#half of the characters are neurodiverse
the-mechanica · 1 year
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Got frustrated trying to switch writing applications. It's not ALL dark classically gothic romance vibes around here. It's also disability rights. Eat the rich.
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temporaerthaervaerk · 6 months
I just realised that all the media I adore has some level of autistic/neurodivergent coding and it's been that way since I was a child.
And like, oftentimes their different way of perceiving and being in the world is the driving force of the story/and or a crucial element in it.
There’s the canon example of the entire Camp Halfblood (ADHD), where the ADHD is literally what keeps the characters alive.
There's Dean Winchester (ADHD) whose hyperfixations are typically masculine (as well as geeky) and who never sits still, with the added bonus of Castiel (Autism), who Dean just... accepts, in a way I rarely see.
Then there’s the infamous Will Graham (Autism) whose hyperempathy is litterally the focal point of the entire narrative.
We have Haru from Free! (Autism), whose special interest (swimming) is the motivating factor for several other characters.
Reki and Langa from Sk8 the infinity (Autism), who share a special interest and grow a special bond because of it.
There's Sai from Hikaru No Go (Autism), who trancedented time and space to play Go (special interest) and whose special interest sets the story into motion.
We have any version of Sherlock Holmes (AuDHD), who's brilliance I attribute to a mixture of hyperfixations and special interest in crime solving. His conflicts with society and disregard of social norms are a central theme as well.
There's Anne with an E (Autism), who loves words and stories and speaks before she thinks (where all major problems arise due to her lack of understanding for social norms)
We have Pat and Pran from Bad Buddy (ADHD + Autism), like I dunno, I just really felt that vibe.
There's Beth Harmon from Queen's Gambit (Autism) with her special interest in Chess.
And like, the list goes on: Daryl Dixon, Jon Snow, Kotaro from Kotaro Lives Alone, Will Treaty from the Ranger's apprentice, Hal from the same author, Katniss Everdeen, Si-eun from Weak Hero Class 1, etc.
Don't get me wrong I've consumed plenty of stories without characters coded this way, but all the stories that truly resonated with me? Neurodivergent, all of them.
It's probably because the focus on social norms/hierarchy always seemed foreign to me. Eg. I like Skam but it's like a view into a completely foreign world where people function differently.
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if eva came out today dudebro weebs would FREAK about “oh noes our precious japan which is obviously just my ideal view of society would never be like this they were infected by the WOKE MIND VIRUS” and that’s so funny to me.
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millin21 · 4 months
I was talking with a friend the other day about how Laios has Autism, how other characters have kinds of autism or neurodiversity... And then we got ot chilchuck.
I was about to ask what kind of autism/neurodiversity he might have, but she said something about him having pad. And i was going "....what??"
She brought up how he was exposed to how half-foots were usually used as bait for monsters hence he started becoming a union man.
And.... I dont think we talk enough about the ptsd everyone goes through. Not just what half-foots go through... But everyone.
Every. Single. Adventurer, at some point, experiences getting killed.
That has GOT to leave some scars on the psychie...
And we have already seen the times Chilchuck got gobbled up by mimics but also by those plant things in the frog episode.
I can only imagine the sight his wife sees when he got back home after getting revived and looking more thin than usual....
Weve seen Laios first kill was with the living armor. And how casually they talk about it makes me sad. How Marcille panics over her first kill being attacked by a slime. WHILE A SLIME SUFFOCATES HER.
Even that scene where the party almost gets crushed, Marcille is thinking how it isny the first time she would get killed but that knowing no one would find them to revive them. Just... What goes through adventurers when they get killed by monsters in the dungeon? They all need therapy! Even getting revived isnt calming. (Dont get me started on Falun) We see Kabru gasping and coughing like he just stopped drowning. Which would make sense. Hes getting his lungs to move again after a ling time of them just staying still. Just.... Aaaahhhh
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twistmusings · 2 months
Character Analysis of the Twisted Wonderland Dorm Rooms - Ignihyde
Dorm Room Character Analysis Series
Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia
Idia Shroud
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Idia's room is an interesting case because I can't exactly tell if it's meant to be cluttered or if it's intended to be messy. There is a difference to be noted with that - cluttered meaning that there's a lot of items that are disorganized and not put away but are clean, whereas messy would be more characteristic of trash lying around or visible dirt. For that reason, I think it's worth talking about some real life examples, so the next paragraph I'm going to be expounding on that a bit with an example from myself. I promise there is a point to this.
When you are talking about mess and clutter both, they can be common in people who are neurodiverse and people who struggle with their mental health. As someone who has been diagnosed as Neurodiverse (currently working with a psychologist in order to get a better understanding of the specifics of that) and who has been diagnosed with Depression and Anxiety, I certainly notice this myself. It tends to be that when I am struggling with a depressive rut or with executive dysfunction, the situation leans more toward mess, though even when I'm in a good place, my brain has a natural tendency to clutter. I will pick something up, and then it ends up in a pile. The key difference is, when it's a mess, I couldn't tell you exactly what is in those piles, when it's clutter, I tend to group similar things together, I just haven't put them away because I haven't had the energy. So how does that relate to Idia? Well, because Idia exhibits patterns of cluttering, but not necessarily patterns of mess.
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Though Idia has a lot of stuff in his room, we can see that he has some categorization in mind with how these piles are arranged. For example, his packages and mail are stacked together, as are the Manga next to his bed. However, these are not put away, they are piled where it's convenient for him to know where they are.
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His closet is also an interesting tell. You can see that his jacket is hung up nicely, however he has one drawer open, and the clothing is hanging half-out of the drawer or have fallen onto the floor. I actually don't think these are dirty clothes, I think Idia has left these things open because for his brain, it makes more sense for him to be able to see what he has. While his clothes have landed on the floor and some have come unfolded, I suspect that Idia probably folded them himself, but doesn't have the energy to put them back away when they come undone, however because hanging his jacket that he wears frequently up is an easier task for him, his hung clothes remain in order.
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It is worth noting, Idia is one of the few characters to have a visible trash can, and it's empty. It's not a situation where he's just been tossing his trash and it's overflowing - Idia would have had to take this out himself or had Ortho help him take it out. At the same time, it looks like something has fallen beside his desk that he hasn't picked up yet. So while he's not exactly messy, he is cluttered.
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Another thing I feel is worth pointing out in this regard is the post-it notes that Idia has attached to the towers of his computer on his desk. It's common for people who struggle with memory or motivation due to executive dysfunction to write reminders and place them in visible places in order to remind themselves of things. It's a practice I also used before moving to more digital reminders with alarms, and many people still use this.
So, all of that to say, I highly suspect that Idia is Neurodiverse, mentally ill, or both. While I certainly don't have the qualifications to say how he's neurodiverse, it seems like the designers wanted to go out of their way to show small touches that he is using these sort of systems to manage his life. This also seems in-line with what we see of his character, and I certainly have more thoughts on that, but since this is focused only on their rooms, I'll save those thoughts for now.
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Idia has manga that are hidden under the leg of his bed. I can't even lie, this is such a funny hidden touch that definitely speaks to the fact that Idia is an awkward teenager even though he's 18. I honestly love this touch and I think it's hilarious that they were even allowed to include it. I'm certain a lot of people have been here before, but for the sake of clarity, I'll explain in more depth.
So, of course, the obvious takeaway here is that Idia has dirty manga hidden under his bed - however we can't be certain that's what those are. In fact, it's not so straightforward as you might think - there are a lot of reasons someone might hide something. We also need to take into consideration Idia's living situation in tandem with this. Idia isn't living at home, he's living in a dorm, which means that whatever these are, he's hiding them because he doesn't want his peers or Ortho to know he has them. That in mind, that means that while they might be pornographic or suggestive Manga, there's any other number of things it could be. While I can't speak with any certainty, here are a few:
1) It could be manga that's typically aimed at a more feminine audience - Idia has a lot of manga, and given that there's social pressure for people who are assigned male at birth to be masculine, it's possible he has some cutesy magical girl manga tucked away that he's embarrassed for other people to know that he reads.
2) It could be manga that's not straight. Plenty of people who have questioned their sexuality have bought manga to read that features queer couples. Again, given social pressure, if Idia were reading that sort of Manga, he might feel like he needs to tuck it away because he doesn't want to feel pressured to know exactly how he feels about his sexuality yet.
3) Even if it was pornographic manga, it might be pornographic manga that's not the sort you would expect. It's entirely possible that these could be ones that are exploring, for example, monsterfucking or BDSM that he wouldn't feel comfortable with others knowing of those sort of kinks.
Really, it could be any number of things. Ultimately, it tells us that there are parts of Idia's personality that he hides from other people, and the typical reason that people would hide those things is either a) they are afraid of how people would react if they found out, b) they are ashamed of those parts of themselves, or c) they don't feel confident in those parts of themselves.
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Idia has a phone stand on a boom arm attached to his bed. He is, quite literally, chronically online. This points toward him reinforcing his own bad habits and probably spending a lot of time at his desk or in his bed.
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Of course I have to point out that there is Pain and Panic on the shelves. Though this has been pointed out before, I don't actually see a lot of people mention is that this is thematically pretty apt for Idia and Ortho - Idia, as a person, is canonically panicky, and Ortho... well... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The rest of this post will contain spoilers for book 6, for those who are still struggling with that segment of the game and don't want to read spoilers.
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It's also worth pointing out, that while Ortho did not initially have a room, he seems to have a charging bay in Idia's room. Ortho's room was not released until the second year of the game's release, implying that Ortho didn't have a room of his own until Crowley accepted him as a student of Night Raven College. This makes sense, as he was hesitant to even give Yuu and Grim a room when they first begin the school year.
So, what that means for Idia is that for a large portion of Idia's tenure at Night Raven College, he didn't have privacy. Idia's room would always have another resident, and he's notably the only Dorm Leader who had a roommate because of this.
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Idia's hidden Mickey is on a book in a box near the front of his room.
Ortho Shroud
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Ortho's room is surprisingly hard to find screencaps for, so I put in a couple of them so you can see the full scope of his room. Again, I assume this is because this room dropped after the initial releases of the room backgrounds, so please bear with me.
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First to note, Ortho certainly shows some similarities to his brother. He has a rug that features the Cerberus from the Legend of the Underworld, as well as the Stone Titan and Ice Titan from Star Rogue in universe, so whereas Idia didn't actually have much front-facing merch aside from Pain and Panic, Ortho wears his nerd card with pride.
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Ortho has a couple of gaming systems on the bookshelf in his room, and its of note that he has a single controller pulled out. Most of the time when we see Ortho mention games, they're games that he and Idia played together, however the fact that there's only one controller out would imply that Ortho is exploring his own interests independent of Idia after the events of book 6.
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Ortho has a variety of kits and parts set aside in his room. While these could certainly be a lot of things, it would seem likely to me that Ortho has taken a bit more of a direct hand in his own repairs, again establishing his independence from Idia.
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Also of note, Ortho has two small figures on top of his bookshelf, one in blue and one in red. While there's not a concrete by any means, I imagine this is a callback to Ortho and Idia. It's also worth noting that common colors for multiplayer games from local co-op will often make the colors for Player 1 and Player 2 red and blue. We know generally speaking that Idia's motif is blue, so it makes me wonder if Ortho's favorite color may be red. That's mostly just conjecture though, as there's not enough of the color red to be certain.
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While I wasn't able to spot the hidden Mickey in Ortho's room, I suspect it may be this figure here, though if it is, it's not nearly as clearly defined as any of the other rooms.
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stardustto-dust · 2 years
Why you should vote Abed Nadir in the 2023 autism swag summit
I've seen people do this for other polls and it is vital that Abed Nadir from the 2009-2015 NBC comedy Community wins this one.
Vote him round one here.
Does he fit the first part of the statement? Yes, Abed is canonically autistic.
When he realised autistic fans related to him, creator Dan Harmon did as much research as he possibly could into autism as to not let those fans down.
While doing said research, Harmon realised himself was likely on the spectrum. Meaning that Abed is a canon autistic character created by an autistic person. How often does that happen?
Due to the above facts, he is a very well researched and developed autistic character, with both traits more commonly shown in the media, such as blunted affect and difficulties reading faces and less commonly shown traits, such as hyperempathy and sensory issues.
From the time Abed first appeared on screen to the present day, there have been many blog posts, magazine articles and even scholarly articles written about how good rep he is. I have seen him on many a neurodiversity advocacy Instagram account. (If you want me to link some I will!)
OK, we have established the autism. What about the swag? Well, first of all, as Donald Glover summarised it "Abed fucks". There is a whole episode dedicated to his friends trying to get him a girlfriend and worrying about his self-esteem and in the end it turns out he gets plenty of girls and, as he says, he has "self-esteem falling out (his) butthole." He also gets guys hitting on him. And how can we mention Abed without his boyfriend soulmate best friend Troy. who canonically wants to have his "gentle and mysterious" "other half"'s children. In short, bisexual king.
Of course, swag is not limited to just sexual and romantic prowess, as the amount of aroace people I know with limitless swag testifies to. Swag can also be measured by commitment to the bit, for example. And, boy, is Abed known for his commitment to the bit.
Abed is Batman, Han Solo and Jesus. He is a mafia boss. He is a cartoon man discovering the meaning of Christmas. He is the narrator and the cameraman. Like, not metaphorically or in archetype. He realises a need for these characters in the story and becomes them.
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[GIF- Abed as Batman, applying lip balm, possessing undeniable amounts of swag]
9. "How does he realise the need for the these things in the story?" you may ask. Well, his special interest is film and TV. He is a filmmaker. Thus, he frames his life in terms of genre, often seeming aware of the fact he is in a sitcom. However, this often changes, and, the show branches off into completely different genres, which Abed points out. These shifts in genre explore character dynamics and also are super awesome. Abed is so genre-aware, he changes the entire genre of the show. That is swag.
10. The Community fandom here on Tumblr.com, and throughout the web, is quite small. It will make us very happy. Plus, for the first time in 8 years, there likely will be new Abed content this year, due to the release of the movie. (Due to one of Abed's many catchphrases "Six seasons and a movie!")
11. Please please please please I love him so much and i am very cool you should listen to me please please please.
So yeah, that's it! If you have anything to add, please do!
Click below for some Abed gifs.
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[GIF- "Evil Abed" (Abed with a goatee and sunglasses) walking through his college being evil. He hangs up someone's payphone call, pops a girls balloon with his cigarette and then dumps said cigarette into a woman's coffee]
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[GIF- Two gifs. One is of Troy, topless, leaning out of an airvent. He looks down and says "I love you". Next is of Abed, looking up at him. He says "I know", before being grabbed by a zombie in a kilt]
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[GIF- Abed, wearing sunglasses, saying "movie reference". Jeff is there too and also wearing sunglasses]
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[GIF- Abed saying "Cool. Cool cool cool"]
Ok there are so many more GIFs I want to put but I kinda have work soon lol. You get the gist, he is amazing. Vote Abed!
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tolkienocweek · 1 year
Tolkien OC Week
A fandom event for OCs and underdeveloped characters in Tolkien's world!
This event celebrates both characters of Tolkien's world and our own characters that need more love, by creating and reblogging all kind of fanworks, like fanfiction, fanart, fanvideos, fancrafts, headcanons, playlists, edits, moodboards etc.
The event is modded by @yellow-faerie, @elamarth-calmagol and @stormxpadme and will take place between 21st August - 27th August 2023 for the third year running.
NSFW text entries are allowed and we’ll tag them accordingly when we reblog them, but please put them behind a “read more”.
We'll also be tracking the tag #tolkienocweek during this week!
Event schedule for 2023:
Day 1 (21st August): Family members
Tolkien often neglects to mention the family members of major characters: for example, leaving both Celebrimbor and Fili and Kili with only one named parent. In others cases, such as Bilbo's family tree, he gives a name and nothing else. Share a character who fills in a gap in a family tree, or create a speculative family member, such as siblings for Legolas.
Day 2 (22nd August): The Bad Guys
Share an OC who belongs to the wrong side of the story, whether they're knowingly evil, misguided, or just doing their job. Maybe they're an orc or a balrog, an unrepentant kinslayer, a Southron or Easterling soldier, or one of the hobbits who worked with Saruman in the Shire. Explore their life and point of view and why they went down the path they did.
Day 3 (23rd August): Diversity
Share an OC who adds diversity to Tolkien’s world, whether it is their race, gender, disability, neurodiversity, sexual orientation, or another characteristic.
Day 4 (24th August): Forgotten Characters
As Tolkien created his stories, he abandoned some characters, such as Eriol the Mariner, and changed major characteristics of others, such as the idea that Erestor was a half-elven relative of Elrond. Other characters, such as the Dunedain chieftains fostered by Elrond before Aragorn, are forgotten by the fandom. Create a fanwork focusing on one of these forgotten characters or characterizations.
Day 5 (25th August): Shipping
Share an OC that you ship with a canon character. It could be a marriage, queerplatonic relationship, or one-night stand, canon compliant or AU, or any other sort of ship you want!
Day 6 (26th August): Alternate Universes
Share an OC who couldn’t be part of the canonical story, such as Boromir's child in an "everyone lives" scenario, a roommate or professor in a college AU, or a dimension-hopping "tenth walker".
Day 7 (27th August): Freeform
Did you have someone who doesn’t fit any prompts, or too many characters for one of them? Today, share any OC that you want.
Since we want to celebrate creations about neglected characters all year long, the mods will occasionally reblog posts and fancreations about OCs and underdeveloped characters. If you would like to see your post on our blog, you're very welcome to tag tolkienocweek. Since tumblr's tagging system is often being faulty, don't hesitate to message us, too!
We are looking forward to see and share all the awesome work you come up with!
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asherlockstudy · 15 days
I enjoy gmm because it's low impact and relaxing. Wonderhole (especially the sci fi one) is really heavy even in the first few minutes and I don't know when I'll be in the right head space to watch it. after making me love Sandy and Horst and killing them off (same as killing off the guys weirdly in their second season of Buddy System), i'm wary of their fictional efforts. Don't get me wrong, the cloud episode was lovely! But their work can be very hit or miss - sweet and enjoyable, or *very* dark, often both. I don't have the capacity for weirdly dark codependent death stuff right now. They do tend towards that, however artistically, however deep they want it to be, and NOT everyone loves watching death stuff about characters they like. I don't want to watch dark humor right now. IMO, their daily show is easy, calming, background content - but their fictional efforts are (often) extremely dark. I don't know why people are pretending the audience should be the same for both. Yes they're in L.A. but realistically not everyone loves dark experimental fictional short films. I would be more impressed with a promise of happy endings than how much budget / creativity their work involves. So I am not the audience, and I am not the only one among regular viewers. I wish them well, of course, but really? How is this shocking to anyone? The audience they've cultivated really doesn't like surprises. (Sometimes due to mental health or neurodiversity reasons, sometimes due to life situations, etc. They like the routine shows, the familiar format.) Don't make me love a character and then kill him (and his best friend or other half) off so you can feel something. I really do wish they can get what they want out of the series. I just find it odd how they don't understand it's not for everyone.
This is an interesting take. I admit I never considered their scripted work “dark” but just having some dark moments but now that you said that I am literally surprised at myself because I have been making these very posts about their scripted content largely being about one sad story… I’m not being much of help here but I remembered that one thing Rhett has said that made the most profound impression on me, many years ago, I remember it vividly, in the EB about laughter and jokes, he had said “We are fundamentally sad people”. It’s the one thing that left a mark and shaped from that point entirely the way I view them and what I think of them.
We don’t disagree though. That’s pretty much what I was saying - they have created a fanbase that does not exactly match their artistic vision. GMM, sure. But their art style needs to build a separate fanbase, with some overlap of course for people like me. However, they base all their hopes on people of routine, on people who want only lighthearted inconsequential content, on people who watch with their kids. It never ceases to amaze me how they have all these dozens of people working and monitoring and quizzing for them and they still can’t bloody understand their own fans.
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web-novel-polls · 6 months
Favorite Disabled Web Novel Character Tournament
Last Checked: September 20th, 2024 - Please check the original post for updates
Submissions End: TBD
One character per submission
Submit as many times as you want
Must be from a web novel or an adaptation 
In-world disabilities that don't exist IRL (ex: a character unable to use magic in a world where everyone else/most people can) will be accepted as long as you think it qualifies as a disability
Mental & non-physical disabilities will also be accepted, including mental illnesses & neurodiversity
The WN doesn't explicitly have to mention they're disabled/their disability, but I don't want to include pure headcanons since this tournament is more about highlighting canon disability representation. Feel free to talk about any headcanons in the ask box though! I enjoy hearing y'all's thoughts :)
Tag: #disabled WN characters tournament
Cui Buqu from Peerless
Submission: Chronic fatigue, vulnerability to illness, heart in the wrong spot. Basically generically chronically ill 
(The following is all from the Less Popular Danmei Character Tournament bc it’s really good propaganda lol)
Submission: He’s mean, he’s disabled and unapologetic about it, he’s a genius and all his braincells escape him when faced with his rival, he’s a secret agent and has no martial arts, he’s deeply in love and will never say so unless pushed, he will liken his rival to his sun and then tell him he’s the most annoying person he’s ever met. He’s a bastard little fox <3 
Additional Propaganda #1
Additional Propaganda #2
Fu Shen from Golden Terrace/Golden Stage
Submission 1: Fu Shen's leg is broken in battle. He has to use a brace and a wheelchair while he recovers.
Submission 2: 
Crippled legs/wheelchair bound for most of the novel  propaganda: The prologue of the novel is him basically suffering an assassination attempt which crippled his legs horribly when a bunch of rocks fall on him. Despite being wheelchair bound for most of the novel (he later gets these like leg exoskeleton support things but he can't wear them for more than a few hours or something and still has to use the wheelchair), he's still depicted as being just as badass and respected. His men still hold him in high regard, and he still goes around investigating shit and even once using a crossbow to take someone down. He also uses people underestimating him now that he's crippled to his advantage. His love interest is also incredibly sweet and remodels his whole estate to be wheelchair accessible right before he moves in after they're married. 
Carrd/Image Link
Gu Mang from Remnants of Filth / Yuwu
Submission: He's missing some of his souls, which renders him intellectually disabled and amnesiac.
Wiki Link
Gu Yun from Sha Po Lang 
Submission: He's half-deaf and half-blind, but still a badass.
Wiki Link
Hua Cheng from Heaven Official’s Blessing 
Submission: Blind in one eye and uses his magical butterflies as a disability aid to help him see!
Jing Weiyi from The Imperial Uncle
Submission: Jing Weiyi's leg was broken when he fell off a horse when he was young. Afterwards, he walked with a limp for many years. 
Ji Yushi from Mist [Unlimited]
Submission: Hyperthymesia... Basically, he can remember almost everything, and while that helps some in the scenarios of the novel, it also has a huge detrimental effect on him, and he needs pills to calm his mind and such. I'm not sure if it really counts as a disability, especially since there are less than a hundred people with this in real life, but I think it should count for this tournament since it's neurodivergence and such. 
Kim Kiryeo from The Hunter of the Other World Who Is Being Misunderstood
Submission: Kiryeo has a badly healed leg injury which makes it difficult for him to walk and impossible to run, lungs damaged by smoking that heavily limit his physical ability, lung cancer that causes him to cough up blood occasionally and a severe depression to the point of memory loss. He couldn't receive treatment for his leg and cancer due to the lack of money and in the end gave up on it and started to smoke to cope.
Submission: Jing Wang is mute.
Mae Yakbing from Best Teacher Baek
Submission: She has a rare chronic illiness that causes her to get sick often, grow weak over time and die young.
Mu Tianchi (Jing Wang) from The Disabled Tyrant's Beloved Pet Fish
Shen Qiao from Thousand Autumns
Disability: Blind
Shen Qingqiu from The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System
Submission: Chronic illness. SQQ is poisoned by a fictional poison literally named “without a cure.” In universe his condition is treated much like a chronic illness that requires constant monitoring and maintenance (medication, check-ups and regular qi infusions) in order to keep in check. Even when he adheres to his treatment regime, it still has unpredictable flare-ups that could put him in serious danger if they happen at the wrong time. The flare-ups (which happen randomly and vary in length unless he receives medical aid) completely block his ability to use qi thus making in-universe actions that are normal/habitual for most his peers (such as flying) much more risky for him. 
Shi Qingxuan from Heaven Official’s Blessing (TGCF)
Submission: Ends up with a broken arm and leg that is not healed
Song Qingshi from Mistakenly Saving the Villain
ALS before he transmigrated (hopefully this counts, it's big part of his character as a doctor and he thinks about it a lot, and he even gets panicky in his new body when his limbs go numb!!) It's also not explicitly said but he's very autistic coded and canonically has a hard time understanding metaphors, communicating with other people/understanding others emotions, and when he's reading about medicine or doing experiments he hyperfixates and doesn't do anything else for the entire day. When he's with others he gets so anxious he ends up putting on a stern face, so people think he's scary when he's internally panicking 
Wiki Link
Wei Wuxian from Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
Submission: Wei Wuxian has trauma responses to several things, in particular dogs and the sparky sparky spirit whip. There's no way he doesn't have PTSD with everything he went through.
Xiao Xingchen from Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation 
Disability: Blind
Xue Xian from Copper Coins / Tong Qian Kan Shi
Peddling my disabled gay dragon again... He's paraplegic for most of the story, and this affects him in his true form and all of the forms he shapeshifts into. He also gets a wheelchair at a certain point and he's so happy about it 🥺  He's also, like, such a vibrant and charming character. Hes soooooo annoying(affection and approval) and so over the top and i support him in everything. Also lets not forget that he has a tiny noodle form and curled around his bf's wrist like a bracelet. this lives rent free in my head what a move
Carrd Link
Zhou Zishu from Faraway Wanderers
Submission: He injects himself with the Nails of Seven Apertures for Three Autumns. These nails result in him becoming sickly. The effects of the nails are a limited life span, halved martial arts strength, periodic pain, a ruined sleep schedule, and withered meridians. 
Wiki Link 
Ballister Blackheart from Nimona
Reason: Not from a web novel
Sapphia from High Class Homos
Reason: Not from a web novel (Webtoon)
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gryficowa · 8 months
What have the miracolous and TOH fandoms taught me at one point?
You can't go with a half-Asian woman, even if I'm a neurodivergent person with trauma, because they'll leave with the argument that it's racism and that's why you're attacking her
But a traumatized neurodivergent Latina can now be attacked because she took snakes to school and her neurodiversity is not an excuse
Double standards in situations like this, it's clear that only a half-white character is respected by the fandom...
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dodgeryy · 4 months
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This blog is dedicated to neurodiversity and mental health, specifically personality disorders and even MORE specifically cluster B. I love using this blog to connect with others like me, reblog and share their experiences, and try to bring light-hearted PD content into our communities. I personally do not post vents on my blog, but I do take care to properly tag them when I post/reblog them. I also post the occasional fandom / chronic illness / disability post here and there as well as ofc cute animals and funny hahas.
I am an adult! Minors are free to interact/follow/moot, but be aware that I might interact w or reblog adult content. (Anything heavy will always be tagged.)
Some posts may have themes of trauma, child hood trauma, psychosis/mania, depression, anxiety, and paranoia. I tag as best I can, and don't ever get graphic. Feel free to ask for specific trigger tags if you are a follower.
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DIVAS. I am Ery, I am known 4 dressing cunt and acting like cunt. I am a big fan of the whimsical and fantastical, and media that is horrifying and gut wrenching. The waters call to me and every time I see anything bigger than a puddle I want to jump in.
I am a college student student w impulse control problems. I am studying fashion design and like to spend my money on calico critters and way too expensive accessories. You can find me in my sewing studio half naked because I realized there is a cute, easy, life changing alteration to the outfit I was wearing that I need to make RIGHT NOW. I spend my free time buying things to feel something, video gaming, and being not normal about many things.
My go to coffee order is a mocha.
Gay gay insane and disabled so here are some labels / disorders I got.
Genderqueer • aroace • lesbian
POTs • Pectus Excavatum • Connective Tissue Disorders • Mitral Valve disease
Sewing / designing
Dungeons and Dragons
Character design / drawing
Arts and crafts in general
Color guard
Astrology / Tarot
Yearning for the waters (swimming and lifeguarding)
Airplanes / aviation
How to train your dragon (books)
Dungeons and Dragons
These are not all current but does not mean I am not down 2 chat about them!
Greys Anatomy
Gemini Home Entertainment, other internet horror series!!!,
madoka magica
Harry Potter
good omens
critical role + Vox Machina
and a lot more I forgor but like. There.
Saint Motel
Oingo Boingo
Orville Peck
Record Heat
Lord Huron
TV Girl
Florence + the Machine
Portugal the Man
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fudan-no-nijiiro · 3 months
UtaPri and Neurodivergent Headcanons: Yamato Hyuga
This might become a series at some point, because I think it's really interesting.
That said, I want to start out with a few disclaimers:
I am not an expert in psychology.
No identity category is a monolith. That holds especially true for neurodiverse folks; it is a huge and incredibly varied umbrella.
No UtaPri characters, to my knowledge, have a canonical formal medical diagnosis.
UtaPri is a Japanese franchise, and I am not Japanese. All sorts of intercultural misunderstandings may come into play, here.
It is entirely possible that others will find some or all of UtaPri's representations of neurodivergence and/or mental illness unimpressive, inaccurate, and/or upsetting; these are just my opinions as one fan. I'm truly just here to have a good time, and I'm also fully open to disagreements with my perspective or analysis.
That said, let's move on to Yamato!
Yamato Hyuuga and ADHD (+ possible dyslexia/other learning disabilities)
Yamato shows an impressively wide range of traits common among people with ADHD. In no particular order, there's:
Physical movement as self-regulation: Yamato regularly walks around on his hands, goes out running, and generally finds ways to move his body when given half a chance. He often flips onto his hands in the anime, and mentions fitting in runs whenever he can in Live Emotion.
Special interest in exercise: Yamato regularly tries to share what he knows with his peers, both as a way to bond with them and to help improve their fitness. According to the audio dramas, he goes training with Eiji to help him build his confidence; according to Live Emotion, he keeps up on different brands of protein powder. The first chapters of the "private stories" in Live Emotion involve instructing The Player/Haruka in the finer points of sportsware. In fairness, UtaPri tends to define its boys by their hobbies, but even given that, Yamato jumps more directly into a "teaching" mode than most of the other characters.
Struggles with sudden, intense emotions: Yamato's mood changes rapidly in a way he struggles to control, but he also returns to baseline more quickly than most people would. Anyone who's seen his episodes in the anime will have an idea of what I'm talking about here—his explosions towards Syo, which (deservedly) did little to endear him to the fandom, are the main thing I'm thinking of here. There's already been a reference to this in the early chapters in the main story: Yamato's mood is ruined in a split second by Cecil bringing up his brother, though he manages to hide the depth of the problem and not explode this time. There are a lot of possible alternative explanations for this too, in fairness, such as PTSD; more information about what happened with his brother would help to make things clearer. But emotional volatility is also a trait associated with ADHD in some cases.
Struggles with studying/mental labor: One of the main story chapters in Live Emotion involves Yamato struggling with ideas for lyrics, and the way that he tries to apply himself, rapidly gets frustrated, gives up, leaves, and then gets his idea (by engaging in his special interest!) really stood out to me as a relatable ADHD moment. In the Maji Love Kingdom audio drama, he goes out of his way to attempt to hide these difficulties in this area by insisting on working alone, which shows that this is a struggle he's all too aware of.
This struggle hints at possible comorbid learning disabilities—most likely dyslexia, though there are other potential explanations. A few details in support of this:
Trouble with reading: One of the repeated dialogues in Live Emotion, as well as a detail in at least one of the audio dramas, involves that there are a lot of kanji Yamato has trouble reading. (Bonus fun fact: Japanese dyslexia and English dyslexia are at least partially separate conditions! Some folks have one and not the other, independent of their first language. It's wild, but also given how different the writing systems are, it also makes sense. Yamato is shown sounding out words in English in Live Emotion, which I thought was a great moment, but either way it's unclear whether he experiences different levels of difficulty in Japanese and English.)
Trouble with writing: In the Maji Love Kingdom drama, Yamato is shown struggling with composition (coming up with what to write), and vocabulary (he ends up needing a lot of help from a dictionary and his unit partners to come up with his lyrics. Tokiya and Cecil were such a good team to help him with this!! "Kaleidoscope" was awesome for many reasons).
In addition, the franchise's commitment to the bit regarding Yamato's handwriting is impressive as well. Here's one of his birthday messages, for instance:
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I thought at first that it was just because my Japanese wasn't great that I was struggling to read his writing, but I've also seen Japanese fans on social media scratching their heads over parts of his writing in the past. Not only that, his handwriting has been mentioned in canon (mainly HEAVENS Radio, if I'm remembering right?), with Nagi in particular complaining that his writing is often indecipherable.
There is no way to be sure, but to me, this combination of traits reads as an intentional depiction of ADHD and/or learning disabilities by at least some of the writers or character designers, even if it has not been named as such explicitly by the franchise (which, to my knowledge, it hasn't).
However, more than any particular character details, the overall arcs Yamato is involved in, and in particular the thoughtful way in which they're structured, that I find most meaningful. Yamato often says things that are openly brash, antagonistic, and/or unintentionally harsh to the people around him. However, the stories he's in follow through on this beyond the initial interaction: we find out afterwards why he's behaving this way (in the sense of his motivations, his struggles that were not visible at first, and so on). Then we get to see him reflect, either by himself or with the help of his teammates, and understand what went wrong. And finally, he often has a chance to revisit the situation with people he's clashed with, and find a more constructive resolution together with them.
I myself have been diagnosed with ADHD, although in my case, it's mostly inattentive type, and I mask it pretty effectively in my daily life. Still, I have a few of these traits: I can instruct others endlessly on my special interests, I get sudden flashes of temper, and I get easily frustrated by "simple" things in a way that can be difficult for others to understand or empathize with. These traits are ones I often feel guilt and shame about.
Yamato's strong personality is often on display for all to see, and it would be easy to turn him into a caricature or even just a villain. But instead, we get insights into his perspective, see him grow and overcome difficulties, and are shown time and again that he cares about the people around him and wants to learn to work with them better. Yamato makes me feel more confident in myself: however different I am from the people around me, and whatever mistakes I make, if I can stay brave and open-hearted, I can keep learning to be better than I was before.
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local-ginger-snap · 6 months
Hello! This is an ask account, which means exactly what the name suggests
Albert's posts will be written normally and tagged as #albert-answers
OOC posts will be written like this and tagged as #OOC
Nothing NSFW under any circumstances please. I am a minor, and so is this character. If you tag me in things of the sorts, you will immediately be blocked.
Shipping with any of the characters is fine, just remember the above rule!
Things To Know About This Albert:
Last Updated - 10/8
- 17
- Autistic. Neurodiversity was obviously a touchy subject at the time, but he's definitely autistic
- Illegally married to Racetrack. Only a few people know about it however
- Massive interest in butterflies and most insects and could talk non stop about them for hours if he could
- Somewhat able to read but cannot write to save his life
- Has been to the refuge before, but only for a short time before he made an escape with Henry and Smalls
- Very much considers his friends like brothers to him
- Stress-Cook. Depending on the day, the Lodge gets some damn good dinners
- August 5th birthday! Our boy is a Leo
- Gay and Transmasc :)
- Irish on his mam's side and Portuguese on his dad's. He speaks fluent Gaeilge but very little Portuguese ( This stems from the fact I totally forgot that DaSilva is definitely not an Irish name. However, I only know gaeilge, so it's gonna be that he just doesn't want to associate himself with anything that reminds him of his dad, and it's just a fun part of the lore! That cool with everybody? Cool :] )
- Pale as a ghost with a shit ton of freckles (he might he a leprechaun. /j)
- Burns ridiculously easily
- Possibly has some sort of anxiety or panic disorder, but it goes unspoken about unless he's seriously struggling with it
- Technically works for his dad. Half the money he makes goes straight to him
- Speaking of his dad, he is not a good person. Neither is his older brother. Albert can not stand them for some of the things they've done to him
- His mother and older sister passed away when he was younger, but he still thinks about them a lot
- He doesn't talk about his past very often, only bringing it up when it's seriously necessary
*more to be added as we go on!*
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trans-axolotl · 9 months
(Apologies this is long and rambley)
So ive been thinking on a peer-made trait-based 'diagnostic model' (not for disorders but neurodiverse traits), rather than the way the DSM and ICD do it and what that would look like and if it would be a good idea to propose as an alternative that focuses the patients unique experiences over theorized model boxes with misleading names.
Ive been growing increasingly discontent with how the ICD and DSM both categorize disorders, and the completed alternate models ive seen that already exist are not much better honestly, and worse for my specific brainfuckery. The alternate models that only focus on one section are just that- focused on one specific experience. Monotropisim as an alternate autism model can never be fully realized in the bubble it exists as a theory in. Plurality has like 50 different theory models and half of them aggressively ignore common reported experiences because they don't work with their unverified personal gnosis theory of everything, and the other half are likewise mostly incomplete. Trauma/cause-based models ignore genetic/from birth issues as a known cause of mental illness/developmental disorder and also consider everything trauma to the point of diluting the term.
I figured the best option would be to group traits by perceived experiences or related phenomena, with overlap, and the best way to do that accurately would be to make the 'diagnostic codes' combinable infinitely. (ex- a category that is 'unusual sensory experiences' with synthesia, hypo and hyper sensitivity to stimuli, needing to regulate with the sensory system (stimming) to high degrees, hallucinations of any kind, voice hearing(would also go under the plural category when consistent and personlike in presentation), visual snow, etc and each trait is a unique string of characters you can stack under the category string to create a larger string that describes your experiences quickly and concisely).
(The groupings are still all up in the air and id want to get a lot of perspective before cementing it, but I do want to put synthesia and hallucinations and visual snow all together because they are adding a Weird experience and its sensory based stuff others cannot perceive)
And then I realized that this is just the Geek Code but for neurodiversity,,
Im STILL not sure if that makes it a bad idea or not honestly.
On one hand the way the DSM and ICD are set up is NOT actually that great, and being able to shorthand a list that describes things better and doesnt pathologize people as having 'asshole liar personality disorder' or whatever would be fantastic, on the other it is also clunky, people are gonna be pissed about how I am categorizing things contrary to how the DSM and ICD group things (autism and schizophrenia and plurality are all holding hands and kissing with tongue), and it may more strongly encourage people to share very private information online via sharing their string code of every last neuroweirdness they have (which I do NOT want people doing for safety reasons).
So I just went 'hm, whos a cool antipsych person who may have more insight than I do about trying to make a peer-made description system for those who dont want to use the DSM or ICD to describe their experiences', and I thought of you, so thoughts? Is it feasible? Is it a good idea to try? I have like 500 million projects and I REALLY shouldnt add a new one of this magnitude, but I feel like its an important idea to at least float around first.
Hey anon! My answer got pretty long, so I'm going to put it under the read more.
I actually know a few people doing something like this--the founding director of Neuromancers started a project like this (not much has been happening with it lately, bc everyone is so busy with other organizing commitments and life, but if we ever get back to it i'm really excited about it. you could join the discord for Neuromancers and ask about the project if you want to join). I'm a known DSM hater and think that both the DSM and ICD and most biomedical models of mental illness as well as the "evidence based" processes of diagnosis are so fundamentally flawed, oppressive, and are in no way culturally relevant to the vast majority of people. a lot of us are still going to use that terminology as a shorthand because it's the most accessible and understandable in our current society, but that doesn't necessarily mean we all like it or agree with the way it's formulated in the DSM.
Honestly, I'm always a big fan of mad/mentally ill/neurodivergent people creating more ways of understanding ourselves and creating more resources for us to use. I think that there's never going to be one right model that works for every experience or than can encompass everyone. And I think that there's so much value in really deconstructing and dismantling the DSM--understanding exactly how disorders are currently categorized, the evidence behind it, the lack of evidence behind it, what clinicians and researchers are saying about these diagnoses, how we actually experience these diagnoses in practice, how diagnoses change through history, things like that. It can be super crucial to build our own understandings of just how these diagnoses were shaped in the first place so that we can understand what it would mean to dismantle and build alternative models that feel more affirming for us. I think your idea of trying to group more by traits rather than strict disorder criteria is something that might resonate with a lot of people!
that being said, i think that it is such a large and difficult project and also something that is almost impossible to make universal--there are so many factors going into everyone's experience with madness/mental illness/neurodivergence, and different labels are going to resonate with different people for different reasons. it's hard to predict what language or models will catch on with different people, and not all types of language or models are accessible to everyone. i guess for me i just think it can be helpful to go into projects like this without the expectations that this will necessarily be able to replace the DSM for everyone, and instead thinking more about how this can be a valuable tool for providing more options and ways of thinking about madness/mental illness/neurodivergence! even if it doesn't work for everyone or is only applicable to certain types of traits and variations, i think that this type of creation of knowledge is so, so valuable. i hope that makes sense!
some other related concepts that your ask reminded me of was @bioethicists principles of liberatory antipsychiatry. Charlie identifies the right to your own explanatory model as a key principle of liberatory antipsychiatry, and that liberatory antipsychiatry should affirm and build upon those individual models, and respect that as a way of healing. I think that's a really important insight, and to me makes a lot of sense. We all have the right to draw from our own experiences + minds, as well as use existing knowledge, science, and disability community experience in order to create alterative labels, models, and frameworks for our madness/mental illness/neurodivergence. I honestly feel like I've created my own hyperspecific model of madness for my own bodymind, and that framework has been super helpful for figuring out how to live with my madness. Idk how helpful it would be for anyone who isn't me, but having my own particular explanatory model was crucial for helping me heal.
It also reminds me of the way this really amazing peer support network for people living with schizophrenia in Japan called Bethel House, who developed a framework for radical peer support and healing. This article talks about the concept of tōjisha-kenkyū, which in English would get translated as something like "self directed diagnosis" or maybe "political education," and it seems kind of similiar to English concepts about self diagnosis.
"Self-reflection is at the heart of this practice. Tōjisha-kenkyū incorporates various forms of reflection developed in clinical methods, such as social skills training and cognitive behavioural therapy, but the reflections of a tōjisha don’t begin and end at the individual. Instead, self-reflection is always shared, becoming a form of knowledge that can be communally reflected upon and improved. At Bethel House, members found it liberating that they could define themselves as ‘producers’ of a new form of knowledge, just like the doctors and scientists who diagnosed and studied them in hospital wards. The experiential knowledge of Bethel members now forms the basis of an open and shared public domain of collective knowledge about mental health, one distributed through books, newspaper articles, documentaries and social media." (Japan's radical alternative to psychiatric diagnosis, Satsuki Ayayais and Junko Kitanaka, ).
Anyway, thought I'd share those things to sort of point you in the direction of other people thinking about madness outside of the DSM. if you end up doing any more thought or creation for this idea, def feel free to share with me! I love seeing all the ways people take apart the DSM and build our own knowledge, and would love to keep updated.
best of luck, anon!
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canichangemyblogname · 8 months
I think a lot of PJO fans are miscommunicating over a critique that the show has “made the kids too smart.” Now, this may not be the best language to voice this critique given 1.) it is not expressing a desire for writers to dumb the characters down, 2.) it is not expressing that kids who are neurodiverse cannot be intelligent, and 3.) it is not arguing that the kids in the books were less intelligent. It’s *not* actually a commentary on the characters’ intelligence within the narrative.
It is, however, a commentary on how the later half of this season has tended to do a lot more telling the audience rather than showing the audience.
There are a couple of trope categories that stories rely on when writing smart characters. The first category is what I call “not actually smart” and the second category is “too smart,” neither are a commentary on the character’s intelligence, but the story’s failure to communicate their intelligence.
Characters who are Not Actually Smart™️ tend to be those who have special access to exclusive information or special access to exclusive technology or equipment. Think: the hacker trope. In this category, if the other characters in the story were given the same resources and information as the “smart character” (if everyone was on equal footing), there’s nothing to suggest they, too, wouldn’t ALSO be capable of the same things or wouldn’t ALSO know the same things. Special treatment and an exclusive education don’t make a person smart, just as a lack of access to these privileges doesn’t make someone dumb. Another Not Actually Smart™️ trope is when the “smart” character is really only smart because all their other companions lack common sense.
The kids in the PJO TV series *do not* (technically) fall into this category of tropes. They don’t, for example, give Annabeth a special compass that tells her exactly how to proceed, and every time she knows where to go next, she says, “I thought it was obvious” as she’s holding her magical compass. And, no, her noticing the Lotus Hotel first and noticing the letter from Hermes first do not fit into this trope as these instances were not played up as Annabeth being The Smartest™️, but as just having looked up first. See: Percy’s comment, “You were two seconds ahead of me.”
On the other hand, characters who are Too Smart™️ tend to have a foil who is always two steps ahead that only they— the Protagonist— can beat (think: Sherlock), tend to have no limits to their intelligence (meaning, they always know everything, and it’s used in a deus ex machina kind of way, as in it is used to abruptly resolve a conflict or advance the plot), tend to have wild and wacky and hair-brained plans that don’t really make sense (Disney Channel Originals use this often, like A.N.T. Farm or Lab Rats), or they tend to exposition dump, which is when the character just word-vomits the knowledge they have.
The later half of this season utilizes the exposition dump and dips into the “using a character’s knowledge to abruptly solve a conflict or advance the scene,” and I really believe that the reason for this is time. Episodes are about 30 minutes long and there are only 8 episodes in the first season. This time constraint means the characters do not have time to more “organically” explore and learn and adjust. A 30-minute, 8-episode constraint on the plot requires all the characters to just know, and know immediately.
While I understand that Sally taught Percy myths and Grover trained him to know about monsters, Percy has still only been a demigod for— like— two weeks. In those two weeks, Percy has done more explaining this new world to the audience than learning about being a demigod. It’s less that Percy’s actually, legitimately “too smart” (in reference to his intelligence), and more that the writing seems not to trust the audience to be as smart as the characters.
There are better ways to demonstrate Percy’s intelligence than having him look at the camera (at Procrustes) and essentially say, “I know who you are. You’re Procrustes and you kill travelers by stretching them. Also, you guard the door to the Underworld.”
In my opinion, the episode at the St. Louis Arch better demonstrated these kids’ intelligence and resourcefulness than— say— the introduction of the Lotus Hotel & Casino.
EX: As Echidna is instigating the kids, trying to scare them, and Percy pushes back, she reveals that of course the monsters they’ve fought are like her, they are her children. And that’s when Annabeth realizes and reveals to the audience that the monster before them is Echidna, mother of monsters. This scene was a great way to illustrate Annabeth and Grover’s knowledge of monsters and Greek Mythology without Annabeth looking directly at the camera (at Echidna) and saying, “I know you are Echidna, the mother of monsters, and that the dog in the carrier is a young Chimera that you are teaching to hunt us.” The identity of the monster is revealed to us at the same time as the characters, and it is revealed to us— the audience— through and because of the character’s knowledge and intelligence.
Later, as they’re boarding the elevator to the top of the arch, Grover asks, “Is that the Chimera?” He knew what monster they were up against just by its shadow alone (impressive). He then has the line about the Chimera being the demigod killer, revealing why he was so alarmed about this particular monster and giving the audience ample information in just a few short lines. Details are being revealed to the audience at the same time as the Characters, and they’re being delivered to us through their knowledge.
Compare this to the introduction to the Lotus Hotel where Grover interrupts the conversation to essentially say, “Hey, do you remember the Odyssey? Remember when they get to the Island and meet those men who forgot who they were? It was because they ate lotus flowers. And that’s exactly what’s happening here.”
It is… boring. Why are you just TELLING us this? Isn’t there a better way to deliver this information? Do you not trust us to understand these things with the characters?
I think what would have made that episode better would be— well— length, for starters. As a writer, I would have begun the flashbacks of Percy and Sally that we see in episode 7 in episode 6. I’d begin this series of flashbacks in episode 6 to lead up to Hermes’ conversation with the kids where he talks about being close to someone you love and only hurting them. But I’d also do this to lay the foundations of Percy’s knowledge of the Odyssey.
EX: Sally and Percy leave NYC in a rush, a moment I’d parallel with Sally, Percy, and Grover leaving the beach house in a rush. To distract Percy on the long drive to the new school, Sally asks Percy to imagine he is like Odysseus; on a quest. Only, Percy is leaving home not because he has angered Poseidon, but because he has Poseidon’s favor and support. The episode will continue this parallel when we catch up with Percy in the present. I’d parallel Percy’s quest for the bolt with Odysseus’ quest. At the Lotus Hotel, their quest has been “blown” (more like directed, by Ares) off-course.
With each flashback (and there’d be— maybe— two), we learn a little about Odysseus’ quest getting blown off course, and Percy remembers a little about Odysseus’ story. These memories give the audience foundational knowledge and lead the narrative to the moment when Percy is looking directly at the Lotus logo or Lotus tree (as well as a dark, nighttime sky, signifying to the audience that more time has passed than the characters are aware of), and realizing that he and his teammates have arrived at a modern version of the Lotus tree Island. He would turn to Annabeth and say something like, “The lotus flowers are causing us to forget, just like—” and she would finish the sentence, “—just like in the Odyssey.” They might even ask each other how much time has really passed. Percy then has to “drag” his crew out of there, just as he does in the TV show when they have to find Grover (and just like Odysseus).
Nothing else in the episode changes. They’re still there to look for Hermes. They still have a conversation with Hermes. And Percy’s flashbacks “end” with him and his mom in the car in front of the school, giving the audience a sort-of cliffhanger. What happens with Percy and Sally next, and why did Hermes say that they hurt each other? We explore that in episode 7.
In this scenario, information is revealed to the audience at the same time the Characters are learning, and these details are being delivered to us— the audience— through the character’s knowledge and understanding of this world. The character understands what is happening and comes to the conclusions they do because of their intelligence and knowledge.
A narrative’s development should lead smart audiences to the same conclusions as the characters in the same moment as the characters.
It’s not that Percy is actually, legitimately “too smart;” it’s that the story has failed to communicate his intelligence in a “believable” or “organic” way, relying instead on exposition dumps. In a way, Percy’s “too smart” because they’ve given him a dumb companion: us, the audience.
I’m asking not to be spoon-fed information about this world.
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teastarfall · 7 months
I think all of the LN kids r neurodivergent cuz I'm neurodivergent it's only fair
i hc characters exactly like that too,,, ive practically autism beamed like half of the LN protagonists at this point it’s wild it’s silly these are some real silly hours. the nowhere only accepts neurodivergent kids now they changed the policy like yesterday ^_^
the adults are safer in regards with the neurodiversity beam,, aside from the hunter since he’s my fav and ive been hyperfixating on him since i got into LN ((INSTANT RED FLAG /J)). he literally shares all of my autism traits now he’s long gone 😔😔😔 guy can’t even be neurotypical in the nowhere anymore the poor little meow meow (he’s a middle aged man)…,..,,,
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