#fic rec: summer snapshots
Long time no see, my friends, but Midwest Zukka is back with a couple chapter arc under "Summer Snapshots!" It's bridal shower time, and you just know humor and drama is gonna go down with our disaster bisexual couple and their families. I hope you enjoy!
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*Sokka in the backseat wishing he was up front with Zuko singing bad car karaoke and eating terrible snacks*
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gffa · 7 months
It is still absolutely a marvel to me how much BATFAMILY fic I have been reading and enjoying, it's been awhile since I've gone at such a sustained fever pitch so consistently, which is because this fandom keeps putting out fic that makes me fall in love all over again, along with all the comics I've been reading and enjoying. I am so delighted by how I can bounce around various eras or characters (well, let's be fair, I still have a Dick Grayson Problem That I Am Making Your Problem Too) and there's so much to read that I'm having trouble keeping up!
Join me in having the best problem: Too much good fic to read, because I swear that even when I'm crying because fic has punched me in the feelings, I'm still having a great time and it's definitely not a trap to lure you all into crying with me. Well, unless you're into that. And, in that case, READ AND CRY AND/OR MELT INTO GOO WITH ME, BECAUSE FANDOM IS PROVIDING.
BATFAM FIC RECS - BABY DICK IS THE CUTEST FERAL ROBIN I'M NOT HEARING ANY ARGUMENTS: ✦ Step One: Learning to Catch by TheBlueMoo, dick & bruce, 2k     “Okay, now extend your arms.” It was jarring, Bruce reflected, to be taking instructions from his nine-year-old ward. He was trying to think of it as receiving lessons from an expert gymnast instead, but it wasn’t really helping. or Dick freaks out during training one night, and Bruce isn't entirely sure why ✦ the quiet noise by orphan_account, dick & clark & jim (& bruce), 3.4k     When Batman is in surgery after a stab wound to the lung, Commissioner Gordon sits with Robin at the hospital as they wait for someone from the league to arrive. ✦ The art of falling in the rain by Bob_the_bastard, dick & bruce & alfred, 3.4k     Ordinarily it wouldn’t have been an issue, ordinarily Bruce would have taken a few steps back, caught his breath and continued on. But that night wasn’t normal. ✦ Our roots will not whither away by KrazySuperGirl, dick & bruce & alfred & cast, 6.4k     Bruce and Dick return to Gotham. There are plenty of problems and plenty of good days. ✦ Will Protect You From All Around You by zombiesbecrazy, dick & bruce, 3k     Bruce has always expected that one day he'll wake up and feel like a Real Adult, but it hasn't happened yet. Why had he thought that this parenting thing would be easy? ✦ Fly South by SonoSvegliato, dick & bruce & alfred, 1.9k     Birds fly south in winter. Robin leaves in the summer. ✦ Vertigo by tinycrown, dick & bruce & ollie & cast, 1.8k     After being ambushed by Count Vertigo's men, Batman's partner isn't doing so well. Green Arrow observes. ✦ Friends by mx_chrx99, dick & bruce & alfred, 2.3k     The manor loomed large, surrounded by acres of manicured grass and trees bursting with autumnal colors that made Dick feel like he was gazing at a forest on fire. He was distantly aware that the scene in front of him was incredible, something out of a storybook. He should have been amazed and even grateful, but all he could think was, 'Mom would have loved this.' ✦ There For You by Val_Creative, dick & bruce & cast, 2.4k     Snapshots of how Robin came to be Batman's trusted partner and how Dick became Bruce's beloved son. /Standalone. No pairings. ✦ tummy troubles by brandywine421, dick & bruce & alfred, 1.5k     Bruce sat down on the edge of the bed and warily pulled back the covers. Dick blinked at him with wide, sad blue eyes. "What's wrong?" "Don't feel good," he murmured, scowling when Bruce curled his hand against his cheek. "My stomach hurts." ✦ Stay a Child by ijustwanttodestroy, dick & bruce & alfred, 2.2k     “Redo it,” Bruce orders. “Aw, come on!” Dick dares to pout — a thing that he uses often, and would work on anyone but Bruce and Alfred. Sometimes. Bruce gives him a look. “I’m not going to do it for you.” “I’m going to misdo it until you do,” Dick threatens. ✦ Whole, but not hale by Fae_Winter, dick & bruce & alfred & clark, 1.5k     Bruce was never listening to Clark again, damnit ✦ Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes by catboysam, dick & bruce, 1k     Bruce wishes, as he has wished every minute of every day for nearly 20 years, that things were different for himself. But now he also wishes that for Dick. No child should have to experience what they have. But he really is selfish, it seems, because at the same time, how could he possibly want to give up a single second with this little miracle in his arms? ✦ yet to be friends by rxsecret, dick & bruce & clark & cast, 2.3k     It's the annual Wayne Gala, and one of the few reporters allowed at the event just so happened to be from Metropolis. ✦ And I’ll look into your eyes to find out if I’m real by Fleur_de_Violette, bruce & dick, 1.6k     Bruce wants a lot of things. A bath. Seeing his family. Not having been missing for a whole year. He wants Dick to wake up and realize he’s not a hallucination.
BATFAM FIC RECS - ADULT BATSON AND BATDAD ARE MY KRYPTONITE, I FOLD LIKE WET CARDBOARD FOR THEM: ✦ medicine by daringyounggrayson, dick & bruce, ~1k     “We have to get out of here,” Dick says, trying and failing to sit up. “Before, before they get back.” “Dick, listen to me. You’re sick,” Bruce says, running a hand through Dick’s hair. “You’re in an isolation unit at the Watchtower’s medical bay.” Dick shakes his head. That can’t be right. “They’re trying to, to poison me.” ✦ Someday All Of This Will Go Away by WanderIntoFics, dick & bruce, alternate version character death, 2.3k     Bruce never stopped telling Dick he loved him. It takes a heart-wrenching and terrifying experience with an alternate future Bruce for Dick to realize that maybe he stopped being able to hear it. ✦ vacation town by daringyounggrayson, dick & bruce, 1.6k     Normally, Dick wouldn't enjoy recovering from a stab wound from a poisoned knife, but he has to admit, it's nice to be home. ✦ all i can by emavee, dick & bruce, 1.7k     Whatever they injected Dick with is taking away his senses. Bruce tries to hold on for both of them. ✦ my arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm by emavee, dick & bruce, 5.6k wip     Five times Dick held Bruce's hand, and one time Bruce held his. ✦ Moving on by Fleur_de_Violette, dick & bruce & cast, 2.7k     When he’d been called to Gotham, Dick had expected to do the job and then get moving to the next thing, and then the next, and then the next. An abrupt meeting with the side of a building interrupts his plans.
BATFAM FIC RECS - EVERYBODY LOVES DICK: ✦ Chatterbox by Ptelea, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & donna & roy & cast, 24.7k     "Yeah, I'm fine," Dick said. Then he frowned, because he had not just meant to say that. Or: Eight times that spells or serums affected Dick's ability to speak and / or their aftermath. ✦ Misremembered and Misnumbered by miss_aphelion, bruce & dick & jason & clark & diana, 1.9k     Dick may not actually be quite as old as he told everyone he was. In his defense, it wasn't so much lying as that he sort of just forgot. ✦ WE'LL LIVE IN SPACES BETWEEN WALLS. by orpheusaki, bruce & dick & jason, time travel, 4.6k     (Something is different about Dick. Bruce notices.) ✦ Tonight Will Be a Memory Too by Sohotthateveryonedied, dick & cass & bruce, 1.2k     They don’t happen often—once a month or so, with varying degrees of spottiness. Sometimes Dick will walk into a room and forget what he’s there for. He’ll forget the locations of things, like where he left his keys or where the refrigerator is. Once he forgot his own name. Even if the episodes don’t occur often, that doesn’t make them any less terrifying. ✦ Can I Sleep With You? by Lady_of_Lorule, dick & bruce & damian & titans & cast, 2k     “Dick? What is it? Are you okay?” he asked. “‘Had a nightmare,” the boy murmured, wiping at his nose quickly, then sending a darting look at Bruce. “Can I...can I sleep with you?” ✦ Broken Silence by Geeves, bruce & dick & cast, 1.3k     Bruce reflects on how quiet the manor used to be. It could be painful at times, but it's not like that anymore. ✦ the care and keeping of your baby talon by quandaries_and_contradictions, dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian & duke & alfred, reverse robins, talon!dick, 6k     In which everyone is more than a little cautious about the talon Duke brought home. Featuring chandelier swinging, Secret Garden reading, ill-advised sleuthing, and more. ✦ One, Two, Buckle My Shoe by Anonymous, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & alfred & cast, 11.3k wip     Dick was twenty-eight. The boy in the mirror most certainly was not. ✦ Iron Bound by coyote_nebula, bruce & dick & jason, 3.1k     Batman never ran out of solutions. He just ran out of ideal solutions. Nightwing finds himself in a tight spot involving a compact car-sized paper roll. ✦ The Mantle by ValleyOfKings, dick & clark & diana & justice league (& bruce) & cast, 2.9k     Batman ‘dies’ and Dick must takes his place. He doesn't want the job but he knows that it is what he must do. He must accept the mantle and protect Gotham. The Justice League must also accept their new Batman. It might have helped if they knew that Batman didn't work as alone as they had once thought. ✦ Bravery, and everything that looks like it by Fleur_de_Violette, bruce & dick & steph, 3.4k     Bruce had promised Dick a fun and chill weekend. Instead, they find themselves in the middle of a burning chemical facility. When he thinks everyone should have been evacuated, Nightwing finds a scientist trying to secure some sort of container. She’s either very brave, or she has a death wish.
BATFAM FIC RECS - JASON TODD IS AN ASSHOLE CAT, I'M GONNA THROW HIM AT DICK BECAUSE IT'S FUNNY (AND MAYBE SOME OF HIS OTHER SIBLINGS TOO): ✦ Superhero: Dick Grayson by batmoniker, dick & jason & cast, 5.3k     In which Dick shows up at the school to pick Jason up after he gets into a fight. ✦ Homecoming by sElkieNight60, dick & jason & bruce, 1.2k     Jason's doped up on pain-meds. Dick's holding his hand while he's bedside monitor. Bruce probably wishes he had a camera. ✦ I do not have wings love (I never will) by dizarys, dick & jason & bruce, 2.5k     Jason Todd was alive. He was also bleeding out on Dick Grayson’s apartment floor. How 'Under the Red Hood' might have ended if Dick was at Bruce and Jason's final warehouse confrontation.
BATFAM FIC RECS - BATKIDS ALL HAVE MANY SIBLINGS AND THEY'RE ALL PETTY ASSHOLES AND/OR WONDERFUL BABIES AND I LOVE THEM WITH MY WHOLE BEING: ✦ cashmere-soft and irresistible by victoria_p (musesfool), cass/steph, ~1k     Cass and Steph and dumplings and lipstick. ✦ Picking Up Pieces by Cephalogod, bruce & steph & dick, 4k     “Bruce!” Steph called as she approached, weaving between people. His head snapped towards her, and the stark relief in his expression almost stopped her in her tracks. That was just...wrong. Bruce wasn’t supposed to be relieved to see her. He was supposed to be annoyed or resignedly amused, not looking at her like a life raft in the ocean. ✦ Make an Ass of U and Me by Huntress79, Sevidri, bruce/clark & dick, 11.2k     Bruce neglects to explain exactly who the attractive young man that seems to know him so well is, and what their relationship entails. Naturally, there are some misunderstandings. ✦ Presque Vu by PechoraFlow, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & cass & steph & alfred & cast, 17.4k wip     Bruce gets amnesia and the Batfamily conspires to keep their vigilante side secret from him. They were just trying to keep him home, safe until he recovered. They expected that Bruce would pick up on clues and put together The Batman secret on his own. They didn't expect him to form a different picture entirely. They didn't expect Bruce Wayne would come to hate the Batman.
BATFAM FIC RECS - I CUT MY TEETH ON DICK & TIM AS CLOSE BROTHERS AND NO ONE WILL NOT TAKE IT FROM ME: ✦ spread your wings by wingedgrace, dick & tim, 2.1k     “Why did you give Robin to Damian?” Dick pinched his nose. He’d started to pick up some of Batman’s habits, whether he realized it or not. “Tim, we’re not talking about this again. We’re talking about how you’re off on this… quest, to prove that Bruce is still alive. And I just want to talk. Come home.” ✦ Time Loop vs Ethiopia by AJElementus, dick & tim (& bruce & jason), 9.1k     In one universe, Jason died while Dick was on a space mission with the Titans. In another? There’s a time loop. In which Jason doesn’t die, Tim joins the family early, and Dick... well... Dick's just trying to figure out what's going on! ✦ so won't you stay, won't you stay (with me?) by dizarys, dick & tim, 1.3k     Tim's having a hard night. So where else does he go but to his big brother's apartment? ✦ under the wing by acrobats, dick & tim & cast, 1.4k     “Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero.” – Marc Brown
BATFAM FIC RECS - I WILL DIE ON THE HILL THAT TIM DRAKE'S TRUE LOVE INTEREST IS CONNER KENT AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME, NOT EVEN GOD: ✦ buy back the secrets by sundiscus, tim/kon & bruce & clark & jason & cast, 71k wip     He takes a long, slow breath. Ignores the glares from the other students. “Superboy,” he murmurs. “It’s me. If you’re listening, I could use some help.” Or: 5 times Superboy saves Tim Drake, and one time Tim Drake saves Superboy. ✦ Can't Shake the Feeling by Hayleythewriter, tim/kon & tim/bernard & cassie & bart & dick & damian & cast, 17k     Tim introduces his boyfriend to his friends. Almost everyone likes him. ✦ The Electric Pull of Spring by Merelymine, tim/kon, nsfw, 4.3k     "I feel fine," Kon says, breathing deeply. He leans towards Tim and takes an even deeper, longer breath. "I feel really, really good, actually. And you smell—you smell really good." ✦ A No Good Very Bad Day by mademoisellePlume, tim/kon & jason & lois, read the tags, 3.7k     You’d think drugging a half-Kryptonian into sleep would be half as easy as taking a full Kryptonian out of commission. But no, life couldn’t be that simple for Jason, could it? He watched Superboy stumble down the hallway in his pyjama pants, eyes half-lidded and sweating like Two-Face when a flipped coin balanced on its edge. ✦ Pandora's Other Box by FridaysChild, tim/kon & dick & bart & kate & ma kent, 2.5k     Prompt: "Kon and Tim identify as straight. After realising their mutual attraction, they both freak out in different ways."
BATFAM FIC RECS - I SAY THIS IS A BATFAM REC LIST BUT SOMETIMES YOU JUST GOTTA SHOVE THOSE ASSHOLES OUT OF THE WAY AND READ SOME SUPERFIC: ✦ Adoptions by Kannika, clark & conner & cast, 2.7k     Clark prepared for a lot of things, getting closer to Conner. This is not one of them. ✦ Aftershock by sElkieNight60, clark/lois & conner & jon, 13k wip     He knows this is awkward for Clark. It’s awkward for them both. They were gonna start slow. Warm up to each other. Maybe go apple-picking in the summer. A movie, a restaurant, bowling, or something. But a sleepover, really? That wasn’t going slow. ✦ IS IT JUST YOU AND ME IN THE WRECKAGE OF THE WORLD? by orpheusaki, clark & conner & bruce & diana & jason & cast, 2.2k     "You look happy, Kal." She's right, Clark is overjoyed. In between shopping for children's clothes with Lois (after she'd gotten over the shock of it all, which was surprisingly quick. Clark thinks Lois might prefer Conner to him now, not that he blames her for it) and wandering around the Fortress of Solitude with a small palm tucked into his own, Clark hasn't stopped grinning, "Superman is no longer the only Kryptonian alive." (Clark saves Conner from CADMUS as a child AU.)
BATFAM FIC RECS - TAKE THE ANGST DIAL, TURN IT UP TO ELEVEN, AND BREAK THE KNOB OFF, THAT'S WHAT I'M HERE FOR: ✦ oh but if I could choose, I would choose not to feel by dizarys, bruce & dick & donna & cast, 1.4k     His eyes flicked over the long room, evaluating and searching. When he finally spotted him, Bruce’s heart plummeted. Dick Grayson was slouched at the crumb flecked bar counter, staring blankly into a barely touched pint with a hand twisted in his hair. Misery personified. ✦ batman by hellsreluctantheir, dick & jason & tim & bruce, 57.3k     Dick came back from a trip to space to a dead father figure, a grieving, guilty little brother, and a legacy waiting for him. Suddenly he's moving back to Gotham, playing Bat, trying to keep Jason from spiraling, trying to keep himself from spiraling, with the added bonus of a kid stalking him at the grocery store. It takes two years before things start to feel like they're getting better. Which is right about when the Red Hood comes to town. ✦ Day 3 - Nightmares (2.2) by fanfictiongreenirises, bruce & dick & tim, 3.3k     Bruce is resigned to the nightmares after their most recent kidnapping. But that doesn't mean they don't have an impact on him. ✦ My Brother's Keeper by Chemical_Processes, dick & damian & tim & cast, 6.2k     Tim gets hit with Fear while on a league mission, and it's Damian's job to get him home in one piece. ✦ Pale Reflections by BearlyWriting, bruce & dick & jason & tim & cast, 2.6k     ‘Bruce blinks again. A chill breeze brushes against him, searching for a way through his uniform. Concrete, Bruce tells himself, it’s concrete, not sand. It’s water, not blood. It’s Dick. And yet, he’s as still as Jason was then, as lifeless. Bruce moves without thinking. He isn’t thinking. His mind is utterly blank, a void in his head.’ ✦ love brought weight to this heart by dizarys, bruce & dick & john & mary & damian & duke, 1.9k     Of course Dick came by every time Haly’s was in town. But he loved when his family was able to join him. And now, with lights illuminating the big top, performers streaming into the ring with flashy costumes, and his family enthralled, Dick felt at peace. Both sides of his life were together. It should’ve been perfect. And looking back, he still wasn’t sure what pushed it off course. But it might have been the fire. ✦ what's in a name by envysparkler, bruce & dick & jason, 4.5k     Kidnappers strike at a gala and abduct two of Bruce Wayne’s sons. Or at least that’s what they think. ✦ I’m gambling with the sun (on which one of us dies young) by dizarys, dick & jason & donna & roy & tim & damian & cassandra & cast, 6.9k     The Justice League have been wiped from existence by Pariah, leaving Nightwing to once again navigate the death of Batman. But this time, even with his siblings and friends rallying around him, the cracks start to show ✦ (someone told me) love would all save us by YouAreTheBrightest234 (TransLucas), bruce & dick & tim, 1k     Dick is floating in an abyss of black. It is not peaceful, yet not malicious. It simply is. ✦ Slipping 998° by CKBookish, bruce & dick & tim & cast, 2.5k     When a house fire turns deadly Bruce wonders if he will be too late... again.
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crepesuzette2023 · 3 months
Hi, I would love recs for mclennon fics dripping in sexual tension, like six hours in August by stonedlennon. It doesn't need to have explicit sexual content. Thank you!
Thank you so, so much for this ask—this is a category of fiction I personally enjoy *a lot* (imagine Paul's "I slept with John..." pronunciation).
Here are some favorites that came to my mind. Some have sex on the page, others do not; I remember all of these as having excellent Tension™. I hope you find something you like here! Young J/P:
Streets of Your Town (@with-eyes-closed): Sensual. The upheaval in young Paul's mind as he falls in love with music and John, without putting a name to it. As of yet unfinished, but it's so good I rec it anyway, because it's...[read to find out, take a fan]
All I Know Since Yesterday (RedheadAmongWolves): Paul and John's first kiss at Paul's, after long, sweet hours of trembling fear/excitement. Paul POV.
The Way Things Sometimes Are (@paisanas): Young John is troubled and pining for Paul. Paul is mesmerizing through his eyes.
now and then (there's a fool such as I) (@stonedlennon): The Nerk Twins take the bus to Caversham and share a bed. You can smell the summer grass and the sweaty leathers...
(Ain't no cure for the) summertime blues (orphan_account): John and Paul alone on a hot summer day.
The Photograph (thinkpink20): John finds a Photograph Mike took of Paul and notices...things.
ageless children, animal sweat (eyeball2eyeball): Read this story to spend time in John's throbbing, unhinged Hamburg mind. No sex on the page, and yet. It's *everywhere*. For such a short story, it takes up a lot of room in my brain. The Paul in this story is one of my favorite Pauls.
Sinful City (thinkpink20). Days and Nights in Hamburg. Paul needs John, and stops questioning things.
In Margaret Asher's music room:
Tell You Something (@louiselux). Lennon and McCartney write "I Want to Hold Your Hand." The tension rises.
In or near Paul's Geodesic Dome:
shotgunning (@pauls1967moustache): John and Paul languidly try something new...
Chrysalis (cloudy_blue): Tension in 1967. Hypnotic and stylish, I love it.
Stop all the Clocks (@javelinbk): After Brian's death, John and Paul retreat to Scotland. Grief and awakening ensue...slowly and sweetly.
Way Up Top (@boshemians). Snapshots of J/P desire and spiraling doubts, contained in the Beatles' trip to Greece to buy an island.
Nineteen Sixty-Eight:
Outro (bakerstreetafternoon). From the Summary: 'Had it been this tension that had kept them together? Had it always?'
Bad Luck to Talk (7intheevening): Paul chats with JohnandYoko at a party and follows them home for a cup of tea. What hurts more exquisitly than pining? Unacknowledged pining.
John I'm Only Dancing (@skylikeaflame): Amidst the insanity of the Mad Day Out, desire erupts relentlessly.
The 70's as they should have been:
Down on the Farm (RosalindBeatrice): Incredibly hot and realistic (and funny in just right amounts!). John visits Paul in Nashville; Paul shows off Wings and the family, John stays the night. Dot dot dot.
I can only speak my mind (@paisanas): John's diaries are leaked to the press and printed; Paul reads them. What follows is the sexual awakening of James Paul McCartney as he reads of John's feelings for him. First rate pining, past and present.
I still miss someone/ I know that I miss you, but I don't know where I stand/ close the door lightly when you go (RosalindBeatrice): John and Paul meet in 1976. There is a spark. Few and far between meetings follow.
The Other Eighties (John lives and experiences sexual tension with Paul):
and when broken bodies are washed ashore (who am i to ask for more) (wardo wedidit): John divorces Yoko and visits Paul in Scotland. Soul searching and relationship mending.
The Birthday Party (@merseydreams): John and Paul meet at Ringo's Birthday Party. There is only one bed.
Tension through the Years:
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes (@savageandwise). John is turned on by Paul smoking. 1958—1969.
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weirdbrothers · 4 months
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Stranger Things Fic Rec
Let me get one thing out of the way: absolutely nobody asked for this. But I love these pairings and stories so much I had to share it with you all. This is heavy on Steve/Billy with some Steve/Eddie sprinkled in.
If you've never read Stranger Things fic, or when you saw this post thought "oh yeah, that 80s kid monster show" I encourage you to give these a try! You don't have to know much about the show besides the bare bones of the plot. (And my ask box is always open for Qs!) If you like angsty teenage boys who are in denial about their feelings and hate their hometown, read on.
Now, on to the porn and depravity!
if i stare too long by @brawlite & @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger | Steve/Eddie/Billy
After the end of the world, Billy Hargrove is a mess. But at least he has company.
Notes: Literally one of my favorite fics of all time, I will never shut up about it. Gay threesomes. Angst. A sweltering midwestern summer. Homoerotic undertones that builds to filthy gay porn. The vibes are all there.
Pressure by Yellow_Blue_Books | Steve/Eddie
"You never did tell me your name," he called at Munson's back. The older man was already in the trees when he turned back around and stated his name, eyes bright and grin wide. Steve never heard it; he couldn't read his lips from so far a distance between them. So instead, he watched Munson walk away; the teen, now wide awake, went to sit on the hood of his car to wait for Hopper to show. On that crisp, cold January night in 1985 - Steve Harrington heard the sound of Eddie Munson's voice for the first and last time. He never even knew his name.
Notes: The only WIP on this rec list, and totally worth the wait. Great characterization. So many little tidbits of information that have me squealing with joy. But also dark and grounded in reality.
chokechain by @brawlite | Steve/Billy (and Tommy is there)
Tommy H. invites Billy to a party at Steve's house. Billy expected hot chicks and booze, but when he shows up, there's only the latter. Steve and Tommy teach Billy that in Hawkins, sometimes you just gotta make do.
Notes: When I think of this fic I literally start sweating its so sexy. The fic that got me hooked on Steve/Billy and gay Steve in general. Its so subtle and gritty and grimy and hot. And Tommy is egging everyone on, yet oblivious, just how I like him.
so good at being in trouble, so bad at being in love by @the-copperkid Steve/Billy
Steve's sophomore year, Billy showed up.
Notes: A fandom classic. The perfect example of Steve/Billy getting together in world, and dealing with their feelings (+ porn, because I'm me and I need porn in all my fic).
We'll Go Down in History by @eternalgoldfish | Billy/Steve
Hawkins High takes a field trip to Baltimore to see historical sites and Steve would rather jump out his hotel window.
Notes: So much teenage angst and tomfoolery in this one! A little more lighthearted than others on the list. Gets to that theme in ST that I love: the idle hands of teenage boys are the devil's playthings.
Dom 4 Hire by @lazybakerart
Steve is naked, on his hands and knees, in the apartment he shares with his high school sweetheart for a man he only just met in person five minutes ago.
Notes: From the second I saw Steve Harrington on screen I knew that boy was a sub dying for someone to call him a good boy. And Billy is just the dom for the job. My only complaint is that I wish this was longer!
Maybe we're something uncool by desert_dino | Steve/Billy
It’s only noon; Billy knows neither of them have work that evening, and their shitty gen-ed biology lab was cancelled. They’ve only been hanging out for an hour, and maybe Billy isn’t quite done fucking around with Harrington yet. Maybe he’ll indulge him.
Notes: Cocky Billy is what the world needs! Great banter and dialogue. Just a snapshot of what I imagine their afternoons would look like, and the teens of Hawkins would be like "why the fuck are they always hanging out?" totally oblivious.
slipping through by sightetsound | Steve/Billy
It was the weed, and the pilfered whiskey from Steve’s daddy dearest they passed back and forth. It was actually how Steve’s eyes caught the moonlight. How his mouth moved when he spoke, and how it curved on a grin Billy would call relaxed when they were alone. Admitting as much felt too much like giving ground, and so it was the weed and whiskey.
Notes: Really bittersweet, heartfelt, and sincere. A different kind of pace for this pairing.
You Get Too Close by @trashcangimmick | Steve/Billy
Steve sits at the back of the bus on the way to a basketball match in Gary. Billy Hargrove sits right across from him.
Notes: Be for real- when we saw that basketball and shower scene we were all hoping it would go in the direction of this fic. Gives me the vibe of an 80s porno in the best way.
Reflecting on the Longest Wavelength by @trashcangimmick | Billy/Hopper
Billy’s heat hits early. Jim Hopper happens to find him before anyone else does. 
Notes: This pairing is a little rouge, I don't see it often and its hard to pin down for me past all the basic tropes. I really like the A/B/O world-building here and find myself returning to it.
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gaylittlerichie · 15 days
Any fic recs?
boy do i ever! these are all reddie which im assuming u wanted if u’ve seen my blog lol!
• in fact, everything’s got that big reverb sound by dystopiary
3 chapters, 46k words
my all time fave! pure slice of life character study, just a few days in 14 yo richie toziers life in all his bonkers self destructive glory. follows the canon compliant timeline, on the cusp of the losers splitting up and forgetting. ive actively read ppl in my life passages aloud from this bc it’s so delicious.
• dinner at the kaspbraks by knightnight7203
3 chapters, 11k words
more rambley richie character study goodness, wherein the main plot is sonia catches richie climbing out of eddie’s window and has him over for dinner to teach them a lesson & all their unspoken gay foolery is brought out in the open. miscommunications ensue. this has a really strong character voice to the narration that captures richie beautifully.
• before pennywise by david_ginsberg
8 chapters, 7k words
each chapter of this is a snapshot of the original 4 losers’ lives primarily through the eyes of their parents. gives so much love and time to fleshing out went and maggie in particular which im always an extra big fan of. flows great and really easy to read while still being super detailed + well characterised, which is hardcore personal writing goals.
• recovery position by fluorescentgrey
oneshot, 7k words
the whole series this is from (lifes rich pageant) is WONDERFUL but this one’s my personal favourite (followed by beachcoma). it has eddie as richie’s trip sitter while he’s going nuts on lsd, the writing is so stylised and insane to reflect the acid trip it’s perfect! impeccable weird vibes! read this when i was 17 and I’ll confess i’m long overdue for a reread but it set little me’s world on fire.
• ready to grow young again by moichi
2 chapters, 7k words
first chapter is a flashback to teen reddie blatantly dancing around their feelings for each other and the second sees them reuniting adults and finally addressing them. this has a delightfully distinctive, spot on eddie portrayal (and he has adhd! this is huge for me!) and his and richie’s back and forth/chemistry is just excellent, has a very warm feel to it.
• coke bottle glasses by theliteraltrash
one shot, 6k words
a study on blind!richie throughout his life. i rediscovered this fic very recently after having read it back in high school and was so happy to come back to it, it’s super thoughtful and the characterisation is razor sharp accurate! also gives richie a twin sister which is a concept i truly never get tired of seeing ppl’s take on. incredibly unique!
• missed signs by rea_of_sunshine
oneshot, 2k words
super fluffy little fic where a dude hits on deaf!eddie and richie has to act as interpreter for the interaction. this is just really sweet and made me happy as hell, featuring a flawed & jealous richie too which is just generally my lifeblood.
as a bonus some fics-in-progress ive been following along + loving recently are best summer ever by @t4tozier (slasher style au where college losers are summer camp counsellors and there may or not be a werewolf on the loose. need i say more) and rich & eds’ excellent adventure by @beverlysclown (adult richie and eddie are sent back to the 80s…shenanigans ensue)
i also have a fic rec tag that i rb good stuff as i find it into :)
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swanmaids · 5 months
year end rec list wrap-up
2023 was such a good year for silm fic, I read so much great stuff from all corners. But I would be very much remiss if I did not rec each of the wonderful gift fics that I was lucky enough to recieve throughout the year!
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The Silmarillion, in reverse-chronological order:
Indissoluble by @polutrope [idril/tuor/voronwe; rated e, 2.6k, nawa]
All the banter-filled, life-affirming sex for my ot3 equals merry christmas to ME.
untitled by @polutrope [tuor/voronwe; explicit, five sentences, on tumblr]
Sensual, tender, and full of hope against all odds on the way to Gondolin.
a passionate kiss by @jouissants [earendil/elwing; on tumblr]
Amazing worldbuilding and sensuality in this portrayal of Sirion-era Starwing.
she is so tired of fleeing by @that-angry-noldo [morwen; five sentences, on tumblr]
Perfect refugee Morwen characterisation in just five sentences.
blessed disorder by @sallysavestheday [turgon & aredhel; rated g, 0.1k, nawa]
The sweetest snapshot of these two being the best of friends.
Muntjac by @jouissants [celegorm/orome; rated e, 2.2k, nawa]
Hot, emotional and fairly dark sex between these two in Beleriand as everything falls apart around Celegorm. Just so perfectly THEM.
salt by @verecunda [earendil/elwing; three sentences, on tumblr]
Super sweet and romantic slice of life for my otp.
the glassmaker by @thelordofgifs [ofc/ofc; rated t, 1.9k, nawa]
Such excellent worldbuilding and a tender blossoming romance between two ordinary women of Sirion while it was still thriving, by fellow Sirion-understander.
swing by @welcomingdisaster [nerdanel/indis, rated t, 1.3k, nawa]
Beautiful imagery and wrenching emotions in this post-flight of the Noldor fic. And yet, despite it all, some hope.
Leaves of Countless Years Lie Thick by @polutrope [celegorm/orome; rated m, 0.8k, nawa]
Stunning, sexy, emotive post-canon reunion between these two. Fantastic Orome pov.
a kiss to wake up by @polutrope [Idril/Tuor/Voronwe; rated t, nawa]
A lovely moment of tenderness and then hope as Earendil rises in the sky.
the longed for that cometh beyond hope by @meadowlarkx [earendil/elwing; rated g, 0.4k, nawa]
Beautiful bittersweet fairytale vibes in this tale of "peredhil living through their own myth", as Earendil's quest is completed.
forced to watch by @theworldisquietheretooquiet [morwen & aerin; 1.1k, implied rape, on tumblr]
Wrenchingly sad exploration of Morwen's emotions as she is forced to watch Aerin and Brodda marry.
warmth by @that-angry-noldo [earendil/elwing, elwing & earendil & elrond & elros; on tumblr]
A lovely soft and adorable moment as Earendil and Elwing play with their children.
what remains by asterisq [dior/nimloth; rated t, 2.2k, mcd]
Impeccable clinical horror vibes and tragedy in this remix gift! Observations of the corpses of Dior and Nimloth following the second kinslaying.
summer by @halfelven [earendil; on tumblr]
Evocative and heartwrenching portrayal of a young and traumatised Earendil in Sirion.
House of the Dragon
a discreet kiss by @ellrond [rhaenyra/alicent; on tumblr]
A sweet stolen moment between a young Alicent and Rhaenyra, tragic when one remembers what's to come.
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and as if that wasn't enough, I was also #blessed enough to receive several stunning illustrations of my own fics. Each is absolutely beautiful and adds to the fics immeasurably. Go and Look at them.
one of your girls
Celegorm in a dress by @curufiin
nothing beside remains
Uinen tends to Tar-Miriel's bones by @meadowlarkx
the salt in the wound
Curufin's wife holding angrist by @matrose
Luthien/Curufin's wife by @matrose
sister, sister
Young Aredhel tags along on a Turgon/Elenwe date by @matrose
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 7 months
Hey! I'm looking for some good canon compliant married!klaine fics, and was hoping you had some recs!
Here are some. I've read the first one, which is lovely. The next four have been reviewed previously by Lynne, and i have added them to my "to read" list.
Also, don't forget the Daddies!klaine tag for fun with their children!
Enjoy! ~Jen
Snapshots by @borogroves
August 27, 2044. They say a picture paints a thousand words… and Kurt and Blaine have a whole scrapbook.
I remember when we first met By @tnystrk3000
Inspired by #42 of 101 Ways to Say I Love You by emswritingprompts on Tumblr: "I remember when we first met."
Summary: During their wedding reception, Kurt and Blaine find a moment alone to reflect on where they started and are now. They sit outside, looking at the stars, as they talk about their journey.
Takes place during season 6 episode 8, the only difference is that it’s nighttime.
daydreaming my life away (would you come along with me?) by anderhummel (em_a)
Sometimes Kurt feels like he and Blaine are moving too fast, hurtling headfirst into the unknown where their relationship is bound to end in a fiery crash and broken hearts.
But then Blaine flashes a smile at him, or shoots him an exasperated look behind Rachel's back, or hooks his pinky into Kurt's belt loop as they're walking down the hallway, or—really, sometimes Blaine breathes and Kurt knows, deep in his bones, that he has never been more sure of anything in his life.
* * *
A collection of times throughout Kurt and Blaine's relationship that they discuss their futures.
5 Times: Darling, Just Kiss Me Slow by InsightfulInsomniac
Five types of kisses that Kurt and Blaine share in their domestic moments of early marriage. Wholesome, sweet early married Klaine with a few guest appearances along the way from Burt and Carole.
Aka my five favorite kiss ideas from a kiss prompt list I found a long time ago.
New York Ever After by @gleefulpoppet
Upon their return to New York, Kurt and Blaine create an extraordinary life curated from thousands of ordinary moments noticed, appreciated, and treasured. [AKA The Klaine Glee spinoff we all wanted: date nights, doing the dishes, showers before work, fits of giggles, lazy couch kisses, and more.]
Canon compliant through the entirety of season 6. Each chapter will be self-contained—no cliffhangers or abandoned story issues to worry about.
Honeymoon Holidays by @flowerfan2  
Kurt and Blaine’s first winter holidays together as a married couple fall so quickly after their wedding that sometimes they almost seem like a continuation of their honeymoon.  But not always.  A story in the “Season 7” series that looks at events in the early married life of Kurt and Blaine.
The Boys of Summerby neverhaveieverbooks
Kurt and Blaine’s first summer in New York after they get married. It’s easy. It’s hard. It’s perfectly imperfect. A summer tale in 12 chapters. Canon-compliant. This story technically takes place within the middle of episode 6 x 13, after Nationals, and before they return to McKinley for their visit in the fall.
Written for the Klaine Summer Challenge 2016 on tumblr.
The Bluebird as She Singsby @lovetheblazer
Eleven months in the journey Kurt and Blaine take to become parents, from Rachel offering to be their surrogate through the birth. Klaine reaction fic for “Dreams Come True” with background St. Berry.
My Wish for Youby Iris Kane
Picking up after the series finale; this story takes place sometime between 2015 and 2020 when Rachel agrees to be Kurt and Blaine surrogate, this is what I think might have happened. (Some rewrites and adjustments to this story; if you’re confused about the direction the story is going please reread)
It’s Bittersweet, Babyby InsightfulInsomniac
When packing up their things to move into their first place as an officially married couple, Blaine finds Kurt’s engagement ring in his former sock drawer, sparking many emotions and memories between the two of them.
But as loving, secure husbands do, they talk it out together.
A year in the Life by @darriness
Formally titled Fic A Day 2018.
I wrote 365 fics (one a day) based on a word that was randomly generated every day.
Wednesday By @spaceorphan18
Just an average day in the life of Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, and their baby Katie.
The Chaperone By pracitcalamenda
When a class mom pulls out at the last minute, Kurt fills in as a chaperone for Blaine's second grade class trip. Turns out that "Mr. Anderson" is quite popular with the moms and Kurt doesn't bother to mention that Blaine's his boyfriend.
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Unthinkable 10 Years Day 2: Season 2-3 hiatus fic rec
Between the Shadow and the Soul by @apinknightmare
A story about the "I love you" and everything that comes after.
Just reread this and love it so much. It absolutely captures that slow burn of the summer after that we were robbed of, with a good mix of angst and softness. Oliver is desperately trying to figure out how to be ready for Felicity in the way she deserves
Eight Ways to Say I Love You by RosieTwiggs
He loves her. If only he could get the words out.
Takes place (roughly) over season 2 and 2.5 with a fun bit of roommating
Collateral Damage by newbie93
Quick drabble regarding THE Olicity scene from Unthinkable.
Oof you want angsty Felicity POV? here you go
Irretrivable by SpicyPepper_SweetSugar
"Four things are irretrievable: An arrow in flight, a spoken word, a lost opportunity, a life already spent."
Wishful Thinking by DeeDeeCat
When Felicity has a really bad date, Oliver is there to wipe her tears... and wash the blood out of her hair.
Felicity tries to move on, gets concussed, gets taken care of, and nothing gets better.
Like a House in a Storm by CarrieAnn
Felicity asks Oliver to move in with her for a few weeks. Snapshots of their days as roommates.
I'm such a sucker for 2.5 roommate fics and this is so good
A Night Like Any Other by spyglass
Felicity doesn't think anything of it when Oliver asks her to dinner. After all, Team Arrow goes out for dinner from time to time. But starting the moment Oliver picks her up, she can sense there's something different about tonight. From the flowers to the restaurant, the entire evening is the most romantic non-date Felicity has had in months, but one thing she's sure of is this: it's most definitely not a date.
Or, she might have known that Oliver intended otherwise, if only he'd remembered to ask.
They're very dumb but they get there eventually
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Loving the blog, I’m new to the Shameless fandom and I’ve spent so much time trying to find good fics and your blog is so helpful! Do you have fics that explore the Gallagher family dynamic? i love a fic full of family love!
Hey hey :) Welcome to the fandom, we're glad we could help you <3 Family love! We have a tag called family bonding that is pretty full:) Check it out. And here are some more recs:
i love it when you try to save me - snapshots of a well-deserved domesticity.
see me in a better light - 5 times ian and mickey forget to shut their door and 1 time they don’t have to remember.
Easy to Remember - Family first. It's easy to remember.
Pomp and Circumstance - Ian's graduation day is finally here and everyone wants to be a part of it. The boys have never been so stressed.
lemme show you the ropes - Family dynamics shift after the wedding. Mickey's not sure he's ready. Not sure he even knows what family is.
Find the Frank - The Gallagher-Milkovich family scrambles when Ian's meds go missing.
Stages [chapter 2] - Frank Gallagher is dead. Mickey's guess on how Ian's going to deal with that is as good as anyone’s.
Making Bail (and Other Fun for the Whole Family) - Fiona returns home in the wake of Debbie's arrest, Mickey steps up for the first time as a member of the Gallagher family, and crime may or may not be committed in the process.
the sum of ourselves - It’s been a week and a half since Frank’s passing and each of the Gallagher kids are handling it in their own way.
Feeling Sun (I'm No Longer One) - It's summer in Chicago, and Carl Gallagher is finally released from prison. His brothers pick him up in the fancy car that Lip has stolen – no, borrowed – from his professor, and life would be good, if not for the fact that Ian and Lip are both distracted and weighed down by their regrets about past mistakes, about unfinished business, about friends and lovers lost.
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hi!! do you have any recs for established relationship/ them telling their friends they’re together? thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hey Nonny!
AHHHHH YES ANOTHER ASK SO I CAN POST A LIST I HAVE LOL. Thank you hahah. Hope you enjoy these fics!! <3
See also:
Marriage and Weddings (April 2019)
Proposals (May 2020)
Proposals Pt 2
Weddings / Proposals / Husbands and Established Relationship 
Established Relationship Pt 2 (June 2019) 
Sherlock and John’s Wedding
Retirement and Older Johnlock (Jan 2020)
Everyone Finds Out Fics (MASTERPOST)
Octopus by glass_rose_paperweight (G, 705 w., 1 Ch. || Established Relationship, Fluff, Bed Sharing, Limpet Sherlock) – A week after Sherlock and John finally get together, and John is finding sharing a bed with Sherlock Holmes to be ... difficult, sometimes. If not downright suffocating.
Erotic Beyond Belief by bloodsoakedleather (E, 748 w., 1 Ch. || Autofellatio, Masturbation, PWP, Anal Fingering, Shameless Smut, Establish Relationship) – John watches as Sherlock demonstrates a particular talent. Part 1 of Johnlock Porny Ficlets
Our Bodies Bend Light by lovetincture (G, 1,211 w., 1 Ch. || Established Relationship, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Beekeeping, Retirement) – They got married. Of course they got married. Snapshots in a relationship. There's a jar of bees in the bookstore and a cottage in Sussex. Sherlock's not the marrying kind, and John's tried this once before, but they're Sherlock and John. Of course.
Unquantifiable by 221b_hound (M, 2,799 w. 1 Ch. || Est. Rel., Sherlock/Sally Friendship, Grumpy John, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Pet Names, Texting, Sweet Sherlock, Princess Bride References) – John remains a terrible and foul-tempered patient, but he does try to make up for it with pet names and text message silliness. In the meantime, Sally Donovan visits Baker Street for a hint about the Milverton case, and has to deal with a Sherlock Holmes who can't find words big enough to thank her for saving John's life at the warehouse. For afters, there's a viewing of The Princess Bride. Part 33 of the Unkissed series
Living Musical by VeeTheRee (G, 4,149 w. 1 Ch. || Est. Rel., Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Hobbies, Summer, Song Fic, POV Sherlock, Painting, Play Fighting, Soft Sherlock, Dancing, Love Declarations, Hair Petting, Promise of Forever) – A one-shot of John and Sherlock being domestic during summer. There is paint, fluff, and music from Imagine Dragons, namely from the album 'Speak To Me', specific song in this one-shot is 'Living Musical'. Part 1 of the Happy Fluffy Johnlock Time series
Date Night by inevitably_johnlocked (G, 4,451 w., 1 Ch. || Anxious / Worried Sherlock, Caring John, Schmoopy Fluff, Fidget Cube, Baking / Cooking, Date Night, Established Relationship, POV Sherlock Holmes, Understanding John, Grumpy Sherlock, John’s Bum, Kisses, Hugs, Domestic Fluff, Touching, Hair Petting, Light Humour) – It's John and Sherlock's first Date Night as an official couple and Sherlock needs it to be PERFECT. Mrs Hudson helps. Part 7 of I-J's Tumblr Ficlet Collection
To be loved by Strange_johnlock (E, 12,436 w., 8 Ch. || Post S3, Established Relationship, First Person POV Sherlock, Pet Names, Soft Sherlock, Mild ADHD, Protective John, Captain Watson, Body Appreciation, Bottomlock, Rough Sex, Travelling for Holidays, Introspection, Sherlock Loves John So Much It Hurts) – John is so deeply integrated into the work, both as my conductor of light, and as a great shot with a vicious right hook who tackles men -and women- no matter their size all in my defense. He protects me with all he can without question, and this loyalty is surely more than I deserve. Or: Sherlock is counting his blessings.
Traitor's Gate by roane (E, 17,714 w., 6 Ch. || Post-TRF, Case Fic, Mystery, Bets and Wagers, Undercover for a Case, BAMF John, Scientist Sherlock, Teasing, Established Relationship, Military Base, Sexting/Texting, Military/Uniform Kink, Frottage, Dirty Sex, Anal, Bottomlock) – John and Sherlock go undercover at a top secret government lab to find out who is selling research. John is back in uniform and Sherlock is back in a laboratory, but they have to pose as strangers. Sherlock thinks he'll have an easy time of it, but John has his doubts. It's up to them to find out who is responsible for putting a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands, and try to keep their hands off each other at the same time.
A Quiet Life by DiscordantWords (M, 25,176 w., 6 Ch. || Post S4, Retirement, POV Sherlock, Awkwardness, Established Relationship, Family Dynamics, Minor Character Death, Questionable Parenting Choices, Non-Linear Narrative, 20 Year Old Rosie, Meddling Mycroft, Pining Sherlock, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Angst, Sherlock Whump) – There had been three days of silence and a funeral. Sherlock had the terrible feeling that whatever happened next would depend, entirely, on him.
Deck the Halls by itsalwaysyou_jw (T, 31,018 w., 24 Ch. || Advent Fic / Multiple One-Shots, Assorted Tags) – One Johnlock ficlet for every day leading up to Christmas. Who is ready for pining, first kisses, established Johnlock, and everything in between? This collection of stand-alone ficlets will have it all. 
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soloorganaas · 1 year
Self rec time! Rec one of your fluff fics, one angst, one multichaptered, one AU and send this to your favorite writers.
zo i love you <3
my fluff rec (sw) is a oneshot of three dif tattoos leia gets throughout her lifetime feat. post-ST hanleia and their adopted kids i love them sm
also (hp) charm work where sirius and remus try to fix broken heating charms and very much do not 👀
my angst rec (hp) is the saddest thing ive ever written it makes me cry every time. it's snapshots of remus's grief after the veil in the same hc of a grave mistake except sirius doesn't come back from the dead 🙃
my multichap (hp) is obvs a grave mistake itself this is my fave thing ive ever written i will never get enough of sirius and remus having a messy angsty affair exposing all the comphet of remadora and getting their happily ever after
my au rec (hp) is remus and sirius falling in love at summer school in rome feat. prongsfoot besties, found family, and mizrahi sirius <3
also (sw) han and leia live in the ST and sort out all their not-divorce angst and have a lot of really great sex
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letsnaththings · 2 years
Again, memeage
Tagged by @cairistiona7  Thank you!
Rules: If you’re tagged, make a rec list of your own fics that you’re most proud of. The ones you personally want people to read because you know they’re good. The ones you get extra excited when you get comments on them because people are responding to what you know is your best work. As part of the list, say why you’re proud of them! Participant’s choice on how many that is and where you draw the line on pride, but the more the better. Bonus points for fics that you like to reread yourself or fics that have low engagement because they’re in a small fandom or an unpopular ship/trope. Then tag however many people you feel like to continue the game. (If you want a guide number, try for seven or however many fics you listed)
Secondary rule: If you get tagged and you’re not a fic writer, consider doing the same for art you’ve done or meta you’ve written that you’re proud of.
Tertiary rule: This is the time to be the opposite of humble! Hype your own stuff! Share why you’re proud of something. Do some self love! And please give the game a chance even if you haven’t written much or are just starting out etc etc.
Do or do not – there is no tag.
 All these are in the Tolkien fandom – the list got a bit longer than I had planned, even with vigorous weeding (and would therefore probably look partly different if I made it at another time). They’re all stories that I like to reread for one reason or another. Even if I felt a ‘must edit’ itch for some of the older ones as well *g* I’ve tried to say something more than the original summary for them, but didn’t succeed for all.
An excess of weather - Life in Eriador can often be harsh, even more so when the weather becomes as much an enemy as Orcs or wolves. A look at how the Fell Winter of 2911 affected the Dúnedain. 
A gapfiller story with mostly OC Rangers. What I like about this one is how the circumstances test the Rangers to their limits, and in some cases beyond.
 Troll country - Where were the Rangers when Thorin & co. encountered those trolls?
A gapfiller I didn’t know I needed until the plotbunny turned up
 Out of time - FA 83 - King Elessar visits the North and realises something that has been bothering him
There are precious few stories about the Fourth Age – another gapfiller I had to have.
Inheritance – Recipe fic:  A taste from history in two drabbles and a double drabble - originally written for the October 2014 challenge, Sweet or Savoury, at the Lotr-genfic LJ community; my element was 'spicy'.
My only recipe fic, and therefore also my best recipe fic *g*
 2nd Age
Et Eärello Andorenna utúlien - Númenor: thoughts upon arrival and departure.
There’s a lot more to explore for both Elros and Ar-Pharazôn I think, and maybe someday I will. Until then, this short sketch will have to do.
 Spindrift - Of the seven palantíri, it is said that the one kept in the tower of Elostirion is the chief, and that Elendil looked in it often to alleviate the yearning of exile. This vignette examines one such viewing in the year 3423 of the Second Age.
 Opening - Sometime early in the second millennium of the Second Age: a moonlit night in Eregion, and two craftsmen anxiously wait the unveiling of their latest work.
Edge of the world - After the Downfall it was believed by the remnants of the Dúnedain that the top of Meneltarma rose once more above the sea level. If so, sailors of later Ages may have found it on occasion.
 Recall - Thengel, captain of Gondor, deals with a small family crisis, considers the past and receives some news.
 Holiday - Snapshots of a summer spent in Dol Amroth. Gimli is ambivalent about it all.
This entire fic was written to justify the use of one specific word in a Tolkienian context. I’ll leave it up to the reader to spot the word.
Back to Middle-earth month 2012 - A collection of the various drabbles and short stories I wrote for B2MEM 2012
A very miscellaneous bunch of stories, but one I’m pretty happy with. Definitely my best BMEM year.
 Tales of the North - banner
And in hope… –  Arwen finally understands one particular vision she saw in Galadriel's Mirror, and starts work on a special project.
Watching from afar – It is said in The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen that Arwen watched over Aragorn in thought. At times, this must have been a harrowing experience.
Envinyalë –  About a week after their wedding, Aragorn and Arwen spend an evening by themselves. Arwen has plans, but the evening does not turn out quite the way she had in mind.
A small collection of three stories in which I explored Arwen a bit, of course also against the background of my related stories on Aragorn and the Dúnedain.
Some that live - It is 3013, and Orcs are raiding and destroying Dúnedain farms in Eriador. Aragorn sets out to stop the raids. Alternate timeline leading up to the War of the Ring.
This story… During the writing its working title was “the Heap O’Angst”, and I’ve also been known to refer to it as “the story that ate my life”. It took some work to get out of its headspace once it was done. Without giving away too much, it’s an exploration of honour, guilt, redemption, friendship, loyalty. It may also be the best story I’ve written so far.
 As may be obvious, I like writing AUs, both long ones and shorter stories, because they allow exploring different approaches to characters, events and themes They’re also a lot of fun to play with: “what breaks if I change this…?”
 Unto the ending of the world - Dark AU, diverging from the end of the Two Towers: Sauron regains his Ring in Ithilien, and a very bleak world emerges for those who survive the Ringwar to make their way in. 
This is the only still ongoing story in the list. I started it in 2007 and am still writing it. I do actually know how it ends, but I’m a slow writer to begin with, and it’s taking just a bit longer than I expected to get where I want to go – plus I spent some time away from it writing the Heap O’Angst. The basic idea was quite simple, Sauron gets the One Ring, so what happens now? Quite a lot, as it turns out, and not much of it good.
 Elenion Ancalima - Nerdanel wonders whether perhaps it would have been better if Fëanáro had not listened to his father.
 Still standing - Six vignettes from Halbarad's point of view - from the siege of Minas Tirith until the day after Aragorn's coronation
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sunnydaleherald · 1 year
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, April 5
BUFFY: Well I thought I saw a four legged demon. But it was just a dog. OZ: A weredog?
The Sunnydale Herald is looking for at least one new editor. Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! Find out more here.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Faith by badly_knitted (Faith, Kakistos, Buffy, PG)
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the queen's gambit by The_Eclectic_Bookworm (Giles/Jenny, Angelus, T)
Aftermath by SomeKindOfADeviant (Spike/Drusilla, T)
Messing About by anonymous Smubbles Remix Madness participant (Tara/Willow, T)
One Summers' Grave by Cajunhusker (Giles & Joyce, Spike & Joyce, Spike & Giles, G)
Never Leave Me by luciusiantokinnie (Torchwood crossover, Buffy/Spike, G)
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Calendar Boy - a Fire Starter story by Julikobold (Buffy/Spike, G)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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A Coalition of Heroes - Chapter 1-2 by Aragorn_II_Elessar (crossover with Supernatural and Charmed, ensemble, T)
The Witch’s Gift - Chapter 1-2 by RavenLove12 (Buffy/Spike, M)
Crushing Expectations - Chapter 1-2 by RavenLove12 (Buffy/Spike, M)
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Chosen One, Ch. 38 by all_choseny (Buffy/Spike, R)
Rewind Love, Ch. 6 by Blade Redwind (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Seven, Ch. 42 by Holly (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Ties to the World, Ch. 17 by The Danish Bird (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Hold My Hand Even Though I’m a Sinner! Ch. 28 by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Spiderwebs, Ch. 17 by Willow25 (Buffy/Spike, R)
The Key Saves Spuffy, Ch. 5 by Dynamite (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
42, Ch. 5 by Dynamite (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Fire Starter, Ch. 22-23 by Teuntje (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
How to...The manual of instructions every Slayer needs, Ch. 3 by JSBirsa (Buffy/Spike, R)
Crushing Expectations, Ch. 2 by RavenLove12 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Creative Solutions, Ch. 2 by Harlow Turner (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
In Another Life, I Still Fall for You, Ch. 1-2 by DeamonQueen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
In The Blue Of My Oblivion, Ch. 1 by Wojtekstan (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Give Me Back My Girlhood, It Was Mine First, Ch. 1 by Wonder and Ashes (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Slayer of Watchers, Ch. 1 by Amina (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Marveling at a Range of Stars, Ch. 6 by TheDivineDemon (multiple crossovers, Scoobies, FR15)
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Postcards and Snapshots, Ch. 3 by TheSunnySlayer (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Bring Him Home, Ch. 3-4 by Acb6293 (Buffy/Spike, G)
These Endless Days, Ch. 5 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Barbie manips by l0veisntbrains (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Drawing: Angel dying in the glue trap by spikedru (worksafe)
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Video: Buffy but Make it Puppies by Moshpig ()
[Reviews & Recaps]
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I'd have a few things to say about Buffy s3... by tuiyla
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5.11 Damage | Angel on Top
Pop Culture Role Call: [Censored] - Angel S04E10 - Awakening
[Recs & In Search Of]
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Anon is looking for a Buffy/Angelus fic that starts when he's in the cage and makes a deal
[Community Announcements]
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Sign up for Spring 2023 of Seasonal Spuffy!
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Sign up for Spring 2023 of Seasonal Spuffy!
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Welcome to the very first TV Title Prompts for Buffy the Vampire Slayer!
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New podcast about Buffy: You Know What They Slay by ykwtspod
[Fandom Discussions]
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Faith’s supernatural prison shenanigans? by msfbgraves
Poll: Pick a Spike "pure of heart" moment by disco-tea
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Nightmares as Prophecy by WillowRose97
Other characters who would have been good in an alternative musical episode [at a different time in the series] by Sadistic_Toaster
You find yourself living in Sunnydale.... How are you gearing yourself up so you dont get slaughtered? by FullyStacked92
What did you all think of the Bridesmaid dresses at Xander and Anya's wedding? by Whappingtime
Does anyone else kinda hate what the Judge says about Angelus by Get_To_Da_Choppa_VR
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Paris Fan Festival 2023 Schedule (includes James Marsters and Charisma Carpenter) via jamie_marsters
Submit a link to be included in the newsletter!
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I posted 3,365 times in 2022
That's 2,962 more posts than 2021!
105 posts created (3%)
3,260 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,315 of my posts in 2022
Only 31% of my posts had no tags
#hp fanart - 451 posts
#drarry - 439 posts
#hp fanfic - 324 posts
#art rec - 318 posts
#signal boost - 296 posts
#yesss i love this - 232 posts
#hp fests - 222 posts
#harry potter - 218 posts
#draco malfoy - 184 posts
#drarry fanart - 171 posts
Longest Tag: 39 characters
#and it shouldn't always have to be free
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I’ve got one more character portrait I wanted to get out of my system before I need to work on other projects, so here’s Derek for ya! I honestly wasn’t sure how Sourwolf was going to turn out, but he actually exceeded my expectations. He was thankfully easier to draw than I thought he would be (the grumpy characters I do draw are hard AF to get right), so he was a breath of fresh air. I could definitely get used to drawing him more (and maybe doing some really cool things with his eyes). Also, swooning over that facial hair and the shadows, and this general colour palette was really great to work with. You can view Derek as part of the work Snapshots of Time on AO3. Thinking about maybe working on Scott or Lydia next, but we’ll see!
191 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
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What were the words that you said to me that made me feel so special now? Here’s my @sterekweek-2022 contribution for the “Sing Me A Song” prompt! This art piece went in its own direction, and I just followed the path it took me. Lyrics are based on Finch’s song, “Stay With Me.” You can also view Makes Me Feel Alive on AO3.     Folks who are familiar with my work know I live for anything inspired by songs and lyrics, so I obviously had to see what I could come up with for Sterek. Thankfully, I have a gazillion songs and lyrics that work so well for them! :D Drawing an almost kiss scene was fun since there’s something raw and emotional about this moment Derek and Stiles are about to share. I loved drawing Derek’s leather jacket, and Stiles’ plaid button-ups have been teaching me new ways to work with patterns and simple clothing. And the way the mixed media spread ended up really embraces the October and spooky feels. I may have another Sterek surprise for ya for Halloween, so stay tuned!
194 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
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Welp! I’ve been sitting on this for quite a while, but I can now scream and squee about the gorgeous Perciver art @rxbbits made me for Where do we go from here? !! This very art piece inspired me to finish There’s a guiding light (on AO3) Since that fic deserved a follow-up and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to write something inspired by this beautiful art, I just posted a ficlet that links to both of these pieces. Title: I’m always by your side (<- on AO3) Rating: General/Teen WC: 1.5k Tags: The Burrow, Post-War, Established Relationship, Developing Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Honesty, Patronuses, Fluff and Angst, Reassurances, Conversations, Summer, Angst with a Happy Ending, Doubt, Memories, Oliver Wood-centric Summary:  In this moment, they existed. In this moment, they could truly appreciate each other’s company as the sun went down. [Or: Oliver and Percy have an honest conversation for the first time in ages and find comfort when two silver guardians make appearances again.] The ficlet uses @wood-you-rather-challenge prompts On the count of three, travel and Everything that kills me makes me feel alive and rarepair_shorts Rare Pairings Challenge 2022 prompts the Burrow and second chances. ANYWAY, my gods, I love the art that goes with this so much. I can stare at it all day because it reminds me why I love these two. They’re soooo precious!! Eeep! XD A BIG thank you to Matteo for listening to all of my ideas, talking all things Perciver with me and making this piece truly come to life. Make sure to check some of Matteo’s other Perciver art pieces or support his work! <333
268 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
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Well, it looks like I can finally share this, after not being able to say anything for...I don’t know for how long?! Anyway, here’s what I made for @hd-wireless this year, which is my first Drarry fest piece of the year so far! Drarry has been with me through and through for a long time, and if you were to look at my Drarry playlist, Three Days Grace’s “I Hate Everything About You” is 10000% in there. I’ve loved this song for ages, and it sums up Harry and Draco’s relationship so well, it’s not even funny. I am so glad @sunflower-swan prompted this song so I could snatch it right up! More rambling about how I came up with this piece are in my notes. Cheers, and I hope you enjoy! Title: Every Feeling That I Get (<-see the full work on AO3) Rating: Teen Medium: Digital art Content and Tags: Mirrors, Hands, Love/Hate, Sectumsempra , Fiendfyre, Getting Together, Snogging, UST, Shirtless, Gryffindor vs. Slytherin Rivalry, Feelings Realization, Memories, Post-War, Growing Up, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hogwarts Eighth Year, Enemies to Lovers Summary: The events from their malicious past somehow bring Harry and Draco together in a new way.
272 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Since it’s spooky season, this has a perfect time to delve deeper into more Teen Wolf and lore. So far, it’s been really fun to geek out over monsters, mythology and all things supernatural again. To do that (for a fandom that’s still newish to me) has helped me loosen up my expectations, look forward to trying new things, and I’ve been slowly getting back on track to finish up current art and fic WIPs. I guess this was the breath of fresh air I needed get out of that corner of roadblocks and feeling stuck. It seems to be working! I’m still getting my feet wet with Sterek (a ship I didn’t know I needed and one I adore sooo much). So, here’s a little something for @averysterekfall! I may have let this one run away, since there’s art AND a triple drabble that go together. :D If you like Teen Wolf and Supernatural references/crossovers, this might be your cuppa. Cheers and enjoy! Title: It’s Enough For Now (<- on AO3) Rating: G WC: 300 (w/ art) Tags: Autumn, Blankets, Comfort, Huddling For Warmth, Feelings Realization, Uncertainty, References to Norse Religion & Lore, Episode: s01e11 Scarecrow (Supernatural), POV Stiles Stilinski, Monster of the Week, Exhaustion, Pagan Gods, Mixed Media, Digital Art, Triple Drabble Summary: “You know, I could get another blanket,” Stiles points out, breaking the silence. “Or let me grab my hoodie from the couch—”   “It’s fine,” Derek interjects in a low voice. He tugs the blanket gently, pulling Stiles closer. “Stiles…” [Or, Stiles and Derek end up sharing a blanket after coming back from the pack's latest supernatural adventure.]
314 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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I’m going on a plane ride tomorrow, would you happen to have any longer batfamily fics you could recommend off the top of your head? Preferably without unnecessary angst. Just one or two is fine, no need to work for it! And thx if u do!
i don't have a ton of long fics saved tbh, but here's what i found in my bookmarks:
Can't Stay Down (a Documentary) by SonoSvegliato
Tim has a thrilling time after a tonsillectomy. Nat Geo Wild ensues.
(tim gets his tonsils out and it's HILARIOUS, i come back to this one so often it's amazing)
Robins and Other Flightless Birds by Ionaperidot
It begins with another Bruce, looking around his cave and asking, “So where are the kids?”
Bruce has never thought about having a family before. But once the idea occurs to him, it's hard to think about anything else.
(i'll be honest i never got around to finishing this one, but the beginning chapters are SO cool and cute)
Things My Heart Used to Know by poisonivory
Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne's beloved adopted son, was kidnapped when he was fifteen. He was never found.
Six years later, Roy Harper runs across a very familiar face, three thousand miles from Gotham. "Jay" has no last name, no memory, and no reason to believe he's a potential heir to Gotham's largest fortune. But with Bruce Wayne offering a five million dollar reward to anyone who can bring his son home, Roy and Jay figure it might be worth teaming up to claim the money, even if Jay is only a fraud.
Of course, if he's not a fraud, then things have just gotten a lot more complicated...
(god. this fic. it's not batfamily but i LOVE jason in this story, the whole thing is fantastic)
Running Headlong into My Arms by gleesquid
Bruce doesn’t like to credit one thing for saving his life, but if he did, it would be Haly’s Circus that Friday night in September, just as summer was beginning to die.
(He'll always be a sucker for kids with sad eyes, no parents, and more fight than the world knows what to do with.)
Or: in a universe where superheroes don't exist, Bruce Wayne finds his family.
(this is another super cute one, i keep coming back to reread it constantly)
I Was Lost For You to Find by Sohotthateveryonedied
Bruce never planned on having kids. After watching his parents die, the idea of starting a family of his own was foolishness at best and an impending disaster at worst. Never in his wildest dreams did Bruce think he'd ever be up to the task of raising a child, and he was okay with that. But when an orphaned acrobat starts weighing on his mind, Bruce makes the (questionable) decision to become a foster father. Everything after that is just dumb luck.
(yes i'm plugging my own fics because this is america and i can be as shameless as i want and also i ran out of recs lmao)
And Now I'm Covered in the Colors, Pulled Apart at the Seams by Sohotthateveryonedied
Alternate universe in which we gather soul strings as we fall in love, with different colors representing the different kinds of love you experience over time. Tim has loved and lost so many times over the years that, as rare as it is to find someone who actually loves him back, his strings are mangled like barbed wire. What's the point of loving if it only ends in heartache?
(Or: Tim’s experience with love, a story told in snapshots.)
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thedrarrylibrarian · 3 years
Hey! I recently finished reading Dad Says and omg I NEED more! If you have any recs, or if you could show me the right place in the card catalog that would be amazing, thank you so much
First I need to thank YOU for recommending Dad Says to me! I'd never read it before your ask and enjoyed it. I usually keep fics mentioned in the ask separate from the list, but it was so good and such a perfect fit that I've included it in this list.
Kid Fics 2
Baby's First Magic by @ladderofyears (237 words, rated G)
Harry and Draco take baby Scorpius out for ice-cream, where he surprises the pair of them.
Bedtime Stories by @malenkayacherepakha (578 words, rated G)
Reading Scorpius his bedtime story is Draco's favourite part of being a Dad.
Where We'll Go by @goldentruth813 (1,285 words, rated G)
Harry needs to figure out how to get around now that he's got 3 kids to handle on his own. Clearly getting Draco Malfoy to teach him how to drive is his only option.
If You Asked Me to Stay by @triggerlil (1,701 words, rated T)
Harry occupies Scorpius so Draco can do some much-needed work, but Scorpius has a habit of meddling in his father's affairs.
Like Daughter, Like Fathers by MrTibblesOnTheCase (2,082 words, rated G)
Cute domestic snapshots of Draco and Harry's life as first time fathers.
Tough Love by dracogotgame (2,426 words, rated M)
James made a stupid bet and ended up badly hurt. His father has had enough.
For the Want Of Five Minutes (And a Locked Door) by @postjentacular (4,333 words, rated M)
It’s hard enough to get five minutes to yourself in a house of five kids, nevermind getting five minutes with your boyfriend for anything else.
Surviving Summer by dracogotgame (15,344 words, rated M)
It wasn't going to be easy managing four teenagers over the summer hols. But it was definitely going to be worth it.
How to Handle a Matzo Ball Soup Emergency by (22,025 words, rated M)
Harry, having left the Wizarding World after his divorce, inherits a deli in a trendy part of London. Draco wanders in and falls in love - with the food. And certainly not with the infuriatingly-fit-father-of-three who runs the place.
A tale of growing up and families of choice; of awkward hugs and new best friends.
"Dad says" by gallaplacidia (39,219 words, not rated)
Eleven-year-old Scorpius starts writing to Harry. Harry starts to fall in love with Draco through his portrayal in his son's letters.
Featuring an extremely remorseful Draco living with muggles and working at a second-hand book shop, an isolated Harry, and a Scorpius who's dreading going to Hogwarts because he knows he'll be bullied there.
❤️ As always, if you find a fic you enjoy, please remember to leave the author a kudos or a comment! ❤️
Lots of Love and Happy Reading!
P.S. Thank you all for your patience while I've had to be away from the library for a couple weeks. Sometimes real life things have to come first, but I've missed you all and am glad to be back! When I say lots of love, I'm sending extra to all of you!
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