#give me the strength to draw any of these characters consistently
jayzelnut · 2 months
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Do you have any tips for ADHD writers, especially for motivation and getting WIPs done?
Outlines don't work for me like 99% of the time, so outside of some worldbuilding/character notes and such, I just pants my way through my stories for the most part.
Tips for Writers with ADHD: How to Stay Motivated and Outline Stories
I actually am a writer with ADHD myself, so I completely understand. I tried my best to give you good insight on how you can write a story with ADHD (also tried to make it sound as professional as possible.)
Writing can be a challenging task for anyone, but for those of us with ADHD, it can feel like an insurmountable mountain to climb. Staying focused, motivated, and organized can be a constant struggle. However, being a writer with ADHD also comes with its own unique set of strengths. In this blog post, I'll help you explore some practical tips and strategies to help ADHD writers stay motivated, outline their stories, and unleash their creative potential.
Living with ADHD means that our minds are constantly buzzing with ideas, making it challenging to stay on track and follow through on our writing goals. However, with the right tools and mindset, we can harness our creative energy and turn it into a powerful force for storytelling. So, let's dive in and discover how we can thrive as ADHD writers.
Disclaimer: Remember that everyone's experience with ADHD is unique, and not all strategies may work for everyone. It's essential to find what works best for you and adapt these tips to fit your individual needs.
Embracing Your ADHD Superpowers
Living with ADHD is often seen as a disadvantage, but it's crucial to reframe our perspective and recognize the unique strengths that come with it. As ADHD writers, we possess a natural ability to think outside the box, make connections others might miss, and generate innovative ideas. Embracing these superpowers can fuel our creativity and make our writing stand out.
One of the most significant strengths of ADHD writers is our hyperfocus. While it may be challenging to concentrate on mundane tasks, when something truly captivates our interest, we can enter a state of hyperfocus where time seems to vanish. Use this to your advantage by creating a writing environment that sparks your curiosity and allows you to immerse yourself in your story.
Another superpower we possess is our ability to think quickly and make connections. Our minds are constantly jumping from one idea to another, which can be overwhelming at times. However, this unique thought process can be a goldmine for storytelling. Use it to your advantage by allowing your thoughts to flow freely during the outlining process. Don't be afraid to explore different angles and possibilities.
Lastly, ADHD writers often have a heightened sense of empathy and emotional intelligence. We are incredibly perceptive when it comes to understanding complex emotions and human behavior. This can be a powerful tool when crafting realistic and relatable characters. Draw on your own experiences and observations to breathe life into your fictional creations.
Cultivating Motivation and Consistency
ADHD writers often struggle with maintaining motivation and consistency in their writing practice. We may start projects with great enthusiasm, only to lose interest or become overwhelmed as time goes on. However, there are several techniques we can employ to cultivate motivation and stay on track.
Set small, achievable goals to create a sense of accomplishment. Break down your writing tasks into manageable chunks, whether it's writing a certain number of words each day or completing a specific scene. Celebrate each milestone, no matter how small, and use it as fuel to keep going.
Create a structured writing routine to establish a sense of consistency. Our ADHD brains thrive on routine and predictability. Designate a specific time and place for writing, and make it a non-negotiable part of your daily life. Over time, your brain will associate this routine with creativity and focus, making it easier to get into the writing mindset.
Find an accountability partner or join a writing group. Sharing your progress with others can provide an extra layer of motivation and support. Whether it's a writing buddy who checks in with you regularly or a critique group that offers feedback, the sense of community can keep you motivated and inspired.
Outlining Strategies for ADHD Writers
ADHD writers often struggle with organizing their thoughts and creating a coherent structure for their stories. However, outlining can be a powerful tool to bring order to the creative chaos and provide a roadmap for your writing journey.
Start with a brainstorming session. Let your ideas flow freely without judgment. Write down every thought, character, and plot point that comes to mind. Don't worry about organizing them just yet - the goal is to capture the essence of your story.
Once you have a wealth of ideas, it's time to categorize and organize them. Create a visual representation of your story using tools like mind maps or index cards. This allows you to see the connections between different elements and identify any gaps or inconsistencies.
Use a flexible outlining approach that suits your ADHD brain. Traditional linear outlines may not work for everyone. Consider using non-linear methods like the "snowflake method" or the "puzzle piece method." These approaches allow you to work on different sections of your story simultaneously, keeping your mind engaged and preventing boredom.
Being a writer with ADHD certainly presents its challenges, but it also brings a unique set of strengths and talents. By embracing our superpowers, cultivating motivation and consistency, and employing effective outlining strategies, we can overcome the obstacles and unleash our full creative potential. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all approach, so experiment with different techniques and find what works best for you. With perseverance and a little bit of creativity, you can become a successful writer, ADHD and all.
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wordybee · 1 year
Leverage does a phenomenal job with consistent character development across all episodes barring a few exceptions (*cough*French Connection Job*cough*) but they really deserve bonus kudos for Parker. Parker is a stand-out example of good character development without sacrificing the elements of a character that make them great.
Parker starts out as a quirky super thief with an occasional cutthroat lone wolf attitude that seems, frankly, strange in hindsight. Moments in the pilot like drawing a gun and saying “That makes me cry inside my special, angry place” is not Parker language we recognize from her at any other point during the series run. The closest we get is her jaunty “Bye, now!” when she’s a few moments away from throwing Tara Cole off the roof of a building, but that’s still not quite as affected as the “special, angry place” line, which really sounds more like she’s mimicking something she’s seen elsewhere.
And what might have been a scene in which writers new to these characters were trying to find their footing but slipping a bit becomes a moment of genius when you realize that a core aspect of Parker is that she is mimicking the people around her, all the time. She doesn’t have a good enough hold on social norms to respond confidently to situations without using others as a blueprint. We see it constantly throughout the show, where she questions whether something is supposed to be funny, or “hot”, or creepy, and it becomes retroactively clear that her “special, angry place” line is terminology she likely got from someone in her past.
Leverage effortlessly portrayed Parker’s growth as stemming from her exposure to the other members of the team. Sophie is probably her most formal teacher of socialization, since Parker asks her directly about what to do in certain situations. She learns human connection more naturally from Hardison, who also helps by reassuring her that she is not broken, not crazy, and there is nothing fundamentally wrong with her. Parker recognizes an innate goodness in Hardison and tries to mimic it while Sophie gives more specific direction. From Eliot, Parker learns that the things that make her different aren’t necessarily bad and can in fact benefit the rest of the team. And the way Nate affects Parker might be the most interesting, since it’s clear from the start that Parker observes Nate’s methodology and approach to jobs — they collaborate on plans, he tests her, and his influence takes her from the loner she was before meeting the team to the leader of the team when Nate and Sophie retire.
The team members other than Parker are fairly set throughout the original series run. There are moments of growth and learning (Sophie and her sense of identity, Nate and everything going on in his head, Hardison and his strengths/weaknesses and generally growing up, Eliot and wrestling with his past) but they are primarily the same core people from beginning to end. 
No one experiences as dramatic a shift as Parker, who goes from being so removed from humanity that she doesn’t understand why anyone would be upset by death/dying, to wanting to understand that concept and throw herself into it, to embracing empathy and understanding around grief especially and kind of becoming a secondary emotional core (Hardison is, of course, the primary emotional core of the group). That's amazing growth, portrayed subtly but consistently over the course of the original series while the writers "show their work" the entire way.
And the best thing is, she never loses her quirkiness. She never becomes less weird or less Parker, she just evolves into a greater version of Parker. That’s the key to excellent character development: leaving room for growth and evolution but sustaining the character in the same way actual people might change and grow but remain, ultimately, themselves. Leverage manages that beautifully and it’s a remarkable, remarkable thing.
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bethanydelleman · 3 months
Manners (following from this post) in Jane Austen's novels. Definition:
"external behavior (especially polite behavior) in social intercourse," late 14c., plural of manner in a specific sense of "proper behavior, commendable habits of conduct" (c. 1300)... Earlier it meant "moral character"
Manners, and the lack of them, matter a lot in Jane Austen's low stakes world where a man's biggest flaw can be rudeness. Here are some quotes from Pride & Prejudice, rapid fire:
The gentlemen pronounced him to be a fine figure of a man, the ladies declared he was much handsomer than Mr. Bingley, and he was looked at with great admiration for about half the evening, till his manners gave a disgust which turned the tide of his popularity; for he was discovered to be proud, to be above his company, and above being pleased; and not all his large estate in Derbyshire could save him from having a most forbidding, disagreeable countenance, and being unworthy to be compared with his friend.
“He is just what a young-man ought to be,” said she, “sensible, good-humoured, lively; and I never saw such happy manners! so much ease, with such perfect good breeding!”
"And so, you like this man’s sisters, too, do you? Their manners are not equal to his."
He was at the same time haughty, reserved, and fastidious; and his manners, though well bred, were not inviting. In that respect his friend had greatly the advantage. Bingley was sure of being liked wherever he appeared; Darcy was continually giving offence.
The visit was returned in due form. Miss Bennet’s pleasing manners grew on the good-will of Mrs. Hurst and Miss Bingley; and though the mother was found to be intolerable, and the younger sisters not worth speaking to, a wish of being better acquainted with them was expressed towards the two eldest.
since Jane united with great strength of feeling, a composure of temper and an uniform cheerfulness of manner
and in spite of his asserting that her manners were not those of the fashionable world, he was caught by their easy playfulness
What can we draw from this? Like taste, manners seem to encompass both education and natural inclination/personality. Darcy and Bingley are both educated, but one has "happy" manners while the other's are "not inviting". Elizabeth's manners are not "fashionable", but may still be admired. Manners can be pleasing and draw one in, as we also see in Emma:
Emma was as much pleased with her manners as her person [Harriet], and quite determined to continue the acquaintance.
We also have Emma's very vague description of what makes manners "good":
In one respect, perhaps, Mr. Elton’s manners are superior to Mr. Knightley’s or Mr. Weston’s. They have more gentleness. They might be more safely held up as a pattern. There is an openness, a quickness, almost a bluntness in Mr. Weston, which every body likes in him, because there is so much good-humour with it—but that would not do to be copied. Neither would Mr. Knightley’s downright, decided, commanding sort of manner, though it suits him very well; his figure, and look, and situation in life seem to allow it; but if any young man were to set about copying him, he would not be sufferable. On the contrary, I think a young man might be very safely recommended to take Mr. Elton as a model. Mr. Elton is good-humoured, cheerful, obliging, and gentle. He seems to me to be grown particularly gentle of late.
Honestly, Emma seems to almost be using "manners" to justify who she likes, without any real consistency.
However, there do seem to be associated good qualities that make good manners as well, as we see with Lady Russell in Persuasion:
She was a benevolent, charitable, good woman, and capable of strong attachments, most correct in her conduct, strict in her notions of decorum, and with manners that were held a standard of good-breeding.
Another interesting quote:
Mrs Clay had freckles, and a projecting tooth, and a clumsy wrist, which he was continually making severe remarks upon, in her absence; but she was young, and certainly altogether well-looking, and possessed, in an acute mind and assiduous pleasing manners, infinitely more dangerous attractions than any merely personal might have been.
Anyway, I don't have an answer, but it was very fun to run around Jane Austen's novels looking at her references to both taste and manners. I think it's clear that education played a big part in both, that there are proper and improper manners & tastes. Manner and taste seem to both be influenced by fashion. There is a difference between natural and polished. They can be wrong or offensive.
I feel like someone could write an entire thesis about these two words!
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izzyspussy · 7 months
Hey. So. I just had a thought. Totally out of the blue. What about OFMD characters as Tarot cards, huh? Whadaya think? Totally unprompted thought.
Wow, what a strange and interesting thought to have without any kind of cue at all... 🤔
Okay disclaimer. This isn't going to have everyone or tbh even most of 'em, because this post is fully brought to you by how no character has more perfectly exemplified The Hermit to me before and not much else.
Stede + The Fool
I think Stede and Ed both fit this very well (among other characters). I had a plan a while back to draw a card where Stede was The Fool upright and Ed was The Fool Reversed except instead of The Fool and The Fool Reversed it was Fuck Around and Find Out, but then I couldn't find reference pics I liked and I actually can't draw. So. But anyway. I don't feel like I need to defend this pick? Stede is at the beginning of the journey of his life and he's got a youthful energy because of that, but he's ill prepared and needs guidance!
Ed + The Devil
Fave card alert. Ed has a pretty clear "dark side" that he believes he can keep separate from his "good side" - which of course is not possible, they coexist. This dark side consists of his temper, his traumatic past, his self loathing, etc, all things brought up in The Devil. He also tries to satisfy these darker things with instant gratification type shit - drugs, sex(? metaphorical? who can say what he's been doing to Izzy or not askfjsk, but at least it was literal with Jack anyway), physical destruction, sadism, etc. He also has himself convinced he has no control or choice over his actions, that he's just evil or whatever, which this card addresses. The Devil can also represent a powerful and passionate relationship - or a codependent one, like Ed and Izzy's. And of course he also does literally just call himself the Devil straight-up. Who am I to argue.
Zheng + The Empress
I mean she has an Empire, so. A bit on the nose, but you can't beat 1:1 accuracy lmao. She also has her balancing act between tenderness and authoritarianism. She's nurturing (so far, but considering her ship is called the Red Flag I doubt that's gonna last or will be proven disingenuous soon, but anyway...) but it can't be questioned that she is the Ruler of Rulers.
Oluwande + Strength
Patience! Gentleness not from the lack of violence but despite the abundance of it! Commitment! Steadfastness! Emotional endurance! Yeah!
Ben + The Hermit
My longest yeah boi ever. A man at a remote location in nature that may or may not materially exist, there to guide a lone, lost visitor to understanding of himself in absolute spiritual solitude. I mean, there have been purgatories just like this one in fiction before, but none of them quite struck The Hermit so hard on the nail for me as Ben did.
Izzy + The Hanged Man
*ominous - and disconcertingly horny - chanting* Whipping Boy! Whipping Boy! Whipping Boy! Not just that, though, of course. As a character Izzy also represents the need to put things on pause and think them the fuck through before you do some stupidass shit. He wanted a plan, and when he didn't get one he put a screeching fucking halt to god damn everything. And then he didn't fully think through his own actions either and got fucking murdered about it lol. He also, narratively, represents a differing perspective (at least in season one) from the accepted standard, that without considering - as many """fans""" have proven lmfao - you cannot fully understand the story. Izzy is also the number one guy who would need to take The Hanged Man's advice. Give up, bud!!! It's over!!! Stop torturing yourself!!! (Don't actually though, babygirl you look so good 🫦)
Black Pete + Knight of Cups
He's so romantic... *dreamy sigh* When he's at his best, he's compassionate, understanding, emotionally available and expressive, and has such an innocent natural charm. At his less best, he's constantly talking talk he actually can't or won't back up with action. "I'm a perfect shot," he says, and then balks at being asked to shoot something mere hours later. He has an idealized, unrealistic view of himself.
Jim + Page of Wands
Like The Fool, the Page of Wands is at the beginning of their journey, but they are still deliberating about where exactly it is they want to go. Jim in particular has two clear paths they can take in becoming the person they'll be. They can take the path of revenge and ruthlessness laid out for them by Nana and Blackbeard, or they can take the path of redemption and compassion they're being invited to by Oluwande and Stede. And the only way to figure out which way to go is to look internally and discover what they truly want, and choose the path that will give them that.
Frenchie + Page of Swords
Frenchie is full of ideas and enthusiasm! But he's also very adaptable, and though he's got that youthful energy he is not necessarily lacking in awareness or experience. He's a Jack of all trades like The Magician, but without the social separation or ambition. Reversed, Page of Swords can represent repression and lack of communication, which Frenchie "Invented Compartmentalization" is clearly familiar with. It can also be about promises you can't - or have no intention to - keep, like Frenchie's murderboat First Mate duties.
We don't really need to address how BlackBonnet are The Lovers, I think. And I've already seen more than one fanart of BlackHands as Three of Swords, so I'll just mark that correct shall I? ✔️ Keep 'em coming baby.
Thank you so much for indulging me, Andie!! IDK if you're even in this fandom at all or not alsfjks, but I hope you like these answers anyway.
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hulloitsdani · 10 months
Gather round children it’s time for a Ted Talk about FEH and how I go about drawing these characters.
When making art for this game, I have found immense satisfaction in attempting to meet FEH on its level and remain fairly loyal to the Intelligence System’s approved content we have. This is remarkably challenging. For me, at least. I find this game’s design sensibilities run very counter to my own. That’s not a critique of any in game art of the characters (although I do think they improve greatly over time) as they fulfill their purpose really well. They are meant to be drawn 4 times max which means they can go pretty crazy on the details. But hahahaha I’m not doing that. Clearly. I’m drawing these guys by hand at different angles and posses fairly consistently, which is just not what they were built for. Don’t think when someone designed Kiran they thought of the person who’d be drawing them chilling ontop of a fridge with a bottle of mustard in their hand, you know?
So naturally I got to do some translating! And that’s the really fun part >:]
There are many things I had to find creative answers for, like Kiran’s face and Alfonse’s stupid haircut. But the one rotating rapidly in my brain atm is the Askr quartet in combat. I wanted lean hard into the fact that these four are, well, very human in comparison to every other combatant that enters Askr. They aren’t exactly helpless nor unskilled. If any of the trio raised their blade at Kiran, they’d start digging their own grave themselves. But the group are regular soldiers fighting against straight up warriors of legend. As individuals, Anna, Sharena, Alfonse, and Kiran are not that strong in comparison. No merges for these bitches they gotta work with what they got. However, they all know that. So they make up for their weaknesses through terrifyingly effective teamwork. Through the power of trauma bonding- I MEAN FRIENDSHIP they become a fucking terrifying force of nature. It’s like pissing off an ant hill or a wasps nest. A lancer goes for Alfonse and suddenly theres a swarm of five level 1 heroes making such a distraction that they don’t see Anna’s axe sweep through their Achilles heels or Sharena’s follow up shield bash.
So this means I get to convey their team composition through their body shapes and give them clear strengths and weakness for the others to cover. Which is just so god damn FUN. Like we all know Kiran is the squishiest of the squishy, so it’s really fun to show just HOW squishy they are through the immediate comparison Alfonse and Sharena. I gave those two sturdier square shapes, and thus making them shorter yet stocky. This makes it look like they could fucking launch Kiran’s bony ass to the moon and back. However, that’s on the condition that either of them could catch Kiran, as their tall slim build implies the lightweight speed they move with. Which is so!!!! Fun!!!! Aughhh big love. Kiran could literal use Sharena as cover to snipe enemies from. Meanwhile Anna and Alfonse are a bit ahead using reposition to let Anna provide swift dps without getting too beat up herself. And by reposition, I mean Alfonse using his shield as a jump pad to launch Anna at the enemy with. You know. Just bro things. Anna’s triangle shapes make her both just hearty and lean enough to pull it off, might as well go for it. Just make sure she’s properly supported and safe by the time the enemy phase rolls around you know?
And I swear, the combos just write themselves too. Like between Sharena and Alfonse, a poor soul gets caught in the worst version of ping pong as Alfonse captain America’s his shield between the two of them. Kiran could then use that same shield like Link does and surf out of enemy range, shooting at the enemy the whole way. It’s fun! These guys have the potential to really sync up during combat and be emblematic of their bonds with one another.
Example, Alfonse. Alfonse could TECHNICALLY be a stronger solo fighter if he ditched the shield. He has the constitution and skill to not actually need the extra protection, and if he decided to two hand his weapon (haha there’s a joke there) the damage he could do would be devastating. However, the shield isn’t for his protection, but to be better help to his closest friends. The shield isn’t taking as many hits for him as it is for Kiran and Anna, who can’t afford to carry shields without compromising their own effectiveness. Plus through creative (and probably not intentional) uses it helps better position them on the battlefield. It’s for THEM. The only time he’s going to stop using the shield is when they aren’t there fighting along side him.
Enter Líf.
He hasn’t had a shield for a long time now.
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konigbabe · 8 months
Do you have any tips on writing fighting scenes?
Oh boy, I might. Will share all info that I've gathered from research while writing 'steal the thunder'.
Writing a fight scene can be tricky. It shouldn't be too rushed but be careful to not make it too long with repetitive action. If you go by word count, I'd say somewhere between 1.5k to 6k is a good 1v1 fight scene.
Now to the actual tips (hid it under "Keep reading" because it's longer):
Read up other people's fight scenes from their works. I tried that, unfortunately for me, I didn't like any of what I read but it might be helpful to you. I'd suggest to look up fight scenes within the fandom you want to write for. Ask around on Reddit or Tumblr if someone has any suggestions. But I don't consider this a neccesary step.
References - find youtube videos, drawings, watch fight scenes from action films to see how the movement goes.
I watched self-defence and offense/defense techniques on Youtube. Looked up specific types of defense like "attack from behind defence". There are lots of self-defense tutorials on YouTube that can help. Also Pinterest has good fight scene references. Don't be afraid to use the fight scenes from the original source and twist them. Add your own, mix it and blend it in.
Incorporate real martial arts influences. Pick a fight style(s) that would fit your character. You have Wing Chun, Tai chi, Kung Fu...
For example when I was writing the fight scene in STT, I used this X/Twitter thread from @/lightning446 as a reference. The person explains Kashimo's fight style as "influenced by Wing Chun". To elaborate more: "He feels through his opponents with economical movements using his hands...elbows and palms...combines with rapid punches." – I made sure to implement this fight 'technique' into the fight. I also watched Wing chun tutorials on YouTube to understand the technique and use some moves.
Mix action with dialogue. It gives you more space, helps you build tension and show the relationship between the fightning opponents.
Don't focus too much on feelings or detailed descriptions. Fights in real life are chaotic, rarely go "according to rules". Everything happens fast.
But still describe feels occasionally. B punches A but suddenly feels wetness on their hip, why?? Because during the movement, A managed to slash their side. They didn't see it but they did feel it afterwards.
Use their surroundings. Even in films and in real life, people tend to use what's handy as either a weapon, a shield or as a distraction. They throw stuff at their opponent, use sticks and bricks as weapons. Try not to stick to only fists or one sword.
Don't overpower one opponent. Make them have ups and downs. Make them gain the upper hand only for the opponent to do something that causes the character to lose that upper hand.
Do a circle: Character A starts the fight, is visibly stronger and have more advantages. Looks like an easy win. Character B picks the pace, finds a weapon, startles A and gains the upper hand for some time. A gets beaten. A gets up, swipes B off their feet, causes them to lose balance for example and gains the upper hand back. B gets beaten. And so on...
Give everyone strengths and weaknesses. No one's interested in reading a fight scene with an OP who obviously wins the fight every time.
Plan the fight, the "poses". Make sure the positions and counterattacks make sense and are consistent.
Don't make A get into a chokehold but suddenly they punch and kick B. Make A for example grab B's wrists/forearms. Hurt B, twist their arms etc...might step on their feet and throw B over A's shoulder. But punching someone that has you in a chokehold is nonsense.
Remember events that might influence the fight later on. B got stabbed in their right bicep?! Then their punches and strikes using their right arm will be weaker (or they won't use that arm at all to avoid pain).
Fights aren't fair. Connecting this to the previous point/tip. Make A strike and aim for the wound. Make them dig their fingers into the wound, make it hurt all big and pretty.
Another example: Character A gets their left ear bit/sliced off which makes them go deaf on their left side. Make character B attack from that side. A won't hear them...
Last thing - Give your fight a twist. It's not neccesary but it does keep the reader engaged and interested. Make it seem as character A is about to win but suddenly their plan fails...
Example from my STT: With a flick of your wrist, you send it slicing through the air. A blade of nothing. A thin line etches across his chest, traversing from ribcage to his already wounded shoulder. Nowhere to dodge now that he's standing between two metal beams. Or so you thought. He charges. The white of his robe tainted with scarlet. The cut isn't deep. A flicker of irritation crosses your features. Stamina waning; this could've been your last-ditch effort. The final move. And it failed. It makes him smile. A sinister twist of lips that morphs into a grin. Moving fast, his expression resembles one of a predator closing in on its prey. The ruby stain on his robe seems to accentuate his aura of danger, a stark contrast to the pristine white it once was.
I'm sure there are many tips on the internet that might be helpful more; but these are the ones I figured out myself when writing a fight scene. ♡
My biggest tips would probably be the "mix action with dialogue" and "incorporate real martial styles". These were the ones I enjoyed the most during the writing and editing.
Sorry for any grammatical mistakes, wrote this in one go without beta reading it.
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spitblaze · 11 months
I gotta say, your trans Alfyn is life goals to me. Oh to have the parts we want and rid ourselves of the ones we don't...
Me too! Honestly!! Like. Part of the reason I've been drawing the man so much is because he gives me serious gender envy, at least in the way I depict him. I want to be that! I want to rid myself of my breast tissue but still have a chest, but in a way that feels Right, muscle and fat instead of breast tissue. I want to be tall and have a strong jawline and upper body strength and a muscle gut. Like idk if any of this makes sense, I already have a bad habit of projecting real hard on characters I latch on to, the way I'm keeping my brain from associating my mans with getting harassed about not being attracted to trans men in a '''''normal''''' way is that I'm straight up just writing a fic about his transition. And I'm making it JUST LIKE MINE (except he figures it out before I did, I was already a sophomore in college before I suspected anything was up with myself genderwise) so. There. Alfyn is Trans and has huge tits despite having had top surgery, because he has swarthy carpenter genes and swings axes and grinds herbs all day and because I SAID SO 😤
Also I do not get the point of policing the genitals of characters in settings where magic exists??? They fight a dragon. They talk to gods. Do you really think Ophilia can't just say a prayer and give someone Divine GRS at will? Do you think theres not like, Potions of Trans Your Gender that Alf can whip up for himself?? lmao like forget the existence of packers and trans dudes trying to pass since the dawn of trans dudes, why does it matter that I'm not consistent about what's in his pants. I'd LOVE to be able to swap my junk at will are you kidding me
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you bring up such a good point regarding tptb creating weird dilemmas, and you may disagree but i think it was just them doing very depthless, desperate writing in every ep after swan song. i did a s12-13 rewatch recently and was blown away by how ridiculous the characters' choices were considering knowledge we saw them obtain in MUCH prior seasons. a lot was contrived the entire show's run just for drama but it really got nauseating often enough i had to stop the rewatch. i know the heart of the show is always a case, but we're meant to care about the characters solving the case to stay seated and you could tell the writers didn't give a shit if we did or didn't, which is, admittedly, sorta slay. i had a lot of complaints on substance but actually the strangest thing to me was forcing the bros to disagree on things that no two people who are genuinely compatible companions would ever bicker or waste breath about. literally any other character could have been used as a narrative tool to draw out the other side of the argument or create the needed tension, but them full on brawling between themselves about big ticket worldview/ethos things like if mary's dead or if jack is evil was just so forced and so pathetic! maybe the thought was the show would get boring if they didn't seem like two separate people anymore, but it did a massive disservice to the story of these specific men who genuinely simply wouldn't, on certain levels, be two separate people anymore.
I know that a lot of folks weren't happy with the later seasons. But I also know some folks who prefer the later seasons. Me, I like the entire run and found each season had its own strengths and weaknesses, but in general were all worth watching.
The main dilemma facing a show with only two regular characters, and that is ultimately just about the relationship between those two characters, is that the drama is most likely going to involve, or come back to over and over again, conflict between those two characters. So with Supernatural, we got the boys' multiple break-up and make-up arcs. And yeah, those got tiresome after a while. But, I found that starting in season 11 the boys really were together and on the same page more often than not. But, Sam and Dean are different people, and they have different views on things and think about things in different ways, feel and process stuff differently, and this makes them more interesting, at least to me.
So yes, the drama throughout the show (even in the early seasons) often feels a bit contrived, but it is contrived, it's fiction. And more than just fiction, it was a 22-23 episode/season show so some repetitive and contrived drama is to be expected. I don't know, maybe I'm the weirdo with it, but I think that the entire 15 season story is pretty good, feels consistent to me (allowing for the various practical/real world changes outside the show's control) and at the end felt like it told one big epic hero's journey story about these two brothers.
But the best thing about Supernatural, is that anyone can just pick and choose what parts of it they want to watch now. Really only like the Kripke era? Just watch 1-5. Like Castiel? Start at season 4 and only watch about a quarter of the episodes from there on. Or do what I do and subject yourself to watching all 327 episodes in order every year or so.
TV shows, especially 22-23 episode long season shows, are a collaborative effort that have a lot of cooks in the kitchen. So sometimes they crank out huge gourmet meals while at other times they just end up fighting about what's on the menu. Honestly? We lucked out with Supernatural because it really is way more good than bad and that was due to Kripke and Singer and Manners, and Jared and Jensen, and the majority of the crew that was there for so much of the run, really caring about the show and the characters and putting everything they had into making something that they so obviously loved.
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ripells · 3 months
hey hey hey can you can you tell me about one of your D&D characters and their beautiful tragic backstory so i can draw them
oh man i gotta think about which one i wanna talk about uhhhhh for one of my friend's campaigns I had this character named kyoluine (k-woah-lune) who was the god of courage. he was really arrogant and cocky and frequently toyed with mortals and his servants alike until a war for power broke out between him and another deity he had never heard of before, fircuel (fur-sool). he believed the battle to be simple as many of his battles had been before, but slowly, he began to lose the people fighting on his side either due to them dying or them switching to fircuel's side. she was just too beautiful, too alluring, too manipulative, too strong to stand against, and kyoluine was no god of strength. he was the god of courage, and courage does not equal strength. a weak man who is overly courageous and arrogant is nothing but a fool, after all. he was then faced with betrayal and death until finally, he was captured by fircuel's army and taken as prisoner.
in captivity, he became extremely self loathing. he no longer saw himself as the god of courage, only as a coward who once had the arrogance to falsely call himself a powerful god. fircuel would regularly come down and berate him, rubbing his defeat in his face and giving him horrible treatment, until one day him and a few other people appeared in a white room in firceul's palace. kyoluine only knew one of them: serenity. serenity was kyoluine's favorite and most trusted servant. she had betrayed him to switch to fircuel's side during the war, and despite how angry he felt he should be, he just couldnt muster any rage up. all he felt was that he deserved it. fircuel appears and tells them that they are here to gain love and knowledge.
the group, consisting of kyoluine, serenity, vanollia (a random angel), annika (fircuel's muse), and gojo (i kid you not this was his character's name. he was a new angel.) venture out through the rooms. as they go, they find more information about the castle and fircuel. after going through the rooms, they find themselves separated with marks on their body. kyoluine's was inked arms and the number 3939 under his eye. in the room, he encounters deusama, serenity's predecessor and the servant kyoluine believed had died. he tries to speak to her, but she says that she is proud of having ran away and then kyoluine passes out.
they wake up together in a bland room with everyone in it + deusama. they realize she looks like fircuel, but before anything significant happens, fircuel rips deusama's head off, looking visibly mad. she starts choking kyoluine out of anger but drops it after a bit and cruelly reveals that she was deusama, kyoluine's first and most beloved servant. then, they enter a chase scene where the players have to run away from mummy like entities. kyoluine gains the courage once more to go and save a few of the other players, but when they get outside of the castle, they are met with a barrier that wont let them out. fircuel reveals that all the knowledge they had gained just corrupted them and forced them to stay with her.
there was never an escape. all that hope, all that time kyoluine spent waiting to finally be free was for naught, as he was now trapped, forced to be the servant of the one he once called his. so basically love corrupted kyoluine, serenity, and vanollia (example: if you look in one of the mirrors in the palace, those three would see fircuel hugging them from behind. that also gives them a +1 on corruption.) and knowledge corrupted annika and gojo (example: reading a book foreshadowing fircuel's backstory gave them a +1 on corruption.)
in terms of appearance he has long, messy crimson hair, a long tattered black coat with a red star patterned undercoat, baggy tattered pants, a messy white button up shirt, and eyes completely just orange. you can add or change his design however you want id love to see any more ideas for his design!!! also dude sorry about how long this was LMAOOO i wanted to give the whole story to its end and it was a oneshot so i was like "why not"
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
The Potential of Others
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Because it's been so long since I go it, I think this request was giving me a title for a story and asking what type of story I would write about it. And I've needed to give it some thought.
I finally decided that what I would write would be an examination of what Scott thought that Liam would make a good alpha. What qualities did Liam possess that would make Scott say"It should be you."
(As an aside, the Doylist explanation is that Liam is a major character with a deeper history with both Scott and the plotlines. Part of me believes that Hayden would have been a better candidate to inherit the duties of an alpha, but that wouldn't fly for reasons both good and not so good. It shall forever be a stain that Scott and Hayden had no scenes bonding as Alpha and Beta, though they were implied to have happened.)
One of the complexities, when it came to developing this idea is that we, as an audience, don't get any direct insight into Scott's philosophy of leadership. We are told what his goal is: he wants to preserve everyone's right to live, to grow, and to change, even if the person is a villain or even if that requires danger to himself or his friend. But that is only Scott's goal; we're not privy to how he sees himself achieving that. We do witness him leading through compassion, through empathy, through example, but we don't ever get a scene where Scott talks about what he thinks makes a good leader.
Thus, my story would have to use interactions between Scott and the various character who could reasonably influence his leadership style as a way of developing that theory and then applying it to Liam:
Rafael McCall: While Scott's father is mostly noticeable because of his absence, it's telling that the production made Rafael is a pretty good FBI agent. He has a strong sense of justice, and he's actually quite skilled in detective work. Scott could draw both negative and positive inspiration about being a leader from this: he could understand that doing what is just might require stepping on some people's toes but doing it ignoring the emotional consequences to others can sabotage your efforts in the long run.
Melissa McCall: I think the show made it very clear that a lot of how Scott approaches the problems in the show are ways he learned from his mother. Melissa helps everyone, even people she doesn't like and even when she's scared. However, as she herself admits, she tends to keep to the things she's best at: nursing. As an alpha, Scott can't always stay within his own competencies.
Stiles Stilinski: I also think it was pretty clear that Stiles was the leader of him and Scott before the Bite forced Scott to take a more active roll in his roll. I think that Scott would want to mimic Stiles's confidence in his decisions (even in the face of difficulty) and the value of noticing the details, both of which are among Stiles's strengths.
Peter Hale: He was never a leader, but he was always a monster. I can't help but think that Scott always keeps the vision of Peter's Season 1 behavior in his mind when he tries to make decisions regarding his pack. Peter is the ultimate negative example.
Derek Hale: Scott is well aware of the dangers of thinking he knows better than everyone else as well as letting fear make his decisions because Derek demonstrated the price of such behavior. Even when Scott concealed the distortion to Kira's fox spirit, he didn't take action for the sake of taking action. Instead he responded with passivity, which wasn't much better.
Sheriff Stilinski: I think that Scott would learn from the Sheriff the value of respect in a positive way and the value of consistency in a negative way. Scott could see how effective it was when his deputies had trust and faith in him and how the sheriff cultivated that, but he could also learn that the same faith could wither if he let his own emotional needs get in the way of leading others.
Deucalion: The Demon Wolf would teach Scott the advantages of restraint. Deucalion was undoubtedly physically powerful, but he always seemed at his most dangerous when he allowed his opponents to make mistakes or walk into the traps that Deucalion laid for them.
Deaton: And of course, I would have to look Deaton, who not only makes decisions but has a fully developed thought process behind those decisions. Deaton's strength comes from his sense of self, and I can see Scott learning from that.
So how would these lessons apply Liam? How would Scott to the judgment that Liam should be the next alpha? Right now, I can't answer that. I didn't know what Liam stands for or what he's good at off the lacrosse pitch. He's not quick on his feet, good at analyzing details, or confident in his own decisions. He lacks self control and patience, and he's certainly not consistent in what he values. It would be interesting to work out what potential Scott saw in him.
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merlinjor01 · 6 months
Week 5- [Finishing up Lou Romano Pirates]
This was our last day to finish off our pirates in the Lou Romano art style which consists of blocky shapes and simple colours that go together well. I had first finished up my pirate and redid some of her colours such as the colouring on her legs. I had mentioned before that I wanted to make her look powerful and important. I feel that by changing the legs to red rather than a deeper shade may show how she stands her ground, showing what type of character she is.
Lastly, I wanted to fit her within a background to give the piece a more interesting look/dynamic. Luckily I had an idea in mind and was able to find a similar background that Lou Romano had made. In the drawing, Lou Romano uses types of greens and yellows having the darker greens up front and the more lighter colours further away to show distance. In my rendition, I had chosen to use mainly red and orange based colours to fit in with the red themes I had chosen for my pirate. When looking back at the piece, the colours don't fit as well as I had hoped, and due to time I wasn't able to finish as much detail as I had hoped but having to mimic such a simple style was very a very interesting process.
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Luckily I was able to re-do the character in my spare time as people had mentioned within my collaboration board to try making the design simpler. I had first considered the pirates colour palette and chosen five main colours for the complete design. Another difference I had changed was that I didn't free-hand any of the shapes and used the shape tool around the head and body, along with using the lasso tool to make other more curved shapes. This was to define the shapes I had used more within the character. The shapes I had implemented within the design were mostly sharp and blocky ones, representing how she is dangerous, powerful, strong and feared. The colour palette supports these traits as I had mainly used deep reds and blacks. Red representing passion, anger and strength, blacks representing danger, mystery, drama. The smaller gold parts I had implemented represent hints of wealth and prosperity, which is why I wanted the colour to be more subtle than the over-powering reds. I'm very happy with the final look as to me it is very in the style of Lou Romano, even without having a background to go along with it. The colours and shapes perfectly express the emotions and personality of the character, especially with the 'power stance' she has going on.
The entire process that builds up into creating this character, has really opened my eyes to how important shape language and colour phycology is within character designs. How simple characters can be seen different ways because of the shapes implemented into them, and how the colour expresses a first look into their personality.
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redphienix · 7 months
Thinkin' about how there was (and in some cases still is) ongoing fan backlash that Hit used the time prison technique against Jiren and Jiren broke out and how it's one of those arguments I "Get" but also feel like most people arguing it... don't.
tl;dr, dragon ball is consistently based on having someone say there's a limit, then having a character break that limit, either to demonstrate our heroes growth and resolve, or to demonstrate our opponents threat and the stakes at hand. People just don't like that Jiren is "strong" instead of "cool and time controlling" lmao. And I don't even care about Jiren my guy.
First off, Jiren hate is rather easy to explain. He's not particularly interesting in terms of the "flavor" of his powers, he's basically "Just Strong" because his character is power for power's sake.
Also, Jiren fulfills the role of final fight in the ToP, but IS NOT, AT ANY POINT, built up as "final villain".
He's built up!
He's even built up as the final fight!
But compare the way ToP handles Jiren with how say the Cell Saga handles Cell.
Cell IS that saga, he IS the end goal.
Jiren is not the purpose of the ToP, the ToP is the purpose of the ToP saga- hence the name.
This is not inherently bad, it's a different format for these two sagas- Cell follows the now traditional dragon ball saga format of building up One Big Bad and explaining every facet of their being- giving backstory- raising stakes- presenting false conclusions (moments where "This will do it!" that fail).
ToP is about the ToP, it's about showcasing dozens of interesting fight dynamics- presenting dozens of new powers- exploring the strengths and weaknesses of various characters both on our side and against our heroes. It's pretty much just a celebration of our main characters- not of them overcoming One Big Bad.
It's NOT about "One Big Bad", but it builds itself to a flashy finale, and Jiren is that finale- and some people judge him based off prior "Big Bads" instead of as the final fight of the "Tournament Of Power" saga and that's fine.
No real complaints, you don't have to like him. He's kinda plain, he's not explored much in the anime at least, and his powers are simple because they kinda needed to be. To me he's like a solid.... 6 out of 10, he's fine.
Following that- Hit love is easy to understand!
He's given time to shine in MULTIPLE sagas in Super, and he's the final form of an ongoing power-tease the series has had since OG Dragon Ball- time manipulation.
We've had multiple characters using telekinesis and the power of suggestion to "pretend" or "Temporarily trick" opponents into thinking they controlled time- General Blue, Chaiotzu, Guldo- the series repeatedly goes "Hehe, this character can FREEZE TIME!" but it was a fake out or was ineffective- then Hit comes around and he does it, and he does it in a cool way, and he's given "adequate" explanation as to how it works, and to cap it off- his final power, the one this discussion is about, is revealed- given hype- and "easy enough" to understand at first explanation- the Time Prison.
And then it just fails. And people get angy lol.
The thing is, it failing serves a purpose.
It succeeding wouldn't.
Hit was demonstrably on par with our heroes at their best- it was a "Fair-ish fight" in many regards when Blue Kaioken tackled the Time Skip.
Considering how our heroes work, it was likely a rematch later in the tournament would end in Hit's defeat and someone like Goku pushing themselves too far to continue fighting- a draw that puts them both out most likely.
It doesn't really build to much because we already know Hit's capabilities and our heroes, and by Hit's own explanation- him using the Time Prison would use up all his saved moments- it's a technique he couldn't use against our heroes after using it against Jiren.
It was a one-and-done technique for this moment no matter what. But if it succeeded then what?
Jiren is out?
Hit is weakened?
Hit loses easily or in a draw?
But Jiren overpowering an ability that seemed insurmountable DOES serve a purpose- a purpose Dragon Ball tackles all the fucking time lol
Imply a limit- then break it.
Jiren breaking something no one else could raises the stakes- it demonstrates that his "Power for power's sake" mentality isn't all talk and that he is a REAL THREAT. It reinforces his role, builds his threat a bit, and allows for what comes after in the series.
But more than the fact that Hit winning wouldn't play to a better story (so why ask for it), the thing that makes me giggle at these arguments is when people argue Jiren simply "couldn't" or that it was a dumb decision to say he could when like, as I said, that's Dragon Ball 101 my guy lol
Do you remember in the Buu saga when Super Buu, Piccolo, and Gotenks went in the hyperbolic time chamber?
Remember when the "Rules" were set- if you destroy the exit then you are stuck in this dimension FOREVER.
A limit, of sorts. A rule. A law?
And then after raising those stakes, the story goes "But it would demonstrate our character's power to break those limits" and they do?
Buu just screams a portal out?
LITERALLY a character building moment that demonstrates that our heroes and villains are so powerful that they break all pre-defined laws of the universe. Not so much because they don't apply to them, but because those "laws" are just what mortals grew to understand over time.
If over billions of years no one has ever been strong enough to crush a rock in their fist, and then someone is, that person is recognized as being ridiculously strong- it's just a simple visual representation of things.
Break the limit to show just how ridiculously high the stakes are getting.
And this one buu saga moment serves to show that Buu is not something that can be contained, and that our heroes are somehow still in the running to break the limits just as much as he can.
Jiren's moment serves to show that he is not to be contained, and that he represents a limit far surpassing what everyone present, Hit especially, believed could ever be reached.
Sometimes Dragon Ball goes "No one can do this. But then he did" because that's what pushes the story forward.
It's fuckin' basic ass dragon ball story telling but because some people love a character so much and think the other looks dumpy they go "This makes no sense!" when I didn't hear y'all arguing the 300 other times this exact plot line showed up!!! lmao
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kalitheinksimp · 10 months
More about Kali (and some *new characters)
*These characters aren't new at all in terms of existence, and have existed for... quite some time.
So, this is my character Kali!
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Art credit: myself
She is my self insert character I use to interact with my faves, and represents me.
But do I have a story about her? Yes, actually-
In the original story i made years ago (which is now lost to time) she was a character who, like Ink and Error, did not have an original au and existed in doodlesphere somewhere (how did she get there? I think she was part of an au originally but.. don't remember what happened but she's there now-)
Which is where aus come in. There are a few alternative stories I've made with her.
The simple one, where she's still in the doodlesphere and hangs out with Ink. They have that "best friends or couples? Can't tell cause of how close they are" sort of relationship
The harem one (which I've written a whole fic about, still continuing but is private) about a few of au sanses having feelings for her with a pinch of yandere
The family one, which I will explain here-
As it might be obvious by the name, i have made a family with the skeleton.
What family? Well-
Meet Amaryllis!
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^art with watermark to not be stolen/reposted
She was the first daughter that existed since early 2021, but originally didn't have a name. She wasn't even actually ment to be a long lasting character, but now she definitely is.
About her:
Other than what is already on the sheet, here's some points-
She is first born child (more on that later)
She can come off as creepy to people she meets, because she tends to stare at anything new to her.
She also spaces out and stares at the ground when other's attention is not on her.
Rarely talks to new people, as she doesn't know how to socialize yet. She however does talk like any other 5 year old with her family.
She has a liking for fluffy things.
She is more similar to her mother.
And Hibiscus!-
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^still watermarked
She's the one who's pretty recent, and was made in October 2022
About her-
Despite being made after Amary, she's the older sister.
She's much more mature for her age, and knows it.
She has the main goal of wanting to protect her family, and she's willing to do anything to keep them safe.
She takes fighting lessons from her father, and has learnt bone magic, and can even summon her own gaster blaster.
She has super strength! The effects of which depend on her determination.
She loves to play with Amary, and is always by her side.
That's pretty much it about them enough to get an idea on what they're like...i think.
So, how were they made?
Irl wise: Amary was made when I wanted to try something out, but the character i already had were not suitable for trying it. So i somehow decided to make her on the spot!
Hibiscus was made after i thought that living alone in the doodlesphere with perents with little consistent friends would make Amary feel alone, so she was the result. I'm still surprised at how everything came together so nicely!
Cannon story wise: now, what fun would it be if you were married to a multi-universal god person with the ability to make things real by drawing them, and still made children the traditional way?
Basically, Amary and Hibi were brought into the world by Kali drawing their appearance and giving them personality, and Ink bring them to life!
That's all for now, until next time i simp!(which won't be long)
Og Ink sans belongs to @comyet
Every other character mentioned belongs to me!
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astrowitch · 2 years
Les Amis de l’ABC: Astrology
I am so excited to present my newest astrology post! Last summer, I read Les Misérables by Victor Hugo and became enamored with Les Amis de l’ABC, so I wanted to sort their sun, moon, and rising signs just for fun. These are all based on my own interpretations of the characters.
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Sun: Leo - I honestly couldn’t picture our bold and awe-inspiring leader as any other sign. He is driven by passion and idealism, two key traits of people born under the lion sign. Enjolras has a charismatic and magnetizing personality that is able to draw even the least inspired people in and give them a reason to believe. 
Moon: Aquarius - This was another obvious choice, seeing as lunar Aquarians have a distinct sense of social justice and a strong set of values. They are willing to set aside their own feelings for the good of others and focus greatly on progress. This is clearly seen in Enjolras, as he is consistently trying to better society rather than busying himself in his own more selfish desires (ie: romance). 
Rising: Libra - Enjolras is described to be extremely handsome and aesthetically pleasing. He has an ironically godlike aura about him. When one gazes upon him, they could probably tell right off the bat that he is a great believer in humanitarianism. His beauty captivates the people he encounters, and it can sometimes cause them to underestimate him. 
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Sun: Taurus - This is another glaringly obvious answer to me. Grantaire has a strong passion for physical pleasure and beauty, hence why he was a student of Gros and regularly indulges in activities like drinking. Being an Earth sign, people under the sign of Taurus see things with a sense of realism and practicality (although what Grantaire sees as ‘realism’ may come off to others as cynicism). 
Moon: Cancer - Ok hear me out on this one, PLEASE. We all know how truly complex Grantaire is as a character, and I personally view him as one of the most emotional in the story. Not because he outwardly expresses vulnerability, but because of what we know about him as a character. He’s in love with Enjolras beyond words. Enjolras is the only thing Grantaire believes in, he is fueled by this emotion of love towards another. We watch him desperately try to get Enjolras to pay him the slightest bit of attention, whether positive or negative. Down to his core, Grantaire puts his whole strength into loving another person, and I think his inner feelings perfectly reflect a Lunar Cancerian. 
Rising: Taurus - Grantaire’s overt stubbornness and devotion already gives him the outward appearance of a Taurus. He isn’t shy about his indulgences nor about his desire to be loved.
Jean “Jehan” Prouvaire
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Sun: Cancer - What better sign for Jehan than the imaginative and gentle Cancer? Jehan is in tune to the emotions of himself and other people, making him highly intuitive. His waxing poetics make him a particularly pleasant person to be around. One thing about Jehan that gets overshadowed by his fascination with the arts is his deep sense of loyalty. To the very end, Jehan was there for his friends and proved himself to be protective over his band of brothers. 
Moon: Pisces -  Lunar Pisceans are creative individuals who love to share their knowledge with others. Jehan frequently speaks of his knowledge of things like poetry and mythology in excitement. He finds inherent value in things like the arts and philosophy and can get easily emotional. 
Rising: Pisces - And I return to the sign of the fish with Jehan’s rising sign. Jehan comes across as a very dreamy soul with a bit of quirkiness to him. He is unapologetically himself and loves to express his individuality. 
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Sun: Aquarius - Combeferre is an innovative and philosophical man who isn’t afraid to let his eccentricities shine through. I think Combeferre’s nerdy persona can sometimes overshadow his dedication to bettering the world. Aquarians are a revolutionary sign, and they strive for a progressive, open society. Their natural states are helping others and thinking deeply. 
Moon: Virgo - Combeferre is clearly a perfectionist, seeing as he would correct the French dictionary for fun. Lunar Virgos feel like it is their duty to be analytical, perceptive, and nurturing. They love to feel in control of their surroundings. Combeferre isn’t necessarily controlling, but he instinctually loves to be of service to people. This shows through his love of studying medicine and how he died on the barricade helping others.
Rising: Capricorn - Combeferre appears to be a quiet, ambitious man. I feel like anybody who associates with Enjolras as closely as Combeferre does probably has a determined spark to them. The most important thing though is how obviously intelligent he is. Capricorns value intelligence highly, and Combeferre is a big supporter of education for all.
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Sun: Sagittarius - Warm and jubilant Courfeyrac just screams Sagittarius to me. Not only is he passionate, but he clearly values freedom and expression. He likes to dress well, be with his friends, and make new friends. He’s optimistic, fun, and likes to make jokes in situations that are serious to cope. 
Moon: Gemini -  I think Courfeyrac is a lunar Gemini because of his need for fun and new experiences. I interpret him to be quite curious because of how quickly he is to welcome his home to Marius and share ideas with him. Courfeyrac is a natural-born communicator, and his amazing skills with people just reaffirm his lunar placement in my mind. 
Rising: Leo - Courfeyrac’s bold and big demeanor would lead anyone to assume that he was a Leo. I imagine that Courfeyrac would be the type of person to over-gesticulate and speak in a loud tone. He just has this strong passion that any fire sign encapsulates. 
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Sun: Virgo - Practical and pragmatic Joly is the epitome of a Virgo. Although he is anxious and definitely a perfectionist, he uses these parts of himself to help others. He, along with his other revolutionaries, has a desire to improve the world. Being a medical student, I could picture Joly as being the type of person to say “Guys, I know this sounds wild, but what if we washed our hands?” and he'd get written off as some eccentric, weird scientist. I just see him as a very logical and driven person, and Virgo is the epitome of those traits. 
Moon: Sagittarius - While this may seem out of left field for the anxious Joly, I don’t think it is. Joly may be prone to panic, but he also knows how to have fun. Not only is he exceedingly optimistic, but being around the people he loves (Bossuet and Musichetta) helps bring out a more outgoing side of him. Joly genuinely enjoys being drinking buddies with Grantaire and Bossuet! I think once he’s able to be coaxed out of his nervous shell, he’s able to break free and live life fully. 
Rising: Cancer - I feel as though Joly comes across as the “Mom Friend” with the way he frets over himself and others. He’s exceedingly caring and I think he likes to be that way, hence him going into med school. Cancer’s reputation for being the ultimate caregiver of the zodiac just suits Joly’s outer appearance well. 
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Sun: Libra - I’m gonna be honest here, I chose Libra because Bossuet reminds me VIVIDLY of my friend who’s a Libra. Furthermore, I think Bossuet is an all around pleasant person. He seems to be very even-tempered and optimistic, no matter how unlucky he is. Continuing on his unluckiness, this doesn’t prohibit his sociability. Bossuet comes across as charming and well-liked. He just seems like the type of person who literally everyone would love because of how easily he gets along with people. 
Moon: Leo - As I come farther and farther along into these, it gets harder to clarify my choices with textual evidence because of how minor these characters are in the grand scheme of Les Mis, this is just becoming personal headcanon material. Anyway, I think Bossuet is very happy-go-lucky and (as I said before) charming. I imagine Bossuet to be spirited and jovial, which makes him great for Joly. Bossuet is able to help get Joly out of his shell, and I think it would take a persuasive and friendly person to do that. 
Rising: Sagittarius - Bossuet, in my opinion, is probably quite a carefree person. Yes, he may be unlucky and clumsy, but he could not care less! He lives freely and authentically, and he makes everything ten times more interesting. 
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Sun: Capricorn - Feuilly is the epitome of a Capricorn. He is generous, hard-working, and mature. He’s extremely ambitious and puts all of himself into everything he does, which earns him the respect of Enjolras. Feuilly is a believer in effort, and I assume that that would make him very dedicated and reliable. I think that some of the Amis would go to him when they have problems, seeing as he’s the oldest in the group, and therefore the most “experienced”. Feuilly would probably give the best advice. 
Moon: Aries - Although Feuilly is mature and collected, I think he’s got some fire underneath. He has gone through so much and only seems to get stronger through it all because of his determination to succeed. Whereas Grantaire goes into bouts of deep melancholy, Feuilly takes every hurdle life gives as a new challenge to overcome. His passion drives him to join Les Amis in the first place, and I believe that he has the ability to think boldly and outside of the box. 
Rising: Virgo - Feuilly comes across as a perfectionist who has a masterful ability to solve problems. I think that he’s a detail-oriented, logical guy who is always willing to help out, no matter who the person is. 
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Sun: Aries - This is SUCH an obvious one to me. Bahorel is bold, brave, and direct. He literally boxes for fun, he is the embodiment of the fiery Aries. I can see Bahorel being the most loyal friend you could ever have. He would literally be the guard dog for Les Amis. You mess with one of those guys, you’re messing with Bahorel too. I see him as a person who lives life to the absolute fullest and doesn’t really dwell too much on the past. As intimidating and intense as he is, this guy will be your ride or die. 
Moon: Scorpio - I wanted to throw in a curveball. Something unexpected. Bahorel’s protectiveness of the ones he loves runs deep within him. I think that for the most part, Bahorel’s emotions are a mystery to Les Amis. He presents himself as this super tough guy on the outside, but on the inside, I think he’s a more sensitive soul. People underestimate his ability to observe situations. He may be impulsive, but he’s an expert at spotting when something’s up because of how much he cares for his friends. 
Rising: Aries - His sun and rising match because I truly think Bahorel is so heavily Aries. It’s not hard to spot that he’s opinionated, boisterous, and lively. He brings the party wherever he goes. I think people gravitate towards him because of how naturally confident he is. It makes people want to be around him more. 
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steelycunt · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons for Remus that are essential to you/maybe unpopular? I’m really curious about the particularities of your Remus depiction
hi doll!! i thought long and hard abt this ask. remus is my fave, my best boy, my terrible little man so!! i definitely have some thoughts, but i feel largely that its not as much that my headcanons are unpopular, than it is that i really, really don't like some of the remus headcanons that are popular? anyway, thinking about the consistencies in the way i imagine remus, this is what i came up with. under the cut because i talk way too much!
judging from a post i made earlier in the week this isnt necessarily unpopular, but its important to me that remus is not portrayed as some conventionally attractive god. christ, that's so boring to me, that's such a boring thing to do to his character. its one thing for sirius to think he's beautiful, like - yeah, the guy is stupid for him - but actually he looks like a normal, pretty scrawny guy. its everything else about him that makes him so attractive. he's attractive the same way a darned sock is charming!! he's attractive in a scribbly, smudged kinda way!! also any portrayal of remus being especially strong/toned/commanding/possessive because of the wolf....i hate it i hate it i hate it. the wolf leaves him weaker. he does not find strength in it.
drawing a little from canon remus here, but a flaw i consistently give him + enjoy seeing is the strange, sacrificial martyr complex he has, or more so the way he sees his own suffering. remus doesnt really know any better than it, but i always like characterisations where he, at least as a younger man, has a tendency to obsess over it to the point where he needs to be troubled and edgy and tragic to be himself, to be interesting and to have purpose. especially in regards to his feelings toward sirius, i love love love a remus that feels he has to suffer for his love, even though he literally doesn't. i think he has the capacity to be an incredibly pretentious person.
pretty common but definitely essential: working class remus! not just as an adult when he's struggling with employment, but remus from a working class background is near and dear and essential to me as a person from a working class background themselves, especially amidst a cast where many of them are comfortably upper class.
i don't really go for organised, put together, tidy remus lupin. i feel like there's generally two extremes around here where he's either the lone responsible Adult, or a fucking mess. i much prefer him being a fucking mess. i don't think he's had water in four days, i don't think he's slept in two, i think all his clothes are in a pile underneath his bed, i think he'll write the essay but he'll do it at four in the morning on the day its due. he's a disaster.
coward. coward remus lupin rights. absolutely. also hesitant. if he does the right thing it might take him a while to get round to it, yknow. he's going to wallow in the situation for a bit first
soooo pretentious about music + literature. and as ive said before, his dress sense, for a variety of reasons, is so fucking shit and half-assed. he doesn't care!!
its pretty much essential to me, at least in a canon compliant universe, that he's got a very particular sort of relationship with his dad. to be honest i have so many thoughts on the lupins as a family unit and lyall in particular. i think they're fascinating, and im not big on remus and lyall having a perfect relationship once lyall atones for his earlier prejudice. lyall loves his son but that is surely distorted by the fact that every time he looks at him he is going to be reminded of the worst mistake of his life, lol. i also think he's very hard + strict on remus about keeping his secret/keeping his grades up/doing everything he can to secure some kind of future despite his affliction. neither of them are good at communicating so his worry often translates into anger, which leads to a lot of arguments and a strained, less familiar relationship. they don't understand each other, especially after hope dies. remus absolutely gets his inability to communicate his feelings from his father. but hope is a dream!
not essential but i will always write him as welsh <3 its so important to me <3
he's an awkward guy. he's fiddly and he sits like his limbs are too long for him to know what to do with them and he's always picking at loose threads on his clothes, or scabs, and he's absolutely a nail biter. the other boys slap his hand away from his mouth when they see him doing it but. his nails are consistently in a proper fucking state.
i think he's a bastard and an arsehole but i dont think remus was mean. i like the idea of a kind remus lupin, even if he's a mess and a bit of a prick to people that he felt wouldn't be hurt by it. he'll do people a favour, he'll take his time to help people out! he's a selfless guy, and he might be ridiculously late but he'll turn up. i dont even think he was sassy, and i really dont like the way thats slowly progressed to him often just being portrayed as...mean? he was witty and sarcastic around his friends but like. sassy is not a word id ever use to describe remus lupin lmao. idk. though he's a tosser and he's insufferable, he's not rude.
not a headcanon but i just want to say again. we should let him punch people more often. he wont be good at it but we should let him have a go anyway
oh also he's a socialist. like at the very least lol.
EDIT: had to add this in but. he's lovely. he's so lovely.
okay i could talk forever on the guy but this is already! way too much! so i'll stop here. thank u anon i will always be up for talking about this dumb little guy!!
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