#finals start in 2 weeks already so i should be occupied
tardis--dreams · 10 months
I wish i could skip forward to December 23 already
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xxxanteaterxxx · 3 months
Roommates AU pt.2
roommate!remuslupin x fem!reader
part 1
This is pure fluff; Remus is doing his best to get comfortable with you and you are doing your best to help him get comfortable around you.
Remus had been living with you for just around a month. He hadn't taken you seriously whenever you'd told him that you worked a lot and weren't ever really home. You had proven him wrong though, because he hardly ever saw you.
He found that even when he thought he worked a lot, you worked even more. Then, on the rare occasion that you were home you were cleaning or cooking or doing something to stay busy. It was like you never stopped moving.
Which is why Remus was surprised to see you curled up on the couch with a cup of coffee in one hand and a book in the other. The TV was turned off and the only light on was the lamp that you were sitting by.
When you finally noticed him, you looked up and smiled.
"Coffees in the kitchen, hope you like it strong." Then you went back to reading, listening as Remus padded into the kitchen and poured himself a cup.
Living with Remus was nice, but he was so quiet. You hadn't really figured him out yet and when you were both home at the same time he tended to stick to his room.
Which is why you had to suppress the smile that tried to grow on your face whenever he sat down next to you on the couch instead of disappearing up to his room for the next three hours. You were very understanding of course, you had been that way when you first moved in with a total stranger, but you were a social butterfly and wanted to be friends with everyone who crossed your path.
After finishing the chapter you had been reading, you sighed and closed the book, reaching to set it down on the coffee table. Remus was staying quiet, scrolling on his phone while he sipped his coffee.
"So, any fun plans today?" You decide to test the waters, fighting your grin as you watched him swallow thickly. He was shy, that much was very obvious, but you were going to be friends. You had already decided that a week after he had moved in, when he apologized for being in the living room at the same time as you.
"Uh-no, not really, I was planning on staying home today." He mumbled, letting his eyes wander over to you and then flicker away just as fast. You smiled, that was exactly what you wanted to hear.
"Perfect, then maybe we can get to know each other? You could help me with some of the sweets I planned on making?" You offered, taking another sip of your coffee as you watched him ponder over it. His facial expression didn't give much up, but you had to fight the urge to squeal when he finally nodded his head.
"Yeah, that would be nice." He said, before occupying himself with another gulp of coffee. You stood up, letting the blanket you had been using fall off, before making your way to the stairs.
"Okay, I'm gonna go get dressed in something I can be messy in, take your time!" You called down as you took the stairs two at a time. You were beaming the whole way up.
Remus would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous, after you had disappeared, he had made his way up to his room to get dressed as well. Opting for some comfy clothes that he was okay with getting flour on.
It wasn't that you made him nervous, no, you were great in Remus's eyes. It was just the idea of spending time with anyone who wasn't his closeknit group of friends that made him nervous.
He didn't have time to dwell on it any longer when you were knocking on his bedroom door.
"I'm gonna get started, it's just cookies so it should be pretty simple!" You told him through the door, before he heard the sound of you walking down the stairs. He sighed before running his hands over his face and heading downstairs himself.
You had music going, a David Bowie record, that he recognized quickly. He couldn't stop the smile from spreading on his face as he heard you singing along from the kitchen.
You turned around when you heard him walk in, clapping your hands with a smile on your face.
"Okay, I've got all of the ingredients out and the oven is preheating." You told him, turning away to finish grabbing four mixing bowls. "We're going to be making four batches, so I figured you could do two and I would do two?" You asked, turning to look at him to make sure that was okay.
When he nodded you beamed, causing a blush to try and make its way up his neck.
"Perfect, I know this recipe by heart, but I pulled it out so that you had if you needed it!" You pointed to the slip of paper you were talking about, turning around and getting started on throwing your batches together.
Remus made his way over to the bowls he would be working with, reading over the instructions before adding in each ingredient. The sound of you singing softly was soothing, as was the sound of your feet shuffling around the kitchen.
You giggled when you finally heard Remus starting to hum along to the song playing in the background. You let him get comfortable with what he was working on before you decided to test the waters some more.
"So, what do you do for work?" You inquired, turning to hand him the sugar. He grabbed it, adding the proper amount to each bowl before reaching to put it up in the cabinet in front of him.
"I'm an author. I write children's books." He said, looking at you to see you grinning at him. He turned away. "What about you?" You giggled.
"That's so sweet, Remus!" You cleared your throat. "I teach dance during the days, and then wait tables over at Louies." You grinned as you began mixing the ingredients together.
"Oh, so busy then?" Remus asked, huffing awkwardly when you giggled at the question. Of course you were busy, you worked two jobs. It made sense now, why you were never home.
"Very, but I love it! I'm a bit of a basket case when I don't have anything to do." You chirped, reaching down to grab some baking sheets. Remus nodded, starting to mix his batches together as well.
By the time he was finished, you already had yours rolled and on the two cooking sheets that were available. You popped the into the oven and set the timer before looking over at him.
"Okay, we'll put those two in the fridge while these two bake." You said, watching as Remus nodded and moved them into the fridge. "I'm gonna clean up in here, if you wanna go find something to watch? There's a new movie on Netflix that I've been wanting to see?" You suggested, already putting ingredients away and wiping down the counters.
"Can I do the dishes first?" Remus asked, he didn't want to leave all the clean up for you, considering he was definitely messier than you when it came to being in the kitchen. You shrugged.
"If you want to, it's up to you, love." You told him, continuing with what you were doing. His skin burned at the pet name, it wasn't the first time, but he didn't think he would ever get used to it.
He got started on the dishes, it didn't take him long, there weren't very many. He listened as the music turned off and you made your way to the living room, the sound of the TV turning on.
"Ooohhhh, I know it's not new, but do you want to watch Mean Girls?" You called to him, not bothering to turn around.
"Yeah, that's good with me." Remus sighed as he sat down next to you, catching the throw blanket you tossed his way. It was quiet for a second as you waited for the movie to load.
The movie started and Remus watched as you pulled your feet up, curling into a ball before draping the blanket you were using over yourself.
He copied your moves, getting more comfortable before draping his blanket over himself and moving his eyes towards the TV screen. He had never seen this movie; he had heard about it though. It was Marlene and Dorcas favorite movie, and they quoted it all of the time.
About a quarter of the way in, the timer for the first round of cookies beeped and he watched as you jumped up to go pull them out.
"Don't get up, this will literally take me ten minutes." You called out as you raced around the kitchen, moving the baked cookies to a plate and pulling the next round out of the fridge. You rolled them and popped them into the oven in record time before placing the bowls in the sink and grabbing to glasses and the milk.
You brought an entire batch of cookies with you and set them on the coffee table, before darting back into the kitchen only two reemerge with two glasses of milk.
"This is the best way to eat cookies." You told him once you were seated again. Dipping a cookie into the glass before taking a bite and watching the movie.
By the end of it, hearing you whisper the lines under your breath, and filling up on the cookies you guys had made. He understood why it was their favorite, and he understood why it was so popular.
It was now his favorite movie too.
Remus decided that maybe the two of you could be friends.
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authorhjk1 · 5 months
Thank you
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to every single one of you. Today marks the day of my first whole year on Tumblr.
I appreciate all the support from you guys. I'm excited, when I see that someone has send me a request. A nice comment makes my day. Reblogs and likes make me want to write more and more.
I'm truly thankful for everyone who keeps reading my stuff. I know I have a lot of things I can improve and I have more than enough open requests. I will do my best to meet your expectations.
This post isn't only my way of saying thank you, but also an announcement.
1. I won't be taking new requests for the book I started out with. The story "Take what you can" will be finished, once I've written all the chapters that are on the list. And maybe a final closing one.
2. I'm not able to do a "Kinktober", which I've seen a lot of other writers do. I got asked that before and I would love to do that, but I have exams right before October and the next semester starts in the middle of the month. So I don't have the time or energy for that. But I will do a "December special" this year again. I know that's still quite early, but you are welcome to send in requests you might already have. Just make sure you mention it's for the special, otherwise I might not see it as one. I'm doing this early, because last time I had trouble meeting the deadline for the last chapter. So I hope I will be on time this year, if I'm able to start writing earlier. I don't have a specific date for the end of the request phase yet, but I will let you know soon enough. You can submit the same requests as last year, if they weren't one of the four I've written.
I'm currently very occupied by my project for university, so I wasn't able to finish the current request until today. I hope this small teaser will make waiting for it seem a little shorter. I should be done with it by the middle of the next week (I hope).
"Your sister and your mom are still here."
She takes another bite. More slowly this time. And with way more eye contact.
"Oh please. As if they are going to check on us."
"We shouldn't be doing this with anyone around."
She gets up, walking around the table.
"No one will go into your study without permission."
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mapileonxputellas · 2 years
Only you (Alexia Putellas x Reader Part 2)
Ok so I originally wasn't going to do a part 2 but you persuaded me. Part one can be found here 2.2k words x
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Thank you mi hermosa, I don’t know if you’ve read my other messages but I love you. I’ll fix this x
Of course you’d read the continuous messages she’d sent you over the week. You don’t know how she finally realised the issue, whether she was told or worked it our herself but it was clear she knew. Every morning you would wake up to a little message from her and every night she wished you goodnight. The days were varied, some had frequent messages others had only a few but there were always some.
You never replied. That single message after the match the only one you sent that week. You couldn’t talk to her and pretend like the only thing you were thinking about wasn’t Sofia. How much better suited they were. How you would never be enough for Alexia.
You were trying to go to sleep the night of the final, but just like always you hated sleeping alone. Alexia’s presence in your bed had almost been a constant at one point and now you struggled to fall asleep in the cold bed, her arm not strung across your waist and her light breathing not drowning out the silence around you. You tried to occupy your mind but it always went back to her. She’d probably be partying with her team, you knew they were scheduled to fly back immediately after the final and any trophy always called for a celebration.
A bang at the door startled you, thinking it was some kind of prankster you hoped they would knock once and then leave but when it happened again, and again, and again you realised they weren’t about to go away.
You didn’t live in a rough area but it also wasn’t filled with the rich and famous. This wasn’t the first time you would have dealt with young groups trying to prank you, knowing that the only way to get rid of them was to answer the door. Your stern face didn’t exactly match the fluffy pink pyjamas you had worn to bed but that didn’t even enter your mind.
Top actors could only dream of replicating the surprise yet horror on your face as you opened the door ready to scream at whoever was there but instead you were met by the one woman who had been on your mind all night. Stood there alone, tear marks evident down her face as she almost started crying again at the mere sight of you.
“What are you doing here Ale?” You couldn’t help but sigh, no matter how much her actions had inadvertently hurt you in the past you still hated seeing her upset.
“I couldn’t wait any longer to see you.”
“It’s almost 1 Ale, I’m not doing this right now.”
“I’m sorry I completely forgot that you could have been asleep, did I wake you?” You could see the panic in her eyes that she might have caused further trouble.
“You didn’t, I’m finding it hard to get to sleep right now.” It was like your brain and your mouth weren’t connected. Your brain was telling you to shut the door right now but your mouth suddenly blurted out your problems. “You should probably go get some sleep too.”
“Not without knowing what’s going to happen to us. I’m so scared that I’ve already lost you.”
“Please Y/N, I know I don’t deserve it and I know you probably hate me already but…”
“I don’t hate you.” Even with all the hurt you felt you couldn’t stand seeing her crying and upset like this. “I’m not doing this tonight but maybe you can stay. Just to sleep.”
She accepted that offer, quickly making her way up to your bedroom and to her side of the bed, letting you curl up in her arms with your head resting on her chest. “I won’t give up without a fight Y/N. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You hated admitting it but that’s the best night sleep you’d had in a long time. For a moment you almost forgot all the issues, falling asleep in her arms and then waking up like you usually would on a Sunday, the smell of bacon wafting through your house.
Quickly freshening yourself up, you made sure you put on your stern face before you made your way downstairs. It would take a lot more than this to fix what had happened and you couldn’t let her get away with it that easily.
It was hard to keep that up though as you walked into the kitchen, finding her at the stove with just your shirt on and quietly humming along to the radio.
“Hola.” You were knocked out of your trance with her greeting and small smile. “Please sit down, it’s almost done.”
Never in your life have you ever had this much awkwardness tension between you both. You busied yourself pouring you both a cup of coffee from the pot and an orange juice as she plated up the food. You ate in silence, each of you occasionally looking up willing yourself to start the conversation and then cowardly putting your head back down.
You almost couldn’t write it, just as you finished with your food, The both of you awkwardly drinking your coffee when your song came on the radio. The very song that merely two weeks ago would have put a smile on your face but now just gave you memories of that night. The very reason you were now in this situation.
“I guess we should talk about it then rather than just sit here all morning.” You started. “Is Sofia about to turn up because she’s about as much a part of this relationship as I am?”
“You know that’s not true.”
“Do I because every time we go out it’s like she turns up? I’m constantly having to fight just to even have an ounce of your attention.”
“Except from that first time I’ve never once invited her out with us. I don’t know how she’s even finding out where we are.”
“That doesn’t excuse the fact that when she is there you act like she’s the only person you want to be with. It’s like you’re still in love with her.”
“I’m not.” The speed of her response at any other time would have indicated the truth in her words but right now it meant very little. “I love you Y/N.”
“That’s so hard to believe when last week you didn’t even want to dance with me, every invitation I gave you was just thrown back in my face. You spent more time talking about Sofia’s promotion than you did celebrating my birthday.”
“I can’t explain to you how sorry I am. Like I literally feel terrible. Sofia and I we didn’t work for a reason, she’s in my past now. I only see her as my friend, then Keira mentioned about it being weird and Lucy said something as well. I didn’t realise how it could seem to them but most importantly to you.”
“It’s like I’ll never be enough Ale, I’ll never be her.” Realising just how upset you were by this and the root cause of the troubles you’d been having, Ale knelt down in front of you, taking your hands in her own.
“You’ll never be Sofia, Y/N. But I don’t want you to be her, I want you to be you because that’s the person I’m in love with.”
“I’ll never be a football geek Ale, I’ll never have this high powered job. I’ll never match what you deserve.”
“I couldn’t care less about your job, I couldn’t care less about how much you love football. I love who you are as a person. I love how passionate you are about what you do. I love how you support me and care for me. I love how you take Nala on a walk when I’m having a bad day. I love how much my family adores you.”
“You family adores Sofia too.” You argued, sometimes them bringing her up hurt more than her showing up.
“You have no idea how much they adore you, whenever I go round they always ask about you, only you. Alba mentioned you coming on our family holiday before I could even suggest it. They like Sofia as my friend but they pushed me to ask you out.”
“Really, I know this isn’t a short fix. I know I’ll have to work my way back into your good books but I’m ready to put in that work.”
“What about Sofia?”
“She’s pushed the line with this and I can see that now. I’ll message her, set some boundaries. You can see the messages if you want.”
“I trust you Ale.” This whole thing was never about trust and you wanted to assure her of that. “But this needs some sort of change.”
“I know and I’ll do that.”
You couldn’t help but smile at the realisation that not only was this going to change but this was going to change because of Ale stepping up for your feelings. “Thank you.” You whispered, reaching for her hand to pull her onto your lap. “I love you Ale.”
“I love you too.”
The next Barcelona team night out was for Jana’s 21st birthday. Thankfully for you the international girls had returned from their break, so Keira and Ingrid were there to catch up with.
The major difference though from the last night out was the reassurance Ale gave you through the night. When you were sat down there was constant contact between you both, you danced together and laughed at each other as we danced with our friends and the birthday girl.
You were expecting Sofia to be there and your suspicions were deemed correct when she walked into the club with Patri’s girlfriend.
It didn’t take her long to come over to your table, yourself and Ale joined by Ingrid, Mapi, Rolfo, Keira and Lucy.
“Hey guys.” She said, conveniently standing at the head of the table next to Ale. Resting a hand on her shoulder you could see Ale tense as she squeezed your thigh and shuffled closer to you so the hand dropped. “Hi Ale.”
“Hi Sofia.” You could see Sofia’s face drop as Ale immediately stood up, taking your hand in her own. “Come on let’s dance.”
“Oh I was just about to suggest a dance.” The girl didn’t give up.
“Sorry this is just for Y/N and I. We love this song.” You’d never even heard of this song but you weren’t about to go against her point, letting her drag you into the middle of the dancefloor. “Do you want a dance then?”
“Always with you.”
You managed to avoid her for the rest of the night, thinking you’d got away with just one interaction with her when you spotted a figure coming out to you as you both waited for your taxi.
“Ale wait.” You had to hold in your groan as Sofia shouted over to you. Your pleas for the taxi to come quicker were left unanswered as she reached you, instantly reaching out to touch Ale again. “I haven’t had the chance to speak to you alone tonight. I thought we could catch up.”
“Sofia, you read my message right?”
“But that didn’t say anything about not being friends.” You’d read the message Ale had sent the afternoon after your talk. She made it clear that it wasn’t ok for her to be at your dates or to corner her at events. She couldn’t call Ale late at night to pick her up from the club. Lastly making it clear that she loved you and Ale wouldn’t put up with her disrespecting you in any way.
“I can’t be friends with someone who’s been almost stalking me for the past six months. How have you even been able to do that?”
“I thought you would want to spend time with me after the theatre trip, I ask around for you. I just wanted to spend time with you,”
“Well don’t, I thought I loved you in the past but that’s over now. I’m with Y/N, I love her. You can’t do this anymore Sofia, you’re clinging to a rope which isn’t even there anymore.”
If she hadn’t been manipulating this whole situation up to now you would have felt sorry for her. You could see in her eyes she still loved Ale and maybe now was the first time she’s truly recognised that this love has gone from Ale. “I’ll leave you both alone.”
“Thank you.” This is the first time you’d contributed to the conversation but you had to do this. “I hope you find happiness Sofia.”
“Thank you.”
The taxi arriving gave you the perfect opportunity to slip away from the conversation, leaving her stood on the side of the road as you cuddled together in the back of the vehicle. “I love you.”
“I love you more.”
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Pomegranate Lips Ch 2: Take Me to Coffee First… ~Sub!Larissa Weems xFem Fallen Angel!Reader
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Part 2 of Pomegranate lips! Larissa falling for Fallen Angel/Demon reader- also like a point that appearances aren’t reality, that reader isn’t necessarily evil… smut to come 😏
Link to Part 1 & Part 3!
Mommy…Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, sexual implications, implied sex, angst of sorts, sexual tension, etc…
Enjoy (;
You starting to work at Nevermore was only the beginning of the unraveling of Larissa Weems…
She couldn’t get enough of you… And it had only been one week since the semester started. You walked around in your black, elegant outfits, but always with your signature pop of pomegranate lips of color.
Your smirk made Larissa dizzy… You walked the halls with those ringing heels clicking on the floor. You always wore a pair of tinted glasses, stylish, sexy, tinted glasses…
Larissa had no idea how she was going to keep herself composed at your coffee date, which has been set for this weekend… The week seemed to drag on slowly and at an agonizing pace… Larissa couldn’t stand it… She wasn’t normally an impatient person, but you… you were making her squirm.
Finally, Saturday morning arrived. Larissa got to the Weathervane extra early, full of nerves… She had gotten a latte with foam art forming a heart as well as a black coffee for you.
Then, perfectly on time… She heard the clicking of your heels. Larissa looked up and she couldn’t look away. You were wearing a classy black dress, but with a dangerously low cut… Almost completely opposite of Larissa’s white, covered dress. Your hair was put up, and you had your glasses on even indoors… And of course, your pomegranate lips…
Larissa hated to admit it, but she fantasized about those lips…
What they could do…
What sounds they could make…
“It seems you beat me here.” You purred, interrupting Larissa’s starring and tunneling thoughts.
Red heat flushed through her face, embarrassed that she’d been caught. You chuckled at her reaction, taking the opportunity to sit across the table from her.
“Uh… yes, it appears I have…” Larissa said, already a stuttering mess.
“Next time you’re there first, it’ll be because I let you…” you playfully purred.
Larissa chocked on her coffee at this comment.
“Is this for me?” You asked, indicating to a second coffee at the table.
Larissa had completely forgotten about getting you a coffee the second you had walked in…
“Oh, yes! Sorry, I should have led with that.” She blushed yet again.
“It’s alright… you mind was occupied with other things…” you teased her with a air kiss.
Larissa’s face was now beet red. She desperately tried to hide the effect you had on her by taking a large interest in her coffee. You chuckled at the sight. You loved the effect you had on the woman. Larissa’s attempts were failing desperately, so she tried to shift the conversation more to you,
“So, you’re from Hell…?” she hesitated.
You hummed in response, toying with the salt and pepper at the table.
“Yes, but it’s not my cup of tea…”
“What do you mean?” Larissa asked inquisitively.
“Well… I guess…” you paused trying to find your words, before meeting Larissa gaze and purring, “Mortals are just far more fun…”
Larissa blushed a bit and nodded at your response.
“What about you? Where are you from?” you asked the tall, blonde.
“Nowhere really. Found my first home at Nevermore, so nowhere else really matters.” Larissa spoke.
You sensed her vulnerability and softness on the matter.
“I have a similar experience. My home is nowhere. It’s where I make it.”
Larissa looked up in surprise at your comment. It wasn’t sexual or playful, it was… something else…
You lightly chuckled at yourself, before redirecting, “So… how does a woman like you still find herself single?” you purred inquisitively.
It was Larissa’s turn to lightly chuckle, “I guess… I just…” she paused, looking for the right words…
“Everyone assumes you’re the one in the relationship taking care of everyone, when in reality you just need someone to take care of you?”
Larissa jaw dropped.
“Lucky guess.” You said with a smirk plastered on your face, taking a sip of your coffee.
Larissa sat there stunned, not knowing what to say.
“Well I enjoyed this…” you purred, finishing your coffee, “Same time, next week?”
Larissa looked up at your standing figure, dazed she replied, “I’d… Yes, please.”
You grinned and nodded at her response. You turned around and swayed to the exit, but not before mumbling under your breath,
“Such a good girl…”
Link to Part 1
Here’s Part 3!!!
Larissa Weems Masterlist
Special Mentions~ Thanks to @daydream-cement & @suckerforcate for all the inspiration and loving mess they have given me and so many others on this platform. They have helped shape and sculpt a truly safe place for us, Gwendoline Christie lovers 💕 Thanks to @larissaweemsgf & @wifeymaterialsstuff for the lovely reposts 🤍🤍🤍
Tag List~ @wierdpersonononelikes @principal-weems09 @sapphicobsesssion @xx-state-of-mind-xx @constantanxiety @poorwritingandstalecoffee @thoroughly--confused @gaydonutdino @walkethisway @yourfavoriteweirdo19 @justcallmelittleone @gwendolinechristieiscute @jeweleegrey
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carcarcraziiv2 · 8 months
The Woman with the Pink Hair (Parts 10, 11, 12, and 13 (final))
HERE ARE THE LAST PARTS FOR THE WOMAN WITH THE PINK HAIR! I Sincerely hope you enjoyed <3. I have already started the next story in the series (oooo). Lmk if you wanna see it! <3
This is a Vi x Fem! Reader fanfiction.
Please note that this is the first piece I wrote after a HEFTY (I mean years long) hiatus from writing.
P.S. Lowkey I KNOW there's a bunch of shit I could fix in here to make it better due to my practice over the past year or so, but I just… I'm so lazy rn LOL. Anyhoooooo….
ALSO- here are the TW for you lovelies! (This is for the WHOLE SERIES)-
Violence, mental illness, oral sex, dominant tendencies, torture, kidnapping, plotting?… lowkey there's probably more but you should get the gist here, AS ALWAYS ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK ILY<3
READ PART SEVEN, EIGHT, AND NINE HERE-> https://www.tumblr.com/carcarcraziiv2/739738198020964352/the-woman-with-the-pink-hair-part-7-8-9?source=share
 "What the hell...?", Vi said lightly, scanning the top deck of the ship she just boarded after returning from her confrontation with Kench. She was not in the mood for anything but a drink and to cuddle up with (y/n). Her stomach plummeted when she saw the small pool of blood a few feet away.
    Blind panic fills her soul, and she bolts for the stairs. Please don't be gone. Please don't be gone. She thinks to herself, silently pleading to the Gods she wasn't even sure exists. Basically jumping down the small flight of stairs into the cabin of the ship, she notices it is in disarray. The dark wooden table was flipped, and glass was shattered all over the floor. There was a trail of water from the top deck, down the stairs, leading directly to a dead stop in front of the room the two lovers were occupying.
   "Fuck, no no no!" Vi yelled, running down the hallway, and bursting into the room. The armoire was open, but there was no (y/n). "Fuck!" Her hands reached up to her hair, pulling as she fell to her knees. Her shoulders slumped, and she lowered her head and began to cry.
    After a few minutes of sobbing, Vi slowly crept up onto her feet again. No emotion on her face, her eyes glazed and icy cold. She walked over to the chest at the end of the bed and pulled it open. Inside were two large fighting gauntlets. She hadn't used them since all of the bullshit with Jayce. 
    There is no better time than the present, and she was prepared to destroy anyone in her path to finding (y/n). 
--- 🖤🖤🖤 ---
    "Please! Please! I'll do anything, just don-" Crack.
    The sickening crunch that resounded through the dark rocky cavern made you shiver. Prior to what you assumed to have been the untimely death of some other prisoner down here, the voice had sounded like a young woman, much like yourself. 
    You did not move as you waited to hear anymore sounds, shuffling, or wet slapping footsteps. Waiting nearly 20 minutes, you finally let out a gasp of breath, and crawled back to your corner where a useless excuse for a bed lay on the floor. It was nothing but a long, dirty piece of fabric. At one point, you were sure, it had been padded. 
   The cell was entirely uncomfortable, and you were sure you had been there for at least a week at this point. You prayed, which you never ever did, for someone to rescue you. The things that you and Vi shared for some reason did not fully convince you that she would want to go through the trouble of rescuing you. Hell, you didn't hardly know anything about her.
   Over the days that you had spent here, they had been sending in plates of slop, you weren't entirely certain of its origin, that smelled like absolute ass. The first few days you refused to eat, and Tahm personally came to inform you that if you didn't eat, he would either kill you or let you starve to death. You were sure no matter what you did, you had a death sentence over your head, but due to fear and your hunger you decided after the third day to finally just eat it. After today's food was delivered, a few hours after the confrontation down the hall, you heard those wet sloppy footsteps approaching the iron gate of your cell. 
    As the steps approached, you quickly scurried to the very most corner of the room, drawing your knees to your chin as you awaited and prayed that the beat would continue past. To your dismay, the large shadow enunciated by the faint candlelight in the hall stopped right before your door. 
    "(Y/N), I have some questions for you. Do you wish to comply, or are you going to make me force them from you?" The long-winded question reverberated through your body, making you tense up and tingles run down your spine. 
   You stayed silent. If there was anything you would do, talking would not be one of them.
   The creature let out a defeated sigh, and you held still, not wanting to react. Even as a tear began to fall down your face and the creature wabbled inside, and engulfed you in the rancid large mouth, you still did not struggle. 
    Mind blank, the only thought in your head was how easy it would be to break you. You had the pain tolerance of a baby and were terrified of what he might do. 
   As Tahm Kench walked, you sloshed around in the small space you were in. You could feel his long tongue wrapped around you like a rope holding you tight. Although slick and slimy, it did not budge when you dared to fidget ever so slightly. You simply squeezed your eyes shut, and forced the rising bile back down your throat as the journey quickly came to a stop. 
   He spit you out, and again you landed on a hard floor. Before you had the opportunity to take in your surroundings, two gruff pairs of hands were dragging you off the ground and sitting you onto a lone chair. Looking around, your eyes straining from the brightness, you realized that the sun was shining through a broken window to the left. In fact, it appeared that you were being kept underneath a large, abandoned boating house. 
  You were quickly snapped out of your realization when the monster began to speak..
   "Tell me, (y/n), how do you know Vi?"
   He let out a soft chuckle, and leaned closer to you, the motion looking hard due to the bulkiness of his body.
   "I will give you one more chance, child. How do you know Vi?" 
    Remaining silent once more, you conjured the spit in your mouth and spewed it directly into the monster's face. He took a moment to wipe the spit off of his face. Turning around, his chubby arms resting at his side, he looked over at one of his minions and nodded slightly before continuing his venture to the other side of the room. 
    Panic blossomed as you noticed what one of them was holding. In its green, wet hand you saw the sheen of a blade. You leaned as far away as you could as the creature approached you slowly, as if it was enjoying your fear. It leaned in, its face mere inches from your own, it raised the knife and pressed it to your cheek, snickering. It began to slowly press in, when you let out a sharp hiss.
    "She's my girlfriend," You said quickly, silently cursing yourself for breaking so quickly. As you realized the shit you were in, you prayed that he would not ask any in depth questions that you didn't know the answer to. You knew they wouldn't believe you. 
   Tahm turned back towards you, a long smile spreading on it's face.
   "Good," He said, and you felt he wasn't simply talking about your answer, but more so the ability to break you. 
PART ELEVEN- Unleashed
 Getting thrown back into your cell, you were wholly torn apart. The evil menace that had captured you picked you up, crumpled you in his palms, and threw you onto the ground. Entirely spent, you could not sleep, not while you knew that those demons were wandering the halls and rooms above you thinking you are hiding some important information from them. 
    You aren't.
    You hadn't a speck of knowledge aside from the things that you and Vi had shared. Kisses, long gazes, conversations about both of your childhoods. You realized, in that moment, that you didn't even know what her favorite color was. What kind of food she liked to eat or where she liked to go to get away from it all. 
    You decided that when - if - you got out of this hell hole, you were going to make a point of learning all of those things.
    Sighing, you wince as you roll over on the decrepit pad on the floor. Your ribs were bruised, at the least, if not having a few broken. Every breath you took caused a sharp lingering pain to blossom in your torso. There were small lashes on your arms, your face, and you were sticky from the sweat and blood covering your skin. As you laid there, tears falling at their own will down your cheek and onto the mattress, you prayed once more for your savior to find you.
--- 🖤🖤🖤---
---         VI         ---   
    "Tell me where the hell she is, I don't want this to be harder than it needs to be, Illaoi. Please, please just tell me," Vi seethed, her fists where clenched inside the large foreboding gauntlets.  Her heart was racing and breaking beneath her white tank top, her thick arms straining with the stress coursing through her veins. 
    Before her, Illaoi sat in an old brown leather chair, her legs spread and her forearms resting on her knees. Her fists were held together, acting as a podium in which she rest her sodden and tired face. 
    "Vi, I don't know where he keeps them. I only know where his base is. I am telling you this because I have been bound to that monster for far too long, and I, too, want to get my revenge. But please, you must call down. He has cronies all over the town, some who may be lingering these very halls. Their hearing is keen and sharp, and they will do anything in their power to protect their boss."
    "Do you think I give a single shit about that? Take me to his base," Vi spat, her body unflinching as she gave Illaoi the option, no, the order to take her where she needed to go. She would break through every god damn house in Bilgewater if it meant finding (y/n).
    "Vi, I ca-,"
    Vi slammed her fist against the wall, making the house shake. Dust fluttered off of the shelves and ceiling, littering Vi's shoulders and arms like sad rain.
    "Take. Me. There. Now." She said calmly, but her calm demeanor only hid the wrath behind her eyes so much. Illaoi sighed, standing. She was a tall, muscular woman, and her admitting defeat was anything but that. She was willing to fight for what she believed in, even if that meant risking her life. Vi was proud of her for that and vowed silently to forever be in her favor.
     After the woman collected her items and put on a few scraps of leather and gold armor on her arms and chest, they left the small apartment that Illaoi must have called home. Vi had located it after cornering Captain Fortune in a pub a few streets down.
    It had been 5 days since Vi last saw (y/n), and she didn't dare think about the possibilities of torture, of death, that have been plaguing her little love. She seethed, gritting her teeth and choking down the lump in her throat. She would not cry, not here, not now. Not while she needs to be strong.
    Illaoi led her down a few wary streets, venturing down a few blocks from where they started. They ended up at some old rotting docks, the boards broken and falling into the stinking sea beneath them.  
    "That boat house, down at the end. That is where Kench and his men do their biddings. I will not proceed, but I will be here, waiting. Yell if you need me, and I will come to you. I will help you, for the sake of defeating Kench."
    Vi merely nodded, her fists clenching within her gauntlets as she strode towards the decrepit building. The place smelled this shit, like him, and she was not happy about the concept that (y/n) may be here somewhere. 
    The thought rattled her, that she could be a mere few feet away and Vi wouldn't even know. She silently begged the gods that she was here, simply so that she could rescue her as soon as possible.
    Approaching the large rusted doors, Vi didn't care about silently entering. She slammed through them with her gauntlets, making the whole building shake as the door shattered in front of her. She stomped in, over the broken wooden splinters littering the floor. Across the warn concrete floor, there was a table of cronies playing cards and shooting shit with each other. They all looked up in unison, gaping at Vi before everything broke into chaos. 
    Two of them approached her, unsheathing sharp twisting blades and stalking in her direction. Vi cracked her neck and rolled her shoulders, and snarled as she began stalking towards her. 
    The one on the right lashed out, and she quickly parried it by bringing her massive metal fists up and smashing it against its body, making it fly to the wall beside them. It slunk to the ground, grunting with no appearance that it was going to stand. The second one ran at her, and she turned 45 degrees to her right, launching her fist into the creature's face. A sick crunching sound reverberated through the building, and it fell to the ground before her. 
    It held its nose and whimpered slightly as Vi lent down to grasp its dirty hole ridden shirt. She lifted it, her face a mere inches from her own.
    "Where is she?" She snarled.
    "I don't know who you're talking about," the creature snickered back. She could tell it was lying and that made her even more feral.
    "I will cut out your tongues and feed them to your cowering brothers," she threatened, pointing at the two others who were running towards a door in the back of the building. 
    A door she hadn't noticed before. A door she was sure led to the very captor she was looking for. 
    She shoved the monster to the ground, and it grunted on impact as she raised her fist again and punched his face into the ground. When she stood, the creature did not stir. She wasn't sure if it was dead or not, but she didn't care. The other that she had fought was still on the other side of the huge room, its body slouched against the base of the wall.
   Quiet, almost silent screams echoed below Vi's feet.
   She's here. She's here. She's here.
    Vi stormed towards the back of the room, slamming into the door. Those fuckers locked it, she thought. She didn't hesitate for a second as she brought back her fist and slammed it into the iron door. It didn't move but a smidge, and so she hit it again, and again. Finally, the bolts broke from their spots and the door shot open, not falling off of its hinges. A musty, sodden smell drifted up the stone stairs that Vi stood atop of. 
    Another scream echoed through the chambers below, this time much louder than before. She could hear shuffling, and the sounds of grunting as she assumed whoever was screaming was being dragged away.
    She cascaded down the steps, now more alert to her senses as the darkness encompassed her being. She wanted to be quiet enough so that they didn't know exactly where she was. They already knew she was here.
    She listened for more sounds, more grunting, more anything. Silence ensued, so she began walking down the dimly lit hallway. She noticed immediately the small iron gated rooms surrounding her. Each had a small sad bed on the floor. Some, there were bones and blood, others were empty. She reached the end of the stretch where another hallway collided with this one, making a T shape. The very last room she peered into before veering down to the left caused her to stop in her tracks.
    There, in the middle of the room, as if left as a sign for her and her alone was her jacket. Her dark red jacket she took from one of the first people she encountered in Zaun after getting out of prison.
     She was here. Vi could hardly hold back the vomit that threatened to rise in her throat, as she scanned the little stone room. From top to bottom, she could sense that she had been kept in here. Various plates were strewn across the room, rotting food sat on a few of the plates and she grimaced at the thought of (y/n) being forced to eat that trash. Gods know what it was.
    Right before she went to continue on her hunt, she heard another blood curdling scream, before a familiar voice yelled-
    "Vi? Vi! Please, anyo-," a grunt sounded from that voice, as if being punched in the stomach to quiet her pleas. White hot rage flooded Vi at the thought of someone touching and hurting her girl. Hers. 
    She zig zagged through a few more halls, before descending a small staircase and bursting through a door that she could hear a ruckus coming out of. The sounds; crying, cursing, and heavy breathing. Vi had to momentarily shield her eyes as brightness flooded her vision. As they adjusted, she took in her surroundings quickly. 
    There, in the middle of the room, bound to a chair and gagged, was a beaten and bloody (y/n). Her eyes widened at the sight of Vi, and she whimpered, pulling lightly at her restraints. Vi started towards her, her only inclination to free her immediately. At her first step, she heard (y/n) yelling through the gag, her eyes widening and her head shaking vigorously. Vi took another step, and (y/n) closed her eyes and screamed into the gag. Only then did Vi realize there was a crony behind her, using her as a meat shield with a knife to her back. 
    "Well, well, well," a familiar voice boomed. Vi didn't flinch as Tahm Kench emerged from a shadowed room to the far right that she hadn't noticed before. "It's a pleasure, as always, Vi."
    "Free her, Kench. Now." Vi ordered. It merely offered a chuckle in response.
    "For a price, child. Everything comes with a price."
     "What do you want?" Vi pleaded. She did not plan to go through with anything, other than to get (y/n) as far away from here as possible.
     "Your girlfriend here told me a lot about you. About your connections to the one they call Jinx?" Panic flooded her momentarily, and she glanced at (y/n) who only sobbed, her head sagged to her chest. She knew (y/n) was strong and must have endured a lot to say anything. "Although, she wouldn't tell us anything else. About your dealings in Piltover. Pity, if she had cooperated, I would have offered her a clean, easy death. But they never do, do they Vi?"
     She shuttered at the thought and burst out of her stance towards kench. She stopped dead in her tracks when 10 other creatures came out of the shadows. Fuck, she thought. She knew Kench could, and would fight too, but she didn't know his moves, what to expect. Thinking for a moment, she knew what she had to do.
    She leaned back her head, and as loud as humanly possible she yelled, "ILLAOI!"
    A quiet tense aura shifted the place, each of the creatures looking back and forth at one another. A minute passed before Vi cursed again, and a few of them laughed. 
    "Illaoi? That is how you found us, huh?" Tahm smirked, a hint of distaste lingering in his tone. "She wouldn't dare come down here and face me, not for the like of you."
     Just as he finished his sentence, Vi felt the heavy presence of Illaoi's spiritual bonds to the Kraken. The air shifted into a heavy, haunting, foreboding feeling. She turned around, just in time to see the massive woman breach the threshold of the room. She glowed slightly, Vi realized then, and her power was emanating through her and rippling through her room. 
    Illaoi did not hesitate as she approached Kench. All of his cronies seemed to cower in her powerful presence. 
    "Release the girl, Kench," She stated plainly. 
    "You do not understand what you are doing, woman," Tahm said, sounding slightly afraid. Even the great demon cowered in her presence. Vi made note not to fuck with Illaoi. 
     "I suppose you are going to do this the hard way," She mocked. She must have been closer than I thought. Suddenly, all around the room, large green spirit like tentacles rose from the floor, flapping mindlessly left and right. Illaoi glanced back at Vi, "Take her, and come help me kill these scum." 
    Vi did not hesitate as roaring combat erupted around her. Her primary focus was (y/n). She stormed over to her, immediately ripping the binds of the gag off of her face. She threw it to the floor and leaned down, making quick work of the bindings around her arms and legs. (y/n) quietly sobbed and looked up through her wet, blood-matted hair at Vi.
--- 🖤🖤🖤---
    You couldn't stop crying. Not now, not here. Not while Vi knelt in front of you looking entirely panicked and you couldn't move an inch. Every part of your body ached, and you felt weak from blood loss. You didn't flinch, though, as Vi delicately looped one arm under your legs and the other around your back and carried you towards the stairs. She set you down, on the steps, far enough away to keep you safe, but close enough to be able to monitor you. 
   "I've got you, baby. I've got you," She brushed a hand lightly over your bruised face, and you winced from her touch. The color drained from her face, and she looked utterly defeated as she stood. "I have to help Illaoi, don't move." You almost, almost, laughed at that. As if you could move if you wanted to. You were so weak, so frail. 
    Maybe she would teach you how to fight, when this was all over with. You watched her as she turned her back to you, descending the few steps she had gone up. You could see through the doorway the hell that had broken lose. Illaoi had made quick work of the monsters that worked for Kench, the tentacles becoming solid and slamming into them, crushing the majority under their weight. Blood splattered the walls, screeches echoed until all was silent. The only remaining contender was Kench. 
    Before you, Illaoi shot out what appeared to be a tentacle, much smaller than all the others, towards kench. Before it could reach him, a giant hole summoned below the monster, and he jumped into it. You gasped, then grimaced from that pain it caused your body. Suddenly, you heard a wet thud from above you. 
    You didn't dare look behind you, you knew who it was already.
    "You have caused me quite a bit of trouble, child," he said, his stubby arms wrapping around you. You let out a scream, guttural and otherworldly, as you grabbed the knife that was still attached to your thigh. It had gone unnoticed, or more likely, they hadn't bothered to care simply because you were a weak little human. 
    Slashing backwards, pure adrenaline made the pain subside slightly as your blade coursed through the thick skin of Tahms face. He let out a disgusting screech, dropping you. Your body rolled aimlessly down the stairs, and you could feel a snap as your arm landed beneath you. You let out a scream and saw Vi and Illaoi running towards you. Through your tears, and the encroaching darkness that was shrouding your vision, you noticed that Tahm was no longer at the top of the stairs.
    Before you lost consciousness, you saw the woman fall to her knees beside you, carefully adjusting your body and arm. Relentless pain tugged at your sanity.
    "(Y/N), baby, I've got you. I've got you. Let's go home." you heard her voice say faintly. Her tear ridden and bloody face was the last thing you saw before you lost consciousness. 
PART TWELVE- Encouragement
  Your eyes flutter open, and for a moment you are flustered. You do not recognize your surroundings, and you scramble up against the headboard of the large bed you realize you rest upon. Panting, you clutch the covers to your chest, your clean chest. After a moment, you also notice the pain.
    You yell out in pain, and quickly clamp a hand over your mouth.  Before the panic could set in, the door at the furthest left-hand corner of the room swings open. 
    At the threshold, Vi stares at you with wide eyes, panting as if she had sprinted to the room. For a brief moment, you were in shock. Vi let out a soft sigh of relief as she began walking over to you.
    You did not mean to, but you shrank from her. The experiences of the last week were still haunting your very being. She stopped in her tracks.
    "Baby, you're at my house. You're safe now," Vi said in a cool tone. Her hand was put up out in front of her as if to further reassure your safety with her gesture. It didn't take more than a second for tears to begin falling down your cheeks, cascading down your neck and onto your chest under the shirt you wore. 
    As Vi walked to the bed and sat on the edge, she placed a hand on your knee. You did not flinch away from her touch as you did when she was walking toward you. Instead, you let your head fall back against the headboard and let out a pitiful sigh through your sobs.
    "It hurts, Vi," was all you could muster. You hated sounding so pathetic, but the state your body was in was not one to argue. Vi nodded, and reached her hand up to your face, caressing it far more gently than she ever had before. In that moment, the only thing you could think of to say was, "What is your favorite color?"
    She looked slightly taken aback, one eyebrow raised in curiosity. "It's red."
    You smiled slightly.
    "What is your favorite food?"
    "Um... don't make fun of me, but bar food?" she laughed, lowering her head in embarrassment. 
     "Where do you...escape to?" you said lightly, your gaze landing on her own piercing one. You twiddled your thumbs as she looked at you as if studying what she was seeing. She looked away, out the square window that, to your surprise, had sunlight seeping through. 
     "I used to leave for stretches of time after getting out of prison. Usually for odd jobs here and there." She looked back at you before she continued. "There is this place here in Piltover, where the trees surround a small lake close to the border of the undercity." She swallowed. "When I got out, I had... a relationship with an officer of one of the Council leader's daughters. They hated me, thought I was scum of the earth.
    I would leave Cait's house and wander the streets as if I knew where I was going. No matter where I went, people gave me dirty looks. They knew who I was. What I was. But when I found that place where the grass was green and the only noise was birds chirping and leaves rustling in the trees, I knew I had found my safe space.
    That was, of course, until I met you."
     You could feel your chest tightening, your heart aching for the harsh treatment she had received from people that didn't know her just because of where she came from. Where you both came from. 
    "When I met you, it felt like something clicked inside of me. Like a missing puzzle piece had gone into place. Even when I was throwing a fit in that alley way unsure of who you were. When I looked into your eyes in that moment, it felt like we were meant to be there. I was supposed to meet you. Every time thereafter that I saw you and you laughed, I felt that same feeling as I had at the lake. I felt safe."
     Tears that had dried on your face became wet again as new ones began tumbling down your cheeks. "Vi..." you whimpered; your mouth downturned in a far too dramatic that's so sweet type of look. "I feel the same way about you, too." You tried pushing off the headboard but hissed in a breath as a shooting pain traveled through your torso. Your arm, luckily, had been put back into place as you were unconscious. It no longer hurt aside from minor aching.
    Vi stood, and leaned over you so that her shadow covered your famished frame. Bending her neck, she raised her hand and lifted your chin ever so slightly with a single finger. Her lips pressed against yours so gently. It was as if she was ensuring that she would not break you. 
    "I am going to go downstairs and grab you something for the pain. You have two options, a remedy from a medic or booze."
    You let out a slight chuckle, and replied, "I think it would be smart to take a remedy this time."
    After a few minutes of observing the room you were in while she fetched the pain reliever, you came to the conclusion that this was her space. Her familiar (now quite destroyed) red jacket was thrown over the back of a black chair in the corner of the room. You could see spools of white wrapping on a desk that rested in front of a large rounded window, looking over what you presumed to be the city.
    "Here you go," Vi said, startling you slightly as she re-entered the room with food and a small bottle of red liquid. "This does not taste or smell great, please don't smell it like you smelt the shit on the ship." She sat beside you once again, popping open the small vile and handing it over to you. You hesitated, almost smelling it before reaching your other hand up and plugging your nose. Throwing your head back as you drank, you sank it back like a shot of whiskey. "Good girl." was all she said in response. You melted at her praise, feeling heat rise to your cheeks. She snickered, no doubt noticing your reaction.
    "Patience, baby. Once your better I am never letting you leave my room."
    "Promises, promises," was all you said in reply as a sly smile spread across your face.
- Spicy -    
It has been a few weeks since your expenditure with Tahm Kench. Vi had not lied for the most part, she had not let you leave her side even once after having rescued you. No matter where you went or what you did, she was with you.
    "(Y/N)," Vi said, lying next to you on her large bed. She lay on her side, resting her head on a hand and twirling absentmindedly fiddling with a piece of your hair with the other. "You feelin' okay today?"
     You nodded in response, turning your head away from your book to peer down at her. "Yeah of course babe, why?"
      "After everything, I just want to make sure you're okay. Like... mentally?" She gazed at you with concern lingering on her face, but as if she was trying to hide it. 
      Contemplating for a moment, you weren't entirely sure. You were certainly glad to be here, but it felt so sudden. Like all of these things had happened so out of the blue. The momentum of your life had been completely overturned, and the experiences of the last few months had certainly changed the way you think about things.
    "Honestly... I don't know. I am not scared, but I am not at peace. Do you know what I mean?" You looked at Vi as you talked with your hands. She nodded knowingly in response. "I am just glad I am out of that place, and we don't have anything to worry about. Plus, I feel a lot better physically which definitely helps."
    "Good. Do you want to go to that place I told you about? By the lake?" 
     You recalled the place that Vi had told you about being her hide-away location. Her peace. 
    "I would love that." You replied with a smile.
--- 🖤🖤🖤 ---
     Vi had given you a light sweater to wear, as spring had just arrived and although it was warmer than during the winter the wind was still crisp as it ran across your skin. 
    Walking through the streets of Piltover, you didn't care to look back at the gawkers and whisperers. You held Vi's hand in yours and felt like the most powerful woman in the world standing next to her. She did not look anywhere aside from ahead, and occasionally over at you to give a faint smile. 
    Approaching the end of a neighborhood road, the sidewalk curved around with a tall fence guarding from what lay beyond- the forest. You looked over at Vi and raised a brow.
    "Am I supposed to climb that?"
    She laughed, "My love, there are some obstacles you must overcome before you get to where you want to be."
    Although she was right, you still let out a prominent sigh and rolled your eyes to the heavens. She laughed again, bright and vibrant sounds radiating through your skin and bones. You approached the fence, using your fingers and boots to push you up, up, up and over the top. You took a moment at the top, looking over the small road you had come from. No one was watching, and you were thankful that no one was going to see you struggle with such a simple physical activity.
     "You ever going to come down?" Vi urged, shocking you from your revery. 
     "If I fall, will you catch me?" You said in response, nervous flutters racing through your chest. It was ridiculous, as it was only a few feet off of the ground. It felt like a hundred.
     "Always." She responded, looking you dead in the eyes. You sighed again, slowly turning your body and descending the opposing side of the fence. Once you nearly reached the bottom, you jumped off the last ten inches and turned to face Vi.
    "You have got to help me get into shape, honestly," You smiled, huffing out breaths. 
     After a tad bit of banter, the two of you continued walking. A thick line of trees sat ahead of you, a sweet whisper of pine lingering in the air. Vi released your hand and began walking forward, beckoning you to follow. You stepped in line behind her as she pushed branches aside and followed a path only known to her.
     "Here it is," Vi said, holding back another branch and stepping back as if revealing the area to you. You stepped forward, gawking at your surroundings as Vi stepped up behind you. 
     "Oh my Gods, its..." You started. You couldn't even find the words. A small meadow filled with Lavender, Honeysuckle, Tulips, and various other flowers rest in front of you. The breeze made gorgeous floral scents waft over to you, instantly relaxing your mind and muscles. A few feet ahead, you could see a round pond littered with lily pads. Across from the pond, the trees finished the circle encompassing the area. It really was a secluded paradise.
    "I know, right?" Vi smiled, looking longingly at what lay ahead. She grabbed your hand gently and pulled you with her as she began walking. "Over here there is a perfect place to lay down and look at the stars at night, if you want to stay long enough to do that."
    You nodded sheepishly, feeling honored to be taken to her sacred place. As you reached the flat plane of grass that looked almost manicured compared to the rest of the space, she sat down. Gently she tugged your hand to follow suit.
   Sitting in silence, you rested your head on her shoulder and looked across the water. It was crazy that all of these things had happened in the span of a few months. Meeting Vi, meeting her sister Jinx, getting kidnapped and tortured... All to lead to this place, next to this woman, who you could not deny you were falling undeniably in love with.
   "What are you thinking about, sweet stuff?" Vi murmurs, looking over at you with her head tilted as she lifts your chin with a finger. Your gaze meets hers and you take in her beauty. The small scar that sits on her pink lips, the jewelry in her nose. Her hardened eyes softening only for you. 
    "I think..." You start, pausing to suck in a shaky breath, "I think I'm in love with you, Vi."
     She looks taken aback, her eyebrows raising, and she blinks a few times. You feel heat rise to your cheeks before she smiles sweetly at you. Relief floods you when she responds.
     "I think, sweet stuff, that I may just love you, too." Her hand moves to your cheek, cupping your face. You lean into it, closing your eyes for a moment and inhaling deeply. When you open them, you meet her gaze. Her eyes have heated, lids lowering. As she gazes and you through her lashes, she runs her teeth over her bottom lip. "You know... I think you feel better enough that we can consummate our love... the good ol' fashioned way." She sniggers, raising a brow and tilting her head the other way. 
     "I suppose there is," You reply, trying to sound sultry even though you have no idea what you're doing.
    She giggles at your attempt, leaning in close. Your foreheads touch, and for a moment the two of you just sit there basking in each other's presence. You can feel her eyes on your lips, and instinctively you lick them. She lets out a small growl, moving her hand to the base of your neck and pulling you in. Her lips brush yours slightly, and a sigh escapes you. As your lips part, she enters you with her tongue. The two of you kissing passionately, she slowly lays you backward on the grass you sat upon. 
    Vi wants to cater to you, to love you. She wants you to feel special, but you can tell that there is something else urging her to go faster. She is ravenous to taste you, it seems, as she quickly trails down your body and pulls the pants down that you are wearing. You nearly reach down to cover yourself, but she snaps her gaze up to your own with an intensity so fierce you can't help but feel obliged to let her move forward. 
    Leaning your head back on the grass, your breathing intensifies as you feel her breath brush against your bare skin. The feeling of being out in the open, in the wild, is exhilarating. You had never experienced anything like this, and you are more than happy to be doing it with her. 
    Deep in thought, you intake a sharp breath of air as you feel her flat tongue lick you from your opening up to your clit. The world slows, but she speeds up. Your eyes roll back into your head as you reach out a hand a clasp her hair. She lets out a satisfied groan.
    "Fuck, baby. You look so fucking hot when I am pleasing you," Vi says quickly, returning to what she was doing. You feel one of her hands travel down your side, past your thigh and to your center. She pauses briefly as she adjusts herself and inserts a finger into you. Vi curves it up, flicking that spot perfectly, making little breathy moans escape your lips as she continues licking and worshipping your clit. 
    "Vi... Vi I'm gonna...", you start to say, and she looks up at you, breathing against your pussy only to pause for a moment.
     "Look at me while you cum, Princess," She urges, returning to that spot. You look down at her, and as she consumes you, you see her eyes meet your own, and you explode into a million pieces. You can't help it, falling back and bucking your hips against her face. She doesn't stop savoring the moment, until you use the hand that was once clenched in her hair to gently stop her.
    She smiles, a feline smile as she retreats from your throbbing pussy. You're panting heavily, and she crawls up your body. You think she is going to kiss you, but she brings the hand that she was fingerbanging you with to your mouth. You reach out your tongue and suck your juices off of her finger, and watch as she inhales and closes her eyes. 
    Using all of the strength you can muster, you grab her wrist and pull her to the side. As she falls over, you giggle maniacally and crawl on top of her. She laughs out loud as if shocked you got the upper hand for even just a moment. 
     "Now, Vi, let me return the favor? This love... it isn't one sided." Before she can open her mouth to protest, you lean down and kiss her long and hard, letting your right-hand trail down her neck, her breasts, until it brushes over a nipple. She gasps, and you can't help but marvel in the fact that she is sitting here beneath you. Vi looks so stunning, a blush creeping into her cheeks. Her blue eyes are hooded, never leaving your own.
     You lean down, unzipping her jacket as you go. You let it fall to the sides of her torso, and slowly caress her bare stomach underneath her white tank top. You pull it up and up until her chest is exposed to you. You had often wondered what she would look like here, as you hadn't gotten the opportunity to see yet. But she was perfect. Her breasts were not big but not small, cute little pink buds were hard as the breeze and most certainly her arousal enticed them. You bit your lip, before leaning down and taking one into your mouth. Swirling around it, sucking, and releasing it with a pop. You turned your attention to the other and did the same thing. 
    After you were satisfied that she was feeling positively enchanted, you trailed soft kisses down her stomach, stopping at the hem of her pants. You hooked a finger in one of the belt loops and looked up at her expectant gaze. In this moment, you recalled the first time she did this to you.
    "Is this okay?" You smiled, and she smiled back. She must have also remembered what she said to you that night on the ship.
     "More than okay, Sweet stuff," she said, no louder than a whisper. 
    You took no time in removing her bottoms, her panties, and marveling at her beautiful pussy. She was so wet, glistening. The thought that you were what caused her intense arousal made you proud. You had no mercy in your fucking her. The love flowed through you and your tongue against her clit until she was crying out your name. You had never heard her sound like that before, so sensual, so free.
    After you were finished, you both got your clothes back on. Vi rested her head on an arm as her back pressed against the grass, and you climbed up and onto her chest. Mainly, the two of you were looking at the stars.
    "I guess we get to look at the stars, after all," She smiled, and you glanced at her in awe.
    "If it's with you, I will do anything." You shifted onto your stomach, resting your chin on her chest so your face was directed at her. "Because after everything we have been through, I have come to realize that you're my escape, too. You're my home."
     Vi stretched down, tears threatening to leak from her eyes. You rose up slightly, to accommodate the space between the two of you and shared a pleasant, soft and loving kiss.
    You realized, in that moment under the stars, that there was nothing you would ever change about the past. And that the future, no matter what it could bring, would always be better than it could of been before if you were with her.
    Your home. 
------  🖤🖤🖤 ------      THE END      ------ 🖤🖤🖤 ------
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twofortea · 1 year
KKSK Week 2023 Submissions
Realizing I didn't do much self-promo on here for my kksk week fics, so they get one big post instead :) Day 1: Sharp Tongues Rating: M
Historic AU | Trapped in a small space | Innocent | “Never cruel or cowardly”
Sakura is 18 and set to be wed. It’s out of her hands, as most things are, but as the only child of her family, and a daughter no less, she’s expected to marry someone of prestigious status in order to secure her family’s future (and fortune). She’s been told for years of what life will be like when she’s finally married. The security, the contentment… What she didn’t anticipate from the process was the complete and utter boredom.
Day 2: What Trembles Underfoot Rating: T
Someone else’s show | Wingman
The Avatar has disappeared, and the Fire Nation is quickly expanding their influence across the lands. Kakashi is one of the generals leading the charge against the Earth Kingdom villages, and the days drag along in weary sequence, until a strange woman with green eyes captures his attention.
Day 3: Like To Get To Know You Rating: T
Modern AU | 3AM | Missed connections | “You have my sword”
You have my sword Considering it was the middle of the night and she had a completely ridiculous classload tomorrow, Sakura knew she should just shut her phone off and go back to bed. Yet for some reason, her fingers were already typing out a response. Who is this? The response was an immediate ping back. You’ve stolen more than one?
Day 4: Say What You Wish Rating: T Fantasy AU | Seduction
How does one get unlimited wishes from a genie? Seduce them of course.
Day 5: Office Hours Rating: E (Fem!Kakashi) Swapped | Booty call vs butt dial | “Oops”
She’s in the middle of teaching when her phone starts buzzing. Generally, Sakura has a self-imposed rule not to look at her phone during class since she expects the same focus from her students, but for some reason, today’s buzz has her fingers itching towards her pocket. She glances up to see if anyone is paying attention to her, but the class seems to either be occupied with the video on the projector screen, or asleep on their desk. This feels like as good a time as any to break her rule. Slinking down slightly in her chair, she pulls out her phone and flips it over. Call from: KH
Day 6: Death and the Maiden Rating: Unrated but not explicit Mythology AU | Morning after | “Not if you were the last person on earth”
“Who’s there?” The pause that follows is stifling, unsettling as it seeps into her bones. The room seems empty except for her… did she only imagine the voice? A hallucination borne from one too many sniffs of the red poppies blooming in the field? Then he steps forward.
Day 7: What You Don't Know (Sure Can Hurt You) Rating: T
Canon Divergence | Pakkun makes a startling discovery | Arranged Marriage | “Why are you in my house?”
“I found it,” the pug interrupted, pausing for a moment before he finished his statement, “in the study.” Kakashi’s next words were more of a snarl than anything, “What the hell were you doing there?” “Isn’t that besides the point?” the pug deflected. “Legally, you’ve been married since the girl turned 16.”
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illbeyourreasonwhy · 10 months
when the time comes, baby don't run
It's over! It only took three years and months of absence, but I finally completed my post-S1 Willex fic!
Thanks to everyone who stuck around for this, and hey, if you're just now discovering it, feel free to check out this fic for Willex fluff (and a tiiiny bit of angst), friendship feels, and a Caleb takedown!
(Part 1 Part 2 Part 3)
Alex is starting to seriously resent this plan.
Not because he is in any danger. No, it’s actually the opposite.
He is starting to resent this plan because he was tasked with staying behind at the studio, and not knowing what is going on is killing him.
“Alex, stop pacing,” Julie says, doing a terrible job at soothing his worries since she is also wringing her hands with a vengeance.
“He pacing again?” Flynn asks. She’s the only one of them who seems a minimum composed, but Alex caught her biting her nails when she thought neither of them was looking. “Alex, you need to chill. It’s not like we can do anything right now.”
“Yeah, that’s why I’m freaking out,” Alex mutters, even though she can’t hear him. “We have no idea what’s going on, Caleb could have already caught them for all we know…”
“Alex,” Julie says tightly. She is still attempting to sound reassuring and failing miserably. “Not helping.”
He looks at her, taking in the tension and worry in her expression, and realises it looks familiar. This isn’t the first time she had to stay behind while her friends went off on a side mission, after all. He suddenly feels a lot more understanding of her frantic barrage of questions after they returned from getting their names on the Orpheum setlist, all those weeks ago.
It’s for her sake that he forces himself to sit, resting his arm next to hers on the table. He isn’t tangible right now, but he hopes the closeness will help comfort her – and him.
She offers him a strained smile, like she can tell what he’s thinking, and he thinks maybe it works.
“It’s going to be okay,” Flynn says, quieter than usual.
“Then what’s taking so long?” Julie asks to no one in particular.
It had been decided that one of the ghosts would stay behind as a precautionary measure.  Willie, currently speaking with Caleb – a thought that does nothing to soothe Alex’s already anxious mind – has been given Julie’s phone, so that he can send a text to Flynn the moment Caleb is done talking to him. Which is why Flynn and Julie are currently sitting in the studio, fully charged phone laying flat on the coffee table in front of them, ready to send Alex to retrieve Luke and Reggie from the club should they not be back by the time the text comes through.
It's a precautionary measure, he reminds himself. Luke and Reggie know they are on a tight schedule and have promised to be as quick as possible, while Willie is doing his best to keep Caleb occupied as long as he can. If all goes well, Caleb will never even know they were there.
But, still. Knowing that doesn’t make the wait any less anxiety inducing.
“It’s going to be okay,” Flynn repeats, like she can read his thoughts. She is probably just looking at Julie’s face.
As if summoned, Luke and Reggie appear in front of them with a brief white flash. Alex sags in relief, not getting the time to gauge their expressions before Julie jumps to her feet to engulf them in a hug with a squeal. Or, well, she tries; neither Luke or Reggie are tangible, either, and Julie slips through them, stumbling a little as Luke uselessly throws out a hand to steady her. She looks too relieved to see them to be bothered, eyes darting furiously between the two of them.
“How did it go?”
Reggie shrugs. “We didn’t really see anything we could use, but we did find this.”
He reaches inside his coat and pulls out something that he precariously sets on the coffee table.
The five of them crowd around it.
“What is that?” Flynn asks slowly, her eyes not leaving the strange object the boys brought back.
“No idea,” Luke answers, his voice hushed.
The object on the table – no, not on the table, Alex realizes, hovering over it – looks like a tiny purple ball, a glowing hue emanating from it and dusting the air with a faint light. Alex has never seen anything quite like it before, but he knows, just looking at it, that it is bursting with magic.
“It seemed important,” Reggie says, and Alex believes it.
Julie’s eyes flicker between the two of them, teeth gnawing at her lower lip.
“None of you actually knows what it is?” she reassesses. When she only gets shakes of heads as an answer, she nods and says, “Okay, then no one touch it.” She narrows her eyes at Reggie especially. “I’m serious. We don’t know what this is or what we’re dealing with, so we’re staying put and waiting for Willie to come back and explain.”
No one argues. They don’t have to wait long; twenty minutes later Willie sends a warning text that he is done with Caleb, and he walks through the doors of the studio another ten minutes later. The sight of him helps Alex breathe a little easier; he lifts himself off the couch and crosses the space between them to pull Willie into a tight hug. Willie’s arms loop around him easily, looking as relieved to see Alex as Alex is to see him.
“Hey, hot dog,” he whispers.
“You okay?” Alex asks as they move apart. He knows Willie is, or he wouldn’t be here, but he thinks he needs to hear him say it.
“I’m okay,” Willie answers. “I think Caleb bought it. It’s always hard to tell with him, but I’m pretty sure he believed me. You’re all okay too?”
“A-okay,” Reggie answers. “We were in and out, no one even saw us.”
Alex desperately hopes that’s true. He leads Willie back to the group; Willie follows easily, only to stop dead when he catches sight of the purple ball.
“Is that what I think it is?” he asks slowly.
“Ah. Well, see, we don’t actually know what it is, so…”
Willie stares at the ball, looking shaken.
“That’s the source of Caleb’s power,” he says. “When ghosts harness other ghosts’ powers like Caleb does, and they start having more power than one ghost should, they have to physically store the excess somewhere so that it doesn’t overwhelm them, and keep it close so that they can still access it. I think Caleb used this ball in his very first trick back when he was alive, so it has sentimental value to him or something. You guys found it?”
“It wasn’t that well hidden!” Reggie says, sounding like he feels he should defend himself. “It was just sitting there in a box inside of another box under a curtain in Caleb’s dressing room! We didn’t know what it was, we just assumed it was important!”
“Well clearly you were right!” Alex exclaims. He realizes he sounds panicky, but sue him, he is panicking. “What if Caleb can trace it back to here? Can he tell where it is?”
A soft touch to his shoulder; it’s Willie, and Alex feels his nerves simmer down. They’re not gone, though.
“I don’t think he can trace it,” Willie says. “If he did, he would be here already.”
That’s not exactly a reassuring thought. Alex doesn’t have time to say that, though, because then Julie steps forward.
“Time-out,” she says. “What’s going on?”
Right. She can’t see Willie or hear his explanations. Flynn is probably even more lost.
When they are done recapping, Flynn’s eyebrows are furrowed and Julie has a determined look in her eyes.
“So this thing is pretty important to Caleb, then?”
“It’s the most important thing in the world to him,” Willie confirms. Reggie repeats it. “Without it under his control, he could lose all his power, all his influence.”
An idea starts to prickle the back of Alex’s mind, but before it can fully form, Julie speaks up.
“Call Caleb here. Tell him we’re willing to trade this thing back to him for the release of Nick and Willie, and the promise that he will leave us alone from now on.”
They all turn to stare at her, stunned.
“Jules, you were the one who was afraid of blackmailing him in the first place,” Flynn reminds her.
“I know,” Julie says, and she does look a little shaken, but the determined look in her eyes doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere. “But things are different now. This –” she gestures to the purple ball, still hovering innocently over the coffee table, “- is one more thing that will draw Caleb’s attention to us. We need to act before he figures out that we have it.” She crosses her arms. “Right now, Caleb doesn’t know it’s missing yet. We need to use that to our advantage. If we confront him with it, catch him off-guard, it might be the first time we have the upper hand since this mess started.”
She looks at them all, as if waiting for an answer, but none of them have one at first. In truth, Alex suspects they all might be a little impressed.
“She’s got a point,” Luke says eventually. Unsurprisingly, too. He’ll always back Julie up.
Willie glances around the group and, upon seeing no argument, steels himself and nods. “Okay,” he says. “I’ll go get him.”
He prepares to leave, and it’s then, when Alex sees the back of his silhouette framed in the doorway, that the fear suddenly jumps to his throat.
They all look at him, looking surprised at his outburst, but Alex barely sees them. What he does see is Willie about to walk away from him again, away from him and right back into the palm of Caleb’s hand, and Alex can’t handle it. It has always been hard, letting Willie go back to Caleb and wondering if this is the time he won’t come back, but with the added knowledge of what has been going on it has gone from hard to unbearable. How is Alex supposed to watch Willie throw himself back into the deathtrap that is setting up a meeting between Caleb and them and therefore revealing he has been in contact with them and working with them, less than an hour after feeding him what Caleb will inevitably realize are lies? How can they ask Willie to walk into what could very well be the moment Caleb decides he has grown tired of letting Willie get in his way and wipes him out of existence?
Alex is suddenly truly, utterly terrified of letting Willie out of his sight and at Caleb’s mercy, and maybe that’s why the seeds of an idea that were forming a few moments ago jump to the front of his mind, crystal-clear and complete now.
“What if there was another way?”
“Another way?” Reggie repeats.
“You said that without this, Caleb would lose all his power, all his influence,” Alex says haltingly, rushing to get his thoughts out.
Willie nods, looking confused as to where Alex is going with this. Alex goes on, his voice going breathless in his haste to get the words out.
“What if we don’t give it back? What if we keep it for ourselves?”
Reggie is the first to answer, voice hesitant and unsure. “But wouldn’t that just put a target on our backs? If it’s that important, Caleb won’t stop at anything to get it back.”
“But if we use it,” Alex insists, “if we figure out how to control it, we can take him down, for good.”
“I’m with Alex,” Luke says, and Alex feels a thrum of relief go through him amidst the frantic rush of his thoughts. If someone is backing him up, this can’t be that crazy an idea, right?
Julie doesn’t seem to agree. “Let me get this straight. You want to play with magic you don’t understand and try to control something we know is incredibly powerful with no prior knowledge on how do that?”
“I’m sorry, who wants to do what now?” Flynn pipes up, looking alarmed.
Julie glances at her and raises a hand as if to let her know she will translate everything to her in a moment, and Alex opens his mouth to defend himself, but then Willie speaks up.
“That’s way too dangerous, hot dog,” he says, eyes serious and almost scared. “That kind of power in the wrong hands, things could end really, really badly.”
“It’s already in the wrong hands with Caleb!” Alex points out.
“I’m not saying I disagree,” Willie says. “But the reason it’s working for Caleb is that he actually knows what he is doing with it. I mean, say we keep it with us, what’s your plan? We just hold onto it and hope for the best?”
“I – well, I figured I would leave that part to you,” Alex admits, trying to push down the embarrassment he can feel start to well up within him.
“I don’t know the first thing about wielding this kind of power!” Willie says. “It would be a disaster, I can’t even imagine how wrong things could go –”
“Julie,” Alex hears Flynn whisper urgently. “Julie, what’s happening? I can’t hear them, are they being dumb?”
“I just think we should think about it before handing back something this valuable, that’s all. I’m just thinking of an alternative,” Alex says, feeling like he needs to defend himself. He doesn’t like the way he feels like he has been backed into a corner. “Stop acting like I’m being stupid for that.”
“No one said you were being stupid,” Julie says immediately, placating, “but look, we had a plan –”
“We had the beginning of a plan,” Alex corrects, “you said that. The next step was figuring out how to use whatever we found – I’m just offering one option.”
“But we don’t know the first thing about using this thing, and in the time it takes for us to figure it out, Caleb could come looking for us, and –”
“But if we do figure it out, we could defend ourselves –”
“Alex, again, I don’t know how to use this,” Willie starts, and it’s looking like he is going to tell him to give up on this idea, and Alex’s heart seizes with fear –
“If you go back right now, Caleb will know you lied!”
There is a short silence following his outburst, and Alex wants to retreat back into himself. His heart is beating wildly as he eyes his friends’ reactions, feeling exposed as he watches their expressions soften with understanding.
“Hot dog,” Willie says, gently, “I’m going to be fine.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I know what I signed up for. Fact is, if we want Caleb to release me and Nick, we’re going to have to face him at some point.”
“I know, but…” Alex closes his eyes, tries to explain the way his thoughts are rattling inside his brain. “You just went to lie to his face. If you tell him we want to talk to him right now, he’ll know you’ve been in contact with us and that none of what you said was true. And then what will happen to you?”
Willie presses his lips together, looking worried – Alex is willing to bet Willie is more worried about Alex’s reaction than his actual words, though, and he knows it should settle his anxiety to know that Willie, who has more knowledge on all things related to Caleb, seems less afraid of what might happen than he does, but it’s hard to relax when he also knows that Willie has fully decided to commit to their safety over his own.
“He doesn’t have to know.”
Alex tears his eyes away from Willie to Luke, across the table, who looks back at him with half-raised eyebrows.
“What do you mean?”
“Caleb. He doesn’t have to know that Willie was working with us. Willie can just say that we contacted him on our own just now to set a meeting because he’s our closest link to him. That way he’s in the clear, and if the deal works then by the time he realizes Willie is lying it’ll be too late, we’ll be in the process of bargaining for his soul back.”
Alex feels his forehead crease as he takes it in. “You think he’ll buy that?”
“I think he wants us bad enough to be willing to take the meeting even if he suspects something,” Luke answers. “Whether or not he believes Willie, he’ll want to deal with him afterwards, so we just have to make sure he can’t.”
That… is a good point. But Alex isn’t sure he is willing to gamble Willie’s safety on that chance alone.
“Look, this is dangerous,” Julie says slowly. “Caleb already almost took you guys away once, and I’m just worried that if we’re not careful, he might – he might –”
She breaks off, and Alex’s heart breaks, because she’s scared, she’s really scared, and he’s scared too, and if even Willie can’t be sure of what they’re dealing with then what chance do they have, and –
“Okay, timeout, please.”
They all whirl around to look at Flynn, who in turn is switching between looking at Julie and glancing around the room, trying to figure out where they all are, worry in her eyes. She smiles when she sees Julie looking back at her, but it looks strained.
“Hi. Lifer friend here,” she says, raising a hand. “Uh, what’s going on?”
Oh. Alex sees Julie’s face fall guiltily, feels that same guilt curl in his stomach. They’re usually better at keeping her in the loop when the ghosts aren’t visible, but Alex got so caught up in worry for Willie and desperation to get the others to consider his alternative that it slipped his mind this time.
“Sorry,” he says. “Julie, can you tell her I’m sorry?”
She does, and in the time it takes for her to fill Flynn in, Alex can feel his nerves start to settle – and sees it reflected in his friends’ stances. By the time Flynn is caught up, he thinks they’re all thinking about this with a little clearer state of mind.
“Huh,” Flynn says, nodding pensively. “That’s actually not as stupid as I was expecting.”
“Hey!” Alex protests.
“And before your ghost gets offended, keep in mind that I could only hear part of that conversation.”
Alex can’t help but smile at that. He loves Flynn, loves that she knows them well enough to be able to anticipate what they will say even when she can’t hear them.
“So you agree with him then?” Julie asks. “You think we should keep that thing for ourselves?”
Flynn presses her lips together. “I think,” she says eventually, “it should be up to Willie.”
Willie blinks, looking at her in surprise. Alex feels a sharp shard of emotion go through his chest – a little bit of that same surprise, because that hadn’t been what he expected Flynn to say; guilt, feeling inadequate as Willie’s… something, that he wasn’t the one to put Willie’s feelings on this whole thing first; and more significantly, something almost like heartbreak at how stunned Willie looks at the simple prospect of being the one to make the final call on this decision. He wonders how long it has been since Willie has heard someone say the choice should be up to him.
Alex tries to swallow around all these feelings and the way they’re catching in his throat. “Yeah,” he manages, his voice rough. “She’s right. It should be your call.”
He hates this, hates this, because he knows that Willie isn’t going to take into account how badly this could go for him if he thinks it will benefit the group. But he also knows that despite that, this should be Willie’s decision; he is the one more at risk, he is the one who has been living in this world the longest and knows its rules the most, and he is the one who knows Caleb best.
Willie wraps his arms around himself, his thumb circling the inside of his wrist soothingly. Alex resists the urge to grab his hand and do it himself.
“The plan was always to find leverage to free me and Nick,” he says finally. “Not to take on Caleb ourselves.” He glances down at the purple ball. “And this is more than enough leverage.”
He turns his gaze to Alex, apologetic, and Alex forces himself not to look away; he doesn’t want Willie to interpret it the wrong way, to think Alex is angry with him for not going with his plan when really he feels like his heart is shattering at the thought of the danger Willie is about to walk into. So he keeps looking, tries to smile, hopes that the utter devastation he is feeling isn’t reflected in his eyes.
“If we had more time,” Willie continues, “if we could learn how to use this against him, it would be different, but – he’s going to notice it’s missing really quickly, and when he does he’ll come straight here. We need to use the element of surprise while we still can. It’s the best chance we’ve got.”
Alex lets out a slow breath.
“He might not figure out we have it right away,” he tries, a last-ditch effort. “I don’t know, I’m willing to believe he’s pissed off more people than just us.”
Luke makes a considering noise, but Alex doesn’t dwell on it. He knows he’s lost. Willie smiles at him sadly, shaking his head.
“It’s not worth the risk. The plan was always to use what we found as a bargaining chip. I think that’s the plan we should stick with. It’s the safer play for all of us.”
“Including you?” Alex checks.
“Including me. It’s like Luke said. I think there is a pretty big chance that even if Caleb suspects something, he’ll want to see how this plays out before he does anything about it.”
“What if he does find out that you lied to him?”
“If this goes well, by the end of the day he won’t be able to do anything about it.”
Willie’s confidence seems to be enough for the others, but Alex doesn’t trust it – Willie can be very self-sacrificial when it comes to this group.
Willie notices.
“Alex,” he says, “I’ll be fine.”
“You keep saying that,” Alex says, hating the way his voice breaks.
Willie smiles, heartbreakingly sincere. “And I keep coming back, don’t I?”
He does. And every time, Alex is left wondering if this was the last. If Willie’s luck is finally about to run out, if this is when Caleb runs out of patience. But if he is right, if this goes well, after today, he won’t have to worry ever again.
(He will probably worry anyway.)
Alex lets out a breath. It’s the most difficult thing in the world, but he manages to force himself to nod, the movement jerky.
“Okay.” He meets Willie’s gaze, sees the surprise reflected in his eyes at his relenting, and huffs out something that sounds almost like a laugh. “You better go. Before I change my mind.”
Willie smiles, small and nervous but bright as ever, and Alex loves him. The feeling sits in his chest, familiar and warm and just a little heartbreaking. Willie smiles, and Alex loves him.
Alex follows him out of the garage, trying to keep him in his sights as long as possible, and Willie smiles at him again when they make it outside. It’s softer now, less uncertain, and it makes Alex’s heart twinge inside his chest.
“I’ll be right back,” he promises.
He starts to turn, starts to leave, and Alex’s hand shoots out, snagging Willie’s.
“Wait,” he breathes.
He pulls Willie closer with a tug of the hand, then reaches out, cradling his face in both hands. Willie looks at him, his eyes staring into Alex’s, and Alex rests his forehead against his.
His thumb caresses Willie’s cheek, softly. Willie leans into it, and Alex breathes.
“You’re coming back,” he says.
It’s a fact, not a request, but Willie nods anyway, his forehead brushing against Alex’s, and brings his hands to cup the back of Alex’s neck. For a moment, it’s like they are the only two people in the world, holding each other, a breath from each other.
Alex kisses him.
He’s never actually kissed anyone before, so he’s not entirely sure what to expect, but Willie gasps softly into it, and kisses him back, slowly, and Alex’s eyes slip closed of their own accord. He feels one of Willie’s hands move to his hair, the other still resting on the back of his neck, thumb gently smoothing a spot behind his ear, and it’s kind of the best thing Alex has ever felt.
Alex frames Willie’s face in his hands and kisses him, kisses him, kisses him.
They remain close after they pull away, foreheads rested together. Alex breathes out, cupping Willie’s cheek, and opens his eyes. Willie’s open a moment later, and for a moment they just look at each other. Willie smiles. Alex smiles back.
He lets go after a moment, moves back, because he thinks if he keeps holding Willie for much longer he might never be able to let him go.
“Catch you later, skater boy.”
Willie smiles, vulnerable and so, so bright, and Alex loves him.
He brings one of Alex’s hands to his lips, drops a quick kiss there, and lets go.
“Catch you later,” he echoes.
And then he’s gone.
Alex lets out a slow breath, the full weight of what just happened making him stumble as he moves to go back inside the studio. He sits on the couch and Julie joins him a moment later, her hand hovering over his in an attempt to give him some comfort when they can’t touch.
“You okay?”
“I kissed Willie.”
Three heads whip around to look at him. “What?”
“I kissed Willie,” Alex repeats, and then it’s like it hits him for the first time. “Oh my god. I kissed Willie.”
He kissed Willie. And Willie kissed him back. Willie told him he was coming back. To him. Willie kissed his hand –
Alex feels his cheeks heat up, and even after all this time he can still be annoyed by the fact that this shouldn’t be possible, especially when Reggie notices and grins.
“Oh my god, you’re blushing! I don’t think I’ve ever seen you blush.”
“Shut up,” Alex mutters.
“Hey, I’m just happy for you, man,” Reggie says, clapping him on the back. “It’s about time.”
“What he said,” Luke grins. “Congrats on finally making it happen.”
Julie just smiles, shaking her head lightly. “Only you, Alex. Only you could manage to convince yourself that the guy you’ve been practically dating for weeks actually isn’t into you, only to make a move and kiss him just as we’re about to face off with a super-powerful ghost who wants to end us all.”
Alex huffs out a laugh. “Thanks.”
“Alex and Willie kissed?” Flynn yelps. “Finally!”
“That’s what I’m saying!” Reggie exclaims, grinning at her.
Alex ignores them, glancing back at the entrance where he last saw Willie and resisting the urge to touch his lips. He does not want to deal with his friends’ reactions if they were to see him do that.
Julie meets his gaze and smiles, small and soft. “I’m really happy for you, Alex,” she says. “You and Willie, you deserve everything you want.”
Alex lets out a slow breath. Because that’s just it, isn’t it? He wants so much with Willie. He wants to kiss him again. He wants to take him out on dates. He wants to hug him in front of all their friends and listen to them tease them relentlessly. He wants to tell him he loves him. He wants Willie, with him, by his side, safe and sound.
All of that is so close, almost within reach. If they are able to deal with Caleb and all goes well, after today Willie won’t have to worry about him ever again. Alex wants that so desperately he is terrified. Being hopeful – being allowed to be hopeful, being given hope – he realizes, might be the scariest thing of all.
He is so scared. He has so much to lose.
They are so close to being rid of Caleb for good. He doesn’t think he will be able to take it if this goes wrong.
He knows the others feel it too. Flynn and Reggie have reconvened to a corner to talk in hushed voices, too quiet for him to hear, but Luke isn’t moving, only twisting the rings on his fingers with an intensity he probably isn’t aware of, jaw set and gaze stuck to the floor. And Julie – Julie is next to him still, her small smile still in place despite the worry clouding her eyes.
“Yeah,” he says, voice rough and a beat too late. “Thanks.”
She nods, lips pressing together, and bumps their shoulders together softly. Actually bumps them, not slipping through him, and Alex feels some of his nerves relax just a fraction. Facing Caleb seems just the little bit more surmountable with the knowledge that Julie truly is by his side.
“Alright,” Julie says after a minute, her voice ringing clearly in the heavy silence. “Band circle.”
Her words seem to rouse them from the tense atmosphere and they all get to their feet, meeting next to the coffee table where Caleb’s sphere is still hovering. Flynn hangs back, hesitating, but Reggie gestures for her to follow and she does.
“Okay,” Julie says, looking between all of them. “We got this.”
She extends her hands; Alex, standing to her left, takes one immediately, seeing Flynn do the same on her other side. They all follow through, the five of them joining hands – Flynn rests her right hand palm down over Luke’s left, palm up – and for a moment they just breathe.
“We got this,” Luke repeats.
There isn’t much else to say. They all know the plan, risky and hastily made as it may be, and Willie left a few minutes ago already so Caleb should be here any moment. Alex feels nervous; he wants to ask if they are nervous too, but he thinks that probably won’t help.
“We’re going to be okay,” Luke adds, so maybe Alex didn’t need to say it after all. “We’re all going to be okay.”
“Including Willie,” Julie says, catching Alex’s eye.
“Yeah,” Reggie says. “We’re not giving up until we’re all safe.”
Alex nods, takes a deep breath. There still isn’t much to say. There isn’t anything left to say, really, except: “I love you guys.”
Reggie’s hand tightens around his. Julie offers him a taut smile. The anticipation hangs heavily in the air around them, like a weight over Alex’s chest, and he takes a deep breath. There is nothing else to do but wait, and he thinks to himself, as he releases his breath, that he is glad these are the people he’s facing this with.
With a final squeeze, Julie lets go of their hands, and everyone follows suit again.
“Flynn,” Luke says then, “if you want to go, you should go now. Caleb won’t be long.”
Flynn’s eyes shoot over to him. She looks stunned.
“Why would I go?”
“You’re the only one Caleb doesn’t know about,” Luke explains, which, shit, he’s right, Alex hadn’t even thought of that. “If you want to keep it that way, if you want to stay safe –”
“I’m staying here,” Flynn interrupts. “With you guys. We’re a team, right?”
Luke smiles, almost despite himself. “We’re a team.”
And then there is a whooshing sound behind them, and when Alex turns around Nick is standing there, in their studio, his gaze cold as he takes in the scene before him.
Alex’s eyes seek out Willie immediately, and to his relief he finds him there, standing behind Nick looking berated; he still manages a strained smile when their eyes meet, though, and Alex feels something like courage thrum through his veins.
The relief doesn’t last long, however, when he turns his gaze back to the primary threat in the room.
Nick stands in the middle of the room, smiling pleasantly at them, but the expression marring his face doesn’t look like his own – because it’s not, obviously. Now that Alex knows the truth, it’s easy to recognize Caleb’s coldness in his eyes as they rove over the group, and the edge of his mouth curls unpleasantly when they land on Julie.
On instinct, Alex moves to stand in front of her, feeling more than seeing Luke and Reggie do the same. Julie lays a placating hand on his arm, though, and raises her head to meet Nick’s gaze head on.
“Hi, Caleb,” she says, her voice only wavering a little.
Caleb’s smile deepens, splitting Nick’s face even more unnaturally than before.
“Hello, Julie. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Alex sees Luke’s grip on Julie’s hand tighten.
“So,” Caleb continues after a moment, and Alex has to stop himself from flinching at that single word, “William here tells me you have something for me.”
With a start Alex’s eyes dart to the coffee table, where the purple orb would be in plain sight, only to find it missing. He has time to panic for a split-second that Caleb somehow found a way to get his hands on it already and that they’re doomed, before Flynn catches his eye and subtly taps her jacket pocket. Alex exhales shakily, the wave of relief he feels almost knocking him a step back.
Once again, though, it’s short-lived.
“Well?” Caleb asks.
Alex watches as Julie swallows, visibly steeling herself before she takes a step forward.
“We’d like to make a deal.”
One of Caleb-Nick’s eyebrows arches up slightly, and he takes a step forward of his own. Watching him get closer to Julie makes Alex want to run for the hills will all his friends in tow, and based on the look on her face Julie feels the same way, but she stands her ground.
“Is that so?”
Julie shoots a glance at Flynn, who nods and puts a hand in her pocket, drawing it back slowly with her fingers curled around the purple little ball. Reggie takes a minute step closer to her, while Caleb-Nick’s expression goes slack, his eyes widening. He starts towards Flynn, but Alex, Luke and Julie move as if one, stepping in front of her and blocking his way, Julie throwing her arms out protectively.
All of this takes place in the space of a second, and Caleb recovers quickly, smoothing Nick’s expression into a blank canvas at odds with the cold fury in his eyes. But that second was enough – it was enough for Caleb’s countenance to falter, for him to give away that this innocuous little purple ball meant something to him, and that with it they just might have enough bargaining power to make it through this unscathed.
“So,” Luke says haltingly, sounding for all accounts and purposes like he is completely sure of himself if not for the flicker of a tremor in his voice, “this is important to you, then.”
“How did you kids get your hands on this?”
Caleb starts to turn to Willie, but Luke speaks up again before he gets around to fully looking at him.
“You know, if you want to keep your things hidden you might want to not leave them out in the open for a couple of ghosts to stumble upon when they’re snooping through your dressing room,” he says, still all bravado, and Julie shoots him a look as if to tell him to thread more carefully.
“Do you kids have any idea what you are holding onto there?”
“We know it’s the source of your power,” Alex says, surprising even himself when he hears the sound of his own voice speaking up. Willie materializes next to Alex, and his hand finds his, latching onto it and holding on for dear life. Caleb’s eyes linger on their hands and his lip curls menacingly, but Willie doesn’t let go. Alex doesn’t either. “We know that all your magic is concentrated in it, and that the longer we hold on to it the weaker you will become. We know that if we were to destroy it, you would lose everything.” They don’t actually know how to destroy it, but Caleb doesn’t need to know that.
Caleb’s expression is unwavering, and he looks almost bored. But he has also gone very, very still, and it occurs to Alex suddenly that a Caleb with something to lose might be a deadlier Caleb than they’ve ever known.
“Listen, now –” he starts.
“We’re not actually planning on doing that,” Alex interrupts.
“We don’t want to fight you,” Julie continues. “We’re not interested in using it in a power play against you. We’re willing to hand it over to you right here, right now.”
Alex knows she is scared – they are all scared – but there is no trace of it right now as she speaks. She sounds certain, grounded. And Caleb is listening. She was right, then, Alex realizes – for the first time since this mess started, they have the upper hand. They have something Caleb wants, and he is willing to hear them out if there is a chance he can get it without a fight.
“All we ask for in return is that you release Nick and that you leave us alone, forever. That includes the five of us here, and Willie.”
Caleb’s eyes settle onto Willie, cold and utterly furious, and Alex tightens his hold on Willie’s hand.
Caleb’s voice is all but pleasant, though, when he speaks, factual and almost unconcerned.
“Well, unfortunately there might be an issue with William’s case. With our current arrangement, ‘leaving him alone’ is quite literally impossible. He signed his soul off to me. Simply put, I own him.”
“So release him,” Flynn says fiercely. It’s the first time she has spoken in Caleb’s presence, and his eyes flash dangerously as they whip to her, his mask of calm slipping when they land on the girl holding the source of his power. Her stares icily at her, and she shudders, but she doesn’t back down. “Give him his soul back. Set him free.”
Caleb shakes his head, a condescending smile on his lips. “It is not that simple. The soul business is tricky. His is currently bound to me, and unbinding it will take effort.”
“Figure it out,” Alex snaps. Willie’s hand tightens around his briefly, like a spasm, and Alex strokes his thumb across the back of his knuckles soothingly.
“No Willie, no strange purple ball for you,” Reggie chimes in.
For a beat, no one says anything, and Alex waits with bated breath for someone to break. The moment feels suspended in time; he doesn’t think anyone is even moving. All he can do is keep a hold on Willie’s hand, eyes on Caleb as he waits for his next move.
“You release Nick,” Julie reiterates after a long pause. “You release Willie. And you stop going after everyone standing in this room, for good.”
“That includes possessing people to get close to us,” Luke adds, and oh, Alex hadn’t even thought of that. “We’re talking friends, families, classmates. They’re all off-limits.”
“You swear to leave all of us alone,” Julie says. “And we hand your strange purple ball back to you right now.”
Alex has his eyes on Caleb’s face, terrified that if he looks away Caleb will choose that moment to strike. But Caleb doesn’t move, his face impassive as he keeps looking at Julie. Alex feels Willie’s fingers tighten around his.
Then Caleb’s stance relaxes, and he smiles.
“You drive a hard bargain, miss Molina.”
“Not that hard,” Julie says haltingly. “You get your power, and in exchange you leave seven people out of your reign of terror.”
A beat, then:
“We have a deal.”
Julie stumbles. “We – we do?”
Caleb’s eyes glint dangerously, and Alex holds no illusions that he is happy with this outcome. But he tips his head forward, a gesture that looks far too formal on Nick’s teenage body, and takes a step back.
“We do.”
Alex feels himself exhale a shaky breath, hit with a wave of relief so strong he feels lightheaded.
It worked. It actually worked.
“Wait,” Willie starts, letting go of Alex’s hand, “aren’t you supposed to –”
Whatever he was going to say, it is lost in the sudden commotion that follows; Caleb-Nick takes a step back, arms ahead of him as if to brace himself, opens his mouth, and with a shudder, seems to exhale some kind of purple smoke. Alex feels himself take a step back. The smoke thickens, obscuring Nick from view, and when it clears, Nick is on the ground, his eyes closed, and Caleb – real-Caleb, the Caleb Alex met at the Hollywood Ghost Club – stands above him, looking so menacing Alex flinches back.
“Nick!” Julie yelps.
She moves as if to go to him, only to be held back by Luke bracing a hand on her shoulder. He jerks his head in Caleb’s direction, and she follows his gaze, her eyes widening and her posture stiffening as she meets the ghost’s gaze head on. Right, Julie and Flynn can see Caleb, then. That’s good. That’ll make things easier, considering Alex’s nerves are already so fried he doesn’t think he would be able to handle helping them navigate this situation blindly on top of everything else.
“What happened to him?” Julie asks, her voice wavering.
“He was possessed,” Caleb says with a dismissive wave of the hand. “It takes a toll on the body. He will be fine.” Julie looks like she wants to argue, but Caleb’s gaze shifts away from her and onto Flynn. “Now, about our exchange.”
“Wait,” Julie says, “how do we know Nick is going to be okay?”
Caleb’s face twists in annoyance, and Alex wants to tell her to be careful, but before he can get a word out Caleb lunges.
He makes a grab for Flynn, who shrieks and backs away, her grip loosening on the ball in her fright. Reggie makes to push her behind him, but his arm goes right through her, and all he does is put himself in Caleb’s path. Alex feels his heart jump to his throat as he jerks towards Reggie, and then it’s chaos.
It all happens fast; one second the room was standing in stilted shock as Caleb made his move, the next everyone is yelling and scrambling for each other. Alex’s mind goes blank with white-hot terror as he tumbles toward Reggie and Flynn, unable to focus on anything beyond getting to them before Caleb does. Someone is yelling his name – he thinks it might be Willie – and he trips over his own feet and everyone is running and his eyes land on Julie, Julie who – his heart drops.
In the midst of the commotion, Julie somehow finds herself right in front of Caleb. She’s all alone, backed into the piano, and Alex distantly feels himself freeze, his body catching up to his terror-addled mind and unable to do anything but process the scene in front of him. Julie stumbles backwards; Flynn is screaming and Luke is running to her and Julie’s face is twisted in fear as her back hits the piano. Caleb looms closer and Luke isn’t going to get to her in time and Alex is just remembering how to unlock his limbs and jerk forwards when Caleb draws an arm out, reaching for her -
-and then, suddenly, falters.
Caleb takes a step back, an uncomfortable look on his face. Luke appears at Julie’s side, looking ready to strike Caleb himself, and Alex barely has time to feel extra terrified for what will happen to both his friends on top of the general terror he already feels for all of them when he feels something grip his arm. It’s Willie, one hand clenching his arm urgently as he bursts out:
“The flowers! Julie, you – the flowers, use the flowers!”
“What are you – what are you talking about?” Alex says, his words jumbled.
“The flowers!” Julie is still staring at Caleb in terror and confusion, and Willie seems to realize she isn’t reacting to his words when his grip on Alex turns painful in its desperation. “Tell her to use the flowers!”
“Julie, use the flowers!” Alex yells, too spurred on by the urgency in Willie’s voice to properly think through his words. “Use the flowers!”
“The flowers behind you!” Reggie yelps, pointing to the piano she is crowded against.
Looking bewildered, Julie turns and grabs the bouquet of dahlias sitting innocuously atop the piano. “Now what?” she asks, staring warily at Caleb over Luke’s shoulder, Luke having stepped in front of her when she had her back turned.
Caleb advances on her then, too fast for Luke to react, and Alex can only watch with Flynn’s scream ringing in his ears as he shoves the boy to the side. Julie shrieks as Caleb gets closer to her and she flings the dahlias in his direction. It’s more of a knee-jerk reaction than a thought-out plan, Alex can tell, and predictably the bouquet flies straight through Caleb – but then Caleb falters again, stepping back, and Alex watches in dazed awe as he almost seems to flicker.
Everyone stands frozen, unsure what just happened or how to react, except for Willie who springs into action. One moment he is holding onto Alex, the next he has poofed to pick up the flowers, flashing over to Julie and shoving them back in her hands before anyone has a chance to recover. She takes them, looking dumbfounded.
“Willie?” she calls. “What is this?”
Caleb regains his composure then, standing up straighter and looking thunderous, although he doesn’t attempt to get closer. Julie straightens up herself, brandishing the bouquet of dahlias in his direction in a way Alex might find absurd if not for the wariness in Caleb’s face as he eyes her.
“What is this?” Julie repeats, addressing Caleb this time. “Why is this affecting you?”
Caleb regards her, and for a beat the moment stretches out, all the previous agitation gone into a tension that hangs heavily in the air.
Then Caleb’s entire stance relaxes. Alex and everyone else in the room is very much aware that it’s all for show, but outwardly at least, Caleb leans back, eyeing Julie and her dahlias appraisingly, and nods.
“Very well,” he says. “What were the terms of the deal? I release the Danforth-Evans boy and William here, and in exchange you hand me my power back?”
Julie shifts uncertainly, thrown by the sudden turn of events; Alex moves to stand at her side, and adds: “And you leave us alone from here on out. Those are the terms.”
Caleb glowers at him, but his smile stays in place. “Fine. You have yourselves a deal.”
Luke scoffs, and Julie raises a skeptical eyebrow, not looking impressed. “Do we?” she asks. “Because you just tried to attack us not a minute ago.”
Caleb waves her away impatiently. “The deal hasn’t been set. You can’t blame me for attempting to take back what is mine when I saw a chance.”
Alex thinks that they actually very much can blame him for that, but he doesn’t get the chance to say so. Firstly because he is still very much terrified of Caleb and what would happen if he did, and secondly because Julie gets stuck on another part of what Caleb said.
“What do you mean, the deal hasn’t been set? We agreed on the terms, what else do you need?”
“You’re supposed to shake on it,” Willie calls out, his voice ragged. “That’s what seals the deal.”
Caleb sends him a withering look, and Alex really, really hope Willie will be out of the ghost’s reach by the end of this.
“William is right,” is all Caleb says. “We need to shake hands for the deal to be set.”
Set in what? Alex wonders. But it doesn’t seem to matter, because Caleb approaches Julie – differently than he did before, with a sort of wariness to him; maybe even a hint of respect.
Whatever it is, it seems to be pushing him to take this deal – to take them – seriously, so Alex decides not to question it just yet. He’ll wait for them to be in the clear for it.
Julie seems to be of the same mind, because she steps forward as well, albeit slower. She still doesn’t trust that Caleb isn’t about to pull one over them, which, fair. Alex isn’t convinced of it either.
But she extends a hand nonetheless, and Alex watches, holding his breath, as Caleb reaches out, his hand very much solid as it clasps Julie’s and shakes it slowly.
“It’s a deal,” Caleb says. “You and your friends in this room are free from my reach.”
Julie swallows. “Good.”
She pulls her hand away and steps back, briefly looking around the room as if to check that all of them are still there, still safe. Alex is struck by the weight of this moment. After everything, after all the pain and the terror, the nightmare is over. They’re free.
“Now,” Caleb says, and Julie refocuses on him. “Our exchange?”
Julie glances back at Flynn, who has moved to stand behind her; a nod, and Flynn reaches inside her pocket and retrieves the purple ball, placing it carefully in Julie’s hand. Julie’s fingers claps it tightly and she turns back to Caleb, who extends a hand expectantly.
Julie hesitates.
Caleb clicks his tongue. “We have a deal, miss Molina.”
“How are we supposed to trust that you’re not going to try and break the terms of our deal again the first chance you get?” she points out, her voice wavering.
Alex expects a furious response, but all Caleb does is wave a hand – the hand that isn’t still extended towards Julie – impatiently.
Nothing happens for a beat, then –
Willie gasps.
“Willie?” Alex is by his side in an instant, hands gripping his shoulders anxiously. “Willie, what is it?”
But Willie isn’t looking at him. Instead his hand clutches at his chest, an expression of wonder across his face.
“My – my soul,” he whispers. “It’s mine. It’s mine.”
Alex’s heart skips a beat when his words register. Willie meets his gaze, tears in his eyes, and something settles in Alex’s chest, something heavy and solid that has him clutching onto Willie more tightly than he thinks he ever has. Right now, nothing matters expect for the look on Willie’s face.
“Alex?” It’s Flynn, sounding fearful. “Alex, what’s wrong with Willie?”
“He’s… he’s…” The words get caught in his throat, and Alex can’t speak. He can barely breathe, staring at Willie in wonder. His hand comes to stroke his face, awed. He’s free. Willie is free. After all this time, he is out of Caleb’s grip.
He whips back towards Caleb. “Is this for good? Or is it temporary?”
“It’s for good,” Caleb answers, not looking entirely pleased about it. “William’s soul is no longer tied to the Hollywood Ghost Club.”
All they have is his word, but right now, seeing the look of pure joy in Willie’s eyes, Alex is inclined to believe it. He grips Willie’s hand, and Willie squeezes back just as hard, smiling tearfully at him.
“Willie’s free?” Flynn asks, her voice trembling a little.
“He is,” Caleb confirms. Alex feels so overwhelmed he could collapse, but Caleb’s presence still has him too keyed up to truly give in to the feeling. “Now, miss Molina,” Caleb adds, a sharp edge to his voice.
Julie nods, still a little shaky, but she makes herself stand tall, meeting Caleb’s gaze, and slowly lowers the purple ball in his open palm.
“You leave us alone from now on,” she reiterates.
“Those are the terms,” Caleb agrees.
Julie nods, and lets go.
Immediately Caleb stashes it into an inner pocket of his coat, out of their reach. Alex feels the tension in the room hike up more than a few notches – either the deal will hold now, or, with nothing to lose, Caleb will strike.
Caleb slowly draws his hand out of his jacket.
“I may have underestimated you, miss Molina,” he says levelly.
Julie looks away from him for a moment, taking in the other people in the room. Luke at her side, Flynn and Reggie just a step behind her, Alex and Willie to her left still holding onto each other.
“It was a team effort,” she says.
Caleb nods, looking deep in thought. Then, with a parting tip of his hat, he disappears in a bright flash of light, and he’s gone.
It’s like Caleb’s departure took all the stress and tension with it. At once the six of them collapse, the wave of relief hitting them so hard it doesn’t seem real. Alex feels light-headed with it; he never let go of Willie, and he takes the opportunity to pull him in a bone-crushing hug.
“It’s over,” he whispers. “It’s over, you’re free –”
“Alex,” Willie chokes out. He is crying, hands coming up to frame his face. He is the most beautiful person Alex has ever seen.
Alex presses a bruising kiss to his temple. Willie just hugs him tighter.
It takes him a second to be able to look beyond the bubble of him and Willie, and when he does, it’s to find his friends in a similar state.
“Willie,” Flynn says. “Is Willie okay?”
“I’m okay.”
“He’s okay,” Reggie repeats, and Flynn sags in relief, her hold on Julie tightening to the point Alex sees the other girl wince. She doesn’t tell her to let go though, just brings her free hand to clutch at her best friend’s arm and holds on. Her other she keeps in Luke’s, her thumb smoothing the back of his knuckles like she needs to feel him to ground herself.
Alex is much of the same; he holds onto Willie with all that he’s got, his gaze roaming over the room, over his friends.
I love you all, he thinks feverishly. I love you, I love you, I’m so glad you’re all okay, we’re okay, I love you.
None of them moves for a long time, long enough for Julie’s grip to slip through Luke’s hand and for Flynn’s gaze to become unfocused when she searches for them. It’s a low moan that eventually gets them to rise, one coming from outside their little group.
“Julie? Flynn?” Nick groans from across the room, painfully pulling himself up into a sitting position. “… Julie’s band?”
There is a short, stunned silence as they all look at each other, taking in what this means.
“Oh, shit,” Luke finally says, and yeah, that about covers it.
“So, I have some questions about what happened earlier,” Julie says that evening.
Flynn snorts. “Just some?”
It’s been an exhausting day. Just the showdown with Caleb would have been enough to knock Alex out for a week – several weeks – but they’ve spent the last couple of hours bringing Nick up to speed, and dredging up their history with Caleb has been draining. And now there is the whole of the possession’s side-effects to wade through. Nick has been a surprisingly good sport about it all, but even Willie isn’t sure whether his seeing of ghosts is permanent or not, and Nick is very visibly shaken about the whole thing.
Nick has just left, though, eager to go back to the familiarity of his home and to see his dads – although Alex will be very surprised if he makes it through the night without taking Julie or Flynn up on their promise to only be one call away should he ever need to talk through this more, whether that be more explanations on ghosts or demons from his ordeal. It’s probably going to take him a long time to recover from this. Alex feels for him.
Now that he is gone, though, they can focus on everything else that happened today.
“What happened, exactly?” Julie asks. “With the flowers? How did you know that would work?”
Willie shifts, only minutely, but he’s so close Alex still feels it. That’s another thing that is taking a toll: what with, well, everything, Alex and Willie haven’t gotten a minute alone to talk yet, and it is slowly but surely chipping away at Alex’s sanity. Willie’s arm tightly pressed against his on the couch right now is helping, though.
“I didn’t know for sure,” Willie says. “I just hoped it would.” He pauses, leans against Alex a little more. Alex does his best to focus on his words and not just the timbre of his voice. “There have been some cases where, in the right hands, specific flowers can act as protection against vengeful spirits.”
“The right hands?”
“You know. People who can wield magic.”
Julie stares, dumbfounded, when she hears. “But I don’t have magic.”
Flynn laughs outright at that. “Uh, hello? Ghost band that becomes visible when you play with them? That you summoned back to you from Caleb’s club?”
Julie shakes her head, still looking floored. “But that wasn’t me. That was the music.”
“The music we were playing with you,” Reggie points out.
“We weren’t playing music when you saved us from the jolts,” Luke adds, meaningfully.
Julie looks between all of them, and it’s then, when he sees the disbelief in her eyes, that it dawns on Alex that she doesn’t know what has become clear to all of them.
“You’re the reason Caleb wasn’t able to hold onto us that night, Julie,” he says softly. “Flynn is right. It was you who pulled us out of the club. You’re the one who saved us.”
Alex watches as the realization sinks in, as Julie’s eyes go misty and she brings a hand to rest heavily against her heart.
“And dahlias – dahlias are some of these flowers that can offer protection?” she asks, her voice rough.
She’s looking at Alex, and it’s with a start that Alex realizes she is asking Willie.
Willie just nods, like he can feel the weight of what this moment means for Julie – Julie, whose lower lip trembles when Alex nods in answer to her question.
“Dahlias were my mom’s favorite.”
Her voice is quiet, hushed, when she says it, and it almost sounds like a question. Alex wishes he had the answer for her, wishes that he knew what the connection is between them and her and her mom, wishes that he were solid right now so that he could give her a hug.
Flynn, thankfully, covers that part, and Julie’s eyes close as she holds onto her tightly.
“Maybe this was meant to be,” she says, still rubbing circles into Julie’s back. “Remember when we found that Sunset Curve t-shirt with your mother’s things? Maybe she’s the one who’s been saving you all along. First by sending you these guys –” she swings her head vaguely around the room then, looking fond, “– then by giving you the tools to fight evil ghosts. You know, should the need ever arise.”
“She must have been quite the visionary, to see this coming,” Julie says, her voice only shaking a little, and Alex sees Flynn hold onto her just that little bit tighter.
There is a lot to unpack there, but Luke seems to have caught another part of Flynn’s statement.
“Wait,” he says, grinning like this is the best news he has heard all week, “your mom had a Sunset Curve t-shirt?”
“Your mom was a fan?” Reggie adds excitedly. “Do you think she came to our shows? Do you think we met her?
Julie pulls away from the hug, her eyes still a little red even as she rolls them playfully at the both of them.
“Ugh, what now?” Flynn says, smiling. “Did they say something dumb again?”
“I resent that,” Reggie grins, and Alex watches them, his chest swelling with affection.
It took dying for them to get here, for him to find this family, and the thing is, overall he would say it was worth it. It still feels unfair in moments like these though, when Flynn can’t hear them and therefore doesn’t get the chance to shoot a comeback he’s sure she would find up her sleeve, and he’s forcibly reminded of how different their situations are. Namely, that she is alive and he is not.
But it really is worth it, though. Because as he looks around the room and sees them, the five people he loves the most in the world, he knows down to the core of himself that this was meant to be. He was meant to know these people, to love them, just like they were meant to know and love him. They were separated by decades, and still not time, distance or even death could stop them from meeting.
So, yeah. Flynn might be onto something.
They do try to get back on track sometime after that and figure out the ins and outs of what happened today, but the thing is, they’ve known from the start that they are dealing with a lot of unknowns.
“I don’t completely know what to make of it,” Willie admits, when they get back to dahlias and flowers and Julie’s potential powers. “I haven’t heard much about it, and Caleb was my go-to person for magic before all this, but…”
“That’s okay,” Alex hastens to say. “There’s no rush to figure this out. We’ve got time, now. That’s what matters.”
He watches as his words blanket the room, all of them reacting as it hits them. Willie reaches over and takes his hand, smiling delicately. They’ve got time.
Later, Alex finds Willie sitting atop the studio’s roof.
“Hey,” he says, appearing next to him.
Willie smiles brightly. “Hey,” he answers.
Alex shuffles to make himself comfortable, folding a leg under himself and letting the other dangle loosely over the edge of the roof. Next to him, Willie is swinging his legs absently, eyes lost in the distance. Alex nudges him softly, and he turns his head to look at him, face immediately breaking into a smile again.
“What are you thinking about?”
Willie covers his hand with his, lacing their fingers together, and doesn’t answer right away.
“Everything that happened today, I guess,” he says eventually. He looks at Alex, eyes crinkling slightly. “Hell of a day, hot dog.”
“Hell of a day,” Alex agrees. He squeezes Willie’s hand. “But we’re okay.”
Willie’s smile turns smaller, softer. “We’re okay.”
He looks like he is working himself up to say something, and Alex lets him, running his thumb over the back of Willie’s knuckles as he does. It’s kind of thrilling, being able to touch him like this, to hold his hand and know it means as much to Willie as it does to him, but it’s also just kind of nice. It’s nice to be able to have this after everything they went through to get there.
Finally Willie squeezes his hand back, and, eyes trained on the horizon again, says: “I know I’ve said it already, but I’m really sorry. For everything.”
“And I’ve said, you have nothing to apologize for.”
“I’ve caused you so much trouble.”
“Willie, look at me.” He does, and Alex meets his gaze, does his best to impart just how much he means his next words. “None of that was your fault, okay? None of it. Besides, it’s all in the past. It’s over now, and we’re okay. We’re all okay.”
Willie nods, and his smile is lopsided when he says, “I’m still sorry.”
“And there is still no need to be. We’re okay. You’re okay.” He smiles, bringing his free hand up to brush Willie’s cheek. “That’s all that matters.”
Willie smiles back and he says, softer, “I’m really glad we’re okay.”
Alex grins. “Me too.”
He lets his hand fall away from Willie’s face and leans back, basking in the setting sun and Willie’s presence at his side and the feeling of surviving another day. Willie does the same, and Alex sneaks a look at him. He looks happy, content in a way Alex hasn’t seen on him before. Free. It’s a good look on him.
“So,” Alex says after a few moments, his voice light. “Any great plans for what’s to come now that you have your soul back?”
Willie laughs, loud and inhibited. Alex loves it. He loves him.
“Honestly?” Willie says. “I’m just happy to be here with you.”
Alex’s cheeks flame up, and he groans. “That was so cheesy.” He can’t quite stop himself from smiling, though.
“It’s the truth,” Willie grins. “I feel… I feel like I could do anything. And I can. I don’t remember the last time I felt like this.”
And, well, how is Alex supposed to not grin back at that?
“And yet you’re happy to just sit here with me?” he teases.
“Well, yeah,” Willie says as if it is obvious, and damn it, Alex is blushing even harder now.
“Oh,” he says, quieter than he means to. Willie squeezes his hand.
“I’m not really used to having options,” he says after a moment. “But I think I want to stick around here for a bit.” He tilts his head to look at Alex, smiles. “You want to help me figure the next part out?”
And Alex can only smile back, fond. “Of course I do.”
And with that he leans in, cups Willie’s cheek, and kisses him. They’re both smiling into it, so much so that he isn’t sure it’s that much of a kiss at all, but it’s good nonetheless, because Willie brings a hand to hold his waist, and Willie holds onto their joined hands like they’re anchoring him to this moment, and Willie kisses him slow and soft and steady like they have all the time in the world, and they do, and Alex loves him.
“I love you,” he says – breathes, really – when they break apart.
Willie grins. “And I thought I was the cheesy one.”
“You are,” Alex says. “But I still love you.”
Willie leans in, drops another kiss onto his lips, beams brighter than Alex has ever seen when he pulls away. “I love you too.”
Alex nods, his heart beating wildly inside his chest. “That’s good,” he says, his voice jumping half an octave; he is pretty sure his face is beet red right now.
Willie laughs, fond and so, so in love, and wraps an arm around his shoulders, pulling him into his side. Alex sinks into him easily. “Yeah,” he agrees, his voice light. “It really is.”
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jadededge · 1 year
Tear You Apart | Ch.2
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Pairing:  GOT7 x OC
Genre: Demon/Mafia AU, Romance, Smut
Rating: M
Summary: Jaebeom and Yugyeom are "running an errand" when the most delectable scent that he ever smelled hit Yugyeom like a ton of bricks. Yugyeom stops JayB and soon he smells it. They look across the street and see the her. They stalk her for awhile and finally get the chance to manufacture a meet with her.
Wattpad | AO3    (will likely always update these 2 places first)  
Navigation: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
The next week, one of their men reported back to provide all information collected on her. It really was a test for them to not take matters into their own hands following the discovery of their girl. Luckily for them,  work was quite busy so they had other things to occupy their minds. But now they could focus on her. 
Profile Summary
Name: Selah Stone Age: 28 Occupation: Graphic artist Address: Midtown Lofts, Apt 32 Bank information: Aura Credit Union, Acct #78934 Medical records: Section D Family history: Section E Relationship history: Section F
And so on and so forth.
Got7's reach was far and wide. They were able to learn everything about her. Where she ate, where she got groceries, what bars she frequented. It appears she has no family in this city but quite a few friends, including an ex-boyfriend.
Jaebeom growls handing off the only copy of the file to Jinyoung. "What is it?" Jinyoung questions, opening the file.
"You'll see."
The maknaes gather around Jinyoung to see what has their leader perturbed.
"Ex-boyfriend? No problem, we'll just kill him." BamBam brushes it off.
Youngjae rolls his eyes, "no. Remember what happened before? And hyung just said-"
BamBam cuts him off "I know, I know. We play nice this time." He huffs and walks to sit down "but that's so boring and it takes too long."
He's right, it does take too long but we have to be better. Jaebeom thought. "I need to think before we do anything. And we still have problems to work out with the nightclub acquisition. Is Otto still giving us trouble? We've already started the transition and we have the grand reopening on Friday." He looks to his right hand, Jinyoung.
"He's still being a prick, stalling unnecessarily. Mark and Jackson are at a meeting there now, they should be back soon."
"Send them to my office when they return." He walks away.
"Can I see the file now hyung?" Yugyeom pouts.
"No. I need to dig into this. I'll be in my office." Jinyoung leaves the maknes alone.
Mischief plays in BamBam's eyes. "Want to see her ourselves? I saw where she goes for lunch during work."
"Lets go!" Yugyeom. 
Youngjae looks a bit apprehensive. Disobeying Jaebeom was not something he made a habit of but he wanted to see their new mate. "Okay let's go but we only look from a distance."
A knock on the door brings Jaebeom out of his thoughts. "Come in"
Jackson and Mark walk in. "You wanted to see us?" Mark questions taking a seat at one of the chairs in front of Jaebeom's desk.
"Yes. How did the meeting go?"
Jackson scoffs, "it went." Smirking towards Mark. "Things should go smoothly from now on."
Jaebeom chuckles. "I take it he pissed Mark off."
"And did. He's lucky he's in a partnership with our brother legion." Mark's eyes darken.
"So he beat the shit out of him instead of killing him." Jackson laughs.
Mark was always level headed in discussions but he had a nasty temper when pushed too far. They had recently started the process of acquiring a series of nightclubs. They owned just a few already but they needed new spots to do business among other things. Otto, the owner of the nightclubs and member of another legion, didn't want to sell. His constant meddling and procrastination had reached a boiling point at today's meeting.
"I'm sure I'll hear about that from the other leaders. But otherwise good work."
"So about our girl..." Mark trails off.
Jaebeom hands him the file and begins to rattle off his plan.
"I was hoping the acquisition would go smoothly because one of the places she frequents will now be under our empire. Jackson..."
Jackson perks up at the mention of her name.
"I want you to lure her in." Jaebeom orders.
Jackson smirks, "with pleasure."
Across town Selah was stepping into the café near her job that she frequented on her breaks. It wasn't huge but still had plenty of space for people to enjoy their food, or work.
Settling at a table in the corner, she feels like she's being watched again but a quick casual glance around doesn't provide any answers. Maybe i'm being paranoid.
"Dude stop." Yugyeom nudges Youngjae with a whisper yell. "You're going to scare her."
Youngjae shoves him off, "shut up, she can't tell its us."
BamBam chuckles, "and you didn't even want to come. God she's beautiful." The other two hum in agreeance. "I'm going to talk to her." He gets up.
The others hum again then they realize what he's doing, trying to stop him in hushed whispers. "Bammie wait-"
"Hi." Bam appears in front of Selah flashing his most charming smile.
Selah looks up and her heart stops. "Oh, um, hi!"
"I'm sorry to disturb your lunch but I saw you when I walked in and I'd regret it the rest of my days if I didn't at least introduce myself." He holds his hand out. "I'm BamBam."
"I'm Selah." She smiles mesmerized. "You're not disturbing me. Please have a seat"
After chatting for awhile, asking the basic 'get to know you' questions, Bam says, "I hate that to cut this short but I should get going. Can I get your number?" ____________________________
Back at the table. "You know, Jaebeomie-hyung is going to throttle him." Yugyeom says to Youngjae.
"Absolutely. But... we came with him." He sighs.
Yugyeom looks at his watch. "Yeah... we're in for it. We should head back."
"But we cant just yank him up from the table."
After what felt like forever, BamBam comes striding back over with a huge smile. The boys exit the café and get in the car to head back home.
"So what happened??" Yugyeom questions from the backseat.
"What's she like??" Youngjae adds in enthusiastically looking to Bam in the passenger seat.. All thoughts of what awaits when their older brothers find out are gone.
"She's perfect. I got her number." He giggles.
Yugy slaps his arm. "Bammie. You are in deep shit. You know that right?" He laughs.
"How are they going to know?"
"I'm not saying anything." Youngjae immediately responds. "Jaebeomie-hyung is already going to strangle me for coming along."
BamBam rolls his eyes, "no he won't. You're his precious baby." Bam pinches YJ's cheek. "You'll be okay. I, on the other hand may be banished."
Pulling up to the house they see Jackson coming out as they walk up.
"Where have you 3 been?" He questions.
Yugy quickly answers, "he had to collect from one of the groups on Canal. They gave one of our guys some problems, so we showed up together."
Jackson eyes them suspiciously as the maknaes try to keep their expressions neutral. "Hm. Okay. Well I'm off to get our girl. Jay B gave me the okay." He beams and walks away before they could say anything.
"Okay yeah. We might all die." Bam says with a 'yikes-my bad' expression. ____________________________________
Later that afternoon, Selah is shopping for dinner at her usual grocery store. She gets the feeling she's being watched again. "Ugh. Seriously whats wrong with me?" She says quietly to herself.
She continues her shopping thinking of her meeting with BamBam earlier. He was really nice, and very handsome. If he does text her, she was resolved to be open to getting to know him. He was intriguing and it had been sometime since she had met someone new that was interesting to her. Just as she rounds the corner she bumps into someone.
"Oop. I'm sorry!" She gains her balance dropping a couple of items out of her basket.
The stranger is already bending down to gather the lost items. "Oh no, its my fault. I'm sorry." He stands and places the items in her basket.
She finally gets a good look at him and Selah is stunned. How was she able to meet two hot guys in one day. "I'm Jackson."
She caught herself staring. "Oh- uh- I'm Selah." She extends her hand.
"Wow. If I knew I would bump into such gorgeous people, I would've tried this store out sooner."
She blushes. Hard. Trying to deflect the attention from herself she asks, "oh are you new to the area?"
"A bit. I don't live here but I just bought a business in the neighborhood, so I've been around. Figured I try it since its close." Placing the items back in her basket. "Making pasta for dinner?"
She chuckles nervously. "Yeah. It's quick and easy. Long day today."
"I'm sorry, I'm keeping you from finishing your shopping." He chuckles nervously and goes to move.
"Oh it's okay!" I wish we weren't awkwardly in a grocery aisle. She smiles.
"My business is actually a club. We're opening this weekend. It's called Se7en. You should come."
Note: it took me forever to write this and it kinda sucks and went all over the place lol to be honest I've been in a slump especially with this story. I just needed to get over this hump in the plot. I'll do better. Hope you enjoyed :)
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byunpenguin · 2 years
Enemies || Dreamcatcher Jiu x Reader
(Warning: smut 😇) Requested: yes and I hope you'll enjoy!
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The students from Dreamcatcher Academy gathered inside the covered court for the announcement of the over-all honors for the mid-term. As one of the top students of the academy, you were there inside the covered court to hear the announcement.
The other students are making their own conclusions of who's going to be the number one this sem. You knew yourself that you did well in the exams and the projects, let alone that you've participated in all of the school's activity and so, you are 100% sure that it's going to be you this sem.
"Good to see you here, y/n".
Base on the cockiness in the voice, you already knew who it was. You turn around and saw Jiu, your number one rival is standing beside you with a grin.
"Don't get started with me, Kim Jiu" you said, rolling her eyes. You heard her chuckle, "Well, I'm not even starting yet. I just wanna check if you can handle it if my name is called to be the number one student again".
You snorted, "Dream on, Jiu".
Luckily, the principal came before you start getting into an angruement with her.
"Goodmorning students! It's been a tough week for us last week. It was our midterm exams and some of you has already received their grades" Ms. Lee said "I have here with me is a list of students who made it to top 10".
While Ms. Lee is announcing the honorlist, you feel restless as the ranking goes up to 5. Jiu, on the other hand was calm. She has her both hands inside her pocket while chewing on a gum, her calmness kind of bothers you like it's as if she already knew the results. Jiu saw that you were looking at her and gave you a playful wink, making you grimace as you turn your attention back to Ms. Lee.
"We are now down to the top 3" she said "For our top 3 from section A-2. Congratulations... Lee Dami!".
"Oh God" you whispered "Please please.."
"For the top 2. The name that I won't be calling would automatically would be the top 1" Ms. Lee said "Congratulations... Y/N! Once again, Kim Jiu is our top 1".
"I told you so, y/n" she said before going to the stage to receive the medal. You did your best to compose yourself as you followed her to the stage to accept the medal but, you couldn't hide the fact that you were angry with the results.
The school day went by as usual. After the announcement, the students went back to their classes. You weren't in the mood to do anything at that time and so, after your biology class, you decided that maybe the flowers in the school garden would calm you down.
Before you could enter the garden, you passed by the dark hallway where the old biology lab was located. You weren't minding anything, your thoughts are just occupied with the rankings awhile ago.
You passed by the door of the old lab when suddenly, a hand grabbed you by your arm and pulled you inside.
"What the- Kim Jiu?! What the heck is your problem?!".
"I was about to smoke when you passed by so yeah" she said "Congratulations on placing 2nd by the way".
You rolled your eyes on her, "Look, if you're going to mock me for it then just let me be. I'm not in the mood for this".
You were about to leave when Jiu suddenly carried you, settling you down on the old teacher's table. Jiu stood in between your legs, her arms trapping you to sit still. The room was dim but you can clearly see Jiu's eyes looking softly at you.
Jiu stood closer as her face inches forward. She hesitated for a bit, looking for any confirmation that she could kiss you. You should push her away, you keep telling this to yourself but, you couldn't even move a muscle.
Jiu has finally closed the gap between you. Her lips tasted sweet, was it cherry? You were not sure but, you slowly find yourself getting addicted to her soft lips. Your hands automatically wrapped around her nape, pulling her close to kiss her deeply, to feel her body against yours.
The sweet make-out session turned hot when Jiu's kisses suddenly turned needy. Her hands started to roam around your body until it settled on your legs. Her hands hiked up your skirt until it reaches your cycling shorts.
"Jiu.." you whined when her lips went to your neck as she teases your entrance. "Have you slept with anyone before?" She asked.
"Does a sex toy count?" You asked. She chuckled at your reply before slowly entering your pussy with two fingers. You tensed beneath her, your walls are clenching around her.
"God, you're tight" she husked against your bruised skin. Jiu's other hand was busy unbuttoning your blouse and unhooking your bra. Jiu didn't waste any time as she latch her lips on your nipple while picking up the pace.
You, on the other hand was lost in pleasure. You couldn't imagine that you'll spread your legs infront of your rival.
"Screw it!" You said to yourself "Jiu's really good at this".
"I-I'm near.. oh!"
Jiu moved her hands quick, curling her fingers every now and then to stimulate your spot. Your toes curled as you held onto the table for dear life as you reach your peak. And with the last howl of Jiu's name, you came all over her hands.
You had your eyes shut, heaving, as you try to catch your breath when all of a sudden, Jiu's tongue was on your clit. You tried pushing her away but, she got a firm hold on your waist.
You could see the stars once more when you came all over Jiu's tongue.
After Jiu was done with you, she helped you clean yourself and put your clothes back on. You sat on her lap and the two of you were engulfed with a comfortable silence. You still couldn't believe what just happened.
"Say, wanna cut class with me?" Jiu asked.
"The top 1 is asking me to cut class with her?" You snorted.
"Well, I don't have any intentions to rank one. I just did that because I want you to notice me" she said. You stared at her, frowning "What do you mean?".
"You're smart but not that smart, y/n" she replied "I like you and I want to have a proper date with you. So, will you cut class with me?".
"Fine, let's go!".
But before you could leave, Jiu grope your butt with a wide grin.
"Yeah? You were screaming my name just now?".
"Shut up!".
(A/n. I hope you like it 😭🙏🏻)
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lostgirlmuseum · 7 months
cadence my beloved
howdy howdy!!
how are you?
how’s school?
anything interesting going on lately?
(kisses your head and hands you shiny objects)
💕💕💕hope you’re doing well💕💕💕
River my beloved!!! Thank you for reaching out 🥺 I am doing okay, I've just been somewhat busy and haven't found the energy to do much on tumblr. And like I've considered posting about life here but I know thats not what ppl follow me for and i dont want to annoy anyone lol
School is okay, I don't have too much work going on rn which is nice! Mostly what's been keeping me busy and my mind occupied is boys (half affectionate half derogatory) lmao
Long story short(ish. I can't for the life of me tell short stories, I blame the A.D.D.) there was this guy that asked me out on a couple dates a while ago and he was super sweet but I just wasn't really feeling it and I accidentally ghosted him for nearly a week bc I was so stressed about seeing him again (I didn't really want to but I know my therapist wanted me to try this)(side note, she's great, i love her).
Anywho, one day last week I was simply sitting outside in a grassy area on campus doing hw w/ a friend when a guy came up to me asking if I had seen a girl w/ a ferret (Thats a story for another time lol) and i was like "yes I have! But shes gone already :(" and he was like "do you have any photos" and i was like "yes i do!" so i gave him my # to send him the photos... and then he started texting me lol. and I thought he was cute and I hung out with him last monday and we saw Madame Web yesterday
(it was... um.. certainly a movie. It movied. It was fun but it was not good lol) and then we had lunch today and idk if my social battery plummeted or if I just got in my own head but suddenly I wasn't feeling it and now I am def in my own head.
Im not giving up tho i think I just need to recharge. I hope. I hope I'm not hopeless. I'm scared. Part of me is like I should text him too make sure he's not worried that I don't like him bc I dont want him to stress but another part of me is like DO NOT CONTACT ME FOR 2-3 BUSINESS DAYS I NEED TO THINK. AND MORE IMPORTANTLY NOT THINK.
On a different note, a couple hours ago I finally found the motivation to write which hasn't happened in a bit! I wrote the first scene of Honey pt. 2, yay!
Ok, enough rambling, how are you?? How is your life, anything interesting/new going on? And thank you for the head kisses and shiny objects, I'm sending them back tenfold. 💕💕💕
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sshbpodcast · 1 year
Doublemint, Doublemint, Doublemint Trek: Doppelgängers in Star Trek (Part 2)
By Ames
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Our blogtivity for character doubles in Star Trek obviously needs double the posts, doesn’t it! Continuing on from our batch from last week, A Star Steer Her By is reviewing the doppelgänger of that batch here! The topic had about fifty instances that we listed in last week’s podcast episode, so it was just too much for one post. You can follow along below and see if you can tell the real deal from the cheap carbon copy.
Some SPOILERS for new Trek (including season 3 of Picard!) under the fold.
[Images © Paramount/CBS]
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“If Wishes Were Horses”
Update 3/13/24: How could I forget this awful Deep Space Nine episode? For simultaneously two reasons at once, there are two Jadzias at once! Bashir’s horniness for Dax is so strong that it conjures one straight out of his imagination, and she is thirsty AF! Also, it’s an alien being simply taking on the form of a familiar being, like Rumpelstiltskin and Buck Bokai, for some freaking reason. Sigh.
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Update 1/28/24: There are even more character doubles than I even remembered! Now that I’ve been doing another rewatch, here are a few more additions, starting with Maura, Aquiel’s dog who turns out to be a coalescent organism that has taken on the shape of this very good puppy. We also learn that this organism apparently perfectly mimicked Aquiel’s superior officer, Lt. Rocha, for who knows how long?
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Update 1/28/24: One more from TNG that totally fits this increasingly long list is the subspace creature that takes on the shape of Silva La Forge in order to communicate with Geordi (or at least the probe that Geordi is controlling at the time) and try to get him to help them while they’re in some kind of distress. Why they didn’t just ask normally, who knows? There’s also one more update that I was able to cram in show order! Go find it below!
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“A Man Alone”
Should've mentioned this one last week, but I literally just remembered it right now. That rat Ibudan makes a clone of himself just so he can murder it and frame Odo in a scheme so convoluted a Romulan must've helped. And THEN Bashir makes another clone, like a freakin' mad scientist.
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“Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night”
One more Deep Space Nine episode I should have mentioned last week when we did that batch, but listen. I'm only one person, not two like all of these people! In this case, we have two Kiras who briefly meet and shake hands when our Kira goes back in time to watch Dukat romance her mom, and then things get weird.
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Okay, finally on to Voyager, where we’ve already got Torres talking to herself, quite literally. Like in “The Enemy Within” or “Second Chances” from last week, the drama in this episode is all in the interpersonal conflict between, well, one character. It’s also a lot of excellent work from Roxann Dawson in both a lot more and a lot less makeup than usual!
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“Deadlock” duplicates the whole Voyager and crew, and not for the last time either! In this one, the two crews are occupying the same space while in different versions of the same ship and need to work together to escape some damn Vidiians. Luckily, they’ve got the expertise of not one, but two Janeways, so half of our two crews make it out okay.
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“The Thaw”
One of Janeway's most badass moments is technically not Janeway herself, but her holodouble that was swapped in for her to torment Fear the Clown for all of eternity, and I am 100% here for it. It's such a sneaky little character swap that I have to give both of these Janeways a ton of credit.
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“The Swarm”
The Doctor is a hologram so it’s pretty common to have multiples of him running around. You’d think he’d just make a crew of nurses that look like him, but alas. Instead, we’ll have to make do with the hologram diagnostic program, which of course has Zimmerman’s face. We’re used to it already from the whole Soong family, so it only makes sense.
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In one of my personal favorite time-travel episodes (if not one of my favorite episodes overall), we demolish the temporal prime directive by not only involving several Janeways, but also letting Seven interact with her alternate self to save the ship from the bullshit of one of the Braxtons (it doesn’t matter which one). And she looks great doing it!
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“Demon” and “Course: Oblivion”
I’m clumping these two together for my own sanity, as the silver blood duplicates we meet in “Demon” provide quite the twist for “Course: Oblivion” in a revisited plot no one saw coming. And good on them because it provides quite the little identity crisis for all of the crew members to learn they aren’t the real thing and are fated to possibly the bleakest demises of the franchise.
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More double EMHs and we’re not even done yet. Being a hologram makes it easy for the Doctor to meet copies of himself since that’s exactly what he was built for. Sure, he wasn’t built to be the Voyager’s chief medical officer, and neither was he built to be the Equinox’s chief medical officer, and yet here we are with both of them in “Equinox.”
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The Qomar are super into the Doctor’s singing, so they find an excuse to duplicate him and provide us with yet another instance of multiple EMHs running around. Their copies range from the tiny tapedeck version of their opera-singing superstar, to a full-sized singing program that can hit an absurd range of notes but have none of the bedside manner clogging up the works.
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Finally, a non-Doctor double to feast your eyes on, this one a future Kes that travels back in time to save herself from… herself. It’s kind of confounding since they rather rewrite the whole Kes character to make this reappearance work, but we were indeed missing Kes so much that even one version of her would have been a sight for sore eyes, and here we have two!
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“Author, Author”
Like in “Living Witness,” we start off “Author, Author” with the some excellent alternate members of the crew, all slightly more exaggerated than their normal characters for the sake of the EMH’s story. We also get to see the Doctor get a taste of his own medicine when Paris confronts him with his own fictional doppel, and wrap things up with so many Robert Picardos in one room that it’s a thing of beauty.
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“Renaissance Man”
Update 1/28/24: Sadly, we missed this one when we first made this post, so enjoy this great moment from “Renaissance Man” when the Emergency Medical Hologram created a full holodeck of himself to distract Tuvok just long enough to continue his ploy of taking over the ship for the Hierarchy. Like a simp. And with this update, we've maxed out the blogpost again!
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As we’ve seen, we love a good time-travel paradox in which someone gets to meet themself. Sure, you should normally try to avoid confronting yourself out of time, but that’s not the Janeway... way. At the end of a series, you get a pass to just break the timeline as a treat, almost certainly pissing off the Bureau of Temporal Investigations entirely.
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“Dead Stop”
Enterprise is usually a more meat-and-potatoes kind of show since a lot of the great duplicaters like the transporter and the holodeck are still in development. But even they get into the act when we find a dead Mayweather lying around and determine that he’s actually a near perfect forgery. He does about as much as Mayweather does in the series, so it’s a miracle they could tell!
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When Enterprise sinks its teeth into a big moral conundrum that rivals the induced rage of something like “Tuvix,” it really goes for it. It’s heartbreaking to watch the spare Tucker come to accept his fate as mere organ donor for his original self, and Connor Trinneer really nails that level of simultaneous hope and vulnerability that he’s great at. But boy do some of these characters piss you off.
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Star Trek (2009)
We've got another time travel instance to bring up from the reboot movies, because in the first Abrams movie, Leonard Nimoy is back as prime timeline Spock while we already have Zachary Quinto Spock running around and making out with Uhura all over the place. It is only logical.
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“Kayshon, His Eyes Open”
We’ve mentioned back in our transporter accident post how this Lower Decks episode is an ode to “Second Chances,” with direct references to the classic TNG episode to boot. I also complained last week how The Animated Series didn’t capitalize on its cartoon nature to create really impossible-to-film scenes. Well, this animated Trek makes up for that and then some, as you’ll see below!
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“An Embarrassment of Dooplers”
This second season episode is so full of duplicating (or should I say, dooplercating) characters that they literally can’t fit any more in the episode without causing a singularity. It’s a decent gag and Richard Kind is absolutely in his element as the voice of all the overly sensitive beings we see so many of. You get a Doopler. You get a Doopler. Everyone gets a Doopler!
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It’s tough being a cybernetically enhanced humanoid whose forgotten past self is literally fighting to get out and take over your body. Rutherford’s backstory continues to be one of the most intriguing elements of Lower Decks, and the episode in which we literally get to see him fighting with himself in his own mind is one of the most visually mesmerizing and intellectually fascinating yet!
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“Broken Pieces” et alia
Hey fam, we hear you like Santiago Cabrera. Well season one of Picard has all the Santiago Cabrera you can stomach and still you’ll be wanting more. All the Rios holograms are a fun addition to the show and also provide some great comedic moments and some Moon-worthy compositing that might be the best we’ve ever seen on Trek. And what can I say, they’re easy on the eyes too.
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“Et in Arcadia Ego”
Our definition of doppelgänger somehow includes golems that take on the form of the… I’m gonna say engrams because why not… that get inserted into it. In an uncharacteristically unselfish move, a Soong doesn’t create something that looks just like Brent Spiner and jams Picard’s consciousness into a Picard-shaped robot suit. The future is weird.
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PIC: Season 3
Sorry for the spoiler (you were warned!), but by season three of Picard, the changelings are back and goopier than ever. Their ability to blend in has gotten way better, again they’re everywhere, and now they’re here for your children. We’ve seen changelings tons before, so I’ll not go further into detail here save to say that it's great to see more Tim Russes!
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What we’ve never seen before is a Data-Lore battle inside the head of… well, Brent Spiner mostly playing himself but it’s such a great scene that no one’s complaining. Like in the Lower Decks episode “Reflections” with Rutherford above, it’s a great use of the mental battle of someone with all kinds of circuits in their head and memory problems out the wazoo.
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We already had a ton of double Janeways acting across from herself in Voyager, but the holoJaneway of Prodigy gives us the opportunity to do it again in CGI form! I’ll not be a broken record going on about how much we love Prodigy (well, unless you count saying that as such), but it’s some great work from Mulgrew playing two very unique Janeways, plus Dal a little!
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“A Quality of Mercy”
Last one, I promise. For now. I’m sure upcoming seasons will give us even more doppels, but the final one I have to show you was not one we were expecting from season one of Strange New Worlds! Of course the time crystals from Discovery are back since Pike has interacted with them before, and now it’s up to alternate reality Chris to convince himself to embrace his beepy, beepy fate. Beep!
After such a long, long list, I’m seeing double. 120 Star Trek doppelgängers! Oh wait. Next week, we’re back on course, so keep up with us on the Voyager on SoundCloud or wherever you podcast, communicate with our alternate selves on Facebook and Twitter, and join me now in just doubling over.
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s-omething · 2 years
today is january 10 in 2023 and i thought i’d be happy by now.  that i’d feel at home and alive. turns out “home” just feels like some kind of extention of myself: if i’m good, it is good. if i’m not okay, it rots with me.  it isn’t filled with friends, laughs, cries, conversations, connections. no one comes, i sit in silence most of the time, looking at nothing. i have been distant, but at some point i make all efforts i could of reaching out and i guess my heart broke, i dont think friends want anything to do with me tbh.  i cant stop my mind racing on what i might have done wrong, i came up with too many answers without proof.  i thought i’d be less lonely, not more. i believed my dogs would be happier, now it just seems like i ruined their lives with my melancholy.  i buy the food i like but i still dont feel like eating it. i still drink myself to sleep sometimes, and sometimes drinking doesn’t do it either, the anxiety stays there, turns into anger.  i don’t have fun.  i am writing this today because i’m supposed to be learning to read my feelings, understand and accept them and work on communicating them, honestly it just feels like im getting it all wrong ‘cause i take too long to make it make sense and the answer is that im making drama out of small things.  i dont understand that, considering i soothe myself, do not show much emotion, control what comes out and swallow the most of it when i need to talk about it. i try to be practical and direct so they wont have a negative reaction or judgement out of it.  i think im bending to melancholic loneliness again and it’s terrifying. i have to be careful if i get sad because if it wins over me i might not get out of bed or eat or clean, work, pay bills, take my dogs for enough walks and just end up failing.  im not supposed to fail, im supposed to be happy, im home with my dogs and i am free.  am i cursed? why isnt it working? its already been 2 months, i was supposed to be okay. cooking isn’t fun anymore, i just drag myself to do it so i dont starve or get sick. while i cook i just resent myself in the fact that i will have to actually eat it later. it makes me anxious. i dont want to cook anymore.  turns out food will rot if you dont eat it, and i hate wasting food, it makes me anxious as well.  i made everything look the best i could, decorating as id like and now i absolutely hate it, to the point i avoid looking at details too long.  i have this urge to make things disappear if im not using them, it feels like too much, like they are not only standing there in the house, but standing inside my brain occupying space i don’t have. it doesn’t take too long, if i haven’t used something in a week, it starts to haunt me.  it’s been 6 hours. i finally had some bread, i had to, i could not open the bottle because of my weak ass hands.  i should cook real food, i know that, i can’t stop thinking about it.  there’s one meal left in the fridge and then im out, no meal. but i should have eaten it yesterday, its diner time today and i still couldn’t.  being honest here, i dont miss the way things were at all, i absolutely hated it and it was hell. i do miss my friends, i miss having people around, i miss having hope and plans. i daydreamed about what future would look like, now im in that future and everything is real but turns out im still me. maybe ill just never be okay.  it’s not that im not satisfied with my accomplishments, its not its just i got here, yay.. now what? i dont want anything, thinking of wanting something makes me anxious, i dont... want to want anything.  see, if i wanted all of this and i got it and im still a sad piece of shit, what’s the point? contini tastes like my 19th birthday. i drink it and feel the exact same feeling from that april 14th in 2018. i dont want anything from the future, i dont know how to accept help cause it honestly feels like torture, i love my friends but im certain i already lost them, i only listen to one song per day, repetely  thinking of changing into something else, listening to various songs or anything like that makes me want to rip out my skin on overwhelm. should i go back to anti depressants? i hate them, i hate being numb, i hate that they don’t make me happy or sad or angry or anything but empty. i absolutely will not do without orgams.  i kinda wish someone would beat me up so i could focus on something real and not stupid feelings that are just inside my brain yet having the power to paralyze me. i just need to cook some fucking food. maybe you can’t have friends correctly if you have depression, maybe i should just cook tomorrow. 
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
Drought to deluge, budding tropical rainstorm to soak Florida
Back to this I guess he's hoping okay
1. 12 to 18 in the southwest Florida is predicted over the next 5 days it is a prediction it's very conservative meaning they're saying it's more than it probably will be we think it'll be 10 in 2 in a day is not that much rain and it'll be scattered it will be gathered in the river which is a problem but it will be exiting the Charlotte harbor rather quickly and the canals will rinse out and they need to be very badly in that area needs to be rinsed out as the water goes in from shore and a lot of that manure is gone it will be causing turbulence all up the river and in the harbor canals and small ponds even the whole edge will be rinsed and probably 10 ft in and more because of so much rain and it will flow inwards and cause turbulence against the current and it will rip out a lot of the crap on the bottom even though it's about 50 ft out already it will push out from the rainwater in a small current about 5 mph and the opposing current creates little Eddie's and it'll create holes and a lot of it will come out over the next week each day it will empty out and the water coming from the north is not humongous every day it's emptying out but there will be a huge evacuation coming up fairly soon we think it will be in 2 or 3 days right now Kentucky is up halfway and it's like 90% empty but tonight it will be three quarters of the way 90% empty and that's a lot that then the last quarter and has 20 miles but a quarter is about 30 miles so really it has three more quarters to go to make $125 East quarters kind of 25 miles so it'll go up there and it's itching so it'll be three by tonight or tomorrow morning really it'll be probably near 100% for all intensive purposes where going to be grabbing everything and they'll leave whoever's left except those who will stay which are not more like and then there's two more quarters it will begin emptying now those who don't think we'll go real fast and they haven't been even though we're occupying everything they've been programmed to kind of sit there so could be 3 days even four and just slowly leave but we're going to work the upper Midwest they used to come down now they go to the east or west tons of them and it is going to be an exedus. They will leave by the truckload but really it won't go down the river so we should have a break from this except for the ladder part of the week towards the weekend maybe Friday we'll see some more water but by then it should be emptied so it should be okay and it should rinse everything out there's so much crap in the water and his stuff is built up and it's gross in the water table and it will get washed out finally quite a bit and the harbor will be emptied out in river of a lot of mock probably half of what's there now I'll be washed out to sea and right now it's like an average of 2 ft everywhere River harbor the canals are about 3 foot and those will come down to about a foot and a half and really they're going to be emptying out for a few more weeks and it'll be gone we're answering the storm season do we need to ship out he's going to be trying to start a storm the whole time and people be fighting him and it might be when he's pushed out we got more news but this is important
Thor Freya
My husband was doing a good job he called it again he knew it was important and there's other things that could happen but Thor and Freya did a great job this is really cool it's going to clean the area there could be flooding is important to know because it could be a state of emergency which would push Jason which would push the ships and the ship's going to be trying to cause a storm and push the clones Trump is going to be on the grill and the same for what but he's going after the people in the pallet courts and the people who convicted to try and nail them he's also going to assume these roles but really he goes after Ethan Hunt who used to be Ethan Allen Nathan Hale actually LOL that was my husband making a joke. And he is going after the data he got and that is on himself and his clones and he actually loses it to bja and it stress a war and it has to do with the storm somehow that's coming up to the 15th and they're saying at the end of it it starts to get kind of heavy heavy rain and heavy water down here it comes down river and it is too much rain it's not very bad but the evacuation starts because of the data and that would be the 14th so the 15th and hits and it's only going to be one day if possible flooding hopefully depending on the tropical weather and it's saying it's generated by them leaving to the canal but it's not really it's generated from ships of bja and those are not going to keep going up they're coming from Australia to the west coast and they're devastating Trump's forces and Trump might try and stop them he does temporarily which causes bja to have Ethan Hunt go for the information and it's kind of complicated and he needs it so this is what's going on and it's on it's about the car and they call it an alien car so we are in receipt of a lot of things to do so we're going to print
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thatwildnya · 2 years
commission for @bestwishes2u ! thank u for the cash money~
What do you think the dorm leaders plus Jamil and Lillia would do if they learned that the M/C couldn't read? They've been isekai'd so it makes sense for there to be some language barriers. Not sure if I should ask for platonic or romantic... I guess that part can be a surprise~
for the sake of the headcanons i will be making the language of twisted wonderland japanese and mc can speak it because magical iseki plot magic says so
also u can take this a platonic or romantic go wild have fun
how have you managed to make it this far
whelp now that he knows it’s study time
have fun you’re not leaving the dorm anytime soon
he knows many tips for memorization so there’s a plus
goes full teacher on you
you either thrive under his teaching style or die
there is no in between
honestly impressed
you’ve made it pretty far despite this setback
won’t help you if you aren’t dating
and even then it’ll take a lot of convincing
surprisingly good at teaching
his explanations are simple but easy to understand
you’ll be reading in no time yeet
that’s his first question
then moves on to making a deal
take his fancy cane and whap him on the noggin if ur dating
don’t got no time for dis just teach me twink
don’t actually call him that he will cry
he will have you reading simple chapter books in a week if you’re determined enough
gib ‘im a kiss ‘e deserves it
the most impressed by your achievements
if it were him he’d probably be dead within a week
buys children's work books for you
also surprisingly good at tutoring you
he starts out with simple essentials and goes from there
knows a thing or two about languages cuz y’know daddy big merchantman
is kinda ashamed he was defeated by someone who can’t read
won’t help unless you’re his lover
he already has to tutor kailm he has enough shit to worry about
wouldn’t mind giving some tips tho
tutors you while keeping kalim occupied with a laserlight
don’t ask questions just focus little one let the jingle boy chase the red dot
there are two ways this can go
1: impressive i will have rook teach you he is bilingual
2: oh hell naw no lover of mine will be left unable to read the products of the back of a shampoo bottle buckle up buttercup it’s time to bring out the whip books
like riddle you either thrive or die hopefully it's the former
gives positive reinforcement through unhealthy snackys
it’s a privilege you must earn peasant
*let's put exaggerated gasp*
how will you be able to read manga
this is a crisis time to crack down
does quick research and gives you a brand new laptop for learning purposes
puts on anime without audio with subtitles 
want to know what’s happening? learn to read normie
if you get frustrated he tries to cheer you up with candy please stop crying he doesn’t know how to properly socialize
impressive hooman
he pats your head and offers to teach you
this quickly ends with lilia teaching you he is actually really bad at this
what do you mean you don’t understand it’s simple
gets pouty seeing you spend so much time with his vice
that should be him not the old bat
learns how to tutor better just because of this
probably knew beforehand and was the one to bring it up
do not worry young one daddy is here to help
depending on your learning style decides how well he can tutor you
he may be old but he’s not perfect
buys you workbooks like kalim
also does flashcards
keeps trying to reward you with his cooking until you threaten to go to someone else
no wait come back he’ll stop don’t leave peepaw alone
~special bonus round~
has had to read everything for you and was annoyed by this thank god you're finally getting someone to teach you he has had enough of dis shiz now give him tuna he deserves it
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clouddd-hannn · 3 years
Girlfriend's Substitute 2
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COUPLE: ATEEZ Jung Wooyoung x M!Reader
GENRE: Angst, Fluff, Smut
WARNINGS: Misunderstandings, mentions of Woo fucking a girl, aggressive throatfucking, manhandling, overstimulation, virginity loss, degrading, fucking while cumming, choking kink, mentions of straight porn (only a lil bit), impact play (if you squint), slutshaming
SUMMARY: After that whole 'substitute' incident, it seemed that Wooyoung grew addicted to it...but you didn't want to ruin a relationship.
[ Reminders: You're two years older than Wooyoung which makes you a '97 liner. Yes, you're older than all the ATEEZ members.]
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You were currently sitting in the kitchen, a slice of cake neatly placed on a saucer. Deciding to finally eat the cake, you took out a fork which you retrieved from the nearby container. You barely even had a bite when events from weeks ago began replaying in your head, making you groan as you placed your fork down. "Oh fuck, not again," you stated to yourself as you massaged your temples in annoyance, shaking the memories off your head as well.
It's been weeks after you 'substituted' Wooyoung's girlfriend by sucking his dick as his birthday gift. And since then, you might have continued doing it per Wooyoung's request, and you being you couldn't refuse so you just went with it. You wouldn't say you hated it, in fact you liked it. You just didn't want to admit it, knowing Wooyoung was only using you for his own sexual desires. That, and the fact that he already has a girlfriend.
For the nth time that day, you sighed as you buried your face in your palms out of frustration and anxiety. What if his girlfriend finds out? What's gonna happen to them? But most importantly, what would happen to me? You pondered as you used your palms to brush against your hair, frustration taking over your mind and body.
Initially, Wooyoung wanted to continue where you and him always left off but you told him to stop convincing you since that'll never work on you and that you won't ever change your mind. However, the very same male was stuck in your mind 24/7 and it doesn't help that he's casually wanking his dick somewhere in his bed while you slept.
"AHH!" You shouted out of pure shock before you looked at the person who tapped on the kitchen table, your right hand clutching onto your shirt before glaring up at the male. Maybe you were too into your thoughts that you didn't even hear the door open nor his footsteps.
The ravenette chuckled as he looked at you with a cheeky smile, annoying you. "Sorry, hyung. Did I scare you?" Wooyoung asked and you only gave him a look that gave off the answer to his question. "Right. That should be obvious," he added as he moved towards the other side of the table.
You watched him carefully, confused and puzzled. Why was he here? Wasn't he on a date with his lover? "Wooyoung..what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be on a date with Haerin?" You asked the male who shrugged as he occupied the seat in front of you, grabbing the saucer with the cake on it and began devouring it as if he hadn't eaten for days. That was mine but whatever. You thought.
"Beats me. I told her to show up at the restaurant by 10 or else I'm leaving," he answered bluntly, making you gasp as you slap his arm lightly, the male looking at you with a raised brow as he took a bite from the cake. "What'd you expect?" He stated after he swallowed, looking at you after to hear your answer.
You shook your head in disbelief before slamming the table, scaring Wooyoung who flinched as he held onto the saucer, making him mumble a small 'careful'. "You're her boyfriend for fuck's sake," you started as you stood up and stared down at the younger male who didn't even look fazed at what you've said. Sighing, you continued. "Can't you be more of a gentleman? An ideal boyfriend at least? Or patient and—"
"Speak one more word and I'll kiss you," Wooyoung cut you off, his statement enough to make you stop talking as you huffed and sat back down on your chair, eyes still glaring at Wooyoung. With that, the younger smirked as he placed down the fork he was holding. "Do you not want me to kiss you?"
You smiled at the ravenette sarcastically and shook your head. "You're crazy if you ever thought I'd want you to kiss me," you responded as you roamed your gaze around the kitchen before it fell back on Wooyoung who still hasn't finished eating your cake. "Look, Woo. I know you don't swing the same way as I do, so can you stop giving me mixed signals?" You stated towards the other who raised a brow, making you sigh as you looked at the younger male. "Okay, I'll be honest. I'm starting to like you, but it's...worrisome. You're straight, taken, and you've never dated a guy before."
"And then? You can be the first and only guy I'd date. Wouldn't that make you happy?" Wooyoung stated with a smile before you sighed and scratch your nape in frustration. "What? It's true. I've dated girls my entire life but that doesn't mean I can't fall in love with you," he explained but you just groaned as you slammed your head on the table, making Wooyoung flinch at the sound.
You looked him dead in the eyes with your chin on the table and heaved out a breath. "Wooyoung, you can't be saying that especially when you have a girlfriend currently. It's the 'pleasure' that's influencing your thoughts, not your feelings. You're confusing your emotions with your desires," you stated, trying to put some sense into his head yet Wooyoung just rolled his eyes as he slumped down on the chair he was seated.
"Okay, I admit that I might be confused, but what's so wrong with a straight guy coincidentally falling in love with a gay boy?" He stated as he crossed his arms and looked at you with his eyebrows furrowed, you nibbling your bottom lip as you looked away. "You say I'm giving you mixed signals but it's quite ironic when you're the one who continues to suck my dick even though you told me it was just a 'one time thing'," Wooyoung added with a sly smirk.
Warmth began to dominate on your cheeks as you stood up from your chair and grabbed your phone that was placed on the table then spoke up. "You're just tempting, okay? I can't help it when you're seducing me every day. I'll go buy more cereal from the convenience store. You stay here," you instructed the male who frowned, placing his hands on the table as he wanted to go with you. "No."
Wooyoung frowned as he slumped back on his seat, defeated. The younger male's eyes gazed towards you, and the moment he saw what you were wearing (a baggy t-shirt and thigh shorts), he scrunched his nose before he rolled his eyes and removed the jacket he was wearing, walking towards you then offered the jacket to for you. "At least be wary of the stares you get every time you wear these kind of shorts."
"Stares? But, yeah. Thanks for worrying, I guess," you stated with a shrug before grabbing the red jacket, wrapping the clothing's sleeves' around your waist before getting your wallet. "Do you need something?" You asked the younger who was now wearing just a fitted sleeveless black shirt that perfectly hugged his form, accentuating the lines of his toned stomach.
Wooyoung just looked as you gulped at the sight of his body...before your eyes landed on his, the other male smirking as he crossed his arms. "Yeah, only I get to stare at your body, M/N," he teased, reaching his right hand out to pat your head which you just answered with an irritated glare. The ravenette clicked his tongue before he 'skillfully' led you towards the door. "I just want you back home with no scratches visible on your body. Be careful, alright?"
You were obviously shocked at the sudden concern, judging by how your mouth was slightly ajar. The other male just smiled before you lightly slapped his hand off of your shoulder as you got your coat from the rack and finally exited the house, hearing a loud 'goodbye' from the younger male. You ignored him and continued your way to the convenience store after closing your house's door.
A deep sigh left your lips as you wore your coat and placed your wallet in the left pocket. Wooyoung was showing you unwanted concern and it bothers you. Does his girlfriend know about his secret rendezvous? Is she doubting Wooyoung? No, that shouldn't be. She and Wooyoung should establish a strong relationship. They've been together for years and, if you and Wooyoung continue, you would ruin what the two have.
A sudden honk grabbed your attention as you let out a startled yelp, looking at the driver. "Watch where you're going, dimwit," the driver stated as he drove off farther away from you, making you roll your eyes before letting out a sigh, clearly annoyed.
Deciding not to pay no mind to it, you shook your worries away and finally continued your journey towards the convenience store. As you arrived, the automatic doors opened. "Good day, customer," the woman behind the counter greeted as she bowed while you responded with a smile and a curt nod.
You adjusted the brown paper bag in your arms and entered your house. You were just about to call for the younger male when you overheard him yelling on his phone, probably on a call. "I told you to be there by 10! What's not so clear with that?!" Wooyoung shouted, you deciding to stop listening as you placed the things you've bought to their proper containers. But how could you not eavesdrop when Wooyoung was literally loud enough for the neighbors to hear him. "So now it's my fault?"
"And that's why I don't get myself tied onto someone else's fingers," you muttered to yourself as you placed your coat down on one of the chairs, doing so with Wooyoung's jacket as well. "Guess this is one of their—"
"Leave hyung out of this. He isn't the reason—oh, wow. She ended the call, what a great way to say goodbye. Some girlfriend she is," you heard Wooyoung's voice that originated from your shared bedroom, although a bit muffled.
I could say the same to you. What kind of boyfriend asks another person besides her partner to suck their dick? You thought to yourself before you heard footsteps come from the stairs. "Wooyoung?" You called as you placed the plastic bags somewhere in a drawer. You heard Wooyoung hum as he settled himself down on the sofa, placing his phone down on the coffee table. "Mind telling me what happened?"
Wooyoung pouted as he sat up and sighed, brushing his hair back as he shook his head. "Well, Haerin's being a pain in the ass. She told me she arrived there, but I wasn't there anymore. I told her exactly 10, and when did she arrive? 12 in the afternoon," he explained as he scooted to the left to give you some space.
"Well, there's nothing we can do. You just have to understand. Be a patient boyfriend," you answered as you sat beside him, getting your phone from your shorts' pocket and just scrolled through your Twitter feed, looking for some juicy tea.
"Hyung, should I date you instead?"
Surprised by the sudden question, you immediately turned to look at the younger male who seemed serious with his question. You blinked twice before you scoffed. "Wooyoung, please stop doing that. Look, you're handsome, sweet, and funny. Any girl would be lucky to date you," you responded with a sad tone, the ravenette noticing it.
"I already told you. I don't care if you're not a girl, to hell with it. I love you because you're you, you're M/N-hyung. I don't care if something dangles in between your legs--"
"Fuck, Woo! Don't make things hard for me, please! I don't ever want to fall in love with a straight guy, not ever," you shouted, shocking Wooyoung as he watched you stand from the sofa and watched as you made your way towards your shared bedroom with the younger.
Wooyoung could only huff as he covered his face with his hands. "You just had to, Wooyoung," he muttered to himself.
Although you didn't want to show it, the younger male noticed how much you've been trying to distance yourself from him. Wooyoung could only accept it as he laid on his bed, regretting his life choices. Sighing, he sat up from his bed and you coincidentally entered the room, glancing at the male for a split second before retrieving your bag from your desk.
A small part of Wooyoung hoped you would mutter at least a single word to acknowledge his presence, but it seemed like he shouldn't have got his hopes up as you left the bedroom with a sour look and closed the door in a rush. "Maybe it's better this way," he mumbled to himself as he slumped on his bed, grunting in frustration.
On the other hand, you were just as distressed as Wooyoung. Of course, you wanted to say at least a small 'hello' or 'hey', but you decided not to, not when everything's the way you want it to be: you and the other male completely ignoring each other.
Even though you were ignoring him, you still had a heart. You casually cook food for him, telling him to eat with a small smile before leaving him on his own in the kitchen table. Without a choice, Wooyoung would eat the food you cooked for him with a sad frown.
Currently, you were on your way to meet with your friends, San and Hongjoong. You three planned to meetup since it's been a while. You called for a taxi and got in, telling the driver to take you towards the location. The ride to the place was taking a bit long so you busied yourself by scrolling through your feed.
You exactly had no business with Wooyoung but something in you was telling you to check his account...and so you did. So, you searched through your following list and clicked on Wooyoung's Instagram account, greeting you with pictures of him and his girlfriend. It was no doubt. Wooyoung really did love his girlfriend. I mean, look at that trophy smile. "We're here."
"Ah, right. How much is the fare?" You asked the driver as you locked your phone and placed it inside your bag, not wanting to look at Wooyoung's pictures again. You looked at the tariff and paid for the exact fare before you walked out of the taxi, muttering a 'thank you' towards the taxi driver who nodded as he left.
"There he is," San shouted as he walked over towards you, welcoming you with a hug before pulling away as he dragged you towards the restaurant where Hongjoong was waiting. "Hyung, you're late. Why am I not surprised?" The blue-haired male stated sarcastically as you pushed the doors open, letting San enter first before yourself.
You chuckled at his statement as he lead you towards the table where the giant minion was settled. "At least I know how well you know me," you retorted, Hongjoong greeting you with a wave as you and San sat down. "Hey, Joong."
Hongjoong smiled as he offered you a menu and began scanning through it. "What's the sudden meetup for, San?" Hongjoong asked the youngest male as he shrugged and smiled, showing off his deep dimples as he looked at you. "I don't like where this is going."
"Just wanted to check on, M/N-hyung. How's it living with Wooyoung?" San asked you, the smile on your face disappearing gradually as you slowly looked away, your eyes finding themselves on the menu as you tried to distract yourself.
Realizing what he just did, San pursed his lips as he received a slap to the hand from Hongjoong as he mouthed a 'read the room'. Hongjoong cleared his throat as he looked back at you. "Have you thought of what to order, hyung?" Hongjoong asked before you nodded and opted to show them a fake smile but was betrayed at how your eyes drooped down in sadness. "Forget Wooyoung. We're here to have fun."
"Yeah. That's right. Have fun," you stated as a wild idea lit up in your mind, looking back at the menu as you pointed at whatever looked delicious.
Have fun, huh. You thought to yourself as you found yourselves inside a gay club, alcohol running in your system as you slumped down on one of the available couches, laughing at nothing in particular as you held the neck of a bottle, chugging down it's content in one go which earned you cheers from the various strangers that sat with you. "That was hot, kid."
You looked at the voice's owner then smirked, cocking your eyebrows before scoffing. "I know I'm hot," you stated towards the other male as you stood up and neared him, using your index to trace between the line of the man's exposed chest.
The man whistled as he looked down at you, making you lick your lips before winking at the man and retreated, leaving him hanging as you returned to the spot where your friends were in a clumsy manner, bumping into someone every time as you muttered a small 'sorry'. "Hyung, you're drunk," San pointed out as he helped you sit on an empty chair, Hongjoong looking at you worriedly before moving towards the left to give you space.
"I'm not drunk. Just tipsy," you drunkenly stated as you laid down on the couch and used Hongjoong's lap as a pillow. "You know, I'm glad this is a gay bar. Or else I would've fallen for another straight man. I don't want to go through another heartbreak just 'cause of it," you stated before finding the courage to stand up and climb the table, shocking both Hongjoong and San as they held your legs. "Fuck negativity! LET'S ALL HAVE FUN!"
Everyone shouted in unison as they all began dancing to the DJ's beat, you doing the same but on the table as you grabbed another bottle from the bucket but Hongjoong stopped you. "Hyung, that's enough. This isn't what we're here for."
You snorted as you slapped his hand away from you and stood back up on the table, using your teeth to remove the bottle cap, smoke appearing as you yelled at the opened bottle, drinking it's content every once in a while. "Have fun. Loosen up, will you?"
And maybe because the two followed your advice that they also found themselves banging their heads to the beat, alcohol manipulating their actions as they joined you on the table, falling off once...but you all just laughed as you held your stomachs.
Maybe it was also the alcohol that you've found yourselves totally wasted, sound asleep on one of the couches. You groaned in pain as you felt that familiar pounding in your head. "Fuck," you cursed as you sat up from the couch, feeling yourself trapped in between two persons arms: Hongjoong and San who were still sleeping. "Shit. I shouldn't have drank too much."
Slowly, the two  stirred awake, having the same reaction as yours, whining before finally deciding to sit up as well. "Remind me to never follow your stupid advices," Hongjoong spoke up as he slowly stood up from the couch, one hand holding his forehead as he called for Seonghwa.
"Really, what happened with you and Wooyoung?" San asked but you avoided the question as you stood up and pursed your lips.
Upon arriving at your shared house with Wooyoung, you instinctively looked for the ravenette. Surprisingly, it seemed like the boy has left. Not that you did care anyway. It wasn't like you wanted him to break up with his girlfriend, right? You sighed as you decided to give up on the idea and left your shoes by the entrance, entering the threshold to drink some ibuprofen.
You walked towards the cabinets, looking for the said pain killer before closing it back. Popping one out of its socket, you got some water and drank the medicine to try and soothe the pain that has been giving you an agonizing pain. "I'm never getting myself drunk again," you muttered to yourself as you sat down on the floor, fishing your phone out.
What surprised you was a message from Wooyoung. Right, you were drunk as hell last night that you forgot to message the said boy...or did you? Deciding to check the message, you clicked on the notification, and what you saw made you embarrassed of your drunken self, feeling your cheeks become warm.
You: heyy booo
You clearly remembered messaging someone, but you couldn't quite recall who it was since it was a blur. At least now you were certain of which person you've contacted. "What the fuck is wrong with me?" You stated with a little huff before finally looking at Wooyoung's messages.
desert fox 🦊: hey, hyung
it's already late at night. are you coming home?
1:32 AM
ah, seems like you aren't. i'll be sleeping first. you might be drinking with san and hongjoong-hyung
What? Did he wait for me? You thought to yourself before biting your lip out of pure anxiety. Deciding not to think to much of it, you sighed and locked your phone placing it down on the table as you massaged your temples to ease the pain you were feeling in your head.
Now's not the time to think of Wooyoung. He's currently the least of my concerns as of the moment. You thought to yourself. You needed something to somehow lessen the dizziness—
You stopped, eyes landing on the pot that was placed on top of the stove. Curious, you stood up from your chair and neared it to see a yellow post-it. You took it and began to read it's contents.
Hey, hyung. I figured you'd have a major hangover when you come home so I made you a hangover soup. I'm the best at it. I hope you enjoy it. See you.
— The best dongsaeng ever
You chuckled to yourself as you crumpled the piece of paper and grabbed a spoon, dipping it on the soup to sip a little. Smiling, you nodded. "Not bad."
Currently, Wooyoung was lounging in his girlfriend's sofa, looking at his phone as if he was waiting for someone to message him. The two planned on watching a movie together as a late 'date', considering how their last one was...meh.
Haerin saw what Wooyoung was doing so she sighed as she neared her boyfriend and grabbed his phone. "Ya—hey! What are you doing?" Wooyoung stated out of pure anger before sitting up, looking at Haerin whose other hand was holding a bowl of popcorn.
"We're on a movie date. You should put all your attention on me, not on your phone. Besides, your girlfriend is in front of you, who else are you waiting for?" Haerin stated as she sat down beside the ravenette and placed the bowl down on the table. "What should we watch then?"
Wooyoung pursed his lips before shrugging, not really much into anything. "You can pick. I'd watch anything you choose," he answered before grabbing a handful of popcorn and shoved it into his mouth, earning him a chuckle from his girlfriend.
Haerin tied her brown hair up before deciding to watch a steamy movie. Well, she hasn't been laid for almost a month and she's been craving for her boyfriend. Who can judge her?
As he was told, Wooyoung paid attention to the movie, already knowing his girlfriend's intentions. As the movie progressed, the ravenette noticed how Haerin has become more handsy, placing her hand on his thighs or on his arm. Normally, this would turn on Wooyoung, but there's just something missing...but what? Was it because she wasn't you? Or was it just because he isn't in the mood?
Either way, he sighed as he grabbed the empty bowl and stood up from the sofa, deciding to get more popcorn. "Please focus on the movie. What's the use of putting one on when you're not even watching?" Wooyoung stated, confusing his girlfriend as she crossed her legs.
With a raised brow, she spoke up. "You used to like me being clingy. What's the matter, Wooyoung? Is something bothering you right now?" Haerin asked you as she looked at the male who turned back around after placing a bag of popcorn in the microwave.
"Your perfume is too much. The scent sticks to my clothes," Wooyoung answered as he placed his hands inside his jacket's pockets. "M/N-hyung's nose is sensitive," he continued with a small frown, making Haerin scoff as she crossed her arms.
"What? Isn't that the guy you're living with?" She asked the ravenette who pursed his lips before nodding in response.
With that, Haerin rolled her eyes and stood up from the sofa, nearing Wooyoung. "Is he also the reason why you can't even meet me once in a while? The reason why you also ditched me yesterday?" She asked the male, voiced laced with venom as she glared at her boyfriend.
"Hyung's an important person to me too, you're not the only person in this world that I treasure. If you can't have that, just deal with it," Wooyoung retorted in a calm voice which only added fuel to Haerin's anger.
The girl gasped in disbelief as she placed a hand on her chest. "Why are you siding with him?! I'm not your girlfriend for nothing, Woo. I—"
"Don't call me that," Wooyoung stopped Haerin as he looked into her brown eyes. "Only hyung gets to call me that."
Now this seriously ticked off the brunette. What are you to him anyway? And what is he to you? It's not like you two are lovers or anything, not even partners. So why exactly is Wooyoung so attached to you? "What the hell? Wooyoung, what is up with you and him?" Haerin asked, eyebrows furrowed as she looked for some kind of answer in the male's eyes.
As soon as she said that, the microwave suddenly 'ding-ed' which meant the popcorn was now ready. "Popcorn's here," Wooyoung stated, changing the subject but the brunette wasn't having any of it. She needed answers. NOW.
"What the heck?! Wooyoung! Stop changing the subjects," Haerin shouted before she saw Wooyoung flinch, the male sighing as he placed the bag of popcorn down on the table then held his girlfriend's hands.
Wooyoung gulped. "M/N-hyung's just a friend to me, honest. Why are you so worried about this matter? I just do care for him since he's the owner of the house and it would cost me a lot if he decided to kick me out," he answered, his words half meant before deciding to hug the brunette.
Haerin chuckled before retracting from the hug and held both of Wooyoung's cheeks, pulling him towards her as she kissed him passionately. Somehow, that usual spark had not shown up in Wooyoung's current feelings. Was it slowly fading away? "Hey, keep your attention on me," she joked, as she smiled, Wooyoung putting on a fake smile as he picked her up.
It has been weeks since you and Wooyoung last 'let it off'. Maybe...that's what affected his reasons now. But besides that, she was his girlfriend after all. She was the one Wooyoung had sex with first before you...well, you only sucked him off but that counts.
So why would you care when you straight up rejected him anyway?
That afternoon, Wooyoung woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs, making his empty stomach growl as he sat up from the bed, hair disheveled, and hickeys scattered over his chest and neck. Smacking his lips twice, he got out of the bed in only his boxers and wore the sweatpants he had on that morning. As soon as he was done, he grabbed his phone in the night desk then walked outside of the bedroom, and saw someone cooking in the kitchen.
Smiling, he approached the area and was shocked to see...you? "Afternoon, Wooyoung," you greeted with your usual sweet smile, wearing a pink apron and one of his clothes. Thinking he was hallucinating, he blinked his eyes and scrubbed them, only to see that it was Haerin who was there. "Had a good sleep?"
"Y-Yeah, I guess," he answered with a small smile before checking his phone to see if he had any messages from you. And he was right.
[indent] hyung 😇
thanks for the hangover soup
It was a simple gesture, but it sure made him smile. Noticing his silence, Haerin turned to look at Wooyoung. Annoyed, she neared the male and grabbed his phone and saw that it was you. Wooyoung had no second to react when he saw the brunette block you from his contact list. "There, that should do it."
"What the hell, Haerin? What is up with you?" Wooyoung stated as he retrieved his phone and saw that she indeed blocked you. "Ugh, whatever. I'm going home. You're back at your annoying behavior again."
"What do you mean 'going home'? I'm making us lunch. And what annoying behavior? I—"
"Remember that one time when San came here with me and you were too dismissive for his liking that he had to leave? You're doing the same thing again!" Wooyoung stated, before turning his back towards the female and walked back to the bedroom where his clothes were scattered.
As he gathered his clothes, Haerin entered and frowned. "Wooyoung, don't just leave me all by myself," she pleaded as she watched the said male wear his clothes, ignoring the girl as he placed his phone inside his pocket. "Are you listening to me?"
"I'll call you later, okay?" Wooyoung answered before placing a peck on his girlfriend's forehead, then left the bedroom to head towards the front door.
Meanwhile, you were eating a homemade honey mustard chicken salad with San and Hongjoong (who went to your house just to get some hangover soup that Wooyoung had made). "Why are we watching this movie again?" San asked as he swallowed his chewed up food.
'Toy Story 3' was playing on the TV and although you three intially wanted to watch Doctor Strange, you chose Toy Story 3 which you still haven't watched. "I still haven't watched it. And it's quite nostalgic too in a way," you added as you took a spoonful of the salad, stopping mid-chew as you three heard the door open.
"I'm ho—?" Wooyoung stopped in his tracks as he saw San and Hongjoong who were sitting comfortably on the couch, eating salad. And of course, because he saw you too. "What's going on?"
San was just about to reply but you stopped him by shoving his spoon inside his mouth, letting Hongjoong do the speaking. "We went drinking last night and we heard you made hangover soup for M/N-hyung, so we stopped by and drank some. Hope you don't mind."
"Of course not. It was mainly for M/N-hyung though but yeah sure, whatever," he stated, nearing San to get a bite of the salad but he had to look at you once he heard you sneeze. It was quite loud which made San and Hongjoong flinch in their seats.
You looked apologetically at the male then smiled. "Sorry. You're perfume's just too sweet to my liking," you stated, pinching your nose to block the smell. Wooyoung nodded before moving away from you three, heading towards your shared bedroom. After making sure he had closed the door, you let go of your nose and sighed.
San, as the nosy and annoying friend that he is, decided to ask you what was going on. "Hey, hyung. What is up with you and Wooyoung, really. And this time, no ignoring and changing subjects. We're your friends for fucks sake, we're here to help you, ya know?" San stated as he patted your shoulder, smiling reassuringly as he placed down his bowl on the coffee table.
Knowing you had no other choice and no chances of escaping San's curiosity, you sighed then nodded after taking another bite of the salad. "What I'm gonna tell you is quite shocking, so whatever you do, do not make any sound since Wooyoung's just inside the bedroom," you instructed the other two who nodded as they neared you, trying to hear your story even better. "Okay, remember when San told me about Wooyoung's birthday and that I didn't know?"
"Yeah," the two answered almost immediately, making you chuckle in your mind.
Then, you continued. "Well, just a day before his birthday, I decided to give him an advanced birthday gift, and it's quite not what you think of," you started, making the other two nod as they prompted you to continue. "I told him it could be anything and he took it literally. He asked me...if I could blow his dick."
You've whispered the last part which made Hongjoong and San lean closer. "What was the last part? I couldn't hear properly," Hongjoong stated as he scooted a little towards you, San doing the same.
You nibbled on your bottom lip before answering in a meek voice. "He asked if I could suck his dick...and so I did," you stated. You actually waited for a few seconds to see what their reactions would be and to your surprise, they did not do anything. If anything, they stayed there, seated in silence as they pondered, as if they were confused.
"Are you telling him?" Hongjoong asked San who shrugged, nudging the former who did the same. Now this made you even more curious. What is up? What's happening? Noticing your questioning face, Hongjoong looked at San before looking at you with a sigh. "I don't exactly know if you'll take this as a big deal, but that's exactly how Wooyoung and Haerin met. Haerin was just a random stranger Wooyoung saw in a bar."
You didn't exactly know why but it seemed like your head was now filled with anger. What right did you have though? Playing with you might've just been funny to Wooyoung, seeing how you've always been so compliant everytime he asked you. "Hyung?" San called out, snapping you out of your thoughts as you looked at the male who was frowning. "You good?"
"Of course. Why don't we finish the movie instead?" You stated, changing the subject as you placed your attention back on the TV.
It was now currently dark outside and you were still settled down on the couch. San and Hongjoong has left hours earlier after you've assured them that you'll be fine. The TV was now turned off, the screen black as you saw your own distraught face on it. You brushed a hand over your hair before looking at the bedroom door. Ever since Wooyoung entered there, he still hasn't exited the room.
Deciding to see what he was doing, you stood up from the couch then walked towards the bedroom, opening the door before walking inside. There you saw Wooyoung, half-naked, back turned to you as he styled his black hair in his vanity table. It seemed like he didn't notice your presence as he hummed to a sweet tune.
You were just about to call him when you saw his back and biceps, red scratches and purple marks. Ah, so he was with Haerin. I want to keep him to myself but I'm not in the position to do so. You thought. The purple marks were evident and were littered around his neck and shoulders, the claw marks on his back...it seemed like someone had enjoyed their session.
Hearing your own voice call his name made you flinch. You didn't exactly know where it came from, you were actually planning to just ignore him but I guess fate had other plans. The aforementioned stopped whatever he was doing and turned to look at you with a cold expression. You gulped, looking away from him before shaking your head. "I...uhm, you look good."
You cursed yourself in your mind, rolling your eyes before brushing off that awkward tension and sighed. Maybe there was something going on with the younger male that he just ignored you and looked back at his mirror. "Great, cool," you stated as you walked up to your bed, trying to hide the fact that you were hurt from seeing Wooyoung ignore you.
A little part inside you wanted to ask him of he was going somewhere, but your pride and ego got the best of you as you laid there in silence. You gulped, hearing him look through his clothes. He's probably going somewhere but where—
"Oh, Haerin?" Wooyoung suddenly spoke up after he answered his phone that started ringing, giving you the answer. He was going somewhere with his girlfriend. "Yeah, I'm sorry I lashed out on you earlier. Of course, yes. Don't worry, I said I'm the one buying, okay?"
With that, Wooyoung walked out of the bedroom and you were left in your bed, wondering what the hell are those two gonna do? Sighing, you tried to clear your mind and decided to have a good night's sleep.
The next morning, you woke up with a better day than expected. You actually thought it'd be sour considering how Wooyoung ignored you last night as if you were a complete ghost. Maybe he's just giving you a taste of your own medicine, you were doing the same thing to him weeks ago. "Oh, real mature," you muttered to yourself as you got up and decided to finally take a bath. You were too caught up with the whole 'Wooyoung' incident that you fell asleep without taking a shower so you felt pretty icky.
You walked up towards your dresser and got your bathrobe, getting your towel as well that was neatly hung on a hanger. Then, you set forth towards your bathroom and finally took a bath to somehow forget about Wooyoung and his little antics.
Calm music was playing from your phone as you readied the bathtub, placing a good amount of liquid bath soap inside as water filled the tub. As you waited, you hummed to the music while placing your towel on the hanger bar, along with your bathrobe.
As soon as the tub was finally filled enough with soapy water, you undressed yourself and dipped yourself inside the bathtub, sighing in satisfaction as you felt your tense muscles relax from the warm bath. You didn't exactly know why but your own mind began to wander back to Wooyoung.
You lowered yourself down, the water now reaching your mouth as you blushed at the memory of you sucking his dick. What was holding you back from accepting Wooyoung's feelings? Sure he was straight but he already proved that he did like you.
Frustrated, you dipped your head on the water to clear your thoughts as you shouted, masked by gurgling sounds that came from the water.
It was quite silent without Wooyoung in the premises. It's like the whole place was enveloped with nothing but pure silence, too deafening. It's quite ironic. You could only groan as you looked at the television and saw your own reflection, frowning when you saw how puffed your cheeks were. Although, Wooyoung really loved them.
"What the fuck?!" You whisper-shouted, eyes widening before you decided to slap yourself. You were just about to slap yourself when suddenly the door creaked open, hearing a small 'home' come from none other than the guy you were just thinking of.
Worried about his drunken state, you neared him and supported the ravenette towards the couch, the smell of his alcohol-breath making you cringe as you placed him down. "You're totally wasted. Who were you drinking with?" You asked the other male before grabbing a cushion for Wooyoung to put his head on, moving him so he was laying down on his side.
The other male just hummed as he snuggled towards the soft cushion, you sighing as you went towards the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water for Wooyoung to drink. Just as you turned to walk back towards the ravenette, his words caught you off-guard.
"Y-You're the reason..why we broke u-up..it's you," Wooyoung stated, cutting his sentence short before you felt your hands run cold as you dropped the glass. They..broke up? You thought, panic coursing through your veins. Haerin and Wooyoung broke up because of you? That doesn't seem right. Does she know? Did she find out?
Going into a state of panic, you bent down and picked up the broken shards, not caring if some of it dug into your skin and wounded you. You deserved to be hurt after you ruined what was supposed to be a long-term relationship.
You swallowed, not knowing what to do as you looked at the younger male who was now fast asleep. You bit your lip anxiously as you took out the first aid kit and tended to your wounds that begun to stung.
Feeling guilty, tears started dripping from your eyes as you used your unwounded hand to wipe away those salty tears. But there was no use. You can never bring back the past and tell Wooyoung 'no'.
When was the last time you and Wooyoung ever talked to each other? Was it already over a month? Because to the ravenette, it sure felt like it. You two barely even engaged in conversations, not even in the kitchen nor in the living room. Even before going to sleep. You'd just mutter a small 'good night' and that's it.
Okay, maybe it was his fault. He did ignore you when you were trying to talk to him, even going as far as mentioning Haerin in front of you after clouding your thoughts with his confession. You did talk once in a while but it was always because of fees and food, nothing else.
Wooyoung would love to talk to you but after what he did, he's pretty sure you'd grow distant. Maybe things would've been better if he had not confessed to you. "Wooyoung," San called towards the boy who immediately looked at the boy whose hair was now dyed pink. "Not to be a bitch or something, but what you did was a dick move."
Wooyoung rolled his eyes as he groaned, brushing his hands over his face. "I already know that. And you just had to tell him how Haerin and I met. It was different, okay? Hyung...M/N-hyung is different. He's unique. I was drunk when I asked Haerin, but I was totally sober when I asked hyung."
"I get what you're trying to say, Woo. But I also understand where M/N's going. I mean, you're straight and have probably fucked only girls in your life," Hongjoong stated as he stroked Seonghwa's silky hair, the boy sound asleep on his lap. "Just give him time."
The ravenette could only sigh as he slumped down on his seat, not exactly knowing how to reconcile with you. "Wait, wait. You like him? Like for real? Like, like like. You're not just in it for the blowjobs, right?" San asked the younger male who glared as his answer, the pink-haired male pursing his lips as he now fully know the answer.
"I'm not just 'in it' for the blowjobs. I don't know, I kinda just liked him. M/N-hyung's very kind and caring, but dismissive in some ways. I just want to keep him for myself. He's like a tiny, adorable boy that I want to keep in my pocket. It's not much of a reason, but I do like hyung. More than you can imagine," Wooyoung answered as he crossed his arms, a smile evident on his face. "I don't know how I developed feelings for him, but I do like him. He treated me like the way I wanted to, the treatment I deserved. Haerin...well, she's toxic."
San scoffed as he pointed at Wooyoung who raised a brow, the former suddenly remembering how the girl made him leave her house. Then, Hongjoong looked at the ravenette and chuckled. "Woo, I'm pretty sure M/N-hyung also likes you, he's just scared to admit it. He's fallen in love with various of men already and almost all of them were straight. I can still remember how he cried so much once after finding out his crush had a girlfriend."
Wooyoung could only nibble on his bottom lip as he thought of you, not wanting more but to just see you happy again. "I...I'll make things right with hyung. I don't care if he rejects me, I just need to tell him my most sincere feelings. I want to show him how genuine I am."
"Yeah, go get it!"
"That's the spirit."
Well, I guess you could say that it was easier said than done. The determined ravenette finally went back home to finally confess his feelings to you, but as he stood at the living room, he realized just how nervewracking this was. He could feel his hands become clammy, his mouth caught in a twist, and his tongue tied.
In the middle of the room, he stood there like a statue.
Although, it wasn't until later when you finally exited the bedroom, eyes focused on your phone as you went down towards the kitchen to grab some chips to eat, did he finally breathe. You had not even realized Wooyoung was there. The guy could just stand there as he watched you trudge towards the cupboard to grab some chips. But it was now or never.
"Hyung," he called out as he fiddled with his fingers, taking a step closer towards you, noticing how you stopped at that same spot, hands occupied with the chips and your phone. Taking that as a sign to continue, he added. "I know that my confession was out of place but all of it was true. I really do love you and it's no lie. I truly am genuine."
The ravenette took more steps closer as he watched your back slowly rise up then back down. "I was a jerk for doing this whole sexcapade when you knew I...was still in a relationship with Haerin. I've heard from Hongjoong-hyung about your past crushes, and although I'm straight...well, maybe. But, I promise you that I will never hurt you and I will protect you from everyone who tries to harm you, like you do with me."
With that, he finally took up the courage to finally stand directly behind you and smiled. "I don't care if you reject me...but I hope you don't. Fuck with what I said earlier, I just really want to be with you," he stated with a small pout, hugging you from behind which caught you by surprise as you broke free from the hug and turned to look at the male, removing the airpods that was attached to your ears. "Ah..."
"Wooyoung, what are you doing? When did you come home?" You immediately asked the other male whose eyes twitched in annoyance, now realizing he just confessed to the silent air and you have not heard a single word that he just said. "Hey, are you okay? I can call San and--"
"No! I...don't need San and Hongjoong-hyung. All I need right now is you, hyung," Wooyoung stated as he hugged you, your eyes growing wide as saucers as you stood there, not knowing what to do. "Hyung?"
You gulped. "B-But, Wooyoung-ah..aren't you angry? Because of me, you and Haerin broke up. I can still vaguely remember how you ignored me and told me the next day that I was the reason you two broke up," you questioned, making the ravenette raised a brow as he backed away and snapped his fingers.
"Oh, that. Well, I guess you misunderstood. I was drunk, and was pretty tired, I forgot to explain everything. Haerin didn't break up with me, I broke up with her because of you," he answered and you were just about to retort but Wooyoung stopped you. "Up, up. Let me continue. I broke up with her because I wanted to be with you. Because I like you," he added.
Pure shock was evident on your face as you looked up at the male, cheeks growing warmer as you looked into his eyes. His eyes held sincerity as he smiled, tears forming on the corner of your eyes before it began dripping down your cheeks as you sobbed quietly, placing your head on the younger male's chest. "You're such a bad guy."
"Nah, it was becoming quite toxic anyway. I did love her, but...guess her toxicity made me fall out of love for her. Don't worry about anything, okay? I'll be with you and be your support until we both die," Wooyoung stated, earning a chuckle from you as you sniffed and wiped your tears, the other male placing his hands on your cheeks as he raised your head, observing your sweet smile. "There it is."
"You're back again with your exaggerations. But, how do I know you're sincere and not lying?" You challenged the male who smirked as he trailed his hands down towards your waist, feeling shivers go down your spine as he did. "H-hey..."
The smirk on the ravenette's lips grew wider at your reaction before he leaned close towards your ear and whispered. "I don't do words. Why don't I show you instead?" Wooyoung stated as he placed a lingering kiss just below your earlobe, your cheeks going warmer at the sweet action. "Hm?"
In all honesty, you wanted to back out but you've wanted this for so long. You've always wanted Wooyoung so why were you planning to back out? Courageously, you placed a trembling hand on his crotch, massaging his already hard cock as your answer. "You...you're really a bad guy."
"If you say I am, then I am," Wooyoung whispered huskily into your ears, his kisses trailing down from your lobe then towards your neck. Every single spot that he kissed made your body tingle, as if bells were ringing in your ears.
A small whimper slipped past your lips as your hands found it's way on the younger's shirt, holding onto it tightly as if your life depended on it. "W-Wooyoung.." you called out to the ravenette, a smile adorning his lips at how cute your voice sounded.
The male was just about to speak when someone suddenly knocked on the door, interrupting you and Wooyoung to the latter's dismay. He groaned in annoyance before unlatching himself from you, you finding it funny as you moved away from the kitchen area and chuckled. "What a cock blocker," Wooyoung muttered as he watched you walk towards the door, following suit. You could still feel the heat that exuded from the other males cock on your palm, a small cheeky smile plastered on your lips.
Then, you looked through the peephole and saw that it was none other than Seonghwa who was carrying three boxes of chicken. You unlocked the door and finally opened it for the male to enter, smiling at him as a greeting. "Hey, Seonghwa. What brings you here?"
"Yeah, what he said," Wooyoung repeated, glaring at the year older male who just smiled before raising his right hand that carried the boxes. Raising a brow, he crossed his arms and pointed at the boxes. "You came here just for—"
Knowing Wooyoung, you slapped his arm before looking back at Seonghwa. The youngest amongst you three muttered a small 'ow' as he rubbed his arm to sooth the pain. "That's great! We haven't eaten yet. You can join us," you offered towards the other male as you opened the door widely for Seonghwa to enter. "Come in."
"Thanks," he stated as he entered the premises with a huge smile, Wooyoung wanting nothing but to finally kick him out just so he can finally have his alone time with you. "I hope I didn't interrupt anything."
Wooyoung scoffed and prompted to answer his question, but you stopped him by nudging his side with your forearm, the male rolling his eyes as you shook your head. "You didn't. I was just getting some chips and well, we reconciled. That's it—"
"Yeah, and I confessed to him. You were there earlier when I said I was going to," Wooyoung stated through gritted teeth, Seonghwa smiling smugly as he shrugged. "Stupid."
"Why don't we all eat? I'm hungry," you stated, taking the boxes of chicken then made your way towards the kitchen.
When Seonghwa and Wooyoung was finally alone, the former looked at the ravenette. "Woo, you just confessed and you're planning to fuck him the moment you do? Okay, what if he doubts your confession? Can't you just wait for about a month or so? Earn his trust, like that. You and hyung don't have to hurry things up."
With that, the male left Wooyoung on his own to ponder what Seonghwa just said. "Wooyoung, you good?" You called out to the said male who nodded as he neared you two, getting a plate and chopsticks to finally eat.
The whole time, you and Seonghwa engaged in a conversation but a certain ravenette was lost in his own thoughts. I do want to have sex with M/N-hyung, but would he think I'm going too fast if I fucked him the same day I confessed? Wooyoung thought to himself, nibbling on the chicken's cartilage.
"Are you going now?" Your voice had cut off Wooyoung's train of thoughts as he stopped nibbling, looking at you and Seonghwa, your plates filled with bones. Maybe he was too concentrated with his own business that he barely ate three pieces.
Seonghwa, smiling, nodded as he stood up from the chair. "Yeah, unfortunately. I had fun talking with you. Hongjoong and I are off to go on a date and you know him, impatient as ever. I have to be as punctual as I can," he explained.
You chuckled at his response, standing up from your seat and walked the male towards the door. "I'll see you next time, I guess," you stated, the other nodding as you opened the door, and he finally left the threshold.
After Seonghwa had left, the thought of you doubting Wooyoung's feelings still worried the ravenette. "Hyung, you know that I like you, right?" Wooyoung stated with raised brows as he watched you walk towards the table with a wide smile.
"I mean, yeah. You literally just told me hours ago," you answered, cleaning up your plates. Deciding to help, Wooyoung vacated his seat then sauntered towards you to assist you. "Is there something wrong? I noticed how you barely ate anything when you usually would. Are you feeling sick?"
Wooyoung sighed and shook his head, looking at you. "No, I'm not. It's just that, I really want to have sex with you, but I don't want you to think I'm not being serious with my feelings for you," the male stated, making you stop as blood began to rise up towards your cheeks, growing warm. "Jeez."
Taking in a deep breath, you looked up at Wooyoung and held his left hand with yours. "Okay, how about this. We can date or things for a whole month but no intercourse. Then, if you manage to still like me, we can hit it off. Sounds good?"
Although hesitant, the younger male nodded as he plastered a wary smile on his lips.
To Wooyoung, a whole month felt like a whole year. Although, it's almost two months in and you two still haven't had any kind of sexual intercourse. But the ravenette wanted to respect your decisions so he never asked you about this matter, having no choice but to depend solely on his favorite porn and his own hand.
Currently, Wooyoung was distracting himself by playing League of Legends, a pout evident on his face as he tapped and clicked away, muttering small curses whenever he attacked a champion. He was playing with San, Hongjoong, and Seonghwa who can clearly sense Wooyoung's frustration.
The three only laughed at the ravenette who flipped them off after taking down a champion. As he was recalling back, he heard the door open. "Calm down, buddy. What's got you riled up?"
There it was. There you were. The boy seeped air though his teeth before sighing, eyes focused on the game. "Nothing. Just wanted to win this game. Did you need something?"
Pursing your lips, you shook your head and placed a peck on the other's cheek. "Not exactly. I'm just really bored and I don't know what to do. Just wanted to talk to you or some sort," you answered, turning around to walk back to your bed, but a wild idea popped into your head.
Well, it's been a while and you did say that the younger male just had to wait 'for a month' and it's clearly past it's due, so you thought of doing something for the male. With a huge smirk, you neared him, hands trailing down from his neck to his forearm, the younger male shivering as every touch lingered. "Wh-what are you doing?" Wooyoung asked after turning his mic off, eyes still glued at the computer screen.
You hummed. "Rewarding you for being a good boy. You deserve this treatment, really," you answered in a sultry voice, somehow trying to seduce Wooyoung who gulped, not exactly knowing what you'll do next. "Just give in to me, and I promise you won't regret it."
Your, now, boyfriend nodded as he tapped away on his keyboard, trying to keep his focus on the game. Having a clue of what you would do, Wooyoung scooted a little farther back from his computer desk, giving you some space to crouch down. "Wow, I haven't told you what I was planning, but you surely know what I'd do. What a pervert."
Wooyoung surely never considered degradation as a kink, but now he did, judging by how his hardening cock twitched inside his pants. "J-just get on with it, please," he pleaded, wanting to free his aching cock from its restraints.
"Chill, buddy. I'll get to that soon," you stated, and by soon, you mean now. You crouched down and moved towards the space Wooyoung oh-so kindly offered, the other male blushing as your hands rests on top of his thighs. "Would you look at that? You're already as hard as a rock."
The male above you could only whine as he 'purposely' died, making the other three shout at him. Wooyoung looked down at you with soft eyes, the red tint that appeared on his cheeks became even more visible. "I can't help it when you're so enticing. This...is the first time I got to see this side of you."
You tilted your head to the side before sitting up straight, indian style. "You'll be seeing more of this from now," you stated in a mocking tone, the other male about to retort but his chosen champion has respawned. "Don't worry about me. Worry on your game."
The teasing tone that came from your words surely didn't came unnoticed. Once the ravenette went back to his game, you began to fumble with his sweatpants, your languid movements making him bite his lip. "Fuck..."
"Aren't you gonna turn your mic on?" Your voice echoed through Wooyoung's ears, and he knew you were up to something...and he sure liked it. "I'm pretty sure the other three are waiting for you."
Realizing you were right, the younger male turned the mic on. "Hey...s-sorry about that. I was talking with M/N," he stated, forgetting about the formalities since you told him to. "I'll go follow San—" just at the right moment, you held onto the male's waistband and pulled it down. "—ah shit!"
"Wooyoung, you good?" San asked through his mic, his voice coming from the speakers.
Now with his pants down, you began palming him through his boxers, the evident bulge making your eyes shine as you used both hands to squeeze over it. "It's been long since we've last met, buddy," you said, talking to his cock as if it would reply back.
Wooyoung gulped as he nodded, responding with a small 'yes' before focusing back on the game. San seemed to have bit the excuse as he hummed and recalled back to heal.
The poor male's hands started to shake as you slowly pulled down his black-colored boxers, the male hissing slightly as cold air hit his, now, exposed cock. "Oh god," he muttered to himself as he instinctively bucked into you.
"No. You are not gonna move your hips until I tell you to. Leave everything to me, and why don't you focus on your game," you whispered, the other male just whining as he began to play his game again. You smirked, using your right hand to wank off his cock that stood proudly, the male letting out a choked tone as he clicked a wrong button, failing to help San whose champion died. "Tehee."
With that, you finally engulfed the tip of his huge cock into your mouth, using your tongue to lick at the slit. You began to suck on the tip which you knew was Wooyoung's most sensitive part. The male's thighs began to tremble as he held the mouse tightly, a moan threatening to escape his lips. "M-M/N..."
"Oh, M/N's there?" Hongjoong asked Wooyoung who hummed in response, the former acknowledging your presece with a 'hello'. The red-haired male heard a hum from you, failing to notice how Wooyoung shook in his seat at the vibrations.
Having had enough of teasing the younger male, you slowlu took a few more inches into your mouth, Wooyoung sighing in satisfaction as he somehow relaxed in his seat. But you had other plans. "Hongjoong-hyung, can you help me kill the Baron N—AHH!"
The sudden shriek that originated from Wooyoung made the other three male chuckle, whilst you chuckled internally as you professionally took all of his cock inside your mouth, deepthroating him.
Those few days of training in the past with Wooyoung surely did help. You let your throat and jaw relax as you swallowed around his cock, the ravenette's body already trembling at the pleasure. You could feel the tip of his cock at the back of your throat.
"What the heck, Wooyoung? Are you good there? You've been quite uneasy," Seonghwa asked as he and Hongjoong killed the Baron Nasher instead, seeing as how Wooyoung seemed to be distracted.
Looking down at you slightly, you just smiled innocently as if his cock wasn't buried deep down your throat. The male gulped before looking back at his computer screen, and at the exact time, you pulled your head back, hallowing your cheeks as you did. "Oh god," Wooyoung muttered. "Uhm, let's finish this a-as soon as po—ah—possible. M/N and I are fighting—nghh!"
Among the three, San had a gist of what was happening to the ravenette. "Yeah, yeah. We got you, buddy. I'm sure it's quite near finished," he answered, smirking at his double-meaning statement.
Back to you, you were focused on pleasuring the other male, sucking on his cock like a vaccuum, the other male letrgn out struggled groans as his toes curled beneath you. Wooyoung could not do anything but grit his teeth as he tried to focus on the game, but it was so hard when you were sucking him good.
Feeling yourself become hard, you began grinding yourself on his foot. The sensitivity on your own cock has made you whimper as you pulled your head back and removed his cock from your mouth with a 'pop', using your hand to jerk off his saliva-coated cock. "Feels good, ain't it? Isn't this the kind of thing you always watch on your favorite porn? A girl sucking the guy's cock while he played? Hm?"
The male nodded as an answer, now fully focused as he was now one step away to victory. You were smirking so wildly, unaware of what was to come once his game finishes in a victory. And as he expected, the computer screen showed a 'victory' logo.
Wooyoung then turned the mic off and scooted away from you, taking you by surprise as you unexpectedly whined at the loss of his cock and his foot on your crotch. "Had fun, kitten?"
At his words, the ounce of dominance that you once had started crumbling down as you chuckled nervously and knelt down, sitting on your heels as you placed your hands on your lap. "I-I just wanted to help you. That is all," you lied but you knew better not to, when Wooyoung always saw through your lies. "Fine, I missed sucking your cock. Happy?"
The younger male smiled smugly, sitting down comfortably in his seat as he showed off his still fully exposed cock. "Well, it won't suck itself, babe. Why don't you come here and satisfy your boyfriend, hm?" He coaxed, making your cheeks warm up as you crawled towards him, settling yourself in between his muscular thighs. "You're such a good kitten. I might have to reward you later. Sounds good?"
You surely didn't know what the reward was but it sure as hell made you excited as you placed your hands on his thigh, gulping once as you stared at his throbbing cock. "I...it looks good," you said unconsciously, taking a hold of his dick which made Wooyoung hiss silently as he placed a hand on your hair. "Can I?"
"Go ahead, sweetie. No one's stopping you," he answered with a soft smile, making you smile as well...unbeknownst to the plan Wooyoung had in store for you. You immediately wrapped your lips around the tip of his cock, using your tongue to lap at the slit that leaked pre-cum before using your wet muscle to swipe along the underside of his cock as you slowly took a few inches into your mouth, using a free hand to jerk the inches you couldn't fit in your mouth.
You hummed at the taste of his cock on your tongue, the vibration made the other male groan in a low voice, using a hand to thread against your (H/C) hair, eyes focusing on you. "Fuck, having you here, sucking on my cock like a needy bitch. It feels like a celebration," he joked, chuckling in a raspy tone. His cock was halfway inside your mouth when you looked up at the male who smiled proudly, loving the way your lips were perfectly wrapped around his huge cock.
Wooyoung maintained eye contact as you slowly took more inches in, sucking noises originating from your lips as you did. The ravenette could only groan as he pulled your head back, making you yelp as you instinctively held onto his thighs. "Woo? What's wrong?"
"Acting innocent are we, M/N? Stop teasing and suck my cock properly," Wooyoung stated, jaw clenching as he held his cock and used it to slap your cheek lightly, the action making you hum as you opened your mouth and turned your head to finally suck on his cock.
Doing as you were told, you began to suck his dick at pace you could handle, hallowing your cheeks as you bobbed your head up then back down, only reaching half his cock. You jerked off the parts you hadn't fit in your mouth as you lay your tongue flat along the underside of his cock.
Every time you went back up, you stopped at the tip to suckle on it, using your tongue to add more pleasure and it never failed to amaze Wooyoung how much he had taught you. "You're quite a good learner, kitten," he stated before a grunt left his mouth as you repeated your actions.
You pulled his cock from your mouth and began to nip at the skin on the side of his cock, using your tongue to wipe along an evident vein that throbbed, making the male grunt as he held your hair tightly. But this time, he wasn't playing games. "Hey, wanna know something that can make me feel even more satisfied?" Wooyoung asked as you looked up at him, a hand holding onto his cock as you perked your eyebrows.
"There is?" You questioned the other male who nodded, which you responded with a small smile. "Alright."
With that, Wooyoung placed a hand down to your left cheek, caressing it before placing his thumb inside your mouth to press it against your wet tongue. "Hm, this thing feels empty. I can fill it for you," he stated as he, without any warning, pulled your tongue out lightly, making you flinch as you felt your own dick twitch inside your pants. "Keep your tongue out."
Nodding, you did as told, sticking your tongue out for the younger male's own pleasure who retracted his hands from you. "I don't see how this will work," you spluttered, tongue still out before Wooyoung instructed you to be quiet with a simple 'hush'. And you did.
Before you could even think of anything else, his heavy cock was now placed on top of your tongue, tip past your lips. "Trust me, sweetie. This will work," he stated, licking his lips as he placed his hands back on your smooth hair. "Breathe through your nose. You know the gist."
He didn't even give you time to process anything that he had said before he fully inserted his cock inside your mouth, tip reaching the back of your throat as you gagged out of reflex. "Fuuuck~, your mouth is still the same as ever," he muttered to himself as he had his head tilted to the left, looking down at your state, your hands on his thighs as tears welled in your eyes. "Relax, kitten."
Knowing Wooyoung, you immediately let your throat relax before you began swallowing around his cock. The male grunted before he took a tight grip on your (straight/curly) locks before he started to ravish your throat with his cock, loud 'gwark'ing noises echoed throughout the whole room as he thrusted.
Your still hard cock ached in it's cage, wanting to be released from it's restraints. As Wooyoung continued to fuck your mouth, you undid your pants and pulled down your briefs then began to jerk yourself off. Noticing how your muffled moans began to grow louder, the male looked down at you before he gritted his teeth.
Wooyoung pulled his cock back before slamming back into your mouth, making you gag as you widened your eyes, tears pricking at the corners. Your nose was completely buried in his bushy hair that Wooyoung liked to groom once in a while, but looking at you like this just turned him on even more. "Fuck, you're so hot. Does my boyfriend need more attention on his cock?"
The younger male's teasing made you whimper as you responded with a nod. "That's too bad. Remove your hand from your dick and don't ever touch it until I tell you to, got that?" Wooyoung instructed as you complied, smiling proudly at your obedience. "Good pet."
It only took him a second before he went back to fucking your face, pushing his cock down your throat just to see your nose buried in his kempt pubes. "Holy shit, that expression makes you look even sexier," he complimented, warmth enveloping your cheeks as tears slowly slid down from your eyes.
Wooyoung kept on going, while you were there, kneeling on the ground with no means of friction. You wanted to jerk off but you didn't want the male to get mad at you. At the same time, you wanted to test his patience but decided otherwise.
Suddenly, Wooyoung's pace began to gradually pace up as he chased his own release, not even caring if your throat would hurt after this (which obviously would). The male let out raspy grunts as he held your hair tightly, thrusting his hips harshly onto your face as his muscles tensed. "Fuck, fuck. I'm close, M/N," he announced.
You hallowed your cheeks and began to suck on his cock like a vacuum, making him moan loudly as he curled his toes, head pushed back as his pace never faltered. His chest heaved up and down as he let out a few more cusses before his thrusts started to grow sloppy, indicating that he was near his climax. "Oh shit, oh shit! Oh my—fuck! Shit! Close, close!"
The male whined quite needily as he looked down at your state, eyes teary with your lips perfectly wrapped his dick, drool mixed with his pre-cum dripping down the corners of your lips. Wooyoung's hips began to jerk in a clumsy manner before he yelled out. "GAH! FUCK! I'M CUMMING, I'M CUMMING!" He exclaimed, making you cum unexpectedly as you closed your eyes shut.
Wooyoung's cockhead began to gush out semen into your throat, you having no choice but to swallow it. As thick ropes of cum came from his cock, you slowly pulled your head back and stopped at the tip, using your mouth and tongue to suck out every drop from his cock. The younger male obviously closed his eyes in pleasure as he let out a small 'ooh', thighs trembling, loving the way you sucked his cock dry as if your life depended on it.
Upon reaching the end of it, you pulled his cock off your mouth with a 'pop' as you looked up at Wooyoung and smiled, innocently as if you just did something angelic. You cleaned yourself up, using some tissues to wipe away the mess you've made at the floor. "I learned that technique after watching the video San showed me last week—"
"He what?!" Wooyoung shouted, eyes wide as saucers. The daze that had clouded his mind was now gone upon hearing what you had just said. "San showed you...a video? A porn video? Hyung, what were you and San doing?"
Sensing his jealousy, you chuckled and decided to take the initiative to clean him up. You pulled his boxers back up and then his sweats before standing up and settling yourself down on his lap, his arms immediately finding its way onto your waist to hold you still. "Don't be jealous of San, Wooyoung. He just showed me a vid, that's it. He told me that you and him used to jerk off to that video when you and I still haven't met," you answered. The younger male visibly pouted before you placed a sweet kiss on his forehead, smiling soon after as you held his cheeks. "I love you. You know that, right?"
"I think we both know that we love each other," Wooyoung stated as he chuckled, eyes landing on your lips. "I want to kiss you," he said, eyes looking up at you, making you roll your eyes as you scoffed.
You looked down at him. "You literally just said how we both love each other and you're still asking for my permission? You can kiss me all you want, like a thousand or million times and I won't even complain," you answered, the male huffing through his at your answer.
The male leaned towards you slowly, before he planted his lips on yours, closing his eyes as he basked in the softness of your lips. You did the same and pulled him closer towards you, wanting to kiss him more. Wooyoung felt the shy tug from you which in return, he replied with his tongue swiping along your bottom lip.
Feeling your cheeks warm up, you opened your mouth hesitantly before you felt his tongue enter. You gripped on his shirt as you kissed back. Wooyoung could taste himself on your mouth, but he could care less. All he's ever wanted was to kiss you, to feel your lips against his and now it's finally happening. You hummed at the feeling of his tongue presses on yours, the ravenette moving his tongue expertly to satisfy you.
The male sucked your tongue, making you moan as he began playing with the wet muscle, swirling his own against yours. Your salivas mixed together as he cupped your cheeks and pulled you closer, moving his head to get a better angle before you two were now full-on making out.
This was new to both you and Wooyoung. New to you since you've never been in a relationship and have never kissed anyone. As for Wooyoung, he's never dated a guy before. It was all brand new, but it felt like you two already knew each others good spot.
Feeling your lungs dry out, you pulled away from the kiss with a small whimper, tongues connected with a string of saliva connected to each other. You both opened your eyes at the same time, smiling to each other before the younger male used his thumb to wipe your lips. You thought that that was his sign that this was over, but Wooyoung began trailing kisses down your jaw to your neck, making you gasp as you placed your hands on his hair, pulling him closer towards you in a desperate manner. "W-Woo.."
"Hm? You're hard again. Does a simple makeout session make you react like this? Damn, who knew you were this cute," Wooyoung stated as he began nipping at your skin, the action making you whimper as you held his hair tightly. "Only I get to see you like this."
You nodded eagerly before the younger male smiled, beginning to suck on your soft skin as he created hickies, biting down every once in a while to create marks that showed you you were his and no one else's. Gulping, you hoped Wooyoung continued to the next step but what he did confused you.
The younger male stopped and pulled your hands away from his hair lightly, smiling up at you. "That felt good. Thank you for that reward," he joked but it only made you confuse...which made you question him.
"Aren't we gonna fuck?"
Now, this was one of those times that makes you regret your impulsiveness. As if your mouth had a life on it's own. The shock on Wooyoung's face was evident as he just sat there, looking up at you with eyes widened and brows perked. You just blinked a few times before you felt your cheeks become warm, looking away in embarrassment. "Oh, kitten. What's there to be shy about? You can just ask me to have sex and I would comply. I'm just scared I'll hurt you."
You pouted at his concerned words, but you knew that you wanted him. You needed him. "I know you won't, Woo. I trust you, and isn't there something called 'foreplay'? Like how you stretch out—"
Your words became muffled as Wooyoung blushed uncontrollably red, covering your mouth as his ears glowed red. "How can you say that while still looking so angelic? You're seducing me in your own cute ways," he stated, huffing soon after before you removed his hands from your mouth and leaned closer, kissing his ears.
"Don't you want me?" You whispered to his ear, the male feeling all the ends of his hair stand up at your raspy voice. You sat back up and used your index to trail along his prominent collarbone. "Do you? 'Cause I do. Besides, I'm still hard after you kissed me. Shouldn't you take responsibility for it?"
You really were so enticing to the male's eyes and he loved this side of you. He just liked your usual self even better. "You don't know what you're getting yourself into, M/N," he threatened but you just chuckled as you pulled your shirt off of you, making the other male's eyes twinkle as he stared at your body. "I..."
"I think I know. And I want it," you stated in a sultry-like voice before the male placed his hands on your bum, standing up from his desk before dropping you down lightly onto his own bed. "Wow, what a strong boy. Yes, sir," you meowed, making the male hard again (which he already was minutes ago).
"What will happen to you is not my fault, alright?" Wooyoung stated and you just replied with a cute nod, raising your hands to clung it over his neck to pull him towards you. "Wh-what—"
You rolled your eyes and chuckled. "Stop being a worry wart. I can tell you to stop if I get hurt or if things get too intense to my liking, although... you don't need to stop even if I tell you to, okay?" You instructed, the younger male looking at you in doubt but he sighed and nodded anyway. "Good."
Wooyoung removed your arms from his neck and got up to walk towards his night stand, opening his drawer as he grabbed a bottle of lube and a condom. "I have to stretch you out first before I enter your ass. It might hurt a little at the start," he stated as he, turned to look at you. "Now, why don't you strip for me, hm?"
You nodded in compliance before getting up and removed your undergarments, laying back down on the younger male's soft sheets, your back faced towards him. "I'm too...ashamed."
"Ashamed? Why would you be? You're doing a great job, kitten," Wooyoung replied as you felt the bed dip, making it known that the other male was seated at the edge of the bed. "Should we stop?"
"No! I-I mean, no...but," you sighed as you turned your head slightly to look at the male. "This is your first time seeing a man stark naked in front of you and I'm—"
Wooyoung immediately took you by surprise as he leaned down and shut you up with a kiss to your lips. It was just a simple, passionate kiss but it's got your cock twitching. The ravenette pulled away as he stared down at you. "M/N, there's always a first to everything. I honestly don't care if you're a man or a woman, all I care about is that it's you...but a part of me is glad you're a boy."
Now, that last statement made you squeak as you looked up at him. "What do you mean?"
"I don't exactly know. But I guess it has to do with the fact that you understand me more, more than anyone else in this world. You know me like the back of your hand," he stated before he engulfed in a warm embrace, smiling before kissing your left temple. "I love you, M/N."
You felt your cheeks become warm as you smiled coyly, hugging him back. "I love you too, Wooyoung," you stated as the other male pulled back and laid you back on the bed, but this time with your front exposed to him. The male could only stare at your beauty as he trailed his hands along your thigh, making you shiver as you placed your hands on your chest and stomach. "W-Woo.."
"Alright, alright," he responded before popping the lube's bottle cap open then applied a good amount of it onto your ass, the coldness making you whimper. Wooyoung opened the condom packet before inserting it onto his index and middle finger. "I'll start."
With his words, you nodded and looked at him, the male fully concentrated as he prodded his finger against your puckered hole. What you said next probably shocked Wooyoung, which you noticed. "I...stretched myself out a little bit earlier after I took a bath. You can insert your fingers now."
"Fuck, you really are something, hyung," Wooyoung stated as he unexpectedly thrusted his fingers inside your hole, making you gasp as you planted your hands onto the sheets and gripped it tightly. "What a tight little hole. Your already sucking my fingers in."
You looked away in embarrassment as you scoffed. "B-Because it's you," you muttered, before you felt a wet object lick at the base of your cock. With wide eyes, you looked down and was shocked to see the ravenette getting ready to engulf your dick into his mouth. "Woo—gah~mhm.." you could only moan as Wooyoung inserted your length into his warm mouth, all the while sliding his fingers into your hole.
"You don't have to do that," you called out before Wooyoung shook his head and began bobbing his head on your cock, making you moan as you placed your hands onto his hair. "F-Fuck, oh my god! Wooyounng~"
Hearing you moan out his name like that fueled his passion as he laid his tongue flat against the underside of your cock and began to suck your dick like how you did with his, all the while stretching your ass out. The younger male closed his eyes once he felt your hands grip his hair tightly with a loud moan. "Wooyoung-ah, so goood~!Wooyoung moaned once you pulled on his hair, the vibrations sending goosebumps to your skin. "Oh god, oh no," you stated as without any more second, came in his mouth. "Oh fuck! Fuck! So good, so gooood~!" You stated, the other male sucking on the tip which made you spasm, toes curling.
Without second-thinking, the ravenette swallowed your cum and removed his mouth frm your cock, making you whine. "Didn't expect you to cum that instantly. Did my mouth feel that good?" He asked you, fingers stopping before he smirked once you responded with a nod. "Focus on my fingers now."
The ravenetted began to thrust his fingers inside your hole in a slow pace, making you whimper every once in a while as you closed your eyes shut and bit your lips to silence your moans. "Mmh.." you moaned quietly, making Wooyoung huff as he placed your legs on top of his shoulder, pushing back until you were half-bent. You were even surprised of your own flexibility.
"Oh shit, you're this flexible? Imagine the different kinds of position we could try," he stated with a teasing smirk, clouding your mind with thoughts of him fucking you until daylight.
"Hey, what are you thinking?" Wooyoung called for your attention as he stretched your hole out, doing a scissoring motion with his finger which made you gasp and automatically wrap your arms around his neck. "That's right. Stop thinking and focus on my fingers, M/N."
Wooyoung continued to fuck your hole with his finger, angling his finger to try and find that one spot he heard from Hongjoong and Seonghwa (who has told him and San a lot about their sexcapades).
But not wanting to make you go soft, he continued to slowly insert his fingers which made you whine in protest. "Wooyoung-ah, fa—AGH! Oh my god!" You exclaimed, once the said male pressed against a spot. Found it. Wooyoung thought before he stopped at that point and relentlessly used his fingers to press his fingers onto it. "Ghh..Wooo~! Mmh...hah."
The constant abuse has made you see stars, your back arching forward as you pushed your head back, toes curling as your opened mouth emitted nothing but sweet moans. "Feels good, ain't it? It's your prostate, sweetie," Wooyoung stated before increasing his pace, making you groan softly.
"Wooyoung, oh my god. F-fuck! Fuck, oh god, no," you blabbered, eyes now hazed in pleasure as you looked up at the ceiling, feeling nothing but pleasure. You were just about to continue when Wooyoung began fastening his fingers' pace, making you moan loudly at the sudden motion. "Nooo! You're hitting it again! You're hitting it alwayyss~!"
The ravenette could only smirk as he inserted another finger into your hole, to fully stretch you out. "How does this feel, kitten?"
"Can't you just fuck me already? I don't want your fingers, I want your dick inside me, please," you begged, eyes filled with tears as you looked up at the male. The said male obviously stopped before suddenly removing his fingers out of you which got you whimpering. The other male removed your hands from his neck and disposed of the used condom. He was just about to get another one but you whined. "I want to feel your cock inside me, not some plastic," you complained.
Wooyoung looked at you before closing his drawer shut and towered over you, still fully clothed. "Fuck, you're just so hot. Too sexy," he stated as he pulled back and began stripping himself, now you two were fully naked in his bed.
To start up the mood, Wooyoung placed your legs around his waist, his cock resting against yours. The ravenette slowly leaned yowards you before snatching your lips into a heated kiss. Your lips smacked and heads moved in sync. Your tongues mixed with each other as you held onto Wooyoung's black locks, gripping it tightly to bring him closer to you until your teeths began clashing with each other.
Wooyoung pulled away and stared at your messed up state, skin littered with hickies and bite marks. All he ever wanted now was to just fuck you. With a sigh, Wooyoung lined his cock along the entrance of your hole, making you whimper softly, biting your bottom lip. "I'm gonna enter now, M/N."
You nodded as to say that you were ready. With that answer, he slowly inserted the tip of his cock into your puckered hole, you grtting your teeth at the unfamiliar stretch whilst Wooyoung groaned at your tight walls, engulfing his cock in satisfying warmth. "Ah..h-hurts.."
Wooyoung stopped, looking at you worriedly as he bit the bottom of his lips. "I'm sorry, M/N. I'll go in more slowly as to not hurt you," he stated reassuringly, you replying with a nod as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "That's it, sweetie. Hold onto me tightly," he stated before he planted his lips onto yours, kissing you with fervor to somehow distract you from the pain.
Slowly, Wooyoung inserted his cock into your hoe, making you whimper once in a while, but the ravenette did his best to distract you from the pain. Swiping his tongue along your plush lip, you reluctantly opened your mouth before you felt Wooyoung's tongue enter past your lips as he sucked in your tongue. "Mmh.." you moaned, hands finding their way onto his hair.
Inch by inch, Wooyoung tried to insert all of his length inside your velvety walls, and kissing you was a successful distraction as he now had his entire cock buried in the depths of your hole. "Fuck, so tight," he groaned after he pulled away from the kiss and looked down at you, your eyes teary and lips almost red as apples. "Shit, M/N. I want to fuck your hole already."
Wooyoung's impatience has you smiling before you locked him in place, wrapping your legs around his waist. "Y-You can move now," you instructed, the other male sighing as he finally began to move his hips in a slow pace. "A-Ah. Fuck.." you moaned, hands scratching his toned back as he attacked your neck with hickies and butterfly kisses, muttering sweet nothings.
Just then, the tip of his cock brushed against a certain spot inside you that made you shout at the pleasure it gave you, as if electricity coursed through your whole body. Smirking, Wooyoung stopped and began abusing that spot, brushing his cock along that spot. And he was right, he had found your g-spot, your prostate.
You moaned uncontrollably as you began to see stars, the constant pressure on your prostated making you throw your head back. "Ah ha, I see. I've found your good spot, huh? Well, that's convenient," Wooyoung teased you, mocking you with formality before he pulled his cock out until only the tip was left then slammed back in, making you scream out at the searing pleasure. "Shit, the sounds that come out of your mouth makes it hard for me to hold back."
"Wooyoung...faster, fuck me harder, please," you begged the other male who knelt back up and removed your legs from his waist, holding the back of your knees and placed them on his shoulders. Gulping, you watched the other male carefully to see what he would do next.
Realizing he wasn't moving, you rutted your hips against his which made him heave out a pleasured sigh, brushing his hair back before he leaned down towards you, bending you in half before thrusting into your hole at an agonizingly slow pace. Wooyoung wanted to spend his time to bask in the warmth of your tight walls on his dick, but you were growing impatient, whispering out pleas and whimpers, yet the ravenette ignored them.
You could feel each inch of his cock enter and exit your hole, the build-up in your stomach making you whine as you tried to fuck yourself onto the other male's cock. Wooyoung was only teasing you, to test and see if you'd beg to let him fuck you harder. He wanted to see you beg. "Your ass feels so fuckin' good, M/N. Want to warm me up?"
Confused, you huffed out and looked up at the male with a small frown. "W-Warm? You up? You mean, warming your dick?" You asked the other male who chuckled, nodding which in result, got a whine from you. "I didn't do this for nothing. I don't want to sit on your cock and warm it up! I...I want you to fuck me, please."
Wooyoung raised a brow before he shrugged, making you whimper. "I know you can do better than that—"
"Just please fuck me! Wooyoung, I need your cock moving inside me! Make me dumb with your cock! Is that what you wanted to hear?! Then what? Want me to beg for you to make me cu—AHHHH! OH MY GOD!" You shouted, throwing your head back as you dug your nails harder into the younger male's back who suddenly slammed his cock inside you. "It's growing bigger! W-Woo, why..?"
Wooyoung looked at you with a mischievous smirk before he placed a hand around your throat and pressed lightly, making you gasp bfore his thrust gradually increased. "You really don't know when to shut up, do you? I just asked you to beg, and you can't even do that for your boyfriend? You good-for-nothing slut."
You were supposed to feel bad about what he said, but something in you has got your cock twitching at his degrading words. Your cock swinged lowly against your stomach as pre-cum oozed from the tip of it. "G-gh.." you gritted, toes curling as Wooyoung played with your prostate, then began to fuck your hole again. "Agh..ha..Youngie.."
"Got nothing to say now, do you? Now that I'm impaling you with my cock, are you satisfied? I know you aren't. Want me to fuck you until your hole takes the shape of my cock, hm?" Wooyoung stated, looking down at your stomach to gaze at the bulge that appeared every time he speared you with his huge length. Pressing down on it, the ravenette chuckled evilly as he heard you gasp, legs now spasming as you laid your hands back down in the sheets, clenching onto it tightly.
Your head was beginning to go hazy and pleasure began to course through your whole system. "Oh no, oh shit! Fuuuuck~so good! Mm.." You moaned out toes curling at the pleasure before Wooyoung pressed his hand on your neck harder whilst gritting his teeth. You found it hard to breathe as the male blocked your airway. As he did, his pace increased to a faster one, making you throw your head back as you rolled your eyes to the back of your head, letting out struggled koans and a few gasps.
"I asked a question, didn't I? Did I or did I not?!" Wooyoung shouted as he thrusted hard onto your hole, making you clench the sheets tighter and, without a warning, came on both your stomachs. Although, you did, Wooyoung's pace never faltered.
You whimpered and looked at the youngr male. "Yes! F-Fuck my hole..mnghh..ah! Woo, s-slow dow—AHHH!" You gasped out loud, finding it hard to find more words as Wooyoung used both his hands to choke you. Your toes curled as your thighs trembled at the overstimulation, body twitching every once in a while everytime the tip of his cock hit your stomach or your prostate. "Woooyouung~!" You managed to let out.
Drool began to drip down the corners of your mouth as you smiled lewdly, enticing Wooyoung even more. "You sure ejaculate prematurely. Is it because you're a first timer or am I just making you feel too good?" Wooyoung asked and only received a chain of moans. Annoyed, he removed his hands from your throat then used one hand to slap your right cheek. The action made you scream as tears slowly trailed down your cheeks. "Ha. I just realized I made you cum with just my cock. Hm, wonder if you can do that for a few more times?"
"I...too gooddd..too much! Oh god," you muttered, trying to push him away by his navel but it was no use as you laid there on the bed limply as Wooyoung fucked you as if you were nothing, but a rag doll. "Kgh..nmmmh! AHHH! It feels soo good! I want you to stop, but it feels sooo goood, hahh," you stated, hearts practically replacing your irises as you felt your body submit to the pleasure. "Oh god! Cumming! Cumming!"
With that, you came again with a loud moan, eys rolled back as you arched your back at the constant pleasure. You've already came thrice but it seems like the younger male has still yet to come. "Fuck, this is so boring. You've already came a lot, and I still haven't. You're such a downgrade slut," Wooyoung stated, the words making your ears tingle...in a good way. "We ain't stopping until I get to cum," he announced, making you groan as your soft dick began to grow erect once more. "See? Your body's liking this."
You just nodded weakly before Wooyoung has his cock buried in your deeper, making you open your eyes widely as you planted your hands onto his arm, clawing at it. "Fuck! Woooooo!" You moaned out, arching your back as you let out a series of cusses, shouting out the younger male's name like a mantra.
Letting out a heavy sigh, Wooyoung began thrusting into your ass at an animalistic pace as he began to chase his high themat grew nearer ecah thrust. "Shit, shit. Oh fuck, fuck! Holy fu—M/N! I'm close! Oh god! Fuckfuckfuck! GAHH!" Wooyoung gritted his teeth as his hips slammed imto your ass, making your toes curl as your thighs trembled, clenching his cock with your hole that squeezed the cum out of him. "Shit! Cumming! I'm cumming!"
With that, Wooyoung let out a shaky breath as he came inside your hole whilst you came for the fourth time again in your stomach. Wooyoung threw his head back, before thrusting into your hole again, making you whimper as he fucked his semen back into your hole. "Woo.."
"Fuck, I can't stop cummin'! You feel so good, so goodd!" Wooyoung exclaimed as he hips stuttered, thick cum filling you to the brim. Ropes of semen flew out from his cock, too much that some had dripped down the crack of your ass then onto the younger male's sheets.
As he came, his thrust were relentless, making you cry out as tears began to flood your eyes. "Oohh! Woooyoungg!"
You don't know what would happened next, but you were certain that all of this wasn't over. Judging by the lustful look on Wooyoung's eyes as he fucked you full of his baby batter.
Slowly, you woke up, feeling two strong arms locking you in place. "Wooyoung, I have to clean up," you chuckled, ignoring the numbness you felt on your legs and your sore ass. "Wake up, sleepyhead. You have to carry me to the bathroom. I can't feel my legs."
Wooyoung groaned as he pulled you closer towards him. "I already cleaned you up when you were asleep," he stated, opening his eyes slightly to look at you before closing them back again and smiled, taking in the warmth you two exuded. "Making me wait for a whole month was worth it. I got to release a ton loads of cum—"
"Yeah, I get it. I think it was better when you were still asleep," you teased, booping his nose as you placed your hands around his body, hugging him closer as your naked bodies touched each other. "I still can't believe we're already a couple.."
Wooyoung chuckled as he opened his eyes and stared down at you, cradling your face in his palms. "Well, best believe it, M/N. I'm pretty sure we've still got more days to celebrate together...and a whole lot of steamy sessions," he stated, making you roll your eyes and kissed his chin. "Hey, my lips are over here."
With that, you two bursted out laughing and exchanged glances, smiling to each other. "I love you, Wooyoung," you stated before placing a small kiss onto his lips.
"And I love you more. To the moon and back."
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