#grimoire work
mamaangiwine · 1 year
May I genuinely ask you about the history of western occultism? It's far from my comfort zone, and what I'm trying to discern is, from what I can see, grimoiric magic is heavily appropriative of Judaism, there seems to be no way around that. But I've heard the claim that it was originally born from genuine cultural diffusion, and that's why folks justify using it. Is there truth to that? I would love to dig into it if I can do so appropriately & respectfully. Any advice on where I should dig? Again I mean only respect in asking this, and thank you for considering my question.
Oh, anon. You do not know what you have unleashed.
This is gonna be a long one.
First off, 'Western Occultism' covers a large swath of practices and disciplines that range from the Medieval Era, to the Renaissance, as well as the Early Modern Period...so over a thousand years. It's vast umbrella includes astrology, alchemy, hermeticism, angel magic, and over a dozen notable grimiores as well as multiple other lesser ones- and it is not for the faint of heart.
I don't mean that in an elitist way either. I mean that some of this shit gets uncomfy real quick. Multiple grimoires are not shy about animal harm and endangerment. They do not flinch at the ethics of love or sex spells, and they certainly are not strangers to misogyny, racism or ableism. If interacting with any of that sounds distasteful to you, I would gently and lovingly suggest you steer clear.
And if you do choose to move forward? Well then I suggest, especially in the case of grimoires, that you are ready to study your ass off. Once again, I don't say this to be an elitist. I don't say this to show off my starry robe and my pointy wizard hat and my "learned" degree from wizard school. I say this because, otherwise, you will not have context for either the spiritual ideas that are trying to be conveyed in these books or the trap doors that are hidden in their pages.
Some grimoires were not meant for mass consumption or regard. Some books, The Picatrix being one, have recipes for philtres and salves that promise numerous benefits but are actually, literally, poison. Why? Because as a student of the occult you should know that pure bitter almond oil is poisonous, of course. Sometimes whole rituals will be detailed with one deviation that may, from the purview of the writer, cause the whole thing to come crashing down. Why? Because you should know that if Venus and Saturn, two planets whose natures are already at odds, are in contention it will sour the whole production. These writings do not give up their secrets easily. It demands a constant engagement supplemented with a hard won knowledge.
Now, in answer to your question: Did Westen Magic appropriate Judaism, or was it shared cultural proximity?
The answer is- yes. To both.
The history is longer than what I can write in a tumblr post but basically Medieval Christian Magic, Jewish Mysticism, and Islamic Mysticism were all in conversation with one another and were borrowing from eachother during this period of magical and spiritual advancement. Christian Magic did influence Jewish Mysticism, though not as much as Jewish Mysticism influenced Christian Magic; and neither as much as Islamic Mystcism influenced both. This blending of spiritual thinking was actually one of the things that made Spain the once great capital of magical thought and reasoning in the 12th century; due to its diverse Jewish, Muslim and Christian population.
This, along with the fact that there are many symbols, names, and spiritual ideas that Christianity brought into their religion post separation from the larger Jewish tradition, makes it difficult to identify whether certain aspects bled into Western Magic via direct cultural proximity and whether others were outright stolen...well, I mean the Hebrew was. The Hebrew was stolen.
However according to some academic theories, this theft may have even been the catalyst for some of the spiritual concepts later used in Kabbalah; Christian Ritual Magic influenced by Hebrew, in turn influencing Jewish Mysticism.
It must be said however that despite many Christians devotion to Hebrew, it was Jewish people who got stuck with the short end of the stick. Over time Jewish people would see themselves labeled as "demon worshippers" and "evil sorcerers" as their language became synonmus with magic.
This definitely presents a conundrum to modern practicioners. What then do we do with these grimoires? What to do with these traditions? If some of it is appropriative, do we throw it out? If some of it was influenced in moments of genuine human interaction and curiosity, do we label it 'permissible' despite the terrible anti-jewish sentiment on the rise in our modern era?
Both are valid questions, but no I personally don't condone their compelete disavowment; like many other traditons, Western Magic should be considered as a whole and with its complex history in mind. I think one should consider that these grimoires were far reaching and culturally influential, and in ways we cannot even begin to understand, or even untangle. A grimoire could be found in Ireland just as easily as in Spain, and not just in the libraries of white bearded men- which only makes sense. Some of what is in the grimoires came from the common people, and to the common people pieces of these books returned.
In terms of Western Magic, I think the magic community would have an easier time creating room for discussion, education and further collaboration. Such an approach would further these traditons in ways that we haven't seen for hundreds of years, and in ways not possible from the beginning. In fact, such groups already exist that contain both Jewish, Christian and Non-Christian practicioners.
With (all) of that being said-
There are ways to get around the parts you feel unsure about, or are approiative. For instance, in the case of most Hebrew, one could swap it out for Enochian since both are "heavenly" and "spiritual" languages. Such substitutions require knowledge of what you're working with and a willingness to experiment but they are possible. In fact, substitutions are necessary as it's not like you can just go buy the musk of a civet cat when you need it.
Personally, I feel the best books to start with are Agrripa's Occult Philosophy, Books 1-3 and 4. It is said that to read all four is akin to achieving a college level degree in Renaissance Magic. Any of the Grimoires in which Stephen Skinner is listed as an editor and collaborater are also great as they are usually more digestable.
As for history-
Dr. Justin Sledge's YouTube channel Esoterica is a great resource for all things Ancient and Medieval Magic Related.
Grimoires: A History of Magic Books by Owen Davis.
Ancient Jewish Magic: A History by Gideon Bohak.
And @woodland-goes, a practcioner of Western Magic and Grimoire Work also suggested I share this link. He has a podcast coming out very soon that will also be discussing what we've covered today and I wholly suggest you go and hit up his inbox if you have any more questions on the topic. He is far more knowledgeable than I.
Hope this helped anon.
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thrashkink-coven · 3 months
I love seeing prayers and stories of devotees who worship Gods that I don’t worship.
Actually, I’ve always been like this.
I love hearing the tales of religions that I don’t subscribe to. Even if I don’t agree with every Christian, I do enjoy hearing Christians talk about how wonderful Jesus is and what he means to them personally.
I enjoy hearing Muslims talk about their prayers, how they reserve time out of their day for their God.
I enjoy hearing Jews sing their psalms, I love hearing about how they prepare their food, how they consider God’s hands in their meals.
I love hearing about Hellenic rituals and Semetic celebrations. I love learning about the different holy days among different groups of pagans.
I love learning how different people have incorporated different Gods, acts, and customs into their faith. I love hearing about their myths and legends, the stories they tell their children before bed.
I love hearing about the different ways that humanity has connected to their personal idea of God.
I don’t worship Apollon or Shiva today, but I am so delighted to hear the prayers of those that do. It’s like I’m getting to feel the mist erupting off of a waterfall. Or hearing the echo of a song that I do not know the lyrics to, but I can still hum the melody. I can feel the notes permeate my mind, even if I don’t know what they mean.
I love that there are people who worship these Gods that I do not worship. I’m happy that there is so much diversity among humanity that we have enough love in us for all of them.
For the ones that even I don’t know the names of, or felt the warmth of. Someone has.
That’s a very very good thing.
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thecupidwitch · 9 days
Graveyard Etiquette🪦
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Before you go protect yourself you don't want a spirit attached to you.
Bring coins as offerings to the gatekeepers.
Bring with you offering for the spirits (food, water, flowers ect...) and leave it by a tree or away from the headstones for the spirits.
Make sure you don't step on anyone and apologiz if you do by accident.
Clean up neglected tombstones.
Ask before you take dirt. Use your intuition or divination to get a response.
Don’t take anything that is left for the dead.
Don't leave trash behind and if you find trash clean it.
Leave the way you came.
tip jar
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witchygirlgray333 · 10 months
Some topics + prompts for your grimoire or book of shadows
books you want to read
local folklore / mythology / legends
the wheel of the year
plants you have in your house or garden (their care, properties, uses, draw them etc)
theban alphabet
days of the week and their correspondences
write about a deity you worship / are drawn to
draw art for / of a deity you worship or are drawn to
colour magic
the elements
write about the crystals you own (draw them, write their properties, correspondences, uses, how it makes you feel etc)
how to make your own crystals
your birth chart
your sun, moon and rising sign
natural medicine (as a chronically ill witch I love natural medicine NOT AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR PRESCRIPTIONS! for example I take all my prescription meds and then if I'm having period pain I might drink some raspberry leaf tea)
positive affirmations / mantras that you connect with
how to manifest
history of witches
deities in a certain pantheon you're interested in or drawn to
write about a spell you've done (how you did it, why you did it, how you felt, the results of it, what you would change if you did the spell again etc)
write about a dream you've had
tarot reading tricks and tips
moon phases
zodiac signs
family tree
poetry / songs / quotes you connect to (i like to find ones that make me feel powerful or witchy, or remind me of certain aspects of my practice. a song i like for this is rhiannon by fleetwood mac and i'm going to post more things like this regularly on my page)
feathers and their meanings
simple everyday magic
some ideas for the next sabbat you plan to celebrate
tarot spreads you like
write about a tarot reading you've done (any prep you did, the deck you used, the cards you pulled, your personal interpretation of the cards based on the art and how you feel, the meaning of the cards, how the cards relate to the questions you asked, final reflection on how you feel the reading went)
interesting mythology
tree of life
glamour magic
money bowls
crystal shapes and their meanings
grounding techniques
cord cutting spells
essential oils
types of divination
planets and their correspondences
angel numbers
witchy wishlist
go to supplies and ingredients (herbs and things that you use regularly)
favourite crystals
working with your inner child
if you've had a really good or particularly insightful meditation session it can be nice to either draw or write what happened and how you felt during it
witchy arts and crafts and diys you want to do
altar ideas
read a witchy book / watch a witchy video and take notes
write about your ancestors
witchy things to incorporate into your daily routine
what is a tower moment
witchy reset / self care days
the history of the area you live in
how to make your own incense sticks
shadow work
shadow work prompts
ok, that's all the ideas I have for now and I hope that helps someone! I'll be posting some pages from my grimoire and some more prompt / topic ideas in the near future which I'm really excited for.
P.S. please remember that everyone's practice is their own and you should do what feels right to you while respecting that other people have their own beliefs (as long as they're not hateful).
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coven-of-genesis · 6 months
Goddess Aphrodite affirmations
Here are some affirmations inspired by the energy and qualities associated with the Goddess Aphrodite:
1. "I am a vessel of love, beauty, and grace."
2. "I radiate love and attract it effortlessly."
3. "I am worthy of deep and meaningful connections."
4. "My heart is open, and I receive love with gratitude."
5. "I embrace my inner and outer beauty with confidence."
6. "I am a beacon of sensuality and passion."
7. "I attract positive and loving relationships into my life."
8. "I am deserving of love, respect, and adoration."
9. "I am a source of inspiration and empowerment for others."
10. "I am a goddess of love, and I honor my divine essence."
Repeat these affirmations regularly to internalize and embody the qualities of love, beauty, and grace associated with Aphrodite. Remember, affirmations are most effective when practiced with belief and intention.
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lunar-witches · 1 year
Types of Dream Work
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Dream Journaling: Keeping a dream journal is the foundation of dream work in witchcraft. It involves writing down your dreams as soon as you wake up, even if you can only remember a few details. This practice helps you remember your dreams more vividly, identify patterns or recurring themes, and develop a deeper understanding of your subconscious mind.
Lucid Dreaming: Lucid dreaming is the ability to become aware that you are dreaming and to control the dream. It can be used for manifestation, healing, and exploring your inner world. To practice lucid dreaming, you can use reality checks, set intentions before you go to sleep, and practice visualization techniques.
Astral Projection: Astral projection is the practice of leaving your physical body and traveling to different realms or dimensions. It can be used for spiritual exploration, connecting with spirit guides, or receiving messages from the universe. To practice astral projection, you can use meditation, visualization, among other journeying techniques. It's important to practice caution and preparation, and work with an experienced practitioner or teacher if possible.
Dream Incubation: Dream incubation is the practice of setting an intention before you go to sleep to dream about a specific topic or question. It can be used for divination, problem-solving, or spiritual exploration. To practice dream incubation, you can use visualization, affirmations, or ritual to set your intention.
Dream Interpretation: Dream interpretation is the process of analyzing the symbols and messages in your dreams to gain insight into your subconscious mind. It can be used for spiritual growth, self-awareness, and problem-solving. To practice dream interpretation, you can use books, online resources, or work with a dream interpreter or witch.
Dream Protection: Dream protection is the practice of protecting yourself from negative energies or entities that may enter your dreams. It can be used for spiritual protection, emotional healing, or to prevent nightmares. To practice dream protection, you can use visualization, affirmations, or protection spells or talismans.
My Ko-Fi
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stagkingswife · 2 months
Take Notes Like Stag Part 1: Spirit Encounters
Part 2: Unrecorded Entity Note Taking Exercise Part 3: Spell "Lab Notes" I think I've mentioned before that I studied witchcraft and folklore academically in college, but I don't know if I've ever made much of a deal out of the fact that I did so as part of a major in Cultural Anthropology. I learned a lot about different magical practices in those specific classes and I still use much of what I learned, but what I learned back then that I use the most didn't come from one of the magic classes, it came from the prep class for the original anthropological research I had to do for my thesis. In that class I was taught how to conduct anthropological interviews and how to take notes on those conversations. Over the years I have developed those anthropological interview notes into a template that I use for every encounter I have with an incorporeal entity. This template is very simple: 4 broad categories that I sort my thoughts into and some examples of what kind of notes I put into each category. I use this format to take notes on all of my spirit work encounters, regardless of the type of spirit - one page of my binder per encounter, and then I can keep all of the pages for a particular entity together in chronological order.
Impressions: Initial notes on an encounter.
How did the entity present themselves?
How did they look/ sound/ make me feel in the moment
What did they say/ how did they communicate
Reflections: How do I feel about the encounter after the fact
How does the encounter sit with me now that I’ve had some distance?
How do I feel about how the entity treated me/interacted with me?
Emerging Questions: Questions I have based on this encounter
Was there anything from the encounter that I feel might have been symbolic/metaphorical?
Do I have any follow up questions about the actual conversation/message? Ie: was anything unclear to me, do I need to clarify anything?
Are there questions/trains of thought that I need to go research or divine on further?
Future Actions: What do I think I need to do next?
Did the entity give an “action item”/ something they want or expect me to do? If so, list them here.
Is there something I want to do before I communicate with this entity? If so I also list them in here.
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bewitched-moonlight · 5 months
🌛🌝🌜 Harvesting the power of the Triple Goddess
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It's been a while, witches...
If you're like me and feel a bit burned out in this end of year, here's my idea to revive your spirit and get some much-needed energy back before 2024 starts.
🌛🌝🌜 Let's harvest the power of the triple goddess in the last 3 weeks of 2023.
🌛 Morning
Harvesting the power of the Maiden, which represents enchantment, inception, expansion, the promise of new beginnings, birth, youth and child-like enthusiasm.
Activity: 15 minutes morning meditation to reflect on the year, where you are today, the day's goals and challenges, and where you want to be next year.
🌝 Day
Harvesting the power of the Mother, which represents ripeness, fertility, sexuality, energy, fulfilment, stability, power and life.
Activities: daily act of creation, which can mean anything to you and your life - spell-casting, exercising, dancing, knitting, baking or cooking, crafting, decorating... The only requirement is that it is something you do just for you.
🌜 Evening
Harvesting the power of the Crone, which represents wisdom, repose, rest, death and endings.
Activity: ending the day with a book, to extract wisdom from other people and perspectives, and going to bed early, to feel rested and recover from the day.
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coinandcandle · 2 years
Anatomy of a Spell
This post will go over what is needed for a spell to be created!
This is a page from my grimoire and by no means is this a set-in-stone situation. Take what you will and leave what you won't.
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Desire or intent. This is the whole point of the spell. What is the desired outcome, what do you want to achieve from this spell?
Planning of ingredients, spell structure, time, and location. This includes the verbal or written aspect of the spell if any.
Protection, there’s really no reason not to have a safeguard on your spell in my opinion but this isn't true for everyone. Do what feels right for you.
Raising, gathering, or building energy for the spell. Energy is how you get your spell to work. This can be done by chanting, breathwork, borrowing energy, and more.
Directing energy into the spell. Self-explanatory, gotta get it in there somehow. Basically just getting the intent/desire from inside you to inside the spell so that it can work its magic (pun intended).
Release any excess energy if needed. Grounding is a good way to do this.
Clear and concise ending; this could be a phrase, word, or physical act that indicates the ending of the spell. It’s best when everyone and everything involved knows when you have ceased doing the spell.
It’s a good idea to record your process and results of the spells you create and cast so that you have a reference for future spells; also you can figure out what went wrong or right.
I personally think it’s a good idea to put a fail-safe in a spell, I usually do this by stating it out loud: i.e. “If I take apart this spell bag then the spell will cease.” or “If I do this spell in reverse the spell will cease/reverse” and so on.
Preparing the physical and non-physical things for the spell; can mean gathering, cleansing, or preparing yourself to be in the headspace needed for the spell. It's better to be prepared than to get blindsided halfway through because you’re missing something!
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wildflowercryptid · 6 months
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the surviving pointer ladies
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thrashkink-coven · 3 months
“I’ve been thinking a lot about working with *this deity* but I haven’t gotten a sign yet!”
my brother in arcane arts that is the sign
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lilianasgrimoire · 6 days
Herb Correspondences - S-Z
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Sage - Used for self-purification and cleansing.  Helps grief and loss. Healing and protection also increase wisdom.   Element Air. 
Sandalwood - Burn during protection, healing, and exorcism spells.  Aids luck and success, meditation and divination. Raises a high spiritual vibration. Element Water. 
Skullcap - Aids in love, fidelity and peace.  Increases harmony. Element Water. 
Sea Salt - Use to cleanse crystals and tools.  For purification, grounding and protection.  Supports ritual work. Absorbs negativity and banishes evil.  Element Earth & Water.  
Sheep's Purse - Prosperity, protection and healing. Element Earth. 
Sheep Sorrel - Carry to protect against heart disease. Cleansing and increases luck.  Use in faery magic. Element Earth. 
St. John's Wort - Worn to prevent colds & fevers.  Induces prophetic and romantic dreams. Protects against hexes and black witchcraft.  Increases happiness. Use in Solar Magic. Element Fire. 
Star Anise - Consecration, purification, and happiness.  Use for curse breaking or increasing luck. Burn to increase psychic awareness.   Element Fire.  
Strawberry Leaf - Attracts success, good fortune, and favorable circumstances. Increases love and aids pregnancy. Element Water. 
Sunflower - Energy, protection, and power.  Aids wisdom and brings about wishes.  Use in fertility magic. Element Fire. 
Sweet Cicely - Use during rituals for the dead or dying.  It helps with divination and the contact of the spirit.  It is sacred to the Goddess’ of death. Element Earth. 
Sweetwood - See Cinnamon.   
Tansy - See Agrimony.  
Tarragon - Increases self-confidence.  Use in Dragon magic. Aids healing after abusive situations.   Element Fire. 
Tea Leaves - Use for courage or strength. In tea for increasing lust. Burn leaves to ensure future riches.  Element Air. 
Thistle - See Blessed Thistle.  
Thyme - Attracts loyalty, affection, and love. Increases good luck and psychic power.  Drink tea to aid sleep. Element Air.  
Valerian - Also called Graveyard dust. Aids sleep is calming and is a sedative.  Quietens emotions. Supports protection and love. Element Water. 
Vervain - Strengthen other herbs. Helps, peace, love and happiness.  Burn the leaves to attract wealth and keep your youth. Increases chastity also.  Element Water. 
Verbena - Psychic protection, peace and purification.  Healing and helps depression. Increases beauty and love.  Mind opening and clearing. Ideal use for exams. Element Earth.  
Violet - See Heart’s Ease.  
White Willow Bark - Use in lunar magic.  Reduces negativity and removes evil forces and hexes.  Used for healing spells. Element Water. 
Willow - Used for lunar magic, drawing or strengthening love, healing, and overcoming sadness.  Element Water. 
Witches Grass - Happiness, lust, love, and exorcism. Reverses hexes.  Element Earth.  
Wood Betony - Use for purification, protection, and the expulsion of evil spirits and nightmares.  Draws love in your direction. Element Fire. 
Woodruff - Victory, protection, and money.  Element Air. 
Wormwood - Used to remove anger, stop war, inhibit violent acts, and for protection. Use in clairvoyance, to summon spirits, or to enhance divinatory abilities. Element Earth. 
Yarrow - Healing, calming and increases love. Used in handfasting & weddings.  Increases psychic power and divination. Gives courage when needed. Element Air. 
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wandoffire · 30 days
Hey :)
A quick link for everything.
Law of attraction 🧲
Raising your vibration
Simple spiritual practices
Spell Jars: 🫙
Good luck
Career / money
Herbs: 🌱
For energy
For sleep
For digestive health
Essential oils: use ideas and types
Crystals: 💎
Colour meanings
Crystals for...
Care tips
Moon phase journaling 🌙
Energy cleanse mist
Peaceful sleep spell bag
Lucid Dreaming
Love 🫶
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coven-of-genesis · 11 months
Types of shadow work
There are various types of shadow work that can be explored based on individual preferences and needs.
Here are a few common approaches to shadow work:
1. Self-reflection and self-inquiry: This involves introspection, journaling, and contemplation to explore your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and patterns of behavior. It helps you identify and understand your shadow aspects.
2. Dream analysis: Paying attention to your dreams can provide valuable insights into your unconscious mind. Analyzing your dreams can reveal hidden desires, fears, and unresolved issues, offering a window into your shadow aspects.
3. Inner child work: This focuses on exploring and healing the wounded inner child within you. It involves identifying past traumas, emotional neglect, or unmet needs from childhood and working towards emotional healing and self-nurturing.
4. Creative expression: Engaging in creative activities such as art, writing, dancing, or music can be a powerful way to access and express your unconscious mind. Through creative expression, you can tap into your deeper emotions, desires, and shadow aspects.
5. Body-oriented practices: Our bodies hold emotions and memories, so somatic practices like yoga, breathwork, or body-centered therapies can help bring awareness to and release stored emotional energy in the body. This can contribute to the exploration and healing of shadow aspects.
6. Shadow dialogues and active imagination: Engaging in internal dialogues or imaginative encounters with your shadow aspects can help you understand their messages, motivations, and needs. This can involve role-playing or having conversations with different parts of yourself.
7. Shadow work in relationships: Relationships can serve as mirrors for our shadow aspects. By paying attention to the triggers, conflicts, and patterns that arise in relationships, you can gain insights into your own shadow and use these experiences as opportunities for growth and self-awareness.
8. Therapeutic support: Working with a therapist or counselor who specializes in shadow work, depth psychology, or Jungian analysis can provide guidance, support, and a structured framework for exploring and integrating your shadow aspects.
It's important to note that these approaches are not mutually exclusive, and you can combine and adapt them to suit your needs and preferences. The key is to find methods that resonate with you and support your personal journey of self-discovery and healing.
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starsofdarknebula · 8 months
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This is from my own personal workings and includes death-inspired designs for that of an aesthetic death witch and has the following pages of...
💀bone meanings and usage
💀A Prayer
💀A Printable ouija board to make your own! (You can use a coin as a planchet ;) )
💀Herbs for working with death energies
💀Crystals for working with death energies
💀How to make an altar for this work
💀Entities that relate to death work Including some aspects relating to the Left-hand path. (both light and dark are needed for this type of work.)
And much more!
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violixir · 6 months
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Look, it's. I can't explain beyond I have a bunch of little Hawkshaw family headcanons now.
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