#fandom lige
kalcium-yippee · 5 months
Being part of fandom culture is so silly sometimes cuz I'll be out here casually shipping a ship that's mlm but the moment I see some mf out here like ''*insert female character that is part of their squad that is clearly trying to be romantically pushed w one of the boys by the author* is getting in the way of *insert said mlm ship* !!" You can count on me being ready to beat a bitch up. I am the #1 defender of female characters who 'get in the way' of mlm ships while also being said mlm ships #1 supporter
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cursedcola · 1 year
Prompt: "Will You Marry Me?" - Proposal Headcannons Characters: Everyone :) Part(s): Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Octavinelle (Here!), Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, Diasomnia(Pt.1)(Pt.2) Fandom: Twisted Wonderland Warning(s): None. I mean, unless you don't want to marry any of them. Just don't read if that's the case. Note: These are all if he is the one proposing btw. I've been thinking about maybe programming a small fan-made mini-otome using these ideas. Just for some practice for school while also being self indulgent hehe
Azul Ashengrotto
Fortune. Azul is one fortunate soul. At least, not he thinks himself to be.
and to think that it's because of sheer luck. He did not work for you. He did not climb or claw or plan for you. He did nothing.
No, you chose him. You saw him at his lowest and decided that he was worth becoming friends with. You actively sought him out...just to spend time at his side. Regularly. You enjoyed Azul's company
and over time, he grew to enjoy yours. Immensely. Like a giddy school-girl, his heart fluttered at the thought of you and all his notebooks were covered in doodle hearts.
This was it for him. Azul is a one and done kind of man. It’s you or it’s no one. Which means that it obviously is going to be you because hello??? Azul is not a quitter.
During your younger years as students….he may have been a bit too ambitious. In other words, Azul has proposed many times
And in turn has been rejected. Many. Times.
It began passively. He’d mention here and there his future plans for after schooling. Try to talk himself up, yeah? He’s going to be a big business man, isn’t that just perfect husband material? He can take care of you easily so there’s no need to stress.
Naturally you pushed off these moments as daydreaming and casual joking. Nothing serious. So he ups his game. It just so happens that he mistakenly got a bridal magazine in the mail…oh, look at these dresses and suits! So fancy. So beautiful…oh, you would look absolutely darling in one.
….oh sweet merciful seven please take the HINT. He is LITERALLY throwing himself at you
He ups his game. Again. A romantic candle lit dinner for two. The works. Jazz music, slow dancing, good company, and the casual proposal y’know just your average date.
You have to be doing it on purpose
In your defense. He did not flat out say “will you marry me,” because he chickened out. Instead he asked if you’d like to live with him after graduation as…roommates.
The world is out to get this poor man. It is. It truly just wants him to crash and burn in embarrassment. The way you laughed and went “I think we’re a bit more than that, don’t you think?” HAUNTS him
He screamed into his pillow that night. For hours. Floyd still gives him shit for it
Life continues this way. For reasons unknown…he just couldn’t bring himself to be direct. Which is so unlike Azul considering he spent years toughening himself up.
Maybe deep down he did fear that things wouldn’t work out. A merman and a human…what if you did not want to lige in the sea? What if his body could not sustain human form for long term? Maybe he wanted you to take initiative and prove him wrong. Eventually he did give up.
At least until you both aged into the “roommates”he dreamed about. There were trials and compromise. He never thought to have two homes, one by the ocean and one literally inside of it. Life was perfect….just without the title. And on one random night, Azul thinks “One more time,”. No elaborate ruse. No trickery to get you to ask him. Just….
“Will you marry me?,” Azul whispered into your shoulder. You both lay together in your shared bedroom with nothing but the sound of crashing waves coming in from the outside. Your steady breathing halts, proving that you heard him. With a sigh, he reaches to massage your scalp, “I do not know if you have realized by now…no, I am sure of it. No one is that dense. I won’t pry for why you have ignored my past attempts…all I ask is that you answer this. Will you marry me, (Y/N)? Having you at my side has truly made me the most fortunate man alive,”
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{ A black pearl over a gold band. One of the most ultimate displays of wealth. Azul is well aware that this is not the traditional pathway. He could have easily acquired a ‘genuine’ Pearl, perhaps a diamond - but no. You are a rarity. A true jewel. Only a ring worthy to reflect that is worth buying. You were the most unexpected thing and are now the most cherished. This ring represents that,}
Jade Leech
The want caught him by surprise one day, which is rare. Jade is never thrown off guard. At least, not easily.
Then again, you have always been the most difficult person for him to predict. Something he finds very charming since there is always an upbeat atmosphere wherever you go. If his days were a dimming flame, you would be just the right amount of Co2 to spark some fun - not that he would easily admit to it.
Albeit so, Jade is not blind to his emotions. He hides them well underneath a polite smile - but they are there. He is aware of them.
Which is why he snatched you up early on. A relationship was the last thing he thought to find on the surface (or in general, honestly), but Jade knows what he wants when he sees it.
He merely asks you on a date with confidence. You accept, and the process repeats until an unspoken bond formed between the two of you. Not a soul in the nearby vicinity would dare make a move on you with his lingering presence. Jade was pacified, entertained, and happily content with your circumstance.
A circumstance that Jade gets maybe a bit too comfortable with. Just like surprise, it takes a lot for Jade for feel secure. The only person he has truly felt that with is his brother. This lack of overbearing responsibility, where something is being unspoken. No ulterior motive or underlying tone in your actions that make him have to over-analyze.
In the beginning he thought of your bluntness as an extra entertainment factor. Something that he could count on to make those brief unpredictable situations amusing. Yet, as time passed he notices that it's comforting. When he's with you, Jade turns his brain off. Not entirely, of course. He still needs to throw in witty quips and fluster you at LEAST twice per day.
but it's different. It's a different comfort than what he feels with his sibling or with his friend. It's new, and strangely similar to how he feels when he forages while hiking. Perhaps finding peace in another person...maybe there is merit. Hah. Yet another surprise.
On an evening long past curfew, Jade was tending to his botany collection and miniature greenhouse. You sat on his bed, watching videos on your phone. It was almost like you weren't there with him, yet not since he felt your presence. However, there was no pressure to talk or be attentive. He found himself enjoying your presence alone, and it slipped.
"If this is how our days will be when we live together, then perhaps sharing one life is not as inconceivable as I once thought," he said amidst trimming one of his herb plants. Jade turns curiously when he hears a thump from behind, and sees you gawking at him. You had lost your grip on the cell phone, and it fell to the ground.
He eyes you suspiciously. What's startled you? He doubts that any video could render you speechless.
....he spoke aloud, yes? Not in his head. Now it's Jade's turn to lose his composure.
Another surprise, but this is his own doing. Jade has not had a slip of the tongue since his childhood. Even then it was rare. He's never experienced this kind of mess-up...yet, you don't appear appalled.
Jade places the clippers down, and coughs into his gloved hand, "well, it appears I have gotten a loose tongue. It must be from your influence, no doubt". He stands, and moves to sit next to you on his bed, "I've never spoken out of place before, you know. Do you know what this means? I've become weak...and perhaps it it is time you take responsibility for these newfound emotions. I fully intend for many moments like these to happen, and for you to not leave my side. When it is time to leave this place, I believe you will join me. No, I am certain of it"
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{An eye of lapis. A reminder that he is always watching - waiting, to see you again. The gem is not see-through. It’s a tough stone. Yet it is beautiful and is appreciated nonetheless. Enough said}
Floyd leech
At first, you believed him to have an obsession. Many did, actually.
The judgement isn't uncalled for either. Floyd's emotions towards you are very strong. With the way he loves to tease and follow you around - he's got a deep attachment. He's always demanding your attention, pulling you from your duties, starting trouble, and nosy. Floyd is oh so nosy and into everything in your life.
You're a toy. His little Shrimpy. The plaything that he absolutely adores and loves to watch. You're the Friday night sitcom to his late-90s grandma.
That's how you see it because that's how he portrays it. With others in agreeance, it is easy to overlook the small undertones in his actions. Especially since he's a touchy and emotional person normally.
Somehow, Floyd had himself tricked as well. He didn't akin his emotions to obsession, but he did think that you were a toy that he would
eventually out-grow. At the start, it really was just a game for him. He liked your reactions and therefore decided to keep you around.
Yet, he never got bored. Eventually the fun events around you stopped being what he found interesting, and instead he liked you alone. Floyd being Floyd instantly tried to confess this, not wanting to waste another minute. Yet you never believed him.
He brushed it off. You'd come around. Not a day went by without him by your side. To the average onlooker (and you, to Floyd's dismay) this still appeared normal. Weeks past by like nothing.
Only the people closest to Floyd see the small giveaways. Like how he glares holes into the mirror portal every morning, or gets snappy with customers if you take too long to visit the Monstro Lounge at night. There's a booth saved, every evening with no student brave enough to go near it unless they want their head chopped off.
When he gives you a 'squeeze,' he never wraps his arms around your stomach. He instead smothers your head and goes tightly around the shoulders. Your squeezes are special. He loves them.
or the name 'Shrimpy'. How he says it to you in public, but in private he occasionally lets your real name slip out. This normally happens during moments when he feels "bored,"(i.e has nothing to talk about) or lighthearted (the rare moments when you get him to relax). Floyd has never said that name with anything other than a positive emotion, despite his mood swings. Shrimpy is his calling card for you, and only his. Yet your name is different. He feels a tummy-twisting kind of weird when he says it.
but the biggest change is Floyd's attitude towards danger when it comes to you. Before, he thrived on it. He liked to hear your stories and be part of the fun. He took joy from the scary adventures you got wrapped into; heck, he was one of them.
Now he gets morbid. Not like how he was before, with eerie threats and a suspenseful aura. He never actually acted unless told to do so, since the over-blots and delinquent students were your problem, not his.
One afternoon, you didn't show up to have lunch with him. That already made him irritable since you know better than to no-show. Did you want a squeeze? Huh, Shrimpy? He'll give you one later.
Then two students come in, all snickering and acting suspicious. Strike two. Now Floyd is upset AND annoyed. Others in the area can feel the animosity in the air.
"Did you see their face? Psh. That'll teach some snot-nosed no-mag to act all mighty. If they know what's good for them, they'll go back to whatever sh*t-hole they came from alrea-" The no-face couldn't finish his sentence. Not with one of the infamous Leech twins gripping his arm tight enough to snap bone.
Floyd smiled, "oh~ So you're the reason my little shrimp isn't eating lunch with me, aren't ya? So. What'd ya do? C'mon guys, I want to know what 'lesson' ya taught, " as Floyd spoke, his grip gradually tightened and he stared straight into the other student's eyes. Each word came out harsher than the last.
They broke quick, as he suspected. With a rough shove Floyd pushed them aside to find you. He had their faces memorized. Let them live in fear for a bit until he collects due payment. For now?
Floyd finds you at your home. He doesn't bother to knock and bursts through the front door, only to see you nursing a black eye on the couch with some ice. He wastes no time in taking it and kneeling in front of you.
Floyd holds the ice to your eye - a bit too harsh- and clenches his jaw when you wince. You won't meet his eyes and it only pisses him off more, "Oi. Look at me," and you do with your one eye. "Why didn't you call me. Why'd you not show up," You sigh and reach a hand to cover his, "because I knew you'd be pissed... I handled it, okay? No need to fake the whole 'I will protect you, my little Shrimpy' scenario. We both know that's not your thing, "
You're wrong. It's not a scenario. You can dismiss his flirting all you want, but even Floyd has a limit. Do you not see how absolutely wreaked overhearing those airheads made him? He's going to do worse than you can think. He won't kill them. No, he'll make sure that no one messes with you anymore. You can't see it, but on the inside he is over it. Done. Finished. Officially has 0% patience.
"Did you know that every time you spout crap like that, it pisses me off? I don't 'act,' because that's boring. I'm not lyin' when I say I like you, and you better start believin' it because I'm over the niceties. If someone messes with you, they mess with me. You're in deep (Y/N) and I'm not letting go, so wait here while I handle some little pests. I love ya. I act this way BECAUSE I love ya. Quit denying me already,"
No one will ever mess with you again. Not with the sparkly little gem on your ring finger, tying you to one of the largest and most threatening groups in the undersea world to date.
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{ An aquamarine tear. In all honesty, Floyd did not put much thought into his gem. It sparkled. It is the color of his hair streak (or close to it). He imagined it on your finger and thought that it would stand out - ensuring that anyone and everyone could see it. He thought of your possible expression upon seeing it, and was sold}
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greaseonmymouth · 1 year
Baklava (2025 words) by nerakrose Fandom: Afdeling Q | Department Q (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Assad/Carl Mørck Additional Tags: Assad er en meget tålmodig mand, Assads psykolog er endnu mere tålmodig, Flaskepost fra P, foregår under og efter filmen, Getting Back Together, de slog op men det varede ikke længe, jeg fandt ud af at i 2016 varede ramadan fra 6 juni til 6 juli, så mere eller mindre lige efter handlingen i Flaskepost fra P, jeg går ud fra filmen foregik i slut maj/start juni 2016 så here we go Series: Part 3 of afdeling q men det handler om mad i stedet for mord Summary:
Assads psykolog er blevet træt af at høre om Carl, men hun siger det ikke på den måde. (“Er det dig jeg behandler eller er det Carl Mørck?”) Assad lader sig trække tilbage mod Carl. Psykologen kalder det selv-sabotage, Assad kalder det optimisme.
Man styrer ikke selv sine følelser, siger han, og er meget glad for at hun har tavshedspligt.
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sskk-ao3feed · 1 year
Everyone goes insane when pushed to far
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/jd5YxoD by Anonymous No one is perfect, that includes Dazai osamu A story on how Dazai navigates the lige of a student Words: 104448, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Multi Characters: Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Tachihara Michizou (Bungou Stray Dogs) Relationships: Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu & Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke & Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs) Additional Tags: Character Death, Major Character Undeath, Character Undeath, Minor Character Death, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Coping, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sharing a Bed, Everyone Needs A Hug, Sad with a Happy Ending, Based on a Taylor Swift Song, Drug Use, Drinking to Cope, Past Relationship(s), Soukoku | Double Black (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai-Typical Suicide Mentions (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu Needs a Hug (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu is a Mess (Bungou Stray Dogs), Everyone is Dead, Help, Dazai-Typical Suicide References (Bungou Stray Dogs), Suffering Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Alternate Universe - High School, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Self-Hatred, Self-Harm, Self-Esteem Issues read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/jd5YxoD
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The Sneeze of Doom
Fandom: The Stanley Parable
Length: Full fic
Rating: General Audiences
Genre: Contagion, caretaking
Content warning(s): Guilt, emotional moments, might be kind of bad
Sneeze of Doom (n.): The literary trope of a character sneezing at the worst possible moment.
Stanley rubbed the familiar stinging pain away from his eyes. As his vision cleared, he was already thinking of what he would do this time. Had he already done the “Escape” route? What would happen if he took the bucket through? Could he find the figurines again, since he had missed that ending the first time? Or maybe he could try to speed run?
Finally, his office appeared before his eyes. The blinking cursor on the black computer screen, the unfinished paperwork, the boxes…he knew Room 427 like the back of his hand. Stanley stood up from his chair, stretched his arms, and stepped out into -
Stanley stumbled back, clutching his face. He had run into the door. The closed door. To most, this would just be a silly mistake to laugh off. But to Stanley, this was an omen. The door had always stayed open, unless he decided to close it. As many times as he had woken up in the his dim quarters, the door had never, ever been shut. What new, terrible path awaited him?
He tried the knob. As if on cue, the door swung open, almost hitting Stanley a second time. Still nursing his smarting nose, he walked through the doorway. He began his routine - looking through the desks, turning off the computers, and taking a quick peek through the white windows. Everything looked normal, but something didn’t seem quite right. It wasn’t until he had crouched to look under a desk for the fourth time did he realize what was making him so uneasy.
The Narrator hadn’t said a word.
He had dallied in the first room for almost fifteen minutes, but The Narrator hadn’t snidely commented on his meticulous searching, or nudged him forward with decreasing subtlety. Stanley’s heart sank. Only the worst paths started so quietly.
With newfound caution, Stanley inched towards the door to the next hallway, which had also remained closed. He touched the doorknob. Unlike his office door, this one creaked open. The frame shuttered on its hinges as it came to a slow stop. Stanley craned his neck around the corner.
Stanley jumped, ducking from the doorway and against one of the walls.
“Oh dear, Stanley, I had no idea you had…snf…made it this far. You mustn’t…you mustn’t run off ahead of me like that.”
The Narrator coughed.
“Now, where were we? Oh, I’ve completely lost track. Did…snf…we do something important last time? Is there an arc we need to finish? Or an acheh…chieve…HXX’CHNK!”
Stanley heard a groan, then the sound of multiple tissues being pulled out of a box.
“By head feels lige it’s filled with coddon wool,” The Narrator snuffled, blowing his nose. “I don’d think id has buch room for anything else, I’b afraid.”
Stanley’s face must have shown his confusion, because The Narrator sighed.
“I dow, I dow, Stanley. I didn’d think I could be sick either. I bean, I’m an omnipotent being, you’d think such things would be below be. But here I am, by dose running like a tap and my body aching lige I’ve been run over by a bus. I subbose anything can happen as long as id moves the story forward.”
Stanley thought about the last few runs he had taken. He had just finished with the Escape ending. Before that was the Stairs ending. And a few before that, he had gotten the Skip Button ending. The more he reflected, he realized that there had been a streak of the worst possible endings. Ones where he betrayed The Narrator, or had been killed brutally, or had gone insane. He had the luck of being rejuvenated for each run, but he wasn’t sure that The Narrator had that privilege.
No wonder his disembodied companion felt so run down.
“Could you pick sobething short this tibe?” The Narrator said. “Maybe…snf…I’ll feel better once we restart. Please?”
Stanley thought, looking between the open door in front of him and his office. Like many of his other paths, he had a choice to make. After all, this was something new. Didn’t he want to see how this ended?
But, on the other hand, wasn’t that how The Narrator became ill in the first place? His morbid curiosity?
Stanley sighed and turned on his heel, going back the way he came.
“Oh, thang you, Stanley,” The Narrator said, sniffling. “We’ll ged back to the story soon, I probise. I’b sure this is just a…snf…one-run bug.”
Stanley stepped into his office, and closed the door. He knew that after a few lines of dialogue, the game would start again.
“Bud,” The Narrator began, “Stanley just couldn’d handle the prehsure…p-pardon me-!”
With a sudden click, Stanley was thrown into darkness once again.
When the office faded back into view, it was clear that things had only gotten worse. Not only was the door still closed, but the lightbulb above the computer was beginning to flicker. Papers that had been neatly stacked were now scattered on the desk and the floor. But, most of all, there was a string of strangled sneezes instead of the normal introduction.
“Oh, god…bless be…” The Narrator said when he finally finished. “Stanley…snf…I don’d thingk thad restarting will do any good.”
He blew his nose again.
“Perhaps only by bebory is reset, not by physical condition…? Bud then how could you recover from fatal injuries? Is this a story arc thad bust be completed? A glitch? Is this a sign thad I have a physical form, but bay belong to a different dimension? Bud, if thad’s true, how could I…oooooh…”
The Narrator groaned.
“I can’d thingk about it without giving byself a headache.”
Stanley ignored The Narrator’s complaining, and opened the door to his office. Like his desk, the first room had become messier, with reams of paperwork covering the floor and the air dullened with a dusty haze. A few of the cubicles had even turned over, the shattered remains of mugs and computers laying next to them.
“All of his coworkers were gode. Whad co-!”
The Narrator cut himself off with a rough coughing fit, and the reason for the mess soon became clear. With each cough, papers began to flutter, and the office chairs rolled into one another.
“Oh,” The Narrator moaned, his voice becoming more and more hoarse, “I can’d go on lige this. There’s doe restarting, the map’s a bess, and I…I…HXXX’TCHNX!”
Papers were flung high into the air, and a cubicle teetered on its edges. More tissues were pulled out of a box, followed by a quiet, muffled whimper.
Stanley heard a shuddering breath, then silence. He idled in the same place, afraid to move. As much as he had delighted in torturing The Narrator in the past, something about this seemed different. Closer. More sympathetic.
More human.
Stanley had been sick before, he was sure of it. It was one of the things he knew without having experienced them as long as he could remember - an instinct that his body was fragile. The Narrator, this god-like being, was now revealed to be just as frail. Compassion welled in his chest as Stanley realized that both he and The Narrator had a connection he had never noticed before: the quality of weakness.
Stanley bent down and began to pick up the papers littering the floor. Once he had a decently sized stack, he used one of the few remaining coffee mugs to keep them steady on the cubicle.
“S-Stadley? Stadley, whad are you doing?”
Stanley continued to tidy up, trying to weigh down lighter objects as much as he could. After a while, the office looked more or less the same as before, with only a stray piece of glass or copy paper out of place. The Narrator sniffled.
“Oh…Stadley…” he whispered. “Thangk you. I dow it’s only one room, bud…thangk you.”
Stanley smiled.
“Perhabs waiting won’t be so…hih…!”
The papers fluttered under their weights, and the light bulbs began to flicker again. Stanley put his arms over his head. The Narrator struggled above him.
“Snf…I don’d thingk…I can…heh…!”
There was a noticeable breeze now, like the beginning of a storm, blowing against Stanley. Out of instinct, he crouched down.
“I can’d…hih…HIH…!”
Stanley squeezed his eyes shut.
The desk careened on their sides, making what had remained after the first fit slide onto the floor. Papers whirred around Stanley like locusts. Broken glass began to fly into the air, leaving thin cuts on his face and clothes. A stapler hit him in the side.
Finally, the heaviest objects fell, leaving only the paper and the smallest bits of shattered mugs lingering in the air. Stanley stood up slowly. He brushed pieces of debris out of his hair, and rubbed his stinging face and aching rib.
A moment of silence fell upon the destroyed room. The only sound was the fluttering of paper and the clinking of glass.
Then, with a quiet gasp, The Narrator began to cry. It started softly at first, but as he caught his breath, the sobs became more desperate. Stanley tried to pick up some of the pieces, to try and clean up the mess, but was stopped by an earth-shattering thud.
The thudding continued, knocking Stanley onto his back.
The Narrator howled, coughing between his sobs.
He hacked, his throat finally giving out. Stanley backed himself beneath a desk. The terrible sound of wheezing, slamming, and sobbing shook the building as The Narrator let out everything that has built up through their many runs together.
As Stanley struggled not to bang his head on the bottom of the desk with every tremor, he realized that this was all his fault. All the existential horrors, all the unfathomable destruction, all the mind-numbing gags…and for what? His entertainment? Inapplicable knowledge?
No, he realized. He did this just because he could.
And this was the result.
Finally, The Narrator quieted. The floor stopped shaking, and debris stopped falling from the ceiling. Stanley slowly ducked out of the desk.
Between the sneezing and the sobbing, The Narrator had covered the office in glass, ceiling tiles, splinters of wood, and broken desktops, causing the floor to crunch with every step Stanley made. He looked up, trying to hear the slightest sound from his omnipotent companion.
But it was completely silent.
A rush of determination filled him. Stanley had to fix this. It was his choices that made The Narrator ill in the first place, so it was his choices that would make him well again. Until then, he had to clean up this mess.
He stepped over piles of wires and office supplies into the next room.
“Stanley?” The Narrator rasped. “Whad…where are you going?”
Stanley ignored the question, going straight through the second office and down the left corridor. After a few twists and turns, he found exactly what he was looking for.
“Oh god, please…no…”
Stanley opened the broom closet and stepped inside. The Narrator groaned.
“Usually I could indulge you, Stanley, bud I’b really dot in the mood for this.”
Stanley looked around the cramped space, hand over his mouth in thought.
“Listen, a bit is well and good, bud…I…snf, god, it’s dusty id here…when’s the last tibe sobeone ran over these shelves with a rag…?”
With a bit of searching, Stanley finally tucked a roll of duct tape and red wire under his arm, as well as a broom leaned against the corner. Supplies in hand, he marched back down the hall and set to work.
The Narrator said very little as Stanley taped, tied, and shoved his way through the office. But, every once in a while, a piece of paper or a chunk of ceiling would move slowly towards the dustpan.
After the floor was cleared, the desks were tied down, and the mugs were tucked away, Stanley sat in the middle of the floor, looking up expectantly.
“You really are…I bean, I can’d…” The Narrator stammered. “I subbose what…after all…just…”
Stanley waved his hand. He then gestured broadly to the office, then up to The Narrator - or, at least, where his voice seemed to be coming from.
Stanley pointed to his nose.
“Oh! I subbose…snf…you’d lige to test your handiwork?”
Stanley nodded.
“I don’d know, Stanley. You worked so hard on this, and I’d hade to see it ruined again. Besides, I don’d believe I have another sneeze in be.”
Stanley looked around the room. There had to be something he could use. A feather, some spices, eraser specks, anything.
As he looked down to check his pockets, he realized that he was filthy. Between rooting around in the broom closet and cleaning the office, his shirt was covered in a thin layer of dust and debris.
He began to brush himself off, making a thick, white cloud around him. The Narrator coughed.
“Stadley, quit that! You’re baking a…snnnf…a beh…heh…”
Stanley grinned, then scrambled under one of the desks he had tied down.
“Oh, you ch-cheeky little…hih…!”
The wind started again, but the desks held fast under Stanley’s handiwork.
“Hih…! Gih…!”
The Narrator fought against the urge, which only lapped the whirling office into a frenzy.
But he couldn’t keep it back for long.
The wind howled, pushing against the desks with a thunderous roar. But, even still, they didn’t move an inch.
The Narrator’s first sneeze spurred a desperate fit, only fueled by the remnants of dust still in the air. Still, everything still stayed firmly on the ground.
Soon, the sneezes became quieter and more tired, and the wind stopped altogether.
“Ungh,” The Narrator snuffled, having finished. “Dear be…koff…”
Stanley crawled out from under the desk, taking his seat in the middle of the floor.
“You’re a bastard, you doe thad?”
Stanley just shrugged, leaning back on his hands. The Narrator sighed.
“Thank you, Stadley.”
As they sat together in the room, The Narrator’s breath became steadier. Soon, soft snoring filled the air, and Stanley felt his eyelids become heavy as well. He laid on the carpet floor, stretched, and promptly went to sleep.
Stanley wasn’t sure how long he had slept - it could have been anywhere between a few minutes and a few days - but he woke up to find himself back in his own office.
“Stanley? Oh, good, you’re awake! As I was feeling quite a bit better, I took the liberty of restarting the game.”
Stanley blinked, wincing as his sore joints twinged. Instead of a mild stinging of the eyes, his head pounded from his temples to his cheeks.
“I even cleaned up a few of my drafts rooms for you to try,” The Narrator continued. “I even put a little spin on that broom closet you like so much! What a run this is going to be! Come on, Stanley, up and at ‘em!”
Stanley tried to stand, but the resulting dizziness made him sit back down. His head felt like it was filled with water, swishing back and forth as he turned his head.
“Ah, always the kidder, aren’t you? I’m in so good a mood, I’ll even indulge you. Sit there for as long as you like.”
Stanley rolled to his desk and laid his head in his arms, as that was the only position that didn’t make him feel like this was in a funhouse. After a while, though, The Narrator grew concerned.
“Stanley?” he said quietly. “Stanley, are you alright?”
Stanley shifted his head to look up.
“Did I…say something? I know the last run wasn’t ideal, or even functional, but I’ll make it up to you, I promise! All new content, new paths, even-”
Stanley pitched forward, burying himself in his arms. He sat up, coughing roughly from the sudden sneeze.
“Oh, Stanley…don’t tell me…”
The Narrator clucked his tongue.
“I never knew I was contagious. No wonder you were asleep so long.”
Stanley rubbed his now reddened nostrils, another sneeze not far away. The Narrator fussed like a mother chicken as he rummaged around, looking for something.
“Oh, and in this office! The air-con is always on high, you could catch a cold just from standing in here…I feel just awful…I never knew you could become ill, really I didn’t…”
The Narrator hummed nervously, clicking a few buttons
“Hold on, I think I’ve got it. This should help you feel a bit better.”
Suddenly, the office door opened, a warm light streamed through.
“I found a few sprites I never used,” The Narrator explained. “It was from a childhood ending or something like that. Very sappy, very sentimental. The whole idea was scrapped, but I kept a few things in case I needed them.”
With much difficulty, Stanley stumbled into through the doorway.
The room full of cubicles and computers was now a ring of pillows and stuffed animals, with a large blanket fort in the middle. Fairy lights hung from the corners, filling the room with a comforting glow.
Stanley took a few steps, then collapsed, basking in the warmth of the room. A blanket was pulled over him.
“Good night, Stanley.”
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itzygee · 2 years
relationship with itzy
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her loves…
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INVOLVED : yeji x gee
SHIP NAME : jigee or yemin
DYNAMICS : they’re so flirty for literally no reason. like gee will just be standing there and yeji will come up to her and go “hey baby” FOR NO REASON ??? like if you’re in love just say soooo. anyway gee loves yeji, she always complements her leadership skills and is CONSTANTLY praising her
POPULARITY : 98% ; fans love seeing this duo together. always holding hands, hugging, flirting. a perfect duo
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INVOLVED : lia x gee
SHIP NAME : ligee or 2ji
DYNAMICS : fucking ride or die. lia is constantly supporting and caring for gee, especially at her worst moments. anytime she does anything, lia has the biggest smile on her face. not to mention gee is ALWAYS dragging lia into some weird shit. though it doesn’t take a lot of persuasion because she will literally do anything for gee. gee has said many times that she will always run to lia for ANYTHING
POPULARITY : 100% ; honestly a top ship in the fandom. everyone loves the way gee clings onto lia. they have such a great bond
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INVOLVED : ryujin x gee
SHIP NAME : ryugee or jinji
DYNAMICS : EVIL. no i’m kidding. but they do love messing with the members. pranksters by heart you could say. they’re always laughing about something. literally anything. ryujin likes to say gee is the one that always drags her into the messing around, but it’s kind of a mutual agreement.
POPULARITY : 97% ; not the most popular ship, but still very popular. ryujin and gee always make the fans laugh and smile along with them.
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INVOLVED : chaeryeong x gee
SHIP NAME : chaergee or ryeongji
DYNAMICS : gee’s protection really. chaeryeong is always stopping her from doing something she might regret. she’s also there when she’s just heartbroken or scared. and though a lot of people don’t see it, gee is constantly there for chaeryeong as well. this is honestly such a pure and delicate ship.
POPULARITY : 97% ; everyone loves this duo, BUT NO ONE HYPES THEM UP ENOUGH. seriously their love for each other is so strong.
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INVOLVED : yuna x gee
SHIP NAME : yugee or yunji
DYNAMICS : may actually be evil. as the two youngest, they find it their duty to be the little sisters everyone is secretly scared of. they’re so secretive about everything. but it’s okay cause they’re cute while doing it. not to mention fashion icons so you KNOW they style each other all the time.
POPULARITY : 99% ; they’re just so fucking funny. literally everything they do goes viral. everyone loves them. if you don’t you’re lying.
tags: @skzfairies @lunarxsun
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cassberry · 2 years
Last lige skizzleman? Bdubs (any bdubds you want)
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I love Skizz, I really do but he was just so forgotten by everyone not just in the fandom but on the server as well. He's a sweetheart and genuinely wanted to have a good time on the server which was amazing.
Where do I even start with Bdubs? I've been watching him since his mindcrack days so I have a lot of emotions about him lmao I feel like one of my core memories is the court battle between him and etho on the mindcrack server and it was just the best thing ever.
Bdubs on Last Life though was incredible. That small 'he loves me' when he was talking to Grian on his final red life gets me every time.
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eurosong · 3 years
Undo my ESC '21 (semi-final two)
Good afternoon folks, and welcome to the second part of Undo my ESC – my annual quest to make the year’s Eurovision better (at least, for me xD) by making a feasible change in each country – it could be something as small as altering a lyric or a staging detail, or as big as a different artist entirely winning the NF. Semi-final one was here so let's jump straight into SF2!
🇸🇲 San Marino: We're thrown into the deep end here with a fan fav that doesn't do at all for me. I'm one of maybe 5 people on the planet who prefers Freaky by far, I guess? I'm happy for Senhit to be getting so much love and for the diminutive serene republic to finally have a shot at a good result - but I'm not so keen on the way it's been done. There's a bit of cognitive dissonance for me because my favourite thing about Adrenalina is Flo Rida's rap, but I don't like the idea of bringing in famed American artists like "ringers" to elevate a song above one with "only" local talent. I would be so tempted to give the rap part to local artist IROL instead to spit some hot bars in Italian.
🇪🇪 Estonia: I had hope this year, I really did, for my era of absolutely adoring Estonia at ESC to be revived after 4 painful years. There were so many good songs at this year's Eesti Laul, like those of Ivo Linna, Egert, Gram of fun, Heleza - but ultimately, my huge favourite was, as expected, Jüri Pootsmann. Anyone who followed this blog back in 2016 knows how much I adore Jüri and was desperate to see him get a redemption arc at ESC itself. Magus melanhoolia was one of the best songs of the season for me and one of the best stagings. As much as I prefer '20 artists to get their shot in '21, problematic Uku with his toxic ex vibes song will have to step aside and let the Jüri renaissance happen here.
🇨🇿 Czechia: I really dig Benny Cristo - he has personality, presence and his own enjoyable style. At first I was kinda disappointed with Omaga because I was expecting something more in the vein of Kemama, with more pronounced Afrobeat influences. But it has grown on me a lot too. My change? Add more Czech than just one blink-and-you-miss-it line, mate! (Article continues below)
🇬🇷 Greece: I see this being talked up as potential televote top 3 and I just don't get it. Maybe it's the way the chorus rhymes dance with itself three times (and uses the term rockin' romance unironically); maybe it's the way that there are better 80s-inspired songs both in ESC and many fallen tributes in the NF season... it just leaves me cold. I actually preferred Supergirl and my change would be for Stefania to bring something with some actual Greek flair.
🇦🇹 Austria: I’ll echo what I said last year about Österreich – how did they go from Conchita to a guy who wished he wouldn’t have gay kids like this? I find both of this guy's songs insipid in different ways and I would invite Pænda back instead to avenge her getting robbed with the beautiful Limits. Or give a second shot at glory to the incredible Cesár!
🇵🇱 Poland: Unpopular opinion, but I absolutely love The Ride, and I feel bad for Alicja, but I much prefer it to Empires. What started as an ironic fondness for Rafał's cringy uncle vibes ended up being genuine appreciation - it's one of the few 80s-inspired songs that sound like they actually could have come out of that decade rather than like modern pastiches. And Raf actually does have an awkward charisma. My change - insert some Polish! Poland does so well with natural sounding bilingual efforts in JESC, they should bring it to the main contest too!
🇲🇩 Moldova: I was lowkey prepared to be disappointed by Moldova - I actually enjoyed Prison a lot and the news that they were going in a completely different direction didn't sit so well with me. And yet, I also love Sugar. Natalia's power! My changes: get rid of that weird scene with literally egg on her face - too on the nose for me. And incorporate a bit of the stellar Russian translation, Tuz bubi, because I'm always going to be advocating for more linguistic diversity xD
🇮🇸 Iceland: Daði Freyr can literally do no wrong with me. Whilst it doesn't have the same intense extra-fandom hype that Think about things did, I think I like Ten years even more. Nothing to change here.
🇷🇸 Serbia: It's no secret that Hurricane were far from my favourites at Beovizija 20, and that I find this a downgrade for Sanja compared to her powerful '16 song. And yet... Hasta la vista grew on me a lot, and so has Loco loco. It's something that is definitely scratching an itch at this year's ESC and the burst of anarchic energy it'll provide will be amazing. I am seriously tempted to change to the acoustic version, though, which has all the attitude of the original but is more beautiful for me and lets the girls' voices shine more.
🇬🇪 Georgia: Georgia keeps serving acquired tastes, and as a patron saint of marginal genres and I love them for that. This year, they've gone for something that even many fans of Tornike find hard to swallow - gone is the roaring rock of last year, replaced with a much more contemplative, soft effort that reminds me a little of Lou Reed. I enjoy both songs, but I can't deny preferring 2020. At the same time, I admire the chutzpah required to send something so different. I just wish there could be a moment to properly showcase T's powerhouse vocals.
🇦🇱 Albania: It was an odd Festival i këngës this year, outdoors in the freezing cold and without the orchestra that makes the songs soar so much more for me. Karma is a perfectly respectable winner, albeit one that lacks the immediacy and rawness of Shaj, Ktheju tokës and Mall. In my ideal alternate reälity, Arilena Ara would have been invited back. She'd bring a song as beautiful as Shaj - and not do a revamp into English that removes its edge this time.
🇵🇹 Portugal: 2015-2020 was a full on Portugal stan era for me. I want to believe that this year is an aberration and that in 2022, our lusitanian neighbours will produce the goods once again. Because ending a colossal streak of not sending songs that don't include Portuguese for this? I am baffled. I wanted the anthemic Joana do mar, produced beautifully by Luísa Sobral, or the timeless Contramão, which sounds like it escaped a Nouvelle Vague soundtrack. Saudade, Por um triz or a number of others would have been grand too.
🇧🇬 Bulgaria: I wasn't expecting much from Bulgaria - I really didn't and don't like TGS and the majority of songs in Victoria's NF-but-not-really aren't my cup of tea. I was happy she got her second chance, but resigned to not liking the song much that would get picked. And then, my fav, which was last in many community ratings, ended up being her pick. I adore GUIGO and believe it has the possibility to do very, very well at Rotterdam and be one of the 'moments' of the evening.
🇫🇮 Finland: CRIMINAL how YLE treated Aksel - it felt like he wasn't the defending champion, and that Erika Vikman had won the previous year. They also - I believe, deliberately - split his vote by making his just one of a number of ballads, so of course what stood out most were the two decidedly non-ballady songs. Finland only two years ago had a single-artist UMK. They could and should have brought it back for Aksel. I'd hope Hurt would win it, because that song is stunning.
🇱🇻 Latvia: I was, and am, delighted that Latvia stuck with Samanta Tina. The lady lives and breathes ESC, even wrote a university thesis about it, and if she tried so many times, finally won and then DIDN'T get to go to ESC, I would have gone to LTV headquarters personally to remonstrate. I really like both her songs. The moon is rising is poised, powerful and like nothing else this year. The only thing I'd change is adding some Latvian because it's a gorgeous language and we've been waiting for ages to hear it again.
🇨🇭 Switzerland: Gjon's song is once again not really my cup of tea, or tears - but I enjoy it better than last year's and I'm glad he's back. Highkey wish it did include Albanian or Romansch like confused commenters last year thought it did.
🇩🇰 Denmark: There is literally no excuse for Denmark's treatment of Ben & Tan. I'm not even a big fan of their music at all, out to not even allow them to compete in DMGP to defend their win with Iron heart? Even though there are songs that competed in DMGP that I prefer a lot, most notably Står lige her, I would probably have let them have a proper second chance.
And the automatic qualifiers voting in this semi -
🇫🇷 France: For me, France had an absolutely enthralling, sincere, perfectly Gallic entry that hit me so hard in the feels. And whilst I respect Voilà, no, that wasn't it. It was Pourvu qu'on m'aime, easily one of the best songs I heard all year inside NFs or out. I find Voilà a little too mannered and affected, whilst PQM is a shot straight from Juliette's heart into mine. In my dream, it'd have won CVQD and be receiving the same love that Voilà is right now.
🇪🇸 Spain: Whilst it is getting next to no love in the fandom and seems quite forgotten, I find Voy a quedarme one of the best songs sent from this country in several years - and I say that having preferred Memoria. I am proud of Blas and love that he had a hand in writing this song. My change? He said recently that the staging in Rotterdam won't be inspired by the poignant music video despite wanting it to be - I would incorporate elements from it in the live.
🇬🇧 United Kingdom: Frankly, I think almost all the Big 5+1 brought it this year, with the notable exception of Germany. Embers is the banger that I never thought was coming from James Newman, and it's been one of the biggest earworms of the season. I wouldn't change anything about it - I'd just ensure that the staging replicated the energy of the video as much as possible!
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ratcoonht · 3 years
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My lige is basically just circling thru the same lik 3 fandoms over and over again
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chookier · 4 years
Top 10 fictional characters
Tagged by the fabulous @erikisright Thank you so much 💖💖🤗💖💖
Rules: List your favorite character from 10 different fandoms then tag 10 people.
Wei Wuxian ( the untamed/mo dao zu shi)
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2. Bucky Barnes (Captain America, Marvel)
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3. yennefer of vengerberg ( The Witcher)
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4. Lucifer ( lucifer)
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5. Loki ( Thor, marvel I know it's marvel again so kind of cheating 😄)
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6.Shen Lige ( The Song of Glory)
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7. Charles Xavier ( xmen first class)
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8. Elio perlman ( call me by your name)
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9. TJ Hammond ( political animals)
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10. Ning Yi ( The rises of the Phoenix)
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I tag ( please feel free to ignore) @l-p-r-o-c-k , @capsgrantrogers, @rubyrosettared , @favorite-colors , @zitathehun , @caps-boo-bear , @musette22 , @thirdofjune , @ikeracity , @bucky-is-my-precious .
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ifridiot · 5 years
Teachable (Fic)
Word Count: 1136 Fandom: Original Characters Rating: General Audiences  Warnings: No Major Warnings Apply Relationships: Shi Carlton & Elijah of House Usher Characters: Shi Carlton, Elijah of House Usher Additional Tags: none that i can think of Summary: Elijah is in the doghouse with Tonic, she 'volunteers' to work for Shi and he tells her to get back there and apologize.
for @amuseoffirebane
Shi has always suffered from a lack of practical imagination.
Give him five minutes alone and a suspicious noise and he can come up with roughly seven billion paranoid theories as to the source every second. Paranoia has served him well, kept him ahead of the curve, always ready to fight or grab his boys and flee should the need arise. Paranoia got him on his feet and across the garage, muffling the explosion when the place was bombed and sparing his boys damage that the shrapnel might have caused. Paranoia helped him pick marks and steer clear of likely snitches.
Paranoia served. Imagination, however…
Well, there were enough things to worry about that were actually happening, actually feasible. He didn’t need to make up new situations.
So he’s at a dead loss to imagine what having his fierce Bug helping around the garage would be like. Can’t imagine what he’d do with her, where he’d set her up, how he’d teach someone almost as bullheaded as he was. He managed with Dowel, and had given up doing more than teach Gage the very most necessary basics, and they both had the good sense to worry about his temper.
Not that he’d hurt them -- he was Pa’s child in a number of ways, but not in that -- but letting them think he might didn’t bother him.
Lige though, no, she’d never feared him and wouldn’t start anytime soon. She’d seen his temper, and it only heated her own. She was a good bug, perfect for watching over Tonic’s place and keeping the bartender safe, but teachable Shi was certain would never be a word anyone used too liberally with this particular bot.
“Please, Shi, there’s lots I can do!”
She’s dancing around, hopping from foot to foot to foot, the segments of her body moving in a fluid series of swipes as clawed gripping feet scratch against the concrete floor. It’s like listening to a bundle of knives being drawn across the pavement; a sound he knows humes tend to avoid. His customers, by and large, tend to be humes.
“A’righ’, a’righ’ settle yerself,” Shi finally grinds out, making a sweeping motion toward the garage’s interior, away from the ever-broken chain trencher and the car lifts. “Siddown ‘n watch me fer a tick. Tell me why y’ain’t chasin’ Handerson if yer off from helpin’ Tonic.”
“Well…” She draws the word out like a child trying to avoid or distract by annoyance, and She gives her a sharp look as his fingers unfold and slip into the guts of the disassembled lawn aerator he’s been tasked with getting working.
Elijah does a good impression of clueless. Good enough that he knew plenty wrote her off as all strength and no brains. She ain’t dumb, though, no more than he was at so young an age. She’s barely done being a kid, he reckons, and she’s got a temper on her, which he also reckons is normal, given the state of the world.
She waits until he’s got his fingers deep in the machinery, so he’s only half focused on her. It’s cute, in the way a kid trying to be sly is always cute.
“Tonic and me are havin’ a fight. I can’t stay with Handy cuz they’re working today plus you got more space and you said I can always come here and I don’t need extra space ‘cause I can just sleep out here like you --”
“Like hell,” Shi cuts in, fingers going still and then retracting back to a more manageable length. He sees her getting ready to talk back -- deflect, change topic, argue, he doesn't care. He speaks and she at least lets him. “You come runnin’ in here askin’ t’ work fer me, I bring y’ in thinkin’ y’ jes’ mean t’ pass a couple hours. Yer talkin’ like this’s some longterm thing ‘n it ain’t gonna be. Y’ain’t stayin’ here t’ dodge a fight with Tonic, girl.”
She rears up, several sets of legs off the ground, the world’s smartest, angriest centipede. Before the last upgrade, she’d be right about his height, but he’s taller now, lankier. When she tries to draw up further, she wobbles, weaving like snake thinking about striking, and then lowers a little to settle on the next set of feet. “You said there was always a place for me here!”
“And there is!” He grinds back, arms crossing. “When y’ got a legitimate reason fer staying, not jes’ cuz you ‘n Tonic ‘r havin’ a spat.”
“That’s not fair!”
There’s no humes in the garage, and the doors are rolled up to deal with the heat anyway. Shi vents a blast of dark exhaust in a snarling huff, feeling it plume and dissipate around the sides of his face. “Izzit fair you ran off on her when y’know she can’t come after you? Izzit fair y’ use th’ fact she ain’t gonna leave that damn bar t’ end wha’e’er argument th’ two’a you ‘re havin’?”
He’s gotten better at figuring out how she displays emotion and watches a number flit over her. Outrage, irritation, guilt, shame. “She told me to leave!” She argues, but she’s lowered herself back to her usual posture, which is sign enough that she knows she’s got the wrong end of this fight. When Shi scoffs, she shoots him a glare, and then looks quickly away.
“Lemme guess, she said summin like, ‘if yer gonna act li’ that, y’ kin jes’ leave’, yeah?”
Bug huffs and refuses to look at him.
“G’ home, ‘Lige. Make yer manners ‘n say yer sorries. Th’ two a you take care a each other, ain’ that always been th’ way ‘ve it?”
“I wanna stay here ‘n learn how to fix stuff.”
Shi angles his head upwards, like the secret for patience is lurking in the gloomy rafters. “Fix yer deal wi’ Tonic firs’. Come back ano’er day ‘n I’ll teach ya fer a night.”
The way she looks at him, fins down and eyes big but dim, makes him wish he were a kinder bot. He looks back at her, keeps his arms crossed, and nods when she finally turns away. It seems it doesn’t matter how long he knows her, she’s always going to feel like one of his kids, someone he wants to protect, someone he wants to comfort.
But he’s not going to foster any rift between her and Tonic. That partnership helps two of his people, keeps Lige and Tonic both safer than either of them would be on their own. It’s better, he knows, watching her mope her way out and back onto the street before darting off in the direction of the bar, to be the angry bastard in this. He’s a rock, after all, and a rock can’t yield.
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nofeartina · 6 years
Hei Tina, hvorfor tror du det er så få skam fics på dansk? Kun syv, halvparten skrevet av deg. Mens på svensk er det hele 79, og norsk 250 eller noe sånt. Har likt så godt å bli bedre kjent med svensk gjennom å lese ff, skulle gjerne gjort det samme med dansk!
Hej søde anon.
Det er et vanvittigt godt spørgsmål og jeg har tit stillet mig selv det samme. Jeg aner det simpelthen ikke. Jeg ved at skam jo nærmest var mere populært i Danmark end i Sverige, så hvorfor der er så mange flere svenske forfattere end danske er virkelig mærkeligt.
Så vidt jeg ved er Teatrolley (@uannsett) og jeg de eneste danskere der skriver i fandom (dog ikke på dansk). Og i de skandi-forfatter forums jeg er med i er jeg den eneste dansker. Jeg synes ellers det kunne være hyggeligt at være flere, især når de andre rotter sig sammen mod danskeren. 😆😆
Jeg er selv ikke så glad for at skrive på dansk, jeg synes det er sværere for mig at fange Isak og Evens stemmer på dansk end på engelsk. Jeg ved godt at det er lige modsat for de fleste andre skandi-forfattere og jeg synes det er dejligt at folk skriver så meget på deres eget sprog. Hatten af for det. Men det bliver altså ikke mig der kommer til at fylde taggen med danske fics. 😅
Undskyld jeg ikke kan komme med et bedre svar. Måske der simpelthen ikke er ligeså mange danskere der skriver fanfiction? (svært at tro, men... Hahaha) Hvis nogen har et bedre bud så kom endelig med det!
Hav en god dag, søde anon.
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ao3feed-destiel · 6 years
Only You
Read it on AO3 here!https://ift.tt/2tIxFUG
by TielCas987
Dean Winchester and Castiel meet in highschool and almost instantly fall in love. That was ten years ago. Now in present time, they lige completely seperate lives, with Dean being a successful detective and Cas a famous musician. What happens when they meet again for the first time in ten years?
Words: 1001, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, Anna Milton, Sam Winchester, Ellen Harvelle, Jo Harvelle, Gabriel
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester/Anna Milton
Additional Tags: Cop Dean, Musician Cas, Dean and Cas dated in highschool, Now in present time Dean is married to Anna, Dean knows he will never love anybody as much as he loves Cas, Mentions of John being an asshole, stake out, Dean closes yet another case, Dean and Anna are partners, Gabriel is Cas’ manager/brother, Anna is Cas’ and Gabes step sis, Gay Sex, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Top Dean, Bottom Dean, Top Cas, bottom cas (my favorite), Plot With Smut, good god these tags, happy ending:)
Link: https://ift.tt/2tIxFUG
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greaseonmymouth · 1 month
til solen står op (49756 words) by nerakrose Chapters: 20/? Fandom: Afdeling Q | Department Q (Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Assad/Carl Mørck, Assad & Carl Mørck Characters: Carl Mørck, Assad (Afdeling Q), Marcus Jacobsen, Rose Knudsen, Jesper (Afdeling Q), Hardy (Afdeling Q) Additional Tags: Aftermath of Violence, Police Brutality, All Cops Are Bastards, Whump, Forced Outing, Eventual Happy Ending, Assad Whump, WIP Tags, POV Alternating, Original Character(s), Pining, Father-Son Relationship, Queer Themes, Situationship (temporary), Demisexual Character, Demisexual Carl Mørck, Jesper lever i et univers hvor han har TO papfædre. han kan ikke overbevises om andet, lidt for detaljerede beskrivelser af kaffe nu når jeg tænker over det, Carl og Assad skændes som et gammelt ægtepar ❤️, jeg mener den her fic endelig fortjener et slow burn tag helt ærligt, Slow Burn, Masturbation, Pining: i n t e n s i f i e s Summary: "Der er to tusind klagesager mod politiet hvert år. Vi vinder dem allesammen. Er det fordi vi aldrig begår fejl eller fordi vi beskytter hinanden?" - Carl Mørck, Journal 64
Vi er på tyve kapitler. og lige under halvtreds tusind ord. (for ikke at nævne de kapitler som jeg ikke har postet endnu...hvis der er nogen der vil vædde om hvor mange kapitler/tusind ord det her ender på, så er det nu) hvordan skete det her? jeg ved det ikke.
anyway! i dette kapitel har vi: mors dreng!Carl, Carls inabilitet til at opfatte at hans følelser for Assad er mere komplicerede end 'han er min ven 😌' (det kommer), og sidst men ikke mindst: Kat
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sskk-ao3feed · 1 year
Everyone goes insane when pushed to far
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/NzDCOXb by Anonymous No one is perfect, that includes Dazai osamu A story on how Dazai navigates the lige of a student Words: 701154, Chapters: 8/8, Language: English Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Multi Characters: Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Tachihara Michizou (Bungou Stray Dogs) Relationships: Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu & Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke & Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs) Additional Tags: Character Death, Major Character Undeath, Character Undeath, Minor Character Death, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Coping, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sharing a Bed, Everyone Needs A Hug, Sad with a Happy Ending, Based on a Taylor Swift Song, Drug Use, Drinking to Cope, Past Relationship(s), Soukoku | Double Black (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai-Typical Suicide Mentions (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu Needs a Hug (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu is a Mess (Bungou Stray Dogs), Everyone is Dead, Help, Dazai-Typical Suicide References (Bungou Stray Dogs), Suffering Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Alternate Universe - High School, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Self-Hatred, Self-Harm, Self-Esteem Issues read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/NzDCOXb
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ao3feed-swanqueen · 6 years
Hvor meget elsker du?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2IpwAqT
by TheEvilQueenReadsToo
// SwanQueen-FanFiction //
Emma Swan er dybt forelsket i Regina Mills, og Regina er lige så dybt forelsket i hende. Deres liv er perfekt. Deres søn er hos dem, de enes – mere eller mindre – med Emmas forældre. Ja, alt går efter planen. Men mørket har sænket sig over Storybrook. Der såes pludselig tvivl om, hvad der er rigtigt og hvad er forkert...
- Vinderen i Once Upon A Time-fandommen i konkurrencen 'Fandommenes Kamp 2016'.
Words: 2115, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Dansk
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Emma Swan, Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Prince Charming | David Nolan, Snow White
Relationships: Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan
Additional Tags: Fluff, tragic, swanqueen - Freeform, Swanqueen friendship
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2IpwAqT
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