#for my sanity please assume that everything is bolted to the walls and floor. I know that this isn't realistic for a ship but I'm having fun
morrigan-sims · 1 month
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Wanted to test some cc, so I built an onboard infirmary for a ship... (It's definitely not finished, but it exists at least.)
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codenamed-queenie · 4 years
I am going insane. So I poured my restlessness into one long and very detailed post and got super into it. Please enjoy this hot mess.
The Justice League, being the well-meaning virus-proof Super Friends that they are, took one good look at the news, one good look at their non-powered friends Ollie, Bruce, and their families, and collectively decided that these normal humans must be Protected At All Costs.
Now, keep in mind, Bruce is never one to roll over when it comes to being benched. 
However, he understands the importance of social distancing. He knows he needs to set a good example for his kids, and keep up appearances as Gotham’s Most Responsible Multi-Billionaire. 
So. Quarantine it is. 
But how are his kids handling it?
Dick - 
100% on board in the beginning. Gotta do the Responsible Thing. Gotta set a Good Example. Besides, guys, this is gonna be Fun. Quality Family Time is always a Must.
He lasted 2 days. 
Then he started to get twitchy. 
And as everyone knows? A Trapped Dick Grayson is a Feral Dick Grayson.
He bounces off the walls.
“I have to climb.” 
“Dick, no.”  
“I have to climb everything.”
Has scaled the manor 16 times already. Has climbed the chandelier. The banister. Bruce. The roof. The Cave. Anything in the house that’s been bolted down and especially anything that hasn’t. 
Duke found him clinging to the wall 10 ft off the ground like Spiderman and screamed so loud it shattered glass. 
Desperate for news of the outside. 
He thrives off of it like a starving man. 
Was the one to suggest he and Barbara take a break to Social Distance from each other (”Sorry, babe, kissing spreads germs”) and experienced Instant Regret(TM) approximately 5 minutes after. 
The Family has labelled him a Flight Risk Level 1 (Most likely to say f**k it and make a break for the outside world)
Jason - 
Accidentally got trapped inside the manor with the others when Bruce called Shutdown. If he had his way, he’d be chilling in his favorite safe-house right now, binging The Witcher with Roy and Artemis, and not worrying about finding a stray brother in his sock drawer.
But he’s nothing if not an opportunist. 
The way he sees it, Jason has 3 options:
Self Improvement
Self Isolation (See Duke, Cass, and Damian)
Descension Into Madness (See Dick and Steph)
And, well, he always wanted to try a few things. Now he’s got the free time to do it.
So he settles on baking. 
Alfred’s got enough food and raw ingredients stored up to feed an army. (Not because he’s a Panic-Buying-Hoarder in times like these. But because he’s a Panic-Buying-Hoarder all the time. Just try feeding 11+ teenagers sometime.)
Uses recipes he finds off Google.
His first few attempts are, in a word, ‘tragic’.
Alfred slips him a few of his recipe cards, and Jason suddenly starts seeing Results. 
Turns out he’s pretty good at this baking thing once he gets the hang of it. 
Hope everyone’s okay eating nothing but pie, macaroons, biscuits, and whatever else Jason whips up. 
Cause that’s gonna be the only food left by the time he’s done. 
Barbara - 
Self-quarantined with her dad. 
They’ve been binge-watching classic black and white movies together.
It’s a fun time, but she’s started to get a little antsy. Loving her dad and wanting to be around him 24/7 are, understandably, mutually exclusive. 
Calls the manor to video-chat every day.
For her sanity just as much as theirs. 
Gives everyone little challenges to film on their phones and send in. She makes compilations of everyone’s submissions so they can all watch and laugh together. 
Bonus points for Creativity
One comp shows the family trying to drop Mentos into coke bottles. 
Dick did a handstand, and dropped his Mento from the second story balcony. 
Tim did it wearing the Batman cowl. The soda exploded into his face, and the rest of the video is just Bruce’s Shrieking.
Stephanie tried it, but the bottle tipped. Everyone on camera screamed as the bottle rocketed through the front window. 
She spends most of her calls having one-on-one convos with Dick.
They’ve come up with little code phrases so they can be Cheesy even with family members lurking in the background. 
She thinks the way he clings to the monitor is cute. 
Almost like he’s giving her a hug through the screen. 
(It’s easier than letting herself worry about his mental state, at least)
Tim -
Oh this boy.
Freaked out for the first five minutes before he decided ‘hey wait, Bruce is letting me stay in my pajamas all day? Noice.’ 
Now he’s just vibing.
The rest of his family is Low-Key shielding him.
He Has No Spleen, you see.
Steph: “Someone could cough on him and he could die!”
He just goes about his day, playing Animal Crossing like there’s no tomorrow, tinkering on projects, taking naps, etc. Living his best life.
Meanwhile there’s always someone lurking behind him, keeping watch, keeping him safe. 
Dick sneezed within 5 feet of Tim once (the fact that he was on top of the dusty bookshelf Tim was perusing is irrelevant)
Jason still full-body tackled him the second Tim’s back was turned. 
No one with any symptoms--
Like, any symptoms. They don’t even have to be Corona-related.
--is allowed within 10 feet of Tim. 
Tim has been wandering the manor for weeks, now, without seeing another human being. 
(He sees Dick on the ceiling sometimes, but that doesn’t really count)
He’s been trying increasingly drastic pranks and shenanigans to draw someone, anyone, out. 
But it doesn’t matter how many times he steals Damian’s sword, or sets fire to Jason’s brownie bites.
Nobody wants to risk it. 
Cass - 
No one has seen her since quarantine started.
Everyone is approximately 87% sure she’s somewhere in the manor though
Because she does eat the meals Alfred leaves out for her.
Or at least someone does, at any rate. 
(Jason and Santa top the running suspects list)
Santa was Steph’s suggestion. For some reason it snowballed. 
It’s assumed that Cass misunderstood the meaning of ‘social distancing’ and took it too far. 
But no one knows for sure. 
She is Tim’s Guardian Angel. 
People who so much as clear their throats a little too loudly anywhere near him suddenly wake up on a different floor of the house four hours later. 
Duke came closest to spotting her while he was up in the attic. 
Either that, or there’s another Creepy Sister everyone forgot to tell him about living up there.
She is silent, and watchful, sticking to the shadows, but she does leave the occasional note out to brighten her siblings’ day. 
Things like ‘helo i love u’ and ‘hop u ar ok’  mostly. 
She is bound and determined to protect her family from this invisible threat, no matter the cost. 
Steph - 
Like Dick, she was Super Pumped at first. 
(Just kind of showed up at Wayne Manor before quarantine was enacted. The original purpose of her visit is unclear, but regardless, she’s Trapped.)
Also Like Dick, her descent into madness was swift.
She is impossible to pin down. 
Not like Cass or Damian, who’ve stayed off the grid, and are therefore Untraceable. 
No. She’s impossible to pin down, because she never stops moving. 
Switches seamlessly between Zumba on top of the Giant Dinosaur in the Batcave, and furiously knitting Alfred (the Cat) a sweater with a pair of Tim’s used chopsticks. 
Braided everyone’s hair while they were asleep.
Even Bruce’s. 
She tried to do Tim’s, but somehow blacked out and regained consciousness in the attic. 
When she woke up with a scream and a furiously twitching eye, she startled Duke out of his Makeshift Fort he built out of old cardboard boxes and antique furniture. He’s had to resort to finding a new hiding place. 
Sometimes, on the rare occasions she does sit still, staring off into the distance, she’ll suddenly start laughing hysterically. This may last between thirty seconds and thirty minutes, depending entirely on how long it’s been since she’s knitted a cat sweater or done cartwheels through every room in the house.
Blew up the greenhouse out back, somehow.
Everyone has agreed not to talk about it.
Some people were built to handle prolonged time inside their homes.
Stephanie Brown is not that way.
Damian - 
Damian Wayne Cannot Be Contained.
At least not inside the house. 
He took off thirty-six hours into quarantine. 
Thanks to the security equipment around the borders of the Wayne Estate, he can’t escape the grounds. 
(He’s tried and failed multiple times. Jason and Bruce have a running bet on how many times the perimeter alarms will go off per day.)
(Jason is winning.)
He wanders the grounds with Titus as his only companion. 
The two of them run laps, practice drills, and find ways to occupy their time. 
No one’s entirely sure what those ways are. 
In fact, nobody knows exactly where Damian is at any given time. 
Only that he is Out There. 
And he’s the best security system Wayne Manor’s ever had. 
So far, he’s stopped five groups of civilians scaling the perimeter walls before the lasers and electric nets even have a chance to deploy.
They were trying to break in and steal supplies. 
(Even ones they already had in surplus. Like Toilet Paper.)
He’s also stopped Dick from escaping twelve (12) times.
Drags him back by his shirt collar and deposits him on the welcome mat. 
Usually with a note for Alfred/Jason, requesting more fruit tarts. 
Duke - 
Did not leave the attic for two weeks. 
Then Steph discovered his hiding spot (read: was dumped there by Cassandra) which forced him to relocate to the basement. 
Yes, it turns out Wayne Manor does have a basement. 
This was a surprise to Duke, who always thought that the Batcave was Bruce Wayne’s basement. 
Alfred keeps him supplied with all the necessities:
i.e. food, magazines, assorted pastries from Jason’s latest batch, usually straight out of the oven.
Duke also snagged the Manor’s Alexa. 
She has become a sort of ‘Wilson’ to Duke’s ‘Chuck Noland’.
She is his only comfort. His only ally. 
He’s determined to wait out this quarantine, doing his best to avoid the others. 
Duke has seen these people under pressure. 
He knows exactly what he’s dealing with. 
Duke: “Alexa is the only motherf****r in this madhouse I ever respected.”
*offended butler noises from the other room*
Duke: “And also Alfred.”
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inkyvendingmachine · 3 years
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sammy: what did you say bitch, hold my jack  henry: kick his ass i got your jack
💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀
First though:  Spoilers for the First Scenario from Tales of the Crescent City, which has been reprinted out of the Great Old Ones; We are actively playing, please no spoilers, but also we will have spoilers from it ourselves as we play. Read at your own risk.
still.... busy... but here’s a TLDR summery... eventually I will be alive again. i might do a more filled out summery later and reblog this again when it’s edited?? or maybe not?!?! idk
we finished planning finally. let’s go do something and by do something I mean hold on lets plan which plans we’re gonna use.
we end up coming up with multiple plans that can branch off depending on how things go, dynamic, and drive out to the back of the block Fowler lives on. 
Phase 1: hey jack can u just like... astral project inside rq and take a looksy around? yeah?? alright
Jack passes out and confirms that apparently he can astral project on command, and sneaks on in. the place is mostly empty now but still has people awake. He starts trying to check out some rooms, make sure there isn’t a hidden meeting somewhere that might be disbanding any minute now, and ends up running across some kind of rune-traps around the wall of a room. did you know pain could be felt in ghost mode?? we didn’t, but we do now. jack takes some damage, but remains hidden and able to keep doing this. some people run in to check on the room, but when they see nothing, return to patrol. Though one goes through another set of runes in the wall which, well, we’re assuming is where the swamp is. also this room has a buncha costumes in it yay,
back at the truck everyones worried as they see jack go through some of that pain. joey tries to wake him up and peter tries to astral project after him, but neither are successful
Jack tries to get through the open door and out of the room again before everything is re-activated, but misses his window, and ends up bracing himself and going through the runes a second time, which still heckin hurts. with that explored, he starts heading upstairs to check out the rooms that joey was interested in, being careful for moonlight. but turns out the doc isn’t the only person who’s able to see ghosties. a lady tries to call out to him, asking what he’s doing like he’s a regular employee perhaps? but he’s unable to answer since uh... there’s that whole un-real feeling sanity issue?? yeah. Jack bolts,
runs back out to the truck manages to return to his body, finds all his boyfriends hovering over him worried and asking if he’s okay. he goes to grab his journal to let them know what happened and... oh, he has some interesting scars now on his arms where he took the grunt of the runes.
something in all of this reminds sammy of... the scene from the other night, when he got turned into Silly Time Sam outside the hotel room while jack and henry were being attacked by a snake. but more importantly, he remembers what he saw of Joey...
and Joey becomes aware his theory and plan did not work.
after relaying information, it’s decided the show must go on, and they won’t have a better opportunity than this. If Jack was seen, there’s going to be more things set up to keep them out the longer they wait. 
Phase 2: Joey, Norman and Henry sneak in.
Between Norman being a seeing eye dog for Joey and the symbols, Joey being good at keeping Henry hidden, and the smaller stairway that Jack found for them to sneak up with, the three easily make it onto the second floor and, after waiting for a few lookouts to walk by, head towards the end of the hall where the ritual/picture room is, the one that Joey and Sammy had their Astraldate in.
Surprise, it’s been surrounded by those same runes, and Joey isn’t quite sure if he can risk crossing them without causing issue with Bendy. Henry seems pretty confident that it’s fine once the door is open for him by someone else, but he’s not willing to try, and instead hides out in the closet next door and keeps a look out. Meanwhile, Norman sneaks into the picture room and starts looking about for things Joey mentioned. Some of them he finds. Some of them are not in here. But he does find something else: a projector, with some film in it. (norman focus plz)
Meanwhile, Henry sneaks down the hall and into Fowler’s bedroom. He hears someone in the music room while sneaking by, perhaps to keep guard? but manages to slip on past. Fowler is asleep, so he takes the opportunity to look inside the journal Sammy mentioned, and indeed finds some dates and some written entries by Fowler. His original plan was to wake him and show him the journal they found of Doc Moonlight’s, but instead he carefully rips out the page where the Doc was Evil Monologuing To His Diary about his trapping techniques for Fowler’s Family, and slips it in with a note that we want to help save them. we might know how.
He sneaks out to meet the others, in which Joey asks him to go into the room with Norman and watch whatever is on that film reel; apparently it’s been played over multiple times, so it’s probably very important?? also it has a label on it called “our promise” which eludes to the passcode for the vault. 
turns out to be a home video of Fowler and his Family, during his daughters last birthday? or halloween? she’s dressed up as a Knight-Princess, Fowler is a Dragon, and her mother is some sort of fairy goddess thing?? And she’s saying how much she wished all these things were real, dragons and princesses and castles and 
wait, castles are real! we’ll take you across the pond next year, go see some castles!! are there dragons and fairys?? n...no, but royalty and knights is a nice history lesson also, so there’s at least that. we’ll do it for your next birthday.
okay we’re pretty sure we know what the code is now for the safe.
theres a moment of debating whether or not we want to try and get the stone now, but instead it’s decided we’d rather bank on fowler being interested in helping us, and stealing from him at this point isn’t going to help that when we’re 10000% sure alarm will be raised before we can get it even. so the group sneaks out and drives off back to the hotel.
on the drive back jack passes out but this time he’s just really hit his exhaustion limit. sammy ends up naturally going to carry him back up to the hotel room, confusing peter more on who’s possibly dating who, until normal alerts them of another cultist lookout. sammy hands his jack off to henry and then goes and scares them off too, the one thing he’s really good at: yelling. 
everyone gets back up to the hotel and immediately starts settling in for the night. we’re not exactly sure what we’ll be doing tomorrow, but we need some sleep at this point, and for now it seems safe to grab it. some of us also need to process some memories we might have gathered back tonight (coughsammycough) and some of us have some magical bullshit to try and think thru (coughjoeycough) and some of us might try to see if they can learn how to edject yellow symbols out of our beings (coooughhenrycough) annnd also like... jack is already out. 
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Meeting and Courting Daniel Robitaille
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(Apologies for the long ass meeting story)
- If you’re expecting a normal, romantic “how I met your father” story then I’m sorry but that isn’t going to be the case with you and Daniel.
- You’d heard stories about the Candyman ever since you were a little girl. You believed in the monster in the mirror way into your 20s, no matter how many of your friends teased you for it. You were never really embarrassed by your fear of him, it made you feel safe, but that safety would soon be destroyed.
- The Candyman had come up in conversation while you were at your boyfriends house. You told him the stories that you had heard and, after seeing your genuine discomfort in the subject, he’d insisted on trying what he called “the game”.
- He’d dragged you off the couch and into the bathroom, pinning you against him while you struggling. You pleaded with him to stop, to at least let go of you if he wanted to risk his life, but no such luck.
- All was quiet for a long moment ...until the lights turned out and a face appeared behind your boyfriend in the mirror. You screamed, thrashing wildly as the man dug his hook into your boyfriends throat. You were finally able to get away as the boy slumped to the floor, plastering yourself against the farthest wall from the man.
“I knew it,” you whispered. “I knew you were real. I knew it.”
- If your previous and obvious fear of him didn’t do the trick, than those words were the ones that stopped him in his tracks. You believed in him. You were the one to tell his story to the boy, and you’d continue to spread it if he let you live.
- The massive man stared down at you for a long moment, saying nothing with an emotionless expression plastered on his face. In an instant, black erupted across your vision and you fell to the floor.
- He reached out to you slowly, his hand hesitating as it moved towards your face. He touched for cheek for a moment before moving his fingers to your pulse point. You’d fainted. Perfect.
- When you came to, you were in the hospital. Police came in and questioned you but all you could tell them was that it was the Candyman. You knew none of them believed you, that they thought it was just an intruder, but you knew what you saw and you were sure he’d be back for you. Oh, how right you were,
- You were paranoid for weeks, fully expecting that the tall man would return and finish what he’d started. …But he never did.
- People asked what happened and you’d tell them the truth. They’d all assume the same thing as the police, that it was just some sicko pretending and that anything else that may have seemed supernatural about the situation was just a product of your trauma. All you could do was give them a weak smile and hesitantly agree as to not seem completely crazy.
- Even if you agreed that it was all in your head, you telling your story did the trick. Rumors circulated and suddenly your whole town was in fear of the Candyman, whether they believed he was just a man or not. 
- Daniel was very pleased. You’d done exactly what he had hoped you’d do, you’d let everything fall into place perfectly. Now for his second course of action. 
- Daniel had been watching you. He’d been watching you ever since your first meeting in the bathroom and when Daniel watched someone, there was always a reason behind his gaze. In your case, he’d decided that he wanted you. 
- The Candyman is sweet, surprisingly so; his voice smooth like honey and his gaze oddly tender for someone who only; at most, two months prior, had slaughtered your boyfriend with no remorse. He feels a bit of remorse now, not for your boyfriend, but for the way you’re cowering before him, eyes wide and horrified, looking ready to bolt at any given moment. 
- But you don't move. Shock, you’ll tell yourself later and granted it’s part of it but another part of it is how inviting his voice is, how his mere presence is wildly intimidating yet comforting at the same time. And that's what makes you even more scared than you were before; the fact that he could make you feel safe. 
- Daniel lures you in, entices you, makes you curious. He’s charming but even you know that “charming” can only take a person so far. When did you begin to sympathize with him? When had you begun to like him? Perhaps it was some sort of Stockholm syndrome?  Or was it something more genuine?
- You surprise yourself with how bold you are when you tell him to leave you alone, your voice firm, eyes glaring even though you’re still somewhat afraid of him. The demand hardly affects him at all. 
“You don’t want that.” He replies, not moving from his stationary position at the other end of the room. His voice sounds as though its right next to you, even with the distance between you. 
“Yes, I do.” Liar. You manage to maintain your composure, fists clenching and unclenching nervously. If he was going to kill you, if that was still what he wanted, it was going to be now. You were not going to entertain his games and if you wouldn’t, then he doesn’t have a use for you, right? 
- Your stomach drops as he begins to move. He says nothing for a long while, circling you, getting closer and closer as his gaze remains fixed on how you. 
“No,” he says finally, stopping right in front of you. “You don’t.” 
- You now he’s right, but you can’t admit that. You can’t admit it because you shouldn’t, you shouldn’t feel the way you do, shouldn’t allow yourself to even entertain the idea of being genuinely infatuated with him. 
- But you are and you know that he knows because he seems to know everything. He reaches forward and instinctually you flinch though he pays it no mind. He takes your hand in his, thumb rubbing over your knuckles before he places a kiss on them.
“But for you. I will.” You close your eyes for just a second and he’s gone. Your house completely empty, no trace of there ever being company. 
- You can’t believe that you’re saying it, but you miss him. You really do, much more than you ever thought possible. You figured that without his constant looming presence, without his influence, your feelings would disappear. But they don’t. And sure it could still be his doing but a part of you knows the truth. 
- So you seek him out on your own accord but not before thinking it through for days on end. You know that once you let him back in, you won’t ever be let go of again. And now, you’re finally willing to admit that that’s fine by you. 
- So you stand in front of your mirror, take a deep breath and call his name. One. Two. Three. Four. This is stupid. This is completely stupid. You shouldn’t-
“Candyman.” You finish as your mind screams at you. Nothing happens for a long moment and you wonder if he doesn’t intend on ever returning or if you’ve just been hallucinating the entire time. 
- You leave the bathroom after waiting for a long while, thinking that, perhaps, you’ve just gotten your sanity back. But your sanity apparently never left since he’s standing in your hallway when you pass through the door. 
- Your eyes widen and you aren’t sure what to say but that doesn’t matter to him as he walks slowly towards you. You let him get closer and closer, let him stand only a foot before you, let him touch your face. And when he leans in to kiss you …you let him. 
- When you have a ghost boyfriend, you’re going to have to sacrifice some aspects of a normal relationship. Pda and dates; outside of your house or somewhere isolated, just can’t happen.
- You know when someone puts their hand on your face and strokes your cheekbone with their thumb? He loves that, whether it’s him doing it or getting it done to him. 
- Hand kisses.
- He adores when you kiss his cheek. Most of the time, his eyes will flutter shut and a small smile will slowly appear on his face. 
- You ready for some fucking neck pain?!?! Daniel’s most likely at least half a foot taller than you so be prepared to have to stare up at him like you’re a five year old and for the aches that come with it. 
- You’ll never have to worry about not being able to reach something again though he may put things of yours in places he knows you can’t reach just so you have to ask him; if he’s feeling particularly playful that day. 
- He calls you darling and my love; little romantic things like that. 
- Calling him honey either to be a bitch or because he insists on you calling him it after you did so without thinking one day. You’d been mortified and had  apologized profusely but he just smiled in response. 
- Lets hope you aren't afraid of bees because there's really no escaping them with him in your life. 
- But, on the note of bees. I feel like he can somewhat control when they appear, like there will always be a few lingering around the room but his entire mouth and chest cavity won’t be a hive unless he wants them to be. 
- He’s adamant on taking care of you, whether that means bandaging you up or just watching over you will you’re sick/upset. Expect him to look after you if you’re ever stung. 
- Beware the hook. While he is quite used to having and using it, accidents happen, especially if you aren’t paying attention. 
- Giving him a helping hand whenever he needs it. I’ll let myself out. 
- He’s a bit difficult to cuddle with but I admire you for trying. Things you should know: 1) he’s a loud sleeper, not his fault but more the cavern that he calls a chest and  2) He has a cavern for a chest. Your best bet when cuddling would be to rest your head on his arm, he sleeps on his back anyways so you can fit perfectly into his side. 
- Occasionally, he enjoys watching you sleep. Seeing you so peaceful is incredibly comforting to him. 
- Existential conversations. You can’t avoid the subject of death with him, specifically your death. He expects you to join him one day and I’m sure you want to be prepared for it when the time comes. 
- As long as you’re living, he’s going to expect you to help him with keeping his name alive. Telling stories of him, petty crimes in the middle of the night, pressuring stupid people into playing his game. You aren't fond of it but you understand why it must be done. 
- Whenever he has to be gone for a while, he’ll leave you a letter, it usually explains very little but it does tell you that he’ll be back. 
- He appears at random and without warning so you’ll definitely get spooked a few times, especially since he’ll either stay completely quiet or announce himself in his deep, eerie voice in the middle of a silent room. 
- Quick meetings in bathrooms or closets whenever you’re out in public. If he can drop in and get a kiss, why wouldn’t he?
- Just listening to him speak. With a voice like his, it’s pretty hard not to pay attention to what he’s saying, unless; of course, your mind is wandering elsewhere because of his voice. 
- Bridal carrying. He quite literally sweeps you off your feet. 
- He has a fondness for helping you get dressed: zipping your dress, holding your jacket out for you to slip your arms through; things like that. His touches always linger a little too long for just a helping hand. 
- He grew up in a time and in a way that taught him that ladies should be respected and treated as delicate creatures so expect him to always be a gentleman when he’s around you.
- He enjoys classical music so if you really want to make him happy, put some on. He may even pull you into a dance if you’re lucky. 
- Domesticity is like a drug to him. He yearns for a wife and a family so anytime you behave like a homemaker or very motherly, he falls even deeper in love with you than he already was. 
- Since you can’t go on dates in the outside world, unless it’s somewhere where no one else will go, you have to be a bit creative with what you do together. 
- Candlelit evenings. 
- Getting your portrait painted. He has dozens of sketches and paintings of you. 
- He likes hearing stories about your life. The way you grew up was vastly different from his own childhood and those differences fascinate him.  
- Constant praise and support. 
- Deep kisses. He likes kisses filled with emotion and passion. 
- Sitting in his lap. It’s really the only way that you can be face to face for an extended period of time. He finds the size difference between the two of you to be quite amusing.
- Gifts. A mink coat, jewelry, roses; you name it and it’s yours. People will wonder who your mystery suiter is and he finds the act of spoiling you to be a wonderful way of deterring competition.
- He finds excessive jealousy to be quite unbecoming whether in himself or others so he doesn’t get angry or impatient with you when jealous. You’ll only realize that he’s jealous when he voices his disapproval in you hanging out with a certain person, telling yo that they’re far too interested in you and that you’re his, only his. 
- If he disapproves of someone, he’ll take matters into his own hands whether you like it or not. That’s one of the few downsides of being with Daniel. Sometimes he’ll just scare them away, other times he do something much more …excessive. 
- While he isn’t an incredibly jealous person, he is possessive. You “belong to him” and he expects you to act like you do, to an extent of course. 
- He understands that you have a life apart of him, one he cannot be involved in, and while he does wish that you’d allow him to lay you to rest with him, he isn’t going to force you.
- Tentatively asking him about the day that he died. He tells you the story without hesitation, recounting it in such excruciating detail that you feel wildly uncomfortable sitting beside him. Even if you’re not usually very empathetic, the way he speaks will force you to tear up; at least a little. 
- He’s lost everything once before and he’s going to ensure that that never happens again, so yes, he’s very protective of you. He’s not above killing innocent people, what do you think will happen to those who hurt you?
- He doesn’t entertain fighting. Yell at him all you want, tire yourself out, he doesn’t care. Once you’re finished, he’ll explain things very calmly and rationally and squash whatever problem you had. Just don’t try walking out on him, alright?
- When he’s in the wrong, It doesn’t take him very long to realize that what he’d done was in poor taste or that it hurt you, even if that wasn’t his attention. He apologizes sincerely and asks for your forgiveness, giving you some time alone if you request it. He’s at your side the instant you’re ready to accept him again. 
- He never says that he loves you in a joking or playful tone. It’s a very important phrase that carries a lot of meaning to him so he always says it with earnestness. 
- You wouldn’t be alive if he didn’t intend on remaining with you for the rest of eternity. Ironically enough, you also wont be alive if he does plan on remaining with you for eternity; at least not for long. 
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Love How You Hate Me - Sam x Reader
A/N: Work, work, work. And finally write. I SHOULD have time this coming weekend to post the next chapter, as well. So, the wait won’t be quite as long this time. If you want tagged, please send an ask or message so I am sure to see it. And, I hope you all enjoy <3
PSA: I am NOT a minor friendly blog. If you are below 18, please come back when you’re older. I don’t want to lose my blog because you were too eager to grow up. If I discover you, I WILL block.
Series Masterlist
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Warnings: Sexual Tension. Porn descriptions. Pre-smut. Upcoming smut.
Word Count: Roughly 3,300
“Sam!” You shrieked. The high pitched rage echoed through the empty walls as you stormed forward. Out for blood.
You'd finally broke. It took three weeks. Three long weeks. But, he finally did it. Ripped away the self control you'd fought so hard to hold in place.
He'd put the snake in the toilet first. Using the ammo you'd unintentionally offered up on a silver platter. Although, Sam put his predecessors to shame. Ensuring not to injure the poor creature while torturing you. Seran-wrap held it away from the germ-filled bowl. A note warning the toilet was out of order left you to pick up the lid. Only to have the slithering beast come at you.
A large spider under your pillow. Crickets all over your room. Both came with notes to ensure their safety. But, didn't lessen the frustration.
Your favorite pair of shoes weren't safe. Nothing was sacred in the younger Winchester's eyes. He glued them to the floor. Leaving you with two possibilities. To fall. Or to go without until you could get them unstuck. You'd face planted.
Shampoo, conditioner, and body wash were filled with food coloring. You had purple tints to your skin even after scrubbing until the water turned to ice. Trying to focus on the fact that you were the better person got you nowhere.
And that wasn't the end to his tricks. He'd taken notes from the biggest trickster he'd- and the planet- had ever known. But, it was something ridiculously simple that made you lose that final shred of sanity.
He'd simply taken your favorite coffee creamer. Using the final bit himself. Then, he'd replaced it with water. The mildest trick in his little black note book.
Five minutes. That's all it took to level the playing field. A deep, roar of fury echoed down the hall. Without flinching, you leaned against the wall, arms crossed. Waiting next to the water main. It took mere seconds for him to locate you.
“Give me one- damn good- reason why I shouldn't strangle you.” He hissed out, stalking your way. Still dripping. Goosebumps raised along his flesh as he held his towel in place around his hips.
“You'd end up naked, and Dean would assume it was some kinky sex thing gone wrong. Then, you'd get all the blame.” You answered, letting your eyes skim over his soaked chest hair that trailed down to somewhere more promising. Your voice dropped even lower at the sight. “Breath play is making a come back, though...”
His skin was golden, taunt over the muscles. His anti-possession tattoo had recently been touched up, and stood out darkly across the wet flesh. His hair was slicked back, emphasizing that he'd run his hand through it from the frustration you caused.
The total package only served to raise your ire. He was stunning. The man even smelled amazing over the distance between you two.
“Not good enough,” Sam moved forward. Intent on murder after the briefest moment of thought. Too clear on what he planned for you to stand. “Dean's out.”
“You know what else wasn't good enough?” Came the question. All husky and filled with promise. Hazel eyes deepened at that. Nostrils flared. It was your turn to take a step his way. Stopping just as your shirt absorbed some of the water off of his body. “The water trick.”
Your hand came out and snatched the towel away from his waist. Bolting, you didn't wait for him to catch on. Using surprise to give yourself half a chance.
“Y/N!” His bellowing nearly shattered your ear drums.
You didn't turn back. The wet plod of his footsteps was too close. But, it wasn't good enough. You found your escape. A small zig zag bought you a single, crucial second. His hand missed the back of your shirt as you turned. Right into his room.
The door was slammed and locked before Sam could process what had happened. Breathing hard, you leaned against the wood. Laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation you'd found yourself in.
“When you get out, we're settling this!” He yelled out. His fists slamming into the wood; shaking your body in the process. You weren't completely sure what he intended by that comment, but surely it couldn't get worse than being chased by a naked, pissed off Sasquatch.
“Oh, what's this?” You asked loudly, seeing his open laptop resting on his covers. A rookie move if you'd ever seen one. “What's your password to your laptop?”
As you slid over to his bed, you made an ever better discovery. He hadn't locked it. “I swear to God, Y/N-”
“Oh god,” You wrinkled your nose. Realizing what was on the screen. A press of the mouse set the moaning off loud and hard. It didn't take long to find fault over the renewed slamming. “Dude, you need better porn! This chick's tits look like they're going to explode from all of the silicone!” You titled your head as you watched it switch perspectives. “Plus, the dude really needs to learn how to use his tongue better. I hope you weren't taking notes, Sammy!” You didn't get anything in response. Instead, the slamming ended. A heart attack was your logical response. Sure that even the healthiest of the healthy men couldn't handle the blood pressure you were certain he carried. “Sammy, Sammy.” You shook your head as the first moan left the too largely busted woman. She'd climbed over sir-can't-eat-a-woman-out's lap to begin riding him. “You naughty, naughty boy.” It was an impressive collection you'd discovered as you snooped. His folder held a number of suggestive names. The thumbnails were even more racy. Nothing compared to what you'd accidentally stumbled across when using Dean's laptop. However, still large enough to make you lift your brows. “Looks like I'm not the only sex deprived one...”
“That could have been fixed a long time ago.” The sudden proximity of his voice made you fly away from the porn in a hurry. Ready to flee for the second time. Sure your very life depended on it.
Only, there was a problem. Nearly six and a half foot of muscle blocked your exit. Slowly, you lowered yourself back to the bed. Keeping your eyes on him as you moved. Hoping the location would give you another chance to distract the beast.
A white t-shirt stuck to damp skin. Highlighting just how broad he was beneath the fabric. His hair  still dripped. The jeans clung to his legs. But, he didn't seem to care. Too set on his hunt.
“Oh, yes.” You huffed, leaning your head onto your one hand as you looked up at him. Making yourself appear comfortable, despite being eager to flee. “Let me just agree to sleep with the very man that has done his best to either ignore my presence, or just torture me. The entire time I’ve known him. That couldn't possibly end bad for me.” Your sass was going to be the death of you if his flushed cheeks and narrowed, darkened eyes were any indication.
“Y...You preach about how I...I don't know a thing about you...While you kn...know everything there is to know about me,” He leaned his hip against his desk. Attempting to settle down. Watching for any sign you were about to bolt. Almost immediately, his composure was back. “But, then you go and say something ridiculous like that.” Don't look at the biceps, you chanted internally as he crossed his arms. You definitely peeked before forcing your eyes away.
“You wouldn't take advantage of that?” You snorted, growing defensive. He simply gave you a small, toned down, bitch face. Not bothering to dignify the question with any other response. “Okay, fine. Say I believe you.” Your tone let him know that wasn't remotely close to being the case. “What would I get from it?”
“Fantastic sex-”
“No more pranks.”
“Now, we're getting somewhere.” The mocking tone only earned an eye roll.
“Alright, then... What would your terms be?” He raised a brow. Daring you to give him something to work with. Your response was simply a raised brow of your own. Not buying into his bullshit all the way. “Theoretically, of course.”
“Of course.” The amendment was shit, and you both knew it. Pursing your lips, you thought it over. With a sigh, you decided to give him a little something. “First off? No strings attached. No emotions. Ever.” A brief pause settled between you two before you continued, “Not that it's a problem with you.” A wry grin graced that sinful mouth of his. Pleased with the turn of events. You turned away from the dimples to zero in on the hypothetical rules. “Second? Privacy. Dean, Bane, and Alice? They wouldn't have a clue. Ever.” The horror at just the thought of them finding out how low you'd fallen curdled your stomach. It was the ultimate deal breaker. “Third? No sleeping together or cuddling. Sex only.” It was surprisingly easy to list once you got going. “Fourth, minor pranking is allowed. They'd know something was up if it just stopped.” He nodded at that point. Seeing the wisdom in it. “Fifth-”
“You...You've made a whole list, and you're going to try saying that you haven't really considered it?” Sam cut in with a heavy snort. “You're something else. I don't even think stubborn covers it, anymore.”
“No freaky stuff.” You continued as if he'd never spoken up. Focusing in on the list. If you stopped, he'd take advantage of it. And you weren't prepared for that. “No blood. No choking. Nothing going in areas where they don't belong.” Your fingers ticked off each point. It wasn't that you were opposed to everything you'd listed. Simply that you were opposed to it with Sam. There was no pre-established trust. No grounds for safety. You wouldn't risk it. “I couldn't possibly trust you to tie me up, either, so that's out.” At the sigh of disappointment, Sam's shoulders seemed to widen. Noting how close he was to his mark. “No marks in visible locations. Too much of a give away. Definitely no recording. There's always the trope of a leaked sex tape, and I just am not about to let anyone see me getting down and dirty with you.”
“D...down and dirty? You cut out all the dirt,” He grinned, letting out a soft breath that doubled as a chuckle. Almost soft in nature, when you knew him to be anything but. “You wanna tell me what we can do, then?”
“This is all theoretical.” You reminded him. Falling short at being stern. Unable to even muster up a glare.
Truth was, you were losing your damn mind when it came to Sam Winchester. And were far too close to giving into the danger. You both knew it, even if you were struggling to keep it at bay. Too distrustful.
“Of course.” He waved for you to get on with it. More confident at that point than he'd been before. “Go on.”
The sass was ignored as the list came back to focus, “Sixth, condoms are an absolute must. It breaks? I get the morning after pill. Immediately.”
“You aren't getting an argument from me there.” Sam's eyes were a rich honey as they watched you hungrily. Taking in the way you shifted on his bed. Next to his porn. And at his mercy.
“Y/N...” The impatience took hold. His chest rose and fell harshly at the peak of your breasts. So close...and yet, so untouchable.
“Yes, Samuel?” You mocked, not letting your eyes meet his directly. Instead, you zeroed in on the light curl his hair carried at the ends.
“Are you done? 'Cause I've got a few ideas...” Sam moved forward, then. Slapping his palms down on his mattress. Forcing you to stare into the multicolored facets right in front of your face.
“Where's Dean?” Sitting up, the power shifted. Giving you some control over the situation, again. You weren't beneath him. Under his spell.
“He won't be back until late tomorrow.” Oh so carefully, he stalked your way. Not willing to let you dodge him. Delaying the inevitable for a second time.
“What's he doing?” The question was another stall tactic, but the Winchester was prepared. As your back brushed against the wall, he blocked the exit beside the bed.
“I'm betting that he's doing what you're putting off...” Hot gaze trailing over you, Sam took a step forward. But, it was too late. The damage had been done.
“Oh, that is not helping your case.” Thinking of your best friend banging a stranger broke the spell completely. Sam blocked your path. However, he didn't block the bed itself. You hopped up and over the mattress. Making your way to freedom. “Go back to your crap porn.”
“I'd rather go down on you.” That caught your attention in a hurry. Your head whipped around. Only to see him cross his arms. Daring you to take what he'd so blatantly offered.
“Hate sex never ends well.” You warned. Feeling your resolve crumbling. The Winchester had won. “You think we're bad now...wait until this is done.” Your fingers moved to grab your shirt and whip it off. Jaw clenched in frustration. The war between mind and body lost for the moment.
“So,” Sam's voice made you jerk your head up. Waiting to see his offer. “We don't do it.”
“Wait, what?” You weren't following. You'd just given in. He should have been pouncing like a wild animal. Not retreating.
But, Sam did, “Guess it's just you and me...” He pulled the laptop back his way. Without looking at you, he simply uttered one last order. “You can go, now.”
“You are the world's biggest dick!” An indignant squeal left you as you slammed out of the room. So sure that you'd been played.
“Right now, I wish that was true...” The hunter sighed, pushing the device from his side. If he was? He would've taken you right then and there. Instead, he'd signed himself up for an indefinite length of celibacy.  
“I figured it out,” Your voice broke through the world of Harry Potter as you entered the room later that night. Without missing a beat, the strip tease began. The pajama shirt you'd donned was tossed away. Leaving you in a frilly, lace thong that hardly covered what lay beneath it.
“Yeah?” He focused on the book instead of you. Or, rather, pretended to be. All of his senses were latched onto you.
“You wanted me to do the work.” You huffed out theatrically as you moved to the edge of his bed. But, that wasn't good enough. Oh no. That was only the beginning. Crawling onto his bed, you moved his way. Not stopping until you'd completed your goal: Straddling him.
“Oh really?” His book was dropped off to the side. Good ole Harry fighting the good fight simply didn't compare to an almost completely naked woman settled over his dick.
“Well, you probably wanted me to beg.” You shrugged, moving your hands to rub along his chest. So confident that it was criminal. A totally different woman than he'd had in his grasp earlier. “But, that just won't happen.”
It was more than just that. He'd wanted you to make the move. To make sure he wasn't just manipulating you into it. Ensuring you wanted him as much as he wanted you.
Sam needed you to know that it was going to be entirely consensual. Something you hadn't quite realized you'd needed until that moment. And damn if it didn't make your heart squeeze just a little bit.
“Is that a challenge, Y/N?” He grinned, flashing those too big dimples your way. Simply pleased rather than his usual arrogance.
“If you think you can last...” You trailed off pointedly. Eyes meeting his directly. Making sure he knew that you hadn't forgotten that very first moment of pining.
Your finger lightly traced a pattern on his shirt- just over where his tattoo was etched. Two similar patterns had been needled into your own flesh. One on your hip, and one under your breast. The second hidden after a demon had thought to scrape away at the first.
“I...I...I know I can.” Came the breathy promise. Slightly nervy. He let his gun calloused hands rub along your bare thighs. Noting the way you arched into his touch that time rather than away.
“Glad you don’t doubt it.” Bending forward, you pressed your lips into his neck so gently it was criminal. The action letting your bare breasts brush against his t-shirt. Causing a shiver to travel through his body. “But, I'm going to need a little more convincing.” Your lips pressed against his throat again. Firmer this time. Sam's fingers dug into the meat of your legs. Grounding himself as best as he could to sanity.
“You're sure about this?” The question came through gritted teeth. Needing to hear you say the words. Not just imply it.
“Right now?” Again, your gaze came up to meet his. Letting him see the lingering doubts that hid behind the E/C. “This makes no sense...” A small moment of hesitation appeared. Leaving you almost vulnerable as you dipped your forehead to his. Still warring with the idea in that too full head of yours.
“Which is why it's so alluring.” Came his soft answer. Sam's hands left the skin of your legs to gently hold your cheeks. Tilting his head up, his nose brushed against the tip of your own. “Tell me you don't wanna, and this ends. Alright? But...if you do? It'll be alright. Promise...”
After a moment of silence, Sam finally got his answer, “Okay.” Nodding, you closed your eyes. Taking a second. Simply letting your breath mingle with his. When they opened? Sam knew you made your final choice. Slowly, your hands ran back over the thin material of his shirt. Biting your lip, you looked him over. Your hands reached back up to hold his face still. Giving yourself a moment to breathe before he could lunge. Back to the girl who'd walked in his door and knocked him off his feet. “I don't even know where to start with you, Winchester.”
“Y...yeah?” Another nod was all he got as you pondered over it. “Luckily for you?” Sam's husky voice captured your attention away from his thick chest. “I do.” With that, he tugged your body against his. Rolling you with a well practiced spin until you were pinned beneath him.
“You sure I won't suffocate down here?” Came the breathless whisper. Needing to have that final piece of confirmation that you'd be safe.
“Y/N...” The too large hand moved surprisingly gentle as it pushed a piece of hair away from your eye. Dimples in full swing. “Shut up.”
“Make me?” For once, Sam had no problems following your order...
Part Ten
Tag: @burningmusicmachine​ @missmarrinette​ @sherlockedtash88​ @rathersuspiciousbumblebee​ @sasbb23​ @nothinbuttrouble2​ @baby-bunker-pie​ @neii3n​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​ @malfoysqueen14
Forever: @dean-winchesters-bacon​ @supernaturalginger​
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writteninsunshine · 5 years
It’s Not Unusual - Uma/Doug/Evie - SFW
Title: It's Not Unusual Author: Donnie Fandom: Descendants Setting: Cafe in Auradon Pairing: Uma/Doug/Evie, Uma/Harry Hook/Gil, Doug/Evie Genre: Romance/Humor Rating: T Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1789 Type of Work: One-Shot Status: Complete Warnings: Polyamory, Polyamory Discussion, VK's are more likely to be poly than AK's, Doug's a virgin, Uma's afraid of commitment, Vague Kink Discussion, Uma's a dom as usual Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Summary: There was a never-ending bounty of cultural differences between Auradon and the Isle Of The Lost. Doug had never been so floored by one of them before. AN: So, I'm still working on writing and junk despite not having internet, especially while my tablet is throwing a fit and not wanting to work. I want to work on commissions, but I'm also pretty out of it and just need to unwind some. Maybe I'll work on another Clint Barton Bingo piece after this, but there's no promises. My main fandom right now is, apparently, Descendants. Whoops. Anyway, here we go!
Descendants Fic Masterlist It's Not Unusual ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ “So, what do you say?” Uma looked flighty, impatience written in the crease of her brow and uncertainty in the straight line of her lips. Doug scooted slightly forward in his chair, leaning so that his chest pressed into the table for a second, before he sat back in his original position; nervous fidgeting, if Uma knew anything about reading people.
“I mean...” He began, pursing his lips and furrowing his brows, staring at the ornate, white metal table the three sat at, absently turning his class ring on his middle finger. Evie reached over carefully, a smile that could bewitch the coldest of hearts on her beautiful face, and rubbed her thumb over his knuckles. “It's okay to take your time.” She offered with a little chuckle, “I think it's another culture difference.” “Yeah, it sure looks like it.” Uma rolled her eyes, leaning back and crossing her arms over her chest, her left leg following to rest over her right knee. “You Auradon kids are spoon-fed the One True Love bullshit, but it doesn't have to be that way.” Evie's eyes cut and she mouthed 'language', though her head didn't turn to look at the other woman. It was clear that Doug was only growing more anxious with Uma's potential aggression, and the daughter of Ursula finally took a deep breath through her nose, held it, and let it out through her mouth. “I'm not looking for something closed off. For all intents and purposes, you and Evie are the primary in this relationship.” “Uma's dating Harry and Gil, too. Well, sort of.” Evie chuckled a little, “It's really not that uncommon on the Isle to have more than one date at a time. As far as I've heard, Uma's the best about talking about it first.” This time, it was Uma who received a sunshiny smile and tender glance, and Evie's hand slid over the small table, palm up. After a second's glance between Evie's hand and Doug's apprehensive frown, Uma leaned forward to take the other woman's hand and offered what she hoped was a kind smile. The way she felt her mouth moving, however, probably meant she'd only add to Doug's obvious discomfort with the subject. “I don't like for there to be secrets. I don't keep them because I wouldn't want them to be kept from me.” Uma informed, and Doug's slanted eyes widened slightly in understanding. So, the VK's really did understand some levels of decency. Not that he thought much that way after meeting Evie, but he did know that a lot of the AK's assumed that all of those on the Isle were morally bankrupt. Hell, he'd been one of them, at first. “Harry and Gil couldn't keep a secret if their lives depended on it, naturally, but I still wouldn't lie to them. And I know that when it comes down to it, if anyone is perfect for those idiots, it's each other. But they're still my idiots.” “Well, let me get this straight, then.” Doug finally piped up, leaning forward again to rest his elbows on the table, hands clasped up by his lips until he spoke again, pointing towards Uma but not at her, “You want to be in an open relationship with Evie and I, but also Harry and Gil,” Uma gave a curt nod, but let him finish, “But that means that you can come and go as you please?” “Exactly.” Had Gil been present at the little cafe they had chosen for this particularly interesting lunch date, he would have blurted something about Uma's fear of commitment. Which she didn't have. Commitment was her favorite thing in the world, right up there with Bilge Balls and doing dishes. “And what if one of us wants you when you don't want to be tied down?” The question was so far out of left field both Evie and Uma blinked several times and turned to slowly, fully face him. Uma's lips parted as if she might say something, and then closed, following that pattern three or four times before Evie cleared her throat. “I don't think her boys are like that.” She interjected, licking her rose red lips, “Most Isle kids don't get--” “Clingy.” Uma supplied, “I... Don't know how to answer that. I'm...” Scared of commitment, “Not exactly used to being in high demand when I don't want to be.” “So what do you do with Harry and Gil?” Doug asked, curious instead of interrogating, but it didn't stop Uma's defenses from rising around her like a physical wall. “If I want their attention, I seek them out. If I don't, I don't.” Her curt answer was punctuated by an uncomfortably harsh glare, and she tipped her head down to stare up her nose at him, “If you don't want to do this--” “No, it's not that!” Doug cut her off suddenly, leaving her balking at him as he stood, his chair knocked to the cobblestone street and both hands held out. The rest of the patrons of the cafe had turned to look, only adding to the sheepish smile on his face as he righted his chair and sat back down. “S-sorry.” Taking his own deep, calming breath, he finally closed his eyes, rubbing them behind his glasses. “I just... Don't understand, I guess. How you could want to be with someone, but then just... Not. I think I always want to be around Evie.” “And Harry and Gil are attached at the everything.” Uma shrugged slightly, placing both hands tented on her knee, “I'm sure you've seen cats, haven't you?” They had those both on and off the Isle, she knew that much. “Yeah, of course.” “Think of it like that. I'm very capable of...” She had to take a second to say the word, rushing it to push past the rising bile in her stomach at the mere thought, “Love. But I don't think it's prudent to only share it with one person, or to share it all the time. As such, I like to spread it to certain people, those that I find an actual attraction to.” Her eyes flitted to Evie, whose eyes gave a knowing twinkle, and her gentle, gracious smile spoke volumes to her knowledge of the subject, “I don't know you half as well as I know Evie, which isn't a lot in the first place, but... I'd be willing to give it a chance. You never know if you don't try.” Plus, Harry was already driving her insane with how clingy he'd become since Gil and Jay had decided to go on some giant gap year road trip. The biggest problem Uma had with it was that if Gil attempted college after that gap year, he'd be lucky to remember basic math. That and the fact that they wouldn't just let Harry tag along for the sake of his (and her) sanity. “You have a point.” Doug conceded, and he finally rested his nose against the top of his clasped hands and huffed. “I mean... I can't really say it's not appealing. You're both...” His eyes scanned Evie in his peripherals and then took in Uma with a soft sigh, “Wow. I can't believe either of you would--” “I'm going to stop you there, Doug.” Uma held up her hands in a defenseless position, shaking her head, “You have no reason to question it, neither of us would waste our time if we weren't interested.” “What she means is,” Evie jumped in, eyes a little wide as she took both of Doug's hands in hers and kissed his knuckles, “We wouldn't be having this conversation if she weren't invested. Uma doesn't throw her heart around for no reason.” Doug seemed a little more pliable with that, and he nodded carefully. The tense line of his shoulders melted away and Uma couldn't help but chuckle. “Too blunt?” “You still need to work on your people skills.” Evie replied with a playful roll of her eyes and an accompanying bright smile, “So, what do you say, honey pot?” Turning those beautiful doe eyes on Doug, she brushed his knuckles again with her thumb, and he seemed to melt just that much more. “Well... If my True Love is a VK, who's to say that I couldn't have another one?” Uma looked like she might bolt at the idea, but through some miracle managed to stay seated. She smiled, strained and anxious, but nodded a little bit, taking his acquiescence with as much grace as she could muster. “Alright, then we'll try it. But I do want you to try.” “Try what?” Uma's eyes narrowed and she was back to leaning back, arms crossed, guarded. “If we ask you to join us, and you don't already have plans with Harry and Gil, then I want you to try. You might find out you like it.” Prying one hand free of Evie's death grip, he held it palm-up on the table, waiting patiently,  “I'm trying something I'm uncomfortable with, too. It's only fair that we're both clueless about some parts of this.” Considering it for what felt like a thousand eons, Uma stared at his hand like it just might bite her, before slowly snaking her own delicate hand into his. The handshake was firm, which surprised her, but she had to admit she was intrigued. “Alright.” She finally sighed, “But there's one other ground rule.” “And what's that?” Doug asked, skeptical of whatever it was she was about to lay down. Some kind of clause to let her slip out like a thief in the night for no reason? “I don't bottom.” Red from his chest to his ears, Doug choked on air at the admission, lurching forward as he coughed and Evie dutifully rubbed his back with a little tinkle of a laugh. Uma's domineering smirk would follow him into his dreams; Or maybe his nightmares? He wasn't sure. “Don't worry. If you aren't into it, either, I know someone we have in common who is.” She winked playfully at Evie, whose quick glance away spoke volumes accompanied by her silence, “It's Harry and I's deal, too, no penetration on each other. I can work with that.” Though she couldn't deny the sudden urge to see how Doug would handle being taken apart with pleasure. He had plenty of hair to tug on, at least. “We'll-- We'll have to, uh--” Doug sputtered, unable to meet either woman's eyes as he gulped, finally just hiding his face in his hands. “Uma, we haven't... Done that, yet.” Evie offered gently, feeling her cheeks flushing as a positively evil grin bloomed on Uma's lips. “Well, we'll have to work on that, then, won't we?” She questioned, leaning back more comfortably, now, reaching forward to take her little plate laden with chocolate covered strawberries to place on her own lap. “I'm sure I could figure out a good way to introduce you to it.” Her eyes were on Doug when she said it, “Don't worry. You're in good hands.” Doug wasn't so sure he was, if only because he suddenly felt even more out of his element. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ AN: Welp, there we go! I've been wanting to write something like this for a while, now, and like... I think I'm actually pretty happy with how this came out. It's kind of cute, and honestly, I love these babies. This won't be the only fic with Uma flitting around from ship to ship, by the way. I have... So many desires for her to be with everyone ever, so we'll see where this goes from here.
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lokis-lady-death · 6 years
Return to Crimson Peak
Disclaimer: This story is written as a sequal to Crimson Peak. If you couldn’t handle the original story, please don’t read, because that would be dumb. 
Sir Thomas Sharpe x Reader
Mini Series Halloween (Special thanks to @bambamwolf87 for going back and forth on this idea!) 
My name is (y/n), and I would like to tell you a story.
A love story. Filled with hate. Filled with sin. Something real and imaginary, exciting and terrifying.
I want to tell you a ghost story.
There were all kinds of ghost stories that have floated through the world, like a dense fog, capturing the imaginations of those who hear them. Some based as far back as when nobility and class were all anyone cared about, some as notorious as Jack the Ripper, some as tragic as children getting taken by monsters. Each story holds some truths, based on some sort of factual event that forever concretes the illusion of a ghost to the world of the living. Alas, they all inevitably fade away. They become fables we tell children, destined to be nothing more than boy scout campfire tales.
Utter nonsense really.
But then, every once in a while, against all reasonable belief, there is a ghost story so rifeting, so heart wrenching -so full of lust, ambition, and murder- that at the end it leaves one questioning their sanity.
Crimson peak is one of those ghost stories.
The first time my brother Luke and I heard the story of Crimson Peak was from our grandmother. I remember visiting the family home in Buffalo, New York, listening to her spin fantisful tales of this or that while pouring me tea. Grandmother was a wonderful storyteller, a trait I was told she inherited from her own mother, Edith McMichael. Better known by her maiden name, Edith Cushings.
She told us that Edith had grown up a beautiful, well educated woman of the upper society of New York. An unwed heiress that only cared about one thing: writing stories. That is, until her own story had an unexpected character added to the plot. Thomas Sharpe.
From there, everyone knows the story, most likely even read the book.
But this story became something more to my brother. He wanted more than the book. He wanted the experience.
He wanted to see and live it for himself.
As he grew older, he researched more into the story and found the home in which everything took place: Allerdale Hall. As it turned out, the gothic mansion had been made over to be a secluded, lavish hotel for rich bureaucrats traveling the English countryside in the 50’s, however in the 80’s the attention died down. It went a long time without use until 2010 when a new owner took over and turned it into a Victorian Bed and Breakfast with a twist: while it’s 50’s counterpart tried to pretend nothing awful happened in that house, the new owner exploited it. There was even an episode of Ghost Hunter filmed where someone stayed the night in the bed and breakfast. They stayed in Lucille’s room but never saw her ghost. He did say the new owner and her husband were rather odd, though he thought they were just trying to give into the haunted theme they tried to portray.
It was disheartening to say the least that other than the story of Crimson Peak itself, it seemed like there was no actual haunting. I eventually lost interest and moved on with my life, diving into school and social life. But not Luke. He still felt drawn to the story and after working doubles for two months and convincing me to split the fees, we were set to travel to England and actually stay the night in Allerdale Hall.
Which is where my story begins.
“This is it!” Luke exclaimed, heaving one bag onto his shoulder and another under his arm. “Crimson Peak!”
I cut my eyes at my brother, almost annoyed at the whole situation. His Ghosts are Real shirt, his bag of ghost summonings, our grandmother’s copy of Crimson Peak all in hand so as to crescent it with what he deems the unholy land. “I can’t believe you talked me into this…”
His blonde curls bounced as he turned to face our home for the next few days. “But… Just look at it, y/n....”
Turning up from the cab, I took in the entirety of Allerdale Hall. Grand, magnificent, dark, and foreboding, it stood against a gray canvas of fog. In front of it, the key part of the entire story, Sir Thomas Sharpe’s mining invention.
My eyes followed upward the structure, absorbing every last archway and stone of the complex before resting on a single window where I caught sight of a pale faced man.
I was snapped back to my brother when he called my name for what I had to assume by his aggravated tone was not the first time. “What?”
“I said grab your shit, I ain’t no packmule.”
I grabbed my bags and followed him through the double doors.
Inside, it was evident all the work the new owners had put into the mansion. It was extravagant but dark, framed perfectly with a massive wooden staircase that opened all the way to the other floors, victorian era artwork lining every inch of wall space, and a single grand crystal chandelier shining over the foyer.
“Welcome!” called out a british accent. A pink haired woman popped up from behind the registry desk with a gleaming, misplaced smile. “I’m the owner, I go by Rain. You must be the Cushings!”
As if the overtly brightness of her hair was too much for the gothic mansion, she countered with a steampunk style victorian dress of silk, leather metal loops and chains that dangled from her sleeves and a leather corset hugging at her waist.
“Actually, that’s not our name…” I corrected while Luke simply began signing the guest book.
“But you ARE descendants of Edith Cushing, right?” she pushed.
“I… Yes, we are. How did you...?”
“I found you on Ancestry.com! I have been a huge fan of your great, great grandmother for a long time! I saved up for years to buy this place,” the owner said as she looked around the empty lobby with a since of overbuilt romanticism. “Crimson Peak has always been a passion of mine.”
“You two should get along swell then,” I mumbled as Luke laid down the pen. “Now, about our rooms….”
“OH yes!” she exclaimed while pulling out two skeleton keys, handing you each one. “You will be in the west wing, Lucille’s old room,” the owner told Luke. “And you,” she said with a sideways grin, “You’ll be down the hall in Sir Thomas’s room.”
I took the key and stared at it, feeling my heart start to race. “I....”
“Excellent!” my brother cut me off, taking the sets of keys. “Are we allowed to explore some?”
There was some mischief behind the owner’s eyes when she answered, “Its actually encouraged.”
While Luke looked more than please, I had to stop and ask, “Won’t that be disruptive to your other customers?”
“Judging by the guest book, we’re the only ones staying here.”
“Correct! We normally slow down on visitors during the colder months. Which is a shame, because that’s when things always get fun around here.” Rain cut me a wink before finishing, “Now, enjoy!”
Luke’s hand grabbed hold of my shoulder to steer me away from the desk. “Yes, we will, thank you, Ms. Rain!” Just passed her I could make out another grand room with a marble fireplace and piano.
“That’s where Lucille used to play music for her brother,” Luke told like an extremely zealous curator at a museum. I wrinkled my nose, remembering that detail from the book. “Come on, let’s go find our rooms!”
At the base of the stairs was a framed layout of the house to help guests find their way around. A large YOU ARE HERE arrow laid out where you began. Luke’s finger followed the line up to the right and down a hall to West Wing where the two of you would be staying.
Luke held out my key before flashing me one of his overly excited grins, he spat out, “Race ya!”
Before I could argue how rude, childish, and annoying he was being, Luke was off. Never one to be outdone, I bolted up behind him, hoping I remembered the layout. By the time I got to the top of the stairwell, I saw my brother’s sneakers right before they disappeared down a hall. When I got to the opening of the hall, I turned and saw no one. Taking a few steps forward, I listened intently to try and pinpoint where my brother had gone.
But nothing.
“Fuck,” I mumbled under my breath. Giving up on the race, I let out an exasperated sigh and wandered deeper in to the house.
‘Do I turn here?’ I asked myself when I found another hall off the main one. I still didn’t see Luke, so I called out for him but I got no answer.
A round window at the other end of the stretch was all that illuminated my path, casting shadows from the intricate woodwork of the moldings and ceiling.
I was distracted when I heard a soft disruption in all the stillness of the house. I stopped and listened. Someone was moving around in one of the rooms, but which one, I wondered. Following the sound, I came to the end of the hall. A light on the other side was so bright that it boiled through the small gap where the door met the floor. Some more ruffling from the other side confirmed I was at the right room, I could even see shadows move through the light.
“Luke, is this your room?” I asked, going to turn the knob. But it was locked.
“No?” I jumped when I unexpectedly heard his voice from the other end of the hall, where I had just come from. “What are you doing down here?” he asked, “We’re this way.”
“I heard someone, I thought it was you...” I turned back, eying the floor where the light shone through. But there was none now. No light. No movement. Just stillness.
“Oh…” I swallowed but shook my head, knowing it had to be my own imagination getting the better of me.
“You’re already getting haunted?” Luke asked with a hint of jealousy.
“No, you idiot, this stupid house just has me on edge is all.” I grabbed up my bags and eyed him. “Now show me where our rooms are so I can sleep off this jet lag!”
Back down the main hall, he showed me where a set of double doors led down a private wing. The West Wing.
“Here’s your room,” Luke said, taking my key to open it. “My room is the last one on the left.”
The door creaked so horribly it felt like it echoed through the whole mansion.
It did not disappoint. The room, like everything else in the house, was massive, the walls solid wood carved and etched with such fine, minute detail it felt like a painting. The ceiling had golden loops around where two chandeliers hung on either side of the massive four poster bed that sat opposite of a fireplace.
“Holy shit…. Maybe this won’t be so bad, “ I reasoned as I pulled out my phone to text my friends back in the US.
Luke’s voice cracked as he watched, knowing what you must be doing. “Actually, I had one thing I had to tell you, and don’t freak....”
“I HAVE NO SIGNAL?” I raged as my eyes narrowed at him. His hands were up in defense, waiting for the slew of slaps he deserved, but I just let it go. “Fine. Ok. Whatever. Have you found the WiFi password?”
“Actually, about that…”
“It’s good to take a break from modern advances now and then, y/n, you know it’s healthy…”
“Luke.” I stopped him, staring deep into his soul. “Are you telling me you brought me to the middle of nowhere England, to a haunted house, with no working means to contact the outside world?”
“It’s only for a few days…”
“LUKE, I WILL MuRdEr YOU! You will no longer be looking for a ghost because YOU WILL BE A GHOST!” My hands went flying and all he could do was protect his face.
“Come on, y/n. Don’t be so melodramatic,” he said before stepping out of your doorway. “Take it as an opportunity to get to know yourself. That’s why I told you to bring books.”
The realization that he had known the whole time we would be without technology was even more infuriating, so I started chunking pillows from the bed at him until he closed the door
I threw myself onto the bed and screamed into the comforter.
How was I going to stay sane without the internet for three days?
Sitting back up, I couldn't help but reassess my situation.
I'm stuck.
In a haunted house.
For three days.
A strange sensation washed over me, like the sudden chill of someone walking over your grave.
The house, I realized, was quiet. So quiet. Not another soul to be heard.
That was the first time I noticed that I had been hearing a steady movement the entire time I was alone and hadn't paid it any attention until now. When it stopped.
What had stopped moving?
I stayed still and listened for it to start again.
But it didn't.
Wondering why I had unnecessarily scared myself, I shook my head clear of the thought while opening up one of my bags.
My first bag was my safety net.
Junk food (because I’m shameless), sodas (because I’m shameless), and romance novels (because, you guessed it).
I opened the music on my phone and pulled out my thirstiest book.
Chapter One: How They Met
About twenty minutes into my story, the music was interrupted by a tap on the door. One solid knock. Of course I jumped, anyone would have. Then I heard some shuffling as an envelope flew under my door.  
I instantly sprang from my seat- curiosity always being both my best and worst quality- and tore the letter open.
~~We would like to cordially invite you to dinner in the Main Dining Hall this evening at 6pm. PS On the back of the door, you will find attire for the event.~~
Of course my first thought was what a gimmick to pull, but then I had to appreciate their creativity. The place wanted to bring out the Gothic Romance of  Allerdale Hall, and it certainly didn’t hold back. Opening the door to find a white silk dress, I saw the depth of that devotion.
I pulled the dress down when I heard Luke’s door open. “Holy shit!” he cussed. I went down the hall to find him awing at a suit hanging from his door. “Y/n!” he squealed through his teeth, “Holy shit!”
I laughed but really, I was excited.
A dressed up dinner in a haunted mansion. Through all the cliche, through all the irritants, I thought maybe this could turn out to be a fun get away.
After all...
What was the harm in playing along?
Part 2 is up!
The role of Luke will be played by Evan Peters:
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buckyscrystalqueen · 6 years
The Cards: Part 4
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, angst, fluff, mentions of past abuse by readers ex, smut.
Word Count: 4,568
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
“Will you quit eating your bets!” You teased as you whacked at Bucky’s hand. He looked at you as innocently as possible as he bit the pretzel stick in half. With wide eyes, he shook his head as he slowly fed the other half to Chloe.
“Chloe told me to.” You rolled your eyes and looked at your dog who was curled up in Bucky’s borrowed sweatpants clad lap on your bed. He had stayed the night, helping you with anything you needed but you had drawn the line and called Sara for a shower that morning. She had brought over some of her brothers clothes so he could have something to change in to.
“How are you gunna blame my fur child like that?” You look up at him at the same moment he tossed another pretzel stick in his mouth.
“How are you gunna ask me to play poker and use pretzel sticks for chips?” He asked as you shuffled the cards. 
“I assumed you would have some self control since you just demolished an entire order of Sesame chicken and a carton of fried rice like two hours ago.”
“And half your fortune cookie.” He pointed out as he took another pretzel out of the pile.
“You’re like a bottomless pit!” You teased as you dealt the cards. “And the only reason you got half my cookie is because I can’t chase after you, you cheater.” He laughed as you took a pretzel off the pile and tossed it in your mouth.
“They were good cookies! I’m half tempted to…” He stopped mid-sentence and turned back toward your living room at the same time that Chloe perked her head up off his bent knee.
“What?” He shook his head and picked up Chloe as he slid across the bed toward you.
“Hold her and stay quiet.” He climbed over you fluidly as he pushed Chloe into your arms. He slid his arms under you, being as gentle as he possibly could with your legs that now just felt like they were pins and needles over the fire from the night before and moved you to the floor. “Stay here no matter what, OK?” You nodded, confused as he grabbed your pillow off the bed and put it behind you. You watched as he grabbed a knife out of his jacket and soundlessly moved toward the open door of your bedroom. 
As he leaned back against the wall by the bedroom door, you heard the dead bolt on your front door click open. You clung to Chloe and wrapped your fingers gently around her muzzle to keep her quiet. The only person who had a key to your house was Sara and she would never show up unannounced. You reached up and grabbed a fist sized quartz point off your bedside table as the soft plod of boot steps made their way through your apartment.
Your blood rushed in your ears as you looked across the room under your bed. You could barely see Bucky’s bare feet from where you were laying but you could definitely make out the shadow of a man quickly making his way toward your bedroom. You covered your mouth with your wrist as you fought with Chloe to keep her on your stomach. She growled and trashed to go and protect her mama. As the man came up to the door, Bucky moved.
“Whoa! It’s me!” A voice shouted as Bucky stepped away from the wall to attack the intruder.
“Are you kidding me right now, Steve? I could have killed you.” You gasped as Chloe managed to wiggle out of your grasp. She darted under your bed and you scrambled to grab her, missing her by inches. She yipped angrily before latching herself on to the man’s pant leg and shaking it as hard as she could.
“What’s going on?” Steve asked as he tried to gently remove his pants from Chloe’s mouth by kicking his leg out to try to pull his pants out of her mouth.
“Don’t you kick my dog!” You snapped as Bucky bent down to get Chloe.
“Seriously? I disappear for one night and you track me down?” You tried to stand up to see who your visitor was but the small amount of weight you put on your leg sent needles of pain racing up to your hips as payment.
“You weren’t answering your phone…”
“Can I be part of this conversation since you broke into my house please?!" You pulled yourself over to your dresser to get shorts as Bucky asked Steve to step out of the room for a moment. He closed the door and put Chloe on the bed before coming around to help you.
“Doll, I am so sorry.” You shook your head as you fought to put the basketball shorts on. “Here, stop…” You sighed in frustration as he crouched down in front of you and took the shorts.
“Why is he here?” Bucky shook his head as he pulled the shorts up to your hips.
“I don’t know.” Tears stung your eyes and you shook your head. He looked up at you as he put his metal hand on the small of your back to lift your hips. With a weak, knowing smile, he nodded. “He won’t see, doll. I promise you.” You nodded, trusting him as you wrapped your arms around his neck. A few tears slipped from your eyes as he lifted you off the floor and set you back down on your bed.
“There’s a light, purple sheet in the closet.” You said as Bucky grabbed your pillow and propped it up behind you.
“Chloe ate the rest of the pot. Told you it wasn’t me.” Your brow furrowed as he walked over to the closet and the light crunching beside you made you realize what he was talking about.
“You’re a really bad parent, James.” He laughed as he opened the sheet all the way and laid it out over your legs. Even the light pressure of it set your nerves on fire and you growled at the pain.
“I’m learning to be a parent, OK?” He looked at Chloe and frowned as he picked up the bag of pretzel sticks before she could get to them, too. “Look at mommy being mean to me.” Chloe whacked her tail against the bed as he scratched behind her ear for a moment before heading over to the bedroom door. He pulled it open with a sigh. “Steve, meet (Y/N). You already met her fur child, Chloe.” 
You hated this moment. The moment where the only thing you could do was sit in your bed and look as disabled as you felt. It made you feel beyond useless but Bucky somehow managed to make it better. He sat down on your bed, scooted back so that his body was practically blocking your legs from view, bent his knees and rested his arms on top of them as Steve came into the room. You recognized Captain America immediately.
“Do you make it a habit of breaking into people’s homes, Captain?” You asked as he looked at the two of you. You kept your eyes on Steve as Chloe stood up, turned around, and laid on the bed just in front of Bucky; always your little protector.
“I apologize, ma’am. I was just concerned about a friend.” You nodded as you watched his face. If he noticed anything strange about the situation, he didn’t let it show on his face.
“I don’t need a babysitter, Steve.” Bucky said as he leaned back over you, being mindful to not cause you anymore pain as he grabbed half a joint from the ashtray beside your bed. “Just two grown ups, smoking weed and playing poker on her days off.”
“And stealing people’s fortune cookies.” You chimed in as he lit the joint and passed it to you in an attempt to counter the fabric on your legs. He smirked at you and rolled his eyes. 
“Why didn’t you answer the phone?” Steve asked as he leaned against the wall. Chloe growled at him and he quickly stood up straight.
“Had other things that took priority.”
“Bucky…” Steve sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“No, Steve. I don’t want to hear it. After everything I’ve been through in the past I just want to be normal. I just want to pretend that I went to war and came back, met a sweet dame and started a normal life.” You pat his arm and handed him the joint as he pointed at you. “She gets my crazy.”
“Buck, you’ve know her two weeks…”
“And?” You looked at Steve with your eyebrows raised. “Pretty sure at nearly a hundred years old, he’s more than capable of making his own life choices.” Bucky turned back to glare at you as he passed off the last bit of the joint. You smiled broadly as he poked at your side.
“So what, you’re just gunna ignore your job and turn into some dope fiend?” You couldn’t help but snort as you put the roach out in the ashtray.
“God, you two are old.” You muttered as you looked back at Steve. He looked at you with a deadpan look and you shrugged. “No one calls it dope, anymore. It’s freaking weed. He can’t get high anyways. Fed him a pot brownie last night to test the theory.”
“I thought it tasted strange.” Bucky said as he looked back at you. You shrugged as he looked back at Steve. “And my job? Steve, I did my job. I did my duty to my country and I got brainwashed and a metal arm out of it. I don’t want to repeat the last 70 years of my life. I just want… sanity. The universe put her in my life and I’m not going to walk away from that.” With a smile, you sat up and rubbed his shoulder. He glanced over at you and carefully rubbed your hip.
“Wow… I don’t even know what to say.” You couldn’t help but huff a laugh as you looked at Steve. 
“Sorry for trying to parent him? Sorry for assuming that the Metal Sargent…”
“Winter Soldier.” Bucky corrected and you pointed at him as you continued.
“That one… was going to just pick up and be government property now that you fixed him? Sorry for trying to kick my dog?”
“I didn’t…”
“OK, so you didn’t exactly kick her dog. But you did do the other two things.” Steve sighed and shook his head.
“Tony’s not gunna let you stay at the facility after everything…”
“Pretty sure I can move my clothes around to give him a drawer or two here.” Steve tossed his hands up in the air and scoffed.
“After everything I’ve done for you…”
“And I appreciate all of that…” Bucky said as he scooted off the bed and stood in front of his friend. He put his metal hand on his friends shoulder and nodded. “You and I both know why I joined the army… the dames. Serving your country was your dream. This is mine.” He gestured to you on the bed as you pulled your legs up on the bed to appear normal. You smiled at him despite the pain as Steve sighed.
“Alright, Buck. I’ll talk to Stark.” Bucky shook his head and looked back at his friend.
“You don’t have to. She’s off for the next two days and I’ll head back upstate to talk to him when she goes back to work.”
“And what about you?” Steve asked as he looked at his friend. Bucky shrugged and gave him a tight lip smile.
“I’ll figure it out. But I know it’s gunna be worth it in the end.”
“So he’s just moving in?” You nodded at Sara as you moved some boxes around your store with one hand before opening; a redwood cane griped tightly in the other.
“I mean… trust the universe, right?” She smirked as she laid out a five card spread for herself on the counter.
“I think this would be the first time in the history of our friendship that you actually listened to me when I told you to trust the universe when it came to the cards.” You couldn’t help but laugh as you limped over to her, moving around Chloe as she ambled around the store, smelling all the new smells from your four days off.
“I mean, have you seen him?” She smiled as she looked up at you through her lashes.
“Oh, trust me honey, I’ve seen him… but what if he’s terrible in bed.” You rolled your eyes and looked down at her layout.
“I don’t think that’s possible. What did you ask?” You tilted your head to the side to read the spread with your brow furrowed. She sighed as she set her deck of tarot cards down and rested her elbows on the glass top.
“Mark and I are going at it again… the kid thing…” You hissed as you looked up at her. She would love to have kids but her husband was on the fence. According to the spread in front of her, the universe was not siding with her on the fight today.
“Ye-ouch.” She sighed again and shook her head.
“We’re talking divorce…” Your heart broke for your best friend as she collected her cards. You both knew this outcome was a likely one; not just because it was written in the cards but the fact that Sara and Mark had gotten married right after high school ten years back. At 27 years old, same age as you, the pair were finally coming to terms with the fact that they were just not meant for each other.
“S, you know I stand by you one hundred and fifty percent…” She nodded and groaned as she picked up her cards.
“It’s just one of those things where, no matter how much I don’t want to admit it, I should have listened to my mother.”
“Don’t ever let her hear you say that.” You teased half-heartedly as she walked over and unlocked the front door to start the day. You took a deep breath and prepared yourself for the long day ahead of you as you headed around the back of the counter to figure out what you could get done to make up for the two extra days you had to take off because of your legs.
“Hey monster!” Bucky said to Chloe as he headed into the store later that night. You looked at him as you counted down the drawer and your brow furrowed.
“I thought you weren’t coming back down this way for another couple days.” You wrote down the amount of fives in your drawer on your bank slip and grabbed the stack of ones.
“Stark apparently still hates me.” You nodded as you leveled the drawer out at one hundred dollars and counted the rest out for the bank.
“So that means you’re a permanent resident of Chelsea?” You asked as you finished the ones and added them to the stack that was going to the bank on the counter. Bucky picked up the yipping greyhound and turned so you could see the backpack on his back.
“That would be a yes. Now I just have to find a job… after I figure out what I am able to do in this decade.”
“Well, what were you doing before the war? Lock that…” You pointed toward the door as you updated your books for the day.
“Well I was actually in school. Art major.” You smiled as you looked up at him. 
“Well, are you any good?” He shrugged as he walked over to the counter.
“I was alright. Haven’t really done much drawing in the last few years.” You smirked as you shoved the money in your bank bag.
“Just like two or three?” The two of you laughed as he put Chloe down and leaned on the counter. “Well would you want to do art? I mean, you can sell your art here if that’s what you want to do. If not, Sara’s brother owns a gym a few blocks over and she said they are always looking for trainers. That could always be interesting…” Bucky chuckled as he pulled up his jacket and looked pointedly at his arm.
“Slightly an unfair advantage.” You laughed as you stashed your bank book under your register.
“Well, honey it’s entirely up to you now. You can do whatever you want. Shit, we’re busy enough that I could hire you here for a while…”
“I couldn’t ask you to do that. You’re already giving me a place to live…”
“That’s purely selfish…”
“…I can’t ask you to give me a job, too. I can figure something out.” You pouted slightly as you turned off your register and grabbed the cash drawer.
“Well the offer still stands. Wanna put her sweater on?” You paused in the doorway to your back room and looked back at him. “You know, technically, this would make you my puppy daddy and you haven’t even kissed me yet.” He smirked as he came over to you. He licked his lips as he looked down at you.
“Who said I wanted to kiss you?” Your jaw dropped as he quickly wrapped his arm around your waist. “Oh, stop.”
“You’re mean.” He nodded as he leaned down ever so slightly.
“I know.” He brushed his nose against yours and chuckled. “I’m really, really mean.” His lips barely brushed against yours as he took the cash drawer from you and pulled away with a laugh.
“Hey!” You shouted as he walked over to your desk. He set the drawer down on top of the safe as he pulled your desk chair out. He took a seat and tilted his head as he leaned his arms forward on his knees.
“You ever have sex at your desk?” You cocked your eyebrow at him as he twisted himself back and forth on the chair.
“No and after that, it’s not happening.” You turned and limped out of the back room with a giant smile on your face. You made it two steps before he caught up to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and spun you so you were pressed up against his chest.
“So does this mean you’re my girl?” Your brow furrowed slightly as you looked at his blue eyes.
“Was that not obvious?” His face deadpanned and you wrapped your arms around his neck before he could pull away like he was trying to. “Do you want me to be your girl?” He nodded as he wrapped his arms back around your waist.
“Yea, doll. I’ve been looking for you for a long, long time.” He closed the distance between the two of you and gently pressed his lips to yours. You sighed as he pulled you even closer to his chest. His tongue invaded your mouth welcomingly as he slid his hand up your back under your shirt.
“Room.” You gasped as you tangled your hands in his hair. He nodded as he kissed you passionately. His hands slid down your back and he grabbed the backs of your thighs; lifting you and carrying you easily over to the side room. He sat down on one of the chairs and you yanked off your skirt so you could straddle him easily. You ignored the slight sting in your legs as you pulled at his jacket.
“Are you sure you want this?” He asked as the two of you scrambled to get out of your shirts as fast as possible.
“Shut up.” You growled as you tossed your bra across the room. He smirked as you dragged your nails down his chest. “Do you?” He nodded as he crashed his lips to yours. Your gasp was lost in his mouth as he splayed his hands across your back and pulled your bare chest to his. The cold metal of his left hand slid up your warm skin to tangle in your hair as his right hand slid down the back of your panties.
“James” You sighed as he pulled your hair back to kiss down your jaw. You rolled your hips against his as you tugged on his hair; receiving a deep growl from his chest. He pulled back to look at you with lust blown eyes.
“Don’t do that or this will…” You smirked as you ground against his hard cock harder and tugged his hair again. You watched his eyes roll back as his grip tightened on your ass. “Fuck…”
“Mmm… that’s good to know.” You teased as you did it again; your core getting more and more wet with every noise he made. He pulled his hand out of your panties and quickly unzipped his pants.
“I warned you.” You barely had enough time to take a breath as he teased your core with his more than impressive length. “I wanted to take my time with you.” You gasped as his metal hand moved to your ass. “Look at me.” You looked down at him and searched his gorgeous blue eyes. “Do you want this? Want us?” You nodded as you moved your hands to cup his jaw.
“Yea, I want all of this. I want you.” He smiled as he gripped your ass in his hand and lifted you up on his lap. You crashed your lips to his feverishly as he moved the cotton of your panties to the side and lined himself up. You gasped as you lowered yourself down on him; letting him stretch you and fill you in a way that would forever ruin you for any other man. You both moaned loudly as you sank down until he bottomed out. “Holy shit.”
“Jesus, you’re so tight.” He growled as the two of you sat there for a moment; adjusting to his size. You panted as you dropped your head to his shoulder. “Doll… move.” You nodded as he moved his hands to your hips.
“I know.” You sat up straight and began rolling your hips against him. “God you’re perfect.” You crashed your lips to his and your tongues battled for dominance as your ran your nails over every inch of his muscular chest and shoulders. 
His hips met yours, thrust for thrust as your moans and gasps reverberated in the small room. Your legs burned as you bounced yourself on his length; needing him like you needed air. As your coil tightened, an evil idea came to mind. You dragged your nails up his back and neck and twisted your hands in his hair. You ran the tip of your tongue along the shell of his ear and smiled.
“Make me cum on this perfect dick, baby.” You tugged at his hair as you squeezed yourself around him. You didn’t have time to blink as he pulled out, wrapped his arms around you and moved so you were laying on the seat.
“Oh, you shouldn’t have done that…” You smiled up at him as he ripped your panties to shreds and tossed the fabric across the room. He scrambled out of his pants and yanked you down to the edge of the seat. He smirked down at you as he gripped his impressive length in his hand. 
“Hold on tight, baby.” Your smile dropped into an ‘oh’ as he slammed into you, immediately picking up a pace that was sure to leave bruises. You reached up and tangled your hands in his hair as you wrapped your legs around his waist.
“Fuck… just like that, baby.” You shouted as you pulled his hair again, loving this little kink of his. As his hips slammed into you at a punishing pace, he reached between your bodies and swiped his metal finger across your clit. The coolness of it against your hot bud made you snap. “I’m… I… I…” Words stopped making sense as your orgasm plowed into you like a freight train. Your back arched off the chair and you dug your nails into his back, desperate to hold on to anything as a release unlike anything you had ever felt before ripped through you.
“I can’t…” You heard him growl as the chair you were on shattered from the abuse. Without missing a beat, Bucky lifted you up and slammed you into the wall as he pounded into you, spilling inside of you as your world went white. You held onto each other for dear life as you rode out your highs, muscles twitching as you panted to catch your breaths. When his hips finally sputtered to a stop, he dropped his head to your shoulder.
“You broke my chair.” You said with a laugh as you lightly dragged your nails up his sweat drenched back. He huffed against your chest and shook his head.
“I told you not to do that. I broke the wall, too.” You tried to look behind you to see what he was talking about but gave up when the effort to do so was too much for your current state to handle.
“I already know we’re gunna need a stronger bed.” He laughed as he picked his head up to look at you.
“If you keep pulling my hair like that, yea.” You smiled as you moved your hands to his hair and gently scratched at his scalp. His eyes fluttered closed and his cock twitched inside of you as he moaned. “Don’t start or I’ll break the other chair, too.” You smirked as you stopped moving your hands but you kept your hands where they were.
“I like this kink. I’ve never been fucked that good in my life.” He smiled as he gave you a chaste kiss. 
“Just doing my civic duty, ma’am.” He mocked. You gave him another kiss as Chloe whined to go out.
“You may have to carry me home. I don’t think I could stand right now if you paid me too.” Bucky laughed as he pulled you away from the wall and moved toward the other chair.
“I’ll carry you.” You nodded at him as he pulled out of you and set you down gently on the chair. As he began to gather clothes, you looked as the giant hole in your wall.
“And you’ll fix that damn hole! Shit, Sara’s gunna kill me… actually, maybe not.” Bucky looked at you slightly confused as he pulled up his pants and handed you your skirt, bra and shirt. You giggled and shrugged.
“She’s looking at getting divorced so she’ll get to live vicariously through our sex life.”
“Well that’s not awkward or anything.” You laughed at him as he pulled on his shirt with a smirk.
“You broke a chair and put a whole in my wall. She’s gunna ask how and after mind blowing sex like that I’m gunna brag about my man… shit I’m half tempted to call the local news and run a story on the 10 o’clock.” He smiled as he came over and gave you a chaste kiss.
“You can tell whoever you want… because I’m the lucky man that gets to call you mine.”
Part 5
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centralparkpawsblog · 4 years
How to Puppy Proof Your House
Last night I was at a Mom’s Night Out event and was chatting with a friend, Julie, about her new puppy.
She had adopted a little poodle mix in September and was telling me all about her puppy’s daily antics and challenges.
Julie said one of the biggest challenges in puppy training was when the kids were “watching” the puppy.
She said that her teens had about the same attention span as the pup, which resulted in the puppy wandering off find to find its own form of entertainment.
Also, she said that kids aren’t great about picking up after themselves, so several shoes, clothing, and a backpack have all suffered the wrath of a teething puppy.
How can you save your house from a puppy’s wrath?
Puppy Proofing Your Home
Puppy proofing your house before the arrival of your puppy is vital to both your puppy’s safety and your sanity.
Puppies explore their surroundings using all of their senses, sight, smell, taste, and feel. Puppies often pick up anything they see on the floor or ground.
Puppies don’t always chew on or pick up items with the sole intent of eating them.
Much of the time, they are figuring out if that item is edible, chewable, or something of no real interest.
Other puppies like Daisy will also explore by pushing things with their noses.
Daisy would smell something and then give the item a nudge with her nose before she decided to put said item in her mouth.
So, when considering how to best puppy proof your house, you need to consider, from a puppy’s level, what they may chew on, nose, or try and eat.
And when I say see things from their level, I mean get down on their level and see what might look appealing to a puppy.
Also, remember puppies can explore standing on their hind legs, so keep things way up out of their reach.
Additionally, when puppy-proofing your home consider using gates to help keep puppies confined to smaller areas of your home.
Using gates will do two things; first, it will help with housetraining, and second, it will make it easier to supervise your puppy’s activities.
Dangerous Items Puppies Chew On
Cords pose a significant danger for puppies.
They are often appealing because they are at the puppy’s level and usually hidden behind or under furniture.
The apparent threat for a puppy chewing on a cord is electrocution, but additionally, wires can be a choking hazard as well.
Easy ways to keep cords from being chewed on are:
Covering the cables with rugs
Taping the cords down
Attaching a cord channel over the cord to keep it protected and hidden
Product Recommendations
D-Line Cable Grip Strip   Check Price
Belkin Cord Concealer   Check Price
D-Line Cable Raceway   Check Price
Chew Deterrent Sprays
Sprays can be used to deter dogs from chewing cords and other objects.
The drawback of using a spray is that it evaporates and requires consistent reapplication.
Product Recommendations
Rocco & Roxie No Chew Extreme Bitter Spray   Check Price
Bodhi Dog Bitter Lemon Spray   Check Price
Granicks Bitter Apple Taste Deterrent   Check Price
Garbage and Recycle Bins
Dogs of all ages love getting into the trash, and why not?
I am sure it smells like a buffet of goodness, at least to them.
Not only is it a huge unwanted mess to clean up, but there are dangers in the garbage that can cause serious harm to your puppy. Things like:
Poisonous foods (A list can be found below)
Fatty foods (which can cause pancreatitis)
Because of my 29 pounds of Awesome, also known as Sophie, we have our garbage attached to the wall in four points (see image).
We previously only attached it at the top of the can but she literally ripped off the wall.
I’m not saying that you need to bolt your can to the wall like us.
Usually, a covered receptacle or one tucked behind a cupboard works just fine.
Common Hazardous or Toxic Household Items
House Plants
Several common house plants are considered safe for humans but are poisonous to our canine companions[1].
Some of these plants include:
Emerald Feather
Asparagus Fern
Ribbon Plant
Arrowhead vine
For a full list of plants, both indoor and outdoor, check out the ASPCA website.
If you have any of these plants in your home, you will want to move them out of your puppy’s reach.
Also, even if a plant is safe for your puppy, be aware that they may see the planter as something fun to dig in. Daisy enjoyed digging, regardless if it was outside in the yard or a potted plant.
Trust me, it’s a huge mess you will want to avoid.
Air Fresheners
The majority of pet parents like using products listed as organic or natural; however, those two words do not equate to safe.
There are pet safe air fresheners, though
Most commercial air fresheners, including ones containing my beloved essential oils, often contain volatile organic compounds[2] (VOC).
Products that fall under the VOC heading are deemed hazardous or toxic according to US Federal law.
Air fresheners cause two potential dangers:
First, if your dog breathes in VOCs from air fresheners, it can cause significant respiratory issues.
And, second, if your puppy consumes the air freshener, it can cause severe GI upset, tremors, weakness, and unsteadiness.
By simply walking through a room air freshener has been used, a dog can pick it up on the bottoms of their feet.
Ingestion can happen just from your puppy licking their paws or fur after it comes in contact with the air freshener.
Remember that puppies are more sensitive than full-grown dogs, so please don’t assume that since your adult dog has not had any issues that it is equally safe for your puppy.
Cleaning Supplies
We may not always think about cleaning supplies because they are behind a cupboard door.
But dogs, especially bored puppies, can be tenacious and curious, which isn’t the best combination.
Additionally, if your puppy is hanging out with you while you clean, simply inhaling the fumes can cause harm to their respiratory system or cause skin irritations.
Also, like air fresheners, if a dog walks over or lays on surfaces that have been in contact with some of these chemicals, it can cause toxicity issues.
Common Chemicals Harmful to Dogs
Window Cleaner
Drain Cleaner
Products Containing VOCs
Products Containing Bleach
Oven Cleaner
Human Food
Many dog parents are familiar with some of the more common foods toxic to dogs, but if you are a new dog parent, you may not know that some of our favorite foods are not safe to share with your pooch.
Common Toxic Foods
Chocolate – The darker it is, the more toxic it is
Grapes and Raisins
Macadamia Nuts
Caffeine – Coffee, energy drinks, etc.
Xylitol – This is commonly found in gum, toothpaste, baked goods, and sugar-free foods[3]
Onions and Garlic
For a full list of foods not safe for your pup check out the ASPCA’s website.
As stated by the Pet Poison Hotline, 50% of the calls that come in are due to dog’s ingesting human medications.
Both prescription and over the counter (OTC) drugs can be toxic to dogs.
Puppies can chew right through child-proof caps!
Common medications that are harmful to dogs are:
Ibuprofen – Example: Advil or Naproxen
Acetaminophen – Example: Tylenol
Blood Pressure Medications
ADD/ADHD Medications
Sleep Aids – Both OTC and Prescription
Thyroid Medications
If your dog consumes any medications not intended for them, you should call the Animal Poison Control Center at (855) 764-7661.
Harmful Products Found in the Garage or Shed
There is a multitude of products found in garages and sheds that are incredibly toxic to dogs.
Antifreeze – Antifreeze is said to have a sweet flavor that is very appealing to dogs. Even the smallest spills or drips of antifreeze can cause significant harm to your dog[5].
Weed and Pest Control Products – Though no one loves weeds, rodents, or insects invading their home or yard, these products pose a serious danger to your dog’s health. Keep in mind that many rodent control products use things like nut butter to entice the rodents to eat the poison. Many pups will find these equally appealing.
Paint and Varnish – Paint and varnishes are not only toxic when consumed, but the fumes can be hazardous to your dog’s health as well.
Fun Items to Chew on that Make Mom and Dad Upset
Not everything your dog is going to chew is harmful to their health, but that doesn’t mean we want them to chew on it.
Below are some common household items puppies enjoy gnawing on but pet parents would prefer they didn’t.
Some puppies enjoy chewing on furniture, especially teething puppies.
Puppies enjoy chewing on harder objects to relieve the discomfort of teething.
If you find your puppy gnawing on your favorite piece of furniture you can:
Redirect them to an appropriate dog chew such as a teething bone or invite them to a game of puppy play.
Use a deterrent spray on the furniture your dog is attracted to. Be sure to test it in on a small area first to ensure that it won’t ruin your furniture.
Understand that to a puppy, furniture is no different to them than any other object. So, in the beginning, they will not decipher between appropriate and inappropriate chew items.
This is all part of puppy training.
If you have enrolled your puppy into a puppy class, they will likely be teaching you and your dog the “off” command, which will significantly help in saving your furniture.
Floor Lamps
Must have been a large puppy Photo by John Bracken (CC BY 2.0)
Daisy tipped over a floor lamp when she was a puppy and it scared both of us!
Thankfully, that scare was enough to keep her from nosing the lamp again.
We were fortunate that the lamp didn’t break on impact, but if it had, it would have been a massive mess of dangers glass.
To prevent your puppy from tipping a floor lamp, you will want to create a barrier so your puppy doesn’t have access to it.
Remote Controls
(Both for the Entertainment Center or Gaming Center)
Remotes are covered with our scent, making them a popular item dogs enjoy chewing.
In addition to needing to replace a chewed remote, there are a few possible dangers for your puppy.
The dangers of chewing on remotes are:
Cutting themselves on shards of plastic
Consuming parts or all of the remote
Chewing on or eating the batteries
So, keep those remotes up and out of your puppy’s reach.
Anything with Your Scent
Dogs love us, and when we are not around or available to play, dogs will seek out items that smell like their favorite humans.
You might be thinking, “Aww, how sweet?” but though it is sweet, it is also infuriating and sometimes dangerous to your dog.
Common Personal Items Dogs Love to Chew
Eye Glasses
Hair Brushes
All of these items can cause choking hazards, but not all dogs eat what they chew on.
And you may be wondering if they love us so dang much why would they destroy the things that remind them of us?
It’s because chewing is a natural behavior and not seen as a negative thing.
I have a basket full of toys that look like they escaped misfit island because they’re missing various appendages, but I don’t chuck them because they are often my dog’s favorite toys.
The only way to prevent this is to put your stuff away in an area that is not accessible to your puppy.
Final Thoughts
When I was working as a dog trainer parents would come in and tell me about all the things their puppy chewed on like their cell phone, shoes, etc.
I always asked them, “Where was this object, and where were you?”
More often than not, my question was answered with an embarrassed silence.
It was not my intent to shame or embarrass the puppy parent, but instead to get them to think about who was truly at fault.
I know it can be quite emotional when you see the library book you checked out torn to pieces, but I guess I shouldn’t have left it at Daisy’s level before hopping in the shower.
We are all guilty of it, but we all need to remember who the parent is and who the puppy is.
It is called puppy training for a reason because they are puppies and don’t know any better
Remember, in the canine world, pretty much everything to a puppy is fair game to chew on, it’s only the human’s rules that make it taboo.
I know that this list feels overwhelming, but trust me, you will thank me later when you don’t have to replace your home furnishings, and you aren’t making a monthly visit to the emergency vet.
Your puppy loves you and doesn’t do things to get revenge or upset you; all they want is your love and attention.
The post How to Puppy Proof Your House appeared first on Central Park Paws.
from https://www.centralparkpaws.net/dog-training-tips/how-to-puppy-proof-house/
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