#had to scream into my pillow for a good ten seconds then stare blankly at my screen for two minutes
rollercoasterwords · 2 years
Hello there. This is me asking you to talk about the glass onion thing, I wanna know 😌
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ok i just spent. an hour. writing a whole essay. and then accidentally deleted it. so!!!! i don't think i have the energy to rewrite the whole thing but the condensed version of the glass onion thoughts:
the movie itself was fun and i don't think there's anything wrong with enjoying it, but what bothers me is seeing so many responses praising the movie as though it was this groundbreaking anticapitalist critique when in reality the actual message of the movie was neither groundbreaking nor particularly anticapitalist and the movie itself is very much invested in capitalism; it's a film made by a multi-billion corporation whose primary purpose is to make rich people richer.
and i think a lot of this uncritically positive praise that treats the movie as though it's making some important political statement is falling into the trap of asking "does this media say something good or bad" rather than asking "is this media a lecture or a conversation." because sure, glass onion seems to be saying "eat the rich!", but that message is very carefully outlined in bite-sized chunks that are then spoonfed to the audience. like, it's very clear who's good and who's bad, and it's very clear why those people are good and bad, to the point that the viewer isn't really encouraged to question those assumptions and is supposed to just sit back and agree with the points the movie is making. and if more people were approaching media critique with the starting point of "is this a lecture or a conversation," i think fewer people would fall into this trap of just going "oh, this movie is saying something i agree with!" and instead pause and ask "why isn't this movie encouraging me to draw my own conclusions?" because in the case of glass onion, i think the answer to that question is that the movie is not really making any groundbreaking critique and is rather a perfect example of "anti-capitalist" capitalist media that works to keep people complacent by making them feel as though there's some important challenge being made when there's not.
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pinkhairandpokemon · 6 months
[You see a younger Blake walk into what must’ve been their house at the time. Here, they look to be at least eight, nine or possibly ten. School bag on their back, they walk into the kitchen and call out with a smile on their face.
“Charlie! I’m back!”
But then, you see them freeze. Their smile drops. They stare at an empty dog cage on the far side of the dining area. Blinking a few times, they turn to another, taller figure who enters the room. A woman with dark brown hair, tied back with a green bow.
“Hey honey,” their mother greets them. “How was school?” Something about her tone feels a bit off. Casual, but with a hint of tension. Like she’s working her way up to ripping the bandage off of something.
“Mom?” Blake doesn’t register her question. “Where’s Charlie?”
The mother’s face visibly sinks. With a heavy sigh, she sets the coffee mug she’d been holding on the table and avoids their gaze as she walks to the kitchen, likely getting ready to prepare dinner.
“I’m sorry sweetie,” she sighs. “Someone came to take him away.”
She says it so calmly, so nonchalantly, like it’s a minor inconvenience. But you can see it in the way Blake’s eyes shift; their entire world had been shattered.
“You know it was for the best,” their mother continues before they can even ask questions or react in any sort of way. “He just got too rambunctious for us ever since he became a Herdier. He’ll be much happier where he’s going.”
Blake’s mouth just hangs open for a long while. “…Where is he going?”
“A nice organization dedicated to stuff like re-homing Pokémon in need came to pick him up this morning after you went to school. They’re called… the Plasma Foundation, something like that? I’m not quite sure,” she explains as she begins pulling vegetables out of the fridge. “But they seemed like trustworthy folk. They’ll take good care of him, I’m sure.”
Blake falls quiet again. After a long moment, their mother sighs heavier this time and turns to them with an almost frustrated expression, brows furrowed. “We talked about this,” she states firmly. “If his behavior didn’t start to get any better, we’d have to find him a new home. I’m sorry, ______, but it had to be done.”
There’s an obvious overflow of emotion behind Blake’s eyes, but the young not-yet-trainer stays still. You think they’re on the verge of breaking down completely. Of either bursting into tears or screaming furiously. In their situation, being a child, you don’t think you’d blame them for doing so.
But they don’t. Instead, they just nod. They force a smile.
“O-okay.” they mutter, low enough to hide the waver in their voice. “Y-yeah, I-I know. I understand.
Another beat of silence passes. Their mother goes back to preparing the stove, not long before Blake turns to the stairs a few feet away.
“I’m gonna go back to my room for a little while.”
“Okay,” their mother replies without looking up from her current task. “I’ll call you down when dinner’s ready.”
You watch as Blake travels up the steps, turns down a hallway, and enters through a door decorated on the outside with various Unovan Pokémon stickers. Closing it behind them, they stare blankly at a particular corner of their bedroom. A spot where an empty dog bed and a few stray toys currently lie.
They stand there so long you almost think this “memory footage” has frozen. Then, you watch them move over to their bed, walking with legs beginning that are to tremble. They sit down, and they lie sideways on the mattress, resting their head on their pillow.
A few more seconds, and then you see a tear escape through the corner of their eye. And then another. And another. More and more until the side of their face and the bridge of their nose is soaked. Their quiet, choked sobs echo through the dimly lit room.
The video’s end gives you a strong, nearly overwhelming sense of loneliness from the younger Blake.]
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simpsiren · 4 years
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jung jaehyun x reader
description. Working for an art exhibit that only lasts a week, you wouldn’t expect anyone to stay here long until you meet a guy who comes by every single day, looking at the same painting at the same timing that lasts hours.
genre. flUff, at the end i promise
word count. 6.4k~
warnings. nonee
a/n. the pic of jaehyun just gives me museum vibes idk why so yes i’m going to write a short story (okay its not idk how i extended but i did) on him. the story is more of the reader observing him till the halfway point where they slowly start to interact. this would probably be considered a slow burn?? not sure but enjoy it either way!!
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“You got a new job again?”
You turn around your desk chair, taking one side of your earpiece off and noticing Taeyong sitting on your bed casually scrolling through his phone.
You didn’t even realise he came into the room. Probably because you had your music blasting at a high volume and you were concentrated on completing your holiday homework.
“Yeah. It’s at some art exhibit. Pay’s fair and I only have to sit there and do nothing for a week.” You simply reply with a light shrug.
“That’s so easy. When do you start?” Taeyong asks, lifting his eyes off his phone to look at you with curiosity.
You didn’t give an answer, looking down on your phone to search for the email that the person in charge sent you a few days back.
“It says the exhibit opens on friday so I guess that’s tomorrow.” You say shortly after glazing your eyes down the email.
Taeyong hums and nods his head. “Is it far from here? Need me to ride you there?”
You give a sincere smile and shake your head lightly. “You don’t have to. I can take the train. Plus you have work.” You politely reject your friend.
Taeyong frowns in response, making you sigh as you know he’ll insist on doing it.
“I’m working from home? I can do whatever as long as I complete my work. Just let me send you. You’re always refusing my help.” Taeyong glares at you and lets out an exasperated huff.
You purse your lips into a thin line, suspiring in defeat in a matter of seconds. You can never win when it comes to Taeyong being persistent. That’s how he always is whenever it comes to you.
“Okay, okay.” You breathe out.
“Anyways what are you doing in my room? I have homework to do.”
Taeyong flashes his cheeky smile and bobs his shoulders. “Was actually thinking of asking you to treat bubble tea?” His smile widens till his eyes form a line.
You scoff, furrowing your eyebrows. “You’re the one that’s working here!” You shout, letting out a ‘tsk’.
“Urgh fine! You’re cooking me instant noodles though.” Taeyong points his finger at you.
“Are my instant noodles that good?”
You earn a lighted up face as Taeyong nods his head eagerly. “Something about the way you cook it just tastes different from regular instant noodles!” Taeyong squeals like a kid while he let out a soft dreamy moan while closing his eyes.
“Jeez I’m craving for bubble tea now that you’ve mention it. Hurry up and order it on Grab!” You throw the pillow behind your back to Taeyong’s face, making him snap out of his thoughts on your instant noodles.
“My God, chill! Calm your women cravings.” Taeyong mumbles, turning on his phone and proceeding to head to the app to order the bubble tea.
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It’s already the next day. Luckily for you, you wouldn’t have to be there till eleven in the morning since the exhibit opens at twelve.
You peacefully wake up at nine. Though you stayed in bed and used your phone till ten. Realising the time, you gather your strength to pull yourself out of bed, dragging yourself to the bathroom with half-opened eyes despite the fact that you’ve been awake for an hour.
You know you could take your time getting ready since Taeyong knows how to ride his bike. Fast. Like extremely fast. You estimated that you’d be able to reach in ten minutes, when normally it’ll take fifteen to twenty.
“Taeyong!” You scream out in the hallway as you make your way to his room. Opening the door, you see Taeyong on his desk typing away at his keyboard.
He shot his head at the noise, turning his head sharply to the door where you are. “We’re going now?” He asks, using his middle finger to push his glasses up the bridge of his nose, glancing down at the papers that are scattered on his desk.
You hum, looking down at the time on your phone. “We have five minutes till we can leave.” You inform him.
Taeyong nods his head and stands up, taking off his glasses and putting it on the desk. He slowly walks up to you, eyes scanning down your outfit. “They really let you wear this?” He asks with a skeptical eye.
You narrow your eyes in response. “How am I suppose to dress?” You question back sarcastically.
“I don’t know like fancy? High class? It’s a museum type of exhibit isn’t it?” He shoves his hands into the pockets of his black jeans. You roll your eyes. “It’s not like I’m going to be a tour guide. Whatever I’m still wearing this.”
You walk up to the full length mirror that’s beside Taeyong’s bed, looking down on your outfit. You decided to wear loose legged jeans along with a brown sweater vest, white button up and Vans shoes.
You smile to yourself in the mirror and turn around happily to Taeyong. “Let’s go.”
Taeyong takes out his extra helmet from the back, passing it to you. You wear it quickly while Taeyong gets on his bike, starting the engine as the noise from it can be heard loud and clear. After he takes a moment to adjust in his seat, he jerks his head to the back, signaling you to get on.
With that, you and Taeyong begin your journey of heading to the exhibit. As expected, you got there at around ten minutes. And you still had time befofe it opens. You got off and take off the helmet, passing it to Taeyong.
“Thanks for the ride.”
“I’m doing it for the instant noodles.” Taeyong says with a light chuckle, putting the helmet at the back. You swirled around to walk to the entrance. You glance over your shoulder to see Taeyong still leaning against his bike, waiting for you to head in. You shake your head and held a hand up to wave him goodbye before entering.
As you walk in, you hear Taeyong’s bike engine starting as he drives off. Looking around the exhibit, you were instantly amazed. It isn’t large, but isn’t small either. It is a completely white building with paintings and other things you would see in a museum cleanly displayed by their categories. It’s a simple yet classy set up.
You head to the counter to meet the person in charge who’s the only one in the exhibit.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Dejun.” You greet with politeness, bowing your head.
“Good afternoon. Since today’s the first day I don’t think there will be too many people coming in. Other than that, I’m sure you know what to do.” Mr. Dejun informs as he writes something on the black clipboard he has in his arm.
You hum. “Yeah, I do.” You reply confidently.
“Alright I’ll be heading off now. The key to locking up the exhibit is here. Make sure to return it to the main building, okay? I won’t be coming back by the way.” Mr. Dejun adjusts the glasses on his face.
You nod your head, watching him look around the counter one last time before greeting you goodbye and walking out of the exhibit. You sigh and take a seat on the chair that’s at the counter. You look down, seeing the key along with other papers that you assume is not relevant to you.
You got comfortable, placing your bag down on the counter and start to use your phone. Getting bored after awhile, you decide to walk around the exhibit for the fun of it.
You get to where the paintings were, clasping your hands behind your back after shoving your phone into your back pocket. You get in front of picture to picture, staring at it for a moment before looking to the bottom right to read its description and moving on.
You didn’t end up spending that much time walking around since you got through the arts fairyly quickly, not really caring about admiring it.
You get back to your seat, huffing and placing your chin on the palm of your hand as you lean in, closing your eyes.
You swear you could have fallen asleep but you got awoken by the sound of footsteps coming in. You shot your head up to the entrance, seeing a tall man wearing a brown velvet suit with a pink turtleneck. he had brown hair that’s slit back, though it looks a little messy.
You question how he looked at first. Brown and pink? You thought. That is until you concentrated on his face. You had to blink your eyes a few times to capture his face in your mind while he walks off to look around.
He had a jawline and features that can cut like a knife. The way every feature on his face looked amazing and straight out of a painting from someone’s imagination of a perfect man. His hair framed his face that was made for him to pull off any outfit choices or hairstyles.
You got intrigued in an instant without a doubt. You would want to look at him more but he ended up going deep into the exhibit and disappearing out of your sight.
You frown to yourself, the picture of him etched into your brain while you trace whatever you remember of him in your head. You eventually snap out of it, proceeding to look down on your phone.
You didn’t know how much time has passed since he came in. But it felt like a long time. And you still have yet to see him exit the exhibit.
Getting curious or concern, you weren’t exactly sure, you rose from your seat. Walking around, you tried finding for him. And eventually, you did.
You stand there in silence, a few steps away from him. He had his head tilted sideways as he stares blankly into this one particularly painting. It felt like he’s been looking at it for so long, seeing how his body didn’t bother moving an inch and it looked like he was in a trance.
You suck in your lips, looking up from his hair down to his high cut black Converse sneakers. He had such a perfect body proportion along with his height. Even his side profile felt breathtaking and you couldn’t even imagine how you’d feel if you were to get up close to someone with a physique like his.
You decided to turn back and leave, taking silent steps and making your way back to the counter. You want to leave him be for the time being. But then, your stomach began to growl, urging you to have your lunch. You turn on your phone and headed to the Grab app, wanting to order some Mcdonald and have it delivered here. Mr. Dejun didn’t say that you couldn’t eat here so might as well.
Thirty minutes passed. You had you food but you still have yet to see the man leave. Curious yet again, you grab your coke and head to where you saw him last time.
He’s still there, same painting, same standing position. At this point you were getting concerned. No one can stay frozen staring at something for that long right?
You take a sip of your coke, realising that the straw made those suction noises when your cup is empty. The sound caused the man to sharply turn his head to you.
You lean back, eyes blinking as it met his. “I’ll go soon, don’t worry.” He mutters. Finally, he starts walking down deeper into the hall and looking at other paintings.
You hum, nodding your head. You decide to walk as well, wanting some of your food to be digested.
You didn’t see him leave. He probably did while you looked at some flower painting.
Oddly enough, he’s the only one that came today.
And that was your first day at the exhibit. As you lock the door with the given keys, you couldn’t help but wonder why it’s called, What is love? Observing the arts in the exhibit from the main museum building, you didn’t see anything related to love except for one or two that had a direct meaning to it. The descriptions about them didn’t exactly help either.
You could only shrug off the thought once you hear the familiar sound if Taeyong’s bike driving down the street as he comes to pick you up.
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Day two comes by. you got there around the same timing with Taeyong’s help. Mr. Dejun is there again. He gives you the same instructions as yesterday, but this time you are told to make sure the peole who enter have registered in so they could keep track of who comes in and out. You were wondering why they didn’t have that system on your first day.
Quite a few people come by. Couples, families, perhaps journalists since you see them jotting something down in their notebooks while looking at the art.
What caught your eye is the fact that you see him come in again. He still looks as classy as yesterday with his slit back brown hair. But, you see someone else as well.
“This is where you wanted us to go?” You hear the women beside him say, linking her arm around his. You take a look at her up and down.
She’s absolutely stunning. From her dark brown wavy hair with curls at the bottom that reach till her chest area, the tight floral dress that cups her hourglass body perfectly, not to mention it’s proportioned beautifully just like his to the features of her face that looks just that of a model’s. You would have made an assumption that she is a model.
“Yeah, why? We can go somewhere else?” He mumbles as they take slow strides to the counter, approaching you. Needless to say, his voice is definitely amazing as well despite the few words he has said here.
The two ended up in front of you. The girl gives a simple smile. “Two tickets please.”
“You have to register with the QR code that’s there first.” You motion your hand to the sign on top of the counter that displays a huge QR code along with instructions to complete the registration.
“Ah I see. Hold on.” She jerks her arm against his, lifting her head up to the sign. He shapes his mouth into an ‘O’ as they proceed to use their phones to scan the code.
While they look down at their phones typing in their information, you thought that it’s a good time to have your eyes on him while you still can before he disappears into the exhibit.
You admire his face. You could tell his face looks breathtaking at every angle. You couldn’t see his face properly since the fringe of his hair covered his eyes a little while he’s looking down. But you liked it either way.
But you also start to wonder who that women is. His girlfriend? A close girl friend? You couldn’t exactly tell but you could make a guess that she’s more outspoken than him, seeing how he just nods his head and makes little effort to use his words when she talks to him.
“Alright, we’re done.” You shot your eyes up to them. You notice how he had his eyes on you with a blank expression. You shake your head, wanting to get yourself out of your deep admiration for the man i. front of you.
You hum, taking out the stickers that had the logo of the exhibit on it. Peeling two off, you hand it over to her. “Just stick it on your body anywhere.” You reply, attempting to sound polite.
“Also I need your names.”
You just want to know what the man’s name is.
“Nayeon.” The women brightly introduces herself. Your eyes adverted to him quickly.
“Jung Jaehyun.”
Fuck, you thought to yourself. Even his name suits him well. You practically couldn’t find a single flaw on this man appearance wise. You would want to talk to him, if Nayeon isn’t here with him today.
The two head off and the hours fly by as usual. To ease yourself out of boredom, you went to walk around the exhibit again, watching people admiring the arts and having small chitchats.
As you walk by the place where you saw Jaehyun standing yesterday, you realise the two are there. Standing in front of the same painting.
“This is boring. Let’s walk around more.” You hear Nayeon say loudly. You could’ve sworn you seen a look of anger or disappointment, or maybe both on Jaehyun’s face. But as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared quickly as well.
“Sure.” Jaehyun plainly says as he walks behind Nayeon. He glances back at the painting before having his eyes scan the area. His eyes meet yours for a brief second. You feel your body tense up so quick. You never felt something like this in a long time since you stopped dating when college started.
Absentmindedly, or maybe perhaps not, you ended up walking to wherever they went, following their footsteps and being quite a few meters away from them, they were in your sight almost all the tims.
One thing that stood out to you is the fact that Jaehyun looked somewhat gloomy or annoyed, even bored in fact. He didn’t look like this yesterday. And it’s obvious that the reason for that is Nayeon. You can’t understand why, not really diving too deep into it.
At some moment, Nayeon walks off with her phone to her ear, probably answering a call and exiting the exhibit.
“You don’t seem to be having fun.” You say, walking up to Jaehyun and standing beside him as you look at the painting in front of you.
He turns his head, looking down on you. He scoffs. “Is it that obvious?” Jaehyun asks, though the both of you seem to know the answer to that.
“Totally not.” You reply sarcastically, sliding your phone into your back pocket. “I saw you came by yesterday.” You start.
“I remembered you since you were the only one here.” Despite your eyes being on the painting, you couldn’t help but feel that his eyes start piercing into your skin. Looking up, you see him staring at you.
“Well to be fair it’s an exhibit that’s not popular yet.” Jaehyun lightly shrugs. “I actually thought I’d see my friend here. Guess not.” A small, almost unnoticeable frown creeps up his face.
“Friend? Who exactly?”
“Xiao Dejun. The one in charge of this place.”
You let out a soft “Ah...” while nodding your head. “He’s only here before my shift starts. And he never comes back either. I thought that’s something a friend should know.”
Jaehyun lets out a quiet sigh. “He’s too focused on this to let me know I guess.”
Just as he says that, you hear the clanking of Nayeon’s high heels coming in from the entrance. You know it’s her since she’s the only one wearing high heels here. “Looks like your boring date is back.” You joke with a small smile.
Jaehyun chuckles, brushing his thumb across his nose and shoving his hands into his pocket. “Sure is.”
“Hope thay you’ll be done with it soon.” You say, giving him a little encouragement to light up his mood. He didn’t reply to your statement and instead laughs softly, making you practically swoon for him in your mind when he lets out a, “Thanks.”
“Will I be seeing you tomorrow, Jaehyun?”
“Perhaps, uh your name?”
With that, the two of you exchanged smiles once again as you walk off, seeing her hugging him from behind and dragging him off.
You couldn’t help but smile, him calling your name resonating in your head over and over as you head back to the counter.
Moments later the two left and you went along with completing the rest of the shift.
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“Jung Jaehyun?” Taeyong asks, taking a bite of his chicken. You completely forgot to eat lunch today so you texted Taeyong to meet you to have dinner at the nearby fast food restaurant.
You nod your head eagerly. “He’s so handsome and hot and just.. ah~” You close your eyes as you picture him in your mind, moaning dreamily as you thought about him.
“He sounds familiar not going to lie.” Taeyong shrugs, reaching his hand out to grab your mashed potatoes that were on your tray.
“Hey that’s mine!” You shout. Taeyong giggles cheekily. “You didn’t eat so I’ll assume you don’t want it.” He flashes his eye smile, making you look at him with disgust.
“Uh no I’m saving it for last. Why didn’t you get your own?”
“I forgot okay!” Taeyong huffs, angrily taking a scoop and putting it in his mouth. “I’ll share don’t worry.”
You roll your eyes. “So is he going to go there tomorrow?”
“He said probably.” You plainly shrug. “I mean I hope I do. I get to see him again.” You smile to yourself, looking down at your finished tray like an idiot.
“From what you tell me, it really feels like you’re just stalking him.” Taeyong adds with a scoff. You let out a ‘tsk’, grabbing a tissue to wipe and clean off your fingers.
“I don’t! Okay maybe. But seriously if you seen him, I’m pretty sure you would’ve turned gay for him.”
“Imagine how hot that’ll be. Seeing how you are handsome, and he’s handsome too. Ah the gayness!” You squeal, tapping your toes and as you grin widely.
“I’ll floor you at home. Watch me.” Taeyong threatens, throwing you a sharp glare. “You can drop by tomorrow to see him if you’d like. I can text you when he comes.” You bob your shoulder, a slight smirk creeping up your lips.
Taeyong hums and nods his head, grabbing his drink and taking one last sip to finish it. “Don’t disappoint me. If I don’t like what I see, I can say it as a fact that you have low standards.”
You gap your mouth open, placing a hand on your chest and gasping, overreacting at his statement. “Oh please. I’ll never.” You say with full confidence.
The next day at around three in the afternoon, Jaehyun enters the exhibit.
“Good afternoon, _____” Jaehyun greets in a polite yet trying to sound fun manner
“Afternoon, Jaehyun.” You flash a bright smile.
“Do I still need to register?” Jaehyun asks, leaning against the counter and closer to you. You blink your eyes rapidly, wanting to take a moment to look at his face up close but shake your head out of it immediately.
“Yeah. You need to do it every time you come.” You inform him, your phone flat on the table as you boredly scroll through Twitter.
“Alright.” He does the same procedure and proceeds to walk off, giving you a soft and kind smile before doing so.
You immediately went to iMessage, texting Taeyong that he’s here and keeping to your promise that you’ll let him see Jaehyun. Almost instantly, you hear the door open and reveal Taeyong casually walking in.
You widen your eyes in shock. “Wait the fuck?” You say as Taeyong walks up to the counter and leans his body againsy it. “So where is he?” Taeyong asks with full curiosity, peeking is head into the exhibit.
“Wait how did you even get here before I texted you?” Taeyong simply shrugs. “I didn’t go back home. I had lunch then I saw a dude who’s the only one that seem to go inside so I just assume that’s Jaehyun.”
“Wow...” You reply in awe, sounding surprised, buf also not.
Taeyong keeps his eyes at the exhibit, moving his head to see all it from all directions. “Where did he go?”
You pucker your lips in response. “Might have gon’ to that painting again. I don’t know why but every time he comes by, he just looks at this one painting. He can literally stand there and only leave hours later.”
Taeyong laughs, clapping his hands. “There’s no way, you idiot. He obviously moves around while you’re here.” Taeyong breathes out, patting his chest to calm his laughter.
“But I saw him!” You growled, reaching a hand out to punch Taeyong in the chest, making him wince. “Yeah, yeah sure.” Taeyong taunts. You roll your eyes.
Suddenly, you see Jaehyun coming out of the corner. You smack Taeyong’s arm constantly to get his attention and point your finger to the direction where Jaehyun has his back facing you.
“There!” You whisper. You really did look like a fan swooning over her idol.
“Oh my God wait. Yo, Jaehyun!” Taeyong suddenly shouts out. You widen your eyes at his sudden action. You weren’t sure whether that’s suppose to embarrass you or he actually knows Jaehyun.
Jaehyun turns his head around slowly. His eyes went to you first before Taeyong, a bright smile emerging his lips instantly. “Woah Yongie!” Jaehyun walks over. He nudges Taeyong’s shoulder with a balled fist, making him chuckle.
“Uh.. So you know him?” You ask, you finger going back and forth between Taeyong and Jaehyun. Taeyong chuckles, nodding his head. “Yeah back in college.” Taeyong says. “She’s on her last year.” He adds on, gently motioning his hand to you.
“We had a chat yesterday.” You couldn’t help but feel your cheeks getting hot ever so slightly. You hum. “I was hoping you’d come so that you can see Taeyong.”
What a huge lie.
Taeyong couldn’t but scoff, making you and Jaehyun look at him with raised brows. “Pft, oh really?” He asks, sounding pushy. You furrow your eyebrows, glaring at him intensively in hopes that he will not push it any further.
“So!” Taeyong starts after an awkward moment of silence. “Since Jae’s here, wanna eat something for lunch?”
Jaehyun looks up, thinking for awhile before tilting his head back down to Taeyong. Though, his eyes met yours for a split second that made your heart skip a beat. “Alright.”
“Order me take out then.” You say, disappointment filling your tone ever so slightly, which Taeyong instantly picked up.
“Aw I would have invited you if you didn’t have work, right Jae?” Taeyong had a wide smirk on his face for a second before turning to Jaehyun. He lets out a simple chuckle. “True.”
You frown, raising a hand up to wave it at them lazily as a sign to push them away. “Okay, okay. Just go and come back quick. I want food.”
With that, you ended your third day. You ended up spending more time with Jaehyun than you’d expect, which makes you happy every time you thought about him.
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The next day, oddly enough, Jaehyun didn’t come by. You didn’t see him coming in around the time he would be entering. And he never did. You waited for him impatiently, waiting eagerly for that one time you get to see him for a brief moment before he goes in to look at the painting yet again.
It felt almost weird to you. Despite you meeting him for only three days, you felt somewhat accustomed to be seeing him for the rest of the week. And him not coming in today felt out of place. It shocked you how attached to him you got. But to be honest, who wouldn’t?
You start wondering why he didn’t come. But the reality dawned on you pretty quick. He had his own live of course. He obviously has other things to do. Work? Family and friends? You thought that he couldn’t possibly be coming in everyday.
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“I see you came back with her.” You whisper to Jaehyun, leaning in slightly. He heaves a sigh, rubbing his temples. “It’s... complicated. She’s probably talking to her father.” Jaehyun jerks his head to the seating area outside the exhibit, where you see Nayeon on the phone.
“Sorry if I’m intruding or anything...” You start off. Jaehyun raises both his eyebrows and humming. “But why do you keep coming here? I mean other than yesterday, it just seems like you come here just to look at that one painting in the corner of the exhibit.”
Jaehyun puckers his lips, shrugging after. “That’s complicated to answer too. Well, not really but-”
“It’s fine. You don’t have to answer.”
Just then, Nayeon comes back, running over to Jaehyun and holding his hand, interlocking their fingers. It really made you wonder whether Nayeon is actually Jaehyun’s girlfriend that he loves or is dating her for another reason.
Once again Jaehyun immediately looks bored. Before they walk in the exhibit, he looks over his shoulder to look at you. You mouth a, “Good luck.” With a light laugh, making him nod his head and turning back to the front.
With that, your bore through the hours of your shirt. For such a simple job, you were surprised at how much you were being paid. But that was all you care about anyways. The money. It served you as motivation to just push through the boring hours.
It’s near closing time now. You stood up to walk around the exhibit to make sure there’s no one left. As you head back to the counter to grab your things, you stop in your tracks when you see Jaehyun and Nayeon standing outside at the seating area. “Are they fighting or something?” You mutter to yourself as you watch Nayeon screaming at Jaehyun while he avoids her eyes with folded arms.
You raised a skeptical brow, not knowing what they’re fighting about and continued ahead to pack your things and turning off all the nights. You take one last look around the exhibit before grabbing the keys in your hand.
Just when you were about to head out, you now see Jaehyun sitting on the bench with his back facing you, his head leaning against the glass. You gulp and open the door, making him shot his head towards you.
“What happened? I saw you and Nayeon fighting.” You say, turning around and using the keys to lock up the exhibit. Jaehyun stands up, running a hand through his hair.
“We broke up.” Jaehyun says in a somewhat sarcastic manner.
“Um well I guess you need time alone?” You raised your shoulders, taking in a deep breath.
Jaehyun walks closer to you, and with each step your heart began to race quicker. You bit your bottom lip in nervousness, despite him not standing that close. “Not exactly.” He replies shortly.
You furrow your eyebrows, tilting your head in confusion. “Then what? I’m not exactly the type who’s good at comforting people.” You say, shifting your weight from one leg to the other. “Unless it’s food. I can treat you to food.”
Jaehyun nods his head, glancing sideways before looking down at you. “Okay. Then invite me to dinner.” He reauests nonchalantly, shoving his hands into his pocket as he copies your body language.
After blinking your eyes a few times, you say, “W-What like now? Do you want to eat dinner now?”
Jaehyun simply nods. It’s surprising how casual he is towards you, but you really liked it so you didn’t mind. “It’ll be nice if we could drink as well. I need to get Nayeon off my mind for tonight.”
You puff your cheeks and blew the air out. “I know a place.”
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It all feels crazy to you right now. You’ve only met Jaehyun in less than a week but here you are, having dinner with him. You could guess that he’s being awfully casual since he knows that you and Taeyong are friends. But it also surprised you as to how the silence between the two of you is comfortable.
The two of you eat in silence, munching on your food with your heads down and glancing at each other a few times while you look up to take a shot of soju.
You eventually start talking. Specifically about his college life and how he met Taeyong. You felt that it’s the only way to connect with him since he did graduate from the same college as the one you’re attending.
“What’s your major?” Jaehyun asks as he reaches his hand out to pour me a shot. I downed it quickly, exhaling calmly. “Psychology. Have pills of homework I need to get done.”
You click your tongue, twirling the fork in your hand as you feel the alcohol kicking in already. To be fair, you are one to get drunk easily. Jaehyun doesn’t know that, and you’ve subconsciously been drinking more than your usual intake as your chat with Jaehyun goes on.
“Really? Why didn’t you say? I took psychology too.” You raise both eyebrows in response, closing your eyes for a moment. “Perhaps you can help me.”
Jaehyun leans in, his chin resting on his fingers that were interlocked. “Should we go somewhere?” You tilt your head, placing a hand behind your neck and rubbing it gently. “Where exactly?” You question him.
“Your home. Where else? Taeyong must be worried that you’re drunk on a work night.” You scoff in amusement, your mouth still open after you did. “And? It’s just a part time job.” You giggle, covering your face with the palm of your hand. Clearly, you already weren’t in your right mind.
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You didn’t know how, but you blanked out. And somehow arrived at the rooftop of a run down apartment. But after looking around, you facepalm yourself in your mind, realising it’s your apartment’s rooftop that you’re at.
You had your head laid on Jaehyun’s shoulder. Turning your head slightly, it made Jaehyun look down on you. “Awake already?” He whispers, leaning in and making his face inches away from yours. To which you couldn’t help but blush in a matter of seconds.
“What time is it?” You scrambled around to find your bag to take out your phone but before you could turn of your phone, Jaehyun replies, “Two in the morning.” with a casual tone.
“Are you the type to wake up late?” He asks once again. You took this time, in your “drunken” state to snuggle your head into the crook of Jaehyun’s neck, finding a comfortable spot and breathing in his scent. A scent you could indulge yourself with all the time if you could.
You hum. “Yeah. Not gonna lie, I’ll probably be late tomorrow.” Your lips brushed against Jaehyun’s skin as you reply.
Jaehyun clears his throat, letting out a sigh. “Do you want to know why I always go to the same painting at the exhibit?” You bit your lower lip. Finally, the question you have asked yourself throughout the days when Jaehyun comes by.
“That one painting. It’s actually my grandmother’s. She painted it before she passed away. I found out about the exhibit Xiaojun was gonna open, and asked him to display for painting.”
As Jaehyun talks, you take in the atmosphere. The cold breeze against your skin. The night sky reflecting its moonlight onto the city’s streets and building. How peaceful it all felt, with the person you’ve been wanting this whole week the moment you saw him. You know how you got close to him, but it also felt as though you didn’t. Like a atring attached to the two of you, getting shorter and shorter till you reach this moment. A moment where you are so close that it feels like it’s too close.
“Her painting showed her own way of depicting love. I saw the other arts in the exhibit, it all had one general idea. Love. Different artists, different perspectives of love. Some showed it to be seen as butterflies and rainbows. While others depict it as something to stay away from, something you should be afraid of. Romantic love, that is.”
You hum, nodding your head. “I never expected you to be someone this deep.” You mumble. Jaehyun replies with a chuckle. A chuckle you have now grown used to. “I do art, other than psychology. But I stopped when I had to make more time for my major.”
“Continue.” You whisper. He takes a second to tilt his head up and taking in a deep breath before resuming.
“My grandmother’s painting showed both the good and bad sides of love. I knew her love life wasn’t a regular one. But I somehow was able to understand it after hours of just staring at her painting and its very brief description about it.”
You smile to yourself. You really could hear him talk for hours on end and never get tired of it.
“Want to know something?”
You absentmindedly wrap your arms around his torso, moving in close to get even more comfortable. It felt right just doing it. Surprisingly enough, Jaehyun wraps an arm around your shoulders, squeezing you close. Not too tight, not too loose. His touch sent constant electric shocks throughout your body. But it felt right. Just this moment alone, like time has frozen for you to admire it while it lasts.
“I hoped everyday you’d come to the exhibit. Just to see your face.” You say, closing your eyes as you feel his heartbeat on his chest, putting you at ease. You weren’t sure if Jaehyun’s drunk, if he’d remember anything you say. You did think of the embarrassment you’d have to face the next day, but you just didn’t bother.
“I caught your eye that fast?” Jaehyun asks.
You nod your head immediately. “You should know that yourself.”
The two of your laugh softly at the same time. This feeling, this moment. Is it the alcohol that’s doing all this? Is Jaehyun really like this or is it only when he’s drunk? Is he actually taking whatever you’re saying and can remember it the first thing in the morning?
You know you could’nt. Which is why you try to take in this night as much as possible so that it would be in your memory forever, dream or not.
“Let’s go to the exhibit together tomorrow. I’ll come by your house to pick you up.”
Silence ensues, this time it’s much longer. But as mentioned before, you felt comfortable, as though this is how it should have always been.
A sudden connection you feel with a mere stranger. Within days, you've formed an unfamiliar yet familiar bond with him, despite the minimal interactions. The world somehow made the two of you end up in such a cliche situation.
“Would love that.”
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candycityy · 3 years
based on @pufferssss' discord headcanon of levi taking care of petra while she's on her period. just fluff, because my babies deserve it, sue me.
(You can also read this on AO3!)
She's off her game today.
He'd noticed it earlier that morning, during PT. He'd assigned them to complete a circuit, and most of the squad had groaned and complied, but she'd remained silent, just turned a shade paler.
"Something wrong, Ral?" he'd asked, when her face twisted into a pained expression. For a second, she'd looked at him entreatingly, like she was trying to communicate something with her gaze.
When he just stared blankly back, she'd sighed and shook her head. "Nothing, sir," she'd grumbled, before turning around and going off on the ten-kilometre jog.
But now – something's definitely wrong, he's sure of it. She looks distracted and self-conscious, her eyes flickering between the guys and him, and she keeps adjusting her uniform even though as far as Levi can see, every strap is perfectly in place. She's pale, too, looking far too drained for one measley circuit –for all her flaws, Petra's never been one to back down from a challenge, let alone show a sign of weakness.
He watches as she maneuvers robotically towards the end-point, slicing at the rubber-foam targets in an almost absent-minded way, wearing that pained, distracted expression. When an Abnormal emerges suddenly from the side, plywood arm raised for attack, he waits for her to snap to attention and dodge.
Instead, she turns, much too slowly and goes, as if in a daze, "Huh?" The arm slams down on her wires, and she lets out a shriek as she struggles to recalibrate her position while dangling mid-air. His irritation mounting, he swiftly swings over and plucks her out of the air, ignoring her protests, and dumps her unceremoniously on the ground. Following his lead, Eld, Gunther, and Auruo alight on the ground, expressions tight and wary.
"What the hell was that?" he demands. But instead of looking sheepish like she usually would, she shoots him a venomous glare. Like it's his fault she failed to dodge a damn piece of plywood.
"Sorry," she mutters, sounding not the least bit apologetic. Levi stares at her in disbelief. They've been together for a while, sure, but she's never been insubordinate like this, let alone in front of their squadmates, in the middle of drills.
"Ral." His tone is frigid. "I'll say it once more. What the hell was that? You're being out of line, and your drills were atrocious." His tone is harsh, and her gaze snaps to his, bright with fury.
"I said," she hisses, "I was sorry."
He's angry, now. "Well, you sure have a fucking funny way of showing it."
"Oh, fuck you, Levi," she spits, and there's a sharp intake of breath all around – Petra never curses, and she never calls him by name during training.
"Petra!" Eld exclaims. "Sir, as second-in-command, I'll take care of this – you can continue with the drills –"
"Fuck you too, Eld." She gets to her feet, dusting herself off, and glares around at her squadmates.
He's had enough. "Ral, I don't know why you think it's okay to speak to us this way, but –"
"I'm on my period," she finally bites out. She spins around, eyes flashing, and everyone but him takes an involuntary step back. "And I don't know what I did wrong but this time it feels like I'm being stabbed in the abdomen by a thousand daggers and I'm pretty sure I've bled through these stupid fucking white pants and God help me I'm so done with all of you insensitive fuckers."
There's a beat. He finally finds his voice, and says, lamely, "You should have spoken up earlier. You could've gone to the sick bay if it was that bad."
At that, she honest-to-goodness snarls at him, baring her teeth and curling her lip like a cornered animal. "Then. I'll. Go." The words come out in a low growl, and it's all he can do to keep his expression flat and unreadable.
"Go, then." For a second, her mask of fury cracks, and her eyes fill with tears.
But then she turns on her heel and stalks off, her boots crunching in the dust. He notices, belatedly, that there's a smudge of red on the back of her pants.
His squad stands there, shocked into silence. "You go tell her, Auruo," Eld says finally.
"What? No way, you do it, you're second-in-command –"
As the guys argue between themselves, Levi presses his head into his hands and wonders briefly why the universe seems to hate him.
Later, when he knocks on the door, he's not surprised when he doesn't get a reply.
Steeling himself for the worst, he pushes the door open a crack. She's not on the bed. Maybe I'll just go in and wait for her, then, he thinks, before a soft moan makes his gaze snap to the ground.
It's Petra, curled up into a fetal position on the ground. She's sweating despite the mild temperature, and her skin has taken on a deathly pallour.
She groans again, and the sound startles him out of his reverie. He opens the door and steps in. "What the hell, Petra?" he mutters under his breath, kneeling on the ground next to her. Her eyes are closed, and he thinks he hears a muffled fuck off before she sighs, turning onto her other side and pulling her knees even more tightly to her chest.
Despite her mumbled protests, he lifts her carefully back onto the bed and pours her a glass of water. "Open," he orders, gently lifting her head and thumbing her lip. She bites his thumb halfheartedly, and he lets out an irritated grunt.
"Dammit, Petra, it's just medicine for the pain. Quit being a stubborn brat and open up already." She mumbles something unintelligible, maybe another curse, but obediently opens her mouth and swallows the small white pill dry, ignoring the glass of water and grimacing as she does it.
Her eyelids flutter weakly, and she looks up at him through half-lidded eyes. "Go away, you ass. Don't wanna talk to you. Ugh, it hurts." She lets out a high-pitched whine, the sound somehow both irritated and agonised at the same time, and he snorts – it's just so Petra for her to be frustrated at her own pain.
"Lie down," he orders, pulling a hot water bottle out his bag and tucking it roughly into her arms. She presses it to her abdomen and curls into the warmth, making a small, pleased sound, and even though her hair clings to her damp forehead and her clothes are a rumpled mess, it's still inexplicably, ridiculously cute.
"Better?" he asks. She nods sleepily – and then, a few moments, just as she seems on the verge of dozing off, she sits up abruptly, almost shoving him off the bed in the process.
She looks at him with wide, panicked eyes. "You – oh, no," she groans. "You can't be here. My room is a mess, I'm a mess, there's a pile of bloody laundry in the corner..." Levi inwardly recoils at that, but manages to keep his face carefully composed, "...and – ugh – just, get out get out get out." She collapses back into bed, throws a pillow at his general direction (he dodges), and lets out a cry that's somewhere between exasperation and embarrassment.
"You're welcome," he deadpans, and she drapes an arm over her flushed face, covering her eyes. "I'll leave soon. Just as soon as you tell me you're okay."
"I'm okay, now get out." Her words are muffled from underneath her arm. With an irritated sigh, he gets up, pausing only when she peeks out from under her arm (again with the ridiculous cute) and asks, "where'd you get the hot water bottle from?"
"Nifa." He frowns, recalling the thinly veiled disapproval on the girl's face when he'd confided in her the morning's events.
"Oh." Her voice is small. "Um. Captain – Levi," she amends, and hesitates.
"Thanks. You know. For everything. And, uh, sorry for freaking out earlier." Her arm goes back over her face.
"It's fine." Levi lets out a short exhale, and against his better judgment, leans back over her slight figure to gently brush the tangled hair out of her face. Her face is still fever-hot, and she sighs at the coolness of his touch.
"Feel better, Petra," he says, quietly. As he gets up to leave, his eyes flicker to the pile of laundry at the corner at the corner of the room.
Every cell in his cleanliness-obsessed body screams in protest.
Oh, what the hell. Without making a sound, he lifts the bundle into his arms – keeping it as far away from his face as possible – and leaves, closing the door quietly behind him.
Levi Ackerman, he thinks grimly to himself, as he makes his way towards the laundry room, you are such a fucking loser.
The next morning, Petra wakes up to a pile of clean, perfectly pressed laundry outside her door.
There's a note. Ral, it says, in a familiar, elegant script, you owe me a new bottle of bleach. Let me know when you're better, because I'm still giving your insubordinate ass a week of latrine duty. C.L.
Carefully, she folds the piece of paper and closes the door behind her. She flops onto her bed, feeling an irrepressible smile spread over her face – and somehow, all of a sudden – the ache in her abdomen doesn't feel quite so bad.
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scriptaed · 4 years
bygones of the sun. 02 (m)
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genre: angst/fluff/(future)smut || dance captain!hoseok, bad boy!au, uni!au
pairing: reader x hoseok;
length: 5.0k;
synopsis: Jung Hoseok was once the sweetheart of the school, the dance captain whom every girl, including you, can’t help but fall head over heels for. But like the force of the ever-glowing sun, everything that rises must also set. A year of inactivity later and he’s now the school’s resident bad boy. You’re a firm believer of allowing the past be the past, and yet you can’t help but wonder where the risen sun has gone into hiding—because perhaps its shadows have out-shined its own radiance.
a/n: a repost of my old fic!
“Drop him, girl, drop him! You’re too good for him!”
The glaring television screen blares throughout the small confinement of your living room, filling the already rowdy space with the drama you and your friends would specifically gather in your house to watch every Wednesday night. With soft cotton blankets draping over the three pairs of bare legs and two buckets of popcorn laying in your laps, Hani and Junghwa would constantly shrill on the top of their lungs along with you, screaming and squirming from over excitement or flutters incited by a man on the other side of the screen whom they claim to have established an emotional connection with. And while you have always appreciated their crucial role in your daily life, tonight—along with the past several days since then—is just one of those nights where you want to be left alone.
Junghwa’s squealing comes to a gradual silence when Hani nudges her elbow with darting, wide eyes, hinting at her friend to quiet down before you did anything more than shoot her a death glare. Just half an hour into the episode and you can already tell that the main character’s position ever so conveniently coincided with your own as Junghwa continues to scream out words of encouragement to the woman on the other side of the screen, completely unaware of how her insults can also easily align with your situation. And even though you would usually be screaming along with your dear friends, heart clenching and fists forming at the growing anger elicited by the bad boy of the story, now that you are finally experiencing it for yourself—maybe not so much as dating a bad boy, but rather personally knowing one from your very own eyes—you can certainly go without any reminders of the revelating night which still burns every second in the back of your consciousness.
“O-oh,” Junghwa gaped, mouth hanging wide open as she stares at you with a blank expression that shows she only just understood why Hani was urging her to stop. Hani only presses her lips into a disappointing frown and places her hands to the forehead of her shaking head. The rare silence between you and Junghwa becomes overbearing to her as she bats her eyes in panic over how the unamusement in your stare grows within each second. The corner of her lips suddenly shoot up when she releases a nervous laugh and pats your arm in reassurement, “y-you too, Y/N… you should forget about Ho—” her eyes pop out when she notices the quirk of your brow “—I mean... him. You’re too good for someone as immature as him. Who even plays truth or dare in college? Haha, I mean, even if someone dared me to play around with a guy, I wouldn’t—”
“Alright,” Hani interrupts with a forced smile, tilting her head to peer at you from across the now silenced Junghwa, “let’s just switch the channel. We can always catch up on the episodes later.”
“No, it’s fine,” you let out a soft laugh, shaking your head and lightly flicking your friend’s arm. Junghwa winces at your gesture before pouting and leaning into the couch on her left, grabbing Hani’s arm and glaring at you in vengeance. “It’s not a big deal anyways. It’s not like I was even dating him. I’m fine, I promise… it’s just that someone seems to want to rub some salt in my wounds.”
Hani cackles, stroking Junghwa’s head with her left hand and patting her arm with her right, “alright, if you say so. You sure you don’t want to change the channel? The show isn’t that exciting anyways. We can probably predict half the things she’s going to do. The bad boy is going to fall in love with her because she’s weak and fragile and apparently guys like that, then she’s going to fall for him because he treats her differently than the rest. And then, bam! They’re together and happy for the rest of eternity, right?”
You scrunch your brows at her quick yet accurate synopsis, “I mean I guess—”
“Good! So that means we can switch the channel then,” she picks up the remote and flips to the next available channel only to have it stolen from you when you lean across a screaming Junghwa and snatch the remote from Hani.
“Hani, I know you’re just trying to do what you think is the best for me, but I’m fine! I promise,” you laugh, giving her a strained, lopsided smile. “See? Smiling like always. Who cares about boys? They’re all liars anyways.”
Your two friends only lean away from you and against the couch’s armrest, blankly blinking eyes and pressing lips in the shape of a questioning frown as they raise their brows quizzically at the validity of your ‘fine’ state; because to them, every single word you managed to muster out that night were only filled with disdain, spite, and regret over the boy whom you constantly cursed at and nicknamed an asshole after that night over the phone.
But as much as you attempt to cross your arms over your chest and keep a poker face over the countless dumb decisions the main character makes in the following few minutes, you can’t help but constantly flip your phone over to check if any new messages had been left magically without its usual buzz. Turning the phone over, you would click the home button only to find the screen empty of any new notifications. You would then sigh, attempting to ignore the sinking of your chest when you internally remind yourself: of course he wouldn’t message you first. He hasn’t messaged you in days since that night you stormed out of his car and into your house without further explanation, the cold tension remaining as the last conversation held between you and him.
Unfortunately for you, your friends suspicions of your true condition are confirmed by the constant spiels which tumbles from your lips every ten seconds.
“That’s the dumbest thing you could do! He’s a changed man, and you know that! Why are you going after him?! Dump him, you dumbass!” you scream, huffing out in anger and grabbing your pillow as though you are about to toss it at the girl on the screen.
Hani and Junghwa stare at you with wide eyes, horrified by your outburst which never seems to end along with your limitless energy.
“He’s a liar,” you groan, kicking your legs onto the coffee table before you and sighing out your baited breath. “He’s probably only staying with you now because his friends told him to.”
“You make the first move,” you hear Junghwa hiss to Hani, who only repeats her words back at her, but you’re too mentally and emotionally occupied by the thoughts roaming your own mind to even care.
God, Hoseok is such an asshole. The more you think about it, the more your blood fuels with anger. You were the victim—the target—of a stupid dare? And to make it worse, you actually believed for a second that Hoseok—Jung Hoseok, one of the most sought after boys of your school—actually liked you enough to ask you out on a date? But what frustrates you to the ends of your bones isn’t your stupidity or your proneness to fall victim to such child’s play, but instead, it’s the fact that Hoseok, the sweetheart you once knew and loved, actually took the dare seriously enough to attempt to fulfill it; he went out that night on a mission to fool you, to play with your heart, and to trample all over it if you hadn’t found out through Junghwa. He was out to manipulate you like the fool you are, to wrap you around the tips of his fingers, and to play you like another one of the countless girls whom must have become one of his many puppets.
And even though it pained you with the constrictions of your chest, the dryness of your knotted throat, and the emptiness of your churning stomach the couple of days following that night, now you’re just a pile of turmoil and raging anger waiting to throw your hands at the person who had taken over the dreamlike dance captain you currently regret to your very guts for not taking a leap of faith into the sun and approaching him on the day he had invited you over. You want explanations to his whereabouts, and maybe you’re not qualified enough to receive explanations to such personal matters which held no form of relation to the person who purposely avoided him in the past year, but at the very least, you deserve an apology for that night.
“Y/N… are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?” Hani gently suggests as Junghwa places a hand on your knee and bobs her head agreeingly, worriedly watching the clenching of your jaw and the burning flames in your darkened eyes. “Sometimes it helps us to talk about things we don’t want to talk about. It’ll help us move on.”
“Not saying that you haven’t moved on, of course,” Junghwa quickly adds.
After raising a brow at Junghwa’s nervous laugh, you take a deep breath and sigh. “Fine. I just… I don’t know what there is to say. I guess I’m hurt after being used like that, like I’m some sort of game you can just win over, but I’m more so appalled that Hoseok would do such a thing…? I’ve never known him, sure, but I know he’s not like that. The boy I met wouldn’t have ever dared to play around with a girl’s feelings. Dance was his sole purpose. He was so passionate about it. And now… he pretends he doesn’t even remember his own past.”
“Ah… you miss seeing your old crush, huh?” Junghwa purses her lips and nods her head in acknowledgement. “I guess he was a lot more likeable back then, not saying that he isn’t smoking hot right now because he is, but now that he’s doing all of this because of a simple game of dignity, I don’t think I would see him the same way either.”
“Do you really think he did it because of a dare though? He might be a player, but even that seems a bit… much?” Hani frowns, furrowing her brows in thought.
You shrug, “we heard that he was doing it in order to gain the attention of the last dance captain.”
“He wanted to use you to make her jealous?” Hani’s eyes popped in shock.
“I guess,” you mutter and sigh once again. “I’m not sure which one’s worse.”
“Have you confronted him about it? Are you sure it’s true?”
“I mean, I wouldn’t blame him if he really does like Keiko. Have you seen her? She’s gorgeous and she’s so down to earth,” Junghwa says in awe before snapping back to reality when Hani shoots her a death glare. She quickly turns to look at you, patting your shoulder with a smile, “you’re gorgeous too, Y/N. But maybe he’s into the dance type.”
“Alright, you two are just roasting me tonight. I just want to get some sleep and sort things out myself,” you huff, about to get up from the couch when Junghwa leaps herself at you and hugs you tight.
“I’m sorry, Y/N! You know I really didn’t mean it that way!”
Hani only laughs at the sight before her as you groan and pick up your phone, a habit which has become instinctive to you, checking for any new messages.
And to your surprise, there is one.
“Please stop checking your phone for his texts, Y/N! It hurts my heart to see you like this! He’s a player, he’s not going to text first! You deserve better people than him!” Junghwa cries out in plea for you to forgive her careless remarks.
She holds you even tighter as you stare at your screen in shock. You keep staring at the glaring screen, scanning the text message over and over again because you can’t believe it. He actually left a message, and to your dismay and surprise, your heart is actually pounding in excitement—in longing—for the boy who had broken your trust. And just like Junghwa says, you keep reminding yourself that you deserve more than him.
Hobi [9:34 pm] Are you home? We need to talk things over. I know something happened between us that night, and unlike you, I actually want to sort things out. I’ll be there in five.
Ah, so he’s either still upset over your sudden change in attitudes that night or your sudden mention of his past experience with dance—either way, the piercing sensation of your heated chest is undeniable when you read the passive aggressive tone of his message.
“What is it?” Hani carefully asks, and suddenly, Junghwa’s tight gripping and tugging releases from your hips.
“Don’t tell me he texted you,” she deadpans.
“We need to go,” you mumbled under your breath and they widen their eyes as a double take. Getting up from the couch, you quickly turn off the television and grab their hands to usher them out the front door. “He’s coming in five minutes. We need to go now.”
“Why is he coming?” Junghwa calls out in worry, looking at you over her shoulder.
“I don’t know. He wants to talk about how our date ended or something,” you blurt out and hastily grab a purse before swinging it over your gray sweatshirt and sweatpants. Opening the front door, you’re stuffing your feet into the shoes when Hani places her hand on you to halt your hasty actions.
“Don’t you want to talk things over with him?” she calmly questions. “You should get things clarified, or you’re never going to move on. Maybe he’s not as bad as you think.”
“I don’t want to get things clarified, Hani. I just want to forget about him as soon as possible. Seeing him will only make me angrier,” you shake your head.
“That doesn’t seem to align with you constantly checking your phone tonight,” Junghwa quips. “I agree with Hani. You should at least have closure. Or at least you can tell him off before you end things with him.”
You quirked a brow, “...are you sure?”
“Positive. And if you ever need us to jump in, just send us a quick text,” Hani smiles and Junghwa enthusiastically nods.
Taking a deep breath, you sigh in agreement before quickly pushing them out the door, “okay, then you two need to leave.”
“Wow, I’ve never been kicked out of a house faster than now,” Junghwa retorts as your two friends laugh along with you.
“Oh my God, is that his car? I thought he said five minutes!” Hani gapes. “Good luck, Y/N! C’mon, Junghwa, let’s run.”
What? He’s here already?
Slightly opening the door behind you, you peep through the small slit to find Hoseok’s familiar black vehicle coming to a gradual stop on your driveway. Your heart nearly jumps out of your chest when you spot sight of his familiar brown hair, the darkened eyes of his that meant business causing you to leap and shut the door behind you. Your heart is pounding so loudly and roughly against the small confinements of your chest that you swear it’s echoing in your now silent house. Your hands are shaking, your lips are quivering, and your knees become weak with each footstep of his which lightly skid against the concrete of your front porch, each one becoming more and more audible when they finally come to a halt just a few feet behind you.
God, you should’ve stayed in the college dorms—otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to so easily walk up to your house at whatever time he pleases like this.
A series of firm knocks echo in the front entrance of your house, the vibrations sending waves across your back and down your spine as you lay with your back pressed up against the door. Whirling around, you take a deep breath to calm your seemingly unstoppable rapid pace of breathing. After mustering up enough courage, you peek through the peephole only to be met with Hoseok’s fish eyed pupils, causing you to jump back and yelp in surprise.
“Y/N, I know you’re there. I saw you while parking in your driveway,” Hoseok lowly chuckles. “Might as well open up now.”
“W-what if I don’t want to?” you stutter, placing your fumbling hands over the cold doorknob.
“Well, I guess I’d just have to tell the whole school we’re dating,” he chimes as though it’s not a big deal to him at all. Of course it’s not a big deal to him, he’s been with plenty of girls before and the rest of the school doesn’t need a second reminder of that fact. “I’m counting down now. In 3… 2…”
You whip open the door and give him the dirtiest glare you can give, huffing and puffing when you managed to stop him from ruining your reputation along with his already ruined one.
Hoseok’s lips clam shut the second you open the border between the two of you. One corner of his lips lift as he leans against the wall and buries his hands into his pockets.
“I see you really don’t want to be associated with me, huh?” he quips.
“No, not after what you did to me that night,” you narrow your eyes at him and cross your arms over your chest.
He quirks a brow questioningly, “and what exactly did I do that night?”
The slick strands of hair hovering before his forehead tell you he came here right after a shower, the thought causing heat to rise to your cheeks and your stomach to shelter unwanted butterflies. His dark brown eyes and his soft, red lips match perfectly with his tan, smooth skin which ever so slightly glows in reflection of the dim light within your house. You’re just about to melt in his darkening, warm gaze when you snap yourself out of it and remind yourself that looks are quite deceiving; he may look like the boy you had fallen for before, but he surely doesn’t act like him.
“Oh, quit playing dumb,” you roll your eyes after a few seconds of silence.
“I might appear dumb to you, but I can tell you for sure, I can read most girls like the back of my hand. But with you? I don’t have a single idea of what’s going on in that head of yours,” he retorts, leaning off the wall and shifting his weight onto the other leg. “Maybe if you actually told me what I did wrong, or whatever the hell happened that night, then maybe I’d understand and be able to apologize or fix things.”
“And why do you care? Do you actually want to fix things? Do you actually like me enough to apologize?”
Hoseok frowns at the harsh edges of your tone, brows knitting and lips pressing shut as he stares at you for a few seconds and ponders—no, calculates—what he should do next.
He sighs, running a hand through his slightly damp hair, “I don’t get it. Of course I want to fix things—”
“You’re lying,” you snap. “You only took me out on a date because you were dared to.”
His eyes lift from the ground to stare at yours; judging by the way his eyes neither crease in confusion nor widen in shock, he must have figured this all along. Instead, he’s calm and collected as if he’s done this thousands of times before, and that very fact causes a drop in your stomach. Just how much more of an ass can he be?
You take in a shaky breath, about to make your next theory on the rumor between his crush on the previous dance captain, when words tumble from his lips that renders you silent.
“I’m sorry.”
“What?” you narrow your eyes.
“I’m sorry,” he repeats this time but a bit louder.
He’s gazing into your eyes, locked and firm, confident and alluring, and every bit of you is reminding you that he’s probably done this hundreds of times before and that it’s just a front he puts on to trick countless girls, and yet you can’t help but believe there’s nothing but sincerity in his eyes. What is it about those chocolate hues which entices you and spins you around like the fool you are? Is it the past crush you see in them, or is it the bad boy you see now?
“I know I hurt you, and I really wasn’t planning on contacting or bothering you any further after that night, but I was worried after that argument. It’s a bad decision made on my part. I’m sorry,” he calmly apologizes, voice deep and velvety that you can’t believe how casual he’s acting. “I should’ve at least not have been so obvious.”
You scoff at his last words, raising your brows in question, “or maybe you shouldn’t have done it in the first place?”
“Right,” he lets out a small laugh, the corner of his lips lifting into a smug smirk.
“Are you serious?” you exasperate. “This is the type of apology you’re going to give me? A simple ‘sorry’ and that’s it?”
“What else do you want me to do?” he furrows his brows, shooting you an intense stare that even causes you to nearly jump back. “I said sorry and I was just joking about being so obvious, so what else do you want?”
“That’s a dumb joke! At least try to look serious when you’re apologizing!”
“Alright, I’m sorry! I’m serious when I say I know it was the wrong thing to do. I’m just… not in my right mind at the moment. I wanted to prove to myself…” he mumbles his last words, voice trailing off into an inaudible volume until his eyes lift from the ground and his voice suddenly rises once again, “it’s not like you caught feelings from that one night anyways. Why’re you so worked up?”
You bite your bottom lip, holding back every urge in you to prove him wrong, because the tug of your heart and the aching of your chest which no words can adequately describe prove the pain he has caused you since that night… because truth be told, you have fallen for him—whether it be the old Hoseok or the current Hoseok, you don’t know and you don’t want to know.
“It’s because you treated me like a toy. You think I’m so gullible? You think I don’t know what you’re doing? I’m not like the other girls you’ve played with before, Hoseok. I’ve heard of the things you do to others.”
“I’m sure you have,” he retorts, a quirk of the brow tugging on your heartstrings. “In fact, it seems like you know more than you let on. And that’s the second reason why I’m here. How do you know that I used to dance?”
You nibble on your bottom lip and remain silent.
Are you supposed to tell him the truth? That you are that one girl who promised to join the club? That one girl whom seemed to have such a strong, instant connection to the charismatic dance captain? No, you don’t want to tell him, not the current Hoseok. That secret remains between the two of you—between you and the past boy, not him.
“What’s the matter? Cat’s got your tongue?” he scoffs.
“I just… heard. It’s impossible not to hear of you,” you mumble.
He quirks a brow at the implications of your statement, letting out a laugh and averting his eyes only to dart back at you. “Well, I don’t know if you’ve ‘heard’ yet, but that Hoseok is long gone. Don’t ever mention it again in front of me; it annoys me to death.”
You frown, because is he really speaking ill of the past him? The one that you so utterly miss and would much rather prefer to spend your time with than the person before you?
“There won’t be another chance for me to mention it anyways. I don’t plan on seeing you again,” you huff. “And how could you say that? The past Hoseok I knew—heard of is much more likable than you. How dare you?”
“How dare I? How dare I condemn my own past? That’s who I am, Y/N. That Hoseok is my own persona, and whether you like it or not, it’s me. And it’s gone for good,” he deadpans. “So quit searching for something that’s not there.”
You tighten your grip around the doorknob that you swear it’s become pale because your hands become numb and all blood circulation cuts off from your fingers. As much as he’s right, he gets to control who he chooses himself and his past self to be, you’re too much in denial, too much in longing over the past that you once failed to grasp and now you can’t seem to pull yourself out of it.
“Get out. Just leave. I don’t want to hear you or see you anymore,” you say through gritted teeth.
“Good,” he stares at you, all expression but irritation extracted from his face. “This whole thing was a mistake anyways. I don’t want to talk to someone who doesn’t even respect me.” He steps back, whirling around and strolling down your driveway to open the door to his car.
“Maybe I’m not deserving of your respect,” you yell out at him, “but at least respect your old self, because he’s much more deserving of it than you!”
Hoseok pauses before entering his car, scoffing at your remark, a bittersweet, lopsided smile plastering over his face. “That’s the funny thing, sweetheart, because he’s the last person who deserves my respect.”
And without another word, he drives off into the distance, leaving you angered and trampled over in a mess of both confusion and heartache. At least now you know that this person, this Jung Hoseok, is for sure a different boy than you so secretly wished he was.
The next day comes and you’re walking down the familiar halls you used to attempt to casually stroll through before peeking at the boy in the dance room when this time around, another person comes out reaching for your arm.
“Hey, you’re the girl dating Hobi, right?” someone hushes and you look to your right with wide eyes to find the second most renowned member of the dance club, Park Jimin.
“What’re you saying? No, no way!” you scrunch your nose in disgust, retracting his grip from your arm.
“Oh, maybe you got the wrong person Jimin,” the other boy beside him, Jeon Jungkook, mutters.
“No way, I’ve seen them walking around in the theater the other day. He was for sure flirting with her…”
You roll your eyes as they continue their discussion right before you. “You probably made a mistake. I know of Jung Hoseok, but I’m not close to him.”
“Well, whatever your relation with him is, can you please help us out?” Jimin begs, clapping his hands together and pleading you with a pout.
“I can’t help you. I don’t know what it is, and I don’t know who you are or why you’re asking me, but I can’t help!” you throw your hands up and attempt to walk away when they run after you.
“Can you please just convince him to come back,” Jungkook joins his friend on his mission. “Just tell him that we need him because Namjoon and Jin are dying without his help!”
You look over their backs to find a tall, tan boy and his other broad shouldered friend stumbling over their own footsteps. “I don’t know how I can do that. We’re on bad terms.”
“Just… just send the message! Please, you’re the only one who can! The rest of his friends just ignore us,” Jimin takes your hands in his and shakes it side to side. “Please!”
Having enough of their pleas, you press your lips into a forced smile and nod your head. “Okay, okay! Just let go of me, I don’t even know you well enough! I’ll help you out!”
“Really?!” the two of them nearly yell. “Thank you so much…”
“Thank you so much, Y/N! We promise we’ll make it up to you!” they chime before cheering and running back to the dance room. “Promise you’ll relay our message, okay? Thanks again!”
And just like that, they disappear into their room and you’re left with yet another damn reason to find that asshole whose name still cuts you deep. Groaning at their request, you march your way down the hall only to find Junghwa and Hani huddled, occasionally throwing worried glances towards the end.
“Hey,” you grumble.
They spin around and stare at you wide eyed, stepping forward as though to cover whatever is behind them. “Oh, hey, Y/N! How was your day?”
“My day? It literally just started…” you frown, leaning to the side to take a quick peek at whatever they’re hiding. Unfortunately, and partially fortunately, for you, Hoseok is ever so conveniently chatting with his friends just a few feet down the hall. The way your heart nearly jumps out of your chest at a mere glance of his charming looks just incites an internal scream from you, your gut wrenching in both anger and pain from your last conversation with him when you give yourself one last reason to associate yourself with him. Just one more message and you’re done. Completely done. “Hey, Hoseok—”
—but just as you call out to him, his eyes dart over to you as he gives you a glare and quickly looks away back to his friends. Similar to your own friends, the boys surrounding him quirk their brows and nudge at him, “hey, I think she called for you. Did something happen between the two of you? Did she find out about the dare? Maybe you should apologize to her…”
You’re about to storm over to him and give him a piece of your mind, but his next words only causes your willpower to come up short.
“I don’t have anything to apologize for,” he scoffs before walking off into the hall.
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deanspatroclvs · 4 years
For I still was a blind man
I wrote a small Supernatural ficlet because I needed to fix that ending of 15x20.  mainly posting it here because I don’t have an Ao3.   Enjoy! ~
The road seemed endless, framed by green trees and golden sunlight. There was no noise but wind rustling in the leaves, the smooth whirring of the black shiny car and the music blaring through the windows. Carry on my wayward son. There‘ll be peace when you‘re done.
Dean Winchester watched the road before him, replaying everything in his life inside his head like one of these blockbusters he‘d always wanted to watch in cinema. The leather on Baby‘s wheel felt soft and comforting as he drove on. So, that‘s how it‘s gonna be. He was in heaven, stuck here for eternity, running on empty like a broken record. At least Sammy would live on, perhaps find a wife, have children, die of old age. Dean didn‘t know when he‘d see his little brother again. Time moved differently here, Bobby said. How long is it gonna be? Years? Minutes? Seconds? The car roared as Dean stepped on the gas pedal. He barely noticed the peaceful forest on his side, merging into a blur as the car took on speed. He didn‘t know peace. All he knew was this road, driving on and on in life and death, taking him to a new place as it has always been.
Lay your weary head to rest. Don‘t you cry no more.
Although Dean was in heaven, he wasn‘t happy. Even the car didn‘t feel right. Baby was too new, too smooth. The seats and windows were clean, there was no smell of stale beer, no tapes. It all seemed too perfect. Dean knew he should be content. He got Baby, Bobby, Ellen and Jo, his parents. But something was missing. He was torn out of life before he could even live. Leaving his brother alone, not being able to watch him grow. His hands clenched tighter around the wheel and Dean breathed out. He was shaking, tears burning in his eyes. One thought had entered his mind, the thought he‘d tried to banish and ignore and block out. Cas.  
Once I rose above the noise and confusion, Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion
The sun shone brightly, not too hot, not too cold, but Dean didn‘t care. He tried to focus on the road before him, feeling Baby purr beneath him as if it was her first ride. His mind was whirring as he replayed the last moments of his life – too fast, too quick, too cruel. Everything was taken from him but Sam and then he lost him too. And now that he was in heaven, he was supposed to be happy? There were too many things left unsaid and now Dean will never have the chance.
I was soaring ever higher, but I flew too high
Bobby said, he was here. With Jack. Rebuilding heaven. Dean knew why Cas didn‘t greet him, when he arrived through the pearly gates. He knew.
Though my eyes could see, I still was a blind man
Darkness wrapped over the bright trenchcoat, over the blue eyes, over the last smile. „I love you.“ These three words echoed in Dean‘s mind. The raspy voice who said them. The hunter swallowed as he drove on. In the days after Cas‘ death he tried to act as normal as possible, avoid Sam‘s worried glances. Only late at night he would drink, he would listen to their mixtape for hours, sitting at the table, running his fingers over the carved name. After defeating Chuck, Jack disappeared, taking all hope with him. There was no possibility to save Cas anymore. Dean knew just the two of them wouldn‘t be able to defeat the Empty, so he tried to continue on with his life. He was glad that he could hide his grief so well. The years have taught him the mastery of charade. Even Sam didn‘t notice a thing and seemingly was happy enough to have his big brother besides him. Blissful ignorance kept him in his sleep, while Dean was screaming inside next door.
Though my mind could think, I still was a mad man
Thats why Dean knew. Cas probably lost faith in him. He probably wondered why Dean didn‘t come to save him after all these years. And he was right. Dean was a coward. He had been broken and bruised and battered and only after Cas had died, something in him healed. The words Cas had said in that room had fueled this little voice inside him, whispering and screaming into his ear that maybe Dean wasn‘t Daddy‘s little soldier, a blunt instrument, a cold-blooded killer. He was stronger than this and only Cas made him realize that he deserved to be saved. But now Cas was gone and up with Jack somewhere, fixing things that could be fixed. A shuddering breath escaped Dean‘s throat as he realized that their bond couldn‘t be fixed anymore. Back then, he didn‘t have a moment to think, a chance to say anything when Cas was swallowed by the Empty. The words came after in these restless nights, in an endless stream, voices in his head that could only be quieted when he grabbed a pen and wrote the words down. Of course he hid them beneath his pillow, these pages full of apologies. Sam never knew.
And now Dean was here, in heaven, with Baby on the road. Cas‘ sacrifice had been for nothing. Cas must really hate him.
I hear the voices when I'm dreaming, I can hear them say
Dean swallowed hard as he kept his eyes on the grey road, his mind running in circles. The trees went by in a flash of green and brown. The road seemed endless. The music echoed in his ears and he just drove. How much time had passed? Ten, fifteen minutes? Ten years on earth? His whole body was frozen, tensed, anxiety-filled, as he sat in this too new car, listening to Kansas, all alone. He never realized how big Baby actually was, how much space there was. It felt strange not to have Sam sitting next to him, pouting about Dean‘s choice of music, Cas in the back, squinting at Dean as he didn‘t get the reference. A bitter chuckle escaped Dean‘s throat as he thought of motel rooms, fast food dinners, coffee spilled on the seats, weapons clinking in the backseat. Fuck. He rubbed his eyes, willing the traitorous tears away. A burning pain spread in his chest and filled his lungs. Dean let out a shaky breath, opening his eyes, looking into the rearview mirror. And froze. Cas.
Carry on, my wayward son, there'll be peace when you are done
The car came to a screeching halt and Dean stumbled out of Baby as fast as he could, keeping his eyes on the angel standing on the middle of the road.
Cas didn‘t move, just looking at him with these beautiful blue eyes. He looked just the way he was when he was swallowed by the empty. When he said those wor- No. Dean didn‘t want to think of it right now. Slowly he walked towards the angel, a few feet of distance parting them. What should he say? Why was Cas here? Why did this all happen? „Hello Dean.“, he heard the familiar gruff voice.„I didn‘t expect you so soon.“ Cas‘ face was hard, blank only for the people that didn‘t know him well. But Dean could see how his jawline was set, how his brows were furrowed, his eyes slightly squinted. Panic washed over him. Cas was pissed. Dean swallowed. „Well – um-“, he started, chuckling nervously. „Vampires, I guess? In the end I got staked. Irony, huh?“, he said awkwardly and glanced at the angel before him. For a while Cas didn‘t say anything. Hurt suddenly flashed over his face before it disappeared beneath the cool mask. „It really was for nothing.“, he muttered and turned around. „Enjoy heaven.“,Castiel said quietly and walked away.
Lay your weary head to rest, don't you cry no more
This could not be happening. Dean just saw Cas again and now he was leaving? Fuck if he let that happen. His feet reacted faster than his mind and ran to him. His hand grabbed Cas‘ arm. He is real, Dean thought, he is really alive. He felt the warmth beneath his fingers through the fabric of the all too familiar trenchcoat.
Great, Dean, now say something. „Cas.“, he stammered. „We...- we need to talk.“ Just friggin‘ peachy, best way to start a conversation, the sarcastic voice in his head said.
Castiel turned around, surprise glinting in his blue eyes. „Dean.“, he said calmly, not moving his arm away. Heart racing, Dean slowly removed his hand.   „Y‘know. What you said-“, he started but Cas already interrupted him. „You don‘t need to do this.“, he said, a sad and angry look on his face. „No, I need to do this. You need to listen to me, Cas!“, replied Dean. Anger surged through him too. „So don‘t fly away with that feathered ass of yours!“
Cas glared at him and in that moment Dean just wanted to punch him. Is it that hard to just stay here and listen to what he has to say?
„Look, Cas.“, Dean started. „I‘m not good with words, so- um..“ Cas just stood still, waiting for what he had to say. It made him nervous. He felt his heart racing in his chest and tried to grasp the next words in his already scrambled brain. Fuck. He really wasn‘t good at this. A few minutes went by, them just staring awkwardly at each other. Then Cas sighed. „I know, Dean. You don‘t feel the same way. You don‘t need to say this.“, he murmured and took a few steps back, shoving his hands down the pockets of his trenchcoat. Dean just gaped at him in shock. „Do you really believe that?“, he said a little louder than expected and flinched. Cas just stared at him blankly, mask all up. „Yes.“, he just said. Oh why did it have to be so hard? „You‘re wrong, Cas.“, Dean growled, patience growing thin. „Oh yeah? Well, let me know if you‘re really sure about this!“, Cas snapped, eyes squinting in anger. „I gave you everything, Dean! And if this is all you can say, then I don‘t see the need to talk about this!“ Okay. Cas really was pissed.
Dean‘s hands clenched to fists and he walked towards him. „You really think I haven‘t thought about this at all? You really think that you mean that little to me? Fuck, Cas. Didn‘t you see that-“, he interrupted himself, hurt washing all over him. His heart was hammering hard in his chest while the other was still glaring at him. „What?“, growled Cas. Dean swallowed and his eyes met Cas‘. Green met Blue. Careful, he laid a hand on Cas‘ shoulder and took a deep breath „I never had the opportunity to reply, Cas.“, he said fiercely, angrily. „You said I could let go of that anger and grief and when you died I couldn‘t. Because I needed you to stay, I needed you here!“. Dean hoped this was enough. He was proud of himself for at least saying something.
But Cas‘ face fell. Anger mixed with fury and disappointment flashed all through his eyes within the matter of seconds. „Alright, Dean, I got it. You‘re hurt. Get over it.“, he hissed and yanked his shoulder away from Dean‘s hand. „Is there anything else? Because I would like to get back to help Jack. I hope you like your heaven, Dean, since I figured it got all you needed.“. Shit. Did Cas create this? Dean staggered back, words lost in his mouth at the revelation that his former friend not only died for him, bled for him and now even created his heaven for him without even expecting anything in return. How did he ever deserve someone like Cas? The angel in question just glared at him. „Goodbye, Dean.“, he just said and turned around, walking away once more. Why he didn‘t use his wings, Dean couldn‘t comprehend. His mind was racing anyway, full of thoughts, full of things he could possibly say. But should he really say something? He stared blankly at Cas‘ back, slowly moving away, further from him. That hurt. That distance hurt. Knowing, that when he let Cas go now, he would never see him again.
„Cas.“, he finally murmured. „Wait.“ Cas showed no sign he heard him and continued walking. This was enough. Something in Dean snapped and he ran. His feet carried him on the hard road, towards the angel. The angel that was once his and all of his and now none of his. One hand grabbed his arm and yanked him around, the other pulling him closer. There was just a second where Dean saw irritation in his eyes before his lips crashed with Cas. They were dry meeting soft ones. Dean‘s entire mind went blank and all he could hear was his heartbeat. Cas seemed frozen in shock. Suddenly, slowly, Dean felt two hands sneaking around his back, grabbing his shirt. Cas returned the kiss with uncertainty which soon disappeared. His hands went to Cas‘ neck, feeling the short black hair at his fingertips. They kissed for seconds, minutes, what could be years on Earth and Dean didn‘t care. He focused on the feeling of Cas. On the radiating warmth that seemed to erase all the hurt and confusion. It felt as if the bond snapped right into place like a broken bone healed. Softly, slowly he pulled away from Cas and opened his eyes. Blue ones looked at him in confusion and hope and Dean let out a shuddering breath, his heart up in his throat. „Me too.“, he whispered and saw Cas‘ eyes widen in shock. Dean couldn‘t help it. He chuckled quietly. „You know, you need to stop looking like that.“, he muttered, which made Cas frown. „Like what?“, he asked with his raspy voice. „Like that stupid angel who wouldn‘t ever believe that I would let him go away like that!“, Dean replied, smirking. His fingers stroked Cas‘ neck and damn, did it feel good. Well, it did feel a little weird, being so close to Cas, but mostly it felt good. „May I remind you, that you‘re the one who died on a rusty nail?“, Cas replied sarcastically and Dean snorted. „Touche.“ He stepped back, but let his hands rest on Cas‘ shoulders, in case that damn angel would still want to fly away. „We good?“, he asked, worry rising up. Maybe Cas really hated him. Maybe he truly did everything wrong.
But the angel nodded, brows furrowed in deep thought. „I think so.“, he murmured and Dean‘s heart jumped. „That‘s good. It‘s good. Good.“, Dean stammered, barely comprehensating what is just happening. Cas forgave him. He let out a long breath of relief and took one of Cas‘ hands, intertwining his fingers with Cas‘. Baby steps. Hands. Kisses. They are both new with this. It will probably still take a while to admit these three words for him. „As long as you‘re with me, Cas.“, he said, smiling. A small tentative smile spread over Cas‘ face and he nodded. „You know I am, Dean.“
Carry on, my wayward son, There'll be peace when you are done
From the moment the angel of the lord pulled the righteous man out of hell they were found and changed, hunting and hurting each other until they were lost again. For twelve years they fought against the world and themselves. Then came death and darkness on their shadowed wings, separating them once more. That day in heaven when they met again something set into place like a well-oiled machine. Just like the black car in which the angel and the hunter explored the whole world together in eternity.
The car which didn‘t feel empty anymore.
And for the first time in years, Dean felt true happiness.
Lay your weary head to rest, don't you cry, don't you cry no more
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calpalirwin · 4 years
Stuck In My Head
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Summary: Anon request- Idk if you've written anything about the quarantine yet? Idk if you feel comfortable right because weird topic. But I feel like Cal has been posting a lot about his mental health during this and it might be cool to explore like living along side him dealing with your own (this was the worst worded request I've ever submitted I'm sorry)
A/N: If you’re struggling, please reach out. I think it’s easy to feel alone, especially now. But please don’t listen to the voice in your head. You are not alone. And you are not bothering anyone. In fact, hearing from you makes our day. 
Content: Mental health awareness. 
Word Count: 1.4k
And away, and away we go!
Melody stared blankly at the television screen. The words “Stay at home order” should have hit deeper. But all she could think about was that it was a good idea Calum had run out to the store. 
“Geez it’s like a zoo out there,” Calum announced while the women continued to stare blankly as Governor Newsom continued his speech about his plans for California during these “troubling times.”
“Uh… Mel? Little help?” Calum asked, snapping his roommate out of her daze.
“Shit, sorry,” she apologized, rushing over to help him with the groceries.
“The news say anything?”
“Stay at home order. God knows for how long.”
“Shit, no wonder the stores were all packed.”
“Yeah. How’s this gonna work for your album next week?”
“Fuck…” The question was enough to stop his actions of unpacking the shopping bags. “Fuck..” he repeated. “We’ll figure something out. Probably last minute, but we’ll figure it out. What does this mean for you? You had that photoshoot planned, didn’t you?”
Melody nodded as they put the last of the groceries away. “Yeah, I’ll have to call my agency, and see what’s going on with that.”
“Well don’t stress too much about it,” Calum told her. “I mean, I know you. I know you’re gonna stress about it. But try not to do it too much.”
Melody rolled her eyes. “Yeah I’ll try not to be too torn up over how now sitting on ass is a contribution to society. Every introvert's dream come true.”
Calum chuckled. “I’m just sayin’. If you need me, I’m here. Same as always.”
Again, Melody was staring blankly at the television screen. The noise was soothing even though she couldn’t focus on the show. She hadn’t been able to focus on much in the last month since quarantine hit. Her job was on hiatus until further notice, and while there was plenty for her to do around the house, she couldn’t bring herself to enjoy it the way she once had.
During the first week she had tried to settle into a routine to keep some semblance of normalcy. But as the days dragged by, time became almost irrelevant. Most nights were spent staring up at her ceiling, watching the fan spin in circles. It took effort to drag herself out of bed before noon. Still, she fought to go through the motions. But it was hard when there was no real reason to. While logically she knew she could get in her car and go visit her friends the way Calum had done with Michael, the excuse of not was heavier than her want. What was there to talk about that couldn’t be said through text anyway? She wanted to see her friends so she could go out with them. But there was nowhere to go out to. And it wasn’t like she didn’t have company because Calum was stuck at home just like she was.
Calum, she was beginning to realize, was the only reason she was bothering putting herself through the paces. She might be sleeping late and wandering around with a blank expression, but at least she was showering, wearing clothes other than sweats, and eating. So she supposed she could be doing a whole lot worse.
But Calum had been right. With the world quiet, there was nothing to drown out the screaming in her mind. Her thoughts swirled angrily in her head and the only relief came through sleep, which of course had been evading her. She had always dealt with insomnia, but having no real routine made it that much worse. She could be on the verge of falling asleep, but it was like the second her head hit the pillow and she finally closed her eyes, she found her energy. Only it wasn’t energy to do anything besides stay awake. Awake and listening to the thoughts.
Melody watched as the ceiling fan spun around in a hypnotizing circle, jealous that it was moving, unlike her. It had been almost ten weeks now and she was just as lost as she had been when this started. Logically she knew there was nothing for her to worry about. Calum and her were healthy. They all had more money than they knew what to do with. Groceries and other things were being shipped to their doorstep. There was nothing actually wrong. But no amount of talking on the phone with her family and friends, or taking Duke out for small walks around the neighborhood with Calum was enough to shake the feeling of emptiness. Like everything was pause, but it was only on pause for her. Her roommate had managed to stay plenty busy with his music in spite of everything coming to a complete standstill. And while she knew that had nothing to do with her, she couldn’t stop the comparison no matter how hard she tried.
If you need me, I’m here. Same as always.
“Even at… 2:47 am, Cal?” she whispered in the dark as she climbed out of bed.
She paused outside of his bedroom door, debating. It was late. He was probably fast asleep. She should probably just go back to her own room and try again to fall asleep. “Cal?” she asked, her voice low as she entered the dark bedroom. “Cal, are you awake?”
She heard the jingle of Duke’s collar as the dog woke up to readjust himself on the bed. Calum’s arm moved out from under the covers, patting around beside him. “Duke, go back to sleep,” he grumbled, still more or less fully asleep.
“Cal, it’s me,” Melody told him, moving further into the bedroom.
“Mel,” Calum acknowledged as he yawned. “Just Mel, Duke.”
“Cal, scooch over,” she directed as she swallowed her hesitation and edged herself onto his bed.
“Mel, shh. I’m sleepin’,” Calum scolded lightly, but he rolled over in his sleep, allowing her to curl up next to him.
“Keep sleeping, then,” she whispered at him.
Again, he rolled over in his sleep, his arm falling across her. He startled awake, not expecting to find a body there. “Fuck, Mel! Way to give a guy a heart attack! What are you doing in here? Some watchdog you are, Duke…” His voice lost the heaviness of sleep as he worked himself awake with his rambling.
Melody stared up at Calum’s ceiling, watching the fan make its rounds, feeling stupider by the second.
“Mel?” Calum prompted after a good minute or two of silence. “Everything okay?”
“Can’t sleep.”
“Mmm, so bothering me seemed like a good idea?”
Melody rolled her eyes and pushed into his shoulder, his chuckle a deep rumble. “You said you were here if I needed you, yeah?”
“Well I need you.”
He shifted in bed to sit up against the headboard, draping an arm across her shoulder. “Took you long enough.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked, leaning against his shoulder.
“You were going off the deep end before this started.”
“And you didn’t think to say anything?”
He shrugged. “If I approached you, you would get defensive, and retreat further inside yourself.”
“Yeah, I suppose you’re right.”
“So what’s going on in that head of yours?”
“Feeling like a failure. Like no matter how fast I move towards my future, I still feel like I’m getting left behind somehow. Like what I'm doing doesn’t measure up to what other people my age are doing.”
“And with the world at a standstill, you don’t have the noise to silence that voice.”
“Exactly. I mean, I’m cooped up in here for days on end. With nothing but my thoughts to keep me company. And as much as I know that voice is wrong, there’s nothing to dispute it. And it feels weird to complain that I feel useless and helpless when I know that there are people out there who are actually struggling. People who can’t make ends meet even when they did have jobs to go to.”
“Okay, but that’s not how pain works. You’re allowed to hurt, too.”
“But I don’t want to hurt, Cal. That's the whole problem. I don’t want to feel like this.”
“Well, what do you want?”
“I don’t know. This maybe? To be held by someone I know cares about me.”
“Maybe a little.”
“Well, good. So am I.” He shifted one last time to lay down on his side, pulling Melody’s back to his chest. “Do you mind?”
“No, not at all. This is…” her voice choked around the words, cutting off her sentence.
Calum’s chin rubbed in her hair as he nodded. “I know. I got you, and you got me, right?”
“Always, Cal, always.”
Tag List
@frontmanash​ @goeatsomelife​ @flameraine​ @here-for-the-uproars​ @cxddlyash​ @1-irwin-94​ @sparkling-calm​ @tea4sykes​ @youngblood199456​ @5-seconds-of-obsession​ @gosh-im-short​ @aquarius-hood1996​ @talkfastromance4​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @philthepegacorn​ @boomerash​
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mcfiddlestan · 4 years
Last 10 Fics Tag Meme
Rules: Post the first lines of your last ten fics read or written and then tag others to do the same.
No one tagged me, but I saw it in the tags of one of my ships and it looked fun.
1. Untitled WinterFrost Single Dad AU (Bucky/Loki)
The sound of his front door opening and closing pulled Loki from a deep sleep. So deep, it took him a moment to remember where he was and how he knew that was his front door. His eyes opened slowly once, twice, and then again, to nothing but the darkness of what he was sure was his bedroom. Then the pounding started. Incessantly, pulsing around his entire head. Damned migraines. Loki let out a low grain, thought fuck it, and buried his face deeper into his pillow. Moments later, the door to his bedroom pushed open.
“Time to rise, Sunshine.”
Loki grumbled at the familiar voice, and slowly, he turned his body, rolling onto his back. “Why are you always so chipper in the morning? Oh, for Norn’s sake!” He threw a pillow over his face as the curtains were pulled open and let the blinding daylight flood the room. “I’ve got a damn migraine!”
2. Untitled Stucky Modern AU (Steve/Bucky and a healthy side of Sam/Natasha)
Bucky, his mind drawing a blank, was idly strumming his guitar when he heard the hard slam coming from next door. He surmised his neighbor and best friend, Natasha, had returned from her date, and assumed she’d be over in a few minutes to tell him about it. But when he heard a couple more distant slams and one very heavy thump against their shared wall, his curiosity got the better of him. Setting aside his black Fender, and stepping carefully over a dozing Avalanche, his tuxedo cat, Bucky walked barefoot through his apartment, into the hall, and breezed right into Natasha’s apartment.
He didn’t see her, but Bucky heard Natasha swear sharply, followed by something rattling against the hardwood floor. Waiting, he slipped his hands into the pockets of his dark sweatpants. Bucky watched as the top of Natasha’s head, burgundy hair in a stylish messy bun, popped up as she’d bent to pick up what he suspected was the cap to the bottle of vodka in her hand. “Hey, babe.”
Natasha turned dark green eyes on him, a sour expression pinching her usually attractive features, and said nothing, only moving to pour herself a full tumbler glass of the clear liquor. Bucky watched her swallow down most of it then waited silently as she filled it up once again.
He moved to rest his elbows on her pub height dining table. “Bad date?”
“You think?”
3. A Boyfriend for Christmas (Bucky/Loki)
“I need your help.”
Loki stared at the man in his doorway for a good five seconds, his lips in a thin red line, and his perfectly groomed black brows arched in curiosity. The man — his neighbor, Loki knew — was good-looking, Loki thought as he took the time to look him over, lips turning up in a soft grin. “Good evening to you, too, 9B.” The man’s lashes fluttered as they did a quick change from widened panic to a more relaxed gaze. Norns, his eyes were an impossible blue. “I can’t promise to help, but try me,” Loki drawled, taking a casual stance, crossing his arms as he leaned against the door jamb.
“Okay. Believe me, I know how this is gonna sound, and I swear I’ll make it up to you — somehow — but…well…okay. Here goes…” Loki cocked a brow, amused. “I need you to be my boyfriend for one night.”
Surprised, and maybe even surprising his neighbor, too, Loki laughed, a tickled near-giggle, and straightened. “You need me to do what now?”
4. Welcome Home -- working title (Bucky/Loki)
Bucky woke with a start, shooting up in his bed, and opening his eyes to near darkness, but for the faint orange glow of the streetlamps outside his bedroom window. For a moment, he was still in the dream; back in the desert, embedded in dirt, surrounded by heat. And flanked by Steve. On his right. He rubbed at his eyes, harder than necessary, willing the image of his best friend smiling and laughing to fade away again. 
Two years had passed since it all happened. The first year was the hardest. Stuck in the hospital, healing, speaking to no one but nurses and doctors — and the occasional military personnel, looking for the gory details. The minute he was out, Bucky was hounded by government officials wanting him to attend various memorials in the good captain’s name. Wanting him to relive the worst day of his life — which is saying a lot for a kid from Brooklyn who wasn’t far from ground zero on September 11, 2001. Was it any wonder that Bucky chose to up and disappear and go into hiding once it all finally ended?
5. WinterFrost Tumblr PWP Prompt (Bucky/Loki)
Bucky barged into the loft apartment, a dark expression screwing up his face, and paused just as the door slammed closed. His eyes, hidden beneath the black face paint smeared around them, like a burglar’s mask, did a quick scan of the layout of the open space before him. He kicked off his muddy boots, leaving them near the door, knowing his ‘loftmate’ wouldn’t take kindly to him leaving a dirt track through the well-kept place. He made a quick mental note to take care of the boots first thing in the morning. His mouth in a deep pout, Bucky thought to himself that it was times like this when he returned from a mission exhausted and not in the mood for company, that he wondered why he ever decided to move in with Loki, resident God of Mischief.
6. Post-Civil War/Ragnarok Frostiron AU (Tony/Loki)
There was no doubt in Tony’s mind just exactly what -- or rather who -- brought that subtle shift in atmosphere into the lab. He’d been expecting it, at some point, if he was honest with himself. And while a small part of him felt relief, there was, always had been, that slightly narcissistic part of his personality that would resent not being at the top of a certain someone’s to-do list.
Tony felt the faint flutter of air sweep across the back of his neck first, which reminded him he really needed to get a haircut. His nose tickled at the sharp tang the wafting scent of ozone often left in its wake. Realization about what exactly was about to transpire had Tony’s stomach doing a bit of a flip; pride, though, forced him to remain with his back to where he felt someone else’s presence. For a fleeting moment, Tony wondered if he could handle this.
Recalling everything that had happened since he last saw his visitor -- the mess with Ultron, the devastating truth about his parents’ deaths, the ends of friendships he actually mourned, the airport, Rhodey, the kid, the Accords -- all of it was a rollercoaster ride for which Tony had never signed up. But this...this one had hurt. The worst part was having to hide the hurt, the heartbreak, because no one knew. No one; not Pepper, not Happy. Not even Rhodey. Nobody knew the blow it was to the one they called Iron Man. How could they? No one knew that Iron Man had fallen in love with the God of Mischief.
7. Untitled Royals AU (Tony/Loki, with a splash of Bucky/Loki)
“Do you enjoy embarrassing me like this?”
Odin, King of Asgard, aimed a dark look across the conference table at Loki, the younger of his two sons, his anger and frustration growing by the second. The air of arrogance and disinterest emanating from Loki, raven-haired and more handsome than was good for him at an aggravating twenty-four years old, was making Odin curl his weathered hands into tight fists on top of the table. Loki looked at him, a questionable flash of surprise crossing his pale, chiseled features, his mostly-green eyes all but twinkling at him, mocking and laughing. 
“Of course I don’t.”
He was no fool; not Odin Borson. His expression darkened further, as he waited for the next words to come from Prince Loki’s mouth. 
“It’s not that I don’t enjoy embarrassing you. It’s more that it’s…a perk.” He smirked at Odin, like the brat he was, and Odin’s response was interjected by the Queen’s subtle astonishment. 
“Loki.” His eyes moved to her, and her disapproving look, and the smirk vanished. 
Odin slammed the newspaper that he’d been keeping in his lap to the glossy top of the long mahogany table. The headlines of Loki’s chaotic week in the States screamed about alcohol, fast cars, and the general recklessness of a perceived overly-spoiled son of royalty. “This is not a joke, Loki.”
8. Take A Bow (Tony/Loki)
Loki rushed through the narrow hallway, coughing to clear his throat of the makeshift fog that had filled the stage for the final moments of the play. By the time he reached the haven of his dressing room, his necktie was undone and his shirt was half unbuttoned. The hurried shouts and stomps of people working backstage were blissfully drowned out as Darcy, his new young assistant, quickly closed the door behind him.
“Great show tonight, Boss,” Darcy chirped as she took the discarded tie Loki handed over and waited to take his costume jacket and vest. Loki chuckled a thank you as she turned away from him. He urged her several times already to just call him by his name, but she insisted on calling him Boss, like he was a gangster in the 1930s. Darcy returned with a glass of water and Loki smiled his thanks before taking a long drink.
9. The House Guest (genderswapped FrostIron, fem!Toni/fem!Loki)
Loki sat in the front seat of a beat-up red convertible and stared blankly ahead. A mixture of hurt and anger had her brow furrowing, her lips pressed tightly together, and her chin, goddammit, was trembling. As Fandral droned on, giving his pathetic explanation, Loki did her best to focus on the other sounds around her — the birds chirping in the late summer morning; a neighbor’s dog barking in the distance; someone’s car alarm down the street malfunctioning — and fought to keep her eyes, fixated now on the white garage door in front of the car, from filling with tears.
Bullshit. She was hearing noting but utter bullshit. Her high school days behind her, Loki had spent the summer constructing plans for the next few months that didn’t involve going to her father’s alma mater in New York and spending the next four years of her life behind more piles of books. She had no interest in swapping high school jocks for frat boys. What she’d had were plans to go on a road trip across the States — and beyond — with Fandral, making love and making music.
But, apparently, Fandral had other plans. And the shitty reasons he was giving for not staying with Loki weren’t helping her understand any better.
10. WinterIron Bodyguard AU (Bucky/Tony)
“Founder and CEO of Stark International and Columbia professor wife critically injured in car accident.”
“Howard Stark, 69, runs car off-road in upstate New York.”
“Socialite couple Howard and Maria Stark injured in car accident. Condition, for both, critical.”
Tony watched the words all but screaming at him from the two flat-screen televisions mounted side-by-side on his bedroom wall, frozen in the spot where he stood by his bed. The words the news anchors spoke, giving details of the accident, were nothing but white noise in his ears. He’d gone numb. He processed nothing. Except that his parents had been in a horrific car accident — a shot of what was left of father’s silver Cadillac made Tony’s knees give out and he dropped to the foot of his bed.
How could anyone survive that? he thought to himself.
Tagging @teadrinkingwolfgirl @incredifishface @maeve-curry-writes @stephrc79 and literally anyone else who wants to/feels like doing it (tagged peeps, don’t feel obligated!)
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trade-baby-blues · 6 years
Pairing: Bones x Reader
Word Count: 2210
Warnings: Some swearing, so much fluff 
A/N: Prompt 14 ( Character A can’t travel to see their family on Christmas, so they invite their grumpy loner neighbor Character B) requested by @cuddlememerrick​! I had a good time writing this so hopefully you like it!! I sure didn’t proofread it so sorry if there are mistakes lmao. 
“All flights cancelled.” Your heart leapt to your throat while you refreshed the page, as if in the second it took to reload the blizzard outside would have dissipated and the skies would be clear enough to fly. “All flights cancelled.”
You threw your phone onto the bed before flopping face-first down next to it and letting out a muffled scream. You could practically hear your mother’s voice in your head telling you not to book a last minute flight. The phone buzzed beside you and you groaned, rolling over to look at the caller ID. The Mothership. Even when she was a thousand miles away she could read your mind.
Deciding it was in your best interest, you ignored the call, grabbing your packed back and car keys instead. If you couldn't fly to see your parents, you’d just have to drive, weather be damned. You pulled a beanie down over your ears with grim determination, ready to face your fate.
No sooner had you turned the door handle than the door swung open. Cold air rushed in and it seemed like the more you squinted the more snow appeared outside. “Yeah fuck this,” you muttered to yourself, forcing the door closed. You slid down it in defeat, still covered head-to-toe in winter gear as you rummaged through your pockets for your phone. The screen lit up with another call from your mother. This time you answered.
“Hey Ma.” You could hardly hear her over the roar of your nieces and nephews in the background. “Yeah, about that. There's a blizzard here and-. No, no a BLIZZARD not a lizard. Yes, yeah all the flights are cancelled. I’m not gonna make-” A loud crash on the background cut you off. The phone was dead silent for all of one second before your mother started screaming about her heirloom plates. You figured this would be a good time to hang up and count your blessings. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad spending Christmas alone.
As soon as the thought crossed your mind, the power in your house went out, plunging you into darkness. You let your head fall back against the door with a groan. The cold set in almost immediately, and soon, even your layers of winter coats weren't enough to keep you warm.
You stood up carefully, feeling your way around the kitchen, almost tripping over your own suitcases. You barely managed to catch yourself on the kitchen table before muttering a string of curses. “Phone. Flashlight.” You pulled the phone out of your pocket, but the slick screen slipped through your gloved fingers and the phone went skidding across the floor. You took a moment to compose yourself, staring blankly into the distance.
That's when you noticed your neighbor’s light on. You could barely make out his silhouette pacing back and forth in his kitchen. His well-lit, well heated kitchen.
You decided finding your phone could wait and made your way back to the door, careful to avoid your stack of luggage. Adjusting your coat and pulling your scarf tight, you braced yourself against the cold as you raced to lock your door and bolt to your neighbor’s stoop. You knocked frantically, unsure if he could actually hear you over the howling wind. Thankfully, your luck seemed to be changing as he pulled his front door open.
He stared at you with an open mouth, one hand cradling his phone to his ear, the other on the door handle. Several seconds passed before his brain kicked in again and he motioned for you to come inside. You stood awkwardly in his foyer, the snow on your clothes already beginning to melt.
“I know, baby. I know. Daddy’s so sorry he can't be there for Christmas, but I promise it’ll be an extra special New Year’s. I love you, too. Sweet dreams, pumpkin.” Leonard pinched the bridge of his nose after hanging up the phone. You thought for a second you saw tears in his eyes, but maybe it was just some stray snow.
“So…” you began, realizing crashing your neighbor's house might not have been the best idea. Especially when you've had all of two conversations.
“You just ran through a blizzard.” Leonard said with the dead-pan of a man who’d seen more than his share of stupid things.
“Yeah, I mean it was like ten feet.”
“In a damn blizzard. What could be so important?”
You dropped your gaze. Definitely not a great idea. “My heat’s out,” you muttered. “And I saw you still have power so I thought I’d ask if I could hang out here until my power comes back on. If that’s...you know. If that's cool with you.” You bit your bottom lip and begged yourself to calm down, hoping Leonard didn't think you were too much of a spaz.
He sighed, infamous scowl still set on his face. “Probably won't be back on until morning.” Leonard walked towards the kitchen, setting his phone on the table.
“Oh, well...I can just go back then.”
Leonard scoffed. “Don't be an idiot. And take off that damn jacket before you burn up.”
You shifted the jacket off awkwardly, looking around for a hook to put it. Finding none, you added it to what seemed to be a pile of jackets by the front door, stacking what felt like ten full pounds of winter gear on top.
“Do you like hot cocoa,” Leonard called from the kitchen.
“Tch, is my heart beating,” you asked sarcastically, leaning in the doorway.
Leonard set two mugs on the counter as he walked over to you. “Let me check,” he said, taking your hand and pressing two fingers to your wrist. His brow furrowed in faux concern. “Nope. Dead as a doornail. Sorry, sugar.” He let your wrist go with a wink. “So, you want some cocoa?”
You rolled your eyes, wrist still tingling where Leonard touched you. “Yes, please, sir.” Your focus shifted to the kitchen decor, causing you to miss the way Leonard’s hands tightened around the mugs.
He handed you one along with a dazzling smile. “If the cocoa doesn't warm you up, the Irish Cream should.”
You took one sip and moaned, making Leonard damn near choke on his own cocoa. “Ugh, a man after my heart. I didn't know hot chocolate could taste this good.”
“McCoy family recipe.”
“Then I think it's time for me to become a McCoy,” you said before your brain caught up to you. When it finally did, the tips of your ears flushed bright pink.
“Mm,” Leonard started, taking another sip of cocoa. “I think it's normally drinks, dinner, then marriage, right? So how about we get dinner first?”
At that moment, you really must have been a sight: hair ruffled and unkempt from the beanie, cheeks getting redder by the second, jaw hanging open, eyes wide and clearly panicking as you begged your brain to come up with a coherent thought while it banged pots and pans together instead.
Luckily, you didn't have to make a comeback because Leonard’s phone rang again. He looked at it then up to you apologetically. “Gotta take this, sweetheart. Make yourself at home.”
He stepped out of the room, and you took a moment to gather yourself. You’d hardly spoken to the guy and here he was joking about dinner and drinks? It's not like he wasn't attractive. His jawline had definitely haunted more than one of your dreams, and those delicious arms made summer yard work seem less like a chore. That didn't change the fact that you'd been neighbors for two years and you knew jack shit about him.
Maybe now’s the time to find out, you thought, making your way into the living room. It was sparsely decorated. A few throw pillows on the couch and a blanket that looked homemade. The bookshelf, however, was packed full with books that were cluttered together in a way that made you think there must be some order to it, even if you didn’t know what it was.
On the mantle stood several plain black picture frames, each with a picture of Leonard and a young girl. You could remember him mentioning a daughter once, but you’d never seen her. She looked almost nothing like him, save for a mop of brown hair and a similar look of determination in her eyes. You wondered if she looked like her mother, but there weren’t any pictures to compare.
“Sorry about that,” Leonard said, walking back into the living room. You spun around too quickly, trying to act like you weren’t snooping. “Mom was worried about the storm.” He dropped himself onto the couch. “So. You want to watch a movie or are you gonna stand there staring all night?”
“I’m not...I’m not staring,” you laughed. “I’m...contemplating.”
“And what are you contemplating?” Leonard kept his voice level, but he had to fight back a smile.
“Whether or not freezing to death might actually be better than spending the night with you.” You crossed your arms, pretending to be upset as you sat down on the couch next to Leonard.
“I’m sure I can make it worth your while.” Leonard slipped an arm around your shoulder. If you had looked at him, you probably would’ve swooned at the look he was giving you. Sadly, you were staring at a particularly interesting spot on the carpet while you tried to keep your breathing even. “Now, what’s your favorite Christmas movie?”
“Jurassic Park,” you said without hesitation. Leonard barked a laugh before he could catch himself. “What? Got a problem with dinosaurs?”
“No, I’ve just never thought of Jurassic Park as a Christmas movie.”
“It is if you imagine all the dinosaurs are wearing little Christmas hats.” You didn’t miss the side eye Leonard sent you and rolled your eyes. “Okay, so I was really into dinosaurs as a kid and my sister and I would always watch the Jurassic Park series when we staying up on Christmas Eve. It’s sort of a tradition now.”
Leonard chuckled to himself, shaking his head slightly while he browsed through Netflix. He pressed play and put his arm around your shoulders again. This time, you took the invitation to curl up closer to him, resting your head against his shoulder. Between the movie in the background and the warmth from Leonard’s body, you didn’t even make it through the title sequence before you were fast asleep.
The first thing you noticed was this was definitely not your bed. You opened one eye, trying to get a grip on your surroundings, but nothing looked familiar. It smelled familiar. It smelled like
“Leonard,” you said, shooting up. You couldn’t remember how you’d gotten into his bedroom yet here you were. By the looks of it, the other side of the bed hadn’t been slept in, and you felt a pang of guilt. Then, the smell of pancakes drifted through the open door and the guilt was replaced with hunger.
You followed the smell into the kitchen to find Leonard hard at work over the stove, churning out  Christmas-tree shaped pancakes. Despite your hunger, you hardly noticed the food, focused instead on something even more delicious: Leonard stood dressed in a pair of plaid lounge pants slung sinfully low, hair ruffled from from sleep. His thermal shirt clung tightly to his arms and, suddenly, you missed the feel of those arms around you.
“Hey,” Leonard said, finally noticing you in the doorway. “Don’t think I have to ask how you slept.” He flashed you a brilliant smile. “Hope you like pancakes.”
“I do, but I should probably get going before the next blizzard strikes.”
“Flights are still cancelled,” Leonard said. “I checked first thing this morning.” You swore under your breath, but Leonard only smiled harder. “That eager to be rid of me?”
“Oh, no. Definitely not. This,” you said, gesturing towards Leonard and the pancakes, “is is something I could get used to.”
“Do you want to?” Leonard dropped his gaze, unsure if he was more scared of rejection or the possibility that you might actually say yes.
“Do I want to what,” you asked.
Leonard put his spatula down, taking a step closer to you. “Get used to this,” he said. “With me.”
You fumbled for words before deciding that maybe they weren’t best right now. Instead, you took two steps forward, closing the distance between the two of you. One of Leonard’s arms snaked around your waist while the other went up your back, hand tangling in your hair. Everything about him felt perfect, and you couldn’t help the goofy grin that spread across your face as you pulled away.
“You taste like vanilla.”
“It’s the pancakes,” Leonard said, pressing his lips to yours again.
“God I’ve wanted to do that since I walked in last night.”
“Really,” Leonard laughed sheepishly. “I’ve wanted to do that for five months.” You were about to respond, when you smelled something burning. Leonard must have smelled it too, because he wheeled around towards the stove. He scrambled to salvage what he could, muttering under his breath, and you felt your heart swell. Yeah, you could definitely get used to this.
@outside-the-government @martinawalker@thevalesofanduin@goingknowherewastaken @thefanficfaerie@brooke-taylor0323 @slither-in-a-half @cuddlememerrick@reading-in-moonlight @8bit-arc-reactor @jimtkirkisabitch@sjlovestory @kristaparadowski @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse
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theprodigypenguin · 6 years
Harry Potter AU where instead if standing there laughing like a lunatic, Sirius transforms into a dog at the last second and gets away from the Ministry. Thus beginning his years as That Stray™ of Privet Drive. Prepare for an insanely long post just fyi:
He shows up about a week after Harry is dropped on the Dursley's doorstep.
Sirius is smart enough to understand he's a wanted man and can't reveal himself, and they would never let him take Harry, so he does his best from a distance.
No one really notices him at first, some people think oh he moved in with these people or those.
It takes them a while to realize he's a Stray.
They try to chase him off but he always comes back, and mysteriously disappears whenever the dog catcher is called.
He lingers mostly by the Dursley's, finding a nice rose bush to burrow under that gives a perfect view of the house.
It's a vigil he keeps up for years, ears perking up whenever he hears a baby crying. He can so easily pick out Harry's cries from that other kid in there, but it pleases him and worries him that Harry doesn't cry that often.
For the longest time he doesn't see Harry. He eats from the trash and sleeps in the rain, occasionally daring to move towards the house and try to look through the window.
The first time he gets a look at Harry is half a year later. He's seated in a worn out highchair looking curious as he plays with bits of cereal laid out for him, while his aunt and uncle stand on the other side of the table with another highchair and another baby.
This one pudgy and red faced and screaming as his mother, Lily's sister, tries to get mashed carrots and peas down his throat. He doesn't settle until Petunia gives him a cake, and sets the baby food in front of Harry without a spoon.
There's a scar on his forehead that Sirius sees for the first time, still red and blotched purple as if still healing, in the shape of a lightning bolt.
Sirius' heart breaks in half as his baby godson eats the food left for him unsupervised, scooping the mush onto his fingers because it was familiar and eating it. He looked happy enough, but Sirius could hear through the window when he swivels around and chatters "mumma? Mumma?"
"It's talking again, Petunia darling."
"How am I supposed to stop it?"
"Da? Da?"
"Shut him up, he's upsetting Dudley!"
Sirius growls, Harry must have heard, his green eyes finding Sirius at the window and breaking into a grin as he waved his fists, "Pa-foo! Pa-foo!"
Sirius wants to cry. Harry remembered him.
Then Petunia sees him and screams, Dudley starts crying and Vernon Dursley yells at the window and crashed to the ground, tripping as he tries to get out of his chair, but Harry is laughing and clapping and Sirius feels pleased with his work as he dashes off to hide.
The first time he's given the chance to get near Harry and not just see him through the windows is when harry is five years old.
It's a scorching day out but Harry is sitting on the front stoop of the Dursley's home. He'd been brought there thirty minutes ago by Petunia and given a popsicle, told to keep quiet while Dudley's having his playdate.
He's dressed sloppily, his clothes are too big for him, his sleeve stained in the popsicle that was melting down his hand because he couldn't eat it fast enough. His eyes were squinted like he couldn't quite see and Sirius could already tell he would need glasses. Why he didn't already have them was a mystery.
Sirius, hiding under a bush till that point, creeps out and over to Harry with his head low, just in case he startles him, but little Harry is so brave even at his young age, head turning to squint at Sirius and lighting up when he seems to realize it was a dog.
The polite boy he was offers his popsicle to Sirius, who wasn't rude enough to refuse, and they spend the afternoon finishing the popsicle before he sits next to Harry, who babbles on and on about everything, though he couldn't quite talk well yet. He was a smart boy, despite being only five years old.
Sirius almost forgets he shouldn't be there when Petunia opens the door hours later and screams in horror. Sirius bolts as Vernon sends a kick at him, and Harry complains about his friend being chased away.
Mrs. Figg is not a dog person, but Sirius IS a cat person, and her cats take a liking to him immediately. Some seem to know he was more than what he appeared to be.
He wasn't allowed in the house, but Mrs. Figg left him water and food on the back porch and didn't complain when he slept on her porch swing.
He loved it there even more when the Dursley's started to leave Harry there for Mrs. Figg to babysit. He would sit on the porch and watch dutifully through the glass door as the old woman showed Harry albums of her cats before falling asleep in her chair.
Once she had, he would paw at the door to get Harry's attention, and the boy would come outside to sit with him. He would talk about his day, the Dursley's, whom Sirius was growing to hate more and more each day. Sometimes he would throw a stick or ball, and damn if Sirius wasn't going to chase it to make his godson smile.
He had glasses finally, and his green eyes were just like his mother's, but he looked so much like James already that Sirius sometimes felt his heart being torn out of his chest.
When Harry was eight, somehow Sirius managed to get into the Dursley's house. His godson lead him through the front door and Petunia screamed, and Harry asked if he could keep him.
"No! No! Get that thing out this instant! You stupid boy! That's not even a dog, it's a bear! A bear!"
There was a lot of yelling, Sirius kept his head low, torn between pretending he was a good boy and snarling or snapping at anyone who came close to his godson. He went for the first route and laid himself down, his body trembling from the force it took not to lunge at Vernon Dursley's fat neck.
"If I can keep him I won't talk for a whole two months," Harry said, "and Dudley can have all my desert until I'm ten."
Vernon appeared amused at the proposal, deviously so, "One word out of you and the mutt goes!"
Sirius felt proud of Harry for managing that, but sick at the same time. He expected to be brought to a bedroom, and instead Harry opened a door under the stairs and scooted in before patting the area beside him on the bed that had been shoved in there.
The moment Sirius had jumped up, Vernon had shut the door, and Sirius was utterly horrified when he heard the lock engage and the grate shut with a yell of "not a word!"
Sirius moved between lying on the bed and lying on the but of ground between the bed and the door. Harry kept to his word and remained utterly mute for an entire two months when he was with his family.
The only time he spoke was deep into the knight, with Sirius curled up on the bed and sharing the pillow with Harry as he whispered stories and told Sirius about his day, about muggle school, about the kids bullying him.
"I need to name you, you know?" Harry whispered the first night, "If you're gonna be my dog from now on. What do you think? Spot? Shadow? Spike?"
Sirius snorted loudly and shook his head, ears flapping. What kind or names were those? Harry had definitely inherited his father's pension for bad titles.
"Alright, what about Bolt? Or Ace?"
Harry fell asleep halfway through his long list of absolutely horrible names, and Sirius, for the first time in years, transformed back into himself.
There was no way he was going to live there if Harry was going to give him a dumb ass name like Apollo, Bo, or Benji. So he found a notebook and scribbled down all the names Harry had thought up before writing down "Padfoot" at the bottom and circling it a few times, then transformed back and curled up at Harry's feet.
The next morning Harry was very confused ("Did I write this down? I must have.") But he didn't question it and just settled for the name he must have circled.
"I don't know why I liked Padfoot so much last night, it's a weird name isn't it."
Sirius was greatly offended by it, but there was something warm and nostalgic at the way Harry called him "Pads". It made him even happier when Harry told Vernon his name, because it made his face red in fury.
"What a stupid name! Unnatural! Ridiculous!"
For the next few years, Sirius acted as Padfoot, the Stray taken in by the Dursley's but owned by Harry. He was happy to be with his godson, that was all he wanted, but little things made him so made that sometimes he couldn't stand it, and more than once he nearly transformed to hex the faces off of the Dursley's.
Sirius was kicked out of the house whenever Harry was at school, which was well and good in his opinion, for it allowed him to remain close at all times, watching his godson in the playground and sneaking out to join him when no one was looking. He nipped at the kids who bullied Harry, never actually biting them because then he could get in trouble and wouldn't be able to stay with Harry.
When Hagrid first came on Harry's eleventh birthday, Sirius worried maybe he'd be found out, but instead Hagrid only marveled at him (massive dog, got one of my own, name of Fang, you'll meet him soon Harry!).
Sirius was stuck out of the house for the next year, waiting patiently for Harry to return with news of Hogwarts, happy that they had moved to a bigger room up the stairs, likely to appease Dumbledore. Sirius liked it much better than the little cupboard, and he liked the gorgeous snowy owl that Harry had dubbed Hedwig.
He sat and marveled as his godson showed off pictures of his new friends and told him stories about magic, revealing his wand and wisely saying he wasn't allowed to use magic outside school but don't tell the Dursley's.
His favorite thing was the scrapbook Hagrid had given him, filled with pictures of James and Lily, one framed and sitting on his bedside table that Sirius would sometimes sit and stare at for hours on end, blankly, pitifully.
The second year, when the house elf appeared, and Ron Weasley came flying in a car to rescue Harry, he was urged into the car just as Vernon came crashing through the door, sitting on Harry's lap as they flew in the Ford Anglia towards the Weasley home.
"That's one gnarly mut, Harry," one of the twins noted, and Harry wrapped his arms around Sirius.
"Isn't he brilliant?"
"Massive. And scary," Ron wavered, "Mind keeping him away from Scabbers, do you? Don't mean to be mean, but-."
"Alright Ron, Pads is used to being outside. That okay?"
Sirius nuzzled his bangs, nose against Harry's scar, because no he didn't mind, because they were out of that house and Harry seemed very excited.
Truly the Burrow was a sight to behold, Sirius thought it brilliant, and Molly Weasley didn't mind him as much when she found him chasing gnomes out of her garden. She though it was excellent, offering him bits of bacon as a reward, and Sirius was all too happy to stay there when Molly offered.
"We'll look after him while you're away, Harry darling, make sure he's well fed and exercised. Scrawny and scruffy thing."
Sirius wasn't that excited when Harry, Ron, and the twins were tasked with bathing him, because he wasn't allowed into the house until he was scrubbed clean, complaining the entire time he was being hosed with jets of water and soap and head stooping in complaint when Harry and Ron set about combing the tangles from his black fur.
Only made worse when Ginny started tying bows into the fur at the top of his head while Fred and George laughed themselves sick.
Sirius was a good pet, he was patient and he was enjoying being with Harry, helping him as well as he could, but there were things that he just would not stand for. A year later, the newspaper that Harry recieved from Ron in the mail, that showed the Weasley family in Egypt, had Sirius sick in anger. There on Ron's shoulder was a rat, and Sirius recognized him, as many times he'd seen him transform.
He left that summer, and made the mistake of transforming and being seen by the public, and the next thing he knew his face was being plastered in the Daily Prophet and even the muggle news. Murderer Sirius Black, twelve years a fugitive, spotted after so many years.
He couldn't get close to Harry after that, people were watching out for him now, so he could only follow from a distance, traversing the cruel countryside on his way to Hogwarts and hiding out in the Forbidden Forest, waiting for his chance.
He saw Remus there, for the first time in so long, so many years, and something in his heart both shattered and swelled. He looked aged, tired, but he looked at home, like he belonged there at Hogwarts, as the DADA professor. Like it was truly what he was always meant to do.
During the full moons Sirius sat at the edge of the forest waiting, watching, just in case, in case Remus needed him, but he never saw him wandering thr grounds. Sirius only hoped he was okay.
Many times he'd see Remus walking alone, limping, a walking stick in his hand that he leaned heavily against. Sirius trailed after him and stayed in the shadows, watched after his old friend.
His favorite moments were when Remus walked with Harry, talking, many times talking about James and Lily, and Sirius was so happy that Harry had someone he could talk to about his parents, who knew his parents as well as Remus did.
Harry didn't seem all that worried over the Grimm prophecy that he discussed with Remus, shrugging casually.
Harry: That's not a Grimm, that's my dog, Padfoot.
Remus: Pad what now?
Harry: Yea, but he ran away just after school got out last year. I hope he's okay.
Remus: Pad what now?
We all know how oblivious Harry is though.
"The Mauraders map has my dogs name on it, how weird."
The rest of the year goes by the same as in the books, Sirius ends it by escaping with Buckbeak and Harry is left very confused but very happy.
"I guess my godfather was with me all this time after all, looking out for me."
"It's only a little weird that he was a dog for like, twelve whole years."
"And slept on the foot of my bed."
Remus: He did that when we were younger too. Sometimes he did it when he wasn't transformed. I don't think he realized.
Sirius: Remus he wanted to call me Spot.
Remus: Lol.
Sirius: It's not funny, Moons.
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uglypastels · 6 years
✏ My fact is that I have an obsession with Lisa Frank stickers and art even though I'm almost 17. The title I have for you is; "Eyes as bright as the stars and heart as big as the sun" sorry if it's to long, I can send a different one instead.
I did switch up the title. Hope you don’t mind. I was really inspired by it, so I didn’t want something else. 
It turned out to be a bit longer than a “short” story. Hope you Enjoy!! 
The Sun, the Stars and the Moon // Tom Holland
Tom stirred in his sleep. Frustrating images flashed before his eyes before he jumped up, waking himself up. His hand reached up to his heart, while the other for the hand of (Y/N). She didn’t even budge, her chest rising and falling slowly as she breathed calmly in her sleep. The opposite of Tom. He had to close his eyes and count to ten before his breathing stabilized. The hand clutching on to his heart stopped shaking. His skin felt clammy and cold.
(Y/N) turned, still sleeping. Tom let go of her hand so she could fall to her side more comfortably. He loved watching her sleep. She looked so peaceful and sweet. Her hair falling around her face perfectly, enveloping the pillow her head was resting on.
With his face in his hands, Tom fell back into his own pillow. He exhaled deeply. There was no need to worry. Everything was great. He was still in bed, the love of his life right next to him. It was just a stupid night terror. Just like the ones he used to have when he was younger. He had to just shake it off and go back to sleep.
Only he couldn’t. Half an hour later, and Tom was still wide awake. Lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, listening to the cute snores of his girlfriend. It wasn’t even that bad, he thought. The problem now was that after the long period of just laying, not doing anything, his mouth had gotten incredibly dry. He needed a drink.
Careful not to made any harsh noises to wake (Y/N) up, Tom pulled off the sheets from his body and got up. The warm summer air felt tight around him. Quickly, but quietly, Tom walked towards the door and opened it hoping it wouldn’t crack this time. He only turned on the light in the hallway after he had closed the door. His eyes had to take a moment to get used to the brightness. Once they did though, he walked to the kitchen, still as quiet as he possibly could.
When he finally reached the kitchen Tom didn’t bother turning on the lights in there. He knew his way around that part of the house perfectly and, anyway, there was still some light shining through from the corridor. He could see just fine.
That was proved wrong by the first step he took. When he stubbed his leg against a chair. It took everything in his body not to scream out in pain. He had to think of (Y/N). He didn’t want to wake her up at… Tom turned to look at the clock on the oven… At 12:49 am. This was going to be a long night. He knew it.
Ignoring the pain, Tom walked to the fridge. He opened it just to stare at it blankly, forgetting what he wanted to get in the first place. He closed it, a bit too hard. The loud smack made him cringe but also remember what he came to do. Drink, he needed something to drink. Tea? That’s what people drank when they couldn’t sleep, right?
The cupboard above his head flew open as Tom pulled at the handle. The smell of various sorts of tea that (Y/N) had bought over the months filled his nostrils. Not really thinking much about it, he picked one of her favorites. He got a mug and then poured some water in the boiler. Then, it was just a matter of a few minutes. A few minutes that Tom gladly took as an opportunity to search for a late night snack. He knew that they had some biscuits stashed somewhere.
Too busy looking for the sweets, he had almost missed the point where the water boiled to its max. The boiler whistled and Tom had to practically run from the other side of the kitchen to take it off its heater to make the noise stop. Why did kitchen appliances always have to be so loud?
Tom had to get over the fact now that there was a high chance that he woke up his lovely girlfriend. He poured the boiling water into the Spider-Man mug (a present she had given him for his birthday as a joke. But the joke really was on (Y/N), as it was definitely one of Tom’s favorite cups).
When the tea had brewed until it was dark brown, almost black, Tom poured some honey and lemon juice into it. Another thing he had caught up since living with (Y/N). he remembered the first time she had made tea for him and the new taste had definitely left an impression. Even with the lemon in it, the drink was still sweet and in a way that didn’t feel artificial at all.
“Besides, it’s really good for your throat.” she had said and then nudged him to drink the whole thing. Oh yeah, he had been feeling sick that day. He remembered.
With the tea ready, Tom leaned against a counter and took small sips, aware of the temperature of the beverage. It was silent. His body was warming up, but at the same time cooling down, everytime the tea would enter his mouth. Tom felt good. Completely forgetting the reason he had woken up in the first place.
There were soft footsteps in the hallway, and Tom’s muscles tensed. So, he did wake her up after all. (Y/N) turned the corner. Only wearing one of his shirts, barely covering anything really. He saw that before she went out to find him, she had put her hair up in a loose ponytail. She rubbed her eyes lazily and even through a big yawn, Tom managed to make out her words: “Babe? What are you doing?”   
“Nothing, just getting a drink. Go back to sleep.” He nodded off into the direction of their shared bedroom. (Y/N) shook her head in response and did the opposite of what he had suggested. The pitter patter of her bare feet against the hardwood floor announcing that she was walking over to him.
“No, it’s cold in there without you.” she wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning her chin on his chest so she could look up into his eyes. He gave her a light kiss and she hummed into it. “Hmmm, you taste like honey.” she smiled.
“Do I now?” Tom laughed. She nodded happily, pouting her lips slightly so he would kiss her again. And that is exactly what he did. Their lips brushed against each other with that passion that only two people who deeply loved each other shared. Tom could feel his heart beat faster when she smiled into the kiss. He put down the cup, hoping that he actually did it on the counter and not in mid-air. Now he could cup her face with both his hands.
(Y/N) squealed at his touch. He pulled away and looked worried into her eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“You’re hand,” she giggled, “It’s hot.” There was a joke he wanted to make about being hot, but (Y/N)’s lips were on his again, silencing him for good. With every second they shared together, Tom fell in love with a bit more. He didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much, but he truly did. To both of their dismay, he pulled away from her once again. With a spark in his eyes, he said: “Let’s go for a ride.”
“Now? It’s 1 in the morning.” her laugh was mesmerizing. Together with her touch and her beautiful eyes right in front of him, his legs were like jelly.
“So? C’mon let’s go on an adventure.” He gave her a playful Inuit-kiss.
“Okay, fine. Where do you wanna go?” Before Tom could answer she did it for him, “Ooh, I know, let’s go to an empty field!”
“Oh, how romantic of you,” Tom said sarcastically. “What do you plan on doing there? Killing me?”
“For your information, Thomas, if I would ever murder you, it would be the most romantic murder in the history of… murders.” Tom laughed at her comment. “And yeah, I do think that my idea could be rather romantic, actually.” She let go of his waist to cross her arms.
“An empty field? Please enlighten me how that is romantic.” He mirrored her actions. She smirked, accepting the challenge.
“It’s August, shooting star season! We can go to a dark field and watch the stars. Who knows, maybe we will see something.” It annoyed Tom how good she was. This did sound romantic. He hated how she was always right.
“Okay, yeah. That sounds nice. Let’s go.” he took her hand, pulling her back into the bedroom to get dressed, leaving the cup of tea completely forgotten.
After a half hour of driving through some little roads away from the city, they finally arrived at a deserted field. Not a sign of human life around. It was pitch black. The only real source of light was the white moon above their heads. The clear summer sky was perfect for a night of stargazing.
They got out of the car and lay down on the bonnet. They lay there, hand in hand, her head resting against his shoulder, looking up at the stars, waiting for the comets to fly by. They lay in silence. A pleasant one. Because they didn’t need to talk for the other person to know that they loved them.
It didn’t even take that long before the first star passed their eyes. It was big, leaving a light blue tail behind in the sky.
“What did you wish for?” she asked, still looking up at the stars, not seeing that Tom was looking at her, pouring all the love he had for her out right there.
“It won’t come true if I tell you that,” he answered. Even in the darkness, he could see her roll her eyes.
“Fine, do you think it will come true, though?”
“Well, let’s see, shall we?” he slid down the hood of the car onto the ground. (Y/N) sat up. Not that she could see him any better if she did. Tom still appreciated it. It gave him the possibility to stand in between her legs. She put her arms around his neck. They shared one long kiss before she let him speak his mind.
“Alright, here it goes. Honestly, I had a whole different thing planned for this, but when you kissed me - back home in the kitchen - I couldn’t wait for a second longer. Every moment that I am with you, I fall in love all over again. With your smile, your quirky little habits, your lips, your body, your personality… everything. You are everything to me and I love you.”
“I love you too.” he knew she was smiling. He didn’t have to see it to know. He heard it in her whisper.
“I love how your eyes are brighter than any star that is above us and how your heart is bigger and warmer than the sun. You are the kindest, funniest, sweetest person I have ever met.” He put his hands on her hips so he could pick her up from the car. She swung her legs around him and started giggling. With a turn to the left, so they were parallel to the car, he put her down.
“I’ve already said it before and hopefully you will let me say it till the end of our lives because that is how long I want to be with you. For always and forever. (Y/F/N), will you make me the luckiest man alive and be my wife?” He waited for an answer. It seemed like an eternity. His eyes had gotten pretty used to the darkness so he could make out the shape of her face and the faint features of it. He tried to look for an expression. Any sign of feelings.
But before she could respond, there was a flash of bright light. So pure that it almost blinded him. Everything turned white in front of him. His head hit something. But it wasn’t hard. In fact, it was as soft as a pillow. Simply because it was.
He opened his eyes just to be greeted with Harry's. “Finally, you’re awake. Been trying to get you up for the last twenty minutes. Gotta go get ready for set.” He walked away, leaving Tom extremely confused. Where was (Y/N)? Where was he? What happened to the field they were on?
Only when he looked out the window did he realize what was going on.
The New York skyline greeted him, the rising sun breaking through the steel jungle of buildings. Yes, now he remembered, he was in America, shooting his upcoming movie. Of course, everything that happened was just a dream. He had said goodbye to his best friend, (Y/N), a week ago in Venice, when she flew back home to London. Still not knowing anything about Tom’s true feelings for her.
The End 
> my follower celebration 
> masterlist 
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staytheb · 5 years
All In Fun and Games
Pairing: MX’s Shownu x OC [Chaewon] || MX’s Wonho x OC [Chaeyeon] || MX’s Jooheon x OC [Bohwa] || MX’s I.M x OC [Soomi] Genre: slice of life, slight fluff Word Count: 4,362 Summary: When playing simple games become more than that, especially when your friends are involved and you're not even aware that there's something more going on within them. part two (The Aftermath)
Warning: swear words and matured themes. also hasn’t been proof-read when it was last shared about three years ago~
it also features SISTAR! but other than that... i just had feelings and it was supposed to turned out differently than how it became to be. i’m not upset with it, just surprise how my writings really get a life of its own and deviate from what i originally had planned out. anyways, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
"Hey, everyone!" Soomi announced excitedly while standing in the living room. "Let's play Truth or Dare." "You're drunk, Mi." Bohwa, her twin sister, stated with a disapproving expression. "What? No I'm not. I'm barely tipsy." She looked at everyone else in the room. "Who wants to play?" Several voices let out quiet 'I'll play' as they joined Soomi in the center of the living room while sitting in a circle. Bohwa turned to look at her friends who were also sisters, Chaeyeon and Chaewon. "This is not gonna end nicely." She told them while taking a sip of her own drink cup. Chaeyeon chuckled. "If anything, just let her do what she wants." Bohwa stared at the older woman. "The last time she got crazily drunk she fell onto train tracks and busted her chin." "Ouch." Chaewon answered while rubbing her own chin. "Seriously?" "Seriously."
Just as Chaeyeon was about to speak, she felt someone grabbing a hold of her hand, and turned to see Hoseok standing before her with a silly grin. "Yes?" She let out in confusion while trying to tug her hand out of the male's grip, but he held on to hers firmly. "Come join me." He innocently said, but the way his eyes danced told her something else. "Join you where?" "IN THE CLOSET!" Someone yelled out and Chaeyeon and the other two turned to look for the source among the circle of players. "Excuse me?!" Chaeyeon let out as she finally got her hand out of Hoseok's grip. "What did you say, Changkyun?" The younger male grinned at her. "Hoseok got dared to play Seven Minutes in Heaven with you." "I'm not even playing. Why do I have to do it? Who dared him anyways?" Changkyun proudly pointed at himself. "Now go have fun with Hoseok in the closet."
Chaeyeon was about to protest once more, but Hoseok had already grabbed a hold of her hand again and pulled her towards the nearest closet with Changkyun aiding the resisting Chaeyeon. "I am not-" The door was slammed shut with Minhyuk and Jooheon pushing the sofa in front of it so that the duo inside couldn't get out and then sat on it to add more weight. Loud banging could be heard from the other side. "You guys do know that she's going to kill you once this is over, right?" Chaewon told them with a laugh after taking a sip of her drink. "We know." The trio answered with a nod of their heads as Changkyun passed them their cups. "We know." "Alright, so who's next?" Soomi asked once that little excitement was over. "Since Hoseok is preoccupied."
"He might be preoccupied for more than seven minutes." Changkyun chuckled as he returned to his spot and cast a glance at the closet. "Actually, he might not even return for the rest of it." "Yah, don't even start." Hyorin scolded him, but let out a chuckle afterwards. "Although they would have like the cutest babies if they do more than just kiss." "Well, it's more like if Chaeyeon stops denying her feelings for the guy." Jihyun added with a laugh while looking over at Chaewon. "Right, Chaewon?" "Yeah, totally, Jihyun." Chaewon agreed. "I'm more than happy to be an aunt in ten months." "Wow, guys." Bohwa let out with a shake of her head although a smile was apparent on her face. "Just wow."
"Hey, can we continue with the game and not discuss Chaeyeon and Hoseok's possible future life?" Kihyun asked trying to get them all back on track. "I have a good dare that I want to give someone." "And what dare is that?" Bora asked him while Kihyun grinned in her direction. "That's for you to find out like everyone else." "Alright, alright, guys. We keep getting distracted. Go, Changkyun since it's still your turn since Hoseok's not here." Soomi told him as Changkyun looked about the room to see who could be his next possible target. "Hyungwon, truth or dare?" "Hmm? I'm not playing." Hyungwon stated as he lazily looked at his friend while leaning against another sofa. "Then why are you a part of the circle?"
"I was already here before you guys decided to set up the circle here." Hyungwon answered curtly. "I never said that I would play." "Why didn't you just move?" "I was here first." "Ah, whatever. Dasom, truth or dare?" Changkyun asked to the person next to him. "Truth." Dasom answered as Changkyun groaned. "That is just too safe. Um..." He pondered on what question to ask her. "Out of the people in this room, who would you date?" "No one." "DON'T LIE!" Minhyuk practically screamed twice as loud as Changkyuk has first screamed, but toned done his voice when the girls shot him a look. "I mean, don't lie." "I'm not lying. None of you are my type." "Wait, Hyunwoo is a tough guy. You like tough guys." Jooheon stated as he patted Hyunwoo on the shoulder who had joined him and Minhyuk on the couch.
"He's too robotic for me." Dasom chuckled as Hyunwoo just stared blankly not even sure what was going on. "Don't you fall for the innocent type anyways that have no experience?" Hyorin asked before dowing her cup and getting up to get another one. "Yeah, but whatever. Enough about me. Soomi, truth or dare?" "Dare!" Soomi answered with a ready expression. "Uh, I dare you to..." "Please make it a small dare, Dasom. I do not want to take care of her later tonight." Bohwa told the younger female. "Psh, I can take care of myself, Hwa." "Says the girl who gets crazy when she drinks." "Yeah, so what?" "I don't know what to do then." Dasom let out with a sheepish laugh until Kihyun butted in. "Here. Make her do this." He whispered his dare into Dasom's ear who relayed it for Soomi to do. "Soomi, I dare you to go skinny dipping in the swimming pool." "KAY!"
Soomi abruptly stood up and dashed out of the apartment with Bohwa glaring at Kihyun. "Why?!" Kihyun shrugged indifferently as Bohwa chased after her older twin. "Soomi, please don't!" A majority of the others followed after to see what would the outcome be while Chaewon, Hyungwon, and the two in the closet stayed behind. Of course Hoseok and Chaeyeon had no idea what was going on on the other side of the door. "Can you pass me a pillow, Hyungwon?" Chaewon asked as she crashed onto the sofa that was blocking the closet door. "No. These are mine." Hyungwon smirked as he horded all five pillows against his body while lying on the other couch now. "Don't be stingy. I just want one." "That's still one less than what I would already have."
"Fckn Hyungwon, just give me one you brat." Chaewon let out a bit frustrated as she marched over to the tall male and tried to pry a pillow from him. Hyungwon turned over making it harder for her to take one from him. "Ugh, you're so annoying." Chaewon then sat on top of him. "Ahh, my back. Get off me, Chaewon." "Give me a pillow first." "Get off of me first." "No. "Why don't you just go sleep in one of the bedrooms instead?" "Because I don't trust Bora and the other three. Who knows what they could have done in their rooms." "Like the sofas any better." "True, but it's safer than their bedrooms." "That's true, too." "Now give me a fckn pillow." Chaewon grabbed a hold of one and tried to yank it from underneath Hyungwon while Hyungwon was trying to buck Chaewon off of him, but the two ended up tumbling off of the couch in the process.
"OK, this is unexpected." Bora let out with a surprised tone seeing the duo's limbs tangled together. "I thought you wanted to be an aunt?" Jihyun asked with an amused expression while watching the duo try to untangle themselves from one another. "I do." Chaewon answered in a huff once she freed herself from the tall male. "Why?" "Weren't you and Hyungwon just getting it on just now?" Chaewon and Hyungwon stared at one another while standing up and then at the others and then back at one another. "No. I was just trying to get myself a pillow, but this brat wouldn't give me one." Chaewon clarify as Hyungwon gathered his pillows and settled back onto the sofa like nothing happened. "This bish." Chaewon eyed him as Hyungwon tiredly smiled at her.
"Where are the others?" Chaewon asked noticing only the two of them had returned. "Uh, let's just say that Soomi's dare ended up including the others going down with her." Jihyun laughed while looking over at Bora. "Yeah, they're all outside waiting for us to bring them towels." A few seconds later, the quartet then heard weird noises and sounds coming from the closet. "Oh, they're finally doing it." Hyungwon nonchalantly commented as the female trio looked at him. "I don't think so." Bora said otherwise just as a male high pitched scream could be heard and the four looked at one another in alarm. "What is she doing to him in there?" Jihyun asked to no one in particular as Chaewon shrugged. "I don't even wanna know."
Another scream could be heard to which it was Hoseok again, then a very loud and hard thump sound was made against the door, and then it went quiet. "Should we call one-one-nine?" Hyungwon asked in concern as he stared at the closet door. "She could have literally killed him, y'know." The quartet soon heard soft muffled and scuffling sounds that neither of them could make out. "Or maybe they just like it rough and are trying to restrain themselves from being too loud." Jihyun chuckled as Bora walked off somewhere. "What do you think Chaewon?" Chaewon looked at her friend. "I don't know what to think, Ji. They're both weird and unpredictable." She then smirked. "I just know that they liked one another, except Yeon just likes denying her feelings for Hoseok like always." "Tell us something we don't know." Hyungwon stated as he closed his eyes to return to the Dream World.
"Alright, Chaewon, take the towels to the others as Jihyun, Hyungwon, and I try to check out the scene within the closet." Bora instructed the younger woman once she returned with several towels. "Wait. Why do I have to stay?" Hyungwon asked with a pout after opening his eyes. "Because you're a man and we may need male strength." Bora stated with a grin. "But I don't want to be involve. Not if it's something like that." "You already are." Jihyun grinned at him while patting his shoulder and then looked at Chaewon. "Since it was practically our fault those two ended up like that, we'll take care of it as you deliver those towels to the others. You might wanna hurry. It's been a while." "Oh yeah." Chaewon left the apartment as Hyungwon glared at the two older woman. "You're just gonna leave the two in there, aren't ya?"
"Yup." The two females grinned as they high-five one another. "Then why do I need to be involve in the first place?" He asked still annoyed that his sleep was being disturbed. "You don't. We just wanted to send Chaewon down with the others." Bora informed him while Jihyun pulled him off of the couch. "Now, let's go get something to eat as we leave the two lovebirds in the closet." "But what if Chaewon and the others returned?" Hyungwon asked as he sadly look at the couch. "Chaewon won't. She'll get occupy at the pool once she gets there. So will the other pairs. Trust me." Bora stated as she pushed him out of the apartment with Jihyun leading the way. "And the others will join us to get food when everything works out." "When what works out?" Hyungwon asked as he looked at his friends. "Don't worry about it. Let's just go get food. I'll buy you all the spam you want." "Call."
Chaewon soon entered the pool area and saw that everyone was actually playing in the water in their undergarments. She dropped the towels onto a nearby folded chair and walked over to the edge of the pool. "So you guys are all okay now?" She asked as Minhyuk was the closes one to her and answered. "Yeah, you should join us." "Haha, ahh, no thanks." Changkyun swam over and splashed her. "Ugh, you brat." "It won't matter when you get in. You'll love it, especially when Hyunwoo is shirtless." Changkyun grinned while pointing with his thumb behind him. "I know how much you wanted to see his bod." "I do not." "That's not what you told me." "I didn't tell you anything." "Maybe that was Chaeyeon."
"They're not that alike, Changkyun." Minhyuk told him. "Even I know the difference between the two at a glance." "Whatever." Changkyun splashed Chaewon again. "C'mon, get in." "No and stop splashing me." "No. Don't want to." He splashed her again and Chaewon moved out of the way, but felt herself back into someone. "Oh, hi, Hyunwoo." She greeted the bulky male with an awkward smile. "I didn't see you there. Weren't you on the other side of the pool?" "Hi, Chaewon. I was, but I noticed you brought the towels." He smiled at her with those cute eye-smiles of his. "Are you going to join us, too?" He asked tossing the used towel onto another chair "Uh..." "Yeah she does! She also wants you as her chicken partner." Changkyun inputted with a playful look. "Oh, yeah, let's play chicken!" Soomi let out with excitement as she pointed at Changkyun. "Changkyun's my partner!!" "Call!"
"And Bohwa and Jooheon can be partners!" Soomi continued with laughter as Bohwa splashed her twin. "Soomi!" "Oh, but I wanted Jooheon." Hyorin pouted in a playful manner. "OK, Hyorin, you can have him." Bohwa simply agreed with a laugh as Jooheon looked from one female to the other in disbelief. "I know I'm a hot commodity and all, but you ladies can't just treat me like this." "Oh then you can be with Dasom instead." Hyorin told him with a laugh as she placed an arm around Kihyun. "Kihyun's my partner." "Since when?" "Since now." "Alright." Kihyun agreed easily with a chuckle. "Wait a minute." Minhyuk interrupted. "Dasom's my partner." 'Yeah, I already agreed to be his for the chicken game." Dasom added with a smile as she looked over at Bohwa with a grin. "That means you and Jooheon are partners."
"I guess he is." Bohwa answered with an indifferent shrug as Jooheon looked over at the older girl. "Do you not want to be my partner, Bohwa?" "I didn't say that." "You make it sound like you did." "I didn't say anything, Jooheon." "Ugh, either get a room or come and play." Soomi told them as she was already on Changkyun's shoulder. "The others are already ready, too." She swept her right arm at the other two pairs while Jenny looked at Chaewon and Jooheon looked at Hyunwoo. "Chaewon/Hyunwoo isn't ready either." The duo said at the same time. "We were just getting ready." Hyunwoo answered for the both of them as he slowly jumped into the swimming pool and turned his back towards Chaewon. "Hop on."
Chaewon was hesitant and looked at the others where Bohwa was already situated onto Jooheon's shoulders. "Sorry. I don't have my swimsuit on." "Girl, who cares. We're all in our panties anyways." Soomi dismissed with a laugh. "Yeah, you don't have to be so shy, Chaewon." Hyorin teased as she gathered up some water in her cupped hand and tossed some in Chaewon's direction. "It's only for tonight anyways." "Yeah, Chaewon. Join us since Chaeyeon is busy." Dasom added with a chuckle. "If she wasn't, then she would have totally joined us." "Yeah right. She and Hyungwon would have destroyed us all." Minhyuk stated with a laugh while patting Dasom's calves. "I think we would have lost within a second with those two as a team." "Yeah, I agree with that."
"C'mon Chaewon. We're not playing Truth or Dare anymore. We're just playing Chicken." Kihyun tried to persuade the older female to play so that he could finally get his revenge on Changkyun from last time as soon as possible. "I guess." Chaewon finally relented as she quickly stripped off her shirt and shorts with the others letting out catcalls and whistles. "Haha, funny. Not." Chaewon told them as she gingerly held onto Hyunwoo's shoulders as she debated how to position herself onto his shoulders. "Oh my gawd, Chaewon. Just hurry up and wrapped your legs around his neck like you would wrap them around his body like you two would during sex." Jooheon let out annoyed with how long Chaewon was taking.
Chaewon was about to put one leg over Hyunwoo's shoulder until hearing the words coming out of Jooheon's mouth where she instead fell into the pool in the process. "I can't believe you just said that, Jooheon!" Chaewon said in shock as she resurfaced. "Why would you even say that?!" She glared at the laughing male who accidentally dropped Bohwa when he tilted back in laughter. "Whaa!" "Oh shit. Sorry, Bohwa." "What is even going on now?" Soomi asked as she joined in the laughter and was holding onto Changkyun's hair. "Ahh, stop tugging, Soomi." Changkyun winced as he tried to ease Soomi's fingers out of his hair. "That hurts." "I thought you like it rough?" Soomi countered with even more laughter as Hyorin just looked at everyone with a wry smile. "Why is everyone being so dirty tonight?"
"Hyo, I thought you enjoyed dirty stuff?" Kihyun asked her with a sly look as Hyorin bopped him on the head. "I like dirty jokes, Kihyun, thank you very much." "Oh, please, Hyo. You're not that innocent." Dasom remarked with a laugh. "Don't you remember that guy, Jooyoung or whatever from Club Starship?" "Oh yeah, right, Som. Whatever happen to him after that night?" "You told him a false name and number." "Oh yeah, I did." Hyorin laughed at the memory. "He was definitely a cutie and real good in bed. Damn. I wish I gave him my real name and number." "Please, Hyorin. We don't want to hear about your sex escapades." Minhyuk let out with a roll of his eyes. "We all know how much of a hoe you are when we go out clubbing, Hyo."
"Oh whatever. Hyuk." Hyorin splashed him. "I'm only a hoe when it comes to sexy good-looking men I totally wanna lie with." "That's like practically every time we go out clubbing. Or anywhere, actually." Soomi remarked with a laugh as her arms were now wrapped around Changkyun's neck. "You're a total hoe, Hyo." "Well, that's better than being incredibly wild and crazily drunk, Mi." Hyorin countered playfully as Soomi shrugged her shoulders in agreement. "I am what I am." "Hey, that's my line." Changkyun told her while glancing up at her. "Well then, I learned from the best." She patted him on the cheek. "You're so cute." "Wait, no. Listen, listen. I am not cute. So don't go around saying shiet like that, Mi." "Haha, you're so adorable, Kyun." Changkyun let out a defeated sigh as Soomi laughed.
"So, are we playing or not?" Chaewon finally asked once she was situated onto Hyunwoo's shoulders. "We've been waiting for like ten minutes." Hyunwoo added expressionless. "Yeah, right." Minhyuk retorted. "It hasn't even been that long." "You're one to talk." Kihyun snorted. "You can't even tell time." "I know that it's time to kick your ass when the game starts." "Yeah, bring it on then." "I thought you had beef with Changkyun?" Jooheon asked Kihyun as Kihyun shrugged. "I can have beef with whoever I want." "Which reminds me. Don't you owe Chaeyeon beef noodles from that one bet?" Bohwa asked the younger male as Kihyun's eyes went wide. "Oh, shit. I do. How long ago was that again?" "Three weeks ago, I think." "Fuck. Now I owe her macarons, a Gudetama doll, and that Harry Potter screenplay book thing on top of the damn beef noodles."
"How did it go from a bowl of noodles to all of that?" Dasom asked confused as Kihyun explained. "For every week that I'm late on delivering my promise to her, Yeon adds in another item that I now owe her." "Damn, you fucked up." Soomi told him with a laugh as Chaewon added her input. "You better get on it or she'll keep adding more shit." "I know. I know. Don't remind me." Kihyun let out a bit annoyed. "I should have not bet against her on who could hold their own." Minhyuk tsked. "Kihyun, you should have known Chaeyeon is a heavyweight." "Yeah, Hyuk, I learned that three weeks ago. Thanks for the late reminder." "Welcome." "Yo," Hyunwoo spoke up. "Are we going to play or not?"
"Um, can we not?" Hyorin asked changing her mind. "I forgot I work in six hours." "I agree. It's getting pretty chilly, too." Dasom added while rubbing her shoulders and letting out a yawn. "Plus, I'm getting super sleepy." "Oh, me, too." Bohwa second letting out a yawn of her own. "I want sleep. Need sleep. Like right now." Chaewon glared at the three of them. "And here you guys insist I join you guys. What a waste of my time and getting wet." "Well, at least we helped you get wet for some sexy time later on, Won." Soomi stated with a loud laugh. "I think you'll make a great mom than an aunt." Chaewon looked over at Soomi with a slightly mortified look. "You did not just say that."
"I did and I will totally add more to it, girlfriend." Soomi wriggled her eyebrows mischievously before Chaewon could stop her friend. "Hyunwoo, Chaewon likes you and wants you to fcuk her senseless since the day we all met at Changkyun's eighteenth birthday." "Oh, my, gawd." Chaewon let out in horror as she slid off of Hyunwoo's shoulders and got out of the pool. "I am so out of here." She hurried to gathered her clothes, a towel, and darted off as she was completely embarrassed by what Soomi had just told Hyunwoo and the other boys as the girls knew how she felt for the guy already. "Are you being serious right now?" Hyunwoo asked with a shock look, but a silly grin was becoming apparent upon his lips. "She likes me for two years now?"
"No shit, Sherlock. It's kind of obvious." Kihyun stated, but then pondered for a bit. "But then again, you are kind of clueless about such things anyways." Hyunwoo soon got out of the pool, grabbed his used towel, and chased after Chaewon. "Well, it looks like the Lee sisters are gonna get some tonight." Jooheon chuckled while Bohwa splashed him and then he looked up. "What? You wanna get lucky, too, Hwa?" "Don't tempt me, Jooheon." Bohwa told him as she pushed his head away from looking at her. "There's just too much shit to take in right now." "Shit, girl, I'll take you right here, right now." "Ugh, Jooheon, please don't. I wanna enjoy the pool while it's still clean." Minhyuk told them as Changkyun splashed him. "It's not though. I peed like five times already."
Everyone made a face. "Ugh, T-M-I, Changkyun. T-M-I." Soomi told him as she slid off of his shoulders and swam away from him. "And I was on your shoulders when you did that. Nasty." Changkyun grinned at her. "Hey, I never said that I was always a good boy, Mi." "Dirty boy." Soomi splashed him, but Changkyun splashed her back in response. "Seriously though, why is everyone being so dirty tonight?" Hyorin asked again with a laugh. "We're usually not like this, but tonight everyone is just way too comfortable or something." "What kind of alcohol did you mix together?" Kihyun asked her as Hyorin looked down at him. "Good question." She laughed as she shook her head and slid off of his shoulders. "I don't remember what we put in. Do you Dasom?"
Dasom shook her head. "I have no idea either. I think Bora did all the mixing." "That would explain it." Minhyuk said as Dasom slid off of his shoulders as well while he massaged them. "After tonight, I'm afraid of what the outcome would be once we slept this off." "You're telling me." Bohwa let out tiredly as she got out of the pool. "I don't think I can handle another situation after this one." "Actually, Bohwa," Jooheon joined her afterwards. "Could you help me with something?" "With what?" "I'll tell you on the way." He grinned at her while dragging her off somewhere else as she questioned him what he needed help with. "Damn, six people are definitely getting lucky tonight." Soomi remarked with a pout. "Lucky people." "Why? Do you wanna join the lucky club, too?" Changkyun asked her with a suggestive smile.
Soomi looked over at the younger male with a knowing smirk. "If you're game for it." He returned the same gesture. "I'm always game when you're the other player." "Let's go." The duo also got out of the pool and headed off somewhere like the other two pairs. "Damn, we should of have Bora make the drinks and done this a long time ago." Kihyun let out with a shake of his head although he let out a laugh. "But that was so awkward just now." "Not as awkward as hearing the whole shiet from Hoseok and Chaeyeon to Soomi and Changkyun." Minhyuk added with a shudder. "I could have gone without that." "You're telling me." Dasom agreed. "I don't think I'm ready to babysit four kids at once." Hyorin laughed and then thought about it. "Actually, I wouldn't mind babysitting." "Alright, let's go join the others." Kihyun said getting out first. "I'm done playing games and I'm hungry."
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owlsshadows · 6 years
First Lines
Rules: list the first lines of your last ten published stories. 👀 if there are any patterns yourself, and see if anyone else notices any! tag up to ten friends!
I saw this at @claudeng80 and couldn’t risk not doing it... and then @meniskoshi tagged me, so I HAD TO DO IT, right? 
1. “The room is spacious, or at least it seems spacious, but with every second into the night she is to spend alone with Zen, Shirayuki feels as if the walls inched closer and closer, curling in on her slowly.” - Elope with me (Fandom: Akagami no Shirayukihime, Pairing: ObiYuki)
2. “Bach Cello Suite, No. 1.” - The Cellist / Prelude (Fandom: Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru, Pairing: YukiNico)
3. “It is a lazy Sunday afternoon and Yamaguchi lays outside on the porch of his house like a content cat, basking in the sunshine with the baby kitten he adopted a few days back, when his phone starts buzzing.” - the guy to the left (Fandom: Haikyuu!!, Pairing: TeruYama)
4. “Oikawa rolls away from the TV with a low groan, splaying across the floor and glancing back at the screen with raw agony.” - Konbini Serenade (Fandom: Haikyuu!!, Pairing: OiSuga)
5. “ “What?” Keiji asks, turning his spoon in the mushy thing Tooru calls porridge – and it’s terrible, really, but Tooru made it, so Keiji has to fight the itch to take a thousand photos of it from all angles and post it on his social media with some sappy caption.” - Breakfast at Oikawa’s (Fandom: Haikyuu!!, Pairing: OiAka)
6. “The morning sun finds Chikara buried deep under a fortress of pillows.” - hiding under pillows and a blanket (Fandom: Haikyuu!!, Pairing: EnnoTanaFuta)
7. “Love, like a good court conspiracy or a masterfully crafted poison, has many flavors to it.” - Seven Fiends of Obi (Fandom: Akagami no Shirayukihime, Pairing: ObiYuki)
8. “ “So because of a dispute you had with your ace, you came all over to Karasuno?” Sugawara asks, standing in the hallway connecting the gym to the school facilities.” - Convince Me (Fandom: Haikyuu!!, Pairing: OiSuga)
9.  “There is no sound when blade parts skin and flesh: it is the boy, the one who joined their pack only few months back, who screams falling to his knees.” - Whore (Fandom: Akagami no Shirayukihime, Shirayuki backstory, no pairing)
10. “Spending time staring blankly into the void and thinking about his sexuality has never been consciously put on Tanaka’s agenda – he loved Shimizu, and that was that, set in stone, unwavering. Or so he thought, like, even just a moment ago.” - Red, Magic, Kiss (Fandom: Haikyuu!!, Pairing: EnnoTana)
Uhhh... I know for sure that my starters usually include some typos or grammar mistakes and I usually only notice them some time after I uploaded them...  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Tagging: @gilrael @tanaenno @togekissies @seaofwriting @humandisasterbuckybarnes @fullyautomatedgayspaceescapism @fish-wifey @stacysmash @cupofkoushi @carpemermaid
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purple-vixen · 6 years
Wicked High - Maze Runner Alternative Ending (Part 3: The End)
Part 1 Part 2
Thomas was trying to sleep, but he couldn’t. He was feeling too scared to do so.
“What if the nightmare happens again?” Thomas muttered to himself.
He got tired of rolling under the bedsheets. Thomas got out of bed, walked up to the window and stared at the sky.
After a lot of time passed by he heard a voice echoing through the corridors.
"I bloody swear you'll get revenge for what you did, punk!"
Some minutes later, there was a low creaking coming from the door, like it was being opened carefully. Thomas turned around and saw Newt, the blonde slightly widened his eyes.
Newt’s appearance was completely a mess; he had a beaten up expression on his face, his hair was unkempt, he had a black eye, there was a small cut on his bottom lip and he was having more difficult than the usual to walk.
“I thought you were sleeping. You should be.” He mumbled.
“I couldn’t sleep.”
“Since you’re awake, could you help me?”
“Sure.” Thomas answered and quickly grabbed the aid-kit in the bathroom. “What happened to you?” He asked while applying a wet cotton ball to one of Newt’s bruises.
“Aris.” He hissed, feeling the medicine searing. “We were fighting, I threw a punch on him and then tens of girls from Group B fell upon me.”
“I guess that means you have many dates to prom.” Thomas joked and his friend laughed.
“Yeah. But instead I got my bollocks kicked by girls. Not like that’s shameful, girls are tough. It’s just that I tried to save Lizzy and one more time she ends up saving me. If it wasn’t for her interrupting, I’d have far worse bruises.”
“What was her reaction? About Aris?”
“She seemed okay, but I’m sure she just didn’t want me to see her crying. I thought it would be better if I gave her some space before saying anything. Girls are tough, but Lizzy is the toughest person I know.”
Thomas put a bandage on a cut.
“I’m feeling better. Thank you for being my friend.” Newt smiled.
He stared blankly at Newt for a few seconds. The letter.
"Thank you for being my friend. Goodbye, mate. Newt."
“Kill me! If you ever been my friend, kill me!”
Thomas started crying.
“Tommy, what happened?” Newt asked frowning.
“R-Remember my dream?”
“About the maze? Yeah.”
“It was a nightmare.” He sobbed. “You became one of them… The cranks… You weren’t immune, you-you wanted me to kill you, you died. You already tried to kill yourself in the maze.”
“Tommy, hey, I’m here. I’m not dead. Even though if I have the same health conditions as my mom, I’m not going to get sick.”
“But what about the limp? I wasn’t there to help you when you—”
“It was only a bad dream, Tommy. On my first day in boarding school I was still homesick and wanted to go back to my family. I tried climbing the Wicked high enclosures to get out; That’s when I fell and injured my leg.”
They stood in silence.
“And I would never kill myself. I have responsibilities, people I care about. I can’t leave my stepfather Daniel and Lizzy alone, not after my mom’s death. And I can’t leave you and Minho alone either.”
Newt’s words slowly soothed Thomas.
“And let’s be honest, if it wasn’t for me, you and the boys wouldn’t have survived the tests.” He laughed at Newt’s comment. “Are you better now?”
He nodded.
“Good that. Hey, we better sleep.”
They went to their respective beds, but they kept talking.
“Where’s Minho, by the way?”
“He and Chuck went to Aris’ bedroom, they wanted to put dog poo in his pillow.” Thomas answered.
“I should have thought about that one, my revenge would have been way less painful.” He chuckled. “Uhm… Tommy, I’ve been thinking...—”
“AAAAAAAH!” A high-pitched scream went from one of the Group A’s dormitories.
Right after that, Minho entered in his, Newt and Thomas shared bedroom and slammed the door.
“Prank plan had worked!” He announced as he walked up to his bed, falling asleep immediately. Thomas always wondered how did he do that.
“What were you thinking?” Thomas asked.
“So, you don’t have a date, I don’t have a date... What if maybe we could go to prom together. What do you think? I mean, only if you want to.”
Thomas stood quiet.
“Please, Tommy. Please.” Newt begged.
“Oh god, please no!” Thomas shouted, surprisingly not waking up Minho.
“What did you say?” Newt asked.
“Nothing! I’d love to.”
Newt gave him the brightest smile he had ever seen.
“Thank you, Tommy.”
They stood quiet again. Suddenly Thomas started feeling dizzy.
“Good night, Newt.”
“Good night, Tommy.”
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estro-gem · 3 years
Black and White in Grey: Epilogue
Pinkie Pie blinked at the sudden return to reality.
The two noble figures before her blankly stared at her, Discord looking unamused and bored and Luna looking slightly concerned. The lively party pony had gone silent. It was an understatement to say that it was out of character. It took a second for her to realize that her eyes were stinging and her whole exterior had flattened down. It made Luna second guess her idea to let the young one in on their secret.
“How long was I out?” Pinkie asked with a soft, breaking tone.
Discord gave a menacing smile before booming, “A whole week!” He let out something similar to an evil laugh, causing Luna to glare at him before putting the shocked mare at ease.
“Spirit, the poor pony will have a heart attack! He meant to say about 10 seconds.”
“All that in ten seconds? How could you keep this from us? How could Twilight lie to us?” Pinkie was frantically asking, with the pitch of her voice raising with every question. She suddenly simmered down like a deflating balloon, “It’s been almost 10 months.”
“Twilight didn’t lie, she couldn’t. A day after Celestia’s fall, she came running the me in tears.” Luna sighed sympathetically, “She said she couldn’t lie into her friends’ faces anymore and begged me to erase the memories of it all. She had the right spell in a book she brought, for her to be oblivious to the events, as well as avoiding suspicion of the situation and leaving the changed circumstances be. She is non-the-wiser and still idolize my sister, but I know upon the spell’s reversal, she will loathe Celestia again.” A moment passed, “She wanted to be in the same boat as her friends when I finally decide to share the whole story with the kingdom.”
“I always found it strange to see Princess Celestia lay there in a coma, guarded and showcased like some hero that won a war. I also found it strange that there was a very long day 10 months ago, with an announcement of new strange rules and that I never thought that it was suspicious,” the pink pony hissed while wiping stray-falling tears away, “The story felt so rushed and incomplete that it was hard to swallow, but after seeing you and Twilight taking care of things so well, it seemed clear that there was nothing dodgy going on.”
Pinkie let out a breath, “It’s was never you we had to be suspicious about – it was your sister.”
“Ok, can we go back to normal now?” Discord butt in, while waving his arms as if he was waving the tension away, “Pinkie, this is way too serious. I’m all for chaos, but this is way too out of character for you. I thought you were going to go bananas about Lulu and I… especially since I showed you everything.” He ended by putting his fingertips together, smile never leaving his face.
Pinkie lightened up a bit, even though it was barely noticeable, “Planning comes before the party, Discord.”
“I’m sorry, you did what?” Luna asked in a threatening tone, through gritted teeth, “What exactly did you show her?”
“OH, he showed me WAAAYY too much. It was so awkward, I could just gag!” Pinkie actually gagged at the thought of seeing the two nobles in their most intimate moment, “I mean, you guys were cute back at the Sun Castle and I DID ask you to tell me EVERY SINGLE DETAIL about your love story, but that was a bit too extreme. I could have died not knowing what I know now! I regret everything…”
“Discord!” Luna was burning up, cheeks red and flushed.
“Yes Lulu?” The draconiquus asked sweetly, only to be met by a scowl from the Night Princess. He retorted, “Oh, don’t give me that look. You know I would scream it to the rooftops if you’d give me a chance. Besides, she’s gonna forget it all anyway.”
“I can’t wait to forget!” Pinkie cried dramatically holding a hoof to her forehead and falling back.
“I was going to say that it’s time to come clean!” Luna cried, startling the other two in the chaotic room.
“My dearest, are you playing with my feelings? Tell me you are serious, please.” Discord jumped up with sudden giddiness and grabbed the hooves Luna was using to cover her face with to hide her embarrassment. He smiled brightly nonetheless, “I can finally yell it from the rooftops: Princess Luna stole my heart!”
“I thought I could be saved from the misery of knowing what you guys did!” the earth pony whined, but quickly corrected herself, “I mean, I’m happy for you guys, but you gotta understand how much it is to take in. You guys are practically never seen together, you have almost nothing in common and I always thought that Discord had a thing for Fluttershy. It doesn’t make sense!”
“Um hello? What else did you expect?” Discord scoffed in offense, “First of all, we hid or relationship, so there is no way that anyone could’ve seen us together.” Pinkie furrowed her eyebrows and nodded, as Discord continued, “Second, we have a lot in common! I am the embodiment of chaos, Lulu works with chaos in ponies’ heads. We both were corrupted and tried to take over Equestria, only to get our butts kicked by you mane 6 and become reformed. We both have trouble with jealousy and we have the same sense of humor.”
“That’s… all true, I guess.”
“Third,” Discord held three digits in front of Pinkie, causing her to flatten her ears in surprise, “Fluttershy is my first best friend I ever had, so of course we are close! Last thing…” the lord narrowed his eyes and moved closer with every word, “I. Don’t. Do. Logic.”
“Yes sir!” Pinkie Pie saluted the Lord of Chaos like a soldier, before looking at Luna with lowered eyes. Her voice came out hesitantly, “So how are you going to tell to whole of Equestria what happened between you and Celestia, Your Highness? Is everyone going to freeze for 10 seconds straight and see you two making out, or what?”
Luna cringed at Pinkie’s choice of words, but answered honestly, “I was thinking that Discord and I would call you and your friends first thing in the morning to tell you 6 together. We will probably have to organize and plan on telling the kingdom when we hold the function to celebrate the Grand Opening of the Night Kingdom – not that my new home could be called a castle, more like a cottage with a small town surrounding it... It will be an official announcement.”
“Oh yes, it’s finally done with a protection barrier and everything! To think how easy it was for Twilight when her castle popped out from the ground like a daisy! You had so many creatures help to build your home. It was brilliant for the unemployed creatures and for creatures who wanted experience working in construction and designing and decorating… that got me thinking… why didn’t you just ask Discord to poof a castle for you? He is your cult-friend, after all!”
“I have a will of my own, thank you very much.” The lord said in a matter-of-factly way, “Besides, Lulu refused my help.” He grumbled that last bit. It earned a snarky chuckle from the dark princess.
“Why were you two at the Sun Castle, anyway?” Pinkie giggled at her question, confessing, “I’ll never get over it, you know? Sun Castle? Though, it would make more sense if there was an actual Moon Castle instead of your Majesty’s Moon… town-cottage… thingy…?”
“I found that I don’t need a castle to feel like – or be the princess of a kingdom.” Luna deadpanned with no malice, before averting her eyes sadly, “To answer your question, I was there to check on Celestia… I... still love her.”
Luna looked at Discord with a smile while tossing a pillow in his direction, “And then this silly spirit came to distract me.” Discord playfully threatened to toss it back, chuckling with Luna, before setting it down on his lap. Pinkie just observed the encounter before her tone dipped into a quiet one.
“You know, a lot of ponies – and other creatures – will probably be mad at you for waiting 10 months to tell them your story, Princess. They will be mad at Princess Celestia for banishing you for longer than you deserved.”
“I know.” Luna sighed, “But it has to be done. The band-aid must be ripped off eventually. Everycreature will forgive my sister just like they forgave me.”
“Forgive and forget, right?” Discord chimed in, winking at you, only to have Pinkie jump in front of him and blocking the view of him.
“Well, they got the forgetting part under the belt, eh?” She chuckled.
“The subjects dismissed Celestia’s corrupted order, they didn’t forget… What are you two doing, anyway?” Luna asked, clearly confused.
“Trying to break the fourth wall.” Discord glanced at his marefriend.
“What is happening?”
“Don’t worry, Lulu, just (snort) forget about it.” Discord started snickering with Pinkie Pie, “This story took itself serious for long enough anyway.”
“Stars help me…” Luna put a hoof to her forehead.
Suddenly, Luna’s eyes widened then relaxed, making the two goofy characters calm their laughter.
“Lulu, is everything ok?”
“Yes, Spirit, Cadence breached the force field surrounding the Night Kingdom. It works like a charm. We’ll have to go to see her – she’s probably curious about the progress we’ve been making.”
“With the cottage or your relationship?” Pinkie asked curiously.
“Yes.” The nobles said at the same time, before laughing to themselves and leaving the party pony confused. Those to made more sense as a couple the more she thought about it. She smiled despite her confusion and it brightened when Luna returned her gaze while walking up to her, dodging a piece of furniture on the way.
“Pinkie Pie, will you tell the others to meet me tomorrow morning at my Palace? You may tell them our story on the way there to allow them to ask me questions when you arrive.”
“Oh, good!” the pony sighed in relief, “I hate keeping secrets.”
“It’s settled then.” Discord said, finding himself at his princess’s side, “Lulu, are you ready to go?”
Luna nodded. Pinkie’s gut twisted upon Discord’s warning to Luna before teleporting. She knew then why Luna disliked surprise teleportations or flashing lights and it was heart-wrenching to come to the realization. Everypony exchanged their farewells.
Within a heartbeat, Pinkie Pie was back in her room, knowing that the nobles were probably at the new ‘kingdom’ in the south to meet up with Cadence. Someone must have teleported her.
The following day was going to be the start of a new adventure. The kingdom will be put to the test when presented with a grey spectrum of circumstances. Some will choose to see the dark and some will choose to see the light, but it didn’t matter whether black or white were more prominent, because in the end, it was all grey.
Previous: Chapter 27
Author’s note: This was quite a journey and I enjoyed writing this (despite it taking forever to write). I hope whoever read this was entertained enough - if not by the plot, then at least by the grammar errors XD - to get to this point. 
I feel proud of myself for being able to say that I had the guts to post a silly idea of a story online. I also feel so happy that I completed a story for once!
Now, others wouldn’t have to bear the pain of having read an INCOMPLETE story if they stumble upon this one.
Please be strong and stay safe out there!
I’ll see you when I see you.
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5sospenguinqueen · 7 years
TITLE: Promises
SUMMARY: You're a nurse and you're engaged to Farrier before you get drafted to help in Dunkirk. You were on the ship that goes down in the beginning and Alex, Tommy and Gibson help you. There will be a happy ending
FANDOM: Dunkirk
WARNING: Fluff towards the end. Long ass imagine. Shitty writing 
''Everything is going to be okay, love. We'll see each other soon.''
"Do you promise?"
"I promise.''
You were currently on a ship, surrounded by wounded soldiers. It had been two weeks since you'd last since Farrier, your fiancée, but in that time you had managed to help many privates.
  However, you'd seen a Spitfire go down just before you go on the ship, and you were petrified that it was Farrier. Even though you knew that there was a huge possibility that Farrier wasn't even in one of those Spitfires. That didn't stop you from worrying.
You could see the German planes and quickly covered your ears, knowing that in about three seconds you'd hear the dreaded boom of the bombs. A bomb exploded near the ship but you weren't sure if the bomb had hit the ship or not. You soon found out.
"Abandon ship!" A private yelled as one side of the boat started to sink down.
Springing into action, you jump up and make sure that the stable, wounded soldiers had lifejackets on, and that someone helped them off the boat.
"Miss, it's hopeless, they're going to die. Save yourself. Jump." The green eyed soldier, who had been sitting across from you, told you.
You did as he said and grabbed your lifejacket. The soldier helped you over the side of the boat and as you hit the water, you heard a splash beside you. The green eyed soldier, that told you to jump, helped you to swim over to the wooden beams where some other soldiers had already taken safety.
 A young solider helped you up and you thanked him over and over. Looking around, it looked like you were the only nurse that had survived from that ship. A lot of privates had lost their lives as well and you could see bodies and stretchers floating atop the water.
"We'll get you on another ship." A Lieutenant called down to us. The soldier that helped me looks at his friend, and then they both dunk themselves into the water.
"Here, have a blanket. Go down there, there's tea and food waiting for you." A nurse smiles at us.
Alex, the green eyed soldier, goes down first and I follow, eager to get out of the cold air but no so eager to go into a confined space on a ship. I notice that the young private follows us but not his friend.
" Oi, where's your friend gone?" Alex asks the young solider, with a mouthful of bread and jam.
"Charming Alex." You mutter.
The private shoots you a cheeky grin.
"Looking for a quick way out, in case we go down." He replies, walking towards the only door that has already been shut. Alex goes back for four more slices of bread and somewhere in that time I learn that the young soldiers name was Tommy. Suddenly, the floor is covered in water. Panicked shouts of soldiers start to fill the air.
"We've been hit. And we're taking on water quickly." You state the obvious. "We need to get that door open now."
The three of you start to make to the door but before you can get close enough to open it, you're submerged under the water. Alex tries to keep you close but you lose both him and Tommy. You can see a light up ahead and you figure that someone opened the door. You start kicking upwards, trying to get out the door. Air hits you and oxygen fills your lungs as a private helps you up out of the water. You barely have time to catch your breath before he helps you over the side and yet again, you're back in water. You don't see Tommy or Alex anywhere but you know that you have to get out of there quickly before the ship goes down or explodes.
You don't know how long you'd been swimming or even how far you'd swum. But you did know that the sun had risen and you were nowhere near the beach. Eventually, your limbs are too heavy and tired to keep going so you just float there, in the middle of the ocean and hope that death comes quickly.
Luckily, a boat spots you and a young boy helps you aboard. The young boy hands you a blanket and a cup of tea.
"Thank you so much. The ship I was on went down and I couldn't find anyone. I'm Y/N."
"No problem. I'm Peter. That's my father. And we're not sure who he is." Peter nods his head to the soldier sat in the corner staring out at the sea blankly.
"We found him stranded on a piece of boat all alone."
"Shell shock." You note.
"I'm sorry Miss. I know you've been through a lot but my friend he's injured and I was wondering if you could help him." Peter asks.
"Peter, she's been through a lot. Leave her alone." His father warns.
"No. Of course I'll check him over. It's my job." You smile, setting down your tea and unwrapping yourself from the blanket.
Peter leads you to the poor boy lying on the floor and just looking at him, you can tell it's bad. Peter explains what happened with the soldier.
  "Hello, can you hear me? I'm here to help you. Can you tell me your name?" You ask the poor boy.
"G-George." He chokes out.
"Okay George. I'm going to help you, and I know it's hard but you need to do everything I tell you, okay?"
All you had in response was a groan.
"Can you help him?" Peter asks.
"I can give him a day, a day and a half at a push but he needs serious medical help. And fast. Now I need you to get some thing for me."
"Sure. What do you need?"
"I need caffeine tablets, hot salt water, a clean rag, a clean bandage and a pillow or folded blanket." You bark.
Luckily, Peter came back with all of those things.
"Thankfully Dad still had some of these on the boat." He says tossing you the tablets.
"Okay George. I'm going to need to move you over a bit, just onto a pillow. Do you think you can do that for me sweetie?" You ask.
George mumbles a yes.
"Okay. On three. One, two-" You quickly move him before three and once George is on the pillow, he lets out a small sigh.
"That was very good George. Now, I need you to tell me if you things are a bit blurry for you."
"It's not blurry." George answers. "Thank G-"
"In fact, everything is dark. I-I can't see." George says in a panic.
You swear under your breath.
"Okay. Everything is going to be fine George. But I'm going to need you to take these tablets dry for me okay. I can't give you any water. Can you do that for me?"
After a couple of attempts and many coughing, George finally gets the pills down him.
"You're doing great Sweetie. Now, I'm going to clean your wound and change your bandages. This is going to sting but just grip my hand as hard as you can." You give George your hand.
"George, you need to keep your eyes open. Just until I'm done." George obliges and ten minutes later, George lets out a small sigh of relief, his head freshly bandaged.
"I need you to call for me if anything changes. But, you're going to be okay." You tell the pale teenager.
"Do you promise?"
"I promise." You smile, remembering the same words being spoken between you and Farrier.
Climbing the stairs, you come back on to the deck of the boat.
"Thank you." Peter smiles gratefully.
"I can't do much more for him but keep giving him the tablets. He needs a hospital. Soon." You tell him. Peter nods gravely. "Is he going to be okay?" The soldier asks you.
"No, he's not." Peter says harshly.
"Peter! He'll be fine, I promise. It's just a little bump. He's going to be okay." You say soothingly.
"Ok. Good. Good." The soldier says before going to sit back down.
You'd been sailing for a while now. And you'd checked over the solider and made sure he was okay, no injuries. George was doing okay and he'd even told you that the darkness was a lot lighter, his vision hadn't returned but the light was a good sign.
"Dad, there's a Spitfire."
At those words, you rush to the side and see where Peter is pointing.
"Please Mr Dawson. You have to help him. You have to." You plead. Once you come up beside the Spitfire, you notice the pilot struggling to open the cockpit.
"Get me something heavy. Now." You say frantically and Peter hands you a thick pole.
Using all your might, you smash down onto the glass and eventually the glass breaks. Peter rushes over to help the pilot into the boat.
"Afternoon." You hear a familiar face say and soon you see the familiar blond fringe that belongs to your best friend.
"Collins!" You scream and jump at him. Collins wraps his arms around you in a tight hug and you two stay like that for a couple of minutes.
"Y/N! You're alive! And okay!"
"Yeah. I can't believe your here. But that means-" You trail off knowing that Farrier is apart of Collins' team.
"Y/N, he's okay. He's still up there." Collins points to the Spitfire in the distance. You let out a sigh of relief until you hear the dreaded word 'but'.
"But a bullet hit his gallons gage. I don't know how many gallons he has left but it was 15 before I crashed." Collins tells you.
You don't have much time to process this information because you hear your name being faintly called.
  "Hey George. How are you feeling?" You say softly.
"Much better tanks to you Y/N. But I'm so thirsty." George whimpers.
"I know sweetie. But I'm so sorry. I can't give you any water in case the fluid goes to your brain." You explain.
"I understand." George looks crestfallen. You give the boy a sweet smile and a kiss on the forehead before heading back on deck.
You can hear Peter telling Collins about what happened to George and you go and stand at the edge of the boat looking at home getting further and further away.
"It's not his fault." You tell Collins as he joins you.
"I know." Collins says clearly just agreeing so no arguments ensued.
"It's not. He's shell shocked. He's been through worse than hell." You defend the shivering solider.
"Trust me, you would be like that too if you'd seen some of the stuff I have. I know it's not easy being in a plane either but you haven't been down there. The blood. The bodies. The bombs. I've almost died twice today and I've lost people." You rant on before Collins wraps his arms around you in a hug and you break down sobbing.
"I know. Honestly, you're right. I haven't been through a fraction of what you have and I'm scarred. I dread to think what that soldier's been through. You're right, it's not his fault."
    For the rest of the day, you were on autopilot. Constantly checking on George, making tea and just making sure everyone was okay. It wasn't until early night that you got closer to the beach. By that time, another boat full of people had been bombed and oil had spilt into the ocean. Peter, Collins and the soldier were busy helping people into the boat and you were checking everyone for injuries. "Hey, be careful down there." You hear Peter yell.
You quickly rush over to see what's going on.
"Mate, he looks half dead."
"Yeah, well he's not. SO BE BLOODY CAREFUL!" You scream at them. You rush down to check on George.
"George, sweetie?" You ask.
"Yeah." He groans back.
"I need to slide you over to the side. Just to make room for some soldiers. Is that okay?"
"Mhm." You slide George over gently, causing some groans of pain but he quickly assures you that he's okay.
"Listen up! If he says anything, groans, coughs, sneezes or even breathes differently. You come and find me. If anything happens, you find me! If you fail to do so, I will make Dunkirk look like a walk in the park! Got it?!" You bark at the soldiers.
There's a nod of heads and collective murmur of yes. You go to walk back up the stairs when you hear someone call your name. You turn around to see two faces covered in oil but a familiar pair of green eyes.
"Alex? Tommy?" You ask. When they both nod you throw your arms around their necks and pull them into a hug.
"Are you okay? Are you injured?" You ask checking them over.
"No. We're fine. We were so worried about you when we couldn't find you after the ship went down. We were so afraid that you'd-" Tommy trails off.
"I was fine. I got picked up by this boat. I'm so glad you're alive." You go to say more but Collins calls your name and you rush back on deck.
The sun had risen and you see a Spitfire tailing a German plane. However, something sees off about the Spitfire.
"Collins, is that Farrier?" You ask, a hint of desperation creeping into your voice. All you get in reply is a nod.
"Wait, his propellers aren't going. He's run out of fuel!" You realise.
Collins says nothing.
Farrier stays on the enemy's tail and you can see the German plane heading for a ship full off privates.
"Come on Farrier." You hear Collins mutter again and again with angst. Everyone on deck is focussed on the two planes. The Spitfire takes a shot and it hit it's target as the German plane starts to go down. The men on the boat all let out cheers but you stay silent as you focus on the Spitfire getting lower and lower. Reaching up to your necklace, you play with your engagement ring that is secured safely on the end of the chain.
  Yet, you don't see a parachute or even a pilot appear.
"Collins. What is he doing why isn't he jumping?! COLLINS!" You yell frantically. "It's going to be okay Y/N. He'll jump."
"Do you promise?"
However, Collins doesn't reply and the boat gets further and further away.
  And the Spitfire gets lower and lower.
And Farrier doesn't jump out.
You let out a scream of emotional pain and break down crying in Collins' arms. Soldiers move away from you to let you sink down to the floor. Collins stays with you and sometime in the night, you're aware of a blanket being draped over you.
You don't sleep that night, you just stare out at the water and the fading beach. You're aware of the soldier, that was here when you were rescued, sitting down next to you but neither of you say a word. He just wraps an arm around your shoulder and that's all the comfort both of you need.
It's mid morning by the time you arrive at the docks and you lose track off Alex, Tommy and the soldier but you check on George and make sure he gets off first. "Peter!" You call to the blond boy before he gets off the boat.
 "Here." You say thrusting a piece of paper at him. "This is my telephone number. Please, I'm begging you. If anything happens to George. Anything. If he lives, dies, goes under surgery. Call me. Please." You plead.
"Of course. Thank you so much for everything Y/N." Peter says.
"I should be thanking you. You saved my life." You kiss Peter on the cheek before Collins guides you off the boat and to the train.
Luckily, you walk past Alex and Tommy on the train. Although, Tommy is passed out.
"May I sit here, private?" You ask Alex.
Alex looks up on smiles when he sees you quickly moving up so that you can sit by here. Collins sits on one of the seats on the other side.
"Oh Y/N! There you are. I tried to look for you after I got off the boat but there were so many people." Alex explains.
"It's okay. I tried to look for you too." The pair of you talk about going home and your past lives, before the war for a while before Alex tells you about his worries. "We're going to be shunned. We'll be hated."
"No you won't. Why would you?"
"We're not heroes. We didn't do anything." Alex says sombrely.
"You are a hero. You did so much by just surviving. And you are definitely a hero. You saved my life Alex, remember? You got me off that ship. You got me to safety. You're a hero to me." You smile at the boy.
"Thanks Y/N." Alex gives you a quick kiss on the cheek. You rest your head on his shoulder and drift off to sleep. You don't wake up until someone shakes you awake.
"We've arrived home Y/N." Collins says.
"Oh. Where's Tommy?" You ask.
"He didn't want to wake you. Well, Collins told him not to." Alex explains.
"Ah right. Well, I guess this is goodbye. Thank you Alex. For saving my life. Twice." You whisper whilst hugging me.
"Please. Write me. And goodbye Y/N." Alex says slipping a piece of paper into your hand.
"You sure you're okay?" Collins asks you over lunch.
"Collins, it's been two weeks. And no news. I just need to accept that he's gone. It hurts but I'll be okay." You voice breaks whilst you say it, and you can tell that Collins doesn't believe it but he lets you go.
"So, you still thinking of opening up a flower shop?" Collins asks quickly changing the topic.
"Yeah, I really think it'll be good for me. After Dunkirk, I don't think I want to be a nurse anymore. I mean, sure, saving lives was good and rewarding but I don't want to be reminded of that every time I see blood or an injured person. And I wrote Alex about he and he thought that it was a good idea."
"Then I support it. How is Alex anyway?"
"He's doing alright. Says his mum and sister have been spoiling him." You laugh.
"That's good. Anyway, I got to go. My mum needs my help painting. We still on for breakfast tomorrow?" Collins asks.
"Of course. See ya." You give Collins a kiss on the cheek and a hug as he leaves. You and Collins saw each other every day to make sure you were both okay and it helped you both a little to move past the events of Dunkirk.
Casting a glance at the picture of Farrier, you dash out of your bedroom and to the phone on the landing.
"Hello." You greet.
"Um hi. Is this Y/N?" You hear a male's voice on the other end.
"Yes. I'm Y/N?" You say dumbly.
"Hi! It's George. You kind of saved my life."
"George! You're okay?! It's so good to hear from you." You exclaim.
"Yeah. The docs patched me up. They said that if you hadn't done what you did. I wouldn't be here right now. I'm so grateful to you." "I was just doing my job. And I definitely wasn't about to let you die."
"Well, I just want you to know that I'm extremely grateful to you. And so are my parents. In fact, they'd love to meet you. Would you be interested in coming down here for a couple of days and meeting them? And so that I can see the woman who saved my life?" George lets out a nervous chuckle.
"Yes, of course that sounds wond- Wait, did you say see?!" You exclaim happily.
"Yeah! They managed to fix my sight. I now have fully functioning eyes. Still have to wear reading glasses though." George grumbles.
You let out a chuckle at the boy's words.
"Anyway, would you be able to come next week? Maybe Tuesday to Friday? We can arrange train ride and you can stay with us? Bring your boyfriend if you have one?" George rambles.
"Whoa, calm down kid. Is this okay with your parents?" You ask.
"Yeah of course. They're the ones that suggested it. They'd really like to meet you in person. I wouldn't be standing here if it wasn't for you. And I also really want to meet you properly. And I think Peter wouldn't mind seeing you again." George states. You hear a noise and then a groan come from George.
"Then sure, call me back tomorrow with the details."
"Yes! Thank you! Talk to you tomorrow. See you soon. Bye." George yells excitedly.
"Bye George." You giggle before the phone disconnects.
Thump! You hear a noise come from downstairs, followed by a string of curses and quickly grab the closest object, a vase, before slowly making your way downstairs. You see a tall frame stood staring at the picture of you and Farrier hung on the wall.
When you realise who it is you drop the vase in shock causing the man stood in front of you to turn around.
"Farrier?" You ask in shock before throwing yourself at him and kissing him.
"Easy love. You're gonna strangle me to death." He laughs.
Before you can stop yourself, you start sobbing. Farrier takes your head in both hands and wipes your tears away with his thumbs.
"Hey pretty girl. Don't cry. I'm right here." Farrier soothes.
"I-I thought you were dead." You sob.
"I'm right here baby." Farrier whispers in your ear.
"And I'm not leaving you ever again."
"You better not." Farrier lets out a chuckle and before you can do anything else, he reaches up to your neck and pulls your necklace off. You stand there frozen in shock not really sure what just happened.
"I believe this belongs somewhere else." Farrier jokes holding up your engagement ring. You let out a little giggle.
"I'm going to marry you. And we're going to start a beautiful family. And have lots of dogs and loads of beautiful babies." Farrier whispers, sliding the ring onto your finger.
"Don't forget Collins. He'll get upset if we don't include him." You joke.
"Of course. We can't forget Collins. I will love you until my last dying breath."
"Do you promise?"
"I promise."
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