#fanfic preservation
kitkatt0430 · 2 months
So in deciding to bring over my fics from FFnet, I realized I finally had to face the problem (not really a problem, to be fair) of what to do about this other account I technically have on FFnet.
Why do I have a second account on FFnet? Well, originally it was not mine and I still don't really think of it as mine. Originally it belonged to a friend I had in late high school/most of college. She was my age? Maybe a year or so older, maybe a year or so younger, it was never clear. But we clicked online and wrote a fic together, attempted to write a few other fics together that did not get written, and I proofread a few things for her here and there. I think she did the same for me, but I dunno that I'd call any of it beta reading.
We had a lot of fun. I definitely don't regret co-writing the one fic we did manage to complete together and our writing styles were really similar so it all meshed really well, but all the things that went wrong behind the scenes - mostly coordination issues, though in retrospect she was clearly getting less and less interested in writing fic towards the end - made me realize I prefer writing fic solo. Thanks to how FFnet is set up, co-authors have to choose who publishes a fic and thus who gets the real ownership of the fic. And at the time, I let her have that control. I also contributed a few fics to her oneshot collection fics. But when she decided to leave writing fanfic behind...
Well, that could have turned out bad for me in that I could have lost control of my own writing entirely because she basically dropped off the face of the earth from my point of view. But she did something before that which I greatly appreciate - she handed off control of her account to me. Including the email account she'd created solely for fanfic purposes. Which... I had not realized was not her main email account so while on the one hand, I had access to all our shared writing (and a few stray emails from other people she'd bounced ideas off of)... it meant that I no longer had any way of contacting her because that email was how I contacted her.
But she wanted me to have control of our shared fics and while she requested I leave her fics alone beyond fixing any stray spelling errors... she also basically gave me cart blanche to take them down or move them should FFnet become inhospitable in the way we had seen other fanfic havens become.
Honestly, I got really lucky that she chose to do this. I'm really not sure how much was her looking ahead and how much was her just wanting to be done with fanfic writing. I'm just glad she did it.
But obviously with FFnet steadily declining and having decided to finally move all my old fics to Ao3/SquidgeWorld... that left me with the question of what to do with her account. I wanted to move over my fics that I either co-wrote with her or contributed to her collection fics, but I didn't want to leave her fics behind or lose that co-author credit for her.
I think I'd hoped at some point she'd reappear but... *shrug* she hasn't. Adding her works to my Ao3 account under a pseud didn't feel right since, ya know, she's not me and her works that I didn't cowrite aren't mine. So I've spun up an account to move her stuff to and moved almost all her solo written fics there already.
It's been bittersweet going through all her old fics because it brings back half-forgotten memories of messaging on gmail and remembering which of these fics I did spelling/grammar edits for her on and going back and forth on shared gdocs over the plot for our FF8 fic and the fun we had trying to put Nathan Stark back into Eureka after he was killed off. But it also brings back how sad I felt when our friendship ended - it felt very abrupt to me but in hindsight there was a lot going on for her that she just wasn't sharing with me. Which was fair, we never met in the real world or knew each others real names. I hope she's okay and happy. And i do wonder sometimes if she ever returned to writing fanfic under a different name. If she has, she hasn't reached out to me about it.
Overall I'm glad I can preserve her fics and the reminder they are of a friendship that was, at the time, very important to me. But it was definitely something I had to think long and hard about how to handle.
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kaiserdrgn · 1 year
You should download fanfiction you enjoy. Not just saved to favorites or bookmarked. Download it to your device for offline reading and safekeeping.
With AO3 down, this is a good time to be thinking about fanfiction preservation. I know a DDoS attack won't impact the stories stored on AO3. But I still worry about what we would do if we actually did lose the archive.
I have an offline fanfiction archive of almost every fanfic I've read in the last ten years. I have saved copies of favorites going back 25 years. You should have copies of the stories you love.
AO3 has an easy button to download a copy of any story. It even allows you to chose your format. I chose to mostly keep my personal archive as epubs. Some other fanfic sites also have easy download buttons.
But not all. Fanfiction.net offers no way to save works for offline reading. For a while you could use third party tools to download a complete story from ff.net, but they patched they website to disallow those kinds of programs from working to prevent people from saving works from their site. There are a few work arounds, but they are all clunky things, like opening every chapter of a fic in a separate tab on your web browser then running an archiving programs to save and consolidate the work.
Sometimes stories are lost. But I've helped many people find copies of lost fanfiction by sending them copies from my own archive. And I've read works I thought were lost when others shared their copies with me.
You should have a copy of the fanfiction you enjoy. You should save the stories that you love, and share them with others if they disappear from the net.
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srmthg · 2 years
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ICYMI fanfiction.net went quiet for a while and scared everyone so bad that it did a big update to reassure everyone that no, actually, the site doesn’t quite have a foot in the grave yet, but still... I look at how many SRMTHG fics exist on FFN vs. AO3 and get pretty sad. Like, did y’all younger fans know that over on FFN, which was the main fanfiction site back when SRMT was airing, SRMTHG is in the top 50 cartoon series in terms of fics published? This fandom may be small but back in the day we wrote like NOBODY’S business.  If you’re reading this and have work on FFN, I encourage you to give it new life over on AO3, or at least keep it somewhere safe for yourself. Even if you cringe at the sight of your old writing, it meant something to someone when you wrote it and likely still has the potential to make someone smile. Yes. your OC fanfic about Gibson’s long-lost sister is important fandom history IMHO. AO3 has even been going as far as to import whole archives to preserve fanwork... but I remain a bit ehhhhh on the idea of “preserving” other’s writing without their express permission.  If you’re not sure, I encourage you to at least use tools such as save to PDF and Calibre’s fanfiction downloader to save your hard work for yourself - FFN seems safe for now, but you never really know. I’m hesistant about only having my fics on one website even when it’s incredibly healthy seeming. 
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tiffanyachings · 9 months
what’s important to know about palamedes is that he got stuck in a tiny room in complete isolation for 8 months not knowing if he would ever be rescued. and he responded to this psychological torture by writing trashy romance novel fanfic
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justaz · 4 months
merlin owns an arthurian museum with authentic items from the third/fourth century as well as statues, busts, and portraits from different artists over the years of king arthur (and the others). who better to ensure everything is real rather than someone who was there? eventually, people are pushing for him to find more artifacts bc its been a few years and bc history nerds are bloodthirsty beasts. people also want to find excalibur but whatever. merlin caves and is like “might as well see what else fell into lake avalon” so they dredge it up. merlin is relaxing at home when he gets a call. he’s expecting them to say they found something small like perhaps a link or armor or a rare, old jewel. then he hears
“we found a body”
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writtenobsession · 4 months
Next Time
Modern AU Halsin x GN Tav/Reader
Summary: A morning after a hook up with Halsin. (Fluff?/ mentions sex)
A/N: This is based off of a post by @magicislikelove about Halsin sending a Survey about how sex was with him. It lived in my brain for the whole day and wrote this in a few hours when I should’ve been asleep. (Please forgive any mistakes 🙏🏼)
Word count:3,405
It wasn’t everyday you head go out with your friends after work to grab a few drinks and it definitely wasn’t everyday you go home with a man twice your height and with muscles that would make the gods jealous, yet here you are with those strong arms wrapped around you as you enjoy being the little spoon.
What was more surprising waking up the next morning to the smell of food wafting into the bedroom. After throwing on a T shirt that was way too big for you, you slowly walk through an unfamiliar hallway, you mange to find your way to the kitchen where a mostly naked man, besides his apron and boxer briefs, standing in front of his stove flipping pancakes. Looking at his broad back and the few scratch marks you left, you could feel your cheeks warm. It wasn’t long before he turned around and noticed you leaning against the doorframe. A breathtaking smile spread across his face, “Good morning, I hope you slept well.”
Thoughts of last nights activities rushed back before you replied with cheeky little grin, “I slept just fine. Waking up is a different story. Some of us will be walking a little stiffly for a while…”
He lets out a chuckle, “You rode out the storm most admirably. Come, let’s enjoy the food before it gets cold.” He gestures towards a small table in front a window that looked out into a forest with the morning sun peaking through branches above. Taking your seat, as the man brings over plates pancakes, salmonberries, and bacon. You stare at him with awe at all more the food he brought out. Normally with any one nightstand you’ve left before your partner woke up, but having someone up before you and with food is a first.
You look up at him and express your gratitude. Both of you talked over breakfast about life, interests, and hobbies. Talking with him is easy, even without a drink or two in your system. You almost didn’t want to leave, but you have responsibilities outside of your current bliss. After helping him clean up, you mention need to head out and pick up our car from the bar’s parking lot. He offered to drop you off since he had some earned to run in town. Going back into the bedroom and finding most of your articles of clothing, you’re escorted by the towards his old pickup truck. Sitting in silence for a moment never felt awkward between the two of you. Something about being near him felt right. Pulling up next to your car, you almost hesitate to leave. You look at him for a moment before exiting the vehicle, “Thank you for an amazing night, Halsin.” You get into your car and turn towards him. You give him a small wave as he pulls away. Sitting alone while your car heats up, you say his name again. You could hardly forget his name since it falling from your lips all night like a prayer. You bite your bottom lip at the memories of being below him flooded your mind. You drive home in silence, but not alone since the thoughts of your night with Halsin kept you company. Arriving home, you cleaned yourself and performed your daily tasks in a fog. Settling for a lazy evening, you hear your phone ping on your coffee table to find a text message that made a smile creep across your face. A name that you are all too familiar with sent you a silly text message. It read like a questionnaire about your night with him, from the conversations to the sex. What made your heart skip a beat was when he mentioned, “Is there anything you want to try for next time?”
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thecoziestbean · 6 months
a waking dream - on ao3!
BG3 Halsin x F!Reader | E | 1.9k
18+, Minors DNI
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cw: pregnancy kink, somno, please check out all of the tags on ao3 before reading
Read on ao3
You drift on the edge of a very pleasant dream. A hazy memory of lingering touches and summer’s fading heat. You’ve found that your dreams in the winter are often pleasant, tucked into your cottage snug and warm and well fed while the world outside slumbers beneath its quiet blanket of snow and darkness. You certainly rest easier when the comforting weight of a certain massive elf is cuddled close.
OR: There's more than one way to stay warm during a long winter...
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madmonksandmaenads · 1 year
If you love a fanfic, have you considered printing and handbinding it yourself so that future scholars might have a glimpse into a culture built on ephemeral infrastructure?
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m00nymonster · 1 month
More Tideland prompts! This one is I'm Trying, for once I didn't angst that shit up lmao
"Look, just try," Amena wheedled.
"SecUnits don't do art projects."
"They don't watch media, either," she countered. She must have learned that comeback from Dr. Mensah. I sighed and gingerly tapped the pedal. The wheel began to spin. I cupped my hands around a lump of clay.
"That's it!" she cheered. "Now use your thumbs to make a dent in the clay! Don't forget to keep it wet."
I pushed my thumbs into the clay, but while doing so accidentally pressed the pedal too hard. Clay splattered everywhere as the lump escaped my cupped hands.
"I tried," I said immediately. I stood up.
Amena dropped another lump on top of the wheel.
"Everyone messes up their first pot," she said. "Now try again." She glanced at my face, then glared at the drone facing her. "Don't sulk."
"I'm not sulking," I sulked. "And it was not a pot, it was a lump." I sat back down. This time I controlled the pedal better, and the clay rose and widened in my hands. Amena grinned.
"See? This is fun, right?"
I glared at the clay and didn't answer. Apparently she hadn't expected a response, because she didn't prod for a reaction. She instead watched my hands intensely.
"No, hold your hands like this. It's going to get too high to control if you keep squishing it. And don't forget to sponge it!" She sat down. "Here, watch me."
She sat in front of her own wheel and dropped clay on it. A bowl blossomed in her hands with practiced ease as the wheel spun.
"See, you use the sponge to smooth it out," she said. "And try to not make the base or walls too thick. It might explode in the kiln."
After watching for a while, I pushed the pedal and the clay began to spin and wobble under my hands. After the fifth try I had a mostly bowl shaped object. Amena clapped wetly when she saw it.
"We'll put it in the back room to dry," she said. "This is called the greenware stage. After it dries, we'll fire it in the kiln, then glaze it and fire it again." She looked excited, and her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm.
"I can't wait to tell Second Mom you made your first bowl!" she said, pleased.
"You want to what?"
"She still has mine," she said.
"I wasn't going to give it to anyone," I said stupidly. The idea of Dr. Mensah seeing my sad attempt at cookware was disturbing for some reason.
"Oh, you can keep it for yourself then!" she said happily. "C'mon, let's try making slabs next."
When my bowl-shaped object exploded in the kiln a few days later, Amena was crushed. I was mostly relieved. I don't know why, but the idea of anyone seeing my object made me feel weird. But when Amena suggested we try again, I didn't argue too much.
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stonelions · 1 year
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aka a selection of meticulously chosen (lol) tunes that have inspired me during the writing process of If Only Maybe and Then, which also happen to communicate some of Cas' assorted feelings about his biggest crush in like, forever. mp3s (for your ipod!! lmao) zipped in suggested listening order on drive here: making any sound
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erinwantstowrite · 59 minutes
I was reading the post about itsy bitsy (fav AU I NEED IT) and was wondering how would Bruce deal with the whole situation. From my understanding he’s so far just had to deal with kids ages 9 and up, never a 4 year old toddler. ( I could be wrong tho. Sorry i don’t read the comics) I imagine Díck going to him freaking out asking him what to do and he’s like “idk 🤷‍♂️”
oh for sure they're running around like "i have literally never had to deal with a kid this young" and they turn to alfred who's the only one of them who has
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spent way too long on this. Anyway, I love them, and I think about them forever
(that isn't a joke I've been a #1 radiohusk bitch since the pilot and have actually been reworking/writing fic ideas I've had for nearly 3 years lmao. call that shit disordered daydreaming OR, worldbuilding✨ )
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pennyserenade · 11 months
the x files really is so incredible in terms of fans and fandom. fans are so so so essential to the xfiles to the point that they’re literally embedded into the show—their usernames, sometimes their commonly held beliefs about the characters, sometimes jokes they made on forums. maybe it’s because i’ve never been really invested in tv series from the 90s or maybe it’s bc the x files really was that bitch back in the day, but i’ve never before witnessed a fandom so prevalent and everlasting. it’s so cool to witness
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thepatchycat · 8 months
Hi! For the WIP List Game: Dragon Jedi AU?? I am intrigued
Hehe, that one is inspired by @bubblew0lf1's Dragon!Jedi AU! I adore all of their dragon designs, especially Obi-Wan's, and it got me thinking about a sort of fantasy AU where the Jedi are shape-shifting dragons. I'm not sure it's something that'll ever become a finished thing, but it's been fun to think about.
Rambling and a snippet below the cut :P
This AU's setting would condense most of the notable SW planets into continents/countries/cities on one planet; there wouldn't be any space travel, though technology would probably be better than in a medieval fantasy setting. Dragons are rare and I'm thinking the knowledge of their intelligence and that they can also be people is not well-known (either a closely guarded secret or actively suppressed)--and they're also being actively hunted by the Republic/Empire under the justification that dragons are extremely dangerous (this is Palpatine's fault, and he has far more nefarious reasons for hunting them down). I haven't worked out all the worldbuilding details, but I think the Jedi are a subset of dragons who serve as guardians where they can; recently, though, they've been forced to hide due to being hunted.
In this world, Cody and Rex are wardens (possibly heading up a small group of rangers) of a large woody/mountainous area bordering a very rural town far from the center of the Republic; the land was claimed and the town founded by the Mereel-Fett family after unrest in Mandalore forced Jaster Mereel (Jango Fett's adoptive father, Cody and Rex's grandfather) and his clan to leave. Mandalorians have a complicated history with dragons, but Jaster liked to tell stories about Tarre Vizla, a Mandalorian leader long ago who either was close friends with a dragon or was a dragon himself; details passed down through the centuries seem unclear. Jango's never been that interested in the tales, but Rex and especially Cody enjoyed them growing up.
Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka moved to the town together pretty recently; I think Obi-Wan runs a bookshop (or maybe a small library? A fusion of the two?), while Anakin works as a mechanic who's teaching Ahsoka the trade as well. Cody likes to read and chats with Obi-Wan when he stops by for books, while Rex brings the rangers' equipment to Anakin and Ahsoka for professional servicing (Rex tinkers a bit himself, but Anakin's a wizard) and they become fast friends. Of course, the friendly neighborhood bookkeeper and mechanics don't tell anyone that they're also dragons, including the Fetts, but Cody and Rex find out the truth eventually.
The only thing I actually started writing for this beyond notes is a scene just after Obi-Wan (in dragon form) fights Grievous (also a dragon but not a Jedi) somewhere deep in the Fetts' protected area. Cody had been doing a sweep/patrol at the time and witnessed at least part of the fight, and he goes to investigate the aftermath.
Warning that it's more gruesome than I usually go, what with blood and a dead dragon. This is just also the most snippable portion of what little I have, I think.
There is a deafening thud, and then— Silence. Cody slowly approaches the edge of the ravine and looks down. A hulking white shape lies still at the base of the rocky slope, red pooling under its gash-ridden body. It’s hard to tell from a distance what precisely killed it, but the lack of motion and abundance of blood suggest that either it’s dead or will be soon. Partially obscured, a smaller brown shape lies behind the great white beast, closer to the river; it seems similarly bloodied and still. Cody feels a pang of sorrow—that one had saved his life, whether intentionally or not. …Better make sure they’re dead, lest any survivors roam too close to town. Cody picks his way carefully down the side of the ravine, shifting between stepping and climbing as needed. When he’s made it to the bottom, he draws his rifle and approaches the white dragon. There is no movement between its sharply defined ribs, and up close Cody can see where the base of its throat has been torn open by—well, horns or claws, most likely. He follows the long neck up to the head, where dull yellow eyes stare sightlessly out from behind a gaping maw. Cody prods its nose lightly with the tip of his rifle. No response. Tempting as it still is to put a bolt in its skull, he’s hunted enough himself to know what death looks like. There’s no need. He steps around the body of the beast toward the visible back of the brown one. One of its wings lies bent at an unnatural angle behind it, and— It’s breathing, quick and labored. Not moving otherwise, but still alive, at least for now.
(Once he works out he's not going to get mauled to death for trying to help, Cody puts his wilderness first-aid skills to use. He still doesn't learn that it's Obi-Wan for a while, though.)
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theworldisadumpster · 10 months
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Absolutely obsessed with the drow scene with Gale and Halsin involved.
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thecoziestbean · 2 days
Working on some pre-canon Halsin/Kagha lovers to enemies. The dynamic between those two in game immediately made me 👀👀👀.
It’s about half way done and flowing well. Might save it for Kinktober, might get impatient and post it as soon as I finish it (which I’m hoping will be this weekend 🤞).
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