#figure because shes terrified of becoming like her own father
smallsies · 8 months
pros/cons of being my friend: multiple unprompted essay-length messages rambling about some scrap of a character i've made incredibly angsty for unknown reasons
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Follow me on my delusional rant for a second: we all know that stiles was kinda but not really obsessed with the hale fire yes?? What if he just a tiny bit more obsessed with it and less with Lydia. The sheriff turns a blind eye to this because this was the most lively his son had been since his mother died. The sheriff also can’t figure why this case doesn’t feel right to him, but if anyone can figure it out it’s his son.
He goes on a deep dive about the hales. There comes a point where he can’t access anymore information legally; so he goes to Danny to teach him how to hack. This gets Lydia attention but not enough to get her to help, yet.
So stiles learns and he hacks into the school database, the police, and generally every establishment that the hales have frequented. He finds a pattern of suspiciously missed full moons, high grocery bills the next morning. He finds Paige and Kate. He finds a paper trail to the fire.
He shows it to his dad. With this evidence the sheriff looks into the case. This is what causes Lydia to talk to stiles. She pulls up to his house the very next morning the sheriff reopens the case. She liked Cora and would do anything to get the person who killed her. This cause a deeper dive of obsession. Together they look into the supernatural side of beacon hills. They find Lydia’s grandmother, and Lydia is able to understand what she is before it becomes a problem.
I’m a Stiles and Lydia sibling truther. They become that duo. Just over all becoming the pretty twins of beacon hills.
Lydia gets familiar ties to the stilinskis. Something that she doesn’t get at home. The sheriff loves her, absolutely dotes on her. He’s always wanted a daughter. Stiles becomes far more confident and comfortable in his skin. They have spa days and sleepovers. Stiles lets Lydia practice makeup on him. Lydia has her own room at the Stilinski’s, it becomes a safe haven for her.
They both watch over the sheriffs diet like hawks; fast food places are terrified when the sheriff comes in to order food. “No sheriff, I actually can’t give you a double burger because I’m still traumatized from your kids”. Lydia creates a binder of healthy meals, while stiles cooks them. (Lydia cannot cook)
Stiles comforts her when Jackson is being a dick. Stiles becomes frienimes with Jackson. When Jackson swings by the house the sheriff quietly brings out his gun and cleans it in front of him. Lydia pretends to be embarrassed but she’s absolutely glowing. Jackson also become close with the sheriff, especially after him and Lydia break up. (They were gay and lesbian solidarity)
With the amount of digging Stiles and Lydia did they would have figured out Peter was being poisoned. I also believe that they would have found Cora was still alive. This brings Laura and Derek back to beacon hills, starting the rise of the hale pack.
Like imagine season one Derek meeting confident stiles with lipstick. Your honour it’s over for him.
Derek still becomes an alpha after the alpha pack comes and he kills one of them. (I’m also a Alpha Derek hale truther)
Stiles and Lydia are both “little reds”
Derek and Cora being super fucking cocky that they’re mated to the pretty twins of beacon hills
The sheriff also cleans his gun in front of Derek and Cora. He’ll be damned doesn’t get to pull the protective father for his kids.
Anyway thanks for coming to my Ted talk
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howtofightwrite · 2 years
How physically active were actually "medieval" noble women? I know is a long period but I usually see people complaning about noble women in fantasy doing stuff such as hunting or riding horses. I have seen a couple of illustrations of fencing manuals with women in them too.
We, as a culture, especially in the US, have a very bad habit of using the British Regency/Victorian era as the gold standard for how women all over the world were treated throughout history. And the truth is, it ain’t that way. It never was, because women in this exact era used to duel each other in other parts of Europe and often did it topless.
Yes, this is real. We have records of it.
Was it all women, all the time? No. Was it often enough to mention? Yes.
There’s a really good article by Kameron Hurley, “Women Have Always Fought” that goes over the history of women warriors and the laziness of specular fiction in detail. This is a particularly great few paragraphs from the article that covers where our popular conception that women don’t fight comes from.
“Women have always fought,” he said. “Shaka Zulu had an all-female force of fighters. Women have been part of every resistance movement. Women dressed as men and went to war, went to sea, and participated actively in combat for as long as there have been people.”
I had no idea what to say to this. I had been nurtured in the U.S. school system on a steady diet of the Great Men theory of history. History was full of Great Men. I had to take separate Women’s History courses just to learn about what women were doing while all the men were killing each other. It turned out many of them were governing countries and figuring out rather effective methods of birth control that had sweeping ramifications on the makeup of particular states, especially Greece and Rome.
Half the world is full of women, but it’s rare to hear a narrative that doesn’t speak of women as the people who have things done to them instead of the people who do things. More often, women are talked about as a man’s daughter. A man’s wife.
Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
Check out some of these real women below.
Empress Maude, the daughter of the English King, Henry I, was named her father’s heir after her brother died. While her cousin Stephen stole the throne after her father’s death, she raised an army and took the country into a civil war to take it back. They fought it out for the decade it took for her son to reach adulthood, and laid the groundwork for Henry II to become king. There’s a great novel by Sharon Kay Penman, When Christ and His Saints Slept which chronicles the civil war. If you’re interested in medieval history, I recommend reading it. Her daughter-in-law, Eleanor of Aquitaine, also led an interesting life. (It should be said, real history got to the denied female heir fights for her throne before George R.R. Martin.)
There’s great videos from Xiran Jay Zhao discussing the Chinese warrior queen Fu Hao of the Shang Dynasty and Wu Zetian, who became China’s first female emperor. (Yes, you read that right. Emperor.)
There is Khutulun, the Wrestler Princess and the great-great granddaughter of Gengis Khan, who is one source of our “defeat her in battle to marry her” tropes. She issued this challenge, “defeat her in wrestling, she’ll marry.” She scammed would be suitors out of 10,000 horses. Western male authors are so threatened by Khutulun, they’ve kept trying to rewrite her history by making her fall victim to the power of love. (No, seriously.)
There’s also Hojo Masako, the Buddhist nun who deposed her own son when he proved incompetent and ruled Japan as Shogun. Here’s her wiki entry too.
The Amazons of Greek Myth were real in that they were actual Scythian women who went to war. (As Scythian women did, just like their men.) They terrified and terrorized the Greeks so much, they became immortalized in their mythology. Don’t believe me? Here’s an article from National Geographic and this one from Live Science.
There’s stories like this all throughout history from big events to small ones. (You can find more over at Rejected Princesses if you’re interested.) There are female warriors, female generals, noblewomen who took command of their husbands’ forces, widows who took to the sea to get revenge on those who wronged them, women who rode with their husbands to battle, female assassins, female leaders of rebellions, etc. The women of the Japanese samurai class were trained to fight, and fight they did. Women warriors, queens, and politicians are all over mythology too. You’ll often see these women come out of the upper echelons of society because money creates options, but they are there. Many of those stories are lost to history, in some cases purposefully, and there was a long trend among archeologists that assumed because a person was buried with male grave goods, the body had to be male. We’re now finding out that isn’t true. There’s a significant portion of warrior corpses that have turned out to be female. Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla chose to post a notice about it in response to these exact criticisms you’re questioning.
Those people you see complaining online? They’re clinging to a version of history that doesn’t exist. More, we know it doesn’t, because popular culture is hungry to the point of desperate for aggressive, confident, and competent female characters. If they were truly a lie, they wouldn’t ring true for so many people.
The history we’re taught today largely downplays women’s achievements, contributions, and successes while uplifting those of men. It’s a fact. Go look at famous female figures anywhere, you’ll find the same story at play over and over. Historically, fantasy as a genre largely portrays a world that is, in fact, fantasy, but that fantasy has nothing to do with women doing things they’re not “supposed” to. There’s no clubhouse. There’s nothing unrealistic in imagining your female character is a kickass queen who defeats overconfident men in wrestling competitions and robs them of all their horses. It’s not unrealistic to come up with an ending that doesn’t conclude in tragedy, violent deaths, them “learning their place,” or even locked within the bonds of an unhappy marriage. (Shocker!) Some did, but the truth isn’t universal. It’s not even unrealistic to imagine they might have supportive male family members, love interests, and followers who happily (gasp) assist them in these endeavors. Maude, for reference, had bastard half-brothers who helped her instead of trying to take the throne for themselves.
History got here before fantasy authors. There’s nothing unrealistic about reality. Popular conceptions and common knowledge fed to us by the majority male dominated culture isn’t always the truth. Reality is, it’s the stories we see normalized across the media spectrum that are wrong. The ones that insist women are objects, who commodify their pain, and reframe their stories to ensure the focus remains on men. While this is changing, women are still often treated as the NPCs of male driven stories.
The people you hear complaining? They want storytelling traditions to stay that way, for the Great Man values countless narratives have reinforced to remain unchallenged. Funny as it sounds, they’re threatened by the very existence of narratives that countermand that centralized focus on men being superior, that there is a stratified gender hierarchy, and men taking their place as the sole, worshipful focus of a woman’s existence, much less these female characters being important in their own narratives. If these people weren’t threatened by female characters being people, they wouldn’t say anything. They’d just move on in apathy.
Reality is people are complicated. There’s room for all stripes in all colors and contexts. It’s no secret that history has suppressed and erased countless stories that don’t support the ruling narrative of the dominant culture. These same people forget there’s plenty of storytelling traditions that include women taking their place as warriors in cultures outside America. For all the sexism and misogyny, women fighting is not an alien concept, it’s not even foreign to other Western European traditions.
Believe what your own research is showing you, not what a bunch of idiots who can’t tell their ass from their elbow are whining about. They can’t handle someone who isn’t straight, male, and (most often) white being the central focus. Really, they can’t handle these characters as even a side focus. That’s their loss, it doesn’t have to be yours.
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nightingale2004 · 3 months
Severus Snape as a parent headcanons
At first, he was terrified, worried, and panicking due to his past with his parents and was afraid he would hurt his own child like his dad did to him or neglect them like his mother (unintentionally).
As soon as he saw his child, he fell completely in love. He was still scared, but all he wanted to do in that moment was protect and love them until his last breathe
He made a vow that he would be better than his own father and try to give his child everything he never had.
He would prepare for every possible scenario (fevers, teething, diseases, baby proofing, medicine, etc)
He would expel any and every sign of alcohol (except if it's for disinfecting) from his home
He would buy the child bunches of toys since he never had any growing up.
He would've had an endless supply of diapers when the child was a baby (I do mean ENDLESS)
The people in Severus's life who know about his child are the Malfoys, Charity, and her wife Aurora (they are married) and Minerva McGonagall (who would tell Dumbledore so he knows as well)
The child would have black hair, black eyes, and pale skin like Severus. Their nose is normal than Severus's nose, which he is grateful for.
As soon as everyone saw the child, they immediately fell in love.
I think Severus would name Narcissa and Lucius as godparents (mostly because Narcissa kept pestering Severus about it and she would use the godfather card), and they spoil the child rotten along with Aurora and Charity
Minerva loves the child and helps Severus out when she can. She also becomes a grandmother figure and a mother figure to Severus and the child
Severus makes sure the child is not spoiled a lot by the Malfoys, so the child won't be a spoiled brat.
Severus is very overprotective and always keeps an eye on them. He constantly worries about them and is always vigilante of his surroundings, especially with his child
He educates them about both the wizarding world and the muggle world.
He cooks for them, he's a master chef.
He also teaches them potions
He teaches them about gardening and uses his magic to entertain them sometimes (he loves seeing his child smile)
He takes them to the park and they have fun.
He plays with them and sets up play dates with his child and Draco along with Aurora and Charity's child.
Minerva loves babysitting the child, and both she and severus make sure the child is ahead of their studies and not slacking
The child is either in Ravenclaw or Slytherin.
Severus always keeps the dark wizards away from his family with the Malfoys help of course.
When the child first did accidental magic, they made flowers grow from their hands and hair and made things levitate.
The child would be just as protective of their dad as Severus is of his child.
Draco and Severus's child are practically siblings
I feel like Regulus would be afraid of the child, but shortly after, fall in love with them (similar to Draco)
Narcissa treats Severus's child as her own along with Lucius.
Severus is strict, but he is reasonable with his child.
He also taught them how to dance along with Draco and Charity and Aurora's child.
He does not trust Bellatrix to be alone with his child
If he adopted Harry, his child and Harry would be siblings as well.
If Tobias was still alive at this time. Severus is keeping his child FAR AWAY FROM THAT MAN (HE HAS NO RIGHT TO COME ANYWHERE NEAR HIS CHILD)
Severus moved away from Cokeworth with Lucius, Narcissa, Charity, Aurora, and McGonagalls help, and he lives in a small flat with enough room for him and his child
I feel like he would have the child before the death eaters, but that's just me. I also feel like he would want to change his last name to his mother's maiden name or whoever the mother of the child's name is because of Tobias
What about you guys? Do you think he would've had a child before or after he became a death eater? What would happen if he saw Lily at the park or on the street with Harry? Would this be before or after Voldemort died? What happens if he sees one of the marauders with his child? Would he still be teaching at hogwarts?
I hope you guys enjoy it and let me know what you all think
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fuckyeahisawthat · 2 months
Something I find interesting when viewing the two recent Dune movies as a whole is that initially, Paul is more than willing to use the prophecy and his visions for his own gain to convince Liet to help them, while Jessica whispers "careful!" at his side, and she later recommends they leave the planet entirely. But Paul decides they'll stay with the Fremen. Even at the beginning of Part 2, Paul is like "fuck yeah let's wage war on the Harkonnen" and Jessica is again counseling caution: "your father didn't believe in revenge." She goes through the Water of Life ceremony not because she wants to help Paul fulfill the prophecy but because she's forced to: do this or die. And even then, the old Reverend Mother had to use the Voice on her to get Jessica to drink.
That all changes when Jessica nearly dies during the ceremony. After that, Paul becomes more wary of embracing the prophecy, and she just throws herself into it. Paul nearly loses his mother (and his unborn sister) to a painful, agonizing poison - mere hours/days after losing his father and all their friends/allies to the Harkonnen slaughter - and decides it's not worth it. Meanwhile, Jessica gets a direct download of memories of millennia of oppression and goes "yeah let's burn everything to the ground."
It's an interesting, quick reversal at the beginning of the second movie, and it's great.
Ooh thank you for this great ask. I can always count on you for smart and thoughtful Jessica takes!
You make a really good observation about their reversal of positions--I had been struggling to figure out how Paul's line about "I must sway the non-believers" fit into his overall arc, but you are absolutely right that this feels like a continuation of how he talks to Liet. We're seeing the first stirrings of that little "maybe I am special" thought that later takes center stage.
For most of Part Two, Paul has several reliable counterweights pulling against that streak of arrogance and high-handedness that he's had from the beginning. Jessica almost dies drinking the Water of Life, which, like you point out, has got to make him think twice about encouraging people to believe in the prophecy. Then, he spends most of the movie surrounded by Chani and her friends and comrades, who seem the most skeptical of the prophecy and also aren't going to give his ego the time of day. And at the same time, he has an opportunity to pour his desire for revenge into collective political action that seems to be making a difference.
It's only when those countervailing forces start collapsing (the people who had started out as his equals are now becoming his followers; the Harkonnens attack Sietch Tabr and other civilian population centers, proving they are far from militarily defeated; Gurney shows up and immediately offers what seems like an easy solution to their problems that only Paul can access) that the little maybe I am special voice starts winning again.
As for Jessica, her journey doesn't get as much focus in the movie but it's also fascinating. She's a great character because she is so fucking smart at navigating power structures from what seems like an unenviable position. Did she have any choice about being sent to Caladan to become Leto's concubine? I am guessing she did not. But she sure figured out how to work that situation to her advantage. It happened that along the way she and Leto came to genuinely love and respect each other. But I'm sure she would still have figured out an angle even if that had not been the case.
In Part Two she starts out in a frankly quite terrifying position: she can undergo this unknown, dangerous ritual or die, and also possibly put Paul's safety at risk by raising doubt about whether he is the Lisan al-Gaib. But after she survives the Water of Life, she is launched into a powerful position in Fremen society and pretty quickly realizes she can use that to both protect Paul and get her revenge on the people who tried to kill her whole family. And unlike Paul, she is much more cognizant of the intergalactic power structures at work and aware that the Harkonnens themselves were a pawn in all this, so her target is the Bene Gesserit and the emperor.
I would have loved more time to explore Jessica's relationship to Fremen society and her POV in general. Because in some ways she becomes as Fremen as it's possible for her to be--she has access to thousands of years of memories of Fremen history and culture and politics; she becomes instantly fluent in the language and she is immersed in Fremen daily life in the sietch. (If there's one single thing I wanted more of, it was daily life in the sietch.) But she's still the same person she was, so she hasn't lost that ability to be ruthless and calculating and see people as forces to be manipulated. In Part One, her love for Paul and Leto provided an interesting counterweight to this that allowed us to see some moments of vulnerability from her (ie. she knows Paul has to undergo the Gom Jabbar test but she's terrified for him while it's happening). In Part Two she is so isolated for most of the movie (away from Paul; surrounded by followers who were never friends; I think we can all agree that talking to your unborn fetus doesn't really count) that we don't get a lot of these more unguarded moments from her. (I would have loved some Jessica/Stilgar action and it seems like the potential was very much set up for that, but I understand why they didn't have time.)
But in general I thought they did a great job of setting up this contradictory tension between Jessica and Paul, where they both want so desperately to protect each other and they both want revenge, but the way they each go about it ends up putting them in direct conflict with each other.
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ystrike1 · 2 months
Second Time's the Crime - By Nagare Ebi (7.5/10)
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This is an intense and gory horror story featuring two very different obsessive men, but it loses points because the romance isn't very believable. You know who the endgame love interest is right away, and it's the boring one. The "heroic" yandere doesn't get enough character development. The psychological pain and real violence on display makes the romance feel like background noise.
Shiki is a poor little victim in the beginning. A wealthy but abused wife. It LOOKS like her 35 year old husband pounced on her when she was 19 because he needed a convenient bride. It LOOKS like he married her to cover up his debauched lifestyle.
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It's...too much?
It's suspicious from chapter two. Kaoru is a handsome older man who didn't need to get married at all. He abuses his young wife. He cheats on her. He makes her eat a raw egg in one of his first scenes, but he's loving to her before he goes to work.
It's almost like he's performing for an audience, but there's nobody there. Just him and his terrified wife.
It's almost like....torturing her is his hobby?
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It was a fairytale romance. Her parents were over the moon. She didn’t have money. He's got lots. He was mature and romantic and he dated her seriously before they got hitched.
He started abusing her days after the wedding....with joy in his eyes???
Shiki doesn't bother with the details. She obviously assumes he's just a lying pervert that wanted a submissive wife.
That's what it LOOKS like.
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The pain she goes through changes her. She figures out that he's a cheater. Of course he is. He owns a fashion magazine. He works with models every day.
....when he sleeps with those models he calls them by her name...
Why would she know little details like that?
All she knows is the pain, and the desire for it to end.
She wants to die, but someone else has been watching her. She goes to the movie theater alone alot, and she has an admirer there.
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It's a man who thinks she should kill her husband. Saku comes from a broken family. His mother died after years of abuse, and his father was never prosecuted. He's also very in love with Shiki. He's willing to help her kill her husband, because she's beautiful and he wants to see her happy.
They actually have a pretty good relationship, because the story goes nuts.
Saku doesn't whisk Shiki away and protect her.
He can't. Shiki has to protect him too.
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Kaoru is willing to kill for Shiki too. There's a tracker in her phone. He removed all of her friends from her life too, so when Saku tries to run away with her Kaoru hunts them down. He's a little too prepared. He catches her every time like he's a one man military group.
It becomes clear that this isn't some average "abusive husband" story.
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Of course the main characters make it clear that Kaoru is an abuser. He doesn't deserve to be forgiven and Shiki should divorce him. She just can't, because Kaoru will kill her, her allies and possibly himself if she runs.
He's not a normal man.
He really does love her. Just not in a sane way. Shiki will never understand him, and she shouldn't. He absolutely hid his unstable side from her to lure her in, and he doesn’t deserve any pity.
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Shiki soon realizes her husband is serious. He almost kills Saku more than once.....so she returns to him because she's worried for Saku. Shiki starts to develop way more than Saku. By the end of the story Saku is just a hostage. A pawn in Kaoru and Shiki's psychological battle. It was unexpected, and very cool.
Shiki isn't nobly sacrificing herself. Oh no. She protects Saku and she decides to kill her husband on her own. She doesn't want to involve the innocent man she's falling for.
Kaoru shocks her when he installs security cameras inside. He brings out a leg restraint, and he says they will be happy together...forever.
She pulls a knife on him, and it ends up in her stomach.
Kaoru is unnaturally prepared, and experienced with violence. As a reader I started to question his family business. Kaoru can't be some spoiled model agency heir. He's just too good at fighting...
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Shiki doesn't stop trying, no matter how crazy the battle gets. If Kaoru won't divorce her she'll kill him. The issue is he doesn't care at all. If she doesn’t love him he'll earn her love back. Saku is just an obstacle that will fall before him, because he always gets his way. This is his love. He will spend the rest of his life showing his wife how much he loves her....through violence.
That's how his family raised him, so it has to be real love.
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Shiki and Saku get dragged into Kaoru's forest mansion. The apartment he owns with Shiki is just their love nest. His real playground is huge, and it's staffed by criminals. People who accept his orders because nobody else hires criminals.
Shiki convinces the butler and the head maid.
Violent love will never be enough.
Kaoru will kill her if they don't help her.
The butler seems to believe love will prevent her death, but Shiki convinces him to see reason. Eventually, all of the wounds will catch up to her. Head trauma. Infections. His torturous love will end her eventually, after years of total agony.
The butler sees sense first. Then the maid. Even still Kaoru is ridiculously strong, smart and scary. He's not easy to beat, even with allies.
There's a second wedding, and the mansion goes up in flames AND HE STILL DOESN'T DIE!
He starts to beg for Shiki's love, after he finally notices he lost her to Saku. Somehow the violence escalates even more.
Shiki starts to pity her broken husband.
I think he might end up in a mental hospital, with pictures of Shiki and occasional visits from her or something? Then we'll see her enjoying life with Saku.
I do want Kaoru to die, but like ten chapters were dedicated to his sad backstory sooooooo....
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konigsblog · 1 year
simon riley as a dad.
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a/n; in this, simon is a single dad. please leave requests in my inbox, they're always open !! will make a part two if requested !!!
second photo isn't mine, message me the creators name and i'll update it ☀️
simon was definitely nervous to become a father. the thoughts of becoming like his own plagued his mind, stress forming as the due date came closer.
his beautiful baby girl was born. wipsy blonde hair, eyes lile her mothes, a birthmark on her chest, above her heart. he couldn't help himself, sobbing whilst he held his newborn, his little girl immediately calming down as soon as she was placed on his hands, eyes widening and staring at him with adoration and love, raising her small hand to his cheek.
the only person that new about simon's daughter was price, a man he could trust. it wasn't that he couldn't trust johnny or kyle, it would be easier to tell price as simon himself viewed price as a father. showing him the polaroid photos of his girl, smiling underneath the mask while talking about her.
it's her first day if school, and simon is unsure if he can let her go. he watches as the other adults send their kids off, hugging them goodbye whilst they skipped into school. his eyes glistening, becoming glossy as he held her tight, rocking her from side to side, forcing his tears back before kissing her forehead.
- “dad, i met a boy in my class!!” she yells out, excited to have made a new friend. the word ‘boy’ lingers in his mind. boy, oh god.
helping her with her homework after school seems boring and uninteresting, but to simon, everything about his daughter is exciting and interesting, it's his favourite part of the day; waking up and greeting her, watching as she scoffs down her breakfast, laughing and giggling with him.
i think by the times johnny and kyle figure out simon has a daughter, she's probably be around four. they literally yelled, unsurprisingly and exactly how he thought they'd react. rolling his eyes, yet a smirk hidden under his skull mask. - “the fuck do you mean you have a daughter??”
she definitely looks up to him. talks about him constantly with her guy friend. mentions that she wanted to do what he does for work, causing simon to spit his tea our and nearly have a panic attack at the thought. curling up to her, letting her rest her head on his chest as she took an afternoon nap after school, playing with her dirty blonde hair.
soap meeting her for the first time was definitely something.. he literally was jumping up and down the entire time, launching himself at the poor little girl infront of him, sobbing and whining because she didn't know who this freak was.
calmed down after simon explained that he was his colleague. price scolding him, simon glaring, kyle trying his absolute hardest not to start crying from laughter. - “oh my god, you're simons daughter!?!” johnny screams.
played games with kyle. beat him every single time - got accused of cheating.
price is calm, probably met her before the rest, letting her sit next to him while she talks about the her friend. raising his eyebrow to simon teasingly as she mentions the same boy, laughing at his expression, angered and terrified of a four year old - probably threatens to beat him up before reminded that was a kid.
as the future comes, she gets a boyfriend, and unexpectedly, and unsurprisingly, it's that same boy. literally is gritting his teeth and lecturing her. - “careful, kid. i know you think you love him, but he could be a shit person, 'alright? i'm not gonna let some boy hurt and ruin my daughter.” - “dad, im literally five.”
johnny becomes close with her (after attacking her) letting her out make-up on him. eyeshadow on his cheeks, lip stick on his eyes, false eyelashes on his lips. and kyle has a botched manicure, some nails placed on his palm.
- i can't be bothered adding anything more since it's nighttime, and i'm pretty tired 😵‍💫 tell me your thoughts and opinions ! :)
- will make a part two if wanted and requested.
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jess-the-vampire · 1 year
I genuinely don't understand the gripes a few people have with how Belos was handled in the finale. "Dont just brush him off as being evil" Well, why the fuck not? Dude wasnt born evil but he purposefully chose destruction and death at every possible opportunity for 400+ years. Nothing about his backstory would have made any impact on the characters affected, because its not an excuse, its not even an explanation! Caleb had the same childhood and he loved the Boiling isles. Eat boots Belos.
Ok, buckle up cause this is gonna be a long one, we gotta have a chat about Belos as a character, because there's been so many takes about this i keep seeing about " he never accepted the isles the way luz did" and "He had 400 years to change and he never took the took the offer", because it just seems like the fandom wants to kinda ignore a lot of the nuance about his situation and why it's not that simple?
and i'm for sure certain it's because the fandom is obviously already pretty biased against him since he's the villain, and what he does to the main characters as well as represents.
And that's fine, obviously he becomes a pretty bad person, no one is obligated to like him and it's ok to feel uncomfortable given the character he is.
But i think a lot of these issues as to why people have such mixed opinions about the finale has a lot to do directly with the fact the show DID keep his backstory as vague as they did, when if they had gone into it i think we would've had less of this discourse.
Now none of this is me excusing him obviously, but the fandom is very adamant to just not allow him to have depth either, when....he's allowed to be irredeemable and have depth at the same time. He's meant to be a very human villain, a character that could happen to anyone under the right circumstances
So not exploring that depth, why it got how it did, and how things like it can be prevented is a flaw within the show and among a lot of fans.
And to be fair, the show does not HAVE to do it, but the show also clearly wrote his character to have a lot of implied depth whether people like it or not, him coming from a very real religious group alone and making him a foil to luz has turned what could of been a very one note villain into one with a lot of layers to his villainy.
And if the show wants to make belos a very one note villian, no depth, they could of very easily done this by just cutting out details like his love and care for his brother, or just make make him want to destroy witches simply because he decided on his own they were worth destroying.
But that's not exactly what they've presented belos as being.
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The show thrives in having characters who aren't just simple nor cookie cutter.
Hunter isn't just some cocky sidekick, he's an abused teenager who craves love and affection, and is willing to go high and low to earn it, terrified to be thrown away and replaced and constantly is forced into a mold just to get the affection he craves. He's highly sheltered and isolated just because his father figure doesn't want him to be his own person since that wasn't what he was created for
King isn't just a tiny little brat who craves power, he's a child whose been lied to about his past, and he wanted nothing more then to be taken seriously and feel a sense of belonging. He believes that he wants power, but finds out he really only wanted to be treated like anyone else, and that he's far happier with a family that loves and cares about him rather then being a powerful demon king.
Lilith isn't just a self important antagonist who wants to force eda to do what she wants, she grew up close to her sister and wanting to be by her side well into the future, but felt a sense of inadequacy in comparison to eda. The pressures of the coven system and need to win against her sister made her make a drastic choice she regrets and she wants nothing more then to fix it and make everything the ideal fantasy they grew up wanting to have together. She's also a large nerd, craves the attention of higher figures since her own mother used to put all the attention on eda, and changed her appearance just so people would take her seriously.
And the show does this with most of it's cast, obvi there's the exception like tibbles and even bosha who don't have too much to them, but they're also very minor antagonists and there's still stuff you can pick up on.
Belos however is the main antagonist, everything that happens in the show, happens because of him, his entire backstory is basically why the plot of the show happens.
Not just that, but also caleb and evelyn, if it weren't for the drama between these three, there would be no show.
And people are WELL aware these three aren't the main leads, they aren't going to be the main focus of most episodes and obviously the show was going to end in the favor of the main characters.
the story the show tells between these three ties very strongly into the ones with the leads too. We are given at least enough details to notice parallels between stuff that happens with characters like luz, and characters like philip.
We know philip and luz grew up in gravesfield, we know there were outcasts there, and they had one family member they relied on to support them there. They ended up in the demon realm, they both learned magic, and they both are strongly motivated by their beliefs regarding the isles.
So there's a lot they share in common, which makes it really easy to take a look at philip and say "Well it's his fault for not being like luz and accepting the isles like she did".
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But, there's a lot of differences here
Luz grew up with fantasy, with magic stories about witches and heroes and demons. Philip grew up in a 1600s puritan village which demonized this stuff, he was a young child growing up being told this stuff was evil and he was taught to fight against it.
Luz felt odd for her interests and out there personality but at worst she felt isolated and misunderstood, she didn't like her mom's efforts to change her to be "Normal". Philip actually conformed to gravesfield, caleb clearly encouraging his brother to do so, just so both of them could fit in with the town. Had they not conformed at best they'd be isolated, but at worst they'd be dead.
Camilia is an adult who eventually opens up and talks to luz about how it was wrong to try and change her to be "Normal", that she herself hid her own interests to do so.
Caleb, was a child, he did not have any open conversations with his younger brother. Caleb hid evelyn and his interests with witches from philip and then on top of this, left philip behind.
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You could absolutely say the fact caleb didn't talk to philip is pure speculation, and not confirmed at all. That all of this could be summed up to unreliable narrators.
But we know caleb left for the isles before philip did, we know it took time for philip to find him again (because his beard grew out), we know caleb had a wife who seems to be pregnant, that he was introducing philip to (Implying he not only hasn't seen philip in awhile, but that eve and philip have never met to caleb) and all of that alone feeds into the fact caleb left him behind to start another life. This is all shown in his memories alone, stuff we can't chalk up to unreliable narrators.
So the most logical conclusion to come to is caleb left philip to start a new family, we don't have a lot of details as to if caleb ever planned to return, if caleb had good reasons to do what he did, or much about his mindset.
But we have enough to know Philip loved and looked up to caleb, that he relied on caleb, and caleb lied and left him.
There is again, reason to tie this back to camila and luz.
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but this is not a child leaving a parent behind, this is a parental figure leaving a child behind.
This is what i mean by the issue being lack of clear answers, people claim caleb left when philip was an adult, but we actually have no confirmed evidence for this. We have enough of philip's memories to know 2 things, that he was still a teenager when caleb was meeting evelyn, and he was an adult when he arrived.
You could argue philip was an adult by the time caleb left, but it's so vauge you can also argue caleb left when philip was a child and philip didn't figure out his way to the demon realm till adulthood and there's not enough proof to go one way or another.
now titan dad says philip had no genuine reasons for his actions, that he did this all for glory, but as steve put it back in OTWAT, the titan is just a guy.
And given the collector situation, he can make mistakes and screw up just like anyone else.
Titan dad only sees what he can see and make observations based on what he sees. He saw a human come to the isles with a bias already against witches, who ended up killing his brother, who claimed to come here to save others and that's all he's going to see philip as being. Someone who wants to save others but just hurts them instead.
He has no reason to know what philip grew up under, nor does he have reason to know philip and caleb's story before they arrived. There's no denying philip did love caleb, and that they were close, but that caleb leaving him behind for witches drove them apart.
I think the problem ppl even have with what titan dad says is purely because the fans take it at face value, because let's be honest, most fans will believe the objective heroes for what they assume over the villians. And since the show again, leaves philip's story vauge, and never puts it in the main focus, people will just assume what titan dad says must be the truth.
Like yes, you can pick up on these details if you are paying attention, but most people won't do that, so a lot of fans will listen to the god telling them what philip's motivations are coming from rather then put together the sense of betrayal from caleb that hurt philip that most of the evidence is actually pointing to.
philip had no parents, and had no one but caleb as far as we can tell, and then caleb left him too, like he didn't want him anymore.
And he left him in a bigoted town, alone.
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the damage this could of done if he was a child is pretty darn bad, and for philip to assume this happened because of a witch means reinforcing everything he's been taught about witches.
Caleb lied about his changes, so when caleb sees him again, caleb seems to be a different person, which does fit with what philip says to luz about the isles "Brainwashing people".
tho you can argue that that's not the truth, that philip knows caleb did it on purpose and killed him for betraying him, cause of how he blames him in episodes like FTF.
But again, this is the result of leaving things vague, because either situation is plausible.
it's plausible philip never intended to kill caleb at all and he died as the result of trying to protect eve because the show says he was trying to target evelyn to save caleb, and it's plausible he died on purpose out of philip's rage for caleb leaving him. Because guess what? That means caleb had the means to go see him and could've seen him but made the choice NOT to, so yeah, that's pretty heartbreaking.
again, this also comes into play regarding Philips's guilt.
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People objectively keep saying philip HAS no guilt regarding caleb, but we have evidence for both guilt and non guilt.
Now, sure, his portrait of dead caleb implies philip is not guilty for his death based on his expression after the fact. We also have the fact philip shows distain towards the grimwalkers, that he never outright expresses he feels bad to anyone.
But, we also have caleb's death being treated as one of philip's worst memories in KT that he objectively recalls in horror, he says he "Tried" to save caleb in FTF, which implies he wanted to save him and that he's mad he didn't manage to do so. The grimwalkers and caleb could be seen as ghosts, but also as hallucinations, and if you are seeing them as the latter then it makes sense he'd be seeing them out of some level of guilt towards having them killed.
If the show had these details explained more fully, it would be easy to either deem belos as being a murderous dick with no remorse who thinks killing was the right thing, or as a guilt ridded stubborn murderer who wants to not acknowledge he was wrong and screwed up.
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it's why people are split, because you could objectively choose to see him both ways and the ending will affect you differently depending on what you picked up on.
But now let's talk about philip not changing, because people have bashed him for not doing so in the 400 years he's been there and that he had opportunities to do so but didn't.
And i think this is half right, half wrong.
Philip came to the isles with biases, he basically grew up in a cult, he came in thinking he was traveling into hell to go find caleb. Caleb encouraged his hatred, and then his hatred got further pushed when caleb seemed to be kidnapped, and then further pushed when he was surrounded by nothing but bigots.
So this man was already on a bad foot compared to luz, who was here to live out the fantasy books she grew up on, and objectively would have no reason to hate or fear witches nearly as much.
And we do know while the BI can be compassionate, it also has it's issues, even luz faced discrimination for being human herself while on the isles. Being powerless there is well, not great, it's why luz had to figure out her own way to do things alongside everyone else.
And the Bi ARE dangerous, especially for humans, so it's at least understandable philip is not going to just show up and look past the flesh eating plants, the evil weather, and the lack of anything he can even objectively eat.
Now philip could of considered things outside of his bias, and made the effort to try and look at things from a new perspective. But we also have to acknowledge that it's not easy to come out of this long time brainwashing either, and that it takes time and help to do so.
And philip, didn't seem to have that.
Yes, caleb grew up the same way, but not only was he older, which already set him up to question things more. But he had evelyn, he had someone to challenge him and his views and change his mind.
Philp, doesn't have that, there is no confirmation anyone ever really chose to challenge his views or make him realize he was following a lie.
Caleb could of but caleb left.
All we see is philip, isolated, following the beliefs he was taught and being hostile to witches, and witches rightfully being hostile back, which just further is feeding into his bias.
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You can assume philip had chances to change but didn't, but there's no real strong evidence of that being offered to him either. That any witch ever tried to make him question anything.
It's pure speculation.
Now Philip is a stubborn ass dude for sure, so yeah, we can claim he just simply didn't want to consider it.
But people are claiming Philip was shown help that he didn't take and that's just not true. We never see anyone asking him to do the right thing or making him question things, at least not compassionately.
no one to our knowledge ever did challenge him, or did reach out to him, not even in the show itself.
Luz is rightfully hostile towards him even when trying to challenge him, hunter does attempt to try and come up with helpful ideas but he would silence himself if his uncle didn't like it (Not to mention the existing fact that he is supposed to be a caleb replacement so his existence comes from philip not wanting him to change or question things philip thinks caleb should not), and well....collector giving him a hug isn't gonna do anything at that point to stop him from thinking the worst of the isles.
This is partially because belos has the power in scenes, that if he hears what he doesn't want to hear he can quickly silence the individual and ignore it.
He's basically put in situations where no one is challenging him and if they are, they're usually doing it with distain and he's responding like a dick right back.
So maybe not much could of been done when belos has become emperor, outside of some rare occurrences where he has no choice but to listen or if he was challenged by someone he respected and would be less willing to hurt. Maybe he's too far gone to back out now and has too much power to even allow himself to consider what anyone had to say, even if they did do it kindly and wouldn't face his wrath.
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but he was only emperor for 50 years too.
So ok, what about before that?
Well, yeah, maybe there were chances he could of been, but that's a period of time we only see so much of, and none of it shows one way or the other that Philip was offered the chance to improve.
I think had we gotten a scene of philip being offered a chance to do good, to consider things, that he knew he was wrong and still rejected it, it would back up this whole "Philip made the choice to not get better" thing people claim.
but truth is, it's speculation, we don't know.
A guy who spent his life buying into where he grew up and came in with biases that became a cycle of him being terrible and witches reinforcing what he thought isn't just suddenly going to change his mind and be nice now on a whim unless those biases are challenged in a way he can't deny.
it's on him for not considering looking on things outside of his bias for sure, but people seem to think doing that is simple and easy and it's really not.
Philip had no evelyn, he was left with no one but his bias and stubborn mind.
It's like king said back in hollow mind " People don't want to believe they've been following the wrong person their whole lives", and philip didn't have a luz like hunter did to help him realize how wrong he really was.
Instead it got worse and worse.
This is why philip feels real, because this can happen to people, that they can grow up with hate and never receive the help they needed to pull them out of the mindset. So they get worse, they become worse people.
and we can argue philip didn't deserve the chance to get better, but you'll never know if you don't try and we don't know if anyone did try before he was too far gone.
to think all of this could of been avoided if caleb actually spoke to his brother and gave him the chance to change...
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Tying this all back to the beginning-
Philip's story ties into luz, they are foils in a lot of ways, but people need to remember they have differences outside of luz being a good person and philip being a bad person. Those differences make them into the people they are.
That luz was set up to love the isles in a way philip was set up to come in with a bias against it.
That it is not as simple as "Philip should of just got better" given what happened to him and the lack of help he had.
That philip never really is objectively shown to be offered genuine chances to reconsider his views on the show as much as people keep claiming so, and it's mostly all assumption at this point.
That so much of this argument over whether he's one way or the other could of been fixed if the show hadn't kept things vague.
By doing so, it leaves a lot for interpretation about him and therefore means people will have different views on what he thinks and feels and therefore will have different views on how his death should of been handled.
Caleb and philip tie into camila and luz, they tie into the clawthrone sisters, they are the basis for the plot of the series, they tie into hunter and the themes of being understood and being honest about yourself and conformity and it is no wonder people care about them.
It is incredibly valid if anyone expecting this story, that tied into the plot so hard ,as well as the themes, was upset it felt unexplained or dropped in the finale.
Especially since the fandom, with an obvious hatred for belos, responded to it by treating titan dad's word as god and simplifies philip's story completely despite everything i just mentioned here.
It is perfectly fine if you are not someone who cares about belos, but the people who do are perfectly allowed to be bothered that the show itself kept the complexity vague and not addressed and none of it mattered when it came to how his arc ended.
And that the only person who properly gives a personal opinion of what he thinks his motives are, simplifies him to being evil, and the fandom roles with that and the show never tries to do much to prove otherwise despite the evidence.
because this is a fascinating story about how conformity and bigotry can drive two close brothers apart and it feels like a story the show should of at least dedicated more of an episode to.
Especially since there's no clear idea if we'll ever get extra toh content to really tie any of this up.
Again, none of this excuses belos/philip for what he did, does, or tries to do, no amount of his life being screwed over and people treating him bad and not reaching out to him will ever excuse the fact he went so far.
But let's also just, not pretend it was an easy fix either, that someone can just....stop believing what they believe with the drop of a hat.
Especially given how this can reflect real people who are made into people like this.
He is nuanced, and people are attached to this villain for good reasons.
Nothing is simple about him, and it's just a product of how the show has handled his character.
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starlightshadowsworld · 2 months
Bsd except Francis adopted Atsushi. It was originally for Fyodor's plans and his own to find the book.
But as time went on Francis grew to care for Atsushi as his son.
The day he fled with Atsushi and disbanded the Guild was the day Francis saw what Shibusawa was doing to Atsushi.
Atsushi spent the next years growing up in a modest cottage on the outskirts of Yokohama. It was sometimes lonely but his parents were always around and Atsushi loved them dearly.
Zelda was very protective over Atsushi. He was her sweet boy, her light in the darkness. She taught him how to play piano, how to map out stars.
Her darling daughter was everything to her and so is her dear son.
Francis adored him, he taught him how to shoot and self defence. He encouraged Atsushi's love of reading and always bought him a treat whenever they went out.
Both of them were concerned about Atsushi getting a job at the Agency. Especially after hearing how he met Dazai.
Money wasn't an issue of course but both agreed Atsushi couldn't stay inside with them forever. And he really wanted to join the Agency.
Learning about the Presidents ability definitely helped. Prior to that Atsushi spent full moons in a large old barn with his father nearby.
Things went okay for a while, Atsushi was happy and visted home often. Telling his parents about his friends and his adventures.
And while, they were concerned at times they were happy for him. That was until news Atsushi had a bounty came out and it was set by the Guild.
Now Atsushi knew about the Guild. Francis had told his son everything after they left. Even the original reason for his adoption, feeling nothing but guilt and remorse.
To his suprise Atsushi just hugged him and said he was glad because now he knew for sure his dad really cared about him. He hugged him back "I do, I always will."
So news his old organisation was trying to kidnapp his son angered Francis immensely. And hell hath no fury like Zelda Fitzgerald, Francis she was going to kill Fyodor herself.
What a woman.
Atsushi was terrified and his parents reassured him no one was going to dare take him from them.
Francis decides to meet with Fukuzawa, knowing the Agency are investigating this and wanting to help any way he can.
"Apologies, but given this concerns one of our members I'd prefer if everyone was present. Is that alright with you?" Asked Fukuzawa and Francis nodded, taking a seat.
"Of course, it's good to know my son has made such good friends."
"Wait this is about your son?" Asked Dazai making Kunikida sigh loudly. "Dazai, did you not listen to me earlier?!" Dazai grinned widely "nope."
Before Kunikida strangle him, Francis snorted and both turned their attention to him. "So you're Dazai, that definitely explains a lot. And you must be Kunikida."
He went and pointed out each member, correctly identifying them from his sons descriptions. And well, he'd met Kyouka a few times because Atsushi bought her over for dinner.
She waved at him and he waved back.
"And I leave the best for last, my dear boy Atsushi." Atsushi ducked his head "daaaaddd not infront of my friends." But they both knew he didn't mean it.
"Ohhh do you're Atsushi's father" Said Dazai as Kunikida facepalmed. "That I am and proud to be" Said Fitzgerald before becoming serious. "The organisation known as the Guild was one I lead for a number of years."
He told his story, how he went in search of a guide only to find a child. One that wormed his way into his heart and how he'd fled with him.
"I dont know Fyodor's plans, but whoevers running the Guild now is definitely working with him. His organisation is the Rats in the House of Dead."
Kunikida was writing this all down. "Does anyone in your previous organisation keep in contact with you?"
"There's Alcott, Poe as well." At that Ranpo looked up, curious. "That wouldn't happen to be acclaimed author, Edgar Allan Poe would it?"
Francis nodded, suprised he figured it out. "Friend of yours?" Ranpo smirked "something like that."
The meeting soon came to a close, everyone promising to keep Atsushi safe and Francis hugged him goodbye. "He's in good hands" Said Fukuzawa when it was just them.
Francis nodded "I know, I just..." He watches Atsushi smile and laugh with his friends. "I lost one child, I can't bare to lose another."
"And you won't" Said Fukuzawa, something about that made Francis believe him. "If you find the bastard know my wife has dibs on clubbing him in the head."
Fukuzawa chuckled "I'll remember that."
Elsewhere Atsushi shows his friends a picture of him and his parents.
"... So Atsushi are you in need of another father?" Asked Dazai with a smirk. Atsushi beat Kunikida to the punch and shook his mentor fiercely.
"Dazai if you ever ask my mum to commit double suicide with you. I will burn your signed copy of the complete guide to suicide."
"Ah! Not my darling, alright alright I won't."
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bindeds · 3 months
Hi! First I want to say I love your writing and I think it's amazing keep it up! I wanted to ask if you could do a fic/headcanon about a jinx like reader (the one from arcane) like the reader has her personality and her backstory they can be any gander you want. For characters you can go wild but I would like if Alastor, Lucifer and Vox were there. Bonus points if the reader is a teen that is alive and nobody knows how they got here but don't want to send them back because they are frankly terrified for them. Sorry it's so long. Make sure to take breaks and keep hydrated.
heyyy omg thank you so much for this request! jinx happens to be my highest (if not one of my highest) comfort characters of all time, so i’m happy to do this request!! thank you for this wonderful idea <33 ( ALSO OMG SO SORRY FOR POSTING THIS LATE AAAAAAAAAAAA )
mlist. requests.
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“you’re — you’re alive? oh lord, this is bad. okay, what to do, what to do … ”
LUCIFER would definitely panic if he happened to be the first one to find you.
╰﹒he wouldn’t feel safe telling the others of your presence in the hotel—at least, not as of the first few hours of getting to know you. he would DEFINITELY warn you about alastor and put up a fight with you to keep you from leaving his room so soon. he wants to tell charlie you’re here, but doesn’t know if she can keep something this big a secret.
ꉂ . ݁ ✦ “what’s all the hubbub?”
╰﹒ “you’ll be eaten alive out there! and even if you don’t leave the hotel, the crew isn’t exactly the best at, well—subtlety,” lucifer would warn you with his hands on your shoulders.
╰﹒ your past would also be similar to lucifer’s in the sense that you both felt utterly abandoned by the person you trusted the most, and lucifer would sit down with you and talk to you about it if you ever opened up to him, rubbing your back in slow circles, getting you water and leaving the room only to come back with gourmet meals that he cooked himself from the hotel’s kitchen.
╰﹒i feel like you’d have a complicated relationship with lucifer at first. because of how sweet and good he is at comforting and taking care of you you’d feel like his kid, too, but then reality kicks in every now and then that he has another kid who’s actually his biological child to take care of, and it makes you feel bad for not having your own family. but it’s only a matter of time before lucifer finally introduces you to charlie and charlie gives you the biggest bear hug in the world, and you’re too engulfed by your yearning to feel loved to feel jealous over her anymore, so you hug her back. you and charlie become basically siblings over your time at the hotel, and lucifer treats both of you like his children. and of course, charlie doesn’t mind when it seems like lucifer pays attention to you a little more because one, she’s older than you, and she’s an adult that can handle herself, two, she knows how much you’re in need of a father figure and she knows her father can and will be there when you need him.
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“fascinating! truly curious — you’re quite the charmer, aren’t you ?”
ALASTOR would circle around you with prying eyes brimming with twisted interest, looking over your shoulders and dusting them off as he picked at the stray hairs on your head.
╰﹒ similarly to luci, he’d definitely keep you a secret up in his own as well, and when you’d protest he somehow find a way of easing your nerves and calming you down. in due time, he’d say. his head pats got to you at first. the fact that he stopped you from exploring the hotel got to you. first, he brings you here, but now he won’t even let you out of his room in the name of safety? what is up with that?
ꉂ . ݁ ✦ “what’s all the hubbub?”
╰﹒ “the hubbub, dear, is that you’ll cause a commotion in the hotel,” alastor would reply with a tap of his microphone. “i can’t afford to alarm our guests now, and i certainly can’t have you overwhelmed by your new environment, now can i?”
╰﹒ alastor would explain the purpose of the hotel in his very demented perspective, but you would understand nonetheless. he would make you feel like his student in no time.
╰﹒ alastor would definitely teach you how to defend yourself in case you get attacked. you already know some basics about fending for yourself, but considering you’re leaning towards the mechanic side you don’t know how to use your bare hands. so he teaches you. he also gives you some really neat knife skills that he learned from when he was still a mortal serial killer.
╰﹒ niffty and you get along so well, and similar to lucifer and charlie, alastor treats you and niffty as his nieces, while he’s the cool uncle. he’s a bit of a bad influence on you, but it’s better than having no one at all.
╰﹒ when alastor finally introduces you to the rest of the hotel, everyone immediately noticed how protective/fatherly alastor actually was towards you. the difference is also very obvious considering the fact that he pretended to be a father figure to charlie in the past just to get on lucifer’s nerves, but now, a bit of his true colors show all because he’d spent too much time shaping you into the person you are now for him not to care. but considering alastor barely even had a heart before, everyone warmed up in no time to alastor’s soft side, and you even heard of charlie being excited about the fact that this could mean alastor will have a shot and being redeemed one day.
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“huh. where have you come from, my dear? … the livi — haha, pardon? did you say … well fuck me silly, this is exactly what i needed after a hard day’s work.”
VOX was definitely being sarcastic with his teeth gritted through his sentence. nonetheless, you could have proved to be useful somehow considering your … moxie.
╰﹒ he would definitely consider signing you in for a contract, but given your personality you just seemed like the kind of person who would end up breaking the rules intentionally or unintentionally, meaning he’d just have to kill you—and that’s a complete waste of a living soul in hell, isn’t it?
╰﹒ so you’re under his care. for now, he thinks to himself, and despite how much he actually loathes having to deal with val’s shit, you were just different. you seemed content with his efforts in trying to please you, as small as they were at first, and was patient with him when he was rude or aloof. and sometimes you’d even help out with house chores that his many gadgets just couldn’t complete. he would even fall asleep on his desk sometimes and wake up with a warm blanket draped over him, and of course that had to be your doing.
ꉂ . ݁ ✦ “what’s all the hubbub?”
╰﹒ “i’m doing this for your own good, okay kid, i’m telling you it’s not easy out there, and …” vox bit his lip. he didn’t expect his heart to beat so fast when you insisted to leave with gritted teeth. at this point, he’d almost forgotten how it felt like not to live with someone as unreasonably kind and funny as you had been. “judging by everything you’ve got going on i don’t think it’s the best idea for you to return to the living world. i mean, don’t you like it here? what is it that i haven’t given you? what can i do?”
╰﹒ obviously, you’re still angry, and he’s already done enough. he can’t keep you in forever, and as much as you enjoyed your time with him, he’s made it clear that living in hell just wasn’t feasible for you. you stay inside but that doesn’t lessen your anger at all.
╰﹒ meanwhile, the other vees have noticed vox was getting soft. he was still very much willing to kill low earning employees or employees who so much as implied that they don’t think too fondly of the vees’ companies, but he’s been a lot less moody, less whiney, and even less … obsessed with alastor? if that made sense? even if he watched alastor he was no longer as loud as he used to be, and it was worrying val and velvette. “oh for fuck’s sake—if anyone’s soft, it’s you assholes!” vox would yell when they didn’t drop the issue. so they left him alone after that point, hoping he would tell them what’s wrong.
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smok3r7 · 6 months
Here's the link to my Ao3 also
- Joel Miller Stories -
Latching On To You (finished)
Joel Miller x F!reader
Series summary: What happens when, after thirteen loving years of being with Joel, you start to feel like he’s slipping away from your grasp? How much of yourself will you lose because of the trauma your father put you through at such a young age? You could be wrong about Joel, but something is telling you otherwise - or are you just not healed enough to see past your own insecurities?
Is Leaving Even An Option? (finished)
Joel x F!reader
EXTREME TW: Extreme domestic abuse (verbal and physical), PLEASE READ WARNING BEFORE READING!!
Summary: Your days have become one in the same - even with the terrifying reality of death right outside the walls of Jackson, being home is evidently worse. You never thought you’d be in the situation you’ve been stuck in for seven years now, the daily abuse you endure has become an expectation. You take whatever your husband throws at you, literally and figuratively, because you’ve been trained to believe this is normal. But a new man, Joel, moves next door and happens to be friendly towards you, this causes your husband’s anger to worsen. Your mind starts a gruesome war with itself - can you leave him or do you stay until the inevitable happens?
One Door Closes & Another One Opens (ongoing)
Joel Miller x OFC! Divorce Attorney
Summary: She’s a divorce attorney and he’s a husband looking for help to save his daughter, and himself, from his gambling addict wife. Renae Russo is a woman who fights for her clients and wins. She’s satisfied with her life and what she does - but she wishes she could have a little more. What happens when Joel Miller becomes her client and an old flame of Renae’s reignites in the same breath?
Christmas Getaway (One-Shot)
| Joel Miller x Softball Coach!F!reader
Summary: You met Joel by coincidence. You picked up a little side job to be a high school softball coach for fun, and Sarah was one of your top players. Sarah introduces you to Joel after the first game and both of you hit it off immediately. The three of you grow closer throughout the year and end up spending the holidays together on a getaway trip. Joel treats you to a nice night.
Three, Two, One - Draw! (One-shot)
Cowboy Joel x F!reader
Summary: In Tombstone, you’re the bartender at Wyatt Earp’s saloon, a favorite actually. You’re one of the fastest shooters in the west, having learned from the best - your brother, Doc Holiday. One night after your shift at the saloon, your husband Joel Miller, tells you he wants to practice your draw speed. However, he’s not talking about guns.
New Traditions // Valentine’s Day (One-shot)
Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: The last Valentine’s Day two years ago has shattered your view of the so-called holiday. When Joel brings up the idea, you shut him down immediately, but he doesn’t listen. He hopes he can change your opinion on the holiday of Love.
- Aaron Hotchner Stories -
They Always Come Back (Ongoing)
Aaron Hotchner x f!reader
Explicit, 18+
Summary: You and Aaron met in college, Criminology Major, funny enough. Throughout your five years at George Washington College, you and Hotchner had this on and off again relationship; it was all fun until you started to realize that you loved him. After graduation the two of you cut ties and left it as dumb college love, going your separate ways. After a couple decades you finally land your dream job, a seat at the BAU; however when you notice the name copied on the email, you can’t believe your eyes.
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The Apothecary Diaries
First watch of first episode
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At a glance, I knew I would like this show, but after one episode I'm pretty sure I'm going to love it.
Btw, do y'all like it when people give their first impressions of your favorite shows/books/media? Or their thoughtful analysis? Or their shit posting?
I do. I'll try to do that for you here.
So I'm watching this on Crunchyroll with English dub. Right off the bat I can tell you that I'm in love with Maomao. The voice actress is terrific, but also the character is intriguing. She draws you in right away with her intelligence, competency, inquisitiveness, daring, sense of responsibility, need for justice and expansive caring for every including strangers. She's got a whole lot of A+ character traits to absolutely love. Considering she wants to keep a low profile in the palace that's going to be a problem. I'm pretty sure everyone in her orbit is going to be sucked in by her and either love or hate her. There isn't a lot of room for indifference with a person this interesting.
The very first scene I knew there was something atypical about this show because a charming conversation between a daughter and her father suddenly had a black and white still frame of the the girl being abducted. The hell?!
That paired with the next scene taking place in a brothel helped me grasp the tone of this show. This show is going to have some more mature themes. Now, I know, I'm ready for it. I think. (I'll be alright as long as there is no boiling of people. I've already had two shows I've watched this year cook people and I'm done with human soup).
So we see a courtesan ask Maomao without surprise:
Have you been wounding yourself again?
To which Maomao replies, as if it's obvious:
Well, yeah.
Okay so self harm is something Maomao does. Perhaps in service of her medical research, but if she's willing to harm herself for this, then she might also be willing to put herself in harms way under other circumstances as well. I think the show is trying to demonstrate that she's self sacrificing here. Love that in a fictional character.
She panics and runs when the brothel ladies tease her about becoming a courtesan. Why? Is she intimidated by intimacy? Has she witnessed the courtesans suffering? Is she afraid that future would derail her own plans? Does she always get this flustered when teased? I'm not suggesting she consider becoming a courtesan but her panic is telling of something more.
She immediately gets kidnapped, which due to foreshadowing we knew was going to happen, but what gets me is her blasé attitude about it. Like it's just an inconvenience and not a terrifying ordeal. I immediately thought they would sell her to a brothel, but she instead ends up doing laundry at the palace. So we learn that Maomao can stay calm in a crisis and this makes me even more curious about her reaction to the teasing by the courtesans.
We find Maomao settled into a life of servitude at the palace. She's accepted what happened even if she is unfulfilled. She misses her old life, including the brothel, wonders about her father and longs for meat screwers, but she's already figured out the ecosystem she's in and how best to navigate it. She's so savy here. She compares the palace to the brothel and applies her knowledge of that complex social system to navigate palace politics. Maomao has already analyzed what would happen if she revealed her competencies, and has decided to lay low until she is able to extricate her self in a couple years.
She tells the viewers what we need to know about harem life and mentions that if one isn't careful they could end up as a concubine. It's a future she wants as little as that of a courtesan, even though she mentioned that low ranked concubines are treated better than the servants. I have to wonder if this is foreshadowing or if it is commentary on the roles of women in this society.
Palace gossip! Oh there's a handsome new eunuch in the palace? Maomao couldn't care less. Well okay.
I'm going to make a few completely unfounded predictions here just to see how far off I am when I watch the rest of the series.
Regarding the hot eunuch:
He's not a eunuch. He's got all his bits and bobs.
He's not just a palace manager. At least not completely. He's probably a bastard son or royalty in hiding or something. He's not nobody.
Maomao is going to be down bad for this dude.
What a waste. Grade A quality genes and no way of proliferating them. -Maomao on Jinshi's appearance
So Maomao can't be bothered to spare a second thought about handsome eunuchs, or nonsense about curses, but medical ailments? Now you've got her thinking. And I love that about her. She knows how to diagnose and treat ailments and she cares so much! She's trying to lay low but her passion and integrity can't be tempered by her very rational plan to protect herself by staying inconspicuous. She knows how to help and feels a responsibility to do so even if that help puts her at risk. Hero qualities right there.
Also, I love a character that is just... better than every one else. Maomao is more informed, experienced and able to diagnose than the court physician. Competency porn yes, please!
Speaking of competency... We need to talk about Jinshi! Our handsome "eunuch" (he's getting that word in sarcastic quotes until I receive proof otherwise). Out of the 3000 people living in the back palace, he deduces which one of them sent a warning to the concubines, and rangles a confession with nothing more than a scrap of cloth. He observed Maomao muttering about needing something to write on, and her mended skirt. He recognized that scrap of cloth as belonging to a servant girl's clothing. He understood the importance of her literacy and cleverly used it as a means to draw her out. Jinshi is every bit as capable as Maomao, and he's out maneuvered her in this. Maomao has met her match.
To Maomaos horror she is promoted to lady-in-waiting and I am here for it! Girl you are in the shit now! She seems really panicked about the new promotion, because she is smart and knows that this new position is fraught with dangers even if she doesn't know precisely what they are. She seems pretty smart and capable but the fact that Jinshi was able to so easily draw her out and expose her means she will need to sharpen her skills. I'm hoping the concubine and Jinshi will be allies to her in the palace.
Her panic about entering the court reminds me of earlier in the episode when she ran from the brothel. Perhaps she fears becoming entangled with any type of social/political group? Does she have more secrets that she's trying to keep hidden?
I just know that this character is going to be put through some trials. But she has so many great qualities and strengths, that I'm confident she can adapt and overcome. I am looking forward to watching her persist and triumph. And maybe cause a little trouble.
There are some qualities that Maomao just can't mute. Curiosity. A thirst for knowledge. And a sometimes troublesome need to right that which is wrong. - Narrator
Episode 2
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daisynik7 · 5 months
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Reap What You Sew
Pairing: Takashi Mitsuya x Original Female Character
Rating: Mature
Word Count: ~5.5k
cw: explicit language, switching POVs (2nd and 3rd person), established relationship, kissing, suggestive, angst, fluff
Summary: A dinner with you, Mitsuya, and your parents quickly goes south. Mitsuya makes a decision that could lead to dire consequences. 
Author's Note: Hello everyone, thank you for your patience with this! Heads up, this story is going to reach a pretty dramatic turning point in the next chapter, so be prepared! And with that ominous warning, enjoy lol. Thank you for reading!
Previous Chapter | Masterlist | Next Chapter
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Mitsuya spends the remainder of their date giving his girlfriend a crash-course in the history of the Tokyo Manji Gang, skipping through the boring, less significant details and emphasizing what she absolutely must know. The most important takeaway is that Tetta Kisaki and Shuji Hanma are not to be trusted at all costs.
Since the encounter, the two left the arcade promptly, Mitsuya glaring at the sketchy captains on the way out, who matched his expression with equal vigor. He made sure they weren’t followed to the station and boarded the train, returning to the park where they had previously spent the most amazing day together. He regrets forcing them to the arcade in the first place, wishing they had stayed laying in the grass, blissful in their own little world, away from any potential danger. How could he be so arrogant to think he could keep these two major parts of his life separate? How could he be so careless to let Hana become involved in this?
Sitting on a park bench, she listens, barely interrupting, nodding along to indicate her understanding. She’s now aware of all the players involved, of who she should avoid and who she can trust, including all of Mitsuya’s closest friends. At one point, she asks, “What about Mikey?”
If this was three years ago, at the height of Toman’s regime, Mitsuya would have a confident answer. However, the founder’s current favoritism towards the new captains leaves many open-ended questions for those who’s been loyal to him from the start. Deep down in his heart, however, Mitsuya still believes in Mikey. He chooses his words carefully. “They’re trying to manipulate him, but we’re going to bring him back. We have to get him back.”
Eventually, he suggests befriending Emma Sano and Hinata Tachibana to learn the ins-and-outs of being a girlfriend of a Toman boyfriend. They’ve both managed to succeed in it without harm, for the most part. Maybe the reason for that is because their boyfriends have both put the gang on the backburner to focus on their personal lives, Draken preparing to be a father and Takemitchy preparing for university. Mitsuya even has his own plans for after high school, but he always figured he would be able to balance his responsibilities all at once. Now that he’s a proper boyfriend, can he add that into his already teetering workload without sacrificing what he already has? Or without one collapsing on top of the other?
Mentally drained from explaining as much as he can, there’s a prolonged silence between them as she lets all the information sink in. After what seems like an eternity, she speaks, a slight waver in her voice, though resilient. “Takashi, it’s going to be okay.”
His brows are tight with worry, holding her hand with a firm grip. “How are you so sure? What if they try to hurt you?” 
She smiles at him. “Because I’m with you. I’ll always be safe when I’m with you.”
He’s scared, absolutely terrified. But her confidence in him moves him to tears. He blinks them away, grinning at her with as much confidence as he can muster. “I’ll keep you safe, Hana. I promise you.”
This is one promise he swears to himself he won’t break. 
A week after your date, your parents put the pieces together and ask you straight up. “Are you and Mitsuya dating?” It’s your mother who poses the question, your father still as uncomfortable with the subject as he was the morning you announced that you were hanging out with a boy.
The three of you are eating dinner, about finished with the meal on your plate. You almost choke on the last bite, surprised by her very correct accusation. Clearing your throat, you answer honestly. “Yes.”
Your dad makes a strangled nose in his throat, clearly shocked. Maybe he was hoping with all his might that the answer would be no, or that you’d lie about it. Ignorance is bliss, after all. Your mother isn’t quite as keen on playing dumb. She’s noticed the change in your demeanor, the pep in your step, the sound of your hushed voice through the thin walls, speaking to Takashi well into the night on the phone. She doesn’t miss these things. A mother’s intuition never fails. She studies you carefully, almost challenging. “We should invite him over for dinner.”
You know better than to argue with her, so you agree. The next time his mom isn’t working a night shift, that’s when he’ll come for dinner. It’s been decided. 
It’s a Wednesday night when he arrives to your house, dressed in a lavender buttoned-up shirt and black slacks, a colorful bouquet of spring flowers in his hands, smiling wide when you open the door to greet him. His hair is swept back more than usual, gelled and parted to the side, his effort to make a good impression evident. You want to give him a kiss, giddy at his appearance, though you decide against any form of physical affection throughout the night, assuming it wouldn’t be a good look in front of your parents.
He removes his shoes, laying them next to yours on the rack, giving you a sly wink before walking with you into the kitchen, where your parents are putting the finishing touches on their homemade dinner. “Mitsuya, good evening. Thank you for coming,” you mother says, wiping her hands on the front of her apron. She nudges your father, who’s surly near the stove, arms crossed over his chest. He sniffs, avoiding his gaze while he mutters, “Yes, hello.”
Takashi bows, holding out the bouquet when he stands up straight. “Thank you for inviting me, Mrs. Shimizu. Mr. Shimizu. It’s an honor to be here with you tonight to share this wonderful meal. I brought these flowers for you.”
Your mom accepts them, smiling politely. “These are lovely. Thank you. I’ve got the perfect place for them. Honey, go ahead and show your boyfriend to the table. Dinner will be ready soon.”
Your father makes a noise, somewhere between a disgruntled huff and an incredulous laugh. You’re unsure how he feels about this whole situation and you pray that he doesn’t grill Takashi too hard tonight. You’re confident in your boyfriend that he will be his authentic, good-natured self and that your parents will learn to like him just as much as you do. You take your seat at the table, Takashi right beside you. Under the surface, hidden from view, he reaches for your hand, squeezing you gently until your parents join you. Your mother sets the flowers in a vase at the center, adding a splash of color to the setting. 
Tonight’s dinner is glazed miso salmon with white rice and steamed vegetables. Takashi admires the meal with sparkling eyes. “This is incredible, Mrs. Shimizu!”
She waves him off. “Oh, this is nothing, dear.”
“It’s definitely something,” he beams, picking up his chopsticks to dig in. “My mom can’t even make rice without burning it.”
She giggles. “So who does the cooking at home, then?”
“Me. I only know how to make the basics for me and my sisters. Hana here has significantly improved our instant ramen by adding fresh ingredients, which is genius. My sisters love her recipe,” he brags, glancing at you. 
“That’s nice to hear. Anyways, help yourself.”
Altogether, you clap your hands. “Thank you for the food!”
There’s a moment of silence while the four of you begin eating, only the tap of utensils on ceramic plates to occupy the silence. Takashi takes a of bite, commenting, “It’s delicious, Mrs. Shimizu.”
“Oh good. If you’d like, I can give you the recipe. Something new for you and your sisters to try at your house,” she offers. 
“I’d love that. Thank you.”
Your father suddenly speaks, startling the rest of you. “So, Mitsuya. That bike of yours. Do you have a license to drive that thing?”
You clench your jaw, nervous about the interrogation that’s about to occur between your father and your boyfriend. Takashi wipes his mouth with a napkin, clearing his throat, giving him his full attention. “Yes, sir. I’ve had my license since I was sixteen.”
Your father raises a brow at him, elbows propped on the surface, hands in prayer, tapping his fingertips to his chin. “Do you enjoy riding it? Seems dangerous if you ask me.”
You almost mutter, Nobody asked you, but you resist the temptation, stuffing your mouth with fish to prevent yourself from blurting anything out. Takashi seems to be handling well, explaining, “I only go the speed limit, sir. And I wear a helmet every time I ride, so it’s pretty safe.”
“And you’ve driven Hana on your motorbike several times already, haven’t you?” His brows are tight, scrutinizing and intimidating. 
“Yes, I have. She has her own helmet and I’m very cautious when she’s with me. Her safety is my top priority. It always will be.”
Your father hums, and you hope you’ve gotten past the worst of it, not expecting him to bring out the big guns. However, you soon find out that it’s far from over. “Are you in one of those biker gangs?”
“Dad!” you cry out, cheeks hot.
Even your mom interjects. “Honey!”
He doesn’t waver, waiting for Takashi’s answer. “Well?”
The smile on your boyfriend’s face drops, his expression more serious when he replies, “Yes, sir. I’m in the Tokyo Manji Gang.” He stutters a bit while adding, “I was one of the founding members.”
As if he cracked the code, your father nods, smirking in a wicked manner. “I’ve heard about them. I noticed your jacket a few times whenever you dropped my daughter off. Don’t think I didn’t do my research on you. I’m aware of your little gang, all the havoc you’ve caused throughout the years.” Your mom calls him by his first name, urging him to stop. He doesn’t relent. 
“I understand your concerns, sir. I won’t deny that I’ve been involved with violence in the past. But I’ve changed a lot since then. I don’t like fighting, I never have. I want a life outside of the gang, and I think I’m on my way there.”
“Oh? How so?” 
“Well, I want to be a fashion designer. I’m quite handy when it comes to sewing.”
“Are you planning on going to a university?”
“Vocational school. After graduation, I’ll be taking a year off to work at a local tailor to save some money for tuition. I’m applying to a school nearby, so that I can be here for my family. And for Hana.” He glances at you, smiling. You reach for him, holding his hand. 
Your father leans forward on the table, intrigued. “So, you’re aware that Hana is attending a university here in Tokyo.”
“Yes, I am, sir. And I know she’s going to study to be a teacher.”
“Yes, that’s right. That means she cannot afford any distractions from her studies.” 
Takashi places his palm over his chest. “I’ll make sure nothing gets in her way of that.” 
“You misunderstand. Boyfriends are a distraction.”
This time, you do interrupt. “Dad, Takashi hasn’t been a distraction for me so far, and he will never be a distraction. He helps me, he supports me. I’m happier because of him.” 
His voice is stern as he bangs a fist on a table, frustrated. “This boy is trouble. It doesn’t matter what he does in his spare time. Sewing, babysitting, I don’t care. At the end of the day, he’s a gang member. A delinquent. A punk.”
Tears well in your eyes, skin prickling with anger. Takashi gazes at his lap, at a loss for words. “How can you be so prejudiced?” you argue. “You don’t even know Takashi, yet you’re judging him. He’s been nothing but kind and sweet to me. It doesn’t matter to me that he’s in a gang, he’s important to me, and I won’t let you belittle him like this!” 
He stands up, throwing his napkin on the table, pointing his finger at you. “You are naïve, Hana! Disillusioned by this silly little fantasy of yours. I won’t let you ruin your life for someone like him. I just won’t!”
You’re on your feet, matching his expression. “I’m an adult. I can make my own decisions. You can’t tell me what to do!”
“Hana.” Takashi’s voice is quiet, the slightest tremble in it. He tugs on your wrist, urging you to calm down. “It’s okay.”
“No it’s not!” you whine, cheeks wet with your tears. 
Takashi stands with you, taking a deep breath, directing his words towards your father. “You’re right. I am a gang member, a delinquent, a punk. It’s all true. There was a time that I would risk life and limb for the gang. I almost did after getting my skull fractured by a metal pipe in a fight. My mother and sisters were terrified, thinking they lost me.”
He swallows hard, looking at you with a small smile on his face. “And now with Hana in my life, I’m surer than ever what I need to do. I’m going to leave Toman. For good.”
It’s Friday night and Mitsuya sits in Draken’s kitchen, a devoured bowl of his friend’s homemade curry in front of him. Emma and Hana are inside the guest bedroom, which is slowly transforming into a nursery. He can hear his girlfriend’s sweet laughter at Emma’s weekly work drama while they assemble a crib that the expecting couple recently purchased. They had met no more than two hours ago, though it seems like they’ve already become fast friends. 
Mitsuya finishes recounting the drama from over a week ago. Draken stands up on the other side of the table, collecting the dirty dishes and carrying them to the sink. “So, what did the old man say after that?”
“Nothing. He ate the rest of the meal in silence. Her mom started rambling about some other stuff to lighten the mood and that was it.” He checks behind him on the two ladies, making sure they can’t hear him. In a hushed voice, he adds, “Hana hasn’t really spoken to him much since then. She said it’ll fizzle out eventually.” 
“Ah, I see.” Draken lets the water run, soaking the bowls. “Do you really mean it?”
“Leaving Toman.”
There’s a heavy pause while he thoroughly contemplates his response. “Yeah, I do.”
At the time he announced it, his entire body was buzzing with emotion. It slipped out of his mouth before he realized what he was actually saying. As the days passed, the more confidence he has gained about his decision. All the dreams he has for his future no longer revolve around Toman. And while he wants to remain loyal to his friends, his brothers, he figures he can do that without being involved in the gang anymore. He’s long grown tired of the unnecessary violence and drama.
“Wow,” Draken responds, whistling through his teeth. “Good for you, Taka.”
“How about you?” Mitsuya gets up, leaning against the counter, watching his friend. “Do you ever think about leaving?”
Draken focuses on scrubbing the dishes with a sponge. “Of course I do. But I can’t do that to Mikey.”
“Am I a bad friend?”
Draken stops the faucet, wiping his hands dry on a dish towel, turning to face him. He places a hand on his shoulder. “Not one bit. You should be happy. If this is something you have to do, then do it. You’ll always have our support. Me, Emma, and little Ken Junior.”
It takes a beat to realize his last words. “Wait, Ken Junior?”
Draken beams at him. “Yeah. We’re having a boy.”
They hug, Mitsuya patting Draken’s back extra hard, so excited that his cheeks hurt from smiling, tears welling in his eyes. “Fucking Ken Junior, holy shit.”
Draken sniffles, squeezing him in a tight embrace. “KJ, for short. Emma thinks it’s cute.”
They break apart, laughing. “It is. Does Mikey know?”
“Not yet. Emma finally managed to convince him to come over for dinner next Friday before the Toman meeting. Maybe you should come to, so you can leverage your bad news with our good news,” he jokes. 
“That’s not a bad idea.” A lightbulb shines in his mind, remembering what he overhead a couple of weeks ago at the arcade. “I almost forgot, I have something else to tell you.” 
After recapping the incident with Kisaki and Hanma, Draken stares at him, uneasy. “Are you sure they said that?”
“Positive. They’re trying to take out Mikey.” Admitting it out loud has Mitsuya’s throat dry, the seriousness of it all creating a sense of dread in his chest. This feeling hasn’t left since that day. Voice trembling, he adds, “They also threatened Hana.” 
Draken huffs. “Sons of bitches. I always knew they were scheming. I don’t know why Mikey even trusted them to begin with. We have to tell him. Who knows when they’re gonna go through with it? Could be today, could be tomorrow.”
“I don’t think it’d be random. Kisaki is trying to work his way up, get as close to Mikey as possible. Maybe even take over your spot.” 
“Mikey’s too smart to fall for that,” Draken states, dismissing the very idea of it. 
“I don’t know,” Mitsuya ponders, biting his lip. “Kisaki is in his good graces right now after all that shit with the Leviathans.”
With more conviction, Draken says, “It takes a lot more than that for Mikey to truly trust people. He probably already suspects Kisaki’s true intentions. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. He’s always been a big believer in that.”
Having known Mikey for years, ever since they all first founded Toman together, Mitsuya reconsiders the current situation. Could Mikey’s icy behavior towards his real friends be part of a more elaborate plan to foil Kisaki and Hanma? Is it all an act to test the gang’s loyalties to him and to Toman? After all, their fearless leader has always been one for dramatics. “So should we tell him?”
“We’ll wait until Friday,” Draken suggests. “He’ll want to make a big show out of it, in front of everyone. Have dinner with us and tell Mikey everything, even the stuff about you wanting to quit. Yeah, he might be a little pissed, but once we tell him about Kisaki, he’ll have his fun and feel better.” He smiles at him reassuringly. “Mikey cares for you. We all do. Not because you’re in Toman. Because you’re you.”
Mitsuya’s been contemplating all week long about what he truly wants to do when it comes to his future. It’s terrifying to take that leap outside of what he grew up with and into the unknown. Sure, it’s easy to think that leaving the gang life is easy. For him, Toman has been his comfort. Brothers who protected him, supported him, even when his own family couldn’t. It was exciting, an escape from his less-than-glamorous life.
He doesn’t need that anymore. He has Hana and being in love with her is just as thrilling. The surge of adrenaline that rushes through him each time he touches her, kisses her, hears her voice. He has someone who loves him for all that he is, someone who will continue to love him no matter what. His fellow twin dragon reassuring him is exactly what he needs to solidify his decision. It’s time to move on.
There’s a palpable tension in the air as you walk into Takashi’s home, fully aware that you’re alone with one another the rest of the night. It’s the first time in a while that your boyfriend’s mother doesn’t have to work on the weekend, so she took this opportunity to bring the girls to their grandparents. Takashi was extended an invitation of course; he declined, wanting to spend some much-needed alone time with you. You’re nervous about staying the night with him though you can’t deny it any longer that you’ve been thinking about this next step in your relationship.
The same genuine smile is on his face when he welcomes you in with a big hug. “Hi,” he greets, kissing you. You drop your bag to wrap your arms around him, melting into his lips. The jitters you had on the way here soon fade as you relax into his embrace. You could stay like this forever, given the chance. He pulls away, cupping your cheek lovingly. “The pizza should be coming soon. Do you want to put your stuff in my room?”
You nod in response, watching him grab your bag, heart racing once more while he leads you by the hand into his bedroom. You’ve been in here before, but never like this. Never with the preface of something more intimate happening, and soon. You still haven’t spoken a single word to him and he senses your trepidation. “Are you okay?” he asks, concerned. 
Unconvincing, you reply, “Yeah.”
“Are you sure?” He plops down at the edge of the bed, patting the spot beside him. 
You sit, hands on your lap, twiddling your thumbs. “I’m a little nervous.”
He holds you, lacing his fingers with yours. “About what?”
You face him. “This.”
Understanding, he leans closer, nuzzling his nose to yours. “I’m nervous too. But you know what? You and I have all the time in the world. We can go at whatever pace we’re both comfortable with. If that means tonight, great. If that means years from now, that’s great too. I just want to be with you, like this.” He brings your hand up to his lips, kissing along your knuckles. 
Your heart swells in your chest, not from nerves this time. “I want to be with you too.”
There’s a slight hitch in his voice before he whispers, “I love you, Hana.” He swallows thickly, repeating himself more surely, gazing into your eyes. “I love you.”
It slips from your mouth easily, naturally. “I love you too, Takashi.” It’s a sentiment that’s been lingering on the tip of your tongue for a while now, and you’re relieved to finally let it out. Ecstatic that he feels the same way as you. 
You and Takashi eat pizza on the couch, laughing over silly stories until there are tears in your eyes and your stomachs hurt in the best way possible. After dinner, you get ready for bed, Takashi gushing about how adorable you are in your pajamas, scooting to one side of the bed to make room for you, instantly cuddling you once you’re in. Moonlight streams dimly through his window, enough for you to see the soothing lavender in his eyes as the two of you stay up a few more hours talking about anything and everything. 
It gets close, almost too close. Chaste kisses that leave the both of you breathless and clearly aroused. Lingering touches, grazes of bare skin, I love you chanted over and over again. But you don’t consummate your relationship tonight. Instead, you fall asleep snuggled together, completely committed to one another for the rest of your lives. And somehow, this seems more intimate than anything else. 
Another week passes and Mitsuya finds himself once again at Draken’s for dinner on a Friday night. However, the setting is a bit different than usual: the notoriously absent and distant Mikey Sano has joined them. 
The obviously tension is quickly dismissed when Emma makes her important announcement to her brother, who reacts accordingly. After being cold and lifeless to those around him, Mikey sheds his frigid demeanor and cracks the first genuine smile they’ve all seen from him in months. “A baby?” he repeats, almost in disbelief, studying his sister’s tummy, which is starting to show signs of pregnancy. 
“A baby boy, Mikey. You’re going to have a nephew!” she says, tearing up. She holds out the sonogram to him. 
Mikey laughs softly, shaking his head, inspecting the picture. “I can’t believe my little sister is going to have a baby. And with this guy of all people,” he jokes, pointing at the man beside him.
“Hey!” Draken yelps, shoving his arm playfully. “I’ve been doing a damn good job so far providing for your pregnant sister while you’ve been off gallivanting with the Leviathans.”
Mikey’s expression sullens, realizing how accurate that is. “You’re right. I should have been here for you, Emma. I’m sorry. I’ve just been busy.”
“Busy with what?” Draken prods, focusing his attention on him. “Come on, Mikey. We’re your friends. Your family. You can talk to us.”
He runs his fingers through his hair, taking his time to ultimately ignore him and deflect the attention to someone else. “What’s Mitsuya doing here anyways? Don’t tell me he’s gotten someone pregnant too.”
Mitsuya’s alarmed at the sudden spotlight. Chuckling nervously, he replies, “No one else is pregnant, don’t worry.”
“Though he did snag himself a sweetheart, didn’t you, Takashi?” Emma nudges him, grinning. 
“Oh?” Mikey raises a brow, curious.
He waves them off, embarrassed. “Yeah, that’s true, but that’s not why I’m here.” He clears his throat, ready to explain. “Mikey, there’s something you should know about Kisaki and Hanma.”
Mikey listens intently as he recalls the incident from a couple of weeks ago, fresh in his memory. He doesn’t interrupt and his expression remains neutral. When he’s done, Mikey sits in silence, processing this new information carefully. Eventually, he utters a single word. “Interesting.”
Draken’s face contorts into a grimace, unsatisfied with his friend’s reaction, or lack thereof. “That’s all you have to say?”
Mikey shrugs, crossing his arms over his chest. “What else should I say?”
“Kisaki is trying to get rid of you. Aren’t you upset?” Mitsuya asks, bothered by his cavalier attitude.
He smirks. “Did you really think I wouldn’t catch on to that motherfucker’s plan?” 
Draken barks a laugh, slapping Mikey’s back jovially. “I knew it! I fucking knew it! Didn’t I tell you, Mitsuya?!”
Mitsuya relaxes, smiling at the two of them. “So you knew about Kisaki this whole time?”
“The Leviathans aren’t as loyal to him as he thinks they are,” Mikey explains. 
“Why didn’t you tell us?”
“I wasn’t sure who to trust. At first,” he answers. 
Draken raises his voice. “You doubted us? After everything we’ve been through –”
“I know. I know, Draken.” His gaze lingers on the sonogram of his soon-to-be-nephew. “It took a while to come back to my senses, but I did. I’m sorry.”
“What about Emma? Why have you been ignoring her?”
Mikey gulps loudly, staring directly at his sister. “I wanted to protect you, so I distanced myself. I didn’t want Kisaki or Hanma thinking I was close to you.” He reaches out to hold her hand. “I’m sorry.”
Emma sniffs, wiping tears away from her eyes with her free hand. “It’s okay, Mikey. I’m just happy to have you back.”
“I promise I’ll be around more, for you and the baby,” he says, smiling at her. 
Mitsuya’s chest is heavy with emotion, happy to see his friend has returned to his normal self, anxious about the news that’s been weighing on his mind lately. He doesn’t want to put a damper on this joyous moment, but Draken doesn’t give him much of a choice when he announces, “Mitsuya has something else he wants to tell you.”
Mikey focuses his attention once more on him. “What is it, Takashi?”
He takes a deep breath, trying not to let his nerves prevent him from doing this. “I’m leaving Toman.”
Mikey blinks at him several times, processing, then his expression softens. “Is this because of this new sweetheart of yours?”
“It’s not just her,” Mitsuya explains. “It’s time for me to move on. Pursue my dreams of becoming a fashion designer. I can’t do that if I’m active in the gang.” He looks down at his lap, avoiding whatever reaction is on Mikey’s face. “I’m sorry.”
It’s silent for a few moments and Mitsuya is convinced that his friend is ready to shun him for the rest of his life. When he hears his soft voice, he looks up, relieved that he isn’t yelling or glaring daggers into his soul. “You don’t have to apologize, Takashi. It’s alright.”
“It is?” 
“Of course it is. We’re brothers. I’ll support you no matter what you decide. And if that means leaving Toman, so be it. It’s tough losing another founding member, but if this is what’s best for you, I have no choice but to be okay with it.” He grins at the picture in front of him. “Besides, there will be a new little one coming soon. Who knows? He could be my successor.”
Emma giggles nervously, not fond of the idea. “Let’s hold off on that for a while longer, shall we?”
It’s almost too good to be true, the way the stars have aligned just right for Mitsuya. His dreams are this much closer to becoming a reality. He’s got everyone in his corner with his entire future ahead of him, brighter and more tangible than it’s ever been before. 
With everything finally out in the open, they’re able to enjoy a relaxing meal, courtesy of Draken, who cooks a delicious dinner for them. Mikey catches up with Emma and Draken on their journey to become parents and Mitsuya shares in small detail about his serious relationship with Hana. 
When they’re done, the three men ride out together towards the shrine, nostalgia hitting Mitsuya hard and directly in his heart. This very well may be the last time he rides with them like this. It’s almost enough to change his mind about leaving. Almost. They’re no longer kids anymore, and he’s learned to be okay with that. 
They have a vague idea of how Mikey’s going to proceed with Kisaki and Hanma, but of course, there’s always something unexpected when it comes to Mikey. After the usual announcements, he calls out for the two to join him front and center. They’re surprised by the unexpected attention, unsure what Mikey could possibly be recognizing them for. 
Mikey’s voice is calm at first. “I want to take this moment to recognize these two, Shuji Hanma and Tetta Kisaki. I trusted them to infiltrate the Leviathans and they did so successfully.” There’s a hesitant round of applause from the confused crowd. 
Mitsuya notices the obvious buzz coming from the Leviathans gathered near the back but resists the urge to turn around to inspect. Takemitchy nudges him, whispering, “What’s going on?”
“You’ll see,” Mitsuya responds.
Mikey continues. “Most of you may not know this, but I’ve grown a bit closer to the Leviathans myself. I wanted to gain their trust, since we were previously rivals. You see, trust is very important to me and very important to Toman. It’s one of the foundations that keeps a brotherhood together, don’t you agree, Kisaki?”
Kisaki’s shoves his glasses up his nose, suspicious of what’s happening. He nods, silently agreeing with him.
Mikey’s voice gets louder. “That’s why when someone breaks my trust, it’s hard for me to look pass that.” He directs his attention to Kisaki, eyes narrowing. “Isn’t that right, Kisaki?”
Hanma interjects, rolling his eyes, impatient with all the banter. “What the hell is this about, Mikey?”
“I’m expelling you both from the gang. Your Toman memberships are revoked immediately.”
There’s a collection of gasps and chatter, mostly everyone surprised by the sudden expulsion of the two captains who were previously praised just weeks before. Draken remains calm next to Mikey, occasionally glancing at Hanma, who flashes a creepy smile on his face, unfazed.
Kisaki yells, “What?! You can’t be serious!”
“Does this sound like a joke to you?” Mikey replies, stone-cold. 
Kisaki throws his hands up in the air, outraged. “What did I do?” 
Mikey walks up to him, nearly nose-to-nose. “You know what you did. Did you really think you could plot to take me out without anyone warning me about it first? Who do you think you are? Have you forgotten who I am?”
“I never did anything like that!” he argues, desperation laced in his tone. “You’re going to trust these nobodies instead of me?! I joined Toman to help you, Mikey. Everything I do is for your sake. Together, we can make Toman the most powerful gang in all of Tokyo. You need me!”
Mikey grabs him by the collar roughly. “I don’t need any part of you. I never have. Now get out of my sight.” He let’s go of him, waiting for them to leave. People from the crowd shout their support of Mikey’s decision, subsequently adding in their malice towards the two ex-Toman members. Hanma has yet to react properly to the situation, seemingly finding this entire altercation amusing, an eerie smirk on his face with his hands stuffed inside his pockets. When they refuse to leave, four burly brothers escort them out. Kisaki is in hysterics, continuing to blab on and on about how much Toman is going to suffer without him. 
Hanma finally speaks when he passes by Mitsuya. “You’re going to regret this,” he threatens loudly to no one in particular, yet Mitsuya has this awful sense that it may be towards him. He bursts into a maniacal cackle as he’s shoved towards the exit, his wicked laughter still ringing in Mitsuya’s ear even when they’re completely gone. 
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zukkaart · 7 months
The original 3 of A:tla are genuinely the only ones who I can picture actually wanting to have children.
Katara might be “motherly” because she was forced into the roll, but she is also genuinely very caring and maternal. And I can see her being one of those people who has wanted kids since she was really little.
Aang obviously wants kids, if only for the reason that he feels the crushing obligation of rebuilding the air nation, but he also learns responsibility very quickly and was amazing with children from episode one
Sokka is just so dad. He was the “father figure” for the gaang pretty much until Zuko came along. It’s so obvious and cute how they all look up to him. He also tries to be authoritative with the water tribe children but he folds so easily around them. And let’s not forget how he was the one who was taking care of Mai’s little brother (seemingly willingly)
As for the others
Toph had kids in canon, but she obviously was never the type of person who ever thought about having kids. I won’t go as far as to say Lin and Su were “accidents”, but she never had a good role model for parenting. I feel like she’d try to base her parenting off of Aang and Katara, but that just isn’t who she is at her core. And she knows that because she’s self aware, but also can’t find it in herself to change.
Azula I feel like would want kids in theory, but be too terrified that she’d pass down trauma, or turn into an abusive perfection-demanding parent like her dad was, or neglectful like she perceived her mom to be.
Zuko is kind of the same. He knows he should carry on the royal bloodline. But with already being Fire Lord and at such a young age he is terrified of becoming his father. He constantly has to remind himself that he is not Ozai, and he has to do this his entire life.
Mai I feel like doesn’t want children for less personal reasons. She feels like she can’t be as emotionally available as she knows a child needs (bc that’s what she needed but didn’t receive), but even more than that. She refuses to bring a child in to a post war-torn world that is basically dangling on the precipice of falling back into chaos
Ty Lee I feel like is just genuinely the vodka aunt. She doesn’t want to be tied down by her own children but she loves everyone else’s. She travels the world and comes back every few months to feed them all too much sugar and shower them with gifts. She’s all of the kids favorite aunt, and by extension- the parents worst nightmare (they secretly love it though)
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gemini-sensei · 9 months
Biggest Surprise - Robby
Part One | Other options: Miguel | Hawk | Demetri
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After a while of sitting around and almost everyone getting a chance to hold the baby, Moon said she'd treat everyone to some lunch - especially promising to bring Reader back something delicious that wasn't from the hospital cafeteria. Everyone followed her out the door, save for one person who volunteered to stay behind with Reader... Robby.
He decided to stay back even though he was scared. Seeing that little baby in Reader's arms terrified him for one reason and one reason alone: his own father.
He feared becoming like Johnny if he ever had kids, and now here he was with one that no one even knew was coming. Not even his girlfriend knew she was pregnant, now here they were with a little baby. But his dad's the reason he stayed because for all the times Johnny wasn't there for him, he was going to be there for his own son.
Reader looked at him every once in a while, knowing he needed time to come to terms with the adjustment. They'd only been dating for a year, almost, and had never talked about whether or not they wanted kids. It was a tough subject for Robby in any capacity, she knew that. It would have been a lot better for his sake had this happened on his terms, when he was ready if he'd ever wanted kids in the first place. Life was funny and cruel in the way it decided to deal out cards, she supposed.
After a while, she asked, "Do you want to hold him?"
Startled, Robby asked, "What- what if I drop him?"
She giggled. "I won't let that happen. If it'll make you feel better, you can come sit on the bed with us."
She scooted over very easily, baby in her arms, and moved slowly. She smiled just the same as she always had, albeit a little tired. When there was enough room for him to sit, he slowly came over and did so, though the hospital bed was a little cramped. He tried not to intrude on her space, making it a little awkward and weird.
Reader still smiled. "You know I would have told you had I known."
"I know," he assured her, staring at the sleeping baby in her arms. He spoke in a whisper, scared to wake him. "I wouldn't have left you."
"I know," she repeated.
He looked up at her and saw in her pretty eyes how sincere it was. She knew him better than anyone else; she knew his past and present; his fears; everything. It meant the world to him that she understood why he had to say what he did.
She didn't ask if he wanted to hold their baby again, knowing he was scared. She just came closer to him and leaned into his body. His arms wrapped around her automatically and she felt like she was home. He did too.
His arms came to rest under hers and that's how they sat for a while, admiring their newborn as he slept peacefully. Robby was still absolutely terrified, but his racing heart began to calm as he sat with them. They helped even though they were at the center of the situation that caused his anxiety in the first place. It made little sense but every bit of sense at the same time, and he leaned into Reader and breathed in her scent, letting it further calm him.
"We're gonna figure this out," she whispered.
He hummed and nodded. "I know."
Suddenly, their little boy yawned and wriggled around in his blanket, almost as if he needed to be a part of the conversation. His little eyes opened and he looked up at them, so sweet and innocent. Robby smiled and their son reached up for him, so he put out his hand and let him grab it. Once he touched his hand, their son didn't let go. He was small and didn't have the strongest grip, but he was far too happy to let go.
And for Robby, it was too special to put into words. The small tears in his eyes were enough for Reader to know though, and she smiled as she watched them with nothing but love in her heart.
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
Warnings: Age gap, pregnancy, kinda angsty maybe idk???
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You knew Bakugou hated this time of year, his side of the bed cold as you finally woke up on the warm Sunday morning. Every year was the same, he’d bury himself in work for the entire day and come home as late as possible. You couldn’t blame him, if you had kids you couldn’t see on holidays you’d feel the same.
The Pro-Hero was still holding his own in the top five hero rankings. While other heroes that graduated in his year were slowing down to focus on their families, their lives— Dynamight continued working hard to protect the city, to protect you. Even in his forties he was still the definition of power. The scars that marred his skin signs of his commitments, his muscles softening as he rounded out, his blond hair slowly turning a silver hue as he kept his signature undercut and a dark stubble now framed his jaw, but villains were still terrified of Dynamight.
These holidays were far more difficult for him now that his ex-wife had remarried. A new man under his roof, the family still living in his old home. His children now had another father figure, another man to call dad. He hoped at least his daughter wouldn’t- she always held his spirit so fiercely. But because of this it meant that he was seeing them less and less on those special occasions.
You always felt guilty on holidays, his ex-wife had taken a disliking to you as soon as she’d found out about your relationship with Bakugou. You were far younger, prettier in her eyes (and in his), but it was never about that with Bakugou- you knew he was with you for you.
But above all else, you made him happy. Something that she seemed to resent you for- hoping that her ex-husband would slink into a deep depression without her, to come to regret his choice for a divorce and beg her to take him back- but he wouldn’t. But without his kids? Maybe he would.
You wouldn’t even blame him if he did, knowing how important his children were to him. The visits starting to become few and far between since your relationship with him became more serious. You supposed that was why holidays like today were so much harder for him, having to see all his friends and fellow heroes celebrating their families today, while all he had were the pictures and memories- not quite the same as holding a loved one-
Hoping that his ex would let him see them sometime this week, you’d kept his schedule as free as possible to account for it- ready to change shifts or drop anything at any given moment. The media had a lot to say about Dynamight, even after all these years those headlines would haunt him and try to tarnish his name, but one thing was certain— Bakugou Katsuki really was the best father.
But there was something different about this Father’s Day, because for once you had something to gift him. And it wasn’t just those joke cards you used to purchase for him on this day to make him feel better, teasing your age gap as you’d hand him a “happy Father’s Day” card with a cheeky smile on your face as he’d roll his eyes and pull you into a one armed hug before you pulled him towards your bedroom. This? This was something special.
Continuing your day alone as you prepared dinner, hoping that Bakugou would be home in time to eat it fresh and warm with you at the table or even in front of the television instead of having to warm it up for him later. Softly stirring the sauce on the stove as you debated whether to tell him your news today- unsure if it would be seen as crass or cruel. Mina had assured you that it would make his day better, she was already eager to send the message out to their old group-chat. Her enthusiasm made you smile— at least through everything someone would be happy for you.
Your ears perked up as you heard the front door sound, the clock indicating he’d actually come home early. Something that surprised you as you turned from your place at the stove to greet him with a smile as socked feet padded into the kitchen.
“You’re home early,” You murmured as muscular arms curled around your waist, burying his nose in the curve of your neck as he exhaled tiredly.
“Slow day.”
You stood stirring the sauce as you swayed to a song you could only hear in your heads before you moved to turn off the stove, Bakugou helping you to grab bowls as you began to dish the food up for you both. Sitting down to eat together while the food was still piping hot you gave him a soft smile from across the kitchen island as you both sat down.
“What’s this?” His eyes caught sight of the small box on the table, tied neatly with a simple bow.
He looked happy, hopeful and you instantly felt horrible for filling him with the feeling, probably assuming that it was a gift from his children.
“Oh, that’s from me.” You smiled, and Bakugou couldn’t hide that flash of disappointment in his eyes no matter how hard he tried.
You couldn’t blame him, and you wouldn’t. He didn’t know what was inside, and maybe you shouldn’t be doing this today anyway.
“You can open it tomorrow, I shouldn’t have- not today-“ You mumbled, trying to reach over to grab the box as he held it out of your reach.
“You bought me something?” A teasing smirk appeared on his face as he gave you a look, his fingers already working on the bow as he slowly unraveled it.
“Kinda,” You bit your lip as you watched him open the package, nervous about what his reaction would be as he lifted the lid off the box.
Bakugou was silent as he looked down at the contents, a single stick with two lines sat on some tousled tissue paper. His hand reaching in to pick it up, holding it in his hands as though he was unsure what it was supposed to be, vermilion eyes catching the clear lines in the middle as he looked up at you.
“Are you- is this?”
“Yeah,” You smiled softly,
Bakugou’s chair screeched as he pushed back from the island, the box carelessly strewn to the floor as he held the stick tightly in his hands. A soft glow to his tired eyes as you noticed tears beginning to cling to his darker lashes, stepping around the counter to scoop you into his arms.
“Happy Father’s Day, Katsuki.”
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