#he didn't even sort of maybe die. eh.
neverendingford · 1 year
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leviraaaaaa · 1 year
I'll follow. (Levi x reader)
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"Holy sh-" A curse escaped you when the figure in the hallway caught your eye, jumping on your feet. You clutched your heart, bracing yourself against the wall trying to calm yourself as you looked at him.
"You scared the shit out of me."
Levi turned his head towards you. "You." He said.
"Levi." You gave a slight nod in acknowledgement.
"Nice to see you're alive."
"Nice to see you're walking around."
He cocked an eyebrow.
You sighed. That was too far.
"I'm sorry. It was a joke. A bad, insensitive joke, but it was a joke."
Levi nodded, shifting his weight on his crutch.
"It's been a month. I haven't even seen a glimpse of you till now."
"Eh." You shrugged, walking over to him to stand beside him on the balcony. His eyes followed your movements. He leaned against the wall, relieving the weight off his damaged leg and giving you space. You matched his stance, folding your hand on the railing.
"You do realize you can't stay inside your room forever?" He glanced at you with the corner of his eyes.
You squinted when the afternoon light hit your face. Unused to the brightness as you haven't seen the sun for a long time.
You spent your days in your dorm, curled up in a bed. You slept, woke up, sneaked off to the kitchen and bathroom when needed in odd hours, to avoid the people.
You haven't seen anything really. Or even heard anything. You don't even know about anything that's going on. You're too tired to. You don't even bother turning the lights on in your room.
It was strange, now. Being in your dorm. You tried your best to not think about it much but your dorm was so oddly empty, eerily silent. All your roommates were gone. Sasha and the other girl dead. Mikasa gone to where you have no idea.
Yet, there was a sort of peace in there. A sense of comfort. A shelter from the world outside. You were scared of the cruel reality that waited outside the door. So you made your own solution, you decided to not step out the door at all.
So It's the first time in a month, you caught a glimpse of life outside. It's the first time, you've seen him in a month.
And you didn't even dare admit it to yourself, but maybe...a part of you was avoiding him as well.
But you missed him.
The way he leaned over against the railing for support, how he winced at every slight movement, it sent a dull ache through your heart.
You sighed. "Try me." You said. "I saved the world, give me a break. Also, the doctor gave me bedrest."
"For a week only." He pointed out. "And you didn't save the world alone."
You groaned.
But you knew it was true.
That people wouldn't just let you stay in your room all day. That people weren't taking your isolation too well and there's only so much, your unspoken 'hero of the war' privilege can get you. Sleeping for 1 month straight was just too much.
But generally speaking, you saved the world. You should get to do whatever you want.
"You're gonna lecture me, captain?" You mumble. "I'm too tired to care, I'm afraid."
"Don't talk back. This is unhealthy for you."
"So what? That's my business. Let me rot away to death."
He glanced at you from the corner of his eyes and that look alone erased your attitude.
"Yeah, sorry." You muttered the apology quietly. Old habits die hard. You didn't give two fucks about the authority usually but one glare from Levi was still enough. And as much as you liked fucking around with him, that never changed.
"Horseface told me you've shut everyone out."
You frowned in annoyance. "What, is this a therapy session? Are we going to talk about our feelings and get all sappy?" You said sarcastically.
Again, Levi didn't say anything. Only shot a warning look towards you in response. Seems like he wasn't in much of a mood for your jokery.
And to be honest, you weren't either.
So you sighed.
".. I didn't." You answered quietly. "I'm just tired."
"All you do is sleep." He frowned.
"Yeah but like, I sleep, and then I get tired of sleeping, so I go to sleep again-"
"Why," He exhaled sharply. "Is it so hard for you to just converse like a proper adult without making fun of everything?"
"I don't like serious conversations." You huffed, folding your arms.
"So I've noticed." He sighed.
"Why'd you care anyways?" You muttered under your breath.
Levi pursed his lips.
"I don't." Was all he said.
Silence lasted a couple seconds.
There was something in the air, you could feel it. It was thick and it wrapped around your throat like vice, the pounding in your heart warned you of something to come.
Your eyes flicked to Levi and his blank face, wondering what was going through his head.
You followed his gaze, eyes catching in a field further away. Children played along it, you can just make out the outlines of them.
Happy kids, you thought. They don't have to stand awkwardly besides their captain as he's deep in thinking God knows what.
"Are you.." You asked after a pause. A pang went through your heart, the words stuttering. You hoped he wouldn't notice the slight crack in your voice. "Are you resigning..?" A calmer, more braced tone.
And you knew before he even answered. "Yes."
You nodded.
Your heart twisted itself into a painful lump of knot.
But you understood.
So why did it hurt so much?
You looked up at the sun. You hoped the sun would burn away the tears that was welling in your eyes, you hoped it would burn your soul along with it.
Is this how it ends? How you part ways?
"You're too old anyways." You finally said in a light-hearted voice. Like you weren't fucking breaking inside.
He snorted. "I can be an 89 year old grandfather and I'll still be able to take you down with one finger."
You watched Levi as he fidgeted with his fingers, his other hand going over the bandaged knuckles. You winced at the sight of the missing digits.
"What are you going to do?" He suddenly asked.
"Me?" You were caught off guard. You hadn't expected the sudden steer of the conversation. But you considered, thinking.
I don't know, Levi. You tell me. You wanted to tell him.
I don't know what I'm supposed to do if you're not here.
But you only shrugged. "I was thinking of sleeping my life away. Make up for all the nights I couldn't."
He scrunched his face, clearly unimpressed with your choice of way to spend your life. He looked like he had a lot to say about it but then shook his head, probably realizing it's worthless arguing with you.
"You aren't coming back?" You asked then. More of a statement really.
"Is there a reason for me to?"
Me, you thought.
Say my name.
"I guess not." Maybe you will shrivel up and die.
He wouldn't even look at you.
And seconds passed, seconds turning to minutes.
Your heart beat, pounding with the seconds.
And then, Levi spoke.
"Hey kid?"
"Wanna get the hell out of here?"
You stared, eyes wide with confusion. But then his gray eyes locked with yours and you finally, finally realized.
Relief wrapped you around it's warm, warm embrace. And for the first time in a while, you felt like you could breathe properly.
You nodded. "...yeah."
And then you almost snorted because his face was so very flushed. And somehow you knew, it wasn't the sun.
"Was that a confession, Levi?" You asked after a while, almost tiredly, eyes falling shut.
"...would it be so wrong if it was?" His voice was quiet. So low you could barely hear it.
"No" You shook your head. "No, I suppose not."
He nodded, shoulders slumping. And you wondered if he felt the same wave of relief you felt.
You wondered if he waited all those years for you as well.
"I can't," Levi suddenly blurted out, his tone was hesitant, unsure. "I can't promise you anything, but I swear I'll try. For you. For us."
You swallowed, every word sinking into your skin, healing wounds you didn't even know you had. But you took it.
He'd try. For you, he said.
"I'll go."
Levi looked up.
"I'll go with you. Wherever the hell you want to."
".. you will?"
"I'm your second, aren't I?" You grinned at him, eyes sparkling. "I'll follow you straight to hell if you ask me to. Im stuck with you for life."
And you could've sworn Levi almost smiled. Just the barest hint, but it was there.
"What a pain in the ass." He closed his eyes.
"Hey, you're the one who asked!"
You felt a hand on your hair, ruffling it. The only way he ever showed affection. The ever familiar gesture was comfort. A reminder. You didn't even know how much you craved his touch until he touched you.
You'd be alright, you thought.
You and him.
It'd work out.
You'd be alright.
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(kinda inspired by this song lol)
@sad-darksoul @anxious-chick
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mackjlee9 · 1 year
kay i'll take advantage of the hyperfixation bc i'm hyperfixated too 😋 this one is quite angsty? Depends on how you wanna do the end bc i'll leave it up to you
u see how in re6 chris asks leon if he will protect ada despite all the damage she did and he says yeah he is? What if instead of chris asking is leon's long term boyfriend since raccoon city?
like reader kinda knows he's still not over ada bc let's say reader went with him to rescue ashley in re4 and well, ada was there and shit.
so with that reader this time KNOWS leon is till not over ada no matter how much time has passed and he feels kinda betrayed bc they had a full ass relationship since raccoon city and it's been YEARS.
ending up to you ofc depending on how interested u are on writing this lmao. bye byee 💖
Ehe- I tried lol
Leon Kennedy x Male!Reader [Angst]
Maybe spoilers if you haven't played/watched re6?
Resident Evil 6
(M/n) almost couldn't believe how awful this vacation was turning out to be.
From shooting the president to chasing after Ada herself, Helena could look at him with an apologetic look in her hazel eyes. (M/n) hasn't explicitly told her that he and Leon were dating, just said they were together on a vacation to relax and unwind a bit from their job on the D.S.O, but the situation had become worse than they initially thought.
And now Ada was involved? Well, when wasn't she honestly, that woman seemed to have some sort of GPS on Leon because she always showed up wherever he was, it was rather odd, still, he didn't question it, coincidences were pretty common in this kind of job.
Just look at it this way, they met with Sherry a while ago and now Chris was here too.
The three of them chased after Ada, Leon in front, and (M/n) right behind him, while Helena did her best to keep up behind them, but she was injured and she was struggling to keep up the pace. (M/n) stopped and made sure she was okay, before realizing how far Leon had run already.
"(M/n), go! I'll... I'll be fine, you go after her," she said gently pushing him away, and (M/n) hesitated for a moment, but Helena's reassuring smile helped him make up his mind.
He continued running after Leon, hearing two more foreign voices echo in the building, his eyes observing how Ada was cornered by two BSAA agents and as one of them pulled the trigger, Leon hit the gun away, immediately getting involved in a fight with the man. (M/n) arrived just in time to catch a stumbling Chris and prevent him from falling when Leon kicked his stomach hard enough to make him lose his balance.
Chris groaned from the pain, even when he was kicked over his bulletproof vest, Leon has always been known for having strong legs after all.
"Here," (M/n) mumbled while standing up and helping Chris get up from the ground, hearing him grunt a small 'thank you', all the while still being pointed by Leon with his pistol, "Leon-"
"Shut up," was all the blond said, making him swallow and nod, standing back whilst Chris and Leon started arguing. About Ada, and why she needed to die. (M/n) saw Leon clench his jaw, tightening his hold on the grip of his pistol, his cold blue eyes staring into Chris', "She's a key witness, we need her."
"A witness? She's the one that did all of this!" Chris replied, angry at what Ada had done, and probably at Leon for stopping him earlier.
"No, it wasn't her, it was Simmons, the National Security Advisor," (M/n) looked at them, hearing Helena's stumbling behind them and he helped her stand up. He wasn't sure what he was expecting the outcome of this discussion would be, but something told him he wasn't gonna like it.
"I lost all of my men because of that woman!" Chris yelled as he approached Leon, who kept a firm stance, not even blinking at his outburst.
"And I lost over seventy thousand people, including the president, because of Simmons!" He replied back with the same tone, followed by a deafening silence, the light of a chopper landing on them through the window.
Chris sighed and looked down, shaking his head before staring back at Leon, "She works for Neo-Umbrella, you know what that means?"
(M/n) watched as Leon sighed, "I do."
Glancing back and forth between the two of them, (M/n) took a deep breath, and took a step forward, slightly covering Chris with his body, he doesn't know what made him do it, maintaining eye contact with Leon's blue eyes, that remained cold and serious.
"After all she did to you, to me, to us... You're still gonna protect her, Leon?" The few seconds of silence that followed made his ears ring, the fact that he had to think about it let him know his answer.
Leon's stare hardened, seemingly unfazed by (M/n)'s words, not caring about the pain in his voice.
"I am."
(M/n) released a dry chuckle, turning around and walking away, "I was scared you were gonna say that," he mumbled as he left, finding another way to go downstairs. While he waited for them, he saw a flash of white, soon followed by Ada's body gracefully flying with her grappling hook.
They made eye contact for an instant before she ran away again, like she always did, never deviating from her mission.
He unzipped his pouch, his fingers wrapping around the velvet box, gripping it tightly as tears began gathering in his eyes. (M/n) had planned this vacation perfectly, wanting to make it special and memorable, after all, he and Leon had been in a relationship for 15 years... Or so he thought, because it seemed like he was the naive one who thought that way, when Leon was clearly smitten to Ada, after everything that happened... Everything he had done to make Leon happy...
(M/n) sighed and rubbed his temple before lowering his hand to grab his pistol, but before he could, he hit one of the pouches around his hips, his world freezing and breaking down piece by piece when he realized what he had kept safe there during this whole ordeal.
All of it had been wasted, maybe... Someone else would appreciate all his efforts?
But who? He has never loved anyone other than Leon, and it's not like he could simply move on to someone else, that wouldn't be fair to the other person.
(M/n) observed the black box in his hand, hearing the footsteps of Leon and Helena approaching his position, and he had to dry away the tears that had managed to run down his face, turning toward them with a hint of a smile, putting the box back and closing the zipper again.
"We have to keep going, let's go," he will figure out what to do when all of this is over, but right now, they had a job to do.
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samsgff · 3 months
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"do you think he's actually telling the truth?" one of the vampires asked.
"eh maybe i say let's wake him up" the other replied excitedly.
"are you out of your mind Mother told us not to lay a finger on him without her say so" the younger vampire added.
"oh come on she won't know" the oldest answered with a smirk. And with a simple snap of a finger Dean Winchester was awake again, this time more petrified than ever, since he realized that he was in fact not dreaming and that no one is coming to rescue him from that hell hole he's been stuck in for forty eight hours.
"so is it true? that you're not a hunter?" The question echoed in his ears as his thoughts kept spiraling around, a hunter? why do they think im a hunter? is this a dream? am i dreaming? did i die? the more he asked himself questions the more it felt like the air was being sucked out of the room, right out of his lungs, his heart beating faster with each passing minute as his hands slowly started feeling numb-
"hello?? i am talking to you??" the vampire added as she flicked his forehead.
"im im not" he muttered.
"oh really? so the name sam winchester doesn't mean a thing to you?" she knew exactly what she was doing.
"sam?" he replied confused. The name seemed familiar yet so strange it's as if something was blocking his mind from comprehending it.
"yeah big bad tall sam winchester with his puppy doe eyes and long brown hair ugh i really wish we had gotten him instead of you but oh well" the creature mumbled while twirling her hair.
This sentence really hit him like a brick.
He could sense this sam winchester clearly meant something to him or at least to those evil monsters but he couldn't put his finger on it-
and the more he thought about it the more his headache increased since the wall Castiel had built up for him was slowly crumbling each time someone mentioned the name "Sam Winchester"
"Didn't i tell you not to wake him up??" Raven shouted from the back.
"this was all her doing!!" Bethany the oldest pointed at the youngest vampire.
And without hesitation Raven pulled Bethany's heart with her bare hands.
"i never really liked her anyways" She added as she licked the blood off her fingers before tracing them all over Dean's traumatized face.
"what what do you want from me?" the winchester spoke out with tears storming down his face, whilst his chin trembled like a toddler.
"oh my poor little Dean, i want nothing from you...well except from the blood pumping through your veins of course" she exclaimed smoothly.
"please just let me go please" Dean cried out.
"shh now go to sleep and it will all be over soon" Raven whispered.
Bobby and Castiel were desperately waiting for some sort of sign, any sign that could guide them to Dean, they couldn't handle losing both of the winchesters or for Bobby's case the three of them.
"This is driving me insane" Bobby sighed as he took a shot from his beer.
"Im sure something will turn up soon" Castiel added trying to reassure the old man, knowing damn well that if he hadn't suggested to wipe Dean's memory he wouldn't have disappeared.
Few minutes of silent went by before the phone rang.
"Singer" Bobby spoke loudly.
"Hey Bobby it's me Rufus i think i just found the car of your missing buddy" the other hunter informed him.
"Are you sure it's the Impala?" Bobby asked with a glimpse of hope.
"Yeah i think so- it's abandoned and in the middle of nowhere" Rufus affirmed.
"Alright tell me the location and I'll be right there" the old man answered.
"I can get us there fast" The angel proposed.
"No I'd rather take the ca-" Before he even got the chance to finish his sentence he found himself right next to the impala.
"you annoy me you know that right?" he uttered.
"i think the car wasn't originally here" Rufus stated.
"you think?" Bobby inquired.
"yeah i think so too" Castiel agreed.
"i can't sense Dean ever being in this region yet i feel like he's close at the same time i can't quite explain it" he added confused.
"Let's get to work then" The hunters stated.
After a few more hours of interrogating locals, the three rescuers narrowed Dean's location to two different spots.
"Which one do you think it is?" Rufus asked.
"Cas what does your mojo tell you" Bobby inquired in a slightly sarcastic tone.
"i think we should check out the barn first" the angel proposed.
"ugh he tastes so good" Raven moaned.
"You know I'll miss him once he's gone" she told her youngest who was still in shock.
"oh come on cheer up and have a taste" she offered holding Dean's head up by his bloody matted hair.
As the other one got closer to finally taste the delicious fresh taste of a Wincheste's blood, she got interrupted by a loud bang coming from their right and before she even got the chance to know what it was, her head flew across the room like a bowling ball.
"Get away from my son you blood sucking creature" Bobby shouted as he barged into the room.
Her loud laugh echoed through the emtpy barnhouse making everyone wince at the annoying noise "you want him?" she asked taunting "then come got what's left of him you human weakling" she finished off with a cocky smile as she wiped off the leftover blood from the corner of her mouth.
Bobby's eyes widened as he saw Dean's lifeless body being held up by the rusted metal chain's, dropping everything he ran as fast as he can towards him while cas and rufus took care of the bitch.
Bobby unchained his now only son and held him close to his body with his tired eyes welling with tears
"Dean- hey wake up wake up boy" he stuttered
"come on i know you're still here come on" he cried harder.
Few seconds of silent passed by, before Dean slightly opened his eyes... and Bobby's face lit up with a tiny smile.
"hey hey you're okay" the old man tried comforting his injured son while trying to believe it himself.
"who's sam?" Dean mumbled weakly before passing out again.
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aluria-sevhex · 3 months
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ToT Bonnie i love you but that is not how it's pronounced
-"stardust" are you the starhead bitch from the trailers
-i feel like i'll have to ask the librarian for a book eventually
-THE RUNNING ONE IS CALLING OUT SIF LOL (for running from his problems) (hmmmm Sif what problems r u running from?)
-ugh. it's the starhead bitch
-plot twist the star head is Siffrin and that's why he's depressed :P
-their name is Loop. i don't trust them
-"Yeah, better know this one's pronouns so you can think very clearly in your head that they're getting on your nerves."
-LOOP CAN READ THE PROFILES? WHAT KIND OF META BULLSHIT IS THIS </positive i fucking love meta bullshit>
-hm is Loop some sort of weird representation of the player. or a god.
-learn WHAT?
-hm feel like this game might explore some of the moral iffiness that tends to arise with time loops. is a friendship genuine if one person knows exactly what the other will say?
-"don't eat pineapples. you're allergic" fuck you. i WILL eat pineapples and i WILL enter anaphylaxis and i WILL die stupidly but it will be WORTH IT
-maybe Loop was a normal person who got stuck in a time loop for too long and fucked up somehow? and that's why they're like this
-idk if i'll zone out much i don't wanna miss any differences
-altho if there's a difference won't i zone back in?
-then again there's a lot of dialogue
-maybe this will be plot-important somehow?
update after being gone for a bit:
-Tears weewoo
-side note i am so glad i fought that thing that dropped the crest even tho it was hard. fighting it again on future loops is gonna suck tho
-also fun fact right after i died to the Tears i ran ahead and accidentally got crushed by the rock again. which i think is bullshit because I RAN TO THE SIDE OF THE ROOM
-back to more important things. like Siffrin saying nya. or the thyme pun.
-ODILE SAID IT. look she has a phd or whatever equivalent there is here probably, she's like 40, i think she's earned the right to do whatever the fuck she wants
-Isabeau is AOBB (Assigned Omelette By Bonnie)
-"It'd be awful to keep yourself from becoming a person you feel comfortable with just because it would upset someone else."
Breaking news: the game where the protagonist uses he/they, two other major characters use they/them, and there is a conversation explicitly referencing pronouns and giving them, unsurprisingly supports trans rights
-uh... why are the Vaugardians freaking out over crab. does the Change religion ban it?
-Vaugarde is weird. first, they have a VERY SPECIFIC RULE where entering the FIRST ROOM of a house is fine, but any further is rude. second: crabs??? ok i guess???
-an openphrase... ya mean a password?
-fuck it i am fully in "taking gratuitous extensive notes" mode
-hehe protector craft is gullible :P
-oh hey tasteful artistic nudes. so this room's resident is an art student. hopefully their grasp of anatomy was improved :]
-Mira said what the crab instead of what the hell
-"what the CRAB did you let Bonnie do when we said no!!!"
-checked it again. the people are "doing fun things" eh so what if an art student draws porn, that's on me for peeking ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ still hope it improved their grasp of anatomy. if the anatomy was bad and the narration didn't tell me i would be disappointed in it :P
-ooo drawn tarot card. isn't the Six of Swords a bad one? i feel like it's foreshadowing somehow but i don't feel like looking its meaning up
-i fucking hate the triplet Sadnesses they're so annoying
-the reason the Mandela Effect with Berenstein/Berenstain happened is because Sif equipped the e
-OH? saving records party progress if you loop back to that spot :0
-yippee i beat the Sadness boss that changes its type (this is like the first enemy that does that i think)
-Mira are you hungry
-this question keeps popping in my head but where the fuck IS Siffrin from plot twist the kid was right and he's from the sky idk i'm saying random shit
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robintherobiner · 3 months
This is an interactive story. The next part will be based on what you guys choose.
Warning, the story heavily revolves around dark topics, like suicide, abuse (all types), bullying, all that jazz. It's an au, HEAVILY canon divergent. So, idk proceed carefully
"If you're watching this, it means I'm dead."
Suddenly, Jason wished he'd never bought the sticker covered camera. He'd seen it in a charity shop, looking all lonely on it own little table. All the other camera were old, and had dents and scratches, but this one looked almost new and bursting with personality.
It had cost a lot, of course, and Jason had considered putting it back down. After all, he didn't need a camera. He was pretty sure Bruce had one at home anyways.
But then he'd seen a sticker, right under the shutter button, and he'd recognized his own costume. Whoever had owned this camera had liked Robin, his Robin, with curly hair and freckles instead of tanned skin and sparkly shorts. He had to buy it now, he thought, and so he did.
Jason pressed the play button again, and stared at the kid on the screen. He looked pale, and far too skinny for someone who, if his Bristol accent was anything to go off of, clearly had enough money to buy food.
"Sorry. I realize that was probably, like, a really big thing to say. Or, not big, I guess, it was only eight words. Tough? No.. Eh, whatever." The kid shrugged. "Point is, sorry. You picked up my camera though, so you have three options."
The whole situation is bizarre. He sort of assumed there would be pictures of nature, or videos of some cool tricks if the skateboard stickers are anything to go off of. Not a fucking death announcement.
Still, Jason is curious. Is the kid in danger, and thats why he thinks he's going to die? Or is he sad? Jason lived on the streets, he's not a stranger to people who's heads are clouded, people who think things will never get better. He's never felt that way personally, but he's known lots of people who ended up hurting themselves.
"First, you could just throw the camera away. A bit of a waste, since it's pretty good quality, but whatever. Second, you could delete everything on here and just use it yourself. I'd be okay with that. Photography is fun. Or, if you wanted, you could watch these videos."
Here, his cheeks flush, as though embarrassed. Its hard to hear, but Jason thinks he can hear the boy mutter something along the lines of what a dumb thing to say.
"Even though I'm going to die, I still sort of want to do cool things. Have a coming-of-age movie moment, you know? But I can't have one, so the next best thing is to try give it to someone else." Camera Kid paused. "I think coming-of-age movies are only for teens, though. It would be cooler if I, like, changed the life of someone who's already an adult. Cuz people my age aren't fully developed. That's shaping a life, not changing it. Changing a life would be much harder than shaping one."
Hm. Maybe Jason should give the camera to Dickhead. He's an adult, legally. Give the kid, whoever he is, his wish to try change a life.
Jason would never admit it, but he can't help but snicker. There's no way some random kid can shape or change a life. Especially not with a... Jason checked. Not with a one and half minute video.
"But if that doesn't happen, it's fine. Not like I'll know anyways. I like this camera, so I'll only give it away just before I die. Unless I come back as a ghost who's like, tethered to this camera, I'll never know if anyone watches these videos."
With those words, Jason sobered. It didn't feel funny once he remembered that whoever this kid was, dumb hopes aside, was clearly certain he'd die. If what he said was true, then he already was. That made Jason feel really bad for laughing, and even a little sick.
He'd seen dead bodies before, even his own mom's. He'd watched, smelt, and heard people die. He'd talked people off the ledge, both metaphorically and literally. But this? Holding the beloved camera of a boy who was most likely dead? It made death feel melancholy in a way Jason had never felt before.
"So, yeah. You have three options." The boy says, and reaches out to end the video.
Jason didn't know what to do. Really, he has four options.
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randomnameless · 1 year
It's still wild to me that people will go to bat for the nothing characters that are Randolph and Fleche as proof of Dimitri being bad; we know next to nothing about them, they have miniscule screentime, what little we do know of Randolph paints him as human scum who'd do horrific things if it meant a chance at a promotion, and Fleche illogically only ever holds a grudge against someone for killing her brother if that someone is AM!Dimitri, with her completely vanishing from the game in every other route.
I'd say they play the same purpose than this random child in TS in Roland's story - at this point, both lords want vengeance, and they have to face someone who also wants (misdirected!) vengeance at them, smth smthg like war sucks because people die.
But it's completely wasted in FE16, because, as you said, Randy isn't a random or a civilian or a war orphan, he is a general leading an attack on refugees/civilians/randoms to gain more fame, and dies in the process.
Now, can we say Flèche's anger and death are ultimately directed at Randolph, who died for nothing and took his sister down with him in his quest for "muhrit" ? Or are we supposed to think that this scene is important because Dimitri, the Blue Lord, isn't supposed to fall as low as the Imperial Army - something he comes close to (apparently?) ?
And yet again, it completely fails.
Because for one Randolph - who also had a family and loved ones - we have 50 Waldos and Baldis, whose lives aren't given any fuck about.
We don't see a war prisoner, or an Adrestian civilian accusing Supreme Leader of having sent her/his wife/husband/daughter/son to death with a conquest they never asked and trying to off her.
Only Dimitri receives this backlash from - invaders who wanted to invade and suddenly remember they have loved ones so are very sad when their loved ones dies - Flèche, but not Claude nor Billy, as you rightfully pointed out.
And Supreme Leader never receives any backlash - or wake up call - from a real third party/civilian/casualty who could have done the exact same thing.
Emile mentions how, during her attack, the Holy Grounds near Garreg Mach were turned in a slaughterhouse, why don't we have any civilian who survived from that try to take a jab at Supreme Leader? Waldi's best friend? Baldo's mother? A war captive from Leicester/Faerghus or a conscripted Adrestian?
I laughed about it with friends earlier, and again with the teatime paralogue, but it truly feels as if only 1/3rd (since the church doesn't count) of the cast will face consequences for the war and suffers backlash from the constant fighting (they didn't even start!).
Whenever you have to deal with serious stuff in Fodlan, it'll be for the BL members.
The rest? Will sip tea, talk nonsense, try to solve "mysteries" and live as if nothing is happening in the background.
Just imagine how both deer routes could have been much more impactful and interesting - instead of being a recycled Billy route with a different infodump at the end - if Raphael's sister popped up to a War Council, asking Claude to stop coddling the Empire because their lands were invaded, her grandfather put to Aymr and her inn destroyed by the Imperial Army, or how Ignatz's older brother discovers how Adrestia is burning pieces of art and history and every material related to Leicester and Faerghus history because they want to push an "Adrestia Eternal" narrative. Heck, Claude could even discover more "lore" by picking a Leif route, sort of rescuing the people "handpicked" to become new Baldos and Waldis, discovering the secret of the artificial crest stones and maybe having an infiltration map where, lo, instead of receiving an info dump, they maybe witness Rhea being turned in a relic or used to "produce" artificial crest stones.
War BaD, but only when we can make the BL suffer for it, for the rest, it's just a bgm.
And even then, it can't be too critical of Supreme Leader, because she was made to sell alts in FE heroes or dubious Cipher Cards.
"Supreme Leader", "cute girls" and "I want to see how Faerghus and its knights will deal with the aftermath of the Tragedy while defending against the invading forces".
Tl; dr : Flèche and Randolph are named, which is a cheap way to make people care for them despite their role in the plot, but the demonic beasts and the civilians dying aren't mentionned nor talked about.
Hell, why do you think I gave names to the artificial demonic beasts? The game doesn't want you to think too much about them, but if I talk about Baldo and Waldi, maybe the fandom will?
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[Lore attachment: The concept of ghosts in tf2 always confused me. You can go to heaven or hell but also the Mann brothers ended up as ghosts (and eventually tried to drag the other to hell in a previous halloween map) and there were ghosts with rocket launchers in the halloween maps. My theory is that it's like usual ghost rules where theres unfinished business that needs to be done, meaning someone else can conplete that business to let their souls be free to go to heaven or hell.]
To all of the mercs, if a bomb were to drop on all of you while everyone was in the base, destroying all your possessions (which will remove the "unfinished business is an object" unless they didn't bring it to the base.) as well as destroying the respawn machine, rendering all of you true and permanent deaths, where would you all end up? Would you go to heaven? Hell? Or would you haunt the living?
(Have fun with this one! You can even mix it up a bit with other people being in the base with them as it happens! Like the babies, Zhanna, Miss Pauling etc. etc. This is all hypothetical so maybe even the characters themselves would bring it up! This is why its a bomb and not just that every merc dies.)
-🤡 (made this in french colors for fun hehe)
Before you're even done talking, Ludwig is already gone from the room. No one knows where he went, no one even noticed him leave, not even Misha. He is just gone, & everyone realises this very quickly.
"Do you think doc left an experiment on the bunsen burner again?" Tavish asks while scratching his beard. He & Mikhail were the first to notice Ludwig's absence, & Tavish was the one to bring it up to the others.
"He usually doesn't leave them on when we get questions," Dell says, scratching under his helmet. He's just as confused as the rest of the team, "But, going back to the question, I'd hope I'd go to heaven, although I'd probably end up as a ghost. I have a lot of blueprints to work on, & I'd hate to leave them all unfinished, even if I never get the chance to build them."
Jeremy shrugs, "Eh, doc's weird. He's never really been on board with the whole heaven & hell thing. See, one time Bug & me were talking to him, & he says that he grew up Christian, right, but his family was actually Jewish, so he grew up with a weird mix of ideas, but then as a young adult he stopped believing in god cause what sorts god would force him to live through all the bullshit he lived through." The rest of the mercs stare at him for a moment, wearing matching looks of confusion.
"Vati said that?" Bug squeaks.
"Yeah, when he was drunk. All three of us were, but you the most, so you don't remember it."
"Oooh, right."
"Anyway," Jeremy continues, "I'm going to heaven, duh. I'm god's gift to humanity after all."
Mick is shaking his head, draping an arm around Jeremy's shoulders, "I'm not getting into all that with doc's past, if he knew you knew he'd probably dismember you. But, I know for a fact that I'm going to heaven." There is a chorus of mumbles from the other mercs, ranging from Mikhail & Tavish saying they'd hope they get to heaven, to Jane claiming he is immortal & could never die, to Bug saying she'd prefer hell because of all the fire.
"You've been rather quiet, French toast." Dell says, coming over to Jacques.
Jacques takes out a cigarette, & looks down at Dell, "With all of my sins, I thought it was obvious I was going to hell. However, I can't shake the thought that Ludwig is not telling us something."
Dell wraps his arms around Jacques, standing on his tip toes to lean up for a kiss, "Ah, when is doc not, not telling us something? You know how sensitive Lu is about his past, he hasn't had an easy life."
"No, but this is different, labourer, I'm telling you. That man cannot be stealthy to save his life, & yet no one noticed him leaving," Jacques sighs, "He is hiding something from us, & I simply hope it's nothing bad."
Dell smiles sadly, "He hides a lot of stuff from us, Spah. A lot of stuff, trust me."
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kondensaduhhh · 11 months
I'm sorry but the way the crew just. STOOD there and watched Izzy die. like i guess that could be interpreted as the crew knowing there was no helping the situation bc they knew that This Was It, but fuck they could atleast held out hope that it wasn't. (my memory is shit, but this is s sort of fix-it so bear with me)
Roach was frantic, when was he wasn't? With so much crazed energy in him. But this was different. This was a life or death situation. This was Izzy. Roach never hated Izzy, he thought the guy was funny, albeit a bit strict. He was rummaging for something clean for once, no dirty old rag is going to be of use, maybe that was one of the reasons why he took so long, took too long. In the end he thought, 'Fuck it, captain's orders' as he went into the captain's quarters, knowing Stede, had something clean.
The wooden shark weighs heavy in Lucius's pocket, he holds Pete's hand tighter, burying his face into his lover's shoulder, Pete holds him tighter. He clenches his eyes tighter as he hears Fang, Frenchie, and Jim argue in watery voices, hear their frantic hands and panicked movements.
Frenchie never left Izzy's side as they boarded the ship, even as he felt as though the box he hid in his head was spilling through his ribcage and making a ruckus in his guts, everytime he presses down on the wound on Izzy's side, the man complains, groans louder, and the contents of the box was making his throat close up and eyes not work, and he wants to rip his hands away, just to make it all stop, but Jim is yelling at him in Spanish when he tried to. Both of his hands are covered in sticky, warm red and for once, Frenchie can't find it in himself to speak.
Fang is oh, so careful as he cradles Izzy's head, gently wiping away the beads of sweat, making shushing noises as Izzy complains, (he doesn't know whether it's to soothe Izzy or himself, or even Frenchie or Jim, or even Ed). He knows there are tears streaming down his face, he wants to sob, to wail, for his friend, but he fears it will jostle Izzy too much, like one hiccup will make Izzy take his last breath. So, instead he tries his best to calm Izzy down, make some of that ever present anger seep away as to not over exhaust his body than it already has. He offers a hand on Frenchie's nape, rubbing his thumb on the skin there, poor kid looks like he's going to pass out.
"Puta madre, Frenchie! Press down harder!" They snapped, their cracking voice betraying the anger they wanted to portray, "puñeta..." , their hands were barely able to hold anything with how much they were shaking, they were struggling with shoving the dirty rags into the wound, their breath catches as more blood seeps out as they push any and all fabric their useless hands can get a hold of to cork the blood flow.
They wanted to scream for Ed to get away, to scream at Izzy to not waste what very could be his last breaths on someone who cut off his toes, who shot him in the leg, who he had to protect them from, took most of the punishment from. Ed didn't deserve Izzy's final moments.
But... They can tell that the first mate is still in love with his captain, even after it all. Jim can't, and won't take that away from Izzy, not when his life is hanging on by a thread.
"What the fuck!? Get those dirt infested rags out of him!" Jim wanted to yell at whoever said that, but didn't get the chance to when Roach shoved himself into their space, holding a bright white somethings smelling vaguely of something floral.
Frenchie was finally able to get his hands off of Izzy but the contents of the box is still stuck in his chest, turning his arms into stone from the inside out.
"Hey, man, i think you should sit this one out, eh?" Fang? Oh, it's Fang, he realizes, and just like that, It's like Frenchie could breathe again, but the thought of leaving Izzy's side makes it hard to breath again, so he doesn't. "uh, yeah, no, i-im good, yeah..."
Jim hears Izzy's apology, and feels that burning in their bones, to keep Izzy away from Ed, just like he did to them during Ed's tantrums, the only thing stopping them from doing so is knowing that look in Izzy's eyes as he talks to Ed. If- no, no that's not gonna happen-- when Izzy survives this, they're going to make sure to set Izzy straight and make him know that what happened to him was fucked.
After 2 and a half of Stede's towels have been drenched in Izzy's blood, Roach was finally able to stem it from spilling out anymore. Izzy passed out around the middle of doaking the first towel, his pulse was weak, breathing shallow, but he's alive.
Izzy's alive.
idk if i should make a part 2, i have school in, like, 7 hours and i havent slept yet😭
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amugoffandoms · 1 year
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i absolutely ADORE this drawing for day six of milgramtober! holt shit it's insane i love it
i know it's like, "well, mug, where's the smoke??" okay well uhh backdraft is the reignition of flames when air combines with unburned fuel, which would cause smoke so yeah that's my justification guys (i swear the writing goes along with "Smoke" I swear)
Fuuta watches the clock he requested tick every second.
On some days, he regrets it. He regrets each ticking moment because on those days, when he's in absolute agony from Kotoko's attacks or the voices, each tick is another to his death.
So, he hands it off to different people. Let them find out what time it is until they die. He doesn't want to know.
Today, he doesn't mind the quiet ticking sound. It's peaceful, oddly. He doesn't really expect that. It helps him fall asleep sometimes, just listening to that noise.
Eventually, the constant ticking noise gets a little boring, so Fuuta pushes himself off his bed and looks around.
Nothing to do in his cell today and Yuno is pretty much asleep, since he can't hear her. Muu is probably off doing some random shit with Haruka, so he doesn't have to check on him. They're old enough to handle shit by themselves.
With that, Fuuta opens his cell door and leaves the quietly ticking clock and his boring room.
"What to do..." Fuuta grumbles as he walks through the panopticon, passing Yuno and Haruka's cells.
When he was bored before the verdicts, he used to walk past the other 7 cells, but he doesn't do that anymore.
Not since...
Fuuta shivers.
"Fuck, it's freezing." He knows it's not.
He smells the pungent smell of smoke and knows instantly where to go.
He exits the Panopticon and continues walking through the hallway until he reaches the common room doors.
Pulling them open, Fuuta glances around the room before spotting the two he would have expected to see smoking: Mikoto and Kazui.
"Oh, hello, Fuuta." Kazui gives a polite wave.
Mikoto glances over and waves as well before taking a puff of his e-cigarette.
"It's pretty late to be smoking, isn't it?" Fuuta walks over with an unexpected lack of anger in his voice. Huh.
"Eh... Well, might as well. Mikoto and I have not spoken since..." Kazui trails off.
"It's nice to catch up." Mikoto shrugs.
Fuuta almost laughs at how funny that idea is. They've been in the same prison for months, years even. They wouldn't need to catch up on anything.
But, hey, maybe Kazui or Mikoto remembered some stories they'd forgotten to share before.
"Yeah, I getcha." Fuuta takes a seat near them, placing his head on the table and looking up at them (with his one good eye).
"Oi, aren't you going yell at us?" Mikoto teases.
Fuuta laughs. "Nah, you both already know whatever shit I'll tell you anyway. I'm too tired to care. Plus, even if I did, you'd ignore me anyways. So." He shrugs.
He also just... wasn't in the mood for fighting today.
It's funny. He sort of lost the aggressiveness over time because of everything that happened. Well, he still has it, he'll fucking fight someone if he needs to.
It's just... not the same right now.
"Ah, well, Fuuta. I'll tell you that I understand your complaints, but I'll still smoke." Kazui chuckles and Fuuta gives a small smile back.
Kazui puts the cigarette to his mouth, inhaling, and exhaling as he moves the cigarette away from his mouth.
"Oi, Kazui, where's the other old man, Shidou?" Fuuta asks. He does want to apologize for what happened yesterday when Shidou checked his bandages.
...He honestly didn't mean to get all upset. Shidou just put too much pressure on an area and memories from Kotoko's attacks just hit him.
"Ahh..." Kazui scratches his neck. "I came after Shidou left. I was in my cell when I needed to smoke and I just so happened to see Mikoto in here. I guessed the two of them were smoking together before I got here."
"Oh, I think he went to go check on Mahiru." Mikoto shrugs. "Or he might've gone to go check on Amane. One of the two."
"Eh, I guess that's fair." Fuuta sighs.
Guess he'll have to apologize to him later.
Fuuta shuts his eyes for a moment, half listening to the conversation Mikoto and Kazui are having and half in his thoughts.
He honestly can't tell if the voices have been quieter today. Well, he's not hearing them more, which is a plus, he guesses.
Maybe the clock did help.
(Yuno mentioned to him once before that sometimes, if there's enough noise to focus on, they're quieter. They're harsher on the days when it's silent.
It's funny how he never actually took her advice to have some noise somewhere. He knows whatever voices she hears probably isn't that bad, but it was still good advice.
So, he requested a clock. It helped. Occasionally. It's not a loud enough noise to keep them quiet for long, but it helps.)
"...Fuuta!" Mikoto slams the table.
"Gah–" Fuuta jumps. "What? What??"
"You looked like you were dozing off." Kazui points out.
"Eh?? I wasn't; I had my eyes closed." Fuuta huffs before internally berating himself. He had his eye closed. It's true he technically has his eyelid shut over his eye, but it's... not working, so. "I was thinking."
"Ah, alright." Mikoto nods before taking a puff of his e-cigarette.
The three of them relax in a calming silence, Mikoto and Kazui quietly chatting and smoking while Fuuta thinks.
"Fuuta, I have to ask." Kazui's voice takes Fuuta out of his thoughts.
"Eh? What is it?" Fuuta looks up at Kazui.
"I was wondering... Why did you even come here? You don't smoke, so you don't have any reason to be here, but you are."
Fuuta exhales. Why was he here? He came because he smelt smoke and that was it.
...ah, nevermind, he knows.
"My father used to smoke a lot." Fuuta answers. "It's been a while, but I'm assuming he still does. Weak, pathetic fogey." He shakes his head. "Anyways... it reminds me of home, mostly. I wasn't sure what to do and I came here. Maybe I'm just used to going home to the stench of smoke in the air or something stupid like that, who fucking knows?"
Mikoto and Kazui both nod.
"Ah, I see." Kazui rubs his chin. "If you ever need a smell of home, you're welcome to sit down and relax with us."
"Yeah, somehow, we really don't mind. It's not like we're saying anything particularly private, so..." Mikoto shrugs.
"Eh, well, if none of you mind me being here occasionally just to remind me of home..."
"I'm sure Shidou will be fine with it, too." Mikoto flashes Fuuta a small smile. Kazui nods in agreement.
"Ahhh, alright, alright." Fuuta sits upright.
"I wouldn't mind relaxing while you guys smoke."
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Chapter 29- Part 12
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ANOTHER CRIT ALREADY!? But how did it kill!? I could understand it the first time, Gust was almost at half health, but this time- she barely took any damage from the first attack! And Gallade's Attack isn't boosted! 
No no no, I'm not losing a fourth time, there's gotta be a way around this- do I actually have to get a damage calculator out!? I think I do! Because the only Pokémon I've got now who can feasibly finish it is Bloom, and he's at about half!
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I'm gonna have to look up the stats for Victoria's Gallade to do this, but- it's been four attempts, I know what her team is about by now, it's fine! I'm not spoiling myself for anything I haven't already seen!
Let's see…yes! Bloom can outspeed and kill with Giga Drain! Wow, this Gallade is slower than I thought, Gust can outspeed it by default, I didn't even need Prankster priority. But anyways! Giga Drain to finish the job!
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Well now he can't kill, he's gonna die to the Psycho Cut next turn! I need…shoot, do I need to Revive Gust a second time? Or maybe…can I Toxic stall this thing? I might need to Toxic stall.
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Lemme see something on the calculator here…
Okay, okay- turns out, Gust can survive a Psycho Cut crit…but only if she's at 100% HP. I can do that, I just need to Revive and heal her. And to do that, I need to sacrifice…Kirin. Oh boy…
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Well…here goes.
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The Shell Bell will heal whenever Psycho Cut hits, but the Toxic damage will build up over that same amount of time, so in like…two or three turns, Gallade should die. I just need to keep Gust topped until then.
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So far so good, just a little more, hasn't gotten a crit yet…
(Future edit: You know...in hindsight, since I established that Gust just outspeeds, I could have just killed it here with Fairy Wind. Eh, I dunno- I guess I was just so scared of this Gallade and Gust being my final Pokémon, me not wanting to do a fourth reset…the stress probably just made me play this like performing surgery on a bomb, one wrong click and it all blows up.)
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OH SHOOT THERE IT IS! But it's fine, because the Toxic is about to-
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And that only leaves…
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Mienfoo…I never thought I would feel so stressed staring down an unevolved Pokémon like this…
Okay- I know it's going to open with Fake Out, so I'm safe to just heal with a Super Potion.
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Like I said. Now…Cotton Guard, to stave off damage from Drain Punch or whatever…
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Heal again to get Gust back to full…
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Now Fairy Wind, don't even bother with Charm, we just need to kill it!
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It used Meditate? Fine by me, we'll just use Cotton Guard again!
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Now…one more time, Fairy Wind! Finish this darn fight for us, Gust!!
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Excuse me, I think I need to go reduce myself to a pile of ashes and then reconstruct myself just as fast-
Why was that Gallade…why was any of that…just, why? Why? That was way too overtuned, I mean really, what was that? And the Incineroar? And the AI acting in all sorts of ways, and- and- 
I mean I'm happy for Victoria getting so much stronger, if it was Fern giving me this much trouble I'd be absolutely livid, but- goodness almighty, that was horrifying! That did not need to be that way! And if some random Bob shows up in the comments being all “well you could have avoided this if you'd fought Cal instead, he's the easier fight” (I don't know if he's actually easier than Victoria or not), I'm going to reduce them to ashes and then rapidly reconstruct them!
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Good! I've got some!
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Yeah, but I feel like it's still not gonna be that simple. But before my suspicions can be confirmed or denied, I need to go to the Pokémon Center!
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All better, nothing bad happened! And yes, I did switch Gust back out for Prong, but I'm sure we'll need her Prankster powers again at some point in the future, so I won't forget about her.
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rubberduckyrye · 15 days
Re: your execution post
As much as I dislike Mikan's execution because it's kind of eh imo, I think it's one that went into the direction you mention, because many people don't read her report card: Mikan hates oversized objects. The giant syringe is causing her despair. I wish it was better executed because the CONCEPT is there
That's an interesting fact that I did not know about Mikan--but that sort of dislike falls into the same category as Teruteru being deep fried because... maybe he doesn't like deep-fried food. Again I don't know if that was actually the case but like I said, even Kodaka himself disliked most of the DR2 executions.
Like... idk, it just doesn't feel like it's enough, if that makes sense?
Like maybe you could argue that her execution was a metaphor about overdosing and the high (which would explain the... ahem, ~behavior~ Mikan has before the arm-rocket shoots off into the sky) you get from the drug before it sends you to the literal heavens, but the way it was executed is no where near the level of, say, Der Flohwalzer, which has layers of metaphors and Kaede's despair to it.
Kaede wasn't just "hanging herself" in the form of a self sacrificial suicide--there were metaphors of failure to her whole execution. Being forced to play an easy piano song incorrectly, being booed at and having stones thrown at you, the imagery of the clock spinning faster and faster to indicate that she ran out of time to save everyone--there is a lot of intense thought and care put into this execution. Each moment is filled with some kind of reference to her character--from her thinking that all she's good for is being a piano freak and taking even that away from her by making the last song she ever play be so poorly done, to the metaphor of her killing herself to try and stop the mastermind--and failing. Again, it all comes back to the essence of failure, and the Execution isn't letting her forget that she died a failure. Worse, even--she died a murderer who failed to make up for her sin.
She died in despair.
Maybe because of its nonsensical nature, it makes Mikan's feel less like execution and more like... Well. It's like saying that Kaede's execution should have had her riding a bike to death. Like sure, the girl don't like bikes but... okay? So she has a phobia about bikes at worst. You're making her scared, not despair.
Even if the oversized objects thing is downright a phobia, fear is a different emotion than despair. Despair is hating yourself, of hating the world, of feeling like there is no salvation for you--that you deserve every painful second of what is happening to you, even if you're scared of dying.
I think that's why despite dying during his execution, Kaito's execution was considered a fail. He didn't die hating himself for being a sinner. He died seeing the stars he adored so much--and died a hero. He didn't get to find out that his execution was just a rehash of some random guy who overall wasn't even all that important. He died happy. Not scared, not angry, not sad... but happy.
If the characters do not feel despair, then that's the problem. That's why the executions in DR2 are lackluster. Most of them don't play with the despair. Like what about oversized objects gives Mikan despair?
I hope that all makes sense tbh. TL;DR: I acknowledge that the oversize objects could have been used to tie in to her dislikes, but they aren't apparent means to specifically invoke the feeling of despair.
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filipinosamflynn · 11 months
Golden Son tier list + review! :D
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These books are so fucking good, I want to continue with book 3 already. I have never read books this quickly, but DAMN that was good. You can see my live thoughts while I was reading from the tag "#sam flynn reads red rising", but here are my post reading thoughts below the cut.
Characters: 9/10, everyone served their purpose well and was great except for Antonia, who SOMEHOW still disappointed me.
Plot: 9/10, I have no clue if there was anything for me to complain about.
Personal Enjoyment: 10/10, I was unfortunately spoiled to 2 events within the book before I started reading, but I had so much fun regardless. I wish I had come in 100% blind :(
I have NO CLUE where to start. I guess I'll start with Fitchner. His identity as the founder of Ares was no secret to me when I came into the book, I strayed too far and accidentally got myself spoiled. Despite that, the reveal was still fucking brilliant. I'm surprised by how far he shot up in my tier list, from close to the bottom to being top 5. Wish he didn't die though 😭
Another character that shot pretty dramatically up the tier list was the Jackal. I knew he was gonna betray Darrow from the start based on intuition (thankfully not from spoilers) but DAMN HE DIDNT HAVE TO DO ALL THAT 😭 He's so sociopathic, I love that. I am no longer disappointed by him, and are excited to see what this little fucker has in store next! (Unlike with Antonia. Maybe I hyped myself up too highly for her, I expected her to play a larger role in everything but she feels so much like a pawn, it's embarrassing. She is my unironic least favorite character because of how plain disappointed I am in her, and it's not a fun hatred, it's a "oh she is here again. will she do anythin- nope. okay.")
Roque. Sweet Roque. I thought you were eh in the first book, just a cool voice for darrow to talk to I guess. But after the ending, fuck you 😍 I got spoiled by his betrayal, but honestly I saw his betrayal coming when Darrow kept being unable to reconcile with him. Either that or Roque dies, but uhhhhh I got spoiled anyways so it was going to be the latter. yeah I wish he had died instead of this! 🥰 but honestly and to be fair, yeah Darrow kind of deserved some of it for being such an ass of a friend, but:
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Cassius went down the tier list because the gala fight was AMAZING but he doesn't show up after that again until the end, and that made me feel sort of hesitant? BUT HE IS CLEARLY STILL BEING SET UP FOR THE FUTURE SO HE BETTER NOT PULL AN ANTONIA AND DO NOTHING BUT BE A PAWN.
Sevro is half red, cool! I am so glad he's still such a lovable scamp. I got excited every time he showed up, I love him.
Darrow is still an amazing protagonist, and I am so glad we are past his angsty "I miss my wife" phase, but I can guarantee I will see more of it after the ending. At least I will be mentally prepared for the whump this time.
Mustang is at her prime here. The scene with her in Lykos was so... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH i fucking hope she returns for darrow because these two are awesome and they deserve all the happiness.
Oh yeah, the scene where they revisit Lykos? As I said in a previous post, it watered my crops and cleansed my skin. I am so glad we finally got to catch up with Darrow's family. AND HE GOT TO HUG HIS MOM AAAAAAAAAA- I hoped we would see Darrow talk with the rest of his family, but just everything about this was comfort enough. Rest in peace uncle Narol though. 😥 Even if the meeting with darrow and his mom was cut abruptly short by Kieran's kids, but my heart... 🥹
Ragnar spawns in and just gets to business, and I love him. I love stories where people raised for only one thing learn to break free of their mold (that's why i was so interested in this series in the first place). I think it's so iconic that every time he speaks, the text becomes bold, that instantly endeared me to him somehow.
Victra was good, but her insistence on Darrow was weird. Could be because I'm a hard Darrow × Mustang shipper.
That's all the characters I feel like talking about. Onto other things like the plot! The plot was SO much better than the first book. We're finally out of that fuckass academy and doing actual rebelling finally! I don't know what else to say, the twists and the plots were phenomenal. The fight scenes here are even better than the ones in the first book. Overall, y'all weren't kidding when people said book 1 was the weakest of the series because I am flabberghasted by how good this book is.
I don't know what else to say, all of this has just been rambling. Darrow better break those god damn chains at the end of it all.
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What if skeleton and S/O fell ill at the exact same moment? How would it go?
Undertale Sans - You and Sans are dead, in bed, and none of you has the strength to move to get something to drink. You feel bad but you're kind using poor Papyrus as your savior right now. At least you feel guilty about it. Sans doesn't. Sans is maybe abusing of the situation a little, even with you, as he keeps stealing the damn blanket from you and whines every time you try to cover your legs. You keep fighting which is not helping your respective headaches.
Undertale Papyrus - Papyrus is trying so hard to help you despite the fact he can barely stand up with his fever. When you don't need anything, he just flops on the bed face first and sleeps where he fell, snoring very loudly. You're trying to help him too when he needs it, but the only time you tried the stairs, you only survived because Sans had the reflex to catch you first. But eh, you'll both get well soon, right?
Underswap Sans - You are crying in Honey's hoodie, begging him to take you away from Blue. Blue is not happy to be stuck in bed. He's so annoying and won't stop to complain and you're tired and can't take it anymore. Honey feels like he's babysitting two children who are throwing temper tantrums, but he's doing his best to help you both with soup and medicine. Everyone will be relieved when Blue will feel better.
Underswap Papyrus - You both want to help each other. You honestly look like zombies in the kitchen, struggling to make soup for each other. In the end, the soup is burned, you threw up on the ground because of the nausea and Honey slipped in, and didn't get up since. Blue finds you both sleeping on the floor later.
Underfell Sans - He's not ill you can't force him to sleep! You're just pretending to trick him. He's not stupid you know! He can see in your game. You then says that you're the one who will sleep then. You think you can trick him? It's just an excuse to not leave the bed! He's going to sleep too. Here, what are you going to do now?! Edge is so tired of you two.
Underfell Papyrus - Edge is clingy when he's ill. You're clingy when you're ill... You spend the day hugging each other in bed and sleep. You just skip the day until the next morning, when you wake up in each other's arms, feeling better and hungry. That sort of worked!
Horrortale Sans - He hides he's ill because he is too worry about you. He's a bit warmer than usual, and sleepy, but he's taking care of you like he always do. He's tired sooner than as usual though and that's how you understood he's not feeling well either. But by now, Willow is home to take care of the both of you, so it's fine.
Horrortale Papyrus - Willow has his back stucked, you're in pain because of the fever and you can't hug him because it's hurting him too much. You hoped you could count on Oak, but Oak is doing a mental breakdown because you are both ill and he's scared you both might die and he's panicking. Before passing out, you gathered enough clarity to call Toriel for help. After that, Goat Mom is having your backs.
Swapfell Sans - "I THINK I'M DYING." You starts to cry, delirious because of the fever, screaming at him to not die. Rus is in the couch, rolling his eyes as the both of you. Nox is dramatic, that's not new, but he didn't expect you to be equally dramatic. That's going to be a fun day when Nox will beg Rus to lead him to the hospital while S/O is writing Nox's will, except they can't write straight and it keeps getting ruined. Rus wants the day to be over already.
Swapfell Papyrus - S/O wants to get him medicine but Rus won't let go. He wants to hug you, you're warm and he's cold. But also you're cold because he's cold and you don't like it and keeps complaining to Nox, who doesn't give a care about the two of you because he can't stand all the whining. He gives you medicine, but that's all. He's not babysitting you two.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Wine is trying to have a normal day despite him seeing everything fuzzy and shaking, and you're walking more or less straight behind him, trying to drag him to bed, but keeps messing how you're supposed to walk and face plants in the floor every two minutes or so. Coffee locks you two in your room after a while to make sure you don't leave the house. Wine is frustrated and you're at this point too tired to stay awake, so you fall asleep on him. Wine can't escape you no more, so he goes to sleep too.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - So, uh. Wine is too worry about Coffee and took him to the hospital. You are now alone in the house because Wine doesn't care at all about you and you're just crying in bed all alone because you're scared and hurt. Little did you know that Coffee did the same at the hospital. So, annoyed, Wine finally came to grab you and teleports you at the hospital so you can act like a comfort dog or something. So much empathy, it's killing you.
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codegeassfacts · 2 years
Ichirou Okouchi interview in Animage (November 2008) // Code Geass R2
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"Code Geass" is a story about seeking tomorrow
*Upper half of the page*
Lelouch vi Britannia - He understood people's desires through the World of C. That was, the desire for tomorrow. To compensate for continuing to involve the people he used geass on, he decided to carry the burden of fulfilling the wishes of the people. He sought not his own tomorrow, but the tomorrow that the world sought for.
C.C. - Her wish was to die as a human, but after spending time with Lelouch, C.C. also wished for tomorrow. She made up her mind to ensure the tomorrow of the world that Lelouch had left.
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Was Lelouch able to achieve happiness in the end?
Okouchi: In my opinion, the show had an Happy Ending, not a Bad one. In episode 7 of season 1, during Lelouch's conversation with C.C., there is this line: "There is no meaning to a life in which you're only just being alive." Lelouch saved his beloved sister and realized his own version of a kind world. His life had not been in vain. This is the reason why Lelouch smiled in the end.
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What part of Code Geass did you have to pay close attention to:
Okouchi: I wanted to make of the main character one who would continue to move forward. Of course there were times during which Lelouch would stop, and where revelations would come his way. But he would accept them (everything) and the story would continue to move, e.g., even if Lelouch felt defeat.
Is Taniguchi that sort of person?
Okouchi: Eh?
We heard that Taniguchi is similar to Lelouch.
Okouchi (laughing): I see. At the beginning of he script, I didn't especially use Taniguchi as a model. But it's true that, in trying to do something original, the personality and attitude of the the creator can be reflected in the key character/s. Like in this case, with Lelouch.
Then, Okouchi-san is also reflected in Lelouch's character?
Okouchi: That's certainly the case, and i've also been told that I had some similarities with Schneizel, as well.
I didn't think of myself as this type of scriptwriter, but looking back at my work, I am surprised and also happy that my own person -is- reflected in my work/s.
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How did the production of Code geass go despite the many change of plans ?
Okouchi: We wrote the initial Code Geass script with the belief it would keep the same timeslot and would still be aired at night. So, when it was slated for late broadcasting,I had to renew my plans. There was the target audience and trends to consider.
The planning team and other surrounding people felt it was risky to change our plans, since there was not enough time left. But Taniguchi-san felt the same as me, so we had to revise our plans and what you got to see was the result outcome of Code Geass.
At that time, had you already formed the idea of geass?
Okouchi: At the very beginning there was no Geass yet. Neither C.C. nor Zero were created then. The main character was an ace pilot, that was all.
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There were pretty big changes. Wasn't that difficult?
Okouchi : Well, while it was difficult, we chose for the better. During the story, Lelouch's next day might be worse than the current day, but his attitude would always be to aim for tomorrow. Maybe I wasn't aware before, but looking back now, this point about the main character was probably one of the things that we never revised.
One of the themes of this work is "Rebellion". Do you think Lelouch succeeded in his rebellion?
Okouchi: I think Lelouch did succeed. Despite having to face the whole world, he was able to go through until the very end.
Which thematics did you considerdepicting in the series:
Okouchi: Thematics like mecha, school, tactics, super powers, and many other things, but the first thing on my mind had to be the character named Lelouch.
The title was "Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion" after all. I wrote a script that felt like a biography of the man named Lelouch.
About the script and the feedback it got
Okouchi: I had already decided the outcome of the story from Stage 1. I talked about it with a number of the staff, but he never got their opinions back then. Even after half a year, when he had a more concrete idea of the ending, he still did not have others' opinions.
About the staff's consensus regarding the last scene (epilogue):
Okouchi : We all contemplated about we would like the epilogue to be and had a survey which resulted from us picking the ending/epilogue everyone would like.
How did you felt after completing the script:
Okouchi: I was silent after finishing the script. Because the script of Code Geass was demanding a lot on production, as much as possible, he wanted the production team to finish earlier than scheduled, but consequently, he did not feel the need to make much change.
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The production of Code Geass certainly seems to have taken a lot of time, didn't it?
Okouchi : Well a lot of cuts in the story had to be made, and the production team had to work really hard. Even as cuts were made, more (character and story) settings were established and the number of images that had to be drawn also increased. Characters and mecha elements were plentiful, so skillful staff were needed. Code Geass exceeded everyone's imaginations thanks to the work of the staff.
Code Geass is a story that contains many different plot/things, wasn't it very difficult to write this script ?
Okouchi: It was difficult for me, especially with the mecha and school elements. In the first place, when the story was being planned out, I had to work with many things. Compared to the first season, the stage of second season moves from Japan to a wider stage - the world. The amount of information that had to be provided definitely increased.
And at the same time, because R2 was considered a new program, we had to make adjustments for the new followers and those who were already familiar with the series from before. Because I was challenged to take the story to another level, to advance it further, it was difficult. When the outcome was decided, that was only the time were I felt confident.
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About the last part offering an opportunity to change the world:
Okouchi : I thought that it was nonsense to think that the world would completely change because of Lelouch's actions. The world can't be changed as easyly than that. But, if we give people a chance, they can find a direction.
Certainly, Lelouch and the others managed to end the war. However, it doesn't mean it will be an ever lasting peace. The constant efforts of the people who remain, like Nunnally, Kallen, and Zero (Suzaku), are very much needed to maintain that peace.**
**This part implies that what those who remains will do to ensure Lelouch's peace is also up to everyone's imagination
***I wasn't sure about posting this interview cause I don't own the magazine and I can't double check (some part of the translations were pretty vague and while, once again it went through trusted translators, I think there a bit fed up by all the work they had to translate back then, so some part or a bit summarized; Maybe i'll try to get this Animage and translate it correctly in the future, even though most of what was said is almost the same as what was told in the Continue interview By Okouchi that you can read there (and which is more complete) )***
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sigmadolos · 1 year
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Anonymous said: did the new episode disappoint you? why do you miss the old days?
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I've never answered an ask on mobile before so hopefully this doesn't look terrible or break everything. But figured I would try while I'm on my lunch break.
First though, I am happy for people who enjoyed it. So no hate to anyone who did! But for me personally, yeah, it did disappoint me. I was already very skeptical of it because I naturally am when an anime gets ahead of the source material, hence I'm waiting to really share any thoughts till the Manga to see if itll be the same or diverge.
I'm mainly disappointed but not surprised by the lack of consequences. No one really seems to die except for those from the past and one here or there as we see. Obviously I seriously doubted that Dazai would die, as did most of the fandom as far as I've seen. But that's the thing. It was supposed to be dramatic and shocking but it really wasn't. Especially for manga readers who thought Nikolai was gone forever and then nope he's fine. Anime only viewers ever got that long period. It's just that time after time, there's never any REAL consequences. These life and death situations are presented but they basically never REALLY are. Which to be fair, I suppose was very heavily obvious given Naomi surviving all the way back in like the second or third episode. But it makes me just go "eh okay" to what SHOULD be a big deal because...it never is. Not with the main cast but even a lot of the side characters too. And I know we have the Fyodor bit but I have Doubts on that. Outside of maybe legitimately losing an arm. Maybe.
And Chuuya knowing everything and faking it, everything loses so much value to it and cheapens a lot of moments. Now it wasn't really a trial or anything of the sort. The speeches meant nothing, it was all just...nothing. like don't get me wrong, I like SKK team ups, I adore them. But the fact it...wasn't really serious for them is disappointing.
These are just some of my initial thoughts about it, and just my opinion. I guess the fact a lot of my other series have also been doing stuff like this (or gone absolutely off the rails) has just makes me more disappointed as well. In regards to the old days, I just miss before when I was ACTUALLY concerned or worried when things happened, when moments had their impact. BSD has a special place in my heart, and it always will, but it's been a long time since things had impact like when I first joined the fandom way back when. And again, no hate or anything to anyone who enjoyed it! I'm glad they can! I just personally didn't.
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