#haha laughing through the pain while he rides his bike
perfectlycleverduck · 5 months
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he's so pookie in the first pic omg
the team 55 riding kit is soooo cute
also 'come to Monaco they said' who said? the km and time done that's crazy
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kyannae · 2 years
valentines,↷ mikage reo.
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summary: both parties are completely oblivious about their love for each other. when reo rants about hating valentines, y/n decides to back off…or did they? (gn!reader)
category: fluff, maybe a sprinkle of angst w reo’s rant???
warnings: gn!reader, oblivious ppl, ooc characters? reo ranting, idk what else i don’t think there anything more
a/n: HELLPPO i love blue lock sm, but its my first time so sorry if they’re ooc! hope you guys enjoy HAHA, a lil valentines day month special
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reo never liked valentines day. was it the constant pestering of students to accept their gifts and for him to be their valentines? was it the knowledge that they were just after his money and fame?
every time during valentines day, he would either reject or throw away gifts offered to him by others. he didn’t want his partner to just use him for their own benefit, after all.
“ahh…really? they stuffed gifts in your locker again?” you chuckled, eating some of your food as you listened to reo rant.
yes, today was the fated valentines day. the both of you, and nagi, escaped to the rooftop to avoid the students swarming towards reo to ask him to be their valentines.
nagi was beside you all, mindlessly playing his games.
“yes, and i hate it.” reo grit his teeth, while your eyes widened. “h-huh…why?” you asked, giving him a small smile of comfort.
“because i know that they’re all using me for my money, or my fame.” he clenched and unclenched his fist, looking up at the sky. “i want someone to see me for who i am.” he looked directly in your eyes, maintaning eye contact till nagi spoke.
“ugh, what a pain. you dumbass, y/n literally-“ clasping a hand over nagi’s mouth before he could talk any further, you gave reo another smile. “ah, i see. must be pretty bad for you, huh?”
reo nodded his head, and your grip on the box of chocolates hidden behind you tightened.
soon enough, the day came to an end. sighing and running a hand through his hair, reo sighed once again in disappointment. taking out the expensive box of chocolates which he meant to give to you but chickened out, he smiled sadly at the unopened brand new box.
he wanted you to be his valentines, because he could tell that when he offered for you to be friends with him, you didn’t want his money, nor his fame. you liked his personality, his jokes, playing soccer together with him and nagi- even though you sucked ass.
but, guess lady luck wasn’t on his side this time.
reo rummaged through his bag, but then stopped at the sight of a box of chocolates. taking it out, he raised a brow- recalling he either threw or refused all goods offered to him.
but that was when he read the post-it note pasted on the box.
‘hi, it’s me mario y/n. wanted to give this to you during recess, but after i heard what you said, i changed my mind. so i snuck it into your bag! hopefully you didn’t throw them away, they’re homemade bro, even asked my mom for help 😭‘
blinking his eyes in surprise, he continued reading.
‘i like you. not your money, not your fame, but you. you, mikage reo. your laugh, your personality, your smile. if you reject this, it’s ok! let’s just remain as friends, then.’
why would he ever reject this?
‘will you be my valentines, mikage reo?’
grabbing his own box of expensive chocolates, he quickly ran out of his house and got onto his bike- ignoring his butlers and maids yells of “young sire, wait!”. riding off into the direction of your home with a grin on his face and his box of chocolates in hand,
he was going to make you his.
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© kyannae
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drabbles-mc · 4 years
House Call
Neron “Creeper” Vargas x Reader
Request by my #1 @est1887: Ok here goes for creeper can you make it fluffy lol I love a good love story clearly lol: “Anything, just call me okay” “Call me now it urgent” “Actually I just miss you”
Warnings: language, mentions of blood/injuries, hospitals
Word Count: 4.9k
A/N: Soo this is my first time writing for Creeper and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out! I may have gotten a little carried away...hence the 4.9k but this was a really fun one to write haha. Hope you guys enjoy! xo
Taglist: @mayans-sauce @thesandbeneathmytoes @paintballkid711 @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @queenbeered @sillygoose6969 @sesamepancakes @yourwonkywriter @chibsytelford @gemini0410 @multiyfandomgirl40 @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @plentyoffandoms @georgiaaintnopeach @twistnet @garbinge @amandinesblogofstuff @bucky-iss-bae @encounterthepast @everyhowlmarksthedead @rosieposie0624 @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo 
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He winced, letting out an exaggerated groan as you stitched up the cut. You knew it probably hurt, but you also knew him well enough to know that he had been through much worse and wasn’t so dramatic about it. You smiled as you continued his stitches, “Pretending it hurts more than it actually does isn’t going to make me give you stronger painkillers, you know.”
He instantly dropped the act as a smile crossed his face, still looking up at the ceiling for a moment before looking at you, “What if I’m really convincing?”
Your eyes met his for a moment as you arched on eyebrow, “You’re not that good of an actor, Neron.”
He chuckled, and a genuine pang of pain shot through him as he did so he tried to still himself again. You hated how often he seemed to get banged up, but he was at least a good patient. You weren’t positive that he always took the full amount of recovery time, but all of his injuries seemed to heal with minimal issues so you couldn’t complain. His stitches always stayed clean, and he swore that he always did the full run of whatever types of meds you had him on when necessary. For someone who seemed so accident-prone, he took good care of himself.
There was a comfortable familiarity between the two of you. Friends may have been too strong of a word, but whenever he had to come and see you, or the rare occasions that you had to stop by the clubhouse to patch someone up, you always enjoyed talking to him. Even if it was while you were swabbing out and stitching up stab wounds or bullet holes.
You were putting a light bandage over the stitching so it wouldn’t get dirty. The slice went down the inside of his bicep and it wasn’t exactly the shallowest cut. It would take a bit of time to heal but you had no doubts that he would be back to normal sooner rather than later.
“I think,” you lightly traced your finger along his arm, inspecting your work, “you’re good to go.”
“Sending me away already, Doc?”
You smiled, “You’ll have to come back soon anyway so I can keep an eye on your stitches. You’ll be seeing me again in no time.”
“You always take such good care of us,” he was looking down at his bandage.
“That why you keep getting busted up?”
“It is a bonus.”
You laughed and shook your head, “Right. Well, I’m gonna send your prescription out. It’s a low-dose pain killer. Nothing crazy. Only take it if you need it. You know the drill.”
He chuckled, “Something like that.”
You looked at his arm and let out a small sigh, “Alright. Just because I know how you boys are, and that cut isn’t exactly in an optimal location, I’m gonna give you my number so you can get in touch with me if something starts to feel off or the stitches rip,” you scribbled your number down on a piece of scrap paper before handing it to him, “Anything happens, just call me, okay?”
He nodded, carefully folding and tucking the paper into the pocket of his kutte, “Thank you.”
You nodded, saying goodbye to him before walking out of the room to send his prescription to the pharmacy. The other doctors didn’t understand why you always jumped at the chance to treat the guys from the MC, but you did genuinely enjoy their company. They were all good to you, and you weren’t put off by the ink and kuttes like some of your coworkers.
He walked out of the room while you were sending out his prescription. You only noticed because you could hear all of his friends in the waiting room, instantly starting to crack jokes at his expense when he walked over to them. You smiled, shaking your head slightly—you couldn’t hear exactly what they were saying but you were sure that it was amusing.
Once it was all sent out, you made your way over to Creeper and the few guys from the club who had been there waiting for him to get patched up. They were all smiles when you walked over, and it was impossible to not return the gesture.
“You guys are in charge of making sure that he doesn’t get any new injuries while this one is healing, alright?” you gave them all pointed looks, “And no bikes for him until further notice.”
“They aren’t my parents,” Creeper said with a chuckle and a shake of his head, “I can take care of myself.”
You glanced at the bandage on his arm, “Mhm. I see this,” you laughed as your eyes met his, “Give me a call if anything happens, okay?”
He nodded, “Sure thing, Doc.”
As you walked away, you could hear Angel’s voice, “Give her a call? Alright, ‘mano. Good for you.”
You chuckled quietly as you walked off to see your next patient. There were, but one of your favorite things was the fact that you really got to meet and help so many different kinds of people. Stumbling into the circle of the MC had been completely out of your control, but you were glad that it happened. You just so happened to get assigned the right case in the free clinic a couple years ago and since then, you were essentially on Bishop’s speed dial whenever anything went down. He knew you were good at what you did, and could be discreet about it.
Days came and went, and you hadn’t heard anything from Creeper, or anyone for that matter. You supposed no news was good news, but you were curious to know how your patient was doing. You didn’t have his number, though, he only had yours. So you waited. You waited for a call from him, or a notification from the hospital that he had scheduled his follow-up appointment. Either one would be fine by you.
You were just getting off your shift, walking out to your car when your phone started to ring. You didn’t recognize the number, but you picked up anyway.
“Hey, Doc,” you recognized his voice immediately.
“Neron,” your tone was cautious as you fished your keys out of your purse, “Why do I get the feeling that this isn’t a good call?”
“Because…it’s not,” he chuckled, “It’s not terrible. I just…did something stupid.”
“Oh did you?” you shook your head as you sat down behind the wheel and threw your purse over into the passenger seat.
“Think I could come in and have you fix me up?”
You sighed, “I’m leaving for the day. Text me your address and I’ll just come to you—you shouldn’t be driving anyway.”
“O-okay,” he fumbled over his words for a moment, “I, I can do that.”
“I’ll see you soon,” you laughed, “Don’t do anything else until I get there.”
You were surprised by how close he lived to the hospital. And, by extension, how close he lived to you. Your house was only about a ten-minute drive away from his, if that. You knew it was a small world, but you didn’t think it was quite that small.
You walked up and knocked on the door, medical bag slung over your shoulder. You’d taken to keeping a decent amount of supplies on-hand once you became the on-call doctor for the club. A few moments later he opened the door, a nervous smile on his face.
“You called?” you offered up with a laugh.
You noticed some of the tension disappear from his body as he nodded, stepping out of the way to let you in. You didn’t know what you had been expecting the inside of his home to look like, but what you were seeing didn’t surprise you. Everything was clean and orderly, but it was sparse. He didn’t strike you as the kind of man who was super into interior design anyway.
You took off your shoes, nudging them off to the side as you followed him to the living room. You noticed that he was keeping his arm pinned to his side, trying to hide whatever damage he’d done. It was amusing to you solely because he was going to have to show you what happened if he wanted you to fix it.
He sat down on the couch and you pulled a chair over from his table so that you could sit in front of him facing him. You looked back and forth between his face and his arm, waiting for him to start offering up some sort of explanation.
“Before you get mad,” he gestured with his good arm, “let me explain.”
“Please do,” you smiled as you started taking things out of your bag.
“I was being good,” he was almost pleading, “I was staying home—no rides, no club shit. Figured that since I’m stuck in the house I might as well get a few things around here taken care of.”
You looked at him, eyebrows raised, “Did any of the things that needed to be taken care of involve any kind of heavy lifting?”
“I didn’t think it was heavy! Not until,” he finally showed you his arm.
A few of his stitches had definitely ripped. It would be a quick and easy fix, but you could tell by the look on his face that he felt like he was about to get in trouble in the principal’s office. You smiled as you carefully undid the bandage and started wiping the dried blood away.
“It could be worse,” you said with a chuckle.
You could see the relief in his body language when he realized that you weren’t frustrated or upset with him. His injury wasn’t at the top of his list of concerns—he knew that you’d be able to fix it. He just didn’t want you to be pissed off at him during or after the process of doing so.
You re-wrapped his arm and reiterated your previous instructions as you did, “No rides, no heavy lifting. You are a one-armed man for the foreseeable future,” you reached into your bag and pulled out a sling, “And just in case you forget I’m gonna strap you down with this,” you laughed as you fitted it onto him.
He shook his head, but smiled, “This isn’t necessary, Doc.”
“Clearly it is,” you laughed as you leaned back in the chair.
A few beats of silence passed before he looked you in the eyes and let a small smirk pass over his face, “Thank you, by the way. I owe you.”
You shook your head as you packed everything back into your bag, “You don’t owe me. I’m happy to help.”
You were putting the chair back in its rightful place when he asked, “I was gonna order pizza if you want to stick around. I know I just made your long day even longer,” he chuckled nervously, “It’s the least I could do.”
You smiled, nodding, “Pizza sounds good.”
The evening was much more comfortable than you thought it might be. It was the longest that you’d spent with any of the guys from the club, especially in a one-on-one setting. Creeper was easy to be around though, and he kept your laughing. You really didn’t even notice the time going by as the two of you lounged on the sofa, television on just for background noise.
“I would love to stay,” you stood up and stretched, “But I don’t get to stay home on bedrest tomorrow,” you laughed.
“Can doctors call in sick?” he asked with a smile.
You nodded, “We can. I try to save my sick hours for hangovers, though.”
He walked you out to your car, and you couldn’t believe how dark it’d gotten. You tossed your bag into your trunk and shut the door with a quiet sigh. Despite how long your day had been, you couldn’t deny that the ending to it all had been worth it. You hadn’t expected to have so much fun, to so badly want to stay a little longer.
“Thanks again for this, Y/N. I owe you.”
You smiled and shook your head, “The only thing you owe me is updates. That way I know your arm is still attached and healing.”
He laughed and nodded, “I can do that.”
You hugged him gently, careful not to press against his injured arm, “Take care of yourself, Neron.”
His smile was soft, “Get home safe.”
Telling him to keep you updated was all it took for him to keep in touch with you. Over the next few days, seeing text messages from him were welcome distractions in the midst of a lot of chaos at work. At some point in the morning, he would always send an update saying that he still had both arms, and that he was still wearing the sling. He would usually include whatever joke the other guys had made at his expense that day, just to reassure you that he was still taking it easy. You’d usually text him back on your lunch break, if you got one, or just when you had a spare moment to breathe for a couple minutes.
Soon it was more than just the once or twice a day check-ins. Slowly but surely the conversations started lasting all throughout the day. You obviously weren’t always able to respond to things right away, but nonetheless the two of you kept the conversation going regardless of what it was about. It was the first time in a long time that you had someone that you could talk to all day and not get bored. It was nice.
You were texting him as you were leaving work late one night, drained and pissed off at a call your supervisor had made. You were glad that you had a couple days off before you had to be back so you could cool off a bit and not say something that you’d regret.
“Free tonight?” you figured the worst that could happen was that he would say that he was busy.
You got his reply as you sat down in the driver’s seat of your car, “Yea. You ok?”
You sighed but smiled as you typed out your response, “Shitty day”
His reply was immediate, “Come over whenever. Not like I’m going anywhere anytime soon lol”
You chuckled, shaking your head. You let him know that you were going to go home to shower and change and then you’d be over. You hadn’t been back to see him in person since you fixed his stitches. And, despite the fact that the two of you had been texting every day, you found yourself missing him a little bit. Even though it had been a rough day, you were glad that you would be able to stop in and see him.
You knocked on his front door, shifting your weight from one foot to the other. Showing up for something that wasn’t medical felt a little strange. You had no idea why there was a hint of nerves coursing through your body, but there was.
He opened the door, a smile spreading across his face, “Hey, come on in,” he stepped aside so you could come inside.
You slipped out of your sneakers and turned around to see Creeper staring at you. There was a smirk tugging at his lips and you felt your face get hot. You tugged at the hem of your tank top, letting out a nervous chuckle, “What?”
He shook his head, “Nothing. Just never seen you outta your scrubs, Doc,” he smiled, “Beer?”
You nodded, “Please.”
You collapsed down onto his couch and he appeared a few moments later with two open beer bottles, handing one to you. You took it happily, taking a long drink from it as he sat down on the couch next to you. He looked over at you, concern flashing across his features for a moment. Before he could ask you anything, you beat him to the punch.
“I know I’m not in my scrubs,” you looked at his arm, “But I’m still your doctor. What happened to the sling?”
He laughed, shaking his head, “I’ve been on my best behavior. No mishaps. I can’t go one night without it?”
You smiled, “Fine. One night,” you paused, can I look at the stitches though?”
He shook his head, “No. You had a long day. You’re not here to be my doctor. Just relax for a bit, will you?”
You rolled your eyes but smiled, “Fine,” you sipped on your beer, “No big club plans on a Saturday?”
“Just following the doctor’s orders.”
You laughed, “Man, she must be a real buzzkill.”
He chuckled, “Yea, but she means well.” You gave him a light shove as you let out a laugh. He smiled, “You this mean to all your patients?”
“Just the ones who make fun of me.”
He finally got you to start venting about what had been going on at work over the past few days, but that day in particular. He didn’t say much, just nodding and encouraging you along. He could see that you just needed to talk about it, to be able to be bitter and complain about it so that you wouldn’t combust from keeping anything inside. Throughout the course of the conversation he’d gotten you each a couple more beers. You took them gladly, just happy that you were able to unwind and have some good company.
As it started to get later, you found yourself not really wanting to leave. It was comfortable at his house, with him. You didn’t quite know what it was about it, but you really had no desire to go home.
He’d put a movie on, and somewhere along the way you found yourself leaning against his good side. You settled against him, soaking up the heat that was emanating from him. He cautiously draped his arm around you, his hand resting lightly on your side. You let out a quiet hum of approval and felt the tension disappear from his body.
You didn’t remember falling asleep, but you woke up to the sound of Creeper snoring. You forced your eyes open, trying to get your bearings a little bit. Your head was rested in his lap, blanket draped over you and his hand still resting on your side. He was leaning back against the couch, head tilted slightly upwards as he slept. You sat up slowly, running your hands over your face.
He felt you stir and started to wake up. You smiled over at him as he wiped the sleep from his eyes, “Sorry I ended up crashing here.”
He chuckled, tiredness still weighing on his voice as he struggled to wake himself up, “No worries. Glad you got some rest.”
You got up and got ready to head home, already feeling like you definitely overstayed your welcome. He wasn’t rushing you out, but he wasn’t going to try to force you to stay, either, assuming that you had other things you had to take care of. He still walked you out to your car despite the fact that it was daylight now. He hug he gave you lingered for just a little bit longer, and you didn’t mind.
“Thank you. Sorry again about the impromptu slumber party,” you laughed.
He smiled, “You don’t gotta apologize.”
You fished your keys out of your purse, “Don’t forget to make an appointment for your stitches soon, alright?”
“Was hoping you’d be willing to make a house call for that.”
You smiled, cheeks getting hot for a moment, “I might be able to swing that. I’ll stop by sometime next week.”
The following week, you were making your way out to your car after your shift. Things were a little calmer at work, and your frustration had decreased drastically. You were digging around for your keys when you felt your phone vibrating in your pocket. You pulled it out, brows furrowing in concern when Bishop’s name flashed across the screen.
“Hey, Y/N.”
“Hey…everything alright?”
He didn’t sound overly worried, “Yea. Just wanted to ask a favor of you if I could.”
“What’s up?”
“You think you could take Creeper’s stitches out early? Need him on deck for some club stuff. He’s gotta be able to ride.”
You sighed. You know that realistically he’d probably be fine, but you couldn’t pretend that you wouldn’t be worried about whatever it was that was going on. You weren’t going to say no, though. “Yea, I could do that. Was planning on taking them out this weekend anyway.”
“Great. Think you can stop by his place tonight?”
“When do you need him by?”
There was a pause—he didn’t want to answer the question, “Tomorrow.”
“Fuck, Bish. Seriously?”
“I know. I’ll owe you.”
You chuckled, “You sure will. I’ll stop by his place tonight.”
“You’re an angel.”
“Yea, remember that,” you laughed as you hung up the phone. With a sigh, you texted Creeper to let him know that you were on your way to his house as per Bishop’s orders. He probably knew already, but you still felt weird popping by without saying anything first.
He opened the door for you when you got there, a smirk on his face, “Wow. I bet Bishop that you weren’t going to cave on taking them out early.”
“If your arm didn’t seem to be healing so well, I wouldn’t be,” you shook your head slightly as you got ready to take his stitches out, “You’re lucky you’re such a good patient.”
The two of you were quiet as you went to work on his arm. It really wasn’t the worst thing in the world that the stitches were coming out a little ahead of schedule. He’d been careful with his arm, and you really didn’t have any pressing concerns about it. Your worries branched far outside the scope of his latest injury.
“Do I get to ask what’s so important that Bishop needs you to speed up your recovery time?”
He raised his eyebrows slightly, “You really wanna know?”
You sighed, shaking your head, “No. It’s probably better for my sanity if I don’t.”
“You worried?”
You flicked your eyes up to him for a moment, “Usually urgent club business ends with at least one of you guys needing to come and see me to get patched up. Odds aren’t really in your favor.”
He laughed, “I guess you’re right.”
Neither of you said anything more about it. As much as you wanted to stay, and maybe pry a little more into what was going on, you fought the urge. You knew that he probably had last-minute shit to take care of, and it wasn’t your place to get in his way. You slung your bag over your shoulder as you headed back towards the front door of his house. The knot in your stomach wasn’t going to go away until they were all back and safe from handling whatever it was that they were getting into.
After tossing your bag into your car, you turned around and wrapped him in a tight hug. For the first time since he got injured, he was able to properly hug you back. He kept you snug against him for a few moments, and you really didn’t want him to let go.
You finally stepped back, “Please stay safe, alright?”
“Doctor’s orders?” there was a small smile on his face.
You laughed and nodded, “Yes. Doctor’s orders,” you paused, gnawing at the inside of your bottom lip, “Let me know when you’re back?”
He nodded, “I will.”
“Good. Okay,” you stepped in and hugged him again, pressing a light, quick kiss to his cheek before getting in your car, “Stay out of trouble, Neron.”
He smiled, “I’ll do what I can.”
A few days ticked by and you hadn’t heard anything from anyone. Which was perfectly on-brand for the MC, but this time it made you worried. You had debated texting creeper, but you stopped yourself. They were busy, probably wrapped up in dangerous shit. The last thing that he needed was you bothering him. Still, though, you wished that you knew what was going on.
You were pulling something together for a very late dinner at the end of the week. Your shift had gone way longer than it was supposed to. You were too tired to cook, but it was also too late to get anything delivered. So you were pulling random things out of your cabinets in the hopes of putting together something that resembled a meal.
Your phone buzzed once on the counter. You glanced over and saw that you had a notification from Creeper. Instantly you opened the message, “Call me now. It’s urgent”
Your heart dropped into your stomach as you called him. Your hand trembled as you held it up to your ear, waiting to hear the worst when he picked up on the other end of the line.
“Neron?” you couldn’t hide the worry in your voice, “Are you okay? Where are you guys? Are you all safe?”
“One question at a time,” there was a touch of humor to his voice, and you couldn’t tell if you found it reassuring or frustrating.
“What’s wrong? You said it was urgent,” your heart was pounding inside your chest.
“It is,” he paused, “Kind of. I mean,” you heard him take a deep breath, “Actually, honestly, I just miss you. Been thinkin’ about you all week.”
You let out a laugh, some of the tension disappearing from your body, “I miss you too. So…you’re still in one piece?”
He chuckled, “Yea. Me and everyone else.”
“Where are you?”
“About to head home.”
“Can I come over?” you blurted out.
You could tell he was biting back a laugh as he responded, “Yea. Of course.”
You let out a sigh of relief, “Alright. I’ll see you soon.”
When you pulled in, you saw his bike in the driveway and knew he was already home. You didn’t bother knocking this time, electing to just let yourself in. He was standing in the kitchen, looking in the fridge when you walked in. He turned around, smiling when he saw you. Without giving it a second thought, you all but ran over to him and wrapped him in a tight hug. He laughed, arms snaking around you and squeezing you tight. You shut your eyes, taking a moment to just breathe him in as one of his hands came to rest on the back of your head.
“I really did miss you, you know,” his voice was softer than you were used to. It was the first thing either of you said to each other since you got there.
You smiled against his chest, “I missed you too.”
He pulled away from you a little so he could get a good look at your face. You could see the exhaustion in his features, but you could see the happiness too. His hands stayed rested on your hips as he spoke, “I know I’m technically not your patient anymore,” he cracked a smile, “But if you wanted to keep stopping in to make house calls, I wouldn’t mind.”
You laughed, hands resting on the sides of his neck, fingers lightly tracing over the ink there, “You wouldn’t, huh?”
“I like you,” you could tell by the look on his face that he was choosing his words carefully, “And I like it when you’re here. Feels more like home. Not being able to talk to you for a week…really fucking sucked.”
You smiled, liking his simple honesty, “I agree. And…I like you too.”
He pulled you closer, fingers drumming lightly on your sides, “Can I kiss you?”
Your eyes widened, not expecting that to be the next thing that he said. Despite the shock, you smiled and nodded. The grin that broke out across his face was contagious, but you didn’t have time to really take it in as he cupped your face and pulled you in so your lips crashed against his. You practically melted into him, hands sliding to rest on his chest. His thumb traced along your cheekbone as his lips moved against yours.
You pulled back to catch your breath, and you could feel his chest vibrating with laughter beneath your hands. Your face was hot and you found yourself smiling when he pulled you close and rested his forehead against yours.
“I guess you were right,” you said with a quiet laugh.
You chuckled, “About this being urgent,” you smiled and closed your eyes as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, “I’m glad you’re safe.”
“I’m glad you’re here.”
You rested your head against his chest and sighed, leaning into him. He wrapped his arms around you, one hand sliding gently up and down your back. His arms felt strong, and they made you feel safe. You didn’t know for sure what was in store for the two of you next, but you were ready for whatever the next adventure was.
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Homesick recordings
This is the first part of my 1.5K celebration. I present to you the sequel to “Moments in the life of Y/N L/N”, the angstiest piece of trash I’ve ever written. Thank you 1.5 K guys it means a lot, thank you for being here and reading my crap writing and thank you for supporting my blog. Love ya 💖💖💖
masterlist II rules
When Y/N learns that her little girl is gonna leave for high school she suggests she tries recording herself when she’s feeling homesick. Sky believes that she won’t need it but as time passes she realizes that she might need her mom more than expected. 
Monday, April 4th 20XX
“Okay so how do I do this exactly? *camera falls from its spot* Ah crap crap Jesus! Is it still working? Yep yep it is there’s my ugly face hehe. God why is my hair like that? Anyways um…. Hi, I guess? Do you say hi to a recording? This is weird to say the least. Today was the first day of school as you might have guessed and it was ….awkward. I got lost in that huge building twice and I ignored some kids by accident because they called me by my last name! I’m used to people referring to you when they say our last name ugh this is gonna take some time getting used to. The teacher is ....unique. He came into our classroom in a yellow sleeping bag and proceeded to worm around the room like a caterpillar. I don’t think he is the really giddy giddy fun teacher; he wrecked us during training. Gave us a freaking heart attack with a so called prank he pulled. *exasperated sigh* Who says that you’ll be expelled if you score last?? I don’t get it!! His name is Aizawa-sensei and I already believe he doesn’t like me. He stared at me for a solid five minutes with a frown on his face during training. If I’m being honest he was watching me the whole day which is kinda weird. I don’t know how to take that. Is he interested in my quirk or is he asking himself why they put me in his class? I can hear his voice saying ‘why do they keep sending me imbeciles?’. Well mister you can’t get rid of me now I got in and I’m staying! HA! *bang on the wall* YO SKY KID KEEP IT DOWN MAN! SORRY TOYOMI-SAN…..That was one of my roommates….She is a social worker I think. Oh I almost forgot, the apartment I found is nice. It deserves its price I mean. But you already know that since I called you once I got back from school…. See why this is stupid??? I’ll keep telling you things you already know because I have Alzheimer and I don’t remember what you know. *sigh* Oh well I guess you’ll have to endure this torture, you are my mother after all and I’m your precious only daughter so what can you do really? I finished my costume design. It turned out pretty cool, I like it. The jacket you suggested makes it ten times better. I look like a pilot. Well technically I am a pilot. I pilot clouds and now that you’re not here to scold me when I’m flying around I’ll take full advantage of it. You can’t stop me mother! Anyways, it’s getting late and I have school tomorrow so I’ll end this here. I don’t know when I’ll record next…. Most likely when I’m feeling home sick again. Haha it's the first day away from home and I’m already missing you and those two idiots. *soft snort* Goodnight mom, love you.” *recording ends*.
Wednesday, April 27th 20XX     
“Hello again, it’s me, your neighborhood cripple. *wince* You could say I’m a sight for sore eyes because I’m sore all over. You’ve seen the attack on the news. Of course you have, everyone’s shaming UA high for lack of security. Why you haven’t called me yet is a mystery, I guess you’re at work? And before you start throwing a tantrum about me not calling first and blah blah, I wanted to record this first, let you see the actual injuries before I minimize them when I call you. *stares off* Something weird happened during the attack. Apart from the fact that well we were attacked and our homeroom teacher was almost beaten into a pulp, the villains were ….. interesting. When they first appeared I was teleported by this minecraft portal looking ass to another part of the USJ and to be honest I kicked some serious ass. That *wince* that was not the weird thing. While I was fighting I saw Aizawa-sensei facing some type of giant ostrich? Although that that thing wasn’t an ostrich…. I don’t know what it was but mom it was terrifying. *visible shiver* It just grabbed him and mopped the floor with him and I just couldn’t sit there and do nothing. So I went to help or at least that was my goal. That person who teleported me at the beginning tried to do it again and I may have snapped a little bit. I got so angry when he moved me to the other side of the arena that for a moment I totally forgot about what was happening. While I was fighting him his quirk kinda connected with mine. It was strange. Every time I shot a cloud at him the mist that surrounded him kinda engulfed it. It wasn’t only happening to me. I could manipulate his mist. Not every time just like he couldn’t sabotage my clouds every time, but it still happened. I don’t know why it happened or how it happened and I have no idea what I’m gonna do about it.  Maybe it was part of his quirk but it didn’t happen to anyone else…..*wince* God I have a headache. *chuckle* You do realize you are never going to see these videos right? Seeing me like this would send you into a comma and then you would come back to haunt me and my classmates. Anyways, I’ll call you and then I’m going to sleep. Love ya mom.” *recording ends*
Tuesday, June 3rd 20XX
“*walking back and forth in her room* You know how I said that Bakugou is a really fun person to tease? Well that was before he exposed me to the whole class.*laugh* In reality I’m not really mad, it was a nice comeback and if I’m being honest it was hilarious but it was still a shocker. We were going back and forth with that tik tok challenge where you expose your friend’s flaws. So I was standing there pointing out his superiority complex when he dropped the bomb…… ‘It’s the daddy issues for me’......THIS KID. THE AUDACITY. I thought my daddy issues were kept on the down low!!! I’ve done nothing to trigger this comment!! Sure I may or may not have told Mina that you raised me alone and about that counselor incident but that doesn’t mean I have daddy issues. *grumble* You need to have a dad to have daddy issues. Ughh God I hate him sometimes so very much. Thankfully the summer camp is tomorrow. I’ll get to wipe the floor with him in volleyball. I’m gonna draw those anger issues out…. I need some air. *three hours later* I’m back… yay. It’s weird to think about it you know. What you must have gone through when he passed. I know you don’t really like talking about him or anything before I came along but I would love to know what he was like. I’m not gonna ask you in real life of course, I would never do that to you. I know it hurts. I just wanted to say it out loud…*barely audible sniffle* … Well this got sentimental real quick. I think I should go to bed. I love you mom, goodnight.” *recording ends*
Friday, March 14th 20XX
“Of all the things that could’ve happened, this one was the last one on my list. Actually it wasn’t even on the freaking list, dammit! *sniffle* You know things like this don’t happen to everyone. I must be a really lucky person. Tell me one other person who gets to meet their dead parent in a high surveillance prison?? And above that I got an explanation why he was like this. Amazing right? God this is so stupid! I hate it. I hate this situation, I hate that I can’t tell you about it, I hate keeping you in the dark because at the end of the day I’m not the one who was in love with him. He may be my dad but I don’t have a connection with him! I never met him! He wasn’t there when I started walking or talking, he wasn’t the one who dropped me off on the first day of school, he didn’t teach me how to ride a bike, he-he * sob* I shouldn’t-shouldn’t be upset over this. Aizawa-sensei and Present Mic should be the ones sobbing on their floor. Not me. He doesn’t - I don’t- ugh - I don’t mean anything to him in the end. He died 15 years ago. That’s it. He was in love with you, he knew you, I was nowhere to be found. If he could reach out to us more than just a few words he wouldn’t know who the hell I was. *sobs* I have a picture of you two you know….It’s the one I had found when I was five. When you told me that that was my dad I felt like I could form a connection with the person in that photo. So I kept it, you never went through your old photo albums anyway and you never looked for the missing photo. And I kept it with me. I tore a small pocket in my backpack and put the photo there. I thought that having both of you with me at all times would bring me luck. I liked the fact that I looked like him. Now I realize how painful that must have been for you, seeing him in me everyday….and Aizawa-sensei, god, having me in his class must have been torture. He didn’t know that I was his friend’s daughter of course but I looked enough like him to bring back memories. God this sucks…. *deep breathes* I-I have practice so I gotta go. Love you.” *recording ends*  
Thursday, March 20th 20XX
“Hi, it’s me again. I know that I’m recording almost a week after the previous one but… mom I have been assigned a mission and it’s major. It’ll be an attack at a hospital where we believe that experiments are being conducted. We got that information from um what do I call him? *shakes head* from a prisoner in Tartarus, the high surveillance prison I was at last week? Yeah that one. The mission will be really dangerous, that’s what we’ve been told and I can understand that. I mean we are attacking a major operation of AFO, of course it’ll be dangerous. Since we are students we are to stay away from the hospital and monitor the surrounding area but…. I asked Present Mic to go with them in the hospital. I can help keep things in place and I can move people in and out quicker than any of them, plus this is personal. I think Present Mic understands that. He said he’ll talk to Aizawa-sensei about it but regardless….. I’ll find who did that to him, I promise you that. I want to know if...if this was all some grand plan because what they did to him they did to dozens other people and as much as I hate them for taking my father away, I also hate them for what they’ve done to all those other families…… I’m recording this because I don’t know if I come back in one piece or if I come back at all. This is very dangerous and we don’t really know what to expect. What we are getting ourselves into. I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for giving me everything that I needed in life. Thank you for being the best mom anyone could ever have. You raised me by pushing your own sadness and grief to the side and doing the best job you could. So thank you for being my mom and I’m sorry for the pain I caused you. I love you mom, so very much. Bye, bye mommy.” *recording ends.*
@iwaqchan @the-arcana-fan-fic @angelwritings @axerrri @reinyrei  @dnarez-mangetsu @bemorefiction
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With Love, She.
Clang! Blaam! Boom! The echoing sounds of the utensils falling down startled her from her trance. ‘Ughhhh, he’s going to be furious again!’, she thought to herself, picking up the plates in a hurry. It was not the best of days for her. Lunch was not yet ready; the maid has not yet come and Nirav has once again spilled rice on the floor. Arun was about to come home and he would not be pleased with this work. And yet another load on her growing and immeasurable life. She cursed her father under her breath and began trotting the 3-way road again. ‘Hey, you! I am working so hard to maintain the house and you keep a petty fight for some rice? Today, it ends! You are going to clean up the mess!’, she exclaimed with suppressed anger. But then Nirav looked back at her, gave her a mischievous grin and ran out of the house in a flurry. ‘One day, that boy is going to get it from me. But what can I do? My heart doesn’t allow it.”, she told to herself. Exhausted, she returned to her usual chores with a half-hearted attitude. Cleaning the house, doing the dishes, is that my life? Don’t I have dreams? Shouldn��t I too reach failure and then work hard to rise? As she fell into the ever-growing abyss of her thoughts, her mind reached out and grabbed a memory. ‘Daddy, when will we go to the museum?’, the little girl cried at the top of her voice. Her father, in an ever-calming voice replied,’ Don’t you worry child! As long as this elephant is with you, he will ride you to the museum, with free lollipops!”, The girl was now laughing and calm with the help of the tickles from her daddy. On the rickshaw, she asked her father, “Daddy, yesterday I heard the 5th class girls cry about life in the corridor instead of studying. Humph, what cry-babies!”. The father burst out into laughter, responding with a question,” What do you thing life is sweetie?”. “Life is when Ms. Rose doesn’t give us homework and gives us ice-cream!”, she exclaimed in an innocent voice.” But what is life daddy?”, she repeated herself, her innocent and childlike mind wanting to know everything and being restless. Her father, now in a graver voice, replied,” Look at those puppies running frantically behind their mother with utmost love and hope that she will feed them. She does feed them, but without herself eating, knowing that her children come first, even more than her life. That’s life. It is the cruelest thing in the world, but when accompanied with a certain something it makes your life meaningful.’ “Ice cream?”, she answered the question diligently. “Haha-ha! No, my precious darling! Its love!”, he told her. “And remember, no matter what life gives you, remember that love always makes it what it is, and you get to decide what’s life and what’s love”. “Then I love love so much!”, she proclaimed to everyone. She continued to lick her lollipop joyously, unbeknownst to her what life was going to make her do. TTRRRRRRIINNNGGGG! The loud ringing of the doorbell startled her, causing her to cut her own finger a little on the skin. She grimaced in pain as she ran to answer the door. “Hey, sweetheart! Today was so stressful and boring! Could I get a cup of water please? And why is rice lying on the floor? Has Ritesh done this? How can he so irresponsible? Why have you not controlled him yet?”, came in the questions as Arun stormed inside the house from work. “I’ll take care of it, I’m sorry, had a lot of work today.”, she replied trying to stop the bleeding simultaneously. “Did you just cut yourself? How can you be so careless, huh? Sometimes I feel like life is so cruel, always doing this to me!”, Arun castigated her. All she could do was give back a fake smile as Arun brought the bandages. She felt a little comfort even though the wound was stinging a lot. “Let me go buy today’s dinner from outside, you take some rest.”, Arun convinced her. As soon as Arun was gone, she was back to cleaning the dishes, wiping an invisible tear off her eye. Damn you, dad! Why did you have to leave me so early? If it wasn’t for that rickshaw accident that
day, you would have been still here, with me, not lying in a hospital bed for 20 long years, she cursed under her breath. She turned off the tap, wound still stinging, and proceeded to clean the mess on the floor. She knew her life wouldn’t be same after that accident, the sounds of the crash still ringing in her ear, even after 20 long years. She had dreamt to be an IAS officer, make a difference to her nation, but that obstacle set her back at least by a lifetime. Her mother, influenced by relatives and peer pressure, got her married off to Arun Apparkumari, a GM at an MNC. He is a good man, but sometimes doesn’t feel the way that she feels. And, 2 children later, here she is, a grown independent woman by society, but a shattered yet dreaming little girl by heart. She did what she only could do about her miserable life, weep, sometimes for long times alone, as she kept on her apparent duty of daily chores. Just a few footsteps away, a door closed, listening to the unheard sorrows. The next day early morning, she boarded the bus to meet her in-laws, for whom she was the only caretaker. As she took a seat near the window, a wave of fresh air flew through her face. This was the only part she liked about the bus ride. She could see the everchanging world in its glow, nature and man working together to create a sustainable and luxurious life. Cars swept past the bus, metros riding over, people in a hurry to do something important, most importantly women rushing to work, trying to bring about a change in the society. Her thoughts were interrupted by a girl, dressed up fashionista style, on a motorbike and smoking a cigarette speeding through the roads, hurling obscenities at other drivers. That brought back a fond memory from her twenties. It was nostalgic time again. ‘Hey Sathya! Come fast! If Mom finds out about this, they’ll throw me out of the house for sure!”, she shouted in excitement as her friend Sathya came running towards her. “Its fine da! Anyways it’s our last day meeting. Who knows what will happen after you get married and sent off? Start cleaning vessels now itself! You will have practice!”, she laughed hysterically looking at a sulking face. “Come on fast! We have no time to lose!”, she shouted as they both started on a rental bike. As the wind rushed through her face, and her skin feeling the true touch of mother nature, she rode the bike as far as the road took her. It was the happiest she had been in a while. Since her father’s accident, her whole house was in chaos as her gullible mother ignored her pleas and, with the advice of the so-called relatives, fixed her marriage. The only way to spend all her pent-up anger was today. She wouldn’t do anything to miss today’s thrill. That day lived up to its name. Playing with Sathya on the beach, teasing and laughing about the men following them, fun with the waves and finally icecream on the rocks witnessing the grandest and splendor sunset. “What is life da?”, she asked her friend, repeating the question for as long as she had known Sathya relishing her ice-cream. “According to me, it would be travelling the world with my love and enjoy doing what I do. What about you? What’s your thoughts?”, Sathya replied relishing her ice-cream too, not knowing the ripples it caused. She began to wonder about her life after marriage. She was in a deep abyss now, with no way out or no one to help her. When will I get this feeling again? What will happen to me? What about my dreams? “Hello, snap out of it! You’ve gone and dropped the ice cream, now you’ve made me go crazy!”, Sathya said sarcastically. But she ignored that and asked her, “But why only roaming around the world? Why not follow your dreams and pursue your passions? Isn’t that supposed to make you happy? Sathya with a calm mind answered her question,” My dear friend. You have confused yourself with life. Life is not always cruel. When I meant the world trip, I was not going to obviously enjoy the trip. It was the person I love that I’m going to enjoy with. That’s what makes
us all happy. Life doesn’t give us obstacles; it gives us the stairs. Now whether you run on it or trod is your choice.” That sentence was stuck in my mind for a long time. “Madam! Please wake up, the stop has arrived”, said the bus conductor carrying out his duty. Back to the stairs once again, she thought as she got off the bus. Back at home, Arun was waiting. To make a difference. She reached home early. In spite of all the things that she did for her in-laws, they never quite respected her and treated her the way she should. But, she did it for her satisfaction, the way her father told her. Anyways she got to eat some ice-cream on her own! As she opened the door, out came a deafening yell. “SURPRISE!!!!”, screamed Arun, Nirav and Ritesh at the top of their voices. “Happy life celebration day, you idiot!”, Arun screamed sarcastically. “What took you so long? Do you know how much time Nirav spent baking that cake? Even with his girlfriend he doesn’t talk this much time with!”, he joked. “DAAAAAD! IM JUST 11!”, Nirav screamed blushing, a pink color slowly rising on his cheeks. “What’s all this going on?”, she asked with genuine astonishment. “I’ll tell you later, but first have this ice-cream cake. And that too your favorite! Pan masala flavor!”, Arun exclaimed. “Papa, I was busy writing the card. That’s why I gave him the wrong flavor. Don tease me!”, Ritesh shouted feeling guilty. And then, that day, she had a blast. Singing songs, going through old photos, charades with the family and a surprise visit from mom. It was the happiest she had been in days. She wiped out the pains of the last few weeks and embraced the day with full hands. “So now that the kids have gone to sleep, tell what does this life celebration day means, Mr. Party planner?” she asked Arun as they sat near the balcony. “Before I say that, I want to say thanks!”, he replied. “For what?”. “For everything. For the days you had to go to raise those 2 kids to keeping up with my atrocities and my mood swings, taking care of the relatives, and for facing everything that life gave you. It’s going to change from now”, he replied staring at the night sky. “I still don’t get it. What are you trying to thank me for now? It’s not even my birthday!”, she replied still in shock. “It’s even more special! Its Mother’s Day. See, when life doesn’t exactly give what you want, it is up to us to make sure that we squeeze the best out of it. And mothers always do it. They have to. And they always. It’s hard, people won’t get the pain, the losses and the challenges that come with it. But what they also miss is the small tiny happy moments that comes along with it”, he replied calmly to her. And that’s when it hit her. It hit her hard. What her father said. What Sathya meant. What she was missing most of her life. Life is not the true pleasure. It is love. Her love towards her family. Her love that keeps her going every single day, making her strive to just see the smile on her children’s face, to always love her husband no matter what. Its love that makes us feel alive, not life. “Nirav heard you weeping that day. And I almost felt the pain when he said it to me. So, as a family we are going to give you the greatest gift we can think of. Or at least to us accordingly. I can’t afford a necklace or something….”. “Just say it Arun”, she laughed. “Our love and support. From now no matter what you do, when you do or how you do it, its going to be your way. Let it be opening a restaurant or trying for a job or even being lazy like me, no matter what the society or any bloody person says, we will support you. Its your life, you apply the love to it, it will reward you back. That is what today’s life celebration day was. From now, you are not just a hardworking woman. For the society, you are the mother”, he said her, meaning each and every word from his heart. And that day she made a decision. It is going to be love that will lead her, not life. That day she understood what the world tried to express to her in different ways. That day, she
understood love. That day, she became her. With all the love from the multiverse, Ragav
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youarejesting · 4 years
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[Masterlist] Pairing: BTS x reader Friends2Lovers But as slow as you can go until the anticipation kills us all… Genres: friendship, drama, romance SLOWEST OF BURNS BUT IT WILL BE BURNING AN ETERNAL FLAME!!! Rating: PG-13 and above Summary: Your brother works with a few BigHit dance teams and whilst having permission to accompany him at work the city shuts down banning anyone from stepping outside for a whole WEEK while they disinfect the streets. If you step outside you might get arrested, shot or poisoned by the chemicals they are emitting through the city. Words: 1.k Announcement: I again haven’t edited this yet I tried to look at the other one and tried to fix a few obvious mistakes but I really hate looking back on my work haha only forward. This chapter is dedicated to @seesawsmin-flower​ who left some really funny and positive gifs on my last chapter. Things are actually going down these next chapters so prepare yourself or perish.
[Part 1]  [Part 21] [Part 23] [Tag Yourself Here]
Once you were certain that Myunghee was safe until morning you suited up and raced back to the health clinic. The doctor was unpacking and repacking your bag, explaining what you should do to help Jungkook when you see him. You were watching him, it was strange after the boys had broke you down it was like all the color had been stripped from the world and you were in a black and white universe, but slowly the colors were returning. After helping deliver your new goddaughter Choonhee, the world appeared to have tiny flecks of color if you concentrated hard enough.
“Are you listening?” The doctor asked looking at your face, you couldn’t help hugging him. He had done so much for you and you were truly grateful. “Are you okay?” “Thank you Doctor Chang Min-Jun, for everything, You helped me so much” “I am not dying” he laughed awkwardly patting your back and started explaining the steps again.
He sent you off with a pat on the head and a smile, he didn’t know what had changed your demeanor but he wasn’t going to question it. Taking off on the bike you headed through the city wishing to feel the wind in your hair but unable because of the suits. You radioed your position to the BigHit building before you took the turn onto the street and began speeding towards the entrance.
Passing dark shadowed figures in the street who started yelling and radioing. Thankfully they had opened the glass door covering their faces as you rode in on the motorized scooter pulling the wagon behind.
You stripped out of the suit and looked at them, they seemed tired it was almost three in the morning and there was still another hour before the sun rose. “Where is he?” Speaking entirely in Korean had them shocked and you had to stifle a smile. They gestured to the elevator dumbstruck and you walked over the staff racing after you confused.
As the elevator doors closed you couldn’t help but stare at your reflection, it looked a little gaunt compared to a week ago. The dark circles under your eyes were not a good match for your complexion, appearing like deep bruises. You kind of wished you had taken a shower and perhaps brushed through your hair, but you reminded yourself you were beautiful and unique and you don’t need to impress anyone. Because if you want someone to truly like you for who you were, it wasn’t about playing a role and changing for them it was about being yourself and being accepted.
The doors opened and you headed into the hall your feet already leading you to the BTS meeting room only to find it empty, the staff were confused. It was a strange pull in your chest, an inkling or dare you say, hope that pulled you back to the elevator and press the button for the basement. The doors closed on the staff and you headed down until you reached the familiar white corridor.
The fluorescent lights are a cool tone and the slight burn your eyes as you step out into the hallway, you head along feet feeling heavy. Biting your lip nervously, what were you supposed to say, how would they act you weren’t sure. “Just act professional, you can do this, this is your job”
Before you could even grab the door handle you heard them talking, “Jungkook is still in the shower, should we get him out?” If you said you didn’t miss RM’s voice you would be lying, even laced with worry, it was still deep and smooth and eloquent as you remember. 
“It is probably best to leave him be, the cold water is numbing his shoulder” Seokjin sighed, he sounded tired the complex nuances in his voice were too hard for you to decipher without seeing his expressions. 
You knew you should definitely go in there and announce your arrival but you just didn’t instead you turned to the bathroom and stepped inside, walking down the line of stalls until you reached the shower cubicle. Quickly peeking to see if he was naked before you barged in. Jungkook was standing there in his dark jeans under the jets of cold water, his fingernails and lips had turned blue and his body was shivering. “Jungkook, are you okay? I have some morphine, it will help your shoulder” you whispered and he turned looking down at you through wet bangs, he looked like he was on the verge of tears. 
Taking out your things you started prepping the morphine the doctor gave you one small bottle which would be equivalent to two doses so you gave him exactly one dose. He looked at you and you smiled at him trying not to appear nervous but he held your free hand and ran his thumb over the knuckles. You took a deep breath and did exactly what the doctor had taught you in your advanced first aid. Doctor Chang had been super nice even when you blew two of the veins in the back of his hand and on in his inner elbow before you got it correct. He didn’t wince and the vein didn’t balloon so you took that as a positive sign.
“You should feel it start to work within two minutes and it should peak at twenty, if by any chance you fee-” He pushed you against the tiled wall under the rain of the freezing cold shower. His lips pressed to yours, you shivered against him, trying to warm him up by wrapping your arms against him. As much as you told yourself to stop him, you thought perhaps this was how he was coping with the stress and if it kept him calm while the medication started working you were happy to assist him. Kissing Jungkook was like you were floating it was like an underwater paradise and you were completely submerged by the emotion he was revealing to you. He rolled his hip forward moaning quietly into your mouth and your eyes flew open, you were suppose to be professional. Not kissing your patients. You gently moved him back careful of his arm.
“Jungkook, we have to get you dressed so I can take you back to the clinic and have your shoulder fixed” You walked into the nearby stall, in the bottom of your bag you always carried a spare outfit, a tip from doctor chang, in case you have any unwanted spills or fluids on your clothes. Once dressed you led him to the elevator. Again you knew you should let the boys know that you were taking Jungkook but right now, with his cold hand holding tightly to yours, he became your top priority. The elevator ride was full of awkward stares he opened and closed his mouth but was unable to form a coherent sentence. You guided him into the suit, avoiding any strain on his dislocated arm and helped him lay down in the blue wagon. 
You took off out the door and up the street, you took a different escape route and headed to the clinic. You tried to make the journey as smooth and quick for Jungkook as possible. A shot fired past your ear and you swore moving faster and heading down a side street. You were glad Jungkook was in the wagon and not sitting behind you on the scooter. You couldn’t imagine him in pain, it hurt you too much.
There were more shots sounding off, none of them reaching you, but definitely in your direction, you parked quickly in the clinic garage and pulled Jungkook inside quickly.
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[Part 1]  [Part 21] [Part 23] [Tag Yourself Here]
Tags: @bubbletae7​ @lovemusicandotps​ @taetaebq​ @seveniefive​ @w0lfqu33n​ @anaiss97​ @moccahobi​ @maddymal​ @lilacdreams-00​ @lethargicalyssa​ @knjkitten​ @pieislife​ @bunnyboyenthusiast​  @vividwoosan​ @seesawsmin-flower​ @tinyunknownflower​ @gguksfilter​ @fawnzilla​
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tvehyungs-gf · 4 years
The 1000 letters that were never sent.
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Part 1 out of 2 of the The 1000 letters that were never sent. Word Count: 1.9K. Song Recommendation: Terrible Things Instrumental by Mayday Parade. I recommend you to listen to the song while you read. It will get you in the feels! Put it on a loop too!
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“Dear Y/N,
Fuck, is that to cliche? I still don’t know how to greet you in this letter despite this may be my millionth letter I’ve written to you. Should I keep it casual like the good ole days? Okay then, let me start over.
Hey, what’s up Y/N?
I... I don’t know if that’s any better to be honest. I feel... what exactly do I feel? Awkward? Regret? Remorse? All the above or somewhere in between? I don’t know honestly. I can’t remember the last time that I’ve actually written you a letter that was... well, sober.
I wish that I could sigh on paper. Sigh. I guess that’s how you do it, right? Haha... I guess that’s also how you laugh on paper... Honestly... I don’t know where to start.
Where do I even begin? Better yet, how I can explain this whole “thing” to you? Should I start from when I first met you or should I start from when it started happening? I don’t know, I really don’t. Can you tell that I’m lost? Y/N, I’m so lost. You were my guidance... Where did you go? Why did you leave me here without a direction? No hints no nothing, you just... you just left. Where do I even send these letter to? Your old home? Your parents house? His house?
I wish I had the guts to do that - but I don’t. I don’t even want to talk to him.
I just...
Do you remember back when we were younger and we took that super spontaneous trip to Busan? That 5 hour drive from Seoul to Busan may have been one of the best trips I have ever taken in my entire life. And I know that I literally dragged you out of class to go but if it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have been able to experience one of the best times of your life, right? If you were here right now, you probably would’ve smacked me upside the head for bringing back this memory. I miss that.
The trip was, no is, a memory that I can never forget. I still can’t believe that I managed to get you to turn off both of our phones and only listen to the CD I burned full of songs that we loved. The highlight of the trip was your face when I said that we could only use a physical map to navigate us instead of the GPS maps on our phones. 
It was so fun, wasn’t it though? Haha.
Remember when I almost (thank god you were paying attention to the map!) took the wrong turn that almost took us to Cheongdo instead? Although... that wouldn’t have been so bad! I heard there’s this wine tunnel there, we could’ve been fancy and got drunk on wine!
I think I’ll go there some time to take my mind off of things. I genuinely need it but I just... don’t have the time.
Anyway... There are so many more memories where you saved me from going towards the wrong directions, not only geographical wise but life wise. You helped me get to where I am today and I’m so grateful for that. Thank you for always pushing me to keep going the right way and to just simply keep going when things weren’t going in my favor. There’s no words that can explain how thank you and grateful I am for that - for you.
You... You were really my light back then, Y/N. Did you know that?
I’m sorry that I keep asking you these questions but there’s just so many questions that keeps running through my mind. Truthfully though, there is one thing that I can answer honestly and that is my feelings.
I guess by saying that, it kind of sets the mood for the rest of the letter, right?
I wish you were here so I can hear you laugh at my lame jokes. Before I even start anything, I can’t believe I forgot to ask how are you doing? I hope you’re doing a lot better. Each day without you is so boring but each day is a day closer to me being able to see you again. Honestly, that’s the only thing that keeps me going, and aside from Daehyun that is.
She’s doing amazing, by the way. She’s doing what every 3 year old should be doing and I kind of feel bad because she’s becoming more and more like me. Isn’t that a good thing? Or a bad thing? I don’t know.
I remember all the times you called me annoying but I’m sure you were kidding... or I hope you were. We always had the love-hate-playful attitude towards another. I miss that too. I just.... I miss you. And I can’t be that playful like I was with you towards Junmyeon-hyung because it’s just weird. He just... He doesn’t react the way that you did. He doesn’t reply with the same things you did. 
I don’t know why I feel so annoyed when he doesn’t respond the way I want him to. He simply isn’t you and I shouldn’t get upset about that. I think this is my punishment for not telling you the truth before you left. I should’ve been honest.
Oh, and speaking of Daehyun, she just waddled here. Oo ... ~~ /
Oops, sorry, she just tried to reached for the pen. Um, here she is. She wants to say something.
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Isn’t her handwriting so cute? I can’t wait for her to start going to school. I’ve been trying to teach her so many things while you were gone. Her first words were “Eomma” and fuck, when she said that, I just wanted to cry. And I did. She’s been hanging out with Jongdae’s daughter and I guess she realized that she doesn’t have a mother figure like his daughter does.
And I just... Fuck, it hurts to see her already knowing that she’s missing someone so important in her life.
I...              I’m sorry. My tears are wetting the paper. I just, Y/N, I just miss you so much. I’m trying really hard to be positive but I just can’t. I really can’t do it anymore. I want you to only see the good things in me but I’m... I’m a monster. Every night, after I put Daehyun to sleep, I drown myself in alcohol. I drown myself in the thought you. And I don’t know how many nights I spend crying in my own tears because I miss you. I don’t know how many nights I’ve written drunk letters to you or even how many times I’ve called your number despite it already having a new owner.
It’s not easy doing this alone.
Sometimes.... sometimes I wish it wasn’t me, whose here... doing this. I know it’s a bit... no not a bit... it’s really fucked up.              I know it’s fucked up to think that way but it shouldn’t be me whose dealing with the aftermath. It should be him - he’s the one who              got you in this position in this place in the first place.
He should be here dealing with his conse       quences. Shouldn’t he have known better?
I don’t know.
I never liked him to begin with. And he just       continues to give me more reasons            why I should hate him. He doesn’t even want to      see his own fucking da        ughter. You know what he told me         after you left? He told me that he       oesn’t have a daughter that Daehyun isn’t his, that she’s a daughter of a whore. Fuck Y/N,          I wanted to beat that fucker up but your dad held me back. Fuck. I fucking hate him.
I’m so         rry my tears keep getting on the paper            Fuck, they won’t stop coming down.
But honestly, I’m glad. I’m glad I’m the one whose here, taking care of Daehyun. She’s the               only thing I have left that reminds me of you.... and I love her like my own.
I love her so much Y/N.           She’s          my on        ly hope left.
And like I promised you... I will do my very best to take care of her. I will raise her the best that I can but firstly, I need to move on, right That’s what you would’ve told me, right?
Daehyun just gave me some tissues she           found on the table. Y/N, fuck, she’s         wiping my tears.           She makes this so hard for me                Fuck I wish you           could hear what she just said. 
“Appa, don’t cry. I cry if you cry.”
Fuck, I’m so        rry. I need to catch         my breathe real quick. I feel so suffocated in here.
I’m back, I’m okay... for now. It took me about an hour to stop crying and to find the courage to finish this letter.
Where did I leave off?
Oh right.
Y/N... I just...
I can’t keep doing this anymore. I don’t know how many letters I have written for you Y/N because I have a whole box full of them.
Honestly, I wish I did have the courage to say all of this to you, in person, or at the very least, written and gave you this letter before you left. I regret so many things that I wasn’t able to do, or well, couldn’t. However, I can never regret my feelings for you.
Y/L/N Y/N, I love you. I love you since we were kids. I loved you the moment you fell down after riding your bike and scraped your knees. When you cried your heart out, I felt that pain inside of me and I swore to myself that I’ll be damned if I ever let you get hurt again whether it was psychically, mentally, or emotionally.
Y/N, fuck, I realized all of my feelings too late. I realized my feelings for you weren’t just a silly little crush the moment you introduced me to him. Fuck, I just needed someone to guide me the right way. I’m such an idiot thinking that I needed you to guide me to my own true feelings for you.
I’m so dependent on you Y/N that it was too late for me to become independent from you. Does that even make sense? I’ve been so out of it that I had to take a break from EXO. It’s been 2 months since I announced my temporarily leave and I just... I don’t know if I can even go back. I don’t have the energy.
But fuck, Y/N, each passing day, Y/L/N Daehyun, will remind me of my feelings for you because as each day goes by, she looks more and more like you.
Y/N, I will do my very best to raise her for you. And the least I could do, is be the best ‘uncle’ or well, ‘father’ for her. 
Daehyun, I hope, will help me move on and get back on my feet.
I love you so much Y/N. One day, I’ll be able to tell you my true feelings for you in person, or well psychically, when we can finally meet again.
Please wait me for me. I know how selfish that sounds but I just need you in my arms when its finally my time. Y/L/N Y/N, I love you so much.
Yours truly,
Byun Baekhyun.”
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A/N: i’m sad.
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misirosekisiro · 4 years
Cop and whore
Nattee start to strip himself, why not it always like this. Stand before him is his client, chubby guy who seek for some release. He stand there and look to Nattee’s body, sigh I even can heard his swallow, Nattee though. He and his client stand behind some brush in this park. Well, this park is one secretly well-known about it place to buy some sex at night. Nattee is one who oftenly come to this place. It easy to find good paid client here. Nattee look at his client, feel a bit disgusting on his eye that keep on him but job must be done. “Why you still not take your cloth off, I don’t think you pay me for just stare, right?” Chubby guy just flinch and start to take his jacket off. Then it happen, the flashlight was point to them. “Man what are you doing here!” Shit, it a cop. It sometime cop will come to check this park. Cop start to walk toward them, that chubby guy was freeze in panic. Nattee just runaways, He don’t want to be arrested else he will on blacklist then if he happen to arrested again he sure got sent to Juvenile detention. He not even have a time to pick up his cloth so he just runaways naked, the cops shout while go arrest that chubby guy. “Stop right there!” Who on earth will just do that, Nattee thought and then sprint faster. “Shit!” The cop cursed that boy. He put a handcuff on chubby guy. Then chain him to fence near by. “Stay here!” he said to guy and start to chase that boy who still on his sight. The cop start to chase for Nattee. Nattee can notice it since flashlight start to point on him. He just don’t know where to run to, he can’t just exit the park like this else he will got arrested by other cop outside. He pant on tired. He need to find some place to hide. Then he see Keeper’s barn. It use for store gardening tools and it empty this time. So Nattee just run to hide in there. It’s dark inside. He keep himself low and try breath slower. Then he heard the footstep sound, close and closer. “Just go aways! Please” Nattee pray. But it won’t happen. The footstep was stopped, Nattee can see a flashlight thorough under the door gap. “Where damn that boy…” Cop said. Nattee crawl blindly in dark find some place to hide. Then his hand touch on some hard stick. He try to pat and think it was shovel. Then he decide… He hold it on both hand. And stand up. Lift shovel on his hand to this back and face the door. Cops just open the door, he have no time on surprise, since Nattee just hit cops head with shovel as hard as he can. Since cop on his cap so it not help him on this smash. He can feel a bad pain and white out on his eye. Then just knock out like that. Nattee pant… He kill cop? He thrown that shovel back inside. And run to the cop. Put his finger on cop nostril. No he still breathing. Nattee feel better, at least he not murder cop. So he start to drag unconscious cop inside barn. When he can calm himself, he start to feel angry to this cop. Because him , that why I’m completely naked like this! Nattee pick up cop flashlight then point to cop. Wow he is cute, quite small compare to most cop but he is quite nice body and cute face. Nattee just can’t help that feel so good on this boy. Then he step to cop, start to strip cop’s outfits, everything even his fit trunk and sock. So cops just completely naked before him. Nattee pat on cop chest then drag through abdomen down to cop’s cock. Then he heard cop said “Er” seem cop start to recover, Nattee though. With panic he search the barn for something to use, so he find some rags and robe. “Just on time!” Nattee thought, he start to bind cops with rope, bind cop’s hand to his back then his leg, bind those together on his back. Nattee take his sock off, this only one thing on his body. Then put the sock inside cop’s mouth then wrap cop’s head with rags that he found. “Mmmmmmffmfm” When cops fully wake, he found himself bind and gaged. His mouth feel salty, blind, and feel so smelly form the rag around his head. He try to loose himself form bind but it just no use. “Stop that useless effort, Mr.cop” Nattee said, “It must not end up like this if you just keep yourself aways form other business… we just try to live..” Nattee said and put his hand on cop’s cock. He bundle his hand on cop’s cock then start to Swipe it up and down. Cop just can’t help, he was hard on Nattee’s hand. “We just do what people want to, release them form some stress… like this” Then Nattee use his mouth to do oral sex on cop. Cop was moan on his throat and flex himself on Nattee’s tongue. Not so long before he cum, Nattee just drink it and stand up. “See, we do nothing wrong. Even yourself also need it.” Nattee see on the cop that lie on the floor, he really want to rape this cute boy. Nattee’s cock also hard a while. But he know too well. He will got catch so soon if he do so since it got DNA analysis nowadays. So he just stop like that. “Now, you need to pay for my service, So since you make me naked then I will just take your outfits mine as it reward.” Cop can’t help but just “Mmmmmrmfmf” “I guess that is no objection.. haha.” Then Nattee just start to dress on cop’s unifom. He pick up cops’ underwear and deep breath on it. It so sweet smell. Then he step in, wow it size “S” so it a bit small on him. But he also feel so good on it tight fit., same to pant, t-shirt, shrit all a bit small on him. But it’s tight is not bother him but make him even more satisfy. Only one bad thing is cop’s boots also like one or two smaller than his, it a bit pain to put in. but I’m sure that I’m not leave it. Nattee thought “Then I must say thank you, and hope we not meet again” Nattee on cop’s uniform just left the barn and leave helpless cop just right in there. He go pick up his left cloth. He found that chubby guy locked near by. So he just release him. Act as cop. That guy seem can’t remember him. He ask that guy for money, for forget about these. That guy just give all in his wallet to him and runaways as fast as he can. Nattee can’t help but laugh. When Nattee exit the park, the he see cop’s motorbike just park right outside park’s exit. He search his (cop’s) pocket and found a key. He walk to bike and use the key. Bingo! It really that cop’s bike. So he just ride it and head to the road. He must leave this bike somewhere, may in police’s station park-lot. So no one will notice about it. For the uniform. I start to love it. So I will keep it while I’m dream about that cute boy. Nattee thought.
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perfectlycleverduck · 5 months
I'm preparing multiple different drafts and scenarios depending on who Carlos signs with
Williams: Suicide letter (what do you mean you make note of spare parts on excel)
Sauber: Booking my flight to find him in Madrid and let my grievances or else I'll go mad
Mercedes: He must break down his plans and reasoning of signing with them
Red bull: Makes me a bit nervous but I'll live unless he and Max pull a brocedes plus Jos and Sr fighting
1 year sabbatical leave: If he isn't racing at all he shouldn't bother coming back to F1, if he is rallying they better have that particular rally coverage in my country or else...(I would prefer this over Sauber and Williams ANY DAY)
So most of the options involve me going mad but as long as he is happy 😁
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bittykimmy13 · 4 years
Best Wishes (GT) ~ 1
This is G/t fanfiction of the Netflix movie The Half of It. Watch the movie if you haven't seen it. Enjoy. 
I certainly enjoyed it so much that I immediately needed a G/t version of it :') This will probably be a shorter story, with short chapters. Just something cute and light after the slew of angst the past couple years haha (but yes of course there will be angst, who do you think I am?) Anyway, this takes place in a potential future of the print universe. YEP, a print story where the characters aren't under immediate threat of physical pain/death 24/7 <333
Mid-afternoon sun beat down on the lonely stretch of road. Autumn pedaled her bike on a separate print-sized path beside the tree line, bracing herself whenever human cars roared by. Luckily, those were few and far between at this time of day. Unless humans were headed for the southern exit of the town where their kind of homes were sparse, they didn’t have much reason to be there. Mostly, all that remained at this end was a tight cluster of print neighborhoods and woodland.
It would be easier if she paid for human transportation to and from her summer job, but she told herself every morning that she needed to save money and that it wasn’t her pride holding her back. If she wanted to sustain herself through the next school year, she’d need to tough out the commute on her own.
The rumble of an engine approached in the distance. She tensed, but didn’t stop pedaling. This engine in particular was familiar—one she had been dreading.
Sure enough, as the pick-up truck slowed beside her, the human boys inside shouted at her through the open windows.
“Think you’ll make it home by morning?”
“Aww, why’re you ignoring us, mouse? Think you’re too good?”
“Why don’t you come in here and sit on my lap? I’ll get you where you need to go!”
Autumn kept her eyes trained on the path in front of her. It wasn’t worth snapping back at them. One, they wouldn’t hear her over the sound of that old-world relic of a pick-up. Two, they were all easily over six feet tall. She didn’t even reach mid-calf for them. Let them have their fun from the road, as long as they didn’t get out to stop her on the path and tower over her.
Keep it together. You’ll be free of them again in a couple months.
Their laughter faded as the truck roared ahead, and she could finally breathe again. She swore they took the long way these days just to mess with her. Now that they were gone, her tense anticipation of their approach could be laid to rest until tomorrow. However, her moment of relaxation lasted roughly five minutes.
A rhythmic pounding came from behind her—the footsteps of a jogging human. She clenched her jaw and kept her eyes forward. Why couldn’t some humans get it through their thick skulls that this path wasn’t meant for their exercise? It was meant for prints like her to get home somewhat safely if they didn’t have a ride. Besides, who the hell wanted to be running in this heat? As the footsteps became more pronounced, she groaned and started to swerved her bike off the path to let the human pass her without potential murder.
“Hey!” The human’s steps slowed as his voice boomed after her. “Autumn Yang!”
She braked so hard she nearly fell off her bike. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw a human with wavy dark-blond hair coming after her on the path. She blanched in recognition. He’d gone to high school with her, like the other boys in the pick-up. Tucker West. Had they really deployed one of the guys to come after her on foot? Her hand tensed on the phone in her pocket as she wondered if she should call for help.
There was no time. She pedaled hard.
“Wait up!” His pounding footsteps kicked up to a jog again.
It was laughable how easily he caught up. In no time at all, his shadow had fallen over her, but she didn’t stop. She didn’t dare look back, knowing she’d lose her balance if she dared to peer up at his dizzying height. From the brief look she’d gotten, he was somehow taller now since graduation.
“Autumn, hey! I said wait up!”
The shadow darkened, and her bike came to an abrupt stop. The momentum launched her over the handles, making her come to a hard fall on the asphalt. She winced at the scrape on her forearm and sat up, scrambling to face Tucker West.
He was crouched low with one hand braced to the ground, while his other fingers still pinched the back tire of her bike. His dark eyes were wide, and his lips were parted dumbly as he assessed what he had done.
“Wow, I-I’m sorry,” he stammered, giving a laugh of disbelief. “Shit, I didn’t know you were gonna fall like that.”
“You expected me to fall a different way?” She picked herself up and dusted her shorts off. “What’s wrong with you? Besides not knowing how physics work.”
“No, really, I’m sorry. But you weren’t stopping, and I…” He shrugged lamely.
Praying that he couldn’t see how badly she trembled under his shadow, she stormed over to her bike and grabbed the handles. “Give it back, Tucker. Leave me alone. We’re not in fucking high school anymore—I dunno why you and your friends couldn’t mature past your glory days, but leave me out of it.”
He cocked his head. “My friends?”
“Oh, don’t play dumb. The assholes who’ve been screeching past me every day since I came home for the summer.”
“You mean Jason and them? They’re not my friends.” He kept his grip on the bike, seemingly unaware that she was trying to wrench it out of his fingers. “Look, I saw you were back in town, and I have a favor to ask. See, there’s this girl—”
“No, I will not help you seduce some girl by pretending to be your quirky print friend to prove you have a softer side. Beat it, or I’ll tell her you stalked me on my way home.”
Cheeks flushing, he shook his head. “That’s not it! Remember how you used to write people’s assignments for them?”
Of course she remembered. How could she not? The money she’d made from that had ensured she could eat comfortably while she was away for her freshman year of college. She stopped pulling on the bike and narrowed her eyes at him. She’d written a few papers for him back then, but that was the long and short of their interaction.
“Somehow, I doubt you need a philosophy analysis written for you in the middle of summer, two years out of high school,” she said.
Despite her flat tone, he looked at her excitedly, like she was a co-conspirator in a scheme she knew nothing about. “Well, you’re right about me needing your help with the girl. I mean, not the seducing her part, but uh… yeah, okay, kinda.”
“Either give me the point, or give me my bike.”
“You’re good at writing, okay? And I need help with that.” He pursed his lips and shrugged.
“Look, I’m not good with words, so I want to write her a letter. I tried already by myself, but it never sounds good, you know?”
She gave the bike another test tug, disappointed to find that his fingers’ grip hadn’t slackened in tandem with that wistful look on his face. She scoffed. “Write a letter? Like on paper? Who does that?”
He pouted. “I thought it would be romantic.”
“I mean, I guess. If she’s into that kind of stuff. Who is she, anyway?”
“Lacey. Lacey Ramirez.”
Autumn let go of the bike and staggered back a few steps, arms limp at her sides.
“You know her, don’t you?” Tucker said. “Didn’t you used to be friends with her?” He paused, taking in her slack-jawed expression and tense stance. “Oh. Do you guys have bad blood? Shit, I figured it would be easier for you to help since you know her.”
She shook her head. “N-no, we don’t have bad blood. But I’m not doing this. I’m not helping you write a stupid love letter to Lacey Ramirez. Just go talk to her. It’s not that hard.”
“You don’t get it! It’s hard. It’s, like, super hard.”
For all his insistence, he finally let go of the bike when Autumn lunged forward and jerked at the handles again. She gave one last look at his knelt form towering over her, feeling a spike of bitterness. Of course it wouldn’t be hard for him to win Lacey over. He was tall, handsome, and built. But most importantly, human. A perfect match for Lacey. She turned around and started walking her bike away.
“I’ll pay you,” he said. She walked a little faster, worried he’d give chase again. She was still within reach of his stupid long arms, but he didn’t make a grab. “However much you need. Set your price.”
Autumn hesitated, and his voice jumped.
“I’m in love with her,” he insisted. “Please. You have to help me. I’m sure you could use the money.”
She glared over her shoulder. “What makes you say that?”
He leaned back a little and planted his hands on his lap, perhaps to make it seem like he wasn’t trying to crowd her. “I dunno. You’re working, aren’t you? That means you need money.”
She did.
Hissing out a sigh, she pinched the bridge of her nose. “One letter.” He started to grin and straighten up in excitement, prompting her to hold up a finger. “One letter! And I name my price after I finish it. I’ll type up a draft and send it so you can write it out. What’s your number?”
“What? No, hey, I want to be there with you while you come up with it. We could help each other, can’t we?”
She rolled her eyes. “Where?”
“Library, tomorrow at noon?”
She frowned, shocked that he was so casually okay with being seen in public with a print. It wasn’t exactly outlandish these days, she just didn’t figure someone like him would be alright with it.
Maybe it was the surprise that made her nod. “Fine. But I work tomorrow, so let’s make it two.”
“So we have a deal!” His hand shot toward her, and she might have fallen on her ass if he hadn’t stopped a few safe inches away. He held his finger and thumb slightly parted—an invitation to a handshake that she would much rather not attend.
But, figuring it would get him out of her hair faster, she stiffly walked closer and placed her hand on his fingertip. She braced for pressure, but he was actually  quite gentle when he pinched her hand and moved it down once. After getting tossed off her bike, she never would have expected that from him.
“See ya tomorrow.” He let go and gave a small wave. His grin was wide and blinding as he stood up.
She couldn’t help but flinch, seeing him at his full height again. He didn’t linger, though. The pound of footsteps resumed, but this time they headed away from her. It wasn’t until he was a good distance away that she, for the second time, could breathe again.
As she mounted her bike and started pedaling, her mind swam in disbelief of what had just happened. Tucker West, former football star and high school has-been, had sought out her help with a handwritten love letter. And for Lacey Ramirez, of all people.
It wouldn’t be hard finding the words—just hard to share them. She hadn’t spoken much to Lacey since sophomore year of high school. It wasn’t that they had a falling out or bad blood. It was just that Autumn had quietly pulled away from that friendship when she came to the terrifying realization that she had fallen in love with Lacey.
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breanime · 5 years
It’s In The Eyes
Requested by the great @melissataggart87, here’s some Jax Teller angst and fluff!
This has some spoilers from the early seasons…if you can call them spoilers, considering how old the show is haha.
*gif not mine*
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Jax stared out at the street, cigarette smoke floating in front of his face. It was raining, but he was under the awning, sitting on the table as he thought of you…
…of what he lost.
“You said you would always be honest,” you’d said, eyes drowning in tears, “That you’d never lie to me…”
Jax shook his head, feeling the weight of his kutte more than ever. “I had to,” he tried to reason, “If you would have known—”
“Donna was my best friend!” You had snapped, tears trailing down your cheeks and meeting at the tip of your chin. Jax hated seeing you cry, hated it more that he was the one who’d made you cry. “She was family, she—she was your best friend’s wife! How could you not tell me that it was Tig who killed her?” Your mouth fell open as a new revelation hit you. “I—I held him after the funeral,” you said, jaw shaking, “I held Donna’s murderer… I’m gonna be sick—”
“—This isn’t on Tig,” he’d tried to explain, “That bitch Stahl set Op up, made him look like a rat to the club—”
“—But Tig pulled the trigger! And you knew!” You glared at him, looking at him like… like he was the enemy. “You told me you’d never hide club shit from me, told me that Opie had killed the man who killed Donna, let me believe it was over—”
“It is over!” Jax snapped back. This had already been a hellish day for him. Tig, out of nowhere, confessed to Opie that he killed Donna, and then—after Opie handed Tig a brutal beatdown—Jax had to spend his afternoon out looking for Opie. The conversation he’d had with his brother had been hard, but he thought he’d gotten through the worst of his day. Then he came home to you; apparently Opie had given you a call before Jax got home and told you the truth. It had been hard for him to lie to you, but it had to be done—it was best for the club, and best for you. Jax knew you were close to Donna, knew that you wouldn’t understand what happened with Tig, knew that you’d react badly…and he had been right. “We’re handling it, I’m handling it, okay?!”
“How long have you known?” You asked, eyes turning hard as you regarded him.
Jax looked away, running his hand over his beard. Jax loved you, he did; he loved how confident you were, how well you knew yourself, how well you took shit with the club…you were everything he’d ever wanted and more. You were Old Lady material, and Jax knew that one day he’d put his crow on your body and his ring on your finger. You were so comfortable with the life, but that was kind of the problem. You expected him to tell you everything about the club, good or bad, and he usually did, but this… This was too much. He was trying to protect you.
“Jax,” you said again, “How long have you known that Tig was the one who shot Donna?”
He looked back at you. “The whole time.” Jax watched, silently, as your eyes changed. Those eyes that had always been home to him, that always looked at him with fondness, soft and full of affection, were staring at him coldly now. It sent shivers up his back. But it was your next words that really made his heart stop.
“Jax,” you’d said, voice cold, “Get the fuck out of my house.”
That had been a week ago, and while he’d called, texted, and even showed up to your job, you refused to speak to him. Well, that wasn’t entirely true, you did say “it’s over” to him a few times. He’d broken your trust, and while Jax knew his intentions were good, it didn’t stop him from having hurt you. He took another puff of his cigarette. He couldn’t get your eyes out of his head, watery with tears and staring at him like he was a complete stranger. And now you refused to see him. You lived just a few miles from the clubhouse, a short ride on his bike would have him at your doorstep in less than 15 minutes, but you might as well be on the moon.
“I knew you’d be out here sulking,” Gemma said, walking over to Jax and sitting on the table with him. “She still not talking to you?”
Jax shook his head.
“Ah,” Gemma reached over and took the cigarette out of Jax’s mouth, putting it to her own lips, “Give her time. She just needs to put it all in perspective.”
“She broke up with me, Mom,” Jax said, the words tasting bitter in his mouth, “She’s not putting shit in perspective.”
“She’s a smart girl,” Gemma went on, “At some point, she’s going to have to admit that this whole thing isn’t on the club. It’s on that bitch Stahl.”
“I tried to tell her that,” he shook his head, standing up and putting his hands in his pockets. “It didn’t help.”
“Well not in the moment, no,” she said back with a shrug, “You chose a tough girl, baby. She’s gonna react, be pissed, and you’re going to have to let her. But it’ll pass. She’s got the makings of an Old Lady,” Gemma smiled around the cigarette, “She’ll make a hell of a daughter-in-law. Just give it time.”
Jax nodded. He wasn’t sure if he believed that—he wanted to, but he was afraid of getting his hopes up. He’d never been with a woman like you, someone he could be honest with, someone who he could show his life to, the violence, the pain, the mayhem… You took it so well, it was like you were made for him, made to be his woman. You were the only person in the world he could go to, you were his safe place, his constant… He needed you like he needed air, and every day without you had been…
Fuck it. He couldn’t take it anymore.
“Be back soon,” Jax said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out the keys to his bike.
Gemma smiled. “That’s my boy.”
Jax drove to your place with a single-minded purpose: to get you back. He knew you were hurting, both from Donna’s death and his subsequent lie. You trusted him, and he’d lied to your face. He had to make this right.
There was a bike parked in your driveway when Jax pulled up—Opie’s bike. He parked next to Op, leaving his helmet on the seat, and walked to your front door. What was Opie doing there? Jax walked in, knowing your door would be unlocked, a frown on his face. He heard voices, yours and Opie’s, and followed them to the kitchen.
“I know,” Op was saying, “It’s hard to… To forgive, to wrap your head around it, but… At the end of the day, Jax was only trying to protect us. Both of us.”
Jax rounded the corner then, and saw you and Opie at the table, cups of coffee in front of you both. You were crying again, and Jax’s heart broke. “Hey,” he said, voice low.
Opie stood up and approached Jax, bringing him into a crushing hug. “She needs you, brother,” he whispered to him. Jax nodded. Opie released him, turning back to press a chaste kiss on the top of your head. “Go easy on him, sweetheart.”
Jax didn’t watch him go, just heard the soft slamming of the door followed by the hum of Opie’s bike as he pulled off. You wiped your tears, and Jax’s heart stopped when you looked up at him. The coldness in your eyes was gone. “Can I sit?” He asked.
You nodded. “Yeah… Yeah… Do you want some coffee?”
“No, I…” Jax sat across from you. “I wanted to talk…”
“Can I go first?” You asked. Jax nodded. “I just… I know why you kept the truth about Donna a secret. But I just… I thought you trusted me.”
“I do,” Jax interrupted, “Darlin’, I trust you more than anyone, I just… I didn’t want you to look at Tig different, look at the club…at me…” He took a breath, realizing a fear he didn’t know he had until the last moment. He loved you, and he didn’t want the club, his life, to make you love him any less. “I don’t want to lose you.”
“Jax,” your voice was soft, “Baby… I know what the club is, what you are. And it doesn’t matter to me; it never did, because I love you.” Jax’s heart was pounding now as he stared at you. Your eyes were so warm, so open. “And talking with Op, remembering how he was with Donna, how much they loved each other… I’m mad at you, I’m—I’m hurt, but I love you. I love you like Donna loved Opie, and I can’t just throw that away.”
“I love you, too,” Jax said back, “and I’m sorry, I… I just wanted to protect you, protect Op.”
“I know.”
“I love you,” he said again, “and I trust you. I want to be with you, Y/N, for the rest of my life.” He couldn’t help but smile as he spoke. “Gemma called you her daughter-in-law today. Sometimes I think she can see the future.”
You laughed, and man, Jax could hear angels sing in that laugh. He wanted to get that laughed tattooed in his brain, hold onto it forever. “Sounds like Gem,” you said.
Jax got up then, and so did you. He pulled you to him in a tight hug. “I’m sorry,” he said into your hair, “I love you.”
You leaned forward and kissed him, soft and slow and full of love. You were smiling when you pulled back. “So… You plannin’ on proposing one of these days?” You asked.
He grinned back. “Would you say yes?” He asked back.
“Hm,” you pretended to think, and Jax kissed your neck and face as you did, making you laugh, “Okay, okay,” you said, giggling, “Yeah, I’d say yes.”
Jax smiled down at you. Your eyes were shining, and he could feel your warmth, your love emanating from them. “Ok, so…” He pulled back a bit so you could see the seriousness on his face, the warmth and love in his own eyes. “…Will you marry me?”
Your eyes widened. “Are—are you being for real right now?”
“I am,” he said. Jax had to live his life making split second decisions and dealing with the consequences, he had to think and react and think and react in a cycle, always posed for action, always second guessing himself. But with you… The decision was easy; there was no room for questioning, no doubt in his mind that he wanted to be with you forever. “Marry me. Please.”
You answered with a kiss, whispering “yes” against his lips, and Jax picked you up and swung you around, laughing at your surprised shriek. When he put you down, he could see his own joy and relief reflected in your pretty eyes, could see that there were no traces of fear, uncertainty, or regret. You were in it, just like he was.
“I love you,” he said, kissing you as he spoke, “I trust you, and I’m gonna spend every day of my life proving that to you all over again.”
“I love you, Jax,” you said, eyes closed as you kissed him back, “I love you, but don’t lie to me again. I’m here for you.” You opened your eyes, and he found himself getting lost in them all over again. “I can handle the truth, no matter how bad it gets.”
He nodded. “I know, baby,” he smiled, “I won’t.” He pulled you to him again, determined to keep his promise, keep your eyes looking warm and soft whenever you looked at him, determined to love you the way you deserved, and be the man you needed him to be.
And every morning, when he woke up with you in his arms, greeted by the sunrise in your eyes, he was reminded of his promise. He thought about it every night as he held you in his arms, skin soft and warm under his fingertips, as your eyes closed, eyelids fluttering as you dreamed. He didn’t break his promise again. He told you everything that went on in his life, regardless of Clay’s protests, and you took it all in stride. He held your hand, laughing at your grimace, when you got his crow tattooed on you, and looked into your teary eyes when he stood in front of you at the chapel, declaring your love in front of all of your friends and families. Jax loved you fiercely, and you loved him right back. Everyday, when he looked into your eyes, he knew there could never be eyes as beautiful as yours, as powerful as yours, eyes that made him melt into putty with just a few easy blinks…
…until he saw your daughter’s eyes.
Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it! :)
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petertingle-yipyip · 5 years
Where Happiness Begins - Peter Parker
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Chapter Five - Don’t Throw It Away
//WHB Masterlist //
//Series Inspo: @cxptain-capsicle @stuckonspidey // Series Tags: @writingsbychlo @mc225g @fandom-princess-forevermore @peterparker-glee-other @olliekookie @rosegoldhome @chubsluda @missmulti @eternaleviee @freerebel @disgustangg //
Word Count: 4,427
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Summary: It seemed like everything was going good with Y/N and her new friend, Peter. But Peter makes what could be the biggest mistake of his young life. Even though Y/N warns him, don’t throw it away, does Peter do it anyways?
“How was the internship?” Ned asked happily as he plopped down next to Peter at their usual lunch table.
“It was cool.” Peter answered, carefully choosing his words. He knew he couldn’t tell Ned about what the internship exactly consisted of, but he could be vague. “I met Tony Stark and his daughter.”
“You got to meet Tony and Y/N Stark? They’re like, living legends!” Ned said with excitement. “Did you see their suits?”
“I caught a glimpse of them.” Peter shrugged. “They’re working on some cool stuff.”
“Awesome!” Ned exclaimed quietly.
“Yeah, and Y/N said most of the work would be done at home but I could call her if I ever wanted to work at the facilities. It’s kind of an on-call deal as to when I’ll be here or there.”
“You have her number!?” Ned practically shouted.
“Keep your voice down!” Peter hushed him. “She said to call when I need something.”
“Dude, just call her.” Ned said to Peter. “You’ve been staring at what I assume to be her phone number forever.”
“I can’t just call her for no reason!” Peter argued. “She told me to call if I need anything. And I don’t need anything at the moment.”
“Well you need to talk to her. And this is getting embarrassing.”
“She hasn’t reached out to me since I last saw her. Do you think maybe she doesn’t want to talk? Maybe it was an empty gesture.”
“She wouldn’t have given you her phone number if she didn’t want to  talk to you.” Ned sighed in disappointment. As much as he loved Peter, he knew his friend was a dumbass. “Maybe you should start texting Y/N instead of whoever else you’re always texting.”
“I don’t text anyone!” Peter defended quickly, suddenly anxious that Ned had seen something he shouldn’t have.
“That’s the problem, Peter!” Ned sad, throwing his hands forward. “You’re not texting anyone! You have Y/N Stark’s phone number and you’re not doing anything about it. She’s a genius, dude. Smarter than you even. And you’re letting this opportunity fall through your fingers.”
“I’m not losing anything.” Peter shook his head, turning his attention elsewhere while Ned continued to talk. It’s not that he didn’t want to talk to Ned about you, but he knew he couldn’t talk to Ned about you the way he wanted to. He wanted to talk about how powerful you really were, how when you’re in your suit you act like you’re unstoppable, and how if he didn’t know any better he’d believe you were. Maybe he did believe that after all.
“What is she like in person? Is she funny? Sarcastic? I bet she’s confident, just like her dad. But not she rules the world, just like she knows she’s badass. I mean, she’s the youngest Avenger. She has to have some confidence, right? Nah, she definitely has to know sh-”
“Did Liz get a new top?” Peter interrupted Ned.
“Liz?” Ned asked, confused by the sudden change in topic. “No, we’ve seen that before. Just never with that skirt.”
“Should probably stop staring before it gets creepy though.” Peter said dreamily, momentarily forgetting all about Y/N and being sucked back into his crush on Liz.
“Too late.” Michelle announced from the other end of the table. Both boys turned to her quickly. “You guys are losers.”
“Then why do you sit with us?” Ned asked carefully while Peter made a gesture of offense.
“Cause I don’t have any friends.” She answered plainly. “Besides, how are you going to stare at Liz while talking about Y/N Stark?”
“You heard that?” Peter asked in a loud whisper.
“I’m pretty sure everyone did.” She replied using the same tone. “You’re not very quiet, Parker. If you have her number, just use it. What’s the worst that’ll happen?”
The bell rang after that comment, sending all of them to their classes. Peter tried to push through the rest of the day like normal. Finish class, go to decathlon practice, go on patrol. That’s the way his days always went. But for some reason, he couldn’t stop thinking about what Michelle had said at lunch.
How are you going to stare at Liz while talking about Y/N Stark?
It wasn’t like he was talking about you in any way other than a friend. You two were friends, right? New friends, but still friends. You had saved him a few times in Germany, and he helped take care of you afterwards. Cause that’s what friends do. That is what friends do, right?
The day seemed to drag until he finally got to decathlon practice. Peter didn’t want to quit and bail on the trip to DC, but he also knew he had to stay and be Spiderman. He had to make sure you and Mr. Stark didn’t regret giving him the suit. He had to take his responsibility as Spiderman much more serious now.
“Let’s move on to the next question.” Liz said to his other teammates. “What is the heaviest naturally occurring element?”
Peter wasn’t really listening to anything after that. It was obviously Uranium. He had to focus on explaining why he wasn’t going to Washington with his team.
“Peter… It’s Nationals.” Mr. Harrington tried to reason with the boy. “Is there no way you can take one weekend off?”
“I can’t go to Washington because if Mr. Stark needs me, or if Y/N Stark needs me, then I have to make sure that I’m here.” Peter said carefully.
“You’ve never even been in the same room as Tony Stark.” Flash commented from the back. “Let alone the same room as Y/N. She’s a total babe, no way she’s hanging with you.”
“Wait, what’s happening?” Peter’s teammate spoke up from the stage.
“Peter’s not going to Washington.” A teammate said from the floor.
“What?” The first teammate said as Abraham rang his bell. “No, no, no, no, no, no.”
“Why not?” Abraham asked.
“Really?” Liz asked sadly. “Right before Nationals?”
“He already quit marching band and robotics lab.” Michelle added casually, causing everyone to turn to her. “I’m not obsessed with him, just very observant.” She defended herself.
“Flash, you’re in for Peter.” Liz said over his shoulder, giving Peter one last look.
“Oof, I don’t know. I gotta check my calendar first. I got a hot date with Black Widow coming up.” Flash retorted, giving Peter a look.
Peter had to bite his tongue to keep from snapping on Flash and exposing his secret. He remembered the joke you made on the ride back to the states. He let a small smile grace his face as he thought of your laugh, your smile, your bright and hopeful eyes. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have you in his life.
Usually, patrols were fairly simple. Stop a mugging. Help an old lady across the street. He even helped someone get their bike back. He had given directions, and someone even bought him a churro. Until the ATM robbery. That night was so intense Peter wasn’t sure if he remembered it right.
There were weapons he had never seen before. He wasn’t sure he was going to come out of there on top. But he was Spiderman. He had to. That also happened to be the night Ned discovered Peter’s secret. Peter had to explain everything, which only gave him more stress than keeping his secret. He was scared that if Ned knew, he’d be in danger. But no one knew that Ned knew. So Ned would be okay, right?
He had to call you that night.
He held the phone to his ear as he laid in his bed that night. Instead of falling asleep or catching up on homework, he just stared at the ceiling and talked to you. “Hey, Y/N.” He smiled when you finally answered.
“So what are we calling this, exactly?” You asked your dad as F.R.I.D.A.Y. showed you blueprints for a new Spiderman suit. You were finally able to start easing back into your normal activities. You were medically cleared of your concussion, your ankle had dulled to an ache when you stood on it for too long, and your fracture and ribs were still healing. Movement of your upper body was less painful and you could breathe deeper without a sharp sensation.
“I don’t know. Iron Spider?” Tony shrugged, sliding across the lab in his desk chair to be by your side. “Has a nice ring to it.”
“And what about the suit we just gave him not too long ago?” You questioned, leaning on your dad’s shoulder.
“I have a new upgrade every so often. Same goes for the kid. You could also upgrade your own suit as often as you like. You just don’t.” Tony shrugged again, pushing you off by your forehead. “You designed his sensory filters so you’re on that first. Pull up your old designs and upgrade them.”
“I don’t even know how I did them, honestly.” You said, scrolling through the projected files to find your Project Parker files. “I’m pretty sure F.R.I.D.A.Y. did most of the work.”
“Well, figure it out.” Your dad with an eyeroll. “I’m staring to doubt if you’re really my daughter.”
“Haha, very funny.” You said sarcastically. “How am I supposed to upgrade these? I mean, just how clear does he need to see?”
“You know him better than I do, Y/N/N.”
“Yeah, but the upgrades are your idea.” You muttered. “Besides, Peter said they were perfect as they are.”
“Either way, they have to be redesigned.” Tony waved a hand dismissively.
“And why’s that?”
“New mask means new aesthetic design means reconfigured to a new shape.”
You and your dad spent hours flipping through designs. Some of them were nonsense scraps, things that you knew were unfathomable in the few hours you had to put it together that night, but now could be played around with. One of your personal favorites were the four additional appendages that are multi-functioned. Some things needed an overhaul from the start, something you weren’t happy with when you gave him the suit in general.
“Can we change the color?” You asked suddenly.
“Blue and red was your call, doofus.” Tony laughed.
“I know, but if he’s the Iron Spider now, shouldn’t his colors match if not coordinate with Iron Man?”
“Incoming call on Ms. Stark’s cell phone.” F.R.I.D.A.Y. announced before your dad could answer.
“Who is it?” You asked, not letting your attention shift from your past designs.
“Petey?” Your dad asked with wiggling eyebrows. “Since when do you call him Petey?” Tony laughed.
“Answer it please. And put it on speaker. Thank you, F.R.I.D.A.Y.”
“Of course, Ms. Stark.”
“Hey, Y/N.” Peter said, the smile evident in his voice.
“Peter Parker, as I live and breathe. I was starting to think you didn’t want to talk to me.” You laughed lightly, noting a small flaw in the mask design. “What’s up?”
“Nothing much. Just thinking.”
“There’s a trip to Washington this weekend with the decathlon team.”
“Cool. Take lots of pictures.” You said aimlessly, expanding your lens designs.
“I’m probably not going.” He chuckled nervously.
“Just go to Washington, kid.” Tony interjected.
“Mr. Stark, hey. Hi. How- how are you?” Peter said quickly.
“I didn’t get a ‘how are you’ and I’m a bit upset about it.” You teased.
“Look, we said keep your extracurriculars up. Didn’t we?” You asked, him humming an ‘mhmm’ in response. “That includes decathlon.”
“But what if something happens here?” Peter asked as he wandered aimlessly around the room. “I mean, I’ve been texting Happy but he’s been ignoring me.”
“Yeah, we know.” Tony laughed. “He’s been sending us screenshots of your messages. Congrats on the churro, by the way. Anyways, listen kid, we didn’t bring you with us to Germany for you to sit here and obsess over things you don’t even know are going to happen.”
“Dad’s right, Pete.” You agreed, swiping your design towards your dad. “Are you using the new nanotech for this suit? Cause if so, we could use nanite lens instead of expandable?” You asked Tony before turning attention back to Peter. “You can’t sit here and put your life on hold because of Spiderman, because of this internship. Your team is depending on you, aren’t they?”
“I guess. I mean, Flash is gonna stand in for me. And- and Mr. Harrington understands.” Peter tried to reason with you.
“So that means Mr. Harrington is very disappointed but knows he can’t force you to go.” You shook your head. “Peter, you’re brilliant but also so dumb.”
“It’s true, kid.” Tony agreed. “Are the lenses retrofitted?”
“Custom cut. Mask was fit to the lens.” You shook your head. “Go to Washington. We’ll handle whatever is going on that you don’t want to leave for.”
“There’s nothing specific.” He tried to defend himself.
“Yes, there is. You’re a terrible liar.” You smiled slightly.
“No, I’m not.” He argued. Your silence was enough pressure and he caved. Sighing heavily, he continued. “There were these guys tonight, and I think they had like, alien weapons.”
“We’ll look into it.” Tony said carefully, looking at you with an interested but confused look. “Go to sleep, Peter. We’ll talk later. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“But don’t do anything he would do.” You joked.
“There’s a small gray area. And that’s where you operate.” Tony explained.
“Night, Petey.” You said, directing your focus on how to reconfigure the fit of the nanosuit versus the original. “How is this going to work? The mediums are completely different, there’s no way to transfer the program.” You asked your dad, who leaned over to see what you were looking at. Tony reached over your shoulder to touch and adjust your designs, but you smacked his hand away.
“Night, Y/N.” Peter said softly before hanging up. He knew you and your dad would look into it, but he also couldn’t sit by and do nothing.
As the week went on, things with those ATM robbery guys escalated. Peter met a guy with wings, chased the guys, found out they were selling the weapons, and decided on going to Washington. Only Peter wasn’t going to Washington for the decathlon. He had put a tracker on one of the guys and saw that’s where they were headed. He had to go and do something. Even though Mr. Stark told him to not worry about the guy with the wings when he had fished him out the lake, Peter didn’t have it in him to let something this big go. It was happening in his own neighborhood. It was his job!
“I thought you didn’t want to go to Washington.” You said when Peter answered the phone as he rode the bus with the team. “What changed your mind?”
“You did?”
“Are you asking me or telling me?”
“Telling you?”
“Why did you bring the suit?” You asked plainly. “You’re going for decathlon. You don’t need it.”
“I just didn’t want May to find it if I left it.” Peter lied.
“Hmm.” You paused, thinking about whether or not Peter would be telling the truth. “So I’m not going to see any news stories about Spiderman in Washington?”
“Course not. Don’t be silly, Y/N.”
“I’m trusting you, Peter.” You said through a sigh. “Don’t make me regret it.”
“You won’t.” Peter smiled in relief. He wasn’t completely sure you’d believe him but he was glad you didn’t question him anymore.
Later that night in the hotel room, Peter and Ned had the suit laid out on the bed. He had connected the suit to Ned’s computer, while Peter had a flashlight in his mouth as he tried to find the tracker. Ned sat with the laptop, watching the programs and code display themselves on the screen.
“Peter… Why are we removing the tracker from your suit?” Ned asked casually as Peter worked.
“Uh.” Peter said before taking the light from his mouth.  “Because I gotta follow these guys to their boss before they move again. And I don’t really want Mr. Stark to know about it.”
“What about Y/N? Why not tell her what you’re doing and she can talk to her dad?” Ned suggested.
“Y/N wouldn’t want me to do it either.”
“So you’re lying to Ironman now? And his daughter?”
“No, no, no. Not Lying.” Peter tried to explain. “They just don’t really get what I can do yet.”
Carefully, Peter peeled the tracker off the fabric. “Gotcha.” He said triumphantly as he held it up. “Alright, have fun tracking this lamp.” He said, sticking the tracker to the nearest lampshade.
Meanwhile, you were eating dinner with your family when this was happening. A small beep in your bracelet drew your attention.
-Tracker removed from Project Parker suit. Immediate maintenance required. Last known location: Washington, D.C.-
“What the hell?” You mumbled, swiping the notification away. You’d look into it later.
Back in Washington, Peter wasn’t quite done toying with his suit.
“There’s a ton of other subsystems in here.” Ned commented, scrolling through the code.
“Hmm?” Peter mumbled. He had remembered something you had said about there being more to what the suit could do but he never really gave that much thought.
“But they’re all disabled by the Training Wheels protocol.” Ned snickered.
“What?” Peter said quickly, jumping to see what Ned was seeing. “The Training Wheels Protocol?” Suddenly, he remembered something you had said in Germany.
Once the Training Wheels are off, I’ll show you what that suit is really capable of.
“Turn it off.” Peter demanded, now offended, He knew there was more his suit was capable of, but he never thought he had needed training wheels.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Ned shook his head with a small laugh. “I mean, they’re probably blocked for a reason.”
Peter groaned before pushing himself up and climbing onto the other bed. “C’mon man. I don’t need training wheels.” He huffed and jumped in a circle on the bed. “I’m just sick of him treating me like a kid all the time. It’s not cool.” He pouted.
“But you are a kid.” Ned countered.
“Yeah, a kid who can stop a bus with his bare hands.”
“Peter, I just don’t think this is a great idea.” Ned tried again. “I mean, what if this is illegal?”
“Look, please. This is my chance to prove myself.” Peter said, kneeling by Ned’s bedside. “I can handle it, Ned, come on.”
“I really don’t think this is a good idea.” Ned told his friend.
“The guy in the chair.” Peter whispered, hoping it would be enough to convince him.
“Don’t do that.” Ned breathed with a shake of his head.
“C’mon.” Peter pushed.
Ned hesitantly sighed, but deactivated the Training Wheels protocol. The suit flashed, blue lights running the seams. A new alert was sent to your bracelet, interrupting dinner yet again.
“Again?” You scrunched your eyebrows.
“What’s the issue?” Tony asked, gesturing to your flashing bracelet.
-Training Wheels Protocol has been disabled at off-site location. Confirmation required. Stark Industry Key Identifier not entered. Immediate attention required. All systems are now active.-
“You’re kidding.” You mumbled as your bracelet flashed an alert. “I’m going to kill him.”
“What’s wrong, hon?” Your mom asked as you shook your head.
“Huh? Oh, nothing. Just a notification. Can I be excused for a minute?” You asked her and your dad.
“Sure.” Tony nodded. “Make sure you come back. It’s your turn to clear the table and do dishes.”
“Yeah, yeah.” You waved your hand before stepping into the hall.
“Y/N, oh my gosh, hi!” Liz answered your call. “I haven’t heard from you in forever!”
“I know! Sorry, everything has just been so busy around here.” You laughed lightly.
“I bet. With the new internship you have set up with Peter. That was really cool of you to do that for him, by the way.”
“Speaking of Peter, he went with the decathlon team, right?”
“Yeah. I think he’s still in his room. The rest of us are at the pool.”
“He didn’t wanna go with you guys?” You asked, checking the tracker on Peter’s suit. It still said the hotel. “Or did you not invite him?”
“Of course I invited him.” She said, hearing a hint of annoyance in her voice, annoyed that you’d even suggest she’d leave him out. “He just hasn’t come down. Why?”
“He’s not answering me. I thought maybe he was with you guys.” You shook your head again in disbelief. “It’s not important. I can talk to him when he gets back.”
“Well, maybe Ned can get a hold of him. Here, let me hand him the phone.” She said. Before you could protest, you could hear muffled voices within the transfer.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y., I need you to record this conversation with Ned Leeds. Discreetly, please. Send the file to my Project Parker folder. And keep it locked. My passcode only.” You said quickly. The system beeped and the recording began.
“Hi, Ned Leeds?” You asked when you heard a male voice through the phone. “Y/N Stark. How’s Washington?”
“Holy shit.” Ned sighed.
“Yeah, listen. I need to talk to Peter. He’s not answering my calls.” You said plainly.
“Well, the thing about that is- He’s not really around right now.” Ned said nervously.
“What do you mean, not around?” You pressed.
“Well not like he’s gone. He’s here. In Washington. With us. He’s just busy?”
“Busy doing what? I swear to God I will go to that hotel right now and beat the information out of you myself, Leeds.” You said, your patience running thin. “You’re going to tell me what that boy is up to. Everything that you know, do I make myself clear?”
“He’s just stretching his legs, getting the hang of some new resources.” Ned hurried. “He’s not doing anything wrong.”
“Then why are you so nervous?”
“I’m not nervous!” He replied quickly. “And Peter is fine. He’s just upgraded his old programs.”
“Upgraded?” You paused for a moment, wanting to check something. “Hold on, Ned. Don’t go anywhere.”
“F.R.I.D.A.Y., I need to see Peter’s live feed. Send me the video from the Baby Monitor protocol.” You said, watching your phone show you what Peter was seeing. You saw him in an old storage building, where scraps from the past battles were stored. You watched as he filtered through different web options, vocalizing small questions and comments as he went. “Son of a bitch.”
“Uh, Y/N?” Ned said, pulling your attention back to him.
“Did you know?”
“The suit, you moron. You two are bunking together. Did. You. Know?” You asked carefully. You could feel the anger bubbling in the pit of your stomach. You were beyond pissed.
“Yeah, I knew.” He said hesitantly.
“Did you help?” You challenged. “That’s a complex, multi-million dollar suit. It’s not something that can just be hacked whenever. So I’m going to ask one last time. Did you, Ned Leeds, help hack the suit?”
“It may have been from my computer.” He slowly confessed. “I told him it was a bad idea. I didn’t want to do it but he kept saying I was his guy in the chair. I told him it was probably illegal, and now we’re going to jail. Aren’t we? Oh my god.” Ned said in a panicked voice.
“You have better have a good explanation as to why before I kill you both.” You hung up quickly before dialing Peter.
“Would you like me to save the audio file, Ms. Stark?” F.R.I.D.A.Y. asked as you waited for Peter to answer.
“No, just delete it.” You sighed. “Ned doesn’t need to get dragged into this more than he already is. He obviously didn’t want anything to do with it. Peter’s the one to blame.”
No answer.
“Peter Parker, I know you are not ignoring my calls. I know you are not that stupid.” You said plainly. “And if you are, you are going to be in deep shit with my dad. You’re lucky I got the notification that the suit was tampered with and not Tony. Actually, I know you’re not ignoring me because I saw your feed. You’re in a goddamn Damage Control Deep Storage Vault. God, Peter, how could you be so stupid? So disrespectful? So irresponsible. And you had the audacity to bring your friend, Ned, into it? How stupid are you, honestly. And to top it all off, Ned didn’t want to hack the suit. He didn’t want anything to do with it and yet here we are, two notifications from your suit interrupting dinner.
“That is a multi-million dollar suit and you’re taking it apart like it’s a toy. Maybe it was a mistake to let you keep the suit. There was absolutely no need to take it with you to Washington and you know that. Trying to make sure May didn’t find it, my ass. Now, you’re ignoring me, with a highly advanced, highly equipped piece of Stark tech, doing God knows what with it. Why did you need to do it, Peter? Why? What are you trying to prove?
“I swear to God, the moment you are home with Aunt May, I am going over there and I’m taking that damn suit back. I guess you weren’t ready for that kind of power. I’m serious, Parker. Did you even think about the consequences of what tampering with that suit could mean? What if what you were doing had damaged the suit? How were you going to explain that to me and my dad?
“There’s no way to explain how the tracker had been removed and the Training Wheels protocol was disabled. Those things have to be physically altered. I made it that way on purpose, that way someone had to do something about it. You had to earn the freedom and liberties that that suit has to offer. But you went ahead and took it into your own hands and toyed with the suit.” You had to pause to take a deep breath. You had been talking so much and so fast that your mouth had gone dry.
“Look, I’m pissed. Tony is going to be even more pissed when he finds out. And I’m not keeping this from him. I hope you didn’t expect me to. You really disappointed me this weekend, Peter Parker. I seriously cannot believe you’d be so stupid.” You spoke slower. “Call me once you’re back. We need to talk.”
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Just a Call Away
October 13, 2020
Prompt - Come get me
Characters - Butchy and Miles (I think I may have a problem with writing them too much)
Notes - It’s almost 8:30 and I’m already exhausted and just want to sleep haha. I have to get up at 5:30 in the morning to help my nephews and nieces with online school, but I’m determined to get this posted as this is one of my schedule days for prompts. Anyway, this is another one that takes place before my fic starts, but it will go hand-in-hand a bit with the one I plan on posting on Thursday as the prompts line up well for it.
Ten o’clock rolled around and there was still no sign of Miles. The nineteen-year-old had been gone since just before eight that morning and, while it wasn’t unusual for Miles to be gone until after six or seven due to work running late, he never forgot to call and let them know and he was never this late for dinner. Especially not when they planned on making Miles’ favorite dinner - shake ‘n bake chicken. Butchy had told Lela to go to bed over an hour earlier as she had school the next morning, but he knew his little sister was just as worried about Miles as he was. Butchy stayed on the couch cushion closest to the landline, hoping that either Miles would come in the front door or he would at least call and say where he was.
Butchy had already called Miles’ place of work earlier that evening, his boss telling him that Miles had left for home at seven and had said something about getting some shopping done on his way home. That did nothing to quell Butchy’s worries, but the idea that Miles was just out riding around made him at least attempt to relax. It wasn’t until the phone rang at nearly eleven that Butchy finally allowed himself to relax.
“Hello?” he said as he held the phone to his ear.
“Butchy?” a murmur came from the other end of the line. “Butchy, is that you? I can’t hear too well with this stupid phone.”
Butchy nearly dropped the phone. That voice was almost too quiet. Too strained. “Miles? Miles, what’s wrong, buddy?”
“I was walkin’ to m’ bike,” Miles muttered, his voice was weaker than Butchy had ever heard before. He didn’t like it one bit. “They jumped me and stole the bike. Can you please come get me?”
Butchy was on his feet before Miles finished speaking. “’They’? ‘They’ who? Where are you? I’ll come get you.”
“By that Italian market on 22nd Street,” Miles answered slowly, “It was the only place that I knew had a payphone nearby.”
“Did you walk there from the grocery store near your shop?” Butchy asked incredulously. “That market’s an hour long walk from Lealman, even if you take the back roads.”
“Yeah, my legs could’ve told you that, big guy... Wait a minute. How’d you know I went shoppin’?”
“Your boss.”
“Heh, you got worried and called him, didn’t you?”
Butchy scoffed at the teasing tone in Miles’ voice. It was funny how, even when Miles had been roughed up by a couple of thugs, he still acted, well, like his normal, playful self. “Miles, it’s nearly eleven, of course I’m worried. Stay where you are, I’m coming to get you.”
“Please hurry.”
Without another word, Butchy hung up the phone, threw on his work boots and his jacket and ran out the door, to his bike. Within twenty minutes, Butchy arrived at his destination, hurriedly parking his bike near the little market before dismounting it and running toward the payphones across the street. The first box was empty, but the second booth had the phone off of it’s hook and a slouching figure sitting against the wall. Butchy thumped his fist against the door, watching as the person slowly looked up to him.
“Hey,” Miles whispered, pushing himself up a bit, wincing as he made his way to his feet. “That was faster than I thought you’d take.”
Butchy pushed the door open and took Miles by the arm, helping him limp his way to Butchy’s motorcycle. “What happened?” he asked gently as he helped Miles onto the back of the seat.
Miles gave a strained groan, holding an arm around his abdomen as his body screamed at him for moving so much. “I don’t really remember most of it. I came out of the store and put the groceries in my saddlebags and then I got belted in the head from behind. I fought ‘em off as best as I could, but I think I got knocked out for a little while and that’s when they took my bike.”
Butchy took a quick look at Miles’ face, noting a few bruises and a thick cut that ran through Miles’ left eyebrow and thinned out on his cheekbone. After wiping a trail of blood away from Miles’ eye, Butchy pushed Miles’ hair back and put his own helmet on the injured boy before climbing onto the bike. Miles’ hands trembled lightly as he gripped onto Butchy’s leather jacket, the motorcycle’s engine roaring to life under him. The ride home went by faster for Miles than it did for Butchy as the younger of the men had zoned out while watching the scenery while the older was busy worrying about getting home faster.
By the time they got to the house, Miles was leaning onto Butchy’s back, simply feeling relieved to be in an area that he knew was safe. Butchy helped Miles to his feet, but after Miles took a few limped, stumbled steps toward the house, he stopped and lifted Miles onto his back, giving the injured brunette a piggyback ride inside the house. Miles was set down on the living room couch and was told to stay there while Butchy retrieved the first aid kit from the bathroom.
Miles laid down on the couch, staring up at the ceiling and trying to stay awake. While he was mildly embarrassed about having to be carried in, he was glad that Butchy decided to do it - his leg was screwed up something wicked and it only hurt worse when he stepped on it. He rubbed at his eyes, the sleeve of his flannel brushing against the cut on his eyebrow, making him flinch. Butchy returned not long after, placing the first aid kit on the coffee table and handing Miles a bundle of ice wrapped in a face cloth so he could hold it to one of the bruises on his jaw. Miles sat up so that Butchy could see him better, watching the older boy turn on the lamp that sat on the end table, next to the couch.
“Do you know why they attacked you?” Butchy asked as he knelt down in front of Miles and opened the first aid box, pulling out a bottle of rubbing alcohol and some cotton balls.
Miles shook his head. “They probably wanted my bike, but they waited until I was done putting the groceries in it before taking it, so I don’t know what they wanted more; the bike or the groceries.”
The two boys shared a short laugh before Butchy sighed and locked eyes with Miles. “I’m not going to lie and say this won’t hurt, Miles. If we had any peroxide, I’d use that instead, but Lela took it last week and I don’t know where she left it.”
“Don’t worry about it, big guy, I can take a little burn,” Miles said, giving Butchy a tired smile before closing his eyes and placing the ice pack on the cushion next to him. “Just let me know before you start, okay?”
Butchy hummed in agreement before leaning closer and holding the wet cotton ball a small distance from the cut on Miles’ forehead. “On three,” he started. Miles gave a short nod, taking a deep breath. “One.”
“Two,” the pair continued together.
“Three,” Butchy stated quickly, pressing the alcohol soaked cotton to the thickest point of Miles’ cut.
Miles’ slow intake of breath turned into a hiss as he instinctively took hold of Butchy’s free wrist. Butchy’s eyebrows knitted together; he always hated seeing anybody he cared about in pain. Miles may have been fairly new to Butchy’s family, but he was no exception.
“I’m sorry,” Butchy muttered, cleaning out the cut as quickly as he could before taking a dry cotton pad and cleaning away the alcohol as best he could. Miles’ grip on Butchy’s wrist slowly slackened until he was just barely holding onto it at all. “I’m so sorry, buddy.”
“Don’t be,” Miles said softly, peeling open one eye to look at Butchy. “It doesn’t sting anymore.”
Butchy locked gazes with the other brunette, shaking his head firmly. “I knew something was wrong and I should’ve gone out looking for you. You wouldn’t be like this if I-”
“Butch,” Miles interrupted, giving Butchy’s wrist a squeeze, “this isn’t your fault. They jumped me and stole my bike. There was maybe four of them and, if you were there, they probably would’ve done the same to you. You have nothing to be sorry for.”
The pair sat in silence as Butchy took out some medical cream and butterfly bandages and patched up Miles’ cut. Miles watched Butchy’s expression harden again as he got to work on the cut. He couldn’t take the silence any longer and gave a soft laugh, “Hey, at the very least, I’ve got a neat battle scar on my eyebrow now. That’ll be a nice story to tell a girl someday. I’ll say I won, though.”
Butchy chuckled, shaking his head with a smile. “Only you could think of something like that.”
Miles smiled back, happy he could get Butchy off of the subject they’d been on. “Just don’t go getting into a fight to get a matching one, alright, big guy?”
“I think I’ll leave the tough guy look to you, buddy,” Butchy claimed with a smile as he closed the rubbing alcohol bottle and set it aside.
“You think it looks tough?”
“Yeah,” Butchy replied teasingly, “just as tough as your head.”
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Lilian - Year One
Part 1 Part 2 Rating: G Foreword: This story uses the fanmade idea of Rowan Khanna being the name of Two Twins (The Twin Khannas) Using their middle names to distinguish themselves. Research has been done ahead of time, with certain instances purposely being different. 
I will pre-translate all of Lilian’s french for Mobile users! 
Enjoy!  Here’s the original Google Doc Link for those who enjoy proper formatting
The morning was warm over London’s suburbs. The sun shone over the road as a young girl surrounded by several children in a house’s driveway. Each were chatting individually while two stood nearby with a timer as they watched. “Come on, Lil, ya got it!” 
“Ye can do it!” they cried as the young brunette quickly reassembled a bikes assembly from scratch after having just polished them. Within a minute, she was done. “Woah, that’s thirty seconds faster!” The boy holding the stopwatch exclaimed, while the girl watching merely shouted in celebratory victory for her friend. The two helped the other up as a group of girls walked past and started laughing. “Oh look, La Rude is in the dirt plating with the boys again. Guess she didn’t get the memo that Girls don’t do that.” The leader of the group shouted, as the others laughed and chided in their obnoxiously high voices. “<It is rather rude to deny my talents. Only an idiot would degrade someone for doing something she likes.>” Lilian Le’Reau replied with a smirk. Several of the girls simply looked among themselves, confused and worried at what Lilian had just said. The leader simply frowned and stuck her tongue out before snapping her fingers, signalling for the others to continue wherever they were trying to go. “I don’t know why you put up with her, Lilian. She’s always such a jerk.” Lilian simply shrugged, pulled the hair tie out from her ponytail and shook her head. She grinned as her hair fell past her shoulders “Because I know I can make fun of her in french without her tattling.” With that sentiment, the kids all boarded their bikes and rode down to the nearest Football field to play a game.
It wasn’t until much later that day when Lilian finally rode home. The sun was barely touching the horizon as Lilian was riding. Suddenly a flash of black as an Owl suddenly appeared on Lilian’s handlebars. “<WHAT THE HECK>!” Was all she could say before she jerked the front wheel to the side out of reaction, causing her to crash into her yard. Covered in sweat and dirt, Lilian sat up and groaned as she looked at the bent front axle of the bike she had bought. “Mama is going to kill me. And what was… that.” The owl simply turned to her and spun it’s head around, almost in a form of acknowledging the wreck that had just happened. Even more curious than the owl itself was the letter in its beak. Addressed to her home… with her name… Lilian carefully reached out to the owl to take the letter, careful to not potentially spook the creature. Thankfully she didn’t have a problem, with the owl only flying away once Lilian had the letter. “ ‘From the office of Hogwarts’ Huh? <What are you>?” She then stood up and hissed with pain as she saw her shin, scrapped and bloody from the crash. Thankfully she didn’t have to walk far as she took her bike into the garage before walking into the house.
Once inside, and after treating her injury, Lilian sat in the living room with her pet cat Eleanor as she opened the letter. The letter itself looked old, yet she opened it anyway and pulled out the letter inside. “ ‘Dear Mrs. Le’Reau, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry’? <What is that>?” 
Lilian continued reading through the letter, not noticing until she was nearly tackled by her cousin that the front door had opened. “Whatcha got there, Lil? Some love letter o’ some blighter lookin ta court ye?” Abbigail Mckinley said, big grin on her freckled face. Lilian smiled, rolling her eyes as the back of her hand smacked Abby on the arm. “<Stop that>, Abby. It’s some letter for some place called-” “Hogwarts school o’ Witchcraft an Wizardry. Glad ta see you finally got the letter. Was startin ta wonder if they sent it through the Post.” 
Lilian looked up to see her uncle Rorick standing with his hat and coat alongside her father, Daniel Le’Reau. “Well, It would seem you were right, Rorick. Glad I didn’t bet anything on that.” 
“Bah, I won in spirit, Danny. Ye just don wanna admit it.” Rorick said with a nudge of his elbow. “Wait, what is Hogwarts? Why did I get this letter?” Lilian asked, perplexed by her father’s casual acceptance of this… Wizard letter? 
“Ah ye see love… This is a letter for you to learn how ta be a witch like Abby here. Learn how to use your magical talent. Like yer normal school now, but with all the fairytale happenin’s ye’re so fond of.” Rorick said as he took a seat. Lilian simply stared at the letter, dumbfounded by this revelation and everything else that Rorick had to explain.
Lilian walked through the sliding brick wall, mesmerized and afraid at the same time. It was only a month ago in July that she had learned about Magic from her uncle and cousin, let alone seeing it in action. How else was she supposed to be taking this kind of information? Just accept that her favorite childhood stories could be real? That Eragon could possibly have existed in some way shape or form? That Lord of the Rings could have actually been a real battle covered up? 
“Lil? Oi, cous, ye’er me?” 
Lilian snapped back to reality, hearing her cousin’s voice. “<Excuse me>, it’s just...So much to deal with, Abby…” Abbigail simply grinned, pulling Lilian along. “Come on now, we’ve only jus started!” 
The two went about, purchasing whatever they needed for school with Rorick nearby. The Auror simply smiled, following behind the two as he put all of their supplies in his bag. Thankfully, and mercifully, it was enchanted with an undetectable extension charm. He simply smiled as they went around with some money, buying what all they needed while he went to buy the rest of their school supplies that they would need. 
Abby and Lilian continued walking around for a while, Abby finally letting go of her arm, when she bumped into someone causing them both to spill. “<I am really sorry! I should have watched where I was going!>” Lilian started speaking as she quickly scrambled to pick up the books and other supplies before they were ruined by the streets. Lilian had nearly picked up all of the books when she noticed the other girl simply staring, wide eyed with wonder at her. Lilian suddenly wished she didn’t have her hair in a ponytail, feeling very self conscious of herself until she heard the girl speak. “That… That was French! Oh my goodness you’re so fluent! I wish I'd be able to learn french! Oh uh, Sorry if I didn’t understand it though. I’m good with books, but not people. Sorry for bumping into you!” The odd girl with round glasses smiled as she stood up with Lilian and took back her books. “I’m Rowan Hubei Khanna! Pleasure to meet you…?”
“Aye, Tha’s me cousin Lilian, an I’m Abby McKinley!” Abby said with a big grin as Lilian stood by her side and nodded, smiling slightly to be polite. “<H-hello>…” Abby turned to Lilian confused and then realized. “Oh right, ya switch ta French when yer nervous. Sorry fer that, Rowan. Ya shoppin for Hogwarts too?” As if to answer Abby’s question, the three see a young man, his complexion and demeanor almost the same as Rowan’s. “Hubei, little help! I’m tipping I’m tipping!” He cried as he tripped on a loose stone, toppling his books and a couple of other boxes over the trio. The boy sat up and rubbed his head before readjusting his glasses. “Oh, are we making introductions? I’m Rowan Harrow Khanna! Just call me Harrow!”
“So ya two grew up on a tree farm? Seems a tad of a bore.” Abby said as the four children sat down at a nearby bench as they talked together.
“It’s really not that bad. Lots of reading and interesting stories!” Harrow said, followed by Hubei nodding enthusiastically. “It’s true! We get quite a lot of various people at the farm. Mom and Dad always say that we’re getting the entire world coming to buy their wand and broom wood.” 
Lilian smiled. “That seems interesting. I’ve never heard of a tree farm for brooms and wands specifically. It must be exciting.” 
The twins looked at each other and frowned. “Not really. More often than not, it’s kind of boring. Trees aren’t the fastest growing things.” “Yeah, for the most part we stayed inside to read and play wizard chess against each other. Harrow tried climbing a tree once. He was stung by so many Bowtruckles.” 
Harrow’s face turned bright red as he turned to Hubei. “Did not! That was just the branches not being trimmed in a while…” 
“Right, that’s why you screamed like a little girl. Haha dad had to levitate Harrow out of the tree!”
Lilian smiled at the two’s bickering when she noticed Abby looking down. She had forgotten how her cousin had lost her brother a while ago. She didn’t know how, but all she knew was that Abby’s big brother, Jacob McKinley, had run away and was never seen again. 
Lilian put a hand on Abby’s shoulder, silently nodded and smiled. “You’ll find him, Abby. I know it.” 
The two Khanna’s stopped their bickering and fell silent. Harrow was the first to speak “I’m sorry, we forgot about you being a McKinley…”
Abby shook her head. “Nah, ‘S fine. Jus comes with the territory. Come on, Lil. We should probably find Da an head home. Who knows what Hunin an Munin are doin right now.” Lilian nodded, bidding farewell to the Khanna siblings. As the two found Rorick, Lilian couldn’t help but hug them both. “<Thank you>, for everything you two are doing.” 
Rorick chuckled. “Lass, we’re a family. We stick together, through the thick of it. Now then, how about we spoil yer appetite a bit a’fore we head on home, Eh?” Lilian and Abby grinned to each other, following Rorick’s lead to a nearby candy shop.
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kpopshitposter · 5 years
Tumblr media
Friends to lovers AU: Childhood best friend Changbin has had feelings for you for so, so long. When he finally decides to tell you how he feels at the school dance it doesn’t quite go to plan… but that doesn’t mean things can’t be incredible.
Potential TW: blood mention (just a scratch)
requested by the lovely @straykids-yohhhh
My masterlist
It’s never been awkward, and it’s always been perfect. You had moved in next door to him before you knew how to spell your own name and there had been an instant connection. It was undeniable that you had found someone who spoke your language. It started out with playing house and doctor, then progressed to learning how to ride a bike together, then it became studying together. You moved through life in sync. 
It had never been more than something both of your parents found cute. They trusted you with one another. Sleepovers were common and acceptable… 
But that was when you were younger.
That was… before.
He started to become the type to go gym, he started to get into rapping and you often found him immersed in music. He grew and changed before your very eyes and it was beautiful to watch. Beautiful and intimidating. 
Changbin was turning into someone so full. He had passion, interests, dedication. You saw him devote himself to the things which inspired him all while you weren’t really all that interested in anything. You felt left behind. You felt captivated. 
You were watching this friend of yours grow into someone so rich and interesting and gorgeous. He loved to show his growing arms off to you, and you secretly loved to see them. Of course, you’d pretend like it was the most disgusting thing on earth, but that was only to tease him. In truth, the more of his new self he showed you, the more infatuated you became.
It was little things, like the way he casually fixed your hair and made your heart flutter, or the way brushed food off your face, or the way he looked at you (you swear you didn’t imagine it) when your clothes got destroyed by the rain and you had to wear his. It was the little things, but also the big things, like when he was there for you when your first pet died (you still remember how warm he was when he held you close), or when he tried to help you through your first panic attack. 
If someone were to ask you when it began, you’d say that you always knew.
It was an ordinary night. You were laying on the floor of his bedroom on the (your) mattress and he was sat on his bed. You had a book in your hands and he was busy with his laptop. The scene was a typical one. 
Your phone buzzed and a groan comes very shortly after. He lowers his headphones and asks you what it is.
“It’s just one of the girls,” your female friends are typically just labelled ‘one of the girls’ since he’s shown very little interest in who they actually are, “she just put in the group chat that she’s going to the dance with that really tall guy from our English class. He literally got his friend to video him asking her out. It’s so cheesy and gross.”
Changbin scoffed. “Are you going?”
“To the dance? Nope. Nobody has asked me. What about you? Any cheesy proposals?”
“Nah… should we go together?” 
You sit up, suddenly alert. You didn’t want to admit the way that your heart pounded at the question. You didn’t want to admit the way your hopes were high enough to lick the tip of a mountain. Your optimistic, painful delusion had you hoping he was about to… 
“Neither of us have dates and everyone will probably be mixing with their friends once we’re in anyway. It would be pointless to act like it really mattered.”
“I’m surprised you want to go.” 
He shrugged. “I don’t, but you do.”
You roll your eyes. “Fine.”
You slump back onto the mattress and try not to be too excited. You decide to respond to the group chat.
[Text:] Cute haha. I’m going with Changbin.
It doesn’t take long for the
[Text:] Of cooooourse you are.
[Text:] Were we meant to be surprised?
[Text:] Couldn’t you find someone else? Changbin is so bleh and hes not even a real date
[Text:] ^ bleh?? He’s so hot tho!! Can I go with him instead?? I didn’t know he was coming omggg
[Text:] Did he write the question on his bicep and ask you by flexing
You turn off your phone.
The preparation for the dance was hardly preparation at all. Every single time someone asked if you and Changbin were going to coordinate outfits he’d replied with ‘We’re just going as friends’. 
You were trying to not be hurt by this.
You were trying to force yourself to believe that you just have a dumb little crush because you’re confused and lonely. That’s all it is. This is a good thing, you try to believe. Changbin is protecting your friendship this way.
When he sends you outfit suggestions and is telling you that you’d look good in them he’s just doing it as a supportive friend.
When one of his friends asks if you want to go with him instead (because he’d apparently show you a better time) and Changbin holds your wrist and says you’re his, that’s just a joke.
Every day is filled with so many of these little moments. Moments your heart wants to cling to but your mind refuses. You have to logic your way out of so many things.
In truth, you know that you appreciate Changbin’s friendship. What you’re not aware of, is that Changbin does everything oh so intentionally.
The clothes he’s suggesting to you? It’s so that he can match. Holding onto your wrist? He was finding any excuse to touch you. Showing you his progress at the gym? Your eyes are his motivation. Your compliments are his source of power. One day you’ll know. One day he’ll tell you.
Changbin has been thinking of just one thing before he sleeps. How to tell you how he feels. He softly huffs in frustration every time he thinks about what he’s risking, but he knows he has to at least try. It takes weeks for him to decide, but he finally gets the idea. The dance. He won’t ask you before the dance like everyone else, but while you’re there. He won’t do something silly and embarrassing for the public to see (the very thing you keep mocking), but he’ll do it privately. It will be just for the two of you. He’ll wait for a slow song. He’ll bring you in close. He’ll whisper the truth to you.
His imagination runs wild with the fake scenario in his mind as he closes his eyes. 
He’ll feel your sides under his hands. He’ll brush his lips against your ear. He’ll look at you. You’ll tell him you feel the same way. He’ll take your hand and kiss you slowly on the lips in time with the gentle music. Lights will dance around you and the air will be kind. Nobody will notice, and it will be just your moment.
His alarm wakes him up the next morning, and the fantasy of you he’s been imagining all night long is cut far too short. He wants to cling to the universe where you’ve already said yes.
The dance can’t come soon enough.
The dance is coming way too quickly.
You still haven’t decided what you’re wearing and you definitely haven’t decided how you’re going to act.
You already know you’re not going to try to make a move on him. That much so far has been decided. The rest, you suppose you’ll leave up to fate.
The doorbell is pressed in an odd rhythm and you know instantly that it’s Changbin. You’re so familiar with one another you know the way he knocks, the way he walks up the stairs, the way he eats. You’d be able to pick out the sound of his heartbeat in a sea of people. It calls to you.
Once you open the door you’re greeted by a package.
“You’ve been taking too long so here.” the box is practically shoved in your hands before he heads off into his house. He didn’t have enough courage to watch you open the box. 
You’re, like, half-convinced it’s a bomb by the way he acted, and you quickly realise that a bomb comes in many different forms. This one, in particular, is a bomb that sends your heart hurtling into space.
You feel the material.
You analyse the colours and the details.
Weakened by the beauty of this side of Changbin only you get to see, you can’t make yourself strip this of romance. You can’t make yourself stomp this into something platonic. You simply let yourself feel loved. You’re allowed to feel loved sometimes.
It’s the day before the dance.
Both of you are trying to act normal.
“It would probably be easier if we got ready together, right?” Dates don’t get ready together. This isn’t a date.
Changbin slowly nods.
“I can sleep over here afterwards, right?” you suggest this because that’s normal for you… but you regret it instantly. It doesn’t really feel that normal anymore.
“Sounds like a plan.” he’s imagining what will happen if you say no, if you reject him, if you break his heart. Spending all night together will give you a chance to reconcile and prevent things from getting awkward. If you say yes… well… he’ll try to not let his imagination run wild at the thought.
That’s sorted, then.
It’s not long (and yet its painstakingly long) before you’re in Changbin’s bathroom, putting on the outfit he got you which you already know fits you perfectly. You’ve already tried it on a thousand times.
You have to give yourself about an hour of emotional preparation before you dare to emerge from the bathroom and let him see you, finally ready.
You open the bedroom door and-
“Oh! Sorry!” you quickly close it and turn around. Your face is flushed red and your heart is pounding. You squeeze your eyes shut, but you can still see Changbin in his boxers.
He laughs at you from the other side of the door. “We used to take baths together!”
“We’re not kids anymore!” you shout back.
Yeah. You’re definitely not a kid anymore. You shake your head quickly in an attempt to get the image out of your head. The squeal of excitement is involuntary and entirely, 100% unrelated. Absolutely. COMPLETELY UNRELATED.
Ugh. You want the ground to swallow you whole.
The grand entrance you had been hoping for was ruined. The most you end up getting is a quick compliment in the car on the way to the venue. You feel too dead inside to even thank him properly.
Final pictures are taken and then you’re left to your own devices.
Changbin seems to shift a little awkwardly. Did he not want to be here with you?
“Your friends are over there.” You point to the people waving at you. They gesture for you to join them. The guy who had asked you to go with him instead is watching you.
“Then let’s go that way.” 
“What do you mean? Oh,” you wave and smile back at him as Changbin drags you away, “what’s that guy’s name again? The one with the bowtie.”
Great. Well, Unimportant seems to be having quite a lot of fun staring at the two of you.
He pulls you inside and weaves you through the crowd. It’s time for some terrible dancing only the two of you find funny. 
Only a few songs pass before you’re both thirsty and heading for a drink. On the way back to the dance floor he casually flicks melted deliciousness from the chocolate fountain at you. Your gasp is quickly followed by laughter.
This means war, Changbinnie!
You dip a finger into the cooling plate below and draw a streak down the middle of his face. He laughs and takes your hand to pull you away from it. In goes his fingertips, ready to retaliate when, no! An outside force demands peace. War will have to wait for there to be no chaperones. 
You lick your fingers and grin as you watch him smudge the chocolate across his skin.
“Maybe you should go look in a mirror. You’re making yourself look worse than usual.”
“At least I don’t look like you.” he’s smiling at you as he turns to leave and it’s filling you with butterflies.
You’re not alone for long.
Unimportant is soon approaching you, smiling as you clean yourself off.
“Looks like a crime happened here,” he says.
“Yeah. Changbin attacked me.”
He seems to be coming closer to you. That must be because the music is loud.
“So how long have you known Changbin?”
“We grew up together. I’ve known him for as long as I can remember.”
“Wow… “ he’s nodding, clearly trying to think of what to say next. “You guys seem really close. Has anything ever gone on with you two?”
“Huh? Oh, no. We’re just friends.”
“Just friends? Cool, cool… you should spend the night with me instead, then.”
“… Why?”
“These things aren’t meant for people who are just friends.” He seems to be reaching for you, and you’re too confused to react properly.
“What are you doing?” “I saw how you looked at me. Why don’t we find somewhere more quiet…”
You feel Changbin’s hand on your back. You know it’s him without looking. You know the way his fingers feel.
“What’s going on?” You glance back at a glaring Changbin.
Unimportant leans towards him. Whatever he said doesn’t seem to have made Changbin very happy. He’s pushing at Unimportant’s chest and telling him to leave.
“Come on, man, everyone knows you’re just here as friends.”
“We’re just trying to have fun. Leave us alone.”
“I’m just trying to have fun, too!”
“I said it nicely, man. Leave us alone.”
“It’s not like anyone else is interested, you might as well let me have a go.”
As much as the interaction confuses you, you understand Changbin’s posture. His tongue pokes the inside of his mouth. He looks away. He smiles and huffs in that familiar way. A foot shuffles back.
You know what’s about to happen, and you’re not quick enough to stop him.
His fist comes out full swing and meets with Unimportant’s jaw. You’re looking around for a chaperone or literally anyone who could help but everyone is so in their own little world. Great. This, nobody sees, but messing with some chocolate is strictly forbidden. 
Changbin is pushing at Unimportant’s shoulder, trying to make him back away, but his collar is grabbed. 
“Hey!” you cry out, starting to work on pulling them apart yourself.
Changbin is more worried about you than he is about himself. He doesn’t want you to get hurt in this mess so he releases, and that triggers Unimportant to do the same. Unimportant is starting to feel quite important. There must be something Changbin hasn’t told you. 
“Let’s go.” you softly say to your angry friend, and you’re relieved when he listens to you.
But a snort comes from behind you.
“You should be thanking me for my attention.”
Uh oh.
“Ignore him.” You start to tug on Changbin’s arm but it’s no use. He’s spinning back and landing another punch right in the guy’s chest. He wheezes and hunches over, struggling to breathe from the impact. 
“Changbin!” that’s it. You’re holding him tightly and forcing him out of there. You’re lucky that nobody saw.
You pull him from the hall and into the corridor. The music could barely be heard when the door shut behind you. It was empty and private enough.
“Changbin. Changbin!” you’ve released him and he’s storming around like he’s looking for something else to punch.
“Who does he think he is?! I should -” he tries to push past you to go back inside but you press your back up against the door. “Move.”
“No. You can’t just -” adrenaline and fear triples. “You’re bleeding.” 
Your reach for his throat and show him the stains of blood on your fingertips. “He must’ve scratched you. Keep still.” You bring out a tissue and you start to wipe away the dried blood.
“Are you hurt anywhere else?”
“No…” but you can feel that he is, just somewhere less physical.
It was just a scratch, but you need to press a tissue to the wound.
He sighs.
“I’m sorry…”
“For what?”
“I - I can’t -” he groans in frustration.
“What’s wrong, Changbin? Why did you get in a fight? That’s not like you. I know how gentle you are.”
“You don’t know what he said about you.”
“Why would you bother getting in a fight over me? Why are you acting like this? I thought he was your friend.”
“You’re more important to me. This whole night was important to me. I don’t -” he pushes your hand away, “I don’t care about him or the fight or the dance or any of that. Tonight was meant to be perfect. I spent a week planning… how… now I - I can’t even - I’m -”
“Slow down,” you lull, putting a hand on his arm. “You can tell me, it’s okay.” You’re terrified to find out, but you want the truth.
“I was meant to tell you tonight. I planned for a week how I was gonna wait for the slow dance and tell you how I feel. How I… “ he’s defeated. This isn’t how he wanted to do it, but it feels so now-or-never. “I like you.” he says your name in a way he never has before, with so much yearning. “I’ve had feelings for you for… I don’t know how long. I was going to tell you in a way that would make you want me. It sounds dumb, I guess it is…”
Your heart is racing, and what you thought would make you faint actually makes you laugh.
“Why are you laughing at me?”
“You spent a week figuring out how to tell me you like me? Do you have any idea how cute that is?”
“I’m not cute.”
“You are. You’re really cute. I…” you’re smiling like an idiot and you feel like you’re about to wake up from a dream. “I like you too, Changbin. Actually, I’ve always liked you.”
“You have? Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I didn’t want to ruin what we already have.”
He bites his lip and you feel like dying.
“So… this is okay?” his voice is low as he moves closer to you and cups your cheeks.
“Y-yeah.” You’re suddenly breathless.
“Is this okay?” he rests his forehead on yours. He’s getting energy from your touch.
You swallow and nod.
“Should we just leave? Let’s go home.”
The walk outside feels… different. It’s like you’ve never walked together before. You’re more aware of the space between your hands than you ever have been. You’re silent the whole way home, with the brush of hands and the gentle knock of knees as you sit doing all the talking necessary. 
You’re greeted by his family in surprise, they hadn’t expected you home just yet.
“I wasn’t feeling very well,” you lie. They jump at the chance to offer you soup, or medicine, or literally anything else anyone could possibly need ever in their entire life. “I’m fine, I just need to lay down.” they seem disappointed that they can’t help but Changbin saves you by telling them goodnight and dragging you upstairs.
Being in his bedroom felt like you were somewhere forbidden.
You’ve been here so many times before, and yet everything looks so new.
You’re both a little shy and a lot awkward as you fumble around with shoes and bags and jackets. You excuse yourself to go to the bathroom to get ready for bed and when you return you’re sure to knock before reentering. You don’t know how much that makes him smile.
You’re about to get comfortable on your little bed when you feel his eyes on you. He’s got his laptop set up.
“It’s still kind of early…” he says. He’s right about that. “We could watch a movie?” Like, on your bed? “… Yeah. You’ve sat on my bed before.” He’s right about that, too. 
Yeah, okay.
Up onto his bed you go. You get warm under the covers and can’t take your eyes off of him as he joins you. He only has a single bed, so he has to get quite close. You’ve never noticed that before. 
An arm goes around the headboard behind you as the other scrolls through Netflix. Your legs touch and you feel like you’re about to cry. Seriously? This is so much in one go. It’s becoming clear how much Changbin has been holding inside.
“I can hear your heartbeat.” he whispers a little into the movie he chose.
You sink lower into the bed. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay…” Changbin looks away from the screen and looks you over. “I like it.”
You feel weak. You’ve just melted but your response is to make it a joke. You can handle a joke.
“That’s weird. Please don’t try to cut me open and eat my heart.”
He moves down the bed to become level with you. The movie was forgotten. He says your name again and your whole body tingles. You’re still waiting to wake up from this dream.
He whispers it once again.
His hand comes to the side of your face.
One more time. Your name has never sounded so nice.
“Why aren’t you responding to me?” his voice is so quiet, so soft, so… everything.
“I’m not sure what to say.”
“Then don’t say anything, just respond to me.”
“How am I meant to respond to you without saying anything?”
“With your hands, with your eyes, with your lips.” after saying the word, he licks his own. “I can feel how tense you are. We’ve both been waiting for this, right?”
You take a deep breath but it trembles.
He repeats the order relax as he draws you closer to him.
You try to breathe again.
He says your name just before his lips meet yours. You can feel and hear him moving the laptop onto the floor. He won’t do any more or any less than you want him to, he just wants you to want. He wants you to mould with him. He wants to taste the word ‘finally’ fall from your lips.
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viperbranium · 6 years
I know it's just a tag. But "Shut up viper no one cares" I say to myself YES I DO. We love you. We care. x
aklgjñkjdk this is why i miss this place and all of you so much when life forces me to take a step back from it for a while
anon you’re the sweetest ;^; i promise it’s just a tag, haha! it’s not even me being self-deprecating at this point, but this is still so nice of you and i’m crying, so here, have a super dumb thing
He’s still not used to the attention.
Before the serum he barely got any, the notable exception being bullies in back alleys – which wasn’t something Steve ever wanted to attract… and yet.
Now though, he’s hardly ever alone. Less so on days like these, when they just freed another village from HYDRA goons, and all everyone wants is to celebrate and drink and fuck until they can’t think straight.
Steve’s not opposed to any of that. Far from it, really. But he can’t really get drunk anymore, and as for the mindless fucking with some stranger… yes, it’s pragmatic in these times of war, and Steve’s quite familiar with it, but he likes to at least have a conversation first, and no one here looks sober enough for that anymore.
Which is why he’s been trying to leave the pub for the past 2 hours, only to be stopped every single time.
Apparently, celebrating that Captain America kicked Nazi ass requires that Captain America be present. Who would’ve thought.
Desperate for a breather but accepting the fact that he’s not going to be allowed to leave anytime soon, Steve opts for the restroom. He heads towards the small corridor at the far end of the bar, turns a corner… and walks straight into some guy’s chest.
Reaching out has quickly become conditioned response.
Most of the time Steve’s still not fully used to his new body, and not even that long ago he would’ve been sitting on his ass after bumping into some buff guy like this… but he’s already gotten used to that happening to whoever bumps into him now, what with him being a solid wall of muscle and all, so before he can even think of anything he’s reaching out to steady the guy.
Except this guy in particular doesn’t budge one inch upon colliding with him.
This guy, in fact, must be used to this very same thing happening to him as well, because he also reaches out instinctively to hold Steve in place.
This guy, Steve observes as they’re both left holding each other’s biceps kind of awkwardly, is also insanely attractive.
He’s only slightly shorter than him, and not super muscular, but well-built enough to justify him not stumbling back when Steve walked into him – and it’s not like Steve was about to barge into the restroom, really. He’s got dark hair, a clean-shaven, deliciously dimpled-chin, and a pair of icy-blue eyes so intense they make the hairs on Steve’s neck stand. His jawline is strong and sharp, and Steve has to keep himself from outright licking his lips at the sight of him.
He stares at Steve in confusion for a second, and then something seems to dawn on him. When he smiles, playful and sweet and slightly wicked all at once, it sends a shiver down Steve’s spine.
“Captain America…” the guy says, his voice slightly hoarse and as sinful and tempting as the rest of him. “I wasn’t sure you were real. Before tonight, I mean. Kinda hard to miss you tonight,” he adds, and winks at him.
Steve has to swallow around a lump in his throat to be able to articulate anything at all. His hands have dropped slightly, but they’re still resting on this guy’s forearms. “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you…” he says awkwardly.
The guy smiles. “Well, ain’t that disappointing,” he says, teasing.
“N-No! I meant just now,” Steve explains, and gestures towards the mirrored end of the corridor. It’s angled in a way that anyone walking towards the restroom should be able to see if someone’s stepping out even before they turn the corner, but Steve was so desperate to get away from all the attention that he somehow hadn’t. He goes on, “I mean, yeah, I haven’t seen you around either, but–”
The man’s soft chuckle thankfully cuts him off. “Don’t worry, I’m just fucking with you,” he says. Steve has to stop himself from licking his lips at the guy’s choice of words. God, he wishes. “I know everyone was keeping you busy. I was actually waiting ‘til they left you alone to come say hi.”
“You should’ve done so anyway,” Steve replies, perhaps a bit too eagerly, but this man’s body language is open and inviting, and, well, Steve can only hope he’s heard the rumors about Captain America and men.
Some of them, Steve’s even started himself. The serum means he rarely gets enough release these days, and he’s never been that great at flirting, so it’s as good a way as any to find out who’d be down for a quick fuck right upon meeting them. Practical and uncomplicated.
Based on the way the guy’s eyes drop to Steve’s lips almost unconsciously, Steve’s willing to bet he probably has heard… and that he’s not entirely opposed.
The guy shrugs. “Figured you were probably a bit overwhelmed. That why you’re running away, right?”
And he’s obviously joking, but Steve still blushes a bit, called out. “Yeah,” he tells him, smiling self-deprecatingly and scratching the back of his neck. “But I love seeing everyone this happy. And,” he adds, letting his gaze roam over the man’s body. Go big or go home. “maybe I wouldn’t be running away if you had dropped by to have a drink with me.”
”That so?” Insanely attractive guy asks, big smirk on his face. Steve takes it as a promising sign. “Well in that case, I guess we should go have that drink. You know, just to keep you company ‘til these guys let you leave. Unless you wanna try fitting that ridiculous chest of yours through the restroom window…” he adds, poking Steve’s pec and biting his lower lip playfully.
Steve laughs and shakes his head. “No, I think I’d rather stick around for a while longer.”
Insanely attractive guy’s name is Bucky, and he’s not only attractive but also funny and quick-witted and charming, and with a certain wild air to him that Steve can’t quite explain but that’s driving him completely crazy.
He’s also been leaning right into his space so Steve could hear him over the noise around them – Steve wasn’t about to mention that he has super hearing –, his breath ghosting over Steve’s skin enticingly with every word, and Steve’s about ready to shove him into some wall and kiss him senseless.
It’s 4 drinks before they’re allowed to leave the pub at last.
Bucky’s thigh has been pressed right against Steve’s for the past 40 minutes, and he smells amazingly and Steve wants him. He can’t even remember the last time he wanted someone this much.
When they step outside and Steve asks Bucky if he wants to come with – being Captain America pays off sometimes: Steve has a whole house for himself –, the guy just licks his lips and nods. Steve has to stop himself from dropping to his knees right there.
The sex is every bit as good as Steve had anticipated.
Bucky’s mouth is on his the moment the door closes behind them, hot and greedy and claiming, and from that moment, he just doesn’t stop kissing him.
He pushes all of Steve’s buttons in a way that clearly shows he knows what he’s doing, but then writhes under Steve’s touch and begs and moans with a neediness that almost clashes with his obvious expertise.
It feels similar to what the serum does to Steve himself, actually. To how it makes him overly sensitive, but also practically insatiable. And oh, Bucky is insatiable.
Since he got the serum, Steve’s never met anyone with enough stamina to match his own – he wasn’t even sure it was humanly possible –, but Bucky comes after just 5 minutes with his cock in Steve’s mouth, and only moment later he’s hard again and fucking Steve’s brains out, and shortly after, as he rides Steve’s dick, he comes for the third time in under half an hour.
And the night is just starting.
In the morning, Steve feels sated in a way he’s never felt before.
His whole body aches, but it’s a pleasant kind of feeling, and he knows it’ll be gone soon enough anyway, as will be the bruises on his neck and chest and the inside of his thighs.
Bucky’s not lying next to him anymore, but Steve was sort of expecting that. This is war, and they’re both men. It would’ve been foolish to expect anything to come out of an encounter such as this one. He briefly laments the fact that there’s not going to be a morning fuck, and buries his face in the pillows to breathe in Bucky’s fading scent as he wraps his fingers around his hardening cock.
Yes, it would’ve been foolish to have any expectations beyond a night of mind-blowing sex, but if every now and then he pleasures himself to the thought of Bucky, well… no one can really blame him.
The future is, overall, not that awful.
Sure, it takes some adjusting, and there’s definitely a lot of areas in which humanity hasn’t made much progress, but there’s also some pretty great things about the 21st Century.
Sex toys, for example. Sex toys are fucking spectacular, especially when you’re Steve Rogers and even the most amazing one-night-stands only help quench maybe 30% of your thirst.
Steve lets out a shaky sigh and squirms a bit, trying to get comfortable on his bike seat and already thinking about grabbing his favorite multi-rotating vibrator as soon as he gets home and shoving it inside him as far as it’ll go. Damn, he really should’ve worn that plug.
He adjusts the rear view mirrors, starts the engine… and he hasn’t even moved it completely out of the parking spot when he bumps into something.
Something that lets out a pained noise and then falls to the floor with a thud. Color drains from Steve’s face as he quickly turns the engine off and gets off to help and make sure that the person’s all right.
“Oh my god,” he exclaims, crouching down next to the guy and helping him untangle from his jacket. “I’m so fucking sorry, I didn’t see you, oh god, are you okay?”
The guy grunts a bit as he moves to a sitting position, but seems to be mostly in one piece.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine, don’t worry. No big deal,” he says with a hint of resignation in his voice, like he’s somehow used to this happening. Steve goes to protest and to offer taking him to the nearest ER, when the guy throws his head back and runs his hand through his long hair to brush it of his face.
The name is out of his lips before logic can even tell him it’s not possible. “Bucky!?” he asks, and he knows it can’t be him, but the guy looks up at the name, stares right at Steve, and his questioning look quickly morphs into bewilderment.
“Oh… ” he says, recognizing Steve’s face. “Well, fuck.”
“Say it again,” Steve asks, still not quite believing any of this is possible.
Bucky, sitting on Steve’s couch and sipping at a cup of Steve’s coffee, lets out a tired sigh and says, “I’m a vampire.”
“Okay,” Steve tells him, trying his damnedest not to freak out. “Okay, so I didn’t hear that wrong. How is that even possible?”
Bucky shrugs. “Got turned a few years before the war,” he explains. “It’s not that big a deal anyway, most of what pop culture says about vampires is wrong. Well, except the not aging part, obviously. And the not being reflected in mirrors. ‘S why you ran me over with your bike.”
“I didn’t run you over,” Steve protests, and then cuts himself off because, yeah, not the point. “You are a vampire!” he repeats.
“Yep,” Bucky says. He looks halfway between miffed and amused. “I don’t know why you’re having so much trouble wrapping your head around this, honestly. You’re not exactly normal yourself.”
Steve wants to argue, but Bucky’s got a point. “Okay, fair.”
At least this explains why Bucky is so inhumanly gorgeous. His hair is longer now, and he looks a bit more rugged and is broader everywhere, but he’s still every single bit as breathtaking as he was in 1945.
It also explains why he’s alive, of course, but Steve’s having trouble focusing on anything beyond how fucking good Bucky looks. Bucky sits back against the couch and spreads his legs just a tad, and memories of their night together come rushing right back into Steve’s mind.
Steve, it turns out, still wants him just as much as he did all those years ago. It’s not as pathetic as it sounds when it’s only been a couple years for you, not over seventy.
“Y’know,” Bucky says after a few minutes, “when they found you in the ice, I was sure that was a PR stunt,” he licks his lips and then gives Steve a pointed look. “If I’d known it was you, I would’ve tried to find you. I would’ve said something.”
Steve perks up. “Yeah?” he asks, and okay, maybe it really isn’t that pathetic. Maybe Bucky finds it just as hard to get a good, satisfying fuck as Steve does. Bucky just grins in response, so Steve lets his gaze fall pointedly to Bucky’s lips and scoots a bit closer on the couch. He says, “I was thinking maybe you didn’t wanna see me… You did leave before morning back in ‘45.”
“The morning light hurts my skin,” Bucky tells him as he moves to straddle Steve’s lap.
“I have very good blinds,” Steve informs, resting his hands on Bucky’s hips.
Bucky smiles impishly and kisses him.
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