unfortunately, this also means Shamura's prophecy... was never completed. Five became four became three became two became one... and one still remains. The Lamb drags Narinder along on a journey to "reverse the prophecy"- to turn one into five again. This fic contains: Canon typical violence and death, OCs, Narilamb and Leshycat The Lamb: Their name is Azri and they use they/them pronouns Yellow Cat: Their name is Tati and they use they/them pronouns -
Dreams of Absolution: Modern-ish AU mixing modern day culture with a more traditional religious culture found in-game. Narinder is a single dad to Aym and Baal, coparenting with Forneus, and Lamb is new in town, Aym and Baal's new teacher. Lamb is smitten with the cute barista at Mystic Coffee House, and Narinder is just trying to avoid his estranged family. This fic contains: Past violence and death, (fictional) religion, family drama, Narilamb and Leshycat, dad!Narinder, past Narinder/Forneus (Narineus? Forinder?), not-evil Bishops The Lamb: Simply goes by Lamb, their real name is unknown. They/Them Yellow Cat: Their name is Tati, they/them. Art: Narilamb, Single Dad Narinder, Lamb is Lost, Tati and Leshy, Narinder and Lamb -
Second Chances [name will change when I think of something better]: In which Narinder wakes up after dying to find himself in the After again, and thinking it's Purgatory, just gives up. Then Aym and Baal arrive, and he decides- Purgatory or not, he'll play the game differently this time. Revenge didn't work and he will never be free, but... this time, these kits will be his children, not his guardians. Now, Vessels are not for wreaking havoc and seeking vengeance on his siblings, but for providing the twins with the mortal luxuries that he cannot. But... how, exactly, did time rewind itself? Well, the Lamb and the Bishops might have answers.... Or: Turns out in a world that relies on gods, killing them all is a bad idea. This story contains: this is a lighthearted AU, mostly, with mild angst, dad!Narinder, Bishops as a family, trying to undo damage, etc. There is definitely a pre-relationship Narilamb angle here, but it is not a core part of the story. Lamb: They are mostly just called Lamb, they/them Art: The First Vessel -
Song of the Eternal: In which fallen gods will eventually hear a song beckoning them to the Eternal Land. Narinder and Leshy hear the song and know they have to leave, something they're torn about as their family is only still recovering. This fic includes: It's a heavy story, including themes of loss and regret, and what it means to find peace. Feelings-realized-too-late, Leshycat, onesided/requited-too-late Narilamb Lamb: Just called Lamb, they/them Yellow Cat: Called Mer, they/them Art: A Hard Conversation (wip) -
Memories like a Photograph Faded: After saving the Bishops, Narinder is given to the Lamb... only, Narinder does not remember the last several thousand years. This fic contains: Amnesia, existentialism (to an extent), family bonding, hints of Narilamb and implied Leshycat Lamb: Just called Lamb, they/them Yellow Cat: Called Mer, they/them -
Unnamed: In which no one realizes Narinder is immortal, so Lamb offers him a golden skull which he rejects, expressing a desire to live as mortals do- have a family and grow old and die, all the things he could never do before. The Bishops protest this, as they've only just started healing, but ultimately let it be. Unfortunately for Narinder, he will never live this life. This story contains: Narinder/OC, Narinder offspring, pining Lamb, Leshycat, Bishops family, family bonding, angst Lamb: Just called Lamb, they/them Yellow Cat: Unnamed thus far, they/them -
Reincarnation AU: Modern-ish, post-canon, not-spared Narinder and properly-put-to-rest Bishops. Lamb has been the god of Death for 2,000 years now, and their cult has grown into a full blown society stretching throughout the entirety of what was once the Old Faith's Lands. The Bishops' true names and faces have been forgotten, lost to ancient history as nothing more than the monsters the Blessed Lamb had defeated... yet the world may have forgotten, but the universe never will. Lamb took their eyes off of the After long enough for the Bishops' souls to reincarnate, and now Lamb is trying to keep an eye on the family as they just live their lives, always ready for the shoe to drop. This story contains: Eventual NariLamb (is it breaking vows if it's the god the priest worships?), LeshyCat, and maybe Heket will get a girlfriend she deserves it, Bishops family (less angst more fluff), magic, reincarnation tropes/issues (memories of past lives/past lives carrying over into the present, accepting that Narinder and his family are and are not the Bishops all at the same time, do crimes in your past life carry over into your new one? etcetc), cultural worldbuilding and religious themes, technically a role reversal in that Lamb is now the ancient god and Narinder is now the mortal who is more than he seems The Lamb is simply called Lamb, they/them Yellow Cat's name is undecided, them/them Art: A New Crusade, Meeting the Family?, the reason Priest!Narinder doesn't recognize the Lamb...., The Lamb (previous drawing colorized)
Okay for now this is all I have time for, I will add to this and make it better later when I don't need to go to work <3
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buthearmeouttho · 1 month
This Game I Made Because I’m Bored
so basically. You choose a scenario or thing or something for my characters to react/interact to/with. It can be you it can be you doing something it can be someone else it can be an object or like I said a scenario etc etc blah blah blah. And I’ll like. Draw it:3 because I’m bored. You can just like send an ask or something idk or reblog this post. Here’s the names but that’s all you get your welcome. Unless you want to know them so that’ll be under the like keep reading thing
Queen Lilay (pronounced Lila)
Queen Numa
King Daylor
Queen Rihania
King Eluric
Esmeralda (Future Queen of the pixies, tries to be organized, really the one person keeping her kingdom together under the rule of her mother. Very good person, empathetic, problem solver, kind etc)
Fern (Esmeralda’s youngest sister, the sweetest person alive, pansexual, technically dating Lux, very kind, optimistic.)
Fawn (middle child between Esmeralda and Fern, the voice of the people, willing to stand up for anyone if she believes them to be right, was starting a rebellion against their mother the queen.)
Queen Lilay (not exactly evil but really just kind of lazy. A lot like Queen magnificent from WoF yk? Like… mostly self interested, lazy, not quite evil but annoying and neglectful of the kingdom. Not her daughters but she’s just kinda… yk.)
Trix (Esmeralda’s bestie, will commit small crimes, chaotic good/neutral, comic relief kind of. Likes baking.)
Rosa (Esmeralda’s other bestie, more level headed than Trix, diplomat between the other enchanted kingdoms.)
Lux (Born with a crippled wing and is unable to fly. Scared of heights. Very sweet but also very shy. Born into a poor family. Bi)
Cora (mer person, was also starting a rebellion. With Fawn. They’re both lesbian. You can see where this is going. Cora’s the oooo you wanna kiss me so bad in the not yet relationship)
Queen Numa (a fair queen (of the mer folk), but has more of a ‘land problems are land problems, ocean problems are ocean problems’ and that’s why Cora needed the rebellion. Because they couldn’t just cut off from the land bla bla bla. She comes through.)
King Daylor (King of the elves, good and wise king. Been around for a while. Helps Esmeralda where and how he can because he sees that she’s really the only thing keeping her kingdom together)
Queen Rihania (Queen of the elves, ver good queen and liked by all her subjects. Likes gardening. Very nice person.)
Drannor (likes exploring. Elf. Great dude. Funny. Strong. Brave. Blah blah blah. Very nice guy.)
Veria (Blackmailing her bother, horrifying levels of mind control magic, manipulative, smart, dangerous, and goddess level beautiful but like. Still. Also she’s a perfectionist.)
King Eluric (King of the Fanged. Veria’s brother. Fell in love with a human and used a spell to turn her fanged (that’s what he’s being blackmailed with) anyway she died (his wife) but his entire image would still be ruined if anything got out and that is how she’s still blackmailing him. Father of Elena, Maryona, Maximus and Matthew)
Maximus (very formal. Smart. Pretty quiet. Tall. Not much to say about him he’s the eldest brother tho)
Matthew (Technically inane. Pyromaniac. Middle child. Funny dude. Still evil but like. Sense of humor.)
Maryona (Main villain. Identical twin sister of Elena. Hates her sister. Also hates Matthew because he calls her Mary the Scary sometimes. Really pretty. Also manipulative. Also dangerous. Smart and stuff)
Calypso (Cousin of Mary distantly. Owns a Casino. Used to be a pirate. Lots of other things too. Very adventurous. Kinda funny and stuff. Still evil. Tricks people into rigged deals/games and whatnot. Two different eye colours, one orange-gold, one deep purple. Banned from the ocean by loosing her own rigged deal with the sea spirit (she had it rigged but her power was outplayed by him because he’s basically a god.))
Elena (High levels of anxiety. Self worth issues. Very sweet and kind. Scared for good reason. Terrified of her family. Very pretty but she feels guilty about being that pretty. So many issues. So so many issues. But she’s so sweet too. And an empath (like the power). Became mortal from Fanged after her mother died because she didn’t properly fit in with enjoying suffering.)
Xavier (main character, dating Elena, worries about her, basically Bucky from the mcu. Face claim personality the lot of it. Mind controlled for unnatural amount of years by evil people blah blah blah you know the story)
Axel (Xavier’s best friend, the only one who learned proper coping, very nice guy, always just kinda shows up with the *knock knock* hey, are you ok? Etc)
Luna (more trauma than the main character, was sold as a child after her mother died to the evil society but their mind control didn’t work so she had to be forced into doing what they said. Seriously unhealthy training patterns. She won’t eat or sleep until she passes out from exhaustion. Also anger issues.)
Drake (take Nick Fury, give him dreadlocks, take away the eyepatch, make him a medieval knight dude, etc. sarcastic. Don’t mess with him. A good guy and stuff but still.)
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jacobseedisbabygirl · 2 years
Rules For Requesting/About me!
⚠️ TW: Mentions of non-con, r∆pe ⚠️ (I am against these!!)
About me!
Name: Sharky Boshaw
Age: 21
Pronouns: He/Him/Elf/Elvenself
About me: I am autistic with possibly ADHD, I am a transgender man, I am hyperfixtating on video games: specifically far cry 5! I am currently learning to become a video game developer!
A heads up:
Unless specified, default y/n will be:
I only write for Male/GN/neopronoun readers!
body positive!
Disability friendly
Nonculture specific unless specified!
I TAKE CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM!!!!! (Trolls are blocked 💕)
Spam like is welcome!!! ♥️💕✨
Fandoms I write for:
Far cry (3,4, 5 and New Dawn, not the twins tho)
Hitman series
Cyberpunk 2077
Fallout: New Vegas, 3 and 4
Resident Evil Village
Dead By Daylight
Team Fortress 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
I WILL ALSO WRITE F/O IMAGINES (I am self ship friendly!!)
The Lost Boys
Night Vale
American Gods
Undertale (not for underage characters unless it's non-romantic: including papyrus who in canon is like.. 13 I think?)
Call of duty
Dragon Age Inquisition
Mass Effect
Bioshock series
Cult Of The Lamb
Non con
Anything sexual
The glorifying of mental health (if you request it: I will write the realistic parts of it)
Romanticized ab*se
Possessive relationships
✨ DNI: ✨
Pro shippers
Ageless blogs (not an 18+ blog, but i prefer that minors do not interact)
If you're anti-LGBTQIA
If you're anti-abortion
If you're anti-Semitic
Abelists (seriously.. if you think autism is just some perky thing.. get off my blog.)
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puppet-purgatory · 2 years
Funny idea. What if the substitute and the professor were brothers in your elementary school au. Like…I can imagine one being super shy but aggressive and the other a smart ads and thinks he’s smarter than everyone else
It’s funny, I’m not quite sure What to do with the Substitute? If in this AU the Professor was a kid I’d have no trouble making them brothers like you say, but since the Professor is the schoolteacher here I’m not sure.
Presently I’ve just been thinking he’s a computer program the kids use to look things up, sort of like a Net Nanny that’s sentient and finds them Annoying As Shit. Has to keep them on age appropriate sites & instruct on Web Safety, but he’s like a really mean & rude Clippy. He behaves when the Professor is watching but otherwise… fuck them kids
I feel like that’s too small a role, though? Or maybe I’m not thinking about it from the right angle yet. This AU is basically just an excuse for Wayside School/Magic Schoolbus-flavored shenanigans with the Professor as Ms. Frizzle, but it’s possible the Substitute IS his brother and is just teaching Elsewhere. It’d be fun to do an almost evil twin sort of thing with them, but I really want to keep the technological aspect of the Substitute’s character intact since it’s so cool imo.
THANK U FOR THE ASK THO!!!! All questions ideas n remarks welcome, I think abt this shit to pass the time @ work
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ashsocsandrps · 4 months
**Name:** Oakland Theodore Heart
**Gender:** male (trans ftm!!)
**Place of Birth:** the outskirts of Saint Denis
**Religion / Belief:** He believes in God, but doesn't follow the "rules" he believes if somebody is happy with who they are, they shouldn't be punished for that.
**Year (Age):** 23
**Birthday:** May 2nd 1899
**Preferred Title/Nickname:** Oakley/oak
**Previous Education Institution (if any):** No school, he can barely read.
**Abilities/weapons (if any):** Sniper, and a smaller shotgun.
**Personality:** He's very outgoing, kind, always helping others, very caring for his twin cats, and his horse.
**Interests:** he's very interested in saving others, he wants to help everyone in need, he doesn't have much money, but helping somebody get to town or anything smaller, makes him truly happy.
**Likes:** he likes fighting, delivering goods to the store, training horses, and taking care of his two cats.
**Dislikes:** evil people, people who hurt others for fun, robbers, anyone who tries to hurt his friends, and most of all, mushrooms.
**Hair Colour:** brown
**Eye Colour:** green
**Skin Colour:** white
**Body Type:** since he's trans, he still has a more feminine body, more of a masc feminine body, due to the amount he works out, and how active he is.
**Scars:** many along his body, mostly on his arms and hands.
**Genetic Conditions / Disabilities:** his right eye is close, to almost blind. Simply from birth.
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**Smells like:** firewood, and sometimes a more fruity/wine smell.
**Feels like:** his hands are rough, very calloused.
**Common Expressions:** he's always trying to smile, so he tries his best to have a brighter smile across his face. A warm and welcoming smile.
**Most Common Mood:** when he's with others he tries to be the happy one, the one who lights up the room. But when he's alone and in his thoughts, he's sad.
**Happy when:** He's given the time to speak, or when he's finding new things to do
**Sad when:** he's sad when he's reminded of his family, due to him being trans, he was casted out. And forgotten.
**Afraid of:** being forgotten by everyone, including the people he cares about, or losing his pets.
**Preferred Body Type:**
**Top or Bottom:**
**Cock size:**
**Sexual Traits:**
**Sexual Experience:**
**Love Language:**
**Romantic Experience:**
**Favourite Gifts Recieved:**
**Favourite Kiss Recieved:**
**Dream Date:**
**Dream Partner:**
**Future Plans:**
**Desire For Marriage:**
**Desire For Kids?:**
**Favourite Place to be Kissed:**
**Mother:** Dottie
**Father:** Michael
**Parent Jobs (if any):** unknown
**Siblings:** he has 9 other siblings.
**Notable Family Members:** unknown
**Family Home:** his family had moved to blackwater after he had came out as trans. Otherwise that it's unknown.
**Related Families:** unknown
**Family Wealth:** very much higher class, rich rich type of family.
**Upbringing:** he was raised to be a "house wife" but thats not the life he wanted, and he grew up hating his family.
# FRIENDS - Under construction
**Best Friend:**
**Childhood Friends:** His best friend was his twin sister. They were closed than anyone.
**Friends Currently:** little to none.
**Strained Friendships:** after he came out, a lot of people dropped him, and left.
**Type of Friend:** the most kind and sweet human, even tho he was miss treated, he still gives everyone loves even if they don't need it. Or deserve it.
**Willingness to Make Friends:** very high, he would love to have friends.
**Become their friend by:** listening to him when he talked, looking into his eyes, being simply kind.
**Favourite gifts from friends:** when he was younger his parents had forgotten his birthday, but his twin had gotten him a cupcake, and brought it to him with the number 12 on it.
**Pets:** two twin cats, Rick and Rusty. AND his horse Annie. A huge shire.
**Pet Personality:** rusty is very sweet, and Rick is very hyper and more of an attack cat. And Annie is very sweet, yet picky with certain things.
**Relationship to pet:** the relationship between oak his two cats and Annie, is their nothing but loved, and the four love each other very much. (And VERY spoiled by oak)
**Pet age:** 5 y/o twins, and 9 y/o horse
**Pet Hobbies:** both rick and Rusty love going on rides with oak and annie
**Enemies (if any):** his twin sister, and most of his family.
**How to become disliked by character:** its very difficult, unless you were to hurt animals or even hurting innocent people.
**How enemies are treated:** still treated with kindness, till you truly piss him off.
**Be forgiven by:** He's a very forgiving person. Its very easy to be forgiven by him.
**Worst thing done by enemy:** Being abandoned, dropped like the last 17 years were nothing.
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**Engaged in Hobby:**
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**Pinterest Board:** https://pin.it/4rZtixJo8
**Spotify Playlist:** https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0HemrfOKZEt0EKaBc3PVli?si=thGi8OR4Tz-vTNrldl9TyQ&pi=i2VS2FsvRhuCx (not mine)
**RP Blog (if any):** https://www.tumblr.com/ashsocsandrps?source=share
**Faceclaim:** none
**Voiceclaim:** Valentine monster high
**Handwriting font:**
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**Character inpirations:** None just a rdr oc!
Starter 1 (gang)
0 notes
milliumizoomi · 3 years
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๛ 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃 𝐍' 𝐎𝐔𝐓 : 𝐏𝐈𝐄 𝐎𝐑 𝐃𝐈𝐄 // @ccxiia
๛𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 : Straight Crack
๛𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : people being brutally violated + cursing & cringe literally these rhymes are something alright🚶🏽‍♀️
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Mikey: “ALRIGHT YALL! Next up we got pie or die! Against the red team and the black team so we ready?!”
The crowd started cheering and getting hyped.
Izana: “But before we get started we gotta get the rest of our teams back out here! So first, we welcoming back the black squad!!”
The black squad came jogging out grinning and waving their hands while the crowd cheered.
Izana: “Alright and then we gone welcome the red squad!”
Red squad came out doing the same things black squad did.
Shouts of cheers came from the crowd.
Mikey: “Alright black and red squads yall step up ‘cause it time or what?!”
“PIE OR DIE!!” The crowd yelled.
Mikey: “Alright so up first is the red team”
The beat started playing and the first to come out from the red squad was Rindou.
Emma, Hina and Yuzuha were the Wild N Out girls for the game.
Izana: “Yo but again before we start let’s give it up for our Wild N Out girls”
The crowd started clapping and whooed for the girls as they smiled and waved.
The beat started playing and the crowd clapped with it as Rindou came out.
DJ: “Your word is Perpetuate”
Rindou: “Alright per— bitch what?"
The dj laughed. “That’s your word”
Rindou shook his head.
Rindou: “Alright.. whatever ok alright ok listen I’m spending all this cash blowing it over the place, fucking bitches, throwing bands it’s just for my sake, baby mama rolling up and she gon’ seal my fate, it got me thinking real hard not to perpetuate”
The dj shook his head in agreement.
Cheers and claps was heard from the crowded as Rindou smiled cockily and walked off.
Mitsuya was up next from to the black squad.
DJ: “Alright your word is surpass”
Mitsuya: “Surpass? ok look creating frustration no patience cause you to hit the gas, shoving and loving out in public could be a double blast, shawty up on there on the table and she shaking ass, I just know what I’m gonna do and who I’m gon’ surpass”
Mitsuya: “See now who told y’all I wasn’t good at this cause I heard one of y’all in the back—“
Next up from the red squad was Kakucho.
DJ: “Your word is solution”
Kakucho: “Ok, look my dog Izana he making— ah FUCK!”
Kakucho: “Just get it over with”
Emma smashed a pie in Kaku’s face. The crowd and cast started laughing.
Next up from black squad was Angry.
DJ: “Your word is presume”
Angry: “Repping black squad we out we flying yeah come meet your doom, with my brother and he laughing like a looney tune, evil twins in the streets and we going boom, We going up and it ain’t nothing like they presume”
Next up was Shion from red squad.
DJ: “Your word is spectate”
Shion: “..really? fuck im supposed to do with spectate?”
DJ: “Ion know but you better figure it out”
Que the laughter.
Shion: “Man shut—“
Que MORE laughter.
Izana just walked up and took a pie from Hina and just smashed it in Shion’s face.
Izana: “Man shut up and get your ass back over here.” Everybody started laughing at them
Next from the black squad was Baji.
DJ: “Your word is Ambidextrous
Baji: “Can you give me another word?”
DJ: “Nah you better try find sumn”
Baji: “You know what fine, Ok yeah check it. Bitch I’m dyslexic, can’t even write a sentence, and I though it should be mentioned, What the ACTUAL FUCK is AMPEDESTRIUSICUS”
And now everybody hollering.
Izana: “Yall remember that the point of this is to NOT get pied right” he laughed
And Baji proceeded to have pie in his face and hair.
Red squad next person was Ran.
DJ: “Alright so your word is systematic”
Ran: “I’m convinced you put here trying to make us look dumb but ight I gotchu”
Ran: “alright alright look we the kings of RNG is swear it’s diplomatic, all these gangs left and right, they nosy that’s their habit, and all these goons around I swear they so problematic, threw us up jail yeah that shit was systematic
The next person to go from the red squad was Peh- yah.
The DJ laughed looking at the card.
DJ: “Alright damn haha uhh your word is Antidisestablishmentarianism”
Everybody started busting out laughing and peh just took the pie from Emma and smashed it on his face and walks off.
Mikey: “Alright Dj who won”
DJ: “Ima have to give that one to the black squad make some noise for the black squad yall!!”
The crowd started cheering and clapping.
Izana: That’s a wrap for pie or die yall DJ take us out!!”
Cheers were heard as the light dimmed.
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princeanxious · 4 years
I love your dragon au, may I have some headcanons?
Uh sure! You weren’t ship specific so i’ll try and be a lil broad and touch on a few for all of em! (Theyre all interconnected in a way but often spend much of their time together apart from the others bc thats how dragons be, even if these dragons are much more social than the average dragon)
Demus- Dragon Remus x Prince(ess) Janus
- Janus is ftm trans! His parents were never supportive and actively tried to hide that from that kingdom at every turn, so, he may have secretly gotten a certain mage’s help “cursing” him with snake/dragon scales & additional certain masculine attributes so that he’d be sent away and get time to live his life without royal duties breathing down his neck. Even if he’d have to live the rest of his life as a prince locked away in a tower.
-Remus is a Dragon that’s known to be very curious, driven to hoard things that intruige him. He lives in a castle he and his brother Roman overtook years ago, and they guard it and their hoards within it well. However, one day a nearby kingdom reached out to them with an offer: if they guard and protect Prince Janus while the kingdom scrambles to figure out what to do, the dragons will recieve offerings to add to their hoards along with provided meals and the means to provide for Janus. All the kingdom requests is to keep Janus safe and happy.
-and of course, they agree to. And Remus falls head over tail inlove in a matter of days. Janus follows soon after he finds that Remus is completely unbothered and supportive of Janus’s transition.
-Janus and Roman also get along super well, tho not in a romantic sense, especially after Roman learns of Janus’s love for plays and acting skills. Roman also gifts a few intricate outfits to Janus from his Hoard of beauty and passion bc they fit the short prince quite well, and because Janus wasn’t given anything to wear from his kingdom aside from tailored princess dresses(which he doesn’t usually mind the skirts portions now w/ his new body but somedays the disphoria would spike back out if he looked in the mirror while wearing one). Roman also helped cut Janus’s hair, and both dragons would growl threateningly at any kingdom official who dared look at Janus’s attire change questioningly. If anyone asked, it was because it made Janus happy and feel safe, and that was their job, was it not?
-Janus loves his new Dragon Boyfriend and his new Dragon brother-in-law(technically?) and this result just solidifies his confidence in the decision he made to get here. Roman and Remus know about the secret behind the curse and what Janus did to get here, they think he’s super fcking clever bc of it. And, Ro and Re swear on their hoards that they’ll never spill the secret if Dee doesn’t want them to, one because the Kingdom would then have a lead on trying to Reverse the Curse, and two, because it would put the life of the mage who was asked to do it in danger, and three, because their dragons and dragons are very very good at protecting what they love.
Logince- Dragon Roman x Knight Logan
-Logan is a prince to a neighboring kingdom, and he was betrothed to Janus in an arranged marraige sort of settup. Niether of them loved the other like that, but they were best friends and Logan respected(and defended) Janus being trans. So when he finds out something happened to Janus, he’s alarmed and upset that he wasn’t informed sooner. Then he finds out Janus is being guarded by dragons, of all things! And well, he needs to make sure Janus us safe, and find out whats wrong, what happened? And no one stops him from traveling out to the castle that houses the dragons to find out. The least he can do is make sure Janus is okay and respected by the dragons, but like hell is he going to wait for Janus’s scrabling kingdom to catch up.
The first thing he’s greeted by is a tall red scaled dragon, and he’s immediately on guard. The dragon grins and drops into a defense position. They don’t ask the other questions, which Janus will give both of them shit for later, but both parties are fueled by challenge and protective goals. And they launch into battle without a word.
-Roman is immediately intruiged and excited to find how Logan matches him in a fight, actually standing a pretty solid chance despite his weight and height. Logan is a skilled swords man, the best in his kingdom, its a shame his only downfall is that Roman has twice the height on him and more than twice the muscles, figuratively and literally. But even then Logan isn’t deterred and is capable of flipping the dragon onto his back which is p hot roman cant lie, so its a p even scuffle bc Romans highly entertained w/ this mysterious attacker.
-they kinda get caught up in the scuffle for a good while till Remus comes out to investigate and Logan disengages and dashes into the forest bc he’s smart enough to know he can’t really win the fight w/ one dragon, two is a death sentence.
-roman spends the whole night heated and excited as he rambles about the gorgeous short knight who nearly kicked his ass. Logan spends the whole night rethinking his strategy and trying not to get distracted by the memory of the infuriatingly hot smirk the dragon kept aiming at him.
-they scuffle twice more, filled with witty remarks and snarky quips that progressively get more flirty before they think to speak about /why/ Logan wants into the castle b4 the truth comes out.
-both are a little sheepish when Janus finds out just who Roman’s been waxing poetic about kicking his butt in an even match and spend a good 20 minutes scolding their gay af selves. Then Logan gets updated on the whole situation, including his not so subtle transition and his new dragon bf. Logan gets the dragon’s permission to visit so long as he keeps things a secret, and he scoffs that they’d think he’d even dare to try to ruin his best friends happiness.
-niether of them really knows when their little rivalry picked back up, but Roman and Logan spend their time together bickering and taunting eachother while playing a semi-unbalanced game of cat and mouse. Logan’s not allowed into the castle w/o playing their game first, and he honestly doesn’t mind. Their interactions get way more flirty and theyre just gay disasters that take way to long to admit their developing feelings till it all kinda rushes out the moment Roman pins Logan to a wall and Logan reaponds by locking his legs around the other, daring to keep him there.
-yeah they express their feelings to eachother in many ways that day. And Logan ends up secretly(to his kingdom at least) dating Roman, and Roman gets a prince bf of his own. They still taunt and play their game of cat and mouse tho, now its just accompanied by a ton more kissing.
Moxiety- Dragon Patton x Mage Virgil
-Virgil is the mage that helped Janus transition in secret, they’d been friends for a long while and meeting in secret to plan it. Virgil’s a pretty powerful mage and talented at what he does, and Janus’s trasition was a spell he cast himself, and its irreversable(on purpose, by Janus’s request/demand)
-Virgil travels alot now adays, never staying in one public place too long in fear of Janus’s knights suspecting him and capturing him. He knew the risk and was willing to pay the price to make Janus happy. He knows he must lay low for a while, and hes not very open about being a mage in fear of that being found out.
-well, one day he finds himself in a town not so open to the idea of magic in general. Its one slip up hes not sure he regrets to heal an injured child, but he finds him self tied to a wooden stake that same day, surrounded by a village chanting about how all magic is evil.
-and then a dragon swoops over and snags him from the fire as it ignites, just barely sinking his clothing before hes up in the sky. He promply blacks out from shock.
-and when he wakes up, he finds himself tucked carefully into a hammock with a soft blanket. The room he’s in is filled with an interesting assortment of things, haphazardly placed enough to register as a hoard than any other kind of room in this tower. That and the dragon that rescued him is resting nearby, his blue scaled wing outstretched and draped over Virgil protectively is kind of a dead giveaway too.
-Virgil would learn later that Patton had been following him, lead by how his hoarding instincts weirdly worked. He’d be thankful then, that they saved his life, despite the fact that he now technically counted to Patton’s instincts as part of his hoard. Patton was adamant that he’d been trying to rid himself of the attachment before, but once Virgil was in danger his insticts had been set aside to save the poor human. He couldn’t help that touching Virgil just solidified his instincts’s claim.
-Patton lets Virgil know he’s welcomed to leave any time he wants to, that they were safely away from the dangerous village now. Virgil finds he doesn’t want to leave just yet, and they settle on becoming friends.
-Patton is friends with Roman and Remus, and often visits them when he’s feeling too lonely. He’s plenty friendly with Janus and Logan at this point, being a much softer natured dragon than the twin dragons.
-the group finds it very, very coincidental and very ironic the first time Patton brings Virgil with him to hang out.
-their love story is a bit slower, but lets just say one day months down the line, Virgil pulls Patton into a really shy kiss and Patton all but startles Virgil with the happy purr that bursts from the back of his throat. Its not to much longer after that that theyre relationship is fully established.
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munohlow · 4 years
Aright as a finale and a series as a whole: dope. Kind of served as it’s own movie and took its time to explore a weird side story of grief and loss, more of what we expected as the fallout of “Endgame.” They did a version of the Vision comic and finally brought us THE SCARLET WITCH. Also we got to revisit a bunch of other side characters who got their moment to really shine. Touching, quirky, creepy, different, and just really cool. Always glad when comic adaptations dive into weirder stuff and tell a good story rather than only setting up the next thing or fan service
The episode itself: again, very touching and heartfelt, also had some decent action and payoff to some stuff but either skimmed over others or left things open ended
Villains: classic marvel heroes fighting color swapped versions of themselves but I’m here for it. Love me some Kathryn Hahn but I think the action/effects kinda took away from her performance and just did the “taunting evil villain is surprised by the hero’s power” thing. That being said, I’m glad Mephisto wasn’t revealed to be the big bad behind her and she just wanted the Chaos Magic. Glad she’ll be back thooooooo love me some Kathryn Hahn. Hayward tried to murder Wanda and her kids multiple times and just gets arrested like Kent Mansley in Iron Giant. Nahhhhh do the Age of Ultron hypnosis shit, torture him!!!! Wision was cool, that’s one of those things that was left open ended but they’ll definitely get back to it so it’s all good
Side characters: so we got the answer to the secret Ralph reveal. Fietro is actually..... Ralph Bohner. A normal dude, an actor perhaps. Now theories suggest he’s Jimmy’s witness protection guy and maybe still Pietro from another dimension but I doubt it, Jimmy is standard FBI, not S.W.O.R.D. or S.H.I.E.L.D. Monica’s contact is Major Goodner, I wasn’t actually expecting Mr. Fantastic but at least someone interesting, tho she gets to contacted by the Skrulls and Fury again, thas pretty neat. Though I expected more reaction from her powers than just “cool trick!” Bullets went through her and no one else acknowledges it besides the twins. Darcy gets one line and an off camera send off, that definitely fuckin sucked. The people of Westview... damn. I thought Dottie/Sarah would have more play or that we would’ve seen more Debra Jo Rupp throughout the series just in general but I like that we got to see all of them desperate to be freed and that they wouldn’t just forgive Wanda in the end, understandably. But yeah it really was just Wanda’s grief torturing their minds and keeping them sticking to her script, not Agatha All Along. Interesting to see that kind of accountability instead of putting all bad things on the villain at the last minute, as well as the lesson that grieving doesn’t excuse the pain you inflict on others
Wait were Ralph and Agatha.....like....y’know....👀
Nit picky comic fan BS aside, it’s great show with a lot of mystery and a nice lesson about coping with grief. The acting is great, especially considering the time period acting and the different sides to each of the characters. Week to week episodes on a streaming service is a great medium to take time on a story rather than cramming everything in two hours or committing to a long term series that might overstay it’s welcome
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dykewithafatpussy · 3 years
spoilers for "resident evil: welcome to raccoon city"
finally posting bc it is going to be/ or already is on demand, so is my very late in depth review of this movie.
these are all my opinions and you do not have to agree with me, i just wanted to share them with the void, that is all thank you.
so im gonna start with everything wrong with the movie in terms of canon, stort telling, and characters portrayals. then im going to do everything i liked, and end with what they should of done.
everything wrong
so starting with canon compliance. where? canon where? they looked at what the story was and said thats a mere suggestion. which yes ik resident evil looks at its canon and thinks its just a suggestion but in this case it was just not it.
what is it with adaptions not sticking with the source material? like its literally a free pass to copy and paste but in a different medium, you just make good decisions which they never fucking do and most definitely did not do here.
pacing was really fast, it was one thing after another, rapid fire with no moment of rest or time to process what just happened, which can work but it just didnt here, especially when there were moments it was just dragging.
they tried to combine resident evil 1 and 2 together but it was poorly done and full of half baked stories and shoe horned sub plots. like dont get me wrong it sounds like a good idea and i could forgive the sins agaisnt the source material if it was just well executed and it simply wasnt.
everything i liked
the characters, i dont care about the casting, but the characters were awfully written. i think the actors did a good job with what they were given but holy shit were given shit writing. jill wasnt jill, where the fuck is barry, i dont even know who that blonde guy was bc he sure a fuck wasnt wesker, chris was eh, claire gave me anti-vaxxer vibes, and leon was the only decent one. ada wong only appeared at the very end of the movie, had one line and still managed to be a disappointing character portrayal.
i liked the lisa trever sub plot even if it was poorly done, i like that they made her claires friend and protector, as well as gave her an ounce of humanity seeing as she was a little girl when she was kidnapped and experimented on. the biggest flaw about having her in the movie tho is at no point do they go into detail about who she is.
i liked that they gave more significance to the orphanage by placing chris and claire there (this is one of those not sticking to canon things i could forgive if it was better executed, which it was not)
it was camp, the entire movie was camp in the over exaggerated zombie movie way, and i love that.
my favorite part was when the trucker crashed during his transformation and the truck exploded setting him on fire. then he strutted into the rpd on fire while leon was listening to music over a pop tune from the 90s, it was a second long bc irons shot it but omfg was it the best second in this entire shit show.
loved the corny exchange that happened when leon when he killed birkin with a rocket launcher, it was perfect imo. very resident evil.
i think thats it, i really did enjoy the movie but from a critical standpoint i cant give it a lot of praise bc there was very little to actually praise and a lot of it is subjective.
what they should've done
so its obvious by the ending theyre expecting to do more movies, so idk why they couldn't just plan to do the first 3 games as movies or do the first game, 2+3 and then do code veronica or operation umbrella (only bc 4 has nothing to do with the umbrella story line, and why code veronica? bc they put that scene of the ashford twins were alfred is tearing the wings off of the dragon fly so it seems like if they do a sequel its going to probably be about code veronica)
like that would make more sense, they wouldnt be trying to do too much like they did with this movie and they would still get a trilogy. 1 can stand alone, 2+3 happen at the same time in canon like they could of mashed those together like they tried to do with 1 and 2 but this time it could work and we could still get nemesis maybe. yeah nemesis wasnt in this movie nor was mr. X
i wish they would actually consult people who like the franchise for live action remakes instead of hiring people who dont care. there are very rarely good adaptations bc they keep recruiting people who know nothing.
and if the people who worked on this were fans of the franchise, yikes.
overall it was okay, i still think its so bad its good and to stay away if you're a purist. it was absolute garbage and i cant wait to watch it again now that its on demand.
imagine being worse than the first set of live action movies for resident evil, imo (i love those also), embarrassing.
and if they end up doing a sequel, i will watch it
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tsufangs · 3 years
Saw the ask and wanted to suggest, perhaps his mother had spiraled out of control? We know how she was when the priests didn’t believe her so imagine her own son saying she’s saying “silly things” and still playing with this “demon” of a child? We never really see Tsukasa be violent towards Amane before death and even after death, there’s this lingering affection that both brothers have for each other, even Amane (as Hanako) is surprised of his brother’s actions in “Mitsuba” asking him why he’s doing such things and in “hell of mirrors,” he’s shocked and horrified about Tsukasa being in the same place as a dead mystery, becoming even more disturbed when Tsukasa recalls their memory of watching Frankenstein as if he’s just now realizing that the boy he sat next to him was perhaps bad all along? Even so, Hanako doesn’t seem upset that he is being hugged and squeezed, merely uncomfortable with the situation as a whole because he just witnessed his childhood memory become utterly shattered into a million pieces. We know from the ages of 7 that Amane had a very good albeit “distant” relationship with fake Tsukasa, explaining that he’s been playing Katanuki for hours, a game he’s obsessed with. Now looking at this, and also wt his affectionate nature—way more than real Tsukasa—, it’s kind of weird that this supernatural entity has the capability to be very nice.
One instance is the welcome party for Mitsuba who became no.3, where he admits he likes him and even gives Mitsuba the fake world as a gift. The other instance is when he’s rambling to Sakura about how cool Mitsuba was after hell of mirrors (but Mitsuba didn’t do anything that Tsukasa claimed he did, yet, Tsukasa is happily bragging and flailing around), one more instance is when, in the spin off, he showed Mitsuba the sea and I’m probably forgetting some more but it’s obvious this entity can be genuinely nice so the question is… was he really ever violent with amane or was he made to be violent because of the house and the mother’s deteriorating mental state?
Eh, damn 😂
What you said is all right!
I’ve always had mixed feelings if fake Tsukasa really was violent towards Amane or towards anyone in general... I always wanted to believe the contrary but at the same time... UGH! It’s confusing someway ‘cause fake Tsukasa has some real Tsukasa’s mechanisms as if he’s alike the real one in some behaviors, however we know that, in reality, he’s completely different because of that cursed spirit of the house.
As you said, “Tsukasa” was never shown to be a violent brother back in the twins’ childhood, neither before entering middle school. We know for sure that something has been happening to Amane as soon as he entered that middle school, tho it’s still very unsure if those bruises were caused by someone, self inflicted or even something worse.
I personally think that fake Tsukasa just took after, from the real one, the loving side for his brother and the too bright personality: that’s why, before the information given in chapter 78, we felt this hate/love thing towards him (fake one) because he only imitated real one’s behaviors (thus as being lovely, cute, jumping on Amane whenever he sees him, kind of a caring side towards him and even Mitsuba...), then boom he switches to his actual true self: the evil sadistic “Tsukasa” we know, so the one “controlled” by the spirit of the cursed house.
The character of Tsukasa is now split in 2 so this made us more confused than ever ‘cause it’s as if the Tsukasas represented the good and the bad side.
Fake Tsukasa is the bad side
Real Tsukasa is the good side
2 different sides of the SAME person.
lt’s like when one person’s personality get split in 2 thus comporting the separation of the good and the bad of a person.
But this is just a symbolic interpretation of the 2 Tsukasas, we know that the cursed house is the main culprit behind all of this mess, sadly...
Aaaaand my brain is evaporating woo 🤝
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quietzap · 3 years
Hi 😊 I’m sort of new in the Ziam fandom (like the last year) and I was wondering if you could tell me who this Rodger character is? Is it a troll or do people believe it’s actually Zayn behind it? Thank you ♥️
Hi! Aw welcome! Glad to have you here. This was a long time ago so if I got some details wrong then ppl reading this feel free to correct me aha. So the Rodger thing started when someone on twitter made an account pretending to be Zayn's evil twin named Rodger, Zayn found it funny and followed them and replied to their tweets a few times. Then he got "rodger" tattooed and showed it off on pap pics, and he himself said he was his evil twin. I think that's when ppl started thinking it was Zayn himself or someone close to him. I rmbr one time Rodger tweeted he was gonna see Black Panther at the cinema and a few hours later a fan pic of Zayn in what looked like a cinema came out so yeah there was some shady stuff like this. And Rodger always defended and supported Liam and the other boys and refuted the narrative that they all hate each other (tho went along with the stunts but was still always in favour of the boys). But it's hard to tell really bc later on the account rlly started tweeting like a fan and about drama only fans cared about, I think they also participated in voting stuff too so their behaviour seems to be more of a fan than someone in Zayn's circle. But who knows. I unfollowed a while ago tho bc I don't think this account is rlly worth following 🤷🏻‍♀️
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hazard-queen · 4 years
Hi, I like your headcannons on the characters. If it's okay, may I request Riddle, Azul, Jade and Malleus with a femreader who always gets bullied (cause she's magicless and made supervisor)and nearly physically assaulted her only because she's the only female in the school. You don't have to do it if ever and that's okay.Have a coffee so please stay healthy and stay safe. (First time asking and feeling nervous)
Ah dear don't be nervous, feel free to request at any time ^^
Ok i will try my best to stay healthy tho *takes coffee and start drinking it* thank you for the coffee ~♡
Have a good day and take care~♡
P.s : if anyone facing something like bullying i kindly ask you to talk to me about it ,I listen and do my best to help anyone who's having such a trouble
All my love~♡
Riddle rosehearts
• Tears were running down your cheeks as you were running the halls to go to your room, not wanting to talk to anyone or see anyone...but of course it was seen by your dorm leader who followed you.
• "(Y/n)!.....(y/n) stop!" Riddle ran behind you as once you heard him you began to run faster till you reached your room and slammed the door into riddle's face, he didn't know what's wrong but he truly wants to, he stood in front of your door knocking softly.
• "(Y/n), can you please open the door?" Yes he got upset cause you slammed the door in his face but he calmed himself, he noticed that you changed from before, not cheerful or even smile anymore, he begged you to open the door as he could hear your cries getting louder.
• "What have i done to them?"
• He heard your words cut by crying and sobbing , he frowned on hearing you, he wanted to be there for you.
• "(Y/n)...my dear, can you please on the door? I'm here for you,please let me in" riddle said softly as he waited for you, you slowly opened the door, he saw your swollen eyes and tears are still forming in your eyes.
• "They bully me, they say horrible things about me, i never harmed anyone so why do they do this to me?" Your voice cracked at the end of your words, riddle took you into his embrace allowing you to cry your heart out patting on your head.
• "You say they bully you huh?" You heard riddle speaking so serious as you rised your face to meet with his.
• "Yes"
• "Names.....i want names!"
• You told riddle the names of those students who are bullying you, he was smiling to you and you didn't know if that an innocent or an evil smile, he placed a small kiss on your forehead before speaking again, "don't you ever worry about this, I'm here for you....and don't bother thinking about them anymore! Now take a good rest and do your homework!"
• Riddle encouraged you to go on and do not let any of those to annoy you....the weirdest thing that they never appeared in your direction again! You went to ask riddle about this and let's say you began to smile again.
• "Oh them? As i said, don't bother thinking about them anymore! Any one that dares to bully any part of my dorm especially you it will be off with their head!"
Azul ashengrotto
• Azul noticed some changes on you recently, you used to join him or the twin in lunch and eat with them what is like more than ten plates yet your visit to the lounge is always welcomed.
• But it has been so long time since you joined them or even seen you eating properly, you began to seem....thiner? It's not like you joined pomefoire or something ,have you?
• He began to get worried but he became more worried when he invited you for a meal with him but you turned it down and left immediately! He talked this to the twin and decided to do a little trick to drag you to the restaurant in the lounge!
• You ran your way to octavinelle when you heard that azul is not doing well, you let the twin to guide you to where he is, you found him taking a seat on a table and pointing to your seat, you looked at him questioning, he looks fine!
• "Erm...azul...you're ok, aren't you?"
• "Yes my darling, am i asking for alot by making you join me in meal?" Azul asked with a closed eye smile as you took the seat in front of him, he took the menu and talked to you, " so! What do you want to eat? Oh don't worry, it's on me!" You looked at azul quietly then shook your head, " thank you, I'm not hungry"
• Azul ignored what you said and ordered two plates which made you upset, "azul, I'm sorry i don't want to eat this!" You frowned to him, " you don't want to eat this or you can't....(y/n)....are you dieting??"
• You kept quiet for a moment before you smile, "yes....i guess i need to lose weight", your words semt normal but your face said it all, "(y/n)....why are you dieting?"
• You told him about those who bully you about how you look and this all brings back memories to azul, tears began to fall from your eays as you spoke, azul reached his hand and tangled his fingers with yours looking you into eyes , "no matter how you look, i will always love you"
• Next day you heard that called for you, going there to the lounge, your eyes widened as you saw the guys who were bullying you on one of the tables, you turned to walk away to find azul behind you with a closed eyes smile, "so, dear i have a surprise for you!" Then he took you to the table of the group you hated, they looked at you then theu began to whispere to each other and laugh, you wanted to leave but azul held you back, " so, i investigated and i knew everything! And i wanted to give you something!" And azul spoke plates were put on the table! And by plates we can mention what is not less than a hunderd plate of food! It looked delicious yet scary! Why would azul do this?
• "Eh....we won't eat all of this! We're leaving!" One of the students stood to leave only for floyd to push him back and jade staning on the way!
• "Now! You're not leaving this place before finishing all those plates with no lefts!" Azul smirked as he saw the horror expression on their face as the twin blocked any way out!
• "But azul! They will get a hart attack this way!"
• "Exactly!"
Jade leech
• You were running from them, they bully you almost every single day, you're a girl and weak and have nothing in hand to do, you didn't even look ib front of you while running as you suddenly hit someone and fell to your back.
• "Oh my! Are you ok miss?" Jade bent to offer you his hand, you looked at him in a shock, your eyes were full of tears as you helped yourself standing, "what's wrong?" He looked at you worried only for you to look back fast like if there's someone chasing you then you ran away without saying a word to the male standing there!
• Jade was deep on though about you and why you were like that, could it be that someone is hurting you? He decided he was going to ask you next day about that
• Next day jade got shocked to see you, you were limping! He rushed for you all worried asking you if there's something wrong with you but you shook your head saying it was just an accident, he knew it wasn't, ~sigh you left me no choice~
• "Ow!" Jade squeezed his eyes shut as if something got in it, "what's wrong?" You looked at him worried as he bent down to your level , " sorry but it seems something got in my left eye, can you please check it?" You innocently nodded as he opened his eyes to you....
• "Shock the heart"
• Now he can inquire you for the truth behind your weird actions, " now tell me...what happened to your feet?" Jade asked you and you answered immediately, "they pushed me from stairs" jade frowned on hearing your words , " they?" He knew it, some students were bullying you, you told him everything and at the end of your words you cried.
• "Do you need my help?" Jade asked while he already know the answer, "yes, please" you nodded
• Next day you had totally no idea by the conversation you had with jade or what have you told him, you saw these bad guys again and as they saw you they walked towards you, you wanted to run but you couldn't do that anymore since your feet is hurt.
• "Now now! Since you're here...how about a flying lesson?" One of the students spoke evily as others started laughing, suddenly two tall figures appeared behind you made them start to retreat scared.
• "My my! Floyd, it seems that there are some naughty students who needs to learn a lesson here aren't they?" You turned back to see jade standing behind you along with Floyd and they were wearing scary expressions on their face.
• "Yes~ but what lesson do you want us to teach them?
• "Hmmmm....how about a running lesson?" The smirk on jade's face was from ear to ear as he began to laugh evily of how he was going to punish them for mistreating you.
• "Hai hai~"
Malleus draconia
• He heard crying sound, it was from a person who almost had ran out of breathe from crying, he followed it to see you sitting on one of the corners all alone, he reached his hand to your shoulder from behind, you gasped turning back to see the tall man behind you.
• You took some far steps from him, let's say he feel sad whenever people run away from him but he's used, "what happened to your arm?" His eyes landed on the bruise on your arm that you covered at an instant.
• "Non of your business..." you moved to walk away only for his hand to take a string grib on your arm, "let me go!" You struggled to free your hand but there's no way you can escape malleus' grib, he strated revealing the rest of your arm only to see more bruises and scars on it, "who did this?"
• ".........they stole my locket, malleus...it's a gift from my mother and it's the only thing i have from my world, there's a picture of me and my family on it" you creid as you couldn't handle this anymore.
• " they do this to me cause I'm magicless and i can't defend myself, i had nothing to do but to beg them to return it....malleus please return it to me" you looked at him with a teary eye then you threw yourself into his chest.
• "Don't cry! If they are bullying you cause you are magicless then i have a great solution for you!"
• You walked towards those guys all nervous and all but wearing a serious expression on your face, " return me my locket!" You spoke loud enough more like if sebek was speaking, they began to laugh and one of them got your locket out in his hand, "oh you mean this?" , you walked towards him to snatch it but he moved his hand fast away from you, "give that to me!"
• "Make me!"
• You remember his words, you slowly rised your hand to the air and that's when suddenly these students began to float in the air!
• " w what?"
• They were floating in the air and some of them were hitting the others..it was so fun watching them like that!
• "P please...but us down!"
• "Give me my necklace first!"
• And they did as you said giving it back to you...and that's when they all fell to the ground and began to ran away...
• You ran towards malleus hugging him as he was hiding behind a wall...it was his magic after all you know!
• "How about i invite you to eat something together?"
• "Is it an invitation? Then deal"
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vanchlo · 4 years
Magic Moment
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Hello! I could NOT resist writing another blurb about boyfriend!harry for my lovely friend, @bfharry‘s BOYFRIENDATHON after I got this idea! I’ve always loved baseball myself and playing lots of catch at work recently inspired this, as well as falling in love with Queen ;) Enjoy  some fluff about playing catch with boyfriend!harry at your childhood home c:
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.4k words
Pairing: Harry x Reader
Music Inspo: This Magic Moment by Ben E. King and The Drifters (click to listen and yes Sandlot *wink*) 
“Follow your heart, kid, and you can never go wrong.”
- The Sandlot
“Come on, it wasn’t that bad,” you jest, giggling nervously. The screen door closes with a loud whap! behind the both of you.
“Ya, maybe it wasn’t fer you,” he sighs in a whisper, stuffing his hands into his pockets. His high-top white converses slap! down the wooden stairs quickly. “I think I need anotha beer afta that.”
“Follow me.”
A humid heat hits you in the face when you open the scarlet-colored door to the garage. The familiar smell welcomes you, and so do the sights of your father’s tools hanging up on the walls. The lawn mower still sits in the same spot, his pair of old glasses remain perched on the windowsill, and the tiny mini fridge in the corner awaits your call.
“Thanks,” he mumbles after taking a long pull from the refreshing beer. You opt for a Whiskey-Coke, instead, the carbonation sending shooting stars across your tongue. You watch him wipe away the bead of sweat running down his forehead, and then the subsequent smile that drills the dimples into his cheeks. “Bloody hell, if that isn’t tha cutest thing ‘ve eva seen.”
A questioning ‘what’ barely passes your lips once you spot the miniature lilac colored baseball glove on a shelf. Next, a laugh falls from your lips and he echoes it with his own adorable concoction. 
“Hard t’ believe yer hand was eva that tiny, love.”
“I know, it’s funny that my dad kept it around.”
“I would if I were him, ‘s bloody adorable,” he notes, picking up the battered leather mitt with a content smile. “Ah, lookie here. Up fer a game o’ catch, love? Bet I could whoop yer ass.”
“Harry, you can’t beat somebody in catch!” you protest, the cool liquid gracing your lips, providing you a few seconds of relief from the summer heat. 
“We’ll just see ‘bout that, now won’t we?” he teases with a wiggle of his eyebrows. A tan, leather baseball glove hits you square in the chest, landing in your arms while he slips on a darker twin of it. “C’mon, I wanna see how girly of a throw ya got.”
“Oh, shut up. You have no idea what’s coming for you. You’re dating a former softball player here.”
“Am I now? Ya don’t seem that intimidatin’ t’ me, miss,” Harry laughs softly, the billowy cotton of his red Hawaiian themed shirt catching the wind once your feet find the grass. “Dunno how anythin’ can be intimidatin’ afta meetin’ yer bleedin’ father, tho’. Bloody hell,” he remarks, shaking his head. 
“It really wasn’t that bad, Harry,” you correct him, placing your tall can beside his dark glass bottle. 
“It was. Didn’t know he’d be so fookin’ hard on me, askin’ all o’ those questions. He never even smiled at me once, babe,” he scoffs, sliding the glove onto his large hand and messing around with it until it’s comfortable enough. 
“Yes, he did.”
“No, he didn’t. Or I didn’t see it. Dunno why he was so cold t’ me. Ya’ve always had such good things t’ say ‘bout growin’ up with him . . ,” he exhales, tossing the ancient brown and red baseball into the mitt. His short curls dance around atop his head as he crosses the large backyard, the very same one you played kickball in, where you hit home run balls into the woods, set cartwheel records in, and still have the pieces of wood set into the ground marking the bases. 
“He’s quiet, Harry, that’s all. You just have to find something in common with him, and then you’ll hit it off. I promise you, he liked you.”
“Don’t believe ya there, he was givin' me tha evil eye tha whole time durin’ dinna, even tho’ I was fakin’ likin’ his burgers. They were dry as hell,” he grumbles, soon coming to a stop a good way across the grassy area. Messing with his light-washed denim shorts, he checks his phone before letting it fall back into one of its pockets. “Reckon ‘s cuz yer his li’l girl, loads mo’ protective o’ you cuzz’a that.” 
“Keep going, I’m not a sissy.”
“Oh, so I should go long, ‘s that right? Dunno if ya can make it t’ me if I go back any farther,” he winks, the dimples set into his cheeks all the way from here, you notice.
“Would you hush? I pitched all throughout high school, I can make your hand hurt from catching it, if you keep running your mouth,” you argue. 
“Oooooo, she’s gettin’ feisty now,” he chuckles, raising his voice to carry across the clipped green grass, tall trees framing the yard. He pats his taut fist into the palm of the glove, the baseball snug in his large hand. Why, of course it is, Mr. Huge Hands.
Seconds later, the ball soars through the air and banks to the left, but with a jump, you catch it just in time. 
“What the hell was that?” you laugh, holding up your hands. 
“Erm, ‘m warmin’ up? Y’know, gotta get the old righty back in ‘s place,” he insists, stretching his dominant arm this way and that, ever so dramatically. 
“Whatever. You’re full of shit, Harry,” you call back, adding extra volume to your voice. His bottom lip escapes to between his teeth while his head goes from side to side. You surprise him with your throw and he misses it, pulling a loud laugh from your lips. “Not so confident, are we now?”
“Shuddup! Ya were a bloody softball player, ya got advantage ova me, ‘s not fair.”
“Don’t you start whining now! You’re the one who wanted to play catch with a five time-.”
“Ya ya, we get tha point, babe. Yer a bloody star when it comes t’ softball. I know, I know. Wish I coulda seen ya play, woulda been fun. Ya should join a summer league, they sound like a hoot,” he comments, locating the ball at last back in the woods and landing it in your glove. 
“And I played with my brother all of the time, and he was M.V.P two years in a row on his high school baseball team.”
“Good fer him, maybe he should be out here playin’ with you, instead,” Harry says when your throw to him sails over his head. “God, can ya control that arm o’ yers fer once?”
“Sorry!” you laugh, knowing that he doesn’t believe it for a second. 
“Sure ya are.” 
The ball arrives in your mitt with a pleasing whap! and your hand settles over it. Brushing your fingers along the coarse stitches, the shocks of green grass stains on the leather welcome you back to your childhood, tossing around this very same ball with your older brother and father. The nostalgia brings your hand to your pocket, and your fingers soon tap the screen of your phone. 
“C’mon, slow poke! What’re ya waitin’ fer? ‘Fraid ‘ll beat ya afta all?” Harry quips from across the yard, nearing you to retrieve his beer that he sips from. With a pleased ‘ahhhh,’ he sets it down on the gray cinder blocks of the nearby fire pit after walking back, placing enough space between him and it so he doesn’t run into it. 
Sliding your phone back into your pocket, music soon pours from the large bluetooth speaker in between you against the garage. 
“‘s this just fantasy? Caught inn’a landslide, no escape from realityyyyyy. Open yer eyes, look up t’ tha skies, and seeeeee,” Harry sings loudly, pumping his arms down at his sides and closing his eyes adamantly. “‘m just a poor boy, I need no sympathy. Because ‘m easy come, easy go, li’l high, li’l low.” 
“Any way the wind blows, doesn’t really matter to meeeeee,” you sing back, savoring the large smile painting his face as he catches your throw with ease. 
“Toooo meeee,” he sings back. “Mamaaaaaa just killed a man, put a gun against his head. Pulled my trigger, now’s he dead. Mamaaaaa, life had just begunnnn. But now ‘ve gone and thrown it all awayyyyy,” he sings to the baby blue skies dotted with clouds, adamantly strumming an invisible guitar. He echoes your laugh that flies between the two of you, joining the robins and starlings flitting between the trees. “Knew I picked a good one, she’s got a good arm and a bloody good taste in music. Ya betta play Take On Me next, or all bets are off.”
“Oh, you know that I will. It feels like an eighties night, playing catch in the backyard during the summer. It’s just like when I was little,” you note aloud, jogging to the right to catch his next throw until it falls into your glove. 
“‘Bout tha same fer me, just with footy, think this ‘s how ‘d like t’ spend my summers still . . I loved it so much, playin’ in tha backyard listenin’ t’ tha radio, and think my kids would too,” he says casually, sparking a blush in your cheeks at the mention of him as a father. Oh, what you would do to be able to see him playing catch with a little dark-haired boy or girl who calls him ‘Daddy.’ 
Fuck me, you think hastily. 
Quickly, your shared favorite part of the song comes and he imitates the guitar shredding while you repeatedly toss the ball into your mitt, watching him. 
“But eva since I watched Wayne’s World as a kid, I can’t avoid bangin’ my head when it gets t’ this part,” Harry chuckles, tossing a pop fly towards the overhang of tree branches. “I love tha trees here, ya know, ‘ve neva seen so many.” 
“Me too, I love that part in the movie, and I love them too. It’s crazy to think how long they’ve been around to get this big. Some of them were as tall as I am now when I was little.”
“Huh,” he hums curiously, shooting into the air to grab a high one you tried to trick him with. Your eyes can’t help but wander to his dark fern tattoos that peek out when his shirt rises. “Ya think I should keep it still, or get rid o’ it?” Harry poses to you, puckering his lips at you with a mischievous grin. 
“You almost remind me of Freddie Mercury with that ‘stache,” you say, the laugh growing from somewhere deep inside of you. He shrugs his shoulders and tosses a fast one back to you, hitting your glove square in the center with a heavy slap! 
“Dunno why ya think that’s such a good joke, ‘s a damn compliment, if ya ask me.” 
“Uh oh, are we getting a big head over there because you’ve caught my last three throws?” you joke, watching the ball soar high into the air amongst the green covering of the trees. 
“Hey, be easy on me,” he pouts, his words disagreeing with his actions that send a hot fastball into your palm. 
“Why? You’re never easy on me when we play Mario Kart or Cribbage.” 
“Hey! You don’t have a bleedin’ nearly professional career in any o’ those!” he protests and then curses when your curveball nicks the tip of his glove. 
“So, and neither do you, and you’re still aggressive as fuck when we play them! Huh, what’s your excuse, Harry?” 
“Galileo!” he calls out. 
“Galileo!” you echo, and the rest follow suit between the two of you as the song plays. 
“‘m just a poor boyyyyy, nobody loves me,” he sings loudly, causing you to cough on your drink that you take a swig from. 
“Keep telling yourself that,” you shoot back, setting down the wet can as he approaches you. 
“But I am,” he whines, pushing out his bottom lip that you flick with your finger. 
“Watch it!” 
“Or what?” you counter, savoring the annoyed expression that soon fills his features. There’s just something about pushing his buttons that gets you going, even though you know that you shouldn’t do it. 
“Or else I won’t bloody learn tha rest o’ Blackbird on guitar fer you,” he retorts playfully, taking a long pull from his bottle. 
Now, it’s your turn to shout ‘hey!’ until he scoops you into his arms, your surprised shriek piercing the sky. 
“You better finish learning it! But, I think that I like Freddie better.”
“How? Paul ‘s far betta. ‘ll always love Queen, and The Beatles don’t have anythin’ on Bohemian Rhapsody, but Paul ‘s tha betta musician. Trust me, I should know,” he disagrees, pecking your temple before pulling away and tossing the ball into your waiting glove. 
“But, Freddie had a four octave range.”
“And? So does Paul,” Harry shrugs, raising his left arm in the air to snag your fastpitch that he almost loses. “Paul McCartney ‘s tha superior musician, just trust me on this.” 
“Paul McCartney has nothing on Freddie Mercury,” a voice pipes up, turning the both of your heads to the right where you find your dad stepping out of the garage with a weathered black baseball glove snug upon his right hand. 
You swear that you could hear Harry’s apprehensive gulp from all of the way over here, and when you look, you find his adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. 
“But Paul was betta on guitar, bass, and drums,” Harry argues, nervously tossing the ball into his glove repeatedly. 
Your dad closes the door behind him softly, and steps out on the grass, adjusting his glasses. Surprise is absent from your range of emotions when your dad shrugs his shoulders, but you’re sure that it coats Harry’s insides in the next few moments. 
“You’re right there, I like somebody who can stand up for their argument,” he comments, nodding a head towards Harry who out of the corner of your eye is smiling, just the slightest. “I think I might like this one,” he says to you, holding out his glove towards Harry, with his lips curling into his cheeks. 
The smile on your boyfriend’s face almost matches that of your father’s, but he’s got nothing on the grin plastered across Harry’s face because of your next words. 
“I think I do, too, Dad.”
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
Do Penn and Dency have like more a of sisterly than a cousin one since they’re so close in age (and they kinda grew up together since they only a few months apart). And like on a slightly different topic, what does Penn think of Dove? Did Penn and Dency share friends in Magic school or did they run in opposite circles?
tl;dr yeah they’re more sisterly & penn and dove don’t really like each other that much, & penn and dency definitely ran in different circles, especially as they got older. there’s like. a full on deep dive under the cut. i highly recommend u read if u wanna know why penn’s Like That & her complex relationship with both dency & dove, but um. it’s 3.7k words. but u should read it♥
i would definitely say they’re more sisters than they are cousins because like. i don’t know how close y’all are with your cousins. but like. cousinship is really not what i’d call a solid unbreakable fraternal bond you know? like penn and dency are like. 2.5 months apart so They Are The Same Age (even tho dency’s born in 02 & penn’s born in 03) and also because while in dency’s early years there is a phoebe/coop thread running, it still takes a while for those two to enter a committed relationship and move out so for the first. three? or so years of their lives, dency and penn literally shared a bedroom in the manor like they were raised kinda like twins just from a proximity standpoint. and then, of course, since they’re the same age and all, they hit milestones at the same time & are always in the same school year (which i feel like both these girls went to private schools which are like. always catholic schools idk if this is universal but like. i feel like in sf almost every single private school is tied to a church but maybe i just don’t know that many people who went to private school. and yes this is because i just really really want dency to go to a catholic school her being the antichrist so to speak all that i want her to be genuinely afraid that if she touches holy water she’ll burn it’s fun (it doesn’t burn her, for the record. she like. tried when she was 9/10 and it’s like one of those things like you know how you can lick your fingers and pinch out a candle flame so as a kid you wanna try it and you have saliva all over your fingers and you keep going in a chickening out because that’s fire!! that’s a flame!! what the fuck!!! so its a back and forth until you just gotta do it yeah that she ends up like plunging her full hand in when the plan was kinda only dip a finger but good news! she’s fine she does not burn with holy water.) maybe they go to public high school but like. private elementary and/or middle school. because high school who cares but going to a catholic middle school will leave the funniest long term effects on people).
and then, of course, magic school. they both go to magic school. which as i’ve stated before i think there are many magic schools this magic school is tethered to san francisco and i think really any west coast witches will attend that school but there aren’t That Many so class sizes are still like. 30 kids. and then, of course, as this is Charm School (as so it is dubbed as it is the school run by the charmed ones) they do kinda host their fair share of magical events which is mainly like the elders being like okay can we all get together let’s host a yule celebration here which they do in this world but not in the canon!gen2 due to one major defining factor: penn. because like. she’s the twice blessed man. magic literally shut down just like globally for a full day when she was born (dency actually retained a limited amount of magic as you know she has a bit of source. it’s a magic source. but like. very little it was insanely dampened). but you know globally no one really knew this was coming all of magic was left standing there with their dick in their hands until it turned back on and now there’s only one question: what the fuck was that? and the answer was a baby literally so powerful was born that all magic rested for a day to welcome this child. the twice blessed has arrived. And That’s A Big Fucking Deal! and again: the elders don’t really like the charmed ones all that much bit of a two way street here because the charmed ones don’t like them so they would love to take away this ability maybe save it for a rainy day with a family they don’t already have a dicey history with but um. source’s heir is right there. so we’re gonna keep the twice blessed in tact. but yeah basically the elders have kind of these magical holidays at magic school and penn has to be in attendance just because she’s kinda the representation of the best of good magic. she’s an idol everyone can kinda get behind you know rejuvenate the spirit of good magic unite the witches behind one figurehead.
which, for the record, piper and leo are Not Really Game for because what the fuck so it’s like. at first when the elders are like. let’s host a litha celebration here invite magical families around the world extend olive branches so to speak you know it also tells the underworld that good magic is strong on united really keeps them at bay (because they really have yet to recover from s7/s8 there’s still not centralized ruler demon/monster attacks have been way down and quite frankly the sisters wanna keep it that way. they love a world where their lives aren’t constantly at risk). so initially they’re like yeah sure they bring their kids because what are they gonna hire a babysitter the kids can be there and like. everyone fawns over penn. and penn initially loves it because like you’re 7 who doesn’t love being special being the center of attention. but piper & leo are like 😐 because they’re starting to see the game the elders are playing but you know. in the early years penn really likes going to these. i should state penn’s full name is actually melinda penelope halliwell and when she was young she did go by melinda but she really didn’t like how much she was compared to melinda warren esp with all the twice-blessed stuff (she also has leo’s hair color (i.e. blonde) so she does look a lot like her ancestor) so around 13 14 or so she starts going by penelope which people shorten to penny which is just another ancestor to be compared to so she shortens that to penn. so yeah through the elementary school era i think penn really likes attending these functions she likes being liked and piper and leo are like no really you don’t have to go in fact we’d prefer it if you’d stayed home but she’s like 9 she doesn’t get the minutia of it and she’ll like cry if she can’t go to the fun party. by the time she hits middle school tho she’s like no this shit is draining lmao can all these adults back off. but then like. by the time she hits high school she’s kinda caught on and if it’s her being a charming, polite, dazzling little twice blessed that keeps good magic solid and the underworld at bay, she can play that role. she will play that role. but now there’s a sense of duty to it.
so. i’m still talking. i think it magic school penn was really popular because she was like a household name you know, that and like she’s really got her father’s kind heart and can play mediator like her mother so she kinda can do the saintlike role given to her (which again is something she starts at a young age not realizing what all this is before and it grows into the core of who she is & now it’s inseparable. it’s kinda like the male gaze. but the elder gaze. even pretending you aren't catering to elder fantasies is an elder fantasy: pretending you're unseen, pretending you have a life of your own, that you can wash your feet and comb your hair unconscious of the ever-present watcher peering through the keyhole, peering through the keyhole in your own head, if nowhere else. you are a witch with an elder inside watching a witch. you are your own voyeur. lmao. haha but yeah penn has a really big circle but while people fawn over penn they are inherently distrustful of dency because again these are kids and they get their opinions from their parents. and some parents really don’t want the source of all evil going to school and learning alongside their kids. and this is kinda penn’s crucial flaw is she was kinda always taught to be so temperate that when people are mean to dency, she doesn’t like. go to bat for dency. she mediates. she’ll mediate in a situation where someone is clearly in the wrong but is like. let’s reach a peaceful agreement let’s try to see both sides because you know her parents especially leo raised her with this peace love & understanding mentality and she’s so young she doesn’t get the nuance of situations.
so, rather than kinda sit and field catty comments from other witches in penn’s social circle & watch penn try to turn this into some kind of socratic seminar on how we’re all different and we should all try to understand each other dency kinda just voluntarily breaks from penn’s circle. it’s not too difficult as not that many people really wanted her anyway and also she’s not always in the same classes as them as she needs lots of private tutoring to kind of. you know. hone her demon powers, which function differently.
and then this is where we bring in dove who is a witch with no active powers and two mortal parents, so she doesn’t actually realize it’s weird not to have active powers until she reaches magic school (after being enrolled by paige, who has basically assorted sidequests going at all time where she like. finds witches who don’t have the resources to learn the craft proper and rather than let them just risk it she enrolls them in her school. she does this in canon!gen2 as well that’s kinda like her whitelighter job as i don’t think she has too too many Charges in a traditional whitelighter sense). and then a bit of history on dove her parents are fucking loaded. the type of rich you eat, not just upper middle class. and her dad does fuck knows what tech shit in the silicon valley and her mom’s basically just a socialite. so dove, like penn, from a very young age learns the art of being the little doll at the party. we’re sitting this baby down at the grand piano and you’re all gonna coo and aww as she knocks out für elise okay? but the primary difference between penn & dove is dove was being coached. dove knew from a very young age what she was doing. penn was just what the john mulaney quote shiny and dumb and easy to trick? yeah. piper and leo didn’t want her there they didn’t want her exposed to like the notion of white magic politics, dove’s mother on the other hand basically trained her in the art of the social kill.
So. dove as a kid gets to magic school and kinda quickly realizes she’s not like the other kids. and yes, there are some late bloomers, but like. she’s really not like the other kids i mean she’s a witch with no lineage and no active powers and everyone else seems to have family friends and people they already know and she’s alone. so. ever the social strategist, she aligns herself with penn. and dove joined about late elementary school early middle school so she got contact with dency before she broke, but she knows her mostly by reputation because dove loves gossip and there’s a lot to be whispered about dency. unfortunately, there’s also a lot to be whispered about her. and it’s usually like. if you’re a late bloomer and you don’t have an active power, by the time you hit puberty one develops (there’s also like. the other marker is when the brain stops developing around age 25 sometimes power develop then and dove’s currently like 24 so she’s lowkey still holding out for that one). but dove kinda goes through puberty and doesn’t get an active power and now kids are calling her dud and this is where penn’s middle road logic fails her again because she just. she’ll be kind to dove and be like that’s really mean and they shouldn’t have said that, but she’ll also speak kindly to the bullies and be like hey that’s not nice don’t say that. and dove is not a temperate person so when she’s attacked she goes for the jugular. and penn pulls out again this peace love & understanding card like i understand you’re upset but you shouldn’t stoop to their level you should try to always be understanding because you don’t know what they’re going through and it pisses dove off because penn literally has no backbone. like she’s never really seen penn stand for anything and quite frankly she’s a little pissed about it because she specifically befriended penn for like protection for a place in the magical community and penn just like. does not offer that because she’s just do spineless.
so i think dove kinda just slowly distances herself from penn and penn doesn’t really do anything to keep friends so to speak because as the twice blessed kids kind of just flock to her she’s definitely got a really weird dynamic just with others as a whole so it’s like when dove stops invited penn over for playdates it’s not like penn’s gonna Start inviting dove over for playdates because that’s simply not how penn’s mind works. also almost all her playdates from like a really young age were really weird because it was just witches being like oh my god let’s set up a cute little playdate for our kids i’ll bring them over at 1 and piper and leo were game because you know yay socialization for my daughter, but you know it quickly became obvious that it wasn’t for the kids. like it was for these parents who get to be in the halliwell manor talking to a charmed one, the twice blessed is right there, & it was kind of sickening. so yeah. that happened one too many times. but like the further dove drifted from penn kind of the less she held her tongue because you know penn’s so kind and temperate that she really doesn’t like hearing insults quick jabs you know like obviously. but dove’s great at it. and yeah, there are kids dove just doesn’t like because they’re dicks to her. so when they go after dency, dove’s immediately ready to tear them to bits. it’s kind of like sticking up for the little man, but it’s more just like attacking the bully bc now you have a reason to. but what surprises dove is dency also has some bite to her words, dency also fights back. which dove again ever the social strategist thinks dency shouldn’t to that because she already has the title of the source’s heir hanging over her it’s not wise to pour fuel on that fire but at the same time she’s glad dency just like. does fight back. is a dick about it. she loves that she’s someone who doesn’t play the social game, someone who’s true to herself and isn’t going to water herself down in order to be liked by other people. you know dency’s got backbone she’s got chutzpah and dove loves to see it after everyone in magic school who are all just like. 11 year old sycophants finally someone who’s real. so i think dove and dency kind of become besties as they willingly mark themselves as the social outcasts who just. do what they want to do. it’s like dency’s basically a demon and dove’s basically mortal and together they’re just having like. a great fucking time. i think they really like each other. it’s also dove’s first friendship that literally has no exterior advantage if anything it brings down her stock but she doesn’t care because dency’s just like cool man.
and then nowadays they’re all like 24 and dency and dove live together dency works as a freelance journalist (even though elise is constantly offering her a permanent position at the bay mirror, dency doesn’t accept it because she “doesn’t want a nepotism job” to which elise is like dency i wouldn’t offer you the job if i didn’t think you were any good my own niece has been trying to get an internship here for two years but she writes absolute drivel okay i don’t want you here because you’re my goddaughter i want you here because you’re an excellent writer. but dency still always turns her down because she doesn’t like the optics. she still spends a lot of time a the bay mirror just because i really love the visual of punk rock antichrist rolling up to the bay mirror and immediately getting the biggest hug from elise when most employees have yet to even see elise smile) & then dove on the other hand 100% has a nepotism job she like does pr for her dad’s company. penn i think works in piper’s kitchen as a line cook where she literally like addresses her mom like yes chef all that like people don’t know she’s the owner’s daughter hell they barely know her name and she kinda loves it like that.
and dency and penn definitely have this kind of testy relationship because dency never leaves well enough alone. i mean that’s literally her job right as a journalist, but it carries over into magic too & penn hates it because someday dency’s gonna get herself killed. but the fact of the matter is their fighting styles are not compatible. penn and dency are not good side by side in a fight & dency would much rather work alone. but, if penn knows anything, she’s gonna be there. she refuses to let dency go in alone because if dency dies and there was something she could have done about it she’d never forgive herself. this is why dency doesn’t go to penn for healing anymore because again they can’t lie to each other given their lie detector power, so rather than get penn involved dency goes to her friend jack who is both a mortal & and nurse & went to like the same private elementary school as dency, tho i think he was in on a lottery. And. Of Course. there is a vice versa going on here because dency does not tell penn things because like. if penn dies because she was following dency into some dangerous battle she’d never forgive herself. because, quite honestly, dency knows she’s powerful. she has a skill set that practically no one has the ability to counter. but also. she’s the source’s heir. penn’s the twice blessed. the world needs penn a lot more than it needs her, you know? dency does kind of view herself as more expendable than penn, you know again penn is the embodiment of all good magic and the story’s definitely been spun that penn and the elders kind of unifying good magic, creating a strong bond keeps the underworld at bay. penn’s death would be a devastating blow. and on top of that, penn’s really not a fighter. dency is, she’s great at it. and you know, if penn was always running headfirst into battles like dency, it really would be a mirror relationship but penn really does not practice magic outside of magic school. so that’s not a concern. but yeah. given this fact that penn is really more important symbol-wise & the fact they do not fight well together & the fact penn’s just not great at fighting & she does not remotely know the demonic world like dency does, dency really does try to keep her cousin in the dark as much as possible.
dove and penn kind of in the present have a bit of a rivalry going at least penn considers it a rivalry because penn genuinely considers them equals, dove on the other hand does not because penn is the twice blessed and dove is a witch without powers but yeah. no one really can argue the way they argue because it really doesn’t sound like an argument it’s like. written down it can seem like a perfectly friendly conversation but there is kind of this intense vein of malice running through most of their interactions. which, while we’re kind of positioned to side with dove because she’s more of a main character than penn is, she’s besties with our protagonist, also i love her, dove is definitely the instigator. and it’s not like penn’s deserving of any of dove’s harassment but dove is just still really bitter about how penn was supposed to be her shelter as a young girl but penn never stands up for anything leaving dove really vulnerable as a kid. which she has not ever voiced to penn, penn just thinks dove’s a bitch (which she is, but like,) but at the same time penn almost always seeks dove out or even invites her (not directly, but rather by extension by insisting dency has to come no no you have to come listen you can bring a friend okay but you have to be there. because dency will only ever bring dove.) to these magical functions because a) dove’s kind of already so low on the food chain that she’s really fine with making snide comments to the faces of these really pretentious parents who are only in it for power and optics. like penn always has to pretend not to smile when dove makes the comments she always wished she could say just like. to an elder’s face. and then on top of that, dove’s about the only person who doesn’t view penn as sacred, and by extension, now that they’re older, dove is about the only person penn doesn’t have to act sacred around (outside of her own family, obvi). like. penn has piper’s bitchiness. she just never gets to say what’s on her mind because she’s too busy being The Twice Blessed. unless she’s around dency & dove & co, where nobody cares who she is, and she can be kind of the dick she is. she’s not as temperate as she seems. 
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mellindi · 4 years
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Update on Sebastian ...
Soooo, Sebastian had a full ride to Foxbury with all of his scholarships. Majored in Marine Biology but decided that college was not for him (explanation further down), dropped out, took out a loan to buy this house in Del Sol Valley where Dylan promptly moved in and they started their new life together, lol. He’s in the Athletic career now and she’s in the Critic (will be Art Critic) career. He had a want to propose to her like as soon as they moved in so they’re engaged! They both have a want to get married now so they’re saving up for their wedding. (rest under the cut)
It’s funny to see how they interact with each other, in terms of like living habits too cause he has the slob trait and always has piles of clothes and stuff everywhere that he never bothers to pick up (probably cause Rachel always did it for him) so she always does it but I guess she doesn’t mind cause he’s always doing sweet stuff for her (giving her gifts and taking her out). Speaking of Rachel, whenever she comes over, she still does his laundry on her own without being asked, lol.
Their first Harvestfest in the house was shortly after they moved in, so they invited everyone and like the next morning Marcus passed away (he was an elder). They were on good terms when he did tho and their relationship was maxed out again so Sebastian was sad for a good while :(
A few days later, Sebastian met Dylan’s parents for the first time and it was ... interesting. Bob was angry for some reason and kicked over their trashcan several times and ate his dinner in silence. Eliza seemed to really like Sebastian tho, like really liked, cause she would not stay out of his face. She spent more time talking to him than her own child so imma be keeping my eye on her cause I don’t know what she got going on. Also, Dylan has a twin brother, who has the evil trait so I imagine she’s considered “the good twin”.
While we’re on the subject of traits, Dylan aged up with the active trait which is pretty cool cause Sebastian has that trait too (along with loves outdoors) so because of that along with her art lover trait, I think the house will eventually have a home gym and tons of art of all over the place. I want the backyard to have a lot of fun things like that gym and a pool and areas for future kids so we’ll be saving up for all of that. Also, the house is only 1 bedroom so eventually, we’ll expand it with an upstairs area and I’m thinking a few more bedrooms.
Now about university ... I had Sebastian quit because I did not like the gameplay at all. From what I see, if I don’t want him to be in college forever, I would need to have him take at least 3-4 classes a semester. With that many classes, his days would pretty much be spent running back and forth to classes and doing work, presentations, etc ... which in turns mean I would be sitting there, speeding the time up constantly and that kind of gameplay is boring as hell to me so I took him out before I ended up losing interest, lol. We’re in a good place now tho so I’m back having fun again.
Lots in the pics: 
Tiny Coastal Cottage (their house -- I made A LOT of changes to it)
Clayton Bungalows (3 houses on 1 lot - next door to theirs)
Welcome to the Bungalow (across the street - not pictured)
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