#he finally appeard
yamada-ryo · 1 year
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j-jinxee · 8 months
Ooo can you write about about how Alastor would use restraints, he’d defo get turned on by how helpless reader would look when they’ve got a chain wrapped around them, with his need for control.
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TYPE - Alastor x Reader
WARNINGS - restraints/being tied up, semi public sorta?, ownership, swearing, oral receiving, humiliation.
authors note - tysm for requesting!! especially for Alastor hehehe, hope u like ittt >:)
That night came back to you every time you got pulled down by that fuckers chain. The most regrettable night of your life, you were so far gone you really thought he'd help you. Making any deal while you were drunk was a bad idea, but making a deal with the radio demon?? Even worse. He's made you do sickening things for him in the past, all things you never would've done if your soul wasn't on the line; but nothing that made your stomach turn quite like this one.
You made the mistake of confronting him right before he went on the air. That pissed him off enough, and thought you needed a reminder of who you belonged to. Hence why you're tied up in his radio tower, chain around your neck, and screaming his name for all of Hell to hear.
Alastor made you crawl up to his radio tower, him holding the chain, then tied you up with dark sorcery, and clicked "start broadcast".
"Hello my dear viewers! Hope you're having a grand evening. Today will be a little different to my usual style of broadcast, but I trust you'll enjoy it nonetheless" His voice turned scratchy and demonic towards the end, making you nervous for what was to come.
The only luminance in the tower was the faint glow of the red sky, and the shine of Alastor's eyes. You had no idea how many people were listening right now, or what was even going to happen, you just hoped no one could tell it was you.
You swore you could smell his arousal. It was rare, but you could tell he liked seeing you chained up. He never expressed any romantic feelings towards you, only savage, animalistic needs to over-power you. You let him have his way, since there was nothing you could do about it, but this? This was a little past your limit.
Your hands were behind your back, legs bent, and whole body hoisted up. You had no clue what happened to your clothes, they vanished off your body when the ropse appeard around you. Your neck was angled slightly up from the floor, enough to see a little out the window, but not enough to hurt. That's when you felt him.
You gasped abruptly as you felt his hot tongue on your clit, "Ah!" It took you by surprise - to say the least. You obviously wanted to hold back your moans in order to keep some dignity... but, holy fuck he was good.
It was like being chained up increased the pleasure, you swore it'd never felt this good before. His tongue made you squirm, but squirming hurt, especially when you held back. You thought you may aswell give him what he wants instead of agitating him even more.
"Mmm- Fuck! Alastor please"
"Please what my dear?"
You didn't even know what you were asking for, you wanted to say please stop, but you knew you couldn't, it felt too good.
"Pl- Ah! Please don't stop!"
Yeah real good fucken choice, beg him to keep going and see where that'll get ya.
The next thing you felt was his tongue diving deep into your core, fuck. You knew he'd be skilled, but this was on a completely different level.
"Ohhh, fuck! I'm- I'm gonna cum, ah!"
Your legs attempted to collide, obviously being held back by the rope. As Alastor felt your thighs start to shake, he only increased his pace, sending you over the edge. The coil in your stomach finally snapped, sending shivers throughout your whole body as you screamed Alastor's name for all of Hell to hear. Even if they weren't listening to the broadcast, they might’ve still heard you.
Your vision was blurry, your face was hot, and currents of pleasure still shot through your core like electricity. Alastor got up and made his way to the control panel, "I hope this is to your liking dear listeners! Because we're just getting started"
...you've gotta be fucking kidding.
Rlly rlly hoping u like thisss 🤞🏻 I think it's aight, I just love writing for Alastor tbh hehe. Cheers x
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slu7formen · 6 months
luke castellan x fem!reader
Luke has been making fun of your ‘unnecessarily absurd beauty routine’ —as he liked to call it— for the past week, so, you decide to drown him in it, just to see how much he can handle.
warnings: just a single use of the word b1tch, fluff at the end <3, little use of yn
reminder: english’s not my first language so I apologize for any spelling mistakes
i. the eyebrows
“Ow, ow, ow! That hurt!”
“No it didn´t!”
“Yes, it did!”
“Shut up and hold still”
“Ow! You´re pinching my skin, you bitch!”
“That was fully on porpuse”
A chorus of laughter erupted from the nearby bunk beds. Most of the boys, Luke´s half-siblings, gathered around you both, enjoying the show, eyes gleaming with mischief as they witnessed their usually stoic and confident counselor reduced to a whiny mess. Luke´s head was leaning on your thighs as you plugged his eyebrows with some dangerously sharp tweezers.
“See, that´s what you get for making fun of a girl” Travis Stoll, the elder of the Stoll brothers, joined in, a smirk on his lips. "We all warned you about messing with her” he pointed towards you.
“Shut up, Travis!” Luke spat.
You enjoyed the way his face was turning red, from embarrasment and because he was trying so hard to hold back his tears.
“You know, Luke” you started, plugging on another thin hair which earned you a little curse whispered from his lips. “You can always just, give up on the bet”
You found yourself enjoying the sight immensely. The perfect Hermes´ cabin counselor who'd spent the past week mocking your beauty routine,– here he was, sprawled across your lap, a prisoner of your tweezers.
“There´s no way in hell I´m letting you beat me that easily" he declared, though his voice lacked its usual conviction.
You couldn't help but smirk. The bet had been born out of sheer frustration. For the past week, Luke had been relentless in his teasing about your beauty regimen. He'd mocked the meticulous way you cared for your eyebrows, the endless battle against unwanted body hair, the whining about the occasional pimples even when you spent a good twenty minutes locked in the bathroom cleaning your skin. He'd called you high-maintenance, a slave to societal expectations, and everything in between.
Finally, you'd snapped. "Alright, Castellan" you'd declared, eyes blazing. "How about a little bet? If you can handle a full day of 'girl stuff,' I'll clean your cabin for a week"
The look of surprise on Luke's face had been priceless. He'd scoffed, of course, overconfident and utterly clueless about the sheer torture involved in waxing, tweezing, and mud masks. But fueled by his arrogance, he'd readily agreed.
Now, here you were, watching him squirm on your lap like a fish, a testament to his underestimation of the situation. A wave of satisfaction washed over you. It wasn't just about winning the bet, though that was certainly a perk. It was about showing him, in a slightly sadistic way, that there was more to "girl stuff" than he thought. It was about proving that self-care wasn't about vanity, but about feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin.
“As you wish, little baby”
Chris suddenly appeard in your vision, the satisfaction on his face plagged as if he was enjoying this more than you did. “You know, yn” he called out, you momentarily stopped, accidentally giving Luke a break. “Luke has a little hair situation going on under his arms”
“What!?” Luke blurted out. His siblings laughed again.
“He does?” you asked Chris, looking down at Luke and patting his head like a little kid.
“Oh, yeah” Chris smirked. “Maybe that could be the next step, don´t you think?”
“I´m gonna-” Luke tried to get up from his bed, hands reaching out towards Chris. He took a step back just as you grabbed Luke by his shoulders and pushed him down again towards your lap.
“I´m not done with you yet, tough guy. But Chris´ right. Get your hairy armpits ready”
ii. the waxing
You pulled out a box of waxing stripes. Luke, oblivious to the impending torture, was too engrossed in examining his newly sculpted eyebrows in the hand mirror you'd provided. A satisfied smirk played on your lips. The eyebrows looked fantastic – perfectly groomed without being overly feminine. Because yes, he asked you to keep them as close to their natural shape as possible.
“Shirt off” you declared.
His head whipped towards you, eyes wide with horror and disbelief. His half-brothers, mirrored his action, erupting in a chorus of whistles and catcalls.
"Excuse you?" he sputtered, h is voice a touch higher than usual.
"Damn," Connor drawled to you. "at least ask the guy out first"
You rolled your eyes. Luke shot him a withering glare, but beneath the bluster, you could see a flicker of nervousness.
You held up the waxing strips. “It´s time for your armpits, champion” you announced with a playful lilt in your voice. You began rubbing the strips together to warm the wax.
He whined, pulling his camp t-shirt over his head, revealing his well-toned torso, and throwing it over a nearby bunk. You stole a glance at his body for a microsecond, a slight red blush coloring your cheeks. His brothers were quick to start a echo of whistles.
He flopped down heavily on the bed, one arm raised awkwardly above his head. To your surprise, there wasn't as much hair as you'd anticipated. But that didn't diminish the sheer terror radiating from him. You stifled a laugh. "Relax, Luke" you said, your voice gentler now. "The tenser you are, the worse it'll be."
His brothers leaned in closer, their eyes glued to the scene unfolding before them. You carefully pressed the strip against his skin, smoothing it down with the practiced ease. He held his breath, his entire body tensing in anticipation.
You inhaled sharply yourself, then you ripped the strip off in one swift motion. Luke let out a yelp that would have made a banshee proud. His face contorted in pain, and his free hand clenched into a fist. His brothers erupted in laughter, their amusement fueled by his pain.
"Alright, alright" you said, trying to sound sympathetic despite the laughter bubbling in your throat. "Deep breaths, Luke. If you don´t relax, it´s gonna hurt more"
He glared at you, his voice laced with a hint of betrayal. "Easy for you to say."
Ignoring his grumbling, you ripped off another strip. A chorus of gasps filled the room, and Luke let out another yelp, his face turning an even deeper shade of red.
"See?" you said, holding up the strip adorned with a few stray hairs. "Not so bad, right?"
He wanted to murder you.
"Don't you use anesthesia for this?" he wheezed after a particularly harsh pull on his other armpit, his eyes watering slightly.
“We´re not babies, Luke” you replied, shaking your head. "Just good old-fashioned grit and determination. Besides, you wouldn't want to miss out on the full 'girl stuff' experience, would you?"
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity —at least for Luke—, you finished. His armpits were as smooth as a baby´s butt. His brothers, unable to resist themselves, reached out and slapped the freshly waxed skin, earning them a swift kick each from a now-furious Luke.
iii. the skincare
"Skincare? Seriously?" Luke asked, sitting down on your bed, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
You all went to your cabin to continue his so claimed ‘girl´s day´. You would´ve paid to take a picture of your sisters´ faces when they saw you walk in with a bunch of boys following you behind.
“Just lay down, princess” you declared “I´ll bring my stuff”
He leaned back against the your pushy pillows, getting comfortable.
“First time on a girl´s bed?” Chris asked, earning a few laughs from his siblings.
“Shut up” Luke spat.
You came back with your washbag, full of different products that nearly gave Luke a heart attack. You had to assure him that this time, this wasn´t gonna hurt. At least not the first part, but you kept it a secret.
"Alright, beautiful” you teased. “Let’s get started. First thing’s first. “Cleansing”
You dipped a soft washcloth in warm water and began gently wiping away the dirt and sweat from his face. Luke closed his eyes, a look of unexpected serenity washing over his features. You noticed him get loose under your touch, a slight smile playing on his lips, and crossed his arms over his chest in a gesture of surprising compliance.
“Wow” he said. “This is actually quite nice”
"See?" you said softly. "This isn't so bad"
He opened one eye, a playful glint mirroring your own. "Not bad at all" he admitted, a hint of amusement in his voice “Guys, you should try this."
The Hermes´ cabin boys leaned in closer, their usual boisterousness replaced by a quiet attentiveness. They watched as your fingers moved with a practiced ease, cleansing Luke's skin with a tenderness they hadn't seen before. They saw you take some cleanser, and rub it softly against Luke´s skin.
They all exchanged glances, a new kind of curiosity flickering in their eyes. Usually, the sight of anyone touching Luke, let alone his face, would have elicited a barrage of teasing. But seeing you, your movements gentle and practiced as you gathered a gentle cleanser, they found themselves strangely mesmerized.
"Well, he looks chill" Connor added. "Could you clean my face sometime, yn?"
You chuckled, throwing a playful glance thorwn at him. "Maybe later, Connor. Right now, it's all about Luke's glow-up."
Next came the toner, followed by a light moisturizer. Luke remained surprisingly still, his eyes closed, a contented sigh escaping his lips from time to time. His brothers, bored by the lack of drama, started to get bored.
Just as you were about to get some eye patchs, your eyes drifted on a little tool inside your washbag; your blackhead remover. An idea came up to you.
"Alright, Luke" you announced, a hint of warning in your voice. "Time for the fun part."
You reached for a steaming hot towel and pressed it gently against his nose and forehead. He inhaled deeply, the steam opening up his pores.
"This feels so nice" he mumbled, his voice muffled by the towel.
A slow grin spread across your face. "Oh, it gets better" you said, an evil spark in your eyes.
You grabbed the blackhead extractor and, with practiced ease, began gently removing the unwanted blemishes.
Suddenly, Luke's eyes flew open, a look of pure horror replacing his previous serenity. "Wait! What are you doing?" he shrieked.
"Shh" you hushed him playfully. "Relax. These little guys gotta go. Trust me, it'll be better for your skin in the long run."
"But it hurts!" he whined, swatting your hand away with a surprisingly weak attempt.
"Just a little pinch" you reassured him, your voice a mockery he hated. "Besides, if you don't remove them now, they'll grow bigger and poppier, and that will hurt even more."
Luke opened his mouth to protest, but the words died on his lips as you expertly extracted another blackhead. This bet was getting a little harder to beat than expected. He winced slightly, then a defeated sigh escaped his lips.
“So, Connor” you called. “You wanted to be next, right?”
iv. make up
"So," you began, a sly smile playing on your lips as you settled into the chair across from Luke, "you think makeup is easy, right?"
"Shouldn't be that hard, I guess" he mumbled, trying to sound confident. Inside, however, his stomach churned with fear and worry.
You gestured towards your desk, which was now overflowing with an array of colorful tubes, palettes, and brushes – an arsenal of beauty products foreign to the boys' eyes. "Alright then," you declared, a playful lilt in your voice. "Here's a little game. I'll show you each product and you have to guess what it's for. Every one you get wrong? Goes on your face."
Luke's eyes widened in horror.
"Wait, what?" he sputtered, a nervous tremor in his voice. "You can't be serious!"
You raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "But Luke, you just said makeup was easy. This is your chance to prove it!"
"This is cheating" he mumbled, looking betrayed. "You never mentioned makeup in the bet!"
"Technically," you countered, holding up a finger, "it's still 'girl stuff’, as you call it”
A groan escaped Luke's lips. He shot a desperate glance towards his brothers, hoping for some kind of intervention. Charles Beckendorf, who allegedly decided to join the fun, just grinned towards him.
"Don't chicken out now, Luke" he said, arms crossed over his chest. "You can always give up on the bet and let her win”
Luke glared at his friend, silently cursing the day he ever agreed to this ridiculous wager. He sighed dramatically, slumping back on the bed. "Fine" he mumbled, defeated. "At least try your best to make me look decent."
“That´s not gonna be on me, dear”
You couldn't help but laugh at his misery. You reached across the desk, picking up a sleek black tube with a silver cap. It felt cool and smooth in your hand.
"What do you think this is?" you asked, holding it up for him to see.
Luke squinted at the tube, his brow furrowed in concentration. He recalled seeing something similar in movies, actresses applying it with a flick of their wrist. An idea flickered in his mind.
"Eyeliner?" he ventured, his voice laced with a hint of uncertainty.
You arched an eyebrow, feigning surprise. "Huh, correct”
You set the eyeliner aside, a mischievous glint returning to your eyes. Next up, you picked up a thin, wooden-looking tool with a pointed tip. There was a small, round piece of what looked like colored chalk attached to the end.
"Alright," you announced, "round two. What is this?"
Luke studied the object carefully. It did resemble a pencil, but the colored tip threw him off. He wracked his brain, trying to recall anything similar he'd seen in the vast array of makeup products on your desk.
"Uh… a pencil?" he finally ventured, his voice lacking conviction.
You burst into laughter, the sound echoing through the cabin. Tears welled up in your eyes quickly, blurring your vision slightly.
"A pencil, Luke?" you wheezed, wiping a tear from your cheek. "It’s a lip liner"
Luke's cheeks flushed crimson.
"Lip liner?" he echoed, his voice barely a whisper. "For what? Do I need to draw on a bigger mouth?" He gestured to his own lips, a hint of self-consciousness creeping into his voice.
You shook your head, stifling another giggle. "No, no need for a bigger mouth. Lip liner helps define the shape of your lips."
With a shake of your head, you said, "Now the fun part begins. Bring those lips here, handsome."
Luke leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, his face hovering a few inches from yours. The air got filled with a strange tension, probably because his brothers walked closer so they could get a better look. His breath hitched slightly as your fingers brushed against his skin, sending a shiver down his spine.
“You´re lucky this is the same shade as your natural lip color” you whisper.
“Yeah” Chris adds. “Maybe you should wear it more often, handsome” he reaches out his hand to squeeze Luke´s cheeks, but he´s quick enough to slap his hand away.
“Shut up”
The minutes that followed were filled with a more lighthearted energy. You continued the game, Luke surprisingly getting a few things right – foundation, and even a surprisingly good guess on a shimmery eyeshadow palette.
But he wasn't without his misses. The concealer, a light, creamy formula designed to camouflage blemishes, ended up being applied liberally under his eyes, leaving him with a ghostly pallor that had his brothers doubled over in laughter. Then came the blush. A delicate peach shade, turned his cheeks a comical shade of fuchsia thanks to your deliberately exaggerated application with a fluffy brush.
His brothers, fueled by this new display of comedic gold, howled with laughter. Charles, wiping tears from his eyes, wheezed, “He-, he looks like a baboon in heat”
"Oh man" Travis howled, clutching his stomach. "This is even better than the armpit wax"
Next came the eyelash curler, that strange-looking contraption that promised to create dramatic, fluttery lashes. The moment you held it up, Luke's eyes widened in suspicion. He snatched it from your hand before you could ask him what he though it was.
"What the hell is this!?" he exclaimed, his voice laced with a mixture of disgust and fear. "You girls like torturing yourselves with these things?"
You reached out and gently took the curler back. "No torture involved" you replied. “And since you know absolutely nothing about it…"
He tried to look defiant, but a flicker of uncertainty betrayed him. "I know what it is" he mumbled, avoiding your gaze.
"Oh really?" you challenged, raising an eyebrow. "Then what is it?"
You handed him the curler and watched as he fumbled with it, his big hands clearly not designed for such delicate work. He eventually gave up with a defeated sigh.
"Okay" he grumbled, handing the curler back to you. "Do your worst."
The final touches were a disaster, a glorious, hilarious disaster. Every fiber of Luke's being screamed in protest as you handed the brushes over to his merciless brothers.
“Come here, Lookie-Pookie” Travis cooed, his voice dripping with mock sweetness as he leaned in with a thick brush loaded with sparkly eyeshadow. Luke recoiled, swatting his hand away with a glare.
"Don't touch me!”
“Come on Luke, give us those pretty little lips. We need to make sure they're nice and kissable” Beckendorf joined, opening a little lip product tube he wasn´t sure what it really was.
Luke wanted to melt into the floor, his face burning hotter than the volcanic eyeshadow now smudged across his eyelids. The audacity, the betrayal! His own brothers, the supposed bastions of masculinity, were gleefully participating in this humiliation.
“Maybe some of this highlighter will make him look prettier”
He couldn´t believe his own brothers knew what highlighter was except for him.
As he looked at his reflection in the mirror, a mix of horror and amusement washed over him. He never thought he'd feel so violated by makeup. But somewhere amidst the frustration and embarrassment, a strange sense of camaraderie bubbled up. His brothers, usually his biggest tormentors, were doubled over with laughter, tears streaming down their faces. And you, the leader of this whole mess, were practically glowing with barely suppressed mirth.
Despite himself, a smile tugged at the corner of Luke's lips. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all. Sure, he looked like a technicolor disaster, but the shared laughter, the fun, it felt strangely… good. He glanced at you, your eyes sparkling with amusement.
"Gods” he breathed, shaking his head in mock disbelief. "This is the best day of your life, isn't it?"
You couldn't help but laugh, a genuine, unrestrained laugh that filled the cabin. "Hell yeah it is" you replied as you offer him make up wipes.
v. the reconcile
Night had fallen, painting the sky with shimmering stars. The campfire illuminated the campers´ face, its flames dancing higher as the Apollo cabin filled the air with joyful camp songs. Laughter mingled with the strumming of guitars and lyres, creating a symphony of pure summer camp bliss.
The fire itself danced in response to the campers' emotions. It roared a little higher with every burst of laughter, dimmed momentarily during a quiet story, and flickered with a playful intensity as the Hermes boys, fueled by their mischievous exploits, recounted their version of the day's events.
You sat by the fire, poking a marshmallow with a stick, watching the scene unfold. Their narrative, of course, focused heavily on your supposed "torture" of Luke. Specially the Stoll brothers; they painted a picture of you as a ruthless makeup artist, a waxer who pealed Luke´s skin off and left his face shining like marble. Meanwhile, Luke simply sat there, a faint smile playing on his lips.
You noticed the Hermes boys regaling other campers with their story, punctuated by bursts of laughter. And yes, you didn´t like to admit it but, you'd lost the bet. Technically. But watching Luke handle their teasing with surprising grace, a hint of amusement in his eyes, filled you with a strange satisfaction.
You were there by yourself for a few more minutes. The camp sounds filling your ears as you tried your best not to stuff your face in all the toasted marshmallows your sisters offered you. Your hands felt tired, because yes, even though what you did was not too much for you to handle, Luke squirmed and behaved like a worm covered in salt, which only made your work harder.
Just then, a figure settled in front of you. Luke. He held two sticks, each crowned with a perfectly toasted marshmallow. He offered one to you, his usual smirk replaced by a genuine smile.
"Truce?" he asked, his voice laced with a playful challenge.
You couldn't help but grin, accepting the marshmallow with a playful jab. "Truce"
He sat beside you, the marshmallow on his stick disappearing in one swift, hungry bite. Suddenly, you leaned in closer, feigning seriousness. "Oh dear" you said, your voice laced with mock concern.
Luke raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "What is it now?"
"You've got a blackhead. Right, there" you declared, pointing to a non-existent imperfection on his nose.
His eyes widened in mock horror. "No way! I´m not letting you touch my face again" He swatted at your hand playfully, but you were quicker.
"Hold still, you wriggly worm" you teased, pretending to grab his nose. A playful fight ensued, a flurry of limbs and laughter. You managed to land a swipe at his cheek with a gooey bit of marshmallow.
Finally, breathless with laughter, you both settled back down, enjoying the warmth of the fire and the quiet camaraderie. As you bit into your marshmallow, a comfortable silence settled between you.
"So, about that bet" he began, wiping his marshmallow-streaked hands on his cargo pants.
You turned to look at him, still chewing on another marshmallow and a piece of melted chocolate. "Yeah?"
"I don't want you to clean my cabin" he explained.
"Why not? I lost the bet" you replied, surprised by his sudden declaration.
He looked at the sky, a hint of pink dusting his cheeks. "Yeah, but… We're kind of a mess, actually. I would feel bad if you did it alone."
"Aww, Castellan, are you worried about little ol' me?" you teased him, squeezing his cheek playfully. He blushed a deeper shade of red, looking positively flustered.
"Maybe" he mumbled, avoiding your gaze.
"Okay, here's a deal" you continued, trying to cover your own blush. "I'll clean your cabin, but you have to help me. I really don't wanna get into dirty-underwear-business."
Luke considered this for a moment, then a grin spread across his face. "Deal. But I'm warning you, there might be some things you shouldn´t even try to touch with bare hands. And I mean Travis´ and Connor´s bunks”
From a distance, a group of campers — a mix of Hermes, Apollo, and Hephaestus cabins —watched your exchange with keen interest. The playful teasing, the way your hands brushed as you made your deal — it was all too much for their already overactive imaginations.
"I bet you fifteen bucks he's gonna ask her out by the end of the week" an Apollo camper, Lee, declared.
Chris snorted. "That's weak. Twenty bucks says he does it tonight."
hiiya, just thought I could write something different to what I usually do. hope you enjoyed <3 🩷
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girllblogging777 · 2 months
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↳ 「𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑜𝑛𝑒」 「𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑡𝑤𝑜」 mattheo riddle x fem!reader (cousin’s best friend)
↳ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 : 1,02k
𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦 : you found mattheo injured after a fight and patched him up, because you owed him a favour
ever since you had talked to mattheo for the first time at the party, the brown haired boy hadn’t left your mind. he was “unforgettable”. if draco’s best friend had always been somewhat around, suddenly he was everywhere : from your shoulders brushing in the hallway, to your gazes interlocking from sides of the library, and the smell of his perfume in your cousin’s dorm. truth is, you hadn’t been able to stop thinking about the brown eyed boy in a while and it made your heart flutter.
after long days of classes and studying to keep your thoughts at bay, you’d often end up laying on the floor of your dorm room, wondering what the mysterious slytherin boy was doing at that very same moment. instead of not leaving your room apart from classes as usual, you had started joining your cousin in the great hall for meals, simply to sit at the same table as them. you had even appeared to his quidditch practice for the first time ever, to support your cousin under the pouring rain. thankfully neither him or his friends seem add to have noticed your sudden interest in socialising, but you definitely did notice him. every intrusive thought you had about mattheo felt so wrong, but the way he’d appeard regularly in your dreams felt so right. it was official : you had feelings for draco’s best friend.
today, you were currently walking back to the slytherin common room after tutoring some first years in the library. the sun was slowly setting on the hogwarts castle and everything felt peaceful, apart from your buzzing brain and the sound of people shouting. wait, people shouting ? you finally snapped out of your thoughts and realised the loud noise came from the direction you were heading to. it was only a couple of seconds later that you were met with a disheveled mattheo riddle, sitting down on the floor as an unknown figure disappeared around the corner. you froze in your steps when he looked up at you with his bloody face and one of his signature smirks, “you should’ve seen the other guy” he chuckled. fuck, he looked beautiful.
you took mental notes of his bloody knuckles and bruised lip before bracing yourself and answering “this isn’t funny, riddle. you could’ve gotten caught or hurt !” the boy’s grin immediately faded and he looked down like a little boy who had just gotten scolded. “now get up, come with me”. mattheo didn’t bother asking you where you two were going, knowing he’d follow you anywhere and anytime. he tried to ignore the soreness in his leg as you led him to the dorms, silently walking besides you and thanking himself for fighting stupid cormac mclaggen. that jerk may have caused him trouble but at least he had received some attention from you and that’s all he cared about. swiftly, you managed to sneak him into your dorm room and ordered him to sit down in the bathroom as you reached for the first aid kit.
“careful, this might hurt” you warned as you settled yourself between his legs, before gently tapping the alcohol wet cloth on his bruised lip. in reality he didn’t know what hurt more, being this close to you or the alcohol stinging. you glanced up at him, noticing the way his dark curls framed his face, the usual tough and scary exterior softened by the vulnerable look in his eyes. “you okay ?” you asked softly, your voice barely above a whisper. “yeah, i’m fine” he mumbled, though his eyes seemed to tell a different story. you could see the conflict in them, the battle between the tough guy image that he wore around everyone, and the softness he had worn with you a couple of weeks ago at the party.
you continued to clean his wounds in silence, the tension between you palpable. every now and then, you’d catch him staring at you and your heart would skip a beat. you wondered if he could hear it, and if he was doing it on purpose. as you dabbed a particularly nasty cut on his cheek he winced, his hand reflexively grabbing yours. “sorry” you murmured, but he didn’t let go. instead, your fingers tightened around his, his gaze intense. “it’s okay,” he said, his voice low and raspy “just… be careful”. you nodded, breaking eye contact. the air between you seem to be filled with unspoken words and hidden feelings. you tried to focus on the task at hand but his closeness was making it almost impossible. every brush of your fingers against his scarred skin sent shivers down your spine.
“why are you doing this ?” he suddenly asked, his voice breaking the silence. you paused, your hand hovering above the familiar scar on his nose. “because i owe you one, remember ?” you said gently, trying to convince both you and him there wasn’t more to it. “i’m just returning a favour”. of course he remembered, seeing you so anxious that night had broken him and your simple yet comforting conversation had haunted him ever since. with a wave of confidence mattheo shook his head, his curls bouncing slightly “it’s more than that,” he said. his voice was barely audible “tell me you feel it too”. your heart pounded in your chest. so, he had noticed. not knowing what to say, you stayed silent and shifted your focus back on his wounds.
“look at me,” he said, his voice gentle but firm. you tilted your head up and met his gaze, and the intensity of his chocolate brown eyes took your breath away. “mattheo…” you started before he cut you off. “do you want to stop ?” he asked as one of his hands reached for the small of your back, his voice trembling with emotion. “tell me to stop and i will. but if you feel even the slightest bit of what i feel right now then please-“
you couldn’t hold back anymore, you leaned into him and his lips crashed into yours. he didn’t even have the time to register the fact that you were kissing him, pouring every inch of pent up emotions in that moment. he desperately kissed you back, his hands cupping your face and trying to pull you impossibly closer. you couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, and simply melted into him, your arms wrapping around his neck. for a moment that felt like a dream, nothing mattered anymore. the brunette’s bruised lip was hurting, but he didn’t care. the two of you were forbidden, but he didn’t care. the only thing that mattered right now were mattheo riddle’s lips against yours, and the thrill of it.
in that moment you realized that whatever would happen next, what you two shared was unforgettable…
a/n : of course i had to do the iconic up scene, hope you enjoyed it ! i don’t know how many other parts i’ll do cause i have soooo many different scenarios.
please like/comment & reblog (tell me if you wanna be in the tag list) !!! love you <3
@mattheosdior @iris-qt @tateshifts @yikesitslush @fluffycookies22 @pizzaapeteer @helendeath @reys-letters @redeemingvillains @jolly4holly @222lolamunson @elsie-bells
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mrsnegan · 3 months
Daddy's home | Round II
Pairing: Billy Butcher x f!Reader x Joe Kessler (The Boys)
Read Part I here.
Summary: Billy and Joe can't get enough of you.
Warnings: 18+ (not suited for minors), smut, mentions of passing out, threesome, daddy!kink, finger sucking, cum play & eating, degradation but also praise, swearing, f!oral, (anal) fingering, manhandling, pussy slapping, dubcon-ish but reader wants them to use her like this, unprotected p in v, anal, double penetration, lots of cum, squirting, creampies, mentions of aftercare
A/N: Holy fuck. This might be the filthiest shit I've ever written. Thank you so much for all the praise for part I. 💛 My mind went from there and couldn't hold back all those words full of smut. I ain't lying when I tell you I made a mess of my panties while writing this. 😅🥵
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"You still with us, baby?"
Billy's voice sounds muffled when your eyelids flutter open. He kneels in front of the sofa, his eyes trained on yours.
"Yeah," you answer him timidly. "What...what happened?"
"You came like a fucking waterfall while I fucked you dumb." Joe's grinning face appeard next to Billy's.
"Shut up, asshole. Told you not to break her."
"Hey, who told me to make her squirt like old times? She looks pretty alive to me. And you still want to fuck her ass, right?" He pads Billy on the shoulder, sinister smirk in place "She still has your cum all over her pretty face. I bet she would love to have it drippin' out of her tight ass. Ain't that right, baby?"
With some effort you sit up on the sofa. You still feel light-headed from your orgasms, throat raw, body marked with your mixed fluids. Joe reaches forward, two of his fingers swipe over your heated cheek, collecting Billy's cum onto them and offering them to you.
Every part of your body is on fire again when you lock eyes with him and take his fingers into your mouth, swirling your tongue around them to collect Billy's salty spent.
"Good fucking slut," Joe whispers, fucking your mouth slowly with his fingers, making you gag in the process. He feeds you more and more of the cum until your face is more or less clean again.
Billy watches the scene before him and decides to finally undress too. His cock is hardening again at the sight of you, a new rush of arousal flooding his veins.
"Yeah, you definitely like being used," Joe comments proudly while he retreats his fingers from your mouth. A single thread of salvia connects the both of you. His wet fingers wander down your throat, over your collarbone, down again towards your breasts. Your top still dangles there and he doesn't waste a second to rip it from your body, throwing it to the ground carelessly.
His fingers circle your nipples, pinching them while he observes your reaction.
Eyes hooded, mouth agape, your hips move forward, searching friction, anything really to make this aching feeling go away.
Joe just smirks down at you and lowers himself to his knees between your legs. His fingers move south, passing your belly button, south still over your mound and towards your wet folds.
Your breath catches in your throat when he leans down spitting directly onto your clit. His fingers rub his salvia into your folds, leaving you shaking above him.
With practiced movements, he pushes two of his fingers into your hole, pumping them at a steady pace. "Beautiful," he mumbles, watching his cum trickle down the crease of your thigh.
Every movement inside of you has you seeing stars. Your eyes lock with Billy's who watches the both of you with stuttering breaths, hand stroking his cock again. He approaches you, sitting down next to you on the sofa where he has an even better view of Joe fucking you with his fingers.
"We need to prep her, don't you think?" Joe says, eyes turning towards Billy.
"Yeah, we ain't cruel, are we?" His deep voice makes goosebumps appear all over your skin. This right here is far from loving, it's filthy and wrong and degradating but the blinding pleasure they gift you drowns out every logical thought. You want this. You want them to use you, want them to make you theirs.
Joe retreats his fingers, taking some of his cum with him. He circles your thightest hole with his wet fingers, making you gasp and close your legs.
"Nuh uh," he tuts, landing a slap against your inner thigh. "Keep them open."
Billy's hand, which isn't stroking himself, finds a home on your thigh, pushing it down.
"Just like this," Joe comments while his eyes scan your face. "Eyes open too."
Gulping down nervously, you wait for Joe's next move. What you don't expect is him leaning down to lick a broad stripe from your asshole up to your clit, flicking it briefly before sucking it into his waiting mouth. He isn't particularly careful when he suckles on it which makes you moan loudly. The protest of too much is dying in your throat when Billy leans over to capture your lips in a messy kiss. His tongue invades your mouth instantly, making you gasp.
Both are kissing you senseless, their beards scratching deliciously against your heated skin, one of them between your legs, the other one right next to you.
It builds again, the urgent feeling of release, the all-consuming tornado of pleasure. Joe can feel it in the shaking of your legs, your restless whimpers against Billy's mouth.
He pumps his fingers back into you, three this time, and fucks you with them. One rather harsh pull at your clit makes you tip over. You errupt around Joe's fingers, wetting his beard with your release. It isn't as much as before but enough to make Joe pull back and enjoy the view.
He wastes no time, using your high to spread your wetness to your puckered hole. His middle finger circles the tight ring of muscle, then he spits on it and pushes his finger in to the first knuckle. You tense, legs quivering from your latest orgasm and the new sensation.
"Fuck, what a damn sight," Billy observes, watching Joe sink more and more of his finger into your tight hole.
"Good little slut, just like this." Joe's finger retreats, dipping into your cunt again to gather some more wetness. He sinks his finger back into your asshole, pumping it lazily before he decides to add his index finger.
The stretch is nearly too much. You whimper from the intrusion but Joe is relentless. He opens you up like a flower, pumping his fingers into your ass before pushing them into your pussy again. He keeps this rhythym for quite some time, slicking up your tight channel, before he decides to push three fingers in your already gaping hole.
"Fuck, Daddy...too...too much," you gasp, trying to get Billy's attention too but he's working his cock harder and harder while staring at your used holes.
"It isn't. Especially not compared to Billy's cock," Joe reminds you.
After a while he has some kind of mercy with you, a moaning and whimpering mess beneath him. He retreats his fingers, getting up from the floor. With dark eyes, he bends down towards your ear.
"Want me to spank that wet pussy again while Billy my boy takes a dip? I think you deserve a reward for being such an obedient whore, letting us stuff your holes."
At his words you visibly shake, a whimper leaving your mouth. You have no idea if you can take more but your body betrays your mind. The nod you give him makes Joe grin diabolically.
"Fucking slut loves this kinky shit," he comments towards Billy. "C'mere Butcher, need you to keep her pinned on your cock."
Now it's Billy's turn to lift you onto his lap. He is fast and almost too rough with you when he grasps your arms to pull you into his lap, your back hitting his sweaty chest.
"Want me to fuck you, baby? Say it. Need to hear it from you."
You can't see Billy's face in this position, though you have a good idea how wild and absolutely dangerous he has to look right now. If Joe's gaze is even a tiny indicator for their hunger, Billy will surely destroy you from the inside out.
"Shit, Billy...want you to...fuck me, please. Need your big cock."
Billy laughs behind you, taking his cock, briefly massaging your sensitive folds with the head of it before he sinks himself into your pussy, hands flying to your hips, grabbing your flesh possessively. The cry leaving your lips is desperate and needy, the stretch of his cock and the fast rhythym he sets deliciously painful.
Joe watches you writhe on top of Billy, his own fingers pump his cock slowly.
There's another orgasm building inside of you, but before it can errupt, Billy pulls out and lays back against the sofa so he can pull you down with him. The new position allows him to reach your other whole better while presenting Joel your puffy and sodden folds. He reaches around to take a hold of his cock, guiding it towards your asshole, the head resting against it. His other hand lays itself over your stomach, securing your position.
"Here it comes, baby, relax for me."
He pushes in, the head popping into your tight hole and you scream. It's burning despite you being all slicked up and the stretch is so much, you don't know if you can handle another inch. Your eyes are screwed shut, nails leaving marks on Billy's arm while he pushes himself into you.
"Shh, doin' good. You feel so fucking tight, baby," Billy praises.
Just as you are about to make him pull out again, Joe's fingers graze your clit, petting it lightly to distract you from the discomfort.
"Good fucking girl, let him in. Yeah, like this."
Billy thrusts into you inch by inch until he's buried all the way. The moan leaving his lips is louder than what you are used from him.
"Fucking hell, she's squeezing me motherfucking good, tightest hole I've ever had," he tells Joe who still plays with your clit to loosen you up.
Billy pulls all the way out before he pushes into you again, building up his thrusts while Joe starts to spank your pussy again, rubbing you in between.
There are no words to describe the feeling building inside of you. It's intense, the dull pain from before suddenly gone, replaced by another, more delicious pain delivered by Joe's hand. You moan and babble nonsense while both men work you up the edge.
"Fuck Joe, she's about to cum again," Billy warns while Joe slaps you in quick succsession, making more and more wetness spread and trickle down towards where Billy fucks you faster and faster.
There's no turning back, you spiral into the next high, making a mess of the three of you, your release so intense it makes you shake on top of Billy.
"Yeah, fuck, more, give us more," Joe demands, but instead of using his hand, he comes closer and guides his cock into your dripping pussy.
Words have long left your brain, a silent scream of pleasure the only reaction your body can muster. You feel so full, so goddamn full. There's nowhere to go, you are pinned between their strong bodies and the only thing you can do is let them use you, fuck into you roughly, fuck you towards another orgasm. There's no strength in you left when you cum again, pushing both of them out while you shake uncontrollably between them, your release making a wet mess.
"Fucking shit," Billy moans, thrusting into you again while Joe does the same. Both of them lose their rhythym, searching for their own release within your used holes. It doesn't take long for them to cum too, painting your insides with their seed.
Your ears are ringing. White spots are dancing in front of your closed eyes. Your heart hammers inside of your chest, breaths short, body sweating. You feel like jelly from head to toe, there's no part of your body which isn't aching. You have never cum so many times and this intense in your life.
Billy and Joe pull out of you a few moments - or an eternity, you can't tell - later. Their seed is dripping out of you and for a quick heartbeat you expect Joe to run his filthy mouth but he surprises you with a sensual kiss.
"Good girl, so fucking good to us," you hear Billy whisper below you, his fingers ghosting over your heated skin. "Let's get you cleaned up."
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adkawariatka · 4 months
Part 4 friendship expert
If you would ask Danny he didn't plan for any company. Damian just appeard and stayed glued to him. He knows that he should push him away but he can't bring himself to do that, being alone for a year makes that to someone mental health. Jazz would say that is a coping mehanism Danny just might agree. it helped so much. After that awfull outcome in amity... Having someone around makes him feel alive again, not like a shell of a boy he one was, hiliarious if you ask Danny. He tries so damn hard to not think about that. About that nightmare of a "final" there. Tries not to remember screams and helplesness, forget the stench of blood and chemicals.... they are gone. Everyone that ever gave a damn about him died proteting him. Some protective spirit he is. Now he runs, and runs and he will run forever. That is his future. If he is being honest he would gladly folow his loved ones. there is nothing in this relam holding him here only mere plea of his sister to live... when she burned in their home-lab with Sam and Tucker after goverment agents and his own parents trapped them there and tried to kill him. Danny doesn't know if Maddie and Jack Fenton survived and has no intention of checking, seeing their disgust on their faces was enought first time. Truth is he is a coward and failure. As a protective spirit his core being evolves around keeping those important to him safe and he can't even do that. Everyone he cares about dies sooner or later. That's why he should cut his ties with Damian... but... its so much better right now. he has no idea how he survived alone for that long. Its as if he is able to finaly breath freerly after almost drowning. Danny can see when Damian realises that he feels better when he is around. For a 10 year old he is pretty quick learner, and damn good observant. And he tries so hard for Danny bringing him food and books. Danny just might feel half alive again. He justyfies staying around for Damian because he needs him. That's why he helps Damian as much as he can. He offers his friedship aganist better judgement because he needs that, because he needs someone to explain to him basic social contexts just like Clockwork did for him not so long ago. He kind of is judgemental towards Damian's family. If someone can explain to him how a grown ass adult takes heavly traumatised child and.... procedes to dump it into society expecting prefectyly civilised behaviour, he would be thankfull. That is beyond him.... but maybe he shouldn't be too hard on that considering his own parents were shooting at him on daily basis. So he listens when Damian talks about his family, their reactions to his behaviours. From what he can grasp he won't be needed soon. Tim soounds like excelent replacement. Soon His one and only excuse for stayng close to Damian will evaporate. Danny tells himself that then he will leave. ------
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bonebreakz · 1 year
Falling asleep on their lap - JJBA Villians x Reader headcannons.
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Oh hey! My first post on this blog! Keep in mind this is my first time writing here and im kind of new to doing headcannons as well, i also dont know how to write for Diavolo (and im kind of still getting my way through SBR-) so bear with me a little. Ill put Doppio on his place though!
Warnings: None! Just SFW wholesome content. :)
DIO (Dio Brando):
You both were reading a book together in the living room of his mansion, you squinted your eyes trying to read the text on the pages, but it was harder than usual as you got sleepier and sleepier by the minute.
After some minutes, DIO felt a weight over his legs and his gaze got off the book, he looked down and saw you fell asleep with your head on his lap.
He shook your head with his free hand, a slightly annoyed look on his face.
"Get up, mortal." He orders, but its no use as he sees you defintely fell asleep. He sighed, going back to his book, not taking his hand off your head. He doesnt want to admit it, but he secretly enjoys this moment of you sleeping soundly in his lap.
He was sat down while you were sat behind him, braiding his hair as you did every day. After some minutes, you eyelids started to fall and soon, you fell asleep. You had fallen forward and your face was right on his luscious purple hair.
Kars noticed it of course as he didnt feel your hands going through his hair, he looked back and saw your sleeping face. He sighed.
"If you're going to sleep on me then do it properly, foolish human." He placed you down, your head layed on his lap. His signature smug appeard on his face as he watched you sleep comfortably.
Yoshikage Kira:
You and him were sat on the couch on the living room, watching tv quietly. You soon felt yourself loosing interest in what was in screen as you felt yourself getting heavier, after a moment, you closed your eyes and gave up to the feeling.
Kira had quickly taken notice of your sleepiness before you did, so when you fell with your head on his lap he already knew you would stay there for a while.
He simply smiled, placing his hand on your head as he burried his fingers on your hair, running them between your locks.
"Have nice dreams, my dear." He spoke quietly as he watched you finally get your much needed rest.
You were sat besides him while he was on the phone, waiting for him to finish whatever he was discussing about so you could go sleep next to him. You decided to close your eyes only for a bit until you dozed off hearing his sweet voice.
Doppio didnt really realise that until he finished his call, looking down and seeing your head resting over his lap. He felt guilty of being so unnatentive to your needs but he figured out if you didnt tell him you were tired then it was fine.
"I should bring you to bed but i cant get up, and you're so peaceful...I dont want to interrupt.."
He started feeling calmer as he looked at your sleeping expression, and soon he drove off to sleep aswell.
Enrico Pucci:
You were both talking while sat with eachother, having a pretty long conversation about whatever crossed your minds was what you'd usually do when having free time to do so. Pucci was in the middle of a sentence when he noticed your tired expression, after he finished talking his hand went to caress your cheek.
"Are you tired dear?" He asked with a calm tone in his voice, you nodded and he allowed you to lean closer, laying your head on his lap comfortably.
You fell asleep rather quickly after he had done that, he smiled as his hand rubbed your back soothingly.
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xxelfmamaxx · 1 year
•♥︎•Shanks boyfriend head canons•♥︎•
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⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
A/n:Hello everyone! I'm dropping off Shanks x reader, I hope you enjoy it, sorry if there is wrong spelling, English isn't my first language. Enjoy!
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Okay first of, let's start at how you two met
Basically you were working in a pub, serving customers
And out of nowhere pirates appeard to steal some cash
The Red Haired Pirates were at that moment exploring your island and heard some screams and crying
When they came to the pub and peeked in the window, they saw a captain gripping onto your throat
As soon as Shanks saw your pretty face, he didn't and wouldn't let anyone destroy you and your pretty face
Then Shanks came in with his crew and destroyed everyone, one of the members of that crew managed to escape but soon enough Benn caught them and killed them
You were on the floor crying and breathing heavily, trying to catch a breath
And Shanks came down to help you out, he and his crew even helped you to clean and recover the pub for a little bit.
You offered them a drink and placed it on the house, his crew took a liking in you, especially Shanks
He couldn't take his eyes off of you, he flirted with you non stop while he was at the pub and you were blushing at every his compliment
It was obvious he liked you, it was like a love at the first sight
He and his crew stayed over night, he wanted to be a bit more closer to you, he even walked along with you around the island as you showed him around, even if it the sun began to set
When you two stood in front of the beautiful view on the cliff he finally took your hand and confessed
When you accepted his love and smiled you both kissed each other
Now your relationship!
When you two started dating, the day after he confessed, you actually packed your things and went along with him
Obviously you said goodbye to your family and friends and went along with Shanks
On the ship, you'd help clean and wash dishes
As much as Benn respected Shanks, he also respected you, since you're his Captains girlfriend now.
Shanks would and will tease you a lot, no matter where you are.
He is clingy if you don't kiss him or hug him, or if you reject his kisses and hugs:"But, Y/n!, I haven't seen you all day, I need at least a kiss", "Shanks, I'm literally on the same ship as you and I've been with you since the morning"
He'd sometimes demand some massages on the shoulders and back, he would also talk about stories of his past and maybe even mention Luffy!
He'd protect you at any cost, no matter what, even if it meant losing his right arm and be without arms. If you got in danger, he would make sure to send someone but mostly Benn to protect you while he beats the crap out of the person who hurted you or attacked you
When it's bedtime, you two would share a good night kiss on the forehead and you would be curled up next to him as he with his strong arms and legs hugs you
Also, I believe his kisses are loving and seductive, if it's seductive it might even lead you both to... you know..
Make sure not to let him drink too much!!! He would be either flirty or dumb. He might even start flirting with you, forgetting you are already his girlfriend. But if you flirt with him, he will be like "Sorry, I already have a girlfriend". You would just look at him confused like, " I am your girlfriend-"
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© do not steal from @xxelfmamaxx , modify, copy, and/or repost my works anywhere.
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fanfictionvibes · 1 year
ᴛʜᴀᴛs ʜɪs ɴᴀᴍᴇ
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Summry: 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚊 𝚏𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚝 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐤 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙷𝚘𝚍𝚐𝚜𝚘𝚗's 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢. 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚎 to 𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐤. 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚜 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚈/𝚗 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚙. 𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚘𝚝𝚑 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚢/𝚗 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚜 𝚎𝚡𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚕𝚢 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚍𝚘, 𝚊𝚕𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚘𝚘 𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚕....
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜: 𝟷.𝟿𝚔
"Whats your name?!?" Lorraine shouted into what seemed like the void. Harsh rain hits her body what feels like a million miles a minute. Dark eye bags engulf her face do to a lack of sleep. A vein popped on her forehead, trying to find any clues about 𝐇𝐢𝐦. Her mind racing with thoughts and feelings swept into the hectic storm.
Her husband, Ed wasn't in best shape either. Had the same dark eye bags and thoughts running though his head. He got draged into the basement of the house by a strong force and was still laying somewhat conscious with scraches and bruises. He was trying to find the family's 2 youngest child Janet that has been in demonic possession by this entirety. Janet got dragged to her sister and her bedroom by the demonic entirety.That was the last time Ed and Lorraine saw her. Ed wasn't the only one to think of the worst at the moment.
A door behind Ed starts opening slowly and tension filled the room. Ed got a a deer in headlights look. He slowly turned his head looking over his shoulder to what looks like the empty doorway opening. Wasting no time Ed turns the rest of his body over swiftly with a cross tightly in hand and pointed it at the door
" You have no power here demon!!, God is with us and always will b—"
"I thought you were over the whole "heroic speech" faze?"
Ed freezes, but then gives a light smile shaking his head at a oh so familiar women in the doorway
" What?, miss me or something? You and Lorraine did call me right?" Y/n said raising an eyebrow.
!!sᴄʀᴇᴀᴍ !!
Ed and y/n shot there heads up towards the ceiling
" Janet.." Ed whispered yelled at the ceiling. Y/n looked around and saw a staircase that headed up stairs. Y/n looks back down at Ed
" I got this one Eds " Y/n declared, Ed's face went pale. Ed finally got up from the ground, looking at the girl like she was crazy
" Now wait a sec Y/-!"
Y/n bolted up the stairs with a cross in hand before Ed finished his sentence. Y/n opened the door and ran to what looks like the living room. Y/n stopped and looking for any sign of where Janet could be. In the corner of her eye she sees a little girl shadow being walking towards towards a bedroom slowly. Y/n ran up stairs and start to pound on the door
" JANET! Open the door! " Y/n said shouted pounding on the door. Y/n put her hands on the door knob vigorously trying to open it.It was like someone was holding the door shut from the other side. Y/n needs to get in there now, it life or death for that little girl. She then took a deep breath and stepped back. She left her leg up and with all her strength try to kicked the door down. It was a Success!. The door burst opened from the impacted so much so she could fit to get in. What was going on in that room it was not what she was expecting.
The walls were run down. What once was dark brown was now had scratch marks with a tan/white/gray washed color. The walls were scattered with crosses nailed to the walls. It doesn't seem to have much power over the entity cause all the crosses were now place upside down.... Every single one of them. Two beds were fliped in different directions and there were cloths scatter across the room. The room looked still almost like time was going slow. Y/n was still not cause of the room no, but what she sees: There she is. Janet. Standing at infront of the window with the curtians ripped off the hinges to the floor. Janet was Still......
A black shadow emerges from a wall to the right corner closer to Janet. 𝐇𝐞 appeard. You coverd your mouth in shock with eyes so big they could pop out of your head.
It was 𝐇𝐢𝐦. How is he here, Did 𝐇𝐞 find someone eles to attach on after the 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 happened. The bedroom widows then got pushed out harshly, cracking the glass in the in the process. 𝐇𝐞 slowly made his finger into a point position towards the widow. Janet started walking aimlessly. Without second thought Y/n started to run to Janet. 𝐇𝐞 sharply moved his hand backwards without looking away from janet. Y/n was thrown in the air pinned against wall. Her breath got quicker. But that wasn't going to stop her from saving Janet
" VALAK!! " Y/n shouted to get the demon's attention away from Janet. It absolutely worked. 𝐇𝐞 sharply turned 𝐡𝐢𝐬 head almost 180* in her direction. 𝐇𝐞 had a suprise look in 𝐡𝐢𝐬 eyes for a split second. 𝐇𝐢𝐬 hold on Janet lifted for a brief moment but as quickly as it came it tightened up again. You got 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. 𝐇𝐞 started to stride slowly up to you. Janet still in 𝐡𝐢𝐬 hold. Your breath quick in as 𝐡𝐞 was getting closer. Still pinned to the wall you stated to stuggle even harder to get out of 𝐢𝐭𝐬 grip.
A finger hooked under your chin and harshly pushed it up only for your eyes to meet 𝐡𝐢𝐬. Those familiar golden eyes stare at what feels like your soul as 𝐡𝐢𝐬 grip on your face increased.
" ..ʜᴇʟʟᴏ ʏ/ɴ.. " 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐤 said low, growly voice still staring into your eyes with mischief swirling around  in them
" ....ʟᴏɴɢ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ɴᴏ sᴇᴇ ᴍʏ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴠɪᴘᴇʀ, ᴍɪss ᴍᴇ?...."
" Am I supposed to answer that question honestly or??? " Y/n said trying to lighten up her mood but was quickly shut down by 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐤 gave her a threatening look. Silence filled the room. Uncomfortably. Y/n composed her self then took a sigh
" What's your purpose here Demon?, why are you taking over Janet? She has done nothing! Demon— " ...ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴀᴅᴅʀᴇss ᴍᴇ ᴀs ᴍʏ ɴᴀᴍe ʏ/ɴ......"
Y/n felt chills ran up her spine as she hears 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐤 talking to her demandingly and quickly to correct her. Y/n new right now she's playing with fire.
" Fine then answer me this 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐤 "
" ...ɪᴍ ᴀʟʟ ᴇᴀʀs my little viper...."
Y/n Sighed annoyingly at the nickname
" why a family? Do you go from haunting churches, now destroying a family? what's in it for you? "
" ....ɪ ᴡᴀs ᴄᴀʟʟᴇᴅ ʜᴇʀᴇ.... ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ ᴄʜɪʟᴅʀᴇᴀɴ ᴀʀᴇ sᴏ ɪɴᴏᴄᴄᴇɴᴛ ᴡʜᴇɴ ɪᴛ ᴄᴏᴍᴇs ᴛᴏ dark Magic ..."
" let Janet go 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐤 " Y/n said finally getting out of his hold, and running towards Janet, kneeling in front of her only to see her eyes were a pale blue, almost as if she has no pupils. 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐤 started to grin crazily
" ...ɪᴛs ᴛᴏᴏ ʟᴀᴛᴇ ɴᴏᴡ ᴍʏ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴠɪᴘᴇʀ sʜᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ʙʏ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ 5 ᴍɪɴᴜᴛᴇ... " Y/n stared hopelessly at Janet, not knowing how to help her.
Lorraine ran into the room suddenly looking at the scene, but then acted quick And started to shout 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐬 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 at him. Which was defeting him. 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐤 looked  at everyone in the room coldly as he was getting pulled back in hell. his flesh tearing off his body as he was getting sucked back into a portal as his True Form came out. He looked at Y/n his last moments
" ....ɪ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ꜰᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍʏ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴠɪᴘᴇʀ again.... ᴊᴜsᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀɪᴛ..." just like that 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐤 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐞.
Janet went back to her normal self instantly and started to run out of the house to find her family. Edd ran into room not long after. Hugging his wife. Both of the warrens pulled away and looked at Y/n and saw that she was looking at the spot where 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐤 had left, Which left a burn mark on the wall.
The warrens start walking up to her pulling her out of her thoughts. Lorraine helped Y/n up and gave her a big hug. Y/n hugged back tighter. They both pulled away from each other seconds after. The warrens looked at her worried
" How did you know 𝐡𝐢𝐬 name before??" Lorraine said breaking the silence abruptly. Y/n eyes go wide, how dose she know. Was she outside the door?, have a vision about it.
They both waited patiently for her answer
" ᴛʜᴀᴛs ʜɪs ɴᴀᴍᴇ.."
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seiueina · 1 year
kiss me hard in the pouring rain ft itoshi sae
plot: 5 years since the breakup. in the glistening neon lights shining through the pouring rain. you’re now facing the unfinished.
warnings: itoshi sae x gn!reader, kissing, exes to lovers,
5 years ago….
“Your career? Or y/N? Your decision Sae.” The Itoshi parents asked 16 year old Sae. It’s not like whatever he picked would go in his favor. His parents only wanted to seem like he had a choice, when in reality they already set his future in motion. He was going to put his career in full motion. And the Itoshi parents weren’t gonna have anything come in the way of it. Even if that meant to get rid of the only thing he’s ever known about before soccer came into the picture.
“But…I can’t just leave y/N. We’ve known and been stuck together like glue since we were three!” He argues back, his parents growing impatient about whether or not he’d pick his career over you. “We know that…but think of it! If you decide to put your full career into motion, think of all the things you’d be able to do. The publication, the pay, the happiness of winning with your team. If you stayed with y/N…would those three things be in your life?” Sae’s dad added, looking at Sae ponder to himself.
“y/N would give me the happiness for sure…they’ve always been my number one. My sunshine.” Sae responds to his dad, and there started a back and forth rebuttal. His parents doing the most they could to get him to finally say the words they’ve been wanting to hear.
“Okay then…I’ll pick soccer.”
His parents were joyful to say the least. Cheering and smiling at each other , ignoring the devastation that roamed across Sae’s face. It didn’t matter to them about their son’s happiness. For instance they only cared about how much soccer gave him happiness…not that you, his sunshine was the one who kept that flame going.
Later that day, he asked if he could come over. You agree fastly as you’d take any chance to see your significant other, especially with the amount of times he’d been focused on soccer practice and games to the point sometimes you wouldn’t even be able to see him. However, you didn’t know this was when he was going to break up with you. When he arrived and you invited him into your home, he was for sure distanced, didn’t really want to be close to you and when he finnaly came clean he said it.
“We have to break up.” He says bluntly, making you gasp for air and ask him, “what?” He repeats again, and it leaves you shocked. A million of questions appeard in your head but you couldn’t find the motivation or drive to actually say the words. “I’ve decided to focus on my soccer career and came to the conclusion that, I can’t have my focus be shared and I need to focus on just one thing. That being soccer.” He says before digging into your closet to gather the two hoodies he let you keep.
“Hey wait.” You manage to speak out as you watch him. “…Does this mean we’re no longer friends as well?”, “Is your parents in on this?”, “This is too sudden Sae..” The words that had been formulated in your mind had started to slip out. It was almost like a random generator of questions regarding the break up. He’d “answer” the questions by giving short and direct answers. Leaving you wanting more, but it was cut of shortly after his parents arrived and you were left in your room alone.
Confused. Sadden. Worried. But, for some reason. You couldn’t feel anger towards him…for picking soccer over you…in reality, you felt really proud for what accomplishments Itoshi Sae was going to achieve. And even if you weren’t going to be in his life for the new accomplishments. You felt at ease that, you were there for the beginning accomplishments….
Present day…5 years later
You tried to go on dates. None of the two other relationships you tried ever worked out, and it just seemed that the only reason why people go on dates were to just go home together and have a one night stand and forget about each other the next day.
You thought, dating in this day and age was pathetic.
So why? Why now at 11:30 pm on a Saturday night do you find yourself walking in the pouring rain in Tokyo? No covering, no umbrella, just you walking with nothing but a raincoat on. The neon lights shinning from convience stores were reflecting off of you.
Why were you in this position? Another failed attempt at a date. It was the first date in a year and you thought to give it another try..but it didn’t go well. You thought that because of the failed date and the pouring rain, it was a sign from the universe telling you, it’s official and that you’re going to be single and die alone with your hamster. (That being if the hamster lives as long as you do)
You were walking down the rows of stores before you reach a store with TV’s on display. Playing the recent news of today and that hour. You walked past it until the TV said something that made you turn around and go back to the TV’s.
“The infamous, Itoshi Sae is back in Japan! New’s says he will be playing in the U-20 against Blue Lock! It will be a total showdown, and quite a laughing stock for Blue Lock if they lose to U-20!” The news anchor announced and there he was. Recent pictures of him arriving at the airport were posted on the TV screen.
Memories that you thought you were able to store away completely and forever found its way back into your working memory. And memories of your time with Sae came back. Touching the glass you feel your eyes start to get wet. Maybe it was the rain getting into your eyes but, your eyes felt extra wetter than before. Growing sadness came to your face as you wished he hadn’t have left you.
You wished, 5 years ago. That maybe, just maybe, he’d rethink his choice and he’d want to do his soccer career with you at his side. “When I am on the field, you’ll be on the sidelines cheering me on! That’s how I’ll get the scoring goal for my team!” Younger Sae would always tell you before matches. It made you feel special as you were his motivation. You get lost in your thoughts not even realizing a stranger came up besides you, joining in on watching the news.
“Geez, already in Japan for a few hours and they’ve gotten some crazy photos of me!” The man spoke, the voice feeling and sounding awfully familar. Just that it was a little deeper than you remembered. You giggle at the mans remark not realizing in full what he said.
“What’s funny?” The man asked sturnly and you quickly stiffined your neck, not wanting to turn into his direction in case of anything happening. “Sorry, I am kinda drunk right now…I didn’t know what you said and it’s like an immediate reaction to laugh if I am not sure what you said.” You reply before you slightly turn your neck to the man, not wanting to feel rude for not talking in his direction.
You glance quickly, seeing a part of white spikey hair up in the sky. You glance again. “S-Sae?!” You exclaim, now fully turned to him, the look of surprise filled your face and you slightly move backwards by this suddenness. “No way! y/N is that really you?!” He exclaims as well, scanning your face his face grabs a slight hint of pink across his cheeks.
“What the hell are you doing here?!?” You blurt only to cause a laugh reaction out of Sae. “Didn’t you hear on the news dummy! I am going to be playing against the newest blue lock project!” Sae snorted as he patted your head. A motion that he'd always do to you. It hurt you a bit.
"Right, the news anchor did say that..." You spluttered as you try to remove yourself from the situation, it hurt too much to stay in the presence of Itoshi Sae, so you thought to remove yourself from the area was the best for you.
However Sae thought differently. He grabbed your arm before you could go anywhere. You were confused to say the least, and he could read it on your face...something about Sae, he could always read you, no matter how hard you tried to cover or hide it, he could always tell.
"I know...it's been what. 5 years since we've talked?" He started, by then your wrist was freed from Sae's graph and you tried to walk away again, "y/N...please. Give me a chance to say what I've been wanting to say for those five years?" He pleads, you stop. You think to yourself. Should you really let him? Five years ago, he didn't seem to care for what you had to say...
"I'll give you five minutes." You say sternly, turning back around to hear what the man with reddish brown colored hair. "It was wrong for me...at the time, to just leave you without trying to convince my parents that I could make you and soccer a priority...I couldn't be too mad about my decision as my full focus on soccer brought me to where I am at now...but hell y/N, these five years...these five long years. I've missed you like hell. It may sound wrong but, no matter how many dates I go on, they don't feel the same. Without my childhood best friend, my high school sweetheart..I realized, I can't do life without you...you may not feel the same way about me still so. I'll give you this chance to have your turn at breaking my heart..."
You’re not sure how you want to respond to this, hell, even if you should respond to his confession. Your legs moved by themselves, finding your arms wrapped around his neck, embracing him in a long over due hug. He was hesitant at first, but he warmed up to the idea when he wrapped his arms around your waist, tapping your waist signaling for you to jump, his hands placed at the back of your thighs close to your butt and you squeeze tighter before removing your head from his neck, cupping his cheek.
“I never stopped loving you Sae…and I could never break your heart.” You babbled as tears you didn’t realize were making an appearance started to flow out. “Can I kiss you?” He says, you shake your head and he brings his face closer, planting a kiss onto your lips.
Moving his face back from the kiss was a slight smirk mixed with a smile. “I love you so much y/N.” He says before placing his head into your neck, breathing you in.
[ thank you for reading ! re-blogs are greatly appreciated ! ]
[ inbox is always open for asks/requests ! ]
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merakiui · 4 months
- 🎨📝 anon
Uhm, I did another one and the slimy octupus seems to have followed the eel. Your fics really are a lucky charm 🥹
( now all i need is mr.floyd to appear :D)
-🎨📝 anon
- - -
Σ(°ロ°) in the wise words of Sebek:
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AAAAA THAT'S SO LUCKY!!!! OTL I hope desperately for the day in which dorm uniform Jade comes home to me. It's been two years and the eel continues to evade me. T^T
However!!!! I'm very happy he appeared in your ten pull! And for a certain tako to accompany him shortly after... Octavinelle adores you, 🎨 📝 anon!!! <3 hopefully Floyb will make his appearance next and then you will have the full set of fish!! :D
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dayseedrawz2 · 9 months
Okokok, Its time to stop mentally preparing... (for Pomni AND me in this case cuz I sorta regret doing this-) this part is probably gonna be longer than the first
[also tagging @sm-baby again. I'm sorry if I'm infiltrating you notifications but if I tagged you in the first it makes sense to tag you in the rest of the parts]
Here is part one of the Fic:
Okay now here we go again...
☆Settings for two☆
Pomni, not having much to do while waiting for Caine and the others, just sat on the floor on the stage. Letting herself stare off into space, with the thought of escape still circling her head.
Caine was gone for a bit longer than she thought he'd be. She thought he would just snap his fingers and bring the cast out against their will. Ya know, like the oblivous AI that he is. Or at least he appeard to be to her... Then she heard the distant bustling and chatting of the others getting closer:
"Do we really have to do this for her??"
"I guess so. But I don't quite mind."
"Yeah, whatever. I just think it's stupid that he's involving us..."
"The only thing stupid about it is that he's involving you, Jax."
"Oh, settle down, guys! I think it's really sweet of him!"
"Shut up, Dollface!"
"C-can you guys stop arguing..?"
"Oh! Of course! Sorry, Gangle."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever..."
"Let's just get the day over with..."
Pomni got up as they all lined up side by side in the center of the room. But She was still a bit confused...
"What on earth were they talking about..?"
The thought lingerd with her, but it didn't invade her mind as much as the inevitable effect of her plan. But her train of thought again was interrupted by the voice of Caine bursting into their muffled conversations:
"Good morning again, my superstars!"
He swooped around the corner, approaching from the direction of the hallway.
"I hope you all are excited for today's adventure! This one is sure to be a doozy!"
He began to explain the rules of the adventure. "Something Something, the grounds, blah blah blah, Something about the Carnival? Or perhaps it was the Lake?" Not like she would know. She wasn't paying much attention. Again, all that was on her mind was the idea of leaving. When finally she tuned back in to Caine as he wrapped up his speach:
"Alright everyone! I hope you all enjoy the adventure! Stay safe and have fun!"
And POOF! Caine and the others was teleported to who knows where.
Execpt, for Pomni?
She started to panic a bit:
"Im still here!? Should've known not to get my hopes up... Maybe he set that door there as a trap like the others..."
Well, at least she was alone...
"Pomni!? What're you still doing here!?"
"Oh God..."
He snapped in attempt to fix what he thought was some sort of bug on his end.
Nothing happened.
Another snap.
He began to grow visibly frustrated, continually snapping as he spoke:
"M-my apologies, dear! There seems to be something wrong with-"
He turned to see the blue door slightly open. Pomni grew worried:
"Oh god... Did he see me in there?? Is he gonna do something to me??"
To her surprise, upon connecting the dots, he simply laughed it off:
"Haha! It appears someone got into the old settings room!"
"I told Bubble to quit messing with code without permission! I'll be giving him a stern talking to later..."
Though still tense, she let out a releived sigh:
"Sorry again, my dear! I guess this means you'll have to sit out of today's adventure!"
"I-it's fine, Caine. If that's all, I'll just head back to my room now-"
His response was a bit more panicked than usual:
"I-I'm afraid you can not go to your room at this time..."
This, of course, alarmed her:
"Wh- I- why not..?"
"You should be in the adventure right now, so even if you tried, the place would glitch like crazy!"
"Oh... well, uh- now what?"
"I... I'm not sure. This hasn't really happened before..."
It was a bit off-putting seeing Caine this quiet. Normally, he's always bugging her and the others with his antics. Not that she would prefer if he did, just- it didn't feel right that he wasn't.
Caine to must have realized just how akward it felt. He attempted to continue the conversation:
"Ya know, lately a lot of things have happened here that haven't happened before since you got here! It's pretty funny now that I think about it!"
"R-really? Like what..?"
"Well, if I knew, I would tell you! Haha!"
She wasn't quite sure what he was implying. "Was it some sorta joke? A reference?"
"S-sorry, what? I don't quite get it..."
"Well, as a not human being, I have been trying to learn as much as I can from you humans! I want to make sure that this place is as normal and comfortable as it can be!"
As he continued, he seemed more down to earth than he usually was:
"I tried to ask everyone for information about the human world, but either they say they don't remember or they just don't answer me at all."
This answer from Caine caught Pomni very off guard. She didn't expect him to open up to something like this. Especially to her.
"Gee, well- I-"
"But the feedback you gave me this morning, It made me realize. Perhaps I have been asking the wrong questions?"
She wasn't sure how to answer. Never has she been good at giving good feedback, but still she decided to give her best- "advice" You could say.
"You mean you should ask more about their personal issues with the place? Well- it might be different for everyone, but it might give you at least a few of the answers you're looking for? I-"
She was cut off by Caine rapidly shaking her hand:
"Why thank you again, my dear, for your feedback! Hopefully, this will improve everyone's stay!"
The rapid hand-shaking continued:
"Y-you're welcome?"
The shaking finally stopped, making Pomni almost fall forward:
"Well then, I suppose we should wait for the others' return."
"Yeah... I guess we'll be here for a while, heh."
He checked his WackyWatchTM:
"My! It's already almost over! They will be here any minute now!"
"Wait, really?"
"If my WackyWatchTM is right! It's as if it only started not even 5 minutes ago! Ha! That's one more odd thing that's happened since you've been here! Care to explain that one?"
Pomni had to think about that one for a moment. She hadn't had this sort of experience for a while:
"Well, if i remember, humans usually are unaware of time when doing something fun or being around someone that they enjoy being around."
This answer seemed to peak his interest even more:
"I am surprised that you are even willing to share this information with me! Is there anything else?"
As their conversation continued, Pomni thought:
"Huh... maybe this guy really does have good intentions..."
And there! Cut! End part! I can't write anymore-
Stay tuned for the third and final part!
(It is 1 am for me rn and I started at like 10 or 11 oh my goodness)
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redskull199987 · 2 years
I need more max verstappen x male reader from you pls love your work 👍👍
Champion & Captain
Max Verstappen x male!reader Request
Word count:0.7k
Warnings:none, it's fluff
Summary: Max had been away for three weeks. As he finally returns from his trip for Red Bull, you're more than exited
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To say that I was exited was an Understatement. Max had been away for three weeks now, flying around the world, doing stuff and Promo for Red Bull, while the Winter break.
I was no question, that I was exited to see him again.
I was walking up and down in the hallway of our apartment. I had been waiting for his arrival for the whole day, but half an hour ago, Max had texted me, that he arrived on the airport and was now in a cab on his way home.
My thoughts were racing, as I heard how the dorr to our apartment opened. Keys were thrown away and Shoes were discarded and only seconds later, I saw Max standing in the doorway. He looked rushed and his breathing was going heavy. But the moment our eyes met, a grin appeard on his face.
"I missed you.", He mumbled.
I couldn't help but laugh. I was so happy to see him again, as I finally walked over to him. 
"I missed you too, my Champion", I said as I wrapped my arms around his middle.
Max giggled at my nickname for him and I felt how he softly kissed my neck. We parted a little , so that he could plant a kiss on my cheek, before pecking my lips.
I just looked at him for a second. HIs blue eyes that observed me so intently, his strong arms that were wrapped around me, the disshelved hair and his light stuble.
He was perfect in my eyes. There is nothing more that I would want in a Partner. He was all, I would ever need.
"Let's put your stuff away", I finally muttered and we were actually able to part, so that we could grab Max'suitcases. 
"How was your trip by the way?", I asked, as we sorted through his clothes in the bedroom.
"I mean", Max eexplained,"It was fun i guess, but it would've been much better if you were with me."
I smiled at his words:"Next time, I promise."
"yeah sure, Captain.", Max laughed.
"Oh come on!", I complained and threw a T-Shirt at him. He had invented that nickname, since I started coaching a little athletics group here in Monaco. Which was exactly the reason, why I didn't join him on his trip. The kids took part in a tournament and what kind of Coach would I be if I left them behind?
"Did your Team at least win?", Max asked as he helped me stand up again.
"No", I mumbled and let myself fall down on the king sized bed,"But we got second place."
"You'll win next year.", Max encouraged me, as he let himslef fall down next to me.
"Oh I'm not upset", I smiled, as I turned around to face him,"the Kids had fun adn that's all that matters."
"You're right", Max agreed, as he inched closer. He raised his hand to softly caress my face.
"I truly missed you, Captain."He mumbled.
"I missed you too, Champion", I gtinned and leaned down to kiss him. For a second, I really felt at home, but then my eyes widened,as I felt how Max pulled me on top of him.
"What are you doing?!", I yelped, but before he could answer, my heaad hit his chest and I was fully lying on top of Max. I saw how he pulled a blanket over us.
"Let's just rest for a while", He explained with a smile on his lips.
"It's the middle of the day,.", I chuckled.
But Max was already closing his eyes, as he pulled me closer to him:"I don't care. I want to spend time with you"
"Yeah, you're probably right.",I agreed and laid my head down on his chest. I felt how Max breath grew calmer by the second.
"Max?", I mumbled before I closed my eyes too.
"Mmh?", he hummed.
"I love you.", I said softly and wrapped my arms around him a little tighter.
"I love you too, Captain.", Max mumbled before the two of us finally drifted of to sleep. 
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tmblrcolouredpaper · 1 year
Hiii I really loved your recent Hyune fic and I would love if you could write one where reader comforts him instead? I don’t know if you accept requests like this, but I just wanted to suggest it. 🥹❤️‍🩹
Hi! :D
Thank you for reading, and yes, of course I can write one where reader comforts Hyunjin🫂❤️‍🩹 Thank you for the request!🫶
I hope it turned out well🤭🫣😅
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(not proofread)
Hyunjin felt the warm sunlight shining onto his face when consciousness returned to him. He kept his eyes closed and simply let the transition from sleep to being fully awake wash over him. The bedsheets next to him were lifted and when they dropped down again, the air got to move and pushed strands of hair over his forhead. It slightly tickled and Hyunjin smiled. He loved these calm mornings with no hint of rush. He loved just being for a while.
Careful fingers brushed over his forhead, pushing his hair aside and he still didn't open his eyes. He felt the warmth that your body radiated and imagined how you must have currently looked, partly hovering over him. He was sure you were smiling down at him and even the thought made him shy. His smile grew bigger and he heard you giggling.
'Why are you blushing, sleepy boy?', you asked and gently ruffled his hair with only the tips of your fingers.
You let your hand wander down until your palm cupped his cheek. He was warm and you saw his chest heaving up and down more prominently than before.
'Do you not want to open your eyes?', you asked and extended your thumb to caress the soft skin under his eyes three times.
Hyunjin shook his head and accidently bumped into your shoulder. Shit, he didn't know you were that close. He loved it though. He could just reach out and pull you into his embrace with no effort. He did that a lot. He loved pulling you closer. It wasn't even an action that he considered as bold and confident. It was just something he naturally did, initiationg closeness.
However, it was something completely different once you dexide to initiate basically anything. Hyunjin didn't know he was capapble of being that shy, but being with you like this proved him wrong.
'Don't want to', he mumbled and quickly left a kiss on your shoulder where he just bumped knto, before he pushed himself a bit further away from you.
He felt you laying back down onto your side, not hovering anymore, but he could still feel your eyes on him. Maybe he could just reach out to take your hand, he thought. He didn't want to upset you by keeping his distance, but he couldn't bring himself to fully relax when he couldn't be a step ahead, prepared, at least convinced to have control.
The bedsheets shuffled again and this time not only the ones beside him, but also the ones that were covering him, until you pushed them up to squeeze yourself under them. When you deligently tugged him in again, Hyunjin laughed and quickly covered his mouth with his hand. He almost opened his eyes.
'You're adorable', you sighed and you caressed his stomach.
Hyunjin felt like bursting, all the bubbles rushing through his body the second you hand was on him and he was questioning if he wanted to push your hand away or press it into him harder, either getting rid of or being consumed by you. There was no in-between that he could possibly deal with.
'Breath, baby. I'm sorry', he herad you whisper when you removed your hand and he didn't even notice that he was holding his breath.
'Sorry', he mumbled and wanted to cry. It was all too much, he just wanted to cry and scream until he was left with nothing but numbness and he hated that he reacted like this.
'No. No, it's all good', he heard and felt like crying even more.
He rolled onto his side, facing you, yet keeping some distance and finally opened his eyes. You appeard a bit blurry and he needed to blink a few times until his vision cleared. You were smiling at him, warm and gentle and he hesitantly took your hand and moved it back onto his cheek.
'It's all good. I take care of you, yeah?', you whispered and Hyunjin knew what you meant. He knew he was always in control just by existing. He had full control laying in his words, his actions, his body language, his eyes and he knew you were always looking out for him, listening to him, seeing him. Too many late night conversations happened in which he received full understanding, support and commitment from you to not be able to trust you that you take care of him, care for him.
Now that he opened his eyes, he couldn't really close them anymore, not when he got to see you so wonderfully by his side.
'I love you', he whispered and felt a tear drop, caught by your finders that remained on his face.
He tugged onto your shirt and was immediately embraced by being pulled against you and he held onto you as if he was about to drown.
'I love you so much', he heard you mumbling into his hair.
You push him away to lower yourself to be face to face with him. You let your fingers trace over his temple down his jaw. With your thumb your caressed his lower lip and Hyunjin's gaze seemed hazed, eyes glued onto your eyes. His grip on your shirt tightened when you moved closer, your lips hovering over his, so that you could feel your breath against one another already. He swallowed heavily and from one to the other second turned his face, pushing it into the pillow with a deep groan of frustration.
His grip left you and you sat up to grab the bottle of water that you kept next to your bedside. Hhunjin calmed down quickly and sat up. Before he could say anything with the shame in his eyes so obvious, you pushed the bottle into his hand and signalled him to drink. He chucked down a few huge sips of water and finally got a reason to naturally react with deep breaths.
'Thanks', he mumbled and pushed his hair back, some drops of sweat already forming on his forhead.
You put the bottle aside and laid back down. Slowly, Hyunjin was mirroring you and got back under the blanket as well, looking at you with a mixture of shame and curiosity.
'Wanna try again?', you whispered and he nodded with a smile, exhaling in relieve. He knew you didn't judge him, but actually experiencing it had a bigger impact on him than just living with the theoretical knowledge of the circumstance.
You slowly brought your palm back onto his cheek, tapping his nose two times what made him giggle and his hands appeard on your waist again as well.
Before you did another move, you waited and breathed with him in silence, just looking into eachother's eyes and breaking into smiles an then into serious expressions again. You were happy to be serious with him. You would always take him seriously no matter what, because he deserved it like everyone does.
Finally, you kissed him, a long deep kiss that made you hover over him again,  resting you upper body on his and despite the urgency you felt to be close to him, you naturally kept caressing his sheer in a steady rhythm to keep him grounded.
'Like it?', you asked when the kiss ended and proceeded to slowly, step by step, move away from him, until you were back on your side with only your palm on his cheek.
He took your hand in his and placed a small kiss onto your wrist and then just held your hand, resting his own on the pillow between you two.
'Love it'
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bluxb3rry · 2 years
❝𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞!❞↳෴੭˚ ༘♡·˚₊˚ˑ༄ؘ 💙
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Han Jisung x male reader!
he/him pronouns!
english is not my frist language! kinda wanna make a part two of this one...idk
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
Han Jisung heard the rumours in his town, that there was a monster in the lake, the one deep in the forest where light cannot reach, anytime that someone tries to see the place...they never comeback.
-where the fuck are you going?-
of course he didn't believe that, he has to see so he can believe, he knows nobody really tried to go, so, he should give a little try.
-just gonna look to the forest for a bit, you know, connect with nature and things like that-he said while packing up everything is his bag.
-bullshit, you going to that lake-minho replied-you know, you could die
-i won't die because theres nothing there-Han said with an "obvious" tone
-but, if something is there you could die-minho shows his own bag-so im going with you
-only to the entrace of the deep forest-
So, the two friends decided to start walking together to said forest, one more nervouse than the other, they were just talking to ignore the fact that Jisung would be walking alone one big part of the forest.
When both went in the forest and finally saw the fence that separated the nice forest to the bad forest, Jisung finally sighed and looked at minho.
-see ya in a hour-
-you better-
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
-well, still nothing-
Jisung walked for about thirty minutes now, but only really saw some flowers and nothing else, he was getting pretty bored and the time was getting closer to an end, he really wanted to see something, anything!
And then, he heard it.
It was a melody, a beautiful melody, it was very loud and you could hear maybe even some echo but it was still so subtle and so sweet, it didn't hurt at all.
Jisung walked and walked till he got to an lake, a very big one.
So he realized something, the rumours where lying, the light was there in perfect position, only really in some places of the lake and still very little light because of the amount of trees that hide it, but it was enough to show how transparent and pretty the water was, some fireflies and flowers, the butterflies flying around something in specific, and there it was.
A man or something close to one, seemed to shine under the light and had small blue spots in his back that he could see but also blue scales decorating it, his hair wet and a few drops of water in his skin.
And then his voice, ooooh his voice, Jisung could hear it for ages and still never get tired of it, so he walked and tried to be silent.
Key word, tried.
The moment he made a little noise, the man looked at him and he was able to see the most beautiful eyes in his life, it looked like gems, but then, the man quickly hide to the lake, the sound of splashing water being the last thing he heard.
-wait!-he went more close to the lake but not so much-i-im not gonna hurt you! i promise! im sorry if i scared you!
Theres was still silence, so, Jisung tried by being more close and looked to the lake, then he felt water in his face.
-go away! o-or i could kill you!-he heard the voice more deep in the water
-um, are you sure about that?-Jisung question him and then saw a head slowly appearing under the water, and only the same eyes looking at him
-i could try....if you hurt me-the timid voice just made Jisung smile a little but also feel sad because of that.
-hurt you? why would i?-
The eyes looked at him kinda surprised but then hide again under the water, but this time, a tail appeard, a fish tail.
-merman!-the man appeard again looking at him-im not a women!
-mermaid sound more pretty to-
-still-he sighed and then showed more his face-aren't you going to hurt me?
-no, why?-
-they tried!-
Then jisung understood, this wasn't a monster that scare's, this was a creature scared.
-i won't! i promise!-
-thank god, i don't want to do things i don't like to do-
Jisung just sat there, in front of him, ignoring how he only had twenty minutes to return.
-what's your name?-
-hi y/n! im Han Jisung-
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
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koobratzy · 2 years
Final Decision
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Jacaerys Velaryon x Targaryen! Fem! Reader
Reader is the daughter of Alicent and Viserys, the youngest out of their kids.
Because of Viserys wishes of uniting the family, y/n Targaryen is now betrothed to her nephew, Jacaerys Velaryon. The union that was supposed to bring the blacks and greens together only ignites the further conflict as Aemond, her closest brother, absolutely despises the idea of her marriage. When the dance begins, which side will she choose?
warnings Targaryen incest (duh), aemond (yes, he's a warning), swearing
Around 2000 words
Not proofread
English is not my mother tongue so please excuse me any mistakes♡
For better understanding:
According to my information the Driftmark incident (you know, taking an eye as a present) took place in 120 AC when Aemond is 10, Jace is 6. Y/N would be 8.
The council over Driftmark succession is supposed to be in 126 AC but i changed it, and in my story it will happen later, in 132 AC so both Jace and reader can be over 18.
Enjoy! Remember to like and share if you like my work, there is more to come. You can also request a story if you would like!
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- My king.. You cannot possibly mean that… I must have understand wrongly – Alicent looked him in the face, shock being the only thing visible in her big eyes
- I think you undertood me very well, my dear wife. I am an old man. Time is not mercifull for me. I only wish to see my family reunited before my death. There is no better way than this. – Viserys let go of his wife’s hand and slowly moved toward the window, looking at the lanscape of Kings Landing, as glorious and beautiful as ever – Y/N is already old enough to get bethroted. Who could be better husband to be than her nephew? They are almost the same age, he is family, the same royal blood runs through their veins – he appeard calm altough the quiet sound of his fingers tapping on the wall showed that the conversation held between them was not an easy one. Not because he had doubts, but because he knew his lady wife would not be happy and he did not want to anger her.
- But… His brother took your son’s eye. He hurt Y/N’s dear brother. Do you not think she might be oposed to this idea? – Alicent saw that as her only argument. She knew that her youngest daughter, Y/N Targaryen, was a lady of honor and she took her duty really seriously. She was completely differen than her sister Helaena, true dragon blood run through her veins and her temper and determination were proofs of that. Her girl would see this marriage as another one of her responsibilities and would comply without any protest, especially if it was her dear father that requested this of her. But Alicent could not lose her daughter without a fight. She already agreed that their older children marry each other in true Targaryen nature. Viserys was crazy to think of another sacrafice, even worse than the first one.
- My lady… We both know well that my dear daughter will not despise this proposal. She always liked her nephews. I already spoke to Rhaenyra about this matter, and she heartilly agreed. My word is final. Our daughter Y/N and Prince Jacearys are to be wed.
Alicent knew that she lost and had to give up, once again in her life. The queen quickly bowed and excused herself from the chamber, leaving the old king alone and only the peacefull walls could hear his sigh.
If Y/N Tagaryen was to describe her life in one word, she would definitely choose „weird”. Nine years passed since her father bethroted her to her nephew and yet she only saw him once, today. Long gone were her childhood days when she could run aroud the castle as she pleased. She turned into a real lady, what really pleased her mother. The princess, now the age of twenty years knew what was expected of her and would fulfill her duty with no doubt. When her father asked for her opinion all those years ago she agreed instantly. She really loved him. The king was a pretty poor excuse of a father for her sibilings, but he had a soft spot for his youngest and was always kind to her, so the little princess would do anything to keep that old man happy. If it meant marriage, so be it.
Y/N remembered her nephew as a young gentleman and she hoped it stayed that way. Despite everything her mother taught her about marriage she could not help but wish that she and her future husband will be able to live peacfully, with respect and maybe love (that hope was even stronger after they started exchanging letters; they might have not seen each other but they still wanted to at least get to know each other slightly so ravens were seen travelling back and forth). Loads of thoughts of this sort run through her head when they saw each other in the throne room during the hearing about sucession of Driftmark. She could never speak of it in front of Alicent and her brothers but she was glad that their father stepped in and secured Luke’s claim. The Princess could not care less if her nephews were indeed bastards. They were still Targaryens by birth and blood, Valaryon by name, and no one could deny their rights. She was not at all surprised by her uncle beheading Ser Vaemond Valaryon, she honestly expected it after his words. The sight of blood did not bother her in the slightest, but Aemond still hid her behind his tall frame. And for a moment she thought, as their eyes met, that Jace wanted to do exactly the same and protect her from the gruesome view.
Y/N took a deep breath shaking her head slightly at the memories, as her maid braided her long icy hair. She should be completely present. There was still a dinner to attend, and with her whole family, especially Aemond and Jace, the princess could not help but worry. The youngest Targaryen knew that her husband to be had a temper of a real dragon, but he would not attack if not provoked. Sadly, the same could not be said about her older brother Aemond. She loved him dearly, in the past she even thought that they may get married one day, but despite their deep bond she had to admit that he could be really cruel and if he started something, there was no force that could hold him back. It brought her deep sorrow. How could she be happy if the two man closest to her heart could not stay together in one room without barking offencess at each other. This fucking dinner was the source of her headache. Light knock on the door told her that indeed, it was time to face her fears head on. It was not a battlefield, yet it felt like one when Y/N stood up from the chair.
Just as she thought. A complete catastrophy. For a short period of time she actually had hope. When her father’s speech finished and toasts were made the princess even teared up a bit. That was it, her perfect little fairytale fantasy becoming real, even if just for one moment. She could freely smile and talk with her bethroted without her mothers accusatory gaze on her back, observe as old frendships were restored. Her husband to be even danced with her older sister, Helaena, bringing smile not only to her face, but old kings as well. And then… it all went to hell.
Her poor old father taken out of the room was only the start of yet another family tragedy. The second that pig was brought to the table she prayed to seven gods for mercy, but gods clearly saw her misery as a great comedy, because not only one minute later Aemond stood up from his chair to make a final toast. She could not watch anymore. As soon as Jace went to punch him in the face, the princess left the room, already feeling tears in her eyes. She hoped no one will see her in this state. She hid in a dark corridor and slid down the wall, finally letting every emotion out. She felt as if she could not breathe, every sob wrecking her body, causing her to spasm on the floor. Hands burried in her neatly braided hair, ruining it completely, but the princess could not care less. She wanted to get rid of everything that reminded her of this disastrous excuse of a dinner. One word was ringing in her head.
„A whore”
„Let us drain our cups to these three strong boys.It is a shame that soon you will turn my precious little sister into a whore, to breed more of your kind… blood always a little too strong.”
So that was what he really saw her as. A whore. Only an object capable of making heirs. It broke her heart. All those years she was close to him. All those years she protected him, kept him company, helped him with the pain he went through. And that is all she gets in return. A part of her died that evening and nothing could bring it back. One thing was sure. That was the night, when Aemond Targaryen stopped being her brother. She would not let him treat her like this.
That was when she heard quiet footsteps, not far away from her hiding spot. She immediately go tup from her knees, ready for confrontation. When her eyes fell on Aemond she gimmaced.
- Get the fuck away from me.
That made him stop. He looked at his sister, completely shocked not only by her language, but because it was directed at him.
- Y/N …what? You cannot be serious…. What have I done to upset you so much? Is that about this comment at dinner? You know what they did. I had to…
-No. – she could not listen to any more of his pathetic excuses – No, I fucking begged you to be civil with my husband to be. I was almost on my knees, asking you to change your ways, to at least try to not look at him with the intention of murder in your eyes. I asked both of you. For me. And yet? What did you do? – tears covered her beautiful face when she looked at her brother, once so close to her. There was no trace of anger in her eyes, only dissapointment and grief. Sorrow over their lost love. – You jumped at the first chance to speak your vile words… Not only of him but of me… And now you come to me expecting what… my forgiveness? You will not get it. Not now, not ever. YOU ruined this perfectly fine evening. YOU ruined us. You are no loger a brother of mine – she shook her head and walked by his completely frozen frame.
There was only one place where she could go. Only one where she could find peace. Without second thughts Y/N’s feet took her in front of the chamber Jacearys slept in. She knew it was improper, they were not wed yet, but at this moment she could not care about this. Her heart was broken and if someone could fix it, it was him.
The princess knocked on the wooden door and soon after it opened revealing her future husband. Before young boy could ask her what she was doing there, his aunt stepped into the room closing th door behind them. When Jacearys finally saw his bethroted in the light strong worry replaced his shock.
- My lady… what happened? Are you alright? Did someone hurt you? – his hand landed delicately on her shoulder and in this exact moment young maiden threw herself in his strong arms.
The prince slowly embaced her, keeping her frame close to him, slowly drawing circles on her back.
- We can talk about this later. Tomorrow. But please… please can we just stay like this? Can you just hold me like this a little bit longer, my prince, while we pretend that everything is just as it is supposed to be?
Who was he to deny such a request. If his lady needed this, he could never say no. It was his job as a husband to make sure she was happy, and he would lie if he said her sad face did not break his own heart. He did not realise earlier how much he really cared about her.
So they stayed like this. Embraced, held together only by the others arms, acting like normal couple in love with no duties and facade to keep up. Even when they moved to bed their position never changed. They fell asleep calmly, not knowing that tommorow Y/N would fly with blacks to Dragonstone. Not knowing that events of this day would change the rest of their lifes.
Not knowing that when the tried to put themselves together a certain old king was slowly fading away, never to see his beloved daughter’s wedding. Never to know that the reunion of the family he planned only broke them more. The last thing he would remember were the smiles, laughter and the peace that could never last.
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