#hawk……one chance I’m begging
bruciemilf · 1 month
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The hoes gonna lOoOove THIS
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Hello! I really love your works sm, can i request a sfw or nsfw head cannons of the angels from WHB? Thank you!!
I’m so glad you liked them!! So I’m tryna write the angels as best I can Gabriel is the only one I’ve met outside of a event, I’ve seen the other two in the Halloween event! I like em but ngl they have…unique kinks I needed to google hifth
I hope you enjoy!!
Over all cw: blaspheme (I think?? ((Angels worshiping you)), death (not main characters), abuse of power
Sfw/nsft hcs on Angels!
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Cw: inappropriate boners,
He basically a guard dog standing over your shoulder 24/7 to keep you safe, he calls you his ‘Lord/Lady/Highness’ and has an army of angels who think the same of you
He’s not very affectionate but if you just say ‘hold me/my hand’ or ‘kiss me’ he’d do it in a heart beat. As his God he only wants you pleased
He’s a terrible cook and somehow steals food and is terrifying good at getting away with it (it must be an angel thing??) he dosent even lie saying he made it, he’s just vague where it came from (only once have you caught him in the act and you made him apologize, but the person gave him the food regardless)
He dust a lot in your home and you cant help but notice the ‘home made’ duster he ‘found’ has feathers matching his wings…
Canon Kink: Hierophilia; deriving sexual pleasure from religion, religious places and objects as well as find the act itself religious
He enjoys watching you participate in religious activities…maybe too much. He also finds pleasure in treating you as his god.
You jokingly thought of making him go to church, only for him to jump at the chance. He lowkey regretted it when you didn’t touch him, and made him stay squirming in his seat instead of helping him get off. He for whatever reason thought you’d let him jerk off or would touch him yourself as you were holy, nothing you did was wrong but…touching himself in this place is
You’ve actually caught him touching himself to you praying before, he got bashful upon getting caught but you swear you’ve heard him doing it after that, you just don’t catch him in the act (though you’ve caught him awkwardly standing by and adjusting himself)
He’s got a adorablely small and sensitive cock and he genuinely doesn’t need it touched to cum, roll it between your fingers for a few minutes and he’s trembling as he spills out all his cum
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Cw: murder, inappropriate boners
He’s strict with everyone around you, but not you, in his eyes you are the law since he serves only you, you cant do wrong
He’s terrible if you have guest, he demands they now to you and though he’ll settle if you tell him to, he watches them like a hawk and makes sure nothing gets out of hand
You see that leash? If you get mad and pull on it, he will calm down and you have his full attention, give it another tug downwards, and he’ll drop to his knees in front of you, and anyone else in the room
He likes brushing and styling your hair, he’ll try to help you bathe, insisting you don’t need to lift a finger, he will take care of everything, just relax
Canon Kink: Erotophonophilia; ‘Muder kink’, deriving sexual gratification from killing or watching someone get killed (BOY IS THIS A HARD KINK TO CASUALLY WORK WOTH)
If push comes to shove he has a habit of killing people who harass you too much/threaten you, but he gets…really excited afterwards and is pressing his thighs together to hide his erection, especially if you’re clearly not in the mood
You’ve seen him get in fights while still aroused from the last kill an honestly, when in public you sometimes just force a chastity cage on him to discourage him acting out
Though he believes self pleasure, or just the act in general is…sinful, he will do anything for you with no qualms, he only feels good when you touch him anyway
He suffered from wet dreams whenever you’re around him or he has objects with your scent
When he want to fool around desperately he will walk right up to you, kneel and beg you to touch his neither regions, stroking, slapping, pinching, doesn’t matter as long as you touch him
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Cw: messy kitchens, messy person, furniture abuse,
He’s messy and kinda gets annoying at times since he discovered how much fun it is to smash condiment packages
He’s good about cleaning, and he even cooks to make up for the mess…but he’s a sloppy cook too but at least it’s not intentional this time
He doesn’t understand that the furniture isn’t trying to hurt you and doesn’t need to be punished. He’s broken threee tables, one bed post and five chairs since he’s moved to being your ‘Guardian Angel’, all for tripping you or you stubbed your toe on them
He’s not affectionate but he’s not distant, he just follows your lead, he stands close by and if you ask him to come over he flops in your lap and looks up at you like a puppy. He likes when you watch tv and let him lay across your lap, he falls asleep easily that way
Canon Kink: Automysophilia; getting sexual gratification from defiling oneself, being dirty or defiled
He enjoys getting messy with cum, blood, dirt, just about anything. He will be blissed if you strip him and cover him in…well it’s up to you ;)
He has no qualms with jerking off in front of you if you don’t want to touch him while he’s too messy, but he wants you to be fully clothed while he’s sprawled out naked in front of you
He’s fucked slime before since it feels…weirdly good around his shaft, to the point he gets excited when he sees it around the house. You had to punish him for thinking he could ‘fool around’ with it then hide it away again
He’s got a very sensitive halo, while other angels get off to them being touched like a devils horns, he avoids it since it brings him to his knees in seconds
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otter-pup · 1 year
The final egg drops from you cunt and falls to the pile below, and you can even see a few start to shake slightly. You took so long to lay them that the first ones you laid had begun hatching. It must've been a sign of things to come.
The next tentacle wastes no time thrusting into your cunt. It seemed to have been watching when the tentacle wrapped around you had argued with the other, as it takes its time laying the first egg into you. The first egg moves slowly, slow enough for you to acclimate to the size without any of the stretching liquid needed. But a problem arrises when the tip of the egg kisses your cervix.
Despite your cervix having been stretched so wide so many times, it's an effort and even a bit painful to even get a quarter of the egg into your womb. However, your cervix eventually gives way and the egg pops into your womb. And just like you had imagined, the egg has you looking due with sextuplets. A singular egg has you this big? There's so many more to come, how massive will you get from this clutch then?
The tentacles takes its time pumping the eggs into you, partly as to not hurt you and partly because of the first large tentacle seemingly watching it like a hawk. The tentacle wrapped around your body and moving as your belly grows seems absolutely enamored with you.
It loves to secret two liquids over your skin; the stretching one you're so used to and an aphrodisiac one. Along with the aphrodisiacs being pumped into you, your skin is so sensitive that it almost makes you moan. The tentacle also enjoys squeezing around you and jostling the eggs in your ever-growing womb around. It can't help itself, your reactions are just too adorable.
And it'll be there to watch and help as you struggle to lay this next clutch. Isn't that amazing, little eggslut incubator? Being chosen by one of the older tentacles? I'm sure it has your heart racing.
i watch the eggs id laid first start to shake as the other tentacle lined up with my cunt. im hoping it’ll go the same way for this next one’s eggs, that ill be able to lay them before they hatch, to take one more clutch before im stuck incubating them until they hatch.
the first egg presses into and through my cunt, slowly, before getting almost completely stuck at my cervix, and im forced to almost completely give up on any hope of laying these ones. if it takes this much to force them in—my whining and gasping as my cervix is forced to stretch even wider—then i don’t think ill be able to get it back out.
the tentacle laying the eggs seems unconcerned, and so does the one around me—soothing my whines by rubbing over my belly with more of the stretching liquid and aphrodisiac, making me whine and clench around the tentacle inside me. it must help it finish laying this first egg, since it slips into my womb seconds later, making me cry out as my stomach swells.
im so big already. I try to imagine how big I’ll end up, but I can’t. even still, i whine and beg for it—im a good eggslut, i can take it all. any concerns of not being able to lay the eggs is gone, replaced by such a strong desire to carry them.
the tentacle around me squeezes for the first time, reminding me of the jostling ill have to expect from it later, when I’m swollen beyond recognition and waiting to be given the chance to lay—or in this case, maybe waiting for the eggs to hatch. i whine at the squeeze, and at the stretch of my cunt around the next egg pushing inside me.
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angel-eclairs · 7 months
Pool Party!
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Description- You, Dabi, and Hawks are roommates but soon to become more than that...or not.
Word Count: 995
MHA!Hawks & Dabi x f!reader
Warnings: Choking, begging, degrading, and praising
Release Date:
Old Account - 07-15-2021
This Account - 11-22-2023
Ask me a question or for a fanfic.
Submit a post or request.
It’s a hot summer Saturday, you and your roommates are in your backyard pool. You’re watching your roommate Dabi swim while talking to your other roommate Hawks. While you’re talking you feel hawks move his hand onto your thigh. You had always been stuck in a love triangle with both your roommates not knowing which one to choose.
Hawks traces his hand up your thigh and then… Dabi calls him of course nothing got further than that it never has. You never get your chance. You sigh as you come to realization that life just hates you. Hawks and Dabi get done talking and you see Hawks leave to go to the bathroom.
Dabi swims over to you and says “How are you doing today princess” you look at him and say “I’m okay” he comes closer and looks you up and down. He says “That’s good”. You guys are face-to-face and not talking it’s kind of awkward.
As soon as you’re about to turn away, he grabs your face and your waist and pulls you in. You’re face-to-face with him again and he’s leaning in to your face. As soon as your lips are about to meet, Hawks walks out of the house.”
He sees you and Dabi meeting eye to eye like you’re about to kiss. He comes over and gets mad. Him and Dabi start arguing and you don’t know what to do. They’re going at it and you see Dabi make a move like he’s about to hit Hawks and you stop him.
“Both of you stop!!” you yell. They both look at you. “Why don’t you choose princess?” Dabi says. “Yea, which one of us do you want?” says Hawks. Stuck between the two you can’t do anything but say the truth. So you tell them “I can’t stand to see you two fight like this” they both look confused. They start coming towards you “NO!” you yell “Don’t come near me, want me to tell you why” they both look like they wanna know.
You don’t want to expose yourself for the sake of them not fighting. But you hate seeing them fight so much. So, you expose yourself and say “Because I like the both of you as more than friends or roommates” both of them come towards you.
“Finally” Dabi says, “Finally?” you question. “Yes, finally me and him both like you too but we weren’t sure if you felt the same way so we faked it”. You look at them confused “Me, why me” Hawks looks you up and down and says “Do you know how sexy you are?” they both surround you.
Dabi picks you up and carries you to the bedroom. You look at both of them and say “Wait, what are we doing here?”. They look at each other and smile. Hawks looks at you and says “You don’t know how sexy you are so.. we’re gonna show you”
Hawks lifts up your legs and Dabi goes up by your head. They both pull out their dicks, both of them are rock hard just for you.
Hawks pulls down your pants and starts rubbing your clit. “
Hey Dabi, I think our princess is enjoying herself. She’s so wet already.” he smirks.
Dabi smiles and says “Why don’t we all have a lot of fun.” he lifts your head and puts his dick in your mouth. Hawks touching you feels like heaven you can’t help but moan. Even with Dabi’s dick in your mouth you couldn’t help it. Hawks was so good at what he couldn’t. Before you notice you couldn’t help the urge but to cum all over Hawks fingers. At the same time, Dabi squirts his hot cum into your mouth forcing you to swallow it.
They both laugh, Dabi takes his dick out of your mouth and bends down, he grabs your chin and kisses. “Would you like to have some more fun princess?” Dabi says. You were enjoying yourself so of course you say “Yes, I would love to have some more fun.”
Dabi replaces Hawks. Dabi spits on your pussy and rubs your clit.
He puts his dick inside of you, he’s so hard. You feel the his dick on your pussy walls, he’s pumping in and out of you. He’s so deep. Meanwhile, Hawks is sucking on your boobs, and playing with your nipples.
They know exactly the right things to do to pleasure you. Dabi is deepstroking, while Hawks is choking you and sucking your boobs. You’re thinking to yourself how earlier you guys were regular roommates and one thing led to another and here you guys are.
Roommates to lovers, you couldn’t but take back your thought earlier. That life hates you because you’re having the time of your life. Hawks gets up and puts his dick in your mouth, Dabi pussy fucking you. Hawks throat fucking you. It was almost like a dream.
Dabi and Hawks thrust into you at the same and both squirt their hot cum into you. They sit you up and look at you, and say “Did you have fun?” you nod your head yes. “Im kind of tired though” you say. They say “We’re going to get cleaned up, you can rest here.” so you lay down and they leave. When you wake up you find Dabi and Hawks in front of you but… you’re at the pool. Hawks looks at you and says “Look who finally woke up.” he chuckles. Dabi chuckles as well, “What were you dreaming about? You were out for quite a while.”
This moment you thought again “Life hates me.”
The End
I hope you enjoyed! Check my masterlist for more stories or request a fanfic to be written in the ask section about anyone on my masterlist (both linked @the beginning of the story). Much love to you all! <3
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outsideratheart · 2 years
Deja Vu (Leah Williamson x reader)
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A/N: I cannot believe the response I got for Eyes Open. Thank you! I never planned on writing a sequel but i got sent an idea and I knew i had to write it.
Based off this request.
Part 2 to Eyes Open
You were told it would take a minimum of 6 weeks to recover from your head injury but the doctors said it could take longer. 2 weeks after the incident you got your stitches taken out and was cleared from your concussion. 1 week after that you starting training with Arsenal but Jonas refused to play you despite your constant begging. 
Soon enough a month had passed and you starting struggling with been on the sidelines. You loved being able to be an Arsenal fan but you wasn’t even on the bench. You were watching from the stands and with every game that passed you became more and more frustrated. 
6 weeks to the day you received a call from Sarina. She wanted to speak to you but asked that you don’t tell anyone. You were the starting number 10 for England and with the friendly against Germany coming up she needed you and wanted you in her starting 11. 
You told her you had passed every test and this was true but then she asked why you hadn’t played an Arsenal game. 
“I passed my tests and my scans are clear. They are scared” you were in a meeting room at SGP. Sarina on side and you on the other.  
“If you passed your tests, why are they scared?” Sarina asks. 
Truth is she had already asked the question to the staff at Arsenal. She knew the answer but she knew the only way you make the team is if she can trust you. 
“Because my head isn’t as strong as before. You saw the hit it took it was bad but the only way for me to get stronger is to put it to work. I’m ready Sarina. Watch me at training, you’ll see”
And watch you see did, like a hawk but Sarina failed in comparison to Leah, Lucy and Keira. Every time the ball hit your head they would pester you, asking if you were ok or if you needed a break.
You let them fuss and hover knowing that it made them feel better even though it made you feel worse. 
The morning of the game you started to get a headache. Did you think it was related to the injury? Of course you did but then you reminded yourself that everyone gets headaches and you overthinking won’t make it any better.
After the warms up you get ready for the game. You wait until every player is out of the locker room before putting some cooling gel on your forehead and hairline then take some paracetamol.
“You have a headache don’t you?” Lucy asks. 
You grab your chest in fright. Of all people to catch you it had to one of the three people you absolutely did not want to see you. 
“I’m fine Lucy. It’s only been a few days and I can already feel it going away” you try your best to reassure her but the look in her eyes tells you that it was a waste of time. 
“Are you being serious? Days! Im telling Leah. Hell i’m telling Sarina. You’re not playing” Lucy tries to leave but you grab her wrist, preventing her from doing so. 
“Lucia Roberta Tough Bronze. You will do no such thing. We need to win this game and you know the best way to do so is to have you and Leah on the back line, Keira in the middle and me up front.” You change your tone. You weren’t appealing to her human side, you were appealing to her player side and she couldn’t ignore it given that the game was due to kick off in 5 minutes. 
“You feel even a little bit off you call for a sub and go for a scan afterwards” this was her compromise. 
You don’t get the chance to respond as a member of the coaching staff comes to get the both of you. 
 It was a rematch of the euros final and England wanted go prove that the win wasn’t a fluke and Germany wanted to prove that they are better than the champions. 
It’s safe to say this lead to the match being very physical and intense from the first whistle. You had taken a few knocks courtesy of Giulia Gwinn so when the team was back in the locker room at half Leah is by your side asking you question after question. 
She strokes her finger over your scar. It was something she had been doing ever since you got your stitches out. When you asked why, she told you it was because it reminds that you are ok. 
“Leah” your word fell on deaf ears “baby, look at me. It was a few knocks but nothing I haven’t had before. I’m ok” 
You quickly steal a kiss before running back out to the field. 
“Something is wrong with her” Keira whispers to Lucy. 
Although she doesn’t respond, the look on her face speaks volumes. 
“What is it?��� Keira asks. 
“I saw her earlier, before the game started. She was taking paracetamol”
“Her headaches are back?”
Lucy nods even though you never told her. 
“What do we do?” 
“We let Y/N manage this. She knows her body and mind better than anyone. Just keep an eye on her” 
“I can do that” Keira’s eyes scan the locker room before stopping on her best friend “do we tell Leah?” 
“No” the certainty in Lucy’s tone tells Keira how serious she is. 
Throughout the second half, the couple watches you as much as they can whilst playing the game. 
During a Germany free kick you are told to get in the wall. You see the ball come at you but you don’t have the chance to move and it hits you square in the face. 
“Y/N!” Leah comes running towards you as play is stopped.
“Ooo, that stings” 
The medics are soon by your side. They do a quick check and are happy for you to continue playing. You see Sarina eying you up from the sidelines. She makes the sub signal and you shake your head. 
From then on the team sees the affect the hit has on you. Your moves are sloppy, you aren’t running as fast. You are the most vocal on the pitch but after the freekick you are silent and they notice you are avoiding heading the ball. 
After a Germany corner Mary quickly clears it and sends the ball up the field where you are normally making a run. The whole team push forward to make the most of the play given that there isn’t long left in the game. 
You hear the crowd erupt as Meado slots the ball into the back of the net. It is the last thing you hear as the ringing in your ears gets louder and louder. You take a knee as you try to focus but it doesn’t work. You are unable to balance and you fall back on the floor. 
“Y/N!!!” Mary sprints over to you “ MEDIC!!!“ she rapidly waves her hand. 
The celebrations come to an abrupt end as each England player on the pitch runs towards you. 
You lay there unconscious. Your body limb and the only solace comes with the fact that they can see your chest rise and fall. 
“No, no, no. Not again” Leah kneels down behind you and lifts your head onto her lap. She moves the stray hairs out of your face. 
“Y/N please wake up. I can’t do this again” Leah begs you as tears fall freely down her face. 
The medics arrive and once again Leah, Lucy and Keira stay by your side whilst the others players give you space. 
“I don’t understand. She has been fine for weeks. She passed every test why would this happen?” Leah asks to no one in particular. 
Keira looks at Lucy and defender knows what she is thinking. 
“Did she take any knocks we didn’t see?” The medic asks. 
“No. She was perfectly fine”
Again Keira looks at Lucy. The older player takes a deep breathe. 
“She had a headache before the game” 
Leah’s head snaps up in the direction of the woman who is talking. The look of betrayal covers her face. 
“She said she has had it for a few days” Lucy can feel Leah’s eyes burning into her but she refuses to meet her gaze. 
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Leah voice is low and stern. 
Lucy shrinks in her place. Just as she is about to speak Keira cuts her off. 
“She didn’t want you to worry. Y/N told her not to tell you” 
“You — Ke — you knew and you didn’t tell me” the anger that Leah was feeling gets replaced by hurt at the thought of her best friend keeping something this important from her. 
As the three of them go back and forth you slow regain consciousness. Leah is arguing that they should have told her whilst the couple argues that they were doing what you wanted. 
You begin to regain consciousness. 
Deja vu. That is what they call it. That is what you are feeling. You know the the voices before you see their owners. 
You feel drops of water on your cheeks. When you look up you realise that they are tears and they belonged to Leah. Once again she was trying and it was your fault. 
“Hey” you reach up and awkwardly grab her shoulder. 
“Great you’re awake. Get her off the pitch. Don’t let her lie to you!” You can hear the hurt in her voice. 
You are about to respond but she walks to the sidelines for a drink.
You try to get to your feet but the blood comes rushing to your head and you stumble back again. 
Lucy grabs your arm to steady you but you brush her off. 
“You told her” you snap. 
“You passed out on the pitch again. You were unconscious again. I didn’t have a choice” 
“Yes you did. You —“ once again you feel light headed. 
The medics put a stop to the conversation or more appropriately the arguement that you and Lucy were having. They usher you to the tunnel. You try to grab Leah’s hand as you pass her only  for her to recoil from your touch. Your head was pounding, you felt sick but knowing that Leah didn’t want you to touch her, that hurt the most. 
“I’m sorry” you whisper. 
“You need to get checked over. Go” 
You get examined by the medics then they leave you on the physio bench. They turn the light out as they leave. You hear the final whistle blow and cheering. England must have won. 
The sounds of boots on the hard floor get closer and closer. You can hear the team in locker room and you’re not sure who you want to see first. Well you do but you’re not sure she will want to see you. 
“I’m mad at you” 
You could only see her silhouette but it was more than enough. 
“Would it make it worse if I say I plead the fifth” you say playfully. 
“Yes it would” Leah turns the light on without warning. The brightness makes your headache worse. 
“Hey!“ you quickly cover your eyes. 
As Leah walks closer to you she takes her boots off as to reduce the noise. The notion lets you know that she wasn’t really mad with you. She was using her angry to cover her fear. 
“You were getting headaches again” 
“Normal people get headaches Leah”
“You’re not normal”
“That’s not what I mean and you know it” 
You did but you really didn’t want to talk to her about this. You knew that you would only scare her if you did. It was the reason why you kept it  secret in the first place. 
“I want you to know I’m telling the truth when I say I didn’t think it was serious. It was only a headache then on the pitch, i don’t know, it happened so fast” 
When you sit up you are meet with red eyes and tear stained cheeks. 
“You are ok. I can see it in your eyes” you see Leah visibly relax upon her realisation. 
“I am but they still want me to go for scans. I told them I needed to speak to you first” 
Standing to your feet, Leah grabs your waist. She looks into your eyes and moves her fingers whilst telling you go follow it. This simple test is one she saw the doctor do time and time again. She starting doing it whenever she needed reassurance that you were ok. 
“I’m not the only one you need to speak to. You owe both of them an apology” 
“I know” 
You leave the physio room and enter the locker room. You scan the room until you come across the two people you are trying to find. 
You see Keira standing in front of Lucy as the old player wraps her arms around the midfielders waist. 
“I’m sorry I snapped at you” you say as you reach her locker. 
“Apology accepted. How’s the head?” 
“I feel like I have the world’s worse brain freeze” 
All of a sudden Lucy stands from her locker and pulls you into her arms. 
“Don’t do that again” it was a warning but you knew she was coming from a good place. 
“Im sorry to you too Ke. I shouldn’t have put you in a position where you had to lie to Leah”
“You didn’t. She did” Keira point to Lucy. 
You look at your best friend and laugh. Your girlfriend was mad at you and hers was mad at her. 
“Looks like we’re both in the dog house. Fancy swapping room mates?” You joke. 
“Absolutely not!” Leah cuts in “you are not leaving my sight until you have a full bill of health” 
When Sarina comes into the locker room she tells you that you won’t be playing the next game and that she will be going to the hospital with you so that she can know for sure what condition you are in. 
“You’re in trouble” Leah whispers in your ear. 
“Trouble’s my middle name” you kiss her cheek before you begin getting change “care to help me take my shirt off” you raise your eyebrows playfully. 
“If I must” 
Leah happily strips you off your shirt. She carefully lifts the material over your head and placed a gentle kiss on your scar. 
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Over the Limit
Epilogue for Sweet Treats AU: by character | chronological | epilogues
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Warnings: these drabbles will include dark elements such as noncon, control, intimidation, and other stuff that may not be specified. Take this as you chance to scroll by.
Note: I wasn't sure what to do with Steve so...
Please let me know what you think <3
The lights bleed and the lines skew. The alcohol singes down your throat and blazes across your chest. Your eyes roll back as you let out a satisfied sigh and put the shot glass back on the bar. You smile at Miller, the bartender who knows you by name.
“Another!” You demand playfully.
He clucks and shakes his head, the bottle of tequila still in his hand.
“You think maybe you should have some water, hun?” He drawls in his molasses timbre.
“Pleaseeeee,” you whine and cling to the leather trim of the bar, “I’m being a good girl, Milly.”
“I got a license I needa worry about and you get much tipsier in those heels and your gonna keel over.”
“Perfect,” you chirp, “just what I love.”
He clamps his lips, a look your mother often gave you when she just couldn’t put her disapproval into words. When the words wouldn’t come, her fists definitely would. Your lip twitches at the sliver of memory. The alcohol usually blots all that out.
“Just one more,” you beg. You need to sleep tonight and you’re just not quite at that point.
“Hun,” he repeats.
“Ugh, fine, how ‘bout, I have that water then you pour me another one? Hmm, Milly? You know I love you.”
“Water, coming right up,” he snaps and spins to put away the square bottle of golden nectar.
“Water,” you mouth as you bobble your head sarcastically.
You bat your lashes as the blur of your drunkenness glosses in your eyeballs. You’re warm and fuzzy but not at the edge yet. Miller should know you can handle yourself and your drinks just fine. But you’ll humour him, he did forgive you for that broken light.
He plants a tall pint glass in front of you, condensation beading and trickling down the sides. Jesus, that’ll sober you right up.
“Two shots,” you barter.
“Drink that and go home,” he sniffs.
“You said–”
“You drink that water before you start tryna negotiate,” he retorts. “I’m lookin’ after you. You know that.”
You roll your eyes and take the pint glass. You scowl and stagger around. The bar is busy. It’s never exactly quiet. It’s what you like about it. The colours, the noise, the fervor, it keeps your mind from idling.
The tables are full. You don’t see a single spot free but you don’t want to sit at the bar with Miller hovering like a hawk. You’re not drinking all this water but you can’t get rid of it right in front of him.
You trip on someone else’s foot and barely catch yourself, the water curling over the rim but not spilling. Somehow. You cling to the wooden tabletop as a man stands. His stature has you leaning.
“I’m sorry,” he touches your elbow, “I didn’t see you.”
“Nah, s’fine,” you slur and smile, your cheeks bulbing and eyes squinting, “I wasn’t lookin’.”
“You, uh, need a seat? This place is packed and I got an extra chair,” he gestures back to the table. He leans in with a conspiratorial look, “and I’m pretty sure someone’s waiting to hop on it as we speak.”
He peeks over his shoulder and you follow his line of sight. You can’t see anything but swirling shadows. He’s the only thing your eyes can focus on. He’s handsome and strangely familiar. 
“Sure,” you put the water down, “I’ll hold your seat.”
“Thanks, sweetie,” he drags his hand up your arm before drawing away.
His touch leaves a streak of flame along your flesh. You angle yourself around and plop into the chair. You glare at the water, your most vaunted foe. Hydration is for cowards.
The man returns as you contemplate giving in to Miller’s ploy. You don’t have anything left at home. No vodka, no gin, nothing. Not even cheap beer.
“Righty, all yours,” you go to stand as he takes the seat across from you, “I scared off the vultures, bud.”
“Wait,” he settles into the chair. He looks almost too big for it. “You don’t have to… go.”
“Ah, I mean, you don’t want me hangin’ around. I’m trouble.”
“Oh? And how do you know I’m not trouble?” He challenges.
You scoff at him and his chiseled chin. He’s clean-shaven, his hair is tidy and golden and shining, and his top button is undone to reveal a rather nice chest. You let your lips part as you think, fishing in your mind for an answer. You know him.
“Because, Cap,” you figure it out, “you take care of trouble.”
He cringes and nods in defeat, “busted.”
You giggle triumphantly. “So I know you don’t wanna hang out with the likes of me. ‘Sides, no point stayin’ when all Milly’ll gimme is water.” 
You give a derisive tap to your glass and peek over at Miller. He’s watching. Fuck.
“Says I’ve had too much. Whatever.”
“Oh, well, you know, this stuff doesn’t really affect me but I like the taste of beer. It’s familiar.”
“Mmm, yeah, I get that,” you feel yourself sway and grab the edge of the table to steady yourself. You rub your eyes and yawn, maybe you might just sleep tonight.
“Well,” Steve leans in, “I’m actually stuck at this hotel. It’s got a nice mini-fridge. Fully stocked.”
“Hmm?” You blink at him.
“And I… I’ve been cooped up in there for a week. Alone, so…”
“Captain,” you sputter, “are you hittin’ on me?”
“That depends,” he tweaks a brow, “will you still call me Captain with my hand around your throat?”
You stick your tongue out and think. It’s too good to be true. You glance around at the regulars. What’s he doing in a place like this? Why do you care?
“Does that fridge got tequila?” You grin.
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prince-kallisto · 10 months
Crowley’s relationship with the Asim’s
My Crowley theories are slowly delving into conspiracy theories lmaoo. Hopefully at least one of my theories hit the mark…ANYWAY, something I always found odd was how Kalim entered the school.
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He transferred two months late, but got the letter a one month before. Jamil believes it’s a back door admission, Aka the Asim family bought Kalim’s way into the school. This is probably what it is, but I’m dedicated to my tinfoil hat haha.
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But what Jamil AND Kalim said raised my eyebrows. Crowley arranged a back door admission to get the Asim donations? A month late? Why wouldn’t they arrange this far earlier if the Asim’s wanted Kalim to attend NRC that badly? And Kalim doesn’t exactly know why he was admitted in the first place? Sure, Kalim is fairly forgetful, but the way he says it makes it sound like he himself never got a clear explanation from his own family.
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What motives would the Asim family possibly have to arrange such an admission so late? What would THEY benefit from sending Kalim to a school that they probably had no intention of sending him to in the first place? NRC is one of the top 2 Magic schools of course, but Kalim surely was sent to a prestigious school. I would be surprised if a school like RSA didn’t accept him, because his magic levels are nothing to scoff at.
Think of it this way: Even if Crowley begged to have Kalim at the school, he would practically be paying to have the son of a prestigious family at his school. Not the other way around. Again, there was no reason for Kalim to not be accepted at a prestigious school or RSA.
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As we know, Jamil was at NRC two months before Kalim joined in. In Book 6, it seems to be almost expected for the sons of prestigious families to have some sort of aid (e.g Malleus with Silver and Sebek, Idia with Ortho), like Kalim with Jamil.
So here’s what I’m thinking: Crowley knew that Jamil was Kalim’s personal attendant. It would be impossible NOT to know, especially because the Viper family has served under the Asim’s for generations. So when he enrolled Jamil, Crowley probably thought it was a GIVEN that Kalim Al-Asim would be there too. I hate to talk about Jamil this way, but as Kalim’s personal aide, they must have seemed like a “package deal,” in a sense, so why would they attend different schools?
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Let’s go back a bit. In another theory, I believe that Crowley is “a clever hawk that hides his talons,” with the ending of Book 6 being my strongest proof. Because really, why would the Department of Magic, Education, and bigwigs from STYX ever think that Crowley is protecting these kids? Despite basically being arrested, called before parliament, Crowley got away with scot-free. And think about it, Crowley has connections with not only STYX, the Asim’s, but Olympus Inc (as revealed in Book 7). Olympus Inc will be talked about in a whole separate theory, but isn’t it strange?
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Leona is right. No matter the world, money seems to be more tangible than magic. And maybe it isn’t so strange after all- since Crowley is very likely to be a Fae whose lived for hundreds, if not a thousand years, well, he didn’t get in such a high position for being a wimp.
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In Kalim’s vignette and in the Firelit Sky event, Crowley has this odd connection with the Land of the Scalding Sands. Considering to go there for his vacation, and asking Kalim to “send his regards to your father.” Not gonna lie…but doesn’t that sound like a threat?
Considering everything we went over, my (crack) theory (that I take very seriously LMAO) is that Crowley freaked out when he realized Kalim WASN’T attending NRC. Like, Crowley would never have to be bribed to have a student like Kalim in his school, especially with the chance that one of many Kalim’s siblings may attend in the future due to this connection. Having Kalim was basically the ticket for financial security for YEARS.
He panicked, and rushed to put together a deal with the Asim’s. But of course, they denied it. What was the benefit of having their beloved son suddenly change schools that he was probably very happy with? The ordeal should’ve ended at this, but the Asim family was threatened into it. It was just some lowly assassin or poisoner, it was something big. Something that could’ve destroyed the Asim family forever. Think about how much a Fae like Lilia knows about everybody. Now think about a Fae who’s probably even older, and is in it for the money. What WOULDN’T Crowley know?
With no other choice, the Asim’s accepted the deal, and rushed to have their son sent to NRC. But they couldn’t tell Kalim the truth, so they just made up various excuses. But no one knows why Kalim was admitted except for Crowley and his parents. To further protect themselves, the Asim’s gave up piles of money towards the school- which is exactly what Crowley wanted from this deal.
But just to make sure the Asim’s wouldn’t forget, Crowley pop in the Land of the Scalding Sands every now and then. And send his regards through Kalim.
ANYWAY I made it way more dramatic than it probably was lmaooo, but I genuinely believe that something along these lines happened due to this contradicting information. Like, Crowley must have connections to all the uber rich organizations for a reason 🤔🤔🤔 anyway if I lived in the Twst world, you know I would be that one blogger making up Crowley conspiracy theories 24/7
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daceridesagain · 2 months
Property of Dace. Pt1
Tonight might be the night
We had been talking about it for months
You don’t know what I look like
I only know what you're wearing.
I also know where you are.
We had agreed you would have a skimpy dress on, not black as that is what everyone else will be wearing.
You’ve styled your hair the way I wanted, and it also has a distinctive bow. This is to make you stand out, to let me know who my target is.
I get to the club before you. Watching all the other pretty girls turn up, getting drunk, dancing, frolicking, being whores. But they're not who I am after. I am waiting for one specific girl. One that is smart, and respectable by day, but by night….well….
My phone buzzes with your message: ‘I’m here’
I put it away and start looking for you from a distance, like a hawk surveying the landscape. So many dumb girls. Drinking the night away. Thinking they're unique, when they are all identical. I bet most of them work at a salon, or as a shopping assistant.
Not you though.
You're a smart girl. University degree. Good job.
that’s why I like you.
There’s a break in the crowd.
The lights change, and I see the bow.
You and your friends, in the middle of the dance floor, drinks in hand.
I get my phone, and send a message for you to go to the bar.
I see you depart the group, making your way through the hustle and bustle.
I begin to follow.
While you're waiting at the bar, a guy comes up, trying to talk to you.
But you brush him off. After all, you have a boyfriend.
Another minute goes by, and you have a shot or two.
Then my hand runs up your thigh, sliding between your legs, two fingers disappearing inside you with no resistance. No panties, good girl, just like you were told.
‘dont turn around. Take this, and go back to your friends’
You feel the Lush in your hand, you can feel yourself blush as you realise whats going to happen.
I remove my fingers and disappear into the crowd before you have chance to say anything.
You slip the lush inside your hole, hoping it will stay inside you with how wet you are, and return to your friends. Buzzed and horny.
You drink more, party more, forgetting about me for the time being. Until.
Your knees tremble, but you keep going
Spinning around trying to find me
But all you can see is darkness and faces
I am at the back of the room. I can see you clear as day. The look on your face as you try not to let your friends know that anything is happening.
We continue this for the next 10 minutes.  Tormenting you. Teasing you. I decide to visit you again
Pushing my way across the dance floor, I am stood mere feet away from you, but you still don’t know who I am. I get behind you, and whisper in your ear:
‘15 minutes more and you are leaving, little girl’
I can almost feel your clit throb from here.
I return to the shadows, continuing to mess with the toy inside you.
When the time comes, you start to leave, but your friends are trying to persuade you to stay.
You convince them you're not feeling well now, maybe a little sick, possibly something you ate earlier.
They are happy to let you go home, its not that late after all. You're not drunk, just a little tipsy, and it’s not that far for you to get home.
I follow you out.
Sending another message: take the next right, down the alleyway.
You obey instantly. What a good toy.
You can hear steps behind you.
Your heart starts racing.
Is it him? Is it someone else? Why did I agree to this?
You start to panic a little
Pulling your phone out, you send me a message.
Seeing if it’s me behind you. Begging me to reply.
The man grabs you. Wraps his hand around your throat. Pushes you against the wall, forcing his fingers into your mouth.
‘Such a naughty whore, I've been watching you all night.’
He smacks your ass, and spins you around to face him.
Urgh. Youre repelled by this grotesque looking man. Missing teeth, dirty hair, you start to taste his fingers too.
His hands start to wander, and you begin to try and fight them away, eyes watering.
‘Oi. What the hell do you think you are doing to her??!?!?’
Another man is now running towards you, your heart soars.
A saviour.
It was fun playing the rape toy on the internet, but it’s a lot less enjoyable in real life.
As he gets closer, the disgusting man thinks better of it, and runs off down the alley.
‘Are you alright? Are you sure? I cant believe some people.’
Youre nodding, shocked, trying to calm yourself down. This new guy offers you some water, you take a sip to wash away the taste, spitting it out. Then you take a few big gulps. You finish the bottle, and finally look at the man who saved you.
You cant see him very well, maybe its just a trick of the light. Or maybe youre too stressed.
A taxi pulls up at the end of the road, you glance at it, then look back at me. You still cant see my face, and your head feels very fuzzy all of a sudden.
Trying to stand up, you stumble, and I catch you, we slowly walk to the taxi and get it.
The last words you hear before you pass out:
‘You're coming home with me tonight little girl, and we are going to have a lot of fun’
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marcie-self · 1 year
Flightless Bird
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw X Wife!reader
Summary: Rooster gets injured during a mission and must be grounded.
Warnings: near death accident, some angst, MOSTLY FLUFF
You just finished your shift at The Hard Deck and your phone rings as you’re unlocking your husband's light blue Ford Bronco. Rushing to set your bag down and dig for your cell phone, you almost miss the call catching it on the very last ring. The voice on the other end of the line confirms who they're speaking to before introducing themselves.
When you hear the word hospital, your heart drops into your stomach. You knew Rooster was going on a mission today, he assured you that it was low intensity and he was more than confident everything would be fine. Tears filled your eyes as his condition was calmly explained to you.
He was in surgery to repair a major artery in his leg. Turns out a missile got his jet luckily he ejected just in time, but a piece of shrapnel got him on the way out. You struggle to keep yourself together and get through the phone call.
“Mrs.Bradshaw, I wish I could tell you it was something small. It's quite bad, but he has a very high chance of surviving.” The woman's voice was soft and reassuring.
You sniffle and let out a small laugh. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to laugh. It’s just, that’s what he told me this morning when he left. Um, anyway, I’ll be there soon. Thank you for calling!”
You set your phone down and with a shaking hand start to put the key in the ignition. When you drop the keys you silently curse to yourself and sit back for a moment. Taking in several deep breaths, you manage to collect yourself and get the car started.
You didn’t grow up with religious parents so you didn’t spend much time praying except now. The entire drive was spent holding back tears and begging whatever higher power was listening to do just this one favor for you. Driving to the hospital was the easy part but making yourself get out of the car and walk into the building felt impossible.
When you walk in you immediately spot Maverick. He stands up to meet you and the panic finally starts to set in. Tears stream down your face and your breathing quickens suddenly unable to form words.
The older pilot pulls you into a hug attempting to calm you. “He’s going to be fine, you know he’s too stubborn to give up now.”
You manage to catch your breath enough to speak. “I appreciate the sentiment Mav, but I don’t need the empty promises.” You were thinking worse words than that but couldn’t bring yourself to say them at the moment.
“You’re right. Let’s go to the waiting room.” He showed you the way to the room full of seats and got her settled in.
Mav did what he could to take care of you and keep you calm. At one point you were completely zoned out staring at the old and worn out carpet under your feet. Your leg was subconsciously bouncing with anxiousness, you didn't snap out of your trance until you heard your fairly new last name get called out. The nurse with a clipboard in her hands motioned you to come out into the hallway. You wasted no time and Mav followed close behind.
“Your husband is in recovery. The surgery went just fine, but he’s going to need to do physical therapy for his leg. I’m afraid he won’t be able to fly anymore.” The nurse led you back into recovery to be with him until they could get him a room.
The sight of your unconscious husband bandaged up broke your heart but he’s alive. Your prayers were heard. At this point Mav had gone home and you stayed by his side watching over him like a hawk, any movement or groan he made had your full attention. It seemed like forever until they got him into a room.
He was finally starting to wake up when they locked the hospital bed into place. His words were jumbled and started to frantically look around. “My, my wife. Call-“ Rooster groaned and let his head fall back into the pillow.
“I’m here Roost, right here.” You stood at the foot of his bed out of the way of the nurses but in his view.
Once he saw you he let himself relax and fall asleep again. The nurse assigned to take care of him pulls you aside and goes over his medications and what needs to happen to speed up the healing process. Finally you feel like you can breathe again.
That night, you fell asleep in an awkward position in the chair next to his bed and no matter how you moved in your sleep your hand stayed on his. The sound of the bed creaking and fabric rustling woke you, Mav was right he is too stubborn. Bradley was trying to get out of bed, luckily he didn’t want to wake you so he hadn’t made much progress yet.
“Honey, what are you doing?” You jump up out of the chair and meet him on the other side of the bed to keep him from falling.
Rooster sighed and looked up at you like a puppy. “I just wanted to get out of bed.”
You sit on the bed next to him and hold his hand. “I don’t even think you’re supposed to be sitting up like this right now.” You softly chuckle at his eagerness.
He turns to you and kisses your forehead. I’m so sorry baby.”
“Sorry for what? You did what you were supposed to.” You watched him try to decide what emotion he should be feeling.
“You’re stuck taking care of me now.” He twinged when he attempted to move the injured leg.
“I married you, remember? I read the terms and conditions in full detail.” A soft smile sends a wave of comfort over him. “I’m just so happy I get to be here with you right now and not planning a funeral.”
You both silently laugh at the comment. “So please, for me, do what you need to do to get better. I’d love to get you home as soon as possible too.”
“Since you asked so nicely.” He smirked and kissed the back of your hand.
Eventually, Rooster got sent home and did everything he was supposed to do. You and Mav already had a talk with him about how his condition prohibits him from flying again. He didn’t take it well at first. After giving him a day or two to calm down he came to you with a serious look on his face.
He looked like a scared little kid, your first response was to hold your arms open for him. He quickly accepted and held you close. “I think I’m going to take Mav up on that offer, if I can’t fly them I at least want to work on them.”
You smile softly down at him and play with his hair. “I told you that was a good idea. Think about all that will open up for you in this position. We could finally start a family.”
He lifts his head up excitedly. “You mean it?” When the conversation came up before your marriage you were on the fence about having kids just because you knew what Rooster went through.
“I don’t want you to give up what you love, but it’s hard enough as is for me to keep myself together worrying about what’s going to happen to you when you leave every day. I can’t even imagine having a kid.” You both stare at each other as the words echo in your heads.
“Yes baby, I mean it.” By the time you finish your sentence Rooster has pulled you into a deep passionate kiss.
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spiritofwhitefire · 2 years
I am forever impressed by both the anime and the manga’s portrayal of the hawks/Jin/ Dabi scene. The art makes it beyond clear that what you are watching is a brutal murder. Jin trusts hawks and sees him as a friend, canonically hawks spends more time with jin than almost anyone else in the league. And while I’m not entirely certain that hawks views Jin as a friend, he was sympathetic at the very least. He thinks Jin is a good person and thats why he believes that jin is worthy of being saved. Which is a very common mindset for a lot of people: there is the RIGHT kind of criminal, and the wrong kind. Jin is warm and friendly and much of his origin can be traced back to bad luck. A car crash with the wrong people. Not like Dabi who is angry and violent, or shigaraki who is off putting and basks in destruction (not my view, hero societies). No no, there could never be more to their stories than what is skin deep.
That camaraderie is what makes the murder so horrific. Hawks doesn’t even want to kill him but he does it anyway, because his natural instinct to protect has been so deeply warped by the commission that he sees a man begging and crying in front of him and stabs him anyway. I am glad that the art made it clear that there is nothing heroic about this.
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This image is so chilling because up until this point for the most part hawks has been very approachable, the ideal handsome and friendly guy. His calculating nature pops up from time to time but he hasn’t seemed violent before and so for him to just switch like that so quickly with someone who was close to being a friend is terrifying. And so the animation makes sure to show that. To strip him of his golden aura and shroud him in darkness. Now I know that he “gave twice a chance” but frankly… I don’t think he really did. His black and white morality was so fucking clear in this scene, he asks twice if he will betray his friends and side with a group of people who are killing them. I’m not going to get into that because there are so many other, better metas out there talking about that but I find that very important here. Hawks looms over twice like a monster, it’s a brutal scene.
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In contrast I feel that dabis entrance is very interesting as well. He’s framed almost heroically, surrounded by light. His motives here are absolutely AT LEAST partly selfish but I also feel that he is motivated by a righteous anger over what hawks is doing to twice. He comforts twice and gives him a high five of all things, he doesn’t see twice solely as a tool as he claims.
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And then as the emotional centerpiece of the episode we have the heartbreaking goodbye between twice and toga as he dies in her arms. He loves toga more than anyone else in the league and I think she feels the same way. Between hawks’ cold actions we have this beautiful warmth between the two villains.
I want to clarify that I like every single character who I’ve mentioned in this post. Hawks is a fascinating character and I truly sympathize with his situation. And of course Dabi and twice and toga have all killed people, but none of them are guilty of killing their friends, and that’s the difference here. To look a friend in the eye and kill them as they cry on the ground in front of you? I can’t even imagine it. To me that is one of the cruelest actions I can think of
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spacerosesss · 1 year
On Edge
What happens when your boyfriend wants to try orgasm denial on you?
You chuckle as you’re carried by your boyfriend, Fred Weasleys, dorm bridal style. You guys just finished pranking some helpless 3rd years and were now going to probably watch a movie in his dorm. Your guys casually date night by using a spell to make a movie show on the ceiling and making quick witty jokes at the film. 
Fred pushed the door open with his foot and walked to his bed. He placed you down gently and walked back over to the door to close it before locking it. You sat up on your elbows and smiled. Fred usually never locks the door unless some things were going to happen. 
“Hey babe,” he walked over to you swiftly and sat next to you. 
“Yeah, what’s up?” You sit up fully and look at him. He didn't look scared but there was also some weird tension in the room that you know you could both feel. 
“I wanted to ask you something and you can totally one hundred percent say no….but I did want to talk to you about it.” He smiled over at you 
  “Go ahead. Honestly, you know i’m pretty much up for anything you wanna try out!” 
“Well, I wanted to try out some….” He whispered the last bit and you genuinely couldn’t hear him. 
“What was that?” You put a hand on his arm and give him a tiny smile to reassure him. “Babe, don't worry! I’ll never judge you for wanting to try something.” 
He nodded and took a deep breath in to cover his worries. “I wanted to try some orgasm denial on you…. If it’s ok with you of course!” He adds quickly. 
You stop for a moment, slightly amazed. You’ve kinda wanted to try this out too but thought that Fred might find it odd. “Um.. absolutely!! I’ve wanted to ask you to try this with me forever!!” You stand up in front of him in excitement. “Omg, babe!!”
Fred laughs slightly and stands up beside you. You move a piece of stray hair and Fred plants a kiss on your lips. You smile into the kiss and place your hands on either side of his face, deepening it. 
“Fuck, darling. You’re gonna make me act up already.” He pushed you onto his bed and crawled on top of you.
He pushed his body onto yours as he started another kiss. He brought his knee up and nudged it in between your thighs. You let a moan out into Fred's kiss and he took it as an opportunity to push his tongue into your mouth.  He took the entire chance to go around and explore every, already explored, crevice of your mouth. He was acting like he was hungry and you were the only thing that was going to make him satisfied. 
After a couple of minutes, he broke the kiss and looked down into your eyes. 
“You ready?” He asked as he slid his shirt off and threw it to god knows where. 
You smile, nod and start to unbutton your shirt. Fred sits on the bed and watches you with the eyes of a hawk. He loves watching you get dressed; he loved watching you get undressed even more though. 
You slide your shirt down your arms and throw it to the same god-forbidden place Freds ended up in. Fred hooked his fingers in your shorts and slid them down very slowly.  
“Fred…..” you whined as you shifted your hips around the bed slowly. 
  “Yes, darling?” He looked up from your legs and into your eyes, making the butterflies in your stomach flutter to the moon and back. 
“Stop being such a teaseeeee!” you whine as you try to push your shorts down before he stops you. 
“Well dear, I love making you beg so I’ll think about it.” He pushed your shorts down and threw them over his shoulder. He looked up and raised an eyebrow at you while you put your hands over your face. “Wow y/n, no underwear tonight?” 
“I don’t know!! I just had a feeling!!” You kept your face hidden as you replied.
“Ugh, you’re just so good for me; huh? You’re my good little girl, right?” 
He stood up and walked over to the side of the bed, right beside your face. He grabbed your hands and smiled as you peered at him with embarrassment in your voice. 
“Yeah…. I try to be good for you Fred,” you smile at him as you pull him onto the bed. He sits between your legs and you place your hands between your thighs, blocking his view from anything he wants to see. 
“Alright darling, if you move your hands…. I'll make you cum just a little bit faster than before.” he gives you his iconic goofy smile and places his hand out for you to put yours in. 
You rip your hands from your thighs and place them into his. He leans down and kisses your hands while smiling. 
“Alright, how about we get things going!” He spreads your legs a bit and starts to trail some kisses up your thighs. You let out a small whimper before it turns into a gasp when he pushes his middle and ring finger into you. 
“Fuck! Fuck Fred!” you grasp the sheets and let out a few small moans. 
He chuckles and goes faster, in and out of you. You moan more and more as he goes quick and then slow, quick then slow, quick and slow. This same pattern repeats for what seems like hours. You would get extremely close and then you would lose your high. Your high would come back and then it would leave again. This was honestly like torture. 
“Fred! Baby, please let me cum! Please!!!” You feel his fingers quicken. The knot in your stomach was tightening. You could feel yourself about to cum when all of a sudden, he pulls his fingers out of you. 
He gives you an evil smirk before putting his fingers in his mouth and sucking on them as he stares directly into your eyes. “Well, where would the fun be if I let you cum this quick!” He exclaims. 
Fred pushes his pants down and kicks out of them. “Are you ok?” he asks you quickly, making sure you weren't hurt or anything. You nod, confirming you're fine before spreading your legs more for him. 
He nods and then pushes himself into you. You gasp as you start to get adjusted to him. It doesn't take you long and soon enough you’re nodding at him to continue his pace. 
He starts slowly and then picks up his pace as time goes over. He’s leaning over you slightly and moaning your name under his breath. 
“Fuck, y/n, you’re so good to me baby,” he whispered lowly in your ear. 
You turn red and giggle as his pace picks up. You want him to go faster but honestly, you know if you asked, he would make you wait to cum till longer. 
“Fuck Fred…” you moan loudly when he grazes against the perfect spot. “Right there! Please Fred, I'm begging you!!” you start whimpering out and you grab onto his shoulders. “Fuck! Please!” You knew you were going to cum soon….. If Fred didn't just stop and was going at a very slow, snail thrust pace. 
“No way baby, I’m gonna enjoy this till you are screaming my name and sobbing for me to let you cum.” He leaned to your face and planted a small kiss on your nose. 
You let out a loud whine and wrapped your legs around his body, letting him hit the spot you need. The knot in your stomach is practically begging for you to let him let you cum. 
“Baby please…!” you start to whine more as you feel yourself getting closer but not close enough to finish. 
“Can my pretty darling keep it going for just a little bit longer?” He asked as he picked his pace back up quickly. 
You nod as you bite down onto your lip. “Fred… please!” 
“You’ve been doing so well for me darling, you can cum now…” he goes faster and doesn’t slow down. You feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge until you just release underneath him. 
“Fuck darling!” he moans out as he finishes only a couple of moments later. 
Honest to god, that was one of the best orgasms you’ve ever had. He sits next to you and kisses you on the top of your head. “I love you,” he whispers in your ears. “Let’s get you all cleaned up.” He picks you up and starts to take you to the door when you smile 
“I love you too”
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password-door-lock · 8 months
Mystictober Day 18-- Coffin/Bat
Content warnings: typical vampire possessiveness and lots of talk of biting
Unknown has barely gotten back to Magenta after fleeing the apartment when he notices that you've been bombarding him with messages. He had to leave his phone in the intelligence room for this mission; it's too big and bulky for him to lug around in bat form. Now that he's transformed back, though, he can indulge in a bit of idle conversation.
MC: If you're really a vampire MC: Do you like MC: Sleep in a coffin?
Unknown rolls his eyes. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you? He'd been about to bite you when Luciel had arrived to ward him off, brandishing a vial of holy water like it couldn't very well burn him, too. In retrospect, Unknown should have taken his chances and tipped the vial the other way, but it had been too much hassle over just some human— he had simply turned into a bat and flown away. He figured that in doing so, he would force Luciel to explain the particulars of their situation to you, and you would be so disgusted with the monster sharing your apartment that you'd beg Unknown to come and save you. At least the Mint Eye vampires don't toy with humans the way Luciel does, pretending to be normal and then presenting their fangs. Unknown, unlike that redhead, came in with his fangs already out, entirely prepared to show you his true colors and mark you as his own in one fell swoop.
Unknown: yes Unknown: so does your boyfriend MC: He's not my boyfriend MC: He won't even talk to me MC: And he says he's not gonna sleep MC: I’m really worried MC: Should I try to find a coffin for him?  MC: Would he be more comfortable?  MC: Is there like a coffin website that you order them from?
It's certainly not a testament to your wisdom that you're volunteering such sensitive information— but if vampire lore is what it takes to gain your trust, then so be it. All that Unknown needs to do is get you close enough to bite, and then all this will be over. At the apartment, you brushed your hair away, offering him your neck— trusting him, foolishly, and not even thinking about the how the RFA members might respond to such a betrayal. Luciel interrupted something that was none of his business, in keeping with the beastly nature that he tries so hard to hide. Vampires are possessive creatures, after all, and that redhead clearly sees both you and the apartment as his territory. 
Unknown: We don't have to sleep very often, prince(ss) Unknown: And he'll be watching you like a hawk from now on Unknown: In case I try to come back and claim you MC: You should have bitten me faster MC: And then we wouldn't have this problem Unknown: Careful with that attitude Unknown: You want me to save you, don't you? Unknown: So you should be respectful MC: Okay, listen here, bat boy
Unknown can't help but chuckle. It was one thing when you challenged him without knowing what he was, but now, it's clear you're well aware, so why are you playing around? You must really trust him, then. Good.
Unknown: Careful
He already knows very well that you’re not going to heed his warning, but he figures he may as well offer it anyway. After all, if you had any sense, you would stop challenging strange vampires and start thinking about your own self-preservation.
MC: I know Seven means well MC: But he won't let me out of his sight MC: And he moves so fast? Unknown: Mhm Unknown: I can move a lot faster MC: Not fast enough to bite me though MC: Lol Unknown: You'll be mine soon enough MC: Ok  MC: If you say so MC: Anyway  MC: Can you go out in the sun? MC: Seven isn't answering any of my vampire questions
Of course— that redhead is obviously ashamed of what he is. He wears a crucifix that can never touch his skin, a perpetual reminder of his guilt and an open denial of his vampire nature. Judging by your messages, he hasn’t even shown you his bat form yet, and probably never will. Luciel is playing at being human, though he’s doing a shit job of it, if he can’t even stop himself from moving at his natural speed. Unknown, on the other hand, has embraced his monstrosity. He doesn't care who knows what he's become: he’s a creature of the night, which means that he’s entitled to as much snarling, biting, and flying as he sees fit.
Unknown: And he never will Unknown: If you want answers, then you have to come to me
You leave him on read; from what Unknown can see on the security camera feed, you've been caught fraternizing with the enemy— Luciel is obviously lecturing you, and Unknown can see why. Vampires are possessive, after all, and no matter how much he denies his nature, Luciel is as much a vampire as Unknown is. V made sure of that, didn't he, when he took that redhead under his wing? After some consideration, Unknown elects to offer you a promise, though it's not a very romantic one:
Unknown: soon, prince(ss)
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breadedsinner · 1 year
Judith Banters: Aveline
Aveline: You’re a surprisingly good fighter.
Judith: Ah. And your ability to give compliments is as expected.
Aveline: I mean to say you’re tactful. Disciplined. When we first met, I assumed you were a farmer’s daughter recruited into the army to stop the Blight.
Judith: My father was no farmer, and I willingly joined the army a few years before the Blight. I had received a bit of training before then.
Aveline: You have family in the army, then?
Judith: No, Templars.
Aveline: Why would they help—
Judith: Ferelden is a very big, often brutal place. There are still places where people understand community, even the Templars.
Aveline: Well, we’re not in Ferelden anymore.
Judith: No, we’re not.
Aveline: So why did you join, considering your … circumstances?
Judith: When I was a girl, I dreamed of being a knight. Foolish, perhaps, but not impossible. Ser Cauthrien was the daughter of a farmhand, and she rose through the ranks, not unlike the Hero of River Dale before her.
Aveline: You still hold Loghain and his lieutenant in high regard? After all they’ve done?
Judith: I can hold a number of feelings towards them, and respect is one of them.
Aveline: But they abandoned us!
Judith: Teyrn Loghain gave his life to stop the Blight. Obviously, something changed. Perhaps I take some comfort, knowing it’s never too late to make things right.
Aveline: You would have liked my father. He would tell me tales of chivalry all the time as a girl.
Judith: Of Orlesian make, no doubt. Your name implies as much.
Aveline: (chuckles) Was there any doubt about that?
Judith: If it’s all the same, I prefer my own stories.
Aveline: Have you thought about my offer? I think you would make a fine guard.
Judith: As I said, I would prefer to explore other options.
Aveline: What other options besides this expedition? You don’t strike me as the gambling type, Hawke.
Judith: Varric seems confident we can make it work. If that fails, I can beg Meeran for another chance. Or I’m pretty strong, I’m sure there’s plenty of labor jobs.
Aveline: And you honestly find that preferable to the Guard?
Judith: That’s my business, Aveline. But yes.
Judith: I understand you and Donnic are to be wed. Congratulations.
Aveline: Thank you, Hawke.
Judith: Mother talks about remarrying, though any bachelors at our door are one she found for me, not herself. I think I would prefer she find someone of her own. I should hate to think she said it so I wouldn’t worry about her.
Aveline: Is that even something you want?
Judith: I … I’m not sure. With everyone going on, it feels impossible. It feels selfish to think of some things.
Aveline: Hawke … you and I disagree on a lot, but no one understands that better than me. You can’t let the weight of the world be your only focus. You need to make time for you and the things you want. And if you don’t know, you need to give yourself time to figure it out.
Judith: I will think on what you said.
(Late Act 3)
Aveline: Hawke… when I told you about figuring out what you wanted, I didn’t mean seducing a Chantry priest! Don’t you think that’s inappropriate?
Judith: Sebastian is a priest no longer. I fail to see how that’s more inappropriate than marrying your subordinate.
Aveline : … I am just going to drop this.
Judith: Consider it dropped.
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theluckywizard · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Thanks for the tag @breninarthur!
A little excerpt from the next chapter I'll be publishing! Rose has closed the Breach and her and Cullen have a moment sitting by the frozen lake together, their first alone since the fateful operation at the top of the mountain.
From In the Shattering of Things my Dragon Age: Inquisition longfic featuring Rose Trevelyan x Cullen and Rose x Garrett Hawke.
“Are you surprised that you made it?” he asks.
“A little. Mostly I’m happy. I didn’t dare to hope for more time. There are so many things I want for myself that I never imagined a few months ago. And now I feel like there’s a chance,” I tell him, cautiously folding my feelings into the words but daring a hopeful glance over at him. He catches it, the corner of his lips turning up softly. 
“Whatever it is that you want, you’ve certainly earned it,” he says, breathing a damnably clueless laugh. The energy between us has shifted so profoundly that he instead seems to grow restless. The missing softness I wondered about has escaped his serious outer shell and he knows it.
“Let me walk you to the Maiden. You should be with friends tonight,” he offers.
“I thought I was,” I say, with a sharp look. I can feel the color in my cheeks the moment I say it. He looks taken aback.
“I– the rest of your friends,” he fumbles.
“I might say the same,” I push. He shakes his head, drawing his hand long across his face.
“I– I have work to do…”
“There’s always work,” I point out. He’s running out of excuses.
“Whenever I rest, there’s too much time to think,” he says, looking far across the lake and then down between his knees again. “All the horrors in my past start to catch up.” It’s a sober admission, one I’d never considered fully before, that he works to keep it all at bay. It’s hard to argue with that and our earlier conversation certainly pushed up against the boundaries of it. He stands and politely offers me a hand.
We walk silently beside each other, both of us trying to decide the right thing to say to the other. The compassion I feel for him feels too big to fit inside of me. Even without knowing details, I want to keep excavating into the time before all the horrors, to spark those feelings again so that he might rest without fear of whatever his past held. At times, looking at Cullen feels a little too close to foreshadowing, like a glimpse into my own future. I can still feel the flame of hope inside me, but the toll of all this is a constant assault. But if he can overcome his own suffering, perhaps one day I could too. 
We approach the tavern, weaving between revelers who stagger and cheer at the sight of us, saluting in their sloppy, endearing way. At least one woman makes a drunken pass at Cullen, which leaves him stammering his polite refusal and glancing at me forcibly perturbed. 
“Come inside,” I say. “You can’t walk me all the way here for my sake and then turn around and leave as if it wouldn’t do you good as well.”
“I’m not good company right now,” he says, waving me off. 
“I beg to differ,” I tell him with a raised brow. “I’ve been enjoying your company.”
He looks up, astonished, an attractive tide of color rising into his cheeks, but he glances away, his hand drifting to its favorite spot. “Please– have fun. You’ve earned it, Herald.” I cast a scolding look and salute him softly.
“One day,” I promise him, and he just smiles slightly in embarrassment, shaking his head with his fist against his breastplate.
Tagging to blog their super secret sauce! @rakshadow, @effelants, @warpedlegacy, @crackinglamb, @bluewren, @demarogue, @monocytogenes, @nirikeehan, @ar-lath-ma-cully, @blarrghe, @ir0n-angel, @doomhippy83, @liza011, @melisusthewee, @exalted-dawn-drabbles, @agentkatie, @mogwaei, @plisuu
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1000night · 2 years
Period Comfort p.4
warnings: period, implied smut
characters: Chase Collins, Jefferson, Steve Kemp, Chris Beck
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He hated to see you lying on bed and whimpering because of the pain.
He tries to find something that could help you.
But his magic is useless this time.
Sitting on the edge of the queen-size bed, Chase stared at you with worried eyes, his eyebrows knitted, and he didn't dare to touch you as you're too delicate.
The summer heat burned your back and you huffed, turn over to meet him, you looked up at him with your best doe eyes.
"Chase...Can you bring me an ice bag and wet towel?"
"Anything for you, Sleeping Beauty." He tugged a strand behind your ear and stood up to fulfill your request.
When he came back, your back exposed to him as your plump thighs did. He swallowed thickly and kneeled on the bed, he covered the ice bag with the towel and started rub your heating back.
Your sighed in relief made him smile, feather kisses dropped on your back of neck, shoulder and back, he stopped at your waistband.
His fingers trailed the shape of your hips down your cloth mound, you moaned quietly and cringed his pillow tighter.
"Don't worry Aurora. The Wizard is guarding the garden, no one would dare to harm you."
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This guy demanded the White queen, and the Caterpillar gave him advices to ease your pain. Mr. Rabbit brought you tea and sweets, Jefferson leaned on the door frame and watched you like a hawk.
“I’m fine, Sonny. Please come here and hug me.”
The mad hatter slowly approached you; his long arms imprisoned you like the golden cage. You snuggled into his chest and drank his comfortable scents eagerly.
He kissed your hair, your face, and your inner wrists.
His pairs of blue eyes, the rubbing belly skill, and the steady heartbeat lured you to sleep.
“When you became better, I’ll host a tea party for you, Alice.” 
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Period? It means the more fun play to both of you actually.
Being tied up on the bed, the chains kept your legs parted and the end is locked the four corners of the wooden bed.
The rough rope between your legs is stimulating your pussy through your underwear.
When Steve back from work, down the basement and to see you whimpering because the sting yet pleasure torture, you lift your head up and pouting.
"Stevie..." He shake his head and click his tongue.
"I'm helping you forget the pain, sunshine. I'll be back in 10 minutes. Don't cum. "
You dry humping the rope, until it sting your lower lips. But the fire in your body didn't faded, it still there and burning.
Your tears rolled down when Steve back, he changed to the dark blue shorts, the water trailed down his chest and you feel more hot to see him wear the black shirt with button opened
He kneeled down to admire your drenched panties and smirk, picked up a scalpel, he shred your panties into half, with the rope still here, his point finger strokes your pussy.
Your back arched against the sheet and scream silently. Your body miss him, hungry for him all day long.
"Please, Stevie. Please..."
"Ah uh, I taught you how to beg properly, sunshine, last chance."
"Please, please let me cum, my lord..."
Your sobbing and hoarse voice make him sigh in happily. Cut the rope and put two fingers into your hungry pussy, he kiss your earlobe and whisper
"Now, sunshine, CUM."
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Compared to Steve, Chris is angel from the heaven. That's not means he won't tease you, he and Steve are friends and colleagues after all.
"Ah...I can't wait to fill you up, what did you say, cupcake? Being fulld of me and babysit the other infants, what a sacred and obscenely picture, don'tyou think?"
Your back against his chest, his hips snapped rhythmically and his cock stroke your folds, you moan and cringed to him.
"I could feel your sweet pussy pulsing against my cock, cupcake. Too bad you're in period so I couldn't feed this unsatisfied mouth. Be patient, baby. It's almost done."
His hand massage your breasts and kissed your shoulder roughly and messily. Your slick and blood all absorbed by tampons.
After your steamy moments, he helped you changed that, his eyes glued to the soaked tampons and licked his lips.
"Oh baby, after your period. I need to taste your pussy."
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dancingisdangerouss · 2 years
I just saw someone posting a chat where reader pretends to break up with x/y via chat and I wonder how normal Al/toxic Al (how you like) would react to reader breaking up with him via chat?
If grandpa is even able to use a smartphone 🤭
Okay so I’m guessing we’re going Modern AU here, which doesn’t change too much, so I can work with it! I’m assuming in this we’re talking about General Reader and not ITB Reader, so we’ll go with that.
And pssshh if Ethan Hawke can work a smart phone Al probably can too haha, he’s a dilf not a gilf!
Oh honey no, don’t do that to the crazy man! Al is deranged enough that breaking up with him in the first place is a Bad Idea, but to do it over text?
I’m assuming this is a consensual relationship that is likely toxic and obsessive to begin with, so it’s going to be a shit storm. He won’t even text you back or call you, he’s just going to get in that damn pedo van and drive his ass over to your house with no forewarning.
When he gets there, he’s going to be steaming. His first assumption is probably that you’re cheating on him, you traitorous whore, because what other possible reason could there be? He’ll likely be very irrational, maybe even storm around your house/apartment wrecking shit while looking for any sign of another person living there.
Once he’s finally assessed that it’s not because you’re unfaithful, and is actually giving you a chance to get a word in, he’ll find out it was a prank—which will probably piss him off even more that you did this just to mess with him.
I would expect heavy punishment at that point. We’ve established he’s not a nice man or good guy, so I imagine there would be some actual punches and slaps thrown, probably some beating with that belt and spanking—anything he knows you dislike.
At that point, he’s hella sexually charged and riled up over the situation, and is going to mount you like a fucking wild animal. With him, it’s not just hate sex, it’s like a whole other level.
And he won’t let up, either. Punishing you is one of his favorite things, so the excitement will probably make him cum fast. But he’s not done with you, and you are going to lay strapped to the bed there like a good girl while he goes down on you until your orgasms are uncomfortable and you can’t take it anymore.
By that point, he’s probably aroused again and ready to go another rough round with you, or choke you with his cock. Or both! Depends on his recovery time I suppose.
Aaaand of course, in typical Al fashion, once he’s had his fill, he’ll beg your forgiveness and tell you how sorry he is, how much he loves you, that he’ll buy you something nice and that this will never happen again, just remember to behave.
He’ll clean you up and kiss all over your wounds, and you’ve got your doting lover back until the next time you piss him off.
Because let’s be real. If y’all ask me questions about Canon or ITB Al, he’s the definition of toxic/abusive partner and is going to react in that manner. He ain’t fluffy, that’s for sure.
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