#fatigue mentale
Sorry I Spent all mY spoons this week already and it's fucking Tuesday. We're heading to the knives
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
chronic fatigue from mental illness and neurodivergency isn't something you can just will your way out of. your nervous system is part of your body. your brain is an organ. the fatigue is real. you're not lazy. so be kinder to yourself. be gentler with your bodymind.
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i-the-spoonie · 10 months
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50stressballs · 6 months
Dude for real though your worth as a human being is not dependent on how productive or “useful” you are. You could do nothing but lay in bed all today and you’d still be worthy of respect and care. Bro you are a living breathing human being and your life has inherent value. Like straight up you don’t have to do something impossible or world changing with your time on earth in order for you to matter. We are all specks of dust in the cosmos and the fact that you exist at all means you are important. Dude you don’t have to earn the right to live bro, like I swear bro, like no cap.
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ancient-reverie · 7 months
a moment of silence for all us disabled ones who had to watch each of their friends move on with their lives without you and get jobs, go to school, have partners come and go, get engaged and move house etc.
shout out to my fellow struggling people who are still sitting in the same bedroom they grew up in. the ones who can't get a job, can't make new friends, can't find a partner or partners, can't move house and can't go to school.
I hope one day we can all find someone to at least sit with us in our rooms. I see you and I understand... and I'm sorry we can't be that person for each other
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evilwriter37 · 3 months
I'm so sick and tired of people thinking that disabled people are lazy. Like, I want to do the chores around the house, I want to go out with friends, I want a job. My body literally just will not let me. Having a job would probably kill me.
It's not fun hanging around on the couch or in bed all day, knowing there are things you want to do but can't.
Stop calling us lazy.
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painfordays · 8 months
Being the only disabled person in a friend group is like. Argues against mental age for 30 minutes without achieving anything because they will die if they cant call developmentally disabled adults 6 year olds. Feel guilty for cancelling plans for disability reasons and making up a lie so you dont have to tell the truth. Get called a cripple after explaining your symptoms. Get told nothing is ever the doctors fault because they work soooo hard and you're just not persistent enough. Realize the only way theyd ever do even minor caregiving tasks for you is if they were paid. Spend an hour arguing against eugenics. Listen to someone talk about a group of disabled people and with every sentence it gets more obvious they never interacted with anyone from this group personally. Get compared to peoples elderly relatives. Get -
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Just in case anyone else needed to hear this today-
Your health is not your fault. You didn’t do anything to “deserve” this. And you are right, it isn’t fair. You are allowed to feel upset, hurt, angry and jealous that your health, body or mind disables you.
It’s not fair, and that sucks. You are allowed to scream about that as much as you need to.
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sillyfroggremlin · 7 months
@ my fellow chronically ill/disabled/neurodivergent folks:
friendly reminder that just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD and that it isn't harmful for you !!!
be kind to yourself please 🫶
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If you are technically capable of going out or doing something during a chronic illness flare-up, that doesn’t mean it isn’t debilitating. You shouldn’t have to push yourself through pain, and it's okay to say "I could but I shouldn't. I could but I don't want to."
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alrightiiaphrodite · 11 months
Did you grow up as a disabled person and think "man, I am shit at being a human being. How does everyone do it?" and then think you were just lazy or less motivated and start believeing everyones comments about how you have no motivation and are genuinely just lazy and then you still wonder why you're not good enough no matter how hard you try and then you get old enough to realize that not everyone experiences the same thing you do and you were just given a short straw or are you normal?
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whereserpentswalk · 9 months
Activist burnout isn't a moral failing of a community, it's not people being selfish. It's a natural result of how human minds work, and you can't expect communities to out-moral human psychology.
When people are exposed to the same upsetting thing over and over again, either it fucks with their mental health and makes them more depressed and anxious, or alternatively it makes them apathetic and desensitized. Neither of those things are good for a movement, and those are the ways humans are going to react to constant upsetting messages. You cannot avoid this by telling people to just be better people, you cannot use higher reasoning to make an entire community's emotions work in a fundamentally different way to how human emotions normal work.
Every successful movement account for the fact that people can't be at 100% all the time. Movements that ask for a level of extreme and undying anger, burn bright and die fast, it's a useful way of organizing a very immediate response, but cannot be done for something larger scale. If you give people, the ultimatum of either being at 100% or 0% all the time, they will choose 0% because the alternative isn't possible for most people.
If you're constantly showing the same disturbing images over and over again, they will lose their effectiveness quickly. If I see a post detailing the horrors of the current genocide, I'm probably just going to scroll past it, because it's all things I already know, and I've seen it so many times there's no emotional reaction, and this is how a lot of people are with posts like this, because you can't ask people to have the same emotional reaction to the same information hundreds of times over.
You can't stop activist burnout by being a better person because burnout isn't a choice, it's a psychological response. If your activism doesn't account for the material reality of the community (in this case being humans with human minds), then that's on you for organizing badly.
Also, if you need to hear this: you are not a bad person for experiencing compassion fatigue, it's literally part of being a person. Don't hurt yourself.
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study-diaries · 6 months
Your pain (physical/mental/emotional) is valid even if nobody can see it
Your pain is valid even if you have no physical symptoms
Your pain is valid even if there is no physical injury
Your pain is valid even if others tell you it's not
Your pain is valid even if you do not have a life threatening disease
Your pain is valid even if you don't have a diagnosis
Your pain is valid even if you do have a diagnosis
Your pain is still valid even if nobody believes you
Your pain is still valid even if you are too "young" for the problem/issue
Your pain is valid even if the health care advisor/anybody tells you that it's in your head
Your pain is valid no matter what the conditions are
Your pain is valid.
Pain does not discriminate between age, gender, race, nationality etc. Just because you can't see pain, doesn't mean it's not there.
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spookysalem13 · 1 year
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I'm chronically ill. I'm disabled physically and mentally. I live a rough life from day to day. People always tell me how strong I am.
This may be with the best of intentions but in all honesty I'm not strong, I'm very weak from being broken down every single second of my life from my chronic illnesses.
I don't get to live my life, I'm surviving not thriving.
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fella-lovin-fella · 6 months
hey if you ever feel like you're faking your pain/mental illness/any symptoms, or if you feel like no one understands or believes you. i do. i believe you. i love you and i hope you do what you can to take care of yourself <3
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