#from this point on I'm only going to tag you in the title card posts if your sim died
The Sticking Point 6
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon, possible violence, illness, death, bullying, ableism, and other elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You are sent in the place of your ailing sister to marry a stranger. (Regency AU)
Character: Loki
Note: I'm moving tomorrow.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me 💞
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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The tension turns roiling. Even in such airy halls, you cannot escape it, not that you venture very far from your rooms. It seems with each interaction, your relationship with your fiance only grows more fraught. You needn’t wonder why. It’s the very same reason your own father regards you with derision. You’re defective, less than what he hoped for. 
You sit in the window seat, looking over the greenery that reflects Jade Garden’s title. It’s a home anyone would covet and yet it feels as a penitentiary might. These walls are unyielding and the isolation suffocating. 
Your visions drifts into the distance as the leaves turn to green smears blending into the dimming blue of the sky. You close your eyes and turn your head straight, leaning against the wall as you hook your arms around your legs. 
A banquet. It’s less than a proper debut. You’re not certain anyone would be expecting you, or even know who you are. Will they be surprised when they hear your father’s name?  
There are things you know. Things you must ready yourself for. Certainly, there will be jeers, mocking whispers, and errant giggles. Just the same as anyone ever reacted to you. Even the farmhands would echo your speech and laugh bawdily. It hardly matter’s your a lord’s daughter when you sound so ridiculous. 
You hang your head and sigh. It isn’t just one banquet, it is the beginning of a lifetime of events. You will not only face this one night, but many anon. You will be the one they speak of behind their hands and the joke at the card tables. 
You stand, made restless by your dread. The window darkens with the evening’s arrival. Doreen raps at the door and leaves a tray of supper. You pick at it but don’t eat much. You must keep yourself busy so your mind is not. 
You go to your chests. You will need Doreen to unpack these soon. It’s as if the longer you leave them full, the less assured your fate. You might still strap them up and flee. 
You know that isn’t truly an option. 
You take out a gown the shade of cooked pumpkin with an overlay that lends it a bronzish hue. The bodice is trimmed with an eyelet effect and the hem of the cap sleeves and skirt finely threaded with beads. You lay it out on the chaise and find a pair of slippers to go with it and ribbon for your hair decorated with black onyx and brass. 
If Edith could see you then. It should be her in your place. That thought rings louder and louder, bolstered by the constant disapproval. 
You back away from your attire, spinning so you won’t have to look upon it. You never thought to miss home so much. Not your parents, you’re certain they hardly grieve your absence, but for the familiarity, for the simple walls and memories. Edith is there, even gone, you know you would see her in every cushion and every corner. 
You go to the door and listen. As silent as ever. You emerge into the corridor and make careful progress on the pads of your feet. You come to the top of the stairwell and peer down on the foyer. For all it’s beauty, this place is rather grim. 
You descend and let your eyes lead you. You take in every ornament, every statue, every door trim, and every tile of the floor. You want to know it all. You don’t want to feel so lost. 
You find your way along to the sunroom. Upon your approach, the door opens and you falter. A lithe figure emerges. You press yourself to the wall, unready for Loki’s appearance. He has a snifter of liquor in hand as he glowers in the light of a lantern in his other.  
He steps towards you and pauses, lifting the light higher to cast over you. His breath escapes him derisively. He lowers the lantern and sniffs. 
“Like a rat, you skitter incessantly,” he remarks. 
“My Lawd,” you push away from the wall and angle away from him. 
“I am speaking to you. Do not go until I give leave to,” he demands. 
You stop and face him again, hands meeting in apprehension. 
“This banquet business,” his nostrils flare, “I will not be humiliated. Not as you have tonight.” 
“My Lawd, I have been twained in etiq—etiqwette,” you insist. 
He scoffs, “your manners hardly bother me. Certainly you might have some grain of awareness.” 
You seal your lips. He’s said it plainly, as you have. He might be able to close his ears to your impediment but it is with you always. 
“Perhaps you might keep your words to a minimum,” he advises, “select them wisely.” 
You stare at him, cheeks fiery and eyes tinging, “If you would wather, I might make an excuse. A sudden malady, my lawd. I’d hate to stain your chawacter.” 
His eyes roll to the side and his features sharpen, “more would be said were I to appear without my betrothed after my mother’s promises.” 
That he has referred to your nuptials is not so nice as it should be. He speaks to it as a sentence. You look him in the face. 
“It won’t eva go away,” you say. 
“Hm, I only need get through the wedding night,” he retorts and you can’t help but wince. 
You swallow, your hurt turning bitter. “As do I.” 
His head tilts and he squints. He lets out another snort, “pardon?” 
“My sista would’ve hated you,” you whisper. “You did not desawve to know haw.” 
“Be wary,” he steps closer. 
“You make an enemy of me, not I you,” you lift your chin.  
He’s silent. He shifts even closer. So near, you have to keep from wilting away. You stare back at him defiantly, heart beating. 
“You do not know yet what it is to have me as an enemy so you best mind your mannaws,” he mocks your cadence with his last word. 
Your lip trembles as he green eyes sparkle like dark emeralds in the lantern lights. Your chest is a flurry of hurt and anger. What have you ever done to him, or anyone, to make them so spiteful? You swing your arm against his to knock the snifter from his hand, sending a splash of alcohol across the wall and and his vest. The smell is acrid and sour. 
You back away from him, horrified at your reaction. You have learned to restrain yourself, to tamp it all down, to swallow it with a smile and say nothing. In that moment, you simply cannot. You shake your head as your face twists in despair. 
“I would wather an enemy, saw,” you hiss, “as I would be ashamed to call a cad like you husband.” 
His glare flashes and he sways as if he might lunge at you. He rights himself and his brow arches. His lips draw and his cheeks pale. 
“Very well.” 
He spins on his heel and stomps away, the light limning his silhouette sinisterly. You stare after him mortified. What has come over you? You were never bold or brazen or brutal to any. Edith would be disappointed. A gentle soul like her could never even think a hot word. 
You fall back against the wall and clutch your hands over your chest. Is this to be your life? Are you to live in loathing, not only of that man but of yourself. To be castigated for the lilt of your own tongue, the very pulse of your existence? You’d thought your father a villain but this man has proven himself worse. 
Worst than his distaste is your own futility, for he has assured you there is nothing you might do to appease him. As he is bound to you most miserably, so are you vowed to the same fate. Not even in that might you commiserate. 
You sit in front of the mirror, holding the brooch over the table, feeling the embroidery with the pad of your thumb. You turn it over and back again. It’s the only piece of your sister you have left. Every day she feels further away from you. Every morning, you awake, expecting to hear her, to see her, and she is not there, and you are not at home. 
You peer up at your reflection as your hand hovers over the painted wood. You’ve not touched a tress or cheek. You must ready, you know it, but your reticence is like chains on your wrists. You know what you are to face but knowing cannot make it any less unpleasant. 
A knock comes at the door. You call for the maid to enter, thinking Doreen’s come to remind you again of your pending engagement. The maid opens the door but says nothing, letting in the duchess instead. Lady Frigga is almost rapturous in a dressing gown of peach fabric as her hair is set already in tight curls around an elegant chignon. You stand, apologising for your misstep. 
“Dear, it is quite forgivable,” she assures, “I only meant to look in on you before the banquet, to be certain you do not require anything, but darling, oh,” she sweeps towards you and cups your cheeks, “you’ve not even begun. What is the matter?” 
“There is no issue,” you lie, “I mewely let time escape me.” 
You smile and gently pull away, turning back to the vanity. You open your hand and once more consider the pin. 
“Is this the dress you mean to wear?” Frigga asks as she crosses the room in a swish of silk. You peer over your shoulder as she looks down on the orange fabric. “It is a rather keen shade.” 
“Yes, my lady,” you answer in a dulcet tone. You cannot find a glimmer of concern for your attire. 
She sighs and returns to you, holding the ribbon you’ve chosen, “these are far too dour,” she touches an onyx, “haven’t you some pearls?” 
“Somewhaw...” You bend your neck, staring at the bluebird, at Edith’s handiwork. You remember the day she gave it to you and the way she smiled so proudly. How she pinned it on you herself and made you go around and show all. 
“Oh, dear, that won’t go at all. It would be nice for a lunch, no doubt, but not for a banquet,” she remarks and you close your hand around the brooch. You put your shoulders straight and face her. 
“I have a pawl band in my chest,” you resign and step around her. 
You go to the chest and sift around, careful not to let the brooch slip from your grasp. You take out the pearls on the ivory band and show it to her. She tuts. 
“It won’t go with this gown,” she insists. 
“Yes, the onyx--” 
“Mmp, I prefer pearls. Darling, you must be your best. It is your first social appearance. I do not say this to demean you, only to assist. I know your own mother cannot be here to see you debut but I cannot imagine her pain at this moment. So much loss. Both daughters at once, in a way,” she bemoans. 
Yes, you think of your mother too. You know she won’t be well. Nor your father. All their hopes and dreams dashed in a deficient daughter sent to carry a legacy on with a spiteful husband who mightn’t even have the stomach to deliver one. 
“I vewy much appweciate it, lady,” you make yourself smile, “I suppose it must be nawvs.” 
“Suppose it must,” she hums, “how about you wear the orange gown and I fetch you a feather pin from my own collection? I have a fabulous ostrich and topaz piece,” she assures, “and some black lace gloves. Ooh, yes, dear, we will make certain all is perfect.” 
“Thank you, Lady Fwigga, but it isn’t necessawy--” 
“You are to be my daughter, of course it is,” she preens. “Besides, who shall notice anything but how splendid you look?” 
She twists on her heel and your smile dwindles. You know what is meant. What she will not state plainly. Perhaps a fine outfit might distract from your crooked consonants. You sit on the stool again and watch her go. 
Even those who are kind cannot help their thoughts. She mightn’t be cruel about it, but you can hear the disappointment in her pandering cooing. You are not the daughter she wanted just as you are not the wife her son wanted. Just as you do not want to be as you are. 
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jessybarnes · 2 years
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader 
Rating: 18+ Only
Tags: SMUT, fluff, slight angst...like you'll have to squint to see it, oral fixation, oral sex, squirting, multiple orgasms, scratching, spanking, slight dom Chris, unprotected sex, face riding, language, nipple play, choking, hair pulling, and I believe that's it. 
Word Count: 2,136
Beta: T. Thompson 
Title Card: Yours Truly 
Written for: One of my besties. She saw a TikTok of Chris wiping his beard with his hand and her reaction was "Imagine him doing that after going down on you." And thus led to me writing this filthy one shot. Enjoy my fellow sinners. ;)
A/N: I did have a title card on this, but it's too explicit for tumblr's guidelines. If you would still like to see it let me know and I'll send it to you a different way. My apologies that I can't post it here.
"Thank god this day's almost over," you mumbled to yourself, kicking the door shut behind you.
It had definitely been one hell of a day. You slept through your alarm, traffic made you even later to work, you spilled your morning coffee all over your new jacket, and to top it all off you dropped your phone into a puddle. Yeah, today could fuck right the hell off. 
You tossed your car keys into the bowl on the table by the door and kicked your heels off. All you wanted to do was take a long hot bath and cuddle with your boyfriend.
It felt too good to be true whenever you remembered you were in a romantic relationship with a famous actor, but here you were, living the dream.
Chris Evans bumped into you on the sidewalk, catching you before you hit the ground, nearly two years ago. It was like one of those sappy rom coms. Guy runs into the girl, the guy catches the girl as she literally falls for him, the girl gives him her number, and they live happily ever after.
You still couldn't believe Chris fucking Evans was interested in you, but you thanked fate that he continued to be the one you woke up to every morning. 
"Honey? Is that you?"
His smooth Boston accent echoed through the house bringing you back to reality.
"Yeah, baby, it's me."
You draped your jacket over the back of the couch and headed up the stairs to your shared bedroom.
"Come here. I wanna show you so-." Chris stopped mid-sentence, a letter opener hanging loosely from his lips.
You stood in the doorway and raised an eyebrow quizzically. "What? Is there something on my face?"
He blinked slowly, dragging his eyes from your curled hair to your red button-up blouse, the form-fitting pencil skirt hugging your hips, and finally down to your bare feet.
"Fuck, I swear I'm the luckiest man in the goddamn universe."
He climbed off the bed and stalked toward you, a primal hunger in his stormy blue eyes. You didn't have a chance to respond, he was on you in seconds.
Chris slammed his mouth against yours in a bruising kiss, one of his large hands making its way up the back of your neck and into your hair.
"Baby," your hands rested against his chest, "what's gotten into you?"
He smirked against your lips. "Nothin', sweetheart. However, there's gonna be something in you here in a minute." He gave you a sinful wink.
"Christopher!" You shook your head and swatted his shoulder playfully.
He chuckled, trailing kisses along your neck while attempting to unbutton your shirt. "Can't blame me when you look like this…so fuckin' pretty, baby. Just wanna taste you."
Chris growled impatiently, "goddamn buttons…fuck it!" He ripped the thin fabric easily, scattering them in all different directions.
"Ah! Hey! That was my favorite shirt, ya know." You tried to sound angry, but the way he continued to kiss and lick at your pulse point made your voice breathy.
"I'll buy you another one. Shit, I'll buy you two hundred if you'll let me fuck your sweet pussy with my mouth." 
You let out a sinful moan, hands fisting in his short blonde hair as he kissed down your chest. "Oh, god…yes, fuck yes, please whatever you wanna do to me…'m yours."
Chris unzipped your skirt with his teeth, and you felt yourself getting wetter by the second. He pulled it down your legs and helped you step out of it, leaving you in just your white lace bra and panty set. It was one of his favorites and you didn't miss the low groan he made.
His eyes drank you in, a needy whimper falling from your lips. "Please touch me…"
Chris wet his lips, sliding his calloused hands up your thighs to your ass. "Oh, princess, I'm gonna do way more than touch you."
He pushed your legs apart, licking and sucking love bites into your inner thighs.
"Fuck, oh my god, baby please… please I-I need more… Chris, I need more!"
He gave a warning slap to your ass, his mouth continuing its assault just shy of where you wanted him the most. "I'll decide what you need, Y/N." 
Your hand gripped the door frame and you bit your lip as he pushed your panties to the side.
"Jesus, sugar…fuckin' soaking wet. Can't wait to have you come apart over and over again just from my mouth. Wanna hear you make those pretty sounds. Love the way you scream my name, baby."
You swore his words alone could make you come. It was no secret that Chris loved going down on you, and he was damn good at it too.
He finally gave in, hooked your right leg over his shoulder, and held you still as he delved his tongue between your folds.
"Oh-my-fu-! Chris!"
He moaned, his tongue moving back and forth between your clit to your hole expertly. You tried to roll your hips but his grip on you held you right where he wanted you. Chris dipped his tongue inside you, your legs beginning to shake as he devoured you.
"Oh, fuck….fuck-fuck-fuck! Chris! Feels so good! So fuckin' good…please don't stop!"
He slapped your ass again, moving back to wrap his lips around your clit.
"Oh, shit! Oh, shit I'm gonna cum...gonna-cum-oh-my-god!"
Chris locked eyes with you, his tongue flicking your sensitive bud, and the moment he took it between his teeth you lost it. The coil of arousal inside you snapped like a rubber band. He groaned, taking everything you gave him until it got to be too much and you pushed him away.
"Mmm, can never get enough of you, honey. Taste so fuckin delicious." 
Chris stood up and carried you to the bed, laying you down gently on the duvet. "Gonna need you to do that again for me, Y/N. M'still not satisfied."
You looked up at him with wide eyes, "Baby, I… I don't think I can do that again. M'too sensitive."
He got down on his knees and hooked his arms under your thighs pulling you to the edge of the bed. "Oh, I bet you can, doll. Bet you can give me at least three more."
"Three?! Chris, I don't think th-holyfuckingshit!"
He brought his head back between your legs and shoved his tongue inside of you while his hands pinned your hips to the bed.
"Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! OH, FUCK! Chris! Chris, baby, please… please I- oh-my-god yes, right there!"
The combination of his thumb on your clit, his tongue reaching places inside you that you didn't know existed, and his beard hair rubbing against your skin made your vision go white. Your back arched off the bed, the sheets tangling between your fingers as you felt your release gush onto the bed. 
Chris stood and lay next to you, pulling you on top of him as he watched you gasp for breath. "That was the hottest fuckin' thing I've ever seen you do, Y/N. Fuck, I almost came in my pants like a teenage boy."
He lifted his hips, his jean-covered cock brushing your clit making you shiver. "Feel that? Feel how fuckin' hard my cock is, princess? Just wanna fuck you into this mattress and fill you full of my cum."
"Please," you whimpered, "do it, baby. Want you to fuck me so bad."
He kissed you sweetly, the taste of you still on his lips. "Oh, I plan to, sweetheart. I'm gonna fuck you on every piece of furniture in this house, but first," he tapped your left leg, "I want you to sit on my face."
Your moan put every porn star to shame, as you positioned yourself over his head. "Chris, are you sure about this? I mean, how're you gonna breathe?"
He chuckled, "listen, sugar, if I die from having the best thing I've ever tasted smothering my face then oh well. I'll die happy."
Chris didn't waste another second, any rational argument you had disappeared as he pulled you down against his open mouth.
"Jesus fuckin' Christ! Baby, it's too much! Fuck, I can't...I, oh, shit… shit, fuck, oh, GOD!" 
Chris lifted you off him, giving you a brief moment to breathe. "Princess, now that I know you can squirt, I'm hooked. So, you're gonna be a good girl and do it again. Understand?"
You let out a strangled cry as he resumed his assault on your soaked pussy.
"Ch-Chris! Baby, I-..."
Your hands fisted in your hair as your legs shook violently, his hands gripping your ass like a lifeline. The hot spark of arousal coursed through you, straight to your core like a lightning bolt. Chris dipped his tongue into your soaked hole, spreading your wetness to your clit before doing it all over again.
"Oh, baby, just like that...fuck please… please, don't stop! Shit, right there! Oh, fuck right there, oh-my-god- I'm- Chris I'm cumming…Oh my g-CHRIS!"
If he wasn't holding you up you would have collapsed. The force of your third orgasm coated Chris’s face with your release. 
Once you were able to gather your bearings again, Chris had already stripped the rest of his clothes off and was kissing you like he needed you to survive. He cradled you in his arms and hovered over you, smiling at your blissed-out state.
"You alright there, honey?"
You nodded, licking your lips and staring up at the smug look on his face.
"Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I just made you squirt twice with my mouth alone. Pretty impressive, right?"
You giggled and booped his nose. "Very impressive, indeed. Sometimes I think they really did give you that super soldier serum."
He laughed and kissed your lips. "Mmm, I dunno...maybe they did. I think," he pressed his thick cock against your entrance, "we should find out."
You bit your lip. "Show me what you got, Cap." 
Chris buried himself inside you in one smooth motion, both of you moaning loudly. "Christ, sugar, you hear how fuckin' wet you are? Can feel you squeezin' me…fuck. I know you got one more baby. Gimme one more. Wanna feel you soak my cock."
Your eyes rolled back in your head when he pulled out and slammed back in, the feeling of your velvet walls spurring him on. Chris set a brutal pace, fucking you hard and deep, and when the blunt head of his cock hit your spot you screamed.
"Chris! Chris, oh my god! Fuckkk! Harder baby! Don't stop!"
His big hands pulled the white lace of your bra down exposing your tits. He wrapped his lips around one nipple, his fingers rolling the other one deliciously.
"Fuckin' perfect, Y/N…so fuckin' beautiful. Seein' you writhe under me, knowin' I make you feel this good, god baby you're a dream. I know you're close, love. The way your pussy's gripping me like a vice, mmm it's so fuckin' good. C'mon, baby. Come for me, come all over my cock, Y/N." 
His thrusts were relentless, and the moment his right hand wrapped around your throat you dug your nails into his back.
"That's it, fuck, yeah, that's it. Shit, baby, I'm gonna cum...gonna fill you up, sweetheart. Let go, pretty girl. Fuck! Gonna cu-AH!"
Chris came hard, thick ropes of cum coating your walls, just as you felt yourself come all over him, yourself, and the bedsheets. You couldn't move if you tried, your limbs felt like jelly and your breaths came in pants.
Chris trailed a string of open-mouthed kisses from your chest, along your neck, and finally planted a chaste one on your lips. "Baby, you're incredible. Fuck, that was amazing…"
He slowly pulled out of you and grabbed his t-shirt from the floor. "I'll be gentle, honey."
He was mindful of how sensitive you were as he slowly cleaned you up. Once he was finished, he scooped you up and carried you to the living room. He sat down on the couch and held you close to his chest, stroking your hair.
"Mmm, love you, Chris."
He tilted your head back and kissed you sweetly. "I love you too, honey."
You nuzzled into the crook of his neck and sighed happily. "M'gonna sleep right here, kay?"
He laughed and ran his fingertips down your back lightly. "Alright, baby. I'm waking you up in an hour though."
"Why?" You groaned.
Chris rested his hand on your ass and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Well, I figured we'd start on the couch, then move to the dining room table, and end the night with you on the kitchen counter."
You rolled your eyes, pulling back to give him an incredulous look.
You're insatiable.
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heywriters · 1 year
how to make a tumblr post (and get notes!)
Have never seen any post discuss these exact things, so i'm sharing my insights with y'all*
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Use images. They don't have to be good or spectacular like this extremely coherent thing I just made. They just need to catch the eye break up dashboard monotony.
The gif search feature is an unreliable wild card at best and a NSFW eye gouge at worst, but it gives credit to the op of the gif
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If you're an artist your whole post is your images, so skip to the links and tags section of this post because the rest won't help much.
-> Image Descriptions
When making a post that contains images, hover over an image and click the meatballs icon in the lower right corner of the image. Click "update description" to add a description. It isn't always necessary, but it is very courteous for a variety of accessibility reasons.
-> Text
Break up your text. Run-on sentences are standard here, lack of punctuation too, you can really do whatever you want, but avoid massive blocks of text. unless you've got a really incendiary opening line and the entire center of that granite chunk of text is actually comedy gold, hard-hitting tumblr journalism, or one of those zany confessional posts that can be followed up by the drive thru meme
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break up
your text.
and go light on the ALL CAPS. save it for emphasis or when you're feeling very unhinged or saRcAStiC y'know how that goes, i don't need to explain it. this site has a very dry tone to its posts so caps are rare. also periods
Bullet points and numbered posts are good and fine. The "Chat" post option is used less often these days, but different groups found uses for it so it sticks around.
Titles Matter
they help break up text and put people at ease. they are best for informative, mature posts but can make you look like a square in more relaxed conversations. sometimes they are also great for emphasis in a comedic sh*tpost (censorship is entirely up to you, btw. you don't have to censor much on tumblr except titties and genitals).
Tumblr automatically shortens long posts now, but etiquette asks that you tag #long post if you want to avoid clogging up someone's dash. It don't matter too much though, this is the "color of the sky" site, so get used to posts being too long
That being said "READ MORE" is a fantastic feature. Use it when you want some level of privacy like "hey, only click below if you want to hear about my problems" or "click below to read my 18+ fanfic." Read more is also great in case you want to delete something forever. If a reblogged post has a read more, but op deleted the og post, that content is gone (readmore has to be on the og post at time of posting for this to work, btw; edits to og post do not span all reblogs)
the other bells and whistles like colored font or italics are helpful in improving text, but we don't really rely on them. every mode of looking at this site alters those aspects somehow so we often ignore them
-> Links
Hint: People don't want to click links. We don't know where they're taking us. Most of us are on our phone and don't want to open another tab or leave the app to go on the browser. We're cozy here on Tumblr and do not wish to be whisked away (unless it's a rickroll)
Don't leave the link thumbnail to do all the work, like so
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add a little sneak peak info, maybe your favorite line from the article or a reason why it's important for people to know the info on the other side of that link. Sell it!
When you're adding a link into a list, i.e. no large thumbnail just a line of text leading you to another site, try not to copy/paste the link as is
No one wants to click on that it's gross and scary. It's screams "meh, i'll click later if i feel like it." If the build up to the link is too good to resist ("if you want to save the orphaned puppies here's the link") then that http mess is sufficient.
Otherwise, dress your links up a little by including the title or a description of what the link goes to:
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Or, if it's an informal post where you're just popping info in to back up whatever insane thing you just said, just write something like "link here" or "(x)" and hyperlink it.
-> Tags
artists, writers, and other creators: leave a tag on your creative content that makes it easy for blog visitors to see it all at once. e.g. "My work" and we click on that while on your blog and see only your works
You can have up to thirty tags on any post. All will make your post show up in searches and followed tags (it used to be only the first five tags that got you traction). However,
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Please. Do not tag everything you can possibly imagine being relevant to your post because
It's called tag spam and it's against TOS
Everyone here hates that
No one is going to check all those tags ever. Someone might search one five years from now and accidentally find your post hanging out in the ether and they'll still ignore it.
Your imagination is wicked tiny because I guarantee the perfect tag is going to be something indecipherable and seemingly niche.
Follow popular tags (or at least be aware of them)
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If yours is an off-the-cuff post and you don't have time to find out what a niche group is into then wing it, sure, idc. this is also the shitposting site do whatever you want
Don't put your hate in the fan tags. This is the unapologetically-like-dumb-things site and your negativity is not wanted. You can still complain, just avoid tagging to get the attention of the fans of whatever you're complaining about. That enables pvp and even nonfans will know you deserve the backlash
-> Audio & Video
clickable by nature because we all love noise and moving images so there's no special way to share posts like this. just post them with good tags and maybe a one-liner, and they'll sell themselves
Tip: it's nice to add descriptions to these too but it isn't common
Protip: if the audio is the best part of the video (e.g. a baby burps REALLY loudly and it's hilarious) please caption or tag "Unmute!"
-> mkay bye
that's all i can think of right now. will update later if i remember something
*this is year eleven of my time on tumbles and i studied marketing in college for like six of those years and have been applying that bupkis to tumblr ever since. every post i see that gets no traction and every lovely artist that goes nowhere on here bothers me so deeply and i sincerely want y'all to succeed <3 <3
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butcherlarry · 5 months
Weekly Fic (and Meat) Recs 60
I'M BACK! I had a lovely time on PTO! I went home, visited with family, visited with the cattle, celebrated my birthday, attended a banquet, got a wicked sharp meat cleaver (very excited about this), visited a new arboretum, saw birds, took pictures of birds, and survived the solar eclipse! All and all, a good time all around :) Got some reading done too, so there are fic recs from what I read last week and this week on this list. Also, a meat 101 lesson at the end, USDA beef quality grades edition!
The Brothers Wayne by HaleHathNoFury (My_Trex_has_fleas) - Superbat, wip. An update to the Bruce and Wade Wilson are brothers fic. Some family bonding between the brothers, the only way siblings know how. Beating the shit out of each other :)
Fresh Wounds (Still Cut Deep) by Inkwell1013 - Batfam, complete. A fic inspired by this art from sully-s. Alfred taking care of a newly orphaned Bruce and having no clue what he's doing (except his best).
dead man's party by TheResurrectionist - Batfam, wip. An update to Jason sees ghosts fic (while being haunted by Martha Wayne)
Patroclus by widow_account - Superbat, complete. I shrieked when I saw this fic was completed! I need to go back and reread it again in it's completed glory. Clark is kidnapped and sent to War World to fight. Bruce saves him. Much feels are involved too.
They Also Serve by Ginevra_Benci - Batfam, complete. Alfred wakes up to a surprise, Bruce kidnapping adopting a small angry child (Dick).
Precedent by Cdephiki - Batfam, complete. Damian joins the family early AU! The second fic in the series. This story is about Jason joining the family.
Padam by HaleHathNoFury (My_Trex_has_fleas) - Superbat, wip. More of college Clark at a gay club. Bruce Wayne has entered the chat :)
Just A Little Bit... by HaleHathNoFury (My_Trex_has_fleas) - Superbat, wip. More of eldritch Bruce and alien Clark! A plan is in the making to infiltrate Cadmus. Jason and Dick visit Ivy to ask for help
Unreasonable Love by elizabethgee - Superbat, wip. Bruce and Clark start dating and it is found out by the media. This wouldn't be too much of a problem except the fact that this awakens something in Clark's Kryptonian brain and he gets a little possessive protective of his mate boyfriend :)
shiftwork by TheResurrectionist - Bruce Wayne, complete. A neat fic from an outsider's point of view! Bruce visits one of Wanye Enterprise's worksites.
Oh Can't You See What Love Has Done (What it's Doing to Me?) by dio_icaurtica - Superbat, complete. A fic inspired by this post from frownyalfred!
Patchwork Pod by Ktkat9 - Superbat, Batfam, Superfam, wip. More of the mer Bruce fic! Tim and Bruce are recovering from their injuries.
Azure Catching the Moonlight by RenaiRin - Superbat, wip. Superman gets hit with some pink kryptonite. Be sure to read the tags! :D
Show Me How to Lie (You're Getting Better All The Time) by BookwormByNight - Superbat, wip. A Superman from an other universe shows up in the watchtower. He doesn't want to leave and takes a special interest in Bruce for some reason :)
Bruce Doing Mundane Things by aesthetic_pleasure - Superbat, wip. Exactly what it says in the title. Bruce does mundane things and Clark enjoys watching him do them.
Happy reading!
And now, as promised above:
Since I live in the USA, my experience with beef quality grading is with the USDA standards. But, most of these rules (kinda) apply to other countries, they might just have different standards of what carcasses make it into what quality grades (for fun, look up USDA beef marbling cards and then Japanese beef quality grading cards. Marbling that would be acceptable for high quality beef in the US would be considered lower quality in Japan!)
What are USDA beef quality grades? Have you ever been in the grocery store, looked at a package of beef steaks (ribeye, sirloin, strip loin, filets, etc.) and saw a sticker on the package that said "USDA PRIME" or "USDA CHOICE"? That's the beef's quality grade! It determines the worth of the carcass. That, in combination with the Yield Grade (how much sellable meat can a processor/retailer/etc. can get off the carcass) gives you the overall price of the carcass.
There are two major factors that go into determining the quality grade of a carcass, the marbling and the maturity. Marbling is the intramuscular fat (fat inside of the muscle). Since marbling contributes to flavor and tenderness, more marbling is better! Below are the USDA marbling standards for beef carcasses:
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The other factor is the maturity of the carcass. This is determined by looking at the ossification (cartilage turning into bone) of the dorsal processes (the long spiny fingers along the back bone) along the spine of the carcass. Look at the cartilage caps in the green boxes in the picture below:
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The one on the far left is very white. If you were to scratch it with your fingernail, it would feel smooth. This would be considered an young carcass, or "A" maturity. The more those caps fill with bone, the older the carcass. The one on the far right has those caps completely filled with bone, so that would be considered and older carcasses, or "D" maturity. When a carcass passes into "C" maturity (like the one in the middle), that carcass can no longer be graded in to the higher priced quality grades (USDA Standard to Prime).
The maturity matters because as the animal gets older, they develop more connective tissue in the muscles. This decreases the tenderness of the meat, and consumers don't want to pay more money for tough meat. This is also why meat coming out of the middle of the carcass (along the back, so ribeye and loin) are more expensive. Those muscles have less connective tissue, so they are more tender. The tenderloin (Impress your friends by calling it by it's scientific name, psoas major!) is the most tender muscle on the carcass, so that's why it tends to be the most expensive.
Below is a chart showing what maturities and marbling scores are needed to reach what quality grade. For example, a carcass with "B" maturity and "Modest" marbling would be graded as USDA Choice.
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USDA Prime is the highest quality grade a carcass can receive (well, actually USDA High Prime, but I can go more into how that's determined if someone asks about it). The lowest qualty grade you see in a retail store would be USDA Standard. The USDA Commercal, Utility, Cutter, and in the verrrrryyyy tiny corner in the bottom right is Canner. These grades are given to older animals, like old cows and bulls. USDA Commercial might be sold whole muscle (boneless) in restaurants after it has been enhanced (pumped with water, salt, sugar brine to make the meat more flavorful and tender). Otherwise, these carcasses that are lower quality grades are ground up for ground beef! Nothing more tender than ground beef! They can also get canned for canned beef. I have had many delicious meals of beef and noodles from canned beef from my family's herd 😋
As I mentioned before, this quality grade, along with the yield grade, determines the price of the carcass. If you want to check those out, click the link below:
USDA AMS daily beef reports
The report for beef carcass price per hundred weight is the second link down, called "Beef Carcass Price Equivalent Index Value". The USDA Agricultural Marketing Service always has these reports and they are always updating them each day. You will see price fluctuations throughout the year. I looks like for April 12th, the most valuable carcass for that day is a carcass that grades USDA Prime, with a Yield Grade of 1-3, and a hcw (hot carcass weight) of 600-900 lbs. A carcass that hit those standards will get you $297.92 per hundred weight (every 100 lbs, you get that much amount of money). So, a 800 lb carcass that is USDA Prime, Yield Grade 3 is worth $2383.36. This would be considered very rare though. Most carcasses in the US are grading USDA Choice, Yield Grades 1-3.
Anyway! I hope you enjoyed that Beef Grading 101! If you have any questions, feel free to send me an ask! I love discussing this!
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merrybloomwrites · 1 year
You Can Start a Family (Chapter 1)
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Summary: During their break from Love on Tour, Mitch and Sarah make a new friend. She's spent years taking care of herself and others, nearly to the point of burnout, and they have plenty of love to share. The couple becomes a trio, and eventually a quartet after Harry finds out the truth about the relationship between Mitch, Sarah, and Y/N.
Hi everyone!! I've had this idea brewing for awhile and finally started writing it. For those who found this in the Harry Styles x Reader tag, I promise he will enter into the story later. Not to give too much away but it will eventually be the 4 of them all together privately but as 2 separate couples publicly.
I'm a sucker for hurt/comfort and all things soft, and am branching out into more spicy territory, so this should me a good mix of both. I hope you enjoy!
(yes the title is from Matilda, it's a found family story, of course the title is from Matilda!)
Mitch and Sarah had been touring with Harry for years, and they loved every minute of it. They got to play for wonderful crowds of fans, explore new places, and meet new people while falling ever more in love.
But when Mitch’s mother, Tammy, was diagnosed with cancer and had to undergo a series of surgeries, they immediately made the decision to sit out the Asia and Australia leg of tour to be with family. The doctors were very confident that they would get all of the cancer, but everyone was still nervous.
The first surgery had been a success. There were 2 days in between procedures to give Tammy time to recover. Mitch and Sarah spent plenty of time at the hospital with her to keep her company. They shared stories, played cards, even sang to her when she was dealing with pain.
On the second day post-op Mitch’s father, Mark, went to the hospital early in the day and asked for some time to be alone with his wife. Mitch and Sarah let him know that they would come in the afternoon and bring lunch for everyone. That morning they decided to walk around the neighborhood.
Mark and Tammy had moved into their house two years prior. They had sold Mitch’s childhood home in the center of town to buy a house in a quieter area. It really was a lovely street they lived on, quiet with lots of open land. Even though it was only late-February, the weather that day was mild, making for a very pleasant walk.
The residents of the neighborhood were all very friendly. Everyone Mitch and Sarah walked past shared a greeting with them which Sarah reciprocated with a cheerful good morning as Mitch politely waved.
When they were almost back at the house, they came across a young woman pushing a stroller. She looked to be in her mid-20s, and they guessed the little boy was roughly 15 months old.
Mitch and Sarah had discussed having children of their own. They always knew that they had a lot of love to share and a desire to care for someone but decided to remain child free. They felt that with their lifestyle they wouldn’t be able to give a little one their full attention.
“Good morning,” the young woman said with a smile and a slightly confused look on her face.
“Good morning,” Sarah replied before turning to the stroller to greet the toddler. As she waved to him, Mitch reached his hand out to the girl to introduce himself. “I’m Mitch, and this is my wife, Sarah.”
“I’m Y/N, I actually recognized you guys. I’m a fan of Harry Styles, and I think you both are really awesome.” Internally, Y/N was freaking out at casually bumping into two of her favorite musicians, but she was determined to remain calm and casual.
“Aw, thank you, that’s so sweet!” Sarah said. “What is your son’s name?”
“His name is Ryan, and he’s actually not mine. I’m the nanny. It’s a common mistake.” It truly was. Every time you were seen in public with Ryan people assumed he was your son. For a 26-year-old who looks so young that you still get carded every time you go to a bar, having a toddler as a companion suddenly ages you in strangers’ eyes.
“You said you’re a Harry fan, is this little one a fan as well?” Sarah asked.
“Oh, he definitely is. He loves music, and every time I put on videos of Harry, he pays close attention. Even when I put on One Direction, he’s most focused when Harry sings.”
“Have you been to any of Harry’s shows?” Mitch asked.
“Yea, I actually went to one of the Chicago shows. It was amazing! I had such a fun time. He puts on a great show, and you guys and the whole band are really talented.”
“What’s your favorite song of Harry’s?” You were about to answer Sarah’s question when Ryan started kicking and yelling.
“I’m sorry, he doesn’t love being in the stroller too long, especially if we’re not moving. I should get him home so he can run around before nap time.”
“Oh of course! It was lovely meeting you Y/N,” Sarah said as Mitch smiled and waved next to her. You waved good-bye and started walking down the driveway to Ryan’s home, noticing Sarah and Mitch walk into the house directly across the street.
Once you got back to the house, your internal freak out finally became an external freak out. “Ryan! That was Mitch and Sarah! We bumped into Mitch Rowland and Sarah Jones, how crazy is that?” Ryan stared at you and you imagined he was thinking that you were the crazy one, freaking out over random people. You continued on with your day, deciding that afternoon to bake cookies for the couple. Ryan was a wonderful helper, pulling every mixing pot and utensil he could find out of the kitchen drawers to scatter all over the floor while watching you do something he’d never seen done before. You talked him through every step of the cookie baking process, thinking that every activity is a new learning adventure for the little guy.
Meanwhile, Mitch and Sarah spent a couple of hours that afternoon visiting Tammy in the hospital. She had been told the first surgery was successful and that they would move onto the next step as planned. She was also feeling better than she thought she would having just had surgery. She knew that it was going to get harder as they did the final two procedures, so she was happy to spend time with family while she was feeling up to it.
Mark had gone home for a little while and came back around 5 in the evening, sending Mitch and Sarah home so he could have dinner with his wife. They said good-bye and let her know they would be back the next morning before her second surgery.
Shortly after, Y/N finished her workday and went to drop off the cookies on her way home. She knocked on the door and a moment later Sarah answered.
“Hi! Ryan and I baked cookies today and wanted to share with you and Mitch.”
“Thank you so much! Are these snickerdoodles? Those are my favorite!”
“Yes, they’re mine too! I used my grandmother’s recipe. We used to bake them together for like, every holiday.”
Mitch walked into the entryway as you finished speaking. Sarah handed him the container saying “Look, Y/N baked us cookies. Isn’t that sweet?”
He smiled softly saying, “Thanks. Can I actually ask a favor?”
You nodded, having no idea what he would say next.
“Can you not post online about us being here? We’re here for a family matter and don’t really want anyone to know about it. Or know where we are.”
“Oh of course! I would never share where you all are. I don’t really post online at all anyway. My Tik Tok and Instagram are pretty much just of my cats.” You forced yourself to stop talking before you made your life sound incredibly sad. Because truthfully, you felt it kind of was. You had barely any friends in the area or living family members. Aside from going to work, you didn’t get out much. You spent most weekends at home with your cats reading or bingeing the same TV shows over and over again. But no one needed to know that.
“Thanks, we really appreciate it. It can be hard to have privacy sometimes and right now being home with family we really need it.”
“If there’s anything else you need just let me know! I’m right across the street most of the time and my apartment is only a few minutes from here. Have a great night you two!” They said good-bye and you got back in your car before you could say anything to make a fool of yourself. You felt you had done well so far, but you were secretly fangirling and were afraid that it was only a matter of time before something crazy slipped out of your mouth.
You hadn’t lied when you said you never posted on social media. There was no way you were spreading personal information over the internet, especially personal information about someone else. However, it was difficult to not immediately call up your best friend and tell her who you had met. You were just so excited to have interacted with Mitch and Sarah. You had been a huge fan of theirs for so long. There wasn’t much about them online, just short snippets from concerts and interviews here and there. It was hard to guess how they would be in real life, but so far, they seemed like sweet, down to earth people.
When you got back to your apartment you took a quick shower, had dinner, and decided to read some of your book. You were nervous that if you touched your phone, you’d call your friend, so you ended up going to bed quite early to avoid temptation. You fell asleep thinking back on the interactions of the day, happier than you had felt in a long time.
What you didn’t realize is that you had made an impact on Mitch and Sarah as well. After you left, they sat down to have dinner together and you became a topic of conversation.
“She seems sweet,” Sarah said.
“Yea. And calm.”
“I didn’t even guess she was a fan and recognized us at first, she was so casual.”
“Well, you were also distracted by the baby. You missed the barely contained panic on her face when we first said hi.”
“Ah so that’s why you introduced yourself. It did seem out of character for you to strike up the conversation.”
“I’m not completely socially inept Sarah, I can talk to people when I want to. I just don’t always want to.”
“I know that. I was just curious about what you saw in her that made you want to talk to her. Thought maybe it had something to do with that conversation we had a couple weeks ago. I know I thought back to it when she stopped by with the cookies. She is rather pretty.”
Mitch put down his fork and just stared at his wife for a moment. He knew exactly which conversation she was bringing up. One they had after Harry’s birthday party post Palm Springs night 2. After Harry’s birthday show the whole band and crew went to a club that had been reserved for their group. While Harry generally liked a more laid-back birthday dinner, he figured since it was also the end of the US leg of tour, they all deserved to go a little wild.
On top of their normal entourage there were a fair number of people in attendance that Mitch and Sarah didn’t recognize but assumed either knew Harry or were somehow connected through their networks. Well into the night, when everyone was feeling rather loose thanks to the alcohol in their systems, a young woman came up to the married couple. She introduced herself as Colleen, and let them know that if they were interested, she would be more than happy to please them both. They were startled by how forward she was, and immediately, but politely, turned her down. Once she walked away, they shared a surprised look.
After getting back to their hotel, Sarah brought up the interaction suddenly while getting ready for bed. “Maybe we should’ve said yes.”
“Said yes to what?” Mitch asked, slipping out of his jeans and throwing them on top of his shirt that was already piled on the floor.
“Said yes to that girl.”
“What girl?” Drunk Mitch wasn’t always the best at paying attention enough to store conversations in his memory.
“Colleen. You know, the one who offered the three way.”
 “Oh.” Mitch joined his wife in the bathroom so he could see her while they had this conversation. “Is that something that you would want?”
“Maybe? I don’t know. Obviously, it’s not something I need. You keep me more than satisfied, so this isn’t about anything being missing. But you know I’ve always been interested in experimenting with a girl.”
“I still can’t believe you spent years touring with bands and never once hooked up with a girl.”
“Yes well, I was focused on work at the time. It just didn’t seem all that important.”
“But now you’re interested in the possibility again?”
“Part of me feels like I want to have that experience, even just once. I mean I know you’ve experimented with boys. You and Harry had your fling in Jamaica.” Mitch smiled thinking back to the writing trip they took when working on the first album, before the touring band had been brought together and he met Sarah.
“Alright. Maybe we’ll meet someone who’s a good fit for us to branch out a little and have some fun. But right now, I am drunk and exhausted so let’s get some sleep and talk about this again when we’re more coherent.”
They didn’t talk about it the next morning as they dealt with their hangovers, nor did it come up in the following weeks. Not until Sarah casually mentioned it at Mitch’s parents’ kitchen table on a random Wednesday in February. Just as Mitch was about to reply his father walked in, effectively cutting off the conversation. But now it was on top of both their minds, surely not to be forgotten for weeks once again.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! Chapter 2 is posted here!
If there are any specific scenarios you want to see with this dynamic let me know and I'll try to work them in! I might do some blurbs outside of the main story as well.
Hope you enjoyed, and I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback!! (or if you find a typo, feel free to point it out!)
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call-me-rucy · 2 months
Beginning by the beginning (3)
(Almost there! Almost up to date!)
Miles rides his way to the trap, because we as readers can see it's a trap. This is stellar storytelling because we know something is gonna happen but not what exactly so it makes you even more invested.
"But he'd known that would be part of the game when he'd demanded to play." Possible reference to the title. Although in all chances this was written before the book was titled. Either way, I like it!!
Let me tell you, "Miles almost dies drowned in slow-quick-sand" was not in my bingo card for this book. Then again, this is McMaster "Here's a horseback chase in my sci-fi book" Bujold. I do not really have a bingo card for this book, it'd be pretty useless I fear.
Metzov. It'll take a bit for me to remember his name but I'll get to it eventually, specially if he insist on being an ass to Miles. And also women. "Miles wondered sourly if the general would then agree that a woman armed in a technological war might as well be a man."
Miles spoke through his teeth, words jerked out as though by pliers. "Would you have preferred the interview you'd be having right now if I'd permitted myself to freeze, sir?"
Ouffffff, that's some great great dialogue. See, this is why I love Miles.
"He'd simply have to avoid Metzov as much as possible for the next six months." <- Sounds like something that will go very wrong to the point of being funny on a reread but I'll have to wait to be sure.
And thus we are up to date! Because otherwise this post will be shorter than the previous two, I'll add here some fun facts about when I started reading this series:
I say that I'll eventually remember Metzov because one of my first thoughts when reading "Shards of Honor" was "Man, I have to remember this book's title because it I have to search it by its Vor-whatever saga name, I'll never be able to find anything because it's so hard to remember". Cut to me now knowing by heart pretty much all the Barrayaran family trees that have been explained so far. (Though I still sometimes confuse Vorhalas with Vortala but that's the only thing).
This all was because I took the books out the library randomly, I had never heard of this series before but hey, it was sci-fi and the cover looked pretty. (I've come to know that this series isn't really graced with covers as cool as it deserves but here, see? This one was cool enough to pull me in).
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I also didn't realize "Lois" was a mostly exclusively female name and then had an "Oooooooh, that actually makes a lot of sense" moment when I finally became invested enough to google the author. Canon FMA fan moment, anyone?
I'm a disaster xD
Anyways, this concludes the recap part of the live blog so from now on the posts will be actually live, shorter and more random, all still in this same tag. (Also, if you followed me just for this you may want to silence the professor layton tag, I'm really annoying about those games). Cheers! <3
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shadamyheadcanons · 6 months
What songs do you think that fits Amy and Shadow?
My knowledge about Shadow is only a few so I'm not sure about him
For Amy, it will be Happy Synthesizer and Ikanaide/Don't Go and various bubbly and lively songs
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Combining these two for convenience.
First one - I’m glad you asked!
Love your ideas, especially Ikanaide. It sounds pretty upbeat at first, but then you pay attention to the lyrics, and...ouch. Feeling left behind and trying to pretend she’s okay with it? Yeah. That’s Amy. Here’s a link I found for an English version.
And here’s one for Happy Synthesizer.
As for which songs I associate with them, my Song & Dance tag covers the topic pretty well, especially this post.
Given how often I think about these two, though, I’m always finding more examples. There’s one song that I feel fits Amy better than any other. I wrote a headcanon about it on January 7th, 2022. I correctly predicted in that headcanon that a bunch of Amy-related stuff would happen that year--right down to her getting a new theme song, even!
I still think my song idea works better than the one in the Frontiers DLC, though. That one feels kind of bland to me. Yeah, she trusts her cards, but she’s supposed to be a go-getter! She reads the cards and then blazes her own destiny using them as a guide. Her mild Frontiers theme gives off the vibe of someone who’s letting fate happen to them, not the other way around. Amy is kind, but she’s not passive.
Laineybug04 correctly pointed out in this post that “House of Gold” by Atreyu fits Shadamy quite well, and I included “Wait for You” in In a Pinch, but it doesn’t stop there. The more I listen to Atreyu, the more I hear Shadamy, and I’m glad you gave me an excuse to point it out! “House of Gold,” “Wait for You,” “Terrified,” “Super Hero”...and “I Would Kill/Lie/Die for You” is pretty much spot-on for Shadow’s brand of dedication. It’s more romantic than the title makes it sound, haha.
They’re not all necessarily romantic in nature, but it’s very easy to imagine Shadow singing them about Amy.
I want to call special attention to “Stronger Than Me,” though.
The speaker starts by showing insecurity.
He fears opening up and showing his entire self because he thinks others will be scared by what they see.
He admits connecting with him might be complicated sometimes, but he remains steadfast because the relationship is important to him.
And, uh...this is from the chorus:
“When I was lost, You were always there, my guiding light, You are my ward, my compass ROSE, my lighthouse in the night”
Do I even need to explain? She’s one comma away from being name-dropped. The song’s title fits perfectly, too. It takes a lot of strength to always look for the best in people and put your faith in the goodness of others. It’s so easy to give up. Shadow would legitimately admire her for it. She deserves to know how special she is for that, and who better to tell her than someone whose entire life was changed by that strength and kindness?
Here’s a detailed breakdown of the song and lyrics. Trust me, you’ll need the lyrics sheet.
Second ask:
Yes, absolutely! I think of him as liking modern rock and metal, and also jazz because it would’ve been all the rage when he was made. I’ve mentioned this before, but if I had to pick one band to be his favorite, I’d say Nine Inch Nails. It’s heavy, intense, angsty, and complex, and it has some of the same electronic, bass-centered vibes as Shadow’s earlier themes. Compare NIN songs like Discipline and The Perfect Drug with Rhythm and Balance (White Jungle’s theme) and Shadow’s original character theme, Throw it all Away, both by Everett Bradley. Trent Reznor also has a deep voice like Shadow and Bradley do. NIN could do a mean cover of Throw it all Away, now that I think about it...
I don’t think it’s the best idea for canon, even the questionably-canon Twitter Takeover, to cite real people/artists. It’s fine for fans like us to do it, but the official franchise is different. Humans are flawed and complicated. When you start including real people, you could potentially do something awkward like, say...connect your series built on environmentalism with someone who uses a private jet.
Y’know. Hypothetically.
That’s why I love what the social media team did with Hot Honey in The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog. A fictional band doesn’t carry that risk, and they’re seamless within the Sonic universe. Fans like us can’t get caught on whether or not Shadow would enjoy their music because none of us can actually hear them.
Funnily enough, your ask aligns perfectly with what makes Hot Honey so cute for these two. Shadow canonically doesn’t like Hot Honey at all:
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No questions asked, no headcanons needed.
The reason he agreed to go was entirely, 100% because Amy asked him to. I think that’s far sweeter than the Taylor Swift thing. And I’ll be able to prove that when I finish writing Sweeter Than Honey. Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about it!
No offense to anyone who does enjoy Taylor Swift’s music, of course. Different strokes for different folks. :)
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pedroshotwifey · 11 months
Topped With a Bow
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x afab!reader x Santi Garcia
Word Count: 4.5k
Tags/Warnings: no use of y/n, oral sex m&f receiving, PIV sex, ass eating what who said that, anal sex, double penetration, blowjobs, dom/sub dynamics, daddy kink but only like once, vaginal fingering, wifey thinks she's hilarious with her titles, i'm probably forgetting stuff but oh well
Summary: On your birthday, you expect for Santiago to have something waiting at home for you. What you don't expect, however, is for that something to be Frankie Morales.
A/N: So, funny story, this was actually supposed to be written in time to post on my birthday, which was October 3rd. Obviously, that didn't work out, but it's proof that wifey can get her shit together every now and again, (although apparently not her birthday) so we'll take what we can get. Anyway, please enjoy! Likes, comments, and reposts are veryyy much appreciated! <3
“Good morning, birthday girl!” 
You jump, almost spilling your coffee as you walk into the door of your office, only to be ambushed by one of your co-worker’s cheery greetings. Kira, who is always somehow completely awake in the mornings, seems to be more energetic than ever today. Not that you mind, of course, this dull office needs her morale. 
“Thank you, girly,” you say with a smile before going in for a hug. You’d never tell, but she’s by far your favorite person to work with. It makes you feel warm inside to know that she bothered to remember your birthday in the first place, so when she separates from you to shove a gift bag into your free hand, you feel like you might cry. 
“Aw, Kira, you really didn’t have to do that!” You already know that she is going to insist, but you tell her anyway. You roll your eyes playfully as she immediately tells you that ‘Of course, she had to!’
“Okay, hold on, lemme just set my things down,” you tell her, jerking your head for her to follow you. You smile and shake your head at her in disbelief as you pass through the heavily decorated office. Everywhere you look, you see balloons and streamers of your favorite colors. 
Almost all of your co-workers peek their heads up to tell you happy birthday, and it makes you feel special, even though you’re not really one to make the day a big deal. 
Once you get to your desk, you place your coffee and purse in their respective places before peaking inside the gift bag. Taking the tissue paper out, you find two books that you’ve been wanting to read for a while, as well as a starbucks gift card. 
“Girl!” You grin brightly at Kira. “You spoil me, really.” You take a step forward to pull her into a hug one more time, which she gladly reciprocates. “Thank you,” you say, giving her a small squeeze. 
“You’re welcome, babe,” she says as she steps back. “I’ve got to go ahead and get back to work before the boss chops my head off, but I hope you have an amazing day, hottie,” she sends you a friendly wink at the nickname. 
You playfully roll your eyes and tell her to do the same before plopping down in your office chair to boot up your laptop. It doesn’t look like you have too much work to do, which means you might be able to get out of here early. Perfect. 
You skip your lunch break and get your work done by 2:30. Surprisingly, your boss gives you permission to go home, which is perfect because you had told Santi this morning that you were hoping to be back by 3:30 at the latest. You’re eager to get back to your apartment to your roommate–and on occasion, fuckbuddy. 
You don’t remember exactly when it started. One day both of you just kind of realized you missed intimacy, but neither of you wanted another commitment. Santi’s attractive, you’re attractive, and this way, neither of you have to worry about the stress of a relationship. Thankfully, it hasn’t messed with your dynamic, and now it’s just a normal thing. 
Both of you are allowed to see other people, and if one of you wants to stop hooking up at some point, there’s no offense to be taken. It’s honestly the best arrangement you could ask for at the moment. Anyway, whatever Santi is, You kind of figure that he’ll have a certain “surprise” waiting for you for your birthday. Your panties are slick just thinking about it. 
Wasting no more time, you pack your stuff and say a quick good-bye to Kira before rushing out to your car. You immediately call Santi to let him know you’re on your way. 
“Hey, baby!” You say as soon as he picks up. 
“Hey, babydoll. On your way?” 
“Yup, should be there in like twenty minutes or so.” 
“Okay, baby, I’ll be waiting.” 
Smirking, you hang up. He sounds awfully cheeky to not have a surprise. You’re glad you decided to wear your nice matching panty and bra set today, you have a feeling Santi will want to get right to it once you walk in the door. You hope so, anyway. Your thighs clench as you begin to think of scenarios you hope to find yourself in when you get home. 
With traffic, it takes you about 22 minutes to get to your complex. As soon as you park, you jump out of your car and bee-line to your door. You don’t even have a chance to put your keys in the door before it’s being pulled open by your roommate. 
He immediately grabs you and pulls you to him, pressing his lips against yours. You giggle as you drop your purse and kick the door shut behind you. 
“Wow, someone’s enthusiastic,” you say, pulling away just enough to get the words out. 
Santi looks for a second like he might want to say something, but obviously changes his mind as he pushes you back to pin your against the door. His plush lips crash into yours once again, and you let yourself melt into the kiss. As it gets more heated, you can feel his dick hardening against you, and you subconsciously begin to grind into it, making him moan into your mouth. 
Suddenly, he pushes off of you. 
“Santi, wha-”
“I know, honey,” he says, his eyes pleading. “As much as I want to stand here and devour you, I want you to see your gift just a little bit more.” 
“A gift?” You ask, your own eyes lighting up. “Santi! You really didn’t have to!”
“Oh,” he says, mischief suddenly appearing in his gaze. “But I did.” 
You eye him suspiciously as he pulls you toward your room, stopping once he reaches the hallway. You’re about to open it when he begins talking, signaling for you to wait. 
“You remember that thing we talked about last time we were out with the guys?” He sounds sheepish yet excited at the same time, the tone making you raise an eyebrow in suspicion. When he doesn’t elaborate, you try to wrack your brain for the memory. 
The entire group had met up at a bar, and you had gotten pretty drunk, to be honest. You begin to shake your head, but then something clears up. That can’t be what he’s talking about, right?
You recall making a comment about Frankie. You aren’t sure exactly what it was, but Santi had caught you looking him over. Sure, you’ve always found Frankie extremely attractive–I mean, who wouldn’t? But you never meant to make it known, especially to Santi. You were too scared of him telling Frankie, and you wouldn’t be able to handle getting turned down by such a goddamn hunk. Though, if you remember correctly, you had been thoroughly surprised by what Santi had to say. 
Apparently, he and Frankie had their fair share of hook-ups throughout the years, though they stayed completely platonic other than that. Santi had asked you if you would hook up with Frankie if you had the chance, and, because you were drunk off your ass, you told the truth–yes. Santi had smiled with an amused look in his eye, and that was that. Or so you thought. 
“You don’t mean that thing about Frankie, right?” you ask, your cheeks beginning to redden with embarrassment. Santi just smiles wider. 
“What are you trying to get from this, Santi?” you question, suspicion lacing your voice. 
“Nothing at all, baby,” he assures you. He pulls at your wrist before you have a chance to ask anything else, immediately setting a path for the bedroom. You struggle to keep up as he tugs you down the hall to the cracked door. 
When he opens it, your jaw drops. You had expected Santi to have a certain ‘surprise’, but you hadn’t expected him to bring in an extra. 
Sitting on your bed, completely naked except for a red bow tied loosely around his hardened cock, is none other than Frankie Morales. 
“Happy birthday, carino,” Frankie says, a knowing smirk plastered on his handsome face.
You can’t think of a single thing to say in response to that, but that's okay, considering your throat is too dry for you to make a noise anyway. Luckily, Santiago saves you when he gives you a small push toward Frankie. Through the shock, you had almost forgotten he was behind you. 
“Go on, honey, open your present,” he says as if all of this is completely normal. “Though I guess there’s not much left to unwrap,” he adds with a chuckle, which Frankie joins in on. 
Jaw still wide open, you slowly turn to Santi as if to make sure this isn’t some kind of trick. When you face him, however, you find that he’s already working at the zipper on his jeans. Clearly he’s just as eager as you are for you to ‘open your present’. 
As the situation really starts to set in, you feel a tug of excitement in your chest, and then another from in between your legs. Once he has his jeans on a heap on the floor, Santi looks at you, and you can feel the smile that slowly creeps onto your face. You’re about to fuck both of these drop-dead-gorgeous men. Holy fucking shit. 
He smiles back and nods at you as if to say ‘go on, baby’. You don’t have to be told twice. You quickly flip back around to watch Frankie place his hand around his thick cock, slowly starting to jerk off in front of you. He keeps dark eyes on you while he touches himself, daring you to come toward him. You reciprocate his lusty gaze with one of your own as you walk toward the bed. You can feel Santi trailing right behind you. 
“You want to suck Frankie’s cock, baby?” Santi asks as he gently gathers your hair and lets it fall down your back. “We both know how much you love having a good dick in your mouth,” he continues. “So good at it, always make me feel so fucking good.” 
A small moan slips from your lips as you nod, keeping your eyes on Frankie. The way his tongue peeks out to wet his bottom lip for a brief second makes your knees buckle. With Santi’s help, you slowly sink down to your knees so that you’re eye level with Frankies cock.
 His hand is still moving in slow strokes, rustling the ribbon tied around him with every pass. A bead of precome dribbles from his slit and runs down his shaft, making you whine at the sight. 
“C-can I?” you ask him once you find your voice. He chuckles quietly and uses his other hand to smooth down your hair, before he drops it down to your shoulder to place it over Santiago’s. 
“Of course, hermosa, it’s all for you, go ahead and take it,” Frankie tells you as he brings his hand back up to rest on your head. You’re still a bit hesitant, but you know it’s what you really want. 
With shaky hands, you reach up and untie the bow around his cock. Frankie removes his own hand as you get to work, setting it down on the bed beside him. You look up through your lashes to find Frankie staring hungrily down at you. The look gives you a sudden boost of confidence, and you smirk as you slowly tug the ribbon off of him, letting the silk slither around the base of him. 
He groans quietly and bucks his hips at the feeling. As you get more comfortable, Santi leaves your side to strip the rest of the way, keeping an eye on the two of you as he does so. The whole situation has your panties absolutely drenched, and you want nothing more than to take them off, but Frankie’s cock is right there. Okay, maybe there’s one thing you want more. 
You lick your palm and begin to stroke him off as Santi resumes his position, commenting on how good you look on your knees. You don’t waste another minute before you’re taking Frankie’s tip into the heat of your mouth. He groans but keeps his palm steady on your head, not pushing you down, but not letting you up, either. 
“God, baby, fucking mouth feels so damn good.” 
You smirk around him as he praises you and begin to take him deeper, increasing your suction as you go. When you’re at the base, he bucks his hips again, making you choke slightly. You try to pull your head back out of pure reflex, but his hand holds you where you’re at. The action somehow makes you even wetter. 
You’re quickly distracted from the tears that well up in your eyes, however, when you feel your dress being flipped up behind you, exposing your ass to Santi, who delivers a sharp slap to one of your cheeks. 
“Such a pretty ass, babydoll.” 
At that, Frankie lets you off his dick just enough for you to take in a gulp of air and say a quick ‘thank you’ to Santiago. Before you can put your eager mouth back on Frankie, Santi swats your behind for a second time.
“Thank you, what?” God, that fucking tone, you could never resist it. 
“Thank you, Daddy,” you half moan. Frankie moans right along with you as you say it. Apparently both of the boys have a thing for that. You don’t hate it. 
You don’t wait long before taking Frankie back into your mouth and starting to bob your head up and down at a brutal pace. You choose to listen to the whimpers and moans that tumble from his mouth as Santi begins to pull your panties down your legs. As your clit is exposed to the cool air of the bedroom, it twitches, making you whine yourself.
“I know, baby, I’m gonna take care of you,” Santi says as he brings a hand to your dripping cunt.
“Damn, carino, so fucking wet already,” he says, slipping two fingers into your pussy. “Such a desperate whore for us.” Based on the sounds coming from behind you, you can guess that Santi has his other hand wrapped around his cock. 
“D-damn fuckin’ right,” Frankie grunts out as he rocks his hips up to your mouth. “Can’t believe you’ve been keeping her all to yourself, Santi.” 
“Hey, I’m sharing now, aren’t I?” Santi begins to pump his fingers in and out of you, crooking them into just the right spot. You can feel your orgasm approaching already. 
The way the two engage in what sounds like a casual conversation only serves to turn you on even more, which is made clear in the vigorous way you continue to blow Frankie. You and Frankie are pushed over the edge at the same time, and you find it extremely difficult to swallow his cum while your eyes are in the back of your head, but you manage. 
The sounds that Frankie let out are absolutely delicious, and you find yourself already craving more. The hand he has in your hair pushes you down and pulls at the strands at the same time as he whines and groans above you. 
You try not to gag as his dick finishes pulsing in your throat. Once he’s sure he’s done, he loosens his grip on your hair and lets your head back up. He notices a rogue tear falling down your cheek and smiles at you as he swipes it away with his thumb. 
“Good fucking job, hermosa,” he praises before locking eyes with Santi, who is busy sucking your cum off of his fingers. “Santi’s been training you well, huh?”
“Tastes fucking delicous, too,” Santi says after he pulls his fingers out of his mouth. You feel his hand return to your cunt shortly after. You shiver as he dips his digits into your pussy to collect more of your spend before offering it to Frankie, who takes Santi’s fingers in his mouth.
“Fuck, he’s right, sweetheart,” Frankie says after Santi pulls his fingers away. “Wanna eat that sweet pussy out all day, but I think Santi here deserves to get a turn to get his dick wet, don’t you?” 
Still hazy from your orgasm, you simply nod up at him, letting him pet your hair back as you do so. Frankie’s eyes soften as he takes in your disheveled appearance, his gaze holding a sense of both pride and passion. 
“Good girl,” Frankie says as Santi walks around to your other side, now fully undressed. 
“Why don’t you hop on the bed for us, baby?” Santi says it like it’s an option, but you know better than that–not like you’d deny him anyway. 
“Yes, Sir,” you say as you pull yourself onto the bed, getting ready to settle on your hands and knees. Suddenly, you’re stopped by Santi’s hand on your hip. 
“Y’know what, Frank?” Santi asks thoughtfully, making you look over at him. As you glance at Frankie, you can tell he is just as confused. 
"What's that, santi?” 
“I think she could actually use a bit more assistance before I stuff my cock into her.” His smile widens as he grabs the back of Frankie’s neck, pulling him toward you.
“Why don’t you go ahead and have a taste to help her out?” 
Before you know it, you’re positioned on your back, your ass almost hanging off the bed, and Frankie is between your legs, groaning into your cunt. He eats you out like a starved man as you grope at his curls, your screams letting him know how good he’s making you feel.
He alternates between sucking harshly on your clit and dipping his tongue into your weeping core, the combination absolutely blinding all senses but touch. Just as you’re about to come, you feel the devastating loss as Santi grips Frankie’s neck and pulls him away from you, making you and Frankie let out equally pitiful whines. 
“Aww, I’m sorry, baby.” He says, a shit eating grin adorning his features as he looks down at the two of you. “Had a better idea. Scootch up on the bed a bit. Frank, you take her place.” 
You’re not sure what Santi has planned, but with the way Frankie’s eyes widen with recognition, you can guess it will be good. You obey him almost immediately, Frankie right on your tail, pushing you until your head lands on the plush pillows near the headboard. He wastes no time in wrapping his arms underneath your thighs and delving back into your pussy. 
“Ass up, Frank,” Santi’s tone leaves no room for argument, but Frankie definitely doesn’t want to fight it. His compliance is evident in the way he pushes his knees under his torso, presenting himself for the other man. 
You can tell the exact moment Santi shoves his tongue into Frankie’s ass by the way he groans and picks up his efforts on your cunt. After a moment, Frankie begins to falter as his body shakes with pleasure, and Santi delivers a slap to his ass, making Frankie whine and buck up into him.
“C’mon, Frankie,” Santi scolds him. “Gotta treat the lady right if I’m gonna make you feel good.” 
Frankie nods between your legs, but clearly it’s not enough to satisfy the other man, because Santi suddenly has his fist in Frankie’s hair, pulling him away from you. You feel tears brim your eyes from being denied again, but you can hardly complain with the scene that’s unfolding in front of you. 
Both you and Frankie whine simultaneously, Frankie from the stress on his hair as Santi clenches his fist, and you from the way the man submits so easily. 
“Words, sweet boy,” Santi says, pulling Frankie close enough for him to say it face-to-face. “Say ‘thank you, Santi’.”
“T-thank you, Santi,” Frankie pants, obviously appeasing Santi as he’s allowed to come back to you. 
“That’s a good boy,” Santi says, smoothing down Frankie’s messed curls. “Don’t get distracted again.” 
As fast as he left, Santi’s back to eating Frankie’s ass, and Frankie’s back to devouring your cunt, whining and whimpering like a mad-man. He must have looped an arm around to grab Frankie’s weeping cock as well because you can feel Frankie grinding up against something. If you weren’t so consumed with bliss, you would wish you could watch the two men get eachother off. 
The entire time, you hear Santi telling you both how well you’re doing for him. He scatters in promises of fucking Frankie in the ass if he does good by you. You never thought that’s something you might want to see, but right now, you’re half tempted to stop everything in favor of the suggestion. 
Before you know it, you’re at the edge of release once again. It takes maybe one or two more flicks of Frankie’s tongue and then you’re cumming in his mouth. The hot pleasure courses through every fiber of your being, the feeling easily warming you. 
As soon as your high is over, You feel Frankie being pulled off of you once again, only to be replaced by Santi, who quickly lines himself up with your entrance before sinking in with one thrust. Frankie, who is now to your side, covers your scream with his mouth as it spills from your lips. 
“God damn, baby, feel so fucking good,” Santi grunts down at you. “Warmed her up nicely, Frankie, good job.” 
At the sound of his name, Frankie pulls himself away from you, opting instead to lean up against the headboard. He looks genuinely tired, panting heavily, but if his cock is anything to go by, he’ll be ready to go again if you just said the word. 
Your body is physically pushed up the bed with the force that Santi is thrusting into you with. He hits that spongy spot inside you with every thrust, causing you to gasp and moan with every punch. It’s almost too much, but when Frankie moves one hand to rub at your clit, you don’t dare think of pushing him away. 
“Look at you, both so f-fucking good,” Santi continues to praise you and Frankie as he somehow picks up his pace. “Think you both deserve a reward.” 
You perk up slightly at that. What the hell more could you want right now. You’re in bliss as you get pounded into, Frankie’s fingers rubbing circles on your clit, Santi’s cock in your deepest parts. When you look over at Frankie to find that he’s pumping himself with his free hand, you almost come from the sight alone. But somehow, Santi always finds a way to make things better.
“You want Frankie to take your ass, angel?” Santi asks.
Your moan is enough of an answer to have Frankie shuffling to sit you up and get behind you before lifting you slightly to line himself up. With all the slick that's traveled back toward your other hole, you are more than prepared to have him sink in. 
Santi slows down to let Frankie slide in with ease, and all three of you groan at the sensation. Your eyes roll to the back of your head at the same time your mouth drops open, a bit of drool escaping as you do so.
You’ve never felt so full in your life. You’ve tried both holes on different occasions with Santi, but you’ve never had both your ass and your cunt being used at the same time. You feel Frankie and Santi shift around you, sandwiching you closer as each of them grabs the back of the other’s neck. 
You feel Frankie thrust into you, and then Santi follows. It takes them a moment to find a good rhythm, but once they do, it's absolute nirvana. You can feel the way they both rub up against your middle wall, sliding against each other and creating an intense pressure. 
“Oh-h mph… Ah!” 
You’re well aware you’re trying to say something, but the words simply can’t form. Every single thought in your head is focused on the men on either side of you. Their grunts and grasps get harsher each time they up their pace, making you bounce on both of their cocks. 
“I know, b-baby,” Santi says, using his free hand to grope at your ass the best he can. “Words are hard when you’re getting fucked good, aren’t they?” 
You clench around them both at his condescending tone, making Frankie whine and Santi hiss through his teeth. Frankie’s hand comes around to tweak at a nipple, and you’re quickly blinded by the pleasure, your orgasm taking over. 
You scream as you gush around Santi, and before long, you feel both of their dicks pulsing inside of you, splattering your walls with hot, thick cum. You don’t realize you’re crying until you feel one of them wipes away a tear. The three of you collapse onto each other, each of you trying to catch your breath as you steal sloppy kisses through your orgasms.
Everything sounds like it’s underwater as you feel your body get moved off of the guys and laid flat on the bed. Both of the men are showering you with praise as they move to get you cleaned up. They take turns bending down to plant a kiss to your lips, and you use all of your effort to reciprocate. 
You watch them smile at each other as they walk into the bathroom, and then you close your eyes.
When you open them again, you find yourself lodged–once again–between Frankie and Santi. You feel significantly much cleaner, happy not to wake up covered in dried cum. Though you really probably wouldn’t have minded that much. 
As you take in your surroundings, you see both of the guys lounging in their briefs, watching some movie on the T.V at low volume. You’ve been covered in a light blanket, but you feel much warmer with the way either man has an arm wrapped around you. 
“Hey, sweetheart, welcome back to the land of the living,” Santi jokes once he notices you’re awake. 
“Hey,” you say, smiling between a yawn. It feels good to stretch out. You look over to Frankie only to find him dozing off. You have to stifle a giggle at the sight. Typical Frankie Fashion. 
“He looks tired,” You whisper quietly. 
“Yeah, he really does,” Santi says, his voice laced with humor. “Fuckin’ deserves the sleep, though, we tired him out.” 
“We really did, He was practically in the middle the entire time.”  
You both laugh quietly as Santi pulls you closer into his side. He gives you the slowest kiss you’ve received the whole night. 
“Did you have a good birthday, sweetheart?” he asks, his voice barely a whisper. 
“Of course, baby, it was perfect,” you say. And you mean it, even if you might not be able to walk for a week. Frankie will definitely be back. 
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arctic-hands · 9 days
What MP3 player? And is it still available! I hare having to muse my phone, and all modern ones require WiFi and that defeats the object of a portable music player!
So about 4 years ago I decided I too was sick of streaming, ads, and algorithms, and was running out of space on my phone for all the songs I wanted to play on the VLC app, so I got a SanDisk/Sansa Clip Jam (the little one on the left)
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[Image Description: two MP3 players, next to a hand for scale. On the left is a very small blue one, with a very small and simple white-on-black screen, and a physical button pad underneath the screen. The player on the left is much, much larger, with a larger screen capable of showing color images, and touchscreen buttons underneath. Both players are open to LP albums, but the one on the right actually shows the album art for Churches. End I.D]
Now the little Clip Jam was good for a while and I was glad to have it, but it did have some drawbacks that became clear. Mine was used but I believe these are still being made/marketed. It was twenty bucks used.
Pros (aside from the big one of owning your own media without ads/algorithm
Ultra portability
MicroSD slot for more space
Audiobook-capable, Audible compatible once you register it to Audible
Physical buttons
FM radio
Shuffle capable
NO WIFI, plug in and drag-and-drop uploading
no Bluetooth capability
Has stopwatch
The "clip" in the name refers to the clip on its back, which lets you attach it to clothes and such
Immediately apparent drawbacks:
No external speakers, must have wired headphones to hear anything. They use your standard jack, so I'm assuming you could use compatible external speaker but I never had one to try
Sometimes chapters of audiobooks don't go in order and you have to go in with tag editor software
and sometimes the books upload as one big file, meaning you have to go in with another software to break it up
Thing that made me fully disgusted with the thing after a year or so of frustration:
The HARDware capabilities of the Clip Jam mean that it can only handle two thousand LINES. Not files, lines. Meaning the Artist counts as a line, the Album counts as a line, the songs each count as a line. This is bad enough with just putting music on, but when you add audiobooks to it, the titles of the books and every chapter counts as a line. With an SD card you can add about another two thousand lines. When you use up your line capabilities, the data will be on your device/card but the player won't show it or let you access the files at all.
SANDISK NEVER TELLS YOU ABOUT THIS. It was not in any of the listings for it, it was not in the manual. At. All. I only found out by chance by finally coming across a years-old forum post talking about it after months of frustration while I tried to figure out why half my files (mostly audiobooks by this point) weren't showing
So I started looking for a new one.
...for the life of me I don't remember how I came across the Phinistec Z6, prolly saw it mentioned on the r/DigitalAudioPlayer while trying to come up with a new one to buy for cheap. The brand seemingly came out of nowhere, but it had what I needed. I got it thirty dollars used from ebay. They were still being sold new as of a year ago, I just prefer getting li-ion battery things used.
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[Image Description: the players again, the Clip Jam is showing the SD card option, the Z6 is showing a list of Music/Folder/E-book/Bluetooth/Recorder. End I.D]
I don't have an SD card in either and the option only shows up on the Z6 if you have one in.
Pros for the Phinistec Z6
No bullshit line limitation
MicroSD slot for added content
Maybe just a pro for me, but this thing is HEFTY. Not heavy, but dense enough I'm worried you'd crack a skull if you threw it at someone. Wonderful tactile weight in my case.
Long battery life. I think I've had to charge it 5 times in the year I've had it.
External speaker
Wired headphone capable, as well as Bluetooth capable
FM radio (only works when wired headphones are plugged in, the dongle acts as an antenna. This is pretty standard, it used to be that way on phones too)
Audiobook capable. This isn't advertised but it can save your story place in the middle of the chapter. I didn't use this feature too much tho, I got an e-ink reader a few months after. I don't think it's Audible compatible, but there are workarounds for converting those to MP3
NO WIFI, plug in and drag-and-drop uploading
Can read written books for some reason. Not sure why anyone would want to on a screen that small, but it exists
So-so voice recording capabilities
A crappy photo camera for some reason?
Touch screen buttons
It doesn't ship with current software, and for the latest update you have to email the company for the download link. Kinda sketch, I'm prolly some Chinese corporation's data bitch now, but seeing as I'm American I'm used to being a corporate (and government) data bitch for my own country anyway
Also had the problem of songs not playing or being listed in the right order. The listing was fixed with the update, but even after tag editing the songs were PLAYING in the wrong order when accessed under MUSIC. When accessed under FOLDER songs play in order, but artists are listed in order of upload then, not alphabetically, so it can get tedious when trying to find the artist you want if you've got a lot of artists on there. Not a deal breaker, just annoying.
No shuffle, but because of the above if you want to shuffle on a specific album just access it thru the MUSIC function
While screen brightness can be turned down, the backlight behind the buttons is blinding white no matter what you do which sucks in the dark if you have sensitive eyes
Isn't as portable as the Clip Jam if you've got small pockets (looking at you, women's jeans)
The external speaker is a bit tinny and higher notes can get a bit staticky (especially a problem when you listen to LP)
Virtually no information out there about Phinistec
I vastly prefer the cons of the Z6 over the hardware limitations of the Clip Jam, all things considered.
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forestwhisper3 · 4 months
heads up, seven up!
rules: post the last seven lines you wrote, then tag seven people. reposting, as the reblog chains get long!
. . . . . . . Yup, I'm alive (just very, very busy lately) Anyway, I was tagged by my good friend and amazing artist @joyfuladorable and thought this sounded fun. ...It may also be a sort of apology from me for being gone/silent for so long. So! Rather than the last seven lines, here are seven little teasers from fics I've been chipping away at during the bit of downtime I have- when I'm not just playing some Animal Crossing to destress, that is. It's not necessarily the most recent for some of them, but parts that I think you'll enjoy without giving away too much. Enjoy! (Also, please keep in mind that as these are still being refined, there might be parts you see here that may not be present in the final product) ============== Title Pending (Rottmnt) ==============
Not for the first time tonight, Raph had to wonder how he'd gotten to this point.
"There," his companion hissed quietly- a word he never would have used to describe her before this moment.
He leaned over her shoulder and squinted at the figures walking below. "You sure that's them?"
"OF C-!" she choked back her yell and settled for a heated glare. "Yes I'm sure! I'd recognize those ugly outfits anywhere!"
"How can you even see them from so far away?"
"That's how ugly they are."
Despite himself, he snickered a bit. Once he settled down, he crossed his arms.
"You do know this whole thing is crazy, don't you?"
She grinned ferally. "Yep."
"And it's very likely that if we're caught, we'll either get arrested or- if you're right about all this -even die, right?"
"You're insane."
"So are you coming or not?" she asked impatiently.
He looked over the ledge again, watching as the people below continued loading trucks.
"Well, Raph's made it this far," he shrugged, allowing an easy smile to slip onto his face. "And I think I'm overdue for a bit of crazy myself. Let's do it."
"Hell yeah!" Cassandra- Casey, he corrected himself -cheered, pumping a fist. "Let's go, Red!"
The two of them jumped.
============== Dragon of the Sun (TMNT 2003) ============== "Hey, I'm fine! Really! It'd take a lot more than some crazy lizard and spoiled son to take me out!" "You have cracks in your shell. And while I'm sure Donatello has provided excellent care, you are going to the med bay." "...Yes, M'am." Raph snorted softly as he watched Ananda start dragging Mikey away, his little bro not having put up nearly as much of a fight with her as he had against him and Don back home. Then again, he wasn't really surprised either. Maybe it was because Mikey played such a big part in reconnecting her with her dad, which led to her joining the Justice Force, but it was clear that she had a huge soft spot for him.
"And you're positive that there was no lasting damage?" And it seemed like she wasn't the only one. He turned to face Silver Sentry, the usually calm man also watching them go with furrowed brows and a frown. "Not that we could see," Raph sighed. "From what I've gotten him to tell me, he needs to take it easy for a couple more weeks, but he should be fine after that. Let's just hope nothing happens until then." And he really would hope this time. Usually he was itching for a fight within a few days, but if it meant Mike going out to fight before he was fully recovered? No way. Silver Sentry gave a sigh of his own. "And here I thought we could avoid this very thing by only making him an honorary member." ============== Turning Back Time (Linked Universe) ==============
"Hey, Time, do you have any other masks?"
Wind's question immediately caught the group's attention as they settled down to eat. Warriors looked up, admittedly curious as to how he would respond, especially since he knew Time would probably want to keep those cards close to his chest in order to mess with them.
But perhaps he was still remembering Hyrule's misunderstanding from the other night, since he was surprisingly straightforward in his answer.
"Quite a few, actually."
"And are they all magic like the- bunny hat?!"
There was something else Wind was going to say there, he realized, and judging by the way the others' gazes seemed to sharpen at the slight pause, they'd noticed it too.
Come to think of it, the two of them had been together this morning, hadn't they?
He thought about that for another second, then felt a chill of dread.
Could they be working together now? Sweet Hylia, he hoped not. Just remembering the sorts of things they'd accomplished together between battles during the war made him want to run far, far away. He was ninety percent certain that half the reason Impa disliked him so much was because of these two. He wondered if it would be possible to switch sides. ============== Recollections (Linked Universe) ==============
-of Darkness who sought to plunge the world into fear and darkness under his rule. Fearing his wicked rule, Zelda, the princess of this kingdom, split up the Triforce of Wisdom into-
"-eight fragments," Hyrule weakly read that part aloud, face pale and eyes wide in dawning realization and growing horror. "T-This-…this is-…"
He whirled around to look at Time and Legend, the sickly look on his face growing even worse when they nodded grimly.
"Oh no," he murmured, turning back around and curling a bit into himself.
"Okay, that's enough," Warriors scowled, although the worry in his eyes betrayed him. "Would one of you please just tell us what's going on already?! Why's Hyrule upset now that he's figured out whatever it is you two know?!"
"It's about me," Hyrule explained, looking up at them with haunted eyes. "That story we're reading? It's what happened in my Hyrule. Zelda- my Zelda -broke up the Triforce to keep Ganon from getting it. Shortly after, I found myself on my first adventure."
Silence. Then, the implications finally sunk in.
"Oh, fuck," Wind swore.
"Can't we-?!" Twilight began.
"I doubt it," Time sighed, already knowing what he was going to suggest. "Seeing as we were all brought here, then subsequently locked in, it looks like we're going to have to finish watching before we can leave. And I know it's not going to end with just Hyrule's adventures."
The air between them felt heavy now that everyone knew what they'd be seeing, and there was a pause, as if they all wanted to say something but couldn't find the right words. Finally, Legend let out an angry burst of air.
"Let's just get it over with," he said. "I know this is the last thing any of us wants, but it looks like we don't get a choice. The sooner we watch it all, the sooner we can leave this hellhole."
An apt description for this place, Time couldn't help but agree. Absolutely no danger to be seen, but somehow just as nerve-wracking as if there was. If not more so.
Another pause, but despite their reluctance, they all knew inaction was an even worse feeling. So Wild eventually started it up again. Fearing his wicked rule, Zelda, the princess of this kingdom, split up the Triforce of Wisdom into eight fragments and hid them throughout the realm to save the last remaining Triforce from the clutches of the evil Ganon. At the same time, she commanded her most trustworthy nursemaid, Impa, to secretly escape into the land and go find a man with enough courage to destroy the evil Ganon. Upon hearing this, Ganon grew angry, imprisoned the princess, and sent out a party in search of Impa.
The black screen started fading into color, although the words remained, and harsh panting could be heard as a landscape came into focus. ============== Title Pending (Trolls) ==============
Floyd was gone.
That simple, heartwrenching fact kept spinning and spinning and spinning in his mind until it was all he could think through the numbness that had taken hold of him.
At least, until Clay's scream managed to break through.
John flinched, finally tearing his gaze from his second youngest brother's crystalized form only to meet the furious, teary eyes of the third's. It was all he had the time to do before Clay shoved him away from where they'd gathered around, the tiny ember of rage that had been ever present in those last few days as a band finally blazing into a wildfire, fueled by the same grief that seemed to have frozen him in place instead.
Clay choked, unable to voice that final, damning word. Instead, his face twisted as it finally seemed to catch up with him. Yet the tears that began to stream down did nothing to soften the anger that continued to burn.
Staring as intently as he was, there was no missing when that anger slipped into hate.
"I'll never forgive you," Clay hissed, his entire body trembling and tense. "We'll never forgive you."
He swallowed thickly and chanced a glance at Bruce and Branch.
They stared back in stony silence.
"I'm sorry," he managed to push through the knot in his throat and a familiar gnawing emptiness that began to settle in his heart.
Sorry he'd failed them…
Sorry he couldn't protect them…
Sorry he'd hurt them…
Sorry he couldn't be what they'd wanted him to be.
His apology only seemed to anger Clay further.
"You're sorry?! Is that all you can-?!" He cut himself off, and took a deep breath. When he spoke next, it was with piercing finality. "All you've ever managed to do is ruin things. Ruin us. So, if you're really as sorry as you say you are, you'll keep yourself from ruining what's left."
"Clay-" Viva protested, concern thick in her voice as she stepped forward.
Clay cut her off with a look and a shake of his head, but the bit of John that didn't feel numb appreciated the attempt.
She was good for him, he thought. He hoped they could be happy together.
Without him.
Because that was what they wanted, he realized. It was what they'd always wanted. Hadn't they always told him to mind his own business? To go away? To leave them alone? It was him who had been too stubborn to listen. Who had ignored what they'd practically been screaming in his face for years.
Not anymore, he promised. He'd already messed things up enough. For once, he was going to do something right by them.
Clay was distracted by Viva, and the others had gone back to looking at Floyd. It was like the universe was agreeing with him, telling him that he needed to take himself out of their lives for good.
He took a step back.
He took in the sight of his brothers one last time, knowing that it really would be the last time, and climbed into Rhonda.
"Let's go, girl."
She fought him for a moment, and he felt yet another pang of guilt- she'd gotten attached to them, it seemed -but eventually allowed herself to be steered away with a melancholy warble.
"It's for the best," he told her softly, eyes closing in resignation at the hollowness he could hear in his words.
A hollowness he'd experienced just one other time in his life and struggled to escape. Even now, he could see it overtaking him again in the way the color slowly leeched from his fingers and trailed up his arms.
That was fine. Last time, he'd pushed forward for Rhonda. For his brothers. For his-
He closed his eyes and slumped in the driver's seat as a fresh wave of loss swept over him.
This time, when the emptiness threatened to swallow him whole, John Dory looked into the abyss and hung his head.
It was time to stop fighting. ============== Journey (Pokemon SI/OC) ==============
"Satoshiii, you've got to be kidding me!" I groaned as I pulled his curtains open. "Seriously?! You promised you wouldn't sleep in!"
Ash waking up late was a running gag in the anime. I knew this. Really. I did.
I just hadn't realized how bad that habit actually was.
"EHHH!?!? Amy, what time is it?!"
Mrs. Ketchum must have had the patience of a saint dealing with this every single day.
"Late enough that you're only gonna have time to get dressed! Now, move it!"
"But, breakfast-"
He yelped and scrambled off the bed, and I hurried out of the room to give him privacy. Walking back to the kitchen, I huffed as I took a seat, rolling my eyes when I heard a loud thump echo from upstairs.
"Never a dull moment with that kid," Papa chuckled quietly into his tea, still a bit bleary-eyed himself.
"Good thing he spent the night. With Hanako gone, he wouldn't have had anyone to wake him up," Mama shook her head with a fond smile.
"Next time I'm leaving him," I grumbled, though it was halfhearted at best.
Mama handed me two lunches and I secured them in my bag before grabbing some extra riceballs for Ash and placing them on top.
"Is Shigeru going to be taking part in the field trip?"
"He said he hears enough about it at home, so no. Good thing too, I don't wanna babysit him and Satoshi. I wanna see some pokemon, too!"
It was a good way to test how things could be once I began my journey. At first, Mama and Papa had been a bit hesitant to agree when Ash brought it up yet again (he did so every year, but this was the first time we were old enough to actually go), but Uncle managed to convince them. I was going to be with a group, and Professor Oak was sure to have at least Arcanine with him, so I would be more than safe.
To his credit, Ash only took a few minutes to get dressed, but our house was a bit of a walk from Professor Oak's lab, and we found ourselves having to sprint for the last stretch of it.
"-guess we're setting off," I heard Professor Oak say and immediately pushed myself just that little bit more.
"Wait!" I called while waving my arms, never more grateful for all the running I'd done during training than at this moment. "We're here!"
I slid into the meeting place like a baseball player, taking care not to squish the contents of our lunches as I allowed myself to drop onto the grass to catch my breath. Ash was still a bit behind me, but they should be willing to wait now that I'd made it.
"Way to look like a total loser," a familiar, though currently unwelcome, voice cut in through the harsh pants.
I groaned. "I thought you weren't coming."
"I'm not," Gary scoffed. "I just got curious because Gramps hadn't left yet. Shoulda known it would be you two behind it."
"And I should have known you'd be too nosey to not butt in."
============== Horizons (FF7 SI/OC) ==============
Ryuu stretched as he wandered into the entrance area of the inn, not bothering to hold back a wide yawn as he tried to shake off the last vestiges of drowsiness. Overall, he felt much better than yesterday, his various pains now muted to a dull ache instead of the sharp throbs and spikes of before. Thank fuck for accelerated healing. Probably one of the highlights of being SOLDIER, in his opinion. Cassie's potions had only helped in that- he'd probably be back to normal by the end of the day or early tomorrow at this rate.
It was early- enough that the sun was just barely starting to rise -but to his surprise he wasn't the only one awake. The innkeeper was already up, phone pressed up against his ear and having what seemed to be a pretty serious conversation if his expression was any indication.
"-keep an eye out for him, don't you worry…It's the least I could do after everything your daughter's done for us. Besides, I know I'd want someone to do the same if it were one of my girls missing…" He sighed, tone turning apologetic. "I don't. Wasn't expecting her to leave so suddenly, or else I would've asked…I'm sure she'll be fine. She's a tough girl, and clever. She practically saved this town."
Wait. He couldn't mean-
Now completely awake, he rushed back upstairs, only just catching the innkeeper's now confused expression as he continued his conversation with who he was becoming more and more certain was Cassie's family, though unfortunately missing the question itself in his haste to check on her.
"Son of a bitch," he hissed upon opening all the guest rooms and finding them empty. "You little shit."
Is this what it felt like to have a younger sibling? He was pretty sure this was what it felt like to have a younger sibling. This sheer frustration and annoyance- suddenly, all of his friends' complaints made so much more sense. Not to mention the worry. What if she ran into something else she couldn't fight? She said that bodyguard of hers could keep her safe but how could he be sure of that? She hadn't even let him meet the guy!
Cassie'd left early on purpose. He was sure of it. The question now was why.
He wanted nothing more than to chase her down and find out, but as it stood, he couldn't. He'd updated ShinRa on his status the moment looking at his PHS didn't make his head feel like it was going to explode, but while they'd allowed him some recovery time, they were also being very pushy in their reminders that he report as soon as possible. He could understand the insistence- absolutely no one had expected what sounded like a run-of-the-mill monster extermination to put a SOLDIER out of commission, even if only for a day or so -but he wished he could just-
His PHS buzzed in his pocket, and he sighed, heading for the stairs again.
============== ============== ============== And there you have it! Hope you enjoyed the little clips! Like I said, I am working on them. It's just a lot slower than it used to be since I have a longer commute to and from work now, and by the time I get home, I'm usually too tired to write. I'll be going on a short vacation in about two weeks or so to visit my bro, and I hope to get a good chunk of writing done during that time. You may see a few chapters pop up then. Fingers crossed, at any rate. For now, I think it's back to chipping at them a little bit more. Take care!
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recurringwriter · 5 months
15 Lines of Dialogue
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
tagged by @omgkalyppso! thank you! i will see about doing this for mia and felicity! Apologies for not linking individual fics, and also for the Mystery chapters. Almost all can be found somewhere on my ao3. I gathered all these quotes from my big scriv file which is shall we say not organized. for all I know some titles might not match up perfectly with what ended up being posted but if anyone wants a link to a specific fic that isn't redacted and you don't want to go searching for, please just send an ask and i'll happily round it up.
Will tag @umbralstars and @blaiddydboyfriend if you'd like to do this!
"I don't know," she admitted. "I just like it? For some stupid reason? It's fun to sing along to, I don't know. It doesn't matter." Hate to let you down chapter 1
"Like I live vicariously through other people's melodrama." Hate to let you down chapter 1
"Hey, I was still big enough to haul your ass back to my hoard," the woman/dragon protested. "Maybe don't be so rude when even your guns and pirate friends couldn't stop me." The differences between pirates and dragons are few chapter 2
"Well, as long as the odds may be, I'm going to try and make a good impression," Aeramia said. Dark sails and shining wings chapter 1
"Yeah, I can see that he'd pull out all the stops for you," Miss Cecile mused, in that innocent way that belied her true ability for innuendo. i need you to soothe my head/turn my blue heart to red
"Oh, is that what you were doing?" Mia asked. "Because it didn't look like you were exchanging business cards." nothing is like it was, there's nobody here but us
"Yes, and thank you--Felix will be just as worried about Annette, he'll be very happy to know that you'll help us get word to her." I thought this love would always burn like a wildfire chapter [?]
"I see," Mia said, nodding. She looked at the envelope in her hands. "She reminds me of this one cat we have on our farm--oh! That's probably terribly rude," she said, ruefully. "Pretend I didn't say that." I thought this love would always burn like a wildfire chapter [?]
"Like I said, I'm just a farmer. There was no way I had a Crest," Mia explained. "And--Professor Hanneman scared me. I was too shy and I didn't think there was a point, anyway, so I just let myself be forgotten. Only I see he didn't forget," she added ruefully. I thought this love would always burn like a wildfire chapter 51
"I'll help you," Mia said, walking slowly. The Beast pulled itself forward, leaving gouges in the dirt with its claws. Its wings and left leg trailed, leaving a path of blood in its wake. Mia stepped back. "I'm not going to hurt you." from up in lights to up in smoke, we just can't let this go chapter [?]
"She's just teasing--right? And if she wants to tell him that you've got a friend, that's okay with me," Mia said. Rodina fic #1
"See and then you say something like that and it makes me think maybe a collar and leash would indeed help fix whatever is going on with you." [Redacted]
"Rodrigue won't like that, but he's not here," Mia said. from up in lights to up in smoke, we just can't let this go unposted scene
"Oh, are you sure? I don't usually wear a ring on that side. I never do, otherw--wait." She looked up at Felix's face, urgently. Her cheeks were getting rosy. "You--you mean. That's intentional." Unpublished chapter of hate to let you down
"I always thought--someday I'd figure out how to be--be a woman or that I'd wake up and see her in the mirror--and sometimes I do. And I think maybe if I tried harder I'd be able to do it all the time, but I don't--I don't," Mia spoke into Felix's chest, softly, "I don't want to." Hate to let you down chapter [?]
"You're pathetic," Felicity said. "Sleep in the parlour. If I hear the door open I will cast bolting and ask questions later." What if there was still a reason not to go
"It is brighter than Faerghus," she said. "In the summer along the roadsides there are all kinds of wildflower, clouds of them--yellow like the flag, but also pink and green, and this one kind of flower that's as blue as your eyes." An ember's brief warmth chapter 1
"You're sweet. And you're kind to me. And I love you." She ended off very quietly. For ever after you will be my home
"Then you do it very well, and should stop worrying, and if you say that your duty is to worry I will leave you here while I have a very large glass of wine," Felicity said, before he could interrupt. A fire stoked high
"What about my happiness? What I want?" Felicity asked, her voice feeling thick. The shadow of every spark chapter 7
Felicity glared over her shoulder. "Do not think you can dictate with whom I'm upset! There was no reason for you to speak to him like you did." We're not gonna slow you down, we're not gonna hold you to it
"I am stupid," Felicity snapped. "I'm stupid for thinking that nothing would happen, that my children would be safe, that I let them become knights as though it were a game and not real life." I thought this love would always burn like a wildfire chapter 1
"I miss him," Felicity whispered. "And when he was here I just missed what we were before this." I thought this love would always burn like a wildfire chapter [?]
"It will be dangerous," Felicity said. "I don't wish for anything to happen to any of you. But you can trust in the Ithan Guard, and they can count on you in return, as they have these past two years. If the danger ever becomes too great, see to your own safety, first." From up in lights to up in smoke we just can't let this go chapter [?]
"You know very well I can take care of myself," Felicity said, while Rufus froze. "This one is fun. If you'd like to join us and he's willing, you're welcome to." i looked down into the depths when i met you (i couldn't measure it)
"I can practically taste your blood through your skin," she hissed. "How long has it been? I'd almost forgotten such unspeakable pleasures." A pagan of the good times
"I would not need to be here to bring you to ruin, I can assure you. Besides, how would it reflect on you to turn out your own sister, and her Crest-bearing son--after they fled the unrest in the Kingdom?" Divorce au chapter [?]
"You put yourself in danger on my behalf. It is no small thing," Felicity said. "If--if you wish it, I will award you however you would like. A fine mount from the Royal stables, a quality bow or sword, wealth from the Asbes--anything. I am indebted to you." [Redacted] *emma leroy voice* that's you on the make? No wonder I don't have grandkids
"I watched you perform with--a friend of mine, seven years ago in Enbarr. You were incredible. And you look just as alluring now as then," she added, feeling like an idiot Divorce au chapter [?]
"I suppose I should apologize, too, for leaping to the wrong conclusion." There's beauty buried deep inside
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pepsiiwho · 11 months
Thank u for rb-ing the ask game. Here are 5000 asks: ♥️, 🎁 , 👓, 💕, 🍬, and 💌. These are just for you to keep: 💖💓💓♥️💞💕💘💞💘💗❤️💘💘♥️💖💓💖❤️💖💞💓💞💖💗
So many things here should I even answer this in one big thing....
This one is getting it's own post I have too much to say for it but the short answer is "[sound here] sounded like rocks hitting a wall" if you actually read my work you should know this one it's my calling card at this point.
It gets long after this sorry guys
2. This one isn't anything you'd like, a shame I just sent it to you but here's a little piece of the most recent WIP I have as of (checks watch) 3 hours ago. BG3 WIP Title pending.
The woman walks out with her tail between her legs, literally, and Alabaster watches the door close soundlessly behind her as if commanded. The silence between them sits for a moment a second or two before Alabaster speaks. “She's pretty. You might have a type though.”  “What are you doing here?” She didn’t think a sleep-ruffled Astarion would be the one she’d be interacting with when she decided to pay a visit today, but the sight is pleasing all the same. His hair is as white as it’s ever been, only a touch longer. She isn’t sure if actual vampires are capable of being surprised (something something the alertness of darkness or something) but the expression on Asraion’s face was what she would coin as ‘your lover coming home to see you with your mistress' . “You missed me?” He asks. It doesn’t come out like a question, as breathy as it sounds.  “I missed you” She responds. She rolls her shoulders, getting ready for the dance that is talking to Astarion. “I also need your help.”  “You came back because you need me?” There's a sharp smile slowly making it’s way onto his face, laughlines bending to build the expression. He’s sitting up, moving to reach her height. She nods, pulling at the tightly wound strings in his chest, plucking absently.  “I need you.” She responds. Talking to him feels like playing an instrument you haven't touched in a long time, slowly allowing muscle memory to take over so the music can once again be moved by your masterful hands. He smiles full now, as if realizing something she doesn’t know, and she’s reminded that you never really forget how to tune an instrument.
3. What helps me focus when I write... booty shaking music for throwing ass OR hating whatever is happening around me. no in-between.
4. This is a really hard question because if we mean like, emotionally? I could cop out and give a three way tie between Complimentary Soap (it isn't good I'm just nostalgic), Nintendo Direct (Circa June 2021) (it is good and I'm nostalgic) and Like A Brick In The Wall (good and new but god it's chaptered.) But, right now I'm gonna say my most recent fic I posted Going Home; All Over Again. I really love it even tho no one will ever read it (save you). The curse of rare pairs.
5. Okay another long one let's go. I'm only counting things with multiple pics posted...
I Missed You Terribly And Like A Dream— You Appeared, Smiling At Me, Just So
Most of my stuff from here isn't good anymore, and while there's another that's more self indulgent and scratches the itch inside my body that aches dully for more Hypnos content at all times, this one reads the best rn. So it win.
Tequilas, Margaritas and Seawater
everything in this fandom is old and arguably bad so nostalgia points carry weight here. This. one was a gift and idk why but it reads amazingly. holds up still
FE3H -
Like A Brick In The Wall
All fe fics are the DEVIL because of any in this list I CARE about these the most no competition. Anyway. This fic didn't win the previous bracket of my fav fic ever but it is my fav in the tag. Don't ask me to explain. I'm sorry.
I Squint Out My Peripheral, Peaking Through My Fingers To See You
I don't work here man... I hate this goddamn pic its so good.
Nintendo Direct (Circa June 2021)
She's gonna do it every time... V3 hospital au I lOVE you.
(Listing out my written fandoms like this is the saddest thing ever my GOD I'm cringey)
6. I feel like the tropes I love most I never write myself... it's honestly kinda fandom specific but across the board...? Royalty au. not regency but kinda. A little to the left.
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2022 Writing Wrapup
Tagged by: @korblez (ty!!)
Total Words Published: 452,803 words 😳
Additional Words Written: I've got 44,851 strewn through like 20 WIPS at this point lmao
Grand Total of Words: 497,654. Yikes. Before 2022 I'd put maybe 100k words down total in my life, so that's a terrifying number.
Fandoms: Honestly, it's just been Mass Effect all the way down lmao
Highest Everything (raw kudos, hits, comments): Project Sunseeker without a shadow of a doubt. Kinda to be expected all things considered but it's still a scary number yaknow?
Highest Kudos to Hits Ratio: Extended Release - the n7 day posted final chapter from Sunseeker that I forgot I'd planned to finish with (oops)
New Things I Tried: Writing! Actually, y'know, putting words down and publishing them! I cannot stress enough that I published the first chapter of Project Sunseeker having never actually finished a multichaptered work in my life and it's been a STEEP learning curve.
Fic I Spent The Most Time On: Instead of saying the obvious one bc it's already been mentioned at great length, let's go with Beyond Familiar Stars bc putting 80k words down simply takes time no matter how well your brain's vibing.
Fic I Spent The Least Time On: I'm discounting prompts and gifts here bc that's not a fair metric imo and makes things sound like they're less important (when they aren't) but Wipe My Hands Clean was written in like... 13 days straight. Yeah, kinda overdid the NaNoWriMo goal there 😂
Favorite Thing I Wrote: Curiosity Is A Dangerous Concept ties with A Little Too Much Like Me here because they're two very different fics but equally fun and off the cuff!
Favorite Thing I Read: Oh boy, this one's a long one. Let's go with: Broken Mirror by @sparatus, and for that matter the entire exdiff universe Interregnum (Species Swap as a whole for that matter) and Friend of a Friend by @otemporanerys Stellar Parallax and Lost/Found by @korblez Hunger Pangs and Controlled Explosions in Chicago and The Citadel Adventures of Castis Vakarian and Alec Ryder by Missjlh and... let's stop the list there y'know, there's only so much history digging I can do lmao
Writing Goals for 2023: Keep up the momentum! I've got the full sequel to Project Sunseeker in its planning stages - Good Men Don't Go To War should at least start within the year, though I doubt it'll be finished within it because it's going to be massive. I'm also looking forwards to putting that down as well as finishing up Beyond Familiar Stars and Follow My Lead; Heart Of A Dancer and Here We Go Again are also on the cards within that same universe though I'm not sure where they're going quite yet.
New Works: Chomp The Champion Varren, Project Sunseeker, Yes, Sir, Tales In The Last Days, The Idealist, The Only Thing I Ask (Love Me Mercilessly), Poison The Well And Take Me Straight To Hell, 'Your Dad Is My Cardio' & Other Torture Tactics From The Desk Of Avitus Rix, Spectre, You Talk Me Into The Best Bad Situations House of Anarchy, Ryncol Tastes Like Ass, A Fraction Of Your Happy Heart, Shatter, Extended Release, Curiosity Is A Dangerous Concept, Wipe My Hands Clean, Beyond Familiar Stars, Follow My Lead and A Little Too Much Like Me. *dies* Is it too late to make my NY resolution picking shorter titles?
I'm like 90% sure everyone I know has already been tagged but... if you haven't and you wanna do it, self-identify at this point!
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neoyi · 2 years
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As always, if I have stuff to talk about, I'll make blog posts and tag it with "Neo Yi Plays Kingdom Hearts" and "Neo Yi Plays Birth By Sleep." Depends if I have anything to say and the frequency of posts.
If any of you guys are interested, I talked about the first Kingdom Hearts and Chain of Memories via these series of posts. Kingdom Hearts II is a bit different in that I gathered a bunch of thoughts into several blog posts.
Most of them are, admittedly, incomplete, so here's a tl;dr recap on my feelings for each game thus far. Read it under the "Keeping Reading."
KINGDOM HEARTS: Solid. Before they knew they had a major hit on their hand, before they expanded it into a massive franchise, Kingdom Hearts worked as a largely standalone story, which meant it kept a basic plot of Boy Travels To Disney Worlds To Save Friends/The Multiverse without muddling it down with the kind of convoluted nonsense that would be associated, infamously or otherwise, with the series as a whole.
I'm especially impressed by Sora and Riku's rivalry and the bits of nuances that's in there. How they interact, grow, and bounce off each other is handled well and also, pretty damn compelling.
CHAIN OF MEMORIES: I actually like the card mechanic. But I'm a basic bitch for card games in video games.
Sora and Riku's respective story takes its logical next step. While it's expected that Riku's journey would kickstart his path to redemption to make up for his bullshit, I was pleasantly surprised by Sora's; at times, he'll often examine himself and asks if his naivety and boyish optimism caused more harm than good.
It's not deep, but I dug how introspective it got.
KINGDOM HEARTS II: I thought replaying this game last year after not having touched it since it first came out (2005, yikes!) would mean I'd have a better grip on the story and I still... kinda don't. But also I do?
Like the story is not shooting for the stars or anything, it's still Boy Saves the Multiverse From Bad Guys, but because it's a sequel to an unexpected hit, it suffers under the weight of its own expectation to be Bigger and Grander. Not only are the stakes higher, but the character counts bigger and with it, a far, far messier narrative.
This is when the game start to try and explain every single background detail to either answer questions, contextualize others, or plant the seeds for future events that not even the main writers likely knew at the time what it would be other than a "wouldn't this be cool if we hinted this?"
Chain of Memories' complicated plot can be forgiven as a monkey-in-the-middle game that basically had to stall Organization XIII's main plan with vague foreshadowing and unrelated hi-jinxes until KHII could step in and finalize it.
And I'm still left scratching my head. I guess in the end, it just boils down to what it is: Organization XIII is gonna do A Bad and Sora and pals have to stop them. I think for my sanity, I'm fine just taking it as just that.
...But that whole King Ansem from KH1 was not the REAL King Ansem twist is still a load of bunk. There really was no dang point with this weird retcon. The first game's backstory was simple and established all we needed to know: Good King found out other worlds exist, experimented with the Heartless, and got corrupted. Simple, easy, to the point. You can continue to build off from that using Org XIII and the other non-Final Fantasy characters from then on.
Having his name and title usurped by an imposter adds nothing and especially so once KHII introduces the genuine article (going by the disguised name DiZ) who... proceeds to meander around, get his revenge at the last minute, and dies.
I don't know, I just find the Good King Turned Corrupted angle more interesting. EDIT: Oh yeah, and Maleficient's revival was pointless. She does nothing except try and find a new Villain Base and that's it. From what I hear, she will continue to do a whole lot of nothing. Though I am vastly amused how patient she is with Pete, of all character, tagging along.
RE:CODED: All I came out of this is that there is now a moral and ethical dilemma to consider with the existence of Data Sora and Data Riku. If they're considered their own separate individuals with their own hearts, how would the real Sora and Riku find out once they bump into essentially, digital AI clones of themselves?
I guess Sora would be cool with it. He's already met like three different versions of himself with equal, but individual, sentience and free will, so this would probably be a Tuesday for him.
358/2 DAYS: Maybe it might have been better if I played my DS copy of the game instead of watching the cutscenes only, but I was largely apathetic to Organization XIII's antics. I guess if you're a fan of them, having an entire game dedicated to their day-to-day operation might be enticing, but I've never really endeared myself to any of them (except maybe Luxurd, the gambler rogue.)
I will say, I do genuinely think Axel, Roxas, and Xion's friendship was well-established. I can absolutely see why these guys ended up as good friends, and Xion's death was actually pretty hard-hitting. Her entire life is a tragedy because at worst, she's just an experiment for the baddie's big plans, and at best, pieces of memories that belonged to Sora. In any case, she can't exist for too long without being tied to one or the other- there is no freedom for her. And it sucks even more because Roxas slowly starts to lose memory of her, so much that her death strikes him deeply as much as it confuses him. EDIT: I forgot that Xion's ultimate demise didn't come out of helplessness. Knowing her entire existence was doomed, she chose the path that would sabotage Xemnas' plans. Her time was short, but at least she went out on her own terms.
If I didn't know she'd return in KHIII, I'd argue her entire journey would have been one of Kingdom Heart's strongest and emotionally-affecting. Maybe it's her theme song. It's lovingly sorrowful.
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At the end of this chapter, you always put like numbers for an explanation. If you want because I was kinda lost, put numbers on the story like a reference. Also the second reference I didn't understand, I hope if you could explain, so I can enjoy and understand the story. And, I hope you do more of these aus they are so entertaining!!
I read twisted wonderland au and saw you'll put Helter-Spider so here's a link that maybe can help you with their personalities, I guess?
Just a thing, in Crystal Hearts, that time when Kohaku made the soul link, I wasn't surprised you put his Helter-Spider version, but for some reason I can't stand it in a good way, that version makes me flustered and perhaps is because his event was the first on getting a 5 star card and I don't regret it, his outfit is so gorgeous!!
THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR LIKING MA' STORY AND AU. ♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡
(•́︿•̀) oh the second one is based on the same dorm mate chat if you put the same character on the screen. Rei and Eichi talks about the file that eichi saw Infront of the dorm room or around the dorm littering on the place and it's about idols --its Aira's research paper about all stuff idols and stuff that eichi is curious what's inside but is too scared what type of information aira gather around from internet or whatnot. (I'm going to look for the twitter translation and add link later if I found it. I don't bookmark it (。ŏ﹏ŏ)) and AI from Aira name could mean Artificial intelligence or AI. Idk I thought it's funny joke too since at some point he likes to tweet and updated in social media when it's comes to idols.
Soul Link of Kohaku (CHAU) turning out to be his new 5* is because there's not enough time, he reach out to have strong enough powers to defeat reaper of frost ability of CB mayoi. The first one to quickly let him borrow their power is Helter spider Kohaku. Based on all his 5* stat, Helter spider isn't the strongest 5* of his thru based on card state sadge Who is from My Twisted wonderland AU. (Spoiler: kohaku in the Twisted wonderland AU have a role of the Mad Hatter, if you add the fact that kohaku felt about the whole thing when he have glimpse of forgotten regression, it's ALL MAD. (◠‿◕) making it more have connections to one another.)
Also for the Twisted wonderland AU... The title is based on the songs and lyrics interpretation of mine. (• ▽ •;) not the card, only a bit of mv because of a lore of twisted wonderland au. If you see the tag in the post, Madness Mansion of Helter spider is Niki's story (・_・;) but of course it's an interactive story so it would end up as different as plan, since most of the questions would be ask and readers would decide what to do next from multiple choice or what they added in the comment :D.
Thank you for the link thru! I will keep it mind.
Hope I answer them if not Ill DM them (◕દ◕)to you!
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yugioh arc-v tag force special cheats file download work U3P#
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 For Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Tag Force Special on the PSP, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Savegame % complete V2 and latest CWcheats". › /02 › yu-gi-oh-arc-v-tagforce-special-jpn. Below are codes for Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Tag Force Special, with the english patch applied. *I ported the Heart code from Tag Force 6. Cheats, Tips, Tricks, Walkthroughs and Secrets for Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Tag Force Special on the PSP, with a game help system for those that are stuck. 9 Back to ppsspp. Search Member List Calendar Help. Login — Register. Pages 2 : 1 2 Next ». Threaded Mode Linear Mode. Post: 1. I've seen only 2 work personally, a remove banlist code and a max dp money code, though I haven't been able to replicate my success. In particular, the most requested mod is a Control Partner Code, which is a code that allows you to play your AI teammate's turns. Please and thank you. Credits to omarrrio for his work, as well as the 3 other authors whose Japanese names I can't type. Post: 2. Thank you for adding codes for this game, I will update this thread. Post: 3. My pleasure. I'm just glad I did it right. Your guide was most helpful. Post: 4. Here are my contributions for this game so far: Code:. Post: 5. Post: 6. Post: 7. What does NC mean? New Character? Sorry for my lack of knowledge. Post: 8. Somebody help Need cwcheat for infinite life point or maybe press what to recover life point Love to see some powerfull card and of course cyber stein lol Post: 9. The one posted here and so far is the only one I've found does not work. Post: Could someone tell me to serve the partner control code? Do you gi oh bow v special force tag? I thank you. English American. Tristamid Junior Member. Posts: 3 Joined: Jan Reputation: 0. Posts: 5, Joined: Mar Reputation: RE: Yu-Gi-Oh! Demonic Junior Member. Posts: 2 Joined: Jan Reputation: 0. Bless your heart, it works. I'll let the others know. I'd say I'm gonna give you credit but you seem to have that covered. Thanks again man, your work will not go unappreciated. While I have your ear though, could you be so kind as to replicate this code on Tag Force 6? YazDeAce Junior Member. Posts: 4 Joined: Jan Reputation: 0. Posts: 1 Joined: May Reputation: 0. Posts: 1 Joined: Feb Reputation: 0. Posts: 3 Joined: Aug Reputation: 0. Posts: 1 Joined: Dec Reputation: 0. Arc-V Tag Force Special [JP] hi,, sorry to bring'n this new reply,,, i'm just wondering if this codes work for engish patch version of the game? Clementee Junior Member. Posts: 18 Joined: Jun Reputation: 0. Pedro zeref Junior Member. Posts: 2 Joined: Mar Reputation: 0. Boogeyman Junior Member. Posts: 3 Joined: Apr Reputation: 0. AnggaSWarrior Junior Member. Posts: 1 Joined: Oct Reputation: 0.
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