#he 100% would give his brothers fashion advice
i-yap · 4 months
Hello, good evening, how is everything there?
I was wondering if you could write something about Dick taking his cute girlfriend [Us] shopping (clothes, shoes, jewelry) and also what it would be like to do grocery shopping with him. I love going to the supermarket, it is one of my favorite activities.
By the way, you are like an angel fallen from heaven, there are so few writing about Dick and the Bat-family in general, I feel like writers who are fans of them are becoming extinct.
I just hope they continue making content with these characters, maybe the fandom will resurface once again.
praying for DC and Warner.
Bro same, Idk why but it feels like the fandom is dying but also batfam content is dying? Like I don't remember the last good batfam show was out ..fingers crossed ig.
Dick grayson x reader- Shopping headcanons
Best batboy to go clothes/fashion shopping . He has great style, can pull off anything, very supportive and all the store ladies are really jealous. He gives genuinely good advice and honestly he is like your personal styler and this point.
i dont think you even need to go shopping cuz he gifts you so many dresses and for home wear- his tshits exist?? why would be need sleepwear? why??
but its fun and I get it , sometimes even the perfect man forgets to buy something for his gf. He does keep track of whatever is about to finish, so idk honestly.
Maybe he drags you to go shopping, let him "spoil you" as if he doesn't do that enough already. Or if there's a gala and the 100 dresses in your closet arent enough?
um dressing room sex? yes sorry but yes. Honestly you probably will get jealous of hot seeing dick but dw if you don't initiate, dick totally will.
Mostly fancy ish stores, but unlike bruce he does shop as excitedly at smaller shows( you can find great deals there and really good fits)
Grocery shopping is so cute, he holds the cart and gets all the important stuff while you run around putting sweets and chocolates and while he might say "20 bags of chocolates may be a bit much sweetie, they'll go bad" he doesn't mean it. He is just teasing, and you know that so you play along with a pretty please and big pleading eyes. Thats all he wanted tbh, that and to pull your cheeks.
On the other hand if you look at a snack but don't buy it because you don't want to be excessive , he puts 5 of each in the basket without you noticing. you just notice when they show up in your cabinets .
Will need you next to him or in his eyeview, don't you dare run too far otherwise he will joke about tying you to him( actually considers it)
Will hold all bags and when you offer, he just gives you his hand and tells you that you have the responsibility to make sure not to drop his hand.
All smiles and excitement. Will want coffee afterward or during and will happily try out now boba places or anything cute you wanna have.
Will die if you guys share a piece of cake in a cute cafe..like that is so fricking cute, sharing a drink and a cake and omg he lives for it.
He genuinely enjoyed shopping with you and out of all batboys he is probably the only one that would enjoy it (maybe tim in certain cases) In the end, he got to spend time, compliment and dote on the love of his life..what more can he ask for?
lowkey wanna do all batboys now..maybe if I get time after the requests..i love grocery shopping too. the big American stores- literally dreamed of them growing up. the first time I went to America I just ran around the grocery shop( thebig ones) with my brother and it was so much fun.
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velarisvalkyrie · 7 months
Since I am bored and toying with my own imagination. Here is how I Imagine a Dorian and Lucien friendship would look like:
Recognizing one another's similiar traumas and being able to discuss them properly and respect one another's boundaries
Exchanging flirting advice
Exchange hair care advice
Fashion Icons. Would shop together or help pick outfits for each other and all of us would suffer from how hot they are
Sparring practices (This would be my version of Nesta gawking at Cassian and Az)
The playful shade these two could throw at one another with their quick remarks would be 10/10
These two debate for fun.
These two keep score of how many debates they've won against one another.
100% giving book recs to one another
1000% showing off their libraries to one another
Have little hopeless romantic sessions where they speak of their yearning
So many social events. So much partying together. Everyone loves them at these things. Makes many friends.
Gossips about the many friends they've made when it's just the two of them.
Dorian transforms himself into Eris just to annoy Lucien whenever they disagree about something.
These two 100% find themselves in a bit of trouble from having a bit too much fun but they are smart enough to get away with it each time.
Rants about their daddy issues
Rants about their problematic brothers
Lucien teaches Dorian how to catch a fish with his bare hands. This increases Dorian's desirability to ungodly levels which no one thought was possible cuz its Dorian Havilliard.
Lucien eventually gets to go see his mom and brings Dorian to meet her. She adores him. He adores her. Lucien gets a bit jealous and reminds Lady Autumn he is in fact her favorite son.
Dorian brings Lucien to meet Manon. Lucien is a bit intimidated and wonders how on earth his friend became so bewitched by someone who eats men but he really wants to pet Abraxos so he tries his best to befriend them
Finds Manon to be rather intriguing company. Debates whether he should suggest she meets Nesta.
Lucien succeeds in petting Abraxos - is very happy about it.
Dorian makes Lucien blush when he casually comments on how attractive he thinks Lucien is. Lucien appreciates the remarks but is flustered. (Seriously, Dorian's bisexual energy would vibrate at such high frequencies around Lucien - I just know it)
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legobiwan · 10 months
Another crossover SM:RPG and SPM idea...
For "reasons" (insert wild hand waving gesture by the author), the Mario gang (which includes Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Mallow, and Geno) have to team up with Bleck's minions to defeat a bigger, badder Big Bad pre-events of SPM. Think about this group of disasters interacting. It would be gold.
Mimi initially tries to hit on Geno. Geno is oblivious to what is happening until Bowser spells it out for him. Geno is appalled.
Mallow takes an immediate liking to O'Chunks and follows him around everywhere, basically adopting O'Chunks as another extended family member.
Bowser and Nastasia sit around the fire comparing notes as to how to run a bureaucracy of minions. Nastasia almost enjoys Bowser's company until he challenges O'Chunks to a best-of-100 arm wrestling competition, perhaps under the influence of the mysterious Chucklehuck grog Dimentio has conjured from...somewhere.
Speaking of Dimentio...Geno despises Dimentio on sight and basically has to be held back by Mario every time they are within 5 feet of each other. Geno senses something deeply wrong with Dimentio's magic and basically embodies the Steve Carrell "I'll kill you" meme whenever they make unsupervised eye contact.
Dimentio, of course, finds this all wildly amusing. He also is trying to figure out Geno's deal and how he can use his powers to his advantage. He can't talk to Geno directly, nor are Mario, Peach, or Bowser seemingly open to his advances, but he can try and wheedle information from the green one - Luigi, who is trying his very best to stay away from the creepy jester.
Poor Luigi is just trying to keep a low profile. He's patient with Mallow, listening to all of his stories, engaging in some games when Mallow asks. He gets sucked into refereeing the arm-wrestling matches between O'Chunks and Bowser, which ends with both men bodily threatening him whenever he makes a call against them, which in turn gets Mario riled up. This is annoying to Luigi, as all he really wants to do is curl up against a tree and read.
But even that doesn't bring him peace, as whenever he peeks over a page to see what's happening, he catches either Geno or Dimentio just staring at him, Geno's large eyes a disturbing blank, Dimentio's features crinkling with something too close to appetite, his head tilted in curiosity.
At one point, Mario gets fed up with the Bleck gang and draws a line in the dirt, delineating his side and their side. Not five minutes later, Mallow crosses over to ask Mimi to show off her spider powers again.
The first time Mimi shows off her spider powers, Geno is fascinated. Do all corporeal beings have this ability, he asks Mario, a sliver of excitement in his voice.
At some point, Geno and Nastasia have a long, private conversation. No one knows what is said, but Nastasia comes out looking shaken.
Peach and Mimi exchange fashion tips, which fascinate Mallow. He figures as a newly-donned prince, he should learn more about these types of things. Peach and Mimi are happy to oblige, especially Peach, who can give advice to Mallow about being a royal.
Peach is also the only other person to notice the way both Geno and Dimentio are examining Luigi. When she brings it up with Mario, he threatens to stuff Dimentio's hat down his throat. While Peach can't disagree with that sentiment, when she asks why Geno is also scrutinizing his brother, Mario is at a loss for an answer and shuts down the conversation.
After a hard battle, the gang gets a little tipsy on Dimentio's mystery grog. Peach ends up challenging both Bowser and O'Chunks to arm wrestling, much to their delight. Mallow and Mimi give each other makeovers. Mario and Nastasia both deem themselves the designated drivers, at it were, of their respective parties and share an awkward, stilted conversation about their pasts.
Luigi, whose stress levels are stratospheric due to the constant pseudo-stalking of Geno and Dimentio, drinks one grog too many, announces he's going to build a machine from whatever scrap he can find, pointing at Dimentio and Geno, ordering them to help him gather metal and bits. When Geno points out Luigi has no tools, Luigi just scoffs, saying he doesn't need tools.
Mario rolls his eyes at the whole scene - he's seen his brother like this before and he tells a flabbergasted Bowser to just let him get it out of his system. When Bowser exclaims he didn't know Luigi could be so bossy, Mario huffs out a laugh, saying Bowser has no idea just how demanding his little brother can be when he's in that kind of mood. Mallow pipes up that he'd like to have a little brother, too.
Later, Luigi is putting the finishing touches on some MacGuyvered piece of machinery, mumbling something about it needing electricity. Dimentio purrs that this would be difficult without a tempest arriving like a set springed snakes let loose from an unremarkable cylinder. Geno frowns at the tortured comparison, saying he'd be willing to help but Luigi just cuts him off, conjuring a bit of electricity in his palm, which sets the machine working.
Geno and Dimentio stare at each other, the machine, and then Luigi, in kind. Do that again, Dimentio sings, lip curling into a calculating smile. Geno stands abruptly, swinging his cape to the side, but all Luigi does is slur the words, "Not right now, bro," and passes out on the ground.
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izz-ler · 3 months
I've got some more stuff for the vocaloid family au: time for the parents!!!
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Details under the cut! (Look at me learning how this cite works woo)
Alright lets start with Miku's parents!
First up, Dad-Miku
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Dad-Miku is the middle child of three, bc of that he's become a bit of a people-pleaser from trying to keep the peace between a teenage sister(mom-luka) and a toddler brother(Kaito) when he was a kid. He works at a smaller company in the countryside. His parents(grand-mikus) decided to start a small farm when the kids grew up, and he decided to stay close so that he and his wife could keep an eye on his parents since they're not getting any younger.
Dad-Miku used to dream of becoming a mangaka as a teen, and would self publish small comics that never really got anywhere. He hasn't 100% given up on the idea, but he's not actively pursuing it anymore. He would also help Kaito out with his music since he has a good ear for it.
Miku gets her musical creativity from her dad.
Second is Mom-Miku
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Mom-Miku grew up in the outskirts of the city closer to the country with her younger sister(mom-rin/len) she's a very blunt person and says what she thinks if anyone asks, however she knows when to keep it to herself and isn't an overly rude person. She enjoys doing home-DIY projects and helps out her inlaws on the farm whenever she can. She's a wiz in the kitchen, but can't bake for shit. She's not overly judgemental and encourages individuality in her kids and other family members, however she's very much a realist and will tell you when she thinks somethings a bad idea or not, tho she won't stop you.
She gives great advice, and is the one to tell the waiter that her husband asked for mashed potatoes and not fries when out to eat.
Miku takes after her mom in appearance and bluntness.
Third is Mom-Luka
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Mom-Luka is a bit of an airhead. She's about 5 years older than Dad-Miku and 12 years older than Kaito, so he's her baby brother, tho they could 100% get into fights when they were younger. She lived at home until she got married, so she got to see both of her brothers grow up. She used to work for an international fashion company which is where she met her husband on a work trip to America. He's Chinese-American and grew up in the States, tho he was willing to move to Japan with Mom-Luka as he wasn't handling the long distance relationship very well. Mom-Luka was very much a stunner in her younger years and Luka has definitely inherited that, tho she's not as ditsy as her mom and takes after her dad more in personality.
Last up is Mom-Rin/Len
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Mom-Rin/Len is actually about 10 years younger than her sister, Mom-Miku. She was a bit of a wild-child and party animal in her teens and due to some unfortunate decisions had Rin and Len when she was 17. She doesn't regret it though, because having them made her more responsible. She had to drop out of high-school because of the pregnancy, but managed to get a job at a beauty salon where she worked her way up and got her beauty diplomas so she could get a better pay. She now works and runs a somewhat successful salon and has managed to move her and the kids into the suburbs close to the city, which she's very proud of herself for, especially since she's been a single mother the entire time(she never told the father(bc she didn't know who it was)).
Because she herself was a bit of a rebel, she knows all the ins and outs of sneaky teens which means that Rin and Len can't get away with anything. She doesn't want them to have to deal with the same stuff she did, so she's a bit strict when it comes to school and discipline. But she's not an absolute demon and knows how to party when the time comes.
Mom-Luka likes to go to her salon to get her nails done and Mom-Rin/Len always does it personally, so they're somewhat close.
She likes it when her kids express themselves and encourages them to go crazy with their clothes and hair(hence why Len still has longer hair even though it's against the school dress code). Within reason ofc.
She's very sociable which Rin takes after, but Len's calmness and appearance is starting to remind her of someone as he gets older, tho she can't really put her finger on who.
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riveranova · 2 years
(A/N): Part twooo! I really enjoyed making this - if you want to see more, it's just an ask away! 💙
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The IkePri Guys as Roommates x GN! Reader - Part 2
Warnings: Lichts part is a little sad, still mostly crack
Characters: Chevalier, Luke, Yves, Jin, Licht, Leon, Ikemen Prince
Word count: 854
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Chevalier Michel
,,you have a roommate? i thought that room was your storage room''
you forget that hes there too
never ever comes out of his room - and if he does its at night
obviously reading smh
when you guys moved in he was ready to murder for the bigger room (he has a lot of books ok? ok)
honestly, always ready to murder
keeps a clean room
has this motherly power to magically make things appear
,,what do you mean, my scarf is in that drawer, i looked there alrea- WHY IS IT IN THERE NOW''
does everything at night
is super fucking tired in the morning
ohhh nooo are those the consequences of his actionssss?
try to wake him up. come on. try it.
doesnt give a shit about school and aces everything
90/100 would roommate again
Luke Randolph
can he be my roomie pls
he smells SO GOOD
i imagine that he smells like honey (duh) with a mixture of grass and other herbs
very outdoorsy and forces you to be too
takes you hiking, swimming or just for a lil walk
makes sure that youre always taken care of
honestly, like a big brother
doesnt give a shit about school and it shows
if youre not making him, this man can and will fail all his classes
,,i'm not school smart - but i'm life smart!''
preach brother, preach
LIVES for your food
he could make some himself, but your food just feels cozy and warm and maybe its just the copius amounts of honey in there but he would murder for your cooking
Loves to cuddle but falls asleep when he does
100/100 would roommate again
Yves Kloss
there he is, my man
i want to live with him so bAD
smells good, looks good, bakes good THE WHOLE DEAL
isnt good with words and gets akward REALLY fast
he may act like he doesnt care about you but behind the scenes--
i wouldnt say hes obsessed but like,,, kinda obsessed lmao
if you let him, he'll do your hair or your make up, your nails - bro would sit in front of your drawer for the entire evening just so he can find an amazing outfit for you
is never satisfied tho, so hes taking you out to buy clothes
hes a fashion major, obviously, so he uses the finished products for some of his sketches
i imagine him to be a pro with perfumes
will throw things at you if you pull all-nighters again (ofc still insisting that he doesnt actually care and that youre just too loud)
,,i made too much tea... and uh, baked too much. you'll have to eat some with me so it doesnt get bad.''
judges you, but like friendly
,,that shirt is so ugly. *long pause* you look good tho-''
80/100 would roommate again
Jin Grandet
i wrote a oneshot about it but like
dad jokes
BAD dad jokes
has one for every occasion and i BET my left boob that he has a little journal where he writes every single on down
its his little treasure and youre not allowed to touch it, ever (you cant spoiler yourself yk)
not like Nokto tho, hes more of a gentleman
no touching you, just looking (no shame)
besides all that, i think that hes a great roommate to have
because hes a little older, he has great advice for literally any situation
listens and if you want to, he talks too
can be very serious and wants the best for you and his friends in general
do you get why hes one of my favorites
god i love him (this is 100% objective ofc)
1000/100 would (please) roommate again
Licht Klein
ayyy its that other guy
hes really, really quiet
studies a lot, sometimes too much
you sometimes have to remind him that he has to take care of himself
doesnt think highly of himself, so he tries to make it up with academic success
i relate a lot to Licht, so i imagine that you both would have really deep talks about life and everything
like, its 3am on a school day and both you sit in the living room, cuddled up in blankets and just talk
kinda like Yves, he acts like he doesnt care but always listens in the end
you need something and he doesnt want to help? bribe him with sweets and youre good
spends a lot of time with Notko but never brings him back home
mostly to save you some very annoying flirting
100/100 would roommate again
Leon Dompteur
the man, the myth, the one
goes for a walk every morning at 5am sharp
very athletic, yes yes
has zero shame and walks around without his shirt after he showers
did it on accident at first (he just forgot) but after he realized that your reactions to it where kinda funny, he does it just to fuck with you
can be serious, but chooses not to
life is short so he wants to live it to the fullest
he invites you to a lot of his trips
theme parks, the pool - youre always included
has a shit ton of friends and hates when he cant see them for long
hes that one extroverted friend that just runs around and adopts introverted people into his circle
i think that hes a little bit of a himbo tho
gets a ton of chocolate on valentines day and just goes ,,i have great friends, look - they thought of me! :D''
nothing is akward for this man, nothing
90/100 would roommate again
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cloudsandwichsoup · 2 years
general mp100 char headcanons,,(this’ll probably change in the future maybe,, i’ll update as i think of new ones)
shigeo “mob” kageyama
bi 100%
he’s quiet in most spaces and likes to listen but he rambles a lot when given the opportunity
he’s more talkative in general post canon but usually needs someone to start the conversation
he feels a little uncomfortable in fem clothes (because of the school break in incident) but would wear a skirt if asked (depends on who’s asking, will say no to reigen)
will wear anything teru buys for him
always the first player when playing video games
goes to s&s at least once a week to visit
teases his brother sometimes (but is the one mostly being teased)
the most normal little guy you’ve ever seen /j
arataka reigen
(disaster) gay
single father of 3 (tome, teru, shou)
married to serizawa
has a decent fashion taste when recommending things to others (but not himself all his clothes are ugly)
unofficially adopted teru and let him live in his apartment; serizawa (didn’t live with him at the time) convinced him into getting a bigger one because teru and reigen were super cramped
very proud of mob (cries when he graduates middle school)
slowly and painfully tries to be more honest (and causes more problems in the process)
can cook is just too lazy to do so
sings pretty well
doesn’t pay his rent on time
salt everywhere
ritsu kageyama
achillean (men liker syndrome)
“romance ew” but is also a hopeless romantic (shouromantic /hj)
homophobic but only towards reigen (and teru for liking his brother)
emo and listens to mcr and p!atd /hj
he talks about his fixations with mob
it’s hard for him to open up even post canon,, he still has the tendency to bottle up his feelings
he gets to 100% much easier then mob does since he has less patience
it isn’t as bad though
had a fursona (his drawing of it is crumpled up in his closet)
shou drew it for him once when he found a drawing of it lying around (ritsu wanted to die)
katsuya serizawa
he/him trans (im not projecting you are)
goes to therapy (and forces reigen to go eventually)
tries to give helpful advice… to varying degrees of success
he’s shou’s better dad
sensitive to louder noises (like houses burning)
aware he’s severely underpaid but stays at s&s because of reigen (and the fact that he genuinely likes the job) they end up sharing finances so they should be fine… hopefully
he works multiple jobs (online and otherwise) to keep himself afloat before he gets married cause he really REALLY wants to stay at s&s
he gets a degree in psychology and expands s&s with counseling services
can be sarcastic when he wants to be
still anxious though he’s gotten a lot better (he’s learned how to look more put together and instead panics more internally)
the nerd ever
he rambles about his favorite games and shows to anyone that will listen
teruki hanazawa
he/they (hetheycore)
gay i don’t make the rules
his hair is naturally blond and his blue eyes are not contacts (i’m specifying this cause some people say otherwise) his parents are some european + japanese
he’s fem but in a masc way if that makes sense
hopelessly in love with kageyama shigeo,, he isn’t subtle about it at all (mob has his suspicions but doesn’t want to get carried away)
literally realized he didn’t like women after he met mob (more like after he realized liking boys was a thing after looking it up)💀
has one sided beef with tsubomi over mob’s affection, they became friends later I just think it’s funny if teru is jealous
has a hobby in fashion
reigen is his dad and they move in together post canon cause i said so
shou suzuki
animal lover; hampter
art kid 💀
has ocs probably
he gets scared easily and is also sensitive to louder noises
serizawa straightened his hair as a kid (still does his hair just gives him his curly hair products now that shou wants to go natural)
got a buzz cut cause he absolutely ruined his hair after ironing it every day
honorary child of the arataka family
he visits people by breaking in through their windows
wants to kiss ritsu on the lips but he burned his house down so (he might burn it again if they kiss)
aroace king
“i am a male. i am a man. i’m a ‘he’. I don’t get into that… mentally ill shiz.” /hj
besties with reigen (but won’t admit it)
strange uncle to shigeo and ritsu
wants to attack teru for all of the atrocious outfit recs he gives mob
he tries to pick a fight with mob about his outfit when it looks horrendous (mob always wins)
babies ritsu a lot
follows tome to make sure she doesn’t get hurt and ends up enjoying traveling to weird places in search of spirits
tome kurata
never stops loving aliens
becomes interested in figuring out how espers work
hates momo /hj
runs a spirit blog + a cringe yt channel with dimple
calls dimple “dimps”
crashes at reigen’s place cause she can
she pretty much lives there so she’s technically wawa and taka’s kid
her grandparents raised her… her parents exist lol
her grandpa was a conspiracy theorist and that’s why she got into aliens idk
probably takes over s&s when she’s an adult (kicks reigen out)
momozou takenaka
he/him swag
says he's straight only cause it's funny 💀💀
he had a crush on tsubomi but now likes tome against his will,, he thinks her passion is admirable and she didn’t treat him differently because of his abilities so… crush?
good friends with tsubomi, they complain about life together
actually really likes tennis
expresses his affection through subtle ways and tries everything he can to divert attention from said affection
hates tome /j
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arsenalgbt · 4 months
Sorry for the third ask in a row but I couldn’t stop thinking about headcanons and you are the only person I can share these with.
1 – Ben and Dec made out once when drunk. They joke about it a lot, talk about what could have been in a teasing way. They both know that them dating would have been a disaster and they likely would’ve killed each/broken up within in a month because while they work so well as friends, they both know they annoy the hell out of each other too. Both of them think they would’ve made it work with Leo – Kieran hates when they make that joke. Leo laughs along before reassuring Kieran that he’s special and the only person Leo would ever have a relationship that worked with.
2 – Aaron works with Ben and is good enough friends with him to have hung out with him and the others socially. Martin is the son of one of Dec’s father’s business partners and when Declan’s father told him about the marriage, Declan was hopeful that it was Martin he’d be marrying. Declan should’ve known it was the hope that kills you. Martin and Aaron have met a few times with their respective friends dragging them to group hangs (and one more memorable time, dragged them to an escape room after KT and Leo cancelled and Ben refused to let the deposit go to waste. For a rich man, Ben is very stingy). It’s Declan’s mission to get them together because he thinks they would be perfect together.
3 – Kai meets Martin at the engagement party, and they quickly build up a friendship from there. Martin gives Kai information about Declan and his friends and anything else Kai wants to know. Jorginho is at the engagement party because he wants to support Kai and absolutely 100% gives Dec a “I know this isn’t a real marriage but if you hurt him, I kill you” speech. Declan is certain Jorginho means it, he wonders which of his friends gave Kai a similar speech. The answer? None of them.
4 – When Dec hears that Kai is pregnant and that it’s possibly Jurrien’s baby, he leaves. He doesn’t know where he’s going but he knows he doesn’t want to see Leo or Kieran, or their three children and he doesn’t want to see Ben and his baby either. He might end up at Martin’s or maybe he ends up at the house of a particular ex named Mason. Whichever way, it takes days before Declan comes back. Kai is so relived Declan came back that he doesn’t care to ask where he was.  
5 – Wilo and Ben start dating with the promise of not having sex for ages after Ben admits to Wilo that he’s kind of fucked up and tends to rush into sex with beautiful men and that he wants them to be different than anything else Ben has experienced before. The honesty is mortifying but overall worth it as he and Wilo end up building a strong relationship before they ever have sex. This time, Ben does tell the other’s that he is seeing someone because he wants to be honest about his relationship (and because he needs babysitters for dates). Telling Ben to be honest with Wilo was the first piece of advice KT had actually given him when they were drinking together and he's so glad it worked out.
6 – KT owns a gym; his dad came into some money upon retiring and told his son to do something to make him proud. KT had always had a dream of opening his own gym but never thought it would happen. He did loads of research and planning before asking Leo what he thought, he wanted the plan to be perfect before he showed Leo. It was perfect and Leo was on board almost instantly. The gym is thriving, and the idiots (Emile, Reiss and Eddie who KT refers to as the idiots in a loving fashion) that KT hired to work there haven’t burned the place down yet, so he’s has made his dad proud
7 – Declan, Ben and Leo make sure they have one hang out a month with no kids or partners or work. Before uni, they’d not been necessarily close but since living together for the four years they became basically inseparable and view each other as brothers. It’s very important to all of them that they stay connected with Dec really being the one to push for it the most. He didn’t know how badly he needed people until he got Leo and Ben in his life properly.
8 – Ben and Leo are both genuinely hurt by Dec not telling them about the baby. They’ve shared so much with him over the years, and he couldn’t tell them about this one massive thing? Did he not trust them? Not care for them? What was going on?  Kieran doesn’t even try to be the voice of reason or Dec’s defence – he’s upset by it too. Hearing it’s because there is baby daddy drama doesn’t’ soften the blow much either, all of them would have wanted to be there for Declan. They don’t understand why he wouldn’t let them. Declan doesn’t really understand it either, it’s just his friends really liked Kai and Declan didn’t want them to think poorly of his husband. He didn’t know how to tell them about the baby without telling them about the drama. He wanted to protect Kai.
9 – When they talk at the baby shower, Ben tells Kai to have someone in the room with him who is calm and kind and won’t make him feel bad in any kind of way. That’s why Ben had Kieran, Declan and Leo would have been too concerned and asked about calling the dad too much whereas Keiran was practical and knew to only focus on the baby and Ben. Kai thinks whether he’d like Declan or Jurrien or both in there before deciding on neither. They’d suffocate him, they’d compete, they’d be too much. He thinks long and hard about whether he should have Jorgi or Martin before finally working up the courage to ask Ben whose advice helped him so much.
10 – After receiving the text from Kalvin, Ben does not speak to Declan for ages. He tells Leo and KT what he did and is glad they both seem to be annoyed by it. He also tells Kai about it, telling him that he’s there if he needs him but not if Declan needs him. Kai can’t believe what Declan has done, can’t understand why he’d cross such a massive boundary. He confronts Declan about it and it doesn’t go well.
Feel free to ignore these, I needed them out of my head. Also feel free to use them if you write this, I just wanna say I really enjoy chatting to you about this verse. Means a lot that you respond to each ask with such enthusiam.
again my compadre don't be sorry FOR SPOILING ME likeeeee I deserve all of these amazing headcanons I know I do!!!
KT I FEEL YOU MATE........ screw these rich kids joking about being happy with the mother of your children!!
oh Declan you're in for a ride. loveeeeeee that Martin is also rich rich to be in their cycle, but he's not, therefore keeping an aura of mystique~ that only Aaron gets to taste 😌
FUCKING HELL YEAAA I do need to think of how to slot Martin into having a bigger role in this fic! especially with the recent holiday pics they have lolll definitely a homework for me to mull over. Jorginho as always is flawless we stan
nahhhhh not gonna involve mason like 'that' - and I honestly still think it would be super OOC if Declan just leaves after the news. I'll work something out!
Ben admits to Wilo that he’s kind of fucked up and tends to rush into sex with beautiful men STILL IN AWE WITH THIS PARTICULAR CHARACTERISATION OF BEN!!!! fucking hell such generational wealth man's weakness huh! and ofc KT to the rescue as always~
dude hopefully it's okay if not all of your headcanons will be adopted to my fic ASHFADFAKFKAJKAHSF including this one 🙏🏻
hsafhsja not really into the first half of this, but the second half? now that's delicious mucho Declan doesn’t really understand it either, it’s just his friends really liked Kai and Declan didn’t want them to think poorly of his husband. He didn’t know how to tell them about the baby without telling them about the drama. He wanted to protect Kai. damn!!
I also haven't decided whether it's necessary to actually include jurrien in Declan's circle lolllllllll in my head, jurrien and Declan don't even really interact ajsfjaskfa
cute!! Declan deserved it tbh damn... should have known ben is too proud!!
you will definitely see which of your heaadcanons will be included in the actual fic TEEHEEEEEEEE by the time ur reading this reply, the first chapter might have been posted! pls don't be discouraged to spill them all to me you know I love them!!!! whether this dysfunctional arranged marriage au or other au you have screaming in ur head, HMU!! I love reading them I shall encourage you to write one of them for sure!!
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boyfiejay · 8 months
Leave me alone!
Older brother Enhypen x female Reader
Warning : gossiping, threatening people, overprotective behaviour, typical older brother shit
Author's note : im not posing as some of the actual sisters of the boys, this has nothing to do with real life. Also to the anon that sent me an ask, it is halfway written. It will be posted in a few days, trust
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☆Lee Heeseung
•loves to annoy you
•usually doesn't go overboard with his teasing because you tend to pull the 'mom he's annoying me' card
•everyone absolutely adores and spoiles you so he knows when to shut up
•as much as he would like to deny it, he loves to spoil you
•he's one of the main reason why your standards for the bare minimum are so high
•one of those cliché brother sister tropes where the brother is protecting her from the sidelines
•he's extremely overprotective and constantly looming over you and things you do, he does give you privacy but its scarce if its in the field of love life
•he doesnt hesitate to say things out loud
•for example if you two get in a fight and you both later apologise, he reminds you that you're more important to him than whatever you were fighting about.
•you both are more like best friends rather than siblings
•some might think it isn't normal to be that close to your sibling
•but you two are one of those psychotic people who share tea with each other rather than your friends
•that does not mean that you two don't tease the living daylight out of each other
•Jay practically feels his soul leave his body when he sees you with your iconic mischievous smile
•your parents are somewhat confused as to how you could be so close but they're thankful (for the lack of chaos) nonetheless
•Jay doesn't tend to be overprotective over you, because he knows you can take care of yourself
•but that doesn't mean he isn't going around threatening guys you talk to
•he definitely isn't the type to threaten someone, but when it comes to you it just comes naturally.
•he's honestly the best brother
•not too protective but still cares enough to run to you whenever needed
•hes a little like heeseung when it comes to adoring you
•absolutely the most sickeningly sweet to you
•you cant remember a single time he was involved in your personal matters, unless you asked him to be
•the only argument you have is who layla loves more (its you and he knows)
•randomly buys you stuff he knows you like, because well gotta spoil you
•can never ever say no to you, doesn't matter if you give him puppy eyes or not, hes agreeing
•the best listener and advice giver, whenever you need advice its him you're going to.
•loves to annoy you pt.2 but on lvl 100
•doesn't care if your mom scolds him, he's still teasing you till you want to kill him
•knows when to stop, he once made you cry and hasn't forgiven himself yet
•you're the person he goes to when he needs second opinion
•very very protective over you, but its proven to be good since you are somewhat a magnet for red flags
•says he loves gaeul more than he loves you, but you both know it's a lie, a huge ass lie that too
•adores and loves you to the moon and back, would give up his life for you in an instant
•but doesnt say it, he just isn't good with words but he hopes you know that he loves you
•dw you know that, but teasing him back is way more fun than sentimental talk.
•more like your gossip buddy than brother
•skincare and gossip sessions every once in a while <3
•having him as a brother is just a whole buch of teasing, side eyeing and giggles
•LOVES to make you laugh, honestly thinks you look the cutest while laughing
•never ever fails to remind you that he loves you, saying 'love you' is very common between you two
•drags you to shopping sprees and then gives you a fashion show with things you bought
•your parents are always bragging about how close you are lmao
•doesn't look intimidating at first glance but is capable of making guys that bother you cry
•you somehow have no clue that your brother is the one thats threatening them, who would believe that sunshine face was threatening someone  😭
•somehow the only kind of brother that is close to normal
•he behaves more like a younger brother and people who don't know you two just assume hes younger
•he just has that charm about him ig, meanwhile it offends it you because does that mean you look old?
•loves to do childish things with you, thinks you should let loose sometimes
•always makes sure you're comfortable and well fed </33
•comforts you whenever he finds you crying, cracks lame jokes to make you laugh, they surprisingly work
•doesn't meddle with your personal things as he genuinely believes its stupid to try control it
•always looking out for you, making sure you reach safely or if he should come pick you up
•he tries to show his love in actions rather than words, such a sweetheart ♡︎
•a menace to society and your sanity
•loves to annoy you pt.3 and he has broken the scale
•if he's being sweet, do not trust him its a trap, he always ALWAYS does it‼️
•thinks you're the cutest when annoyed so he takes him upon himself to annoy you to get that reaction
•what makes it fun is you reciprocating his teasing and basically creating chaos
•your parents are sick and tired of you two, but they can't deny that you two look absolutely adorable when you're collapsed on the floor laughing till your stomachs hurt
•its bad when you're against each other, but when you join forces, oh boy...
•so much chaos and so much laughter, you might even look like some cliché evil sibling straight out of a fantasy novel
•he loves you as much as he loves to adore you, you both just have a very different way of showing it.
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theflytecharm · 1 year
YEAH in this au marcias like that is my baby brother no I've never actually been able to physically touch him yes he is from medieval times. I don't see what this has to do with anything. She'd be so offended that any version of herself could ever be mean to him. They r besties who tell each other everything (or. Marcia tells Most things but she does see marcellus very much as a child bc he. Is. She's like 20 when he's maybe 10 so she doesn't tell him Everything but they're super close) and when he ends up in the future she introduces him to everyone as her little cousin from overseas who's parents r dead so he's staying with her. She does tell alther who he actually is tho bc alther figured out where she was disappearing to not long after the start of her apprenticeship and asked her abt it and she didn't want to lie to him,,, she didn't tell him Who she was talking to just that it was a friend and she wasn't at any risk of going through the glass.
And. Yeah <33 they r autistic. Together 😌😌 marcellus knows some basic magyk in this au and marcia knows some physik and a lot of the theory of alchemy. Also I should clarify marcellus stays in the future in this au. He never goes home ever he just lives in the future now,, things in the past play out mostly the same as in canon but marcellus's role is played by a different alchemist who isn't such close friends with julius so there's some suspicion that the alchemy disaster wasn't entirely the alchemists fault and that's why alchemy isn't Quite so hated in the future.
Marcellus being more argumentative!! I think in canon he would have stayed quiet just bc. He wouldn't have seen a way out. Like etheldredda is essentially unkillable and if he ever dares to act out what happened to his sisters could happen to him. But with marcias influence he kind of starts pushing boundaries and asking questions and sneaking around and stealing things because marcias optimism rubs off on him and he's sure that he'll be able to save his sister this time, definitely. If things get really bad he can run away with the money from stolen items. I have a lot of thoughts abt marcellus and etheldredda and maybe one day I'll even elaborate on them abdjdbdjbd
AND. YEAH marcia does get affected by marcellus also <3 ur right she is a lot more tolerant of ppl in general tbh like especially after marcellus is in the future. If she can handle a grieving 13 yr old she can handle anything. She's also a lot more polite?? Like marcellus was taught Court Rules since he was tiny and started teaching them to marcia just for fun and obviously most of them r incredibly outdated but the same principles apply so while she is still bitchy and rude she is bitchy and rude in such a way that no one can ever call her out on it. Most of the time. Sometimes she snaps <3 Maybe she comes across a little old fashioned sometimes but that only adds to the effect,, she has learned Social Skill and by god is she going to use it.
There's also the fact that she considers marcellus her brother + has decided to honour his older bio sister by doing her absolute best to take care of him. When he's in the past this is 100% just talking with him and trying to give advice and steer him away from trouble (she fails miserably on that) and when he's in the future she's a lot more involved,, unfortunately (for her) this means she has a Big Sister Mode that activates every time she sees someone younger than her having a bad time and she HATES it bc all the castle kids literally love her and r bugging her all the time. Anyway I do have more to say but maybe I'll make an actual post with a readmore instead of putting it in ur inbox abdjdnsjfn
I love this au, it's so cute to see marcellus being looked after for once lmao
I wanna see the grown up pair of them start working together on alchemy and magyk too, kinda like julius but without the whole blame and betrayal bit. Alchemy being suspicious but not outright banned is fun too, would it end up being treated kinda like witches are (though with the bonus of hopefully less kidnapping involved)? Or more accepted than that
Marcellus having marcias influence and a way out is v interesting, in the canon it does seem like his only way out is to outlast etheldredda so he puts so much effort into a tincture that actually works. But if he's out would he put so much time and effort into it? Or just let it be and get on with a normal length life this time?
I love Social Skill marcia, she's such a person to learn the rules to break the rules (or bend the rules to breaking point without actually breaking them, leaving room for plausible deniability). I can also see them researching Why different rules and etiquette exist just so they understand why people do what they do, even if it's old stuff that's not really relevant anymore
BIG SISTER MARCIA!!!!! she's such a softie <3
Does marcellus get a chance to grieve his sisters in the past? Not even as in a funeral or something, but did he just have to pretend it's all fine until he got out?
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yamanorakuen · 3 years
HC: If they disliked MC at first [Brothers]
Hi again! Here's a little headcanon on why the characters would have disliked MC at first and how they realized they weren't so bad after all.. Don't ask, I don't really know what I'm doing but I'm not about to scrap it either even if I'm not 100% happy with it.
[Side characters vers.]
Headcanons beyond this line
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Lucifer stirred his already chill coffee for the fiftieth time, furrowing his brows while looking through the documents in front of him.
He was currently eyeing your report card. All As. And that drove him quite frankly insane.
This should be wonderful news, right? This should be a sign that the exchange program is going as planned, yes? But still, seeing how perfect you were in everything you did really grinded Lucifer.
Perfect grades in a completely new realm and school? Check. All his brothers adoring you? Check. High responsibility in housework? Check. Befriending half of the school in such a short period of time? Check.
And on top of all that, you DARED to point out his TINIEST errors and give HIM advice on his business?! All while you made it look so easy, SO EFFORTLESS? How dared you? Did you not KNOW who Lucifer is?!
In reality, he felt like his pride as one of the most competent and powerful demons was being challenged, by a puny human nonetheless. He knew feeling like that was foolish as you were simply a human, fully under his and his Lord's mercy.. Yet he couldn't help but feel that way.
It got to the point he wasn't sure whether he absolutely loathed you or absolutely adored you. He wanted you to go away but also stay forever. Not that he would ever admit that.
Everything changed however when one evening he heard sniffles coming from your room in the middle of the night as he was walking past it.
Lucifer opened the door just a little, only to find you crying into your pillow.
He stood at the doorway unmoving for a while when the realization hit him; you weren’t perfect, not all your days were perfect and you were just a human, trying to cope with their new life.
As if possessed, he walked into your room and sat next to you on your bed, asking you what was wrong. After a bit of coaxing, you finally admit that you were having a hard time adjusting to Devildom, how you missed your friend and family and you felt like you were inadequate.
Lucifer hadn’t even realized you could feel this way. But seeing you open and vulnerable in front of him like this.. Made something stir within him. He couldn’t quite place the feeling yet, but at least he understood that he couldn’t possibly harbor any hostile feelings towards you anymore.
“Inadequate? You? Nonsense. You have done exceptionally well and proven to Lord Diavolo and I that you have been perfect fit for this exchange program. Perhaps I can ask my Lord whether we can visit the Human Realm sometime soon?”
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In the beginning, Mammon just felt inconvenienced that he was the one that got saddled up with you, the unlucky brother deemed to watch over you like some type of babysitter.
And in his typical Mammon-fashion, he kept poking fun at you, insulting you at every chance while never failing to mention how great he was and how lucky you were that he kept up with you.
But your reactions to his insults was what started to anger him. The way you never stood up for yourself. The way you never reacted strongly. The way you just let him walk all over you.
You were simply boring to him. Or at least that's what he kept telling himself.
In reality, you just reminded Mammon of himself. The way he always took abuse from his brothers, just drinking all the insults up, sometimes even taking the fall for one of them without receiving anything in return.
He didn't want anyone else to go through that. So why weren't you defending yourself?! Why weren't you telling him off?!
Ugh, you're hopeless.. So helpless, like weak humans tend to be.
Mammon kept seeing you as his inferior until one evening at dinner. His brothers were making fun of him as per usual when you suddenly spoke up, defending him. You kept listing things that he had done to keep you safe during your stay in Devildom and how he had never threatened to kill you.
Mammon stared at you, his mouth hanging open, unsure how to process your speech. Earlier you couldn’t even defend yourself, but now you were defending HIM? After all those times he’s put you down? You looked like an angel to him.
“I know Mammon sees me as a burden and doesn’t particularly like me, but.. I know he’s a good guy. I don’t think he deserves all the bad things you say about him..” You told his brothers and that comment right there made his heart ache.
Your intervention caused the brothers to cease their bullying for that evening.
And after that comment Mammon decided to give you a chance. He quickly realized how incredibly sweet and caring you were and how you always believed in him. That was something Mammon had been yearning for all his life. Acceptance, patience, trust and above all, love.
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Leviathan's distaste for you was a mixture of envy and misunderstandings.
When you first appeared in Devildom, you tried your best to get along with everyone, buddying it up with all the brothers, getting all up in their businesses as if you had known them for years.
And technique like that might work with the likes of Mammon, Asmodeus and Beelzebub, but not with Leviathan.
Honestly, he was just annoyed how you dared to just waltz into his room without permission and begin an overly-friendly conversations with him JUST LIKE THAT. Give him time to adjust!
You kept clinging to him when he didn't want to be touched by a normie like you. You kept trying to force him out of his room to do some normie stuff he didn't want to do.
No, he doesn't want to go camping with you, MC, are you out of your mind?! There's no internet or electricity in the middle of a forest!
And then, he saw that you were the exact same way with his brothers. And to him, that meant he wasn't any special. That you attempted to befriend him out of obligation. He was stupid to think that you cared about him in particular.
Those thoughts all mixed him made him avoid you completely.
You seemed to notice Levi’s attitude towards you and left him alone for a while, until..
Levi sent frantic text messages to the group chat, begging someone to come with him to the great-and-meet of one of his anime waifu's voice actress! This was once in a lifetime opportunity for Levi, but he was way too shy and nervous to go all alone!
One by one, each brother rejected him or came up with excuses why they couldn't accompany him. Levi felt absolutely shattered. That was until you replied to his message, promising that you could come along. Levi’s heart was practically thumping out of his chest, relief washing over him.
And you did come through! You even dressed in an outfit inspired by the anime girl! Not quite a cosplay, but A+ for effort nonetheless!
And when Levi nearly froze up while talking to the voice actress, you helped him out and spoke up for him, giving his hand an encouraging squeeze.
After meeting her, you ate ice cream together and talked for hours. Levi had never felt so at ease with someone else before, the conversation was as natural and effortless as conversations can be with him.
The ice cream vendor even called you a cute couple.. That comment completely flustered Levi but you were able to just laugh it off. Levi just then realized how cute your laugh was..
And from that day onwards, Levi would always invite you to his room and you quickly became his crush best friend.
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Satan simply didn't like you. Not in the slightest. Playing the sweet, innocent role, buttering Lucifer up in any given chance. You kept following Lucifer around like a lost kitten, saying and doing anything he asked you to, like you had no mind of your own.
What was so special about Lucifer, anyway? Satan was clearly the better brother to follow around. Lucifer was way too uptight and just impossible to get along with. Yet somehow, you did.
And he could see the way you changed Lucifer. And quite frankly, he thought it was weird and scary. In all his life, he had never seen Lucifer so... SO SOFT. Ew.
You could fool Lucifer with your Ms./Mr. Perfect act, but not him. He knew you couldn't be all that you seemed. No way. You were way too suspicious.
As a result, he started to target some of his pranks meant to Lucifer towards you as well. He started off simple. Just harmless little fun.
But when they either didn’t phase you or you didn’t fall for them, he started to become frustrated and come up with more extravagant pranks.
Until one day.. You turned one of his pranks against him.
It was a clever plan from your side if he had to be honest. You completely bamboozled him with your wits. And while at first he felt mad that he became the butt of the joke, he was also very impressed and intrigued by your sudden cleverness and sass.
And the way that you giggled at his face after he got pranked.. Was kinda precious.
This event started a friendly prank far between the two of you. You both had such a marvelous time trying to upstage the other.
One day, you came up to Satan and asked for a truce.. So you could work together in pranking Lucifer.
Now Satan was REALLY listening!
And oh, did you two deliver! Planning the prank was smooth, you both were on the same page and Satan learnt so much new info about you. He had been right; you weren’t as innocent as you seemed to be, but actually highly intelligent, charismatic and fun.
Satan finally managed to pull off a successful prank on Lucifer with your help! Lucifer never saw it coming because he had never imagined you would go along with Satan’s plans.
Satan found your sudden change actually really hot and attractive!
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Asmodeus is generally an easy-going and a friendly demon. Not to say there aren't people he dislikes, actually, one of those was you.
And what did you do to receive Asmodeus' wrath upon yourself?
Well, you were like his antithesis, and as Asmo sees himself as the pinnacle of perfection, that must mean you’re the bottom of the barrel.
You’re even more scummy than Mammon. Even more of a loser than Levi. Even more uptight than Lucifer. It’s like you were created just to be loathed by Asmodeus.
Asmodeus was mostly passive-aggressive towards you, commenting things like “I don’t like ugly things”, “I love how you just wear anything” and “You have a face for radio!”
Those comments made you feel quite insecure so you just stayed clear of Asmodeus’ company. He never invited you to party, never offered to paint your nails or have a spa day with him, instead always inviting Solomon over.
Then one day Diavolo invited you all to a party he was throwing! You realized you didn’t have an appropriate outfit for the party so you went shopping with Mammon. You thought about inviting Asmo as he was the most fashionable of the brothers but.. You couldn’t find him anywhere, plus you weren't in the mood to get roasted by the fifth-eldest.
Anyways, at the store you saw the perfect outfit for the party. It was everything and even more than you had imagined. You reached for the outfit when another hand, a strangely familiar one, reached for it too.
Your hand brushed against Asmo’s hand and you both jumped back, staring at each other, bewildered.
“Oh, MC! What a… Fun coincidence to run into you here.” There was a forced and ingenuine smile on Asmo’s face.
“Um, hi Asmodeus..” You muttered, looking at the ground, “I guess we have a similar taste, huh?” you laughed awkwardly. The look on Asmo’s face was priceless, it’s as if you had told a 3-year-old Santa Claus has died.
“Oh no, honey, this one is MADE for you. I don’t even like it that much, but I bet it’s perfect for you! Toodles!” Asmo cleared his throat and quickly walked away. You felt shitty about the comment but decided to buy the outfit anyway, who cared what Asmodus thought about it, you loved it!
During the party, everyone was in awe with how you looked. Even Asmo had to admit that you looked amazing. Almost rivaling his beauty.. Almost.
During that evening Asmo kept a close eye on you and he realized that you weren’t as bad as you had thought.. You had style (when you tried), you were a great dancer, you actually knew how to have fun and let loose.. And you were really kind.
“So MC… Couldn’t help but notice how nice you look tonight. Wanna dance?” And while you were dancing the night away, he apologized for his previous attitude and that evening was the start of a beautiful friendship. Maybe even more if you wanted.. ;)
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Beelzebub is yet another demon who mostly gets along with everyone. He's very kind and understanding, and he doesn't seem to hate everyone..
Well, he doesn't HATE you, but he doesn't particularly care for you either. And why is that?
At first he felt like you were dividing up the family. It was never that close-knit to begin with, at least ever since they fell, but you were seemingly diving it up even more.
The brothers seemed to be fighting for your attention, who gets to hang out with you. And you seemed to thrive off of that attention, making the brothers compete for your time and care.
And the worst of all, because of you, Belphie was sent away to the human realm (or at least that’s what Beel thought). He was separated from his dear twin brother just so you can turn the other brothers against each other? He had been trying so hard to make everyone get along until you arrived and ruined everything.
He didn’t really show any hostility towards you directly, but he kept his distance and opted to stay out of your way, only talking to you and hanging out with you whenever he had to.
He just watched the other brothers, mainly Mammon and Asmodeus, fawn over you, surprised to see his brothers acting like that. He even saw some changes with Levi and Lucifer, and he didn’t like that. What were you doing to his family?
Why was Levi so social all of a sudden? Why was Mammon all flustered and protective over you? Why was Satan suddenly much more cheerful and chill? Guess he’ll never know. All he knew was that you had a weird effect on his brothers.
It kind of reminded him… Of how they were with Lilith (apart from Satan obviously)… And it made his heart ache.
No one could replace Lilith! No one! Beel felt like it was his responsibility to protect and cultivate Lilith’s memory, so seeing you “take her place” upset him greatly.
But one day he overheard you talking about your own family (whether blood or chosen) with some of his brothers. The way you talked about them, the way you shared both funny and sadder memories so openly, the way your stories moved his brothers..
Maybe you actually were just like Beel. You just wanted the best for the people around you. Maybe the changes he saw in his brothers were actually good and needed.
Smiling, Beel decided that he wanted to get to know you better, too. And he couldn’t wait to introduce you to Belphie, either! He was sure Belpghegor would warm up to you too.
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Wait, isn't this just the actual storyline?
Anyway, we all know that Belphegor resents humanity, right? That includes you and Solomon, but especially you as you had to stay in the same house as him.
And what if learning that you’re related to Lilith made him just more angry? Maybe he resents the fact that Lilith’s long gone but you’re still here, mocking the grieving brothers with your very existence.
There are just many things you do that remind you of Lilith, and it drives him insane.
The way you laugh with Beel. The way you follow Lucifer around. The way you paint your nails and do your hair with Asmo. It’s all so much like Lilith.
While he doesn’t try to kill you again, he’s just cold towards you. He almost locks himself up in the attic by his own will when you’re in the house. Whenever he is forced to mingle with you, he avoids eye contact, stays as far away as possible and just seems overall tense.
One day he’s looking for a place to nap, lazily walking around, when he hears something familiar coming from one of the rooms.
As if in a trance, he follows the sound, trying to look for the source of it.
That’s when he stumbles upon the music room and peaks inside. There, he sees you, playing piano with a solemn expression on your face.
It takes him a moment to realize why the song you’re playing sounds so familiar.. Until he remembers. Lilith always used to play and sing that song to him back in the Celestial Realm.
Belphie wants to leave, but he simply can’t. He just needs to hear this even if it hurts. So he stays in the doorway, listening to you play.
As the song progresses, he finds himself walking into the room, his legs just carrying him there on their own accord.
He plops down on the floor, listening to you in a haze.
When the song ends and you turn around in your stool, you notice Belphegor and tense up, fear flickering in your eyes. He almost gave you a heart attack!
But Belphie didn’t move. He just sat still, looking deep into your eyes. “I didn’t know you knew piano.. How did you know that song?” He finally speaks up.
“Oh, um.. My grandma taught it to me.. She says it’s been passed down in the family for a long, long time..” You laugh nervously, avoiding Belphegor’s gaze.
“I see..” Belphie mutters with a small smile forming on his lips, realizing that it was probably Lilith who originally taught that song to her children, “Well, would you play it for me again? It felt comforting and I’m kinda sleepy, so..” he trailed off.
“O-Okay!” You relented, not wanting to anger the seventh-born. So you began to play again, slowly lulling Belphie to a peaceful slumber; not one of the usual nightmares and gloom, but one of happy memories and time of innocence.
After that day, you started to play the song to Belphie whenever he was upset and needed consolation and slowly he began to open up to you, letting you enter his heart, helping him believe that maybe there were some humans worth tolerating.
A/N: Thank you for reading! I hope everything's well with you. Feel free so like, reblog and comment.
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jmoriarty-221b · 3 years
Ok so this idea was inspired by AUs where Tim Drake is a member of the Addams family and thus this cute idea was born
Ok so, Tim’s parents still travel a lot but instead of leaving him alone in a big empty manor they leave him with his aunt and uncle Morticia and Gomez Addams
And Tim is a weird little kid who grows up without fear of the dark figures at night because the boogeyman is actually a pretty nice fellow who was very touched when Tiny Tim gave them a drawing of themselves, the monster in the closet actually gives great fashion advice as well as providing the perfect clothes for playing dress up, and the monsters under his bed are great storytellers and the shadow man gives Tim great advice on how to hide and use shadows to his advantage, etc.
The point is that Timmy grows up under the care of the Addams when his parents have to leave on long business trips or excavation sites and as such, is exposed to Gomez’s great appreciation of swordsmanship and fencing, and the haunted suits of armors are always great at comparing which kind of swords are the best in which kind of combat as well as the the importance of craftsmanship when in relation to having a reliable sword
And then one day Timmy watches the movie ‘The Legend of Zorro’ and becomes absolutely obsessed with learning how to use a sword and fight with it in the way only little kids can become obsessed with something they find completely cool, and Gomez is so excited to be teaching Tim everything he knows and they work together to craft Timmy his very own mini rapier for learning how to fence (swords are heavier so Tim learns those from Gomez when he’s older and can parry more weight)
And Tim becomes very Focused and Serious on learning how to fence and he’s very excited when he manages to finally best his uncle in a fencing duel (not as excited as Gomez tho, “MY CHILD SHALL BECOME THE BEST SWORDSMAN YET MY LOVE, DID YOU SEE HIS TECHNIQUE, HAD I BEEN SLOWER HE WOULD’VE RIPPED OPEN MY THROAT IN ONE SWIPE, I’M SO PROUD” “Our child dear”)
And then the movie ‘Count of Monte Cristo’ comes out and both Tim and Gomez are super fans (as a whole the family’s favorite movies are this one as well as the Legend of Zorro because 1. Revenge is achieved to the improvement of the main character’s well being and 2. The Aesthetic) and Tim just focuses on getting the hang of swords now with Gomez being more than happy to help his darling nephew
So years pass and Tim’s parents have finished one of their most taxing excavation digs so they return to Gotham and Tim has to return too (for the purposes of this AU Janet and Jack actually do give a fuck about their son so they would call him every other night when they’re away and if they can’t then at the very least they would call Tim once a week; they also call Morticia and Gomez at least once a week to check on how Tim is doing and they were also very happy to know that Tim has taken a liking to swords so they try to bring new types of weapons or literature related to weapons from the culture of their latest excavation so Tim can learn how different types of swords are wielded all around the world)
But anyway, Tim is going back to Gotham so he and Gomez work on creating a new sword for him with the family motto carved on the blade “Sic Gorgiamus Allos Subjectatos Nunc” which translates to “We Gladly Feast on Those Who Would Subdue Us” which is metal as fuck so yeah, and this sword is super durable and strong, inspired by a katana’s durability and a rapier’s gracefulness with a blade that is such a dark purple that it looks black like obsidian and the inscription of the family motto is carved in letters that are ruby red with a black hilt where an image of a drake is engraved in the same ruby red as the family motto (basically it is a Very Deadly Sword that is also Very Pretty with a dark aesthetic)
So Tim gets back to Gotham and one day he’s watching the news and sees The Batman saving the day and what not and sees Robin do a quadruple back flip and figures out their identities and decides that he wants to meet them at some point while on his nightly photography sessions of Gotham architecture; and if he manages to snap a couple of shots of Gotham’s heroes sometimes then that’s a bonus but Tim is mostly focused on capturing the essence of Gotham city (at this point in time when Tim moves back to Gotham he physically looks like 10-12 year old; he did meet Dick at the circus when he looked like he was 4 years old but for the purposes of the timeline Tim, as an Addams, can choose to remain at any age he desires for as long as he wants so while he did appear to be 4 years old at the circus, he had been alive for a couple of years more at this point, this also explains how he can master swords and fencing while physically looking like a 10 year old because he has been practicing for years as well as why he remembers Dick from that night at the circus)
So the timeline continues with Tim figuring out that the Bats are actually his neighbors but instead of staying away from the Waynes, he decides to go ask his parents if he can stay with the neighbors whenever they have to stay later than usual at the company or have to take a short business travel and they talk with Bruce about it and he agrees to take care of Tim, so now Tim has an in to befriend the Waynes and helps smooth out the edges of Dick and Bruce’s relationship so Bruce doesn’t fire Dick from Robin, but rather they talk about their feelings for once and Dick decides he wants to create his own superhero identity and Bruce supports his decision (Tim may or may not have had to talk about how his family happened to be very open about their feelings and worry for one another and how much closer they are due to talking to each other and resolving conflict; Alfred may or may not have been 100% behind Tim every time he made such a conversation) also, Tim is basically a trial run for Dick on becoming a big brother for when Jason arrives
One time Tim asks Dick if he knows how to fence which Dick can’t really answer because technically he knows how to fight with a sword but that’s for vigilante purposes which his civilian self isn’t supposed to know so Dick says that he doesn’t and asks Tim why he wanted to know, Tim proceeds to talk about how his favorite masked hero uses a sword to fight injustice and he has a black cape and a black horse and Bruce comes into the living room they’re in in the middle of Tim’s rambling about his favorite hero using a sword and is Concerned for a hot minute until Tim finishes the rant by saying “. . . and that’s why I like his movie so much, have you seen the Legend of Zorro?” (Cue relief for both Dick and Bruce because for all that they scrambled to put a name to the hero Tim was describing they couldn’t come up with one and were considering the possibility of a new player in the vigilante scene) so then Tim asks Mr. Bruce if he knows how to fence and Bruce says yes and asks if Tim would like to learn cue the “Oh, my uncle taught me how to fence a few years ago and when I lived with them we had a duel at least once a week, it was very fun so I was just wondering if you knew so we could practice if you want to Mr. Bruce”
Dick is 100% on board with this because the idea of Tiny Tim and 6’1” Bruce fencing is hilarious in his mind, Alfred is there to supervise and both Tim and Bruce are provided with the appropriate fencing equipment and protection; Bruce starts off slow and is surprised when Tim manages to beat him before starting to enjoy fencing with someone who can surprisingly keep up with him (Dick is taking pictures because the height difference is just too cute to be ignored and Tiny Tim is adorable in his own mini fencing equipment)
Whenever his parents do have to leave for extended periods of time (any company trip that takes more than 3-5 days qualifies as this) Tim stays with his aunt and uncle, thus starting a fun tradition of having spontaneous fencing duels with his uncle Gomez, basically if one of them is in the library then the other will shout ‘En-garde’ while throwing a sabre towards the other person and engaging in a quick duel; basically, if Tim is reading about the latest poisonous plants produced by Poison Ivy and annotating his research in order to get an idea of what would be a nice gift for his aunt Morticia and Gomez walks into the library then Gomez will grab two of the sabres they have on the wall for this exact purpose while shouting ‘en-garde’ before throwing a sabre at Tim and engaging in a duel, same goes for Tim, it’s almost instinct to the point that Tim has to hold himself back from doing exactly this whenever he sees Bruce in the library of Wayne Manor
Later on, when Jason is already adopted into the Wayne family, Tim still comes over and makes it his sacred mission to teach Jason the art of swords so he has another fencing buddy because “Mr. Bruce isn’t always here and I have decided that we will be friends and you’re pretty cool but knowing how to fight with a sword just ups your coolness level ya know?” So now Jason has smol Tim teaching him how to fence and it’s pretty fun to be able to do a taxing physical activity outside of being Robin with a friend, when Jason gets the hang of fencing Tim decides that he must now advance to the next level: sword fighting (Alfred is always there to supervise and give tips and pointers because he also knows how to fence but chooses to stay in the sidelines and let the young masters have their fun)
The problem with this is that, while the Waynes do have sabres for fencing, they don’t have swords, at least not in their civilian selves, so Tim decides to bring his own swords to teach Jason how to sword fight, Alfred is the first to see Tim’s very own special sword and is both impressed at the craftsmanship and concerned as to why a child has a sword, Jason thinks Tim’s sword is the coolest he has ever seen and Tim is happy to talk about how he made it himself with his uncle’s help when he finally learned all about sword fighting and promises Jason that they can make him his own cool sword when he learns how to sword fight too, Dick also thinks that the sword is a little concerning for a kid to have but he also wants his own cool sword and so now he insists Bruce has to teach him how to sword fight because Tim said he’s not allowed to have his own sword until he learns how to sword fight, Bruce is baffled as to why Tim has a sword, impressed at Tim’s skills in craftsmanship, and a little Concerned as to why Tim’s sword has that Latin inscription on the blade (no Tim, knowing that “we feast in those who would subdue us” is your family motto doesn’t calm me down yet it explains a lot about your mother)
By the time Damian comes along to the family he is very interested in where Jason and Dick got their Very Cool swords from, his father also has one and he wants to have his own Very Cool Sword too, thank you very much, and Tim visits them when Damian is still settling in and asks his customary question of if he knows how to use fence and gets an affirmative answer he asks Bruce if it would be ok for him and Damian to have a fencing duel, Bruce explains the rules to Damian and makes sure that Alfred, Dick, Jason and him are present in order to keep Damian from maiming/killing Tim
The duel does get a little out of hand as Damian gauges that Tim is more skilled than he previously thought so he stops holding back, Tim is positively grinning at this since he always has to hold back with the Waynes in a way that he doesn’t with Uncle Gomez because while an Addams won’t die from a stab to the heart, the same can’t be said for anyone else; the duel ends with Tim winning because he has more experience than Damian but he is positive beaming at how awesome Damian was and how these duels could become a weekly thing before they transition to swords and once Dames graduates from swords he can design his very own sword with Tim’s help as a sort of graduation present for learning how to sword fight and he’s sure that it won’t take too long for Damian to master swordsmanship because he’s basically a natural already and very skilled and this duel was so much fun Damian we have to do this again sometime oh my gosh I want to teach you everything I know it’s gonna be so much fun
And Damian, a poor baby, was mad at having lost to Tim but then Tim hits him with all this excitement and smiles and it’s the promise of getting his own Very Cool Sword is what gets him to agree to learn from Tim, it’s not that he feels warm at getting compliments from someone who also likes swords and knows what he’s doing in a fight, he definitely doesn’t find Tim cool at all, he’s just making use of a resource and he will learn everything Tim has to offer and become better than both Grayson and Todd, that’s all (that’s not all because it turns out that Damian is the younger brother Tim never had and he takes Dami under his wing and helps him adjust to a life outside the League of Assassins and how to find hobbies to enjoy; Damian won’t admit it but he is also Very Attached in to Timothy and feels like he won’t be judged for his past with him and he is also a fellow sword enthusiast so yeah)
Tim decides to do the same thing to Damian and initiating a quick fencing duel whenever he sees that Damian is in the gardens (no fencing inside the Manor on pain of Alfred’s eyebrow of disappointment); this helps Damian with the transition of learning to have fun and also learn to realize that not everybody is an enemy, it also helps keep up his training and burn some energy whenever he gets restless and helps him bond with Tim more
The idea was that Tim and Uncle Gomez would surprise each other with spontaneous fencing duels by shouting ‘en-garde’ at the other person whenever they find one another in the library, and now it turned into a fluff AU where Tim isn’t Robin but he’s still a family friend to the Waynes and an Addams and helps bring the family closer through his love of swords because yes
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zevlors-tail · 2 years
Some More OC Stuff
I have SIX Obey Me OC's now this is getting entirely out of hand RIP-
So I very recently decided my Obey Me OC, Muse (first pic below), was going to have a kid with at least one of their partners.
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I'm still working on all the details, but meet Aska and Silas! You can probably guess which kid belongs to who lol. Tagging @paper-trash-bag since you mentioned you liked my OC stuff! Hopefully this is just as interesting! <3
Aska (bottom left) is from Muse and Simeon, and Silas (bottom right) is from Muse and Solomon. I'm toying with the idea of giving Aska another younger brother who would look exactly like Simeon but I'm not 100% sure about it yet?
And just for context, Muse, Solomon, and Simeon all live together in the same house and are a throuple/polyamorous.
Still kind of up in the air on what eye color Silas has since Muse has all blue eyes and Solomon has SOME blue in his eyes but also a hint of brown/hazel? Idk man there's a little bit of everything in there... Unfortunately the picrew I used for Silas is kind of limited in eye colors so I couldn't find a good hazel color to see what that might look like. :(
Some other fun facts about these two:
-Simeon was the one who named Aska while Muse named Silas
-Aska looks mostly like her father but her personality is more like Muse. You can't see it in the pic but she usually wears her hair in a small fluffy little ponytail at the back of her head
-Silas looks more like Muse other than the white hair but has more of Solomon's personality. The little curls in his hair are also from Muse :')
-Aska sees Solomon as a babysitter more than a father figure (less of an annoying babysitter and more of the fun kind) but will often go to him for advice on anything that she can't confide in Muse and Simeon for
-Uriel is Aska's godfather while Claire and Thirteen are her godmother(s)
-Same for Silas, except his godfather is actually Simeon, who he does see as a second father figure
-Aska sees Luke as sort of an endearing uncle who helped raise her even though they're close in age (should mention that Luke is older/more grown up by the time this story/plot takes place)
-Silas just thinks "Luke is annoying and uptight about Celestial Realm shit" ...in his words. lol. Really he's just jealous that Luke spends more time with Aska.
-Aska and Silas aren't that far apart in age (haven't figured out specifics yet)
-Both of them are somewhat immature but Silas can save face way better than Aska can
-Silas has a TERRIBLE sense of fashion (but at least he can cook! thanks, Simeon!). Mostly this is because he desperately wants to be seen as a separate entity from his parents and wants to be his own rebellious person
-Aska is disinterested in magic and the different realms; she just wants to mix music and be a DJ or dance and sing
-Silas is dedicated to his studies and magic but hates it at the same time; he hides away his carefree side because he wants to make his parents and others proud and surpass them. But at the same time he doesn't really want that burden...
-Silas got the short end of the stick when it came to his vision because of Muse's shitty eyesight and Solomon's millennia old genes, so he has to wear glasses lol
-Aska started out more attached to Muse as a child but grew closer to Simeon the older she got while Silas was more attached to Solomon when he was younger but became very attached to Muse as he got older
-Because Muse is Agender and uses They/Them pronouns, Aska gave them the nickname "Parental Unit/Parent" in leu of "Mom"
-The only exception to this is when Aska is in peril, feels unsafe, or when something is seriously wrong; she instinctively calls Muse "Mom" and that's their way of knowing that she needs saving from a situation or person(s)
-Silas's assigned sin is Pride
-Aska's assigned sin is currently undecided :/
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princesscyr-fn · 3 years
Brothers x Autistic! MC Tidbits/Headcanons
I figured I’d do one as I’m autistic and I wanna be included in things. At the same time however, autism is a spectrum and each of us experience different behaviors and such. As such, each MC for each brother is different so everyone feels included! These are meant to be platonic but you can interpret this however you want. I’m asexual so writing actual romantic stuff makes me very uncomfortable lol.
|Masterlist is here|
MC is gender neutral, yall
Available on Ao3, Wattpad
♡ Clashing with one another from the get go. ♡ Lucifer tends to criticize you, and its mostly unintentional. He’s just looking out for you, though his pride prevents him from admitting that he cares about you. ♡ One day though, the usual comment that falls from his lips about you ends up making you snap. As a result, you are calling him every name under the blocked sun in the Devildom. (Satan LOVES this.) This is when Lucifer realizes he made a fucky wucky. (Thanks @error-code-606 lmao) ♡ Lucifer gets a super harsh reality check from Satan, reminding him that you are autistic and that constant put-downs is bad for a persons self-esteem/image issues. For once, pride feels guilt bubbling in his gut. ♡ From then on, Lucifer is more mindful of how he words his issues with you. (Still staying blunt, which you appreciate.) All the while he praises you from time to time for all the good stuff you’ve done thus far. ♡ Lucifer would keep mental notes of all your stims and triggers. ♡ Entertains stim toys and isn’t bothered by such as he tries to work. ♡ Lucifer would play soothing music for you, mostly classical or easy listening. Something to tingle your sensory. ♡ He stops your meltdowns before you could fully lose control of yourself. ♡ Soft hands are your weakness and Lucifer’s hands don’t disappoint. He’ll let you hold his hands anytime you desire. ♡ Lucifer's office is the best spot for you to have quiet time. ♡ You can talk his ear off and he would love every second of it, deep down.
♡ He was quick to pick up on your behaviors before you could push him away. ♡ He is able to joke with you, both of you laughing like hyenas all the way. ♡ Mammon would never make fun of your stutter or mispronunciation of words. He’s patient and tries his best to help you. He absolutely hates when the other demons (not his brothers) make fun of you for something you have no control over. ♡ Both of you would find comfort in each other. ♡ You would absolutely adore his hair. Being a fan of bright colors and his hair being as white as angel wings. Bless his heart, he will allow you to play with it while denying how much he likes it. ♡ He knows the sound of coins is one of your favorite sounds sensory wise. He always makes sure to have some coins on him. ♡ Mammon would remember all of your fixations and then try to shower you in gifts relevant to your current likes. ♡ He loves music and will sing with you no matter how goofy you both sound. ♡ Late night Hell’s Kitchen runs are mandatory. ♡ You are the only person he would try so hard not to steal from. (He’d fail miserably and just keep your stuff instead of selling it.) ♡ Class would be hilarious with him, he’s a class clown. ♡ While he may be a class clown, I think he would somewhat try a bit harder on his work because you encourage him to do his best every single day.
♡ Things between the two of you are tense at first as both of you are socially awkward and standoffish. ♡ Though once you’re both comfortable, you will talk each others ears off about anime, video games, and everything under the blocked sun of the Devildom. ♡ You two will develop a secret language that the other brothers won’t understand. Imagine all that shit talk. ♡ You’re both stimmers! While Levi has physical and vocal stims, yours are mostly vocal with the occasional twitch and thigh slap. ♡ You both are major plushie enthusiasts. Prove me wrong. (You can’t.) ♡ Eye contact is difficult to maintain between the two of you, with both of you either yelping, blushing, and looking away while sputtering nonsense. ♡ Mention your love or interest in aquatic life or the sea and watch him fall in love with you, (he’s a sea monster, duh) though he will deny it smh. ♡ You both share a love for slime and will buy a lo of it on your trips to the human world. (When you two feel like doing things like that.) ♡ Levi will most certainly dress as a cat maid so long as you do it too. ♡ Stim games are 100% your favorite games to play with him. (Minecraft, Terraria, Fortnite, No Mans Sky...) ♡ Levi figures out that the sound of the ocean soothes you, and will imitate the sounds in his fish tanks to help you relax. ♡ You two make the best cosplay duo. No question about it.
♡ He is more understanding than you were led to believe. (Shame on you, Lucifer.) You avoided him at first until you found yourself in a heated debate with him regarding human world fauna kingdom. This conversation, though heated, gave you the chance to actually talk to him. It was then the realization hit that Lucifer intentionally kept you two apart. ♡ You two end up becoming close friends. ♡ You hate reading alone as its not engaging and gets boring quickly. So you tell Satan that you would like for him to read to you, which he’d accept without a second thought. ♡ He would remember your likes and dislikes. He would always encourage you to talk about your latest obsession. He’s always interested in hearing about what you have to say. ♡ Jingle cat ears. No explanation needed. (Might dress up as a cat maid with you and Levi, tho.) ♡ He would learn all your stims and triggers so he can help you when you need it. ♡ If you’re the artsy type, you bet he will learn all the crafts for you. ♡ The sound of turning pages satisfies your sound sensory. ♡ Nature walks, lots of them. Quiet moments together means the world to the two of you. ♡ Occasionally you fall asleep next to him as he reads to you. His voice is soothing enough to lull you to sleep. ♡ You two are so close in fact, he rubs it in Lucifer's face. ♡ Satan always finds himself holding your hand whenever you two go out to crowded public places.
♡ Physical contact wasn’t your thing until you met the avatar of lust. ♡ He took it personally at first when you would stand awkwardly whenever he hugged you or how you would pull your hand away when he would try to hold it. ♡ Once you explain that you are autistic and physical contact was a weird subject for you, he is quick to understand. After all, he is all about consent and wanted to make sure you were comfortable. ♡ Friendship blossoms between the two of you quickly and smoothly. ♡ Asmo would help you with being more extroverted by inviting you to parties. ♡ He would make note of your stims and to satisfy your sensory, he would buy lotions and perfumes. ♡ Getting your nails done is fun and Asmo is perfect for that task. ♡ You have a best friend who will listen to you intently and give you good advice. ♡ Going shopping is less nerve wracking with him. Plus he would give you fashion tips so you can look and feel your best. ♡ The first time you gave him a hug on your own, he wept tears of joy. ♡ Spa days are mandatory. ♡ There is a love between the two of you that does not require a relationship to be valid.
♡ Beel warmed up to you quickly, especially when he witnesses your appetite at dinner. ♡ He is always curious and asking you questions to better understand you. ♡ You are quick to share your food with him and vice versa. ♡ Eating competitions, though you would lose to him always, unless if he was going easy on you. (Good luck, chief) ♡ Playful and friendly flirting/banter. ♡ Beel would be interested in whatever you obsess with that week. ♡ He is patient with you and doesn’t judge you for things you have no control over. ♡ Includes you in all family activities because hes all about family first. ♡ You two will gush to each other about any and everything. ♡ Hell’s Kitchen dates? Fuck yeah. Those are mandatory. ♡ Though you are picky in terms of texture, Beel would gladly eat whatever food you won’t. ♡ You aren’t a very active person, but that will change with Beel. Eat first, then run it off, human.
♡ Warmed up to you quickly despite killing you, mainly because you forgave him and still treated him with kindness despite the fact. (Simp *cough* *cough*) ♡ He is very understanding in regards to your sensory, stims, and meltdowns. ♡ Loves laying in silence with you (and vice versa) ♡ Belphie would show you constellations with his magic to help you sleep. ♡ Slime? You bet Belphie would be as entertained as you are on that subject. Cloud slime would be one of his favorites. ♡ You two communicate with each other better in silence. ♡ He would share his cow pillow with you. ♡ Your sensory craves anything that is soft. Belphie would be surprised at first when you mindlessly play with his hair as you lay together. ♡ Your troubling dreams became a little more peaceful with Belphie at your side. ♡ Both of you are big plushie enthusiasts and have a plushie club hangout spot with Levi. ♡ Belphies voice does satisfy your sensory. ♡ Tea time is a fun activity between the two of you. It leads to good naps as well.
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awee-struck · 3 years
ok ok ok i am aware it's a bit late for buzzfeed au ideas B U T....what if the reason Tim believes in ghosts and stuff and starts buzzfeed unsolved supernatural is BECAUSE when jason was a ghost and dead would mess around with Tim as the new robin kinda non-chalantly. like with Bruce in Gotham knights awhile back. (i am aware those mightve been hallucinations i dont remeber well.) but the vibe of that. only problem is he doesnt rlly appear for tim so its just a ghost things happen situation and now hes believer etc. (he doesnt know its jason) so now, present tim and jason todd are hilariously hunting for.....jason todd. AND THEY DINT EVEN KNOW LOL . meanwhile jason the entire time in very much shane fashion is like "that didnt happen. i dont believe in ghosts" when in fact, he was the ghost. sorry if this doesnt make sense
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the comic panel i referenced
for you my guy, it's never too late (i'm also extremely honored my crack videos have helped to inspire a whole ass au for you 0.0)
ok ok so i haven't actually read that far into the gotham knights issues eek BUT i think i can get a grip on this wonderful idea......
now i'm imagining ghost jason trying so hard to freak tim out (maybe enough to get the poser to fuck off) but at first it just. doesn't phase him at all. mostly because all jason can manage pulling off are stupid things like blowing tim's cape into his face on a windless night ten times over, or making his computer bug out and crash in the middle of case work (or perhaps cracking tim's door open before he gets back home from patrol, fully geared up,,, you know, just in case a certain dad wants to walk in and check on his "totally not a vigilante" son) BUT all tim has to say about this stuff for a while is "meh should probably sleep more" until jason, purely out of annoyance, starts doing the most stereotypical paranormal activity shit possible like flipping lights on and off or knocking shit over, not even expecting tim to notice because really how can you notice that but not someone rearranging your utility belt everyday? tim goes apeshit, like full on it's always sunny moment with the conspiracy board, the rest of the fam is thinking of staging an intervention. jason eats this up.
and i'm also gonna operate under the assumption that when jason comes back, much like in his death, he's just looking to fuck with tim saying he doesn't believe which,, LOL i love it. in this au i am electing to ignore that jason tried to kill tim because ghost jason had too much fun messing with him (and if he's being honest, being a ghost was scary as shit so the outlet was appreciated) cue a team up for a case or something and tim eventually starts talking about his ghost experience and how it's been oddly absent. and what is jason if not an opportunist, amiright?? long story short jason totally signs himself up for brother bonding time by way of hunting ghosts and riling tim up by saying it's all bs. do u know how many new gadgets they've gotten bruce to reluctantly agree too "because it'll help on patrol" or how many visits to one john constantine (who totally knows what's up btw) they've arranged?? going to supposedly haunted areas in gotham, jason absolutely disregarding any and all advice they've been given and giving tim a fucking heart attack. (not to mention how many of these "investigations" have been interrupted by an actual fucking crime, resulting in a few rumors that robin screams like a girl — he does NOT, thanks so much) meanwhile every actual paranormal case ends up in the lap of literally any other batfam member
wow ok so this got out of hand sorry bout that mfaoooo but in my defense the idea just grabbed me and ran but THANK YOU this is absolutely hysterical and shane and ryan radiate jason and tim energy 100% thank u for coming to my tedtalk
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
Under the Mistletoe with the Akatsuki // Part Nine // Pein (Nagato)
Leader. Never in a million years did Nagato Uzumaki believe he had it in him for be a leader, and especially not one of a group of S-ranked criminals like the ones that comprised his Akatsuki. But perhaps he really wasn’t; after all, save for Konan, none of them had even met him before. All they knew about him was Pein, the body that he animated and controlled through his chakra. Yet despite all he and his group have accomplished, the nagging feeling never leaves him ... that Yahiko would have done a much better job than Nagato. It’s one of the main reasons that Nagato fashioned his main Pein-body after his old friend; to try and infuse some of Yahiko’s wisdom and charisma into his own leadership style. One of the things Yahiko often stressed was the importance of having people around you that you could trust, and depend on. In short - friends. Aside from Konan, Nagato doesn’t truly consider anyone in this organization to be his ‘friend’ ... rather, he’s come to think of the group as a whole of being his family. And apparently families played games with each other, hence why he (as Pein) agrees to this mistletoe game now.
“Good evening, Leader.” Kisame was by far one of the more desirable members that Nagato had strived to bring into his group. Mature, experienced with battle and ninjutsu, and one of the fabled Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. In any given situation, in any conflict between members of the group, Kisame will most often be the voice of reason. Nagato chose to pair him with the young but mature beyond his years Itachi, believing they’d have much to learn from one another, and he was correct. Out of all the duos, theirs was probably the most stable (and certainly the least problematic). Despite being both tall and intimidating, the half-shark had a surprisingly gentle, almost shy nature to him when one caught him in a one on one situation, as was the case now. Kisame walks up to Pein but seems unable to take the initiative, so Pein does so himself. He puts one hand on Kisame’s shoulder, leans up slightly, and kisses his cheek. Kisame blushes and grins, before going back to his room for the evening.
Unbeknownst to the others, aside from Konan, Sasori is the only member of the Akatsuki that knows that Pein isn’t who (or what) he presents himself to be. After all, spending years hidden inside a puppet body gave one a little leeway into seeing into (or perhaps seeing past) others’ true selves. But Sasori understands Nagato’s need to conceal his real body; in fact, he’s even helped him a few times. He’s travelled with Konan before to meet the actual Nagato, when the latter came down with an illness that Konan wasn’t sure how to treat. Sasori used his extensive knowledge of medical procedures to help Nagato, and since then, the two had become good friends. He also gave him valuable advice (again from his own experience of using chakra to control multiple puppets at once) to Nagato in how to more effectively maneuver his Six Paths of Pein bodies during battle, even helping Nagato to tweak them to better control their movements. Sasori shows Nagato (and ultimately, Pein) the same respect that he would a fellow master puppeteer. He approaches Pein now, in his own body. Pein leans down and kisses his cheek, and the two nod at each other before Sasori returns to his own room.
“He murdered his entire clan in one evening.” “Are you sure?” “Well, all but his younger brother. But I’m sure if he ever got the chance —“ Nagato still remembers the conversation he had with Konan, the day before they brought Itachi into the Akatsuki. Nagato had been against it at first, believing that one who could commit such callous atrocities against his own clan and family would no doubt have trouble turning against a group of people that were strangers to him. But Itachi pleasantly surprised Nagato, with how calm, and quiet, and kind he was. He often forgets how young Itachi is, considering he speaks and acts like a man decades older. But still ... there was a sadness that could be felt whenever Itachi was in the room, tangible even to someone who’s “real” body was quite far away, like Nagato’s was. When Itachi comes to him, the Pein body reaches out and pulls the boy into a hug. Itachi seems surprised, but whether out of respect to the leader or because he truly needed it, he lets the embrace happen. The two stand there for longer than seems feasible, until Pein breaks it by gently kissing Itachi’s forehead. Itachi steps back, gives Pein a smile (which turns back the clock even more and makes Itachi seem like a child) and goes back to his room.
Nagato felt real, valid concern when bringing the 15 year old Deidara into his group. Besides being the youngest, besides having that volatile temper and wanton pleasure in causing chaos and destruction ... the kid was beautiful. An odd word for a male, perhaps, but it was the most fitting term for him. In the Akatsuki it was more or less made clear that Konan was off-limits in terms of things like that, but Deidara ... with his long silky hair, big blue eyes, soft skin ... what was to stop one (or possibly ALL) of these older (and likely stronger) members from attempting to — but Nagato was lucky, in that everyone exhibited more self-control than he gave them credit for. And pairing him first with the older Sasori and then with the wily Tobi had seemed to be good choices, as well. One taught him maturity, and the other, patience. Although sometimes — “Oi, Leader ... can you talk to Kakuzu for me?” “For what?” “He won’t let me have an advance on my pay, because he says I’m just going to waste it on ‘my stupid clay’, hm!” “I do not interfere with the financial decisions of my treasurer, Deidara.” “But —“ Pein kisses his forehead and says, quietly, “Learn to exercise restraint when it comes to your artistic endeavors, Deidara.” Deidara grumbles as he walks away, and Pein smiles and shakes his head as he watches him go.
“Pein. No matter what Deidara said to you, you won’t convince me to give him an advance on his pay. That boy is already three weeks into his money, and our budget simply won’t allow —“ “Do not fear, Kakuzu. I don’t intend to step on your toes regarding our finances.” Never in Nagato’s life has he met anybody quite so concerned with money as Kakuzu. He was strict not only with his own money, but every other member’s, as well. While Nagato found this to be a character flaw at first, now, he saw Kakuzu’s thriftiness and frugal tendencies as being a God-send. It was only because of him that they were able to move from hideout to hideout, to put food on the table, to buy clothes and weapons and any number of things that the group needed to survive. But his finance-savvy ways weren’t even the most impressive thing about him; it was the fact that he dealt with Hidan, day in and day out, and had not been driven to madness. The older man walks up to Pein now, lowers his mask, and delivers a light kiss to the cheek. Pein nods and watches as he leaves, noting, as he often did, his cold Kakuzu’s skin is. Nagato can feel it through Pein’s sensors; standing close to Kakuzu is much like standing in front of an open grave. He often felt that he should suggest redesigning Kakuzu’s Akatsuki robe to make it warmer, but Nagato knows that this suggestion would be rapidly rejected.
On the day that it is Pein’s turn under the mistletoe, Zetsu is nowhere to be found. Nagato knows where he is, of course; traveling through the earth at the speed of sound, going to scout out an enemy territory before the Akatsuki makes a move on it. Zetsu and his infiltration skills have helped Nagato countless times in the past, providing valuable intel on targets and mapping out the most problem-free routes for the rest of the group to take on missions. Still, though; there’s something about the plant-man that gave Nagato the slighter touch of unease. Being near Zetsu, even through the barrier of Pein, gave Nagato the feeling of being inches away from a wild animal. Hearing him speak was like listening to a dog that suddenly begins speaking in a human tongue. Nagato is very glad that Pein does not have to kiss this individual, and in fact hopes that his turn will end before Zetsu makes his inevitable return.
Tobi, Tobi, Tobi ... such a confusing young man. Such a surprising young man. Many months ago, the Pein-body walked into Tobi’s room to retrieve him for something, and happened to catch him sleeping. Nagato was curious and made his artificial body approach the side of the bed that Tobi’s face was on ... but all Nagato was met with was darkness. A solid, blurred-out black where the boy’s face should have been. Nagato thought that perhaps something was malfunctioning in the Pein body’s ocular region ... but everything else was clear as a bell. Did Tobi have some kind of exterior defense mechanism set into place that would bar Pein, specifically Pein, from seeing his actual face? And if that was the case, then WHY? What exactly was he hiding?? It made Nagato nervous, but he never let this on to Tobi. “Pein-sama, Pein-sama! Is it Tobi’s turn for a kissy?!” Pein nods and Tobi approaches him, slides his mask halfway off ... and again all Pein can make out is blackness. He can feel his cheek being kissed, but his vision doesn’t return to 100% until Tobi’s mask is fully back in place. “Thanks, Pein-sama!”, Tobi says; and is it Nagato’s imagination or is there a touch of smugness to his voice? Well, regardless, the kid is leaving, and a Nagato can put him out of his mind once more.
“I’ve had to kiss every single one of you fucks, including the old geezer and the orange idiot. Now I’ve gotta slobber with the boss too?? What’s next; are we are jumping into bed and having a group fuck?!” Nagato hadn’t rolled his eyes in many years (and rolling Pein’s eyes would have been an unbecoming gesture for a leader), but hearing Hidan speak always made Nagato want to break this self-imposed rule. With his additional bodies, his Rinnegan, his seemingly unlimited chakra and his fabled Uzumaki clan endurance, Nagato considers himself to be an earthbound God. But then this kid, this foul-mouthed violent crusader, comes into the group speaking about HIS God, Lord Jashin, and flaunting his (admittedly enviable) gift of immortality. From the very beginning, Hidan made it clear that offering sacrifices to his God was his main priority; and the kid wasn’t lying. It’s always been Pein’s (Nagato’s) mandate that as long as one completed their assigned mission, then they would be free to do as the my liked in their spare time. But Hidan’s preferred “hobby” left even someone as war-weary and hardened as Nagato feeling a bit queasy, in the pit of his stomach. “Come, Hidan.” Hidan visibly balks at being given an order; but he’s never love hesitated to obey the Leader. He goes to Pein and, after Pein studies his face, receives a kiss on the nose. The gesture is so light and whimsical that it leaves Hidan blushing and flustered, as evidenced by his leaving without uttering a single swear word.
The kiss between Konan and Pein is ... disappointingly short. Surprising, considering how close the two of them are, and how much Pein seems to care about her. But it’s a very quick forehead peck, and then both Pein and Konan retire to their rooms. The Pein-body shuts down in his own room, but Konan is getting dressed. It’s a somewhat lengthy journey, especially for this time of night, but one Konan is very familiar with. She comes every single day, after all, after everyone else is asleep or preoccupied for the evening. The old cave is so far into the woods, and from the outside seems abandoned, but ... “Nagato? I’m here.” Nagato turns his head and, although he’s happy to see her, can’t help but sigh. “You’re soaking wet.” Konan uses her cloak to wipe her face, telling him it’s not a big deal, just a little drizzle outside... but it is to Nagato. Trapped like this, a prisoner of his body and his hatred and pain ... anybody else would have walked out and left him years ago. But Konan, no matter what, she stayed by his side, and showed him more caring and comfort than Nagato felt he deserved. “I brought you some beef and curry rice tonight,” Konan said, now uncovering a small bowl. “It’s still warm.” She moves into position to feed him, and as she does, she quietly tells him little tidbits about her day. It’s solely through Konan that Nagato has any sense of the outside world at all, or any REAL idea about what the members of the Akatsuki are actually like. And he’s grateful to her. He’s grateful to her for so many — “Konan?” She looks up from where she’d been tidying up. “Yes?” “I’m so sorry.” She stops and looks at him, head tilted. “Sorry? What are you sorry about?” “I’m sorry that you’re not married, I’m sorry that you don’t have children, or a family, I’m sorry that you go from hideout to hideout and village to village and all you see is the same pain we saw when we were kids. And I’m sorry that things are only this way because of me. I couldn’t save Yahiko, and I’m destroying you, and any chance at happiness you could have had. I never meant for things to be this way. I’m —“ but Konan’s arms are around him before he can finish his sentence. “You’re a goddamn idiot,” she mumbles, her voice slightly shaky. “Yahiko dying wasn’t your fault, and my life — my life is full, and despite what you may believe, I’m happy, Nagato. This Akatsuki you’ve created; you’ve done two things. You’re fulfilling Yahiko’s dream, and you’ve given me, US, a family. So stop with this nonsense, okay?” “But I —“, and Konan interrupts him again, this time with a soft kiss on the cheek. Her lips breathe warmth and comfort into his chilled skin. “You’re the most important person on this earth to me, and I love you,” she murmurs as she pulls away, a smile on her face. “But I swear if you don’t cheer up, you’re not getting any of this dessert I made.” A pause, and then, with a smirk reminiscent of the shy boy he once was, “I’ll only cheer up if it’s something I like.” “Strawberry pie.” Nagato gives Konan an even bigger smile, to which she replies “That’s better”; and the two laugh. He feels like a weight has been lifted off of his heart. After dessert, he tries to mentally prepare himself for her leaving again ...but to his surprise she pulls a blanket from her satchel spreading it out neatly along the ground. “You’re staying tonight?” “I’m staying.” “Good. I love you, too, by the way.” “I know.” Before bed she spends a good deal of time gently brushing out his hair, telling him jokes and stories, the same that she used to do with him and Yahiko when they were all children, during those many long, cold nights when hunger or anxiety kept them awake. Neither is present now, but the goodness of the feeling remains the same. After awhile they both fall asleep, and for once their dreams are calm and peaceful.
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effeminateboyninja · 3 years
I will 100% be your older brother. So Ino with a bisexual older brother. They love gossiping, drinking tea and going shopping together. He will always be there to give fashion or relationship advise or just let her vent. But he loves her and will beat anyone who messes with his baby sister. 💕
“Ahhh sorry, it depends how busy you are- if your not too busy the a request otherwise just your thoughts ❤️”
yes omg ty 🥺 okay first of all I love this scenario, and I think Ino would just be living for it as well. like, finally some positive and fun male energy?? she definitely needs it after dealing with Choji and Shikamaru all day.
she will definitely take full advantage of your closeness by just barging into your room whenever she has some good tea to spill or needs advice on an outfit — or tbh just whenever she gets bored and wants to talk
your parents tease you about how much time she spends in there, saying if they knew you didn’t mind sharing a room they wouldn’t have bought such a big house. it’s clear how happy they are you get along though
at least once a week you’ll hear her familiar footsteps come down the hallways before she just peeks her head in the room with raised eyebrows and a one word request: “boba?” and of course you go, even if you know you’ll end paying because you’re just a good brother that way
getting boba will usually turn to browsing and browsing turns to shopping and shopping with Ino is always an ordeal — we’re talking literal hours in change rooms here, but really there isn’t a better way to spend an afternoon than spending time with one of your favourite people
she knows without a doubt you’ve got her back and has used your name numerous times to threaten kids she mouthed off to, resulting in a few too many awkward encounters with angry 12 year olds in the past... but hey, what are big brothers for right?
besides, even if she’s the younger sibling, god help anyone who says anything bad about you. like she got sent home from the academy once for just decking a kid who had some choice words about your sexuality. and she’d do it again too! 😡
in short, this relationship would be sooo freakin strong and adorable. just the kind of pure, wholesome thing the narutoverse needs more of 😭
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