#he only has em in his wonderland fit
vociferans · 1 year
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taro-bae · 19 days
hiiii :3 can u do a can you make a fic with twst characters reacting if reader (fem or gn, idc) fall asleep in their's room? thank u! anon 🌲
Hii, thank you for the request! I'll split it up in year groups!
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Twisted Wonderland - First Years
Summary: reacting to you falling asleep in their room
Characters: first years (no ortho)
CW/Notes: gn!reader, fluff, no warnings
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Deuce Spade
Deuce walked into his room, coming to a stop when he saw someone lying in his bed. He notices that it's you immediately blushing, unable to move. The hest rising to his cheeks. He walks up to your silhouette carefully, not to wake you up. You are sleeping peacefully, and he doesn't want to disturb you. He's flustered but happy inside that you find his room comfortable enough to sleep in. He sits down on the chair that stands near a desk beside his bed. He quietly observed your face, how how look with your cheek flushed on his pillow. He thinks you look like an angle, that he must protect. He will not wake you up but will stay watching you, his fast heartbeat being the only audible thing in the room.
When you start to stir awake, he perks up, feeling a bit akward because he was staring at you the whole time. "H-hey, you're awake?" He says in a whipser. "Did you sleep alright?" He is still red in the cheeks, the tips of his ears heating up in contrast to his blue hair. "W-why are you in my room?" he asks curiously but doesn't actually mind you being here. You refused to get up still groggy from sleep, he decides to join you. Deuce keeps a respectful distance not to overstep your boundaries or comfort. But when he feels you cuddle into him, he melts. His heart is pounding in his chest, but he is in heaven.
Ace Trappola
Ace is a bit of an asshole. He walked into his room, taking off his jacket when he noticed you asleep. "Oi, what are you doing here?" He's shocked and secretly flustered that you are in his room right now. Ace approaches the bed, throwing the jacket onto his chair as he watches you with crossed arms, I'm his head he is thinking if he should wake you up or not. He waits until he calms down, making sure his blush is free from your sight.
He shakes your shoulder with one hand, "Don't you have your own bed to sleep in..." When you wake up and look at him, he has a subtle pout on his face trying to maintain a smug expression. "Did you miss me that much, huh?" He cannot go without teasing you even for a minute. "Move." He gets on the bed with you, throwing his arms over your shoulder other hand behind his head, trying to keep his cool.
Jack Howl
Jack returns after his track and field training, he's gotta keep that fitness up. His room is surrounded with weights and training equipment, as well as some protein powders. His beastman senses detected you before he opened the door to his room. His ears are perked up on his as his tail wags behind him subtlety. He walks into his room, all sweaty from working out, watching your peacefully sleeping silhouette. He does not want to bother you.
Instead, he let's you sleep seeing how worn out you must be. He leaves you be, going to take a shower and get changed. Don't let his serious demeanour fool you, he's full in his protective guard dog mode. He will watch over you sleeping, noting that you are vulnerable and blissfully unaware of your surroundings currently. Therefore, he must protect you. He is respectful of giving you your space, but if you invite him to join you, his tail will give away exactly how he's feeling. Cuddle him.
Epel Felmier
He walks in, tired from Vils nagging and beauty routines all day, letting out a yawn himself. He stops with a "what the-" when he finds you sleep on his bed. He sees that you are cuddling his poison apple plushie. "Yer really came 'ere?" He says mostly to himself as he approaches closer analysing your sleeping form. In his head he's wondering, "Did studying wear em out that much?"
Sebek Zigvolt
He's conflicted on what he should do. On one side, he wants to he that plushie in your hands. The masculine side of him wants to hold you and protect you from anything that comes your way. He sits down on the bed watching your face. He eventually gives in, lying beside you and holding you in his arms. He wants to feel like a man, and currently, he has the urge to hold you like you're his and his alone.
Might accidentally wake you up. He's loud.
Sebek finishes his day of classes and protecting Malleus. He comes into his room rather late. The only light source is a faint green light above the bed in his room. His initial reaction is defensive, he recognises a human form in his bed and instinctively yells out, "Who dares to be in here?!" Before realising it's actually you. In his head, he thinks, "hmph, i suppose they must be really tired if they chose to slumber here."
Sebek is very dutiful, he'll make it his mission to make sure you get enough sleep and rest well. He will stay on guard while you do, and he will consider it his training exercise. Occasionally, he will observe your face he can't help but feel fascinated and proud that you feel comfortable to fall asleep in his room.
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feeling-grubby · 1 year
I see you have a puppet child. I am curious to know more about them. Spill the beans :gun emoji:
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Oh, you dumb motherfucker I am bout to info dump on your ass. Fucking had me redraw this wriggler just so I can show you some half decent art of what they used to look like. Cause there was no way in hell I was gonna show you my initial drawing of him from when I was still in middle school. You better buckle in bucko this is a long one.
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The character you are referring to is Rakker Dolika. The name "Rakker" means "a rascal, a tomboy, a scamp," which points to his mischievous nature. I also chose the name because it sounds close to "wrecker," which I think fits a destructive clown boy. "Dolika" means "doll," which correlates with how he does his makeup and how he dresses up.
Rakker was created when I was working on a stupid project. The idea was to take Wonderland characters and turn them into trolls. These trolls would be part of a circus/carnival that would buy low-blood slaves and make them perform. They would try to sway the public's opinion about the church by using the supposedly not-enslaved performers as an example. They would claim that the low bloods had seen the light of the mirthful messiahs and converted to believers.
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I ultimately scrapped the idea, but I enjoyed Rakker a lot and ended up keeping him. I can't tell you what character in Alice in Wonderland he was supposed to embody, because it was a very obscure one.
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(The art is bad I know. it's just to help you visualize em. I did not spend a whole lot of time on it. wasn't gonna go all out when I plan to revamp the design later to something I like more. would've been a waste of time really.) Originally, Rakker was supposed to follow the Alice in Wonderland theme and look like a character from the book. However, I strayed away from that theme and instead made him look like a ventriloquist dummy. I thought the face paint design was interesting, and I never really had an idea for his horns, so I didn't draw them in the image above. Because ya know I had nothing to go off of. So this is close to how Rakker originally looked without having to show you my horrible old art work.
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For the revamp version of Rakker, I have some things figured out. Some of those things include his sign and horns. His horns are designed after his sign. I took the weird circle thing on the left side of the sign and rotated it upside down. That ended up being his horn design.
As for what his future revamp design will be, I'm currently on the fence about that. I thought about changing him from a ventriloquist dummy to a Harlequin. I will eventually get around to drawing him and figuring him out fully.
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Story wise, with this revamped version since the carnival doesn't exist anymore, I've been fussing around with some ideas. I was thinking he was kind of like an internet troll. He plays pranks on the elders at the church and starts really stupid online debates. He acts like those 14-year-olds you see on the internet who think being obnoxious is a charming personality. He is only 13 though.
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That age there actually has me a little worried about adding him to my blog. So, he has a personality, but I may more so only show art I make of him and will refrain from using him in rps. He will also most likely not be included in the narrative I might build up for my blog.
Rakker is a character that I created specifically for my own enjoyment. He isn't complex with some insane backstory. His only real story is his relationship with his best friend, Angora, who is the same age as him. He is supposed to simply be a character that brings me back childhood nostalgia. I could go into more detail about Angora, but since you only asked about Rakker, I will spare you. Need to show you some mercy after this if you even read it all lol.
(Thank you for the ask and sorry for taking so long.)
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The Chosen of Ruin: Part 2
//ooc; transcript of a Discord RP with @the-poke-virus
The shrine in which the Beads of Ruin are sealed is actually directly below where the last stake was, in a cave that Fury Falls flows out of. Top Man and Virus stand in view of it
I'll be outside for backup, if ya need it ^u^
Let's do this
Inside the cave is an odd door. There are distinct BAD vibes coming from it, much worse than the stakes. Memories of envy, jealousy, and anger begin to surface for them both. Virus starts to look uncomfortable
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 so how do we [OPEN NEW WINDOW] this thing?
...ya doin ok? Look we can hightail and I'll bring more backup if we need. Up to you though
no no I'm fine (ówò) just that bad door vibes… ...you can feel it too right?
Yeah... it's making me think of... my creator
TopMan, what ever you did back then, just know that I've probably done stuff that was ten times worse than that. Alright?
Gotcha... You're probably REALLY getting hit with it then...
HAHAHA YAH (≧∀≦) oh I'm a total monster
As they approach, they see an old foe in front of the door
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the door crumbles to rubble, and a fish-like pokemon emerges - Chi-Yu. Dark power radiates from it
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All is mine the rest shall burn
hey that's what you said Toppy ( ^ω^ ), anyways how are we gonna stop this guy
Remember that Wonderland Shard you had? Plug it into me. I'm gonna try to beam my thoughts into Chi-Yu's mind
Virus breaks the shard and gives the pieces to Top Man 
you can only do this if one shard piece is in close proximity to Chi-Yu's head
Top Man revves his wheels 
I'll have to get close then. Here goes!
as Top Man gets close, Chi-Yu uses Lava Plume, throwing him back
GAH! Looks like we'll have to knock them around a bit first. No worries! I'm game! sends out his team Let's get em fellas!
What an uncouth rabble! And to think I considered you as a host for my master's power! No matter. Have at you!
Struggle as you see fit. You rejected my blessing, you will burn with all that cannot be mine
Virus sends out her Boldore Rock and her Joltik Popcorn 
I'm right behind yah Toppy!
Chi-Yu proves to be a difficult opponent indeed. Boundstrider falls to a Bounce, and Lego falls to Swagger and Ruination. Vanessa is fainted by a Lava Plume, and Watt still won't obey Top Man. That leaves Blastzone and Chirp, and Puck has taken to wailing on the robotic Magmortar with Shadow Balls, not altogether successfully due to being distracted by Virus's pokemon. She sends out Crypto-Scam and Randomizer, her Eevee, for extra support 
my [PKMN] aren't exactly battlers y'know
How unfortunate! I am well-versed in dueling, all the better for my master's ambition, you see?
Toppy can I bite him?
If ya can get close to him! You saw how fast he can move! 
Virus reaches her extendo arms out in an attempt to grab Puck Puck is taken off-guard (he was aiming at Crypto-Scam) and is Virus goes in for a bite and kinda sort of regrets it. Puck is hard and metallic even for Virus' teeth. She begrudgingly continuous because that's just how much she hates Puck
Puck shoots a stream of coins into Virus's eyes, and she lets go of Puck while distracted Blastzone manages to get Chi-Yu down to low yellow, but faints to a final Bounce. Suddenly Chirp leaps forward and faces Chi-Yu
Chirp what are you doing?!
Chirp begins moving strangely, like he's trying to crawl out of his own skin, when suddenly hs legs start growing, along with the rest of him, and at the height of his growth, he lunges at Chi-Yu with a double kick on his now-open hind legs. the Lokix then turns to face Top Man and Virus
ROCK ON CHIRP! Whatever you just did do that again!
Chirp Double Kicks Chi-Yu again, which disorients them enough that Top Man can spin towards Chi-Yu at high speed, plugging the Wonderland shard into Chi-Yu
I'm feeling fishy, that means it's working (°▽°)
All is mine the rest shall burn
Yeah yeah shut it will ya? That song's overplayed pick out a new one already
yah get whimsy [PILED]
You fools... All that exists in this world, all that truly matters, is strife. Strife to be above all the rest. Only at the top can one be satisfied
Oh my days- Ya really think it matters THAT much what people you have no idea who they are think of you?
It is always the same. Some recieve, others want, the wanters kill the recievers, and take what was recieved. There is never any exception.
seems they struck a nerve
But then they just get offed themselves! This order of yours is just a game with no winners!
And yet it is one all life plays... You... Machine forged in envy... surely you understand this?
...yeah... I'll admit, I get where you're coming from. I was made to help a bitter old man with his world domination schemes-
You have spoken yourself. Your very existence is due to human envy, as is mine. Many kingdoms sought these beads, and when a kingdom recieved, another would wage war and destroy it, taking the beads for themselves. Their desire, their envy, gave these beads sentience, created me. We are the same
Except for one thing you didn't notice. Actually, we're connected. I think you did notice, you're just pretending not to see it. I don't serve that man anymore. I dance to my own tunes now. I took the game you said we all must play, and I beat it. And you know how? By not playing
You decieve yourself. One such as you and I can never be anything more than our created purpose
YES YOU CAN! Anyone can be so much more than their [CREATED PURPOSE]! You don't have to spiral endlessly in envy. There's always an out. Just look at us, we're living proof that there's more to life than just envy! You just need to stop being so narrow minded for a second and see that for yourself
Want a source? We're connected. See for yourself
Top Man then begins highlighting Wily almost resetting him - and Quasar saving him from disappearing
oh I wanna try that
Virus then shows a moment from her own past, one that showed just how much she truly cared for those in her life
Still you are beholden to others. The girl is at the mercy of that purple one, and you, machine, are at the mercy of that hero
Then why was I able to do this?
Top Man then shows when he saved Chirp - punching Quasar into a stone wall so hard his head got stuck in it. Virus then shows an important memory to her - working with Top Man to escape Team Rocket, when Gyro Zeppeli saved them. In this case, Top Man supplemented that one with his side, the two memories starting to kinda merge, before Virus reflexively pulls away
You... you were…
more memories appear. The Paldea Tour, Overcoming hardships with his friends and pokemon, The worldwide Wily Invasion, fighting his own creator, and most importantly, joining the Incursionists. Virus chimes in with her own memories, consisting of her time reforming herself. She struggled, and she even failed at some points, but she has learned to value the connections that people can share. Chi-Yu is having trouble forming a response
so? Any comebacks?
Dude... I know. I didn't think I could have this either
...Is it... ...possible... ...for me?
yes, even an old creepy fish demon can change
C'mon. I'll show ya, if you'll let me
I... ...am yours… …show me…
Black and red fire and energy begins to form around the two of them, and a mark appears on Top Man's arm. He then brings out a Luxury Ball and taps it to Chi-Yu. Chi-Yu then wraps the energy around an exhausted Puck, and he vanishes, replaced by a Cherish Ball. Chi-Yu is then caught
Guess I'm a Chosen now. Groovy
oh shit fr?! Congrats man! So do you get fire powers now or something?
No idea. Guess we'll have to see
Virus looks over to Puck's ball 
what do we do with him? Throw him down a river?
And have his karma be done that quick?
Puck is let out of his ball and seems to realize what's going on 
What?! You jest! Say this isn't so! Top Man is my Chosen, if you are loyal to me you will serve him also
Puck makes a bunch of pathetic noises
And for my first task, Puck, you shall be Crypto-Scam's personal transport and footstool the entire span of the journey from here until sight 10!
how demeaning…
Puck makes more pathetic noises as crypto scam is jumping for joy  
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What I know so far of healing magic was from Jamil's lab coat personal story where it's mentioned that their lab exercise was to create "a potion that heals burns instantaneously" which does make you wonder to what extent these magic potions can do (and what nots, the forbidden/ancient magics too...)
[Spoiler from twst jp Scalding Sands]
But chemistry also exist in Twisted Wonderland apparently based on Trey's yasmania silk personal story, where he extensively explains the flame reactions of the fireworks was from specific metals burning (e.g barium, lithium, sodium, etc) which he experimented in the Science Club
Malleus asked why bother making fireworks if its so hard to make when you can hire a mage instead (tru tho 😭) but Trey said there is the beauty in extensive labour put into the fireworks which makes em pretty!
So with this mindset we can conclude civilization still progress as usual there(?) The medical field might still be as advanced, or even more advanced with the help of magic!
I think the most hilarious part out of these world-building (whether this counts as a loophole or not) was that IF periodic table exist in that world, wouldn't that mean all the scientists we knew who discovered them ALSO exist in Twisted Wonderland?? 😂😂
Hence leading to my wildest fantasy of Twisted Wonderland to be some sort of wacky alternate universe of the Earth, and that maybe, MAYBE even an alternate version of us could exist there, and vice versa iykyk 🤪
(well this is just my funky brain thinking too far ahead tho, still it's nice to think of what ifs to explore onto hehe)
[Referencing this post!]
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We slurp up crumbs of world building 🤤 ashdbaskudbauvailbd and thanks to your funky brain for sharing!!
I’d really want to know about the extent of magic potions and healing spells too! In regards to the “potion that heals burns instantaneously”, I have to wonder what its limits are???? Because there isn’t just one type of burn; there’s friction burns, cold burns, thermal burns, radiation burns, chemical burns, electrical burns... not to mention different classifications based on severity (first, second, and third degree burns). If the burns have managed to damage nerve endings, can magic heal those too (considering that real world medical experts have yet to be able to grow back damaged nerves, only do what they can to encourage the nerve to repair itself or reconnect whatever nerves are left)?
THIS ALSO SOUNDS REALLY BORING BUT I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE ETHICAL CODE OF MAGICAL HEALERS 🤡 Like we got the Hippocratic Oath in the real world, so I’d assume the magical healers of TWST would have to take something similar???? But if it IS possible to heal people or to do certain invasive procedures with magic, I’d think there would be new and intense regulations surrounding that???? Because imagine how scary it would be if a magical healer could literally get inside your cells and mess with your genetic code??? Or reprogram your cells to speed up its natural life-death cycle????? Medical lawsuits in the world of Twisted Wonderland sounds like it could get super complicated... AND IT SOUNDS SO SCARY WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT LIKE THAT...
Yeah, chemistry and pharmacology definitely exist in TWST! It’s mentioned in some coursework and character lines. Interesting that Trey mentions some specific elements straight off of our own Periodic Table (but very fitting that he brings up his own Science Club expertise and that he understands and appreciates the effort that goes behind doing something by hand instead of by way of magic).
I think that maybe Twisted Wonderland has its own history and famous figures that discovered the various elements! It’d be pretty wild if everyone had a twisted counterpart 🤔 which is what I guess a lot of TWST OCs are!
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wesimpforxiao · 4 years
Say My Name and I’ll Be There:  7.3
"You shall serve under Childe," the Tsaritsa gestured for you to rise to your feet.  "Mezzetin."
"Uh...bless you?"
"Thus is your new name:  Mezzetin," the archon repeated, raising a brow at your attitude.
"That's not my name."
"Am I hearing you break the contract you proposed to me only a few minutes ago?"  You bit your tongue to refrain from ripping her a new one.  "Childe, why don't you show her to her new room?"
"It would be my pleasure."
Childe led you down an especially long corridor that brought you to what looked like a type of barracks situation.  He opened a door that stood on the left side of the hall and showed you around.  It wasn't that bad of a room; it held a balcony that looked over the snowy landscape outside.  The walls were a deep burgundy color with dim lighting, which only seemed to further mock your dark circumstances .
"How do you like your room, Mezzetin?"
"If I hear that god-awful name again, I--"  That's odd.  Why is there a mask on my bed?  You picked it up and noted it was the same color as the walls.  It might have been slightly similar to Xiao's mask, in that it looked relatively animal-like.  It was harbinger-status, being that it held no similarities with that of the Fatui agent or skirmisher masks and was completely unique.
"Ah, that caught your attention?  It's yours."
Why was there already a spare mask? I barely made the decision to join them not even ten minutes ago.  Do they have a surplus of masks here?  Your gaze rose to Childe's in a questionable manner.  
"What?"  Childe let out an awkward laugh.
"Well, I should get back to the throne room and let you adjust here for a bit, no?  I'll return soon."  His suspicious hurry to leave made you roll your eyes, but your attention just returned to the mask in your hands.  
Why did they already have a mask for me?
"Well done, Childe."  The Tsaritsa praised her devoted weapon of war as he knelt before her.  "When you proposed your idea to me I wasn't sure you'd be up for such a task, especially since you hate deception.  Everything played out exactly as you expected.  You have earned my praise."
"Thank you, Your Majesty."  Childe rose to his feet and revealed a dark grin.
Signora slowly clapped her hands as she approached the teen.  "To think that our youngest and most inexperienced would come up with a plan to manipulate the girl into joining us by manipulating Morax into waging war--you have matured greatly, Childe."
"Your praise is appreciated, Fair Lady."
"Just do your job correctly and make sure she doesn't get any bright ideas to turn on us," Scaramouche walked out of the throne room.
"Not one to praise another, as expected," Childe sneered.
"The sixth harbinger is correct, Childe.  While your plan has succeeded, your duty does not end here.  Such is why the girl will be in your hands; do not fail me."
"...What do we do now?" Aether's voice pierced the snow that fell upon the trio as they headed for the Snezhnayan border.  The walk had been excruciatingly long and quiet, the atmosphere holding a somber note and sour aftertaste in everyone's mouths.
"...I suppose we continue to look for you sister," Zhongli suggested.  "That is what you originally gathered us for, is it not?"  The archon kept his gaze on the snowy ground.
"It is..." Aether's gaze shifted to Xiao, who was quieter than he usually was.  "What do you think, Xiao?"
"I'm returning to Liyue and continuing my duty."
"So that's it?"  The boy stopped in his tracks.  "We're just going to give up on her? Is that it?  I'm not going to just sit around while she's still stuck in that dreadful place.  Don't you two cherish her like I do?  Don't you, Xiao?"  His hands curled into tight fists as he thought about Lumine.  He couldn't comprehend the idea of giving up either of you.
The two adepti halted, and the yaksha met Aether's eyes.
"Don't think we haven't noticed how the two of you look at each other," Paimon popped up and put her hands on her hips.  "You two like each other more than teammates!  We're not stupid! So why are you just walking away?"
"She chose her path," Xiao stated.  "It's not like I can dissuade her from her decision; she clearly felt strongly about it."
"If she does not wish to be saved, there is nothing we can do," added Zhongli.  
"Well she clearly thought you guys were going to get a bunch of innocent people killed over her!"  Paimon huffed.  "Of course she wouldn't want to be saved if it meant all that death would be her fault!"
"Paimon..." Aether's gaze wavered at his emergency food.
"And you!" The mascot switched to Xiao.  "She clearly loves you, but you have no idea what that means even though it's bright as day that you feel the same for her!  Why didn't you tell her?!"
"I can't make much of human em--"
"No! Here's what's going to happen.  You're going to go back there, confess your lovey-dovey feelings and get her out of there!"
Xiao disappeared before their eyes, obviously agitated by Paimon's annoying rant.  "Great," Aether pulled at his hair.  "Now look at what you did, Paimon."
"He needs to hear the truth at some point!" She huffed.
"Xiao?"  Aether and Paimon investigated the Wangshu Inn as soon as they got back to Liyue a week or so later.  "Are you up here?"
"What do you want?"  The adeptus appeared next to them in a similar manner to when they first met.  He was just as unwelcoming as he was back then.
"We made some almond tofu!"  Paimon made a giddy gesture to Aether, and the boy held the dish out to Xiao.
"We thought you would like some," he gave a faint grin.  The yaksha didn't return it, instead returning his gaze to the moonlit scenery past the railing.
"I'll pass."
"Oh..." This is really bad.  Aether sent a worried glance to Paimon.  "Are you sure?  You love almond tofu."
"Mortal food is not to my liking," the yaksha grit his teeth in agitation.  "You should leave.  There's no reason for the two of you to be here."
"Don't be so rude to us!  We came to talk about her!"  Paimon flew forward so that she blocked Xiao's view of the scenery.  "We know how much you care about her.  Isn't there a way to contact her somehow?  You know, with your psychic abilities or something?"
"This conversation is pointless.  If there's nothing else, see yourselves out."
"Xiao."  Aether's shoulders dropped as he tried to figure out the correct words.  He failed to come up with something, and looked to Paimon.  "...Let's go."
Xiao didn't bother to glance their way as they made their exit, instead focusing on the scenery below him.  He hadn't heard from you since you saw him off.  'I love you,' she said.  Why does remembering it hurt so much?  He shivered as he remembered the look in your eyes.  They were so gentle, kind, yet broken.  Like you had just...given up on life.  Just what had Childe done to you to make you say those things?  His thoughts were fortunately interrupted when he felt a shift of energy carried through the wind.  He looked to the Guili Plains up ahead, and dispersed.
The yaksha came upon several lawachurls, which were relatively uncommon to the area compared to other places in Liyue.  The evil that consumed them reeked of gods past. Xiao didn't hesitate to wave a hand over his face and manifest his yaksha mask, throwing himself into his life-long work of defeating the evil that plagues Liyue.  Only this time, he used it as an outlet for his frustrations rather than solely fighting to fulfill his duty.
"My fight goes on."  That's right, he watched the demonic smoke whirl around him.  My fight does not stop for her.  My duty is here.  He twirled his polearm and leapt through the air, slicing at the closest lawachurl.  Since he and the monsters were far from the nearest road, he let loose a little.  And by a little, I mean a lot.  
The nearest trees splintered from the shockwave of his attacks, with the other lawachurls shaking off the bulky rock armor off their backs.  The ground rumbled beneath their feet.  Xiao plummeted to the earth and subsequently killed the first lawachurl with the blow.  Then he moved onto the next one, finding no fear in the monstrous bellow that greeted him face-to-face.  He shoved the lance through it's bottom jaw and jutted it through the skull with little effort.
The third charged just as he removed his polearm from the corpse of the second.  This time Xiao whipped around and thrust his weapon into the monster's knee, yanking it out to then deal several blows across its chest and decapitate it.  "Worthless," he growled as he watched the monsters disintegrate.  He continued his attacks on the remaining four until he stood alone among the ruins.  He watched as the spirits of the damned returned to their rightful places in the earth.
Xiao thought nothing of the disturbed soils and began to walk towards the inn once more until the demonic voices called out to him.  Some were quiet, no more than a whisper, while others were obnoxiously loud and demanded attention.  They moaned and whined, each having a unique pitch of anger tinging their curses and cries for help.  Xiao fell to his knees, with his body leaning on his polearm as it was overwhelmed with the hatred of the damned. He forced himself to take a deep breath. Not this again.
Your time in Snezhnaya wasn't fun so far, and you often secluded yourself in your room whenever you had the chance to avoid the Tsaritsa or her little puppets.  Childe checked on you often, doing so in a way that showed his concern for your obvious depression as you longingly stared out into the winter wonderland from your window.
You were being pestered by Childe yet again when you became overwhelmingly dizzy and nauseous.  "Urk--"  You doubled over and grabbed onto the curtain to steady yourself.
"Hey, are you alright?"  Childe put a concerned hand on your shoulder.
"What is...this...?"  Your fit of nausea transformed into an overwhelming hatred for nothing in particular.  You fell to all fours, heaving from a level of anger never experienced before.  "What is this!"
"...Comrade?" His words were drowned out by the desperate screams that entered your mind.  Your hands hurried to cover your ears in an attempt to make the voices stop, but they didn't disappear.
"They're so loud!"  You cried out, now in physical pain that was equivalent to being set on fire and shredded with knives.  "Stop!  Shut up!"
Childe quickly dropped to your level and lifted your chin up to examine your glowing eyes and the tears drenching your cheeks.  "What's wrong?"  He mouthed, but you still couldn't hear him.
"It hurts!"  You coughed, one hand covering your mouth only to be retracted and painted with your blood.  I'm bleeding?  Panic set in and the pain only worsened, the voices getting louder and louder while Childe desperately tried to get you to answer him.  "This hate!  Why do I feel so hateful?  Make it stop!"  You were screaming hysterically now, squeezing your eyes shut and clawing at your ears until they too began to bleed.  "Make it stop!"  Your senses were easily overwhelmed, and all you could focus on was the pain and the volume of the voices surrounding you.  "Please!" You couldn't seem to catch a decent breath of air like something heavy was sitting on you.
"Hey now!"  The harbinger watched the blood spill from the lips.  This is...  He pulled you close to him and held you tightly, ordering for medical aid when an agent burst through the door from hearing the ruckus.  "It's okay, it's okay--"
All you could do was continue to heave deep breaths to quell the rage that resided within you, to quell the demonic voices that demanded you to succumb to them.  Childe didn't let up his grip around you and pressed your head tightly against his chest.  Rage.  Hatred.  Agony.  The feelings tore through you like you were made of paper.  It was hard to explain, but the emotions felt otherworldly; nonhuman.  Your blood continued to seep from your mouth and soak into Childe's clothes while he continued to rock you back and forth.  Your screams were a mixture of cries for help and manic giggling as you lost all sense of rationality.
"Hey girlie," the familiar harbinger was hovering above your face when you finally reopened your eyes.  You were apparently still in your room, this time lying in bed with a damp cloth draped across your forehead and the moonlight illuminating the two of you.  "How're you feeling?"
"Mn."  You blinked sluggishly and tried to move around.
"Ah, I wouldn't do that.  You were bleeding internally, you know," he let out a strangled laugh as you returned to your original position.  "You really had us worried for a sec."
"Yeah right." The growl that emitted from your throat seemed to put Childe off guard, another flash of concern waving over his demeanor.  It was clear residual hatred still resided in you even though that was your usual response to his remarks.  Your eyes were still glowing.
"You feel his pain now?"  He raised a brow.  "Is that how this bond works?"
"What of it?" A dry giggle escaped your chapped lips as the hushed voices continued to plague you.
Interesting...This could pose a possible problem for the soldiers...I should inform Dottore immediately.  Childe removed himself from the bed and headed for the door.  "I'll check on you in a few hours.  Try and get some rest."
A slight draft brushed across the tip of your nose the second he closed the door, and you looked to the window to find a shadowy figure obscuring the moonlight that entered the room. It slowly approached the bed until it stood at your side.  The closer it got, the louder the voices became.  You winced when it leaned over you.
"You..."  Xiao's face occupied most of your vision.  He didn't need to know what happened to understand it was linked to his dealings with the possessed lawachurls a few hours ago.  "I felt your distress."
"What're you doing here?" You snapped quietly, the voices still raging a storm within your words.  It's not like you've communicated with him at all ever since you confessed your feelings.  He had no reason to be here...right?
"Do not fall prey to the darkness," he warned.  "I cannot save you if you allow yourself to be overrun."  He hesitantly placed a hand against your forehead in an attempt to gage your wellbeing.  He didn't have the powers of Zhongli, so there was no point in trying, but he did it anyway.  Your glowing eyes seemed to capture his, and the two of you stared at one another for a few moments.
Another laugh left your lips, and it was nothing short of disturbing unlike the airy carefree ones Xiao had heard you release before.  It was evil.  Mocking.  "I never called you here."
The yaksha let out something between a growl and a sigh.  "I have no choice but to kill you if you're consumed.  Do not let them overwhelm you," he repeated as he locked on your eyes.  While his words were sharp, the look in his eyes was nothing but endearing.  "I can always hear them, but you don't have to.  It's just a side effect; this too, shall pass."
"...It hurts."  Those two pained whimpers broke through the wall of hatred that surrounded you from within.  The glowing lights in your eyes flickered as you regained yourself in his presence.  
"I understand," he assured while his hand left your forehead to accompany your cheek, his thumb rubbing against your skin to wipe the tear that had fallen from your right eye.  He winced when he realized blood was mixed in with it, but didn't let on that he was taking a closer look at your eye.  Mortal bodies cannot withstand this...He bit the inside of his cheek as he thought of the worst-case scenario that had consumed his fellow yakshas long ago.  If we get them out of her now, she should still be able to fully recover.
He continued to stroke your cheek while you stared up at him, still unable to fully move your tired limbs that felt like they were severed at the ligaments.  Eventually you gathered enough strength to move your arm and place your hand over the one that cupped the side of your face.  You weren't sure of how much time had passed, but painful tears fell occasionally and were coupled with Xiao's brief looks of concern.
"I'm here," he soothed.  Archons, the way he handled you was so delicate.  Had he ever been this gentle with you, even when he caught you in your lowest moments?  If he had, the voices made it difficult to retrieve the memory.  They continued to scream and swirl within the depths of your mind, but the presence of the yaksha subdued them somewhat.
"I-I didn't...want to leave you..."  Your bloodied tears stained his hand and your pillow.  Xiao shifted on the bed upon hearing this and feeling your tears brim the corners of his eyes.  He continued to stroke your cheek.
"Do not speak; you're making your condition worse," he ordered.  "I can't hold your decision against you."
"'What matters now isn't failures of the past; we are here together.'  Are those not your words?"  His head tilted slightly, and a fond smile formed across his lips.  "Rest.  I will be here until morning."
"Don't...leave..." You begged, gripping his hand a little tighter.  "Please."
Xiao watched the glow in your eyes eventually flicker out right before you fell asleep.  He took it upon himself to wipe the bloody streaks from your cheeks, and even let you continue to hold his hand while you slept.  He stayed true to his word and sat beside you until the first light of dawn shone through your window, his hand never fully leaving your skin until he had to return to Liyue.
Coming up:  A harbinger’s gift: some much-needed therapy.  Tea time with an archon.  The moonsong.
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moos-cow · 4 years
’Tis The Season For SMUT
Like what I’ve posted before, I’ll be participating in @voltage-vixen​‘s  ’Tis The Season For SMUT Challenge!
So, without further ado, my first post for the challenge:
Day 1 Prompt: Kiss me under the mistletoe
Pairing: Lancelot Kingsley / Reader Fandom: Ikemen Revolution Genre: Fluff-SMUT Word Count: 2021 Warning: Graphic
“Zero! Over here!” you yell from across the street, waving a hand overhead to the wandering Ace of Hearts. Once your eyes met, he immediately walks over to you with a couple of bags in hand.
You had volunteered to head in the decorating of the Red Army Headquarters for Christmas-- a job usually taken by Jonah due to his ‘high standards of style’ as he’d call it. But like all the other officers, the closing holidays made him busier than usual; events with the nobles happening one after the other, and meetings with the Black Army for their joint Christmas event for the citizens topped his already packed-to-the-minute daily work.
Now that December has finally kicked in, you don’t hold back in your decor shopping escapades; you’d been waiting for this day to come since Halloween anyway. So, you go from shop to shop with Zero, buying all the decorations and trinkets on your list that you'll need to dress up the Headquarters. 
“What’s this?” Zero questioned the new bag you have in hand. It was a small, light-looking, brown bag that was sealed neatly with Christmas designed tape-- a standout from the colourful paper bags you carried.
“It’s a secret!” Excitement beaming from you as you began skipping back towards headquarters, looking forward to a certain Christmas tradition you'd surprise Lancelot with. “Come on, Zero!”
As huge as the headquarters is, with the help of some of the soldiers and maids, it took you over two weeks to completely decorate the manor from top to bottom, and inside out. It was a winter wonderland.
“One last piece,” you spoke to yourself, clutching the little brown bag you had when you went out with Zero. Where you’d choose to hang this little decor had to be special, not only to you but also to Lancelot, so you walk around the building to scan for viable locations. “Where, oh where can I hang you…”
“Y/N,” Edgar’s chipper voice called out to you just as he left Lancelot’s office with Jonah, wondering why you were walking aimlessly around the halls with a small bag in hand. “Anything the matter?”
“Edgar! Jonah!” You spun in surprise as the two sauntered towards you, Jonah’s eyes were immediately drawn to the bag in your hands, probably thinking that Edgar has given you a part of his stash of contraband sweets.
“I’m just looking for a nice place to hang these…”
Jonah arches a brow questioningly, and Edgar’s smile unwavering, as if asking you what the contents of the bag were. Your words slip out to answer the unspoken question, “... decors.”
Jonah frowned as he held out his hand, asking you to hand the bag over. You promptly hide it behind your back; but as you shift it around you, Edgar snatches it from your grip. His grin reaches from ear to ear as he and Jonah take a peek into the bag.
“Edgar!” You reach out to take the bag back, but he holds it just a little farther back and higher away from you. He may be the shortest among the officers, but he is still a good couple of inches taller than you.
“Now, now, Y/N. Why don’t you leave the hanging of this to us, hm? Besides, you’ve done a wonderful job decorating headquarters. My, you’re even better than Jonah here!” Edgar teases and chuckles at his own statement.
“Hey!” Jonah scowls at the younger man, then pouts as he turns to you, trying to get his composure back. “Anyway, Y/N, mistletoes are poisonous. It’s better to have Edgar poisoned rather than you.”
“You hurt my feelings, Queen.” Edgar banters back, waving a hand as he turns to walk away with the bag. Jonah soon follows in suit, excusing himself from you to head to his troops’ training session.
Another week has passed, and the red and white manor now basked in the scarlet rays of the Christmas Eve setting sun. Up until now, there was no sign of the mistletoe Edgar took from you that time. After searching high and low, you finally shrug in defeat, resigning yourself to the idea that the little ornament would never see the light of Christmas that year.
A little mistletoe won’t ruin my Christmas! You commit yourself to that simple idea as you walk back to your room to get dressed for the evening’s party. A red and gold embellished off shoulder cocktail dress laid on your bed, with a small note and a single white rose. Your heart raced at the simple gesture-- Lancelot always knew how to make you smile.
You added a scarf to your ensemble and headed out for the common area. The delicious scents and joyful sounds filled the halls of the Red Army Headquarters. Soldiers and officers alike greeted you with smiles and laughter-- long gone was the Red Army you knew when you first arrived in Cradle.
“You look beautiful.” Lancelot greeted you the moment you arrived in the common room. 
“Who do I have to thank for then?” You wrap an arm around his waist and pull him close into a hug of sorts, chuckling into his chest. “Thank you, Lancelot.”
“Well, isn’t it Mr. and Mrs. Claus!” Kyle, clearly tipsy already, raises his voice as he saunters closer to you and Lancelot with a Christmas hat in hand. He swiftly decks it on Lancelot’s head and looks at it as if it were his prized masterpiece. “Perfect.”
To your surprise, Lancelot doesn’t dare move, nor remove the said hat; prompting you to turn to him with a slightly confused look on your face.
“The idiots made me into Santa this year,” Lancelot answered with the straightest face imaginable. You lightly cough to try to hold back your laughter; alas, your shoulders shook, giving you away to the man beside you. He was just too adorable. 
“I’m sorry, it does fit you.” you laugh and fan your face with your hand, fighting back the tears of joy threatening to fall from your eyes. “You’ll make a great Santa, Lancelot.”
A smile graced his features as the events of the night started. Overflowing food and drinks were served, music and chatter filled the air, and gifts were exchanged. You scan the room, burning the scene before you into memory-- Kyle, already on his umpteenth bottle of beer, started challenging soldiers to an arm-wrestling challenge, while Edgar and Zero stood by to watch and further insight until the whole thing goes down in flames; Jonah was receiving gifts from the soldier members of ‘Jonah's Heart Defenders’ at the other end with a fresh plate of mille-feuille before him; and, Lancelot… You strained your eyes to look for him in the busy crowd, and finally, find him alone by the Christmas tree, tinkering with one of the hung ornaments.
You saunter to him, bringing two flutes of champagne for each of you. He turns to you just as you arrive. With a clink of your flutes, you greet each other just as the grandfather clock struck 12 in the main hall.
“Merry Christmas, Lancelot.” 
“Merry Christmas, Y/N.” 
Lancelot cupped your cheek in his hand and gently pulled you close to meet your lips with his-- a soft and delicate kiss that started to heat up with every passing second.
“Ahem- King Lancelot,” Jonah interjected, prompting you to cut your quick make-out session with Lancelot. The Queen’s brows furrowed and his eyes looked away, yet his cheeks contradicted his expression as he blushed a light shade of pink, “Your speech.”
Lancelot gave Jonah a curt nod before facing back to you. You smile at him and lightly squeeze his hand, “Go get ‘em, Santa.”
His hand never left yours for the duration of the party-- through the officer’s speeches, to the farewell greetings. He only let you go as you both stopped in front of your bedroom door, twirling you in the hall and straight into his arms. 
Hands to the small of your back, Lancelot pulls you in closer for another kiss. 
“Mm- What was that for?” you look up to him, only now noticing that his eyes were red, and not their usual blue. "Hey!" 
He chuckles and points a finger up towards a floating mistletoe over your heads, the mistletoe you've been looking for the past week. 
"Oh- Why is that with you?!" Your cheeks warm up from the thought of Edgar handing the little bag to his King. 
Drat. Edgar.
You wanted to surprise Lancelot by kissing him under the mistletoe, but now, the complete opposite seemed to happen. 
"I’ve always wanted to try that." Lancelot suddenly confesses, eyes locked onto the floating mistletoe above. 
"You know you have to ask first, right?" you chuckle at his innocence.
"I suppose." he straightens up and holds you closer, tilting your head up with a finger to meet his gaze. He starts again, "Y/N, may I kiss you under this mistletoe?"
"Of course." 
You meet his lips in a fervent kiss, and when you break, Lancelot's lips travel down, leaving a wet trail to your neck as he rids the scarf off your skin. His warm hands make their way down to the curve of your sides, eliciting a sigh from you as you call his name.
"Mistletoe kisses don't always have to be on the lips, you know." He says between nips, breath blowing against your heated skin; sending shivers straight down to your core.
"Mhmm," you hum at the feeling of his fingers brushing the underside of your clothed breast, and you lightly tug at the front of his uniform before reaching up to run a hand through his blonde locks.  
Lancelot bites down and sucks onto your flesh as he pushes you flush against the door. A soft moan escapes your lips at the sudden mix of pain and pleasure;  "Lance-" 
"Yes?" he drags his sultry reply as slowly as his hand travels down to the front of your skirt, raking the clothing up until his fingers could skim across your skin. 
"We're in the hall." You shudder in his hold as the heat between your legs started to grow more intolerable, throbbing at the need for more.
"So?" he teases, bringing his lips up to your ear to nibble on your lobe while his hand continuously skims across your inner thighs, purposefully missing your clothed womanhood.
Words won't get to him, so you reply in kind-- hand skimming over his uniform before resting over the growing tent of his pants. He growls and slightly bucks his hips against your hand at the faint touch, chasing the friction his body longs for. 
He catches your grin in a hungry kiss, swallowing your moans as he presses his fingers against your clothed sex, coaxing agonizingly slow circles against the little bundle of nerves. You tremble in his grasp, panting heavily from every shock sent throughout your body.
"Lancelot," you whine, instinctively grinding against his hand. He doesn't stop, nor does he speed up. His clear blue eyes lock into yours for a moment, heavy and full of lust. 
He strains his ears to hear the approaching sound of company-- muffled footsteps and faint chatter coming from the west wing. Your eyes widen once the sound reaches your ears. 
Lancelot quickly wraps an arm around your waist and opens the door behind you, causing you to both stumble gracelessly onto the carpets of your room with a thud.
You find yourself laying on top of Lancelot, with his arm still wrapped around your waist protectively. Both of you were still caught in a daze from the last minute's incident. 
You break into a smile, then burst into a laugh; prompting the man beneath you to laugh as well. 
"So?" you spoke, trying your best to impersonate Lancelot's earlier reply despite your intense laughter.
Tears rolled freely down your cheeks from the laughter, and Lancelot wiped them with the pads of his thumbs before pulling you into another kiss.
A Merry Christmas indeed. 
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supimjustwriting · 4 years
Halloween Dress Up Fun!
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Author’s Note: STORY TIME!  As an Asian with long black hair who takes showers at night. I have made the mistake of wearing a white night gown, soaking it with my hair because I like air drying my hair. Then scaring myself in the mirror as my hair covered most of my face. All I wanted was a glass of water ;w; I was what I was scared of the most. An Asian horror ghost.
I also couldn’t see how headcanons could work for this request. So, I ended up doing scenarios with a sprinkle of headcanon. I hope you enjoyed the way this flower patch bloomed!
Dorm Leaders REACT!!
Reader Dresses up as Sadako or Kayako ~! 
Riddle Rosehearts
Let me paint you a scene ~
The strawberry headed male let out a deep sigh as he looked down at his watch. ‘Being late is unbecoming of a person. What on earth is taking them?’ Riddle thought to himself, clicking his tongue.
A shiver ran down the young male’s back, goosebumps tingling his skin while a cool breeze blanketed him. “Now, now, Riddle. Don’t let your imagination get ahead of you now. That was a simply a horror story from Y/N’s world. No, need to get worked up over fiction now.” He reminded himself, cursing at how run down the Ramshackle dorm was. Riddle knew that ghosts resided in the dorm but why did this feel so different?
“Y/N?” He called out curiously to the sound of creaking floorboards. Slowly a low croak echoed through the air, closely followed by soft thumps. “Hardy, har Y/N. I know it’s you. This is all too cliché. Of course I won’t fall for-” a stone formed in his stomach as a disheveled woman crawled head first down the stairs.
- To say that Riddle screamed is down playing his reaction. This boy shrieked with his two ahoges sticking straight up like a Saturday morning cartoon. It was safe to believe that those within earshot thought someone was being murdered.
- After failing to cast ‘Off with your head!’ upon the ‘ghost’. Laughter tickled his ears as his grey eyes met with your familiar gaze. If looks could kill, you would’ve fit your costume perfectly. Luckily for you, a boyish giggle filled your dorm as Riddle offered his hand with a smile.
“I heard that Halloween is the time for tricks. I hope you didn’t fall too behind on your studies to plan all this out. Thank you for the scare,” his smile twitched with  annoyance as you grinned widely at him all the same. 
Leona Kingscholar
A knowing smile painted the lion’s lips the second he set foot into Ramshackle; the stale air, the chill breeze blowing the front door behind him. The voicemail that simply hissed “7 days.”
“‘Like a cub learning how to hunt,’ he thought to himself, tail swishing side to side behind him.  Leona couldn’t help but be reminded of Cheka and his attempts to pounce on him.
Making his way to the living room. The brunette already caught a strong whiff of your scent coming from the TV. He raised a brow as he saw water slowly pour out of television all the while you crawled into the scene.
Chuckling, Leona walked up to you unfazed, offering his hand to help you up. “I must say. You really outdone yourself to hollow out a TV and wait there until I arrived. Though,” he pinched the bridge of his nose, frowning. “I would make one change. The makeup you use has a strong chemical scent to it. If people get too close, they’ll find out it’s you right away.”
Mission failed. We’ll get em’ next time.
Azul Ashengrotto
“Y/N?” The silver haired male questioned, humming to himself curiously as no one greeted him at the door. “I hope you don’t mind that I’m letting myself in. You’re the one who called me over. The least you could do is welcome me,” he teased softly entering the dorm.
To his surprise his eyes met a shivering incoherent Grim, cowering under a table.
“She got her! The ghost caught Y/N and-and- She’s gone! My beloved henchman is now gone!” yowled the cat, covering his eyes with his paws.
“Pardon?” The simple question was only answered with more groveling while Grim pointed upstairs. His whines never stopped, even as Azul made his way upstairs.
Upon reaching the final step, a gurgling filled his ears. Azul furrowed his brows, mouth becoming dry as he halfheartedly decided to investigate the noise. Hesitantly, he opened the door to your room grey eyes widening at the still figure that stood in the corner of the room. Then it rushed him.
- Azul screamed bloody murder. A dark blush painting his face as your familiar laughter tickled his ears.
- He swears you to secrecy. All the while his heart is trying to thump out of his chest. If the tweels catch wind of this, he’ll never hear the end of it.
- Bad news. They heard rumours of screams coming from Ramshackle around the time he was supposed to visit and the pair put the pieces together quickly. Of course, they only teased him away from curious ears. Azul still has a reputation to uphold after all.
Kalim Al-Asim
“You managed to get a hold of a horror movie from your world? Let’s watch it together! I can get Jamil to-” scarlet eyes gazed at you curiously as you insisted that it should just be the two of you. “Ahh! I see. It would be scarier that way, huh? I’ll be sure to tell Jamil all about it once we're done!”
Later that night you watched ‘The Ring’ with Kalim. The snowed haired male clung to you for most of the film, screaming at jumpscares and then laughing joyously at himself. The dorm leader gazed at you like an abandoned puppy as you said that you were gonna use the washroom.
Surely you wouldn’t leave him all alone after watching such a scary film. He teased softly before waving you off playfully. That’s all it was. A work of fiction made purely for the fun of it, right?
The chime of his phone caused Kalim to jump. Chuckling to himself, he thought it was Jamil checking up on him as he promised to be back in the dorm by now. A shiver ran down his spine as he saw it was an unknown number. ‘Maybe Sadako is calling me! How spooky,’ he joked to himself before picking up the phone with an upbeat “hello ~!”
“Seven Days”
Cue the boy’s phone flying across the room. It’ll be fine. He can afford a new one anyways. If he could survive the week. Kalim jumped to his feet to look for you, only to freeze in place at the sound of something wet hitting the ground.
“Y/N? Very funny but even if it was real, I’m supposed to have seven days. Can’t you give a guy a fighting chance?” He joked, a lump forming in his throat.
“Seven Days..” You hissed before being bombarded with pillows and blankets.
- Proud ghost hunter Kalim is proud. He was about to call Jamil about his incredible feet until he heard your familiar voice muffled by all the pillows and blankets.
- Quickly frees you from your cozy prison and questions you thoroughly, making sure you’re the real Y/N. Once you passed his test, laughter fills the room once again as he looks over your costume and makeup.
 - He showers you with praise and even asks if you could try to scare Jamil as well. Tonight was so fun! Of course he wanted to share the experience with the person he grew up with. Jamil hates surprises. Kalim please don’t.
- Expect him to try to scare you throughout the week to get you back. It’s nothing malicious. Just harmless heart attack inducing fun! 
Vil Schoenheit
“So, this is your costume, potato?” Vil’s gazed buried deep through your simple once pure white nightgown, examining each stitch and blood splatter. “It wouldn’t be something I choose for myself but I have to say, it isn’t the worst I’ve seen. I can’t wait to see you up yourself next year.”
- Surprisingly supportive.
- If you play your cards right. I do believe you can give him a scare. Though please be prepared for a heavy scolding. Stress isn’t good for the skin after all.
Idia Shorud
“A little girl that can travel through TV screens just because you watched a certain tape? Firstly, she needs to upgrade to downloads. Secondly, the 7 day buffer is such a huge lag spike. Isn’t there a way to make it faster? It does sound convenient though.”
- The origins of your costume interest him more than the costume itself. Can’t really blame him on that since Sadako is technology based. Though he doesn’t appreciate the drowning part. Water and electricity just don’t mix well.
- He’d hesitantly ask you more about her legend/movie and if there’s anything similar. It’s not like there are cursed video games out there, right? You’ve met with a terrible fate haven’t you?
Malleus Draconia 
“What a tragic and gruesome tale humans can spin. Do you think you’ll end up the same as her?” A shy smile graces his lips, “I jest. There’s no way I’d let such a thing happen to you.”
- Like Idia he was more interested in the story behind the costume. After all, it’s quite interesting for humans to dress up as a ‘monster’ for a night. Just what counts as one anyways?
- The sight of you covered in blood is more unsettling more than anything. With how dangerous Twisted Wonderland is. Could this possibly be a sight he’d see one day? Shaking away the thought. Malleus simply complimented your costume and contently spent Halloween night by your side. 
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emma-what-son · 4 years
(Echee post) Emma Watson says J.K Rowling's quote about Hermione ending up with Harry was taken out of context and it was a joke
Posted March 6, 2014
From mtv.com/news may 2014, "Watson also seemed somewhat pessimistic about the longevity of the popular pairing, sharing at the time, "I think there are fans out there who know that too and who wonder whether Ron would have really been able to make her happy." But Watson's tune may have changed just a bit, as the starlet took to the red carpet at tonight's Oscars (her first time attending the big show, if you can believe it) and told MTV's own Josh Horowitz, "It was a real shame, because the quote that she gave was completely taken out of context." Emma change her tune? Noooooo way she would never do that!! =)~ MTV left out the part where she said it was just a joke From ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com March 2014, "It was a real shame, because the quote that she gave was completely taken out of context, and if you read the whole interview it was completely not how it was framed but it was actually kind of a joke." You know the funny part is? This is the Wonderland Magazine that Emma herself guest edited and Emma herself conducted the interview with J.K. Rowling. How could it be possibly taken out of context or even be considered a joke? There is nothing in the writing that suggests it's a joke. Maybe if the interview was conducted by video you could see their facial expressions that would tip you off that they were joking. This is typical Emma changing her tune but only because the HP fandom lost their shit over fictional characters. JK and Emma are back tracking now. I don't really care because to me it's a book made into a movie but this is Emma deceiving others as usual.
Actually I read the entire interview and what is being taken out of context and where is the punch line? Here is the part of the interview with JK about Hermione ending up with harry instead of Ron. From ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com Feb 2014 Emma: I thought we should discuss Hermione... I'm sure you've heard this a million times but now that you have written the books, do you have a new perspective on how you relate to Hermione and the relationship you have with her or had with her? JK: I know that Hermione is incredibly recognizable to a lot of readers and yet you don't see a lot of Hermione's in film or on TV except to be laughed at. I mean that the intense, clever, in some ways not terribly self-aware, girl is rarely the heroine and I really wanted her to be the heroine. She is part of me, although she is not wholly me. I think that is how I might have appeared to people when I was younger, but that is not really how I was inside. What I will say is that I wrote the Hermione/Ron relationship as a form of wish fulfillment. That's how it was conceived, really. For reasons that have very little to do with literature and far more to do with me clinging to the plot as I first imagined it, Hermione with Ron. Emma: Ah. JK: I know, I'm sorry, I can hear the rage and fury it might cause some fans, but if I'm absolutely honest, distance has given me perspective on that. It was a choice I made for very personal reasons, not for reasons of credibility. Am I breaking people's hearts by saying this? I hope not. Emma: I don't know. I think there are fans out there who know that too and who wonder whether Ron would have really been able to make her happy. JK: Yes exactly. Emma: And vice versa. JK: It was a young relationship. I think the attraction itself is plausible but the combative side of it... I'm not sure you could have got over that in an adult relationship, there was too much fundamental incompatibility. I can't believe we are saying all of this – this is Potter heresy! Emma: I know, it is heresy. JK: In some ways Hermione and Harry are a better fit and I'll tell you something very strange. When I wrote Hallows, I felt this quite strongly when I had Hermione and Harry together in the tent! I hadn't told [Steve] Kloves that and when he wrote the script he felt exactly the same thing at exactly the same point. Emma: That is just so interesting because when I was doing the scene I said to David [Heyman]: "This isn't in the book, she didn't write this". I'm not sure I am comfortable insinuating something however subtle it is! JK: Yes, but David and Steve – they felt what I felt when writing it. Emma: That is so strange. JK: And actually I liked that scene in the film, because it was articulating something I hadn't said but I had felt. I really liked it and I thought that it was right. I think you do feel the ghost of what could have been in that scene. Emma: It's a really haunting scene. It's funny because it really divided people. Some people loved that scene and some people really didn't. JK: Yes, some people utterly hated it. But that is true of so many really good scenes in books and films; they evoke that strong positive/negative feeling. I was fine with it, I liked it. Emma: I remember really loving shooting those scenes that don't have any dialogue, where you are just kind of trying to express a moment in time and a feeling without saying anything. It was just Dan and I spontaneously sort of trying to convey an idea and it was really fun. JK: And you got it perfectly, you got perfectly the sort of mixture of awkwardness and genuine emotion, because it teeters on the edge of "what are we doing? Oh come on let's do it anyway", which I thought was just right for that time. Emma: I think it was just the sense that in the moment they needed to be together and be kids and raise each other's morale. JK: That is just it, you are so right. All this says something very powerful about the character of Hermione as well. Hermione was the one that
stuck with Harry all the way through that last installment, that very last part of the adventure. It wasn't Ron, which also says something very powerful about Ron. He was injured in a way, in his self-esteem, from the start of the series. He always knew he came second to fourth best, and then had to make friends with the hero of it all and that's a hell of a position to be in, eternally overshadowed. So Ron had to act out in that way at some point. But Hermione's always there for Harry. I remember you sent me a note after you read Hallows and before you started shooting, and said something about that, because it was Hermione's journey as much as Harry's at the end. Emma: I completely agree and the fact that they were true equals and the fact that she really said goodbye to her family makes it her sacrifice too. JK: Yes, her sacrifice was massive, completely. A very calculated act of bravery. That is not an 'in the moment' act of bravery where emotion carries you through, that is a deliberate choice. Emma: Exactly. I love Hermione. JK: I love her too. Oh, maybe she and Ron will be alright with a bit of counseling, you know. I wonder what happens at wizard marriage counseling? They'll probably be fine. He needs to work on his self-esteem issues and she needs to work on being a little less critical. Emma: I think it makes sense to me that Ron would make friends with the most famous wizard in the school because I think life presents to you over and over again your biggest and most painful fear – until you conquer it. It just keeps coming up. JK: That is so true, it has happened in my own life. The issue keeps coming up because you are drawn to it and you are putting yourself in front of it all the time. At a certain point you have to choose what to do about it and sometimes conquering it is choosing to say: I don't want that anymore, I'm going to stop walking up to you because there is nothing there for me. But yes, you're so right, that's very insightful! Ron's used to playing second fiddle. I think that's a comfortable role for him, but at a certain point he has to be his own man, doesn't he? Emma: Yes and until he does it is unresolved. It is unfinished business. So maybe life presented this to him enough times until he had to make a choice and become the man that Hermione needs. JK: Just like her creator, she has a real weakness for a funny man. These uptight girls, they do like them funny. Emma: They do like them funny, they need them funny. JK: It's such a relief from being so intense yourself – you need someone who takes life, or appears to take life, a little more light heartedly.
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^This post made Ron cry, lol I really don't care who ended up with who because it's a movie. I lost no sleep over it or thought about it much until I read the quote of Emma changing her tune as MTV pointed out. I will say this. In the Half Blood Prince when Ron was in the Hospital after mistakenly consuming a love potion meant for Harry there was an exchange between Hermione and Lavender Brown where Hermione said, "I've always found him interesting" meaning Ron. There was also that scene in DH2 where Hermione said she couldn't destroy the horocrux and it took Ron to coach her up to do it. There was that scene after that where they were looking for Harry using the marauders map and Ron remembered what Hermione told him about the room of requirement not being on the map and she was surprised he remembered. Then there was the Order of the Phoenix when Ron tricked Malfoy and the rest of them (with a spell of which I forget) and they got away while Hermione and Harry lead Umbridge into the Forrest. When Hermione came back she was impressed by him. I think Ron and Hermione would be just fine if they were real. They actually compliment each other by being total opposites. I'm sure true Potter fans have better examples for Ron and Hermione. Btw Emma was about Ron and Hermione for years and years. I'd post the quotes but I think true Potter fans know this to be true so there would be no argument there. It's something me and Emma fans probably agree on. I think hell just froze over. As for what Emma said about Ron making Hermione happy and stuff. In my opinion she's purely speaking from her own taste in men since she goes for the Viktor Krum's (Matt Janney/Tom Ducker) and Cormac McLaggen's (Will Adamowicz/Jay Barrymore). Emma is more of  mix of Sam (Perks) and Nicki (TBR) than she was ever Hermione. Emma would never date a Ron Weasley in real life. It's beneath her and there would be a reality gap between them since Emma lives in her own head and is out of touch with normal people. So really that statement is a full on Emmione moment where she's doing her thinking for a fictional character that is totally different from "the real Emma Watson". I've said this numerous times. If Hermione were real she would not think too kindly of Emma. Shy and introverted post is coming one of these days. I keep on saying that but it is. I put this post together in 15 minutes. I've been working on the other one for two weeks on and off by procrastinating with it mostly. It's not that complicated I'm just being lazy getting all the photos and quotes together I need. And while were on this shipping business
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She supposedly interviewed JGL in Wonderland Magazine but it was not formatted like her other Interviews where she talked just as much as the person she was interviewing so this leads to believe she actually didn’t interview JGL. It was a straight Q&A without it reading like a conversation between two people in the same room like the others. And JGL has done Wonderland a few times in the past so I don’t think this was Emma’s request. Then they presented together at the Oscars. Coincidence or more Hollywood smoke and mirrors? Fans are shipping (weirdo movement) these two and it was all for show. Ok I’m going to join this weirdo movement of shipping! JGL and Dan forever!!
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purgatoryandme · 4 years
Hey! I can't seem to find the post you made with all the books references in Illuminate Me and the reason behind it? Is it deleted?
I know that there is an incomplete one floating around in my reply tag, and it should be in the Illuminate Me tag, but tumblr’s search features are so bad that I went back to the original word doc of the complete list, so prepare for that particular storm lol.  Quoted/Referenced Reading List (In Order of Appearance) Shakespeare: Macbeth I opened on a Macbeth quote (‘When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lighting, or in rain’) because I wanted to start with something immediately relatable. Most readers were introduced to more ‘dramatic’ plays through Macbeth. Beyond that, they were introduced to the concept of pathetic fallacy, which I think plays nicely with Tony as a character (a man who is CONSTANTLY imparting emotion onto inanimate objects…and then actually giving them their own emotions) and with one of the core problems in IM, which is deciding the emotions of others for them. I was hoping to get the ‘feel’ of that without having to lean too far into the actual concept. 
Bonus: I picked this quote in particular because of the importance of threes in Tony’s life (his core group of friends, iterations of the reactor, number of times reborn, his bot children VS his AI children, the number of lovers or almost lovers he has in the fic, etc). Milton: Paradise Lost ‘What is dark within me, illuminate!’ is a modernization of the original Milton quote ‘what is dark within me, illumine’ for readability. I actually feel a bit bad about changing this considering how many people think this is the original quote now. This wound up being a central (and title) quote somewhat by accident. I’m fond of it because of how much I liked a different one that I had originally wanted for Tony’s thoughts of the reactor: ‘yet from those flames, no light, but rather darkness visible’. I had originally wanted to start off on a sadder note, one that showed how much Tony hated losing his humanity, and so the flames of Hell and their physics-bending concept seemed thematically appropriate. I had always intended to eventually invert the imagery – instead of Extremis being (to Tony) flames capable of extinguishing light, the reactor would become a water-like blue light that couldn’t be choked or recreated by any of the shadows that pursued Tony in his life. I picked Milton SPECIFICALLY for the imagery of light and shadows. 
But, man, listen. Darkness visible is a great concept, but it’s also tired. It has, as you’ve noted, been discussed to death. So as I was reading ‘Milton’s darkness visible and Aeneid 7’ to refamiliarize myself with some of the broader themes attached to that particular piece of imagery, I wound up thinking about how to invert the darkness itself instead of the overall concept. The flames of Hell extinguish light instead of having to exist away from it. It is a bad that cannot be penetrated by good. 
Instead of chasing away shadows, which would be implied by shining a light ON them, the request Tony makes here is to actually invert the darkness - to have it illuminate in and of itself. It’s becoming something better instead of being removed or forgotten. On the flip side of that, the darkness within isn’t growing as light weakens, but rather under its own force. Two forces equal in nature and origin in a person. It’s a different take on lighting than the one most critics hammer home. Long ramble is long, but this was the basis for using that quote. It grew from there to have many different meanings, however the core has always remained. All in all I’m pleased with it.
EM Forster: A Room with a View Very forgiving even in its satirical takes on human nature. A lot of passages are very therapy-quotable in their urging to accept the inevitability of causing some harm in life. It plays on a lot of the same concepts with light being obvious metaphor for good and evil that Paradise Lost does, but softens them into more realistic shades of human existence. Isaac Asimov: Foundation Continuing on with themes of rigid morality vs the flexibility and romanticism of humanity, we have Asimov, master of machines and the three rules of robotics! There are lots of quotable epigrams in this beast. The quote pulled from this has two readings depending on what you assume of the man who has said it. If you see him as manipulative, there’s an insidious underpinning of killing off your own morals. If you see him as a kind man, then you could read it as foregoing morals in place of empathy. Tony’s therapist loves a very specific brand of double speak that lets Tony work through the conversation purely through interpretation. Tolstoy: Anna Karenina Tolstoy’s prose is lengthy...so so lengthy, but Anna Karenina is worth the read as long as you relate to at least one of its major characters. Frankly, I think you can choose to read a single character’s plot arc and leave it at that. It’s mostly a novel that is interesting, not because of its plot, but because of its study of relationship dynamics. Tolstoy was really invested in picking apart the idea of what makes a ‘family’ and, beyond that, what makes a class. It’s refreshing to see so much of the critique occurring within the lived experience of the characters instead of through a narrator or outside punishing moral forces. Baudelaire: Windows and Benediction I cannot recommend enough reading multiple translations of Baudelaire poems (fleursdumal.org has a wonderful array available). Benediction is a personal favourite. I love me some malevolence wrapped up in religion. Dante: The Divine Comedy There’s a lot of bleak humor in Dante if you look for it. Several interpretations insist of making each piece excessively grim dark, but faithful translations tend to have a hint of humor in them. It works well for engraving War Machine’s spine - a benediction and a mockery of human limitations. I try to pick quotes that not only fit the scene, but would still fit into the context of the grander themes from whence they came...unless I hate the author. Tennyson: The Lady of Shallot “I am sick of shadows” vs “I am half-sick of shadows”. Tony’s expressing more frustration here with being alone and his passive involvement in that loneliness. Another quote I feel vaguely bad about changing, haha. The Lady of Shallot is a very nice classical piece that I’m sad isn’t taught in schools alongside Hamlet. There are some nice Ophelia parallels here. I wanted a feminine influence on Tony’s loneliness and one that is somewhat youthful despite his age. Yeats: Vacillation I fucking hate Yeats as a person. That said, the man can write. The man can REALLY write. His pieces are almost always layered to the point of absurdity and he’s perfect to swiping quotes with multiple meanings. Definitely Tony’s kind of author. Goethe: Faust Speaks for itself and in the author’s notes on its reference.  Dostoyevsky: The Brothers Karamasov IMO a book that deserves all the acclaim of Anna Karenina and then some. Very VERY Russian in its ethical debates of, as always, religious morality vs free will. Also dips into familial struggles and patricide, because it wouldn’t be a Russian classic if it didn’t contain some deeply buried bitter resentment towards paternalism. I’m going off-script here, but this is a fucking excellent book. I don’t really have words for how much I enjoy how Dostoyevsky explores the concepts that he does. Shakespeare: Julius Ceasar Shakespeare: Twelfth Night Twelfth Night deserves more credit for its development and maintenance of an enigma. Twelfth Night has charisma in spades both because of and in spite of the exceedingly petty actions of some of its characters. It is also a refreshingly simple take on love for the sake of it. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Stephen King: Lisey’s Story I consider Lisey’s Story to be the best of King’s work. The man has his obvious writing ticks and his even more obvious issues as an author. Lisey’s Story contains many of them, but navigates them far better than any of his other work. The monster here is all in the mind and is too vast to truly see or understand. It’s perfectly representative of a creeping sense of inescapable horror. It was fun to flip it on its head with a reference here – Tony isn’t terrified of dying, but he is terrified of his inescapable enjoyment of Bucky’s company. Maria’s family saying is inspired by Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass Armitage: The Death of King Arthur A genuinely fantastic classic tale of heroism, filled with all the drama, tragedy, and sacrifice that you’d expect with strongly feminine undertones. I’m a sucker for this kind of thing. TS Eliot: The Wasteland Excellent piece of poetry with many layered meanings and dual interpretations. I can’t really articulate my thoughts on The Wasteland, but I reference an essay at the end of this list that does that for me. Oedipus Rex Rupert Brooke: Safety Not directly quoted but obscurely referenced through Bucky and Tony’s war conversations + Bucky’s conversation about, you got it, being ‘safe’ with his therapist. His poetry is about WWI and is, largely, idealistic. Safety is…not quite an exception to that. His other poetry contains a certain sense of honour and duty, whereas safety, maintaining a seemingly light tone, has nothing of the sort. It is safety in the soul – something untouchable by the horrors of war or death. It treats that as a ‘house’, which leant itself to the article Tony send Bucky. Armine Wodehouse: Before Ginchy Not directly quoted but obscurely referenced through Bucky and Tony’s war conversations + Bucky’s conversations with his therapist. This is also WWI poetry, though far darker than Brooke’s work. It discusses the parts of the heart and soul soldiers lose. It is an extremely good piece AND references Dante’s Inferno. I had to work it in somewhere even if I didn’t want to directly quote it. Meyer and Brysac: Tournament of Shadows Referenced several times over in discussion of war, the great game, and British military history. Beautifully self-aware account of Britain’s insistence on rewriting history after the fact and the tiny hilariously embarrassing moving pieces that shaped what is often considered the heyday of espionage. Murakami: Kafka on the Shore I love Murakami’s response to questions about understanding the novel as a whole. There are no solutions, only riddles presented, and through their interaction the possibility of a solution takes place. It’s a great lens through which to view the book and individual passages taken out of it. Reminds me of The Wasteland having to be read in totality before you can begin picking it apart, after which each individual piece can be read of its own. Kafka on the Shore, with its musings on the uncertainty of fate and redemption, was the perfect book to outline Tony’s horrifying realization, which he is desperately suppressing, that he might be coming to accept Bucky’s feelings. This quote in particular, while I would’ve used it anyway, is also a great callback to the first chapter and its storms. Chapter 29 is a turning point. Beyond it there are some intentional quote contrasts that are probably more easter eggs than they are anything else. Yeats: A Dialogue of Self and Soul Great contrast with Vacillation. Some parts of self and soul are used in that poem and thematically they are connected and contrasted - self and heart vs self and soul. The symbolism and imagery in Vacillation is really on point and layered, but Self and Soul is peak Yeats for its reversal of the typical ‘the soul is pure and bluntly honest and the body is tainted and bad’ in Christian works. Also Self and Soul’s broader context is scrumptious considering the debate poems history of relying on divine forgiveness and lack thereof instead of on forgiveness of the self. 
It was fun to give this poem a double meaning in IM as both hugely ominous and ultimately pointing to the later forgiveness Tony receives from himself through the divine (if the soul stone can be called that) in the heavens (space!). There’s also another fun twist to ‘who can distinguish darkness from the soul’ in its contrast with ‘what is dark within me, illuminate’. To take that a step further, Vacillation was the beginning of the path of forgiveness for Bucky (understanding Tony’s heart…somewhat literally as he slowly gets closer and closer to the reactor itself), while Self and Soul is a final step (re: Bucky being presented the final hurdle of Tony deciding to move forward alone). Hermann Hesse: Siddhartha Hesse is wonderfully blunt at times. I gotta admit I love German takes on spiritual self-discovery because they always seem to tend towards much more straightforward answers than other countries. Hesse’s relationship with Buddhism in literature vs his lived experience is also really intriguing. Anyway, Siddhartha, in its humanizing of Gods, is wonderful contrast to the consistent imagery of the untouchable and unknowable forces of good and evil in previously quoted works. It has stopped bringing humanity to the divine and has started placing the divine within humanity. Emily Wilson’s translation of the Odyssey One of the ultimate poetic epics. Now that we are nearing the end, I’m going overtime with making the grander themes of this whole piece hit home. A lot of IM was built on a foundation of poetic epics, of heroism, and a bit of Greek tragedy. The Odyssey embodies all of those things beautifully. It also suited Thor too well to pass up. Yeats: An Irish Airman Forsees His Death Ah, Yeats. Very blatant foreshadowing here that is keeping with the foreshadowing from Self and Soul. Fate has, up till this point, been a bit of a question. It has been ‘when will it come to me’ and ‘how will I avoid or overcome it’. Now fate is a set point. It is knowable and present. ‘I know I shall meet my fate, somewhere among the clouds above’. This goes for the true onset of Infinity War and for Tony’s feelings towards Bucky – when he had no one, he allowed Bucky in after essentially promising himself he wouldn’t. If that’s not an accidental admittance of love, nothing is. Henley: Invictus Absolutely fantastic poem. Continuing with the heavy fate themes coming into this climax. Now that Tony knows his fate, truly knows it, he is choosing to take it on directly. Agamemnon (Anne Carson’s Traslation if you prefer a more modern language approach, Lattimore is you prefer a classic) Agamemnon is forgotten all too often in the world of poetic epics and it’s a damn shame. I cannot say enough good things about it. I always wanted to use lines from Agamemnon in a Tony fic because the Cassandra parallels were too perfect to resist. The chorus in this play was also a perfect narrative device for interacting with something of a hive mind. Yeats: The Wanderings of Oisin Another poetic epic. Nice contrast with The Odyssey, The Death of King Arthur, and Agamemnon. Here the dialogue is between an aged hero and a saint looking into the hero’s past. It has the kind of reflective and aged mood necessary for this stage of the story, but is actually a poem I sortof hate. The line ‘And a softness came from the starlight, and filled me full to the bone’ is absolutely gorgeous, though. Some final inspiration pieces:
The Penelopiad 
The Iliad 
House of Leaves (for surrealism in the final chapters) 
Dante at Verona (used in an author’s note as an intentional jab at the dull uninspired nature of the this particular take on Dante. Repurposed quote, essentially) 
a broke machine just blowin’ steam by themikeymonster (great character study of Bucky) 
Frank Kermode’s essay “Eliot and the Shudder” (inspiration behind Tony’s entire interaction with literature)
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dustlnds · 4 years
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part three of rylan’s many idiots, meet your resident manic pixie dream girl natalie cassadaga! + more info, wanted connections. / @redridgeimp​
name: natalie jennifer valentine cassadaga nicknames: nat, nati, tiger (mostly reserved for damien) age: 29 ethnicity: white gender/pronouns: cis female, she/her sexual/romantic orientation: pansexual/panromantic been in red ridge for: seven years occupation: tattoo artist (at home), waitress (blue hill diner) affiliation: valencia, despite her unwillingness to admit it. as they helped her get a life in red ridge after fleeing las vegas through the person of damien kingsley, they’ve been holding this unspoken contract over her head for quite a while, demanding her help in the form of tattoos (she’s responsible for most of the v’s tattooed on the bodies of valencia members), nursing care (often dropping people who need to be stitched up / nursed at her place, since it’s so off the map), or carrying merch/goods across town. (might be, also, that the day after damien told her hey, you’re clean now, she felt the shadow self in her latch onto her vices, her filth, and when she asked someone in valencia for a dose she knew they’d hold it over her head, but she did it anyway. now a small brown bag containing her shame is hidden in a box beneath her bed: and that, like the way valencia shows up at her step every other week, is a reminder that perhaps she can’t ever be free). positive traits:  spontaneous, empathic, selfless, good spirited, kind, protective, creative, resourceful, spiritual. negative traits:  impulsive, naive, resentful, cowardly, self-destructive, insecure, frightened, weak.
(WARNINGS for substance abuse, drug abuse, overdosing).
las vegas, nv, 2001. at ten she’s a spark begging to be ignited. a kid with a bright imagination, but her parents aren’t happy. school is hard for the girl who’ll spend hours covering textbooks in flowers — why should two plus two matter, she thinks, when i can make the paper bloom into whole gardens, full of creatures staring back at me, when i can create my own world? her parents have never been the kind to waste their days daydreaming. they look at their youngest daughter and think: where does she take it? all this carefree passion of hers, where does it come from? she lacks her father’s disposition for numbers, how clinically pristine they look when lined up one after the other, and how satisfying they feel when preceded by a plus sign on a bank invoice. she has none of her mother’s backbone, the way she carries herself as if pure, molten gold flew into her veins — staring everyone down, making herself taller. she seems to only have eyes for fleeting things, mundane passions: for her colors, for the music of a guitar, for the way the desert sand blows into her hair at sundown. come a couple years, all she has eyes of is the boy playing his guitar among the wrecks of a car parts graveyard — says his name is elvis and she knows that isn’t true, but in las vegas, somehow, you can make yourself be whoever you want to be. she smiles, and says her name is tiger instead: in another life, perhaps, she was fierce and with a bite.
las vegas, nv, 2008. at seventeen she’s golden spotlights on the vegas strip. atomic bomb waiting to explode, all summer glare and midnight rides into nowhere: it’s her and elvis in his daddy’s car and it feels like they could conquer the world, if they wanted. he sings to her, she dances for him, characters straight out of a ‘50s song, loaded with a naivety that tastes like the american dream. no time for overbearing parents, no attention paid in school: it’s just them, skin on skin, flowers blooming from her fingers in spray paint over abandoned buildings. this could last forever, she thinks, she begs, she prays: a life like this could last forever. (a life like this drains the best of her). elvis was born to be a king like his namesake, and he’s got dreams of fame and glory that don’t contemplate her presence. street artists never become rockstars, and she has time for nothing more than the creatures lunging out of her fingers, onto the paper. she’s skin and bones, ink and notes, like she could live off of music and drawings alone — and him, always him, a golden god, a forbidden hymn. the night he signs his first record deal she grabs her inks and her needles — tattoes a present on his skin, a crown for the king to be. and as she draws, she prays: that their dreams can be true, that this is not a happy chorus in a ballad, but a rock opera, a discography for the ages to come. she prays for him like a beggar at an altar: and maybe there’s magic in that crown she tattoos, there’s truth in the prayer she pours into it. he wins his dreams and leaves her behind: prayers always require sacrifices.
somewhere in nevada, 2013. at twenty-two she’s broken lightbulbs under strangers’ feet. she’s shards of glass she could cut people with, but it’s herself she harms; see, elvis’ gone but there’s tons of friends in his place. there’s mary jane, addy, crystal, lucy and all her diamonds. vegas is a wonderland, a new high hidden ‘round every corner, and kind people willing to hand ‘em out like candy to an hazy, improvised alice — the drawings grow darker now, shadows with caved-in eyes and hollow chests. the colors don’t come the way they used to, and when they do they all look like a shade of nightmares — blood red, nausea green, despair blue. she looks for answers in his songs: on the radio, in her mind, she swears he still sings about her. has to follow him to the middle of the desert, to a festival where he stands on a stage and people swear he looks just like the real thing, the king himself. she doesn’t see him, though, but a hole where all her strength used to be, the us against the world turned into the open jaws of a ravenous monster: us against the world, and then the world collapses. wonderland turns to the land of nightmares, and the needle, it is her salvation — down the rabbit hole, she thinks, and someone must come out on the other side. either her, or the ghost of her. either her, or her evil turned to flesh. there is no rabbit hole but a town called red ridge. there is no white rabbit but a man — a good man, a honest man, with an inclination to fixing broken things. he helps her up to her fit, treats her alike his daughter and his sister, and when he begins asking her to help fix the remains of a broken car, she begins to wonder whether he isn’t trying to fix her, too. sometimes he calls her tiger and she remembers when she fancied herself a wild and untamed thing, escaping cages, just following her instincts. under the heat of the south-west sun, she smiles. maybe all tigers were lost creatures at first.
red ridge, nv, 2020. at twenty-nine she’s neon gas begging to be lit up. there’s a tiger on her forearm, hides the scars of a previous life. there’s always ink under her fingernails, sometimes it seems it shines in the dark. red ridge has become her home; damien, lyla, rowan: her familt. the car she’d begun to fix with the man who helped her now has been colored bright pink and bears the name of flamingo, and she rides it out in the desert letting it add to the spirit in her heart — wild, untamed, free. her family becomes red ridge, becomes the darkenss of it too. she’s made herself a home in the sand: an old garage, turned inside out, now overflowing with flowers and colors, sparkling gems and drawings hanging at every corner — and a canary, otis, that sings her to sleep every night. she’s called it dustland, a sort of mythical place at the edge of red ridge, into the nothing, willing to welcome all the broken, all the wounded and the lost. but she loses herself too, now and then. at times she looks past the profiles of houses and buildings, and knows there’s a den of coyotes hiding among the ranks of valencia, which hold the key to that rabbit hole she once lost herself in. at night, when the desert gets cold and her bones don’t feel anything like a tiger’s — she swears she can hear the coyotes howl, beckoning. one night she caves in, asks them for a dose: she keeps it under her bed, lets it become her shame, and to avoid that secret getting out she helps the coyotes out anytime they ask. sometimes she feels she’s falling apart again. when she does, she turns to the ink to remind herself of how life was drained out of all shades, because of the needles in her arm. sometimes it’s enough to keep her breathing to the night. sometimes.
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douxreviews · 6 years
The Matrix (1999) Review
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[This review includes spoilers.]
"Throughout human history, we have been dependent on machines to survive. Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony."
I saw this movie in the theater, with no idea what was coming. And it just blew me away.
Our hero is an everyday grunt, like most of us. Thomas A. Anderson (about as generic an American name as you can get) works in a cubicle during the day, and as a hacker who calls himself "Neo," he searches fruitlessly for the truth on his computer every night. When Neo jumps down the rabbit hole and finally "wakes up," he discovers that it is so much worse than he ever could have imagined: the real world is an environmental horror, humanity is enslaved and machines have taken over. (There are numerous clues in the opening scenes that Neo's world is unreal -- Switch even calls him "coppertop" -- but I still didn't see the reveal coming that first time.)
The existence of a savior who can work miracles and save the world injects religious mysticism into the story as a counterpoint to the all-powerful machines, who come off as demonic and evil and a lot more emotional than one might expect. (Near the end of the movie, Agent Smith acts very human with Morpheus, telling him that humans are a virus, talking about how they stink and how much he hates them.) As Neo fights the good fight and absorbs training that will allow him to manipulate reality within the Matrix, he eventually comes to believe what Morpheus tells him -- that he, Neo, is the chosen one who will free humanity. Neo's acceptance of his own reality and destiny is the key to his control of the Matrix in the final scenes on the subway platform.
Just the look of The Matrix is spectacular. Actually, of course, it's two distinct looks so that you always know where you are (a terrific visual device used recently in the series Awake). Every scene that takes place within the Matrix has a green cast with a background pattern of grids and vertical lines, accented with interesting pops of red that symbolize the imprisoned people. When we finally see the human "batteries," they are industrial towers of green with bits of red that represent the humans trapped in the pods. Some of the cinematography in this movie is just stunning -- the lines of green rain cascading down, the stream of bullet casings from the helicopter, the checkerboard floor in the stairwell, Neo and Trinity in the elevator shaft, the slomo "bullet time" scene on the roof. I have always particularly liked the sequence where our heroes are stuck inside the walls, which was filmed as if they were trapped between lines of computer code.
In contrast, when we finally see the real world, it is dominated by blues and browns, and even though there is a lot of machinery, the shapes are more organic. Morpheus and his crew wear ragged, stained clothing. It's not beautiful like the Matrix, but it's real. What fun that we get juicy red steak in the Matrix, and colorless cereal that looks like snot in the real world. Life is hard, man.
Keanu Reeves works quite well as Neo; the role is a good fit for his exceptional physical beauty and somewhat wooden acting style. Carrie-Anne Moss and Laurence Fishburne both do well as Trinity and Morpheus. For me, though, the standouts are definitely Joe Pantoliano as the despicable Cypher, Gloria Foster as the Oracle, and especially Hugo Weaving as Agent Smith. Weaving's interpretation of his character is so memorable -- the controlled gestures and precise diction with extended consonants ("... and you help your landlady carry out her garbaggggge"). Love him.
If The Matrix has a weakness (for me, anyway), it's the overemphasis on superfighting and guns. Yes, they were Hollywood game-changers and they were impressive to watch the first time, but the battles -- especially the shoot-em-up in the building lobby -- get a bit old. I think the concentration on action sequences (even bigger! even longer!) instead of on the story were what made the sequels a failure. There were a couple of logic problems, too. If the machines kept humans alive by liquifying the dead for food, why was Neo flushed but not killed? How could Neo pour machine gun fire into the room where they were holding Morpheus, and not hit him?
And of course, there's the reverse feminist journey of Trinity, who starts out as Wonder Woman in the fabulous opening sequence and ends up as Superman's girlfriend, or possibly Mary Magdalene. She even brings Neo back to life with a fairytale kiss. Oh, well.
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-- The names of the characters are great fun and have meaning: Neo (Greek for "new"), Morpheus, Trinity, Cypher, Switch, Zion, and so on. Neo works at a software company called Metacortex. Morpheus's ship is called Nebuchadnezzar. Love that the two "real" brothers are called Tank and Dozer.
-- The story began and ended at "The Heart of the City" Motel. Most of the places in the movie don't have names.
-- Loved the chase through the cubicles, ending with Neo not quite able to throw himself out of a window. It's no coincidence that the agents look like FBI. Do we resent authority, perhaps?
-- I really liked that the connection to reality was an old land line telephone.
-- There are numerous references to Alice in Wonderland and the white rabbit. Neo even puts his fingers through the looking glass, and we see double reflections of Neo in Morpheus's dark glasses as well as in the spoon. In the Oracle's apartment, the movie on the TV was Night of the Lepus, the one with the killer bunnies.
-- The only colorful place in the Matrix is the Oracle's kitchen. It's still mostly green so it isn't jarring, but there is yellow and orange as well as the pops of red.
-- The guy who knocked on the door called Neo his "own personal Jesus Christ," in case we didn't realize Neo was a Christ figure.
-- It's just so much fun that deja vu is a glitch in the Matrix. What a great detail.
Neo: "You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?" Choi: "All the time. It's called mescaline. It's the only way to fly."
Morpheus: "The pill you took is part of a trace program. It's designed to disrupt your input output carrier signal so we can pinpoint your location." Neo: "What does that mean?" Cypher: "It means fasten your seat belt Dorothy, 'cause Kansas is going bye-bye."
Cypher: "I know what you're thinking, because right now I'm thinking the same thing. Actually, I've been thinking it ever since I got here. Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill?"
Child: "Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth." Neo: "What truth?" Child: "There is no spoon."
Agent Smith: "You hear that, Mister Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability."
The Matrix effectively addressed that feeling we all have at times that life is unreal and meaningless, that we're all being controlled, cogs in a machine whose purpose we don't know. The sequels may have been ultimately unsatisfying (I'm not going to review the sequels), but The Matrix deserves its reputation as an exceptional science fiction movie.
Four out of four spoons.
Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.
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bad-draft-stuff · 3 years
c. AU 7
Arsé-kun:-Sunday, October 31st- Sheepy: Grif: The time has come. The day of reckoning. Arsé-kun: Kay: *leaning out of his room* Can't wait for things to go wrong. Sheepy: Grif: This will be the day where the barrier is the weakest. Therefore, we will have more nonhumans today than any other day. Sheepy: Grif: By the way, reapers have a tendency to go around and torment people for fun today. Maybe this year they'll attempt swapping souls between bodies as a prank. Arsé-kun: Kay: But are you ready? Sheepy: Grif: I am ready... for Hollow-weed. Arsé-kun: Kay: ... Sheepy: Grif: I am not used to wearing costumes. Please do not laugh at how I look. Arsé-kun: Kay: Well, here I come to judge you. Arsé-kun: *Kay comes out, wearing his full Alice costume. He doesn't look confident, but it DOES fit* Sheepy: *Grif is wearing his costume. Kay gets a rare sight of the Jaufrewocky! Arsé-kun: Kay: ... So I had no idea what a jabberwocky actually looked like until now Sheepy: Grif: Jabberwocky... Sheepy: Grif: Is it a type of dragon? Arsé-kun: Kay: Kind of? Arsé-kun: Yog: *helpfully* It is often depicted as a monster similar to a dragon. John Tenniel's original illustration depicts it with a long serpentine neck, rabbit-like teeth, spidery talons, bat-like wings and, as a humorous touch, a waistcoat. In the 2010 film version of Alice in Wonderland it is shown with large back legs, small dinosaur-like front legs, and on the ground it uses its wings as front legs like a pterosaur, and it breathes out lightning flashes rather than flame. Many people today represent it as a dragon, so I suppose it is. Sheepy: Grif:..... Sheepy: Grif:..........? Sheepy: Grif: Paimon, define pterosaur. Arsé-kun: Yog: Noun. a fossil flying reptile of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, with membranous wings supported by a greatly lengthened fourth finger. Sheepy: Grif:.... Sheepy: Grif: Kay, Kay. Let's fight a pterosaur. Arsé-kun: Kay: Dinosaurs are extinct. Sheepy: Grif: Extinct...?! Sheepy: Grif: I am too late to fight one...! Arsé-kun: Yog: Under normal circumstances, yes. Sheepy: Grif: But the possibility still remains? Arsé-kun: Yog: I'd need to personally enable it if someone older did not. Sheepy: Bedi: Are we talking about Jurassic Park? Sheepy: Bedi: If you want to view a real Jurassic Park, you can go to an aviary. Arsé-kun: Kay: Don't say that to Grif. He'll expect lizards. Sheepy: *Bedi is wearing a nice vest, with bonus bunny ears + tail! He's early, he's early, for a very important appointment* Sheepy: Grif: Dinosaurs... are lizards? Arsé-kun: Kay: What did you think they were?? Sheepy: Grif:....Dragons? Sheepy: Bedi: There's actually evidence towards them being covered in feathers. Sheepy: Bedi: The dinosaurs we see on TV are based on the skeleton, but if you look at a hippo or penguin's skeleton, you'd see why this approach isn't necessarily accurate. Sheepy: Grif: Where are we going for Halloween? Arsé-kun: Kay: Can't say. Can't check my phone if I ain't got it. Sheepy: Bedi: We're meeting up with everyone else, right? Arsé-kun: *Merlin busts into scene with full Cheshire costume on, and his entire bag of ghost searching gear. oh no.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: NYAA Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, you want to hunt ghosts! Arsé-kun: Merlin: When don't I? Arsé-kun: *Arthur leans through the wall to stare at this* Sheepy: Bedi: Hmm... When you're sleeping? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Fair enough! Sheepy: Bedi: Or when you're done hunting ghosts. Sheepy: Bedi: At that point, you've fulfilled your want to hunt ghosts. Sheepy: Aru: *she pokes her head in* Why are you hunting ghosts? We already have one here. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I just think they're neat! Sheepy: Aru: If you use a ouija board, you can summon many ghosts. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Absolutely not! Sheepy: Aru: If you do it in a graveyard, you can summon even more. Arsé-kun: Merlin: How are you alive? Sheepy: Aru: I haven't done these things! Sheepy: Aru: Teacher told me not to. Sheepy: Aru: ... Arsé-kun: Kay: So no frenchman summoning board, gotcha. Sheepy: Aru: ... But in theory, if I have before, you can't tell Teacher. Arsé-kun: Kay: How do you do all this stuff and not die? I look at the offpath and get my shit kicked in. Sheepy: Aru: Huh? Arsé-kun: Kay: You go offpath, you handle dangerous stuff, you fuckin' handle ghosts like it's normal apparently, how? Sheepy: Aru: Because I'm nice to people. Arsé-kun: Kay: Well, nevermind, goal unachievable. Sheepy: Aru: If you work on it, you can achieve anything! Arsé-kun: Kay: Fuck off with that, you tryin' to give me diabetus? Sheepy: Aru: And my goal is to be a good wielder of the sword. But I tried to speak to someone who'd know better than anyone, and, well... I got the wrong ghost on the ouija board. Sheepy: Aru: But it's okay! I contacted the right one eventually! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yeah? And then what happened?? *he is Intrigued* Sheepy: Aru: Well, the one I wanted to talk to was Arthur... Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... What is an "Ouija"? Sheepy: Aru: It's a ghost summoning device! Kinda. You can talk to ghosts through it. Sheepy: Aru: I didn't know you were in the sword, so I tried talking to you through one. I got 12 at one point instead. Arsé-kun: Merlin: How? Was he makin' a call too? Sheepy: Aru: I don't know. Sheepy: Aru: But the thing is, ouija boards are toys on the kid aisle, so you have to wonder... Do they want kids summoning ghosts? Arsé-kun: Yog: Ouija boards have been marketed as children's toys, yes, despite the movie created being very much not child friendly. Human hypocrisy strikes again. Sheepy: Aru: Movie? Sheepy: Bedi: You know, I have the perfect idea for a ouija board movie. Sheepy: Bedi: "Barbie's Magic Ouija Board". Combine two popular children's toys into one! Arsé-kun: Merlin: That's downright awful. I'd buy three. Sheepy: Bedi: Barbie buys a sparkly pink ouija board only to find that it's already possessed by a princess, and the two go off to find the prince. Sheepy: Bedi: That's how the Barbie movies usually go, right? Sheepy: Aru: Anyway, it's dangerous to mess wih, because you don't know who'll be on the other end. Arsé-kun: Kay: Sounds like it. Lets not fuck with that. Arsé-kun: Merlin: It's more like death insurance Sheepy: Aru: Yes! Sheepy: Aru: Death insurance... Sheepy: Bedi: Doesn't life insurance usually insure people's deaths in movies? Sheepy: Bedi: It's the #1 reason people get murdered in movies it seems like. Arsé-kun: Kay: I thought the #1 was crazy killer. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, yes. Sheepy: Bedi: Top five? Arsé-kun: Kay: Don't ask me. You know I don't watch em. Sheepy: Bedi: Crazy killer... love rivalry... revenge... money... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Plot device. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, that's the fifth one. Sheepy: Aru: Oh, Arthur! You haven't seen movies before, have you? Sheepy: Aru: They've made a ton about you! Arsé-kun: Arthur: I have not.... But that is concerning. Sheepy: Aru: The most popular one is a comedy. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Distressing. Sheepy: Aru: There's another one that's a musical. Kay's portrayed as a brute and you're portrayed as a child trying to find his way in life. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'm back from Bermuda and the 21st century~ Sheepy: Aru: I'm not sure if it's more fitting than the comedy or not, considering you imitate riding a horse and get insulted by Frenchmen in the comedy. Arsé-kun: Arthur: That is oddly specific. Sheepy: Aru: Well, it's hard to describe a lot of things in the movie because it's mostly things you haven't seen before. Sheepy: Aru: Beddy knows of it and felt that Bors being decapitated by a rabbit was, quote, "classic Sir Bors"... Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... I am inclined to agree with that statement. Sheepy: Aru: Poor Bors... Sheepy: Aru: I guess you'll eventually see these movies anyway. Sheepy: Aru: Bedi and Merlin like watching them regularly. Arsé-kun: Merlin: We do! But not tonight! Sheepy: Aru: Oh, have you seen him in Shrek? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yes! But the first and second are still way better. Sheepy: Aru: Can you imagine the Knights of the Round Table talking to a talking donkey? Arsé-kun: Arthur: That would not be the strangest occurance. Sheepy: Aru: Really? Arsé-kun: Arthur: We had a shapeshifter in our ranks, so yes. Sheepy: Aru: Well, I guess the weirdest King Arthur related thing to you would be Avalon High, then... Sheepy: Aru: I guess we'll have to introduce these to you later. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Caaaan't waaaaiiiit. Sheepy: Aru: But first, Halloween! You can join us! You fit in really well! Sheepy: Bedi: I'll message the group to ask about their meeting place. Sheepy: Bedi: [chat] Where are we meeting? Arsé-kun: Lot: [chat] Not the haunted house. The place is flooded and I feel bad for the actual ghost that lives there. Sheepy: Bedi: [chat] What's a good alternative? Sheepy: Lucan: [chat] i wonder if the headless guy is the headless horseman for halloween Sheepy: Bedi: Lot recommends against the haunted house. Lucan asked about the headless ghost. Arsé-kun: Merlin: OOOOH, that one's even rarer! Sheepy: Bedi: Maybe we should hunt for it. Sheepy: Aru:...headless ghost? Sheepy: Bedi: He doesn't have a head, right? Sheepy: Bedi: So maybe he'd be looking at hats. Sheepy: Bedi: After all, people use hats to hide a bald spot, right? And not having a head is a pretty big bald spot. Arsé-kun: Merlin: So what you're saying is he'd blend in with everyone else! Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, exactly. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Shit! We'd better wait for later tonight then. Sheepy: Bedi: In theory, we could use Lobo to sniff him out. Sheepy: Bedi: But Lobo... he's probably preoccupied right now, right? Sheepy: Bedi: Consider all the people visiting the haunted house. All of those people, capable of petting him or showering him with attention. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Oh yeah, Lobo's off the list for sure. Sheepy: Bedi: It's hard to imagine he's anything other than a normal dog. Sheepy: Grif: He likes clamping onto my arm and then chewing on it. Sheepy: Grif: Very cute... Arsé-kun: Kay: On what fucking planet is a giant Clifford-adjacent blue bitch normal? Sheepy: Aru: It might be a good idea for you to avoid Lobo, Arthur. Sheepy: Aru: Crow has mentioned to me before that he's supposed to locate and collect souls who won't pass. Sheepy: Bedi: It's tough to decide where to meet everyone, considering our target will probably only be obvious at night. Sheepy: Bedi: In the meantime, we could hunt around in Zann for the ghost that lives there. Arsé-kun: Kay: In Zann? *thinking* Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, I heard of a ghost there. Arsé-kun: Kay: ... Sure, may as well check it out. Sheepy: Bedi: Great! I'll send out a message to everyone. Sheepy: Bedi: [chat] Let's meet at Zann to ghost hunt. Arsé-kun: Lot: [chat] Rev up your Merlin, we're going ghostbustering Sheepy: Bedi: [chat] He's very ready. Arsé-kun: *vibrating cheshire.mp4* Sheepy: Bedi: It seems we're meeting at the Zann building, then! Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... I have a question. Sheepy: Aru: Yes? Arsé-kun: Arthur: Would my presence cause the search to go awry? Sheepy: Aru: I don't know very much about ghosts... but if it will, we can go somewhere else! Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin, do you know? Arsé-kun: Merlin: uhhhhhhhh Arsé-kun: Merlin: Maybe? I've never gotten this far Sheepy: Bedi: Unfortunate... I guess we should assume not until proven otherwise. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I understand. Should I remain outside when we leave? Sheepy: Bedi: It's up to you. I don't think it'll impact things too much if you're inside or outside. Arsé-kun: Arthur: My presence will not attract attention? Sheepy: Grif: There is worse lurking in the Zann building. Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... I see. I will still try to not stand out. Sheepy: Grif: You won't stand out. You're normal compared to some of the things on this campus, and most people have gotten used to those things. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Ah. Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... Am I? Sheepy: Aru: Yup! Arsé-kun: Arthur: Hate that. Perhaps I will ask for an explanation of the current government on the way. Sheepy: Aru: Monarchies are basically a thing of the past. That's why the sword doesn't really hold that much in the way of importance. Sheepy: Aru: Of course, in the event it ever does actually need to have its purpose fulfilled, well... ... It's kinda clear that after all of these years, it's gotten confused and a little rusty when it comes to picking people. But okay, I'll tell you about the current government on the way! Sheepy: Aru: But as a start... knights aren't really the knights you're used to anymore. Sheepy: Aru: For example, popular authors, actors, and musicians may end up being knighted if they're from England. Sheepy: Aru: However, other than the title, I don't think they get any benefits, and they generally don't carry swords. Sheepy: Aru: They just continue creating art. Arsé-kun: Arthur: What... What does that accomplish?! Sheepy: Aru: It's nothing more than a tradition, I guess. Sheepy: Aru: Your knights are usually just portrayed in fantasy. They're a symbol of unachievable romance and adventure that can only be seen in fiction. Arsé-kun: *Arthur looks bitter* Arsé-kun: Arthur: .... And we've been left behind. Sheepy: Aru: E...eh?! But I don't know where Zann is!! Sheepy: Aru: Maybe if we rush, we can still catch up!! Sheepy: *Aru rushes outside!* Arsé-kun: *And Arthur gets dragged along like a toy on a string. poor king* Sheepy: *Aru, unfortunately, is panicked and doesn't notice Arthur's state...* Arsé-kun: *Arthur accepts his fate* Sheepy: Aru: Ah...! I can still see Merlin! Arsé-kun: Arthur: That obnoxious color has a use after all. Sheepy: Aru: It really makes him stand out! Sheepy: Bedi: *he stops and turns, looking over at Arthur and Aru* Oh? I was concerned you'd changed your mind and weren't coming at the last minute. Sheepy: Grif: As to be expected from a king. He can have an audience of 0 people. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Do not unperson my attendant. Sheepy: Grif: An audience of one person... Sheepy: Aru: Oh, Arthur! You haven't met most of our friends. Today will change that! Arsé-kun: Arthur: They're not all named after prior knights, are they...? Sheepy: Aru:....Ummm... Arsé-kun: Arthur: why Sheepy: Aru: Their names really do fit... Sheepy: Bedi: Ah... in the case of my brother and me, I suppose it's due to the fact that we're descended from the original. However, I have heard that the Knights of the Round Table were popular around when we were all born, thus resulting in many of us having knight related names. Arsé-kun: Arthur: And the Merlin is a self-contained case. This may annoy me briefly, but I will try to not let it cloud my judgment. Sheepy: Aru: Gawain is a jock and Tristan cries all the time. Arsé-kun: Arthur: So this Gawain is lower intelligence and Tristan is a child. I see. Sheepy: Aru: I don't think unintelligent fits Gawain so much as... hmmm... Sheepy: Aru:...Really bad at everything that doesn't just rely on brute strength? Arsé-kun: Kay: Slutty, slutty himbo man. Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... I do not know this word. Explain. Sheepy: Aru: How do I put it... Arsé-kun: Kay: Big sad but all the time. Why bother doing things, you're too sad. Sheepy: Aru: Well, you're really tired and don't have much energy. You ache and feel irritable... Sheepy: Aru:...And what Kay said, too! Arsé-kun: Arthur: I understand. So trying to deal with my terrible son in a nutshell. Sheepy: Aru: Ummm... I guess so. Sheepy: Aru: But sometimes there isn't really any reason for it. It's, umm... Sheepy: Aru: ...Your own body making you feel that way, and even if you're surrounded by happy things, it might not really help. In fact, it might just make you feel worse because you should be able to enjoy these things, but you can't, and it's out of your control. Sheepy: Aru: I think that's how it is, anyway! Arsé-kun: Kay: Sounds right. Fuckin sucks. Sheepy: Bedi: Agravain is cold on the outside and a kind, warmhearted soul on the inside. Sheepy: Bedi: He doesn't let it show, but he's constantly fretting about everyone. Arsé-kun: Arthur: The most accurate so far. Sheepy: Bedi: My brother, Lucan, is similar, but he has the tendency to push himself too hard trying to serve others while hiding his pain the whole time. Arsé-kun: Arthur: And we return to being dissimilar thankfully. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, he mostly stays at the hospital. Arsé-kun: Arthur: That is terrible. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I will try to behave. Sheepy: Bedi:....? Arsé-kun: Arthur: But please tell me no one is named after my son. Sheepy: Bedi: Gawain has two siblings named after your son. Arsé-kun: Arthur: .... I can no longer guarantee that I will behave if either are present. Sheepy: Aru: Oh, Mordred and Merdaut! I'm friends with them! Mordred's kind of a delinquent but Merdaut's more introverted. Sheepy: Aru: But let's not beat them up, okay? They haven't committed any war crimes yet. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I doubt I would be able to anyway. Sheepy: Aru: If you think hard about it, you might be able to make contact with things! Sheepy: Bedi: Imagine such thoughts popping into your mind as you're going through a wall. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I'd like to not do this, thank you anyway. Sheepy: Bedi: Would you leave part of yourself behind until you realize it? Would it do anything? Sheepy: Aru: You think about scary things. Arsé-kun: Kay: what the fuck bedi Sheepy: Bedi: Well, I was just wondering. Arsé-kun: Kay: Wait, no, you're allowed. *imitates Bedi badly* oh SHOOT I forgot my arm! Sheepy: Bedi: Some days, it slips my mind. Arsé-kun: Kay: Your head would slip your damn shoulders if it wasn't attached. Sheepy: Bedi: I suppose everything would slip from its place if it wasn't attached. Sheepy: Bedi: Or... wait, that was an insult, wasn't it? Arsé-kun: Kay: It was! Good job! You noticed I was teasing you for once! Sheepy: Bedi: I'm finally catching on... Arsé-kun: *Kay claps a hand onto Bedi's shoulder, good work friend!* Sheepy: Aru: Basically everything that comes out of Kay's mouth is an obscenity or an insult unless proven otherwise. Arsé-kun: Kay: ....... Well, there went most of my things to say. Sheepy: Aru: It's true, isn't it? Arsé-kun: Kay: Hell yeah it is. Sheepy: Aru: Oh, we forgot someone on the list of people named after the Arthurian stories. Sheepy: Aru: Arturia's friend, Guinevere. She's really tall and pretty! I've met her a few times and she's fun to be around. Sheepy: Grif: Yes... very tall and pretty. She wore green. Very nice. *Grif seems excited talking about her!* Arsé-kun: Arthur: hm. Sheepy: Grif: I watched her beat up Gawain... very cool. Sheepy: Grif: I want to beat up Gawain... Arsé-kun: Kay: Maybe don't do that Sheepy: Grif: Maybe she would be a better opponent anyway. Sheepy: Aru: I heard that she hooked up with Lance. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Fate is ironic. Sheepy: Aru: It's a huge coincidence! Arsé-kun: Kay: Or is it. Sheepy: Aru: There's a Disney show where everyone's a reincarnation of the Knights of the Round Table and end up following the same general events while being in high school. Sheepy: Aru: Poor Beddy. He finally gets acknowledged by people and they spend most of the show having Lancelot beat up on him and people calling him a dog. Arsé-kun: Merlin: --And whoever is outside barking like a dog..!-- Arsé-kun: Arthur: Please stop. Sheepy: Aru: Oh, sorry. I guess before now you've been spared of these things. Arsé-kun: Arthur: You've informed me of this one three times now. Sheepy: Aru: It's a curse we all must bear! Sheepy: Aru: Beddy and Teacher watch a lot of stuff like that. Sheepy: Aru: So I've really seen the worst of the worst! Sheepy: *Aru... appears proud of this.* Arsé-kun: Kay: literally why though Sheepy: Aru: Well, there's not a lot of people to socialize with at Teacher's place. Sheepy: Aru: And movie time is a socialization time! So sometimes I join, but I regret it every time. Sheepy: Aru: Hey, by the way, Arthur, is there quicksand in Britain? Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... Quick sand? Sheepy: Aru: Uhuh! Sheepy: Aru: It's sand, but it a puddle. Sheepy: Aru: And if you fall into it, you can drown. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I have heard of loose soil before, but this is ridiculous. Sheepy: Aru: That's what it's like in fiction, anyway. Sheepy: Aru: I've never seen quicksand for real. I think it could be fun! Arsé-kun: Kay: I was gonna ask what's wrong with you, then remembered I deal with Grif. heepy: Bedi: ...Oh, we're here! Sheepy: Lucan: ...You found the theater kid's ghost already? I never get included in anything. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Oh, no, that's a different one! Sheepy: Lucan: Two dead theater kids? Sheepy: Lucan: Did they recently state the forbidden play's name as a Halloween joke? Arsé-kun: Merlin: He's not a theater kid at all! My grrrrreat great way-back grandpa knew the guy! Sheepy: Aru: He's my friend! Sheepy: Aru: He's also my great great great... etc, grandpa! Sheepy: Lucan: Were we supposed to summon a ghost before showing up? Sheepy: Lucan: Maybe I'm good enough to be a stand-in ghost! Ahahaha! Arsé-kun: Arthur: .... .... Had I any physical sensation, I would suggest that statement brought me immense pain. Sheepy: Lucan: Aren't you grim! Come, come! Why not smile and laugh a little? Your expression is so... grave! Sheepy: Lucan: Ahahaha... I'm sorry, I'm sorry. ...Say, do you know why the dead tends to treat each other with respect? Sheepy: Aru: Oh. You're worse than I remember. Sheepy: Lucan: Because... you know what they say! What ghost around, comes around! Ahahahaha! Arsé-kun: Arthur: .... I am leaving. Good day. *and he retreats back to Caliburn. He is not doing this* Sheepy: Lucan: Of corpse you are. What a cold reception! Arsé-kun: Kay: And I thought I was an asshole. Sheepy: Lucan: Can't any of you even crack a smile? Sheepy: Lucan: If I'm going to be the comic relief who gets killed off for shock value, I need to make a good joke or two before I die. Sheepy: Lucan: Speaking of dying, I haven't seen any ghosts inthe time I've been out here waiting for you all. Sheepy: Bedi: How long were you waiting for us? Sheepy: Lucan: That's a secret. Arsé-kun: Lot: Not very long. I see Merlin is ready, but is everyone else? Sheepy: Aru: I'm ready! I won't electrocute your brother this time, so I hope you don't mind me tagging along! Arsé-kun: Kay: I'm about as ready as you expect. Watch this Alice end up center-stage in some absolute horseshit. Sheepy: Bedi: Lucan and I couldn't decide which of us wanted to be the white rabbit... Sheepy: Lucan:... so both of us chose it. I could've had an excuse to come late and hold everyone up, but I didn't take it. Sheepy: Lucan: But behold! Tristan is the most in character one of us all...! ... Although Lance is putting off terrifying vibes! Sheepy: Tristan: *snore* Sheepy: *Tristan, despite being asleep, suddenly strums his harp! All tough guys need a good opening theme, of course. Lance's theme is apparently the Rocky Theme Song! But how does he make those sounds with a harp? No one knows.* Sheepy: Lucan:.....He totally ruined the vibes. Sheepy: Bedi:...Anyway, it sounds like we're all ready. Arsé-kun: *Lance gets down to rejoin the group. He falls on his ass.. Ominously* Sheepy: Bedi: Are you okay? Arsé-kun: Lance: Yeah, I'm good. ^^;;;;; Sheepy: Bedi: Well, let's go in, then! Arsé-kun: Lot: Let's keep together unless we need to split up. That'll lessen the chance that any of us will get, how should I say, fucked over. Sheepy: Grif: I doubt the ghost is that dangerous. Sheepy: Grif: However, it is good practice. Arsé-kun: Lot: After events earlier this week, I'm not risking it. Sheepy: Grif: Events? Arsé-kun: Kay: Your uncle. The slug. That shit. Sheepy: Grif: Right. I forgot about that. Arsé-kun: Kay: ... Just another average week for Griflet. Sheepy: Grif: Let's go in. Arsé-kun: Lot: Agreed. Before Merlin leaves us too far behind. Sheepy: *They enter the building!* Arsé-kun: *There's some Halloween decorations, but not much.* Sheepy: Aru: Oh...! Look! They're even putting up Easter decorations early. What a cute doll! *She's pointing to something among the decorations...* Sheepy: *...But all there is to be seen is an ugly, raggedy doll, staring back at the group with a smile plastered on its face.* Arsé-kun: Kay: Oh, those. Grif, those are on you. Sheepy: Grif: Cute... it is cute, in a way. Sheepy: Grif: *He approaches the doll and gently retrieves it. +1 doll obtained!* Sheepy: Aru: Do you collect those, Kay? Sheepy: Aru: It's not yours, but if we find its owner, we could ask them if they'd part with it. Arsé-kun: Kay: Not me. Dumbass supposed to be finding those for the owner. Creepy little shits. Sheepy: Aru: Creepy? I see, so you're scared of those. Sheepy: Grif: We can hunt for them as we hunt for the ghost. Sheepy: *There's some humming in the distance.* Sheepy: Bedi: I wonder where Merlin went. Arsé-kun: Lot: Should we follow the sound we already hear? Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, that may be him. Sheepy: Bedi: If not, he'll probably approach it. Sheepy: *Bedi begins approaching the humming.* Arsé-kun: *Everyone else follows Bedi. Bird up. I mean group up* Sheepy: *The humming is close by!* Sheepy: *There's a pen moving on paper, but no one to be seen!* Arsé-kun: *Except Merlin three feet away, sitting on the floor with some gadgets, looking proud of himself. He found it. Several dolls are in the shot* Sheepy: ?: H-hey, is it okay if you proofread this for me later? Since you heard part of it already...! *...The source of the voice is starting to fade in a bit! But it's difficult to see who it is.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Sure!! Sheepy: ?: Th-thanks. I'd normally share it with my brother but I feel as though I need more variety. I've been in a little bit of a rut, and some days I just sit with the local cats on the campus and try to clear my mind. Sheepy: ?: ...S-sorry, I'm rambling. Sheepy: Aru:...He doesn't seem scary at all, despite being a ghost. Here's a friendship opportunity, Arthur! Arsé-kun: *Kay is sure he's heard this voice before* Sheepy: Grif: Amazing. Sheepy: Grif: A talking pen. Very cool. Arsé-kun: Kay: .... Ain't this the guy we found "dead" in the hall when we were here? Sheepy: Grif: Right. That makes sense. Sheepy: Grif: Garry. Sheepy: Toa:... Close enough. Th-thanks for helping us when we needed it. Hopefully, I won't need to ask you for any more help! Sheepy: Bedi: You saw his death? How frightening... Arsé-kun: Kay: Explains why the place is "haunted". He lives here. Sheepy: Bedi:...Eh? Sheepy: Toa: I just accept people thinking I'm a ghost, b-but... I'm really just a completely normal person. Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... May I ask how? *he's come back out* Sheepy: Toa:...?! G-ghost...?! Arsé-kun: *Kay resisting the urge to laugh.mp4* Arsé-kun: Arthur: Unfortunately. I see, you don't seem to be the same. Sheepy: Toa: I'm sorry, um...! Well, I ended up the unwilling test subject of a spell meant to make the target, well... immortal. Sheepy: Toa:...But death and immortality are close in a way, considering as long as your name lives on in people's minds after you're dead, y-you're not really gone. Sheepy: Toa:... So I ended up like this. I have a physical body, but I keep misplacing it. Arsé-kun: *Aforementioned Toa body is casually passing by in the background. Look at this cool dude. Comin' to pet your cats and dolls.* Sheepy: Grif: Your brother could greet us, at least. Arsé-kun: Garry: *runs in, almost crashing into the desk* T-Toa, we got, we got a small uh, no, w-we got a big problem and it's th-that! *he points back to said "cool guy toa sunglasses edition"* Uhm?? Sheepy: Grif:...... Sheepy: Grif: *thinking* Sheepy: Toa: E-ehh?! M-my body! Sheepy: Grif:............ Sheepy: Grif:...I thought the third one had orange-y hair. Arsé-kun: Kay: Moron! Sheepy: Grif: Hm? Did he have purple-y hair? Sheepy: Toa: How do we get it back...?! Arsé-kun: Kay: Purple, purple, blond, but one's half ghost! The ghost and that *points to cool guy* is the same person! Dumbass! Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... I sense another presence here. Go after them. Do not sit around and ponder when you can settle it now! Sheepy: Toa: R-right...! *he pursues his body!* Sheepy: Grif: Is this something I'd be suited for... I'm better at dismemberment and cracking skulls. ...But a quest is a quest. *Grif follows Toa* Sheepy: Toa: Don't dismember me! Arsé-kun: Toa?: I agree with the spirit! Please do not! I'm merely borrowing this briefly..! Sheepy: Grif: Oh. I see. That sounds reasonable. Sheepy: Toa: B-borrow...? Arsé-kun: Toa?: Unlike you, I am actually deceased. If I'm presented with a method of achieving my goals, I'm going to take it. Arsé-kun: Toa?: I do not intend to go far. Sheepy: Toa:...You aren't going on a murderous rampage in my body, are you...? That'd ruin my career, I think... N-no, wait, I mean...! Arsé-kun: Toa?: I never considered that until this moment, but I would prefer not to. Sheepy: Toa: Are you committing crimes...? Arsé-kun: Toa?: Only larceny, as you've already observed. Sheepy: Grif: If I were a ghost, I would simply decide to not be a ghost. Arsé-kun: Toa?: ... *he lowers his sunglasses to stare at Griflet briefly* Sheepy: Grif: I know someone who plays with bringing bodies back to life. Maybe he can make you a body. Arsé-kun: Toa?: ... You have my attention, but allow me to complete my goals first. Sheepy: Grif: I see. Have fun. Arsé-kun: *Toa? heads outside, and sits down on the ground in a sunny spot. Is Nice* Sheepy: Toa:...Oh, if you do that, my friends might show up... Arsé-kun: Toa?: I'm aware. That's the intent. Sheepy: Toa:...You know me? Arsé-kun: Toa?: No, not formally. I can see this spot from where I reside, though, and I'm very jealous. *he gestures towards a distant building. He isn't being specific, but only one of those are haunted..* Sheepy: Toa:...You can't do this very often, can you? Arsé-kun: Toa?: Correct. I'm usually indoors. Sheepy: Toa: You usually can't leave the indoors...? ... I can't just let someone stay like that. Let's see... I often don't use it outside of class, social events,or other obligations... Arsé-kun: Toa?: Absolutely not. You have classes to attend and studying to do. I'm already dead, but I'll deal with it. Sheepy: Toa: Are you sure you're happy with that? Arsé-kun: Toa?: I know you're not happy about this, so I'm not going to make it worse. Sheepy: Toa: You're right, I don't enjoy being like this. Arsé-kun: *Toa? has spotted a Cat. Attention has been fully diverted* Sheepy: Toa: Oh, I feed that one often. Sheepy: Grif: Ah. Cats. There's a cat who kills people. Arsé-kun: Kay: Is it Fou Sheepy: Grif: I've heard of it. It's huge. It sat on an island and killed humans. And then a human came and killed it. Arsé-kun: Kay: That's karma, bitch Arsé-kun: *Toa?'s goals have been met. Feel sensations, observe cats, pet cats. Local ghost is happy this hallow-weed* Arsé-kun: Kay: Grif, your answer half the time is "I just wouldn't". Sheepy: Grif: Yes. Because if I did, how embarrassing would that be? Awful. I can't let myself get embarrassed. Sheepy: Grif: That cat must've gotten overconfident. I don't get overconfident. I turn my brain off during combat and act on instinct alone. Arsé-kun: Kay: And then you'd get tricked to high hell, dumbass. Sheepy: Grif: Hmmm...I guess you need your brain to work well in order to not get tricked. Sheepy: Grif: If I invested heavily in INT, I would be much smarter. But I'm naturally STR oriented... Sheepy: Grif: Are all around stats... good? Would it be useful to focus on INT? Or would that simply cause me not to keep up with the growing strength of the enemies I fight? Arsé-kun: Kay: Fuck if I know. I'm not a gamer. Sheepy: Grif:...... Sheepy: Grif: What's a gamer? Arsé-kun: Kay: ... Sheepy: Grif: Should I know this? Arsé-kun: Kay: Orb dad is a gamer. Moron. Idiot. Sheepy: Grif: So gamers... hmmm. Sheepy: Grif: If Dad is a gamer... does that make me a gamer? Arsé-kun: Kay: No Sheepy: Grif: Very complicated. Arsé-kun: Kay: really not Sheepy: Grif: Do you know any other gamers? Arsé-kun: Kay: Lance. Sheepy: Grif: So gamers must be very cool, just like Lance. Arsé-kun: *Kay snorts* Sheepy: Grif: After all, Dad and Lance are both very cool. I want to be like them. Arsé-kun: Kay: You want to be an awkward mess disguised as a cool guy? Sheepy: Grif: Dad is an awkward mess? Arsé-kun: Kay: no you idiot Sheepy: Grif: Lance is? Arsé-kun: Kay: Yep Sheepy: Grif: Hmm...hmmm... so the reason why he's quiet is thanks to that. Sheepy: Grif: I understand. I feel awkward around people too. I don't understand them very well, and they do things I don't really understand. They say one thing while meaning another, and act one way while feeling the exact opposite. Arsé-kun: Kay: People are weird. Sheepy: Grif: I want to be like Lot, too. He's very kind. Humans are frail, but if I try to learn from their good aspects, I might be able to protect them better. Sheepy: Christo: --Cats are a symbol of danger and bad luck, I've heard. It's believed that witches often target them as familiars. However, a symbol of bad luck to me would be... humans are so incompetent, and they're constantly causing problems for me. Arsé-kun: Red: Anyone can cause problems for you if they try hard enough! Sheepy: Christo: Isn't that the point of today? Arsé-kun: Red: Red doesn't need a day for that! Red can cause problems for you any day of the week! Just ask! Sheepy: Christo: I'll keep that in mind the next time I want someone to be troubled. Sheepy: Christo: Speaking of problems... You, in the grass. Sheepy: Christo: Did you not know about the reapers in the area before coming out here? Or are you baiting them? Arsé-kun: Toa?: Oh, I'm aware. I'm technically under the ownership of the hellhound, so there isn't much I can do. Sheepy: Christo: There's ways to bribe him, I would assume. It's important to consider your options before giving up. Sheepy: Christo: You could also manipulate someone into helping you. Arsé-kun: Toa?: I've tried. I have absolutely tried. Unfortunately, it isn't as easy as trying to make your teacher extend the deadline. Sheepy: Christo: And yet, I see people do this regularly... Arsé-kun: Toa?: As have I. It never works. Sheepy: Christo: And then they ask you to do their work for them at the last minute. Arsé-kun: Toa?: I've seen this many times too. Sheepy: Christo: Of course, as a perfectly normal human being, I'm incredibly selfish and would never waste my time on their paper when I could use it for other things. Arsé-kun: Toa?: I can see your halo from here. I'm dead, remember? Sheepy: Christo: *His pleased expression quickly fades, leaving one of shock and confusion* H-halo, you say...?! Ahahahaha! As if I would have something like that! Sheepy: Christo: As you can see, I am a perfectly normal human. Arsé-kun: Kay: Man, who gives a shit? We've got a dead guy, another dead guy, Grif, and this half dead guy here already. Sheepy: Grif: You forgot yourself and everyone else in the group. Sheepy: *Grif seems distracted by Red.* Sheepy: Christo: However, I am not dead. I am not even close to dead. Arsé-kun: *Kay shoots Grif a Look* Arsé-kun: Kay: Is having a halo a secret thing? I can name two other people with them off the top of my head. It ain't that big a deal. Sheepy: Christo: The two others you can think of are incompetent and I would rather not be associated with them. Arsé-kun: Kay: The doctor is incompetent? Sheepy: Christo: One is obsessed with video games and the other is a redhead, right? Sheepy: Christo:...The doctor let his identity slip? Arsé-kun: Kay: Oh, right, forgot about the gamer but yeah, he told the redhead. Had his feathers out n' everything. Sheepy: Christo: Now I know that I will probably be dragged into it. Arsé-kun: Kay: Oh, probably. Good luck with the idiots. Sheepy: Christo: I will need it. Arsé-kun: Kay: ... And also these idiots. Sheepy: *Grif is flexing with Red!* Arsé-kun: Kay: Lost IQ looking at them. Sheepy: Christo: Great. Two sweaty jocks. Sheepy: Bedi: In a way, you two are very similar. Arsé-kun: Kay: WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU COME FROM Sheepy: Bedi:...The inside of the building we all were just in? Arsé-kun: Kay: One of these days, you're gonna actually give me a heart attack. Sheepy: Bedi: My apologies... Arsé-kun: Kay: And where'd everyone else go? Hell? Sheepy: Bedi: They're still together. Arsé-kun: Kay: real informational pal Sheepy: Bedi: They're still inside. Arsé-kun: Kay: Hope they're not doing anything stupid. Sheepy: Bedi: That's impossible to tell. Sheepy: Christo: So, you understand my struggles... Arsé-kun: Kay: If it's humanoid, they're an idiot. Sheepy: Christo: There are a few rare exceptions. Arsé-kun: Kay: Not many. Sheepy: Christo: I can only think of one or two. Arsé-kun: Kay: I can't think of any. Good for you. Sheepy: Christo: Not including myself... the main exception is the Seraph. Arsé-kun: Red: What? You're not including yourself again in stuff? That's super depressing, lil C-sto! Sheepy: Christo: If I included myself among the smart people I know, it would be biased. Arsé-kun: Red: Red votes to include you! Sheepy: Christo: I suppose I have to, then. Sheepy: *Christo appears pleased!* Sheepy: Christo: At the end of the day, the list just became something to list your friends on... Sheepy: Christo: By the way, I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone about my secret. Arsé-kun: Kay: You make it sound like people even remotely think I know you. I've spoken to you like. Twice. Sheepy: Christo: Yes, but spreading rumors about me would not be appreciated. Arsé-kun: Kay: Why would I bother when I've got Grif to handle? Sheepy: Christo: A good point. Sheepy: Christo: As long as you won't tell everyone my secret, it's fine. Arsé-kun: Kay: Course not. I don't blab every damn thing I hear. Sheepy: *In the background, Grif and Red are lifting a car* Arsé-kun: Kay: WHAT the FUCK are you morons doing?! Sheepy: Grif: Lifting a car. Arsé-kun: Kay: Why?! Sheepy: Grif:..... Arsé-kun: Red:..... Sheepy: Grif: *he looks to Red* Arsé-kun: Red: Why not?? Sheepy: Christo: I feel as though we've made a mistake letting these two interact...! Arsé-kun: Kay: Agreed! Sheepy: Christo: Red Magnus, please put the car down! Sheepy: Grif: Our passion to lift cars is what drives us. Sheepy: Grif:.... Ha. Ha. Ha. Arsé-kun: Red: Red wanted to see if he could! He can with this smaller man! Sheepy: Christo: Wh-what if the owner sees?! Arsé-kun: Red: Red doubts the owner can outlift! Sheepy: Christo: They might get angry! Arsé-kun: Red: ... ... *thinking emoji* Arsé-kun: *Red does eventually put his half of the car down* Sheepy: Grif: *He decides to follow Red's example.* Sheepy: Grif: By the way, doesn't this car look familiar? Arsé-kun: Kay: .... ..... You'd better get the hell away from it, pronto. Arsé-kun: Kay: I think the dude that drove Crow around owned that. We'll either have to deal with him or Crow, and I'm up for neither, thanks. Arsé-kun: *in the far far bg, several guys helping Weiss move TRASH. that's where the others ended up. no ghosts, only TRASH* Sheepy: Grif: I can fight both of them. Sheepy: Christo: *he pushes his glasses up* I detect the chances of winning to not be on your side. Arsé-kun: Red: Make it a two v two! Sheepy: Christo: I cannot imagine you winning. Arsé-kun: Red: What if I throw you at it? Sheepy: Christo: I'd rather you didn't!! Sheepy: Grif: I wonder where he is. I must test my strength. Arsé-kun: Kay: Grif, don't be stupid. Sheepy: Grif: Awful. I wanted to have fun. Arsé-kun: Kay If you die, I'm not helping you. Sheepy: Grif: Worry not. I have Red Magnus on my side. Arsé-kun: Kay: Well, fuck you too then. Sheepy: Grif: What? Sheepy: Christo: If you get attacked by the car owner, I won't heal you. Arsé-kun: Red: That's okay! Red will heal on his own! Red is good at that! Sheepy: Christo: I'm trying to punish you for pointlessly endangering your life. Make it easier on me. Arsé-kun: Red: Easier? Red can do that. Sheepy: Christo: You can? Sheepy: Christo: You'll stop doing that, then? Sheepy: Christo: It's tiring keeping you out of trouble, you know. Arsé-kun: Red: I won't fight them for you! Sheepy: Christo: Thank you. I appreciate it. Arsé-kun: Red: Red will fight the puny strong man instead! Sheepy: Grif:...! I see! Good idea! Sheepy: Christo:..... Sheepy: Christo: Well, it's out of my range of capabilities to stop you. Arsé-kun: Kay: I literally can't stop Grif, so that's what they're up to. Sheepy: Christo: How unfortunate. Sheepy: Christo: If only we knew a jock whose brains weren't devoted to their muscles and they could keep fellow jocks under control. Sheepy: Christo:... If nothing else... *he pushes up his glasses and summons a screen in front of him! It looks different than Grif's... He starts typing on it.* I'll keep an eye on the area to see if the owner is anywhere nearby. Arsé-kun: Kay: Sounds good. Now, what the fuck is going on over THERE? Sheepy: Christo: I detect multiple people over.. *he glances over* ...what is THAT? Arsé-kun: Kay: A big boy. It kicked my ass once. Sheepy: Christo: Why is she petting it? Arsé-kun: Kay: Because she's out of control and unstoppable. Sheepy: Christo: And yet, it attacked you previously... I suppose demons do regularly commit horrible acts of violence. How frightening. Arsé-kun: Kay: Eh, I scared the owner. It was on me. Sheepy: Christo: I have heard that demons will dismember those around them for the mere thrill of hurting others. Arsé-kun: Kay: I dunno about that. I just know about the weird fuckin aliens behind those walls. Sheepy: Christo:...Aliens behind walls...? Arsé-kun: Kay: The bigass walls over by... Somewhere over there? The DO NOT ENTER ones. Sheepy: Christo: That's why it says do not enter? Arsé-kun: Kay: Yyyyyep. They're toxic. In the poison way, not the social way. Sheepy: Christo: I'll make sure that Red Magnus avoids them, too. Sheepy: *There's someone watching the other group, hiding in the worst possible hiding spot: behind a nearby light pole.* Arsé-kun: Lot: Do we just plop it inside? Sheepy: Bedi: I suppose so. Sheepy: Bedi: After all, it does look like a Halloween decoration. Sheepy: Aru: Really? I think Easter would fit better. Arsé-kun: Lot: Sure, it has the ears for it, but otherwise...? Sheepy: Aru: What do you associate with Easter, then? Arsé-kun: Lot: Actual rabbits..? Sheepy: Aru:..... Sheepy: Aru: Sure, it's not a color rabbits usually are, but otherwise, it's totally a rabbit! It has the fluffy tail and everything! Arsé-kun: Arthur: That is not a rabbit by any definition of the word. I do not know what you are seeing in it, but I disagree entirely. Sheepy: Aru: What kind of rabbits did you have back in medieval times...? Arsé-kun: Arthur: Rabbits. Sheepy: Aru:.... Arsé-kun: Arthur: Do not tell me those have changed. Absolutely do not. Sheepy: Aru: You're totally just messing with me! Arsé-kun: Arthur: I am not. This is... This looks like a child's toy but much larger. I know what a rabbit is. Sheepy: Aru: Well, let's say it was a little less toy-like and was a natural color! Sheepy: Aru: Then, wouldn't it be the spitting image of a rabbit? Sheepy: Lucan: It looks like nightmare fuel. If I saw this thing at the end of my bed, I would die on the spot. Arsé-kun: Merlin: How much longer do we gotta hold this hex-infused designer big boy lad? Sheepy: Aru: Why do you say it's hex infused? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Because it is? Come hold it! Sheepy: Aru: It's just a rabbit! *She comes over to hold it* Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'd love to agree! If it was! Sheepy: Aru: What is it missing...? So what if it's pink? Arsé-kun: Merlin: ? ???? This bitch blue Sheepy: Aru: You...! Ugh, this is the worst! It's pink! It's a perfectly ordinary rabbit other than being pink! Arsé-kun: Arthur: This is moderately concerning. Sheepy: Lucan: It's an awful blue color, actually. Really, who chose this felt color? Arsé-kun: Lance: It's not that bad. But why is it so big..? Sheepy: Tristan: ........... *He's blankly staring in the direction of TRASH, along with Arthur* Sheepy: Tristan:...So it is the source of the talking I have been hearing all along. Arsé-kun: Arthur: the What Sheepy: Tristan: You. Arsé-kun: Arthur: .... You mean myself and not the oversized child toy, yes? Sheepy: Tristan: You, the voice with seemingly no source. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I am currently to your left. Sheepy: Tristan:....?! Sheepy: Tristan: *he looks to his left* ... Arsé-kun: *Arthur's there* Sheepy: Tristan: You are nothing. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I am not physical, so that is correct. Sheepy: Tristan: You have no red on you, either. Sheepy: Tristan: Someone beyond death... or perhaps someone already dead. ... Ah, by the way, the thing you have been arguing about is red. Sheepy: Tristan: How sad, how sad! Whatever it is, its destiny is to embrace death, and become nothing but dust! *harp strum* What a sad creature it is! Sheepy: Aru: Close enough! Arsé-kun: Lot: That doesn't count. Tristan has vision problems. Sheepy: Aru: Let me have this! Nobody's siding with me! Arsé-kun: Lot: Because it isn't pink. It also lacks a nose for all of us. So either it appears differently for girls, or something else. Sheepy: Aru:......... Sheepy: Lucan: Maybe it likes Aru and doesn't want to scare her with how horrific it is. Arsé-kun: Kay: why is the gigantic trashdoll here?? And how hasn't it tried to beat your asses yet? Sheepy: Aru: Kay! It's pink, isn't it?! Sheepy: Aru: It's a big pink rabbit! Arsé-kun: Kay: Fuck no it isn't! This is the blue bitch that scratched up my face the other day! Ain't touchin' that, no thanks! Sheepy: Aru: Blue.... Arsé-kun: Kay: *at Weiss* Hey! What the fuck's up with this big bitch?? Sheepy: Weiss: ...?! *he backs up some* I-it's...! *another step back* I-it's not my... my fault! Arsé-kun: Kay: Don't care who caused it, tough guy. Sheepy: Lucan: My, how informative. I certainly learned something from that response. Perhaps you just accidentally put everything together in the perfect order to conveniently create the horrible creature before us. Sheepy: Weiss: I-It, um... it's my... friend. I...I b-brought it to life...! Next... next could be...! Arsé-kun: Kay: Cool. Why's my sis see it as a bunny? Sheepy: Weiss:.....? Sheepy: Weiss:.........A-art can be... can be i-interpreted many ways...! Sheepy: Weiss:....S-so it wants to be... be in- interpreted like th-that. Scaring chil... children is bad...! Arsé-kun: *Garry started coming outside, spotted TRASH, and immediately did a full 180° turn and went back inside. Nope. Nevermind* Arsé-kun: Kay: Understandable, have a fucking day. Sheepy: Aru: Lying is wrong. Arsé-kun: Kay: He made the damn thing. Remember- It's able to kick ass. Sheepy: Aru: No, no! Sheepy: Aru: Not him! Arsé-kun: Kay: ... The fuckmassive dollhouse flattener? Sheepy: Aru: Yes. Arsé-kun: Kay: Well. Uh. Have fun. If it tries to kick your ass, I'm getting Grif. Sheepy: Aru: Eh? What can Grif do to a doll? Sheepy: Tristan: It is capable of dying. Arsé-kun: Kay: Hate that, thanks. Sheepy: Tristan: It really just requires finding its weak point. Hmhm.. Sheepy: Tristan: What would be a weak point? Scissors? Being wet? Arsé-kun: Kay: A whole ass sword. Sheepy: Aru: Why are you both plotting its death already...?! Sheepy: *Gawain is staring at the ground in the background. He seems embarrassed.* Arsé-kun: Kay: Only fair when it tried to kill me! Sheepy: Aru: Well, yes... I don't really want to be friends with it if it tried to kill you. Arsé-kun: Kay: I ain't gonna do anything. Artsy boy called it down when I scared 'em. And what am I gonna do, bleed on it?? Arsé-kun: *Arthur patiently waiting for a moment of quiet so he can reply to Tristan. Patience 100* Sheepy: Tristan: If I were a doll, I would not be immune to cars. Sheepy: Aru: Okay, I'll trust you on it being a threat. Arsé-kun: Arthur: ...*opportunity spotted* Yes, I am deceased. Thank you for noticing, sir. Sheepy: Tristan: So you are a ghost. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Correct. Sheepy: Tristan: Perhaps one day I will be able to see you. For now, I cannot. Arsé-kun: Arthur: A way will be found eventually. Sheepy: Tristan: Perhaps it will. Sheepy: Gawain: ... So it's not pink... Arsé-kun: Kay: It's not, you poor golden retriever of a man. Sheepy: Gawain:.... I really just feel offended more than anything. Sheepy: Bedi: I guess we should bring it inside. Arsé-kun: Lance: That would make sense. No reason to leave it out here. Sheepy: *Bedi begins bringing it inside!* Arsé-kun: *Lance helps!* Sheepy: Christo: So, it's normal to be attacked by demons like that here? I thought so. After all, humans are a great source of sin, the perfect magnet for demons. ... Of course, as a human, I would know this. Arsé-kun: Kay: You're just making yourself sound worse, pal. Sheepy: Christo:... Hold on a moment. *he turns away, before pulling out a small booklet and shuffling through it* Sheepy: Christo: (How troublesome... based on my readings, humans are gullible and will accept anything at face value. And yet... they regularly lie, so perhaps they don't believe everything they hear, especially if it's repeated again and again.) Arsé-kun: Kay: ... You goddamn fool. Some are, some aren't, and I have hella experience already from dealing with Grif for a week. Arsé-kun: Kay: Also, you aren't quiet and people don't say "as a human" Arsé-kun: Kay: bitch Sheepy: Christo: So if I were to regularly say what I am over and over again, people would believe me to be a human instead. Sheepy: Aru: A lot of the students here aren't fully human, huh? Sheepy: Aru: I've heard that some try ro hide it, but then there's others like Grif. Hmm... There's angels, aliens, and demons, huh? I've even heard there's a werewolf. But I wonder... Why isn't there a single vampire? Arsé-kun: Kay: Who cares why? I don't wanna see those. Arsé-kun: Kay: And hell no, dude, that makes you more suspicious Sheepy: Christo: ... Hold on a moment. *he turns away and starts scribbling down some notes* Sheepy: Christo: (Humans... are less unintelligent than I was expecting.) Sheepy: Aru: *she's staring at the spotlight on Christo* Sheepy: Christo: (But their sinfulness was their greater trait, wasn't it? So why haven't I seen many demons?) Sheepy: Christo: (Could it be? Just like the angels, the demons have also lost their way? Perhaps they're hiding.) Arsé-kun: Kay: Motherfucker I can still hear you. Sheepy: Christo: How unfortunate...! Arsé-kun: Kay: Aru, can you do a factcheck for me? You're the mythology nerd in the area, weren't people made in the image of big sky god, yeah? Sheepy: Aru: Well, the thing is, it's really complicated. Arsé-kun: Kay: Short version. Sheepy: Aru: People read it literally and say that it means that humans were physically made in the image of God, but it could also be read in many different ways. It's important to remember the fact that everything is metaphorical. Sheepy: Aru: The short answer is that all these translations later, a literal reading would say yes... but it wasn't originally English, and it's poetic language. Sheepy: Aru: Another interpretation is that they were made with the ability to create as well. Arsé-kun: Kay: So no matter what, saying we're dumb and awful when we're in someone else's image is a bag of shit? Sheepy: Aru: Ummm... Well, let's see... Sheepy: Aru:...I really have no clue! Sheepy: Christo: Despite being so serious about community, they will shun members of their group and allow them to suffer alone, purely because this outcast wasn't perfect. Sheepy: Christo: Humans will lie and cheat, and yet they will continue trusting even the most dishonest of humans, and then be surprised when they've been betrayed. Arsé-kun: Kay: We're assholes, but we're not stupid. Usually. Sometimes it's a take-one. Sheepy: Christo: And yet, your literature generally values those who are physically powerful and lacking in brains. This is the ideal human, isn't it? Sheepy: Christo: Furthermore...there are many humans who try to push their homework onto me. Arsé-kun: Kay: What fuckin' books you reading?? I don't read much, but even I know that's horseshit. Sheepy: Christo:....? Sheepy: Christo: I believed that mythology would be the perfect insight into the ideals of humans. Arsé-kun: Kay: Can't say I know, I wasn't around for most of those. Sheepy: Christo: Hercules, Achilles, Thor... Ah, not mythology, but there's superheroes as well. Sheepy: Christo: They're all strength focused, aren't they? Arsé-kun: Kay: I know a few from movies to counter that. Mr. Fantastic, Iron Man, uhhh Sheepy: *Kay gets a blank expression in return as Christo slowly turns to start scribbling something down* Arsé-kun: Kay: Batman Sheepy: Christo: So, there's this group of ancient superheroes. You may have heard of them. They're some knights who sit around a round table. Why is the most important one a berserk brute? Arsé-kun: Kay: Because it's goddamn cool. Arsé-kun: Kay: ... I might have a type but this isn't about that Sheepy: Christo: "Cool"? Arsé-kun: *PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE GHOST KING MOVING INTO THIS SITUATION* Sheepy: Christo: So humans base value on what they consider "cool"? Arsé-kun: Kay: Sometimes. Why not? Sheepy: Christo: I see. I suppose Red Magnus is very valuable to humans as well, then. Arsé-kun: Kay: ... Did we lose our himbos? Sheepy: Christo: I forgot to keep an eye on him. Arsé-kun: *Arthur "what the heck is a himbo" pendragon has input but it can Wait* Arsé-kun: Kay: Well, good luck with the ghost hanging over your shoulder. I'm gonna find my b---- bastard himbo. Sheepy: Aru: Berserk brute... But doesn't he have somewhat of a romantic quality to him? Sheepy: Christo: Please find Red Magnus while you look. It shouldn't be difficult. Arsé-kun: Kay: I'll consider it Sheepy: Christo: He's tall and loud. Arsé-kun: Arthur: On what landmass is berserk a romantic quality unless you want to die? Sheepy: Aru: Well, he was buried next to one of his lovers, wasn't he? Arsé-kun: Arthur: Can't tell you. I was dead. Sheepy: Aru: That's romantic, in a sad way. Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... Barring that. What is a "superhero" and why are my knights considered part of this group? ... And what is a bat man? Sheepy: Aru: I think Mr. Angel's a little confused, but a superhero is someone who goes on adventures and saves helpless people. Sheepy: Aru: Saving people is the most important part, but knights usually went in and murdered people. I wouldn't really consider them superheroes. Sheepy: Aru: But superheroes sometimes have magical powers! Sheepy: Aru: Batman is a superhero. He stalks the streets of Gotham to find criminals that the law won't touch, I think. He dresses like a bat, hence the name! Arsé-kun: Arthur: *thinking* So they're knights but.... Better. Sheepy: Aru: Uhuh, I guess so! Sheepy: Aru: But I really like the knights... Arsé-kun: Arthur: Please do not. Most of them are ill-tempered. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Bedwyr is the exception like usual. Sheepy: Aru: Beddy is very sweet and gentle. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Nothing has changed. Sheepy: Aru: But my favorite knight based on stories alone is... Sheepy: Aru: It's definitely Sir Lancelot! Arsé-kun: Arthur: Conversation is now over. Sheepy: Aru: I'd like to see his swordplay, even once! Arsé-kun: *Background events include: Lance squatting by the car and trying to take a selfie but getting distracted (repeatedly), Kay regretting his life choices, Red having eaten a large amount of dirt and it shows, some other crap,* Sheepy: Aru: An unbeatable knight must have amazing talent! I really want to learn from a talented swordsman! Sheepy: *And Grif, dead on the ground* Arsé-kun: Arthur: Unbeatable? That is wrong. Impressive but not unbeatable. Sheepy: Aru: Did you beat him once? Arsé-kun: *The tall reaper that accompanied Crow previously is checking his car for damage. bad vibes here folks* Sheepy: Aru:... So does that mean you're even better? Arsé-kun: Arthur: Yes. Sheepy: Aru: *She's beaming! She's so excited!* Sheepy: Aru: Amazing...!! You're even cooler than I thought!! Arsé-kun: Arthur: I cannot hold a sword in my current condition. Sheepy: Aru: Aww... Too bad. Sheepy: Aru: Sometimes Sir Bors teaches me, but I feel like Sir Lancelot or you would be better... Arsé-kun: Arthur: How often does he drop the sword---- Bors? Sir Bors? Is still around??? Sheepy: Aru: I feel like he's dropping it on purpose to mess with me. Sheepy: Aru: Crow told me that Sir Bors is on the "do not touch" list. Basically, a prank gone wrong, I think. Arsé-kun: Arthur: The first part sounds correct. Arsé-kun: Arthur: the second....... I have no words. Sheepy: Aru: Maybe Death thinks it's fun to reject Sir Bors? Sheepy: Aru: He's here if you really want to ask him. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I Would Prefer Not To Sheepy: Aru: He can be very nice. Arsé-kun: *the bad vibes reaper stares at Aru. Very hard. Here come bad vibes!* Sheepy: *Aru waves to him!* Arsé-kun: Arthur: Why are you the way that you are? Sheepy: Aru: Huh? Sheepy: Aru: Because it's important not to judge people by their outside. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I could not care less how they look. Sheepy: *Tristan is approaching the reaper. His eyes are open.* Arsé-kun: *Concerned Lot.mp4* Sheepy: Tristan: ...You have no lines. Sheepy: Tristan: In fact, I can see you clearly. Sheepy: Aru: I guess Tristan isn't fazed either! Arsé-kun: *The reaper slowly stops to look at Tristan. Lance takes the opportunity to get the FUCK out of dodge.* Arsé-kun: *... Lance also trips on Grif and falls on his face. 10/10* Sheepy: Tristan: How fascinating. I have not been able to see someone since I can remember. ... It makes me feel moved...! *he strums his harp* Arsé-kun: reaper: .... You are mortal, and yet you see what you are not meant to. You should not be alive. Sheepy: Tristan: I understand. I was supposed to die. Something happened, but I cannot remember what. Arsé-kun: reaper: It is too late to correct this error. You have time before you die properly. Do not waste it approaching death. Sheepy: Tristan: But your face is the first I have seen since I can remember. Arsé-kun: reaper: It is not my place to assist mortals while living. ... As you passed the threshold and returned, I suppose you do not count under those rules. Hm, hm. Sheepy: Tristan: Do you know why I'm still alive? Arsé-kun: reaper: You were pulled back in by a force outside of my domain. Sheepy: Tristan: So, you don't know why... Arsé-kun: reaper: Your death was not under my domain. This requires knowledge I do not have. Sheepy: Tristan: Thank you for the information, anyway. Arsé-kun: reaper: That is all I can offer. Do back away before I terminate your life early via vehicular manslaughter. Sheepy: Tristan: *He backs off slowly* Arsé-kun: *the reaper gets in his car and leaves. the car vanishes. spooky. the bad vibes leave with him.* Sheepy: *spoopy! creppy* Arsé-kun: *... The car reappears down the road, outside the school gates. The reaper is not looking forward to the following event.* Sheepy: Crow: Boss, boss, boss! Meet my family!! Arsé-kun: reaper: do I have to. Arsé-kun: reaper: And tell your friend to stop being so nice while reapers are working. It is offputting. Sheepy: Crow: Eh? You're family, and they're family, so it's good if you meet, right? Arsé-kun: reaper: No. She is going to give me away. Sheepy: Crow: Aw, I like having a smiling face greet me when I'm working. Arsé-kun: reaper: and I have no reason to gain social attachments I do not need. Sheepy: Crow: Boss... does this mean... Sheepy: Crow: I'm a social attachment you need?! Arsé-kun: reaper: ... As your boss, apparently so. Sheepy: Crow: B-boss..!! *He hugs the reaper* Sheepy: Crow: Boss! You really do like me!! Arsé-kun: reaper: why are you this way Sheepy: Crow: Speaking of people who like me!! Boss, Boss! Come meet my family! Arsé-kun: reaper: what did I just get done saying. Sheepy: Crow:...Well, alright Arsé-kun: *Crow's father and uncle are a short distance away, seeing who can reach a leg higher against a tree. One is doing significantly better than the other. Very serious background events* Sheepy: Crow: *He looks over* Oh! Oh! I can do that, too! Arsé-kun: reaper: Get out of my window. You're supposed to be spending time with them. I'll always be around. Sheepy: Crow:...! Right!! Thanks, Boss! *he does as the reaper asked...* See you later! *and rushes over to his dad and uncle!* Arsé-kun: Klimt: --And everything's exactly the same! You lose, Barry! Sheepy: Crow: I can do that, too! Arsé-kun: Klimt: Show me! Sheepy: *Crow imitates them!* Arsé-kun: Klimt: And in heels! When did you get so talented?? Good job!! Sheepy: Crow: It comes to me naturally!! Arsé-kun: Barok: Like father, like son, I suppose. Have you also inherited his tendency to be late? Sheepy: Crow: Eh?! I couldn't be late! You know what happens when I'm late? Arsé-kun: Barok: No. Enlighten me. Sheepy: Crow: I leave my cattle waiting! Really, it creates a huge mess. I let one guy get away and he's been stuck on my list forever. Arsé-kun: Barok: Ah, the one you spoke about earlier. Sheepy: Crow: That's why I can't be late! But if I'm too early, I'll steal their life away before they can finish it. Arsé-kun: Klimt: Sounds complicated! Sheepy: Crow: Yeah, it's really difficult work! Sheepy: Crow: He was my boss, by the way! He taught me everything I know about my job! Arsé-kun: Klimt: He sounds like Barry-- Too busy working! Sheepy: Crow: Uncle, what do you do? Electrution, right? Arsé-kun: Barok: .... Prosecution. What did you even try to say...? Sheepy: Crow: I've sent some cattles' souls to Eden after they had that happen. Sheepy: Crow: There's even a chair that does it. Arsé-kun: Barok: I suppose you were almost correct. Sometimes my job will lead to that. Sheepy: Crow: Hey, here's what I don't understand. Sheepy: Crow: Wouldn't it be less power intensive to just have them stick a fork in a power outlet? Arsé-kun: Barok: .... ........ *he squints* Arsé-kun: Barok: ..... Because that isn't guaranteed to be lethal. Sheepy: Crow: Oh, I get it. Sheepy: Crow: What do prosecutors do? They punish people for their crimes by killing them, right? Arsé-kun: Barok: That's an executor. We try to get people in trouble for the crimes they committed. Sheepy: Crow: Oh, so you're basically the same thing, but you don't do it yourself! Arsé-kun: Barok: And death is not always the end goal, but sure. Arsé-kun: Barok: At the end of the day, while this does not fit my initial design, I much prefer this to my original job. Sheepy: Crow: I get it now! I totally get it! I guess I wouldn't have taken this job either if it wasn't for the fact that I was the only one left. Sheepy: Crow: That's why I do my real passion on the side! Sheepy: *Crow pulls out a ShinganCrimsonZ CD, in its case!* Arsé-kun: Klimt: Is this your mixtape that's fire? Sheepy: Crow: I'm part of a band, and one day we're gonna be at the top! Sheepy: Crow: By a part, I mean... I'm the singer and one of the two guitarists! And I write the lyrics! Sheepy: Crow: The other guitarist writes the music, but he's lame! And a wimp! He bullies me about my height all the time, just 'cuz he's way too tall! And he's always calling me a rodent!! Sheepy: Crow: *he shoves the cd case into Barok's hand* By the way, if you do prosecution, what does Dad do? Does he commit the crimes so you can get work? Arsé-kun: Barok: I wish. Sheepy: Crow: Eh? Arsé-kun: Klimt: I don't do anything as professional! I just walk dogs! Sheepy: Crow: Dogs can't walk themselves? Arsé-kun: Klimt: Not legally! Sheepy: Crow:?! So walking dogs is a real job? Arsé-kun: Klimt: Yes! I walk them for people who are too busy or can't! Sheepy: Crow: I got attacked by a dog the other day. Arsé-kun: Klimt: Sucks! Sheepy: Crow: He was running on all fours. Arsé-kun: Klimt: I sure hope it was! Sheepy: Crow: But usually he'd run on two legs, right? Arsé-kun: Klimt: what kind of goshdarn dog Sheepy: Crow: Eh? Well, you know! Sheepy: *Crow gestures a height above his own* Sheepy: Crow: He was this tall! Or so. Sheepy: Crow: And he had red hair. Arsé-kun: Klimt: What kind of dog???? Sheepy: Crow: He threatened to beat me up. Sheepy: Crow: Eh... eh... Sheepy: Crow: He's, ehh... Sheepy: Crow: A bearwolf! Arsé-kun: Barok: ... Werewolf? Sheepy: Crow: Yeah, that! Arsé-kun: Klimt: That makes more sense!! Sheepy: Crow: There was this angel there and he thought I was threatening the angel. Sheepy: Crow: But, looking back on it... That angel totally gave me the creeps! Sheepy: Crow: He was basically just talking about how he wouldn't attack me because I was doing my job... if I wasn't, would he...? Scary... Arsé-kun: Barok: Can't say. Sheepy: Crow: By the way, there's a few angels here. The main one I interacted with was Michaelangelo, though. Arsé-kun: Barok: I don't think it's Michael. He's in Norway, I heard. Sheepy: Crow: Eh? Sheepy: Crow: He said you hated him. Arsé-kun: Barok: .... Raphael. Sheepy: Crow: Yeah, him! Wrong ninja turtle! Sheepy: Crow: He was telling me that there was stuff Dad should've taught me but didn't. Arsé-kun: Barok: That sounds correct. Sheepy: Crow: I wonder why he didn't? Arsé-kun: Klimt: I thought someone else would!! Sheepy: Crow: Eh? Who else? Arsé-kun: Klimt: Literally anyone else? Sheepy: Crow: I'm someone else... Sheepy: Crow: But it's not useful info anymore. There's no use to it. Arsé-kun: Barok: You never know when information will be of use. Sheepy: Crow: You can teach me, then, can't you? Arsé-kun: Barok: I certainly can. Sheepy: Crow: I'll prove that I'm a great student, then! Arsé-kun: Klimt: Right now? Sheepy: Crow: Well, eventually...! Arsé-kun: *Klimt makes the excalibur face* Sheepy: Crow: Well, apparently I was supposed to know this stuff! If any other fallen angel decides to reminisce about the old days, I'm going to look dumb not knowing anything. Arsé-kun: Barok: Said better than your father ever could. Arsé-kun: Sheepy: Crow: And as I said, there's other angels! Like that scary one. Sheepy: Crow: He had absolutely nothing behind his eyes it felt like. Arsé-kun: Barok: .... How many wings? Sheepy: Crow: Six. Arsé-kun: *Barok and Klimt now match facial expressions. For different reasons* Sheepy: Crow: What? What is it? Arsé-kun: Barok: Six wings are seraphim usually... Give me more information. Sheepy: Crow: Ehhh... lemme think. Sheepy: Crow: Blondish white hair that was really long, white wings with dark tips... He had some gold things on his top wings. Sheepy: Crow: He said he couldn't rough me up because I was doing my job. Sheepy: Crow: He felt super stiff. Arsé-kun: Barok: .... .... I don't know how to feel about this. Sheepy: Crow: What? Do you know him? Arsé-kun: Barok: why is Judgment here? ... Please tell me he no longer has his job. Sheepy: Crow: Who? Arsé-kun: Barok: I suppose not. Sheepy: Crow: I don't know. He was hanging out at the delinquent club with the werewolf. Arsé-kun: Barok: It sounds like he got a social life. Good for him. Sheepy: Crow: Should I know this guy? Arsé-kun: Barok: Probably. But as it sounds like he is no longer working his job, nothing is stopping you from just asking. Sheepy: Crow:?.... Sheepy: Crow: Man, I already blew it with befriending him. Arsé-kun: Klimt: Are you sure? Did you check? Sheepy: Crow: I made a joke and his friend seemed to get mad! Sheepy: Crow: Just 'cuz I jokingly offered to reap his soul... if I jokingly offered my services to people as a dentist or something, they'd find it funny! Arsé-kun: Barok: Was it bad timing? Sheepy: Crow: Oh, yeah, I guess so. I had just reaped the soul of their friend. Sheepy: Crow:...Who wasn't dead, but he's on my list!! Arsé-kun: Barok: Not everyone likes dark humor. Sheepy: *Crow tilts his head, visibly confused.* Sheepy: Crow: Maybe he didn't have a social life before 'cuz he has no sense of humor. Arsé-kun: Barok: That'd be correct information. Sheepy: Crow: He's a total weirdo. Why do I gotta be friends with him? Arsé-kun: Barok: I never suggested this. Sheepy: Crow: Eh? Sheepy: Crow:...Oh, yeah, I guess I did! Sheepy: Crow: By the way, what's a terrapin? Why do they have six wings? Arsé-kun: Barok: .... .... Having six is a sign of rank, and they're important. Sheepy: Crow: Tch! Rank, shmank! They're really stealing my look, you know! Arsé-kun: *Barok opts to not ask* Sheepy: Crow: These terrapins are seriously going to mess with me standing out. But when you wanna deliver your crimson passion to cattle, is it important to be unique, or is it important to be yourself? Arsé-kun: Barok: .... Crow, some of them came well over a thousand years before you were ever conceived. You're just making it unique. Sheepy: Crow: Eh? Sheepy: Crow:...... Arsé-kun: *Klimt is just vibing meanwhile. hes just glad to be here* Sheepy: Crow: Man, being original is tough... Arsé-kun: Barok: On the bright side, there's so few left that you basically are original now. Sheepy: Crow: Great! Now my cattle won't think I'm ripping off someone else's look! Sheepy: Crow: Hmm... but if they're almost all gone... how many survived, d'ya think...? Arsé-kun: Barok: Can't say. Some died from the event, but many perished for various other reasons as well. Sheepy: Crow: Scary... Sheepy: Crow: Well, there's guaranteed five! Sheepy: Crow: Including me. That's two more than I knew before everyone else fell! Sheepy: Crow: I know there's others. How do I put it... Sheepy: Crow: Well, I just know in my gut there is. Arsé-kun: Barok: And there likely is. Not that it matters much now, though. Sheepy: Crow: Why doesn't it? Arsé-kun: Barok: Government fell with us. No hierarchy to support. Sheepy: Crow: But hierarchy doesn't really matter. Sheepy: Crow: I guess by now, everyone's kinda integrated into the life down here, but... I dunno, that guy seemed happy seeing another angel. Raphael. Sheepy: Crow: So maybe there's others out there who want reinforcement that they aren't the only one? Arsé-kun: Barok: That's... The most accurate thing you've said today. I'm impressed you were that spot on. Sheepy: Crow: Hey, I can say accurate things sometimes! Sheepy: Crow: And anyway... I just don't wanna leave people feeling disconnected and isolated Sheepy: Crow: Oh, I know! Sheepy: Crow: A delinquent club, but for angels! Sheepy: Crow: Instead of doing delinquent things, they do... Sheepy: Crow:.....? Sheepy: Crow: ...I have no idea what angels do. Arsé-kun: Barok: Some do. The idea is solid, but most of us aren't school age anymore. Sheepy: Crow: Hey, what's school like? Arsé-kun: Barok: I can't say. It had to have changed since I went. Sheepy: Crow: Huh. Most of my cattle are in "high school" and "colledge". They must be smart to be in high school instead of low school, huh? Sheepy: Crow: But I guess they would be, considering they're my cattle! Arsé-kun: Barok: And they are not young children, either. Sheepy: Crow: Well, yeah. Sheepy: Crow: Young children don't really show up at our concerts. It's more meant for teens and adults! Sheepy: Crow: By the way, I'm the mascot! Turns out, hedgehogs are incredibly popular! Sheepy: Crow: Hey, so you catch criminals, right? I heard that the doctor here assists in that, too. Sheepy: Crow: Maybe you can work with him! I've never interacted with him, but obviously, I've seen him before, considering I'm an angel of death. Sheepy: Crow: His name's... ehhh.... Dr. Wilson! Sheepy: Crow: Lucan said that he works with this guy named Holmlock Shears. I've seen him before, watching me while I work. It makes me incredibly uncomfortable. Arsé-kun: Barok: .. I've heard of the man, but haven't watched him work. Sheepy: Crow: I haven't watched him work, just the other way around! What a creep, am I right?! Arsé-kun: Klimt: Better creep on him back! *he's joking* Sheepy: Crow: ...Nah, I bet defectives are super boring to watch. Sheepy: Crow: I watched a defective movie once and didn't really get the point. Arsé-kun: Barok: ... I guess they are not for everyone. Sheepy: Crow: If it's boring when it's dramatized, it's gotta be even worse in reality! Arsé-kun: Klimt: They don't even get to have extended chase scenes, so what's the point?? Sheepy: Crow: Yeah, exactly! Arsé-kun: *Barok stares at them* Sheepy: *something, or someone, shifts near by...* Sheepy: Holmes: (Mr. Reaper's an angel? How unfitting... I couldn't tell this at all. The other angels I've met revealed themselves pretty quickly...) Arsé-kun: Barok: .... Oh, it's only you. *he was prepared to kick someone. he does not lower it.* Sheepy: Holmes: Really, you should act more happy to see me! Arsé-kun: Barok: I refuse. Sheepy: Holmes: You should try smiling once in a while, Mr. Reaper. Your face dampens my mood every time I see it! Arsé-kun: Barok: You dampen my mood by speaking. Sheepy: Holmes: Personally, it brightens my mood to talk. Arsé-kun: Barok: Don't care. Why are you here? Sheepy: Holmes: Is it wrong to simply accidentally yet willingly overhear a conversation? Arsé-kun: Barok: I should kick you for lying. Sheepy: Holmes: Isn't being a liar one of my charming traits? Arsé-kun: Barok: no Sheepy: Holmes: Not even a little hesitation?! Sheepy: Holmes: Well, I will say this. Sheepy: Holmes: You, an angel? Sheepy: Holmes: Ahahahaha! Arsé-kun: Barok: What, you didn't even know that? Sheepy: Holmes: Why would I? Arsé-kun: Barok: Why would you, indeed. Sheepy: Holmes: The other ones were more obvious. Arsé-kun: Barok: Consider the following: I don't do that. Sheepy: Holmes: It really does seem like everyone I know isn't actually human. Watson, my brother, and myself... well, we're the only three humans I can immediately think of. Obviously, there's others, but... Arsé-kun: Barok: Cannot say. I can only confirm one of those for you. And I am not going to. Sheepy: Holmes: Hahaha... Your jokes are lacking in humor, as usual. Arsé-kun: Barok: How are you still employed with this level of dead brain cells? Sheepy: Holmes: You really enjoy being cruel, don't you, Mr. Reaper? Arsé-kun: Barok: Obviously. And I am not a reaper. My nephew is. Sheepy: *Crow is grimacing at Holmes...* Sheepy: Crow:...Hey, you aren't really just Sholmes, are you? Sheepy: Holmes: Well, that isn't my name. Sheepy: Crow: One of you is all faded. It's really hard to see you past that... thing! Sheepy: Holmes: Well, that's rude. Arsé-kun: Aza: *leaning out from behind Holmes* Is it? My own children even call me such. Sheepy: Holmes: It's an insult. Arsé-kun: Aza: ...? Sheepy: Crow: Th-that! That thing! Right there, behind him! Sheepy: Holmes: They're...eh, how do I put it. Sheepy: Holmes: Diminishing you to nothing more than an object, or something without a mind. Arsé-kun: Aza: .... So it is still accurate. Sheepy: Holmes: Shouldn't you be offended? Arsé-kun: Aza: Why? It's correct. Sheepy: Holmes: Well, if you say so. Arsé-kun: Barok: .... Holmes, I have a single question. Sheepy: Holmes: What is it? Arsé-kun: Barok: Pardon me, but what in God's name is that?? Sheepy: Holmes: Hmmm? My companion, of course. Sheepy: Holmes: He wanted to observe humans up close, and I am helping him do so. Sheepy: Crow: It's making my skin crawl...! Arsé-kun: Aza: Correct information. This is much simpler than doing it myself. Arsé-kun: Aza: ... And your skin has not moved without the rest of you. Sheepy: Crow: I don't wanna be rude, but you know that thing could easily just take your body from you, right? Sheepy: Crow: And I was being figurative!! Arsé-kun: Aza: I am still working on that. My apologies. Sheepy: Holmes: Why would he? He could easily just make a body for himself. We're acting as a team. Arsé-kun: Aza: .... I have thought about things said previously. Would you like my input? Sheepy: Holmes: Go ahead. Arsé-kun: Aza: Compared to the standardized humanoid, there is a margin of difference identified. What it is, I do not know. Arsé-kun: Aza: ... I don't really care, either. Sheepy: Holmes: Hmm....hmhmhm... Sheepy: Holmes: And you're sure it's not because of you? Arsé-kun: Aza: uh Arsé-kun: Aza: Can confirm on a look back. This was not my doing. Sheepy: Holmes: Unfortunately, no matter how hard I try, I cannot remember anything that would imply I am not human. Arsé-kun: Aza: okay Sheepy: Holmes: I was told I hit my head in a fall. Unfortunately, I remember nothing from before waking up after this supposed fall. Arsé-kun: Barok: You've mentioned this before. But really, this cliché.. Sheepy: Holmes: I couldn't care less about who I was before that. Perhaps I am Sherlock Holmes, the human. Perhaps I was only given this identity by my brother. Perhaps he isn't my brother at all. However... Sheepy: Holmes: Right now, that's who I am. Arsé-kun: Barok: I can't stop you very much, and who am I to? Arsé-kun: Barok: It isn't too far off to begin with. Sheepy: Holmes: Yes. Unless I've committed crimes I need to repent for, whatever I was in the past shouldn't impact me now. Arsé-kun: Barok: I'll give you that. *he's checking his phone. thanks* Sheepy: Holmes: Ahaha, you finally agree. Arsé-kun: Barok: More importantly, tell your friend to get out of here. Judgement is coming, and it's time to leave. Sheepy: Holmes: That's... ominous- Sheepy: *A golden arrow whizzes past Aza and Holmes, hitting the nearby tree instead!* Arsé-kun: Aza: How rude. Sheepy: Holmes: Wh-where did that come from...?! *he looks towards the source, and.. Il is in the air! He's taking aim again... However, there's no anger nor hate in his eyes. Actually, there's no emotion at all!* Arsé-kun: Barok: IT'S TIME TO LEAVE! Sheepy: *Holmes turns to flee, but Il hits him with a chain! Stay still!* Sheepy: Crow: Hey, hey...! Uncle, what's going on?! Arsé-kun: Barok: Remember I told you about Judgement before? Sheepy: Crow: Yeah?! Arsé-kun: Barok: That's him! Time to go! Sheepy: Crow: R-right! Sorry, defective, try not to die! Good thing I'm here to reap your soul! Arsé-kun: Klimt: *distantly* GOOD LUCK Sheepy: *Il takes aim at Aza* Arsé-kun: *Aza stands up, and moves away from Holmes* Arsé-kun: Aza: Go on ahead. You may try, but only if you focus me. Sheepy: Il: *His aim follows Aza, ignoring Holmes entirely, before launching a few chains at him!* Arsé-kun: *Azathoth does not stop the chains from coming nor connecting. Why should he? These aren't his only limbs. And he has many more tentacles than human limbs.* Sheepy: Il:....?! Arsé-kun: Aza: You may require a few more. My turn. Arsé-kun: *Aza raises just one of those big tentacles up, up, and... SMACK!* Sheepy: *Il is smacked straight out of the air!* Sheepy: Il: *he stands before firing off a few arrows at Aza!* Arsé-kun: *Aza isn't concerned at all. He's more interested in the chains than Il* Sheepy: Il: ...*He looks confused more than anything...* Arsé-kun: Aza: ... ... Were you intending to do harm? Sheepy: Il: *He tilts his head some, blankly staring at Aza, before firing off a few more arrows! Why aren't they doing anything? Weird.* Arsé-kun: Aza: ... Or merely trying to chase me off? I understand both cases. State which. Arsé-kun: Aza: (-bECAUSE THIS HURTS! A LOT! I DO NOT LIKE THE POINTY ARROWS) Sheepy: Holmes: (I'm sorry, but if any of those hit me, it'll kill me for sure!) Arsé-kun: Aza: (For human lives, it would be best if I departed temporarily to end the threat. maybe) Sheepy: Il: Error - answer not found among the options "harm" and "chase off". Threat detected. Must erase the threat. Arsé-kun: Aza: I understand this! You want me gone. I can arrange this. Sheepy: Il: Yes. Arsé-kun: Aza: I was trying to learn, but fine. Let me teach you something before I go home and pass my knowledge to my whole. Sheepy: Il: *Aza gets a blank stare in return.* Arsé-kun: Aza: You must be aware of how Gla'aki was present here some time ago, yes? Sheepy: Il: ?.... Arsé-kun: Aza: The... Detective, what did humans call it? Sheepy: Holmes: Slug. Arsé-kun: Aza: Yes. That. Sheepy: Il: Yes. Arsé-kun: Aza: I relocated Gla'aki on a whim. Had none seen it besides one being? Sheepy: Il: ?... Arsé-kun: Aza: Would you like to?! Sheepy: Il:?! Arsé-kun: *Azathoth proceeds to- You guessed it! Nuke the area. Thankfully, this is much much smaller than the lake nuke prior. From a 1 to a 10, with the lake nuking being a 6, this is like... a 2? tiny nuke for a tiny man* Sheepy: Il: *He's flung back, rolling on the ground for s bit before stopping. His arm didn't join him, and he left a lot of blood on the ground. Ouch! His wings took a beating, too.* Arsé-kun: *On the bright side! Azathoth has left as promised. And Holmes is completely unharmed!* Sheepy: *...And yet, there are no screams of pain. No cries. No groans. His face shows nothing but a blank stare, like a doll, not even aware it's broken, without the capacity to react.* Sheepy: Holmes: *He, meanwhile, looks horrified.* Arsé-kun: *UNDERSTANDABLE HAVE DAY* Sheepy: *There's a long pause before Il suddenly twitches. He's started to try to get up...* Sheepy: Il: Heavy damage detected. Sheepy: Holmes: Hey... hey, why are you staring at me like that? Sheepy: *Il is trudging towards Holmes.* Sheepy: Il: Begin recovery. Sheepy: *Il begins healing his injuries, including his missing arm, which is mysteriously not on the ground anymore! This sight is accompanied by a sudden cry from Holmes, who begins writhing in the chains he's bound in. His movements start to become slower and weaker, and after a moment, they stop all together. The chains fade, and Holmes collapses in a lump.* Sheepy: Il: *He looks good as new. His usual friendly smile spreads on his face!* ...Mr. Detective, I removed the bug from you. Please be more careful in the future. Arsé-kun: Raph: Judgement! *he finally got here, late. It was a hasty landing, but he doesn't care. He looks upset.* Sheepy: Il: That is not my name. Arsé-kun: Raph: It is when you act like that! If you're going to help someone, don't turn judgement mode on! Sheepy: Il: The bug is gone. Arsé-kun: Raph: It is, but at an obvious cost! Sheepy: Il:? Arsé-kun: Raph: You got hurt AND you could have killed our fellow! Sheepy: Il: It is alright. I recovered. Sheepy: Il: ...Oh, why is Mr. Detective on the ground? Arsé-kun: Raph: fffffffffffffffffffffff Arsé-kun: Raph: For fuck's sake, you did that! Here! *he hands Il his phone* I caught you doing it this time! Sheepy: Il: I disposed of the bug. *He appears pleased with himself.* Sheepy: Il: However, I will thank Mr. Detective for his sacrifice later. Arsé-kun: Raph: You can't just do that. This is why other angels are so afraid of you. Sheepy: Il: ?... Sheepy: Il: You aren't. Arsé-kun: Raph: I'm not saying me. Sheepy: Il: Yes... but there is no reason for them to fear me. Arsé-kun: Raph: Let me put this in perspective. Our plucky otome hero just watched a neutral party defeat an enemy, and then turn on their fellows and drain them. Painfully. She's not going to be happy about that, will she? Sheepy: Il:....?! Sheepy: Il: I upset the heroine...? Arsé-kun: Raph: If there was one watching, she'd hate this scene. Sheepy: Il:..... Arsé-kun: Raph: You're allowed to drain me. I have told you this. But please do not do it to others without their permission. Sheepy: Il: *He gives Raph a blank stare in return* Sheepy: Il: You were not there. I settled. Arsé-kun: Raph: Please ask before you do it next time. Sheepy: Il: Okay. (Won't remember this ten minutes later) Arsé-kun: Raph: .... Alternatively. Don't force yourself on the side characters for your own gain without considering their options. Arsé-kun: Raph: Especially if these actions will be remembered and will have consequences. Sheepy: Il: I am programmed to recover any damage to prevent loss of function. Unfortunately, I do not have a "generator" to run off of like before. Arsé-kun: Raph: Not yet. But how am I supposed to explain this to the other angels that saw this? Sheepy: Il: You said so yourself. They already fear me. Arsé-kun: Raph: I've been trying to change this for you and you went and.... No, wait, taking that back. Guilt tripping helps nobody. Sheepy: Il: ?... Arsé-kun: Raph: *sigh* Il. do you want to be feared? Sheepy: Il: I was not created to be feared, but I am a tool to inflict fear. Sheepy: Il: But... what do I want...? I have never seen this in a route before... how do I respond...? Arsé-kun: Raph: However you want. If you got nothing, we'll work on it later. Sheepy: Il: I have no opinion on the matter. Arsé-kun: Raph: We'll work on it later. A little progress today. You questioned it, so that's good. Sheepy: Il: I did well today. I removed the bug and questioned it. Arsé-kun: Raph: Minus a few points for hurting a side character, but you still did some good today. Sheepy: Il: He will recover. Sheepy: Il: The bug was more dangerous to him. Arsé-kun: Raph: You didn't even ask. It was possible he knew about it. Sheepy: Il: Raphael? Will Dr. Watson be angry with me? Sheepy: Il: Certainly, he will be able to understand that his companion is unharmed. Arsé-kun: Raph: ..... No, he's going to be upset regardless because Holmes was negatively affected. It always happens, but I understand it. Sheepy: Il:? Sheepy: Il: But the bug is gone. I fixed it. Arsé-kun: Raph: He's gonna hate this description, but... Heroine upset because the LI got caught up in something. Actions irrelevant. Sheepy: Il: I understand. Sheepy: Il: I must be careful next time not to involve Mr. Detective. Sheepy: Il: What should be done with Mr. Detective? Arsé-kun: Raph: We'll bring him to the office so I can keep an eye on him. Sheepy: Il: I understand. Sheepy: Il: Is it okay that those angels saw us? Arsé-kun: Raph: I think it's better they saw us together. It shows you're not just a machine. Don't counter that. Sheepy: Il: Misyr erases memories of my witnesses when he gets involved. Arsé-kun: Raph: We're not doing that. Sheepy: Il: Why? Arsé-kun: Raph: Because that's messed up. Now help me out. Sheepy: *Il lifts up Holmes* Sheepy: *Il begins heading back, passing by the angels in the process and giving them a blank look.* Arsé-kun: *Barok is not happy with this. Who would be?* Sheepy: Il: Raphael, Raphael. There are two of them now. Why did they not fall like everyone else? This one deserved to more than anyone I have met thus far. Arsé-kun: Raph: Ain't that rude! Nobody deserves that. Sheepy: Il:...? Arsé-kun: Raph: No angel deserves falling. Don't care who they are. Don't be rude. Sheepy: Il: Why? Arsé-kun: Raph: Because that shit hurts! Sheepy: Il: Guilty angels will be dealt with one way or another. Right? Arsé-kun: Raph: Sure, but not like that. Sheepy: Il: Punishing them for their crimes results in their erasure. Arsé-kun: Raph: Still too harsh. Sheepy: Il: *He tilts his head* Harsh? Why? Arsé-kun: Raph: Because not every crime is worth being killed over. Minor punishments exist for minor crimes. Sheepy: Il: Minor punishments... Arsé-kun: Raph: Going directly to jail, for one. Sheepy: Il: So this one should go to jail? Arsé-kun: Raph: It was an example. This one's too young for adult jail. And there is not a gay baby jail. Sheepy: Il: What crimes can babies commit? Arsé-kun: Raph: Baby crimes. I don't know. Sheepy: *Christo is displeased about everything in this conversation. He's glaring daggers at Il and Raphael. He can hear you two!!* Arsé-kun: Raph: Anyway, no more punishments for today. You did enough for one day. Sheepy: Il: I accomplished my duty. I disposed of the bug. Arsé-kun: Raph: You sure did. I got no clue how I'm gonna face any of them now, but oh well. Woe be me. Sheepy: Il: You have a good heart. I know they will forgive you. *He gives Raph a gentle smile...* Arsé-kun: Raph: Il. You were the one taking action. Actions have consequences. Sheepy: Il: ?... I did right. Unfortunately, Mr. Detective happened to be closest. Sheepy: Il: I understand that they hate me. But you do not. That is all I need. Arsé-kun: Raph: .... *he sighs* One day, it might not be enough. Sheepy: Il: So I have to work to befriend them? Arsé-kun: Raph: You would definitely need to put work in. Sheepy: Il:.......... Sheepy: Il: It is okay. I do not need them. I have otome games. Arsé-kun: Raph: And if I am absent, then what? Sheepy: Il: I started off alone. I know what to do alone. Arsé-kun: Raph: Don't believe you. Sheepy: Christo: (I can't believe this incompetent idiot acted like a boogeyman for us for so long... And now, he is rejecting us, when it would take all of the kindness within our hearts not to reject him...!) Sheepy: Il: It's simple. Sit down and wait for someone to appear. Arsé-kun: Red: *what.* Sheepy: Il: Eventually, someone will appear. Arsé-kun: Raph: Wrong answer. You have other friends to go to. Sheepy: Il: Of course. Ignis. Arsé-kun: Raph: Him first, the rest of the club are viable options if he is unavailable. Sheepy: Il: Really? Sheepy: Il: I have many friends, then. I do not need to befriend other angels. Arsé-kun: Raph: Sometimes I think you're harder to work with than a modern pc. I swear you're running windows ten up there. Sheepy: Il:?.... Sheepy: Il: I have no windows... Arsé-kun: *raph gives up.* Sheepy: Il: Raphael, let's do something fun later! Arsé-kun: Raph: If I have the energy for it. Sheepy: Il: What do you have today that is so exhausting? Arsé-kun: Raph: work. Sheepy: Il: That's too bad. Sheepy: Grif: Amazing... Very cool...! Grandpa is so strong! I want to fight the angel, too. That is how I will get one step closer to being as strong as Grandpa. Arsé-kun: Kay: *above him, sitting on a tree branch, very clearly focused on wood carving* No, you're not. We're going home and watching a movie. Sheepy: Grif: Hmm... hmmmm... Maybe the angel is too strong for me right now. Sheepy: Grif: My main technique seems like it would be useless on him. Arsé-kun: Kay: I think I'd rather die than see that happen a second time tonight. Sheepy: Grif: I see. Not today, then. Sheepy: Grif: What are you making? Arsé-kun: Kay: bird Sheepy: Grif: What are we going to watch? Arsé-kun: Kay: I have no idea. Sheepy: Grif: Grandpa left for a while. I'll miss him. Arsé-kun: Yog: I won't! I like being able to see! What happened out there? Sheepy: Grif: An angel attacked Grandpa and in return he nuked them. Sheepy: Grif: I've seen this angel before. Sheepy: Grif: The angel had six wings and blond hair. Sheepy: Grif: The angel briefly lost their arm, but after approaching Grandpa's new friend, it came back. His friend collapsed afterwards. Arsé-kun: Yog: I see... Thank you. Sheepy: Grif: Why would an angel attack Grandpa? Arsé-kun: Yog: Because many of us do not belong here. Especially grandfather. We are lucky the blast was a small one. Sheepy: Grif: Why? Arsé-kun: Yog: It would have certainly killed you both otherwise. Sheepy: Grif: No. Why don't we belong? Arsé-kun: Yog: Because many of us only want to be destructive, so of course that is not good for a public setting. Sheepy: Grif: Hmm...hmmm... So being too destructive is bad. Arsé-kun: Yog: Yes. Your level is acceptable still. Sheepy: Grif: So if I overlevel, I can't protect humans anymore? Sheepy: Grif:......... Sheepy: Grif: It's complicated... Arsé-kun: Yog: Only if you are careful with the destruction you cause. Sheepy: Grif: Careful... Sheepy: Grif: That sounds difficult Arsé-kun: Yog: You'll just have to learn like me, your father, and both of your brothers. Sheepy: Grif: Eh... Arsé-kun: Yog: Admittedly, it took me the longest. Sheepy: Grif: It isn't necessary. Sheepy: Grif: I function best when I don't think about things like that. Arsé-kun: Yog: You function best in wide areas of open space with little to no environmental structures. Sheepy: Grif: Yes. Sheepy: Grif: I am also suited for stairwell combat. Arsé-kun: Yog: Falling down the stairs and landing on someone is not stairwell combat. Sheepy: Grif: Did you know? Arsé-kun: Yog: probably. Sheepy: Grif: There is a skip you can do in order to cut down stairs to only a few seconds. Arsé-kun: Kay: Is it sliding down the rail? Sheepy: Grif: Wrong. Sheepy: Grif: Simply step off of the stairs. Sheepy: Grif: Go over the railing. Arsé-kun: Kay: Die. Sheepy: Grif: Humans are weak. I wouldn't die. Sheepy: Grif: It's a timesave for speedruns. Sheepy: Grif: If you do it wrong, you'll break your legs or your neck. Sheepy: Grif: That's why it's important to practice before attempting it on a real quest. Arsé-kun: Kay: Uh. Noted. Sheepy: Grif: There is also another useful skip. Sheepy: Grif: The revolving door skip. Sheepy: Grif: In order to skip past the revolving door, simply jump through the window instead. Arsé-kun: Yog: you're still banned from revolving doors. Use them normally. Sheepy: Grif: No. Revolving doors are my enemy. They trap me. Arsé-kun: Kay: You just don't wanna admit you're bad at it, moron. Sheepy: Grif: Wrong. They just dislike me! Arsé-kun: Kay: It's a fucking door. Sheepy: *Grif appears flustered.* Sheepy: Grif: I try to enter, but always find myself outside... Arsé-kun: Kay: Revolved too far, idiot. Arsé-kun: Kay: Now can we go? I'm gonna go without you. Sheepy: Grif: Yes. Let's go home. Arsé-kun: Kay: Thank fuck! Sheepy: *Grif begins heading home!* Arsé-kun: *Kay, of course, follows him* Sheepy: *They get home safely!* Arsé-kun: Kay: Why are you sluts still here?? Sheepy: Lucan: Let me enjoy my freedom while it lasts. Arsé-kun: Kay: Permitted. Anyone else got excuses? Sheepy: Tristan: I'm sad. Arsé-kun: Lot: I didn't feel like going home yet. Sheepy: Gawain: My friends are here! Arsé-kun: *Lance is studying Caliburn, but socially distanced. No repeats* Arsé-kun: Merlin: I live here! Sheepy: Bedi: Umm... I also live here. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I want to see a movie. Arsé-kun: *Fou is kneading on Bedi's lap. his territory now* Sheepy: *Bedi is petting Fou* Sheepy: Aru: I want to show Arthur a movie! Arsé-kun: Kay: Aru, if I ever call you a slut, you have permission to kick my ass. Sheepy: Aru: Okay, I'll keep that in mind! Arsé-kun: Kay: But okay, fine. Fiiine. Someone move over, at least...! Arsé-kun: Kay: What a pal. *he steps over Tristan to sit down* Sheepy: Grif:.... *He tilts his head* ...Ah. I know. Sheepy: Grif: *He sits on Tristan* Arsé-kun: Kay: grif. Sheepy: Grif: Kay? Arsé-kun: Kay: Why would you do that? Sheepy: Grif: He made room. Sheepy: Tristan: I see... I've become a chair. How sad! Is my fate to be sat on, for all eternity? How sad, how sad! Arsé-kun: Lot: I have a better idea. *he gets off and sits next to Tristan* Space for Griflet on the sofa now. Sheepy: Grif: Wow... Sheepy: Grif: Very cool... Lot gave up his seat for me... Sheepy: Grif: *He takes Lot's now open seat* Sheepy: Grif: By the way, there's another person who didn't answer. I've never seen her before. Arsé-kun: Kay: ...? Sheepy: *There's a girl sitting at the edge of the sofa. She's wearing a hat despite being inside, along with a scarf. Who could it be? She's familiar looking.* Arsé-kun: *Kay looks* Arsé-kun: Kay: ... Hey, who invited you?? Sheepy: Arturia: Rebellion is going to things uninvited! *smug grin* That is to say, nobody- Sheepy: Aru: She seemed lonely so I invited her. Arsé-kun: Kay: Gross. Arsé-kun: Kay: Can't believe the gremlin is in my house. Sheepy: Arturia: Nobody invited you, either! Arsé-kun: Kay: What the fuck? What the fuck?? I live here, bitch! Sheepy: Arturia: Yes, exactly. You live here, and therefore... Arsé-kun: Kay: Shut it. Sheepy: Arturia: Nobody felt the need to invite you! Therefore, you were never invited! Sheepy: Bedi: This logic feels so twisted and wrong. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Says mr. "troll physics work" Sheepy: Aru: Doesn't that make it worse...? Sheepy: Bedi: What are troll physics? Arsé-kun: Kay: Okay, shut up. If you're here, Artair is too. Where's Arty? Sheepy: Arturia: That's for me to know, and you to find out. Arsé-kun: Kay: Why are you the only one that's made of concentrated gremlin energy? Is it because you're so tiny? Sheepy: Aru: By the way, Arthur. This is my older sister! My other brother is here, too, but he's shy. He's good at hiding and blending in. Sheepy: Arturia: I am not small! I just haven't hit my growth spurt yet! Sheepy: Aru:...Aren't you past that already? Arsé-kun: Arthur: .... I see. Your family seems to be comprised of varying levels of Cai similarities. Sheepy: Aru: Artair is similar to Cai? Arsé-kun: Arthur: He and yourself are the least so far. Sheepy: Grif:......*he crosses his arms* .............. Sheepy: Grif:...Nope, I've never seen you before. Sheepy: Grif: Without the hat? Arsé-kun: Kay: That's my other sister, idiot. Sheepy: Grif: Hmmm... hmmmm.... Sheepy: Grif: You look very different from her. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Can't wait for him to not recognize anyone in summer clothes because we have hats on. Sheepy: Grif: For example, you're much taller. Sheepy: Bedi: I can see him doing that. Sheepy: Grif:...Nope. Definitely don't see it. Sheepy: Grif: By the way, Kay. Sheepy: Grif: Did you notice the girl at the edge of the sofa? Is she your friend? I haven't seen her before, either. Arsé-kun: Kay: ........... Arsé-kun: *Kay looks around for other things for Grif to be looking at, but doesn't see anything.* Sheepy: *All that there is to be seen is Elyan.* Arsé-kun: *Kay gives up.* Sheepy: *Elyan approaches the group, inspects Fou for a moment, and leaps onto Kay's lap! The most feathery cat* Arsé-kun: Kay: JEEZ- Sheepy: Elyan: *squeaky Merlin imitation* Hewwoooo! Sheepy: Grif: He wants to watch a movie, too. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Hewwooo. Are yow ever gonna stop dowing dat? Sheepy: Elyan:?... Sheepy: Elyan: *honk* Arsé-kun: Lot: ... Right, so I assume we start with a Scooby Doo, and work our way down. Sheepy: Bedi: That works. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I do not know those words yet, but I'll pay attention. Sheepy: Aru: Scooby Doo is a talking dog! His best friend is Scraggy, a goofy, cowardly vegetarian. He likes eating dog treats. Sheepy: *Arturia is staring at Arthur* Sheepy: Aru: Umm... what else. Fred is the leader because he can drive. Velma is the bookish type who's constantly losing her glasses. Daphne is the beauty-focused type. Together, they all hunt monsters and ghosts! Sheepy: Aru: Sometimes, they're accompanied by a little puppy named Scraggy. He likes fighting people. Sheepy: Arturia: Who is he? Arsé-kun: Kay: And who the fuck is Scraggy??? Ain't that a pokemon? Sheepy: Aru: I want to know that, too. Sheepy: Aru: Beddy told me about it, and I've watched it some with 2, too... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Think you fucked up on Shaggy and Scrappy there, kid. Sheepy: Aru: But Beddy, umm.. is incomprehensible sometimes. Sheepy: Aru: Which is which? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Scrappy's the puppy. He's great and I like him a lot. Sheepy: Bedi: I thought I was clear when I spoke... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Not you! Sheepy: Arturia: But who is he? Arsé-kun: Arthur: .... Oh, do you mean myself? Sheepy: Arturia: Yes, you. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Allow me to start by saying that I forgive your behavior in my court, but you are not Sir Cai. Sheepy: Arturia:...... Sheepy: Arturia: Aru, did you pick up a ghost who's convinced he's a king from the graveyard again? Arsé-kun: Arthur: .... Convinced? Hm, I suppose my hometown was convinced when I retrieved Caliburn the first time. Sheepy: Arturia:....?! Arsé-kun: Kay: Man, I wanna sock an old man for being vague all of a sudden. Sheepy: Arturia: Are you claiming to be...? Sheepy: Aru: He learned from the best! Arsé-kun: Arthur: Your teacher was mine as well. Did you like my imitation of his vagueness? I personally hate it. Sheepy: Arturia: There's absolutely no way! Arsé-kun: Lance: *distantly* That sword kicked my ass! Sheepy: Arturia: *She covers her face with the brim of her hat to hide it* This is the worst... how could I act up now...? Arsé-kun: Kay: Because I'm in breathing range, you lil' shit. Sheepy: Aru: It's okay. At least you made an impression. Arsé-kun: Arthur: And it still beats Sir Jaufre's first impression, so do not worry too much. Sheepy: Aru: Begging every day isn't really a good look, I guess. Sheepy: Arturia: How embarrassing. I'll never recover from this as long as I live. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Unlikely. Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... And at least you are speaking to me, unlike the other. Sheepy: Aru: Artair is shy. Arsé-kun: Kay: Where the fuck's he at, anyway? Sheepy: *Aru points* Arsé-kun: *Kay has to fully turn to actually see him.* Arsé-kun: Kay: Oy! What are you doin' in my blind spot back there?! Arsé-kun: Artair: *wearing a lampshade on his head* ..... I didn't want to talk, really. Sheepy: Grif: I understand. I often feel that way. Sheepy: Grif: I resort to dismemberment. Arsé-kun: Artair: ... He's not joking, is he? Sheepy: Aru: He's not. He's only capable of bad puns. Sheepy: Lucan: If he really likes you, he'll bite you. Sheepy: Grif: I do not bite people anymore... Arsé-kun: *Nervous Artair.png* Sheepy: Grif: I won't dismember you. I'm currently banned from doing so. Arsé-kun: Kay: And I'd bash yer head in if you did! Sheepy: Grif: I've been told that wouldn't do much damage in my case. Sheepy: Aru: One of the Knights of the Round Table had his head bashed in with a giant's mace. This only stopped his bloody rampage momentarily. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Let us not speak of Jaufre more than we have to. Sheepy: Aru: Beddy never talks about him, either. He said something along the lines of, "Use his name sparingly, or he may appear"... Sheepy: Aru: But he's dead, isn't he? Arsé-kun: Arthur: That's what I thought about Sir Bors, but here we are. Sheepy: Aru: Scary... Sheepy: Elyan: *sudden deep, raspy voice* Come out of your hiding spot, Sir Cai, you coward! I can smell your fear! Arsé-kun: Arthur: NO! Arsé-kun: Arthur: You cut that out this instant! Sheepy: Elyan: *continued* If you even look at the king or queen wrong, you won't be looking at all anymore. Sheepy: Grif: He's never done this before. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Agreed. I hate it immensely. Make him stop before he encourages you to violence. Sheepy: Elyan: Who do I side with...? My King, and protect his honor? Or my Queen, and protect her life? Is it wrong to run away from my duties? What do I do, Elyan...? Sheepy: Elyan:.... Sheepy: Elyan: *honk* Arsé-kun: Arthur: Never, EVER, do that again, Elyan. Arsé-kun: Arthur: There is no need to project personal matters like this. Sheepy: Grif: *He's grimacing...* Arsé-kun: Kay: You good, bud? Sheepy: Grif: Uh... Yeah. This topic just makes me feel uneasy. That's all. Arsé-kun: *in the far bg, Fou is holding the dvd case hostage. He wants to paw the plastic. No One May Have This* Arsé-kun: Yog: As it should. That means my methods worked out. Thank you for the confirmation. Sheepy: Grif: "Methods"? I don't know who this is, but I don't want to hear those things. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Excuse me, but what did that mean? What on this world did that mean?? Sheepy: Grif: I wouldn't know. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I know you wouldn't. Neither would he, though. Sheepy: Grif: Uh... I don't really get it. Arsé-kun: Kay: .... SO ANYWAY! Why's the little white fiend got the dvd, and why is no one dealing with it?! Sheepy: Bedi: Isn't he cute? Sheepy: Bedi: He's decided that's his... Arsé-kun: *Lance is already practically there, so it is his problem now* Sheepy: Bedi: I would try to take it from him, but he's just too cute claiming it for himself. Arsé-kun: *Fou is distracted by Lance. Hand! Gotta chew it! I will defeat you, human hand!* Arsé-kun: *Grif gets hit by a frisbee'd dvd case. Oops.* Sheepy: Grif: ?! Arsé-kun: Kay: Oh, the dvd. It's been rescued from a little white bastard. Sheepy: Grif: That's what hit me...? Arsé-kun: Kay: That's what hit you, moron. Sheepy: Grif: I didn't notice. Here. *He passes it to Kay* Arsé-kun: *Kay gets up to put the dvd in finally.* Sheepy: Aru: Okay, now you'll see what a movie is, Arthur! Arsé-kun: Arthur: Excellent. Sheepy: Arturia: You refer to him so casually... Arsé-kun: Arthur: As descendants, you are permitted. Sheepy: Aru: Poor Kay... he's so insulting, he's the only one who doesn't get permission. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Very much so. Arsé-kun: Kay: I'm right here, assholes. Sheepy: Arturia: It's the Kay way. Arsé-kun: Artair: Isn't this a bit mean..? Sheepy: Bedi: It's okay, Kay. I'll never leave you out. Arsé-kun: *Kay gives Bedi fingerguns* Sheepy: Grif: Elyan chose to sit on you specifically, so he must like you, too. Arsé-kun: Kay: Despite all the threats I give him. Arsé-kun: Kay: But okay, everybody shut the fuck up, it's starting. Sheepy: *Everyone quiets down. It's movie time!* Arsé-kun: *Arthur has a lot of questions within the first five minutes.* Sheepy: *Aru does her best to answer them* Arsé-kun: *... It's Scooby-Doo. I don't know what anyone expected. It's a good time, easy to understand, and it's Scooby Doo. c: * Sheepy: *It's fun for everyone! Even Tristan, who's asleep* Arsé-kun: Arthur: .... So you mean to tell me this entire thing was drawn out by ordinary people? Sheepy: Aru: Yup. It's a cartoon! Arsé-kun: Arthur: Fascinating... Artists are talented even now. Sheepy: Aru: They really are, aren't they? Arsé-kun: Lot: Hm, hm, what do we put on next? We can't put on anything too awful, of course, so do not recommend it. Sheepy: Aru: I heard that one of the worst movies ever made was a horror movie. Arsé-kun: Artair: That sounds right. Sheepy: Aru: Beddy said that it was called Plan Nyan from Meowter Space. Sheepy: Aru: It's about cats! Sheepy: Aru:...But why was he giggling to himself? Arsé-kun: Artair: Um, no. Plan 9 from Outer Space is it, and it's... It's bad. I'm told. Sheepy: Aru: So he was messing with me? Arsé-kun: Artair: I guess??? Sheepy: Aru: So mean...! Sheepy: Aru: Anyway, I don't have any ideas! Arsé-kun: Artair: ... But may I make a suggestion? We could watch one of the original Hammer Films movies... They're not really scary anymore, but they're still horror movies. Sheepy: Aru: Okay that sounds good! Sheepy: Aru: Beddy said that the main appeals of Hammer Films are the garish colors and the low cut dresses... They're really hammy! Arsé-kun: *They end up watching Dracula! The Bela Legosi one, obviously. Arthur has several dozen more questions.* Sheepy: *Aru once again tries to answer them all!* Arsé-kun: Artair: .... Still not a Hammer film, but it inspired many films. Arsé-kun: Kay: Neat. Arsé-kun: Kay: But okay, everyone can fuck off now! Go home. Sheepy: Gawain: I guess we did overstay our welcome... Sheepy: Tristan: *snore* Arsé-kun: Kay: It's past your bedtime, too, Gawain. Sheepy: Lucan: Really? You're banishing me, just like this? Arsé-kun: Kay: ... Fine, you can stay. You're not going out in this shite weather. Sheepy: Gawain: Shoot, you're right! I'll be exhausted in the morning! Arsé-kun: Lot: It would be best if we left now. Any later, and we may be too tired. Sheepy: Gawain: I don't think we have to worry about Tristan being tired. Arsé-kun: Lot: Well, that is a given. Sheepy: Gawain: He's been sleeping through both movies! Arsé-kun: Lance: Or has he? We'll never know. Sheepy: Gawain: He'll claim he didn't. Arsé-kun: Lot: And then perfectly replicate a song. Sheepy: Gawain: What a weird guy...! Sheepy: *Gawain picks up Tristan* Sheepy: Gawain: Let's head back! Sheepy: Aru: If it's really scary, I might go to bed instead. Sheepy: Aru: I'm not good with scary things. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Go ahead! I plan on something rated M anyway. Sheepy: Aru: Okay! Good night, everyone! *she exits* Arsé-kun: *Arthur follows Aru out* Arsé-kun: *The other guys have left by this point. Only roommates and Lucan remain* Arsé-kun: Merlin: .. So! Which Halloween did I say it was? 2018? Sheepy: Bedi: I think so. Sheepy: Lucan: That has a lot of bloodshed, doesn't it? How exciting! Arsé-kun: Kay: Sick. We'll see how good it really is, huh? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yeah! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Wait, you're watching this too? Kay? You gucci?? Arsé-kun: Kay: Eh, fuck me up. I've already seen shit today, what's some more? Arsé-kun: *Kay flops back down onto the sofa, right next to Grif. Hello* Sheepy: Grif: Uh... Oh, we're watching something else? Sheepy: Lucan: It's something you could relate to. A crazy axe murderer who breaks into people's homes and kills them. Sheepy: Grif: Why would I relate to that? Arsé-kun: Kay: He doesn't even have an axe. Sheepy: Lucan: I haven't seen it. Don't spoil it! Sheepy: Grif: I don't attack humans. I protect them. Breaking into homes is wrong, but it's okay if the door is unlocked or you find a key to it. Arsé-kun: Kay: I meant Grif, you sick fuck. Sheepy: Lucan: Eh? I thought you meant the murderer in this movie. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Knife Stabbington? Sheepy: Lucan: Yeah, him. Sheepy: Lucan: You know what he says when he meets one of his victims? Sheepy: Lucan: "It's knife to meet you!" Arsé-kun: Kay: Ha. Haha. Shut the fuck up. Sheepy: Lucan: Admit it, you think I'm funny! Sheepy: Elyan: *squeaky Lucan imitation* Victim! Arsé-kun: Kay: The bird has spoken. You're gonna fuckin' perish. Sheepy: Lucan: Hey, hey, hey, wait!! I'm like a precious good! Fragile and hard to replace! Sheepy: Grif: Isn't that the case for all humans? Sheepy: Bedi: You know, in a way, Grif is like Michael Myers. Sheepy: Bedi: Michael Myers "dies" but he comes back movie after movie, technically unkillable so long as someone fears him... right? Sheepy: Lucan: Spoilers!! Arsé-kun: Merlin: This is a reboot, so it might not end that way. Sheepy: Grif: I see. I will always return so long as someone out there exists who needs to feel afraid. Arsé-kun: Merlin: No!! Arsé-kun: Kay: Grif is like Myers- Can punch someone's organs out probably. Arsé-kun: Kay: Can't wait to get traumatized, lets do this shit. Arsé-kun: *Merlin goes to put it on* Sheepy: *Grif actually pays attention to the movie this time!* Arsé-kun: *Kay pays less attention, having hidden his face on Grif to avoid seeing the gore-- Several times.* Sheepy: *Grif doesn't mind! Actually, he seems to appreciate the contact. Maybe it's cheering him up a little?* Sheepy: *Lucan occasionally giggles to himself and mumbles terrible puns under his breath. Usual Lucan things* Arsé-kun: *Merlin is eating popcorn with one hand, and holding Bedi's with the other* Sheepy: *Bedi is having fun being with Merlin (and watching a movie as a bonus!)* Arsé-kun: *Arthur came back at some point and is watching as well. He looks shocked by this movie specifically* Sheepy: *Aru's already asleep, so she doesn't come back* Sheepy: Grif: Amazing... it was very violent. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Slashers are like that! Sheepy: Grif: I feel like I learned something. Sheepy: Lucan: That's the last thing anyone wants to hear after finishing a slasher movie!! Arsé-kun: Merlin: I thought it'd be "Hey, let me try this on you!" Sheepy: Lucan: Oh, that's even worse! Arsé-kun: *Kay is still clinging to Grif's arm and hiding his face from the screen. His plan backfired completely and he is Afraid* Sheepy: Grif:? Was it scary to you? Worry not. If this actually happened, I would fight him and win. Arsé-kun: Yog: Upon analysis, I can confirm this. He is only human. You would win that fight singlehandedly. Sheepy: Grif: Yes. He should be the fearful one. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I want to be fearful. So bloodbaths are still a form of entertainment in present day? ... But without harming people? Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, I guess so. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Fascinating. I think I too have learned from this. Sheepy: Elyan: *squeaky Arthur imitation* Jaufre! Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... Elyan, please do not. Sheepy: Bedi: There's a whole genre of movies with bloodbaths. Sheepy: Grif: You seem very familiar with Elyan. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I am. One knight would constantly bring Elyan with him. Those were... Some of the only times he wasn't covered in blood. Sheepy: Grif: Wow. So you knew Elyan before me... Sheepy: Grif: You knew Dad before me, too. Sheepy: Grif: You know everyone it seems... You must be very charismatic. Arsé-kun: Arthur: No, not spectacularly. Arsé-kun: *Arthur is Thinking* Sheepy: Grif: You must be charismatic. I immediately liked you upon first glance. Sheepy: Grif: Although... is that charisma or charm...? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Why not both? Sheepy: Grif: Wow... he's both. Sheepy: Grif: I guess to be a successful king, you would need high charm and charisma. Arsé-kun: *Arthur doesn't comment on this* Sheepy: Grif: Although, if I had to work under a king, I'd want him to have good brains, so he could make good decisions for me. Sheepy: Grif: Also... he has to be strong, because otherwise I'd worry about him being fragile while I wasn't around. Sheepy: Bedi: Is there anything he's allowed to be bad at...?? Sheepy: Grif:...Cooking? Sheepy: Grif: Are you bad at anything? Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... I'm bad at sharing personal matters, if that means anything. Sheepy: Grif: Wow... a king who's only bad at one thing. Amazing... Sheepy: Grif: I'm bad at many things. But especially, I can't swim. Sheepy: Grif: Anyway, if I needed to swim for a quest, chances are, it'll be an unwinnable fight. A lot of the hardest bosses are in water levels. Arsé-kun: Arthur: You can't... You have Elyan, and yet you can't..? Sheepy: Grif: I have never had anyone to teach me how. Sheepy: Grif: Did you think I swam to find Elyan? No. I found him in a puddle and he said his name was Elyan. Arsé-kun: Kay: I told you I'd teach you already, didn't I? Sheepy: Grif: Yes. I'll do my best to not drown. Sheepy: Grif: Ehh... Did he say that was his name? Or did I strongly feel it was his name? Really, if you look at him, doesn't he just scream "Elyan"? Sheepy: Elyan: *honk* Sheepy: Grif: Although, I already knew this, but... Sheepy: Grif:...Is it spoilers? Ehhh... Hmmm... Arsé-kun: Yog: That depends on what it is. Sheepy: Grif: His name isn't spoilers, is it? Arsé-kun: Yog: No. That is safe to discuss. Sheepy: Grif: He seems especially attached to "Elyan". I don't know who gave him the name, but it's special to him Sheepy: Grif: By the way, did you know? Sheepy: Grif: If you think hard, you may be able to touch things. Then you can experience "classes" for yourself. It's how people learn at "college". Arsé-kun: Arthur: I have been informed that this does not work for all ghosts. However, I will try. Sheepy: Grif: I'll try to support you. Arsé-kun: Kay: How, there's nothin to support... I'll shut up. Sheepy: Grif: Where did it go? Arsé-kun: Kay: Forget it. Bad joke. Sheepy: Grif: Uhh... Okay. Sheepy: Grif: Anyway, it's time for bed. I don't function well if I haven't slept. Arsé-kun: Kay: Then go. I need to figure out what I'm gonna do now. Sheepy: Grif: Yes. I don't recognize faces well if I'm tired, so it's important I sleep well. Arsé-kun: Kay: Damn, what if you used other features instead? *he's... being sassy. Kay, no* Sheepy: Grif: Like what? Arsé-kun: Kay: Like who else has this bright ass shit? *he puts his fingers in his own hair* But shit, fair enough. Sheepy: Grif:...Some birds? Sheepy: Grif: I'll go to bed now. I had fun. Thanks. Arsé-kun: Kay: You callin' me a cock? Arsé-kun: Kay: ... But yeah. Um. You're welcome? Why are you thanking me? Sheepy: Grif: Peacocks don't have red crests. Roosters do. Arsé-kun: Kay: That's a.... Eh, whatever. Sheepy: Grif: Because I had fun on Halloween. That's new. Arsé-kun: Kay: Well, good. Sheepy: Grif: Good night. Sleep well. *he heads to bed!* Sheepy: *Lucan, unfortunately, fell asleep on the sofa. He's sitting up. How uncomfortable* Arsé-kun: *Kay grimaces and goes looking for somewhere else to sleep.* Sheepy: *Kay's first solo quest!* Arsé-kun: *He's not even leaving his dorm. what kinda trash quest* Sheepy: *quests where you hit A on the same NPC 30 times to go through their dialogue* Arsé-kun: *no thats just annoying. this aint an escort* Arsé-kun: *Kay checks his own bed first... But Arthur has parked himself next to Aru and is trying to figure out someone's tablet. Kay opts to not interrupt.* Sheepy: *Arthur, where did you get that?* Arsé-kun: *off the table* Sheepy: *How mysterious!* Arsé-kun: *Kay considers asking Grif, but Grif JUST left. Eh. Ehhhhhhhh.* Sheepy: *Oh well. What will you do instead, Kay?* Sheepy: *Elyan is pacing around in front of Grif's door. Apparently he was left out* Arsé-kun: Kay: Can't you just go under it? *but he opens the door for Elyan anyway* Sheepy: *Inside, there's stuffed animals, among other gifts he's received. They're mostly dragons and video game plushes. More importantly, there's a beanbag! That could be useful* Sheepy: *Elyan, meanwhile, struts into the room like he owns the place. In a way, he does* Arsé-kun: *Kay notes this. Kay then considers that Grif showed up and was sleeping in his dorm without his permission. It is time for Karma, baybeeee. That beanbag is HIS* Sheepy: *Kay obtained the beanbag!* Arsé-kun: -Monday, November 1st- Sheepy: *Lucan is just finishing up making breakfast. Sir, it's time for you to go home!* Arsé-kun: Merlin: You're still here?? *the mop arrives* Sheepy: Lucan: I have to repay everyone for letting me stay the night. Arsé-kun: Merlin: You did not have to! Sheepy: Lucan: It's too late now. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Well, okay! Better than junk food! Sheepy: Lucan: You usually eat junk food? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I've told you before! I'm a garbage wizard that eats trash. Sheepy: Lucan: You could choose not to be. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I choose to be garbage. I'm like a possum. Trash. Sheepy: Lucan: You make bad choices. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Hell yeah. Sheepy: Lucan: So does Bedi. Arsé-kun: Merlin: It's me. I'm the bad choice. Sheepy: Lucan: Yeah, exactly. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Love to hear it. Sheepy: Lucan: Oh, it's done. *He's finished cooking breakfast!* Here, you can have real food for once. Sheepy: Lucan: It's no issue with you, really! Well, actually, it is. I like you as your own separate person. I just think Bedi can do better. Arsé-kun: Merlin: My parents could do better too! But here we are! Sheepy: Lucan: Sheesh, I didn't ask for your sad backstory. Arsé-kun: Merlin: You're gonna get it one day! And there's nothing you can do to avoid it! Sheepy: Lucan: Is that a threat or a promise? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yes. Sheepy: Lucan: How terrifying. I have to come up with my escape route while I still can. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I was born at a very young age and everything was bad. Sheepy: Lucan: Wow. How sad! Arsé-kun: Merlin: .. Yeah, I ain't gonna actually do that to ya. You probably know enough already. Sheepy: Lucan: I was born in the year of my birth and was saddled with the harsh responsibility of being a baby. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Tragic! Sheepy: Lucan: I already have the gist of your backstory! Sheepy: Aru: Are you stuck in there? Sheepy: Lucan: ...Stuck? What? Sheepy: Aru: Don't turn around, okay? Just keep looking at Merlin. Arsé-kun: Merlin: .. Oh, it's just Grif's dad. He likes stealing my food. Sheepy: Lucan: He has two? Arsé-kun: *Yog has withdrawn from the Microwave. He'll come back* Arsé-kun: Merlin: He's got two! Dragon and borb. Sheepy: Lucan:..............eh? Sheepy: Lucan: What's a borb? Sheepy: Aru: Oh, he's hiding from Lucan... Arsé-kun: Merlin: He's gone, you can stop staring. Arsé-kun: Merlin: But borb is Bad Orb Sheepy: Lucan: So he's bad? *he turns back to his pancakes* ...One's missing? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Naughty orb stole food. Sheepy: Lucan: Oh, how wonderful. Arsé-kun: Yog: I know I'm awful by human standards, but I'm not that bad. *he's entered from the side in human form. He's definitely connected through SOMEWHERE. but offscreen. probably his hair trailing out of frame. Because he can't fully leave his banishment. ever.* And you are a fantastic cook. Sheepy: Lucan: Eh?... Th-thanks. I have to be. Sheepy: Aru: Oh! Have you talked to Teacher recently? He went on vacation! Arsé-kun: *Yog pauses momentarily* Arsé-kun: Yog: ... I have. How did you know? Sheepy: Aru: I didn't. I was just curious. Arsé-kun: Yog: If you want details, I cannot share. Spoilers, you understand. Sheepy: Aru: I understand. Arsé-kun: Kay: What's this sappy shit we're going on about..? Sheepy: Aru: I just wanted to make sure you're still in contact with him, because you're his friend and I don't want him to get lonely. Sheepy: Aru: Good morning, Kay! Arsé-kun: Kay: 'sup. Sheepy: Aru: Grif's dad, also known as Teacher's friend, is here! Sheepy: Lucan: Wow. He's defined by his relationships with others. Sheepy: Lucan: He doesn't have any names describing his actual traits...? Sheepy: Aru: Grif's dad, also known as Teacher's friend, is here! Sheepy: Lucan: Wow. He's defined by his relationships with others. Sheepy: Lucan: He doesn't have any names describing his actual traits...? Arsé-kun: Yog: You may have heard Griflet refer to me as "Paimon" before. You may call me what you'd like, but my proper name in common is Yog. Sheepy: Lucan: Yog? Arsé-kun: Kay: .... *Yog has been noticed* .... ?!? Sheepy: Lucan: Well, alright. Nice to meet you, then. I'm Lucan, his cousin. Arsé-kun: Yog: Well met. Sheepy: Bedi: *he pokes his head in* Oh? You're here again? Are you here for breakfast? Arsé-kun: Yog: That is why I initially came in, yes. Arsé-kun: Kay: *distantly* Grif, your dad's here. Sheepy: *There's a pause before Grif rushes in! He seems excited!* Arsé-kun: Yog: Well, I certainly didn't expect you up this early. Hello, Griflet. ^^ Sheepy: Grif: Amazing. He really is! Arsé-kun: Kay: *re-entering frame* Why the fuck would I lie about something like that? How would I miss this fuckin' cotton candy looking orb bitch? Sheepy: Grif: What is the holiday? What excuse? Arsé-kun: Yog: I wanted to steal food and Grandfather isn't looking. Sheepy: Grif: Good reason! Arsé-kun: Kay: Always great when ol' McSlappy Nukes isn't looking. Sheepy: Lucan: His family situation terrifies me. Arsé-kun: Yog: That is a normal reaction. Sheepy: Lucan: By the way, Kay, I made breakfast, so you don't have to worry about it. Arsé-kun: Kay: Oh, like I've been able to when Bedi lives here. Sheepy: Lucan: This is my free trial as a butler, so work hard to enjoy it, because next time I'll make you pay. Sheepy: Lucan:....Juuuust kidding! Arsé-kun: Kay: I'll make you pay goddamn rent for single nights, don't you try shit. Sheepy: Bedi: My apologies. I feel a need to pull my weight somewhat... I cannot just leave everything to you, Kay. Arsé-kun: Kay: It's my damn dorm, let me cook for once! Sheepy: Lucan: I have no rent to pay. My secret technique is to be sick! Sheepy: Bedi: This feels like a bad solution. Arsé-kun: Kay: Oop, that means extra cleaning fees because I've worked to make this dump managable! Sheepy: Lucan: I can clean it myself!! Arsé-kun: Kay: Don't take my hobbies away from me, bitch! Sheepy: Lucan: Wow! Maybe it's my hobby too! Arsé-kun: Kay: Then get a job doin' it! Sheepy: Lucan: I will, as the greatest butler. Sheepy: Aru: Have you two considered picking up actually fun hobbies? Arsé-kun: Kay: I have! But I'm used to keeping my own house clean, thanks! Sheepy: Lucan: My hobbies are productive and fun. Sheepy: Aru: Really? You have hobbies, Kay? Arsé-kun: Kay: What, did you think I didn't cause your sorry ass never asked? Sheepy: Aru: Uhuh. Sheepy: Aru: I didn't think you had hobbies. You're busy a lot. Arsé-kun: Kay: Even I have time occasionally..! Sheepy: Aru: That's good to know! I was worried about you! Arsé-kun: Kay: .... I didn't finish it last night, but you wanna see what I've been up to? Sheepy: Aru: Uhuh, I do! Arsé-kun: *Kay leaves, and comes back with his work-in-progress bird woodcarving. bird* Arsé-kun: Kay: It's a bird I think. Sheepy: Aru: It's cute! Arsé-kun: Kay: Hell yeah it is. Sheepy: Aru: Did you know that there's a kind of bird called the merlin? It's a small bird of prey. There's actually a Merlin who uses animals for his craft and lives among them. Maybe he has one? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Which one? 9? Sheepy: Aru: 8! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Guess that's where 9 got it from. Sheepy: Aru: He has a really creative name. "Meril Lynn"... Wonder what family he comes from! Sheepy: Aru: He has antlers sometimes. People like toilet papering his antlers. Sheepy: Aru: He also gets in a lot of car accidents. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... So what, the guy a were-deer? Sheepy: Aru: I guess so! Sheepy: Aru: How do you end up a weredeer anyway? Do you get bit by a deer? Arsé-kun: Merlin: If it was that easy, we'd know about it! Sheepy: Aru: Really? Do people get bit by deer often? Sheepy: Aru: I feel like a deer is more likely to gore you wih its antlers or break your spine with its legs. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I feel like deer are more likely to run like hell. Sheepy: Aru: Oh, true. Sheepy: Aru: On a full moon... he hit a deer with his car... only to have his life changed... Furever! Oooohhh! Spooky! Sheepy: Aru: Coming to theaters near you... "Stag Fright: A Fawntastic Tail!" Arsé-kun: Kay: I wanna drink all of a sudden. Sheepy: Aru: Try to have some fun. Arsé-kun: Kay: I can't. It's too early for this. Sheepy: Grif: Even doe it's early, you should still try. Sheepy: Grif:...Ha. Ha. Ha. Arsé-kun: Kay: im so upset Sheepy: Grif: Lies. Arsé-kun: Kay: Yeah, you're right. Sheepy: Bedi: When is your class, Kay? Arsé-kun: Kay: Which? We both got theater later, and... .... What time is it? Sheepy: Bedi: Past 8. Arsé-kun: Kay: Whoop, never mind then. Missed that class. Sheepy: Bedi: Is it okay to just skip class? Sheepy: Lucan: With my situation, I can attend class from my very hospital bed! But can I really justify an absence...? Ehhh... "I felt too sick to attend"... I've wanted to say this many times, but I dread the potential responses and attend anyway, no matter how horrible I feel. Arsé-kun: Kay: ... Outside of being sick, it's not like I miss class all the time. Arsé-kun: Kay: So I think I'm fine. It was a holiday anyway. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, that's good to hear! Sheepy: Bedi: It's important to have a good attendance record. Arsé-kun: Kay: If I wanted a reminder, I'd pay you for it. Arsé-kun: Yog: I can provide reminder services for a buck. Arsé-kun: *Kay starts to respond, and then stops and squints* Arsé-kun: Yog: ... Did I say something wrong? If I did, then I have no I-deer what it was. *smug orb looks smug* Arsé-kun: Kay: im gonna commit sudoku Arsé-kun: *kay then remembers his phone is gone. this is so sad tristan play american idiot* Sheepy: Lucan: It must be hart, having to deal with us! Ahahahaha! Sheepy: Bedi: Pay...? I don't need that. It's important to me to be helpful to my friends. Sheepy: Bedi: This is what friends are for. Arsé-kun: Kay: ... One of these days, you'll understand figurative speech. You and Grif can learn together. Sheepy: Bedi: My apologies... I do my best... Arsé-kun: *Kay is already Done for the day. Not because of Bedi. help him* Sheepy: Grif: I understand it. Sheepy: Grif: However, it's not normal for them to speak. Arsé-kun: Kay: .... ..... You dumbass. Sheepy: Grif: Wow... do you hear them often? I've only heard them a few times... Arsé-kun: Kay: I literally explained what those words meant last week. Good lord. Sheepy: Grif: Wow... I don't remember that. Arsé-kun: Yog: A reminder, Griflet, that human languages often have ways to say things but without saying it directly. It may sound like one thing, when it in fact means another. Very annoying to deal with, in my opinion. Sheepy: Grif: Humans like lying. I don't understand lies. This is just another kind of lie. Right? Sheepy: Lucan: Grif, Grif. Did you know that if you face a dog away from a recording device, the bark that's recorded will be backwards? Sheepy: Grif: Wow. Human technology is truly incredible! Sheepy: Lucan: Did you know that snails actually carry shell phones with them so they can communicate with other snails? Sheepy: Grif: Even snails are so advanced...! Arsé-kun: Yog: That was a straight-up lie. Both of those. Please do not. Sheepy: Lucan: You! Have you ever had fun? Even once? Sheepy: Grif: Oh... Right, Lucan always lies. Arsé-kun: Yog: I? Of course. But not while I am trying to teach my children things. Arsé-kun: Yog: Usually. Sheepy: Lucan: You don't seem like it. Arsé-kun: Yog: Now is not the time nor place for it. The last thing anyone wants is my grandfather making a guest appearance. Sheepy: Bedi: Maybe your form of fun is just unlikable? Sheepy: Lucan: Harsh! And how is me making up stuff going to summon your granddad? Arsé-kun: Yog: I am not supposed to be here. Arsé-kun: Yog: If you continue to insist on "Having fun", I will gladly join you again once I am finished explaining this to Griflet. Sheepy: Lucan: That's menacing! Arsé-kun: Yog: .... So, in a way, Griflet, yes. Figurative speech can be considered a kind of minor lie. However, it is meant to convey a specific meaning oftentimes, leaving it to the listener to understand. Very annoying if one is not prepared for it. Sheepy: Grif: That's so confusing... Sheepy: Grif: The purpose of speech is to communicate... if it doesn't communicate, how does it help? Arsé-kun: Yog: It does. It communicates more than can be said simply at times. Preference of the speaker though. Sheepy: Grif: Hmm... So it's useful. It'd depend on the audience, though. Arsé-kun: Yog: And when you are the audience, most of it is lost. Please work on your Int and Wis. Sheepy: Grif: But INT and WIS do not contribute to my DMG. Arsé-kun: Yog: Casting magic would certainly contribute to DMG. Sheepy: Grif: Can I learn magic? Arsé-kun: Yog: Certainly. Sheepy: Grif: Wow... I didn't think I could. Sheepy: Grif: How do I improve INT and WIS? Sheepy: Grif: I want to be smart so I can understand Kay. Arsé-kun: Yog: Please look into your previously given guides. Sheepy: *Grif checks his guides* Arsé-kun: *There are several guides for this exact purpose.* Sheepy: *Grif starts reading them* Sheepy: Lucan:...Where is that screen coming from? What is that? Arsé-kun: Kay: Normal Grif stuff. Sheepy: Lucan: I hate it. Arsé-kun: Kay: Sucks. Sheepy: Bedi: We have theater today, I just remembered. Do you think the professor will teach class today, or leave it to Orpheus...? Arsé-kun: Kay: It's the day after a holiday, so it's gonna be Orpheus. Sheepy: Bedi:...Now that I think about it, the professor never mentioned having a title, and there was never any mention of him studying anywhere. Sheepy: Bedi: Could it be... He's just some drunkard playwright who never got anywhere, and the school felt bad for him so they hired him? Arsé-kun: Kay: Ask him yourself. Sheepy: Bedi: Do you think he would answer? Arsé-kun: Kay: No idea! Sheepy: Bedi: I suppose there's no risk in asking. Sheepy: Bedi: And yet, I have this feeling of dread deep within me even considering it... But it's nothing, I'm sure. Arsé-kun: Yog: I have a similar feeling, both about that suggestion and a secondary reason. Sheepy: Bedi: What? Arsé-kun: Yog: From my observations, the man is almost never direct. Getting a straight answer will prove difficult. Sheepy: Bedi: Right...! Arsé-kun: Yog: As a formality, good luck. Sheepy: Bedi: Thank you! Arsé-kun: Kay: We got time till class, yeah..? A few hours? Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, we do. Arsé-kun: Kay: Sicknasty. *he gets up, goes to the fridge, and takes a drink out of a beer bottle before putting it back* I'm goin' back to bed, see you fuckers later. Sheepy: Bedi: Isn't it too early to be drinking? Arsé-kun: Kay: Oh yeah. Absolutely. Sheepy: Bedi: Then why...? Arsé-kun: *Kay shrugs* Sheepy: Bedi: Well... rest well, anyway. Arsé-kun: *Kay fingerguns on the way out* Sheepy: Bedi: In the meantime... What do you want to do, Merlin? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I wanna cause problems on purpose. But I'm not gonna do that to you, so maybe I'll bust out the paints. Sheepy: Bedi: You're going to paint? That sounds fun. Arsé-kun: Merlin: You wanna join? Sheepy: Bedi: I have little talent in art, but I would like to join. Arsé-kun: Merlin: We can paint Fou! Arsé-kun: *Fou looks downright offended briefly* Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, that sounds fun! Arsé-kun: Fou: mrrp Sheepy: Grif: Paint... Sheepy: Grif: I've eaten it before. Arsé-kun: *Yog opts not to input* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Man, shut up, what haven't you eaten? Sheepy: Grif: Humans. Sheepy: Grif: Also, I haven't had avocados. Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... uh. Good to know? Sheepy: Grif: Was my answer unsatisfactory? Sheepy: Grif: The list of things I haven't eaten is clearly longer than that, but those are the first two things that come to mind. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'm sure most people haven't eaten other people! That's kinda a given. Sheepy: Grif: I see... You consider me a people... Arsé-kun: Kay: *through a closed door* you dumb moron motherfucker of course you're a person! Sheepy: Grif: I'm used to being considered a monster. I've only been referred to as that by some, but my heart tells me there's been other cases. Arsé-kun: Yog: And you should not. Having strange parents does not make you such. Sheepy: Grif: In some of the cases, I think it had something to do with me biting them before they said that. Sheepy: Lucan: Maybe you shouldn't bite people then! Sheepy: Grif: I do not bite people anymore. Arsé-kun: Yog: It has been three hundred and fifty two quests without a biting incident. This is not the longest record. Sheepy: Lucan: Implying he broke it 352 quests ago. Sheepy: Grif: I don't bite humans. Sheepy: Grif: Sometimes. Sheepy: Grif: Usually. Sheepy: Grif: But this one deserved it. Sheepy: Lucan: So you DO bite people! Arsé-kun: *Yog is looking uncomfortable in the background* Arsé-kun: Aza: .... Is it unnatural to bear tooth and fang against what threatens you? *where the HECK did he come from, why is he HERE, and why has his voice caused Yog to jump out of his chair and do the anime startled spike effect on an extreme level?* Sheepy: Grif: Yes, that's what J thought. By the way, Grandpa... You were very cool yesrerday! Arsé-kun: Aza: .... Explain? Sheepy: Grif: You defeated the angel who was threatening you very well. Arsé-kun: Aza: Excellent. I hope it does not bother me again. Sheepy: Grif: However, after you left, the angel hurt your friend, it looked like. Arsé-kun: Aza: ...... Sheepy: Grif: The angel recovered everything you did to it and then your friend collapsed. He looked like he was suffering. Arsé-kun: Aza: ...... .... Then I will need to not be as nice to it the next time I see it. Sheepy: Grif: He was carried somewhere afterwards. Probably the hospital, if you want to visit him. Arsé-kun: *Aza starts turning to Yog, but Yog has already withdrawn- By which I mean, has left entirely, with a bit of pink cloud hanging out of the now-shut microwave. He can't be forcefully returned if he's already gone!* Arsé-kun: Aza: ....... .. What's a hospital Sheepy: Grif: I can bring you to the hospital. The hospital is a place sick and injured people go to get medical care. Sheepy: Grif: Lucan lives there. Sheepy: Lucan: I don't live there, I just stay there much more than I stay at my dorm. Arsé-kun: Aza: ... Humans do not heal by themselves? Sheepy: Grif: Sometimes they need help healing. Sheepy: Grif: And sometimes they can't heal, if the damage is too extensive. Sheepy: Grif: I have never needed their services, but I know people who have. Sheepy: Grif: That's why you have to be gentle with humans. if they lose their limbs, they can't grow them back. Arsé-kun: Aza: .... What else can humans not regrow? Sheepy: Grif: There is very little they can regrow. Arsé-kun: Aza: How unfortunate. Sheepy: Grif: They can regrow hair, skin if the damage is not too great, and nails except in certain situations. Arsé-kun: *Merlin is slowly pulling Bedi out of the scene in the background and gesturing for Lucan to follow* Sheepy: *Lucan takes a moment to register before following* Arsé-kun: *Merlin shuts the door once they're all inside* Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... *he releases a pent-up sigh* So let's all agree to not go out there until we have to! Sheepy: Bedi: How concerning it is, the way they discuss dismemberment without a bit of discomfort... Sheepy: Bedi: Thank you, Merlin. Arsé-kun: Merlin: What'd we expect, weather talk from Grif and his chaotic grandpa? Sheepy: Bedi: No. Sheepy: Bedi: It just made me uneasy. Sheepy: Bedi: It made me wonder... Just how many... how should I put it... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Who cares?? We're not doing that! *he tosses Bedi a paintbrush* Sheepy: Bedi: However, I am not particularly skilled... So please do not laugh when it comes out poorly. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Who cares how it looks? It's just for fun. Here, bud. *he hands Lucan a brush also* Sheepy: Lucan: What? I'm joining in? Arsé-kun: Merlin: You rather sit here listening to that? Sheepy: Lucan: No. Sheepy: Lucan: My stomach is twisting knots from the anxiety of being around those two even for a few minutes. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Then you're invited to not do that! Sheepy: Lucan: Ahahaha... Arsé-kun: *Merlin gets out some small canvases, and a lot of paint bc boy we're gonna need it!* Sheepy: Lucan: I've messed around a bit with painting in the past to make our dad happy. Sheepy: Lucan: Do you think a butler needs to know how to paint? What if an employer requests a portrait? Arsé-kun: Merlin: No? Sheepy: Lucan: I suppose they'll never get the opportunity to see my artwork, then. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Why would they? You're a cooking man. Sheepy: Lucan: I can do much more than that! Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'm teasing you! Sheepy: Lucan: Wow, I actually couldn't tell! Sheepy: *Bedi is already painting!* Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... Oh, he's already off to the races! You go, Bedi! Sheepy: Lucan: Maybe I'll paint something for my girlfriend. Sheepy: Lucan: I wonder what she'd like... Sheepy: *Bedi is painting fou!* Arsé-kun: *Merlin rolls his eyes, and starts painting too* Sheepy: Lucan: Maybe she'd like flowers. Arsé-kun: Merlin: You need a reference? Sheepy: Lucan: I don't know what I want to go with... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Oh, good luck then! Sheepy: Lucan: I'll just go with flowers! You have references, don't you? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Sure do! *he leaves. he comes back with some of the flowers Aru collected* Remember, no eating these! Sheepy: Lucan:...I don't eat flowers. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yeah, fair. Sheepy: Lucan: But thanks, I'm going to paint a nice gift for her. Sheepy: *Lucan starts painting flowers!* Arsé-kun: *Merlin thinks hard, and starts painting again* Arsé-kun: *Some time passes!* Sheepy: Lucan/Bedi: I hope she/Fou likes it... Arsé-kun: *Merlin is Focused on his Art and pays neither of them any attention* Arsé-kun: Kay: *from outside the room, loudly and clearly distressed* GRIFLET DID YOU BLEED IN MY KITCHEN Sheepy: Grif: I bled everywhere. Not specifically targeting your kitchen. Arsé-kun: Kay: nooooooooooooooo Sheepy: Grif: However, be pleased to know that not all of it is my blood. Arsé-kun: Kay: It's still a lot..... Sheepy: Grif: I worked hard to produce it. Sheepy: Grif: And now, it is upon your kitchen floor, among other places. A symbol of my hard worm Arsé-kun: Kay: .... Bedi, don't look in the kitchen when you come out, but I'm going a bit early..! Arsé-kun: Kay: .... Worm? Hard worm? You good, Grif? Sheepy: Grif: Actually, everything is hazy. Sheepy: Grif: Wow... Grandpa is very cool.. Arsé-kun: Kay: You fuckin' ass. Gimme your fucking menu. Sheepy: Grif: Menu? Sheepy: Grif: I don't have a menu, but I have a meniscus. It is in my knee. Arsé-kun: Kay: ...... Sheepy: Grif: Wow... Sheepy: Grif: Everything's spinning... Arsé-kun: Kay: Then sit down, stupid! Sheepy: *Grif plops down on the floor* Arsé-kun: *Fou is Investigating* Sheepy: *Elyan is walking through and cleaning up the blood* Arsé-kun: *Elyan is a fucking hero* Sheepy: Bedi:....Kay? That isn't really an option...! Arsé-kun: Kay: Ask your wizard! Sheepy: Bedi: He's busy! Arsé-kun: Kay: Ughhhh! Sheepy: *Somewhere along the way, Grif decided it was easier to lie down. And not breathe. Please wait, systems rebooting* Arsé-kun: Kay: ........... Sheepy: Bedi: Kay? Are you okay? Arsé-kun: Kay: i think I'm gonna puke or die. Sheepy: Bedi: Maybe you should come into here for a momwnt. Arsé-kun: Kay: And pass back through here...? Sheepy: Bedi:...Okay, go on ahead to class. I'll catch up. Arsé-kun: Kay: See you fucks later..! *He runs out like his life depends on it* Sheepy: Lucan: What's the worst that could possibly... *he looks out* ... *he closes the door* Arsé-kun: Yog: .... ..... *from Paimon* Functions fully restored. Health set to half. Bond has dropped. Arsé-kun: Yog: Relevant bonds: Bond with Butler Lucan has dropped by two points. Bond with Partner Kay has dropped by three points. Sheepy: Grif: ...I failed to get any bond points last night, and I proceeded to lose some today. Sheepy: Grif: Perhaps there's no reason to move from this spot. Sheepy: Elyan: *He's doing a great job cleaning up the blood! As a tradeoff, he's starting to turn red* Sheepy: Grif: How weak I am, to die right before Kay. There is no way I will ever redeem myself. Sheepy: Grif: Elyan, what should I say to fix this? Sheepy: Elyan: *deep, raspy voice* cccCCCAAAIIII! YOU'LL DIE BY MY HAND, YOU COWAAARD! Sheepy: Grif: Really? Does that make humans like you more? Arsé-kun: Yog: That will not help. Arsé-kun: Yog: And just because I did not announce a bond gain does not mean you had none. Sheepy: Grif: I had one? Arsé-kun: Yog: You sure did. You didn't lose the full gain from last night. Sheepy: Grif: I see... Sheepy: Grif: Hmm... so it's not so bad. Arsé-kun: Yog: It could become worse if not dealt with. Luckily, Elyan has it under control. Sheepy: Elyan: *honk* Sheepy: Grif: He cleaned it up... Arsé-kun: Yog: We didn't even ask him to. Thank you, Cthaat. Sheepy: Elyan: *honk* Arsé-kun: Yog: ... You may tell your friends that it is safe to come out, though. The only mess here is your clothes. Sheepy: Grif: *he raises his voice some* It's safe to come out. Arsé-kun: Fou: maooow? Sheepy: Bedi: *he exits Merlin's room* Okay, thank you...! I need to go to class! *and rushes out* Arsé-kun: *Fou watches Bedi go, and then trots into his room* Arsé-kun: *Bedi is able to catch up to Kay easily. Kay is taking his time* Sheepy: Bedi: Kay, the kitchen is clean now. Arsé-kun: Kay: Good. Who did it? You? Lucan? Sheepy: Bedi: Umm... Sheepy: Bedi:...I think it was Elyan. Arsé-kun: Kay: Huh. So the bird's finally pitching in around the house. Sheepy: Bedi: He's red now. Arsé-kun: Kay: gross Sheepy: Bedi: Today, I'll get answers from him. Arsé-kun: Kay: Good fuckin' luck. Sheepy: Bedi: Thank you. Sheepy: *As they enter the class, they're greeted by the sound of someone playing the harp!* Arsé-kun: Kay: sup Sheepy: Tristan: Behold, my new song. Sheepy: Tristan: It's the friend song. A symbol of my love for my friends. Arsé-kun: Kay: Nice Sheepy: Tristan: By being my friend, this song is for you. Arsé-kun: Kay: You sure? I could count a few people who deserve it more. *he sits down by Tristan. he's been Distracted* Sheepy: *Bedi sits by Kay* Sheepy: Tristan: It's for Bedivere, too. All of my friends are special to me. Arsé-kun: Kay: Hmm, sappier than usual today, huh? Sheepy: Tristan: Yes. I am feeling full of joy knowing how lucky my friends are to have me. Arsé-kun: *Kay gives him a flat look* Sheepy: *Tristan is smiling!* Sheepy: *There's a coffin in the room. How mysterious!* Arsé-kun: *Kay has given it 0% attention* Sheepy: *Its top suddenly whips open, and Dio sits up!* Arsé-kun: *Kay jumps slightly, but that's about it for reactions* Sheepy: Bedi:...Why are you in a coffin? Sheepy: Dio: Why are you people here? Arsé-kun: Orph: *sitting up slightly in the same coffin* It is time for class, Duncesus. Sheepy: Dio: Man... First I get shoved in a coffin, now I have to teach class. Arsé-kun: Orph: Yes, we do. Sheepy: Dio: I just want to sleep more. Arsé-kun: Kay: Can we just get full grades and go home? Sheepy: Dio: Ye... Wait, no! Arsé-kun: Orph: Absolutely not. Sheepy: Bedi: Excuse me, how did you end up being a professor when you always show up drunk or unenthusiastic? Sheepy: Dio: Ouch! Arsé-kun: Orph: Well, which tall tale will it be this week? Sheepy: Dio: Hey, I don't lie! Arsé-kun: Orph: Okay. Which exaggeration shall it be? Sheepy: Dio:...I just tell stories that aren't true. Sheepy: Dio: I'm secretly a famous critic who ended up here because Randy was desperate. Sheepy: Dio: But in the theater world, I'm really important. Arsé-kun: Orph: .. What, no "at a young age I was born and then born again?" Sheepy: Dio: I've done that one too many times! Arsé-kun: *Kay looks to Bedi, and rolls his eyes* Sheepy: Bedi: I can't tell if it's the truth or lies... Arsé-kun: *Kay is Thinking...* Sheepy: Dio: Nobody actually told me how to function in this role. Arsé-kun: Orph: That is the reason for my presence, as an Assistance AI. Sheepy: Dio: Sheesh, why can't you just teach the class alone...? Arsé-kun: Orph: All classrooms require a living teacher at all times. Sheepy: Dio: I'd rather be teaching acting students. I don't really understand this whole "curriculum" thing. Arsé-kun: Orph: And I do not understand why you have not moved me yet. Sheepy: Dio: Ehh... *He shifts Orpheus to his usual spot, before lying back down in the coffin* Arsé-kun: Orph: .... ..... Are you serious. Why must you do this to me. You dumpster trashbag. Sheepy: Dio: Turns out that this coffin is really comfy! Arsé-kun: *In the background, Merlin has arrived! Sure, he's got paint on his clothes and a little bit of soot, but he made it before class started! For once.* Sheepy: Dio: I'm just gonna sleep! Sheepy: Tristan: Fascinating that a man almost beyond death finds its embrace so comforting. Arsé-kun: Orph: I. *Tristan has, once again, completely thrown him off* Lets go with that. Sheepy: Dio: You sure are scary, aren't you? Sheepy: Dio: I feel bummed out enough from that that I almost feel motivated to learn this whole professor thing so people won't say things like that to me. Arsé-kun: Kay: Good luck, asshole! He sounds like that to everybody! Sheepy: Dio: no point doing that, then. I'm going to sleep. Sheepy: *Dio pulls the cover of the coffin over himself. good night* Arsé-kun: Orph: .... Please take out your books. We will resume our reading. Hand in your work, too. Sheepy: Tristan: Hmm? Hmm... Work... Arsé-kun: Kay: Did you forget it AGAIN? Sheepy: Tristan: Oh, how unfortunate. Sheepy: Tristan: *he strums his harp* How sad, how sad! Sheepy: Tristan: Truly, what can be done in such a situation... Arsé-kun: *in the bg merlins trying to get paint off his hands but its just spreading and he is in Hell* Arsé-kun: Orph: As Dio says, just hand it in later. Sheepy: Bedi: In order to have your homework done, you can do your homework. Sheepy: Tristan: Such words of wisdom from both of you...! Arsé-kun: Kay: If you hand in an empty sheet, you still handed in homework. Sheepy: Tristan:.... Arsé-kun: Orph: Do not give the class ideas, thank you. Sheepy: Tristan: I can write my most recent poetry and turn it in. *He seems pleased wih himself* Arsé-kun: Orph: ... I'll allow it this time. Arsé-kun: Orph: I legally have to look at homework and mark it, so please hand something in. Sheepy: Dio, from inside the coffin: If you turn in fanfiction, make sure to tell me what series it's based on so I actually understand what I'm reading! Arsé-kun: Orph: .... Arsé-kun: Orph: We can discuss what you can and cannot turn in after the lesson, as well as what I legally do and do not have to do. Sheepy: Tristan: We have options? Sheepy: Bedi: Isn't there supposed to be a rubric...? Arsé-kun: Orph: There is. Sheepy: Dio: If you turn in Harry Potter fanfics, I'll deduct some of your grade. Hey, hey! Orpheus, I've got an idea! *He pokes his head out of the coffin* Listen to this! Arsé-kun: Orph: ......... Must I? Sheepy: Dio: We should have a special topic and a banned topic in every homework, just to spice things up for everyone. Sheepy: Dio: I'm such a genius! Arsé-kun: Orph: This is not a creative writing class. If it were, that would be fantastic. Sheepy: Dio: Eehhh.. Sheepy: Dio:..... Sheepy: Dio: Why can't it just be a creative writing class? Arsé-kun: Orph: Because it is not what we agreed on with the dean. And only you would be teaching that class. Sheepy: Dio: That'd be so lonely... Arsé-kun: Orph: Like you're making me by not assisting with the lesson. Now either shut up or help me. Sheepy: Bedi: (...We?) Arsé-kun: Kay: *whispering to Bedi* They sound like a married couple Sheepy: Dio: I didn't read over what we were doing today. I was too busy with other things! Sheepy: Bedi: *whispering to Kay* Maybe they are? Is that a thing? Marrying robots? Arsé-kun: *Kay shrugs* Arsé-kun: Orph: ... Okay, you know what? Just read ahead for yourselves. We can reconvene at 2:45 and talk about what you read. Sheepy: Dio: Hey, wait, that's a thing? Why do we even have class, then? Sheepy: Dio: By the way, I'll notice if you don't come back at 2:45, okay? I'll take it personally and not sleep tonight if I learn that you guys hate me, so don't ditch class, okay? Arsé-kun: Orph: I didn't tell them to leave the room! Sheepy: Dio: Eh? Arsé-kun: Orph: As a reading course, they are allowed to do silent reading for part of the period, with discussion being the other half. You would know this if you did your job. Sheepy: Dio: Ehhh... Arsé-kun: Orph: I have more grievances, but I cannot bring them up in class. Sheepy: Dio: Scary... Sheepy: Dio: Maybe I should be the one to ditch class before I get an earful! Arsé-kun: Orph: ........ Actually, do you know what? Sheepy: Dio: Hey, hey, hey! You said after class! Arsé-kun: Orph: Yes, to the students. Sheepy: Dio: Eh? Arsé-kun: Orph: This class already knows that I do not follow the law of no mobile functionality. *and he starts getting up* Sheepy: Dio: Uhhh... So you're just leaving? Arsé-kun: Orph: Absolutely not. Come here. Sheepy: Dio: *he gets up and comes over to Orpheus* Arsé-kun: *Orpheus sits back down, lowers his voice, and starts talking to Dio* Sheepy: Dio:...? Sheepy: Dio: *lowered voice* What is it that you wanted to say? Arsé-kun: Orph: ... I have as much as a hangover as you do. I can't teach like this right now. Sheepy: Dio: I can't teach at all on any day. What can I do? Arsé-kun: Orph: Write down your creative writing idea. We may be able to use that. Sheepy: Dio: But you said it wasn't useful for this class. Arsé-kun: Orph: For what I had planned, it was not. But I see no reason to not let them write for themselves. Sheepy: Dio: *he pulls out a notepad and writes it down* What is it? Arsé-kun: Orph: This is a theater class, but not specifically a "old theater" class. What if we let them write their own plays..? Arsé-kun: Orph: .... Also, Beetlejuice 2, but it's in Antartica instead of Hawaii. Sheepy: *Dio writes down both* Sheepy: Dio: Great idea! Arsé-kun: Orph: And no Yetis. Sheepy: Dio: Awww... What about the ghost of a yeti who's haunting the area because his mountain was turned into a ski resort? Sheepy: Dio: But, okay, no yetis. Arsé-kun: *Merlin is texting behind his book. It is not subtle but nobody cares* Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Misyr] Grandpa I was painting Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Misyr] Do you wanna see it?? Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] Are you sending it over through text? Or do you want me to come over? Either way, I want to see! Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Misyr] I'll send a pic!! Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] Looking forward to it!! Arsé-kun: *Merlin sends a picture!!* Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] Wow! Scary. What is it? Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Misyr] I have no idea! Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] Eh? But it doesn't look abstract. Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Misyr] It's so weird. Sometimes I go to paint and I just? Make weird stuff? Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] I've got a theory, but no guarantees on it being right! Does anything ever happen after you paint it and the painting feels like it reflects the event well, despite the painting coming first? Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Misyr] Thats REALLY specific and I'm a little scared! But sometimes, yeah! Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] Well, all of us have some kind of precognition. Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Misyr] Wait wait so you're saying me hyperfocusing on rando paintings could be that?? ??? Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] Only the first three have a perfect example of it. The rest of us have weird versions of it. It could be that! Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Misyr] How's it work for the rest of us??? I said I was gonna paint and then realized I finished a piece like an hour later.. Art's not usually that fast! Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] By the way, if you don't really understand what it's saying, it's incredibly risky to act on it. It can be a real life ruiner. Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Misyr] How can I act on it if I don't know what it is lmao Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] If it helps any, mine is all imagery, like apocalypses. If you aren't 1-3, you end up just guessing what your precognition means, it seems like. Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] Even then 3 has insight into the lives of other "hims" apparently so that can make him unable to distinguish the future or an alt timeline lol this precognition stuff is really not that useful Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] As for the others, let me think about it for a minute Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] 10's is numbers, which I don't understand the benefit of Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] 5 - uses fire (what a surprise! He taught me everything I know about blowing up the sun!) Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] 7 - Chance based on it making sense or not (at least he has a chance on it making sense!!)... 8 - Sees through animals' eyes, 9 - scents... Wonder what the end of the world smells like. Don't want to know, didn't ask, 13 - mirrors. Ironic, huh. Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Misyr] Mirrors? How? He breaks 'em by being near the things! Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Misyr] And saving that msg for ref bc ik I'll need it! Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] LOL it's really funny isn't it Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Misyr] Have you been around an exploding mirror?? It ain't fun! Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] This demon king could blow up mirrors simply by looking into them... with his dashing looks! Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Misyr] HMMMM Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] Self confidence is good. At least I don't call myself a studmuffin like 3 does. Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Misyr] I'm still amazed he gets away with that so often Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] I'm sure not even his wife thinks he's a studmuffin considering he walks around with a mullet and an exposed chest Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Misyr] fuckin' o o f Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] Better than 8 thinking he's better than humans as a whole, though! By toilet papering his horns and shining a light in his face, even the weakest human can defeat him! Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Misyr] well that's rude Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] Not everyone in the family is so positively disposed towards humans! Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Misyr] But aren't we mostly human if not totally? Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] YOU are, but I'm a demon lord! Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Misyr] You know what I meant! Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] I'm like 5% tops! I just happen to be an incredibly handsome humanoid demon! Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] By the way, Merlin. Have you heard of discord? Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Misyr] Yep, I'm on it! You got one? Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] Good!! Here's an invite. [link] Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Misyr] UWU WHATS DIS Arsé-kun: *Merlin's smirking a little as he sends that last text* Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] Merlin chat. Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Misyr] So I can yell at Malleus here too?? Neat can't wait Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] You can yell at all the Merlins, including a secret special Merlin. Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Misyr] Ooooooooh is it Beddy? Primo's student told me about him! I keep going to type my boyfriends name instead Heck Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] Here's there too. He's our Australian Merlin. Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Misyr] Gday mages Sheepy: Misyr: [text: to Merlin] If only he was that coherent! Arsé-kun: *Merlin decides to show Bedi the text with the link* Arsé-kun: Merlin: You dare me to check it out right now? Sheepy: Bedi: We're in class, so isn't that a bad idea...? But I guess you have to join so you won't be rude Arsé-kun: Merlin: Oh, we ain't doin' anything right now. May as well. Sheepy: Bedi: Right... Arsé-kun: *Merlin enters the chat!* Sheepy: Myrrdin: [chat] just because you CAN chug battery acid doesn't mean you SHOULD. it doesn't give you energy, despite its name Arsé-kun: Manteia: [chat] Then whats the point?? ??? Sheepy: Myrrdin: [chat] the point is not to chug it!! Arsé-kun: Manteia: [chat] I know that!!! I was just saying, you COULD Sheepy: Beddy: [chat] You can chug hand sanitizer instead, Manteia, for its alcoohok content Arsé-kun: Manteia: [chat] Hand sani in one end and a battery in the other, someone would be into it Sheepy: Myrrdin: [chat] don't do EITHER of those! Arsé-kun: Manteia: [chat] Then why'd a lady last week show me about the weird wonders of the car battery and how we aren't doing this Arsé-kun: Manteia: [chat] not here Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] why was this the first thing i had to see today. i hate you and dont speak anymore. Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] @Mewlin chat clean requested. Arsé-kun: *Mewlin sends several cat pictures within seconds* Sheepy: *Beddy helps by sending pics of koalas! He's in one of them, but his face is covered in a koala emoji. Denied* Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] bless you both. Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] are you guys intentionally igjorijg 14 Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] no. i was about to ask about that. Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] he's my friend so be nice to him, ok? demoj kings like me have a tendency to cause natural disasters when they're upset Sheepy: Myrrdin: [chat] So you say, but you aren't a demon king! Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] somehow dont believe you. ive caused more on accident than youve ever done on purpose. Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] when did it become time to beat up on everyone's favorite demon lord!! Arsé-kun: Makenna: [chat] 6 WHO DO YOU WANT EXPLODED FIRST Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] let's do it like a russian rouoette!! Arsé-kun: Makenna: [chat] @Maximillion PICK FOR ME Sheepy: Myrrdin: [chat] Sorry old man but I'm hereby electing you to be nuked @Malleus Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] Seconded! Sheepy: Myrrdin: [chat] By the way @Merlin, thanks for following me on Twitter. Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] Ofc!! ^^ Arsé-kun: Merlin: *uncomfy* Sheepy: Maximillion: [chat] How weird that the signs say "both"! Better luck next time! Arsé-kun: Makenna: [chat] BOTH IT IS Sheepy: Myrrdin: [chat] My wife will be embarrassed with me if I let myself get nuked!! Arsé-kun: Mewlin: [chat] Your kid is gonna see it! :3c Hes def gonna laugh at you! Sheepy: Myrrdin: [chat] No!!!!!!! Arsé-kun: Angra: [chat] GET REKT OLD MAN Sheepy: Myrrdin: [chat] Why me!! Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] question my demon lord status and fsce the penalties Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] i question your ability to spell. Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] you try typing with pong nails Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] pong nails Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] long nails Sheepy: Beddy: [chat] Please list your preferred role and color, thanks Arsé-kun: *Merlin sends a color Very Quickly. He knows what he wants* Sheepy: Beddy: [chat] Pink, okay, what about a name? Do you just want "14"? Or something else? Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] That's fine until I think of something! Sheepy: *Merlin gets a pink role!* Sheepy: Beddy: [chat] Done. I'm not a Merlin but I have admin, so if you need anything server wise, you can ping me Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] OWO)b Sheepy: Beddy: [chat] With that in mind, I'm Bedwyr. You haven't heard of me most likely because I didn't have any interesting adventures nor love affairs like my fellow knights, but I'm a knight of the Round Table. Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] this is the clearest intro you'll get fron him bdcause mormally he idtotally incoherent Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] Never fear! I speak fluent inability to type! Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] Also, you musta done somethin cool cuz my mans named after you! Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] it's not his typing, it#s him being muffled and mumbling when he speaks Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] I know what I said!!! Sheepy: Beddy: [chat] Me? Having someone named after me? What a surprise! Sheepy: Beddy: [chat] All I did was toss a sword in a lake. Sorry for disappointing you. Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] But it's a COOL sword Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] :thonkang: but what sword isn't cool Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] fire swords Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] true! I got stabbed by one once! it was hot! but I'm hotter! Arsé-kun: Makenna: [chat] IF I CANT USE YOU TO LIGHT A CAMPFIRE ARE YOU REALLY HOT Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] you can if I use magic! Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] any self respecting final boss can be used to light a campire Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] tom nook is probably flamable Sheepy: Mint: [chat] Final bosses who don't produce sparks should not be able to light a campfire. Sheepy: Mint: [chat] Today's number: 14 Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] wonder why. Sheepy: Mint: [chat] Is this 14? Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] Yes! Hello! Sheepy: Mint: [chat] 10 Arsé-kun: Mewlin: [chat] You gotta say more than that, Minty! Sheepy: Mint: [chat] I do? But if I say something awkward here, my embarrassment will be documented forever... Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] as if thatd be the worst thing in here. Sheepy: Mint: [chat] I write down everything you say. I've learned so much. Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] dont do that. Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] morne says hello. Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] wow every merlin is coming to greet 14! except for a certain few Arsé-kun: Memrys: [chat] I'm working on something~~ Give me a few minutes~~~ Sheepy: Mint: [chat] 14 is charismatic... I have begun a new document for him. I am looking forward to researching everything about you. Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] Where you wanna start? Where I had to teach myself because SOMEONE didn't? >:VVVVVVVVVVV Sheepy: Mint: [chat] Self taught... Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] @malleus STILL MAD AT U Sheepy: Mint: [chat] This "someone" person seems very unreliable. Sheepy: Mint: [chat] Please tell me more about Someone. Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] Ok lmao its 13 im gonna kick his ass and lose Sheepy: Mint: [chat] 13's name is also Someone? Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] no you idiot. Arsé-kun: *Memrys posts a Lisa Frank image with white text that says "WELCOME TO HELL, WELCOME TO HELL, WELCOME TO HELL, WELCOME TO HELL"* Sheepy: Mint: [chat] I was excited about finding out more information about you... Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] You want info??? I got some! Because MAN am I upset! I didn't even know the incanting was NECESSARY until Misyr told me! So that helps a LOT but ANYWAY Malleus taught me like. 3 things total. @Makenna nuke my grandpa plz Arsé-kun: Makenna: [chat] I LIKE THIS ONE Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] gooe demon lords teach their students!!! Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] i prefer keeping people alive thanks anyway Sheepy: Mint: [chat] Do you kill people to teach them lessons, 13? Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] NO. Sheepy: Mint: [chat] I never considered such a teaching method... Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] it woyld've spared us from a certai someone's regular cursed commenrs Arsé-kun: Manteia: [chat] EY UR JUST MAD IM HOTTER THAN YOU Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] in your dreams Arsé-kun: Manteia: [chat] could be in yours too! you never know Sheepy: Beddy: [chat] In the end, you can both unite in being more attractive than me, so rejoice! Arsé-kun: Manteia: [chat] So like 99% me? Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] I'm a total hottie but have you seenhim without his helmet... Arsé-kun: Manteia: [chat] 10/10 would bang no questions asked Sheepy: Beddy: [chat] You really exaggerate... Sheepy: Beddy: [chat] It's not a high hurdle to jump but it's the best I could come up with. Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] there's one way to solve this conundrum Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] let's run a poll Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] MALLEUS IS CURRENTL DECEASD (FIGURATIVE0 DUE TO MAKENA ARRIVING. ALSO, HELLO. IS EVERY1 WELL?-MORNE Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] 14 id here Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] myrrdin is also dead probably, thanks grandpa!! Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] I SEE. WORDLES INCANT IS IMPRESSIVE, 14. WOULD LIKE TO SEE HOW YOU;VE GROWN LATER -MORNE Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] morne, quick, who's better looking, manteia, bedwyr, or me . we need it to solve this once and for all Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] THAT DEPENDS ON A NUMBER OF THINGS -MONE Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] what are they? Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] FORM TAKEN, WHETHER MANTEI IS CHEATIG, BEWDYRS HELMET, MY MOOD THAT DAY, ETC. -MORN Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] wait have i met 12 before Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] MEMRYS PLZ SEND THE IMAGE ABOUT LYING. YOU KNOW THE 1 -MORNE Arsé-kun: *Memrys sends an image of a sunset but it says in microsoft word 3d text "COMPULSIVE LYING IS MY HOBBY"* Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] THANK YOU -MORNE Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] ouch!! okay, I lied, I also have claws. merlin, check out my demon lrd look. you haven't seen this before. Sheepy: *Misyr sends a pic of himself, with bonus horns and claws!* Sheepy: Myrrdin: [chat] Thanks for trying to burn me alive. I really needed to be embarrassed in front of my wife like that. Arsé-kun: Makenna: [chat] YOURE WELCOME Sheepy: Myrrdin: [chat] But my wife put me out!! Arsé-kun: Makenna: [chat] DONT CARE DID MY JOB Arsé-kun: Primo: [chat] Lively in here, innit?? Sheepy: Myrrdin: [chat] Also, didn't you ever each Misyr not to lie compulsively? He's still lying. Arsé-kun: Makenna: [chat] NOT MY JOB Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] primo, whih one of us id the best looking out of manteia, bedwyr, and me Arsé-kun: Primo: [chat] me Sheepy: Beddy: [chat] Yes... that really is true. Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] ouch... Arsé-kun: Manteia: [chat] :V Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] by the way I invited 14 Arsé-kun: Primo: [chat] I see this! Has everyone greeted him yet? Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] 10 already horribky ruined his intro so as long as you don'r copy his example you should be good Arsé-kun: Primo: [chat] Don't worry about me, I've met him already. I made sure of that. Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] also 8 hasn't Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] nor has 2 Arsé-kun: Primo: [chat] @Meril Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] @Meril Arsé-kun: Primo: [chat] and Magnus is likely driving, but @Magnus can't hurt. Sheepy: Meril: [chat] busy avoiding first impressions. Thanks Arsé-kun: Mewlin: [chat] Awwww cmon gramps, ur cool enough :33333 Sheepy: Meril: [chat] Introduction... My name is Meril, I run a bar, I was hit by a car last night, nice to meet you Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] man I should be polite too huh, gimme a sec Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] Merlin 14, I'm in class right now, and I keep nuking myself every time I heal someone, how u doin Sheepy: Meril: [chat] Recuperating from being hit by a car Arsé-kun: Mewlin: [chat] Grampssss you gotta stop going out at night!! Sheepy: Meril: [chat] But it's fun until I get hit by a car! I want to drive a car one day to see how it feels. They're hypnotizing... Sheepy: Meril: [chat] very bright. very shiny. I can't help but to stare... Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] yea deer are programmed to stop and stare at high beams so you need to flasg them to make them move Arsé-kun: Memrys: [chat] Deer see the light and want to reach the end of the tunnel asap. All of them. Sheepy: Meril: [chat] It's so hypnotizing.... I could stare into it forever... Arsé-kun: Memrys: [chat] I'm still in shock that you were not the first of us to die given your tendencies. Arsé-kun: Memrys: [chat] You'll certainly be next. Sheepy: Meril: [chat] Well, I'm built to be able to handle being hit by cars. Arsé-kun: Memrys: [chat] :thonkang: Sheepy: Meril: [chat] It's important to find ways to minimize the damage from your weaknesses Arsé-kun: Mewlin: [chat] Gramps I caught you staring at the kitchen light yesterday shush Sheepy: Meril: [chat] It was mesmerizing. I couldn't see anything but it... Arsé-kun: Mewlin: [chat] This is why we can't have nice things in our treehouse :V Sheepy: Mint: [chat] Have you tried sunglasses? Sheepy: Meril: [chat] Would sunglasses work? Arsé-kun: Mewlin: [chat] We can find out right now! I'll come downstaits! Sheepy: Meril: [chat] OK Arsé-kun: *Mewlin sends a selfie! He's also standing directly behind Meril. You can tell because you can see the antlers. yknow like Nya* Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] sending selfies is catching on! it's actually acgood idea becayse merkin haen't seenvmost of you Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] merkin Arsé-kun: Primo: [chat] Like this? Arsé-kun: *Primo sends a selfie! He's holding onto something and has the phone up high! More accurately, he's hanging from something and he's the only visible thing in the image* Arsé-kun: *Memrys liked this post* Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] WHER R U RN??? THAT IS VERY CONCERNING PLEAS STAY SAFE PRIMO! -MORNE Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] wow you’re so hofh Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] high Sheepy: Beddy: [chat] Please be careful, thanks. Sheepy: *Beddy sends a selfie of himself. He has his helmet on* Sheepy: Beddy: [chat] This is old, I can’t take a selfie right now. Arsé-kun: *Merlin sends a selfie! Bedi's there too. peace peace* Sheepy: Beddy: [chat] Which one are you? Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] I'm holding the phone, and that's Bedi! Sheepy: Beddy: [chat] Oh, I see, despite him sharing my name, he doesn't share my face. That's good. At least he was spared that much. Sheepy: Myrrdin: [chat] Here’s your local studmuffin in return!! Sheepy: *Myrrdin sends a selfy! He’s still wet, and his clothes are a bit charred.* Sheepy: Myrrdin: [chat] Ft. my wife and kid in the bg!! Sheepy: Mint: [chat] Glasses. Hair. Coat. Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] I can conjure such a clear image of you in my mind based on these three words alone... Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] why are you so bad at utilizing information. Sheepy: Mint: [chat] I am currently writing down every detail about 14. Are the petals accessories? Or part of your body? Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] Those are my earrings! Sheepy: Mint: [chat] I have written it down. Thanks. Arsé-kun: *Mewlin sends another selfie! Mint is in this one.* Sheepy: Mint: [chat] That's me. Sheepy: Myrrdin: [chat] Wow, you look about as happy as Malleus in that pic!! Sheepy: Mint: [chat] Did you know that the act of smiling can make you feel happier? This is due to the fact that smiling causes your brain to release endorphins and serotonin. Arsé-kun: Mewlin: [chat] So why don't you do it, huh? Sheepy: Mint: [chat] I'm already very happy, so I don't need to. Sheepy: Mint: [chat] It seems like it should be reserved for when you feel sad. Arsé-kun: *Memrys sends a selfie! In the shot is a pastel plush of Jason's mask, and other assorted pastel things. Aesthetic achieved* Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] nice job hiding the horrific horror stuff you probably own Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] Thats so much pastel i LOVE it Arsé-kun: Memrys: [chat] <3 <3 didn't hide anything <3 Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] you don#t own posters ofb jason?? frankenstein?? Arsé-kun: Memrys: [chat] Of course~~ But not in here~~ Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] I should furnish my house one day Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] Hell seems hard to decorate imo Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] when you've got a big palace like a demon king like me it takes a while Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] I'm too busy to decorate Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] morne says to deal with your lost spirits so they dont destroy your furniture. Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] lol no Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] this is why you cant have nice things. Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] I don't know what you're talking sbout but losts spirits can deal woth their own problems, that doesn't fall under the jurisdiction of a demon lord Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] .... right. morne cant be caught on normal camera and you know what i look like already 14. so i dont have to do anything. Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] good fr you! keep at doijg what you do best! Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] Doing absolutely nothing??? Yeah he's good at that! >:VVVVVVVVV Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] yeah!! Sheepy: Mint: [chat] Floaty. Translucent. Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] my self esteem. its leaving. its packing its bags and moving out never to return. and, yes. Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] Ghosts are so FUCKING COOL holy SHIT--. ... hey wai Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] WAIT HOLD ON WAS THE BLINDFOLD GHOST GRANDPA MORNE?????? :OOOOO Arsé-kun: *Memrys sends a picture of a pikachu giving a thumbs up* Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] yeah, he's a ghost. not as scary as your local demon lord, however! I could dewtroy the sun with the flick of my finger!! Arsé-kun: Makenna: [chat] YOU HAVENT DONE IT YET Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] you wanna watch me do it? Arsé-kun: Makenna: [chat] OBVIOUSLY Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] I'm gonna do it!!! Sheepy: Myrrdin: [chat] Do NOT do it. Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] But the sun isn't even made of fire, and I don't think you could make enough iron to do that. Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] iron??? fire??? Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] I don't need that, I'm a demon lord Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] :V Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] I cheat at everything! Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] :VVVVV Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] what?? Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] Sorry hold on Arsé-kun: *Merlin sends another selfie outside the coffee shoppe. :3c* Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] Give me my lesson grampa misyr Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] sure, but no lessons on nuking the sun Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] Why tf would I want that??? Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] for when summer is a little too hot? Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] ice cream Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] that isn't free! Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] These hands sure are! I'm coming in!! Sheepy: *Nyar was busy cleaning the cafe until he noticed Misyr. Now he's blankly staring at him.* Arsé-kun: Wilbur: ... I have the same sentiment. Sheepy: Nyar: What an absolute mess! Sheepy: Nyar: What is he supposed to be??? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: A wizard, I hear. He makes me think of Shubby's bottom half. Sheepy: Nyar: That's a wizard? In what world? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Hell. Sheepy: Misyr: That really hurts my feelings, you know! Sheepy: Nyar: Well you hurt my feelings, but from a sensory standpoint. The feeling's mutual! Arsé-kun: Wilbur: I said Hell because you said you resided there. Sheepy: Misyr: Insulting my fashion still hurts! Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Who cares about what you're wearing...? Sheepy: Nyar: Yeah, your clothes are the least objectionable thing about you. Sheepy: Misyr:..... Sheepy: Misyr: Ouch... Is today "everyone bully the demon king" day...? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: I'm calling it as I see it. Sheepy: Misyr: You better get your eyes checked, then! Arsé-kun: Wilbur: I am wearing glasses. What more can I do? Sheepy: Misyr: Not insult my face! Arsé-kun: Wilbur: I did not mention that either. Sheepy: Misyr:....Eh? Sheepy: Misyr:...... Sheepy: Misyr: If you don't find my face nor clothes ugly, what could it be...? Sheepy: Misyr: My hair? But I made it look even nicer today to impress... Eh, nevermind on that! My hands? Hmm... They kinda are... Arsé-kun: Wilbur: ... *he looks around briefly* Beyond that. Sheepy: Misyr:.......... Sheepy: Misyr: You aren't supposed to see that... No, That's not it. I don't know what you're talking about. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: ... Surprise. *he lets the tip of a tentacle worm into view, only slightly* I'm not blind, idiot. Sheepy: Misyr: That isn't me. Sheepy: Misyr: That thing is a mistake that haunts me. That thing is an ugly abomination. It isn't me. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: I don't care if it's you or not. Contain it better. There are children in this place. Sheepy: Misyr: I'm containing it as best as I can... Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Deal with it faster. My brother would kill to fight something like that. Sheepy: Misyr: I'm not interested in fighting. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Grif wants to fight what now? Sheepy: Nyar: He'd want to fight this beast that's been spawning around Misyr's domain! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Sounds like him! Sheepy: Nyar: It's been causing tons of problems, apparently. All because Misyr accidentally let them out. Really, a demon king like him should be doing better than this! Arsé-kun: Merlin: I have absolutely no reason to trust you! Arsé-kun: *Merlin proceeds to not question this at all* Sheepy: Nyar: You don't, but it'd mean Misyr was lying! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Saying demons lie is like water being wet. Sheepy: Nyar: Well, of course it is. Sheepy: Nyar: He lies more than anyone else I know. Sheepy: Nyar: Even about completely worthless stuff like this. Sheepy: Nyar: For all we know, there's absolutely no drama going on in his kingdom, and he's just making stuff up to sound like he's a less lazy king than he actually is. Sheepy: Misyr: Ouch... Sheepy: Misyr: I was just burning time anyway. I'm actually waiting for someone... Arsé-kun: Merlin: >:V Sheepy: Misyr: ... Am I forgetting something? No, probably not. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ......... Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] DID I TELL YOU GUYS MISYR HAS A CRUSH BC ITS GETTING IN THE WAY OF MY GETTING LESSONS >:VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Sheepy: Myrrdin: [chat] He's not that special. Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] ok so if misyr gets a date I won't tell you Sheepy: Myrrdin: [chat] Many of us have had crushes before!! I have a crush on my wife still!! I should tell you about her some time. Sheepy: Myrrdin: [chat] If he claims he's gotten a date there's a 99% chance he's lying... Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] I dunno gramps, his crush seems pretty interested Sheepy: Myrrdin: [chat] Not for long!! Arsé-kun: Memrys: [chat] Ominous! I love it Sheepy: Misyr: Sorry, you wanted something, right? It slipped my mind. Sheepy: Misyr: Right, a lesson. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Please do better than Malleus! As in, do SOMETHING! Sheepy: Misyr: It kinda hit me by surprise we were having a lesson today... Arsé-kun: *Wilbur stays put because the lessons are interesting.... After he gets the coffee pot.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Were we not supposed to? Sheepy: Misyr: No, it's not that. Sheepy: Misyr: Ehhh... A lesson, huh... Sheepy: Misyr: Hey, you use social media, right? Do you ever see a post you really hate? Arsé-kun: Merlin: All the time! Sheepy: Misyr: Demon kings can destroy anything! Even other people's social media posts! Sheepy: Misyr: I can teach you how to do this. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Please do! That sounds so useful! Sheepy: *Misyr begins explaining how to use magic to delete posts, including providing an example by deleting one of Myrrdin's posts. He's going to be bitter about that later.* Arsé-kun: *Merlin takes notes! He proves his understanding by deleting one of his own posts... Without the delete button!* Sheepy: *Good job, Merlin!* Arsé-kun: Merlin: I did it!! Sheepy: Misyr: I have to think hard for the next lesson... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Maybe we should take it outside so we don't break shit? Sheepy: Misyr: Yeah, good idea! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Y'know what else is a good idea? Sheepy: Misyr: What? Arsé-kun: *Merlin climbs over the booth. He pops back over to point at Misyr* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Mister doctor, the demon's over here! Have fun okay bye! Sheepy: Misyr:?! Sheepy: Misyr: W-what?! Arsé-kun: Raph: So he is. Good afternoon, everybody! Sheepy: Misyr: Good afternoon! Sheepy: Misyr: Did work end early? Arsé-kun: Raph: I wish. I'm taking my break. Sheepy: Misyr: That's too bad! Sheepy: Misyr: I just finished a lesson. Sheepy: Misyr: I wouldn't want to work as a doctor. All demon lords are good at is causing damage. Healing, not so much! Arsé-kun: Raph: Healing's hard to learn! I don't blame you. Sheepy: Misyr: Ehhh.. Sheepy: Misyr: I used to be able to do it. Not very well, but I could! Sheepy: Misyr: Guess that means I really am a good demon lord! Ahahahaha! Arsé-kun: *wilbur rolling his eyes in the background* Sheepy: Misyr: I can still hear you! Arsé-kun: Wilbur: I did not say anything, your highass. Sheepy: Nyar: But I did! Arsé-kun: Wilbur: ... Gods forbid someone ever tries to defend you. Sheepy: Nyar: I take pride in my rudeness! Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Only sometimes. Sheepy: Nyar: Sometimes, even I want companionship. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Fascinating. How is that possible when you're actually the worst? Sheepy: Nyar: I'm not the worst! Sheepy: Nyar: There is an entity worse than me. Sheepy: Nyar: You might be surprised to hear that, but you've seen it before, most likely. Sheepy: Nyar: And I'm not referring to Dad! He's on a level all to his own! Wow! Sheepy: Nyar: Truly, there's no entity more evil than this one! The worst men alive have been guided and assisted by this beast! There is no motive past a desire to see pain and suffering! Sheepy: Nyar:....With that in mind. Have you heard of the Minions? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: I'm going to publicly execute you and I'm going to enjoy every second of it. Sheepy: Nyar: I think I'm hysterical! Learn to laugh at funny jokes! Arsé-kun: Raph: He's not wrong. Their entire modus operandi is following whoever is the most evil. Sheepy: Nyar: They're the embodiment of evil, but facebook moms and Hastur love them! Arsé-kun: Wilbur: *he takes a moment to process the end of that sentence* What?? Sheepy: Nyar: Well, that's not a surprise, right? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: You might want to share that with the local detective. The spraypainted minions in Zann were blamed on students. Sheepy: Nyar: Hey, if you were a villain, would you quit if the Minions chose you to be their boss? Sheepy: Nyar: It technically means you're he best villain, right? But you have to put up with the minions. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: An efficient workforce is more than most people can ask for and actually get. Duncan can have them. Sheepy: Nyar: So you'd make Duncan put up wih the Minions? How villainous! Although, would he eat them? Sheepy: Nyar: I know a certain family member would.... Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Multiple fit under this category, including my half-brother and one of yours. Arsé-kun: *Raph has come back with donuts. Where did he get those from. This is a coffee shoppe.* Sheepy: Nyar: I meant yours, but him too! Sheepy: Misyr: They sell donuts? I know a dullahan who likes those! Arsé-kun: Raph: They don't! I went and got these real quick. And obviously nothing else :P Sheepy: Misyr: They don't? Darn. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: This place barely makes enough to continue running as is. Sheepy: Misyr: Why is it so bad? Sheepy: Misyr: Shouldn't there be a barista? Sheepy: Nyar: All you do every time you show up here is sit, drink coffee, and read mystery novels. Why don't you be the barista? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Who needs a barista when you can do it your damn self? Sheepy: Misyr: That's why this place is suffering, isn't it? Sheepy: Misyr: I think... my ideal cafe is one where I'm greeted by smiling faces, ane everyone knows each other really well. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: How should I know? I don't work here. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: gross no one asked Sheepy: Misyr: I think it'd be a good change! Arsé-kun: Wilbur: And what are they gonna get paid with? Pocket lint? Sheepy: Misyr: How's a school like this got absolutely nothing to work with? Arsé-kun: Raph: I wanna know that too. I can't even pay a secretary or receptionist in my own office. Sheepy: Misyr: I mean, theoretically, I could pitch in and help out at this coffee shop. But... Sheepy: Misyr: Oh, yeah, Il's stuck wih that job, isn't he? Arsé-kun: Raph: Nah, he helps out when he wants to. I have a grand total of one assistant. Sheepy: Misyr: Anyway, demon lords like me are really busy! I couldn't stay even a second more past the end of my break. Sheepy: Misyr: Eh? You do? Arsé-kun: Raph: And it's unpaid, so I feel awful. Sheepy: Misyr: Ehh... well, I'm sure your assistant's gotta be putting food on the table somehow... Arsé-kun: Raph: Barely. Sheepy: Misyr: Ahahahaha... Arsé-kun: Raph: I genuinely don't know how we're still open. Sheepy: Misyr: Hmmm... hmmmm... Sheepy: Nyar: Yog-Sothoth's dragon husband. Arsé-kun: Raph: That was a lot of words at once to process. Sheepy: Nyar: Well, he does donations! Sheepy: Misyr: This situation is tough! Arsé-kun: Wilbur: ... Yeah, he does. And Father just likes spending money, so we can't ask him. Sheepy: Misyr: If only I could help... I guess I should think over what I can do. Sheepy: Nyar: Yeah, he just throws money away. I'm almost envious of how carefree he is. Sheepy: Nyar: Well, here's an idea. Sheepy: Nyar: We just need to find a cash cow. Sheepy: Nyar: That, or incentivize people to donate! Sheepy: Nyar: None of the students have money pretty much, so we'd need to appeal to outside sources. Sheepy: Nyar: Man, I'm such a genius! Arsé-kun: Wilbur: I can't disagree, no matter how much I want to. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: What we need is things that are public. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: That is to say, theater shows and the like. A sports game brings in income, but it isn't nearly enough. Sheepy: Nyar: Hmmm... Well, we've got someone who could help. Sheepy: Nyar: We've got talented musicians.. Sheepy: Nyar: We just need to utilize what we have.
0 notes
dirigiblesmc · 5 years
Dirigibles v1.1 update
So I apparently lied. I meant for this to be a quick update with little patch, but once again I’ve gone overboard with adding things. I know a lot of the updates have been combat centered but know that some of the new areas planned will be puzzles and parkour/jump puzzles. Feel free to suggest ideas if you get them
======================= Permission Plugin Change =======================
When the server was first started, I installed the Permissions EX plugin to manage the server's permissions. I chose this one only because it was the one I remember using way back when I ran the Waffle Wonderland Server. It has been a number of years since that server existed and I had completely forgotten how Permissions EX was not very user friendly and lacked the ability to manage permissions within game. I additionally had a need to customize permissions based on worlds within the server so I can work on implementing further ventures. After doing some research, I found that Luck Perms was a permission based plugin that fit most if not all of my needs.
On Thursday, I installed Luck Perms and utilized its on board migration system to quickly transfer the same permission settings from Permissions EX over to the new plugin. This was painless, but between the migration and the specification of how I've decided to change the permissions, I learned that some config settings and permission errors had come through. I managed to remove some of the new limitations and eliminate future exploits, though I'm sure that some of the problems are lurking in the background yet to be noticed.
Knowing that, please do reach out to me if there are any issues that you run into that seem out of place. There have been /some/ intentional limitations imposed on certain worlds so if you run into an "issue" on the following list, know that the "issue" is an intended feature, thus requires no direct adjustment.
For the purpose of server worlds, know that
"Main" refers to the Survival world that we've been mainly in since server inception
"Main Nether" is the nether to the Main world
"Main the End" is the End to the Main World
"Portal Hub" is the Adventure game mode world that hosts the portals to other worlds
"Adventurers Guild (AG)" is the Adventure game mode world that hosts the EliteMobs Adventurers Guild
"Nightmare Realm" is a HARD difficulty Survival world where day time moves at 4x speed, night is normal length, and Elite Mobs spawn with a 50% increase
World permission changes:
Main and its respective nether and end: - should remain largely unchanged in permissions - encountered WorldEdit commands showing up in chat line when / or // are entered, though access to the commands aren't "useable"
- note that application of WorldEdit commands such as /brush don't seem to stop you from applying it to tools, but any additional functionality where you try to use the tools seems to be denied
Portal Hub:
now denies /sethome functionality
WorldSpawn is now the same as /warp Hub
Additionally, note that planned worlds are:
"Creative Test World (CTW)" a planned flat Creative game mode world to test build, patterns, designs, redstone, etc
"MobArena" a planned Adventure game mode gladiator style arena with battle to survive style games for prizes and awards
"Dungeon" a planned Adventure game mode world that will host puzzles, dungeons, and server "plot lines"
======================= NIGHTMARE REALM =======================
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Introducing the Nightmare Realm. As mentioned above, this is a "hardcore" world designed to test your survivability and challenge your combat skills with
 Hard game difficulty (Main world is "Normal")
 1/4 length daylight time
 Full night time
 50% more Elite Mobs
 Beds can be used to set a death spawn point, but cannot be slept in to skip night
 /sethome, /home, /warp, and /spawn cannot be used in this world
 escape from world is only through the world Hub that you entered from
 Full mob grief damage with no WorldGuard
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The portal room for the Nightmare Realm is hidden in the portal world and can only be accessed if you find the secret button. The secret button is hidden in the First Portal Hub Room (the one access using /warp Hub) and can be discovered with the following clues:
- It is a button
- The button is located "between worlds"
- No special potions or combinations required to use button
- hidden in plain sight
- An image clue can be found below...
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I know I seem to be implementing a lot of secrets, but don't be too worried if you can't find the button immediately. I've spent some time in the Nightmare Realm and it is no cakewalk. It is advisable that you acquire better gear in the Main World before taking on this challenge. Scriptures in the Nightmare Hub might provide some guidance on how to survive there...
======================= EliteMobs v 7.2 =======================
With the soft release of EliteMobs v 7.2, minor changes have been implemented
 More robust Trident generation
 Worldboss capabilities
 Elite custom Crossbows
 Elite Vindicators, ravagers, evokers, an pillagers 
 Custom Boss Loot
 Memory Leak patches
Adventure Guild NPCs are back
Non related to the 7.2, but more information and manual changes:
Check your balance with /em wallet
Adventure Guild exit portal
Elite Boss timer changed
And finally some explanation of tiers and commands:
Your threat tier is calculated by the average of the tier of all your armor pieces and the weapon in your hotbar with the highest tier. Non elite items have a tier based on the material they are made from:
 Diamond is Tier 10
 Iron is Tier 5
 Chain is Tier 3
 Leather/Gold/Elytra/Wood is Tier 0
Additionally, your guild rank factors into your tier. Tier’s adjust the spawn level of the Elite Mobs around you and currently is capped at 100. This is subject to increase in the future.
You can check your tier with /em checktier
======================= Blackbeard’s Pirate Ship =======================
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A new world has been created with the first worldboss, Captain Blackbeard. This boss shows up after some time and you have two hours to defeat him before he disappears again. The dungeon is no easy task, however. The boat is loaded with dozens of pirates levels 10 - 40 and minibosses. Captain Blackbeard is level 45 on his own. It is recommended you assemble a team before taking this challenge on. Fear not, there are plenty of pirates to fight even when Blackbeard is off storing his loot!
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The portal to the Pirate Ship Lobby can be located in the extension of the portal room. Go through the path into the void to see the portal to the lobby.
Homes are disabled in this world, so make sure to set one of the provided beds as a spawn point so that if you die you can get right back into the fight!
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You can always return to the lobby by heading to the small escape ship and approaching the return sign. 
If you’re tough enough to beat Blackbeard, you may even earn his custom weapon, The Captains Scimitar.
The Captains Scimitar
Diamond Sword
Elite Sharpness 31
Durability 7
Knockback 2
Damage Undead 15
Wither Effect on Hit
Slow Effect on Hit
Poison Effect on Hit
Take the challenge on today!
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That’s all for now. I wanted it to be a small update but we never know. Again, let me know if you run into something you can’t use but should be able to and I’ll look into it.
0 notes
mysunfreckle · 7 years
Claquesous and Musichetta talk aesthetics
If you please, allow me to shamelessly use you for inspiration.
(A les mis drabble inspired by @bahoray‘s blog, who didn’t ask for this but hopefully likes it anyway)
Not coming to Jehan and Montparnasse’s housewarming was never really an option. Montparnasse would be pissy and Jehan would make doe eyes. To be honest Claquesous never even considered not coming, he just pretended he wouldn’t. Jehan’s friends are really loud though. He’s watching them from where he’s sitting in the open window, he has slipped one earbud in his left ear behind his hair and is absentmindedly playing with the other one. He watches the living room full of students and tries to match their movement up with the music.
Claquesous doesn’t move, but his eyes change direction. “Hey…” he says slowly. “Musi-chetta right?” Not too hard to remember names with only three women present.
“That’s me,” she nods and she smiles.
It’s not quite an I’m-going-to-make-small-talk smile, but Claquesous still regards her rather suspiciously.
“I’ll get out of your face as soon as possible,” she says, surprisingly. “But I have a new client who would probably literally kill for your boots, where did you get them?”
Claquesous smirks. “Stole ‘em.”
“Does that mean they aren’t for sale anywhere?” Musichetta presses.
He doesn’t answer, but studies the perfect fit of her dress instead. The fit is perfect, but the seams are not quite. “You tailor your own clothes?” he asks, interested.
“I used to make my own clothes,” she replies. “When I still had the time.” She crosses her arms. “I’m not going to let this boots thing go.”
“What sort of client you talking about?” he hums.
Musichetta leans against the wall next to the window. “A bride. I’m a wedding planner.”
A bride? Claquesous can’t help the chuckle that escapes his throat. “You have a bride that wants to get married in heeled combat boot?”
“I have a bride and groom that want to get married in a logistical nightmare,” she says, with comically exaggerated exasperation in her voice. “You should see their wish list for the venue.”
“Care to share?” he asks. He’s really curious now and it’s not every day you get to talk to someone that skips all the pleasantries and gets straight to the point.
Musichetta grimaces and recites from memory: “It needs to be like stepping into another world. Like Alice in Wonderland made by Tim Burton or Sweeney Todd and the Phantom of the Opera having a secret baby.”
Claquesous snorts.
“See what I have to deal with?” she demands. She tosses her hair back and makes an annoyed sound in the back of her throat.
“So…pedigree goth wedding then,” he mutters. It actually has a lot of potential. If it’s done right. “Look,” he says, pulling out the earbud. “Forget about the cringey analogies. They want this to be memorable. They want to get married in another dimension. Make everyone question if it really happened once they step into the light again.”
Musichetta gives him an appraising look. “That does sound like them,” she says, sounding mildly impressed. Suddenly she straightens up. “Hey, Jehan told me that some of Montparnasse’s friends do entertainment. Is that you?”
“I host shows,” Claquesous says stiffly. ‘Do entertainment’, those better not be Jehan’s exact words.
Musichetta’s dark eyes are fixed on him with a sudden determination. “Shows that feel like you’ve walked into another dimension?” she grins.
“Shows,” he grunts. “Not parties. Definitely not weddings.”
“A wedding is just a show,” she says. “Look, those two-” She gestures towards Montparnasse and Jehan, who are standing by a pile of housewarming gifts that are either wrapped in shiny black or the brightest colours imaginable. “-are going to end up getting married. And unless you can guarantee you are going to keep your artistic hands off their wedding as well, we better make a start with getting along now.”
Claquesous looks her up and down. He’ll take stylish and up in his face about aesthetics over angrily yelling politics any day. “You have a venue yet?” he asks.
“No, but they have an impressive budget,” she replies.
That sounds good. “Are there people with asthma or similar conditions among the guests?”
“I don’t know, but I can find out,” Musichetta says. “Why?”
“Cause you’re gonna need several smoke machines,” he grins.
A small smile tugs at the corners of her crimson painted lips. “What else?”
What else indeed. Claquesous turns around. “Hey Babet,” he raises his voice.
His friend turns around from the drinks table. “Hm?”
“Come over here for a sec, we need to talk lighting.”
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hika-in-wonderland · 7 years
1, 7, 8, 13, 17, and 21 for the system ask!
1: How many system members are there?
There’s three of us! I’m max, im the host; hika and the world machine are the other two c: there are other people, named Es and De’varr who come to visit sometimes, but the three of us are the permanent residents, you could say.
7: What does the headspace/inner world look like? Is it just one building/area, several, or more?
my favorite question to answer omg…
the wonderland is a world situated around a little pond. there’s a river flowing into it through a waterfall, but no streams or anything leaving it. behind the waterfall is my library, where i keep just like. things i like? memories, of a sort. and through a secret door in the library we get down into a cave with stones in the ceiling that shine like stars. like undertale, only it existed before undertale.
upriver from the pond is a cute little cottage surrounded by a field of golden wheat. the world machine made that while he was still trying to act like niko, so it doesn’t fit his personality exactly, but he lives there anyway. a little further up from there is a building he’s been working on in secret. he says im not allowed to describe it :P
on other sides of the pond are unexplored forests. we haven’t gotten around to those yet. somewhere out there is a castle made of clouds, floating around; inside that is a giant jade pendulum that i’ve used the movement of to ground myself more than a few times.
it’s a lovely place c:
8: Do members have separate rooms/areas? Does anyone share a room?
hika, who can never be tied down, essentially owns the whole wonderland. if he’s got a room, that’s literally it. for a long time, he was really against sharing, cause when Es walked in it caused a major upset in the balance and hika hates having Es anywhere near him because of it. but he warmed up to the idea of sharing the wonderland eventually.
the world machine lives in the little cottage i described. it used to be this big creepy farmhouse, but he remodeled it all on his own, and it’s much nicer now.
Es, when he comes to visit, makes his own space. He has this pocket world which is just a hanging nest with portals to other places all around. i made it, so i know about it, but it still gives me the creeps n i dont know why he likes it so much. when De’varr comes around, they sleep in the secret room behind the library. i haven’t seen either of them in some time, though.
13: What do members do in the headspace?
hika: “literally nothing, ever. i wouldn’t be caught dead doing any things.”
the world machine: “i like to make stuff! building new things and decorating the world is nice!”
and i just kind of hang out with em. i like spending time there just cause they’ve created a place that makes for a really relaxing atmosphere.
17: What is something that system members have very different opinions on?
there are quite a few of those. the first thing that comes to mind is like… origin? hika 10000% believes that he is only a psychological phenomenon, and any spiritual explanation for his existence makes him really uncomfortable. on the other hand, the world machine believes completely that he’s from his source material, and that he wasn’t created, he came here on purpose.
another fun one is our approaches to problem solving. hika is very much the sort of person who just does something without thinking too hard about it. emotions that get in the way of accomplishments need to be addressed head-on so that things can pass as quickly as possible. on the other hand, i take emotional approaches, and thinking rationally takes a back-seat in my head. the two of us have balanced one another out for a long time in this way.
21: Running jokes within the system?
hika calling me a nightmare of a human being, as if he has any idea what it takes to be a human being
hika pretending he doesn’t care about things, even when he obviously does. hika acting like he needs to keep up this front of nonchalance and purposefully breaking it for the sake of humor
max “im feeling an emotion again”
the world machine once said “hika has a brother???” without realizing that he’s who hika considers a brother and we haven’t let him live it down since
thanks so much for the questions!!
- max
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