#gosh you precious human being you
beauleifu · 1 year
trust me-
This is just the beginning >:)
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Okay Syntax's confused face at first got me then Huntsman rolled in and i knew what was about to go down and the way he said it like HES SO PROUD OF HIMSELF and his plan is immediately foiled by reader's reply damn you captured the mood so well
also READERS OUTFIT. IS. THE BOMB. You got the outfit SPOT ON you mindreader iswear (also syntax's little hum of approvement is what made me want to throw my phone cause its so fucking adorable-)
i will be staring at these for a long time and i just got back from pacing around trying not to squeal like???? SYNOO??? YOU ARE SO KIND?? AND THANK YOU
forgive me imma go bawl in a puddle of tears my heart cant tAKE thIS
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xhoneywheatx · 10 months
Warnings: None Category: Fluff Summary: How I'd imagine a surprise visit from you and your daughter to Levi would go.
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"Oh my gosh!" Hange excitedly cheered your name upon seeing you in the mess hall with your adorable 8-month-old daughter sleeping soundly on your chest in her harness. With a hand securely on your child's back, you waved at her with your other hand after placing your soup spoon in it's bowl. 
Hange scurried across the room and gave you her best side hug so as to not disturb the tiny human on your chest. "It's so good to see you here! How've you been?" She bombarded you with questions causing you to giggle behind your hand. You knew why she was so excited. It was your first time being here in the HQ building. You usually opted to stay home and tend to your cute little house with your husband in the Canaleth district with your growing child. You had been a part of the Survey Corps around two years ago, when you first found out about your pregnancy, and took the necessary precaution to hang up your Wings of Freedom for the time being. 
You helped out as much as you could, administratively, but when the morning sickness started bedridding you, Levi, as nicely as possible, ordered you to stay home. Since then, you really haven't been around much, only being in around the town you live it to keep your pregnancy as stress free as possible. Your husband was not one to argue with you either. 
"I'm fine Hange. So is the little one too!" You looked down at your precious daughter and began to feel her moving around in her harness at the sound of her name. "Oh! She's waking up!" Hange exclaimed slightly lowering herself to look at your baby. She opened her big beautiful eyes and stared into Hange's. "Oh, you got so big KK!" Hange's smile caused your daughter to lightly giggle despite being woken up. 
"Does he know you're here?" Hange asked meticulously fixing your daughter's sock that was halfway off her tiny little foot. "He doesn't. Thought I'd bring the baby here to surprise him. He's been so stressed and upset from not seeing us lately." You spoke brushing your child's dark curls out of her face. 
"That explains why he's been more grumpy." You and Hange giggled at the little insult. While you two were off in your own world, the doors to the mess hall opened and in came the cadets. Chatter began to build up as they all lined up to get their plates to get the much needed grub after sparring in the heat for the last two hours. 
You were so caught up in your conversation with Hange and your baby occasionally babbling as if she were in the conversation that you didn't notice three new faces sitting carefully sitting in front of you with curious eyes. It wasn't until you noticed your baby, now sitting with her back on your tummy, out of her harness, wasn't paying attention to you anymore. You looked down to follow her gaze and was met with piercing green, dark, and blue eyes.
"Oh, hello." You spoke with a smile on your face. The boy with the blue eyes and blonde hair adverted his eyes from your face with a pink blush on his cheeks. 
Cute, you thought.
"Hey guys!" Hange greeted. 
"S-section Commander Hange.." The boy with the green eyes and brown hair stuttered his greeting. They barely noticed her beside you munching on her own food that's gone a bit cold from how long it's been there. "Eren, Mikasa, Armin." Hange addressed each of the kids before getting up to dispose of her plate, telling you she'd be back in a jiffy. 
"W-who are you? I-I've never seen you around here..." The blue eyed boy, you now knew as Armin, asked timidly. After studying their faces a bit more, you realized that they couldn't have been over 15 years old. Such a young age to join- the Survey Corps at that. The thought made your heart tighten a little. You slightly wondered what could have caused these kids to join at such a young age. 
However, your thoughts were cut short when... "Yeah! Are you a cadet like us?" The boy with the bright green eyes, now Eren, asked rather excitedly. 
"Eren." The girl, Mikasa, warned. 
So, she's the protective type, you gauged. 
With a smile on your face, you happily spoke up while letting your daughter nibble on her teething ring making the cutest noises in your arms. You felt a little drool on your hand that held her in place, but you ignored it. "I am- well, used to be, Squad Leader Adachihara-"
"Used to be? You were in the scouts?" Eren cut you off. 
"Eren," Mikasa started. "It's rude to cut people off." She chastised. The boy went on to defend himself, explaining to her that he's just curious when you chimed back in to diffuse the little disagreement. "It's okay," You held your hand up before continuing. "I got pregnant with my daughter about two years ago. Pregnant soldiers aren't allowed to be in the ranks as a soldier let alone a Squad Leader." You explained. 
Naturally, your eyes drifted to Mikasa and you saw a ghost of a blush color her face. 
At the mention of your child, the three of them looked down at her, who was lost in her own world wiggling and giggling in your arms, occasionally waving her teething ring around. You noticed Armin's gaze lingered on her for a bit longer than the others, almost as if he were studying her. A few compliments later and you five were engaging in a rather informative conversation for the cadets. You answered as many questions as you could so as to not scare them but prepare them for the world beyond the walls. Hange even threw in a 15-minute spiel about how fascinating titans were before leaving to grab a cup of coffee. 
"If you don't mind me asking miss," Armin started. You gave him your name which caused another bloom of pink to dust his cheeks after correcting himself. "... um, where are you from?" You knew the question would come up sooner or later. "Well, long story short, my family has always been here on Paradis. My clan just resides in the Canaleth district. We all have darker skin a curly hair like mine. If you've never been to the district, you'll probably live your entire life without knowing we exist." Your smile grew a bit wider once you read his question a bit deeper. "If you're asking why I look different from you three, I'm not sure, but that doesn't make me any different." You raised your eyebrows at him as he panicked telling you that's not at all what he meant. 
During his apology that honestly made you giggle, Hange returned and sat back down with a wide grin on her face. 
"Sorry it took so long. I just ran into your husband and Erwin." 
You looked down at your daughter who was already peering up at you. "You hear that baby, Daddy's here." You grinned. "Da!" She exclaimed before turning her little head around to search for him. Her excitement warmed your heart. She was definitely a daddy's girl. 
"You're married to someone here?" Eren asked, shocked at the new information presented to him. You nodded at him. "Did you know that Section Commander?" Armin asked after Eren. Hange nodded before reaching her hands out to your baby. She began grabbing the air at Hange and leaned over to her saying, "Mmmm! Mmmm!" telling you to let her go. You gave her up and watched as she immediately began playing in Hange's wild hair. 
"Who is it?" 
Hange looked over at you and winked, causing you to blush. "You'd never guess!" She exclaimed. Eren looked between Mikasa and Armin before looking back at you. "Is it the Commander?" Mikasa asked. He seemed to be a family man. It was the most logical answer to her. At the mention of his name, your nose turned up in disgust. 
"Uh-uh." You shook your head before taking a drink of water from your glass. "Erwin is like my brother." You spoke freely, choosing not to address him as the commander. You never did anyway so why start now?
"Is it the weird guy that smells everything?" Eren asked earning a glare from Mikasa at his careless words to describe a higher up. "Mike?" You made a face before shaking your head again. You looked towards Armin who had his gaze set on your daughter again. "Your daughter looks very familiar. She almost looks like Cap-"
"What are you three doing?" A familiar voice spoke from behind your left shoulder causing you to look over along with your daughter and Hange. Immediately, your daughter began bouncing up and down from excitement and grabbed at the air for him.
"Da! Da!" 
"Captain Levi is your husband?!" Eren exclaimed causing a bit of attention to land on your table. 
"And what of it Jeager? Got a problem?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at the young boy. "Da! Da!" Your daughter was now trying to lean over Hange's shoulder, who was laughing at their shocked expressions as Levi gently scooped him daughter up in his arms and settled her on his hip as she tried her best to wrap her tiny arms around his neck in a hug. 
You saw the faint curve of his lips upward at the gesture and planted a kiss on her forehead. 
"N-No sir!" Eren exclaimed, scrambling to his feet to give him a salute. 
"Get outta here brat. You've pestered my wife and child enough." 
You giggled at his brashness. It reminded you of how things were before you took maternity leave. Levi hasn't changed much since you left. Well, at work. At home, he was completely different. Clingy, soft, and most importantly, a little happier. 
Eren scurried off with Armin leaving Mikasa to fight back an eye roll at their skittishness. She gathered their forgotten plates and slightly bowed to the table before leaving your little group alone. 
"I'll go find them." Hange offered before taking her cup of half-finished coffee with her leaving you and Levi. 
And Kuchel. 
"What are you doing here?" He asked hearing his voice soften tremendously. No matter where you two were, sparring, in a meeting, or even slicing through 15 meter titans, Levi always seemed to talk to you in a softer tone, expressing his admiration for you this way. You noticed his eyes would soften upon speaking to his squad, Hange, and Erwin, but the look never reached his tone. 
It was his way of telling you that you were special to him. The only other person he did this for was Kuchel- who was stuffing Levi's cravat in her tiny little fist trying to put it in her mouth. The action made you laugh a little while trying to contain your blush from his undivided attention. His eyes haven't left you since he sat down, only when pulling something inedible from your daughter's stubby hands knowing she'd put it in her mouth. 
"You haven't been home lately," You attempted to hold his loving gaze noticing him taking in your appearance. His beautiful grey eyes scanned your pretty face noticing the little details such as you filling out your eyebrows some, a different lip gloss that had hints of glitter, and the fact that you actually used the mascara you purchased a few weeks ago. 
"...so I..." you lost your train of thought getting lost in his eyes. Your heartrate sped up slightly and your breathing became slightly irregular. You were sure the cherry blush on your face darkened to crimson the longer you held his gaze. Unable to withstand the pressure, you adverted your eyes and took a quick deep breath, telling yourself to calm down. 
How he still had this effect on you four years later was beyond you. 
"Cat got your tongue sweetheart?" He teased, lowering his voice to keep your conversation private considering the number of unwanted eyes on you two following Eren's outburst. 
"Levi." You whined, feeling your temperature spiking at the intimate name. He laughed, making it sound more like a scoff to go unnoticed by the cadets and an eavesdropping Hange. 
"Ma! Ma! Mmmm! Mmmm!" Kuchel began to whine and wriggle in Levi's arms making grabby hands at you, well... your boobs. She was hungry. Levi immediately noticed this and ushered his little family into his private quarters on the fourth floor and helped you get comfortable before going to find Erwin. After taking much longer than he wanted, he finally found the blonde tucked away in the library nose deep in a history book. From there, he told the commander of the surprise visit where Erwin smiled a genuine smile for the first time in a long time. Not having a family of his own yet, he was happy for Levi and granted him the rest of the day off to catch up on the much-needed family time. 
Levi graciously accepted and went back to his quarters to tell you the good news. Upon arriving back and opening the door, he realized just how long he had been gone. You were laying on you side with your breasts exposed so your daughter could eat comfortably, but upon further investigation, he realized that you two fell asleep like that. 
With a small smile on his face, Levi locked the door and pulled out a change of clothes and headed into the bathroom to change. Upon putting his uniform in the dirty clothes hamper, he exited the bathroom and placed a pillow on the other side of your daughter, on the edge of the bed, in case she got a little wild during her nap. He then carefully crawled on the bed behind you, pulling your shirt and sports bra down in the process. 
He gently pulled you into his chest, leaving a little space between you and Kuchel to give her some space, and buried his nose in your pineapple bun, enjoying the scent of coconut oil and your peppermint shampoo. Levi didn't nap with you two, but instead chose to enjoy the little intimate moment in the quiet. 
It was in this moment that Levi forgot what lied on the outside walls. All that went through his head in this moment was how lucky he was to have the God above bless him with the two most important women in his life. It made him all the more excited to give you more children, to live with you for the rest of his life. He was genuinely happy. 
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7s3ven · 7 months
Hihi can you do a luke x reader fic where reader has had a crush on him for the longest time but he never liked her back and once she started to loose feelings and liking other people he gets jealous and ends up liking her and they get tgt in the end
I love ur writing sm!!🙈🙈
I actually have the perfect idea for this in my drafts, omg.
EVERY1 WANTS HIM. luke (pjo)
( master list )
IN WHICH… Y/N L/N realizes she didn’t the only girl hopelessly in love with Luke. And when she finally lets him go, that’s when he decides to reciprocate her precious feelings.
“Everyone wants him, that was my crime. The wrong place at the right time.”
Warnings : Y/N is kind of girly, details differ, angst
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Love was a funny topic. It often left you breathless with your head spinning and your heart pounding so fast that you feared it would abruptly stop. Or sometimes, it filled you with a sense of dread and envy that engulfed you. Y/N was the latter.
Being an Aphrodite child, she had no problem catching the attention of the guys at camp, including Luke Castellan’s.
He was the golden boy, the role model, the literal blueprint to a great demigod warrior. And Y/N was practically perfection in a human’s body. So why was keeping his attention so hard?
Y/N had tried to deny her feelings for Luke after realising he rarely batted an eye in her direction, yet every time she smelled his cologne, she almost swooned. Him sending her occasional bright grins when he decided to acknowledge her didn’t help either.
“Y/N, can you help Luke with setting up the targets?” Chiron’s voice snapped Y/N back to reality. She suddenly remembered that she was standing on a large grassy plane, awaiting to teach a band of small kids archery. Well, more like Luke was going to do the teaching part. She was only there as a small punishment for being out past curfew.
“Right.” She stammered, hurrying over to Luke. He handed her a target from his pile and when their fingers brushed, Y/N almost jolted. “Sorry.” She muttered.
She felt a little stupid right now. She wasn’t usually the shy one when it came to interactions with guys. Luke merely smiled, his gaze following her as she placed the target down, providing Y/N with false hope.
“You’re better at archery than I am. You should be teaching.” Luke uttered after a moment of silence. Chiron had already wandered off to attend to other parts of camp, leaving the pair of older kids alone.
“I’m not that good.” Y/N quickly replied.
Luke was silent for a minute more before he spoke again. “Why do you act so defenceless and dumb?”
It took Y/N a short second to register his words. “Excuse me?” She choked out. Was he insulting her? Last time she checked, she was decently smart. Definitely not on Annabeth’s level but her grades had always been higher than average.
“I’m not calling you dumb.” Luke quickly corrected himself, “But I’m just wondering why you pretend to be so weak when you’re actually a good fighter and why you hide your intelligent side and focus on your looks. Why do you act stupid to get male validation?”
Y/N didn’t know the answer to his random question. “Nobody likes a smart and strong girl.” She whispered as she set up the last target.
“Well, I must be a nobody then. My type is smart and strong.” Luke grinned before his eyes darted over to Silena, who stood a few meters away. “Your sister’s waiting for you.”
Y/N glanced over her shoulder, subtly waving at Silena. “I’ll get going then. Bye, Luke.”
“See ya, Duke.”
Y/N momentarily paused, “What did you just call me?” She asked in confusion.
“Duke. As in, Heather Duke? You know, from Heathers? She acts dumb but is actually really smart, just like you.”
Y/N could only stare at Luke with her lips slightly parted. “Okay.” She breathed. “Bye.” She jogged over to Silena, quickly grabbing her half-sister’s arm.
“He gave me a nickname.” She whispered to Silena.
On instinct, Silena squealed. “Oh, my gosh! He’s totally into you!” The younger camper effortlessly fed Y/N’s delusions. “Make your move at the campfire tonight, don’t be shy!” Silena nudged Y/N with her elbow.
“Do you think he actually likes me?” She mumbled. Silena immediately nodded. Y/N shakily inhaled. “I guess I could… sit with him at the campfire.”
Silena happily clapped her hands. “Let’s go find you the perfect outfit!”
The campfire was in a few hours. The sun was slowly beginning to set, giving Camp Half-Blood a break from its harsh and burning rays.
Silena dug around in Y/N’s closet, messily throwing articles of clothing over her shoulder.
“What on earth are you doing?” Drew scowled in disapproval as she was hit in the face with a short brown skirt.
“Y/N’s going to make a move on Luke and she needs to look sexy!” Silena exclaimed amongst all the chaos.
Drew lightly scoffed. “Just throw her into a black top and mini skirt. She looks good in anything.”
Silena gasped as she stood up straight. “You’re right!” She scrambled around to find what she was looking for before shoving a black off-shoulder top and a short grey and white plaid skirt with hints of brown into Y/N’s arms. “Get changed! Now!”
Y/N quickly hurried into the bathroom, a little overwhelmed by Silena’s sudden enthusiasm.
“Are you sure about this?” She mumbled, trying to tug the skirt down. She usually wore short skirts but never in front of Luke.
“It’s fine, stop fidgeting with it.” Drew snapped, linking arms with Y/N. Silena did the same on the other side, the two girls practically dragging Y/N out of the cabin. She nervously gulped as they neared the roaring fire.
“I’ve never seen you this nervous.” Drew piped up. It was true. Y/N was almost like a flirting machine yet her heart was always stuck on Luke Castellan.
Y/N’s eyes scanned the small crowd huddled around the campfire, freezing when she spotted Luke in the company of another girl. Silena, wondering why Y/N had abruptly stopped walking, followed her gaze.
“Oh… that’s…” Silena wrinkled up her nose, nudging Drew.
“That’s not right.” Drew furrowed her eyebrows together.
Y/N watched with an aching heart as Luke slung an arm around the girl’s shoulder and leaned in to kiss her cheek.
The girl in Luke’s arms immediately glanced at Y/N, knowingly grinning as if to silently say “There’s another girl in Luke Castellan’s life”.
Y/N almost started trembling. “I…” She clawed at her throat, “I can’t breathe.”
Drew immediately grabbed Y/N’s wrists. “Calm down.” She demanded, “You are Y/N fucking L/N. You don’t need a man. You are an absolute powerhouse by yourself!”
Y/N shakily inhaled before she nodded. She resisted the urge to glance at Luke again, knowing it would only suffocate her even more.
“Y/N, no offence, but maybe Luke just… doesn’t like you as much as you like him.” Silena murmured, despite being one of the only people that constantly fed Y/N’s imagination.
Y/N stared at the ground, feeling a mix of anger, sadness, and happiness all in one. Angry that Luke led her on. Sad that Luke would never see her the way she saw him. And happy that she no longer had to withstand the pain of seeing him with other girls.
“We can skip the campfire.” Silena gently said, placing a hand on Y/N’s shoulder.
Y/N quickly lifted her head, her lips curved into a delicate frown. “No. Find me someone to flirt with.”
“Theo, Ares kid. Handsome, good fighter, surprisingly didn’t inherit his dad’s anger issues.” Drew pointed a tall brunette boy sitting amongst his siblings. As Y/N stormed off towards Theo, Drew leaned to the side to whisper to Silena.
“She really is mother’s daughter.”
“Theo. Hi.” Y/N stopped in front of the teenager, smiling at him. Theo paused, lifting his gaze to stare at Y/N in surprise.
“Oh! Y/N… hi!” Theo looked unnaturally happy to see Y/N. He grinned up at her, welcoming her to sit next to him.
“I thought you would be sitting with Silena and Drew.”
“I decided I needed a change.” Y/N clasped her hands together as she gazed at Theo. She saw his cheeks turn bright red.
“And you chose to sit next to me of all people?”
Y/N shrugged, “Yes. Is there something wrong with that?”
“No!” Theo stammered, “I just wasn’t expecting you to sit with me! Because you’re so pretty- does that sound weird? Uh, you’re just really beautiful- that sounds weird.”
Theo’s siblings looked over at him and mockingly snickered together as he tripped over his words.
Y/N merely stared at him, her glossed lips set in a slight curious pout. “You think I’m pretty?” She asked, batting her lashes.
“Everybody thinks you’re pretty. Not just because of your looks but because of your vibe.”
Y/N’s cheeks unintentionally heated up. “Oh.” She murmured, glancing at Silena who was eagerly watching the pair. The ravenette subtly pointed over at Luke, whose jaw was clenched. His attention was no longer on the girl beside him and, instead, his focus rested on Y/N.
“Are you trying to make Luke jealous?” Theo suddenly asked. Y/N quickly turned her head to face him. “It’s not hard to tell you have a crush on him. I mean, he probably knows at this point.”
“I’m not that obvious.” Y/N retorted.
Theo chuckled as he took a sip from his drink. “You’re about as subtle as a sword. You wanna make him jealous? I’ll help you. I know how a guy’s mind works and right now, he wants to strangle me for even looking at you.”
“Why would you even offer to help me with such a ridiculous task?”
“I like watching chaos.” Theo moved closer to Y/N, their shoulders gently brushing. “And I like causing it even more.” He grinned, “What do you say? Partners in crime?” He held out his hand for a hand shake.
“I like the sound of that.” Y/N laughed as she pulled Theo into a tight hug, “I don’t think a handshake would cause enough chaos, though.”
Theo had that same mischievous glint in his eyes as Y/N did. “You’re right.”
“You should’ve seen Luke.” Silena giggled as she washed her perfectly clear face, “He was practically fuming!”
“He deserves it.” Drew piped up as she carefully plucked out any stray eyebrow hairs. “Leading Y/N on then acting like he’s all innocent. What a jerk. You’re better off without him, honestly.”
Silena hummed in agreement. “Hermes boys are always telling lies.”
Y/N remained quiet as she wiped the excess water off her face. Sure, she felt annoyed that Luke had played with her feelings but small part of her still yearned for his attention.
“Yeah. I guess.” Y/N whispered. Drew and Silena left the bathroom, leaving Y/N to tend to herself. She stared at her reflection, taking in the dark circles that had begun forming and how her smile never looked genuine anymore. Her lips were curved but there was no joy in her eyes.
“Y/N, are you coming? We’re watching to all the boys I’ve loved before.” Silena poked her head into the bathroom, alerting Y/N.
As Aphrodite children, romcoms were their favourite movies. They spent a lot of time watching crazy rich asians, 2000 romance movies, and even gossip girl purely for the unbelievable drama.
“Yeah, I’m coming. Hang on.”
Y/N practically stumbled out of her cabin. It was still dark, the sun still hiding behind the mountain peaks. Dim lanterns lit her path as she begrudgingly started jogging around the camp grounds. She was using it as a method to clear her mind, but she unexpectedly crashed into Theo.
“Morning.” He grinned down at her. “You out for a morning jog?”
“I have nothing better to do.” Y/N muttered back as she spotted some movement out of the corner of her eye. It was Luke slipping on his camp shirt as he stepped out of the Hermes building, barely awake. He saw Y/N and Theo but didn’t bother acknowledging them.
“Someone’s grumpy today.” Theo joked, lightly nudging Y/N. “He’s probably still jealous over last night.”
Y/N folded her arms over her chest. “I still don’t get why he’d be jealous. It was fun at first but why exactly would he be envious of you?”
Theo sent her a surprised look. “If a pretty girl was throwing herself at me and then suddenly stopped and gave other guys attention, I’d be jealous too.” Theo’s gaze flickered to Luke, “And here he comes now. See ya.”
Theo slyly slipped away before Y/N could grab him. Luke was quickly walking towards her, tightly holding a beige-coloured envelope in his hands.
“Y/N.” He uttered, “Here.”
“What’s this?” Y/N muttered as she took the letter Luke handed her. For a minute, she almost thought it was for her.
“I need your opinion on it. I’m going to give it to Isa.” Luke smiled, knowing exactly what he was doing, while Y/N thickly gulped.
“Right.” She muttered, staring at Luke’s surprisingly neat handwriting. It felt like she was opening a letter meant for her. Her eyes quickly scanned over the words, wanting nothing more than to run away. “It’s good.” She choked out.
“Would you give it to her? I know you’re relatively close.” Luke sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck while Y/N furrowed her brows in annoyance. She bit back a loud scoff, shoving the letter into Luke’s hands.
“I’m not your errand runner, Luke.” She snapped, “Give it to her yourself. And I’m not close with Isa. Wrong girl, you jerk!” Y/N couldn’t help but storm off. She felt ridiculed by Luke. It was like he was purposely embarrassing her to see how she would react.
If Luke wanted a fight, he’d get more than that. He’d get a war. People often forgot that Aphrodite was also a goddess of battles and that her children were often just as violent as the Ares kids if pushed too far.
By the time Y/N arrived at the Pavilion, Drew and Silena were already sitting in their usual seats. “He’s such a jerk.” Y/N grumbled as she slid into the seat between her sisters, “Ugh!”
“What did he do this time?” Drew asked, unfazed because she had expected Luke to mess up again.
“So I’m on my morning jog and I run into Theo so we talk but Luke approaches me, causing Theo to walk away. And Luke hands me a letter without any context! So I ask what it is and it’s a letter for Isa. And he asks me to give it to you because apparently, we’re close. But I have never even talked to her! And I realized he probably mixed me up with another girl!”
Y/N angrily stabbed her fork into a roasted potato. “The audacity! Honestly!”
“Good to know you’re finally acknowledging how stupid he is.” Drew drawled as she stared into a small hand mirror and perfected her lip gloss.
Silena, always the kindest out of the iconic Aphrodite trio, pursed her lips. “Don’t say that.” She muttered at Drew. She turned her attention to Y/N. “Maybe he’s having pretty girl withdrawal symptoms.”
Drew gave Silena a pointed look. “What does that even mean?”
“He misses Y/N fawning over him and after her interaction with Theo, he wants to get back at her. Thus, locking you two in a battle where both of you are too proud to fold.”
Y/N huffed. “Maybe I should just move on.”
“Please do.” Drew piped up, “He doesn’t deserve you.”
Y/N nodded her head in determination. “Okay. By the next campfire, I’ll be completely over him! I swear by it!”
Y/N was wrong. So, so, so wrong. She was not over Luke. In fact, she might be falling deeper into his undeniable charm. She sat with Drew and Silena, as always. Theo and Clarisse lingered behind them while Luke, Chris, and a few other Hermes kids sat to their right.
“Is that the new Apollo kid?” Drew asked as she nodded over at the boy strumming the guitar. He was quietly humming along, adjusting the strings every once in a while.
“Yeah. Eric or something.” Y/N replied, her eyelids drooping. She leaned back, accidentally bumping into Theo’s knees. She tried to pull away but he held her down.
“Don’t look now but a certain Hermes boy is staring at you. He looks green as fuck.” Theo whispered in Y/N’s ear as he rested his hands on her shoulders. “Laugh like I said something funny.”
Y/N lightly giggled, covering her mouth with one hand so nobody could see that it was fake.
“He looks even angrier now.” Clarisse added, enjoying Y/N’s little scheme.
“I thought you were moving on from him.” Drew butted in.
“The chaos is fun to watch.” Clarisse answered for Y/N. “Don’t look at Luke but look at Eric. He’s eyeing you up.” Y/N glanced at the new camper, immediately locking eyes with him.
Eric gently smiled as he began to sing along with his siblings, swaying to the beat and never once breaking eye contact with Y/N. Luke’s gaze darted between Y/N and Eric before he ran his tongue over his teeth in annoyance. Why was he feeling this way? He had never been interested in Y/N before, at least not in the way she wanted.
He agreed that she was beautiful but there was nothing more to her than that in his eyes. He never did give himself the chance to get to know her, though. He only liked the attention she gave him and when she abruptly ripped it away, he felt empty. Only now did he realize how many guys were actually interested in Y/N.
It only got worse after the campfire. Y/N was no longer seen following Luke around like a lost puppy and to other boys, they saw it as a chance to finally make their move.
“Oh, my gosh. This is so cheesy.” Theo laughed as he read the love letter someone had sent Y/N. She chuckled along with him.
“I know, right?” She sighed, plucking the letter from Theo’s hands. “I appreciate it but the rhyming scheme doesn’t exactly work out, does it?” Theo immediately shook his head.
“They have great words but they cannot rhyme to save their life.”
Over the past few weeks, Y/N ended up spending more time merely hanging out with Theo than plotting another trick against Luke. In all honesty, she enjoyed his company. It made her wonder why she let herself become so blinded by her adoration for Luke.
“Uh oh.” Theo muttered, “Lover boy incoming.” Y/N lifted her head to see Luke.
“Can we talk?” The brunette asked, though it sounded more like a demand. He didn’t even bat an eye at Theo. “Now?” Luke Castellan had finally cracked.
“Oh… sure.” Y/N stood up and glanced at Theo, who shooed her off. He sadly watched as she trailed after Luke, her hands clasped nervously behind her back.
“That should be me.” He whispered under his breath. “Castellan doesn’t deserve her.”
“Did I do something wrong?” Luke led Y/N to an isolated area of camp. And he eventually said something after a few moments of deadly awkward silence. “Why are you avoiding me and talking to all these other guys all of a sudden?” His knees felt like jelly when Y/N looked up at him.
“Excuse me? I have a right to associate with anyone I please.”
“Why aren’t you paying attention to me?” Luke blurted out. “Why are you flirting with other guys when you used to only flirt with me?”
“Because you’re a jerk, Luke. You don’t have the right to play around with my feelings and when I don’t give you attention anymore, suddenly you want it again! You should have appreciated it when you had it!” Y/N harshly poked his chest as she spoke in a tone she had never used before. Luke could only stand still as Y/N pointed out his flaws.
“But… I liked your attention.” He whispered just loud enough for Y/N to hear.
“Too bad. Go kiss Isa. I thought you liked her?” Y/N was mocking him as she waved him off.
Luke stumbled back, stunned. In that moment, he realised how truely beautiful Y/N was. He took notice of her charming smile, her shining eyes, the crinkles on her face as she grinned. And he remembered how kind she was. She never overstepped a boundary unlike other girls. She admired Luke from afar and didn’t act like a creepy stalker.
Luke slowly walked away, quickly glancing over his shoulder to see Y/N embrace Theo. He had never felt more jealous than before. He could see Clarisse, Drew, and Silena watched him, each smiling like they knew something he didn’t.
“Did lover girl reject you?” Clarisse taunted him, causing Luke to roll his eyes.
“Fuck off, Clarisse.” He grumbled. Drew let out a muffled laugh, finding amusement in the whole situation.
“She doesn’t want you anymore, Castellan.” Drew uttered, shrugging. “Get over it. Didn’t you treat her the same?”
Luke furrowed his brows. “I never treated her like that…” He trailed off, trying to remember when he had ever brushed Y/N off.
There was the time at the campfire where he kissed that girl on the cheek.
And when he showed Y/N his love letter to Isa, which was really just his shopping list shoved into an envelope.
And when he purposely mixed her up with another girl.
“Oh, shit,” He muttered, “I’m a jerk.”
“You just noticed?” Drew snapped. “You realise you miss Y/N because she only ever focused on you when so many other guys wanted her attention too? What happens now? What are you gonna do, huh?”
Luke lightly chewed on the inside of his cheek. “What am I supposed to do? It’s not like I share her feelings.”
Clarisse leaned against a wooden pole, staring at Luke with a small grin. “Yeah. But you’re starting to. You’re jealous.”
Luke scowled, “I am not.” He huffed. “You’re delusional, Clarisse.”
“Maybe. But at least I didn’t fumble a gorgeous girl like you, Castellan.”
Luke clenched his jaw, something he seemed to be doing quite a lot with recent events. “Whatever.” He muttered, quickly walking off.
“I thought she was planning to move on from Luke.” Silena spoke for the first time.
“Be realistic, she’d jump into his arms if he confessed.” Clarisse fired back. Drew nodded her head in agreement. Y/N had always been a hopeless romantic, especially when it came to Luke.
“So… are we going to help him out or…” Silena trailed off as she looked at Drew then at Clarisse, both of them having identical evil glints in their eyes.
“He can figure it out on his own. I want to see how it ends.”
Luke lay awake in his bed, a thin layer of sweat coating his body from the humid air. It was unusually hot in his cabin. The Hermes building was often cold when the wind blew through the small cracks in the walls but someone made the grand choice of leaving the heater on for hours.
Finally, he stood up, having had enough of overheating. He yanked the door open, the wind feeling euphoric on his flushed cheeks.
He stepped outside, deeply inhaling. His gaze flickered to another camper walking around, dressed in a blazer cinched at the waste and a mini pleated skirt. There was only one group of people who dressed that fancy for a simple walk; Aphrodite kids. And Luke instantly recognised their H/C hair.
“Y/N.” He quietly called out as he jogged towards her. Y/N resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she turned around.
“What?” She muttered, folding her arms over her chest.
“I’m, uh, sorry for upsetting you earlier.” Luke scratched the back of his neck, hoping and praying Y/N would accept his half-hearted apology. It wasn’t much but it was all he could muster up.
Y/N, however, wasn’t that easy to break. “You can’t treat me like that then expect me to forgive you. Get it through your head, Luke, I don’t like you anymore.” She was about to storm off but Luke was quick to grasp her wrist.
“Please… forgive me. I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean to treat you like that. I didn’t know it would affect you.”
Luke was stunned when Y/N shoved him back. “You knew I liked you, Luke. You knew yet you still played around with me. And then when I move on, suddenly you want me back. You don’t get to decide that!”
“I know.” Luke murmured.
“You’re a jerk.” Y/N hissed, pushing him again.
“I know.”
Luke was expecting another harsh blow but Y/N only stared at him as she lightly panted. “You were jealous.” She muttered.
Luke quickly shook his head. “I don’t get jealous.”
“Admit it, Luke. Admit it.”
“I… can’t.”
“Tell me how you feel… and I’m yours.” Y/N stepped closer to him, their bodies almost pressed together. Luke’s breath hitched and in that moment, he wanted to blurt out everything.
How he felt like a failure after his quest.
How he thought he never truely deserved love.
And how he missed Y/N fawning over him.
Yet, he said nothing. He kept his mouth shut and he could see the hope in Y/N’s eyes slowly drift away.
It wasn’t a surprise to her that Luke remained silent. After all, he was never one to share his private thoughts.
“That’s what I thought.” She whispered, “Good night, Luke.” Y/N slipped away, not sparing him another look.
Over the next few days, Luke looked horrendous. Even Chris was staring at the boy in concern until he finally confronted Luke. “Dude.” Chris muttered, “You look terrible. What happened?”
“I haven’t been sleeping well.” Was all Luke answered with as he slowly stirred his spoon around in the soup. Clarisse, Drew, and Silena had all taken a notice of his rugged appearance as well.
“Do we help him now?” Silena questioned.
Clarisse sighed, rolling her eyes. “We have to. Otherwise, he’ll never have any game.”
STEP ONE: Lure Y/N out
“I don’t get why we’re going on a walk in the middle of the night.” Y/N uttered as Drew forcefully pushed her out of the cabin. “There’s harpies, you know.”
“Fuck them. Come on, hurry up. We don’t have all night.” Drew grumbled.
Silena was leading the way with Clarisse hot in her trail, holding a sword in case a happy did actually show up. The group of four girls wandered through the woods, their only source of light being a dim lantern Silena held in her left hand.
“Almost there.” The ravenette beauty spoke up. “Y/N, wait here.”
Drew and Silena rushed off while Clarisse stayed behind, grabbing onto Y/N’s collar every time the H/C-nette tried to walk back to her bed.
“I got someone’s dessert promised to be for a month. I ain’t letting you ruin that.” Clarisse uttered.
STEP TWO: Make sure Luke looks… decent
“Stop fiddling with the collar.” Drew slapped Luke’s hand away as he tried to adjust the tight buttons. He struggled to suck in a breath. “Gosh, men are such babies.” She rolled her eyes while Silena silently combed Luke’s hair.
“You look handsome.” Silena reassured Luke as she showed him his reflection. Luke stared at himself, feeling a little uncomfortable in such formal clothes.
“Are you sure?” He asked for the fifth time, finally causing Drew to snap.
“Oh, shut it, Castellan! We made you look good, end of story!”
Silena was quick to hush Drew in case Y/N heard her shouts. Luke sighed, adjusting his tie so that it was centred.
“I still think confessing to her on a beach is stupid. There��s sand in my shoes.”
“Hey, we offered to help you. You’ll take what you’re given.” Drew poked his shoulder before turning to Silena. “You can go get Y/N now.”
STEP THREE: Force Y/N to confront Luke and Luke to confront his feelings
Y/N furrowed her brows as soon as she saw the strange sight of Luke standing on a sandy beach. She turned to Silena but she had already dashed off, most likely to wait in the shadows until Luke and Y/N came to an agreement.
Y/N sighed. “What do you want, Luke?”
“I shouldn’t have let you go that night.” Luke answered. “I should have spilled out my feelings. I should have told you everything.”
“Well,” Y/N folded her arms over her chest, “It’s too late now.”
“I think you’re pretty.” Luke quickly said Y/N got ready to leave. She paused. “I think you’re beautiful. Gorgeous. Breath-taking. And I’m not talking about your outer appearance because as amazing as that is too, I’m talking about your heart and your vibe. I like how you’re the embodiment of pink. I like how you collect pearls and pieces of jewellery. I like how you adore heart-shaped things and how you’re always ready to lend a helping hand.”
“You noticed… all that?”
“I like how you always watch romcom movies with your siblings. I like how you wear the prettiest necklaces. I like your seashell collection and I like all your Vivienne Westwood clothes. I like how every time you leave camp for the holidays, you come back with a new fashion book and it’s all you read for the next days coming.”
STEP FOUR: High-five as Luke finally confesses (and Y/N cries - Clarisse)
“I like you.” Luke spoke the three words Y/N had been wanting to hear for years. She stared at him, silent and unmoving. He took that as a no until Y/N pulled him into a hug.
“Thank you.” She whispered, small tears rolling down her cheeks.
“Are you… crying?” Luke questioned.
Y/N quietly laughed. “Not many people notice all that about me… so if they do, I end up crying out of happiness.”
“Is this a yes to my confession?”
“It’s a maybe.”
“Good enough for me, Bella.”
Y/N sent him a confused look.
“You know, like Bella and Edward. Twilight, duh? How can you like to all the boys I’ve loved before and nor Twilight?”
Clarisse and Drew eagerly slapped their hands together while Silena fondly watched Y/N and Luke. She was happy for her half-sister because after all those years of pinning, Y/N finally got what she wanted.
PJO TAG LIST (FULL) : @lostinhisworld @julielightwood @jennapancake @evrybodydies1 @kkrenae @s0ulsniper @justanotherkpopstanlol @simpforeveyone @papichulo120627 @corpsebridenightamare @lilacspider @urmomsbananabread @ur-lacol-dsylexic @hottiewifeyyyy @kamiliora @be-bap @finnickodaddy @th0tblckgrl @shoyofroyoyoyo @syraxesrevenge @ahh-chickens @dracoslovergirl @midnightstar-90 @liv1104 @krkiiz @arialikestea @maryclx01 @lukecastellandefender @yuminako @coryoskywalker @crybabysbakery @jsbabyyy @liviessun @p3pperm1nttea @angie-esc @purplerose291 @prettylilsimp @10ava01 @happy-jj @czennieszn @gisellesprettylies @loveyava @jamesmackreideswife @2hiigh2cry @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @randomgurl2326 @niktwazny303 @luvvfromme @y0urm0m12 @mochi-lover26 @annispamz
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crows-in-the-house · 27 days
affection from Bill
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Bill being giddy when he gets to tauch you. His insides are mushy, his vision is foggy, he feels supernovas in his stomach, that's such a funny feeling! He won't admit that tho, of course, he will act like a little tsundere, telling you you're too close and distracting. He will tell you, he can hear your sweat under your nails, and you drooling in your mouth (its just saliva?) and oh stars, your so desperate, he CAN feel that beating heart in your insides, AND NO he said HEAR not FEEL. Gosh humans are so stupid.
He just sits there and let's you hold his hand when he makes new sock puppets. You are allowed to stay and watch but he swears he will make next ones out of your skin if you do something further. So you don't. For some time. And then he gets whiny, telling you all this takes too much space, and he can't see where he put buttons or threads.
For some reason his messyness is all your fault. But you don't get to leave, he has a better idea. What's that? He sits on your lap. Yes, shut up, that's the only solution! It's not like he could make you or him smaller, or make stuff fly, not this time kid! And stop thinking of other ways to do it! You are clearly at awe of his solving skills! Just stop trying to best him!
Oh also, since you initieted this (no you didn't) you should get the job done and squize him harder. Like, for this so called "hug"? C'mon, toots, he won't be satysfied untill he feels his brains pop out! Stop smilling idiot, what do you mean he sounds happy?!
It will take a few minutes to explain to him that's not what hugs are about. He then will proceed to bite you. What's the reason? Taking his precious puppet making time. Just sit there pretty and watch him do it. And NO, he ISN'T red, he doesn't have blood. (Well, in general he doesn't, let's ignore him savouring your taste on his tongue)
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doukeshi-kun · 9 months
stalker nikolai p....: proposing...,..
𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙚𝙧!𝙣𝙞𝙠𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙞 + 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙖𝙡
featuring ⨳ stalker!nikolai gogol x fem!reader
content ⨳ general dark romance vibes lmao, reader is unconscious (you just sleeping dw), nikolai being your husband in a nikolai way :)
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It's cruel to drug you with sleeping pills, that's what Nikolai thought.
That's why he force-fed you melatonin gummies instead. From two sweet gummies to six and now you are peacefully laying your head against his chest, arm hugging him as if he is a teddy bear. Nikolai would not lie—he is freezing right now on his spot.
To have you sleep on his bed is one thing, but to have you against him, so close like this? No matter how many times he has touched you, seen you, fucked you, Nikolai would always and always get too excited.
His heart is beating so loudly, he could feel it. And he hopes that the rhythm of his heart beating to you becomes the melody that serenades you to dive deeper into the dreamland.
Maybe force-feeding you melatonin gummies, pretending it is just normal candies is a good choice. You were so good at biting the gummy off his fingers every time he offered it to you. His fingertips still remember the slightest touch of your lips and teeth.
But he wouldn't do this often, no. It's only for today, tonight, right here, in his campervan—just for a special occasion.
Nikolai needs to reach to the drawer right by his working desk, so he gently and carefully moves your head and body off him, placing his pillow beneath your head—Oh, he would surely do a nasty, nasty thing with that pillow, knowing you laid your head on it. Not now, not now. Gosh, Nikolai needs to get himself right.
He reaches down, hand instinctively opens the bottom drawer but closes it immediately when he realises he opened the wrong one—Fuck, I hope she won't smell that.
He should dispose of that human skin quickly. Tomorrow would do. He knew that the recruiter who met you had something else in mind when he invited you to a one-to-one meeting with him. Job opportunity, his ass. And that man was too dumb to arrange your meeting in a public space—all Nikolai needed was to be out of your sight range, which he considers himself to be professional about.
Nikolai does not want to dwell in the past. His precious love won't be bothered and he can continue with this agenda he has been thinking ever since you shot him in his thigh. He promised to himself that he would marry you if you bleed him. And you did! Nikolai could not be happier. Not to mention, this wound you did on him had marked his skin—for him, this is the proof of your love.
He reaches the second bottom drawer, finally finding what he wants. He takes the small red velvet box. This is just one of the many rings he has bought for you. But this particular is special.
He takes your hand, slipping the ring onto your ring finger. It fits perfectly. He twirls it a bit, making sure it is not too tight on your finger. He prefers if you don't take it off, but that would bring you long-term issues.
“Hmm....” you stir in your sleep, still deep in it. Nikolai cackles to himself before he lowers himself to lie next to you. He faces you, linking your hand with his. On his ring finger, there is also a similar ring.
He wishes to kiss you right now, but he wants your permission still. So he just holds your hand, staring at his wife's sleeping face with a serene smile. He brings your hand and kisses the back of it softly.
“I do,” he says. And he repeats that action to each of your knuckles.
“I do,”
“I do,”
“I do,”
“I do,”
“I do.”
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©doukeshi-kun 2023 — do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, more @/cherikolya
if you like my works, consider buy me a ko-fi!
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solitary-traveler · 2 months
Hi hiii! I'm actually new here, and gosh i love your writing like since day 1 🛐🛐🛐
Would it be alright to request something like angst! Scaramouche where he's in an established relationship with y/n who decides to become immortal/ doll like so they can live for liek, an eternity with Scara? They could seek out Dottore. Their constitution would be more doll-like compared to Scara, with the visible ball joints and the creaking?? sounds when moving.
The thing would be, the reason Scaramouche fell inlove with them is because of their 'humanity'. You may end it however you wish to! ^^
The Price of Eternity
Loving Scaramouche was never easy He was immortal an you were not
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Scaramouche x gn!reader
Notes: Hiiii thank you so much @whitesheeponthestreet, both for this and the compliment!! This was actually kinda fun to write! I like this prompt. In any case, here you go. Sorry it took so long 🙏 I kinda feel like my writing downgraded—
Art: shihatsu_0 on X
Warning: Just angst :) with a slight tinge of comfort?
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Loving Scaramouche was never easy.
He was immortal, and you were not.
You sway with the grim reaper, and spin with the deities. Favored by the gods, you were gifted a heart that sang the most wonderful melodies—a song Scara cherished, worshipped, and loved.
Your entirety was a manifestation of those identified as "humans". Yet, it disgusts you.
Mortality means a limited lifespan. All beings die eventually, but human life is transient—a fleeting moment, a passing memory.
That frightens you.
You don't want to betray him.
Aware of the past tribulations carved into his being, you wanted to spare him more torment. He acts tough, but he's as fragile as glass—a precious, porcelain doll. He's barely holding on, and you don't want to shatter that.
You don't want to leave him alone.
Vanishing from his side—in any shape, way, or form—would be a betrayal. It's a pit you refuse to fall into.
That's what brought you here, to the presence of the Doctor.
"Are you sure about this decision? You know it would be irreversible," Dottore hums, hovering over you as you're strapped to a stained mattress. He feigns concern, his lips stretched into a wide smile.
"You can still say no if you'd like."
Despite his warning, he's already rummaging through the scattered tools on a nearby desk. His hands shake as he grabs a clipboard, reading a few lines before moving on to the next page. You simply shake your head in response.
"I know. But I want to do this. I have to."
The sinister smile never leaves Dottore's face. He taps the checklist and promptly snatches a syringe. He shakes the blue fluid inside before his gaze returns to you. Even with the mask, you know his eyes are sparkling with sadistic pleasure.
"Buckle up then, sweetheart. I'm not going to go easy on you."
You nod.
Not like it bothers you.
You love him too much to care about your humanity.
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Loving you was never easy.
You were mortal, and he was not.
He wasn't indulged by any god, nor pampered by fate. He was merely created, tossed aside, and left to rot.
If only puppets could rot.
But none of that mattered anymore. His decisions and choices were his alone. No deity or destiny could interfere with the world he forged. The path he walked was stained with blood and lies, a passage he sculpted to scrub away every last trace of human emotion.
He wasn't born with a heart, so why bother with feelings?
Unfortunately, you—with your foolish and ardent self—managed to trespass the safe haven he struggled to create.
But that didn't stop him from loving you.
He was fascinated by your humanity.
How could something so delicate and insubstantial coexist with those that have higher utility?
It was all too intriguing. Compelling. Oh, how he loved it.
How he loved the way your chest rose and fell with each breath, your shifting temperatures that somehow warmed and cooled him down. But your heart... Oh, how he loved your heart.
The beating, the rhythm, everything. It was a constant reminder that you were alive. He liked that. He used to believe he solely existed for the sake of being. Yet your heart, the ever-present voice of reason, screamed, "You're alive too!"
After all these years, he finally felt like living.
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Love was never easy.
You were now immortal, and so was he.
Yet, he doesn't feel as happy as he should. His chest feels empty. Hollow. As if something is missing—something more than a heart.
He holds you in his arms as you sleep peacefully. He raises his hand, slowly running his fingers over the ball sockets where your joints now connect. He recalls watching you stumble inside your shared apartment, your movements stiff as you clumsily made your way to him. He recalls your overjoyed smile as you hugged him, going on and on about how you now shared the same lifespan as him. Yet all he could think of was how smooth your skin was. Too smooth for his liking.
He thinks back to the sound of your joints creaking and grating with every move you make. It was horrible, the detestable screech irritating his ears. He looks back to that day, where he held your hand and pressed his lips against your forever cold skin. He remembers whispering, "I'd love you, no matter what you are."
But could he truly do so?
Scaramouche's thoughts spiral as he watches you, immobile and serene in his arms. He tries to convince himself that this new you, this immortal you, is what he always wanted. But the reality gnaws at him. Your once warm skin, a constant source of comfort, is now a cold, smooth surface that feels foreign against his touch. The rhythmic beating of your heart, which had been a soothing lullaby to his otherwise restless existence, is now a deafening silence that haunts him.
Every time he sees your stiff movements, hears the grating sounds of your joints, a pang of regret pierces through him. He had agreed to this transformation, thinking it was the solution to keep you by his side forever. But now, he questions whether it was the right choice. Was his love so fragile that it needed this drastic measure to endure?
He wrestles with his emotions, the conflict raging within him. He had always believed that love transcends physical form, that it is an unwavering force. But now, faced with this new reality, he feels the weight of his own hypocrisy. The physical changes have altered the very essence of what made you, you. The warmth, the breath, the heartbeat—gone.
As he looks at you, he feels a deep sense of loss. The vibrant, living being he fell in love with has been replaced by a lifeless replica. He wonders if he has been selfish, if his fear of losing you has led to this hollow existence. The guilt gnaws at him, amplifying his internal turmoil.
He was still going to love you forever.
But it will never be the same.
Loving you before had been like black coffee, strong and invigorating. This was like decaf—lacking the essence that made it real. He mourns the loss of the person you were, even as he clings to the shell that remains.
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deafsignifcantother · 5 months
the baby
♥ summary: almost loosely based off of this by @ukor02. This is really just a small little writing thing I did at 4am. ♥ relationship: no direct romance really, just some cute stuff between Lucifer and reader. ♥ word count: 1.6k ♥ notes: no childbirth mentioning and this is written like just as summaries of the situation tbh, almost like a bullet point format without the bullet points, the entire cast are characters, hospital scene, I made Alastor a main character and her main bestie because of course I did, reader is happy to be a mother
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You wanted to give your baby a chance to get into Heaven, even if it meant they'd leave without you. Hell is no place for a child. Both you and Charlie knew that.
"What a pleasant surprise," you sign to Alastor when you see that damn smiling demon right outside your hotel room.
He laughs; aw, you're describing his arrival as pleasant. Did he make a good impression on you when you saw him last when he introduced himself in person in Pride Sign Language? You never seemed to have paid any mind to him, giving one motion signs as responses whenever he tried starting a conversation. But even when you interacted with him like that, he couldn't help but wonder why you always looked at him with your sweet, shy gaze. It's not on purpose, which is the worst part.
Pleasant, you called it a pleasant surprise.
"It's good to see you too, my dear!" He signs, bowing a bit and pushing past you into your room. "What have you been up to?"
What an obnoxious question.
You close the door, squeezing the doorknob tightly. This is going to be a long evening. When you turn back to Alastor, he's in your living room examining the decor, your random art pieces taped to the walls and organized together, though not concisely.
He waves his hands. "I love what you've done with the place."
"I've been bored." You sign with a slight nod to yourself. It's awfully isolating, which is obvious. Still, it has never hit you as hard as it does now as you watch another person walk through your chambers.
"I'm glad I can be in your company then." His smile widens, and the static he emits gets heavier. His ear twitched a bit, which you noticed but tried not to directly look at. Was it a good or bad thing?
"But it's often relieving to be alone," you start and look him up and down.
"You're quite used to being alone, aren't you?"
Your lips tighten, your hands stiff, and you are unable to finish your sentence. Absentmindedly, you rest them on your plump, pregnant belly. Alastor does his best not to let his eyes draw down to analyze it. Still, his head tilts, even just a little. He hates looking at your hands when you touch your stomach. Did his mother hold her belly like that when he was inside of hers?
"Don't you have others to talk to?"
"They're out on their little journeys, you know them."
"Of course."
Alas, he lets his eyes trail down to your stomach. It's not quite full, but it's obvious enough to gain attention from others. Charlie will put her hands on it every day, waiting for the baby to show its presence. She can feel the heartbeat, and so can you and Vaggie, though everybody else can't feel a thing. Alastor refuses to put a hand on your stomach. Life is precious and loud, and the few who were never human understand that differently than the others.
"I wanted to check in on the baby."
A twitch of your eyebrow makes his smile widen.
The day before, Lucifer arrived.
You try on your best clothes, laying them flat against your front, looking at your belly in the mirror. For the king, should you try to hide it or show it proudly? He has a daughter, but does that affect his thoughts about Hellborn pregnancies? Gosh, what do you have to worry about? So stupid.
With the other people, your new friends, you stood with your head proud.
He swirled with the dragons and hugged his daughter as if he hadn't seen her for years. What a kind man, unusually kind. His eyes... Those soft, precious eyes. And when they landed on you, your heart almost stopped. He looked at you as if you were an angel. When his lips started to move, the smile you didn't even know you wore faded.
Charlie put her hand on his shoulder and whispered something to him. And there came Alastor, saving the day.
"The idiotic king was just telling you how happy he is for you." With the signs came the grinding of his teeth.
Lucifer approached, his cheeks flushed pink with embarrassment. He addressed Alastor with aggressive hesitance. 'Tell her...' he said.
Charlie smiled excitedly, Nifty kept nodding, and Sir Pentious's eyes started tearing up.
Alastor grimaced. "He's asking if he could feel your stomach."
As always, you've put a thorn in the flow of interactions.
Still, you put on a smile. "Of course."
And there you stood, the King of Hell's hands gently holding you. You could feel the cold of his touch even through the fabric of your shirt. The heartbeat vibrated through both your body and his. The baby was alive and well; you could tell through the pure glee that spread across his face. Beyond your tiny ounce of worry, you knew he'd find hope within your baby.
Alastor watched with a terribly strained smile.
"Why?" You ask again when he doesn't answer. "What's with the sudden worry?"
"Worry? No, no." Alastor waves you off. "More like..."
You watch with interest as he trails off, a vulnerability you love.
He squints his eyes and clenches his fists, but only for a moment. His lack of vocabulary kills him. "...Intrigue."
You crack a smirk. "Are you finally gonna feel my stomach?"
Another pause. Alastor considers it, but all he can imagine is his claws accidentally drawing blood.
"That's okay." Again, your hands rest on your stomach.
Alastor has been watching it grow, but so has Lucifer. Charlie's father scarcely visits, and you've convinced yourself it's to see you. Every time he enters the hotel, he asks how you are. He tries to lift his hands to sign but finds no words forming. A language was created in his world, and he has yet to learn how to learn it.
Whenever he presses his hands against your belly, he can feel the liveliness of the soul forming inside you, and he can feel your appreciation at his care.
Begrudgingly, he always has to ask Alastor for advice on communicating with you. Alastor always has a cocky smirk when he teaches.
Charlie has to ask Alastor for help, too, but more willingly. Alastor raises his chin and squares shoulders when people ask him for help. Charlie went to him for help on a conversation you knew she was going to start with you:
"You're not going to stay here for the battle."
"I know." There was no argument on your behalf. Charlie's cheeks still went pink.
"But I have to figure out where it's safest for you. Alastor told me Cannibal Town, but uhh... Maybe not."
"They'll all be here anyway. Maybe they'll distract the angels from going over there."
Her bright eyes widen a bit. "Do you think so?"
"I can stay over there, even if they try to eat me." They won't, and even if they try, they know Alastor would end their lives, don't they?
She fiddles with her fingers before lifting them up again. "I suppose..."
She's so quickly convinced it's cute. You're right, though, of course. Cannibal Town might be the safest place, specifically under the hands of Rosie, who Alastor had previously told you would be more than willing to help you. You can imagine her smile at seeing your belly, twice the size as when Alastor first told you about her. Unbeknownst to Charlie, he's been planning this for a while.
Your stress for their safety irks you more than you expected.
You place a hand on Charlie's, lifting your other one. "I'll be okay."
Before you left for Cannibal Town, you met Lucifer once again, a more loving side of him. He cradled your head and held the back of your neck as he did. His cold body felt like warmth to you. He whispered things to you; you could only tell from how his breath constantly brushed against your ear in sing-songy waves. Was he singing to you? A lullaby? He pulled away and finally signed to you. "You're going to be a great mom."
A moment before, Alastor finally put his hands on your belly. His hands were warm. Like Lucifer, he was whispering to himself, holding silent words from you. In another life, you'd imagine they were prayers. At that moment, only an instinct, you put your hands on his, and he allowed it.
The stress of their safety worsened when they were left alone in Cannibal Town without a word of winning or losing.
The winning of Hell was all you wanted to focus on when you noticed the contractions getting worse, spaced out in purposeful ways. Oh goodness, you found yourself thinking, oh my God.
What if Lucifer dies on the same day your child is born?
But after the battle, he was right there to cradle the baby in his arms, his heavenly grasp relaxing the tiny baby. The rest of the group sat in your room, Sir Pentious absent, tears in their eyes at both the birth and the death.
Beyond Lucifer's cradling, Husk was the only one who touched your child that day. He placed his furry paw against the baby, feeling the body heat that they admitted. Life could be beautiful, he decided.
Vaggie's sense of revenge deepened. She sacrificed Heaven to save a child, and now she's even more than willing to kill her sisters to save yours.
While Charlie stares at your baby with tears, Alastor smiles warmly at you. He knew you could do it: birth something beautiful and worth protecting.
Your eyes are locked on Lucifer. He's an amazing, supportive dad to Charlie, and your heart begins to swell. Your heartbeat increases, and a blush weakly forms on your already flushed face. His rough hands hold a forgiving softness. He's beautiful.
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wishuroses · 1 year
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.⠀ ݁ ⸜⸜ 𓂃 𓇼 experiment, spider soccoro.
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✶ pairings: spider x sully!reader
✶ warnings: fluff, kissing, touchy spider, sorry guys it gets heated, love confessions, reader is just a big cat (purring and scenting ensues), size differences, uppercase intended!
✶ word count: 1k
✶ na’vi glossary: yovo – a purple fruit, palulukan – the rainforest’s most fearsome predator.
✶ a/n: being deathly exhausted while simultaneously dying of hunger while writing is not a good mix lawd i’m running LAPS. beware that idk how to write people kissing but i tried my best! happy reading >:-)
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It was a quiet and cold night in the lab, hours past eclipse. Norm had suggested that Spider head to bed and you to go back home a long while ago, but you both decided against it–you knew your father would be at least a little understanding (but at the same time, you knew you were going to end up getting a scolding one way or another), your mother, on the other hand, not so much.
(Neytiri loathed Spider so much it made her blood boil and she made sure you both knew that, but the exact reason as to why–you weren’t sure. Nor will you be willing to understand. But one thing you did know was that you loved him, way too much. You weren’t sure if it was platonic or romantic, but either way you weren’t about to fight it. Not a chance.)
The only things you both could hear were the soft pitter-patters of rain that tapped against the glass and the buzzing hum of the hazy overhead lights, long forgotten video logs played on the illuminated screen before you.
It was nice, being alone with your closest friend like this. A small smile graced your lips at the thought, holding the small breathing device up to your mouth, inhaling the precious air, your eyes fluttering shut.
Your calm stupor, however, was cut short when you heard Spider’s nervous voice ring out towards you, soft but held a certain tone that demanded your attention.
“Could I try something?”
When you looked over, his eyes were locked and set onto the floor, finding it more interesting than anything else in the chilly room. Your wide honeyed gaze burned holes into the side of his head, eyebrows furrowing with nothing but concern for your friend. “What is it?”
Spider bit his lip in thought before responding, looking you dead in the eye. “Get on the table.”
“..This table will collapse underneath itself as soon as I sit down, Spi.” You responded with raised eyebrows, questioning, staring at him incredulously.
He has the gall to scoff, shrugging. “No it won’t, trust me. I’ve jumped over these things way too many times, and they haven’t budged, not once.”
You paused. Another beat of silence passed.
Your nose crinkled with doubt at the delicate skyperson table not breaking under your lithe, but heavy body–you wouldn’t believe that for a second– but something you could definitely believe is him playing jungle on top of them like it was nothing– honestly such a Spider thing to do.
Despite your inner dialogue, you couldn’t possibly resist this silly monkey boy anyways, even if it meant saving your life. “Fine.” You grumbled.
You placed yourself on the sleek expanse of the metal table, hissing softly as nothing but pure coldness stung the back of your thighs like pinpricks. The table was quite large, admittedly so, but your feet still managed to prod the floor.
A sharp, playful grin stretched across his face once you complied, immediately finding his place between your legs, warm palms smoothing atop your bare thighs. You shivered, goosebumps dotting across your navy blue skin–whether it was from the stale, chilly air of the lab or because of Spider’s touch, you had no idea.
“Spider,” you mused, making him look up at you through thick lashes. You found it oddly adorable how he was still so, so small, even when you’re sitting on a table, nearly hunched over to at least meet some of his height. He was tall for a human, you knew this, but gosh. You thought to make fun of him for it, like you usually do, but you couldn’t find it in you–for whatever reason. “What’s this all about?”
“I want to try to.. conduct an experiment.” If you weren’t so caught up in your confusion, you would’ve noticed the way he leaned into you, taking in your ray of presence with an unreadable expression on his face.
“Bro.. conduct an experiment?” You parroted with a cunning smile on your face, mirth shining in pools of gold. “Haha, you sound like Norm!”
Spider gasped, scandalized. “Shut up. I do not.” He flushed a pretty pink and shoved you gently, making you cackle aloud. “Norm said that if I ever get bored, I should try to experiment–test things out, I guess.” You hummed and placed a hand on his shoulder, letting him know that you were listening. “Thought that’d be boring to do by myself, and I always have fun with you, so that’s why I need you here.”
You nod once, managing to keep a straight face at the hidden confession, but the upwards flick of your ears and the way your tail thudded against the table gave it away. He always has fun with you? Now that was news to you.
All of a sudden, the air felt thinner and your heart felt like it was about to jump out of your chest, you quickly took a flustered breath from the device that dangled from your side. The lab was only chilly a few moments, why was it hot in here all of a sudden?
“Alright..” You licked your lips, and this time, you definitely didn’t miss the way his eyes caught the movement, intrigued. “So, what’s your hypothesis?”
“My hypothesis is that I can make you blush.” He states matter-of-factly, an even sharper grin taking over his features, making your heart palpate violently against your chest. “With my lips.”
You sputtered; now it was your turn to be scandalized, eyes popped open so wide that Spider was so sure they were about to jump out of your sockets.
“With your– with..” You heard the blood rush to your face, your ears flicking downwards with embarrassment. “Spider.. bro.. that’s so..”
“What? C’mon, let me kiss you.” He pouted, daring to lean even closer to you, making your thighs open wider to accommodate him. “I wanna kiss you.” You let out a breath at his straightforwardness, you knew he was not leaving you alone until he got that kiss.
Spider placed his hands around on your thin waist, squeezing softly, making your breath hitch. Fuck it, you thought, before leaning forward to crash your plump lips against his smaller ones, trying your best to work around the difference. He groaned internally, you tasted like sweet yovo fruit. Spider immediately reciprocated with an equal amount of vigor, thumbing the edge of your ribcage.
Noises of wet, desperate lips smacking together and strained breaths filled the air, and you both could only pray that Max or Norm wouldn’t walk in on both of you nearly eating each other’s faces off like two hungry palulukan in heat.
After a few moments, you pulled back–much to Spider’s dismay– making him push forward to chase your lips. Your chest was heaving, face flushed a ripe purple-ish color, while Spider was completely pink from head to toe–like the strawberries your father once told you about years ago. The pit of your tummy fluttered tremendously, like branch tips releasing new buds in gentle, fluctuating bursts.
The loud thumping of a tail and a purr thundered throughout the lab, effectively startling Spider. You push your head between the juncture of his neck and jaw, rubbing your cheek against the skin. He’d absolutely have to ask you about this later.
Your back arches like a strung bow, hips grinding forward against his with newfound vigor, the sudden pressure and friction against loincloths makes Spider groan heartily, thumbs rubbing encouraging circles into the dip of your hips. Eywa, you are huge. He’s overwhelmed, and so are you, yet makes no move to stop you. Please keep going, he wants to say, please.
Then, for you, it finally clicks.
You and Spider kissed. You and Spider… kissed. And the cherry on top is that you purred.
With whatever amount of shame you had leftover, you throw yourself back and slap your three-fingered hands over your flushed face. “Sorry. Oh, by Eywa, I’m so sorry.” He laughs breathlessly and gently removes your hands from your face, intertwining his hands with your bigger ones, silently reassuring you. You let him.
“This wasn’t just an.. experiment, right..?” You mumbled, bright eyes blown out wide and hopeful, Spider felt his resolve melt at your vulnerable state.
“Norm was right about that experiment thing, but I just wanted an excuse to kiss you. I plan to do it even more after today.”
“But..” you paused, “I thought you liked Kiri?”
Spider looked at you as if you’d just sprouted fifteen heads right before his eyes, but his gaze still held something soft. Something soft that was reserved for you only. “If I liked Kiri then I would’ve kissed her, not you, stupid!” At his words, your bottom lip juts outward to form a pout.
“So, you like me? Like, really like me?” You whispered, almost disbelieving.
“Yes, dummy, I really like you.”
“I really like you too!”
You surged forward, sending the both of you tumbling onto the chilled floor, tangled up in a mess of giggles and light pecks across each other’s blushing faces.
If it meant basking in your warmth every moment and every hour of the day, Spider would definitely consider conducting experiments with you more often.
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kykyonthemoon · 5 months
oh gosh i loved your “a surprise visit” so much that it had me lamenting over caleb again ☹️
if you’re up for it, i would like to request headcanons for caleb with a reader who wants to cuddle him but is too shy to initiate. (i feel for the shy girls whose love language is physical touch 🙈)
thank you so much and have a great day!
Dear Anon-san,
It flatters me so much that you enjoyed "A Surprise Visit" I wrote for Caleb <3 With this request of yours, I decided to turn it into a story. I'm aware that it would be a little different from what you expected when sending me this request. Still, I do hope you enjoy this cute little piece.
For all the shy girls out there, I wish you courage to put your feelings into actions, just as MC does at the end of this story <3
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When The Crabapple Blossoms
You had been waiting for a chance to tear down the last bit of the wall separating you both. He also wished for the same thing.
❀ Caleb x Female Reader/MC who is really shy
❀ Tags: fluff, shyness, adoptive siblings who are secretly in love with each other, domestic fluff, longing, pet names
❀ Word count: 1k3
❀ Masterlist
❀ Request
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You had always been Caleb's shy little girl.
One day many years ago, when he had just been brought home by Grandma, there was a little girl, barefoot on the grass, holding a teddy bear, coming out to greet him. Grandma told the two of you to quickly get to know each other, but you said nothing and looked down. One hand kept the teddy bear tight, while the other grabbed the hem of Grandma's dress. You hid behind her and refused to look directly at him. Grandma had to coax you for a while before you could tell the boy your name.
It took you a while to open your heart to accept him into your life. You were the little girl so shy that she only talked to him through the teddy bear used to cover her face. Then, on another day, you got lost. You were terrified and cried until your tears dried. When you saw Caleb, the first thing you did was to rush to hug him. Since then, it seemed that the wall between you and him had begun to crumble.
You said, Caleb had such warm hugs. You would always feel safe and comfortable in his arms. A few more years passed, and Caleb grew up so quickly. He began to grow taller, and his arms became larger. That made you feel even more protected. He said, he must grow up fast to defend you.
And you gave him a new moniker: Mr. Bear. Instead of using the old teddy bear to talk to him, you began to regard him as a teddy bear with the size of a human; which was able to move and talk, and knew how to take care of you.
Still you were very shy. Except for that time when you got lost, you never made the initiative to get close to him. All the time, it was Caleb who started first.
“Pipsqueak, come here.”
Simple as that, you would obediently go to Caleb. He would pull you into his arms, caress your hair and gently rub your back. At times like those, you felt like all the troubles in the world disappeared, leaving only the two of you with this simple yet extremely precious warmth. And because you could not say it with words, you used those gentle brushes against his chest as a way to express your feelings.
Then, both of you grew up. Caleb went to the Academy and you started your training to become a Hunter. He and you had both gone separate ways, and there was little time spent at home or seeing each other. But you missed the feeling of being buried in his arms. It seemed that when you grew older, all your emotions no longer retained the simplicity of a child.
You were not sure how Caleb felt about you. You were too afraid to ask, and then received an answer you did not want. You anxiously waited for him to come back home every weekend, covertly studying every change in him. His skin began to tan, his hands developed calluses, and his muscles grew more visible. You wondered, during those days at the Academy, did he have a girlfriend? Had anyone else shared the same warm embrace that Mr. Bear once reserved just for you? You wanted to ask Caleb numerous questions but did not do so.
Since he knew your timidity, Caleb took the initiative in everything, from planning outings when he was on a break to holding your hand in crowded places. He was also concerned that you would dislike it; since after all, you were now a young lady and no longer the child who would follow him everywhere. He started asking more questions like: "Do you want to sit next to me?", or "Can I hold your hand?", and waited for your approval.
Of course, you were happy with the touches. Still you wanted a little more. You counted every day to see him again during breaks, hoping to touch him just a little more. But he never asked for it. Did he no longer wish to embrace you in his arms?
That day, you were silent the entire trip home from the movie theater with Caleb. As if realizing what you had in mind, he spoke up:
“Pipsqueak, is there something bothering you?”
Your footsteps paused on the bridge. Sunset tinted the sky with mild orange and pink, mixed with clear blue. You did not say anything, only shook your head.
“I know when something's wrong with you.” Caleb added. He did not accept your answer. “Say it, I'll help you out.”
You still felt like it was difficult to speak up. Your hands gripped the wooden bridge, nails barely scraping the surface. What to do? There was so much to say, but you had no idea where to begin.
“Some guy made you sad?” Caleb asked, half joking, half serious. You smiled and replied briefly:
"That's not it…"
While all you wanted to say was: No. The only person I care about is Caleb.
But he would never hear that, because you were too shy to say it out loud.
Caleb sighed. He leaned against the bridge, gazing at the sky in the East, while you turned towards the setting sun. In secret, you glanced at Caleb, halting at his shoulder. There was a small petal staying on it; that one must have fallen at the foot of the bridge where a crabapple tree was in full bloom.
Out of the blue, you reached out and picked up that flower petal. Caleb reacted fast and grabbed your wrist just in time. The wind surged. He stared into your eyes for quite a while.
You had been waiting for a chance to tear down the last bit of the wall separating you both.
He also wished for the same thing.
Since a long time ago.
“Well… um…” You hesitated. “There is a flower petal on… on your shoulder…”
Your fingers extended, the flower petal was lifted high by the wind. You glanced at it, as if to say farewell. Caleb still locked his gaze on you. Intense yet gentle.
He had yet to let go of your hand, while getting closer and closer to you.
"Pipsqueak." He called softly. “The truth is… Can I…”
You continued to wait. Caleb was about to say something but paused.
“Ah… Nevermind…”
His fingers wrapped around your wrist gradually loosening. You started to panic.
If I don't say it, he will never know...
If I don't say it, he will leave again...
If I don't say it, we will forever just be brother and sister...
“Caleb!” You called his name, so loudly that he was startled. You did not know where to start. Since when did you start looking forward to his touch? Since when did you hope to be a little bolder and tell him what you really wanted?
Better late than never. You looked at his hand that was slowly retracting, then decided to grab onto his arm.
“Caleb I… I want to…” It felt like something was bearing down on your heart and suffocating your throat. You could not do this. Your entire body trembled. But you had decided to seize this chance no matter what.
“I want to be embraced by you!!!”
After those words, you shut your eyes, your lips pursed hard. You clung to Caleb's arm but he did not feel the pain since his mind was preoccupied with something else. After a long while, when you felt his arms wrap around you, when the sound of his heart beating strongly and clearly heard, you opened your eyes then.
“Come here, pipsqueak. I also want to hold you close..."
Caleb breathed the words in the late spring air, faintly scented with crabapple blossoms; it made your heart burst. This was enough. Step by step, one at a time. There was no need to be in a hurry and let this dream slip away. Gradually, you would find ways to let Caleb know what your heart had to say.
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n0n-sen-se · 1 year
𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐢 𝐒/𝐎!
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includes ;; muzan, kokushibo, doma, akaza, hantengu + clones, gyokko, gyutaro, daki, nakime, rui, enmu content ;; tw: blood/mentions of blood, fluff (?), possessiveness, jealousy, slight yandere themes (?), biting a/n ;; just wanted to remind those who forgot! marechi refers to a special (intoxicating to demons) blood quality that only a handful of humans possess! + i wanted to include as many demons as i could, so apologies for the long post!
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☆☆☆ # muzan kibutsuji !
he's known it since the start. in fact, it does make you special to him, its the reason why he noticed you so blatantly amidst other humans in the first place.
would try to use your blood in his research. after all, when would he get his hands on another marechi again? another 50 years?
but unfortunately for him. . . he's very fond of you.
at the back of his mind, whenever he takes you out for the night or watches you resting, he thinks to himself: when will you, and your blood outlive its usefulness? and when would be the perfect time to turn you into a demon?
surely you'd be very impressive as a demon.
he smiles to himself at the thought, looking over at your sleeping form with a tender feeling blooming inside of his chest.
☆☆☆ # kokushibo !
its. . . not surprising in the least. he could tell right away that something was off about you. its only when you clumsily hurt yourself that he confirms that you are a marechi.
he can suppress the urge to bite or eat you well enough, your just-- intoxicating to him altogether.
he likes to be near you now more than ever, accepting any kind of physical touch as a comfort.
likes to have you sit on his lap or have a hand on you whenever he can.
he would not allow any other demon (or anyone in general) to lay their hands upon you.
takes it as a challenge when someone oversteps their boundaries to you. will become violent as he's extremely protective of you + with added heft because of the fact that you are a marechi
☆☆☆ # doma !
he, like all the other demons, know just how rare a marechi is!
if he thought you weren't distracting before-! NOW, you are all he can think of
better than anything his followers could give him; no jewels, no gold, no praise could ever be worth more (it couldn't before he learned this, but now! now that he knows he's ecstatic!)
you whole-heartedly hold his all of his affections and adoration!
doesn't like the idea of fighting others over you (if its a lesser demon or a lower rank, he'll demolish them without a second thought. . .) but fighting someone like kokushibo is unthinkable!
but you know. . . he would.
becomes extremely possessive over you, not quite jealous per se. . . but he does need to know where you are at all times + occupy your space almost 24/7
gosh, you are just so damned precious aren't you?
☆☆☆ # akaza !
learning that you're a marechi is honestly. . . pretty bad news.
he worries that something bad could happen to you (being involved with demons after all) and that there's a chance he can't protect you like he wants
he doesn't mind your blood (his training disciplines him enough to not mind the fact that you're literally intoxicating)
spends a bit too much time with you, reassuring you that he's there for you and holding you. (side note: loves when you lay on him)
would not do anything without your permission, but if he thought turning you into a demon or hiding you was the right thing to do, he would say so
other than that, he's still your partner, through and through
☆☆☆ # hantengu + clones !
someone would have to point out to hantengu that you were, in fact, a marechi. and if that person was an upper rank demon, you can bet his personalities would split in fear
sekido, turns his rage onto the other clones and demons. they are inferior and could not keep you safe like he could
karaku, would love spending time with you, who cares about your. . . very potent blood? he's way more affectionate now that he knows
aizetsu, is (obviously) devastated to learn this. what if he's unable to protect you?. . . like karaku, he likes to be near you, laying his head on your lap when he can for comfort.
urogi, adores you! being a marechi doesn't really change a thing about what he thinks
zohakuten, is the one who can 'actually' protect you and makes it his sole purpose. after all, you do mean everything to him, its his job to do so.
when the clones learn about your blood, everything seems to be scaled up to 100 with them. . .
☆☆☆ # gyokko !
ugh! this is perfect! perfect! PERFECT!
it took him a moment too long to catch onto that-- particular smell that always followed you. he was always too preoccupied on his work or trying to garner your attention to realize it!
then it hit him like a pile of bricks.
you were a marechi! his own one of a kind work of art!
your blood crafted by the gods themselves and blessed upon him! of all people!
like the ❛true work of art❜ you are, he likes to flaunt and taunt the other demons with his relationship to you. (would definitely do that thing where he hides behind you and sticks his tongue out at them)
his body/tail is almost always encircling you (protective or possessive gesture? . . . maybe a bit of both)
i mean, in his eyes, you've always carried unique + immense beauty; but to have all the other demons jealous of him is the cherry on top! for a while (maybe a few decades or so) you and your presence become his ultimate muse
☆☆☆ # gyutaro !
conflicted about the fact when he finds out.
what is he supposed to do with you now? of course, of course! on top of being flawless in his eyes you're also a damned marechi! ACTUALLY FLAWLESS
(he's pissed off + currently picking the hell out of his skin with anxiety and frustration)
how could you hide something like this from him?! then, he calms down as ❛all is revealed to him❜
you're his, plain and simple. what's there to be jealous or insecure about? the problem (in his mind) lies within the other demons
currently: a little more clingy and teasing towards you. definitely likes to try and embarrass you by showering you with affection
overall, just indulging in your presence.
☆☆☆ # daki !
would not be able to tell on her own that you're a marechi, and when she learns that you are-- its like a dark heavy veil falls upon her: ❛you. . . WHAT?!!!❜
would try to bite you, and there's like a 50/50 chance she regrets the thought. or actually does it. . .
hopes you'll ❛get over it❜ and come cuddle with her again ♡
without a doubt, she thinks no one could over-power her to get to you (when/if proved wrong) she starts to cry because 1, she's weaker than she thought and 2, because what's going to happen to you if she can't protect you?
if she did ask her brother for help, she'd actually doubt him too. would gyutaro try and take you? because she'd fight with him too. . . just wouldn't want to resort to that.
she's not overtly possessive, but your dead wrong if you think she wouldn't be the literal embodiment of jealousy
would be really proud to be with you
☆☆☆ # nakime !
the biwa demon tries to care less when its revealed to her that you're a marechi:
❛is that a fact?❜
you've always been her source of comfort, its usually very reassuring to have you near her. . . but lately, its hard for her to concentrate on-just about anything she does.
is whole-heartedly trying to focus on her biwa and physically wincing at every missed note. . . but how can she when you're just sitting there overwhelming her thoughts?!
she's always adored your attention, and now that playing her instrument has become a tad distracting to her. . . she likes to spend time with you personally. you're thoughts on her infinity castle? would you like a tour of her favorite spots? and one new feature she is currently in love with is: holding your hands in hers.
wouldn't like confrontation with other demons, a physical fight is off the table. . . but she could sure hide you better.
☆☆☆ # rui !
accidentally cuts you with a string while the two of you are playing cats cradle.
is very interested in a ❛marechi❜ (at first he doesn't know what to call you as he's never encountered someone with your kind of blood before)
is over protective, to the point of casual violence (will casually slice up a demon that thinks you'd make a good meal)
besides the effect it has on other demons, rui doesn't seem to mind in the slightest. from the smell to the physical effects your blood has on him. . . its pretty minimal
but he can always be jealous-- and petty (he's 100% smiling at the prospect of fighting other demons over you)
really. he wouldn't allow anything to separate you from him. not because of anything. so your stuck with him, marechi or not.
☆☆☆ # enmu !
initially thinks that this is a WONDERFUL revelation!
then he's internally conflicted by the idea of eating you or spending his life with you. and will be for a long time.
dammit! just give him some of your blood!
becomes pesky pesky enmu.
and does revel in the fact that he can just openly lay on you, bothering and being as close as possible to you!
wants to spend a ton of time with you now that he knows + starts asking questions
finally thinks that turning you into a demon could be an amazing idea! : would your special blood make you stronger? would you be stronger than him? oh the possibilities!
but. . . as much as he loves having fun with you. . . he does care about your health. . . a little too much. everything in him is so conflicting right now.
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Who's your fav character of su?
my top three favourite steven universe characters
(because three are particularly special to me)
i’d use the favourite character label for pearl because of how much i admire her. being there for steven through his personal trauma. giving connie + steven support that she + rose never had while also learning from them. she has to work through her flaws, trauma, grieving the loss of the love of her life, never having a childhood, struggles with understanding humans so that she can properly care for a human child. but she loves so strongly and that helps her significantly. she loves him just as rose would have loved her son. steven always says things like, “pearl is smart and she’s always trying to protect me from danger!”
gosh, i love everything about pearl as a rebel against homeworld. homeworld says that pearls are inferior gems with irrelevant feelings—sugar writes in end of an era that rose fell in love with certain aspects of pearl’s personality, one of her main traits being how fiercely opinionated she is. homeworld says that pearls are not built to fight, pearl learns sword fighting for a war against homeworld gems who were supposedly built for fighting. she’s incredible and garnet’s first impression of pearl is “terrifying renegade.” homeworld says that pearls are made to serve, to simply stand there and follow orders from a superior who they don’t have a personal connection with. once they’re on earth & pearl can be who she is, she not only has her own personality but she’s able to fall in love and form a meaningful relationship. she wants to take care of her, keep her safe, make her happy. but she won’t do anything for her in some shallow, traumatizing homeworld way that involves her standing there & looking pretty & following orders. no, she’ll fight for her, she’ll be her knight because that’s the kind of personality she has. that’s the kind of love she has for her, it’s protective, caring, and bold rather than pure worship, feeling weaker than her, & timidity. it’s not always easy, and she has to work on complex trauma from homeworld (i.e., overprotective mixed with difficulties grasping that rose loves her for simply being herself and not because of the things she’s doing for her) but she makes progress and her growth is continuous, from flashbacks to the final episode.
in sworn to the sword, she has a memory in which she saves rose at the very last moment from a homeworld gem who’s supposedly “built for fighting.” she doesn’t even focus on how powerful she is in that memory, because all she’s thinking about is how scared she was for rose & the relief she felt when she was saved. she’s so smart & empathetic, so you can tell that she really cared about rose’s abuse trauma and the pain she tried to hide. by then, she is understanding humans more and therefore she only tells steven a little bit (i.e., having her feelings invalidated & being pushed to continue when she was upset that her colony would hurt living things in now we’re only falling apart), knowing that too much detail would be too scary for a child.
she also has lovely outfits (especially her outfit with the legwarmers) & songs. she can be so comforting & nurturing, yet so fierce & protective. which is great for both rose & steven.
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i’d use the comfort character label for rose because of how much i relate to her. our personalities, our views, the things we’ve been through, & some other more personal things. just a little tip for anyone who reads this: if you struggle with sympathizing with yourself, sometimes looking at a character you love & relate to is helpful! i have so much empathy for rose, and then i think, wait, but i’m so much like that. as a bi & poly girl, i feel so understood by her story in that way, too.
like pearl, she’s a complex and flawed character. she genuinely believed all life was precious, urged the crystal gems to protect even humans they didn't understand, and never wanted to shatter anyone. she saw beauty in everything but couldn’t apply that to herself—she couldn't forgive or love herself, or see the beauty pearl saw in her. it’s heartbreaking that pearl always tells others how much rose cared about all life, knowing rose’s only exception was rose herself.
while that’s not as comforting, it’s meaningful. you learn a lot from it. onto nicer things.
she’s also comforting because she’s so endearing to me. she says the most adorable things, has the cutest facial expressions, everything.
she’s associated with other things that bring me comfort; my favourite colour is pink, i love animals & she has a bunch of lion friends. i loved princesses & fairytales as a child & she gives me nostalgia with her healing powers & other princess traits. my four-year-old self watched princesses who did everything right, did no wrong, were loved by everyone. straight with one specific body type. i couldn’t quite relate to them, & of course i wanted to be a princess. but rose! she’s sapphic & chubby & she fights with her knight who uses she/her pronouns & she makes mistakes & has mental health issues & is disliked by some. i can’t even begin to explain how refreshing that is. she’s unique, realistic, relatable, different from the stereotypes, complicated, & just as beautiful (if not, more) as any princess that i loved growing up. her story with pearl has so many fairytale features & yet it’s so complex, which is really cool.
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connie is my third favourite character, and she is relatable in some ways as well as admirable. she resonates with me because of how i was growing up. so, she gives me some comforting childhood nostalgia too. overachiever, “gifted,” shy. i empathize with her so much & i love watching her character development.
connie + steven are different from other kids. connie is super smart & mature & quite anxious, while steven’s a gem with some really traumatic experiences. their closeness is so meaningful. they grow together while they enjoy being kids & making childhood memories together. connie also reminds me of how pearl would be if she was a kid who grew up in beach city. i could say the same about rose with steven, and i love the parallels. the kindergarten scene in now we’re only falling apart particularly made me notice the similarities in their personalities and the way they interact. like pearl, she starts off being nervous, following all rules. she’s seen as inferior to homeworld. that doesn’t matter, because her best friend & eventual love interest admires her even though he is a diamond who lives on earth as a quartz. he’s more playful, & their contrasting personalities are good for them.
i love how caring she is. she doesn’t understand everything about gems, and she’s a kid! of course it’s confusing and distressing. but connie never runs the other way when things come up because she knows this is confusing and distressing for steven, too. i love when she says, “i want to be part of your universe.” she always knows when she needs to check on steven, talk to him about difficult things, reassure him, & she even trains with pearl so that she can protect steven and the earth. her courage and determination amazes me, too. she sees the gems summon their weapons, resurrect, heal, see the future. she’s human, but she doesn’t let that phase her. she learns to fight and she’s incredible at it. she has so much empathy that she can truly put herself in other people’s shoes, ask them meaningful questions. she’s just a wonderful person.
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if i made a top ten list, you’d also see steven, amethyst, garnet, ruby, sapphire, pink pearl, & blue pearl. there’s even more characters i love after that, but yes! i don’t know how to end this! bye, i suppose!
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tecnestheim962 · 4 months
A Rating & Scathing Review of RWBY Characters:
Done by: Me (surprise!)
This is a serious review where I seriously analyze each character and rate them all seriously!!
If I hurt anyone in this, I’m sorry, it’s not you, it’s me. It’s nothing personal.
That being said, let’s get on to the ratings!
Ruby Rose:
Can I just say:
I really just love Ruby. Isn’t she awesome? Like. Man. What a lovable, strong, caring, amazing person! Had the weight of the world thrown onto her, and she didn’t care, she just kept doing what she thought was the right thing. And when she broke? It was still selfless. She thought she was doing the world a favor after all her mistakes. Then she came back because she knew she could do and had to do more for everyone. She needs a hug and all the love.
Weiss Schnee:
Weiss??? The way she opens up and goes from being all, “friendship? Who needs it.” To, “I! Love! My! Friends! Friendship is magic! I will fight tooth and nail for them! They are the most important people in the world!” And the way she became so open minded after learning from different perspectives? Gotta love her.
Blake Belladonna:
Oh my gosh and another of my favorites: Blake! She learns to let herself be loved by those around her! She learns that letting people in isn’t a weakness, but a great strength! She is a fierce protector and a whole civil rights activist taking the world by storm! She finds a way to show love now in any scenario when beforehand she didn’t because she was scared to get hurt. Gosh. Spectacular.
Yang Xiao-Long:
Don’t even get me started on Yang. Protector Supreme. The way she used to let her emotions control her to controlling her emotions??? I’m in shambles. From learning how to live for herself and not just her sister??? It’s important even though she missed rubys pain she’s only human and she’s beautiful!! The way she loves through her actions and defends through her words??? Just kill me now.
Jaune Arc:
Oh yeah and Jaune??? The character development??? Wowza. The way he’s always there for those he cares about??? Fantastic. The way he would throw everything away just to be there for his friends?? I am deceased. His fortitude and determination to keep pushing through?? Ugh.
Nora Valkyrie:
Nora??????? My Queen????? With her heart a beautiful storm that she projects to all those around her??? Her protective nature over everyone??? How she learns that she needs to love herself and know herself before she can truly dedicate herself to another???? Literally puts me 6 feet under.
Pyrrha Nikos:
Pyrrha??? Don’t think I’m leaving her out of this! Her heart was so strong with her convictions and her love for her friends that she literally did everything she thought she could to protect them. She wanted to define her destiny and save the world in the way she thought only she could. I will literally never recover.
Oscar Pine:
Oscar???????????????? My baby???? My precious little prince??? Innocent farm boy who keeps getting slapped in the face by literally everyone (seriously crwby this poor boy needs a break and a hug) literally losing his soul but wants to spend every second he has doing everything he can for remnant???? He didn’t ask for this???? And yet here he is??? I haven’t stopped crying since V5 thank you very much!
Lie Ren:
Ren????? My boy??? Who feels like he always has to be the strong one emotionally??? Who always has to mask his own emotions to take care of others???? Who literally developed a semblance, a manifestation of his SOUL that is empathy??????? Like what???? Who would literally rather be dead than without Nora?? Who tried to take up the mantle of Jaunes emotional support humanness???? Orkcmekwkqo.
I could go on for the rest of my life for these people and literally every other character.
Also, how come tumblr doesn’t have more colors available??? Truly a tragedy and quite rude if I might say! Hmph!
I really hope someone gets some giggles out of this like I did!
Let me know if anyone wants me to do another HIGHLY critical review (ahem) and rating of these characters.
Gonna go cry now bye-
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Who of the turtles was the first one to hold baby Casey? And I'm referring to both, the fist time they were forced by Cassandra to hold him, as well as the first time they held him out of their own free will.
April was the first to have that privilege, for reason that I hope I'll be able to explain later haha.
As for the brothers...
Casey insist Raph to be the first to hold Junior. Raph is the one who spend the most time with her during her pregnancy. "You earned it" she said proudly, also a way to say "You put up with me and support me during the rest of my pregnancy, when I was being a bitch to you, you kept being kind and patient with me, I'm sorry, you're the best, thank you!". The oldest hamato didn't complain, not that she left him a choice. A human being so small that he fits in the palm of his hand, isn't that the most precious thing.
Mikey didn't really wait for permission, he took the baby. He was the most excited by the whole "My God! A baby!" No mystic magic at first, he wanted take sure that his magic was perfectly harmless for the baby. "Is that how baby suppose to look like??" he said as he's feeling a warm lightning soul come from this little ball of warmth.
Donnie.... "What baby?? Since when??" Or be like "Well I'm sorry, I'm actually busy saving the world, could you not?" It wasn't a problem avoiding the 'hold-my-baby' issue at first. Until that little creature start to crawl, come at him and rudely pointing at him "offended gasp, the audacity of that child!" And then it turn into "Wanna see a rock explode?".
Leo, as cute as he was sure that it is, he wasn't comfortable. When Casey "forced" him to hold the baby ("Stop whining, you coward" she said, always find the right words), he was as stiff as a brick and didn't dare to move a muscle. Leo immediately realized, that was actually the first time he's holding a baby "Holy f-" deep breath, and gosh he was so cute. And it was happening in this circumstance. A huge feeling of guilt suddenly hit his entire being as the baby happily giggling for him. He felt pathetic "I'm... sorry". He called Mikey to take Junior back and brought the excuse of "duty"
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
a big hc of mine is that if you call beel anything endearing with "boy" after it he will melt. call him sweet boy, cute boy, beautiful boy, etc, and this 6'8 tree trunk limbed demon lord will be putty in your human hands!
(and father help him if you say "my ___ boy" cause he might just collapse)
Oh my gosh, yes, I fully agree with this!
I think he would smile and blush and get all flustered, even if it's the millionth time. He just never gets over being called things like sweet boy... in fact, I would think after a while it even gets worse because he registers that as something you call him.
I have this mental image of him sitting down with you standing between his knees, holding his face in your hands, and saying something like "my precious boy." And he just shuts his eyes and his whole body relaxes, his head falls against your chest as he blushes because he just can't take it.
I love this so much. Beel is such a sweetheart, I definitely think you saying things like that to him would absolutely just make him soft. <3
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sprinklenoodles · 26 days
Guess who read all of the Pokemon fic~? And, I got some art! A LOT of art For one... IT'S THE QUEEN LOAF!! Stare into her eyes. So majestic u_u
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Then, I decided to draw Byakuya and all his Pokemon so far. Took me a bit to figure out a good outfit for the heir as it mentions he's in a suit, but I didn't wanna just put him in his standard suit. Also spruced up his hair. His Karen cut has evolved. Also, they're small but the B's are on the Pokeballs!! Ensured I kept the hights good btw since Larvesta is (pardon my American ways) 3ft, Eeevee is like a ft, and Byakuya is 6'1.
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Then, I decided do draw them some more. Also, in regards to Byakuya and his girls, I tried making Eevee a bit more distinct than the standard Eevee. Might play around a bit more and might tweak her once she evolves so the shape language alludes to her future. Also, I wanted Byakuya to look like he's so not secretly gushing about his girls so I hope I did that well.
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Finally, before I comment on the fic, I drew this silly drawing as well. Tried some shading too and gosh do I love how Larvesta turned out. She is indeed the fat loaf.
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As for comments on the fic, very cute so far. Loving the petty energy with Byakuya and his rival. Also love all the gang slowly getting 2nd Pokémon together. Byakuya's got two fluffy girls on his hands now which I just love the pattern that he's so far got only female Pokémon. I dunno why but it makes my brain so happy. Just Byakuya and his smart though sometimes dumb girls. I mean, Eevee was literally bonking her head on the glass when they were at the aquarium like a freaking goober. Also, as for some other words which are mostly Byakuya based cus my gosh and I gushing about him and his team, like, Eevee is a cute addition. I like him carrying her and also liked when he told Eeeve the drama about him and his rival. Which, I just love that he just has full blown conversations with his Pokemon and he gossips with them. Shows he treats them both well and that he really is considerate of their feelings. Like when he noticed Eevee wanted to see the aquarium and let her do her own thing and explore. Another thing I wanna mention is Kijo's Alteria. She is gorgeous and I like that, like father like song, both have elegant clingy queens for Pokémon with fluffy white fur. It was so adorable when Alteria just pounced on the heir. Very precious detail too that Byakuya was comfy and could have just conked out on the spot. Maybe he needs an Alteria of his own. Maybe he'd sleep better. Which, another note, I love Larvesta being a canonical bed hog. I can just tell he gave up long ago on getting her off the damn bed. I know these are very disjointed thoughts but gooooosh! I could blabber on for several more asks. Genuinely. My brain is enthralled with almost ever fic I read from you. I swear! And I actually am so freaking attached to Larvesta. As I said prior, a part of me wants her to stay a loaf forever like how some Pokemon in the anime never evolved like Ash's Toadadile or, more obviously, his Pikachu. She's too precious as hell and I don't want her to change T-T I totally get if you let her evolve though!! Don't let my goober ways change your plans heheh!! But yeah! I made this jam packed with stuff this time around heehhe!! Am shocked tbh cus I legit did not expect my art block to just be cured cus of a buggy fire loaf. I am so drawing more of these guys too! Gonna draw Byakuya's human gang as well!! If you have any comments on the designs btw, do tell!! I love reading!!!!
THIS IS SOOOO AWESOME!!! Thank you!!!!! Wish I could say more but going somewhere rn and in a car lol
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zh0nggucc1 · 9 months
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Ridin and Rollin
Paring: Lee Jeno x Fem!reader
Word count: 2k
Content: Jeno and Y/N have a severe dislike for each other and a strong sexual tension. While trying to irritate Y/N, riding on his bike, Jeno gets injured and Y/N hesitantly helps him, taking him back to his apartment to bandage him up.
Warning‼️: NSFW, injury, bike accident, description of blood, cunnilingus, sex, explicit language, mentioning of female genitalia, mentioning of male genitalia, switch(leaning sub)!reader, switch(leaning dom)!Jeno, praise(receiving), riding.
She arched her back, fastening her pace as ecstasy and adrenaline washed over her. She suddenly bucked her hips up, the front wheels of her bike coming up with her, to do a wheelie.
She revved her engine, flaunting the beauty of the lump of navy blue metal below her.
The night was young, so young hints of yellow, red and orange still remained scattered, mesmerisingly, throughout the sky.
The cotton candy clouds stood proudly, knowing there was an audience of humans that envied its beauty.
The sound of revving echoed behind her. Instantly knowing who it was, she rolled her eyes in annoyance and sped up holding a stern expression.
She felt the vibrations of the revving from behind her getting closer. She cursed under her breath, clenching her teeth.
Soon enough the neon green bike caught up, a little too close for comfort to the side of her precious bike.
a sharp corner was coming up and the neon bike was nearing closer and closer, dangerously closer.
“FUCK OFF LEE JENO!” She yelled, her blood boiling from just having to mention his name.
He smirked through his helmet, deliberately getting closer to anger her even more.
Being too focused on her temper, he didn’t even notice the sharp turn. Her bike swerved, quickly, scratching it by knocking him off of his.
The sound of metal scratching caused her to come to a halt. She hopped off of her bike, observing the damage. “For fucks sake..” she muttered, approaching the injured man, whose bike looked worse than him.
She straddled him lifting his helmet off with force. His face was untouched, for now.
“You little bitch! You scratched my bike!” She slapped him across the cheek. He winced at the stinging sensation.
“Is that all you got? a silly little bitch sla-“ Before he could finish, her knuckles met his nose, resulting in a familiar crimson liquid gushing out.
“Shit!” He cursed, holding his nose trying to prevent the blood from oozing out. She smirked, satisfied with her work. “Not so much of a silly little bitch slap anymore is it?”
She got up, hopping back onto her bike. “So you’re just going to leave me after doing that?!” He raised his voice. She scoffed “Well duh, What does it look like?”
“Come on, pretty please? just let me ride on the back of your bike, my bike is clearly fucked and so am I by the looks of things, i’m asking you as a friend, not as an oppone-“ She cut him off.
“Gosh you talk way too much, if I let you get on will you shut the fuck up.” He nodded, vigorously. She sighed. “Fine.”
He limped over to her bike, His leg clearly injured. He hopped on, wrapping his arms securely around her waist.
She gulped, feeling how close he was to her. His crotch was touching her bottom. This wasn’t supposed to feel inappropriate at all but to her it felt like it. There was too much sexual tension.
“Are you going to start riding or not?” He spoke, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. She began to move the bike, at last, snapping out of her, not so appropriate daydream.
She sped through the streets, passing the limit, using the speed to distract herself from the inappropriate thoughts, but nothing could erase them completely.
Little did she know the same thing was on his mind and had been for a very long time. He tried so hard not to think such unholy thoughts while her ass was forced against his almost erect cock.
He was trying so hard to hide it but how could he when her ass was pressed against it.
“Can we stop at my apartment? it’s just over there, I need to get my first aid kit.”
“Sure whatever.” She said focusing on the road.
Soon enough, she had reached the apartment complex. She stopped outside.
“You going or what?” She asked, with attitude. “Can you help me? I hurt my leg.” She sighed and got off her bike.
He put his arm over her shoulder resting on her as she struggled to help him walk into the apartment complex.
“You’re so heavy what the fuck?” She said, helping him into the elevator. “It’s muscle.” She rolled her eyes. “yeah yeah whatever.”
They reached his apartment and he put the key into his door, twisting it open. She helped him walk through the door, noticing how clean and luxurious his apartment was. He must’ve robbed a bank for that. There was even a beautiful view of the city. That must’ve been expensive.
She brought him to the sink so he could wash the dried blood from his nose.
After that, sat himself on the counter. “Can you grab the first aid kid from that drawer?” He pointed at the correct drawer and she opened it taking out the kit.
He lifted up the great cargos he was wearing, revealing an extremely bruised knee. “Be a dear and bandage it up for me?” He smiled, innocently.
She sighed. “For fucks sake fine but you owe me, got it?” He nodded.
she took out a long white bandage, kneeling in front of him. In a different context this would sound very unholy. She was almost face to face with his crotch, causing her cheeks to redden. She tried to ignore it, delicately wrapping the bandage around his knee. It looked like she knew what she was doing.
He was flustered, seeing her kneel down in front of him. All he could think of was how beautiful her lips would look wrapped around his dick. A bulge was growing in his pants.
She noticed it but she acted like she didn’t. she gulped, the sexual tension quickly building up.
She finished wrapping the bandage around his knee and got back up. “There, all done, we can go now.” She said, making her way to the door.
Before she could go any further, she felt a tight grasp around her wrist, halting her movement.
He pulled her back, grabbing her hips so she could stand in between his legs.
He grabbed her by the top of her shirt, smashing his lips against hers. In shock, she stood frozen. Eventually she began to move her lips in sync with his, wrapping her arms around his neck.
He slid himself off of the counter, his erection poking her lower stomach through his cargos.
He led her to the bedroom, not breaking away from the kiss. she pushed him down onto the bed, straddling him. She was just as needy as he was.
She rolled her hips against his clothed erection, letting out heavy breaths into the kiss as he let out small groans.
He switched their places, him now on top. He left gentle yet sloppy kisses down from her lips to her collar bones. “Let me know if you want me to stop.” He said. She nodded in reply. He then pulled her shirt off, her bra, hiding her breasts. He swiftly in clipped her bra, kissing down to her breast. He gently sucked her nipples, causing her to squirm and whimper under him. He went back to kissing her neck, sucking onto the skin, determined to leave a trail of purple mark.
Happy with his work of art, he moved down to her stomach, leaving delicate pecks. He took her sweatpants off, revealing a lacy thong. His eyes darkened in hunger as his mouth watered, anticipating his meal.
He pulled off her panties with his teeth. He then spat on her wet womanhood, making it easier for him to slide his long tongue through her folds. She wrapped her thighs around his head, keeping him in place.
He rapidly licked her clitoris, causing her to let out heavy breaths. She arched her back, her face contorting in pleasure. He stuck his tongue through her entrance, using his fingers to rub her clit.
“Fuck~” She moaned out, tightly gripping her bottom lip with her teeth.
He smirked against her, happy with the reaction he was getting. He moved his tongue in and out of her at a faster pace, his fingers rubbing her sensitive spot also moving faster.
He was good at what he was doing, too good. In fact, good would be an understatement.
Beads of sweat began to drip from her forehead and this was just the start.
He gave her womanhood one last gentle kiss before bringing himself back up to meet her other lips. He began to unbutton his cargos, pulling them down to his ankles.
He also threw his shirt over his head, revealing his perfectly toned abs with scars all over them, he was a criminal of course so it was expected.
She stared in awe at his body, wanting to devour it immediately.
She hastily switched them around, sitting on his clothed erection, it felt huge. She pulled his boxers down, his hard cock immediately bouncing out onto his stomach. As expected, it was huge with veins pulsing all the way up to the tip, where precum oozed out. It was not only long, but it was girthy too. It would definitely take some getting used to. She couldn’t even fully wrap her hand around it, it was that girthy.
She felt fearful yet anticipated at the same time. She knew she would be left bedridden the second he pulled out but she was so desperate to have him inside of her already.
“Like what you see, babe?” He said, snapping her out of her thoughts. She looked away, her cheeks reddening.
“If you like the way it looks now, then u would love the way it would look inside of you.” He smirked and with with she smashed her lips against his, tracing her fingers over his scars.
While kissing her, he grabbed an XL condom from his dresser, breaking away from the kiss, he used his teeth to rip open the packet, sliding the condom onto his length. He threw the packet in the bin, beside his bed, reconnecting their lips.
He bit her bottom lip, sliding his tongue into her mouth, hungrily. Their tongues clashed together at war.
Soon enough, she began to lower herself onto his length, sliding the tip in. She felt a breathy moan leave her lips, into the kiss, as she did so. She slid herself further and further onto him until he was fully inside of her. He let out a deep groan, feeling her tightness around his cock.
When she finally adjusted, she began to slowly move up and down, letting out ungodly sounds. The sounds leaving his mouth weren’t any better. He sounded like an angel but the reasons for those sounds weren’t holy.
She began to speed up, bouncing up and down on his length, loud moans passing through her lips.
“Fuck, you look so good bouncing on my dick like that~” He groaned, gripping her ass so hard it would probably leave marks.
He moved his hands to her hips, guiding her as she continued to roll her hips.
He switched them over, now it was him on top. He threw her legs over his head, ramming into her like she was the last human on Earth. He let out growls, hunger and lust consuming him.
The sound of skin clapping, moans and groans filled the room. The neighbours could probably hear it.
“You take me so well, baby~” He moaned out, his eyes rolling back. He felt her clench around him, knowing she was close.
“Cum for me, baby~” He spoke, thrusting a few more times until she creamed. The clenching causing him to release shortly after.
He pulled out, sliding the condom off, tying it and throwing it in the trash.
He plopped himself beside her, breathing heavily.
“I can’t believe we just did that.” She said, processing it.
“We should do it again sometime.” He flirted, looking her in the eyes, laying on his side.
“I don’t think so, pretty boy.”
A/N: Hope you all enjoyed my first post, please give me your opinions! criticism is okay!! and if you have any requests I would love to take them, thank you for reading!!
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