#guitar lessons barrie
rockstarmusic1 · 8 months
Start Your Music Journey With Our Music Lessons In Victoria & Beyond
Are you looking for music lessons in Canada? Look no further. Our team at Rockstar Music Central is here to help. We specialize in providing private lessons in several different popular instruments from across the country. Whether you’re interested in learning to play the violin in piano, guitar, violin, and drum across Calgary, Victoria, and Surrey, we’ve got you covered!
Rockstar Music Central is the place to go for unique live music lessons! Our lessons are tailored to the individual student, so no two classes are the same. We understand that each student has a unique style, preferences, and goals for their music journey. That’s why we take the time to get to know our students and develop personalized lesson plans that are unique to them.
If you’re in Calgary, you can take advantage of our violin and drum lessons in Calgary. Our violin instructor is trained in both classical and contemporary styles and is a great fit for students of all ages and levels. Our drum instructor has experience with drum set marching drums, and rudimental techniques and can provide lessons to students from beginner to advanced.
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Our guitar lessons in Victoria are offered both to adults and children. We strive to teach our students how to play both electric and acoustic guitar in a variety of styles, such as jazz, rock, and blues. Lessons can be tailored to fit the individual’s goals and interests. We believe that learning music should be an enjoyable experience. We strive to make our lessons engaging and inspiring so that our students can reach their full potential.
At Rockstar Music Central, our experienced instructors provide students with a comprehensive learning experience. We make sure our students have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of music theory, the basics of their chosen instrument, and important techniques to master their sound. We also offer guidance and support throughout the learning experience, from start to finish.
For those seeking Piano lessons in Surrey, we offer piano instruction. Our experienced piano instructor can teach students from beginner to advanced topics including sight reading, technique, improvisation, and music theory. In addition to our private lessons, Rockstar Music Central also offers group classes for those who prefer to learn with others. Our group classes provide a relaxed, collaborative environment where students can learn together and improve their skills.
Our goal is to create a fun and supportive environment for music education. We strive to instill a lifelong appreciation for music in our students. Not only will our lessons provide students with the skills to master their instruments, but they will also have a great time doing it!
At Rockstar Music Central, you can be confident that you’re getting the highest quality instruction in Canada. To get started, just call us at (647) 526-7625 or visit our website https://www.rockstarmusic.ca/ and we’ll be more than happy to help.
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incorrectbatfam · 7 months
Birdflash? Please?
How about some high school Dick and Wally
Wally fell faster, Dick fell harder.
Wally start developing feelings the first time they go on patrol with just the two of them. There was just something about watching the gears in Dick's head turning as he disabled a booby trap.
Dick wouldn't return the feelings until over year later, when they're watching a movie at the Manor and Wally dozed off halfway through, mumbling in his sleep.
They were each other's date to junior prom at both of their schools.
Dick picked Wally up in Central City on a cloaked Bat-plane and took him to dinner at an upscale place Bruce recommended, but they quickly realized that wasn't their style and slipped out to get pizza instead, even if it meant missing the first half hour of the dance.
Wally ran to Gotham, but to maintain their identities, rented a minivan to pick Dick up from the Manor because the rental place was all out of limos. He decorated it with some cardboard and paint for that extra romantic touch. Bruce wasn't pleased but Dick thought it was hilarious.
They also got part-time jobs to keep their covers (and get some experience).
Wally was a science tutor and Dick often made the trip just to pretend he didn't know what the periodic table was.
Dick worked at a fast food joint and always wrote his number on Wally's receipt with "call me" underneath.
Back in their day, queer people were still nearly unheard of and coming to terms with it, especially as a teenager, was way more difficult. Even though Bruce and Barry would be accepting, the idea of telling them was no less daunting.
A few months into dating Wally, Dick devised a multi-step plan to butter Bruce up and tell him. It included doing all the chores, ordering Bruce's favorite meal, an hour-long queer history presentation with cited sources, Barbara as his hype woman, and a fallback plan where he'd escape to a safehouse. None of that ended up happening, because before Dick could execute it, Bruce told him all about his own past with guys.
Wally came out a little later and a lot more impulsively, blurting it out while he and Barry were in the car before jumping out and speeding down the highway. Barry caught up to him an hour later in another city and assured him that everything was okay. Though, Barry wasn't thrilled about the prospect of hanging around Bruce more than he already had to.
Dick thought it'd be a good idea to sign up for debate. Wally warned him about getting overcompetitive but Dick didn't listen. Nonetheless, Wally didn't mind staying up to help organize flashcards and rehearse before a big meet.
For some reason, Wally joined band and picked the French horn. The teacher wasn't great and neither of the boys knew the first thing about how a French horn worked. At one point, Dick tried to straighten it into a regular horn in the Batcave while Wally contemplated dropping the class.
Arcade dates! Sometimes they went head-to-head. Other times, they worked in sync just like on the field. And they'd always win prizes for each other. One time they didn't win much, so they pretended to propose to each other with Ring Pops.
Another kind of date they enjoyed was teaching each other new things. Wally absorbed new information really fast and regurgitated it back when they hung out. Dick, meanwhile, had a more physical love language and liked to guide Wally's hands in guitar or batarang lessons.
Dick saved Wally's contact as "Roadrunner" and Wally saved Dick's as "Lightning Rod."
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tangledinink · 11 months
do you have any headcanons abt your swanatello au (or any others for that matter!) that you've been dying someone to ask about but haven't had the excuse to tell us yet? :3c
Oh what a wonderful ask~
-A few of you noticed in this comic that Leo has flashcards! He (and the rest of his family) use these, as well as notes and visuals on Swannie's research board, to help him remember things. Part of the hope is that by going over memories and details repeatedly, Swannie will have an easier time remembering them and holding onto information even when they're not there. It is helping! A little, anyway.
-Swanatello dances often, even though there's no music... (Well, no music that anyone else can hear, anyway...)
-Swanatello tends to be a bit more outwardly emotional/needy than Donatello, which is partly just because he is so often confused or stressed, and therefore is more prone to seek comfort from his family when he's able to recognize them.
-Swanatello is currently capable of recognizing (to varying degrees) all three of his brothers, April, and Splinter. But he has yet to ever allow Baron Draxum access to his lake (much to everyone's frustration, as Barry would, in theory, be able to do a lot more research and make more progress if he could inspect the actual lake, and Donnie.)
-None of them will admit it, but all his brothers are a teeny bit salty that he can kick their asses so easily now.
-Fun Fact. This story takes place post-movie.
-Swanatello isn't the only one who does ballet! The Twins have been studying ballet since they were quite small, though it's fallen a bit to the wayside since they began their Battle Nexus careers, as their focus shifted to combat training and PR activities. Likewise, they both grew up taking voice lessons and are wonderful singers, and play multiple instruments (Leo plays the piano and guitar, and Donnie plays the violin, harp, and flute.)
-Both of them view themselves as the others' protector.
-Whenever they're out and about in public, Donnie always walks on Leo's right side, in case his bad knee or hip becomes painful. This way, Leo can subtly lean on Donnie if need be.
-Whenever they're doing interviews or on talk shows, they're always sent with instructions or some kind of script from Mama. Donnie has a photographic memory, whereas Leo struggles, and likewise, Leo finds improvising to come naturally whereas Donnie is more likely to freeze up or flounder. As a result, Donnie will always give Leo subtle hints, keywords, or cues during interviews to keep him on track, and Leo does most of the talking. If Leo is having a hard time, Donnie will jump in and nudge him in the right direction. Likewise, is Donnie is freezing up, Leo will always jump in and take over.
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soaps-mohawk · 18 days
hey pook!!! how've you been?
this is a little self-indulgent, but i was wondering what musical talents you think the boys would have, if any at all; because i can play a bunch of instruments at quite a low level, but i'm primarily a bassist (electric) and a vocalist!! i also know barry sloane has a band and that comes up in my mind at least once a day
kyle gives me piano vibes, for some reason. he's good with his hands!! he's got piano hands. i also think it'd be funny for simon to play something totally obscure like a harmonica. john i can see vividly as a guitarist, bass and electric, just because barry sloane suits it so much. johnny i think would love a bit of bass, or maybe the drums. bass is the best instrument (i'm biased because i play it)!!! i think at least one of them can sing, i just don't know who i'd pick (but definitely johnny in the shower, i know he's got a good pair of lungs on him)
anyways, lots of love!!! hope you're doing alright
Hi love!!! this is like super late but I haven't been sleeping well so the energy levels are like nonexistent so focus and brainpower are at an all time low.
Johnny is definitely the kind of person that can kind of sing, he's not like good at it necessarily but he can carry a tune when he tries. Problem is, he doesn't try and sings loudly and constantly just randomly. Claims it helps him focus. Definitely a drums guy. Again, loud and takes a ton of energy.
Kyle I also think can sing, but he just kind of casually does it and sounds good, but tell him that and he'll brush you off lol. Only sings in like the car and occasionally when he's doing things if he's got a song stuck in his head. He probably took piano lessons as a kid and has that muscle memory for a few songs, but he's forgotten a lot of it.
John definitely gives guitar vibes. Can pick up a guitar and strum a little tune. Probably played a lot when he was younger. He grew up in the 90s so he probably listened to a lot of rock and grunge music, and I could see him having a rebellious stage in his early teens.
Simon plays the triangle. Definitely the guy that you rope into joining the band just because 😂 He has the look but no musical talent whatsoever lol. More of a music listener than anything.
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noodyl-blasstal · 13 days
Cool, Calm, and Collegiate - Chapter 5
It's day 5 of @blupjeansweek and today's prompt is "Kiss".
Read below or on Ao3. Missed yesterday's? Find it here!
Barry bumps against her shoulder as she turns back, they’re all jumping in a sweaty mass, there shouldn’t be room for them all on the stage, but they’ve crammed themselves in. Well, most of them. Lydia and Edward are stood in the corner (apparently the seats were “too much of a gamble on cleanliness.”) It’s fine really, Lup prefers them far away.
She’s mashed into the middle of the group and usually she’d struggle her way out immediately, but Barry’s comforting bulk is beside her so she’s not worried. She loves how sturdy he is. She loops her arm through his so they don’t get separated, and leans in to shout into his microphone. The other clientele must hate them at this point, but hey, they’re here for a good time and they’re having one. She’s had to sit through plenty of duds tonight, so the regulars can deal with the musical stylings of the IPRE choir. There’s not many of them left anyway considering how late it is.
They all hit a final pose as the guitar fades. It’s not coordinated, but it’s one of those moments that she wishes she had a picture of. Everyone laughing, she and Barry shouting into the plasticky microphone without a care in the world. He’s flushed and sweaty and there’s no doubt she is too with all of the jumping about, but he looks so happy. She’s so glad he came out, it’s nice to see him feeling free.
“Alright everybody, that was our last song of the night! You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.” The guy running the karaoke shoos them off the stage.
Lup nudges Barry and leans in so he can hear her. He starts to look round, but realises what she’s doing and tilts his ear closer to her mouth. “I’ll just grab my bag.”
She knows where she left it, by the twins, they said they’d keep an eye on it (“not that anyone would think something like that had anything worth taking in it”) as long as she didn’t expect them to touch it. She knows she left it here, but she can’t see it.
“Lydia, Edward, have you seen my bag?” Lup’s trying not to panic, but everything’s in there. Keys, purse, lesson plans, notes…
“A bag?” Lydia asks, smiling a particularly poisonous smile. “I’m not sure… Edward, do you remember seeing a bag?”
Lup should have known better than to trust them… Taako’s right sometimes, she does need to be more careful with her believing the best in people bullshit.
Edward scrunches up his stupid handsome face and taps his chin as if deep in thought. “A bag? I’m not the help, Lydia. I’ve got no idea where it could be.” He looks to Lup. “You really should take better care of your things.”
Lup shouldn’t set him on fire, she shouldn’t, no matter how much she wants to right now. Surely anyone would understand?
“I asked you to look after it.” She bites out. She knows they’re doing it to get a rise out of her, she knows losing her temper is letting them win, but right now there’s not enough willpower in the world to keep her calm.
“That doesn’t sound like something we’d agree to, are you sure you’re not mistaken?” Lydia asks in a sickly sweet tone which means she’s definitely fucking with Lup.
“You agreed, I trusted you with it. Why are you being so shitty about this?” Lup snaps.
Lydia’s hand flies to her chest, a parody of offence. “Lup! Such strong language, I know you’re upset that you lost your belongings, but there’s no need to take it out on us.”
“Come on Lydia, we don’t have to stand here and receive this horrible abuse.” Edward chimes in, taking Lydia’s elbow and leading her away.
Lup growls to herself and begins a more thorough search of the area.
“Is everything okay?” Barry asks tentatively.
Lup looks up from her position on the floor. “I’m not doing some impromptu burpees.”
“I can’t say that doing that seems out of character.” Barry offers a hand to help her up.
Lup laughs despite herself. “It’s good for the soul.” She grabs his hand and jumps up. He’s strong, she notices, strong enough to pull her up with ease… interesting.
“What’s going on”
“My bag’s gone.”
“Where are Lydia and Edward? They were looking after it, right?” Barry, sweet Barry, asks.
Lup laughs bitterly. “Apparently you have a memory just as defective as mine. They wouldn’t have ever agreed to look after anything and clearly I’m an idiot.”
Barry’s mouth retracts into a line. “I heard them say they would. Do you want me to report them to Lucretia? She won’t take kindly to this sort of behaviour.”
“No.” Lup says quickly.
“Are you sure?” Barry asks, gently.
“No one ever does anything.” She shrugs, blinking hard to stop the tears she can feel welling up. There’s absolutely no way she’s crying about those dickheads.
Barry opens his arms wide and Lup presses against his chest without a second thought. She hasn’t hugged anyone since Taako when she left home, and hugging him is great, it’s wonderful, it’s Taako, but it’s nothing compared to being wrapped up in Barry’s arms. He’s soft and sturdy, and pats her back reassuringly.
“We’ll find it, Lup. I’ll help.” He looks down at her and smiles so softly that she believes him for a moment.
She looks back at him and quirks the corner of her mouth.
The lights flick on. “Stop canoodling! Get yourselves out of here. We need to clean.”
“We’re looking for a bag.” Barry says quickly. “Sorry, we’ll be out of here soon.”
“Doesn’t look like you’re looking for a bag to me.” The staff member says pointedly.
Lup has no idea why he’s so dedicated to the idea of inappropriate behaviour, but there’s no point in exploding at anyone else. “Is there any chance you’ve seen my bag? I need it before I can go home. It’s a black satchel with flames.”
“Oh. That’s over there, I just saw it.” The guy gestures over his shoulder with a thumb.
“Thank fuck.” Lup rushes towards the place he’s gesturing. She was worried she was going to have to meditate outside long enough to find object it… not that she hadn’t had to do that on nights out before, but still. It’s been a while. She’s grown.
The bag’s on the floor near the entrance, shoved to the side. Fuck. She hates seeing it treated like that. It was a gift from Taako at a time they definitely couldn’t afford anything nice. He cast all the spells and sewed the flames on himself, she’s had it forever… At least whoever nabbed it will have just gone for her wallet and there’s nothing of any substance in there. She stoops down to grab it, but it’s worryingly light. “No, no no no no no no no…” Lup opens it quickly and checks… shit. All of her notes are gone. Who the fuck would want those? And why the fuck have they dug through the dimensions of the bag to find them?
“You’ve got it!” Barry says happily as he catches up, then sees her face. “Oh no, what’s wrong?”
“Someone’s taken my stuff.”
“Sorry Lup. We can sort something out. Can you cancel your cards? We’ll report it in the morning. Have you got your keys at least?”
Lup hadn’t even checked, she didn’t get past the missing notes honestly. She checks the relevant pockets and comes up with her untouched wallet, but no keys.
“Maybe accommodation will have a spare set of keys?” Barry asks.
“They’re shut. It’s late… well, early.” Lup says, voice flat.
She can’t deal with logistics right now. What she’d really like to do is go yell at the fucking twins for being such dickheads, but that’s not constructive and yelling at dickheads usually makes you look bad in the eyes of others, no matter how justified it is (which is ridiculous, thank you very much.)
“Okay, you’ll stay at mine tonight… uh… if that’s okay. Obviously you don’t have to, I can cover a hotel room if you’d prefer, that was really forwar…”
“Thanks Barold. That would be nice. Can we just go please?” Lup’s got no juice left in her. Her get up and go has got up and gone, and all she wants in the world is to be asleep right now, ten minutes ago, even. At least she won’t have to think about how long it’s going to take her to redo everything while she’s passed out.
He must pick up on how exhausted she is, because he doesn’t say anything, just takes over. They’re in a cab before she knows it, and then he’s letting her into his apartment and asking if she needs anything to drink or if he can do anything for her. While she sits on the sofa he fusses round, hands her a glass of water, tucks her in a blanket, says he’s going to sort the room out and for her to hold on. She’s barely aware of him leading her to his bedroom. She thinks it’d be nice to sleep next to Barry honestly, he’s big and soft and solid, like the best teddy bear. But instead, there’s a neat pile of ‘pyjama options’ and some painkillers and he’s trying to leave. She doesn’t let go of his hand.
“Uh… Lup, it’s fine, I’ll… the sofa.” Barry points, as if she’s forgotten where it is.
“Do you want to go?” She asks.
There’s a long pause.
“You can if you want, but if not, stay.”
Barry looks at her, really looks, searches her face for something, she’s not sure what.
“Okay. I’ll let you get changed. I’ll be back.”
The tshirt he left out is soft and baggy and smells like him. His lemony soap and the washing powder he uses. It’s comforting. Comforting enough that she feels strong enough to check her bag again… okay, keys and notes are definitely gone, but they didn’t get everything. The scrappy notes are still in their section, whoever grabbed them didn’t look too hard.
Barry knocks softly on the door. “Is it okay if I come in?”
“It’s your room, Bear.” Lup says.
“Bear?” He asks, opening the door.
Lup doesn’t reply. Isn’t quite sure how to explain that one.
“They left my scratch notes. So they haven’t got anything from your project.” She’s still jittery, but it’s such a relief.
“Oh… that hadn’t even crossed my mind. I’m more concerned about you.” Barry crosses the room and starts fluffing pillows and tugging the duvet. “Are you sure that…?”
Lup puts her poor, defiled bag down gently, then slides into bed and pats the space next to her. “The water’s fine, come on in.”
“Are you completely certain, I don’t want to…”
“I’d prefer it, I don’t really want to be on my own.”
Barry eases the covers back and gets in gingerly.
“Is it okay if I…?” He shuffles slightly closer to Lup.
She decides to take a chance, she’s tired, it’s so late, she’s emotionally done. “Yeah.” She shuffles closer and snuggles herself into his side.
Gently, so gently, he wraps an arm round her.
She nuzzles into his side, glad of his warmth, his bulk, his friendship. “Thank you, Barry.”
He strokes lazy circles on her back. “Hey, it’s okay. I’d never leave you stuck.”
“You wouldn’t, would you?”
“No.” Barry’s confused as to why she’s asking, but she ploughs on anyway.
“You wouldn’t take my research either, would you?” She keeps her voice lower this time. Almost whispers it. If she doesn’t say it too loudly he can’t surprise her, that’s flawless logic.
Barry freezes, then turns slightly so he can look down at her with his big beautiful eyes. They’re full of concern and Lup can’t bear to look back at him for long, she hides her head buried in his side instead. “Lup, did someone do that?”
“You all do, don’t you?” She says bitterly. “You know, supervisors.”
Barry shifts back. “What?”
“That’s just the breaks. You work hard and do all the research, and then your supervisor takes it because really it’s his because you were working in his lab and that means he can publish your theories and not even bother putting your name on it.”
She expects him to be angry, to fight with her, to deny that anyone would do that. Academics are upstanding! They’re ethical! They do their own research and credit properly and…
“Oh Lup, I’m so sorry that happened to you.” Barry pulls her tighter to him. “I’d be heartbroken if I’d worked so hard for something to be taken like that.”
“I reported it.” She says quietly.
“Good.” Barry says. “I hope they got rid of hi…”
“They didn’t do anything.”
“Oh… Oh no.” Barry sounds genuinely upset.
“They said my research was technically university property.” She continues.
There’s a long silence, punctuated only by her occasional sniffles. She could have a cold, Barry doesn’t need to know she’s crying.
“I would never ever do that to you Lup. In fact, I was going to ask, but I didn’t know when was appropriate, I’m sure now probably definitely isn’t that, but, uh, will you co-author the bond replication article with me?”
“What?” Lup refuses to be pitied. “I don’t want you to…”
“I will show you the message from three weeks ago when I asked my friend how best to broach the topic with you.” Barry counters before she can even finish objecting.
“You’re a genius Lup, I keep telling you. I want you on my team, I want to see my name next to yours.”
“Drs Bluejeans and Tacco.” Lup laughs, wetly.
“Yeah. That’s it, that’s my official title.” Barry chuckles, and she loves the sound even more from here. Tucked into him and warm and feeling the laughter vibrate through him.
“It should be.”
“I’ll think about it. Dr Barry Bluejeans, Serious Science Guy, at your service.” Barry says in his best Very Serious Voice.
Lup laughs so hard that the tears are no longer self-pity, but mirth.
She must drift off to sleep after that, because the next thing she remembers is waking up in twilight, hand splayed against Barry’s chest, face resting on his bicep. She slips out of bed as delicately as she can, unable to argue with her bladder, but when she returns Barry pulls her close again. Maybe she’s the teddy bear she thinks, as she drifts off again.
Waking up properly is a slower, more delicate thing. Both of them easing gently into wakefulness. Neither of them willing to untangle themselves quite yet. Lup’s leg’s wrapped over Barry’s hips, his leg pressed to her other shin, her hand on his chest, his hand on her back. It’s companionable, comfortable, and probably incredibly unprofessional, but fuck it. Lup cuddles her friends and Barry’s her friend! It was just a shame she didn’t get to find out how good this was sooner. Magnus was going to love Barry cuddles when they met.
“I can make coffee.” Barry says groggily.
“I know, it’s real good, you already showed off about that.” Lup teases.
“No, I mean, I can make coffee now, for drinking.” He mutters.
“Drinking coffee? Ooooh, fancy!” Lup shouldn’t tease him really, but morning Barry was new to her and she couldn’t resist. How lucky his past partners were to get to see him like this every day.
“Grurgh.” Barry says.
“Coffee would be lovely.” Lup decides it’s probably kinder to humour him.
“M’okay. I’ll go now.” Barry snuggles deeper into the covers. “Just in one minute.”
She pets his hair. “Sleep Bear, I’ll go do it.”
It takes a few tries to leave bed, Barry clinging tight and grumbling in his sleep as she tries to go, but eventually she slips away. By the time she comes back with two steaming cups he’s half-awake again.
“I’ve got coffee for us, babe.”
A string of words issue forth from the pile of duvet Barry has ensconced himself in, all she can make out is “Lup” and “beautiful.”
“I agree, coffee is a beautiful thing, now c’mon. I’ve gotta go to the accommodation office this morning, and cha’girl refuses to do that uncaffeinated.”
Barry slowly shuffles into a seated position. “Thank you.” He takes the cup gratefully. “It smells right.”
“I learned from the best in the business.” Lup winks.
Lup leans against Barry’s side and they drink in companionable silence.
“I meant it, you know.” Barry says, most of the way through his cup.
“Meant what?”
“About the article. I want to publish with you.”
“You can’t talk dirty to me at this time in the morning!” Lup deflects, she’s not emotionally ready for a serious talk.
“I simply can’t help myself. Wanna hear about referencing style choices for the journal?” Barry deadpans back. He’s adjusted well to her teasing, less flustered, less awkward. She likes that.
“I still don’t know who would have wanted my lesson plans.” Lup says.
“I’m more worried about the fact they took your key. I’m, uh, well, I’m going to come with you to your accommodation if that’s okay?”
“Shit. I didn’t even think about that. Gods. I hope they haven’t fucked around in there… although, there was nothing on the key to say which room or where it is, so hopefully it’ll be fine.”
“Yeah.” Barry says too fast. “Hopefully whoever it was didn’t know already. Now, do you want the bathroom first? You’re welcome to borrow anything that’ll fit.”
“How much of it is denim?” Lup asks, pointing at Barry’s wardrobe.
You’re getting a postcard on the fly today, I’m writing this at Barry’s while he gets ready. Last night was good until it wasn’t. We were singing karaoke and it was brilliant, Barry danced and it was magical to see. He’s so much fun, I can’t wait to introduce you. I think Kravitz would like him too, you know.
Anyway, anyway, then some fucker stole my bag (yes, the one you made, don’t worry, I got it back at least). They swiped all my session notes and my room key, so you know, nothing useful to most people. Thank goodness they missed my purse! I’m fine though. Barry adopted me for the night (I know you know, we’re talking right now, but you’re getting these postcards whether you like it or not, and I’m going to tell you what’s going on whether you know it or not. At least this way you can’t make gross insinuations like you did via video call (any woman would be lucky, obviously, but he doesn’t think of cha’girl that way!))
Right. I’m going to do battle with the accommodation office, think of me at this difficult time (which i’m experiencing in the past and definitely already have a solution to.)
Love you always,
Lup xxxxxxx
I hope you enjoyed! Want to read more? Great news! The next installment is here.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 1 year
Day Six - Free Day
Barry hadn’t played the piano in… a while. Though he had some decent excuses! For one, where the hell was he going to find a piano? It’s not like they conveniently popped up in every plane they visited. For another— well. Actually, no, the apocalypse was Barry’s one excuse. His one non-shitty excuse, at least.
His mom taught him to play piano when he was younger. She’d always rope him into more lessons promising sweets or, on one very memorable occasion, a new telescope. And Barry did genuinely like playing the piano. But after she died, his passion for it kinda… went with her. The piano had been her thing. From there on out, any misplaced note felt like a disappointment to her.
He missed her a lot. He missed home a lot. The house he grew up in, the neighbors he came to know so well, the cats that roamed around the neighborhood, and the birds he learned to play to. How could he possibly even attempt to play the piano when he wasn’t in the right place?
“Keep your eyes shut,” Lup said.
“They are shut,” Barry said, before running directly into the wall. Lup laughed, loud and way too close to his eyes. Barry squinted his eyes open, rubbing his head, but Lup said,
“Close ‘em, Bluejeans!”
And he had no other choice but to obey.
The apocalypse wasn’t all bad. Barry could have been stuck with a much shitty group of people. He could have been stuck with someone who wasn't Lup, which sounds like a very horrible version of hell. Sure, he had to deal with trying to hide that he was in love with her, but he was doing a pretty good job, if he did say so himself. No one besides Taako suspected a thing. Or Magnus. Or Merle. Or Dav. Or Luc—
He stumbled, holding very tightly onto Lup’s hand. Normally he’d be incredibly weary of her trying to lead him somewhere for a “surprise”. Last time this had happened, he ended up covered in a shit load of green slime. And Barry didn’t even wanna talk about the time before that. But Lup had seemed so genuine and earnest this time that he didn’t want to spoil it, even if he did end up covered in slime.
He knew they were in a building this time. Where in the building, he wasn't sure. A door groaned and they stepped through. Lup finally stopped.
“Okay,” she said. “You can open.”
Barry opened, blinking his eyes a few times to adjust to the light. The room that they were in was pretty small, but it was filled up as much as it could possibly be with various different broken down musical instruments. There were guitars on the wall and a disassembled drum kit on the floor. There was a clarinet snapped clean in half in the corner. 
And in the center of it all stood a beautiful upright piano, not a sign of wear or tear in sight. The wood was polished, shining in the flickering light above.
It was almost like the one at home. It was- the wood was different, but it shined the same, or it had until Barry let the dust collect up on it. The seat had a cushion exactly like the one his mother used. Barry felt like something was caught in his throat.
“Do you—” Lup was looking at him, looking pleased. “Do you like it?”
“I—” Barry sniffed. He wiped his eyes. “I, uhm—”
“Oh, I— I’m sorry, I thought you—” Lup hugged her arms together, a little red in the face. “You said you used to play, and I was like, hey, I know where there’s a piano, and— I’m sorry, I shoulda asked if it was like, cool to bring it up again or—”
“No,” Barry said, his voice cracking. He rubbed at his eyes, desperately trying to wipe away the tears. “No, I— this is great, Lup, I love— I love it, for real, it’s— I’m— My mom would have loved you. This. Would have loved this.”
“Ah,” Lup said. “That’s… kinda a sore subject for you, sometimes.”
“Some—” Barry cleared his throat. “Sometimes it is, but in— in a good way, I swear. I, uhm— thank you, Lup.”
“You like it?”
“I love it,” Barry said, a little breathlessly. He meant it as a I love you, but the message came across super platonic, he was sure. She smiled at him, still sort of apprehensive. “Really. Do you wanna— any song requests? I can’t promise it’ll be good, but we can try.”
He walked towards the piano, resting his hand on top of it. God, it felt the same. He knew that was how wood worked, but it did make him have to blink back a few more tears.
“I think anything you do will be good,” Lup said. Aw geez, he really was all tears today. “Maybe, uhm— damn, I didn’t think this far ahead.”
“I might still know Fantasy All Star,” Barry said.
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isadora-greenhall · 10 months
Hii! 😺🍫 for Glenn or Henry :D hope you have a nice rest, Isadora
hello countless! thanks for the ask 🥰
headcanon asks
😺 An animal related headcanon
Nick Jr is not the first rat in Glenn Close's life! When he was a teenager, and spending months on end without seeing his dad, he found a small next of rats in the back of his closet and decided to look after them until the babies were grown. He emptied an old shoebox and put some warm winter scarfs in it to keep them cozy, came up with names for them all, and imagined them as a family on the run from the government who was trying to persecute them and he was the kind soul who sheltered them on their journey. He had a whole elaborate backstory for them. He'd strum his guitar for them when they were sleepy and accidentally conditioned them to fall asleep on him when he starts playing 😭❤️ when they got too big (and when he found out bill was on his way home) he took them to the local golf course to release them on the next leg of their journey. He saluted them as they left. He cried. A lot.
🍫 A headcanon about food
99% of meals glenn has ever eaten have been fast food. He's an horrendous cook. However, the one thing he can cook at home is rice, in the ancient rice cooker he inherited from Christine. She always told him to have rice in the house, and it's the one lesson of hers he actually internalised. When days when he can't be arsed reaching for his phone to order uber eats he'll just eat a plain bowl of rice and think of his mum ❤️😌
😺 An animal related headcanon
i can't get over the moment after the for knights tournament when the prize giving dog refuses to get pats and henry scoffs and says "that's dogs for ya" with sooo much disdain ahaha. so! i think henry isn't really a dog person (he's a WOLF person ;P). they only got laserwolf fartblaster because the boys wanted a dog, so he had to put up with it. i think that this stems from his youth in the forgotten realms, as all things do for henry. Horsy Sy'Oak had a minion called Pup Py'Oak who was one of those yes men kinda people; they were too chicken to pick on beay ry'oak's kid on their own, but they were more than happy to stand behind horse sy' and go "yeeeaaahhh" and "ooooohhh" every time horse sy' insulted henry.
🍫 A headcanon about food
i have a couple, but i'm gonna put the second under a readmore because it involves eating disorders; i won't go into detail but i know that can be triggering for some people so heads up ❤️
first, i did research a couple of months ago about ecuadorian vegan food and apparently there's not a whole lot. so when the oak-garcias visit their family in ecuador they rarely go out to eat, they make a lot of homecooked food so they know what's in it. mercedes brings a new vegan recipe to ecuador every time she visits, and her favourite cousin has a cookbook full of them so she can practice them between visits to feed mercedes and her family 🥰❤️
henry often had food restricted for him in oakvale as a punishment from barry, so he has a pretty unhealthy relationship with food that he has worked extremely hard on with love and support from mercedes ❤️ his beautiful boys have full access to food 24/7, and once at a party someone made a comment to lark when he reached for another cookie about how many he's already had and henry went absolutely apeshit on them.
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adrienschat · 1 year
About Me Tagged
So, I’ve been tagged in a few posts by @summerfrwrks @lady-de-mon-coeur @sub-text & @rosie-b (ily guys thank you for being patient), and I decided to put them all together lmfaoo 
WIPs Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
The Wall Between Us (miraculous fic)
Golden (3rd edit - mysterious demon comes to town, a girl confronts her grief)
Stitches (poetry book)
Winterville School for the Talented and Gifted (paranormal romance)
Random music & animations
Barely Seen the Light of Day:
I have it kinda planned out but my alt-marinette au lmfao
Strikes at Midnight (fantasy novel I’ll never finish, but it has like 100k words)
Open Caged Bird (Webtoon I started like a year ago...)
three ships:
adrien/marinette (in ANY FORM)
....... Drarry (dont block me i know hp is problematic etc etc)
those silly gays from our flag means death
first ship:
Probably percabeth? 
last song:
Cannibal (Nathan Apollo)
last movie:
currently reading:
The Dark Prince (i’m on like page 30 because i’m a dumb slow reader)
my Python textbook
the picture of dorian grey
random fanfics i love
currently watching:
Orange is the new black
currently consuming:
right now i’m having a smoothie
wish i was having DIET COKE
currently craving:
rules: list five things you never get tired of writing. it can be tropes, themes, characters, phrases, whatever brings you joy. then tag five people!
1. LESBIANS!!!!!!
2. BISEXUALS!!!!!!!!!!
3. slightly spooky
5. Dramatic irony
About Me
1. Are you named after anyone?
I actually named myself! I was 7, getting adopted, and i hated my birth name so i switched it to Julia (not named after anyone)
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday during my singing lesson (i’m sorry K, i hope you read this and know i’m sorry lmfao). I cry a lot
3. Do you have kids?
nooooooooooo but i love kids and i love my niece and nephews.  someday i’d like to be a mom! 
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yeah but tbh i think it’s more like a teasing sarcasm. i don’t like to make people think they’re stupid 
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
How they’re feeling in a situation
sense of humor
6. What’s your eye colour?
Dark blue! Some people have asked me if I have brown eyes but only in dimly lit rooms lol.  
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies with happy endings my beloved. Finding love despite the horrors. etc etc 
8. Any special talents?
Projecting myself onto characters
i’m not good at most things i do, but i have a talent for doing what makes me happy
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing music, novels, fanfic, and poetry
languages <3 (I speak Spanish fluently, ASL & French pretty okay, and a bit of german)
video games
crafty stuff (i used to crochet and knit a lot)
11. Have you any pets?
two kitties hehe. they’re under my “thea” and “dorito” tags. thea’s legal name is cool ranch. 
12. What sports do you play/have played?
just gym, no sport 
but also i did do cross country back in high school 
13. How tall are you?
I’m 6′ lmfao. I love being tall, it calls forth the short lesbians (this is a message to short lesbians to talk to me)
14. Favorite subject in school?
i liked math, which is ironic since i’m an editor/writer for work
15. Dream job?
I’m getting a master’s in software development rn, so i reeeeally want to create beautiful video games. 
Who I’m Tagging
Don’t feel any pressure to answer all or any of the questions! Love you guys <3
@castles-in-the-eyre @keyboardnonsense @asukiess @lesbitorte @fantasybuff3186 @juliuli @fragileizy @everythingisubtext @dorkylovespepsi @chatdc @talkstoself @doksangs 
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sillyname30 · 6 months
Jenna and Kevin's podcast inspired me see the musical episode of The Flash again. It starts in Supergirl season 2 at the end of episode 16 and ends in The Flash season 3, episode 17.
It is added fun when you don't just know the Arrowverse but Glee and Starkid too.
It's a Supergirl/Flash crossover, but John Barrowman (Arrow) and Victor Garber (Legends of Tomorrow) appear too. Grant Gustin, Melissa Benoist, Darren Criss and Victor Garber were on Glee. Carlos Valdez and Darren Criss were in Starkid projects. Carlos co-wrote some of the songs of Me and My Dick and played guitar for some of the early musicals. Darren was Harry Potter in the Starkid musicals and wrote songs for them.
It starts on Supergirl when J'onn J'onzz warns the team: „We have a new prisoner coming in today and he's not our typical guest so look sharp.“ And then they bring in Darren who is not the least bit intimidating. The Music Meister puts Kara and Barry in a kind of coma to teach them a lesson and they find themselves in a musical. (Darren's revenge for the slushie on Glee)
The tap dance number Super Friends brings us back to Arrow. Grant had a guest role before he became the Flash. Felicity Smoak invited him to a party and Barry said something like: „I hope there is no dancing. I'm not light on my feet.“ The joke was that he would become the Flash, but when you saw Grant on Glee you knew he could dance.
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zzamoree · 1 year
I enjoy practicing the one good thing humans are good in, the right we have by nature, the act of putting in words what your reality looks like. Points of view. Deepening the awareness.
I can't tell you why, but the pair of golden cans resembles to a couple. Standing very close to each other. As if it was winter and one is looking for the warm embrace next to his company.
Or how I've encapsuled essence of people in objects, like the yellow piece of fabric hanging on my lamp, creating this bright glow, just as big as the glow of my friend Fieke, who gifted me this when she left to Mexico, in search of more power from the sun.
The fact that I have now a picture with a teapot in the back as a casual object found on my house is for fact, a point on my timeline. I started drinking tea at 23. Yet, I've had 4 teapots passed through my hands in the last 2 years. I drink mostly english tea WITH milk. I don't drink tea without milk. Except if is camomille. I didn't have an opinion about tea until I was 24 and I moved in with an irish who has tea 7 times a day and 4 times after dinner. I expressed my opinion to him about tea stating "Any time someone wants to stay over, charge them a box of Barry's Tea"
I had a roomate who always made sure to bring tea over from the island. We bought that brown camel couch for him. He didn't use it. He likes to sit with his legs crossed like in yoga, so he couldn't fit in that couch. We still call it Jer's chair. I secretly also do it, having in mind this lesson from Coco's movie: the moment of death occurs when no one remembers you. So if I had to make an altar right now, I'd put these pictures up there. Places and moments that are memoirs of my encounters with these people that crossed me or stayed with me. I know exactly what was going on in these pictures. Who I was with, what I talked about, what I drank, etc.
Not to mention Lucia, the spanish small size (on purpose) guitar I got for my 25th birthday, as an invitation to move from the ukulele to the guitar. It is my size, but the uke is my vibe.
It served Cutting Corners Corbett to write some very J.J Cale type of songs. I hope to be animating a whole series with him for this album.
I could go on and on with stories about the sombrero asher, the folded quilt, the whisky glass, the fireplace, the filthy carpet, the colour of the walls in our living room... but I will just let you spot them on the pictures. Like those games of spot the differences.
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favemusiclessons · 6 months
Motown & Soul; Double stops and fancy tricks galore! Muscle Shoals/Stax style guitar solo lesson
00:00 - Performance 01:11 - Introduction 02:08 - Learn the Changes 03:33 - Lead part breakdown 09:53 - CAGED ideas 12:02 - The Importance of understanding chord function! 14:14 - Major Pentatonic double stops 15:02 - Minor 11th chords 15:31 - Country steel guitar style double stops 16:06 - “Side-stepping” 17:38 - Johnny Smith style stretch voicings 18:21 - Sixths & Ninths (minor triad trick!) 20:31 - “B” section; A mixolydian double-stops 24:34 - Augmented on the V 25:00 - Resolving onto the 6th 25:40 - Ernest Ranglin! 27:32 - Jazzy chords & The Barry Harris scale 28:51 - Tone Talk! 30:17 - Recommended listening
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bollywoodschoolofmusic · 10 months
What makes us an excellent place to learn music?
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Our instruction is always outcome-based, with chances for every student to appear on stage during our biannual and annual events. We make every effort to make learning music enjoyable for you. We recognize how much time and money you invest in it. We foster a sense of community and highlight our students' skills and advancement. Our teachers also provide a wide range of activities and recitals. Come with us today and allow the music to enchant you! We can bring any song to life with the ideal combination of elements and rhythm because we are proficient in various instruments, ranging from the guitar to Keyboard Classes in Sydney.
Our objective is to bring Bollywood culture to life through musical instruments, DJs, and live performances. Our teachers organize numerous activities, including live music, original compositions, documentation, and DJ. According to BSM, more artists should be produced for Sydney and the entire world.
Bollywood School of Music - Indian Music Lessons Sydney
Address - 77 Barry Road, North Kellyville 2155
CONTACT - 0415147056
Website : https://bollywoodschoolofmusic.com.au/
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merlinband-archive · 11 months
The Merlin File
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Source: Melody Maker
Date: Late 1974
From my own collection
(Transcript Below)
EVOLUTION: Merlin’s manager, Derek Chick, and Allan Love decided in May 1973 to form a new London-based group that would incorporate three basic essentials: musicianship, image and stage presentation. After extensive auditions and rehearsals the band was gigging by July under the name Madrigal, which was changed in February 1974 to Merlin.
PERSONNEL CHANGES: Jacob Magmusson (keyboards) left in October 1973 and Paul Taylor (bass) in September 1974.
ORIGIN OF NAME: Scully Wagon-Lit’s idea in the van going to a gig.
FIRST PUBLIC APPEARANCE: Zero 6, Southend, 17/July/1973.
FIRST BROADCAST: BBC Radio One David Hamilton Show and Radio Luxembourg Power Play consecutively in March 1974.
FIRST TELEVISION: Scottish TV’s Showcase in November 1973.
MANAGEMENT: Derek Chick, Chic’s Own Music and Management Ltd, 246/248 Great Portland Street, London W1 (01-381 6192/3).
AGENT: Barry Collings Agency Ltd, 15 Claremont Road, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex (0702-47343/43464).
RECORDING COMPANY: CBS Records Ltd, 28-30 Theobalds Road, London WC1 (01-242 9000).
RECORD PRODUCER: Roger Greenaway.
MUSIC PUBLISHING COMPANY: Shapiro, Bernstein and Co Ltd, 246/248 Great Portland Street, London W1 (01-387 6192) and Grenyoco Music Ltd, 108 Park Street, London W1 (01-493 6439).
FAN CLUB: Ling, 17 Gladstone Park Gardens, Cricklewood, London NW2.
BRITISH TOURS: 47 dates 1/March-28/April/1974 Top Rank ballrooms, clubs and colleges. Solo tour.
TRANSPORT: Ford DO607 3-ton truck for the equipment and Audi 100 for the group.
STAGE MANAGERS: Iain Ward (Sound Engineer), Chris Taylor (Lighting Engineer), “Speedy” (Stage Roadie), “Crystal” (Assistant Lighting Engineer).
SINGLES: “(Let Me) Put My Spell On You” c/w “Just ANother Fish On My Hook (CBS, 1/March/1974), "Alright” c/w “Pictures In My Mind” (CBS, 28/June/1974), “Wild Cat” c/w “Half A Man” (CBS, 1/Nov/1974).
ALBUMS: “Merlin” (CBS, 25/Oct/1974).
P.A.: 1400-watt JBL system comprising Kelsey 16-channel stereo custom mixer, 4 x DC3000 Crown amps, 4 x bass bins with 2 x 15 inch JBL speakers in each, 2 x mid range JBL horns, 2 x high-frequency JBL boxes with lens horns, two bullets. Microphones are 8 Sure Unidyne III 545, 2 AKG 190C, one AKG D12, 4 Calrec condensers, 4 Sims Watts condensers, 3 Sure Unisphere B. Binson Echorec and Mavis 3-way active stereo crossover with stage boxes, cables, etc. Lighting comprises 6 x 100 watt Strand Floods on stage, 30 x 200 watt Strand Floods on stage scaffolding, 3 x Strand 1,000-watt follow spots and stands, 2 x Strobes and a Strand dimmer board.
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ALAN LOVE: Vocalist
BORN: Hampsted, North West London. 13/Dec./1952.
EDUCATED: Challoner School, Finchley, North London.
MUSICAL CAREER: Has been professional for seven years, playing in Opal Butterfly from 1967 to 1969 with Simon King (Hawkwing) and Tom Doherty (Sting). Referendum from 1969 to 1973 and Madrigal/Merlin from 1973.
MUSICAL INFLUENCES: Mick Jagger, Joe Cocker, Little Richard.
COMPOSITIONS: “Half A Man,” “Space Raider” and co-wrote with Gary Hardwick “Getting Involved” all recorded by Merlin.
FAVOURITE SINGLES: “Something In The Air” (Thunderclap Newman), “McArthur Park” (Richard Harris).
FAVOURITE ALBUMS: “Tapestry” (Carol King), “Court Of The Crimson King” (King Crimson), “Bridge Over Troubled Waters” (Simon and Garfunkel).
FAVOURITE MUSICIANS: Paul McCartney, Steve Howe, Tom Doherty.
FAVOURITE SONGWRITERS: Lennon and McCartney, Cat Stevens, Carol King.
FAVOURITE SINGERS: Joe Cocker, Neil Diamond.
RESIDENCE: Bachelor flat in Wandsworth, South West London.
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GARY ALICE STRANGE: Bass, vocals and guitar.
BORN: Hampsted, London. 26/Oct./1952.
EDUCATED: Whitefield School, Barnet.
MUSICAL TRAINING: Three classical guitar lessons and then self taught.
MUSICAL CAREER: Various semi-pro bands and wrote first song aged 16 featured on ATV programme “Come Here Often.” Former band with Dave Martin called March Hare and recorded LP for MAM. Group then changed to newly-formed Kinks Production Company, but after few months of touring with Kinks and recording, split up. Joined Merlin.
OTHER OCCUPATIONS: Director of La Starza Palace Studio.
MUSICAL INFLUENCES: Beatles, Stones, Free, Average White Band.
COMPOSITIONS: “Gipsy Rose Lee” and “Lay Me Down” for March Hare both issued as singles by MAM.
FAVOURITE SINGLES: “I Am A Walrus” (Beatles), “Need Your Love So Bad” (Fleetwood Mac), “Little Bit Of Love” (Free), “Amoureuse” (Kiki Dee).
FAVOURITE ALBUMS: “Elf” (Elf), “Sgt Pepper” (Beatles), “Talking Book” (Stevie Wonder).
FAVOURITE MUSICIANS: Andy Fraser, David Martin, Peter Green, Liberace.
FAVOURITE SONGWRITERS: Lennon and McCartney, Holland, Dozier and Holland, Lional Bart and Paul Simon.
FAVOURITE SINGERS: Paul Rodgers, Elvis Presley, Tina Turner, Rod Stewart.
RESIDENCE: Single and lives in Hampstead, North West London.
INSTRUMENTS: Fender Precision Bass with thin maple neck. Hagstrom six-string guitar with pick-up. Kemble baby grand piano. Rotosound Roundwound strings. Orange 120-watt amp with 2 x 15 inch reflex cabinets.
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JAMIE MOSES: Lead guitar and vocals.
BORN: Ipswich, Suffolk, 30/Aug/1955.
EDUCATED: Schools in America and Japan. Shirley High School and Redhill Technical College in Surrey.
MUSICAL CAREER: Given first guitar when ten, formed first band at 11. Formed the Inferno, 1969-71, in Japan, doing gigs, radio, TV. Came to England in 1971, worked with semi-pro bands and at a music shop in Croydon. Formed Angel with Scully 1972 and recorded LP of original material. Joined Madrigal July 1973.
MUSICAL INFLUENCES: Jimmy Page, Paul Kossoff, Beatles.
COMPOSITIONS: “Just Another Fish On My Hook”, “Gypsy”, and “He Thinks About You All The Time” all recorded by Merlin. Co-wrote “Angel” LP with Scully.
FAVOURITE SINGLES: “Livin’ For The City” (Stevie Wonder), “Can’t Get Enough” (Bad Company), “Joybringer” (Manfred Mann’s Earthband).
FAVOURITE ALBUMS: “Foxtrot” by Genesis.
FAVOURITE MUSICIANS: Genesis, Steve Howe, Free, Scully Wagon-Lits.
FAVOURITE SONGWRITERS: Paul McCartney, Genesis, Stevie Wonder.
FAVOURITE SINGERS: Paul Rodgers, Peter Gabriel, Mario Lanza and David Coverdale.
RESIDENCE: Is single and lives with his parents at Sanderstead, Surrey.
INSTRUMENTS: White Les Paul Deluxe (1973) and black Les Paul Custom (1974), both with Rotosound ultra-light strings and Gibson plectrums. EKO 6-string acoustic guitar with La Bella strings. Hiwatt 100-watt amp fitted with half power switch for distortion and sustain at almost any volume. Two 2 x 15 Fender Dual Showman JBL Cabinets. A cheap Japanese fuzz box with a three-tone fuzz switch.
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SCULLY WAGON-LITS: Keyboards, guitar and vocals.
BORN: Balham, South West London, 20/Dec./1953.
EDUCATED: Henry Cavendish (Balham), Bec School (Tooting) and Archbishop Tennison (South Croydon).
MUSICAL TRAINING: Guitar lessons at night school for one year aged eight, cello at school for three years and double bass for two months, but is self-taught on keyboards.
MUSICAL CAREER: Played guitar in band in Balham (1964-65), joined Angel with Jamie (1972-1973) as semi-pros and recorded an album. Turned pro June 1973 with Big Wheel in South France. Joined Madrigal October 1973.
OTHER OCCUPATIONS: Organ salesman at Western Music and Selmer.
MUSICAL INFLUENCES: Harry Stoneham, Miller Anderson, Keith Emerson, Christian Vander.
COMPOSITIONS: “Marina,” “Takin’ Part,” “Pictures In My Mind,” etc.
FAVOURITE SINGLES: “Rock Man” (Elton John), “Space Oddity” (David Bowie).
FAVOURITE ALBUMS: “Tarkis” (ELP), “Fire And Water” (Free), “Dark Side Of The Moon (Pink Floyd).
FAVOURITE MUSICIANS: Keith Emerson, Tony Banks, Steve Howe.
FAVOURITE SINGERS: Paul Rodgers, Stevie Wonder, Peter Gabriel, Greg Lake
RESIDENCE: Single and lives in Surrey.
INSTRUMENTS: Hamond RT3 with additional height plynth and customised guts driven through Hiwatt amps and put out through one Leslie 145 and two RSE 1 x 15 inch JBL bins and three custom-made Werlin Bat rotating horn units. Muri-Moog (modified) through Hiwatt 100-watt amp with JBL Showman Cabinet. Hagspiel grand piano, with scaffolding, miked through PA. Black Gibson SB Les Paul Junior (1960) plugged into Moog.
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DAVID WIGHTWICK: Drums and vocals.
BORN: Dunstable, Bedfordshire, 25/August/1950.
EDUCATED: Priory Secondary School, Dunstable.
MUSICAL CAREER: Former member of Madrigal from 1967 to 1973. The band split and was reformed with new members and retitled Merlin.
OTHER OCCUPATIONS: Varied from soldier to postman.
MUSICAL INFLUENCES: Beatles, The Move, Genesis.
FAVOURITE SINGLES: "Say You Don’t Mind” (Colin Blunstone), “Motet Overture” (Abors), “Eleanor Rigby” (Beatles)
FAVOURITE ALBUMS: “Dark Side Of The Moon (Pink Floyd), "Erismore” (Colin Blunstone), “Tubular Bells” (Mike Oldfield), “Moving Waves” (Focus).
FAVOURITE MUSICIANS: Carl Palmer, Jon Bonham, Simon Kirke.
FAVOURITE SONGWRITERS: Lennon and McCartney, Colin Blunstone, Genesis.
FAVOURITE SINGERS: Ian Billan, Colin Blunstone, Karen Carpenter.
RESIDENCE: Flat in London.
INSTRUMENTS: Hayman see-through drumkit comprising 1 x 22 inch bass drum, 1 x 12 inch and 1 x 13 inch mounted tom-toms, 1 x 16 inch and 1 x 18 inch floor tom toms, 1 x 14 inch snare drum, Ludwig/Paiste 22 inch cymbal, 1 x 22 inch and 1 x 20 inch Zildjian ride cymbals, 1 x 18 inch Zildjian crash cymbal, 1 x 14 inch Zildjian hi-hat, Ludwig and Hayman accessories and Premier C and Selmer sticks.
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epacer · 1 year
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Seven-time Grammy nominee Nathan East, Crawford High Class of 1973 & UCSD Class of 1978
All About That Bass
Nathan East's musical career hits all the right notes.
Nathan East ’78 arrived at UC San Diego in style. It was 1973. He wore his hair in a lush round afro and drove a metallic black convertible Triumph.  He was just 17 years old and fresh off a tour with the “Prince of Pillow Talk” himself, Barry White. They had played iconic stages across the country including Madison Square Garden, the Apollo Theater and the Kennedy Center. A young freshman, East already knew he was something special. He was destined for multiple Grammy nominations and would become one of the most prolific session bassists in the world, spending his days making music with some of the most celebrated musicians of all time. Stevie Wonder. Whitney Houston. Phil Collins. Eric Clapton. Beyoncé.
In East’s childhood home in southeast San Diego, two things were a given: music and college. Motown tunes played from open windows and 8-track car stereos. His mother sang and his father played the upright piano. As early as age two, East and his siblings took piano lessons from a man named Mr. Lockhart who lived in the neighborhood. They even formed a family band.
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4th grade, 1963
After three years playing the cello in junior high, East discovered the bass guitar. Around age 14, he’d started playing it at church but his relationship with the instrument solidified one afternoon in the cafeteria of Crawford High School. He picked up his friend David’s bass and played the bassline to “Top of the Stack” by James Brown. In the middle of his impromptu performance, he looked up and caught a group of girls gazing at him. He knew then that he had to be a bass man.
From that moment, he played as often as he could. Around 1970, he and some other local musicians formed Power, an R&B and funk band that played shows around San Diego. The group was eventually hired to tour with Barry White. But in East’s family, education was a priority; his parents put all seven children through parochial school. So even when East found himself on the road at age 16, he understood that college was still a part of the plan.
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East at 17 years old, in 1973
As a music major at UC San Diego, East’s talent and commitment stood out to his professors, but they liked him as a person, too. He established particularly strong relationships with professors emeriti Cecil Lytle and Burt Turetzky. “They became mentors and we remain friends to this day,” East says.
Professor Lytle sang East’s praises in the 2014 documentary, Nathan East: For the Record. “He wasn’t just a student. He was a remarkable young man. And the relationship, at least in my heart, has grown deeper in the last four decades.”
During his time on campus, East honed his musical talents and learned some invaluable lessons and life skills that have served him well in his career.
“I think college is really when you have to start the clock,” he says. “Like I'm officially an adult now, and this is gonna impact what happens for the rest of my life.”
East continued to work and make connections in the music industry while in school. He took some time off here and there to continue touring with Barry White. That tour led to a call from saxophonist Cannonball Adderly, which led to a call from record producer Quincy Jones, and later to a long and prosperous career working with A-list musicians across a variety of genres. But he says the academic rigor at UC San Diego proved to be invaluable.
He recalls one recital piece that required hours of practice just to get the fingers right and then several more hours to get performance ready. Today, the pop music he plays is often simple, catchy and easy enough for a seasoned musician, yet some of his jazz projects require the kind of rigorous practice he became familiar with during his time at UC San Diego.
“When I first worked with Chick Corea, I remember practicing on the plane,” he says. “I had my bass out. It was an 11-hour journey over to Jakarta, and I used every one of those hours to practice.”
Today, East could possibly be the most recorded bass player of all time with well over 2,000 album credits and countless motion picture soundtracks, jingles and television commercials. (That’s his bass you hear on the current JC Penney commercial featuring Patti LaBelle singing “We Are Family.”) And in the years since his 1978 graduation from Third College, his phenomenal career has hit all the right notes. He has collaborated with a wide range of musicians including B.B. King, Earth Wind and Fire, Michael Jackson, Daft Punk and Aretha Franklin. He also released two solo albums, a duo album with Bob James and 14 albums with Fourplay, the band he co-founded in 1991. He's been nominated for seven Grammys, including one for his debut solo album Nathan East in 2014.
Through it all, he has continued to maintain close ties with UC San Diego and in 2020 was elected as a member of the Board of Trustees. “It’s a very high honor to serve this institution that has been such an integral part of my life,” he says.
But again, music is just a part of the story. Family has always featured prominently as well. East spotted his future wife, Anita while speeding around the La Jolla campus in his little sports car with the wind blowing through his afro. She saw him, too. Today, she’s a pediatrician and they’ve been married 28 years this July. Their twins Sara and Noah just turned 23 years old. This summer, after a busy spring in Tokyo and London with Eric Clapton, East plans to settle in at their Tarzana, California home to record a duo jazz album with, Noah, a talented piano player and organist.
And then after that? Apart from a short U.S. tour this fall with Eric Clapton, including the Crossroads Guitar Festival at Crypto Arena in Los Angeles in late September, nothing is set in stone. But East has one idea percolating.
“Something I've never done in all my years of touring,” he says. “I've never toured with my son.” *Reposted article from the Spring 2023 online issue of UC San Diego Magazine of May 24, 2023.
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deepnerdblog · 1 year
this guy above has a deeply helpful playlist on the Korg Triton.
vcvrack is a good product and also there are open source versions of it as well if you dig around on github. vcvrack has a punishing license for volunteer developers. it is kind of like the anti jeskola buzz but also its full of eurorack synthetic goodness.
jeskola buzz is a amazing tracker. may have difficulty running on Win 10 or Win 11. I keep a internetless Win7 desktop just for old audio needs.
i'm not posting anymore links unless something amazing deserves it. the above is a mix of software, creative geniuses who make a living on patreon or designing hardware or at the top a classic house musician who is too busy being a wizard to give a fuck about patreon or streaming. shoutouts also go to the music streamers of twitch that don't suck- live loopers and improv musicians - and Questlove who streamed during the covid lockdowns and interrupted his own dj mix to drop knowledge of the sort that only comes from obsessive study of studio production and obsessive study of decades and decades of music. TPain as a streamer deserves props producing on stream as did Mike Shinoda, and also a little known guitarist named Bort that is irresistibly expressive. instagram has some amazing sound design nerds. also Omri Cohen is one of those youtube/patreon wizards that deserves props. and i haven't really touched on the jazz lecturers beyond Jens Larsen, but there is a lot of amazing stuff on youtube. Hal Galper and Barry Harris lectures.
Rest In Peace and Glory, Mr Harris, who recently passed after being a indescribable beacon of musical knowledge for almost a century. to call Harris a 'keeper of the torch' or an 'ambassador for jazz heritage' is just inadequate praise.
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laomusicarts · 2 years
Lesson #34: Dominant 7 Chords 1st Inversion on Basic Jazz Piano Course
This week @LAOMUSIC_ARTS on Basic Jazz Piano Course: Lesson #34: Dominant 7 Chords 1st Inversion on Basic Jazz Piano Course
lao #music #laomusic #laoMusic #LaoMusicArts #laomusicArts #LAOMUSIC #LAOMUSIC_ARTS #LAOMUSIC #ARTS #LAOMUSICARTS #jazz piano #basic jazz piano #improvisation #berklee #GIT #MIT #lyle_mays #keith_jarret #chick_corea #barry_harris #lyle #mays #keith #jarret #chick #corea #barry #harris
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