#feedback appreciated !
whimstories · 29 days
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I colored it! 🥹🥳 I'm learning color! 😭🥳
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lalalalyla · 4 months
Something Borrowed
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thegrobek · 3 months
The Magnus Archives #101 Another Twist
Spoilers for episode 101!
I have returned with an offering
The animation is finished, for now. This is the version I'm turning in for my final assignment, but I'm considering finishing it later, the full 1 minute. Maybe the whole episode later
Well it was a journey. I'll rest some more and come back with more TMA and Cotl art
And thanks to everyone for your kind words on the sample! I'm glad a lot of people like it 💜
Well, enjoy
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majachee · 2 years
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The gang forced them to wear this.
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rainbowmilk · 9 months
Don’t Forget Me II
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I was not planning on writing another part, but I couldn’t help myself
Warning: Language (?)
Treech x Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
series masterlist | <- Prev Next -> |
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After the mayor finishes his speech, it only takes seconds before Peacekeepers grab you. They rip you and Treech apart, ignoring your shouts of protest. Treech tries to reach for your hand again, but the Peacekeepers yank him back, nearly knocking him over.
The soldiers marched you to the train station towards an old cargo car locked with a heavy padlock. As you stood in front of the train car, you nearly gagged. The stench was overwhelming. The cart smelled rotted and thick with manure. You doubt they’d even bothered to clean it. You desperately didn’t want to get in, but you had no choice.
One of the Peacekeepers took out a set of keys to unlock the train, and the rest started shoving you in. Treech acted quickly, lugging himself in and stretching his arm out to help you up. But it must’ve taken too long because a peacekeeper grabbed you by the back of the neck and tossed you onto the train. You barely managed to catch yourself.
Treech rushed to your side, pulling you up off the ground. “Are you alright? Did they hurt you?” he questioned as he cupped your face, eyes scanning you for injuries.
“I’m fine, just tired of being treated like a sack of flour.” You chuckled bitterly while rubbing your neck.
District Seven was one of the last districts to get picked up, so you didn’t have to spend nearly as long on the train as other districts. A thought that filled you with relief when you felt something crawling near your feet. You could vaguely see the outlines of the other tributes. Though none of them made much noise. You could almost believe you were alone.
As the train chugged along, you and Treech shuffled over to an empty corner, trying to get comfortable. He grabs your hand and plays with it gently, his fingers interlocking with yours. Something about the action brings tears to your eyes. You never considered your hands pretty, filled with callouses from hours of demanding work, but by the way, he holds them, they might as well be made of porcelain.
When you first spoke to Treech, you’d quite literally fallen for him. Despite being in the same class, you’d never directly spoken. He was always surrounded by his friends, his laugh filling up the room (not that you were paying attention). You mostly kept to yourself. Honestly, you don’t know what made him approach you that day, but you’re so grateful he did.
✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧
“What are you doing?” a small voice exclaimed up at you.
You jumped at the sudden noise and slipped from the branch you were perched on. You weren’t very high up, but the impact left you gasping for breath.
As you lay on the ground, your vision was blurred, but you could make out a boy peering down at you. His eyes narrowed slightly in concern.
After you regained your bearings, you grumbled, “Well, before you interrupted me, I was drawing.”
“Oh…Sorry,” the boy chuckled awkwardly. He fidgeted slightly before asking, “Can I see your drawing? I’m Treech, by the way. We go to school together…In case you don’t know who I am.”
You wanted to roll your eyes. Of course, you knew who Treech was. You lived across from each other and were in the same class. You decided not to mention that, hoping to spare yourself the embarrassment of him not noticing.
“I know who you are, and no, you can’t see,” you respond before climbing back up the tree.
You were going to continue sketching until you noticed he was still standing there looking oddly dejected. A wave of guilt hits you when you realize you may have come off as rude.
“Hey, sorry... I didn’t mean it like that. I’ll show you when I’m done if you want to join me,” you say before patting the branch.
Treech perked up at that, beaming up at you. You decide he looks much nicer when smiling. He climbed up the tree, plopping himself next to you. Neither of you talked after that. You continued to sketch, and he sat with you, swinging his legs back and forth.
Soon enough, it became routine that whenever you went to the tree, he’d be there waiting for you. You started talking at school as well. Slowly, he became a constant presence in your life. Now, years later, you can confidently say he’s your best friend.
✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧
The sound of the whistleblowing snapped you back to the present. You must be arriving at a station. The train screeched as it came to a halt. From the outside, you could hear the chains rattling as they were unlocked. The doors slid open, and the District One tributes were staring back at you. In what felt like seconds, they were hastily thrown into the cart, and the door was locked once again.
The journey to the Capitol couldn’t have taken much longer, but it felt like an eternity in the damp train. Eventually, you heard the familiar whistle, and the train slowed to a stop. The tributes started shuffling, but the minutes passed, and nothing happened. At least another ten minutes must’ve passed before you heard banging against the doorframe. The door was wrenched open, and a peacekeeper shouted, “All right, you lot, let’s move!”
The sudden influx of light was nearly blinding. You had to take a moment to adjust. Treech is one step ahead of you, already jumping down before offering you his arms. You allow him to take you by the waist and swing you down to the pavement.
You were grateful for Treech’s quick reaction as you watched the Peacekeepers get rougher the longer it took the remaining tributes to crawl out. You take a moment to look around under different circumstances, you’d be gawking at the architecture, but that all feels insignificant now. While looking around, you see a boy dressed in red talking to one of the tributes. He looks too clean to be a tribute but too skinny to be a Peacekeeper.
You didn’t get much time to ponder who he was because Peacekeepers began herding you and the rest of the tributes across the station to the main entrance. Where a truck that looked more like a cage on wheels awaited you.
The tribute who is missing part of his arm, tried to make a run for it, but he didn’t even make a few feet before he was dragged back. You hopped onto the cramped van, and Treech immediately guided you into one of the last open seats before positioning himself next to you.
From the corner of your eye, you saw a flash of red jump moments before the doors closed. To your surprise, it was the boy from the train station. A thick tension settled over the truck as you all stared him down. He hunched over, realizing his precarious situation. You turned your head to meet Treech’s eyes. Both of you amused at the boy's obvious discomfort.
“What’s the matter, pretty boy? You in the wrong cage?” said the boy from District 11 Reaper, if you remember correctly. How ironic, you can’t help but think.
You missed what the Capitol boy said, but it must've been something insulting because, in the blink of an eye, Reaper’s hands encircled the boy's throat and slammed him back. Reaper’s forearms pinned the other boy’s body against the bars. Trying to keep himself from being killed, the Capitol boy drove his knee up hard into Reaper’s crotch. You wanted to laugh, but you doubt that would’ve been received well.
He might kill you now.” The girl from District 11 coughed out. “He killed a Peacekeeper back in Eleven. They never found out who did it.”
“Shut it, Dill,” the boy growled.
“Who cares now?” said the girl fro—Dill.
“Let’s all kill him,” said another voice, “Can’t do nothing worse to us.”
You wouldn’t consider yourself bloodthirsty, but a part of you agreed, besides the Capitol boy brought it on himself. Several other tributes also murmured in agreement and took a step in. The way the boy went rigid with fear almost made you pity him.
Before anyone could do anything, the rainbow girl spoke up. “Not to us, maybe. You got family back home? Someone they could punish there?”
With that, all the anger was sucked out of you, replaced with a gaping hopelessness. The girl then stood up and wriggled through to place herself between all of you and the Capitol boy.
“Besides,” she said, “he’s my mentor. Supposed to help me. I might need him.”
“How come you get a mender?” Snapped a girl with short red hair. Glaring daggers into the Capitol boy. You couldn’t help but agree. Why did she get extra help?
“Mentor. You each get one,” he corrected.
“Where are they, then?” The redhead challenged. “Why didn’t they come?”
“Just not inspired, I guess,” the rainbow girl replied before winking at her mentor.
You turned to Treech again and dramatically rolled your eyes. The small smile that graced his face filled your chest with warmth. Sometimes, you wished he wasn’t so good-looking. You hated that one smile was all it took to make butterflies swarm your stomach.
The conversation lulled, and silence filled the truck as it drove down the winding roads. Suddenly, the truck lurched to a stop, jerking all of you forward. At that moment you were grateful you had nothing in your stomach because you’d surely have thrown it up.
A Peacekeeper came and opened the back door to the truck, but before anyone could climb out, the cage tipped and dumped you onto a slab of cold, damp cement. Not a slab, actually more like a chute, it was tilted at such an extreme angle that all of you began to slide immediately. You all traveled a good twenty feet before landing in a jumbled heap on the floor.
You gingerly untangled from the others before making your way over to Treech. Cringing at the groans from the tributes you accidentally crawled on top of.
You brushed his hair back and readjusted his hat, “Treech,” you whispered, “Are you okay?”
“I’m okay, don't worry” he responded as he pulled you into his arms. You allow yourself to relax, nuzzling into his shoulder. Trying to calm down from the chaos of the day.
It isn’t until you hear a small giggle that you turn around and see two young girls pointing at the two of you. They watch you through metal bars, gawking. You pull away slightly, feeling oddly self-conscious. Treech seems to notice as well, looking equally uncomfortable.
Confused, you start to scan the area. Metal bars enclose you. To your left, there is a cluster of thin trees, and rocky sand lines the ground. Suddenly a nauseating realization hits you.
They’d put you in a fucking zoo.
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versusvirtuous · 2 months
Charming Hearts : Spider-Woman AU Chapter One Draft
A/N: Before I post this to ao3, I wanted to post it here to get some feedback!
words: 1011
warnings: talks about being perfect, some angst, i don't know how to write dialog and swearing
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Red tries really hard at everything, and it never seems like she's doing her best. But she should be. She's Spider-Woman, the protector of New York, and damn it, she should have it together.
She should be the perfect student, the perfect hero, and the perfect girlfriend. But she's not; she's far from it, and she's now running late to a second make-up date this week because the Big Wheel (of all villains) decided that tonight is the perfect night to rob the bank. Red is swinging from building to building, trying to make it to the movies on time, trying to prove to Chloe that she's serious about their relationship.
And she is! She is so serious; she loves Chloe more than words can describe, more than she can feel. But Red keeps letting her down; she keeps failing. If she was just better at being Spider-Woman, then her personal life wouldn't be so flakey.
If she was better at being Spider-Woman than Chloe wouldn't have broken promises. If she was better at being Spider-Woman than...
Red can list a million things that would be better if she was just better. 
Red shoots her webs on a building, and when she goes to shoot another one, she quickly realizes that, oh sh*t, she's out of webfuild. Gracefully, she lands on her stomach, and with a grunt, she gets up. She should've changed out her cartridges before swining away, but she was in a hurry. She can count the number of times she let Chloe down this week alone.
It's then that Red reconginizes the alleyway. As the one she threw her bookbag in earlier when she first saw the Big Wheel zooming down the busy New York streets. Red can't believe that Big Wheel kept her from her date. Not that she likes being kept from her dates, but she would be a little less mad if it was any other Villian.
Red gets dressed quickly, tripping over her own two feet as she rushes out of the alley, desperate to make it to the movie theater on time. After jumping over people and cars, she makes it to the movie theater. She's just lucky that she gets to make up for it, this time at least.
Chloe is looking down at her phone with a frown on her pretty face. Red hates it when she frowns. A face as pretty as Chloe's shouldn't ever bear a frown on it. Red hates that she's the reason for it.
"Hey," Red says as she walks up to Chloe. 
"Hi," Chloe smiles, putting her phone away and embracing her girlfriend. If Red was asked to describe home, this would be it. Her girlfriend is holding her with a smile on her face. It finally feels like she's okay. Like she doesn't have to be perfect.
"You're on time." Chloe mumbles into Red's hair as she presses kisses to it. "And you smell like tar?"
"New cologne," Red lies quickly, to which Chloe makes a rather confused face. Because, duh idiot, no one has colonge that smells like tar.
"Intersting." Chloe laughs; she pulls away from the embrace, staying in Red's arms. "Do you want popcorn?"
"Yeah," Red nods.
If Red was being completely honest, she wasn't paying attention to the movie at all. She was studying Chloe. Her facial features, the way her nose crinkles when she laughs. The light that Chloe has in her eyes. And she couldn't be more in love; if she could frame anything, it would be Chloe's smile.
She feels her hand being squeezed and Chloe's breath on her ear.
"The movie is up there, Red." There's a soft giggle to her voice as she whispers in Red's ear. "You look at me enough already."
Red shrugs her shoulder and turns her head slightly to reply. "I could look at you more."
She never thought she would be one of those annoying teenagers on a date gigling and ruining the movie for everyone else. But then she met Chloe, and she became everything that annoyed her about high school couples. 
"Stop it," she whispers, rolling her eyes. "Watch the movie."
Red tries to, but her eyes keep looking back at Chloe. Her girlfriend was a masterpiece, an artwork to be admired. Sometimes in moments like this, she wishes that she could just be Chloe's girlfriend, but it's selfish, and the city will always need her more.
They walk out of the movie, hand in hand, both with big smiles on their faces. It felt nice for once to finally give Chloe the date she wanted. Chloe bumps their shoulders together.
"Walk me home?"
And Red does, and they talk about just random things. When they reach Chloe's house, she realizes how badly she doesn't want the night to end.
"I really don't want the night to end," Red says before placing a soft kiss on Chloe's lips.
Chloe frowns at the quick kiss. "It doesn't have to. Why don't you spend the night?"
But then Red hears the sirens and the familiar laugh of Shocker and realizes that no matter how much she wants to, the city comes first. 
"I uh." Quickly think of an excuse. "I got to help my mom walk our pet lion...?"
Chloe sighs, but it sounds more like a scoff. Sometimes Red wishes that Chloe would just get mad at her and call her out on the obvious bullshit that comes from her lips.
A fake smile is plastered on Chloe's face as she nods."Have fun with the lion."
Red just smiles back and starts to walk away. She could just stay with Chloe and let the NYPD attempt to do their jobs, but she can't. Not knowing that she could do something. That she has the ability to help.
She runs into a nearby alleyway, climbing up the wall and changing out her web cartridges before putting on her costume. Red stands up on the building, throwing her bag and webbing it to a wall and swinging off into the night.
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another questionable idea my brain has cooked up but what if, starscream for some reason was a wingless freak? maybe in an au where he didn’t join the decepticons early on and for some reason either had his wings too badly damaged in an explosion or something that they had to be amputated or they were taking for him for certain,,, assassinations?
basically i want him to suffer and because he‘s starscream and vain to high hell, he just refuses to live with it as is? he‘s not getting them back either has a punishment or because the hinges (are they on hinges?) are too badly damaged, or sum?
i’m not entirely sure how i would fit a romantic troupe into this au beyond the „i’ll fix your wings if it‘s the last thing i do“ point but yeah i want megatron to be down bad for starscream and wanting him to be happy
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Quick drawing of 7 year old Mikey with a butterfly because I can.
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yuri-is-online · 1 month
An office shoujo think post
so you know that post from wttmcsms? The one about having a fake ring to chase off the men, a character who doesn't notice it, and flirts with reader trying to prove he'd be the better husband:
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I came up with a slight idea for a dating sim based off of it by expanding the original concept just a tad... but I would appreciate some advice lol. It would be a super simple project with the classic neutral, bad (sort of), and good endings to help me practice the coding stuff.
The Setting: it's a simple office rom-com, nothing too deep or serious. The MC has recently decided to start wearing the ring due to some bad experiences at their previous job and is encouraged to do so by their best friend who promises to help keep up the ruse.
original concept/the flirt- same as the above described scenario with no real changes... he would be the "first route." Very shojo flirty love interest who wants to prove himself to the MC and teases them a whole lot. Pretty simple not too much drama?
the pathetic guy- Lennox... he's short and normally really self assured but for some reason he turns into a pathetic mess around the MC on his route. He's a bit of a loser when it comes to romance and constantly shooting himself in the foot to the point it is surprising how well put together he is outside of it. Similar in concept to the flirt's route except he's not a smooth operator.
the tsundere- megane ceo ikmen except she's a woman. She's the sister of your best friend and doesn't remember hearing about you getting married but what if it's true? And she's lost her chance? Because she keeps sticking her stupid foot in her mouth and making it sound like she hasn't been in love with you all this time and when she learns you aren't married that just makes it worse. Because if she flirts with you now then won't she just be like all the other people who made you uncomfortable?
My problem is I would want to add a fourth normal route but I can't settle on a good trope to model it after... the reason being I have a yandere route planned and i know that's not everyone's cup of tea lol. But tropes are difficult, so here are the potential ones I was kicking around:
let's sexualize that old man- idk middle aged salaryman who works at the company tm. The problem is I wanted to also make him a little more pathetic which is Lennox's trope. I guess we don't have a kuudere, which sort of works well for the middle aged man trope.
rivalmance- the MC is a secretary and the business they work for makes some sort of product... so I guess there could be another secretary? Maybe for the cfo of the company. I'm thinking of a rich, bratty ojou-sama. A Regina George type... except less pink and more black??? I'll be honest I am not as fond of this one might need to take it back to the drawing board.
senpai- a pretty obvious trope for this sort of set up... a mentor at the company, maybe the retiring or senior secretary who is very soft and big brotherly who is really gentle in how he expresses his concern over how little your husband seems to care for you, but not because he wishes he was him. If he says that enough maybe he'll believe it?
kohai- MC is new to the company so maybe a little bit of a timeskip where there is a new secretary who really wants to prove himself. Super big golden retriever energy with a person who desperately wants to be taken seriously but is a bit clumsy so you don't at first. He insists he loves you but everyone in the office brushes his feelings off as a crush and it's super annoying!!!! But he's got really chubby cheeks so his pouting is just too cute to listen to what he's saying.
or something idk. I want to work on the demon thirst trap idea but... I really need to practice the code to do that well so I need to do something much much simpler first and office shojo is pretty simple I suppose.
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141n3 · 2 months
gojo thee stallion
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whimstories · 15 days
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Summer!Blitzø appreciation ☀️🥰 Original sketch.
Still learning color! 🥳 The final image has a mid-day shadow, highlights, and bodyguard glasses. I really liked the original paint work too, so I'm showing them side by side. I'm surprised how much I really like this one 🥹🥰
It's basically spooky season so I'm trying to push out the summer WIPs before autumn overcomes me. I have a Stolas painting that is meant to pair with this, but Stolas is too pretty to capture so I keep redoing it lol
Definitely want to push myself with dynamic mood lighting that tells a story. I'm realizing I'm in 'study mode' so I tend to forget "oh yeah, where are the characters right now? What's the context of this image?"
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reallyverysane · 4 months
Little Serpent, Long Shadow
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Pairing: Astarion x Fem!Tav, Named Drow OC (Tav'are)
Summary: The gang saves a handsome Zhent from certain death, and are repaid with a sweet reunion and a party. Astarion is less than enthused about Tav's choice of dance partner. The tension comes to a head (finally).
Warning: Explicit/ 18+, oral (F receiving), P in V sex, fingering, angst and complicated feelings, OC canon.
Word Count: 7.9k
The smell of the gnoll’s blood and the burning oil of the alchemist’s fire hung acrid and thick in the air. As the smoke cleared, two grimy, blood covered faces appeared in the mouth of the cave.   
“By the gods, you’re a sweet sight!” The man’s relief flooded his voice, “I thought for sure they had us.” As his tired eyes adjusted to the light he gave Tav a salacious once-over and grinned. “Must be my lucky day after all.”
“What are you doing all the way out here? This is dangerous country.” Tav rested her weight on one leg, subtly rocking her hip out and emphasizing the pleasant curves of her figure. “It’s not a pretty sight out there.” 
“I know,” The man lamented, hanging his head and sighing. “The godsdamned beasts ambushed us and killed half my crew before we even knew what was happening. Poor fuckers.”
Tav eyed the man suggestively, an echo of the look he had given her. “Normally I don’t do rescue missions for free, but I might be convinced to give you a discount. You seem like you’ve had a hard enough day already ser…” she paused, gesturing to him expectantly for him to give his name. 
“Ah, Rugen.” He gave a mock bow with a slanted smile and a quick wink. “At your pleasure.” The man standing behind Rugen let out a long-suffering goan, rolling his eyes so hard his whole torso followed. 
“Stop flirting Rugen, my gods! Our whole crew just died!” 
“Yeah, and we’re still alive, that’s lucky. So shut it, Olly.” He flashed a devilish smile at Tav, straight white teeth catching the sun. “No use dwelling on the past, eh? Not when we all got business to take care of.” 
“Oh?” Tav crooned, slowly twisting a curl of her long silver streaked hair around a finger, head cocked coquettishly. “And what line of work are you in, Rugen?”
“I’m a trader, mostly, fine and rare goods I might add. Been traveling with this cargo all the way from Elturgard.” His posture stiffened and he drew his shoulders back, clearly proud of his work but unwilling to divulge too many details. 
She decided not to push, the fight with the gnolls had been rough, and she was in no mood to start another. 
“Is your destination far? We could escort you the rest of the way, help guarantee your luck holds.” She heard a groan from behind her, Astarion clearly annoyed she was offering their help to yet another random stranger. She shot him a glare over her shoulder before turning back to Rugan. “We could all use a break if there’s a tavern or the like at the end of your road.”
“The name of the place is Waulkeen’s Rest. It’s not far along the road, you can’t miss it.” 
Tav’s face fell, “That place is not much but ash, I’m afraid. We passed it on our way here. There were some survivors, but they had been raided by a band of drow and goblins. 
Rugan heaved a deep sigh, turning his face skyward, beseeching any who might listen. ”God’s above. Can we catch a break?” He drew his hands down his face, pressing his palms into his eyes, and squared his shoulders. “Right, well, Olly and I still need to head there and see what might be left. The spot’s hidden, down a hatch in the floor of the barn out back. By some miracle, maybe it’s all still standing and we’ll finally get to have a relaxing pint in peace.”
“Mmmm, pints.” Karlach chimed in, wistfully. “Can we go, please?”
“I owe you all a drink, to be sure, lots of ‘em. Our goose was well and truly cooked before you came along! If you come by, give this code to the doorman: Little Serpent, Long Shadow. They’ll know you’re a friend of the family.” 
Shadowheart and Wyll had silently moved behind Rugan and were nodding enthusiastically at her over his shoulder, playfully pleading. She chuckled, dimples softening her angular face. 
“Thank you, Rugan, we’ll see you there.” Tav looked up into the man’s handsome face, his strong jaw and high cheekbones accentuated by the sweat and grime of their fight. They could all certainly use a night to unwind, and what better way to do so than with the help of a tall, gruff, stranger. 
*   *  *  *  *  
Coming back to the smoldering husk of Waulkeen’s Rest, Tav worried momentarily that the fire had consumed more than they hoped. Following Rugan’s instructions she led the group, out of their armor and dressed for a night of merriment, behind the smoking ruin. To her delight she saw a few outbuildings that had weathered the fire’s heat, including a tall barn. Once inside, a tense and jumpy man ambushed them, voice cracking in his false bravado, before she recited the passphrase and was ushered through a series of basements to the opening of a massive underground cavern. 
She felt oddly comfortable in the space, the still air filled with the echoing sounds of people at work and the ever present drip of water through the walls of the cave. As the group wound their way down the earthen ramp that led inside, Astarion slid to her side, hissing in her ear. “Why, praytell, have we simply thrown caution to the wind for a night of piss beer and bad company? We know nothing of these so-called ‘traders’. We could easily be walking into a trap, unarmored and unarmed!” 
“You’re unarmed!?” She affected a tone of shocked derision and whipped her head around to him, silver curls flying. “What do you mean, you’re unarmed?” 
Before Astarion could dance out of her way, she had closed the distance between them in a flurry of skirts. He felt the cool length of a dagger press against his throat, just hard enough for him to feel without drawing blood. She grinned, looking up at him through her lashes. “My, my, you have gotten sloppy.” 
“Not quite, dear.” He raised an eyebrow, lightly pricking her side with the dagger he held to her ribs. “Seems we’re both appropriately wary after all.” He backed away from her stiffly, lifting his arms in exaggerated surrender. She deftly twirled her blade across her fingers before sliding it back into the sheath at the top of her thigh. The slits in her skirts fell open and his gaze hungrily roved over her long, muscular calf, the powerful, soft thigh, up to where the fabric met again, just below the dip where her leg met her hip. She gave him a knowing grin, turning away, the panels of fabric sliding back over each other to fully conceal the weapon. 
He stood for a moment, rooted in place, before he felt a light chuck on his shoulder. His head whipped around to see Wyll waggling his eyebrows, eyes darting back and forth between him and Tav. 
“Better close your mouth, Astarion” Shadowheart teased as she looped her arm into the crook of Wyll’s elbow and pulled him down the ramp. “Wouldn’t want a bat to fly in.” 
*   *   *   *   *
“Tav’are?! What in the hells are you doing here?” 
The voice rang out as Astarion pulled himself up the last rung of the ladder onto the outcropping of rock. Dusting himself off and looking up he watched, surprised, as Tav ran forward, jumping into the open arms of the leader of the operation. Both women were holding the other’s face, their gleeful shrieks careening off the walls of the cavern. 
“What am I doing here? You should be fucking dead Zarys!” The astonishment on Tav’s face lit her features like the sun. She held the woman at arm’s length, shaking her head and probing the human’s features. “You have to be over two hundred years old at this point! How?”
“Oh, business has been good, and when you’re the top earner for the Sword Coast Zhents, they tend to want to keep you around. They have mages back in Waterdeep that make powerful life-extending artifacts. Long as I stay useful, I stay youthful!” 
Tav pulled the woman into a crushing bear hug, laughing from deep in her chest. “I should have known you’d find a way to weasel out of mortality. You’re the slipperiest eel I ever met!” 
“Clearly, I’m not the only one! How in nine hells did you get here? How are you even on the surface?” 
Karlach and Gale were the first to interrupt the reunion, excited to meet someone who had known Tav in the days before the tadpole. As it turned out, she and Tav had formed somewhat of a partnership when the trader had met her trying to fence stolen magic items on the streets of Menzoberranzan. Tav had been running with a ragtag group of urchins, surviving by pickpocketing and petty theft. Zarys, seeing the business potential in the young scamp, had set up a regular trade of information, rare gems, and magical artifacts. Tav and her cadre of lost children had been small and unnoticeable enough to sneak unseen into the moldering estates of deposed Great Houses in search of valuables. Zarys, in turn, had provided the children with a steady stream of income and supplies, sometimes even offering them passage out of the City of Spiders to the surface. 
The last time they had seen each other was a lifetime ago, when Tav was only 80 or so. The human woman had already survived well past her lifespan even then, appearing to be no more than thirty while actually having lived over a century. 
After the warm welcome and happy reunion, the attitude among those in the cave became jubilant. The Zhents would be caving the place in within the next few days, not wanting the fire to draw Flaming Fists down on them, so it was decided there would be a proper Zhentarim send-off. That seemed to simply entail much food, drink, and music. Astarion begrudgingly admitted that their vintages were excellent, after their quartermaster Dent insisted on opening a rare bottle of Elverquisst from Waterdeep. Gale had practically sprinted across the cave at the sound of the cork popping, desperate for a taste of home. 
Astarion had to hand it to them, the Zhents truly did know how to throw a party. They had set up a makeshift bar and tables, using upturned barrels and crates for seats and long, worn planks of wood for tabletops. A few of their number were skilled with instruments and the cave resounded with the melodies of flute, lyre, and fiddle. The group’s cook prepared a magnificent roast boar, basting the glistening skin as another of the crew slowly turned the beast on a spit above the fire. There was a buoyant levity in the atmosphere of the cave, both the Zhents and their own little crew happy for a night without the worries and travails of the road. 
Still, Astarion couldn’t shake the gnawing, cold feeling in his gut. He tried, at first, to put the feeling down to his hunger. But he had fed just that afternoon on a gnoll. While they certainly weren’t very appetizing, the beast had sated his thirst for the evening. He watched, sullen, as Tav floated around the cavern, eyes bright and smile brilliant. He had never seen her this uninhibited. Her laugh came easy and lilting, rolling over him like a bell tolling. She and Zarys stayed glued to each other for a time, speaking of everything and nothing, trying futilely to fill each other in on the century that had passed.
Once in a while, he would catch her watching him back, a quizzical smirk twisting her mouth. He would nod, or raise his glass in silent toast to her, and she would shake her head and turn back to whomever she was captivating at the time. 
Karlach flopped onto the red clay floor of the cave at his feet, swaying slightly in her cups. “What is it, Fangs? Why are you so broody all the time?” She pulled her knees up under her chin, arms hugging her shins. “Can’t you see it’s a party? Get out there! Mingle! Have some bloody fun for gods’ sake.” 
“I happen to be a bit more… selective, in my choice of companion.” His haughty tone made Karlach roll her eyes and groan.
“Pull the stick out of your ass Astarion. She’s having a good time. Do you think it will help your case if you ruin it? Especially when there’s others around who would be glad to indulge her.” She looked over at Tav, who was standing close to Rugan, leaning on the makeshift bar, a mug of frothing beer in one hand and her other playfully batting at the trader’s bicep. Her deep, slate colored skin caught the warm glow of the braziers, their blazes reflected in her laughing eyes. As he watched, Rugan snaked an arm around the small of her back, leading her toward the cleared space by the musicians where Gale and Wyll already twirled, taking turns spinning each other in a drunken courtly dance.  
He felt a growl bubble in the back of his throat, limbs itching to leap forward and snatch her out of Rugan’s arms. It was a ridiculous idea, one clearly borne of too much wine, but he had to grip the arm of the crude camp chair he languished in to keep himself in place. 
Karlach sighed, standing and dusting off her leathers. “Suit yourself.” She breathed, resigned. “But just so you know, it wouldn’t kill you to take a risk once in a while. Life can be pretty great when you stop thinking so much and just let yourself be.” Her wise words were somewhat undermined by a sudden and violent hiccup that ripped out of her, but she merely laughed and turned back to the celebrations, calling to Zarys for more stories of Tav in her youth. 
Astarion needed to do something. He couldn’t sit here any longer watching that trader’s hands all over Tav as he spun her around the dancefloor. He was frustratingly nimble, leading her through complicated steps with ease, her body yielding to his touch in a way that had Astarion digging his nails into his palms. She had been quite upfront with him about her attraction, but since the day she had mocked him for his cheesy lines they had stayed relatively guarded around each other. He had found no time when he could pull her away from the rest of their group to explore further whatever it was he felt. His plan to seduce her for favor and protection was absolutely not going how he had imagined. Her uncanny ability to see past his mask to the man below had left him rattled, unsure how he should proceed. 
In another time, before their slimy passengers, he would have floated onto the dancefloor, effortlessly spinning her into his arms and cutting the Zhent out of the picture. Another woman might have swooned at his boldness, but he had a feeling she would just tell him to wait his turn. Unwilling to face the potential rejection, he slipped deftly into the shadows, unseen, to plunder the unguarded vaults in the back of the cave. If the traders were stupid enough not to place guards during a party, he might as well teach them the error of their ways. 
*   *   *   *   *  
Tav was having the best night she’d had in decades. The effervescent joy of her reunion with Zarys bolstered by lively music and stimulating company. She let Rugan lead her in one dance after another, her head spinning along with the swirling steps. Though his speech was rough and his advances obvious, he treated her with a quiet courtesy she found charming. There was no pretense with him. She knew what he wanted as if it was written plain on his face. After weeks of uncertainty and dread, never feeling like she fully understood the situations she was thrown into, it felt nice to have a clear and pleasant path laid out before her. The man wanted what so many had before, and she had wants of her own. A lascivious smile curled her lips as she imagined his strong hands, leading her now in a bouncing two-step, holding her roughly by the waist and pressing her to a cold stone wall. 
The music slowed and he pulled her toward him, twisting her under his arm and curling her in so her back was against his chest. Holding her to him, she could feel his rising excitement against her rear, and pressed herself wantonly into it, swaying with the beat. His hand slid from her waist to the front of her thigh, fingers achingly close to the place where her skirt slit. She spun away from him in a whirl of fabric, the deep navy cloth whispering over her skin. When he pulled her back in, he dipped her low, his strong arm supporting her back while he brought his mouth to hers. The kiss was fervent and hungry, his hand moving up her back to crush her to him. To the beat of the music he brought them both back to standing, lips still melding together, one hand now clasping the side of her face. 
An applause erupted from behind her, bawdy whoops and whistles from the Zhents and her friends. Blushing wildly, Tav buried her face in Rugan’s chest, groaning. He laughed, loud and unashamed, stepping back from her and taking an exaggerated bow. In an instant Shadowheart and Zarys rushed forward, grabbing at her hands and dragging her away. 
“We just need to borrow her for a moment.” Shadowheart called to Rugan “Promise we’ll bring her back in one piece.” She snorted a laugh and pulled Tav down a snaking corridor. Zarys held Tav’s hand, leading them down a steep slope to a looming wall of red stone. Smirking at Tav and Shadowheart, she walked backwards into the rock, pulling Tav’s hand. The illusory wall flickered as they passed through, and the room opened to reveal a large domed space with a massive iron elevator in the center. 
Tav gasped, dropping Zarys’ hand. “Does that go to the underdark?” Her voice was shaky and weak. 
“Yeah, but that’s not important!” She waved off the questions forming on Tav’s lips. “I’ll tell you all about it in the morning. Right now I just want the details.” 
Tav laughed, her momentary nausea at the thought of the elevator fading, and grabbed Zarys to her for another bone crushing hug. “Gods, you never change, do you?” Seeing Shadowheart hovering awkwardly next to them, Tav reached out an arm and pulled the cleric into the embrace. 
Zarys pulled away, beaming at her. “But seriously, Rugan? I’ll give you this much, I had no idea he could dance like that. Truly, I’m floored, but Rugan?” 
“Why?” Tav’s face fell, she was normally adept at reading people, especially those she thought to take to her bed. “What’s wrong with him?” 
Shadowheart rolled her eyes, “Ugh, he’s so cocky. He’s been wearing this smug, self satisfied look all night. Like he’s showing you off.” 
“He is.” Tav chuckled. “I don’t mind being shown off. It’s not complicated with him Shads, he’s upfront and direct.”
“He’s a pair of cheekbones with no personality!” Zarys interrupted, “The man is barely worth the money we spend outfitting him. Honestly, hun, he’s an idiot.” 
“I’m not marrying the guy!” Tav protested,”We’re here one night. Let me have fun with an idiot, at least I know he has decent rhythm!” 
Shadowheart cackled, but her eyes were searching, staring at Tav with something almost like sadness. She swallowed her laughter, voice becoming low. “What about Astarion?” 
“Is that the pale one with the moody eyes and great hair?” 
Shadowheart touched her finger to the tip of her nose and nodded. She didn’t speak, waiting for Tav’s reply, her eyes imploring. 
“I don’t…” Tav started, voice faltering. “I don’t know about him. He acts like we’re on the same page, like he just wants something to escape from all this.” She gestured at her forehead and Zarys raised a quizzical eyebrow, not knowing about the tadpoles, but let Tav continue. “But we haven’t even really kissed, and I feel like he’s been avoiding me ever since I told him I was attracted to him. I just… It’s kind of exhausting. I’m too old to play games.” 
“Wait, Tav?” Shadowheart held up a hand, “How old are you?” 
“I’m not exactly sure. Not many name-day celebrations in the gutters of Menzoberranzan, but I think around one hundred and seventy.” 
Shadowheart’s eyes went wide. “Huh, I thought for sure Astarion would be significantly older than all of us, but I guess not. Either way, you both are too old for playing games.” 
Zarys nodded vigorously. “Well, first thing’s first. If you didn’t care for the pale guy you wouldn’t care that he was being skittish. Now, that doesn’t mean you can’t go fuck Rugan for fun, but who would you rather be down here with later.” She gestured to the large, mostly empty room. “There’s some blankets in a crate over there, and I’ll leave the illusory wall up for some privacy, but you gotta cast silence if you’re going to be too noisy. This place echoes like motherfucker.” 
Shadowheart stifled a laugh in her hand. “Good to know! So Tav, who will it be? The admittedly handsome idiot who you’ll never see again, or the admittedly handsome idiot who travels with us and occasionally sucks your blood?” 
“That's what it is!” Zarys clapped her hands, the sound reverberating around the chamber.”I knew there was something about that guy I couldn’t put my finger on!” 
Shadowheart clapped both hands over her mouth and her eyebrows disappeared into her bangs. “Shit! I can’t believe I said that!”
“Oh, don’t worry about it, honey.” Zarys patted her back affectionately. “I’ve been around far too long to have qualms about shit like that. I’m guessing he’s a spawn, not a full vamp, yeah? The spawn are always so much more maudlin. Must be the whole, lacking in free will, thing. How’d he end up with you all?” 
Tav gave Zarys a meaningful look. “It’s a long story.” 
“Understood.” She watched Tav for a moment, letting the silence fall between them, curious, but trusting her to divulge what she needed to. “So, what are you actually wanting from him?” 
“Ugh, I don’t know.” Tav groaned, “Right now I really just want someone to throw me up against a wall and make me forget about the world for a while. Is that too much to ask?” 
Zarys and Shadowheart shared a low chuckle and a sly look, their eyes lingering just long enough for Tav to catch. “Ha!” She blurted, “I guess I’m not the only one who’s trying to have a pleasant evening.” 
“True.” Shadowheart demurred, “I don’t really have an opinion either way, I think you should do whatever it is that you want, but I have seen the way you look at Astarion. And the way he looks at you. You’re both disgusting, but it’s kind of cute.”  
“He couldn’t take his eyes off you all night, kid. Kept glaring behind his wineglass at you and the blonde. He slinked off somewhere when you started letting him touch your ass on the dancefloor. It’s not a big cave, though, I’m sure you could find him.” 
“Gods, I missed you, Zarys.” Tav gently knocked her forehead into the older woman’s, “Now get out of here. I guess I have some thinking to do.” She stuck out her tongue in a pantomime gag, shooing them out past the illusory wall. “Tell Rugan I had a dizzy spell and I’ll come find him later if I start to feel better.”
Zarys winked over her shoulder. “Atta girl, keep your options open.” As the two of them left, Zarys’ hand slipped from Shadowheart’s waist to the curve of her hip. Tav chuckled to herself, sitting on the cool, rough, stone, her back propped up against a wooden crate. After a few moments she rose with a deep sigh, mouth set, posture strong, to look for her idiot. 
*   *   *   *   *   
Astarion choked down bile in the back of his throat, letting the wave of nausea roll over him. He had watched Rugan kiss Tav from the shadowed door of the vault and had begrudgingly returned the stolen gear to the chests he’d found them in. Resetting the traps and fiddling with his lockpicks until he was able to latch the iron grates again from the outside, he slipped quietly away from the scene of his reversed crime. If she wanted to spend the night here with Rugan, she certainly wouldn’t appreciate a rude awakening in the morning when the Zhents found their best loot missing. He was kicking himself for how soft and precious he was being, when he turned a corner in the dark tunnel and ran face first into her. 
Tav stumbled backward and he shot out a hand to catch her wrist before she lost her balance, Feeling a stab of bitterness he spun her toward him in a mockery of a courtly dance, employing every ounce of his upper class bravado. She pulled in a soft gasp, her other hand coming up between them to press into his chest. He held their arms above their heads in a flourish, intending to spin her back out in a well practiced move. Before he could, her hand was balled in the ruffled fabric of his shirt, pulling him in and pressing her hips into his. 
“I was looking for you.” She breathed into his ear, her lips ticking his earlobe and sending a shiver down his spine. 
“Oh? You seemed otherwise occupied.” His voice was just as low as her’s, words tinged with a hint of venom. “Didn’t want to get between you and the dancing dimwit.”
“Don’t tell me you were jealous.” She teased, leaning in and brushing her teeth against his neck. “It’s not like I’d let him bite me.” She nuzzled against the crook of his neck, her fisted hand in his shirt pulling him tight against her.
“I’d hope not, darling. You’ve no idea where a mouth like that’s been.” He was drunk on the smell of her, the feel of her body against his. They had been circling around each other for some time, planets destined to collide in their orbits. The touch of her skin shot sparks through his fingertips. Still, he felt his shoulders stiffen as she pressed closer, the echoes of his past raking their claws across his back. His best chance at survival was with her, and the easy way she had yielded to his machinations was altogether positive, but his gut twisted at the thought of bedding her under false pretense. 
Tav felt Astarion tense against her, his body like a bowstring. She unclenched her fist from his ruffles, leaning back on her heel to get a better look at his face. Though his eyes met hers, he seemed hollow. Just for a moment, she saw the reflection of that familiar yawning emptiness she had seen so many times iin the mirror. Her hands slid from his chest and shoulder as she took a small step back, creating some distance between them, his hands still on her waist. 
“Are you alright?” Her face opened to him, curious and concerned, and the sincerity of it sent a jolt of fear straight through him. He scrambled to replace the mask he had obviously dropped, pulling his features into the predatory allure that had won him so many conquests. 
“Not yet,” He paused for dramatic effect, smoldering at her from under his strong brow. “I need you to promise me something.” 
“Mmm?” She didn’t take her eyes off his, boring into him with a look that brooked no deceit. He wanted to fold and retreat from her, but his plan was already taking too long, and he needed to get her under his thumb. The Zhent’s hands had been all over her, touching all the places he had thought about tracing with his own fingers. His anger flared at the memory of their dramatic kiss, the way the man had lingered, holding her to him in front of the cave full of people, staking a claim. 
Karlach’s words echoed in his head, stop thinking, just let yourself be. 
“Tav, I…” His quip died on his lips. Her heart was pounding in his ears, blood rushing hot in her veins. He tried to still the warring waves of desire and revulsion, buffeted by the storm inside. There was a part of her that saw his intentions, and yet she continued to allow him near her, feeding him with her blood and beguiling him with her body.  Their small moments together were charged with attraction, but when they sat together by the fire at camp or gossiped cattily on the road, Astarion couldn’t deny the calm that settled over him. Her voice had become a balm to his isolation. He found himself ever striving to coax a grin or a bright laugh from her lips. 
She searched his face, sensing the shift in his thoughts as his fingers tightened around her waist. Her breath left her in shallow gasps, the twisting heat in her core spreading outward as he once again closed the space between them. 
“What do you want, Astarion?” Thick with need, her question hung between them.
“I just… I don’t… “ His head spun, unable to land on a singular answer. He wanted to bed her, he wanted to drain her, he wanted to lay in the sun and press her to him, he wanted to slink into the shadows to hide from her light. But he had a plan to enact. She was in front of him, practically begging to give herself to him. He couldn’t let his inner turmoil keep him from snatching this chance and running with it. “All I want, darling, is to know that you’re here, with me, while that ogre you were toying with goes to bed in a cold bunk. Alone.” 
“I guess you really were jealous.” She cocked her head and smirked, biting her lip as her gaze drifted over his ruinous face. 
“Don’t play the fool, you wicked thing. You knew all night what it was doing to me, watching the oaf paw at you.” He leaned into her neck, deeply inhaling the scent of her, juniper honey and iron. “I practically wanted to rip his throat out when I saw him steal that kiss from you.”
She chuckled, a dark, smokey sound low in her throat. “He stole nothing, Astarion.” His grip on her waist shifted lower, clutching her hips and pressing himself into her, a territorial growl escaping his lips. “Though, you’re a rogue, I’m sure you could manage such a simple act of thievery.”
“Would it really be theft, my dear?” His body stilled, hands bunched into the flowing fabric of her skirts. His breath on her neck sent cool shivers over her skin. 
“No.” She sighed, “I suppose you can’t steal what is freely offered.” 
Her words opened a floodgate within him and he allowed himself to act purely on instinct. His lips found hers, desperately chasing the warmth of her mouth. She clung to him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, fingers twining into his curls. She felt electric against him, sparks arcing between their bodies as they crashed together. The screeching echoes of his past drowned out by the pounding of her heart. He surrendered to his need, wanting only to consume and be consumed by her. 
She whimpered a moan into his mouth as her lips parted and his tongue flicked between her teeth. The tension that had built between them finally snapping, they melted into each other, breaths coming fast and ragged. He had thought many times how it would feel to have her, warm and yielding in his arms, his small fantasies a spark compared to the inferno of reality.
 She kissed him back with a fervor that surprised and delighted him, her fist in his hair pulling him hard against her mouth. Her body rolled wantonly into him as she rose onto her toes to deepen their kiss. He groaned at the contact, his head swimming in the heady flavor of her mouth and the scent of her skin. 
Tav broke from the kiss with a ragged inhale, lids heavy and pupils blown. 
“Fucking finally!” She laughed, the sound echoing off the vaulted stone of the cave.
Astarion shuddered, hearing in her words the answer to his own desire. She took a small step back from him. He loosened his hold on her waist, unballing his fists and letting the loose panels of her skirt fall back around her feet. His eyes never left her parted, berry lips. 
“Zarys showed me something I think you’ll appreciate.” Her grin was crooked and mischievous as she reached down and pulled the skirt apart, revealing her shapely thigh. His fingers moved to brush the soft, slate gray skin, mesmerized. She playfully batted his hand away, and reached for her dagger, concealed in the swirling skirts.
“Now darling, no need to get violent, we were getting along so well.” He teased, but a small corner of his mind recoiled, thinking somehow she had lured him into a state of lust drunk vulnerability only to betray him. She merely smirked and tossed the blade over her shoulder. The dagger passed, shimmering, through an illusory wall and clattered unseen to the ground. 
“Clever.” He purred, regaining his grip on her skirts and steering her through the wall by her hips. He guided her backwards across the floor of the cavern to press her firmly against the red stone at the back of the room. Now hidden from view by the glinting enchantment, he began to pull at the fabric of her shirt, frantically groping underneath to cup her full breast in his palm. 
She moaned softly, head lolling back against the rough surface. Leaning hard into her, trapping her against the wall, he grasped a fistfull of curls at the nape of her neck. She smelled of deep pine forests warmed in the sun, of honeycomb and gin. He drank in the scent of her throat, inhaling deeply while trailing nips and kisses from her collarbone to her jaw. She melted into him, hand tugging boldly at his hips, small rhythmic cries escaping her lips and he ground into her. 
“Astarion…” Pleading, his name a ragged prayer barely audible over the sound of her pounding heart in his ears. His hand roved over her, grasping desperately at waist, ribs, breasts. She shivered under him, crushed between his desire and the crumbling cavern wall. When his fingers ran over her nipple, pebbled under the fabric of her shirt, she groaned and bucked into him. 
He captured the sound with his mouth, ravenous for the taste of her soft, yielding lips. She kissed him back, frantic, burning. They merged, breath mixing in feverish gasps. 
“Gods, you smell amazing.” He rasped, breaking contact with her lips to drag a fang lightly down the skin of her throat. She shuddered, head rolling to the side in invitation. He wanted to sink his teeth into her soft flesh and draw all of her heat into his own veins. Before he could, she dropped her hand along the planes of his stomach and her fingers found the waistband of his leathers. His arousal strained painfully against the laces, and her fingers sent shockwaves through him. Hissing in a sharp breath past his fangs he pulled away and caught the wicked glint in her lightning streaked eyes. 
Tav held his gaze as she traced the outline of his cock through the front of his leathers, delighting at the small shudders that ripped through him. She searched his eyes for a hint of the apprehension she had seen there. Her brow arched in a silent question, palm cupping his length. 
Astarion could barely think through the fog of his desire and the intoxicating bouquet of her skin, his calculated plan all but abandoned at the touch of her fingertips. He nodded, lips slightly parted. “Yes” was all he could manage before she was kissing him again, deep and hungry, her fingers pulling at the strings of his leathers. 
As his erection sprang free he shuddered, pressing himself into her, crushing her against the wall. Her hand snaked between them to grasp his cock, tip slick with need. Her touch sent sparks through him and he bucked into her fingers, a primal growl rumbling in his chest. She hitched her skirt aside, revealing the plump expanse of her thigh, and stood on her tiptoes to curl her leg around him. 
The heady scent of her arousal surrounded him. His cock in her hand, his tongue in her mouth, her body writhing against him, he nearly came undone. Breaking their kiss with a stuttering breath, he knelt, pulling her leg from his hip to rest over one shoulder. Parting the flowing panels of her skirt, revealing the deep burgundy flesh of her sex, he titled his face to her with a wicked grin. She stared down at him, her eyes heavy lidded and burning with lust. He kept his gaze locked to her face as he dragged his finger up the length of her core, watching her melt under his touch. Her eyes rolled and she threw her head back with a soft cry as he languidly drew circles around her clit. She was already slippery with want, and she bucked into his fingers, soft mewls of pleasure echoing around the cavern.  
The heat of her was intoxicating. As Astarion slipped his fingers inside he brought his mouth to her throbbing apex, lapping at the bundle of nerves there. His head spun with the taste of her, all thoughts receding as he deftly worked his tongue, drawing deep tremors and breathless cries from her. Tav moaned his name, her fingers twisting into his curls, and his cock throbbed, aching to be inside her. He drove his fingers faster, his other hand stroking himself in time. He sucked at her tender flesh, drawing her closer to her peak, her legs quaking. Her breaths came quick and heavy, her walls clenching around his fingers as her fervor climbed higher. 
She came like a wave crashing into rocks, the cascades of her pleasure tearing through her. His masterful fingers found the spot inside to drive her onward, drawing out her orgasm as she bit into her arm to muffle the throaty moan that wrenched from her. She rode his fingers, pulsating with the crescendo of her pleasure, gasping for breath.
At the peak of her ecstasy her knees gave out and she slumped, boneless, against the wall. In a fluid, practiced, motion Astarion rose, shifting her legs from his shoulders to his waist. Hooking his strong archer's arms under her trembling thighs he held her, pressed against the stone, grinding himself into the slick heat between her legs. She was still riding the aftershocks of her climax, head lolling back and small high pitched moans escaping her kiss swollen lips. When his hardness pressed against her she whined and her hips bucked wildly, her nerves on fire. 
Astarion drank in her face as she came undone, reveling in her fluttering lids, the sharp cries of pleasure spilling from her berry lips. He gripped her ass and drove her harder against him, aching to sheath himself inside her. Trembling, she fell forward onto his shoulder, she clutched him, steadying herself and slowing the rhythm of her hips. He felt her smile against the skin of his throat, a soft chuckle mixing with the small gasps still she still uttered. 
“Gods, Star…” She breathed into his neck, her legs tightening around his back and drawing him closer. Her words became a deep moan as he teased her entrance. She pulled back to meet his eyes, angling herself to take him, her gaze hungry. “I need you, now…” 
He obliged, driving into her slick heat. The silken tightness of her walls around him drew a guttural cry from his lips, his body spasming with the intensity. She angled her hips into him, allowing him to bury his cock deep within her, and moaned as she began to ride him. It was all he could do to keep his hold on her, bracing himself against the stone and burying his face in the crook of her neck. Small, muffled whines pulled from him as she undulated, each move of her hips driving him deliciously deeper into her and closer to his own release. 
Astarion fought for control within his own mind. He had imagined over and over what it would be like to finally bed his alluring companion, but in his musings he had never anticipated the way she would make him feel. He had used his body as a lure for so long he had all but forgotten what it felt like to experience his own pleasure. Now, he was all but drowning in it. 
A part of him was struggling to regain sense, to claim the upper hand and win her loyalty, but that part seemed to be losing to the greater whole of his longing. As he rutted into her, their bodies surging in time with the primal rhythm of desire, all thoughts of his plan and his past fell away. He could focus only on his need to consume her, to be one with her warmth. The sound of her heartbeat, pounding and frantic, filled his ears and drowned out the persistent, gnawing doubt that plagued his every waking moment.  
Pumping into her faster, he dug his fingers into the gunmetal curls at her nape and pulled her head back, exposing her delicate throat. Tav shuddered, rolling her hips and moaning a soft “yes”. He playfully bit her flesh, suckling on her neck, drawing her blood to the surface. As he dragged a fang along her skin he felt her clench around him, her body shivering in anticipation. The convulsion nearly sent him over the edge, his own body quaking. Tav whined into his ear, a wordless plea, and he sunk his fangs into her. The sudden rush of her blood into his mouth, coupled with the deep shuddering spasms around his cock, had him moaning and bucking, desperately trying to maintain his composure. 
It was too much to bear. As he swallowed greedy mouthfuls of her blood, his hips jerked deeper into her and he felt himself unraveling. A rasping cry tore through him as he tumbled over the edge of his pleasure, the hot coil in his core snapping with a violent release. He spent himself inside her, his cock throbbing in time with his hungry quaffs of her blood. She felt the tremors of his climax and met him with her own, the walls of her sex spasming, drawing him deeper and pulling the strands of his desire from him. In the throes of his pleasure he cried her name, a keening whine muffled by the flesh of her shoulder and bubbling through a mouthful of her blood. She echoed his wail with her own, his name a whispered moan in his ear. 
As they receded from the precipice of their ecstasy, Astarion gently lowered Tav to the ground, untangling his fingers from her hair and licking the wound at her throat clean. Her breathing was ragged, her heart racing, standing on shaky legs as he slipped from her. She leaned back against the stone of the cavern, a shy smile on her lips, her gaze turned inward. 
“Well,” She whispered, the hint of a chuckle bubbling from her. “That was…” She trailed off as her eyes swept up to meet his, her icy stare meeting his burning crimson with a jolt. He wore a look of haunted surprise. Though the corners of his lips curled in a satisfied grin, his eyes were wide and almost empty, his thoughts leagues away from where the two of them stood, bodies still heaving against one another. The affectionate warmth she felt was shot through with an icy stab of doubt. Had she misread his intentions? Had she somehow done something wrong? She tentatively brought her hand to cup his cheek and he flinched at the touch. Hissing in a sharp breath, as though her hand on his face had jolted him back into his body. She opened her mouth to ask him where he had gone, but he silenced her with a deep, soulful kiss. 
 Astarion was determined to conceal the tempest of emotions that raged within him. Her  touch had been the first in centuries that he had chosen for himself, the first he had actually enjoyed in longer than he could remember. The way her bright eyes searched his face shot a bolt of fear through him, as though she could read his apprehension. As he kissed her, tender and honest in his affection, he marveled at his dueling urges. He wanted to cling to her, desperate for the reassurance of safety and reciprocated care, while another part of him longed to dash from the too-silent cavern into the night.
Unsure of how to proceed, Astarion nearly dropped with relief when the sound of Karlach’s ale-sodden voice echoed into the chamber with a tone of bravado and challenge. Breaking the kiss and pulling away from Tav just a bit too quickly, Astarion did not meet her eyes. “As much as I would love to linger in your arms all night, dearest, I had better go. Wouldn’t want our hot-headed hellion to forget herself and accidentally incinerate one of our hosts.” He still did not meet her all too observant eyes as he bowed deeply and pressed a kiss to the back of her hand. “We really must do this again sometime, darling.” 
With that, Astarion spun away from her and retreated a bit too quickly for the casual air he was trying to maintain. Tav stood, body still humming from the exertion and pleasure, and silently watched him scamper back up the earthen hallway toward the center of the party, awkwardly retying the laces of his leathers as he went. While she hadn’t expected a long, affectionate cuddle, the sudden absence of him was jarring after the warmth of his embrace just moments before. She had caught the shift in his features, the shadow that drifted across his face as the heat of their joining cooled. 
Though Tav had claimed that all she wanted was to be thrown against a wall, now that her goal had been accomplished a sense of unease settled over her. She had made the choice to go looking for Astarion instead of rejoining Rugan, the budding affection and deep attraction she held for the vampire overshadowing the promise of mindless fun with the Zhent. Now, though, she wondered if she had made the right decision. Astarion had seemed willing and enthusiastic, but the shadow that had washed over his face at the end reminded her too much of the hollow smiles and empty words she used to ply to her clientele in the underdark. 
She would have to be careful with this one. For both his sake, and hers. 
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greyspirehollow · 4 months
Prepare for trouble - Make it double
Pairing : Quaestor Valdemar x (demon) Reader Fandom : The Arcana visual novel Warnings : science (I'm not good with warnings) ; discussion of experiments ; probably inaccurate depiction of said science (like it's probably not how it works, I ain't no scientist, I'm an artist)
Summary : To make sure you live as long as your beloved, you went our of your way to make a deal with the Devil. The downsides? You have the same morbid curiosities and fascinations as your dearest, though you specialize in another field...
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It had been a few months since you made your deal. Things had changed, of course, but you felt as if the sacrifices you made were little in comparison to spending eternity by Valdemar's side. And you couldn't have possibly done that without giving up your humanity... But you knew you had done the right thing. Everything had become more tender with the Quaestor, it seemed they'd finally allowed themselves to feel for you, to love you ; They were spending more time by your side, they held you more often, at times you could swear you could see a spark of love and adoration in their eyes when they looked at you... And honestly? It's all you could've asked for. Everything else was a bonus.
Spending more time together undeniably meant you picked up on some quirks from each other's behavior. Even though you had a much more theatrical side to you (which seemed to be easier to indulge into, since you weren't so afraid anymore since your deal ; although you do know how to control it. People often perceive you as rather calm and composed, actually), you had caught yourself standing like them a few times. Once, you two had tilted your heads at the same time during a conversation, drawing a few laughs out of both of you. It seemed like Valdemar had picked up on some of your behaviors as well, which... You hadn't expected. You remember loosing your shit at one of the few jokes they cracked around you from time to time. Sure, they were still very much themselves, but you feel like their time with you warmed them up somewhat. A few days after you came back from your deal, they'd offered to wrap your horns in bandages, just like they did with their own, and you couldn't refuse (it was just so cute). Your horn shape was more vertical, with a slight angle to them, but in the end, you had matching bandaged horns, and it just made you giddy every time you thought about it. You would tease each other at times, even though when other people were around, the Quaestor was much more reserved, a bit contrary to you. But you caught a smile behind their mask once or twice.
And of course, all those soft moments were worth everything you'd given up. Your humanity, and your moral compass. Regarding science, anyway...
You hadn't told them anything. When those strange thoughts came to you, it made you curious. Not only because you'd never thought of this before, but also because it was... Interesting, actually. You knew you probably shouldn't indulge in them. After all, you weren't human anymore, your thoughts weren't the same... And yet, you gave in. You had noticed how when Valdemar was really invested in an experiment, it seemed you could go anywhere you wanted and they wouldn't notice... Or they perhaps didn't mind. Of course you loved watching them work, and they didn't seem to mind your presence... But seeing them so fascinated by the corpses they were fiddling with inevitably awakened those thoughts in you again. So you'd taken advantage of those moments to wander the streets of Vesuvia, looking for a perfect hideout. You had found what looked like an abandoned tavern at the end of a narrow, dark alleyway. It took you a while to manage to pick the lock of the thick wooden door, but once you did, you couldn't help a wicked grin from spreading onto your face. This. Was. Perfect.
You entered what looked like an old cave, finding stacks of dusty wine bottles, a table or two and cobwebs. You couldn't help your heart from picking up in pace as you mentally drew a picture of your soon-to-be laboratory. This was exciting. You dedicated the following weeks to cleaning up the place. You'd deconstructed the wine stacks, gotten rid of the bottles (which you were sure weren't good for consumption anyway, and the idea of risking Valerius' life to make sure of that simply hadn't come to you) and moved the wooden tables. If you wanted this place to be as spotless as you could make it to be, you'd have to do a deep clean... And that's what you did. Back when you were human, you could've never thought of doing that, ever. But now? The excitement at the prospect of upcoming experiments gave you the energy to basically do anything.
Eventually, after two week and a half of deep cleaning (mainly because you couldn't give it a 24/7 attention), the cave looked empty enough for you to start furnishing it. This only took you three days. You would sneak out the Palace at night into various physicians' offices and alchemist's shops to borrow equipment. Vials, petri dishes, syringes, candles, the strongest magnifying glasses you could find, more petri dishes, sample tubes, test tubes, goggles (though you doubted you would need them), gloves, tweezers, spatula, scoopula, glass bottles, erlenmeyer flasks, flasks, tongs, corks, beakers, pipets, petri dishes again YOU NAME IT- ahem.
This was thrilling. The more you brought equipment to your makeshift laboratory, the more excited you become. This would be fantastic. Phenomenal. Breakthrough after breakthrough, things scientists could only dream of achieving...
Then began your experiments. In the following months, your laboratory filled with them, test subjects and wet specimens, files thick as an encyclopedia as you wrote down report after report and protocol after protocol....
However, eventually, you knew you wouldn't be able to keep this to yourself. And you probably shouldn't. It didn't feel right to hide it all from your beloved... And so, after nearly ten months of your secret escapades to your lab, you decided to expose your discoveries and experiments to Valdemar. It was late, somewhere at the end of winter. As if time meant anything anyway. You found the surgeon in their dungeons, as usual. You stood afar for a moment, your heart thumping violently in your ribs out of both nervousness and excitement. You took a deep breath, and walked towards them, gently wrapping your arms around their waist from behind and resting your head on their shoulder. "Good evening" they said sweetly, briefly glancing at you. They could feel your tough heartbeat against their back, and wondered what could be the source of supposed distress. "Is something wrong?" they asked, their hands swiftly stitching up the corpse they had been working on. "...Can I show you something?" you inquired, though with a slight uncertainty. It seemed they sensed it. "Of course." Valdemar replied "I'm always happy to see what you've been up to." they said, putting their instruments aside and wiping their gloves hands on their apron. You couldn't help your grin and a spark of mischievous excitement from lighting up your eyes. The Quaestor knew that spark : they shared the same when they talked about their experiments. This only made them more intrigued. You took their hand and excitedly walked out of the dungeons into the streets of Vesuvia, guiding them to your hideout.
You found the key to the heavy wooden door and opened it, eagerly inviting them inside (even if you tried your best to keep your excitement level-headed). Their eyes widened as they slowly made their way inside : it really looked like a laboratory... only less professional. More made from scratch, though the equipment was there. Shelves lined the walls, on which laid all sorts of things : mainly jars, mostly wet rat and mice specimens, floating ominously in the liquid. but there were also tinier flasks, sealed shut, with a biohazard* symbol onto some. no, onto all of them. You didn't speak just yet, letting them take a look around while fidgeting with your hands. They approached one of the tables you worked on, seemingly analyzing the equipment. "So that's where all my petri dishes went" they teased, making you chuckle. Their gaze went back to the table "...Is this all your doing?" They asked, their eyes landing on the specimens again. You nodded, unable to stop a little proud and (morbidly) excited smile as you mentally prepared to ramble about your experiments. Valdemar's eyes scanned the equipment again, and finally asked "What did you do with all this?"
You grinned from ear to ear as you went to fetch the boxes where you kept all your reports, bringing them to the table while pushing aside some instruments (which thankfully you weren't currently using for an experiment - imagine the catastrophe if anything fell on the floor) "Alright, so-" you started, pulling out a file "I'll start with my simplest experiment : BH-012. It was my first successful one, actually uhm- are you familiar with pathology ?" your words seemed to tumble out of your mouth with uncontrollable enthusiasm, and Valdemar found themselves highly intrigued. "The science and study of diseases, yes, I've heard about it. Though as you know, it isn't my field of practice" you nodded frantically "Yes ! yes. Well... I got interested in that, suddenly, I don't exactly know why -maybe has to do with my deal- and well... I thought it would be a good idea to uhm... to try things out !" You had the Quaestor's absolute and undivided attention. Which was hard to do, let's be honest. You couldn't be more excited "I've played with dangerous things.." you admitted, flipping through the files. "So ! BH-012...."
And so your rambling started. You began with this first bacteria, which you had managed to successfully mutate, altering its initial effects. This is what you had done with all your experiments. You mutated and fiddled with everything : Bacteria. Viruses. Prions. Parasites... These held nearly no secrets to you anymore. You've nearly experimented on all. You had pushed the limits of the ethical and created biohazardous biological weapons, all contained in these tiny sealed-shut flasks and vials lined up on your shelves, which you had frozen* for safety. You explained to them in details some protocols of certain highly successful experiments, like the prion PA-003, or the virus VY-045... You explained how you studied how your diseases spread, contaminated, and destroyed their hosts on populations of rat and mice ; you showed them the second room, in which there was a tank similar to a terrarium full of plants, and another one full of fungi and mushrooms. You explained how you had managed to make a mutation of the BH-012 bacteria, BH-014, thanks to these fungi, allowing the bacteria to develop spores to spread, whereas before it was only transmitted by being consumed. You went on to explain how you used the tank of plants to develop cures for each of your diseases, making copies of the formula and protocols to follow in case one slippery little virus or fungi managed to make its way out of your laboratory.
The Quaestor was smitten. They loved your humanity, they always did (even if they'd denied it for a while), this part of you that had allowed them to be a little more themselves each day... And now this ? This was the cherry on top. This non-human side of you, devoted to science, willing to experiment, going beyond the biologically reasonable and push past what would be ethical until there were no cell to modify left in the world... And the last specimen you presented to them, with that wickedly excited grin and mad glint in your eyes just was the death of them. You proudly held up the wet specimen of an orange worm, with two long thin tendrils that spewed out of its mouth. "Just a lil' guy, huh? This is a type of brain tapeworm" you started "it's called a neuro-parasite. Some already exist in nature, but I've uhm... made it worse" you chuckled "It acts very progressively : they lodge themselves atop of the brain, slowly but surely planting their tendrils further and further until they reach the motor controls, basically... turning the host into a puppet. It's not actually hard to remove, a basic acidic solution does the job and dissolves it, but uhm... the delicate part is not damaging the brain while dissolving the worm." you were about to go on, but something suddenly popped in your mind, and you excitedly went back to your shelf. Valdemar's jaw hung slightly slack at everything. But they'd share their thoughts once you would be done. "Something funny happened to one of my worms, actually-" You retrieved another wet specimen of an orange worm, though this time, it had some sort of exoskeleton, and two little fangs "It mutated" you said, feeling all giddy. The Quaestor couldn't help but share your excitement, even if pathology wasn't their field of specialty "It mutated? This particular worm mutated, creating this unique structure and its small little fangs?" you nodded eagerly. You continued : "Not that it can resist the cure, no no- it's become practically cousins with a millipede. It still had the tendrils to lodge in the brain though. I have to admit, I ran out of inspiration and called it Fortis Vermis… but I secretly call it skitters" Valdemar chuckled "skitters?" you laughed as well and nodded. "yes, skitters... I like him a lot... It's my most beautiful specimen." You said, looking dreamily at your wet specimen before putting it back on the shelf with the others
After this very eventful night, you couldn't help but be a little apprehensive of Valdemar's reaction. What would they think...? They had not uttered a word since you both had left your makeshift laboratory. You suddenly felt very nervous. You looked at them and was about to say something, but you blinked in surprise. There was a new spark in their eyes : amazement and wonder... a certain lightness. You were... Confused. They seemed to notice your stare and looked at you, their red eyes meeting your golden own. They smiled. "Thank you for showing me all this" their tone was... surprisingly affectionate, and you couldn't help your cheeks from reddening slightly "ah- w-well... that's only natural, no?" you chuckled "You have no problem showing me your experiments, and it felt very... It just felt wrong not to show you." The smile didn't leave their face as they continued to walk with you. It seemed your earlier excitement had rubbed off on them, they looked to be in a particularly good mood. They looked ahead again and inhaled before speaking : "You and I will make a fine duo in scientific history" Your eyes widened slightly, your anxiousness suddenly evaporated. You felt warm. "really?" they nodded "absolutely. Say, do you want me to give you... Human specimens from time to time?" you gasped "you- you wouldn't !!" they chuckled at your excited reply "oh yes I would. I'd be delighted to see just what your diseases could do on a human corpse" You had to stifle a screech of excitement. It would help you make significant progress, even if you had one body every few months. You gripped their arm and brought them in an embrace, pampering their face with affectionate kisses. They chuckled and protested that it was nothing, but you thanked them nonetheless. That night, you spent your time discussing all sorts of experiments you could be conducting in the future...
*This may be inaccurate considering the time period The Arcana visual novel seems to take place in
Small Bonus !
It was two days later. You had just come back from dining with the countess and the other courtiers, closing the door of your quarters with a sigh, appreciating the calm. You spotted something on your bed, and raising an eyebrow, you went over it. It looked like a folded piece of clothing. You unwrapped it curiously, and your eyes widened as a lab-coat and apron unfolded before you. It was flawless, though you could tell it was sewn by hand. It matched your size perfectly. A note fluttered to the ground, which you picked up. It read :
"A mad scientist and an unhinged surgeon ; we're going to make quite the pair. I thought you might need this in the future - Val"
This time, you were unable to contain your screech of excitement.
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majachee · 2 years
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Am i getting better at animation or WHAT
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violetmuses · 8 days
Haunted - A. Aretas 🖤❤️‍🩹
Title: Haunted - A. Aretas 🖤❤️‍🩹
Fandom: Bad Boys Film Universe
Character: Armando Aretas
Pairing: Armando Aretas + Female Reader
Main Storyline: Neither of you can stay away...
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Tag List: @nelo0wesker @yassbishimvintage @nobodygetsza @peaxhygirl @superstar-t20 @adoresmiles @klssngss @deja-r @hyper-trash-panda @amethyst-loves-bucky @planetblaque 🏷
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bakaerrri · 1 year
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In the past I posted some of these doodles of my AU called CarnEvil Cups, but never really elaborated. I tweaked a couple designs, but here’s the premise!
It’s an AU, where basically all the debtors have to work for the Devil as carnies, barkers, or performers in his Carnival of Souls (which is just a lovely cover and sham for attracting and collecting pure and innocent souls, like in the show)
This is an AU where the cups don't save them or burn their contracts, rather the Cups are frequent visitors to the Carnival and targets of the Devil who always just manage to avoid his clutches.
It focuses mostly on the daily tedious Afterlives of the bosses and how they have to deal with their fate (they’ve all been assigned to the most ironic, miserable job the Devil could think of- EX, Cala Maria is forced to work at The Goldfish Pool game) and one another, and maybe devising some way of escape. And of course, are they friends or foes of Cuphead and Mugman? Guess you’ll have to find out. 
I want it to be an ask blog, maybe with some plot.
So here are a few of the characters I’ve designed so far! And yes, I’m gonna try to have all the bosses in some way play a part! 
I’d love some feedback if this is something people would be interested in. If it is, I’ll def start working on it! 
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