#haven’t felt up to post/reblog on here for months but this couldn’t stay in me
matchboxcards · 7 months
I’m a trans Oklahoman. Not used to going online and seeing people talk about my state. I wish it was not because of this tragedy. I want to love my home state, but it is hard to feel loved in return
I wish this was a surprising situation, but, if I’m honest, my surprise is more from how many people care about people like me who live in places like here. That’s a good kind of surprise, the kind of bittersweet hopefulness that rises from the ashes of hate and devastation
I think about Nex every day. Trans kids deserve a better Oklahoma. Oklahomans deserve a better Oklahoma. That’s what I hope for; that’s what I live for
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thebradleybradshaw · 2 years
No Take Backs | B. Bradley
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synopsis: what happens when someone catching feels, but they’re not returned? bradley bradshaw x neutral!reader
note: back at it babyyyy. i told y’all to expect angst. this is NOT the happy ending. it’s angsty and sad. feelings are hurt, pouty bradley. likes, comments, & reblogs are always appreciated !! hope you enjoy xx
His hand rested on your lower back, his nose nestled into the crook of your neck. You were getting used to having him around. You had spent numerous times wondering just why he began to stay longer after your ‘sessions’. If you were a liar, you would say that him staying around did nothing for you. But you weren’t a liar, and it did. The way his eyes would flutter closed for your post-sex naps was another sort of heaven, and your heart began to yearn every time he left.
“So I was thinking,” you began, earning a muffled hum out of him, “what are you doing this weekend?”
Your heart began to race as you asked. This was the first time you asked him out, outside of the bedroom. You had spent time looking at things going on this upcoming weekend and figured you might just ask Bradley to tag along. It was just a fun festival day with your friends and their partners. It felt like the perfect first date.
His body stiffened. What did you just ask him? Mixes of guilt and appreciation began to flow through him. He was absolutely honored at the invitation, but he knew what the invitation included. He didn’t want that. He told you he didn’t want that. His fear was happening right before him. You had caught feelings.
“Are you asking me on a date,” he questioned, hoping you were asking as a friend. Begging you were asking as a friend. He sat up on the bed, putting distance between the two of you. You noticed this gap, and your heart began to sink into your stomach. What you had thought all along, you were wrong. You were so dead wrong.
You swallowed, “y-yeah. I am.”
Bradley stood up from the bed, running his hands through his hair. He pulled on his underwear and pants, sweat pooling at his forehead. “Why? We said no dates.”
The words were like a dagger to your heart and your confidence. “Well,” you stumbled, moving to put on your own clothes, “we’ve been spending more time together. I thought-”
“You thought I had caught feelings. Because you had,” he cut you off. He didn’t want to be rude, he really didn’t. He had grown fond of you, absolutely. He looked forward to your texts asking him to come over. That’s all he wanted, however. To come over. 
The two of you stared at each other, standing on opposite ends of the bed. Goosebumps appeared on your skin as your anxiety started. “Yes, Bradley,” you snapped in defensive mode, “I caught feelings. This isn’t just a hookup to me anymore. This has been going on for months. You’ve started staying longer. Of course I caught feelings. Haven’t you?”
“I know the answer that you’re wanting me to say, but you know I can’t give it to you,” Rooster’s raspy sighs left his lips as he stared at you with a pitiful pout.
You knew he was only going to shut you down again. Yet, you held hope. Hope that while your feelings were growing stronger by the day, his were too. How could they not be? He was starting to hold you a little bit closer, place kisses on your forehead, and spending more time at your place rather than leaving immediately after. No one just does that without meaning it, right? 
And here you were, staring deep into Bradley’s eyes, trying to find any sort of sign that he was lying. You couldn’t. The harsh reality of rejection began to sink into your stomach. Bile threatened to spew as tears welled up into your eyes. Your lips began to tremble into a frown as you tried desperately to stay stoic.
“I’m sorry,” he began again, “I just-“
“No!” you interrupted, unable to hear much more, “no it’s fine. You’re telling me the truth, no matter how hard it is to hear.”
Bradley felt horrible. His friends had told him that a friends with benefits relationship always ends in feelings. You hadn’t said anything to him, so he thought he was successfully pulling it off for once. You had agreed to the terms. The no dating, no relationship terms. He hadn’t expected you to change. 
“I really am sorry,” he murmured, finding it hard to look you in the eyes. He gazed over to the wall, “I didn’t mean to make you think this was more than what it is.”
Your arms folded in front of your chest, subconsciously trying to protect you from the continual hurt that was being thrown your way. “I told you it’s fine. You’re right. This was just sex. It was always just about sex. I don’t know why I would think anything different.”
It wasn’t until the crack in your voice that Bradley realized the severity of the situation. He had hurt you, and from your current state he had hurt you pretty badly. That was the last thing he ever wanted to do. He came towards you, his hands out to pull you into an embrace, but you stepped back. A small pang of guilt and sadness iced in his veins.
“I care about you, Y/N, whether you believe it or not,” he gulped. “But I can’t do a relationship right now. There is so much on my plate, I don’t even know if I’ll be alive at the end of all of this. I’m in no shape for a relationship. Of any kind.”
You turned your head to try to hide your face, quickly wiping away a tear that threatened to spill. “I guess we had a good run then, huh,” you sarcastically laughed.
“I guess so,” Bradley frowned, “I’m sorry, Y/N, I can’t say that enough.
You shook your head back, finding words hard to find now. Instead, you watched him pull on his shirt and his shoes. The tension in the room could crush even the strongest person. You had not expected your day to end like this. Watching him leave knowing he wouldn’t be back. You had dreamt of a fun day on the boardwalk, laughing and smiling while sharing the various street foods. That dream was now liquified, and slipping down your cheek. He looked back at you, standing in your sweatshirt, and wished things would have been different.
You noticed his shirt laying on the back of your lounge chair. The piece of cloth once brought you so much comfort. You had found yourself wearing it at night, smelling the last notes of his cologne that clung to it. Now, it made you want to vomit. You wanted no part of him left in your house. 
Without a word you grabbed the black t-shirt, holding it out in your shaking hand. Bradley took it from you. He gave you one last weak smile. “I’ll see you around then,” he stated before turning towards the door.
You prayed in your mind that he would turn around and say it was all a joke. That he would be back tomorrow and would love nothing more than to go on that date. He didn’t. You heard his footsteps down the stairs and the closing of the door behind him. You’ll see him around then.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
ML Fic: Soulmate Survey Part 35
(Master post)
(Insert excuse on why it took so long) (Insert comedic joke on why I didn't update sooner) (plea of trying better) (Heartfelt compliment on why all of you are awesome and patient)
Okay so now that we got that out of the way. But in all seriousness. Thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoy.
If you do enjoy the fic, please Comment and reblog. Reblogs are like Gold on Tumblr and being a writer and posting to Tumblr is difficult. So every little bit helps.
Alright so now lets get to it.
The nurse heard the commotion going on in the halls. She knew that shortly after Chloé left, things outside the office became… restless. She turned off all the lights and locked the door to the nurse’s office. She did her best to stay quiet and not draw attention to the room. She knew those akuma were out there and she needed to focus on stabilizing her patient.
“I hope that Chloé managed to get that message out.” The nurse whispered to herself.
The woman felt weird pinning her hopes of escaping this place on a spoiled teenager, but at this point, beggars can’t be choosers.
She heard someone approach the door. The nurse felt her blood turn to ice. She refused to move a single inch. She hoped and prayed that the person would go away. She could hear the screams of students outside. She knew the akuma, whoever they were, were out there, and they were taking anyone they could find. Right now, all she could do was pray they don’t check.
“Please… for all that is good… let them leave.” She prayed under her breath.
After what felt like an eternity, she heard the sound of footsteps away from the door and everything returned to eerie silence.
She felt her essence sigh in relief.
She got up from the ground and went to go attend to the unconscious woman in the cot.
“Its strange for someone so young to be so exhausted… but then again, when I get into the line of work I am hoping for, it is likely I will be seeing a lot of cases like this.” Angela joked, trying to keep herself in good spirits. “Society is such a mess.”
Angela checked Nathalie’s pulse. It was present, but it felt off. It was weaker than she was expecting from someone of her age. Perhaps she has a much more serious medical condition. Angela would probably recommend that this woman see a professional when this is all said and done. Though for now, she was stable and calm, which was a very good sign.
The nurse considered that maybe she wasn’t getting an accurate reading, was something off with the assistant’s breathing? She would need to check. The nurse grabbed a stethoscope and moved closer, getting ready to check again.
“Ow!” She yelped as she felt something grab her arm. Nathalie had awaken and she had a firm grip on the woman's wrist.
“What are you doing!?” The surprised assistant exclaimed
“You're awake!? Oh, thank goodness.”
“Yes, you passed out at a most stressful time. Right now, I recommend we keep our voices down.” The nurse hushed.
Nathalie mentally cursed to herself. She knew it had to be Masquerade. Her little episode resulted in her being far too late to get in and out without issue. She was planning on getting Adrien out of here before things went south.
She got up from the cot she had been laying in.
“Hold on a second.” Angela called out. “You need to stay and rest. I am glad you are conscious. But that sudden fainting spell could be indicative of…”
Nathalie did not have time for this. She gave an ice-cold glare at the nurse.
“If you intend on making me stay here, you will need to do so by force!”
The nurse felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. This woman’s eyes clearly showed intent on fighting. Angela was not a fighter, she helped people, not hurt them.
“You are my patient, and there is a lot of danger outside. You are in no condition to go out there.”
Nathalie had to respect the woman’s guts for standing up to her, despite the nurse’s knees shaking as she maintained eye contact.
“Okay, so how will we deal with the akuma breaking in then.”
Angela turned her back to Nathalie, who took full advantage, giving the school nurse a fierce chop to the neck. Causing the nurse to drop like a sack of potatoes.
“Rest up.”
Nathalie put the nurse in the cot that she had previously been resting in.
“Seems I don’t have time to be subtle. Duusu.”
The blue Kwami popped out.
“Nathalie! Do you want to play?”
“Yes Duusu, the game is find Adrien and get out of here.”
“Duusu! Spread my feathers!”
“Get down!” Ladybug dived into Chat noir, helping them both avoid the pause symbols and deadly bubbles headed their way. The akuma on both sides of them managed to avoid the incoming attacks they had sent towards the heroes.
“Thanks LB.” Chat noir thanked. “While you are the second person I want to be dancing with. We can't keep dodging forever. Even if their moves are predictable. Maybe those masks are the key to stopping them."
“Hardly a dance, its ettiquette for the boy to lead if it is. And I don't think so. Those masks appear to be unbreakable and impossible to remove” Ladybug said as she pulled her partner quickly back up, both noticing the akuma were ready for more.
“We still haven’t tried cataclysm.” Chat noir comments as he runs and jumps over a trashcan to avoid getting nailed by Bubbler’s attack bubbles.
“Right, but that would leave you exposed. Call it a hunch, but we will need to save it for later.” Ladybug responds as she jumps away and opens a door to block several pause symbols. "Besides, do you want to be mask-less at this Akuma calamity?"
“I was going to say it was more like a Masquerade ball. And no I would not."
Ladybug rolled her eyes at the lame joke, but still had a bit of a smile. Lightening the mood.
"Silly kitty"
"But seriously, we need a plan. If we can’t free them, what can we do?”
Ladybug focused for a moment. She noticed the way they were attacking, it was predictable and slow. Normally the akuma change up their attacks, or at least seem more aware of what the heroes are doing. The akuma were acting a lot more like controlled puppets. Much like when she had to deal with Puppeteer. Seems this akuma had some drawbacks that could be exploited. This was where Ladybug realized there was a way to deal with them.
“We disarm them. Break Bubbler’s wand and I will terminate Lady Wifi’s phone plan. Their reflexes are way more sluggish than usual. My bet is that having so many servants is starting to have a drain on the effectiveness of her forces. We just need to act quick.”
“Alright, sounds good to me.”
“On my mark we charge.”
Ladybug kept an eye on both akuma, after they sent a flurry of attack, they would usually have to take a moment to recharge. Bubbler would need to dip his wand back into his bubble pack and Lady wifi would have her hand cramp after sending 10 swipe symbols and would need to pull her hand back.
Chat noir and Ladybug both pounced at the two akuma, moving fast enough that their foes couldn’t retaliate as the heroes swiped the weapons from their respective wielders.
“Sorry to burst your bubble.” Chat noir joked as he snapped the bubble wand.
“And you’ve reached your data limit for the month.” Ladybug chimed in as she crushed Lady Wifi’s phone.
Both akuma began swinging their fists at the heroes, trying to turn the fight into a bare-knuckle brawl. But Ladybug’s assessment was correct, their attacks were too predictable. Ladybug caught Lady Wifi’s fist and flipped her over her shoulder to the ground.
Chat noir ducked under bubbler’s punch and slipped behind him. The cat used his staff to swipe at the feet of the forward moving akuma and knocked him mask first onto the floor.
“Alright, their disarmed. Now what?”
“Move him over here.”
Chat noir picks up the akuma by his bubble pack and throws him over to ladybug like a curling stone.Ladybug uses her yo-yo to tie the two dazed akuma back to back.
“Let’s put them somewhere where they won’t cause any trouble.”
“Next!” Masquerade called out in annoyance.
She had gotten her akuma servants to capture as many teachers and students as possible. She had the element of surprise and with the amount of akuma she had at her disposal, it was easy to capture several. Though she figured none would escape and cause panic, Timebreaker was guarding the parameter and kept her informed of any people she ‘Tagged’. Horrificator finished sealing all of the exits so no one would be able to come in or out.
She figured there was a good chance for adding more akuma to her rank. The problem was, most of the akuma sucked. She ended up developing a system for them. If they turned out to have no useful ability, she would humiliate them, have reflekta turn her into replicas of herself and then have Princess Frangrance spray the rejects to turn into obedient servants, this way she had something useful out of them. Make them get snacks or whatever. There were multiple uses for mind-controlled students and teachers. So far, she didn’t find a single one worthy of her time.
“I SAID NEXT!” Masquerade shouted louder.
Masquerade sized up the black-haired girl that one of the Reflekta duplicates had pushed forward. She recognized the shy smile from television. She was one of the weather girls on the KIDZ+ network. That was a contest Lila would have KILLED to have been a part of. She mentally told herself she would have won if she had entered.
“Your Mirelle aren’t you?”
“Y-Yes, please don’t hurt me.” She pleaded.
Masquerade rolled her eyes.
“Let’s, see what the deepest parts of your mind hold.”
Masquerade stopped to turn to the person that shouted.
“Well, well, well, seems we have both weather girls that go to this school.” Masquerade commented. “What a coincidence.”
Masquerade’s eyes went to the honey blonde weather girl. The akuma had to respect the fierce glare the girl was giving her.
“Aurore don’t.” Mirelle tried to plea.
“Fragrance, shut her up.”
The perfume akuma moved from the wall and sprayed the shy weather girl.”
Masquerade felt her bracelet glow, indicating that there was an akuma victim present.”
“So, stormy weather, does this rain on your parade?”
“Don’t call me that!” Aurore spat with disgust.
“That loss still bothers you. How the city voted and you were blown out of the water.”
“I know your trying to get under my skin, it won’t work.” Aurore said. “I’ve dealt with Chloé, and she is way meaner.”
Masquerade kept her smile.
“You’re right, that wouldn’t bother me. The comments by everyone else questioning why you are there would. All of those people wondering what the point of that vote was. So now you have to constantly push harder and harder to prove you deserve to be there with Mirelle. It has become your obsession; the way people perceive you. You need to be the perfect weather girl, with the good looks and the good grades. You can’t let anyone begin to doubt your ability.”
Aurore felt her heart shatter at the comment. It was like this akuma had reached into her chest and pulled her heart out. She could see her biggest fear.
“Shut up! I am good enough! You can’t tell me otherwise.”
Masquerade felt a twinge of annoyance, but a sinister idea came into her head. She touched the perfume bottle charm, her colors shifted to match the color scheme of the Perfume akuma.
“Mirelle, tell her what she needs to here.”
The controlled weather girl felt something intrude in her mind, for a brief second, she winced, before turning into a creepy smile.
Aurore felt her skin crawl as she turned to see her coworker and friend staring at her, a creepy smile on her face.
“You aren’t good enough. You were never good enough. You tried so hard to be charming and cute, but the network thinks your redundant. They were going to get rid of you as soon as they could. I hear they are aiming for the end of the month.” She sing-songed.
Aurore dropped to her knees. Her confidence shattered. She broke down, tears streamed down her face. She covered her hands to cry. To hear her say those awful things, was it true? Was she gone? Was all her work for nothing?
Mirelle’s creepy forced smile stayed, but from the corner of her eye, a single tear began streaming down her cheek. Unbeknown to Aurore, Masquerade was using the controlled teen like a ventriloquist dummy.
“Excellent work.”
Masquerade shifted back to her original colors and grabbed a mask from her dress before she flung it right at the depressed weather girl. She took joy in watching it clamp onto her face like an alien face-hugger. There was a brief moment of struggle, but Aurore was no more. Stormy weather had taken her place. Masquerade laughed as a new charm appeared on her bracelet.
“Finally, some better servants. And these powers are no joke.”
Stormy weather raised her umbrella at Masquerade.
“Oh? Are you trying to resist?”
The akuma’s arm was shaking, but then dropped. Her body becoming inactive, like a toy robot with its batteries removed.
“And there goes the last of your resistance. Now go out and find Ladybug and Chat noir. Lady Wifi and Bubbler haven’t returned.”
Stormy weather nodded and headed out of the classroom.
Masquerade noticed the cowering captured students and took a moment to appreciate the power she wielded. Sure, she would have preferred to have been loved by the school, but being feared is a close second.
Her joy was cut short when something pinged into her mind.
Requirements met for new akuma. Confirm merge?
Masquerade tried to figure out what that meant. What was merging.
‘The components for the akuma Oblivio are now available, would you like to merge the two akuma to make new akuma?’
“Oblivio? I don’t remember an akuma by that name?” Masquerade said to herself. “Well, if two people are needed to make it and it is making something new, it must be good. Confirm!”
A new charm appears on her bracelet, one in the shape of a question mark.
"Creating Lady Wifi, Bubbler, Oblivio fusion.'
“I wonder what this will bring.”
Hawkmoth got felt a sudden shift in the mood of his akuma.
"So Lila found a way to merge akuma with multiple different forms into one. And now she is able to create a completely new akuma. Perhaps Ladybug and Chat noir have finally met there match."
The butterfly villain rubbed his hands smugly as he continued observing. Though part of him wondered if Nathalie was able to secure Adrien safely.
“Okay, these should work.” Chat noir exclaimed as he opened two empty lockers.
Ladybug removed her yo-yo that had tied the two akuma together and shoved the two of them inside each locker before slamming it shut.
“We need something to lock them in for a while.” Ladybug exclaimed as she held the doors closed. The akuma started trying to break free. Moving in any way they could to bust out.
Chat noir looked around, looking for something to shove in front of the lockers.
“Ugh, there is nothing to barricade them with!” Chat noir exclaims.
“Just seal the doors.”
Chat noir put his hand on the lockers where the doors would open, he focused all his strength into his hands and crunched doors by the lock, making it impossible to open in the conventional way.
“That should hold it.” Chat noir exclaimed with relief.
Ladybug slid down the door as resistance finally ceased.
“I think they realized they can’t escape.” Chat noir eased.
Ladybug got up from the floor. They give each other a fist bump on their success.
“Well thankfully that deals with two troublesome akuma. Now we need to get to Lila before we get overrun with them.”
The two heroes quickly leave the locker room.
"By the way, you mentioned earlier I was the second person you wanted to be dancing with. Who is the first?"
Chat noir felt a faint blush on his cheeks.
"How about we talk dances later." Chat noir dodged the question.
Both heroes hurrying down the hall to try and get to Masquerade.
But after they left, the lockers they had left the akumas in started to shake wildly…
“Heads up!” Viperion exclaimed as he pulled Ryuuko out of the Akuma’s range. The vanishing miracular was a far more difficult opponent then both reptilian heroes were expecting. The akuma vanishes just before Ryuuko could retaliate.
“Every time we lose sight of her, she vanishes and I can’t get a clean hit!” Ryuuko grumbles.
Viperion looks around frantically.
“Yes, but I do believe we have some interesting intel. The akuma seems unable to use both her powers at the same time. She needs to turn visible in order to try and attack us with those Tonfa of hers” The snake hero explains
Ryuuko backs up, looking around to see if she can notice anything that could help her locate the sneaky servant.
“And whatever its other power is seems to involve using those Tonfa. Call it a hunch but we can’t let her use it on us.” Ryuuko discussed her instinctual feeling.
“Guard my back, she can’t sneak up on us if our backs are covered.” Viperion instructs. “Her strategy is very straight forward. We just need to wait for an opening”
“Got it.” Ryuuko says just as she notices something from the corner of her eye. “There you are.”
Ryuuko makes a charge at what appeared to be a wall, but her sword contacted Miracular’s tonfa. Forcing her visible again.
Viperion took noticed of the poor stance that Miracular had while blocking Ryuuko. He wasn’t an expert but even he could see that an unexpected hit would knock her off her feet.
He threw his lyre right at the akuma’s knees and made contact, the force causing her to buckle and Ryuuko disarmed the akuma by parrying her tonfa.
Viperion caught the weapons and broke them over his knee.
“Well that takes care of her weapons.”
Ryuuko noticed the akuma tried to get away but she dove tackled her before she could turn visable.
“Nice work. But what are we going to do to stop her from getting in the way?” Viperion inquired.
Ryuuko band the akuma's face repeatedly against the floor in order to break the mask. Sadly there was not even a scratch on it.
"Well this mask is durable. Might need to lock her somewhere."
The snake hero thought for a moment. he remembered back to a previous akuma attack. Chat noir had put him in a locker to be safe. He still remembered the playful wink the cat gave.
"Any ideas Viper piper?" Ryuuko inquired as she maintained her hold on the akuma.
"Huh? Oh right. Why not take to the locker room and throw her into a locker. She isn't super strong so we could easily just toss her in and lock it. Also, what is with the nickname?"
"I heard that giving people nicknames helps endear people to you."
"Okay, well you can keep trying, but I don't play pipes. What other ones do you have."
"... That was the only one I had... Ill try and come up with more as we go."
"Looking forward to it ... Dra-girl"
Ryuuko paused to look at him as she stood up with the akuma.
"Yea... It felt wrong as soon as I said it. Lets just go."
Chloé had given most of the akuma she encountered the slip. Not from expert hiding of fighting skill, she simply walked passed them. A normal individual would realize how amazing it was that as long as you don’t freak out, the akuma basically don’t notice. But to Chloé, it felt insulting. Did the akuma seriously believe she was not worth chasing?
“Un-be-lievable.” Chloé huffed. “Most of these akuma would have been chasing me like crazy by now.”
She grumbled to herself as she made it to the front entrance, which she realized had been slimed on.
“EWW, they got that nasty slime monster on their side.”
The mayor’s daughter felt a mix of disgust and annoyance. With this door sealed, she would need to get to one of the other exits, on the other side of the school.
“This would be a really good time for Ladybug to show up and let me be Queen bee.” Chloé stated aloud.
But the area she was in was practically empty.
“Figures.” Chloé sighed. “Why do these gross rejects always have to make things so annoying!”
Unfortunately for her, her complaints did attract some attention from a group of Reflekta copies roaming the halls.
“We order you to come with us!” The three reflektas sang in unison. Chloé didn’t know or care if the original was among them.
“How about no.” Chloé scoffed. She pushed one of them down and walked past them. The other two rushed to her to capture her. But Chloé easily knocked both of the reflektas down easy. The servants were not use to walking in heels. They may be controlled, but Chloé can tell when an amateur walking in gaudy heels from a mile away.
“You 3 need to learn how to walk and a lesson on fashion before you can even THINK of taking me hostage.” Chloé flipped her hair and smugly continued walking, as the three reflektas tried to get up.
Hidden from view, hiding in what appeared to be an abandoned janitor’s cleaning cart, an old man popped his head out slightly.
“Ladybug does need all the help she could get right now…But would she be the right choice?”
_____________________________________________________________ (End of Part 36.)
What other akuma will be joining Masquerade's ranks?
Will Ladybug and Chat noir be able to face the old and new threats?
Will Mayura cause more problems or solve em?
Also, what do you think this new akuma fusion will look like?
I would love to see your takes.
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Summary: Chris didn’t like being ignored.
Pairings: Jealous!Daddy!Chris x Black!Reader
Warnings: Smut, Daddy kink, arguing, reader slaps Chris, slight sugar daddy vibes, swearing, jealous Chris, PR stunt, wall sex, oral (female and male receiving), reverse cowgirl, riding, rough sex, dirty talk, degradation, creampie, name calling
Tagged: @titty-teetee , @harrysthiccthighss , @iam-laiya , @mariahthelioness29 , @night-of-the-living-shred , @liquorlaughslove , @blackmissfrizzle , @stargazingfangirl18, @whiskey-cokenfanfic, @olyvoyl , @zaddychris
(A/N: Knocking out these WIPs by combining some WIPs. Like, reblog, enjoy and all that jazz.)
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No one knew about your relationship with Chris. He was the hot guy that every girl around you wanted. Girls were always trying to shoot their shots. You hadn’t done much, but ignore him a few times when you started being friends with his brother’s boyfriend and somehow that ended up with him asking you out. From then on, you’d been a part of a very intense sexual relationship.
Your friends didn’t have an idea. Sure, they knew you were at the very least fucking around with someone. Somehow you managed to get away with not disclosing who anytime they bugged you about it. Your friends were great, but you couldn’t exactly trust them to not tell everyone and their mothers. It wasn’t even like they’d be doing it maliciously, but the scandal it’d be if people had found out that you and Chris had ended up together would be astronomical. 
This is why you were able to save face when you saw another one of those publicity stunts with him and some actress. They were Hollywood’s hottest couple. Gag. You couldn’t even go to the grocery store without seeing pictures of them all over at checkout.
You were Y/N L/N. You didn’t need him anyway. You didn’t have time for fuckboys. No matter how good looking or rich. No matter how good he dicked you down in bed.
So, why did it hurt so bad. 
Again, it’s not like Chris was your boyfriend. Did you even have the right to be upset? If anything, it hadn’t been more than a booty call. You wiped your tears quicker than they could fall because why the hell were you even crying. He wasn’t even worth it. Deep down you kind of knew this was always going to happen. The man was a commitment-phobe. If he really wanted to be with you, he would’ve made it official months ago.
So, you tried to not think about him. Even if you had to see him every time you went to the grocery store. Even tuning out your mutual friends. Then threw out those stupid forever flowers he’d bought you. You could pawn the jewelry, at least. Maybe give the clothes to charity. 
On second thought.
You’re keeping the clothes. Those Chanel bags were staying firmly in your closet. Someone could pry those Christian Louboutin heels out of your cold dead hands. Okay so maybe you were more like a sugar baby than anything else. You needed to stop trying to figure out what you even were because who cares fuck him.
Either way it still stung. 
Fuck it. You could go on a Chris Evans diet. You didn’t need him.
Hey baby I’m back home
Let’s get dinner tonight
He’d texted you as you were getting ready. It’d been almost a month since you’d heard from him. Maybe his girlfriend dumped him or his agent told him he didn’t have to play along with what you were sure was a stunt. It didn’t matter. You were no one’s second best and you had a date tonight. With someone that actually wanted to not play games.
Your palm itched because you wanted to text him back so bad. Wanted to tell him to leave you the fuck alone. Except you were trying to go cold turkey. Instead you muted his contact before finishing your hair. 
The dress you were wearing was one he’d bought you and so were the shoes you wore. Not that he cared, but it felt more fun to use the stuff he brought when going out with someone else. You knew that it would have at least gotten under his skin. Your date was some guy your bestie kept trying to push on you.
He was cute enough. Made good money. In the back of your head, though, not that you would ever say it out loud he was no Chris. You weren’t sure any other man would be able to do you like he did. To fuck you so hard that you forgot your own name. How he’d get you into all these crazy positions. How he spanked you and made you call him Daddy. 
You shook those thoughts away. You didn’t need him.
Anyway, you’d gone on like two dates with Devin. He was okay. You liked him so far. You weren’t really expecting much to come out of it, but you were having fun with him. At least he texted you back in a timely fashion. 
There was a knock on the door so you went to grab it seeing your date on the other side. 
You’d been trying this new thing. Where you didn’t kiss to quickly or have sex to soon. Which you’d told Devin your boundaries right off the bat. Dinner was nice. He was cute enough anyway.
Your mind kept wandering to thoughts of him which was annoying. You didn’t want to think about him. You wanted to feel like you were living in a post Chris Evans world.
When he took you home you could tell he was trying to kiss you on the lips. You turned your head at the right moment so he got your cheek. You weren’t surprised that he tried to.
As you were getting ready to take off your shoes and retreat to your room, happy that your roommate was spending the night at her boyfriend’s so you could spend the rest of the night walking around naked there was a knock on the door. You groaned as you looked through the peephole and then backed away seeing the man you were trying to avoid on the other side.
Your stomach turned and suddenly you wanted to throw up your dinner. Maybe if you didn’t make any noise he’d go away. “Y/N, I know you’re in there,” his Boston accent was so thick.
You took out your phone, going to his contact. Seeing all the messages. Then the final one.
I’m coming over
He’d of course been in your apartment before. Sometimes when your roommate had gone to visit her family or stayed with her boyfriend, he’d come over. You’d end up having sex all over just because you could.
“Open the door!” He said. You didn’t want your neighbors to think you are crazy. So, you did. Anything to get him to stop.
“Are you crazy?” You asked in a quiet voice. “My neighbors can probably hear you.”
He pushed passed you with his face all red. “Who the fuck was that guy?” He asked.
Your heart started to race. Stick up for yourself. Like you do in your head. Tell him you’re tired of his shit and tell him to leave.
You took a deep breath before finally opening your mouth to speak. You could do this. “I was on a date,” you finally said with your head held high.
Chris quirked his eyebrow. “What the fuck? Why?”
You shrugged still trying to maintain your composure. Cool, calm, and collected. “Why not? You go on dates with other women. I haven’t heard from you in a month and you think you can make demands?”
He clenched his jaw, scoffing at your words. “That’s work and you know it.”
“Did work tell you to fuck her? To ignore me for a month.”
He rolled his eyes. “You don’t know shit, Y/N.”
“I don’t care. I saw you! Every time I went on Twitter. Every time I went to the fucking grocery store, I had to see stupid tabloids with your stupid faces on it.”
He pursed his lips and sighed. “Look-“
“Did work tell you to wait a fucking month before texting me? Oh, hey let’s go out for dinner,” you mocked him. “After ignoring me for a fucking month! Like fuck off!”
“And look you hopped on another guy’s dick quickly like a fucking slut.”
You’d never laid your hands on someone before, you always felt like you were above that but you gasped and before your brain could even think you’d already slapped his face. Tears welled up in your eyes when you realized what you’d done. “I’m so so so sor-“
But before you could finish what you were saying, he cut you off with a kiss. He slammed you into the wall before lifting you up with one arm and wrapping his hand around your neck. “Think you’re in charge here. I was about to apologize, but you just couldn’t shut the fuck up, huh.”
He pushed up your dress so you were completely exposed to him. It didn’t take him very long for him to undo his pants. Before you knew it, he was pushing into you. Your head lolled back as he started fucking you. Not even giving you the chance to push him away.
You hated how good he felt. How his thick dick made you not even care anymore. You just wanted it. Wanted him. Needed him to fuck you.
“Fuck, Daddy,” you moaned.
“That’s right. I’m your Daddy.” He hissed. “I’m your fucking Daddy.”
You bit your lip as he moved you into the wall. Like he was about to fuck you through it. “Right there,” you gasped as he started fucking into your spot. Right where he knew you liked it. “Don’t fucking stop.”
“See you naughty little slut. You fucking like it.” He was pounding into you.
You nodded trying to move back against him because you still needed it. It’d been two months since you’d last had sex with him. “Yes, I love it.”
“Yeah. You love Daddy’s dick?”
“Say it. Fucking say it.”
“I love Daddy’s dick.” You moaned trying to keep your voice low so no one could hear you.
He hissed before letting out his own moan. “Louder, Baby.”
“I love Daddy’s dick,” you cried.
“Fucking louder. I want your fucking neighbor to hear you.”
“I love Daddy’s dick! I love Daddy’s dick!” You said a little louder as you tightened around him cumming all over his thick dick. He carried you over to the back of the couch, still stuffed inside of you.
He leaned you over the back of it so that he could kiss you. Thrusting in and out of you. It hurt so good.
He suddenly pulled out of you, grabbing your waist so he could make you turn around. Chris started kissing down your back getting on his knees pushing you up so you were leaning over. He finally tugged ag your panties ignoring the rip that he’d put in them as he pulled them off of you.
His tongue went to your pussy as soon as possible, licking and sucking up all the juices that were there “Fuck,” you mewled. “Don’t stop.”
He swirled his tongue around inside you. Licking you like he was making out with your cunt. His hands came up so he could jiggle your ass.
You started rubbing your clit. Needing to touch the nub because it was like it was throbbing for attention. He smacked your hand away as he started doing it himself.
His fingers were rubbing you so good. His mouth working at the same time. You could feel your orgasm so damn close. Chris didn’t let up until finally your drippy little pussy was gushing as you came hard. He wasted no time in standing up and pushing into you.
Your face felt flushed as he started moving into you again. Chris was never satisfied unless he made you cum so many times you were begging him to stop. Even then he might push you a little because he loves how whiny you get when you’re over stimulated.
“Did you let him fuck you like this?” Chris slammed his hips into you. Needing to keep fucking you as rough as he could.
“No,” you whimpered.
“Just me, huh. No one else could do this to you.” He smacked your ass leaving a stinging pain behind. “Bet you didn’t even let him hit it, huh.”
“No,” you answered.
“Because no one fucks me good like you.”
He chuckled clearly getting some amusement out of your desperation. Before he could cum again, he tore away from you leaving your pussy clenching on nothing as he grabbed your neck so he could take you to the carpet.
He signaled for you to get on you all fours and you thought he was going to make you suck his dick until he got down beside you. He grabbed you hard so he could put you into position. Grabbing a throw pillow to place on the ground before pushing your head into it.
The anticipation of whatever he was about to do was scaring you. Your body trembled as a reminder of the two orgasms he’d forced you through so far. He grabbed both your arms, holding them behind your back so your face was kind of dependent on the pillow that was about to be stained with your makeup for balance.
Oh, he was about to destroy your cunt.
The first thrust was so deep your body tried to pull away before you could even think about it. “No. Don’t you fucking run from me. You take it.”
The only thing you could do was take it since he was holding your hands behind you. He was violating your pussy and there was nothing you could do about it. You gasped with each thrust not being able to even wrap your head around how deep he was. You could feel him in your stomach. 
It was like this switch in your brain had turned off. All you could do was think about how much you needed Daddy’s dick. All you could fucking do. You wanted to be his bitch. Wanted for him to own you. You needed him to never ever stop.
“Oh, no. Did I fuck you stupid, Little Girl? Your stupid little brain couldn’t take it?” He sounded so condescending and it only added to how far gone you were. “Who am I?”
“You’re my daddy,” you whispered.
“I can’t hear you.”
“You’re my daddy,” you whimpered. You bit your lip, burying your head into the pillow because fuck you’d just buy a new one. Your roommate would understand.
He moaned seeing how fucked out he’d gotten you. In the same way your mind had slipped into the subspace, he felt him hit this feeling where he felt so dominant. Like you seemed so small compared to him and what he was doing to you. He reeled in these moments.
“I’m gonna cum,” you cried because right when you announced it, it hit you so deep. Your pussy juices cascading down his length. If he wasn’t stuffed inside of you, you would have probably made a mess everywhere.
Your eyes rolling to the back of your head. It felt so fucking good. Tears sprouted from your eyes and you knew you probably looked as messy as you felt.
“That’s it, Baby.” He let go of your arms, seeing how far gone you were. He pulled out of you so he could pull you into his arms. He cradled you bringing you close. “I’ve got you.” He kissed the side of your head as you cried softly. Your eyes were glazed over from how hard you came.
You sniffled burying your head into his chest. He kissed your nose before getting up with you in his arms and sitting you on the couch. He helped you pull your dress over your head because until then it’d just been bunched up. He undid your bra next so you’d be more comfortable.
“You need some water?” He asked.
You nodded, but didn’t let go of him. You needed him to be close. He chuckled, standing up with you still in his arms as he walked to the kitchen. It was fine he could hold you and get you water at the same time.
“Daddy,” you whimpered.
“What is it, Darling,” he whispered kissing the top of your head.
“I need you.”
“I’m here,” he sighed as he carried you back over to the couch. He brought the glass of water up to your face helping you take a sip. “That’s a good girl.” He set it down on the side table. “Need anything else?”
“I need to pee.”
He chuckled. “Well I can’t help you with that.”
You took a minute in the bathroom to wash your face so you could wake yourself up a little. The night was far from over. You knew that. He was just nice enough to let you take a break.
When you walked back into the living room, he was right there stroking his still hard cock. Your poor Daddy. You’d left him like this. As soon as you got closer to him you got on your knees, ready to take him into your mouth like a good slut.
He licked his lips as you got leveled with his thick cock. “It looks so yummy,” you said, before licking the underside. 
He groaned, bringing his thumb to your cheek. “That’s it, pretty girl, suck Daddy’s dick.”
You got to work. Slobbering all over him. You wanted to leave another mess on him. You could taste yourself on him and it only made you want to work harder. 
“Fuck,” he said under his breath, eyes hooded as he watched you. It was such a pretty sight seeing you on your knees before him. Your mouth worshipping his dick. “Did you suck his dick?”
You shook your head, looking up at him with big eyes. You held your tongue out as you bobbed your head up and down. He could feel the back of your throat every fucking time. Then you went all the way down his dick disappearing into your mouth completely. Your soft lips around him while your throat felt like it would swallow him whole.
“God damn,” he moaned, putting his hands in your hair so he could pull you off and then shove it back in. He fucked your throat and you let him, gagging on him sometimes, but still trying to be a good girl and take it. You didn’t want to let your daddy down. “That’s it, Bitch. You’re a good girl. You knew better than to fuck someone else, huh?”
You hummed around him, nodding your head. “Mhm.”
“Even when you’re a little fucking brat you know this is daddy’s cunt.” He groaned. “Daddy’s mouth. You’re fucking mine. You hear me?” You nodded, but that wasn’t enough for him as he yanked your head up by your hair. “When I ask you a question you fucking answer me.”
“I’m sorry,” you whimpered.
He grabbed your face before slapping your cheek. “Who owns this pussy?”
“You do.”
“See, that’s a good little slut.” He grabbed your hair so you’d have to lean up to kiss him. He made you stand up then turned you around so you’d have to sink down onto his cock again. You yelped as he stretched you out all over again.
His legs were spread wide as he started to move you up and down his length. Fuck he loved watching your ass as you rode him in reverse. You twerked on his length and watching your ass shake like that with your pussy full of him was so damn sexy. “Fuck, Daddy.”
See, perfect. Where the fuck else was he going to find a girl that let him do such depraved things and twerk on his cock while also calling him Daddy then thank him for it.
“Did you kiss him?” He suddenly asked, suddenly feeling irritated all over again. He fucking hated that you even thought it’d be okay to go on your little date.
“He just kissed my cheek,” you answered honestly.
Even the thought of that was enough to make him mad. He pushed you off of him, turning you back around so you had to climb onto his lap. “Don’t you ever, ever, ever pull some shit like that again.”
“I’m sorry,” you moaned.
You heard the keys in the door and he got up quickly so he could get you to your room without your roommate getting an eyeful of either of you. He closed the door, locking it behind. You put your head against his chest, laughing. He chuckled before kissing your forehead. “That was a close one,” he whispered.
“I’m sorry you haven’t even been able to cum.” You giggled. 
“It’s okay we got all night,” he said, smacking your ass.
There was a knock on your door and you groaned. “Um,” your roommates very clearly amused voice came from the other side, “as glad as I am that you’re moving on from the asshole that broke your heart, can you please keep it in your room.”
You scrunched up your face before looking at Chris who did not share your roommates’ sense of humor at the moment. “Sorry,” you said through the door. “I thought you’d be gone.”
“I will be. I just forgot something,” she replied. “Have fun with Devin.”
Chris slammed you down onto the bed. You purse your lips before trying to back away from him. “Just wait for when she leaves. I’m tearing this ass up,” he threatened.
And he did because as soon as you heard the front door close, he started pounding into you again. Spreading your legs wide open as he fucked into your cunt.
“Want me to cum in you?” He asked. “Fill you up?”
“Yes,” you cried.
“Look at it,” he grunted grabbing your hair again so he could force you up to watch his dick go in and out of you. “This is my cunt. Don’t you get forget that.”
“I won’t,” your voice got all whiny again as you started to cum again. This time he started to shoot inside of you giving you every single spurt. “Daddy!”
“Fuck, Y/N,” he moaned himself hips stuttering as he shoved his cum into you.
Finally, as the two of you started to settle down getting you wrapped up in your blankets, he laid next to you to pull you into his arms. You were breathing heavy as he kissed your face. “You better break up with him,” he said so sweetly.
You groaned softly. “Chris... you still did what you did.”
“I promise nothing happened. It was just for the photo op.”
“Yeah, but they’re going to keep thinking something is going on because you don’t want to make things official with me. If you can date so can I.”
He groaned. “Is that what this is about?” He asked. “You need to hear the words?”
“It’s bigger than that. It’s about you respecting me.”
“I do, Baby,” he replied. “Fine. Do you wanna be my girlfriend?”
“Yes.” You poured before kissing his lips. “Was that so hard?”
“No.” He rolled his eyes. “It’s just that I thought you were already my girlfriend and that you just wanted to keep a low profile.”
“And I wasn’t ignoring you. I broke my phone and wasn’t able to get one right away,” he said. “If you hadn’t been dodging Scott’s calls, he would have told you.”
“Well now I feel like a jerk.”
He sighed. “It’s alright. I should head home, though.”
“Why?” You poured.
“I don’t want Dodger to be alone all night,” he replied. “Wanna come?”
You nodded. “Yes, Daddy.”
“Okay, but on one condition.”
You huffed. “What?”
“First of all, lose the attitude,” he said. “Second, you gotta breakup with David.”
“It’s Devin,” you corrected him.
He gave you a very pointed look. “I don’t give a shit. Breakup with him right now or I’ll spank you.”
You groaned tossing your head back. “That’s so mean we literally just went out.”
“I don’t give a shit. Break. Up. With. Him. Now.”
“Fine.” You rolled your eyes.
After getting ready to go, he made you sit down on the couch so you could write your message. “Can’t I call him? It feels less mean.”
“Either you do it right now or I will,” he said. “Keep complaining and I’ll make it worse.”
He looked over at your shoulder as you typed before snatching it out of your hands. “Chris!” You protested.
“You took too long.” He shrugged before standing up, pulling you into his arms. “See isn’t that better?”
“You’re mean.”
“Yeah? I’ll show you how mean I can be when we get to my place.”
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I gave you my heart (h.s)
Pairing: Harry Styles X Reader
Requested: Yes!
Summary: Harry is trying to propose to you, but his family is getting in the way.
Warnings: Fluff. Angst if you really pay attention. Language. Mentions of alcohol (barely) Some grammatical errors (English is not my first language, sorry!)
Word count: 4.1 K
Author’s Note: Oh how I missed writing for Harry! And a fluffy piece nonetheless! Who am I? Well, this is a Holiday fic (non specific) and I’m also planning to do a 5SOS holiday fic by the end of the year, so stay tuned! 🌻 Reblogs, comments, feedbacks and likes are welcomed and encouraged! Please, I love to hear from you guys 💕 Hope you like it and Happy Reading 🦋✨
My materialist // wanna be on my tag list?
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Picture form Pinterest. Title from the song “last Christmas”
Ok i know this is cheesy but hear me out, Harry proposing on Christmas with his family around.
Harry kneeled in front of you. His hands were intertwined with yours as he spoke of all the grand adventures you had and how much he adores you while your eyes filled with glossy cold tears. He couldn’t see his mum from where he was, but he could already tell she started crying as well while Gemma held her in a side hug, watching the scene they never thought would happen being displayed in front of them.
Words of praise left his mouth like a symphony, knowing that he will never get tired of praising you as the angel you were. Tears started forming in his eyes as he promised you a lifetime of love and adventure, hoping with all his heart you would say yes.
They all knew the question that was going to pop out of his lips any time now.
“So, Y/N L/N” He said, as the fireworks started to go off behind them “Will you marry me?”
You wiped your tears with the back of your hand and with a smile you answered:
“You better wake up before I leave you in the car”
Harry opened his eyes in shock, cursing under his breath as he realized he had fallen asleep without realizing.
You were on your way to Anne’s house for the Holidays, just like you promised a few months ago when Harry finalized all his tour arrangements. You were very excited to see Harry’s family again, it has been a while since you got to spend any time with them as you accompanied Harry across the world for the most part of the past year. You love them with all your heart and it comforts you to know that the feeling is completely mutual - Anne practically adopting you the minute you came through the door as Harry’s partner a few years ago and Gemma quickly becoming your best friend over the span of a few minutes, bonding over clothes, movies and embarassing Harry stories.
Harry loved how much you and his family love each other, for that is all he asked. For him there are only three things that matter most: His music and his fans; His family and, of course, you. He felt really blessed to have you in his life during all these years, knowing that you love him just as much as he loves you (although he would always fight that he loves you more) You were his rock, his best friend, his world… and he cannot wait to put a rock on that hand to prove that to you.
He got the ring a few months prior, but he knew he wanted to marry you from the first moment he saw you interact with his family. He still remembers that cold December night when he came downstairs looking for you and you were sleeping on the couch next to Gemma. You have been talking all night and were exhausted by the time you both finished that bottle of wine. He stood on the entrance of the living room watching the cozy scene with a smile plastered across his face. He knew he loved you back then, but his happiness at that moment was unmatched.
He was so entranced by the picture that he didn’t notice Anne standing beside him.
“This one’s a keeper” She said in a low voice as she watched you both with tenderness in her eyes. But Harry already knew that.
And now, as you were driving the cold snowy roads of Cheshire, Harry drifted back from his fantasy waiting to come true. Thinking back and forward of the little velvet box that is hidden in his suitcase.
“Sorry,” He said with a yawn “Didn’t notice I fell asleep”
You smiled at him but kept your eyes on the road “It’s okay, love. I know you must be tired of the trip. That is why I asked you to switch seats and let me drive in the first place”
Harry stared at you for a moment, completely enamored by your thoughtfulness. He really was lucky to have you.
“Besides,” You joke “With your driving skills, we might get to Homes Chapel the day after the Holidays if we are lucky”
Harry rolled his eyes “Oh, bug off!” He said as he mocked annoyance, but his laugher soon joined yours as you continued your way towards his childhood home.
You let out a happy squeal once you noticed Anne standing in front of her house from a distance, wasting no time on parking the car so you could run up to her and hug her.
“Aww I’m so glad you’re finally here!” Said the matriarch of the Styles’ family as she crushed your body in a tight hug “I’m never letting you go a year without visiting us again!”
“It will not happen again! I promise” You answered with a laugh.
She let you go just enough so she could place her palm on your cheek, caressing it in a motherly way “You better! And in any case you could always run away from my son and come stay here for as long as you want!”
This is when Harry decided to interject. He was standing behind you, smiling at the exchange that was happening in front of him.
“Oi! No need for that now, mum”
Anne laughed as she went to hug her son, murmuring about how if he doesn’t keep an eye on you she would steal you from him without a second thought.
After a few more greetings, Anne ushered you into the house. The warm environment and the smell of a homemade meal made you feel at home.
You always loved to come and visit Harry’s childhood home. It reminded you of him, the real Harry you got to know on a more personal and deep level. The Harry that let all his walls down and let you in, welcoming you to his house, his family and friends and into his heart. The Harry you love with all your being.
“‘m gonna head and help mum with dinner” Your boyfriend said as he hung his coat by the door “You’ve been driving all day, love. You should rest”
He pressed his chest to your back and rounded his arms around your waist to hold you closer before placing a kiss to the shell of your ear. You hummed “‘m not tired. I don’t think I could rest till much later.”
“Still,” Harry said “At least try to rest? Don’t want you to feel sick and I know you’ll hate to miss all the traditions”
You sighed “At least that way I’ll get you to take care of me, right?” You smiled at him and he smiled back.
“Always, darling”
You placed a couple little chaste kisses to his lips, pulling away from his grasp before he started to try and deepend them as he always does “‘m gonna go unpack my suitcase then. Want me to unpack yours?”
Harry was about to answer when the alarms in his head went off, reminding him of the little box you should definitely not find “Uh, n-no. I have to show something to my mum” He lied “I’ll unpack my stuff later. Thank you, though”
His response got you a little confused, but you just shrug your shoulders and turned around towards the guest room, aka: Harry’s old room. Letting Harry let out a relief breath once you went out of sight. This was going to be a long holiday.
Gemma arrived later that night. She didn’t even put her luggage on the ground before she caught your eye and ran to hug you.
“Oh my god” She said, hugging you tighter “I have so much to tell you!”
“Oh sure,” Harry said, walking towards her as she almost left you out of breath “I’m just your brother who you haven’t seen in a long time… Why should I get a hug?”
The older Styles rolled her eyes “Because I see you in every social media post there is you dork! Besides, I have had Y/N in my life rather recently compared to living with you under the same roof for almost seventeen years”
Harry placed his hand over his heart and mocked a hurt expression, making his sister laugh before she moved on to wrap him into a hug.
“I missed you, you wanker” She said, hiding some love in the insult.
“Me too, jerk”
“But I missed Y/N more” She said with a grin, pulling away from Harry and turning back to you. Intertwining your arms so you’d walk together into the living room “So, I was telling you…”
Hours flew by and before you’d realized it was almost 2 am when you and Gemma made your ways to your respected rooms. You noticed that Harry went to bed a little earlier and you guessed he would be asleep by now.
You found your boyfriend safe and tucked away in dreams once you opened the door. You smiled to yourself as you admired his sleeping figure sprawled all over the bed with one arm spread over your side, waiting for you to cuddle up against it.
A yawn flew through you as the exhaustion of the day settled in. You quickly changed into your cozy pajamas, did your nighttime routine and layed in bed next to Harry, who, as soon as he felt you by his side, pulled your body closer to him.
“Hi” He said in a whisper, kissing the shell of your ear.
“I thought you were sleeping, H” You giggled as you felt his hand caress your side.
“Couldn’t sleep well without you, you know that”
And indeed you did. Harry always complained whenever he was on tour that he missed you too much and that he needed you even more “I just feel better when I’m with you, love. I do better. It’s like you are my lucky charm or something” He’d always said before he convinced you to travel the world with him. And, to be honest, you did not need that much convincing. If you could spend all your living days with Harry, you would.
“Wha’ time is it anyways?” He asked.
“Late” You shrugged, turning your body so you were facing him “I’m sorry. We didn’t realize we spent all night talking”
Harry furrowed his eyebrows “Why are you apologizing for? I love when you spend time with my family”
“But I almost didn’t spend time with you!”
Harry chuckled “It’s okay, love. I know how my mum and sister can get whenever you are around. They love you almost as much as I do”
“Well, Gemma did say she loved me more....” You teased, making Harry scoff.
“Not possible” He pressed his lips to yours, trying to make your worry disappear “‘m serious, though. Don’t be sorry for spending too much time with them. I swear it 's fine. We could have time for ourselves at any point of the Holiday”
You murmured a soft ‘okay’ before drifting into a peaceful sleep. Harry watched you sleep for a few minutes, taking in the joyful peace that your presence gifted to him whenever you were around. Thinking about how he cannot wait to make you an official Styles.
However, that was not going to be an easy job.
As the day passed, you and Harry had less and less time for yourselves as Anne and Gemma got you two completely busy with different activities. From getting the groceries, to help one of them decorate the house or even to just take a walk. You were never not doing something.
And it wasn’t like a bad thing either. On the contrary, you were having the time of your life sharing all of these amazing traditions with Harry’s family. They made you feel welcome and cared for, something that was fairly new to you since you met Harry.
You loved decorating the House and baking cookies with Anne, and it felt so great to have a friend like Gemma around to take the seriousness out of a serious situation and just let you have your fun. But you would be lying if you’d say that you don’t miss your boyfriend.
Even though Harry was always just mere feet from you, he was also caught up in various activities and could barely spend any time with you and that was making him frustrated.
The Holidays were stressful enough, but for Harry this took a whole other level when he thought about the proposal and how many times he failed at getting you two alone so he could do it.
The first miss opportunity came when it started snowing the day after your arrival. He knew how much you loved snow because, in your own words, it made it all seem magical. So when he woke up early that day, he decided that now was the time and that he was ready to pop up the big question. He was going to ask you to play in the snow - just like you usually do - and make a snowman. But the surprise would come with the ring that would be on the snowman’s finger, ready to be placed on your hand if you said yes. Sadly, when you two got ready to go and play, Anne solicited yours and Harry’s help to go and take some food to the shelter that was not so far away from here, a tradition the Styles’ family have been doing since Harry was a baby. When you came back, most of the snow had melted and you were too tired to even think of going outside again.
The second time Harry’s plan got held up was on a frosty night. He had prepared a cozy inside picnic in front of the fireplace for only you and him. He knew that Anne would be out with some of her friends and that Gemma had plans to meet up with someone on a date, so they wouldn’t be able to interrupt in any way. He got a bottle of wine, a charcuterie board, some chocolate covered strawberries, a fluffy blanket and some candles to light up the dark room. He also made you change in your pajamas so you’ll be even more comfortable during the date. Everything went according to plan, his hand almost reaching for the velvet box he hid under one of the couch’s cushions when Gemma came early from her date, completely ruining the moment as she came into the room fuming because she got stood up. Needless to say he did not propose that night.
Harry was convinced that the third time was the charm. Since it was obvious he couldn’t propose in the house without being rudely interrupted every time, he was going to take you out for lunch and then go ice skating, one of your favorite winter activities. Yes, he was aware that it wasn’t his most elaborated plans, but he didn’t know what to do. Plus, he had talked to the owner of the ice skating pit beforehand, asking him to please let them have at least one hour of privacy so he could propose in peace. The owner even promised him to play the playlist Harry made for you and to add some special lightning to make the moment more romantic.
Feeling excited, Harry ran down the stairs to give you the news of your date. But his face fell when he saw you getting ready to go out with Gemma and his mum.
“Are you going out?” He asked as he saw you put on your coat.
“Yes,” You answered with a smile, but that smile soon felt when you saw the disappointment in Harry’s eyes “Your mum asked me and Gemma to go for a last minute shopping run… Harry are you okay, love?”
Your boyfriend closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, a habit he acquired whenever he was frustrated “‘m perfect” He mumbled, turning around to go back to your shared room.
But you were quicker as you grabbed him softly by the arm to make him stop in his tracks. Slowly making him turn around so he was face to face with you “Don’t lie, H. What is going on?”
“‘m just,” He started, but he couldn’t even look you in the eyes as he tried to find the right words to say to you, almost feeling like he is failing you somehow “We never got the chance to spend some time together, Y/N. You are always busy or I am always busy with my mum or with Gemma that I almost didn’t see you this whole trip and I-I just miss you”
Your eyes softened and your heart fluttered with his words. You missed him too, much more than you could say. Everytime you find some time for yourselves you get interrupted and by the end of the day you are both too tired to do anything else besides sleeping. You could tell Harry was frustrated by this whole ordeal, you just didn’t imagine it would affect him this much.
You cupped his cheek and brought him into a sweet kiss “I miss you too, love. Very much” You watched how Harry’s green eyes softened, but they still held an unspoken sadness “If you want me to stay with you, then I’ll stay with you. I don’t need to go with them, you know?”
Harry sighed, placing his hand over yours and caressing it with his thumb “I know” He said as he gave a kiss to your palm “You know how much I love seeing you hanging out with them and I know how much you enjoy it. You should go”
“But Harry-”
“Go, have fun!” He said in a cheerful tone as he brought you closer to give you a hug “I’ll be fine, love. I just want you to remember this Holiday and to enjoy it as much as you can”
“Are you sure? Because I can stay if you-”
“‘m sure,” He smiled, placing a kiss on your forehead, “Go, darling. They must be waitin’”
You smiled back at him and pecked his lips before turning around and closing the front door. Missing for just a second the way Harry’s smile dropped as he saw his plan being shut down once again.
He wasn’t proud of his last resort. He knew you deserved an epic proposal, something that could come out from an Oscar winning movie. Something that was as special as you are. And he was beating himself for ruining every chance he’s got to do this properly, but he promised himself that he would not let you - nor him - return home without a shiny rock on your hand. And a Styles never backs down from a promise.
So, with his heart almost beating out of his chest, he placed the gift bag with the other gifts that adorned the living room. Everything will be done tomorrow and there is no turning back now. It was now or never.
The next morning, you found yourself caught up in another Styles’ tradition. You were all sitting in the living room wearing your coziest pajamas as you drank hot cocoa and ate some gingerbread cookies with a pinch of peppermint. It was almost time to open the presents and you could tell Harry was feeling rather anxious.
“Did you sleep well?” You asked as you curreled up to him on the couch that was facing Anne and Gemma, who were already starting to distribute the presents among you.
Harry hummed as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, turning his face so he was looking at you. He could swear in that moment that he has never seen someone as beautiful as you right now as you watched him with doe eyes, your hair a little bit messy and a thin layer of chocolate decorating your upper lip. He was completely and utterly in love with you.
“Yeah, why’d you ask?”
You shrugged “You were tossing and turning a lot last night, almost like you were nervous or something. Are you sure everything’s alright?”
Harry smiled “I got you, don’t I? How could anything not be alright?”
You rolled your eyes at his cheesy remark, but quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek. Harry didn’t miss the way your cheeks blushed.
“I asked Anne and Gemma to give us a day for ourselves” You said after a moment. Harry looked at you surprised. You couldn't know..? “I told them I felt guilty that I haven’t spent any time with you since we arrived and they understood” You smiled at him “I got you all for myself today, mr. Styles”
Harry’s eyes filled with glee as he brought your lips to him, kissing you with all the love he could pour at the moment.
“Uh, mum?” Gemma’s voice interrupted the scene “I don’t think this is mine” She said as she opened a gift bag.
“No? It’s a jewelry bag so I thought-”
Gemma shook her head “No! This is definitely not for me” She said as she took the little velvet box from inside, making the room go completely quiet. In that moment, all eyes went to Harry as he watched the scene with horror.
“Oh shit” He said, untangling himself form you so he could grab the box from his sister’s hand “Actually, this is mine”
All three of you stayed quiet as he grabbed your hand and kneeled in front of your sitting figure on the sofa.
“Oh my god” You said, covering your mouth that almost fell to the ground because of the shock.
“Oh my god” Gemma and Anne said in unison as they realized what was happening in front of them.
“Y/N,” Harry said looking into your eyes “Let me start by saying that this is not how things were supposed to go. And I’m not just talking about my sister opening your gift. I’ve been trying to propose for as long as this Holiday lasted. Waiting for the perfect moment because you are my perfect half, my soulmate and you deserve nothing less than pure and utter perfection, my love. And I’m sorry I can’t give that to you now”
You could feel the tears pouring down your face since the moment he kneeled in front of you, but hearing Harry say that he wanted to propose all along made you cry harder, how did you get so lucky?
“I knew I had to do this here, for this is the place where I knew I wanted to marry you the first time we came to visit. I have loved you from the very first moment you said hello, and I knew from that instant that you were going to become my favorite hello and my most painful goodbye. Y/N you are magic, my love. My lucky charm. Everything I do, everything I say or think or sing is for and because of you. You are my muse and my best friend. My anchor and my wings. I cannot live without you nor do I ever want to. You have bewitched me body and soul and I love you. I love you. I love you”
You could hear the distant sobs of Anne in the background, but all you could see was Harry. Harry, your best friend and lover. Harry, the person who filled your life with love and light. Harry, who was now on one knee, with tears in his eyes and a ring on his hand. Harry. Harry. Harry.
“You don’t have to say yes, but I really hope that you do. Y/N, my love. I love you more than life itself, you have made me a better man by loving me the way that you do. Let me love you the same now and forever. Will you marry me?”
You nodded through the tears “Yes, Harry. A million times yes!”
You swore Harry’s smile could light up the world in that moment as he slid the ring down your finger. But you didn’t even look as you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him like his mum and sister weren’t watching, throwing the both of you to the floor.
Anne and Gemma started clapping, celebrating the new beginning of the young couple. Because these holidays had a new meaning now, since now and forever they will be remembered as the day you said “yes” to the love of your life.
Tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @multistann @mystic-232
936 notes · View notes
manndo · 4 years
i see you [din djarin x reader]
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pairing[s]: din djarin (the mandalorian) x gn!reader (no descriptors, no y/n)
warning[s]: slight angst, fluff, kissing, mentions of arousal (barley there & nothing really descriptive) and ridiculously canon divergent (see notes).
word count: 4.0k
prompt[s]: from this list, based off the prompt ‘overhearing they have feelings for you’
summary: you just wanted to tell the child a bedtime story, and apparently, you had something you needed to get off your chest. but you weren’t aware you had an audience besides the child.
author’s notes: alright, for the last day of 2020 (i’m still in 2020 over here, unfortunately), i’ve decided to take a leap of faith and post my first mandalorian fic! i started writing this before episode 13 of season 2, before we learned the child’s name and way before the separation (i am still recovering from the emotional strain of this ending). and obviously, i didn’t finish it until now -- almost two weeks after the last episode. so, as i mentioned in my warnings, this is canon divergent -- basically anything from episode 13 to 16 did not happen in this fic. so, this means that grogu is referred to as the child/the little one/the kid in this fic. in the future, i am hoping to write more canon friendly fics, but who knows?? the season finale was bittersweet and honestly?? i just want my dad/son duo back together. 😢but anyway! any and all mistakes are my own. please feel free to comment/like/reblog, whatever you see fit. enjoy! ❤️and goodbye 2020, hello 2021! 🍻
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You were tinkering with a malfunctioning blaster down in the hull when you heard him. At first, the cry was soft, barely there — perhaps Mando had said or done something to irritated him while they sat in the cockpit together. However, after another few moments, the cries grew louder and longer. Carefully, you set the blaster aside, and wiped your hands on the cloth next to you before pushing yourself off from your seated position on Mando’s bunk. Within seconds, you were climbing the ladder and entering the cockpit to find Mando standing from his seat, holding the child away from him as the child wailed. Immediately, Mando lifted his head toward you.
“Aren’t you supposed to be watching him?” he asked, a hint of irritation in his modulated voice. You couldn’t see his eyes, but you could imagine the glare he was giving you.
You sighed heavily, shaking your head, and took two steps forward to grab the child from Mando’s outstretched arms. Unfortunately, the child did not stop his crying. You tucked him against you. “Technically, yes. That’s what you hired me for, but you know this little one has his ways of sneaking around,” you muttered, reaching out to grab the little one’s tiny hand. Even through his wailing, the little one’s finger immediately wrapped around your thumb. You hummed soothingly and began to gently bounce him, keeping your eyes trained on him. “And, it wasn’t like you were complaining ten minutes ago when he was being a perfect little angel,” you mumbled, rubbing your thumb gently over the little one’s finger and looked up to Mando. Mando snorted, but said nothing as he sat himself back down in the pilot’s chair, and turned himself away from you. You knew he didn’t need to be there — the Crest was in hyperdrive and most likely on autopilot — but, you found he preferred it to other parts of the ship. Then again, when you’re always on guard like him, well, it made sense to be in the cockpit.
“He’s probably just tired, Mando,” you said, glancing away from him and back to the child, who was, thank the Maker, not wailing anymore. However, he was still crying, still taking in big breaths and looking at you with wide, glassy eyes. “Just needs a little nap. Ain’t that right, little one?” The child gave you a sniffle, and hung his head. “Come on,” you said quietly, giving the child’s finger a little squeeze, “let’s get you tucked in.”
You turned on your heel, and carefully made your way down to the hull once more, all the while whispering comforting words to the child in hopes to quell his cries. It seemed to work — for the most part. He still seemed upset, even if he wasn’t really crying anymore. More like, sniffles and whines. But, he was still restless against you. Even if he was overtired, it was clear he wasn’t too keen on actually being put down because the moment you had set him into the makeshift, hanging bed that Mando had crafted for him, he tried to pull himself out. “Ah, ah, little one, don’t you even think about it,” you reprimanded him softly, pushing him gently back down into the swinging bed. He let a small whine in disagreement, but didn’t try moving again.
“Maybe I should tell you a story,” you said, your voice low, calm. He blinked at you, his eyes still looking a little watery, and gave you another small whine. You began to rock the bed. “You know, I don’t think I’ve really told you any stories since I came on this ship,” you said, reaching up and running a finger over his ear, from base to tip. He made a small coo of happiness, and you smiled. “Granted, it hasn’t been that long since your dad hired me, has it?” You’d only been traveling with them for six months, give or take. You still sometimes had to, metaphorically, pinch yourself that this was your life now — galavanting around the galaxy with a Mandalorian and his charge.
You felt a small push against your finger, which had been resting on the tip of the child’s ear, followed by a small whine. You let out a short chuckle, and moved your finger, running it over his ear again. He leaned into the touch. “You know, the first time I saw you and your dad, I didn’t know what to think. I’d never met a Mandalorian before, but I knew of them, knew the stories of them. Who hadn’t?” You moved your hand from running to over his ear, to the top of his head. He cooed softy, eyes fluttering closed. “But, what surprised me the most was you, little one. Not because I had never seen creature like you. No, that wasn’t it. It was because you were with him. A Mandalorian and a child,” you whispered, noticing that the little one’s eyes were only half open now. You gave the top of his head a small scratch, and his eyes closed completely. “Even if you are older than both of us,” you added, a small chuckle escaping your lips as his eyes opened again, a bit slower than last time.
“It’s funny,” you mumbled, keeping your eyes trained on him. You watched as he snuggled himself a little deeper into his bed. “I never would have thought that one minute, I’d be fixing a blaster your dad needed repaired, then the next being on his ship, taking care of you.” A brief pause. “You know, he saved me, little one?” You felt a lump form in your throat, and you swallowed it. “Life hadn’t been easy when you two came around. Sure, I had a roof over my head and enough credits to keep me fed. But, it had been a lonely life.”
You took a deep breath. “My parents had been gone for a few years, and I had no siblings to seek comfort in. I worked for a nasty man, who liked to belittle me every chance he got, even if I was a better technician than he was. I had a few acquaintances, a few people I’d chat with every once in a while, maybe grab a drink with them at a cantina, but I didn’t have any real friends,” you paused. “Well, I did. At one point. But, things happen.” A heavy, dejected sigh escaped your lips. “People change. Life changes.” Absentmindedly, you ran your finger down the child’s cheek. His eyes were now half-open, the child hell bent on staying awake. Stubborn, like his father for sure. “But, now I’m here. And, I wouldn’t trade it for anything.” You pursed your lips in thought. “Well, it would be nice to have a larger, more comfortable bed. But, then I wouldn’t have you, and I wouldn’t have your dad.” The little one cooed quietly, and you chuckled pulling your finger from his cheek.
You became silent then, let yourself just watch the little one. He was settling nicely into his bed, looking more relaxed, his eyes staying closed. It should have only been a few more moments, and he’d be asleep. Just a few more moments and he’d be resting peacefully, and you could go back to working on that blaster. Just a few more minutes.
“I love him, you know,” you said, your voice barely a whisper. It was only when you heard the little one coo that you realized that you’d said that out loud. Your eyes widened as you took in the little one, his own eyes now open once more. He was looking at you, head titled slightly, big brown eyes focused on you. He blinked once, twice as if he was waiting for you to elaborate.
Fuck, you hadn’t planned to say that out loud. But you had — to the little one, no less. Sure, he couldn’t tell Mando what you’d said, so that was an advantage. But, Maker, what were you thinking?
You had only just admitted to yourself you were in love with the Mandalorian. You had spent weeks denying your feelings. After all, you hadn’t known each other long, there was no way you were actually in love with him. It had to be, you figured, because of your living situation — you two were in constant contact with each other, barely any room for privacy or time alone. He was the only person you could hold a full conversation with (not that you didn’t have conversations with the child, but it was very one-sided). So, maybe, it was just the situation. It had to be. But, as the days passed by, you realized that wasn’t the case. You had fallen for the Mandalorian. You were in love with him. You were in love with Mando.
A heavy sigh escaped your lips as you closed your eyes, and let your head fall into your hands. “You weren’t supposed to hear that, little one,” you said, the words slightly mumbled against your palms. “Nobody was supposed to hear that. And, especially not your dad — not that I don’t want him to know, I do. But, we haven’t been together long — in the sense of me being on the ship, you know — and I fear it will make him distant again. He was so distant when I first came aboard, but now.” You let out another heavy sigh, and move your hands away from your face to glance up at the little one. He has pulled himself up to look over the edge of his makeshift bed, his tired eyes looking down at you. There is a sad look up on his face, his large eyes searching yours. “I don’t know exactly how he feels, little one. But, I’ve seen his heart. You’ve seen his heart.” You paused and took a breath. “It’s in the little things. The way he sits with you when he flies. How he tries to teach you things — even if they backfire in his face,” you said, and a smile crossed your lips. The child gave a small tired little giggle. “Making this bed for you,” you said softly, reaching up and running your fingers over the material. “Making your little pouch. All those things, and more, show me his heart, show us his heart.” You leaned forward and pressed your forehead gently against the child’s. “He would do anything to keep you safe, little one. Anything. And that, makes him a good man.” The child let out a soft sound, and you pulled away from him, a soft smile on your lips.
There was a brief silence that settled between you. You let it hang in the air for a brief moment before speaking again. “Alright, come on, you need to go to sleep now. Apparently, trying to tell you a bedtime story is not the way I should go,” you said with a small chuckle. The child gave a small whine. “Don’t try and fight with me. We both know you’re tired. So come on, close those big, beautiful eyes,” you said, your voice dropping in volume. His eyes fluttered closed, and you reached out your fingers, letting it brush against his tiny hand. “There you go,” you muttered, continuing to brush his little hand with your finger in a soothing gesture. His eyes stayed closed, and his body seemed to relax into his bed. Another few moments, and his breathing had evened out, and you knew he was finally asleep. You let out a small sigh of relief. “Sleep well, little one,” you whispered, and with on final brush to his hand, you stood up from the bunk. You pressed the switch, shutting the bunks door with a small clink. You had barely turned away from the door when you heard a loud thunk, and found yourself coming face to face with Mando.
“Maker!” you yelped, practically jumping out of your skin, hand slapping against your chest. You could feel your heart pounding against your ribcage as you looked at Mando with wide eyes. “Mando,” you said, voice slightly out breath as you pressed your hand a little harder to your chest, physically and mentally willing your heart to slow down. “You can’t — fuck, you scared me. You’re lucky I closed the damn door before you did that. What if he’d woken up? I had a devil of a time getting him to sleep, you know,” you muttered, hand falling from your chest and back to your side.
“Did you now?” he asked, a hint of sarcasm in his tinny voice. You furrowed your brow, as he took another step closer to you, his beskar helmet only a few inches away from your face. He titled his helmet, and you could swear, if he didn’t have it on, there would be a smirk on his face. You felt a twinge of panic fill your face — had he, had he heard you? You mentally shook your head of that thought. You were being paranoid.
“I did,” you huffed as you turned away from him, taking a step toward where you had left the malfunctioning blaster.
“Maybe if you hadn’t talked so much,” he muttered, and you felt your entire body freeze, “he might have fallen asleep faster.”
It felt like you couldn’t breathe. Blood was rushing in your ears. Maker, he heard you. He heard you blabbing your feelings, you feelings for him, to the little one. The quick landing, the sarcasm you had heard— it all made sense. He had been there, above the two of you, listening, hearing every word you said. Your confession. You felt yourself begin to get warm with embarrassment, and you willed your body to move. You wanted to run, but where could you run? You were on a ship, in the middle of space — there was no where to go. Nowhere to hide.
You closed your eyes, and took a deep breathe before you slowly turned back to face Mando. You didn’t have to see his eyes to know he was staring at you, but Maker, did you wish you could see them. Wish you could see his face. Maybe then you could tell what he was thinking. Did he feel something too? Or, was he disgusted at the thought of you having feelings? Was he about to dismiss your feelings, maybe even drop you off at the next inhabited planet, leaving you there. Leaving you alone, again. No Mando, no kid. You swallowed that fear, those thoughts. “Listen, Mando, I—”
“Close your eyes.”
You blinked in confusion. “W—what?
“Do you trust me?”
You didn’t hesitate. “Yes.”
“Then, close your eyes. And, promise me, you won’t open them.” You blinked, too stunned at his request to answer immediately. His gloved hand wrapped around your wrist, a barely there touched. “Promise me.” It should have been a demand, but it came out more as a desperate plea.
You looked down at the hand gently holding your wrist, then back at the beskar helmet in front of you. “Yea,” you breathed out, your voice barely above a whisper, “I promise. I promise,” you repeated. There was a moment of stillness where neither of you moved before you took a slow, deep breath and let your eyes fall closed.
You felt Mando let go of your wrist before you heard a clicking sound, followed by a soft hiss. It was followed by a loud clink of metal against the floor of the ship, near your feet, you thought. Then, there was a gloved hand on your cheek, the fabric rough against your skin. You felt the brush of his thumb over your cheek, and your breath hitched in your throat. “Mando, what are—”
The end of your question was gently swallowed by his lips.
Maker, you had not expected this. Immediately, you had wanted to open your eyes, because you weren’t sure this was real. Was he — was Mando really kissing you? But, he was kissing you. His soft lips were pressed against yours, not bruising, but not gentle either, and it didn’t take long before you felt his tongue swipe across the seam of your lips, seeking permission. You parted your lips with ease.  
At the first slide of his tongue against yours, a small whimper escaped your lips, your hand darting out as you blindly grabbed at his shoulder. You fisted as much of the material of his undershirt in your hand while the other part pressed against the cool beskar, and tugged, pulling him flush against you. You felt, more than heard, him groan when your bodies met, his hand tightening ever so slightly on your jaw while his other arm wrapped around your middle, holding you against him. You could feel warmth spreading in your limbs, and an excitement you hadn’t felt in a long time filling your veins and culminating between your legs.
You would have kept kissing him, would have let yourself suffocate in his kisses, but a few seconds later, you felt him begin to pull away. Before his lips could leave yours completely, you pulled his bottom lip between your teeth, giving it a quick nip. And, fuck, the sound that came out of his mouth. You felt another spike of arousal course through you, and you almost, almost opened your eyes. But, you promised you wouldn’t, and you knew what it meant if you did. So, you forced yourself to keep them closed as you tried to regain control of yourself, your hand still clutching his shoulder.
There’s a moment where the two of you stand there, your breath mingling with one another as you both tried to calm your racing hearts. But, it is brief, and before you know it, the hand that was resting on your cheek falls, and the arm around your waist loosens and you feel him step away. Immediately, you want to pull him back to you, bring his lips back to yours. But, you don’t. You’re frozen once more — in fear, in shock, in elation, you’re not quite sure.
You took a shuddering breath. “Mando—”
“Din,” you hear him say, and it sounds pure, smooth. It’s then you realize the helmet is still off. You can’t help the butterflies that form in your stomach at the sound of his unmodulated voice. His voice. It sounds like liquid gold to your ears. But then ,you hear the sounds you heard before he kissed you, the click and hiss, of the helmet falling back into place.
You wait a beat before you let your eyes flutter open, and you come face to face with the beskar helmet once more.
“Din Djarin,” he repeated, and reached out, brushing one of his gloved fingers down your cheek, over your jaw, and stopping at the nape of your neck. “My name is Din Djarin.”
His finger began to draw an absentminded pattern across your shoulder. You could tell by the tilt of his head that his eyes were focused on that finger. That finger that kept moving as the moments ticked by, never stopping, never making any sense against your skin. For the first time since you’d met him, you could tell he was nervous.
You knew he didn’t tell his name to anyone. You had asked when you’d met him what his name was. He had told you to call him Mando. You had thought it odd, but did not think it was your place to push him (you had only just met him, after all). So, you called him Mando, as did everyone else you had come in contact with. But, four months later, you decided to finally push the subject. He told you that he had not used his birth name since he was a child, since he was sworn into the Creed. There were only a few who knew name, and only due to an extenuating circumstance, he had said, making it clear he did not tell anyone. Nobody should have known his name — and from what you could tell, he had no plans of telling any one in the future.
But, here he was, standing in front of you, telling you his name. Willingly giving you this piece of information about himself. You knew he couldn’t show you his face — not yet, not now — but he could give you this. He could give you this part of himself. If the kiss wasn’t enough for you to know that he felt something for you, this sealed the deal. It wasn’t an outright “I love you”, but to you, it was something more, something deeper than that. This was him trusting you, him giving you a part of himself. It filled your heart with joy.
“Din,” you whispered, letting the name roll of your tongue, and filling the space around you. His finger had stopped its’ random movements, and his head tilted up, and you were face to face with the all too familiar beskar helmet. You smiled softly and wondered if he was smiling behind it too. You reached out, and let your fingertips dance over the cool metal. “Din Djarin,” you said, letting yourself try out his full name. 
It was beautiful. It was him.
“It suits you,” you said, resting your palm against the side of his helmet. “I love it.”
Din let out a small, breathy, modulated chuckle. “You do?”
You nodded. “I do, cause it’s you.” You leaned forward, pressing your forehead against the cool metal of his helmet, your eyes fall closed. “And, I love you, Din Djarin,” you whispered softly, a small smile tugging at your lips. You wished you could have seen his face, but instead, you heard an intake of breath before you felt a strong arm wrap around your waist, hand splayed over your hip. His gloved fingers pressed into your hip bone.
“You mean that?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
You hummed and nodded, letting your free hand fall onto his chest, right over his heart. You couldn’t feel his heart under the beskar chest plate, but you imagined it was beating rapidly, just like yours. “I do.” Perhaps, it was too early to say such things, to declare that you loved him. Most people might think you were crazy, and maybe you were, but that didn’t matter. You loved him — you loved Din.
“Even without,” he paused, and you heard him take a breath. You let your eyes fuller open, and you pulled back a hair, just enough to be able to take him in. He didn’t have to finish his sentence for you to know what he was talking about — even without seeing his face.
“Hey,” you said softly, making sure his he was paying attention to you. “I don’t need to see your face.”
You heard a small, disbelieving chuckle. “Don’t need to see my face, eh?”
“Nope,” you said, popping the ‘p’. You tilted your head in thought. “Well, I mean, do I want to see your face? Absolutely.” You moved your fingers across the cheek of his helmet, to the visor, letting it trace the T-shape. “I want to see the color of your eyes, your nose, your mouth. The wrinkles and lines on your face. All of it.” You let your finger come to rest at the bottom of his helmet, just on the rim. You ran your finger over the smooth metal. “But, I know what that means for you, and I’m willing to wait for that. Your face is your face, and I’m sure it is a handsome face.” Another small chuckle escaped Din’s lips. “But, I don’t need to see it to know what I feel in my heart, Din.”
“You don’t?” He sounded surprised,
You shook your head. “I don’t. Because, I’ve seen you, Din Djarin,” you said, your voice filled with conviction as you looked at him straight on, right where his eyes would be behind that beskar helmet. “I’ve seen you.”
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hoboal87 · 4 years
In Secret
Title: In Secret
Pairing: Jensen x F!Reader
Summary: Y/N and Jensen have been in a secret relationship for five years, and she wants more.
Warnings: Angst, Affair, Open Relationship, Oral (F receiving), Implied Smut, Jensen Is A Bit Of An Ass
A/N: This is my entry for @winchesterxfamilybusiness​ “Make Me Swoon” writing challenge!  My prompt is “I’m tired of being your secret.” 
A/N 2: Y’all, I never expected such an overwhelming positive response to this one-shot! This will soon be a multi-part series, I’ve already started working on the next part, but I don’t know if I’ll get anything posted before Elastic Heart is complete. 
No Beta all mistakes are mine.
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The air is thick around you, the smell of sex filling every inch of your room. You could die just like this, here, with the man you love, holding you tight against him as you both come down from your highs. He rolls you both over, his hand gently rubbing over your stomach, inching down to your sore and swollen pussy. You groan when he dips a finger into wet heat.
“I love cumming in you,” he whispers, gently biting at your ear, and you can feel his smile. “Wish I could do it every day.” He starts pumping his finger, tightening the coil again, and you bite back another moan.
“Mmm,” you hum as he sinks another finger in, his thumb brushes over your clit. You reach behind you, palming his half-hard cock. “You could, y'know.”
The atmosphere between you changes in an instant, he huffs, and pulls away from you, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. You should’ve known this is how he would react, every time you breach the subject it always ends the same way. The guilt you both feel, the lying, all of it comes to the surface, rearing its ugly head.
“Just tell her,“ you beg as he leaves your bed. "That’s the whole point of your agreement, isn’t it?” He doesn’t respond, reaching down to grab his once hastily discarded jeans off the floor. “She gets to fuck whoever she wants and so do you.”
“This is different, Y/N. You know that,” he sighs and steps into his jeans.
“Why?” You sit up, using the sheet to keep yourself covered. “Tell me, Jensen. Why is this different? Why is okay for her to think that your out fucking some random girl instead of me?”
“Y/N,” Jensen turns around, his emerald eyes staring you down. “It’s more complicated than that. We-” he gestures between you, “we have a history. You don’t think she knows about our past?”
“Our past?” You can feel the heat rising in your cheeks. “We were friends. There’s nothing in our past, we didn’t even start any of this until after you two were together. You had years- years Jay, to do something about that. You knew how I felt about you, but instead you jumped from girl to girl and I was the one who had to put you back together, she doesn’t get to take all the credit.”
This isn’t the first time you’ve had this fight with Jensen. Every time they go on hiatus you beg him to stay just a few days longer, knowing that it would be almost two months before he’d be back. You know deep down that it isn’t fair, he spends nine months out of the year in Vancouver, and when he’s here it’s almost like you’re a normal couple. Almost. You and Jensen couldn’t go out in public, not even as “friends,” all it would take was one ill-timed photo to throw both of your worlds into utter chaos.
Being the other woman came with its own set of rules. When it all started you were just happy to be able to be with him, even if that meant it began and ended at the threshold of your home. When you were together you were the only two people in the world, you didn’t discuss her or the fact that she was pregnant. You, in particular, were allowing yourself to live in ignorant bliss cherishing everything he had to give you. You never thought you were the type of person who’d be having an affair with anyone, let alone Jensen, but you can’t help yourself from falling into bed with him every time he comes over.
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You’d gone to high school together, and for four years you waited patiently for him to ask you out on a date. Instead, he dated one of your friends, biting your tongue when he told you about their relationship ending; you knew it wouldn’t last.
You went your separate ways after high-school, you’d stayed in Texas to go to college, and he’d gone off to Hollywood, you’d kept in touch through the years. Reconnecting when you’d moved to Vancouver for your job. It started out as harmless flirting, double entendres, and teasing.
The first time you slept together it wasn’t something either of you had planned. She was in L.A. working on her latest movie, and you were still on the rebound from your latest break-up. It was a night of too many drinks and loneliness drove your actions. You kept your distance from each other in the weeks that followed, sorting out your feelings, unsure if it was a one-time drunken mistake or the start of something real.
The second time you were both sober. He’d come over to discuss what happened; how he would never cheat on her, he was in love with her, he wanted to marry her. You tried to understand, Jensen was always a fantasy, someone who you could never have. You didn’t want to ruin your friendship with him over sex. You both agreed to put it behind you, never discuss it again, “pretend it never happened,” he insisted. It nearly killed you, but you nodded hesitantly.
He reached out to squeeze your knee, and you made your way towards the front door. You fidgeted with your hands as you entered the front walkway, not wanting him to leave. There was a hesitation as Jensen reached for the doorknob, and you pulled him in for a hug, melting your body into him. Before you knew what was happening, your lips were on his, wanting, needing more. He had you caged against the wall, hands pawing at you, lifting you up, encouraging you to wrap your legs around his waist and he ground himself against you. His mouth never left yours as he carried you to your bedroom, dropping you playfully on the bed.
Jensen rid himself of his shirt while you shed your own, desperate to have his skin against yours. The first time was messy, rushed, this time you wanted to take your time, appreciate every moment that you were having with him. He placed sweet wet kisses over your breasts, making his way down, tugging at your jeans to expose your soaked panties. You lifted your hips as he hooked his fingers around them, pulling them along with your jeans down, tossing them onto the floor.
Jensen placed gentle kisses on the inside of your thighs, you could feel him smiling against your skin as he moved towards your aching pussy. His eyes met yours, giving you a final chance to stop him. “Please, Jay,” you murmured. Each swipe of his tongue was pure ecstasy, you reached down for him, holding his face closer to you.
You try to clench your legs around him, but he keeps them apart, eyes flicking up at you as you fall apart. He continues his assault on your cunt, removing one hand, and teasing you with his finger. You groaned as it slid through your folds up to your clit, pressing down as his tongue fucked into you. Unable to make any intelligible sounds, you heard a low chuckle come from him as two fingers entered your weeping hole.
He pumped them fast, spurring you on as you felt the coil tightening. You felt yourself clenching around him and you breathing grew heavier, his fingers finding your sweet spot, brushing it again and again as his mouth focused on your bundle of nerves. You lost all control of yourself when he added a third finger, cumming hard on his face.
“Fuck,” you moaned as he pulled away. He climbed up your body, placing wet kisses over you until he was hovering above you. His cock was hard and ready, precum leaking from the tip, you gently wrapped your hand around him, and he let out a soft groan as you slowly began to pump him. He kissed you passionately and you could taste the release of your climax on his lips.
“I love you, Jay,” you whimper. It wasn’t something you were ever planning on admitting to him, or to yourself, but you couldn’t stop the words from leaving. “I’ve always loved you.”
“I love you too, Y/N,” he whispered in your ear as you guided him towards your entrance. Jensen’s eyes bore deep into you, studying your face as you took in his words.
“Please, Jay,” you begged, “fuck me.”
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Jensen doesn’t move; you know he doesn’t have an answer.
“I’m tired of being your secret,” you huff. “It’s been five years.”
“Goddammit, Y/N!” He shouts, throwing his hands into his hair. “She’s my wife, the mother of my children. You want me to throw it all away?”
You try to stammer out a response, but he continues, pacing in front your bed.
“You act like this is easy for me, it isn’t. I told you after that second time, I’m never going to leave her. You said you could accept that. That’s the only reason we continued this. She’s paranoid enough about you as it is, and you want me to tell her that we’ve been sleeping together for the past five years, how do you think that will make her feel?”
“How will it make her feel?” you scoff. “What about how I feel? My feelings don’t matter?”
“That’s not what I said, Y/N.”
“I’ve kept my feelings to myself for years, Jay. I’ve tried to be understanding, I haven’t asked you for anything. I don’t push the subject, but I’m tired, Jay.”
He paces in front of you, muttering to himself.
“I want you, Jay, you’re all I’ve ever wanted,” you whisper, it’s something you both know, but you never planned to say it out loud. “I broke up with Steven for you.”
“He never deserved you, sweetheart,” he says, and a smile creeps upon your face. For a moment you think that he’ll admit that he wants more with you.
"You never like anyone I date, Jay,” you chuckle slightly, “I think it because you’re jealous.”
Jensen’s body stiffens, and you know immediately that he doesn’t like your joke. He grabs his shirt off the dresser and pulls it over his head before storming out of the room.
“Jensen, babe, I was just-” you follow him out, quickly pulling on a camisole and yoga pants, not bothering with underwear. “Jay, it was a joke.”
“We both know it wasn’t Y/N,“ he snaps back and your smile quickly fades. "You think I like watching you parade with some douche? You wanna slut around with some fuckin’ prick, I ain’t gonna stop you.”
“You don’t get to talk to me like that, Jay,” you hiss. “You don’t get to act like some jealous boyfriend. You’ve made it very clear just now, that I am not your girlfriend or whatever you wanna call this.”
“You’re right, babygirl, I’m not,” he huffs, “and I’m never going to be. I’m never going to be yours, Y/N. If I wanted that, I would’ve made my move a long time ago.” Jensen’s words are like stabs to your heart, and you try to conceal the tears forming in your eyes. “I chose her over you, I’ll always choose her over you.”
There’s a flash of regret playing on his face. There they were; the words that you knew were coming sooner or later. You’d hoped he’d never say them, that the two of you could go on the way you had been for years in denial. He remains stoic as you use every ounce of willpower to not break down in front of him.
"We’re never gonna be more than this, Y/N,” he says softly. “You have to know that.”
“Y'know Jay, if you wanted this to stay casual,” you wipe the tears away, “all you had to do was say so. You’re so concerned about her, but she’s in Austin ‘slutting around’ as you delicately put it, sleeping with who knows how many people-”
“Shut the fuck up, Y/N!” Jensen screamed, and your heart fell into your stomach. He’s never yelled at you like this before, you pushed him too far this time, letting your own jealousy take over. “Don’t talk about what goes on in my relationship with my wife. She is nothing like you, she doesn’t spread her legs every time someone gives her the time of day.”
“You fucking asshole!” You yell, picking up everything that you could get your hands on, and throwing it at him. “Get the fuck out!”
“Y/N,” he tries to reason with you, blocking himself from the barrage of items being thrown at him. “Baby, listen.”
“No!” You push him towards the front door and he stumbles backwards into the hallway.
“Y/N,” Jensen reaches out to soothe you. “I’m sorry, I didn’t- I didn’t mean it.”
“Don’t touch me,” you slap his hand away. “You’re never gonna touch me again,” you push him again, moving him closer to the door. “You can go back to your perfect wife, your perfect family. Congratulations, Jay. You don’t have to choose. We’re done.”
Part 2
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chibsytelford · 4 years
Queen of my Heart
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word count - 2139
warnings - slight mention of strangulation, murder, swearing, angst - I think that’s it. 
a/n - i haven’t described reader at all. I’m actually really nervous to post this for some reason. I am sure this is the longest thing I have written yet, and idk just nervous. Reblogs and comments are welcomed, and if you would like to be added/removed from my taglist just let me know!
P.s I didn’t mean for it to be this long, and it is kinda based on the song Queen of my Heart by Westlife (my guilty pleasure). Italics are flashbacks and the lyrics.
You knew from the start that getting into a relationship with Angel Reyes might not have been the best decision. Pasts will do that to you. You knew when you first laid eyes on him, that inside he was hiding his pain. The only reason you noticed it was because you were hiding the exact same pain as him. Normally, you avoided guys with baggage, because frankly you could barely deal with your own, never mind someone else’s, but something about him just kept you gravitating more towards him, as each day passed.
It started out in his father’s butcher shop, you had just finished work and you were in the mood for some steak, so you finally checked out la carniceria and you knew the second you walked in you were in trouble. All you wanted was a bit of steak, but you left with (not that you were complaining) Angel Reyes’ phone number. He gave you some standard cheesy pick up line, his smile not quite reaching his eyes, and you knew as soon as he opened his mouth that you were done for, your ‘I don’t do baggage rule’ going straight out the shop door.
It took you a few days to text him. You actually drafted up a ‘Why I should text Angel Reyes list’ and a ‘Why I shouldn’t text Angel Reyes list’ and funnily enough, the list that had more on it was the ‘Why I shouldn’t list’ but as it turns out, the lists were pointless, because you text him anyway.
Your first date you walked around the streets of Santo Padre, just chatting away about life in general, what you did for a job, what he did for a job (he didn’t tell you that much, just that he was in a club with some other men) and of course you didn’t want to pry, it was the first date and all. You spoke about pretty much everything, except the past. It was too early for that. At the end of it, he walked you home, and left you on your door step, wishing you had invited him in, wishing you had kissed him, wishing you had asked him on a second date. But you didn’t need to wait long for a second date.
2 days after your first date, you were on the back of Angel’s motorbike, both hands wrapped tightly around his torso. He had insisted on taking his bike, he wanted you to enjoy the thrill of it as much as he did, and if you were being honest, it was absolutely thrilling, as well as absolutely terrifying. He drove you both to a small forest, where you enjoyed a picnic and the scenery and the attention that Angel was giving you. It was then you decided to pry, just a little bit.
“Tell me Angel, what secret are you carrying?” You asked catching him off guard.
“What makes you think I’m carrying any?” He responded, popping a strawberry in his mouth, conveniently answering a question with another question.
“Honestly? The first time I saw you, when you gave me that hideous pick up line” you both laughed at the memory “the smile you gave me afterwards, it was genuine, but it wasn’t quite a full smile, you know?”
Angel took a moment to gather his thoughts. First he rubbed his beard, then he rubbed his neck, and then he fiddled with his fingers. You placed your hand over his, comforting him, silently telling him there was no rush to answer the question.
He sighed, and slightly shifted his body so he could look at you. “Well, uh, the thing is, I’m not good at this shit, feelings” you could see the pain etched on his face, the way his eyebrows twitched and the way he couldn’t meet your eyes for more than a second.
“Do you want me to go first?” you softly asked, brushing your fingers across his ringed hand, soothing him, and yourself. You knew if you expected him to open up so soon, you had to give him something back.
Angel swiftly nodded, and relaxed slightly, and it was his turn to rub circled on your hand, silently telling you he was listening.
“I came to Santo Padre to get away from my family, my step father specifically”. You took a deep breath and continued “he was horrible. But for some reason, my mother couldn’t bring herself to leave him, something about love. I don’t know” you hated telling this story, if you could call it that, but something about Angel just made you want to tell him everything. “One day, I got home and found him on top of my mother, his hands around her throat, and so I grabbed a kitchen knife, and I stabbed him until I knew he was dead.” Angel’s body tensed and he stopped caressing your hand for a split second, shocked at your revelation. You pulled your hand away instantly, wrapping them around your body.
“Shit Y/N, I’m so fucking sorry you had to go through that” Angel murmured, pulling you into him and placing a soft kiss on your temple, but you could tell his demeanour had changed slightly.
“My mother luckily vouched for my version of events, and so I got away with it, but that feeling of killing someone never leaves you, it takes over your mind and soul” you felt Angel nodding at your remark, like he was admitting he had killed someone too. “Anyway, I stayed there for another few years, in that godforsaken house, but I knew, deep down, as much as she tried to hide it, my mother looked at me differently, so I got out of there, and came here a few years ago, I’ve been laying low, still trying to wrap my head around what I done, that’s probably why you’ve never seen me before. It was fate that took me to your father’s shop” you nudged him in the shoulder, trying to lift the mood slightly.
“That it was” Angel replied back, “And I guess now it’s my turn huh” you nodded in agreement. “Well, I lost my mother, Marisol, years ago. She was murdered” As soon as Angel uttered those words, you knew why he had tensed earlier and you knew why he was just that little bit colder towards you. Because you had murdered someone, and his mother was murdered. “We found the guy, but we kept him alive. He was ordered to do it” You weren’t sure if Angel would want you to touch him, so you kept your hands to yourself, waiting for him to continue his story. “I carry the pain of her death with me every single day, I don’t think I’ll ever get over it” he admitted.
“Of course you won’t, it’s your family, your mother and that will always stick with you in your heart” you said, reassuring him that it was normal. “It seems we are both pretty fucked up, huh?” Angel commented, lifting the mood once again ever so slightly.
“Do you look at me differently now? Knowing that I murdered someone?  I did to my stepfather what someone did to your beloved mother” you questioned.
Angel took a second to answer. “You had your reasons, reasons I agree with, so no, I don’t feel differently towards you” but as Angel said that, you were second guessing him, and you always would.
After your second date, when you got home, Angel asked you to officially be his girlfriend. You said yes, but there was still a small part of you that thought it was a bad idea, and that it could only end badly. You thought Angel only asked you to be his girl because you both shared stories of your past and you clicked together, and you said yes, because you really liked him, but also because you thought you deserved happiness, and he did too, even though you still carried the thought inside you that Angel looked at you a little different after your revelation. You knew you were being selfish, but you couldn’t stop yourself.
 Recently Angel had been spending more time with the club, over time you had learned completely what they did, and you stood by Angel. Everyone had their reasons for doing things, and you knew that better than most people. You felt that he was avoiding you more than usual, staying out later, leaving earlier in the mornings, barely responding to texts, and something inside you, just didn’t really care anymore. You had had a wonderful couple years being by Angel’s side, but you always knew that something like this might happen.
You quickly fired a text to Angel telling him to meet you at your place. The forest where your second date took place.  
He arrived on his bike 5 minutes after you, and you watched him walk towards you. It seemed to take an eternity until he was standing in front of you. It was the same place, but you felt like a completely different person standing here now, a few years on.
“Hey” you said, letting out the breath you didn’t know you were holding. “Thanks for coming”
“Of course I came” he answered back, rubbing the back of his neck. You wondered if he was feeling the same as you. It would make the whole thing a bit easier if he did.
“I just wanna-“  Angel cut you off, holding a hand up to stop you talking. “Can I go first?” You nodded at him, secretly glad he wanted to.
“I love you, I really do, but I think you know as well as me, we stopped working months ago, I’m not good at this shit, feelings” you both said together, causing a small smile from the man stood in front of you. “Exactly, I don’t know if you’ve noticed I’ve been distant lately, the shit with the club has taken over my life completely, but I think I’m just realising now, that we jumped into this too quickly” Angel revealed, stuffing his hands in his pockets. You nodded, acknowledging what he said and taking a second to gather your thoughts.
“I mean, Angel, I love you too, but I have to admit, you’re right. I should be angry you’ve been coming home late, I should be angry that you barely reply to my texts, but honestly I haven’t been. I think we did rush into this like you said, after our second date, where we both revealed our pasts, I think we took comfort in knowing that our pasts were out there, and we weren’t being judged. I know that now”. You both visibly relaxed slightly, and the atmosphere shifted too. It was calm. Nice.
Angel made the first move, grabbing your hand and placing a soft kiss on your palm. You closed your eyes for a second, engraving the memory of the kiss in your mind.
“Thank you Y/N, for trusting me with your secret, for listening to my pain and past, for just being you. I know we didn’t work out, but I just want you to know, I will always remember you.” Angel wiped a stray tear that had managed to escape his eyes. “Fuck, look at me” he laughed.
So here we stand in our secret place
Where the sound of the crowd is so far away
You take my hand, and it feels like home
We both understand, it where we belong
So do I say, do I say goodbye
We both have our dreams we both want to fly
So let’s take tonight, to carry us through the lonely times
“God Angel, you’ve got me crying now” you laughed back also wiping away your tears.  “I’m glad we met. You accepted me for who I am, and for that I will always thank you, and cherish you. Who knows, maybe under different circumstances, we would have worked out, but I can honestly say I’m thankful for the years we have spent together, it just wasn’t meant to be”.
You and Angel gave each other one last hug, one last smile, one last look. “Take care, querida, I’ll always remember you” Angel whispered, placing your hand over his heart.  He then let go and headed back to his bike. You watched him walk away, you watched him climb onto the bike and you watched him drive away from you. You were sad of course, but you knew that it was for the best.
@rebelwrites​ @mayans-sauce​ @everyhowlmarksthedead​ @encounterthepast​ @angelreyesgirl​ @starrynite7114​ @jadesamhart​ @fangirlingaesthetics​ @trulysuccubus​ @lovebennycolonmiguelgalindo​ @multiyfandomgirl40​ @queenbeered​ @lauraashley93​ @deeandbobbymcgee​ @shelliechen​ @calif0rnia-lovers​ @yourwonkywriter​ @peaches007​ @scuzmunkie​ @blessedboo​ @sheeshgivemeabreak​ @sadeyesgf​ @anangelwhodidntfall​ @gemini0410​ @rocketqueen​ @destynelseclipsa​ @xx--day-dreamer--xx​ @talicat713​ @i-love-scott-mccall​ 
I'll always look back as I walk away
Memories will last for eternity
And all of our tears will be lost in the rain
When I found my way back to your arms again
But until that day, you know you are
The Queen of my heart
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1930s AU (A Halstead Brothers + Halstead Sister + Upstead AU for AU-gust)
A/N: Hopefully this one pops up in the tags now! Sorry to the few people who already liked/reblogged this, but it’d really help me out if you liked/reblogged this one since I’m deleting the one I posted last night. Anyway, the italics at the beginning are essentially "present-day" for the characters (which, in my time frame of the story would be 1945) and the regular font would be a "flashback"...but since the flashback is essentially the whole story which takes place during the early 1930s, I wrote it in regular font. Just didn't want you guys to be confused! Here’s the playlist I listened to while writing this if you want to listen while reading (did not create the playlist myself, I found it): an old fashioned diner jukebox. Anyway, enjoy!
You walked towards the little house that had been your home since you were six years old. "Hey old girl," you said as you petted your horse's head. "I'll see you in the morning, okay? I know Jay and Hailey are awake waiting for me and are probably worried, aren't they?" Your horse picked up her hoof and gave it one good stomp. "I thought so. I'll feed you some sugar cubes in the morning. I'll even give you extra because it'll be Christmas." You gave her one more caress and then walked up to the door of the house.
You used your key to unlock the door and were not at all surprised to see Hailey and Jay in deep conversation.
"Hailey, if she's not here in the next hour, I'm calling the train station. She was supposed to be here yesterday. And it's not like it's that long of a ride."
"Well, luckily you won't have to call," you said as you sat your two suitcases on the floor.
"Y/N! You don't know how worried sick we were," Jay said as he hustled over to you and pulled you into a hug.
"To be fair," Hailey began, "he was more worried than I was."
"Aww, you still worry about me when I'm nineteen," you said as Jay pulled away and Hailey hugged you. "I'm flattered, Jay, really."
"How's betternanian school?" Jay asked with a teasing glint in his eyes.
"Would you give that joke a rest? I was six and didn't know how to properly pronounce veterinarian."
"That probably won't happen."
"How's Natalie?" Hailey asked. "Is she doing okay that Will's away and all her kids are married or at college across the country?"
When you decided to go to veterinarian school, you chose one close to Will and Natalie and they let you stay with them. Then, World War 2 broke out and Will went overseas to work as a doctor in a combat hospital. Natalie's twin boys were both off at separate medical schools across the country, intent on following in their father's footsteps and becoming doctors themselves, and their daughter was married now and living with her husband.
"She's doing as well as expected," you told them. "It helps that Elizabeth and her husband, James, come over for dinner once every week so at least Natalie's seeing one of her children. And, I guess having me around helps mitigate the loneliness. The twins are home from college now for a month's break, so she'll have them there right now, too."
You looked around under the Christmas tree and you spotted a big object covered with a bedsheet.
"Is this what I think it is?" you asked as you walked closer to it.
"It is," Jay confirmed as you lifted the sheet and saw the old rocking horse you used to ride on. Jay had made sure to get you another one when you moved here as the one from Chicago you couldn't bring with you.
"I haven't ridden it since I was eight. You kept it all these years?"
"Right up in the attic," Hailey answered. "We figured it would be the perfect Christmas present for Lilly since she's six now."
"You want something to eat?" Jay asked. "We should probably get out of here and close the doors since all the gifts are wrapped in case Lilly or Anna come to find us."
You grabbed your suitcases and the three of you walked out of the living room and closed the doors.
"Mind if I eat a few of these?" you asked, pointing to the plate of cookies for Santa that Lilly and Anna had placed by the fireplace.
"Go right ahead," Jay told you. But then he heard giggles. "Wait."
You took a step away from the cookies and milk.
"I think we should go check on them," Jay said.
So, the three of you walked down the hall and to the bedroom that the girls shared. "I'll do the honors," you said.
You slowly pushed open the door.
"Now, girls, I thought you were supposed to be asleep."
Eleven-year-old Anna and six-year-old Lilly gasped. "Auntie Y/N!" they exclaimed and rushed out of their respective beds and you first gave Anna a hug and then crouched down to give Lilly one as well.
"Mommy and Daddy said you might not get here in time," Anna told you.
"They did? Well, I'm here now and tomorrow we can play all day with what Santa brought you. But right now, I think you two need to go to sleep so that Santa will come," you said.
"But you just got here!" Lilly complained.
"Yeah!" Anna agreed. Then she gasped. "Can you tell us a story, Auntie Y/N?"
You looked to Jay and Hailey, silently asking if it was okay to let your two nieces stay awake longer. Jay nodded.
"What story do you want tonight?" you asked as you sat down on the rug in the middle of the room and Lilly sat in your lap.
"How Mommy and Daddy met!" Lilly exclaimed.
"You already know that one, Lil," Hailey said as she and Jay sat down and Anna sat between her two parents.
"But it's so good, Mommy!" Anna said. "Please just one more time, please?"
"Oh, alright," Jay caved. "I don't know how much Aunt Y/N will remember since she was your age, Lil, but me and Mommy can definitely tell you the story."
Lilly leaned into you and you ran your hands absentmindedly through her blond hair while Jay started to tell his and Hailey's story of true love and hard times.
"Bye, Y/N, I gotta go to work," your big brother said as he woke you up.
"Is Miss Rosalie here?" you asked.
"She is. But, you can sleep longer. I'll be back in time for dinner."
"Why you gotta leave so early, Jay Jay? It's still dark out."
"Because I have to get the milk before the sun rises so the milk doesn't spoil when I'm bringing it to other people."
"Oh, okay." You yawned.
"Go back to sleep. I'll be back later tonight. Be good for Ms. Rosalie."
"I will. Love you, Jay Jay."
"Love you, too."
Then, Jay gave you a kiss on the forehead and grabbed his cap and satchel, said goodbye to Ms. Rosalie and thanked her as he always does, and left the house, the street lamps illuminating the way as he walked towards work.
As he was walking, Jay reflected how it had essentially gotten this bad. At least he had a job now, he used to not have one and you and him were living off of what little money your parents had left behind when they died...at least, the portion that the bank didn't keep.
He had essentially been your primary caretaker for two years. The stock market crashed in 1929, and your mom died a few months after when you were two years old. Not that she had a job though, so it didn't really matter money-wise. Your dad had died in 1931, the same year that Will had graduated from medical school and went to New York to look for a job as a doctor. Jay had worked in a factory at that time and had gotten laid off soon after. But, then he found a job as a milkman. He wasn't getting paid much, but it was enough to pay rent in the crappy and cramped apartment building you both lived in and put food on the table. But, sales were dropping now as no one had money to pay for as much milk as they used to. His sales were half of what they used to be. And, you were now five, six in two weeks, so you were growing and Jay knew that you'd be eating more soon.
When he started loading his company car with milk once he had arrived at work, his supervisor walked over to him and told him that he'd be picking up some of a coworker's route. Well, he was an ex-coworker now because they had laid him off. Jay was just glad he had a job and had enough money to support him and you...even if it was really tight. He hoped he'd be home for dinner like he promised you.
He started on his way and finally, after hours and hours, he was on his new portion of his route.
He made his way up the steps of a house on the corner.
"Good afternoon, ma'am," he said as he set the four bottles of milk down on her front porch. She was currently outside sweeping the porch, her wavy blond hair tied back in two braids. She was in a short-sleeved dress with an apron covering it.
She turned to him and stopped sweeping. "Good afternoon. You're not Jimmy, my usual milkman," the woman said.
"No. Jimmy doesn't work with me anymore. I picked his route. I'm Jay Halstead, ma'am," he replied while tipping his cap.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't introduce myself. I'm Hailey Upton."
"Well, Ms. Upton, pleased to meet you. I'm guessing you have kids just based on me delivering four bottles of milk?" he asked. God, was she pretty. He was getting tongue-tied just looking at her! He knew it wasn't polite to ask that, but it just slipped out.
"No, actually I don't. I'm doing some baking today and that's why I need it. And please, call me Hailey."
"Well, Hailey, I hope it goes well. Should I put you down for four bottles tomorrow as well?"
"No, only one should do for tomorrow, Mr. Halstead."
"Please, call me Jay, ma- Hailey."
"Alright, have a nice rest  of your day, Jay."
"You, too. Again, I hope your baking goes well." He tipped his cap once more and headed off. That was his last stop of the day. You and Ms. Rosalie were back at home waiting for him.
Jay quickly opened his eyes the minute he felt your hand on his arm. "Jay Jay?" you whispered.
"I'm awake, pumpkin." Your mom had called you pumpkin based on the one time you picked up a pumpkin and dropped it and it splattered everywhere. And, this nickname just stuck.
"I- I know I'm not 'sposed to ask, but I'm real hungry," you said.
Jay didn't bother correcting you on how you didn't ask anything at all; you just told him that you were hungry. And, he was hungry, too. You were running out of food in the house and he needed to run to the market, but everything seemed to be too expensive, so he could only buy the necessities. And, you and Ms. Rosalie had made French onion soup for dinner last night, because that used very minimal ingredients.
Jay hated himself as he scooped out the soup after she left because he realized portions would only be 3/4 of what both of you were used to. He had toyed with the idea of giving you 1/4 of his, so you could have a full serving and he'd have half, but he figured he'd see what would happen. Tomorrow, he knew he'd be giving you a normal portion of whatever he had. After all, he could convince himself to go back to sleep, but you were just a child.
Your parents had always drilled into your head that it was breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And, Jay did his best to try to feed you enough to abide by that rule. But, it was getting harder and harder to do when the entire United States seemed to be going hungry.
"Pumpkin, it's late--"
Your stomach rumbled and Jay swore he felt tears prick his eyes. He couldn't expect you to go to bed hungry.
"Let's go get you something. I'm sure I can find something," he said as he got up.
You grabbed his hand and you two walked into the kitchen. He pulled the string to one of the dim lights, which barely illuminated the kitchen and dining area. Then, he opened the icebox and pulled out a hard-boiled egg and a bottle of milk. He poured half the milk into a glass and handed you the egg.
You went to stick it in your mouth when he stopped you. "No, you have to peel it." You held it out to him. "Do I need to start it for you?" You nodded and he took off a section of the shell and handed it back to you and you continued to peel it.
Normally, Jay would put salt and pepper on it, but you were very low on that as well. And, seeing how hungry you were, you started to eat it without asking for those two basic spices.
Then, you finished the glass of milk and Jay led you back to your bed and you fell asleep with a full tummy...well, as full as anyone in your position could get nowadays.
Unbeknownst to you, you had just eaten half of Jay's breakfast for tomorrow.
"How did the baking go yesterday?" Jay asked Hailey as he switched out her four empty milk bottles for one full one.
"It went well. Thank you for asking. I actually had a lot left, so here." She handed him a slice wrapped in tin foil. "It's strawberry pie."
"You didn't have to give this to me," Jay said, trying to hand it back to her.
"Nonsense. So many people are going hungry right now. I have no right to waste food."
"It makes sense when you put it that way. Thank you. My little sister will most definitely enjoy it."
"Oh, let me go grab you another slice so that you don't have to share."
Before Jay could protest, she ran back into her big house and grabbed him another slice.
"Thank you," Jay said as he took the other slice as well.
"You're welcome. No use letting it go to waste. How old is your sister?" Hailey asked.
"Y/N will be six in two weeks," Jay answered.
"Oh, I remember what I was like at that age. I was a little troublemaker, running around with my older brothers even when my mom and dad called me in. And then I'd always make messes in the kitchen."
Jay laughed. "I'd hope she's more well-behaved than that. But, I'd best get going. Thank you for the pie. Can I put you down for one bottle tomorrow?"
"Yes, please. Have a nice day."
Jay nodded at her and then reached down and grabbed the crate with the empty milk bottles. Then, he got in the company car and started on his way back to the factory and then home.
"Jay Jay!" you said as you jumped up from your seat at the kitchen table. "I missed you!"
Jay set his satchel, four bottles of milk, and the slices of pie on the counter next to the stove and picked you up and spun you around. "I missed you, too! Were you good for Ms. Rosalie?" He settled you on his hip.
You frantically nodded your head and Jay turned to the older woman. "She was an angel as always. I hope you don't mind, but I made French onion soup again for dinner."
"That's fine, thank you. Your two bottles of milk are right next to mine."
That's how he paid her: by buying her milk. He knew it wasn't a lot, but it's not like he could pay for a nanny. And, she was the one with the cheapest rate in the apartment building. Plus, she had known you since you were a baby, so Jay knew that you trusted her and he trusted her to look after you.
"Oh, thank you, dear." She picked up the two bottles and started towards the door.
"Oh, and tell Mr. Edward I say hello," Jay said, referring to her husband.
"Will do. Enjoy your evening."
Then, she left, and Jay put you down on the floor and moved to start dishing out dinner. When you were both at the table with the food in front of you, a smile spread across his face.
"Pumpkin, after dinner I have a surprise for you."
"Really?" you squealed.
"Yes, really. But, you have to finish your food first and then I will give it to you."
Jay chuckled at how fast you ate your food. He was usually done before you, but tonight you both finished around the same time.
"What's the surprise?" you asked as you set your bowl and spoon on the counter near the rusty sink by Jay's bowl and spoon.
He reached up into the creaky cupboard and grabbed two plates and then two forks from the drawer that would occasionally get stuck.
"How about you go sit at the table and I'll bring you the surprise. How does that sound?"
"Okay!" you scrambled back into your seat and watched as Jay put the things on the plates. He must really have wanted this to be a surprise because he positioned himself so that his back was towards you and you couldn't see a single thing he was doing.
"Now, I need you to close your eyes and I'll tell you when to open them," Jay said, still with his back turned to you.
You quickly closed your eyes and also put your hands over your eyes, causing Jay to chuckle.
He first set his plate with pie and a small glass of milk at his place at the table and then did the same thing in front of you. He crouched down next to you and put his hand on the back of your chair. "And, open."
You threw your hands down at your side and snapped your eyes open. You gasped and turned your head to look at Jay. "We get dessert?"
Jay smiled. "We do. It's strawberry pie from someone who I give milk to. Do you need help cutting it?"
"No, I can do it! Who gave it to you?"
"Her name's Miss Hailey." Then, he went back to his side of the table as you started to eat your pie. He was glad he had given you the bigger slice because you enjoyed it so much; he'd be sure to tell Hailey this.
Two weeks later
Jay sighed as he counted out what little money he had saved up in a lockbox under his bed. He barely had enough to buy you a few sugar sticks from the market after thinking about rent that needed to be paid in another two weeks. At least he knew that Will had sent you something because he told Jay in his letter from last week that he'd be sending you a gift along with your birthday letter. But, Jay still felt bad that he barely had enough money to buy you candy for your birthday. He knew you'd prefer chocolate over hard candy, but he also knew that he had to save money for rent and groceries, so when you both went to the market later, you'd only be able to buy a couple of hard candies.
The change clanked back into the box when he heard the sound of little footsteps coming towards him.
"Happy birthday!" he exclaimed as he picked you up and spun you around. Then, he settled you on his hip and walked into the kitchen. "Does six feel any different than five?" You shook your head back and forth frantically, causing Jay to laugh. "Now, what do you want for your birthday breakfast?"
"Hotcakes!" you exclaimed. Luckily for Jay, you didn't notice how his smile flattered for a quick second when you said that.
"Okay then, hotcakes it is! Can you go put on a dress while I make these?"
You nodded again and then Jay set you down and you ran to your room to change.
When you came back into the kitchen after you got dressed--and got distracted by playing with your doll--your pancakes were sitting on the table. But, you noticed there was only one plate.
"Where's yours?" you asked your big brother as you sat down in your chair and he started cleaning the pan that he had cooked in.
"I ate while you were playing. I didn't want to disrupt your game, pumpkin," he told you, with a smile on his face.
"Oh, okay. Can I eat them now?"
"Of course you can. And then, we'll go to the post office to see what Will brought you."
But, Jay hadn't actually eaten any when you were playing with your doll. There was barely enough flour to make you pancakes, let alone him. So, instead of depriving you of pancakes on your birthday, he just went without.
"Mail for Jay Halstead, please," he said at the window of the post office while holding your hand.
"Alright, just one moment." The teller went to the back and grabbed a letter and then handed it to Jay.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"Jay?" a voice behind him said.
Jay turned, only to be met with Hailey Upton.
"Hailey, good morning. Came to pick up your mail I presume?" he asked.
"You presume correctly." She stepped out of line to stand with him. "And who might this be?" she asked, stooping down to your level.
You blushed and moved to hide behind Jay's leg. Jay chuckled. "Sorry about that. She's particularly shy around strangers. Pumpkin," he started, addressing you. "This is Miss Hailey. She's the one who made us the strawberry pie a few weeks ago."
"It was good. Thank you," you said as you peeked your head out from behind Jay.
"You're welcome. And you must be Y/N?" You nodded. "Jay's told me a lot of good things about you."
You looked up at Jay as if asking him to confirm it. "I've got nothing bad to say about you, you know that."
"I know. If you did, you wouldn't make me hotcakes today," you said.
"Can you tell Miss Hailey what today is?"
You finally moved out all the way from behind Jay. But you still held his hand as you answered the question. "It's my birthday! I'm six!"
"Wow! You're such a big girl! Are you doing anything special today?" Hailey asked, stooping down to your level.
"I'm gonna get some chocolate!"
"Y/N, what'd we talk about on the way here?" Jay asked.
"Oh." You looked down at your feet. "I'm getting hard candy instead."
Hailey looked up at Jay and saw the sadness in his eyes, something that you didn't pick up on since you were so little. She knew what that statement meant. Chocolate was more expensive than hard candies, so she knew the reason that you weren't getting it was because Jay didn't have any money.
"How about we see what Will got you so that Miss Hailey can get her mail?" Jay asked.
You nodded excitedly and Hailey got back in line. Then, Jay opened the large envelope and handed you a small pouch.
You opened it and looked inside. There were these little metal x's and a red bouncy ball. "Jay Jay, what's this?" you asked as you held the pouch out to him.
He looked inside and smiled. "That is jacks."
You cocked your head to the side. "Who's Jack? And why do I have his things?"
Jay laughed just as Hailey started walking back towards them. "It's the name of the game, pumpkin. You bounce the ball and try to pick up one of the pieces before the ball hits the ground. Me and Will played it a lot, but he always won."
"You lost?" you asked as your eyes grew wide. Jay never lost!
"I lost a lot."
Hailey was next to you and your brother now. "Jacks, huh?" Jay nodded. "Me and my brothers used to play it all the time. I'm actually quite good at it."
"Can you teach me, Miss Hailey?" you asked excitedly.
"I'm sure Miss Hailey has things she needs to do today, pumpkin," Jay said, giving Hailey a sympathetic look.
"Oh, it's no trouble. I've actually got ingredients for a delicious chocolate cake at my house if you two would like to come over. I can easily whip up a nice lunch for us, too."
"Hailey, I can't let you do that."
"Please, Jay Jay? Pretty please?" you asked, looking up at him and clasping your hands together to make it look like you were praying. "It's my birthday. Please?"
He looked to Hailey and she nodded once more. "Just because Miss Hailey said it was okay. Care to accompany us to the store to get her some candy before we go to your house?" Jay asked her.
"I'd love to."
You were so full after a delicious lunch of turkey sandwiches, potatoes, apples, and chocolate cake, that you had promptly fallen asleep at the table while you were waiting for Jay and Hailey to finish the dishes.
Hailey said it was no big deal, that she could do them, but you mentioned that Jay always washed the dishes and you always dried them. So, then Hailey finally gave in and let him help with the drying.
"Not to be too forward," Hailey began as she handed a plate to Jay to dry, "but is it just you and Y/N? I've just never heard either of you mention your parents."
"Uh, it's just the two of us. Mom and Dad died a few years ago. Will, our older brother, went to New York to become a doctor, so it's been the two of us ever since."
"Well, that little girl really seems to love you."
Jay sighed. "It's probably because she doesn't know any different. Mom died when she was two, so she barely remembers her. And Dad died when she was four, so two years ago. She remembers him a little, but for most of the past two years, I've been the one taking care of her. Along with our neighbor who helps out by watching her when I have to go to work."
"That's very kind of her."
"It is. So, what about you? What do you do to have such a big house? Secret baking company you run? Because I've had desserts you've made so far and both were absolutely delicious."
"They were nothing fancy."
"Oh, but to Y/N they were. She was so excited when I told her we'd be getting dessert. But, how did you end up here, Hailey?"
"In Chicago? Or in this house specifically?"
"Both," Jay said.
"Well, I was born and raised in Chicago. But, my parents are gone, too...not that I was ever too fond of my father. But, they had this house because they used to own a bar, which pulled in some decent money. They left the house to me and my brothers. All of them have their own families and are scattered across the country, so I got it."
"Would be a bad time to be in the brewing business right now, wouldn't it? With prohibition and all," Jay mused. "That might contribute to the high unemployment rates...but, I'm pretty sure that was mostly because of Hoover." He paused. "I'm sorry. I really shouldn't be talking about the complicated politics of our country right now...especially not in front of a lady."
"I have the right to vote now, you know. And have had it for thirteen years," Hailey said.
"I know. I didn't mean it like that. I think it's great that women can vote. I just shouldn't be talking about it that first time I'm in your home is all." He gestured to you. You were still asleep at the table, your head resting on your arms which were resting on the table. "Glad that little rascal gets the chance to voice her opinions."
Your head popped up. "I ain't a rascal, Jay Jay!"
"Oh really now?" He walked over to you and picked you up and started tickling you. "How about now?" he asked with a giant smile on his face while you laughed big belly laughs.
"Jay Jay! Please stop!"
"Only because you said please." He set you back down.
"Aw, she's so cute," Hailey gushed.
"Did you hear that, kiddo? Miss Hailey thinks you're cute. What do you say?" Jay asked.
"Thank you." You blushed. "Can you teach me how to do braids like yours?" you asked, referring to her French braids. "They're real pretty. Jay can only do plain ones."
She turned to Jay while she raised her eyebrows. "You know how to braid?"
He opened his mouth to dispute what you said, but you butted in. "He does! He braids my hair every day when he doesn't have to work!"
You spun around, giving Hailey a view of your braids.
"Okay, birthday girl," Jay said. "I think it's time we head home. We can play jacks there."
"Can we play checkers, too? I like checkers!"
"I know you do. Now, can you say thank you to Miss Hailey for lunch and for the cake?"
"Thank you, Miss Hailey! It was really good!"
"You're welcome, honey." She stooped down to your height and handed you two slices of chocolate cake wrapped in tin foil. "These are for you and Jay to take home. And, you get the bigger slice."
A month later
You had been six for a month, and Jay had known Hailey for around two months. The weather was starting to cool down as summer was turning into fall and there was a slight chill in the air. Because of this, Jay was spending more money on more firewood to place in the wood-burning stove because you now weren't just using it to cook, but for heat as well.
Ms. Rosalie had come down with a nasty cold and didn't want to get you sick. Jay had tried to find a last-minute babysitter for you last night by knocking on nearby apartments, explaining the situation, and even offering to buy them a bottle of milk for their troubles. But no one agreed.
So, Jay told you that you'd have to stay home by yourself. You asked if you could go to work with him, but he said no...even though he desperately wanted to bring you. But, he couldn't risk his job; it was the only meager income the two of you had. Jay needed that job to keep a roof over your heads and food in your bellies. Because of this, he taught you how to lock the door and had made you a quick breakfast and lunch and stuck them in the icebox so that you'd be able to eat while he was gone. And above all, he told you not to answer the door for anyone.
"Bye, Pumpkin," Jay said as he gave you a big hug. "You remember what I told you?"
"Yes. Breakfast and lunch are in the icebox and no opening the door," you answered as you sat up in bed.
"Unless..." Jay prompted.
"Unless it's you, Miss Rosalie, or Mr. Edward."
"Exactly. Now, go back to sleep. I'll lock the door on my way out. I love you."
"Love you, too, Jay Jay."
Then, he left, leaving you alone to go back to sleep.
"Halstead!" Jay heard his supervisor yell as he was stacking the last of his crates back at the factory before he hurried home to you.
"Yes, sir?" he asked.
"My office."
Jay swallowed but followed his supervisor.
He entered and closed the door behind him.
"As you know," his supervisor started, "milk sales have been declining at a steady rate as families don't have enough money to buy as much as they used to."
"I'm aware, sir," Jay said as he clasped his hands behind his back.
"This means that we need fewer workers."
No, this cannot be happening, Jay thought to himself.
"I'm sorry to say, but I have to let you go, Jay."
"Please," Jay begged. He knew begging was unbecoming and most likely wouldn't get him his job back, but he had no other choice. "I have a six-year-old sister. I'm the only one who takes care of her. Please sir, I really need this job. If not for me, then please do it for her. Please."
"I'm sorry, son, but I have to let you go. I wish you the best of luck on finding other employment."
Jay wanted to beg for his job back some more, but he knew it was no use. So, he just nodded and left the office, not knowing what to do next.
And, to make matters worse, his rent was already ten days past due.
Jay was about to walk into his apartment when he saw a yellow piece of paper nailed to his door. He ripped it down and scanned the big, bold letters.
An eviction notice. He was going to lose the apartment.
If he didn't come up with some money fast, then he and you would have to be out of your apartment in three days.
He sighed and folded the paper and stuck it in his pocket, and then unlocked the door and went inside.
He began to panic when he didn't see you right away, but then he heard a sniffle coming from your room.
You gasped as you heard someone coming towards you and quickly buried yourself under your covers and tried to stay as quiet as possible.
"Pumpkin?" Jay asked. "It's just Jay Jay."
You carefully peeled the covers back from your head. "Jay Jay?" When you saw it was him, you jumped out of bed and quickly crashed into his legs, and clung to them for dear life. "Jay Jay!" you cried. "I was so scared!"
Jay tried to pry your little fingers from his legs, but your grip was so tight that he knew if he tried any harder, he might hurt you and he definitely didn't want that. "Why were you so scared, pumpkin?" he asked as he placed a hand on your head and ran his fingers through your slightly tangled hair.
"There- there were people at the door," you shuddered. "And they made really loud noises and kept yelling."
"What were they yelling?" he asked gently.
"They were yelling for you."
"Did you open the door?"
"No, you told me not to, so I didn't."
"Good girl," he praised. He knew what you were talking about: the men who had nailed the eviction notice to the door of the apartment had probably yelled out his name a few times very loudly, which is what caused you to be scared now. "How about I make us dinner and then we can play checkers, hmm?" he asked. "How does that sound?"
You looked up at him, a few tears still rolling down your cheeks. You wiped them away with your little fists. You nodded. "Can you braid my hair, too? I tried, but I couldn't do it."
That explains all the tangles, Jay thought to himself. "I can do that."
He grabbed your hairbrush and then sat on your bed. You sat on the floor in between his legs and allowed him to brush your hair and start to braid. As Jay was doing this, he was wondering what he was going to do. He didn't have a job, he had an eviction notice, and he had to provide for you. Even though he liked to think he had great problem-solving skills, at this very moment, he had absolutely no idea what to do.
"Where are we going, Jay Jay?" you asked as you held his hand and walked through town the next morning.
"We are going to see Miss Hailey," he answered.
"Why?" you asked as you curiously looked up at him.
"Because I think she'd like to spend some time with you."
"Where are you gonna be?"
"I have to go run some errands."
"Can I come? I wanna come with you, Jay Jay."
"I wish I could bring you, pumpkin. But, this is adult stuff. You'd be really bored. You'll have much more fun with Miss Hailey."
You sighed. "Okay."
About twenty minutes later, Jay took a deep breath as he walked up the steps of Hailey's front porch. He hoped he was making the right decision by doing this. He knocked a few times and then Hailey answered the door.
"Jay? What are you doing here so early?" Then, she saw you and stooped down to your height. "Hi, Y/N. Did Jay wake you up to come see me this morning?"
"Yeah," you answered as you rubbed your eyes. You were still kind of tired. Jay didn't know if that was from lack of proper nutrition or general tiredness. He hoped it was the latter. "Jay Jay said he had to do adult things and I can't come with him."
She looked up at Jay and then back to you. "Honey, how about you go run inside to the sitting area and grab a deck of cards or another game we can play while I talk to your brother, how does that sound?"
You looked up at Jay and he nodded. Hailey moved out of the doorway. "Okay!" you exclaimed and then quickly let go of Jay's hand and rushed inside.
"Don't forget to take off your shoes before you get to the carpet!" Jay shouted after you, which caused you to stoop down and take off your shoes on the hardwood before you got to the carpeted areas.
"So, you needed someone to watch her?" Hailey asked.
"Yes. I'm really sorry, but you're the first person I thought of since our neighbor got sick and I need to run to the bank before it gets really busy--"
"Jay, it's fine. She's a little angel. I can take care of her for a few hours." She studied his face and his very worried expression. "Is everything alright?"
Jay sighed. "Hopefully it will be after I go to the bank. Thank you for--"
He was cut off by someone yelling at Hailey from the sidewalk. "Hailey! Still on for tonight?" It was Christopher Hermann, a firefighter.
"Uh, no I'm not baking anything tonight," she quickly answered.
Hermann gave her a confused look but quickly recovered as he realized what she was saying. "Okay, thank you, Hailey."
"You're welcome." Hermann tipped his cap at her before he continued walking. "As you were saying?" Hailey asked.
"I thought you said you didn't own a baking business?" Jay asked.
"I don't," Hailey said quickly. "Sometimes I'll just make some pies for him, his wife, and kids."
"Sorry if I wrecked your plans of baking by dropping Y/N on you. I can try and find someone else."
"No, it's fine. Good luck at the bank and I promise I'll take good care of your little sister."
"Thank you. I'll see you soon."
"Sir, I'm sorry," the bank teller told him.
"Please." At this point, Jay wasn't opposed to begging. "I really need a loan. Just a small one so that I can keep a roof over mine and my little sister's head and food on the table. She's just a child. Please."
"If I gave every person in here who had a sob story a loan, I would be out of a job and this bank would be out of business. I'm sorry, but I can't. Best of luck to you and your sister."
He moved on to the next person, leaving Jay close to tears. He was out of options. He was out of a job and he was about to lose the small apartment you two shared in the next two days.
He walked out of the bank with his head held low and tears pricked his eyes. The only option he had was to beg Will to let him and you move to New York to stay with him. But, even though he was a doctor, he still had to feed himself, his wife, Natalie, and his three children. He might not be able to take in two more mouths to feed.
The other thing Jay thought about as he walked down the street back towards Hailey's feeling like a disappointment was moving to a Hooverville. Those were camps set up by the homeless where they lived in tents. Because, in two days, the two of you would be homeless. He could try and sell everything of value he had in the small apartment, but it'd only cover this month's rent, if that, and then he'd just encounter this same problem again next month.
Jay knocked on the door of Hailey's house and she quickly answered it, you right on her tail.
"Jay Jay!" you exclaimed and quickly hugged him.
"Hi, pumpkin. It's time to go home now."
"But, me and Miss Hailey are in the middle of a game!" you argued.
"I've got no issue if she stays to finish it," Hailey said. "Y/N, why don't you go and make sure the pieces are where we left them while I talk to your brother?"
You ran off to go check on the pieces while Hailey stepped outside and closed the door behind her. She took a good look at Jay and saw the tears in his eyes that he was frantically trying to blink back.
"Jay, what happened at the bank?" Hailey asked gently.
"It's nothing I can't handle," he responded coldly.
"Jay, please, just tell me. Maybe I- Maybe I can help. I can't do that if you don't tell me anything."
"I'm just your milkman, well not anymore because I got fired yesterday. Why do you care so much, Hailey?"
"Because that little girl in there needs her big brother. She needs you to be rational about whatever's going on because I will not let her get hurt."
"I would never hurt her," Jay said quickly. "Where is this coming from?"
"Don't worry about it," Hailey said flippantly. "Just, tell me what's going on. Please, Jay. Not just for me, but for that little girl who loves you so much. Maybe I can help."
Jay sighed. "I got let go yesterday. And now I'm getting evicted from my apartment. I even went to the bank to try to take out a loan, but couldn't. I don't know what I'm going to do, Hailey. I really don't."
"Come with me," she said and opened the door.
You were focused on something in Hailey's sitting room, so weren't paying attention as Jay and Hailey made their way to the kitchen.
"I may not have told you everything about myself," Hailey said.
"Hailey, not to be rude, but what are you saying?"
"The reason I have this big of a house when I'm a single woman is because my parents used to own a very successful brewery. My dad, let's just say he wasn't that great of a man, so when prohibition hit, he didn't know what to do. So, he sold the brewery and they moved to another part of the country."
"And you got their house?" Jay asked.
"Yes, but I have to work to make sure I can still pay my bills."
"Then what do you do?" Jay asked. He knew she couldn't make enough money to pay for this place by working in a factory or being a seamstress, which is what most women did to support their husband's incomes.
"You don't know anyone in the government, do you?" she asked.
"No. If I did, they would've been my first visit when I saw the eviction notice, not the bank. Where is all this going?"
"Jay, if I tell you this, I need to know I can trust you, that you won't tell a single person what I'm about to show you."
"You have my word."
"Alright." She walked over to her huge, white kitchen island and pushed, revealing a staircase. "Follow me."
She pulled a string and the staircase became illuminated and Jay followed her. Once they got all the way down the staircase, she pulled another string and then a few more, making the secret basement become illuminated in light.
Jay looked around. There was a bar with glasses behind it and bottles of whiskey and other liquors. On either side of the bar, there were two huge barrels of what Jay assumed had to be beer. There were also three high-top tables with two chairs at each table.
Jay's jaw dropped. "You run a speakeasy?"
"I do," Hailey answered.
"B-But this is illegal," Jay stuttered.
"I'm very much aware."
Jay continued to look around in awe. He knew of course that speakeasies existed and that people had ways of getting alcohol from Canada, but he had never tried it since prohibition happened. Well, he did a few times. But, the minute his mom died, he stopped what little bit he did drink.
"Why did you bring me down here? To drown my sorrows in whiskey?" Jay asked.
"No, I have a proposition for you."
Jay raised an eyebrow. "A proposition?"
"Yes, would you like to hear it?" He nodded. "Since people can't appear drunk on the streets because they'll face arrest and could possibly tell the sheriff about my speakeasy, I need people here to make sure that they sober up before they leave here at night. One of the two people I hired for this job quit last night because his family is moving out west."
Jay nodded, still very unsure where this was going.
"I was wondering if you'd like that job?" Hailey asked.
"You're offering me a job?" Jay asked, trying to maintain his composure.
"Yes. You can have it if you want it."
"I'll take it. Not to be rude, but how much would I be paid?"
"That's just the thing," Hailey began. "Liquor is getting more expensive to smuggle in and brewing supplies are getting more expensive as well because it's all illegal. So, I can't pay you." Jay's face fell. "But, before you say you can't do this, let me tell you one more thing: I have two spare bedrooms in my house. They're yours and Y/N's if you take the job."
"Hailey, I can't put you out like that. You'll have to feed us and I can't let you do that."
"Jay, I have money to pay for more food. Just not to pay for another worker because they always want their wages high since what we do here is so risky. It's no problem. And, think of Y/N. She'd have a roof over her head and she could even have that strawberry pie you said she liked so much," Hailey explained.
Jay couldn't pass up this offer, not when he would be kicked out of his apartment in two days. "Okay, I'll get mine and Y/N's things over here in the next few days. You have no idea how much this means to me."
"It means a lot to me, too. Sometimes men get a little rowdy down here, which is why I have to close when there's only one to help."
"So, that's what that guy was asking about when he asked if you're still on tonight?"
Jay and Hailey walked back upstairs after Hailey turned off all the lights. Then, she pushed the island back into place and Jay headed over to you.
"Will you play Go-fish with me and Miss Hailey, Jay Jay?" you asked as you held a deck of cards out for him to shuffle.
"I most definitely will, pumpkin, " he said as he sat down on the floor and took the cards from you. "But, I have a question for you first."
"What is it?" you asked as you furrowed your eyebrows. Jay found it cute how concentrated you looked every time he said he had a question for you.
"How would you like to stay with Miss Hailey for a while?"
"What- What about you? You'll be here too, right? I don't want you to leave," you said as your lip started to tremble.
"Oh no," Jay quickly said. "I'll be here, too. I promise. We'll just be living here for a while. How does that sound?"
You nodded excitedly. "Can I bring my dolly, Emmy, here?"
Jay chuckled. "Yes, you can." He started shuffling the cards as Hailey walked back in. "Alright, time for a game of Go-fish."
As the three of you played the game on the carpet of Hailey's sitting room, Jay still couldn't believe it: Hailey Upton ran a speakeasy.
"What about this guy?" Jay asked as he held up an old stuff animal Dalmation that once belonged to Will that he found when he was cleaning out the apartment to move into Hailey's. "You want him on your bed, too?"
"Who's he?" you asked as you studied the stuffed animal.
"This was Will's, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you renamed him." He held the stuffed animal out to you and you took it and held it tight to your chest.
"I love him."
"What are you thinking for a name, pumpkin?"
You pursed your lips to the side, a telltale sign that you were in deep thought. "Spot."
"Spot," Jay repeated. "I think that's a perfect name. You think Spot and Emmy are going to be friends?" Emmy was the name of your doll.
"Best friends," you told him.
"Do you want to help me unpack my room or play in here?"
"Play in here," you answered as you picked up Emmy to play with along with Spot.
"Okay. I'll be right across the hall if you need anything."
Jay walked into his room where Hailey was already busying herself by making up Jay's bed.
"Hailey," Jay started, "you didn't have to do that. I'm perfectly capable of making my own bed."
"I'm not busy until tonight, so I figured I'd help you out. I can leave if you'd like some privacy while you unpack, though," Hailey replied.
"No, no, you're fine. This is your house after all. You're allowed to go wherever you want." Jay started busying himself with taking a few things out of a crate. "Can you tell me more about the job I'll be doing tonight?"
"So, tonight, people will knock on the back door. I usually let them in, but they have to say bakery because that's the secret word to be let in. If there's a new person, I'll grab you or Adam, the other guy who does the same job as you, to let him in because I don't know him personally."
"So, for your safety?" Jay asked.
"Exactly. Then, I make the drinks and one of you hands them to the customers. The other cleans tables once someone leaves. And, if the person still seems like a drunk before they leave, you have to stop them from leaving for a few hours until they're essentially back to normal. Typically, I'll explain this to them and it works fine, but sometimes I need some help because, well, I'm small and some of them think it's okay to get handsy."
"I won't let anyone lay a hand on you, Hailey. You have my word."
Hailey nodded. "Thank you. And, before you ask like Adam did about why I don't let you guys make the drinks, it's not that I don't trust you, it's that I know the proper proportions. And, if something happens and one of you is busy making drinks..."
"Something bad could happen to you. I get it," Jay said understandingly. "Being behind the bar is safest for you. You don't have to feel bad about putting your safety first, especially since what we are all partaking in is illegal."
"Thank you for understanding. Now, I'll let you unpack. Just yell downstairs if you have any questions. I'll be in the kitchen making something special for after dinner tonight."
"Please tell me Y/N didn't get a hold of you when I was outside and ask you to make strawberry pie."
"She didn't. And even if she did, I was already planning on making it. She's very polite, Jay. You don't have to worry about her not having manners. You've raised her quite well on that front."
"That means a lot, thank you. This all means so much, thank you."
"Hey, you needed help and I needed help. The feeling's mutual." With that, she left Jay alone to unpack and think about how he was staying with one of the most beautiful and kind-hearted women in the world.
"So how does this work?" Jay asked Hailey later that night after he had tucked you into bed.
"Jay, I already told you how it works. You just make sure I'm safe and no drunk customers leave or try to get handsy with me," Hailey answered as she was setting up the bar.
"I know that," Jay laughed. "I meant with Y/N. What do we do about her? She's sleeping in a place she doesn't know and I'm not in my room. I don't want her to get upset when she can't find us."
"Oh," Hailey said. "Guess I didn't think that far ahead." She paused as she thought about what she and Jay could do. "How about this: every fifteen minutes either you or I go upstairs to check on her."
"That works," Jay said.
There were thundering footsteps walking down the stairs.
"Hey, Adam," Hailey greeted when he got all the way down. "Jay, this is Adam. Adam, Jay."
Jay and Adam shook hands. "So you're the new replacement?" Adam asked and Jay nodded. "Don't worry, everything's pretty tame down here. There's just occasionally one or two rowdy newcomers because they haven't drank in a long time and forgot what their limits are."
"Good to know," Jay said.
"It's almost time to open, so how about me and Jay go upstairs for the first few customers so he can see how it's done," Hailey suggested.
Adam waved his hand. "Go ahead. Usually, I know most everyone's regular drinks, so I can handle bartending for a little bit."
"Thanks, Adam," Hailey said.
Jay and Hailey made their way upstairs and Jay went to check on you and then went back to Hailey.
"She still asleep?" Hailey asked.
"Out like a light," he answered.
There was a knock at the door. Hailey opened it a crack. "Bakery," the man said. It was the same one who asked a few days ago if they'd be open when Jay came over to ask Hailey to watch you while he went to the bank to see if he could take out a loan.
Hailey opened the door all the way and allowed him in. He came with a friend. "Christopher, Randall, welcome back," she said once they were all the way inside.
"Thank you," they both said.
"This guy new?" Christopher Hermann asked.
"Jay Halstead," Jay said as he stretched his hand out for Hermann to shake. "Pleasure to meet you."
"You as well. The real pleasure is being here where I can drink alcohol, am I right, Randall?" he asked as he turned to his friend.
"No doubt about it," he replied.
"Any stories from work today?" Hailey asked.
"No, just a simple cat caught in a tree. Nothing that caused somebody's house to burn and thank the Lord for that because of how hard it is to secure a loan for a house right now," Hermann answered.
"You two can make your way on in," Hailey said. "You know where to go."
"Thank you," Randall said and then the two walked away and towards the island that hid the speakeasy underneath.
"They're both firefighters," Hailey told Jay. "And, the one that Christopher kept calling Randall, well he told me that at the station they call him Mouch."
Jay furrowed his eyebrows. "Why? Why would a man want a nickname as silly as that?"
"Apparently it means half man half couch. But, just call him Randall. I'm not supposed to know about that nickname, but Hermann told me one night when he got a little too drunk."
"I'm sure Randall's wife is thrilled that he's a lazy bum," Jay said.
"Only at the station where he sits on the couch and listens to the radio until the bells go off. But, his wife, Trudy, can command a room."
Jay looked at his watch. "I should go check on Y/N again. Be right back."
He checked on you and you were still sound asleep.
After a few more customers came in, he went back downstairs and started his new job. It was hard not to like it when he got to look and talk to Hailey all night.
It had been a few months since you and Jay had moved in with Miss Hailey. Well, she was just Hailey to you now because she insisted you call her that. Jay insisted on you still calling her Miss Hailey, but Hailey had vetoed that decision.
Jay cracked an eye open as you excitedly pushed his door open. He quickly closed his eyes again and pretended to be asleep.
You pulled on his blankets. "Jay Jay! Jay Jay, wake up! It's Christmas!" He still pretended to be asleep. You pulled on his arm and he cracked his eyes open and rubbed them.
"Mhm, Y/N, what's wrong?" he asked.
"Nothing's wrong, Jay Jay! It's Christmas! Do you think Santa came?" you asked excitedly.
"I think so," Jay said as he sat up and stretched. "Should we go see if Hailey's awake and then we can see if Santa came?"
You nodded excitedly and he got out of bed and you grabbed his hand, practically tugging him out of his bedroom.
You saw Hailey walking up the stairs with a tray with three mugs on it. "Hailey!" you exclaimed and quickly let go of Jay's hand and ran to her. "Did you go downstairs?" you asked excitedly.
"I did," she told you, letting out a small giggle at your excitement.
God, Jay loved that giggle. Hell, he loved everything about Hailey, her heart, her looks, how she wasn't afraid to run a speakeasy when it was illegal. For all intents and purposes, she was a little rebel and he loved it.
"Did Santa come? Did you see him?" you rushed out excitedly.
"I didn't see him, but he came. There's lots of presents and your stocking is almost overflowing."
You smiled widely and squealed in excitement.
"Here," Jay said as he walked up to Hailey. "Let me take that."
"Oh, sorry," Hailey apologized. "I figured I'd make us some coffee and for that little angel, there's some hot chocolate with whipped cream and a candy cane."
"Hear that, pumpkin?" Jay asked as he took the tray from Hailey. "Hailey made you hot chocolate with all the fixings."
"Thank you!" you exclaimed and then tried to reach for your mug.
"Pumpkin, it's hot. I'm gonna hand it to you when we get downstairs, how's that sound?"
"Okay, Jay Jay!"
When the three of you got downstairs, you gasped. Hailey wasn't kidding when she told you there were lots of presents and your stocking was overflowing. "Santa came! Santa came!"
"He did," Jay said as he set the tray on the coffee table. "Do you want to open your stocking while your hot chocolate cools down?"
"Yes please!"
Hailey walked over to the radio and turned it on to a low volume while Jay helped you get your stocking down. Then, he handed it to you and he and Hailey sat down on the floor next to you as you emptied it.
"Oranges!" you exclaimed as you pulled out two of them. "Chocolate...and candy canes!" You pulled out two more things, too, a new hairbrush and socks, but you were more excited for the chocolate and candy canes. "Your turn!" you told Jay and Hailey.
Inside theirs were only oranges, candy canes, and chocolate. They had both agreed to spend the money on you and not on each other.
You opened your presents and you had gotten a stuffed animal Mickey Mouse from Jay and a pack of cards that were specifically for Go-Fish. They had different color fishies on them! You also got a new nightgown from him.
"What's that?" you asked as you pointed to an object in the corner under the Christmas tree that was covered by a bedsheet.
"That, is my present to you," Hailey told you.
"Can I open it?" you asked as you clasped your hands in front of you as if in prayer.
Hailey laughed. "Yes, you can."
As you had been asking Hailey, Jay was wondering where this gift came from. He knew Hailey had been in charge of your stocking, but he didn't think she had gotten you anything else...much less something so big that it couldn't be wrapped.
You tugged the sheet off and gasped when you saw what was under it.
"A rocking horse!"
Jay's eyes went wide. She wasn't even supposed to get you anything and here she was with a brand new rocking horse for you.
Hailey walked over to you. "There's even a pocket on the side of the saddle so that Emmy and Spot can ride with you," she told you as she pointed it out to you.
"Jay Jay! Can you help me get on?"
Jay smiled and walked up to you and picked you up. "One...two...three!" He set you down on the rocking horse, but not before he threw you up in the air once and then caught you and placed you on the rocking horse.
You started moving back and forth on the rocking horse and singing the lyrics to Santa Claus is Comin' to Town. Jay and Hailey just watched you while they drank their coffee, enjoying the morning and seeing you so excited.
"Where's your presents?" you asked after a few songs. "Santa didn't bring you any?"
"He only brings presents to good little children, pumpkin," Jay told you.
"But you were good, Jay Jay!" you argued.
"I know," he chuckled. "But I'm a grown-up, so is Hailey."
You scrunched up your nose. "I don't wanna be a grown-up. It doesn't sound fun." Then you remembered something. "What about the presents I helped you with?" You looked down at the red tree skirt. "They're right there!" you exclaimed as you pointed to the two gifts that were still waiting to be unwrapped. You pointed to one. "That once's for Jay Jay from me and Hailey!" You pointed to the last gift. "And that one's for Hailey from me and Jay Jay!"
Jay got up and grabbed both gifts. "After you," he told Hailey, his eyes twinkling because he knew what was inside.
She gently took the wrapping paper off and then smiled and looked up at him. "How did you know this was my favorite book?" She ran a hand over the cover of a brand new copy of Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. More importantly, she wondered how he could afford all this. She knew that she had started paying him a little a few months ago as prices for products dropped, but she knew it wasn't a lot.
"I noticed it on your bedside table one night when I brought you a cup of tea. I just assumed it was your favorite because of how worn the pages were. I'm glad I guessed correctly," he said.
"Thank you. This is- I love it," Hailey said. Her mom had given her a copy of that book once she reached second grade and her mom had helped her read it. She always remembered those good memories when she read it, which was why she's always read if she couldn't make it to the library, even to this day. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." His fingers brushed her hand.
Hailey turned to you. "Did you help your brother pick this out?"
"Yeah! I went to the bookstore with him! It was so big!" you told her as you continued rocking back and forth on your rocking horse. Jay had no doubt that that would be your favorite toy.
Hailey passed Jay his gift. It wasn't hard like her's had been, it was sort of flimsy as well.
"I wonder what it could be..." he trailed off, thinking that you would tell him.
"It's--" you clamped your mouth shut as you remembered what Hailey had told you. "Hailey told me I can't tell you yet! You gotta open it!"
"Okay, okay, I'm opening it." Jay also gently took off the wrapping paper so that it could be saved for next year's Christmas.
Jay removed the paper and saw what was inside: between two pieces of cardboard were two shirts. They were both made out of the same blue and white striped fabric, but one was short-sleeved and the other was long-sleeved. He held the long-sleeved one up to get a better look at it.
"Wow, Hailey, these are amazing. Did you make these?" he asked.
"I did. Y/N helped me pick out the fabric. She said you liked blue," Hailey said.
"Well, she's right. I do like blue."
"And, we figured we'd give you a long-sleeved one that can be worn almost any time and then a short-sleeved one for the summer months."
"You both made great choices. Thank you so much." He looked up at you. "Thank you, too, pumpkin. Now, can you get down and give me a hug or do I need to help you down?"
"I can do it!" You slid down off the rocking horse and then ran to Jay, barrelling into his open arms.
"Arghh, my favorite girls. No better way to spend Christmas."
Your stomach rumbled.
"I should get started on breakfast," Hailey said and stood up.
"I'll help," Jay offered. He let go of you and set you on the couch and then handed you your hot chocolate. "Can you do something for me?" he asked you.
"What is it?" you asked after you had taken a sip of your hot chocolate, getting whipped cream all on your upper lip.
"Can you not get on the rocking horse and stay here and listen to the radio until me or Hailey get back?"
"Okay!" You paused. "Can you put me on there now? I promise I'll be good," you pleaded.
Jay agreed, but only because it was Christmas. "Now, me and Hailey will be in the kitchen if you need anything. Merry Christmas, pumpkin."
"Merry Christmas, Jay Jay."
Jay handed you your hot chocolate to take one last sip and then you handed it back to him. Then, Jay and Hailey made their way into the kitchen to start on the Christmas breakfast.
Hailey opened the icebox as Jay began grabbing some plates...the fancy China ones that Hailey said she'd only get out for holidays.
"So, I'm one of your favorite girls?" Hailey asked while she took the cinnamon roll dough, which she had made a few days ago and rolled up, out of the icebox and set them on the counter.
"I mean, you are, but if you're uncomfortable with that...you know, I think I just meant to say favorite girl to Y/N, but I made it plural and--"
"Jay," she cut him off. "You're one of my favorite boys."
"Only one of them, huh?" he joked. "Who else is there?"
"The firefighters," she answered nonchalantly. "They were the ones who helped me with the rocking horse."
"I was wondering who made that."
"I just told Hermann one night that I thought Y/N would like a rocking horse, and he offered to build it with help from some of the other firefighters. All it took was a night of free drinks for each of them who helped."
"How'd you get it inside? It wasn't there last night."
"Hermann and some of the other firefighters stopped over early this morning and dropped it off. I just threw the bedsheet over it."
"So that's why you had coffee and hot chocolate all made up. You had been awake."
"Exactly right."
Jay opened the oven door turned the dial, then moved out of the way to allow Hailey to put the cinnamon rolls in the oven.
"You don't have to help me, you know," Hailey pointed out when she closed the oven door. She had never met a man so keen on helping her in the kitchen or with daily household chores before she had met Jay.
"Hailey, you tell me this every day. I've been used to cooking and cleaning for the past two years since it was just me and Y/N. I'm not going to wake up one day and stop doing that. Besides, I'm helping you out. You shouldn't have to do everything around here."
Hailey nodded and smiled. God, was Jay sweet and very handsome, too! "Well, in that case, do you want to get started on the eggs while I whip up the icing for the cinnamon rolls?"
"Uh, I was wondering if maybe you'd make the eggs?" Jay asked.
Hailey shrugged. "Okay."
"It's not that I don't want to do it," Jay backtracked. "Y/N just told me she prefers your eggs over mine."
"I think I know why," Hailey laughed.
Jay's eyes twinkled with humor as he looked at her. "Is that so?"
"It is so. It's because you whisk the eggs in the pan and not in the bowl before."
"So she likes the whites mixed with the yolks, got it," Jay replied and reached into the cabinet and grabbed Hailey a bowl. "In that case, care to pass me the icing recipe?"
She passed him a piece of paper and they worked in comfortable silence, the only noises to be heard were the sounds of whisking and sizzling and the faint sounds of the Christmas carols coming from the radio in the living room.
Hailey began plating the eggs and placed them on the counter. "I'll pop them back in the oven to keep them warm once the cinnamon rolls are almost done."
"Good idea. I'll go check on Y/N. Icing's finished as well."
Hailey nodded and then began filling the sink with warm water to start washing some of the dishes.
"I'll be back to help you dry in a minute, don't you worry."
"You'd never miss that," she joked and Jay shook his head as he walked over to go check on you.
When he saw you, he held back a laugh. You were still on the rocking horse, but your head was leaning against the horse's head, the reins loose in your hand, as you quietly snoozed away to the Christmas carols.
He thought about waking you up but thought that Hailey would like to see how adorable you looked as well. So, he walked back to the kitchen.
"Back so soon?" Hailey asked. "Where's my little angel?"
"She's asleep on the rocking horse. Guess waking up early and all the excitement of the presents really tired her out. She's adorable."
Jay waved his hand, signaling for her to follow him and she did.
Hailey cooed at how cute you were as the two of the them stood in the open doorway to the sitting room.
"She really is the cutest little girl alive," Hailey said.
"I'd do anything for that kid," Jay said.
"You're a good brother, Jay. Raising her to have manners and know how to behave, you did really well with her."
"Thank you. I just tried to do what my mother did for me and Will." Since their time together, Jay had told Hailey stories about his childhood and his parents. These were mostly told downstairs in the speakeasy when Hailey had allowed Adam to go home and it was just the two of them cleaning up together.
"Well, she'd be proud of you."
She looked up at his green eyes, which were gazing at her gently. Then, she looked up at the doorway and laughed softly.
"What?" he asked.
"Nothing, it's nothing."
Jay looked up and spotted the mistletoe. They had hung it up there a week and a half ago when they had decorated for Christmas. But, they never really did the tradition of kissing under it; it was solely for decoration purposes.
"I don't think we can avoid it now since it's Christmas," Jay said. Hailey furrowed her eyebrows. "Hailey, we've been avoiding the tradition since we hung it up." He took a step toward her and grabbed her hand. "You're beautiful and I've never met anyone as kind-hearted and sweet as you and we're underneath the mistletoe." He tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear.
"That we are," Hailey agreed and smiled a toothy smile.
They looked into each other's eyes and all they saw was love and affection. So, Jay did what he wanted to do since they hung that piece of mistletoe: he leaned in and gave the most beautiful girl whom he had ever laid eyes on, a kiss and a Christmas kiss at that.
Winter had come and gone and spring was finally in the air. Jay and Hailey had finally admitted their feelings to each other and whenever they kissed, you always giggled...which caused Jay to pick you up and tickle you.
You were sitting in the garden with Hailey working on planting new flowers and vegetables, while Jay went inside to grab the three of you glasses of lemonade.
"Are these tomatoes, Mommy?" You asked as you picked up a package of seeds.
Hailey froze. Mommy. She most definitely wasn't your mommy.
"They are, baby. They'll be tomatoes once they get lots and lots of water and sun."
Jay was walking back at the same exact time you started to reply to Hailey. "Okay, Mommy! I can't wait to see them! I hope they're good."
"Hey, pumpkin," Jay said as he walked up to you and squatted down next to you. "You thirsty?" He sent Hailey a look that read that he had no idea what was going on with those names either. He held the glass of lemonade out to you.
"Thank you, Daddy!" you exclaimed as you took the glass of lemonade from him.
Jay's eyes widened and he looked at Hailey once more as you took big gulps of lemonade.
"Pumpkin, who are you calling Mommy and Daddy?" he asked gently, trying to word this as easy as possible so that you could understand it and so that it wouldn't upset you.
"You're Daddy and Hailey's Mommy!" you told him.
He furrowed his eyebrows. "I thought I was Jay Jay."
"You are. But you're Daddy, too," you told him.
"Pumpkin, me and Hailey love you so, so much, but we aren't your mommy and daddy. Mommy and Daddy died when you were little," Jay told you as he took the empty lemonade glass from you.
"I know that," you said as you started digging another hole for more seeds, not grasping how important this conversation actually was.
"Then why are you calling us that?" Hailey asked as she twirled one of your braids between her fingers.
"Because Annie told me all about her mommy and daddy and you and Jay Jay do the same things as them. So you're like my mommy and daddy." Annie was one of the neighbor girls you'd play with outside occasionally. Her dad also came to the speakeasy every Saturday night...but you obviously didn't know that. You didn't even know what a speakeasy was, let alone that there was a speakeasy in the basement of your house. You moved the dirt from the hole and to the side of you.
"Y/N, we love you so much, but you..." Hailey trailed off, not knowing how to tell you that you couldn't call her and Jay Mommy and Daddy.
"You can't call us Mommy and Daddy, pumpkin," Jay told you.
Your lip began to tremble. "Why not? You are my mommy and my daddy."
"Why do you want to call us that?" Jay asked as his heart broke when he saw the tears forming in your eyes.
"Be- because you do Daddy things like pick me up and spin me around. And wake me up and tuck me in and let me sleep in your bed when I'm- when I'm scared."
"And Hailey?"
"She does Mommy things like tuck me in and wake me up, too. She helps me with my hair and you guys always give me bedtime kisses and stories."
Jay looked at Hailey. He really didn't know how to tell you that you couldn't call them that.
"Is there anything else, Y/N?" Hailey asked, looking directly at you as she started to rub your back to hopefully stop you from crying.
"I don't 'member Mommy and Daddy!" you cried and hurled yourself into Jay's arms. "I don't 'member them and I want a mommy and daddy!"
"Oh, pumpkin," Jay said. He never really thought about the fact that you wouldn't really remember your mom and dad and how you might call him that because that's what he seemed like to you. He knew you'd have questions, but he didn't think you'd try and call him and Hailey those titles. "You do have a mommy and daddy. They're just in heaven, remember?"
"But I don't 'member them!" you cried again.
"I know, I know. Would it help if I show you pictures of them?" Jay asked.
"You have pictures of 'em?" you asked, removing your head from Jay's chest.
You had only seen a few pictures of them that Jay had in his room in frames and those were the ones that used to be in your old apartment, too.
"I do. What do you say we all go inside and look at them?" Jay asked.
He helped Hailey to her feet and then placed you on his hip and the three of you made your way inside.
You stayed with Hailey on the couch in the sitting room while Jay went upstairs to grab a box of old pictures.
"This is our mommy and this is our daddy," Jay said as he pointed out the people in the picture when he sat down a few minutes later. "See, you have a mommy and daddy. You just can't see them right now."
"When can I see them?" you asked.
"Not for a long time until you go up in the sky to heaven," he told you.
"Like all the old people?"
Hailey laughed. "Yes, like all the old people," Jay answered.
He pulled out another picture. "There's Mommy, there's Daddy, there's Will, and there's me," he told you as he pointed to the people in the picture.
"Where am I?" you asked as your fingers brushed the black and white photograph.
"You are right here." He pointed to your mommy's belly.
"But that's mommy's tummy, Jay Jay. I'm not there!"
"Yes, you are. You had to grow big and strong and then one day you just came here," he explained.
You placed your hand on Jay's belly. "Where's your baby, Jay Jay?"
Hailey held back laughter while Jay placed his big hand on top of your small one. "I can't have babies."
You cocked your head to the side. "Why not?"
"Because..." he trailed off, looking to Hailey for support.
"Y/N," she began. "That's a talk for when you're bigger." She grabbed a deck of cards from the table in front of you. "Do you want to play Go-Fish? I'll even get you some more lemonade."
That piqued your interest. "Yes, please!"
You slid off the couch and Jay breathed a huge sigh of relief. He had no idea what he'd do without Hailey Ann Upton.
"Wow," Jay mused as he looked at the morning newspaper while he and Hailey were sipping their morning coffee.
"What? Shocked that Y/N's still sleeping? Maybe she fell asleep late because she was so excited to go to the fair today," Hailey said.
"No, no," Jay said. "It's not that, even though I am shocked that she's still sleeping when it's eight o'clock already. But, no, they're thinking about ending prohibition."
"What?" Hailey gasped.
"Right here." Jay passed the newspaper to Hailey and pointed to the heading which is what told them that the US only needed one more state to ratify the 21st amendment, which at this point looked like it would be Utah.
Hailey skimmed the article. "Wow. You're right. I mean, I think we kind of knew this was coming, but I didn't think it would actually happen."
"Me neither. Do you know what you're going to do if it does become legal?"
"I mean, I've obviously thought about it, but not all the way if you know what I mean. I kind of wondered about it, but I never made a plan." Hailey tried her best to explain how she had been thinking.
"Do you want to stay in Chicago?" Jay asked.
"I don't know. I love the city, but I'd also like to have the country air. Give Y/N a big yard to run around in instead of the small one we have now."
"Jay Jay! Hailey!" you exclaimed as you ran into the kitchen.
"Speak of the devil," Jay laughed. "We'll talk more about it later." He turned to you as you pulled yourself up on a kitchen chair. "You excited for the fair, pumpkin?"
"Yeah!" you exclaimed. "I can't wait to see all the animals!"
"Which ones do you want to see the most?" Hailey asked.
"The piggies!"
"The piggies, huh?" Jay asked. "Why are they your favorite?"
"They're pink and they're fat and they're cute!"
"Pink, fat, and cute," Hailey repeated. "Great description of pigs. How about me and Jay Jay get started on breakfast and then we can get going. How does that sound?"
"Yay! Piggies!"
Jay laughed and got up to help Hailey with breakfast while you were practically vibrating in your seat with the excitement at the thought of seeing all the animals at the fair.
"Piggies!" you exclaimed as you saw them in their pen and tugged on Jay's hand to make him walk faster. "C'mon, Jay Jay!"
Jay laughed. "They'll still be there in a few minutes when we get there."
"There's chickens, too!" Hailey told you. "Maybe you'll see some babies, do you remember what those are called from the book we read about animals at the library?"
"Great job!" Hailey praised.
By now you had made your way to the pen and tugged Jay's hand when you walked into it.
"Piggy!" you exclaimed as you ran up to one.
"What sound does a pig make, Y/N?" Jay asked as he crouched down next to you to make sure you didn't put your hands near the pig's mouth.
"Oink oink! Mr. Piggy says oink oink!" you said, quoting the book you and Hailey read the other day.
"She must've really liked that book," Hailey said.
"Obviously," Jay agreed as you kept petting the pig. The pig made its snorty oink oink sound which caused you to pull your hand away and giggle loudly.
"Can we get a piggy, Jay Jay?" you asked.
"Not while we're in Chicago, Y/N," Jay told you.
"So if we go out of Chicago, we get one?" you asked hopefully.
"Maybe, pumpkin, maybe."
"So, what are you thinking?" Jay asked a few days later when it was he, Adam, Hailey, Hermann, and a few others in the speakeasy late at night.
"I don't know," Hailey said. "But, you saw how Y/N looked with those farm animals and how she loved petting all of them."
"So, you want to move out of Chicago?" Jay asked.
"I don't know, but it sounds like you've thought a lot about it. Care to enlighten me?"
"Oregon, Wisconsin, New York. Those are all options," Jay shrugged.
"I thought we were getting out of the city and not going into another one," Hailey joked. "So why New York?"
"Upstate New York, where there'd be all the forests and wilderness. Obviously, we wouldn't be living out in the middle of nowhere. I don't think either of us would enjoy that."
"No, not in the slightest," Hailey agreed.
Hermann walked up to them. "So, if you two leave with the kid, what's gonna happen to this place?" he asked.
"Didn't your mother ever teach that listening to others' conversations is actually quite rude?" Jay asked.
"Well, sorry. But all us firefighters will have to find a new place to blow off some steam," Hermann replied.
"We'll only be leaving if prohibition actually ends," Hailey explains. "Still waiting on one more state to ratify the amendment."
"So, if it does end, what are you thinking?" Hermann asked.
"Alright, spit it out already," Jay joked. "What are you thinking, Hermann?"
"Well, I'm thinking about retiring soon and if it ends, I'd love to have a business endeavor to throw myself into. If I don't have anything to work on, the missus will not be happy with me."
"So, what are you saying?" Jay asked.
"Hailey Upton, if prohibition ends and you and Jay decide to leave, would you allow me to buy this place and turn it into the most booming bar in all of Chicago?"
"Excuse me?" A man asked rudely as he leaned over the bar. "I've been waiting on another drink for minutes now!"
"Sir," Hailey began, "I can only give you so much because we need you to be sober enough when you walk outside to leave."
"I'm paying for this! You can't tell me how much I can and can't drink!"
"Make me my damn drink, bitch!"
He reached out a hand to grab Hailey's wrist, but she jumped back so she was out of his reach.
"Reach over that bar one more time and I will lay you out where you stand," Jay told him sternly.
"I highly doubt that," he scoffed and went to reach over the bar again.
But, Jay was too fast and landed a solid punch to the man's jaw.
"Son of bitch," he muttered as he grabbed his jaw.
"Believe me now?" Jay asked smugly. Then, he turned to Adam. "Care to take care of this?"
"Yeah, I got it." Then, he turned to the man who was still grabbing and massaging his jaw. "You need to go take a seat, buddy, while I get you some ice. Because, hate to break it to you, but we're not letting you leave for at least another hour."
The man groaned but reluctantly went to take a seat while Adam got him some ice...mostly because he didn't want another punch to the jaw from Jay.
Jay walked behind the bar. "Are you okay?" he asked Hailey.
"I'm fine. He didn't even touch me," she replied.
"Still," Jay said. "I'd really prefer if you went upstairs and went to sleep. I don't want anything to happen to you."
"Jay, I'm--"
"Hailey," Hermann cut her off. "I can make the drinks. You just go upstairs and get some rest."
"Hermann, I can't pay you for this. And, do you even know how to make all the drinks?" Hailey asked.
"I'm fine with not being paid, Hailey. I just want to help you out and make sure you're safe, just like Jay here. And, I've been here enough and seen you make the drinks that I'm pretty sure I can handle it."
"Okay," Hailey relented.
"I'll walk you upstairs," Jay offered. "Can you two handle it if I'm gone for a few minutes?" Jay asked Adam and Hermann.
The two said they were fine and Jay and Hailey went upstairs.
"If prohibition ends," Hailey began when Jay and Hailey were almost to her bedroom, "I think we should take Hermann up on his offer."
"Hailey, that's a big decision. Are you sure you don't want to think about it?" Jay asked as he grabbed her hand.
"Tonight opened my eyes. Late nights, the possibility of being in situations I don't want to be in. If we have kids, I'm going to need to be there with them."
"Hailey, I'd love to have kids with you. But, I'm lost. What does this have to do with selling the speakeasy to Hermann?"
"If we have kids, I want us to be there for them at night when they have nightmares, not one of us going upstairs every fifteen minutes to check on them like we do with Y/N. And, if it's all legal, we'll have more rowdy customers. I don't want either of us to get hurt and I also don't want one of the kids to walk downstairs, if we have kids, and see angry customers," Hailey explained.
"I understand that. It's your decision, though. You own the speakeasy. It's your decision. I'll be with you on whatever you decide to do."
"Jay, I love you so much and I never want to be without you. And if you want to move, I'm going with you. I'm going where you go."
"I love you, too. And, you're gonna have to put up with me for a long time because I'm not leaving you."
"We've got everything, right?" Jay asked as he and Hailey looked on to the house. Jay held suitcases in his hand and so did Hailey. You held Spot and Emmy close to you.
"You sure about this?" Hermann asked. "You still have an hour before the train comes to back out."
"We're sure, Christopher," Hailey confirmed. "Everything is ready for us in New York."
"My brother had a lot to do with that," Jay supplied.
Prohibition had officially ended a month ago and when Jay had told Will over a quick phone call what was going on, he was shocked, to say the least. But, he agreed to try and find a place for them in upstate New York. So, he took Natalie and his three kids on a day trip there where they looked at some houses and went through the shops and got ice cream. Then, Will told Jay he had found the perfect place. So, Jay and Hailey sent him the money and Will bought the house for them.
"Bar have a--" Jay was quickly cut of by you asking a question.
"What was Mommy's name?" you asked.
"It was Molly," Jay answered. "But, we don't interrupt, okay?"
"Sorry. But, Hailey told me she'd get me another dolly when we get to New York and now I'm gonna name her Molly."
"That's great, pumpkin, really great. Anyway," he started, turning his attention back to Hermann, "Bar have a name yet?"
"You know, I think Molly's would be a good name," he answered.
You gasped. "You're gonna name the restaurant after my mommy? Did you hear that, Jay Jay?"
"I did. Hermann, you can't. It's your bar."
"I know. But, if your mom didn't have you, then you wouldn't have fallen in love with Hailey, and I wouldn't be getting the most important thing to me: the bar," he told him.
"I'm telling Cindy you said that," Hailey joked.
"You wouldn't do that. You're too nice for that, Hailey."
"So, it's Molly's?" Hailey asked.
"The bar's Molly's."
"Well, take good care of it. I didn't run it illegally for years just to have it be destroyed by a regular."
"Don't you worry. And, if all else fails, at least the firefighters will come to it."
"This is our house?" you asked excitedly when Will picked the three of you up from the train station. Apparently, he and Natalie made enough money to feed them and their three children and still have enough money to afford a car.
"It is, pumpkin. And look over there." Jay pointed outside the car to a pen...well two pens and a chicken coop.
"Piggies!" you exclaimed. You gasped. "We get to keep them?"
"We do," Jay confirmed.
"There's even a horse that you can ride," Hailey told you.
"Like my rocking horse?"
"Just like that. But you can feed him and brush him. And we have hens, too. Those are the girl chickens."
"They lay the eggs?"
"That's right," Will said. "You sure know a lot about animals, pumpkin. Are you gonna be a veterinarian when you get bigger?"
"What's that?" you asked as you furrowed your eyebrows.
"So, I'm a doctor for people, but you'd be a doctor for animals."
You gasped. "Yay! I wanna be a betternanian!"
Everyone laughed at your pronunciation of the word veterinarian, but you were too excited to realize you had said it wrong and to even care.
As Jay grabbed a few things out of the car and made his way to the house, he reminisced on how he got here. If he hadn't had his route changed as a milkman, if he wouldn't have gotten fired and gotten an eviction notice, then he wouldn't have met the love of his life, Miss Hailey Anne Upton...even though he hoped he'd be able to change her title to Mrs. Hailey Anne Halstead in the next few months. And, even though he had to go look for a job tomorrow, he had a home with you and Hailey, you were happy with all the animals, and he was closer to the rest of his family in Will, Natalie, and his nephews and niece, and that was all that mattered.
A/N I hope you liked the first AU of AU-gust! I think the next one I will be writing will be a high school AU. If you have any ideas for AUs, feel free to comment or send me an ask!  As always, thank you for reading! Don't forget to reblog/like and comment as notifications always make my day! And, if you like my writing, you can support me at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Kayela It's only a dollar and it's through Paypal and any currency can be used, no subscription required! (I write these fics for free, so I figured I'd try this out!) Finally, if you want to be added to my taglist, just comment and I’ll add you!
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fl0ating-tree · 4 years
c!technoblade is in the wrong more often than not
(unless i use “cc!” before the name, assume i’m talking about the characters as well as the fact that this is all /rp) (also this is very c!techno critical and it’s meant to be that way, i understand there’s a whole other perspective if you look at it from techno’s view but this is purposefully seeing the situation only from c!tubbo/c!tommy or other’s perspectives) 
it’s been over a month since doomsday and since cc!techno’s content/lore has simmered down a bit i feel like it’s a good time to point out how from nearly everyone’s POV, except techno’s and phil’s, techno is in the wrong.
this is VERY analytical and c!techno critical and i would love if someone who’s a diehard techno apologist could give me their imput on this, feel free to debate this in the replies or reblogs or even send me an ask about it!
First of all, let’s go all the way back to when Technoblade first joined the smp. One of the biggest defenses for Techno is that he was clear about his goals of destroying the government to Wilbur and Tommy, and that Wilbur and Tommy went behind his back to set up a government. While I don’t have exact timestamps, if you watch through Tommy’s Dream SMP videos on his YouTube channel from when Techno joins to before the festival announcement both Wilbur and Tommy make it clear that they are gather resources and manpower to revolt against Manberg. Not rebel, which would imply simply destroying the government, but to go back to L’manberg and reinstate their places as President and Vice President. Technoblade joined their cause on the offer to train Tommy and Wilbur to be able to overthrow Schlatt. It was only after the festival that Techno revealed his motives to be destroying the government, after Wilbur came to the same conclusion. In the same vein, Techno’s vendetta against Tommy for ‘establishing a government’ doesn’t hold any water because Wilbur elected Tommy, not the other way around, and when Tommy actively tried to be uninvolved in government Wilbur made Tubbo president. Tommy was not involved in the creation of the government what so ever. To claim that Tommy betrayed Techno by establish a government you also have to admit that Technoblade betrayed Tommy by destroying L’manberg instead of helping train them. 
Then comes Tubbo’s execution. Techno’s argument of peer pressure holds absolutely no ground considering when it came to blowing up L’manberg on Doomsday he didn’t seem to have any qualms even after nearly the entire server was against him doing it. Part of me feels like that defense came from cc!Techno simply having to think on the fly with improv, but that’s a little too meta of an argument for this analysis. I will admit that Techno’s defense of being surrounded is a lot more solid. Wilbur wasn’t /msg-ing him anything about what to do, and Techno had no personal reason to not shoot Tubbo. However Techno’s insistence that ‘it stays in the pit’ shows another downfall of his character in the fact that the argument between him and Tommy didn’t start with violence and therefore couldn’t simply end with violence. There’s a really well written analysis on how Techno’s character relies on violence rather than words because there’s no one, asides from Dream maybe, who could beat him in combat but a lot of them could hold their own in a verbal argument. Techno really didn’t have a solid defense for executing Tubbo, so he physically fought Tommy and claimed that that settled the argument. It was unfair to both Tubbo and Tommy. That was another betrayal of trust on Techno’s part; to Tommy, loyalty is being willing to die to protect someone. Techno being unwilling to fight, and possibly die to, Schlatt in order to protect Tubbo was a betrayal to him. 
There’s also Tommy’s exile. I’ve seen people claim that Techno manipulated Tommy into siding with him and while I think that’s a bit extreme of an explanation I do think Techno gave Tommy an ultimatum. Tommy could either be thrown out of Techno’s home and most likely fall back into Dream’s hands, or help Techno. Tommy was in a very fragile state, he felt hurt by New L’manberg and their government and was emotionally vulnerable because of the abuse from Dream. Of course Techno’s proposal of “You help me minorly terrorize L’manberg, I’ll help you get your beloved possessions back” would sound appealing. That’s another thing to highlight here- Techno promised he wouldn’t hurt Tubbo in that deal. Every time he gave Tommy their ‘to-do list’ he would remove “DESTROY L’MANBERG” from it. He told Tommy his clear intentions inevitably, but Tommy was still hard-set on not hurting Tubbo. There was no way this agreement could’ve worked, their goals fundamentally conflicted. So in the same way that Tommy betrayed Techno by siding with the government after agreeing to destroy it, Techno betrayed Tommy by destroying Tubbo’s home and hardwork and therefore hurting Tubbo. Techno betrayed Tommy just as much- if not more- than Tommy betrayed him because while Techno promised not to hurt Tubbo, Tommy never promised to help completely obliterate L’manberg. 
Another area that Techno get’s sympathy from the viewers for is his execution but that’s because we can see his POV. Let’s look at that situation from Tubbo’s POV. Tubbo was just elected president of L’manberg. Technoblade then shoots him and kills him (not canon, so plot-wise this means he probably severly injured him). Wilbur blows up L’manberg and Techno spawns Withers and attacks all of them. They manage to kill the Withers but Techno promises that if he hears anything about them establishing a government he will come back and kill them all and destroy L’manberg once and for all. Technoblade then dissapears and Tubbo sets out to rebuild. Dream has an iron grip on their government so Quackity proposes they do the next best thing to protect L’manberg and go after Technoblade, who they haven’t heard from since he promised to kill them all. They go to kill Technoblade, he escapes and kills Quackity. He then takes a hostage to get his belongings back, and finally he destroys L’manberg to bedrock. 
Techno never once told anyone but Phil and Ghostbur, and later Tommy, that he was retired. Even if he did, retiring doesn’t suddenly absolve you from your crimes. Technoblade was a terrorist that threatened L’manberg and Tubbo did what he thought was best to protect his country. Tommy had no choice but to side with Techno and even then made his position clear to not hurt Tubbo. Tommy and Wilbur (when he was sane) made it clear that they would reestablish government. A big theme in the Dream SMP is miscommunication and multiple times does Techno seem to think people can read is mind because he fails to tell others what he wants and what he’s doing, and then claims he’s been betrayed when people don’t do what he wants. 
Like I said in the beginning, this post was written purposefully ignoring Techno’s perspective, because a lot of his actions become a lot more understandable when you see his point of view. However, character’s don’t have access to his POV and both the audience and c!techno need to stop acting like everyone can see his side of events. Technoblade has betrayed people just as much, if not more, than they’ve betrayed him and characters, especially tubbo and tommy, have every right to hate him for it. 
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Soulmarks, Part 9
First part
She breathed out as she broke Mr. Pigeon’s whistle for the 21st time.
“God, when will Hawkmoth show up again? We haven’t seen him in ages,” complained Marinette as she caught the butterfly. She waved it off vaguely.
“It’s almost like he doesn’t want us to beat him,” complained Adrien, crossing his arms over his chest.
Tim laughed over the comms. “Sucks that you guys can’t track the butterflies.”
The heroes looked at each other in silence for a long time.
“You… you have tried to track the akumas, right?”
“Well…” Began Adrien.
“About that…” Continued Marinette.
Tim sighed.
He looked up from the computer as she took a seat beside him and raised his eyebrows slightly. “Hey.”
“Hi,” she mumbled, sipping at her coffee cup. She started pulling up tabs on a different screen.
He gave a grin. “You didn’t get me any?”
“Dick said you’re cut off.”
He sighed. Man, he’d been hoping that she hadn’t known. Now how was he supposed to stay up when he’d been expressly told to go to sleep?
“I don’t get that. You drink more than me. You should be banned, too.”
She shrugged. “I can portal out and get some if I want. You can’t. You’re easier to control.”
Damn it. That made sense.
He rested his head back against the chair and crossed his arms. “This is stupid.”
“Mmm,” she hummed, still clicking away at the computer.
He huffed at her apparent disinterest in his struggles. He looked at her screen to see what had captivated her attention and raised his eyebrows. “If you needed a map of Gotham you could’ve just looked it up on your phone.”
“Not what I was doing.” She sighed. “I’m trying to figure out where Joker would be hiding. He’s super white. You’d think someone’d see him by now and post him on twitter.”
He shook his head. “Not if he killed everyone he saw.”
“But he hasn’t done that. There hasn’t been any major shootings, no mysterious missing camera footage, nothing.” She crumpled the now empty coffee cup in her hands. “It’s like he just... disappeared.”
He scooted his wheely chair closer to her and frowned as he looked at the files she was searching through over her shoulder. She was, shockingly, right. Not only had Joker not been implicated for any crimes, the city had been devoid of pretty much everything major since he’d been gone. No bank robberies, no shoutouts, nothing. It was as if every major criminal had agreed to take the month off.
“Gotham is too quiet,” he whispered.
She nodded grimly.
Marinette sighed lightly as she stepped into the Batcave and found Tim zombie-ing around. She caught his arm before he could bring another cup of coffee to his lips.
“When was the last time you slept?”
He mumbled something that might have been ‘never’.
She shook her head. “I know finding Joker is important, but you have to sleep more.”
He groaned.
She tried to pull the mug away from him.
He didn’t let go, hooking his legs around his swivel chair. She pulled again and cursed when this only succeeded in making him roll a few centimeters.
She narrowed her eyes and started dragging him around the Batcave by his mug. Eventually he’d have to give up or his body would give out. She could wait. She was hopped up on caffeine and it was only midday in France. She could outlast him.
Dick walked in, twirling his escrima sticks like batons. He stopped short as he spotted the heroine dragging her soulmate around the Batcave while he hung off of her.
He raised his hands in a kind of ‘okay, damn, don’t hurt me’ fashion and started backing away slowly.
“Diiiiiick, help meeeeeeee,” begged Tim.
Dick hesitated, his eyes flickering between both of them, before he apparently decided that it would be better to just fall to his doom than choose a side. He hopped over the nearest railing and disappeared.
Marinette blinked. “Did he just… die...?”
“I’m fine!” He yelled from somewhere in the cave.
“Oooookaaaaay… what is wrong with this family?” She whispered.
“One day you’ll be one of us, so you’re insulting future you right now,” Tim teased quietly, only to whine as she managed to finally kick the chair away from him.
She hooked his arm around her shoulders and bore most of his weight as she began dragging him up to his room. “Who says we’re going to get married?”
“Hopefully you, one day, but if you don’t there’s no way Bruce wouldn’t adopt you.”
She rolled her eyes. “You need to sleep.”
She pushed open the door to his room and raised her eyebrows at the spotlessness. She had expected it to be covered in a fine layer of dust with how little he used it, but she supposed that Alfred would never let the mansion fall into even slight disrepair.
He sighed and attempted to lean away from her. She probably would have actually fallen if she hadn’t been prepared for some kind of retaliation but, as it was, she still ended up having to grab the doorframe to stop them from hitting the floor.
He pouted. “I don’t wanna sleep.”
“Okay, fine, give me one good reason why I shouldn’t make you sleep,” she said, dropping him on the bed.
She crossed her arms over her chest as he considered the question.
He couldn’t seem to meet her eyes as he mumbled his answer: “Nightmares.”
Marinette had been prepared to immediately shut him down, her mouth halfway open, but then she snapped it shut.
That was actually a very good reason. Huh.
What was she supposed to say? She wasn’t his therapist! She was fourteen! Give her a break!
She watched him pull his pillow to his chest and bury his face in it. There was a tiny pang in her chest.
Even if she wasn’t his therapist, she still wanted to help…
She hesitantly sat down on the edge of the bed and took his hand. He stiffened slightly and looked up at her with a tiny, somewhat confused, frown playing across his lips. She gave him an awkward smile in return.
“You’re going to pass out no matter what, but… I’ll stay here and make sure you don’t have any nightmares, okay? I promise.”
He squeezed her hand a little bit to say he understood and settled into the blankets. After a bit, he gave a short laugh.
“What’s so funny?”
“You say ‘okay’ a lot when you don’t know what to do,” he teased quietly.
She blinked. “Oka --?”
He cut her off with his laughter and her face reddened.
“That’s it! I’m leaving!” She joked, only to feel his grip tighten on her hand. 
“Don’t go. Please.”
She looked at his wide eyes and felt herself blush harder. “I was kidding, I made a promise. Besides, I don’t think you’d sleep if I left.”
His grip slackened a little bit.
“Actually… my body kinda gave up when I laid down here and now it won’t let me get up.”
She nodded slightly. “Yeah, they do that when you do something stupid and then lay down. They’re pretty good at making sure you don’t overexert yourself.”
He huffed. “Stupid human limitations.”
Marinette grinned and ran her thumb along the back of his hand. “Awful, really.”
He gave a short hum of agreement before closing his eyes. After a bit, she felt his grip slacken on her hand.
She pulled the blanket over him properly and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
Tim smiled in his sleep.
Next part
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211 notes · View notes
kalimagik · 4 years
Not A Movie...Right?
Harry Potter x Reader 
Word Count: ~7,400
Warnings: Some cursing, mentions of sex, but that’s the only time the word is used.... 
A/N: Soooo, here’s a fic I wrote that isn’t based on a song! (Look at me trying to expand!) It’s got angst, tears, strong women standing by each other, oblivious Harry, and then fluff at the end cuz I love me a good happy ending... If you enjoy it, like, reblog, comment, or follow! You can also send me a message if there is something you’d like to see me post! still new on here, so I’m open to pretty much everything! Happy reading <3<3
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*not my GIF - credit to owner
The corridors were empty, the classrooms were quiet, and the students were busying themselves outside, well most of the students. Y/N dragged her feet down the hallways, avoiding the windows, she didn’t want to be seen by the other students. Why be lost in conversation when she was lost in the thoughts that had been consuming her brain? 
Had she made a mistake? Was it stupid to get everything off of her chest? It had been four years after all, right? It was okay to feel these things. She’d hid them for as long as possible, she tried to at least. Maybe she shouldn’t have told him, but maybe he shouldn’t have kissed her after the quidditch match. Didn’t he know that would completely scramble her brain? He knew her! At least, she thought he knew her. 
“Y/N? What are you doing?” Hermione called from a little bit ahead. 
Y/N looked up for her eyes to meet her best friends’ right away. The brunette knew something was wrong, she’d barely seen Y/N in the last week. 
“We’ve been outside all day. It’s so nice and you told Ron that you were going to meet us out there. I didn’t even see you this morning. What’s going on?” she prodded, knowing that there was something more happening with her friend. 
Y/N couldn’t look at her. She knew that tears would start rolling down her face the moment she did. Yes, Y/N normally told Hermione everything, but she hadn’t told her about this yet and she’d been dealing with it all herself. So, maybe she should tell her? 
“Y/N/N…Please talk to me!” Hermione’s voice begged. Y/N finally looked up to see the concern in her friend’s face. “Oh common!” Hermione rushed to Y/N and pulled her hand until they were at the Gryffindor Common Room and climbing the stairs to their shared dorm room. Of course it was empty, everyone was enjoying one of the few nice days that Hogwarts saw. 
Once in the comfort of her own room, Y/N started to sob. How did she start to explain what had happened? Before she had to, Hermione spoke up. 
“Y/N/N. I know this has something to do with Harry. You never act like this. You’ve been up early for breakfast every morning and leave by the time I get down there with the boys. Sometimes Ron gets there early enough to see you, but then you leave before he can have a full conversation. You don’t speak during lessons and you’ve been sitting in different seats. Y/N/N, you sat with the SLYTHERINS the other day! You’re obviously avoiding him!” 
Y/N just looked down at her hands that were folded in her lap. 
“What happened? Please? You normally tell me this stuff. We’ve talked about all of your other boys before. I know that you like him. You may have not told me, but I am observant. I did notice. Just talk to me!” 
Taking a deep breath before she started talking, Y/N began the story. 
“It has been going on all year, ‘Mione. Remember when we first got back to school and we had that huge party after quidditch tryouts? Well, Harry and I just went and got some air. We were talking like we always do. You guys became my best friends in our second year, so it was easy. And it was probably the fire whiskey, but Harry started talking about how great I was. He was all of course I’ve had a crush on you before! You’re exactly my type and fun and cute. And I just sat there listening and thinking. And it was just nice to hear, but then I realized something. I could have always fallen for Harry so easily, but I always kept myself from doing it. I didn’t want to because I knew it would be too big for me. But, he, he opened the gates. It’s his fault, ‘Mione!” Y/N could feel her voice raising as she thought of how stupid she had been. 
Hermione looked at the 6th year girl, whose eyes were puffy and red, whose lips quivered as she thought about everything. Hermione didn’t want to push her anymore, but she knew that Y/N needed to get it all out. She’d been holding it in for too long and it was affecting how she was in school and with her friends and as a person. 
After giving Y/N a few moments of silence, Hermione spoke up. “So, what happened then?” 
“Well, I started letting myself fall. I was such a git! And I wanted to spend so much time with him and be around him. I mean, I always was, but it just felt different now. I wanted to be close to him and touch him and it just felt different. And he was different too! He was attentive and seeking me out and yeah…” Y/N paused as she thought. Thinking about what happened. 
“‘Mione,” Y/N whispered, “we snogged. A lot. And it went further than that. And – and I thought we were on the same page, but then he said he just wanted to stay friends because he didn’t want to ruin what we had…” 
“HE DID WHAT?!” Hermione howled. Y/N could see the rage building up on her face. She knew maybe she shouldn’t have said that.
“ ‘Mione, please don’t get mad. Don’t yell. Don’t get mad at him. It’s already happened. I made the same decision he did. Plus, I told him it was okay. I told him I was fine, so I messed up. I didn’t check and make sure we were on the same page…” Y/N tried to explain. 
“This is not your fault! Why is he so daft! Why would he do that! He did that AND THEN said he didn’t want to mess up the dynamic?” 
“Well yeah, but he’s a boy, it's fine. Seriously.” 
“Fine. I won’t yell at him yet. When did this all happen?” 
Y/N bit her lip, thinking. Everything seemed to always blend together. “Two months ago, maybe…”
“Y/N! It’s April now…What happened next?” Hermione asked, knowing the story wasn’t over. 
“Well, you know the quidditch match two weeks ago? When they beat Hufflepuff?” Y/N asked, wiping her eyes. 
“Well, I thought I had come to terms with everything by then. I went on that date to Hogsmeade and even though Zacharias Smith was an ass after, it was still nice when we went.” 
“Okay? I knew that. He was an ass…” 
“Yeah, exactly. Well, then the match came and they won and I didn’t get to see Harry because the people were just crowding and I couldn’t get to him. So, I waited for everyone to come out of the changing tents so I could congratulate our friends.. Well, Harry was the last one to come out and he was so excited that he kissed me. And I pretended I was fine because I couldn’t go through the ‘we’re just friends’ talk again. But, I couldn’t stop thinking about it after that. All the feelings that I gated off flooded right back in because it just felt right! He held me in a way that no one ever has and his lips just felt right. I couldn’t stop it!” Y/N was gasping, reliving what she had been avoiding. 
“But, you’ve only been acting strange for a week. What changed between then and now?” Hermione asked. She’d been nodding along since Y/N started. She was thinking a lot and felt pretty angry, but she was keeping her anger at Harry hidden for Y/N’s sake. 
“Well, I became overwhelmed. It’s all I could think about. It didn’t feel fair because I didn’t get to say what I really felt. I just took everything in. So, I worked up a little bit of courage and I told him how I felt last week. I said everything. I wrote it down and I just told him! But, but, but he didn’t say anything back. And when I saw him the next day, he just acted normal and as if nothing happened and I couldn’t do that! I couldn’t, ‘Mione…” Y/N felt the tears begin to swell up along the edges of eyes. 
“Wow…he hasn’t said anything?” 
Y/N shook her head. 
“And you’ve just been dealing with it and acting as normal as possible?” 
Y/N nodded. 
“But, you’ve still been avoiding him and he hasn’t said anything.” 
“I don’t think that he noticed,” Y/N said. “Of course, I haven’t seen him to know whether or not he has.” 
Hermione thought for a second. She knew that Harry hadn’t said anything to her about Y/N not being around, so either it wasn’t bothering him or he didn’t notice. Ron was always slightly oblivious, so he didn’t completely understand what was going on, but he knew Y/N hadn’t been around as much. Hermione could tell Y/N this, but she didn’t want to be the one to break her friend’s heart, no matter how honest she wanted to be with her. She couldn’t do it. 
“Do you want me to ask him what he’s thinking?” Hermione asked timidly. 
“NO!” Y/N spoke louder than she had in a while. “I don’t want him to know I told you. ‘Mione, I’ve been thinking a lot. Harry not saying anything to me is an answer. He doesn’t want me… I can’t keep walking around here thinking that he’s just going to run up to me and tell me that he loves me. That only happens in the movies and this isn’t a movie. I need to just move on, but I needed a little bit of time before that. I needed to come to that decision myself.” Y/N tried to explain, with pleading in her eyes. 
“I get that, but it isn’t fair to you…You deserve to be so happy!” Hermione argued. 
“But, it doesn’t look like I’m going to get that from him…” 
Hermione couldn’t hear it. This whole situation was ridiculous! Harry couldn’t just not say anything. If she had been in that situation, she wouldn’t have taken it! But what could she do? Y/N didn’t want her to get involved. 
Y/N spoke up, breaking Hermione from her internal thought process. “I told you ‘Mione, I just need to give myself some time to move on and I can’t do that when I’m seeing him every day.” 
“That makes sense, but I miss you! Can you please just be around more. I can stay away from him. Plus, we have to start studying for exams soon anyways. I just want to spend time with you!” 
“I’m sorry you got caught up in all of this. You don’t have to worry about me.” 
“I’m always going to worry about you!” Hermione assured her friend, fighting the internal struggle about what to do. She could do what Y/N asked and just leave it be, but that didn’t feel right. Boys this year were just messing everything up.
“I know. But we only have like two months of school anyways. It’ll be fine.” Y/N waved off whatever she was feeling, wiping away the few stray tears. 
Hermione nodded, knowing there was nothing else she could do in that moment. So, she spent the rest of the day with Y/N. She convinced her to walk around and go out to the courtyard for a bit. Everyone else was on the grounds, so it was clear. They did run into a few Hufflepuff girls, but it was fine interacting with them. 
Being a Sunday evening, the girls knew that they had a busy week, so they headed to the Common Room after a short dinner. A Harry free dinner of course. 
“You go up, I need to gather some books from the Common Room,” Hermione said as Y/N went to the steps for the dormitory. 
“Okay!” Y/N waved as she went up to their room. 
Hermione looked around. She knew it wouldn’t be long before the boys got back from dinner. Hermione noticed on her way out that Ron and Harry ate with the other boys in their dorm tonight. She waved, but only Ron saw her. Y/N was walking out of the Great Hall so quickly that she didn’t have time to stop and say hi. 
She dawdled picking up what she could, taking her time. She’d just tell Y/N that she realized she had to finish an essay if they took much longer. But, as if on cue, the portrait door swung open and in walked 5 boys. Seamus, Neville, and Dean stumbled up the dormitory stairs while Harry and Ron walked towards where Hermione was standing over her books. 
“Where have you been?” Harry asked casually. 
Hermione felt the fire inside of her flare, but she responded as calmly as possible. “I’ve been with Y/N for most of the afternoon and evening.” 
“Blimey! So that’s where you went! We sat by the lake forever and figured you just went to do an assignment,” Ron shrugged as he turned. 
“No, I went to find our other best friend. I haven’t seen her nearly at all this week and Ron said she was coming to the lake, but when she didn’t, I went to find her unlike you two blathering gits!” Hermione raised her voice. 
Ron and Harry looked at her confused. “What are you talking about, ‘Mione?” Ron questioned. 
“Have you two noticed nothing?! She’s never at breakfast with us, she skips meals, she hasn’t sat with us in lessons all week! We haven’t had our best friend! Ron, you’ve been so caught up with your break up and you, Harry, with that stupid book! We’re losing her!” 
Now, the boys looked concerned. Hermione did raise her voice at them quite often, but something about this was different. 
“What is wrong with you, Hermione?” Harry spoked up. 
“You of all people should know!” Hermione spat before picking up her books and heading towards the stairs. 
Ron looked at Harry with so much confusion in his eyes. “What’s she talking about?” he asked. 
Harry stood there for a moment before he called after Hermione. “Wait! Come back here!” 
Hermione stopped at the bottom of the stairs, taking in a deep breath before turning around. “What?” she responded sternly. 
“Can you just tell us why you’re so angry?” Harry asked, trying to get a little more information out of her. 
“It’s not my place,” Hermione barked. “Besides, it could be more efficient for me to just not say anything at all. Then I’ll just act like everything is normal!” With that small jab, she stomped up the stairs to her bedroom. She promised Y/N she wouldn’t say anything and she didn’t really. Not out right. 
Hearing the door slam, Ron turned to Harry aghast. “What was she blithering on about? Bloody hell!” He ran his fingers through his hair. 
“Fuck!” Harry cursed, when it dawned on him why she was so angry. 
“I mean, I know Y/N’s been out of sorts this week, but she gets like that sometimes. I figured it was just that thing that happens to girls every month.” Ron rambled on, not hearing Harry. “Sure, she seemed a little more rushed and like she just wanted to be alone. I didn’t think it had anything to do with us.” 
“It didn’t have anything to do with us, Ron. It had everything to do with me,” Harry flopped onto the couch as he slapped his hand over his face. 
“What are you talking about?” Ron asked stupidly. 
“I was an idiot! How couldn’t I have noticed that she was avoiding me?” 
“What?” Ron asked again. 
“Whenever you were at breakfast early this week, did you see Y/N?” 
“Yes? But..” 
“And did she always leave right before Hermione and I got there?” Harry cut him off. 
Ron sat on a chair near Harry, thinking about the past week for a moment. “Now that you mention it, I guess she did. I thought she just had assignments to get ahead on. You know how her and Hermione can be…What are you thinking about, Harry? Come off it!” 
“I’m an idiot!” Harry stood up quickly and rushed towards the stairs. 
“Harry, you know that’s not going to work…” Ron called as he heard the stairs turn into the slide to keep the boys out of the girls’ dormitory. 
“But, I’ve got to get up there! I’ve messed up Ron!” 
“You could send her a note. It's only 7:15. I bet you could make it up to the owlery before curfew,” Ron suggested, getting comfortable. 
“Ron! That’s brilliant!” 
Before Ron could continue, Harry was out of the portrait hole again. 
“OR!” Ron tried to call after him, “or you could wait until one of the other girls comes back and give them a note for Y/N…” Ron finished. “What the hell is going on with everyone?” Ron wondered as he placed his hands behind his head and relaxed in front of the fireplace. 
“What took you so long, ‘Mione?” Y/N asked when she came out of the bathroom to see Hermione just putting her books down. 
“The boys came in while I was gathering my things,” Hermione responded truthfully, not knowing how her friend would respond. 
“Oh…” Y/N faded off. “Did they have a good time at dinner?” Y/N asked, trying to be as normal as possible. 
“Yeah, they did. We didn’t say much about dinner though.” 
“Oh? What did you all talk about?” Y/N questioned as she moved around the room, pulling on her pajamas and hanging up her towel. 
“Well, they asked where I went and then I kind of got angry with them…” Hermione tried to look innocent. 
“Mione?” Y/N was now getting worried. “Why would you get angry?” 
“I just, they asked where I went and I said to find you and then I got mad that they hadn’t noticed how you had been acting all week and…and _ I –” Hermione cut herself off to look up at Y/N just in time to see a horrified face. “Don’t worry! I didn’t say anything about what you told me! I can hold my tongue at least that much. But, I may have made a slight comment just to get him thinking…” 
“YOU DID WHAT?” Y/N yelled, dropping everything in her hands. 
“I don’t know if he got it. Ron was blabbering like an idiot when I came up the stairs. I just think that he owes you something! You are friends, at least! Maybe he just didn’t realize how he felt about you…” Hermione tried to explain. 
“Mione! Now he knows that I’ve been sulking over him all week! He may be daft, but he’s not THAT daft!” 
“But, you deserve to get something!” Hermione yelled out. 
Luckily, it was early enough that the other girls weren’t back to the room just yet, so Y/N had a moment to compose herself. She really despised whenever Lavender tried to act like her best friend and comfort her. It was really the worst and just awkward. That all started when Ron and Lavender dated and Y/N wound up around her more often than she would have liked. Whenever she was with Harry and Ron and Lavender always popped up to be with Ron. It was the worst. 
“What am I going to do now? I was so close to moving on, Hermione! Common!” 
“I’m sorry! I’m really sorry, Y/N/N! But, someone needed to do something. He needs to talk back so that you can actually get some closure!” 
“What did I tell you earlier! This isn’t a fucking movie! Merlin! I just wanted to move on before being around him all the time again, okay? Now I’m going to need to keep doing what I’ve been doing for a week!” Y/N ranted as she paced back and forth across the floor. 
Hermione sat there silently, realizing how what she did may have been stupid, but she was going to continue to defend her actions. “Y/N/N, I’m going to tell you this again. He needs to say something. You can’t just let him off the hook. He’s being an idiot! And –” 
Hermione was cut off by a light tapping at the window. The two girls turned to see a white snow owl. 
“Hedwig?” Y/N was startled as Hermione went to open the window to let the owl in. 
“She has a note tied to her leg…” Hermione noticed. “It’s for you.” 
“He wrote me a note?” Y/N questioned. 
“Maybe he realized that he was being an idiot. What’s it say?” Hermione asked as she handed Y/N the note and sat down next to her. 
Hedwig flew over and hooted happily as Y/N unconsciously petted her, holding open the letter to look at Harry’s tiny, scribbled handwriting. 
“What’s it say?” 
“Give me a second! I need to decipher his writing,” Y/N trembled. 
Y/N looked down at the note. It wasn’t long, it was straight forward. 
“He wants to talk to me…” Y/N sat the note down and stood up suddenly, pacing around again. Hermione picked up the note and quickly scanned it. 
“Y/N/N, he’s pretty much pleading for you to come downstairs right now. I bet he just ran all the way to the owlery to send this and get back in time.” 
Y/N stood there thinking, not sure what to do, but before she could speak anymore, the dorm door flew open. 
“Why was Harry so out of breath?” Parvati wondered out loud as her and Lavender discarded their things onto their beds. The two were giggling. 
“What’s going on up here?” Lavender asked, trying to read the room. 
“Nothing!” Y/N blurted quickly, knowing that Lavender wouldn’t ask Hermione for any details. The two hadn’t spoken in weeks. Before she knew what she was doing, she swept to the still open door. She didn’t know why she was going so quickly, but she forced herself to slow down when she was about halfway down the steps. She couldn’t seem too desperate. She had “moved on,” remember. 
As she went to take the last turn, she practically stopped. She could hear the soft voices of the boys that she knew so well. 
“Do you think Hedwig got her attention?” 
“Mate, you haven’t even told me what’s going on,” Ron pointed out. 
Y/N inched a little further down, trying to hear better. 
“I’ll tell you once I know what’s going on!” Harry practically exploded. He’d gotten better at that from last year, but his temper still spouted from time to time. 
Y/N felt her heart constrict. Was that good or bad? She moved forward just a little bit more as Harry had lowered his voice again. But, she must’ve gone a little too far and her foot slipped off the edge of the step. She felt her torso follow quickly after, tumbling down the last stairs and onto the Common Room floor. 
“uhhh, hey guys…” Y/N felt her cheeks heat up. Thinking quickly, she added, “I just left something down here…” Maybe she couldn’t do this. She’d already poured her heart out over a week earlier. She couldn’t go through the pain again. 
 When she finally stood up, she realized that her fall must’ve caused both boys to jump out of their seats. 
“What are you guys doing?” she tried to ask as normally as possible. 
“Ummmmmm…well, look at the time! I’m going to go to bed!” Ron spit out quickly, lifting his arms and pretending to yawn. “Goodnight!” 
Y/N watched helplessly as the only buffer in the room left. Now what was she going to do? 
“Y/N?” Harry spoke up, Y/N still looking at the stairs Ron had just ascended. 
“Uhhhh, hi? I’ll just grab that thing that I forgot and get out of your way.” Y/N looked around, trying to find something in the Common Room that she could claim as hers. 
“I can help you look. What did you forget?” 
Shit! Y/N thought to herself. Why was he so helpful? 
“I didn’t forget anything, Harry.” Y/N sighed. “I – I got your note. Hedwig popped in upstairs…” 
“Oh? You did? Good. That’s good because I wanted to talk to you about the other weekend and this week.” 
“You really don’t have to, Harry. I know Hermione put you up to this. It’s fine. I told you that last week. There’s nothing to talk –”
“Y/N, will you just let me say something?” Harry interrupted. Y/N closed her mouth and nodded. 
“Hermione didn’t put me up to this. I should have realized that something was wrong all week. I’m just blind and an idiot and I’ve been busy and…” Harry looked up to see Y/N looking at the ground. “That’s beside the point and not an excuse. I should have said something last week when you opened up to me.” 
Y/N lifted her eyes from the floor for a moment, waiting to hear what else he had to say because as of that moment, she did not have any words that would fit in quite yet. 
“I did the worst thing possible for that situation. I’m sorry, but I thought everything was normal between us, at least, I let myself think that.” 
Y/N couldn’t handle the rambling anymore. “What do you want to tell me, Harry? I should really get back upstairs. I can’t go through this  again. Stop dragging it out!” Well that was courage that she didn’t know she had. 
“Right, I’m sorry. I guess what I want to say is that I really didn’t know what to say then. You caught me by surprise…” Y/N stared at him. She obviously already knew this and at this point, the situation was just getting irritating. Was he going to break her heart or not? 
“In reality, I’m just scared. We’ve been friends for so long. How do you stop being friends and begin being more than that? I don’t know. No one I know seems to be figuring it out,” he added in, rolling his eyes. Y/N couldn’t help but giggle. She knew he was talking about the undiscussed feelings between Ron and Hermione. 
“And you’re just amazing at everything you do. I’m not. You deserve so much more.” 
Y/N’s heart panged at his words. Of course he was going to break her heart. Why did she bother getting her hopes up even slightly? 
Harry must’ve noticed the sudden change in demeanor of the girl standing a few meters away from her. He knew he needed to change his tactic. “You care so much about everyone that you love. I don’t know if I could be enough for you.” 
“HARRY!” Y/N just couldn’t take it anymore. “These all sound like excuses and ways for you to soften the blow. Just tell me that you don’t want to be with me so that I can go back to moving on like I was trying to do for the past week, for the past two months really!!” Her heart raced and she could hear the blood pounding in her ears. Couldn’t she just go back upstairs and flop on her welcoming bed? 
Harry stood, speechless for a moment too long. Y/N huffed and turned to go upstairs. This really wasn’t a great way to start her week, so why prolong it? But, before she could reach the steps, a hand wrapped around her wrist, pulling her back. Y/N closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She was not going to cry. 
“That’s not what I want though!” Harry blurted once Y/N turned to face him. “Y/N, I care about you so much. And I told you! I’m scared! These feelings scare me. What if something happens to you? It will all be my fault! I could never forgive myself.” 
Y/N instinctively bit her lip, taking in his words. What could she say to that? She still wasn’t sure about any of this. Why had he waited a whole week? 
“Say something?” he asked, eyes wide and looking at her hopefully. 
“Oh? Say something? Maybe I should just nod and walk away. It seems to be really effective in avoiding situations,” Y/N scoffed. She could feel her walls going up. She knew she had avoided these feelings for so long and this was why.
“I was an idiot, Y/N! How was I supposed to tell you that? It would’ve just been easier to pretend that there was nothing between us. Then I wouldn’t have to think about what I’m feeling, let alone how I could potentially hurt you.” 
Y/N could hear the sincerity in his voice. 
“I don’t know what you want me to say now, Harry. You hurt me. You played with my heart all year. You had me thinking there was something when we were ‘just friends’ according to you. That hurts!” Y/N felt her voice waiver, but she was still set on not crying. She’d done more than enough of that.
Harry looked shocked. This was not what he was expecting obviously. Just a week ago, the girl of his dreams told him that she had feelings for him and he was too daft to say anything back. He screwed up, badly. 
“My thoughts exactly,” Y/N spit as she began to pull away from him. 
“No, wait. Don’t go.” 
“What else is there to say?” Y/N asked, throwing her hands out to the side. 
“Say, say that you still love me like I know you do. You may not have used those words, but I know you do. So that I can tell you that I love you and didn’t mean to play with your heart. It wasn’t fair of me because I didn’t know what to do with my own heart. And then I could pull you in and kiss your lips like I’ve wanted to again since two weeks ago, but didn’t.” 
Y/N looked right into Harry’s green eyes. They looked as desperate as she had felt coming down the stairs earlier. 
“Please, Y/N/N?” Harry asked again. “Please, because I love you…” 
Y/N felt every time her chest rose and fell. She wanted this. She had wanted this for so long and now, here he was, fighting for her. It was literally like something she would see in one of those muggle movies, but why couldn’t she do it? 
“Harry, I want to say it. I want to be in this moment with you. I haven’t wanted anyone like I’ve wanted you in so long, but you broke me. How can I  trust that you aren’t going to want to be ‘just friends’ again next week?” 
“You can trust me. I’m your best friend. You’ve always trusted me. Don’t think I didn’t notice that you went out with Smith. I did. And it made me so mad that it wasn’t me!” Harry continued to argue and explain. He realized that he should have said this all to you months ago. 
Y/N sucked in a large amount of air, pulling her mouth muscles into her usual thinking face. What should she listen to? Her heart or her head. One telling her that this would be great and that they would be great together. The one telling her that this was what she had been wanting all year. Then there was the other side warning her that this could end in her hurt in just a few days. He didn’t seem so sure a week ago, why was he so sure now when he didn’t even realize how she was acting throughout the week? 
Y/N looked down to where he was still holding her wrist. This wasn’t right. He should have found her days ago and said this. Or he should have said this when she poured herself out to him. He had every moment to do that! 
Y/N shook her head. She had been right to tell Hermione earlier that this wasn’t a movie. It just wasn’t. He broke her trust and he broke her heart. But, she wasn’t going to do to him what he had done to her. She was going to tell him. She was going to break her own heart. And most importantly, she was going to give herself the chance and the opportunity to finally move on. Only she was going to be able to make that decision for herself. 
“Harry, I just can’t do it. I dreamed about you coming to me, but it just doesn’t feel genuine. If this is how you actually felt, you would have said it last week. You aren’t that oblivious. You knew that was your chance if you wanted it too. I can’t just take you and pretend that you haven’t hurt me. Our chance is over. I’m sorry.” 
At the end of her words, she looked up to meet Harry’s watering eyes. She’d seen so much joy in them in the past, but now all the pain in them was because of her. She couldn’t do it anymore. She needed to get out of the Common Room, but go where? All of her roommates were upstairs and it was well after curfew. Honestly, leaving and facing the possibility of detention sounded a lot better than a room full of girls. 
“I– I have to go.” She pulled her wrist out of Harry’s grip and darted sideways towards the portrait hole. She flew out, not even stopping to see if the Fat Lady saw her, and climbed the stairs. She found herself in a 7th floor corridor before she even stopped to look around. 
With eyes threatening to spill tears at any moment, Y/N fell to the floor. I just need somewhere to cry – she thought to herself as she began to sob. That’s when she felt the wall behind her start to shift. A small door appeared and without looking Y/N crawled inside. Once the door closed, she let her head rest against it and the tears fell in steady streams. 
Rushing out of the Common Room so quickly, Y/N hadn’t seen Hermione and Ron emerge from their hiding places on the stairs. They found a stunned Harry, who was already beating himself up for how that went. 
“Do I go after her?” he asked, tears starting to stream down his cheeks. 
Hermione shook her head. “It’s after curfew and you have no idea where she went…”
“She’ll have to come back eventually mate,” Ron encouraged. “You could always just wait here.” 
Harry nodded as he let Ron and Hermione direct him to the couch. Why had he been so impulsive? Why had he waited to begin with? 
He sat there, staring as Ron and Hermione attempted to cheer him up. He knew that wouldn’t work. The only person who could make him happy ran from him. He blew it. He’d have to find a way to accept that, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to for a while. Not until she was at least his friend again because he couldn’t lose her all together. 
Y/N cried until she didn’t have any tears left. Once they ran dry, she only felt numb. She couldn’t go back to the Common Room now. Knowing how stubborn Harry is, he would still be sitting there, wanting to try all over again. Y/N couldn’t take another round of that tonight. I wish that this room had a bed – She thought to herself, finally looking around. Then, there in the corner, she saw a folded up cot. That would do. On one of the shelves, next to some tissues, she found a blanket and pillow. Okay. Now I just have to wake up early enough to sneak back in and get my books in the morning. 
Feeling completely drained from the day, Y/N fell asleep quickly. She dreamed of nothing, which was a relief and in the morning, she decided that today was the day to start moving on. She would do it no matter how hard it was because this wasn’t a movie and she wasn’t going to wait around for someone who didn’t truly want her. 
With that attitude in mind, Y/N quietly left the small room of requirement and tip toed back towards the Gryffindor Common Room. It was maybe 4:30 in the morning, so she hoped no one would be up for any reason. Giving the Fat Lady the password and receiving a slight scolding for waking her up so early, Y/N shut it silently behind her. Once in the Common Room, she could see that the coals of the fire were nearly burnt out, but there were three forms resting in the chairs in front of it – asleep. 
Y/N couldn’t help but smile to herself? Had her friends been there all night? Did they really try to wait up for her? Okay…maybe seeing Harry sleeping there tensed and cold would make it a lot harder for her to move on. It was really sweet. She could only guess that Hermione was the one that kept the three from going to look for her. Y/N tip toed over to the three lumps as she summoned some blankets from the other side of the Common Room. She placed a blanket on both of them and took Harry’s glasses off his face. Then she saw the old piece of parchment open and clenched tightly in his fist. 
Of course he’d pulled out the Marauder’s Map. She could now see where she was standing next to the three of them, but his finger was stationed at the entrance of where the room of requirement usually popped up. How did he know she would wind up there? 
Y/N carefully pried the map out of Harry’s hands, so that she wouldn’t wake him up and mumbled “mischief managed” in order to make the parchment erase the lines of the castle and appear blank. Folding it and setting it next to his glasses, Y/N left the three and headed towards the stairs. But before she could get there, she heard movement. Not wanting to be noticed, she froze in her spot, hoping whoever it was had just been moving in their sleep. 
“Y/N?” a soft voice rang out. 
Y/N closed her eyes and scrunched up her face. So much for not being seen. Why had she gone over to her friends? Why hadn’t she just gone right upstairs? 
Not knowing what else to do, Y/N turned back towards the fireplace to lock eyes with Harry’s, albeit sleepy, green eyes. He looked concerned and worried, but also happy and relieved at the same time. He picked up the glasses she had just taken off of his face and put them back on. 
“Where did you go? Are you okay? We were worried when you didn’t come back,” he whispered, being mindful of the other two in the room. 
“Uhhh, yeah. I just had to get away for a while and didn’t want to face a room full of girls…” she drew out, matching his soft voice. 
“I understand. I wanted to come find you, but Hermione wouldn’t let us. I was going to sneak out after she went to bed, but then she stayed. Plus, she thought you may have gone to the room of requirement and said we wouldn’t be able to get to you if you didn’t want anyone bothering you…” Harry explained, recounting his night as quickly as possible. 
“She sure does know me well,” Y/N replied, brushing one arm with her hand. When had it gotten so cold in here? 
Harry must’ve noticed instantly because he immediately took off his jumper and tried to hand it to her. 
“No, Harry, it’s okay. I’ll just go up to bed.” 
Harry lowered the jumper, looking defeated. Now Y/N felt bad. 
“Harry,” Y/N sighed. She had really wanted to avoid this. 
“No, you don’t have to say it again. I heard you the first time. But, just let me say something?” Harry asked. 
Y/N nodded in response. 
“I don’t want to lose you. If you don’t want to be more than friends anymore, I understand. I was a complete prat, but I can’t lose you in my life. I still want you to be my friend. Of course, I won’t stop trying to prove myself to you, but that’s besides the point. I just need you with me in some way.” Harry’s eyes widened, begging her to understand. Of course she understood, that’s why she didn’t want to tell him how she felt to begin with. Why had she done that again? 
“Of course I want to be in your life, Harry. I can’t imagine mine without you, but you might have to give me some space.” There she goes, continuing to put distance between them. Harry hated it. 
“Well, how much space? Because we could keep that space to just the meter in between us across at the dinner table or…” Harry moved a little bit closer. Y/N was frozen in her spot. “Or, I could drop out of school and pretend not to go here for a month. I’ll go back to the Dursley’s if you need that much space.” 
He moved towards her again. Y/N felt her heart thump in her chest. It was too early for this. She wasn’t in her right mind because it would just be so easy to give in to him right now. Why did his eyes have to melt her insides every time? 
“Or, the only space could be the short distance when we sit next to each other in potions. Please, don’t go sit with the Slytherins again. Draco looked way too smug.” Y/N couldn’t help but smirk at that comment. He moved a few steps closer to her again. “Or, we could just forget the space…” Why oh why did he do this to her? By this point, Harry was towering over Y/N, pretty much daring her to look up at him and meet his eyes. 
Y/N could feel his breath near her skin. It was warm and slow. She knew that he was waiting for her to do something. Common Y/N, just do something! – she thought. Shit! She gave in, she looked up to meet his eyes. There was a determination she had never seen in them before. It bared into her soul. She instinctively bit her lip, she couldn’t help it. She always did it when she was nervous. 
She watched as Harry’s eyes wandered down her face and to her lips, then back up to her eyes. Damnit, she was going to give in. 
Softer than she had ever spoke, she whispered, “Maybe, space is a little overrated…” 
That was all he needed to crash his lips onto hers. His hands found their way to the nook between her face and neck and he pulled her closer to deepen the kiss. It felt like so much more than any kiss they had shared before. 
Y/N was the first to pull away, breath heavy. “This is not what I had in mind when I told myself I was going to move on,” she whispered. 
Harry chuckled, shaking his head. “No, probably not, but this way is definitely better for me,” he smirked. 
Y/N let her hand move up to hold one of his, both of which were still holding her face. No, things that happen in movies don’t usually happen in real life, but maybe this was the exception. Maybe, this was her movie. 
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harryspet · 4 years
obedience | bucky barnes
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[Warnings] dark bucky barnes x named oc, murder, and violence, non/dubcon oral and vaginal, outdoor sex, kidnapping, p/e/t play elements, bad google translate, implied agegap, mater/pet, lots of buildup, Stockholm syndrome(?)
A/N: I’ve been writing a bunch of Peter and Harry and kind of wanted to take a little break! This pretty much post endgame bucky. Sorry for any story inaccuracies! TRIGGER CONTENT AHEAD SO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
In which Bucky kills her family of former Hydra members before taking her home as his pet.
Like, reblog and let me know what you think!
word count: 4.4k
Sam wanted him to let things go. Move on and focus on something else, he said. Sam thought it would be impossible to find any of them since it had been years since they were active members. The snap had given them a big enough distraction to escape. Bucky didn’t think it was fair that they could just disappear, change their names, and get to live another day after the destruction they had caused. 
Accept, they couldn’t stay hidden for long. It took months but Bucky finally tracked the small family to Manhattan. The German immigrants thought they could hide within the millions of citizens in the New York borough. They made several mistakes though only because they couldn’t get rid of the luxury they were used to. The daughter had a driver and bodyguard that took her to and from her private school. 
Bucky had cyberstalked her through her Instagram. The eighteen-year-old Senior posted a lot under the alias, Mina, that her parents had most likely given her. The Vogt family had turned into the Bradford’s of Manhattan’s elite class. The daughter didn’t go anywhere without her bodyguard, at least, that’s what her parents thought. Bucky noticed how she snuck out on Friday’s at the same time every week. 
How reckless could she be? Her parents are on the most wanted list in eight different countries. Teenage love was the only answer. Bucky saw the boy she met up with, a poor rockstar type, that gave her that rush of dopamine she desperately needed. 
Poor little rich girl.
Bucky purposely bumped into her while the couple was waiting for the subway, “Watch where you’re going, dude,” The boy spoke in a thick Queens accent. Her purse dropped and, because Bucky was dressed like a respectable man of society, the girl let him pick it up and hand it back to her. Their eyes met for a long moment and Bucky thought for a moment she was lost in his blue eyes. 
“Sorry about that, you two have a goodnight,” Bucky faked a smile as he walked away, tucking the girl’s apartment key into his coat. 
“Old creep, he was definitely checking you out,” Bucky heard as he walked away, a stoic look of determination on his face. 
Mina woke up frightened. She panted, looking around in the dark for the monster that was in her nightmare. Those striking blue eyes looked into the depths of her soul. Brandon had said the man was checking her out but he didn’t see what she saw. Hate. That man didn’t even know her and yet he hated her. 
Looking out the window across the room, Mina could clearly see the lights of the Manhattan Bridge. When they first moved here, her mother promised she would have an even better view than the master bedroom. They were still trying to get her to not be so upset about the move. Mina pulled back the fabric of her heavy duvet and decided she’d go downstairs to get some water. Her bare feet padded across the white carpet and she opened the doors that led into the hallway. 
As she walked down the hall, someone appeared around the corner, “What are you doing up so late, Miss Mina?” The maid asked, her hands full of towels that she was carrying to the linen closet. 
The maid looked over her, sweaty with tangled hair, clad in her polka-dotted robe and nightgown, “Just getting some water. I had a bad dream.”
The maid held out her hand, urging her to stop, “I can bring you some warm milk and cookies, you should go back to your room,” Something changed in the older woman’s eyes. If Mina wasn’t so tired, she might’ve thought the maid was warning her.
 “It’s okay,” Mina insisted, stepping forward, “You work too much-”
Before Mina could even step forward, the maid collapsed on her side. Blood splattered against the wall and Mina thought she saw pieces of her brain. A bullet had come from down the hall Mina was about to turn on to. Mina covered her mouth, backing away, as the man from the subway stepped around the corner. 
No mask. He didn’t plan on letting her leave alive.
Mina hurried backward, towards her room, but the man took off after her. As her fingers curled around the door handle, she felt metal wrap around her upper arm. She screamed loud, a piercing scream even louder than the gunshot, as she struggled against him. 
The man didn’t speak, just pressed the long tipped gun against the side of her head, “P-Please, please, don’t kill me,” She stuttered out, shutting her eyes shut tight, “Please!”
“Scream one more time and I’ll kill you,” The man jerked her away from the door. The man pulled her back towards the maid’s dead body and down the hall, he came from. Mina’s knees were so weak that she was struggling to walk beside him. She let out a whimper as she was forced to step over the maid’s body. 
“W-Why are you doing this?”
It couldn’t be because of the rude thing Brandon said, right? This was too insane for that. 
He had killed someone. Killed. 
The man dragged her into the room she knew as her father’s office. And despite the man’s order, Mina screamed again. Her mother was bleeding from her abdomen, laying flat on the old rug in front of his desk. The man let go of her arm and Mina ran to her. 
He killed her mother. 
As Mina touched her mother, she realized there was no life left in her. 
Her father was still alive, just bent over and handcuffed to his coffee table, “sie ist tot,” She heard her father say, his thick German accent coming through, “She’s dead. Thank the Winter Soldier for that.”
Mina looked up at the man standing over them, her face covered in tears, “Papa?” Her lips trembling, “W-What’s happening?”
Her father didn’t answer as he looked down, talking to himself, “Mashina. Belyy. Doroga. Svecha. Nebo …” He was spouting off random words in Russian and her anger and frustration only grew. 
The man stepped forward, slamming her father’s head into the table, “I’m not your puppet anymore, Vogt,” Her father laughed, blood dripping down his face. 
“I like your new haircut, Winter Soldier,” Her father teased which only resulted in a punch across the face, “It suits you.” 
“Papa!” She shouted to him, wanting him to stop antagonizing. His wife was dead and his daughter was at gunpoint yet he was teasing the man?  “Please stop hurting him!”
The man finally looked at her, “Your daughter is beautiful, Frank. Is that what you get when you make them in labs?”
Frank? That was not her father’s name. 
“What is it that you want? Money? Being Captain America’s best friend not pay much?”
Bucky tried not to show any emotion but becoming Bucky instead of Winter Soldier had its problems. He was still getting used to showing emotion. 
“I want you dead. For every single death that you cause. For the years of my life that you stole.”
Frank shook his head, “Don’t give me the bad guy/good guy spiel. Name your price, Barnes.”
Bucky scowled, tucking away his gun, “What if I said I wanted your daughter?” The girl's eyes widened, still holding onto her dead mother. 
“Papa?” Her father didn’t answer.
“I know what you think, Barnes, but I am not monster,” Frank spoke calmly. Too calmly, “I can give you my contacts, other members who escaped.”
Bucky narrowed his eyes at the man, “Give me an example, a name, and I’ll decide if it’s worth it.”
“... Viktor Vanzin,” Bucky grinned, pulling out his pocket knife. 
“You’re lying,” Bucky had killed that man himself. That meant Frank was truly out of the loop, “I want your daughter. A life for a life.”
“She’s innocent,” Frank continued. 
“So was I,” Bucky countered, waiting for a response. 
“Okay, Barnes. Life for a life,” As Frank finally nodded yes, Bucky thought the girl might faint. She went completely still, her heart completely broken. Bucky almost felt bad but he was really doing her a favor. 
“You evil fucking bastard,” Bucky cursed, moving behind the man and wrapping his arm around the man’s neck. Frank struggled as Bucky drove the knife several times into his stomach. He wanted him to slowly bleed out, to suffer. The man slumped back over the table, coughing up blood. 
He spoke his last words to her, “I-I’m s-sorry, schatz.”
She fainted. 
Mina awoke on a thin mattress in a cold room. She reached to clutch her robe but only found her thin, blue nightgown. She wrapped her arms around herself, the sound of her heart pounding flooding her ears, before quickly sitting up. She regretted it instantly, gaining a headache quickly. 
She looked around and found now windows. The walls were a boring beige and there were absolutely no decorations. Only one wooden chair in the corner. Bucky heard the commotion and walked into the room a few moments later. He found her standing, pacing around the locked room.
He expected her to be angry, to shout at him, but instead, he watched eyes well up with tears. He much rather she is angry then have to watch her cry, “Why didn’t you kill me?”
“You want to be in the afterlife with those evil people?”
“I-I’m evil too, remember?” She choked on her sobs. She remembered how her father was willing to give her over to this man in a trade for his life. She remembered how he died anyways and she was taken by this man too. 
“I haven’t decided that.”
“I know they must’ve done something bad to you but they … t-they were my parents,” She struggled to speak, “They loved me. Doesn’t that show some kind of humanity?”
Bucky leaned back against the door,  fingers brushing through his beard as he thought, “You truly don’t know who they really were?” She was silent, “They were top scientists for Hydra. They’re responsible for thousands of deaths and you … they lied to you.”
She shook her head, “No, they work in finances. They could never do that.”
“I think your father showed you his true colors in his final moments. If that doesn’t convince you then I don’t know what will.”
“Why didn’t you kill me?”
Bucky leaned forward, “So, even in death, they can look at you from the other side and feel no peace.”
“Please … please just kill me.”
“Where’s the fun in that, my little treasure?”
Mina hated her parents. 
She loved them because they were her parents and hated them because they were the reason this happened to her. She would never see them again, never see Manhattan or Brandon ever again. 
When Bucky walked into the small room later that day, he had a black box as well as a tray of food. Mina held her knees to her chest, staring at the wall, “Leave me alone.”
Bucky sighed, “I think you’re gonna need your strength,” Out of the corner of her eyes she could see his shirt was short-sleeved, his metal arm fully exposed. He set down the tray by her sad excuse of a bed. 
He waited but she didn’t move. Bucky gently placed down the box before moving towards her. She flinched away from him but he grabbed her leg, pulling her flat on her back, “No, don’t! Please don’t!” His metal arm wrapped around her throat and with a swift movement, he ripped off her nightgown. She was weeping again as he did the same with her bra and panties. She grabbed at his arm which was completely useless. 
When he was done, Bucky stood up, watching as she scrambled to cover up with her arms, “You’re sick!” 
Bucky tossed the remnant to the side, “Good girls get to wear clothes. Eat and I’ll think about getting you some clothes. I’m in control here, I won’t put up with your tantrums,” Mina stared at him and Bucky was relieved that she was scowling at him instead of crying, “Eat.”
Mina flinched at the sound of his voice but moved forward. It was heated up canned soup and a plastic cup of water. She was glad that he splurged on her. Sitting on her knees, she covered her breast with one hand and moved the plastic spoon with her other hand. 
It was lukewarm and not that appetizing but she ate most of it. Bucky had pulled the wooden chair closer and taken a seat, “C-Can I have clothes now?” Her face was completely red and, now, she found it hard to even look at him. 
“I’ll think about it in a few days,” Bucky answered simply, and, as it were even possible, her face fell even more, “Considering your reaction, it seems like a good punishment.”
“Why do you want to punish me?” Mina asked, her voice timid. Was not taking her from her family enough?
“Oh, doll,” Bucky’s face softened as he leaned forward in the chair, “I don’t want to punish you but you won’t be obedient otherwise.”
To Bucky, she was a prize. A product of all that he had done and all that he had overcome to get to this point. He had survived her parents and now he owned their lives as well as their daughters. He’d spit on their graves by making her loyal and obedient to him. 
“If I promise to behave, can I have some clothes?” Bucky grinned, thinking she was smarter than she looked. 
Bucky’s eyes went to the black box and he swiftly picked it up, “I have something else for you to wear. A temporary one until you graduate.”
“I’m thinking of calling it Bucky’s Reformatory School for Troubled Little Girls,” She couldn’t tell if he was joking but he seemed very proud of the name he came up with. He opened the box, pulling out a plain black collar with a single silver loop, “Crawl over here, pet. Let me put it on you.”
“Mr. Barnes, please-”
“Call me Master.”
It took Mina two months to even earn a pair of panties. And the panties he chose for her were skimpy, to say the least. 
Mina was used to being naked now and she was almost used to Bucky. He insisted on complete order in his house. They woke up at the same time every day, ate breakfast, Bucky went off probably to murder people and came back in the afternoon to torture her.
That morning, she sat at his feet, eating her breakfast from a plate on the floor. Apparently, she wasn’t allowed the luxury of eating at the table or even sleeping in an actual bed. It was her job to make the food, the way he taught her, and she wasn’t even allowed to enjoy it. 
She wasn’t sure exactly where this rustic house was and Bucky didn’t care to answer questions like that. It wasn’t like anywhere she had lived when she was growing up. Though it wasn’t the biggest it was quite homey and somewhere she probably would’ve liked if she weren’t stuck here. The place had a big porch and there were trees surrounding most of the property except for a pond she noticed one time. 
Bucky was going through his computer, looking at codes Mina couldn’t understand. It probably had something to do with whatever mission he had to go on today. 
Mina itched at her collar, a reminder that she was not yet perfect to Bucky. 
“Mina,” She looked up quickly. Every time she heard him say her name she hoped he’d say something along the lines of giving her freedom. It made her think about what would happen if she was free. Where would she even go? She didn’t have any more family and she’d be surprised if Brandon hadn’t forgotten all about her, “Dishes.”
She gave him a solemn look, standing up with her plate in her hand. She grabbed his too and she felt his eyes over her body. He seemed to resist his urges well. Mina knew he desired to touch her and it would be a matter of time before he violated her that way. 
She walked the dirty dishes over to the sink, still feeling his eyes on her as he sat at the kitchen table, “Do you want to do something fun today, pet?”
“What do you mean, Master?”
She heard his chair creak as he rose from his seat, “We’ll go into town. We’re in dire need of groceries.”
Bucky watched her carefully, wanting to see her reaction. This was all another test, of course, to see if he could trust her out in public. 
She turned her head and Mina almost smiled for the first time in a long time. He moved behind her and Mina focused back on the dishes, “Yes, yes, that would be very nice.” He smacked her hard on her bottom and Mina winced, “I mean yes, Master.”
She felt his body heat on her skin as she turned off the water, setting the dishes into a drying rack. As she turned around, Bucky grabbed her by her neck. Luckily for her, it wasn’t the metal one, “You’d be very grateful to me, right?”
Mina nodded as best as she could, forced to look into his eyes, “What would you do to thank me?”
Mina hesitated but not for long as she felt his hand tighten, “Whatever you want, Master.”
Bucky smirked, “Hmm, and if I wanted your lips around my cock? What would you say?”
He loved this, watching her squirm. She actually thought about it and she wasn’t strong enough to defy this. Throughout this whole process, she thought she’d be stronger than this. All she knew is she’d do anything to escape this house,  “I … I-If that’s what you wanted, Master.”
The accomplished look on his face told her enough, “Let’s get dressed then.”
The drive from the house in Bucky’s truck was shorter than she expected. That told her that she wasn't as far away from civilization as she originally thought. She watched all the road signs but she still couldn’t quite tell where she was. It looked to be maybe that they were in the South by the type of trees. 
It seemed to be a very small town with one main street and a few more buildings. 
She was wearing a pair of regular jeans that were a little too big for her and a black hoodie that only partially hid the collar. It was another reminder that she was not a regular person anymore. Perhaps she never was.
Bucky grabbed her hand as they walked into the practically empty Piggly Wiggly. He grabbed a cart with his other hand, greeting one of the old ladies behind the cash register. 
She was not to talk to anyone unless they addressed her and Bucky would kill anyone that she tried to ask for help. Violently, he made sure to add. 
She tried her best to enjoy what little freedom she had but her mind kept wandering back to what she had “promised” Bucky she’d do in return for this outing. 
“Can we get something to eat?” She blurted out, before whispering, “Master.”
Bucky thought for a moment, pointing out the brand of Milk he wanted, waiting for her to fetch it for him. 
“Want to spend even more time in my company?” She scowled on the inside but nodded anyway. 
Bucky chose a diner on the edge of town and they seemed to get stares from everyone inside as they walked in and chose their booth. Bucky looked around as if he wasn't used to being in places like this either. 
Bucky asked her what she wanted so he could order her, avoiding as much human contact as possible, “ … and a chocolate milkshake.”
“That might cost you extra later, Mina,” Her lips pressed down into a thin line. 
“Whatever you wish, Bucky,” It was brave, saying that when he couldn’t reprimand her. Bucky smirked, knowing what she was doing. 
Bucky proceeded to order for them, including the milkshake she wanted, “Can I use the bathroom?”
Bucky raised an eyebrow, “Do you think I was born yesterday?” Quite the opposite, she thought. 
Mina slouched back in her seat. It was only recently that she looked at him and actually thought he was attractive. Maybe they would’ve worked together if he weren’t so cruel. 
“Maybe if I pee my pants, someone will notice and-”
“Mina,” He practically growled her name, “Don’t ruin this opportunity I’m giving you.”
As the waitress approached with their food, Mina slowly slid the knife on the table into her lap and then the pocket of her sweatshirt. Bucky actually smiled at the waitress and she seemed to swoon. 
Mina enjoyed her milkshake and the two sat quietly for most of the meal. Bucky watched as she devoured her food and felt a little bit better about rewarding her. It had been a long two months but she was coming along a few more months, and she wouldn’t have a single thought that didn’t involve making Bucky happy. 
He grabbed her hand as they both went up to pay the check, “You two are a lovely couple,” Mina didn’t even react and the woman only smiled awkwardly, “Have a good night.”
“What do you say?”
“Thank you, Master.”
Bucky could sense the tension between the two of them growing as they got into his car. As they traveled down the dirt road, a feeling swept over both of them. A feeling of knowing and worry. Bucky put the car in park, sighing, “You’re clever but not clever enough, Mina.”
Mina froze, “Give me the knife. I won’t ask again.” Bucky’s words were sharp, demanding. 
Mina reached into her pocket and gripped the knife. As quickly as she could and with as much force as she could muster, she shoved into him. It only entered a few centimeters into the right of his chest but the motion stunned him. Mina opened her door and jumped out. 
It was one last valiant effort at her freedom. Bucky’s chest rumbled with anger as he opened his own door, causing it to almost fall off its hinges. He chased her as she ran into the treeline. Bucky was unnaturally fast and she was only a few seconds ahead of him. 
She didn’t even make it thirty feet before a metal arm wrapped around her waist and through her small body over his shoulder. She fought with the last of the strength she had as he brought her back over to the truck. 
“You have no one,” he threw her body down, pinning her against the front side of the truck, “No one except for me. Do you understand that?”
She nodded, trying to ease his wrath. He was bleeding, she could see it seeping through the plaid of his shirt, “No one else who’s going to give a shit about whether you live or die.”
“I’m sorry,” She whimpered but it wasn’t enough. 
By her shoulder, he forced her down to the ground. She didn’t move as he began to undo his jeans. She closed her eyes but Bucky roughly grabbed her chin, “Look at me!” She did as his erection sprang from his underwear. It pressed against her closed lips, “Open.”
Whatever gentleness he was previously going to give her was gone. He shoved his erection inside her mouth, instantly making her gag with how deep it went.  
He groaned as he moved inside her with animalistic lust. Saliva dripped down her chin and her eyes filled with tears from the lack of oxygen. He even pinched her nose shut to torture her further.
She’d grab onto his thighs for some sort of balance and he’d simply push away her hands, using her mouth like a barbarian. 
Bucky didn’t want to finish in her mouth, he hadn’t waited this long for that. He pulled her up from her position on her knees only to pull the jacket over her head. Luckily, there was no one around to see what was happening in his driveway. 
He turned her around swiftly before easily yanking down her pants and panties as well, He pressed her front into the hood of the car, positioning himself at her entrance. Mina’s body had betrayed her and Bucky could feel her wetness. 
“You’d enjoy this more if you weren’t so stubborn, pet.”
He entered her slowly and Mina cried out, the pressure incredibly intense. 
Bucky held her waist, dragging her body back onto him and then pushing it forward as he moved in and out. He grunted, noting how tight she was around him. It felt like they were perfectly matched together. 
Bucky sped up his pace, his hand reaching around to rub her sensitive bulb. She flinched from the touch but he could tell it was from the sudden pleasure. She was tightening around him and he could tell she was already coming. Bucky made a note about how sensitive she was. 
The first orgasm ripped through her, completing shattering her world in the process. How could she be turned on by this? Maybe what she felt had been wrong all along. She tried to hold in her moans but that proved futile quickly. 
Bucky wasn’t done with her yet, turning her back around to face him and lifting her leg so he could slide into her again. She looked tired from the first one, tears still staining her face. Bucky held her neck in his metal hand as he slammed into her a few more times. He finished inside her with his lips on hers. As he came, he removed his hand and he felt Mina return his kiss. They moved well together, his tongues brushing hers as it became sloppier. 
Mina was crying still, not because of the gagging but because she realized what Bucky said was true.
“I’m the only one you have,” He spoke, starting to kiss her chin and then her neck. She nodded vigorously in agreement. 
“I know, I-I know,” Her eyes didn’t leave his. 
Bucky pulled away, looking her over, loving how perfect she was, “Let’s get you in the bath, doll.”
Hope you enjoy this! I have another Sebastian fic called plaything and a bunch of dark Peter stuff. I’m currently trying to write a Bucky/Steve/Peter related Walking Dead AU so hopefully my idea for that works out lol. 
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bakugohoex · 4 years
Can I request Bakugou with angst prompt #7 ? Congrats again on 1k 👏🏽👏🏽✨
“that blood, it’s not yours is it?”
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pairing: katsuki bakugo x female reader
cw: angst, death, blood play
word count: 1500+
a/n: idk what the fuck this is, but i thought this would be a good idea for the prompt
summary:  in which villian!bakugo comes to your apartment, confessing to his sins before finding himself surrounded by pro heroes after your call for help, with nowhere else to go, his only option to take you down with him
1k event masterlist
↞ back to my hero academia masterlist
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Midnight had struck, you sat beside the window, watching the sky fill with blood. Villains always cascaded down alleyways, always loving the stench of blood, you had read the news about the latest call for the escaped S rank villain. The man you had loved, the man you had fought for to bring him back to the heroes side, the day he left stayed in your head. 
You continued looking out to the sky, the crystals of stars encasing each blue and black spiral up above. Signing, you moved away from the window as you went to go turn the television off, the pictures of your ex floating across the screen. His blonde hair and tattoos surrounded his arm and shoulder, even now he kept the costume he had worn when the two of you were heroes.
Ever since you both found out the true purpose of heroes and UA, his whole life being a lie. He couldn’t stand it, you looked at his face one more time, remembering the day he had confessed to wanting to leave the hero's life. 
“I...I can’t do this anymore.” Bakugo spoke, his hands on his face as he finally looked up at you. 
“What do you mean?” You questioned walking up to him about to touch his shoulder.
His hand grabs your own, grip tightening as it felt more painful than anything else, “don’t touch me.” He shouted, making you flinch back, his grip began to tighten even more, you could almost feel him rip through your skin with his nails. 
“Katsu...owww.” His nails indented more into your skin, eyes filled with fury as he stared into your eyes, you felt blood trickle down your arm at how easily he had been able to hurt you. 
He finally let go when he saw your eyes begin to water, “I can’t do this anymore, my life it’s been built on a lie and I don't think I can be a hero anymore.” You didn't meet his eye, grabbing a towel to wipe away the red oozing blood. “I need to get out of here, I’m sorry Y/n.”
“Wh...where are you going?” You whispered out, he walked past you as if you weren't even there. 
He saw your watering eyes, how he had hurt you so easily. But he didn’t care at all, he saw right through you. “I can’t do this anymore, don’t look for me.” 
It was the last words you heard from him, he had left without a word, you had thought he had just gone for a walk and he’d be back within a day. You were so wrong, in the end he had come back to the apartment, removing all of his belongings and the sign on the screen in your agency showing the murder of a civilian. 
The splattered blood across the wall and fires that surrounded him, with a ring hanging off a nail, the ring you had gotten him. The ring that was now around your neck on a piece of metal. He had murdered someone, you needed to remember that. But all the photos were still up of the two of you. All the memories that you both lived here together surrounded the apartment, pictures from your time at UA together, to your first date, sea shells from the beach you both had visited. Even more so, the apartment remained the both of yours, it was never just yours.
You finally switched the television off ready to go to bed, but the sound of glass being smashed was heard instead. Your arms went to your head just as you saw a shadow in front of the smashed window. “Y/n.” The voice was breathless, it had been months since you heard that voice, the way he stood up scratched across his body and the most significant part the blood seeping through his hands and clothes. 
“Bakugo.” You paused, your eyes widening as you realised what he was doing, “that blood, it’s not yours is it?” 
“What happened to Katsuki, baby?” He disregarded your question, quirk activating as he had a lust for more blood. 
“Katsuki.” You breathed out heavily.
Just as he tried to come closer to you, he collapsed leaning against the sofa to gain support. “I thought you were the polite type to your guests, get me some water.”
You could barely move, but even then, he always knew he had a sort of charm with you. He had the ability to easily control you in any way, he looked at you, keeping the light off as he watched you teeter over. “Wh...what are you doing here?”
“You haven’t gotten dumb since me leaving, cops showed up whilst I was hunting some guy down.” He had become sadistic gulping the water down as you could smell the blood across his body. “I don’t bite.”
You hesitantly moved closer to the man, he looked at how your eyes had become more tired and how you refused to meet his gaze. “Why’d...did you come here?”
“You wouldn’t snitch on me, my love.” He was almost mocking you now, the way he brought his bloodied hand to your face, he put the blood around your lips. “Go on, taste it.” His voice felt enchanting as you did as he spoke, the metallic taste of blood cascaded down your throat. 
“L...leave.” You whispered, the blood creeping down your face and down your neck. You knew why you said for him to leave, the way you had gone into the kitchen and sent a text to Midoriya saying the one word you knew he’d understand. You were helping Bakugo, helping the boy to not get caught. 
“Why? Because you called for help?” He smirked, licking his fingers off the blood before moving his saliva ridden fingers around your mouth again. “I know you Y/n, you were supposed to be my good girl.”
You felt mocked and humiliated, he knew what you had done but even then, he remained by your side. His fingers moving past your lips and touching your teeth as he felt your own saliva move through his fingers. “Pl...please, go before they come.” You whimpered as he moved his fingers away from you. 
“Why? Scared I’ll kill them all.” He could almost smell the heroes and knew what the protocol was for a scenario like this, stealth was key, to get you out and into protective custody. “You could’ve caught me already, why haven’t you baby?”
“I promised you.” he remembered the promise you made after he got his hero license, that you both would never use your quirks on each other. 
The steps towards the door became louder as you felt anxious that this would be the moment Bakugo was finally caught. “Y/n.” Midoriya shouted from the broken window, having jumped up to see the two of you on the ground as other pro heroes boomed through the front door. Bakugo got up a smirk on his face as he looked at you and only you.
“You really thought this would work.” He could feel Midoriya come closer, fist clenched ready to push him, Bakugo grabbed your waist as you let out a shout as Bakugo moved past Midoriya’s one for all move, Bakugo jumped from the window with you in his arms. Quirk activating as he landed on the edge of the roof. 
“Kacchan, why?” Midoriya spoke of jumping out of your apartment, with the other pro heroes in suits. 
“Why, Deku? Because my whole life was a lie, we don’t save people, heroes create evil and vengeance, I killed all those with quirks that could kill others. I had to kill them and if you think I’m getting caught, then you’re strongly mistaken.” Bakugo shouted, you became limp in his arms, the man you loved holding you like a ragdoll. 
“Let her go, let Y/n go, she was your girlfriend, you loved her, let her be safe.” Midoriya bargained as he saw Kirishima come beside him as they both landed on the roof themselves. 
“Bakugo.” Kirishima spoke, “let her go.”
“What is this a fucking reunion? She means nothing to you, let me have her.” You couldn’t break the promise you had vowed to the boy, but in this moment in his arms, as bad as it sounded. You felt loved for the first time in months, maybe you had gone crazy, or maybe it was Bakugo stepping further and further towards the ledge that made you realise you loved him. 
“Kacchan, please, she wouldn’t want this?” Midoriya shouted, he had no plan to save you and Bakugo’s eyes were filled with fury at the two heroes who were trying to stop him. 
Bakugo saw lights flash onto him and you from a police helicopter, he knew he’d been caught but what was it to him anymore. He stopped caring about this world, he missed you, needed you and he wasn’t going to let you live in a world without him. “Goodbye.” Bakugo whispered.
He fell off the building, your arms around his neck waiting for the plummet, “I love you.” He softly spoke into your air as you collided down the building, the wind encasing your hair and clothes.
“I love you too.” You whispered, the last thing you heard was a scream from the pro heroes who had called you their friend, and Bakugo’s tight arms around you, bones crushing on impact as you fell out of this world with the man you loved.
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i’d really appreciate if you guys could leave a like, reblog or comment, thanks x
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The Widow 🖤
Warnings: nonconsent (fingering and intercourse)
This is dark!(mob)Buckyand explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: It’s the 1920s and everyone’s having a roaring time but you.
Note: What is this? A one shot? Possible series? I’m posting this at 930 pm and I don’t even know anymore. But anyway, hope you enjoy.
Thank you. Love you guys!
Please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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You thought yourself fortunate not to have worn black for Billy during the war, but the day had come regardless. You clutched his dog tags as the rain poured over your hat and soaked through your wool coat. Painfully ironic to think he evaded a thousand bullets in France just to catch one at home.
An unfortunate ending followed by an even more tragic send-off. No one but you and the priest. None of the corpsmen could make it to the funeral and his family hadn’t spoken to him since well before the war. It was better they stayed on their farm and tended their fields. They always said Billy would die in the city.
Would they be smug to know they were right or sorry for it? 
You stared at the casket as the wet dirt was piled atop it. Each landed with a duller thump than the last. The police officer told you they found him in an alley. You supposed it was better than a bloated corpse at the bottom of a river. At least you knew he was gone. You could move on… but to what?
When there was nothing left to mark Billy but a flat headstone and a low mound of dirt, the priest left. He offered you a ride but you refused. You needed to be alone. You had to get used to that.
You didn’t move until you heard the thunder. You glanced up at the howling sky and felt the cold metal on your finger. Billy bought the ring after he came home; you’d spent the war with a loop of twine as its placeholder. 
His job at the banker saw him well in those first months after but he was always a man who wanted more. You warned him against the thoughts you saw twinkling in his eyes. One night a week he went down to the speakeasy and gambled; never enough to see you out of more than a loaf of bread or two. He liked the thrill, though surely the danger lured him more. 
You overheard him on the phone. He was helping the men down at the drinking hole case the bank. A one time hit wasn’t going to keep him so long as his teller position. You argued as he tried to wiggle out of a thin lie; you misheard him. It ended with him promising you nothing would happen.
Maybe he had been honest. Maybe he tried to back out and got the bullet as his penance. You couldn’t know for sure but what you did was that it was those men at the speakeasy who did this to him. They had paid him with a coffin; not a very nice one as you couldn’t afford more than pine.
You trudged away, your heeled boots wet from toe to ankle. You tore your veil from your hat and let the rain run down your face. You still hadn’t cried. Why?
You neared the brick building and let yourself in. You climbed up to the small apartment you and Billy shared. Had shared. You shoved the key in and your numbness disappeared all at once. It was unlocked. Through the muffled thunder and constant patter, you could hear movement within. It was too late to turn back as the door opened from the other side.
The man who greeted you wore a finely tailored suit;grey lined with blue. He stared back at you, his mouth a firm line framed by his square jaw. You swung without thinking, the chain that held Billy’s tags still around your fingers. The stranger caught your hand just before it could hit him and one of the metal tags bounced off his chin.
“Hey,” He grabbed your other arm and wrestled with you. “What are you doing?”
“Get off,” You struggled as his arms slipped around you and crushed you against his chest. Your arms were trapped between your bodies as he grunted. “Help me! Someone--”
“No one’s gonna help ya, doll,” He sneered. “Even if they do hear ya.”
“Stop!” You tried to wriggle free. “Please, I don’t know what you want but--”
“I want you to be still. You won’t like it if I have to make you.” He squeezed until the air was forced from your lungs. He was terribly strong. “And you seem like a lady’s who faced enough pain today.”
“What do you want?” You gasped as you tried to stomp his foot blindly.
“Not gonna tell you until you calm down.” He insisted.
You bared your teeth and reluctantly stilled. You glared at him and huffed. “Just take whatever it is you’re looking for. Please. I just buried my husband… maybe you’ll do me the favour of digging me in next to him.”
The tension in his jaw relented just as little as he looked at you. He pulled you through the door and turned around so that he was between you and the hallway. He let you go and kicked the door shut. You gripped the chain tighter.
“Now don’t you go trying that shit again,” He scowled as his hand settled on his hip just above a pistol. “I really don’t wanna hurt you, doll.”
“That’s not my name,” You bristled. “Now tell me what you’re doing here.”
You turned your head as you heard shuffling from the other room. He was silent as he listened too.
“You’re Billy’s wife?” He asked.
“Widow,” You corrected. “Though I suspect you knew that already. Now tell me--”
“What’s your name then, doll?”
You reluctantly told him and he gave you his; Bucky, as his men knew him.
“Come, sit,” He gestured you further in. “I said calm down.”
You pursed your lips and slowly turned around. You entered the front room and frowned. The sofa was the only piece of furniture not overturned. You crossed your arms and as you neared it.
“You should take that coat off,” He intoned. “You’ll get a cold sitting in that.”
You didn’t respond, merely unbuttoned the wool jacket and slung it over the arm of the sofa. You slipped the tags in your pocketbook and set it atop the coat. You sat and looked to him as he tucked his hands in his pockets. He strode around the room as the noise of intrusion continued from the other room.
“How long were you married to good old Billy?” He asked.
“Does it matter?” You said.
“Judging by the photos,” He neared the corner and lifted a cracked frame, “I’d say you’ve been with him since before the war. That’s a long time. At least eight years together, wed or not.”
“What are you looking for?” You asked.
“Something that if you knew, you’d not tell me anyway,” He considered the picture as he neared. “And poor Billy took to his grave. My condolences.”
You scoffed and unpinned your hat. You tossed it onto the floor with the rest of the mess.
“I don’t want them,” You hissed. “So better get on with your search and leave me alone. Not taking any of this mess with me, anyway.”
“Taking it with you?” He repeated. “And where would you be going?”
“Don’t see how that’s of concern to you,” You countered.
He chuckled and looked around. He grabbed the armchair and righted it before dragging it over. He sat before you and leaned forward.
“Billy definitely learned a lot from that bank. If you must know, he lifted some money off my organisation and with the amount left outstanding, you’d have quite the life.” He said. “So you leaving all sudden is suspicious, isn’t it?”
“My husband is dead. I haven’t a job and I can’t pay the rent with grief.” You replied. “I’d say it’s practical.”
He smiled and leaned back as he crossed his legs. He bit his thumb as he watched you. Your possessions crashed and shattered in the other room. You looked at the clock then the window. The sky was grey and foreboding.
“So, if you got no money, where would you be going?” He asked at last.
“Again, I don’t see how that’s any of your concern.” You uttered.
He tapped his bottom lip with his fingertips. He nodded and reached into his jacket. He checked the time and stood. 
“Stay.” He jabbed his finger towards you. “You won’t make it far.”
You sighed and looked at your lap. His footsteps walked down the hall and his voice followed.
“It’s not here, Steve.” He said. “He was foolish but not stupid. He wouldn’t hide it under his pillow.”
There was an answer but you didn’t listen. Billy stole money and in return he got a bullet. Just another small town boy dead in the city. And he hadn’t even told you. You were all alone, penniless, and soon to be homeless.
“Head back to house, have the men scour the city. Worse comes to worse, we visit that fancy little bank,” The voices grew louder and you looked up as another man appeared from the hallway. 
His dark blonde hair was slicked back and his blue eyes twinkled in contrast to his black suit. He peeked over at you then back to the other man. He lifted a brow but shrugged.
“Alright, boss,” He said. “See ya there?”
“Shortly,” The other assured and followed him to the door.
When the second man left, the first closed the door and turned the lock. He returned to you and pulled the chair aside. He began to pace again as he thought. You stood and he turned to you abruptly. He raised a hand.
“Where are you going?”
“You going to be here all day?” You wondered.
“Bit of patience,” He coaxed. “I was only trying to think of a way to help a poor widow such as yourself.”
“I don’t want your help.”
“But you need it.” He smirked.
You stared at him. The curve of his lips made your stomach curdle.
“The way I see it, your man’s gone. Got himself killed for being a thief.” He neared you slowly, “Most men of my stature would go so far as you see you in the ground next to him… but I am not any man.”
You watched him uneasily as he stopped before you. 
“Well, now you’re gonna need one of two things. A job,” He held up a finger, “Or a man. And I can see that you get neither in this city without my say so.” He flicked up a second finger then suddenly turned his hand. He cupped your face in his palm as his thumb rubbed along your lip. “I’m not hiring though so I suppose I can offer the latter.”
You shoved him away and stumbled back. “You killed my husband. Why would I--”
“He got himself killed and while I bid the trigger pulled, I didn’t do it myself,” He argued. “Hard snake to catch, that Billy.”
“Get out of my apartment.” You demanded. “What you want isn’t here so go!”
“Oh but what I want is here,” He trailed you as you stormed to the door. “Because if I can’t have what Billy took from me, I’ll have what’s left of his in this world.”
You unlocked the door and opened it just an inch before he slammed it shut with his hand. You turned to slap him but your hand froze as the barrel of a gun gaped back at you. You dropped your arm and leaned against the door. He slowly lowered the pistol and dragged the muzzle along your neck and chest.
“Don’t worry, I’ll keep ya better than he did.” He slithered. “Place like this? Nothing to what I can give ya.”
“Please, go--”
“You know, I was hoping to be out of here before you got back. I hate dealing with widows, but you, oh, I see what Billy saw… and more,” He carefully sheathed his pistol at his belt. “I can see why he wanted to give you more. Give you everything.”
His arm rested against the door beside your head as he got even closer. You could taste his breath on your lips.
“I’m gonna give you everything and then some.” He growled.
He bent suddenly and scooped you up. He forced himself between your legs as he pushed you against the door. You beat on his shoulders as he pressed his lips to yours. You grunted helplessly as his hand crawled beneath your skirt and past your stocking. He played with your garter as his tongue poked between your lips.
You bit down but he was quick. He pulled away before you could catch his tongue and he sneered.
“You make me bleed, I’ll have to make you bleed,” He pinched your thigh. “And you don’t want that.”
His hand crept up your pelvis and he gripped the top of your underwear. He tore them easily as his other hand kept your right leg propped up against his hip. You grasped at his suit and begged as the heat pricked at your flesh.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you,” He purred as he bent and nipped at your throat. “Better than he did.” 
You grunted between your teeth, unable to free yourself from between him and the door. His fingers slid down your folds and pushed deeper as he drew them back up. He twirled them around your bud and you shuddered. You closed your eyes in shame as your body spasmed.
“Woman like you can’t be alone,” He cooed. “And I can tell you don’t wanna be.”
He flicked his fingers back and forth until you were writhing, your nails embedded in his blazer as you bit down on your lip. He rescinded his hand and fumbled with the front of his trousers. His buckle clinked loudly and stoked another wave of panic in you.
He was quick to line himself up with your entrance. You brought your hand up to claw at his face and he just as swiftly batted it away before he gripped his cock once more. He pushed inside as his other hand released your thigh and went to your throat. Your leg remained hooked over his hip as he sank to his limit.
You whined and he thrust sharply. You threw your head back against the door and scratched at his shoulders. He kept his pace slow and steady, as if to tease, knowingly drawing the pleasure from you as the friction filled you with a terrible fullness. 
He choked you harder as he sped up little by little. You could barely rasp past his clutch but your strangled moans escaped nonetheless. You closed your eyes and tried not to think of how thin the walls were; how clearly any in the hall could hear if they happened to pass by. 
You couldn’t bear it anymore as your core began to pulse. You slapped his shoulders as you came and the tension snapped in a whirlwind. You drowned in the waves of ecstasy as he fucked you harder and harder. Your pitiful mewls only seemed to feed his lust and your shame.
The door shook as he fucked you against it, his head beside yours as he trapped you between him and the wood. His groans were wild and loud. He nibbled at your ear as his hand slid down to your chest and cupped your tit through your black dress. 
His other hand hit the door in a fist as he cried out and your eyes sprang open. His body quaked as he spilled inside of you. His body twitched as he slowed and he threw his head back as he panted. He swallowed his hand grazed along your stomach lazily.
He eased out of you and let your leg fall. Your legs threatened to collapse beneath you as you clung to the door. Your skirt slowly slipped back into place as your underwear sat disposed between your feet. He did up his pants and cleared his throat. He took out his watch again. 
“Get your coat, doll,” He said. “No time to waste.”
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annab-nana · 4 years
You were probably the worst and best year of my life for several different reasons.
Worst because you took away my normal college experience. Worst because mentally, you haven’t been kind. Worst because you have taken several people who have meant a lot to me and many others. Worst because people I’ve thought of as good friends don’t speak to me anymore or turned out to not be who I thought they were.
Best because for some reason being stuck in quarantine brought my best friend and I a whole lot closer. Best because I found new hobbies that I love. Best because I’ve grown a lot as a person. Best because I’ve grown a lot on here and made writings that people have enjoyed. Best because I have impacted others in a positive way and helped people. Best because I have felt the happiest I have ever felt and the most love I have experienced as well. Best because I have made many new friends that mean the world to me and I just wanted to say a small thank you to all of these people.
@rebelemilu • Emily, I remember months ago when I reblogged an edit of yours and you kinda geeked out that I did that. I thought it was the cutest thing ever and it was shocking to me that someone who didn’t even know me loved me and my stuff. Then later in July when I first ever showed my face to this hellsite, I inspired you to do the same and I got to see your beautiful face and smile and I was so happy that I was able to do that for you. You have always been so kind and supportive of me and I will forever be grateful to you for that. Now I get to talk to you almost everyday and you send me the best gifs of our favorite men and I couldn’t be happier. You are an amazing friend Em and I love you so much! You have no idea how much you mean to me.
@x-lulu • Lulu, this past month or so has been amazing! You are one of the strongest, sweetest, and most supportive people I know! Like you said, you feel like you can come to me with anything but that is how I feel about you. You have a soft warm safe presence about you that makes me feel comfortable and appreciated when I talk to you. Loneliness is my biggest struggle and I hate talking about it with anyone because it feels stupid when I say it but with you, I feel like I could discuss that with you without any judgement. Now that I know you I don’t think I could be without you. You’re just so wonderful and I wish everyone could have a lu as a friend. I don’t know what I’d do without my aesthetic queen that I love so much.
@https-luna • Luna, you are my luna bug! What else can I say? I love you so much and we’ve only really talked for the past twoish weeks but I feel like we will be friends for a long time. You are so incredibly smart and I love each and every one of your random fun facts. That makes my days so much better with your sweet personality. I feel like we’ve grown a lot closer these last few days and I wouldn’t change that for the world. You are a talented writer and I love getting to see that first hand. My love for you will never die, luna bug.
@sguymon21 • Sara, I honestly don’t remember how our friendship started. I want to say it was because we started talking when I was reading your story, All Of My Wrongs, because I fell in love with it and then we just started talking. And then we exchanged Instagrams and then Snapchats and we’ve talked for a while honestly. You are such an amazing writer and a sweet and kind soul as well and I know that at times that people haven’t been that kind to you but I promise you are so much more than what people say. You are gorgeous love and your heart is even prettier.
@samcolbylife666 • Zach, I know this is probably weird considering we haven’t talked in several months but I still wanted to thank you. You were the first person I ever really talked to on here and I hope you’re doing well. I remember the random things we’d discuss right before all hell broke loose with corona. I was literally talking to you when I had to pack to leave my dorm for our “two week” break and I was excited that our spring break had been lengthened. I’m pretty sure your plans to go to Disneyland for canceled due to everything but I hope you still get to go soon. I don’t know if you still get on here but I’d love to talk to you again.
@xgingerblue19x • Ella, my love from the other side of the world haha I love you so much. Our journey started the night Sam broke his back. I was lowkey freaking out about it and you were there to calm me down and you sent me updates about it too. It was nice to have someone to talk to when I was super anxious about someone I look up to and care deeply about. Then a few weeks later, we all lost someone really important to us, Corey, and once again, you were there. You talked with me and I am not one to easily open up to others especially when I’m upset but with you, I felt safe and you made it easy. Since then, we don’t talk super often but we can always pick up where we left off and it feels normal and not awkward at all and I love that about our friendship. You are someone I know that I can lean on and I hope you know I’m here for you as well sweetheart.
@socialanxiety-queen • Becca, I love you so much! We were both scared to reach out to each other and anxious about making new friends but I’m glad that we started to message each other and play a little game of twenty questions. Even though we don’t talk that often, I will always love and support you and I know that I can talk to you about whatever I need to. Your heart is so pure and it is a beautiful thing inside a beautiful person. You make me so happy and I love how you remember the little things about a person and make them feel so loved and appreciated and I hope you feel as loved and appreciated as you make others feel.
@toriswrites • Tori, you are such a cute little bean and I love you! We started talking right before I combined blogs on maybanksbaby and you were the one who helped me gain the courage to finally combine my blogs after I had been thinking about it for a loooooong time. I don’t think you know how grateful I am for that because it was the best decision I’ve ever made and I couldn’t have done it without you and your encouragement. So thank you for talking to me through that because I probably would’ve never done it or I would’ve pushed it off for a while if I hadn’t brought it up to you.
@heaven-with-mark • Babe, I honestly have no idea where our friendship started. I think it was you posted something and I came to check on you and then we just started talking. And then we talked almost every day all day for like a month. We’d be going crazy as we stayed up late. You’d show me all your pets and tell me their adorable and unique names which I loved. We’d talk about several random ideas and we’d talk about our problems too. I know we haven’t talked that much recently but I really miss you and I hope you are doing well.
@lonely-xplr • Bree, you are someone I’ve always looked up to. Ever since I started writing on this app and joined this fandom, I’ve looked up to you. You are so smart and so nice to talk to. I know that if I ever need someone to talk to, I can go to you. You always seem to send me something nice right when I need it and I am so grateful for that and you. I love you so much and I hope you know how much you mean to me.
@fttayla @ilovejjmaybank @demxters • Liv, Nat, and Elle, I love you all so much! You are so kind and super supportive and I thank you guys for that. Y’all are so cute too and your friendships have made me so happy.
@reinad-snc @goddess-of-time-and-magic @reddesertcolbs @xplrtrash @sarcasmhadachild @colbylover99 @cartiercolby @ygsucks @starrybrock • to my @traphousedaily babies and Kayla, you all made me feel welcome in this Sam and Colby tumblr fandom family. When I joined this group of wonderful people, I felt like I wasn’t alone and just posting my fics. I felt like I apart of something greater and I made great friends because of it. Each of you are so incredibly sweet and amazing people and I am so happy that I have gotten the chance to meet you all and become friends with you too.
@itsnotgray @ilguna @tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar @xplrvibes @golbrocklovely @golbrockstar @turnupbrock @socialwriter @mrsmaybankhere @spilledtee @bricksatlandyswindow @dmonchld @killingbxys @nxsmss @mxltifandoms06 @uwubonebabie @rafej-cambanks @drewstarkeysbitchh @faithie-brock-gillespie01 @cognacdelights @tovvaa @moniamaybank @themaddies-obx @cuddlycolby @xplrsworld @makebank @rafeyybabyy • there are so many more but there is a tag limit to each post so I’ll probably comment to add some more but each of you have made my 2020 better. Some on small ways and others in bigger ones but each of you have brought me happiness and made me smile more so for that, thank you.
So after that reflection, I have realized that 2020 may not have been the greatest year of our lives but at least for me, the great points outweigh the bad ones tremendously. Here’s to 2021 :)
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