#hark! my roommate
motley-cunt · 7 months
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my ass is sick
that’s how doctors described anal problems before science existed
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cissa-calls · 7 months
Countdown to Agatha: Darkhold Diaries: Day 620
Wanda: *going to take a shower*
Wanda: *opens bathroom door*
Y/N and Agatha: *crouched on the bathroom floor in mage robes whilst they conduct a ritual on the shower floor with tea leaves and burning parchment*
Wanda: “Nope.” *slams door*
Natasha: “I thought you were taking a shower?”
Wanda: “No I wasn’t”
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quite-right-too · 9 months
Something Is Coming
I have a multi-chapter smut fic in the works. Still waiting on my betas to finish going over the rough draft of the first chapter, but it will be posted here and on my AO3 page.
I will give y’all a hint: it’s a TenRose AU with Jack and Donna in it (naturally).
It’s super fluffy and smutty (in fact, the first smut fic I’ve ever written, so it’s a treat for you guys) and overall going to be the largest story I’ve written to date. I’m trying get this to go very smoothly so I’m doing it one chapter at a time and getting them beta’d each time. Both betas are experienced writers, one of which majored in English so they have a good eye on shaping this into something really good. This means two drafts and a final. Please be patient but I swear it will all be worth it.
To build the suspense, here’s a very rough, unbeta’d baseline snippet from the first chapter:
“Quietly standing up, she made her way around the room, silently collecting her clothes and putting them on one by one. Her pair of knickers, however, were nowhere to be found. Rose barely was able to keep her balance while trying to get her trainers on. Her mobile was still in the pocket of her jeans. ‘6 missed calls from Jack’ the phone showed. Checking the time, her stomach flipped. 4:53 AM. It was 4:53 in the morning and she had spent most of the night at this stranger’s flat.”
Stay tuned for more! Hopefully chapter one will be posted around the end of the week, if not early next week!
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
i think about even taking things from the people around them they love and making them a part of themself, and i am filled with joy. and then i think about them picking up the master's habit of tapping out a drumbeat rhythm and replicating it as their own nervous stim, and i feel ill.
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deathxproof-archive · 10 months
During conversation my roommate was coming up for a description for the characters I tend to gravitate towards. Eventually he just went “hm.”, looked at up at me, and said:
“Desperate.” “What?” “They all scream desperation.”
and nothing else. and, friends, what an excellent description for this blog before I even knew I was coming back to it.
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alphabetatoes · 3 months
fantasies come true (n. kento x reader)
a.n.: hello everyone 👁️👁️ alr ✨ l i s t e n ✨ gamers, i was listening my musicals playlist on spotify and "fantasies come true" came on so i thought to myself 'hARK! what a great fic idea!' and here we are. also realized i hadn't posted anything in almost a month oops :)
feeling: evil :)
summary: you confess your love to nanami in your sleep (or do you?)
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having kento nanami as a roommate seemed to only have one real drawback: your work lives were a hurdle neither one of you could quite get over. these conflicting schedules leave little overlapping breaks with your best friend. but that doesn’t mean you don’t try to carve out time for each other. one day, you’re able to leave the highschool early for what feels like the first time in forever. kento is still confined to his office, tidying up his last few pieces of business during overtime.
the two of you decided to go for a movie night, as it wasn’t too energy intensive and you’d still be able to enjoy each other's presence. kento watches as you eventually fall victim to sleep, making yourself cozy on his side. he admires your ability to find serenity, not quite ready to succumb to his own tiredness. he’d been looking forward to seeing you all day and didn’t want to waste a moment of it. 
the movie progresses on; a cheesy boy-meets-girl romcom. yet the plot feels a little close to home. and kento laughs to himself as you scrunch his shirt, anchoring yourself down to reality during whatever fantastical dream you seem to be having.
you start to babble in your sleep. it’s nothing coherent, but kento finds it endearing nonetheless. “…love you, kento.” 
his ears perk up in record time at the comment.
you yawn into him and repeat the sentiment once more. kento can feel the tips of his ears getting warm as you double down on your confession. he’s at a crossroads. does he acknowledge your comment? pretend like it doesn’t light a fire in his stomach, yearning to cross the line from friends to something more? kento weighs the options but settles on one. he pulls your frame closer and whispers a sweet “love you too, sweetheart.” in your ear. for now, he can revel in your confession. 
for now, he can finally be content.
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“ken?” you lightly poke him awake, careful not to startle him. as he comes to, kento lets out a confused “hm?” sleep stricken eyes meet you in a daze, confused by his surroundings. you give him a sweet smile, the one that always makes him melt into a million tiny pieces, and brush his hair out of his eyes.
“you practically passed out as soon as you sat down.” just as he does, the reality of kento’s situation awakens as well. “thought you were the one asleep.” “seemed like you were having a nice dream though.” 
“too good to be true.” those sweet brown eyes pour into yours, hoping you might just know what it was about. but kento knows that’s not how it works. yet he takes it in stride. “so how was it? what great triumphs and tribulations did i miss?” kento sinks back into the couch. he watches as you give an animated retelling of the film plot (including voices), and a little part of his heart breaks. it’s bittersweet, but for now he would accept the platonic nature of your relationship. kento already had it in his mind that you would need to be the one to raise the topic of a more romantic dynamic. yet there was no doubt about it. he was smitten by you.
even for a moment- even if it was just a dream, he was able to have his own wishes feel like reality. and he’d wait patiently for the day you’d reciprocate. the day his fantasies come true.
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z0mbieb0ybyersblog · 7 months
request rules!
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— requests can be sent through my inbox! aka the button on my profile that says request
— state the character, romantic or platonic, the format of the request, and what you want with it
— do you have any specifics for the reader? male, female, blonde, poc, etc?
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male, female, and gender neutral reader
or no reader, I do ships too!!
alternative universe: soulmates, coffee shop, roommates, royal, bookstore, fake relationship, coworkers, neighbors, flower shop, library, bodyguard, modern era, band/rockstar, celebrity, mermaid, pirate, teachers (you can also mix them in your request, like asking for bookstore and coffee shop au! if that makes sense)
Headcanons, one-shots, drabble, imagine, etc.
poly relationships, whether it be character x reader x character or character x character x character 
omega verse
illegal ships (incest or underage)
dark or yandere
someone having cancer
rape/sexual assault
canonically gay characters with fem identifying readers/characters, same thing with canonically lesbian characters with masc identifying readers/characters (platonically is fine, romantically isnt)
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character list
bolded means they’re my favorite characters to write!
Nine, Ten, Eleventh, Thirteen, Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Jack Harkness, Donna Noble
Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry, June Claremont-Diaz, Nora Holleran, Bea
Ted Lasso, Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent, Keeley Jones, Rebecca Welton
Nancy Wheeler, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson
Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Cade, Sodapop Curtis, Darry Curtis, Steve Randall, Twobit Matthews, Dallas Winston
Matt Murdock, Peter Parker (Tobey, Andrew, Tom), Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton, Loki, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff
[more to be added]
911 FOX
Evan Buckley, Eddie Diaz, Maddie Buckley, Howie Han
Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
[more to be added]
— golden trio era
Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Cedric Diggory, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Oliver Wood, Draco Malfoy
— marauders era
Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Potter, Lily Evans, Pandora Lovegood, Regulus Black, Dorcas Meadows, Marlene McKinnon, Barty Crouch Jr, Evan Roiser, Alice Fortescue, Mary MacDonald, Narcissa Black
[If you want one of these characters, like Remus for example to be older like during the Harry Potter movies let me know!]
— legacy era
Sebastian Sallow, Amit Thakkar, Poppy Sweeting, Natsai Onai, Garreth Weasley, Ominis Gaunt
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katie-the-bug · 2 months
Chapter/Song/Book Titles That I May or May Not Use
When Did I Say I Had a Plan?
Portrait of an Idiot on Fire
Haters Will Say It's Photoshop
Making Friends with Sidewalks
In a Surprising Turn of Events, We Actually Do Have Bananas
This is How You End Up on a List
I Didn't Come to This Corn Maze to Make Friends
Deceleration is for Pansies
Not Only Do Facts Not Care About Your Feelings, They'll Actively Make Fun of Them
Death Comes for the Archbishop, and Good Riddance
Houston, YOU Have a Problem
Never Has the Phrase "Go Knock Yourself Out" Been Taken So Literally
Finding Yourself by Screaming a Lot
Oh My God They Were Roommates
Who Needs Silly Things Like Context Anyway?
Ya Dun Goofed
Doing the Akira Slide on an Imaginary Motorcycle
There's Literally a Movie About Why You Shouldn't Do This
And Then The Lights Went Out
Ten Months Detention for Sheer Nerve
You Made Your Bed, now Get Fucked In It
It's Okay When Superheroes Do It
All That and a Bag of Chips
Now is Not the Time to be Pedantic About Dinosaur Names
Get Down From There
Gravity is a Harsh Mistress
Bungee Jumping as a Rite of Passage
Of Chimps and Chumps
As the Kitchen Sinks
Turns out Kissing is Just as Icky as it Looks
Put Down the Chainsaw and Listen to Me
Out of the Frying Pan, into Another, Bigger Frying Pan
Those TV Nature Programs Will Be the Death of Me Yet
It's Not Wrong, It's Metaphorical
The Longer You Look At It, the More Unforgivable It Gets
Jessica Privileges Revoked (That's What You Get For Haunting My Dreams)
The Harkness Test Did Not Prepare Me For This
I'm Sorry for Tearing Your Family Apart, but You Kinda Deserved It
The Catholic Church Is Gonna Be So Mad
Silly Mistakes to Avoid While Wearing Poisoned Lipstick
Okay Fine I'll Eat My Vegetables
I'm Getting Kinda Sick of Basic Physics
Forever and Ever Amen or At Least Until the End of the Month
Then One Single Winged Hussar Arrived
Deus Ex Machina, Bitch
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Lessons Learned (W.M) Pt.1
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader.
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Pairing: Professor!Wanda Maximoff x Student!FemReader (College AU)
Summary: Y/n has been looking forward to this particular class but something unexpected happened on the first day.
Warning: 18+ Fluff, angst and maybe a little humor, with smut in future chapter.
Requested: Yes by @mizzgay
A/n: Hello peeps! Here it is! The new mini series is here! It's still in the process but as I announced before, here is Pt. 1. Thank you @stonemags and @silver-lotus for the idea and helping me brainstorming. I also want to thank @thatpersonthatisgenderfluid for helping me with cool information of Marine Biology that they are expert with. I'm excited and I hope you enjoy this series! Happy reading!
Series Masterlist
Ah, fall semester. It��s finally here! This is your second year in college. You are really glad to be back at your dorm and to see your room mate again but mostly, you are thrilled for this semester because of one particular class you are taking. You are as excited as a kid who finally goes to Disneyland. Well, that’s what your roommate a.k.a best friend, Natasha, said. Maybe, she is right. 
You have been dreaming to be a marine biologist since you were a kid, hence the major you are taking. This semester, you are finally able to take Mr. Fury’s class. He is one of the famous marine biologists there is. You love his books. So when you know that he will teach a class here, you feel like you just won a jackpot and of course you register to his class as soon as you can.
“Nat, are you almost ready?” You ask impatiently as you sit on her bed, looking at your red-haired best friend getting ready. “Oh my god. Yes I am, y/n. Geez. I know you have been waiting for this class but be patient with me, will ya?” Nat rolls her eyes playfully as she answers you and puts some books into her bag.
“Well, can you blame me? It’s Mr. Furry’s class. Don’t you know that he is—” You reply but Nat quickly finishes your sentence “--one of the best marine biologists and his books are masterpieces? Yes, y/n, I know.. Because you haven’t stopped talking about him and this class in the last few months. So trust me, I know.” She teases as she finally lays the strap of her backpack on her shoulder and signs you that she’s ready to go. “Let’s go.”
You get up and walk with her. “You will be glad that you take his class this semester.” You excitedly give her assurance. “I actually don’t have to take this class yet and I was going to take Mrs. Harkness’ class. You made me take this class.” She complains but you know she was just joking. You and Nat quicken your steps to where both of you should be.
“Well, isn’t that the best idea? We always try to take the same classes together. I will always help you with homeworks. You know that I didn’t tell you not to take Mrs. Harkness’ class, right?” You winked confidently right after you answered her. Both of you swift your steps into the building.
“Yeah but I already have two other classes. I can’t juggle four classes at once. I’m not as smart as you are.” She quickly pitched back a response to your statement as both of you finally walked into the class and picked the back row seats. “Aw, you are so humble. You are smart too, Nat.” You nudge her arms and she rolls her eyes once more.
You love the front row seats but Nat doesn’t, neither do your other friends so majority rules. Some more students walk into the class and slowly fill the class, you quickly raise your hand as soon as you see Tony and Vision walk in. “Guys, over here!”
Both of them quickly walk towards you and Nat and take the seats shortly after both of you remove your bags off the chairs you saved for them.
“I can’t believe y/n also made you boys take this class too.” The redhead teases with a smirk. “Well, I always love competing with Y/n.” Tony answers nonchalantly. “Even though I always beat your grades?” You try to poke fun out of Tony’s competitive traits.
“Shussh you two. We all know who is smarter.” The Russian interrupts as she moves both of her hands as if she is a referee for the competition between you and Tony. “Me!” Both you and Tony answer right away at the same time, making Nat and Vision laugh. “Well, to be honest the subject of this class intrigued me, so why not? Plus, I'm a big fan of Mr. Fury’s books.” The tall British exchange student lets out his thoughts as he shrugs his shoulders followed with a smile.
“And to watch me beat Tony’s grades.” You tease Tony one more time. “That too.” Vision plays along with your joke.
The class is filled with the sounds of students talking to each other for a little while more until the door is opened followed by sounds of steps from what seems like a pair of high heels. The class went full on silent as soon as a fairly tall dirty blonde haired woman walked in carrying a briefcase-like handbag, then without hesitation, she took her seat in front of the class. “Good morning everybody.” Her broad accent and words echo in the room and the students answer.
You are in deep confusion, so is almost the rest of the class. You look at your friends with furrowed eyebrows then bring your sight back to the woman who is busy taking out some papers and a book. From what you see, she is preparing herself to start a lecture.
“Hmmm.” The only thing the class could hear from her since the greetings. She clicks her tongue a few times as she is reading what it seems the list of the students’ name list.
Your brain is still trying to process what is going on. You even think that the young professor is in the wrong class and doesn’t realize it. The sunlight that penetrates the window from her right hand side brings up the color of her flawless wavy hair. Her nude makeup colors perfectly shows her angelic face’s features.
You lock your gaze on her and plan on not looking somewhere else until you find out what on earth is she doing here. Your eyes follow her movement as she stands up, walks to the front of her desk and lean her lower body on it. Natasha and Tony notice that you are looking at her from head to toe, as if you are studying what she is wearing.
The navy blue blazer jacket and pants with white swallow bird prints all over them pair nicely with her white shirt under it and her black and white high heels. To say that you are astonished with her beauty and perfect figure is somewhat of an understatement.
You would wish that she is your professor if it’s another class she is teaching, not in this class. Despite how attractive she is, you hope she is not here to teach Mr. Fury’s class. Your stomach starts to churn, your face probably turns pale. Nat nudges your arm to bring your back from your daze. “You okay?” She whispers.
As you turn your head to your best friend to answer her question, your head quickly follow back to the next voice that you hear. “Hello everybody. My name is Wanda Maximoff. I’m here to cover Mr. Fury’s class for a month or a month and a half. Some voices of disappointment quickly made their way to be heard. Wanda waits for a few seconds until the students realize and focus back on her. As soon as the class is back in silence, Wanda continues her words. “I know, I know most of you were excited for Mr. Fury’s class but he has an emergency but before you know it, he will be standing here teaching all of you.”
"So, let's start with the names, shall we?" Her thick accent and her raspy voice tickle your ears and perhaps wake up the butterflies in your stomach without you realizing it. Your mind is far too occupied with your disappointment that it is not the professor you expected yet you want to know how much experience she has in this field. Your guess is she is not that much older than you. That's another thing, you are being skeptical.
While Wanda calls the students' names one by one and tries to remember it at the same time, Nat whispers to you. "Stop staring, y/n. Already have a crush on your professor?" Nat teases you, of course.
"What? No!" You deny as quickly as you can. "How old is she, do you think?" You whisper but this you didn't turn your head too much, with your eyes focused on Wanda.
"She is definitely older than you but not that much." Tony jumps into the conversation. "Ouh I never knew that you are into older women." Nat smirks and Tony tries hard not to laugh.
"I just want to know how good she is at this subject." You defend yourself. "She looks very smart. It seems like it's not her first time teaching a class and knows what she's doing." Vision expresses his opinion.
"Why don't you ask her?" Tony casually challenges you. "What? No! No student asks that of their professor!" Nat yells in whispers, trying to stop you because she knows that you would do that. "Oh she will." Tony comments, a laugh almost slips out of his lips.
Nat glares at Tony and before she tells you not to do it, you raise your hand. "Uh-excuse me? I have a question." Some students turn their head to you in the back.
"Yes? And, your name?" Wanda answers you with another question and one raising eyebrow.
"Oh, my name is Y/N Y/L/N." You answered. "Yes, miss y/l/n, what's your question?" Wanda lays her hands on her thighs while still holding the name list.
"Do you know Prof. Fury? If you do, how do you know him?" You pitch your question.
Wanda nods softly before she answers you. "Yes, I know him. I'm actually his assistant and also his student from his other class in another university."
"Oh, so a student teaches students." You arrogantly replied. Gasping from some students sounds clear in the air, including from Nat who pinches the bridge of her nose having the second embarrassment from what you just said.
Wanda didn't expect your harsh comment, her lips pressed into a smile. "Well, I'm doing my master in marine biology and I'm almost done with my final paper. So I'm sure I know a LOT more than you do. I assume you know that it's not easy to be hired as his assistant. Plus, despite all of that, so far I can remember in this class I'm your professor and you are my student." the blonde woman tilted her head as she finished her answer followed by a victorious smile.
"Oooohhhh" some students react to Wanda's answer that feels like a right jab to your jaw and it catches your tongue. Few seconds of silence and Wanda takes it as the conversation with you is done. She turns her face away and looks around the class. "Okay, so let's continue the name list and we'll start the class. We'll learn The Study of Characteristics of Species." Wanda tells the class and proceeds.
The whole time of the class with Wanda, regardless of what happened earlier, you still pay attention to everything she teaches. How she walks around the front of the class or how her hands swing a bit while she explains things are so mesmerizing to you for some reason.
Maybe Vision was right? She looks like she knows what she's doing. Also, she looks smart and it intrigues you to see how much she knows her field. You love to compete or call out when someone makes a mistake. Yes, you admit that calling out people’s mistakes is your worst trait and you are working on it. Your best friend keeps reminding you about that.
Her voice and her accent when she teaches, sounds passionate in the same major you are very interested in. Your mind starts to think it must be nice to discuss some of your Marine Biology related topics with her.
Uh oh wait, there's no way you have a crush on your professor. Not in the very first class. Your eyes blink as you come back from your daze when Tony secretly kicks your legs under the table. He waggled his eyebrows up and down with a knowing smirk. "You like her, y/n?
"What? No, Tony." You quickly tackle his assumption yet a shade of red blush slowly shows on your cheeks.
"Okay, that's it for today's class. We'll talk about this more in the next class. Don't forget to read page 10 to 15 for our next meeting. Have a good day everyone." said the blonde professor as she realized that her class is over for today.
All the students stand up and leave the class. You and your friends are slowly walking away from the back of the class. As four of you get closer to pass Wanda's desk, you hear your name beautifully wrapped in her voice. "Y/n, can I talk with you for a second, please?" With that, the three of your friends walk out and wait for you outside.
"Yes, Mrs. Maximoff?" You ask as soon as you stand in front of her desk. Wanda puts the pen down and she looks up at you as she entwines her own hand with her others, a few inches away from her face. “That was quite a way of introducing yourself to me, Y/n.” Her unamused piercing green eyes look straight to yours. To Wanda’s surprise, you patch a smile on your face for her prior to answering her. “I always aim to make an impression.”
Her eyebrows rose. She is bewildered with how confident you are, too confident in a bad way. It exasperates her. “Oh? So you always aim to make a bad impression?” she asks in sarcasm as she collects her things, getting ready to leave.
“Of course not. Not at all.” You answer casually. She took a deep breath. “Well, too bad, y/n, because it wasn’t a good impression at all.” Her answer quickly ripped your smile off your face. Your forehead puckered in surprise and confusion. The unexpected answer from Wanda froze your tongue for a good few seconds. Wanda gives you a quick glance and pulls back her focus on getting ready to leave. “But… I didn’t–” The slightly older woman didn’t even let you finish your sentence as she stood up and says “I think we are done here, y/n. See you in the next class.”
With that, she leaves her desk and walks towards the door, leaving you perplexed. You turn around and you walk out the class to find your friends, still with your brain trying to comprehend Wanda’s words.
“Y/n, what happened?” Nat asks as soon as she sees you. “Yeah, what did she say?” Tony added another question.
“She just told me that I gave her a bad impression. She looked upset too.” Your eyes blink a few times. “Well, d’uh? Of course, you dumbass.” Your Russian classmate raises one of her open palms, giving you a dirty look.
“I couldn’t agree more with Nat here, y/n.” Vision adds in his agreement. “Come on, y/n. For someone who keep bragging that you beat my grades, you can’t be this dumb.” The Stark company’s only heir comments.
“Y/n, you pretty much insulted her in front of the class. Of course she got upset. I’m surprised that she didn’t kick you out after what you said about her being a student and teaching us.” Nat expresses her thoughts as four of you walk.
“Well, I was right, weren’t I?” Your stubbornness makes you disagree with Nat even though deep down your heart telling you that Nat was right. “Yes but it wasn’t really wise that you said it out loud.” Vision adds. “Yeah, y/n. Nobody says that to their professor in front of the class.” Tony backs up both Vision and Nat as he playfully punches your arm.
“Okay okay. What day is it today? Ganging up on Y/n day, or something?” You joke in sarcasm. “Aw such a cry baby.” Tony baby-talk at you with a fake pout. You roll your eyes at him and the four of you move on with your day.
You toss and turn a lot. It’s hard for you to fall asleep. All you can see when you close your eyes is Wanda. How her hair sways following the rhythm of her movement when we teach. How she looks from behind when she writes on the board, the blazer wraps the curve of her body perfectly. The way her friendly smile showed up when a student or two asked questions to her before she gladly answered them. The difference in her voice can turn when she was teaching and when she was talking to you. Why was she even mad at you? Oh well, that’s right. You upset her.
Now your brain switches lanes from adoring her subconsciously to feeling bad for her for what you said. You think and think hard, debating on what you should do. Part of you thinks you didn't do anything wrong but the other part encourages you to do something to redeem yourself. Then a thought popped in.
“Seriously, y/n? You are joking, right?” The redhead’s annoyed surprise tone. “Oh my god, you rush me and the boys to come early just to hang out here at the library before Mrs. Maximoff class and now you gotta leave?” Nat continues her protest. “Sorry, Nat. I forgot to bring my book. I gotta grab it. I’ll be fast.” You lied and you walked away in a rush.
As you are gone, Nat's mind is going, sensing that something is unusual. "Hey, did you guys notice that?" Nat curiously asks Vision and Tony.
“You meant, y/n forgot her book? It’s a bit odd, yes.” Vision’s examining tones sound clear as he thinks about it more after she mentions it. Meanwhile for Tony, he thinks there’s always a first time for everything. “Eh, I meant, yeah it never happened to her before but I don’t think it’s something big or anything. Unless she gets nervous with Mrs. Maximoff class and then forget to bring her book.” Tony shrugs his shoulders after he lays out his theory.
“Something fishy.” Nat says under her breath that the two men didn’t hear it.
You rush your step and check your surroundings to make sure that Nat is not following you. Both of you have been best friends for years now and you know well that she knows you like the back of her hands. One of your hands holds a note tightly inside the pocket of your jacket. Your eyes are anchored on the classroom door as soon as you get closer and closer. You look around once more before you open the door and sneak in. Your heart races. Your eyes rapidly jump back and forth from the door to the desk and back to the door again. You carefully put the note on the desk then rush yourself out of the class and definitely need to hurry back to your friends before they notice anything.
“Hey. Sorry, I tried to get back here as soon as I could.” You take your seat back with your friends. “It’s okay. You okay y/n?” Nat asks you as if she is a detective who is trying to find a clue. “Yeah, why?” You try hard to keep your cool. “Nothing, just making sure.” Nat replies.
“Uh, I think we better go now so we won’t be late.” Vision suggests and the four of you walk together to the class.
Once the four of you got to the class, you were quiet. You are restless and can’t focus on the conversations with your friends. Everything sounds as if you are under water. Subconsciously, you can’t wait for Wanda to come yet anxious at the same time. You are too occupied to notice that Nat is examining your body language and what is going on.
As she was going to ask you, Wanda walked into the class. “Hello, everybody.” She glances a little bit at her class and her eyes make a brief stop at you then she puts her bag on her desk.
You notice that her eyebrows furrow as she finds a little note on her desk. She takes a seat and grabs the note to check it secretly enough that nobody notices it.
“The second you walked into this room, I lost control over myself. My eyes voluntarily anchored on your beauty and your voice is the most addictive melody to my ears.” the simple sweet note fluttered her and she tried to suppress her smile as she put the note down.
You caught how a smile almost formed on her beautiful face and you know that she likes the note you put earlier. It makes you feel better after how you were to her in the first class. You lower your head and try to hide your own smile. You feel bad that you didn’t tell your bestfriend about this. As much as you know that she won’t stop poking fun out of this for a while but you are planning on telling her about this, just not right now.
You were almost lost in our deep thought about her until you heard her clear her throat to get the class’ attention as she starts her lecture today.
The lecture goes well, the more you pay attention to Wanda’s lecture and how she teaches, the more you subconsciously can’t take your eyes off of her. You take notes on anything important that she said in her lecture. You try your best not to let your “know-it-all” side take the best of you. Deep down you get nervous sometimes when you catch her gaze glance at you every now and then. Her gaze sometimes feels sharp even if it was only for a few seconds.
Wanda walks around a bit close to the front row seats of the class. “This is mantis shrimp. They look cute, don't they? Their colors are interesting.” Wanda pauses her lecture as she shows some pictures through the projector. She raises her arms pointing at the pictures. You think she looks adorable as excitement shows on her face as she talks about one of the little sea creatures.
Unfortunately, it starts to bother you when Wanda is talking more about the mantis shrimp. The wrong fact, to be precise. “Another interesting fact about them is that they punch, you know, like the karate punch.” She explains as both her fists demonstrate a punching move playfully and some students laugh a little. “Yes, they do. Unfortunately, due to their size and they don’t have springs, levers and latches like humans do, their punch isn’t that powerful and they don’t have a regular way of punching.” She adds as she smiles.
As she is going to proceed with her lecture, you raise your hand and surely it halts her lecture. She quickly turns her head to you. Her smile slowly curves down to almost a frown. “Yes, y/n?” her tone clearly swift to a serious tone or perhaps, unimpressed tone from your interruption.
She lifts her chin up a little and her shoulders tensed up as her way to remind you of her dominance in this class shortly after her mind instantly remembers how you were to her on the first day of class.
“Uh, actually, what you just said was incorrect.” You criticized her. Natasha’s heart jumps up to her throat as she hears what you just said. She clears her throat nervously that it caught Wanda’s attention. Her gaze jumps to Nat and bounces back to you. If her gaze could cut, it would cut your desk right now easily like butter. “Excuse me?” Her broad accent suddenly sounds way more clearer than before as if it’s cooperating with her irritated tone.
“Yes, mantis shrimps are small but unlike humans they actually have biological springs, levers and latches that in fact, help power their punches and make them the fastest punch in the animal kingdom. Their punches can go as fast as a 22-caliber bullet and can produce an underwater shockwave.” You explain the fact you know about the ocean version of mantis confidently.
Wanda’s annoyance flares and is visible on her face. “And what’s this “fact” based on?” The Sokovian professor does the air quote gesture on the word fact as she responds to you. “It’s based on the books I read including Mr. Fury’s book. I’m sure you have read it too.” You smile. In your defense, you didn’t want to be a pain in the butt for her. It’s just you being yourself. You can’t help yourself to correct her because you know and you are sure that what she said was not the right one.
As soon as you mention Fury’s book, it hits her. Internally, Wanda realizes that she is wrong and she hates it that you are right and not just that, she hates it that you call out her mistake. She knows better to keep it professional and play along with what you want at this moment, by feeding your ego with her way.
“Good job, Y/n. I was wondering how fast you would notice the mistake because you sound like you know it all since the first time we talked in this class.” Wanda “compliments” you in sarcasm followed by a fake smile as she tilts her head.. You know what she meant from the way she looks at you and says the know-it-all word, even your friends know.
“Well, it was pretty easy–” Your words are interrupted by a vague nudge from Nat’s elbow. You smile once more but it’s an awkward smile this time. Wanda takes your smile differently especially after the words that just slipped out of your lips. She clenches her jaws and fists secretly. “Oh, really?” She asks in such suppressed irritation and covered in another fake smile.
Vision notices what is really going on and he quickly raises his hand to pitch a question before the tension grows. “Uh pardon me, Ms. Maximoff. What is the average size of Mantis Shrimps? I think I missed it.”
Wanda seems to finally loosen up as she answers Vision’s questions and just like that she jumps back into her lecture. Everytime Wanda glances at you, she feels irritation but as someone who has experience in teaching she actually sees that you have a lot of potential.
After Wanda gives essay homework to her students, she dismisses the class right on time. You and your friends walk past Wanda’s desk and as if you are having a deja vu, The blonde woman calls your name and tells you that she needs a minute with you. Just like last time, your friends wait for you outside.
You took a soft deep breath as you asked “Yes, Ms. Maximoff?”
“Special for you, instead of 1500 words,I want you to do 2500 words for the essay homework.” Wanda instructs in a stern tone yet calm as her piercing green eyes look at you.
Surprised, you instantly ask and complain at the same time. “Wait, what?” Your eyebrows snapped together and you squeeze your backpack’s strap that comfortably lays on on of your shoulders.
“You heard me. 2500 words for the essay with the same deadline date. Do you have a problem with it?” Wanda responds without even looking at you as she casually checks some papers, her tone was flat and cold.
“Well, it’s almost double the work with the same amount of time.” You fuss.
“Well, don’t you know it all? I’m sure you can get it done easily in no time.” She answers without leaving any space for you to bargain. You are upset but you don’t know what else to say. Silence rises up quickly and it makes Wanda avert her eyes from the papers she was reading then look at you. “Is there anything else you want to say, y/n?”
“No, Ma’am.” You answer in defeat.
“That’s what I thought. See you in the next class.” Wanda doesn’t even show any interest in giving you eye contact as she ends the conversation with you then back to focus on some papers to sign.
A few minutes after you left and a few paperwork later, Wanda gathers her things but she stops when the little lovely note on her desk calls for her attention. She reads the notes once again and this time a smile appears on her face. Her mind starts to wonder who wrote it and her heart skitters from the lovely words.
Pt. 2
A/n: Welp, that's all. I hope you enjoy this first part. Let me know what you think. I appreciate your reblog and comments. See you in next!
Taglist: @madamevirgo @musicinourlips @unstable-sapphic-hoe @fanboy7794 @chloe7076 @b0mbdotc0m @trikruismybitch @ichala @californianwhiterabbit @silver-lotus @imfuckinggenius @sxfwap @chaekhan @daenerys713 @luvmcgrath @stupidsapphicsstuff @pattypavo @yourtaletotell @emptysince18x @frvny @franfineashell @heyyoweveryone @ygtft-chen @yaaskasey @sweeet-likeeee-cinnamonn @paumxmff @dopeyouth @beaniejennie @ineedafinghug @idkwhatimwriting @lucydiibi @mainly-rebloging-fics-i-like @gloriousfoxruins @grxvitye @mcubreakdown101 @aos22 @wandanatstan @paulawand @yeeterthekeeper @femalehomosexual666 @snowdrop1026 @modernmonalisa @nothingisrealanyway @idamaemann @sweeterlust @royalityofmultifandom @playboysaleen @peabrain-likes2read @gwhaley127 @harleyswanda @bodhi-j @darth-rain @cristin-rjd (Let me know if you want to be tagged)
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queeraroace · 6 months
Christmas is difficult in a way few cis people can understand.
I grew up Catholic, which meant big family gatherings, knick-knack nativity scenes, and midnight mass. Every year my immediate family would huddle in the family entertainment center to watch National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (hated it), and Home Alone (love it).
Seeing the extended family was a mixed bag. Some made snide comments about how "anti-social" I was as a kid (overstimulated and autistic) but it meant the world to see my little cousins. I held them as infants when I couldn't have been more than 10, and watched them grow up as I babysat them since they were in diapers.
I looked forward to Christmas the way any middle class white kid does - I usually got one big gift and a heap of smaller ones. Christmas meant lots of candy, and maybe a Gameboy. It meant my dad's signature whipped potatoes and honey smoked ham. It meant seeing Macaulay Culkin outsmart adults in the funniest ways possible. It meant bearing church service so I could hear "Come, All Ye Faithful" and "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" from the choir. It meant enduring cutting comments from my aunt about "always needing to be on a screen" to watch Jim Carrey's the Grinch with her tiny daughters.
To make a long story short, when I was 18, I came out as a trans man. I could only endure one family Christmas while trying to softlaunch my gender to my family. I took my blue hair and pronouns, and snuck out only a few hours later with a stolen bottle of wine to bring home to my other trans friends and roommates.
One aunt had compared me coming out as a man, but dressing feminine, to her belief that her ex-husband would fake his disability to seem worse than it was out of convenience (her eldest son would later develop that same illness she accused his father of exaggerating). When she saw this comparison didn't quite land, she assured me that being trans isn't something this generation would get, but there was always the next generation. I didn't feel like I had time to wait for that acceptance. I ended up in the hospital for suicidal ideation the next year.
I haven't been back to a family Christmas since. It's been ten years. My mother has asked me almost every year to come back, assuring me my family would be happy to have me - ignoring that her husband had kicked me out of the house out of anger about my queerness, and general abusive tendencies.
Last year, I tried. My little cousins have grown up enough that I spent the year reaching out and building bridges with them now that they're old enough to have cell phones and be out without parental supervision. The oldest of my little cousins, who's in college now, invited me to Christmas dinner, and I thought I could handle it.
I had top surgery, some bottom surgery, been on T long enough my voice had dropped. If my family misgendered me, it wouldn't hurt as much as it had a decade prior, when I was less sure of who I was.
Her mother found out about a week before the 25th, and let me know only two hours before dinner that I was not welcome in her house.
I have spent every Christmas since 2015 at a friend's house. Their families love me. They get my pronouns right. They offer me vegetarian spreads, and presents, and a warm bed for the night. I am so grateful. It is not the same. It does not fill the hole in my heart to feel like an orphan adopted for one night in a family that is not my own.
I hate this time of year. I resist celebrating it annually, trying to create my own traditions, and survive the winter. I still watch Home Alone every December. I still tear up when I hear "O Holy Night". I don't think cis people understand what I mean when I say "I hate Christmas".
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imdoingsortagay · 1 year
For the Valentine’s Day prompts: 26 with Agatha <3
The Little Things in Life
26. “This reminded me of you.”
word count: 1.1
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Love just never seemed to be in the books for Agatha and she had grown used to that. The many years of hiding out from people who wanted to harm her taught her that all that she needed was herself and no other person, that is thought until she had you one day. 
It felt like something in all those cheesy romantic Comedies if she has to be honest. Agatha has volunteered to grocery shop for Wanda while she and vision were at home enjoying being brand new parents to twin sons. She didn’t have anything else do to since she was off work for the day so might as well be helpful to her friend. After a good 10 minutes of shopping and you had gotten her attention by looking at all of the different options for milk. She didn’t blame you cause there was alot. 
“ you know for a beverage like milk, I don’t get why we need so many variations,” Agatha says and you jump a little at not seeing her approach you. 
“ Oh my god,” you squeal, not noticing the brunette pop up next to you, too zoned out in the milk section trying to choose one. 
“ Oh my god, I didn’t mean to scare you-” 
“ It’s fine all fine miss,” you pause to let her introduce herself.
“ Harkness, my name is Agatha Harkness and you must be new in town dear. I know practically everyone in town and I don’t recall seeing you”. 
“ y/n, and yeah this is my second day here in town but this is my first time shopping for groceries without a roommate to help me. Never thought I'd struggle to buy milk of all things.” 
Though Agatha had gotten all the groceries for herself and the Maximoffs, taking some time out of her day to help you wouldn’t hurt at all. 
That one conversation leads to what she considers to this day to be a love story ever after years of just being on her own. She never failed to mention her love for you every day and today was one of those days, as she made her weekly trip to the flower shop in town the owner of the shop had just recently gotten a new order of flowers. 
“ Are these new flowers today Mr. Mansfield?” 
“Always a good eye to notice new things, Harkness,” he says, “ Lucy got a recommendation from our grandson to plant these for a crush of his and we decided it would be a good idea to add them to the shop as well”. God did the older witch love this flower ship and the flowers they had?
20 more minutes of small talk and the witch left with a bouquet for you, one of your favorite drinks, and a cute little stuffed animal that you talk a lot about and she heads off with a smile on her face. Her way of showing her love to you was always gifted and she never failed to notice the way your eyes lit up and how happy her heart felt when you gave her a big hug. 
Once she comes back home, Agatha is greeted at the door by Ebony, who purred in delight to see her back before leaving her to go do his daily exploring. She searches for you all over the house until she finds you in the garage, getting some laundry done. While she would have wanted to surprise you, the sound of the door opening immediately got your attention to greet her with a hug. 
“ Aggie my love bug,” you squeal in delight, always missing her even when she’s been gone a couple of hours. 
“ Did Ebony make sure to protect you from any harm while I was gone ?” 
“ Well, he did until the Minimoffs came over to pick up some stuff for their mom and he just had to act all cute,” you dramatically roll your eyes, and your girlfriend giggles. For a cat who always tried to act like he ruled the house, he seemed to crumble when it came to little attention.
“Ebony,” Agatha starts while grabbing the young cat,” how many times do I tell you that you need to protect my woman here from any danger? I might just have to reduce your pay from a couple treats a week if you continue with this work ethic my dear ebony,” and the cat meows back at the older woman. You giggle at how a strict, mean-looking woman like Agatha Harkness could look so soft and adorable lecturing her cat. 
Once Agatha made sure the Cat understood that she met business, your girlfriend took your hand to lead you to the kitchen where you saw a bouquet of purple Peony flowers, another squishmallow to add to your growing collection, and what seems to be one of your favorite coffee drinks from the local coffee shop. 
“ Did you buy me all this?” and she nods. 
“ Agatha my love, you didn’t even need to buy me all this stuff,” You say looking at the beautiful bouquet she got, the pretty light purple catching your eye. A small squishmallow that you had been looking to buy for the past couple of weeks but never seem to be able to find as everyone seemed to want it and an iced coffee from the shop you go to before heading to work. 
“ This reminded me of you,” she starts,” coffee to treat my baby, the silly stuffed animal that I know you’ve been trying to find in your free time, and the bouquet of Peonies to show all of the love that I have for you. All these little things just remind me about my infinite love for you and I wanted to treat my best girl.” 
Both of you were standing in the kitchen crying, Agatha had always been so fearful and scared of love that when you had come into her life that day in the grocery store, she was forever thankful that she had you in her life after years of being alone. 
Before Agatha started talking more, you placed your lips on hers, showing her that she was loved by you, and how much you appreciated her. After a couple of minutes of an intense makeout session, she pulls you away from her, needing to get some air and she giggles at the look on your face. 
“ I love you aggie,” you tell her. 
“ Love you too sweet y/n,” she says back.
At this moment Agatha realized that It was all the little things that made her so happy to have you in her life.
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motley-cunt · 7 months
i’m in your walls
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takeme-totheworld · 6 months
My roommate has been trying to persuade me to give Torchwood another try after I watched the first three episodes with her and was not enjoying whole the grimdark edgy mid-aughts vibe. The episode she chose to try to entice me to give it another chance was "Captain Jack Harkness," because she knows me, and of course I liked it because I am nothing if not predictable.
Anyway, during the final dancing scene the singer of course started singing "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" and I immediately got choked up (and was unable to explain my reaction to my roommate because she still has not watched GO2, no I don't understand it either)
Whyyyyyyy are the GO feels following meeeeee
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quite-right-too · 8 months
Dona Nobis Pacem (Grant Us Peace) - Chapter Four
Summary: After preparing for the arrival of her new housemates, the last thing Rose expected was for one of them to be the man whose flat she had snuck out of the night before. Shoutout to @demdifferentstories-29 for being feral with me last night as we fucked around with this chapter a ton. This one was a lot of fun to write and just add little tidbits into.
Read here on AO3
The days went on and their friendship blossomed further. Hand holding became automatic, especially when sitting together on the couch. They were very tactile, with Rose pushing on his chest whenever he made a particularly bad joke or James wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pulling her close to him while they strolled around town as she showed him around.
Movie nights would lead to them being so close that Rose could feel James’ heartbeat — usually as they laid on the sofa lengthwise so they could see the television better, her back against his chest while she was situated between his legs. His arms were usually enveloped around her and his head rested on her shoulder.
Jack and Donna had definitely begun to take notice. Jack had started to tease him regarding his lingering gaze whenever Rose walked into the room. Banter from Donna usually included remarks of, ‘Head up in the clouds, Spaceman?’ and, ‘Bloody hell, just ask her out already!’ followed by a smack on the shoulder.
A routine had also begun to form — Rose would find James in the library and would join him on the couch. Sometimes they would read separate books, but he had recently offered to read to her. Rose knew she would be an idiot to turn down that chance with him. So here they were in the library, cuddling next to each other with her head against his shoulder as James read aloud And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie.
“Agatha Christie! I love her stuff! What a mind,” he had declared as he pulled the classic book from the shelf. “She fools me every time. Well, almost every time. Well, once or twice. Well, once. But it was a good once.” 
His ramblings were endearing to her. She adored the spark in his eyes that he got when he talked about something he was passionate about. The smile on his face when she listened, asking questions and allowing him to elaborate more on the subject. There was no lack of topics, either — he always had something he could share with and teach her about. Even if she didn’t fully understand, she loved to hear his voice.
She loved him.
She had never felt this way with Jimmy. She had started dating him when she was sixteen and regretted it every second after they had broken up. He hadn’t been a romantic, never even taking Rose on a date once in the two years they dated.
“‘... Vera had followed Mrs. Rogers upstairs. The woman had thrown open a door at the end of a passage and Vera had walked into a delightful bedroom with a big window that opened wide upon the sea and another looking east. She—’ Rose, are you alright?” His question pulled her from her thoughts. 
“Me? Yeah, I’m alright. Just thinking,” she said softly. Rose moved her head off his shoulder, offering him a small smile. He could see through her facade and raised his eyebrow. “Okay, fine. ‘M just remembering my last relationship and how awful he was to me. We never did anything like this,” she murmured, gesturing to the intimate position they found themselves in.
James’ head cocked, brow now furrowing. “What happened, if I may ask?” He set the bookmark in the book, shutting and setting it on the coffee table. His hand went to hold hers and she couldn’t help but open up to him.
“His name was Jimmy,” she started. “He was twenty, I was sixteen. He was a self-proclaimed musician with a guitar who travelled around London busking on the street.” Rose rolled her eyes as she remembered how much of an idiot he was. “He seemed so charming, but his personality changed after I’d run away from home and moved in with him. He kept me from my friends and family, trying to convince me that my mum was the bad guy after she had called and begged for me to come home.”
“Oh, Rose,” James sighed, squeezing her hand. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s in the past. He just…” Rose trailed off, trying to find the best way of explaining her thoughts without revealing her true feelings for him. “He never did anything nice like this. Never really cuddled with me or spent actual time with me. I never—” She cut herself off, staring into his eyes and glancing down at his lips. His face was so close to hers now and he was right there with her, looking at her like she meant everything.
“You never what?” James questioned, his breath light against her lips. Her own breath hitched as she watched his tongue come out to wet his lips, his chocolate eyes impossibly dark.
“Just…” She couldn’t even come up with an answer. He was right there and looked so kissable. He began to lean in as his eyes fluttered closed. 
‘He’s finally going to kiss me properly,’ Rose thought excitedly. Their noses brushed against each other as heat pooled in their stomachs.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
They jumped apart, and Rose mentally cursed whoever was on the other side of the door.
“Rosie, you in there?” Jack called out. “I need your help with grocery shopping. The list is long and I refuse to do this by myself.”
Rose sighed and straightened herself, standing up and walking over to the entryway. 
“Coming!” she growled, trying to keep her cool while mouthing ‘sorry’ to James, whom she had left sitting on the couch. As the door closed behind her, he groaned, rubbing his hands over his face. 
“Fuck,” he muttered. He was so close to feeling her lips on his.
The tension building between them was becoming unbearable for James. He found himself regularly taking cold showers and tinkering on his projects to distract himself from the burning ache that regularly appeared after interactions with Rose. 
This time was different, though.
He knew he was alone, with Donna at work and Jack and Rose at the store. He quickly ran up the staircase to his bedroom and slammed the door closed. The door was locked, just as a precaution, and he quickly pulled his shirt off and his trousers down his legs. 
“God, Rose,” he moaned, easing the waistband of his pants down to expose his hard length.
He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about the night they met. How he drunkenly took her back to his flat. Seeing her naked for the first — and so far only — time on his bed. Well, not really his bed but it didn’t matter.
Sitting at the bar, James shot back another round of whiskey as the low bass of the music emanated from the speakers around him. The pub was dark aside from several small strobe lights illuminating the open area where people were dancing. He could barely hear himself think with all the noise.
Drinking at bars wasn’t necessarily something he took up often, but it was one of those nights. The thoughts of war swirling through his head recently had him walking on eggshells since he got home.
He was here to have fun, which he had to remind himself multiple times throughout the night. Even if that meant having multiple shots and getting a bit plastered. Tapping his glass on the surface, he got the attention of the woman behind the bar and she made her way over to pour him another shot.
A blonde woman called the bartender over, requesting another drink. Even in the low light, James could tell that her smile lit up rooms. Her top showed off plenty of skin and the tight jeans accentuated her nice arse. 
Blimey, she was gorgeous. 
And he wanted her.
She met his hungry gaze with a tongue-in-teeth smile before turning and disappearing into the crowd of clubbers. Not wasting another second wallowing in his head, James swallowed his fourth and final shot and made his way out onto the dance floor. His eyes darted around the bodies, looking for the mystery woman who now had all of his attention.
After bumping into multiple people, he finally found her. Her eyes were dark, full of passion and arousal and need. He needed to forget his past and somehow this brilliant woman wiped all thoughts except the ones of her. His feet moved to her before he even realised.
“Care to dance?” he asked with a smirk, holding out his hand. The woman’s eyes twinkled as she grinned. Taking his hand, she pulled him impossibly close, moulding her body to his.
“I’d love to.”
The music wasn’t traditional dancing music, but rather booming noise that had just enough rhythm to move your body to. The golden-haired goddess turned around and ground against him, her back to his chest. James moved his hands down to her hips, gripping tightly and keeping her against him. The growing tension between them was evident, hanging like thick smoke in the air.
As they danced, he pulled her against him as his hands wandered around her waist, down to the arse he had been admiring, and skirting just under her breasts. He grinned against her neck as she moaned, feeling it reverberate through his chest. His hips rutted against her, letting her feel the growing arousal in his trousers.
Reluctantly, she pulled herself from his grasp. She must have seen the panic in his eyes because she grabbed his hand with a mischievous look, leading him off the dance floor and towards the dark corner leading to the bathrooms. As soon as they were tucked away, she pushed James against the wall and snogged him, her hands threading themselves through his hair.
He kissed back enthusiastically, pulling her back to him — needing to feel someone close to him tonight. Their sloppy, drunken kisses continued for a few more minutes before James pulled away. 
“Would you want to take this back to my place?” he panted harshly, begging the universe for the answer he wanted.
“God, yes. Please?”
The cab ride back to his flat wasn’t long, but it felt like ages as they struggled to keep their hands off of each other. However, he didn’t plan on shagging her in the backseat of this stranger’s car. Thankfully, they pulled up to his flat and James handed the cabbie two twenty pound notes and murmured to keep the change, too focused on the woman in front of him who wanted nothing more than to get naked with him.
Fumbling with his keys, they finally made it into the flat. He slammed the door behind them, thankful that Donna was out on girl’s night and would definitely be staying at her friend’s flat until the morning. 
“Let’s go to the bedroom,” he growled, pulling her along with him. Cardboard boxes turned the flat into a maze, making it difficult to tell which room was which, especially in the dark. 
This was his last night in this flat — he intended to make it go out with a bang.
As soon as they made it into his room, they began divesting themselves of their clothes. James pulled his t-shirt off, revealing his bare chest. The woman in front of him, now wearing just a bra, walked up to him and ran her nails through his chest hair. He smiled, leaning down into another searing kiss. Her deft fingers went to work on his belt, undoing it and the button on his trousers before dipping her hand under the waistband and teasing him through his pants, eliciting a low groan from him.
He didn’t have any furniture aside from the mattress on the floor, everything having been moved out into the living room to make it easier for the movers to get out to the truck. He did, however, have sheets on the mattress — he wasn’t an animal. The room simply had moving boxes all over and the blinds were covering his window.
“These need to come off,” he whispered into her mouth, hands moving to tug at her jeans. While she stepped back and finished undressing, James worked on getting his trainers and trousers off. He was pleased to look up and see that she was naked, save for her knickers. Shit, she was beautiful.
Sauntering up to him, the blonde bit her lip as he removed the final piece of clothing, revealing his cock, hard and leaking with precome as he stared at the gorgeous before him. 
“Looks like someone’s ready,” she laughed, pushing him lightly towards the mattress and gesturing for him to lay down. As he did so, he grabbed her hand, pulling her down with him.
“Lay on your back,” he demanded. He watched her thighs clench, the boldness she had fading away as she did what she was told. The dirty smile on her face as James crawled over her drove him wild. Pulling her knickers off her legs, he tossed them away. One of his hands trailed up her thigh as he urged her to open her legs for him to settle between. “God, I need you.”
She froze for a second, sitting up. “Wait, are you clean? Because I don’t have any condoms. ‘M on the pill but I—”
He immediately stopped, sitting up and gently looking her over. “I’m clean,” he reassured her, offering a small smile. “I don’t have any condoms, so if you’re not comfortable with this, we can stop. I can call you a cab and—” She shut him up with a kiss, leaning back and opening her legs so he could continue. A quiet growl rumbled through his chest as he slotted himself between her thighs.
“I want this. I want you. Please, just fuck me.” Her hand reached between them, grabbing his cock and running it through her wetness. They both groaned at the contact, James’ hips stuttered, causing him to slide between her lips. “Fuck, do that again,” she gasped, arms wrapping around his back as he repeated the movement.
He couldn’t wait any longer. “Ready?” he asked lowly, positioning himself at her entrance. She nodded, hands moving across his back and into his hair. James hissed at the contact, pushing in and feeling how tight she was. “Shit.” His head spun, reminding him that he was still a bit inebriated. He paused after sheathing himself in her, forehead dropping down to her shoulder as he gave her the moment to adjust and used the time to regain his bearings.
After a moment, he felt her relax and felt like he wouldn’t fall over. He tentatively pulled out, thrusting in with a little more speed. Her nails dug into his back as he repeated the movement. The only emotion he could see on her face was pleasure, allowing himself to give into his primal urges. 
“What do you want, huh?” His words were low as he thrust into her again, lascivious grin on his face as he felt her lift her hips to meet his.
“I want you to fuck me. Hard, fast, rough, just— Oh—” She choked out a moan as James wrapped his arms around her torso and set a pounding rhythm, cock hitting that perfect spot inside her that made her see stars. “Oh, fuck! Yes, like that!” Satisfaction filled him as he kept up the brutal pace, feeling the heat in his belly begin to coil. 
“Shit, ‘m close,” he grunted into her neck. All he had to do was hold out until she came. Then he felt her walls flutter around him as all he could think of was filling her.
“Me too, please. Just a little more,” she moaned. “Please, please, please.” Her words were like a prayer and he was her god. Who was he to deny this woman the one thing he wanted as well?
As he continued to fuck her, so dirty and rough, her thighs tighted around his as her back arched. James felt her tighten around his cock as she let out a scream of immense pleasure, coming hard. He couldn’t hold back, hammering himself into her as he let out a shout, crashing over the edge with her and filling her with his come.
“God, Rose,” he gasped as his hand wrapped around his cock, tugging furiously as he chased his release. He thought about how she felt around him, hearing her moans as she begged him to fuck her. It didn’t take long before his breathing began to labour as he got close. “Shit, I’m gonna—-”
With a long moan, he came all over his bare stomach. His vision whited out, his all-consuming thoughts of Rose leaving him floating. It was a couple of minutes before he could compose himself to clean up the mess he made and toss some clothes back on. After wiping his stomach with some tissues and putting a clean pair of pants back on, he figured he would just lay down for a bit. 
‘Only fifteen minutes,’ he told himself.
James was startled awake by the sound of the front door opening. The clock ticking away above his door showed that he had been in his room for nearly an hour. Right as he found himself to be presentable, he heard Jack cursing as he dropped a bag of groceries. Then his favourite sound followed — Rose laughing. He quickly rushed down the stairs, careful not to slip, to help Rose bring the groceries in.
“Hey! Glad to see that the troops have been rallied,” Rose chuckled as he entered the main room. James couldn’t help but grin at her joke as he reached out to take the bags from her.
“Here,” he offered, “let me help you with those.” Handing him the bags, she squeezed his bicep in thanks, letting her hand trail down his arm as she turned to grab more bags from the car. He turned bright red, swallowing hard and moving to set the groceries down in the kitchen. Jack noticed immediately, looking between the man in front of him and Rose, who had just made it out the door. 
“Oh, man,” he laughed, following James and setting his own bags down on the dinner table. “You’re really down bad, aren’t you? Well, good, because Rose is a catch.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he denied, giving a small sniff and refusing to meet Jack’s eyes.
“I think you know exactly,” the American enunciated with a poke to James’ chest, “what I’m talking about. You like her.” Jack took a step back, crossing his arms and looking James up and down. “And you’re exactly her type, too.”
“I am?” he asked hopefully before cursing, realising his cover had been blown.
“I knew it!” Jack exclaimed, grinning wildly. James rushed to shush him. 
“Be quiet!” He frantically looked over his friend’s shoulder, making sure Rose was still occupied outside. “Okay, maybe I do like her. But I don’t have a chance, Jack.”
Jack smacked him on the back, rolling his eyes. “I’m sure you do, especially after Rosie and I had a little chat in the car about you. Just shoot your shot, James. You’re a good guy.” And with that, Jack walked out to grab the last of the groceries, leaving a slack-jawed James in the kitchen.
Maybe I do like her. That was all he said to Jack, trying his best to keep his feelings under wraps. There was no denying his feelings, but the real question was did Rose like him back? ‘I don’t like her,’ he thought. ‘I bloody love her.’
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doudouneverte · 1 year
Special Bond | Chapter eight: Feelings
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*not my GIF*
Chapter summary: Agatha come to see you but she wasn't really ready to see you under a certain blonde. A lot of thing happend but she seem to starte to understand why you trust the widow. Yelena, her, she is questionning herself and what she want. But you have to leave...
Pairing: Yelena Belova x Maximoff!Reader; Agatha Harkness x Maximoff!Reader; Natasha Romanoff x Yelena Belova (finally)
| chapter seven | serie masterlist | chapter nine |
"Mama, what are you doing here ?"
"What am I doing here? What are you going here?" Agatha asked harsily, then turned to the blonde assassin, "And you, the last time I saw you, you hurt my little daughter, and now you... you are trying to... I don't even think about it." She added, and you sighed,
"Wait, mama, it's not what you think." you tried to defended yourself, she raised her eyebrow "we were training."
"Sweetheart, I've lived for more than 300 years now, and I could clearly see it—you were not just 'training'. And why do you want to train with her, Miss Mysterious Assassin? She can't help you with your powers." the older witch said, and Yelena scuffed,
"Hey, mama." You said firmly, and you took a step forward to be between the two women. "She's not like that anymore. I told you last time." you added
"No, what you told me last time was that you found a girl who seemed lost and confused, not a girl who wanted to slide into your pants." She argued, and Yelena decided to avoid the conflict and just went to her bedroom.
"Are you serious?" you asked her when you heard the door slam. "Why did you have to be so mean?" You raised your voice.
"I know you trust her, but we don't know her; maybe she just uses you again to ki--" she started to say, but you cut her off.
"Agatha!" you yelled, and she flinched a little. You never call her like that except when you were very angry, and now you were very angry. "How can you say that? She's not this woman anymore. She did what she did because she was forced to. You can't judge her for something she's not entirely responsible for." You exlpained.
The brunette didn't say anything; she just stayed here and analyzed the situation for a moment. She took a deep breath. "Y/n, I'm sorry, but I'm just worried." She said softly,
"I know that, mama; I know why you're worried, and it's totally fine. But it's not a reson to speak her like that." you paused and said, "She really regrets what she did; she apologized, and I forgave her." You took another step toward her, and you cupped her cheek. "I trust her; you know that. I know you can't trust her now, and I don't ask you to be totally open with her. I just want you to apologize." you said, and she nodded.
You released her face, and she started to walk to Yelena's room. In front of the door her palms started to sweat. She was anxious; she had the habit of doing anything she wanted without really thinking about the consequences; she was a powerful witch; it was not in her nature. After 10 endless seconds, she knocked. On the other side of the door, Yelena was thinking about what the older witch said; when she heard the knocks, she thought it was you. She was confused to find a shy Agatha.
"Euh... can we talk?" your mama asked, and the Russian stepped aside to let her in. Yelena looked down the hall; she found you near her bedroom; you smiled encouragingly, and she shut the door.
"So," she said, and Agatha turned around to face the blonde.
"I want to apologize; no, I need to apologize," the witch said, and the widow nodded. "I shouldn't have spoken to you like that. To be honnest, I don't really have the right to point out your mistakes," she admitted, and your roommate was now intrigued. The older woman noticed and decided to explain. "A lot of years ago, I killed people for some childish reason," she scuffed. "I was blinded by the power; I killed some witches, some witch hunters, and even just random people who upset me. I know it won't justify what I said, but this night, after you did what you did, when Y/n told me what happened, I hated you, and I found something funny. I hated you because I saw myself in you. But now I started to understand something: the difference between us is that you were forced to do that, but not me." She took a breather,"Y/n trusted me when I was just a witch who lived for the power, and she changed me. And she trusts you despite the fact that you hurt her physically and emotionally. So Yelena, I want to apologize for my previous attitude." she admitted finally.
The Russian was speechless, when she agreed to listen to Agatha, she couldn't imagine what all the older woman had to say. After a little silence, Yelena finally finished assimilation the confession. "Euh… I…wow, I forgive you. Yeah, of course," she said. "I know it's not your fault, but to be honest, sometimes I don't know why Y/n trust me so much. I don't remember what it is to have a normal life. I was raised to kill; I betrayed her one time, and when we met again, I was about to slice her throat." she chuckled at the memory, "You have a strange daughter, miss Harkness." She said,
"Oh no, honey, call me Agatha. And yeah, I can't argue with the fact that she's strange sometimes." She sighed, "but unfortunately she's not my daughter," and the green-eyed girl could hear the sadness in her voice. "But I think I know why she trusts you." Agatha added.
"Why?" Yelena asked,
"In Croatia, you didn't hurt her on purpose" your mama reminded her,
"It was because I just needed to kill Loukas." The blonde said,
"Are you sure?" the older woman raised her eyebrow, "For what i know from assassin, you should eliminate any witnesse but you didn't. "Don't get me wrong; I'm glad you didn't because it means I didn't have to use my power to kill a pretty girl like you." She winked, and the Russian blushed.
You were in the kitchen, cooking, when you heard laughter and footsteps. You smiled at yourself, and you were relieved they made up. Agatha walked to you, wrapped an arm around your shoulders, and kissed your temple. "I'm sorry, sweetheart," she whispered, and you turned to face her and hugged her,
"It's nothing; I'm happy you made up." You mumbled,
"Me too. Oh and i bought you something" she said and she broke the hug and walked to a bag; she raise a sweat with the superman's logo and your jaws dropped at the surprise "do you like it?" she asked
"Are you kidding me, it's incroyable; i think it's my new favourite sweat." you said and you gave her another hug. You took the cloth and showed it to your roommate. "Look, Lena, it's beautiful, right?" you asked proudly.
"Oh, if it's your favorite now, I think I can keep the Batman," she replied, and you gasped.
"Don't push your luck, Belova," you said, and the two older women laughed.
The rest of the day is spent talking and laughing.Yelena and Agatha decided to learn more about each other, and the brunette told you she had planned to stay a week. Tonight you had a movie night with them. You watched Rapunzel and the blonde assassin spend the entire movie pouting; it was cute. Despite the fact you really want to spend more time with the witch, you were exhausted from the day (Yelena kicked your ass again) and decided to go to sleep after a kiss on the brunette's cheek and a goodbye to the blonde.
They were watching another movie when something invaded the Russian's mind. "Agatha?" She asked, and the witch hummed to let her know she was listening. "I know you shouldn't be the right person to ask, but something doesn't leave my mind. "Do you know who Y/n's siblings are?" she asked carefully, and the blue-eyed girl turned her head to focus solely on the green-eyed girl.
"Honnestly, I don't know," she replied, and Yelena nodded. "And we didn't talk a lot about her siblings since I met her," she added.
The widow seemed to think before she spoke again. "How did you meet her? I mean, if I can ask."
"Oh, don't worry, you can," your mama replied. "I met her more than 3 years ago now. She was not even 17 yet. I met her when I searched for an important thing that someone stole from me. I followed the hints, and they led me to an Hydra's base; I assumed they were all dead, but I was clearly mistaken.I broke one wall and made my way to the base, I thought I would find just my book; on the way I met some guard and I'll not lie when they said they didn't know where was my precious thing, I killed them. And then I thought about blowing up the entire place, but I spotted a cell, isolated from all the others. It raised my curiosity, so I went to see what they keep secret. And when I met her, she seemed weak and strong at the same time. She was covered of wounds; she was afraid, and it's broken my heart." The atmosphere in the room changed, and for the second time in the same day, Yelena saw anger in the eyes of the older woman. "I never wanted a disciple during my long life, and I never thought I could be a mother or had a mother instinct. But when I saw her, everything changed. I promise myself to never let her get hurt again. I was happy when she asked me to help her control her power." A smile made its way across her face at the memory.
"But what did they do to her?" the blonde asked. You haven't told her about your time as Hydra's lab rat yet.
"They hurt her," she replied, her smile gone. "They tortured my baby girl for her power. They wanted to transform her into their weapon. She said, "I wanted to destroy them to make them suffer like they did to her, but she didn't let me. She said she wanted to move on and didn't want to have anything to do with them again. They separated her from her siblings; her only goal now is to find them." She added,
"She told me she wants to be an Avenger." Yelena admitted, and Agatha laughed.
"She doesn't abandon this idea?" she inquired, and the Russian shook her head, "she thinks it might help her, because 'they have a lot of gadgets.'" She made the air quotes, and now it was Yelena who laughed.
"Agatha, can I say something to you?" The Russian asked softly, "I don't know, but sometimes I feel weird about Y/n. I mean, she's great; she's a perfect friend; she's always here when I need her, and she never wants to bother me when she thinks I need time to myself." she said,
"Buuut?" Agatha asked, and she raised her eyebrows,
"I don't know how to act with her. I know I'm not in love or something like that; they taught me that love is for children. But I don't know how to respond to her feelings; she's always so patient, she's bright, and sometimes she's clingy. I don't like hugs, but I don't mind when it's her." She sighed. "I don't know how to be a good friend to her," she admitted.
Agatha smirked, "I don't think I can tell you how to be a good friend." she said, "but, I can help you to find." now the blonde looks confused. "For you, what is a good friend?" she asked softly.
"Someone like Y/n" Yelena replied instinctively.
"Okay, but do you think she wants to have a friend like her?" Your mama said
"Who wouldn't want to have a friend like her?" The widow asked like it was the most obvious thing in the world; "she has a lot of qualities," she added.
"Fair, but she has her flaws too," the witch said.
"Sure but she's not a killer" Yelena admitted shyly, "she's is clean and I want to help her to stay."
"Yeah you're right, but she chose to stay with us. Like you said, I have a strange daughter," she chuckled, "but I'm sure she likes you just like you are. You're enough for her. "Don't worry, you're worth being her friend." She continued, and tears welled up in the Russian's corner eyes.The older woman noticed and wrapped her arms around her shoulder, "Don't cry, Rapunzel; you'll make me cry, and I have to stay a badass, powerful witch. And the badass powerful witches don't cry." she joked.
"Thank you," Yelena said quietly in her chest.
"Always," she replied.
You awoke the next morning to find Agatha in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. You followed the sound and smells and rested your head on her shoulder, murmuring into her ear, "Morning, mama."
"Morning, baby girl; you seem pretty tired. Are you okay?" she asked after taking a look at you.
"Yeah, don't worry, I just had a bad dream," you admitted.
"Why didn't you come see me?" she asked.
"Because it was not a big deal, and I thought it would be weird for Yelena if she wakes up and finds me in your arms. I started to be open with her about my dreams; I didn't want to betray her." You replied, and you served you a coffee. "Talking about her, where is she?" you asked when you didn't see her on the couch or in the kitchen.
"Oh, she should be sleeping; we slept pretty late last night," she confessed, and you smiled. At least they started to appreciate each other. The rest of the week was peaceful and perfect; you spent time to bond with Agatha, and she trained your magic with you. On the side, she spends time with Yelena to 'make sure she didn't do something stupid' but also because she likes her.
The end of the week came pretty fast. You had a last dinner, the three of you, and it was like it should always be like that. You talked about everything and nothing; you laughed, and you had stupid debates. Yeah, it was perfect. But when Agatha left, you realized you couldn't stay like this forever, at least not now. It was 2 a.m when you received a texts who say you should leave soon cause Hydra located you in Budapest.
When you revealed it to Yelena, she was sad, it was normal. She just started to make a very good friend, but you already had to leave. The night before your departure, she was in your doorframe when you started to pack your suitcase.
"Can we have a last movie night before you leave?" she asked. It was a simple question, but it seems strange; it's not like you'll never see her again, right?
"Yeah, of course. You choose the movie; I'll be there in five minutes," you said, smiling.Five minutes later, you made your way onto the couch and sat next to Yelena. You were surprised when she decided to close the distance between you two, but you won't complain. She wore your Batman sweat, but for this night, it didn't bother you. "You look cute in it," you said quietly.
"Thank you, but one day I'll steal your Superman sweat," she said, and you laughed.
"Are you saying you want to see me again, Belova?" you asked, jokingly.
"And why wouldn't I want Maximoff?" she asked in the same tone. Yeah, it's pretty clear that this will not be the last time you spend with her.
The movie was... interesting, okay, you spent the entire movie criticizing the fact that the romance was obvious and debating the ending, but it was entertaining. During the movie, the blonde was more touchy than usual, and you decided to start a second movie. She asked if you could cuddle during this one.
She was warm; you're not a cold person, but her heat made you think that for a moment. And the cherry on top was the fact she was wearing your clothes; your two favorite sweats were keeping each other warm, and that was the best thing in the world. (At least until the next day).
At 10 p.m., you decided to call it a night and go to sleep. To be honest, you didn't sleep; you were too excited by the past hour. The lack of sleep was a pain in your ass the next morning; you were exhausted like you never were. You finished packing the last thing and placed your suitcase in front of the main door.
When Yelena came out of her bedroom, she was wearing your sweat. "Hi, malen'kaya ved'ma(little witch)," she greeted you, and you had to fight back the blush at her morning voice.
"Hello Rapunzel. Had a good night?" you asked.
"Pretty good," she replied, and she sat down to eat with you. "So it's today," she said, and you nodded, "I'll miss you, little witch," she confessed.
"Oh, the strong Belova became soft," you teased her, and she groaned, "but I'll miss you too, malen'kiy pauk(little spider)," you admitted.
Your flight was in the afternoon, so you decided to have a lazy morning with her. When it was time for you to leave, she stood with you in front of the main door of the apartment. "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" she asked for the umpteenth time.
"Yes, I'm sure. Don't worry, nothing could happen to me; I'm a powerful witch," you said proudly, and she chuckled. "And I think you should stay, i sense something, more someone. Yeah someone will certainly come later. Don't worry, I didn't feel any bad intentions, but be careful." You confessed, and she nodded.
You opened your arms, and she accepted your hug. You stayed like this for five minutes until she broke it. She fixed her gaze on yours.There was a silence. It was not awkward; you felt something. It was the moment. You carefully close the distance between your two faces. Slowly. And when she didn't escape or say something, you delicately lent your lips to hers. It was soft, and she tasted like strawberry cake mix with a cup of coffee. It was not a thing you ever combined, but it was your favorite taste now. After four endless seconds, she kissed you back. You only broke when you needed oxygen.
You looked at each other; now there was something more. She felt that. You were about to ask her if she wanted to do that again when your phone vibrated. "I think it's time for you to..." Yelena said quietly,
"Yeah, uh, yeah, I'm sorry, I'll go," you said, and you opened the door and started to leave when you heard her voice,
"Y/n?" She called you from the door. You looked at her "You forgot your sweat." She wanted to take off the cloth, but you stopped her.
"Oh no, I think you can keep it." You replied with a big smile, "You'll give it to me back the next time I see you."
"I will," she said, and you really leave.
In the street, you bumped into a redhead. She looked familiar, but you didn't have time to apologize; she was already gone. After that, you reached the address where someone was supposed to wait for you. You waited ten minutes; it was not uncommon for them to be a little late, so you didn't mind. When a black van stopped in front of you, you started to have a bad feeling. A woman came to greet you.
"Y/n, right?" she said, and you nodded. "My name is Cherry. I'm sorry you had to wait."
"Oh, it's nothing, don't worry," you replied, but when you saw the woman, the bad feeling grew.
"Let us take care of you," she said, and two men were now next to you. You didn't feel them until now. One of them took your suitcase, and the other led you to the car. You were almost in when you heard a 'clap' you looked down and found a collar on your neck.
You turned around and punched the man who put it on you. The others catch you off guard.Usually you would be stressed, but you trained with a black widow. You crushed his feet, and he released his grip. You turned and gave him a headbutt, and you kicked his left leg; he was on his knees when you punched him in the jaws. He was knocked out. Cherry groped your arms and threw you against the van; the impact broke one or two ribs.
"You can't do anything against three super soldiers," she said, and you began to stand up. The second man bumped into you with super speed, and the shock threw you again against the van, but this time you didn't get up. The woman walked to you and examined you. You were not dead, of course. She took a needle and emptied his content into your veins. You passed out just after.
In the apartment, Yelena had a bad feeling, and when she heard someone on the other side of the door, she was not ready for who they were. She raised her gun at an almost familiar face and lost her composure when she saw her sister. The infamous Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff.
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ekebolou · 2 months
Academy Days: Day Two, pt 1
EDITED 6/1: HAHA I WAS RIGHT - it did change, but I have to say, not a lot.
This is probably too fresh to post - I expect it'll change, but my god if I don't keep moving on this I'll end up sitting on it for another two to five years. it'll reach majority and leave home before I can post it.
Dominicus sat up, awake.  Felt for the curtain; slid over to get it until he almost fell out of bed.  Remembered there was no curtain; his knuckles hurt.  Swung sideways; felt air under his feet, toed out into space, remembered he was high up.  Tossed himself at the floor; stumbled, but got to standing, took a couple of steps, wondered what the fuck was wrong with ground, reached again for the not-there curtain, panicked.
Where the fuck was he?
“AH, gran’mas belted… franchee…”
Feichín bolted upright at the noise, peered at Dominicus in the semi dark.  Hair sticking up every which way, he swayed gently, squinting one eye.
“’S haunted?”
Ruaridh’s honking snore made Dominicus jump.  He remembered where he was.  Blue-black light filtering through their extremely inadequate curtain cast everything in the small room in shadows so dark they shattered his sense of depth.
“What are you doing awake?”  Feichín asked, rubbing his eye as he came awake for good.
Dominicus ignored him.  It had occurred to him that he had no idea where to get water.  Even if he knew, he didn’t know what to do with it.  Nobody else here would be doing any waking prayers or ablutions.  It occurred to him that he didn’t know if he would be doing any waking prayers or ablutions, and he felt suddenly as if his own body was apiece with the black shadows, making him unsure what was real.
Ruaridh honked.
Yawning, Feichín cracked his neck.  “Well, good morning, I guess.  Do you, by any chance, know if there’s a chamber pot?”
Dominicus shook his head, and his body celebrated its re-inhabiting with a painful twinge of his bladder. 
“They gave us a tour yesterday,” he said, hoping Feichín’s memory was better than his.  They had stuffed so much information into the afternoon Dominicus felt lucky he had made it back to his bed at all (a process he also, at the moment, didn’t remember).
“Not the tour sort,” Feichín said, sniffing wearily, and Dominicus once again marveled, unsure whether every Ainjir was this arrogant or Feichín was just particularly stupid. 
“Anyway, I suppose it’s a tad urgent.”  Feichín hopped up out of bed, long shirt dangling.  He chuckled, pointing at Dominicus’ loose pants, “Between us there’s one whole set!  Do say, though, if you have any idea what we’re supposed to do this morning, and, uh, whether we can actually leave?”
He was unsure.  The thought hadn’t occurred to him – either thought.  Now he was horrified that he might as particularly stupid as his roommate.
“You know,” Feichín said, rocking on his heels, “urgently.”
The door creaked open, startling them both.  The very tall man in the very plain gray clothes stood silhouetted in the doorway.
“Ah,” he said gently, “already up?  That’s good.”
He raised an enormous cone to his mouth, pointed it at Ruaridh’s head, and shouted, “GET UP YOU FILTHY GRUB!”
Ruaridh rolled right out of his bed, onto the floor, cowering.  As the tall man took a deep breath, turning to head to the next room, a slight humming began outside, which soon became a calamitous, reedy, semi-melodic screaming.
A man carrying what looked like a stiff-legged carcass stuck with a dozen slaughtered flutes followed after the tall man to rouse the rest of the dormitory.
Feichín turned to Dominicus, shouting, since both had their fingers plugging their ears, “You know, it’s a good poem, when not at this volume.”
Ruaridh groaned. 
“Is there a chamber pot under there?” Feichín asked.
Clay grated across wood, and Ruaridh rolled onto his back.  “Be my guest.  I think I pissed myself already.”
“Thank you, most gracious, thank you,” Feichín muttered as he delicately tip-toed around him towards the pot and decamped again to his corner of the room.
The light had grown enough Dominicus could see the deep bags under Ruaridh’s eyes as he looked up at him. 
“Does your uniform fit?”
Fuck.  He had been too tired to fix it last night.  He shook his head.
“Well, we can look like fools together, then.”  Ruaridh rolled himself up, stretching.
“Fittings aside, I think we should put on some haste, lads,” Feichín said, bustling over to where his lump of uniform sat on top of his still-packed bag.  “I don’t mean to be alarmist, but there’s fellows outside of the other dorms with sticks, and they seem very impatient.”
Dominicus started for his uniform, then stopped himself, and turned towards the chamber pot.
It wasn’t that he was shy.
He stalked determinedly towards the pot, and couldn’t help a nervous glanced back at his Ainjir roommates, both of whom were hurriedly dressing, and paying no attention to him.  Embarrassed to have looked in the first place, he faced the pot, which gave him a good look out the window.
“Those are not fucking sticks,” he said.
Ruaridh slowed down putting on his jacket inside out and scowled.  “What?”
“Those are fucking…” and he forgot the word.  Fuck the word.  He hoped this was the fastest pee of his life. 
“What!?  I want to know if I’m supposed to be fearing for my life or not,” Ruaridh stomped over to the window as Dominicus was almost ready to leave it. 
“Those are fucking coach whips,” Ruaridh said.
“Yes!”  Dominicus said, running to his own uniform.  “That is it.”
“Do you think we’re going somewhere?” Feichín asked. “Do you mean to sound excited?”
“Yes,” said a voice from the door – the tall man had returned.  He wasn’t using his yelling cone this time, and by the sound of it, the piper was causing hellish mayhem upstairs.  He stepped into the room, smiling conspiratorially. 
“And I’ll tell you where, since you were the only ones up when I started my rounds, and as the first up have had the most time to get ready, and are, as yet, not so, despite having had more time than anyone – I’ll tell you, that you’re going, STRAIGHT TO THE LONG POLE WHERE EACH OF THOSE NICE YOUNG MEN WILL ROTATE THROUGH WHIPPING YOU RAW SO THEIR PRECIOUS ARMS DON’T GET TIRED ON SUCH A MEANINGLESS TASK, DISCIPLINING A BUNCH OF WASTRELS!”
By the end, of course, they were dressed, and he was yelling at them as the jogged outside, the other dormitories issuing similarly disheveled and stumbling trickles of cadets.  The men with the coach whips were, as Dominicus guessed once his mind cleared, mostly for show, although they did occasionally crack a whip close enough to make a flagging cadet jump. 
What followed next was what they would come to call standing exercises, or stands, which was, as the officer who arrived to lead them informed them, all that they were good for.  What it consisted of was a lot of running, marching, and moving between long and tedious moments being correcting on how they stood, wore their uniforms, and appeared generally.  They were given groups, and broken into them, then given more groups, and broken into those, then reconvened and broken up entirely.  They were told to run to their groups, then to run with their groups, then to stand with their groups and run away from other groups.  They were given innumerable barked commands (in their groups) to replicate, in order, whether they knew what they meant or not, and then prodded and shoved into doing them correctly.
While they were standing still, doing nothing, with agonizing frequency, Dominicus thought of his ‘Guide’, and how the ‘Guide’ was just the right size to fit into the inner breast pocket he hadn’t known – until now – existed in his uniform jacket.  He also thought about his schedule, sitting with his guide in the bottom of his poorly packed and extremely jumbled Academy-issue bag, and tried, completely futilely, to remember a single thing that had been written on the first page, with the chart.
But he had neither thing.  And could remember nothing.  And ached terribly.  And could probably have eaten one of the smaller Ainjir nearby, if only he could get away with it.
So, once his blood was moving and his body has ceased to ache with stiffness and instead ached with use, he started feeling angry. Angry and annoyed.
Annoyed because he felt, somehow, that he shouldn’t have been surprised – by what? The difficulty of the first day? The feeling of being utterly lost? The way everything hurt? He wasn’t sure – it seemed logical enough to be surprised but it still annoyed him vaguely.
Angry because he felt stupid – not just early morning, unexpected wake-up stupid, but extra stupid.  He had a good memory.  He could recall his lessons quickly, and for a long time afterward, but everything from yesterday was jumbled.  And now he was stumbling around with these other idiots, failing to understand why the senseless syllables they were barking were supposed to mean something to him. 
At least they seemed to be, for the most part, equally bad.  And the ones who weren’t bad were made to look bad, rarely being in groups big enough to keep the rest of them in line.  How the ones who knew what to do had learned it, he supposed, came somehow from the books. Or being Ainjir.
Well – most of the Ainjir actually sucked at this, so he supposed, the secret Ainjir books must have taught the others. It eased his annoyance that at least, thank God, there were books.
As his stomach rumbled, he also remembered that the rooms – he presumed, because he didn’t see into any but his own – had jugs of water, small beer or watered wine (he wasn’t sure which, just recognized the bottles) and plates of rolls and dried meat, placed there at some point when they were out.  Last night Dominicus hadn’t even had the energy to eat, and this morning, no time. He knew this not from memory but because he had seen them on his way out this morning.
Fat lot of good remembering was doing him now, anyway.  They didn’t seem to be running them around in those numbered groups, after he had so pressed his schedule number into his memory yesterday – the only definite bit of information he felt he had yet been given, and it wasn’t doing him any good. That was genuinely annoying.  And his guide was somewhere tucked in his bag (he didn’t want to lose it, but didn’t know where anything went).  As was the schedule book that matched his 4th group number. 
He turned to see if anyone else had managed to bring their guide, only to get tapped with the whip, since he wasn’t standing correctly. 
Standing correctly, it turned out, was immensely difficult. Dominicus resisted the urge to suggest out loud that having a whip cracked inches from your ear didn’t help. Whatever the cause, the officers leading them made sure to let them know that they were being let go (after what felt like endless hours, but probably only functionally took one or two, at most) only because they refused to waste more time with them, not because they had improved at all.
By then, the sun was well over the walls, lightly baking both aspiring cadets and mist into oblivion. In the end, Dominicus’ thoughts became entirely consumed with getting back to his bag and the book and his schedule and studying them all until he was certain absolutely nothing was missed, all crammed neatly into his memory until he could see the book itself before his mind’s eye and turn the pages to read.
So he was perhaps less disturbed than he should have been that the only instruction given with their dismissal from exercises was that they leave their knives in their rooms.
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