#goth danny au
haloburns · 1 year
phic phight #13
all eyes on me in the center of the ring
Freakshow fancies himself the Master of All Reality. Danny just so happens to have the Ancient of Space and Reality on speed dial.
Part of the the magic that binds us series.
He’d assumed Freakshow was just some hack occultist wanna be. That he was smarter than the ringmaster because he’d bested him once before. He should’ve seen that the man was smarter than he’d thought when he broke out of GIW custody, when he’d forced Tucker to reveal himself on national TV, when he’d gotten Danny of all people to make a deal. But he’d let his own hubris get in the way, and now his family and partners were going to pay for it.
“You manipulated me,” Danny breathed out in disbelief, shaking his head. Damn the fae rules.
“Yes, yes I did,” Freakshow gloated. His face split into a manic grin. “Goody for me. But it wouldn’t be a show if I didn’t give you a sporting chance to save them!”
With another wave of his hand, Danny’s bindings disappeared. He immediately rolled to his feet, graceful as always. He clenched his fists and readied himself for an attack. But one never came. Freakshow was too busy monologuing about being the master of all reality, which Danny really couldn’t be arsed to listen to. He was instead focusing on his family and friends on that roller coaster. He began muttering the blessings and offerings for his protector, hoping it would still protect him through this mess of his own creation.
Danny’s eyes fell closed and he breathed a small sigh of relief when he felt its power surge through him in a familiar rush of sparks. “Thank you,” he murmured, pressing a hand to his heart briefly in gratitude.
He opened his eyes and knew they were otherworldly white, ringed in a strange, neon blue. His protector’s calling card, of sorts.
First things first. He held an open palm up at the car barrelling down the roller coaster tracks and began a momentum altering spell. If he could slow the car down, he would buy himself enough time to defeat Freakshow. He knew he wouldn’t be able to save them until the ringmaster was powerless, but that didn’t mean he had to let them race full tilt towards their doom.
Before he could finish the spell, Freakshow caught wind of what he was doing. The clown simmered at the thought of this child stopping him with the magic that he controlled.
He would just have to show him how things were done, then. “Aht-aht! None of that, now!” Freakshow reprimanded as he strolled over. “Don’t want to ruin the show, now do we?”
With a wave of the Reality Gauntlet, he cast a powerful, sigil-heavy anti-tampering barrier around the roller coaster. Danny turned and glared at him.
“That’s cheating,” he accused. “What, your magic not strong enough to go toe to toe with mine, so you have to tie one hand behind my back?”
“No one said I had to make this fair,” Freakshow sneered right back. “I’m Master of All Reality! I make the rules.”
A shiver ran through Danny and he smirked as the energy dissipated around him. His patron really didn’t like that. He shook out the sleeves of his over-the-top coat and faced Freakshow, widening his stance to something more stable.
“I know someone who might disagree.”
Continue on AO3.
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wanologic · 2 months
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sorry danny, sam will never think you’re cool
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brainman1987 · 2 months
Oh also
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I found a new brush
Danny (your here!) | Tucker | Sam (coming soon I promise)
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horrendoushag · 1 year
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are they goth are they punk are they anything at all
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ghostpainters · 2 years
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My collection of Danny Phantom art...all three of them XD 
I miss this show 
1) Fenton Work [ID. Sam and Tucker on the roof of the Fenton works building, Danny floating above them, and Jaz leaning out over the balcony below]
2) The Ghost Train Submariner [ID. Sam and Danny mermaid AU]
3) Danny and Sam costume Redesign [ID. Sam and Danny standing together]
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
Dp x Dc AU: Tucker gets hired by the JL to work on the Watchtower’s cybersecurity... He might have a few friends visit. 
Batman looked over the application for visitors presented to him by Dr. Foley, who was nervously wringing his hands but seemed excited to talk about his two close associates, and it appeared that everything was in order for the pair to be allotted a short visitation time slot. 
The paperwork was established by Batman himself after all, needing a way to permit non-members (His Children) to visit him at his office in the watchtower. Looking over Dr. Foley’s application, the invites to Dr. D. Fenton and Dr. S. Manson seemed to be somewhat warranted.
Dr. Fenton is a well known astrophysicist and Dr. Foley had been upping the security to reflect more complex physics models as the ‘lock’ mechanism for access to Watchtower servers. Dr. Manson was a more controversial figure in social justice but a biochemist to rival Dr. Pamela Isley, not to mention she was someone Bruce Wayne had met a number of times and not completely hated (though he was sure she hated him and everyone else in the gala). She was a fan favorite guest by his children and a great advocate for animal and human rights. 
Batman approves the application, allowing their visitation for a few hours at a time once a week until the completion of Dr. Foley’s project. 
He doesn’t hear much from it, nor from Dr. Foley, but things start to come down the rumor grapevine that the two guests were more than they seemed. Red Robin was the first to comment on it to him, and as practical and efficient Tim could be, there was a look of chaos in his smile as he discussed the two additional PhDs. He was stingy on details and that always meant something bad for Bruce’s mental health. A few others asked a few questions as to who exactly the pair were visiting, and Cyborg commented that they weren’t really doing too much to assist Dr. Foley. 
Batman decides to intervene and meet these two for himself when he hears Constantine complain (not that the man wasn’t always complaining about something) about the two new magic users being way too OP for normal humans. 
This is how the JL gets to become allied with Ghost King Phantom and Thorn (not Poison Ivy pt.2 as Robin insisted). Turns out they weren’t sure if the JL could be trusted with interdimensional politics, so Tucker spent the last two years gaining their trust to let Danny and Sam up here to ‘check the place out’ before they committed to becoming members. 
Batman doesn’t even get to raise alarms at the espionage of it all because Red Robin has already programed their new badges and welcomed them on with open arms and a project to take down the LOA’s Lazarus Pits “safely”.
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confessedlyfannish · 11 months
DP x DC Prompt #7
Robin is heretofore thought to be alone when he swings his katana behind him, almost catching the Adam's apple of his mother's new lover.
"Whoopsie!" Danny says, taking an agile step back, as if Robin's slice was a slip of the hand rather than a deliberate and likely fatal attack.
"What are you doing here," Robin demands, mask hiding the momentary widen of his eyes. No one sneaks up on the heir of Batman, least of all his mother's latest toy.
"I wanted to chat, just you and I," Danny says, as if they are standing on a sidewalk and not the rooftop of a forty floor building in the dead of night, Robin in full costume. "I know you were kinda caught off guard yesterday night."
"I was not caught off guard."
This is a lie. Yesterday night when Talia had appeared at the latest Wayne Charity Ball as the date of Daniel Fenton, an up-and-coming name in renewable energy, Father's dumbfounded look had been nothing less than genuine.
And even the Annoyance had choked on his non-alcoholic champagne when Talia had instructed Damian to greet his "new stepfather".
"Talia," Danny had said levelly, running a hand over hers placed delicately in the crook of his arm, "Remember how we were going to break this gently?"
"Darling, Al Ghuls do not require a gentle break," Talia had replied.
"What is happening," Tim had quietly muttered, squinting at the contents of his glass suspiciously. "What."
Tonight Danny is as calm as he was the previous night, looking amused if anything. Damian resists the urge to take another swing at him. Mother would probably not like that. Danny's affections towards her had seemed quite genuine, his eyes often on her with a light Damian reluctantly recognized from Grayson's many dalliances. And dare he say it, Mother had seemed to reciprocate.
"My mistake. Still," Danny says, "I was hoping to speak with you alone."
"I do not require another father," Damian says promptly. This is true. He already has a father, and a Grayson, and the other annoyances, and Alfred. "And you should not be speaking to a...minor...without their guardian present." He does not like saying this, as he is fully capable of being his own guardian, but Dick had been adamant once updated by Tim and Barbara that should Damian come in contact with Danny alone he was to say as such. He had extracted a promise from Damian after a high-pitched lecture via video call going on nigh an hour. Damian had been waterboarded, twice, and would have preferred a third time to one of Grayson's seminars on "stranger danger" and "parental custody". It had prevented him from going on patrol with Batman, who had left shortly after the gala, presumably to meet with his mother.
Batman had not succeeded, returning without a word. Red Hood, cackling, had pulled up behind him to congratulate Damian on his new "daddy" and loudly tell Oracle how Bruce had gotten an eyeful. An eyeful of what, Damian wasn't sure, and asking only made Jason laugh harder and Dick yell from the Batcomputer.
"Good thing I'm speaking to Robin, then," Danny says with a grin. Damian updates his mental file on the man to less of a goody two-shoes than previously thought. "And like I said last night, I'm not here to overstep."
"Then?" Robin asks crossing his arms.
"You and I are a lot alike, actually," Danny says. Despite the chill of the night, wind whipping at his hair, he seems very comfortable in his t-shirt and jeans.
Damian scoffs and Danny holds his hands up.
"Okay, I deserved that one. What I mean is, and bear with me here, I had a lot going on when I was your age, and my parents weren't always super...present. Their work kept them pretty distracted as we got older and more independent."
The background check they'd run indicated Danny's parents were scientists, his sister a therapist and women's self-defense instructor. The man himself had nothing remarkable on his record beyond a public intoxication charge in his early twenties, but that hardly meant anything. Talia Al Ghul's public record was nothing short of exemplary, one of the many facts that had made the judge reluctant to grant Bruce full custody.
"And listen, I know the way I was raised in the midwest is vastly different from your upbringing, and comparing the two would likely be condescending and a disservice to you, but I also know that while I liked my independence, I wish I had been able to talk to my parents more when things got tough."
"I fail to understand what you are saying," Damian says flatly. "Are you instructing me to speak to my parents as you believe I am having a hard time? And your basis for this incredibly incorrect hypothesis is you were once a teenager whose parents were neglectful? Also, this is certainly overstepping."
Danny's smile is sheepish. "It is, isn't it?"
Damian turns to leave.
"What I'm trying to say," Danny says loudly. "Is that I intend to stay in Gotham. I have some things I need to see to here so I'll be here a while.
"And this is important to me because--"
"Talia will be staying." When Damian continues to stare at him blankly, he clarifies: "With me. Here. I mean, we definitely will go on a honeymoon at some point, even though I'm not sure we're actually married no matter what Talia says about that ceremony--"
"Tt. Grandfather will never let Mother simply galavant around."
"You don't need to worry about Ra's any more," Danny says, straightening. His voice is firm and certain. "He won't be bothering you or your mother."
"That's impossible," Damian says sharply.
"You can ask Talia yourself." Danny pulls out a card. "This is the hotel we're staying at. Room 805. You are right that you definitely shouldn't come without your father's permission, but if he's alright with it please feel free."
Danny takes a step closer, and if Damian's quick grip on his katana bothers him he doesn't show it.
"I mean it Robin. I'm not saying Talia's going to petition for joint custody, and I'll make sure Batman knows that as well. I just want you to know she's here. If you ever want to...see her."
He holds out the card until Damian plucks it from his hand with a growl.
"And also, Damian?"
"What?" Damian snaps.
"Your mom talks about you all the time. I think she'd like to see you too."
"Tt." Damian says, eyes darting down to the card. When they flick back up, Danny is gone.
Damian pulls a quick 360, sword drawn, but the man is nowhere to be seen.
"Robin," Batman says in his comm. "Need you on the west docks."
His comm line was open the whole time, he realizes, but Oracle is uncharacteristically silent. A further investigation shows no time has passed since Danny arrived at the roof. Only the card clenched in his fist indicates he was ever there.
"On my way," Damian says, sheathing his weapon.
Hmph. Of course. His mother is no fool, least of all in her selection of lovers.
Upon arriving at the cave later that night, Damian exits the clock at the rear of the group.
"Father," he says as he clears the threshold. "I wish to spend time with Mother and Stepfather at their earliest convenience. Perhaps tomorrow after school."
Everyone stops still, turning to look back at him. Tim pauses mid-stretch, Steph's jaw drops, and Cassie smiles pleasantly at him. Even Alfred, a tray of freshly baked cookies in hand, blinks at him.
Bruce's mouth opens and closes, wordlessly.
"Absolutely not!" Dick Grayson screeches from the other end of the hallway, dufflebag in hand. Behind him Jason grasps the doorway, doubled over in laughter.
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puppetmaster13u · 11 months
I currently have two timelines for my New Ancient of Darkness Au
Timeline 1: Bruce is one of the Justice League founders, continues to do his best to hide his increasingly ghostliness with every year and avoiding Justice League Dark because he has heard stories about Constantine. It doesn't matter if Danny finds him hilarious. He's the Justice League's cryptid where his friends just think he's a little shy and Gotham is just like that.
Timeline 2: Bruce lets his anxiety and paranoia get ahold of him, especially with how he's just taken in Dick and Jason, and doesn't join the League. And straight up becomes a cryptid as Batman. Where his children become liminal far faster and the still human part of him feels so guilty while the ghostly part is giddy to have little ghostlings. There are now rumors about some sort of shadow child of Gotham, some sort of clan of creatures that the League will eventually investigate.
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dp-time-police · 2 years
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punk vlad punk vlad puNK VLAD PUNK VLAD-
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I keep adding songs to my dp playlist for very specific amvs I construct in my head (as you do)
this is an old concept I built forever ago but this song drew it back out of me, and I want to revisit it
imagine if you will, Void Danny from Reverse Trio AU, in a timeline where the Phantom of his world (in this specific scenario it's Tucker) did not succeed and was killed by Nocturn
Nocturn at the height of his power is able to use his foot in the dream realm to clip through space, aka he can make portals, at first he just uses them to spread across the world, he teaches Danny to do the same
one day he lets slip that he can make portals to other alternate universes, and that when they are finished feeding on this world, they will move to another
at this point, with Nocturn growing overconfident and complacent, his grip on Danny's mind starts to slip, Danny starts to miss his friends, he starts to regret what they've done
in a moment of gathered willpower he decides to open a portal to a world where his friends are still alive, but midway through he hesitates, what will they think of him? he killed them after all, wouldn't they hate him? wouldn't they think he was a monster? he desperately wants to see them but he can't bare to have them see him this way
the portal opens, but it opens to a world of lush green leaves, a huge tree with a girl sitting beneath it, she has her hand on the trunk, she's crying
he recognises her
the portal had found a version of his friend who would not hate or judge him for what he had done, it found a version of his friend who was just like him
he speaks to this Sam and she tells him that he can't be here, that she killed him, his body was beneath this tree, Danny was her Phantom
he tells her where he is from, that he's escaped to find the friends he lost, he says she's not the Sam he knew, but she's clearly a Sam who regrets as he regrets, who wants what he wants, he reaches out his hand and asks her to come with him, they still have one friend left to find
she takes his hand
he opens another portal, this time to an Amity buried in sand, there's a boy holding a golden staff, he stares out over the buried ruins of the city, the grave of his friends and family, one he had dug himself with the whispers of Hotep Ra in his ear and the memories of an ancient king piloting his body, Sam was his Phantom
Danny and Sam reach out, they tell him to come with them, they'll find a new home together, in a world where none of them exist, a world that none of them have broken
he takes their hands
from here they can go anywhere, to any universe, to find a place for themselves where they are away from the influences that changed them, they are still monsters, in their own ways, with powers granted to them by those who changed them
Danny cannot survive without feeding off dreams, he roams through the dream realm every night, giving people pleasant dreams but leaving them tired and drained come morning
but he thinks perhaps if he feeds lightly, takes just enough energy from just enough people, if he makes sure to feed from different people every night, perhaps he won't need to cause anyone harm
Sam needs sunshine and soil to thrive, but she still has no sympathy for the humans who destroy nature, dragging anyone who threatens her into the ground with her roots
but maybe she can use her powers for something more, rejuvenate the land she walks on, find and connect with humans who want what she wants, they're out there, she knows, she used to be one of them
Tucker uses his magic to survive, to steal food and clothes and shelter for them all, he may have left his kingdom but he is still a king, why shouldn't he take whatever he wants? who are they to tell him no? he could crush them like bugs in his fist, they were only peasants
but does he need to kill them? can't he just take what he needs and make them forget? he has killed so many already, and for what? an empty desolate kingdom? he left that place for a reason
as the influence of their manipulators wanes, the people they once were slowly return to them, they will never be the same, they have been changed far too much, but they are together, and together they remember how to be people again, not quite the people they all once knew, but close enough to count
but eventually their guardians will notice they are missing, Nocturn will follow a trail through dimensions, he will meet others whose wards have disappeared, they will come looking for their disobedient runaway children, and they will destroy whatever lies in their path to get them back
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starry-bi-sky · 8 months
what piercings does Danny have in your CFAU?
Danny’s got double lobe piercings on both ears, and then helixes, and an orbital on one side! Then he’s got an eyebrow piercing on the right side of his face. I don’t have any particular reason for why he’s got piercings as an adult, I just thought it’d be a fun way to indicate a physical change from when he was 14 and last saw the Waynes, to the next time they see him. Although with this version of Danny (rather than my original, unserious beta version of CFAU), it probably would follow that he'd potentially get piercings when he was older. (So not a total shock)
#dpxdc#dp x dc#cfau#childhood friends au#cfau danny#piercings#danny did his lobe piercings at home but the upper parts were done by a professional in the ghost zone#his ghostly healing means he couldnt go to a human piercer it’d heal in an instant#i’ve considered giving him snakebites. or a tongue piercing#guys with piercings >>>#playing dress up with your characters is the best part of making an au!#its also lowkey a relic to what my original childhood friends au was like in my head when it was still more of a 'daydream au'#which was more cracky and unserious. it leaned more into danny being more like his pre-canon self ie: meekish and shy when he was in gotham#so him having piercings/being more confident/cursing/etc the next time they saw him would come off as more of a drastic change considering#the last time they saw him (when jason was alive) he was a skittish and quiet kid. bookish. him turning out all goth-rock and punkish and#willing to throw hands with anyone he sees. would have been a big “huh??” moment for jason and co#hey wouldn't it be fun if jason had a childhood friend who moved away when he was a kid and returned to kill#the joker after he died? and that friend looked almost unrecognizable from his memories?#'daydream aus' are what i call aus that aren't all that serious and stem from listening to music and daydreaming. they're largely silly#unserious. and more “hah wouldnt this scene/idea be fun” and would've been harder to write down as a longform au. cfau stemmed from me#listening to music and going and then it spiraled from there.
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maslosstuff · 1 year
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Dil looking for a new look pt. 1?
Sam outfit on the right belongs to @letswonderspirit
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die-andere-welt94 · 3 months
If someone is interested in exploring the reverse au / inverse au of Danny Phantom, I recently started to write about it:
I'll be happy to interact with everyone who is interested :)
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chloeisdoingthings · 2 years
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thesoulspulse · 1 year
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Originally I was planning to update Paradox's/Counter Clockwork's teenage form design, but the hairstyle and pose seemed to fit Elliot/Gregor's vibe a lot better so I changed direction! I've talked about AU ideas before with my friend @dnpanimationstudioclone for him so this time he's an undercover GIW agent (a junior agent in training anyway) trying to lure out the real Danny Phantom out of hiding by impersonating him just enough to get people to think he might secretly be the ghost boy himself attending Casper High.
As for Sam, sadly he has ulterior motives for getting close to her after hearing a rumor she was spotted by a few other students hanging out with Danny Phantom on multiple occasions. Besides, after doing a background check and finding out she's secretly loaded, well, why not get on her good side to get some extra funding for their just cause to get rid of the ghost pests investing this town?
Unlike the canon version, this Elliot/Gregor only took on this goth persona as part of his disguise. Think about it, most goth's are seen as deep thinkers and loners who don't like hanging out in the sun for too long so having him slip away from time to time could be chalked up to being a rebellious teenager instead of reporting back to his superiors. That, and he's doing it as part of the plan to attract Sam's attention specifically. Basically, he's not a total playboy. A flirt? Absolutely. A two-faced snob? Only when it comes to ghosts since he's actually serious about becoming a full GIW agent someday.
The most interesting part is, Elliot/Gregor HATES that he can't blow his cover to fight off the ghosts that show up as Casper High himself. Leaving it to a wanna-be ghost hero pisses him off so much. And lastly, he starts to genuinely fall in love with Sam after getting to know her but has to remember his time with her is limited. His top priority is exposing Danny Phantom and tracking down his lair so he can be captured for further study by the GIW.
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bronzs-fan-stuff · 1 year
DP prompt
Sam as a mortician.
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