#genevieve hunt
ace-malarky · 5 months
in which the one and only phoenix of the mist worlds finds a new home after definitely not running away from her old one on account of the Changes
 She hadn’t fled, is the thing, but she couldn’t stand the pitying looks from her friends and family, those that knew her before she changed.
 Before she saved the world. Back when they didn’t think she’d lost anything.
 So she’d left, but she’d told them and maybe she’d be back, but there were whole worlds out there where they didn’t know who she was and what she’d done.
 She flew through the Mist, its cold burning off against her wings. Chose a gate at random, dived through above the line of travellers waiting in line.
 The world beyond the Mist was a sprawl of a city that petered out into fields as far as the eye could see. It was different from her home, and that was a delight.
 At the edge of the city was a tent, all white and red stripes, and vehicles parked around it. A circus?
 She dived, curiosity getting the better of her.
 There was a buzz of noise about it. Animals and people, all shouting back and forth, running between the tent and the caravans, setting up yet more tents and enclosures.
 There were creatures – Beast, really, with a capital B – that she’d only ever read about in stories and folklore.
 Like she was now, really.
 She landed on a post by one of them that mostly looked like a horse with wings, a bird’s head, and talons on its feathered front legs rather than hooves.
 It cocked its head to inspect her with one bright eye.
 She folded her wings tight against her back and didn’t quite meet its gaze.
 “Is that one of Fen’s constructs left lying around against?” said someone behind her. “I didn’t think she was working on anything like this.”
 The creature clicked its beak, partially unfolding its wings.
 She turned her head to see a woman standing there.
 “Oh, you’re not – Fen!” The woman turned to yell for someone.
 “I’m not a construct,” said the bird.
 “What are you, then?” To her credit, the woman didn’t seem too startled by her talking.
“The phoenix. Where is–”
 “What is it, Hunt? I’m fine-tuning some really delicate – oh you’re a beauty, aren’t you?” Another woman poked her head out of a nearby caravan, welder’s goggles over her eyes. “Oh, you’re a real spark of genius, aren’t you? I bet they’re kicking themselves for losing you.”
 “It’s not–”
 “No one made me,” said the phoenix. “Except maybe I made myself.”
 This one jumped, pushing her goggles back into her hair. “Well fuck.”
 “I’ve never heard of a phoenix sighting,” said the first.
 “Only kid’s stories. Damn, and it was just out here?”
 The phoenix spread her wings, readying to take off. Maybe this wasn’t a good spot for a break.
 “No – wait, wait, sorry. Let’s start again.” The woman with the goggles held out her hands as if to stop the phoenix from leaving. “I’m Fen. This is Hunt. What can we call you?”
 The phoenix hesitated. Her old name was – not known out here, but if people came looking…
 It was also a name for the person she had been, not the being she’d become.
 “Spark,” she said. “You can call me Spark.”
 “Delighted to make your acquaintance.” Fen smiled. “What brings you to our circus?”
 “Curiosity,” Spark replied, folding her wings back in. “I don’t remember the last time I went to the circus.”
 “Well, you’re in luck, my friend, because the Everrin Circus is the finest that travels the Mist.” Fen spread her arms to encompass it, bowing.
 Spark laughed.
 “Would you like a tour?”
 “Aren’t you fine-tuning something really delicate?” Hunt asked, sounding gently amused.
 “That’s not needed until this evening.” Fen waved her off. “Now.” She held out her arm, which was wrapped to keep her sleeves tight against her wrist. “Or you can walk, but riding in style?”
 Spark hopped from her perch to the ground and didn’t grumble as she barely came up to Fen’s waist. This new form was ridiculous.
 Hunt stayed behind as Fen led Spark into the chaotic noise and bustle of the circus.
 “We’ve only just pulled up here,” Fen said. “Normally it’s a little quieter of a morning, but this is also our first day here so it’s all the set up.”
 Spark craned her head to see what she could. “It seems so chaotic.”
 “It is. Organised chaos, but all the same. You’re lucky to have found us here, actually, this is our last stop before entering the Mist again.”
 “You travel it a lot?”
 “Sure do. Which world are you from? We might have been there before.”
 “I don’t know its name.” Spark shook her head. “But it only recently joined the Mist.”
 “Oh, wild.” Fen was silent as she thought that over. “So – are there other Phoenixes there?”
 “No, I’m the only one.”
 “Oh.” Fen fell silent as she led Spark nearer to the side of the big tent, down an avenue between the fabric of it and the ropes holding it in place. “That must be lonely.”
 Spark blinked. “I – I guess so.” It wasn’t that she hadn’t considered it, exactly, but it was definitely something she hadn’t been intentionally thinking about.
 “Sorry,” Fen said. “Didn’t mean to send you–”
 “Asin! Fancy seeing you here!” Fen looked up, grinning and spreading her arms wide in welcome. “I’ve made a new friend.”
 “And the drones for tonight? Are they – oh that is cute.” A woman – shorter and curvier than Fen, white and blonde and harried looking, a tablet in her hands – blinked down at Spark.
 “I’ve never been called cute before,” Spark said, spreading out her train a little. “Not looking like this, anyway.”
 “Fen?” The woman tensed, a crackle of electricity playing at her fingers. “What have you done?”
 “I – nothing!” Fen laughed. “Asin, this is Spark. She’s a phoenix from Off-World. Spark, this is Asin, my cousin.”
 “… Sorry,” Asin said. “You said phoenix?”
 “Yup. She can stay with us for a while, right?”
 Asin shrugged faintly. “Sure, why not. Welcome to Everrin Circus, Spark.”
 “It’ll take her a minute,” Fen said in a stage whisper. “Now come on, there’s so much more to show you.” She ushered Spark past Asin. “And yes, Asin, I’ll get everything finished before opening.”
 Spark followed her, bobbing her head to Asin. She hadn’t meant this to be ore than a brief visit, but… well, if they were going to be so welcoming…
 She might as well stay for longer.
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kaceyrps · 6 days
122 gifs of Genevieve Gaunt in The Royals, Season Two can be found in the source link. these are all from scratch so please don’t edit or claim as your own. if you plan on using these gifs please reblog this post.
triggers: food, alcohol
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desjardins-sarah · 1 year
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Sarah’s Instagram Stories, May 2023
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sparklefiists · 2 years
Click the source link for 400 gifs (245x145) of Genevieve O’Reilly as Mon Mothma in Andor (season 1, episodes 7 to 12) (2022) and Rogue One (2016). All gifs were made from scratch by me so please don’t claim as yours, include in other gif packs/hunts or make edits with them (if you want to turn them into gif icons, ask me first and give credit.) Reblog & like if you find them helpful.
Triggers: drinking, emotional distress, crying.
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~ books read in 2023 ~
#16: The Lost Plot by Genevieve Cogman
"My dear girl," the woman sitting next to Irene sniffed, "if you haven't opened your veins before, then do let Mr. Harper do it for you. He's had a lot of experience with nervous young things like you."
Rating: 5/5
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serpentandlily · 6 months
Sly Fox, Dumb Bunny - Eris x Reader
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Sly Fox, Dumb Bunny V - Eris x Archeron!Reader
Summary: You find yourself ensnared by a sly, cunning fox. A very handsome, irritating one.
Warnings: angst, attempted SA, misogynistic language/beliefs, drugging (if you'd like more in depth warnings, feel free to dm me)
➻❥ Part I ➻❥ Part II ➻❥ Part III ➻❥ Part IV ➻❥ Part V
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Part V
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“One of the stableboys told me he spotted Lady Genevieve and Lord Vaughn sneaking out of the party together last week,” Willow said in a whisper as Ivy gasped in disbelief. 
You glanced up at them from where you were sitting at the table in Eris’s common room, sewing a hole shut on the skirt you had worn out to the woods with him yesterday. Your kiss had gotten…heated and your skirt had caught on a piece of bark on the tree Eris had you pressed against and ripped. Just thinking of it made your cheeks turn pink.
“And that’s scandalous, why?” You asked, raising an eyebrow at your handmaidens. They had insisted they repair your skirt for you but sewing was one of the skills you had actually acquired during your family’s time in poverty. Who else would’ve made sure Feyre’s hunting clothes stayed intact? 
“Well because Lady Genevieve is engaged to his brother, of course!” Ivy exclaimed. 
You opened your mouth to reply but a knock on the door made you pause. The three of you glanced at each other. Eris had mentioned he would be traveling to a nearby town for some business and wouldn’t return until morning. He advised you to stay inside with your handmaidens and take dinner in your room until his return. 
Ivy rose and made her way to the door, pulling it open to reveal one of Eris’s brothers. He placed a pale hand on the doorframe and gave her a charming, but unsettling, grin. His hair was longer than Eris’s, his stature a bit shorter and far bulkier than the refined quality your mate had. 
Ivy curtsied. “Lord Reid, how may I assist you?” 
“I’m here to escort my brother’s mate to dinner,” he purred. “Since he is unable to do so himself.” 
You stood, placing the skirt on the table as you glanced at Willow with uncertainty. Ivy’s pretty face paled. 
“B-but Lord Eris requested that Lady Archeron have dinner in his quarters tonight,” she stuttered out. 
The grin slipped from Reid’s face, a more threatening look taking over. “Are you denying me my request, nymph?”
He spat out the last word like a curse, making you flinch on your friend’s behalf. You had to bite your tongue from saying anything back knowing you’d likely just anger him further.
Ivy bowed her head. “Of course not, my Lord.”
You crossed the room, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder and nudging her back. “Thank you, Ivy, I’ll take it from here.” 
That charming grin was back on Reid’s face as he looked down at you, but the look in his eyes made your legs shake. He held out his elbow like a proper escort and you had no choice but to take it, letting him pull you out of Eris’s chambers.
“Talk back to me again and I’ll have you whipped in the courtyard in front of everyone else,” Reid spat at Ivy. You gave her an alarmed look, but she shook her head at you discreetly—a warning to stay quiet. You bit your lip so hard it almost bled. 
Reid finally began to guide you down the corridor and you tried to keep your breathing under control, not wanting him to know how scared you were. Finnegan had been nothing like this, had not had that cruelty lingering in his eyes. 
“Has Eris returned?” You asked, swallowing harshly. “Is that why my presence is needed at dinner tonight?”
Reid looked down at you with a raised eyebrow, as if daring you to say more. You glanced away, not wanting him to see it as a challenge. You knew how females were regarded here. But you also wanted to know why you were being dragged down to the main dining area. 
“Are you not a part of this family now?” Reid remarked, his tone questioning but the sharpness of his words didn’t escape you. 
“Of course, my Lord,” you breathed, still staring at the floor. He hummed in response and continued to lead you down corridor after corridor until you made it to the formal dining room. 
You glanced up as you entered, taking note of who was present that you knew amongst the sea of strangers. The High Lord and his Lady, of course, as well as Finnegan and Eris’s other brother, Liam. Finn shot Reid a questioning look that went ignored while Liam sat with his eyes kept straight ahead of him. It was remarkable how alike they all looked, though none could match the beauty that Eris possessed. 
The Lady of Autumn, Seraphina, kept her eyes locked on the table—seated next to Beron who sat at the head of the table. Reid escorted you to the seat next to her, pulling out the large wooden chair for you. A feast was laid out on the table before you, empty plates set in front of each seat. A few other Lords and Ladies wandered in, taking seats at the other end of the table. You listened to their idle chit chat, clenching your skirt in your fists. 
“Why have you brought her here?” Finn hissed at Reid as the male took the seat next to him. “Eris is still in Pinecrest.” 
Reid shrugged. “I just wanted to make sure she felt included in our family. Lighten up, little brother.” 
Finn shot him a glare but Beron clanked his fork against his glass, drawing everyone’s attention. You half listened to his small speech, but focused mainly on trying to lessen the pounding of your heart. You felt so out of place, so alone here at this big table. No family. No mate. Just strangers all around you. Strangers with nefarious reputations.
Dinner began once Seraphina plated Beron his food and he took the first bite. It was like a breath of relief was let out amongst the fae at the table, their conversations picking back up. You sipped on your wine, trying not to draw attention to yourself but Reid had other plans, it seemed. 
“Have you lot had the pleasure of meeting Eris’s mate yet?” He asked, leaning back in his chair as he spoke to some Lords and Ladies. “This is her. Little thing, isn’t she? She is sister to the cursebreaker.” 
You felt the gazes of them on you as your cheeks turned pink. One of the ladies looked you up and down with a haughty look that made her face quite unpleasant to look at. 
“Are the rumors true?” She asked, her voice filled with faux innocence. “Were you truly a human before all of this?” 
“Indeed, she was,” Reid answered before you could even open your mouth. 
“How ghastly,” the female sneered, placing a hand to her chest as if she were clutching her pearls. “The Mother must’ve found it within her heart to give out some charity to those lesser the day she mated you with Lord Eris.”
Your face grew hot at her hateful words. You wished the floor would open up and suck you in whole just to get away from this table. But to your surprise, someone came to your defense. 
“Watch how you speak, Genevieve,” Finn spat. “She is soon to take the Vanserra name and if you insult her again, you'll find yourself in the position of all the others who dared to insult our family.” 
By the way Genevieve’s face paled, you could only imagine the punishment those people had faced. But hearing the familiar name caused a smile to blossom on your face. You cleared your throat and sat up. 
“Genevieve, is it?” You asked, blinking at her with wide, innocent eyes. “I’ve heard quite a bit about you, Lady, or rather how much you enjoy parties.” 
Your eyes darted to the male sitting next to her. The male who looked so similar to the one gripping her hand in his. When you looked back at Genevieve, her face had paled even more. Her lips pressed into a thin line and she focused her gaze on her plate before her.
Reid leaned in close to whisper in your ear. “So the kitten has some claws after all.” 
You wanted to roll your eyes but instead, bit your lip again to prevent you from saying something that wouldn’t be taken well. Reid leaned further into your space, causing you to press against the back of your chair with raised eyebrows. He grabbed the dish of potatoes next to you before finally seating himself correctly in his chair.
You frowned when you noticed a second dish of potatoes on his other side, closer to him, but shook it off. He was trying to rattle you—that much was obvious. 
You nibbled on your dinner, not having an appetite while seated around these faeries. You sipped on your wine, cringing a bit as the bitter liquid slid down your throat. The wine in the Night Court was far sweeter than the wine here, it seemed. 
The longer the dinner went on, the hotter the room seemed to be getting. Was it because so many fire wielding fae sat here or was this room just particularly stuffy? You fanned at your face as discreetly as you could. 
Sweat began to dribble down the back of your neck, your skin tingling at the sensation. You clenched your skirt in your fists, shifting uncomfortably in your chair. The Lady of Autumn glanced at you, taking note of your reddening cheeks and behavior.
“Are you alright, dear?” Her voice was soft, quiet, and full of concern. It was the first time you’d heard her speak. 
“It’s just a bit warm in here, isn’t it?” You replied, fanning your face again. Gods, you were so hot. It was unbearable. 
The Lady of Autumn’s nostrils flared and her eyes went wide. She placed the back of her hand against your forehead, making a noise of displeasure before pulling it away. She waved a hand towards the servants who were milling about. Ivy and Willow darted forward from where they stood against the wall behind you. 
“Lady Archeron isn’t feeling well,” she whispered to your handmaidens. “Please escort her back to her chambers for the night.” 
Both of your handmaidens sniffed before their faces paled. Ivy held out a hand to you. “Come, my Lady, let us take you to your room.”
You grabbed her hand like it was a lifeline. You nearly groaned at the feeling of her skin against yours. They ushered you out of the dining hall, hurrying you down the corridor. 
“Something’s wrong,” you moaned, pitifully. Your skin was on fire now. An ache was forming in the lower part of your stomach. Like an unrelenting itch that needed to be scratched. 
“I think someone has slipped you a breeding tonic,” Willow hissed under her breath. Her lips were pressed into a thin line, her eyebrows furrowed.
“A what?!” You exclaimed but Ivy hushed you. You spoke in a whisper, thinking of how they had sniffed you, “How do you know that? Could you smell it in my drink or food?” 
“No, my Lady,” Ivy said, hesitantly. “But your scent…it’s…Well, it’s changed.” 
“My scent? But…oh.” If your face wasn’t already red, you were sure it’d be now. Gods, they could…smell you—your awakening arousal. You were mortified. “But who would do that?” 
“I don’t know.” Willow frowned. “It’s more important we get you to your chambers before any male scents you.” 
“Why? What…what does a breeding tonic do?” 
Your two handmaidens exchanged a look before Ivy answered, “Well, my Lady, it—well it's supposed to make a female more…willing when she’s in her marriage bed.”
Your skin was itching, flushed red from all the heat you felt. You tugged at the collar of your dress. It was agonizing. “How long is this supposed to last?”
“Just a few hours,” Willow said in a soft, comforting tone. “It’s not like most males need any more than a few minutes”
“Willow,” Ivy scolded. “Now is not the time for those kinds of remarks!”
You could hardly pay attention to their conversation, your mouth drying up as the effects of the tonic worsened—causing a violent need to be touched in places you’d never been. “What will happen if a male scents me now?” 
The two girls exchanged another look. “I’m afraid some males in this court have problems with their…restraint, my Lady. And your smell right now is rather enticing, for lack of a better word. It's best not to test them when it comes to these kinds of things.” 
All the color left your face.
Willow let out a noise of distress. “Which is why we should move faster—”
“Well, what do we have here?” The three of you froze in your tracks as you nearly ran into a group of three guards coming around the corner—all dressed in armor with Beron’s seal imprinted on the center of their chests. Fuck, it was a group of the High Lord’s personal guards. “Ah, it's the little bitch mated to our High Lord’s son.” 
Your face turned bright red. 
“Watch your mouth,” Willow snapped.
The guard backhanded her before you could even blink, causing her to crumble to the floor. Ivy gasped and rushed forward, kneeling next to her. Before you could follow her, one of the guards grabbed you by the upper arm, yanking you away from your two handmaidens. 
“What are you doing? Let me go! You can’t just hit—”
“Shut up,” the guard growled in your ear. Your eyes shot to Ivy who was helping Willow off the floor, the other girl holding her reddening cheek. 
“Talk like that to me again and I’ll do worse,” the head guard snarled at Willow. “Now get lost. You’ve been relieved of your duties, ladies. We can escort the girl back to her room.” 
You tried to pull your arm free, your heart pounding in your chest. Willow and Ivy looked inclined to protest, but then they both took a step away, sending you an apologetic look. You knew there was nothing they could do in this situation that didn’t put them in risk but maybe if they left, they could go get help. You tried to convey that message with your eyes and Ivy gave you a small dip of the head, like she understood. 
As the guard began to pull you away from them, she mouthed something to you: ‘The bond.’
Understanding her message, you started to tug on the glowing gold thread in your chest, panicking as you were dragged away. The guards were snickering with each other. “Do you smell that? I think the girls in heat, Captain. Maybe we can take her downstairs for some…fun before anything else.” 
You desperately tried to yank yourself free but the guard’s grip on your arm only tightened to the point of pain. “Let me go, you sick bastards!” 
The guard that had been identified as the Captain chuckled. “Good idea. I think she needs to be taught a lesson on how to properly treat a male, don’t you think?” 
The guards laughed with their agreement and you went feral trying to break away. “If you touch me, I swear to the Gods I’ll tell Eris! He’ll kill you!”
The guards only laughed harder. “Lord Eris won’t believe you over us, girl. Keep screaming though. I do love it when they fight back.” 
You were pulled down a stone stairwell, into a lower level of the Forest House. You screamed and fought against the guards, but with three of them and only one of you…it was hopeless. You tugged and tugged on the mating bond, not really sure how it worked but hoped you had gotten Eris’s attention and that he was on his way back. 
Tears poured down your cheeks and they tossed you in what seemed to be a large storage room. Crates full of goods, barrels of wine, and shelves filled with supplies crowded the room. The Captain slammed the door shut behind him as you were scuttling to stand up. You backed away from them, your eyes darting around for anything you might be able to use as a weapon—not that you had much training.
One of the guards lunged for you and you swiftly kicked him in the groin, sending him to his knees. “You stupid bitch!”
Using the commotion as a distraction, you took off running down the shelves, trying to keep them at a distance. But one of them was much faster, grabbing you by the collar of your dress. You let out a cry as your dress ripped down the back and you fell to your hands and knees, your chin smashing against the floor. You tasted blood in your mouth as the guard grabbed your foot and started to drag you back to him but you quickly flipped onto your back and kicked him right in the nose with your other foot, hearing a satisfying crunch. 
He let out a curse, blood pouring from his nose, and you scrambled to start running away again, holding your tattered dress up. You spotted a door at the end of the room and sprinted towards it, throwing it open and darting through it before slamming it shut behind you. 
You skidded to a stop once you realized the door had only led to a broom closet. Fuck, you had backed yourself into a corner. You covered your mouth with a hand, stifling your sobs as you heard footsteps pounding your way. With nowhere to go, you backed away to the wall, facing the door. You had no option but to try and fight your way out of this. 
The door to the closet slammed open and you squeezed your eyes shut, bracing yourself for the impact of a body against yours. But after a moment of silence passed, you slowly opened your eyes. They widened as they took in the guard standing in the middle of the closet, his eyes darting around the small space, passing over you several times. 
“What the fuck?” he grumbled.
“Stop wasting time,” one of the other guards shouted from outside. “Pull her out of there so we can have our fun.” 
“She’s not…She’s not in here!” 
“What do you mean she’s not in there?” One of the other guards shouldered his way into the closet, pushing the other male out. “What—I saw her run in here! We all did. Where the hell did she go?”
“Does she know how to winnow?”
You stood frozen as the two guards discussed your whereabouts. How could they not see you? You were literally standing right in front of them! You looked down at your body and almost gasped when you didn’t see any part of yourself. What the hell? What….what was happening? You could still feel the ground under your feet, still feel the wall at your back. You tried holding up a hand but nothing—you couldn’t even see your own hand!
“She wouldn’t be able to winnow unless she could break through the wards down here,” the other guard grumbled. “Wards set up by the High Lord, himself. There’s no way a former human could do that.” 
You could feel yourself panicking even more now because what was happening to you?
“What the fuck is going on down here?!”
The voice of your mate caused a sob of relief to leave your mouth and it seemed whatever magic you had been using sputtered out, causing the two guards to whip their heads towards you. You sank to the ground, still clutching your tattered dress, kohl marking the tear tracks down your cheeks. 
“Lord Eris, it’s not what it looks like—”
The Captain let out a spine-chilling scream before a snap was heard and a thump of a body hitting the ground. You pulled your knees to your chest, crying out for Eris. The two guards in the closet with you whirled around as Eris stalked towards them. They held up their palms, beginning to plead, but the feral rage on your mate’s face shut them up. You’d never seen Eris look so unhinged. His normally styled hair was in disarray, his cuffs rolled up to his elbow. 
His heavy boots slammed against the floor until he was right in front of them. Eris’s amber eyes darted to you for a second and flames erupted from the edges of his body. Your eyes widened in shock. His eyes fell back on the guards, his anger causing fire to even dance in his irises. 
“Lord Eris, we can explain!”
“Shut the fuck up,” Eris snarled before two whips made entirely of fire were summoned in his hands. He lashed them at the guards and they latched around their necks before he pulled them to their knees with it. Both of the guards started choking, trying to pull at the whips now strangling them but only burnt their hands to a crisp. 
“Imagine my surprise when I felt my mate’s terror down our bond while in negotiations with the Lords in Pinecrest,” Eris growled, wrapping the whip around his hand and yanking it tighter, forcing the guards’ faces to smash against the floor. “Only to show up and have her two handmaidens tell me three of my father’s guards were dragging her—my mate—down here to force themselves on her. Consider yourselves lucky she’s still sitting here because this death will be a mercy compared to the one I had planned for the three of you.” 
The guards started to screech in agonizing pain. Blood began to bubble out of their ears, eyes and mouth and it took you a second to comprehend that Eris was burning them to death from the inside out, boiling their blood. You whimpered, slapping a hand over your mouth and nose as the smell of burning human flesh spread through the small space. You squeezed your eyes shut at the horror happening before you. 
When the two guards finally slumped all the way to the ground, their eyes cold with death, Eris stepped over them and gently picked you up off the ground, cradling you to his chest. You clutched his shirt in your hands, crying as the adrenaline you had been fighting through wore off. 
“It’s okay, little bunny,” Eris murmured in your ear. “I’ve got you.” 
“I tried…I tried—”
You were sobbing with a flood of emotions. 
“I know, I know,” he hushed you, “you did good, little bunny. You did good holding them off until I got here.”
You were vaguely aware of him carrying you out of the basement and back up the stairs. The gasps of Ivy and Willow met your ears as he emerged with you in his arms.
“Is she okay?” 
“She is now,” Eris replied, his voice still filled with anger. “I’ve got it from here. Thank you, ladies, please retire to your rooms. I’ll make sure you face no repercussions from this.” 
“Take care of her, my Lord,” you heard Willow say before two footsteps started fading away. 
You kept your face buried in your mate’s chest until you were finally back in his chambers. Eris carried you into the bathroom before seating you on the counter. He took your face in his hand, twisting and turning it, examining you for injuries. He grabbed a small towel and wetted it, before beginning to clean the smears of makeup from your face. You sat still for him, still reeling from your shock. 
Eris’s touch was so delicate as he wiped your face, the cold water soothing your hot skin. A few minutes of silence passed as you watched him focus intently on his task, small flames still dancing in his eyes from his anger. 
“You came for me,” you whispered as he dabbed your cheek with the cloth. 
“Of course I did. I always will,” he murmured back. “I’m so sorry I wasn't here, bunny. I’m so sorry it took me so long to come back.” 
You shook your head. “It’s not your fault.”
His jaw ticked and he set the cloth down before placing a hand on your cheek, his thumb rubbing your tears away. “It is. It is my fault you are in this situation. I’m so sorry that the Gods have cursed you with me.”
“Don’t say that.” You nuzzled your head into his hand. You stared up into his eyes, now noticing how dilated his pupils were—the amber color almost gone. His hand that wasn’t on your cheek was gripping the counter so hard, cracks were appearing on its surface. You suddenly remembered what started all of this. The damn breeding tonic someone had slipped you during dinner.
The breeding tonic that still had your skin on fire, still had desire pooling between your legs. And now that Eris was here, standing so close to you…His scent of crackling embers and warm cinnamon enveloped you with his own heat. Your arousal spiked, your eyes dipping to his lips. The need to kiss him, to be touched by him, was barrelling its way through you. 
You lurched forward and smashed your lips against his. Eris sucked in a breath and kissed you back with the same vigor until he came to his senses and pulled away from you, causing you to whine in displeasure. 
“Someone drugged you, bunny,” he grimaced. “I can’t…I won’t take advantage of you while you're still under its effects.” 
“Eris, please,” you begged, clenching your thighs together as the need to be touched grew and grew. “It hurts.” 
A small whine came from the back of his throat and you watched him fight against himself. You grabbed him by the collar and yanked him back down to kiss him again. You sighed as your lips made contact with his and he kissed you back with the same hunger. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer until his body was pressed against yours.
Eris’s hardening cock nudged at the place between your thighs that was throbbing with desire and you gasped. With your lips parted, he slipped his tongue in your mouth, groaning at the taste of you, deepening the kiss and utterly consuming you. 
Eris kissed and kissed you—only letting up to trail kisses down your jaw and neck. You tossed your head back with a moan, granting him more access. You needed every inch of skin to be touched by him. By his fingers. By his lips. You ached, feeling terribly empty inside. His hand slipped under your skirt, gripping your thigh. 
But you could tell he was still restraining himself. 
Your own hands fell on his shirt, starting to undo his buttons.“Eris,” you groaned as he sucked on the delicate skin on your neck. “Tell me what to do. I’ve…I’ve never—”
You wished you had kept your mouth shut because Eris stopped for a second, his lips hovering over your skin. "What do you mean, you’ve never, bunny? You've never what? Never had sex?”
You nodded your head, biting your lip. 
“Fuck,” Eris groaned against your neck before sliding his nose up the column of your throat, inhaling deeply. “I’ll make it so good for you, baby. I promise.” 
You whimpered as his words, your fists clenching his shirt. But to your dismay, Eris merely pecked you on the lips before gently taking your hands and slowly ripping them off of him. 
“But not like this, bunny,” he murmured. “Not while you're drugged. Not after what happened today.”
“Eris, please.”
Any embarrassment you might’ve felt for begging simply did not exist when you felt so incredibly heated, needing him so much. Eris let out a long breath and took a step away from you, dodging your arms that tried to pull him back in. 
“Not like this, bunny,” he repeated. “Take a cold bath, okay? It’ll help you feel better. The tonic should wear off soon. I’ll be waiting for you out there.” 
“No, Eris, please—”
But he quickly left the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. You jumped off the counter and tried to open the door, but he must’ve used magic to lock it from the outside. You let out a whine, trying to tug it open to no avail. Your forehead dropped against the wood and you sighed. 
Fine, you’d take a stupid cold bath. 
· · ─────── ·♡· ─────── · ·
You sat in the cold water until your skin pruned and the effects of the tunic left your body. You rose from the bath, wrapping yourself in a towel. You noticed a pile of clothes waiting for you on the counter—a night gown and some underwear. You quickly slipped them on before finally leaving the bathroom. 
You froze in the doorway at the sight of Eris lounging on his bed, shirtless and twirling a dagger in his hand. He looked at you with a smirk and your cheeks turned bright red. Partly because he looked absolutely ravishing laying there with his toned chest and abs on display and partly because you were mortified by your behavior. 
“Don’t look so embarrassed, bunny,” he teased, setting the dagger down on his nightstand and patting the bed next to him. “Come here.” 
You shyly slid on the bed next to him, letting him take you in his arms. You let out a small breath, resting your head on his chest. It felt so right being here, in his embrace. Safe and perfect. Like his arms were the home you’d been looking for all your life. The mating bond sang in your chest. 
“Do you feel better?” 
You nodded, wordlessly. He muttered out a “good” before he started stroking your hair. You closed your eyes and melted into his arms. Tonight had been so scary. You didn’t even want to think about what would have happened to you if Eris hadn’t come in time to stop the guards. 
“I’m going to find out who drugged you,” Eris murmured. “And they’re going to pay for it.” 
“Eris, something…happened when I was down there with those guards,” you whispered, running your finger in swirling patterns on his chest. “When I was in the broom closet, it was like they couldn’t see me. I couldn’t see myself, either. It was like I had gone invisible.”
Eris hummed in thought. “Your sisters got powers from the cauldron, did they not? Did you get the same?” 
“No, I mean, I’ve never been able to do anything other than the basic stuff all High Fae can do,” you answered. “I’ve never shown any other sorts of power. I don’t think the Cauldron gifted me anything like it did with Elain. And I certainly didn’t try to steal from it like Nesta did.” 
“Yesterday, in the forest, you said something about me looking right at you and not seeing you,” Eris brought up. “I disregarded it at the time but…bunny, maybe the Cauldron did gift you something.”
“You think it gifted me something? Like what? The power of invisibility? I’ve never even heard of that!”
You hated that it made sense. Hated that, of course, the sister who had felt left behind, felt stuck in the background, unseen, would be gifted the power of invisibility. 
“Maybe it’s now finally emerging. Do you remember anything from that day?” 
You shook your head. “I remember being tossed into the Cauldron. I remember…I remember how it felt to be torn apart and put back together. But I don’t remember anything after that. I don’t even remember how I got out of the Cauldron or how I got to the Night Court afterwards.” 
“And you’ve never asked your sisters about it?”
“I did ask Feyre once she returned. But she told me I was unconscious when the Cauldron tipped me out and that Mor winnowed all three of us out that day.” 
“You know, after you left the meeting,” Eris remarked,
“Tamlin mentioned that you never came out of the Cauldron.”
“What? But that makes no sense! Why would he say that?” 
“There’s something Rhysand and Feyre are hiding. Wouldn’t be the first time the Night Court kept information from someone—especially Rhysand.”
You placed your chin on his chest, staring up at him with a small glare. “I know you don’t have a great relationship with my family, but my sister would not lie to me.” 
Eris raised an eyebrow, not looking convinced. “Maybe even your sister doesn’t know. Maybe Rhysand is lying to her, too. That kind of power…a lot of people would want to have someone like you in their court, bunny.” 
“He wouldn’t lie. Not to Feyre.”
You couldn’t help but defend your family. Eris seemed to let it go for now, pressing a kiss to your temple. “We’ll figure it out, bunny.” 
You laid your head back down on his chest with a sigh. “Can I ask you something?” 
“Go ahead.” 
“What really happened with Mor that day in the forest, Eris? I need to know. I need to know before…before this can happen. I need to know why my family hates you so much.”
Eris let out a long breath. “I knew this would come up eventually. I’ll tell you, bunny, but you have to understand something. You got a taste of some of the horrors of this court tonight. Things I’ve been trying to put a stop to and change my whole life. But I can only do so much without my father suspecting me of being a traitor. And he’s not above killing any of his own sons.” 
The idea of Beron killing Eris caused both fear and rage to build up inside of you. Your grip on your mate tightened as you frowned. Eris ran his hand up and down your arm in a soothing motion. 
“When my father and Mor’s father forced a marriage alliance on the two of us, it was, in part, a test for me on my father’s behalf. I was young and not as careful as I should’ve been and I think he could see the rebellious attitude in me. I think he thought I’d stop at nothing to somehow make them rescind the alliance proposal.”
“You didn’t want to marry Mor?” 
“Gods, no,” Eris snorted. “And Keir is just as bad as my father. The thought of those two falling into a partnership…Anyways, my father forced me to make a bargain with him. See, he thought I’d fuck it up by trying to bed her before we were properly married. Which, of course, I wouldn’t have. But I played along, not wanting him to think of other things I might do. And he knew my one weakness at the time. My Mother. He made me bargain that I would not lay a single finger on her before we were wed and if I did, he would out my mother for an affair she had and punish her with death.”
You gasped and sat up to look at him. “Eris, that’s awful!” 
“I thought so too,” Eris chuckled, mirthlessly. “So that day Keir dumped Mor in the forest, beaten to near death, I knew if I touched her the bargain would alert my father and though I doubt that would’ve counted in his eyes, he still would’ve taken her and some who knows what. I couldn’t alert anyone about her either because the guards that were with me that day were my father’s personal ones. They watched my every move and reported them back to my father. I had to make a choice, one that haunts me to this day.” 
“The choice to keep your mother safe,” you said. “And to not let your father know that Mor was there, in your court?” 
He nodded his head. “Yes. I lingered in the area long enough to catch sight of that Illyrian brute’s shadows and knew he’d come sniffing around for her. So I made sure the guards were far away so he could slip in and out without them alerting my father.” 
“And all these years,” you said, sadly, “All these years no one knew the truth of why you made that decision. No one except you and your father?” 
“The Night Court’s hasn’t always had an outstanding reputation, bunny,” Eris replied. “I didn’t know if I could trust them. And when I realized they already decided I was as much of a monster as my father, I had little interest in convincing them otherwise.”
“But Eris, you deserve better than that—”
“No, bunny, I don’t,” Eris sighed. “I’ve done a lot of bad things. I can only hope that things might change when my father is no longer on the Autumn throne.” 
You linked your fingers with his, grasping his hand. “As long as it’s you sitting on it, Eris, I think they will. You are not what people think you are. You are not a monster.” 
“I don’t care what everyone thinks. I don’t care if I’m the villain in their stories,” Eris said. “I only care that I’m not the monster in yours.” 
You folded your arms on his chest, plopping your chin on the back of your hands to stare up at him. 
“You’re no monster to me. You’re my sly fox,” you teased. 
Eris gave you his signature fox-like grin that caused butterflies to flutter around in your stomach. Your heart beat to the same rhythm of the mating’s bond soft melody. You could hear his beating too. 
“And you are still my dumb, little bunny.” 
· · ─────── ·♡· ─────── · ·
a/n: I don't normally like making characters virgins but I felt like it fit this character in particular. Hope you liked this part!!
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ughthisisntright · 1 year
Lap of Luxury | Sugar Daddy!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader
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Summary: As a young woman without much income, a joke of a job, and an unfortunately expensive taste, your curiosity one evening leads to a string of events far out of your control.
Warnings: Age gap (reader is 23, Bradley is 40), suggestive themes (no smut), fluff
Word Count: 4,635
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“Babe,” your best friend slurred. “You need to get on Seeking Arrangements! These guys- they just buy you stuff! And give you money!”
Another conversation about your not-so-much of an income, splitting a bottle of wine with your best friend, and her insistence on helping you has devolved into this. Discussing a sugar daddy arrangement from a site for older folks. You couldn't imagine a worse way to spend your night.
“Aren't they, like, old?” You ask with a sneer. Your friend just laughs it off.
“And rich!” She squeals. “You’d never have to work another shitty job again! C’mon just try it!” She grabbed your phone from you and fumbled with it to download the app.
“Ugh, what’s your password?” She showed you the screen where the app store was asking. You hesitate before typing it in and allowing her to do the rest.
“Okay first thing’s first,” she places her hand on your knee, mostly to steady herself. “Never use your real name. So you're going to be…”
She starts typing on the phone, probably using her galaxy brain to come up with something truly brilliant. And by brilliant, that means ridiculous.
“Genevieve,” she states finally. You don't hate the name, but it's not yours. You made a mental note to change it when you're sober. “Everything else will be the same. And…”
She starts scrolling through your camera roll. You'd have freaked out but really, there wasn't anything there she hasn't seen already. She taps on a photo of you she took a week ago at a vineyard the two of you had visited (on her dime) and handed your phone back to you,
“Voilà! Welcome yo Seeking Arrangements,” she grinned at you. You looked down at your profile and sighed.
“Now what?” You ask flatly.
“Find someone!”
“How? I don't know how to use this!”
“Ugh, you're so boring sometimes…”
Thus began a hunt for the “perfect man” to fund your broke self’s habits. It was all a drunken blur from there, and you passed out on your couch after about two hours of playing around on the app. You had no idea there were so many men willing to give their money away to young women with no regard. But it was working out in your favor.
You woke up the next day with a pounding hangover, cottonmouth and your phone on 5% battery. Your friend was nowhere to be found - as usual after drinking binges like that. You mentally kicked yourself for allowing it to go this far but, realistically, you didn't care to go into work today anyway.
A quick text to your boss and a shaky walk to your bedroom to plug your phone in preceded your chug-fest in the kitchen. Drinking straight from the tap wasn't fast enough, but it would suffice. You groaned as you finished gorging yourself on your borderline acceptable tap water, went to the cabinet, and pulled out your bottle of painkillers. You popped two extra strength tablets and washed them down with yet another healthy gulp of water.
You walked back to your bedroom and laid in the quiet dark on your bed. Just as you closed your eyes, your phone buzzed. Once, then twice. You pick it up to see you have missed messages from men on that confounded Seeking Arrangements app. You groan and set the phone down again, remembering just how horribly drunk you got last night. Drunk and stupid, it seemed. You hear another buzz and pick up the phone in frustration, unlocking it and then scrolling through the messages and threads you'd started last night.
Genevieve. What a stupid name. You quickly changed it to your name and kept scrolling through. You deleted many of the threads, only stopping on a few men who were even remotely close to your age bracket. All tech startup guys with nothing better to do than wine and dine young women into their panties. Typical.
You’re about to delete the app when you see one face in particular that doesn't piss you off like the rest. You open your conversation from the night before to find it was pleasant, not sexually charged, and genuine. You smile briefly before clicking his profile picture. He’s handsome, too handsome. What’s the catch?
You open his profile to see his age, what he does, and where he is. He’s forty, lives nearby in San Diego, and is an aviator for the Navy. The military thing would have been a turn off if the conversation you’d had didn't look so… refreshing. You scroll to see his net worth - nearly one million. Unheard of among these other men. He must be well-off.
You scroll more and see he’s very close by. A block away. You excitedly - but cautiously -  type a message to him.
You: So sorry, I fell asleep. I think it's wild you’re still single at your age. How doesn't that mustache pull women nowadays?
You bite your lip and quickly turn the brightness down on your phone, the blue light making your migraine worse. You see him typing and your heart flutters.
You can't believe this is happening. How did you let your friend talk you into this? Were you crazy? Desperate? Or just lonely? You watched the bubbles on screen appear and disappear as the man on the other side of the screen typed his response to you.
The self-loathing part of your brain told you he was figuring out how to turn you down gently. Tell you you're too young for this, to go find someone your own age, chase your dreams, and whatever other sentiments he could think of. You wanted to hear it, but you also didn't. This was all too much.
Until it wasn't.
Bradley Bradshaw: No worries, sweetheart. I see you're nearby - let me come get you and treat you to brunch. Mimosas?
You stood outside your apartment with your cutest outfit on, though to someone like Bradley, it could be considered… revealing. You didn’t have much, hence the entire reason your friend had convinced you to join that stupid app in the first place. Regardless, you stood waiting for Bradley to come pick you up for your impromptu brunch date.
Could you even call it a date?
Your mind swam as you stared down at the photo of him on the app. He was handsome, yes. You just weren’t sure if this made you one of those gold-digging, shallow women who you were sure were all over this app. He looked as though he’d spent a lifetime laughing, living. The wrinkles you could see that weren’t airbrushed out of this photo seemed deeply set. A good sign that he wasn’t as stuffy as some of the other guys you’d apparently spoken to.
Was this just a giant ass mistake?
What if he was just another one of these guys looking to fuck a younger woman and then give her some hush money? Or even expensive gifts in lieu of hush money? You didn’t want to be the dumb trophy on some older man’s arm. And that was when it hit you - you actually liked Bradley. It was just a small crush, of course, you’d hardly known him. Hardly even spoken to him. But from the little interaction you’d had he seemed like the genuine article.
Before you could psych yourself out any more, you heard the low rumble of a classic car getting closer. You popped your head up to see a bright blue classic Ford Bronco headed your way. Your eyes lit up - having an affinity for classic cars - and you simply prayed that this was Bradley coming to get you. 
The car came to a stop right in front of you, and the aforementioned Bradley was looking out the window at you with a grin. He pulled his aviators down the bridge of his nose and looked you in the eyes. A genuine kind of look on his face that had you melting inside.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he said kindly. “Are you ready to go?”
You nodded wordlessly and shoved your phone into your small purse. Bradley jumped out of the Bronco and approached you. He was incredibly tall, compared to you, and he didn’t have this dominating presence that you kept thinking he would have. No, he was like a giant teddy bear - someone you could imagine curling up with at the end of the day and getting nothing but hugs and kisses from.
“You’re even more adorable than that picture on the app, you know,” he tilted his head sweetly to one side. Your cheeks flushed a bright red, though you weren’t sure if he would notice.
“I-I’m happy I’ve surpassed expectations,” you croaked. “God, I’m sorry-” He chuckled and shook his head.
“I’m nervous, too, sweetheart,” he admitted kindly. “Let’s get to where we’re going and we can be nervous together.” He took your hand and led you to the passenger side of the Bronco. He opened the door for you and helped you get up into the seat. He waited until you were situated before closing the door and walking coolly to the other side and getting into the driver’s seat.
“I hope you don’t mind. I chose a more secluded spot than I normally would,” Bradley admitted as he pulled away from the curb. “Not because I’m embarrassed, but just because I’d hate to have people I know giving me shit.”
“I completely understand,” you say softly. “I would die if someone I knew saw me doing this… Whatever this is.”
“I’d say we can put off putting a label on it until we’re sure, yeah?” Bradley looked over at you with a smile. “No pressure, no fakery, no stress.”
“I love the sound of that,” you said sweetly, looking at him with a smile.
Soon, you arrived at a small brunch joint on the outskirts of the city. Bradley had assured you he’d never seen his buddies here, and you assured him that your friends are too broke to afford this kind of place. Sharing a laugh, Bradley cuts the engine and gets out of the Bronco. He walks to your side and helps you out before linking your arm with his.
“I’ll treat you right, okay?” He said sweetly as he walked you in. You only smiled in response and allowed him to lead you inside. He gave his last name coolly to the hostess and she ushered the two of you to a more private booth at the back of the restaurant. Bradley pulled your chair out for you and let you sit first. What a gentleman. He took his seat across from you and removed his aviators.
Those eyes were mesmerizing. Beautiful brown that you swore had little flecks of gold in them. You could get lost in those eyes if you weren’t careful, so you quickly picked up the small menu and looked it over. Yikes. You for sure wouldn’t be able to afford this.
“So, I can tell this is not something you usually do,” Bradley said softly. “Me neither, if I’m honest.”
“Honestly? My friend made me do it. We were… Drinking last night. And she convinced me this would be a good idea.” You admitted candidly. “I didn’t know what to expect.
“Hah! Sounds exactly like what my friend did to me,” he admitted right back. “I forgot the app even existed until you messaged me last night. Then, I just got this… feeling. Like, if I let this slip by, I’d regret it the rest of my life.”
“Hence, why we’re sitting here having brunch together,” you finish for him. “I have to admit, Bradley, you don’t seem like the type to go for… younger women. You’re mature, put together, and seem like a zero-bullshit guy.”
“Yeah, well, the Navy sort of beats that into you,” he laughs softly. “Women are usually deterred by the military thing. They automatically think you’re looking to get married, or they think you’re active duty and are going to lose you. So they don’t even bother trying.” He looks up at you. “I’m just trying to find someone to spoil. Someone to care for, and someone to care for me right back.”
You appreciated his honesty. You liked skipping around the nervous chatter, the lies, the embellishments. This was a far cry from some of the dates you’d been on in the past - boys pretending to be men that they’re not. Bradley clearly went through that when he was your age. And he clearly realized it doesn’t work long-term.
“You’re saying all the right things, Bradley,” you chime. “I just want you to know… I’m not after your money or whatever else it is you have to offer me. I’m not sure what I’m after here, but I’d like to explore this. Whatever it ends up being, or not being, I’m interested to see where it goes.”
You’re surprised to hear those words coming from your mouth. An hour ago you were just about ready to call this whole thing off. You were sure this would make you lesser than; lump you in with all the other desperate girls your age just looking to get rich and not work for it. But, honestly, you didn’t care about money - your friend did. If this all worked out, if Bradley ended up being more than just a Seeking Arrangements date, you’d have to thank her for being such a gold digger.
Oh, the misery.
"I do too, sweetheart,” Bradley said sweetly. “No pressure, no fakery, no stress.”
Brunch went exceptionally well. Bradley told you stories from his time in the Naval Academy, TOPGUN, and even a few missions you were pretty sure he wasn’t supposed to share. He told you about his parents and how he followed in his dad’s footsteps. He told you about everything. He was a man who’d lived. You couldn’t grasp, still, how a woman his age wouldn’t want him.
You shared stories from your years in college, your job, and from your childhood. Absolutely nothing compared to the nearly twenty years he had on you. You felt silly telling him about yourself, but he was genuinely interested. He asked so many insightful questions, held your hand, and maintained eye contact. You thought maybe, just maybe, he was falling for you.
You’d be remiss if you didn’t admit you may be falling for him, too.
When the bill came, Bradley snatched it away from you with a mischievous grin. You playfully pouted at him and he just waved you off. He took his wallet out and slid a credit card into the book and held it until the server came back. Clever little devil.
“I told you I’d spoil you, sweetheart,” he mused. “This is me spoiling you. But, I should warn you. This is only the beginning.”
You grinned at him and nodded, relaxing back in your seat. He was just so cool. His entire demeanor, his attitude - devil may care kind of air about him. You enjoyed his youthful aura, especially since you knew he was not quite as youthful as he used to be. It was truly a breath of fresh air.
The bill was paid, you’d successfully drank three mimosas, and Bradley was looking at you with stars in his eyes. He walked you out of the restaurant and to his Bronco. He looked down at you once the two of you were on the passenger’s side. Brushing some hair from your face, he smiled softly and pulled you just a touch closer.
“Well, I’m dying for your review, sweetheart,” he said with a grin. “Did I live up to expectations?”
Your mouth felt dry all of a sudden. Did he? Did he? You’d just spent three hours chatting with a man nearly twice your age about his life, your life, and genuinely enjoying each other's company. And he wants to know if he lived up to expectations? You smiled widely, no longer able to conceal the excitement you felt in your gut about this.
“Very much so. I’d even be so bold as to say you’ve surpassed them,” you took his hand in yours gently. He responded by squeezing your waist a little tighter.
“Then,” he said in a lower tone than he’d used earlier. “You wouldn’t find it uncouth of me to do this?”
Before you could even think of a witty response, his lips were on yours in a gentle, tentative kiss. Your initial shock washed away quickly as your lips pressed back against his. He was gentle, nothing extravagant, nothing lying beneath the surface - just a kiss. His hands slid around your back and upwards, pulling you impossibly closer. Your hands found purchase on his large biceps, squeezing as he drew you nearer.
Like in the movies, you felt an instant spark. Little electrical pulses all over your lips, your cheeks, and wherever he touched you. His hands seemed to be made for you. They seemed to know exactly how to hold you, how to caress you, and how to make you forget all except him and this moment.
And all too quickly, he was pulling away from you. He looked down at you with gentle eyes, a small quirk of his lips. You stared back up at him with your mouth hanging open ever so slightly. He brought his hand up and swept his thumb over your bottom lip. You almost had to squeeze your thighs together to relieve the mild ache that warmed your core.
Bradley let out a soft chuckle and opened the door for you. Like earlier, he helped you into the Bronco and then got in himself. He started the vehicle and started driving away from the restaurant. Your mind swam with the possibilities. He could be your father, but you wanted him. You wanted him to be the man in your life. Just from this one little encounter. You were sure you wanted him.
It really was like the movies.
You noticed eventually that you were nowhere near your apartment, or his. In fact, San Diego wasn’t around you at all. You’d traveled north, and then west. To a small little shopping center away from town. You looked at Bradley curiously and he met your gaze as if on cue.
“I’m not done with you yet, sweetheart,” he said coolly. “I’m taking you to the beach. But you need a bathing suit. And, honestly, so do I.” He grinned at you and pulled into a parking spot. Just great! He was already blowing his money on you. Part of you felt guilty, but the other part of you - the part that was still listening to your friend - wanted to see this all through.
He pulled you into a store that sold probably the most revealing swimsuits for the most outrageous prices. You cringed every time you looked at a price tag even though Bradley had assured you nothing was too expensive. Finally, after looking at a one-piece suit that was anything but “one piece,” you pulled Bradley to you.
“I cannot let you spend this kind of money on such little fabric, Bradley,” you pleaded. He simply smiled down at you and nodded.
“I understand completely,” he looked around at the options and narrowed his eyes. “Let me find something worthwhile then.” He kissed your cheek and walked off to search for a suit for you. Dumbfounded, you stood back and watched for a second. Then, without even thinking, you started looking for one for him to wear. Like some kind of girlfriend would.
You picked up a red pair of trunks, the shorter kind that have come into style recently. You weren’t sure if these would make him look younger or just plain silly. You didn’t really care, though, you wanted him to wear them. You figured this would be a good color on him.
When he eventually found you again, he had his hands behind his back. A shit-eating grin on his face, you’d notice. You held up the trunks you’d chosen for him, a small smile on your face.
“How are these?” You asked sweetly. He nodded in approval and then brought a one piece suit out from behind his back.
Your eyes bugged out of your head when you saw it - bright red, just like the trunks you’d chosen for him.
You let out a genuine laugh and smiled up at him. He pulled you in for a quick kiss before taking the trunks from you and walking to the register to pay. You followed behind him but quickly tucked yourself against his side at the counter. He’d picked up a pair of aviators for you, a couple of towels, and some sunblock. Once he paid, he took your hand and led you out of the shop.
“Let’s change into these before we head out. I wanna get right into it when we get to the beach,” he handed you the swimsuit and gently pushed you in the direction of the bathroom. He went to the men’s room to change, and you changed as instructed.
When you arrived at the beach, you were in awe at how gorgeous the scenery was. Not a person in sight, either. Perfect, you thought. Bradley hauled you to the sand like a little kid and laughed at your protests.
“The water is fine! Come on, let me see that suit I got you.” He pinched your sides and tickled you into submission. You shoved him off of you with a wheezing laugh and tore your clothes off to reveal the swimsuit. His eyes traveled down your body in a very uncharacteristically obvious way.
“Wow, sweetheart,” he grunted. “Red is definitely your color.” He took his t-shirt off and tossed it aside. He was surprisingly muscular for someone his age. It added to his charm, you decided, that he was able to stay in such great shape. “How about me? Red a good color on me? Someone my age?”
“Yeah, actually. Those make you look at least ten years younger,” you teased. He laughed and watched you take off towards the water. He followed behind you and let his feet get wet from the waves.
You, on the other hand, were the young sprite who was going deeper into the water. You let the water lap at your thighs before traveling out a little further. The cool water felt amazing on your skin, even better with the sun beating down on you. You closed your eyes and let the waves rock you from side to side. You surely could get used to this.
You suddenly felt hands on your hips, a firm grip. You jumped slightly before turning around to come face-to-face with Bradley. The sun made his eyes sparkle just as you’d predicted in the restaurant. You looked at the age on his face and sigh softly. It’s not as obvious in the sun. Not something you expected.
“You forgot something,” he said softly. He propped the pair of aviators he bought on your face and gently pushed them up the bridge of your nose. He poked the tip of your nose with a boyish grin. “Perfect.”
“You’re gonna let me get a sunburn, too?” You chide with a poke to his ribs.
“Oh, never,” he said with a scandalized look on his face. “Here, turn back around.” He produced the bottle of sunscreen and smirked.
You turned around without hesitation. You felt his hands all over your back as he spread the sunscreen around your skin. He rubbed up and over your shoulders, kissing them gently when he was finished. He traced your spine on the open back of the swimsuit he bought you. You shivered ever so slightly when his hands brushed your skin so gently. He worked the sunscreen into your neck before gently turning you back around and working it over your collarbone. You saw the hesitation in his eyes when he went to drag his fingers lower, but your lack of protest replaced his hesitation with determination. He massaged the sunscreen into the swell of your breasts slowly. Your breath caught in your throat at the touch. The familiar ache between your legs returning.
He moved on to your arms and the tops of your ears. He then put a silly little stripe of it on the bridge of your nose, making you giggle. You took the bottle from him and repeated the gesture on him. He grinned proudly and pulled you close again. His lips crashed onto yours in a hungry kiss, more intimate than the last.
You knew then that you could get used to this.
You grinned widely and charged at Bradley, jumping into his arms. He laughed and caught you with ease, spinning you around as you wrapped your legs around him. He playfully tipped you backwards so your hair brushed the water. Your squeal of excitement rang out clear as day, making him smile brighter than you’d seen.
He pulled you back up and you buried your face in his neck. His skin was slick with sweat and sunscreen, and he smelled still like the subtle cologne he wore. He held you securely against him, never daring to drop you.
You pulled your head back and kissed him again. It came easier now, kissing him. It was more exciting, less anxiety-inducing. You liked the way the walls had been dropped and the affections came easier. He gladly kissed you back, tugging your bottom lip between his teeth. A soft, more needy than intended whimper left your lips at that.
Instead of scaring him away, it only spurred Bradley on. His hands cupped your rear possessively and he carried you back to shore. And you knew where it would go from there.
He set you down on one of the towels and crawled over you. His hands gripped your hips tightly as he explored your skin with his mouth. Your hands slid up and into his hair, whining softly as he ravaged you with that perfect, experienced mouth.
“I need you to know, sweetheart,” he grunted. “This isn’t a one-off.” You tilted your head, sweat on your brow.
“I’m going to take you out, bring you home, make you mine,” he explained further. “I’m not ready to let you go yet. I hope that’s okay.”
“It’s more than okay,” you breathed. “I’m not ready to let you go yet either.”
“Good,” he said before kissing down your stomach, dangerously close to your aching cunt. “Because I don’t want to go too fast.” He kissed back up your stomach and to your lips.
A pitiful little moan left your lips in protest. He chuckled softly and looked down at you.
“We have time,” he said simply. You wrapped your arms around him and laughed softly. His lips connected with your collarbone before he lifted you back up.
“Let’s order something and eat dinner here. Sound good?” He suggested. You nodded with a grin, kissing his cheek. As he was busy ordering something for dinner, you looked down at your phone for the first time since that morning. You opened it up and looked at your conversation with Bradley on the app. You bit your lip and closed the app. Then you took a leap.
You deleted the app.
Bradley was the only one you cared about among the list of men you’d chatted with. And in a stupidly short amount of time, you started picturing yourself with this man. This real man. He turned to you and smiled as he spoke on the phone with the place he was ordering from. The look on his face when he looked at you was enough. This, eating dinner on a secluded beach, was enough.
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fatalitysficbakery · 5 months
𓆰♥︎𓆪 I Choose Me. —
Elijah Mikaelson x Black Fem!Y/n
genre: angst | fluff | SMUT.
warnings: breeding kink, soft dom!elijah, hybrid!y/n, desperation, need, man falls first, woman falls harder, soft smut, gentle dirty talk. grab tissues for your eyes and tomatoes for niklaus, it’s time for elijah’s ending.
synopsis: but what about elijah’s happiness?
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To be an elder Mikaelson sibling you had to be strong, resilient...patient. You have to be ready for anything, your back mustn't touch the wall lest the foundation crumbles and you are right back where you started. ... Sacrificing anything to provide your family with everything. Anyone.
And that's when the lines get blurred and you start to question if family is even a thing that exists, is there a family at all if you're at each other's throats, a dagger just itching to imbed itself in your poor beloved siblings, but do they deserve it? Had they ever not?
Elijah Mikaelson was a very stubborn individual when he needed to be, he had to be if he were to keep his family safe from any and every threat posed to them. To be a Mikaelson was to command respect the second you should enter any room. The quarter was growing more tense by day and there was nothing he wouldn't do to keep his people alive and healthy.
Elijah believed in the principles of familial relationships, they meant everything to him, if he had to lose it all he would do so all in the name of saving his family, he had done so before and he'd do it again.
That didn't mean family was easy, nothing about being a Mikaelson was anywhere near. Being an Original vampire was something that came with a target on your back, especially with so many bridges built and then subsequently burned, bodies left behind, and bloodshed.
Niklaus Mikaelson was a testament to how complicated family ties could be. A product of adultery and lust, condemned to a lifetime of abuse, and far far worse when the truth is exposed his claws begin to lengthen, and the first hybrid is born. Vampire and Werewolf.
The man he thought was his father shuns him, calls him a beast, a bastard, hunts him to the ends of the earth armed with a white oak stake to take his life more times than can be counted in one therapy session. So the hatred and anger...It festers. Brews. Until a beast is truly born, one that takes on his 'father's' traits more and more by the day and still...Elijah has hope for his brother, and in some ways, he envies him, in one very specific sense of the word.
You see, vampires cannot procreate but werewolves, they can and do. Niklaus is a hybrid with a penchant for an affair or two, such is one case with a little wolf so special she held Elijah's heart in her hands from the moment they met even as she'd carried his younger brother's child.
And that brings us to Elijah's sudden hesitation on his principles, his own rules becoming sour on his tongue when he thinks about them any further.
When baby Alyssa was born, her mother and father barely got a moment with her before she was sent off with Cami to be kept safe when the factions started going to war, and the witches specifically had taken a liking, more so a hatred—to the first hybrid having a child they were told he could use as a weapon to make more like him. They needed to kill her.
Instead, the family killed her. As far as anyone knew baby Alyssa had died an hour after she was born, mourned by Y/n, the wolves, the Mikaelsons, hell the entire town felt the loss. Others were happy to be rid of the potential threat.
Only the trusted knew the child was still alive, but her loss in the household was felt nonetheless...especially by Y/n. The birth was traumatizing, she'd been murdered, her baby had been kidnapped, and she'd woken up feeling brand new. — A hybrid.
When they'd gotten Alyssa back before Genevieve completed the ritual, she knew she'd sacrifice anything for that little girl, even if it meant handing her over to Cami and being away from her.
It was for the better.
Elijah had held her tightly in his arms as she sobbed into his chest after they'd returned to the compound without her daughter.
It was midnight in the compound when he heard a soft knock on his bedroom door. Despite himself, he feels a smile tug at his lips, he knew it had to be only one person and it took everything in his bones not to snatch the door open just to see her face a little quicker, but he refrained.
Met with those familiar almond-shaped caramel eyes, a deep brown freckled complexion framed with sandy brown butt-length soft locs, lips parted slightly suggesting she was just about to call for him when he opened the door turning her cheeks a rosy pink when she's caught, there's a hint of amusement in his eyes which begin to wander her being, noting the ponytail her locs are in, to the oversized shirt she wore to her glasses sat on her nose and the expression that told him she'd just woken up.
"Y/n." He begins, only to be cut off by the feel of her arms wrapping around his neck and a little sob meeting his ears. He feels it turn on instantly, that protective instinct he'd always felt around her is switched the second the slightest whimper reaches him.
❦ ⌫ ❦
"I had another nightmare." She whispers, leaving me no time to answer before she's inside my bedroom and I begin to tow that invisible line. Temptation on my mind, but my concern for her outweighs.
This has become quite the routine since Alyssa's 'death'. The little wolf had a way of tugging on your heartstrings and with those puppy dog eyes, I can't even begin to unravel the mystery of how more aren't utterly addicted. She bats those lashes and suddenly nothing matters. She speaks like a siren and suddenly I'm weak in the knees. Jelly. If the blood were to pump through my veins, it would pump solely for her. My heart beats solely for her.
I take her into my arms without hesitation though I know there should be some distance and boundary. She's the mother of my younger brother's child. Yet...
I reel in my emotions and keep my composure but the battle within myself is one I continue to lose when it comes to her. When I see the mascara tears streaking her cheeks, I become but a fool; as always, I break.
She needs me.
The little wolf's beauty is simply unrivalled, and more often than not do I find myself entranced, lost admiring her and ensuring every detail, down to the smallest becomes engraved in my mind so much so that I'm sure I could identify her by beauty mark alone.
As she sits in front of me and I watch her wiping away the streaks of black tears, her eyes focused in on the handheld mirror she'd told me once belonged to her grandmother. — You see, I inevitably notice everything that goes on with the wolf. I always have; the slightest shift, the newest look, expression, what have you.
My eyes are still on her, and as they roam, my sights are occupied when I come to the sudden realization that the shirt the wolf wears, one that had caught my eye from the moment she stepped into my bedroom and set my undead heart aflame, was in all actuality, one of mine.
I'm sure my jaw has dropped but I pay no mind to my expression, all too enthralled in what the little wolf had going on, I find myself unable to look away. Who would want to? She's a creature crafted by the Gods and Goddesses themselves.
I guess I was a bit overzealous in my efforts to admire the beauty that she is; She breaks me free of my stupor, eyes directing that chocolate brown gaze my way and I find my stomach churning and tightening all with the thought that she might be the one thing to make me forget all my principles. — The possibility of angering Niklaus seems so worth it when I look to the art that the world hasn't proved itself worthy of revelling at; It seems even further worth it when that honeyed angelic voice of hers finds its way into my psyche and takes home there.
Siren to sailor. I find myself lured, and there's not much effort on her part. There doesn't need to be. Not when I am ready and very willing to fall into the many pieced puzzle that Y/n Y/ln was turning out to be.
"You're staring." I hear her sigh, we're sat face to face. Her in front of me on the sofa; Me, sat in the chair across from her. I feel myself growing a tad hot under the collar when she scoots herself forward a little closer, those hauntingly beautiful eyes of hers staring directly into mine. — There's a look in her eyes that I can't quite read, and though we'd grown closer, and I'd become quite the expert in all things Y/ln; Right now, and still, she was quite the mystery.
All I know is how that stare made me feel...She'd weakened and buckled my knees without me ever needing to stand up.
"Ah." I clear my throat, I wish to respond but my mouth moves not with my mind. She has rendered me defenseless in such a short period of our knowing each other that it feels as if I have known her a millennia.
"Do I still have something on my face, Lijah? You're worrying me. So zoned out..."
I have lived through and survived wars, I have watched famine and plagues kill off entire villages. I have seen the wickedness of man, I have existed and survived, myself, as the wickedness of man. I have torn through villages, leaving blood and carnage behind, killing in the name of family and letting nothing stand in my way, all in the name of protecting my loved ones.
To be a Mikaelson is to be fearless, confident, strong, ruthlessly loyal, and commanding; A leader, and in so many aspects I humbly admit to embodying just that. Yet as I sit here, staring into her eyes, struggling and stumbling over my words like a schoolboy with a crush, I am met with the knowledge that I might've just found the one thing, one person that both makes me weak, renders me speechless.
No, no this is something I am sure of. I have found the one person capable of knocking me down a peg, reminding me that I had once been human; Fragile, meek, and susceptible to a beautiful woman's charms.
I don't think she knows exactly how deep her powers reach. She has the ability to make an Original a nervous little boy.
"No, no. Nothing at all." I muster, but I don't even believe my own words and by the look on her face; She doesn't believe them either and at first I hesitate, wondering if I should let it slip that when I look at her I see a masterpiece. A work of art in my midst.
The little hybrid is one otherworldly creature, never had I ever met a woman as elegant, and ethereal as she. My lips parted, words silenced as I argue with two sides of myself; One so ruthlessly loyal to his family he'd do anything, lose anything for them and though it's normally the former…I find the other side winning me over.
The side that is tired of not living for me. The side that sees me as deserving of love and the little hybrid as worth every consequence.
I finally find my voice. "My apologies, you are just...something else. A vision of empyreal elegance. While I apologize for marveling, I recognize that in your perfection...You are something to be marveled at in all your glory...Gods woman." The words stumble out before I can attempt to hit the brakes. My bed is made.
She flashes that pretty little smile. I am ready to lie in it.
"You sound awfully smitten, Mr. Mikaelson."
A chuckle rumbles through me if only she knew just how much. This storm had been brewing for far too long, and I was no longer willing to try and stop it. Fighting seemed futile.
I find myself moving to sit beside her, my hand reaching out to tuck a few stray locs behind her ear, and I revel, I completely and utterly revel in the way pink dusts those beautifully high cheekbones of hers with a soft blush.
I don't want to fight.
"And what of it, little one? That a bad thing?" My voice is a mere whisper, lost in those eyes of hers. It feels as if she's ripped my heart from my chest and claimed for her own, and I, a willing fool; allow it.
"No...I just see the way you look at me. It matches my gaze when it falls upon...you."
Their eyes remain locked on one another and the world drifts, it simply drifts away when the lovers fall into one another, ready and all too happy to drown. Elijah simply can't hold it in anymore, his attraction to the hybrid. Niklaus could be angry later, he'd handled his younger brother before, he could do it again. But no longer would he wait. His Persephone sat only inches away, he could feel her breath hitting his skin. He leans in closer, tilting her head up to look back into his eyes.
"May I trouble you for a kiss, sweetheart? It seems I can no longer control my urges. You- You are too tempting." His voice is soft and breathy, and Y/n can feel herself falling all the same. Just like she'd been doing from the moment they'd met. Locked eyes.
This had been building up and it was bound to explode. She nods, her forehead pressing against his. She lets out a breath she didn't know she'd even been holding, a hand resting on his cheek. "I- I have been waiting for you to ask since that night on the balcony."
It was like a switch flips in Elijah because suddenly he wraps an arm around her waist tugging her closer towards him, impish grin spread across his lips, eyes searching hers for any sign of hesitation; He finds none, and that's all he needs. His lips meet hers and by no means is it rough or sloppy, their lips a choreographed routine filled with a tender, gentle, and romantic passion. One that set fireworks off in the room and butterflies off in the pit of Y/n's stomach.
When they part from the kiss, at last, Elijah once again tugs her closer until she's sat in his lap with his arms wrapped tightly around her to ensure she was secure and protected, as if she were the most delicate thing he'd ever come across. "Allow me to apologize for my tardiness. I assure you I see the error of my ways, and I assure you no longer am I able to deny myself the pleasures the little goddess in my lap brings. You...You are something so sinisterly entrancing, Y/n Y/ln."
Elijah Mikaelson has a way about him that no one can quite resist, a charm that shines through and blinds you to his last name. There was a reason the factions of the quarter were more open to forming alliances when it was him speaking on behalf of his family. The noble gentlemanly way in which he carries himself could charm the panties off the toughest of Mikaelson critics, and Y/n, herself for that matter.
Perhaps it was a little somber to say but she's never met anyone quite like Elijah before, a man so romantic and passionate she was sure she'd stepped into a fairytale starring a Prince Charming so handsome he could stop hearts with a simple glance. "My, you have such a way with words. You're gonna make a lady's knees week."
That rumbling chuckle once again reverberates through the woman's body, sending a shiver down her spine. She's once again forced to look into his eyes, and this time it almost stops her heart. That half-grin that shows he knows his power, those chocolatey brown eyes filled with love; filled with lust.
"And what happens, little wolf, when you realize that that is precisely my intention? My dear, you see, when it comes to you...that has always been the end goal. Not only do I wish to take claim of the intelligence that is your mind and the heart I hear beating so very loudly for me...No. I am a selfish greedy man, and I want it all." Elijah leans down to whisper gently into her ear, no longer would he take into account those who merely disregarded him in turn. He was so...hungry.
One could define his behavior as obsession, greed, gluttony. Maybe it was all of the above when it came to her. He was mad for the little wolf, and more than anything he needs to feast; His eyes linger on her neck for a moment too long until she's looking up at him through those lashes of hers with a look that speaks nothing but trouble into the atmosphere. —Her next words become a beacon, his fangs can no longer control themselves.
"A sample?" The way she presents her neck to him is all too erotic though vampirism had always been nothing short of, and the male feared his hunger would not dissipate with a 'sample' nor was he sure he'd have the self control to pull himself away, and yet...
He brushes her locs from her shoulder exposing more of her neck to him; leaning down, he inhales deeply and the scent of her. The mere scent. It was enough to have his trousers feel three sizes too small. "Stop me now, dear. I'm not sure I can stop myself." He whispers, breath kissing her neck with a gentle blow.
Y/n, god the minx — She merely tilts her head even further, eyes flickering back over to him. "A sample, Elijah."
The universe was testing him. It had to be so. His breath hitches, eyes flickering over from the spider tattoo that rests on a pulse point to the beauty marks and freckles scattered about the very surface. He looks into her eyes for one last chance. One last chance to stop him where he sits.
In case he ever thought he couldn't find more reason to think the wolf the most attractive creature to him, she'd always been there to prove him wrong. He feels himself letting a silent chuckle escape, his eyes turning black and fangs descending the moment he sees that look of challenge cross her features. "You are a dangerous one, Miss Y/ln...The day you take the Mikaelson name. Dear...You'll fit right in."
She lets out the sweetest moan and it's like music to his ears, something that rivals and trumps the greats. If he were to hear nothing more than her voice for the rest of his eternities, he would live a contented life. And her blood...
Why it's like nothing he's ever tasted, something so sweet, so delectable; He'd be a fool to allow it to be shared with someone else. No. This was his. She was his. When he finally regains his self-control and pulls himself away, his lips are immediately on hers, and lying her down — His body hovers over hers.
His tone is breathy and strained with desire when they break for air, looking down at the little wolf with such lust in his eyes it'd make the strongest fall to the knees in front of him. "It seems I was right in my assumptions...I need more. Much more. And I...Sweet wolf..."
He brushes the hair from her eyes and leans down so they're eye to eye, lips close enough to steal another kiss. He continues. "Don't think I possess the self-control needed to not simply take it, so I again implore, darlin'. Do you wish to go any further?"
As he says this, she watches his hands move to the buckle of his belt and her eyes stick to the scene for a brief moment neglecting to give an answer right away until her eyes meet with his again and her own hands move to help unbuckle his belt.
"Nous sommes toujours jeunes, ma douce...and I could spend all my eternities...drowning in you." She finally speaks, one hand helping unbuckle his belt whilst the other tugs him in by the tie for another kiss.
They say you only live once, though I have found such to be untrue. My family and I have died a million deaths, hunted, persecuted, making enemy after enemy as we go but I swear. In this moment, I am sure I have never experienced anything coming close to the wolf's soul-piercing, hypnotic, stomach-churning gaze.
No, no, I had never experienced anything coming close to the wolf. End.
My hands run from her chest to her stomach to those deliciously built hips that I had endlessly fantasized about within those quiet nights, fingers roaming to the hem of her lace white panty. I can feel the goosebumps on that beautiful caramel complexion of hers when I slide the lace down her smooth long legs; She busies herself with removing that damned shirt and soon before my very eyes is my every dream.
Her body is a temple and I am here to worship, her cunt stares back at me glistening and dripping onto the sheets immediately in such a way I can't help myself to tease, "You're gushing sweetheart. So soon?"
This, this is what makes the little wolf so alluring. She bites back, and she bites back in a way that makes you want to make her absolutely eat her words, and that alone puts the vivid image of her pretty lush little lips wrapped around your cock, drooling and gagging with tears in those beautiful eyes, mascara streaking down her cheeks.
"And you? That looks painful. I'm surprised you haven't cum in your pants yet." She gives me this smug little smirk as if she's gotten one up on me, and in a way, she has. Hell, in multiple ways, but there were ways to rectify this, and I would rectify this.
I chuckle at her attempt to provoke. No dear, all you've done is provoke me since we've met. It is time I finally allow you to see what exactly wakes up when you do so. "No, no, my sweet doll, I? Oh, I desire to relieve my woes in something far better, in fact? I intend to do just that. You see..."
I take my slacks and boxers down with little regard for where they're thrown. My grip returns to her hips and I can't help to admire the sweet thing I have beneath me, so damned beautiful. So damned inviting. "I intend to breed this pretty cunt until I'm satisfied, and sweetheart I hope you think no less of me when I say this but...Foreplay is the last thing on my mind right now. I need to bury myself in you. I need to drown myself in you. Say the word."
Gods. Gods. The wolf never fails to give me a goddamned run for my money. She wraps her legs around my torso and uses her strength to pull me in, those soft plush lips of hers curling into that same smirk that seemed to want me damned to hell. She's a succubus, and it's only made clearer when her hand entangles itself in my hair and I'm pulled closer, her breath hitting my skin when she breathily whispers into my ear, sending a shudder down my spine.
"The word."
Before I can even blink my body moves before my mind is able to catch up, a growl thundering within my chest, nails slightly digging into her hips whilst the other aligns myself with her cunt hole, sliding in slowly...
I hear her whimper, I hear it dissolve into a pretty little moan, I feel her clench, I feel the way her cunt hugs my cock, and yet all I can focus on is how much better she feels than my fantasies of her ever envisioned. I attempt to give her time to adjust but I can feel my hips twitching ever so.
I attempt to wait, I do. It's my hips that have a mind of their own.
The first thrust into her heat nearly has my body stuttering, her warmth is tight, and the little wolf is so drenched it helps me set a delectable pace. "Elijah..." She moans my name, and I swear I've never heard it sound so good. I watch her face, eating the way her eyebrows knitted and her lips parted in pleasure. She's like no woman I've had the pleasure to bed with, there's something so different about how I feel with her that it feels like I've reached the end of the red thread and am now face to face with my soulmate.
"Listen to that...How pretty you sound when you moan my name."
I hoist her legs over my shoulder to get a better angle, only to slide deeper into the addictive drug that her heat is turning out to be. My pace is nowhere near slow but at the very least I am in control, no, allow me to rephrase. — At the very least, I hold onto a string's length of control and the string threatened to snap with every thrust into the little wolf's cunt.
I see a blush rise to her cheeks, which only serves to rip a grunt-tinged moan from my throat. She looks so beautiful underneath me. Delicate with a slim thick figure, curves in all the right places, it was absolutely no wonder I couldn't keep my hands off of her.
Her nails run themselves down my chest the moans of my name becoming an echo that livens me more than I initially thought possible. She is the perfect definition of a succubus and I, oh I've become a willing victim. A fool for her affections. "I need more. I need you deeper, Elijah." She compels me, and I for once, fall under the spell. I allow my mind to be hers. My body to be her toy in any way she needs it to be. Her hands move to my rear and before I can even think she's pulling me closer, deeper, and I am human again.
My hips thrust with the wildest of abandons and my head is soon buried into inviting neck of hers as I push my way to my final goal; the puppy beneath me was just begging to be bred.
There are such simple pleasures that I take joy in, the ones that remind me of a humanity I'd long since lost, and this. This was one of those simple pleasures. You see, as I bury myself to the hilt in the little things cunt, I inhale the scent, the pheromones she so naturally exudes. I hear her every breath shudder and her walls flutter around me. I smell the scent of her jasmine shampoo. I feel the smoothness of her flesh, the warmth of her body against mine and the feeling of chest pressed to chest.
There was nothing more real. More human than how her body embraced mine, moulded together, moving in perfect harmony. I grunt into her ear with each hard, rough thrust. "Deeper is what you want? Well, sweetest. I think we can come to an agreement. Our wants are aligned."
I can feel myself getting closer to the edge and by the way her walls tighten, I gather she's close as well. I grab onto one of her legs, my lips meeting every inch of skin from calf to thigh, my moans hoarse and strained as euphoria steals me away. I let out a breathy whisper.
The stammer in her voice is enough to nearly send me flying but I manage to ground myself. I need this to be special, to take my time. To take my time... “You want deep. You want more? Good. You wanna know what I want, pretty one?"
The look on her face only gets me further worked up, I can tell she's about to climax so I stop my movements for a moment just to lean in and get a good look at her face. "I said...Do you want to know what I desire, little princess? Let me hear how pretty you sound all flush and breathy, sweetheart and I promise...We both get what we want. So?"
Ah, there it is. "No- NO. I wish to know what you desire."
There we go. Such a good girl, I don't think I've given in to anything faster than I have now. My hips resume their movements and for a moment all I can do is grunt and moan so primally it reminds me the beast that lies underneath, until I look down to her and I am broken free of my daze. "Me, dear? I want to breed you full of my bloodline. Is that too. much. to. ask?"
My teeth grit together and her nails dig into my back, all that is heard is skin-to-skin and the soft words of two lovers embracing the night.
Have I mentioned how the little wolf continuously surprises me? I am hanging on by a mere thread and soon is my collapse when I feel her lips latch onto my earlobe that voice of hers a melody when she whispers my undoing, "Drown yourself in me. Let all your worries go as your seed spills into me, Elijah. We figure out the rest later."
My pace quickens, my thrusts more erratic and uncontrolled chasing a high I never wanna come down from. It's as soon as those lush lips part, and her eyebrows knit, her heat clenching so tightly I could barely move an inch, the moment I feel her cross that edge? There's a low groan of her name, strained, hoarse, and raw. My hips stutter and I bring our heads together, intertwining our hands, my eyes running over that beautiful face of hers until I am finally too taken to focus, my seed spilling into her and my grip getting tighter on her delicate hands, I take joy when I feel that second orgasm rocking through her body. I find myself laughing a little when I look down at her.
She blushes in embarrassment and it's like another switch is flipped in my head the moment I pull myself away from her and lie down with the little wolf taking no time to come lie in my arms. "Shut up. It was-."
"Cute." I finish for her and pull her closer to me, "It was so damned cute."
I do as she says, I drown in her. I let her take me away to sea. We could figure out the rest later.
Niklaus Mikaelson, the beast of the compound, merciless and ruthless is he. Elijah had high hopes for his youngest brothers redemption but that had been before the objectification of the wolf had begun shortly after finding out she was carrying baby Alyssa. Niklaus had become more than possessive over the poor woman and Elijah knew there was only one way this would end when it came to the hybrid.
The sun begins to rise but Elijah himself hadn't slept a wink, he'd been too energized to do so with the little angel by his side, head resting on his chest and light snores heard whilst she sleeps peacefully. He had almost been too afraid to move but the jitters find him soon enough and he's carefully removing the tired thing from his embrace, jonesing for a mug of tea to help calm his excitement. He hadn't felt so happy in such a long time.
Unbeknownst to him there were far too many people in the compound for his dealings to be kept secret, a head peeks out of a nearby bedroom with a smile of genuine happiness for the Original all the same. — But not everyone could be so.
He's stood in front of the tea kettle, his back turned until he hears a boisterous clap and his eyes roll so far back into his head he's almost discovered the secret to life when the familiar cocky English accent belonging to his younger brother hits his ear. Tea time would have to wait, he disappointed-ly supposed before turning around to deal with Niklaus's already felt anger.
"So I see the little wolf has woven you into her webs. Splendid brother." Niklaus sarcastically speaks up, his hands falling to his sides eyes scanning his elder brother in utter contempt. Only this time, Elijah feels himself struggle to care for Niklaus's hotheaded-to-be-expected mood swings.
Elijah lets out a breathy chuckle, lips wrapping around the rim of his mug with a finger up to signal Niklaus to wait whilst he takes a sip. He sees the hybrid's jaw clench. "You know brother, I never really cared for your taste in women but that one upstairs? Oh, she's the best decision you've ever failed to make."
"Failed. She is the mother of my heir, my legacy. That is not a failure, no. No, the failure is yours for neglecting to keep your promise, dear brother and all for the likes of..."
Elijah puts his mug down when he feels the disrespect towards Y/n on his brother's tongue, stepping up to him with no hesitation; He gives him a smile with zero joy beneath it, only a calm, levelheaded warning. "Think carefully of your next words before you speak them Niklaus. I plead this for your sake."
Niklaus laughs in disbelief, clapping his hands together before taking a mimicked step forward as well. "You would fight your own over a woman you've barely known a year?"
"You've killed your own for less."
Niklaus's glare falters when Elijah speaks, he dares not refute the truth but oh it stings his ego to hear his flaws thrown back at him, Elijah isn't the least surprised when he's pinned to the wall with Niklaus's hand wrapped round his neck. "Well then, since I am the bastard son. The beast. Maybe I should live up to my title. Tell me, brother, are you prepared to die behind the little wolf? I simply can't allow my own sibling to be with the mother of my child so it seems I'll simply have to fix this...My way."
"Oh drop the victim complex, Niklaus. No one is calling you a bastard, nor a beast but you are acting like one, no? Yes, I'd die for her, and so so much more because you see to me she's more than a walking incubator. Tell me Niklaus...Do you think she feels safe around you? Happy? When all you've done is treat her like a possession to be had? Or is she afraid? Terrified of the monster you're turning int-."
Niklaus is seething, throwing him into the nearest wall with a growl, his eyes turning that familiar black and silver, fangs popping out as he rolls his neck, fury absolutely steaming from his ears. "Oh, the little wolf has you in the palm of her hands. Wrapped around her finger. But you know, I get it. The whore was a wonderful lay."
❦ ⌫ ❦
It was like a switch flipped in Elijah's head the moment he heard the disrespect towards the woman he cherished more than the air he breathed, his eyes mere voids in contrast to their natural chocolatey brown. "Y'know Brother, I've always prided myself on my love and loyalty for my family so hear me when I say this," He clears his throat, cracking his knuckles and taking a page from Nik's book when he rolls his neck, "Because you are family I will give you one chance to right your wrongs, you're allowed to repeat yourself, but I surely and strongly advise against it."
Niklaus growls, a rumbling sound that feels as though it may shake the compound without so much as a care or thought for the survival of those who inhabited the rooms or roamed the halls. "Well I wasn't planning on it but maybe I should go upstairs, find your little wolf and truly make the whore my, what was it you called her? Ah yes, my possession."
It was then that Elijah could feel himself lose it the moment the words were uttered once more, and it's at the moment Niklaus says the word possession that Elijah makes his move, pinning his younger brother to the nearest wall and landing a punch to his jaw.
Always and forever be damned. There were so few siblings other than Rebekah and Freya that actually used the oath wisely, and Niklaus had gotten away with the opposite so many times with his "woe is me" act — turning his traumas into a crutch that had held the Mikaelson clan hostage for decades; Millenniums. No more.
He should've listened to Rebekah from the very start when she'd told him that Niklaus was simply too far gone to be saved. Still, it tears at his being that it has to come to this.
"You should be thanking me for not snapping your neck where you stand, dear brother for the words you speak are so disrespectful I'm not sure I wish to stop myself."
Niklaus pushes him back only for Elijah to slide back with a hiss tearing through his throat, ready to fight for his happiness. Ready to fight for her. Nik runs at him, wielding a piece of white oak in his hand that Elijah dodges just barely, the stake mere centimetres from his neck stuck inside the compound walls. They struggle and fight for the stake but in the end, no one wins for something stops the men where they stand.
Freya stands exhaustedly next to Keelin and Rebekah who didn't look too amused themselves, all in matching states of unrest. Then and only then is it noticed that Niklaus's free hand held a dagger which pierced into Elijah's stomach.
An agonized scream is heard so gutturally and before Niklaus can take another breath, he and the blade are both pushed away from the Original, a familiar head of sandy brown locs coming to Elijah's aid. “ELIJAH!!”
Niklaus looks between the women and his brother; all he can muster is a scoff. "You dare betray your own flesh, your own blood for the little wolf? How noble." He licks blood from his lips just as Freya pulls the stake and dagger from his hands with no more than a wave of her hand.
"Niklaus, listen to yourself for a second." Freya finally speaks up, ushering her girlfriend behind her in case the hybrid gets any bright ideas.
"You drone on about family and loyalty without knowing what either mean." Rebekah swallows, tears in her eyes; she gestures to Y/n and Elijah, the wolf wrapped in his arms whilst the vampire groans from the pain but dares not pull away. The agony seemed more than worth it when it's her causing it, "You were about to end our brother's life, and for what? Your ego? Pride? Insecurities that run so deep now that you're a father? Is that it?"
Niklaus's face falls, and that's when Freya tells Keelin to head back upstairs before she takes part in the conversation. "You know nothing...nothing. She is the mother of my heir and he..."
"He's treated me more like a person than you ever have since you found out Alyssa was to be born."
"You will no longer blame Elijah for your losses, Niklaus. Your tendency to do so is a flaw that's been ignored too long." Freya whispers fully prepared to snap her own family's neck if need be.
Niklaus is stunned. He's frozen on his spot at this point, looking from gaze to gaze and seeing nothing but disappointment and fury.
"Elijah has done nothing but fight for us, our happiness...your redemption. And all that you give him in return is control over his life. Over ours. Have you ever thought, Nik...That- You'd be a better father if you stopped behaving like ours?" Rebekah is nearly pleading with him now, her hands shaking like never before. She walks up to Niklaus, grabbing his hands in hers. "You starved me of my love, my family, my happiness. I am begging. Begging. That you not do the same to Elijah. I will never and I mean never trust you again if you don't."
A tear falls down his eye, breath shuddering as he once again looks around the room incurring the wrath and sorrow that lie within it. His eyes fall to his bleeding older brother and his child's mother, embraced safely within each others arms. He looks back to Freya and Rebekah and his hand lifts with his final words.
"I'll go. A family should stay here. I fear I must relearn what that is before I trust myself enough to be apart."
I sit in front of him, my hand dabbing away at the wound which would no doubt heal in only an hour or two, but still, I get lost in my thoughts blaming myself for he and his brother's fallout tonight. I guess I'd been more out of it than I thought.
His hand catches the wrist that held the towel I use to clean his wound, and suddenly I'm brought a breath apart, my hand on his chest. I feel his heartbeat beneath my fingers, his index and thumb coming to tilt my chin up. Our eyes meet.
"Always and forever, Little wolf." He whispers, breath tickling my cheek as he leans in to press a sweet, slow, and gentle kiss to my parted lips. — I feel my breath is stolen. I feel my chest is tightening.
When he pulls away, all I can muster is a weak nod, those five special words close to follow. My eyes close, our foreheads pressed together. "Always and Forever, My lover."
A/N: this took way too fucking long to write cause sickle cell kept kicking my ass but it was soo worth the wait, genuinely think this is my best work. made niklaus the slightest bit bearable at the end because i’m still mad at actual niklaus’s actions. 😭
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nomie-11 · 1 month
Chapter 2 - Into the Storm
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Suddenly, now facing the hard climb up to the top of the tower and the parapet, there's something like a question in Genevieve’s chest. Is this really her future? Would General Sorrengail ever actually know if she decided to run in the opposite direction, no, she definitely would, and would hunt Genevieve down to the ends of the earth, but the idea is tempting. It’s a daunting climb, anyways, and she heard a girl with silver-tipped hair not too far behind her say it was 250 steps, but it looks like so much more. 
It’s been two days since she made the deal, two days she spent down by a river miles away from Basgiath.. It was quiet and secluded, so she was able to clean the blood and grime from her hair and clothes before becoming a student at the most exclusive branch of the colleges. She still looked pretty battered and bruised, nails not quite grown fully back yet, as well scars and bruises covering her face, body, and back. 
She cut her hair short after overhearing an older girl chastise her younger sister or friend for keeping it long, so her now ear-length white hair was tucked neatly behind her ears, out of her way when crossing the parapet. The wind was starting to pick up as she neared the top of the tower, and she couldn’t remember if that was something normal or not. Was the wind supposed to get stronger with altitude, or was that just a storm brewing? 
It had been cloudy the days before, ever since she got out of the dungeon at least. It was sunny for five minutes, and then clouds covered everything she had missed, but she had forgotten the tell-tale signs of a storm. Were the clouds darker, or is that just her imagination? 
It doesn’t matter, anyways, as step 250 was nearing closer and closer with each second she dwelled on the sky. She just prayed that if the rain did start to fall, her boots would grip the parapet well enough to take her across. She willed her hands to stop shaking as she reached the top. At heart, she really wasn’t scared, she had seen so much worse than a thin bridge crossing a river. Whether or not it was so far in the air, it didn’t bother her. . 
Genevieve Hale
“Your turn next,” The tall man in front of me nearly barks as I reach the top of the tower. His eyes were dark, with flecks of gold swirling around like a dark storm, his hair equally as dark and his skin tan. Good gods, that man is attractive. 
“Got it” I responded, despite my swimming thoughts, watching him tell the other, and almost equally as handsome boy next to him scribble my name down on some parchment. 
“Stop it,” The equally as tall and almost equally as handsome boy next to him chastises. “It’s not your job to scare the potential cadets, Xaden, that's the parapet's role.”
Oh, so this is Xaden Riorson? My eyes narrow at the reveal. He’s who I’m supposed to watch, I guess my mission starts now. 
“It’s your turn on the parapet,” He gestures to the thing that they call a parapet. It’s more of one stone in a straight line down a wall of even more stones, and there's a rushing river underneath it, so at least if you fall you won’t hit a completely hard wall of rock. I just nod, and I don’t say a single word, I refuse to break my roll, and make my way to the parapet. 
I’ve not even made one step when the rain and thunder starts, and oh my gods is this what rain feels like? I can’t even remember the last time I’ve been rained on. I just stand there for a moment, I haven’t lost balance yet, and I close my eyes. 
My feet move before I can tell them to stop, and my heart races out of my chest. Suddenly I’m a child again. My father is chasing close behind me, laughing as I run barefoot through the tall grass in the valleys of the mountains near Aretia, my mind doesn’t even process that I’m running across the parapet. And somehow, I’m not even scared of the drop. 
I force my eyes wide open, and I’m in the middle of the parapet, but I don’t stop moving. The wind whips around me, and my hair brushes into my face, slick with water, but I feel fine. This is what it must be like to be on the back of a dragon during a thunderstorm. Gods, if you hear my pleas, please let me experience this over and over again, for the rest of my life. 
But no moment lasts forever, and suddenly I’m jumping off the parapet, and coming to a stop right in front of another roll keeper. I feel Xaden’s eyes still on me behind the parapet and on the tower. His eyes are hidden by the storm, but I feel his surprise. 
“Name?” The rider with the scroll asks, and I’m slightly short of breath, but most of all, I’m elated. 
“Genevieve Hale,” I breathe out, a smile painted on my face. 
“Hale?” The rider asks, his voice raising, and I quirk my brow. 
“Yes, Hale,” My eyes narrow on his. “Is that a problem?”
”No, not at all,” He says. “Just wait in the main area, mingle. Maybe you’ll find more people like… you.”
And with that I’m all alone. 
Third Person 
It was like she was walking blind for a few moments, but in reality it was the effects of adrenaline leaving her body. It ran its course, and left her tired and empty, wandering the field around her. And while it was full of cadets, she was alone. 
Until, she walked right into the back of another boy. A cadet, but still, he was a boy. 
“Oh!” He exclaimed, spinning around on his heel to meet the person who had collided with him. Looking down at her was a boy with blond curly hair, and eyes blue like the ocean, deep with his secrets. “Are you ok?”
“Sorry,” she mumbled, taken aback at his question of her wellbeing. “Yes, I should have been paying attention.” 
And before he could get another word out she turned to walk away, not bothering to catch a name or remember his face for more than a second. 
“Wait,” He interrupted, reaching out to her. “What’s your name? I know it’s not ideal to make friends, but we both seem pretty alone.”
“Genevieve Hale,” She responded, holding out her hand for him to shake. 
Instead of shaking her hand like she had intended, he grabbed it, bringing it to his lips and planting a light kiss on the back. 
Flirt. She thought, lighting back a smile. 
“Liam Mairi,” He grinned, and she snatched her hand back. 
“You’re very…” She trailed off looking for the right words to say. 
“Forward. That’s the word!” Genevieve gave a small smile, completely ignoring his flirtatious answer. 
“Well, Genevieve Hale,” Liam said, pausing for a moment. “You’re very mysterious. And your name sounds super familiar.”
“Yeah, I’ve been getting that a lot.” She nodded her head in agreement, but not elaborating on her reasons for being mysterious. 
And so the conversation continued, Liam and Genevieve talked for hours underneath the blazing sun, until they were called to formation. Xaden Riorson stands at the front, and Liam nudges me. 
“Look,” He says, gesturing to Xaden. “That’s who I was fostered with, when, you know…” He trails off, not finishing his sentence. “But anyways, he’s like a brother to me, and he’s super nice when you get to know him. Maybe-”
”Xaden Riorson is your foster brother?” Genevieve whispers, interrupting Liam. Not disgust on her face, but a look of almost understanding. “You guys seem like total opposites.” And I’ve been given a mission to hunt him down and track every single one of his movements. She thinks to herself, before turning back to Liam and waiting for his response. 
“Yeah, I know we do, but he taught me so much,” He looks up at Xaden. “Any friend of mine should be a friend of his, and I want to make him proud.” 
Nodding her head, Genevieve understood. This was beyond her, and if Liam really is as kind of a person as he seems like, he is a good ally to have. Be a kiss ass to Xaden Riorson, and maybe just report complete lies back to General Sorrengail. 
Her plan was easy. Then the voice at the top of the crowd spoke. 
“Three hundred and two of you have survived the parapet and have become cadets today,” Commandant Panchek starts, and the smile on his face is sickening to Genevieve. “Good job, sixty-seven of you didn’t.” 
There’s a brief, unintentional moment of silence for the fallen cadets. 
”But as the Codex states, now you begin the true crucible!” His voice carries loudly over the huge crowd that is gathered. “You will be tested by your superiors, hunted by your peers, and guided by your instinct all the way to threshing, where if you are chosen, you will then be a rider. We will see how many of you really make it to graduation.”
Genevieve glances around her, a sea of confident faces and smirks meets her, but she knows what awaits is not easy. She’s been isolated but she’s not stupid. There’s a reason so many die. 
“With that being said, I wish you all luck, and I leave you to your wingleaders.” And with that he walks off the stage with the rest of the staff following close behind him. Now only a brunette woman stands in front of them, and Genevieve recognizes that she looks young, not much older than her. 
“My name is Nyra, the senior wing leader of the quadrant and the head of First Wing. Section leaders and squad leaders, take your positions.” People shuffle past Genevieve and Liam, walking towards the front of the crowd like Nyra and Xaden. 
“First Squad! Claw Section! First Wing!” Nyra calls out, and a man raises his hand in the front of the crowd. “Cadets, when you hear your name, line up behind your squad leader and take formation.”
One by one the crowd moves around Liam and Genevieve, and eventually, Liam is called into Second Squad, Tail Section, Fourth Wing. Genevieve’s ears perk up when Violet Sorrengail’s name is called. She wants to know what squad to hunt for. 
She hears Nyra call; “Second Squad, Flame Section, Second Wing!” And she hears a few names, Ridoc, Rhiannon, Violet Sorrengail, and then Genevieve Hale. 
Fuck! She thinks before she even moves. 
She’s only isolated, not stupid. She knows she can’t kill a squadmate. 
Walking up to the squad, Violet already stands there in line, and there's undeniable tension between the two girls. 
“Are you ok?” Violet asks, her intentions pure. She saw no relic on Genevieve’s arm, she should be safe from the Tyrrish kids’ revenge fantasies. 
“No,” Genevieve smiled, her grin not quite reaching her eyes. Her normally light eyes looked dark as they stared Violet down. “I’m not ok, because now that we’re in this squad together, I can’t kill you.” 
It’s blazing hot underneath the summer sun, and Genevieve’s burning. Being locked away for so long leaves an already pale person even paler. Gods, why wasn’t I born tan like Riorson? She pleads to an empty heaven, but no one is listening. 
Xaden stands in front of us now, and he’s speaking, but Genevieve barely even registers what is happening until her squad is moving. She’s switching. Dani Aetos, her wing leader, is being commanded to switch squad positions with Aura Beinhaven. Now Genevieve is in the Fourth Wing, with Riorson. 
He looks smug, and Liam looks excited, but she’s grimacing. She was so close to the youngest Sorrengail. Challenges start tomorrow, she could have killed her on day 1 and gotten her revenge done and over with, but no. Now she has to wait three years, wait and hope Violet survives the three years, and then she can kill her. This was General Sorrengail’s doing. She doesn’t doubt it. 
“You’re all cadets now,” Xaden’s voice booms like the commandants. “Take a look at your squad. These are the only people guaranteed by Codex not to kill you. But just because they can’t doesn’t mean others won’t. You want a dragon, earn it.” Genevieve swore she could see Xaden eye Violet.
Some people cheer, but she’s silent. 
“And I bet you feel pretty badass right now, don’t you?” He instigates. More cheers follow. “You feel invincible after the parapet, don’t you?” He shouts. “You think you’re untouchable! You’re on the way to becoming elite! THe few! The Chosen!” Another round of cheers, but this time its the sound of beating wings drowning the crowd out. It’s a riot of dragons. Real Dragons. 
Gods, they are so beautiful. She couldn’t help but think, and it broke her heart a little when she realized that these are the rider’s bonded dragons. That large blue one in the center was taken, but gods, that dragon was striking. 
Only before had she heard the noise of their wings flying above her dungeon that had become home. They were always so far away, but now they’re here, and all she has to do is survive, and see the dragons. Then maybe one day-
The dragons open their mouths, cadets are screaming. Those who run are incinerated, and it smells like sulfur. The red dragon’s the first to fire, but the rest follow suite, and their teeth glisten in the sun. Genevieve sees the people around her flinch, itching to run, but she’s not afraid, she’s seen worse. 
This was an act of beauty in her mind. How could she run before these magical beasts that grace the skies and heavens above. 
“Anyone else feel like changing their minds?” Xaden interrupts her moment, and her thoughts. Him and the blue dragon behind him scan the crowd. “No? Excellent.”
Genevieve doesn’t care about the rest of his speech. It doesn’t matter to her, it’s all stuff she knows. ‘You will die, you will struggle, you’re not special,’ Blah, Blah, blah. It’s all the same stuff she’s heard before. 
In the first year, first floor dorm hall, Genevieve is all alone. Liam is up on the third floor in the men’s hall with some guy named Jack Barlowe who Genevieve heard Violet griping about, she doesn’t even know where to put her bags down, until the girl standing next to Violet waves her over. 
“Hey! I’m Rhiannon,” She smiles, reaching out her hand for a handshake. “We’re in the same squad now, so we should stick together.” 
Glancing between Rhiannon and the empty bed beside her, Genevieve set down her mostly empty bag. Then glancing between Rhiannon and Violet, she fought the urge to pick it right back up again. 
“I’m Genevieve,” She smiled at Rhiannon, reaching her hand out to match Rhiannon’s. “Genevieve Hale.” Her smile towards Rhiannon is genuine, but small, and she can feel Violet staring at her. 
“You’re Genevieve Hale,” She whispered, recognition dripping from her voice like little poisonous drops sizzling on Genevieve’s skin. 
“And what about it?” Genevieve snapped, her voice snapped towards Violet, her previous pleasant aura quickly disappearing. Rhiannon placed her hand on Genevieve’s shoulder, bringing back her attention back to Rhiannon. 
“Now that we’re in the same squad, all three of us, we should become civil, don’t you think?” She asked, leaving little room for disagreement. “Now, Violet, introduce yourself.”
“I’m Violet-” 
Genevieve cut her off. 
“Sorrengail, I know.” She hissed. “Your mother locked me in the dungeon underneath the house you slept pleasantly in for one year and forty-two days. I’m not becoming your friend.” 
Rhiannon’s eyes widened. 
“So you’re a-”
Genevieve didn’t let her finish once more. 
“A rebellion kid?” She asked, her voice sarcastic and annoyed. “I don’t have a relic, do I?” She pulled up her sleeve, showing a bare arm. 
“No, no, I’m something much worse,” Pulling her shirt over her head, she’s left in only her ratty chest bindings she managed to put together through her old rags. There’s a swirling, glittering, black mark twisting the span of her back, crawling down to the waist of her pants and up to her collarbones. It’s cloudy, and in the center there is a blank circle, and in Genevieve’s eyes it is hideous. 
“I’m the daughter of the disgraced and fallen General Philip Hale. Sister to fallen rider Quinn Hale,” She grinned down at Violet Sorrengail, who sits on her bed, frozen in the recognition she now bears. “My father was a traitor, but I’m here for justice, and you, Violet Sorrengail, are key to getting back at your mother.”
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devieuls · 1 year
ˋ Déjà-vu .
Neteyam Sully x Tayrangi Reader ( ONE SHOT )
Tumblr media
Synopsis : The Na'vi say that every person is reborn in multiple lives and in each of them, is in a constant search: that of the soul mate. A bond so deep and mysterious that it overcomes the barriers of time and space, uniting two beings destined to meet in each universe. Through the ages and dimensions, kindred souls who seek each other, recognize each other, pushing each other like irresistible magnets. Because the soul mate is the perfect reflection of ourselves, a connection that goes beyond appearances and circumstances. And so, in every life and universe, destiny is intertwined to unite those souls who are destined to be inseparable through the Great Mother.
Warning : None. FLUFF
Recommended Songs : Habits - Genevieve Stokes; Blue - Dreamy, YUP!; Hotline Bling - Billie Eilish; Radio - Lana del Rey; Cinnamon Girl - Lana del Rey
Lenght : 3.6k
NA'VI WORDS : TANHI: Star / Bioluminescent freckles
NETEYAM: 19 y.o / Y/N: 18 y.o
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Hidden among the winding branches of the centuries-old trees, stood the forest of the Omatikaya clan. Its beating heart was a mysterious universe blessed by the Great Mother, a refuge where wild nature manifested itself in all its majesty. The suns, filtering through the thick foliage of the trees, painted golden scales on the moss carpets that stretched between the giant trunks. The air, dense with humidity, smelled of fresh earth and life. Each breath filled your lungs with earthy aromas and floral fragrances, mingling with the sweet singing of birds and Ikran competing for air dominance. Their trills echoed through the bush, dancing with the leaves swinging in the wind like a natural chorus, singing a timeless symphony. The soil, caressed by roots woven like affectionate fingers, housed a myriad of creatures. Invisible to the eyes, the insects buzzed in a concert of whispers, accompanied by the delicate rustle of the leaves that grazed each other. The dewdrops hung from the webs like shining pearls, while the nocturnal creatures found rest in the shade, waiting for their time.
In the midst of this symphony of nature, you were sitting on a rock near the edge of a pond, immersed in the quiet and harmony of the forest. Your gaze reflected the deep connection with the flora that surrounded you, an inner harmony that was reflected in your serene smile as you watched some fish shuffle between your feet in the water. Dressed in clothes with shades of the earth, you seemed a fragment of this landscape, a soul enchanted by the power and beauty of the forest, albeit with details that brought back to the marine flora to which you belonged. You started humming one of the ancient songs of the Tayrangi clan as you stretched your fingers towards the water in front of you, brushing at the fish that lived there quietly, remaining enchanted by that piece of paradise found. You had spent all morning wandering in the forest, and now you were sitting there enjoying the early afternoon making you feel free and weightless, emptying your mind of thoughts and doubts, devoting yourself to solitude. Not far from that almost enchanted place, a second Na'vi was following a small sprawling path to start the hunt, bow in his hand and feline eyes as he sought the perfect spot to start hunting. To distract Neteyam from his main objective was a foreign melody from the forest, which he had never heard before but which seemed so familiar to him. Neteyam’s attentive ears awoke to hear the song, allowing him to pinpoint the direction from which the sound came. < A voice in the forest? > He wondered as intrigued he ventured in the direction of almost hypnotic singing. Curiosity got the better of him as his head peeped out of a tree, watching a young na'vi beauty sitting from behind while humming.
Neteyam could only see the back of the Na'vi, contemplating every inch of your body that seemed to him already so lived, already admired, already touched: your shoulders narrow and thin, slender as your arms, the thread of the top on your back that covered your breasts in front, the small waistline that had around some threads with seashells and sea beads as pendants, and the soft sides leaning on the rock, slightly covered by your loincloth draped at the sides. Your long black hair slightly covered your shoulders with some braids and loose curls, embellished with some shells and sea pearls that went to match the jewel around the waist. His mind was clouded by both your body and your voice, making him feel almost drunk with you, without a real reason, but enjoying your mysterious presence and the melody you created. Neteyam couldn’t decide whether to stay hidden and admire you in silence or approach you, remaining a few minutes to think about what to do, until he made the decision.
Crack < Shit. > Neteyam thought
You turned when you felt a branch break behind you, revealing at your sight a tall male unknown Na'vi who was approaching, and then remained embarrassed by the branch. The Na'vi was particularly attractive and there was something about him that seemed strangely familiar, as if it wasn’t the first time you saw him. Your heart began to accelerate inexplicably and you blushed in embarrassment as you stood, feeling the fresh grass tickling your skin. You opened your mouth, as if to look for meaningful words to start the conversation with, but you felt like you were enchanted by that boy, admiring every single detail in him, losing in your throat all the sentences you were collecting. His eyes, big and honey-colored, sweet but sure, as bright as even Pandora’s suns; around his neck he had a reddish choker beaded, where a strange necklace that you had never seen before landed and you were sure it didn’t belong to Pandora; the toned chest where a cummerbund Omatikaya was tied underneath, revealing that he was a warrior, which you also noticed from the leather armguard and leg guards, as well as the typical Omatikaya knife and armband; your eyes fell for a second on his blue loincloth, observing the songcord that wrapped on one side. His strong natural scent was already recorded in your memory, not understanding how it was possible, and it made you feel strangely good. Your gaze rose again on his face, noticing that like you, he wore feathers on his ear, with colors typical of his clan. Your attention finally fell on the bow in his hand and you thought that he was hunting, and because of yours you had distracted him or scared away the animal he was watching.
"I… well, I thought I was alone," you put your hands forward as an apology, thinking that you had ruined his hunting trip, and then notice that young Na'vi was approaching you in silence, not disturbed by your words of apology before giving you a sweet reassuring smile. "No, don’t stop, please. You sing beautifully," he said. His eyes explored your person, enchanted by your figure: big golden feline eyes, soft lips, two strands of braids fell in front of your face; around your neck you wore some necklaces typical of the Tayrangi clan, the top you were wearing was made of long red and white feathers, just like the ones behind your right ear. "Neteyam of the Omatikaya clan… you are?" < beautiful > he wanted to add, but he just implied that he wanted to know your name. He took his fingers to his forehead and then pointed out to you, as a sign of greeting, a gesture that you then reciprocated. <"Neteyam? I’ve heard this name before…"> you whispered as the boy approached you, and then dug up his name in your memories. "Neteyam the firstborn of the Olo'eyktan and Tsakarem, isn't it?" you asked as you approached him too, not understanding why you felt so safe in his presence, or why your stomach was so upset. "O-oh, forgive me, I didn’t introduce myself. Y/n te Skxumew Ikeyni'ite" you concluded, blushing slightly for your carelessness. "Ikeyni, mh? you… you are the daughter of Ikeyni, the Olo'eykte of the Tayrangi clan?" He asked nicely as he looked at you a little more, breathing in your perfume, getting a little drunk on you again. "Yes, I’m the eldest son of the Sullys. but I know Ikeyni’s daughter, I didn’t remember her so... beautiful" <Smooth, Neteyam, too smooth.> "Oh, I’m Ikeyni’s second daughter, you don’t know me for this. You know my mother from the war council, right? She only bring my big sister Ney'nari, as she will be the next Olo'eykte of the Tayrangi clan. You’ve seen her, you know… tall, beautiful, long braids and kind, it’s hard not to remember. She has a beautiful voice and a good presence, she is a friend of everyone…" you answered him, smiling shyly, and then looking at him and contemplating him for a while longer. "My mother. She… she talked a lot about you to our clan, even my sister did, so I know who your parents are. And that’s why I know who you are, your name lives up to your father’s, you’re admired in all the clans, I won’t be the first to tell you all this… Oh, I’m so sorry. I’m talking way too much" you lowered your eyes slightly swallowing as you laughed slightly embarrassed, not knowing why you suddenly felt so awkward in front of him as your heart pounded in your chest. You were amazed by him, you admired him because of the stories surrounding his name and his greatness despite only nineteen years of life. "It’s a pleasure to meet you… Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan" you tried not to stutter, to the veiled compliment of the boy but the blush on your cheeks betrayed you, just like your tail.
Neteyam put two fingers under your chin, lifting your face, making you meet your eyes again. The heart beating hard enough to risk a heart attack. "The pleasure is all mine, Y/n. Just call me Neteyam, Neteyam is… fine." said, giving you a sweet smile. "And don’t worry about talking too much, as I said I like your voice, it's soft and beautiful. In addition I’m used to my little sister, I’m a great listener… especially for the right voices" His eyes slipped on your lips almost instinctively, feeling in your mouth a strange sweetish taste, as if he had already tasted your lips. "Anyway, what’s a Tayrangi doing in the Omatikaya forests? I don’t remember being warned, especially if the Tayrangi in question belongs to the Olo'eykte family" he asked gently, without taking his hand off your chin, enjoying your soft, warm skin. "To be honest? I ran away from the clan in the middle of the night because I wanted to visit the Omatikaya forest" you took a short break, slightly backing up, biting your lip as you confessed. "You know, my clan has beautiful coasts, beautiful beaches, a lovely sea and small woods but… we don’t have such beautiful forests, such tall trees and so much lovely greenery. My mother doesn’t want me to leave the clan alone because of the sky people, so if I asked for permission she would have denied me… so, you know, I ran. I know it is not something honorable as the daughter of an Olo'eykte, but I am very responsible, I swear…" You smiled slightly, without looking at him. "I’m just curious, and a bit rebellious, yes." You hoped your words had not horrified Neteyam, knowing him by his reputation as a strong warrior with solid principles. Your heart began to beat fast as he laughed at your confession as he passed a hand through the braids.
< He laughed… is good thing, no? > you thought. The excitement in your voice was as evident as the sincere wonder in your eyes, and this warmed the heart of Neteyam, fascinated by your carefree and ruthless sincerity, but especially by that rebellious streak that characterized you. "Are you telling me that you fled in the middle of the night, unbeknownst to your mother who is also Olo'eykte, because you wanted to see the forest and the trees of my clan?" asked him with amazement, looking at you. You nodded enthusiastically as you blushed slightly. < Wonderful. > he thought, even more enchanted by you.
"You are… I have no words to describe you, but there is nothing wrong with wanting to explore the beauty of a place, curiosity makes us alive, but you should not run away in the middle of the night, it could be dangerous" You smiled at his statement, heartened that he did not have the same thought as the elders of your clan. " Aren’t you afraid of getting into trouble?" "Hmm? Oh no, I’m used to getting into trouble. This is a 'trouble' bigger than the others, but certainly smaller than the future ones" you admitted while smiling, shrugging. "Let’s just say I’m lucky I’m not the oldest. Too many expectations, too many burdens, commitments and duties, the perfect daughter who will one day become Olo'eykte. Fortunately Ney'nari is the eldest daughter, and this burden is all hers, and she is fine with it. I am a free spirit, that is. The more you try to slow me down, the faster I run, you know. Life is one, so why follow the rules if I’m not hurting anyone, right?" Neteyam looked at you mesmerized, knowing that you had all that rebellious character that he lacked, and he felt attracted to you like never before. He felt he already knew what your character or thoughts were, and he found you so wildly perfect "I’m sure my mother will yell at me and I’ll have trouble with her, but… look how beautiful this forest is. These trees are beautiful, and the sounds? Ahh lovely! I was just curious, and now I’m fascinated, your clan’s forest is… mesmerizing. It’s the risk to take for a wonderful… experience. Wonderful, isn’t it?" Your voice became sweeter and more excited as you looked around with enchantment, breathing the cool breeze.
Neteyam’s eyes did not come away from you even for a second, enchanted by your being. "Yes, wonderful…" He said breathless, not meaning the forest at that moment. You looked at him and smiled once more as his heart beat and recovered, rushing suddenly, noticing your freckles shining under the lights of the forest. "Yes. The forest is wonderful. Even though I grew up there, I can’t help but agree with you, ma Tanhì…?" Neteyam used that nickname almost naturally "Tanhì?" you asked, approaching him. You weren’t annoyed, you recognized that nickname, you knew it was something that belonged to you, something you were used to, but you weren’t sure about that.
"I’m sorry, it just… I don’t know, it just came naturally to me" Neteyam said embarrassingly, squinting as if to recover himself. The heart beats faster to both, butterflies in the stomach fly wildly and every gesture, every word exchanged, seems full of meaning. "Don’t you feel like you’re…" you interrupted him. "Experiencing something you’ve already experienced?" you completed his sentence, and even this gesture reminded you of phantom memories, as if you were used to doing it. "Yes…" he whispered. "I just feel so.." fu Neteyam to interrupt you now. "at peace with you around." You smiled nodding "Yeah..". You started laughing together because of that innocent harmony of completed sentences and then looking at each other, falling into each other’s eyes. A look that sparked a spark of familiarity in your intimate. Even if you two can’t explain why, you feel a kind of deep connection that seems to go back a long time. Eyes that you had already loved once, souls that were already united in the past, as if you already knew, every single detail. Neteyam could see you all the way, as if your eyes were not a mirror of your soul, but a door he already had the keys to.
"I don’t know why but your eyes are so familiar, and also your voice… and your scent" You started, and then took a deep breath. "Have you been in my clan before, maybe?" Your eyes did not come off even for a second from his, and he did the same. "No, never… that I remember, never. But I don’t know why I feel I’ve been once, maybe for the Day of Atonement we met in some clan… I have vague memories of a forest near a precipice" he said, laughing and then looking for the warmth of your hand. "and it’s as if I’ve already felt your touch on my skin" he concluded "No, no way, on that day I am always in my clan. But I too remember a forest and a precipice… Near the village of my clan there is a similar precipice, overlooking the beach" Your eyes fell on your hand laid on that of Neteyam. "I feel the same." you answered with a thread of voice.
"I’m so sure I’ve seen you before, but I don’t know where…" You started talking, and then you laughed sarcastically, carrying some braids behind your ear. "Maybe in a past life we were connected? Do you think?" Her voice was sweet, and a smile painted on her lips as she watched you hypnotized. "No, I don’t think… I never would have had a partner in my previous life, just like I didn’t want in this life. Remember? free spirit, no bond or…" he interrupted you "Duty? isn’t it? You’re the kind of girl who doesn’t want to be connected because she’s free and rebellious and knows that no one can love or accept this rebellious side of you, and you don’t want to be below anyone because you have a strong temper. It’s you, right?" Neteyam took the words out of your mouth. You swallow with a nod, and then you feel some twinges in your head, like memories that were flocking and unlocking one behind the other with speed never seen. "How do you…" you whispered in disbelief. "I don’t know, I just know" he said. "You and I, we met, if not in this, in another life. I feel it, my heart feels it, my body and my mind. Isn’t it the same for you?" His voice was intrinsic of sweetness, hope and almost dreamet memories. You nodded watching him mesmerized. "Maybe… In another life, it can be. It is said that Eywa always brings his children together, maybe we were friends or family.. or "he looked at you, smiling when you paused. "Lovers?" he completed the sentence for you. You blushed and laughed. The heart that was pushing against your chest, as if to get to Neteyam’s, your stomach shaking, and the breath that was missing, were all feelings you had already experienced in some part of your mind. Your hand still stands on Neteyam’s, finding it comforting, experiencing a great sense of déjà vu experienced by both. "Yes… lovers"
You walked away from him, taking long deep breaths, not fully realizing what you had said. Neteyam’s eyes looked at your back as you turned your back, approached you carefully and then laid a hand on your shoulder. "Hey, it’s not something bad. Maybe we were just two people on the same wavelength, you know, not necessarily lovers. You are a free spirit after all, I doubt that in another life I did not appreciate this character of yours, at least not less than I am appreciating it now" His voice was warm and gentle, almost comfortable as he tried to reassure you. "It’s not that, it’s just… weird. We just met and it seems like we’ve known each other since time immemorial, I’m not used to these things" You admitted, while your stomach was knotted and it was making you little twinges. "Maybe I should… go… I don’t want to take any more time, you were hunting, right?" "Actually I’m not wasting my time, and hunting can wait. You wanted to get to know the Omatikaya forest, didn’t you? I was born and raised in these forests, I could take you to all the places you can’t imagine." He reached out to you, hopeful. You looked at him uncertain. "You’d get in trouble. I escaped from my clan by disobeying my Olo'eykte, besides I’m in the forest of your clan without warning, how many rules am I breaking? And you would be my accomplice." You admitted worried about him, knowing his spotless reputation. "You said yourself that life is one and that the rules should not be followed, we do nothing wrong" He replied looking into your eyes hopeful. "You’re gonna get in trouble, and I’m twice as bad for ruining your reputation, plus it’s gonna be late and your parents are gonna be mad, you’re not gonna be able to hunt, and-" he laughed and grabbed your hand. "Just say yes, and I will work hard to offer you only the best. I will bring the stars down to you if you ask me" This sentence he said sounded so familiar in your head, as if he had already once told you. "Ma Tanhì, just yes." Your hearts were beating at the same pace, on the same wavelength, as you swallowed the knot in your throat that you created when you were looking for excuses not to get him into trouble. " Yes…" you whispered, and then you heard Neteyam’s smile.
The sense of déjà vu grew stronger in the hours you spent together. Neteyam took you to observe the forest with his Ikran, holding on tight to him, as your Ikran was still too tired from the night journey. He showed you the Hallelujah Mountains where there were some free Ikran in the sky and others who rested in their house; he also took you where their Home Tree had previously been. He made you explore the forest as much as possible, enjoying your amazed eyes and excited voice at every unknown thing he showed you, feeling truly free, even in his presence. There was something inside of you that told you it was okay to trust him, that you could be yourself, let yourself go without fear because he had already understood you, he was already seeing you. When the day ended you felt full of joy for having seen all those wonderful places, while Neteyam fell once again first, loving you, reflecting your happiness over something so small that he almost took it for granted
From that day you ran away from home more and more often, taking him to do the same to come to your clan. Every emotion, every laugh, outing, dating, complaint, quarrel, word or kiss that followed in the following months all seemed already experienced, as if you two had already belonged to you once and now found yourself to love you again under the blessing of Eywa.
Yes, if you were wondering this is a parallel "déjà-vu" of the story "The Way of Love - Neteyam x Tayrangi Reader". I wanted to write about how Neteyam and Y/n could meet if she remained the rebellious and carefree second daughter, with Ney'nari alive and mated with Tul'pey, Ikeyni more accommodating etc… I love to think that soul mates meet in infinite ways in all universes, and that that sense of "already lived" is caused by all the lives lived together in other places.
I could have written a lot better, but in my mind Neteyam and y/n in one of these universes met and fell in love like this.Y/n rebellious and free, going against everything and everyone, disobeying, and Neteyam the one who keeps her down, who is caring and accompanies her in all her adventures… Influencing each other positively and negatively, falling in love again, again and again with the same eyes and the same things. Complementing each other.
Yes, I like to weave all my stories, always. I hope you enjoyed this niche of sweetness, ma Syulang 🙨 <3
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zepuckinghockey · 1 year
It's NHL wedding season! I'm aware of 10 NHLers who got married over the July 7-8, 2023 weekend as well as two related weddings. As best as I can, I've listed them out including as many verified player guests as I could find. Shoutout to the server for helping me ID a lot of generic looking faces. I've got some teams listed for context.
Feel free to let me know of people I've missed! This list has been edited on September 9th. I'm pretty sure wedding season is over, but feel free to message me with someone I missed.
June 16th, 2023 Weddings:
Kyle Clague - Sabres Notable Guests: Nolan Patrick
July 4th, 2023 Weddings:
Colin Blackwell - Hawks Notable Guests: Alex Kerfoot
July 6th, 2023 Weddings:
Tyler Bertuzzi - Red Wings Notable Guests: Michael Rasumussen, Zach Nastasiuk
July 7th, 2023 Weddings:
Alex Nedeljkovic - currently Penguins (previously Canes, Red Wings) Notable Attendees: Scott Wedgewood
Jordan Binnington - Blues Notable Attendees: Jordan Kyrou, Marco Scandella, Sammy Blais, Faulk, Perron, Logan Brown, Joshua Leivo, Vince Dunn, Robby Fabbri, Joel Edmundson, Robert Thomas, Oskar Sundqvist, Colton Parayko, Jake Walman
July 8th, 2023 Weddings:
Tyson Barrie - currently on the Preds (previously: Oilers, Leafs, Avs) Notable Attendees: everyone. Sidney Crosby, Nathan MacKinnon, Mitch Marner, Zach Hyman, Connor McDavid, Alex Kerfoot, John Tavares, Jack Campbell, Justin Holl, Evander Kane, Darnell Nurse, Mike Smith, Bayne Pettinger, Tyler Ennis, Colin Wilson, Michael Hutchinson, Ryan Nugent-Hopkins, Cody Ceci, Evan Bouchard, Luke Schenn, Devin Shore, Gabe Landeskog
Vinni Lettieri - currently on the Wild (previously Ducks) Notable Attendees: Trevor Zegras, Jake Bischoff, Tony DeAngelo, Jimmy Vesey, Kevin Hayes, Brady Skjei, Kevin Shattenkirk, John Gibson, Zach Bogosian, Sam Carrick, Jake Gardiner, James van Riemsdyk
Sam Reinhart - currently on the Panthers (previously Sabres) Notable Attendees: Mason Marchment, Brandon Montour, Owen Tippett
Chandler Stephenson - currently on the Knights (previously Caps) Notable Attendees: Will Carrier, Reilley Smith, Mark Stone, Cody Eakin, Jack Eichel, Alex Tuch
Sam Girard - currently on the Avs (previously Preds) Notable Attendees: Nicolas Aube-Kubel, Ryan Graves
Dylan Gambrell - currently on the Leafs (previously Sharks, Sens) Notable Attendees: Mathieu Joseph, Austin Watson (thanks anon!)
Gustav Forsling - currently on the Panthers Notable Attendees: Alex Wennberg, Marcus Hogberg, Patric Hornquist, Lucas Carlsson, Erik Gustafsson
Tyler Motte - (Rangers, Blue Jackets, Blackhawks, Senators, Canucks) Notable Attendees: Brock Boesser
Brett Richie - (Yotes, Flames)
Emerance Maschmeyer & Genevieve Lacasse - WoHo Olympic gold medalists Notable Attendees: Sarah Nurse, Erin Ambrose, Laura Stacey, Marie-Philip Poulin, Haley Irwin, just like all the big woho names
Dominik Tiffels - German hockey player Notable Attendees: Leon Draisaitl
Frankie Borrelli - Barstool Sports and Fore Play Golf Notable Attendees: Brock Nelson, Matt Martin, Adam Pelech, Scott Mayfield, Josh Bailey - info thanks to @barzyblogbabe
Morgan Reilly - Leafs Notable Attendees: his wife Tessa Virtue
July 13th, 2023 Weddings:
Dryden Hunt - Rangers Notable Guests: Kyle Burroughs
July 15th, 2023 Weddings:
Tyler Seguin - Stars (Bruins) Notable Guests: Jamie Benn, John Klingberg, Scott Wedgewood, Jesse Blacker, Mason Marchment, Ty Dellandrea, Justin Dowling
Luke Kunin - (Sharks, Wild) Notable Attendees: Colton Sissons, Matthew Tkachuk, Brady Tkachuk, (Taryn Tkachuk)
AJ Greer - Bruins (Avs, Devils) Notable Attendees: Scott Kosmachuk
Andy Andreoff - (Kings, Flyers, Islanders) Notable Attendees: Sean Couturier, Scott Laughton, Shayne Gostibehere, Erik Gudbranson, Milan Lucic
Juuso Valimaki - Coyotes
July 16, 2023 Weddings:
Kevin Hayes - Blues (Flyers, Rangers, Jets) Notable Attendees: Johnny Gaudreau, Tony DeAngelo, Brady Skjei, Jimmy Vesey
July 20th, 2023 Weddings:
Lawson Crouse - Coyotes Notable Attendees: Phil Kessel, Shayne Gostibehere, Liam O'Brien, Nick Schmaltz, Darcy Kuemper, Taylor Hall, Jacob Bryson, Travis Konecny
July 21st, 2023 Weddings:
Nicolas Aube-Kubel - Caps (Avs) Notable Attendees: Anthony Mantha, Julien Gauthier
Brady Tkachuk - Sens Notable Attendees: Matthew Tkachuk, Josh Norris, Thomas Chabot, Mark Stone, Mathieu Joseph, Luke Kunin, Christian Fischer, Ryan Donato, Robert Thomas, Alex Debrincat, Cam Talbot, Nick Holden, Quinn Hughes, Jack Hughes, Luke Hughes, Jake Sanderson, Shane Pinto, Dylan Gambrell, Colin White, Jacob Chychrun, Kevin Hayes
Juuse Saros - Predators Notable Attendees: Eeli Tolvanen, Kevin Lankinen
Tanner Jeannot - Lightning Notable Attendees: Brett Howden, Noah Gregor, Jayden Halbgewachs, Jeremy Lauzon, Alex Carrier
July 22nd, 2023 Weddings:
Alex Kerfoot - Coyotes (Maple Leafs) Notable Attendees: Justin Holl, Colin Blackwell, John Tavares, Morgan Reilly, Michael Bunting, Mitch Marner, Jake Muzzin
Nick Paul - Lightning (Senators) Notable Attendees: Chris Driedger, Drake Batherson, Thomas Chabot, Anthony Cirelli, Alex Killorn
Keith Kinkaid - (Devils, Canadiens, Rangers, Bruins, Avs)
July 24th, 2023 Weddings:
Anthony Mantha - Capitals Notable Guests: Nicholas Aube-Kubel, Julien Gauthier, Nick Jensen, Jonathan Benier
July 27th, 2023 Weddings:
Pavel Zacha - Bruins (Devils) Notable Attendees: Nico Hischier, Jesper Bratt
July 28th, 2023 Weddings:
Karson Kuhlman - Islanders (Kraken, Jets) Notable Guests: Kasimir Kaskiskuo
July 29th, 2023 Weddings:
Connor Murphy - Blackhawks (Coyotes) Notable Attendees: Sean Kuraly, Anthony Duclair, Dylan Strome, Jonathan Toews, Alex Debrincat, Taylor Raddysh, Mackenzie Entwistle, Brandon Hagel
Mitch Marner - Leafs Notable Attendees: Best Boy Zeus 🐶, Matt Martin, James Van Riemsdyk, Jake Gardiner, Tyler Bozak, Connor Brown, Justin Holl, Nazem Kadri, Willy Nylander, Zach Bogosian, Kyle Clifford, Jake Muzzin, Auston Matthews, Alex Kerfoot, Michael Bunting, Freddie Anderson, Rasmus Sandin, Morgan Reilly, Tyson Barrie, Connor Carrick, Joe Thorton, Patrick Marleau, Zach Hyman, Jack Campbell, TJ Brodie, Tyler Ennis, John Tavares, Timothy Liljegren
Ethan Bear - Canucks (Oilers, Hurricanes) Notable Attendees: Mat Barzal, Caleb Jones, Jujhar Khaira, Riley Stillman, Thatcher Demko, Austin Strand
Boone Jenner - Blue Jackets Notable Attendees: Zach Werenski, Seth Jones, Nick Blankenburg, Cole Sillinger, David Savard, Andrew Peeke, Scott Laughton, Elvis Merzlikins, Erik Gubranson
July 30th, 2023 Weddings:
Ryan Donato - Blackhawks (Kraken, Bruins) Notable Attendees: Jared McCann, Yanni Gourde, Matty Beniers, Adam Fox
August 3rd, 2023 Weddings:
Kevin Lankinen - Predators Notable Guests: Eeli Tolvanen
August 4th, 2023 Weddings:
Taylor Raddysh - Blackhawks (Lightning) Notable Guests: Dylan Strome, Connor Murphy, Anthony Cirelli
Kevin Hayes (2.0) - still Blues (Flyers, Rangers, Jets) Notable Guests: Keith Yandle, Scott Laughton, Shayne Gostibhere, Travis Sanheim, James van Riemsdyk, Brady Tkachuk, Matthew Tkachuk, Johnny Gaudreau, JT Miller, Zach Sanford, Tony DeAngelo, Brian Dumoulin, Brady Skjei, Paul Carey
August 5th, 2023 Weddings:
Conor Garland - Canucks (Coyotes) Notable Guests: Ryan Donato, Jakob Chychrun, Clayton Keller
Brendan Dillon - Jets (Capitals) Notable Guests: Tom Wilson, TJ Oshie, Jordie Benn, Jamie Benn, Trevor van Riemsdyke, Nic Dowd, Nick Jensen
Charlie McAvoy - Bruins Notable Guests: Hampus Lindholm, AJ Greer, Connor Clifton, Noel Acciari, Taylor Hall, Conor Sheary, Brad Marchand, Jake Debrusk, Matt Gryzeleyk, Derek Forbort, Brandon Carlo, David Krejci, Tuukka Rask, Jeremy Swayman, Charlie Coyle, Krug Torey, Matthew Tkachuk, Casey Fitzgerald, Colin White, Patrice Bergeron
Austin Watson - Senators Notable Guests: Cam Talbot, Anton Forsberg, Jarred Tinordi, Nick Paul, DJ Smith, Dylan Gambrell, Nick Holden, Thomas Chabot
Gage Quinney - Knights Notable Guests: Zach Whitecloud, Nicolas Roy, Jake Bischoff
Micke Rosell - player agent Notable Guests: William Nylander, Alex Nylander, Sam Ersson, Marcus Bjork
Joonas Johansson - Avs
August 6th, 2023 Weddings:
Dylan Larkin - Red Wings Notable Guests: Sam Gagner, Tyler Bertuzzi, Trevor Zegras, Kyle Connor, Troy Stecher, Marc Staal, Jeff Petry, Darren Helm, Zach Werenski, Mitchell Stephens, Riley Sheahan, Cole Caufield, Jack Hughes
August 11th, 2023 Weddings:
Shea Theodore - Knights Notable Guests: Ryan Reaves, Marc-Andre Fleury, Nick Holden, Mark Stone, Chandler Stephenson, Alex Tuch, Dylan Strome, Erik Haula, Jaycob Megna, Will Carrier, Jack Eichel, Alex Pietrangelo
Ryan Hartman - Wild Notable Guests: Matt Dumba, Marcus Foligno, Jared Spurgeon, Cam Talbot, Kirill Kaprizov, Jordan Greenway, Jon Merrill, Alex Goligoski, Jake Middleton, Mason Shaw, Calen Addison, Nick Schmalt, Matthew Boldy, Brandon Duhaime, Connor Dewar, Luke Kunin
August 12th, 2023 Weddings:
Chris Kreider - Rangers Notable Guests: Mika Zibanejad
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lienspien · 4 months
Okay, hear me out.
I want to write a fanfic where Remus is the one who goes horcrux hunting and dies drowning. First of all, romantic moonwater where Regulus talks about Kreacher to Remus, and in an attempt to stop Regulus from doing it, he goes before Regulus. He thinks he's stronger and more competent since he's older and a werewolf. Obviously he dies and Regulus is fucking devastated.
Unrequited wolfstar, too. He hears about this from Regulus, and he's so mad at Regulus for letting it happen. His moony. Dead. Because his incompetent little brother, whom he trusted to date his moony, let the guy go on a suicide mission, so they had an even bigger fallout. In the midst of his grief, he found comfort in Marlene, who helped him stand up back to his feet. James and Peter helped, too, of course, but the way Marlene held him was so different. After graduating, he went on to marry Marlene and fight in the order.
On the other hand, James was just as upset at the death of his friend. But he couldn't do anything about it. He did a lot of thinking and observing. He watched Sirius cry and scream at the mans death, and he watched Regulus walk the halls like a zombie. He made it his mission to kill voldemort with his own bare hands.
Peter was worried and torn between joining the death eaters and the order. He lost his best friend's in some way or another. To death, to revenge, and to grief. He decided that he's going to follow James, like he always had. Just not on the same level, as he was kept grounded by his other slytherin friends. Who knew what's going on and persuaded him into being the rational one in his friend group for once.
Marlene tried to get the marauders back to their feet. She slapped James out of his muttering about vengeance, told Peter to man up and help his friends, and helped Sirius out of his mourning. She would push them all into the correct path, even if one of them would eventually stray away. Yet her mother went on and on about her involvement in the war, telling her to just settle and let the men do it. She will marry Sirius, discarding her past with Dorcas for a play pretend household.
Lily and Mary would also help the marauders collect themselves after their own moment of mourning. They would help gather information and resources for the order and make sure that everyone else knows what's going on and doesn't push the wrong buttons. They would date secretly, because being in love and happy would be selfish of them when their friends were at their lowest.
Meanwhile, the slytherin skittles aside from Regulus would move on from Remus' death quickly. They knew Remus, but Regulus was the one who's alive, so they're more thankful for his death than anything.
Regulus would slowly go insane. Everything reminds him of Remus. He lost the person who understands him, who he loves the touch of, someone who was connected to him by soul and mind. Now he's empty. Just a shell of what he used to be. All of him gone, following where Remus was. He would go on a rampage, getting incredibly violent and unstable. He would then start killing people. Whoever he decides deserves it, he would kill them. He will marry Pandora to continue the Black lineage, but she would only be helping him hide all the bodies he killed. He would be against voldemort for pushing Remus to death, and would hate the order because Sirius would be in it and it would be a constant reminder of Remus. He would rarely attend the meetings and never go on the missions voldemort tells him to go. He would only start going more often when Barty and Evan join and swears to himself he's going to protect the both of them at all costs.
Evan will become a death eater as well. He at first would gaslight Peter into joining them, but when he hears about Remus' death and watched the way it affected Regulus, James and Sirius. He makes Peter think through his actions, and forces him into helping James. He will marry a pureblood woman from obligation (Genevieve my beloved), and do the bare minimum in playing his part ad a follower.
Barty would become a death eater too. He would be absolutely obsessed with the dark lord, which only makes Regulus mad and Evan annoyed. But if it means he could ruin his father and everyone around the man, he would do it. He was incredibly excited when he received the dark mark and kept on talking about all the things he would do in the name of the dark lord. But at one point, he would watch his mother cry when she saw the dark mark and soon regretted his decision.
Dorcas will join the order. As a half blood, she valued her life over anything else. She has a little sister to protect, and a friend group to look after. But she would dread every order meeting. Because Marlene is right there, as beautiful as ever, but she was not the one who held her hand. She would be active in the order, helping Lily manage everything while still keeping touch with her friends. Despite their differences, she still respected them and cared for them. Regulus and Evan were suffering in their forced position, and Barty had regret his decisions after all, why would she hate her best friends? She would help comfort Pandora, who often times struggled. All while ignoring her own health.
Pandora would be passive. She wouldn't join the death eaters, but would be a follower by association. She was deeply concerned by Regulus' violent tendencies, though Regulus would rather kill himself than hurt Pandora. She was worried by the tired expression Evan constantly had and felt pity for Barty whenever he would stare at his mark and talk about his mother. She will make sure that all her friends were safe. She will take care of Regulus, check in on Barty, and have talks with Evans wife. Pandora would fall into deeper pressure, to bear an heir, to spread the Black family influence while her dear best friend repeats a generational cycle.
The fic will tell all about their relationships and time during the war. The struggles, the fighting, the betrayal, the deaths. All in different perspectives. Its a simple retelling, and a show of curses.
@multishipperofgaydeadwizards @koezii READ MY YAPPING 🏋‍♂️🏋‍♂️🏋‍♂️🏋‍♂️🏋‍♂️🏋‍♂️🏋‍♂️🏋‍♂️🏋‍♂️🏋‍♂️
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shelbeetaylor · 4 months
Character Introductions (Part 2)
-> story masterpost
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moodboard by @singingslayingsoprano
Genevieve Santira
Most of her life, people have only called her Genevieve, but Evie’s calling her Gena has begun to stick.
Genevieve uses she/her pronouns.
Genevieve is 20 years old at the beginning of the story, and her birthday is on May 16 which would make her a Taurus.
Genevieve is known as the Crown Princess’s maidservant to those outside the palace, but those inside know her as one of Cassandra’s best friends.
Likes: working with her hands like sewing and embroidery, helping her father in the smithy, and taking care of her friends
Dislikes: playing mother to the chaotic individuals she happens to be friends with, her inability to read or write, and Cassandra only when the princess doesn’t listen to her
Genevieve often frequents the taverns of Vale Serine not to drink but to listen to the songs played by the traveling bards. Since she cannot read or write, the lyrics of the nomadic musicians provide her with stories she wouldn’t be able to know of otherwise.
If Genevieve lived in our world, her playlists would probably be filled with songs by artists like Rihanna, Selena Gomez, and SZA.
Genevieve, though quite confident in her ability to perform her job adequately, she struggles a lot with her life at home. Her parents were forced into marriage and out of their village after having her brother--who she hates talking about-- out of wedlock. Genevieve was very young when her brother disappeared, and her home life took a turn for the worse. Now she relies on her time away at work and the adventures Cassandra drags her on to grant her reprieve.
Face Claim: Angel Coulby as Guinevere in BBC Merlin
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moodboard by @singingslayingsoprano
Wesley Moonbourne
A lot of people often refer to him as Wesley, but Evie has deemed it more appropriate to call him Wes.
Wesley uses he/him pronouns.
Wesley is 20 years old at the beginning of the story, and his birthday is on October 14 which would make him a Libra.
Currently, Wesley holds no official title, but by training in Vale Serine under the instruction of Theo he hopes to earn himself a spot as one of the knights of Nevernia.
Likes: dogs, hunting, and playing chess
Dislikes: feeling like he doesn’t belong, Evie feeling bad, and being without his dog Ranger
Wesley grew up in the outskirts of Bellbury, a city surrounded by farmland, so one of his odd interests is agriculture. Most of his days in Bellbury were spent voluntarily helping around the nearby farms, much to his family’s chagrin. If Wesley wasn’t able to become a knight, his dream would be to move out into the countryside and live on a farm with his animals, his dog Ranger, and the love of his life.
If Wesley lived in our world, he would listen to a variety older music like songs by Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley, and The Beatles.
Wesley, having just moved to Vale Serine, is really struggling with trying to fit in. He wants to be accepted by the knights and especially by his idol, his cousin Theo, and he’s trying his best to become friends with them whether it’s by acting cool or sneaking along on their adventures. Hopefully his newfound friendship with Princess Evie will lead him in the right direction.
Face Claim: Noah Beck
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moodboard by @singingslayingsoprano
Terran Willows
People usually just call him Terran, but the knights are also partial to Terr-man or giving him briefly-used, more colorful monikers… Sir Enoch’s favorite at the moment is Bog Man.
Terran uses he/him pronouns.
Terran is 20 years old at the beginning of the story, and his birthday is on June 20 which would make him a Gemini.
Terran is currently studying as an apprentice to Galen, the Court Physician, and he has been working under Galen for about five years.
Likes: his mother’s yearly visits, reading, and practicing magic in his room
Dislikes: Galen’s intense exams, getting scared, and Galen’s overprotective rules about magic and going out
In the spirit of helping people, Terran dedicates as much of his time and energy into improving the lives of others. While he is working towards becoming a physician full-time, Terran volunteers around Vale Serine helping those who need it. Sometimes the knights will even tag along to help and protect him, especially if he’s making a trip into places like Serine’s Hope to hand out food, provide free medical care, or distribute clothes.
If Terran lived in our world, he would definitely be a big fan of Maude Latour, but he would listen to mostly folk music like Hozier, Lord Huron, and Noah Kahan.
While Terran is quite proud of who he is as a person, there is still a lot of turmoil inside his head about it. He grew up in the outlying villages of Nevernia where it isn’t uncommon to see friends string up friends for being queer or possessing magic. Terran managed to escape that environment with his secrets intact, but the inner demons spawned in that hell have followed him to the big city, though he’s lucky to have Galen there reminding Terran every so often that he is not a monster for the way he was born.
Face Claim: Colin Morgan as Merlin in BBC Merlin
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thekindwolf99 · 8 months
So I’m kind of in a Bridgerton / BOSAS mood at the moment and I keep flipping between the two and my mind came up with this kind of what if scenario if there was a cross over between the two.
I mean it’s Polin based fic idea - Penelope (16) volunteers for the Games after either Eloise or Felicity is chosen (but it’s really Cressida (Mayor’s daughter) fault because she hates her and wants Colin for herself) and Penelope knows that the Bridgertons would suffer if they lost Eloise or Portia does not really care about Pen so it’s better that she goes instead of Felicity.
However nightmare moment, Gregory (12) is picked (let’s say it was accident that his name was even in there - for plot reasons once a tribute is chosen from a family and that tribute wins, the rest of that family then has immunity from the Games unless they specifically want to volunteer) - Anthony has already been in the games and won so the Bridgertons were supposed to be safe.
Back to the Plot, Anthony has already been in the games, Benedict is above the age range, so can’t volunteer so that leaves Colin at 18 who can and decides to save his little brother.
Now it’s Colin and Penelope who are the tributes for their district (which breaks Pen’s heart because she loves him and knows she has to do everything she can to get him home to his family).
Plot points that I’m struggling with is
- what district would Colin & Pen be from?
- what would their talents be?
Colin is strong and probably got some training from Anthony after he came back from his games.
Penelope is more of a struggle - should I go down the Lucy Gray vibe of being secretly charming because of Lady Whistledown or go down the Katniss route of having to hunt to survive because Lord Featherington is a gambler & Portia is not exactly a hands on type of person, I.e leaves it all to Penelope?
I was kind of thinking that if doing a mash up of the interviews - like Pen & Colin’s reputation is of being protectors, they protect their younger siblings - they both get the whole you know family must be proud type thing, and the I just want to return home to them. But I’m wondering if one of them should get the Question Flickerman asked Peeta of is there anyone waiting for you?
I would love to give this to either Penelope or Colin - like he/she came here with me? and you just have the other person’s reaction to that.
In terms of mentors, I would be debating about Anthony and Kate being the pairs mentors (they won separate games) with Genevieve Delacroix or Benedict being Pen’s stylist and Lady Danbury over seeing it all like Haymitch (but without the alcoholism).
I don’t think I’ll make Charlotte president because I can’t see her in the same light as Snow, maybe she was forced to be a game maker?
I also wondered if I should base this in like the 50th anniversary of the games, but it’s still 24 tributes and the capital has agreed that if two tributes from the same district remain at the end then they’ll both get to go home?
Anyway I would love to get feedback and ideas for this if anyone interested? Please reblog with your ideas or share it in the chat. 🥰
Any help is most appreciated.
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sparklefiists · 2 years
Click the source link for 143 gifs (245x145) of Genevieve O’Reilly as Mon Mothma in Andor (season 1, episodes 4 to 6) (2022).  All gifs were made from scratch by me so please don’t claim as yours, include in other gif packs/hunts or make edits with them (if you want to turn them into gif icons, ask me first and give credit.) Reblog & like if you find them helpful.
Triggers: flashing lights.
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sansacherie · 6 months
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Francesca Bridgerton/Hannah Dodd as Sansa Stark, aged 19.
Hyacinth Bridgerton/Florence Hunt as Arya Stark
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Marina Thompson/Ruby Barker as Jeyne Westerling
Violet Thompson/Ruth Gemmell as Lyarra Stark
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Cressida Cowper/Jessica Madsen as Cersei Lannister, aged 21.
Kate Sharma/Simone Ashley as Arianne Martell
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Genevieve Delacroix/Kathryn Drysdale as Ellaria Sand
Eloise Bridgerton/Claudia Jessie as Ellyn Baratheon, aged 18
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Abigail Evans/Olivia Barrowclough as Elinda Massey
Kitty Langham/Celine Buckens as Jeyne Arryn
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Portia Featherington/Polly Walker as Elenda Baratheon
Penelope Featherington/Nicola Coughlan as Helaena Targaryen
casting bridgerton characters as asoiaf characters
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