#fats for children
momsqna · 2 years
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crypticf1sh · 9 months
Throwing this up here and then scuttling away because I haven’t seen the new episodes yet and don’t wanna get spoiled
Behold! Prismo and Jake 🎉
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This last one is based on a panel from the comics where he comes off the walls and his other side is like fucking space time. man’s just a big fucked up reversible blanket fr
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wh40kartwork · 6 months
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by fat-elf
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bigfatbreak · 5 months
of course im like a fart away from finishing my giant update ive been struggling with for actual weeks AND MY FRIDGE BREAKS DOWN....
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crowlipso · 11 months
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Baby Anne! continue from this
I love drawing family fluff as much as I like angst, we need a balance between these two genes and I think I can manage it pretty well.
Please don't mind Robert, he is just being "typical Rob" but he's a loving brother and would do anything to protect his sister (even though he always teased her by calling her 'adopted kid' like a nickname every time he has a chance to open his mouth around her)
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bfpnola · 1 year
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hey! as y’all know, Better Future Program is an entirely youth-run nonprofit and we provide over 3,000 FREE social justice, mental health, and academic resources. but because the majority of our volunteers are full-time students in middle school, high school, and college, we need YOUR help!
the screenshotted sections above have WAYYYY less resources than some of the others. do you think you could help us out? if you have leftist, anti-capitalist resources that align with these topics, please submit them here!
to reiterate, we are looking for leftist, anti-capitalist resources pertaining to: Jewish rights, Muslim rights, immigration, climate change, reproductive rights, classism, children’s rights, educational equity, and fat liberation
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muppet-facts · 10 months
Muppet Fact #807
Fat Blue is the only Muppet to be identified via an adjective and a noun in The Muppet Character Book of Jim Henson's Muppets from CTW's Sesame Street.
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The Muppet Character Book of Jim Henson's Muppets from CTW's Sesame Street. 1973.
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kumatajdg · 6 months
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A scene from the Railway Series story "Thomas' Christmas Party"! Not as polished as I'd like - got a bit too ambitious for the limited time I had to work on this ^^;
Still, I hope you all enjoy, and have a very Merry Christmas!
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whenthewallfell · 1 year
The lackluster romance and overemphasised 'love triangle' in The Hunger Games movies makes more sense when you frame it as Peeta's hijacked memories after the war.
Katniss being super cold towards him? The terrible cave scene? The emotionless 'I need you' on the beach? The general lack of chemistry between them? All the Gale angst?? Peeta's entire character being reduced to a damsel in distress and very much feeling like a spare part??? The totally weird and unsatisfying epilogue where the distance between them in the field is emphasised and something about the lighting and framing makes it feel like a Bad Ending????
boom hijacking it's all in his head
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alizalayne · 9 months
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omg girlies you’re never gonna believe it but the witchfinder general is hot on my trail
(this is a removal request for beetle by a ??? local political candidate in northern VA???? who is i guess running on an anti witchcraft platform??)
alt text is there if you can’t read the handwriting. i think this is very very very funny. i don’t think she knows girls kiss in it
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wh40kartwork · 1 year
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by fat-elf
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moaminhalis · 6 days
Help me and my family evacuate from Gaza
My heart is heavy as I write this urgent ple...
Me and My family in Gaza are facing dire circumstances due to the ongoing conflict.
We've lost everything and urgently need to evacuate to safety. I've set up a GoFundMe to raise funds for our evacuation and basic necessities. Your donation can make a difference.
Please consider contributing or sharing our campaign to help us reach our goal. Your support means the world to us.
Please continue Supporting my family
@palestinianembroidery-blog-blog @palestinecharitycommissionsassoc @palestinegenocide @pales @northgazaupdates @narutobrainrotstuff @newsfrom-theworld @nezreblogz @no-bitch-i-cant @nables999 @newsweekscience @cherifaouachani @cbcnews-blog @cbcn @cbc @jazerazz-blog @alarbya @newspaperblackout @newyorker @newsflick-blog @cbb666 @cbcmusic-blog @bmwusa @bellabayushki @bmwusamotorsport @rolix11-blog @river-to-sea @alwansh-blog @voidpunkaroace @anemals @animal-factbook @animated-disney-gifs @animals @dogshaming @cherifaouachani @childrenwithswag @kids @bignightengineer @children-of-everfree @cartoonpolitics @cartoonnetwork
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cthulhusstepmom · 1 year
So we have all agreed that Ghost doesnt sleep, whether he's lying awake in bed staring at nothing till the wee hours of the morning, or roaming around base in the darkness drinking his tea, the man doesn't sleep until he physically passed out. What about Soap?
Show me Soap who grew up in a house full of siblings that he had to help raise and only got peace when they went to bed. Give me Soap who hates going to sleep more than anything because night time is his time, when everything is quiet and he can just be Johnny without anyone around. I want to see Soap turn off at night, put away the constant noise and the giant blinding smiles and just enjoy having a little quiet time, not because it's all not real or not him, but because this is also a part of him. A part of him that doesn't fit the Soap persona that he's curated, a part of him that has been weaponised against him more than once. "Why can't you be quiet like you were last night?" "How come you're an entirely different person at night?" "Go to fucking sleep you live alone you can have quiet time whenever". And maybe it's like pulling nails being around other people at night, just makes him want to scream and cry and just beg to be left alone. But not Ghost.
Maybe they run into each other at night and Ghost doesnt know what to say when Johnny just completely flips a 180, going from reading or quietly sketching to bouncing off the walls and flirting and just being Soap™. And maybe as time goes on and they spend more and more sleepless nights together, maybe Johnny allows Ghost to see him be quiet, and maybe just maybe, Ghost becomes Johnny's peace.
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lizandreil · 2 years
so we all know andrew and neil will adopt sir and king in the future right. now imagine andrew and all his black clothes looking all intimidating. but then you take a closer look and you see that his black shirt is covered in cat fur. because it’s impossible to get rid off no matter how hard you try.
and andrew would always be pissed at them for leaving fur literally everywhere but every time king or sir asks for pets or climbs on his lap he won’t dare to shoo them away and lets them sleep while petting their tiny heads because andrew is the best cat dad even though he tells neil he will throw them away every day.
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braixen · 5 months
it is very wild having a very curated social media presence where everyone on my dash agrees humans deserve rights and then venturing out of my circle and seeing people go “hm…no, i don’t think they do.”
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bathmob · 1 year
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this dudes posture is so fucked
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