#hate you people fr
pastel-kingdom · 1 month
These pro endo post are starting to piss me off having dealt with an endogenic system literally using all of us bodily and mentally.
Its not fun. Its not a fucking trend. If you don’t have trauma you don’t have DID. If you hear voices and you see them then you have some sort of other illness. You do not have DID, stop fucking insisting you do.
DID is caused my consistent mental and physical trauma, REAL trauma, not “omg this really stressed me out” “omg my mom yelled at me.”
Someone has to say it and idc, i will. Shut the fuck up.
Just shut up. Please. You are, at this point, making fun of a real trauma disorder that people have to deal with every day. Going back to what my host said, he made a post saying that people who find this disorder quirky and fun will never understand the pros and cons of it, its hard. Its fucking… hard.
So before you sit there, the one who had a perfect happy fucking childhood, sit there and think about the people who actually have this disorder who went through the worst kind of shit in their early life, do I really have DID? Or do i have something else? Possibly serious enough to get help? Maybe I have trauma thats actually forgotten about and suppressed? And if you do then you might have DID or OCDD, but if you have NO trauma.. then please just get help. Idfk anymore.. just stop.
You people hurt people whether you do it intentionally or not. Then you people wonder “oh why is no one accepting us??? Thats so rude why are you harassing me???” Why the fuck are you ROLEPLAYING saying its an alter???
This was pure anger.. im tired of it. Im tired of seeing pro endo shit after being used by one of you guys. Fuck. Off.
- Don’t worry about who i am.
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tickinonyou · 4 months
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Let’s all dick ride the emotionally manipulative liar!! Yippeee!!
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mayasaura · 1 year
I don't wanna further hijack that poor poll, but the thing about Harrow's schizophrenia is that it's canon. The author has confirmed it, and shared that it's based on her own experience.
It's a pretty obscure bit of canon, so of course there's no shame in not already knowing, but that's why I'm so obnoxiously persistent about letting people know.
Whatever else is up with Harrow, autism or cptsd or any number of likely headcanons, she is also schizophrenic. I feel like that's too important to be handwaved away as a difference of opinion.
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vaxxman · 4 months
whats so fun about the vaccinator (vacc slander)?
You come to my blog and disrespect me like that.
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Have some vaccinator propaganda.
Some textless panels that I enjoyed drawing and rambling about the vaccinator medigun under the cut.
Surprise, it's only medic.
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I am not saying the vaccinator is not absolutely broken, I 100% feel dirty using it against a badly coordinated team, hence I wouldn't mind if it received a nerf in the future.
A lot of people analyse the vaccinator as only useful against a badly coordinated enemy team, but I think it's much better as a weapon for when your own team sucks ass has bad synergy, since any form of uber is pretty much wasted on everyone (if you can even build enough charge). To compensate for everyone's mistakes, just make sure they stay alive long enough to capture points and push the cart. Everyone will automatically stay with you, and soon you'll have a nice meat shield of 4 people swarming around you. You know it's working, when there's suddenly 3 demoknights and a spy after you.
I love micromanaging my resistance bubbles, and I love micromanaging my team without them noticing that I'm doing it. Pressing the R-button to rotate through resistances feels like such a much more engaging contribution to the battles your patients are fighting.
Vaccinator is busted, but absolutely not boring.
And to close this rambling, here's my fav video about the vaccinator:
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rottmntrulesall · 5 months
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REALLY wish Charlie didn’t stop there
I really wish Charlie would kick that psychotic, manipulative, narcissistic, perverted moth’s ass right there and now.
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andfangs · 1 year
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grandadtwelve · 1 year
ive always held the belief that the doctor, upon making ashildr immortal, somehow managed to find one of the few beings in existence who would not and will not ever get along with jack harkness.
the ashildr and jack in my brain fucking HATE each other and I find it so fucking funny. jack and clara? besties, lovers, soulmates, have exchanged wedding rings. ashildr and clara? besties, partners in crime, unrequited childhood crush to closest friend and confidant. jack and ashildr? literally what is wrong with you you’re so annoying I hate you why the fuck am I stuck here with you of all goddamn people I wish you would die and stay dead thank god my memory doesn’t last forever so I don’t have to be tortured by every irritating thing you’ve ever done oh my god you’re so boring what did you get clara for her birthday are you coming early to the party to help set up yes okay great fuck you bye
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Fine I'll talk about Bridgerton
One thing this season made really clear to me is that Lady Whistledown is in a way a coping mechanism. It was stared by a lonely, neglected, unhappy seventeen year old girl who felt like she could scream until she collapsed to the ground and it would be into a void because no one would fucking listen to her.
Her mother constantly berates and criticises her, her father (while alive) barely speaks to her and is seen off to the side drinking when he's meant to be chaperoning her, her sisters are openly cruel to her and are still favoured by their mother. She has few friends, and the two relationships she holds closest both have significant blocks to them, with Colin it's her unrequited feelings and..... tbh her and Eloise's friendship is a whole different post and while they clearly mean the world to each other, there where fundamentally issues long before Lady Whistledown was so much as a drop of ink. I think they are both at fault for them and I love both of them, but Eloise's biggest issue comes from just not listening to her and in general as a person having a bad case of tunnel vision and hyper focusing on certain things while completely missing others.
Pen is outcast from society from the moment she steps foot in it, ridiculed and despised by those around her and bullied by girls her age for literally no fucking reason. She is seen as unattractive and undesirable, she believes the fundamentally human want to be loved a silly childish delusion because she is told from every angle that she is not worth it. She's not even worth listening to.
I think her resentment and hurt had been building for a while, she's never under any assumption that she will be treated or seen better. How could she be? When she is constantly reminded how much she fails to be what is wanted or respected or valued, primarily by her own damn family. Still, she's a kind girl. She's sweet and attentive and a good listener, she's patient and reliable and, before Whistledown started, probably extremely loyal, if how much guilt she felt whenever she genuinely betrayed someone says anything. She's someone who has never felt or had any power, who has so much hurt and resent and bitterness from years of this shit building and building.
But she's also smart and witty and funny and extremely intelligent. She has a talent for writing and words and clearly has the potential to be successful. I think being pushed into society a year earlier than she wanted (again, because her mother wouldn't listen) pushed her over the edge. She wrote her observations, the things she learnt from being pushed to the side for so long down, and published them. I don't think she ever intended for it to be as big as it was, and I think the bigger it got and still gets the more in over her head she is. Because for once people listened, for once people cared, for once what she thought and said and worked for mattered.
It is a young girl gaining her first glimpse at power and being deeply unprepared for the consequences. When things go wrong and she doesn't know what to do and no one will listen to her as Penelope, this is the only way she can make them. No matter how disastrous the affects, using Whiseldown gets results, it just also hurts people, pushing her further and further down this cycle where Whistledown is one of the only thing that makes her feel better and allows her to process the things in her life, while hurting the people around her and making her more dependent on it.
She truly meant to give up Whistledown after the disaster with Eloise, but on that night she had her connection or trust from the two people who she cared about and who cared about her the most broken. With the fight with Eloise and then overhearing Colin she lost both of them in the span of an hour, what else dose she have aside from her writing?
And again at the ball in episode one. Even after a complete upheaval of her entire look she still fails to talk to those guys, she still isn't enough, it's proof it is not her youth or her mother influence something fundamental in her can't do this. Then Cressida rips her dress with Eloise standing right there, then Colin comes and (even tho she is incorrect) confirms to her that he too, is embarrassed by her. So what dose she do? When she's miserable and powerless? She writes. She takes it all out in Whistledown and says the (admittedly true which is why it hurt so much tbh) cruel things about Colin, which she regrets literally a day later after actually talking to him. Adding more guilt and keeping her stuck in this cycle.
It's a business definitely, and there are many parts of Whistledown she genuinely enjoys, but I don't think it's good for her. It hurts the people around her and it hurts herself, she's in over her head and definitely knows she should stop, but I don't think she knows how. She doesn't let herself rely on others enough to be okay without this one thing that has allowed her to cope and be heard and respected and valued. That's also why I think she couldn't have stopped before this season, now she's finally getting that, she's finally being listened to and respected and valued and being told she is worth something. Not by many people, and it is still too new to change the fundamental thought patters about it she has, but it's a start.
Now she just has to grapple with that fact that this thing that has given her a voice and found her comfort might just be the dealbreaker for the real people in her life who can actually offer her the love and care and respect she deserves and craves and has been denied for so so long. It sucks and it's a cycle she can't get out of now, she's made her own trap without knowing how she did it.
That's what happens when a 17 year olds coping mechanism continues and grows and expands for years, when people unknowing pay to see more of it, and when she doesn't really know what else to do. Whistledown is Pens choice and all her actions for better or worse, but it would not exist without the context of her life. It would not exist if Portia was a better mother, if she had better sisters or a better family. It would not exist of other girls her age were kinder to her, if they excluded her a little less. It would not exist if she were not seen as a lost cause for love before she had the chance to try. Lady Whistledown would not exist if someone just fucking listened to her.
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Tim and Kon the type of boyfriends to respond to declarations of love by saying " cringe" like ratio.
For ex.
Tim being overcome with sappy feelings™ for his boyfriend looks up at Kon like " hey, I love you"
Kon looks at him and lifts an eye brow and says " cringe"
But he's also holding Tim's hand so.
This exchange also works the other way!
Kon being over come with a warm fuzzy emotion after seeing Tim round house kick a baddie to the ground is like. " Damn I love you!"
And Tim sweaty in his robin gear glares at him from behind his domino and says " Cringe"
They take turns being the emotional one and the chronically unable to show affection one. It's balance! It's Gen Z! It's two local rat dudes macking on each other!
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happy pride!
the bible - a lot of dudes
"wives, submit yourselves to your own wives, love wives, love wife, care for the wife"
submitted by @justabouttocombust
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puppydoggraham · 5 months
My beef today is with people who legitimately think Will actually hates Hannibal and that hannigram is one sided
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genericpuff · 5 months
LO stan brain rot is vehemently defending a comic that you're swiping through so fast that you miss and forget crucial plot points, like thinking Demophoon was the reason for Demeter being a helicopter parent despite him being born during the 10 year time skip while Demeter was mortal.
LO anti/critic/hater brain rot is being able to look at an out-of-context panel of a character with same face syndrome turned greyscale and name exactly which character, scene, and episode it's from.
We are not the same.
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ohposhers · 10 days
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fromtheseventhhell · 9 months
Nymeria nipped eagerly at her hand as Arya untied her. She had yellow eyes. When they caught the sunlight, they gleamed like two golden coins. Arya had named her after the warrior queen of the Rhoyne, who had led her people across the narrow sea. (Arya I, AGOT) *George directly compares Dany to Nymeria*
This time the monsters did not frighten her. They seemed almost old friends. Arya held the candle over her head. With each step she took, the shadows moved against the walls, as if they were turning to watch her pass. "Dragons," she whispered. (Arya IV, AGOT)
If I had wings I could fly back to Winterfell and see for myself. And if it was true, I'd just fly away, fly up past the moon and the shining stars, and see all the things in Old Nan's stories, dragons and sea monsters and the Titan of Braavos, and maybe I wouldn't ever fly back unless I wanted to. (Arya X, ACOK)
"I wish I had a flaming sword." Arya could think of lots of people she'd like to set on fire. (Arya IV, ASOS)
Arya drew back from him. "He killed the slave?" That did not sound right. "He should have killed the masters!" (Arya II, AFFC)
"I would like to see a dragon," Mercy said wistfully. "Why does the envoy have a chicken on his chest?" (Mercy, TWOW) *said to her friend Daena*
This is the same Arya Stark who I'm supposed to believe isn't going to be instant besties with Daenerys Targaryen...okay. I think it's time for some of y'all to go back to the books and actually read them.
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daenerysies · 3 months
“alicent making homophobic remarks the night of laena’s funeral isn’t cool considering laenor was shown to be heavily grieving his sister and didn’t deserve to be attacked during it (not to mention it was an obvious ploy on alicent’s part to divert attention from her committing literal treason).”
i’m not gonna lie i don’t particularly care that they had sex that night. was it disrespectful? for sure. did it harm anyone for them to do it? it, in fact, did not. two consenting adults having sex away from prying eyes and keeping to themselves < an entitled boy purposely calling a girl at her mother’s funeral (whom he had never interacted with before) a pig and ridiculing her grief. laena’s storyline was cut short because the writers decided she wasn’t important enough to make into a proper character that isn’t at the mercy of other characters (it’s something i’m forever going to be salty about, daemon and rhaenyra loved her with all their hearts and were absolutely devastated when she passed) but out of those two scenarios who do you think she would be more upset with?
the people who bring this up in retaliation cannot handle alicent taking any criticism whatsoever. in all honesty i wouldn’t even care if her fans would just say ‘yeah, it was shitty. don’t really care though.’ it would at least save me the time of reading think piece after think piece on why alicent deserved to get her lick back against rhaenyra for her lot in life (caused by otto and viserys) by focusing on her pain rather than her son’s. these are the same people who try to claim that most of rhaenyra’s children and step children secretly hate her, due to wanting ‘complex and nuanced relationships’ to occur (they actually also can’t handle that rhaenyra was a great mom all around to all of her kids, and that maybe they need to be focusing those feelings on the green kids with their parents instead). let’s be serious for just one moment: it makes more sense that the children who were neglected by one parent and abused by the other having complicated familial feelings than children who were (for the most part) raised in a relatively stable and loving environment.
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heavensculled · 4 months
i’ll never understand anti sns shippers who are pro sasuke or naruto.
how do you separate canon soulmates and fundamentally misunderstand their character writing. god forbid traumatised 16yos arent perfect at understanding each other completely and take time to do so. but in the end finally get it and decide to stay together because they do love each other. (edited because NO. it is romantic. 🩷) they both are messy kids who fuck up constantly. both were wrong and right.
anyway, they’d hate you guys for this, they are canonically the most important person to each other and are both obsessive. 😭
naruto fandom stop demonising child soldiers, impossible!
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