#five hargreev x gn reader
self-hater-17-0 · 1 year
Ig y/n point of view??? Idk sorry it's my first time doing this and wanted to do it before I forgot
[When five was injured in season 1 and they take him to grace and there ig infirmary, five woke up and once the siblings end up leaving five and y/n or m/n r alone together]
Yn/ m/n: ...yk when a massive star runs out of fuel, the force of gravity causes it to collapse on itself and explode. the stars remains r fired across the galaxy, at a speed of 40,000km per second, entire galaxies r outshines by the death of one star, called a super Nova
*takes a deep shakey breath before continuing still looking at the floor*
Y/n m/n: the death of u and ur health stary is more important then the end of the world to me
*the silence fills the room for a moment as he processes this cut off by us once again*
Y/n m/n: well u need more sleep so sleep some more and ists I will kill u if u dare not at least try, mental and physical rest matter dimwit
*with a flick of there fingers to fives forhead they exit the room, after processing they end up stressing thinking they said to much and that maybe there crush on five was now way to obvious to him, making them scared of rejection or what he might say later If he even acknowledges it at all that is, eventually passes out in a spare bedroom closest u can get to the infirmary and passes out due to exhaustion*
Inspired by this TikTok btw, so sorry about all the tags
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sagelovesbooks · 7 months
Klaus's Freakout
Five: *Kicks the door down in a rush* Y/N: What did you do? Five: Nobody died. Klaus: WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT?!
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my-love-of-books · 5 months
A/N: yeah no this is super short and entirely self-indulgent
Pairing: gn!reader x five hargreeves
Summary: reader has a nightmare, and five (their bf) comforts them
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That smile. That red-lipsticked smile of The Handler. She taunted me as I watch her smirk. Curious as to why, I trace her gaze to Five. He stands between us, looking back and forth in-between her and I, before walking towards her, and something inside told me that he wasn't coming back. That he was choosing the commission over me. "Five?" I asked "wha- where are you going? What are you doing?"
Once beside her, he turns around, scoffs and smirks, "you didn't think I'd really stay did you? Why would I, being with you is pointless."
My eyes burned, and my throat caved in. "But- but you said-"
"I lie for a living y/n. Damn I knew you weren't smart but I didn't think you were stupid"
It was like the air got sucked out of the room. The handler cackled and everything went black.
My eyes open and I breath with a start; it was a dream. I try to slow my breathing when I feel tears on my face. shit I cried in my sleep. I move to wipe the tears off my face when an arm around my waist tightened. "Baby? You okay?" A tired and angelic voice asks.
Afraid my words will betray me I just respond with an "mhm" and a nod while I wipe away the streaks on my face.
This seems to really wake him up "No your not. What's the matter what's going on?" Five sits up a bit more, leaning over me and caressing my cheek.
"Another nightmare?" He asks softly.
I nod.
"wanna talk about it?" More tears well up in my eyes at the thought of him leaving me for something better. I turn in his arms cling to him, looking for support; he hugs me tight and whispers into my hair "mkay, love. We can talk when you're ready." His heartbeat is soft, but rhythmic, and steady, and he smells like an old forest and the lavender soap they have here.
"please don't leave me," I whimper into his chest "please"
I feel his sharp intake of breath, "never, my love. I would sooner die without you"
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moonyswritinq · 4 months
diego : "come on, just admit you have a thing for Five."
you : "no, I do not. 'Cause I'm not the kind to fall for a guy who flashes a smile."
five, overhearing : *sends you a smug smile*
klaus : "yes, you are."
you : "yes, I am."
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mattykay · 21 days
Five Hargreeves x M/GNReader Headcanons
(that no one asked for but in honor of the trailer!)
We got both smut and the works in here so yk the drill
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~ General Hc ~
- Honestly, when Five meets you he's a little surprised. During the apocalypse he had Delores so he didn't really think to entertain any ideas of liking men, until you.
- He's honestly a pretty firm bisexual. He prefers to be dominant in his relationships and do the more care. He will melt into you the first time he lets you take care of him though.
- Very big on gifts and gentle words. He'll whisper compliments to you if his siblings are around, to save himself the teasing.
- Skin care freak. I'm strong on this. He takes really good care of not only his skin but his hair and his body. He spent forty five years all dirty in the apacolypse and will always make you wash your face. Morning and night.
- He has a hidden love for babies. He knows he can't have one because he'll be too old mentally when his body can have one but he likes taking care of them. He will say they're weird if asked though.
- Everything about Five is generally very pristine. His pajamas always match, his clothes are always nicely hung and ironed.
- On that topic, he does that for you too. Suddenly your closets full of nicely ironed and lint rolled clothes.
- A big time cat guy. He didn't really understand them for a while because they didn't have used like dogs. But when he finds one to love himself.. game over.
~ Smut ~
- For M readers: Honestly, he's a switch. He will say he's a top but once, a very rare once in a while, he will let you top. He's nervous about being penetrated but when he learns to relinquish control, he's down bad.
- He won't let you degrade him or call you daddy but he will let you fuck him nearly into another time line. He's the kind of guy to just start making those "Uh- Uh- Uh-" Sounds with every thrust. Cock or strap too, he doesn't care.
- Okay, back to more GN stuff: He will degrade you. No questions asked.
- He can fuck. It's the only way to say it, he just can. He can and he will. Fast and hard or slow and intimate. He'll go and go.
- He really does strive for your pleasure. Even when he claims that he's just fucking you to use you, you're his everything and he'll care for you hours after.
I hope you guys like this- could be totally self indulgent butttt it don't matter
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mangoshorthand · 1 year
heyy could i maybe request a oneshot where sub five gets marked up by the reader like hickeys and bite marks all over his throught and collarbone as well as his lower torso😻 and as the reader progresses he whimpers and is whiny the whole time and at the end he looks himself in the mirror and hes just so inlove with it? 😩
sorry if its a bit messy😭 have a great night/day :))
Great prompt. Hope you enjoy :). I promise the next ask prompt I answer will be non smut.
Your Desperate Man | Five Hargreeves/ GN Reader 2.8k words, Rated E
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There were no two ways about it: Five was hot. 
If you were to set him beside Diego, you definitely wouldn’t notice Five first, but he would be the one you'd leave the conversation thinking about. All Diego’s leather-bound muscles may as well not exist beside Five’s acerbic tongue, quiet good looks and the firm self-assurance in his intelligent green eyes. 
So you could hardly resent it when others noticed. Why would you hate someone for sharing your good taste? Whenever you noticed him turning heads, your first instinct was one of fellow-feeling. You almost wanted to say, ‘I know, right?!’ and share a high-five. 
So, no, you didn’t get jealous easily.
…But that bitch was getting on your last nerve.
It started a few months ago. She was a friend of Sloane’s who hung around the Academy like a bad smell. Ever since she met him, she latched onto him like a tick and, as soon as she could feasibly describe him as her friend, she came to spend time with him as much as possible, looking for his insight on some problem or another. 
She was a mathematician, meaning that she could follow most of his logic when he talked about his latest projects. She could flatter him by learning from him and coming back a few days later with an improvement to her own work. 
If you were jealous of anything, you were jealous of that. 
Despite how he might look, Five was not perfect: he had an ego, and Alex knew exactly how to stroke it. And that was fine, in your opinion- so long as his ego was the only thing he let her stroke. 
She nodded along and acted impressed and asked all the right questions and subtly flattered him and laughed at his jokes and made absolutely any excuse she could to touch his arm or his knee; to hug him hello and goodbye and she did it ALL while you were right there.
Fuck her!
But you trusted Five. He could see right through her, of course, but that didn’t stop him enjoying the attention. He rebuffed her with a perfect mix of politeness and friendliness, but he’d still leave most of his conversations with her with a swagger in his walk and an ironic smile directed at you. 
‘Old dog’s still got it,’ that smile said.
You trusted that he had it under control, and he did actually like her as a person for some unknown reason, so you contented yourself with telling him your concerns. He agreed that they weren’t unfounded and reassured you that her feelings were definitely not reciprocated. 
So, when you walked past the door of his father’s study one afternoon when she was over, you weren’t intending to listen outside the door, but the snatch of conversation you heard as you passed made you stop dead.
“I had a dream about you last night.”
“Something about invariant theory, I bet.”
“No,” she said, coyly.
There was a moment of silence in which she was clearly trying to get him to enquire what it was about, but he didn’t give her the satisfaction.
“Right. So this stuff is child’s play,” he said, returning to the math as if she hadn’t spoken, “it’s pretty much Hilbert’s thirteenth, which I’m sure you’re familiar with. We’ve got to think about whether these functions can be written as a composite-”
“Don’t you want to know what happened in my dream?” she interrupted him. 
There was a moment or two of silence before he replied.
“Not particularly. Now, would you like me to go on with the math or do you have somewhere to be?”
Satisfied, you continued on your path elsewhere. 
Apparently, she did have somewhere to be, because she passed you on her way to the front door only a few minutes later. Five did not follow her to say goodbye.
Smut below cut
That evening, you entered the bedroom to find him preparing for sleep. Unusually for Five, he was clad in a t-shirt and sweats rather than pajamas. His towel-dried hair hung messily in his eyes. He smiled when he saw you, wrinkling his face momentarily into the lines he should by all rights have except for a certain time-travel accident. 
“Hi,” you said.
You closed the door and crossed to the comfortable reading chair, raising your legs onto the arm. Five, trying to neaten his hair in the mirror, spoke casually.
“I don’t think Alex will be coming over again.”
“How come?” you asked, wanting to hear the rest of what happened.
“Hmph,” he said, disinterestedly, “she came onto me and I told her to fuck off.”
“What happened,” you said, interested.
“She came on flirty, like she does, but this time she tried to kiss me.”
He inspected a patch of dry skin on his neck.
“What?” you ask, enraged.
“Don’t worry,” he said, placatingly, “she was told precisely where to go. It was pretty pathetic, actually,” he remarked.
“I think I heard some of it,” you admit, “she was talking about having a dream about you and you made it clear you weren’t interested.”
“Yup, that was right before,” he said, darkly. 
“Bitch.” you grumbled, “I knew she’d try something.”
“Well, you were right,” Five continued, applying a layer of moisturizer to his face, “but she won’t be trying anything again.”
You watched his face in the mirror, absorbed in his pre-bedtime routine. He was a creature of habit, you discovered: a man of little quirks and rituals, particularly when it came to personal grooming. As it had been so long denied him, he reveled in the luxury of even the tiniest routines: trimming his nails weekly, shaving his face daily and looking after his hair and skin.
The more intimately you got to know him, the less cool and caustic he seemed. Underneath it all, there was just a sweet old-young man crying out to be loved and needed.
…And occasionally fucked. 
“Don’t tell me you weren’t just a little bit tempted,” you smiled, standing up and approaching him from behind.
“Of course I wasn’t,” he said, mildly offended, “I’m yours.”
He said it casually, as if he hadn’t quite thought through what he was saying. He caught your eye in the mirror as you appeared over his shoulder. He smiled slightly sheepishly at the familiar gleam in your eye.
Your arms slithered around his waist. Beneath his shirt your hands traveled over the warm muscle and flat stomach. His skin felt like silk. As the very tips of your fingers breached the elastic of his waistband, your chin came to rest on his shoulder, your lips brushing his ear as you whispered.
“What was that?”
A fine blush appeared in his cheek, like a delicate drop of watercolor. 
“I said, I’m yours.” 
Your lips played about his neck, your eyes holding his captive through the medium of the mirror. 
He looked at you, expression open and anticipatory. He swallowed, his adam’s apple bobbing attractively. You ghosted your lips further down, towards the hollow between his neck and his shoulder. Mouth poised there, you spoke again, voice husky.
“Say it again.”
He shuddered with the knowledge of what was coming, and breathed:
“I’m yours.”
And you sucked a bruise onto his skin. Long, lingering and sudden. He let out a shaky breath as you did so, eyes drifting into a haze of pleasure. You pulled away and admired the mark, a port-wine stain spread on that delicate silk. His eyes were similarly engaged, looking at the new hickey in the mirror as if he’d never seen one before.
Taking the opportunity of his preoccupation, you looked at his face: the sweet, parted lips, the heavy brow and the jaw that could have been sculpted by Michelangelo. By the time his eyes returned to yours, the look within them made the slow, crawling sensation below his waistband redouble. 
“Do you want more?”
He nodded slowly, but as you moved to mark him again, he abruptly turned his head towards you so that your lips met his instead. It was as if he couldn’t resist anymore, like a man dying of thirst finding a clear mountain stream. Leaning backwards into you, he sighed into your mouth and let your tongue roam. 
He was so sweet in this mood; uncharacteristically compliant. Every time it came upon him, you never failed to be enchanted by him. Everyone always looked to him for direction and authority and this was one way he could take a break from all the responsibility. You were more than happy to give him that, especially when it left him looking all undone and pretty like this.
When you broke away from him, your hands were playing beneath his shirt, fingers stroking up and down the soft line of hair disappearing into his sweats. He closed his eyes as you again pinged the elastic on his pants, but they shot open again as your teeth nipped at the flesh of his neck.
He whined as you bit and sucked, the mild pain only adding spice to the pleasure: the prickle of fired up nerve-endings and needful ache in the lowest part of his stomach. As you dug your teeth in fraction more, you compensated by cupping his crotch through his sweatpants and holding him where he was hard.
When you let the skin go and turned back to the mirror, his eyes didn’t even meet yours: he only had eyes for the deep red mark you’d made and the white, crescent-shaped teeth marks disappearing before his eyes. 
“You like that, baby,” you murmured, comforting his aching package with firm, circular rubbing motions. 
“Yes,” he said, voice slightly higher than usual.
“Do you want more? Wanna be covered in them?”
He nodded enthusiastically, like a shy child offered his favorite candy.
“Arms over your head then.”
He complied, letting you peel off his t-shirt and discard it over your shoulder. You hummed appreciatively at the range of flesh now on display: at the pale, unspoiled skin you were about to pepper with burst capillaries. You weren’t a violent person, but you couldn’t deny the little squirm of sadistic glee at the idea of him covered with your marks.
The hand not engaged with his groin flitted up his stomach to stimulate the close bud of one nipple, making him buck automatically into your hand. The small noise he made went straight to the center of your own arousal; he was just so fucking aborable like this, all needy and pathetic. 
So you sucked at him again, hungrily, leaning over to mark his collarbone. This time, you couldn’t resist giving him more than a nip with your teeth, biting him enough to abruptly stop his little whimpers and cause him to suck in air over his teeth. Despite this, he still watched, transfixed, as you worked at him with his arousal aching in your hand.
You eased up, letting his skin go and kissing the deeper teeth marks, as if you might undo the pain with each kiss.
“Too much?” you asked.
“A little,” he whispered, eyes nevertheless devouring the sight of his third mark. 
You gave a little pout in sympathy with his plight and kissed his cheek.
“Shall I go easy on you?”
“For a little while.” he replied, that sheepish, coy smile on his lips. You knew what it meant: wind me up tighter first.
You were more than happy to oblige. 
He moved as if towards the bed as you stepped back from him, but your hands on his shoulders kept him in place.
“You stay there.” you said, “I want you to be able to see yourself.”
“Okay,” he whispered, facing the mirror again as you came to stand in front of him. 
His whines were music to your ears as you attacked your next target, sucking complementary bruises onto each pectoral. Then, bending to allow him to admire the new hickies, you moved further south. You grazed and suckled again and again at his subtly toned abdominals, his flank, and at the softer flesh of his stomach. As you did so, your hands explored the body they had explored so well, yet could never tire of exploring. You rubbed at his chest, hips, ass and thighs.
Each time you withdrew, he surveyed himself hazily, reveling with slavish pleasure in the cumulative effect of your claim on him: your flags planted on his body. The thought ratcheted his arousal to a higher pitch, and he felt his knees tremble as his heartbeat became evident in his groin. 
When you sucked at the v-shaped furrow running invitingly towards his pubis, his whimpers redoubled. One of his hands came to your hair, fingers massaging your scalp. His hips pulled forward, as if your face attracted them like a magnet. Wordlessly, he begged with more pathetic little sounds.
You ignored his little ‘suggestion’ and rose to your feet from the spot you’d been kneeling. 
Thwarted, Five let out a frustrated, high moan. His left hand immediately disappeared beneath his waistband, attending to his own need in a move of desperation. It made you smirk to see it, so you allowed him a few moments to pleasure himself while you admired his face:
His hair, starting to dry, was beginning to stick up at odd angles while the rest clung to his brow. His forehead was held a tight pinch with the intensity of his arousal and his lips were curled around gritted teeth, bringing the slight hook in his nose into greater prominence. Still in front of the mirror, his eyes were closed, his head tilted back. Muscles jumped in the neck beneath his thrust-forward chin.
As gladly as you could have watched him beating himself off beneath those sweatpants, it would have to be something to file away for another day. Today was about reminding him (as if he needed reminding), who he belonged to.
So, with this in mind, you licked one of his nipples with a deliberate, preparatory tongue.
“Oh,” he said, speaking half in exhale, “f-feels good.”
You sucked the nipple hard into your mouth, continuing to swipe your tongue over the hard bead between your lips. He panted, and then jerked as you closed your teeth around him.
“Oh shit!”
Experimentally, you tightened your bite around him and the speed of his strokes increased. Clearly, this was doing something quite profound to him. He let out a squeak that made your own nipples harden.
All of time could be at the mercy of Five Hargreeves, if he so chose, yet you could make him mewl like a newborn kitten.
“Yeah,” he breathed, “bite me. Fucking bite me.”
He whined again as your tongue continued to stimulate him, as you sucked his areola into your mouth and clamped your teeth down, marking him again. 
“Ah shit! Harder!”
But you didn’t want to hurt him, so you released his swollen nipple and took his wrist, stopping him touching himself. He huffed needily, but didn’t resist.
You came to stand behind him again, pulling his wrists gently behind his back and tugging on them so that his body was completely on display in the mirror. You kissed from his shoulder to his cheek, trying not to smile at his obvious discomfort; at the stretched fabric of the sweatpants around his perfectly-imprinted cock, sticking firmly out from his body.
“What do you see, Five?” you whispered, once more into his ear.
“Please,” he whimpered, shifting slightly. 
“What do you see in the mirror?” you repeated, more firmly.
He considered in a feverish sort of way.
“A desperate man,” he said, trying to nuzzle beseechingly into you, but unable to turn his head with his arms held that way.
“Whose desperate man?”
“Yours,” he said tripping over himself to satisfy you, “I’m yours, okay?”
“Look at yourself,” you pushed.
He did, lust-clouded eyes eating up the sight.
Marks. All over him. Fuck. 
Seeing himself this way made him shiver. He reveled in the feeling of safe powerlessness, here at your mercy. He was definitely yours. Yours to do with as you pleased: your bruises and bite marks all over him were proof. He knew at least one that would be visible above his shirt collar tomorrow, and the idea filled him with a whorish sense of satisfaction. His cock ached harder at the idea that everyone would know he was yours. Your man.
Your devotee.
Your toy. 
And he would submit willingly to whatever you chose to do next.
Request masterlist >> HERE
Tag list: (please comment to be added or removed): @thebearmage
NOTE: Dom!Five was my first love but Sub!Five is growing on me. Maybe I just like Switch!Five.
I take Five requests, I'm fairly versatile in what I write (fluff, smut, angst, psychological character study- I'll try it all) but I will consider them on a case by case basis. See masterlist for request status and more.
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ch0c0-cake · 2 years
five hargreeves x gn!reader
requested by the most amazing @ells-graveyard <3
summary/request - can i request a little something where five and his s/o are fighting and the reader gets injured in battle but it goes unnoticed and they just kind of pull it off like nothing happened until it comes up later? (also as very squeamish person who can’t handle gore could that be a trait the reader has?) so when it finally is brought up bc they are clearly not okay five is like “?!!!?” and has to help them tend to it??
tysm for the request! you’re my fav to get asks from for sure ilyyyyy <33 (and im definitely gonna use this as a reference for when i get to this scene in Let Go)
warnings - cursing, killing, blood, gore, fainting, mention of vomit
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“Y’know, that really isn’t my first choice of weapons.” You looked over to Five holding the axe in his hand, inspecting it with a look like it was gum on the bottom of your shoe.
“Good thing you aren’t using it then!” He hissed out, starting to walk off without you.
“Well you don’t have to be mean about it.” You pouted, following him down the hallway. You were from the Commission, like Five. You didn’t have any crazy powers like the others, but you’d be damned if you couldn’t kill anyone just as well.
Before Five came along, you were the best assassin on the force, making your kills quickly and quietly. You hated Five for a long time after he stole your title, but you kinda had to make ends meet when The Handler went and put you two together on a mission to kill quite a bunch of people.
Five Hargreeves was the first person to learn that the once greatest assassin on the force had a bit of a case of hemophobia. After the job had been done, he was just about to go back using the briefcase until he heard retching sounds from the other side of the room. After you were done puking, you promptly fainted and he had to bring you back to the Commission himself. Luckily he simply told a lie and said that you’d hit your head, figuring you didn’t want people to know you couldn’t handle a bit of blood.
The both of you came to an open doorway to see a long table with multiple people sitting on each side. At the very end of the table sat AJ. You’d met him a few times, you were gonna feel bad killing him.
He stood up and the others stared when the two of you entered the room. “You!” He seethed. “Call security!” He demanded as you pulled out your knife.
A woman pushed out her seat quickly and went to grab the phone, but Five took care of it and swung his axe down on her arm, neatly severing her forearm from the rest of her. Cries erupted from the room, and in a flash, Five was on the other side of the room and had murdered two men and left them laying against the wall.
“Five- ew!” You could feel your palms getting sweaty and your stomach almost churning at the sight. You tried to shake it off the best you could and jumped on the table, grabbing a man by his suit and pulling him towed you, then you quickly drove your knife into his neck. You didn’t let yourself see the blood start to drain and moved right on to the next person, effectively killing them. The screams of the board echoed throughout the whole room.
Five did most of the work very quickly, but you imagined he was more driven than you considering this was for his family. The both of you stood in front of AJ, who was cowering beneath the table. The little goldfish looked at the pair of you fearfully while you rested your arms on Five’s shoulder and smiled.
“She sent you, didn’t she?” AJ gasped, body trembling. “(Y/n)! How could you do this to a place that’s done so much for you?”
“Does it really matter now?” Five didn’t let you answer, tilting his head almost mockingly while you just shrugged and let him handle it. Five was kinda in a pissy mood, you wanted to let him blow off some steam.
“Whatever she offered you, I will double it, triple it!” AJ bargained, looking between the both of you.
“I’m not doing this for money.” Five was about to drive the axe into AJ’s glass head but was tackled. Your eyes widened and you watched him fall to the ground with an attendant that was not pleased Five wrecked the vending machine outside over a fuckin’ Fudge Nutter.
It was almost comical watching them both roll around on the ground, the lady screeching like a banshee about how he was gonna pay for the vending machine. You glanced to AJ.
“Don’t go anywhere, ‘kay?” You hopped off the table and watched with your knife as Five elbowed the woman. “Get AJ, I’ll handle her.”
“Fine.” He hissed, before looking back. This fucker was already gone.
“I told you to not go anywhere!” You shouted, watching as AJ fled the room. “Shit.”
Five looked around with slight panic and grabbed some kind of wooden paddle from the wall and took off.
A sudden tug on your leg pulled you to the ground, your nose making contact with the floor. You groaned as your knife skidded away toward the woman, and she just went ahead and grabbed it. She was about to try and kill you over a damn vending machine you didn’t even break!
“I didn’t break that stupid thing!” You snapped, rolling to the side as she plunged your knife down into the ground instead of your heart. You rolled away once more before you tackled her, pretty much wrestling with this stupid attendant who was treating one of your favorite knives like a toy. She thrust the blade toward you and you did a pretty good job at dodging. You grabbed the knife finally and stuck it in her chest.
“Goddamn.” You breathed, pulling the knife out and cleaning it on your suit. As you used your blazer, you suddenly realized where you had pulled the knife away from. A crimson stain was present in the side of your clothes, a rip in the shape of a hole going through your dress shirt…and flesh.
You had pulled the knife from your own body.
When had she stabbed you? Was the adrenaline too much to where it just overpowered your senses? That really didn’t matter, as the loud shattering of glass alerted you that Five had gotten AJ. The sound of footsteps was the next alert. Five was coming.
You quickly buttoned up your blazer and a very bloody Five walked into the room.
“You done? Come on before you vomit.”
“Well?” The Handler’s smooth voice came from behind you and Five. You stared at the ground, not even bothering to look at the woman, but you did see Five hand her AJ in a bag to her from the corner of your eye. She gasped in pure delight. “AJ!” She cackled, holding him up to her face. “You’re finally starting to fill out those tight little shorts of yours.” She hummed to Five. Although she got no response from Five or you.
All she got was a glare from you.
“Why so quiet, lovebirds?” She questioned, turning her gaze to you both. “I figured you’d be buzzing after this morning’s slaughter, especially you!” She held up a finger and tapped your nose. Still, no response from you, but Five did smack her arm away.
“Don’t touch them. And besides, all this killing…” Five grimaced and then looked to her. “I’m done with it.”
“What?” She pulled out a handkerchief.
“What I did today I did for my family and the love of my life. I did it to save the world.”
You were the love of his life? That was sweet.
“Oh please, spare me your little assassin with the heart of gold routine, will you? Even (Y/n) didn’t bother with any of that. Besides, the so-called love of your life doesn’t seem very joyful.” She gestured to you, and you still hadn’t said anything. You just stared and hugged yourself while she attempted wiping the blood off Five’s face. Five looked over and frowned but didn’t have time to say much as The Handler held out the suitcase. “Here. Per our agreement. This will get you two and your siblings back to 2019. You have 90 minutes.”
“90 minutes?” You voiced, eyes wide.
You could practically feel the scoff coming from Five as he walked after The Handler. “You said nothing about a time limit!”
“Actually,” she checked her wristwatch. “You have 89 minutes and 30 seconds. Better hurry.”
“This is impossible, okay?!” Five continued walking after her, you quickly following. “My siblings are scattered across the city!”
“Nothing’s impossible. You two lovebirds proved that this morning when you killed the board.”
“Look,” you coughed into your sleeve. “Two trained assassins killing a small group of people is not the same as playing Where’s Waldo with five people in a huge city! We need more time!”
“Any more time, and people will start asking questions. The sooner you get home and out of this time period, the better off we’ll all be.” She turned to face you and suddenly placed a hand on your shoulder and leaned toward to whisper in your ear so that Five couldn’t hear.
“Especially you. You better hurry before all that blood drains right out of you.”
“Get your hands off them!” Five ordered, and she did so.
“Tick tock, tick tock.” She smiled and walked off.
Five looked appalled, but he grabbed your hand and teleported off while The Handler’s words were imprinted like a burn in your mind.
You were suddenly where Elliott lived, and you about doubled over at the sight of the bloody writing on the ground.
“Oh- come on.” You groaned, trying to ignore the burning pain in your side just a little longer. You held onto Five’s arm as he practically dragged you up the stairs.
“Don’t look.” He said briskly before he pulled off the cover on the figure on the chair at the top. You shut your eyes just in time, hearing Five’s soft whisper. “Damn.” You heard the ruffling of the sheet and you opened your eyes.
“Who?” You quietly asked.
You made your way over to the voices coming from where the phone was. Luther and Diego stood there, Diego seething some threatening words into the phone.
“Are they…calling someone?” You whispered and face palmed as Five went over to them.
“Hey! It’s Öga För Öga, idiots.” Five rolled his eyes.
“Swedish.” You added with a soft grunt, sitting down in a nearby chair. Maybe it would ease the pain of the hole in your side. “Eye for an eye.”
Five nodded in agreement. “Exactly right, my dear. It means the Swedes killed Elliott.” He explained, taking off his bloodstained blazer and sweater vest while Diego made some bullshit excuse and hung up. They started saying something more as Five left the room, but you couldn’t make out what they were saying.
Yours ears were ringing, and your head was pounding. The world around you was spinning. Your side was burning like a wildfire.
“Hey!” A sudden tap on your shoulder pulled you out of if. Five stood above you, now in clean clothes. “We gotta go find Viktor. Luther’s getting Allison and Diego is getting Klaus. Come on.” He held out his hand for you to take.
“Right.” You cleared your throat, the flaming pain in your side only worsening as you stood up with Five’s help. Your legs gave out and you would have tumbled to the ground if Five hadn’t quickly caught you.
“Hey, woah. Careful.” He said with his eyes just a little wider than before. You weren’t usually a clumsy person. Your breath was caught in your throat, unable to respond to him.
His left hand had landed right on your wound.
“Is everything okay?” He lowered his voice. “You’ve been acting strange.”
You had to build up your voice to respond. “Y-Yeah…’m okay. Blood, y’know?” You lied. Five didn’t seem to buy it, but he let it go.
“If you say so. Let’s go.” He set you up straight and let go. He started heading down the stairs, his left hand on the rail. But then you noticed his eyes darting to some bits of red at his fingers.
“Huh. I thought I got everywhere.” He pulled his hand up to his face in order to inspect it, his breath hitching. His entire hand was stained with blood. Where he’d grabbed you.
He whipped around and saw you leaning against the railing at the top of the stairs. Your black blazer was no longer being pressed against your body by your arms. He could now see the large amount of blood that stained your shirt, a knife-sized hole where the blood was darkest. Your body trembled, trying to hide the wound even when you both knew it was pointless.
“That’s not good.” Five breathed, frozen.
“Oh, I’m…” your breathing was harsh and ragged. “I’m fine.”
“No, you are not fine.” He said cautiously, starting to walk back up the stairs.
“F-Five…I think I’m gonna…”
It was like your legs just gave up. Five watched as your eyes rolled back into your head before crumpling like a rag doll.
You slammed into the railing as you fell forward, attempting to catch yourself but only pushing yourself down the stairs. In a flash, Five was scrambling to catch you. You crashed into his arms, starting to send him down the stairs, however he teleported and sat on the ground with you instead.
“Shit, shit! Fuck!” Five’s words came out in panicked shouts, drawing back your blazer to inspect the stab wound. “You dumbass!” He exclaimed with wide eyes, even though you were no longer awake to hear him. He slid his hand under your neck to hold up your head and checked your pulse with his other hand. Faint, but it was there.
“Five?” Luther leaned over the banister from the top. “Oh shit-!”
“Get medical supplies now before I come up there and stab you myself!!” Five demanded, cradling your unconscious body tenderly. “Shit, sweetheart…” he whispered, pressing a hand to your wound as hard as he could. “Why didn’t you say something?” He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to yours.
Luther came back to the banister, holding up a plethora of supplies. “Is this enough?!”
“Yes, just throw it down! Don’t hit them!” Five snapped, catching the materials Luther threw down. Five carefully held you in his lap, sighing. “I’m sorry about this.” He quietly apologized, tenderly unbuttoning your dress shirt enough from the bottom to reveal the wound. He tried his hardest to prevent his hands from shaking as he began to clean the wound. Part of him was pretty pissed that he was forced to waste time, but he couldn’t let you bleed out or get any kind of infection.
“Hnn…F-Five..?” Your words were slurred together, eyes opening just a little. You instantly hissed in pain at the touch of your wound.
“Shh, hey, it’s okay.” Five rubbed your arm just a little. “Stay still.”
You tilted your head up and Five cursed when he saw your eyes widen at the sight of your wound. “O-Oh my god-! Five-!” Your voice came out panic-stricken and you started squirming, making this much more difficult for him.
“Hey!” He raised his voice to try and grab your attention. “Hey, listen to me! You need to stay still!” He said, but you only panicked more. He slipped his hand to the back of your neck and gently brought your head up. Without another word, he kissed you deeply. Just as he expected, you slowed down and stopped squirming.
Five took this opportunity and tried to look down to your injury the best he could while staying in the kiss. As soon as he started cleaning it again, your breathing increased and you began to shuffle.
“Hey, hey, no.” Five kept you close to him, looking back to your eyes. “I gotta tend to your wound, understand? That means you need to stay still, or it’ll just hurt more. That’s why you’re gonna focus on kissing me, alright? You’re gonna be just fine.”
You hesitated, but eventually complied with a nod and shakily pressed your lips to his.
“That’s it.” He said against your lips calmly, keeping his eyes open and treating the stab wound the best he could. It took quite a few minutes, but he was able to clean it up and wrap a bandage around it.
“There. Was that hard?” He asked after pulling away.
“Yes…” you muttered, glancing to the patched up wound.
“Do you feel okay?”
“Then what the hell were you thinking?!” Five exclaimed, grabbing your shoulders. “You should have told me right away before you just collapsed like that! Don’t you understand you could have died?! Don’t ever scare me like that again! Do you have any idea how mortifying it is to have to tend to your partner’s stab wound?!”
You stared at him with wide eyes, not expecting this burst of anger. “Five, I’m so-”
“You better be sorry!” He cut you off, and that’s when you realized he was quaking. He let out a sigh and brought you in for a hug. “You pull some shit like this again and I’ll kill you, understand?”
“I understand, Five.” You chuckled quietly, returning the hug and leaning on him.
“Good. Now let’s hustle! We gotta find Viktor and get the hell home!”
tags 🏷 - @ay4kshalatus @vennythearsonist
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silky-slinky · 2 years
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Your head throbbed in pain from the time-traveling you and the Hargreeves siblings did. Stumbling through the alleyway, a groan left your lips from the bright light. As you looked around the alleyway, none of the Hargreeves siblings were behind you, in front of you, or anywhere for that matter.
Finally stepping out to the alleyway, you made your way through the sidewalk. You noticed the fact that the people were wearing much more vintage clothes than normal, and that they were looking at your clothes with confusion.
A newspaper was flying due to the windy weather that day. Taking the newspaper just in time before it flew away in a different direction, reading the date that was pasted right on top. It read '1962' in big bold letters along with the day and month.
As a result of the disappearance of your own not blood-related family, you opted for an escape. The many nights you've spent thinking of where they could be, thinking of whether they were alive or dead, thinking of what happened to Five, and what went wrong for you to end up in this timeline.
Months passed by, and you changed, of course, being that your environment and people around you also changed. You've thought of every single distraction from your life before. You thought you might as well have a fresh start since you were practically stuck here.
You've also made friends along the way. A woman named Donna who you met in a kindergarten school while you were working as an assistant for one of the teachers. Her child is named Lori, one of the few children there that you adored. The school was kind enough to let you work there, seeing that they needed a few extra hands to help them with the children.
Yet by nightfall, you and Donna were both in a gang that specialized in gambling. She introduced you to the head of the gang, giving her a good word in for you so that you could join. The gang was known for being classy while playing, of course, one of the best gamblers there. The thrill of being a goody-two-shoes in the daytime while being a gambler at night excited you. And for a moment, you forgot about what your life was like with the Hargreeves.
Many more months passed, and there wasn't a day you didn't think about the boy named Five Hargreeves. So many questions are unanswered, and so many thoughts running through your head at all times.
You've missed how Klaus could barge into a room high as a kite. You've missed how Diego would purposely miss his shots when throwing his knives at you when both of you were having arguments. You've missed how Allison would play with your fingers when you sat next to her. You've missed how Viktor would smile at you at any chance he could get. You've missed how Luther would carry heavy things for you when you couldn't. And of course, you've missed Five's presence.
Unbeknownst to you, Five was in your timeline. In Dallas, Texas. Where the others also resided.
Five walked past a small donut shop, him side-eyeing the glass, seeing people eat their donuts and drink their coffees. Then he saw a familiar side profile. A side profile he spent hours staring at, the very side profile he fell in love with. Even with your brand new hairstyle, brand new clothes, brand new everything, he knew you all too well.
A chime of a bell could be heard when he nearly broke the door open when he barged in. All eyes on him, his eyes on yours. Your hands flew up to your mouth in shock, tears welling up in your eyes. Those many nights you've spent crying from worrying too much about Five were all dismissed when you finally saw him, very much alive, in front of you.
Almost tackling him to the ground, giving him the tightest hug you've given anyone. The other people in the donut shop looked at both of you as if you were two crazy people. Perhaps they were right, perhaps both of you were two crazy people. Two crazy people that are in love, that is.
You first pulled away from the bone-crushing hug, your hands scrambling up to feel his face. “Are you really real?” Five grinned at your state, his hands holding both of your wrists in place on his face.
“Yes, I am very much real.” Five's grin never once left his face.
You would squeal in delight if it weren't for being in the middle of a donut shop. You took one more look at his face, analyzing his features once more as you took a loving kiss from his lips.
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- ★
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luvpooks · 1 year
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(listen to this song while reading if you want to!)
You're everything
Five Hargreeves x Male! Reader
Five Hargreeves was one of the most beautiful people i've ever met. His eyes, his smile... his everything. And me of ALL people was lucky enough to have his heart in my hands.
The way he smiles when he looks at me. Its as if we had just met all over again and i practically melt in his arms. I have no self control when it comes to this lovely man. When he holds me, his touch feels like sparks of fire.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I said in a sarcastic tone. "Oh you know, looking at the love of my life." Five returned. I laughed." Oh well of course it's not like we haven't been together for what? Like 40 or more years?" I took his hands from across the table, brought his hands up to my lips and kissed his knuckles. "I love you, Five." he said while kissing his hand. " I love you two times as much." He responded.
Oh... his smile..every time he smiles at me or anyone for that matter it's like i become a lovesick puppy. I just wanna coddle and touch him all over begging for his attention.
"Love?" Five looked over at me while i was admiring him. "hmm.." i responded while gazing into his eyes."You're staring again." He smiled. Randomly i state," Never lose your smile darling." He looked at me confused, his smile faltering slightly. "What do you mean?" I walked closer to him, caressing his cheek, "Your smile connects the ocean to the sand in my eyes, as if it's the light to all life- "I stopped for a split second. "No my life, my love." His lips slightly pulled apart. "What brought this up?" "Truly nothing these words cloud my mind every time i see you Five and i will always mean every word." I answered. He smiled one more and brought me into a loving kiss. "I love you so much (m/n). And i always will." "I love you so much as well." I happily returned.
We laid in bed my head lying on Fives chest drawing doodles on his skin. I looked up seeing Five staring up at the ceiling still keeping his hand in my hair twirling it. "Whatcha thinking about?" I questioned. He looked down at me and then looked back up. "Honestly nothing but you. I can never stop thinking about you. You make me swoon every time i hear your voice." I blushed. "I didn't expect that." I paused. "I'm supposed to be the heartfelt one." I joked. "Two can play that game, my love." He responded.
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fxckin-polkadots · 2 years
Hello it's the bf again,do headcanons or tiny oneshots of hanging out with the tua boys
hello boyf!!! will do <3
Hanging out with the boys // TUA + TSA
Master list
Warnings: none / not proof read
A/N: reader is gender neutral, can be read as romantic or platonic for most of them (unless strictly mentioned otherwise) includes the following characters
Luther Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Five Hargreeves (platonic)
Viktor Hargreeves
Marcus Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves (both sparrow & umbrella i treat them as separate characters)
Alphonso Hargreeves
Christopher Hargreeves (platonic please hes a cube)
Synopsis: N/A
TUA // Luther Hargreeves
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Luther….hasn’t really had anyone in his life to hang out with, besides from Allison but the last he heard from her she was getting married. Spending four years on the moon, alone, isolated means the poor boys social skills aren’t…the best
He also never thought anyone would want to be near him, but that all changed when he met you. You looked past the parts of him that usually got him disgusted glances, you treated him like a person.
Of course, being the softie he is he always wanted to make you happy and keep you around, he just didn’t know how, his knowledge on relationships wasn’t the best, nor did he know how to handle genuine compliments without feeling like you were actually poking fun at him.
However, you always make a point to hang out with him, you got to see the side of him that most people didn’t, the fun loving side, with child-like wonder about everything around him. You loved taking him to theme parks or attractions, anything that got him immersed in the universe so he didn’t have to think about the world outside
He’d never tell you how much that meant to him, or how much he missed you when he had to return home, but he always waited for the text of “Hey luther, wanna go and see [____] place?”
TUA // Diego Hargreeves
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Diego the lone wolf, the vigilante with a saviour complex, the man who NEVER accepted kindness as an answer for anything, was currently taking a leisurely stroll with you, someone about a week ago he was saving from a break in.
He’d honestly been trying to push you away from him, but just couldn’t. You were persistent and as much as it annoyed him, it was also something he loved about you. You always pushed him to get out of his bubble and to enjoy life.
You didn’t need to do anything extraordinary for him, he just enjoyed simple things - trips to cafés, walks in the park. Even if he wouldn’t admit it the stress of trying to keep up the whole “vigilante superhero” façade weighed on him significantly.
TUA // Klaus Hargreeves
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9 out of 10 times hanging out with Klaus includes getting drunk, however there are times when you two have genuinely heart felt moments together.
Klaus, albeit not all the time, feels as if you only hang out with him out of pity, but he wouldn’t bring it up out of fear of you leaving for good.
When you aren’t getting shit faced drunk, your going on road trips around the country, talking about whatever klaus thinks of, he doesn’t really have a proper filter, so these topics can range from “what if walruses had tiny hats” to “what would you do if it was your last few days alive”
He’s glad he met you, you’re a breath of fresh air in his crazy life. He’s always afraid you don’t actually like him sure, (fuck you reginald) but he’s glad he has someone to laugh with, someone who can still drag him back to earth after a night of drinking.
TUA // Five Hargreeves
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Five claims he “Mildly tolerates you” which isn’t exactly true, he’s always wanted a true friend, as much as he denies it, being alone in the apocalypse definitely hasn’t helped him learn how to make friends though.
But your determined, persistent even. To stubborn to give in to him shoving you off at your attempts to get closer to him. Any time you do hang out he complains the entire time. Though you can see right through him. In the corner of your eye when he’s not looking at you you can see the small, barely noticeable smile on his face.
Five HATES you for it but he does enjoy your company, the way you treat him like he’s a normal person. He knows that once he goes back to the rest of the umbrellas he’ll be bombarded with a million issues, but for a brief moment he can unwind and be around someone he cares about without worrying about the world ending
Maybe he is glad to have a friend like you, after all.
TUA // Viktor Hargreeves
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Viktor loves being around you, you’re so nice to him all of the damn time, he’s just not used to it. Most of the people he allowed close to him ended up hurting him, or he had to leave them behind. But you were different, you were gentle and he didn’t have to run from you this time.
You didn’t treat him like he was an explosive waiting to go off any time you hung out together, you treated him like he had value, like he was a worthy human being, your hang outs usually include quality time; him teaching you the violin, you talking about life and the world around you.
Sometimes however, you both enjoy cuddling on the couch to some sappy romcom, with popcorn of your choosing.
Viktor always felt like an outsider, but you made him feel at home, like he belonged.
TUA // Ben Hargreeves
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Ben might be a ghost, but it doesn’t stop him from wanting to hang out with you, convincing klaus to let him use his body to talk to you.
It’s odd at first, Klaus acting completely different than usual around you, and it takes a LOT of proof for Ben to prove it’s actually him and not Klaus playing a prank on you.
Getting to know ben, you realise that he is as quick witted as you, always fast with a remark if he thinks something is stupid. But you like that he never pushes boundaries, and he’s definitely more fun loving than most of his siblings.
You both wish you could’ve spent more time together before he had to go back to being an invisible specter, but klaus always tells you when ben wants to say something
(this isn’t the best one i’m sorry)
TSA // Marcus Hargreeves
A/N: this is short bc he sadly got very little screen time and there’s not much abt him :( which sucks bc i adore him so much he deserved better
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Hang outs with Marcus are few and far in between, mostly because he’s not too fond of being swarmed by obsessive fans, he wanted to only be with you, not answering a million questions.
In all honesty, you were a good break away from the fame and his family’s rivalry with the umbrellas, always knowing how to relive the tension from his shoulders. You never worshipped him as a hero, hell you even had a sarcastic streak and teased him for it.
But he genuinely, truly enjoyed your company, even if it was only a brief, he still smiled fondly upon the memories he had made with you. He was this big important superhero, brimming with confidence, yet you pulled him back down to earth and helped him in enjoy the simpler things.
TSA // Ben Hargreeves
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Let’s face it, Bens an asshole, a grade A motherfucker, he knows you know it, so why, why do you even bother to try and get close to him? Every time you did he’d hit you with a nasty remark, yet you still continued to hang out with him, and he didn’t know if he liked that.
You were a lot of things, persistent, annoying, stubborn, but most of all you did care about Ben. During the time you spent together, which was really you showing up and Ben begrudgingly putting up with you, you sometimes saw a crack in Bens tough guy façade, seeing instead someone who was just afraid to get rejected, and he hated (or in truth, loved) the fact you always told him you were there for him if he needed it.
Time with Ben usually included clubs, parties, anywhere he was invited to as a guest or honour. He had a habit of showing off to you if you were looking at him, which always got a chuckle and an eye roll from you. He’d fake offence at it (okay maybe he was a little offended) and it would send you both into fits of laughter, maybe having you around wasn’t so bad.
And though he never admit it, you did open him up to seeking help and comfort in others, even if it was only him asking for a hug in private or him admitting when he’s mentally drained (which was rare even so)
TSA // Alphonso Hargreeves
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Alphonso is actually quite a chill guy, aside from his tendency to make snarky comments about people. Hanging out with him usually includes lounging around the Sparrow Academy or late night food runs.
Of course, Jayme usually hangs around with you two as well, but you don’t mind, their easy going attitude suits you just nicely.
Banter is a usual thing between you two, if the sparrows didn’t know any better they’d think you hated each-other, which was quite the contrary since you were probably each-others favourite people. Even if alphonso isn’t the most empathetic person he does try to use his status as a sparrow to keep you safe from people, especially while your together in the town at night.
When you’re in the sparrow academy however, you’re usually watching some form of horror movie with him, listening to him joke about the shitty affects, saying that you’d make a better monster, and laughing at your fake offended gasp as you clutch at your chest.
TSA // Christopher
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With help from the sparrows, you learnt how to understand Christopher, and you had to admit his sense humor was definitely a shock. When ever you hang out he’s always making you laugh, or making a comment that catches you off guard.
you mostly spend time together at the sparrow academy, since there’s not much Christopher can actually do
This might actually be one of the longest posts i’ve ever written 😭 some of these aren’t the best, since it either depends on how much we get to know the character or in Christopher’s case, we literally don’t know what he says ever lmao
i do hope u like them though !!!
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itstheghostofmypast · 2 years
Cuddling with Klaus
Genre: Fluff
Type: Requested HC
Klaus x GN Reader
Requested by @ciaobby: i need some cuddling hcs with the hargreeves! i know klaus would love to cuddle up on a rainy day :)
A/N: Two things;
1)I was literally sitting in the rain when I write this.
2)Personally, I am not a very affectionate person, especially physically- yes, it does bother a lot of people around me but hey, why hug when words are enough? (idk okay forgive me) BUT if I felt this would be the safest form of cuddling, in my lack of experience. I really wanted to do justice to @ciaobby request, please tell me if it's remotely close.
Gif credit to rightful owner
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If there was one thing Klaus thought could make a rainy day even better it was, Y/N. He had met them at a bar- well actually, he had ended up being thrown out of their bar but when they had slammed the door with an "IF I SEE YOU AGAIN YOU'RE DEAD." He had been stabbed by cupid.
After which, the very next night he decided to make his way to the bar once more, a rainy night to be exact. With that cheeky smile he waved at them, earning a glare, but did that stop him? Of course not.
"Hey there babe ."
"Didn't I tell you I'd kill you if I see you here again?"
"Well that really isn't my fault now is it, your offer was so tempting, I'd die a million times if you took my soul~"
Confused and horrified they quietly walked away to another customer, not really sure of how to get rid of him. The only reason why Y/N had thrown him out before was because he had no intention of paying. They were sure he wouldn't tonight too, but since it was raining and Y/N was no monster, this cheap scape could stay.
Cue the two being the only people at the11 pm bar by 11pm.
"There is no need to strike a conversation"
"Oh come on, we're alone in a bar on a lovely rainy night~ and you don't close till 1 am."
"Fair enough, but will you be paying tonight?"
"Of course."
"With my companionship"
"....you better be good at holding up a conversation then."
He was, he truly was. He could talk about anything, from his family to his lost brother to his horrid father to his addiction to bath salts. Honestly not a bad person- just, too casual or maybe Y/N was too uptight.
Either way, one rainy night was followed by another rainy night- one too many and he had become a regular. A regular who would pay Y/N with his companionship and useless, yet comforting conversations.
"Hey, I was thinking." He asked as he took a shot, "You know so much about me, but I know nothing about you~"
"Well, I mean I'm not a very interesting person."
"Oh come on, everyone's interesting in their own way, quirks you know."
"Well then, what would you like to know?"
"Where do you live?"
"Too personal"
"Alright, why are you a bartender? God, you professionals."
"Because I wanted to be one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" 
"Okay, okay, Y/N we get it, you're all so mysterious, but riddle me this, why haven't you thrown me out yet? Do you know? Usually" he pointed around the empty bar, "Even my family doesn't listen to me to this extend- let alone bear me, why have you, the ever so perfect Y/N, not done so?" He turned to look at them, confused, but somewhat comforted.
"Because" they began, staring at him then averting their gaze, the rain pattering against the large glass windows resonating throughout the dimly lit bar. Y/N never really knew why, most of their life they had just done whatever had to be done, lived in solitude, and made their way to their profession of choice. To be honest the only reason they bought this bar was that it came with an apartment and even though being alone was something they wanted but lately, the weather had been pulling them down. Before this idiot had arrived, empty nights like these were lonely and cold, which would make them feel like there was no point in anything, no point of living, no point of struggling. 
"Hello? Earth to Y/N?"
"You said because and trailed off, did you perhaps get lost in my beautiful eyes? They're like my mother's, you know."
He was right, he had beautiful eyes, those stark crystal blue orbs had pierced right through Y/N's soul the moment their eyes had met. 
"Why do you still come here even though I brush you off?"
"Because I like you...and I have a feeling you like me too but you're too stubborn to admit it - HEY HEY HEY WHY ARE YOU LEAVING"
"Lemme stay at your place, it'll be like a sleepover, I already know you live in the place above "
Either way, he ended up in Y/N's apartment that night, truly amazed at the plants they had. The place was all warm and cozy, very different from the minimalistic bar. A one-bedroom apartment, but the open kitchen made it seem bigger, the kitchen was also Y/N's favorite place, to cook and eat, sometimes use the counter space to try random DIYs.
"Hey about before...me saying you like me...i was joki-"
"I do like you.'
"I'm sorry what."
"...do you not like...me-"
"oh no no no, of course i do- i mean i really do like you kind of why i've been coming here even though i'm not supposed to be drinking a lot... You know.." he waved his hands, "rehab and shit."
"You don't seem all too excited there bub"
"I-i am it's just ... I just..."
"New to this...."
"Shall we take it slow?"
That was the thing with Klaus, he was just so...calm and peaceful, he really did care about others and Y/N really needed someone who'd follow their pace. 
From morning runs- which soon turned into walks because Klaus refused to run a mile at 6 am.
"But ...exercise is good"
So, from morning WALKS to coffee at a random cafe, to trying out Menudo for the first time because he was able to convince them. He'd spend his free time at the bar- which was all the time, so as soon as Y/N was done for the day he'd take them upstairs and surprise them with a new dish every. He'd bring random things to their apartment, sometimes a bouquet, sometimes a vase (Still not sure why he brought it), and on the weirder side a grandfather clock.
"Okay, serious question"
"Are you stealing these things?"
"Of course not!"
"Oh thank god-"
"I'm simply smuggling them out of my old man's house, the price on these things! They're like a safety deposit, you know, savings for rainy days."
Either way, the thing Y/N loved about him the most was when he'd cuddle with them. They were never very affectionate, in fact, personal physical contact was not one of their strong suits, but with him, they had decided to let it work.
Initially, it was awkward, the physical contact, not knowing where to place their legs or arms. Y/N had also elbowed him 'accidentally' when his hand went south earning a,
Either way, slowly it started to become easier, he had picked up on things Y/N was comfortable with, often letting them decide the way they'd spoon. On some occasions he'd continue to talk, allowing them to sleep to the sound of his voice. 
On other occasions, when Y/N was really down and tired, he'd just open his arms for them and let them straddle him, burying their face in his neck as he sits on the couch. Usually, he'd stroke their back, allowing them to relax before gently asking;
"You wanna talk about it?"
If the answer is no, he never asks again, just kisses the top of their head and usually ends up humming a song, lulling them to sleep. If it's a yes, he'd listen quietly and intently, listening to each word with great focus, giving suggestions if needed, but often words of positive affirmations.
The best time to cuddle, for Y/N was when it would be raining, day or night, that did not matter at all. Usually, they'd close the bar, and lock themselves in Y/N's apartment. Klaus had suggested using scented candles and 'weighted blankets'- now while Y/N initially felt this was a dumb idea, they were later proved wrong, when they came home one rainy evening to find the couch in front of the window, facing the outside world. The apartment is littered with scented candles, illuminating the apartment as Klaus walks out of the kitchen with two mugs of hot chocolate, 
"I present to you, the ultimate cuddle heaven."
"No I, you or me or but. Take off your shoes and get on the couch, take a chill pill babe, everyone deserves down time, but no one deserves to be alone- except for dad, definitely dad does deserve to be alone"
Therefore, Y/N found themselves snuggling next to their boyfriend, holding onto a mug of hot chocolate. Inhaling his scent, Y/N kissed the skin of his neck, thanking him for becoming the source of her warmth and comfort to which he replied with a ;
"See, I told you my companionship is better money."
He was right, Y/N would trade everything for the world, only to be able to snuggle up with this immortal being.
A/N: The problem with writing and posting stuff at night is that YOU FORGET TO ADD STUFF- i forgot to add the taglist.
Taglist: @imaginesfire , @placidpluto , @achingwoundforaheart , @esmaada , @samyourneighbor , @xuenihao , @whoreofscience , @navs-bhat , @yuuki4646 , @simpformoonkight , @crowleysqueenofhell , @anapotatowriter thank you, you lovely people for choosing to be part of my taglist ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚)
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fanoftheimagines · 9 months
Scars - The Veil Excerpt
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Umbrella Academy (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Number Five | The Boy (Umbrella Academy) & Reader, Diego Hargreeves & Reader, Reginald Hargreeves & The Hargreeves | Umbrella Academy Characters: Number Five | The Boy (Umbrella Academy), Diego Hargreeves, Reginald Hargreeves, Reader Additional Tags: Scars, Past Torture, The Hargreeves | Umbrella Academy Need a Hug, Abusive Reginald Hargreeves, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Gun Violence, Good Sibling Diego Hargreeves, Protective Number Five | The Boy, Survivor Guilt, Hurt/Comfort Series: Part 2 of The Veil, Part 9 of Umbrella Academy Fics Summary:
Since it's the Hargreeves' birthday, I decided to post something! The next chapter of The Veil is nowhere near ready, but here's an excerpt for a future chapter!
Five missed the Umbrella Academy's glory days. He escaped Reginald's special brand of torture for a hell of his own. He didn't understand just how bad it was until one day when he caught a peak of just how bad it actually was.
Here’s the masterlist on tumblr.
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spicyandplain · 2 years
Hi! I’ve decided to write one shots on here, since all of my stories have just stopped haha. Please send in your requests, i’ll put a list pf what im willing to write below.
I write for…
Stranger things
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Jonathan Byers
Billy Hargrove
Will Byers
Mike Wheeler
Nancy wheeler
Robin (idfk her last name :0)
Umbrella Academy
Five Hargreaves
Klaus Hargreaves
Diego Hargreaves
Allison Hargreaves
Harry Potter
Harry potter
Ron weasley
George weasley
Fred weasley
Cedric diggory
Draco malfoy
Sirius black
Remus lupin
James potter
Lily potter
Hermione granger
Jasper Hale
Rosalie Hale
Emmet Cullen
Paul Lahote
Seth clearwater
Sam Uley
Jacob Black
Alice Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Leah Clearwater
Tony Stark
Sam Wilson
James Barnes
Steve Rogers
Loki Laufeyson
Thor Odinson
Peter Parker
Clint Barton
Natasha ramonoff
Bruce Banner
Wanda Maximoff
Doctor Strange
Shang chi
Evie Queen ( Actually Evelyn Grimhilde ??)
Benjamin Florian Beast
Carlos De Vil
Mal Bertha Faery
Jay ( son of jafar)
Harry Hook
Uma ( daughter of Ursula)
Zed necrodopolis
Wyatt Lykensen
Willa Lykensen
Eliza Zambi
You can suggest other fandoms and such, i will try my best to watch and write for you :)
I write as….
Gender neutral
Female reader
Male reader
Trans reader ( ftm/mtf)
Give me suggestions if there are others?
Im open to canon stories or Au’s, however if i am not comfortable I have the write to change or not do the request. I don’t do smut with Minor characters, please don’t ask me to. Im not entirely comfortable with ageing them up either - AKA five Hargreaves ect.
If i get enough requests i will make a master list and make even content. I find that there is a lot more of a female reader base than another, and vise versa in some fandoms. So please dont be afraid to ask for anything!
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Okay I know I don’t have anything up yet buuutttt if you are looking for any Stranger Things x gn!reader, Eddie Munson x gn!reader, Steve Harrington x gn!reader, steddie x gn!reader, steddie, TUA or Five x gn!reader or other fanfic or polyamorous stuff from things I haven’t mentioned yet I will try writing some on this new blog. Again nothing is posted yet I know but I’m going to start posting soon so fallow and please be patient. (my first one will be a Stranger Things/Steddie x gn!reader slowburn and it will be polyamorous with NO smut)
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mattykay · 3 months
Five Hargreeves x Stoner GN Reader
Content: Weed, alchohol, multiple forms of weed, Five being his bitchy self, no use of y/n
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Five was no stranger to weed. Growing up he was constantly annoyed but the plants scent drifting up through his vent from Klaus' bedroom, and still to this day as Klaus clearly never stopped smoking.
It's not that he thinks anyone who smokes is a druggie, no not at all. He is just more of a fan of alcohol and cannot stand the smell. But when he has a partner who smokes a lot, a lot, it's an issue.
But at the same time one of his favorite things is coming home to you, freshly sparked up and calm.
His dress shoes clicked on the wood floor, prompting you to look over your shoulder. Your lazy eyes glanced to him and he chuckled at your state.
"It reeks in here." He said, trying to sound annoyed despite the grin on his face as his kissed your head.
"Oh cmon, don't be so grumpyyy!.." You teased in your lazy high voice. It made him smile more. He could resist but to set down his things and sit on the couch with you, putting his arm around you.
"You hungry?" He asked, a smirk on his face knowing damn well you had the munchies bad. Then the moment he saw your nod he was back up. "I'll order us take out if you promise never to smoke that shit again."
You of course, obliged, knowing you were gonna smoke again in a few hours. "Okay honey. I promise."
And so, he picked up the phone, punching in the number to your favorite resturant with your order already memorized.
Sorry this is short but I couldn't not use this idea!
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mangoshorthand · 1 year
Five Hargreeves oneshot masterlist
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Fic requests are closed When requests are open, I would love to hear your Five requests via the 'ask me anything' button on my blog. Still working out my boundaries and trends in what does and doesn't appeal to me. See end of post for these.
Not Smut (G-M rated)
Tickle War | Five Hargreeves / GN Reader (Fluff)- Words: 1.5k
Dickhead Sugar Daddy | Five Hargreeves / GN Reader (Angst/Fluff)- Words 2.8k
Two Old Men | Five Hargreeves / GN Reader (Fluff)- Words 3.3k
No Blinking! | Five Hargreeves & 3 y/o daughter (Fluff) Words: 3k
Twelve Feet Away From the Mistletoe Part 1, Part 2 | Five Hargreeves / F Reader (Fluff, angst) Total words: 5.8k
Senseless | Five Hargreeves/ GN Reader 1.3k words, Rated T/M (Angst + steamy)
Smut (E rated/18+)
NSFW Alphabet | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader - Words: 2.4k
Two Items of Business | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader/ FReader- Words: 2.1k (kind of a crackfic. Not my best.)
Goddamn Darling | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader- Words: 2.1k
If Tonight Were our Last | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader- Words: 2.4k (mild smut, probably between M+E ratings)
Boy Wonder | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader- Words: 2.7k
Lucky Fucking Pillow | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader- Words: 3k
In Your Hands | Five Hargreeves / GN Reader - Words: 3.1k
The Birthday Boy | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader- Words: 3.8k
Your Desperate Man | Five Hargreeves/ GN Reader- Words 2.8k
Venus and Cupid | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader- Words 4k (inc. fluff, romance, hurt/comfort)
The Birthday Girl | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader- Words 2.8k
The Pandas and the Conservationist | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader - Words 5k.
My Main Series (E rated/18+)
Hard Feelings | Five Hargreeves/ f Reader
A 6 part series posted weekly on Tumblr. We're talking PWP, Daddy!Five, mysteries to solve and a healthy dose of trauma. It can get heavy at times but there are plenty of laughs too
Headcanons (SFW + NSFW)
Five Headcanon masterlist
Request info
I'm fairly versatile in what I write (fluff, smut, angst, psychological character study- I'll try it all) but I will consider them on a case by case basis so please don't be offended if I don't respond- sometimes ideas don't work for me or are outside my scope but that doesn't mean it's a bad idea!
Boundaries (hard lines):
I exclusively write physically aged-up content for Five. Think 6+ years after the end of season 3.
I don't want to write about Five having sex with very young or inexperienced people. He's 58 and it feels messy. (No issue with age gap in general, I just feel like the younger partner should be old and experienced enough to consent to a 58y/o understanding the implications.
Ageplay - anything with 'littles'.
Trends (what I've noticed about myself so far):
Prompts that need Five to be very OOC tend not to appeal to me.
I am likely to reject prompts intended to be sexy where the boundaries of consent are too blurry. Yandere is an example of what I tend to not enjoy. (I will still consider prompts but may change them up a bit).
I can struggle if something is out of the scope of my experience. It's like, your prompt may appeal to me but, I don't know how to fulfil it. To give one example for smut, I may need more info in terms of what exactly you find hot about a kink you have but I don't.
So I have a weird thing...I like to write in a canon-compatible way. I don't like writing things with a reader character inserted into scenes in the show. Now, this is partly because I don't think it generates a lot of creative scope, but I also just generally don't like writing situations that directly contradict canon. I have always been like this, even when I was fourteen and writing awful HP fanfic. I don't understand it, I know I'm weird, but my brain basically goes: 'BUT THAT'S NOT HOW IT HAPPENED!!!111' and refuses to function.
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