#hc ;
syneester · 2 days
Could you draw sculk!Cub please?
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finally started watching cub's videos
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dc-comics-enjoyer · 2 days
Hc of some stuff Damian would do as an Arab kid :
Burns up some bakhoor* in the Batcave cause "It smells like sweat and blood in here, disgusting."
Calling Bruce "Ab" or "Baba" (the latter is, almost exclusively, when he wants a favor though)
Wears a thobe** around the Manor cause it's way more comfortable. "You should too, Father. All of you, actually."
Ends up asking Bruce to let him wear a thobe to more formal events. Of course, he accepts.
Loves arabic poetry. Went from secretly writing some himself, to hosting poetry readings in the Batcave to recite his favorite verses.
Always begs Alfred to make him Knafeh or some Halawa,
Seeks out local Arab festivals or markets, dragging the others along.
*incense made from wood chips soaked in fragrant oils
**traditional robe
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What are the Stan twins reactions to a reader who cries during sex (because of pleasure, not anything bad)?
•Stanley Pines•
Thinks he did something wrong and stops the act, Stan honestly thinks he is hurting you and he doesn't want that. That is the last thing that Stan wants, so he starts looking you over.
His hands cupping your cheeks as he starts to apologize over and over.
It took you a moment to realize what was actually going on. A soft laugh leaving your lips as you cupped the mans cheeks doing your best to reassure him that he was in fact not hurting you.
That he was making you feel good, he can't help but have his confidence boost a little knowing that he fucks you so well that you get tears in your eyes.
•Stanford Pines•
He knows, oh does he know what that means seeing those tears slide down your cheeks and god does he like it.
Ford loves to tease you to the point where you are begging for a release. He loves to hear your little whimpers of pleasure as he fucks you.
He knows just how to make you beg and sob, Ford loves to kiss your tears away. He of course makes sure that you really are crying from pleasure. He doesn't like knowing he is hurting you.
You mean to much to him, you're so important to him.
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goblin-hours-oclock · 19 hours
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i have more cards shh don’t tell anyone
earlier cards here
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yugiohz · 3 days
18yo bakugo gets deku a wristband on his family vacation but back home he thinks it’s too cringe so he doesn’t give it to izuku. many such cases.
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shadamyheadcanons · 2 days
Headcanon #297
Shadow has no concept of the term “fashionably late,” so the first time Amy invited him to a party, he showed up five minutes early. Upon arriving, he was surprised to find no guests, a half-decorated house, several partly-made platters of food, and one very stressed-out Amy. She apologized for the mess and explained in a frenzy that she’d been too ambitious, as always, in her attempts to throw the perfect party so all her guests could be happy. She wrung her hands as she checked the time, lamenting that she’d never be ready by the time anyone else showed up.
After a curt nod, Shadow dashed off with no explanation. Before Amy could ask, he’d zipped around with his super speed and teleportation to finish hanging up the rest of the decorations. A moment later, he reappeared in a slight gust of wind and asked for further instructions.
Amy blinked and shook off her surprise. Knowing from experience that Shadow was far too dedicated to accept “you don’t have to do that” as a response, she hesitantly pointed out a few simple dishes he could finish up for her. Shadow wasn’t the best cook, but he was a quick learner and hung on her every word. With his speed and steady hands, he was able to frost some cookies, organize a charcuterie board, and set out the food just before the other guests arrived.
When Rouge found out, she shook her head and started to explain to Shadow what “fashionably late” meant, but Amy stopped her halfway through. She thanked Shadow profusely for showing up when he did and saving her. Although confused, he nodded and resolved to do the same from then on. In return, he insisted that she had to teach him how to cook so he could be of more help next time, and she eagerly agreed.
The two of them spent lots of time together in the process and coordinated on plenty of get-togethers with their friends. Shadow’s punctuality balanced out Amy’s perfectionism, leading to a more fun, relaxed atmosphere for everyone. One thing led to another, and the two of them moved in together, removing the possibility of “fashionably late” entirely. Shadow often stepped out for air during the parties, but he always kept a headcount of the guests and went back inside once he knew they’d all left for the night so he could help clean up.
No one would have guessed Shadow would ever be the type to show up first for a party and be the last to leave, but Amy had always been able to bring out unexpected sides of him.
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justaz · 10 hours
BIG fan of two sides of the same coin running incredibly hot and the other running incredibly cold.
people who brush hands with merlin wincing bc holy fuck that was like touching ice and merlin just smiles and wanders off. he’s like a cat, he likes to lounge in the sun and soak up the heat. he’s always been a huge fan of summer bc it was the time when the sun was out the most and there were rarely storms or clouds to block out the heat. he like farming with him mom bc of this bc he got to spend time with her while being in the sun. he never tanned tho. for some reason. he always remained as pale as the snow.
the knights are training during a hot summer day and merlin is cleaning a blade so he’s taken off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves so they don’t get dirty. gwaine wanders over to grab and drink and makes conversation with merlin and nudges his arm and pauses before placing his hands on his arm. he looks up at merlin who is staring at him in confusion. gwaine asks if he’s feeling alright and merlin’s like ?? yeah?? and gwaine just keeps touching him bc fuck its hot out today and merlin is freezing cold to the touch despite sotting in the sun and it’s offering him a bit of relief. arthur ofc barks and gwaine to get back to training and he forces himself to leave. he does make a note to cuddle up to merlin when it gets too hot bc merlin can definitely make him feel better.
no one really touches arthur as he’s the crown prince and all his servants did their best to not touch him directly and if they did it was really quick and professional. gaius always had a hard time figuring when arthur would get a fever bc he always ran hot so it always felt like he had a fever. arthur loved winter bc the snow and cool temperature. his nursemaids and servants would insist on bundling him up but often times arthur would just tear it off when he was outside, he never froze or got sick from it either.
when arthur takes the knights out on an expedition during winter and they’re all bundled up and shivering while arthur is just enjoying the cool air. merlin is shivering the most tho despite being wrapped in about fifty layers of fabric so arthur sheds his cape and hands it to merlin who wraps it around himself with a slight gasp and comment about how its so warm. the knights start a bidding war about who gets to sleep next to arthur when they stop to rest. it doesn’t matter who won. they all just piled on/around arthur and steal his warmth. merlin resides in the middle though bc he’s the coldest so arthur was willing to offer all his warmth to him while the rest stole it.
after they get married, merthur cuddle all night. merlin is freezing and arthur is burning so merlin cools arthur down while arthur warms merlin up. it’s an equal exchange. they’re also touching all the time no matter the temperature. if its summer and most people think its too hot to so much as be looked at? arthur has an arm up merlin’s tunic and wrapped around his waist cooling down while merlin is stealing him warmth. in winter, merlin is the koala and is stealing arthur’s warmth which he doesn’t mind bc merlin’s touch just reminds him of his favorite season.
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manicpixievixen · 2 days
Wade feeds logan those cat treat yogurt tube things
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ryochromatic · 2 days
I should post more of my art here lol anyways heres my jimmy design
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bingubongu · 2 days
Do you guys think Gambit is really good at magic tricks
Like performs for kids to make them calm down after traumatic events
Do you think that he sucks at them and he’s really mad about it
Like “I’m the card guy! That’s my thing! What the F U C K”
If it is the latter, I think morph would be really good at magic tricks just to fuck with gambit
Nightcrawler would also catch on and learn some tricks to also mess with him
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flannycartoons · 23 hours
Do you think Mr Krupp would at one point try to adopt the captain Underpants persona to try and please the boys?
Oh boy, it's been a while since I answered questions of the au
Well, actually yes, at some point he would do it, but he would feel embarrassment at the beginning, however eventually he would feel more comfortable playing with them because it would give him a happier memory of his childhood.
Or maybe he just feels good because deep down wanted to be a father and play with his future son/daughter(s) but he didn't know it 👀.
(but he wouldn't be in his underwear, he would only wear the cape)
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Edited: BRUH Fr my drawing style with CU always changes by post what's wrong with me?)
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syneester · 14 hours
Can.. draw.
Joel... Mayhaps
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fun fact he's my favorite mcyt. you wouldnt know bc ive drawn him exactly Once (1) 😭
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ogzieoggleton · 3 days
At the end of s2, Garmadon is cured from the venom of the Devourer and freed feom the overlord control, returning his boys to normal. However the clothes he is wearing are not his own according to the flashbacks in which his clothes are different. While this is maybe a retcon or just or creative decision i like to use it as a jump board for an au/hc.
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Post ultimate battle, Garmadon was left naked from his transformation. He's bruised and bleeding from the fall and from climbing out of rubble, and Wu gets to his brother first. He throws on an old robe that he himself used to wear to keep his brother from futher shame, hiding his beaten body under the very garments that cursed him to the underworld (Fsm had always said to carry the rides with then and they will know when they need them ig)
That's why in my hc, Garmadon in robes similar to wus in colour post s2. Wu gave them to him when he has nothing else... and once G is all covered up, Lloyd and Misako see where Wu had run off to, and the scene continues.
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Imagine Ford builds a Time Machine
How would the little twins each react if they met their future spouse
A/n: this is so cute! Also this sucks and I am so sorry for that cause I'm so tired
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•Stanford Pines•
Memorized! HE get's to marry someone as beautiful as YOU?! Little!Ford can't help but keep his eyes glued to as he stay's by Ford's side while the man tries to get back to his own time.
Is a bit nervous he'll screw something up, what if he say's something and fuck it all up.
Blushes a lot when he glances at you, keeps his questions to Ford a minimum.
•Stanley Pines•
More enthusiastic, his crush is obvious and he is asking Stan all the questions about you and the relationship.
Stan does his best to answer the questions for his younger self but he can't help but brag a little about how wonderful you are.
Which leads to kid!Stan to brag to Ford that he has an amazing future.
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starrycreations · 10 hours
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i decided to try and redraw my first ever piece of digital character art, i made it in june of 2022 and this new one in august of 2024. its crazy the difference just two years can make!
(i was gonna turn this into a video as well but got sick and couldnt record :/)
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izzyspussy · 1 day
so i believe i read a fic once where mickey's brothers didn't believe his coming out, they thought he'd just said all that shit to really get terry Fucked Up and they were congratulating him on being so fucking ballsy or whatever, and he had to come out again.
so. That. except idc if it's his brothers or just like whoever the fuck. anyway so somebody references him saying he loves sucking dick and everybody's cracking up, like lmfao mickey! sucking dick! hysterical bro.
but it's mickey so instead of just coming out like a normal person he has to be the most vulgarly Extra about it that he can be (just like the first time hkjgf).
so he sticks a coupla fingers down his throat to show off his expert level gag reflex control, and when he pulls em back out only the middle one is up.
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