#hand holding cw (lighthearted)
hensunrik · 2 years
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*coughs* *gently taps the sign*
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ssahotchnerr · 5 months
okay i wanna see how aaron would react to reader being scared of a spider. like she sees a spider in the bathroom or something and screams and aaron runs in like “honey, what’s wrong?” and when he sees what made her scream he’s like “…y/n really? it’s smaller than your finger” or something like that !!
my hero
PLEASE that's so cute cw; fem!reader, spiders, established relationship, aaron being fluffy and lighthearted teasing <3
a shriek came from further within the apartment, followed by a desperate and distressed, "aaron!"
"honey?" abandoning his current task, aaron's feet carried him quickly down the hallway, rounding the corner towards the bathroom. the door was wide open, revealing you perched atop the closed toilet.
"what are you-" he entered, his first instinct being to look down at the ground.
"no, there."
you pointed frantically at the sink's countertop, or more specifically, the corner where the counter met the wall. there, was a small (while you'd insist otherwise) brown spider, with its legs scrambling as it attempted to climb up the smooth, slippery marble.
aaron's eyebrows quirked quizzically, before furrowing into a highly amused line. "a spider?"
"yes." you said as your gaze shot to him, eyes wide. like, hello? obviously?
a small laugh shook through aaron's chest, leaning against the doorframe as his eyes returned to your current houseguest. "and it was necessary for you to get on up-"
"just get it, aaron, please." there was a despaired strain in your voice, as if he didn't, you'd have no choice but to succumb to tears.
"i will sweetheart, don't worry." he pushed off the frame, ripping a small piece of toilet paper from the roll. with complete ease, and no hesitation, he smushed the spider, prompting a wince to come from you.
from both the spider, and simply him interacting with it.
"wait," as aaron moved closer to dispose, you sidestepped to the tub, standing on the edge. you reached out, grabbing onto his bicep to maintain your balance.
"it's dead, honey."
"and what if it jumps back to life?"
"then i'm sure it's first order of business will be to attack you." he quipped back, his tone playful.
as aaron reached down to open the toilet lid, you took that as an opportunity to clamber onto his back. your arms wrapped tightly around his neck, legs around his waist, slipping down towards his thighs a bit without his usual, sturdy hold; you were going to stay as far away from that spider as you possibly could.
his strength didn't falter despite your unannounced action, dropping the deceased in and flushing. your cheek suddenly came flush to his, scooting your body up his back as much as you could manage, allowing you to watch it spiral down the drain.
once satisfied, and the toilet rumbling to a stop, you hopped off aaron's back, a bright smile forming on your face. "thank you." you cheesed, leaning up on your tiptoes to press your lips to his. "my hero."
"you're as bad as jack. worse even." aaron teased as a smile formed on his face. he grabbed your hand to guide you from the bathroom, clicking the light off behind the two of you.
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eiightysixbaby · 2 months
princess leia, and other wishes
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pairing: bestfriend!eddie munson x fem!reader
wishing on a star? i guess it can’t hurt… (1.7k)
cw: mutual pining, eddie calls r an asshole playfully, fluff fluff fluff
a/n: just something short and sweet with our favorite guy 🥹 this really started as something smaller to give me a break from writing my longer oneshots. enjoy!!
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The grass is prickly beneath your fingers, your palm outstretched beyond the edges of the blanket beneath you, pulling absentmindedly at the lush green strands.
Night fell some time ago, the sky a deep inky blue above you with stars that twinkle spectacularly as far as the eye can see.
Eddie lays beside you, hands clasped on his chest as he looks up at the bright flickering dots. You’d come out to this field on a whim, a random suggestion from him to go stargazing. Tucked high on a hill, away from the lights of Hawkins, you feel as though you can see every galaxy.
Occasionally you find yourself stealing glances at him, watching the way his chest rises and falls easily with each breath. If you were braver, you’d roll onto your side and study every inch of his face, radiantly beautiful even in the dark.
You feel his pinky finger graze your side, and you turn your face to his.
“You need to come up with a wish, in case we see a shooting star,” he says, his voice conspiratorial, like he’s telling you about a top-secret operation.
The corner of your mouth twitches in a sort of smile. “D’you believe in that junk?”
He chuckles lightly, shrugging. “Not really, but it’s worth a shot, right?”
“Yeah. Worth a shot,” you reply, feeling your heart thrumming in your chest.
Both of you turn your faces back to the sky, listening to the crickets chirp in the grass around you. Occasionally you hear the faint, dreamlike sound of car horns honking on the roads beyond. Being here with Eddie, in your quiet secluded oasis all alone, only ramps up your suppressed longing for him. Your right hand and his left rest mere centimeters apart from each other on the worn blanket, and you swear your skin vibrates with the desire to touch his.
You allow yourself a moment to wonder if he's feeling the same urge, if it's as hard for him to hold back as it is for you. The weight of your yearning is heavy on your chest, as if you have an anvil sitting on top of you and stealing your breath. You curse yourself for letting it get this bad, this stupid crush on your best friend that never should've started to begin with.
You're broken from your thoughts as one of his hands reaches out to grab your arm, his other hand pointing up at the velvety blue above. Sure enough, a shooting star streaks across the sky; a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment. As you watch it, you're unaware of the fact that Eddie is watching you.
One foolish wish crosses your mind.
"Okay, I honestly didn't think we'd actually see one," Eddie says beside you. His fingers release their grip on your arm, and you find yourself missing the soft squeeze of them. “So, what'd ya wish for?” He waggles his brows expectantly, waiting for your answer.
You swallow hard before forcing yourself into a lighthearted tone. “No way, if I tell you it won't come true.”
He scoffs, rolling onto his side so he's facing you. “What happened to not believing in 'that junk'?” he jokes. “Now you're getting all superstitious on me.”
You match his movement, rolling onto your side as well.
“My wishes are top secret, sorry,” you reply, miming zipping your lips shut.
“No fair! What if I tell you mine?”
“Let me guess, you wished Steve would finally let you steal that Slave Leia cardboard cutout from Family Video?”
He narrows his eyes. “Okay, am I that predictable?”
“Yes,” you say deadpan, trying not to crack a smile. He doesn't reply, just stares at you, like he's committing every inch of your face to his permanent memory. It's too much, and you avert your gaze abruptly from his deep brown eyes. You're suddenly far too close to him, and your heart feels like it might claw out of your chest and find a home in his instead.
You lie on your back once more, your breathing shallow as your heartbeat races.
A finger pokes you in the ribs.
“Will you pleeeeease tell me what you wished for?” Eddie asks, giving you his best pout and puppy eyes.
“What if I didn’t wish for anything?”
“Nice try.”
“Why is it so important to you what I wished for?” you ask, intending to stall as long as you can. You could come up with a lie, some dumb filler wish, but you know Eddie would see right through it.
“Honestly, the fact that you won’t tell me is driving me crazy. So now I need to know or I’ll literally die.”
You huff, reaching a hand out to cover his still-pouting face with an open palm. “You are SO dramatic.”
His tongue licks a flat stripe up your palm, making you recoil with a gasp. You go to swat at him, but he moves quicker than you, pinning your arms down on either side of your head. His knees press into the blanket on either side of you, his body hovering over yours but not quite touching anywhere.
He’s keeping his distance. Your heart aches. You want more than anything to pull him into you, press your lips to his.
“Tell me your wish, you little asshole!” he says, a devious smile playing on his lips.
When you don’t return his playfulness, his teasing, is when his brow furrows. You look too serious beneath him, lost in thought. He moves again to sit beside you, letting go of the hold he had on your wrists.
“Hey, what’s up? If it’s that big of a deal, you don’t have to tell me. Swear, I was just messing around.”
You shake your head, groaning softly as you rub your hands down your face, your skin stretching with the motion. “Eddie, you have no idea.”
“What do you mean?”
Your words barely come out audible the first time, and he can’t hear you over the singing crickets and the slight breeze rustling the leaves.
“I wished for you,” you say again, after he asks you to repeat yourself.
“Me? But I’m— I’m right here. I’m sorry, are you being funny, or?” he trails off, not putting the pieces together in his head.
“Eddie,” you say, sitting up now.
This is a bad idea, you think to yourself. Bad idea bad idea bad idea.
And yet you push yourself to keep talking. To not lose your nerve. To get an answer, finally. Because there’s a smaller voice in your head that’s telling you this is right.
“Can I kiss you?”
His eyes go wide, confusion crossing his features like he’s not sure he heard you right. “Wh- me? Now? You want to kiss me?”
He’s not into it. Retreat. Retreat. Retreat.
“I wished for you,” you say with a shaky inhale. “Because I want you, as more than a friend.” You’re speaking so quietly he has to lean in to hear you.
He doesn’t say anything for a minute, and for once you can’t gauge his expression. You’re ready to tell him to forget it, to get up and haul ass out of this field and back to the van, but then he clears his throat.
“Swear you’re not messing with me,” he says finally. His eyes search your face almost frantically, and your breath catches in your throat.
“I’m not messing with you, Eddie. I mean it.” You aren’t sure how you even manage to say the words. You feel like all of the oxygen has left your lungs.
“Well, shit. Then yeah,” he says, almost bashfully. “Yeah, you can kiss me.”
Your eyes blow wide, blinking at him while you make sure you heard him right.
“I can?”
“Did you think I’d say no? Shit, sweetheart, I would’ve let you kiss me ages ago. O-or I would’ve done it myself, but y’know, I didn’t want to cross a line or anything—”
“Eddie,” you say, a smile breaking out on your face.
“Damn, my wish was so fucking stupid. I mean you’re out here wishing for me, and I really couldn’t see the signs? I’m so sorry—”
“Eddie!” He stops his rambling, eyes wide as they meet yours.
You don’t give him the chance to say anything else, leaning forward into his personal space. You let one hand come up to hold his jaw gently, pressing your lips to his in your final act of bravery.
It’s such a fucking cliche, but you swear there’s fireworks going off the moment you kiss each other. You can see them behind your closed eyelids, vibrant colors bursting before you. His lips are so soft against yours, the way you’d imagined them to be on all of those restless nights spent tossing and turning and yearning in your bed.
When you pull away, you can hear your heartbeat loud in your ears. His eyes are huge and bright, like the galaxies up above shrunk down to fit inside his dark irises. Neither of you know what to say at first, and it’s silent until you both erupt into a fit of giggles. His hands are warm when they take yours, letting his thumbs run over your knuckles.
“Can we please do that again?” he asks, a sweet smirk tugging at one corner of his pretty mouth.
In lieu of a verbal response, you simply lean back into him, kissing him harder this time. Far more sure of yourself. His hands find your waist, holding you so softly. You'd be perfectly content staying in this moment forever, fireflies twinkling in the grass surrounding you as your mouth moves slowly against Eddie's.
There’s no awkwardness, not a single hint of doubt pooling in your gut. His hands feel like they were made to hold you and his lips slot with yours like they were molded to fit together. This time it's him who pulls away, a boyish grin spreading across his face.
“Would you look at that,” he says. “Wishes really do come true.”
“Should we go talk to Steve about yours?” you tease, letting your nose brush against his.
A puff of air leaves his nose, a quiet laugh. "Nah, I'm good with this."
“Me too.”
When he eases you down onto the blanket, his weight on top of yours as he kisses you breathless, you have no complaints. The stars twinkle down at you, and everything is perfect.
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saltoru · 1 year
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cw: talks of body image
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whenever you critique and complain of your body, gojo always quips back with a lighthearted “then just give it to me”
the first time you had this conversation, you were both standing in your kitchen after breakfast. you were wiping down the countertops when you opened up to him about thoughts regarding your body image, adding in a few lighthearted jokes and comments along the way.
he took a swig of his sweetened coffee and eyed you up and down from the corner of his eye. "then just give it to me," he exhales, setting the cup down and giving you a small shrug. you stopped wiping and looked at him confused.
"if you're not going to appreciate all this," he dramatically waves his hands in front of you, "then give it to someone who will. i certainly will, so just hand it over anytime."
amused, yet still confused, you frown and say, "how is that even supposed to work-"
he cuts you off and says, "your body will still be with you, but starting now, i'll be in charge of taking care of it." he looks behind him and adds, "you know what, my body's feeling kinda thirsty."
you watch him fill up a glass of water, mouth slightly ajar from puzzlement.
he brings the glass up to your lips and lightly taps your chin. "here, drink up."
you glare at him with furrowed brows as you somewhat reluctantly take a sip of water. "wait, so-" you begin.
"from now on, i'll be in charge of caring for your body," satoru firmly says, bringing his hands to your shoulders to make you look at him. "so you can't make those mean comments anymore. it's not right to talk about other people's bodies, right? this one ain't yours anymore until you start appreciating it."
and with that, he places his hand on your back and ushers you to the bathroom because "my body's feeling a little dirty, needs a bath."
for the next couple days, you decide to entertain his little gimmick to see how far he takes it. within these days, he diligently scrubbed you clean, fed you good, frequently made you drink water, take you on walks, and decide your outfits. you heard a lot of "how's my body doing, feeling kinda sore?" and then he'd spend the next 15 minutes massaging an area you never said was sore. "my body's craving ice cream," he'd say, and get up to get you your favorite ice cream.
"why is your body's favorite ice cream also my favorite ice cream?" you ask him as he hands you the carton and a spoon.
"coincidence," he shrugs.
"i'm feeling blue today," he'd say as he would hold up your light blue pants next to you. "hmm maybe dark blue...no, definitely light blue, even though both looks so good"
one afternoon, he suddenly said, "my body would look so good in this," and brought out his favorite baby blue lingerie set that he got you on one of his business trips. (it wasn't on sale and there was no special occasion, he just felt like getting one for you) satoru quickly ushered you to room to put it on.
"why would you randomly put your body in lingerie at 2:35 in the afternoon," you ask, trying to sound annoyed but really, you can't help your heart from fluttering at his dedication to this
"because i look good and i can," he widely grins as he looks you up and down. "c'mere, i'm suddenly feeling cold and need to be warmed up." he pats his lap and opens his arms. you bite your lip to stop yourself from smiling too hard.
since the beginning of your relationship, he had always been touchy, but this level was touchiness from these couple of days is unprecedented. his hands always had a place on your body. it used to just be one hand on your thigh or just his chin resting of your shoulder, but lately, it's been both hands on your thighs and his chin resting of your shoulder while his hands ran up your shirt. "gotta show my body extra love," he'd say when you question him. "since the previous owner wasn't so good at doing so"
the first time this happened, it lasted around a week. you found his whole gimmick amusing until after a while, you wanted to choose your own outfits, when you wanted to exercise ("not if," he insisted before giving your body back to you. "when" ), and what to eat, and after a quick promise to appreciate your body, he gave you a quick kiss and "handed it back."
this gimmick hasn't happened in a while, but every once in a while when he hears you complain, he just shakes his head and motions for you to hand it to him.
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cloudzoro · 7 months
Toy | Portgas D. Ace ♡
(ft Vinsmoke Sanji)
pairings: ace x fem!reader x sanji
genre: smut (minors dni)
wc: 1.7k words (it's a short one today!)
cw: soft!dom ace, jealous ace, big!dick ace, bisexual sanji, sub!sanji, mmf threesome (focused on reader), hella dirty talk from ace, voyeurism, cunnilingus, cum eating, semi-public sex, sanji is super into you but also has a tiny crush on ace, pathetic loser sanji <3
masterlist here
You and your boyfriend, Ace, are staying aboard his little brothers ship and the cook takes a liking to you. Ace is initially jealous but when he catches Sanji eavesdropping on the two of you, he issues a punishment that has him realising how much fun he can have with the cook.
this is so self indulgent i'm sorry 😭
You and Ace have been staying aboard the Merry for a few days. The two of you have been welcomed by your boyfriend's brother and his crew. Sanji, in Ace's opinion, has been hanging around you too much. Sanji has been following you around like a lost puppy. It doesn't bother Ace that all the attention is on you. He is always more than ready to show you off. His problem is that he hasn't gotten to have any alone time with you since boarding the sunny.
On a quiet morning, he has you cornered out on the deck. It's so early that everyone's still in bed. Ace offered to do the night watch, and you were happy to accompany him.
“Missed this pretty pussy”, he says, fingers slipping below the waistband of your underwear and pressing against your clit.
“You're so dramatic; it's only been a few days”, you laugh, pulling him into a kiss.
“Baby, you know you're just as desperate for my cock”, he says, biting your bottom lip. You don't respond, instead grabbing his belt and undoing it. He laughs as you fuss with the button on his shorts. Sex with Ace is always lighthearted, and he makes you feel so comfortable. Once you get his shorts unbuttoned, you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him back into a kiss. He kisses back roughly. “let me make you cum with my fingers, and then when the cook comes out to take over, I'll take you to our room and fuck you properly.”
You hear a footstep behind Ace but get distracted by his fingers, so you don't mention it. His fingers tease your whole, and you whine.
“Just put them in, please, Ace. Don't tease me.”
“I'm sorry, baby”, he apologises, pushing two fingers inside you. “You're just so cute I can't help it”, he coos, speeding up his fingers. Your hips instinctively rock against his hand as you get closer to your orgasm. His lips trail down your neck, and your hand threads through his hair, making him moan. Your orgasm hits you, and your legs shake slightly as you struggle to stay on your feet. Ace holds you up as you whine in his ear. He pulls his fingers from your cunt and brings them up to his lips. You watch, dazed, as he sucks his fingers clean. You hear another noise that sounds like footsteps, and this time, it catches Ace's attention, too. Ace walks over to the door to the deck and swings it open, revealing Sanji looking as guilty as you've ever seen him. Sanji's face flushes red at having been caught listening to you with his hand shoved down his trousers. Ace looks back at you with a smile, knowing both of your sexual tastes. This is a perfect chance to explore something you've been thinking about. Despite his jealousy over Sanji's crush on you, Ace thinks the cook is kind of cute.
“How do you think we should punish him, baby?” asks Ace. Sanji is entirely unfocused, close to tears, as your moans replay in his head.
“We could always show him what he wants but can't have,” you say. You enjoy having an audience. Ace nods and tells Sanji to enter the dining room, the closest room to the deck. He obliges, realising he might like being bossed around by his captain's big brother.
He sits down on the bench seats as Ace takes a seat opposite him in a chair. Ace beckons you over with a smile on his face.
“Strip for us, Baby”, he orders, and you get to work immediately. Sanji feels lightheaded as he watches you bare your skin. He reaches out to touch you as you bend over to pull your panties down your legs. Ace notices and immediately draws you towards him. The force of his pull has you straddling him. “You think that I'm gonna let you touch her after you were eavesdropping?” he asks, laughing at their desperate expressions. “You can watch me play with her pretty pussy, and if you behave, then maybe I'll let you touch her.” With a goal in sight, Sanji keeps his hands to himself.
Ace manoeuvres you to face the other man, still sitting on his lap. He pulls your back against his chest and grips the underside of your legs, pulling them apart. The blonde man in front of you groans at the sight of your bare pussy. Ace's fingers find your clit, rubbing it in circles, making you whine. Your noises have Sanji rubbing himself over his trousers.
“Isn't she pretty?” Ace asks, pressing a kiss to your temple, and Sanji immediately nods, unable to take his eyes off Ace's skilled fingers and your pretty pussy. You start to get restless and squirm on Ace's lap. You want him to fill you up so badly. “What is it, baby?”
“Want your cock, please”, you beg, and the words sound so pretty coming from you that Sanji pulls his cock free from his trousers. He's slow in how he teases himself because he knows how fast he'll cum. Ace, never one to deny you of cock, pulls his hard cock out and guides you to sink on him. He holds you sill in his lap and fucks up into you. He stretches you out so well that he has to clamp his hand over your mouth to stop your moans from waking up the other crew members.
“You see this? This perfect pussy? This is mine. You can eavesdrop on us and watch me fill her up with cum, but you'll never have her.” Ace's possessive words have you clenching around him. Sanji strokes his cock in time with Ace's thrusts, and with his eyes laser-focused on where the two of you meet, he jumps when Ace speaks again, not expecting the voice. “If you're a good boy and hold off your orgasm until after I cum, I'll let you eat my cum out of her” Sanji, for a second, looks embarrassed that Ace has figured out that he may have a tiny crush on him too. Sanji nods, slowing his hand back down.
“Ace, Sanji. I'm close,” you whine. Sanji almost cums on the spot when you whimper out his name, and it sinks in how much power the two of you have over him. You can feel your orgasm building inside you, and with another pair of eyes on you, you feel it building quicker and quicker.
“You hear that, Sanji?” Sanji's cock twitches at how his name sounds coming from Ace's mouth. “She's gonna cum. Doesn't she look pretty, squeezing around my cock like this?” He makes eye contact with the cook, and Sanji's stomach twists. He finally, for the first time since you'd started, speaks up.
“She's so beautiful. You're both so hot,” he whimpers, stroking his cock. He looks kind of pathetic; Clothes still on, cock out, sweat dripping down his face, eyes hazy from lust, desperately jerking himself off to you.
“Oh, are we now? You wanna watch us cum?” Sanji's frantic nods make Ace laugh, and he leans down to speak directly into your ear. “You feel so good around my cock. I'm gonna cum inside you and fill you up; just keep squeezing me like that, pretty girl,” he says. He tells you he loves you and bites down on your shoulder. Your orgasm comes crashing down in waves as you shake in Ace's lap. The way your walls pulse and grip his cock has him cumming along with you. Sanji watches in awe, unable to move his hand as he just takes in the scene before him. He feels like he's genuinely having some kind of spiritual awakening, watching the two of you in the throes of pleasure.
When you finally stop twitching in his lap, Ace pulls out of you and tucks his cock back into his boxers the best he can without knocking you off of him. When he sees Sanjis obeyed his orders, he smiles, beckoning Sanji over them with a finger. Sanji drops to his knees and crawls over to you. He stares at your cunt for a second, watching Ace's cum drip from your hole. He tentatively leans in and teases his tongue at the edge of your hole before gaining his confidence and shoving his tongue into your cunt, licking at your walls. The combination of Ace's cum and your juices has his mind reeling. He's passionate and messy as he eats you out the best he can. You can tell he's inexperienced, but he's a fast learner. He pays attention to areas that make you whimper so prettily. Ace's large hand dips between your legs to grab a handful of Sanji's hair, and Sanji moans into your cunt.
“Fuck, Sanji” Hearing you moan his name spurs him on to eat you out more vigorously. “You're doing so good” The praise has his hand wrapping around his cock. He brings his other hand to hold you still on Ace's lap as he tongue fucks you. He pumps his cock and focuses on pleasing you as Ace whispers encouragement in your ear. In minutes, you're brought to yet another orgasm, and your legs clamp around Sanji's head. Sanji continues to lick you through your high as Ace rubs relaxing circles into your skin, cooing at you to calm you down. Sanji cums into his fist as he takes care of you.
When you're done, Ace tells Sanji to take care of himself while he cleans you up and gets you redressed. You stumble on wobbly legs as he helps you back into your clothes. Sanji, ever the gentleman, comes back to check on you one last time before returning to his post on watch until the strawhats wake up. Too tired to speak, you kiss Sanji's cheek, and Ace grips your hip, ready to walk you back to your guest room.
“If you want to play with us again, come find us later tonight,” says Ace, winking at a very flustered Sanji. As you walk back to your room, Ace giggles in your ear about how you both have a shiny new toy to play with.
thank you for reading! hope you enjoyed :)
reblogs and comments are hugely appreciated!!
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ultravioletbrit · 10 days
“metal” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 281 words
CW: lighthearted talk of violence, not explicit
Regulus is waiting at the table for James to come back with their food. He tried to go up to the buffet with him, but James insisted on going alone for some reason. That was fine with Regulus, the less people he has to interact with at these things the better. These work events are some of the most boring things they have to attend. Regulus would feel bad saying that, except he knows James thinks they’re boring also.
James makes it back to the table and sits everything down then takes his seat beside Regulus.
“Thank you.” Regulus tells him but pauses when he looks down at the table. “What is this?” He holds up his fork in question.
“A fork.” James answers simply.
“Why is it plastic, James?”
“Because when you had a metal one, you stabbed a guy in the thigh with it.” James reminds him.
“Well, these things are boring and the guy was badmouthing you. That was entertaining and I got to defend your honor. Two birds, one fork.” He says casually. “Plus, it barely broke skin. I could do significantly more damage with a…” he looks down at the table. “Where is my knife, James?” He looks back up at James.
“I’ll cut your meat for you, love.” James says and kisses Regulus sweetly.
Regulus huffs and slumps back in his chair. He picks up his spoon- his only metal utensil- and stares at it while he twirls it between his fingers.
“What are you doing?” James asks skeptically.
“Determining if I could gouge someone’s eye out with this.
“We’re not coming next year.” James tells him as he plucks the spoon out of Regulus’ hand.
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
when you’re inebriated and don’t recognize them — gyomei, kyojuro, sanemi, giyuu
Author’s Note: a lil lighthearted (+hopefully humorous) fluff for tn. 🥰
when you’re inebriated and don’t recognize them — gyomei, kyojuro, sanemi, giyuu
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Himejima Gyomei x Reader, Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader, Shinazugawa Sanemi x Reader, Tomioka Giyuu x Reader
Word Count: ~1,400
CW: alcohol, explicit language
Suggestion Fulfilled: how do you think the hashira will react when you're clearly drunk and they want to help you, but you push the away, clearly not recognizing them, and then you say something along the lines of, " No I have a S/o, don't touch me”
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“Don’t touch me! You! Gigantic! Oaf!”
*big sigh* 🥲
Smiling gently to himself, Gyomei takes another slow step forward
Thank goodness we’re home he thinks to himself, well aware of how this current situation would appear to unknowing onlookers 🙃 
“I’ll bite you!” 😤
Newsflash: slapping at his outstretched hands is doing next to nothing 🥴
The man is a wall 🧱
“Please,” he tries again, “Let me help you.”
You huff, eyes rolling, “I don’t need help.”
“Your shoes are still on, as is your coat, and you’re heading in the opposite direction of the bedroom.” 🤨
Somehow, the calmness of his voice riles you even further 😒
“How do you know?” you scoff, “Maybe I’m taking the long way around.” 🙄
“Love, I live here,” he can’t help the fond exasperation creeping into his tone, “I live here with you.”
“No,” you snort, “You wish you lived here with me, but that honor belongs to my amaaazing boyfriend.” 😌
“And where might he be?” Gyomei asks politely
“He-” your eyes narrow, confusion clouding your vision as you frown slightly, “I’m not sure.” 😖
“Well how about you call him?”
Glaring at the looming (actually, Gyomei is standing quite casually and relaxed) man in front of you, you tug your phone out of your pocket
“Hey Siri, call The Love of my Life.”
Interesting Gyomei’s heart flutters —> you’ve never actually showed him his contact info
—Fortunately for you, he’s too much of a sweetheart to ever hold this secret against you
—What happens when you’re drunk, stays with when you were drunk 😉
“NO WAY!” you exclaim as his phone begins ringing, “YOU’RE HIM?!” 😳🤯😭
“Yes, love,” Gyomei chuckles tiredly, “I’m him.”
“I’m sooooo sorry,” you whimper, suddenly falling willingly and clingy into his arms, whining now as you pout up at him, “I’m going to have the worst hangover eeeverrr,” gasping dramatically, “Gyyyomeeeei!!!!!”
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“As flattered as I am by your interest, I have a boyfriend,” you say, politely brushing off the warm hands of the stranger attempting to help you as you sit haunched on a bench 😮‍💨
Aforementioned stranger’s brow furrows, mouth pursing before stretching into a bright grin, laughter ringing through your ears 🤗
The hell is this guy on? 🧐
“I promise your boyfriend would be okay with me helping you,” Kyojuro chuckles, arms crossed as he watches you carefully 
“Oh yeah?” you mutter, hiding your confusion beneath a cool tone, “What’s his name then?”
“Rengoku Kyojuro!” he immediately answers, still grinning, “Not many people look like him…” ❤️‍🔥
Your face crinkles as you take in the man’s appearance once more, eventually shaking your head as you huff
“Nice try,” you smirk, “But if I was really drunk, then my Kyojuro wouldn’t think twice about getting me home, no matter how difficult I was being.” 😌
*cue a particularly fond memory of Kyojuro carrying you all the way home from the bar when you refused to get in a cab but didn’t want to walk and definitely wasn’t sober enough to sit on the handlebars of a bicycle* 😝
Kyojuro blames the blossoming warmth in his stomach at your my Kyojuro for his next actions
Aka scooping you into his arms and hoping his cologne does the trick 😅
(it usually does — he assumes his sweatshirts go missing for this exact reason 🫢)
“PUT ME DOW- 🤬 BAAABYYY! 😍” you squeal as soon as his sweaty, familiar scent hits your nose, “You do love meee!!!!!”
“I absolutely do,” he murmurs adoringly, unfazed by your sudden switch in demeanor, “After all, your Kyojuro always gets you home, right?” 🥺
“Right!” you beam up at him, your hostility all but dissipated as you nuzzle into the crook of his shoulder, “M’gonna sleep now, ‘kay?” 🥱
Kyojuro thinks about how long the walk home is, flexes his forearms, and smiles 🥰
“Of course. Sweet dreams, my heart.” 😴
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Send help pls and ty 🙃
This man is at his wit’s end
On one hand, you’re refusing to Uber home with him 😕
On the other hand, he can’t just leave you at the bar 😒
And the last thing he wants is to order two separate rides home, and then have to patiently explain that he isn’t stalking you, nor is he breaking in, because 
“For fuck’s sake, I’m literally your boyfriend!” 😐
“My boyfriend would never speak to me like that!” you retort, eyes narrowed 😠
Actually Sanemi thinks wryly to himself Your boyfriend doesn’t know how to speak in any other way
“Because your boyfriend’s so damn perfect?” he growls, “Doesn’t ever cuss or lose his patience?”
“Well,” you begin pertly, “He is perfect! He brings me breakfast in bed, holds open doors for me, mends the holes in my socks, washes my back when we shower together…” ☺️
Sanemi is very pink rn 😃
He’s torn between wanting to kiss you square on the mouth and never doing a nice thing for you ever again 🫠
“... but he,” you trail off, tears abruptly brimming as you come to a startling realization, “But he’s so ruuude,” wailing as Sanemi simply watches you unfold, “He teases me whenever I stub my toe on something, pushes me off the bed when we wrestle, and, and, and-”
“And what?” he asks dryly
You gulp, refusing to meet the gaze of the handsome, persistent man still standing in front of you — despite your resolute rejections of him, “I think you might actually be my boyfriend.” 😭
He actually laughs, arms opening as you barrel into him, sobbing into his embrace, thin olive shirt sticking to his skin as you squeeze his sides
“Sanemi,” you whisper, embarrassment coating your voice
“Mmm, darling?” his own rich with amusement
“I want to go home,” you mumble 😔
“You sure?” he smirks fondly, “Even with me?”
Groaning loudly, you press your face harder into his chest, eyes closing as you focus on the steady warmth of his heartbeat 💓
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Dismay might as well be Giyuu’s middle name
Because he has no idea how he’s going to get you home 😓
Shinobu abandoned you guys earlier, flitting from one bar to the next
And for the sake of his dwindling dignity and pride, Giyuu is not about to interrupt Tengen and his wives at their table to ask for ~assistance 😬
Kyojuro would be an option, if he wasn’t the lightest weight of all, and already home in bed (he left over an hour ago) 🙃
“Hey,” he waves at you, heart in his throat
“Hey yourself,” you glance up at him, frowning, “I told you like five minutes ago, I. Have. A. Boyfriend.” 😒
The urge to curl up into a ball and cry has never been stronger 😃
For Giyuu, that is 😭
“I know, I know,” he holds his hands up in a careful surrender, awkwardness in his movements as he ponders his next words, “I just… I think you should go home.”
“As in, go home with you?” 🤨
“Uh…” yes 😞
“Look, you’re super attractive and all, but you’re not my boyfriend.” 🙄
Giyuu is hitting his forehead against a brick wall 😵
Repeatedly 😵
Internally, ofc 💀
“What if I was?” he winces as his voice cracks at the end 🥲
Damn it 🫠
“Well that would mean breaking up with my boyfriend…”
He’s staring at you equally exasperated and in love 😖🥰
All you process, unfortunately, is deadpan 😐
“Speaking of which, where is he?” you mutter 😕
Giyuu is still hitting his forehead against a brick wall
+screaming every time he makes contact
Internally, ofc
“Can I at least give you my number?” 🥺
“How about this,”  you snap, “You find my boyfriend for me, and ask him if that’s okay.”
Regret isn’t an option as Giyuu immediately spins in a circle, striking a Tada! Pose when he faces you again 😎
🧐🧐🧐 <— you rn
“It’s me, your boyfriend. Tomioka Giyuu.” 🥳
You blink
He holds his breath
“Y’know what,” you finally say, “I believe you.”
Giyuu doesn’t bother digging for details
He grabs your hand (and exhales when you promptly intertwine your fingers with his, hugging his forearm to your chest 💞), and heads toward the exit
“Why did that convince you?” he asks the next morning, breath soft on your skin as he sprinkles soothing kisses across your forehead
You smile slyly—despite your pulsating headache—all four limbs squeezing tighter around his body to keep him in place as you murmur quietly, “Because only my boyfriend could make me cringe that hard.” 😌
“Heyyyyy,” he whines, pouting as he squirms in your embrace, exchanging his kisses for gentle bites as you shriek playfully, “That’s not very nice.” ☹️
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prettyboychoso · 1 year
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Needy Natsu Headcanons
Natsu Dragneel x Reader
been thinking about Natsu who ignores his needs for so long, but he finally breaks and comes to you for help
cw: smut (18+ mdni), oral (f!receiving), biting, multiple rounds, creampie, unprotected sex, hurt/comfort (if you squint?)
.85k words | masterlist
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Natsu Dragneel who doesn’t really think about sex until he’s beyond pent up, emotionally vulnerable, and in desperate need of intimacy.
Natsu Dragneel who, trapped beneath his lighthearted exterior, is wracked with guilt — anxious and emotionally exhausted from watching the people he loves suffer, risking their lives for the greater good, day in and day out.
Natsu Dragneel who comes to you after a particularly hard job, mind both buzzing and numb all at once, body nearly shaking at the fear and anxiety from the last few jobs that refused to leave him, whimpering out a quiet “I need you,” in the most broken, heartbreakingly desperate voice you’ve ever heard from him.
Natsu Dragneel who nearly collapses into you when you let him in, pawing at your sides with shaky desperation, kissing you softly, needily, craving the comfort and warmth you bring to him.
Natsu Dragneel who continues his tender kisses as he gently guides you onto your back, sliding a hand beneath the hem of your shirt with a whisper of “can I?”, gently pulling it over your head when you nod in confirmation, returning his lips gingerly to yours as soon as the fabric is past your face. 
Natsu Dragneel who trails soft, needy kisses down your jaw, along your neck and collarbones, nipping small, needy bites at the flesh of your chest, holding you like he’s afraid you’ll disappear if he lets go.
Natsu Dragneel whose trail of kisses leads him to the front of your jeans, hooking a finger through the loops on either side of your hips as he searches your face for permission, pulling them down and off you when you let out a breathy “mhmm” in response.
Natsu Dragneel who wouldn’t dare even think about the aching of his cock in his pants before making sure he’s taken care of you, wrapping his hands around the fat of your thighs, breath fanning over your inner thigh as he trails small nipping kisses upwards, licking a long languid stripe up your slit when he finally reaches your cunt, sending electric warmth coursing through your body.
Natsu Dragneel who eats your pussy languorously — slow, indulgent movements sending jolts of electricity through your body as you shake under him, warmth pooling and tightness coiling in your stomach as you shake under him, his fingers digging into the plush flesh of your thighs. 
Natsu Dragneel who groans softly when you cum on his face, lapping up your spilled juices with soft kitten licks before detaching himself from your sopping cunt, trailing soft, messy kisses back up your body; upon reaching your face, he graces your lips with a deep kiss and a whisper of “you okay?” before finally releasing his cock from his pants, tossing them aside and lining himself up with your entrance when you breathe out a “yeah.”
Natsu Dragneel who sighs out shaky, breathy whimpers as he slowly sinks into you, hands grabbing earnestly at your sides as he reattaches his lips to yours, stifling your whimpers as you feel his cock drag along your walls. 
Natsu Dragneel who holds you close as he fucks you — slowly, amorously — unable to hold you as tightly as he needs for fear of hurting you, but deathly afraid that if he holds you any less you’ll disappear from beneath him. 
Natsu Dragneel who’s ignored his own needs for so long that his first orgasm comes too quickly, shaking above you as he buries his face into your neck, asking if it’s okay to keep going when it barely does anything to soften his stiffened cock, whispering breathy thanks when you tell him you can go as long as he needs, pressing a rough thumb into your clit as he starts moving again, pulling a gasp from you.
Natsu Dragneel who takes several orgasms to finally release the tension both in his cock and his body, finally pulling out of you with tired, shaky movements — a whimper escapes you as you feel his thick cock exit your tired cunt, creamy white liquid spilling out of you as you finally relax your aching body, gasping for air beneath him.
Natsu Dragneel who breathe heavily above you for a few moments before wrapping his arms tightly around you, pressing a soft, needy kiss to your lips — as you wrap your arms around him as well, he nuzzles his face into your neck and holds you even tighter as he lays next to you, body tense and holding yours until he finally, finally falls asleep to the feeling of your fingers carding through his hair and rubbing slow circles in his back, whispering to him that everything is going to be okay. 
Natsu Dragneel whose body aches constantly — from the strain of constant travel and fighting, the strain of being the wizard that everyone is always counting on to save them, the strain of being Fiore’s constant salvation — but who finally feels a fragment of peace when he comes to you like this, allowing himself to be vulnerable, to be needy, be selfish, to be held, and to let somebody else take care of him for just a little while.
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oof not normally much of a Natsu stan but I'm rewatching the show again and the Tartaros arc got me feeling some things. something about soft but like needy-and-about-to-break Natsu just tickles my brain rn. first time writing in like 4 years, first time writing smut ever so that's fun, idk how I feel about it but we'll see I guess.
please do not copy or repost. thanks!
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weepingwillowwonder · 1 month
#10 Hazbin Hotel "Things I ✨️LOVE✨️ the idea of..." (because I can't share these things with people irl...)
[Minors DNI! 🔞] -> -> ->
Rosie x reader x Alastor
CW: Humiliation, Oral sex, Sex toys, Reader on display?, Teasing, Sub!Reader
Rosie and Alastor have tea time with Rosie's new "assistant"
“Oh Alastor, I’m so glad you were able to come by!” Rosie exclaims, putting a friendly hand on his shoulder. “It’s been much too long! Come in, come in!” She brings the guest into the secluded tea room, gesturing to him to take a seat across from her. Alastor nods in agreement with a pondering look on his face, his usual smile seeming genuine to be in the presence of a good friend. “I suppose it has been quite a while...” He trails off as you come into the room with a tray of refreshments. 
While his usual grin reflects no emotions, the slight narrowing of Alastors eyes is the only indication he shows of a reaction of your presence. “Ah, what a wonderful job, dear! Very nice, well done!” Rosie’s hands clasp together in her lap as you arrange the various delicacies and beverages on table for the two overlords. You give her a small smile at her praise and step away to put the remaining tray in the kitchen.
In your brief absence, Alasor wordlessly looks to Rosie with an eyebrow raised questionably. During their past gatherings it was rare to have another person involved, much less someone who didn’t really fit the description of someone who lived in Cannibal town. He had found it strange that he had never seen you before, even more so that Rosie had not mentioned you until now. 
“I know what you’re thinking,” she looks back at him and offers him a sly look. When you come back to the table she introduces you both, “This is my… newest assistant.” She grins as she brings her teacup to her lips, amused by your flustered expression. “You know how being an overlord can be sometimes,” with her free hand she wiggles her fingers playfully. “ It's useful to have someone to help relieve that stress.” 
Alastor easily picks up the innuendo in her tone, although he’s not exactly sure what she means by ‘assistant.’ When your name rolls off his tongue, your breath catches. Of course you’d heard of the radio demon and his history prior to this interaction. Even before Rosie mentioned their close nature, you were well aware of the horror stories that gave him his notable reputation. 
“Pleasure to be meeting you, quite a pleasure!” He offers you his hand, in which you return the gesture, timidly shaking it. Your eyes flicker to Rosie when you let go of his hand, watching as she discreetly pulls a tiny black controller from her pocket. She doesn’t acknowledge that you are watching her, immediately going into conversation to catch up with her friend. 
After waiting for sometime in anticipation, you finally relax. Bringing your glass of water to your lips, you follow along with the lighthearted discussion, occasionally nodding in agreement on a particular topic. A sudden humming between your legs makes you jerk slightly, spilling some of the contents from your cup into your lap. The gasp that escapes you from the stimulation, easily could have been disguised as surprise by the cold liquid seeping through your clothes. 
Rosie feigns her shock by your outburst and reaches over to pat your lap with a napkin. “Darling, you really ought to be more careful!” Her motions disguised as an attempt to clean you up, were teasingly stroking the tops of your thighs, dangerously close to the sensitive area between your legs. You hold your breath, hoping that you were hidden by the tablecloth from Alastor’s unwavering gaze. 
“So messy…” Rosie sighs disappointedly before leaning back in her seat. “You’ll have to excuse this behavior, Alastor.” She turns the vibrations up a notch, forcing you to press your legs together. “We’re working on our…edicate. Aren’t we dear?” Both sets of eyes are on you now and you nod, trying to keep your composure. “Yes ma’am...” you answer breathlessly.
Alastor’s eyes crinkle in amusement as he watches your trembling form. Maybe if you weren’t so obvious he could write off the faint buzzing sound as white noise from some nearby machinery. He rests his elbows on the table, fists tucked under his chin as he takes in your appearance. Your hands wring together, seeking some form of comfort in your embarrassment as you fail not to shift in your chair. Eyes glazed over and unfocused, you keep looking to Rosie for approval, small sounds escaping your lips when you don’t get it. His ears pick up on the quickening of your breath, your scent of arousal filling his nose as well.
So odd that Rosie would have her…acquaintance perform such lewd acts so openly in front of him. Surely she didn’t think he wouldn’t notice, right? For a moment things are quiet as you continue your attempts to gather yourself. The sticky wetness growing between your legs provides more and more of a struggle in your situation. Rosie raises the vibrations again, noting the slightest arch of your back in the chair and how your eyes slip close. When they open, your face falls as she slides the remote on the table in Alastor's direction. 
“What’s this?” He ponders, reaching over to inspect the gadget. He takes note of the current setting, looks to his companion as she answers. “That,” she lazily points to the controller, lifting her cup for a sip of tea. “Is what I use to keep my little assistant in line. Isn’t that right?” It takes you a moment to realize she’s talking to you, lost in the pleasurable feeling of the toy nestled inside you. When she calls your name again expectantly, you answer, “H-huh? Oh! Right, y-yes ma’am..!” 
Alastor takes a look at the controller again, half-listening to Rosie ramble on to another topic as if she didn’t just hand him some form of sex technology. If anything he was curious, not usually one to partake in actions of this nature. When he fiddles with one of the knobs, he’s pleasantly surprised at the needy sound that slips from your lips. He feels a slight stirring in his pants, not from the sexual nature of the situation, but from the control the tiny remote in his hand held over you. Before he realizes it, he finds himself speaking, “If I may ask, what exactly is this remote controlling?” 
The glint in Rosie’s eyes and the sharply growing grin on her face almost has Alastor second guessing his curiosity. She turns to you and motions to you to answer him. When his eyes fall on you, you shakily attempt to get up from your chair, knowing exactly where this conversation is going. “I um forgot, I t-think I need to..." you stutter, trying to make an escape. "Sit." Rosie commands, giving you a sharp glance and pointing back to your chair. The desperate noise that escapes you has the other two chuckling as you obediently plop back down in the chair. 
"Your pet listens well," Alastor comments, eyeing your trembling form. Rosie laughs and reaches over to rub a comforting hand on your knee. "Well it's taken some training that's for sure! Such a sweet little thing. Wouldn't know discipline if it hit 'em in the head…” Her nails slightly dig into the area where her hand is placed. “Now...be a dear and answer our guest, you don’t want to be a bad host do you?” 
You shake your head, keeping your head down as your fingers shakily move to unbutton your pants. They watch expectantly as you slowly undress your bottom half, the clothing piling on the floor in front of you. You lift your legs to rest your heels on the sides of the chair you're sitting on and spread yourself wide for them to see. 
The feeling of the cold air coming in contact with your arousal has you burning up, feeling the most exposed in this moment. You can feel your heartbeat between your legs as the vibrations continue from the toy inside of you. The heated gaze of the two overlords has you feeling well past overstimulated, almost as if they had been actively touching you. When your hand reaches down to skim the base of the toy, you let out a wonton moan as the slight bit of pressure. “It vibrates here..” You murmur. Alastor nods silently, absentmindedly pressing the heel of his hand to his crotch to relieve some of the growing sensation. The quiet sigh that leaves his lips doesn't go unnoticed by you or Rosie.
"Oh would you look at the time! I've got to run. I’ve got appointments starting in thirty…can’t be late on the job of course! Sweetie, why don't you help take care of our guest...." Rosie motions over to Alastor as she rises and starts to pick up the dishes on the table, walking into the next room. Immediately you slip off the chair to fall to your knees in front of him. 
The motion presses the toy further in, rubbing perfectly against that sweet bundle of nerves inside of you. Alastor's legs spread wide as he looks at you you with a knowing expression. You look down and bite your lip, rocking against your heels slightly before trying to pull yourself together enough to follow the instructions you were given. 
Knowing very well of his dislike for being touched, you opt to ask politely for his permission before continuing, “May I..?” He waits for a moment, glancing at the little black remote. “Well how can I say no when you ask so nicely? I mean I definitely could…” He brings a pondering hand to his chin, mockingly lost in thought. You can feel your heart beat loudly thumping in your ears as you pitifully beg him to let you help him. “P-please…”
Alastor’s hand slowly drops to his lap, now eyeing you with a predatory gaze. He silently unbuckles his belt, taking his time as he continues on to unbutton his pants. You watch earnestly as his fingers unzip his pants, then disappear under the waistband of his briefs. When he reveals himself, you can’t help licking your lips in anticipation. He slips his pants lower and motions a hand towards you, offering himself.
Being weary of your hand placement, you lean down quickly to take his hardening cock into your mouth. The sound that comes from Alastor startles you, accidentally forcing more of him down your throat. Choking on his cock briefly has you distracted from the task at hand, your eyes flickering to his heated gaze. The look he gives you has you baring down on the toy inside of you, eyes blinking close as you get lost in the pleasure.
At his deep growl, Rosie comes back into the room first gasping in surprise, then letting out a pleased giggle. "Oh my! That certainly isn't what I meant, but I suppose that works too!" Alastor's hand finds purchase in the back of your head, forcing you to take more of him. Your eyes glaze over as you fight your gag reflex, trying so hard to be good for your guest. 
Alastor's hips roll against your mouth, searching for more of your wet heat as he gets closer to completion. His erratic movements have you reaching up to find purchase in his thighs, only to stop right before contact at the sound of the distorted static in the radio demon's voice.  "Don't." Your hands immediately drop to your lap, fists balled up against your knees as he continues to use your mouth as he pleases. 
He doesn't warn you when he cums, but you see the way his sharp smile seems to slightly falter right before his release hits your tongue. Your eyes fall close as your mouth fills with his essence, throwing you into a rapid release as well. Your hips rock backwards as you struggle to swallow it all down. The weight of him against your tongue has you moaning around him, earning a soft chuckle from above you. When your eyes open, they fall on Alastor's, holding contact as he slides out of your mouth and turns off the contraption inside of you. Your tongue immediately flickers against your lips to chase any remnants of him and he gives you a pleased look. 
When you turn towards the table, you notice it's been completely cleared and Rosie makes her appearance again. "Alright, come along now, pull yourself together." She motions a finger to you to come to her as you struggle to quickly dress yourself, tripping over your feet. "Alastor, as always it's a pleasure to see you. I apologize our chat was cut short this time, do come by again soon so we can catch up!" When you look back at Alastor he's already made himself presentable and has a hand extended towards you. 
"Oh and do make sure to thank Alastor! After all he's been quite patient with you...” Rosie raises an eyebrow at you as you accept his assistance and rise to your feet. "T-thank you, sir." You breathed out, looking down to avoid the eyes watching you in the moment. He raises the back of your hand to his lips, the action surprising you enough to glance back up to him. "Of course, the pleasure is all mine."
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lyvhie · 4 months
love your fics so far, maybe you could make some haechan fluff? like, just reader telling that she loves him 🥺
sweetener | ldh
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boyfriend!haechan x gn!reader
summary: you just want to show your boyfriend how important he is to you.
a/n: hiii, anon! i'm sorry it took so long, i did not forget about you!!! i hope you like it <3. guys, let's just pretend i'm not late to haechan's bday? thank you vm thank you.
cw: fluff, a huge use of "i love you" bcs... i love him i guess i'm sorry guys, a little tiny bit suggestive at the end, pet names (& lmk if i missed smth!).
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you were utterly exhausted, overwhelmed by your job's demanding nature. all you longed for was the warmth and security of your boyfriend's embrace, the comfort of his presence.
a weary sigh escaped your lips as you fished the key from your pocket, unlocking the door to his apartment. "hyuck, i'm home," you murmured, tossing your bag carelessly onto the couch before heading to the bedroom in search of him.
he was there, already clad in the softest clothes he owned and lounging on the bed, engrossed in some amusing videos he had stumbled upon. yet, hearing your voice call out his name, he quickly switched off the screen and sat upright, eagerly anticipating your arrival.
"hey baby, there you are," he greeted, a warm smile spreading across his face as he opened his arms, ready to envelop you in a comforting embrace. you forced a weary smile, your exhaustion palpable. without a moment's hesitation, you gently flung yourself into his arms, burying your face in the crook of his neck.
"hi, love," you whispered softly, the vibration of your voice echoing against his skin as you cuddled close.
he let out a hearty laugh, amused by how quickly you came to hug him. he then tightened his hold around you as he effortlessly toppled back onto the bed, his hands gliding gently up and down your frame as he whispered softly into your hair.
"rough day?" he softly inquired, his touch a soothing balm against the weariness that clung to you.
"that would be an euphemism," you sighed, your breath fanning against his neck. "my boss has been a pain in the ass," you continued, nuzzling closer to him. "and being apart from you just adds to the misery," you murmur, your voice tinged with a hint of longing. "seriously, what could possibly be worse than that?”
he playfully tilted his head to the side, his arms cinching snugly around your form, pulling your body tight against his own. then, he released a theatrical sigh, his voice laced with mock distress.
"oh, how shall i ever recover from learning the depths of your yearning for me throughout the day?” he cupped your face on his hands. “what possible remedy could exist for such a woeful separation?"
you let out a lighthearted scoff and rolled your eyes at his words, a playful smile tugging at your lips. "instead of making jokes, you should be helping me recuperate from the long hours we spent apart," you responded with a cheeky glint in your eyes.
he chuckled softly, his affectionate teasing evident as he responded, "oh, how foolish of me to deny such a request from my needy love,” he then leaned in, planting a tender kiss on your lips, making your heart flutter. the kiss lingered for a sweet moment, leaving you blissfully content. "did that do the trick for now?”
you stood there, silently watching him with an adoring smile, as if beholding the most precious treasure in the world. "what?" he asked, his eyebrows raised in slight confusion. "why are you looking at me as if i were a puppy in a box in the middle of the street, and you desperately wished to take me home?”
you couldn't help but burst into melodic laughter, shaking your head gently as you cradled his face in your hands, your eyes drinking in every detail of him.
"i'm just thinking about how much i love you," you murmured softly, your thumbs tenderly caressing his cheeks. "seriously, i love you so much, babe," your eyes glowed with sincerity, a love-filled gaze that seemed to radiate from within. "you make me so happy, make me feel like the luckiest person alive to have you by my side. it's..." your voice trailed off, searching for the right words, but struggle to find them. instead, your thumb continued to gently caress his cheeks as you sighed, "surreal."
he was surprised by how romantic you were suddenly getting for no reason, but he was happy to see that you felt so strongly about him. he wrapped his arms around you and rolled so that he was on top of you, his face inches from yours.
“well, you make me so happy too,” he kissed the tip of your nose. “you make me so goddamn happy, you have no idea… i’m so madly in love with you, it’s honestly insane to me,” his laughter, a joyous sound, filled the air.
you followed him closely, your smile filled with tender affection, your eyes practically turning into hearts. "me too," you echoed softly. "i am madly, uncontrollably in love with you," a sweet giggle escaped your lips as you added, "you're absolutely amazing, my love. i adore every single thing about you. i love you with all my heart.”
he smiled down at your words, loving the way you were looking at him and the absolute sincerity in your voice. his heart was basically melting right then and there, he couldn’t get sick of hearing that you loved him, he needed it to fuel his days.
“baby... you’re not being fair you know, i’m supposed to be the one making you feel like that, not the other way around…” he laughed softly and kissed you once more, trying to get you to stop with all of the compliments
"no, it really isn't fair," you agreed, chuckling softly. "i feel like i don't express my love for you enough, and i should be telling you how much you mean to me every single day,” you sighed softly and gently squished his cheeks, looking into his eyes as you continued, "you're truly amazing, and that's putting it lightly. god, i love you so much it's ridiculous!”
“okay, okay, i get it!” he began peppering kisses over every inch of your face, saying in between each one, "you love me," he moved on to your cheeks, your forehead, your nose, and the corners of your mouth, adding, "you really, really love me,” then, he kissed your lips once more, pausing and grinning before continuing, "i'm incredible. you're in love with me,” another kiss. "you're obsessed with me." another kiss. "you want to marry me.”
he chuckled softly as he finished with a playful grin, leaning in and pressing one final kiss on your lips before you could say something back, this one lingering for a few moments. his lips moved against yours, prolonging the touch before he eventually pulled away, a soft smile still on his face.
this time, it was his turn to bury his face in the crook of your neck, his voice soft and muffled as he mumbled against your skin, "are you okay, love? why are you suddenly so affectionate?"
he had grown used to your sweet, comforting nature, yet he could never quite shake his surprise at how attuned you were to his emotional needs. you always seemed to know exactly when he needed a few kind words to ease whatever worries or concerns he was grappling with.
you let out a lighthearted giggle, gently stroking his hair with your fingers. "of course i’m okay," you reassured him. "i just felt like telling you how important you are to me!" your voice softened even more as you continued, "because i love you so much, and you absolutely deserve to hear it as often as possible!”
“god, you are such a cheeseball,” he teased, smiling and nuzzling his face in your neck as you scratched his hair, absolutely relishing your love and attention to him. "i'm the one who's incredibly lucky to have you by my side, even when i'm not being the best partner i could be. thank you for staying, thank you for believing in me.”
his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him as he nestled against you. "i don't deserve you," he murmured into your skin. "you’ve stood by me through everything, and i’m thankful every single day for having you in my life. i don’t know where i’d be without you, honestly. you make my life so much better by just existing, you know that?”
you pulled him away from your neck and pinched his cheeks. he playfully winced, his voice laced with feigned agony. “alright, alright, i get it!" he chuckled, placing his hands over yours to stop your actions. "and here i thought i was being poetic!"
you laughed and rolled your eyes. "i'm serious, though," you said, trying to keep a straight face despite the smile that threatened to overtake it. “you're everything i could ever want and more. you make me feel loved and cherished every single day, and i wouldn't trade our time together for anything. you're perfect, and i don't want to hear another word about you feeling undeserving. you're mine, and i wouldn't have it any other way.”
he looked at you in silence for a few seconds, a sly smile forming on his lips. then, he spoke up, his voice dropping to a sultry tone. "you know how sexy you sounded right now?" his eyebrows raised, and he continued, a playful glint in his eyes. "honestly, i’m tempted to throw away all our plans for the night and skip straight to the bedroom instead.”
with a light-hearted chuckle, you playfully pushed him away, making him roll onto his back in the bed.
"we're already in the bedroom, you dummy," you teased, still laughing as you climbed off the bed. "and no," you continued, sticking out your tongue playfully, "we're going to stick to our agreement. i'm going to take a shower, and then we'll watch dramas together. no exceptions.”
he whined in protest, making a dramatic show of complying. "fine, fine," he grumbled, rising to his feet and following you into the bathroom. he wrapped his arms around you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder.
with a playful smirk, you raised your eyebrows as his lips found your neck. "umm, excuse me, sir," you questioned, a hint of jest in your voice. "what are you up to now?" you inquired, enjoying the feeling of his soft pecks on your skin.
he pressed against your neck, nuzzling softly. "since we're both being so affectionate today," he began, his voice dripping with charm, "why not show you how much i love you? and no worries, i won't be skipping our night of cuddles, dramas, and snacks. instead, we'll simply... take a shower together. nothing more, i promise. just want to keep the closeness going.”
you knew very well that when it came to showers with donghyuck, there was always more to look forward to than just washing up. but who were you to complain, really? and besides, there was no way you could deny the growing heat in your chest or the way your heart skipped a beat at the mere thought of his touch.
you paused for a moment, pretending to consider his suggestion before replying with a playfully stern tone. "alright," you agreed with a mock-serious expression. "but let me make this clear: one wrong move, and i’m kicking you out of this shower. you heard me?” the smirk on your face betrayed your actual feelings, and both of you knew that your threat was an empty one.
he chuckled softly at your warning, his hands roaming over your body with a teasing touch. "oh, really?" he responded with feigned disappointment. "and here i was thinking you'd enjoy some extra attention," he sighed exaggeratedly, acting as if he were conceding. "but i suppose i'll have to behave myself then," he agreed, his voice dripping with playful compliance. either way, he wasn't worried. he knew you couldn’t resist him.
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lavendermin · 3 months
jing yuan is definitely the type of man to take your hand and kiss your fingers one by one WHILE keeping eye contact (literally STARING, waiting for u to break, become flustered and look away), and when you do, he would say smth along the lines of "look at me" / "is something wrong? why did you look away?" with that shitty grin of his
We’re dealing with a whole general in charge of the Luofu. That man is trained in the art of finding weaknesses to use to his advantage and effortlessly play off them. This partially translates into Jing Yuan’s methods for expressing love as well.
And he wouldn’t call these aspects your weaknesses per se. No, he would never degrade you like that. But he knows what makes you tick, what makes you short circuit, what buttons to push and when. Jing Yuan is well versed in the little things that draw out his favorite reactions from you. Something akin to cuteness aggression some might call it. His fondness for you is just that great. And your relationship is one that is lighthearted and filled with playful banter.
cw | suggestive, fem reader
He knows how to make your heart leap. Takes you to some secluded gardens past the hustle and bustle of the main city areas, away from prying eyes. He’s someone who prefers to love you in private, wanting to bare his soul to you and you only. The light breeze brings a beautiful rain of delicate petals from the plum blossom trees in the vicinity. With his tall stature he picks a low hanging flower from the tree without much effort, delicately placing it in your hair as he continues the pleasant conversation without missing a beat. It’s something that makes you momentarily fall out of step, caught a little off guard with the gesture. Your pulse quickens and the smile he wanted to see finally beams on your face, albeit shyly.
He knows what little things to do that get you looking at him with that lovesick gaze. During brief breaks between meetings he’ll bring you to the gardens in his estate, a blanket sprawled out for a quick afternoon snack to enjoy in good company. Some are favorites, other little additions are new and some just readily in season or imported. Jing Yuan always wordlessly insists on hand feeding you himself. Loves the flustered look in your eyes as he puts a slice of fruit to your lips, slowly parting them and glossing them with the nectar that drips from the treat. A sigh of contentment leaves you and he can’t help but smile fondly, leaning in to quickly place a peck on your lips.
Your eyes twinkle, heart full with the notion that he imported one of your favorite delicacies from a neighboring star system—and with such a limited season they are available in. He licks his lips, the sweetness from the kiss he stole lingering in his mouth with the taste of you. An ideal afternoon he wishes could be longer than thirty minutes before he’s off again. Might as well spend them with you.
He pulls you onto his chest as he lays back on the picnic blanket, eliciting a squeak of surprise from you.
“Just for fifteen minutes, let’s stay like this,” he whispers, pulling you down to press his lips to your forehead. It’s an intimacy that simmers and leaves your hearts full longer.
And with a smile you can’t help how love-struck you look at him, so prettily under you. Something that he mirrors equally as you both settle into the tranquil moment.
He’s especially good at teasing—knows what little habits you have and how to exploit them for his amusement (in good fun). And there are a lot of little habits that come with your shy demeanor.
You bite into the flesh of a peach, the juices running down your hands. He’s quick to seize an opportunity to take your hand, kissing each of your glistening fingers slowly—hungry gaze steadily holding yours. The action has you holding your breath without even realizing it. It warms your face with the intimacy of his soft lips pressing to the pads of your fingers—a heat quickly surging through your body like a wildfire. And you can’t move even if you wanted to (you don’t), his grasp firm on your wrist.
It’s almost like a little game of endurance. You’ve never felt more like a doe in a lion’s den than in these kinds of moments. His lips move to press to the second finger, the third finger…
“Eyes on me, little dove,” he mutters, voice an octave lower than usual. Commanding. The smirk on his lips reveals the mischief in his intention. “Don’t look away. Not for a second.”
Your eyes that had desperately tried to dart anywhere else are immediately back on him. Almost involuntarily. You can’t help but worry your lip to try and suppress any little gasps and whimpers that may threaten to leave you.
“That’s my sweet girl.”
He kisses the fourth, a subtle tremble on your own hand he can just barely feel. The glimmer in his honey eye tells you he wants to play with to his dinner today. You can only pray your weak heart can withstand what teasing he has in store for you as he slowly drags his tongue up your index finger. His mouth chases the sweetness of the fruit as it coats your hand, your eyes following the wet muscle with an involuntary whimper and shift of your thighs when he licks sensually between your index and middle finger.
And just like that he places a kiss to your palm and leaves you hot and bothered. Trembling and breathing a little uneven with a want settling deep in the pit of your belly.
“Were you hoping for something more?” Jing Yuan asks with that mischievous, innocent-looking smile he wears. His thumb swipes at the corner of his lips to catch remnants of the sweetness he stole from your delicate hands.
Sly goddam fox.
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
Bakugo x fem!reader (Drabble ahhh this is short cuz I was lazy n tired !!!!)
CW: Slightly suggestive, Indication of pregnancy, marriage, little bit of swearing (cmon it’s Bakugo…) I believe in Bakugo wanting a big family so Ima write it >:)
Enjoy! <3
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When he told you he wanted a big family he wasn’t kidding. His head was in your lap and he was rubbing your belly which held baby number four.
Mina offered to babysit your other three children so you two could get a break.
“You wear me out, Katsuki.” You say with a sigh as he tries to make you feel better.
“Shhh. It’ll all be over soon. Baby’s on the way.” He says rubbing your belly in a soothing way.
“I hope one day I can donate you to science so you can experience the lows of pregnancy and child birth.” You say out of spite and he ignores your comment.
“You agreed to it, so I’m not seeing why my sweet momma is so upset ‘bout it.” He says like it’s that simple.
“It was in the heat of the moment Katsuki, didn’t think you were literally gonna ‘stuff me full of your babies’.” You mock his voice with the last part.
“You think I was sayin’ it just to say it?” He asks you with a scoff like he was in disbelief.
“Whatever leave me alone, Katsuki.” His mouth makes a clicking noise at your behavior toward him.
“What’s wrong? Need your feet rubbed? Hot bath? Want something to eat?” He asks all at one time which is enough to make your head explode.
“First of all one question at a time and second of all, I don’t want anymore kids.” You say the last part with less of your lighthearted playfulness.
“I ain’t making no promises, sure we’ll end up with a few more.” He says with a smirk on his face. This man. He knows how to push your buttons.
“I wonder if I can neuter you.. oooo! I can turn you into a eunuch!” You say with a smile.
All of the color drains from his face when you mention chopping off his dick.
“You know you love me, and you love pregnancy too.” He says confidently.
“Do you know how hard it is to go out with my friends and they’re all like ‘Oh! 🙂 You’re pregnant again…’ it’s not easy.” You try to explain so he can see your side.
“Fuck what everyone else thinks, honey.” He sits up and gives you a small kiss.
“I love you and I love our little munchkins that run all around the house. You always look so pretty carrying our babies.” He says softly. He’s holding your hands and his feel rough to you, probably from all that hero work.
“I love you too, Katsuki.” A smile finally cracks onto your face as your anger fizzes away. You’ve calmed down and you’re now ready to conquer baby number four.
“But seriously, let’s lay off having anymore kids for awhile I think four is going to be chaotic.” You reason.
He nods his head firmly. “It’s potty training that’s chaotic, because Kaien just pees all over the floor.” He states with an extended groan.
“That’s your son, you need to teach him how to pee.” Bakugo shakes his head.
“Our son.” He corrects.
You shrug because what difference does it make? Whenever you’re upset with one of your children they become their father’s kids.
“Our son.” You repeat with a smile on your face.
“Our family.” He whispers quietly to you.
(this was lazy cuz I just finished the Haikyuu dads thing and I’m tired, tbh I’m just trying to get some of my drafts posted 😭)
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risuola · 9 months
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You aren’t an official couple, more like friends with benefits, but most of your close friends know there’s something going on between you two and it’s all mostly because of how naughty Satoru always is when you’re next to him. He just can’t keep his hands to himself.
cw: suggestive fluff, friends with benefits but really it's just idiots in love, reader discretion is advised — 0,9k words
a/n: with that I'm closing the kissmas event. this one is short, this one is very lighthearted and soft because I just needed some soft Satoru, okay? anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed the little kissmas with me, I'll be back soon with regular content 🖤
kissmas masterlist
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“But Santa~!” You whined, fighting with your friend and putting all your force into the futile attempt to pull him out of the bed. It was Christmas and Satoru just wouldn’t leave the sheets and no matter how hard you were tugging on his arm, it was getting you nowhere. It also seemed like nowhere is exactly where the two of you will go that day, instead of heading to the mall to see Santa.
“Oh, skip Santa, we’re both on the naughty list anyway,” he rolled his eyes playfully, his face twisted in the beautiful, toothy grin and he moved up from the pillows. False hope that he’ll get up and ready vanished as soon as he used his long arm to wrap it around your waist and pull you back into the bed. You landed on top of his frame, melting into the familiar warmth and laughing at the stubbornness, so characteristic of him.
“Maybe you are on the naughty list, Satoru,” you protested, lifting your head just enough to look him in the eyes. The cerulean orbs, clear and shimmering like gems in the sunlight were fixed on you, and you couldn’t help but feel privileged to see them so often. Gojo’s eyes were pure magic that never failed to captivate you and you were sure, with those eyes, he would be able to convince you to do everything.
“I sure am. And you are the reason I’m on it,” he replied, his tone teasing and matching the smirk on his lips. “But don’t worry, gorgeous, I have a gift for you anyway, even if you’ve been such a bad, naughty girl lately, no need to chase the old guy in red suit.”
“Oh, you don’t get it,” you chuckled, brushing his nose with the tip of your own. His hands were already wandering across your figure, squeezing the fat on your butt and hips.
“Maybe I don’t,” he bucked his head up, chasing the sweet taste of your lips with his own. “Why sit on Santa’s lap when you can sit on mine?” Satoru grinned at the way you moved your head back, just to not let him have the pleasure of kissing you so easily. You were a teaser and he loved it. “Or better,” he purred, grabbing you and flipping both of you around, “you can sit on my di—"
“Satoru!” You let a laugh out, it was a mess, you were tangled in the covers and he was now above you, naked and absolutely not ashamed. “We were supposed to go with the kids.”
“Oh, I’m sure the teenagers also have better plans than to see the Santa imitation,” the man used the tight position you were in to steal the kisses he wanted. Soon, he was flooding you with quick pecks across your face and lips, and down your neck and shoulders. “You can’t possibly envision Megs enjoying the old prick with a fake beard in the mall.”
“You’re saying this because you’re horny,” you said, faking the serious tone, but you couldn’t keep the act long when his eyelashes were tickling your skin whenever he pressed his face against your body.
“As if you’re not,” he purred, his voice vibrating against the most sensitive spot on your neck before he sucked onto it. “Besides, I know you can’t say no to your best friend.”
“Oh, best friends? Is that what we are?” You couldn’t hold back the laugh and Satoru grinned too.
You and Gojo are not a couple. Not officially, anyway, because if you asked anyone who knows you just enough, they would certainly say you’re in relationship. And it felt that too, it felt beautiful, and intimate and oh-so real. Dinners that led to breakfasts, pecks that led to long displays of passion and so many feelings involved into every moment you share made the situation between you two feel very much like a couple. And you love him, so much – in fact, there’s so much love that you feel towards him that it’s nearly impossible to describe in words. You went with him through the good and bad, you experienced the worst and also the best. Every low has always led to an awesome high, no downs went without the ups.
“I don’t care how you wanna call us,” Gojo smiled, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. “To me, you are everything.” It was a moment. A seriousness in the blue orbs that made for such rare picture that it took your breath away, before his expression changed yet again. This time, a smile tugged on his lips, a sheepish mixture with smugness. “I could call you my wife. Do you want to be my wife?” He was playful, his grin developing, lightening up his gorgeous features. That idiot.
He made you laugh, yet again you felt like falling in love.
“Your wife, huh?”
“Who would say no to that?” He asked, peeling away the layers of bedsheets between your bodies, and struggling with the tangle of comforters and blankets that he himself created just few moments before. “Having all of this to yourself?” Satoru made a theatrical gesture pointing at his own body from head to toes, making a point of how impressive his entirety is. “Your name with my last name sounds great also. And dick, let’s not forget about my dick.”
“Yeah, right, it’s the dick that does it for me,” you were laughing. The warmth was filling every cell of your body.
“Knew that.”
“You’re an idiot. But I love you, Satoru.”
“I love you too.”
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aimedis · 2 months
i wrote this a while back (months ago lol) but i'm just now getting around to editing and posting it since i've been semi-active on tumblr these days
cw - lighthearted argument between damien and lasko, fake hostility, gavin being whipped for freelancer
wc - 1.1k
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Lasko huffs, “Stop making fun of me, asshole.”
“It's not my fault. For a teacher, you're stupid." Damien clicks his tongue.
“W-well you’re just being absurd!”
“I’m being absurd? I’m being absurd?!”
“Yes, you are!”
Huxley groans into a throw pillow, collapsing back against the couch, “Where is Rainshower when you need them?”
“Off doing their teacher duties. They're helping Freelancer with water control or.. something back at D.A.M.N.” Gavin hums, not even paying attention to them both as he goes through his phone absentmindedly. He was mostly thinking about when the Freelancer was coming back and waiting until he could feel their familiar aura again.
They had both left before the boys arrived at the apartment. It was supposed to be their lazy Saturday morning before their hangout and Gavin was seconds from falling back asleep on their chest before they’d gotten a phone call from Dear.
The conversation was quiet and mundane enough for Gavin to ignore it and let his breathing even out until his Freelancer sat up at the end of it.
Of course, Gavin protested, as much as he could while being half-asleep at least— but they’d still gotten away from him.
“I gotta get up, Gav.” They’d hummed quietly as they ruffled his hair
“Nuh uhh.. ‘re not goin’ anywhere.” Gavin’s sleep-addled voice called out, clinging tightly onto their shirt with his eyes still closed.
"Yuh huh, Lasko's partner is helping me out with my water magic."
They’d slipped out from under him pretty easily and Gavin rolled over to glare at them. When they kissed him softly with a little smile playing on their lips, he’d kissed them back out of instinct (and when did he not want to kiss his love?) and then they slipped out of bed—away from his arms
Gavin had whined and pouted and used his very effective persuasion skills but apparently, last-minute practice before an exam was more important than his happiness.
"I love you, I'll be back in a little bit."
Gavin huffs and opens his eyes then, his hair pretty much blocking his entire view of them.
Freelancer laughs and kisses his forehead, "Relax, clingy, it's only like two hours. You don't want me to fail do you?"
"Do it tomorrow.." Gavin whines, reaching out to hold onto them so they couldn't leave but they escaped him again, blowing him a kiss and telling him to go back to sleep. Which he did, begrudgingly.
And now he's here trying his best not to sulk, wallowing in the feeling of half-hollowness that always came with being apart from his Deviant. He should be put off by that feeling, the feeling of missing a part of himself when they’re not near should scare or annoy him. But he can’t find it in himself to care much when his person is still gone.
“Lasko, you fatherless freak, would you just listen to me?!”
“Me?! Damien you hypocritical piece of shit-”
Gavin is startled out of his thoughts by the laugh that leaves his body, his hand coming up to cover his mouth. Huxley groans even louder then, his hand covering his face “Why is this happening to me..”
“That was so uncalled for,” Gavin says still laughing but about to try and futilely console Huxley when his phone chimes with a notification.
freelancer ❤️ hey gav we're like five minutes away, we got snacks
He perks up, not bothering to be embarrassed about the wide smile spreading across his face.
me hurry back i miss you
freelancer ❤️ just be patient you baby
“Okay!” Damien groans and looks over at Gavin and Huxley on the couch in exasperation, “I think we need a second opinion-“
Lasko huffs, “I think you need a sedative-"
Damien looked as if he was about to slap him, “Shut up! Guys, tell Lasko that-“ Damien cuts himself off when he glances at Gavin smiling like an idiot at his phone, “What on Earth are you smiling about over there?”
At those words, Gavin looked up and his face returned to normal but it was already too late—Huxley and Lasko had also seen the lovesick grin on his face while he was looking at his phone.
He was done for.
Huxley’s signature smile was back on his face when it clicked in his brain, “Aww, were you texting Freelancer? You look so happy!”
Lasko holds his breath to keep from laughing at Gavin’s reddening face but it only made him laugh harder.
“It’s sickening is what it is.” Damien snorts leaning against the couch, crossing his arms, “Did they send you a sappy message about how much they miss you and wanna kiss your stupid face?”
“Did you respond with a ‘I miss you baby’?” Huxley laughs and his voice goes up an octave at the last phrase
“Did you add a bunch of sickly sweet emojis at the end?” Lasko chimes in between his laughter
“Did you add a bunch of sickly sweet nicknames too?”
“Shut up,” Gavin groans lightheartedly, sitting up as he scratches the back of his neck, “You guys are annoying. And hypocrites. Did you forget I'm a demon?” He smiles sweetly.
That gets Damien and Lasko to shut up, suddenly averting the other two's gazes
At that moment, Freelancer is heard opening the front door and calling out.
“We're back!”
“Thank god,” Lasko whispers in a completely different tone than Gavin does.
By the time any of them look back up, Gavin was gone to the doorway as well.
“Whipped,” Huxley snorts.
“Says you,” Lasko chimes in softly, looking back at his phone.
Damien huffs, “Says you. Didn’t you cry for three hours after you and-“
Lasko shoots a gust of wind at a sheet of paper on the coffee table to fly into Damien’s face. He responds by setting the sheet on fire, raising an eyebrow at the air-elemental.
“Shut your mouth, Damien, I’ll suffocate you,” Lasko glares.
Damien rolls his eyes and gets up to sit next to Huxley again, “Yeah, as if, air elemental who's scared of heights.”
“Says the guy who's half French and can’t even speak the language.”
Damien looks as if he would get up again to start another less verbal fight but Dear is now standing in the doorway, clearing their throat.
They raise an eyebrow, "What are you two fighting about this time?"
And the two of them immediately jump back into yelling over each other, ranting about some stupid move Damien loved and Lasko thought was absolute ass.
Huxley shakes his head and wraps an arm around his boyfriend with a smile, keeping Damien trapped at his side while Dear tries to mediate like an exhausted parent.
Outside in the doorway of the apartment, Gavin has his arms wrapped around Freelancer's waist, theirs around his neck. He sighs happily, feeling tension bleed from his body at finally having his lover back in his arms. Safe and happy.
blah blah blah two twinks fighting huxley sigh freelancer this freelancer that deviant mom friend dear whipped gavin french damien mention and post
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mundoperla · 2 years
What about… RZ Michael Myers doing something unholy, like he’s really horny, with his fem friend (also a patient) at the Smith’s Grove? Like in some corridor or smth 👀 Wall sex, whaaat???
Would be grateful and on my knees, thanks 🙏
this got me kicking my feet in the air like a schoolgirl rn
& its my favorite michael??? ofc im abt to tackle this tf😩💜
𝙍𝙕 𝙈𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙚𝙡 𝙈𝙮𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙭 𝙁𝙚𝙢 𝙋𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
— No matter how many cameras there are, there will always be blind spots.
· ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·
you see the title bitties here are the warnings vv
⚠️⚠️cws;; basically public sex, wall sex ofc, michael being HORNY, p in v but i think thats kind of expected, overall that nasty shit (lighthearted)⚠️⚠️
· ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·
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Despite his lack of communication, Michael made your stay at Smith’s Grove much more pleasant. He never acted out or caused any type of problems when you first arrived, he’d been relatively calm for quite some time now. Always alone in his room, no sound, no nothing, just him making masks in silence.
It was his creativity that sparked your initial interest in him in the first place. His walls were cover from top to bottom in the masks he’d make in his alone time, many ranging from different colors and shapes. Truthfully he never wanted to interact with you whenever you’d make a quick pass by his room to go somewhere on the other side of the hospital, there was a point in time where he found you annoying even.
Yet no matter how much time passed you’d still swing by with a quick ‘hello!’. It escalated to a point where you would linger on the other side of his door and hold up one sided conversations with him, of course him never responding to you verbally. It was alright though, body language is able to tell you enough.
You did all of the talking for the two of you, which all though he never spoke aloud, he appreciated. He hasn’t spoken in years and by the looks of it he wasn’t going to any time soon. Trust me, Dr. Loomis has tried.
You were no threat to Michael to begin with, he had no reason to dismiss you unless he had become tired of your company; which very rarely happened. He was surprisingly as patient as you were with him, perhaps this was his own way of saying ‘thank you’.
The two of you were almost like a joined pair after he had grown slightly more comfortable around you, if you went somewhere—Michael followed, if Michael went somewhere — you would follow. It was shocking to everyone that he’d show even such a small form of attachment to another living being without brutally murdering it. Of course in the early stages of your ‘friendship’ the two of you were heavily monitored before you could be permitted to be in spaces together alone with just a nurse on standby.
“ I’m gonna go ask one of the doctors if I can have another juice, you want one too ? ”
Michael won’t verbally respond, but he will turn his eyes down to the floor at your question.
“ Alright so that’s a no. Sit tight I’ll be right back. ”
He watched you sit up from the table the two of you sat at, disappearing into one of the many hallways. He had originally got up to go and follow you like he always did, but something inside him told him not to, it had told him something else.
He ever so slightly considered you as some kind of companion, but he wanted you as something else. You were very beautiful to him and some of the other patients on your side of the building, it’s normal to think someone is nice looking. Yet he’d catch himself staring a bit too hard when you would do the simplest of things such as drinking some water or even when you stretched and a sliver of your stomach would be exposed. Was it also normal to have these filthy thoughts directed towards a so-called ‘friend’?
The bulge in his pants grew ever so larger the longer he sad and pondered. He needed to ‘fix’ this before you came back and saw. Would you think he was disgusting if you did see him this way? Surely you would.
You had come back to your shared table empty handed only to see that Michael was gone, maybe he’d gone back to his room? He could be tired, nothing wrong with just a quick swing by his door and wish him goodnight.
There were quite a few cameras the closer you got to Michael’s room, just as you turn into the corridor large hands yank you from the entrance to a darker corner of the hall. You’d mentally braced yourself to be strangled by this unknown person, but familiar blonde strands of hair loomed above you, of course the orange mask eased the tension much more.
Michael silently stared down at you, you could just barely see his sky blue eyes behind the paper mask. But now left the following questions, why was he just waiting in the corner? why is he now all of a sudden making actual physical contact with you? Truthfully one could only imagine the worst in the sense of it being correlated with him of all people, but the worst never came.
You’d opened your mouth to speak but you’re immediately silenced by the feeling of his erection pressing itself into your ass. He was rubbing himself against you now, still as silent as ever, showing no sign of satisfaction.
“ Mike- Michael! There’s cameras, we can’t do this here, we could get caught.. ”
Of course he doesn’t give you a verbal response, but this time will give you a slow twirl of his finger, telling you to look around you. There weren’t any cameras that could catch you in their line of sight, and the one camera that was much closer than the rest faced the opposite direction where you had originally been grabbed.
He was telling you it was safe to continue, you were clear to unfold. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t the slightest bit aroused as him, maybe even more. Using his cold hands to slide under your shirt so he could squeeze the soft flesh of your breasts, to then slowly migrate under the fabric of your pants to rub you through your underwear. You’d began to grind back into him, trying to pull down his own pants down as well as your own so the two of you could ease this tension much quicker.
Michael had fantasized about how you would feel around his cock, the way you would squeeze him and the sounds you could make when he started to thrust, he couldn’t live with the possibility of another person pleasuring you instead of him. He needed to be the one to take you, you may not be aware but you’re in fact his and his only. Maybe he liked you alot more than what he initially thought.
Your body trembled as Michael moved your body slightly so you were now fully pressed against the wall with him standing behind you, one hand held you in place by the hip whilst the other began to align himself against your hole, knowing him there will be no auditory warning that he’d be sliding in. You’re not a pussy, you could take him, couldn’t you ?
Both of your hands rested on the white brick walls, truthfully you weren’t even sure he was going to fit inside. He’s taking his sweet time behind you. You’re really about to become his in a dark corner that surveillance could not reach, this could have been much better under different circumstances, but neither of you could chose the have sex in a different location at this time, you’ll take what you can get.
The stretch that followed after an agonizing 15 seconds of the man behind you pondering could be considered as beyond painful, your hand quickly covering your mouth to muffle your whimpers. He can feel your walls clamp around him, gushing uncontrollably by the sudden rush of pleasure. He’s not even halfway inside you yet, but you’ve got his pelvis and a small bit of the floor wet now, clearly you wanted this as much as he did.
You don’t get the luxury of Michael stopping in his tracks to let you breathe before he continues to push himself into you, however you get the honor or him bending himself over enough to cover your mouth with his own hands instead of your own. Now you just had to focus on keeping yourself steady while he takes what’s his.
You’d think he had never hear the word ‘gentle’ in his lifetime. His thrusts were fast yet also powerful, despite his hands covering your mouth small moans still escaped. He had just started yet you felt so fucked out already, your legs trembling, your juices dribbling down your thigh and back down onto the floor.
He fucks you like you’re a fleshlight, dominantly chasing his own high but still trying to get you to come undone as well. He’s intentionally trying to break you as much as possible before the two of you have to eventually wrap up, his hands shy away from your mouth, one to slither down to toy with your clit whilst the other grips onto one of your tits as he continues to pound himself into your cunt like a man possessed. He makes it impossible not to scream but you are aware to still keep your voice down as much as possible.
“ Michael.. Keep moving just like that.. I’m so- Fuck.. ”
Your voice had continued to quiver the longer he kept going, the coil in your belly was about to snap once again. Michael considered finishing inside as some kind of ‘mark’ to leave behind, but he could always wait for another time to have that visual. For right now it was your ass that he had decided on, he’d still get a satisfactory visual of himself on you.
Practically yanking himself out of you just as you had came, his warmth begins to coat your skin. You’re lightheaded and you could feel your legs about to give out as Michael let go of you. Silently admiring his ‘art’, he’d wiped a smudge of his mess off of you with his finger, bringing it up to your lips. It was sweet but also bitter, it was him. He could leave you here to clean yourself up so he could go back to his room, but based off of how you were struggling to keep yourself up, maybe he could just take you back to your own room before departing for the night.
He had taken the time to get you dressed back up as well as himself, pulling you out of the corridor down to the hallway opposite to your own room. Your hand felt so small in his, he was intimidating to many people, but you ? There was an odd sense of security from being this close to Michael. He stood with you for a brief moment after arriving to your room, with him he could have just been there to stare at you a while longer or he was silently examining you to get a clear visual that you were okay to be left on your own now. Could have just been both.
He was exhausted now, but also mildly flustered. So much had just happened and he could barely process it. He’s turned to walk back down to his own room so that you could get some sleep as well, but is quickly stopped buy the force of you clinging yourself onto one of his arms tightly.
“ Goodnight Mikey, we should definitely do that again at some point. ”
You’re hardly standing up straight yet you’ve asked him to.. again, too much to process. But he will take your request into consideration.
┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉
apologies if the ending is messy i have no clue how to properly conclude shit i tried my best
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leahrintarou · 5 months
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CW: sfw, mentions of alcohol, swearing, mentions of throwing up, y/n and suna are 'friends', college au, and drunk reader. (requested)
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"where is she?" suna questioned atsumu as he stepped foot into he and his brother's home. the blonde nodded upstairs, and suna let out a sigh when he heard the faint voice of osamu scolding y/n.
"i wouldn't be surprised if she got alcohol poisoning..." atsumu mumbled. suna's eyes widened at his friend with a look that made him elaborate further. "she drank a lot, sunarin." he shrugged. they entered her bedroom, the almost empty bottle of alcohol laying on its side on the floor being the first thing his eyes landed on. his attention was drawn to the bathroom door that was left ajar, making the light peak through the open crack.
"hey, if you plan on blowing chunks, maybe face the toilet and not my face!" he heard osamu scold. atsumu stifled a snort, and suna let out a hushed swear before entering the bathroom. y/n sat on the floor with her back to the wall while osamu was next to her with an unopened waterbottle in his hold. "thank fuck." osamu stood up, shoving the water bottle to suna's chest, forcing him to hold it. "you handle her. I'm over this."
"come on, don't be like that, samu." atsumu leaned against the doorframe as his brother shoved past him to sit on y/n's bed.
"she shoved me down the staircase made me hit my head, tsumu." he deadpanned.
"want an ice pack, samu?" suna asked, squatting down to y/n's seated figure and placing a hand to her forehead.
"what? no."
"then stop bitching."
y/n let out a small laugh at that and suna hears osamu mumble some swears to him. suna looked up at atsumu motioning for him to close the door. "we'll be out when she's stable enough. you two can clean up downstairs in the meantime."
atsumu let out a sigh of dread since cleaning up after throwing their parties was his least favorite part of them. he regretted not getting as drunk as y/n since maybe then, he'd have an excuse to leave the cleaning to his brother. suna stood up after the door was shut and closed the lid of the toilet. "you okay?" suna questioned.
y/n nodded before trying to stand. "i'm fine. why are you guys babying me?" she groaned.
"why'd you drink so much? you're smarter than that, n/n. did someone force you to?"
she let out a lighthearted laugh and shook her head. "nope." she said with a pop on the end. suna stared at her intensely, and when her eyes met his, she furrowed her eyebrows. "look, rin. it's just been a rough week with finals and shit. so I'm sorry if i need some aid to relax every once in a while." she said, voice filled with annoyance.
he rolled his eyes at her attitude before handing her the water bottle that he had now opened for her. "take a few sips so that you can sober up."
"i can't. i feel like all of my lunch from earlier is gonna make a reappearance if i do."
"just a small sip then." he says, holding out the bottle. she glanced at him, and there was a short silence before she sighed. he held the bottle to her lips, tilting it slightly as she took half of a mouthful. suna screwed the cap back on as she made a quick and uncoordinated motion to toilet bowl, lifing the seat. suna placed the bottle down, hand against the small of her back as she prepared to release the built-up bile that rose.
he rubbed soothing patterns into her back as she hovered her face over the bowl. suna sat down properly, legs pulled up towards himself on either side of y/n's frame. she sat back down properly, thankful that she was able to keep it down for now. her unbalanced figure leaned onto suna's chest, and he reached an arm around her, placing it on her abdomen to aid her upset stomach. "don't wanna throw up anymore?" he questioned, voice softer now as he tried to keep her calm.
she shook her head and reached for the water bottle that he held in his free hand. "you sure? we both just saw what happened when you drank some." he said, unsure tone in his voice. "i can get you a snack instead so that -"
suna's hand rested on her waist, and y/n leaned into his touch, feeling enough comfort to finally feel a peace that didn't come alomg with guilt.
when he pulled away, suna let out a breathy sigh. "is this a part of sobering me up?" y/n questioned, making an effort to break the thick air that encapsulated them.
"maybe. is it working?"
suna rolled his eyes, playfully shoving y/n's face before standing up. "come on, you need to get rest." he reached his hand out, and y/n took it, fumbling to stand up, but eventually got it with a bit of his help. he led her to her bedroom, and as she got under the covers, suna joined her, pulling her body to his chest. "research shows that this will help with the hangover." his spoke, voice rougher from exhaustion.
"okay, now that's just bs."
"wow, have some trust in me, n/n."
"if you answer this next question honestly, i will."
"which is?" he perked. y/n turned her body, now facing suna. the scent of alcohol was faintly on her breath, and as she spoke, suna's eyes widened slightly.
"do you like me?"
"more than a kiss could ever show."
and with that, he placed another one to her forehead and pulled her into his chest.
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thank you so much for reading. i hope you enjoyed :) leave a like to support!
got a scenario in mind? send it in, and I'll write it :)
Tag: @lifesucksweswallow
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