#good guess anon
dusksmote · 1 year
Are those Dirk glasses I see?
nope! but i've always thought i drew kenny looking kind of dirk-ish 😭 it's the hair honestly
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denialcity · 2 years
Wait did the Uchiha not even wait a day to replace Izuna in the new update
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shepscapades · 1 month
🎤 so what exactly do you think Xisuma's subconscious is trying to tell him exactly........... it couldn't have ANYTHING to do with a certain doctor would it.........
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I cannot believe someone on the internet would send me this message
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ankle-beez · 5 months
Please go drink bleach.
i can't drink bleach, silly, that's a anime
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minthara · 9 months
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💜 smilethara 💜
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ghouljams · 11 months
I must (politely) demand more animals for Bee - ☀️
You stare at the little yellow peepers under the warm light in the supply store. Their fluffy bodies and teeny little wings are the cutest things you've ever seen. You want one. You could handle a chicken, chickens are super easy(you think) people in the suburbs keep chickens.
But what if it gets lonely? You can't bring a little baby chicken home and leave it all by itself! Who ever heard of having one chicken? It's absurd. You'd have to get it a friend. But what if they get in a fight and stop talking? Ok three chickens...
You leave the store with five chicks peeping away in a cardboard box. You swing by the feed store and are so astonished by the price of feed that you actually ask about a discount. Which apparently was the right thing to do given how excited the owner looked. Plus there was a nice guy in line behind you who let you know haggling was kind of the thing to do in the feed store.
You get home with nothing you'd planned to purchase. You call König from the car. He doesn't answer, which is weird, but he's probably busy. A text works just as well, youll do that when you get home. You pull up to your house and find someone already parked there. Also weird.
There's a woman leaning against the cab of the beat up truck, chocolate brown hat tipped low over her eyes as she scrolls through her phone. She also has a cardboard box under one arm and a baking tray resting on the top of the cab.
She looks up when you step out of your car and gives you just about the friendliest smile you've ever seen.
"Wow you're really fixing this place up," the woman, Goose, she said to call her Goose, says with a low whistle. She'd pretty handily forced her way into your home, handing you a tray of brownies which you suppose are sort of a decent entry fee. They tasted good enough.
“Doing my best for it,” You say around a mouthful of brownie. You set your box of peepers on the coffee table, eyeing the box she sets on the ground. "Hey you know anything about chickens?" You ask her, nudging the box for her to peak into.
"Oh cute! You know you got five of these suckers in here right?" She asks scooping a chick out of its carrier, you nod. She shrugs and puts it back. "You got an anything with a roof on it and some chicken wire? I got some milk crates in the truck but that's about it."
"I was going to wait for my neighbor to come by and help," you tell her watching her roll her sleeves up.
"Probably not a good idea considering the cat." She nods at the box she'd brought, you stare at it.
"Our barn cat had kittens, thought you might need a housewarming gift." Goose crouches and tugs the cardboard open. Almost immediately you're yelled at by a very orange kitten. It's tiny meow making the chicks peep nervously. Goose scoops it up with little fanfare and deposits him in your waiting hands. You love this woman.
"I think I'm in love with you," you tell her, half joking.
"I get that a lot," she grins, "Alright you watch the cat, I'm gonna raid your shed." You nod quickly, and point her towards the back.
You stare at the kitten for a second, watching him purr up a storm and listening to him yell at you. Spot. You boop his little pink nose and settle him on your shoulder.
König has never felt panic like getting out of the shower to a missed call from you. No message left, no follow up text, He can't hear you over the bugs... best case you must've been in town and had a question. Worst case you're dead or dying and he missed his one chance to save you.
He does his best not to run to your house, doesn't want to spook the horses, but the extra truck in your driveway certainly makes him hurry. Then he hears you laugh and his heart nearly stops he's so relieved.
König follows the sound of your chatter around to the back of the house. You're perfect. Glowing in the sun, crouched in the grass as you play with a kitten, chatting with a woman he's never seen before. He opens his mouth to say something and- his mask.
Shit. He'd been in such a rush getting dressed he'd forgotten his bandana and thrown on his hood like he was used to from so many years with KorTac. You couldn't see him like this. Most importantly the woman you were with couldn't see him like this. He could see the gun she had tucked under her clothes, and he knew well enough how threatening he looked.
At least you were safe. And making a friend, that was good. You need friends. König rips the hood off his head and considers his options. He'll go back for his bandana, then come over and introduce himself. Or better yet maybe this new woman will be gone by the time he gets back.
You make a noise of surprise and he watches you pull your phone out, typing a quick message. His phone lights up as you put you phone back in your pocket.
From: 💕
Forgot to text you! Picked up some chicks but I'm handling it don't worry!!! Help me with names when you get a second
König smiles at his phone, he'll let you finish up your fun and swing by to check on your work. You're growing quite the little farm for yourself. Which is good, you'll need to know how to do these things once you're married. Although he isn't sure if you've quite grasped what all these animals are for yet...
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httpiastri · 4 months
imagine being paul's girlfriend and since it's winter break you two get to spend more time together. Snuggling with each other, lazy mornings together, no rush, no chaos, just enjoying the little things.
And one day you see Paul playing some video games and you're just looking at the screen, curious about how the game works so you walk towards him and ask him if you could play with him, something Paul is very enthusiastic about and quickly grabs your waist so you could sit on his lap, your hands on the controller and his right on top of yours so he can help you a little ((((imagine the size difference, omg)))), everything is giggles and fun, you can't help but smile when sometimes he slips out a few words in estonian and even if you don't quite understand it yet, you love hearing him so happy.
(that insta story he uploaded not long ago made me think of this, his hair looked so fluffy omg😭 and the beautiful, bright smile as well<333)
you have thoughts!! and i’m very thankful to have been let in on these amazing thoughts!!!!! 🤭 winter break with paul 🫶🫶🫶
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spending some good quality time together as the season has been so busy… lazy mornings spent in bed just chatting, twirling his curls between your fingers as he laughs about a story you told, his big warm hands pulling you closer… cozy afternoons spent walking around the city in the snow, or sitting in cute little cafés, fingers intertwined and kisses being pressed to rosy, frozen cheeks… and long nights filled with cuddles, movie-watching, and hushed whispers about the future…
but of course, he also likes to spend some time playing games now that he's finally off. usually, you take the time to do something for yourself when he's playing, but sometimes you get curious and want to watch him play. he's got this new game that you've never seen before, and it looks very complex but also very intriguing, so you walk up to him.
when you ask him all these questions about how to play, what the goal is, what that character does and how to use that special command, he secretly finds it so cute. he's basically melting on the inside. he's just about to ask if you want to try it out, when you shyly ask him "can i play?", and he melts some more. he's so enthusiastic about it, head nodding quickly and hands find your waist instantly. he guides you onto his lap, placing the controller in your hands before letting his hands land on your thighs, his chin resting on your shoulder as he watches the screen.
then, when he sees you struggling, he chuckles and places his huge hands on top of yours. he moves your fingers to help you out, guiding you and letting you know what to do, and sharing giggles with you when everything still goes wrong. eventually, you start to get the hang of – but you pretend that you don't, because you want him to keep his hands on yours…
and then, after that day, gaming together becomes a common occurrence. you sit down together, preferably (for you both) in his laps, trying out new games and playing his old favorites. fighting games, teamwork games, farming simulators – anything just to spend time together and stay close. it's also an easy way for you to learn certain estonian terms, especially funny little swearwords that slip out in the middle of his laughter when you both fail a level of a game.
and he notices quite easily when you start getting tired. he placed sweet kisses to the back of your neck, whispering something about how you can go take a nap together, but you shake your head at him. then you hand him the controller, turning around in his lap and telling him to keep playing – before leaning forward, nuzzling your face into his neck and slowly dozing off.
and he has such a hard time focusing on the game when your chest is pressed up against his, with your sweet scent filling his senses and your touch clouding his thoughts. but he loves it, and wishes time could stop and he could just have you in his lap forever. the game isn't as important.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
Concept: LQR big naturals but also with the flattest ass. Make him a titty dorito
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Lan Qiren Breasted Boobily down the stairs of Cloud Recess
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pianokantzart · 2 months
The brotherly moments are what I’m looking forward to the most for the sequel. I’m hoping we can potentially get a scene that will top the reunion scene. Are there certain kinds of brotherly love moments you’d like to see in the sequel?
Big same. What I'm most looking forward to is all the little subtle shows of affection: headlocks, side hugs, cap tugs, belly pokes, shoulder nudges, jabs, jostles... all the bits of body language that made their relationship feel so close and real in the first movie. And of course, the return of that silly little secret handshake.
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Another thing I want to see is more of Mario's protectiveness. I know some are hoping that he gets a little overprotective after being separated from his bro in the first movie, but if we don't get that I want to at least see Mario's pre-adventure protectiveness.
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Or the kind of protectiveness he exhibited in the Super Mario Adventures comics, where even though he's focused on the fight he always keeps an eye on his brother, and the moment Luigi calls out for help he immediately becomes first priority.
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On the flip side, I want to see more of Luigi being the emotional support/voice of reason. He may be a ball of nerves in moments of peril, but he's proven to be very levelheaded overall. Since I picture the arc of the sequel being Mario slowly coming to embrace the role of a true hero– with all the responsibilities that come with it– it'd be nice if he had a low moment of feeling like a failure that Luigi talks him out of.
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Now, if they're going to try and top the reunion scene in the first movie, there is one surefire way to do that: slow down. As good as that hug was, there was so much going on that it was hard to feel the full impact on the first watch. Quiet things down for a moment... pump the breaks... focus in on the facial expressions... let us really feel the hug. Throw in another forehead touch while you're at it.
But you know what I'm really really excited to see? Sword and shield fight dynamic. I desperately want to see them fighting side-by-side without the superstar! Give me Mario spearheading the charge while Luigi watches his blindside! Mario throwing himself mindlessly into a dangerous stunt so long as Luigi is there to catch him, Mario fighting in close combat while Luigi draws the target's attention with long-range attacks, both of them falling into perfect synch when they need to deliver an extra-powerful blow.
I am so aggressively obsessed with the idea of their character traits being fully exhibited and explored through the way they approach a fight, you have no idea.
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
The bros' reaction when the mc gets hit on in the streets!!! It would be a very funny scene!!
I can't imagine that'd go well at all.
I think it also depends on which streets they are and what exactly happens.
I mean, if it's something happening in the human world, I can kinda see the demons just frowning about it or maybe telling the person off. But not too much more 'cause they don't want to damage relations between the worlds by killing some random humans, you know?
But if it's in the Devildom? All demons forfeit their lives and/or well being the minute they do something like hit on MC in the streets.
Though I'm thinking of it more in a catcall/unwanted kind of way.
Everybody's reaction is going to increase a lot of MC is dating them.
Just imagine wolf whistling at Lucifer's significant other other in the street when he's right next to them. Like that is such a dumb thing to do, I kinda feel like they deserve whatever comes to them at that point lol. He'd be cool and collected about it, but he'd eviscerate them.
Mammon would instantly start a fight. Just immediately throws a punch at whoever even dared to look at you.
Levi might be nervous at first, but I think if you were really upset he'd flip a switch and summon Lotan.
Satan would also instantly start a fight. Demon form in two seconds flat. Might start with fists, but you know this guy has all the spells and hexes. Probably beats them up and then curses the hell out of them.
Asmo would deliver a scathing insult and if they still don't leave you alone, then he'd be in demon form and ready to throw down.
Beel would be upset, but I don't think he'd immediately try to fight them. Might just look at them with a serious frown and like... that might be enough, you know?
Belphie would tell you to ignore them and escort you away. And then forever after that demon suffers from terrible nightmares. OR he might come back and find them so he can take care of them when you're not around.
Hmm I feel like this ended up more violent than funny lol.
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orangelemonart · 21 days
i love u plz never change
me when i watch the seventh gayest Naruto OP/ED, Never Change by Shun featuring LyuLyu
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strqyr · 1 month
The way some people talk about Tai is honestly really getting kinda uncomfortable for me. Canon is very clear on where is faults lie and none of the stuff people are coming up with is supported by that canon. I just do not understand how he became such a controverial character when we barely know anything about him and what we know is just a caring dad who messed up in the past
yeah, and it's like. the time he messed up was also the time he was grieving the loss of his significant other with zero reliable support system that could help him handle that and to adapt to being a single father of two young kids; all we know is that qrow 'cheered on him from afar', the rest he had to manage on his own juggling bunch of things that before he would have shared with summer.
and the fact that some people don't have any sympathy for that is really weird to me. idk, maybe it's because when i was young, my mom lost her brother unexpectedly and yeah, after she wasn't really in a good place to take care of us, but we still had our dad, so like. idk, having that perspective makes me feel bad for the whole family. they were dealt a shitty hand with summer's disappearance, and they didn't handle it perfectly--wouldn't expect them to--but they pulled through and they all still love each other despite any difficulties, as seen perfectly in beyond.
besides they had a perfect opportunity to address all things people are making mountains out of in V4 with all "i'm an adult now" but all it amounted to was tai's reluctance of talking about raven--which also prompted it in the first place--so either the writers aren't very good at telling their own story ooor it's simply not about that and fans have blown it out of proportions. pick one lol
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markscherz · 11 months
would you eat bug 😲
I have and do eat bug, on occasion. But I confess, I try to keep my goblin son from eating bug whenever I can, mostly because bug is not so tasty raw, and he has limited faculties of logical thought.
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sin-sidejob · 1 year
Pls tell Delaney I’m free whenever if she needs a wife
Maybe in another life~
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art credit and many thanks to @olexxx who immediately jumped at the opportunity to draw this after hearing me talk about this specific ask, which btw anon, thank you
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hrvrvrvvr i loved the dragon reader thing, but i gotta know now what legacy is like with a western dragon reader instead of a chinese dragon reader (basically reader would be wayy more chaotic lol)
ohhh my moon and stars you two are going to get into SO much trouble
playfights are an absolute must, you both have a ton of energy to get out daily and have equally sturdy bodies, so you spend a lot of time sparring both with weapons and without. you're both incredibly careful not to draw blood- not that it's very easy, with your scales and his armor- and once you're finally tired you both collapse onto the ground, wheezing and laughing. you lightly punch his shoulder, giving Foul Legacy a grin that shows each of your sharp teeth and he rolls over and playfully licks your cheek, letting out a satisfied rumble. you and Legacy also tend to completely pass out after sparring, either dragging yourselves inside and slumping onto the bed or simply curling up in each other's embrace outside and sleeping under the stars- you're very grateful that your home is relatively secluded from the rest of Teyvat, with how often the latter happens
you're still not nearly as tall as Legacy is but you're matched in physical strength, so now HE gets to be on the receiving end of a welcoming tackle when you see him, both of you falling to the ground and snuggling up to each other in delight. he's fascinated by your large, sturdy wings, the way you can twist and fold them and use the claws on the ridges to prop yourself up- they're so wonderfully different compared to his light, gauzy wings, the glint reflecting off your scales mirroring the stellar glimmer along his own wings. you gnash at each other occasionally, your fangs clacking on his armor as he chomps your scales; biting seems to be a form of affection for both dragons and Abyssal monsters, although if you gnaw on Foul Legacy's arm, he can lift you up and leave only your tail touching the ground before pulling you into a tight hug, both of you happily purring in sync
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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2011 Japan Post-Qualifying
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