#he can’t make a normal tweet for the life of him
add1ictwithapen · 4 months
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I hate him <3
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andivmg · 7 months
My experience with Luke (Punz)
CW: toxic relationship, racism, dubious consent
I know in the past i said that i would no longer speak about him publicly, and when talking about my experiences with abuse and emotional mistreatment i begged to keep it anonymous but after reflecting on this for a week and seeing so many incredibly smart and strong women tell their stories. they have given me the strength to say his name.
this is really scary to talk about because of the copious levels of harassment i have received from his fans in the past so if this spreads or gets out of hand i will simply log off.
If you read my last post, i nicknamed him 1.
So aside from everything i said there, there were a lot of things i didn’t include because they would’ve made it obvious that it was him and it could potentially backfire on me so, i’m very afraid to post this. but i’m going to do it scared anyway, because it’s not fair that he gets to just go and live his life worry-free as if he didn’t practically ruin mine.
Because I already made a very lengthy post about him, i won’t include everything i said last time to avoid being redundant but if i repeat myself, please bear with me.
In our year long relationship i had to endure emotional neglect, gaslighting, verbal abuse, one instance where there was dubious consent, and much more.
Starting off at the beginning of our relationship, that’s when i was getting copious amounts of hate and harassment from his fan base (warranted or not), he decided that our relationship must be kept private. he said it was to “protect” me from his fanbase when in reality it was to protect himself. it was so he wouldn’t get all the backlash i was getting. this is funny because one of the things i got called out for was saying the B slur (derogatory term used against mexicans/latinos). I won’t get into the nuances of if i could say it or not as a puertorican because that’s discourse that does not pertain to this specific situation. But you know who definitely can’t say it? A white boy from Massachusetts. When i was getting cancelled for this and getting thousands of tweets calling me names, he decided that was the perfect time to say “I mean you are a b***** aren’t you? my little b*****.” Now, he said this completely unprompted. I was in the process of writing my apology and he just said that. I tell you this because i immediately shut him down and told him that there was no universe in which it was okay for him to say that word and especially not one where he could just call me that. While i was reprimanding him, he was smiling and laughing. he apparently found it amusing to call me a slur. regardless, he gave me a half-assed apology and said he wouldn’t do it again. and he didn’t. but this wasn’t the only time he was weirdly racist to me. this was my first time being in an interracial relationship so i was led to believe that this was normal by all the white people around me at the time. But, sometimes my spanish accent would come out and he would make fun of me and the way i pronounced some words. He also refused to visit me in Puerto Rico when i lived there or come meet my family when i really wanted him to because he “didn’t like the heat” or “it’s dangerous there isn’t it?”. Once, while we were watching season 2 of Bridgerton, he implied that the Sharma sisters were “too dark” for him to be attracted to them. This hurt me because they are brown skinned girls. I am a brown skinned girl. Then this, combined with the fact that he told me once he wasn’t attracted to me made me feel like my skin color was unattractive. These are only a few examples i can think of at the moment, but i’m sure there were more. Our relationship ended in 2022 so some of my memory is a bit hazy. But, I do remember feeling inferior to him throughout the relationship because he was white and I was not. I chalk that up to all the micro aggressions i had to deal with because i had never felt that way around white people before.
Another thing i had to endure was him constantly making me feel like he was embarrassed to be with me. Because i was cancelled, he didn’t want to associate with me too much. He did defend me on multiple occasions, I’ll give him that. But, he only did it because his name was getting dragged in the mud along with mine. Excusing my actions made him look better for being around me. In reality he didn’t really care. Because he was such a big content creator and someone i looked up to professionally, I took his advice as law. He told me to tone down my personality, to keep a low profile, to change things about myself to be more palatable to his audience. The same audience that spoke about me like “The pussy can’t be that good punz please stop defending her”. So i changed a lot of things about myself and my content to better suit what his audience liked. He made me feel like if his audience liked me, he would be public about our relationship and stop hiding it. He told me the reason why he wanted to keep our relationship a secret was because he didn’t want to get hate for it. But this wasn’t true. On my 20th birthday he went to Las Vegas for a twitch rivals event. That night i asked to facetime him to say goodnight and he refused because he was at a hotel room with his friends and he didn’t want them to know that we were together. It was as if my mere presence or the utterance of my name was a source of embarrassment for him. And he didn’t let me forget it. It wasn’t just a public thing at that point. He didn’t want people to know we were together, period. This was devastating to me because I would talk to all my friends about him. I was so proud to be with him and I was just one more problem to him. He made me feel so small and insignificant just because his fans didn’t like me.
He would berate me a lot. Not just due to getting heat online, although he did do that a lot. But in general whenever we would get into an argument or a disagreement he would always call me names like annoying or weird or stupid. He would raise his voice at me if i did something he didn’t like and call me an idiot. And that really hurt, i felt like i couldn’t bring up anything or do anything without getting insulted. If I hadn’t seen him in a few days because he was too busy streaming and i asked to hang out he would call me needy, clingy, and annoying. Granted, he might not have been wrong, but that is not something you say to someone you claim to love. He also insulted me when i was in depressive episodes. I have BPD and at the time i was not being treated properly for it. So, I was all over the place emotionally and he was what i clung to for validation, reassurance, and love. I talked to him when we first started dating about my disorder and told him that if it seemed like something he couldn’t handle that he could opt out of the relationship. I guess he didn’t think it was that bad or something idk because whenever i had really bad depressive episodes, he would tell me I was too sad to hang out with. He said that my sadness was a burden to him. Which would be fair. But, once my mother had a conversation with him about me. She told him that i am someone who needs a lot of love and caring. She said that if he wasn’t willing to put in that kind of effort into a relationship to just leave me alone. He reassured her that he would be there for me no matter what. He told my mother that he would protect me and my heart. He did not. He took all the warnings I gave him and ignored them and then made me feel like I was the problem. And even worse, he would say that i was pretending to be sad to get his attention when he would neglect for days at a time.
There were also some smaller things like the fact that he made me feel really guilty whenever he would spend money on me. Also, he would be really mean about my eating habits. For context, i used to suffer from an eating disorder. I was anorexic and had a really unhealthy relationship with food during high school and my first year of uni. This relationship began when i was recovering from my ED. For me, eating was really hard. So i had certain comfort foods that, while sometimes unhealthy, at least it was something to eat when i didn’t feel like eating anything. He knew this. Yet, whenever i would crave some of these foods he would call me fat. Constantly told me I’d gain weight from eating all that junk food. Saying that to someone with an eating disorder is crazy. Other smaller things were that whenever I would post tiktoks where i was lip syncing or just looking good he would yell at me and say i was looking for attention. Same with Instagram or Twitter whenever i would post photos where I looked hot. He never planned out a single date for us. I would beg him to get me flowers and he did maybe once but i’ll get into that in a bit. He would make fun of me in front of his friends to make himself look better. He let his friends say really degrading things about me in his presence. For example, once when i was showering, i overheard him on a discord call with George and Sapnap and i heard George say “if you don’t go in the shower and have sex with Andi, i will”. Once, when i was really struggling with my legs (for those of you who don’t know, i have arthritis and it’s very painful. at the time i wasn’t diagnosed but i was in a lot of pain) I literally could not walk. I had to beg him to take me to the ER because i didn’t know what was wrong with me. He didn’t want to take me but eventually i convinced him, and while we were there all he did was complain about how long it was taking and that he would have rather been at home streaming. Whenever I would talk about my interests that i was excited about like shows or books he would be incredibly uninterested and say that those things were stupid and he didn’t want to hear about them. I know all of these seem very silly or superficial but cumulatively it was awful.
Now for arguably the most serious thing i’m going to talk about. I want to preface this by saying i am just telling my side of what happened. You can come to your own conclusions about this.
On April 25, 2022 it was our one year anniversary, and i had made a dinner reservation for us. I expected him to plan something throughout the day for us to do. He told me he was going to spend the whole day playing Valorant so I got upset and cancelled the reservation. After a very heated argument, we calmed down and i asked him to come over. He came over about an hour later with flowers and drinks (I was 20 at the time so I couldn’t buy the drinks myself). He brought Smirnoffs and Trulys. For context, I am a lightweight. I always have been. I literally get tipsy on half a cocktail. And that day, I hadn’t eaten anything because i was in distress over our argument. So we get to talking and drinking. I blacked out after my second Smirnoff. Apparently I drank 3 but I genuinely cannot remember anything after finishing the second one. The next morning i woke up naked in my bed. I woke him up and asked him “Luke, why am I naked?” and he said “Because you didn’t want to put your clothes back on.” When I clarified to him that that was not what I meant, he got defensive and said that he didn’t realize how drunk I was. He proceeded to tell me that I initiated sex with him and that i was very enthusiastic about it. He said he didn’t know i could black out on three smirnoffs. He made fun of me for being a lightweight and continued to make light of the situation. Then he mentioned that i fell off the bed at some point in the night and that it was funny how drunk I was. I then questioned him. Because if he thought that me tripping and falling off the bed because i was so drunk was funny, how did he not know that i was too drunk? He responded by saying that i fell off the bed only after we were done. That day I broke up with him. I’m still really confused about what happened that night. I don’t remember anything and all I have to go on is what he said to me. We were in a relationship at the time and he says he didn’t know how drunk I was so I’m not sure what to call what happened. A while after that day, his friend that hmu while we were broken up and I started talking again and i confided in him about that night. He told me to be careful saying things like that because they could get me into trouble. I spoke to some of our other friends about it and they told me it was no big deal and that it wasn’t his fault that he didn’t know how drunk I really was. Because I don’t remember, I have been led to believe that this is not a serious matter. You can think what you want, come to whatever conclusions you want. That is just my side of the story.
I want to add that I’m not proud of how I acted after the relationship ended. I felt really angry at all the shit he put me through and I guess a part of me wanted him to hurt even a quarter of how I did. So I started talking to his friend and got involved with him. This backfired on me because his friend ended up really hurting me too so ig i got my karma. But the thing that hurt the most is that because of what I did, some of our friends took his side in the break up. I was told that I did something terrible by getting involved with his friend that he was already insecure about and that he didn’t deserve that. These are the same friends who were witness to the dumpster fire of a relationship we had and all the things he did to me. They turned their backs on me because of this one thing I did. But stood by and watched as he treated me like garbage for over a year.
I will conclude this by saying that while this relationship has been “over and done with” for almost two years now, I carry a lot of trauma from it still. I still talk about him in therapy and have had to put in a lot of work to heal from what he did and i still cannot say that i am okay. I am very blessed to now have a patient and understanding partner who has helped me heal from that trauma and i just want to quickly thank him for that. Nobody deserves to go through what I did. While yes, it was a toxic relationship, and I had a part in that, it does not excuse all the awful things he said and did to me. This is my truth, thank you for taking the time to read it.
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thankskenpenders · 3 months
As much of a hack and just generally unpleasant individual Ken Penders can be… do you think certain people in the fandom take the hate a little far? At certain points it can feel very excessive the way people talk about the guy. It feels like people can’t really be normal about him or his work, your one of the rare exceptions it feels like
Oh 100%. I've done a lot to distance this blog from its image as a pure Penders drama blog in spite of the URL I swear I originally chose as a joke, and I'm only talking about him again right now because the book is out. (And also because the claim that he can reprint all of Archie Sonic, even Ian's run, is just... SO cartoonishly evil for a guy who's claimed to be a champion of comic creators' rights.)
But people REALLY play up their hatred of the guy. It's a meme at this point. Any time any goofy out of context thing from Archie Sonic gets posted people are like "ugh, Penders!" People love to argue with him endlessly on Twitter and spam his replies with random images and brag about getting blocked like it's a badge of honor. People talk about how he should be in jail, about how he "looks like a pedophile," about how much they want Sega to sue him into destitution. Fans misremember basic facts of the lawsuit to make Archie out to be totally innocent, and then no one wants to do basic fact checking because who cares, right? It's very tiring.
There's a reason why I don't follow him on Twitter, don't interact with him directly, ignored his agent's request to interview him directly, don't post updates on every little thing he tweets, and focus on his creative work and the legal drama instead of digging into his personal life, only bringing him up when there's actually news. At a certain point it stops being criticism of him as an artist and a copyright troll and just devolves into gross lolcow shit.
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dipperscavern · 2 months
“jon snow robb stark and cregan stark would have period sex with you send tweet”
as a friend of mine once said, whats the point of having a sword if you dont get it bloody?
cregan could never fathom not having period sex. it’s just blood. he literally does not bat an EYE when he undresses u & sees blood (moons blood obv, not injuries chat). he doesn’t even pause, just slides into you like normal.
jon’s first time was with ygritte. you can’t convince me he cares about a little blood, his first time was dirty. he’s never been able to do much good/fix anything in his life, ever. let him fix your problem.
& robb. oh and robb. just being a northman aside, man is at war. he’s coated his steel sword with more blood than he likes to think about, he has no issue coating his other sword (LMFAO). things are always so terrible all the time, he just wants to make you both feel good.
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vicsy · 9 months
what saddens me the most about the Lance situation as it is, especially in the lights of the tweet liked by Bianca Bustamante (who is a signed junior driver at McLaren as of today) where op calls Lance “an autist”, apart from the regular “just a pay driver” shtick, is the normalization of hating Lance. somehow people in the fandom and evidently among the actual drivers (hello, Drugo, you bitch) have adopted a rhetoric that paints Lance as someone who is ok to hate because: a) daddy owns the team; b) doesn’t have goat level results; c) just because! he’s not widely loved, so it’s all fine, all good. and it’s not real since we’re on the internet. right?
it’s sickening to see what people say about him (both using ableist language, antisemitic comments etc) and then defend themselves saying “well you see he’s this and that and this so I hate him”. you don’t. you’re just full of inhuman hate and need an outlet. or you wanna be one of the “cool kids” which means only liking certain drivers and shitting on the others. fucking check yourselves.
since f1 fandom across all platforms is far from healthy, you get used to seeing takes that make you want to gouge your eyes out, yet Lance seems to be the most popular target of that hatred, unbiased as it is. it’s not even fully about the money or the fact that Lance, indeed, has a father who loves him very much and made sure his son got all the opportunities in the world. you can be mad about it all you want but it won’t change anything.
the line between not liking a particular driver and straight up mixing him with dirt is non-existent these days.
in all honesty, if Lance really didn’t care about racing, at all, he would have walked away already. why risk your life if you’re already set for life money wise? sit and think about that for a bit.
regarding the tweet recently liked by Bianca — I want to make it clear that I’m not familiar with her and I am not hating on her, simply judging this incident — I can’t help but wonder. you made it to f1 and you know how soc med works. likes are public. why? answer might not be clear. but entertain this idea — if there was already a precedent where she found it ok to like a tweet that praises her and shits on Lance, imagine what the kind of mindset there is already in place. so many things we don’t know about that happens behind the scenes.
this isn’t the last we have shit like that happen and it isn’t the first. doesn’t make it any less frustrating and rage inducing.
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3cremepie3 · 1 year
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Synopsis - Jamil finds your spicy anonymous Twitter and he realizes you’ll do anything for him not to leak it.
Warnings - 18+ black mail, manipulation, roughfucking, deepthroating, hate sex, degradation, humiliation
A/n - I’m glad to be back writing. I recently got back into twisted wonderland and I wanted to write a fic on how Jamil would probably be in real life. I hope you enjoy!
“Care to explain what this is?” He had you backed against a wall defenseless physically and mentally. Mops and brooms clattered as you back up further not wanting to meet his phone's gaze.
“It couldn’t be there’s no way,” you thought. But there was a way someway he found your Twitter you had made sure to conceal yourself as best as you could cropping out your face and any other obvious objects.
“I-I don’t know what that is.” You were gonna lie until you couldn’t anymore. The shame you felt was too heavy to admit to your sins. “There’s no need to lie I know how kinky you truly are,” he slithered.
“Pet play? Really Y/n someone as headstrong as you can’t be into something that degrading.” He laughed for a while probably at your horrified face. “Or how about this tweet right here… I want to be someone’s cumslut. Damn, I can’t get enough of this.”
He laughed for a while longer before he stopped remembering his mission. “Anyways I can’t point out at least 5 ways I knew this account is yours. And I won’t be afraid to point it out to everyone. How will the student body feel after realizing how lewd you really are? You’ll probably have half of the horn dogs lusting after you.”
“Just shut the fuck up,” you seethed. “Hmm, that’s not nice language for someone in your situation.” You sighed clearly defeated. “Then what do you want Jamil? It’s not like I have money to give you.”
“No you don’t have money but you have something else.” Something you and I both need.” Don’t look away you might as well get used to this face because you’ll be seeing it every day.” He grabbed your jaw making you face him. “It’s not too bad we’ll both help each other right cumslut,” he snickered.
And that’s how you ended up here. On your knees for the first time. It was dinner time at scarabia so everyone else was busy eating some type of stew Jamil prepared.
You were eating something Jamil prepared too. That something was his surprisingly big dick. “What’s the issue you’re glaring at it.” I’m just surprised it’s that big is all.”
“Normally good for nothings have good for nothing dick. But I suppose yours is decent.” You wouldn’t know a good dick like mine if you saw one you virgin,” he teased. You wanted to protest more but your mouth was filled with dick.
You gagged immediately being taken aback by the stretch your mouth was getting. “Ahh fuck your mouth is so warm,” he hissed. You looked up watching his mouth fall agape. While he looked down watching your hands grab both his thighs for support.
He chuckled a little bit loosening his grasp on your hair. You pulled off his cock coughing. “You look so much prettier with my cock down your throat.” He spoke while caressing your neck. By now the burning in your throat calmed down and you were ready to take him again.
Like a mind reader, he pulled you onto his cock yet again. This time you went all the way to the base. Spit poured out your mouth spilling onto his tone thighs and your uniform shirt.
“Look at how messy you are. You know you have to actually suck right?” He popped your head off of him so you could speak. “It’s kinda hard to do that when I’m taking you so deeply,” you yelled. “Shhh you don’t want to be caught looking all whorish right? Then I advise you to shut the hell up and do what I said Y/n.”
He grabbed your head and brought you down in his cock this time moving you at a fast pace. You couldn’t keep up your breathing quickly starting to choke. You looked up realizing Jamil didn’t care he was in pure bliss. “Fuck keep sucking that feels so good!”
He loved how pretty you looked on his cock your mascara now running because of your tears and your lipgloss smeared everywhere. So naturally he sped up his hips thrusting to meet your mouth. You gagged loudly one of your hands tapping at his waist begging him to tap out.
In that moment you realized he was practically blind and death. His eyes were closed and his mouth was open completely. Even while doing such devilish things he looked so heavenly. His hair somehow came loose falling over his shoulders.
You tried your best to breathe through your nose and brace yourself you knew what was soon to come. His dick was violently twitching in your mouth leaking enough precum to flood your mouth. And another obvious indication was his voice. For someone who told you to keep it down, he was pretty loud.
If someone walked by they would for sure know someone was getting sloppy. His groans were turning into long drawn-out moans. With every thrust, he began to curse more and more. “Fuck c’mon, you can do it.”
“So good you fucking slut. You want my cum that bad huh? Of course, he didn’t receive an answer since he was balls deep but he continued. “I’m gonna ahh,” he moaned. He came immediately flooding your throat. He sat there for a minute just holding your head making sure you swallowed every drop.
After what felt like forever he let go of you. You fell forward onto him your mind hazy from the amount of breath you lost. He patted your head moving your sticky hair out of your face. “I should fucking slap you,” you spat.
“Why you know you had fun Y/n.” I tapped out Jamil what if I died?” You wouldn’t have died.” And you wouldn’t have known you were death for a minute there. Was the head that good Jamil that you couldn’t hear anything,” you laughed.
He just glared at you not bothering to respond to your antics. “Well make a rhythm or something for a tap-out plan another day.” Wait,” you paused. “Another day? You plan on continuing this?”
“Of course, I do why would I lose my perfectly good cumslut when I just got her?” Now clean yourself up and be back here tomorrow same time,” he directed.
You sat there on the ground is disbelief.
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modelbus · 1 year
Ahem- hey- uh- I-
also I am gonna try and be more active on tumblr now so like- yey.
ALSO ALSO, I may sometimes send in requests of my silly little ideas cuz like chaos cut fed my soul and I am now the ✨ H a p p e h ✨
ALSO ALSO ALSO, part three of chaos cut???, we are at home and get messages asking like “Yo we good now? You forgive us for being assholes??” and we say smth like “you gonna respond to my messages? Then sure” some kind of tweet is made could be as vague as “shes gonna be in videos again yayyy” or could be the group admitting to what happened?? *eyes* maybe responses from other friends?? Ofc that is a suggestion for if you decide to further continue.
wether you decide to continue it or not or you decide to use this or not, thank you so much, chaos cut was all I wanted it to be and more.
-All the love, ✨🌌🌙 Annon.
You live!! And I’d love to receive more of your amazing little ideas :) honestly, I’d write 500 parts of Cut Chaos
I probably formatted this weird because of the messages part and the Twitter part but Oh Well.
Pairing(s): cc!Ranboo, cc!Tubbo, cc!Wilbur and cc!Tommy x Fem!Reader (Platonic)
Cut Chaos Part 3
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The day you spent with Ranboo, Tubbo, Wilbur, and Tommy after the store might’ve been the best day you’ve ever had. You’re finally able to breathe again, to laugh again. Smiling had started drifting away from you, but suddenly you were smiling so hard your cheeks hurt.
You almost don’t go home. It’s tempting to stay with Ranboo when he offers up one of their many spare bedrooms (and you do mean many), but you decline. Heading back home, closing the door to your bedroom is easier than it’s ever been. Just living is easier than it used to be.
Collapsing onto your bed, it only takes you a second before you start grinning like an idiot to yourself. Things are back to normal, back to how they should be. Sure, you could still be mad at them for what happened, but you were tired of not being around them. Tired of people being pissed off.
It takes you a full three minutes before you roll onto your side and unlock your phone with Face ID. There’s a plethora of notifications waiting for you, from a group chat that you thought was a ghost town. It makes you grin all over again.
Wilbur so we’re all good now?
Tommy yeah, u forgive us for being assholes??
Tubbo Becuase we r super sorry
You You guys gonna respond to my messages from now on?
Ranboo I promise on Tommy’s life
You Then yeah
Tommy HEY
Laughing to yourself, you swipe out of messages to open Twitter and scroll on it. You aren’t afraid to open it, not like you used to be. Random tweets would remind you of what you lost, of the various people confused why you lost it, but now you’re just giddy. Overjoyed.
Part of you wanted to announce the plans you made with Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo. Scream from the (metaphorical) rooftops of Twitter that you were back. The chaos squad was back.
But, as it turns out, Tommy beat you to it. Of course he did, he can’t keep his mouth shut for the life of him. In a loving way, of course.
tommyinnit ﹫Tommyaltinnit guess who is BACK in the NEW VLOG
|_ You ﹫Yourusername me BITCHES
You grin, scrolling through the replies to Tommy’s tweet—including Tubbo and Ranboo’s—then realize the group name is trending. With wide eyes, you switch what you’re scrolling through to read the new tweets.
Annon ﹫StarStarMoon Anyone know what happened between the chaos squad??? Like they all drop her and now she’s back?? Something definitely happened…
|_ Real Person ﹫RealpersonIcreated THIS! Why did nobody talk about it. I wanna know fr fr
|_ Max ﹫Myfriendsnameisbeingused I think they all dropped her over those rumors ages ago. Makes sense to me tbh
|_ Charlie ﹫Myotherfriendsnameisbeingused Totally on her side if something did happen honestly lmao
Oh, fuck. You hesitate, not sure what to do, then ignore the tweet and its replies. Things were good, you didn’t need to dwell on when they were bad. Let people be people and let them speculate all they want.
This was your life and your happiness. Returned, at last.
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kewpie-aisle · 6 months
𝕪𝕠𝕦'𝕝𝕝 𝕒𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕓𝕖 𝕞𝕪 𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕪 A lil drabble/ramble of a warm moment getting ready with your sweetie cutie baby Daichi
pairing: Sawamura Daichi x f!Reader genre: fluff, established relationship, playful banter
wc: 923 words
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“Dai, have you seen my necklace?” The soft sound of footsteps can be heard down the hallway and within seconds your boyfriend is leaning against the doorway of the bathroom. Frame blocking out the doorway, his broad shoulders filling out the space. Mind wandering to the feeling of your hands running along the span of his back. Covering the expanse of muscle, the feel of your nails digging in lightly almost always eliciting a hiss from his sweet mou- “Earth to Y/N…hello?” Daichi’s voice shakes you out of your thoughts. Eyebrow quirked, unaware of the inappropriate thoughts his mere presence sinks you into. He brings a hand up after seeing your nod of acknowledgement. “First of all, which necklace? Secondly, where are you going, dressed like that, ma’am?” “The necklace you got me for our anniversary, also don’t play with me. You know tonight is Tsumu’s birthday dinner, I’m still upset about you being called in for a shift last minute.” Picking back up your eyeshadow brush, diffusing out your smoky eye without a glance behind you. Daichi and you had been re-scheduling your calendars for a month to make sure you could both go to your friend’s dinner. Not just for the sake of friendship and a great party, but because the consequences of not making it were catastrophic. 
Missing a life event or party of Atsumu’s, as a close friend, was like a category ten natural disaster. The Miya twin took promises really seriously, and would make all his friends promise to be there for life events like this. When folks can’t make it or bail without ample warning, he took it so personally. The complaints were the least of everyone’s concerns, if you hurt him enough, Atsumu gets petty to even the score. 
One year, Shoyo overslept after a late flight home from Argentina, which normally was understandable. But this had been an impromptu trip right before Atsumu’s birthday. Shoyo had promised him that everything would be fine and he’d be back on time. But after coming home he ended up sleeping almost an entire day, missing everyone’s calls and Atsumu’s party. Atsumu had reassured Shoyo he wasn’t angry, but vengeance hid behind that sweet smile. One month later, Atsumu tweeted out that the Jackals wing spiker was doing a surprise meet & greet and dropped Shoyo’s location. Right as he was on a date with a certain international pretty boy setter. The memories of the blog and fan shipping warfare afterwards was enough to send a shudder through you. Your boyfriend walked away with a groan, already hearing Atsumu’s complaints in his head. “He’s such a baby…” he grumbles re-entering the bathroom, necklace in hand. “My question still stands, the emphasis was on “dressed like THIS. Looking this good for Atsumu? Babe please.” With a click the necklace is on, laying perfectly with the v neckline of your dress, the light catching the gold pendant every now and then. Daichi rests his hand on your shoulder, hands wrapping around your waist to look at you through the mirror. Instinctually leaning back into his chest as you put your brush down. Hand coming up to ruffle his hair, “who’s being the baby right now” you chuckle seeing the smallest pout on his face. Sawamura Daichi has always been everyone’s rock, whether it was his captain days in high school, group leader during college projects, or even the youngest senior ranking police officer in his prefecture. Daichi is a leading force to be reckoned with. But with you, he’s soft, playful, and sometimes needy; a vulnerability that you cherish being able to experience.
Face tucked into your neck, pressing soft kisses to the soft where your shoulder connects, you feel his hum of appreciation rumble through into your head. “As long as I’m your baby.”
You gently tug at his hair to get him to look at you to make sure he knows it to his core. There shouldn’t be any doubt, not even in a moment of neediness. Not even in a moment of joking around. He looks up at you with a sheepish smile, unwrapping himself and taking your hand to press a small kiss to your fingers.
“You look beautiful as always. That’s much too big a gift for Atsumu, but I hope you have fun.” He thinks for a second before adding “just don’t have too much fun without me” elbowing you gently while stepping back to let you finish up your makeup. He watches as you wrap up the last touches, eyes meeting as you pucker a kiss through the mirror. The smile on his face enough to set off the butterflies in your stomach.  “Try to finish up your shift early if you can, I know it’s never that easy but try.” He follows you out the bathroom as you head to the front door to put on your shoes.
“Awww you going to miss me?” He hands you your handbag and wraps his arm around your waist to pull you close.
You lean up to kiss him and open the door, turn around and cup his face. “Not for me baby, but to escape the wrath of Tsumu. He’s been sending the group chat threats nonstop since this morning. And you still haven’t told him you got called into work”. Daichi’s smile drops in a second, face pale as a ghost. With a wink you close the door behind you, giggling as you hear a thud and loud groan from behind the door.
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Please consider reblogging to support! Dividers by @cafekitsune
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peakyscillian · 2 years
Cillian Masterlist
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Cillian Requests CLOSED
Please read Warning on my Main Masterlist.
Nearly all of my storys contain smut.
🤍 Requested 🖤 Smut
Cillian : One Shots
Date Night - Boyfriend!Cillian
Birthday Boy - Husband!Cillian Birthday Morning Treat. 🖤
Comfort - It's the end of Peaky Blinders & Cillian is feeling lost.
Magic - The worse period pains of your life so far? Soft!Cillian can help.🤍
Break - Based off writing prompts, Cillian & Y/N break up. 🤍
Unexpected - Everything that's worthwhile comes unexpectedly. 🖤🤍
Away - Cillian is living in Manchester for PB filming & that results in cute Skype calls. 🤍
Practice - Cillian needs help with a tricky scene. 🖤🤍
Hitched - It's your wedding day & Cillian finally gets to see your dress.(R)
Unwrap - Bad day? Cillian can help you. 🖤🤍 Public - Teasing you in public, Cillian ultimate fantasy. 🖤🤍 Heat - It’s too hot to sleep piled together in a bed.
Backseat - Expanded on my NSFW alphabet wild card. 🖤 When I kissed the teacher - Cillian has a fantasy 🖤🤍 Storm - Fluffy!Cillian x Reader. Needy - maybe you’re just a tiny bit needy.🖤🤍 Scars to your beautiful - an Angsty Cillian One Shot🤍 I miss you - Cillian needs to prove he only has eyes for you. 🖤🤍 Surprise - No plot just smut 🖤 Normal - Sometimes Cillian gets to lead a normal life.🖤🤍 Six Months - It's been a long six months for Cillian 🖤🤍 It's My Birthday - Birthday fic for @janelongxox 🖤 Solo - Cillian needs some alone time 🖤
Spice - Twenty years of marriage, maybe things need spicing up. 🖤🤍
Rebel - Cillian is trying to get his teenage daughter to like him again 🖤
Man Like You - Is Reader too young for a man like Cillian? 🖤🤍
Love Affair - Cillian and Reader fell in-love on set, can they keep it a secret on the red carpet.🖤🤍 First - There's a first time for everything.🖤 Fright - Why did you decide to say yes to Cillian when he suggested watching a horror movie? 🖤🤍 Explosive - Sometimes you just can’t wait. 🖤 From The Start - Christmas is the perfect time to tell someone how you’ve felt from the start. 🖤🤍 This Christmas - Starting new traditions this Christmas. Drifting - You and Cillian have been drifting apart lately. Part One | Part Two 🖤🤍 Caught - Mutually checking each other out - can only lead to one thing, right? 🖤🤍 Anxious Darling - Sometimes you just can’t shake the anxiety 🤍
Valentines - Cillian doesn’t believe in Valentines Day, but y/n is determined to make him see sense! 🖤
Easter - Easter with the family. Hungover - The morning after one too many drinks. 🖤🤍 Birthday - Just a filthy one shot for our mans birthday. 🖤
Match - The perfect match.
Babymoon - Cillian just can’t get enough of Y/N being pregnant. 🖤🤍 Daddy's Home - Cillian’s been away filming for months, finally he’s home.🤍 Proposal - Cillian is finally popping the question. 🤍 Sharing - “Because we drank too much last night” 🖤🤍 Part One | Two Medicine - Cillian and family time is the best medicine
Pink - Cillian arrives home early from filming.🖤🤍
Canvas - Reader has an idea, Cillian is definitely on-board.🖤🤍 Merry Christmas, Baby - The christmas party ends with an early christmas gift.🖤
Relax - Cillian knows how to make you relax 🖤🤍 Perfect Valentine - Cillian does something he really doesn’t want to do, so reader gives him something he really likes.🖤🤍 Quickie - A short smutty One Shot 🖤 Award Winning - Cillian actually leaves the house, Cillian’s not winning any awards for his acting but maybe for other things? 🖤
Kiss Me At Midnight - Everyone needs a kiss at midnight 🖤
Cillian : Drabbles
Thighs - Filth from my mind 🖤 Hands - More flith from my mind 🖤 Moving in - A little drabble requested 🖤🤍 Cringe - A drabble 🤍 Back - A little Cillian drabble 🤍 Rain - rainy days in with Cillian & your dogs 🤍 Guest - Wedding Guest Cillian Thirst - Reader introduces Cillian to thirst tweets about him 🖤🤍 Snack - Cillian just wants to eat! 🖤🤍 WAP - Cillian hears that song for the first time 🖤🤍
Morning - Cillian smutty drabble 🖤
Ready - Writing prompt ‘tying your lovers tie’ 🤍 But..what is a dilf? 🤍 Sweethearts - Young Cillian x Reader. 🤍 Selfish - Secretly dating Prompt, for Alex 🤍
Cillian : Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet 🖤 Fluff Alphabet POV: Cillian is your boyfriend this is your camera roll: Part One | Part Two | Part Three 🤍 Memes: Cillian is your boyfriend/husband you send him these memes 🤍
Cillian : Mini-Series/Series
The Date Series : Fem!Reader is set up on a blind date, follow the dates that happen after said blind date. (This will be an on-going series) Masterlist Adored: Cillian Murphy, Movie Star and Sugar Daddy. 🤍 ✨Twenty Five/Twenty Five (Completed) 15.09✨ Masterlist Bend The Rules: Cillian is unhappily married, to someone who doesn’t care about him, surely he can bend the rules? Masterlist ✨Fourteen/Fourteen (Completed) 24.04✨
But a number: Fem!Reader is a young actress but has done a lot with her time in the spotlight, shes also engaged to Cillian Murphy after meeting on set of a movie two years ago, Cillian however is 19 years older than Reader, this mini-series will follow how they handle the age gap, the press and close friends & families. 🖤🤍 ✨Four/Four Completed 17.06✨ Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Family Series: One Day - A day on set, Cillian gets thinking. 🖤🤍 Day Off - Part Two of One Day. 🖤🤍 Oh, Baby - Why isn’t giving birth a mans job? ✨Three/Three Completed ✨
Treat you better: You’re cast as Tommy’s new love interest in Peaky Blinders, meaning you have to do all kinds of scenes with Cillian who you know well from the movie/tv circuit, your boyfriend who isn’t supportive is jealous. 🖤 ✨Four/Four Completed✨ One Two Three Four
Cillian : On hold Stories.
Last year: It's the annual Peaky Blinders Cast New Year getaway, but this year Willow would rather not be there. 🖤 ✨ON HOLD 05/04✨ Part One 02/01 Part Two (S) 06/01
What You're Missing: Reader & Cillian have been so busy, spending time together hasn’t happened, Reader needs to show Cillian just what he’s missing over the course of a week.🖤 Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four
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boyfhee · 1 year
⋆ NOW WE DATE ! · psh
CHAPTER THIRTEEN · dating hotspot
SYNOPSIS · everyone knew you were sunghoon's biggest fan— or so you claimed to be— it didn't take a scientist to guess after your nonstop gushing about him during enhypen's debut. now, they didn't know you found him 'so babygirl' not until you accidentally tweeted it on your main.
warnings · teensy bit of angst + suggestive dialogues, profanities
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it took naya sixteen tries and forty-five minutes to convince you to come to the hybe cafe with the group. 
she didn’t think it would be this hard, considering your fixation with the desserts they serve. however, you happen to be sceptical and tend to sit and over analyse everything, and something about naya texting jake, and then asking the whole group to go to the cafe the first thing in the morning doesn’t sit right with you. 
you like giving people the benefit of doubt and believe that things are exactly how they seem, that naya and the rest of the girls only want to spend some time at the cafe since it’s been a while all four of you have been there, instead of there being a bigger, darker, picture. the four of you stand in the lift while waiting to get to the second floor as you watch naya type relentlessly on her phone.
“who are you texting?” you ask, pressing your lips in a thin line, raising your head up to get a peek if possible, however she tilts the screen towards herself, giving you a nonchalant shrug. 
“my brother,” and the lie rolls off her tongue ever so efficiently— it was bound to happen, her plan was deemed too good to fail. from what jake has told her, sunghoon is absolutely fucked in the head about you. not to mention, how he’s jealous of the fact that the actor park sunghoon got to kiss you first— although, for a scene— instead of the actual, real, park sunghoon who has real feelings for you and would like to kiss you on and off camera, every time, all the time. she is convinced that her plan has no loopholes, and that’s why her thumb softly taps over the send button ever so confidently as she texts jake about their arrival at the cafe. 
“uh, i’ll be right back,” yeon interjects as the girls take a seat, grabbing yinuo’s hands as she pulls the youngest member along with her, excusing herself to the washroom. 
naya smirks to herself as she sees the other two leave, looking over at you. “what do you want to eat? i was thinking if we should get macaroons or shortcakes, what do you think?” 
“macaroons would do,” and naya excuses herself to the counter, utilising every millisecond of her time to walk, occasionally stopping in her tracks to text jake on the situation. now, it’s just you and your suspicion sitting together at a table. 
and, the gaze of a certain australian boy projecting in your direction from a few metres behind. 
. . .
“sunoo, i need you to not fuck this up,” jake warns the boy again, hands on his waist as if this is about life and death (it almost is because they’re dealing with sunghoon) as he replies to naya, telling her that sunoo will be up there soon. 
“i’m telling you, i’ve never flirted with anyone in my entire life,” it’s sunoo’s last attempt at getting out of this situation, which is probably not possible because the rest six of enhypen members are terribly stubborn and practically threw him under the bus when it came to picking the ‘bait.’ “i’ll most likely end up laughing,” 
“dude, just tell her she’s cute,” heeseung pipes up, making sunoo roll eyes at his words. “compliment her hair or something,”
“why don’t you do it instead?” it’s evident how sunoo is sulking about the situation and jake is taking none of it, pushing him a bit as sunoo groans and walks up to you, making sure to look normal and like someone who’s approaching you without any hidden intentions. 
“oh, yn?” and sunoo is channelling his inner song joong ki as he fake gasps as you, making you turn around to look at him as you stand up and greet the boy. “wow, what’s a coincidence, i can’t believe you like food at hybe cafe too,” 
that’s the fakest, most unbelievable shit that has come out of sunoo’s mouth. even the intonation isn’t how he normally sounds, and he’s trying to be very normal here. he can see jay making annoyed faces at him from his peripheral vision although he tries not to react, focusing on your instead. you seem to believe is normalcy, and it’s going so good so far. 
“yeah, the macaroons here are quite good,” you reply with an awkward laugh, not internally screaming because naya is taking eternity to come back and it seems like yeon and yinuo got flushed down the toilet. you’re not the one with overflowing social anxieties, but how does one continue a conversation with someone who you have never really talked to so far? 
“just like you,” sunoo wants to dig a grave and bury himself alive because you look like you just heard the most inhumane thing ever. “i mean you and an idol, like your vocals are so good and i really look up to you. your dance style is cool, i like you—” 
and the next thing you remember is seeing sunghoon only a few steps away from you and sunoo, watching you two with a confused expression before he ran out. 
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note : crazy how i keep forgetting i have a smau to update anyway guys the writing here is shit i wrote that in ten mins hope u still like it though (idk how to end it)
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cloudlessly-light · 3 months
I’m likely on Twitter way too much but I’ve been inspired by the “railed in a sundress” tweets to try and inspire you. So, request for a hotchniss “railed in a sundress” fic? Ily
Title: Love like mine (4/11) Chapter title: I'll make you scream and I'll make you want it Summary: He wasn’t a cheater. Until her. Word count: 3,5k Rating: Explicit   Warnings (for this chapter): Smut, dirty talk, anal play, cheating, a tiny hint of feelings, a tiny bit of angst
They stand in silence as the elevator makes its way up to their floor, side by side. His fingers are grazing hers, a gentle touch, something small and she forces a smile away.
“Had a good weekend?” She keeps looking straight ahead, watches as people get off and on the elevator.
“Yes, thank you.” He uses the fact that it gets more crowded to his advantage as she moves a little closer to him. “What about you?”
“It was fine.” When his hand grabs her ass she bites her bottom lip, can see the amusement he’s clearly trying to hide in her peripheral.
“Good.” The ding of the elevator forces them to part as they make their way out and walk towards the glass doors. “Can I see you in my office after the morning briefing?”
“Of course, sir.”
The glint in his eye caused her to smirk knowingly.
They’re in Montana, the case brutal, videos and torture devices in the unsubs house making her feel nauseous. She usually wasn’t fazed, but this case took a toll on all of them and she wanted to forget, just for an hour, about the horror they had witnessed. They never spent the night together on cases, but she needed something to get rid of the disgust she felt, needed to feel something other than rage.
“Can you come to my room tonight?” She asks quietly after finding him alone in the police station. He gives her a questioning look as he sorts through papers.
“I thought we had an agreement.” He can see the tension in her shoulders, hates the world for a moment because the women all looked like her.
“I know. I just… never mind.” She shakes her head quickly and chuckles dryly. “Forget it.”
He’s knocking on her door that same night and she opens wearing loose shorts and a tank, less put together than she normally shows herself, but he finds that he likes it.
“I didn’t think you’d come.” She lets him in and leans back against the door as he gets his tie and suit jacket off.
“I couldn’t stay away.”
Neither of them talk about the fact that they don’t have sex that night.
The tension is thick in the car, another argument, another day with clipped words and icy tones. Fights had almost become normal in their home. They didn’t used to be like this, but if Aaron was completely honest they had ignored their problems for a long time. It started before she got pregnant with Jack, her irritation at his work hours and unpredictable schedule something that he knew he could easily fix but wouldn’t. He thinks that’s what has hurt her the most, the fact that he wouldn’t change his job for her, not even after they had a child.
It's the fourth of July, it’s unbearably hot and for once they aren’t working. It was Penelope’s idea to have a celebration, Derek’s idea to have a barbeque in the backyard of one of the houses he’s just finished renovating. And Haley is angry with him. He had gotten home late, tired from another long day, coming home to a wife that wanted nothing more than to spend time with him. It shouldn’t have made him mad, he knows he should be more appreciative of everything she does for him, for their child.
And yet he can’t help the way annoyance itches on his skin as she complains that he missed another milestone in Jack’s life, doesn’t seem to be able to stop the words that come out harsher than he means to. And now they’re at a standstill, too late to cancel going to Derek’s but nowhere near having solved the ongoing fight.
Emily would be there, that realization hitting him just as he walked through the front door the night before. Emily would be there, would be sharing a space with his wife for the first time since the bar, that night seeming like a lifetime ago when she had him pressed against a wall, confidence and alcohol on her tongue as she asked if he was happy with Haley.
He was. He was happy, for the most part he thinks. But that was a part of marriage, you went through ups and downs. Aaron wonders what down causes him to cheat on his wife, knows that there’s no answer good enough.
And now he was going to watch as his wife interacted with his mistress.
“Honey?” He says softly as he parks the car, dares to put his hand on her thigh and when she doesn’t move he takes that as a good sign. “I’ll try more. I promise.”
She smiles at him, a sad smile that he knows she thinks is reassuring but is anything but.
“You know you can’t promise that. Not as long as you’re working within the BAU.” Still, she rests her hand on top off his. “We can talk more tonight, I just want us to enjoy today.” She reaches over the center console and presses a chaste kiss to his cheek.
“Okay.” He agrees and they both get out of the car. He gets Jack out of the car seat, the toddler happily babbling as they walk around the house to the front yard where everyone had already arrived.
“Hotch!” Derek greets him happily as he stands by the grill with Penelope beside him. “Finally, we thought you weren’t going to make it.” He hugs Haley and Penelope does the same.
“We had a cranky toddler.” Haley lies and it works, the attention quickly switching from them to Jack. “Sorry we’re late.”
“It’s alright, anything for my main man Jack.” Derek takes him from Aaron and puts him on his shoulders and Jack laughs.
“Please be careful.” Penelope warns, eyes wide as she watches them and Derek chuckles at the worried tone of his friend, Haley joining him.
“It’s fine Penelope, he loves it.” She smiles and Aaron nods along just as JJ and Spencer walks towards them, greeting them with smiles and hugs and then Dave walks out from the house carrying a bowl filled with salad.
He’s about to make his way toward the older man and then he sees her.
Emily is behind Dave, carrying two bottles of wine and dressed in a white dress, thin straps and knee length, small blue flowers on the fabric. He’s seen her naked, seen her in lingerie and yet, he’s close to stunned as he lets his eyes move over her slowly. She notices, but covers just as quickly when she sees Haley behind him.
She had known Haley would be there, had forced any feeling of unease away and yet her stomach twisted nervously for a moment when she saw them. But she forced a smile as her eyes met the other woman’s.
“Haley, it’s nice to see you again.” She greets them as Haley comes to stand beside Aaron while she puts the wine bottles down.
“Nice to see you too.” Haley’s smile seems stiff, the ease of how she had spoken to Emily the last time they saw each other gone and she wonders if maybe Haley knows more than she lets on. “That’s such a cute dress.” She continues and Emily smiles.
“Thank you.” She can tell Aaron isn’t used to seeing her this way, isn’t used to her simply being Emily and not Prentiss or the thrill hidden inside the walls of her apartment. His eyes seemed glued to her and everything in her wants to tell him to stop, because that’s the look that gets her naked, the look that makes her undress in his office as he presses a gun to her skin. “I just got this actually.” She continues just as Jack starts to whine, thankfully catching Haley’s attention.
“Excuse me.” She turns to walk towards the rest of the group and Emily gives Aaron a warning look.
“Stop it.” She mutters as she opens the first wine bottle and then pours herself a glass before continuing to pour wine into the rest of the glasses.
“Stop what?” He asks quietly and grabs the other bottle to open.
“Stop staring at me like that.”
He doesn’t get the chance to reply, JJ and Penelope coming over to grab their own glasses and quickly whisking her away with conversations about Penelope’s latest date.
All things considered, it goes better than she had thought. Haley seems to loosen up and Aaron is keeping a safe distance from her. It’s a beautiful day and they get to relax in each other’s company, something they hadn’t done in months. It’s a good day and yet she can’t keep herself from lusting after him. She doesn’t do anything about it, his child and wife are there, they’re surrounded by their friends and coworkers, and yet, she wants him.
And he wants her too. He might be staying away, but his eyes seem to linger on her, dark eyes following her movements and she knows that they’re walking a thin line.
He finds her alone in the kitchen as she rinses off plates, Spencer having left her just moments before to collect some of the trash.
“I told you to stop.” She doesn’t turn to look at him, doesn’t need to when she feels his presence behind her, not close enough to touch, but close enough for the hairs at the back of her neck to rise.
“You look beautiful.” He whispers and after making sure no one is around he takes a step closer, close enough to smell her perfume as he lets one finger drag slowly up her arm, and when she shivers he smiles.
“Please don’t.” She almost drops the plate in her hand, stops to lean against the counter to try to keep some resemblance of control.
“Why?” He husks, somehow unable to keep away from her even now.
“Your wife is outside. With your child. And if you don’t-” She starts but then he pushes up fully behind her and she feels him, strong chest and warm hands, the bulge of him in his jeans.
“If I don’t what?” He knows that he needs to walk away, that this was beyond reckless. It was stupid. But then she made a low sound, a mewl, a sound he recognized as desperation and he couldn’t seem to stop.
“We can’t… not here.”
The sound of footsteps forces him to step away, Penelope’s heels loud against the hardwood floors.
“Do you guys need any help in here?” She asks, all smiles and bright eyes.
“No just finishing up, we’ll be out in a minute.” Aaron tells her and she walks back outside, gone as quickly as she came. For a moment he’s happy that she wasn’t a profiler, that she didn’t think about things the way the rest of them did. When he turns to look at Emily her pupils are dilated, her tongue sneaking out to wet her bottom lip and he knows that what he’s about to do is madness, but in that moment he does not care about the repercussions. “Meet me upstairs in fifteen minutes.”
She looks at him for a moment, debates with herself about how far is actually too far. But when she meets his eye she can’t seem to stop herself from nodding.
He was her addiction, and she wasn’t going to quit.
Aaron walks outside and is immediately met by Haley who’s holding Jack in her arms.
“I was just about to put him down for nap.” She says and he takes him from her.
“I’ll do it, go enjoy yourself.” He smiles at her and only feels the slight pang of guilt for lying to her, feels a little more guilt for using his own son to get away from the rest of the team. But Haley smiles and nods, kisses his cheek quickly and turns back to JJ and Dave who were seated at the table talking to each other.
“Where’s Prentiss?” He hears Derek ask just as he turns to walk back inside the house, meeting Emily in the doorway with a look.
“Right here.” She gets the attention of the other man but give Aaron a subtle nod as they pass each other. It’s beyond reckless, but she couldn’t stay away.
She’s never been so happy for her upbringing as she was that day, that she could focus on the conversations around her even as excitement flows in her veins. The minutes drag on slowly, even with Derek’s jokes and Rossi’s stories. He was still new to the team, someone she didn’t know well yet, didn’t trust him like she trusted the rest, but he was warming up to them, and she to him.
“I have to use the bathroom.” She excuses herself after close to fifteen minutes had passed and she stands.
“The downstairs one is still a mess, go upstairs and it’s the second door to the right.” Derek tells her and she smiles her thanks. Perfect.
She finds him upstairs, just coming out of a bedroom with a baby monitor in hand. When he sees her, he stops and looks at her, a cross between want and doubt on his face.
“We’re being stupid.” She says for him, knows that’s what he’s thinking. To her surprise he walks towards her until he can take her hand and drag her into another bedroom.
“We are.” He tells her and puts the baby monitor down before pushing her up against the wall behind her. “We have to be quick.” His warm hand moves under her dress until he reaches the apex of her thighs.
“You’re sure?” Her voice comes out only slightly shaky and then his fingers drag along the seam of her underwear, feeling her wetness through the silk and she bites back a moan.
“Yes.” He claims her lips in a kiss at the same time he moves her underwear to the side to press two fingers inside of her, making sure she was ready. When he finds her wet and hot he bites her bottom lip. “You have to be quiet.” He mumbles as she drags his zipper down and then pushes his jeans and boxers down enough for him to feel the air on his heated shaft.
“So do you.” She smirks, her hand around him and when he hisses she feels a sense of accomplishment. Her legs wrap around his hip and his hand wraps under her thigh, keeping her steady as he pushes her harder against the wall. When he pushes inside of her it’s with a rough thrust, and the feeling pushing the air from her lungs.
He exhales sharply, the feeling of her always amazing and he gives them a moment before he starts to move. They don’t have time to waste so they don’t, his movements hard and fast as Emily’s fingers dig into his shirt, her head thrown back and her lip between her teeth in an effort to stay as quiet as possible.
“You like this?” He whispers against her ear, ragged breath and breathy words. “You fucking love it.”
“Y-yes.” She gasps and his eyes darken just slightly. It was wrong, so unbelievably wrong, and it only seemed to spur her on, being close to getting caught, knowing that he chose to come to her even with his wife just downstairs, it was thrilling, something she shouldn’t find arousing but did. Her fingers dug harder into his shoulder as he moved with quicker strokes and he quickly grabbed both her wrists and pinned them above her head.
“No marks.” He growled in her ear, dark and low and she let her head fall back against the wall with a dull thud.
“Fuck Aaron, harder.” She pulled him against her using her leg, forcing him as deep inside of her as possible and the low moan that left her lips caused him to quickly let go of her wrists to cover her mouth.
“Shh, quiet.” He stares her down as he continues to move, keeps his hand over her mouth when she starts to tremble. “Think you can keep quiet sweetheart? Think you can keep from screaming?”
She nodded against his hold, the smugness only getting her closer and she made a mental note to get him back at some other time. But then he changes the angle and only a few seconds later she comes, her orgasm rushing through her so fast she goes lightheaded. Her leg buckles and if he hadn’t expected it she would have fallen, but he’s there, keeping her against the wall as the pleasure washes over her.
He doesn’t move away until he knows she can stand, and carefully sets her leg down then turns her around. He’s back inside of her in moments, buries his face in junction of her neck and shoulder to keep his own groan down.
“Gorgeous thing, all mine.” He lets one hand move around her body until he’s wrapping it around her throat, squeezing loosely, the other moves down to hold her dress up enough to watch the way her body takes him.
“Yours, jesus Aaron.” She bites her hand to keep from moaning, the pleasure of him close to maddening as he keeps fucking her with even strokes. Then she feels his hand move over her hip, toward her ass until he gently presses his thumb against her other hole.
“Have you ever?” He pants, eyes fastened on the way her hole tightens as he presses the pad of his thumb against it, but she doesn’t tense up or move away from him.
“No. Never.” She expects him to try and push his thumb in there, but he doesn’t. Instead he grabs her hip and pulls her back hard against him as his hand tightens around her throat.
“Maybe some other time.” He groans quietly, the thought of being her first getting him to the edge in record time. She must feel it, because she moves back against him as his hips stutter, her walls squeezing his shaft until his jaw clenches and he bites back a groan as he comes inside of her. He can hear her low whimper through the ringing in his ears, the sound breathy and low even as his hand stays wrapped around her throat. His legs tremble as the pleasure overtakes him and only when he feels like he can breathe again, does he move away from her.
Emily quickly fixes her underwear and pulls her dress down, her hands moving to brush through her dark hair and she smiles at him.
“Can you come over soon?” She asks as he puts himself back together too.
“I’ll try.” He promises, and that’s enough for her.
She walks down first and when he joins them a couple of minutes later he notices the look Dave sends him. But he doesn’t say anything and before he can ask the older man what’s wrong Haley comes up to him.
“You were gone a while.”
“Sorry it took a while to get Jack down.” He lies, silently wondering when his life became this mess.
They keep fighting, fight until he’s not even sure what they’re fighting about. Haley rarely raises her voice, but when she does he knows that she’s moments away from saying something she’ll regret later. And then it comes.
“You put everything before us, before Jack. Every single day. It’s like you don’t want to be here at all.”
“You know that’s not true Haley.” He can feel his own anger, simmering, barely contained. There was some truth to her words, that’s why he’s angry, he would never wish something else for his life, couldn’t imagine a life without Jack. But the facts were that he spent more nights than he cared to admit in another woman’s apartment.  
“Isn’t it?” Her nails are digging into her upper arms, rage she doesn’t want to show making her body shake. “You chose your job every day. You could have a normal job and-”
“And what?!” His voice is louder than he means it, and he can tell that it startles her. “Be miserable? Is that what you want?”
“Bottom line is, we aren’t enough for you.” Her words make him furious and he slams a cabinet loud enough for the wood to crack slightly. The sudden bang wakes Jack up, his cries cutting through their fury for a moment.
“I’ll go.” She says, her voice suddenly soft and tired, like all the fight drained out of her. “I’m not going to live like this Aaron. I’m done.”
Aaron watches her as she goes. He never thought his life would turn out like this.
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
But think of the scandal of pro hero bakugo getting caught stalking and harassing you and ruining his image and he blames you so he comes to collect "revenge"
I’LL SCREAM! I couldn’t decide whether I wanted them to have been in a relationship or not so I wrote about him being a stranger to you, but how hot would it be if he was your boyfriend? And you’d been over the moon because he’s like the dream guy right? The guy every girl wishes she could have— but you see that dark side of him that no one else can see. So you’ve been dating for a while until he got too intense too quick, too obsessive and possessive and when you broke it off he began stalking and harassing you? (I might write this one too oop)
Because it’s all your fault he’s doing this, that you’ve made him into this.
He was perfectly fine until you came along. Teetering on the number one spot, advertising campaigns fighting for his face as an ambassador, fans going wild for the latest piece of Dynamight merch, tweeting their love and praise for the hero.
Life was good, he was doing good.
And then suddenly he can’t stop thinking about you. The day you were sharing the same train carriage as him as you both made your way into the city. His normal train cancelled due to signal failures which meant that he was forced to get the next train, now full to the brim with commuters.
His back pressed against the cool glass of the door as you stood in front of him, the saccharine scent of your perfume invading his senses as he was unable to take his eyes off you. The innocent way you tried to stop yourself from leaning against him in the packed carriage, even though businessmen continued forcing their way on to the train. Forcing your body harder against his as you mumbled out quiet apologies, glancing up at him with a small smile before guiding your eyes back to the floor.
Each time the train would jolt it would push you back into him again, and Bakugou wished it would happen more often. Something that would usually be an annoyance for him was now becoming a comfort. His heart falling when you began to weave your way through the crowd of people as you got off the train at your stop, his crimson eyes lingering on you through the glass windows as he watched you continue up the escalators at the station.
And now all he could think about was you. Sitting behind his desk at work as he fantasised about the perfect life with you, even though he didn’t even know your name. Wondering if there was a way he’d be able to find out, maybe through travel records or having a sidekick follow you out of the station one day. He wondered what train you got home, having never seen you on any of his when he’d commute back past eight in the evening.
Deciding that he would start to get the same train, the one that left after his usual. Standing in the same carriage as he began to look out for you, noticing the pattern in your movements. There were two different carriages you’d usually jump on, one was your preferred— a little further down the platform where it was quieter, and the one you’d jump on when you were rushing to work. Dead centre as you managed to hop on before the doors closed, almost making it look like some kind of sport.
After a few weeks of getting into the same train carriage as you on the way to work, it’s soon not enough to satiate his need to be close to you. Deciding one morning— when he doesn’t even have work, to get on the same train as you and follow you to work. Keeping a few steps behind you as you walk towards your building, noticing you’d always stop in at the same coffee shop before you’d go in to the office— Manual’s Agency. This would make it easier to find out who you were.
And the next day he has your name and department, already organising a bouquet of flowers to be sent to you with a sweet note accompanying them. If only the sweet note didn’t terrify you when you read it. Mentions of watching you for weeks, following you and his intent to be with you. Little gifts continue to show up for you, but you have no idea they’re from him.
Any men that had ever been flirty with you on social media were also nowhere to be seen, a young sidekick from Manual’s agency that you’d been texting back and forth now continued to ghost you and you had no idea why. Texting your friends that the guy that you’d just been on a date with was now completely ignoring you, and them telling you that you could do so much better.
Little did you know that when he’d left the bar that night, Bakugou had cornered him down an abandoned alley and threatened to make sure every agency in the city wouldn’t hire him if he continued to date you.
And when the time came for Bakugou to finally reveal himself to you— he terrified you. Stopping you right outside your favourite coffee shop as he tried to hand you your favourite drink, his hood pulled up over his messy blond hair as he towered over you. Telling you about how he’d been watching you for weeks, and how he wanted to marry you.
But you’re petrified— not only at the fact that he said he’s been watching you for weeks, but at the fact that he knows your exact order, he’s been sending you gifts with your name on, and he just said he wants to marry you. So you race off and into the safety of your agency.
It’s a few weeks until he tries again. A restraining order isn’t going to be enough to stop him, nor will all the articles now branding him a stalker and a creep. He’ll set you straight— make you tell everyone it was just a big misunderstanding.
He waits in the coffee shop for you, nursing your exact coffee order as his crimson eyes focus on the tall high rise as he waits for you to leave for the evening.
5.05pm — he checks his watch as he notices you walking out, much slower now after a long day at work. He follows you back to the station, getting onto the same train as he decides today is the day he’ll follow you home.
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bachissidehoe · 3 months
no vacancy
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chapter 2 of it's classy not classic
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“Bachira? Hello?” Isagi panics into the phone, pacing around his bedroom in a plain white t-shirt and boxers for the second morning in a row. 
“Hey boyfriend.” Bachira’s groggy voice comes through on the other end. It sounds like he’s still in bed.
“So you’ve seen it.” 
“Yeah I saw it, it was sent to me like 50 times.” He yawns. 
“I’m so sorry. I can’t even believ- I’m really sorry I’ll tell everyone-” Isagi rushes through his words, speaking so fast that it doesn’t even sound like real sentences. 
“Calm down, calm down. Sheesh.” Bachira replies, sounding much too casual about this situation. It sounds like he’s just calmly stretching in his bed, while Isagi continues his panicked routine. 
“I need to tell everyone that’s not true, I can’t believe I dragged you into this-”
“You really don’t wanna date me that much?” Bachira giggles. How can he be so normal about this? 
“That’s not-” 
“It’s alright Isagi, it’s not a big deal. Some people took pictures of us together and it wasn’t hard to make the jump- you know, I just got out of a relationship and the breakup was pretty publicized in my circles.” Bachira explains.
Isagi holds his phone in front of them, scrolling through the tweets and articles about he and Bachira’s little date yesterday. Looking at it from an outside perspective, Isagi can completely understand why people may think that Bachira sipping from Isagi’s drink may indicate something more than a normal friendship. But anyone who knows Bachira personally would understand that these little quirks of his are just part of his personality.
“Oh- I didn’t even know.” 
“I know, my ex already texted me about it to ask what’s going on.” He chuckles. 
A situation like that would make Isagi even more panicked, but once again, Bachira just takes everything in his stride. 
“What? What did you say to her?” Isagi asked.
“You mean him? I didn’t respond to him yet.” Bachira replies.
Isagi pauses, nearly choking on air. That makes even more sense. “I didn’t know you were gay.” He blurts out. How did they hang out and it never came up? Especially because of the topic of conversation. But all things considered, that makes even more sense as to why the public seems to assume the two of them are in a relationship.
Bachira just laughs. “I’m bi.” 
“Oh. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said it like-” 
“Yeah. In my community it’s very known, so it makes sense that people would see me with you, and you just “came out”, and assume something’s going on.” Bachira sighs. “I probably should have thought of that.” 
“Well-” Isagi pauses. “What are you gonna say to him?” 
It’s not necessarily surprising that Bachira Meguru is bisexual. Isagi wouldn’t think anything of it if he weren’t involved in this current situation. But honestly, Isagi feels bad that his friend identifies this way at this specific point in time. Because if Bachira were straight, that would be an easy fix. 
“Not sure.” 
Isagi just sighs. “I’m sorry man.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “I’ll make a public post and clear everything up.” 
“Actually.” Bachira pauses. Isagi can hear him shuffling around, possibly leaving his bed. “I don’t think you should.” 
“I think you should wait. It might not be worth explaining.” He continues. 
“Are you-”
“I’m saying we should just fake it. I’m in Tokyo for a couple months for work, we fake date until I move away, and then we fake break up because I’m moving and you’re a pro player and all.” He suggests. He says it so casually too, like it’s not the most insane idea Isagi has ever heard. “You know, just like the movies!” 
“You’re insane.” Isagi replies. It’s really all he can say. This can’t possibly be real life. 
“I’m so serious.” Bachira laughs. “Hold on, I’m coming over. Send me your address.”
“What the fuck is even happening?” Isagi feels his body shaking, he’s sweating yet freezing. He’s probably having a stress reaction. He might have to end up in a mental hospital. How the absolute fuck is he going to be able to show up to practice today?
“We have to make a plan. So I’m coming over. I’ll bring some food.” Bachira says, explaining his intentions as if they’re spies planning the heist of the century. Like it’s some game they have to win. Even after so many years, Bachira’s Blue Lock ego still hasn’t wavered. 
Isagi agrees, since he doesn’t really see himself having another option, but the entirety of the situation still doesn’t feel at all real. Back in Blue Lock, Isagi truly felt like his friendship with Bachira was special, like even though they hardly knew each other, they were on the same wavelength from the start. He assumed both of them would make it out, and he still believes they would have if not for Bachira’s injury. 
After that, Isagi was too embarrassed to talk to Bachira as often anymore. He felt guilty, like he didn’t earn his title over someone as talented as Bachira. It felt too weird to maintain their closeness. But now, it’s like it’s all back to normal, where Bachira is just as comfortable with him as he was six years ago. 
But that’s just how Bachira is. Clearly Isagi hasn’t respected Bachira’s ability to innocently trust the world. 
“Hey there!” 
Isagi opens the door to a smiling Bachira Meguru, holding multiple bags of takeout.
“That’s a lot of food.”
“Is it?” Bachira giggles. “I don’t know what you liked so I picked one of everything. Except the stuff I hate.”
“Geez. How much do I owe you?”
“Nothing.” He lets himself in, placing the bags of food on Isagi’s dining table. “I have more money than I know what to do with anyway.” 
“I get that.” Isagi replies. It’s true, being 22 years old doesn’t really require as much money as the two of them make- Isagi being a pro soccer player and Bachira being a successful artist. They can pay their bills, buy their own food, donate to charities and whatever else will make them look good to the general public, give some money to their families, and they still seem to have a lot of it. Neither of them are used to it. “Thanks.”
“Think of it like a date. Our second date.” 
“Stop it.” Isagi looks away, feeling his face flush. He doesn’t understand how Bachira can still be so casual about this despite being caught up in a blatant lie. Isagi can’t help but assume that the worst will happen, that he’ll be outed for being a liar and a horrible person and fired from being a pro player. Bachira, on the other hand, seems like he couldn’t care less. 
“So let’s talk about it.” Bachira sits at the table, making himself at home as he starts unpacking some of the food. “I think we should just keep giving the public what they want, we can hang out and go on “dates” and stuff, go to each other’s events, and it’ll die down on its own.” 
“You’re being so normal about this.” Isagi replies. 
Isagi figured he couldn’t eat with how much stress he’s under, but those pork buns smell good enough to convince him to sit across from his friend and try one. 
Bachira shrugs, shoveling a few chopsticks full of rice in his mouth. “Well, it’s not as big of a deal as you think it is.” 
“Huh? I trapped you in this with me because I lied on an interview. Now you have to pretend like you’re my boyfriend and I’m not even gay, I don’t know if you’re trying to fix things with your ex or whatever, and if you weren’t but wanted to date other people your entire time in Tokyo is just ruined because you wouldn’t be able to date if everyone thinks you’re dating m-” 
Bachira flicks a grain of rice at Isagi, hitting him in the nose. 
“What the fuck Bachira?” Isagi swipes the rice away, meeting the gaze of his smirking friend. 
“Just say you don’t wanna date me.” He giggles. 
“Can you be for fucking real for one second?” 
“Fine, fine.” He picks the face-rice off the table and tosses it in an empty bag. “I don’t care that you’re straight, I like hanging out with you and this would just mean hanging out with you more. I am definitely not trying to get back with Hiro, and after that relationship, I’m also not trying to date or fuck anyone else for the forseeable future.” Bachira explains. “I think that covers everything you were concerned about.” 
Though much of Bachira Meguru’s cutesy, eccentric personality remains the same as it was back in Blue Lock, much about him has changed as well. Isagi can tell that he prefers to be lighthearted, but that he’s also matured a lot. He’s put together, he dresses nice, it’s clear he’s maintained his physique and takes care of himself, and he’s obviously working hard. 
“Any of that could change, though.” Isagi says, but much quieter and less confident than before. 
“Stop making it seem like you’re ruining my life.” Bachira smiles, softer this time. 
Isagi sighs. It doesn’t seem like a big deal to Bachira now, but anything could change in the next couple of months. 
“Fine.” He says after a while. “It’s not different than just hanging out with you, I guess.” 
“Yippee!” Bachira raises his chopsticks into the air. “My new classy relationship, Blue Lock best friends to lovers, rich boys from different worlds-” 
“Damn don’t get too excited.” Isagi jokes. 
“Can I tell you a secret?” Bachira leans in as if there could be anyone listening in Isagi’s completely empty apartment. 
“Uh, ye-”
“I sort of want Hiro to be jealous.” He admits. 
“Anyway!” Bachira quickly shoves some more food in his mouth. “Moving on.” 
“O-kay?” Isagi finds it best if he just lets Bachira lead the conversation. It’s always been that way, with Bachira doing whatever he wants and Isagi simply letting him. 
“I have to ask, have you ever even dated anyone? Sorry if it’s too personal.” 
“No, no, I guess we should make sure we know things about each other.” Isagi answers. “I’ve dated here and there, but never a serious relationship.” 
“So you’ve kissed girls?”
“I mean yeah-”
“Have you had sex before?”
“Not super often but occasionally-” 
Isagi answers the barrage of questions quickly, but it’s clear Bachira needs some additional context. They’re definitely personal questions, but nothing Isagi is super uncomfortable sharing with him. They’re “dating” now, after all. He decides to elaborate.
“I just can’t saddle anyone with being in a relationship with me. Any girl would always be second to soccer. There’s no vacancy in my life for a person to come between what I really love. I just don’t think it’s possible for me, so it wouldn’t be fair to her, you know?” Isagi explains, looking down at his untouched pork bun. Now’s as good a time as any to actually start eating. 
He makes a mental note to ask Bachira where he ordered from later. This food is damn good. 
“Do you know that girls are interested in you?” Bachira inquires further.
“Yeah, I mean of course. But like I said, there’s no room for anyone between me and soccer. It’s the only thing I care about that deeply, I guess it’s like my one true love or whatever.” Isagi answers, taking another bite. 
Bachira chuckles. “I totally get it, but I think you’d be surprised.” 
“You’d be surprised how simple it can be to have two loves at the same time, where both of them are number 1.” He smiles. 
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thespoonisvictory · 7 months
I have seen multiple posts that are like “don’t drop the rest of them, surely it’s a huge shock that their close friend is a manipulator and abuser” mf you can’t have your cake and eat it too. cc’s can’t claim to have KNOW for weeks and months that he’s a horrible person that’s manipulative and abusive to everyone around him while his closest friends are seemingly unaware.
Fuck every single one of these cc’s especially the ones that are having their gotcha! moment right now and are parading around like some sort of savior and the defenders of victims. Where the fuck were these people when bitzel got ripped to shreds for speaking out against dream?
Firesnap put it best: they got their steal chair response now that it’s safe but none of them genuinely give a shit about victims and are only speaking out to portray themselves as good people on “the right side of history”. In a couple of weeks most people will have moved on and start to forget about it all until someone else gets exposed for being a douchebag asshole.
You were so right for leaving ages ago spoon.
I'm going to be honest, I can't take any credit for having some pre-meditated knowledge of the shittiness of mcyt (in this specific facet, at least). a lot of it was just the fact that the content I enjoyed stopped being made, and a lot of factors in my real life significantly improved and thus took up a lot more time.
But you know what? I went and watched a lot of stuff made by people with degrees in comedy and philosophy, and spent a lot of time with real actual people in real actual workplaces. and what became so shocking to me coming back to this was the complete lack of boundaries and professionalism that is just. normal in streamer circles. when you see a company like dropout, for example, go to lengths to be diverse in who they employ, to treat their customers well, to provide meaningful, well-made content, etc, it's hard to then look at mcyt circles and see this shit continue to happen.
I'm not saying that amateur media like twitch isn't good and fun and doesn't have the capability to be heart wrenching. I am saying that I gradually became aware how insane it was that 90% of the big calls in this industry were being made by white guys who got famous in their teens for being charming and funny, then received millions of adoring messages and thousands of dollars for it. they didn't have to learn how to collaborate, or respect others. just to be convincing enough on camera to make people like them. and when you think about that, it's really easy to understand how it got like this. and that makes some fresh and compelling media, but it also makes a lot of messes.
yes to the rest of what you said, too. If they knew, they chose to stick with him publicly. that's not something that can be reversed with a righteous tweet
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sinkingnotsoslowly · 1 year
Paint the Universe
Pairing: Art teacher Hyunjin x idol Reader
Warnings: angst
Autumn's sighs- little soft thoughts about our favourite boys
“I don’t think I should be with you, love”
The first sentence he uttered when he felt the bed shift beside him. He had his eyes closed and his head in his hands griping at the locks. Hyunjin had been pondering a lot lately. It started with a little insecurity about dating an idol. Then he saw the tweets of the fans and since then the voice inside his head hasn’t stopped murmuring. The tweets were about the rumour of you dating a school teacher. They were saying how that was so anticlimactic. The so-called fans expected you to date another celebrity if you ever did. But a teacher?
Hyunjin kept thinking about it for a few days and the voice inside his head kept dragging him deeper in his thoughts. It was so suffocating, he wanted to rip his hair out. How could he ever give you what you deserved? You deserved the whole universe and he only had a paintbrush. He hated himself for not being enough for you. He was only an art teacher at a school and you, you were a saviour to thousands of people.
Hyunjin was not aware of your profession when he started seeing you. You had walked up to him at a cafe when he was deep into perfecting the left paw of Minho’s cat on his sketchbook. It was refreshing and humbling to realise that Hyunjin did not recognise you, so you did not say anything about it either. You just left a compliment on his drawing skills. But you kept going back to the café every day before practice or schedule and you kept seeing him there. You were never much of a coffee person but maybe the mystical artist was the reason you started drinking coffee. And you were satisfied to just stay at the corner and gaze at the man, observing him. A little stalkerish for sure but you left as soon as you finished your drink. You did not think that Hyunjin would notice your eyes on him considering that he was always in his own little bubble. But he did. And so one day, he just got up to ask about why you kept staring at him. And of course, it all started from there.
You told him about your job when it started to get serious. And you did not expect Hyunjin to commit after hearing that because idols have tough schedules and giving time to your partner was a huge factor. But Hyunjin was very sincere about dating you not even the restrictions because of media could waver his sincerity. He did not realise then that both of you were of different worlds.
“It’s the rumours, isn’t it?”, he nodded
You eased his hands away from his hair and brought them to your face to leave kisses. His knuckles had turned white with how hard he was gripping his hair. “I’m so sorry. I was not here when it started getting bad. I was so busy and it’s not an excuse to not be here for you. But please look at me, don’t listen to anything anyone is saying-”
“I can’t hear you I can’t- the voices are getting to me (yn)”, he let out a sob, still not looking at you, “A-and isn’t it all true anyway, I’m merely worth anything”
“NO Hyunjin, love, look at me”, you said lifting his face to make him look at you. He could barely see you through the tears in his eyes.
“Darling, do you love me?”, Hyunjin nodded. “How much do you love me?”
“More than anything I could ever love”, he sniffled.
“Then believe me when I say that no one can ever love me more than you do”, you too were tearing up. You could not bear to see the love of your life in such pain. “The voices are lying to you. Every day I can get out of bed because I know that I can come back home to you. Sometimes I think that maybe I should let you go, you deserve a partner who can give you more time and a normal peaceful life away from the chaos of this industry. But you know what stops me?” Hyunjin kept looking at you now with curious eyes, “What stops me is that I don’t think anyone can ever love you as I do. And I want to make you the happiest person in the whole world because you too make me the happiest. You are worth more than you can ever imagine”
“B-but you deserve the universe-”
“Then paint me one. Paint the universe for me in your canvas."
note: Surprise!!! I can still write. But yeah I do still have a writer's block so there won't be any consistent posts. If you want to help me with a little nudge then please do come talk to me in my asks, you can also send me your ideas or prompts or whatever really. My asks are open.
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amigac0debasic13 · 9 months
hey guys. Do u even care about what I have to say. Thats right baby. It’s a mini rant. Young Garmadon edition and the horrors of white boy Star Wars core.
Okay so. Erm.? I don’t like garmadons child design in the show. This guy is way too twink coded as a young adult for me and that’s wrong. He’s a beast. And also))??? Lots of paragraphs on Wu depression. Thats the synopsis now look below for further horro r
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Hello??? Dang man tatooine is calling ???? IM. SORRY THAT WAS MEAN. I’ve always felt like the spinjitzu bro books did a better job with his design, but brunette just isn’t it. Black hair. Right now. Make it naturally white but also make him fucjing stupid so he dyes it with Ink because he doesn’t want whit4 hair cause he’s DUMB.
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Look alive. Make him wear a ponytail and give him the black dyed hair COWARDS.
Anyways that parts over. Now I’m going to talk about my issues with how people draw him in his human form a lot.
I feel like the twinkification is real. All human designs I’ve found of Garmadon that don’t use legos ambiguous yellow color are pasty white and this madness must STOP!!! I think if u wanna make him a cracker it’s ok. It’s fine. But it is a little boring seeing the same designs scatter my Garmadon picture wall(/J I DONT HABE THA)
‘And also while I’m at it, I’m gonna be real and say that any design for wu in the series is pretty good. Still mad he looks like a normal guy. TBH. Many fan designs give him more dragon like traits, and I think that’s so cool, but I’ve always had a specific idea I’ve never seen executed personally. I think Wu would chop his horns off if he had them permanently out.
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Wu clearly isn’t a fan of just showing off his dragon or Oni traits. He straight up doesn’t do it, even as a kid (he should honestly be shown with those traits cause he really doesn’t give a fuck as a child) and I believe that his tormented old man position (see the many drawings and tweets from the shows authors and writers) he wouldn’t exactly be drawn to having his traits on display. The completely reasonable solution? Scar himself permanently by wacking them off with a blade. Sounds like something he’d do in young adult hood. His horns being out insinuates he can’t just shapeshift to make them go away, so erm!! Pretty smart solution ngl!!!
‘’Now it’s time for Wu trauma oooooooo!!!!! Oh my god part of his soul is GONE????
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In one of the spinjitzu bro books Wus soul is forced into a little puppet. At the end of the book, the puppet is still alive and moving. When the ninja ask to see a puppet show before Wu recounts this, he has a physical reaction.
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so. Wu is having a great time. Also, in one of the comics (forgot the name and I can’t for the LIFE OF ME remember where I read this) he confronts. Basically the embodiment of his fears. Basically he doesn’t want to become like his SHIT father who is literally god. leave him ALONE.
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So. Uhm. In conclusion. Whirlwind (wus canon nickname) and Softie (Garmadons canon nickname) need to get their shit together <33333333
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