#fanfic trope
Just a statistic I’m interested in finding out :)
Like for me it would depend on who it was etc etc but overall still a yes bc it would be funny yknow
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hs-is-loml · 2 years
The Way I Love You. (x.t)
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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x Best Friend!Reader
Summary: xavier and you are weird pair of "best friends" always reaching towards something more, but neither having the guts to talk about it so plainly, until now.
Warnings: best friends to lovers trope, enid and yoko being done with both of you, major fluff, doesn't follow exact storyline or timeline
a/n: exams in a couple days are destroying me, so this is probably the only thing i'll post for the next week sadly:(
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“Hey, babe? Are you almost done? If not I’m heading to breakfast without you,” Xavier yelled through the door as you stumbled to finish getting ready. 
“I won’t be done in time, I’ll meet you in the quad,” you shouted back realizing how late you were actually running. “Can you get me juice please!”
“Okay, I’ll see you down there,” he replied back.
Enid just stared at you with the widest eyes and a dropped jaw. You turned away from her gaze as it freaked you out a bit. “HE CALLED YOU BABE?!” 
“I think Enid is referring to the fact you and Xavier are repulsive,” Wednesday explained. 
“I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU GUYS AREN’T DATING?!” Enid kept yelling rushing over to you and helping get your bag so you three could leave the dorm soon. “YOU CAN’T KEEP HIM WAITING!!”
“Enid! Slow down!” she threw your blazer in your arms and pushed you out of the dorm as Wednesday followed beside both of you. “What are you even going on about?”
“Yeah, what about him?” you asked confused not understanding why she was making such a big deal over something.
“I can’t believe you two are dating!” Enid cheered excitedly as you walked down the halls.
“Enid, wait for a second,” you halted in your tracks and took a second to comprehend the girl’s words. “We’re not dating.”
“What,” Enid said dishearteningly. “I thought since he called you-”
“You thought wrong, we’re just best friends,” you cut her off as you three made the quad.
“I did not know best friends had pet names for each other,” Wednesday stated. "Odd."
“Because they’re in love with each other and won’t admit it,” Enid whined while you look around for Xavier.
You felt an arm drape around your shoulders and saw a hand holding out a bottle of orange juice in front of you, in which taking it happily and opening it to take a sip. “Won’t admit what?” 
“Nothing!” you choked out, glaring at Enid hoping she would get the hint to stop. 
“Just that-” She didn’t.
“Enid, let’s head to class, I rather pick out my eyes than watch this,” Wednesday said to Enid.
“Oh, okay, umm… Bye, Y/n! Bye, Xavier?” Enid called out as she trailed behind Wednesday as they headed to Ms. Thornhill’s class. 
“Bye, Enid,” you both tell her.
“What was she going on about?” Xavier asked while you both headed to fencing. 
“Just the usual things Enid loves to talk about,” you replied. “Gossip.”
“Of course,” he puffed out a laugh. “Who’s the poor souls?”
“Just a pair of friends that she thinks are dating,” you tried to say inconspicuously when you made it the locker rooms. 
“Enid has pretty good intuition with that kind of stuff, I wonder if they are?”
“Trust me, they’re not,” you gave him a small smile. “Wait for me?”
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You walked out of locker rooms tying your hair out of your face, and saw Xavier waiting to the side with his mask already on. He held his own foil (sword) in one hand while the other held an extra foil and mask. 
“M’lady,” he teasingly bowed handing you them as you approached him.
“Why, thank you, kind Sir,” you curtsied back letting out a small giggle.
“You’re paired with Yoko, this morning,” he told you making your way to the mats.
“Maybe if you whined less and praticed more, you wouldn’t suck,” you heard Bianca mocked Rowan as you and Xavier got closer to the class. “Seriously, Coach, when am I gonna get real competition? Anyone else want to challenge me?”
“I will,” you stated removing yourself from Xavier’s side and slid the mask over your face. 
“Are you sure? I don’t think Xavier would want his sweet Y/n to get hurt,” she gave you pout which only encouraged you more to beat her. 
“You sure do talk so much shit,” you replied to her and heard ‘ooh’s…’ around the room. “It kind of match’s your skill, don't you think?” 
“Rowan doesn’t need you to come to his defense. He’s not helpless,” Bianca snarked. “He’s just lazy.”
“Are we going to do this or not? Or are you too scared?” getting yourself in a stance ready to go against her.
“En garde!” someone called out.
Swords clashed and Bianca made the mistake of lifting her arm too high in an attempt to strike you, so you lowered yourself avoiding her sword while you were able to strike her side.
“Point to Y/n!” 
You both continued to duel, as the crowd around you guys grew. Bianca wasn’t able to tag you yet as you picked up the speed of your hits against her. So much anger at her for how she treated everyone at the school, and how she believed that she was automatically better than everyone else. The force of your strikes against her caught her off guard and her sword swayed to the left allowing you to tag her directly in her chest. 
“That’s my girl!” you heard Xavier call out from the sidelines and you were thankful you had the mask still on so no one would be able to see the blush on your cheeks.
“Winner, Y/n,” the coach announced and Bianca stalked off in anger.
You walked over to Xavier, and took off your mask in a swift motion as you noticed some time during the match against Bianca he had taken his off to see you better. He held out his arms for you and brought you in a tight hug. “I’m proud of you,” he murmured into your hair as you leaned your head against his chest.
“Thank you, Xav,” you lifted your head to give him a smile which returned his wide one. You stood on your tip toes, pecking his cheek and stood back allowing you to see the blush that spread across his face. “I’ll see you after!” you told him as Yoko called you over from the other side of the room. 
“Wait-“ Xavier was too late to respond as you hurriedly rushed to Yoko who seemed like she was going to burst from the questions she had for you. 
“WHAT WAS THAT?!” Yoko yelled which caught the attention of many of those around you including Xavier who was still staring at you from across the room. 
“Yoko, shh! I don’t know what you’re talking about…” you shushed the girl. 
“Don’t know,” she mockingly laughed, “He called you his girl!” she pointed out. 
“SHHHH!” you held a hand over her mouth in order to stop her from saying anything else. “NOT ANOTHER WORD.”
“Babe, you okay?” Xavier asked loudly from where he stood and a part of you was silently cursing him while the other part blushed profusely.
“Just peachy,” you uttered, glaring at Yoko who was dying of laughter at the hypocrisy of you two. You dragged her away to a more closed-off area to allow her to question you, but the bell saved you from the interrogation. 
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“Okay, that’s now Enid and Yoko acting weird around you. That only ever means one thing…” Xavier pointed out once you both were walking to his dorm for lunch after attending fencing and botany. 
Let’s just say Botany might have been even more irritating than fencing because you had Bianca staring at you the whole time after she saw you and Xavier walk into class together. The only problem with you and him walking in together was that he had his arm around your waist keeping you steady as you died of laughter over hearing Ajax complaining that he stoned himself the other day which led him to miss his date with Enid. You felt bad for laughing, but Ajax resembled a kicked puppy too much not to.
“One thing what?”
“There’s a guy,” he scoffed.
“Where?” you looked around to see no one around you both, so you gave a look of confusion not really understanding what he was insinuating. 
“Are you talking to somebody?” Xavier questioned. “Enid and Yoko only ever get that giddy if they’re talking about a guy, and if you are I don’t know why you didn’t feel the need to tell. Y/n, we’re— w-we’re… you know.”
“Xavier!” you tried to interrupt, but he ignored you as he continued to talk.
“I thought you felt the same way, but obviously not since you felt like you hide the fact you’re with someone right now. I just wish you told me before Enid and Yoko,” he rambled on looking down at the floor with a scrunched expression covering his face. 
“XAVIER!” you exclaimed.
“What?’ he softened looking back to you. 
“I’m talking to you aren’t I?” you tried to hint at him.
“Well, obviously you’re talking to me right now but I meant-”
“Xav, I am talking to you,” you restated once more. “No one else.”
“But-” you knew he was going to argue with what you were saying but you weren’t going to allow it.
“Enid and Yoko were talking about us,” you explained nonchalantly letting yourself into his dorm with him following behind you, shutting the door. 
“Wait what?” he took a step back allowing himself to process what you said. “What do you mean they were talking about us?”
“They were teasing about how we are with each other.” you looked down on your hand as you turned to face him.
“And how are we with each other?” he retorted back in question, walking closer to you.
“We both won’t admit it…” you trailed off as you felt heat rush to your cheeks as you tried to avoid his gaze. “But-”
“Admit what? That fact I’ve been in love with you since we met,” he noted. “I have loved you since I saw you wandering around the halls looking for your class, I love you every day when we meet in the morning to walk to class together, I love when you scrunch your nose when you're overthinking, I love the sound of your laugh when I tell a stupid joke that’s not even worth your laughter, I love that you hold my hand when you're anxious, I love you more than anything,” he confessed to you which brought you close to tears as you went to close the space between you and him.
You grabbed the collar of his uniform to help bring him down closer to your height and smash your lips against his, moving your hands to have one the back of his neck and the other on his cheek. He immediately responded to the kiss with the same amount of urgency. His hands landed onto your hips pulling you even more closer to him. 
It was a messy kiss but seemed perfect for you and him. Both of you pulled back to take in a breath of air, leaning your foreheads against one another. “I love you. I will never love someone the way I love you,” you whispered to him seeing a smile spread across his face as he went to pull you back in for another kiss.
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toffee-arts · 1 year
made these omegaverse stickers to motivate me drink my supplements bec my one cornchip brain keeps forgetting to take em 🙄
Available in my etsy btw!!
🌟 LINK 🌟
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"came back wrong" after revival. came back wrong, but not in the sense that they are truly, in essence, wrong. more so that your idea of them is now so tainted by the death you saw them in that you can no longer see them the same way they're back, and they're wrong, so they came back wrong, but it's not their fault. they're not inherently different but you can no longer shake the dread that you felt when you saw them dead. you cannot stop seeing the pallor that death washed over their face, the lifeless dullness in their blank eyes. you cannot forget that, and you cannot remember them without it. "came back wrong", but are they wrong? or is your view of them altered? are they truly different, or have you just forgotten?
"came back wrong", but you are revived to see your loved ones no longer look at you the same. you feel the same, act the same, look the same - save for maybe a few scars. but now they won't quite meet your eyes. every time you catch them looking, they look like they're staring at a corpse. the love in their eyes that was once so clear is now clouded by uncertainty. by fear. are they afraid of you? you've come back the same, so why are they treating you like a ghost? "came back wrong", but you only change because they force you to. in their expectation of your being different, they refused to let you continue to be yourself
"came back wrong", but they didn't come back wrong at all. they were received wrong, and when you are estranged and treated with such cruelty you have often no choice but to rewire yourself.
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ionlypostmymeemocs · 1 month
Question for ya!
What's the rarest Medic Trope you all found?
Or a Medic Trope you didn't even know it existed?
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officialmiintee · 11 months
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and i say!! LET! THEM! COOK! Time for some original art!
Something is definitely brewing! Looking for the most bitter angst tropes? The sweetest fluff tropes? Maybe hot and steamy tropes for some extra spice?
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crack-canon · 2 years
Merlin BBC: The Brow
literally anyone: slightly raises one eyebrow
Fic writers
- It rivaled Giaus’
-they learned it from Giaus
-Merlin raised an eyebrow, something he clearly picked up from a certain court physician 
-The brow of judgement was too much and they crack under pressure 
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im-not-projecting · 5 months
Tropes I dislike
these are just tropes I dislike and if you're offended by it, sorry not sorry. Also, some of these tropes can be written in a different way. Let me know if you want me to make a part of those aspects
When the guy is in love with a boy but he finds out he is a she. C’mon author just say you’re homophobic.
Soulmates / destined to be together. Hear me out I know a lot of ppl who like this trope but I just feel like the characters aren’t given free will and need someone to ‘complete you’ when it should be someone who ‘complements you’
Yup that ‘I got into a car accident and I forgot who u are’ Oh do better!
Damsel in distress?? When the female character is portrayed as weak and LITERALLY needs the guy to save her every time?? Like she basically can’t stand up for herself for even the smallest things.  
'I can fix him/her’ when A says this about (their partner) B but there isn’t anything inherently wrong with B, they just don’t fit into the norm. (just A not being accepted and labeling it as ‘helping B to be normal’)
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alicehattera03 · 1 year
Sure that one cinnamon roll character with the cutest smile hides a sadistic and evil personality but did you consider what dark academia playlist would go well with their revenge plot sequence?
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Love all of the stories I'm seeing for the new Wednesday series from Netflix but already I am getting tired of the same old "reader is Wednesday's sister" trope, like can we just have stories where the reader just so happens to go to Nevermore, or is even just a resident of Jericho that may go to a normal school?
I have found very few of those types of stories.
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doctor-mccoys-sanity · 11 months
i’m the biggest sucker for soulmate AUs bc what do you mean it allows for people that believe themselves to be unloveable have someone that loves them unconditionally and irrefutably. What does you mean we’re all loveable. What.
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song-of-stardust · 3 months
my favorite fanfic trope? seeing characters go through their darkest mental moments and still being loved and understood no this doesn't say anything about me
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xxdeadkittenxx · 2 years
A list of my favorite tropes in vampire media because why not:
-I’ve spent years surviving off of animal blood but your scent is just so delicious I want a taste and it’s taking every fiber of my being to resist
-Bad boy kills everyone and has 0 empathy and care for others except for that one person
-Bloody vampire make out session
-Bloody vampire sex
-Floating gay vampire sex
-Has been around since the dawn of time and watched the evolution of technology from the beginning but still can’t figure out how to use a phone
-I refuse to turn you into a vampire because I love you too much to curse you into eternal damnation
-Newbie vampire drinking the blood of their vampire partner while having their hair lovingly stroked while they feed
-Literally waits centuries for you to be reincarnated so that you can be together again
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stedebonnit · 2 years
I see your: "who did this to you" hurt/comfort trope and i raise you a "how long has this been happening and i didnt know?" Hurt/comfort trope.
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ionlypostmymeemocs · 4 months
The most Medic Trope that I related to! Is the "Always-Hungry-Medic Trope" (me all the time)! This Medic is always eating! Non-stop! There isn't a moment that he isn't eating! I love this guy! I always imagined him with a big and soft tummy! (Like Heavy and Engineer! Chunky) Unfortunately, this Trope isn't as popular as the others. And it's rare to find them!
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prompts-cemetery · 1 year
The villain's newborn child communicates with the hero through telepathy, causing confusion and chaos, the villain is clueless.
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