#feminine aligned
genderdenied · 1 month
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★﹕ g?rlprince
pt: g?rlprince :end pt
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★ ⌒⌒ ;; coined by ! me
‿‿⋆﹒⊹ ; for ↓↓
☆⌒⌒ ;; definition
; a combination of g?rl && girlprince {{ a girl that looks almost human but there is smth that isn’t quite right & can cause uncanny valley ++ being a girl that’s masculine in a prince way / being a girl that is a prince
✶ .. !! same design as my b?yprincess flag for consistency !!
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; plain text && IDs ↓↓
pt: coined by me, requested by anon. Definition: a combination of g?rl && girlprince ( links ). A girl that looks almost human but there is something that isn’t quite right & can cause uncanny valley ++ being a girl that’s masculine in a prince way / being a girl that is a prince
same design as my b?yprincess ( link ) flag for consistency :end pt
ID: A rectangular flag with 5 equal width strips, with colours going in top-to-bottom order: dark purpleish grey, faded baby pink, off white, faded purple, dark purpleidh grey. In between the dark grey and pink / purple strips is a thin off white strip. The second image is the same as the previous but now it has a cartoonish crown in the center, it is coloured white with dark purple as accents, in the center of the crown is a faded pink question mark :ID end
; tagging: @radiomogai @revenant-coining @liom-archive
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feminineenergylife · 2 months
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The feminine way to success is to align yourself to your goals and work patiently towards them.
There's no need to hustle constantly and tirelessly or work extra hard.
Everything happens in Divine Timing.
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urloveangel · 3 months
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inabigworld · 1 year
12 Laws of the Universe:
1. law of divine oneness. everything is connected. everything in the universe is an extension of source energy, which means that on a spiritual level, nothing is separate.
2. law of vibration. everything is made of energy, and energy vibrates at a specific frequency.
3. law of correspondence. your external reality is a direct reflection of your internal state. this law can help you assess the alignment of your vibration.
4. law of attraction. your energy is constantly attracting its vibrational match.
5. law of inspired action. inspiration will come once you are aligned with who you are- an extension of source.
6. law of perpetual transmutation of energy. energy is constantly evolving and fluctuating.
7. law of cause and effect. where your focus goes energy flows. our thoughts is the cause, and our experiences are the effect.
8. law of compensation. you get what you give, you reap what you sow. what you withhold from others will be withheld from you.
9. law of relativity. everything is relative because we all perceive reality in our own way.
10. law of polarity. everything has an opposite. or every problem, there’s a solution. for every right, there’s a left.
11. law of rhythm. like the four seasons, everything in life has a cycle.
12. law of gender. when both your masculine and feminine energies are in alignment.
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cocoabuttavasa · 6 months
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while we evolve and bloom, our hair gets greyer in colour, our conversations increasingly become more conscious and liberating for our souls and our love continues to flourish and get wiser. imagine. 🪻
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gent-illmatic · 2 months
Everyone has 3 faces.
Firstly, the one we show the world and strangers.
Secondly, the one we show family, spouses, and close friends.
Thirdly, the one we show only ourselves.
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c---crow · 8 months
i dont appreciate having my chest called "tits."
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theawakenedstate · 7 months
What is Divine Masculine Energy?
Curious about divine masculine energy? When it comes to understanding the divine masculine, this is a different playing field than the divine feminine. Let’s explore the Role that the divine masculine energy has in relationship to Spiritual Awakening so you can gain a deeper understanding of how to practically use divine Masculine energy in your own life.
Divine Masculine Energy is About Maturing the Ego
The Divine masculine is about Ego Awareness and Conscious Awareness. It’s the place where we mature our ego. Also, it’s connected to The solar plexus chakra because the solar plexus chakra is all about your divine will. Most importantly, the divine masculine teaches us about how we take action.
So when we are in a place of our divine masculine, it’s often about really being the conscious giver. The Conscious Giver of Energy back to the world. It’s basically like being a giver, but not over-giving to the point of Over-doing it(If you think about this with baking, you understand – don’t burn the cake!) The Divine Feminine is often about Receiving energy but the Divine Masculine is about giving that energy back to the world in the form of action, affirmations, making things happen, and support in relationships.
The Conscious Warrior
I always like to say when it comes to archetypes, this is all about being the warrior, the manifesting warrior, because the manifesting warrior knows to let go and let God fill in the gaps, but the warrior will not stay on the couch. He will get his ass up and go because in this energy of :
if I know I am led & guided, I will know the right actions to take. I will move forward anyway. Choosing to truly be in that energy of confidence, assertiveness and initiation, but I’m not going to get bogged down by my ego.I’m not going to be in the victim mindset about this. I’m not going to be in that energy and instead, I’m going to take the action I need to take.
That is the energy of divine masculine. I will not get bogged down by my ego. I will take the action anyway. That is what it means to step into the warrior consciousness because this energy is about owning your personal power.
It’s not about receptivity at all, waiting, or staying still. It is about having an awareness of owning your personal power by making conscious Movement forward. This energy is all about intuitive Confidence in who you are and that is what will drive you forward to take the actions you need to take.
Wounded Masculine Energy feels like burning out
Now, when it comes to being in a place of wounded masculine energy, it might be where you are burning out and becoming a workaholic without realizing it.
Have you ever felt on the verge of burnout before? it’s happened to me quite a few times over the years…one time resulting in a big emotional breakdown where things HAD to change. 
It can be a bad habit, a slippery slope, and often…it can happen unconsciously to our proper awareness. Sometimes it can sneak up on us before we realize it…
It also can have a crazy effect on our mental health and capacity to take action. This is one of the hugest reasons why we might have imbalanced or wounded Masculine Energy. 
We have reached the point of pushing too hard where we never stop, let go and detach.
Inevitably we end up – neglecting ourselves or losing ourselves. 
This isn’t a fun place to be, it can be sneaky too. 
If you’ve ever had thoughts of  “well, i’ll just do this for one more hour…” “I can handle it anyway”  “I feel exhausted but I’ll just workout anyway despite that”  ” let me just keep going” and things keep slipping through the cracks…
and so forth. 
Wounded Masculine Energy turns into symptoms and signs of: 
Not listening to your body
Not hearing your intuition
Neglecting your Emotional Needs despite that they are screaming at you 
Escapism in the form of drugs or alcohol 
Pushing beyond your limits in an unhealthy way…
Getting sick more often to your body’s physiological reaction to stress
and this wounded masculine energy, most importantly neglects our Divine Feminine energy so we’re cutting off listening to spirit…. So we burn out, get sick or mentally break down.  Deep breaths, I know – If this is happening to you or you’re feeling this way,  It’s awful and unfortunately way too common than it should be.
You may be feeling, How do we understand this part of ourselves? What does it even mean to have a wounded masculine energy vs a healthy divine masculine energy? 
And How does this Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine ultimately connect to Kundalini?  And what does THAT mean in relationship to ‘being Balanced?” 
That’s what we’re exploring this week on the podcast, 
Want to Know what the heck is Masculine Energy and how to start practically using it ? 
Catch the full Episode on the Youtube or Season 3 of the Podcast on sunday 
Do you struggle with burnout, pushing too hard or forgetting self-care? This might be coming from a Wounded Masculine energy. However we can learn how to properly heal this by balancing our masculine and feminine energy.
Share your experience in the comments so we can help support you or  share your story in our Awakened Network community Here (we’re building off of social media)
P.S.  Are you Ready for Divine Feminine Rising?
Balancing our Divine Masculine and Feminine Energy within is a practice and skill. 
However It’s important to learn so that you can have more balance and Spiritual alignment in your life – 
Where you learn how to get results easier through understanding your relationship with giving and Receiving. 
Join us on an Important timely conversation in the membership where we’re going to break down the How to Get Started with the Practical Tools & Action Steps to help you balance Your Feminine and Masculine Energy Are you curious on How the Membership works? 
By becoming an All Access member of The Soul-Aligned Life Academy,  you get a Monthly Mini Course Bundle  every month + VIP access to our whole shop library of Workshops and bundles (that’s over 60+ video Trainings + 23 Course bundles on all sorts of topics around spiritual awakening & alignment ) 
– Confused on where to get started? We have a Welcome Kit &  Quiz to help you decide which direction would be perfect for you! New Content is added roughly each week and You have Coaching Q&A access when you need it in the Community space.
Ready to Get Started? 
Be a New Member Today. https://www.theawakenedstate.net/the-soul-aligned-life-academy-membership/
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What is Divine Masculine Energy?
Curious about divine masculine energy? When it comes to understanding the divine masculine, this is a different playing field than the divine feminine. Let’s explore the Role that the divine masculine energy has in relationship to Spiritual Awakening so you can gain a deeper understanding of how to practically use divine Masculine energy in your […]
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spookberry · 10 months
Me: here's a drawing of a guy with long hair
Everyone, every time, for some reason: What a pretty lady, whats her name :) ?
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feminiel · 5 months
Your value is an energy. It is the energy of your higher self. It's the energy of your pure spirit. It's an energy that we need to work on and learn to align ourselves with. When you align yourself with your higher self, you align yourself with your divine value.
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sqrkyclean · 3 months
being a furry has helped me come to terms w my gender So Much
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
The beautiful thing about androgyny and gender neutrality is that it's not one thing. Androgyny doesn't mean "vuagely male in appearance," it can look like long hair, lipstick, high heels, dresses, skirts. It can look like anything!
Being androgynous isn't dependant on your assigned sex and if you present in a semi-masculine way. I've seen some people imply that androgyny (and by some extension nonbonary identity) relies on not being feminine or adjacent to femininity in any way, and that isn't true. Masculinity is not inherently more worthy for androgynous people and/or nonbinary people to uphold.
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urloveangel · 2 months
I feel like actually women are not full of themselves enough 🗣️
dream bigger
exist louder
take up more space
love on yourself even deeper
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shk0lstun-flagz · 10 months
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Tomboy - a girl (or nby) who is “boyish” / GNC (masculine/androgynous) in expression or behavior
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Janegirl - a boy (or nby) who is “girlish” / GNC (feminine/androgynous) in expression or behavior
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✧. ┊Everything changes when you begin to love yourself. You no longer send out energy of desperation or need to be filled from the outside. You become a powerful source within yourself that attracts better. The more you love who you are, the less you seek validation and approval.┊ ♥
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sudansforge · 5 months
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