#have i ever said how much i love fai. i love fai
tsubasaclones · 1 year
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shoves this comic in your hands and then runs away like a tsundere
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bookishdreamer28 · 5 months
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Mattheo opened the door slowly, trying not to make loud noises. As he walked in his room, his eyes fell on your sleeping figure peaking under the covers and he felt his body instantly relax. The reason why he has been so upset lately is because he had these really awful nightmares about you, nightmares that made him scared and had made him spend most nights staying awake, while watching over you as if he was afraid that you might actually disappear.
He took his clothes off and strolled to the bathroom. Once he was done from there, he headed to bed, wanting desperately to hold you. Once he got under the covers he gently wrapped his arm around you and brought your body against his. He leaned in to take a look at your face and when he saw the cute sleepy face of yours, he gently smiled, his heart beating rapidly at the sight of you.
He was about to lay back on his pillow, but then he felt your body stirring and he moved closer, afraid that you were having a nightmare. But then you slowly opened these gorgeous eyes of yours, and he hugged you, pressing a soft kiss on your cheek.
"Hey sweet gir" he whispered and you turned to the side, smiling beamingly at him. You wrapped your arms around him, inhaling his scent which brought you comfort and warmth.
"Is everything all right? I noticed how upsetyou seem lately" your hand cupped the side of his face and he leaned in your paml, in need to fell your skin.
Dont worry sweetheart everything's ok" he kissed your forehead and held you closer to him. In all these times, the day that haunted him the most was the fay he almost lost you. He had never utter a word about how he feels scared of losing or how these nightmares tormented his soul. He wanted you to not worry about him.
"I know you're hiding things from me Mattheo" And he knew you were about to be serious since you called him by his name.
"You need to talk to me. I don't ever want you to feel like you have to hide things just because you don't want me to worry about you. I'll always worry. And it's not my job. It's because I love you" you whispered and you could see how his eyes became glassy, trying to hold his tears back.
"Express yourself the way you feel and want to Mattheo. You should've known by now that I'm here for you no matter what" after that he instantly laid his head on your shoulder and you silently played with his hair.
His released a shaky breath and his hild became a bit tighter around you.
"I love you, I love you so much" you heard his voice shaking with emotion and you turned your head to kiss his head.
"I just don't ever want to lose you. In all my life, I had only known darkness. Nothing good or pure surrounded me but that changed when you came into my life. You know how dangerous it is to be with me and trust me, there were times I thought I should push you away for your own safety, but my love for you grew day by day, with every smile of yours, every laugh, every touch." he slowly sat up to look in your eyes.
His fingers traced your cheek softly as he slowly moved closer to you, pressing a kiss to your lips. The kiss was full of unsaid feelings and strong emotions, the desperation in his movements as he cradled your face to deepen ths kiss, made your stomach flip.
When you both pulled away, he laid his head back on his pillows and circled his right hand around you, bringing you close so you can rest your head on his chest. You looked up at him and said:
"I'll always be here for you love, always" you whispered and he smiled at your fondness in your voice. He kissed you once more and held you tight.
Having you right here in his arms, was the greatest gift he could ever have, especially after he experienced great loses in his life. You were everything he could've ever asked for and even though at first he didn't want to be around you because you made him feel things he had never felt before, he doesn't regret a single thing. As long you're here with him, nothing can make him live in fear anymore.
I've been crushing over many fictional men lately and one of them is Mattheo 🙌 I thought about writing a mix of a bit of everything, sooo I hope you enjoyed reading it ✨
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ambcass · 3 months
ᴊᴀꜱᴏɴ ᴛᴏᴅᴅ || ᴛʜᴇ ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀᴍᴀᴛᴄʜ.
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𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐣𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬. (𝐏𝐓.𝟏)
warnings: mentions of throwing up, cursing, OCC (maybe), Y/N being a lil shit, fake friends, shit talking?, mentions of ED, arguments, stalking (in the sense that!..)
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They called me a disappointment. My so-called "friends", teachers, and family. All because I couldn't be #1. I tried, I really did but I just couldn't. Ever since I lost my best friend, MY Jason.
"It's been years Y/N. Why can't you get over it? I got over it when my mom died and-" I cut her off. "How are you making this about you right now, Eveling? Your mom died when you were 5 but I've known Jason since-like forever! I snapped back. She stayed quiet and didn't dare to speak. We got to a bus stop and sat on a bench. In silence.
"I-I didn't mean to talk about your mom like that. I know it must have been hard for you" I comforted her. I didn't mean what I said. The "it must have been hard" part. I only said it because I felt bad. She turned and softly smiled at me.
"It's ok, Y/N. I know you didn't mean it." Excuse me? What did this bitch mean? "I know you didn't mean it" Is that supposed to mean something?!? I brushed it off. The bus arrived. I waved goodbye to Eveling and hopped on the bus. I gave the bus driver exactly $1.25 and sat myself in the back. It took 30 minutes to get home. I didn't mind waking up early to get ready for school but never in a million years would anyone would think a bus would be at full capacity at 6:00 AM!
I got off at my stop and headed home. I unlocked the door. Great. No one home again? On the dining table was a note that stated,
*Back home late. (1 the latest)
*Left leftovers in the fridge.
*Be in bed by 10.
Love, Mom.
okayyy. I walked towards my room. Starting my homework while trying to get rid of the thought of giving up. Not even 27 minutes later, I gave up. I went to the kitchen to heat up the leftovers. My phone started ringing, and Eveling wanted to call. I picked up my phone.
"Hello?" I spoke. In her usual bubbly self, she replied to me in an enthusiastic voice. "Hi! Y/N, I'm at a sleepover right now but it's pretty boring so I decided to call you." The majority of the call time went from her telling me what was going on during the sleepover and me responding with many mhms, cool, and yeahs. I thought the call was going perfectly fine. Our calls were always like this. I listen while she talks. My stomach started to ache. I felt nauseous. I wanted to throw up.
"Eveling, I'm going to the bathroom," I ran to the bathroom because I was sure that leftovers were causing me to feel so sick. After multiple attempts to throw up, I finally got it out of my system. I washed my face and walked out to the kitchen counter.
My phone was on speaker. My phone was always on speaker. She knows this. So, why did she say those things about me? I walked into Eveling telling her friends shit about me.
"Y/N? I think the only reason why she rushed to the bathroom so quickly was because of her eating disorder!" she was giggling. Laughing even. My heart sank to the core of the Earth. Tears were being held back. I slowly walked back to the bathroom. I shouted,
"I'm doneee!" My voice was about to crack but from the speaker, I could hear her friend ask, "Are you sure she didn't hear?" and to that she responded with "We would have heard her fatass stomp around." They all laughed. At this point, I was done. Fuck this- you know what.
"You know what we can all hear? YOUR fatass stomping around for food. Get your fee, fai, foo, fum ass the fuck outa here. Y'know damn well, I'll run your shit. So, don't testtt mee." I retorted at her and hung up. I stormed to my room and slammed the door. I was too mad to cry. I fell to the ground and brought my knees to my chest. The few minutes of desired silence were interrupted. Knock. Knock. Two knocks came from my window. I didn't pay much attention, I thought it was squirrels.
Knock, knock, knock. This time the knocks became more intense and repetitive. I got up, walked up to my window, and opened my curtains. A man with a red helmet, leather jacket, and a suit with a red Batman symbol on it. I flinched and closed the curtains. The man knocked on the window again. He spoke,
"Y/N, don't be so scared." His voice. It sounded like a deeper and huskier version of Jason's.
He's dead. That's not Jason. THAT'S NOT JASON. I tried telling myself this but for some reason no matter how much I tried to restrain, I walked closer and closer to the window. I reopened the curtains.
I took another step and opened the window completely. I allowed this unknown man, who was pretty muscular into my home. He entered my room. The two of us meet eye to eye. He took off his helmet, it released steam, and it had a click to it.
"It's been a while, hasn't it Y/N?" I raised my brows. A man who looked 6'0, with short black fluffy hair and a white streak asked me. He looked like Jason? I thought, but he would never dye his hair with a conry white streak in it.
"I don't know you..." I was lying. I knew who he was but I just needed the confirmation.
"So, you would let a random stranger in your house? What? Is it cause I haven't been there to protect you all these years or is it because you know who I am and you're just playing dumb?" He asked.
It was truly him. He was back and I had so many questions but he's back. My Jason is back and I'll make sure he won't leave me again.
a/n: i was gna post last week but :)...
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mikoriin · 7 months
Drunken Nights (SyaoSaku NSFW Fic)
so this is actually a couple years old by now, but its a bit i want to insert into my syaosaku fic 'Love Will Be Ours' which you can read here on ao3. i dont know when this would happen, but i felt it in my bones one day back in 2020 and wrote this. its been revised since then, but i hope you all enjoy all the same!
Drunken Nights (read on ao3)
Pairing: Syaoran Li and Sakura Kinomoto
Media: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
Rating: 18+
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, First Time
Sakura has just been coronated Queen of Clow, promising she will lead her people into a new day where war no longer touches their country's soil, and so the kingdom held a huge party to celebrate their new queen. After celebrating hard, Syaoran leads Sakura to her chambers for the night, however, this time, she asks him to stay with her. Feeling like it would be a betrayal to himself if he said no, Syaoran enters his queen's chambers with her and they find themselves entangled in each other.
The coronation party was a success. Everyone was dancing, singing, and laughing, drinking to their hearts’ content celebrating the newly crowned queen of Clow. Their armies had pushed back the Celecian troops and the war was going in their favor for the first time. Everyone important attended the party, from dukes and duchesses to the members of the royal court. The only person missing was Yukito, though he had given Sakura his blessings and good word to her the previous day. Even Fei Wong was there for a bit, though Sakura found that he soon disappeared as things started getting especially lively. 
The thing that surprised the queen the most, however, was just how much Syaoran let loose. She watched him open up to Ryuuoh and Tomoyo, laughing and cheering in a way she had never seen. It warmed her heart. She hadn’t felt as giddy as she did at the party than she had before Touya passed away. It was a nice change of pace from all the politics consuming her life. Now, however,  it was late into the evening and Sakura had excused herself to her chambers as the ambassadors and court members drank themselves sick. 
Snickers and giggles echoed in the empty halls of the palace, music just barely audible in the queen’s ears. Her vision was fuzzy and her stomach swirled with butterflies as she held Syaoran’s hand heading to her chambers, just as the two of them would do any other night. Though tonight, the hand-holding was new. 
“Mr. Fai and Mr. Kurogane were so funny tonight.” Sakura said, swaying their hands between them as they walked side by side. “They’re such a duo.”
Syaoran smiled, “Mr. Kurogane is very strong. He seems indifferent or even cold at times, but he cares. He’s very kind, which is another form of strength.”
Sakura felt her heart swell with glee watching Syaoran talk about someone he loved so dearly. She tightened her grip on his hand.
“And you know, he’s never been easy on me, but he’s taken care of me. Ever since my father died, Mr. Kurogane took me in, even when he didn’t have to. There was no benefit for him, undertaking an inexperienced teeanger with no home or direction.” He continued, a genuine smile painted across his face. “He’s a good man.” 
“Mr. Fai is a lot like Mr. Kurogane.” Sakura chimed in. “His attitude is the complete opposite, always joking and laughing. But, at times he seems like he’s in a faraway world. Like he’s dealing with great pain all by himself.”
She clutched her chest, remembering the way she had been coping with her own pain. Shaking her head, thus ridding the thoughts from her mind, she focused back on Fai. “Despite his pain, I think he’s a good man.”
Syaoran listened to her, just as she had listened to him, feeling warmth seeing her talk about someone she cared about so dearly. Eventually they reached the doors to Sakura’s room, the giddy feeling of being together fading, the sad goodbyes of sleep separating them. Sakura opened the large doors, opening the space into her private quarters. Syaoran began to pull his hand away from hers, but Sakura only held on. 
“Your Highness?” He asked.
Sakura stared at the floor. She didn’t want him to go, but she knew it was time to say goodnight. Biting her lip, she trembled, forcing herself to speak her heart’s true desire. “Stay…”
Syaoran blushed at her request, feeling the butterflies dance around his stomach once again. “Your Highness, I…”
“Please.” She looked him in the eyes now, her face beat red and her eyes screaming for a place to hide, yet she stood her ground.
The knight grew soft at the image of her before him, pleading for him to stay the night with her. How could he say no? He nodded, feeling like it would break every bone in his body to refuse her. Sakura beamed at his answer, leading him into her bedroom. He took in the space he had never seen before, Sakura noticing his head turning every which way. Shutting the door behind her, the queen took her place by his side. Her body trembled as she stood next to him awkwardly. He was actually in her room, in her private quarters where only Tomoyo and her own family had previously entered. 
“Your Highness?” Syaoran asked from beside her, noticing her fidgeting. 
Sakura jumped hearing his voice, she was so nervous she didn’t know what to do with herself. “S-sorry...I know I asked you to come in, but now I’m feeling really nervous.” Her cheeks grew hot.
“Do you want me to leave?” He asked.
Sakura shook her head, grabbing onto his sleeve. “No. I’m nervous, but I’d rather have you with me.”
Syaoran smiled. He felt the same. He took her hand in his and brought it to his lips. “If the queen wishes for me to stay with her through the night, then I will do so.”
Sakura’s whole face turned bright red at this. Her eyes darted from the floor to the ceiling. Syaoran then realized what he did, and blushed himself, letting go of her hand. “I-I’m sorry.” He sputtered out. 
The two stood there in silence for a moment, before turning to each other and speaking. 
“We should-”
They spoke at the same time, cutting each other off. They tried again; 
“I think-”
Cut off once again. They looked at each other for a moment before bursting out into laughter. This cleared the awkward vibe between them, the both of them gradually becoming comfortable in the shared space. Sakura took a step toward him, closing the gap between them. She gripped his shirt gently, not looking him in the face. “When my brother died...I felt so cold and empty.” She started, her voice a little shaky. 
“Sakura…” Syaoran started, but Sakura hushed him. 
“It’s okay. I’m okay. Because I’m with you.” She looked up into his amber eyes. “When I’m with you, my sadness, loneliness, and anger all seem to fade away. Touya is still on my mind, and sometimes I’ve even tried to push him out. But when I’m with you, Syaoran, I feel like I can properly say goodbye. And he wouldn’t be angry at me for it, because I know he’s ready to go. And I’m ready to rule my kingdom as a queen Clow deserves.” 
Letting go of his shirt, Sakura took his large hand in hers. “And I would like you to stay by my side.” 
Syaoran looked at her wide eyed. He could feel his chest swell and the butterflies dance around his stomach once again. He looked into her jade eyes, seeing every emotion she was feeling in them. He smiled and leaned his forehead onto hers, bringing his pinky finger up between them. “It’s a promise.” He said. 
Sakura blushed at being so close. She brought her pinky to his, locking their fingers together, sealing the oath between them. They stared into each other’s eyes for a long time, feeling everything at once. Then, Sakura did something neither of them expected, bringing her face closer and closer to his until their lips touched. It lasted only a second, but it was soft and tender. Sakura must have realized what she had done, the panic showing on her face. 
“I’m...I’m so-” Sakura stuttered, not able to finish her sentence. 
Syaoran brought a gentle hand to caress her cheek, cupping her white face in his large palm. He brought his face closer to hers now, their lips brought back together. The kiss was gentle, soft, and warm. He broke the kiss, looking at Sakura again. They stared into each other, the sound of their heartbeats the only thing to be heard. They came closer once again, melting into each other as they kissed. Sakura wrapped her arms around Syaoran’s neck as he cupped her lower back, pressing her entire body against his. 
Sakura moaned slightly into his mouth, the sound driving him crazy. He parted their lips, breathing heavily. Sakura’s eyes were slit open, a hazy look on her face. He bit his lip looking at her, his cheeks changing in color. She was too cute, he wanted her to be his, he wanted all of her. He kissed her again, then her cheek, her eye, and moved to her ear. Sakura yelped at the contact. Syaoran quickly retracted his head. “I’m so sorry! Was that too much?” He asked frantically.
Sakura shook her head. “I’m sorry, I was just surprised.” She ran her fingers through his shaggy hair. “If it’s you, Syaoran, you can kiss me anywhere.”
Syaoran’s heart almost burst out of his chest hearing those words. He wanted to kiss anywhere and everywhere. Wanting to hold her and be one with her. Every bone in his body was screaming at him that this was wrong, that they shouldn't be doing something like this, but at the same time he didn’t care. Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was the simultaneous beating of their hearts, or maybe it was the fact that he was giving in to a long time desire. Syaoran leaned back into her skin, kissing on her lips again ever so gently. He couldn’t get enough of them, the way they molded into his, their softness, their glossy shine when he pulled away. 
Syaoran continued to kiss her, Sakura accepting every one. He moved down to her neck, kissing along her throat, her collarbone, and her shoulders. 
 “Syaoran…” Sakura whispered in a small voice, her vulnerability so loud in that little tone. 
This was like flicking a switch in Syaoran’s brain. He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back gently against the wall. He kissed her again, but this time his tongue slid between the folds of Sakura’s lips. She was surprised at first, but Sakura quickly melted back into the sensation of her knight, allowing their tongues to touch and swirl around each other. She felt her legs shake, her hands gripping the sleeves of Syaoran’s white shirt. Syaoran cupped her face as they kissed, the passionate heat of the moment making a lewd voice leave Sakura’s throat. 
Syaoran pulled away quickly, his face completely red. He looked at Sakura’s face in a complete flush, the queen herself covering her mouth. She seemed so embarrassed, but Syaoran was the one who was feeling shame. He had gotten that out of her, and now after hearing it he felt a fire in his lower abdomen. He pulled back, putting distance between the two of them.
“Syaoran?” Sakura asked, a little nervous that she had scared him away.
Syaoran blushed deeply and stood awkwardly to try and hide the very obvious bulge in his pants. He felt so ashamed that he would think dirty thoughts about his queen, the one he has sworn his life to. Sakura seemed to notice because a quiet oh filled their silence. 
Sakura bit her lip. She was also feeling something she wasn’t used to. Sure, she had felt it before, and had even had nights where it wouldn't go away until she took care of it. But this feeling was different and intense . She wanted him. But she had never been so intimate with anyone before, and she certainly didn’t want to force herself on him. Sakura looked back up at her knight, realizing he was doing the same as she. She thought about the way he kissed her, soft and slow, deep and passionate. He wanted her too. 
She took a step closer to him, closing the gap between them. She took his face in her hands and pulled him down to meet her lips, kissing him hard.
“Your Highness, we…” Syaoran gasped once their lips parted, his voice a hoarse whisper. 
Sakura kissed him again, this time soft and slow. She pushed him back until he was resting on the wall opposite the side she came from. Parting their lips, she looked at him with glossy eyes. “It’s okay. We’re okay. If it’s us, there’s no wrong answer.” She said,
Syaoran bit his lip, but the look in her eyes swayed him. He nodded and leaned in for another kiss. Sakura accepted it, their tongues clashing again. She let her hands wander now, down his neck to his chest, and down his abdomen. Syaoran flinched when she reached his groin. She cupped the hard bulge in his pants, a moan escaping the knight despite his best efforts. Hearing such a noise come from her beloved made Sakura’s legs weak, feeling a pulsating sensation between her thighs. She grazed her hand over the bulge, tucking her fingers between his pants and his hips. Unbuttoning his front, she shimmied the pants down his hips. His dick sprung out once it was free, the cool air from the room touching his sensitive skin, making Syaoran shiver. 
Sakura took in a breath upon seeing it for the first time. She had never seen one in person before, only read about them and seen them in anatomy studies, and now she was looking at her special person’s. She looked at Syaoran, his face was beat red and his breathing was rigid. He looked at her then, their eyes meeting. Sakura began to gently run her hand up and down the base of his dick. This made the knight moan. Sakura almost squealed at hearing such a noise coming from him, it made her feel a strange sense of pride and embarrassment at the same time. She kissed him, her hand still stroking his shaft. Syaoran practically drooled at the contact, letting his noises into her mouth.
Sakura was going to go crazy, he was being so vocal, something she hadn’t expected, and it turned her on. She broke their kiss, leaning her forehead on his shoulder, her free hand traveling in between her thighs. Her fingers pressed into her dress, running circles into her clit. She moaned now, letting the lewd sound leave her mouth. Syaoran must have noticed because he went silent and watched her. The queen could feel his erection get harder in her hand, precum leaking from the tip. 
“Sakura…” His low, hoarse voice made Sakura want to touch herself more.
Syaoran then grabbed her hands with his, bringing her sticky hand to his lips and kissing her fingers, a sight that could’ve made Sakura explode. He stared at her with fiery eyes, a look he had never given her before, and began to lead her to her bed. He gently pushed her down onto her soft, silk sheets, laying on top of her and kissing her once again. Sakura wrapped her arms around him, pressing her tongue into his mouth. She felt herself tingle and become even more wet as the time went on. 
The knight broke the kiss, leaving Sakura whining. She felt embarrassed, but felt that her entire body wanted him, needed him. Syaoran kissed down her chin and neck, her collarbone and the top of her chest. He pulled the top of her dress down to reveal those little, plump breasts. Bringing his large hands to touch the soft skin around her nipple, squeezing a bit. Sakura breathed heavily watching him play with her bosom, throwing her head back when he pinched her pink nipple.
“Ah~” She moaned.
Syaoran continued to touch her breasts, bringing his tongue to caress the hard flesh that seemed to be asking for his attention. Sakura mewed at the sensation, feeling the flesh between her thighs pulsate, screaming and begging to be touched. “Syaoran...please..” She cried.
The knight took his cue, snaking his arms around Sakura’s thighs and up her dress. He grazed his gentle hand up her leg, finding the fabric of her panties. Sliding soft fingers between her skin and the underwear, Syaoran pulled his queen’s panties down and off her legs, tossing them to the side. He propped her up on the bed more, placing her legs over his shoulders. Sakura was breathing heavily with anticipation, her body trembling as her fingers wrapped around the skirt of her silky dress. She almost moaned just from the feeling of the fabric caressing her creamy skin.
Syaoran slid his head down her thighs, taking in her aroma. Taking in her scent was like awakening a beast inside him, he wanted to devour every inch of her.
Then, his attention fixated on a small little mark on her inner thigh. It was a fleshy pink color, standing out among her otherwise porcelain skin. He focused on it for a moment, only taking his mind off of it when Sakura asked if anything was wrong. “Syaoran?” She asked.
He said nothing, but instead buried his head into her thighs, licking the wet flesh. Sakura cried out in pleasure, clenching her thighs around his head. Syaoran began to lick and swirl his tongue between her folds, hearing the girl in his arms moan above him. His mouth left her vulva for a moment, a string of fluid connected his lips to her skin. He then went for her clit, taking the small ball of nerves into his mouth. Sakura cried and whimpered as Syaoran sucked on her and massaged her inner thighs, playing with the squishy flesh in his hand. 
Sakura breathed heavily, feeling his tongue go over her clit a little too roughly. She yelped, “Syaoran, wait wait!”
Syaoran’s head shot up from between her thighs, taking her hand in his. “I’m sorry, was I too rough?” He asked, genuine concern in his voice. 
Taking a second to calm herself down, Sakura gave him the go ahead to continue, with a reminder to be a bit more gentle. Syaoran noted this in his mind, gliding his tongue over her once again. Feeling her legs relax at the sensation of all of her nerves being touched, Sakura brought her legs away from her knight’s head. They stayed like that for a bit, Syaoran tasting every bit of her. Everywhere he licked sent tingles up Skaura’s spine, a fire being lit in her body. Syaoran began to massage her entrance, hearing her moan and whimper made his heart beat with every noise that came out of her mouth. 
“May I?” He asked, prodding her with his finger. 
“Please do.” She breathed out in response, feeling his index finger enter her.
She bit her lip as his slender finger slid inside her, the sensation setting her entire body ablaze. Syaoran brought his mouth back to her clit, licking it gently, watching her responses to his actions. He could feel her loosen around his finger as he licked around her folds.
“May I add another?” He asked, his voice eager.
Sakura agreed, clenching the sheets of her bed when he inserted a second finger. He pumped them into her, feeling around to find her sweet spot. She jolted when his finger grazed a certain area inside her, biting her lip so she wouldn’t be too loud. Hearing her response, Syaoran decided he would massage that spot a little more, sending lightning bolts up her body. 
“Syaoran-!” Sakura cried out, feeling pleasure overtake her body.
Syaoran gently licked Sakura’s clit while stroking that spot, Sakura’s squirming under him. Her body began to shake and her hips were grinding against his mouth. She let out little moans, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. She never thought something could feel this good, and felt like she was going to explode, the spot between her thighs becoming drenched in her own fluids. Syaoran moaned against her, sending vibrations along the folds of her pussy. Sakura moaned into the empty space of the room, her voice echoing off the walls of her chambers, surely if someone were to walk by they would hear her. 
Syaoran laughed a little to himself, feeling confident that he was able to make her feel this way. He continued to finger her, rubbing circles into the spot that seemed to be her favorite, the sound of her moans turning him on. He wanted to touch himself, but pleasing his queen and holding her thighs around his face was much more important. 
“Syaoran, I'm gonna…” Sakura whispered, feeling her body tremble. 
Syaoran used what little time he had left to really pump his fingers into her, watching her to see if this is what pleased her. Sakura moaned, and bucked her hips against his hand which was soaked in her juices. He went for her clit one more time, the notes in his brain reminding him she really liked this spot touched. He swirled his wet tongue over the ball, taking it into his mouth and sucking. This sent Sakura over the edge, and she felt herself cum, calling out her knight’s name. Syaoran took his fingers out of her, licking up her entrance, cleaning up her mess. The queen’s legs were trembling as she threw her arms over her eyes, breathing as if she had just run a marathon. 
Syaoran finally pulled his lips away from her, licking his lips and fingers, making sure to taste her everywhere he touched. Satisfied with his clean up, he brought his head up to meet her eyes, but he found them closed. She had fallen asleep. He smiled, seeing her contented face made his heart warm. Gently, he pulled her legs off of his shoulders and maneuvered around her to pick her up bridal style. She squirmed a bit in his arms, but Syaoran’s touch was gentle and warm as he held her against his body. He carried her to the head of the bed, tucking her into her sheets. She smiled and cuddled her pillow in her sleep. Syaoran knelt down to kiss her on the forehead. 
“Goodnight, my queen.” He whispered, nuzzling his face into her hair before leaving her bedside and her quarters, letting her sleep her drunken haze away. 
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keanbeanproduction · 23 days
My World Building I guess!
I wanna be completely honest in the project I was going to talk about today. Just a little absent minded recently been really into fallout 76 and getting all the challenges done before stuff happens I guess. 
So I guess I could talk about a few of the worlds I built which I just gave them titles. It helps me keep them all together, and if an idea doesn’t fit with the world, I can always just give it to another one or I just keep it in a little note documents makes it a lot easier to just keep them all together. 
Sounds Messi had it is at some point it is but this is how I like to do it and anytime I add something new to lore. I just put it in the document with the world and then I go back and I kind of just put the stuff together that is connected, which I plan on, transferring all to an actual world building program. That’s the kind of like I’m one of those trees look like a family tree with ideas connected with each other and stuff like that.
So anyways, the one I’ve been talking about the most will always be my fantasy world one. I’m currently working on that is set an a world that doesn’t really have magic just technology is the magic or was used as magic kind of like how alchemy had very real science to it, but you know was misinterpreted as magic, and sometimes just considered just science. But it will have a lot of like a hill have minor love crafting elements to it later in the story with the main original three races, which are talked about as myth or legends that created other races, or taught other races how to do science and then they said in the lore that they are from the star so they are aliens, but I won’t explain it fully. I want to leave some to the imagination of if they are aliens or not or, what other races are aliens.
As with the Fae that exist in the world, a lot of the powers. They have such as mind controls up or even their arms and limbs being blades are based on real world, animals and phenomenon with animals. They just evolved to be that way, and are actually protectors of nature, a kin to like fantasy druids than anything else which I kind of like that idea and take a little inspiration from the borrowers. If anyone remembers that book, they like to collect things from races that are much bigger than that they aren’t exactly tiny.
Continuing on about the Fae, they range from mammal to insect like what that seems to be the main two that people have seen in the world which I’m just gonna keep it like that because it’s a lot easier to explain that Fai are kind of a mammal looking or they look like insects or crustaceans.
Which I plan to give Fae their own story in the universe that is separate from the dragon story, which dragons where they came from will be explained way way later since a lot of information about the original three races that helped grow other civilizations then just disappeared like nothing ever happened will be explained through myths and legends, but since I don’t have a plan for them just yet or I’ve already planned it who knows no one will really know if any myths or stories about them are true because I love them I’ve just been re-edited or made to fit certain cultures in the world.
But let’s take a step back from the fantasy little world I have and move onto one a little more interesting a little more sci-fi, which also really isn’t that specific I got a few that are kind of sci-fi, but this one has no magical elements, fantasy, races, or stuff like that it’s more in kin to cyber punk or prototype. I would even throw in a bit of that one game. Oh yes infamous where are you have the conduits in their powers.
I do have a few world that actually use magic about my own take on Magic since I don’t really have that many universities more or less universe called. I just called the horror universe that I kind of just have more or less for my stories that just don’t send anything I can just put them on the same world, and they kind of are all on the same logic of the world, but continuing on with this little Syfy one which I call GORES.
Which actually does mean something in the universe, but I’m not going to say it just yet it’s basically takes place in a world where genetic edit in and all of that sort of stuff is very common to the point where a company genetically makes mascots for businesses. As well as genetically altered celebrities and bands, which actually is what the story follows it follows, following one of these genetically altered creatures, whose band members were killed after they were deemed useless and outdated but as well, the company isn’t exactly good shocker, right?
Nope they go full umbrella on everyone else, and turns out all of the genetic things they may have basically kill switches inside that turn them into murderous rampage in monsters, with weapons that are biologically a part of them going for prototype and Akira on people.
I don’t want to spoil too much, but it’s very gory splatter Feste with other sci-fi elements, including psychics telekinetic’s psychokinesis all that sort of stuff mutants in a world that I would say, is kind of like Dredd almost minus the weird magic.
That’s pretty much that on that universe don’t want to go into too much detail and spoil a bit for the writing. Or on the rest of the little writing projects that I have planned out or I’m just saving for a rainy day I don’t plan to make all of them just it’s fun to have them around and think about them recently I did get an idea for one after watching RoboCop as well as watching a video on the game manhunt.
That universe would be one of my darkest and most somewhat realistic settings overall, just a very disturbing time, but I wouldn’t go overly edgy with it.
Well, thanks to those who actually read my entire little rant. I was having here and I plan to post may be a member to today as well but hope y’all have a wonderful day bye-bye!
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Hello again, 2 months have passed since I made that commission and today I come to ask for another of the same characters (Yes, sorry xd). Headcannons for Morgan, Sith, Melusine and Barghest with a depressed Master, how would they react to this and how would they help him.(Oh and one question, apart from Fate, would you make commissions related to other Type-Moon franchises? (Tsuhikime, Mahoyo and Knk) because I'm interested in ordering something related to Shiki (R), Arcueid and Aoko, Thanks)
(I will take literally any excuse to write for the Fae, especially Barghest and Baobhan Sith, and sorry that it took so long to get this back to you, I was trying to decide if I should go off my own experiences with Depression or if I should base it around a more… I dunno generalized(?) version of it, oh and to answer your question, I’d be more than open to writing for other Type Moon franchises! Also I couldn't find any good images for everyone sorry!)
Morgan Le Fay
Morgan Le Fay, the queen of all Fae-kind is many things.
A woman who provides the image of someone who is unshakeable and unbreaking.
A woman who has to do so, because that is what is expected of a monarch.
A woman who takes everything vulnerable about her and locks it away from even those closest to her.
Then you called her forward.
Someone who could manage to slip into the box where she keeps her weakness, wounds, and insecurities hidden.
Someone who could see past the masks she wears.
Someone who can hold her and say “It’s okay, it’ll all be okay.” and she’ll believe it.
But one day, she noticed something different about you.
How there was a lack of… fire in your eye.
How you spent more and more time alone, and what time you didn’t spend alone was spent almost entirely with her.
How you lacked energy.
How you seemed subdued.
How you tried to avoid people.
And one day.
How you just broke down as you were sitting down and doing nothing.
In that moment, all of her composure, all of her masks broke like glass.
And not knowing what else to do, she did what you would do when she would do the same.
She was crying while doing so, she was crying as she held you and told you “It’s okay, It’ll all be okay.”
And despite how her words lacked almost all of her usual power behind them, you believed her.
Because Morgan Le Fay is many things.
Your Queen.
Your servant.
The woman who loves you.
The woman you fell in love with.
And the woman who will do anything to repay the kindness you offered to her when you slipped past her guard and into her heart.
Just so she can continue to see your smile.
Baobhan Sith
Baobhan Sith is the most stubborn person you will ever meet.
In a way that’s part of her charm.
It’s also one of the worst things about her.
She will never admit when she needs help.
No matter how heavy the pressure placed upon her is.
No matter how much strain is placed on her.
She is the future queen after all, she has to be strong.
But her refusal to let anyone in will come back to bite her.
Or it would’ve if someone just as stubborn as her didn’t summon her one day and decide to break through her shell.
Needless to say it took quite a while to get through to her.
But when you did, Baobhan found the world was a much easier place to live in.
Having someone she can trust with everything.
It was liberating to her, not having to hold everything in.
So when she started to notice you holding things in from her she would not stand for it.
She forced her way in, just like you did for her.
Regardless of what you said to her she knew what was lies and what was truth.
And until you and her both left everything bare for each other to see.
She wouldn’t stop. 
Melusine is a loner.
She never really vibed with others.
Always on a slightly off wavelength to everyone else.
Perhaps it was because she was a dragon.
Or maybe it was just how she was.
But to connect with another, that was something Melusine desired more than anything.
To have someone willingly share their warmth.
To have a partner who would listen as she gushed about the things she loved, the things she hated, everything.
To have a partner she would listen to as they gushed about the things they loved, the things they hated, everything.
But a desire was all it was.
At least until she met you.
Because when she met you, got to know you, got to see what made you tick.
She knew she had found the partner in crime she had been looking for.
And she also knows when something is wrong with her partner.
Barghest is someone who fears getting close to people.
It is something that she has spent her entire life as a Fae Knight avoiding.
Despite her inherent desire to have a group she can lean on and a group who can lean on her.
Eventually she learned to allow the other knights in to a degree but not in the same way she craved to do so with another.
To have a home in someone’s heart and to give someone a home in her heart.
To have someone who she can cook for and to have someone who will cook for her.
To have someone who she can care for and to have someone who can care for her.
It was a hopless dream for a knight like her to have, but still it was a dream she cherished.
Yet one day by sheer luck she happened to meet a certain someone who managed to grab her attention.
You were someone quite interesting to Barghest.
And eventually that interest turned to something more.
To something where she wanted to share in her dream with you.
To something where she wanted to share her heart with you.
And when your heart aches, when you are shaken and the darkness of the world begins to crush you.
Know that you will always have not only one of the Fae Knights, not just a member of the Fang Clan, but someone who you share your heart with and someone you can lean upon no matter what.
Oh and if you even try to think of standing alone, know that Barghest will refuse to allow that to happen.
It is in her nature after all.
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writernopal · 8 months
OC Ships and Songs Tag
I was tagged by @mysticstarlightduck, here, and @pheita, here. Thank you both so much! 💙
Rules: write two to five songs from them that represent your ship between your ocs (it can be platonic or romantic or a secret third thing). then add a quote from said WIP (if possible!) underneath it.
Tagging (gently): @sam-glade @outpost51 @void-botanist @sparatus @sarahlizziewrites and anyone else who'd like to do this!
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Mariel and Axtapor: Valentine - Laufey
This WHOLE SONG is so them I can't 😭 but these parts especially!
What if he's the last one I kiss? What if he's the only one I'll ever miss? Maybe I should run, I'm only twenty-one I don't even know who I want to become I've lost all control of my heartbeat now Got caught in a romance with him somehow I still feel a shock through every bone When I hear an, "I love you" 'Cause now I've got someone to lose
And then, the realization hit me; he would probably be more affectionate now than ever before. Such a thing could not be possible, could it? I could hardly imagine how he would be— Oh, it was too much to entertain! I smiled at him, then covered my face bashfully, giggling at the prospect. He laughed along with me but, curiously, didn’t tease me about it.
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Fay and Wilkes: If We Were Made Of Water - BANKS
Perfectly encapsulates their forever will they/won't they. My angry little disasters 💙
Baby say it again Maybe if you say it again Maybe if you say it again Maybe I'll believe it then Baby say it again Baby if you say it again Change some words around maybe I'll believe you then And I'm hurting from the way that this worked out If you could rearrange your words you could've saved it If we were made of water, we could swim around it Can't no more
She nodded after some moments and cupped my face in her hands. We savored one another on the decks of her ship as we’d done many times before, but not under the stars or those vast skies as before. Beneath the surface. Occulted. And this time with the limits of how high we could reach laid plainly before us. The soured reality of our demise tainted the water around us like some festering thing. There was no joy. No love. Nothing beautifully stirred. It was still and cold.
AASOAF 3 Taglist: @outpost51 @thelivingdeceased @faelanvance @captain-kraken @illjustpretend @elshells @writeblr-of-my-own
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Hartim and Lexlar: Pain and Misery - The Teskey Brothers
You guys are just getting to know these two but they and their story have lived in my heart for so long, I can't wait for you all to know it too 💚
Honey, please, whoa please Won't you stay with me? 'Cause since you gone It's pain and misery Hey I'm begging you, honey Whoa I want you to love me Yeah, I want you to love me I need you so bad
Something about the way he had spoken the word made Eiph’ck feel strange. He turned his head, easily finding Quye’ck’s outline. He was looking back at him, but in the darkness, could not make out his expression. “Goodnight, Eiph’ck.”  Those words, they were warm. And loud. Like a fire… They made his throat hot. They made him grateful for the darkness.  “Goodnight, Quye’ck.”
M.O.W Taglist: @moonluringfrost @writeblr-of-my-own @illjustpretend @sparatus @outpost51
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thedawningofthehour · 8 months
I was really sure we wouldn't have a chapter today, waking up and seeing the chapter notification was really surprising and scary.
'Bella is still under arrest and it looks like Pax went to live with Draxum'.
Northampton Arch!
Not Northampton Arch.
I love April's parents, if anything bad ever happens to them I will resent you for the rest of the series.
Nice to see Mr. Bone again, definitely a great character, hope he can still reconcile with his brother in this reality as well. Don suave could be super useful. What are your headcanon about the guy.
'Draxum has not let him be seen, Or mentioned his name. Pray that continues'
Yeahh, Donnie will have a hard time even if the court pardons him. The boy will not only have to deal with the emotional burden, but also with the fact that many people hate him for what he did even if he was brainwashed.
Finally we get to see the repercussions of Draxum's actions more closely, God, it reminds me so much of the Mutant town arc. You said book 3 will focus more on donnie, right? I hope he gets a closer glimpse of what Draxum's war is causing.
Again, poor people, their lives took a 180° turn thanks to Draxum, and not because they are now mutants the Yokai will accept them just like that, and Draxum is too focused on his goal of mutating everyone to see it.
Lita! No Wait, Jenny! JENNY!!! as in JENIKA!!!?
Poor Raph, they should give him a pizza for every time they mistake him for an adult.
Ending up with a turtle power is the sweetest and most beautiful thing ever and you should never feel bad about it.
I've honestly been surprised by how much I got into writing the O'Neils. Originally I just put them in because I was making April a very prominent character and either I constantly show her making excuses and whatnot to keep them off her back or I imply that she's hella neglected. Which-people have done neglected April before and it works great for them, but I thought it would be simpler to just have them meet the fam and get it over with.
Simpler. Lol.
I've really enjoyed writing their dynamic, especially in this last chapter. They do fight, of course they do, all married couples argue. They're extremely stressed out, worried about their daughter and three bonus sons, and deeply worried and mourning for the bonus son they haven't gotten to meet. But they're good people with healthy communications and whatnot, and they still use little terms of endearment and show affection and are still generally in love after being married for probably twenty years.
And they're so parent-coded. They were perfectly happy being one and done, but these boys are children 2-5 now.
I mean, depends on how homosexual you think Bishop is? I feel like he's one of those asexuals who wields their asexuality like a weapon. Don Suave tries to seduce him and he just pulls out his pistol and shoots his dick off.
I was thinking of mentioning the Hueso-Piel reconciliation later on, but it would be a pretty minor thing. Probably just a mention and Piel walking around in the background. Shit's getting real, it's dumb to hang onto stupid brotherly feuds when your brother might die tomorrow.
Lol, that's why I made her a yellow-bellied slider. I kind of liked the idea of Leo having other slider mutants around, considering they're such popular pets and more people would have slider DNA on their person verses alligator snappers or softshells. We can say that Jenny grows up to be a fearsome crimefighter herself. But right now she's six.
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mdzs-fics · 4 months
More short fiction
I've been saving a few of these for a while, and hope you find something that suits your interests among this list of ten stories.
江湖 | jianghu by dragongirlG
Explicit AU - Chinese Mythology & Folklore 7 chapters (complete) 25k words
Author dragongirlG shows us how the term 江湖 | jianghu can be defined through the lives (and deaths) of Wei Wuxian through time. Different eras in Chinese history are explored through short chapters, each complete in itself. Most of these stories do not end happily (well, Wei Wuxian dies, of course …) The diaspora story was extremely interesting.
Rainbow-Faceted Heart by DrPanda99
AU - Chinese Mythology & Folklore 5 chapters (complete) 18k words
Wei Ying approached it carefully. The snake was so still that he thought it dead until it flickered one of its long whiskers. Wait, whiskers?
He held his hand out carefully, hoping it would not bite. It flicked its tail sluggishly as he reached under it, but made no further movements. Wei Ying picked it up carefully, but when his hand went to support its head, it stiffened. He shifted his hands lower down its body and the tense muscles relaxed.
“Hey, little guy,” said Wei Ying. The snake’s strangeness was even more apparent up close—the shape of its head was not quite right. Before he could examine it further, he gasped.
There was a long, jagged gash under its neck and chest. The wound wasn’t bleeding, but its edges were bright red—still fresh.
“What kind of bird got you?” asked Wei Ying.
The snake didn’t reply.
A snake is found and rescued. A martial brother arrives and discovers Wei Ying was disabled during the last war. A scholar arrives asking for shelter from the rain. And there is war in the heavens.
Step by step by apathyinreverie
Modern AU 1 chapter, complete 12K word [Must have an account with Archive of Our Own in order to read. An invitation is readily provided on the website.]
Maybe some of the people present had been hoping Lan Zhan might have misspoken or maybe that they themselves might have misheard what he said.
Either way, with the confirmation of his objection to a deal they have apparently been working on for months now, everyone seems at an impasse of how to proceed. Especially since it is no secret in their circles that, as much as Xichen might be the actual heir to their family’s medical empire, the one who makes the decisions regarding their company, his brother would never do something he knows Lan Zhan disapproves of where their family is concerned. It’s a fact.
His brother always puts family first.
This Time With Lanterns by ChaoticAndrogynous
6k words
In which there is a wedding.
"He’s reminded of a mother hen, if it was made of black smoke and the desire for vengeance. So, a mother goose, maybe."
What Do You Want To Be Now? by KayCeeBabe
2k words
In which there is a confession.
“Wei Ying, what do you want to be now?”
I Wanna be Fluent in Your Love Language by KayCeeBabe
1k words
In which Words are Spoken.
“Wei Ying,” Lan Wangji says. “I will always love you. No matter what.”
You in me, you are mine, my everything by BriaPia
24k words
In which Hanguan-Jun is a member of the Baixue Temple sect when the events start at Mo Manor
“Do you trust him?”
“With my life,” he replied instantly, he knew Song Zichen would accept his request, but he needed to make clear the amount of trust he deposited on Wei Ying. To either his own sect leader or the rest of the world, Lan Wangji didn’t care, but he would make sure no doubt about that particular topic ever arose.
【为梦想而战】for this dream, i'll fight by paradisetrain [restricted]
27K words
In which Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian play Cultivation Arena professionally. Jin Guangyao is evil.
Lan Wangji thinks about it. He opens his mouth, then closes it. He wonders, why has no one thought of this before?
It's fear, he decides. Fear of deviating from the norm, fear of venturing into something never done before. Fear of being the first. All the current CultArena pros are too scared of failure. Of the mockery that awaits them when their leap of faith turns into freefall.
Wei Wuxian had never hesitated to take that leap.
Seasons of Falling Flowers by merakily
40K words
In which Lan Qiren changes his opinion of Wei Wuxian. It is not a simple thing. [Post-Guanyin Temple.]
“Will you rejoin your sect?” As soon as the words leave his mouth, Lan Qiren regrets his wording.
He is not surprised when Wangji’s eyes narrow, flashing with offence. “There is no need to rejoin what one has never left. I did not turn my back on my sect. My sect turned their backs on me.”
into the dark by xxshigurexx (Shunou)
Alternate AU 32k words
This is a series of 9 short tales, each continuing along the same theme: Wen Ying grows up as the Third Young Master of the Wen.
Each story may be read separately. Highly recommended for another view of life among the Wen and the other cultivation sects. The stories cover the time from Wen Ying's discovery in Yiling through the aftermath of the burning of Lotus Pier.
It starts with what haunts the dark
The furrow in Wen Ruohan’s brow grows deeper, until the tiny thing speaks with its unmistakably childish, pitiful voice, “You should not be here, Mister. It is not safe.”
Wen Ruohan laughs, confusing the rest of his entourage who are standing stiff with dread. “Who told you that, boy?”
The boy, his robes tattered and caked with a thick layer of dirt, walks closer and stops in front of Wen Ruohan. Such bravery, or perhaps it is born out of fearlessness, out of having nothing more to lose. “The shadows,” the boy answers dutifully.
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greg-montgomery · 9 months
Hi Fay! as promised I'm gonna recreate the ask i swear on thor odinson i sent to you but oh well here we go!
You said you were so sad greg wasn't with you 24/7 in your life so allow me to shed some light on a gaggle of reasons why he's a pain!
firstly, he spills. This man is infuckingcapable of pouring liquids or moving them from point a to point b without making a whole mess. So every morning if you wake up after him, there's water slopped all down the front of the fridge, a puddle beneath it. Your poor keurig is going to shock somebody because it's sitting in a puddle of coffee. NOT TO MENTION the state of this man's clothes. You make him tuck his napkin into his collar like his life depends on it because you cannot take one more red wine stain on his nice shirts. You've joked with him for years now about getting him an adult BIB because he really is that bad. Every surface in your kitchen is always wet from where he's either left a spill behind OR he's mopped it up by spreading it all over the bench.
secondly, greg is a whistler. Your mum always told you only happy people know how to whistle, so when you met Greg and he could blissfully create the tune of 'livin la vida loca', you thought you'd found the happiest man alive. Of course, after years of listening to him whistle ALL THE TIME, it's lost a little of it's charm. You now end up trying to tune out the high frequencies when you have work to do, but you can't bring yourself to yell at him for being happy. so, you deal with it.
the same CANNOT be said for when you two are sleeping, and greg doesn't snore, his nose whistles in his sleep. it's far less mood-lifting and in-tune than his usual song, and man does it drive you batshit crazy. EVERY time you're drifting off to sleep in his arms, wondering how you got so lucky, there's suddenly the sound of either a very large mosquito or a very small steam train in your ears. It's shrill and it keeps you up all night. You've tried the nasal strips to no avail. You end up buying a white noise machine to blast at its highest volume and hoping that'll cover his high pitched breathing.
Greg looks at you. A lot. It's a beautiful lovesick puppy look in his big doey eyes, but over time it's become a dangerous habit. He doesn't notice literally anything else around the two of you. He's TERRIBLE at judging when to cross the street, much too enthralled by talking to you and holding you close and you always end up yanking him back by his sleeve as a car whizzes by you two. "Greg did you see that new restaurant that opened up just around the corner?" No. Of course he didn't. He never ever does. He's not capable of noticing things that aren't directly between his eyes and your face. You want to gossip with him about how your friend was pulling away from her boyfriend when you guys went out dancing last night? he doesn't know what you're talking about. He was busy admiring your outfit and the way the cheesy disco-ball made your eyes sparkle.
Speaking of gossip, he never gets you any. He is too dedicated and frankly too self-satisfied and disinterested to go digging around for any interesting tea around his office. He never hears about the drama, unless it's because he was asking somebody how they've been. It has to present itself directly to him for him to take any notice of the juiciest details.
Greg is practically allergic to spice. You put pepper in his food and he'll turn to you with a light sheen of sweat and lie to you through gritted teeth about how delicious it is. His tongue is numb. He's almost crying but he'll still tell you he loves the food. You have to cook everything so bland for your sweet darling boy to handle it.
Also, he eats EVERYTHING. There's no such thing as leftovers in your house and there probably never will be again. You swear his mother was right about him having hollow legs. He can eat enough for a family of five and still go searching for dessert. Don't even think about meal prepping your lunches for the week and leaving them in the fridge. They're gone. Every time you turn around he's got an emptied vessel of food in hand. And once he's burned through all the real food in the house, he's eating boxes of dry cereal, old dates, raw carrots from the crisper, anything he can get his hands on. On the bright side, you never have to leave food behind at a restaurant. Your boyfriend can ALWAYS finish it with a smile on his face (unless of course it's even remotely spicy).
I tried making these all obviously forgivable traits, because I don't want any of us to really hate greg. But these are some pretty good reasons to miss him a whole lot less.
mission failed i now miss him even more ‼️‼️
plsssss rome this made me fall for him even harder 😭😭😭😭 i love his annoying habits i want him to annoy me :(((
omg especially the one where he only notices you and nothing else :(( that’s so romantic 🥺🥺🥺
and the gossiping LMFAOOOOO he drops a bomb of a gossip from work and then you’re like “AND????????” and he’s like “oh…i didn’t ask idk” and you’re like 😐
baby not being able to handle spicy food he’s so cute stop it rn 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ugh but also eating everything all the time 🤭🤭🤭 the duality of greg
ahhhh i’m yearning SOOOOO BAD after this :(( i want a life with him :((((((( i want all these annoying habits of his to be part of my life and routine </3
rome thank you so much for sending this 🥺🥺🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂 i needed some greg fluff 🥹
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thedramaticgazette · 2 months
I saw the first ever preview of Great Gatsby on Broadway. Here are my (pretty negative) thoughts.
Before I begin, I am just writing this for fun. This is not serious, and it's all my own opinion. We're all entitled to our own. I go on tangents as well so know this is more than a review. If you'd like to read more reviews, I try to upload once a week. ALSO THERE ARE SPOILERS IN THIS REVIEW.
On Friday, March 29th, 2024 I went to see The Great Gatsby on Broadway. It was their first preview, first time ever on a Broadway stage with a paying audience. My friend and I went, bought tickets the moment they went on sale. We sat back orchestra, not to the wall but close. Despite it's hype...it was a tad underwhelming.
Let's discuss the Headliners.
The show is commercialized as "Featuring Jeremy Jordan and Eva Noblezada" which I understand is to rake in revenue necessary to keep the show running, but I hate when shows do that. I feel like it takes away from the work and talent of everyone else involved in the cast. Jeremy Jordan is a Broadway phenomenon, almost everyone knows his name. He is best known for his role as Jack Kelly in Newsies, but has since then gone on to do a ton of projects and concerts including the Greatest Showman's workshop, where he so famously discusses at a concert of his how he lost the role to Zac Efron. He's been in Little Shop Off-Broadway, which I had the pleasure of seeing him in and will definitely post a review of because it was a breathtaking performance from everyone involved but - I digress. My point is that everyone loves Jeremy Jordan. He is placed on this pedestal above everyone else, a renowned Broadway actor. He plays the leading man, Jay Gatsby, who has been in love with one Daisy Fay, now Daisy Buchanan, since they met years before when he was about to leave for war. Daisy is played by Eva Noblezada, a Broadway superstar best known for her role as Euridyce in Hadestown, or as superfans know her, as Kim in Miss Saigon. I had the pleasure of meeting both, Eva as she snuck out of a different stage door as the mob at the actual stage door was panic attack inducing, where she thanked us for coming and we chatted for a few. I met Jeremy after a Little Shop performance back in August, and he was one of the douchiest men I have ever met in my life.
And let me preface this all by saying that I cannot imagine how annoying it must be to feel like you have to be "on" all the time for people. Like you're an enigma people just want to look at, and all. I don't know a thing about showbiz. I do know, however, that it isn't too hard to be kind.
I cannot imagine how annoying it is to stage door all the time - to have so much privacy ripped away when you are as renowned as you are in the theater world - a world that so famously does not understand boundaries. But would it fucking KILL YOU to be the teensiest bit kind? Jordan threw my pen back at me after we met, barely signing my playbill. It looked like a chore to be out there, and there were only about 20 of us waiting at stage door that day. I assume, and this is coming from someone who knows next to nothing, that he doesn't HAVE to do stage door. If I'm wrong, ignore everything above. But if it's his choice, then don't fucking come out! I'd rather not meet someone if they're going to be rude than meet someone who makes me feel like it's annoying that I'm there.
All that being said, Jeremy's voice is no doubt superb. It's soft but passionate and I could listen to it for hours. He does, however, lack any wow factor when it comes to acting this role. He is able to reach in and become the character when he sings, but during speaking scenes I felt like I was watching a bad high schooler. Also, here's a game you can play if you go to see it. TAKE A FUCKING SHOT every time Jeremy Jordan says the term "Old Sport" in the show. You'll have alcohol poisoning by the end of it. I understand we wanted accuracy from the book and that that phrase has a lot of meaning for Gatsby's character but MAN the way Jordan says it made me want to swallow a pair of jorts or something.
Noblezada has a voice clearer than the seas in the Caribbean. It cuts like glass. She is an incredible performer, every note looks and sounds effortless. She did, in my opinion (and who the fuck am i, really) act Daisy much like she did Eurydice though. Her performance is lovely, per usual at the center of it all.
The letdowns.
Woof. First I'll start with Paul Whitty. Good fucking lord. What the hell??? How was he the choice for George Wilson. His voice wasn't as bad as someone else's who I'll discuss further down, but I mean. No one else? Really? Is no one searching in the casting calls that 200 people are in line for almost every week? His songs were lackluster and felt like an afterthought, space that needed filling. Second, I'm a huge fan of Eric Anderson, I saw him many times in the 394790173493 times I've gone to see Moulin Rouge on Broadway, and he was fantastic every time (per my review you can find on my page.) However, his performance as Meyer Wolfsheim was...boring to say the least. His character, granted, has very little stage time and only one big number, which opens Act II and while the choreo was very flashy, it wasn't anything like the Bad Romance x Toxic opening of Act II that Moulin Rouge has. Third, I think John Zdrojeski was the most confusing choice to play Tom Buchanan, Daisy's abusive, cheating husband. He's pretty nice to look at, sure. But his voice? Jesus Christmas they couldn't find ANYONE else?!?!!? Maybe it's because he had five singing lines total that I couldn't get a better feel of his voice, or maybe that choice was made on purpose because they knew Zdrojeski was gonna play him but his voice sucks so much. SO SO much. His vibrato sounded forced and the melody sounded off, it felt like they put him on stage just because he was a pretty good actor and had abs.
There were a few mishaps in terms of head pieces falling off - which I got the pleasure of hearing about from the costume people who sat behind me and discussed notes during intermission and many of the dresses looked quite baggy on the dancers, but otherwise it seemed pretty accurate.
The best parts.
My favorite, by far, was Samantha Pauly as Jordan Baker. She is the standout for me, capturing Jordan's essence perfectly. Spunky, doesn't give a fuck and a girl's girl. The costume choices for Jordan's character were done exquisitely as well, and Pauly's voice was show stopping. Noah J. Ricketts as Nick Carraway was another showstopper. Not only is he nice to look at, he's nice to listen to. His voice is smooth like butta, his acting is great and I loved the back and forth he and Pauly's characters had. The set was a wow factor for sure - if this is nominated for any Tony's (I'll be as surprised as Gatsby when Daisy turns him down if there aren't) the set should surely win. Created by Paul Tate dePoo III, the set glides on and off, the projections work seamlessly and overall I was in awe of the glitter and gold of it all. Platforms erupt from the floor in a nonchalant way, as if to say "we had all the money in the world for this show." The choreo, was also one of the best things to watch. Choreographed by the well-rounded and talented Dominique Kelley, the choreo captures the era of this show (NYC 1922) well. I loved her choice for a tap number as much as I enjoyed the acrobatic-esque moves she made for the stellar, electric ensemble. All toes were pointed, all legs were extended, and it's clear, or it translated to the audience, that that was a part of the show everyone was confident in.
Sara Chase, who plays Myrtle Wilson deserved so much more stage time. What a fucking voice. Her energy, her lack of empathy for anyone but herself, I mean shit. She was so good. They didn't do her justice, but then again I forgot the Wilson's were even a part of the book until I saw the show again. Two of the dresses she wore (one being a very impressive on stage quick change where a literal rolling clothing hanger like the ones in malls rolls in front of her and when its past her shes in an entirely new dress) looked very baggy and her character's wig was god awful, looking like it was plucked out of an amazon package 10 minutes before curtain. But she was impressive regardless.
The music was pretty entertaining, written by Jason Howland with lyrics by Nathan Tysen. The songs "New Money," "The Met" and Gatsby's ballad "Past is Catching Up to Me" were star songs and have been stuck in my head for days. The ending of Act I "My Green Light" which has been teased on all of GG's social media accounts was as good as it sounded. There is no doubt that Jordan and Noblezada will go down in history as two of the most impressive singers on Broadway.
If you have the chance to see it, I think you should. Not for more than, like $150 with the way ticket prices are but it's definitely worth the music, set and Samantha Pauly.
Best part though? Every seat was given a mini copy of the book. My seat, however, apparently had the only signed copy of the book in the theater. So, thats pretty fucking sick.
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Until next show,
Dramatic Gazzette
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tiodolma · 1 year
Who do you like more, Eva Green's Morgana or Katie McGrath's? 🙆
Thank you for the ask! @the-king-and-the-druidess
I have been pondering this myself for a few days now, especiallg with all the camelot x merlin shenanigans happening in my asks.
I like the Morgans I’ve seen so far. They all have qualities that make them the best in different categories.
Most accurate backstory and relationshit with merlin - Excalibur 1981 Morgana (Helen Mirren)
Best in becoming "loosest woman to ever live” - Starz Camelot Morgan (Eva Green)
Best in politics - Eva Green
Best sister/adversary to Arthur - for now Katie Mcgrath but I honestly think the Morgana from Mists of Avalon wins this even though I havent seen it.
Most compelling and logical backstory/reasons for war- Katie Mcgrath (coz her story deals with racial persecution and not just the "women=bad” narrative)
Best in fun shenanigans - Katie Mcgrath.
Katie’s is my fave adaptation coz she got to do all the really fun morgana stuff (minus the sex). Fun traditional Morgana stuff like:
Being really into fabrics
Loving apples
Benevolent and smart
Loving Mordred
Acted as counsel to arthur for a time
Chasing after Merlin hungry for his knowledge, trust and also magic (first honestly then eventually in order to spurn him)
Sullying Guinevere’s honor/revealing gwencelot to arthur
Torturing and the unjust imprisonment of Guinevere and the knights for little reason
Loads of court intrigue
Takeover camelot more than once
Use old crone persona
Use birds for her plans
Healing people just to torture them again
Employinh other/younger girls to seduce knights and spy for her.
Build a community of loyalists sympathetic to her
Playing with Lancelot in a shtty manner
Taunting Gwaine
Having a lot of familiar arthurian allies working with her like morgause, agravaine and mordred
That self-righteousness and feminine fury
Her plans keep getting foiled so she comes up with even better more convuluted plans
Virtually unkillable (until that cop-out execution at the end of DotD)
Like i said before, i appreciate how they jampacked what little i know of legendary morgana into bbc’s adaptation.
Though i dont think this next part is faithful to traditional arthurian morgana, the tyranny part was a good bonus for me coz it’s very accurate to what radicalism/insurgency looks like irl. Plus with BBC Merlin’s premise, it really really works.
Imho The magic ban/persecution actually gave katie’s morgan le fay character more depth coz she now had more solid justification for the awful things that she does...compared to in the legends where it’s basically “morgan le fay retaliating really badly or exacting her sadistic brand of justice when she did not get what she wanted or when she was slighted.”
Also.... I just appreciate the dualistic nature of Katie’s Morgana the most. Katie played her hatred and rage with so much humanity, pain, loneliness, desperation and sadness. Hers is one of the coolest acting performances I have ever seen. (s5 especially)
Tbf tho she had been blessed with 5 seasons to really truly embody the essence of morgana from the legends (except all the sex and being an actual mom). Eva green was also good at this but with only one season given to her, eva green didnt get to play around as much as katie did.
The only thing that was missing was really katie’s morgana taking arthur’s body to avalon. (Mists!Morgana wins this one).
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moonandris · 7 months
In the reference to the elf & faeries post (referred to as elves and fay, cause typing is hard)
For me the first thing that comes to mind with fay are pixies from disney movies and leprechauns, and maybe fauns, they are for me beings of fairy tales not fantasy, if that at all makes sense? I know of course that there are fay creatures, and they exist in worlds like d&d and so on, but I have never ended up interacting with those media as much. With that in note,
I mostly write short stories and got one larger project in mind. I do various worldbuilding, but usually not too extensive, and my count on elves and fay is quite low. Which is to say, I have written elves before, and planning on using them a lot actually, but for now it's mostly in my head. I do differentiate between High, Wood, Low and basic elves in my worldbuilding, they are more varied than just one race. The fay I have actually not written at all, maybe one short story or two could be considered to have them. This post actually remained me that I like the concept of dryads a lot! I should write those things. (Are those fay?) Perhaps in my world there will be fay, it might be simply something that I haven't got around to that aspect yet
I think I use elves more often because I feel like they fit the stories I write more, and because I'm not as familiar with the fay.
Here are some notes on how elves I write work:
High - They are region specific, dystopian! Utopian society which is pretty, isolated and rotten to it's core
Wood - just generic elves that live in the woods for now
Low - The elves who were forced to live in desert regions of the world, hard work is their life, rare to see outside those regions
basic - the elvish travellers, ones you most often see on the roads and towns
My dear @hachi-qo (go poke him, cool but shy fella) on the other hand in his worldbuilding project(intended for an rpg) has both fay and elves in his world. In short both small 'pixies' and elves exist and are intended as +- common thing, I don't know much more on his world but wanted to include another perspective while writing this,
This was a mouthful, I'm sorry if it's a bit long, Hope this helps with your thoughts, and have a nice day! (。◕‿‿◕。)つ🫖🍵
(also hi, this is an ad, I'm not yet properly a writeblr, but I'm planning on being one)
I like your races ideas for elves, there's honestly soooo many ways you could write them and have them play a part in your world. I especially love when different writers use the same naming tropes for elves, like you said High elves, Wood elves, Low elves, and basic elves (which you could also call them Common elves if you wanted to) but I love how everyone's version of a 'High elf' can differ. Seeing the same tropes implemented in different ways is such a cool thing to see when reading fantasy books.
Don't ever worry about apologizing to me for writing so much bc I LOOOOVEEEE when people share their worldbuilding ideas with me. Thank you so much for the detailed response and apologies for the late reply. :)
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ellayuki · 1 year
we're all made of glitter and nightmares (and baby, we thrive)
Tsubasa Chronicle Month 2023
- Day 8: OTP
“You know, I never really thought I was worth anything, be it time, or effort, or the trouble, especially where anyone’s feelings were concerned,” Fai says one evening, back against Kurogane’s chest, head leaning against Kurogane’s good shoulder, eyes up on the glimmering stars. It's a clear, warm evening, and the alcohol is sweet, and Kurogane’s presence at his back (his presence in Fai’s life) is the most comforting thing he’s felt in his long, tiring life. “I still don’t, some days.”
“I guess everybody has moments of self-doubt throughout their lives,” Kurogane says, nosing softly at the hair above Fai's ear. It sends a pleasant, familiar shiver down Fai's spine. "Though you're an idiot if you think you're not loved for just being you."
Fai laughs, a soft little chuckle that he can't control and sees no reason to suppress. "Oh, I know how loved I am, Kuro-sama. I do. After everything, I'd be blind and foolish not to." It took time, and it took a sacrifice that still takes Fai's breath away when he remembers those last moments in Celes. 
Yes, Fai knows how loved he is, by his husband, by their children, even by the people here in Nihon who've welcomed him and accepted him with open arms and open hearts. 
It's just that…
He still has bad days, when he wakes up from nightmares or memory-dreams, when he can't help the darkness that encroaches upon his thoughts. Those days he wonders if maybe it would have been better for everyone if he just disappeared, or if he'd died in that valley. Perhaps the kids would have suffered less. Perhaps Kurogane would not have had to take a sword to his own arm. Perhaps his brother would have had a long, joyous life, had Fai, had Yuui never existed.
He's too much trouble, he believes on those dark days. Too much. 
"But no matter how awful the thoughts, how deep the darkness, Kuro-sama always manages to pull me back from the edge, to keep me from losing myself." He turns his head, presses his forehead to Kurogane's jaw. "You make me feel like maybe I'm worth the trouble. If only just a bit." You make me want to live, more than anything and anyone else.
Kurogane's embrace grows tighter then, and for a second, Fai wonders if he's said that last part out loud. But then Kurogane huffs, and it sounds both exasperated and deeply fond (and Fai loves that sound, loves that he can read through it and understand it). "You're worth it to me, you damn fool. Get it through your thick skull. You're more than worth it to me. Don't ever doubt that."
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hiiii i am here to tell you about the dolls of new albion the steampunk opera
so basically it starts with like. a narrator. there is a narrator whose name is kate and she talks about how this town came to be which is basically. a long long time ago there were a gambler and a monk and they had an intense philosophical debate and wanted to decide the winner with a game of cards which went on for Very Long. like so long that they had to build a whole city around it and people would come and watch them play cards. and there is a red haired dwarf with just one eye whose affairs he decides with a pair of silver dice over the zeppelin union pilots a castrati boss presides and we hear his song each afternoon as he flies by. theres prisons made of lead and gargoyles of iron shreds and annabel mcalistair whos raising up the dead ((: this is our first protagonist!! she had no friends growing up because her father was mean and made her do math and science instead and at high school she met this guy jasper and they kissed once but then she got expelled for stealing dead bodies and jasper got married and had a daughter named fay and recently he died. and annabel is very sad and now she wants to bring him back and she resurrects jasper as a lifesize mechanical doll but he can't really speak or move he just plays radio broadcasts sometimes. and annabel is really happy now because she has a friend ((: but jasper was ok dead and he did not want to be brought back. and so annabel is very sad ): and she destroys him again and hides all of her notes and discoveries forever gets married and has a child named edgar who is an asshole. and she died when he was ten and basically what im saying is annabel did nothing wrong in her life ever and i feel very bad for her
anyway the next act begins with an update on the shit going on in new albion basically the red haired dwarf with just one eye whose affairs he decides with a pair of silver dice was killed by his son. two girls are going around committing crimes and they have a pet albatross named simon and a brilliant mouse named sam and uhh yeah let's go meet edgar. remember how i said jasper got married and had a kid called fay when he was alive?? fay is now edgar;s girlfriend. but she is leaving him for a man named silof and there;s this song where all of this is happening called "edgar gets his heart broken" and thats where we got hte wonderful lyric from. the lyric is "i would have had the lime pie but i was dying inside" which honestly same anyway edgar is like "i want to kill you and destroy you. i want you died. #scene #anger #fuck #die #hatered" to silof and then he goes home and digs through his moms old things and finds her formula for raising the dead that no one was ever supposed to find out about oops????? and he starts a business. motherfucker is like "gather round friends today i will choose five lucky people and i will bring back a dead relative of their choice. if all goes well i will start doing it for money and you will have to pay me to bring back YOUR dead relative in the form of a lifesize mechanical doll!!! now in different colors!! ALSO I NEED ALL OF YOU TO FUCK THAT GUY SILOF UP A LOT PLEASE" then he goes up to fay and hes like "listen silof is a loser and i am rich and sexy. also i brought your dad back from the dead. but to talk to him you need to come bakc to me and not leave" and fay agrees but she hates him a lot also can jasper die already (affectionate) so yes i hate edgar a lot he should die so much forever
but edgar and fay had a child they named byron who is a poor little meow meow an d act 3 is a generation later and edgar fucked a lot of things up and now new albion is just. full of undead dolls and there is police that are trying to kill all of the dolls. byron inherited jasper not knowing who it is. and he is now in love with him?????? there is also a political movement called voodoopunk that byron is one of the leaders of alongside his best friend amelia who is also in love with him. but she also has a really shitty life in general like her dad is an asshole basically. and hte people at voodoopunk they want jasper to be mayor of new albion but then jasper sings a song through his radiobroadcast and hes like "listen guys. i was dead before all of this and i don't want to be here" and all the dolls agree and start playing it too and then amelia was like "hmm good point" and kills herself and then everyone in town got mad at the dolls and decided to burn them and byron is Panicking because tjey want to burn jasper too and he pulls him from the bonfire
then act four begins with kate reminding all of us about the gambler and the monk from the beginning. but now she also adds that right before the game was over the gambler was like "oh shit oh fuck im dying" and he swore to the monk that he would be back to finish the game and then died. and then kate tells us what happened in the meantime so byron got himself a trophy wife and they had a daughter named priscilla but when she was sti ll young byron being a part of voodoopunk got taken away by the police and her mother got taken to a mental institution and now there is lots of police going around new albion and destroying every doll that they find. and if they see you keeping one of the dolls they execute you and there is a guy called soldier 7285 who is. important basically to them idk he is Doing His Job Very Well and jasper is still alive and he hides from the police in a room with priscilla and. ok here is the thing the reason kate reminded us of the gambler and the monk. SEE BECAUSE PRISCILLA AND JASPER ARE THE GAMBLER AND THE MONK. ISNT THAT INSANE anyway jasper is like. he complains about being alive and he only stays becaue priscilla reminds him of fay and then hes like "wow haha this game sure is neverending. the only way it would end is it someone did a sacrifice" and then priscilla is like. hm. excuse me and she goes and contemplates and reaches the decision that. she will sacrifice herself for jasper to die because he sacrificed his happiness for her and oh mygod i love them so much do you understand. they love each other so much and i love them and ))): and she calls the police and confesses that she is keeping a doll and jasper is like what why the fuck did you do that and shes like dw we will meet in the afterlife (: ily and soldier 7285 and some other people arrive at the house to execute them and everyone shoots them and kills them EXCEPY for soldier 7285 because he saw that jasper and priscilla loved each other. and hes like hm i should start a revolution actually and he does that and kate is like THAT IS A STORY FOR ANOTHER TIME!!!!!! that story is a whole other musical called new albion radio hour that i still need to listen to and i will anyway what do you tjink of tdona
that's shorter than i was expecting. tbh but that sounds like a Lot
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yououui · 2 years
Last angst prompt: The Gang meets alt KuroParents who either could never have children or who lost little!Kuro at a young age and they open the home to the fam who accepts because whatever reasons and Kurogane has an uncharacteristically dark thought of "maybe I'm never meant to have a life with my parents".
sorry as always this took so long :')
Fai should have known. Of course that was his mother—they had the same gentle eyes and loving smile. And when his father turned the corner, well, that got rid of any doubt. The resemblance was almost shocking, though his father’s bright smile allowed them to easily tell the two apart. And once they saw their son, they would not let them go without inviting them for dinner.
Kurogane sat on the couch between his parents, who asked many questions that Syaoran and Fai ended up mostly answering. They were not at all shocked by the revelation of other worlds; in fact, his mother said that she had always known that other worlds existed, as well as other versions of her son.
“It was what brought me the most comfort,” She said, voice soft. “When we lost our little boy.”
The room fell into silence. It was then, and how he did not notice immediately before would elude him for a lifetime, that Fai saw that the photos in the living room of their son did not progress past a young age, perhaps only seven. He tried to meet Kurogane’s eyes, but they were downcast.
“I should get dinner started,” His mother said with a sad smile. She patted Kurogane’s leg. “Why don’t you help me?”
Always a mama’s boy, Kurogane followed without argument. After they disappeared into the kitchen, leaving just Syaoran, Fai, Mokona, and Kurogane’s father, the room was once again uncomfortably silent for a long moment.
“It was an illness,” Kurogane’s father said eventually, his signature smile missing. “Nothing we could have done. We know that, but…”
“I’m so sorry,” Syaoran said while lowering his head. Fai nodded, unable to speak at the moment.
“But,” His father continued. “This is nice. We’d always hoped that maybe, somehow, we’d get to see how our boy would grow up. Who would’ve thought he’d be even taller than me!”
He laughed a resonant, booming laugh that was tinged with melancholy. Fai gave him a grateful smile. “You raised him well,” The mage said. “In every world.”
His father nodded, his laughter dying away with a sigh. “That’s good to hear. It really is.”
But, of course, it was impossible to miss the look of longing in his eyes, so much like Kurogane’s if not for the age lines at the corners. Even if it were the same soul, their son, no other version of Kurogane would ever quite be the same as the one they lost.
Kurogane’s parents listened to their story of the journey, his mother worrying over Kurogane’s arm when she learned it was a prosthetic and his father admiring Ginryuu. Kurogane began relaxing as the night went on, the shock of seeing the two most important people in his life slowly wearing off and allowing him to fully enjoy it. Fai even got to see where he got his habit of ruffling Syaoran’s hair when his father did the same thing to him.
His parents insisted they stay with them rather than spend money on a hotel, so Syaoran and Mokona were set up on the couch with a pile of blankets and pillows while Kurogane and Fai were given the guest bedroom. 
Fai stepped out of the bathroom after a quick wash and jumped when he saw Kurogane standing in the hall. He was staring at a closed door at the end of the hall. That was his room, his parents had said. It still had all of his old things. They didn’t go in there anymore.
Fai put a hand on Kurogane’s arm and led him back into the guest room. “This must be a lot,” Fai said as he sat Kurogane down on the bed. “You should rest.”
Kurogane nodded, but he didn’t lie down. He sat, elbows on his knees, staring at his clasped hands. “It’s nice,” He said. “Seeing them again.”
Fai sat beside him, slipped an arm over his shoulders and leaned in close with a smile. “It was wonderful finally being able to meet them. Your mother is even more beautiful than I thought.”
Kurogane nodded, but he wore the same expression that Fai had seen on his father just a few hours prior. That look of intense longing, regret, and sadness. Fai squeezed Kurogane’s shoulder.
“Kuro-sama… What’s wrong?” He asked quietly. “I know it is probably… difficult to see them again, but…”
Kurogane shook his head. “That’s just it—it’s not. I mean, maybe at first, it surprised me a bit. But seeing them has been… nice. They’re exactly the same as I remember them.”
“Then what is it?” Fai asked him.
Kurogane sighed, his head hanging a bit. “...Just can’t help but wonder if I’m just not meant to live a life with them. In any world.”
Fai’s heart cracked in his chest. “Oh, Kuro-sama…”
“I mean, the one time I finally get to meet another version of them,” Kurogane continued. “Only this time, their son died instead of them.”
“Kuro-sama, listen to me,” Fai said with a gentle but firm voice. “There are so, so many worlds out there. More than we can ever count, and more than we’ll probably ever be able to travel to in our lifetimes. And I promise you, there are worlds where you and your parents live happily and peacefully, together.”
Kurogane lifted his eyes to look at Fai and nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, I know. It’s just…”
Fai smiled sympathetically. “I know. Sometimes, it’s hard not to think the worst.”
Kurogane lowered his eyes again somberly. “...Mother likes you, you know. She told me when we were preparing dinner.”
“You always said she would,” Fai told him while leaning some of his body weight into Kurogane.
That got a smile out of Kurogane, even if it was fragile and shaky. “Yeah. Yeah, I did.”
“And hey,” Fai continued. “With all of those infinite worlds, I’m sure that there is one where all four of us get to be a happy family together. And I bet your father and I tease you relentlessly.”
Kurogane snorted. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”
Fai rubbed Kurogane’s back comfortingly. “Come on. Let’s go to bed.”
Kurogane nodded and allowed Fai to dote on him, to lie him down and tuck him in and then lie beside him and wrap him up in his arms. It was nice, Kurogane thought as he leaned into Fai’s body heat.
The thought never fully went away though. As he drifted off, he longed for the day he could see his family, happy and together.
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